#dr marcel imagine
bullet-prooflove · 1 year
🥺 first time headcanon. For our Chicago Med boys please?
And I hear that you’re having a birthday soon. I know what you’re favorite animal is but what’s your favorite flower/plant?
Lmao my 36th birthday would you believe. I am really digging peonys at the moment! And peace lily's for plants.
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So I have already written a fic on this but to revise it, the two of you met when you were both helping Goodwin with the Chicago Med Christmas Toydrive. The two of you got roped into wrapping in the conference room. Both of you got a little tipsy off home made eggnog and ended up making love on the conference table amidst the wrapping paper and bows. Jimmy knew he was in love because he never does shit like that and you bring something out in him.
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Ohh you make this baby work for it.
Initially he makes a pass at you and you turn him down. Your next convo has him leaving the table pissed but the third... he tells you about Harper and you tell him why you got into children's custody law. It's the first time he's been up front with anyone and he kinda likes it.
It's the fifth date when he eventually gets to undress you. By this time he's gotten to know you as a person, and he's falling in love. He's slow, the way he strips off your clothes, lingering kisses on your skin as he whispers tender words over your form. He makes love for the first time in years that night.
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Connor Rhodes - You are friends that turn to lovers. You met in Molly's bonded over a tough day and you make each other laugh. You move in seperate circles but always end up in the same space, gravitating towards one another. It starts with little touches, a hand on the shoulder, palm on the lower back and hugs and it starts from there.
One night he invites you back to his apartment to test his top shelf booze and you end up in each other's personal space, clothes brushing and he asks you why have we never...
You kiss and it's all over for that two of you. He makes love to you on the couch because he can't stand not being able to touch you, or waiting any longer. You straddle his waist, hands in his hair tugging just a little and it blows his mind.
Throughout the duration of your friendship you have care of one another and even in bed you are still taking care of him.
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Will falls in love with you the moment he sees you. When Jay introduces you as his colleague from Intelligence he is smitten almost immediately and the feeling is mutual. A couple of drinks later and the chemistry is flying. You end up going home with him that night. He's attentive in his love making, taking you apart and leaving you wrecked in his sheets. When you try to leave the next morning, he's already drawing you back into bed for round two and how can you resist
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thatonefng · 4 months
How about indefinitely - Sarah Reese x Reader (Chicago Med)
A/N: I finished watching the season finale of Chicago Med and was inspired by Will Halstead’s own departure and I miss Sarah Reese
Summary: Sarah and the reader had been dating while she was the psychiatrist resident and the reader an attending physician in the ED until she decided to leave Gaffney and head to Texas. At the airport she offered the reader to come with here but ultimately declined, reason was Chicago is home. She was okay with your decision but said if they’re ever in Texas, just call her.
Since that day, you had a hard time maintaining your work, every where you look, you see her. It affected you personally and professionally because throughout your career, Sarah had been there since the beginning.
Now it was you who saw her at the end of her career for a new change. It was understandable that she wanted to leave, it made you proud that she was finally making a choice for herself, yet it was saddening that she was still going.
But before boarding, she turned to you and told you that you could come along with her. You did ponder on it but ultimately decided to stay in Chicago. She understood and you knew that it marked the end of your relationship. It ended amicably and you send her away.
It was miserable, the next months you woke up expecting her to be near you but she wasn’t. You also tried going out but it wasn’t like the one you had previously with the psychiatrist. Then it hit you, you still held a torch for Sarah Reese.
During your residency at Gaffney, it was understandable that people all come and go. Connor left, Ava died, Jeff moved to Hawaii, Dylan resigned, Ethan and April had gotten married and started a mobile clinic, Nat had been fired, and now recently Will had been fired and moved to Seattle, last you heard from him he reconnected with Natalie. All of them leaving hurt, but Sarah’s hurt you the most.
Now it was only you, Goodwin, Maggie, Dr. Charles, and Dr. Marcel.
But now, it was your time to go. Reason behind it was because of an off-the-books surgery where you saved a child because as a doctor, you save anybody you can. When the staff found out, you took full responsibility and resigned from the hospital.
So here you are, in front of the many coworkers in the ED. With your stuff packed in a bag that is hung over your shoulders.
“I’m sorry that I have to say goodbye.” You spoke softly, but still audible enough for everybody to hear. “I know it’s not going to be easy once I’m gone, but I have faith that the people that stand here right now, will take great care to this city.” You stated without your voice cracking up.
Dr. Charles then approached you and gives you an embrace. It was emotional, growing up and helping Chicago was the best thing that you’ve ever felt.
“Let’s all wish Dr. L/N the very best.” Goodwin and the ED staff all applauded for you as you shook Goodwin’s hand, thanking her for everything.
Then you gave Maggie one final hug and finally approached Crockett. When he came to Gaffney you accepted him and in return he did to you as well and in the end you became basically brothers.
“Keep saving lives while I’m gone, yeah?” You told Crockett.
“Absolutely.” He shook your hand.
Exiting the ED itself, you turned around and gave one final wave to the still applauding staff.
A taxi was waiting outside for you. You had previously packed everything in your apartment but only brought your gym bag and a backpack.
“O’hares?” He asked for your destination. You had decided to leave Chicago whole.
“Yes.” You replied, looking out the window as this would be the final time you would seeing the windy city’s skyline. Memories started playing in your head as one tear silently fell.
Remembering Sarah you decided to go reunite with her so you had just arrived at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport.
Exiting the terminal, and looking all around you felt small. You did let her know that you were coming to Texas, albeit hesitantly because you had never contacted her so you didn’t know what her reaction would be.
She did read it so that’s a good sign. So again, here you are, in another state where everything is new. You pulled out your phone, in the process of calling a taxi, thinking that she wouldn’t be here but when you looked up, she was there.
She may have been amongst the crowds but her beauty made her stood out to you. Out of reaction, you cracked a smile.
You both approach each other, only stopping once you both were close. Looking at her, you could tell she has grown but was still the same Sarah you fell in love with years ago.
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*Obviously not my gif but anyways*
“Hey.” She greeted you.
“Hey.” You repeated. It was nice to hear her voice again. And judging by the way she sounds, she was happy you were there, in front of her.
Her smile grew more but then she gawks at your lightload. “Is that all you packed.”
You shrugged in response. “I didn’t know how long you wanted me to stay.” You truthfully answered her.
Sarah shook her head as she said the words that unburdens you from discovering that your trip was a waste.
“How about indefinitely.” She smiled as she embraces you tightly, you doing the same. You were ecstatic that your reunion was a success.
Then she does the one thing that caught you off guard. She captures your lips with hers. The kiss lasted for seconds but to you, it felt like an eternity.
You were about to ask her but she beat you to it. “I’ve waited all this time for you, can we continue?” She rubbed your flustered cheeks like she always did.
You answered yes.
Then you both walked out of the terminal, hand-in-hand with a smile as your relationship with Sarah never died but instead grew. You were ready, ready for a new life together.
A/N: My first post, yay! I hope I did good
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What Would a Third Edna & Harvey Game Look Like?
According to me. There's unfortunately no chance at an official third game, but I have an imagination and there is a story to be told still. Strap in for a long post featuring my silly art.
Spoilers for Edna & Harvey: The Breakout and Harvey's New Eyes !!
Establishing Canon Real Quick
Like how the “Listen to Harvey” ending in The Breakout became the canon for Harvey’s New Eyes, the “Contradict” ending is the canon to set up EH3. Not only is it the most popular ending, it’s also the ending that would give a third game the most room to flourish.
On another note, the end of HNE claims that Edna and Garret are just hallucinations or projections of Lilli’s mind, but this creates a lot of plotholes. It wouldn’t make sense for Lilli to have received all this specific information from ‘nowhere.’ Things like the firecrackers, the diary, Edna’s hideout, the owl whistle, the truth serum, the advice for defeating the hypnosis, and more, all of which are proven to be true and backed by reality, are too concrete in the story to be convincingly fake. It honestly makes more sense for Dr. Marcel to have gotten into Lilli’s head and manipulated her than for Edna and Garret to be imaginary. He’s an ‘expert of psychology’ after all, and it’s clear that Lilli’s in a very fragile state of mind after everything that happened considering she was willing to stab Dr. Marcel when she wasn’t that aggressive before.
Therefore, rather than stabbing or listening to Dr. Marcel, Lilli snaps and runs away from the asylum, leaving the doctor alive and Edna and Garret, who are real people, behind.
So Lilli runs off screaming and ends up back in the town, the knife and wool from earlier still in her inventory, and she’s not exactly in a good position: she can’t exactly go back to the convent, after all. Though before she has time to consider what to do, a dinky little car stops at the sight of her. The driver steps out and– guess who! It’s Stiesel. 
The reason Stiesel and Hulgor (split up/not together) weren’t in HNE was because they’d been suspended from their asylum duties and assigned a different task by the doctor, that being to track down the rest of the escapees and bring them back to the asylum. Hoti and Moti were located, but they seemed to be doing fine and were left alone. Aluman, Edna, and Keymaster were not located considering Aluman ascended to a being of pure energy (and those can be kind of hard to track), Edna joined the monastery, and the Keymaster disappeared after falling from the church balcony.
That being said, Stiesel was driving back to the asylum after receiving the call that Edna was found, stopping out of pure concern for the unsupervised little girl with a knife wandering the dark town at like 3am. The dialogue system would be the same as in HNE, but Lilli would be able to say more than a syllable or two. The main irony is that all of her screaming from the “Contradict” ending left her voice so hoarse that she still can’t say too much, limited to maybe a sentence or two. She tells Stiesel what happened with the hypnosis dolls and he’s… a little shocked at the news. Since he’s been on search duty all this time, he hasn’t been in the asylum to catch up on current events, so Stisel wasn’t exactly in the loop for all of this. He leaves his car running and puts his coat in the back seat, telling Lilli to sleep for a bit while he ‘takes care of business quickly’ and marches towards a horrifying-looking abandoned house: Edna’s old house. Except Stiesel is a bit of a coward and doesn’t want to go alone, so he pulls a 180 and says something along the lines of “it’d be irresponsible to leave a little girl by herself at night– you should stick with me, okay?”
Exploring the house, Lilli enters the basement and finds– oh, guess who it is now! Crouched by the furnace is The Keymaster with a homemade splint on his poorly healed leg. They’re both not sure what to really make of each other. Lilli recognizes the asylum uniform from her encounter with Petra and The Keymaster recognizes the convent uniform from his upbringing in the monastery. They naturally have some questions for each other, but Stiesel conveniently comes down the stairs to interrupt the Q&A. He’s both excited and freaked out. Bringing back the escapee is his ticket for no longer being suspended from asylum duty, but that involves putting The Keymaster in his dinky little car and making it back to the asylum in the first place.
take a look at this trio
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The first puzzle of the game would be Lilli finding a way to get The Keymaster some crutches. Stiesel isn’t going to let Keymaster lean on him for support, and he unfortunately understands that he (and Lilli technically) are a bit short to carry an unconscious man up a flight of stairs and into a car. So while Stiesel and Keymaster idly chat/bicker back and forth, Lilli uses the old furniture to craft a pair of crutches in classic Edna and Harvey puzzle fashion. In her search for materials, she ends up finding a relatively controversial photograph posted to the inside of Mattis’s old bunk and takes it down to the two new unstable adult figures in her life for clarification. They confirm that Edna is very much real through stories of her antics and this combined with the picture are enough to make Lilli doubt Edna’s non-existence.
Once the crutches are made, the three of them mull over the few options they have available to them. They could go back to the asylum as Dr. Marcel would intend (Stiesel as a guard and Keymaster/Lilli as patients), dawn new identities to run away from Marcel forever, or attempt to take down the asylum once and for all. And because it’s an adventure game, the choice is very obvious.
There is more than one story to tell now, more than one perspective to play through. Gameplay can be split between Lilli’s POV outside to Garret’s POV inside, and the completion of puzzles on either side affects the state of the other, some completely dependent on the opposite POV, until the plots collide and the two perspectives meet again near the end. How cool is that?!
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The reason Garret is the playable character instead of Edna is because Dr. Marcel has locked the latter back in her tower cell (with a reinforced vent) and she’s got a limited range of influence now. Garret, on the other hand, can move relatively unrestricted. 
Through his grip on law enforcement, Dr. Marcel was able to twist the story of the dedicated undercover agent into one of a delusional junior detective digging for controversy that doesn’t exist, and Garret was admitted into the asylum to keep him out of the way. Both him and Edna are being subjected to some aggressive ‘character correction’ treatments as Marcel attempts to rework the hypnosis therapy. Most of the Harvey dolls are burned up in the furnaces, but the more ‘put together’ ones are kept for the future of the project, including the real Harvey thankfully. So Garret has a lot to do without a lot of time to do it! Find Harvey, stop the doctor, free Edna, regain his (and Edna’s) fading memories, get in contact with Lilli, keep a low profile, and a handful of other nonsense tasks.
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A classic Edna & Harvey adventure of absurdity, twisted humor, and extreme trauma. Can you tell I put way too much thought into this.
here’s everyone lined up together all cutie.
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I might post more about EH3 later on because I couldn't seamlessly fit information/roles of the other characters in this already lengthy post 😳
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anavi-vrg · 6 months
My thoughts on my Day 5's drawings
Day 5 & 6 original post: 🌸
Man, Day 5 and 6 hit me in the feels a little bit too hard, that quote killed me
And meanwhile the Day 5 speedpaint is exporting, i'm going to write some of my thoughts on the individual illustrations that i did for this day.
First of all i wanted to draw every UU character that appeared in this arc at least once.
Have you seen Chikara's school?! it's so fucking big! There's no way Feng was the only P.E. teacher there, i have been in very small schools and they had at least 2. So i wanted to draw some of my ocs, that even though they aren't really average in terms of physical power, just seeing the absolute insanity that is Feng. I tried to make the illusion of a movement so fast, that Chikara's camera couldn't catch it without some blurring, like in Dr. Stone when Kohaku's movement always comes out blurry bcs she's that fast. (from left to right, the short version of the ocs' names are: Mari, Petra, Addler Xia and Lud)
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2. i just wanted an excuse to draw Fuuko and Gina with my two most wholesome, nature-loving ocs (An and Marcel), Gina was meant to appear in this one and a ninth drawing, but Gina's presence just wasn't there, i looked at my sketch and thought "this is not Gina, she's not here"
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3. UU science couple with my ocs' science team (left to right: Are {i hate his name, i need to change it}, Paula, Saulo and Todd), i feel that i didn't do justice to Nico and Ichico looking very ghostly with that skin color, i had to wing it based on the colored pages, also i felt that i was disrespecting both of them with that robot, but i still finished it, i'm in too deep to back down.
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4. it's impossible that Sean didn't goof around some clubs, he's an actor, he had visited the music and drama club at least once, so i just put my most music related ocs in the place of the teachers in charge of them, Christi would have really loved to goof around.
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5. I didn't know what to do with Billy, but i imagined that at least some teachers and students would have a crush for him, so i just put Mari for that role, Tella definetly used Untell on her so she can't get near Billy.
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6. Grandpa Isshin! i originally wanted to draw both Isshins in the context of a school daycare, Grandpa Isshin and some teachers that have kids, picking their respective kids. But i wanted the spotlight on these two, so i scraped the idea. There was a point were i was overthinking Grandpa Isshin's eyebrows and how it reminded me of my late Grandpa's eyebrows, almost cried at that one.
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7. Same as Feng but with Mui, also made Xia come back after she fainted with Feng, i felt incredibly cursed by Shen's presence in my canvas, after seeing the things i saw in my TL on twitter, i couldn't see Shen without thinking about it, so in the speedpaint there's a section where i put my refences and the characters specific colors from the anime, except for Shen, i stopped the recording bcs i felt cursed to have the anime reference in my canvas)
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8. Drama club! also Chikara is here, maybe acting will help him with his Unmove, this one has the cursed unshaded eyes in the speedpaint, everytime i looked at their eyes i remembered @tadpolebobatea, once the speedpaint is ready i will curse all of you with the unshaded eyes.
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thevampiresoc · 7 months
wedding invite list because i DO think if Matthew eventually had a NORMAL and GENERIC wedding the two would invite people!! Matthew.
Edahs, obviously, and Mills too if wanted. Those are his bosses that hes been working for since he was 15 probably. Morally Matthew is boligated.
Alfarin. Best friend. Probably killed if he didn't.
Avery too if Alfarin cant find a babysitter
His sister, husband, and niece!!! thats his only living blood family! dead beat dad DNI.
TMC. former roommate.
Tazman. That's probably his childhood friend.
Shag and Krunk. Those two probably hyped him up the most to confess.
Irato. Flower girl. Legal Obligation.
Deadlock, Ryker and Marigold. That's his family. He'd invite his cousins too. uncle and aunts aswell. Grandparents maybe.
literally everyone else in his biker gang
Scurchin. hi walking and talking skeleton do you wanna be the ring bearer at my wedding?
Huggin!!!!! Deadlock, aka Zorns dad, works at the castle as an executioner so hes probably buddies with Huggin.
Cheddar. A personal oc. She'd probably have gone to hs or colledge with him.
Dr. Marcel ....... Imagine accidentally inviting your husbands therapist to his wedding.
Aqua! This is one of my in-universe store owners!! Zorns an old family friend.
Mammoth is an old-ish oc. hey who invited a wooly mammoth?
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justaviewer345 · 2 years
I recently rewatched the walkthrough of "Edna and Harvey". I'm wondering: has anyone already done a story analysis, from the point of view of psychology? I mean, taking into account the "unreliable narrator" trope, since Edna is stated as a lunatic (just like everybody else at the asylum). I wonder how Harvey (projection of Edna's subconsious/imagination) could have gotten the idea that Edna's father eats children? Especially, since we know that Edna loved her father. How could Edna, sitting in the basement, know that her father and Alfred were sitting outside eating ice cream?I mean, the thoughts had to come from somewhere, right? Also, Dr Marcel's letter to the teacher and Alfred's death...Her memories are clearly not accurate.
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wendelyngandr · 2 years
So, who and what is Novi?
At the art show, Novi is the Marcel Duchamp of Cometithaelia. There is no way the New Light Arts Council allowed this to be shown alongside real works of art with no foul play involved? Her very presence is a prank; she is mocking you and herself, and her own mockery of herself, and by this act she mocks even the Wind Goddess. Irony after irony, illusion after illusion, she is a genius, a fool; she refuses to explain her high-concept, pataphysical art on the basis that her very existence (as "artist"/"author") jeopardizes its meaning. "I should fake my death," she thinks. She carries an impenetrable haze of frustration, a stifled fury (towards in of) life, an alarm looking desperately for the right way to sound. She can think of no better way to express her concern than to open a window into the impenetrability of the world, creating art which some liken to a frustrated throwing up of the hands in the face of the unsolvability of the world's great riddle.
As the ghost that haunts Mobulas while he explores Hnoko, Novi is unrestrained creativity: a virtual projection, imagination made visible, body without organs, the dematerialized persona of the artist rolling her eyes at the viewer's interpretation, the author dead and buried but still somehow alive in the present moment. Novi makes herself into sentient artwork, in control of her appearance and expressing her mind on every available channel. Underneath her cartoon antics and fabrications, Mobulas thinks he can see the horizon of her polychromatic irony - she wants something, desperately, and it happens to be the same thing he wants.
During the extended chase against Dr. Salven which forms the meat of her arc, Novi hits the streets of New Light as a hacker, urban escape artist, mouse in a city of cats. Here, her imagination joins the fight as spoofed coordinates, lies, and overlay distractions. Forming a wall of mirrors around herself, Novi moves through an increasingly dematerialized world, descending into temporal recursions, holographic simulations, polite society events gone wrong; flipping between her frantic reality and Mobulas' imaginary vacation in Hnoko as she relives the trajectory that took her mother out of the established world.
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aninkwellofnectar · 4 months
I forgot one of his primary influences was Marcel from TO until I rewatched TO not too long ago and was like... oh yeah! Him and Dr Facilier from the Princess and the Frog 🤣
I remember reading this article about how when it comes to Faustian deals women often do them for personal reasons like love and/or beauty and men often do them for grander reasons like the pursuit of knowledge and power. While I'd constructed Sadik long before reading it I did end up largely circling his motivations around love and acceptance because it was rare for me to find a male character who had that as their primary arc.
He's always keenly aware of social structures and the barriers keeping them in place even if he doesn't particularly respect them or adhere to them. Ironically, his gender is probably where he has the blindspots. When it comes to that he readily accepts his role and doesn't push too hard against it.
Based on the unpublished short story I had of him that is only semi-canon I imagine him as someone who struggled with body image and disordered eating and all the other neuroses that typically spring in a teen girl around that time after being bombarded with messaging on how he is Lesser.
He tries very hard not to think about the Afterlife and what awaits him there. When he says he's focused more on living well, he means that, but even after separation part of him can't help but dwell on the fact that wherever his soul goes it won't end up with Elina's.
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare climate 'emergency' a myth
UPDATE:  The version of the story published on August 29 overbroadly characterized the exact language of the declaration itself regarding "greenhouse gasses." It has been corrected.
A coalition of 1,609 scientists from around the world have signed a declaration stating “there is no climate emergency” and that they “strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy” being pushed across the globe. The declaration itself does not demonize carbon monoxide and does not discuss any harmful effect of other pollutants. The thrust of the declaration challenges the hysteria brought about by the narrative of imminent doom.
The declaration, put together by the Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL), was made public this month and urges that “Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific.”
CLINTEL is an independent foundation that operates in the fields of climate change and climate policy. CLINTEL was founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok. 
“Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures,” the declaration says.
Of the 1,609 scientists who have signed the declaration, two signatories are Nobel Prize laureates. The most recent to sign is Nobel Prize winner Dr. John F. Clauser, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. In an announcement from CLINTEL, Clauser is quoted as saying "Misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience. In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists."
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tuhbanbuv · 1 year
listen I know Gerret is an asshole in canon but
I just love the idea of Gerret being a sort of father figure for Lilli
like he’s hesitant at first because he’s on an undercover mission and he can’t get emotionally attached but even in canon he scolds himself “why am I so compassionate? It’s a curse”
just imagine that but he slowly goes from “it’s just a mission, don’t get attached” to holding Lilli’s hand, guarding her while he fucking screams at Dr Marcel and calling him out for his bullshit
that and it’d make the reveal of Gerret potentially not being real even 10 times as gut wrenching
we were robbed goddammit
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wellimaginethat · 4 years
Bruises (PRELUDE)
Pairing: Crockett Marcel x (female) Reader
Word Count: 1296
Author’s Note: SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON 5 FINALE!!! This happened because of Chicago Med’s season finale the other night. I got this idea and it just stuck. I couldn’t shake it so I had to write it.
Trigger Warning(s): MENTION OF CHILD’S DEATH (Dr. Marcel’s daughter, Harper), ABANDONMENT, divorce, CAR ACCIDENT, MENTION OF BLOOD (in later chapter), slight injury (in later chapters), hospital stay (in later chapters), bad medical knowledge because I’m not a doctor (yet, maybe someday, lol), Dr. Manning is a noisy brat (no hate, maybe a little shade, but no full on hate), DEPRESSION (in later chapters), mention of alcohol abuse, mentions of self harm (in later chapters)
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: This is probably, kinda, sorta AU because I’ve missed some of Chicago Med (the others too due to work) so I’m just going based off what I know and research (which has come up that we don’t know much about Marcel’s past, other than this shocking new tidbit). Also, the name is from the song Bruises by Lewis Capaldi, which is the song I was listening to while writing this
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~counting days, counting days since my love up and got lost on me~
7-8ish years ago
The two of you fell for each other hard. It started with a simple ‘hi’ and within two months the two of you were happily dating. He was older than you, but just by a bit. Soon enough three years passed by the two of you and you were still together, engaged and living together in fact. He was in med school and working part time, you were in college and working part time as well, so you both cherished the time you got to spend together.
Then you found out you were pregnant. It wasn’t really the best timing, with the two of you in a tiny apartment, just making ends meet. But the look on his face when you told him, it was enough to make all the worry go away, at least for a little bit. He knew things would be tough for a little while, but he swore that someday everything would be great.
He promised you that you’d have the wedding of your dreams as soon as the two of you were able to save up the money, and that the courthouse deal was just for now, just to get it out of the way.
And then Harper was born. She was the most precious and beautiful thing you’d ever laid eyes on. Everything was great for a little while, but it ended too soon. At three months she was diagnosed, and by the time she was a year, she was gone. It crushed the two of you.
And then he left you there. All alone. You went back to your tiny apartment to find that he wasn’t there. He stumbled in when the bars closed, and didn’t say a word when he fell into bed with you, didn’t hold you while silent tears streamed down your cheeks.
A month passed by like that before you had enough and finally packed your things while he was away and left. You left your key on the counter and walked out of the apartment you shared. You stayed with your best friend for a little while, she comforted you and made you feel a little better. But nothing could fill the hole inside your heart. You didn’t just lose your little girl, you lost your husband too. He had been your best friend once upon a time, your everything.
You had moved on the best you could, every once in a while you would have a really bad day but you’ve been doing a lot better lately. You thought about Harper more than you did about Crockett, but every once in a while your mind wandered to him. Sometimes you’d find yourself wondering where he was, how he was doing, what he was doing at that specific time. You wondered if he ever went back to New Orleans, you had once in a while to visit Harper’s grave and to catch up with old friends.
But today you hadn’t even given him a thought, not until your phone rang and you were met with questions about him from a detective. That’s when you found out he was in Chicago, you wondered how long he’d been there, but you told yourself that you didn’t care.
The detective politely asked you to meet them in either Chicago or meet one of the detectives working the case in New Orleans. You were closer to Chicago so you told him that you’d meet him there, on the condition that you didn’t have to see your ex. He agreed that you wouldn’t have to.
So you went to Chicago, went to the police station and talked with the detectives, and as you were leaving you spotted him being brought in. You felt a mix of emotions, mostly anger and sadness, it was like the bandaid you stuck over the wounds you suffered all those years ago was ripped off and that the wound hadn’t healed at all.
His eyes finally found yours, a mix of shock and guilt in them, or at least that’s what it seemed like.
You turned on your heel to face the cop. “I thought you said I wouldn’t see him?” “I didn’t know they were bringing him in for further questioning today.” The detective barely gave you an apologetic look.
You huffed, annoyed, and turned away from him. If you wanted to leave, you’d have to walk right by him. Without even thinking about it, that’s what you did. You didn’t even look at him as you walked right past him.
The air outside was sort of warm, at least in the sun it was. It was a nice day, not overly hot and there was a nice breeze, and Chicago didn’t seem nearly as noisy as you expected it too.
You were just getting ready to walk over to a taxi to go back to the hotel when you felt a hand on your shoulder, causing you to turn and come face to face with him.
“What do you want?” You couldn’t help the bite to your tone, you were feeling all the pain of so many years ago come rushing back.
The look on his face told you that he hadn’t expected that tone. “I want to talk.”
“I have nothing to say to you, Crockett.”
“I’m not the one who left.”
That was a low blow. “You might not have physically left me, but you did abandon me when I needed you the most.” And with that you turned and hurried over to the taxi. The minute you got to the hotel you called the detective and told him that if he had any more questions for you, he’d have to call you to ask them because you were going home. You then gathered what stuff you did bring with you and loaded it into your own car (which you had left at the hotel because of not knowing your way around Chicago) and began to drive.
Maybe it was because you weren’t paying attention, or maybe it was because the other driver was texting. You were certain you had the green light, that you were in the right. But that didn’t matter. They plowed into the side of your car, on the drivers side. As you slipped in and out of consciousness, you could hear sirens, then someone’s voice, a male, saying they were going to get you out.
As they wheeled you into the hospital, they read off your stats.
Natalie was the one to notice the look on his face, and gave him a look as they examined you. “Do you know her?”
“Yeah, she’s my wife.”
He had to be forced away from you, since the two of you were still technically married, and he didn’t calm down until he was told that you were okay, that you just suffered minor injuries despite the damage done to your car. The most worrisome injury was a gash to your head, but a few days of observation and you would be able to go home.
He was gathering his things when Natalie walked in. He knew she was about to bombard him with questions, so he turned.
“Crockett.” She stopped him, taking a hastened step forward.
He turned to look at her, an exhausted look on his face.
“So she’s your wife?” Was the first question out of her mouth
He nodded once.
“Harper’s mom?”
“Look, I don’t really wanna talk about this, especially not now.”
She seemed to get it because she nodded and shut up.
He turned and walked out, going up to your room and taking a seat next to your bed, waiting for you to wake up
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sheetsonfire · 2 years
Second Chances Part 2
Fandom: Chicago Med
Characters: Connor Rhodes x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: swearing, car accident, injuries
Word Count: 1895
Requested By Anon: Hi ☺️ Could i request a Connor Rhodes imagine where the reader is his ex and also a nurse at the med. One time you get in a terrible car crash and get to the ER where Connor gets called to save you. You nearly die during the surgery but he saves you and stays with you all the time till you wake up. Then he keeps caring for you during your whole recovery and you slowly start getting your old feelings back, so you decide on a second chance. Hope this is ok ❤️
This part 2. Part 1
It’s a cacophony of voices, vehicles, sirens and machinery as you remain in the driver’s seat of the car. The eerie hiss of your car’s radiator and the creaking groan of the vehicle’s metal frame somehow encapsulates the total sense of destruction as you remain pinned between truck, tree and building.
Kelly Severide is the first to hop out of Squad 3’s truck, instantly observing the scene before him as he starts to make a mental plan of how to approach. He calls for Truck and Engine’s crews to gather as he starts handing out instructions. First, the vehicle that caused the accident would have to be pulled away using Truck’s winch, the driver had already stumbled out and was being seen by paramedics. With CPD's patrolmen standing by to figure out what had exactly had happened.
As the winch heaves the weight away, it allows Kelly to use the spreaders to pry open your door, observing that there would need to be some work done on your seat and the roof to create the right kind of leverage to extract you.
He tries to get your attention, calling over Sylvie and Stella he starts to recognise your face under the bruising, the blood and the hair covering your face. First, the uniform, then the hospital ID hanging from your neck confirms his fears. It never got easier discovering a friend in a serious way. Especially when it meant having to tell the people you loved what had happened, people like Connor Rhodes. 
You don’t feel a thing as they pull the car’s body apart and get your leg free, you don’t hear Sylvie’s insistent calls of your name or feel the steady rub of your sternum once more, begging you to come back to consciousness. 
Blood drips sickeningly from a gash in your head, a C-collar is placed almost immediately around your neck, and cuts and bruises litter your pallid skin. The mangled sight of your leg is a stomach-churner for even the most experienced among your rescuers. In summary, the prognosis wasn’t good. Your sluggish pulse, the lack of pupillary response, the need to be bagged, the suspected internal bleed, the question mark over whether your leg could be sufficiently repaired or indeed saved… they did everything they could to give you a fighting chance by the time you got to Med.
In the confusion of Connor covering Dr Marcell's shift, Kelly was highly frustrated when he couldn't get a hold of Connor, not knowing the surgeon's phone was tucked away in his locker, unheard by its owner. Chief had granted permission for him to leave to find your emergency contact, unaware that really you should have changed that to somebody else by now, but hadn't got round to it.
He follows the paramedics with your gurney through the swooshing doors of the ambulance entrance to the ED. He watches Demi, the new charge nurse for the night shift, as she directs you to Baghdad with Dr Choi. He gives it a moment before he makes a beeline to her for help.
"Hey Severide, fancy seeing you again so soon." She smiles kindly, eyeing the gurney that she just directed into Baghdad. "Rough one?"
He offers a weak smile, sadness in his expression, "Hey, Demi. It is yeah... one of yours actually, and a good friend of mine. Y/N Y/L/N... do you know how I can get hold of Connor Rhodes? He's her emergency contact and he wasn't answering his phone... I know I'm not supposed to ask for an address-"
Demi's face falls when she realises that it was a colleague lying there, even if it was a colleague she hadn't really met yet. She swallows, motioning for Kellly to wait a moment, already tapping at her phone to page Connor.
"Well, he's actually here, Kelly. Covering a shift for another Dr... I'm sorry to say, but given her condition, she will need the care of a trauma surgeon. Connor is the trauma surgeon for this shift, will he be okay to perform the necessary procedures? I heard he broke up with his girlfriend semi-recently...I didn't know it was Y/N though."
It's a rapid-fire exchange of information as Kelly looks back at you in the trauma bay, watching with a pit in his stomach as nurses and Dr Choi work together to quickly cut away clothes, pack wounds, take vitals, and keep you breathing...
He had no idea that you and Connor weren't together anymore, you had done a good job of keeping it under wraps, every time he saw you at Molly's he assumed it was you just letting off steam from work, not trying to forget a breakup with Connor.
He swallows, shaking his head. "I'm not sure... I-"
There's commotion from across the ED, Connor's fast strides to your trauma bay as he slots in next to the others.
"Oh my god." Connor is momentarily breathless with shock, taking in just how much strain your body had clearly been put under. There was no bright smile to greet him, no quip about him being too much of a mother-hen, no wistful glance that you thought he never saw.
He couldn't believe he'd only seen you hours before, icy fear swimming in his veins. He had wished he had said more to you out in the parking lot, but he was fully committed to giving you space and understanding.
In a snap moment, the professional and focused surgeon in him was back to getting an update as he starts calling for an OR to be prepped.
Demi and Kelly exchange glances, the gurney already being rolled to the OR as Ethan remains in control of your bagging, keeping a rhythm going.
The pair move towards Connor, walking in the direction of the elevators with him.
Demi catches Connor's elbow, "Connor, are you going to be able to do this, do I need to find someone else?"
Connor's jaw clenches, he can feel the time you don't have beginning to slip away from him. "I can do it, Nurse Morgan. My personal connection won't interfere. Besides, nobody would get here in time." He swallows hard, eyeing Kelly with a nod. "Thank you, Severide. Thank you for getting her."
Kelly nods, not having time to say a thing as Connor slots himself inside next to your gurney, disappearing behind the elevator doors.
Connor scrubs thoroughly at his arms and hands, prepping to enter the OR imminently. Alongside him stands Dr Zanetti to assist on the more emergent of the injuries, as well as another two surgeons, who Connor didn't often work with, to see about the other underlying issues. Zanetti is eyeing Connor briefly attempting to study his demeanour. His hands were steady, his face stony beneath the mask, if he was feeling anything about you lying in the next room he didn't show it to her.
The trauma team had already prepped and readied the room for you, now making sure you were hooked up and intubated ready for your laundry list of procedures. Multiple wounds would need cleaning and stitching, your emergency scans between the ED and the OR had shown the need for a thoracotomy for a suspected bleed around your heart, an exploratory laparotomy for your abdomen, and a fasciotomy for a potential bleed around your damaged leg, not to mention the re-setting of the bones. You had received more than your fair share of a beating in the accident, that much was clear.
The surgeons walk in to take their positions, two of them hanging back, not yet able to proceed with their tasks until you were more stable. Connor checks your vitals with the anaesthetist, making a point to not yet look at your sunken face so as to keep his composure. Instructing the team that he'd be starting with the potential bleed around your heart.
A few hours go by, and your friends from various factions of Med, CPD and CFD wait anxiously in the family room, fully prepared to be in it for the long haul.
In the OR Connor's forehead wears a thin sheen of sweat, internally his heart hammers thunderously with the thought that your blood was on his hands, your life was in his hands. So literally that he couldn't afford to stop on that thought for a moment longer.
"You good?" Zanetti queries, keeping up with Connor's every move as she instructs the second pair of surgeons that it was time to begin the laparotomy.
Connor nods curtly, manoeuvring the tools as he feels he has finally spotted the source of the bleed, and therefore the tear that needed repairing. He wished people would stop watching him as though he was about to fall apart, he had a job to do and he'd be damned if he failed you, of all people, whilst doing it.
"Just fine. How's the patient holding, Darrell?" He feels callous at the use of the word 'patient', rather than your name. But he didn't want to give anyone a reason to ask him yet again if he was ok.
"She's holding, Dr Rhodes. Handling the second incision on the abdomen well. We're keeping up with blood and oxygen at the moment."
"Good. Let's get this suctioned, sealed off and close up this section."
Zanetti glances down at your abdomen, this had been a particularly troublesome part of your internal injuries. She could already tell that you were losing blood faster than Darrell would be able to replace it, warning the surgeons that they needed to either slow down with the incisions and movement or keep up with packing the wound.
"Guys, you better keep up with that suction, don't go undoing all of our work to keep her-"
The monitor blares the warning beeps of your blood pressure dropping, your heart rate was increasing to compensate.
"Stop, get that wound packed! You're putting stress on a heart that I just managed to keep going!" Connor barks, in the middle of suturing the incisions he had made.
The surgeon's tone is terse, still manoeuvring around the bleed they've located, "The tearing is significant, I need to fix it or it's just going to cause more of an issue."
"Darrell, keep up with them," Zanetti commands.
"I am doing my best here."
Connor doesn't take his eyes off his own work, knowing Zanetti will take care of the other end. He drives all of his anger and fear into his own work, sewing neatly and precisely to keep you together.
The frenetic beeping of the machine reaches its peak before the chilling sound of flatlining fills the room. Connor knows the risk of performing CPR on a newly sutured chest but he has no choice.
Death was your other option.
With no second thought, he immediately moves to start compressions.
He has to ignore the sound of your ribs as he compresses, counting out the rhythm as he finally gives himself a moment to look at your peaceful face. It feels like someone is reaching inside him and squeezing his own heart as the sense of doom marches toward him. He holds firm, somehow hoping you get the pleading message that tumbles from his lips in a panted mantra, "Come on, Y/N, stay with me. You're not done, we're not done."
End of Part 2
A/N: Connor keeping it pretty cool in this chapter, will he hold it together after this? More coming soon!
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badger-bear · 2 years
Tumblr media
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a single dad friends with benefits, sunshine/grumpy dynamic, 10 year age gap romance novel
You’re An Alpha, Harry by fondjumpedtheshark // @agape-28
So, yeah.
Harry Styles?
He's an alpha.
And he has no clue what that entails.
-[or: Right before Harry goes to university, he presents as an alpha. Struggling with his newfound identity in a completely different environment, he seeks advice from the notorious Louis Tomlinson, an omega whose claim to fame is being the local campus sex expert. Sex Education AU.]
Dr. Malik Series by JoMouse // @josjournal
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Let Me Be Your Good Night by levelofcharm // @levelofcharm 
Cupping one hand over his fist and holding them to his chest, Harry’s nose scrunches hopefully, “Would you want to get a drink before calling it a night?”
Louis stares at him.
“I know you’re probably tired, it’s just—” Harry sighs, wiggling his hands around nervously. “We’re both going to be alone after this and I really enjoyed talking to you, so maybe this is a little pathetic, but I could use the company?”
“I, uh,” he stalls, weighing his options: either go home, have a wank, then bathe the night off, or talk more with the affable sweetheart while sharing a drink or two. Easy. “I’d like that. Sure.”
Louis goes on a shit Valentines date and Harry's the cute waiter who takes him home.
The Post-War BP by jaerie // @jaerie 
The eight year war has left the country's birthrate severely stunted with a lack of virile alphas left to bring it back up. To ensure the survival of the country, the government opens The Breeding Program where young omegas can apply to carry an alpha's child in exchange for benefits. Louis' family is struggling and the BP is one of the only ways to secure a roof over their heads. Harry was drafted at the age of eighteen and spent six years of his life defending a country he doesn't recognize when he returns home. The government made the bed but it's Harry that has to lie in it.
Femslash Festuary 
a fun quick challenge for those who enjoy girl direction
Architecture Unfamiliar by anonymous 
The bottom rung of the royal whores — the ones who don't even live in the palace — are the saddle whores.
Louis Tomlinson is a saddle whore who knows his place, and likes it.
I Feel Safe With You by dimpled_halo // @comebackassholes
Hey Marcel, We’re definitely still on for tonight. Thanks for the information. I’ll keep it in mind when planning the scene for tonight. I’ll see you soon, Louis
Marcel bites his lip and checks the time. Only a few more hours before Louis comes over. It almost feels like the first time, but instead of anxiety, it’s all nervous anticipation. The last two scenes have been everything Marcel could ever ask for so he can only imagine what Louis will come up with today.
Hit Me With Your Sweet Love (Kill Me With a Kiss) by DaddyAlphaLouisBabyOmegaHarry // @bottomhaztoplou
As soon as Harry saw the first lick of red and pink heart decorations, he wanted to throw up.
Little Pink Skirt by ialwaysknewyouwerepunk // @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk
Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam are at a festival. It's the afternoon of the last day, and they're lounging on the grass before the action starts, still recovering from the night before. There's a bunch of sexual tension between H and L from where things left off in their drunken haze. When Louis tries to light a spliff, the wind makes it impossible to do so, for which Harry has an ingenious idea. And then one thing leads to another.
Woke Up Feeling Knotty by jaerie // @jaerie 
Beta Louis has a kink for knotting and the secret aesthetic porn blog he runs about it is more than proof. When he accidentally finds out his alpha best friend Harry is one of his biggest fans, he knows he has to come clean after everything that has already happened between them. Harry just might be willing to help him out anyway.
Stay Hydrated! by absolutehly // @thestylinsons
Where Louis drinks too much water during a show and is grateful he has a break during Fearless.
Cut Through The Static by bellawrites // @clumsyclifford
“Who’s flirting?” Rian asks from the couch, where he's holding Zack’s acoustic guitar and attempting a B minor chord.
Before Alex can jump in, Jack says, “Harry Styles, with Alex.”
“Harry Styles?”
“Is this because of those DMs?” Zack rolls his eyes. “You’re still talking about that?”
“Shut up, this is a big deal,” Alex insists. “It’s Harry fucking Styles!”
That’s What I Want by haztobegood // @haztobegood
The first day of childbirth class is difficult for Harry. He's 30 weeks pregnant, uncomfortable, hormonal, and alone. That changes when he meets another single carrier on his way to class.
For The Right Reasons by juliusschmidt // @juliusschmidt
Harry doesn’t agree to be the Bachelor expecting to find love. He’s just hoping for an exciting jaunt around the world, half a dozen new friends, and, if he’s lucky, an amazing hj or two.
Louis may have signed up to be a contestant on the Bachelor, but he’s not interested a ring or a proposal, not from Harry, not from anyone. He wouldn’t turn down a few more Instagram followers, though.
Song For No One by yesisaworld // @louandhazaf
“I want to see what I was competing against,” Shawn murmured, moving in for a kiss he wasn’t sure Harry would reciprocate.
Harry closed his eyes, welcomed Shawn into his space. “Want to feel what he left me for.” His breath hitched as Shawn leaned in the rest of the way.
LepreCum by littleroverlouis // @littleroverlouis
Louis is forced to celebrate St Patrick's Day at a dive bar with his friends, but draws the line at helping them not make drunken fools out of themselves.
Although when Harry asks him for a personal favor, he is more than happy to be of assistance.
Mr. Tuesday by jaerie // @jaerie
Tuesday. Harry loved Mr. Tuesday.
It was true that most of his clients were regulars, but there was just something about Mr. Tuesday that would make him stand out amongst the others even if he hadn’t booked almost every single Tuesday with him for the past year. It was the first day of Harry’s work week and Mr. Tuesday always eased him into it in such a pleasant way.
More Than A Mic Drop by haztobegood // @haztobegood
“You dropped the mic last night.”
“Oh, yeah. I did.” Louis gives a little shrug. He tucks his hands into the pockets of his baggy grey sweatpants.
“That was really careless.” His tone is very stern, unlike his usual bubbly and helpful voice when he suggests Louis try singing a chorus for the third time as he adjusts the sound mix again. Harry levels him a serious look and suddenly the room feels too hot. “You could have broken the mic and we don’t have a lot of spares.”
Cherised by neondiamond // @neondiamond
When Harry’s very pregnant and uncomfortable, Louis finds a way to make him feel loved and cherished.
like sun on the rise by disgruntledkittenface // @disgruntledkittenface
“Sorry,” Nick says at last, a crooked grin replacing her usual friendly, but not too friendly, customer service smile. “It’s my second double this week, so I’m kind of out of it. What can I get you, pretty?”
“No, I know you,” the girl insists, her green eyes wide as she leans over the counter. “I have known you so many times, in so many different forms, in so many different lives.”
“Uh…” Nick blinks, speechless for maybe the first time in her life. The thing is, the girl looks totally sincere. Kind of awestruck really, her pretty pink lips parted slightly as she takes Nick in. Like she can’t believe her luck or something. It’s not Nick’s fault that she has no idea how to act; no one has ever looked at her like this before. “Okay?”
Harry isn’t like anyone Nick has ever met before. Maybe that’s why they work.
Sunny Pleasure by jaerie // @jaerie 
They've been hiding their accidental bond since Harry was 16 and Louis was 18. Now they're pregnant and it's almost time to break the news so they don't have to keep hiding anymore. They take some soft time to themselves first.
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wafflesetc · 2 years
this love
Intelligence thought they were dealing with a small drug operation within the limits of their own city, until their wires got crossed with the Feds. And with the Feds an old friend has come back into town, trying to repair old wounds.
A/N: We are nearing the end of this story, with one more chapter. Possibly two because, you know, things change as I write and I think one more might be necessary. There's a small change with this chapter at the end, a slight different POV for just a minute. You'll see it when you get there. I felt like it was a needed moment in the story, so sorry for the change.
Previously in Chapter 4 
this love on ao3
“Hailey, second message…. I saw you called me but you didn’t leave a voicemail. Call me back when you get this, I love you.” He ends the voicemail and looks up from his desk to see Trudy standing over him. “What’s up, Sarge?”
“What have you been up to the last few hours?” She asks casually checking the watch on her wrist.
“I’ve been in interrogation for the past few hours… We picked up some low level dealers and we were trying to get the names of some of the suppliers.” He can feel the small edge in her voice and his detective senses are starting to go off, something doesn’t feel right. “Why?”
“Listen… Don’t freak out…” She starts, but his gut was right, something was definitely wrong.
“Trudy.” He nearly pleads.
“It’s Hailey, alright. All I know was when they were out on surveillance they saw someone watching their car. She radioed in for help and I sent Adam and Kevin to go help them… But by the time they got there, gunfire had been exchanged. She’s awake and at Med getting treated. That’s all I know.”
He doesn’t say a word but gives her a nod, reaches for his truck key, and finds himself running down the stairs of the district.
The roar of the engine is the only sound he hears as he drives down the streets of Chicago. It’s dark, a cooler summer night and he sees people on the street- walking their dogs, holding hands with their partner, sitting at restaurants drinking a glass of red wine.
The things he wants to do with Hailey- they haven’t had the time yet.
He hits a light and curses under his breath, feeling the vibration of his phone in his pocket.
“Halstead,” He answers sharply.
“Halstead, this is Dr. Halstead…” Will sarcastically replies.
He doesn’t miss a beat or give any banter back, “How bad is it?”
His brother must hear the panic and fear in his voice, “Calm down, Jay.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down, all I know was that Hailey was shot hours ago and I am just now finding out about it. She’s my wife, Will, don’t make me ask you again.”
“I’m sorry man, I didn’t know you didn’t know. But it was a through and through, in her abdomen. I would have taken care of her myself, but seeing as we’re family now, I wasn’t allowed to treat her. I did stay in the room, with her permission.”
“And?” He asks, he knows there’s more that Will wants to tell him.
“It was cleaned out, she is getting stitched up as we speak. Minor internal damage, but she doesn’t need surgery to fix any of it. She’ll need to take it easy for the next week, and come back for an MRI in ten days to make sure the internal stuff is healing and that there is no infection. Dr. Marcel treated her, she’s on some antibiotics for preventative measures.”
“Thank god.” He breathes under his breath.
“How far out are you?” Will asks him.
“Ten minutes- I’m pulling police privilege and double parking outside the ED.” Jay says, mostly to himself because he can’t imagine wasting five or ten more minutes trying to find a parking spot.
“I figured you would- I already warned security, not that I really need to because you’re a cop…”
“Thanks man,” He takes a breath as he turns the corner, “And how is Erin?”
“Some bruised ribs, concussion from hitting the concrete. You know I shouldn’t be telling you any of this, but more or less she got out cut free. And listen, Jay, I know you’re still bitter about things with her, but stay calm when you’re here, ok? Hailey is alright…”
“I will. See you soon.” He hangs up the phone, turning on the lights of the truck, not wasting another second.
It’s cold when he enters the ED and he immediately remembers why he hates this place. The dull lighting, the sterile smells, the doctors, the needles.
He sees Will standing at the nurses station with two cups of coffee in his hand. “Here you go, bro… You look like you need it.”
Jay shakes his head in response, taking the cup from his hand. “Where is she?”
“This way.” Will says gesturing for his brother to follow him.
As they round the corner, a flash of familiar brunette hair stops him.
“Jay.” Erin says, matter of factly.
“Erin,” He says curtly, because he wants to be mad, angry, and upset at her. He wants to be so many things. She walked away unscathed, and it was his wife, Hailey- his partner- was the one who took the bullet. And Hailey, she doesn’t deserve that.
“One hell of a partner you got there,” Erin says, signing a piece of paper. “She’s tough, just like you.”
“She is,” is all that he can seem to muster.
“Listen,” Erin says, placing the pen on the counter. “It was inevitable, we were waiting for Ruz and Kev to show up, but it all happened so fast. Hailey saw the car first and knocked me to the ground to get out the line of fire. I’d probably be dead or hooked up to a ventilator if it weren’t for her, okay?”
“I’m just saying, I owe her my life, Jay. Show her a little grace, she was just doing her job. You would have done the same thing, even if it were me… And she’d be the one coming to you like this.”
“I’m glad you’re okay, Erin…” Jay says but hears his wife’s voice in the distance.
“Go.” Erin says, pointing to a curtain a few feet away.
“Yeah this way,” Will steers him towards the curtain, “I’ll check in on you two in a bit.”
Will pulls the curtain and he sees her blonde, erratic hair covering her face as she’s reading some paperwork.
“Hailey Anne Upton.” Jay breathes, half in relief, half in frustration.
She laughs at him, handing the nurse a five dollar bill.
“I told you.”
He walks in, stands at the foot of the bed and raises an eyebrow at her.
“You are right,” The nurse smiles, taking the paperwork from Hailey’s hands. “Attractive, protective, and one hell of an ass…. You sure did score.”
“I did.” Hailey muses making eye contact with him.
He stands his ground, staying at the foot of the bed and crosses his arms, eying his wife who is in a hospital gown.
“I’m fine.” She says, almost nonchalantly, trying to reach for her go bag on the bed.
“You know it’s nice to see you on the receiving end of this kind of news. Seeing as I’ve seen you in here because you’ve been shot on me… Twice now.” She laughs, but the movement causes her to wince a little and hold her stomach.
“I told you laughing would hurt,” The nurse says. “I’ve got your discharge paperwork all ready, once you change and talk with him, I’ll come back and we’ll get you out of here.”
The nurse leaves the room and it’s finally just the two of them.
‘Why didn’t you call me?” He asks, rounding the bed and sitting by her feet.
“Because I know how you would be, Jay. Look at you.”
“Of course I am like this, you got shot.”
“It was a through and through, okay. I passed out on the concrete because it hurt like a bitch, but once I got here I realized it wasn’t that bad. I wanted to save you a few minutes of panic and heartache.”
“Well hearing the news from Platt, it was a little more shell shock than I would have thought.”
“I was going to call you once I was in the car, I passed out from the initial blood loss, Erin thought it was worse than it was… How is she by the way?”
“She’s fine, getting discharged as we speak. She’s got some bruised ribs and a mild concussion.”
He stands watching his wife try and put on her shirt from her go bag, but struggling to lift her arm up.
“Let me help you,” he walks across the bed and grabs the shirt from her bag, noting the familiar button down. That’s my shirt.”
“It looks better on me.” Hailey smiles as she turns around.
He reaches for the ties on the hospital gown and gently pulls them undone. His hands are ice cold because he hates hospitals, but he hates them even more when Hailey is the patient.
“Your hands are ice-cold,” She notes, turning around. They’re face to face now and she can see the worry in his eyes. “Help me pull this off.”
He nods at her, but takes his pointer finger and runs it over the base of her jaw, staring at her intently. He knows her body, knows how there is one small freckle on the left side of her neck just under her ear; knows the scar on the back of right knee is from an accident when she was wrestling with her brothers when they were kids, knows how her left pointer finger has a scar from a fight with an offender during her rookie year when they almost got her service weapon… Now she has her own bullet scar to match his own. It’s a scar he’d never want her to have to live with.
She can sense his hesitation in wanting to take the gown off, not wanting to have to picture her with gauze and bandages. “Hey,” she stands on her tiptoes and kisses the base of his jaw. “Listen, if it were that bad, you would have been called.. You’re my emergency contact and Will would have called you. I told him not to because I was awake and coherent and could consent to treatment.”
“I should have been there, Hailey.” It’s all he can respond to her, because he feels guilty. She’s his partner- his wife- he promised to be there for her in sickness and in health, and promised to protect her with his body if it came down to it. Not that she couldn’t hold her own, because his wife most definitely could, but still he should have been there.
“There’s the Jay Halstead guilt I was waiting for,” She laughs as she slowly reaches her arms out towards him. “Help me with this please.”
He laughs at that, because damn, she knows him. Slowly, he bends down a bit, and reaches for the shoulders on the gown and pulls them down slowly, letting the gown fall to the floor. He unbuttons his flannel, throwing it over her arms and pulling it around her chest. He starts to button the shirt, his fingers warming thanks to her excessive body heat. He’s halfway up the shirt when he feels her fingers under his chin, tilting his head up towards her gaze.
“You know I love you, right? That I promise to do my best to come home to you every day.” Her words are quiet, and tears fill her eyes.
“I love you, too, Hailey. And I promise my damn hardest to always come home to you, too.” He stands upright again, finishing the buttons on the shirt, ignoring the gauze and bandages because they’ll be there tomorrow, right now all he needs is her. “But for the love of god, we’re not allowed to separate anymore, we stick together, for my own sanity, I beg of you.”
“Best partner I’ve ever had is you, in all arenas- personal, professional, even sexually. You’re pretty good in bed Halstead.” She laughs and reaches for the sweatpants in her bag, looking at him for help.
He rolls his eyes at her because she’s just trying to make him feel better, and damn her because it’s working. He squats to the ground, giving her his shoulder for balance as she steps into each leg of the sweatpants. He pulls them up to her waist and gives her a small kiss on her hip.
“Too bad sex is probably off the table for a little bit.”
“Uhhh, yeah…. But we can do other things.” She gives him a wink as she sits on the bed. “A little help with the shoes?”
“Yes,” He laughs at her, “I never thought I’d tie your shoes until you were massively pregnant one day, but there’s a first time for everything.”
“You and me both.” She agrees, “First time for everything, though. Let’s get my boots back on and take me home, Jay.”
“That I can do.”
Erin Lindsay wanted to stop by Hailey’s room and thank her, again, for saving her life.
As her hand reached the curtain to announce her arrival, she heard Hailey’s voice in the room and Jay’s sigh in response.
“There’s the Jay Halstead guilt I was waiting for, help me with this please. ”
She knows they are talking, a husband and wife moment, a partner moment, but for some reason she stands outside the curtain and listens into their conversation just a bit more as Hailey speaks again.
“You know I love you, right? That I promise to do my best to come home to you every day.”
“I love you, too, Hailey. And I promise my damn hardest to always come home to you, too. But for the love of god, we’re not allowed to separate anymore, we stick together, for my own sanity, I beg of you.”
“Best partner I’ve ever had is you, in all arenas- personal, professional, even sexually. You’re pretty good in bed Halstead.”
She releases her hold on the curtain because she’s heard enough- she knows they’re good for each other.
She saw it in the way Jay looked at Hailey, she experienced it in the car when Hailey told her Jay had learned to keep snacks in the car for her.
She could hear it in the way they just whispered, I love you to one another.
She turns on her heels, because another thank you can wait until tomorrow.
Tonight, Jay and Hailey need each other. She thinks back to emptying her and Jay's apartment, her choice in not telling him what was going on back then. They're both older and wiser now, and she's grown just like him. Her wounds are closing, she's healing in her own time. But tonight, she's glad to see he's healed- found someone to take half of the weight of the world that they live in. She prays one day, she'll be able to have what they have.
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Monsters Vs The Galaxy AU: Cast & Doodles
a Guardians Of The Galaxy AU for MvA because I love that movie to death
initially I imagined Susan as Peter but then I realized all four of them fit whoops
I use oc's to fill in the blanks and yet I don't have a cast for Ego lmao, the designs are from my reboot series of the show
Starlord - Ginormica/Link/Dr Cockroach/Bob
Gamora - Sta'abi (redesign)/Ginormica
Drax - Bob/Link
Rocket - Link/Dr Cockroach
Groot - Butterflyosaurus/Bob
Groot II - Insectosaurus
Nebula - Mori Edoorn (Sta'abi concept art oc)
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Yondu - Warren Monger
Kraglin - Marcel Romero (concept art oc)
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Ronin - Gallaxhar
Korath - Brandy (Gallaxhar clone oc)
Corpsman Dey - Tip Sommers (mothball concept art oc)
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Mantis - Sqweep
target audience; @samwinchestersleftshoe @lokomotives @fangirl-creates
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I did this last year but damn do I still hold it dearly
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thebookreader12345 · 3 years
Right the Wrongs
Pairing: Natalie Manning x Best Friend! reader
Summary: Y/N and Natalie have been best friends for years, so when Natalie is in an accident with Will, and something seems off with Phillip, Y/N does everything in her power to fix the present
Requested: Yes, by anonymous
Warnings: slight swearing, mentions of a car accident, blood, and injuries
Word Count: 1,355 Words
Note: Takes place during Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 1, Never Going Back to Normal
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"Hey, Y/N," my best friend Natalie greeted me. "Can we talk for a moment?"
"Uh, can it wait? I'm working a double shift tonight so I want to get all of this stuff done. And I'm kind of busy at the moment," I say and hold up a chart. I turned towards Natalie to get her response, but when I saw her face, my heart dropped. "You know what? This can wait. What's up?"
"I might be having a mid life crisis," Natalie told me. "And I'm not really sure what to do."
"All right, well, on a scale of 1-5, how major is the crisis?" I question.
"I think I'm still in love with Will," Natalie confessed.
"Um, Doris, could you go ahead and get the patient in Treatment 1 started on prednisone?" I ask. Doris nodded, and I quickly thanked her before leading Natalie to the empty doctors' lounge. "Okay, you're gonna have to start from the beginning. What do you mean you think you're still in love with Will?"
Natalie shrugged. "I don't know. Don't get me wrong, Phillip is nice and all, but I just recently discovered that Will didn't want to go back into Witness Protection because of me. And yeah, the two of us have had sort of a rocky past, but the time I spent with him... I can't imagine being with anyone else."
"Okay, this is definitely a level 5 crisis," I declare. "What are you gonna do?"
"What do you think I should do?" Natalie countered. I took a seat on the couch and pat the spot next to me, and Natalie sat down. For a second, I didn't say a word because, well, I didn't really know what to say. Finally though, I spoke up.
"Lets make a pros and cons list," I suggest. "So Phillip, for the pros, he's really sweet and handsome, and he cares a lot for his sick daughter. Cons, his wife did just die, and maybe his feelings for you aren't actually real. You did try to help save his dying wife, and you've been working tirelessly to save his daughter, so this could be a case of transference."
Natalie nodded. "Okay. Now what about Will?"
"Well, the obvious pro is that he's really dedicated, especially with his patients. And he's an overall amazing guy. Plus, he's good-looking and has really nice hair," I add, to which Natalie laughed. "Then there are the cons. He's reckless and stubborn and doesn't always tell the truth."
Natalie sighed and leaned back against the couch, rubbing a hand over her face. "So what are you trying to say? You think I should stay with Phillip?"
"Quite the opposite, actually," I admit. "Sure, Phillip's a great guy, but you and Will have a deep history. And everyone in this ED, hell, the whole hospital, knows how much you care for each other. I say you go for Will. But at the end of the day, it's your decision."
"No, I uh, I think you're right. I need to go find Will," Natalie spoke and stood up. "Have you seem him?"
"Well, shift's just ending, and considering his jacket isn't in his locker and neither are his other things, he's heading to his car," I state.
"Well then, I better hurry to catch up with him. Thank you, Y/N," Natalie murmured and hugged me before exiting the lounge.
"Oh my god! What the hell happened?" I quiz as Will carried Natalie into the ED. Half of Will's face was covered in blood, and Natalie looked like she had a nasty head wound which was leaking a lot of blood.
"Natalie was thrown from the vehicle," Will explained and placed Natalie down onto a bed.
"Crockett!" I shout to get the doctor's attention. "I need some help in here!"
"I'm here," Crockett breathed out and slipped on some gloves. "What have we got?"
"Blunt head trauma and loss of consciousness," Will disclosed.
"I'm putting a collar on her," I announce.
Crockett nodded. "Start an IV and get her on the monitors and a nasal airway."
"Don't forget a chest X-ray," I add as the two of us worked together.
"Elsa, take Will here to Trauma 2," Crockett instructed.
"No. I'm staying with Natalie," Will argued.
"You're a mess, Will, come on," Crockett requested.
"I'm staying!" Will insisted.
"Will, you need to get looked at, and standing there is not going to help Natalie. I will find you when we have an update," I tell him. Will hesitated, but nodded and allowed Elsa to bring him into the next room.
A Few Hours Later...
I was standing at the nurses' station in the ICU doing some charts, but it was getting hard to keep my eyes open. Usually I could get through a double shift with almost no problem, but today, between Natalie's injury and the huge caseload I had, I was tired out. However, an argument from one of the patient rooms woke me up a bit. I rushed towards where the shouting came from and realized that it was coming from Natalie's room, where Will and Phillip were quarrelling. Crockett appeared behind me, but he allowed me to take the lead.
"Hey! You two can't be here. Natalie needs her rest, and we're only allowing family to visit right now. So both of you need to leave," I declare.
"Natalie and I are engaged," Phillip claimed. "So that would make me her family."
"What? Natalie never mentioned you proposing," I retort.
Phillip nodded towards Natalie's unconscious body. "See for yourself." I glanced over at Natalie's hand, and there, sitting on her finger, was an engagement ring.
"Crockett, could you take Will outside?" I ask.
"Sure thing," Crockett replied and led Will out of the room. As they left, I turned to Phillip and crossed my arms over my chest.
"What?" Phillip questioned.
"I didn't see that ring on her finger when she came into the ED, and I definitely would've noticed it. And if it was there, we would have removed it," I share.
Phillip scoffed. "Is this really any of your business?"
"As her doctor and her best friend, yeah, it is," I answer and glance at Phillip one more time before leaving the room. A few hours later, Natalie was finally awake, and as soon as Phillip was nowhere to be found, I entered her room.
"Hey, Nat," I greet her. "How are you feeling?"
"Fine," Natalie responded. "But uh, Dr. Marcel, he told me Phillip and I were engaged. I don't-I can't remember him proposing."
"Because I don't think he did," I exclaim. "Natalie, before your accident, you told me that you wanted to be with Will. Do you remember that?"
Natalie thought for a moment, and then nodded. "Yeah. I remember that. You have to help me, Y/n. I need to talk to Will, but if Phillip sees..."
"Don't worry. I've got you," I assure her. "Phillip just went to the cafeteria to eat lunch, so he should be gone for at least 15 minutes. I'll get Will in here so that you guys can talk."
"Thank you," Natalie mumbled. I gave her a small smile and left the room, paging Will to my location. A minute or two later, Will appeared by the nurses' station.
"Hey. I got your page. What's up?" Will quizzed.
"Natalie is awake," I tell him. "But before you go in there, there's something you need to know. Right before the accident, Natalie and I were talking, and she told me that she wanted to get back together with you. Phillip lied about the engagement. He put that ring on her finger when she was unconscious. So just go in there and make everything right. Natalie is my best friend, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't do everything in my power to make her happy."
"All right. Thank you, Y/n," Will spoke. "For everything."
I smiled. "No problem. Now, go in there and get Natalie back. It's about time the two of you got back together."
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld​ @caitsymichelle13​ @king-crockett @winterberryfox @anotherfan07​ @i-like-sparkly-things​
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