#so they need to at least not have mistakes on their paperwork. even though they did in what theyre charging me
suncaptor · 11 months
I am a bitch (just accused my apartment complex of being predatory and unethical for denying me several kinds of renter's rights and charging me hundreds of dollars unfairly while I'm still living there)
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antiromanticbaby · 9 months
Imperfection - Lucifer
Husband!Lucifer x GN!reader
[✧] ー head empty, just lucifer putting his mask away, and mc comforting him in his vulnerable moments. let's imagine everyone have their own bathroom and its not one for all and one for asmo, mk? not canon (or at least I don't think it's canon) but luci has multiple scars on his body. SFW
"Tell me every terrible thing you did, and let me love you anyway." - Edgar Allen Poe for Lucifer
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Today had been stressful. But then again, everyday is stressful for Lucifer.
Wake up early in the morning, keep your brothers in line the whole day, and do Diavolo's paperwork until late at night. All of these tasks turned into more and it filled everyday with endless work with little to no breaks. As soon as he did take a moment to rest and unwind. Yet he did find the time tonight. It was already quite late, but here he sat, muscles tense as he sipped on his Demonus and listened to his gramophone. He had called you over too, hoping you could make time for him. Perhaps with you in his arms he would feel better. And fortunately, you did come. But with a pleasant surprise.
"Lu?" You knocked, entering his room after he gave you permission. Even though you had no problem entering his office without knocking (and he didn't mind it either) you still knocked. (which he secretly appreciated.) You came over to him, hugging his seated form from behind as your arms wrapped around his neck. Even his brothers felt how frustrated he had been lately but they would never spoke up, because they knew the avatar of pride would never admit it.
But with you? With you he was different. You made him feel safe, you made him believe he can be vulnerable while holding onto his pride.
You ran a hand on his chest, nuzzling your face in his hair. You also knew of his day to day frustration, of how tensed and stressed he currently was. "I ran a bathe for you." You spoke, planting a kiss on his head. He was always quick to pamper and spoil you, why not you do it for him tonight? Lucifer slowly leaned back and relaxed into your embrace, the two of you sharing this tender moment together. Lucifer turned his head up and gave you a small smile, showing his appreciation. He reached up and placed his hand over yours, squeezing gently. Lucifer then leaned his head back, closing his eyes. It was a rare moment when he gave in to his emotions, letting his body relax for the briefest moment.
"If you want, I can join you too." You spoke, running a hand through his hair. "May I?"
"Of course, you don't need to ask." He hummed, planting a kiss on the palm of your hand that was on his chest. He stood up, never letting go of your warm hand in his gloved ones as he guided you to the bathroom. He was surprised as he noticed you had decorated it for him, with candles, red rose petals, even aloes wood fragrance. That explained your absence throughout the day. You helped him strip, even though he was slightly reluctant. He helped you strip, planting soft kisses along your body. He made sure not to stare too much, even though he could worship you for hours or even days on end. As you sat together in the tube, he wrapped his hands around you, pulling you to his chest.
Scars adorned his body, back and chest, everywhere. Scars that showed him his weaknesses, that reminded him of his losses, yet he'd rather keep them as a bitter reminder of every mistake he had made. A painful reminder he endured, so hopefully he would learn from the past. But that didn't make him any less insecure of them. No one, no one was allowed to see this weaknesses except for you, and he still had yet to gauge out your opinion about them.
You leaned to his chest, wrapping your arms around his torso as you embraced him warmly. The ring on your finger glittering in the dim light of the candles, matching with the one on his. He felt safe in your arms, the sensation of warmth from the candles and the fragrance of the aloes-wood filling around you. His heart pounded loudly in his chest as the scars on his chest are exposed to you. Lucifer stared down at you in the dim lighting. Your bodies pressed against one another, a comforting pressure. He closed his eyes and relaxed into your embrace, allowing himself to be vulnerable. His shoulders slumped and he leaned his head back against the edge of the bathtub.
You suddenly traced a hand on one of the scars on his chest, making him quickly grab your wrist. Despite the acceptance he felt in your touch, he didn't feel ready to be exposed like that. "Calm down Lu." You spoke, looking into his eyes with the softest gaze he had ever seen. You brought his hand to your lips, planting a kiss on the back of his hand. Lucifer relaxed his hold on your wrist and took a deep breath, feeling his heart start to beat normally again. He stared into your soft eyes, feeling the warmth of your gaze wash over him. You continued, caressing his chest as you began trailing kisses on his scars. “Just be yourself. Show me the worst in you and let me worship those. I love you, the full you, and I mean it.”
Lucifer shuddered as your lips touch his scars. Every kiss felt like a wave of relief and acceptance. He couldn't help but tense up as he felt the soft kisses touch him. Your kisses slowly made him feel more exposed and vulnerable, exposing him completely to your gaze and your judgement. He squeezed his eyes shut and sighed, his muscles slowly relaxing and letting you touch him without resistance.
"How am I lucky enough to call you mine?" He whispered sweetly. He slowly opened his eyes as he looked at you. The light of the candles danced in your eyes and he stared into them. He then leaned forward and grabbed your hand, bringing it to his lips and landing a kiss on the top of your knuckles. Lucifer then pulled back and looked at your hand for a moment. His eyes were drawn to the ring that sat on your finger. His thumb caressed the underside of your hand, feeling the warmth of your skin. It was as if you could see right through his soul and still love him completely.
"You may hide from everyone, Lu." You spoke, your free hand cupping his cheek as you caressed it. "But you can't hide from me. And do you want to know something, Lu? Your imperfections, the ones you so desperately hide, makes you absolutely perfect in my eyes."
He put his other hand on yours, seeking your warmth. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze, leaning forward to pull you into a deep passionate kiss. His hands wrap around your back as he kissed you. His lips were gentle, tender, his heart pounding. But deep down, he felt content and at peace. It didn't matter whether you accepted his scars or not, all that mattered was that you were there with him. His lips slowly pulled back and he leaned his head against yours, his breath heavy.
"I love you." He breathed out. Displays of affection such as this one, weren't really rare when you two were alone together. You smiled, giving his lips another peck. "I love you too, more than you can imagine."
Lucifer chuckled softly and kissed you again. Your lips met with a loving touch, your bodies pressed close and your souls entwined. You shared a moment of intimacy in each other's arms, the peace of the bathwater enveloping you both. Lucifer closed his eyes and pulled you closer. This was your safe haven, a sanctuary of comfort where the both of you didn't need to hide anything. He had put his trust in you, as much as you had given him of yourself.
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Check it out! -> [sweet dreams] [roses] [cursed records]Want more? -> [Masterlist]
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berylcups · 4 months
La Squadra X Reader: Love Languages HCs
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CW: Sex mention, death mention, self esteem issues, masculine provider mentality
Notes: Hey, this one was a doozy! Hopefully my ramblings is understandable! I based this one off of the 7 love languages. the 7 love languages discussed are:
Either way I hope you enjoy! 💜Beryl
source: https://imbetween.org/episode161/
What’s their Love language?: Activity & Practical 
How do they show it?:
Risotto doesn’t get much time to relax but when he does he wants to spend it with you. He’d show you by making an authentic Sicilian dish that you haven’t had before and watch some scary movies afterwards. If you get frightened you can always cling on to him and he’ll wrap his big arms around you to keep you safe!  He’d also be interested in what you’re into. Especially if its something relaxing like painting or sculpting…Maybe even something physical like swimming.  He’d probably be indifferent to videogames. He enjoys watching you play them rather than playing them himself. He prefers story over gameplay, and watching you get frustrated and curse at the tv every time you make a mistake makes him chuckle so he's definitely enjoying himself.
He also likes to show his love through actions. He prefers to take care of the more challenging tasks like doing the oil change on your car, changing your tires, changing the light bulbs from the places you can’t reach, and fixing that leaky pipe. He’ll also take care of some other tasks, instead of you cooking he’ll bring home take out, and make a nice bubble bath for you both to relax in afterwards. If you’re forgetful or have ADHD he’ll remind you to take your medication and write down your daily tasks so you don’t forget anything. He’ll be sure to help you sort out your medication for each day in your pillbox too to help you remember. He has a perfect memory so you’ll never have to worry if you do forget something. He’s always here for you. 🖤
What love language do they like to receive the most?: Practical & Physical 
What’s a good way to show them love?:
He’s always busy with something…what’s a better way to show your love than to take care of him? Make him dinner, run him a bath, do laundry , clean the house, do his paperwork, break up fights between the other guys, and maybe murder on his behalf? Do whatever this exhausted man needs. Just do it. Do it for him. Whatever you take off of his plate he’ll greatly appreciate it! Also you can be assured that every act will be rewarded. He’s very grateful to have you and he's not afraid to express that.
This poor man has never been shown much love so you can bet he’s pretty touch starved. But he’s too aloof to go out of his way to ask for affection so its up to you to give him all the loving he needs. He doesn’t really care if the guys see very small bits of PDA like a quick kiss on the cheek or maybe a pet name or two. He really prefers his affection in private the most though. Take off his hat and brush your fingers through his silver hair and give his head a good scratch, he loves that. Rub his chest and give him lots of kisses, he can’t fight off his blush when you do that! He loves bedtime the most when you’re laying on top of him and he can feel your entire weight on him. It helps soothe him to sleep and puts him at peace even if for a moment in his chaotic life.🖤 
What’s their least favorite form of affection?: 
emotional - Risotto is not a cold hearted person, he just has a hard time processing emotions. When Sorbet and Gelato died he swallowed his grief and tried to move on as if they didn’t exist. He doesn’t have an answer to how he’s feeling right now and how to handle it. He wants to be there for you and to soothe your pain when it comes but he just doesn’t know the best way to comfort you...verbally that is. What he does know though is that he loves you with all his heart 🖤   
What’s their Love language?: Physical & Appreciation 
How do they show it?:
He’s very handsy when it comes to showing love. It goes beyond hugs and kisses. He loves pinching your cheeks, smacking your ass, squeezing your thighs, and he’s a big groper. 😳 He makes grabby hands and chases you with them laughing like a fucking nutjob. 🙌  
He doesn't care who sees. He lives for the PDA, he loves grossing everyone out and making them jealous that he snagged you and they didn’t. 🤭 
He’s big on the praise and compliments. He won’t give you one minute to doubt yourself because that’s how much he praises you. Did you dye your hair? Get a new piercing? You look hot!  You look a little taller…did you get some new shoes? You look badass! Is that a new drawing you doin’? You’re a good draw-er! He’s always has something nice to say! And don’t forget the pet names he throws on you-. If you didn’t know any better you could almost think he forgot what your name was…but he knows you so well you know that’s not the truth! 🧡
What love language do they like to receive the most?: physical & appreciation 
What’s a good way to show them love?:
Give this man some sugar! Hug him, caress him, kiss him, make out with him, spank him, fuc—you know what he wants! 😳 He don’t care if it’s in public or private, he wants your lovin’. He loves it when you lay your head on his lap while you two watch tv. If you fall asleep on him he’s gonna die from the cuteness. He loves the fact you feel safe enough around him enough to fall asleep near him. 🧡 he likes it too when you put your hands under his mesh shirt and scratch his chest, that will make him purr like a cat, and might make him start acting unwise 😘 so give him scritches at your own risk
Illuso being the shithead he is, loves to make Maggio feel self conscious about his abilities and his stand so be sure to give him lots of encouraging words. Be his cheerleader! (Figuratively or literally he doesn’t mind either way 😅) Let him know how smart he is when he makes a connection during a mission. Let him know how creative and strong his stand abilities are! Let him know how jealous and in awe you are of his skills. Seriously, where does he come up with some of these wild ideas??? Don’t forget to praise him when he does any chores. He’s no slob but he loves flinging his laundry around the place. 😅 Seeing him sort out the dirty clothes and put them in the washer is enough to make your heart melt. He’s thoughtful and helpful so remember to praise and thank him for it. 🧡 His biggest contribution at home is cooking and dishwashing so him doing extra work deserves extra kisses! 💋 
What’s their least favorite form of affection?:
Intellectual - Formaggio respects your opinions on things but he’s not someone interested in big philosophical discussion or debates. Don’t let his carefree nature fool you! He’s a very smart man but he just doesn’t like to take life so seriously. He’ll ask for your opinion if he isn’t sure about something but big conversations like the meaning of life or the study of _____ just isn’t in his interests. He much rather enjoy the moment of you two being together and enjoying activities with one another! 
What’s their Love language?: Financial & Appreciation 
How do they show it?:
It’s unknown whether he stole it or actually bought it…but isn’t it just the thought that counts? He always brings you things like jewels, perfume, makeup, jewelry…small things that remind him of you. He’s actually very thoughtful ❤️ he got you a shirt that reminded him of your favorite aesthetic the last time. He somehow knows the right size for you every time. He says he knows your body better than you do~ 😘 flirty dork. 
He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to give out compliments that aren’t backhanded, but with you they are very much genuine. Nothing goes unnoticed by him. Did you get a haircut? Change up your makeup? You look gorgeous!-but you always look great regardless.❤️ Did you make dinner? If instagram existed in the early 2000s he’d be taking pictures of the food you made and be asking for seconds! 😋 Did you clean the house? You’re getting a BIG thanks for that- he HATES washing the windows! 
What love language do they like to receive the most?:
Appreciation & Physical 
What’s a good way to show them love?:
He doesn’t look like it but once you get to know him he clearly has a weak self esteem. That’s why he puts others down to make himself feel better. ❤️‍🩹 But that isn’t working so show him some love by complimenting and praising him often. Tell him how gorgeous he is, take notice of how much effort he puts into his appearance! Let him know how helpful and strong his stand is. He’s secretly sensitive about MITM being physically weak. Praise him for whenever he decides to help you around the house. He may be smug and get pompous at times but he really loves your appreciation. He may not say it verbally but he will thank you for your sweet words. 😘
Show him your love! He loves seeing the others get jealous seeing you give him a peck on the cheek or if you’re tall enough on top of the head. 🥰 He doesn’t mind some light PDA in front of others but in private please ham it up. Kiss him a lot, snuggle him, smack his butt, whistle at him, be flirty! 🤭 he really loves cuddling on the couch while watching trash reality tv. Cuddle on the couch with a big fluffy blanket while you’re braiding his hair is his favorite thing to do with you. He LIVES for that. 🤩
What’s their least favorite form of affection?: 
activity - it’s not that he doesn’t have interest in your hobbies but he thinks there should be some hobbies that should be spent alone. He thinks time  alone makes the heart grow fonder. And…he thinks you wouldn’t be very interested in his hobby of people watching… 👀  you of all people know how nosey he is! He has a very niche type of hobbies…usually with him hiding in the mirror realm watching unsuspecting people doing embarrassing things. But he’s more than willing to watch trash reality TV with you. 🤭
What’s their Love language?: Emotional & Practical
How do they show it?: 
He’s a big empath who’s intune with your emotions. If anything is amiss he can feel it. If you’re nervous or sad he’s here for you. If you’re happy he’s happy! He’ll do anything to make you feel secure. He gives the biggest, warmest hugs. 
He likes to show love through his actions. He does all the household chores: he does the dishes, cleans the floors, dusts, cooks for you, make the bed, do the laundry, and anything else that comes to his mind. He doesn’t want you to worry about a single thing when you come home after a day of hard work. Be sure to show him plenty of gratitude!
What love language do they like to receive the most?:
Emotional & Appreciation 
What’s a good way to show them love?:
Show him your support whenever he feels anxious or overwhelmed! The poor boy is always pushed to his limit under Prosciutto’s mentoring. Listen carefully to him if he needs to talk out his frustrations and validate his feelings. Let him know you’re here for him no matter what. 💚 Give him a big hug and wipe away his tears when he’s feeling extra vulnerable. He’s not a mammoni . He’s a strong big man 🥺
Another way to show him love is by showing appreciation often. Compliment him a lot and praise him for nearly everything he does. He has self confidence issues so it’s up to you to uplift him! Tell him how strong he is, how good he looks today, how smart he is, and how helpful he is. 🥰  praise him all the time! Be genuine with it and give him a big hug and kiss on the cheek with it. It will really cheer him up. 💚
What’s their least favorite form of affection?:
Practical - this sweet boy appreciates your efforts but he doesn’t want you to overwork yourself! Let him take care of you. It makes him fret when he sees you exhausted and trying to wash the dishes. He worries about you overworking yourself and you end up becoming depressed, anxious, or coming down with a cold. If you’re overworked your immune system is at risk and he doesn’t want you risking your health!
What’s their Love language?: Financial & Emotional 
How do they show it?:
There’s nothing too expensive when it comes to you. Clothes, jewelry, food, and a house? He buys it all! He won’t let you know how much it costs, he doesn't care how little the boss pays him. He has faith in himself and his teammates that they’ll take down the boss and get all that good money. You haven’t seen how bad he’s going to spoil you once that happens ! He doesn’t want you feeling guilty for a single second for whatever he buys you. He believes it’s his duty to care for you. 
He doesn't look like it but he’s your biggest cheerleader. When you’re feeling down he’ll be there to give you one million reasons why you shouldn’t feel bad and that your mental illness is lying to you, and that he’s always here to put you back together when you break down. 🥺 He’s always sincere when he’s trying to uplift you. He does that sweet little forehead press and makes eye contact with you and caresses your cheek while giving you the biggest pep talk of your life. He’ll pep talk from all things small like psyching you up to make that phone call to make that drs appointment, encouraging you to show off your artwork and creative writing online, to training you up for a dangerous mission. He’s your rock and you can lean on him at any time! 💛
What love language do they like to receive the most?:
Practical & Physical 
What’s a good way to show them love?:
Helping him around the house is a way to make him feel a deep sense of love. Having a home cooked meal, a clean suit, or freshly sweeped floors gives him peace. He doesn’t expect you to be a house spouse but having one of his chores taken care of after he comes home from a rough mission will give you one of his rare smiles. He’ll be mindful of your hard work by eating every single bite off his plate and help clean it off, take his dirty shoes off at the door so he doesn’t make the floor dirty, and take his dirty clothes to the hamper. He’ll always recognize your hard work and thank you for it!
Another easy way to make him happy is to give him a hug and kiss every time he comes and goes. He prefers to not partake in PDA for the most part unless you two are on a date of course but he gladly accepts physical affection. Sit in his lap while he’s having a drink in his favorite chair and give him a big kiss. That will rile him up 😘 
What’s their least favorite form of affection?:
Financial - He’s YOUR provider, you're NOT his provider. He wants to make that very clear. He understands the intention of your gesture and he appreciates the thoughtfulness but he’s here to take care of you! He doesn’t want you to worry about a single thing. Not money, not resources, nothing. He’s very “old fashioned” that he feels the need to be the provider as the Dominant partner. He’s not worried about gender roles, he was just raised to believe that the greatest way for a dominant partner to show their love is to provide. And he loves you very deeply 💛
What’s their Love language?: Physical & Intellectual 
How do they show it?:
He’s very affectionate and drapes himself over you often like a needy lap cat. He’s always wrapping his arms around you, he’s even learned to type with one hand so he can communicate with BabyFace and still hold you. 😅 he never wants to let go! He even clings to you when you’re in the kitchen cooking not caring one bit that he might get burnt. He’s generous with the kisses too but he tries to be mindful of how much PDA you can tolerate. 😘 
He’s not as big of an info dumper as his icy teammate, but he loves to tell you about his progress with his stand BabyFace. Genetics are his biggest passion so he’s going to tell you a lot about how BabyFace is doing when he’s using them and educates you on each step. He will insist on you sitting right up next to him so you can see the screen and he can point around and show you everything! He gets so excited when he finds a bad match, making for a more lethal Junior. He’ll also talk about astrology and how blood types influence love compatibility. He’s so excited knowing that the 2 of you have compatible signs, it reaffirms his belief that you 2 were made for each other. 💜
What love language do they like to receive the most?:
Physical & Activity 
What’s a good way to show them love?:
Hugs and kisses of course! He’s pretty easy to read. He loves the skin to skin contact when it comes to cuddling after love making. Just simply brushing his hair out of his face while he’s working just melts his heart! He’ll want you to come over and give him some more love but you gotta remind him not to get greedy~. And because you don’t want to gross out the other teammates…unless that’s what you enjoy doing of course. 🤭 
He wants to know everything about you, your date of birth, blood type, astrological sign, your culture, talents, and hobbies. And he wants you to know the same about him! Try to find as much things you two have in common and bond over it! He would enjoy playing video games, watching documentaries, electronics, and probably sci-fi shows. But don’t forget to show him you’re favorite things as well, even if they aren’t his cup of tea he’ll still appreciate them because they are a part of you. 💜 
What’s their least favorite form of affection?:
Financial - He loves the thoughtfulness of you trying to care for him but he rather have you save your money! The boss already gives out such little money you deserve to spend it on yourself! That’s what he believes. He feels guilty enough that he can’t afford to give you everything you want so he doesn’t want you wasting your money on him. He does hope one day once the boss's identity is found out and is eliminated he will be able to spoil you rotten. 💜
What’s their Love language?:  Intellectual & Activity 
How do they show it?:
He’s the king of info dumping. Hope you have your listening ears on! Whenever something makes him excited in a positive way or something that he disagrees with he MUST TELL you about it! That’s a huge sign of affection right there! And it’s something he can do in public so he doesn’t feel embarrassment when he does it. It’s a win win! You’ll know the difference between an info dump and a rant easily by the lack of yelling, and he talks a lot faster. 
Another way he shows affection is by showing interest in your hobbies! Depending on the activity he might want to try it. He’ll play video games with you, watch your favorite tv shows and be mindful of any spoilers, he’ll try jigsaw puzzles, try some physical activities he doesn’t usually do like swimming and tennis. He has appreciation for art and your artwork. He may not do it himself because he’s just so impatient but he likes to watch you do your work or do his own work along with you. 🩵
What love language do they like to receive the most?:
Emotional & Intellectual 
What’s a good way to show them love?:  
Be there for him emotionally! This guy doesn’t want to admit it but he clearly wears his heart on his sleeve! (But don’t tell him that or else he’s gonna rant about that idiom 😰) most of the time his emotions are masked by anger but he feels his emotions very strongly. If he’s having an outburst, listen and talk to him and let him know it’s okay. Validate his feelings but let him know that everything is okay. Explain why things are the way things are or the meaning of an idiom if something has him fuming. If he knows he probably will calm down and even if the explanation isn’t enough ,  having someone to listen to you is soothing. Let him know often that you love him because he fears his anger might make you drift off from him. 🩵 
Another wonderful way to show him love is to do as he does-info dump! Tell him about your hobbies, favorite shows, video games, or your favorite animal. He’ll stop right in his tracks and listen to you enthusiastically info dump. He might not understand everything you’re saying but seeing you excited makes his heart melt. He’ll ask plenty of questions about your passion if he isn’t familiar so he can get to know more about you. He will see it as an opportunity to get closer and to have better future engaging conversations about your favorite topics 🩵
What’s their least favorite form of affection?:
Physical- Ghiaccio is a touched starved man but a little touch goes a long way. Too much touch is overstimulating and makes him overwhelmed. There’s a time and place for a loving embrace- like intimate time and sleep time. If you’re feeling down and need a hug or kiss just ask and he’ll give it! He’s mostly just uncomfortable with the unexpected touches. Ask permission and 9 times out of 10 he’ll say yes…in private of course. But he’s no hypocrite, he asks for your permission too. Especially when it comes to intimacy. 🩵
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suzukiblu · 6 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for @qwertynerd97; the wet nurse omegaverse.
That doesn’t make him feel better about either the mistake or the unintentional insult to the kid’s situation, though. 
“Ah,” Bruce says, sparing a moment to mentally kick himself before moving on. He doesn’t have time to dwell on minor missteps; they’ve got priorities here. Clark needs time to collect himself and Carl needs time to settle in, and Alfred needs time to add an extra plate at dinner and an extra mouth who’ll be eating enough to help feed a Kryptonian pup to the grocery list, and he needs to make sure Gotham doesn’t burn down while he’s distracted. Everything else is negotiable. “Well, I hope you won’t mind the clutter. Clark, if you don’t mind, let me show Beta Travers out and then we can go over the paperwork one last time in my office?” 
“Right,” Clark says, exhaling slowly. “Of course.” 
Alfred spares a brief glance for Clark, then leads Carl off with Lor in his arms and a little parade made up of Jon and Damian and an oddly disgruntled-seeming Tim. Bruce reminds himself that he still needs to make sure Tim's not coming down with something later, then goes to showing Travers out. She seems a little stressed, still, but overall relieved to have gotten them to sign the contract, and only obliquely insults Clark another two times on the way to the door. 
She also manages to insult Carl and just about every other omega on the planet, but Bruce will take what he can get. 
“My card, Alpha Wayne,” Travers says at the door as she pulls out an embossed ivory business card and offers it to him, and Bruce extricates himself from thoughts of just what he’s going to do to this agency to smile pleasantly and accept it. “If you have any concerns, please call the agency immediately, any time. We’re at your service.” 
“You’re too kind, Beta Travers,” Bruce lies breezily, tucking the card away before getting the door for her. “Thanks so much for coming out so suddenly, we really appreciate you making the time. Carl seems like a good kid, I’m sure he’ll do great.” 
“Oh, yes,” Travers replies with a rictus imitation of a smile and about negative one thousand faith in that statement. Bruce really wonders why the agency even agreed to send Carl here at all, if she’s so concerned about him being a “concern”. Someone must’ve overruled her somewhere. “We’re so pleased to hear you’re satisfied, Alpha Wayne. Thank you for your business. One of our secretaries will send the invoices over first thing in the morning.” 
“Great, thanks so much!” Bruce says cheerfully, then shuts the door in her face. 
God, what an unbearable woman. 
He’s used to unbearable people, obviously, but there’s unbearable and there’s “unbearable, and also annoying”. Travers’s manners were impeccably rude, and honestly Bruce would’ve thrown her out if they hadn’t needed Carl’s assistance so desperately. He'd considered it even with needing Carl’s assistance. They probably could’ve convinced him to freelance, if they’d offered him a tempting-enough contract. 
Probably not worth the risk, he reminds himself as he heads back across the foyer and towards the back of the house. 
. . . probably. 
Clark is waiting just outside the parlor, looking relieved and stressed and hurt all at once. Bruce gives him a neutral look, and Clark gives him a weak smile in return. 
“How far out is Lois?” Bruce asks, since it’s politer than accessing the tracker he put on her car. Also, faster. 
“Another forty minutes, if the traffic doesn’t get any worse,” Clark sighs. “So a ways, still.” 
“Office, then?” Bruce suggests. 
“We don’t actually need to go over the paperwork again, Bruce,” Clark says, the corner of his mouth ticking up wryly. 
“We do not, no,” Bruce agrees. “But that’s the place the kids are least likely to interrupt us while you work through how you’re feeling about this right now. Also, better scentproofed and soundproofed than anywhere else in the manor.” 
“I’m fine,” Clark says with an attempt at another smile. “Really.” 
Bruce doesn’t even humor him with a dubious look. 
“Then you’re fine to come wait in the office with me,” he replies easily, slipping back into the parlor to pick up their copies of the paperwork. 
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bonny-kookoo · 9 months
Can we have a Drabble of take care Jk just being exhausted and having a little anxiety so he goes to YN to find some relief moment by just seeing her ?
I’m at work and I’m annoyed 😔
I'll provide some comfort until you're free from work 💜
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Sometimes, things can get way too much. And today, he just feels like what he needs is to see at least some proof that he's not a total failure at his job.
There's been a mix up in two patients- nothing bad, but he should've checked twice. The name alert sticker was there, but somehow, he's been so stressed that he really overlooked it.
He barely caught the mistake before disaster.
But one look into your room tells him that his plan was a good one- because you're currently in your bed, but sat up, a small micro puzzle on the bedside table that you're still working on. He's brought a few of them in yesterday to both occupy you, and see how you work them out.
"Hey." He greets you, your tail happily wagging as you watch him walk closer, before he drags a small chair closer to your bed to look at your progress. "Do you like them?" He asks, and you nod.
"...I couldn't.. I had to put them back though." You admit, and he's thoroughly relieved to hear you speak a lot better than yesterday. He'd been a bit worried that you stayed quiet for so long- but you seemingly only needed a bit more time than usual to recover.
He notices quickly how strategic you go at the puzzle- having finished the outside border before you begin to finish it. It's a very interesting sight, and it just shows that there's so many deeper layers to you that just have been undiscovered until now.
"Which one's did you finish?" He wonders, and you show him three little boxes that have clearly been opened. "Already? You're fast, I gotta get you more difficult one's." He laughs, and you smile along, feeding off the praise.
But then your tail falls limp again, as you look at the table a bit more sadly.
"I'll.. Jimin said I'll get discharged on Friday." You say. "Do you.. know where I'll go?" You ask, and he feels his heart clench.
He doesn't know.
Currently, there's no clear plan since it's still two days away, but there's been talks with a nearby carecenter who would take you in for now, and have you set up for individual housing with a caregiver. But for now, you've got nowhere to go.
And he himself still hasn't made a definitive decision, paperwork unsigned back home. He really wishes he could give you a clear answer, but he can't- not yet.
"Dont worry about that." He instead tells you, hand on your head for a second before he stands up.
Leaving you behind, even though he really doesn't want to.
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cibeeorsomeshit · 4 months
teach him your handwriting (ao3)
fluff; established relationship
Blitzø slumped into Stolas’ lounge chair and groaned about paperwork fucking up his life for the eighth time in the past two weeks. Stolas couldn't help but feel like he was missing something.
“Blitzø, darling, do you need help?”
“He finally fucking got it.” Blitzø rolled over and onto Stolas, burying his face into the covered puss that had no right being this soft to lie on. “Moxxie keeps bitching at me to hire someone or get my shit together.”
“I see. And you wish to—hire me?”
“What? No, I can't focus if you're there.” Blitzø groaned immediately and pinched Stolas’ thigh hard enough that it would have bruised if it were anyone but Stolas. “You didn't hear that. I didn't say that.”
“Of course.” Stolas managed to comply before the urge to scoop his lover up and kiss him senselessly overwhelmed him. “How may I help you then?”
“Tell me how you do all those boring admin work. You go through them like drug addicts with a bathtub full of coke.”
“How classy,” Stolas said dryly. “I'm just a faster reader, I suppose”
A beat of silence. Blitzø turned his face so it was no longer smothered between Stolas’ legs and started playing with the fine down feathers on his wrist.
“I can't read very well.”
“I know.”
“Most of the words don't make sense. Moxxie is less of a prissy princess than you but he still came from money. Got all the proper education and all that crap. Our imp circus didn't really — It's not like we're legally required to be educated.”
“Actually, it is a legal requirement for children in entertainment to have 180 days of schooling in a year—”
“No one in hell gave two fucks about legal requirements! We didn't even have safety nets, you think they'll hire a teacher?”
“Well, if you want, I could teach you.”
“You have better things to do than to teach me how to fucking look at words, Stolas.”
“There are rarely things better than spending time with you, Blitzø.”
“…this isn't some weird sexy teacher kink, is it?”
“You think I'm sexy?” Stolas hurriedly pushed down his urge to have every part of Blitzø kissed at least twice, more if Blitzø was in a good mood and let him.
“Fuck you. You know what you look like.”
“I don’t want to overstep.” Stolas pulled Blitzø upright so they faced each other, which was exactly the position Blitzø didn't want to have this conversation in. “I know I can be overwhelming when it comes to things I’m passionate about and it definitely doesn't help that this involves words and you…”
“Ugh, oh my god, don't — you know I don’t think—I just need your he—fuck, I can’t say it. I'm going to be sick.”
Stolas’ smile was all gooey. “Will you satisfy my desire to spend time with you under the pretense of helping you with readings?”
The vaguely nauseated twitches to Blitzø’ mouth smoothed out, along with the rest of his body.
“If that's what you want, you attention whore.” Blitzø half-said, half-purred as he curled up in Stolas’ lap, back spines flared up in pleasure as Stolas’ finger massaged between his horns.
“Thank you for indulging me,” Stolas said, in the most indulgent tone since the beginning of hell, probably.
Spending time with Blitzø in his study or in the kitchen or on the bed pouring over books was what Stolas imagined heaven to be like. They scribbled in the margin of books, Stolas annotating or explaining, while Blitzø took in things in the fascinating way he did. Stolas was enjoying it all way too much to realize his mistakes.
A pile of papers and sticky-notes were dropped onto his desk.
“Ah,” Stolas said, very regal and dignified and not panicking at all. “It seemed I forgot I had some prior engagement I forgot about, but I’m sure you can manage without me. You’ve improved so much, you know—and my library is your to use, so I think I’ll just—”
“Stolas, what the actual fuck.” Blitzø was standing on the desk and towering over Stolas, presumably to assert dominance, even though he did that very well already at ground level.
“To be fair, you told me you don’t read them.”
“Yeah, because I go cross-eyed at your fancy rich people cursive.”
Most of the papers are dented and crumbled because Stolas folded them into little owls or lizards and had them sneak into Blitzø’s office when he was gone. Blitzø always took pictures when he came back and sent them to Stolas, but never indicated that he read them, or even opened them, let alone—
“I didn’t know you kept these.” Stolas said weakly.
Blitzø’s face darkened. “Yeah, well. I have a drawer for them.”
“You do?”
“That’s—fucking hell, that’s not the point! You were just never going to—shit, goddamn it, God fucking damn it!”
Stolas realized Blitzø was genuinely and not simply comically upset, and that made him rather miserable. “I’m sorry,” said Stolas, in a small voice. “I didn’t mean for them to be so upsetting.”
“Well, they are!”
Stolas started to gather all of them and deliberated between the fireplace or some exorbitant spell, maybe he would throw himself into the mix as well. A few blissful moments of oblivion sounded perfect right about now.
But Blitzø snatched all of them back before Stolas could finish and hissed with every part of him, clutching them to his chest with a sort of animalistic protectiveness. Stolas was baffled.
“You’ve been writing me love letters for—for so long and I didn’t even know.” Blitzø bared his fangs. “I thought they were just smut! I made fun of them to people! To you! And you let me!”
“I’m sorry.” Stolas repeated, and stood up when he noticed a shine to Blitzø’s eyes. “I’m so sorry, darling.”
Blitzø bumped his forehead to Stolas’ chest, sunk in, wetting the feathers there. “Why do you let me treat you badly?”
Stolas wrapped his arms around Blitzø tight enough to cut off air. Blitzø forced the words out anyway: “I’ve been trying so hard to make up for the way I was with you before. Now I just keep thinking about how you felt when I fucking…tell you I don’t read them, or that it’s just cluttering up my office, likes they’re garbage. Fuck, Stolas.”
“Please don’t cry, Blitzø. It doesn’t matter now. You’ve been so good to me, don’t you understand?”
“Were you upset? When I said those things?”
“Were you?”
Resigned, “Yes.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Thank you for apologizing.”
Blitzø needed that, to know he was forgiven. He finally wrapped his arms around Stolas. Legs, too. And tail. Sotlas happily sustained all his weight.
“Do you want to take a rain check on our lesson today?” Stolas asked quietly.
“Yeah,” Blitzø mumbled.
“What would you like to do? We can watch a movie, or I can have someone prepare the spa room—”
“I want you to read to me.”
Blitzø stuffed all the letters right into Stolas’ face. “Read them to me.”
“W-well, that’s quite embarrassing…”
“And I’ll reply to them.” Blitzø removed his face from Stolas’ chest and glared up at him, made completely non-threatening with the snot dripping down his face and the way his tail caressed Stolas’ back. “Prepare some fucking coffee, sweetheart, because I don’t care if it takes all night. I’m replying to every single fucking one, and I’m going to do it when I’m balls deep inside you too. Make sure it really gets in there until you never forget.”
“O-oh.” The sensitive place between Stolas’ legs tightened and he could probably just hump Blitzø there like that and finish, but he was so desperate for Blitzø to fulfill his promise that through some sort of miracle he controlled himself long enough to get them back to his bedchamber. And all night it took, alright. Blitzø hadn’t got an ounce of regret when he showed up for work the next day completely sleep-deprived.
It was all good though, since a paper owl was waiting for Blitzø in his office.
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ritsusakumawife · 1 year
Hiii this is my first time ever requesting so I hope I’m doing it right—
If you don’t mind, can I please request a SAGAU/Creator AU! Where the Creator just doesn’t care about their “Godly duties” (Helping people with their requests etc etc)
And instead of getting stressed abt the paperwork they just live their life relaxed and does whatever that comes to mind
(And maybe even spend some time with Kazuha or idk a character of your choice)
Please and thank you! <33
Dw you didn’t do anything wrong! And thank you for requesting <3
I sincerely apologize for any grammar mistakes I tiredly wrote this at 3am
I talk really fast with barely any pauses irl so the convos mayy seem a bit off/odd 😅
Warnings: Super ooc and bad grammar
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Genshin Sagau x Reader
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“Your Grace..Please excuse my rudeness but is it really alright to do this?”
“Mhm! It’s fine it’s fine”
“I said it’s fine. It’s only a couple of papers anyway”
“Besides I’m sure you can handle it Morax”
“If that’s what you truly want then as your humble servant I have no choice but to obey”
“That’s the spirit!” You say while leaving
“Your Grace where are you going?”
“Oh nothing..Just uh going to go out and take care of some important business is all”
“Then, please let me send some escorts with you”
“I don’t need it. It’s only a short trip”
“It’s dangerous out there and it’s already getting dark”
“I promise it’ll be quick! Soo there’s no need to worry Morax”
“At least take one person with you Your Grace”
“Sigh..I already told you I don’t need it— wait..Y’know what, sure”
Zhongli quirks an eyebrow due to your sudden change of attitude
“Anyways, I’m going to go now Mr. Zhongli bye bye~ take care of everything while I’m gone!”
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You go to a nearby field and spot the person you’re looking for
“Kazu! Over here!”
“Ah, your grace. What brings you here?”
“Well~ Care to join me for a short little trip?”
“A trip? Right now?”
“Please forgive me but, it’s getting late your grace”
“I don’t think it’s wise to travel in the dark. There’s a lot of danger waiting to strike”
“Says you. Training out here in the middle of nowhere”
“Aha..Guilty as charged”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. After all I’ll have you with me”
“You’ll protect me, won’t you?”
Kazuha blushes but quickly regains his composure
“Of course your grace”
“Hm? Your grace? Are you alright?”
“This isn’t fair!”
“What isn’t fair your grace?”
“M-Me?” Kazuha stumbles on his words ..Uh word
“Yes, you! How can somehow have such a charming smile”
“And that isn’t all! You, Kaedehara Kazuha, are literally the embodiment of perfection!”
“Perfection!? Aha..You humble me too much your grace”
“Oh, but it’s true!”
“Ahem..Shall we depart for our 'short trip' now your grace?”
“Hey, don’t change the subject— But yes, let us depart now”
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“Your grace, isn’t it time for us to head back now?”
“Hm? Oh, don’t worry~ We haven’t even been gone for that long”
“Are you sure?” Kazuha says worryingly
“It’ll be fine. I’m sure no one but Zhongli has even noticed I’m gone”
“R-Right..” Kazuha doubts your words
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“Sigh..Sometimes I wonder if I’m truly the closest to their grace or if I’m just an assistant..”
“Drinking wine seems like such a good idea right about now..”
“I wonder how their grace is doing”
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“Kazu let’s do it again!”
“I don’t think—”
“Please~ Kazu can we? Please?”
“Alright, just one more time then we’ll head back, deal?”
“Ehe~ I was right to choose you as my companion for this trip”
“Like SpongeBob always says..It’s the best day ever~”
Kazuha smiles softly upon hearing your words
It’s nice to see you relax every once in a while or rather almost everyday he does wonder though, who is this "SpongeBob"?
“Kazu? Kazuha~ Are you there? Hello??” You wave your hands in front of his face
“Ah, right, well then shall we go?”
“Mhm! We shall!”
And with that, you both decide to go for one more round of..Free fall
You could always revive yourself so it’s fine if you die
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pink-sparkly-witch · 11 months
The One That Got Away - Chapter Sixteen
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Warnings: language, angst.
Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Word count: 2.2k
A/N: I didn’t have a beta for this, so all mistakes are mine.
You can catch up here!
 My Masterlist AO3    Ko-Fi
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Another three weeks had passed, and Y/N willed their bad luck wouldn’t strike again tonight. Their last attempt at a second date saw her bedridden with the flu and doubly miserable at another failed attempt to rekindle a relationship with Dean. He had been understanding and told her to rest and drink plenty of fluids, but she knew he must be just as frustrated as she was that Lady Luck seemed to have abandoned all hope on their second chance.
Today though, Y/N felt fit and healthy, Dean wasn’t on shift, and she was spending hers in an empty office catching up on paperwork and overtime claims. She’d instructed her staff to only disturb her if it was absolutely necessary. If things finally went their way, neither should be stuck or injured at work this time, and that thought gave her hope that this would finally be it.
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Dean was full of nervous energy and decided the best way to use it up was to give Baby a long overdue tune-up, clean and polish. It was perfect timing, too, because then she would be looking her best when he took Y/N out to the fanciest restaurant Lawrence had to offer, and by the time he was finished, he’d be a few hours closer to his date with Y/N; it was a win-win.
He wasn’t surprised she’d gotten sick and had to cancel last time. The whole day fate hadn’t been working in his favour, so when her text came through, it was the cherry on top of what had been a really fucking shitty day. When he called her later to see how she was, she sounded dreadful, and he’d immediately offered to come over and look after her. Y/N declined, saying all that would achieve was him getting sick too, and then their date would have to be postponed for even longer.
Knowing Y/N was working today made him a little apprehensive that something would crop up at the last second and force another rain check. Still, he was trying to keep that niggling thought buried. And so, with a coffee-filled travel mug, Dean made his way outside with his tools and got to work sprucing up his second best girl.
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Her message came in at 4pm.
Y/NCheck the news. I’m so sorry, De xx
Dean closed his eyes in frustration and huffed loudly at their atrocious luck. Turning on the news, he watched the aftermath of an overturned lorry on the freeway, blocking the road in both directions and multiple vehicles colliding with it or other vehicles.
“So far,” the news anchor reported, “there have been five fatalities and over twenty people with injuries of varying severity, and several people are still trapped in their vehicles. Emergency workers are doing all they can to free them, with relief crews being called in to assist.
“Meanwhile, Lawrence Memorial Hospital is nearing its emergency patient capacity and has set up an outdoor triage area for the walking wounded, keeping the hospital building free for those with more serious injuries that need attending to.”
His cell rang shortly after, and Dean was only briefly disappointed that it wasn’t Y/N. He knew she’d be swamped, and he probably wouldn’t hear from her until everyone from the accident had been treated. Still, he had a sliver of hope that it might’ve been her.
“Bobby, I just saw the news,” Dean answered the call.
“So you know why I’m calling?” Bobby said, his question rhetorical. “I’m sorry to ask you to work when you’re supposed to have plans tonight…”
“It’s fine. Y/N’s on shift and already sent me a text cancelling. It’ll be all hands on deck at the hospital, so I might as well come in. At least it’ll stop me from drowning my sorrows,” Dean chuckled sadly.
“I’m sorry, Dean. I’m sure you’ll get that date soon,” Bobby replied, but right now, that wasn’t much comfort to the younger man.
“I’m starting to think we should just cut our losses. Maybe something’s trying to tell us something,” Dean scoffed.
“I’m on my way. I’ll be there in ten,” Dean cut in, not feeling in the mood to hear another person say how perfect they were for each other when the simple task of going on a date seemed impossible.
It would be a long night, but at least he’d have work to keep him from spiralling down the self-depreciation hole he usually did when Y/N had to cancel plans.
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With all trapped persons rescued and the accident site secured by police and awaiting cleanup, Dean’s Firehouse had been posted to the triage area at the hospital to help wherever possible. They were giving first aid, handing out food and water, and checking up on patients in the hospital on behalf of concerned family and friends who were outside waiting for news of their loved ones.
He’d even got to speak to Y/N briefly a few times, and those little moments of light in what was otherwise a dark situation had kept his spirits up. And now that the last few patients were being treated, he finally felt he could breathe easier. Maybe, he’d even be able to convince Y/N to go for a bite to eat before they both went home and slept.
Trawling through the hospital’s hallways, Dean’s only focus was finding the nurse who was slowly taking hold of his heart again and taking up most of his thoughts since coming back to town. He almost missed her as he turned another corner and walked down another corridor.
Stepping back to the room he’d just passed, Dean paused at the window, praying he was wrong and that the woman sitting on the floor, arms crossed over her legs and head on her knees, wasn’t Y/N. Opening the door and quietly stepping into the room, his heart ached at the realisation that it was her and that the usually strong and kept-together nurse was in tears.
“Hey, Princess, what’s the matter?” Dean asked, making his way over and crouching in front of her. Y/N looked at him, eyes red and puffy, her cheeks wet with tears, and he threw all caution to the wind as he sat beside her, pulled her into his lap, and wrapped his arms around her.
They remained embraced on the floor for a while before Y/N’s tears stopped, and she’d stopped gasping in shallow breaths between her heartwrenching sobs. Dean was at a loss on what to do at first, but then he remembered that this was Y/N. His Y/N. And though she was stronger than she looked and more capable than people gave her credit for, sometimes the only way she could process her emotions was to cry.
“Sorry, I needed that,” Y/N eventually spoke and wiped at her eyes. “Days like this, when we lose so many people, never get easier to process. Sometimes I just need a little time to cry it all out.”
“No need to explain to me, Princess. I’ve known you my whole life, and I know that if you don’t let it out now, it’ll eat away at you and eventually consume you. I’ll always be here to ground you whenever you feel like that, alright?”
“Thank, De,” she sniffled and smiled softly at him. “I suppose we should get back out there, huh?”
“In a few minutes. The last patients are being treated, and Ellen, Jody, and Bobby have called a staff briefing at 5am. We’ve got a little time to calm you down some more,” Dean kissed her forehead and smiled, wrapping his arms around her a little tighter and pulling her into his body a little closer.
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After urging everyone who’d gathered for the briefing in the hospital canteen to have something to eat before they went home, Dr Ellen Harvelle, Charge Nurse Rowena Macleod, Sheriff Jody Mills, and Fire Chief Bobby Singer thanked their staff for the exceptional job they’d all done in the face of such tragedy and dismissed them from their duties. Reserve police officers and firefighters had started their shifts early to allow those who’d worked all night to go home and rest.
The doctors, nurses and hospital staff who’d been on shift when the accident happened or been called in as backup would be relieved by those who’d either volunteered to stay and work a double shift or agreed to come in on a rest day.
Dean got to have breakfast with Y/N after all, but they were joined by Benny, Bobby, and Jody. He couldn’t complain, though, as he saw the smile come back to Y/N’s face as she talked to Jody and playfully rolled her eyes at Benny’s southern charm and blatant flirting. Dean didn’t rise to the Cajun’s bait, knowing that was exactly what he wanted.
“Now, I know you’re a workaholic, Y/N, but please tell me you didn’t volunteer to stay on?” Uncle Bobby asked with the stern look that never made her listen to him when she was a child and certainly wouldn’t make her listen to him now.
“No, I didn’t. I’ve been working for…” Y/N glanced at the fob watch attached to her scrub top pocket, “twenty-three and half hours. If I stay any longer, I would be endangering the patients, particularly because I haven’t had a break, let alone any sleep.”
“Good. You look like death warmed up,” Bobby stated before shovelling a forkful of scrambled eggs into his mouth.
“Yeah…” Y/N sighed and rubbed a hand down her face. “I feel like it too.”
“Go home, honey, before you fall asleep at the table!” Jody chuckled, and Y/N responded with a lopsided smile before grabbing the empty plate and used cutlery and standing from her seat.
“Alright, I’m going! Uncle Bobby, Jody, I’ll see you Sunday. Benny, it was nice to see you again,” she smiled tiredly at the blue-eyed man.
“You too, cher. Take care of yourself, you hear?” Benny winked at her before digging back into his breakfast.
Dean stood and lifted his used dishes and walked with her to place them on the counter, which was home to all the used crockery. “You doing okay, Y/N?”
“Yeah, nothing a hot shower and a decent sleep won’t fix,” she smiled.
“Alright. Call me later, once you’ve had some sleep?” Dean asked with a raised brow.
“Of course,” she smiled. “I hope you’re going home to get some sleep too?”
“Yeah, we’ll probably have another debrief back at the firehouse, then, I am going home and crawling straight into bed,” he chuckled at her smile of approval and with a final farewell, Y/N left the hospital canteen, grabbed her purse from her locker and went home to sleep.
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Waking up hours later when the sun had gone down, Y/N lay in bed trying to process everything that had happened the past few days. It was always tragic when they lost a patient, and serious incidents like yesterday were awful and never got easier to deal with. In moments like this, it was easier to think of the tens of patients they saved than the six they had lost.
The next thing to cross her mind was Dean. Y/N had been glad he was posted at the hospital because she was really starting to miss him. The first couple of times they couldn’t go on their date, she’d still been able to see him, but she hadn’t seen him in twelve days because she’d been so ill with flu, and she didn’t want Dean to see her like that. Sure, it might have been extremely vain of her to think that way, but she felt it was too soon to be at her absolute worst with him.
Y/N was also disappointed that things kept coming up. Granted, neither of them had chosen what happened to stall progress on their budding relationship. No one could’ve predicted her father would die right after their first date and put any thought of another date onto the back burner for weeks.
Neither of them could’ve guessed that Jess would need to finish work early and Y/N would need to be the one to take her shift, nor could Dean or her have done anything to stop Cas from getting injured on a call. And there was no way either could have foreseen what happened yesterday, resulting in them having to work.
Suddenly, she had an overwhelming pang in her chest and a strong urge to be with him, to say to hell with the fates, dates, plans, and schedules. She just needed to be with him. Needed him.
Knowing Dean wouldn’t be working after pulling an all-night shift, Y/N threw the bed covers off her body and showered. She was going to go over. Who needed a date anyway? She and Dean had been on hundreds of those and, she hoped, would go on hundreds more.
This was no longer about want for Y/N. It was about need.
Next Chapter >>
Tags: @acitygrownwillow @akshi8278 @ashbatz @candy-coated-misery0731 @chriszgirl92 @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @deansbbyx @deanwanddamons @duncanhillscoffeecups @foxyjwls007 @giggles1026 @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @hoboal87 @impala67rollingthroughtown @iprobablyshipit91 @jackles010378 @jamerlynn @jc-winchester @k-slla @kazsrm67 @kmc1989 @lacilou @ladysparkles78 @leigh70 @lyarr24 @maliburenee @michecolegate @mrsjenniferwinchester @nancymcl @negans-lucille-tblr @nelachu2423 @octoberclidan @perpetualabsurdity @roseblue373 @sandlee44 @sexyvixen7 @snackles87 @spnbaby-67 @spnwoman @stixnstripesworld @stoneyggirl2 @suckitands33 @synmorite @tristanrosspada-ackles @twinkleinadiamondsky @waters-2567 @winchestergirl1720
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muridae3 · 1 month
Francis Forever | Harvey x Reader
Harvey reflects on his mistakes when it comes to the farmer.
Based on the song Francis Forever by Mitski
I don’t know what to do without you
Harvey laid awake in bed, unable to sleep but unsure what to do with himself.
I don’t know where to put my hands
He felt so small and alone.
I’ve been trying to lay my head down
Sleep had evaded him since that night.
But I’m writing this at three AM
He looked over at his alarm clock, cringing at the blinking numbers— 3:00 AM. 
He already knew that he would be miserable at work.
But, his patients were important to him, and he resolved to be the best doctor he could, even if that meant starting his day at three in the morning.
I don’t need the world to see that I’ve been the best I can be
After taking a long shower and putting on a fresh set of clothes, Harvey felt much more like himself. He knew he would probably look more disheveled than usual, but he found himself not caring what his clients thought of him. Even though it was only five in the morning, he decided to tackle some paperwork that had been sitting in a forgotten pile at the front desk. 
But I don't think I could stand to be
Harvey worked until the sun came up, satisfied at the slow but steady depletion of papers from the stack. After grabbing a cup of coffee, undoubtedly the first of many to come, he sat back at the front desk, ready and able to help anyone that needed it. 
Where you don't see me
The front door to the clinic opened, and Harvey jumped, half expecting and half fearing the farmer’s presence. But that was a silly thought, wasn’t it? After all, the farmer probably never wanted to see him again after the stunt he pulled.
It was just Maru, arriving for her shift. Harvey relinquished the front desk chair to her before heading back to his office, busying himself with more paperwork and distracting himself from the crushing weight of his thoughts. All too soon, the clock struck noon, and Harvey decided to step out. The fresh air would be good for him. 
On sunny days I go out walking
After picking up some food from the saloon, Harvey sat in the small grassy area next to the town square as he always did. The food was delicious, as always, but after he was finished eating, he didn’t necessarily feel like going back to the clinic. He decided to stretch his legs with a short walk.
I end up on a tree-lined street
Harvey wasn’t quite sure how he ended up at the bus stop. It was peaceful—the trees and flowers looked especially pretty in the fall. 
I look up at the gaps of sunlight
Harvey turned his face towards the sun, trying to avoid looking at the road leading to the farm. Maybe it would improve his mood– after all, sunlight does help the body produce serotonin. 
I miss you more than anything
As he felt the warmth on his face, he heard the sounds of nature and subconsciously thought about what the farmer might be doing. He tried to push them from his mind, but they kept coming back– their smile, their laugh, and their little gifts to him filling his mind’s eye.
I don’t need the world to see that I’ve been the best I can be
Thinking of them reminded him of his own regret. He had been so afraid of what others might think—of the gossip that might spread through town—that he had pushed them away. It was a mistake, an incredibly stupid mistake, fueled by his own self-loathing. 
But I don't think I could stand to be
He opened his eyes, looking down the path leading to the farm.
Where you don’t see me
He took a shaky breath and started towards the farm, trying to organize what he would say in his mind. He owed them an explanation, at the very least. 
And autumn comes and you’re not yet done with the summer passing by
He had spent almost the entire summer with the farmer, and he didn’t care then what the townspeople would have to say. So why was it, then, that he cared so much about what others thought now? He had held feelings for the farmer for weeks now, and he had thrown them away when they were returned, like an absolute idiot. He had tainted those beautiful summer memories with his own self loathing.
But I don't think I could stand to be
He stopped in front of the farmhouse. Even if they never wanted to see him again, he knew he’d sleep better after telling them how he truly felt.
Where you don’t see me
He knocked on the door, swallowing his rising anxiety.
“Harvey? What are you doing here?” The farmer’s voice was laced with confusion. “You don’t look well. Are you okay?”
“I had to see you,” Harvey said quickly, suddenly wishing he had tidied up before coming. “I needed to— I— just—”
“Come inside,” the farmer urged, guiding him to the kitchen table. “What’s wrong? You’re pale as a ghost.”
Harvey’s gaze drifted to the bouquet on the kitchen counter—the one meant for him. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself.
“I came to say… I’m sorry,” he finally managed, unable to meet their eyes. “I’m so sorry.” He blinked back tears that threatened to spill over.
“Harvey…” The farmer sighed softly. “It’s not your fault. You don’t have to return my feelings just because I have them. I should have understood your signals better. This is on me.”
“It’s not that,” Harvey said, his voice trembling. “It’s not that at all. It’s my fault. I was afraid... afraid of what people might think. This amazing new farmer moves to town, and they choose Doctor Harvey, of all people? How lame is that? It could ruin your reputation. That’s what scared me.”
“Harvey… I don’t care about that, and you know it. If people judge me for being with you, so be it.”
He looked at them, startled by their certainty. “You… you really mean that?”
“Of course I do,” they replied, a small smile spreading across their face. “I think you’re pretty cool, even if no one else does.”
“...even though my only hobbies are airplanes and aerobics?”
“Even though your only hobbies are airplanes and aerobics,” they said, their smile widening. “And, for the record, I don’t think those hobbies are lame at all.” They reached for the bouquet on the counter and held it out to him. “I like you just the way you are, Doctor Harvey, and I would be honored if you’d be my boyfriend.”
Harvey blinked, taken aback. “You… you really mean that?”
“If you’ll have me.” they said, a blush coloring their cheeks.
Harvey took the bouquet, then pulled the farmer into his arms, hoping he could be everything they deserved.
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lovezbrownies · 9 months
Yandere! Chief Assistant
Not very yandere yet! There's another post incoming that delves deeper into Yan and reader's relationship here
Name: Siolis Ludenhart
TW: Not much just one monarch being an ass.
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Siolis never really enjoyed their job, they trained and worked hard for it sure, but did they like it? Hell no. Siolis works their ass off for a boss they despise, at least they have a team of subordinates who they like as well. The public know about Siolis, they know how much Queen Nia depends on them, but they don’t know the handful of other assistants Queen Nia has. Queen Nia doesn’t like to work, people praise her for being able to work while also keeping up a social life but she has never worked in her life, since she’s been coronated she had always had a group of assistants working in the shadows, with the best of these twelve assistants being chosen to be the primary chief assistant, being paraded around in public, a buttload of paperwork to do, and having to deal with Queen Nia’s breakdowns daily. 
Yet, as old hires get tired of being overworked and bossed they leave and we have to find new hires for the positions lost, as Siolis searches for a new assistant a certain applicant caught their attention, Y/n L/n, Y/n’s accomplishments and education seemed adequate enough to hire. While Siolis didn’t immediately fall in love with Y/n after seeing the picture attached to their application they can still admit that Y/n was attractive, with eyes that bore into your soul and an endearing smile. Little did Siolis know that the moment they meet will be the first time Siolis will ever feel romantic love for an individual.
Come the day the interview was scheduled, Siolis sat in their private office, though they never stay too long in there, much preferring the comfort of their talkative coworkers than the silence of an empty office. A series of knocks at the door interrupted Siolis’s train of thoughts, ‘’Enter.” Siolis’s voice echoed throughout the office, the door opened showing the applicant as well as one of the other assistants, “Come in, Y/n.’’ Siolis’s eyes never left Y/n’s frame as they move towards where Siolis was sitting, Y/n sat down on the chair adjacent to Siolis’s desk.
It’s been hours since that interview ended, it went well, Siolis can tell they work hard and need the job, however there was one issue. The fact Siolis can’t seem to stop thinking about Y/n, their voice, their face, their mannerisms, their expressions, every small thing they do would make Siolis’s heart skip a beat. It was so frustratingly hard to focus on anything except for their eyes, oh their eyes… It would be difficult to work with Y/n if Siolis can’t function near them, and yet it feels like if they aren’t near Y/n then that would be even more difficult. Maybe it’s best to hire them, if Siolis doesn’t then how will they keep their cool knowing some other person hired them? What if they get hired by a creep? Oh Siolis couldn’t do that, they live and work for the people so obviously, to save this poor creature from suffering at the hands of a creepy boss they will hire them.
Maybe Y/n can help Siolis get used to their office if they sit there with Siolis. It would also be best if Y/n followed Siolis everywhere, even to important meetings with Queen Nia and all the other nations of the world. If anything Queen Nia owes them at least this, they need their own personal assistant, Y/n, because if they don’t then they’ll be overwhelmed and won’t be able to work, now we wouldn’t want that do we? No no not at all! Maybe they can sit in each other’s laps while working, it would double work efficiency and the other can spot any mistakes in the paperwork !
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mageofseven · 1 year
The Boys and Therapy
Let's face it; there's not a single man in Obey Me who couldn't benefit from therapy. At least three of them have daddy issues, about six of them still grieve Lilith's exit from their life (since Satan wasn't a physical person yet, I don't think he hurts over it as much as the others) at least three of them have issues non parent family issues, three of them at minimum are constantly under stress, and almost ALL of them have been through some sort of trauma.
Honestly, this list could go farther, but Imma just jump into the post~
Please enjoy 🥰
Therapy In the Devildom
First off, I would like to explain how I see therapy in the Devildom. It's a relatively new practice in the realm, brought in by the cultural exchange program started in the first game (I cannot imagine therapy being a thing here during the time of Nightbringer since things are so chaotic and the people were still so closed-minded).
Devildom is a place where secrets are treasured more than grimm. Even a greed demon, when given the choice between a vault near-bursting with grimm or a single secret about some demonic duke, would choose the secret every time because it's intrinsic value is so much more in this realm.
So when therapy was beginning to become a practice here in the Devildom, they simply could not afford to go about it the same ways humans did; laws simply were not enough to keep the client's secrets safe.
The job of a therapist is considered a prestigious one in the Devildom, carrying with it the status of being a staunch member of the Aldatu faction (a political party in the Devildom dedicated to change and the chaos that comes with it, the 'true demon way'; they oppose the Traditionalist faction and are backed by Diavolo himself).
Such prestige made it easier for the demons pursuing these jobs to accept the innumerable amount of curses placed on them so they couldn't reveal their clients' secrets. Of course, there were checks and balances to this though. If any secret involved a severe law being broken or if the client revealed plans to hurt themself or others, they had assigned curse breakers to help them through the process.
This process helped a lot of demons feel comfortable enough to seek their services.
This is how the Boys found themselves seeking such services as well.
This man was pushed into it by Diavolo.
The Avatar of Pride was more stressed at this time than the prince had ever seen and that is saying something.
Honestly, Dia was worried his friend was on the verge of popping out another Satan so attending therapy was non-negotiable.
His brothers were so weirded out by this turn of events. I mean, Lucifer? Talking about his feelings? To a complete stranger??? In what realm could this actually work out?
The pride demon spent most of the first couple sessions in silence; he told Lord Diavolo that he would attend such meetings, not that he would truly participate in such unnecessary--
Ok, this demon was good. Too good. The therapist had somehow tricked him into talking about some basic stressors. Nothing from the core of the oldest's pain, but some surface level things like dealing with piles of paperwork taller than himself and his brothers' usual hijinks.
Lucifer found himself looking forward to the weekly sessions, but would adamantly deny it if anyone asked.
Diavolo could tell that it was doing his friend some good though and for that, he was grateful.
I don't know if Lucifer would ever talk about anything important to the therapist and if he did, it would probably take decades a least to bring up topics like his Father and Lilith.
Still, therapy ended up being a good experience for this pride demon.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Seeing his brothers as grown ass men who need to make their own mistakes in order to learn.
This is something the pride demon struggles with. Sometimes, he has no issue letting his brothers handle their own issues; others, he hovers over them and lectures them profusely like a concerned and angry mother.
Realizes that, on some level, he doesn't actually want his brothers growing up. He's been raising them since he himself was a child after all so for them to grow up and not need him anymore...what would he do then? His life has been surrounded around them all this time. A life where they don't need him...it sounds empty and not a life he'd know how to live.
Was dragged there by Lucifer, who was honestly done with him after the 1200th time he tried to steal from the castle.
That was the surface reason anyway, the 'straw that broke the camel's back' so to speak
But the older brother had been thinking about sending the second brother there for a while now.
Behavioral issues aside, Lucifer knows his brother suffers from some self esteem issues and wants him to address them.
Mammon complained and treated it like a pain, but in truth, he had been thinking about going for a while, but was too embarrassed and didn't want his younger brothers giving him crap for it.
When he went to his first session, the greed demon was awkward as all hell
But his therapist really had a way of making him comfortable.
Unlike his older brother, there really wasn't a lot that was off the table for him to talk about, though the deeper topics took some cajoling from the professional.
He talked about a variety of things, from the crap he gets from his brothers and their 'scummy' comments, Lilith, memories from the Celestial realm...
Lucifer himself.
Main issue he works on in therapy: his relationship with his older brother.
As much as he cared about Lilith, this man never fought in the Celestial War for her; he fought for Lucifer. There is nothing his brother could do that he himself wouldn't jump in and help him with.
Mammon fucks up a lot and while some of those fuck ups are genuine...
Some are on purpose. For Lucifer.
I think Mammon is the only brother who truly understands the oldest and to a level that even Lucifer might not fully be aware of.
He knows, or maybe just senses, his older brother's need to be needed and gets in trouble so Lucifer will have to punish him, have to feel like Mammon still needs direction in life.
Not only that but...the second brother has come to realize just how much he needs his big brother's attention, even when it's negative.
When you boil it all down, Mammon and Lucifer's relationship has never really been that healthy.
The two depend on each other more than they are willing to admit and a lot of it isn't in a healthy way.
This was an incredibly painful realization for this man, but an important one
And one he still isn't sure if he wants to change.
One of the brothers whose asses got put in therapy as soon as the practice became stable enough to be safe in the Devildom.
Agoraphophic, socially anxious, extremely low self esteem? This man needs it.
Fortunately, he was allowed to attend therapy virtually in the beginning.
He was still pretty quiet during the first session, but managed to open up a bit towards the end and had an easier time as he attended more sessions.
Levi grew to really like going to therapy because his therapist would let him talk about the things he enjoyed; he wasn't just restricted to talking about the bad and that made him feel really comfortable with the other demon.
He could start by talking about TSL and Ruri-chan before sliding into topics like his insecurities and things his brothers do on a regular day that make him feel bad about himself.
He talked about The Fall and the life he lived before it; what he missed, what he hated, what he desperately wished he had back...
And came to the conclusion that he didn't so much miss or even care about the Celestial realm. It was nothing more than a controlling, hypocritical place after all.
What he did miss was his childhood, where being his awkward, silly self was encouraged instead of judged.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Loving himself despite whatever other think or however he perceives their opinion of him to be.
Leviathan is great how he is and the main person who needs to understand that is himself.
Oh boy, this man was difficult to drag there 😅
Anything Satan thinks might insinuate that he is 'broken' is too big of an insult to tolerate.
It took some real encouragements and long talks with MC to even humor the idea of going
But he did, eventually.
Was very adamant about not speaking to the therapist during the first session, but his anger got the better of him and he said a lot, some actually being productive and not just name calling and threats slewed at the poor therapist.
Another brother whose first sessions were online, though more so for the therapist's safety than Satan's own comfort.
Eventually, Satan realized the sessions were actually beneficial for him and liked how much lighter they made him feel
So the threats towards the other demon diminished and the sessions became calmer.
Occasionally he would snap at the poor therapist again and would actually feel bad about
But the therapist would forgive him because look! Progress!
Avoids talking about Lucifer for the longest time, but eventually brings up his issues about his...father with the other demon.
His existential issues and his feelings about his father where all twisted together, making him so very sensitive about it all.
By being born the way he was, Satan was brought into this world as a complete mess. Emotions so strong that even a grown man couldn't deal with suddenly forced upon a small and helpless babe.
Satan grew up tortured by anger and pain that wasn't even his and it formed him into the man he was today; it wasn't fair, but he grew to accept that Lucifer truly didn't do it on purpose
But those thoughts just led to him feeling unwanted, a burden thrusted upon Lucifer and his brothers that they had to deal with.
That only made the blonde even more compelled to find himself an identity outside of Lucifer, outside of being the a life who was forced from his body with all of the former trauma he carried.
Just who was he? For years, he collected knowledge and hoped it'd bring him purpose, bring him respect from others and be seen as his own person, but it never made him feel more complete.
He still didn't understand most emotions that he wasn't born with, even when they overwhelmed him.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Understanding his emotions, both what he's feeling and why, and also becoming more comfortable with himself.
Told his brothers he was going to therapy to keep himself "just as beautiful on the inside as he was on the outside"
But in truth, he started going because he wanted to be a good influence on his brothers and show them that therapy really isn't all that scary and it could help them too.
In truth, Asmo didn't realize just how vulnerable it would make him feel though.
When he got too uncomfortable, he'd change the topic or try flirting with them to distract them, but his therapist always kept him on track.
He spoke a lot about the Celestial realm, all of the great times that he had there, but grew to understand that it wasn't truly the place he missed, but the time.
After all, it was a lot easier to keep smiles on his on his siblings' faces back when they were all kids and Asmo himself was the Jewel of the Heavens.
Since moving to the Devildom and losing Lilith...it's become so much harder to make his brothers happy and even he himself has to force himself to be positive for their sakes.
That's always been his job, raising his brothers' spirits and he took it just as seriously as Lucifer took his job of protecting them and Mammon and Beel took supporting Lucifer.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Learning that its okay to not be okay sometimes, both in regards to himself and his brothers, and that he's not responsible for his brothers' emotional states.
Sometimes people just need to be sad and that's okay! No one can be happy all the time and if his brothers are going through a tough time, he can support them without taking responsiblity for the rough time they're in.
Joined a couple days after Asmo did; he understood his other man's message and signed up for therapy himself in order to be a good influence on their other brothers.
Their family was a mess; Beel knew this all too well.
If going to therapy and talking about the mess from his perspective could help his brothers in any way, especially with encouraging Belphie to do the same, then this man will go with no hesitation.
This demon is naturally the quiet sort so it's a bit difficult to truly start the process despite his willingness, but he eventually gets into the flow of all of it.
Mostly talks about The Fall, how he lost his sister and the guilt he feels towards both her and Belphie.
Sometimes he wonders if he made the right choice in saving Belphie despite knowing he never truly made one; when he saw what that Celestial archer was about to do and Belphie's eyes met his own...he just ran to his brother without thinking, causing the archer to choose to shoot Lilith instead.
That moment changed everything for his family and so much suffering followed...
He's grateful that event led to MC's eventual birth, but the guilt he carries from pain he caused his brothers is immeasurable.
If only he could have saved both, if only MC could have still been born if he did...
There was so much he wished.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Trying not to carry the past with him every second of the present. Though tragic, the past is the past and he has so many reasons to be happy in the present.
It will take a long time working on this issue to make some good progress with it, but what matters is that he is trying just like he hopes his other brothers will.
Another brother who was forced into therapy by Lucifer.
This man has been extremely depressed in the most obvious way possible for centuries so of course he needs therapy.
Really, really fought it to the point where he was escaping the therapy sessions out the bathroom window and Lucifer would have to track him down at a shop or sleeping on bench in a random park.
It made things easier when Beel started to go therapy though. Seeing Beel take the time to work on his issues made the younger twin feel like he should be trying too...
But he still didn't like it.
He was very, very slow in opening up. Like, I'm talking months of just talking about trivial shit till finally he grew more comfortable to truly speak his mind about what he's gone through.
His survivor's guilt was strong and he truly believes he shouldn't be alive, not when his little sister was gone...
Therapy really cut open some old wounds and for awhile, it seemed like this man was more depressed than ever.
Slowly though, he became stronger from it all and the past started to hurt just a little less.
He loved Lilith with every ounce of his being, but carrying this guilt was not going to bring her back nor would she have wanted him to feel guilty.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Letting the dead rest and himself truly rest as well. Yes, Lilith is gone, but she lived a happy life as a human with the person she loved. His loss was her gain and if you have to lose at all, isn't this the best scenario? That someone you love was happy and free and had their dreams come true?
This issue might take a demonic lifetime to work through, but little bits of progress are made every day and his brothers grow to see that in him
And for now, that's enough.
Attending therapy was something stuck on this prince's mind for some time now.
It stayed that was for a long time without even speaking it aloud.
Eventually, he did bring it up to Barbatos and his friend heard him out so patiently.
Barb has always sought to be a comfort to the prince, but recognized that he was not a professional so there was very little he could do in the long term for him.
The butler told him that therapy sounds like a good idea and that believes Dia could get a lot out of it.
Though Diavolo is usually a pretty expressive guy, that really didn't extend to strangers who he was paying to listen to him.
He went slow with the therapist, first only speaking about his workload and how almost every moment of his life was planned out for him because of said workload
Then it lead to his father's deep slumber, the very cause of all the responsibility that was dropped on him
And eventually led to him talking about the strict childhood that his father gave him and how he grew up without his mother
And just how incredibly lonely he has always been.
The arrival of Lucifer definitely helped with that last part, but the prince still wished he wasn't so sheltered and alone while growing up.
Main issue he works on in therapy: time management and how to make the most out of the present.
There was so much of life he missed out on when he was younger, but it didn't have to be like that forever.
With the help of both his therapist and Barb, he was able to manage his time a lot better and make the most of his time off by trying new experiences.
It was easier to handle his past when his present became so much more fulfilling.
Only really went at Diavolo's request.
In truth, the butler felt that therapy was unnecessary for himself, but wanted to give the prince some peace of mine so he agreed.
His opinion of therapy doesn't change no matter how long he goes.
He starts going once a week at Diavolo's insistence
And mostly talks about the stress he feels with looking out for the man.
He looks young so even other demons assume he is either about Diavolo's age or younger.
In truth, he is older than the prince and has been looking out for him since Dia was a small child.
Barbatos has essentially filled the roll of second parent since Dia's mother died in childbirth.
Though a butler, his role used to be more of a nanny; he cared greatly for the man who was currently drowning in the responsiblity and has spent so long just trying to make life easier for him
Resulting in Barbatos neglecting himself over the years for the sake of the prince.
Main issue he works on in therapy: setting some time aside for himself.
Because of his job, Dia will always need Barbatos to some degree
But the prince is also a grown man now and can function as such without Barb being there 24/7
Starts taking one day off a week and attends therapy once a month, something that makes both Barb and Dia feel better.
Honestly, most people don't know he attends therapy and that's how he prefers it.
He never really thought much of therapy, not in regards to himself anyway.
For other people? It was a useful tool. For him? He simply believed he's been around too long for it to help.
I mean, he was literally born in 990 B.C.E.
He was older than even some of the demons he interacted with.
He was unique, but that didn't feel as much of a good thing as he pretended it was.
His existence was a lonely one, but he hid such thoughts away.
He started going to therapy because of Simeon, because of his angel friend's gentle nudges to do so, and eventually he caved.
He went to weekly sessions and was honestly more uncomfortable than he directly expressed to his therapist.
The sorcerer always kept a light smile on his face, even when he talked about the immortality that he never wanted
Because he didn't want it.
In truth, he doesn't really remember much before he became immortal. A side effect the experiment gone wrong, he assumed, because surely he didn't purposely do this to himself.
He vaguely remembers being a king in the Human realm, a job he never wanted but was thrusted upon him buy the angels' Father, who Solomon himself worshipped at the time.
Other than that...his memory of that time is very fuzzy and it's always bothered him.
He just carries around this feeling that...that he's forgetting something important
While also carrying another, even greater feeling, that he doesn't want to know
But at the same time, he does! It's been driving him mad for thousands of years.
It felt like he had lost part of himself when he became immortal and it hurt just as much as the pain he felt from loosing others in his life from time.
Main issue he talks about in therapy: Stressing himself out about the past won't help him now or in the future. Yes, his life is long and he is tired, but the best way to cope is by seeking new experiences that make life worth living
Which he tries hard at...but can't help the tug at his brain that seems to want him to remember the past
And whoever 'Naamah' was.
Decided to go after convincing Soli to do so.
Simeon as his own problems, same as his human friend, and worried he might be perceived as a hippocrite if he didn't try to work on his own as well.
Very much wanted to be seen as a person who takes his own advice, so to speak
But therapy wasn't an easy thing for him.
I mean, he's an angel. It's his job to help others, guide them into making safe and healthy choices for themselves
So to be the one being helped instead of the helper was really new to him and felt very unangelic of him.
Main issue he talked about: growing so attached to the Devildom.
I mean, this place was as different from the Celestial realm as anything could be and he was taught that it was such a bad place because of it
But that didn't match his own experience here and that caused him to feel so conflicted.
The Devildom was a place of freedom while the Celestial realm was a place of order
And though, like most angels, he found comfort in that order, he also saw beauty in the chaos of the Devildom
Simeon has to grow to understand that life isn't in black and white, that things don't have to be only one or the other.
Both the Devildom and the Celestial realm can be good places despite being opposites
And it's a lesson he was so grateful for learning, feeling like he was really helping himself grow as a person and as an angel too.
After being in the Devildom for a while, the small angel had become more quiet, distracted even
And it worried his guardian, especially when the child wouldn't talk about it with him.
Simeon eventually enrolled Luke in therapy, something that was so new to the child that his curiosity made him open to trying it.
Since he was still just a child, his sessions weren't the same as it was for the men on this list.
Instead, Luke was brought into a room full of different toys and told he could play with whatever he wanted as long as he answered the therapist's questions as he did so.
The angel was a bit apprehensive at first, but so grew to enjoy his visits to the therapist.
He often chose to make fake sweets out of play dough or draw while the therapist talked to him
And would often bring the drawings home to PH as gifts for Simeon and Solomon.
Simeon always hung the pictures on the fridge with a proud smile on his face
While Soli would hang them up in his room on the wall to the point where he was taking down the expensive paintings that came with the room in favor of giving the child more space to fill with his art.
Main issue he talked about: growing to like the demons around him while also worrying Michael won't like him anymore if he knew Lukey was friends with them.
The child tried so hard to keep to the belief that demons are bad just like Michael taught him. He really, really tried
But he had a lot of fun here in the Devildom, especially baking with Barbatos, who the small angel started to see as his best friend, but was too scared to admit it.
Would Michael not like him if he found out Luke is friends with the demon butler?
His therapist ends up helping him see that it's always good to make friends and often the bad reactions we think those around us would give about something is often just our brain scaring us.
Ends up talking about this Simeon when he gets home after this session.
The older angel held him close and told him that the therapist is right, that it's always good to make friends and that he has nothing to worry about.
The next time he bakes with Barbatos, he tells the demon how he feels, how he sees him as his very best friend and how he looks up to him.
Barb smiled at the child and patted his head, telling Luke that he sees him as a good friend as well
And the child spent the rest of the baking session blushing and hanging off the older man.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 9 months
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NOT THE SHAKY LINES AROUND DRAXUM TOO (That alone gives me angst pangs 😭) HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm perfectly normal about this guy what do you mean :')
This does beg the question though- have you thought about where Draxum was during the invasion? (within the lore/au/etc of this story/comic, at least?) Why WASN'T he there when Mikey almost died?
food for thought :3 and fun
I love this comic so much 😭 uyghjdfqwseuhghugsivyjbhkjdcvb
(Real quick cuz I love this detail— but if you look closely you can see that the shaky lines surround just Draxum in one panel… but then spread to Mikey too when he starts crying.)
I heard one theory that Drax was out of the country getting magic supplies and junk… I like that idea, of him traveling to Japan to learn about ancient Yokai culture and legends…
But personally I think he was just. Busy. Or trapped. Similar to how Cass was there, she just wasn’t “there” there. I assume that he was either at the school, at his apartment, or down in the Hidden City somewhere. He probably wanted to find the guys but got caught up in the Krang attacking wherever he was, and didn’t get a chance to call them or check in until a fair amount of time after everything was done.
{For my comic of Draxum’s Nightmare, however, I like to think that he was doing nothing in particular. He was relaxing, enjoying his day, plotting some mad scientist stuff, and didn’t even hear about the Krang attack until hours after it was over. He was maybe in the Hidden City shopping and renovating his lab, doing some fine work, maybe getting a new robe too, and of course filing paperwork with the Council of Heads so that he was no longer a wanted (goat) man. And then when he goes home to his apartment, via portal of course, he turns on the TV and sees the news. His heart drops as he realizes what he missed. Draxum is not a begging man, but he actually begins to pray that they all made it through safely or survived, because of course they’d be in the middle of it. His phone blows up with texts from April and Mikey and Donnie and Raph and probably not Leo except for a meme that says “I lived, sheep man!” with him giving a peace sign while he lies on a stretcher with a leg cast and arm cast and enough bandages to qualify him as a mummy. But they lived. They are okay… mostly. They didn’t need his help after all. Sure, it might’ve been easier if he was there, but there’s no point in dwelling on the “what ifs”, especially since it all worked out. Splinter calls. Cassandra calls. Mikey calls. He goes to help them and hears about the entire battle… not like he was worried, he’s seen what they can do— MIKEY DID WHAT.
Oh heads.
And his greatest fear haunts him. Because… he wasn’t there. And one small mistake could have cost the life of the one Hamato that saved him… changed him… accepted him. When no one else did. When everyone saw him as either a failure or a villain… and he could have lost that one precious child.
And he could have helped, he knew what to do! He knew how to use that kind of magic and he’s had experience opening portals to other dimensions!! HE COULD HAVE DONE IT BUT MIKEY DID AND HE HAD NO IDEA HOW TO DO THAT AND IT SHOULD HAVE KILLED HIM—! …Mikey should be dead at this very moment.
And Draxum would never have had a chance to say goodbye.}
I hope you enjoyed that haha
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artsybelle1015 · 2 years
Azul x Chubby!Confident!Reader
His friend tilted his head, smiling though in amusement. He had expressed to Jade about these thoughts, which was a mistake now he realized. This irritated Azul, it would be a foolish idea to bring you in…
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Warnings(!!!): body insecurities, talk about bullying, self esteem issues, other than that it’s all good! SPOILERS FOR BOOK 3!!!
He hated you deeply.
It wasn’t fair, how come you were liked? He was your weight in his childhood, yet was ridiculed all his life for that.
How could you not hate your chest, stomach, arms, and legs? It made no sense to him.
You were a pulled apart puzzle, needing to be pieced together, or at least that’s how he felt about you in his mind. Most of his thoughts whenever he saw you in the halls or at Mostro Lounge was how were you able to be so happy, how were you not bullied, what made you so special that he lacked.
“Ugh, you’re still thinking of Shrimpy?” Floyd whined, laying himself across the couch in Azul’s VIP room, giving a dramatic body language to accentuate his boredom. “Why don’t you just ask, you were probs just unlucky.”
Azul glared up at his supposed friend and subordinate. He was trying to get paperwork done, but a part of him was distracted heavily, and Floyd clearly caught onto it.
In his mind, he kept wondering about you, whether he wanted to or not. You were just an impulsive thought to him.
With a sigh, Azul finally spoke, “Floyd, I would appreciate if you headed out the door.”
Floyd laid on his stomach, kicking his legs and smiling. “Are you in love with shrimpy?”
A jolt happened with Azul, eyes wide and face red. That was not expected, he was not prepared for such a thing. No, he did not love you, what a putrid thought. He was simply curious about your mentality…
“Oyyy~ am I correct~?” Floyd cackled.
“You are in fact incorrect,” Azul scoffed, face still on fire, “and I think this is your cue to leave.”
The normally stubborn and moody Floyd stood up and headed to the door with a smile, simply leaving. Azul knew he was about to cause mayhem.
He was absolutely correct, Floyd informed Jade of the misunderstanding. Now Jade was giving Azul a look, a creepy smile forming and slowing a slight glimpse of his sharpened teeth.
This made Azul continually redden throughout the day and get sloppy with his business man persona.
It’s ridiculous, Azul thought. I don’t not like the Prefect.
Although he swore to himself and the twins that was the case, but his actions spoke in a different way.
Ever since Floyd asked that really dumb and specific question, Azul couldn’t help but notice you even more. The way you walked, how you smiled, how you looked sleepy, how you were with your first year friends and Grim. It was all becoming enchanting. You were so interesting.
It became less about your body and more about you. He just loved every part of you from top to bottom.
There was no hatred in your heart, it was him projecting his insecurities onto you in his mind.
“Just tell them that,” Jade cooed.
Azul pushing up his glasses, having a pink tinted face. “I will not.”
His friend tilted his head, smiling though in amusement. He had expressed to Jade about these thoughts, which was a mistake now he realized. This irritated Azul, it would be a foolish idea to bring you in…
“Yo, boss, shrimpy’s here~” Floyd called out, opening the door without consent.
And there appeared you, standing there confused and having your arm in a death grip by Floyd. Azul jumped and became more red seeing you.
Jade chuckled, “My, Azul, we were just talking about the Prefect now, weren’t we?”
Angry eyes flicked to Jade, he had pieced together they were setting him up now. He decided to take charge and speak up, keeping his eyes off you of course, but his voice stuttered despite that, “W-well Prefect… you are f..free to leave if you… you so like.” The businessman persona was completely gone.
“But Floyd told me you needed talk to me,” you inquired, a little puzzled look from his behavior. Floyd finally letting you go so you could walk over to him.
Floyd snickered and motion for Jade to head out with him.
And so they did, leaving only you and Azul, who had a pure red face.
“What’s up?” you decided to ask, weary of the shady business man, but decided to take a seat across the couch from him.
Taking a deep breath, Azul finally looked at you. He looked so vulnerable and like his teenage age, he was in love. Love was something he kept distance, mainly preserving for his family. There was no preparation for the outcome he could fall in love with another like him too.
He had expected if he were to have a lover they would also be as hard-working and able to adapt to other people, but you didn’t try to change yourself for others. In fact, no one minded you, you were loved. He was both jealous and happy about that. You deserved it after all. This was more attractive to him than he originally thought.
“Why don’t we make a deal?” he muttered.
You scoffed, “Is that why I’m here?”
“No… no, I promise I won’t… try to hurt you… I just…” he was stammering on, trying to think of the words to say, “I’m not sure how to use my feelings…”
The originally annoyed Prefect gave a soft look, you were amazed hearing Azul out of all people say that. It was sweet.
“Well… I’m interested in you, and I know we haven’t talked as much,” he exclaimed, finally cooling down and feeling a bit more prideful. “Would you like to spend time with me sometime soon? Just the two of us? No business deals or contracts… if you desire.” He gulped, antsy about your answer that his leg began to bounce.
You chuckled, thinking on it a bit, then looking to him with a blush across your face. “Sure! Thank you.”
He made a stupid smile at that and pushed up his glasses. “How about we exchange phone numbers.”
The two of you exchanged numbers, and you headed off, Azul’s heart was racing so fast. How could you be so perfect? Although he was quite upset with Jade and Floyd, they had helped him.
Who knew he could fall in love with someone who reminded him of his deepest insecurities?
Author’s Note: I hope this is okay I didn’t really want to make a super long post because I’m a bit tired going back to school and it not being a weekend. My friend requested for me to do this so shout out to them!
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Secret Smile: Futility (Chapter Eight)
Secret Smile | Javier Peña x female reader
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Summary: Before returning to Colombia to get things right this time, Javi’s childhood best friend asks him to keep an eye out for his sister while they’re both stationed in the embassy. Only you don’t need Javier to keep an eye you her. Your role as a new legal advisor is all about keeping an eye on him after all. Sparks fly, lines will be drawn and broken and there’s everything to lose.
Word Count: 3.5k Chapter Warnings: 18+ blog, language, mentions of alcohol, reader has a nickname (Blue) but no physical descriptors are used, un beta’d. Notes - Thanks, as always, for all your lovely comments and reblogs to this fic so far. It means the world to me.
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It feels like the case is falling apart. Jurado won’t testify without Christina and no one knows where she is at the moment.  There are whispers rumbling and none of them are good.
Javi’s become accustomed to racing heartbeats, to surges of adrenaline as he tries to make sense of the cards in front of him. He can feel everyone’s eyes on him, the weight of expectation after he arrested Gilberto.
He needs something else, another option to bring this cartel down.
They go ahead with the plan arrest Miguel, to act decisively, to bring it down once and for all. Feistl has his informant, Natalia, and there’s a plan.
Javi and his team do everything right. They don’t say who the target is; they even bring the damn prosecutor with them to sign the warrant there and then to help keep this quiet, assure the mission’s integrity. They keep the target secret; they have the intelligence that he is in that house. Everything is prepared.
He follows the rules, follows the guidance and your careful considerations. In the moments before it starts, he is sure Blue would be pleased he stops Feistl barging in against the local laws. The prosecutor is reluctant to help but he finally signs the paperwork.
It’s a good plan. Until the local police turn up, until they point out the unblocked exit, until, until, until …
They still fail. They fuck up; they’re moments from getting Miguel and are told the raid isn’t legal, that it’s over.
 Javi knows that Miguel was behind that wall, is probably laughing at them all right now, at their failed attempt, at their incompetence, at Javi’s mistakes.
He thinks back to that night, to the work and preparation that went into it. He felt like himself for a second; in a shirt and tac vest instead of a claustrophobic suit, being at the scene with the intelligence rather than reading it in a report.
 Every minuscule step forward he makes is thwarted with gigantic stumbles backwards. Javi set this path in the motion the day he arrested Gilberto so he needs to see this through. He needs to make this work.
Javi neatens the tie around his neck and looks at you. You look serious; he’s watched you smooth out imaginary creases on your suit jacket at least twice in the last ten minutes.
“We’ve got this,” you say softly, looking at him and Feistl and then at the Ambassador approaching in the distance.
He knows you’re lying.
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You take a long gulp of coffee and rest your head against the sofa. The past few weeks have been draining. You thought it was bad enough telling Javi everything that had happened in DC, but quickly after that work had escalated and when the arrest of Miguel failed and they threatened to pull everyone on the raid’s visas?  You’ve been juggling a lot. The two of you have barely been able to talk about what you said on the plane weeks ago.  You’re glad of that.
You don’t want to dwell on the past, you don’t want to go backwards. Somehow talking to Javi about DC changed something within you; it hurt at first. It bought up all your ghosts and agonies. Then it subsided though and in the wake of those memories, you felt different. It’s as though you have forged the broken pieces of yourself together with something stronger, something that makes you more resilient.
It doesn’t hurt so much to think about it now. It’s there; the dull ache that hasn’t subsided, but it’s different.
You were scared after you told Javi that things would change between the two of you; that Javi would think you weak, or even worse, he would change how he was around you. Things have been normal though, or as normal as they can be.
“Are you sure you can trust him?” you ask quietly, after considering what Javi has just told you he plans to do to get Christina back.
“No, but I - I don’t see another option right now. The cartel paid for Christina to be -” Javi breaks off and looks out of the glass windows of his office. “I need to go and get her.”
You don’t need Javi to elaborate on what he’s thinking. You don’t want to think about what Christina may be going through, how terrified she may be right now.  It is so like Javi thought to decide he’ll be the one to get to her, to not delegate the role but to see it through.
“And then Jurado will talk, I’ll get the deal back, Javi. We can get him to translate the ledger you found?”
“That’s the plan, cariño. There are two people who can translate that ledger - him and the accountant and we only have Jurado right now.” Javi moves off the desk he was perched against.
You’ve noticed his habits over the many months you’ve worked together now; how he leans against furniture, how he prefers a shirt and jeans to suits, how he naturally wants to loosen the top buttons of any shirt he wears, to always show a tantalising amount of neck. He has freckles there; sometimes you’ve wanted to count them, to place a delicate kiss on each one.
You can’t though. There’s the case, there’s your history, there’s too much.
“So, you’re off into the jungle again?” you ask, a mischievous smirk on your face.
“I promise won’t wear my best shoes this time,” he says lightly, squeezing your arm briefly as you move to stand next to him.
“Well, that’s some progress I suppose.”
“I’m trying.”
“I know, I know you are. Look, Javi, we’ll get through this. You’ll get Christina and then we have the money, we have Jurado’s testimony. We’re getting there - you’re getting there.”
“Thanks, Blue.”
“Just be safe, Javi. I don’t like the sound of this guy.”
“Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea.” Javi pauses then adds, “I’ll be safe, don’t worry,” he says softly, his eyes meeting yours with an unspoken promise.
Things fall apart quickly and the confirmation from Salcedo there’s a link brings all the puzzle pieces together at last.
Javi watches your face carefully as he tells you everything he knows; that the leak may be in the government, that Jurado is dead, murdered in prison and that he was this close to arresting Miguel before he was stopped. He confesses that they seem to know all of his moves, that the stacks of cards he’s carefully constructed is being systematically destroyed and he’s not sure he can stop this.
He has a matter of hours to make this right and he can’t even get to Cali. He’s stuck here in Bogota and it’s not enough.
“Javi, they’ve asked for all my files too,” you say softly, “I - I don’t know how we can fix this one. I spent hours talking to the local office today and - I don’t think I can fix this.” You’re not looking at him and Javi wonders if you think he’s disappointed in you. He’s not, he can’t be anything more than amazed that you’ve fought with him as hard as you have, that you’re still here with him.
He looks at you, exhales the smoke from his cigarette and confesses the next part of his plan. “We’re going to arrest Miguel today.”
”If I still have until the end of today, we can still get him before then. You and I both know that it won’t happen after today. So, it happens now, or it doesn’t happen at all.”
“Javi, I -  okay. Okay. What do you need from me?”
“I’ve got a plan with Feistl and Van Ness. I’ve - I’ve spoken to General Serrano just now and it’s going ahead, we - we have a plan. We make him move, make him leave his safehouse or wherever he’s hiding and then we get him.”
You tilt your head as you take in the plan and then nod. “That sounds sensible. Right, you have a plan, you still have some time to do this but what’s wrong, Javi? I can see it all over your face.”
“I’m stuck here, Blue - I should be in Cali with my team but I’m not and -”
If anything goes wrong and he’s not there, if Javi’s the one who insisted on setting this in motion …
He swallows.
Christina’s right, he is a piece of shit. How can he tell you about what he’s done? He lied to Feistl and Van Ness, lied about Salcedo and getting him out just so he has the chance for them to arrest Miguel? He thinks of the numerous CIs he’s had over the years, the way he’s detested higher-ups for making calls just like this, the consequences of that which he’s seen.
If this goes wrong today, he’ll never wash the blood off his hands.
He can’t tell you any of this though.
Instead, he resigns himself to the fact that while Christina is right about him, if he can get Miguel, if he can expose this corruption, then maybe he won’t be so bad. Maybe he will bear some goodness at last and it will be worth it.
Javi feels your hand on his arm, a gentle squeeze. It reassures him, having you so near to him, the solid grounding presence of your hand on his shirt.
It’s nearly over, he tells himself, it’s almost over.  They’ll arrest Miguel, they’ll get Salcedo and his family somewhere safe, it will all be worth it. It’s the right thing.
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The DEA arrest Miguel, they safely put Salcedo and his family into a hotel. That’s when your work can start at last; the next step in acquiring justice. You
There’s no celebration in Javi’s office after Miguel’s arrest, no true sense of a win. There’s the slow, haunting realisation that the odds were always stacked around you, that the cartel had all the winning cards.
In the movies, justice moves quickly. The scene transitions seamlessly from the arrest to a courtroom to a jail cell as though it all happens immediately, within a week or two at the most.  You never see the months of work in between that. Real life is so different to the screen. There’s a lot more paperwork to complete than for a start.
You spend so much of your time in these between scenes, slowly trying to find a way forward. The entire pursuit of justice is a painstaking wade though molasses, each step infinitely harder than the last.
One night, shortly after the arrest, you find Javi standing outside your apartment, tie loosened, eyes wild. You’re holding grocery bags in your arm, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt as opposed to your usual workwear.
“Tell me you didn’t know,” he says, “Please, please, cariño, tell me you didn’t know.”
You open your door, leaving it open for him to walk in as you place your grocery bags on the dining table. “What are you talking about, Javi?”
“I was just with the Ambassador.”
“He played me a tape. Tell me you haven’t heard it.” You forget about unpacking your shopping, forget about which items need to go in the fridge. What tape? What is he saying?
You walk from the kitchen to the sofa.
“Heard what, Javi?” you ask in your best prosecutor voice.
“That they’re all in on it. That they donated to Samper’s campaign, that all of this, all of this means nothing right now, because they’re not going to stay in jail, are they, Blue?”
“Javi I-”
You sit down on the sofa and put your head in your hands.
“It makes sense,” you say after a moment. “Fuck!”
 The system has been against you both from the start. You feel the bile rising in your stomach, the frustration at the futility of everything you have fought for.
“We never stood a chance, Blue.”
“We – Javi -” you falter, unsure of what you can even say.
If what Javi says is true, and of course it is, then everything you’ve done and everything you’ve been planning could be futile. You have so much work left to do in this case and it’s quickly apparent this isn’t going to be smooth. This work is just going to be pushing a boulder uphill, watching it fall and being grateful if it ends just up two inches above where you started. Your work hasn’t even started yet and already you feel like you’re walked into a losing case.
Javi’s face pierces through your reverie; a mix of desperation and despondence.
You know that feeling, you know it too well.
“What if we expose this too? What if I draft an indictment? Can you prove this?” you ask. There’s nothing to lose anymore; your career aspirations with the DOJ were killed back in Washington, this job isn’t for you. So, what do you even have to lose?
“I’d need the accountant.”
“Then get him, Javi. This isn’t over yet.”
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Javier’s priority becomes getting Guillermo on side, ensuring there’s evidence to keep the godfathers in jail and achieve some form of justice still. You do whatever you can to help. In between this, you’re drafting and deleting and throwing wads of paper into the bin as you try and figure out how to write this indictment.
Justice isn’t so sweet, but it keeps moving. Arrests are made, deals agreed, the sticky wheels continue to turn.
In the aftermath of all of this, your life becomes flights and hotels and helping the US federal prosecutors state to state make their case and make sense of the evidence and testimonies.
You perfect packing at short notice, learn all of the frequent traveller tips that have evaded you before. After a couple of misadventures, you discover which airport food to definitely avoid, how to pack the least possible luggage so you only have to take a small case with you and don’t waste time at airport carousels after late night flights.
It may be punishment for realising you missed the courtroom - you wonder if this is some sort of divine intervention to show you a tour of as many federal courtrooms across the country as you can imagine.
The coffee is terrible in all of them.
Life slowly moves on.
And throughout it all, there’s Javi.
Right now, you’re in Javi’s office. It’s the first time in days you’ve been here and it feels a little strange.  You only landed a few hours ago from your latest meeting and flight. Your clothes are crumpled and yet here he is, a cup of coffee waiting for you in his office as you trudge your way to him and update him on something he probably already knows about.
You’re both so far from Laredo now.
“So, I can tell you that the office in Delaware had the worst coffee by far,” you say lightly, taking the steaming cup with a smile.
“Oh yeah?”
“Uh huh, how’s the last couple of days been? I saw some of the news footage, I bet that got people talking. Didn’t you have a meeting with the Ambassador today?” Your boss is not so happy with the recent revelations from testimony and press interviews, but you’re not sure you want to tell Javi that. He’s doing the right thing, he’s trying to at least.
Javi’s expression worries you though; it’s the same he wore when he turned up at your apartment to discuss the Ambassador’s revelations.
“What’s wrong?” you ask as you watch him light a cigarette.
“They won’t go further with the indictment you wrote.”
You sigh heavily and lean against his door. You’re not sure where to start with your response, that once you started drafting it, you knew it would never be filed - that they were never going to let you do anything with it, you knew that. It was just with every word you typed, you felt like you were exorcising some demons. You had to try, didn’t you?
“I’m sorry,” you say.
“’S not your fault.”
“I just - the Ambassador said I won, but I don’t feel like we did.”
“When you arrived, there was a deal on the table that would have delivered the accountabilities, the revelations that have come out because of your work, because of your team. Javi, it might be exactly what we want but - we achieved something, right?”
“I don’t feel like we won. Do you feel like we won, Blue?”
You don’t answer him. You don’t need to.
For a moment you’re not in Bogotá, you’re in a stuffy office in DC listening to a characterisation of yourself you do not recognise, drowning in a betrayal you never expected.
Javi was right all that time ago; you never stood a chance.
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Do you feel like we won, Blue?
Javi’s words haunt you throughout your day. You ruminate on them incessantly, conducting a full court trial in your mind of the last of year of your life.
To an extent, Javi’s right. There’s a gnawing in your gut that you’ve failed, that this has just been a waste of a year. This isn’t a win, it’s not the result you fought for or have endured numerous flights and forced niceties for.
Is it truly a loss though?
Would you have ever connected with Javi beyond forced niceties in your fleeting visits to Laredo if it wasn’t for this year? You’ve learned a lot, you know more about the type of lawyer, type of person, you want to be.
It’s not a waste. It’s not the victory you hoped for, but it’s not a waste. It can’t be when it bought you Javi.
For months, you have ignored your feelings for Javi because of a fear of the past, because of your concerns of propriety, of protecting the case that meant so much to the two of you. Only, the whole case was compromised from the start.  The moment hits you like icy water.
You’re here.
You’re at Javi’s door and before you can change your mind, you knock the front door of his apartment.
“What are you doing here?” he asks gruffly, opening the door ajar. You notice that he’s taken off his suit jacket and tie, the top two buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned and his hair is more dishevelled. 
“Commiserations, I guess,” you say lightly, as he opens the door to allow you entry to his apartment. “I don’t think I told you this before, but you definitely got an upgrade on the apartment front when you got the attaché role- you can virtually see the whole city from here, Javi.”
“Why are you here, Blue?”
“Like I said … commiserations.” You close the door behind you and cautiously drop your handbag on his sofa. “I was thinking about what you said earlier, about did I feel like we won? All I can say is that people know more than they did, questions are being asked, the godfathers will stay in jail. We got … we got something. it might not be enough, or everything we wanted and hoped for,  but it’s something.”
”Well, as long as we’ve not wasted an entire year of our lives,” Javi says dryly, walking to his living room window.
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“You wouldn’t?”
You look at the man standing next to you and shake your head as you think about the reason you’re here, that you’ve driven to his apartment block. “No, it’s definitely not an entire waste.”
Over the past year you’ve gone from being completely confused by Javi, by the man he became from the boy you once knew, to becoming friends - real genuine friends.
You’ve had moments where you’ve infuriated each other; where you thought you’d burn every single bridge you built with him out of sheer, incandescent rage and frustration. You’ve spurned his kiss and simultaneously lived for each brushed elbow, each tentative glance. You’ve sympathised with him, got to know the real him, you’ve broken bread together. He’s become more than a colleague, more than your brother’s best friend.
He’s Javi.
It’s Javi.
You’ve fallen for him.
And there’s no reason to deny that anymore, it’s futile to even try.
Besides, there’s no case, no reason to have to ignore it anymore. The case never stood a chance, neither of your efforts really did. You both tried anyway though.
That’s the point.
This year has shown you that you’re stronger, more resilient, and more determined than you ever realised. You will be damned before you let the past dictate your future. You will not let anxieties about people who don’t care about in another state, another country, haunt you for the rest of your life.
You think back to that night at your apartment with Javi months ago. You wondered if it was fate, the two of you being here together and perhaps, back them you were still finding your way back to yourself from DC, but here you are.
So, you stand a little closer to him, so close your hands are brushing. You can smell his cologne, the faint smell of cigarette smoke and when you look over at him, you’re struck by how deep brown his eyes are and how, beyond his frustration at this job he can’t fix, there’s such clear kindness in them. He looks over at you with a slightly puzzled expression on his face before he mirrors your own small smile.
This time, you kiss him.
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sugarcloudsky · 1 year
Hi there! Can i request hcs of Clotted Cream Cookie x Older Sibling reader who is someone who Clotted Cream Cookie look up to, someone who Clotted Cream Cookie can just be himself and not the consul, someone who would tease him like an older sibling would do. Basically just some good old fluff of sibling interactions (the poor cookie needs some family love since Custard Cookie is a bastard of a father)
「Clotted Cream With an Older Sibling Reader」
character: clotted cream cookie (platonic)
wc: 693
cws: a bit of angst, custard being a bad father, reader is the biological child of custard cookie
sorry for taking literal months to get to this!!! i hope this is to your liking, anon!! :) i also wrote this while listening to the boilerworks theme from luigis mansion 3. Good stuff!
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On the outside, Clotted Cream Cookie was who his adoptive father molded him to be: a confident, smart, and intelligent consul.
It was the only person his father allowed him to be. Any kind of imperfections he saw in the young consul were strictly punished and taken care of.
Every day from early morning to late evening, Clotted Cream had to spend all his time doing boring paperwork, attending burdensome meetings, or giving speeches with that confident grin everyone was so used to seeing from him.
The time he looks forward to the most is when he is finally done with his work for the day. When he is able to trudge back to the House Custard with Financier Cookie quietly following behind him.
Though he is not there to rest, not yet, at least! He is there to find comfort in the only family he has that he can lean on: you.
You, his older sibling who is the biological child of Custard Cookie. Except despite your father’s vile personality, you were nothing like him.
You treated Clotted Cream with respect, with kindness. You spoke to him normally. You never yelled at him whenever he made mistakes. You encouraged him to take breaks whenever he needed them.
With the way you treated him so nicely, he felt comfortable opening up to you and being vulnerable around you. You allowed him to vent about your father, how awful he treated Clotted Cream. You were always there for him, no matter what he said.
You respected his feelings and his boundaries. You knew when he wanted comfort from you, or when he wanted to be left alone. Because you knew despite how much you both cared for each other, he still occasionally felt jealous of you.
He would never hold anything against you, but he can’t help the ache in his chest when he sees Custard Cookie speak to you without the usual scowl on his face that the young consul was so used to seeing directed at him.
Though of course, you would never stand for this blatant favoritism! You would always scold your father for mistreating your younger brother, even if your anger fell upon deaf ears.
Although no matter what, you will continue to defend Clotted Cream Cookie as much as you could against Custard Cookie!
Anyways, onto less angsty headcanons!
Clotted Cream’s favorite thing to do with you is playing some board games.
The consul is known for being someone very intelligent, always being a step ahead. But now, he’s able to sit back and play a simple game of checkers with you. Sometimes you win, sometimes he wins, it’s a mixed result!
You and him may also occasionally participate in a little cook-off for fun! Financier is your judge, although she may be a bit biased for Clotted Cream. No hard feelings, though!
And despite not showing it, he quite likes when you tease him in a lighthearted manner. He likes being able to have casual conversations for once. Even when he talks to Financier Cookie, he is required to remain somewhat professional. But with you, he’s able to laugh and joke alongside you!
To put it bluntly, not only does he appreciate having you by his side, but he also very much looks up to you. Despite not being involved with anything in the republic politically, you are still an intelligent and confident cookie like your brother! You’re able to help him with paperwork or writing speeches if he needs it, and he’s incredibly grateful for you.
He wants to be like you someday. You were someone very special and admirable to him…
In the end, Clotted Cream Cookie appreciates being able to have a family member who is always there for him. Even when his father isn’t the nicest to him, and his mother is kept away from him, and he feels like he has no one, he’s happy to remember the warmth and comfort you’ve brought into his life!
So remember to give him a nice pat on the back the next time he comes back from a tiring day of work. He definitely needs it.
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diamo-chan · 1 year
Just one tiny long hc scenario
Imagine moving in with Felix into Blackthorn manor for whatever reason...because it feels more comfortable living in a house rather than an abandoned icy castle. Everyone makes you feel welcome, except for Escell. Its not even anything he says -even though he says plentily too much - it's his whole aura. To make matters for him remaining staff members treat you as a part of the family, which means with the same autoritary respect. So you're sitting at the table being served by Withersby, have all your wishes granted at hearts degree and don't need to worry or do anything while escell looks at you from across the table the way one would look at a cockroach sitting on an extravagant buffet.
Personally, ignoring Escells existence, I would feel terrible if there was a butler taking care of my stuff. I'd at least want to help. So MC goes to Withersby to ask if there's anything they can assist him with, any kind of work that he might put onto them, so he can do more important stuff. At first, he is reluctant because, pray tell, what if anyone of the anguis house sees that he's treating a guest like a maid/servant. But MC is persistent, and they mean well, so the old man gives in.
He shows them how to do whatever task he chooses, whether its paperwork or cleaning one of the rooms in the long abandoned wing of the mansion, putting the paintings and inventory back to place, trimming in the garden to redesign the hedgemazes layout or setting the table before meals. All without speaking of cause, which doesn't make the task of learning easier but... it goes well over time, and theres always a smile on th butler's face when he sees them.
Still, Escell continues being an arrogant jerk... because it's in his essence to be a prick to possible love interests (*mistakes*) of his children. Until at some point, Withersby brings the Archmage a strong cup of coffee to work through the night. The mage finds a little note on the tray under the cup that reads, "If you continue being rude to MC, I will spit into your food."
And Escell looks up to the Anguis butler in shock, but the elderly man has a perfectly neutral and calmly threatening pokerface.
While Withers may not blame Escell for what happened 20 years ago, he was still a part of the Anguis staff long before young Escell joined the house. And there are certain rules and standards to uphold... such as manners.
After all, he noticed the looks Felix has been throwing MCs way for weeks. The necromancer's never subtle enough for the butler to miss the hints. And he will not have the bitter, salty, divorced noble treat a possible future member of the anguis household with such disrespect.
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