#so they change the competition to whoever can get him to say their name first
dat1angel · 1 year
Give me the batfam taking care of a de-aged Danny, like infant age, and all his new siblings competing over who can get their name to be his first word.
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enmi-land · 10 days
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𝓘. ──── . . . 𝑀𝗂𝗅𝖺 𝖽𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗏𝗈𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗌𝗒𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗆 𝗌𝗎𝖼𝗄𝗌.
🥚 𝓲-LAND EPiSODE 2 𓈀 4.8k ꗃ ❛ KOR, ENG, JP, CHi ❜ ✖ NO WARNiNGS! `⎚⩊⎚´ NEXT::PREV
shall we go 𝓲NTO THE NEW WORLD ?
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Mila’s first impression of I-Land is that it has a pretty unique concept—and by that, she means it’s pretty frigging weird.
The place itself is actually quite impressive as it reminds her a lot of those mansions in Kdramas where the main male leads typically live, so that’s five stars for accommodation. But she has to take away two-and-a-half stars because the elevator lift in the lobby is a literal egg.
It seems like a pretty random choice of decor at first, and could easily be brushed off as a nouveau riche’s poor attempt at avant-gardism. But Mila makes a very detailed analysis of it, like the certified Overthinker that she is, and starts to see a morbid symbolism in the creative direction of the entire show.
The whole theme of I-Land centres around the egg—and what do people do to eggs?
They break them.
Mila doesn’t want to be an egg! Even thinking about possibly becoming the next Humpty Dumpty—who, mind you, couldn’t be put back together again—would make her arm hairs stand on attention if she had any. (The strongly recommended ‘Idol Package’ at the BigHit-endorsed beauty salon robbed her of any and all body hair.) She does get a whole lot of goosebumps—but those are more so because someone just said that there’s a graveyard a few kilometres away from here.
Shiitake mushrooms.
“Stop thinking so hard and eat.” Kiara’s voice brings Mila back to Earth.
The older female is currently piling her plate with food from the platters that were laid out in a totally non-suspicious manner on the island bench when the I-Land trainees first walked into the kitchen. Mila looks down at her own hands and finds herself holding a plate that she doesn’t even remember grabbing. Weird. But she doesn’t think much about it—mainly because she’s too hungry to—and chomps on a chicken strip as she looks around her.
The other trainees are chowing down like this is a schoolyard potluck, and that would be a pretty wholesome sight aside from a few things: Firstly, most of them are teenage boys who don’t know how to use utensils. Secondly, four of the currently nineteen trainees in the room will be evicted from I-Land in a few hours.
Mila doesn’t really know who thought it was a good idea to let the trainees vote for who gets eliminated, when most of them aren’t even old enough to vote in the presidential elections and this decision seems just as life-changing. But whoever it was, they must not know teenagers that well. Most of the people here are more likely to vote for people they don’t really like, rather than people who don’t have skills.
That’s probably why Seon keeps hovering so much—but hey, no one heard it from Mila.
Mila has nothing against Seon. Everyone is doing what they must in order to survive; she can’t fault him for wanting to get on people’s good sides. The thing is, he has a pretty obvious bias towards Kiara—which is fair, considering she’s one of the strongest in this competition so far, but it forces Mila to awkwardly third-wheel in what was once her conversation with her friend. It gets to the point where Mila decides to just let the adults talk, and wanders around the place aimlessly like a child waiting for her mother to finish gossiping with their neighbours.
And just like a child, she manages to get lost.
The sound of her name being called from behind her and approaching footsteps is the only warning Mila gets before she is attacked by the sight of Yang Jungwon’s lethally cute dimples.
“Ah, you scared me!” she says before she can really think, only to then beam in excitement when the initial shock fades. “Oh—Jungwonie! It’s good to see you!”
Jungwon smiles, fiddling with the hem of his sweatshirt. She notices that he always does it when talking to her—a nervous tick, perhaps? How adorable.
Mila gives two thumbs up. “You did a really good job today with your performance!”
“Thank you,” he replies, “Noona also did a good job.”
Mila giggles bashfully. “Thanks! Anyway, I’m glad I ran into you. We didn’t get to talk much earlier— Ah, but are you heading anywhere in particular?”
Jungwon shakes his head, his fluffy hair following his movement. “I was just walking around. What about you?”
“Same here.” Mila scratches the back of her earlobe bashfully and tilts her head. Her eyes avoid Jungwon’s and land on a random spot on the wall next to her out of embarrassment of her admission: “But then I got lost.”
Jungwon blinks and Mila laughs awkwardly. They don’t get to say anything because they’re interrupted by the sound of voices down the hall which get increasingly rowdy. Mila easily recognises it as the sound of teenage boys egging each other on. It seems like something is going down…
Hm, curiouser and curiouser.
“Some of the Hyungs said they wanted to check out the gym,” Jungwon explains. “That must be them.”
“Oh, really? Did Jay-oppa and Sunghoonie-oppa say they would be there, too?” Mila asks. When Jungwon confirms her assumption (it makes sense that those two would be in the gym), she makes up her mind. “Ah, in that case, I’ll go find one of them to bother. Thanks, Jungwonie! I’ll let you go now.”
She’d hate to pester Jungwon when he’s her dongsaeng—and not a particularly close one, at that. Every time they’ve come across each other, she seems to always be the one chatting his ear off, so she thought he might be glad to see her go. That must not be the case, though, since Jungwon frowns and volunteers to escort Mila to the gym himself.
Mila is surprised, to say the least—but in a good way. It’s a relief he doesn’t secretly hate her guts or something.
The two walk in a comfortable silence that’s eventually broken as they arrive at the gym. Mila isn’t surprised to see Jay and Sunghoon participating in some sort of fitness competition with the other male trainees, however she now feels a bit nervous because she realises she doesn’t know any of them. She may be a social butterfly, but that’s only in settings where everyone is equally as unacquainted as she is, or when she isn’t the only owner of a double-X chromosome in the room. Thankfully, she isn’t alone and Jungwon is right next to her—
Nevermind, he’s walking away…
Mila contemplates leaving and just trying her luck with her nonexistent sense of direction, when Jungwon looks over his shoulder and blinks in confusion after realising she’s not following him. “Noona, aren’t you coming?”
Even though Mila knows that he isn’t trying to put her on the spot, he still kinda does. Everyone in the room hears his voice, so they all turn to face Jungwon and greet him—which causes them to notice her at the door. There is a brief silence where they all just stare at her like she’s the cow that jumped over the moon. But then Jay—thank goodness—pokes his head out from the centre of the boy’s club gathering and locks eyes with her.
Mila blurts out a relieved, “Oppa!”
“Mimi-yah?” She’s never been so glad to hear that nickname before. “Did you come to take a look at the gym?”
Jay walks over to her and she immediately feels better now that she has someone to hide behind. She can still feel some of the looks from the other trainees, so she shuffles closer to Jay. Mila briefly catches sight of Sunghoon in the background, putting a pair of dumbbells down, before she focuses back on Jay’s face.
“Not really—I was just looking for you and Sunghoonie-oppa,” Mila responds to his earlier question. 
“What for?” Sunghoon asks, appearing behind Jay. He stands shoulder to shoulder with his partner, and while it might seem intimidating to anyone else, she’s honestly comforted having them both so close. Not that she’ll admit that—least of all to Sunghoon. “I thought you said you wanted to meet new people.”
Sheesh. Is that pettiness Mila hears? 
…He’s not wrong, though.
Mila pouts. “Yeah, yeah. I know. I just wanted to see what you were up to—I was going to leave, anyway.”
And then she does her best impression of a puppy being left out in the rain—wide eyes, quivering bottom lip, and all—before turning on her heels to leave. Or tries to, anyway.
There’s a slight tug on her ponytail that has her stopping in her tracks. She turns to face Sunghoon with questioning eyes. He has a little smirk on his face, looking way too pleased with himself—like a cat that caught the cream. He totally has her figured out.
“Where are you going? You’ll just get lost.”
Again, he’s not wrong.
“Come on,” Jay says with a smile, before Mila can retort to Sunghoon’s taunt and they start bickering like they always do when they’re around each other. He places a gentle palm on her head. “We’ll introduce you to the others.”
The figurative rain clouds clear from above Mila’s head and she happily latches onto his free arm, earning a chuckle. Sunghoon, not one to be left out, snatches her other wrist and tugs it towards him. She lets him, savouring the warmth of his larger hand as it circles around her smaller one. (She does, however, make a show of keeping her hand in a fist she can’t hold his hand in return—not that he particularly cares.)
It's funny to think about how comfortable she is around them now, compared to when they first met two years ago. At that time, she had always been just a bit more hesitant to get to know the two of them, simply because she was intimidated. But they are softies underneath their tough guy exteriors—a pair of human teddy bears, really. It just took Sunghoon winning a penguin plushie for her at an arcade and Jay walking her to school one day for her to see that.
When they turn to face the other trainees, they all put on their best show of pretending they weren’t peeking at the three of them like curious housewives just moments ago. Jungwon looks the most curious of all of them, though Mila spots some concern—probably because of how she retreated into her shell like a hermit crab not long ago—which makes her want to ‘awww’. But he looks assured enough when she shoots him a genuine smile.
With Jay and Sunghoon acting as her moral support, Mila feels a lot more at ease and introduces herself confidently. The other trainees do the same and the small talk starts from there. It’s obvious that they’re being courteous of her since she’s the only girl in the room right now, as they aren't nearly as rowdy as they were when Mila heard them from down the hall earlier—but honestly, it’s kinda sweet. They’re all kinda sweet, actually.
It doesn’t even take her five minutes to warm up to them, and she finds herself demonstrating a pistol squat to officially inaugurate herself into their group of gym junkees. (It’s a good ego boost when she realises that most of them can’t actually do a pistol squat.)
Mila barely notices the two-hour waiting period pass her by. There’s only five minutes left when Mila finds her way back to Kiara. This time, the older female is with Heeseung and the Crown unit consisting of Hwayoung, Sunoo and Jaeyun. She doesn’t know how to feel about that, though, since Jaeyun hasn’t managed to get any less attractive in the past few hours. And, yeah, that’s a problem.
How long did it take her before she got used to Sunghoon’s visuals again? Ah, right…
She’s so screwed.
“Oppa!” Mila calls as she takes a seat next to Heeseung. “I was looking for you, but I couldn’t find you anywhere.”
She spent around half an hour in the gym with Sunghoon and Jay before she decided to embark on a journey of Finding Heeseung™, only to find everyone except for him. No, really. She managed to bump into literally every other trainee in the place before she finally saw him—and only because she was looking for Kiara, who happened to be with him.
Well, at least she knows her way around I-Land pretty well now.
“Ah, really? Sorry.” Heeseung softly strokes her hair—it’s basically a reflex for him by now—and she relaxes in her chair. “Did you need me for something?”
Mila shakes her head, before resting her cheek on his shoulder. “Not really. I just didn’t get to talk to you earlier…”
(She pointedly makes sure she doesn’t say, ‘I missed you,’ because contrary to popular opinion, she isn’t clingy, thank you very much.)
Heeseung smiles at this and his eyes do that thing that they do, where they look like honey is dripping from them. Before she can say anything, he playfully pinches her cheek. “Cute.”
The Crown unit across from Mila looks a little taken aback by the causal display of affection—which is fair enough. She was the same way at first, too.
When Heeseung first did it, Mila thought that he was possessed by the spirit of someone’s late aunt and almost doused him with a salt shower. But after two years of knowing him, she’s gotten used to the cheek pinches, head pats and his altogether treatment of her like she’s a particularly cute and small animal that he wants to put in his pocket and carry everywhere with him—even if she’s not particularly cute or small. 
Mila just learnt to accept Heeseung’s doting. It definitely has nothing to do with the fact that she’s a lonely, touch-starved only child with parental issues, and soaks up all forms of affection that she receives like a desperate sponge. No siree.
Kiara passes Mila a pillow, which she takes gratefully. She rests her chin on it, her cheek still on Heeseung's shoulder, while her eyes start gazing into the distance. She can smell Heeseung’s cologne really well from here—which isn’t at all a weird thing to say about her guy friend—and it feels oddly comforting. (And, again, not weird at all.)
Sunoo suddenly taps Mila’s foot with his own. “You shouldn’t fall asleep,” he teases with a smile, causing her to giggle.
“Not like I could if I wanted to,” she replies. “I’m still not sure about what I’ll do with the vote.”
“Ah, don’t remind me!” Jaeyun aggressively runs a hand through his hair, and tilts his head back to stare at the ceiling. “I’m nervous!”
“Don’t be, you guys did good,” Heeseung assures kindly.
“Right.” Kiara takes a seat on one of the beds, as the seats are currently occupied by the Mila, Heeseung and the Crown unit. “For people that didn’t have much training or even know each other for long, your performance and chemistry as a group was really solid.”
Sunoo covers his mouth with his hands, eyes crinkling with delight. “Really?” 
Mila nodded vigorously. “Even if anyone votes you out, it will be because they’re threatened by you, or just don’t want to vote out their friends. You all deserve a spot in I-Land as much as anyone else in here!”
Jaeyun tilts his head and looks at Mila like he’s in thought. She ignores him in favour of Hwayoung, who musters a smile, visibly less shaken than before. “Thank you. That means a lot.”
Sunoo puckers his lips and nods. “I guess I won’t feel too bad then if I get voted out.”
Mila doesn’t get the chance to say anything in return. The alarms blare, much like they did for the Entrance Test, and the announcement is made for Niki—who Mila remembers from the SuperM unit—to enter the voting room. Alone.
Well, then…
If the anxiety of the elimination itself wasn’t already stifling enough, the anticipation of waiting for their turn to vote is enough to figuratively choke someone out. By the time it’s Mila’s turn, she can’t even bring herself to have both her eyes open as she presses the screen. Someone would think she murdered someone when she finally walks out of the voting room with a face that screams ‘Guilty, your honour!’ and Kiara even jokingly asks whether she left any evidence behind.
Mila considers making the older girl carry her to the lobby—where the trainees must gather for the announcement of eliminees—since Kiara is so Unbothered by the whole thing. But then Mila remembers that she’s too tall to be carried by her significantly shorter unnie (“You’re only five centimetres taller, you brat!”), and unfortunately has to drag herself there.
Mila finds a random place to sit herself down and resists the urge to cover her eyes and ears like she’s watching a horror movie and awaiting a jumpscare. She’s not sure whether or not she will be the one to leave, or one of her friends; she just hopes it’s neither.
She jinxes it.
The first eliminee is announced. It’s Kim Sunoo.
Mila hasn’t known him for long, but she feels slighted on his behalf. He definitely doesn’t deserve to leave—and not as the trainee with the most votes against him. She already knew that some bias would be present in the voting, but it doesn’t alleviate the disappointment she feels to see him go. Mila actually brings Sunoo into a hug when she says her goodbyes, which is something she doesn’t do much with people she just met—men especially—yet feels oddly comfortable initiating with the boy. He seems to appreciate it, too, and even rubs her back a bit in a comforting manner.
As if Mila is the one who needs it right now.
“Come back again, okay?” Mila says as they separate. “You’re my only 03-liner friend, remember? I’ll be lonely without you.”
“Ay, you’ll probably meet more here anyway.” Sunoo laughs when she protests with the fact that he’s her first, which holds significant importance. And Mila is just grateful that he can be so bright in a situation like this. “Okay. I’ll make sure to come back just for you.”
Mila can’t help but smile. (Her cheeks feel a little warmer, too, but that’s not the point.) He’s awfully bold to be saying stuff like that to a girl he met not long ago, although she supposes she’s no better in the department of shamelessness.
She steps aside to let the Crown unit walk him to The Egg while she says her well-wishes to Taki, EJ, and Sunghchul. Then they’re on their way.
Ground, huh? Mila hopes it treats them well.
As for her, she’s left in the I-Land lobby with the remaining fifteen trainees, who celebrate their newly gained status as the top dogs in this food chain. But then the events of the day eventually catch up to them and night time doesn’t come soon enough.
Mila unfortunately can’t sleep well in unfamiliar environments (when she first moved to Seoul, it took her a few months to adjust to the BigHit dorms) and ends up tossing and turning until she decides to stumble around in the dark to sneak into Kiara’s bed. Not her idea of a good night's sleep. It doesn’t help when the reason she wakes up the next morning is the buzz of activity that comes from the other rooms down the hall because of everyone who is already up and about.
Mila is hoping this won’t be a regular thing, but knowing her luck, it probably will. And that’s crazy to her—because who on earth wakes up this early in the morning anyway?
Oh— Wait. Is that the time?
Nevermind then, Mila just woke up really late.
“Hey there sleepyhead,” Yumeko—one of the four only female trainees in I-Land—greets as she walks into their shared room. (The girls ended up together since everyone agreed it would be too awkward to share rooms with the opposite sex so early on—which kinda implies it will happen eventually, but that’s a future problem.) “How did you sleep?”
Mila hums, rubbing her eyes. “Not long enough.”
Yumeko laughs.
Mila knew of the older girl (a 00-liner, making her the eldest female in the competition) because, aside from being a fellow BigHit trainee, she also happened to always be the top of the girls’ rankings in dance—a title that Mila always missed out on by one rank in the past. She just never got to meet her properly until yesterday.
Mila wants to consider the Japanese female a rival, but she’s never been particularly competitive (it’s a wonder she did competitive cheerleading, or that she’s even on this show at all) and it’s not really her style. Besides, Yumeko is just that good; Mila knows she probably won’t stand any chance, anyway. Her cover of NCT U’s Cherry Bomb during the Entrance Test yesterday blew any delusions of stealing that number one rank from her out of the water.
“Sorry to disturb your beauty sleep, then,” Yumeko teases. She throws on a hoodie over the tank top she is wearing and Mila can’t help but notice she’s really toned. Damn. “The bathroom should be free if you want to wash your face and brush your teeth.”
Mila nods, feeling as gross she must seem, and also throws a hoodie over her head. She slept with a bra last night because she remembered the cameras in all the bedrooms (which would be pretty weird in any other setting—not that it isn’t still weird, anyway), so she isn’t worried about accidentally flashing anyone. But her hair is probably a bird’s nest right now, so the hood is there to cover her head as she pads towards the bathroom.
Yumeko is right about it being free, thankfully, so she doesn’t worry about taking her time to fix her appearance. She is just leaving when Geonu walks in, and she immediately beams. “Good morning!”
Geonu jolts in surprise. It’s kinda understandable, since Mila did just appear like a wild Pokémon jumping out of a bush. To his credit, though, he doesn’t scream or anything embarrassing like that and returns her greeting rather calmly. “Did you sleep well?”
Mila makes a seesaw motion with her hand. “So-so. I’m not really a morning person, though. And Oppa?”
“Same here,” he replies. “But you’re really energetic for someone who isn’t a morning person.”
Mila tilts her head and scrunches her nose. “Really? I guess that’s just how I am…”
Geonu, for some reason, laughs. It lacks any mockery in it, but has something there that makes Mila wonder if she said something funny. “Has anyone told you that you remind them of a bunny?”
Mila blinks. Because yes, actually, people do. “How did you know?”
Geonu shakes his head with an amused huff. “Just a feeling.”
Mila doesn’t really know what to say to that, so she shrugs instead. Oh well—as long as it’s nothing bad. “Well, I’ll let you wash up in peace. See you around!”
Geonu hums and bids her farewell.
Mila skips towards the kitchen, feeling much better now that she doesn’t look like she came off the set of Train to Busan. She’s in the middle of pouring herself a bowl of cereal when those alarms from hell start blaring and she flinches so strongly that cereal ends up flying out of the box in her hand and onto the floor.
Krabby patties.
Mila curses, bending down behind the counter to pick some of the flakes off the floor. Then a group of trainees bulldoze through the kitchen like a mob of fangirls when they spot their idols, and she decides that she’s not moving fast enough. She unlocks her inner janitor and sweeps up the remaining cereal—or as much as she can, anyway—and tosses them in the bin in record time.
She decides to wisely uses the ten minutes she’s given until she needs to be at the lobby to shovel as many spoonfuls of cereal into her mouth (she doesn’t know what she’s in for or how it will take, so stocking up energy is a priority) and take a quick toilet break. Then she’s going full Naruto ninja-speed and zooms towards the lobby, completely forgetting that she’s wearing slippers—a huge mistake, really, since she stubs her toe on a step. Ouch. But at least she isn’t late for the announcement of the show’s next stage.
The Signal Song Test begins in earnest with the reveal of the show’s theme song, Into the I-Land. Once again, it’s up to the trainees to make the big decisions—including who gets which part.
Well, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if the number of lines were equal for all parts. But it looks like the producers of the show are aiming to make this whole survival show experience as accurate to the life of a real idol as possible, as there’s a huge disproportionality in the line distribution.
Mila doesn’t have any ambitions of getting the first part, so she naturally agrees with Sunghoon to throw Heeseung’s hat in the ring for it instead. As for the rest of the parts, they will be allocated by—surprise, surprise—a vote.
Mila does some mental gymnastics to come up with a strategy to bag the part she wants, and finally settles with the tried and true approach of Just Do It™. It seems to work pretty well, actually. She manages to get a part that appears in the centre twice, so she has some decent ‘look at me!’ time compared to the other parts.
The same can’t be said for others.
Jay has been rejected for every part so far, and seems like he’s ready to give up, but raises his hand again for the next part—and the part after that, and the part after that…
There’s now only one part left that has more than one line, and Mila knows if he doesn’t get it, it might do some serious damage to his confidence. It’s already taking a toll on him, as he has his head lowered so the bill of his cap covers his expression from her place across from him. And honestly, it hurts her heart to see it.
Jay has always been the epitome of tenacity, and he’s proven it already with his ability to keep raising his hand. Mila would have given up after the second rejection—maybe even the first. She just wishes she could do something to lift his spirits a little, even if it’s just enough so he can raise his head.
Mila ponders it for a moment, before she feels a lightbulb switch on inside her head. She raises her hand just as Heeseung prepares to move onto the auditions for the next part. “Oppa, I have a question!”
“Hm?” Heeseung immediately looks up from his tablet at the sound of her voice. “What is it?”
“I was just thinking…” Heeseung nods encouragingly at Mila. “Even if we give out the parts now, it's only based on vocals. What do we do if we get to dance practice and realise that someone can’t keep up with the choreography for their part?”
There are some nods from the other trainees, so Mila knows she’s not being completely outlandish.
“You’re right,” Heeseung agrees. “That’s why should consider every skill when we’re voting—dance and vocals are equally important. It’s better to vote for someone who you think can do both well.”
Mila nods sagely, pretending to think deeply about Heeseung’s words. “Ah, okay… So, if there's two people and they’re both pretty equal in vocals, but one happens to be much better at dancing, we should vote for that person?”
Mila smiles, satisfied with the answer and it’s intended result, as she notices Jay’s shoulders straighten a bit. “Okay, I get it now! Thanks.”
Everyone knows Jay is one of the best dancers in I-Land at this point, and Mila is more than confident that he’ll be able to sing the next part fairly well. There’s no reason for him not to have the part. It’s just that Mila gave everyone a little bit of a nudge in his direction by reminding them to keep an open mind.
It works like a charm.
“Okay,” Heeseung says after counting the votes, “this part is Jay’s.”
If Mila cheers a little too loudly at the announcement, that’s her business alone. But also, not really. From the smile that Jay sends her before mouthing, “Thank you,” she knows that he figured out her little trick. She can’t seem to feel guilty about it though—well, not right now at least.
But of course, in a survival show like I-Land, nothing good ever lasts forever.
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taglist⠀( OPEN ! ) ⦂ @em1ejiee @menichoi @dracoslovergirl @rosas-in-the-garden @blossominghunnie @lovelypham @cornenhapovs @nee-issaire @jwnstars @tommina @queenriki7
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old-29 · 1 year
Can I pls get a Jere x y/n thing like it's their first kiss and they've been friends for a while and Jere is likely really flirty
by .O.L.D.
(Hopefully, you like this :) )
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Summary: You and Jeremiah have a flirty relationship; he flirts and you get blushy, however, will things change at the last party at the beach house. Will you finally experience your first kiss with Jere?
Jeremiah Fisher. So many things come to mind when I hear that name. I’ve been in love with Jere since I was 8 years old, ever since I learned what love actually is. Jeremiah is someone I tell everything to. He knows almost everything about my life. The only thing we both never talk about is our love life. Yes, I know that Jere has a lot of hookups but because of that, I never tell him anything about my love life. That’s also because I don’t have one. I’ve never done anything with anyone including having my first kiss. I haven’t found someone, either then Jeremiah, that I’d want to experience that with. It doesn’t help that Jeremiah and I have a flirty relationship, as in he flirts and I get nervous and blushy. He is the only guy I see, the only guy I want to experience my firsts with. However, I could never tell him that.
I was sat next to Jeremiah in the car, stealing glances at him quite often. Conrad, Belly, Jere and I were all running errands for this party we are planning at the cousins beach house. We just found out that beach house is being sold, Jeremiah and Conrad’s aunt, Julia, is going to Boston to finalize everything. We decided to throw one last party for our last night here, at the beach house.
At this point, the glancing turned into complete staring. He was just so pretty, I couldn’t help it.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Shut up, Jere.”
“Like you would ever want me to do that. All I’m saying is that if you’re just going to stare at me all the time, I’ll get a photo album, fill it with super hot photos of me, then bam, happy birthday.”
I laughed. He tended to flirt with me more often.
We arrived at Party City and we decided to make some friendly competition; whoever fills their cart up first, wins, while the others load the decorations into the house.
“May the best person win.” I said.
I love me some competition. I was thriving the day at the boardwalk!
“Best of luck, gorgeous.”
With that, Jeremiah looks at me and winks.
I always thought I meant something more to Jeremiah. There’s this connection I feel and it is unexplainable. We always want to be around each other, we cuddle while watching movies, he kisses me on the cheek, he flirts with me and I always feel so many emotions when I’m around him. I just felt that all those actions meant something more. However, I never realized that I was the only one that must have felt it. I quickly began to understand that it’s just me that feels that way during the summer where he kissed my sister, Belly, in the beach house pool. I remember that day like it was yesterday.
I woke up after falling asleep reading in Belly and I’s shared room. Since I was really thirsty, I decided to go get a glass of water. The house was quieter than usual but I never suspected anything of it. As I filled up my glass full of cold water, I noticed the pool area’s lighting was on.
“Ah, Belly must be having one of her usual night swims.” I said to myself.
I began to make my way out to the pool to talk to my sister but then I saw them. Jeremiah and my sister were making out in the pool. I was full of pure shock and betrayal since Belly knew that I have loved Jere since I was a kid. I froze in place just staring at what was happening.
Jeremiah must have felt someone staring at him because he pulled away from Belly only to be met with my very sad expression. It felt like the eye contact between the both of us lasted forever. His face began to drop as he read my emotions which led him to start getting out of the pool. However, before he came to confront me or talk, I started to walk away and go back upstairs.
I sat on the bed trying to hold in my tears. A million thoughts racing through my head.
How could Belly do this to me? Do you think he likes her? Are they dating now? Why am I so stupid?
“Y/n, can we talk?”
His voice made me freeze, I didn’t want him to talk, I didn’t want to see him at all.
“S-sure.” I said shakily.
I was awkwardly sitting on the bed.
“I didn’t mean to make you upset when I kissed Belly.”
He was so upfront with me about things.
“You didn’t, Jere.”
“But you looked-“
“Embarrassed? I just interrupted my best friend kissing my sister.”
“Yeah, but-“
“Listen Jere, we aren’t dating so why would I be upset?”
I was so lying.
“Huh, dating?” He smirked at me.
“I J-just meant that-“
“I know what you meant, cutie.”
Cutie. One of many nicknames he calls me.
“I just wanted to say I was sorry.”
“It’s ok.”
He started to walk away but I panicked.
“D-did it mean anything? Do you have feeling for her? Like, are you and my sister a thing?”
“She kissed me. It didn’t mean anything. I promise.”
He was right, it didn’t mean anything to him because later in the summer I found out through Belly that she asked him to be her escort to the Deb ball and he said no. He told her that the kiss was a mistake and that he wanted to stay just friends. Due to me and Belly both being in the ball, I began to freak out internally when she told me that because I was planning on asking Jere to go. When I finally mustered up courage to ask Jeremiah to be my escort, I was so nervous. However, to my surprise, he replied to my request with, “anything for you, y/n/n”, accompanied with a kiss on the cheek.
I was too lost intertwined with all my feelings towards Jeremiah, that I didn’t fill the cart in time. That would mean that I was stuck loading the decorations into the house.
Eventually it was time for the party, I was all dressed up and ready to go. I was wearing my retro outfit along with Susannah’s roller skates. I was never good at roller skating. I remember when Jeremiah was teaching me to roller skate, I fell so many times that eventually he had to tell me that roller skating wasn’t for me. We ended up playing cards together instead.
I was doing quite well on the roller skates, until I wasn’t. I began to fall but then someone caught me. As I looked up to see who it was, I was met with the most gorgeous blue eyes ever. Jeremiah Fishers.
“You don’t need to hurt yourself to get my attention.”
His words sent chills down my spine. Yes, he had flirt with me before but something felt different this time.
“I’m sorry.” I was a stuttering mess.
His eyes felt like they were burning right through me. My cheeks were flushed, I could tell because my face felt hot.
“You like me, just admit it.”
His words shocked me. I began to feel very nervous. Of course, I would do anything to tell him but I was feeling really embarrassed, clearly I was so obvious that he knew I liked him. Also, Jeremiah is so experienced that it intimidates me. I don’t want to make a fool out of myself and I also don’t want to tell him how I feel in a room full of drunk teenagers. I quickly removed the roller skates and began to make my way out of the house.
“I- uh- I need a minute.”
“Y/n!” I hear Jeremiah call after me.
I was walking so fast through the group of people at the party, I just wanted out of there. I was so overwhelmed. The way the words spilt off Jere’s lips. I felt as if he was the popular guy in school who is honoured to learn that the nerd has a crush on him, nevertheless, he won’t ever be with the nerd. I felt so stupid.
I made my way to the beach. The waves always calmed me. I watched as they rolled through the water, my anxiety slowly wandered away.
“Y/n/n, why’d you leave?”
He must have followed me. I’m really glad he did.
“I’m sorry, Jere.”
“Was I wrong? You don’t like me?”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The anxiety that wandered away had wandered back.
“I- uh-“
“I swore- I swore you did. The blushing whenever I flirt with you, the way you got upset over me kissing Belly. Am I right or am I just an idiot?”
I could tell he felt bothered by this. Like, all these moments really meant nothing and that he was wrong. However, he was not wrong.
“No, you aren’t an idiot.” I mumbled.
“So, you do like me?”
I nodded. I felt so shy. No words could come out of my mouth.
“How long?” he asked me, his tone was serious.
I didn’t want to answer that question. I was already embarrassed, this would be the cherry on top.
“As cliché as it will sound…since I learned what love was.”
“Jere, I’m already so embarrassed as it is. You don’t need to rub it in. I get it, I am the nerd to the popular boy.”
“What?” He chuckled.
“You know how there are movies where the popular high school boy finds out that the nerd is in love with them? He feels so honoured but he will never-“
I was going on a tangent, speaking really fast. Nerves tend to do that.
Jeremiah Fisher began to lean in for a kiss.
“Woah, what are you doing?” I asked.
I was so nervous to have my first kiss with Jere because I felt as if I’d be horrible.
“Do you not want to?” His facial expressions resembled a little bit of hurt.
“No, no, I do but it’s my- it’s just-“
I did not want to tell him how inexperienced I was.
“It’s your first kiss, I know. Is it ok if I kiss you?”
With that, he leaned in. His lips were almost touching when he said:
“I’ve been waiting to do this…forever.”
Then the gap closed. It felt so incredible. Our lips moved perfectly together and it felt as if there was a thousand fireworks going off. His hands cupped my cheeks while mine rested on his shoulders, everything felt so delicate.
I eventually pulled away because I had to catch my breath.
“Thank you.”
Thank you!? I watched so many videos about how not to say that after you kiss someone. I was so dumb.
“You’re most certainly welcome! Also, you’re not a nerd.” and he kissed my cheek.
I started laughing and so did he. He then took my hand and led me back to the house where we sat and talked for the rest of the night.
That was the summer where I started dating Jeremiah Fisher.
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rocketboots564 · 5 months
Here is part two of my thoughts, notes, and reactions to Red Versus Blue Season 9 as a first time watcher!
Season 9 part 2:
Damn imagine your breath being so bad you can smell it through the fully face covering helmet. Brush your teeth Epsilon…
The director’s a dick, Alpha’s a dick, and Epsilon’s even a dick! It’s the dick circle of life! And also “quite the lineage” according to Tucker
Wait wait backup…. CABOOSE YOU GREW UP ON A MOON? Could we actually go back to that! That sounds way more interesting then Operation: Let’s Get Dommed by Tex Again
Tex likes you Epsilon (or likes Alpha?), but Caboose is right, she’s really is just kinda mean. Awesome though…. and badass… but mean.
“You know what the difference between stalking and romance is? Romance happens in movies. In real life, it’s called stalking,” you know what? Maybe Tucker really is kinda based.
Huh, North Dakota really healed from those bullet wounds quickly!
Uhmm what the fuck happened to Utah? Did he die cause of the weird ability stuff you guys use.
Someone’s throwing hands with crumpet eater Wyoming and MAINE (plus whoever York is)? And they’re a new recruit? It’s Tex isn’t it…
“Hey South? You might actually learn something if you stop running your mouth,” CHEW HER ASS UP SASSY CYAN LADY BEAT HER ASS!! So I looked up her name she’s Carolina… oooh!
Oh, so Maine was a grunting, growling weirdo even before the Character AI addiction
Damn they even have advanced paintball up in here… change the guns a bit and they’ll be able to have Splatoon turf wars as a training sim. That could be really fun!
Actually I take that back… the freelancers would probably get WAAAAY too competitive
This is what I mean by these fuckers are WAY TOO COMPETITIVE!! REALLY?! LIVE BULLETS? way to be sore losers…
Nah… I know Tex did NOT just say “never abandon your team” YOU LITERALLY BETRAYED EVERYBODY LAST SEASON!!
And what did it get you Tex? KILLED! IT GOT YOU KILLED AND SHELVED IN great value MATRIX with EPSILON.
As much as I wanna say “Tex, you can do no wrong,” YOU HAVE DONE PLENTY WRONG. Girlypop I cannot defend you like this in these conditions
“Do you think our enemies will care about regulations on the battlefield?” I dunno direchtor… considering you got sacked because your enemies were following regulation… I’m gonna say yeah
Not only that, but the one place they can consider as a “home” should VERY WELL have some regulations! It’s supposed to be a place where they can feel comfortable! Emphasis on “supposed”
Ah, blue team… you guys are so lovingly pathetic it’s adorable. And deep down I know Tex agrees with me.
Honestly, Lopez stealing Simmons’s identity was kind of a slay… I mean sure it’s bad for Simmons but also…. He ate that
ALPHA?! LIKE OG ALPHA AS IN CHURCH? I thought they did the whole torture him until he split into different personalities… is this before that? Interesting…
So this mission is in the middle of an “urban environment” huh? Yeah this is gonna go great I can already tell…
Conclusion: I love how Texas is this super cool, unbeatable badass amongst the freelancers and in these other seasons…
meanwhile she gets her shit rocked in the first season by Red Team. Honestly, I think that the Red and Blue teams could honestly take down any of these guys if they just put their heads together
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tkachukz · 1 year
How is Matthew Tkachuk as a boyfriend
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-Matthew is an extremely competitive person, so since you agreed to be his girlfriend, he works hard to be the best boyfriend in the world
-That means he's always researching things to do, bringing you gifts without special occasions, and planning dates in detail
-But he also loves spending the day with you cuddling on the couch watching a movie
-For dates, he likes to take you to fancy places, where you can dress up and he can watch you in a pretty dress
-He loves playing sports, and is always planning to play them with you
-You've already joined him in golf, tennis, cycling, mountain climbing and scuba diving
-He still intends to make you play hockey eventually, but for that he still needs to teach you how to skate
-And of course the game would only be between close friends so you don't get hurt
-He can be quite overprotective, but only because he cares about you a lot
-At parties and events, he likes to have one hand behind your back
-First because he knows that big events make you nervous
-And secondly, because he want to make sure that everyone knows that you are accompanied
-If any guy approaches you, he will loudly introduce himself as your boyfriend, maybe shake his hand or pull you closer
-But it won't take you out of the conversation if you want to stay
-He likes to be present at your side, but also he likes that you feel comfortable talking to whoever you want
-Things change if the guy tries to hit on you, makes a pass at you, or makes you uncomfortable
-Matt will put himself in the middle, pulling you behind him
-He prefers to resolve things by talking, intimidation, or simply getting you away from there
-But wouldn't mind punching someone if the situation called for it.
-He wouldn't let anyone hurt you
-When you are alone, he allows himself to show his most vulnerable side
-Matt has always felt very pressured into what people expect of him, and having you by his side, someone who loves him entirely for who he is, makes him immensely happy
-And he has no problem showing it
-He never hangs up a call, leaves the house, or goes to sleep without saying 'I love you'
-Little kisses on top of the head, holding your hand whenever you leave the house, opening and closing doors, offering your arm when you're in heels or needing to deal with stairs. Before you met, you didn't know he could be such a gentleman.
-You lost count of how many times you ended up with his suit over your shoulders at the end of parties because of the cold
-And he loves to see you wearing his clothes, be it a t-shirt or a coat, but mostly, his jerseys
-with his number and last name stamped very large
-When he is traveling, you can expect a call from him every night
-Sometimes it comes with a complete analysis of the game, a gossip about a teammate or something that happened in your day
-But sometimes it's just you looking at each other for a while, mumbling longing, and often sleeping listening to each other's laughter
-You've fallen asleep on too many phone calls while Matt had the camera on, because watching you so relaxed made him feel good
-When he comes back from his trip, he always brings a gift
-Often from the city he was in, some cap or teddy bear
-Or when he felt that no gift was good enough, he resorted to flowers
-Lilies, your favorites
-He loves watching you do everyday things
-Watches you out of the corner of his eye as you're getting ready to go out, doing your makeup and humming Taylor Swift
-He secretly likes the songs but likes to pretend they're not a big deal just to watch you take a deep breath and start a ten minute monologue explaining why Taylor is the music industry
-And you secretly know he likes the song, but you love talking about Taylor
-He is not very good at cooking, but he is always committed to helping you
-You tend to leave him with simpler tasks that don't involve fire
-Like cut vegetables or decorate cookies
-One day he surprised you with a wonderful mac and cheese
-You let out a sincere smile when you saw that he had looked up the video step by step on youtube
-And it was very good.
-He loves to give little love bites
-all affectionate
-And he doesn't mind when you call him a little pest or teddy bear
-Only when you're alone
-Matthew wants  to be the best boyfriend in the world and so far, you definitely have nothing to complain about
-He is doing a great job
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akaisenhatake · 1 year
behold my hpma ocs, they've been reborn at last
they're not the mc but dw ill post my mc next time
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Summarized Info below:
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Name: Lan Wang
Alias: Bark
BoD:??? [1996]
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
House: Slytherin
Wand: Cherry wood, 10 1/4 inches, Dragon Heartstring
Best Subject: Care for Magical Creatures
Worst Subject: History of Magic
Friends(?): Cassandra, Frey twins, Sand [@/stupendousbookworm]
Enemies: Whoever he starts beef with.
Other info:
Very Competitive [mostly duelling but he'll challenge you to a speedwalk contest too. Gets mad easily when he loses]
Experienced in Duelling
Raging Simp [ Is constantly fighting with frey twins on who gets to impress cassandra]
Quite tall [taller than the twins and enjoys rubbing it in their face]
Dislikes Ivy [wish he could pick her and toss her out of the window from the tallest tower. Reason is unknown.]
Goes to The Forbidden Forest often [I mean. For one, he wants to practice his spells without sending another student to St. Mungos. Second, he wants to see a dragon. Third, breaking rules are funny]
Protective [He's a ladies man only to cassandra, literally but those fists and spells are gender neutral to his rivals if something happens to Woof]
Parental issues, yes.
Afraid of bugs [will set the room on fire if necessary]
Wears Leather Jacket 24/7 [school uniform ugly]
METAL [he has the vocal point for it, screaming is his talent]
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Name: Lan Qi
Alias: Woof
BoD:??? [1997]
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Ash wood, 13 3/4 inches, Dragon Heartstring
Best Subject: Charms
Worst Subject: Potions [Allergic to some ingredients / smell of potions]
Friends: Slythetin Gang, MC & some of the main casts(?)
Enemies: [Doesn't want any]
Other info:
Small & Short
Sleeps in Class [Mostly nocturnal]
Wears Mask [Dislikes her teeth, so she hid it]
Kinda Chill [Makes her an easy target to be bullied but she's used to it by that point]
Decent at duelling [sharp observation]
Ukelele nice :)
Lonely [despite her preference of being left alone, she still can't help but feel lonely
Always wear long sleeves [It's cold outside]
Broom surfing nice :)
Friendly [Though she doesn't go out to make friends, she doesn't mind others wanting to do the same for her.]
Goes to the Forbidden Forest often [Huh, for what? it's not like she can collect potions ingredients or practice burning acromantulas. She doesn't like taking care of magical creatures either. Sure you can say she probably only wants to accompany Bark, but they go there on different times.]
Height Difference
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Most of the contents about their past life are currently unknown, as they avoid sharing their personal life. Though, Bark constantly complains about how relieved he felt to 'not share bed with other children', solidifying the idea both siblings used to be in an orphange. He also appears to have gotten his eyebrow scar from a 'fight' while he was exploring the woods right before starting Hogwarts.
Current Story
While their existence don't change much of the plotline, MC and the casts will have to deal with another Slytherin twat for the time being. Bark, being the most aggressive out of the three, probably starts more fights and arguments. Although he doesn't win in most of them, they should still keep an eye out on him, as quoted by his sister.
Woof in the first few years mostly lurks around behind, considering she doesn't have much to do with the events happening in the current plotline. She appears in a few class sessions with MC, but it's only her sleeping in most of them. They might bump into her while exploring the Forbidden Forest, but she'll excuse herself to continue whatever she was doing before interrupted.
Profile content will change as the canon story progresses.
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ziesbunz · 13 days
NCT Legacy Challenge [ver 2] | part two
Inspired by lilsimsie and alwaysimming's not-so-berry challenge and sims-himbo's Barbie Legacy Challenge, I give you the K-pop collaboration idea that comes from combining the large numbered group NCT and our beloved Sims 4 Legacy gameplay.
Make sure to use the hashtag #NCTLegacyChallenge, so I can catch a glimpse of what you're making on various social media platforms and in the gallery.
For easier access, here is the link for the Google Docs of the challenge
You can access the FIRST part here
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Here are some of the basic rules of the challenge:
Play on a short lifespan this is to make sure that we get through all 25 generations of this let’s play.
But if you want to play on a normal life span please refer to the normal life span rules [to be updated!]
This legacy is patriarchal, meaning only male sims can be the heirs of this let’s play.
The firstborn son would be the recognized heir.
All skills and careers should reach level 7
Unless stated otherwise 
All aspirations must finish the third level
Unless stated otherwise.
All generations should start with 2,500 Simoleons
Unless they are set to inherit the previous sim’s wealth.
Auto aging should be on even for townies.
You may opt to, but are not required to:
Edit your sims to look like the NCT members
Edit their names to be the same as the generation
Live in different lots per generation (if moving is not a requirement)
Follow with a mid-life crisis situation and change paths as long as you've reached level 7 of your career.
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ISFP | Taurus
The beach life, mystical parent, and an overly active father– like a cooking pot for the birth of an introvert like him. Growing up in a town that was so close knit it was impossible not to walk through town without getting stopped. Exhausting conversations seem to outweigh the gorgeous scenery that your father has always adored. Now maybe all you want is the silence of your own apartment in a town where people don’t really mind never seeing you–
traits: loner, geek, genius
aspiration: computer whiz
career: tech guru -- start up entrepreneur
skills to lvl 7: video gaming, programming
additional requirements:
Move to San Myshuno as a young adult
Attend all festivals in town
Whoever invites you to the romance festival is your spouse (+ get married on the spot)
Collect 50% of the posters in the area.
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ENFP | Gemini
The city life was just as exciting as you can imagine. The festivals and people light up your soul. This was exactly the life you want moving forward. People knew who you were and it was hard to deny your presence in this part of the town. It was as if even before you graduated high school people knew you were bound to represent everyone in the city.
traits: self-assured, squeamish, insider
aspiration: friend of the world
career: politics -- politician branch
skills to lvl 7: charisma, research & debate
additional requirements:
Remain in San Myshuno
Proper trait only comes once you turn in a young adult
Finished the admired icon teen aspiration
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ISFJ | Leo
A powerful father seems to have been your personality when you were in school. In a similar manner, but unlike your father, you were a little more– academically excellent. You weren’t naturally smart, more of a hard worker. Whatever it is, it has helped you land that job in the medical field– just a step closer to the surgeon dream you always wanted.
traits: overachiever, perfectionist, erratic
aspiration: friend of the animals
career: doctor
skills to lvl 7: photography, fitness
additional requirements:
Have three cats
Showcase your cats to simstagram pets once a day
Visit the gym once a week
Spouse must be a gym trainer
Turn them into a professional athlete later
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INTJ | Libra
To say that you were spoiled growing up would not be a lie. Your parents were a doctor and professional athletes, it was as if hard work and competitiveness ran through your blood like it was natural. Maybe it was natural. Your desire to work hard and competition seems to have led you to one speedy sport– equestrian! 
traits: loves outdoors, adventurous, horse lover
aspiration: championship rider
career: part-time -- influencer
skills to lvl 7: riding, violin
additional requirements:
Move to Chesnut Ridge as a young adult
Previous generation’s wealth is inherited
Own a horse {either adopt or CAS] and max out the friendship
Own at least 2 small goats, a llama, a cow, and at least 2 chickens
Get gold for the Ranch Animal Day event.
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ESTP | Sagittarius
 Your father’s racing career seems to have always been the center of conversations at your dinner table. Somehow, this has escalated to your complete absorption into your father’s competitive spirit. It didn’t really come as a surprise that you wanted to be a professional athlete– and after trying nearly every sport under the sun during high school, you settled down to the one you seemed to like the most– basketball
traits: active, insider, ambitious
aspiration: extreme sports enthusiast
career: athlete -- professional athlete
skills to lvl 7: fitness, bowling
additional requirements:
Previous generation’s wealth is inherited
Must have a complete basketball court in your background
Must have your own home gym
Visit the hospital for every sickness that you are feeling.
Create a basketball club and earn 2000 club points
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INFP | Aquarius
People around you wonder how your father gave birth to such a shy son. As much as you adored the spotlight that unconsciously came with your father’s fame you seemed to like being all alone with the stars and the sky– wait! This sounds a little too familiar, doesn’t it? But unlike your ancestor, you were a little too scared to actually fly in a rocket.
traits: good, loyal, socially awkward (alt. romantically reserved)
aspiration: the curator
career: scientist
skills to lvl 7: gardening, handiness
additional requirements:
Complete the elements collection
Create a ‘den’ that’s only for your collection and private get away.
Be good friends with at least two of your co-workers
Create weekend hangouts with the two of them
One of them will be your spouse.
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INTJ | Taurus
A shy father gives birth to a shy son—not really. Maybe because he had always been so comfortable in silence you were often in charge of leading conversations in the house. This led to you becoming a talented realtor and now the owner of a complex you were renting out. Your social personality and natural leadership traits made you the perfect owner—or that was your goal.
traits: overachiever, loves the outdoors, ambitious
aspiration: five star property owner
career: part-time -- manual labor
skills to lvl 7: wellness, handiness
additional requirements:
Build a complex where at least four other families can live (+ you must live in the same complex)
Must have a functioning electrical box & water heater in the property
MUST live in Tomarani
Must ONLY have five TOTAL revolts from tenants
Your spouse must be a tenant.
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ISFP | Cancer
People said the way your parents met was the epitome of romance or a rom-com plot. It was hard not to be so filled with love growing up, from your parents to your neighborhood, that proved to you that you indeed need a village to raise a child. Your love is bursting from within and you can’t help but share this love.
traits: lovebug, childish, child of the village
aspiration: serial romantic
career: romance counselor -- matchmaker
skills to lvl 7: romance, piano
additional requirements:
Must live in Ciudad Enamorada
Must meet spouse through Cupid’s Corner.
Must earn three gold dates
Spouse and your relationship should be steamy
Must have at least three children
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ESFJ | Aries
You have been a performer since the day you were born. If you could be an idol in this game you would have, but that isn’t the case. Instead, you’re in the entertainment career at the center of the spotlight—where you belong! But there was just something more, you dream of perfect tranquility and balance and maybe the stage isn’t the only place for you to shine.
traits: dance machine, practice makes perfect, loyal
aspiration: zen guru
career: entertainer -- musician branch
skills to lvl 7: dancing, wellness
additional requirements:
Stream yourself playing the guitar until you reach notable newcomer.
Complete the Zen Guru aspiration.
Must meet spouse at the Spa.
Attend a yoga class three times.
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ENFP | Cancer
Your kind, gentle, and affectionate nature made kids drawn to you. It just fits perfectly with your historian-obsessed interest and your desire to teach history to young kids. Yet you know well that reading and research aren’t enough to satisfy your curiosity. Thus, most of the small income you get from teaching is spent in researching at Selvorada.
traits: good, vegetarian, lovebug
aspiration: archaeology scholar
career: education -- professor
skills to lvl 7: archaeology, research & debate
additional requirements:
Complete the fossil set
Visit the Selvorada and finish exploring the temple.
Visit Selvorada at least thrice.
Meet your spouse at Selvorada.
Optional: Make your house look like Selvorada.
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ENTP | Leo
Your extroverted father has always made sure that you were always part of some community. It doesn’t come as a shock to you when you move to a city that has the perfect space for community. Except, it wasn’t really what you’d imagined it to be. You make it your goal to finally create the perfect space for you to finally relax in.
traits: clumsy, recycle disciple, outgoing
aspiration: eco innovator
career: civil technician -- green technician
skills to lvl 7: fabrication, gardening
additional requirements:
Move to Evergreen Harbor.
Turn on eco-footprint.
Must live by the docks and turn the eco-footprint green.
Retire as soon as you become an elder.
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ENFP | Scorpio
You finally complete the last of the legacy challenge. Just as your ancestors have always wanted, you pursue something you’re interested in–baking! Your goal was to make everyone in the world discover your baking skills and acknowledge that maybe bread was better than rice (?) 
traits: cheerful, goofball, slob
aspiration: market magnet
career: self-employed -- bakery owner
skills to lvl 7: baking, comedy
additional requirements:
Complete aspiration.
As an adult buy a retail and sell your baked goods there.
Have more than 50,000 simoleons for the retail before your generation ends.
If you want to continue playing your spouse must be a regular.
You may choose not to marry and have children
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By this part you've gone through 25 generations of the sims and has gone through every member of NCT.
For easier access you can access the Google Docs here
Looking for the first part?
Part One
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thedragonchilde · 5 months
Ship meme spam round one
1- Who is the most affectionate?
Please, Chibodee is the king of casual affection! It doesn't actually occur as easily to Domon, but he gets really into it, so it's all good.
2-Big spoon/Little spoon?
Chibodee is absolutely big spoon... unless he falls asleep first, then all bets are off
3-Most common argument?
Tough call. What's likely for them is brief heated arguments, but, like... the thing they're arguing about isn't the real problem. (So I guess technically these proxy arguments are really about communication, and the ways they both fail at it when upset - and things do improve once a blowout fight brings that into the open.)
4-Favorite non-sexual activity?
I feel like sparring is the obvious answer here
5-Who is most likely to carry the other?
I would pay actual money to see Domon pick up Chibodee. I'm sure he could, of course, but it's just a funny visual.
6-What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Assuming this means physical features, it's a tie on Chibodee's behalf - he pays particular attention to people's eyes, and Domon's dark fiery eyes are no exception... but Domon also has the perfect ass. On the flip side, Domon doesn't quite get why he would have to pick just one thing. Does ‘smile’ count as a feature?
7-What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Knowing he has no chance at that point, Chibodee busts his ass to make sure that nothing changes between them (the last thing he needs is Domon getting wise)... which works out okay until he blurts it out to the other Shuffles. So I suppose the first thing that changes is the rest of the gang (particularly George) having increasing awkward moments where they keep a suspiciously close eye out for any rise in tension between the two.
When Domon finally realizes his feelings down the line, he actually comes out with it fairly quickly - but not before some uncharacteristic fumbling, a not-incorrect accusation that Chibodee is hiding something from him, and a very loaded sparring session.
8-Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Nothing really in the way of affectionate pet names, not that Chibodee didn't try
9-Who worries the most?
I have to give it to broody Domon. If Chibodee does, he usually tries to play it off.
10-Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Chibodee, but mostly because Domon has predictable taste
11-Who tops?
You speak as though that wouldn't be competitive
12-Who initiates kisses?
At first, definitely Chibodee, though he's got to be careful about it, because the whole thing is still shaky territory for Domon and steamrolling him isn't going to help. Eventually, it evens out a little more (and Domon can be surprisingly thoughtful about it)
13-Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Whoever needs it. Encouragement via hand-holding is one stripe of affection that comes very naturally for them.
14-Who kisses the hardest?
I mean, they both have a lot of pent-up passion
15-Who wakes up first?
Domon. Old habits die hard.
16-Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Chibodee's a fairly early riser himself (when he's not hung over), but lord help you if you get him up before he's good and ready
17-Who says I love you first?
...I'll be honest, I'm still working this one out, especially if the L word isn't dropped in the initial confession
18-Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
I'm honestly not sure I see this happening??
19-Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Once it actually happens? I don't think Domon is capable of not telling people
20-What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Dr Kasshu is terribly confused. Rain has some complicated thoughts, but is overall happy for Domon, and honestly a little relieved. Allenby idly wonders if that (Domon being into guys) is why she never really stood a chance. Argo cautiously approves. Sai has a lot to process. George laughs and asks Chibodee how he managed that miracle. The gals are pleasantly shocked, and $10 says at least one of them feels the need to give Domon the obligatory protective sister speech. (If this is a timeline where Kyoji and/or Schwarz is around, he/they had a feeling it would go this way.)
21-Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
I'm not sure I see this happening either
22-Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Why do I get the feeling Domon might actually have picked up some skills in the wilderness? Nothing fancy, but.
23-Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Chibodee, no question
24-Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Chibodee is the easy answer here too, though there's a good chance that anything he says will take a few seconds to click for Domon, if it doesn't sail over his head entirely. If Domon were to do this, however, he'd be more effective, mostly by virtue of sheer bluntness.
25-Who needs more assurance?
Oh lord, in their own ways, both of them! The trouble is that, in their own ways, they both aren't great at seeking it out (Domon gets snippy and withdraws, Chibodee pulls the old "eyyy lmao I am totally OK no need to worry"), so it comes down to the other learning those cues
26-What would be their theme song?
...so I kind of have a playlist? https://open.spotify.com/user/thedragonchilde/playlist/7mT3I57SvEMps9Gz5AJl7O?si=1Je5GtALTpejsoA9ELWBLg
27-Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
Chibodee, no contest. He'd pass on his mom's lullaby.
28-What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Given that we're dealing with a fairly substantially long-distance relationship at first? Business as usual, though training has been known to get rougher when the stress of separation is particularly high
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shadowcatzone · 1 year
okay. okay. okay.
Headcanon; considering the "renheng former incarnation adopted a vidyadhara child" okay. So there's the thing about little sister bailu. I know.
But now we have a complete separate child who lived with the old men (tm) for a while.
We're calling her Lian henceforth [bc i read the name (Yeon) in a manhwa and liked it and] to avoid confusion (if there should be any) you may refer to the child however you want though.
So Lian spends many of her days in the smithy with Yingxing bc let's be honest, the Preceptors don't like, well, the entire situation. Specially the child. So to avoid traumatising the poor kid Dan Feng is like "please take her with u i promise she'll behave." Like they aren't fucking married and Yingxing answers "alright lets try that".
She spends her days at home when there are no Preceptors planned for the day. (Like you can actually plan for the fuckers) if they do show up since they're unannounced, dan feng can throw them out or refuse them entry.
Now little Lian gets to watch her dad be a smith and her father be boring. But she's somehow getting Dan Fengs temperament and an uncanny interest for fire. Neat. "You can't say that to me, my father is Imbibitor Lunae so i'm objectively better than you" "that would work maybe on anyone but me Lian i'm literally married to him" she's working on it she's getting there someday. But she's learning a few things from Dan Feng. She learns how to play the audience. When to argue and when to pretend to be deeply hurt, bawling her eyes out on the spot. And When Dan Feng picks her up so her head's on his shoulder, showing her tongue to whoever dared do whatever she took offense for.
Years later and. Yingxing died, so did Dan Feng [sort of], Jing Yuan promised to take her in but people have not been nice to her. Bc when she introduces herself as the daughter of Imbibitor Lunae, or of Yingxing, you know. And one day someone's like "Hey would you like to try smithing? I've heard your dad was really good at it." In an attempt to humiliate her, (read: you'll never be as good as your dad) but for some reason. Something just clicks and she remembers watching her father work. At first, she's just trying to imitate, but she has an actual knack for it. Neat.
Like some hidden talent just breaks out, she's already better than some of the trainees, and they're all like "but how are you so good at it? There's no way!" And she just goes "i am my fathers daughter after all. Did you expect any less?"
(She's been training specifically for this day, it's not the first time, but she's not telling anyone that)
Somehow she ends up with a contract to work as a smith and Jing Yuan reads the contract a few times and he's unsure how she managed that, just a while ago, NOBODY wanted to hire her, so he just goes "Congratulations. ...your dad would be proud, ...i think..." and somewhere out god knows where, Blade suddenly gets a strange sense of competition? But also pride?? Why????
Meanwhile Dan Heng hits his head on a lamp or something.
Tldr: Yingxing+Dan Feng and their child becomes a blacksmith against all odds?
I'm done rambling
Edit: i've changed the name, from Yeon, to Lian
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izulils · 4 months
guys.. i’m writing a little short story? here’s the beginning ig
I truly don’t know why I thought it was a good idea to keep drinking.
I came to this party with two of my friends, Violet and Bella. Now, I’m alone. They both went off with some manwhore and are probably drunk fucking. I have been sitting in the corner of the living room for… I don’t know, actually. I don’t even know whose fucking house this is. I also know the type of guys that go to these parties, so I’m wearing jeans and a sweater. However, I guess that didn’t stop me from getting absolutely wasted.
I just kept taking shot after shot. I mean, nobody is trying to stop me. So why’s it matter? Other drunk people keep stopping and sitting by the couch, making out. But it really looks like they’re trying to swallow each other. Gross.
I also think I’m the only bored person at this party. I can hear some guy from the kitchen screaming Taylor Swift karaoke. Good for him, I guess.
I’ve also decided I now need to pee, so I stand up and walk to the bathroom. Which, surprisingly, doesn’t have a line. I do my business, wash my hands and stare into the mirror in front of me.
Jesus Christ.
My hair was kind of messy, blonde strands stuck to my sweaty face. Why didn’t I wear a shirt under this damn sweater? I run my fingers through my hair when I hear a knock at the door.
I sigh and walk to the door and pull it open. I see a familiar face looking back at me.
What the fuck.
Why in God’s name is Jamie Gallagher here?
I see his eyes widen after he looks down at me. “Claudia?”
“Move.” I really did not want to talk to Jamie.
“Claudia, are you drunk?”
“No, now move it.” I think I could play a pretty good sober girl. Even though I couldn’t really walk straight.
What the fuck is Claudia Reynolds doing drunk at a party?
I can tell she’s drunk, even when she’s lying and says she’s sober, due to her slurred words. I regret coming to this party, though. I don’t even like drinking and the friends I came here with have all left with different girls. Dumbasses. I can’t really be talking since I’m still a hardcore virgin, but it’s by choice. I don’t want to ruin my first time by being drunk with some random girl that’s also drunk.
She tries to push past me, but I stay stiff.
“Not so fast, Reynolds.” I hate Claudia. With all of my heart, but I can’t let a drunk girl walk around a party all alone. Claudia and I have been enemies ever since we first met in the second grade. I had moved to the house right beside hers and she was extremely bossy.
Some things never change, I guess. Apparently, I was the only one she was rude to. Then, when school started, she hated that I also had straight As. So now, we even make bets before tests or projects. Whoever gets a higher grade gets ten bucks. Embarrassingly enough, I’ve won twice. She’s a competitive girl, that’s for sure.
“What.” She says, not asking.
“What are you doing here?” That’s not what I wanted to say, but okay.
“Better question: What are you doing here, Jamie?” I don’t fucking know, Claudia.
She pushes past me again, and I let her get through. Then, I turn and shout over the music, “Claudia! Claudia, stop.” I rush after her and catch up beside her.
“What, asshole?” She says, not looking at me.
“I’m taking you home.” She laughs at that.
“No the fuck you’re not.” Claudia is so goddamn stubborn. It makes me furious, but I can’t show it. I have to remember: This is a drunk girl. She’s in no place to make decisions.
“Clau–” Then I hear a thump and I look down to see Claudia blacked out on the floor. How perfect.
I sigh and crouch down, putting my arm around her waist and propping her up on my shoulders. I feel her arms dangling behind my back and her hair tickling my back.
I lie Claudia in the passenger seat of my car and buckle her in.
I feel a little guilty for taking her home when she told me not to, but it’s for her own good. Something bad would’ve happened at that party, I know it. I think somewhere deep, deep down in me, I care about Claudia. I could never tell anyone that, though. It’s not like it’s some crazy thing, either. I just think I could be capable of murder if someone ever, ever hurt her. Maybe that’s just because I’ve known her for so long. Yeah. That’s why.
My thoughts are interrupted when I hear Claudia mumble something. I turn to her, but her eyes are still shut, I look back at the road and let go of a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Then she mumbles again, but I can hear her.
“Jamie.” I freeze and glance at her. Her eyes are partially opened and are looking at me. I expect her to go off on how mad she is at me, so I try to solve the problem before it even starts.
“I’m sorry. I just thought–”
She cuts me off. “Turn the heat up.”
So she’s not going to try and murder me? Alright then. I do what she says and turn the heat up higher, I watch as her eyes flutter shut and I gulp, then look back at the road.
Claudia doesn’t want to kill me.
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duhragonball · 2 years
Dragon Ball GT 41
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✨GT Stands for Glum Tournament✨
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It’s time for the World Martial Arts Tournament!  GT Style!  That means it’s really bad.  For example, here’s a scene of Goten on a date with Palace, and she’s trying hamburgers for the first time.  Goten isn’t in the tournament, and he has absolutely nothing to do with the tournament.  He just hears about it on the TV in this restaurant. 
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Vegeta is also not in the tournament, but he still shows up anyway because he wants to fight Goku.  You’d think he would have challenged him before this, but it’s like he heard the news coverage of the tournament and suddenly remembered he’s never beaten the guy. 
Unfortunately for Vegeta, Goku is unavailable, because he is in the tournament..... the junior division that is!  Uh-oh!  He’s a 53-year-old man, but everyone thinks he’s a little kid!  It’s a recipe for wackiness!
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So yeah, Goku’s spent all afternoon beating up defenseless children, because he’s such a great hero.  While he’s shooting the breeze with Vegeta, his opponent in the final round panics and just goes apeshit, knocking Goku out of the ring.  At least, that’s how I remembered this episode going...
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... but it turns out that Goku didn’t land outside the ring right away.  Instead he managed to cling to the edge, so his opponent started tickling him until he let go and lost the match.  Goku can fly, right?  Like, I’m pretty sure that’s something he knows how to do.  And you might argue that he wasn’t taking this competition very seriously, but then why did he enter in the first place? 
I mean, Goku and Vegeta can literally fight each other whenever they want, but for some reason, they both seem to have forgotten about it.  So Goku slums it in this tournament for lack of any better ideas, and then Vegeta hears about it and he’s like “Oh, yeah, I knew I was forgetting something!”
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At the end of the episode, Vegeta challenges Goku again, and it looks like they’re about to throw down, but then Goku calls it off because he’s hungry!  Everyone shares a big laugh, including Vegeta, which kind of pisses me off. GT has run the “Goku wants to eat first” gag into the ground, and here they use it yet again, and it’s supposed to be this laugh riot.  It sucks. 
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Okay, so here’s the A-plot: Mister Satan is still bummed out about Majin Buu’s death in Episode 32.  Well, I’m not sure Buu actually died.  He merged with Uub, so I guess he’s still alive as a part of Uub, but he had a farewell scene with Satan, and Satan’s pretty depressed about it, so I think it’s fair to say that Majin Buu is dead, if only in a dramatic sense. 
I think some fans lump this episode in with the Super 17 saga, but I prefer to consider it a coda to the Baby Saga, since the episode is about Satan moving on after losing Buu, which happened because of Baby.  As we saw in the final episodes of Dragon Ball Z, Mr. Satan told the world that Majin Buu was his star pupil, and he used his stroke to change the rules of the Tournament.  Before, fighters would have to qualify for an eight-person, single-elimination bracket, and the winner would be declared the new champion.  But by the 26th Budokai, the winner of the bracket simply earned a match with the defending champion, Mr. Satan.  Majin Buu would make sure to win, then take a dive for Satan to allow him to retain his title.  Of course, we saw the 28th Budokai play out in the final episode of DBZ, where Goku and Uub abandoned their match and the tournament was canceled. 
Well, this is the 31st Tenkaichi Budokai, and for the first time in 15 years, Mr. Satan can’t do the usual formula of having Buu sweep the bracket and do the job for the champ.  Satan might be able to get someone from Dragon Team to help him out, but that’s not the point.   He misses Majin Buu, and he’s starting to wonder what the point is to keeping up this routine.  And so Satan announces in this episode that he plans to retire after this tournament is over.  Whoever wins the match to face him for the title will be named his successor.
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There’s this weird bit where Trunks hears the news while listening to a radio during a Capsule Corp board meeting, and everyone panics because they think Trunks is resigning as President of their company, but then they find out it’s Satan who’s retiring, and they flip out even more.  Trunks uses the chaos to sneak out of work, and he flies to the tournament stadium to see what’s going on, but I don’t really get why he’s so interested in this.  I mean, what does it matter to him if Mr. Satan retires?
For some reason, I could have sworn that Trunks really did resign as President of Capsule Corp. in Episode 42, but maybe I got it wrong.  We’ll find out soon enough.  Anyway, this feels like a weak attempt to shoehorn Trunks into the story, since he’s all over the opening credits. 
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Pan, on the other hand, fits right into this story, since she’s Mr. Satan’s granddaughter, and her Saiyan power makes her the heir apparent to the Mr. Satan combat sports empire.  And she even enters the tournament, but just for the fun of fighting.  Once she learns that the tournament winner will become Satan’s successor, she withdraws from the competition.  She wants more out of life than following in her grandfather’s footsteps.
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So she spends the rest of the event eating lollipops with her parents.  I don’t want to harp too much on the cheap animation shortcuts in this series, but I found these sequences kind of strange and offputting until I realized that they probably only used them here because it allowed the characters to talk without any lip flaps. 
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Naturally, Pan’s resignation upsets Mr. Satan’s plans.  He was the one who arranged for the junior division to have a height requirement instead of an age requirement this year.  That way Goku would be kept out of the adult division, while giving Pan (who is taller) a clear shot at the finals.  Wait, why didn’t Goku just turn Super Saiyan 4?  I mean, if there’s a height requirement, that doesn’t matter, because he can change his height at will.  Well, too late for that now. 
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Okay, so if Goku, Vegeta, Goten, Trunks, Gohan, Videl, and Pan are all out of the tournament, and Piccolo and Majin Buu are dead, then who’s left?  Well, it turns out to be Papaya Man, a mysterious new competitor who sweeps the whole bracket. 
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Pan is impressed when she sees him in action, and starts to wish she hadn’t quit before facing him.   Also, she stuffs her lollipop in her mouth and turns into nightmare fuel.  Hey, if I had to look at this, then so do you.
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But “Papaya Man” turns out to be Uub in disguise.  I forget why he used an alias.  I think it was something about him being nervous in front of crowds?  It doesn’t matter.  The point is, it’s Uub vs. Satan for the world title, and Uub doesn’t bother holding back.  He really wants the championship, and he seems to think he needs to fight with everything he’s got to win it. 
I don’t understand this, since he’s been training with Goku for five years.  You’d think at some point Goku would have let him in on the whole Mr. Satan thing.  But Uub seems to think that Mr. Satan really is a dangerous opponent for some reason.
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Then, just as Uub goes to knock Satan out of the ring, he hears Majin Buu’s voice telling him to let Satan win, because if he loses, “everyone will be sad.”  Uub just sort of freezes in place, so it seems like Buu is somehow controlling his body rather than convincing Uub to take a dive.  Wait, if Buu can control Uub like this, and talk to him whenever he wants, then why did he wait until just now to explain this to Uub?
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Anyway, Satan manages to knock Uub out of the ring while Uub is frozen, so he wins.  And Mr. Satan is gobsmacked, because he thinks he won all on his own, something he hasn’t done in decades.  He’s so overjoyed, and so moved by the crowd’s adulation that he decides he won’t retire after all. 
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Uub is disappointed at first.  The others congratulate him on letting Satan have the big win, but it wasn’t Uub’s choice.  But then, as he sees Satan celebrating with his fans, he starts to understand why it mattered so much to Buu.  I seem to remember the dub version having Buu explain it in greater detail. 
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Oh, also, there’s this weird running gag where cars keep crashing into each other throughout the episode.   I think it’s supposed to be that motorists are hearing about the shocking news of Mr. Satan’s retirement, and they end up getting so distracted that they crash into each other, but I’m not sure.  It’s very odd.
✨ “Good” “Ideas”, Poorly Executed.✨
When Totally Not Mark covered this episode in his GT review, he seemed very touched by Majin Buu’s parting gesture. Satan was all bummed out about not getting to win another tournament with his buddy, and then Majin Buu basically gave him one more win for old times’ sake, using Uub as a proxy.  And yeah, I can appreciate that. 
Buuuuut, this whole episode sort of underscores how far the characters have evolved beyond the Tenkaichi Budokai.  When it was introduced, it was a proving ground for Goku and his friends.  In DBZ, it was a place for Dragon Team to have a friendly reunion, as well as a way to reintroduce Mr. Satan for the Buu saga.  But in GT, it doesn’t serve either of those purposes.  All of the characters basically hang out together all the time anyway, and they’ve all become so powerful that the tournament competition is meaningless to them.  Goku doesn’t care if he wins or loses, Pan enters and withdraws on a whim, and Trunks only seems to care because he wants to know what happens with Mr. Satan.  Uub seems to be the only one who takes the competition seriously, but he looks like a fool because of this.  It’s like no one let him in on the joke.
You can argue that the Tenkaichi Budokai still matters for Mr. Satan, but... does it, though?  I mean, sure, it used to matter a lot to him.  I always loved that scene where he imagined everyone turning against him if he lost to Android 18.  In his mind, even his own daughter would want nothing to do with him if he failed to defend his world title.  And afterward, when he became part of Goku’s circle, rigging the tournament every year was kind of this cool thing he did to maintain his prestige.  It’s how he was able to convince the people of Earth to evacuate to the Tuffle Planet. 
But by this point, Satan’s held the world title for about 23 years.  The people love him unconditionally, and he’s a living legend.  He doesn’t need to win this event anymore.  He could step aside at any time and people would still love him anyway.  And more importantly, Mr. Satan has the love of people who know him for who he really is, so defending his title doesn’t factor into that anymore.  
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And as the episode starts, he seems to have figured this out for himself.  The last few tournaments really were just something he and Buu did for fun, and now that Buu’s gone, he realizes he stopped needing it a long time ago.  I feel like this was the thought that GT should have followed through on.  What does Mr. Satan do with himself beyond the World Tournaments?  What’s the next chapter of his life?  But instead, Buu gives Satan one more win, and it convinces Satan to stay in the game a while longer, at least until the next tournament, where he’ll probably end up facing the same existential crisis. 
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And sure, Buu did something really sweet for his friend.  I don’t want to trample all over that moment, but you know, this episode feels like a metaphor for everything that’s wrong with Dragon Ball GT.  The series was conceived as a way to focus on “the next generation”, which is how we got Pan and Trunks in the main cast.  But Goku had to be in the lead, and he’s old as balls, so they turned him into a kid in a weak attempt to have their cake and eat it too.  Meanwhile, Trunks and Pan barely get to do anything in this show, and other “next generation” characters (Uub, Bulla, Marron, Goten) hardly appear at all. 
Episode 41 is all about Mr. Satan deciding to move on and pass the torch, sort of like how Master Roshi tried to pass the torch to Tien in the 22nd World Tournament.  The problem is that the torch kind of doesn’t matter.  The Tenkaichi Budokai is a joke now, because it’s been a rigged event for decades.  I’m going all the way back to when Chiaotzu would use his telekinesis to rig the brackets.  And even if the torch did matter, no one wants it.  Pan flat out refuses it.  Uub thinks he wants it, then he has a change of heart and decides he doesn’t need it.  So Satan keeps the torch, but it’s pretty clear that he has no use for it. 
Does this sound familiar?  GT opened with Goku declaring that Uub had completed his training to become the defender of the Earth, but it never really mattered, because Goku never went away.  The series implied a shift to the next generation, but it never actually happens, because all the focus is on the old characters like Goku, Vegeta, and Mr. Satan.  When Goten and Trunks offer to use fusion, they’re told to skip it.  When Uub tries to become world champion, Majin Buu stops him.  When Pan does anything too heroic or independent, Kozo Morishita cuts her off. The big climax of this series is Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, not Badass Coolguy Uub and Double-Ultra Saiyan Pan.  And even if the show really did shift to one of the younger characters, what’s the point?   We’re 41 episodes in.  This show gets canceled in about six months, so why bother? 
Okay, so it’s a show about Goku.  Not a problem, that worked in DBZ.  Goku doesn’t need to pass the torch, just like Mr. Satan doesn’t need to give up his World Title reign.  Except...
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This isn’t really a show about Goku either.  He’s all over this series, and he has a nifty new transformation, but it’s not the same character.  He does a lot of pointless gags, like losing a juinor tournament to tickle torture, and always being hungry all the time.  They could have him fight Vegeta for five episodes just because that’s a fun thing both characters would like to do. It’s a crowd-pleaser.  They put a little Goku-Vegeta battle in both Dragon Ball Super films and no one complained.  But GT won’t do that either.  So if it won’t focus on the younger characters, and it won’t take the older characters seriously, then what does that leave?
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And this is why I find GT Vegeta quite relatable.  He grew his mustache and wore his middle-age dad clothes, just as the showrunners wanted, and then they got cold feet and put him back in the limelight, so now he’s dressed like Early 2000′s Wolverine, looking like a classic tough guy, but they won’t let him play that role either.  All because this series can’t decide what it wants to be.  It can’t do lighthearted adventure, it sucks at comedy, and it refuses to commit to Z-style mayhem.  So we’re constantly left with farce. 
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To put it another way, there’s like eight or nine fights in this episode, and none of them matter, because all of them are total mismatches.  Papaya Man suplexes this dude and it doesn’t mean a damn thing, because wins and losses are irrelevant in this episode... about a tournament.  Think about that for a minute.
✨ Positivity Page✨
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I do kind of like this enormous dude who gets matched against Pan in the tournament.  She shows up for her match and she’s stunned by how huge he is, which seems weird because you’d think she would have noticed this guy at the prelims, or during the drawing for the brackets, or when they were in line at catering.  He’s taller than the stadium is my point.
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Also, he stomps on Pan and somehow draws blood?  It’s pretty cool to have Pan wear the Crimson Mask, even if this is only 0.1 on the Muta Scale, but this seems like a strange place to do it.   Baby hit her several times during the fight on the Tuffle Planet, and she never seemed to get a scratch. 
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But again, none of this really has any impact because the competition is pointless.  Pan just raises her ki and knocks this huge dude on his ass. Then she pulls out of the tournament, so I guess this was just a big ol’ bye in the tournament.  Byes suck.  The only time they’re any good is when they let dastardly heels get a free pass to the finals, while the babyface has to win several rounds through blood, sweat, and tears.   Like WrestleMania IV, and even that wasn’t exactly a great tournament.
✨Is this Episode worse than “The Roaming Lake”?✨
 Initially, I was on the fence about this, because the episode has a strong start, and the focus on Satan moving on after losing Buu was compelling.  But things got really dumb really quickly, and it is pretty grating to have a tournament episode full of fights but zero action or suspense in any of them.
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Also, when Goku does the “I’m hungry” bit at the end, there’s this line from the narrator that just bugs the shit out of me.  “Always, no matter the time, Goku is Goku.  It is that Goku that everyone loves.”
What the fuck does that mean? Of course everyone loves Goku, he’s awesome.  Just look at this dude.
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Ha ha!  He’s playing Fortnite!  Look at him running around with that gun.  Goku, what are you doing with that, my man?  You’re too much. 
GT seemed to really want to show Goku off in every episode, but they never seemed to have anything in particular to say about Goku, which leads to lines like “Goku is Goku” from the narrator.  “Yessir, people sure do like that Goku!  What a Goku this Goku turned out to be!   Remember when Goku was here?  He sure is a special guy.”
Well, Goku was also Goku in “The Roaming Lake”, and they actually showed him being a swell guy, instead of just talking about it.  TRL wins again.
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✨ The Blade Braxton Memorial Haiku*✨
What happened to the
Tuffle Planet?  Did they just
Forget about it?
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17 notes · View notes
Of course we're watching the coronation.
We're watching it in our own way, though, and currently we're making up traditions. 
"And, of course, the footmen accompanying the carriage, will be mentally preparing for the final 800 meters of the Mall, where by tradition they will engage in a race with the Household Cavalry - the loser to be executed to get things underway in the manner of that great leader, Ghenghis Kahn.
And the footmen, of course, returning to their old titles since leaving the European Union, when they were, of course, Thirty Centimeter Men, of course."
- - - -
Huw Edwards: "Prince Andrew, making a rare public appearance."
Me: "Oh go on, Huw.  Say why."
He did not, much to my disappointment.
- - - -
"Once they pass the Cenotaph, the queen will, of course, change coaches, where the traditional Race to Westminster Abbey will begin.  She will be in the golden coach, the one without suspension, as the king gets first choice of coach. The competition is, of course, fierce, as whoever arrives first gets to call dibs on being the sovereign."
- - - -
"And there we see the Duke of Norfolk wearing the traditional Coronation Trousers and, as is the custom, nothing else.  He wears them on his head, in honour of "Bonkers Norfolk" who, at the coronation of James I, with only breaches on his head and his ribbon of the Garter attached to his left nipple, leapt in front of Queen Anne and her Ladies-in-Waiting whilst shouting, "hello ladies, would you like to see my impression of a windmill?!"  He will of course be tackled in the traditional manner by several members of the choir whilst the Household Guards stare straight ahead, trying not to make eye contact with anyone at all."
- - - -
Huw Edwards: "The king has chosen to wear the Robes of State."
Me: "Has he? What a genuine surprise!"
- - - -
"And as King Charles III arrives, the doors are slammed in Camilla's face by boxers hired by the king himself in honour of that time George IV continued to be a petty prick to his own wife."
- - - -
Huw Edwards: "And there, the Cross of Canterbury..."
- - - -
King: "In His name and following His example, I come not to be served but to serve."
<produces tennis racket>
- - - -
Bass: <sings Kyrie Eleison, arms folded in front of him>
Me: "There's a man who doesn't know what to do with his hands.  Either that or he's been told not to wave them in case he hits a peer."
Spouse: "You can't trust basses.  He's been discreetly handcuffed."
- - - -
"And, of course, there are some mysteries that remain unexplained.  Like why the Archbishop of Canterbury has the face of a bushbaby on the front of his robes."
- - - -
Archbishop of Canterbury, paraphrased: "Do you promise you're a protestant?
King: "Yes." <points at Boris Johnson> "Get him!"
Huw Edwards, over the sounds of the scuffle: "A deviation from tradition, not because Boris Johnson is a Catholic, of course, but because he really gets on the king's nerves."
- - - -
Huw Edwards: "There will be many rods and scepters used in the ceremony, but the king will eventually be handed his own, inscribed with the words "Bad Mother-Fucker" because, of course, when you absolutely have to reign over everyone in the room, you should accept no substitutes."
- - - -
Can you claim leadership of the Conservatives by right of combat? Because Rishi's right there and Penny Mordaunt's got a sword...
- - - -
Huw Edwards: "And having decapitated her opponent, Penny Maudant stands and patiently awaits the Quickening."
- - - -
I'd love it if, as he's talking about duty to society, the vulnerable, and the sick, the Archbishop of Canterbury was looking, directly and without blinking, at the Prime Minister.
- - - -
Zadok the Priest is a cracking piece of music.
- - - -
When the screens are removed the king's not going to be there.  There'll be a gasp, and he'll appear at the back of the Abbey to rapturous applause.
- - - -
Spouse: "He's sloped off for a smoke. 'It's incense. Rothmann's incense. Mmmmm.'"
- - - -
It's not like the English don't have their own rock at Kingston anyway!
- - - -
"He receives the Jewelled Sword +2, which is, of course, +4 vs Scots, but that gets glossed over these days."
- - - -
"The regalia, of course, will be returned to Ricky's Pawn Brokers where, later, a Beefeater will nip down and redeem the lot for the traditional hundred and twenty quid in order to return them to the Tower treasurey."
- - - -
"The Archbishop, deviating from the traditional words, forgets his lines and shouts, 'it's magic hat time, bitches!'"
- - - -
"And we come to the crown, where all claimants will try to take it in a NO DQs, PINS COUNT ANYWHERE, ALTERS, LADDERS AND THRONES, CROWN-ONNA-POLE MATCH!"
- - - -
OMG the Archbishop woggled the crown about as he put it on Charles so it wouldn't fall off! 
That might be the best bit!
- - - -
Me: "It's a bit odd that the Archbishop is having to check his notes to say the blessing. It's only what he says at the end of every service he's ever led."
Spouse: "He almost said 'it's magic hat time, bitches!' He has to be sure!"
- - - -
This singer isn't handcuffed. 
Obviously more trustworthy.
- - - -
"WAIT A MINUTE! That's not the Archbishop of Canterbury! That...that's Dick Dastardly! And this Abbey's... IT'S MADE OF CARDBOARD! We've been had!"
<cuts to Dick Dastardly, crown on his head but still in the Bush Baby Cope, tying the king to a train track whilst Muttley sniggers>
- - - -
...it sounds a bit like boss fight music is happening... any minute now a Sith Lord is going to appear.
- - - -
It's fair to say we're enjoying the coronation the way we enjoy Eurovision.  With great sincerity, genuinely and honestly,  but not necessarily in the manner that the organisers were hoping for.
- - - -
Spouse: "If he takes any longer leaving, they'll have to turn around and crown William!"
Me: "He can only move one square at a time now!"
- - - -
Spouse: "It does look for all the world like he's holding a thermal detonator."
Me: "It's in case Prince Andrew tries to get too close."
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awlimagines · 1 year
Part Two: Two strangers in an online chat room hit it off. Turns out they’re childhood sweethearts.
Once more, this is just long but completely SFW fluff. I'm just separating into two groups and posting below the cut due to length, not content.
I did include the first paragraphs of the setup again; in case someone needed it and didn't want to find the other post. If you don't need/want it, you can just skip to whoever's name you want.
The city is a cold place. People kept to themselves and trudged through the press of bodies to follow their own lives. You had tried to make friends, but the relationships fell short. They ended with your working hours, and despite people promising to keep in touch, they disappeared from your life after moving. It was one of the reasons you loved getting online. The chatroom you eagerly logged into had them each day. The mysterious person behind another screen in another place understood you and cared. 
Then your life was upended. The company you worked for downsized and fired you. The stiff competition for jobs with failed interviews and unchanging rent quickly drain your funds. Takakura’s letter and invitation to the farm were a beacon in the dark. You explained your plans to move to a rural community and the disconnection of your services for the time. You arrived in Forget-Me-Not Valley apprehensive about starting your life over with the only support you knew gone. You were relieved to see a familiar face, even if it was an old childhood sweetheart. They helped you adjust to your new surroundings. You soon found yourself remembering why you had fallen for them years ago. 
You couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when you managed to get your services running once again. The screen revealed unread messages. Your chatroom confidant had asked if you were comfortable sharing where you were moving. You had told them your location in the city, trusting the crowds of people to mask your exact location. But their messages revealed they live in Forget-Me-Not Valley and offered assistance if it was here or Mineral Town you were moving to. You shut everything down in a panic leaving the messages on read. Who could it be? Were you ready to meet them? How would you tell your friend?
Gordy was your first friend when you started attending art classes. His older sister followed, but while she chased down the bullies - Gordy was the silent support. He was the one who patiently listened to your musings and offered suggestions to improve your work. You didn’t realize how much you depended on him until you were overwhelmed in the city. As adults in the valley meeting again, you swore instantly not to fall into depending on him so much. Gordy would let you, but you could rebuild the farm on your own. No, you needed to do this for yourself.  
Those were your intentions, but you fell into old habits naturally. Gordy didn’t say much when you arrived stressed and frustrated day after day. He just listened and made suggestions like you never spent a day apart. You arrived at his house in the morning to talk about your online friend, but Gordy was already working. You attempted to catch his attention, but he was too focused. You idly moved to pick flowers at the Turtle Pond while you waited for him. 
The afternoon passed, and Gordy still had not budged. You couldn’t wait much longer; there were animals and crops to attend. You hurried home, deciding you would handle the problem, and talk to Gordy about it tomorrow. You took a few deep breaths before politely hitting send on your reply. It said as nicely as you could figure out how you had reunited with your childhood crush and wanted to pursue that relationship. You would still be glad to meet them, but your feelings changed over the past few months. 
You tried to remain calm as the box indicated them typing several times before a reply finally appeared. It simply asked you to meet them at the beach. You thought about making an excuse for it being late but agreed to head there. You shouldn’t run from this; everyone in the valley was friendly. Whoever it was would understand. You were shocked to discover Gordy was there as you approached. He didn’t need to see you meeting someone else and get the wrong idea. He caught sight of you while you were anxiously glancing around for anyone else. 
Gordy apologized for asking you out late at night but felt you should talk in person rather than in the chatroom. You instantly froze at his words. This was not how you intended to confess your feelings for him. Gordy hesitated before softly asking you if he was your childhood crush. You numbly nodded in response. Gordy seemed relieved as he admitted he had always felt the same but wasn’t brave enough to say anything. He had always felt like his art declined once you were no longer at his side.
To say you didn’t recognize Gustafa was an understatement. Gone was the child you used to play knights and dragons with, replaced by an adult with facial hair! Gustafa teased you looked the same was how he recognized you. He had learned an impressive amount of instruments since Gustafa had moved away. You quickly realized you had never gotten over him as your first love, as you caught up and spent time together. Gustafa would still give someone the shirt off his back to help. 
You only took a moment to overcome the initial shock before logging back online. It was better to nip this in the bud now. You swiftly declined any meeting with them. This person didn’t know you or where you were. As much as it hurt, it would be easier to let them go. You took the extra step to suggest stopping all contact. Forget-Me-Not Valley was small. This person would know where you were if you continued to talk about your everyday life and events. There was no way you could risk ruining your relationship with Gustafa. 
You tossed and turned until morning, wrestling with a guilty conscience. It felt cruel to suddenly cut them off with little to no explanation as to why. They helped you through the most depressing time of your life. You hesitated, gazing at the black screen before hurrying to your fields. If you were busy, you couldn’t overthink and change your mind. You were finishing brushing your livestock when you caught sight of Gustafa out of the corner of your eye. His gait seemed slower, and his head hung down, looking at the ground as he walked to the Goddess Spring. 
Gustafa noticed you quickly when you stumbled to his side at the spring. His troubles were momentarily forgotten seeing you drenched in sweat from running after him. You reassured Gustafa you were fine; you were worried about him. It wasn’t often the musician looked down. He looked surprised before chuckling; he couldn’t hide much from you. 
He said it might not sound important, but he was worried. Someone he considered a close friend of Gustafa’s had suddenly cut contact with him. He said they were going through a difficult time and just moved. Gustafa was concerned about them being a place without support and cutting all contact when they finally got back online. You felt the blood drain from your face as Gustafa shared this information. Gustafa saw you go pale and stopped to try to attend to you. He wouldn’t stop fussing to listen until you raised your voice. Shakily, you asked if your username was who he was talking with. Gustafa’s eyebrows shot up from behind his glasses at the revelation. 
You were struggling, trying to figure out what more to say, when Gustafa heaved a sigh of relief. He smiled saying what a relief it was to know you were okay. Gustafa was also excited to know you were the one he had been talking with. He had always regretted how sad you looked when he left town as a teen. Now, he felt like he’d made up some for leaving you behind years ago.
You had memories of Lumina from your childhood. Your dad had encouraged you to be friends with the delicate girl. Lumina had just moved to the valley after losing her mom. Your dad worried the rowdy Rock might be too much for her. You mainly remembered her as a cute living doll with big brown eyes. Seeing her again years later, she didn’t seem much different though you were sad she didn’t wear the frilly dresses anymore. 
Lumina gave you conflicted feelings now. You thought you liked her as a child because she was like your dolls, but you found yourself questioning it more and more each day. And now? Now you were comparing her against your online friend. You were shocked when Sebastian turned you away at the door when you arrived at the manor. Lumina was the one who invited you for tea today! The elderly butler said she wasn’t feeling well and asked you to return another day.
Sighing, you decided you might as well face your online friend head-on today instead. You logged onto the game to see they were online. Dolly29 ignored your request to chat. You frowned and instead sent them a message detailing your shock they also lived in the valley and apologizing for not responding sooner. You were hardly surprised when their reply contained your real name with a question mark. You confirmed your identity before they logged off abruptly. You had expected them to come over and reveal their identity, but no one came. 
You rubbed your face as you dragged yourself uphill to the Villa. Staying up late to see if they logged back in was a terrible move on your part. Hopefully, Lumina felt better today. When you arrived, Lumina quickly ushered you upstairs to her room, telling Romana and Sebastian not to disturb tea. Lumina apologized. She didn’t realize you played the magician online and had only assumed the worst. Lumina wasn’t sure how to respond when she realized it was you after refusing to see you yesterday. 
Lumina giggled at your shock when you began questioning her. Why did she choose the name Dolly of all things? She didn’t even like or own any dolls. You found yourself blushing alongside Lumina when she answered it had been your nickname for her as kids.
The username _InspiringCrops_ should help you narrow down who it could be, right? The idea seemed a good one. It had to be someone at Vesta’s farm, but then you noticed the community garden in town. Tei was most dedicated to the crops there and didn’t seem serious. He was saving money for the inn by growing what he could was your impression. 
You stood fishing and observing Vesta’s farm from across the river. Ignoring the fish on your line, you worried about who was your chatroom companion. Vesta would be the most awkward, you decided. She had always been an older sister figure for you as a child. Once she found out about your crush on Marlin, she made it a point to try and get the two of you together. Vesta had not forgotten or seemed to think your feelings might have changed even now. The winks she gave you when Vesta said to talk with her brother about purchasing made it obvious. 
“I thought you were purchasing new seeds today?” Takakura asked. You quickly covered that you were, but there had been a giant fish you wanted to catch. He mercifully nodded, accepting your excuse despite the slack line. You inwardly groaned as you trudged to the farm. 
Cecilia greeted you first from the fields like a ray of sunshine. Her eyes widened when you asked about where Marlin was and purchasing seeds. “Oh, I don’t think today is a good day. He was upset about something on the computer this morning.” 
You winced. Was it more bad news from the professionals he saw in the city? You never would have suspected the lively boy who chased you with bugs would receive such a diagnosis. The world really wasn’t fair. You reassured Cecilia you’d be back for the seeds but wanted to check on Marlin first. Raised voices made you hesitate before knocking to enter the house. Marlin and Vesta were arguing about you. Vesta lectured him about fixating on online strangers when you were right there. You blushed, realizing this was too large of a coincidence. 
“Are you Inspiring Crops?” you excitedly burst through the door. “I’m-” 
You only briefly saw Vesta’s beaming smile before Marlin grabbed your hand and dragged you toward the windmills. Marlin listened quietly as you excitedly explained how you knew his username and who you were. You loved watching him shove his hands in his pockets and blush as you confessed being relieved it was him since you had loved him since childhood. Marlin muttered about having the same feelings, but Vesta would be insufferable now.
BeautyCheerUp! was your lifeline in the city. The person behind the screen seemed to have every aspect of their life together. They gave everyone helpful tips on life in the crowded streets and sent invitations to events from around the city for people to attend. You worried when they disappeared, but now their return online and news of living in Forget-Me-Not Valley was too much. 
You couldn’t get your nerve up to meet them in the city. How were you supposed to do it with just the two of you? You groaned yet again over the issue as you finished chores. Today was a day to treat yourself, you decided. At least good food and a drink would make some part of you feel better. Besides, Molly’s confidence and upbeat personality would make you feel better. She had always had that effect, even as kids. She was the classic girl-next-door, perfect in every way. You blushed at the thought and quickly washed up to head to the cafe for dinner. Molly’s usual enthusiastic greeting was subdued when you entered. Griffin’s confused look was replaced with relief when you ordered and gave him something to do. 
“Listen to this darling,” Molly sighed, giving up on pretending to work. She told you about someone in the city she always liked but could never meet. After her mental health dipped, she quit everything and moved to the valley for a fresh start. Recently, Molly had gotten back online to see they had moved. She reached out to try and offer help, but they ignored her. Molly felt disappointed, but at least your visit made up for it some. 
You choked on your food as Molly finished her story. Scrambling to form a coherent sentence, you asked if she was BeautyCheerUp! You couldn’t believe it. Molly had seemed perfect online. You never dreamed she would have had the same feelings as you about not fitting in and being unlucky in love. 
“I’m not sure I believe that anymore,” Molly sniffed. Your heart dropped just a moment in disbelief. She didn’t believe you were from the chatroom. “If we’ve found each other this many times over and fallen for each other, then it must be fate. Nothing else worked out because nothing else mattered.”
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11-45pm · 1 day
I’m a mosaic of my life. Every single experience, every single person, every single memory I have has shaped me into who I am today. The bad ones come in shades of deep, brooding blues and dark, vicious reds while the good ones come in soft, comforting waves of pastel pinks and purples.
My parents come in all sorts of shades. They taught me love, but they also taught me fear. They love me so much, and yet it could all change with three words. They taught me conditions and lying and all the things necessary for a closeted kid to survive in a homophobic household, but they also taught me heartbreak. I’d never felt heartbreak until I realized I was lesbian, since it also came a realization: my parents would never truly love me. Sure, if I came out they’d learn to live with it a few years later- but they wouldn’t be happy the way they would be if I was with a man. I thought that they’d never love all of me, and that was my first heartbreak. This realization wasn’t a dark blue or a red or any color— it was a crack that runs through the glass. I had sworn myself to a life of rushed kisses and silent tears, and assumed that would be how the rest of my life would be. That was, until one day in India. We were at a resort and I’d been dropping not-so-subtle hints to her the whole trip. Then, one night, she turned to me and looked me in the eyes and told me she’d always love me. My whole life shifted after that moment.
My brother, however, is midnight blues and scathing reds. If my parents were my first true heartbreak, he gave me little heart fractures. For as long as I can remember, he’s always been selfish. When I was younger, I didn’t care. I wanted him to like me- I wanted to be just like him. He was smart, successful, and popular. He was my parents’ main priority, and I didn’t mind. I remember that in elementary he was well known for being the youngest member on the robotics team, and he helped them win in a national robotics competition. I wasn’t known as Riri, I was known as his little sister- and I was proud of that for a while. However, things changed in the walls of our house. He turned mean- almost emotionally abusive. He lashed out on whoever was near— and most of the time, it was me. My brother would call me mean names- things no child should hear, especially from their brother- and wasn’t satisfied until I was a shaking, sobbing mess. It took years of self reflection, time, and strength to admit that he wasn’t a good person, and even longer to heal. I can confidently say that I’m stronger now, and that I know what isn’t healthy.
I have a reprieve, though- art. Initially, I used to read. I’d spend hours getting lost in tales of dragons and romance and fairies, and I loved traveling every time I read a story. My reprieve then shifted to listening to music as I got older- I’d lay on my bed and close my eyes and let the song wrap around me. I remember blocking out everything: my parents arguing, my brother calling me names, school and friendship issues. I joined an art class in 6th grade, which changed my life. I was accepted, and had a passion that I could truly call my own. Over time, I grew to the point where I was proud to display my paintings. I started an art account on Instagram and grew more confident with myself.
Then come my medical issues- they’re colorless but they take up most of the mosaic’s bottom. Starting in the beginning of my sophomore year, I would get terrible migraines. They weren’t frequent, and I was told I was overreacting and seeking attention, or that those were from my period. My migraines became more and more frequent, and they’d gotten to the point where I would hold back tears every other class period. Then, one day, I had a seizure. The MRI scan revealed a benign brain tumor, which needed immediate operation. Ever since then, my migraines have only gotten worse, and nothing the doctors have tried has helped. When I get migraines, they’re like a freight train- they derail everything I’m doing. So much of my recent years have been spent staring blankly at my wall while I wait for the pain and static to go away. If the mosaic is my life, my migraines a transparent void with no real purpose other than to take up space.
My mosaic isn’t finished yet. My life has barely begun, and it’s important to remember that in the end, these years will be a distant memory for me. However, it’s still important to look back at all the colors and experiences that make me me and contribute to my identity, and remember that I still have so much growth left in my journey.
0 notes
hoshiyoshis · 1 year
also im throwing this here bc i have a dream tag for a reason
(copied from my dms to a friend)
ok so basically. i dont remember if it was televised or not (i THINK it might have been bc someone later mentions cutting something out if absolutely necessary but i never saw cameras anywhere or anything so???). i was on some sort of like… not survivor exactly lmao but a competition thing that was probably some sort of reality show too?
and idk there was this guy that i had the biggest crush on in high school (also unfortunately not the first time ive dreamed abt him like this ughh) who was on my team a lot and he'd continuously be flirty w me? holding my hand and saying stuff, teasing me, etc. like i think it was going on before the dream n whatnot bc i felt like it'd been happening for a while if tht makes sense since i only came in on like. Not The First Episode lmao
and idk we're all teamed up for something, waiting on ppl to pass word around or w/e, and he's literally sitting there with an arm around me, playing with my fingers when a woman on another team calls out something to him about how '(name) doesn't like you now, but give her a week lol, i'm sure she'll change her mind" (whoever it was was like. on another team entirely, im not subbing out my gov name haha id just say daisy) and i remember being like… SO thrown like um. what. why is she saying that. and the guy kinda laughs it off or w/e and says its just a joke but idk i think it bothered me a lot bc of what happens next
where we're like. in a car. taking turns getting out every so often to check around the city for more details for the quest we're supposed to be fulfilling? so that we can ykno pass it. and at one point its just the two of us in the car and im like 'you kno what, im done. i used to have the biggest crush on you in high school, but i never said or did anything because i was scared of getting hurt, and i know you never liked me back anyway so it didnt matter--but im tired of hiding it' and idk what he said back but it ended w him being kinda mad and him getting out of the car since our other teammate came back and hes like 'its ur turn' or w/e (clearly upset) so i go off to do w/e
and idk i barely remember the rest of it from there. i found the clues that we needed, we come back together, my team splits bc not all of us have to participate in the challenge (it was some sort of dance thing lol so i was automatically taken out like 'we've seen u' and i was like 'fair'). and idk i started feeling guilty bc i just kinda assumed his feelings on the situation + didn't rly let him talk. i don't remember if we got to talk before or after a small bit of someone pulling us aside like 'ok we CAN edit that whole confession situation out because it's messy but also please let us keep it in because it's messy'
0 notes
14dayswithyou · 2 years
very important, who chooses what character in mario kart (can include multiple if they can't decide/change depending on the version)
tysm love u drink water be healthy mwah
Ren: Shyguy or Link [REDACTED]: Instalocks Bowser from Teo Violet: Daisy or Toad Elanor: Rosalina or Peach. Maybe even Isabelle Moth: Waluigi for the memes Leon: The counterpart to whoever you pick (Yoshi otherwise) Teo: Resorts to DK since he can't play Bowser
Ren would purposefully stay in last place so that he can use all the blue shells on Teo/Leon/Violet, and would smugly bask in you pitying/consoling him for coming last. [REDACTED] would actively sabotage Teo and Leon by using banana peels and shells on them only. Has a scarily accurate aim even when he’s in front of them. Violet might get a bit competitive after a few rounds, unless she's busy doing her Toad impersonation and busting a lung from laughing too hard. Elanor is Trying Her Best and doesn't really understand that banana peels slow you down and that you can drive off the map. She saw a cow in Moo Moo Meadows earlier and hasn’t stopped crying since. Moth is too busy raging at whoever chose rainbow road for the nth time to play properly. They’re decently good at the game though because they used to play it all the time with their siblings. Leon's probably the only one who's actually playing the game for fun, and would probably tease you by saying he has a red shell with your name on it. He won’t actually fire it at you though. RIP Elanor. Teo forgot that he was in a game and constantly gets knocked off the map by [REDACTED]. Somehow manages to consistently get 3rd/4th place without even trying. Angel is wondering how they keep getting first place despite all the chaos. They don’t seem to notice Ren silently taking everyone’s characters out with shells, banana peels, and bullet bills.
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