*funky mystery music*
25 posts
// Danganronpa: Despair Lovers // a danganronpa fan rp centered on discord.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
despair-lovers · 8 years ago
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Here’s our roster! The drawing is an absolute joke I’m so sorry
Lucretia “Lucy” la Rouge, SHSL Love Adviser, as played by @sofiacelica
Katherine Bates, SHSL Butcher, as played by @friendly-jellyfish
Taichi Akiyama, SHSL Cardiac Surgeon, as played by @maelstromdivers
Aki Hikaru, SHSL Brawler, as played by @fireyfobbitmedicine
Masae Miyake, SHSL Scientist, as played by @guertenagallery
Korio Toll, SHSL Advertiser, as played by @tuxedomags
Ambre Sasaki (dabbing), SHSL Pilot, as played by @merokiki
Tomoaki Siwazuri, SHSL Aerospace Engineer, as played by yours truly
Da-ye “Kuraki” Chee (leaping), SHSL Breakdancer, as played by @toastcookie
Hanako Uchiyama, SHSL Endurance, as played by @madarai
Ryan Keeswood, SHSL Tailor, as played by @bordellon
Kaguya Nakauchi, SHSL Criminal Psychologist, as played by @lieutenantcolonelmaeshughes
Saeko Shikiteki, SHSL DJ, as played by @genocider-exe
Ash Anouma, SHSL Singer, as played by @all-ur-faves-are-trans
Niru Nanzo (top), SHSL Social Chameleon, as played by @hauntedshinai
Jin Sun (bottom), SHSL Athlete, as played by @cybersasha
For those accepted, you will be sent a friend request from myself on both Discord and Skype shortly! Please accept as soon as possible, and I’ll add you to the group chat.
For those not accepted, I’m incredibly sorry. It was a tough decision, and some people only narrowly missed getting in. If you’d still like to see what happens, motives, deaths, and executions will all be posted on the blog, as well as maps and the like. Trial transcriptions may also be provided, though not guaranteed.
Thank you all for applying, and I hope you enjoy Despair Lovers!
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
The roster will be posted on either the 5th or 6th of May.
So that means you have until then to submit your applications!!
Thank you all very much!
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
hi, i don't know if you've already thought about this, and are planning to or have already decided against the idea, but i thought having a locked "ghost" channel that only dead people can access would be a cool feature! like a "spectator mode" where they can comment and speculate abt stuff? idk but i thought i'd suggest it!
I actually haven't, that's a great idea! Thank you anon! I will definitely try for that.
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
Any ballpark idea when the applications should be done? I know uve been waiting a while and all,, also when did you update the talents list, is that everyone so far?
A little bit past the end of April, since I'm restricted to mobile for a bit. Also, I think I'm missing only one or two newly submitted talents from the list, which are SHSL Endurance (is that up?) and SHSL Cardiac Surgeon!
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
any triggers or squicks we should tag on our apps?
If you’d like!
Edit: Goodness, I read this wrong. No, don't worry!! What I was answering is that you can add your triggers if you want!
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
oh hey is there anyway for ppl to help out or anything like that, like for bg art or something. whats the exact premise of the group
Honestly? I'm not sure. You could help drawing sprites for those accepted possibly, but I don't really think I'll need much help with that - as of now. If something did come up, I'd likely ask for volunteers.
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
Yo did my SHSL Breakdancer go through? I was having trouble mapping so I don't know if I need to send it again
Yep, sure did!
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
Hi, I have a question! This might differ in-game and out of character, but does it make more sense to say a character's name in the order forename-surname, or surname-forename? Sorry if this is a strange or difficult question!
Family name (surname) last is preferred! Don't worry, you're good.
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
hey! obviously i can only speak for myself, but i totally understand the delay in starting, and i'm not at all bothered by waiting! i'm looking forward to whenever we're able to start!
Thank you very much for understanding! I do feel pretty bad about putting it off so thank you!
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
How many can we app with?
Two, at most. I can only accept one per person, but two is fine if you want to.
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
Well... We still only have 12 applications in the inbox. So, you know what that means!
Extension! Again!
Honestly, I really don’t like doing this, because I feel that it’d get annoying real fast, but we just don’t have enough applicants. If we get enough before the end of next month, then I’ll shorten it to one week after the 16th applicant, just in case, and then... submissions will close! Finally!
So, stay tuned for that.
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
Would you be willing to go on with the RP if you dont have a full 16?
I’ll likely just extend the date a bit more. I, personally, am not really in a huge rush to get it started - in fact it’d likely be even better if it were closer to summer, due to school - but it’s definitely going to have 16 students.
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
hey no pressure or anything (i'm fine with waiting as long as it takes)! but maybe asking a popular danganronpa blog to promo the rp would attract more applications? just a suggestion!
Yeah, I’ve been trying. I can’t think of that many big blogs to ask for promos from and I also don’t want to come off as annoying (curse my social anxiety). Gosh I feel bad just asking this but if any of you would want to promo the blog, that’s 100% fine with me!
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
hey I think i might've submitted by application twice. Sorry about that!
Actually, I didn’t get a submission from you at all! Unless you did it under another account, that is. If so, don’t worry, because I didn’t get a double submit!
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
Date extended
Due to a substantial lack of applications, I'm keeping submissions open until the end of March! Thank you to those who've applied thus far!
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
i found it sorry -anon who asked about the application
Oh, oops. Well, I’ll leave it up for anyone else who needs it!
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despair-lovers · 8 years ago
Where's the submission list?
If you mean who has been submitted so far, that’s under /talents. If you want the actual application, that’s under /apply.
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