vilifiedexile · 2 months
Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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vilifiedexile · 10 months
Questions For My Muse(s)
👁‍🗨 - what is a secret that your muse hasn’t told or is hiding
💬 - for my muse to directly say a secret or confession
⚪ - what are small things that mean something to your muse
🔴 - what are bigger gestures that are important to your muse
👌 - what are some of your muses quirks?
💦 - mannerisms that your muse has when they’re shy or nervous
💢 - mannerisms that your muse has when they’re angry or sad
🙌 - mannerisms that your muse has when they’re extremely happy
🤞 - what’s the most impulsive thing you can picture your muse doing
☠️ - does your muse fear death?
👻 - recall one or more times your muse has been the most scared or fearful
😠 - what is something or someone your muse has ever hated or hates
🏹 - would your muse ever kill and why
💢 - what would cause your muse to be annoyed
👍 - what are your muse’s good traits?
👀 - is your muse prone to jealousy?
🖤 - can your muse be selfish?
❓ - can your muse be indecisive?
🙈 - can your muse be blindly loyal?
❌ - what would cause your muse to be petty or say something hurtful
🙊 - has your muse ever put their foot in their mouth?
💥 - is your muse reckless? or too cautious and paranoid?
🔷️ - is your muse good or bad at lying?
🤔 - is your muse cynical? naïve?
✋ - can your muse be rude or unfriendly?
🤝 - is your muse a people pleaser?
😔 - is your muse insecure?
🎭 - does your muse try really hard to compensate for something?
🤜 - is your muse overprotective? in-between? or not protective/concerned enough?
⬛ - what are some bad traits your muse might have?
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vilifiedexile · 1 year
Round 4 Match-Ups!!
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ALL POLLS will be posted THIS WEDNESDAY!!!!! (June 21st)
These characters do Not have propaganda that comes with their post. please submit something for them!
Miles Edgeworth
Usagi Tsukino
Miles Morales
Mabel + Dipper Pines
These characters have really short propaganda, if you want to add on:
Buffy Summers
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vilifiedexile · 1 year
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Why should you vote for Kirby? (3)
"He's Kirby"
"he’s a lil pink dude, he eats all"
"Puffball :)"
Why should you vote for Chell? (1)
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vilifiedexile · 1 year
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Round Two: Our contestants are @nerves-nebula from Real Life, Chell from Portal, and Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium!
in this poll, i put nerves-nebula in the funniest situation it could be in. if this poll ties too, i might let them all proceed as a team (though i don't want them to immediately obliterate the kane siblings).
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vilifiedexile · 1 year
its the final poll
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leaving it open for a week. go feral.
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vilifiedexile · 1 year
Wheatley: What is heavier? A 200 pounds of bricks or 200 pounds of feathers?
Wheatley: The answer is the feathers. 200 pounds of bricks is just a bunch of bricks, but if you try to carry 200 pounds of feathers, you also have to carry the weight of what you did to those poor birds.
Chell: [That was deep and I did not anticipate that.]
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vilifiedexile · 1 year
Wheatley: So what’s the plan?
Chell, running with him under her arm: [It mostly involves not dying.]
Wheatley: I like that plan!
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vilifiedexile · 1 year
“On the surface, I grew to enjoy botany. My dad taught me a little about it when I was young, and being able to put what I learned to the test on the surface made me think of him. Physics are also fun, though. I always liked the study of gravity.”
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Do you have a favorite branch of science?
I mean, of course you do. Otherwise, why would you be here?
Personally, I have a hard time choosing between quantum physics, chemistry, and engineering. They're all equally interesting and and have useful applications.
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vilifiedexile · 1 year
Test Subject Survey #1
(Please note that we already have turrets that shoot lemons. They can be found in Testing Track 12.)
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vilifiedexile · 2 years
Mute and ASL Memes
“Can you hear me?”
“Oh, I get it. My. Name. Is. ___”
“Woah, no, I don’t understand sign language.”
“Do you speak the language?”
“I took some classes back in high school. Hold on, lemme see…Hello…My…name…is…*insert terrible excuse for fingerspelling.*”
“You’re signing too fast, can you slow down for the rest of us?!”
“Are you using ASL to talk shit about me?!”
“Hello? Are you going to say something?”
“Seriously, why won’t you talk?”
“Speak up!”
“Say something!”
“I know you have a voice, use it!”
“Just talk!”
“Oh, yes, sorry, I sign.”
“Are you cussing me out or introducing yourself?!”
“I don’t think she/he/they can hear us…”
“Maybe he/she/they doesn’t/don’t speak the language…”
“Could you sign any faster? Geez…”
“I know children with better sign language skills…”
“No, that sign means something different in ASL around here…”
“ASL is absolutely a language.”
“Oh, no, that is PSE.”
“Wait, you can hear?! I thought ASL was only for deaf people…”
“It’s okay. I won’t force you to speak.”
“You have a beautiful voice.”
“Why does your voice sound like that?”
“Refusing to speak is not going to help you.”
“Selective mutism…?”
“Do you know how to talk?”
“What does that sign mean?”
“Will you teach me?”
“You are learning! I am so proud!”
“I can teach you sign, if you want.”
“You are mute?”
“You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to.”
“How do you get through life without speaking?”
“I’m sure you have a beautiful voice.”
“My throat hurts from speaking too much…”
“It is sign language, not secret code…”
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vilifiedexile · 2 years
"Don't listen to the doubt" ~buy-my-shit :]
She grinned and signed: ‘Do I ever?’
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vilifiedexile · 2 years
Too Shy To Reach Out?
Send A Symbol To Explain Why We’re Not RPing Yet
♔- I can’t think of a plot for us and I want to figure that out first! ☃ - I’m not sure how our characters would meet. ☁- I’m worried you only RP with a certain group of people. ♛ - I wrote you a starter and you haven’t replied yet… ★ - I’m intimidated by how much you write ☂ - I’m intimdated by how often you post ☾ - I don’t know how to approach you ☄ - I’m super anxious about EVERYTHING ☀ - I keep hoping you’ll message me first…
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vilifiedexile · 2 years
things i keep telling myself … sentence starters
“You’re enough.”
“It’s okay to rest.”
“You’re safe, now.”
“You’re not a burden.”
“It’s okay to be scared.”
“You’re doing your best.”
“Don’t listen to the doubt.”
“It’s not better to be alone.”
“They can’t hurt you anymore.”
“It’s okay to cry if you need to.”
“You do not deserve to be hurt.”
“You don’t need to forgive them.”
“It’s okay if your best isn’t perfect.”
“It’s okay to take time for yourself.”
“You don’t have to please everyone.”
“You were just a kid. It wasn’t your fault.”
“You’re not a bad person for speaking up.”
“You don’t have to push yourself so hard.”
“Healing takes time. There’s no time-limit.”
“You’re surrounded by people who love you.”
“You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone.”
“You don’t have to do everything by yourself.”
“It’s not selfish to ask for help when you need it.”
“You deserve to smile, and laugh, and be happy.”
“You don’t have to apologize for taking up space.”
“You don’t need to justify your existence to anyone.”
“You’re not stupid for not understanding something.”
“Everything might not be perfect, but it will be better.”
“You can miss someone and still realize they hurt you.”
“You’ve come so far, so take a second and appreciate that.”
“Not everyone is out there to break you down and hurt you.”
“What was done to you was not your fault. It never, ever was.”
“You don’t need to accept apologies from people who don’t mean them.”
“You’re allowed to tell people. If they didn’t want people to know, they shouldn’t have done it.”
“They didn’t love you. It hurts to recognize that. But, it means you can move on, and find someone who does.”
“Healing isn’t linear. You’re going to have days you feel like you’re doing worse, and that’s okay. They’ll pass.”
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vilifiedexile · 2 years
☀ Does the mun listen to you while writing or not? 
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vilifiedexile · 2 years
🔥 How would you spend one day with the mun if you could? 
(Signs) “I’d get her to get out of the house. And finish at least one project she’s started.”
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vilifiedexile · 2 years
Muse talking about the mun
Send me a symbol for my muse to answer these questions about the mun! 
👀 Do the mun and you get along? 
✌ Is there anything you dislike about the mun? 
👋 Do you and the mun agree on something? 
✍ Has the mun some special talents beside writing? 
🙏 Do you think the mun would be able to survive in your world? 
✨ Does the mun read fanfictions and if yes, what is your opinion on them?
🎉 Does the mun likes to go to parties or not? 
🎁 Is the mun good at taking compliments or not? 
🎀  What does the mun have for a music taste? Do you like it? 
🎨 What are the mun’s hobbies? 
👗 How is the mun’s fashion sense? 
✂ Did the mun ever do something to make you jealous? 
⏳ How much time does the mun spend on your blog? 
🍨 What is the mun’s favorite ice cream flavour? 
🍪 Does the mun like sweets? 
🍓 What is something you and the mun disagree on? 
🍀 What is your opinion on the layout of the blog the mun did for you? 
⭐ Is there any genres the mun enjoys writing but you don’t enjoy being part of? 
🌟 Is there any genres the mun doesn’t enjoy writing but you enjoy being part of? 
☀ Does the mun listen to you while writing or not? 
🌙 Does the mun stay up long or goes to bed early? 
⚡ What is the mun’s favorite weather? 
❄ Did the mun ever forced you to do something you didn’t want to do? 
💧 How often do you annoy the mun? And with what? 
🔥 How would you spend one day with the mun if you could? 
☀ Does the mun have other muses beside you? What is your opinion on them?
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