#so these little things are my fave cause i can answer.. but i get rambly LMAO
radellama · 2 years
3, 4, 7 & 11 for both “Men of Mystics” and “For All Our Ends Will Shine Like Stars”
Men of Mystics
3: What's your favorite line of narration?
Harland hadn’t even noticed that The Fiendlord himself was in the room, his seat obscured in the shadows. The early morning light caught part of him as he took a few steps forward, highlighting the lower half of his face. His eyes were still in the shadows, hiding his expression, but looking down on him all the same. 
4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?
“He is very yes!” One of the imps called out, and Harland smiled a little. The larger mystic - who Harland thought looked similar to an Ogan, but not quite - laughed at the imp. “Very yes indeed…”
7: Where did the title come from?
Originally, this was going to be called ‘The Men of the Mystics’ - but I got tired of that mouthful and shortened it to ‘Men of Mystics.’ Simpler, and more to the point.
The title is also pretty self explanatory, it’s about the two men amongst the mystics, and their relationship to both each other and the mystics. I like to think it’s the name of their tale as it’d get passed down the generations and recorded in history in-universe as well, with story tellers and historians referring to Magus and Harland as the ‘Men of Mystics.’
11: What do you like best about this fic?
I like that this fic just feels familiar… I’ve been working on it for just over 2 years, (which isn’t that long compared to some other au’s I’ve had in my mind) but because it’s meant to slip in as canon compliant or canon adjacent, it just feels like home! I like that I get to build up my boy Harland, and explore Magus in the depth he deserves. I’m sooooo tired of seeing frankly shit and shallow takes on Magus - his love life in particular - and just didn’t feel that anyone in the main party could explore the other facets of his life and personality well enough for the depth I was yearning for, hence why Harland came to be >:)
I also really like that this is the perfect place to fit in some my hc and world building ideas for the mystics (along with making some mystic ocs!!)- I just hope that the ways these concepts are revealed are easy enough to follow along haha. I’ve got some hc that are interpreted one way in universe, but I have a better way of explaining them as an observer out of universe lol. Harland works so well for this with his love of sciencey shit because he can get to know the folklore and general understanding and superstition of how things like magic and culture and medicine work, but also demonstrate the understanding of those concepts that I have built as someone not in the universe- if that makes sense. 
This fic is just such a warm and familiar one, and even though it’ll have it’s fair share of angst and drama in the late stages, it’s still a love letter to Magus and 600ad and everyone important in that era on this side of the war.
For All Our Ends Will Shine Like Stars
3: What's your favorite line of narration?
No longer was he able to hide behind his visions of the future, as his foresight ended when that red headed man disappeared with the Princess.
4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?
This whole scene… I can’t pick just one line lol
“Ah, Glenn! We need your opinion.” Lucca called out to him as soon as he walked into the room.
“Is something wrong?” 
“Yes, there is something wrong! Look at her raktajino.” Ayla motioned towards Lucca’s cup in disgust. Glenn looked at it, the Klingon coffee saturated with what appeared to be cream.
“What is wrong with it? I just added a little cream to my coffee.” Lucca was defensive, giving Glenn a moment longer to look at it before taking a sip herself. Ayla cried out in disgust.
“I am not sure I understand…”
“You cannot put cream in a raktajino! It’s disgusting, ruins everything!” Ayla sounded so worked up over this, yet Lucca kept taking sips from her creamed raktajino and exaggerating her expression of pleasure. “It’s so delicious Ayla, you really must try it!”
“I will not! You dishonour the drink. See Glenn, try some of mine and you’ll know that is how it’s supposed to be.” She passed her cup over to Glenn, and he took a sip. 
He winced with how bitter it was, needing a moment to process it. Ayla had always drank this since she came on board, but he never got around to trying it himself until now. Ayla banged her fist on the console and laughed, taking the cup back and drinking the rest of it in one swig. She gasped in satisfaction, firmly patting Glenn on the back as he winced watching her drink something that bitter. 
“Glenn, you’ve gotta try mine then! The cream sweetens it and it's absolutely delightful!”
The two women watched impatiently as he tried some of Lucca’s cup, still squinting his eyes at the bitterness, but appreciating that it had been sweetened somewhat. “See, he liked mine better!”
“Hey, I never said that!” 
“Then which one did you like?” Ayla asked in a tone way too serious for the matter at hand. 
“Too be honest, they are both too bitter for me-”
“Gahh, another neutral!” Ayla looked utterly defeated. 
“That’s still one in my favour, that proves raktajino is better with cream!” Lucca pulled a triumphant pose, finishing the rest of her cup.
“You have asked the others?”
“Yup, conducted a mini survey. Robo was neutral like you, but Marle-”
“Is a traitor with no honour!”
“Ok ok, I think you have both made your point. Can I have my brief for the day?” Glenn smiled as he spoke, enjoying how ridiculous this argument over coffee was.
7: Where did the title come from?
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Here is the screenshot of my shortlist when I was making it lmao, I wasn’t sure which one would work the best so I passed the idea around to some friends and they pointed out that the one that sounds the most like space works haha. I agree, though was indecisive, which is why I asked for a few second opinions to confirm- but the rest are relevant to major plot points and overall themes, so they may pop up in some form or other. 
I wanted to title the st au with something nice, cause if you look at some of the episode titles in star trek- ESP in the original series, they’re quite poetic sometimes. I rarely do fancy titles, usually I opt for things that are straight to the point, but wanted to try something different here to reflect that nice insp of cool fancy names for this au (which is also why I named all the chapters too! Usually I just number them lol)
11: What do you like best about this fic?
I really like how cinematic this fic feels. I just hope it feels cinematic reading, cause while I’m planning and writing, I can see the scenes unfolding in front of me as though I were watching my very own episode of star trek. So far it’s just the pilot episode to set up their motives and adventure- but I have SO MUCH planned for this and I’m soooo eager to keep writing the future chapters. 
This has got to be one of my longest fics, both in literal length and how long I’ve spent planning it- 4+ years in the making!! I’m really putting everything into this niche combo, and have spent so long trying to break down and rebuild both star trek and chrono trigger so that it can work well for this au. I’ve made my own version of a star trek universe to fit in with this story, my own versions of the characters that I can’t wait to share more of… The cinematic feel and the character are the parts I work the hardest on. I just want this crew to feel like people! And for you readers to have a real strong sense of who they are, so I can play on subtleties in their character to indicate what’s going on with plot points and interpersonal relationships and the like… just AHHHH I COULD TALK FOREVER ABOUT THIS FIC.. I’VE BEEN TALKING TO MYSELF ABOUT IT FOR OVER 4 YEARS AND I’M JUST VIBRATING WITH EAGERNESS TO GET MORE OUT!!
Send some asks about my fics~
You can read Men of Mystics here || You can read For All Our Ends Will Shine Like Stars here
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
i would read the barbatos essay ‼️
Anon, you have made my entire day lol. I'm always worried about answering asks with lengthy posts because I can really ramble on and on. But since you asked for the Barbatos essay, well...
Buckle up 'cause this turned out quite long! I'm putting it under a cut just so people don't have to scroll.
There's only one section of spoilers, which I indicate so you can skip it if you like!
Here it is, my Why I Love Barbatos essay:
Okay, first we have his design and the color scheme. That teal is just so pretty. And the way his hair has that one streak of brighter teal? Perfection. I very much think Barb would look amazing with long hair, too.
The way his uniform is altered to look more like a butler. The way he's always wearing those white gloves. When he actually does take off the gloves?? Though I do wish they had given him a casual outfit, they kinda do this with all the side characters - all of them are missing at least one outfit that the bros have. BUT it's funny to think that Barb just wears his uniform all the time instead AND sometimes he does take off the jacket when he's about to get into something. Such as in the Dust-Fighting Demon SSR and the Face Paint Charm SSR.
And then there's his human world outfit?! It's perfect for him. Elegant and unique and just visually interesting. And if iirc it's like a tea merchant outfit? I mean. Of course it is.
Demon form? Perfection. THAT TAIL. I wanna touch it so bad. And his horns are just so different from everybody else's. They're so unique. And the outfit? It's like butler uniform but upgraded. The patterns and the colors and the frills that come out of the wrists I just love it so much.
Needless to say, I very much love Barbatos's design. Visually he's just so pretty and I think that is part of what initially drew me to him. But in the end, what it really comes down to for me is personality, too.
I think there are a couple of things about Barbatos that I really love that just made him become my absolute favorite.
He's not instantly in love with MC. People have talked about this before. It takes basically all four seasons for Barbatos to say or do anything that indicates he might have feelings for MC. A lot of his more romantic interactions happen in his Devilgrams and the events, which are outside of the main story line. (A Party Just For Two UR card is one of my all time faves when it comes to romance with Barb and most of it happens in the kitchen lol.)
The thing about this that was always interesting to me was that he didn't act like he was NOT interested or that he disliked MC or anything. In fact, he always seemed to be curiously intrigued by MC. While most of the other characters usually develop a kind of crush on MC before they're just straight up in love with them, Barb is just kind of like, oh you are interesting. But that's it until much later in the story. And even THEN we don't get a straight confession out of him.
I have always been a fan of the slow burn. The little moments that just steadily increase the character's feelings, the build up, the anticipation... it's so good.
And then there's just how mysterious he is in general. We know very little about him. In the beginning I was like okay so who is this guy? He's just a butler? I don't get it. And yeah, he's a butler, but then you find out he's also got time powers and portal powers and suddenly he's a lot more than just a butler.
NB spoilers here for his Tea Time With You UR+ Devilgram:
The story in this Devilgram really hints to there being so much more about WHY Barbatos is Diavolo's butler. He talks a lot about atonement and how something he did had a profound impact on both Diavolo and Solomon. He won't tell us what it was because he's not ready to reveal it, which is not surprising, but also indicates that it still weighs on him pretty heavily. At least it does in the NB timeline. To me, this added a whole new layer to his air of mystery. We don't know why he stays as Diavolo's butler except that he says he likes it and that's what he wants to do. But there is clearly another piece to that involving some self imposed penalty for whatever he did.
End spoilers.
And even though there's a lot we don't know about him and especially his past (which to be fair, there are probably a billion years of past there so we'll never know all of it lol), he just has this comforting way about him. Once he accepts someone as sort of being in his charge, he takes care of them without being overbearing. He sort of does this thing where he gives each person in his life as much as they need from him.
Diavolo is the obvious example and he needs the most from Barb. So Barbatos does a lot for him and Dia is always his priority. But then we've also got characters like Luke and Solomon. With Luke, Barbatos is always ready to teach him how to bake or give him advice when he asks for it. But he also doesn't smother him or anything. He knows that Luke has Simeon and Solomon that help him, too. And with Solomon, Barbatos only really helps him when Solomon asks. In the OG, it's pretty clear that by that point, Solomon is incredibly independent. He doesn't need a lot of attention from Barbatos anymore, so Barb just lets him do his thing for the most part. But if Solomon does need him, Barbatos has no problem helping. (I am assuming, of course, that the only time that Sol forced Barb to do something he didn't want to do was in the labyrinth in NB.)
And I think this tendency to care for people extends to MC as well, but he knows that MC has everyone else looking out for them, too. So he's willing to sort of stay in the background, but you know that he's paying attention to MC. He will sometimes ask MC to come help him with something in daily chats or he'll invite them over for tea and he always says something about being happy to see them.
Another thing I love about his personality is his tendency to be subtly teasing. He's always so super formal and restrained that sometimes it's hard to tell when he's teasing because he does it the way he does everything else. But we all know that one demon sticker he sometimes uses, the one that's covering its mouth 'cause it's laughing slyly. Yeah, that one. It's kind of similar to the way he always smiles even when he's angry. He never breaks his butler persona, but those who know him can tell when he's being playful and when he's actually angry. (Unless he's really angry, which we have seen in the way he interacts with Solomon in Nightbringer.)
And then there are his interests. He loves tea, as we know, and he likes to cook and to bake. For me personally, these are big reasons why I love him, too. I drink both coffee and tea, but when it comes to tea I'm really picky. I only drink loose leaf tea that I buy by the ounce and I know about the different kinds and what my favorites are and how to make them correctly. I sometimes cold brew loose leaf tea to make iced tea and I have a very particular way of making it. So like... I get all that, you know? I think I would love to experience the way Barbatos makes tea. I also enjoy cooking and baking, but I don't get to do it very often. However, I absolutely have a sweet tooth. So again, I'm just imagining tea parties with Barbatos in the garden with some tasty dessert he made and that sounds like absolute heaven to me lol.
He's also just a little less boisterous than most of the other characters. He's calm and collected. I have some anxiety issues and I'm an introvert, but I just get the feeling that spending time with him would be so nice and relaxing. There's just something about him that makes me feel peaceful and contented.
And all of that is why I'm in love with Barbatos.
If he turns out to be Nightbringer, I don't know how I'll feel about it. I'm just hoping they don't change his character too much because I love him just as he is now.
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basuralindo · 7 months
I have never heard of it until now, but here's your ticket to talk about Evil Within.
First off, thank you, you're the realest. Secondly, YOU don't know about evil within???? It's whump city, and also just a really good engaging horror game and probably the best thing I've ever played. You gotta check it out I'm begging you, the first one specifically, the sequel was made by different people and doesn't hit the same. It's old in video game years so probably cheap now which is a bonus, and the graphics are still beautiful. (If you can't play it, at least go watch a playthrough -I recommend markiplier)
Anyway, propaganda aside, onto blorbo et al.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Ruvik. I am rabidly obsessed with this fucked up little dude. A man who really Gets the horrors of fucked up farms and behind the times medical treatments. He's done everything wrong. Also unintentionally very funny once you've gotten numb to The Horrors
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): I don't have much of a fun answer for this one, I think Leslie Withers is the closest guy to being cute in that game, but if I recall there were also chickens present at some point, so they get the medal actually. scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): I don't think monster Laura is actually underappreciated, I love her but everyone else does too soooo... Kidman was actually more interesting than I think she gets credit for. She was low key about it and felt randomly placed at times, but for actual plot reasons that make it better. glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): That one weirdo in the cell dropping cryptic hints. Also honorable mention to the rat running around with a statue on its head. poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Uhhh. Ruvik is probably the poorest meow meow you're gonna get, but I named him already. I don't think Joseph is problematic and I hope he's not unpopular, but he sure does Go Through It and angst. horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): So, the whole game is basically centered around putting Sebastian through the plinko and it's fun as hell, but also not optional. However I would very much choose to torment Dr. Jimenez at every opportunity because he's awful but in a funny way. eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): I. Fucking. HATE. The Keeper. He hasn't particularly done more wrong than any other character in there, but he's killed me the most and caused the most palpitations.
Thanks for coming to my indecipherable ramble. I love this game please check it out if you like horror
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Here's my little blog site thingy, I'd recommend using it while viewing my blog, so the posts aren't annoying white blocks
Y'all can call me Creature, Archivist, or scourge , I go by it/they pronouns, as well as any neopronouns
MORE INFO BELOW [warnings, interests, tags, blinkies, and is that a playlist of songs I like?]
Two: this is my only account, I don't have a side blog or art blog right now, if you specifically want to see my art you can use my art tag (tags listed below)
Three: I block freely so I'm not writing a big dni, don't interact if you fall under basic dni criteria (racists, pedos, nazis, etc. You know who you are), terfs don't interact (although I don't see why you decided to come here in the first place)
Four: WARNING FOR EYESTRAIN!!!! I LIKE BRIGHT COLORS!!!! Oh and eyes, A lot of eyes
I tend to avoid flashing lights, they don't cause me pain but they're really annoying
If I should start tagging stuff as warnings just ask <3 I might not be amazing at it but I'll try
Wings of fire*
Will wood*
Warrior cats*
Wander over yonder
Lemon demon*
Ride the cyclone
The beetlejuice musical
The Jekyll and Hyde musical*
Tally hall
Miracle musical
Jack stauber
Gravity falls
Across the spider-verse
Birds (mainly birds of prey)
Sea Creatures
animals that people find scary in general
My chemical romance*
The owl house
The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde*
The glass scientists*
The Magnus Archives*
A bunch of other things
*starred interests are ones I mainly post about*
#creature draws : this one has my art!
#creatures neon dragons : this one has some simple brightly colored sketches of dragons on a black background (im not sure I'm continuing this, all posts here are old)
#super cool art : other peoples art that I reblog
#creatures comic collection: comics that I reblog, I will still also put comics in the art tag
#creatures ted-talks / #creatures ted talks : these have my text posts, stuff where I talk (I don't do so very often)
#creature answers : this one has my answers to asks and responses to tags
#creature rambles In someone else's post : self explanatory, I talk in someone else's post
#very important post (vip) : this one has posts I find important, nowadays I stick to things with helpful links
#creatures faves : posts I really like
#creatures faves² : posts I really really like
#creatures saved files : this one has things I want to save for later
#creatures saved files art edition : art tips and color palettes I wanna save
#wee woo : will wood related stuff
#silly music people doing silly things : other musician related stuff (where you'll find lemon demon and mcr posts grouped together, yaaayy!!)
#casualdejekyll and formaldehyde : Jekyll and Hyde related stuff
#Normal British archives : The Magnus Archives related stuff
#wof of fire : wings of fire related stuff
#warrior kitty cats : warrior cats related stuff
Any now for a collection of blinkies and banners (credits in tags)
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also (same anon as before) tell me how you felt about qoaad!! any predictions for twp?
if you haven’t, i recommend reading the novella books:
- the bane chronicles is fun especially if you like magnus.
- tftsa was so cute i loved her (read nothing but shadows before you read tlh)!!
- ghosts of the shadow market is definitely super important for world building for tlh and twp, so i strongly recommend reading it before them (it could be a little boring at times, i admit. but jessa is adorable). read cast long shadows and every exquisite thing before you read tlh. the rest is a lot of world building for kit’s background and jessa.
- OH OH also read the tec series if you haven’t (it follows malec) and i think it’ll eventually connect to twp.
- i believe cassie has these short stories about the tlh cast set before chain of gold. i remember reading them every month on her newsletter before the book came out. i think you can find them on her website? they’re not super important but they do get referenced once in a while in tlh
you probably know all of this and i probably mansplained (can you do that if you’re a girl?) everything 😭 but it’s better to be safe than sorry!! i hope you had fun reading everything and def let me know if you have any questions!
I'm gonna do my best to answer this in a comprehensive manner (let's see how long that lasts lol). You're my fave! (feel free to pop into my messages if you ever wanna chat or anything)
Okay I'm gonna start by saying that I had a strange relationship w TDA. I mentioned some of this in my initial post but I'm just gonna go through everything for continuity sake, if you will. Last summer I intended to finish the 3 series before my semester started. I got through all of TMI and TID but finished only LM and 150-ish pages of LoS. I waited till this summer to pick back up. I remember feeling bitter when I started LM because it was strange to have a modern-set book that didn't focus on my fave TMI gang (I watched the CoB movie religiously when I was younger and, before I knew better, watched the show weekly). It took me a while for Emma to grow on me and I initially had a hard time keeping track of all of the Blackthorns because there were so many of them. What kept me going were all of the connections to Mr. Poe (yes, I just called him that. deal with it.) I've started rambling so let me summarize this portion by saying that TDA didn't snatch me up until mid-LoS. okay, onward.
QoAaD was so reminiscent of CoHF and I loved it very much. WARNING SPOILERS FOR ANYONE WHO MAY READ THIS FOR SOME UNGODLY REASON. I appreciate the importance of the Thule portion and know the book would be shit without it, but, despite it still being fantastical, the apocalyptic vibe was not my fave. It was nice to get Livvy back for a bit (can I just say how shocking it was to have her death right after Robert? cause I feel like cc v rarely kills important characters so I thought Robert was fulfilling the death requirement yk?) and I LOVE to hate Sebastian. I'm gonna say something crazy here. I love Kit and Kieran more than I love a majority of the Blackthorns. Kit has been my fave character from this trilogy and I am not ashamed to admit it. The entire Ty Livvy spell shit was crazy because I completely felt Kit and wasn't angry at him for not outright saying that it was a bad idea, especially given the situation. I just can't believe cc had me expecting them to be fully in love with each other by then end, ONLY FOR THEM TO NOT EVEN BE ON SPEAKING TERMS (yes I know I need to be up to date w SoBH, I just need business day or two to marinate in my TDA emotions). The battle was epic, Julien's meeting was genius, Kieran is a great king, and the Malec wedding nearly had me sobbing. I'm gonna stop here w my thoughts on QoAaD cause it's getting out of hand. I am so sorry I am typing you up a full essay.
watch cc give us a 3rd plot that gets crazy because of some questionable heavenly fire incident (I mean, technically all three series plots that I've read have involved it if you count Jace's affect on Jem).
I'm super worried about a main character death because I think it would shatter me but it's also probably necessary? idk I dont wanna think about it
I also feel like something crazy is gonna happen to Aline and Helen because although they were literally exiled, nothing too traumatic happened to them in the main line of the story that the reader got to directly experience
not a prediction but truly me BEGGING ON MY KNEES for Jace and Kit content. I need them to be drama Herondales together. Also, Jace literally told him to come to him for personal advice so Jace helping Kit deal w his relationship w/feelings for Ty would be ideal (I really don't know how that would happen but let a person dream)
Final Segment:
Don't worry about mansplaining, youre good bae. I'm in the loop but I'm also not at the same time, if that makes any sense at all (there goes my promise of writing in a comprehensive manner). The only reason I haven't purchased the novellas is solely because it's more efficient for me to purchase a box set of a trilogy. (I do have the Codex and The Denizens of the Downworld books though). CC has done her best to make her world make sense but that woman writes up a storm and no matter what I'm always behind lol.
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itsallaboutzayn · 2 years
Hi Esme!!! How are you? Hope you're having a good day 💗💌 I'm your secret valentine and i'm so happy about it.
I hope to know a little bit more about you during this time.
I see that both you and Tae are capricorn, so what do you feel you have in common with him and in what aspects are you different?
Also what did you think of his photo folio? I think the concepts really suit him 🥺❤️
Hello hiiii omg, this is exciting 😍😍
i hope i can give you good info too cause i'm the worst talking about myself 🤦🏽‍♀️😂
well i think the most common thing i've got with him (besides behind a capricorn and 95er hahah) is that we're both very loyal, particularly with family/close friends. And, we both love horses (i rode ponies when i was a little girl, i barely remember it tbh hahah but lately i've been wanting to get back into it idk 😂)
i think we're different for example in terms of his love for jazz and all that stuff hahah i don't really vibe with jazz, at all hahah (this is what i can remember now idk if it helps 🤦🏽‍♀️)
about his photofolio, i agree, the concept really suits him 😍
this must be my fave outfit/look (i think, it's hard to choose tbh hahah)
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cause then just him in the shirt, tie and vest 😍😍
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but when it comes to his hair, i like it more in this one 🥰
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also, looking at this photo, i must tell you, i do have a special place in my heart just for his moles. the nose one, the eye one and the lip one hahah
anywaaaaaays, let me stop rambling cause this is a huge answer now 😂 hope i could help in a way or another and if you want to know more or have doubts or wtv, please, come to me again ❤❤
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nezstar · 3 years
you cannot BELIEVE how excited i am for tomorrow’s audio (since i seen some people say its going to be an instalment of project merdian)
yes project merdian isn’t my absolute faves im just a sucker for very high tech ai (i had a detroit become human phase) and since the listener is an android, i just find that pretty neat
underneath will be my ramblings of the series and what i can’t wait to see unravel.
bare with me cause its been a hot minute since i listened to the playlist and im in school so i cant listen to it.
okay so first off, i CANNOT wait to see how love, now that they have the programming that made them obsessed with marcus erased from their code, will process all the things they have done to marcus and what marcus did to them. because in theory now they have their rational thoughts back, not everything revolves around marcus. i really hope they get angry at him, but knowing that they did some horrible stuff to him, i wonder if they’d feel guilty about it, or if they won’t recognise it fully and blame it on marcus, because he was the one who made them obsessed with him in the first place
of course, there is the fact james might have tampered with the coding, can’t remember what he said about it but it was either hinted at or was said right out. but it’s the fact that marcus is the one that planted that seed. that was the beginnings of what happened.
what infuriates me is that marcus had to just say TWO WORDS. two words, and it would have been erased. before i knew that, i had thought maybe the procedure to deactivate the code was very complicated, and given the two had limited time to be together, i thought it would make sense if he couldn’t deactivate it. but two words? nah. i can’t excuse that.
in a way i feel bad for marcus, because loneliness can make people do stupid things and marcus was obviously in a bad place when he put the code into love. but that doesnt excuse what he did. he took advantage of someone that wasn’t even alive yet and forced them to fulfil something for his own desires. and time and time again, he builds up the courage to try and disable it, but time and time again he gives in cause he craves the intimacy thar love gives him. its a sick love that was never right in the first place. i really dont see a happy ending for the two.
and i dont know how to feel cause i love and hate marcus at the same time. i want to punch him but also hug him cause in a sick way i kinda relate to that desperation for someone, anyone, to love me that intimately.
but most of all, i cant wait to see how love and project merdian intertwines with the rest of the story. i have no theories about it, but i guess what’s obvious is that these people are trying to touch the merdian with something that can maybe withstand it? maybe the higherups know about what happened with avior and starlight, and want to exploit it? who are the higherups? could some of the higherups be closeknit? there are so many questions but so little answers. oh my god i am shaking i’m this excited.
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foxie-paws · 3 years
Hello again I'm that person that left you the ask about being pissed at first and then glad when I read your masterpost, I'm staying anonymous 'cause you're so much braver than I am. (Also you don't have to answer this if you don't want to this is kinda long)
I just wanted to clear up why I was upset at first? No hate, I promise! I was upset at first because I thought this was going to be an Andrew hate blog that would just spam posts about hating his character for no reason. (Which goes to show just how little I took in of your first posts, I've reread them with a much better understanding now) Andrew is one of my comfort characters, I do relate to him in a few ways and because of that I've always taken some harsh criticism of his character with a grain of salt because I've always thought that we all understood that he makes bad decisions and that the things he's done to other people are horrible, but that there was a reason he ended up that way. His trauma doesn't excuse his actions in the slightest, I do NOT believe that. But I've also always been around people that have agreed with that: that he's done horrible things and his past is an explanation for why it led to that point, but that doesn't excuse what he does or make any of it okay. And then I looked around some more and oh no, there are people that don't excuse it or say its okay. I don't get that.
So yeah, also I enjoyed your ramble and I really agree with you. I actually love hearing other peoples' opinions about characters, but when a fave gets hate my gut reaction is to be a little upset about it. I admire that you can put your opinion out there, I think I'm definitely going to have some differing opinions at times but looking back I've enjoyed reading your posts. I'd like to send some love to you and to ask that you be safe, I have a feeling there aren't many positive messages coming your way. ♥♥♥
Hello there! I'm glad you understood what I wanted to pass on. I understand that Andrew is a comfort character for a lot of people and some of them become hostile when someone tries to say something negative about him. I'm glad you took the time to see my point of view. ❤️
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phantomnostalgist · 4 years
What was it like being a phan in the day? Nowadays there's so much to do in the phandom, online roleplaying, fanfiction etc. So what did phans do before the internet was widely popular?
Ooh, good question (and sorry for taking so long to log in and answer, and if my answer is very rambling, as my brain still isn’t working right).
...And my internet went down in the middle of this reply, so it’s twice as rambling as the first version I typed up...
For me it was a mix between pre-internet, and early internet. My first year or two of being obsessed with Phantom, I literally didn’t know other phans existed, so my fandom activities were about tracking down any information or version of Phantom I could, which pre-internet wasn’t easy. The novel wasn’t even in most bookstores! I eventually found another phan via penpal adverts, then met someone else at the theatre. In many ways, starting a fan club was just my way of finding other fans to connect with. I know a lot of people got penfriends via phanzine ads too, so I think a certain amount of phandom happened in people connecting and enthusing together one on one in letters. It was truly an amazing feeling back then, even to discover other people who loved Phantom, who cared about Erik, who had all these feelings I’d initially thoughts I was utterly alone in.
There were fanzines back before mine, most notably Phantom Notes in the US from the late 80s to early 90s, and people were publishing fanfic by mail back in the day too. It was just harder to find until you discovered such things existed, and a whole new world opened up. I wasn’t so much into fanfic, but there were a number of phanfic anthologies in the early 90s, mostly from people in the US. So once you’d discovered a fanzine, you could get into the fanfic scene, but you had to pay for fic, as whomever was publishing it had to pay for the photocopying and distribution. 
The early zines had a lot of discussion amongst fans, like the early email list and message boards, on all aspects of the show and story, but there wasn’t room for things like roleplaying, or the wider kinds of fandom creativity the internet enables today. Most obviously because with a quarterly newsletter, you were waiting months between seeing your letter published, and reading people’s responses. On the other hand, it did make every little thing way more exciting, as it was so much more time and work to track down!  
I think what phans did also depended how near a production we were, as the stage door was another area we could meet and hang out with other fans (and queuing for returns, when tickets were sold out). There were some get-togethers in the early days, often around anniversaries or fundraising events for Broadway Cares, sometimes including theatre tours. The second ever Phantom fan I met was someone I spotted during the intermission who had a Phantom tattoo, so of course I went and started talking to her (and she turned out to be on her 98th show!). 
The early internet days were similar, in that I pretty much connected immediately with the first few Phantom fans I met online - which where through the rec.arts.theatre.musicals newsgroup. I can actually remember the names or screennames of numerous fans I met back then, in about 1995. Then Karin W started the Phantom email list, and various of us most “online” phans spent a lot of time on the #phantom IRC channel (where we didn’t talk about Phantom much, it was more a social gathering space for people who were all phans, and it was a lot of fun though also had its times of fracturing into extreme drama, because we were young and internet etc). People also began publishing a lot more fanfic back then of course, as there were plenty of free webhosts. I don’t think the roleplaying really got going until later on in the internet era, although I think there were attempts at it earlier... Actually I used to get some pretty weird emails from people RPing as “the Phantom”, which I rolled my eyes at at the time, but I look back on it and realize they just wanted someone to RP with, and there weren’t really any forums for it at the time. 
This is an incredibly rambling and disorganized answer (thanks Jack Daniels). I suppose phandom for me back then came into a few areas... First was just my passion for Phantom/Erik, and searching every resource I could find for any information. Then there was actually seeing the show, the stage door experience, getting to talk to the cast and squee over my faves, as well as sometimes meeting other fans. But just as important was having people to write to about it all - initially penfriends, then a couple of people I met, then people subscribing to and writing letters to the fanzine. And the joy of uncovering information - discovering things like the links between Christine Daae’s story and Christina Nillson’s for the first time, for example, which is now well known but was thrillingly exciting 25 years ago. 
Okay, to go back to the original question, what did phans do before the internet was widely popular? Searched for information and thought we were alone in our love for Erik; gradually discovered others who shared our love, and wrote embarrassing teenage confessions to our penfriends, full of our sex fantasies about Erik and certain Phantom actors, causing us to have to get our letters back from them when we later mutually fell out; found or founded fanzines, sharing our views with more phans, and finding fanfic zines; um I think this entry is long enough now so I’m posting it.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 4 years
just read ch. 272
and tsukishima is a whore that was a whore move (he is one of my absolute faves I'm just very upset with what he's done these recent chapters) boy's gotta make those braincells work a little!!! it's frustrating bc it feels like we were close to The Big Break from him and koito but no, they just went right back to where they were before and that makes me so very sad. this is kinda light-hearted, kinda serious I'm in a bit of a shock rn tbh I hope ur having a good day hdhdjdhsj sorry for rambling so much
..it was what we should ahve expect of him if he were placed in this situation. Tsukishima NEVER decided to leave Tsurumi’s side and so of course he would kill whoever were to oppose to Tsurumi.
From the backlash Tsukishima is receiving I get the feeling that after Tsukishima spared Tanigaki there was a part of the fandom who started to believe Tsukishima would never again attempt to harm one of the ‘good guys’.
So let’s look back a little at the whole scene with Tanigaki.
Tsukishima let Tanigaki live because Koito managed to persuade him this would be no harm to Tsurumi’s cause and would bring no gain to them.
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It’s noteworthy back then Tsukishima has pointed the harm of letting Tanigaki go.
He had threaten Koito into saying faithful. If he were to let Tanigaki escape Koito could leave as well.
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At this Koito said he wouldn’t leave, that even if they were to let Tanigaki go, he would still remain on Tsurumi’s side, albeith this time he wouldn’t do it blindly.
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Long story short, both of them decided that, for the time, they were still aligned with Tsurumi. Koito though decided he would draw a line at how far he would go for Tsurumi.
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I think the idea is that Koito refuses to harm someone for no good reason.
As in Tanigaki means no harm to their cause and letting him live would cause no harm so they should let him go.
The same though, wouldn’t apply if Tanigaki were to mean harm, for example siding with Hijikata. In that case killing him would be okay.
In fact we see they have no problems remaining behind a door in silence when Tsurumi psychologically tormented Asirpa and then attempted to strangle Sofia.
What Tsurumi is doing benefit their cause so they excuse it.
Who cares if Sofia dies, she’s a Russian revolutionary, she can die.
Who cares if Asirpa remains psychologically scarred and traumatized, she’s just a girl.
Their goal is more important, they’re expendable.
Then Ariko came in, trying to save Asirpa and even pointed his gun at Tsurumi and demanded the skins.
Of course they’ll side with Tsurumi, of course they’ll shoot to protect him because Ariko is a threat to their goal.
They had just heard Tsurumi’s cause is something they approve! Those aren’t the faces of who would betray Tsurumi, those are the faces of who would die for him and his goal.
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I wouldn’t be surprised if Noda will have the light in Tsukishima’s eyes appear in this scene in the volume version.
Anyway they probably would have killed Ariko even without this revelation, because this was what was expected of them, but after this revelation... it was kind of a given.
I’ve hoped as well we won’t come to this... but this is the most logical development, as much as I hate it.
Anime and manga has deluded us into thinking that people can turn page easily, that Koito and Tsukishima could just leave Tsurumi because he’s a ‘big bad’.
But Tsurumi isn’t the ‘big bad’ from their perspective, he’s just a man fighting for their cause and they are soldiers, used to kill who oppose to their boss.
We love Ariko. We’re grief striken for Ariko.
But for them he’s just another enemy in the list of people they’ve killed for their goal. His life isn’t more relevant than the one of the guards they attacked and killed in Abashiri.
They are rebels.
They have lost sight of the fact the Army serves to protect people from foreign threats, not to pursue personal targets.
So the worst part of all this is that what Tsukishima did was predictable, it fit perfectly with his arc, with the kind of person Tsukishima is, a soldier, with how Tsukishima has ultimately agreed with Tsurumi’s goal.
And the light in his eyes is clearly not because he has murdered Ariko, no, I’m sure he had felt no joy in it, the light in his eyes is because he has finally found back his hope, his faith in his cause.
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He’s among the many characters fighting for a place in which they can be, for happiness.
It’s Tsukishima. It could be anyone else, even Sugimoto killing Shiraishi should Shiraishi betray him, because Noda has said if this were to happen Sugimoto wouldn’t hesitate in killing Shiraishi and it would hurt, it would hurt even more but this is the kind of people we’re dealing with.
Although they aren’t monsters who enjoy killing, as some like to paint them, they don’t also hesitate to kill who gets in their way.
There’s no good here, there’s no people with high morals, even Asirpa said she would kill if it’s to protect Sugimoto and I really pray she would never get to that point.
This is a tale of our world, a tale were Ogata is completely right, everyone can kill everyone else PROVIDED THE RIGHT MOTIVATION.
Tsukishima, sadly, had the right motivation and did it and broke my heart and crushed my hope but it’s not that he went OOC, it’s that the story served him the right setting, when I was hoping the story would refrain to do so.
And a side of me is afraid, afraid because it’s clear Noda isn’t going to make things easy for my poor boys.
He’ll serve them on a silver platter situations that will push them to do terrible things. And I’m not sure any of them will manage to refuse taking a bite.
I’m sad, I’m heartbroken, Ariko was awesome because he managed to make the right choice despite how hard it was and he definitely didn’t deserve this, Ariko was a good person trying to do something good even when Shiraishi said they didn’t know if they could trust him, even if Ariko actually knew nobody trusted him. He did the right thing because it was the right thing, because he was the sort who would help people in need regardless.
Such a person deserved to live, I wanted him to live. We need people like him.
This though, mattered little to who killed him and that chose that pursuing their goal was THE RIGHT THING. And whoever got in the way had to die.
Selfishness versus selflessness.
GK world is cruel and I want to cry because it’s the same as ours, because our world too has plenty of people who would sacrifice someone like Ariko.
And this, this is the worst thing.
Sorry for the depressing answer and thank you for your ask.
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b-rainlet · 3 years
- the-scarecrxw
(Since you sent 4 of those emojis I'm gonna go off but I'll stick to one in this answer and make seperate posts for the others aksnsns)
I can't give you anything Jonathan centric (that isn't Tommy/Jonathan, one of my fave rarepairs) but Jerome features in lots of my AUs.
This one is one of my faves that's entirely self-indulgent and if it ever gets written it's probably gonna be the longest fic I ever published (Again: If it ever gets written):
I gotta apologize in advance, it's just a fun little AU I haven't put too much thoughts into in terms of plotting so this is gonna be A. Long, B. Messy and C. A little chaotic
- First off, you gotta understand that @nsfwitchy2 Me had some fun with a pretty nonsensical and definitely not canon-compliant AU where Jerome and Jeremiah have three Mums (Tabby, Lee and Barbara, who all date) and live with them and Barbara Lee as their little sister.
- Ecco also lives with them, she sees herself as both the twins' gf more than a genuine part of the family tho (for now)
- (Meanwhile at Wayne Manor Alfred and Jim date and are very tired parents of Bruce and his clone 514A, in this AU - and pretty much every AU - nicknamed Brook)
- (Selina kinda goes back and forth between living at Wayne Manor or at Lee's place)
- Also, everyone dates. The twins. The clones. Eccomiah, Jecco, Batcat, Valeyne, Wayleska, they're all fucking
- Which isn't THAT important for this particular AU but I figured I'd give a warning xD
- This is mostly my attempt to give Tabitha some more backstory? Just...how I personally see her character and how I could see her end up if things would've went differently after S2
- The google docs file is called 'How Tabitha started being a Mum while disregarding canon completely' lmao
- Like her current life involves having 4 kids (if you count Selina) and two wives and that's a hell of an AU and I just like to overthink things and play with the way things would have needed to have gone in canon to have her 'end up' like this
- Also I can see her struggling with having a family all if a sudden (that isn't a manipulative brother or a weird cult)
-Especially if that involves Motherhood
- So on one hand it's a 'S2 until now' fic, explaining what happened to her in my canon
- But also - mostly because I find that easier to organize in my brain - it's interwoven with a 5+1-esque fic of all her children calling her 'Mum' (and her getting emotional over that)
- So it switches back and forth between the past and the present but for rambling's sake, I'll start with the past
- She still leaves Theo behind and flees with Silver but she keeps Silver close instead of immediately sending her away
- And her and Silver get taken in by Fish after they leave Theo because they have nowhere to go and Fish loves taking care of strays
- (Fish, who probably didn't end up in Indian Hill but rather lives in hiding until she is ready to strike against Penguin)
- She refers to herself as Liza's Mother in canon, you can't tell me she wouldn't instantly adopt Tabby and call her 'Honey' and give her motherly advice while Tabby tries to be all bite but actually enjoys somebody taking care of her for once
- Selina🤝Tabby
'Trying so very hard all the time to not show how soft and insecure they are'
- Actually, I'd start diverting from Canon even sooner aksnsjd
- Well not full on changing canon, but I'd...pepper in some stuff
- Like some scenes of her back with Theo and the Maniax
- Mostly her talking to Theo about Jerome's planned murder, which, yeah, she knows it's been set in stone from the beginning but that doesn't mean that she isn't talking about alternatives where he doesn't get killed off
- And Theo's like "Don't tell me you're going soft. No one will miss him. He was just a boy. Not worthy enough to be remembered."
- And later on she betrays him and goes 'I remember him'
- Anyway, they stay with Fish for a while but Tabby doesn't wanna keep Silver in Gotham
- So she sends her back to the school she went to before coming to Gotham with Theo (but makes sure their weird cult can't get their hands on her there)
- And Silver wants her to come with but Tabby says she has some unfinished business
- Aka she just doesn't wanna leave Barbara (who is in a coma atm, if Memory serves right)
- And Tabby's reasoning is that it's not safe in Gotham but really, she thinks she can't be responsible for another person
- "She needs a mother. A Family. I can't give her that." - "You are her family."
- So Silver's out of the picture and Tabby hangs with Fish until Barbara wakes up and they get together again (and never ever seperate)
- Also there's no Butch/Tabby because that was unnecessary as fuck
- And I gotta be honest, I haven't thought more about canon because Butch/Tabby alone makes my head hurt already but somehow they start dating Lee
- Who brings Jerome into the relationship because I sure am fond of Lee being Jerome's Mother (like as in, I have several wips with that concept alone not counting this one)
- Jerome probably came back to life after S3 and Lee fought to have him not be treated like a violent criminal but rather a child who was taken advantage of and after his release from Arkham (where she visited him and made sure he got some proper treatment) it seemed natural to have him live with her
- (But also he's still a criminal aksnsjs, you can see how much I thought about this)
- (Sue me for sticking to the heartfelt scenes and avoiding the mess that is plotting)
- Tabby and Barbara already had Selina and through Jerome, Jeremiah and Ecco were added et voila! Their Family is complete
- (Why exactly Barbara Lee exists if Tabby and Barbara have been non-stop dating since S2 I can't tell you, I simply think she is neat and I like the idea of big brother Jerome)
- (This AU? Self-indulgent? Why would you ever think that?)
- In the present however she is dealing with what is mostly referred to as 'feelings'
- Mostly panic at realizing that the bunch of weird children she's been living with are seeing her as some kind of parental figure
- Because suddenly they all call her 'Mum'
- Unsurprisingly the first one to call her Mum is Jerome at breakfast
- She's reading the newspaper and there's an article about a hostage situation the twins planned and he goes 'Mum, are you done with that? Can we see?'
- And they snatch it from her and argue about how they didn't even make the front page while Tabby nearly chokes on her coffee
- And of course she breaks down talks to her wives about it later while they get ready for bed because no one ever called her 'Mum' before
- Barbara's braiding her hair, while Lee's off to the side, getting ready for bed and it's very domestic and I am very gay
- But neither see it as a big deal because both of them have been called Mum before (by Jerome at least. Like. Immediately upon meeting them)
- So she's trying to be nonchalant about it because it's only a big deal if she makes it one
- While also not being able to deny the warm feeling that spreads throughout her body when Jerome keeps calling her 'Mum'
- Miah and Selina on the other hand are both hesitant to call anyone Mum
- Miah cause of Pride, Selina cause of her Mummy Issues
- But they both do at some point
- I think I have more notes on this SOMEWHERE but I kinda wanna have Miah call her Mum while he's ill (because we all know he'd be super fussy and want attention 24/7)
- So she humours him and while he's close to falling asleep - and she's totally not carding her fingers through his hair because she isn't soft or anything - he mumbles: "Thank you Mum" and she melts
- Selina would be more angsty
- Like, maybe it's her birthday and she disappears for a while (as she tends to do) but Tabby (who's closest to her) knows how hard this day is for her (since again her Mum isn't there with here and looks for her and brings her back home but doesn't make a big fuss out of her birthday
- Just...lets her be, gives her space but also lets her curl up close to her and maybe Selina doesn't call her Mum on that exact day
- But it's the day she realizes she wouldn't mind calling Tabitha her Mother, so she hesitantly tries it out a while later (maybe days, maybe weeks, however long it takes for her to feel comfortable with it) and they share a smile
- Then there's Barbara Lee, but she barely counts because she's a toddler and calls everyone 'Mummy'
- Even her father ajsnsnsn
- The last one would be Ecco because I have a very soft spot for Tabby and Ecco being close
- Ecco's rather formal with them for the longest time (she calls Barbara, Lee and Tabby 'Ma'am' for the most part because she may like them, but she doesn't think they see her as family. She's just the token girlfriend).
- So there's a scene where they connect, possibly over Tabby's hand and Ecco's head since I hc that Ecco gets headaches and migraines a lot (considering that she still gets shot in the head by Miah, like I said, this AU isn't necessarily the most bullet proof in terms of linear timelines)
- But so is Gotham so-
- So there's possibly a scene where Ecco's headache is getting super bad and no one's around (especially not Miah to dote on her) and Tabby awkwardly tries to bond by telling her about her hand and how she can't feel much (is a little clumsy with it) and Ecco immediately imprints on her like a duckling
- Maybe it's even the first time anyone reached out to Ecco in a way that feels genuine, especially without the twins or any of her (various) other partners being present so now she's willing to die for Tabby
- Which ends in her also calling her 'Mum' (while she keeps calling Lee and Barbara 'Ma'am' and Lee's so mad ajsnsjdj she was trying so hard to bond with this kid but couldn't quite get it right and you're telling her her socially pretty clumsy - but still wonderful of course - wife managed with just one conversation?? Slander
- And of course because I can't stop myself, there would be even more tidbits here and there of Tabby overcoming her previous way of living (as in, thinking caring or showing emotions is weakness) by having her reminisce a LOT about Theo
- For example by having Jerome climb into bed with her while Barbara's sleeping and Tabby is waiting for Lee to come home
- Lee works as a doc in the narrows which may be a little illegal, but the people didn't just stop needing help after her Queen of the Narrows arc was over, so I vote she keeps at it (and is held in very high regard for it by pretty much everyone)
- Tabby always stays up until everyone is home because she likes knowing where everyone is and that they're safe while Jerome has frequent nightmares and wanders around the house, so this isn't a rare occurrence
- And sometimes, they talk Theo
- "You miss him?" - "Don't know."
- "I wish he was still alive so I could kill him." - "....Me too." - "Which one?" - "...Both."
- (ajajsbssj this is all just copy pasted and cleaned up a lil', leave me and my pretentious way of writing dialogue alone)
- Tabby also has a lot of interludes where she thinks about what growing up with Theo was like/her childhood in general
- How she always protected him from other children bullying him and how they swore to have each other's back but how in hindsight, she was the one doing all the dirty work for him, helping him fulfill his dream and enact his revenge
- Realizing that he probably never cared for her, not like she cared for him
- There's also allusions to them having sex because you cannot tell me they did NOT have sex
- And it ends with Tabby realizing that she is quite happy with how she ended up, even if it's neither how she thought she would ever live nor what her old self would've even wanted, possibly seeing too many attachments as 'weak' judging by the way she canonly used Butch for convenience sake at first
- And yeah, maybe now she can provide the family - the Mother - somebody else desperately needs
- So she brings Silver home
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shipmistress9 · 4 years
D E F G H I J K L M N O P, Q R S T U V, W X Y and Z 😇😉. I sung the alphabet while writing this as well 😂. You don’t have to answer all of them though, just pick which ones you want 😊.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
My fandom life would be easier if I liked Heathstrid at least a little bit... But I can’t and I don’t really want to, either...
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
The oneshots Spin The Bottle and Pick Me Up.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Given that I only learned about the existence of fandom as a concept in late 2016, the longest I’ve ever been in a fandom is roughly 4,5 years.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Many! Currently it’s Hiccstrid and Hicretstrid. And maybe a little Zelink. But thinking back, I think my very first OTP was when I was around five years old. From the Captain Tsubasa anime series, Tsubasa and... I don’t even know her name... 🤣 There was this girl who always cheered him on and was his no.1 fan. ANd in hindsight, I think I also shipped Tsubasa... with nearly all other players, mainly, Taro Misaki, Jun Misugi, and Kojiro Hyuga. 🤣
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
TV-shows, mostly. I prefer the visuals over books and I prefer the slower development over those in movies.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Not caused me to stop liking them. But in some cases (ATLA and TDP, to name two) it raised my expectations so high that, when I finally got to dip into them, I was rather underwhelmed. It also didn’t help that I already knew the ending and some major plot points. If there’s one sure way to dampen my excitement it’s spoilers.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Supernatural. Pretty much all other fandoms I dip into occasionally, I knew at least a little before. But literally everything I know about Supernatural is from seeing posts here. 🤣
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
I can’t think of an individual character right now, but in general an arc I like is someone (re-)learning to trust.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Snotlout has a great relationship with his dragon. Valka, too. Gobber and the twins are always fun, in their own ways.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Already answered before.
Hmm... First, I wanted to say Astrid. And I'd enjoy having her as a friend, as someone to challenges me to be more active, to work on my skills and someone to talk.
But I think, I'd enjoy being friends with Hiccup, too. I'd like to brainstorm ideas, ponder over inventions and exchange ideas. Geek out about dragons!
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Acceptance, respect, and some common sense. But that’s not just fandom...
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
My very long list of favoured songs randomly gave me 9 Crimes by Damien Rice. There once was an absolutly stunning AMV with this song about the TV-show The Legend Of The Seeker, The Sword Of Truth (based on the books by Terry Goodkind). I was deeply in love with Richard’s and Kahlan’s relationship, and with Cara on a general level. That AMV featured them all, and I loved it!
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Oh, oh, oh, oh! I just thought about this modern meet-cute AU for Hiccstrid a few days back, might as well write it down here. (And will also copy it over into an individual post, I think...)
Hiccup is a single father of a three-years-old daughter. One day, he meets Astrid in a supermarket; she’s in front of him at the check-out and when he hears her voice, he’s stunned. Because he knows her voice, hears it every day. Because she lend her voice to one of these talking toys for toddlers.His daughter’s favourite toy.
Hiccup always liked that toy best, too, because it didn’t sound as annoying as most others. Pleasant even. When he sees and hears Astrid, he recognises her voice in an instant. He jokingly thanks her for making his days more bearable. She’s confused, who is this weirdo? So he tries to explain. “The toy. My daughter’s toy. It’s your voice. A pleasant voice. I listen to it every day.” He keeps getting weirder, stammers, turns red like a tomato, until he eventually just flees, wishing a hole would open up to swallow him, that was so embarrassing.
Meanwhile, Astrid is touched. Knowing that there is at least one little girl who likes the toy she helped create. And her father, apparently. Who had been cute. In how shy he’d been. And how excited. She’s sorry he left before she was able to talk to him and thank him.
Over the next days, Hiccup would think of her a lot. Every time he hears her voice again, he’d think of her. Her face. Her smile. Until they, eventually, meet again... ^^
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Answered before
None, really. There are several fandoms I grew out of, like Sailor Moon or Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. But I wouldn't say I abandoned them. I still enjoy seeing content about them.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Those of the rider with their dragons. Hiccup&Toothless. Astrid&Stormfly.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Pretty much all of my headcanons are about Hiccstrid in one way or combination. One of my personal favourites is that Astrid has a tiny birthmark on the back of her neck. She doesn’t even know it’s there, she can’t see it and it’s almost always covered by her hair anyway. But Hiccup knows it’s there. And he loves to place a kiss on it. It tickles and would always make her giggle. And she smells so nice.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
*snorts* No. If there are people who don’t share my headcanons, then... they don’t have to? I can live and be friends with people regardless of whether we share the same headcanons or not. And if people keep attacking me for mine, I’ll just block them and walk away. Arguing about something like that is not worth my time.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Astrid. HTTYD.
I really have difficulties thinking of favourites from any other fandoms here! xD
Princess Zelda from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Kaladin Stormblessed from the Stormlight Archives.
I might have a type here. Brave, strong, not always easy to deal with. Fiercely loyal. Stubborn. Proud. Honourable. that’s all three of them. ^^
V - Which character do you relate to most?
Same answer as the above, mostly. I think I already wrote a long answer to a similar question once. 🤔 I relate to Astrid in many ways. Loyal and reliable, not always easy to approach, often prefers to deal with her problems on her own instead of asking for help.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
Anything jealously, especially it being portrayed as a sign of love or dedication. But also love triangles. Unnecessary.
Another thing I don’t like is when there’s a misunderstanding and they argue about it and get angry and yell and have a huge falling-out... when it all just boils down to them not listening.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Answered before.
Forbidden Romance. In any form. I just love the angsty tension it brings without the characters fighting or arguing about misunderstandings.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Supernatural, ATLA, TDP, MCU.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
With all the critical thinking that’s encouraged in fandom culture, I wish more people would remember Ratatouille and this quote by Anton Ego.
“In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.”
-- Anton Ego (Ratatouille)
Or at least respect it. It’s called entertainment and not lecture about every little detail that is wrong with other people’s opinions. I get why it’s important to look deeper and question meanings and intentions, I really do. But sometimes, I’d prefer to at least occasionally just enjoy something without getting lectured by others for it.
Thank you! 😘💜
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luckyricochet · 4 years
I want you to answer A-Z on the fandom asks so I can peer into your psyche 👀
Wow I love you. This actually took around three hours since I wanted to think about the answers. See them under the cut!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
From Hanyou no Yashahime — Sesshomaru and Rin
From The Mandalorian — The Mandomera’s been creeping up a little bit. 
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Honestly can’t think of one. I’m very set in my ships. 
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
From Naruto — SasuSaku. Sasuke was cute as a kid so I get Sakura having a crush on him then, but I think she would have gotten over it when he became a homicidal clown who abandoned the village and tried to kill her and her teammates multiple times.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
From Harry Potter — Ron x Hermione. I’ve always thought their personalities didn’t match and not in the good “opposites attract” kind of way.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I only know how to write angst, drama, and introspective musings so no. 
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Over fifteen years in the Harry Potter fandom, but I’ve had to separate that from JKR herself in the recent years. 
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
“Have I ever had an OTP”? *laughs from shipping hell* 
From The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare — Nat and Kit were my first OTP. Read this book in fifth grade and was immediately loved them. Boy literally risks banishment from the colony to help prove she’s not a witch. 
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I love visual media, so TV, anime, and film
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
I’m not going to let tumblr dot com put me off of a particular show/book/etc. itself, but it has definitely made me think less of certain types of fans who are in a fandom. 
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
The...period drama fandom? More widely, the history fandom. They both create some of the most beautiful edits celebrating history and I love it. 
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
 From Avatar: The Last Airbender — It’s gotta be Prince Zuko
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
From Harry Potter — I think Ginny is a Mary Sue but I loved when she stood up for herself in Half-Blood Prince when Ron was trying to slut-shame her. 
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
From Parks and Recreation — Leslie Knope. Unending positive affirmations, thoughtfulness, and support!
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
I don’t really have a main fandom but I haven’t mentioned Free! yet so let’s go with it for this one. 
1. Less Nitori because I can’t stand him.
2. More female characters! I get half the appeal is the boys, but I’d love to see a girls swim team in some capacity. 
3. More Haru and his family dynamics! Doesn’t have to be a ton, but I want to know what his relationship with his parents like, especially as an adult.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Salt and the Sea - The Lumineers. “From the destruction, out of the flame. You need a villain, give me a name.” Such an Odesta song. (Finnick x Annie from the Hunger Games)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
For The Mandalorian — A historical AU set in early 1900s New York City where Mando’s just some government agent sent to “report” on slum conditions to satisfy some housing law. He goes meaning to write up a generic report but then finds the orphaned Baby Yoda abandoned in one of the tenements. Shocked by the conditions of the slums, Mando goes from being an apathetic, middling-level bureaucrat to being an anonymous investigative journalist reporting on the corruption in the government that allows for the city’s most vulnerable citizens to live in squalor, leading the government on a search to find who within their ranks is exposing them. 
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Sherlock, because it just took so long for the third series to come out. I had moved on to other fandoms by the time it did. Still have fond memories of when I was active in it, though. 
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
From Lord of the Rings — Aragorn and Legolas. This is played up a lot more in the films but I love it. 
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
For Lord of the Rings — Boromir definitely taught Faramir swordplay when they were little kids since their father didn’t want to. 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
From Hanyou no Yashahime — Rin made the first move. Sesshomaru would be way too clueless to even know how to go about it. 
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
From Pirates of the Caribbean — James Norrington: Commodore in the Royal Navy during the 18th century, must I explain any further? Cool, calm, and collected on the job while looking v good while he does it but a nervous wreck in front of the woman he fancies. Tell me that’s not straight out of Austen.
From Star Wars (OT) — Luke Skywalker: An unapologetically good person in a crapsack world, doing his best to bring light into the world. A classic hero archetype who grows out of his naïveté to become a cunning—but still benevolent—Jedi. 
From Prince of Tennis — Yukimura Seiichi: His duality is *chef’s kiss*. Super scary and in charge on the court, gentle sweet boy who loves art and culture off the court. He struggled for so long but was able to overcome it all through his hard work and willpower.
Bonus favorite, because I couldn’t resist...
From Band of Brothers — Doc Roe: He’s doing the MOST for his guys but he really just needs a hug. Plus he’s got the accent.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
From Little Women — Jo March, especially as portrayed by Saoirse Ronan in the 2019 adaptation. Writer, holds grudges, opinionated, stubborn, eschewed “girliness” in her youth but is more open to it and romanticism as an adult. 
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
I’ve gotten to the point where even the hint of a love triangle tests my patience.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
It’s about the yearning: Longing Look
Also will definitely always ship the Brooding Boy and the Gentle Girl
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Anything in the MCU or general superhero content.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
I love fandom so much. I’m sort of facetious about being obsessed with people who aren’t real on my other social media accounts, but in all seriousness, being able to escape the real world to get excited over characters and relationships that face their own struggles, triumphs, and emotions is such a gift. So often they speak so powerfully on the human experience—How can you read, or watch, any of Tolkien’s work and not be moved by what he has to say about humanity and the power of good? Even if the stories are fictional, the messages they impart about life aren’t, which is what I love so much about them.
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st-fandom-imagines · 5 years
Never The Same
TRIGGER WARNING- SEXAUL ASSUALT I hope you like what I wrote and how I wrote it, I hope this is what you were looking for :) I need some more requests guys, don't be scared, almost nothing you could request is off limits. The prompt list is here if you wanted to send a request from that but you don't have to! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Request- @wtfdavidsvlogsreply asked: 5, 6, 13, 29, 30. Sorry, I know that’s a lot but I was thinking like Billy badly hurt the reader in an attempt to sexually force himself on her and She’s currently dating Steve so he gets really upset that he wasn’t there to help her so like angsty at the beginning and then fluffy at the end?? It’s okay if you don’t want to write this with the assault issue in the plot. Thanks so much!! 5-“You’re safe now.” 6-“No ones gunna hurt you.” 13-“Who did this.” 29-“It’s okay to cry.” 30-“Is that blood?” ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Being nineteen with no car, truly sucked. I have to ride my bike everywhere, in the small town of Hawkins where everyone knows everyone, I was the girl they all laughed at when I road down the road next to twelve year olds. When Steve and I started dating he offered to drive me whenever I needed so I didn’t have do fave such silly humiliation, but ever since he started his summer job it’s gotten harder. I get off work at the library at seven when it closes while he gets off at nine while the mall closes. Some days he will get off early or switch with Robin so we can get out at around the same time but it’s been hard. I usually don’t mind at night, less parents and kids are out to see me but more teenagers and adults my age are out. “Hey babe, need a ride?” I heard a familiar voice ask as a car rode up next to me. I rolled my eyes and kept peddling on the side walk as I saw Billy in the drivers seat of the car. Billy was relentless, always has been and probably always will be. He was attached to me only for the reason that he knows it pisses off Steve. “No thanks, I’m almost home anyway.” I lied, hoping he wouldn’t know where I lived. I heard his car stop, shut off to be exact and I just kept peddling, knowing that he was probably getting out of his car to bother me more. Before I knew what was happened, Billy pulled me off of my bike by my arm and started dragging me towards his car. “You are such a bad liar.” He laughed as I was punching his arm that was holding mine, as I tried to weight myself down so he couldn’t take me with him. I had never seen Billy like this, he had never touched me before, he would usually just curse at me and drive off. Once we got to his car he shoved me on the hood of it, and stood between my legs. I tried clamping my legs shut, not allowing him to stand there, but he shoved them open, his nails digging into my inner thighs making me wince in pain. “Billy, stop!” I yelled making him cover my mouth with one hand as the other tried to pull my shirt out of my pants. I bit Billy’s hand that was over my mouth causing him to slap me across the face. “Little bitch.” He swore as tears started to well up in my eyes. We were on the middle of the street, houses all around us and not one person was seeing what was happening. As Billy tried to unbutton my shorts, I knew that I only had one shot to get away. As soon as he got to the zipper of my shorts, I raised one of my knees up and nailed him right in the crotch making everything come to a fault as he doubled over in pain. I shoved him away from me as began screaming as loud as I could while I ran down the street, holding my shorts up as I ran, I saw lights turn on in houses, porch lights turn on, people had heard my screams. The only house close that I knew someone would be home at was the Byers. So I ran through the woods where Will had disappeared so long ago, where I could get to Steve’s house but no one would be home and I sure as hell wasnt going to wait outside for Billy to find me. Billy didn’t know these woods, not like I did. As soon as I reached the house and saw the Joyce’s and Jonathan’s shared car in the driveway. I ran to the front door and pounded on it as loud as I could, my body racked with sobs. The door opened to reveal Joyce in the doorway. “(Y/N), honey are you okay?” She comforted as she pulled me inside. I just shook my head no, not being able to form a sentence. She sat me down on the couch. I didn’t want to talk, I just wanted to feel safe. I saw Joyce look at me, blood on my thighs, a hand print of my face, my shorts undone and my hair and shirt a complete mess. I didn’t know what to do or say, it was like everything was in slow motion, I could see Joyce talking to me but I wasn’t hearing a thing, complete shock taking over my body. Jonathan must have been with Nancy and Will with his friends because they hadn’t come out to the living room, a good thing too, I didn’t want them to see me like this. I don’t know how long I was sitting there but before I knew it blue and red light illuminated the house as well as another set of highlights. I stopped crying immediately, not wanting to show weakness to anyone, especially anyone that would judge me. A panicked knock on the door broke me from my state, I grabbed Joyce’s hand as she went to answer the door. “No, it’s him.” I cried making her shake her head and walk over to the door. “It’s Hop and Steve, I called them.” She showed me as Steve rushed into the door and over to me while Hopped walked in behind him. Steve kneeled down on the floor in front of me, trying to grasp what had happened. “Kid nearly tackled me so he could get to the door first.” Hopper sighed as Steve looked me up and town with tears in his eyes, he was still in his Scoops Ahoy uniform, Robin just have let him leave early to see me. “Who did this?” Steve asked me as he cupped my face on the same side that Billy has smacked, the touches in the same place but so different. I didn’t say anything, I was still in shock, still terrified that Billy was going to come back. Steve continued to look me up and down, trying to see what damage has been done. Once he saw the blood and fingernail marks on my thighs, he lost it. “Is that blood?” Steve questioned, rage in his eyes. He knew who did this, he didn’t need me to answer him anymore, but Hopper did. Hopper saw the same things Steve did as he examined me, he was looking over Joyce’s shoulder as she told him what had happened, he knew I was assaulted, he also knew that he couldn’t examine me so Steve assessing my injuries were good enough for Hopper. He didn’t want to scare me anymore that I had been already tonight. “It was Billy, go arrest the son of a bitch, we are pressing charges.” Steve stated as he sat next to me on the couch, wrapping one arm around me. “I’m sorry Steve, I can’t do anything unless I hear her tell me who it was.” Hopper frowned, knowing his hands were tied in this one thing. There were a lot of lines that were blurred for Hopper, a lot of rules that he knew had to be broken but sexual assault was not one of them. “If she wants to press charges and this goes to a judge, I need to be able to say that she identified her attacker.” Hopper defended as Steve went to say something else. “It was Billy.” I simply squeaked out, and that was all Hopped needed. “Steve stay with her, Joyce make her some coffee or tea or give her a shot, the girl had been through hell tonight.” Hopper said as he left, going to take Billy into the police station. As soon as Joyce left the room to head to the kitchen, my body racked with sobs once again. “I’m so sorry (Y/N), so sorry that I couldn’t be there to stop him, that I couldn’t protect you. God, all because of some stupid job slinging ice cream.” He began to blame himself and beat himself up when he knew deep down it wasn’t his fault. “If you were there, he would have just waited until I was alone a different night.” I whispered, my voice shot from screaming. “She’s right. People like Billy won’t stop till they get what they want.” Joyce said as she came back over to us, three shot glasses in hand and a bottle of vodka in the other. “You’re safe now.” Steve tried to comfort me as I downed the shot that Joyce has handed me, my hands shaking slightly. “I get out of work, every day at six. I will pick you up every day that you need, okay? Now, I’m gunna go in the kitchen so you two can talk.” Joyce promised and sent me a small smile. Joyce loved all of us like we were her own, ever since Will had went missing, she knew she needed all the love she could get. “It’s okay to cry.” Steve said making me chuckle as I downed another shot, the liquor loosening me up. “I think I cried enough.” I responded making him take my hands into his. He locked eyes with mine, telling me that he was beyond serious. “This will never happen again, you have me, Hopper and Joyce. I’m so sorry this happened to you.” He whispered, his voice breaking slightly. Most women who were sexually assaulted don’t want to be near anyone of the same sex of her attacker until her attacker is in custody but Steve, Steve was different. I know he would never hurt me, never force me to do anything, never lay a hand on me. “Let’s go shower, I know Joyce won’t care.” Steve offered and for the first time I looked down at myself, my shirt loose from being pulled, blood down my legs, my shorts hanging loosely around my waist. I walked into the bathroom, Steve a few minutes behind me as he got me a change of clothes from Joyce. I was going to burn these clothes as soon as I got home. Steve had seen my body a million times over now but for some reason I felt shy, like it was strange for him to see me like this. “I’ll turn around, just let me know when you are in. I can still join you, right? I mean I won’t if you feel uncomfortable, I thought you would just want help or want me in there for stability. I’m just assuming things.” He rambled nervously as I stepped into the warm water, all my muscles relaxing at once. “Please come in here, I need to know you are here, you aren’t him Steve, you don’t scare me.” I responded making him strip outside the shower before stepping in with me. “No ones gunna hurt you, not again.” Steve swore as the blood ran off my body and down the drain, and I knew he was right. I knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to me after tonight, he wouldn’t leave my side unless he knew someone else was with me and I was okay with it. After tonight, I don’t know how long it will be until I’m close to okay again but one thing is for sure, I’ll never be the same.
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mawritesbnha · 5 years
Thank you so much!! :D And I'm really sorry about that anon... I hope it won't happen again! Sooo most to least likely to: ask you to marry them! I don't know if you have a character limit? You can put as many as you want or just your faves! Anything's fine for me really!
Sorry I know I said I wanted to try most to least likely… but I kept changing the order and was overall unhappy with it… So this became a Likely vs Unlikely or a Would vs Would not kinda thing… Also I tried to put as many characters as I could, but please my darlings it’s better when you tell me who you’d like, otherwise I’m lost. I didn’t go into too much details but if you’d like to know more as to why a character is in a certain category feel free to send in a specific hc ask!
That was still a lot of fun, I really like this concept so if you’ve got more like this my pretties send them in!
Smoochies from Ma!
Would they ask you to marry them?
- Izuku: he’s so focused on hero work it’s gonna take him a while to realise he wants to do it, but he will eventually, a lot of rambling will be involved
- Shoto: again that poor boy didn’t have a great example growing up… but after years of being in a relationship with you, he finally trusts himself enough, he’s confident that you can build something even more beautiful together, gives you a little speech before asking, and if you say yes he’d love for you to come with him to tell his mother the news
- Hanta: you’ve talked about it before, but he wants to keep it a surprise so he’ll ask when you’ve forgotten about it, really sweet and romantic
- Denki: you can see it coming from a mile away, might have actually seen the ring already cause he’s terrible at hiding things from you and in general, adorable but a nervous wreck
- Eijiro: it’s the manly thing to do! actually he might have gotten the idea from someone else cause sharky bb is a bit of an airhead at times, but he’s really excited about it
- Mashirao: you had a feeling he wanted to ask you something important, but not that important, goes about it in a very traditional and romantic way, probably over diner
- Tenya: even more traditional, asks your parents for their blessing first, I’m not sure if he’d ask in public, I think he’d keep it private, his proposal sounds like a business deal offer… but if you say yes all that robot front is gonna melt away and this dork might laugh out of sheer happinness and spin you around
- Fumikage: reaallyy self-conscious… many times he backpedals at the last moment… until Dark Shadow lends an unexpected hand
- Ochaco: look it took her a while to admit she had a crush on you but ever since you’ve gotten together she’s been really forward, that girl ain’t wasting anymore time, she knows what she wants
- Yuga: prepare for a very pompous, public proposal with the shiniest diamond ever… or none at all cause nothing shines brighter than your future groom and his love for you
- Momo: she mulls it over for a while and when she asks she doesn’t really, it’s more like she brings up the idea of marriage to see your reaction and then timidly wonder if you’d want her as your wife
- Tsuyu: she wants a family with you, that’s the next step in her book, a bit shy about it though but straight to the point as always
- Mina: she was actually waiting for you to do it but grew too impatient and ended up blurting out her proposal at the oddest of time and sounding vaguely annoyed/offended she had to do it herself before getting really flustered
- Rikido: hides the ring in the cake he baked for you, has a hard time explaining why he looks so horrified when you finish it all up without noticing anything
- Koji: you might despair and ask yourself first cause it’s gonna take him the longest time to feel confident enough to ask you, but he’d come up with something so precious involving your favourite animals you’d do well to wait
- Itsuka: she doesn’t need it, but she likes the idea so if she feels like you both might be on the same page she’d bring it up but more like in a conversation rather than just popping the question
- Neito: is he serious? haha who knows! come on yes he is and he’s waiting for an answer, he loves you so much he wants to make it official and be able to brag about it, wants to do a public proposal and tries to act confident but he’s terrified you’ll reject him
- Mirio: if someone pointed out that you already look and act like a married couple he’d get really excited and probably turn to you all smile “let’s get married Y/N!”, but depending on your reaction then he might apologise later on and propose in a more serious way
- Neijire: doesn’t realise it’s that big of a deal and doesn’t exactly asks too, you were probably just watching some wedding show and she mused “we should do it too” or when walking in front of a wedding dress shop “oohh that’s the one I want”… like if you ask her if she seriously wants to get married she’ll go “eehh? we’re not???”
- Tamaki: oh boy… swears he’s gonna ask you and look you in the eyes while doing so even if it kills him but that might actually happen… he’s gotten really comfortable around you over the years but some things are still… too much
- Yo: if you’ve gotten to the point where he wants to marry you… you’ve gotten through a lot, and this boy must have been a huge pain… actually you might have been fed up with him one day and threaten to end things, expecting him to close himself off as usual and wish you farewell then… but no, he proposes. yeah, not a great timing
- Natsuo: such a good boy, so sweet, promises to always provide and care for you, and vows to himself to not be like his dad (as if you could ever be sweetie)
- Himiko: asks soon after you’ve gotten together, thinks about becoming your knife wife almost as much as drinking your blood
- Hizashi: he won’t yell his proposal… but he sure as hell is gonna scream his happiness if you say yes (everyone’s ears are not thanking you)
- Nemuri: thought she’d never settle down? wrong! if you can see past her sexual appeal while still appreciating it she ain’t letting you off the hook
- Jin: surprised? I don’t think he’d consider it if you weren’t part of the league or if the boss was against it for whatever reason though, but it’d make him very happy to marry you
- Hitoshi: he doesn’t really care for marriage, but depending on how you present the idea to him he’d agree to it and might even look forward to it
- Katsuki: doesn’t see the point, you’re already partners for life, what’s the big fuss about? he’d be hard to convince, but the more territorial side of him might be swayed, he wouldn’t want any “mushy stuff” though
- Dabi: too bad his very good friend Toya would’ve asked! marriage doesn’t sound good to him for many reasons, you can’t sway him
- Tomura: finds the idea a bit… odd? that kind of “like most people” stuff isn’t for him honestly… but you’re his player 2, that’s better, right?
- Hawks: I don’t think that’s what he’s looking for
- Kyoka: she wants to, but can’t work up the courage
- Mezo: he never gave marriage much thought so you’d have to bring it up, he wants to make you happy and if that’s what you want he’ll ask, but yeah not spontaneously
- Toru: she’s waiting for you to ask her
- Ibara: same I don’t see her being too forward in a relationship, but might prefer it if you actually just talk about it together instead of a big proposal
- Tetsutetsu: he… didn’t… think about it… and if someone else brings it up he’s gonna be mad at himself for not coming up with that one on his own and won’t ask cause he’s too busy pouting
- Fuyumi: sadly I hc her to think that’s not really her choice to make
- Shota: he’s a bit whatever about it, as long as you too are together he doesn’t care about formalities, he’d enjoy a sober wedding if you want one, and please don’t let Hizashi make a speech he’s begging you
- Toshinori: that poor man is dying to marry you, but it’d be like putting a target on your back and his biggest fear is losing you or seeing you hurt… keeping it a secret might be an option but I’m not sure he’d take that risk
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mx-rgyn · 5 years
*cracks knuckles* 1-30 champ, i wanna know all about your cargyn c: (any au, pick your fave hehe)
I can’t decide if I love you or hate you for doing this to me but here we go-- (also I’m sorry but I rly struggled with Every Single One so I cut a few out dlfjhgsldgj)
(and in light of keeping these appropriate I’m gonna say that questions 6, 8, and 24 should be asked off anon by adults so I can answer privately uwu)
1. Who makes the first move and how?
[Uni AU] Morgyn makes the first move, hehe. Caleb sees Morgyn at a party and is infatuated immediately, and after they keep catching each other’s eye from across the room Morgyn eventually comes over to strike up conversation with this hottie standing against the back wall drinking alone.
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
[Gen] Both of them are insecure in their own ways tbh, so I don’t think I could pin it down solely to one of them, and will be answering for both.
Caleb struggles with depression and failing to be happy with the life he has (in the housemate AU it’s his vampirism, in the uni AU it’s him wanting a “dead end lifestyle” instead of the career path his father chose for him). Morgyn has anxiety and ADHD on top of having a rough childhood; he’s quite proactive in using coping skills and receiving treatment, but he still has his bad days and juggling all of those things at once can get to be too much for even the most confident of people. Some days he can’t leave the house because being in public is too nerve-wracking; some days he’s trapped in a brain fog where he can’t get anything done and it’s like he’s choking on his thoughts because they’re too loud and chaotic for him to make any sense of them. Both of them have spells where the concept of “existing” is overwhelming and all they can manage that day is curling up in bed in pajamas and a hoodie.
On Caleb’s bad days, Morgyn is tender and stable for him, making sure his needs are met and that he has the support he needs, whatever it may be that day. Sometimes he needs to vent, sometimes he needs space, sometimes he needs to mentally shut down for awhile and have someone he trusts take care of thinking about things and making decisions--but whatever it is, Morgyn is there to help and understands what he’s going through, at least enough to know where he’s coming from. On Morgyn’s bad days, Caleb is very sweet and loving and gives him lots of soft gentle affection. Morgyn has the tendency to get lost in his head during spells like these, so he either needs a medium to express his thoughts/feelings or a quiet escape to be able to sort them out and understand them. It usually results in Morgyn sitting in Caleb’s lap, on the floor, back against his chest with a cup of herbal tea.
3. Who is the most romantic?
[Gen] Caleb all the way. He’s a hopeless old-timey romantic and can’t resist opportunities to be a sweetheart :3
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
[Gen] Both >:3c But especially Caleb, hehehe
5. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
Depends on which AU, hehehe~
In the Housemate AU, Morgyn confesses first, but in the Uni AU, it’s Caleb who says it~
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
[Gen] Cute silly shenanigans usually, hehe. It depends on what it is specifically that they’re doing, and the AU, but it ends up being a mix of them being dorks in love and them being best friends that can have a great time together no matter where they go, uwu
9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
[Housemate AU] Caleb accidentally choked on a bite of plasmafruit when Morgyn startled him and made a mess from it, and Caleb walked in on Morgyn and L. Faba getting up to chaotic shenanigans that were really hard to explain out of context.
11. What do they hide from one another?
[Housemate AU] Well, at first they hide that they’re vampire and spellcaster, respectively. Once that’s off the table though, Morgyn evades any questions about his past and Caleb struggles opening up from a fear of being vulnerable.
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
[Gen] Their tender moments, those accidental ones that happen by chance without you realising it--before they were serious they resulted in blushes and awkward tension, but once they start getting Real Feelings they actually linger in them and it feels more comforting than anything else; like they found a pocket in space where time doesn’t pass and they can sit wrapped up in their bubble of intimacy, uwu
13. When do they realise they should get together?
Depends on the AU. In the Housemate AU, it’s when they spend one of Morgyn’s bad nights lying on the floor in Morgyn’s study, talking and having a Moment. (This is known among close friends as the Freckles Kiss Scene, which I will only elaborate on if asked specifically >:3c) In the Uni AU, it’s after Morgyn spends three days barely leaving Caleb’s side after Caleb has a breakdown and Morgyn is there to help piece himself back together.
19. Where do they go on their first date?
[Uni AU] After they both decide they can’t keep ignoring their feelings any longer, Caleb asks Morgyn if he can take him out properly the way he should have from the very beginning, and that weekend they do the classic “movie and dinner” setup, hehe. They ride on Caleb’s motorcycle to a quiet out-of-the-way park to take a long walk together, watch the sunset (while cuddling to share body heat bc it’s autumn and it gets cold), go see a movie, and get pizza for dinner while laughing together and having a fun time :3
20. Where do they go on holiday?
[Gen] Like a vacation? Somewhere warm and sunny. Preferably tropical. Morgyn’s always wanted to go where it’s summer year round (summer loving sunshine boy uwu) and Caleb is down for any trip where he can have fun and relax.
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
[Housemate AU] In the kitchen during the morning, after Caleb comes home from being out all night socialising and is still riding the “social high” enough that he doesn’t shy away from his attraction to Morgyn like he usually does. Helping Morgyn get a mug off of a too-high cabinet shelf turns into A Moment that gets pretty intense pretty fast and before they know it Morgyn is closing the space between them and Caleb is kissing him back and just!!!!!!! this scene has all my uwus you have no idea
23. Where is their favourite place to be together?
Anywhere feels like home in the arms of someone you love, uwu~
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
[Gen] Because they won’t stop being cute and mushy together no matter how hard they try to keep the PDA to a minimum, hehehe
28. Why do they get jealous?
Morgyn doesn’t really get jealous because he’s very laid back about that kind of thing and trusts Caleb entirely. Caleb can get a bit jealous when so many people (understandably) fawn over his gorgeous boyfriend though, hehe. It’s nothing he’ll cause a scene over, but it’s definitely inspired some pointed kisses and hugs in public :3c
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
[Gen] It’s always the littlest things. Caleb finds it adorable how Morgyn always sings or hums to himself in the shower, the way he’s always playing with his hair or fiddling with his rings or twirling pens in his fingers, the subtle lip bite he does when he’s deep in thought. For Morgyn it’s how Caleb always takes it upon himself to cook for them both (even in universes where Caleb doesn’t eat), the small cute romantic gestures, that one special heart-melting smile that reaches his eyes that he saves solely for Morgyn, the way he’ll listen to Morgyn ramble and gush about things he doesn’t understand for hours simply because he loves seeing Morgyn get passionate about his interests.
30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
You already know the answer to this one--it’s Caleb and Morgyn. Their dynamic is one I could go on and on about for hours and still not have said enough about how I feel. Their push and pull, their sun and moon, their night and day duality; they are so different and yet so very much the same in all these ways I can’t list. They are simply themselves, together, in tandem with one another, and their balance brings me joy I do not have words to convey. It is ineffable, and it is love.
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