Phantom Nostalgia
463 posts
Archiving bits and pieces from my 1990s collection of memories, programmes and clippings.
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phantomnostalgist · 3 months ago
What happened in turkey
Turkey- US NATO ally, extradition treaty having, Turkey- is now hosting Hamas leadership. This is the same Hamas leadership that kidnapped and murdered hundreds of random Israelis and foreigners, and currently refuses to surrender the 101 hostages- including American citizens- their people are torturing in Gaza.
Fucking unacceptable. US citizens, call your reps and tell them now is the time to bring the hostages home.
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phantomnostalgist · 3 months ago
Extreme leftists who constantly bleat about being against colonialism and imperialism while simultaneously sucking the dicks of literal fascist, genocidal dictatorships are so absurdly funny. Be so fucking serious. That I ever thought I had shared values with these lunatics.
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phantomnostalgist · 3 months ago
One of the things I’ve found most outrageous about the indifference and silence that has largely accompanied Syrian suffering, is the huge quantities of photographs and footage of dead and wounded Syrians circulating around the internet, stolen, lied about and misidentified as Palestinians in Gaza. It’s bad enough that the world at large can’t summon up the energy to care about these people, but that their very identities and humanity have been taken away from them, and perverted and abused for the purposes of outrage porn by a movement built on propaganda and hatred. It is reprehensible and it is incredibly insulting to every single Syrian and every single Palestinian who has been lost in these conflicts.
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phantomnostalgist · 3 months ago
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Welcome to the 50th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper 115 yeas ago.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 22, “Dans les dessous de l’Opéra” (In the Underside of the Opera).
This section was first printed on Monday, 13 December, 1909.
For anyone following along in David Coward's translation of the First Edition of Phantom of the Opera (either in paperback, or Kindle, or from another vendor -- the ISBN-13 is: 978-0199694570), the text starts in Chapter 21, “Curiously enough, Raoul had absolute confidence in the Persian,” and goes to, “It can be as enchanting as a child’s marionette show or as breath-stopping as a bottomless pit.”
There are some differences between the Gaulois text and the First Edition. In this section, these include (highlighted in red above):
1) Chapter XXII was misprinted as Chapter XXIV. This is an additional numbering error to the error made in Chapter VII, and makes this chapter two numbers in advance of where it actually is.
2) Each chapter in the Gaulois publication is one number ahead of the chapters in the First Edition, due to the inclusion of “The Magic Envelope” chapter in the Gaulois.
3) Compare the Gaulois text:
…la plupart de ses propos n’avaient fait qu'augmenter l'obscurité de cette aventure
To the First Edition:
…la plupart de ses propos n’eussent fait qu'augmenter l'obscurité de cette aventure [here Leroux used the imperfect subjunctive]
Both mean: “…most of what he’d said had done nothing but deepen the mystery of that ordeal”
4) Compare the Gaulois text:
Et M. Mifroid fixa attentivement le régisseur, comme s'il voulait pénétrer sa pensée.
And M. Mifroid stared intently at the stage manager, as if he were trying to read his thoughts.
To the First Edition (indicated above by the red arrow):
Et M. Mifroid ayant remis sur son nez le binocle aux glaces transparentes, fixa attentivement le régisseur, comme s'il voulait pénétrer sa pensée.
And M. Mifroid, having put his newly cleaned pince-nez back on his nose, stared intently at the stage manager, as if he were trying to read his thoughts.
5) This line of asterisks was removed from the First Edition.
6) Minor differences in punctuation and capitalization.
Click here to see the entire edition of Le Gaulois from 13 December, 1909. This link brings you to page 3 of the newspaper — Le Fantôme is at the bottom of the page in the feuilleton section. Click on the arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen to turn the pages of the newspaper, and click on the Zoom button at the bottom left to magnify the text.
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phantomnostalgist · 3 months ago
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some Leroux!Erik
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phantomnostalgist · 3 months ago
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phantomnostalgist · 6 months ago
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red death!!!!!!
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phantomnostalgist · 6 months ago
Apparently it needs saying that being a feminist, being anti-rape, and speaking up for women's rights, is not a right wing talking point. Quite the opposite.
Gibbering assholes everywhere. Fuck off.
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phantomnostalgist · 6 months ago
Happy Birthday to Le Fantôme de l’Opéra
It’s that time of year again, when we give birthday wishes to Le Fantôme de l’Opéra! On Thursday, 23 September, 1909, the first section of Gaston Leroux’s novel was printed in the Parisian daily newspaper, Le Gaulois. Phantom has now been in print for 115 years!
Follow along for the next 15 weeks as we celebrate the 115th year of Phantom in print by experiencing the 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra as they first appeared in the feuilleton section of Le Gaulois.
As you will see, there are major changes that Leroux and his editors made between the feuilleton version of Le Fantôme in Le Gaulois and the 1910 first edition, including the deletion of an entire chapter, called “The Magic Envelope,” for which I created the first published English translation, which you can read here.
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phantomnostalgist · 6 months ago
Why are "feminists" silent on rape and murder?
(other than the ones who explicitly deny and cover for it, who are even worse)
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phantomnostalgist · 6 months ago
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phantomnostalgist · 6 months ago
Broadway Con!
Three different looks for three different days:
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I met lots of amazing people with amazing cosplays!
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I found the chandelier too, ofc
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But Christine said no 😭 @flagbridge
I had a ton of fun! It was my first con and it was so great to meet people and see all the cool cosplays and the lovely art and other various fan creations, as well as attend some really interesting panels. I look forward to going again in the future!
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phantomnostalgist · 6 months ago
Meanwhile in reality, Starmer and Lammy have entirely sold the Jewish nation out to the radical left.
It's also fucking weird of leftists to think they're opposing some kind of "ethnonationalism" when the Palestinian National Convention (1964 and 1967) explicitly redefine Palestinians as Arabs (not what the world used to mean), let alone the "Queers for Palestine" numpties and pseudo-feminists supporting radical Islamofascists who oppress women and murder gay people.
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this was Liverpool today. his shirt says: “if you have not been called anti-Semitic, you are not working hard enough on justice for Palestine.” this is what it’s come to, the admission that they believe hating Jews is necessary.
the rest of this is the typical “ZOG” conspiracies and blood libel we’ve witnessed without end for eleven months, so this couple is the part of this that chills me most. it’s not even saying the quiet part out loud: it’s shouting it with pride.
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phantomnostalgist · 6 months ago
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On 22 September, 1909, the Parisian daily newspaper, Le Gaulois, ran the advertisement pictured above, announcing the serialization of Gaston Leroux's new novel, Le Fantôme de l'Opéra.
Leroux's novel premiered on 23 September, 1909 — 115 years ago today. It ran for 15 weeks, and it was segmented into 68 sections, each section covering roughly half a chapter's worth of content.
To celebrate 115 years of Le Fantôme de l'Opéra in print, over the next 15 weeks I will be posting all 68 sections of the Gaulois publication of Phantom to my blog. These posts will correspond with the original dates of publication.
Here is a link to Le Gaulois for 22 September, 1909. The advert for Phantom is in the middle of the page.
And in case you are wondering what the text of the advertisement above says, here is my translation:
Weary of purely psychological novels, the public awoke one day with a great desire to hear stories. Straightaway, these stories were served up — tales of bandits and policemen — assuredly quite amusing, but which soon grew tedious in their turn, yet without appeasing the public's thirst for mystery and magic. This is why the Gaulois has requested from one of the public's most rightly beloved authors, M. Gaston Leroux, a novel which, while departing from the genre dear to the Conan Doyles of the Old and New World, is still replete with the delectable inquietude that will give a thrill to the beguiled reader. More than once, this irresistible anguish will conjure in the minds of some of our female readers the dreadful, terrifying, ghostly, and sorrowfully human image, despite all of the illusion that surrounds it, of The Phantom of the Opera. We need not introduce our readers to M. Gaston Leroux, whom it is generally agreed is in possession of the most astonishing suppleness of imagination of which one can conceive, but we would indeed like to say that The Phantom of the Opera is worthy of achieving even greater success in the Gaulois than that which was attained in the Illustration by The Mystery of the Yellow Room and The Perfume of the Lady in Black, by the same author. Tomorrow, this Thursday, in the "Gaulois," read: The Phantom of the Opera by M. Gaston Leroux
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phantomnostalgist · 6 months ago
what even is antidisestablishmentarianism, and wha'ts the difference between a Trostskyist and a Trotskyite?
Antidisestablishmentarianism is opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England, although I have no position on that whatsoever, it just makes me think of Blackadder.
As for Trotsky - Troskyists grow up from the floor, and Trotskyites grow down from the ceiling.
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phantomnostalgist · 6 months ago
Piers Morgan is far less of a misogynist racist dipshit than Billy Bragg, Owen Jones, and Hasan Piker all rolled up together.
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phantomnostalgist · 6 months ago
Can we cancel Karl Marx already?
It's not really surprising that the left hates Jews, considering Marx himself was a massive antisemite, as well as an anti-black racist. His remarks about black people chiefly consist of variations on the n-word in close proximity to the word Jew.
As for the various postmodernist deconstructionists who followed in his wake - world's most cited scholar Michel Foucault was amongst many "intellectuals" who argued to lower the age of consent to 12 in the 1970s, and has a long history of allegations of raping children. No wonder he was obsessed with power - it's called projection.
And in the modern era, we're apparently supposed to listen to world's most racist white woman Robin DiAngelo, who by her own admission internalised a lot of racism from her grandmother and has made millions projecting it onto others, in deranged Maoist-style struggle sessions with brainwashed rich women.
Enough with this shit. It's all utter garbage, and the modern "social justice" movement does the absolute opposite of what it says on the tin.
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