#so the cheese gets nice and gooey in there. delicious. perfection.
loving-jack-kelly · 3 months
i am The grilled cheese master
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mariacallous · 10 months
I’m a fan of Hanukkah. I love the way the candles smell as wax drips down the menorah, I love finding cute little presents for my nieces and nephews, and of course, I love the food.
What’s not to like when your religion literally dictates you eat fried food for eight days? Sure, I already have high cholesterol thanks to genetics, but I will never pass up an opportunity to eat fried potatoes, especially when they’re rabbi-approved.
But recently, I learned about another Hanukkah food tradition that I’m absolutely obsessed with: cheese. Why do I love this? One, because it’s based on the badass story of the forgotten Hanukkah heroine, Judith, who, in order to take down the evil Holofernes, who had taken over her city of Jerusalem, fed him so much cheese and wine that he eventually fell asleep — and she beheaded him. And two, because it’s cheese.
As Ronnie Fein wrote for the Nosher, her family honors the story of Judith every Hanukkah with cheese latkes. And while I’ve never had one, I’m sure that’s delicious.
But I have a modest proposal for you all: Why not make mozzarella sticks an official Hanukkah food?
Both fried and full of cheese, mozzarella sticks can be a deeply meaningful Hanukkah food while also doubling as the best appetizer ever, and that’s just a fact. Crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside, and requiring zero utensils, it’s hard for me to find a more perfect food. And now that I’ve realized they fit perfectly with the Hanukkah tradition, I’m even more excited to celebrate the Festival of Lights with this festival of bites (I’m so sorry, friends, I couldn’t help myself).
So, how can you enjoy mozzarella sticks this holiday season?
For starters, you can go to any diner or TGI Fridays and order as many baskets as your Hanukkah heart desires. I’ve also heard good things about Trader Joe’s frozen mozzarella sticks. But did you know it’s also super easy to make them at home? With string cheese?!
Yes, it’s true. After Googling, “Can you make mozzarella sticks out of string cheese?” one recent desperate evening, I found this recipe and promptly gave it a whirl. I cut the string cheese sticks in half for a slightly easier frying situation. The result was amazing, deep-fried goodness even better than what you get in any restaurant, all in a matter of minutes.
If you’re looking for a way to differentiate your Hanukkah mozzarella sticks from your everyday mozzarella sticks, you can skip the marinara sauce for a different kind of dip. As a nice Midwestern gal, I’m here to say that ranch makes an excellent mozz stick accoutrement, but you can also play around with tahini, guacamole, or even some chili jam. Also, you can dip them in nothing. They are already perfect, after all.
As you prepare for your Hanukkah celebrations this year, I hope you remember dear Judith and the miracle of oil, and honor both with a batch of fried cheese. Your rabbi wouldn’t want it any other way.
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0ystercatcher · 4 months
finally the other topic thats been on my mind. the food. oohhh the food. enormous post warning. i hope to god the read more works.
ok for starters. its good. i cant complain. variety and spread were pretty great (goes so hard to have diaspora from all over the world in your country you literally can get anything if you know where to look), quality was good, portions are INCREDIBLY generous even considering price most of the time, and price is....fine. i hated it bc again exchange rates fucked me over but i didnt see anything... outrageous anywhere we went to OTHER than the baseball game but that i expected and was prepared for so i didnt like, insta vomit when i saw the menu. i didnt try nearly everything i wanted to but, well, i have limited space in my tummy.
there were... some questionable items. at the store. like, ham with cheese inside it that looked like it had some kind of pox. all sorts of um. wrong looking. gooey cheese products. all very yellow and with a scary toxic look to them. i did eat the cheetos tho they were fine and acceptably orange.
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like... im sorry. this isnt ok. this shouldnt exist. this is wrong.
there were also all sorts of what id consider, niche? not very high circulation? products. that looked interesting. also cheeses, this time delicious and amazing (im still so pissed i left the horseradish cheddar i wanted to bring home in ks fridge), great great snacks, treats of all sorts (some good some eh?), all kinds of baking ingredients and cooking ingredients, so many dry spices and powders and seasonings. asian ingredients and mexican ingredients seemed greatly favored which tbh was appreciated bc there was stuff id never seen before that got me very curious + i found my fav mexican candy which i missed. also, chicken is p cheap over there, i was surprised its basically as cheap as it is here, maybe slightly cheaper even. all in all, tbh, you can eat pretty well buying fairly cheap and healthy items with...not many problems. like...a big big bag of kale was like...4 usd. thats so good. chicken and tuna and sardines were cheap. pasta is cheap as hell as it is everywhere. veggies and fruit are kind of hit or miss but i think thats somewhat seasonal as it is everywhere. canned food is cheaper there too?? not bad at all. next time i want to go to a costco and see how it goes to buy stuff in bulk, it looks promising.
idk where im going w this post so now im just gonna list the memorable meals or treats or ingredients i sampled/had over there (inconsistent list bc some are homemade meals made by moi + k but whatever) and rate them. i cant put these on a normal list bc im breaking the character limit so please bear with my horrible formatting.
baseball game hotdog: 7/10 disappointingly small for the...10? 11? usd it cost. nice mustard and onions on top. NO MAYO. ketchup and relish were Fine. at least 2-3 points of the score are just the fact it was a true baseball hotdog and my first one at that. the experience is very important for this one. i cherished that more than most other things in this "meal" so id feel bad rating it lower.
baseball garlicky fries: 8/10. again 3 points for the experience and novelty of it being baseball food. i think they were 9 dollars. ok portion. CRAZY AMNTS OF GARLIC YUM. pretty tasty. NO MAYO THO!!
double cheese burger + fries + onion rings + peanut butter milkshake: 10/10. true american meal. enormous burger. couldnt finish anything other than the milkshake and k helped w that + i was about to genuinely frow up by the time i tried the last spoonful of it. the whole thing i think was about 25-30? usd each? i dont even care. it was delicious, i think the mayo was made by the restaurant itself, it was so good. beef patties were great. vegetables were great. pickles were really good. gooey ass american cheese was great. fries were crazy. onion rings were perfect. just delicious. will go again next time im there.
pho + spring rolls: 5.5/10. not bad at all. but i think pho was greatly overhyped. i ordered it w tendon and tripe which was nice to have in the us bc i know they dont like organ meats at all. it was ok. its one of those soups that i guess gets better kinda by the end when its all gotten mixed up and nicely flavored. ive had better soups though. sorry i fumbled the tip.
sushi: 8/10. nice! didnt try even close to all the options but the eel was DELICIOUS + the maki sushi was good and, honestly, very well portioned. i dont like when the maki sushi is huge esp when im trying to sample many types. and some of the salads and soups....hell yes. good price! comparable to nice sushi places here, i didnt feel it was scandalous. im giving it an 8 bc it was tasty as fuck, but i do have a comment on this. i think the us does the same thing we do which is, they shove a bunch of ingredients into maki sushi to make new ones with a lot of shit in them and im not the biggest fan of that so i didnt order those. i like simple sushi. the ones i ordered were really good tho. 8/10 for those, i dont think ill order the other ones unless i was feeling suuuper experimental. same as it ever was.
deluxe kraft mac and cheese, orig cheddar: 5/10 without adding anything to it, solid 6 with better cheese + bbq sauced hot dog in it. see we had just watched the jerma reviews mac and cheese video and we happened to find this at the store so obviously we had to try it. it was just normal mac and cheese. i think american kraft has a stronger and kinda. nastier. cheese flavor in it. so we added real cheese and other things and it was better. solid dinner.
mcdonalds: mcdonalds/mcdonalds. its mcds. it tastes the same everywhere apparently. it was fine. fresh fries were nice tho.
taco bell chicken quesadilla: 2/10. i dont really like taco bell and i kind of objected to this meal and only had a little bit. flavorful in weirdly wrong ways. not Offensive but, yknow, a strong I Would Prefer Not To. also, made me a little bloated even with lactaid to help me cope.
various food items at family meeting: 7/10. im not rating them individually there were too many, this is an average. the ones that stood out were: crispy crispy bacon for brekky. biscuits and gravy. funeral potatos? thats what they called it i think? the yogurt + fruit + maple syrup granola bowl and the smoked trout. i think this is because it was a family thing, but if not i guess it still applies? homemade american dishes are so fucking rich. im not sure i could stand eating like that every day. i know by the end of the weekend i was like.. i need normal salad. i need some rice. this cant go on forever. still, i enjoyed every dish i tried. tasty stuff!
sweet corn we roasted in a fire: 10/10 brother i love sweet corn and oonnhh hhn the butter on it. yea man. its good.
special coffee drink + bagel w cream cheese: 7/10. very generous bagel for like...under 3 usd. 3rd worlder ass price for the crazy amnt of cheese it had imho and like, i shared it with k and i was still very satisfied with the portion i got. the coffee drink was very nice. i have no idea what that woman put in it other than the 2 large espresso shots and ice i saw she added. tasty tho! and she was nice. sorry i was very bad at understanding your accent. i realized im still not at all used to that.
espresso + chocolate truffle: 9/10 just what i needed after the fish and chips feast. beautifully smooth coffee, good crema, smelled good, tasted good. great texture, good price. 8 usd for...2 espressos and 2 truffles. i think thats more than acceptable, esp in the highly touristy area we were in. the truffle itself i think was a little ordinary but paired so well w the coffee the whole thing was a win. lovely to have it next to the sea w my love after stuffing ourselves full w fish and chips. speaking of which.
fish (cod and calamari and shrimp) and chips + cider: 10/10 my god. my god. this rivals peruvian jalea. i never believed it would be possible. but it is. it was great. fresh out the fryer, pleasantly greasy but not excessively so. great flavor. great fish. nice portion. amazingggg cider and really nice tartar sauce. just what i needed after walking around for a couple hours. just a great fucking meal. will def go again if i can.
glazed? powdered? donuts? we got at the store? i dont remember the brand or name but i was curious so i grabbed a thing and k said they were pretty good: 2/10 meh. they were... whatever. i think i had one w breakfast and then i sort of gave up on them. kind of dry and too dense for a donut. maybe they were cake donuts? i dont know. i shouldnt have strayed from dunkin, im sorry dunkin. ill never let you down again.
salt vinegar chips: 10/10 one of those snacks i just. would compulsively buy if i lived there. like this would be my go to snack. they hurt the roof of my mouth but its worth it also i like the sourness bc it makes me pace myself a little.
normal ruffles: ruffles/ruffles. i like a good wavy potato chip. what can i say. i enjoyed them.
american bacon: 8/10. i understand why the us has crazy rates of cardiovascular disease. i get it. maybe its worth it. it gets one whole point solely bc of the crazy amnt of fat you can render out of it, bacon fat was Not Lacking while we cooked and i thank the bacon for this, because thats a great ingredient to have around imho.
tap water: 10/10. preddy good!
mexican limes: 2/10. im actively racist against these citrus fruits. so much flesh, no juice. they did their job and tasted Fine I Guess but they were still lame. peruvian lime or nothing baby.
fuji apples: 8/10. im fujiapplepilled. theyre nice. crispy. go well with peanut butter. yum! nice that they are grown there.
cheetos: 5/10. i had the puffs and the normal..crispy ones? non spicy bc i dont like the spicy ones. i was satisfied. theyre better than ours. still not the best snack but i was curious. bigger portion than im used to. i think i would simply not let children have them though.
beef hot dogs, from the store. in and without bun: 9/10 broooo americans are just good at these. they put like actual meat in them. theyre dense. theyre large. delicious stuff. versatile enough, reasonably priced. if this isnt their national pride it should be. wish i could have brought a pack home. my fam would love these.
some kind of mexican chorizo thing: 4/10. it was ok. k had this in the fridge when i got there? its like salchicha huachana but less good, less fresh, less colourful and less flavorful. it did what we needed it to do, i didnt dislike it. it was just. fine.
ranier beer: 7/10. yum! pleasant. slightly sweet. a fine drink for a warm sunny day. great with snacks or other treats.
pabst blue ribbon: 6/10. yum also! i liked rainier a little better tho.
the 2 ipas i had: 0/10. the only thing i had that i actively disliked. yuck. just nasty stuff.
wait i forgot
jeppsons malort: -1/10. @worldlytutor why the fuck did you buy that. that shit tasted like rat poison fr. throw that shit away rn if you still have it.
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americaninfluencer · 2 months
A Flavor Fusion: How to Create Irresistible Nachos with Pastrami
Nachos are a beloved snack, famous for their crispy chips, gooey cheese, and tasty toppings. But if you’re looking to spice things up and create something truly unique, why not try adding pastrami to the mix? This flavorful twist brings a delicious new dimension to your nachos. Here’s how you can make irresistible pastrami nachos that will impress your family and friends.
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Ingredients You’ll Need
To make pastrami nachos, you’ll need the following ingredients:
Tortilla Chips: Choose your favorite brand or make your own for a crispy base.
Pastrami: Use thinly sliced pastrami, either pre-cooked or cooked at home. You’ll want to cut it into small pieces.
Cheese: Shredded cheese like cheddar or Monterey Jack works best. You can also mix in some mozzarella for extra meltiness.
Black Beans: Canned or cooked black beans add a nice protein boost and texture.
Tomatoes: Dice up some fresh tomatoes for a juicy, tangy touch.
Onions: Chopped onions add a bit of crunch and sharp flavor.
Jalapeños: Sliced jalapeños give a spicy kick. Use fresh or pickled based on your preference.
Avocado: Sliced or diced avocado adds a creamy texture.
Sour Cream and Salsa: For topping, these add extra flavor and richness.
Prepare the Pastrami:
If you have pre-cooked pastrami, simply chop it into small pieces. If you're cooking it yourself, heat it in a pan until it’s warmed through and slightly crispy, then slice and chop it.
Prepare the Cheese Sauce:
In a saucepan, melt about 2 tablespoons of butter over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons of flour and cook, stirring, for about 1 minute to make a roux.
Gradually add 1 cup of milk, whisking continuously to avoid lumps. Cook until the mixture thickens, then add 1-2 cups of shredded cheese. Stir until the cheese is melted and the sauce is smooth.
Assemble the Nachos:
Spread a layer of tortilla chips on a baking sheet or oven-safe dish. Drizzle some of the cheese sauce over the chips.
Scatter the chopped pastrami evenly over the chips. Add black beans, diced tomatoes, chopped onions, and sliced jalapeños on top.
Pour more cheese sauce over the top, ensuring everything is covered. You can also sprinkle some extra shredded cheese if you like your nachos extra cheesy.
Bake the Nachos:
Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Bake the nachos for about 10-15 minutes, or until the cheese is bubbly and slightly browned.
Add Fresh Toppings:
Once out of the oven, add some fresh toppings like avocado slices or diced avocado, a dollop of sour cream, and a drizzle of salsa.
Serve and Enjoy:
Serve the nachos immediately while they’re still warm and cheesy. They make a perfect appetizer or a fun main dish for sharing.
Tips for Perfect Pastrami Nachos
Layering: For even coverage, layer your chips, cheese, and toppings. This ensures that every chip gets a bit of everything.
Spiciness: Adjust the amount of jalapeños and salsa to your taste. For a milder version, use less or omit the jalapeños.
Cheese: Feel free to experiment with different types of cheese to find your favorite combination.
Adding pastrami to your nachos creates a delightful flavor fusion that takes this classic snack to a whole new level. With crispy tortilla chips, savory pastrami, gooey cheese, and fresh toppings, these nachos are sure to become a new favorite. So, gather your ingredients, get cooking, and enjoy a delicious twist on a beloved dish!
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thedisneychef · 1 year
How about "Easy Homemade Chicken Parmesan Recipe
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Chicken Parmesan is a classic Italian-American dish that features breaded and fried chicken breasts topped with tomato sauce and melted mozzarella cheese. It's a hearty and satisfying dish that is perfect for a cozy family dinner or a special occasion. While it may seem daunting to make at home, with a few simple ingredients and some basic cooking skills, you can create a delicious and impressive Chicken Parmesan that rivals the ones you can get at your favorite Italian restaurant. More Delicious Recipes You Will Love: - Chicken Tikka Masala: A Classic Indian Dish - Sweet Italian Chicken Sausage With Basil Polenta And Oven Roasted Tomatoes - Grilled to Perfection: The Irresistible Charm of Barbecue Chicken In this recipe, we'll show you how to make golden and crispy chicken breasts that are topped with tangy tomato sauce and gooey melted cheese. With a side of pasta or a salad, this Chicken Parmesan is sure to become a family favorite! Tips: Here are some tips for making delicious Chicken Parmesan: - Use thin chicken breasts: Thin chicken breasts cook more evenly and quickly than thick ones, and are less likely to dry out. If your chicken breasts are too thick, pound them with a meat mallet or the bottom of a heavy pan to flatten them out to an even thickness. - Season the chicken: Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper before coating them in the breadcrumb mixture. This will help to enhance the flavor of the chicken and add some depth to the dish. - Use fresh breadcrumbs: Fresh breadcrumbs will give the chicken coating a better texture and flavor than store-bought ones. You can easily make your own by blending stale bread in a food processor until it forms fine crumbs. - Don't overcrowd the pan: Cook the chicken breasts in batches if necessary, to avoid overcrowding the pan. Overcrowding the pan will cause the chicken to steam instead of fry, resulting in a soggy coating. - Use a good quality marinara sauce: The marinara sauce is a key component of this dish, so make sure to use a good quality one. You can use store-bought or homemade marinara sauce, whichever you prefer. - Use low-moisture mozzarella cheese: Low-moisture mozzarella cheese will melt better and create a nice stringy layer on top of the chicken. Avoid using fresh mozzarella, as it will release too much moisture andmake the dish too watery. - Add some herbs or spices: You can add some dried herbs or spices to the breadcrumb mixture to give the chicken coating some extra flavor. Some good options include dried oregano, basil, or garlic powder. - Serve immediately: Chicken Parmesan is best served immediately after it comes out of the oven, while the cheese is still hot and gooey. Letting it sit for too long can cause the coating to become soggy. By following these tips, you'll be able to make a delicious and authentic Chicken Parmesan that is sure to impress. Enjoy! Conclusion: In conclusion, Chicken Parmesan is a classic Italian-American dish that features breaded and fried chicken breasts topped with tangy tomato sauce and melted mozzarella cheese. It's a hearty and satisfying meal that is perfect for a cozy family dinner or a special occasion. While it may seem daunting to make at home, with a few simple ingredients and some basic cooking skills, you can create a delicious and impressive Chicken Parmesan that rivals the ones you can get at your favorite Italian restaurant. By using thin chicken breasts, fresh breadcrumbs, good quality marinara sauce, and low-moisture mozzarella cheese, you can create a flavorful and crispy coating that is sure to impress. Serve it with a side of pasta or a salad for a satisfying and delicious meal that the whole family will love! Read the full article
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onejamtart · 2 years
OJT EATS | The Lowback
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If you’ve been to Canary Wharf lately, you might have noticed a big expansion of new shops and restaurants.  One of the most exciting parts of that was that Canary Wharf got its own Hawksmoor restaurant as well as a new bar serving a slightly (and I do mean very slightly) less steak focused menu called The Lowback.  Read on to find out more.
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First up were these bone marrow roasted oysters.  Now, we normally prefer our oysters raw but this was an exception as they were delicious!  The addition of bone marrow and bread crumbs for a little bit of crunch was genius and along with drinks, this alone is worth coming back to The Lowback for.
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Nest was the fried chicken which was also really tasty and had a bit of a kick to it which I personally quite enjoyed. 
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After the oysters and chicken, we jumped straight into the beef.  This was a t-bone and was done to the usual Hawksmoor standards which is to say excellent.  Being the sister bar to an excellent steak restaurant definitely has its advantages!
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Now the sides: mac and cheese was a gooey melty, rich pot of pasta.  It’s only a small portion but it packs a punch in terms of heaviness so don’t understimate it!
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Chips were again, as reliably good as Hawksmoor; that is to say chunky and crispy.  Really nice and goes great with steak.
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As a side, this lettuce and herb salad was a little disappointing but admittedly was exactly as described.  It did provide some much needed greenery on our table but not something to get excited about.
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Dessert was sticky toffee pudding.  This came with creme fraiche on top and was amazing!  We’d normally share a few different desserts to try out a few but all of us were adamant on not sharing this.  Perfect for a winter’s day; it’s sweet, warming and just so good!
The Lowback has rapidly become one of my favourite places to go to in Canary Wharf.  The drinks are pretty great and as bar food goes, it’s pretty spectacular (I might be stretching it a little to call an almost 1kg t-bone steak “bar food” but I stand by it).  Definitely worth a visit!
The Lowback, 1 Water St, London E14 5GX
Cheers, JL
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abramsbooks · 3 years
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RECIPE: Toasty Cheese and Chile Jam Sandwiches (from Getaway by Renee Erickson)
You don’t have to do much to delight your guests—olives and chips go a long way—but if you want to step up from room-temperature snacks, ooey-gooey cheese toasties (grilled cheese to us Americans) is a great start. They are so simple and so generous. For a crowd, just lay them on a cutting board and cut into strips for everyone to dig in. In this version, chile jam adds sweet tanginess and heat. I also learned a tip from my co-writer Sara’s daughter, Adele, who at twelve is a prolific griller of cheese: Mayonnaise on the outside of the sandwich makes it easier to get a perfect crust.
Makes 2 sandwiches
¼ cup (60 ml) mayonnaise
¼ cup (55 g) softened unsalted butter
4 thick slices good sourdough bread
1/3 pound (150 g) sharp Cheddar cheese, coarsely grated
4 tablespoons (60 ml) Fresno chile jam or other hot pepper jelly
In a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise and butter. Heat a heavy iron skillet over high heat for 1 minute. Take two slices of bread and spread one side of each with the mayonnaise mixture. Place the slices, mayo side down, into the skillet and reduce the heat to medium. Distribute the cheese evenly between the two bread slices. Making sure to align the bread slices, cover one side of the remaining two slices with the chile jam. Lay jam side down on the cheese. Spread the top of the slices with the remaining mayonnaise mixture. Cook until the bottoms of the sandwiches are nicely toasted, about 4 minutes, and then carefully flip. Cover the pan, reduce the heat to low, and continue to cook until the bread is toasted and the cheese is melted, about 4 to 6 minutes. Cut into halves or slender pieces for sharing and serve right away.
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From the Pacific Northwest’s most influential chef comes a collection of recipes for ultra-simple sophistication inspired by the world’s most delicious cuisines
Selected as the #1 Cookbook of 2021 (So Far) by Amazon Editors
Acclaimed chef, restaurateur, and artist Renee Erickson invites you on a culinary journey via her favorite places in the world—Rome, Paris, Normandy, Baja California, London, and her hometown, Seattle. Equally aspirational travelogue and practical guide to cooking at home, Getaway offers 120 recipes and 60 cocktail recipes for simple meals that evoke the dreamiest places and cuisines. From not-too-intricate cocktails and snacks to effortless entrées, these are the recipes that inspire Erickson and make for relaxed, convivial evenings, whether at home or abroad. Showcasing Erickson's appealing and high-style aesthetic and featuring gorgeous photography and hand-drawn illustrations, this book offers a richly visual survey of beautiful, easy ways to escape the everyday, with meals that you will want to eat every day.
For more information, click here.
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amajikilvr · 4 years
warm aromas - tamaki amajiki
word count 1.9k
reader type filipino , gender-neutral
premise tamaki gets a taste of your cultural during a first date
For the record, you weren’t terribly nervous about this date. At least not any type of uneasiness worth noting. It was a fluttery kind of anticipation that shot your butterfly-filled stomach into your chest, all the way up your throat, and then finally falling back down before repeating and repeating. More than anything else, you were excited.
It was just Amajiki, after all. Well, he wasn’t just anything. Amajiki was a beautiful kaleidoscope of oddities that you had yet to have the pleasure of discovering. For now, you simply knew him as the tender boy in your class with immense talent and heart.
You considered him a great friend and had been willing to take a leap of faith in an effort to pursue something more. And it seemed like your bravery was paying off so far.
Walking into the warmly lit restaurant, you took a deep breath of the aromatic atmosphere and felt your heart jump and shake as Amajiki’s sweet face came to mind. You couldn’t see yourself ever forgetting the way his complexion had brightly glowed like the surface of a fresh cherry when you asked him out after class.
The familiar older woman working at the front waved and greeted you by name and you did the same with a notable extra twirl in your step. She raised an eyebrow at you, aged forehead wrinkling in amusement.
Needless to say, not even a sudden run-in with your worst enemy would’ve been able to take your good mood down a single notch.
And there he was, already sitting at a back booth that was tucked away and hidden from the majority of fellow patrons, which didn’t surprise you in the slightest.
You grinned and held back a squeal as you plopped down in the seat across from him. “Hi! Hope I didn’t make you wait too long.”
Amajiki immediately shook his head, indigo tufts of hair bouncing comically. You wanted to just reach out and ruffle them.
“Y/L/N! You didn’t! I was just early, sorry. I was so worried about making you wait for me. Sorry.”
“Aw, that was sweet of you, Tamaki.” You watched his cheeks flush at the use of his given name. Hesitantly, you let your hand hover over his. “Can I?”
“O-oh, yeah.” His face went pale before gradually going an even darker shade of red crimson.
You leaned forward and gently grabbed his hand, a little shocked to feel it trembling. “I’m really happy to be here, you know. Especially since it’s with you.”
Amajiki gulped before taking a long steady breath. His lips curved into a small smile as he made tentative eye contact with you for the first time.
“Me too… Y/N.”
“So, have you ever tried Filipino food before?” You asked after a moment of comfortable silence between you two, still relishing the feeling of his hand in yours. “Hado-san told me you were an adventurous eater…”
“I guess I am. My quirk kinda relies on a diet with plenty of variety. I’ve grown to really enjoy trying different kinds of food, practicality aside.” He paused, clearing his throat, and glancing away. “No Filipino food yet, though.”
“Well,” You gave his hand an experimental squeeze. Amajiki’s breathing went shaky in response, but he squeezed back. “I think you’re really going to like it.”
You’d discovered this restaurant after searching the Internet for somewhere in this city that served authentic Filipino cuisine. Finally, you found this nice family-owned place with delicious food, albeit you still preferred your mother’s cooking, but that was a given.
“Then I’m excited.” Amajiki gave you another wobbly smile. “Not that I wasn’t excited before. I was up all night thinking a… Oh, that’s embarrassing…”
You laughed softly, not at him, but hoping to reassure him. “No, that’s actually cute.”
Tamaki’s eyes went wide and instead of the blush returning, he went as white as a bedsheet. “Oh god… I’m sorry, I’m just so embarrassed. Y/N… Sorry…”
He covered his face with his free hand which was shaking significantly more by now. You were slightly concerned he might get up and run for the nearest corner.
“Tamaki, it’s okay.” You wanted to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, but you settled for squeezing his hand some more in hopes of not further overwhelming him. “It’s all good, don’t worry. I really like you.”
He opened his mouth as if to respond, but was interrupted by the arrival of the waiter who you had already grown quite friendly with over the years. You made a bit of small talk before ordering several classic dishes for Amajiki and you to sample together.
“Y/N,” Amajiki spoke up once you two were alone again. Thankfully, he had time to recover while you ordered and color had returned to his face as a result. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“What is it about me that you like?” The last part was practically whispered and you had to guess whether you heard him correctly. “I just didn’t expect any of this is all…”
You tilted your head, smiling at Amajiki as you looked over his face carefully. He was beautiful on the outside too. His jawline was sharp and prominent, skin clear and soft-looking, and his eyes were sparkling and expressive. You could never get over the color, a startlingly deep shade that was only missing a background of stars and planets.
“Well, firstly, I think you’re very attractive.” You watched Amajiki choke on the sip of water he’d taken. He coughed a few times before silently blinking at you and you took it as a sign to continue. “You’re just so vibrant. When you’re using your quirk, you light up the whole room. You do without it too. And watching you work so hard and improve this year has been amazing. You inspire me without even trying and I couldn’t be more thankful for it.”
Amajiki made a small gasping noise, borderline a squeak, before squeezing his pretty eyes shut. He took a couple of deep breaths before sighing heavily. “T-that’s… Wow… Y/N, thank you. Thank you so much.”
He kept his eyes closed as he finished, blushing immensely again. “I think you’re beautiful… And smart. And kind. And… Oh my god, sorry, I might need a minute to just-”
“Tamaki.” You nervously brought your hand to his face and cupped his cheek. It was incredibly warm. “Is this okay?”
The response was shockingly quick. “Y-yes.”
You took another huge risk and just hoped it would pay off in the end. “Can I kiss you?”
A pregnant pause this time. Your heart was working overtime and you swore you could hear it pounding from inside your chest. Amajiki was quivering ever so slightly under your touch. You shouldn’t have asked, it was probably too much happening too fast.
“It’s okay if you don’t-”
Amajiki cut you off almost frantically. “No! I mean, yes, you can. Please…”
You gathered yourself and leaned even further across the table. First, you planted a chaste and sweet kiss on his other cheek. Going for his lips took more courage, but you did it. This kiss was longer than the other, but not by much. You didn’t care. As it turns out, Amajiki’s lips were as soft as they looked.
“Was that fine?” You asked, concerned when he still wasn’t opening his eyes. You felt a bit jittery yourself from that kiss.
They flew open at your voice. “It was great, I just need to go…”
He made a weak outward gesture and you gave him a comforting smile. You understood without him having to say it. He just needed a moment to himself after all of that.
“The washroom’s over there.”
Amajiki stood up, his hand coming loose from yours and your other hand falling from his hot face. “Thank you. I really did enjoy that, I just need a minute. Sorry, this is so rude of me…”
You shook your head sharply. “I don’t think that. Go ahead, take your time. I get it. I really do.”
“All that matters is that you feel comfortable.”
“Okay. Thank you.” He seemed relieved as he stared at you, actually gazing into your eyes, before rushing off towards the door you had pointed out to him.
Now alone, you smiled to yourself and placed a finger to your lips, still shell-shocked by the turn of events. You had actually kissed Amajiki and it was everything you’d imagined and more. Things couldn’t be going better and you two hadn’t even ate yet!
It wasn’t too long before your order arrived and Amajiki returned nearly back-to-back.
“Perfect timing,” You greeted him and took note of how he was no longer shaking like a leaf. “I might’ve gone overboard… don’t know if we’ll be able to finish all of this ourselves.”
“You’d be surprised by the size of the meals at Fat’s agency.” Amajiki chuckled as he took in the plates of steaming food laid out before you two. “What should I try first?”
You feigned being deep in thought before grinning. “Hm, just pick whatever.”
He reached for the platter of puto and you followed suit. They looked delicious, extra fluffy and topped off gooey cheese. Amajiki watched as you popped the entire thing in your mouth with zero reservation.
“They’re little steamed rice cakes.” You explained after swallowing.
Amajiki took a bite out of his and finished it soon after before grabbing another. “Mm, they’re very light. Do they always have cheese?”
“Depends, but a lot of the time, yeah.” You answered while helping yourself to a second of your own. “Hey, What could you manifest out of this?”
A mischievous twinkle flashed in Amajiki’s eyes as he raised a finger in a “wait a minute” fashion. You wanted to giggle at how his face scrunched up in concentration, but held back for his sake. After a short moment, a pair of small pale horns shot out from his purple hair.
You let out your laugh, nearly choking on puto in the process. “Nice!”
His cheeks were rosy as he scratched at the back of his neck. He looked focused once again before the horns seemed to be gone in the blink of an eye.
“Dairy products are always fun.” Amajiki stated while sipping his water. “I could’ve given myself two stomachs but I thought that was kinda gross…”
“Just a bit.” You agreed, laughing softly. “But also kinda cool.”
Next came the lumpia, a dish comparable to egg rolls. Amajiki seemed especially pleased as he took several bites out of one.
“Really good.” He confirmed with a nod. “Pork inside?”
“Yup.” You kicked him playfully under the table. “Think you could manifest one of those curly pigtails? Like in the cartoons?”
Amajiki froze like a statue midchew.
“Just kidding.” You reached over and gave his hand a quick squeeze. “Glad you like it.”
“I-I think I like you more, Y/N.”
The lunch date continued on. It was a quiet moment while you two were enjoying a hearty noodle dish when you were struck with a wave of warmth that filled you from head to toe. You felt so at home, sharing this piece of your culture with probably your favorite person ever.
Amajiki appeared utterly relaxed as he ate, cheeks tinted with a very soft pink. You noticed both of his pointy ears twitch a number of times and were puzzled before you remembered something Togata had said to you once.
“He’s done it ever since we were kids. When he’s really happy, his ears will do this twitch-thingy, but try not to point it out. He gets really embarrassed.”
It might have been the cutest sight you’d ever seen.
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junkercrush · 4 years
Yo! Can I request junkrat being oblivious to his feelings with an equally oblivious crush?
Yes, you may! Here you go!
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Junkrat x Reader (I’m guessing female?)
Rating: SFW
Words: 3,303
You’re finally caught up with work, and Junkrat was coming over. Nothing special, just a hangout.
“Aw, crap.” You groaned as the scent of burnt popcorn hit your nose. You ran to the kitchen and popped open the microwave. Thank goodness the popcorn bag wasn’t on fire (this time). You threw the darker pieces in the trash and poured the rest into a huge party bowl.
You skipped excitedly to the living room where you were preparing for Junkrat’s arrival. Tonight, you and Rat were going to watch horror films until the crack of dawn. You turned on the TV and reviewed your horror playlist. It was filled with frightening titles featuring vampires, ghouls, and zomnics. Junkrat might love the zomnic one, even though he can’t stand Omnics in real life.
You peered at the clock hanging on the wall over your TV—6:23 pm. You moaned with impatience. “Where the hell is he?” You asked aloud.
The pizza guy with the four extra-large pizzas you ordered was supposed to arrive 45 minutes ago. You could nibble on some popcorn as you waited, but you wanted to save it for your horrorfest. Your stomach growled. Perhaps one small bite---
Ding dong!
Was that the pizza guy or Rat? You set the popcorn aside and rushed to the door. Wait, the pizza money! You checked your pockets and pulled out two $20 bills. The pizza guy could keep the change.
You opened the door, and a blue light zipped past you. “Hello, hello!” Tracer chirped.
“Tracer,” You sighed. “The hell are you doing here? I thought you were out on a mission.”
Tracer was already munching on your popcorn in the living room. “Nope, false alarm. What are you doing?”
Tracer turns to the TV you left on with your horror movies. “Oooh, movie night! I’m game!”
“Uh no, actually—”
“Am I  interrupting something?”
“Not really—”
“ ‘Not really?’ Sounds suspicious to me.” Tracer’s eyes lit up. “Are you waiting on your date?”
“No! It’s just Rat and me. We’re having a movie night.”
Tracer stares at you with a sly grin. You only roll your eyes at her. “God, Lena, it’s not like that!”
“Are you sure? You two have been ‘hanging out’ for a while.”
Tracer zips around your living room, checking under your furniture and peeking behind your hanging picture frames.
“What are you doing?” You asked.
“Searching for surprises. I know you’re hiding condoms and your kinky toys around here somewhere.”
You playfully whacked Tracer with a couch pillow. “Get out.” You ordered.
“Aw, c’mon!” Tracer groaned. “Let me hang out with you guys on your date. I  don’t mind. I want to see ‘Attack of the Living Zomnics’ too.”
“For heaven’s sake, it’s not a damn date!” You laughed. “Rat is not into me like that. Just friends. It’s been like that for years.”
Tracer crossed her arms. “Remember when you caught him ogling at you at Lucio’s pool party?”
You traced your memories back to last week. You hated parties, especially the kind where you got wet. But it was Lucio’s party, and you liked his music.
You came out in a shockingly fitting bathing suit Tracer bought for you just for the occasion. You didn’t care about the guys looking at you. You were shocked to see Junkrat there. He was in the swimming pool sitting on top of a huge inflatable duck. His mouth was slightly open, eyes straight at you.
You remembered asking him to go to the party with you, but he made an excuse that he was sick. There he was, staring at you like you were God just descended down from heaven. 
You two got together later and ended up playing pool volleyball with some random partygoers. Junkrat was very touchy that night. You were used to it, he was that way with everyone. But that time was different, way different. 
The image of Rat’s lean, wet body lasted in your mind for a week. You weren’t going to tell anybody about that, especially Tracer.
“Yeah,” You said, coming back to the present. “No big deal.”
Tracer slumped her head down and let out a heavy sigh. “C’mon, you can’t tell me the signs between you two aren’t right there!”
“Looks like somebody’s has been watching too many chick flicks.”
The doorbell rang again. Before Tracer could say anything else, you paced to the door and peered through your door’s peephole. Finally, the pizza man.
“Sorry, miss,” The skinny, freckled face delivery boy apologized as you opened the door. “There was a bunch of traffic—”
You shoved the money to his face and took the pizza boxes from him. “Glad you made it. Thank you so much! Keep the change.” You blurted and waved at him. The boy counted the money.
“Sweet, thanks!” He scurried to his run-down rusty car and sped off.
“Mmmm, I smell pepperoni.” You heard Tracer from the house.
You closed the door and placed the pizza boxes in the kitchen. The cheesy aroma goodness traveled up your nose and made your stomach rumble with anticipation. Man, Junkrat better hurry up before you ate all this pizza yourself! 
Tracer arrives and opens a box. “Mmm,” She hums. “Extra large too.”
You glared at her. “Don’t you take a single bite.” You warned her.
Tracer only smiled. “Oh, you’re right. We have to wait before the love of your life arrives.”
You reached for her, and she teleported to the kitchen entrance with a giggle. “I’ll leave your little get together when you guys start snogging.” She said, taking a bite of a gooey cheese pizza slice.
“Hey!” You shouted. The doorbell rings again. You froze. Tracer’s smile grew wider.
“I’ll get it!” Tracer zipped to the front door.
“No!” You shouted.
Junkrat was let in before you could protest further. He was oddly clean today, except his hair was covered in ash. He wore a fresh tank top and some (unripped) cargo shorts. He definitely smelt like he was forced into a flowery-scented bath. The rose and lavender scents slowly filled the room.
“H-hey!” Your voice quivered.
“Hey, I heard some yelling while I was outside,” Junkrat said. “Everything alright?”
You glared at Tracer again. She only shrugged her shoulders like she didn’t know anything.
“Everything’s fine.” You sighed. “Just fooling around.”
“Hey!” Someone barked outside your door. Roadhog entered. He looked like he just rode out of hell. He was smoking, covered in soot, and his mask all beat up. You rushed over to him.
“Jesus, what happened to you?” You asked Hog. The Junkers exchanged glances and laughed.
“We just robbed a bank,” Junkrat answered.
“And I wanted to keep him clean.” Hog added. “Knew he was going to see you tonight.”
Tracer grinned. “I knew this was a date.”
“The hell are you talking about?” Junkrat asked her.
“Admit it, Rat!”
Junkrat shot you a confused glance. You only shook your head. “I don’t know what’s going on.” You sighed. “She’s gone nuts.”   Roadhog patted Junkrat’s shoulder. “I’m off. The police may find us here. I’ll distract them.”
Junkrat shot him a thumbs up. “Good call, mate.”   “I’m going to get some ice cream too.” Hog continued.
Tracer appeared in front of Hog in a hot second. “Can I come?” She asked him.   Police sirens blared in the distance. Hog threw Tracer over his shoulder and marched out of your house. “Sure, let’s go!” He huffed.   Perfect, she was finally gone. “Bye!” You waved with a great smile. You and Junkrat watched as Roadhog strapped Tracer into the passenger wagon of his motorcycle and zoomed off.   “Finally.” You sighed, walking back to the living room. “I got pizza and popcorn ready for us. Which movie do you want to see---” You turned to Junkrat and froze. He held out a bouquet of daisies for you. Looking at the roots, it seems he pulled them out of the ground somewhere.    “What’s this?” You asked.   “A gift for you,” Junkrat answered. “Found them in some bloke’s yard.”   Tracer’s stupid smirk popped in your mind. If she was still here, she would’ve flipped. You cleared your throat. “That’s nice of you. Thanks!”   You took the daisies into the kitchen and placed them in a vase filled with water. Junkrat followed you. From the corner of your eye, you noticed his eyes kept shifting at you then down at the floor like he was afraid to ask you something.    “Do you want to see Blood Sucker Junkers first or Junkenstein’s Revenge 2?” You asked. Junkrat scratched his head.   “Actually, I changed my mind about our movie night.” He said.    “Oh?”   “I want to take you to the beach. Heard it was going to be really nice this evening.”   You shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t see why not.” You said.   Junkrat grinned. “We’ll take the food with us. Feed the popcorn to the seagulls.”   You laughed. “Don’t blow them up!”   Junkrat raised his hands in mock guiltiness. “Oi, have you ever tried fried seagull? Delicious!”   “No thanks. I prefer chicken.”   “You don’t know what you’re missing, mate. You need to live a little more.”   *~*~*
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Rent on your place can be a bitch on your wallet, but having only to walk a few minutes to the beach was worth the money.   You and Junkrat arrived at the beach at sunset. People were already lingering away from the calm, blue waters to the parking lot. One frustrated mother was dragging her screaming child, who clearly didn’t want to leave. The little boy yanked his arm away from his mother’s grip and fell out on the ground, kicking sand up in the air.   “Nooo!” The boy shrieked. “I have to finish my sandcastle!” He pointed to the sandcastle decorated with seashells, sticks, and seaweed. The boy’s mother only huffed and placed her tightened fists on her hips.   “We have to go, Cayden, or no ice cream!” The mother warned. The boy’s tantrum stopped immediately.   “Ice cream?” Cayden asked.   “Yes.”   The boy ran past his mother to the parking lot for his parent’s car. The mother chased after him. You watched the sandcastle as a colossal wave smashed it into nothingness. Good thing little Cayden didn’t see that.   “Man, that boy can scream!” Junkrat chuckled behind you. He was lying on his stomach on a beach towel eating out of his second pizza box.   “Hey!” You closed the box. “Save some for me!”   “But I didn’t get to eat all day.” Junkrat moaned, looking up at you with pitiful eyes. “I’m starving!”   Junkrat opened the pizza box and nibbled on a large pepperoni slice. “Hmm, crunchy.”   You eyed him questionably. “Crunchy?”   Junkrat giggles. “I think I got some sand topping on my pizza.”   You laughed. “That’s what you get!”   A beach couple walked past you two, holding hands. They looked like they literally lived in the gym and the tanning salon. They parked their beach towel not too far from where you were sitting and started watching the sunset together. The beach body boyfriend had his hand right on his girlfriend’s ass, playing with her g-string thong. You rolled your eyes and returned to chewing your pizza slice.   “Oi,” Junkrat called out to the couple. “Get a room!”   You didn’t know why the couple bothered Junkrat so, but it was funny until he pulled out a small cherry bomb from his pocket.   “Junkrat, no!” You hissed, taking the bomb from his hand before he lit the fuse.   “What?” Junkrat looked completely innocent. “I was just going to scare them. Not blow them up!”   “Let them be.” You muttered. You turned back to the couple, and they were already making out. For real?   Luckily, a huge wave came ashore and hit the couple. The girlfriend screamed.   “My hair!” The bikini goddess yelped. You could only snicker. Why the hell was she there if she didn’t want her long, blonde luscious locks wet?   The couple glanced your way then moved further out from the rushing waters. Junkrat sighed with relief.   “Thank God,” Junkrat said. “They were ruining our spot.”   You turned to him. “Ours?”   Junkrat gently grabbed your face with his prosthetic hand and turned you toward the glowing sunset. It was a splash of red, yellow, and orange in front of the purple clouds. It was perfect, just perfect.   Seagulls circled the skies, searching for fish to pick up for the late evening dinner. A line of dolphin fins peeked out of the water. You gasped at the sight and pointed at the sea. “Junkrat, did you see that?”   “I did!”   You jumped as you realized Junkrat was sitting right beside you, still chewing on pizza.   “I don’t understand why Tracer thinks we’re dating.” He continued.   You shook your head. “I don’t know, man.”   Junkrat turned to you, a cheese string hanging from his mouth. “Is this dating? I just gave you flowers because I know you like them.”   You threw your arm around Junkrat’s shoulder. The first stars appeared as the sun slowly descended into the ocean.   “This is the best place to look at the stars.” He said.   You smiled. “You’ve been here before?” You asked. Junkrat only grinned.   A man’s loud cough made you jump. You turned to a couple sitting on the bench watching the sea. A huge man and a tiny man garbed in fishermen’s gear with sunglasses. Looks like they were taking a break from their fishing. You felt weird vibes from their presence.   “I like you,” Junkrat said. “I mean it.”   You stared at him. “I like you too. You’re a good friend.”   Junkrat shook his head. “No, no, no. I meant—”   “Daddy, look!” A little girl shouted behind you. A little girl and her family stepped off the boardwalk into the beach. More and more people steadily approached around you and Rat, pointing at the skies and planting their beach chairs on the cool sand.   “Daddy, look, look, look, LOOK!” The same little girl shouted.   “I see, I see, sweetie!” The exhausted father replied.   The sky was nearly covered with shooting stars. Your mouth dropped with amazement. “Oh my God,” You gasped. “I almost forgot about this.”   You remembered last week you were watching the news with Junkrat when an anchorwoman announced a meteor shower was coming up. The beach was the best place to see anything up in the skies, whether it be the stars, an aerial hostile Omnic invasion, or UFOS.   “I remembered,” Junkrat said, tapping your nose.   You smiled, blood rushing to your cheeks. You shyly turned away from Rat. Geez, why were you acting like a timid schoolgirl with a crush on him now?    “Remember the time we went out to King’s Row?” Junkrat asked.   “Yeah.” You recalled. You remembered it like it was yesterday.   After bringing in a British TALON spy into custody, you, Junkrat, Tracer, and Roadhog all went out for drinks as a celebration. Roadhog and Tracer returned to their hotel rooms early. At the same time, you and Rat explored London seeing Big Ben, visiting Piccadilly Circus, and almost getting regrettable matching tattoos.   “Remember Junkertown?” Junkrat continued.   “Yep.”   “South Korea? Brazil? Paris?”   “Yep, yep, and yep.”   “Were we dating back then?”   You and Rat would often take on week-long trips together. Just the two of you. Whoever asked where you all were going, you quickly responded it was a mission. Really, you just liked being around each other. You didn’t know why, but you just did.   “Maybe we are dating.” You admitted. Your heart rate increased after your confession. You opened your mouth to say something else, but a sudden pang of fear stopped you.   Junkrat only stared at you, a genuine smile slowly forming on his face. He leaned closer to your face, and you immediately backed away.   “You want to get some snow cones?” You asked, breaking the moment. “I know a place nearby. It’s not too far from here.”   Junkrat turned to the empty pizza boxes and patted his stomach. “A dessert sounds nice.” He said.   You two gathered up your beach towels and trash and walked away from the beach, leaving the crowd still watching the meteor shower. You glanced over at the bench where the mysterious fishermen were sitting. They were gone. You had a strange feeling you knew them from somewhere.   *~*~*
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An hour later, you and Junkrat finally received your snow cones after a terribly long line at the snow cone hut. Only two people were working at the stand.   “Finally!” Junkrat sighed as he stabbed his blueberry snow cone with a spoon. “That took longer than I expected.”   “Yeah, seriously.” You replied.   With no warning, Junkrat stole a scoop of your cherry snow cone. “Mine!” He shouted.   “Hey!”   You reached for his cone with your spoon, but he moved it out of the way. “Ha! Missed!” Junkrat shouted. He leaned forward and surprised you with a kiss. Both of you stared at each other in shock afterward. “Uh, whoops, sorry about that, mate.” He giggled nervously.   You licked your lips, tasting the artificial cherry/blueberry flavor. “It’s all right,” You said as you set your cup down and grabbed the back of Junkrat’s head. “Fuck it!”   You crushed his lips with a long, savory kiss.   “Daddy, look. The pretty one is kissing that strange, ugly man!” The little girl from the beach pointed at you. You jerked away from Junkrat and laughed.   The beach father rushed over and scooped the child up to his arms. “Shh, that’s not nice!” He said. “We don’t talk about people that way.”   The little girl looked back at you as she was taken away. “But Daddy, he’s weird! Look at his funny hair!”   “Be quiet, and you eat your snow cone!” The father hissed.   Junkrat ran his fingers through his half-burnt hair. “Me hair’s funny?” He turned to you. “It’s not that bad, is it?”   You pecked him on the cheek. “You’re absolutely fine.” You said. Junkrat pulled you closer to him and buried his face into your neck.   “Mmm, I love you (Y/N).” He said.   You blushed. “Yeah, me too.”   “AH HA!”   The fishermen from the beach burst out of the bushes, scaring a couple of beachgoers.   “What the fuck!?” One tan man holding two snow cones yelped. One cone accidentally fell to the ground. “Fuck!” The man groaned.   “Oh, sod off.” The tiny fisherman said to the man.   “Um, do I know you?” You asked the fishermen. They removed their sunglasses, and you instantly recognized them.   “Tracer? Roadhog?! So you’ve been spying on us this whole time?” You frowned.   Roadhog pointed at Tracer. “It was her idea. I just wanted some ice cream.”   Tracer clicked her teeth. “Ah, ah, ah! You brought up the idea as we were eating ice cream.”   “Did not!” Hog barked back.   “Enough!” You shouted. Junkrat only laughed.   “Sorry we spied on you.” Roadhog apologized, twiddling his fingers with his massive feet turned inwards. You scoffed.   “Hog, it’s okay.” You assured the Maori giant. “I’m just startled.”   “I’m not surprised,” Junkrat said. “I knew you two were watching us back at the beach.”   You stared at Junkrat. “You knew?! And you didn’t tell me!?”   “Love, if I did, I wouldn’t have had the chance to kiss ya!” Junkrat wiggled his eyebrows.   “Oh my God.” You rolled your eyes.   Tracer pulled out her smartphone. “Smile for the birdy, would you? I want to capture the moment King Junkrat and Queen (Y/N) have finally reunited.”   You smiled and threw your snow cone at her.   “Hey!” Tracer cried.   The picture caught your snow cone flying towards her direction. Your face in the frame half-covered by the flying dessert while Junkrat had his lips planted on your cheek. A blurry Roadhog hand hovered over you two.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
How do you imagine Billy and Steve cooking together, with Steve being a little inexperienced and Billy teaching him the basics?
So, I’m actually more of the school that Steve can cook, since I see him as being left at home a lot, and I see Neil as not letting Billy experiment around in the kitchen, which is what most of learning to cook is but I love getting anons and asks and prompts and I’ll write pretty much anything y’all send in.
So I’m currently reading an amazing fic on ao3 about chef Billy teaching Steve to cook and its 🥺 it’s called Lamp-Bright Rind and you can find it here. I HIGHLY recommend it, seriously its SO GOOD.
The more Billy stayed over at Steve’s place, the ore he noticed what Steve ate.
He would make a lot of sandwiches, always had plenty of sliced meat and cheese in the fridge. He had frozen meals stoked in the freezer in the kitchen, as well as an icebox in the garage. Some were stor bought things, some were casseroles and lasagnas with baking directions written on post-it notes in handwriting Billy recognized as Claudia Henderson’s.
But Steve would also order out a lot. There would always be take out containers and pizza boxes shoved in the trash can.
He once came over to find Steve eating a whole head of romaine lettuce just, like that.
So Billy put his foot down.
“Pretty Boy, is there anything you know how to cook?”
“I can bake the casseroles Claudia gives me.”
“That doesn’t count.”
“Then, uh, no.” He was looking down, ashamed of himself. Billy moved forward, taking his face between his hands, forcing Steve to look at him.
“That’s okay. You want me to show you some stuff?”
They started with eggs.
Billy showed him how to make fluffy scrambled eggs, gooey and cheesy. Steve would giggle as Billy stood behind him, arms wrapped around his middle, planting kisses into the skin of his neck.
He showed him how to make a fried egg, the whites crisp on the tips, the yolk soft and gooey.
They moved on to pasta, just buttered noodles with some salt and garlic. Next time they made sauce, pouring one from a jar and adding spices to taste.
Steve would flick noodles at Billy and laugh when he tried to catch them in his mouth.
They made pancakes in the morning, in nothing but their underwear, burning the first batch when they got distracted making out against the counter.
Steve was so proud of the lasagna they made, he brought one over to Mrs. Henderson.
Sometimes things didn’t go well, though. When Steve would get distracted doing something, and would burn the onions on the stove, and he would get real hard on himself and work himself up and Billy would have to halt all operations for the day in order to soothe Steve and after a day or two, he could eventually coax him back into the kitchen.
So they did this for awhile, Steve working through lots of easier recipes, so he had an idea of a way to thank Billy.
He looked up a few nice recipes, went to the grocery store, and when Billy came over to hang out Steve had dinner on the table, perfect rare steaks and garlic mashed potatoes and lemon zested green beans and the fancy table in the fancy dinning room was set with candles and they ate dinner together.
And Billy couldn’t help but imagine their life, when they ran away together, and cooked each other delicious meals in the home they shared, and burned pancakes because they were too busy making out against the counter.
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l-egionaire · 5 years
Elsa vs Food
This story is based on headcanons shared with @justlookatthosesausages and @snowqueenofmyheart . enjoy.
Elsa eyes scanned the menu of the pizza place struggling to find the right option.
Most people wouldn't consider finding a pizza to eat at a pizza restaurant that hard, but most people didn't have the ability to control winter itself and thus have a metabolism that required them to consume massive quantities of food each day, lest they pass out from hunger.
It wasn't so much that she was looking to find one type pizza, so much as deciding which four she would order while Anna and her boyfriend Kristoff ate theirs.
She had just considered getting one with barbecued chicken when she noticed a promotional ad at the bottom of her page.
The ad appeared to be for a special offered by the store. It was an XXXL pizza with extra cheese, cheese stuffed crust, and topped with ham, bacon, Canadian bacon, pepperoni, and sausage.
Elsa's mouth watered. This sounded perfect! She'd never seen a shop offer a pizza that size before. It must have been for large parties. She looked for the price and saw that if it was completely finished it was free. That must have been to prevent all the ingredients from going to waste.
"I'll think I'll get this." Elsa said, showing the add to Anna and Kristoff.
They both looked at her choice and they had a mixed reaction. Anna got a small grin on her face while Kristoff frowned and cocked an eyebrow.
"Uh, Elsa. Are you sure that's what you wan to get?" Kristoff asked.
"Well, it's better than ordering a bunch of pizza's for myself. Besides, it's free!" Elsa pointed out.
"Yeah but-." Kristoff was cut off by Anna slapling a hand over his mouth.
"Don't listen to him. It sounds great, you should definitely get it." Anna said with obvious delight.
Elsa smiled. She knew how much her sister worried about her diet. "Thank you Anna. I think I will."
Once the waitress came over she took all three of their orders. When Elsa gave hers, her eyes widened and she asked. "Are you sure you want that?"
"Quite sure." Elsa said.
The waitress shrugged. "Okay, but your going to have to come a different table. This one's too small."
The waitress led Elsa over to a large wooden table in the center of the restaurant. Elsa sat down and after about nearly a full half hour, her pizza had arrived. It was massive, nearly taking up the entire table space. It was a in a square shape divided into multiple large rectangular slices. All the thick gooey cheese almost buried under an enormous amount of different types of delicious meats.
Elsa took a moment to admire the gastronomic monstrosity and then immediately tore off a brick sized sliced and stuffed it hungrily into her mouth. She moaned with joy at the delicious flavors flooding her taste buds and after swallowing her first piece, quickly began ripping off more hunks of pizza and devouring them.
After tearing through a good chunk of her pizza and gulping down three glasses of water (for some reason she was only allowed to have water to drink) she noticed a small crowd seemed to be watching her eat and were cheering.
"Look at her go!"
"I've never seen someone eat so much! She almost halfway through and it's only been a few minutes!"
"Where does she put it all?"
Elsa's face burned bright red. She'd seen plenty of people stare at her while she ate before, but this was a bit different. These people seemed to almost enjoy watching her gorge herself. She decided to ignore them and continue eating.
The cheers from the crowd seemed to grow louder as she got closer to finishing and once she'd taken her last delicious meat covered cheese square, the crowd erupted in intense applause and whooping.
She was about to tell them off for watching someone eat, when a person in the restaurants uniform came over and asked. "How does it feel to have beaten our meat monster pizza challenge?"
Elsa blinked and said. "Wait, what?"
Elsa returned to the table she shared with Anna and Kristoff, now bearing a T-shirt with the words "Meat Monster" in yellow and red and a coupon for a free pizza. She saw Anna smirking and holding up her camera phone while Kristoff stared at her, dumbfounded.
Elsa glared at them. "You knew that was an eating challenge didn't you?"
Anna snickered. "Yep." She turned her camera phone and revealed a video of Elsa eating while the crowd cheered. " Nice work by the way. Definitely worth 1,000,000 views on YouTube."
"Anna, don't. You. Dare-."
"Aw, sorry. Already uploaded it". Anna said, clearly not regretting a thing.
Elsa gave her a frigid glare.
"Easy there miss meat monster. I'll make it up to you. I'll buy you dessert."
Elsa seriously considered saying no, but just sighed and said. "Fine."
"Great. I hear there's a sundae eating challenge just down the stree- eeep! Okay,okay that was a joke!"
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21 Easy (and Cozy) Self Care Ideas to Practice this Winter
New blog post! Now that winter is making days shorter, colder and darker, it's more important than ever to make self care part of your regular routine. And I'm not talking about the Instagram #selfcare that requires fancy bath bombs or expensive lotions. I'm talking about 21 easy ways that you can get cozy and relaxed this winter, whether you're a college student like me, a busy mother of two or a full-time worker with a demanding job schedule.
Some of these self care ideas may seem obvious, but others may surprise you - and many of them are scientifically-backed ways to tackle stress. So regardless of how busy you may be this holiday season, check out these 21 ways you can add more self care into your holly, jolly life.
1. Make yourself a warm, welcoming drink.
On cold winter days, it probably feels natural to reach for something cozy to warm you up. If you're really looking for help relaxing, though, fill your mug with tea. Research has found that drinking tea can help lower people's stress levels. Plus, it can be pretty dang delicious! (If you have celiac disease, just make sure it's gluten free).
2. Watch a sappy holiday-inspired show or movie.
Sometimes, we don't need an award-winning movie or TV show to enjoy ourselves. At least a few times this winter, embrace your silly or sentimental side by watching a bad Hallmark movie or bingeing your favorite holiday baking show. (And if you eat chocolate while doing it, that's obviously worth bonus points).
3. Go thrifting for cute and comfy winter clothes.
Updating your wardrobe for winter doesn't have to hurt your wallet. Instead, make looking for comfy hats, mittens or scarfs a fun adventure by hitting up your local second-hand store.
4. Be your own masseuse.
Massage has been shown to reduce people's physical tension and mental stress - and if you have a chronic illness or chronic pain like me, a good massage is always a good idea! You don't need to hire a high-end masseuse to reap some of these benefits, either. Give yourself a massage instead by rubbing your own muscles while lotioning up after your shower or using a tennis ball or foam roller to break up any knots and tension. Pair this massage with a relaxing bubble bath and you have the makings of a perfect self-date night.
5. Set aside extra time to read a book, just for fun.
I know that winter can be a busy time with friends and family, but don't forget to set aside some alone time in your schedule. Add a good book into the equation, and your quiet night in will be extra enjoyable.
6. Bake yourself something festive!
Besides getting to eat a delicious pumpkin or apple inspired treat, you'll feel nice and cozy when your kitchen is warm from the oven and smelling like the holidays. (And if you need some ideas for gluten free pumpkin desserts or baked goods, try out this recent round up of mine!).
7. Walk it out (outdoors or at a local gym).
Depending on the weather where you live, going for a walk outside might not be an option. Even if you have to go for a walk inside, though, your brain will still thank you. Research has found that exercise can drastically improve people's mental health, and even just walking will lower how often people have "bad days."
8. Take up a new, indoor hobby.
And if being outdoors is realllly not an option, starting a new hobby that takes place indoors is ideal. Start putting together puzzles, learning how to cross-stitch...or even practicing rock-climbing, like I did last year! Who knows - you may end up finding a hobby that you love doing year-round.
9. Try out hot yoga.
Because there's no better escape for winter weather than a relaxing, mantra-and-stretch filled session of hot yoga.
10. Light one of your favorite candles.
More research still needs to be done on the benefits of aromatherapy, but science seems to suggest that certain scents can help us chilllll out. Find a scent that you enjoy, like lavender or peppermint, and experiment with burning different candles and seeing which smells work best for you!
11. Purge your social media feeds.
You've heard of spring cleaning, but winter is another great time to set yourself up for a fresh start in the New Year. If you find yourself spending more time than ever on social media since it's too cold or dreary to go outside, pay attention to how each account makes you feel and ditch the ones that aren't doing you any favors.
12. Get crafty and let out your inner child.
Create a wreath to hang on your door, use colorful pens and papers to create homemade cards or just doodle in a notebook. These kinds of creative activities have been linked to improved mood and creativity the next day...plus, you might end up with some very cute gifts to give this Christmas. Win-win!
13. Pamper yourself with a face mask.
I've only started using face masks this last year, and the hype is worth it. My favorite is a simple mix of honey with cinnamon that I apply on "problem areas" for around 10-15 minutes before washing it off, but there are tons of safe (and even delicious!) face mask recipes you can find online. No fancy or expensive ingredients or products required. Plus, dry winter skin will definitely thank you for the extra TLC.
14. Dust off your crockpot and experiment with a new yummy recipe.
I know I've certainly been lax in using my crockpot lately, and it can be hard to feel motivated to start cooking dinner first thing in the morning. But your future self will definitely thank you for the little bit of prep you do earlier, and winter is the perfect time to whip up something warm and gooey. May I suggest my crockpot stacked enchiladas or vegan mac and cheese?
15. Throw a pajama party.
Whether you have a solo party or invite friends, spend a whole, blissful day hanging out in your PJs.
16. Do something nice for someone else. 
Acts of kindness have actually been scientifically shown to improve people's physical and mental health, so passing it forward this winter is actually a win-win. Donate to a local toy-drive, send a care package to a solider or pay for the next person's coffee in Starbucks. Little acts can have a big impact.
17. Start a gratitude practice.
If you're the journaling type, you can start writing what you're grateful for every day in a notebook. Otherwise, sticky notes or just thinking about two things you're grateful for each morning or night will still give you a positivity boost!
18. Set aside time to play your favorite "pointless" game.
Whether it's Sudoku, Words With Friends or a video game that you used to play for hours every day in high school, give yourself permission to just sit back and play for a little while. I know that during most of the year, I'm a major multi-tasker and anytime I do get to play a game, it's because I'm traveling or waiting to start another chore. So chillin' (pun intended) with my gamer self during winter is one of my favorite ways to relax.
19. Declutter at least one part of your house.
Along with purging your social media feeds, on days when cold weather keeps you in the house, you might try purging cluttered corners as well. Decluttering can not only improve concentration, but it can also improve your mood, lower your stress levels and give you a better night's sleep. And if you play your latest Netflix binge, favorite podcast or an epic holiday playlist in the background, you can make decluttering feel a lot more fun too.
20. Stretch yo' body.
At least for me, finding the motivation for a hard workout feels a lot harder when it's cold, dark and dreary outside. So on days when you feel like you're in a funk but don't feel up for a full workout, do some gentle stretches (even in the comfort of your own bed!) instead. It will loosen up your muscles, slash your stress and might even help you be more productive at work.
21. Choose a mantra for the upcoming year.
Obviously, you shouldn't spend all winter pining for spring...but it can't hurt to spend a little time reflecting on what you want from the upcoming months. In 2018, my word or mantra of the year was "discomfort." In 2019, it was "open." And while I haven't decided exactly what word I want to keep in mind during the start of a new decade, I think something similar to "change" will end up winning. What do you want to get out of this Spring? You still have some cold weeks to help you figure out your answer!
The Bottom Line of Self Care During Winter
As the days get colder and our social schedules get busier, it's easy to let self care fall to the bottom of our to-do list. I know from personal experience, though, that you can't run on empty...and when you better yourself through self care, you're also empowering yourself to be a better friend, family member, and personal overall! So this winter, give yourself the gift of self care rituals...and if you need even more ideas, feel free to check out my previous roundups: How to Create Your Own Self Care Retreat in 5 Easy Steps; 15 Self Care Activities You Can Do Without Leaving Bed; and 21 Self Care Activities You Can Do in 15 Minutes or Less! How are you taking care of yourself this winter? Give me more of your own self care ideas in the comments below! via Blogger https://ift.tt/2OKlqR3
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Simple Things.
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Here you go Anon! I apologize for getting it posted so late, I hope you’ll enjoy!
The sounds of birds chirping was enough to stir me from my peaceful slumber. I was half awake as I rolled over to my side, reaching out to cuddle my sleeping boyfriend. Yet when I reached my hands out there was...nothing? I sleepily fluttered my eyes open, my vision was still a little blurry and I had to blink a few times before my surroundings became clear. I looked over at the empty space beside me slowly getting up to sit on the edge of the bed. There was no sign of Hugo in the room, so I hesitantly got out of bed, my body still feeling the effects of sleep.
I left our bedroom and went downstairs thinking he might be down there, but he wasn’t. I called out his name groggily, letting out a yawn as I entered the kitchen area. Perhaps he had to go on another important mission? I knew that this kind of thing couldn’t be helped, but at the same time, I was always left with a cloud of worry and loneliness in my heart.
“Well, I guess since I’m down here, I might as well make a cup of tea.”
Hoping that this would be enough to fully wake me up, I went into the cabinets and rummaged through the different flavors of tea; where I ended up choosing Earl Grey. I knew that it would take a little while for the water to boil in the kettle, so in the meantime, I decided to take the chance to enjoy the soon to be sunrise, out on the porch.
The moment I opened the door, I was greeted with a surprise.
Hugo, who was in his nightwear, was swinging back and forth slowly on our recently added porch swing. The moment I called out to him, he turned to look my way with surprise.
“Goddess? Why are you up so early?”
“I should be asking you the same thing.”
“Sometimes I like to come out here and watch the sunrise when I get the chance. I….never see them this beautiful in the future I come from.”
Hugo then began to pat down on the space on the swing right next to him, gesturing me to take a seat. I did and ended up snuggling into him, my head lying against his shoulder.
“You know, I wanted to apologize, Goddess.”
“Huh? For what?”
“For worrying you.”
His eyes were apologetic as he looked down at me and I found myself clutching onto his arm.
“You have no reason to apologize, you know that right?”
“But the look on your face--”
I put a finger to his lips and smiled softly. “The look on my face might have held worry, but it’s just because I care for you. It’s a natural thing to be worried about the one you love. You get worried about me too, right?”
“All the time…”
“See? So don’t feel like you need to apologize for something like this.”
I giggled and leaned upwards to place a kiss on his lips. Hoping that this would help relinquish that look he held and it worked. I could feel him smile through the kiss while he reached out his hand to caress my cheek. I could feel just how much he cared for me just through a single kiss, a kiss which was gentle and loving and leaving me wanting more. I closed my eyes and felt myself being moved to sit on his lap where our loving kiss began to turn a bit more passionate, but it didn’t last long….
Much to my dismay, the kettle I had set on the stove for tea began to whistle, interrupting the moment and mood. I gave a groan and slid off of Hugo’s lap and informing him that I’d be back shortly. I found myself rushing about to prepare the tea and because of that, I began to struggle with the simplest things; like opening the package which held the tea bags, for instance. Despite that though, everything went smoothly, I had even made a cup for Hugo too!
When I stepped back outside and onto the porch, Hugo was still swinging lightly to and fro on the swing, looking out into the distance.
“Sorry about that.”
“It’s alright.” He gave me a warm smile and glanced at the teacups in both of my hands. “You made tea?”
“Yes, a cup for each of us. I hope you like Earl Grey.”
“If I remember correctly, we were served Earl Grey at the tea cafe the last time we went shopping.”
“Oh, you’re right! Gosh, their tea and baked goods were so good there. We should go back again sometime.”
I handed Hugo his cup and watched him gingerly take it from me and take a sip.
“That would be nice.”
“Yes. Why are you giving me that look?”
“Well, it’s just...usually you’re complaining about having to go shopping.”
“Yes, when your loud-mouthed friends accompany us, I dread it.”
“Hey, there, your friends too, don’t deny it!”
Hugo rolled his eyes, but I could see the smile that was hidden behind his teacup.
“But, hey, since the idea came up, why don’t we go into town today?”
“But I thought we already did our shopping the day before.”
“This time, it’s not for shopping. How about we just go to look around. Oh! I hear there’s a park not far from the town center, maybe we could go there. I hear that there’s even a park trail that leads down to the beach with a splendid view.”
“Is that really what you wish to do today?”
“Yes, are...you not wanting to go?”
“I never said that. In fact, I’d love to accompany you.”
“Great! So then after we finish our tea, we can get ready. Oh, we could even try some of the morning food stalls for breakfast. There’s a couple that I’ve been wanting to take you too!”
Hugo let out a chuckle and ruffled my hair softly, my heart skipped a beat and my breath got caught in my throat for a split second. Just a simple touch like that was enough to make me fall in even more love with him. I knew my cheeks were beginning to burn, so I did my best to try and hide my blush by taking another sip of tea in my own cup. Of course, it didn’t work and I found myself at the mercy of Hugo’s playful teasing.
After we finished our tea, we got cleaned and got dressed for the day, now we were in town browsing some of the few food stalls that were opened in the earlier hours of the morning.
“Hm, it looks like there’s a man selling some breakfast muffins over there and another stand not too far away selling special breakfast items in a to-go cup oh, and….”
I began to list down the food stalls that were nearby doing breakfast deals since Hugo and I had yet to eat anything for the morning. I turned around to ask Hugo what he wanted when an intoxicatingly delicious aroma wafted through the air.
“Is that….”
“Steamed buns!”
Hugo and I spoke at the same time before bursting out laughing.
“How about some steamed breakfast buns?”
“I’d love that. But I thought the steam bun stall here only sold during the afternoon lunch rush.”
“Maybe they’re looking to expand business to different hours? They might get a bit of profit from early commuters.”
Hugo and I walked hand in hand over to the steam bun stall, we browsed their selection and opted for a ham and cheese steam bun. It was their newest item and the smell had my mouth watering. The moment we received them, Hugo and I dug right in, the cheese was so warm and gooey and the ham was nicely prepared and there seemed to even be a little bit of sauce inside too. This had to be one of the best breakfast items I had ever had, and when I looked over at Hugo, I think he felt the same. In fact, he had already devoured his, but he wore such the cutest smile and he seemed happy.
“I’m glad.”
The words fell from my mouth before I could stop them.
“Glad about what?”
“H-Huh? Oh, er...it’s nothing!”
I took another bite into the bun and averted my gaze, hoping that he wouldn’t look at me, especially with how embarrassed I was. I had just finished up my food when we arrived at the park, which was perfect timing too! There wasn’t too many people there when we arrived, which meant we had a lot of space to roam about in, without bumping into other parkgoers. Our hands swayed back and forth a little bit as we walked, taking in the view and the calming sounds. Sure, going into town was nice an all, but with the hustle and bustle, there wasn’t much time to enjoy any of the views. But here in the park, we were given numerous opportunities for scenic views. Views such as the Academy in the distance, the cherry blossom trees which had petals that rained down on us when we walked. The beautiful lake that was in the middle of the park was glistening in the rays of sun that poured down upon it, plus there were quite a few different park animals that came to greet us, such as squirrels, bunnies, birds and even some ducks who...didn’t take too kindly to Hugo and ended up attacking his scarf…
But despite that little incident, we were having a wonderful time just walking about. I found myself wondering if this is the kind of stuff that we’d be doing when we’re old and grey. That thought alone made me grin from ear to ear. As we kept walking, Hugo and I encountered a fork in the road, with one path going back to the town and one going down to the beachside.
“Would you like to go back into town or head down to the beach? I know it’s been a while since we started walking.”
“I would like to still go to the beach, I really would like to check out the view but…”
“But what?”
“Are you tired, Hugo?”
“I’m fine to keep going if you are. So if you want to go to the beach, then consider it done.”
“I’d...like that.”
Hugo gave my hand a little squeeze and we headed down the trail to the beach. The trail was peaceful and a nice breeze blew by us and I found myself feeling more relaxed. As we continued to travel, the sound of crashing waves could be heard more clearly now and before we knew it, we had made it to our destination. I looked around at my surroundings, feeling a sense of tranquility take over me. The blue sky matched the equally blue ocean water, the tropical plants here swayed to and fro in the soft breeze that seemed to come with the tide. Within the sand, I could already see a few seashells and the sand itself? Well, it was beautiful and looked so soft.
I let go of Hugo’s hand for a moment and slipped off my pumps that I wore, the sand felt so heavenly and soft, it was like walking on a cloud! It took a little persuading, but I had managed to convince Hugo to walk barefoot in the sand with me. We went around collecting seashells and even a couple of starfish, then we walked into the water a little bit, letting the cool waves hit our skin. I even initiated a little bit of a water fight, scooping up some water and splashing it on Hugo and he, in turn, did the same back.
In the end, our clothes got a little bit soaked, but the laughter we shared showed just how much fun we were having. We decided to take a break and rest a little while, we sat down under the shade of a nearby tree, our feet in the sand as we stared off into the distance. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer.
“Today has been one of the best so far.”
“Really, how come?”
“Because I got to spend it with you.”
His smile was sweet, but the kiss we shared was even sweeter. The rest of our day was spent on the beach and even a moonlit stroll on our way back to our home. There was something that today taught me, the simplest things in life can make one happy, but sharing those simple things with the one you love is even better. I can only hope that for the future years to come, Hugo and I can enjoy these simple things together, forever.
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thedisneychef · 1 year
How about "Easy Homemade Chicken Parmesan Recipe
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Chicken Parmesan is a classic Italian-American dish that features breaded and fried chicken breasts topped with tomato sauce and melted mozzarella cheese. It's a hearty and satisfying dish that is perfect for a cozy family dinner or a special occasion. While it may seem daunting to make at home, with a few simple ingredients and some basic cooking skills, you can create a delicious and impressive Chicken Parmesan that rivals the ones you can get at your favorite Italian restaurant. More Delicious Recipes You Will Love: - Chicken Tikka Masala: A Classic Indian Dish - Sweet Italian Chicken Sausage With Basil Polenta And Oven Roasted Tomatoes - Grilled to Perfection: The Irresistible Charm of Barbecue Chicken In this recipe, we'll show you how to make golden and crispy chicken breasts that are topped with tangy tomato sauce and gooey melted cheese. With a side of pasta or a salad, this Chicken Parmesan is sure to become a family favorite! Tips: Here are some tips for making delicious Chicken Parmesan: - Use thin chicken breasts: Thin chicken breasts cook more evenly and quickly than thick ones, and are less likely to dry out. If your chicken breasts are too thick, pound them with a meat mallet or the bottom of a heavy pan to flatten them out to an even thickness. - Season the chicken: Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper before coating them in the breadcrumb mixture. This will help to enhance the flavor of the chicken and add some depth to the dish. - Use fresh breadcrumbs: Fresh breadcrumbs will give the chicken coating a better texture and flavor than store-bought ones. You can easily make your own by blending stale bread in a food processor until it forms fine crumbs. - Don't overcrowd the pan: Cook the chicken breasts in batches if necessary, to avoid overcrowding the pan. Overcrowding the pan will cause the chicken to steam instead of fry, resulting in a soggy coating. - Use a good quality marinara sauce: The marinara sauce is a key component of this dish, so make sure to use a good quality one. You can use store-bought or homemade marinara sauce, whichever you prefer. - Use low-moisture mozzarella cheese: Low-moisture mozzarella cheese will melt better and create a nice stringy layer on top of the chicken. Avoid using fresh mozzarella, as it will release too much moisture andmake the dish too watery. - Add some herbs or spices: You can add some dried herbs or spices to the breadcrumb mixture to give the chicken coating some extra flavor. Some good options include dried oregano, basil, or garlic powder. - Serve immediately: Chicken Parmesan is best served immediately after it comes out of the oven, while the cheese is still hot and gooey. Letting it sit for too long can cause the coating to become soggy. By following these tips, you'll be able to make a delicious and authentic Chicken Parmesan that is sure to impress. Enjoy! Conclusion: In conclusion, Chicken Parmesan is a classic Italian-American dish that features breaded and fried chicken breasts topped with tangy tomato sauce and melted mozzarella cheese. It's a hearty and satisfying meal that is perfect for a cozy family dinner or a special occasion. While it may seem daunting to make at home, with a few simple ingredients and some basic cooking skills, you can create a delicious and impressive Chicken Parmesan that rivals the ones you can get at your favorite Italian restaurant. By using thin chicken breasts, fresh breadcrumbs, good quality marinara sauce, and low-moisture mozzarella cheese, you can create a flavorful and crispy coating that is sure to impress. Serve it with a side of pasta or a salad for a satisfying and delicious meal that the whole family will love! Read the full article
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