#so that way it would have been more people interested in the planets history and the ghost monument as an old myth and it would have
frogmascquerade · 1 year
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astrogre · 11 months
Astro Observations 1
My first Astro observations post, I would like to confirm that my observations are the niche ways in which a placement may manifest, it is the way I’ve noticed it in others, the people around me, celebrities, myself and in my studies. It is not the doctrine wide broad way the placement occurs for everyone.
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Venus in 10th house natives tend to be well known for the person they may date. They tend to date people that really match them physically and can have their relationships idolized by others. The sign it’s under can show what their partners may be known for. This is also a common placement for celebrities because the interest from others in your love life increases your public image, making you more desirable and of interest to everyone including agencies/record labels, they will see your influential potential and love that. Even if you guys don’t date anyone people may have someone in mind who they think matches you or others can just look at you and wonder what your “type” is. Your love life in itself is of interest to others.
Eg. Chris Brown, Johnny Depp, Jimin, Victoria Beckham, Kristen Stewart, Billie Eilish, Kanye West.
Another way Venus 10th housers may manifest is they may have crushes on renowned key figures from history like JFK, Alexander Hamilton, Stalin, Cleopatra, Marilyn Monroe, royal monarchy literally any people of historical significance. (Saturn influence is long lasting and for Venus to be here it can make natives romanticise powerful historical figures)
Pluto 3rd housers can dominate the conversations they have with others so much that they don’t let the other person have their own opinion.
Capricorn Chiron in 6th house makes people feel worthless and terrible if they haven’t been productive for a day, these people don’t like to be lazy, it makes them feel inferior. They put a lot of pressure on themselves to produce and their day routine may be their greatest pride.
10H stellium always have career plans, they like to advance their CV and career prowess for fun, always taking up opportunities. Especially if sun is here.
12H stellium always posting the weirdest stuff that others don’t understand but it has a unique vibe to it that just feels “right” at the same time, they may have this aesthetic that feels eery but overtime enjoyable and something to look forward to because of its uniqueness. I have a 12H stellium friend and they always post pictures of weird random abandoned places with crocs and dirty teddy bears laying in the middle of them. At first I thought it strange but overtime, I look forward to what monstrosity of visuals they will bring next. 12H really does bring out things never seen before. 🤔
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Venus in 1H makes you look very feminine, you may style yourself in a feminine manner or have a naturally feminine appearance. Eg. Leo Venus in 1H May have very beautiful feminine looking long hair.
1H Libra Mars has a similar effect as Venus in the 1H however these natives have a hint touch of masculinity, are rather playboy, Casanova and can have a big ego. Think of Flynn rider from tangled. Very pretty boy.
People with 12H Capricorn placements may procrastinate or find difficulty in bringing the planets in there into reality and get frustrated at themselves for it. It’s similar to the planet being in retrograde E.g a 12H Capricorn moon not being able to fully show or act on the way they feel in their head. Look at the house of where Saturn is in your chart to find the topics and how you can bring the energy of your Capricorn 12H planets out.
0 degrees for any planet or asteroid means that you embody that planet/asteroid and its sign in its most pure authentic form. It can make you the epithet of that placement.
Lilith Square Asc makes someone not able to escape looking like a bad boy/girl it always comes out in their appearance without them intending to. They don’t want to present themselves in a way that looks scandalous but at the same time a part of them is and they can’t escape that. It’s like an energy. They’re dynamic and free, they like what they like and that shows in their face and appearance. They also can’t change things about themselves to please others even if they wanted to.
Jupiter 1H usually have big features, like a glossy kind of look to them. It may be big eyes, flushed face, supple puffy skin, wide nose or just have an abundant looking face. I’ve also noticed they tend to have a squared shape face with rounded edges. E.g Hailey Beiber, Abraham Lincoln, Gerard Butler, Aishwarya Rai, Niall Horan, Ashton kutcher, Whitney Houston, Cristiano Ronaldo
Also this is completely random and not astrologically backed up but whenever I think of Jupiter 1H I just think of clear gleaming skin. Perhaps it is backed up astrologically as Jupiter blesses and brings luck to the house it’s in and it being in the 1st rules a natives appearance. Anyways when I think of Jupiter 1st house I always imagine that they don’t need very much makeup they have this glow to them already that cannot be copied.
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Virgo ASC style and dress themselves in a way that’s unique for them, for an example they may always have a signature accessory that they wear that only they understand why it’s so important to be worn. E.g. can be a headband, jewellery or hat. They may also be consistent in the way they look, they don’t tend to have “bad days”. In my personal opinion I find Virgo rising men the most attractive. But beauty is in the perspective of the beholder.
Speaking of which, my unpopular opinion is that I don’t believe that a sign or planet can make you more beautiful than another sign E.g like how people say Venus, libra and Taurus is an indicator of being beautiful -I just think that each sign personifies beauty in a different way. In my eyes I see Libra and Venus beauty to be feminine and attractive, but I find Pluto Scorpio beauty to be alluring and intense, magnetic, like Phantom of the opera, like an enchanting vampire that resides in the shadows. I also find Uranus Aquarius beauty to be far more entrancing, striking and even as if the native looks like their from a game fantasy novel or a manga protagonist. I don’t think we can just say “having Venus prominent makes someone more beautiful than others”, perhaps conventionally but not universally. Planets and signs of the first house can show us HOW the beauty is made manifest. It being of Venus, libra influence just kind of makes it feminine or conventionally attractive like butterflies or roses rather than intense or of large magnitude (unless making aspects to magnifying planets like Jupiter)
Aquarius moons can feel a lot of emotions but they’re very good at holding it in. People say that they don’t feel much because the nature of Aquarius being detached however I’ve also seen it occur in a way where the Aquarius moon native may pretend they’re not hurt or sad so that they can keep it pushing and force this happy facade so it hurts less but in reality their just burying the pain deeper. They are kind of avoidant but it makes you feel sorry for them because even if you try to comfort them they don’t even acknowledge the pain themselves so it doesn’t make much of a difference.
Jupiter in 6th house always have action packed days, they spend their days with joy and have a really good time. They usually have their dream day to day life. They’re your one friend that is always doing something interesting, fully booked and loves it.
Jupiter 8H are never strapped for cash, these natives can just be very lucky in getting money from others. Especially if in harmonious aspects with sun, Pluto and Venus. If aspects are negative native still doesn’t worry much but may find that people are a little more hesitant to giving or Jupiter 8H native doesn’t want to ask for it.
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Mars 1H makes someone want to work harder on their body by going to the gym, may want to look more manly, aggressive.
Jupiter conjunct moon in 7th house makes you a very passionate lover, anyone who is in a relationship with you can always feel excited and you excel in relationships.
Mercury conjunct ascendant can make someone always think about their goals, plan their next move. They use their minds to get what they want from life and can talk about the principles they apply to themselves which can make them look rather intelligent to others. Can also make someone appear very youthful, not only in appearance but their mannerisms too. Like a dimply smile, blushing and shaking their head when complimented. An animated response.
Moon opposite asc, tends to make a person unable to think clearly when emotions are involved, especially when it’s related to topics in the house your moon is in, like you can look a little mentally unstable here 💀 because your emotions that you show can drastically change from 0-100. moon opp asc also can have a person go against what they want, their principles and approach to life, the opposition forces them to deny their feelings existence in order to act in the way they believe is best. You can even care more about your image than the themes of the moons house.
E.g 7H moon opposite ascendant can make someone care about their image in the relationship, display an image of nonchalance when in reality they’re very protective of their partner. The feelings from their partner and their relationship can be irresistible and make them at times abandon their vices and plans for themselves
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xx-slug-xx · 1 month
Billford isn’t just silly “toxic old man yaoi” like people have been saying. Their relationship being implied something more really means nothing. Cuz it’s literally horrible. Bill was manipulative, abusive towards Ford for years. And then did the exact same to Dipper years later.
Neither Ford nor Dipper or the rest of the Pines need Bill, if anything Bill needs them and that say a lot about how pathetic Bill is.
Yes and that’s why Ford and Bills relationship is so interesting to me!
Bill, a being that has spent eons painting himself out to be this absolute monster, and he absolutely is based on all his actions, finding solace in some human freak? Something that Bill, being treated as a freak in his home dimension, can relate to? Bill, the demon who most likely accidentally destroyed his entire dimension, who then had to make himself out to be the monster he felt that he was? His ego wouldn’t allow himself to be anything but that monster, and he lies about enjoying all the destruction he causes until his lies are no longer lies to him.
He’d never admit that he wanted more from Ford than the portal and nothing more. He’s supposed to be selfish, only caring about what new planet to consume. Relating to a mortal flesh bag? That would defeat the image he’s created for himself.
Ford saw Bill as perfection in his youth, and Bill valued him for being a dreamer. Bill was the only thing that could efficiently stroke Fords ego, and Ford enjoyed every second at the time. He’s the smartest man on earth, not able to relate to anyone but a dream demon he thought was trying to help him. Ford practically worshiped Bill like he was a god. Little did Ford know that the creature he thought was light was actually a great darkness. The unimaginable feeling of betrayal he felt when he learned the truth.
Bill played the game with him, not only to keep up the facade, but surely for something more as well. Ford seeing him for what he really was and making it his life’s goal to destroy him absolutely ruined Bill. Bill didn’t know what he had until it was already gone.
In the Book of Bill, he’s a horribly unreliable narrator. But Ford is way more reliable, and so is viewing everything from a completely uninvolved perspective. Combine what we see from the show, Journal Three, and The Book of Bill? And oh baby we got a recipe for a disaster of a relationship
They are so horrible for each other, but that sort of chemistry is so fun to explore when it comes to character analysis! It makes both Bill and Fords dynamic, their motivations, and other character related things so much deeper!
Bill needs purpose, and his purpose was ruined by his own undoing. He can blame any of the Pines family for this, but really, he’s his own worst enemy. The man needs serious help lol. Fords moved on, he has better things to worry about. Bill just can’t see past the potential for what could have been. Unable to forget the past, no matter how hard he lies to himself
I would definitely not say that Bill did the same thing to Dipper. Yes, he manipulated the kid and made his and his sister’s lives hell. But their history is not at all equal when Dipper didn’t dedicate his life to a false god like Ford did
Sorry for the ramble, anon! I’m in autism mode lmao
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sgiandubh · 8 months
@outlanderskin :"For those who have doubts: just research a little about Caitríona's dating history. See how she treated Dave and James and how she talked about them in interviews. See how she wrote about the Irish boyfriend she had in Paris in that article. Compare all of this to the impersonal way she treats or talks about Tony. Bingo🙃"
Good point 👌
Dear Good Point Anon,
You know, it's really serendipitous, as I have just finished a weeklong deep dive in very, very old press articles on (or at least mentioning) S and C, who clearly had a life before OL, thinking it would be nice to put some of my archive work skills to good service.
I think @outlanderskin was referring to C's New York Times article I reviewed and analyzed last summer, but I just found way better: a very long report in the Irish Independent's Sunday issue of July 11, 2004, focused on the next generation of Irish supermodels. Of which there could be only one, at that time: C, who dominates Roxanne Parker's 'Through Thick and Thin".
I am sorry, there is no link available to my knowledge, so we'll have to work with these very poor xerox scans:
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I took the liberty of generously using my dreaded highlighter and, for the people who need to translate this post with Google, I am now taking my time to type what I find damn interesting in this almost twenty-year old article:
'If Ireland ever has a hope of having its own supermodel, then Caitriona Balfe is it. Sitting in the Pink Pony Café on Ludlow Street in New York, Caitriona swirls a wad of bread into her carrot and coriander soup while informing me that her musician boyfriend just brought her a breakfast-in-bed of cream eclairs and coffee a little over an hour ago. But that doesn't stop Caitriona from finishing her lunch and chasing it with a large cocoa-dusted cappuccino. Ebony-tressed and ivory-skinned, Caitriona clip-clops down the cobbled street after we leave the cafe, heading towards her apartment in Chinatown with Dave Mailone (sic!), the boyfriend, in tow.'
This reads, in 2024, like an interview with a more benevolent C clone from a totally different planet, indeed. A young, carefree, in love and hysterically funny C, who apparently had no problem heavily dishing out happy tidbits of her private life to her home country's press. A C also very much reminiscing anyone with a brain of the 2013-2018 bantering C, as this quote shows:
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Again, you'll have to indulge me retyping it, Anon (tedious, I know - but helpful). She is remembering her real breakthrough, in November 2002, at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, in New York:
That was the most I've ever been paid for a show. I've got 18,000 euros for one day's work! They made me get a spray tan before the show, and I was still the whitest and the least well-endowed girl in the entire show! So what did she have to wear on the big day? `Not a whole lot! I think I described my outfit on the day as something Wilma Flintstone would wear on her honeymoon night. There wasn't a whole lot to it and it had bits of fur hanging off it.'
And, for good measure, we even have a (admittedly, awful) picture with the season's fiancé, with whom things did not end well:
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I know, it looks like a Pravda pic, circa 1957 and I am honestly sorry. But it's still very clear. And, which is more important, very eloquent.
Anon and reader, you draw your own conclusions on this. I know where I stand. The only guy C has similar pics taken with and released in the press or on social media is the peasant some love to bash every single day in here. Their problem, not mine.
Yes, of course Mordor will yell and hiss. Of course they will throw rotten tomatoes at the blunt knife and scream THIS IS OLD. But hey, do you have any better than this poor (but oh, so endearingly authentic) picture or than any given S&C pic before the fucking EFH and IFH, when she gradually started to turn into today's Reclusive, Restrained and Rarefied Greta Garbo wannabe?
Oh, and please: don't give me the 'he's shy' or the paperwork crap again. Her public persona has drastically changed, and not for the better. It's plain to see and there are reasons for this.
Who's to blame? This question is so wrong, in so many ways.
The question should be 'what's to blame?'
I'll stop here, Anon and I hope it was somewhat useful. Thank you for dropping by.
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blazehedgehog · 15 days
After watching SAGE's 2024 trailer, you ever get the feeling that most people want to be making indie games instead of fan games nowadays,? Every year there's been less and less fan works there.
This is the first year I've really felt it in any meaningful way.
There have been attempts for more than a decade to rename SAGE to drop the "Sonic" part. I've always pushed back against that and at this point the branding is too strong to give up, I think. People know about and come to SAGE because the brand is strong. Renaming it would be a death sentence.
Taking off my business hat, it's a bummer to see fangames in the minority here. Everybody wants to hop on that indie game gravy train and chase the success of Pizza Tower (seriously, count how many Pizza Tower clones are in the trailer this year) or Freedom Planet or Spark the Electric Jester or whatever.
And it's easy to congratulate people for striking out on their own and making original games. I was one of the many voices urging Sabrina to divorce Freedom Planet from the Sonic franchise and make it into an original game she could sell. So she ran a crowdfunding campaign (multiple, actually), was successful, and now we have two Freedom Planet games. And that's great!
But... does that mean all fangames should go away forever?
The example I lean on the hardest is comic books.
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A lot of the guys who created the biggest super heroes aren't around anymore. They gave up control long ago or are straight up dead now. These books are effectively officialized fanfiction now, as are the $300,000,000 movies based on them. An ever-increasing number of people writing, drawing and directing these characters today were not alive when they were originally created.
But people still keep writing Batman stories, officially or otherwise. Because there are some stories you can only tell with Batman. Now, you could break off and make your own character that's similar to Batman, build up this history for him, and then finally tell your original story with that character. And maybe that's satisfying, to have built something of your own like that.
But for one: that's a lot of work. Batman is interesting because he has decades (almost a century now) of history behind him to play off of and work with. There are people out there who will tell you to just start writing your dream story and forget about building up to it first, but that's more about motivation and confidence than the idea that stories don't need historical context.
And two: that's already been done.
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There's a good chance you know who Rob Liefeld is from his, uh, "distinctive" art style. He also created Deadpool, a katana-wielding mercenary assassin that dresses in red and black, whose real name is Wade Wilson. But before Deadpool, he created Deathstroke, a katana-wielding mercenary assassin that dresses in orange and black, whose real name is Slade Wilson.
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Here is a guy who has built a career on copying his own work (and the work of others) over and over and over again.
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Did it make Rob Liefeld rich and famous? Technically yes, but he kind of got rich because other people made better work using his characters, and he's famous for being kind of a hack.
So which is better?
Creative output you can do right here, right now, today, but is considered "fanfiction" or "fanart" or a "fangame", which may or may not lead to you being the person handling the official thing at some point down the road...
Or spending years of your life toiling to bring an original concept to life, and even if you struggle through all of the boredom and hardship of getting your original product out the door, it gets lost in the noise of now-million other creators trying to do the exact same thing. And then, at the end of your launch, after 2, 3, even 5 years of working and working and working, you've only made enough money to cover rent on your apartment for a month and a half.
Or, to put it another way:
Are you ditching fangame development because you have a legitimately great story you want to tell, or are you just doing it because you can't make money on a fangame?
Are you just creating another Bloodstrike?
As someone who has struggled to justify putting lots of hard work into a fangame myself, and have both made very popular fangames and some not-so-great original games, I don't know if I have a definitive answer for you. But I do wish there were more fangames at the fangaming event, and I will say, as always, if I could get paid a livable wage for making fangames, I would drop everything and do it in a heartbeat.
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roxannepolice · 4 months
The thing about Ricky September rising to the top of the chart as the most controversial aspect of Dot and Bubble is interesting, because... welp, as many people have pointed out, he's the surface level white twinky manic pixie nuwho Doctor at their most op on steroids. I've seen people comparing him to s6 Eleven specifically, but the offhand remarks about how much he knows, the interest in history, and most importantly, the proper introduction as the handsome guy who leads our protagonist away from cheap looking monsters and then runs hand in hand with her... that's Rose, the episode. The reason people took a liking to him is because he literally echoes the main character of the show we're watching. He's the Doctor doll in this sci fi dollhouse. That's why it's so shocking when Lindy uses him as cannon fodder.
So the fact that he's no less racist than everyone else in Finetime fits into the general concept of this episode as unpacking the naturalised racism of Shakespeare's Tempest/Forbidden Planet sf conventions, that Doctor Who, and the Doctor themself has been guilty of (welp this is what you get for thinking it's a good idea to turn a brown guy over to WWII villains or not filtering for racism when you random generate a time and space you will hide in with a black companion - you watch aryan bubble folks go to their deaths you bent ass over tits to prevent; not for many people this would have been karma doing its job, but for the Doctor it is).
But I don't think... the show wants us to hate itself, or its main character. Like, there are reviewers clutching their pearls over another cult text getting written by people who hate it, but. criticism isn't hatred, it's often an expression of love, and perhaps one of the highest forms of self-love. Which is why it caught my attention Ncuti Gatwa looks extra-doctorish in the last scene. Yes, clothes are surface, but in a visual medium they're a message too. Fifteen has been the most clothes changing Doctor we've seen so far, and he spends most of the episode in a more everyday casual shirt, but he dons the extravagant yet stylish tartan knee length suit for the end. And he does a Speech(tm), too, and helpless shouting, and finally a stern face (which ironically enough reminded me of fury of a Time Lord Ten). And like, he's not ignorant of why Finetimers look at him this way. They always knew, just never were on the practical not abstract side of the deal.
So Ricky the Doctor Doll works not only as a meta textual self reflexive parody, but also a contrast. Not so much as a "but see, this show, or even this era is not like other girls" masturbation, but more as a reflection on what makes this protagonist who they are. Yes, maybe s6 Eleven was op-ed too much, but that's not what made any Doctor, including this one, who they are. From this perspective the concept that Ricky would not have helped anyone from outside the in-group is... ironic considering how much of a separate chaff from grain sentiment there comes about in response to the Doctor's radical - and often pragmatically wrong! - kindness. Yes, the rationales for when they "should" be less merciful are more solid than skin colour, but I think this element of "this guy is what you WANT the Doctor to be, and not just visually" is there. Can't help thinking of how the destruction of Gallifrey - both in s1 and s12 - gets hailed as "yes, that's what the show is telling us is the RIGHT thing to do, just in general, not to prevent a specific outcome!". Meanwhile Fifteen keeps calling it genocide and remains wistful.
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The Purple Sign. Part VI
Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader
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Description: There is a Purple Sign on your door. Part VI.
Fluff. Dazai Pampering
Warning: OOC. English is my second language
You ran into Dazai right before you went into your room. He leaned on the wall and grinned, looking at you.
"[Y/N], my dear Iris Flower! I have been waiting for you." His dark brown eyes shined, when he looked at you. You tilted your head.
"Osamu? Do you need anything?"
Dazai took a step towards you and gave you a side hug. He put his chin on your head.
"Nothing much, just want to go for a walk with you. Come on, let's go, it will be fun!" Dazai gave you his best 'puppy dog eyes'.
You try to look away, but Dazai stepped to the side, so he still was in your line of sigh. You close your eyes and pinch Dazai's nose.
"These eyes should be considered a mass destruction weapon, you knew that?" asked you, still keeping your eyes closed. Dazai didn't answer. You feel, that he put his arms around your chest. Then, you felt his breath on your chin. Then you feel a little kiss right above your lips.
You immediately open your eyes. And stare right into Dazai's pleading brown eyes.
"Please~ My cute Iris Flower~" sang Dazai, squeezing you. You nodded and mewl.
"Give me a minute..."
Dazai's grin became bigger, and, after squeezing you one more time, he stepped back.
"I will wait for you!"
Dazai skipped down the hall.
You opened your bedroom door and walked inside. You mumble under your breath.
"People of the planet, I present you Dazai Osamu, Youngest Leader in the History of the Mafia, person with the darkest blood..."
You sighed.
"And a person, who will always hide, if he needs to be comforted..."
That happened every time Dazai felt down. While others will simply go to your room with The Purple Sign in their hand (or will be brought here by kids, in Oda's case), Dazai won't admit, that he wants to be pampered... That he can be vulnerable.
He would annoy you into handing out with him. And, no matter, how much you assure him, that he can stay, he never went into your room. Never asked to be pampered.
You looked around. You came closer to emergency shelf and took everything, that you need.
Few normal blankets. Few electric blankets. Two pairs of warm cozy clothes. And, from a drawer with Dazai's name on it, you take a bag with tokens for the arcade machine.
Maybe, this time, he will stay. You hopped, your plan will work.
Right before leaving the house with Dazai, you take The Purple Sign from the library and put into your pocket.
You two were simply walking, having no particular destination in mind. At least, it seems that way. You spoke, taking a bag with tokens from your backpack.
"Osamu, do you want to visit the arcades?"
Dazai was looking at something at the window display. His gaze caught your reflection and freeze on the token beg. Dazai blinked, then nodded carefully.
"Why not? Lead the way, Iris Flower."
The arcade was small, but have surprisingly good variety of games. You and Dazai sat before one arcade machine.
Tokens were divided equally between two of you.
"Mario Bros Arcade" might not be the most existing game for Dazai, but, you two still can have fun.
The game begun.
You were controlling Luigi and Dazai was controlling Mario.
You didn't speak much for the first twenty phases, just exchanging some 'careful', 'attack that one' and 'good job', from time to time.
On twenty-first phase, you finally spoke.
"I was talking to others lately. And I learned something interesting."
Dazai pretend to be focused only on game.
You carefully nudge Dazai's shoulder with your forehead.
"Thank you, Osamu." Dazai flinch, he looked shocked. Truly shocked.
"Thank you for gathering others, while you still were back in your previous world."
Dazai was opening and closing his mouth, like a fish out of the water.
"Thank you, for being the one, who proposed others to stay with me."
Dazai took one step back and try to hide his face. The Game Over Screen appeared on the Arcade Machine display.
"Thank you for being my friend."
Dazai let out a small whine. His whole face was redder, that ripe tomato.
For one minute he was just standing here, covering his face. Finally, he spoke.
"I... I... [Y/N]..."
You put your hand on Dazai's shoulder.
"I knew, that you don't want to be seen as vulnerable. I knew, that you don't want to show weakness. But, Osamu, you are my friend. I am worried about you. Please, let me help you."
You took The Purple Sign from your pocket and hold it towards Dazai.
Dazai looked you in the eyes. Then slowly took The Purple Sign from you. For a moment, he simply holds it in his hand.
Then he gives it back.
"When we return, please, put in on your door, My dear Iris Flower."
You smiled.
Dazai's gaze became softer.
"So, how the whole 'Purple Sign' works?"
You take two tokens from the bag.
"First, we can play a few more games. If you enjoy them, of course."
At the end, you two played a few more games, both in co-op and against each other.
While Dazai managed to win against you and got more points, when you were playing together.
It was fun.
You two were sitting in a hot pot/barbecue restaurant. Dazai was talking, while you were cooking crab meat for him.
"I wanted to hurt you."
You put a few pieces of pork on the grill.
"But, after I knew you better, back into our old world, I try to make it all better... Gather others. Train Akutagawa and Atsushi. Always was on my guard, making sure, that no one, who wanted to hurt you, get into this world..."
Dazai sighs.
"But... After knowing you in reality... I feel so guilty for wanting to hurt you... I... I was..."
"You were planning to torture me, remembering your past in the mafia."
You took cooked pieces of crab meat from the pot and put it on Dazai's plate. Then you put grilled pork alongside them.
"Osamu, as long as I know, you weren't the only one, who wanted to hurt me."
You put more meat on a grill.
"And I will repeat as much as I need, I am not blaming you. All of you were in a terrible situation, and it was understandable, why you would want to hurt me."
You stir the hot pot, making sure, that crab meat is cooked perfectly.
"I was an Entity, away from your previous world. I was someone, who watched your lives, who knew your secrets."
You start filling your plate with cooked food. Dazai spoke.
"Still... What if we got into your world before we learn more about you? Before we changed our mind about hurting you?"
You looked Dazai in the eyes.
"Then I would spoke to you, apologies and promise to never read about your lives of watch about it."
Dazai picked up pieces of crab meat.
"But, what if we didn't believe you?"
You raise an eyebrow.
"Do you think I could trick you, Ranpo, Allan and Fyodor?"
Dazai didn't answer, he started eating his food.
"What I mean, Osamu, that I am not mad. I don't want you all to live in the past. Let's move forward together."
Dazai was still silent. Then, suddenly, he picked up crab meat you have on your plate and ate it.
"Will think about it, after I ate all the crab meat you have."
You scoff, ignoring Dazai's chuckles.
You take a little stroll in the woods, before returning home.
You put The Purple Sign on your door and both you and Dazai enter your room.
With purple lights on, you quickly arrange a 'blanket nest' from normal blankets and electric blankets. After you two changed in comfy clothes, you turned on the kettle.
While water was boiling, you change Dazai's bandages. You kissed every scar he had. Two on the collar bones, one on the right arm, one on the left arm.
The water was boiled.
You and Dazai sit on your bed, snuggling against each other under the blankets, drinking tea.
From time to time, Dazai kissed the crown of your head and your earlobe. You, in return, kissed his chin and cheek.
After that, you two fall asleep, cuddling each other. You were warm under all this blankets, laying near each other, holding each other.
You were happy to have BSD. Cast in your life. And you were grateful for Dazai, for bringing them all together. And to you.
A/N: Japanese irises symbolize elegance, admiration, strength, hope, courage, and health. In the language of flowers, they are also associated with trust, valor, and wisdom, in addition to loyalty, good news, glad tidings, and the arrival of happiness.
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literatureloverx · 2 months
i feel like fyodor would like a smart darling, just not socially smart. not the kind of intelligence that would allow you to figure him out—definitely not the type that would impose a threat to his manipulation—but more of a book smart. where he can have interesting conversations with you about some nuanced topic where there is no right or wrong, just different perspectives. having you read one of his favorite novels and then hearing the way you interpret it, discovering the ways you think. he gets to figure out the way your brain works AND talk about things he likes. i could also see him enjoying a darling who’s knowledgable in science. tell him about physics or austronomy, share your thoughts on some menial dwarf planet that exists right next to saturn. or maybe some random species of animal or plant you know too much about. inconsequential knowledge that fascinates you. i bet he’d really like it if you were into biology, especially, any branch of biology that used in the medical field. i say this because we know he’s religious and back in the days nuns were the only women permitted to get an education. more specifically, they were taught medicine. even just throughout history women have been associated with ‘healing’ and taking care of people. so i reckon fyodor would really like it if you were a doctor (or something similar). not only does it please his little traditional brain, BUT it also makes you a useful asset. plus you can help him with that whole anemia thing going on. the only science i bet he’d disapprove of is psychology. i do not think he’d like you trying to analyze him that deeply lmao
Oh wow, it was so interesting to read. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! ❤️
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whitelionspirit · 1 year
Been a minute but some thoughts about linguistics reader! In bayverse.
You met Optimus and the others during the beginning stages of working with NEST. While young you were one of the more skilled people in their arsenal as you took special interest in the ancient language that is Cybertronian.
Being the only human who could decode and understand the language you became crucial in communication with the Autobots as you gain the attention of Optimus who was very interested in your work and your grasp on understanding their language to any capacity.
As a being who cared deeply for history and science youboth got along swimmingly. It baffled everyone especially your superiors but they decided to use it to their advantage.
Over the course of the years working together the two of you developed a deep bond. One that was ripped away when the world turned on your friends.
It broke something inside of you when you thought they had been killed when forced to leave your planet.
Even when you found out they survived everything quickly changed and everyone had to flee. They tried to contain you to use you as a bargaining chip for Optimus but you were thankfully saved by Ratchet.
It put a target on everyone’s back and you soon found yourself being forcefully separated from the people who were your family.
For three years you were on the run constantly hiding until they finally caught up with you. Taken back to Chicago you were forced to work and be used as bait for Autobots.
It disgusted and devastated you to see humans experiment on Cybertronians as if they were just heaps of metal to dissect and create weapons from.
The day you were rescued was chaotic you were nearly fired on as you ran for safety in the lab. If you hadn’t been grabbed by Joshua and presented as a prized horse in front of the Autobots you probably would have tried to escape in the chaos.
You defended yourself explaining they had kidnapped you and forced you to do this.
They were shocked to say the least and from the look on Optimus’ face you felt the last of your already broken heart shatter. His last reigning hope had been soiled.
Even after leaving for whatever reason despite everything Hound scooped you up and carried you away from that hell of a place.
No one said a thing until you reunited with Bumblebee and the humans that they were protecting.
You nearly burst into tears at the sight of the yellow mech.
The talks of leaving and the revelation of Galvatron shocked even you. The questions turned to you to ask what you knew of this. You knew nothing and said so.
When Lockdown suddenly appeared you did your best to stay out of the way but got caught up in the fighting.
You and Tessa were taken aboard the ship. You tried to be a distraction for Tessa so she could get away as Lockdown spotted you and were forced from the car you had hidden in. He called you a rare prize indeed a human with the knowledge and history of Cybertron imbedded into your mind. Favored by the leader of the Autobots.
He tossed you into a cage near Optimus as if to taunt you both.
You didn’t speak at first but eventually you did not being able to bare the silence any longer.
“I’m sorry about the others. I didn’t want to help them but they forced me I didn’t know where you were but they knew just using me would attract them out of hiding.”
He was silent for a long time and it made you hate yourself more.
“It is not your fault my spark.”
The last of your sanity burst at his words as you began sobbing uncontrollably.
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nqmonarch · 5 months
Aeon Brainrot Fic Part 1
Goal: Make a yandere Aeon harem. This is part 1, introducing Aeon 1, guess who it is (it's in the tags).
Aeons can transform into human forms to like blend in and shit, they're still Aeons but they're not the size of a planet. It's like true form human form shit, not sure if that's canon (it is for Aha apparently) but it is in this story.
CW: None, but this series will probably become a yandere one later (but that's not in this part) so get attached at your own risk.
Your search history was downright concerning.
Hot Aeons near me
Would you die if you fucked an Aeon
Fuli video IPC
How to talk to an Aeon
Can you bring dead Aeons back to life
Who is Idrila
Can you date Aeons
That was okay so long as none of your coworkers knew about it. People on Herta's Space Station tended to have some weird interests but yours... they'd gone a bit far. On the bright side thanks to your knowledge of Aeons (even if it was due to unsavory desires like holding an Aeon's hand) you'd been recruited to help with the Simulated Universe.
You just weren't allowed to experience it yourself. Huge L for you. Instead you had to watch as this random space racoon ran through it all AND HOLY SHIT DID THEY JUST GET KISSED BY YAOSHI? NO FUCKING WAY!!!
"Trailblazer," You were near tears when they exited the simulation causing them to rush over to you, "How-- how could you? I thought we were friends..."
The Trailblazer looked at you nervously like a lost child as Herta let out a 'tch', "Control yourself," She turned to the trailblazer and began to brief them about Yaoshi all while you stared at the floor in despair.
"...It should've been me..." You whispered punching the floor softly and then apologizing to it, the floor didn't deserve that.
Sure you may be a minor fan of the Aeons, they were really cool, and maybe you made fanart and fanfiction of them and consumed a lot of it (the very little there was, to be honest the majority of the merch was by you) and bought all the merch even the overpriced Qlipoth merch from the IPC and maybe-- Okay you were a fan. You weren't a fanatic though it wasn't like you were stalking the Aeons or giving them gifts but... No. Your morals went against that, you were a good person who just happened to like atrocious people.
But Aeons couldn't be judged by human standards, so you couldn't say they were atrocious. But it'd be so cool-- so so cool to meet one. You at least had to try, but how?
You gave up. It was impossible to meet an Aeon of your own will, and once more you were confined to your bed of tears. You weren't able to stay in your room and cry for long though because this new researcher had taken up a hobby of annoying you. You didn't even know their name they were just always there.
You were making some work appropriate art of Tayzzyronth, a beautiful creature despite the destruction it left in its wake. You heard it'd been born out of loneliness being the last of its species-- ISN'T THAT TRAGIC?! You really wanted to hug the poor bug. But if it wasn't for that loneliness it would never be able to become the beautiful Aeon it could be, what a tragedy...
"So, whatcha doing?" An androgynous voice came from behind you, as you shot into the air, and slapped your hand over the person's eyes.
Oh it was them, you should really figure out their name, "Shit-- I thought I told you to stop sneaking up behind me?!" The panic was barely concealed in your voice as they slipped their hand up to remove your hand from their eyes.
"Damn, you suck!" They said, the audacity of this no name researcher!
You glared at them, holding your hand to your chest, "Excuse me?!"
Unfortunately for you, they took the opportunity to look at your laptop behind you, "Ooo where'd you get this photo?"
You were going to cry. Actually, maybe if you knocked them out you could convince them it was a hallucination. Well, a good punch to the head should do it! You raised your fist and punched them straight in the jaw. They stumbled back, still clearly conscious, and a light blush on their cheeks.
Maybe you should've aimed for the eyes? Eh, whatever you could just keep going until they were knocked out. You raised your hand again, maybe a good slap across the cheek would be better. It connected with a snap, leaving a red imprint on their cheek.
Fuck, they were still conscious. How were you going to explain this, actually, you should've tried this to start with.
You stared dead into the new researcher's eyes, "You were hallucinating."
Both of their cheeks were red as they blinked at you with amber eyes, once and then twice before beginning to laugh, "Ahahahahaha!" They began to clutch their stomach and you began to look around for a weapon.
You had no other choice now, "Man I really didn't think you'd do that!" They spoke elatedly, as you grabbed the monitor from your desk, they paused. "Wait what are you doing?" You raised the monitor above your head and they began to laugh hysterically again.
You paused letting out an aggrieved sigh, "Stop laughing!" What was wrong with this person?! Sure the researcher's at Herta's Space Station were weird but this one was extra weird-- actually you'd met weirder. You lowered the monitor and stared at them calculatingly.
"Aw, why'd you stop?" They teased you, leaning closer to you.
You don't think you'd be able to get away with murder. "I wasn't going to do anything." You stared blankly into their eyes and put the monitor away.
"Oh c'mon, is it because I was laughing?" They scuttled after you like a rodent, "Do it, do it!" They egged you on, "Why're you putting it away?"
You looked back at them blankly, "It was never out in the first place. You're hallucinating."
They blinked back, once, twice, "So... was I also hallucinating about the Tayzzyronth fanart you made?" This bastard. No, no if you killed someone you'd get found out. Maybe you could lure them to one of those airlocks and they could mysteriously fall out into space? Yeah, yeah, that'd be good.
But right now, you heard the steps of several researchers shit-- break must be over. You ran over to your computer closing out of your drawing program, and fifteen different tabs all relating to Aeons, then cleared your search history. You were safe another day.
Except... you stared over at the unknown researcher, "Not a fucking word."
They nodded, and you heard your coworkers enter, "Y/N, you stayed behind for lunch? Make sure to take care of yourself too," Generic coworker number one said and you nodded absentmindedly in response as the unknown researcher turned to them.
"Hey do you guys want to see this really cool art Y/--" That fucker. You ran over, slapping your hand over their mouth, and letting out a nervous laugh.
You stared at your coworkers, "Uh my... my..." fuck if only you knew this person's name, "lover,"
"Yes, my lover seems a bit tired I will uh put them to rest, please give me some time," You said letting out a small forced laugh and you heard the unnamed researcher begin to laugh from behind your hand you turned to them with a glare and whispered, "I will choke you."
With that you dragged them out of the room, keeping your hand over their mouth. Once you left the room you decided to let them breathe but instantly regretted it, "Choke me like you hate me but you love me--"
"Why are you like this?" You stared at the researcher pitifully and they only smiled at you.
"So about that fanart--" They began.
"Can you keep your mouth shut?!" Sure it was known that you studied Aeons but, your personal feelings weren't as well known. Maybe you could just write it off as research?
Somehow this lead to you and this random ass researcher whose name you still didn't know in your room late at night. In exchange for their silence you had to show them your collection, which they were now leisurely thumbing through.
"Ooo, I always felt like IX would be super cuddly if they weren't like doomed to kill whoever they were near, just the vibes," They commented offhandedly looking at some of your fanfiction.
"Right?! You get it!" You said excitedly and at their stare changing to focus on you, you immediately receded into yourself, "Why did you want to look at this anyway?"
They blinked at you, once and then twice before a smile stretched their cheeks wide, "It's funny. I've met followers of Yaoshi who worshipped the ground they stepped on like little dogs! The Annihilation Gang would've done anything for their "savior" Nanook. But..." They stared at you, cheeks rosy and excited, "to love them all with such fanaticism, even I could barely stand Tayzzyronth! They were amusing but became tiring quickly. It's just fun." They grinned at you ecstatically.
"I'm not a fanatic," You said in defense, "I can just admire the beauty of the things around me."
"Ahaha yes, yes!" They nodded at your words and then with eyes still in the shape of crescents asked, "Do you have any works of Aha by chance?"
You perked up at their sudden interested and cleared your throat, "I mean obviously, each Aeon has their own strong suit and beauty. Even one that only chases laughter with no regard of their effect on their world. There's still something so charming about it," You said seriously staring into the researcher's eyes.
They read through fanfiction, admired fanart, and then broke your piece of merch. That fucker--
"Are you asking to get hit?" Your smile was strained as they laughed before pausing.
"It's starting to get boring again," They muttered and looked at you, thinking for a moment before shrugging, "I'll be back! Don't forget me, okay?"
You stared at them blankly, "Yeah, by the way, who are you?"
"Ahahaha!" They let out a laugh as you remained emotionless, "I was..." they placed their finger to their chin and then pointed it at you, "your lover right?"
With that you watched their body disappear into a stack of cards which fluttered throughout the room. What the-- Had you been hallucinating all along?! You stared at the space where they had once been.
If it wasn't a hallucination it was someone strong, who derived joy from making people embarrassed, and wanted entertainment-- maybe a slight masochist as well based on their reaction from you hitting them? Your heart began to speed up, if they were an Aeon it would be Aha but... Aha would probably bring more chaos with them, more destroyed things.
A card landed on your cheek and you moved to brush it off, but it stuck. And then the rest of the cards began to turn to your body and glide toward it.
"What the fuck..." You stared at them for a split moment before beginning to run. Fuck-- it didn't matter who they were! No way was that an Aeon! Probably was just another asshole from your department playing a prank on you!
Why were the cards still chasing you?! Surely if you ran enough they'd stop! You raced through the space ship until you eventually reached the room that was the entrance to the simulated universe. Oh there was the trailblazer and Herta how convenient!
"Can I get some help?!" You called out and they both turned to you, unfortunately talking made you slow down a bit and--
"Mfmph..." You were a card mummy now great, at least you found someone that can help-- WERE THEY IGNORING YOU? AFTER ALL YOU DID? TRAILBLAZER NO-- YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE FRIENDS
Yandere parts won't be showing yet, they'll show later when some more Aeons are introduced (on this note I really do have to catch up with sim universe for the few crumbs of Aeons we're allowed because like 75% of this is just my delusions, but hey that's fun).
Pretty sure Aha is canonically a masochist because of the Aha doll thing. Anyway I feel like Aha would eat up someone being like romantically into not just one Aeon (like the one they worship) but literally wanting to fuck all the Aeons including Tayzyyronth which let's be honest, people aren't super big on because of the murder.
Also I feel like Aha would be into fanfiction and fanart and all that stuff? Dude would be one of those fans that leaves trolling hate comments on their favorite work but if the author stops updating they will hunt them down.
Anyway don't let that distract you from the fact you were about to murder a new researcher over seeing your Tayzzyronth fanart.
I wrote this in 2 hours on the spur of a whim
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warsamongthestars · 1 month
I became curious about something; how different do you think things would go if someone else but Crosshair had a 'functioning chip'? Say Hunter was the one 'loyal' to the Empire. Because then the rest of the Batch would suddenly stand leaderless for instance. Ignoring the bad writing of the show of course. (Sorry if you've covered this somewhere already.)
I prolly have covered it? I don't think so, but I also don't remember, and I am doomed to inevitably repeat things as all who forget their history are will to do...
I think that the situation is an interesting story to explore.
But if it followed TBB's logic, it would be one that, unfortunately, would inevitably done the same things that occur in TBB, without fail and maybe with only minor to insignificant one-line differences.
( Almost word per word, exactly like a fanfiction rewrite that spends a majority of its time just copy pasting lines word per word without taking it stories into new directions... just merely adding scenes that get a Mature Rating slapped on )
Because TBB is not, in fact, written to tell stories but sell you something for attention and subscription money. It was never going to be deep, it was only going to bank on hype, rush and attention-of-the-moment; and it was never going to follow any kind of character or character arc beyond how it affects their OC and the OC's rival character.
So to follow the lines of this logic, to follow TBB, is to place Hunter as Omega's anime rival... and it would be just like Crosshair's arc, if not exactly. Maybe a change of planet, maybe a change from sniper rifle to combat knife, exchange the energy bow for a vibrosword, but the result wouldn't be any different.
If we were to follow the line of thinking, with the idea that unique characters make the plot, they are not made by the plot... And that means following the character as they are introduced and presented, with all implications in mind, with the world build of Star Wars and the set up of the Clone Wars...
And of course, adding the best parts-- human experience and human imagination in a beautifully gruesome mesh-like disaster...
It starts with the fact that the Bad Batch are killers first and foremost. They brag about putting down insurrections and killing the people involved [the Yalbec story from the Bad Batch arc of season 7. The implications behind their bragging are horrifying, so I grabbed popcorn.], as well as the fun additional information that suggests why there was an insurrection [ I'd be pretty pissed too if my giant bug mother was hunted down and killed because her stinger was delicious to some cultures, and even more so if the Republic we're apart of does nothing about it. ]
They all follow the Empire, because its easy. Even better, they're highly regarded for their skills, probably finally get a paycheck with benefits. To the bad batchers, there really isn't much difference between the Empire and the Republic, the Empire is just the Republic with the shackles off anyway, and they're just continuing what they've been doing since deployment.
But because the chip runs on regular clone genome, not their mutant modified brains, that's when conflict would begin arise.
That's the sciencey-bullshit explanation.
The narrative-bullshit explanation, is that the strongest parts of each character can break through the evil-artifact's influence, provided that what is strong about them isn't what the evil-artifact attaches / attacks.
That's a general set up. So let's add your suggestion as a spark point to get stories going moving forward. Setting up the setting is all nice and dandy, but we need Ideas now.
So let's add in the idea that while everyone knows something is probably wrong, but can't quite put their finger on it, they know that there is obviously up with Hunter.
He's colder, he's more vicious, he's not the anxious compulsive snarker now, he's seemingly more a perfect soldier than any reg. Orders are absolute and be damned to anyone in the way.
( It was already noticed that the regs are acting like that too, regardless if they were like that before, and this on the backburner of the minds of the Bad Batch. But because most of the Bad Batchers are "special" (save Echo, who is freaking out) they don't consider themselves to be as knee deep in the cacky as they actually are. )
Echo is the very first one to call it out. He knows something is wrong. His brothers aren't acting right, the Bad batch have been getting these odd headaches, and Hunter has done a total 180. But given that Echo is new, the rest of the Batch try to confront Hunter.
( The jedi are dead. Echo saw the massacre reports and recordings via his new built-in hacking skills. Rex is dead, Jesse is dead, Kix is dead--everyone he has ever known, is gone. And if they're not gone, they are certainly not them anymore. Echo wants desperately to trust his squad--they're the only ones left... )
They send Wrecker first, because its hard to do anything to Wrecker. Wrecker's general warmhearted rough housing, results in being yelled at and given a vicious cold shoulder. Wrecker leaves Hunter alone, and becomes depressed.
Then its Tech, who isn't a socialite by any means, and tries to break the ice, so to speak, with fun information facts he's learned. When Hunter ignores him, Tech skips right into direct confrontation, breaking down that there is something wrong going on and they're in the middle of it, Hunter shuts him down. Tech leaves Hunter alone, and copes by putting his mind to a nearby droid project, and never saying a word to anyone.
Then the big one, Crosshair. Second in command, confident and in control, and the biggest asshole when he has had it with someone. He straight up confronts Hunter, no preamble, though unlike the avoidant Wrecker or the bullheaded Tech in confrontations, Crosshair hits his marks.
"You weren't like this before." "You're acting like a Reg." "Since when did we care about Orders?" "Since when did we care about missions beyond surviving them and the GAR?" "You notice how the Empire is killing regs enmass?" "You're going to led us to our death with that attitude."
( It should be noted, that Hunter's original self, has just enough capacity over his chipped brainwashing to not report his brothers, nor to execute them for defying Order 66. )
( This is not enough, however, to stop him from retaliating with the full force of a wild animal. )
Hunter and Crosshair end up in a fight. Hunter, at his worst, is a vicious dirty fighter who uses his environment and flexibility and stealth, to take down an opponent. He is wicked wiht a knife and small arms, Crosshair's absolute weakness as a primarily long ranged fighter. Hunter, chip or no chip, does not attack to kill his brothers, but Crosshair is dragged to medical afterwards for an "incident with a training droid".
Echo has had enough. Lines have been crossed, he has been told to sit back and wait for the team to handle it, his own feelings are a chaotic mess, and now his alarms are going off.
Whatever is going on with the clone army and with Hunter, its not something that can be reasoned with, and its certainly not something that can be done about when under the scrutiny of these natborn officers.... These new officers who would order public staff executions, and gods knows what else they do to the planets they occupy...
The only decision is to run and maybe, find a way to help from the outside, because they're not doing shit here.
( with dragging of feet and looming disaster in their minds ("We're just, leaving Hunter behind!?"), it doesn't take much for Echo to convince the remaining squad that they can't handle Hunter right now, but maybe, just maybe, they can find help and get him later. )
( "He'll be fine, he has to be fine, they aren't going to kill him because of our failure, that'd just be a... waste of resource," says Echo, "We just need to sell it like its a mutiny." )
They do. Hunter is hard to deal with one on one, but collectively (well, minus a wounded Crosshair) its easy to cause a scene and punch his lights out in front of cameras.
The tricky bit is running to the Havoc Marauder. They are, of course, successful, but not without some strange, unseen, outside help from a blond haired clone cadet we haven't seen up onto this point. To CF99, it just seems like coincidence that the blast doors reopen as they're closing, and that training droids are suddenly flooding hallways.
They fly off.
And that would be... well, at least the first five episodes maybe? No TV show movie or 1 hour episode start, just, full on first quarter of season 1.
This is just my idea of it... but it starts with setting Echo up as the leader of the Bad Batch, and it does not involve Omega having center stage, but merely being an implied part of plot to be revealed later.
As for what happens going forward, that depends on what we want them to face. Do we want them inevidably heading to Wayland? Does Wayland even exist as it does in TBB or is it something else? Does Pabu exist or maybe are we canonizing old media planets into the Disney verse? Does Cid exist or is someone else around?
The best thing about a over arching episodic story... is that you can literally do anything, as long as you know the world build and the rules of the "game". There's a lot more that can be done in the STar Wars sandbox than just rehashing familiar shit for kudos and likes.
But we can set up a few things from what we know prior and from what this set up already has.
Rex is out there, starting the Rebellion, and he's working to free clones--which is perfect in order to get Hunter back. This also sets up the reveal of the chips as well as the fact that it was Fives who discovered them, and it was only by slim chance, that Rex ever escaped in the first place.
Crosshair would understand the logic of leaving Hunter, but the emotional impact of leaving a brother for potential dead, would immediately make him a rival challenging character to Echo. The writing rules of this situation, however, is to make him merely a rival, not a saboteur. Just because someone is a dick, doesn't mean they're going to unscrew the ship engine and tell the enemy where you're at. This is very important to keep in mind.
Each Bad Batcher would have an episode to come to terms with leaving Hunter, facing what their relationship with him meant to them, and dealing with the possibility that he may or may not come back. Part of this is returning to a post-battle Kamino and finding 99 was killed, which would play into why each Batcher is anxious.
Just as well, for emotional character scores that doesn't involve the plot or grief, each Batcher gets an episode to face the galaxy on their own merits, potentially leading them to a finale arc later on for when this initial over-arching plot is over, as a way to either allow the next over-arching plot or to retire the character for now. Rule of writing? It has to bee on their merits alone, not detailing their relationship with their team.
Of course we're going to have team episodes that help define to the audience what kind of relationship with batcher has with one another.
And we're gonna need episodes where the Bad Batchers butt heads with Echo as Echo leads a team that he wasn't a vital part of, and didn't share much history with.
Obviously we have to save Hunter. None of this 3 years separation-dangle-him-in-your-face shit. And Just as the other batchers get their own character episodes, both for their histories and themselves facing the world--Hunter needs those too without the looming threat of the chip. But before we get there, we're going to have fun with his chip episodes but allowing him to have an evil arc with obvious internal conflict--as his true self fights with the evil outside forces controlling his life.
I know I don't like her as she's treated in TBB, but Omega would be an interesting character to use without putting her in the spotlight. We do need someone around who knows their medical. Just maybe she's integral to freeing Hunter...
Because I love a dose of self indulgence, and every writers needs that in their stories, each Batcher gets a Chip episode or Chip Arc in some fashion. Enough to ensure character conflict and growth, and also to inspire fans to create their own Chip AUs. Could be that, because of how CF99 was made, removing their chips are a lot more complicated than just a brain operation on a derelict ship.
New Clones introduced of course. Perhaps those who would've filled in for clones who died in TCWs--like, since Commander Ponds die, who was Windu's new Commander for the rest of the war? And those from TBB, cos let's face it, thems were awesome too. Mayday might just survive this time!
No Guest Characters. If there are, they need to have a serious connection to clones, other wise, someone is robbing story and character for cameo rights, and that's not how you make a story. This is a clone story.
If we're gonna have Rex, we need Cody. Cody needs to be totally chipped as a foremost example of how bad the chip gets. He's meant to serve exactly as he's intended, as he's done in all his appearances, and in this case, he needs to additionally be Rex's rival and antagonist character.
And the final writing rule, the most important one...
Clone stories need to have an element of tragedy and finality. You don't have to kill a main character to get it, but there is no happy ending here.
The happy ending is performed by Luke Skywalker in "Return of the Jedi".
We can only achieve Bittersweet, at best. Everyone can live, and still lose.
Its by this rule, that Order 66 really is the tragedy its born to be and not just an excuse for the plot to get rid of all the Jedi characters.
We should see its direct effects as a clone story, and not just some one handed episode that never becomes relevant again. When this story ends, the loose ends should be on purpose as a message of "Because of the events leading to this story, this rope is permanently cut and can never be tied again. This is not a place of honor, we are survivors of the worst and the world cannot be fixed."
I wasn't expecting to write a full episode with a concept board attached, but damn, here you go, a full novel for your question.
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the-badger-mole · 6 months
A Dark Aang story sounds interesting! Does he view himself as the "superior" Avatar?
Not out loud....
So, I do have a Dark!Aang storyline floating around the archives of my mind. If you've followed me a while, you've probably seen me mention Superboy Prime!Aang. Essentially, Aang doesn't necessarily see himself as the best Avatar. Rather, he thinks that being the Avatar and the last representative of the spiritually superior Air Nomads, he's better than everyone else on the planet. Not that he says so out loud, but it's clear in the way he looks down on other cultures, especially the SWT (them being more overtly dependent on hunting for survival). The premise is that Aang's inability to regard all cultures and peoples equally is his flaw as Avatar. It comes out in his relationship with Katara, obviously, but it's bigger than that. Eventually, he gets it in his head that his ultimate role as Avatar is to set people down the path of spiritual enlightenment in order to keep balance. Between his imperfect understanding of Air Nomad philosophy and history, and his ability to take away bending, he eventually crosses a line he can't come back from.
Now that Guru Pathik has been mentioned, I don't see him playing a huge role in the story, but I could absolutely see Aang going back to him to learn how to control the Avatar State. I think Pathik would tell Aang that he still needed to let go of his unhealthy attachments, including Katara, and that is when Aang would get smug about not needing to let go of anything to gain access the Avatar State. Of course, he still can't really control it, but that's just details. Eventually, he does get to a point where he can go in and out of the Avatar State at will, but he usually ends up causing way more destruction than he intends...
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pigdemonart · 3 months
Do you ship Fox and Krystal?? Because they were my childhood 🥺 baby's first otp yknow
hahah I do! But with a BIG asterisk. Putting it under cut for INSANE STAR FOX RAMBLINGS
* <- the big asterisk: I ship them, but like I also am okay with them not being end-game. I think their relationship could be so much bigger than that!! OK so, let me explain. When I was a kiddo I shipped them! I was a baby furry and I loooooved that there was a playable girl character in Star Fox FINALLY (though, you know that was for only a split second bhnjmk) But now, I just think the way they were both written in the games was a little boring and one-note. Also just uncomfortable at times, since her first appearance Krystal was made out to be weird kinda-fetishy, sex-appeal and not much else. I don't think that's a controversial statement though LOL Later games I don't much feel for their chemistry either, though they have cute moments here and there. The more interesting parts about them is when they're not seeing eye-to-eye and they're apart from each other, honestly. So in my drawings I was picturing something less canon and more re-imagined. Krystal is the lone survivor of her race and she's on Sauria trying to find the truth about what happened to her home planet while also aiding the local wildlife. I don't imagine the dinosaurs speaking much in my version, but Krystal is telepathic and an empath, she can read their minds well enough to talk to them and be understood. I imagine also she knows about Andross, but doesn't believe he's the reason her planet was destroyed (there's disagreements on if that is canon or not, and I think its pretty silly to blame every bad thing on the one guy.) I think it would be fun if Krystal (never being encased in a crystal because that plot was dumb) meets Fox on Sauria early on in the events of Star Fox Adventures. I mean it would have been GREAT if Krystal was his partner, instead of Tricky. Though in the drawings I included Tricky too, cuz why not? I like the dynamic of Krystal being kind towards all living creatures and Fox having to learn to keep up with that. Nature never seemed like his -thing- ya know. See I like the idea of their personalities crashing a lot at first. They are from different cultures and backgrounds, their understanding of Lylat history is different -- Fox being from Corneria means he views the war against Andross as a necessary thing, something Andross brought on himself and eventually paid for with his life, not to mention the death of his father weighs heavily on him forever. Krystal disagrees, being a firm believer that war is never the answer and the price of peace for some came at the cost of the death of others, including her own people. Like...DO YOU SEE HOW MUCH THEY WOULDN'T MIX, they are just too different and too caught up in their own life missions to really get the other's intentions. But then in spite of all that, they become friends. I think my ver. of Krystal while looking down on Fox somewhat for being a mercenary would also be intrigued by him. She would want to know how exactly this guy and his team defeated Andross, and from there know more stories about his life. Likewise, Fox being stuck on ground on Sauria with Krystal I think would open his eyes a bit more (lmao touch some grass for once) and they would at least bond with each other while also helping each other stay alive. I think they realize on their own that they each bring out good things about one another... at least at first.
In the games Krystal is pretty much assimilated into Star Fox and we don't really see how that happens or how she really feels about it. We just know she eventually breaks up with Fox and cuts ties with the rest of them, something that broke my heart when I was a kid, but I'm not super against or in disagreement with. Personally I just think her sort of beliefs and upbringing would have never lent itself well to the line of work Star Fox does, at least not so easily. It came off to me like she was a young woman caught up in a romance that felt right at first and then became bitter and unfulfilling once reality set in. And in my eyes, I think its more interesting if she becomes disillusioned with Star Fox and the Cornerian Defense Force because, put simply, Krystal isn't pro-military. And that's sad...but it's pretty raw, too. And I love my stupid children's game about furries in space being full of dark themes!! Nintendo already set the domino pieces up, I just feel like we never got to see them all come tumbling down. We were teased with possible ideas that the Cornerian army and General Pepper were morally grey and that Andross had good intentions mixed in with every totalitarian thing he did. Krystal even is the one to defend Andross in one scene in Command, which is fucking crazyyyyyyyy!!! but it doesn't GO ANYWHERE -tears hair out- But anyways, as you can see Fox X Krystal drives me insane. /pos There isn't really an ending I love or subscribe to the most from Star Fox Command. That game really just threw a lot of the fans for a loop with all the drama and "bad," not super fulfilling ends to beloved characters. Though, that being said, I lowkey like the Kursed/Krazoa arc for Krystal, I think it's like an interesting path for a character like her. Like yeah, turn this woman into a hardened butch bounty hunter!!!! why NOT!!! She'd get under his skin better than Wolf ever could!!! Plus, how often does a pairing go from friends-to-lovers-to-enemies-to-strangers?? Fox can't recognize the love of his life anymore because she's been fundamentally changed by the world HE introduced her to. Now they both gotta live with that with Sauria being nothing but a distant memory. It's tragic, it's messy, it can go in so many different directions and I just think these furries should yell at each other for my amusement. anyways that's all. :] i'm actually normal about them tee hee.
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egg-emperor · 2 months
Does Eggman really admire Gerald, or is he simply using the clout that comes with Gerald's legacy as a way to boost his own reputation?
"My grandfather was the legendary genius Gerald Robotnik! But you'll see that my inventions are far greater than his!"
I imagine it being something like that.
I can't imagine a hyper narcissist like Eggman respecting anyone, not even family, for such a long period of time. Gerald's greatest achievement was creating the space colony ARK, but Eggman's at a point in his life where he himself has made a plethora of giant space stations, captured entire planets, and successfully conquered a beast that eats space-time itself.
I'm certain Eggman is aware of the fact that he's achieved things on par with and greater than what Gerald ever did. So why would Eggman still put Gerald in a shining light?
The way I see it, Eggman admires his grandfather as much and as genuinely as an extremely self-centred egotistical narcissist can, which I don't think has to be not at all. By the way he talks about him at the end of SA2, it seems he does genuinely admire him and what he accomplished, in his own way. I think it's cool and interesting for him to actually kind of admire someone that isn't himself somewhat. And it gives the sense of betrayal he felt from his idol for almost dying because of him more impact, it wouldn't have as much meaning if he didn't really admire him in some way.
I like it because it's a rare case where he admires someone that isn't himself but it's not in an uncharacteristic way that goes against his attitude towards everyone else because it's in the most egotistical and self-centred way. Even his reflective speech at the end of SA2 wasn't without mentioning that he wanted to be "a great scientist like him". And not because of the goodness of what he tried to do for the world as he doesn't mention it at all, it was for his greatness with his genius, skill, and accomplishments from an academic perspective, not a moral one. He just wants to be a famous renowned scientist for his ego, not to help people.
He just wanted to be as successful as him and recognized and hailed for it, well even more than him because he's so egotistical to the point he wants all the attention in the world, and it seems that's what it was really always about in the way he talks about him. What it means for his potential, what he must be capable of too, and the attention and importance he could have, that's his mindset. It seems his relation to Gerald has always been a source of inspiration and pride, when he can say he's related to what was the greatest scientific genius of his time and the way he helps him recognize his own genius and potential.
His pride in his relation to him is obvious in the way he's always sure to emphasize "that's MY grandpa" when talking about how he was brilliant scientific genius
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And when he mentioned him in TailsTube, he just had to say scientific genius runs in the family as a way to bring it back to praising himself
He likes to remind people he's related to another genius and use it to boast. He can barely praise him without praising/making it about himself. There's a pattern in the circumstances he praises the skills/abilities/accomplishments of others, Gerald, Sonic, Sage, etc- they can all be used to praise himself with his connection to them. Because that's his grandfather, his arch nemesis, his creation. If they have respectable skills, what does that say about him as Gerald's genius grandson, or Sonic's longest strongest enemy, or Sage's brilliant creator? He can use them to say that he's even better for one reason or another.
And yes, as much as he admires Gerald, he still absolutely puts himself above him. He sees his accomplishments as far greater as a result, as well as of course being due to his massive ego and narcissism too. He seeks to surpass his grandfather and be recognized and hailed as the very greatest as he says he will mark a place in history as the ULTIMATE genius, that puts him above Gerald as the all time ultimate genius in history
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That's what he's aiming for, not second best. He wants to be the greatest of all time and go down in history like that.
And he says that despite Gerald's accomplishments in the past, it's his time now to be even greater
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And in Generations, he says nobody is as smart as himself for why he teamed up with himself from the past. With that it's just like a big fuck you to Gerald lol
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Not that he actually had Gerald on his mind at all when all he does is think about himself but he definitely really does think of himself as smarter and greater and even more brilliant than him because he's just that narcissistic and egotistical.
He still sees his own genius and accomplishments above all and Gerald is actually no exception despite the small amount of rare admiration he held for someone who wasn't himself. And it seems his admiration is mostly formed through the lense of what it means for him, his own skills and genius, what he's capable of and who he could become with his potential, which is why he was inspirational to him and regarded as a hero of his.
With the ways he's talked about him, him saying something like "My grandfather was the legendary genius Gerald Robotnik! But you'll see that my inventions are far greater than his!" would be fitting and seems to be his mindset, unsurprisingly. Now that he's far surpassed him by the sheer scale and volume of his accomplishments in science and the vast number to his name, he can boast about that too and use Gerald as a measuring stick and emphasis for his own greatness in comparison.
And it's a good point because while Gerald was a very smart brilliant man with impressive accomplishments and Eggman is a massive egotist, he has built tons of giant space stations, captured planets, taken control of world destroying beasts, created hundreds of copies of the ultimate lifeform Gerald created one of, even broken the world apart more successfully than he attempted, albeit for very different reasons and intended outcomes XD And his scientific accomplishments were done alone without a team of scientists and government funding like Gerald. So he kinda has a point, he just goes about it in the most egotistical way lol
I feel like it can still count as genuine admiration even if he does think of himself as superior and uses Gerald's status to boost his own ego further, it's just in his own narcissistic way but it's still something. He always recognizes the skills and strengths of others and can commend them for it, and it seems to be because of how he can use them to hype up himself for his connection to them, which he especially can when he's part of the same bloodline like Gerald. And his main focus in it was always how Gerald's accomplishments further proved his own potential to become a great scientist too and his desire to be renowned and much more successful too.
As much as he admired his grandpa and saw him as his "hero", he always thinks of himself the most highly and still takes little shots at him even indirectly. However, I don't think he'd completely downplay Gerald's skills and accomplishments and deny their impact and the things he found admirable and impressive, even after he's accomplished all that and more. Because he can compare and say "What he was capable of was impressive but I'm capable of even greater, just look at all the things I've done!" and inflate his ego even more! So credit where it's due is a good thing but he can still say all his accomplishments pale in comparison to all the things he's done to look even better.
I really like how unique and fitting Eggman's way of admiring things about others are and how it's still consistent with and a part of his narcissism and egotism, even, because it's through a lense of what it can say about himself too. And the way all signs point at Eggman being inspired by Gerald's greatness and accomplishments from an academic perspective and his status of being brilliant and renowned, instead of the way he worked to help people. It's like Eggman wanted to follow in Gerald's footsteps and looked up to him in a sense and saw him as a hero, but always had the much more selfish goal of being praised and famous in mind, instead of helping others. And that's what sets them apart in the coolest way!
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A brief-ish Analysis on the most important scene in For the Future lore: The Collector's Story
I needed a place to ramble, so here we go
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To start off with, the cover of the actual book is much simpler and more childish than the symbol we've seen in the past:
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So this book was probably made for this Collector specifically, or any young Collector to learn about their species. I'd also like to comment on the fact that while the book may look impossibly long, the stone pages coupled with the large font greatly shorten it. This doesn't mean it's not long, just not as long as it first appears.
This isn't important, just thought I'd point it out.
Moving on:
The contents of the book
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This scene confirms something very important, there were other Collectors
and from the looks of it, they weren't very nice. More on that in a moment
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The people depicted here are probably the ancestors of the Titan Trappers, seeming to worship the Collectors. But considering the Collector's tendency to wipe out anyone in their path, this isn't surprising. They seem to gain followers through fear, the type of fear they twist into awe and worship.
I find this especially interesting because Belos gained followers in a similar manner, fear turned to worship. First of all, I'd like to acknowledge they are still very different. Belos's rise to power came about through manipulation and making everyone believe he could lead them to a better future, while the Collectors probably scared everyone into submission with the idea they could take down any who go against them in an instant.
But while their origins are different, they grow into something very similar. By season 1 and 2, Belos was forcefully gripping at control and using his powerful position to either capture any who rebel, and to invoke worship in the rest. Maybe I'm reading too far into it, I don't know.
Additionally, each group were trying to destroy an opposing species. Belos with witches and The Collectors with Titans
Long story short, The Collectors inspired fear and turned it into worship. Belos did something kind of similar. Also, Boscha and Kikimora also established a tyranny in this episode. Just some food for thought
Back to the book, the section that the Collector crossed out hold some heavy implications.
("But should they meddle in our affairs, we'll clean the planet and scorch the air")
Not just the ones who opposed them, the planet itself.
The Boiling Isles would be an empty mass of boiling sea if it weren't for the titan's carcasses. Without them, there would be nothing there. What if this is because the Collectors reset the planet, burning away anything that once rose above the sea and raising the ocean's temperature to boiling levels in the fire.
Or at least that's my interpretation
So, based on the information we have, the Collectors may or may not have had the power to wipe out an entire planet. Yet, they seem to have been completely wiped out alongside the titans, except for just one of their young.
We know a titan was the one that sealed away our Collector, so we can assume that it was an evenly matched battle, the two species wiping each other out. (King and our Collector probably can't reproduce, so their as good as extinct)
Okay, at this point, we've figured out a rough theory on the Collector's history, but how does our Collector play into this?
It's made very clear that our Collector isn't fond of his predecessors. He's a kid with a lot of power and was probably bored by the other's ideas of doom and gloom and the tendency to destroy anything interesting.
So our Collector decided to start doing things his own way. It's clear he didn't decide to step away from the old ways out of sympathy, rather, it was because he's a bored, lonely kid who wants to do interesting stuff like play and make friends.
Does he have any role in the destruction of his species? We don't know. Personally, I think he was placed in the mirror when he was really young, leaving him with nothing but vague memories and a book to get to know his predecessors by.
I believe this because it would parallel him more with King, both of them not being able to remember their species.
I think if the Collector learned to listen to king, they could form a really nice, genuine friendship
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ms-scarletwings · 1 year
A Speculative Analysis About Irkens No One Asked For: Part I
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Dem green fellas. Them lil guys, they’re an interesting pack of critters, aren’t they?
I used to really fixate on them back in middle and high school, stronger than everyone else seemed to be on the spazz in the dog costume. Jhonen Vasquez’s worldbuilding has always towed a very fine line between nonsensically ridiculous and surprisingly logistical, and this balance is typified in everything we know, and can infer, about these bug-eyed imperialists at the center of everything Invader Zim. So, let’s infer, and take a crack at it since no one’s stopping us anyway- More specifically, some thoughts and ponderings I had about how they “tick” as a fully realized society, not just a sci-fi monster..
A Homeworld Obscured 
Now, to really understand the history and “deal” of any civilization, or any animal, usually you would turn to their environment first to give you some handy clues and context.
Small problem, though: We actually don’t get much in the way of direct, explicit showing or explanations about Irk itself when it comes to the show. This makes some sense, given that the whole of what they do worth showing (and the most notable members of their kind) exists almost entirely off-world. So instead, we mostly find out more about Irk from what Invader Zim does tell us about its natives. As far as confirmed canon goes, we know that Irk’s atmosphere appears red, its surface is entirely and densely urbanized, and it’s long been depicted in starmaps with a set of Saturn-like rings. 
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  This last fact is probably the most interesting, because planetary rings are usually something we, in our own little solar system, would only associate with massive, gaseous worlds, not terrestrial ones.  What These rings are made of is really anyone’s guess- could be ancient debris from natural satellites, Water-ice particles, maybe even some form of artificial defense network put into orbit by the Irkens themselves. If they aren’t artificially created, this would suggest that Irk has quite a strong gravitational field- greater than that of any of our neighborhood’s rocky planets. This is the common theory I personally like to subscribe to, because it would also go hand and hand with explaining why the average height of the irken race is so much shorter compared to that of an adult human. It fits neatly into the “why” question for the sort of athletic skill and agility we’ve seen invaders able to demonstrate on Earth, too, for otherwise being of meek physical prowess. It even adds some credible context for why the very achievement of growing to a more substaintial height is both uncommon and associated with extreme survival fitness to them.
A Fun fact that’s about to be relevant: “Rayleigh scattering” is the term given to when light wavelengths become shifted and scattered through an atmosphere medium. Long story short, it’s the reason our sky has color to it during the day. Stay with me on this.
I’ve also seen some people take a go at the red-looking surface, guessing a different gas makeup than the elements on earth responsible for our blue skies. I’m gonna go against the grain here, and actually contest that. I think that Irk’s atmosphere is coincidentally extremely similar to Earth’s. We know well enough that they both have a similar composition of gases breathable to both societies, given that Zim, Skoodge, and Tak all seemed pretty comfortable without some form of assistance on the same dirtball as humanity. Instead, I propose that Irk’s magenta skies are actually the symptom of heavy pollution. Sunsets and sunrises in the real world are known to make the sky appear more reddish-orange, even pink, as is. Usually, Rayleigh scattering has the light From the sun appear bluish in full midday, but during low sun, the rays are coming at an angle making them have to travel farther before reaching us, so you have already stretched light waves getting the same treatment from the air and, well, a higher frequency blue turns down to the lower end of the spectrum, red and yellows.
And wouldn’t you know, air pollution can actually do the same thing. THIS is why there's a scary ass orange haze known to accompany the presence of massive forest fires and volcanic eruptions. Earth’s most polluted cities even experience longer and redder sunsets for the same reason. 
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Left: Image of a lilac sky over a Chinese city experiencing heavy smog levels Right: Intense red haze spotted over towns in Indonesia in the wake of rampant rainforest fires
On Earth, Zim stared directly into the midday sun without hesitation, nor concern that it would literally blind him. I think the planet hue and this is plenty enough to guess the likely case that Irk’s surface probably doesn’t get a lot of direct sun on an average day as is, and the sheer amount of unbroken cityscape that covers the homeworld would be the more obvious suspect than just having a more distant star from them. If they overcrowded to the point of their expansion, why build their civilization deeper into the ground, instead of up? Maybe there's actually a good reason or two they don’t raise their young topside.
A Psychology Molded for Domination
As well, I want to chirp about real world space again for a second. So, anyone up to the buzz in geek circles and aware of the math on the matter probably got the memo: humanity is almost matter-of-fact certainly not alone in this sandbox of a universe (or at the very least, we won’t always be alone). Like, about as certainly as we were about Black holes’ existence before we up and observed the real thing. And while it’s probably not going to happen in any of our lifetimes, sci-fi and media generally have been trying to take a crack for years at what the theoretical first contact with an alien civilization is going to look like. 
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And I’m gonna go ahead and say it, 
As “cliche” and Hollywood as the conquering little green/grey dudes trope might have become… it’s actually not a wild take after all. The little and green thing, that’s creative liberty, but the part about them being hostile and something we may not actually even WANT to be aware of our existence? That’s an idea that even the smarty pants experts have been fearing the realistic odds of, even including the late Stephen Hawking .
The Evolution of intelligent life is a hard thing to really pin down and predict, given that we literally only have the one example to study. Under the right conditions, what reason would another advanced species NOT have to be equally as expanding, as exploitative of its resources, self-destructively short-sighted, and as supremacist as humans have already demonstrated themselves to be capable of? There is a lot of very interesting literature that suggests BOTH empathy/altruism and or aggression/tribalism to be (at least in the short term) very rewarding characteristics for an intelligent social species to develop.
And that’s the thing about the behavior of the Irken Armada I think has always been fascinating. Their drive to be the biggest definitionally invasive species across the cosmos is framed exactly as irrational, bumbling, and pointless as it deserves to be; however, is it not just the extended conclusion of every empire that has existed here on Earth, if only it had survived long enough to achieve the technology of Irk? And yet, it’s reminiscent, like the rest of their design, to the far from sapient, yet very real world creatures they appear to be most inspired by: hive and colony building arthropods. Whether the next point I'm about to touch on should be seen as a rejection of that resemblance, or further elaboration of it is anyone's to answer.
Transhumanism, or.. Transirkenism, in this case?
Like the specifics of what Irk really looks like and how it realistically works, a bunch about the aliens’ physical biology is left to scattered tidbits to ponder and piece together into a bigger picture. A few of those tidbits are as follows, drip-fed to us over the course of aired and scripted but never released episodes:
+ From the mouth of Vasquez himself, it has been confirmed that Irkens lack any form of reproductive organs. Instead, they rely on industrialized facilities to grow and produce them in a factory sense.
+ Yet curiously, they still demonstrate something akin to sexual dimorphism, or at least the cultural existence of masculine/feminine genders, where females are aesthetically set apart by the presence of curled antennae, eyelashes, and higher voices.
+ Irken lifespans are able to stretch far past that of an average human’s (Zim himself is cited to be around 2 centuries old in earth years).
+ Invader class soldiers have been implanted with surgical upgrades to their eyes.
+ Every Irken is fitted with a PAK that serves a wide array of utility and life-sustaining functions for its owner. These units are physically and neurologically connected into an Irken’s spine from “birth” and contain a cybernetic backup of an individual’s personality, assigned occupational programming, and memories. 
That’s not close to a complete list by any means, but it’s got the gist of what I want to dwell on most, starting with the last bit; because the PAK isn’t done true justice in one statement. It is not an extra addition the way a prosthetic enhancement is, and it is not a tool the way armor and weapons are. It is literally analogous to a vital organ to these aliens, and they are shown to die within 10 minutes of being forcefully detached from their own.
The degree to which Irken bodies and minds rely on this technology, and how seamlessly they are integrated into it, ALONG with their completely artificial life cycle all directly points to the fact that their civilization has advanced into a cyborg-like stage of evolution. It may even be on track to reach a post-organical peak in due time, phasing out more and more of their “vestigial” and feeble meatsuits until they’ve become a true drone army. And that actually begs some huge questions now that we realize we will never know how much of the Irken anatomy was ever originally a natural feature. An Irken’s own brain practically comes secondary to the superior efficiency of the supercomputer on their back, capable of literally holding their own essence and being in the form of code. A code that can preserve the “self” even in the event of meatbody failure, being uploaded post-mortem into the Control Brains’ collective data and repurposed for a future generation of workers. It absolutely would stand to reason that the species has continued this biological self-tampering to other heights- extending their lifespans, incorporating untold amount of mechanical upgrades into their bodies, and maybe even genetically engineering their smeets to be so compatible with this technology.  The control brains themselves are a mesmerizing reflection of this change over time- the result of an evident shift long ago from technology serving them, to them serving the directives of computers. When you really pay attention to the control brains’ role in the series, it comes clear to you who (or what) is really in charge of their society. The Tallest still maintain their symbolic/cultural importance to the Irkens, but outside of their part in spearheading the active intergalactic invasion, they ultimately are figureheads when it comes to actually running the homeworld and ruling the lives of Irk’s inhabitants. If I had to bet money, I would say the Brains may even have the ability to choose and predetermine the next Tallest when a replacement is needed. But what does that make the Tallest? A meaningless title and transformation, chosen arbitrarily by the AI overlords? Well, I don’t think so, actually… but maybe that, and more on the “meaty” morphology of their race is all a tangent fit for another day and post ;)
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