#so sorry if it’s ooc for Wally
welcome-back-home · 1 year
paring:wally x puppet!gn!reader (romantic)
warning:nothing! just mostly fluff ^^
note:the following contains mentions of past personalities, I suggest you look at the following link to understand my puppet y/n au and have a nice read ^^
link: puppet y/n
it`s the start of a new day!
the sun shines and the birds sing, the air carries the smell of freshly bloomed flowers as spring begins. As the neighborhood becomes awake and busy, wally opens homes door to greet the outside, a smile on his face with a canvus and several bottles of paint in his arms. it was the perfect day to paint he believed "ill be back later home, see you soon!" he speaks to the house as he makes his way out the open door, with a creak and a squeak in response home shuts its door for wally as he had his hands full. what a nice home.
several minutes goes by as wally walks down the yellow pavement, passing by houses and work places of his fellow neighbors. until he spots it, a home that is decorated in a new design compared to yesterday. it`s still wet from fresh paint and the plants in the property was replaced with different plants, a garden gnome that was once there yesterday was replaced with a plastic flamingo and different colored stepping stones. it is the house of his beloved, a wonderful person...or people they are. he wonders who they are today, maybe a florist? or even a baker? whatever they may be today he will love them all the same.
while drawing closer to the house he noticed a person laying in the grass, face planted in the ground with their hair a mess and still wearing pajamas like it is not day just yet. wally drops his painting supplies in shock and runs over to his beloved, his felt heart racing at the thought that they have hurt themselves and he wasn`t here to help "my dear?” wally says as he slightly shakes them, fear gripping his heart....only for him to let out a sigh of relief when the puppet made a sound that resembles a groan and the muffled words "five more minutes".
wally chuckles a bit at his beloveds antic and shakes them again "sweetheart you should be sleeping in your bed, not the grass" wally says in a sweet voice, causing the puppet to turn their head to the side so wally can hear them "i wanted to sleep on my roof but i couldnt find my ladder" they said in a joking tone, it makes wally smile that they are ok. "let me help you up" wally suggested as he helps them off the ground, his beloved lets out a big yawn and rubs their eye, wally now noticed dark circles around their eyes, like they have not slept in days "oh dear, lets get you inside and into bed. itll be much better then the grass" wally stated as he leads them to their own front door "what about your paint stuff?" they asked as they saw the pile of paint supplies wally dropped moments ago, followed by another yawn "it`s not going anywhere" wally says "besides, you are more important" he added to his statement before he leads them inside.
it didn`t take long for wally to take them to their room so they can sleep in their bed, the layout of the home was the only thing that always remained the same each day. he watches as they crawl into their own bed only for them to look in wallys direction and beckons him to come closer, wally does walk over only to expect a goodbye kiss on the cheek. when instead they grabbed his hand to pull him in the bed with them "whoa!" he says in surprise as he now rests on the soft mattress full of many pillows and blankets…with his beloved wrapping their arms around him "stay with me? please? just until i fall asleep" they mumbled, already half way asleep.
wally can feel his heart speed up and his cheeks grow warm, he wouldn`t mind this but it was still a big surprise. he wraps his arms around his beloved "ill stay" he says in a whisper, not wanting to wake them up further by talking in a normal tone. it takes only five minutes for them to finally fall sleep, lightly snoring and their limbs go limp as they relax into their deep slumber. wally wouldn’t dare to move, he would give anything for this moment to last forever, but he knows that soon you both will have to get up and continue the day.
he stares at the nightstand, seeing a alarm clock reading 10:37 and still ticking... maybe a nap couldn't hurt, just 30 minutes longer...and he will then get up and do his daily painting… that sounds nice...
he slowly closes his eyes, being careful not to accidentally 'eat' one of the many trinkets in the room...and eventually...falls into a long blissful sleep.
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Wally’s anger issues
High chance of anger issues being showed wrong. Sorry if it is. Also ooc characters.
Wally knew he had anger issues, got them from his dad. Barely anyone else knew he had them. Good thing was Wally was good at hiding his anger.
He considered himself a master at calming down and hiding his anger. But when he and Dick were being yelled at for something he couldn’t control because an adult was stressed and decided yelling at teenagers was a good calming method. He was angry and it showed.
Wally was glaring at the ranting hero in front of him. It was Green Arrow who had to save the team on a mission because something went awry. But of course Kid Flash and Robin were at the crime scene both about to be seriously injured if it wasn’t for the arrow that stopped the villain in time.
Oliver was of course stressed. He almost saw two kids die right in front of him with him being only yards away. So he started taking it out of the kids. He knew he shouldn’t be yelling at the two. They’re still kids and still learning but god damn it they scared the shit out of him. So he was yelling.
“You two are the most reckless idiotic kids! Why would you two think going into the main control room with no backup was a good idea?.!” Oliver kept on only stopping to take breaths before he went back to pacing in front of the two ranting.
Dick had stopped listening to the hero a while ago. He learned to tune people out when he was younger so it came easy to him. He was just staring at the pacing man bored. Letting the other get his energy out.
Dick glanced over at him friend a grin on his face about to joke about the situation. When he saw the tightness of KF’s jaw. The vibrating on KF’s fist and his eye twitching glaring at the hero with unknown anger.
He stepped over and nudged his friend making the other look at him. Dick looked at him in question with a tilt of his head. Wally took a deep breath and seemingly calmed down. He didn’t look at Oliver the rest of the hero’s rant. Staring blankly at the wall.
Wally hated it. He hated having to watch idiots do something he could do in seconds but wasn’t allowed because “he would mess it up”. He knew his chemistry, science, anything that his uncle taught him.
But he was a kid. And he wasn’t an expert in chemical formulas. The only thing they were doing was pissing him off. Not to mention shutting up the only person in the room who knew what a fucking reactant and product was.
Wally was sitting by the wall watching Superman stare at the screen that held the chemical formula for fear gas.
The mission was for the JL to get to a villain gang that stole other villains things and played it off as theirs. The mission required Batman, Superman, Flash and Green Arrow. They needed the brains of Batman, the power of Superman, the speed and knowledge of Flash, and the marksmanship of Green Arrow. Sadly, Batman was distracted with tracking down the villains and Flash was passed out by taking a hammer to the face. Which, Wally would like to point out, did not laugh only merely chuckle.. a lot and loudly. Green Arrow was fanning Flash off having nothing to do.
The only reason Wally was there was because of his uncle and Batman. Barry suggested that Wally come along as Wally was better at chemistry than Barry. Wally seriously doubted that. Batman agreed and allowed Wally to join. Both Green Arrow and Superman were hesitant at taking a kid to the mission. They had Barry they didn’t need to endanger a kid for the sake of the mission they said.
And now look at them. Superman was struggling with a simple antidote for fear gas. Wally knew it. Wally had the formula forced into his head when Batman realized that he’d come over to visit Robin with or without permission. Batman took precautions and gave Wally a crash course in Gotham about what to do and what not to do.
“You know I could just-“ Wally pushed himself off the wall looking at Superman.
“No, sit back down Kid Flash. This is way to dangerous for you” Superman interrupted before looking back hearing Barry’s heartbeat speed up. Indicating that he was waking up.
“Ugh.. my head hurts.” Barry groaned sitting up rubbing his head, “what’s going on? Why are we still in here?”
“Well, Superbrains here can’t figure out science so we were waiting for you to wake up.” Green Arrow spoke behind Flash standing up
“Me? What happened to Wally!.?” Barry hurriedly stood up before noticing his nephew by the wall slumped down with a glare on his face.
“He’s fine, been a bit moody after we told him to back down when he tried to touch the chemicals,” Green Arrow shrugged walking past Barry to stand next to Superman, “You should work on his ego. He was snappy after we shooed him away from the computer,”
“What? Why would you shoo him away? He knows this stuff better than I do?” Barry asked watching as Wally sped to him stopping beside him. He put a hand on Wally’s shoulder noticing how pissed off Wally looked.
“Wait, you were serious about that? We thought you were just playing up the kid’s ability” Green Arrow asked glancing to the teen then to the computer with a guilty looking super in front of it.
Wally noticed how whenever he had food and it was stolen by someone that wasn’t Robin he got indescribably angry. He didn’t know why it was only Dick that didn’t make him mad but he was okay with it. Most people knew not to mess with a speedsters food, they needed it after all. Dick barely took food from him if he did it was usually just a few chips or a bite. Wally didn’t mind that he knew he could always get more.
But for some reason Roy didn’t get that. He would take a whole bag of chips out of his hand and sit down right in front of him eating it with a cheeky smile. Usually he had another snack on him so he could calm himself down with it.
But this time Wally was on his last bag of chips and he hadn’t ate in a hour so he was starved. But just as he was about to take the first bite it was snatched out of his hands along with the chip. Wally’s first instinct was to grab at the person who took his snack.
Wally grabbed Roys arm glaring up at him as Roy shoved a chip in his mouth,
“Hey, Walls! Just enjoying my snack here. Don’t mind me!” Roy grinned shaking the bag like it was his.
“Roy that’s my last bag. I haven’t ate in an hour. I’m hungry. Give it back.” Wally said his voice calm but his face blank.
Wally was seeing red, he really was hungry and he was really mad. He wished there weren’t consequences for kicking someone but someone could wish. But at that moment Wally really didn’t care for the consequences he was just angry and wanted to take it out on something. He’d go to the training room or even go for a run but he was hungry and didn’t have the energy.
“Give what back? This is my snack! I brought it from home-“ Roy teased unknowing about the storm growing in Wally.
Wally was about to say something his grip tightening for a moment before it loosened by a voice,
“KF! Guess what!” Robin stormed in rushing to his best friend. He jumped and tackled both of them off the couch. They landed in a heap on the floor Robin on top of Wally and Wally on his back looking up at Robin with a strange normal.
“Rob! What’s up? Did you finally convince Batgirl to go on a date?” Wally asked a grin growing on his face his anger completely dissipated at the sight of his friend. Now ignoring the slight lump at the thought of Batgirl and Robin.
“No.. but I did manage to convince B to give me his credit card! We can go get whatever we want! Maybe we can go out and get food then you can run us to France so we can hang out!” Robin stood up dragging up Wally with him a grin on his face.
“Oh how cool! I’m so hungry! I haven’t ate in an hour!” Wally followed Robin out the room leaving Roy alone with chips he didn’t even like. He just wanted to annoy Wally.. now he’s craving bread.
“Nightwing! Do you know what happened with the Justice League?.!” A reporter shoved a microphone into Nightwings face. Wally, who was still Kid Flash, stepped in front on Nightwing glaring down at the reporter.
“Haven’t we told you guys! We aren’t answering questions right now-“ Wally said annoyed.
Both he and Nightwing just got off a mission from Canada. A hero based there needed help and Rob had asked Wally to bring him to Canada. Turns out it was a good thing Wally had came along. There was a villain who had set up markers around the place and if they didn’t find all of them in time the towns would have been wiped out. Wally was a great help in getting around and getting all the markers in time.
However, it was a stressful day for the two men so they just wanted to go home. Or to Nightwing’s apartment where Wally could crash as he was too tired to run to Key Stone. In reality Wally wanted to hang out with his friend just a bit longer. Rob was having a horrible year. His younger brother died and the emotionally unstable man didn’t inform Dick till the funeral passed. Actually the man didn’t inform him at all. He had to find out by someone offering their condolences to him.
“Nightwing! Can you tell us what’s happening in Gotham right now? Is it true that Robin is dead? Is Gotham-“ Another reporter shoved a camera and microphone in Nightwings face. They were interrupted by a red gloved hand grabbing the camera lens and shoving out off Nightwings face.
Wally couldn’t believe the balls the damn reporters had. Asking that to Nightwing? In front of him? They were lucky if they could walk after he was done with them. Wally was about to step forward when an all too familiar hand grabbed his shoulder pulling him back and resting their head on the back of his neck.
“KF.. bring me home please.?” Dicks quiet voice wasn’t heard by anyone else besides Wally.
Wally turned to the reporter who was looking at him with a scandalized look that he had the guts to grab there camera that was playing live and push it away. Wally glared at them and turned around picking up Nightwing who wrapped his legs around Wally and ran off in a flash of yellow lightning.
‘Don’t stop!’
‘Get to Rob!’
‘Get to him! Help him!’
‘Ignore the pain!’
‘Ignore the hunger!’
‘Run faster and go!’
Those were the last thoughts that were running through Wally’s head before he was blinded by the bright white and then the pain in his legs. Then he felt the cold of the snow under his hands and legs.
“Ow- ow- ow- fuck!” Wally collapsed in the snow. The biting cold was a welcome feeling from the shock of the speed force. The speed force was like a never ending tunnel that even if he turned in any direction it would end nor change. He couldn’t stop. He didn’t know what would happen if he stopped but the over whelming gut feeling of don’t made him not want to find out. The never ending blur of white, yellow, blue, and sometimes red was blinding. The speed force was continuously feeding him energy with hits of lightning. The energy bursts were good but they hurt. The only thing that kept his mind from deteriorating was the idea of getting back to his Robin. He couldn’t leave his Birdy alone. He was sad! His brother died not even a few weeks ago! He needed to be there for him.
“Oh my god- my feet hurt! I’m hungry. I miss Rob. Rob! Where is he?” Wally felt like he was speaking too fast for even himself. Like his mind was merely a text he read thousands of time that he could say word for word. It was too fast and too slow at the same time. It was hard to think of anything else than Dick.
Wally struggled to sit up, his legs shook and his arms felt like jello. But he managed to hold himself up just in time to see the two streaks of color running at him. They were slower than he remembered. He could even count the amount of times their feet hit the ground before they skidded to a stop in front of him.
“Wally!” Barry couched down in from of Wally a hand on the others face like he was making sure the other was the real one. Bart, or impulse or from the looks of it Kid Flash. Was sitting to the right of Wally on their knees a hand on Wally’s back helping with holding him up.
“Hey, cool suit. Looks as good as if I designed it.” Wally’s voice was unused and gravely. But that didn’t stop him from teasing the kid.
“Wally! Your back! I thought I would just continue the hero name like Robin! But-“ Bart was cut off by Wally’s shaky hand on his shoulder.
“It’s fine- keep it. Uncle B, my face hasn’t changed that much right?” Wally looked forward at the man who was staring at him. Then Wally was surrounded by the older man’s arms. Wally relaxed into the hug. Soon the younger speedster also joined in on the hug just before Superman along with a kid how looked just like him showed up.
Wally was sitting in the medical cot. He was bored and he couldn’t stop thinking. Everything was so much slower and time dragged on. He had already got to have a heart felt reunited with his Aunt Iris and the other heroes. But he hasn’t seen his Robin yet.
Wally was tired of being treated like a glass doll. It made him angry. He wanted his best friend! He wanted to get out of this boring room! He wanted to go fast without the pain and with the freedom! He wanted to confess- okay. He didn’t think he could do that.. he just got back.. he knew he had been gone for almost two years. Did Dick even remember him? Was he still Dicks best friend? Did Dick change? Was Dick okay?
He needed answers! And a way to calm down! He noticed he got angered easier and even more violent with his anger. Not that he admitted that.
Wally was tired of watching the same thing over and over again. The TV in the corner of the room only had a cartoon and the news. Wally, as a grown man, watched the cartoon of course. Then he realized it was just a replay of the same cartoon after the third round. Then he turned on the News.
“-udhaven’s vigilante, Nightwing, is on the scene! Nightwing looks to be injured and barely dodging hits!” A woman called a microphone in her face. The video beside the woman was from a helicopter it was blurry but it showed a fight between a giant mechanical robot and Nightwing! His Rob was okay! Mostly okay.. Rob could dodge those hits easily. He and Rob trained a lot and his reaction speed was the best of the best. Due to training with a speedster.
Wally couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His best friend was fighting robots injured and no one was helping. Wally knew he shouldn’t be doing this but he got up and took a glance at the TV before he speed out the door.
He borrowed one of his uncles suits. It was one that had the top cut off showing Wally’s red hair. He didn’t know where Barry got it but it was his exact size. Wally then ran to the Zeta Tubes and hoped his code still worked.
To his surprise it did and he was transported to Earth. Now all he had to do was find his Robin.
Nightwing knew he wasn’t doing well. He stopped taking care of himself after Wally died. No. Went missing. After Wally went missing he ignored his friends and only got back in touch with his family because of how persistent Tim was.
His apartment was a mess, old moldy food, dirty clothes, just a mess. He couldn’t be bothered to clean. It wasn’t like anyone would come over any more. Not like he had a reason to even be- he should stop thinking.
Nightwing dodged a giant metal fist that hit the ground making the concrete crack. It was slower than he normally would but he blamed that on the injury and not the lack of food or sleep. He needed to get to the controller. The man that was making his creation do this. He was standing on a concrete bench laughing at Nightwing like it was a video game.
Nightwing was about to dodge again when a blur of red rushed to the controller and slammed into him. Making the man hit the ground with the remote and a crack.
At first Nightwing thought it was Barry. He knew Barry came to check up on him as a favor for Wally. Helped out when he could. But Barry wasn’t that violent and the streak wasn’t yellow so it wasn’t kid flash. Not his kid flash. No matter the many times Dick had smiled at the sight of the suit only to realize his friend was dead.
The man that had body slammed the other to the ground making the robot stop moving and the helicopter in the air go silent beside the wind. He had red hair sticking out the top.. like Wally. Green eyes.. like Wally.. the freckles that stuck out at the revealed skin on their face was exactly the same as Wally’s. His Kid Flash.
The maybe Wally turned to Nightwing who was frozen staring at the other. He held up a hand and did an awkward wave reminiscent of the same wave Wally did when they first met. Nightwing stumbled forward his mouth open in a silent plea.
Wally rushed forward and pulled Dick up and held him. Dick almost desperately put his hands on Wally’s face looking at the freckles Dick saw every day in his nightmares.
“W- Wa. KF.?” Nightwing only just remembered the helicopter that probably had audio. He spoke desperate and like he was trying to speak softly.
“Hey Rob, no one tell you I was back? Guess that’s why you didn’t visit me in the watchtower,” Wally teased he was holding Dick gently. He didn’t know where he was injured but he didn’t want to aggravate the injury more.
“Really.? You’re back.? How long?” Dick wrapped his arms around Wally’s neck pulling the other in a tight hug. He shoved his face in the speedsters neck savoring the scent he missed.
“ ‘bout a week. Was never dead to begin with. Was stuck in the speed force,” Wally felt normal again. Like his brain wasn’t going two hundred miles too fast. He missed how the other melted into hugs. The warmth and realness of himself.
“I knew it.. they didn’t believe me..” Dick mumbled against the others neck. Tightening his grip on the other as he heard the sound of other heroes coming to the scene.
Wally did as well, he knew if he was caught by the heroes especially his uncle he’d be put in the room again. And the slight chance Dick wasn’t gonna be allowed in. Wally picked Dick up the others legs wrapping around just like they used to and Wally was off. He knew he got faster he didn’t know how much faster so he tried to keep it slow for Robin.
Wally just inside the other’s apartment. The first thing he noticed was the smell. Then it was Dick seemingly falling into himself. Lastly he noticed the mess of an apartment it was. Wally almost gaged at the sight before him, but didn’t cause the one living in it was still holding onto him.
Oh it made Wally angry. Why the fuck was Dick living in this. Why had no one came and checked up on him. What the fuck was wrong with people. Dick lost his younger brother then his only support in less then a year then god knows what and people didn’t come check up on him? He.. he was so gonna yell at Bruce.
“Dick, I’m gonna set you down. Okay?” Wally said gently setting the others legs on the ground having to bend slightly as the others arms didn’t budge.
“Wally.. Wally.. I’m sorry-“ Dick lifted his head up tears growing in his eyes,
“Oh no, no. You don’t be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about.” Wally comforted the other cutting them off at the word sorry. He felt the others arms loosen so he took that chance and slipped out his speed already effecting him. He looked around and grimaced before he started to speed clean.
It wasn’t the best, but the moldy stuff and the gunk was gone. He had new sheets,, it was the best he could do before he got hungry which he then ran out and collected food brought it back set it on the now clean table and went back to Dick. He stood in front of him as he slowed down the world seemingly moving again. Dick stumbled now hugging thin air before looked up and lunged at Wally again. Wally wrapped his arms around the other resigned to being hugged for a while.
Wally was standing in front of Batman, and the rest of the league. He was in civies after the suit was taken away. He glared at Bruce the man he used to look up to till he saw the what he let Dick drown in.
“Wallace, You didn’t have permiss-“ Batman started before he was interrupted by Wally,
“Are you stupid? Or just plain ignorant?” Wally crossed his arms trying to ran in his anger.
Batman didn’t respond only narrowing his eyes at Wally. The rest of the league stared at the two with shook. Barry almost melting in his seat.
“When I found Nightwing he was injured fighting alone in a fight he wasn’t gonna win. Then I took him back to his apartment only to find the place a mess. Moldy food, dirty clothes, trash, bugs everywhere. How could you let your son live in that? Did you ever check up on him? He was putting himself in an early grave because of how depressed he was. You’re his father? Least you call yourself that, then why didn’t you check on your son?” Wally ranted, the league having a mixed reaction, some shocked, others angry. Batman was silent not an emotion on his face.
Wally knew he had anger issues, got them from his dad. But he didn’t use his anger like his dad. He used it to chew out Batman after finding his best friend, not crush. He’s a grown man crushes are for kids, living in his depression house. He used it to defend his loved ones and he’d do it again in a heartbeat. Sure, barely anyone knew he had them and he was good at hiding it. But he’d freely punch Batman in the face again any day.
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lovelybunn · 1 year
human!wally darling w/ u wearing apple scented perfume…
warning(s): reader being a socially awkward loser, flirty wally
author's note: the main reason i clairified that he was human is bc a puppet isnt anatomically allowed to do most of what hes doing here lmao + i love melanated wally 🩷 (lowkey got ooc on last paras, we don't talk about it...)
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Wally places gentle strokes against his canvas, his mind and body completely relaxed. Just as he finishes the final touches, he feels a presence behind him. He smiles, “Hello, neighbor.” He swivels around in his stool to face the figure. “Hey Wally! What is that your painting?” He looks over his shoulder back at his work. He shrugs. “No clue. I just paint how I’m feeling.”
He crosses his legs and places his cheek in the palm of his left hand. “What brings you here to visit little ol’ me, neighbor?” His eyes lidded while he bats his long lashes. You grin sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. “Well... This may be a little random, but I’ve bought this new perfume, and I wanted to hear someone else’s opinion on whether it flattered me or not.”
He purses his lips and tilts his head in bewilderment. “Why did you come to me, specifically? Personally, I would’ve asked Julie, she’s very skilled in these kinds of things.” You nod, “Yeah, but you’re more, how do I say this? … Blunt, then she is.” He laughs in response, a noise almost like a broken record. “Is that so?” He uses two fingers to gesture you to come forward, “Then come here, darling, if you want to know what I think.”
You step closer to Wally and give him your hand. He takes it, observing the delicate lines of your palm before carefully pulling it to his nose. He breathes in deeply, taking in your scent. His face contorts, trying to recognize the fragrance.
With a flash of dopamine, his pupils dilate intensely, the black shadowing over the natural color of his irises. “You smell absolutely astonishing, (Name). This perfume is the absolute most.” He returns your hand, it slowly resting back at your side.
Your eyes avert as your cheeks warm up to a fresh shade of red. It slightly reminds Wally of a bright red apple ripe and plucked right off the tree. “I’m glad you like it so much, Wally.” You stammer; he smiles gently in response.
“I think I’m starting to understand why you asked for my view on this, (Name).” Wally looks straight into your eyes. He has read you like a book. “It’s apple scented. You knew I would love it, neighbor. My reaction got a kick out of you, didn’t it?” His words flow like velvet off his tongue.
You quickly scramble out an apology, “I'm so sorry, It's just that I–” Wally cuts you off by caressing your hand again, this time placing a sweet peck on its surface. “You're adorable, neighbor. If anything, I'm flattered for you wearing this, to get a reaction out of me." He pulls away, his eyes never leaving yours. His smile grows, canines flashing welcomely at you. “I think the way you smell has worked up an appetite in me.”
He hops off his stool and offers you his right arm, “Why not we go and do some apple picking, neighbor?” You take his arm, but pause to glance at his unfinished work. “Sure, but what about your painting?” He shrugs, “Well, I didn't know what it was to start with. It'll be fine.” Wally's expression beams with giddy intent, “Well then, neighbor, let's go! The apples are delicious this time of year.” His head turns to you. “I'm so excited! I hope I find one that tastes as sweet as the perfume you have on smells. I doubt it, though. After all, you are the sweetest apple of my eye, my darling.” Wally playfully winks as the two of you head off to the apple orchard.
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kenphobia · 1 year
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"you're the absolute most."
summary. wally headcanons with a gender-neutral who isn't good at talking, uses vague wording and confuses smiliar sounding words with each other. ( headcanons / rewritten / see end notes)
contents. fluff i think. possibly ooc too. barnaby teasing the heck out of wally. take the L, wallace, take it.
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✦ Wally finds it oddly charming, for some inexplicable reason. He tries his best to understand you and somehow he knows what you're trying to say better than you could. He does let you explain for yourself, but once you turn to him with those pitiful eyes of yours, he couldn't help but finish your words for you.
✦ In some way, Wally understands how you feel. He is a charming little puppet but even so, he slurs his speech a lot which at times make him sound drunk and inaudible.
✦ Whenever you misuse and confuse words, Wally will use context clues to figure out what you're saying. To him, it's like a little puzzle game and he enjoys it very much. He does wonder how you can say typos out loud, concerning but he eats with his eyes so he can't complain.
✦ He'll always reassure you that your speech is fine and that you can take your time figuring what to say. You look better smiling than with your brows creased like that, so cheer up!
✦ Out of all of the neighbors, he understands you the most. You could refer to food as "Biting things" and he'll fetch some for you instantly, he makes a few mistakes at times and he apologizes deeply. Wally doesn't like making assumptions, especially if those assumptions makes you upset at yourself.
✦ Wally could pick up your vague wording the more he spends time with you. He wouldn't notice it until Barnaby mention it.
"And so, (Name) and I went to fetch the things from Poppy's place before coming to meet you all here." Wally vaguely gestured to the food laid on the picnic blanket underneath them, his eyes drifting you chatting and helping Julie fly her kite.
The larger puppet nodded his head, smiling almost teasingly. Wally quirked a brow at Barnaby's sudden weird attitude.
"Is there a problem, Barnaby?" Wally questioned.
"Oh no, it's nothing." Barnaby shrugged, taking his tobacco pipe from his mouth and into his large paw. He glanced over to you and Julie before turning back to Wally. "So, you and (Name), huh?"
"... Yes, we are an item, Barnaby. Is there something wrong?"
"Nope! It's just that you're so in love with them that you're already copying them." Barnaby chuckled. He took a breath in and blew out from his pipe.
"I'm—" Wally paused, his brows furrowed. "I don't think I follow what you mean, Barnaby. I do love them, in fact I am madly captivated by them, but I don't think I'd be so inclined to do the same things as they do."
"Oh yeah?" Wally raised a jesting brow. "Then, tell me what you were doing before the picnic." He gestured to the picnic set before the two of them.
"Well, that's easy!" Wally clapped his hands joyfully. "I woke up, finished some evenings, no, paintings! Yes, those things. Then, um, I met up with you all to talk about things and after cat— that! I went with (Name) to get the stuff from Poppy's and— Oh good lord."
Barnaby letted out a roaring of laughter and patted Wally's back. "You see what I mean now?"
Wally nodded silently, dumbfounded by how oblivious he was towards his speech. He was usually self-aware, watchful and cautious about the way he acts yet he managed you fumble over his words. Right in front of his best friend too.
"I guess they got your tongue tied?"
"Barnaby, kindly shut up for once."
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author's note. i amr ushing, I am RUSHING!!!! this was requested by @ssvv-cc but i accidentally answered their ask with the wrong contents and i deleted it so um terribly sorry :')) i might upload the last one but for now, let me cry in shame
again, my requests are always open. do note that im not a welcome home writer but i do writer many other things <33 /nm
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OKAY so what about howdy with a partner who can get very skittish at times
ILY TOO ANON- anyways sure, but I'm sorry if howdy is ooc (out of character) , I haven't written anything in a while :)
Howdy pillar with a s/o who is very skittish at times
He kinda finds it adorable
You are more then welcome to hold and fidget with any of his arms!
He has fidget toys and anything like that in his shop , but he mostly carries some for you
( fidget toys or adhd toys are for, well adhd but anyone can enjoy them and it helps people with anxiety calm down)
Anything that frightened you or made you skittish is now thrown out the door!
(He may or may not throw wally out IF he's the reason your scared, wally can be..very frightening)
He has a soothing voice so if you want, he can sing lullabies to you so you can calm down :)
He CAN and WILL dropkick anything that scares you. He has multiple legs for a reason.
There's a room in his store that's just filled with just blankets, pillows, fidget toys, sensory toys, weighted blankets, some of your favourite snacks, quite literally anything that may help you
(Said room may have a nintendo.)
Any comfort snacks that help you calm down? Howdys always holding on to them now :)
If you just need a hug, he can carry you with his arms, and continue whatever he was doing with his other arms
If you suddenly get skittish, he will immediately escort you out of wherever you are, and try to comfort you
He always checks up on you
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lumi077 · 1 year
jealous jealous girls and boys~
You’re gorgeous, everyone knows this. Your partner, bless their heart, are very crudely aware of just how jaw dropping you are when their insecurities mingle with their protectiveness when they see, or hear, you get hit on. It wasn’t something you were unused to, and they know you love and want only them, but can they really help it if they…overreact?
Warnings; Unwanted advances, , possessive themes, hotd/got canon incest, infidelity (Loba), potential ooc.
Characters (multifandom): Walden Darling (WH), Astarion (BG3), Daemon and Rhaenyra targaryen (HOTD), Scaramouche/Wanderer (Genshin), Leliana (DA; I), Loba (Apex)
A/N: Take this as a peace offering till I can get the next chapter of Winters’ Servants out T^T I’ve been busy, I got a new job and my dog died bc of my other dog and my mom is crazy :( Also, Baldur’s Gate 3 y’all I’m getting it and I’m so excited! I mayhaps rushed Loba’s part so sorry not sorry 😛
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Rainbow Factory Wally (Walden) | (Welcome Home AU)
It was a normal day in the factory for all intents and purposes, making your daily rounds and supplying your husband with your infamous coffee whenever you needed to. And that’s why you found yourself in the breakroom, making a fresh pot of coffee for your caffeine addict of a spouse. 
Your name was spoken softly from behind and you blinked, moving your head to peek over your shoulder to see the owner of the voice smile sweetly at you. Jeremy was an infamous flirt in the office, but you were spared due to the fact your husband very much owned this factory. “You look gorgeous today, you know.” He hummed, eyes raking over your body.
You raised an eyebrow. You were wearing a black turtleneck, a lab coat with your name, and leggings. You looked exactly like you always do, and it’s not like any curves you possessed could be seen over the baggy lab coat. Deciding to just play it off, you laughed. “I look how I always do.” You point out good naturedly, shooting him a rather amused look as you turned your body to look at him. 
“Exactly.” He almost purred out the words, slinking closer to you with a sly smile. You have to admit the new found proximity did nothing but amuse you more. Jeremy was 5’5, rather bland, and wasn’t even the brightest. You found it absolutely amusing to think that he believes he can compete with your husband in anything.
“I see. Then thank you for the compliment.” You mused, turning back to pour the coffee into the “world’s most decent boss” mug you got him as a gag gift last christmas. Mixing in just the right amount of sweeteners, you turned. “Now, is there something I can do for you Jeremy?” you asked as you began to walk out, hearing his awkward footsteps signaling that he was following you.
“I know about you and the boss…” He trailed off, and you hoped for his sake that he wouldn’t say what you knew the next few words were. “But me and you could still happen.” Seemed he was dumber than you thought. 
You were now outside Wally’s office, an amused smile painting your lips. “Oh, is that so?”
Jeremy must have been oblivious as to where you were, because he gently put his hand on your shoulder and proclaimed rather boldly “I’ve been in love with you, for a very long time now. Dare I say, longer than that man you call your husband.” 
You sputtered then. He basically yelled that! Right outside Wally’s office. “I-”
A loud bang resonated as the door to the office swung open, effectively interrupting you, the hinges almost breaking at the sheer force he used to open the door. “What. Did. You. Just. Say.” Wide angry eyes met scared downcasted ones.
Jeremy looked like he regrets his decision very much right now, and you very dully felt a small tinge of sympathy but it was gone faster than it came.
“Nothing! I was just say-” Jeremey sputtered, trying to find a defense only to be interrupted crudely.
“Get your goddamn hand off my wife, and I’ll consider this as your letter of resignation.” He growled, grabbing his forearm and forcefully yanking the arm you weren’t even aware was still touching you off.
Jeremy, upon getting his arm released from a death grip that was sure to leave him bruised, ran away.
You couldn’t help but let laughter bubble out from your throat before clearing it. “Oh, that was something.”
Wally turned to you and growled again, grasping your jaw softly but roughly at the same time, angled your head up, and kissed you. The kiss left you breathless, your hand squeezing the coffee mug in surprise as he pulled away.
“You’re mine, dollface. And only mine.”
Astarion (BG3)
The tavern was bustling with life, music, and song as they normally do, and happiness threatened to suffocate you and your party as soon as you all stepped foot into the establishment. Mead, wine, and an assortment of other alcoholic beverages were held tightly in almost every person’s hand. You shrugged when your party gave you a questioning look, looking back over the tavern with a keen eye.
“Have fun?” Was all you supplied before walking to the barkeep for the first time of what would be many. 
Karlach wasted no time in going to mingle with the other patrons, eager to relieve the stress of battle by telling tales of them to strangers who watched with eager eyes and ears.
Gale was never one for all this merriment, so he politely claimed a table in one of the few secluded corners as he normally does. That table would soon be taken up by Astarion as well, who was content to just watch you mingle with the people of the tavern.
Time flew by rather quickly, the drinks making it hard for you to truly grasp just how much had gone away from you. Astarion was readying himself to get up and cross the tavern to get to you, tell you that you and your party had spent a sufficient amount of time here, and that it was time to head back to camp for some rest.
But he was quickly blocked from you by two drows. Tall, dark, imposing, yet handsome in their own right. Nothing that compared to Astarion, not even your alcohol muddled mind thought so.
“Hello gorgeous.” The woman spoke, tone smooth with lust and desire. This weirded you out, as you did nothing to suggest you were wanting *that* kind of relief. You really just sat at the bar, talking with the barkeep and the man next to you.
“What’s a delicate flower like you doing with no company at a place like this?” She asked, hand moving to rest on top of your own that was laying on the solid surface of the bar.
You wrinkled your nose at the unwanted touch, but the female drow seemed to not notice or simply not care. You’re unsure which one was the truth, it could even be both for all you know at this point. Alcohol made it hard to discern anything really, and you found yourself craving the presence of your beloved. 
The male spoke this time, his tone gruff despite him trying to sound sensual. “Perhaps we could keep you company for the night?”
Astarion’s blood boiled as he heard what those two heathens were saying to you. It took him months of carefully crafted flirts for you to even get comfortable with HIM flirting with you. And he was someone you had trusted enough to be a traveling companion and to watch your back. He knows that surely, when he sees your face it will be riddled with tell tale signs of uncomfort. 
You cleared your throat, hoping to rid it of the bile that crept up it the more and more they talked and crudely flirted with you. “Ah, no.” You mumbled, eyes searching for your sanguine lover. “I’m taken.” you managed to slur.
The female drow cooed “That doesn’t have to mean anything, not for tonight at least.” 
Astarion finally emerged right next to you, red eyes boring into the female drows. “Excuse me.” His voice, normally smooth and flirtatious, was anything but now. “I see you met my partner, exquisite aren’t they?” his tone softened as his hand went up to caress your cheek, cherishing the way you leaned into the touch immediately.
The female and male drow looked to each other before looking back at Astarion and smiling. “Why yes, yes they are.” 
Astarion hummed, rubbing his thumb on your cheek absent of mind, before remembering these people dared to flirt with what was his. “How unfortunate for you that this masterpiece is all mine, yes?” He sounded calm and almost teasing, but his eyes showed just how much he wanted to murder them.
Deciding that words weren’t enough he delicately moved your head up so he could plant the sweetest kiss on your lips, which you eagerly returned with drunken enthusiasm that made his heart swell with love. 
“See how eager they are for me?” He cooed, rubbing your cheek after pulling away. “That’s something you couldn’t even dream of receiving.” Picking you up bridal style for fear you drunk yourself into a stupor, he turned and left.
“That’s enough tavern for tonight my sweet.” He hummed softly as you laid your head on his shoulder
“Astar-” You mumbled sleepily, nuzzling your face into his neck “I love you- so so much.”
He chuckled, placing the softest kiss to your cheek “I know my darling, I love you too.”
Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen (HOTD)
Your family, the true Targaryens, were visiting the red keep for the first time in so many years. The difference of it all from the red keep you grew up in startled you to your core. It makes your mind ill to think this was only allowed to happen because of a usurper of your family’s rightful throne. 
Really the entire castle makes you ill, absolutely sick to your stomach truthfully. So you were trying to find comfort in the place where you resided most of your innocent years. The garden. But even that was different now, the flowers you used to pride yourself on had all wilted and been changed. The color green makes you sick now.
While you were preoccupied in your musings of sadness and trepidation, a man had slinked his way beside you and broke the silence you relished in. “Good morrow, sister.”
You blinked and looked to your right, being met with Aemond. He was only your half brother, sharing your father’s genetics while looking all Hightower. His last name should have been hightower, yet you cannot claim to hate or even dislike him. Just a faint feeling of mistrust that had been planted since the night his mother had left a scar on your arm. “Aemond.” You greeted slowly, almost defensively. “Good morrow.”
His one eye scanned the garden ahead before going back to focus on you, a delicate and almost faux looking smile on his face. Or perhaps it was just too real. “How are you? It has been many moons since I last saw your beautiful face.”
You blushed despite yourself, compliments always left your cheeks the faintest of reds, even if you mistrusted the person who spoke them. “Kirimvose” You muttered, changing to High Valyrian. You don’t know why, it just felt too right in this situation. And instinctual gut feeling that you have long since learned you should heed.
“You are welcome.” He hummed, eye suddenly showing keen interest “Do you normally use High Valyrian interchangeably like that? What a smart lady you are, Mandia” 
It was your turn to be surprised, he knows of the language of your family? Even being half bred like he is? “Yes, mostly for my children to pick it up better.” You stressed the word children to him, as if he could forget. One of your sons did give him that painful affliction afterall.
“Ah yes, my nephews.” He mused, not looking at you anymore but through you. “How are they doing these days?”
You smiled, your first genuine one not born of needing to be respectful to a lord or lady. Aemond thought it looked beautiful on you, like the finest dress. “Wonderful. My boys Luke and Jace are bonding excellently with their dragons.” You hummed, motherly love oozing from your tone. “And little Joffery is quite taken with the babies.” you put a hand on your stomach “Especially our baby Visenya. I think he likes having a baby sister to protect.” 
He was surprised “You were with child?”
You nodded “Maybe she’ll grow up to steal Vhagar from you.” You chuckled, hand over your mouth.
Aemond laughed as well “I’m sure she’ll be a brilliant rider, just like her Muña”
“You flatter me.” Your blush grew a tad bit redder. Aemond felt a pang of affection that he was able to make that happen. You were too good for his sister and uncle, deserving of someone more well read with a dragon to match the size of your own. 
The sound of a throat being cleared interrupted his musings of what he could have had with you, had his father stepped up and demanded you wed him. “Is this a small reunion?” Daemon joked, leaning on a wall. His eyes looked anything but full of mirth, annoyance and possessiveness shined brightly in his eyes like dragon fire.
“Uncle.” Aemond scoffed out the word like it meant little to him. And it probably did, you know he was never close with Daemon. Jealousy slithered in his veins like blood did, burning him.
“What are you and my wife talking about, hm?” He asked casually, walking leisurely to you before wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a soft kiss to your temple, looking down with fondness Aemond could never imagine being gazed at with. “Hello my love.”
“Hello Daemon.” You giggle gleefully, resting your head against his own while your arms go to rest on top of his. Aemond’s veins burned worse.
“Simply catching up, it’s been quite a while since she has been to the red keep.” He spoke, jealousy dripping from his words like venom, eye glaring at his uncle’s arms that was wrapped where he longed his to be. Daemon tightened his grip slightly. “I was just about to offer a tour of the grounds, much has changed.” he smiled twistedly at Daemon, using that as a taunt.
Daemon narrowed his eyes, and somewhere you could hear the roar of Caraxes and Vhagar. You hope that they aren’t fighting because their riders have bad blood. “That won’t be needed. She grew up here just as you did Aemond.”
You soon grew uneasy, eyes shifting to the side, “I have.” You assented.
Daemon smirked unbeknownst to you, smug because it was him who you would always back. Always Daemon, never Aemond.”Of course my lady, apologies.”
You smiled uneasily “No need for apologies Aemond. It was a kind offer.” That soothed the burn within his veins slightly. You thought he was kind.
You felt yourself almost suffocating before your lovely wife walked into the garden with Alicent “Ah, my beloveds.” Nrya smiled kindly at you two, eyes shining with love before she nodded to Aemond respectfully. 
“It is almost time for the feast, you two would be wise to get ready.” She looked at you knowingly and winked.
Daemon let out a hearty groan “yes yes my wife, very well.” he let his arms fall from you and stepped back, offering you his hand.
“Shall I help you get ready, my darling?” He asked teasingly, eyes glinting with lust as you laughed and took his hand. Rhaenyra already has an excuse for both of your tardiness, rest assured. Cannibal will have to take blame for your lack of proper walking.
Wanderer (genshin)
Wanderer was stuck wandering, as one does, around the bustling streets on Liyue. It was the lantern rite, something you had continuously told him you had wanted to go to many times and he decided there was no harm in it. How crudely wrong he was, as soon as he entered the city of contracts with you, the crowd had swept you away from him. 
So here he was trying to find you like a puppy separated from their owner, and it continuously made him more and more irritated as more time passed that you were not in his eyesight. His hands, that were balled into fists, relaxed immediately upon hearing the soft sound that was your laughter. It was quiet, barely heard above the chattering of these imbeciles that surrounded him, but he was able to follow the sweet sound where he found you with some man.
The man was short, close to Wanderer’s own height, with white hair with a red streak. He looked to hail from Inazuma. Anger boiled deep within his veins, eyes glaring at the man who dared to talk to you.
“Your eyes shine like the lanterns in the sky, your skin as smooth and unbroken as the purest piece of porcelain.” he mused, smiling softly at your red face. Wanderer has never said anything close to that to you, always just quick grumblings about how you looked decent. And it didn’t bother you much anymore, you grew to love him after all. But having this kind of attention on you was thrilling simply because it was new! Kazuha’s eyes bore into yours with a soft intensity that oddly fit in this moment. But he was simply supposed to help you find your beloved, not make poetry about you. No matter how lovely it made you feel.
Wanderer barged over, not sparing the man a glance as he grasped your wrist in his hand and dragged you away. He could barely hear you say your goodbyes to the traveler from Inazuma over just how angry he felt. Were you going to leave him? Go to someone who he just witnessed really could treat you better? No, he won’t allow it. You're his, you’ve been his for centuries now, and if you could remember and love him despite all he has done in his past then you must be his soulmate.
He hissed out your name, stopping in a darkened alley before pushing you against the wall, trapping your head between his arms as he leered at you. “What do you think you were doing, you idiot.” this wasn’t the way he wanted to do this, not at all. He wanted to have a softer approach but for some reason he just can’t. He loves you, he promises he does. He just can’t show it.
“Scara…” you cooed, hands going up to cup his face “I was looking for you.” You assured gently, thumb massaging his cheek as he ever so slightly leaned into your hold. “Kazuha offered to help me find you since I’m so unfamiliar with Liyue Harbor.” You could always see through his brass actions, being able to see the softer side through all the boundaries he put around himself to hide in.
“Is that so?” His words lacked his mocking bite that it would have for anyone else “Then why was he flirting with you?” He asked, pressing a chaste kiss on your thumb.
You giggled, a sound that made him relax more. “Maybe he just thinks I’s pretty. But you're the only one for me.”
He smiled then, liking the concept that you knew you were only “Yes, yes I am.” He hummed, cupping the hand you had on his face with his own. 
“You’re mine, not even the gods could take you away from me.” He sighed happily as he felt your lips start pecking around his face, closing his eyes in bliss. “They could try, but I would move the very heavens to keep you by my side. Always.”
“And forever.” You finished as Scara finally connected his lips with yours, savoring the rare softness in which he kissed you with.
Leliana (DA; I)
The sky was clear, not a cloud dotted the open sky of Skyhold and the sun beamed down in soft warm rays. You were sitting on the railing of the balcony that belonged to the upper tower that housed your partner Leliana, as well as her ravens and spies. It was a cool day, which wasn’t abnormal seeing as this stronghold was built into the mountains. Construction was going very well, the ramparts were now open to patrol and the rooms were looking better and better.
The inquisitor was running around down on the lower level, and you watched from your vantage point with amusement. You were unsure why they were in such a hurried state, seeing as there wasn’t really anyone rushing them in the least. But you’ll leave them alone about it for now. 
Looking up as you heard the door clank open, a scout you had never seen before stepped out and joined you on the terrace. Turning your body to face him, you tilted your head in confusion. Normally Leli’s spies were too busy to do all that much around Skyhold. Perhaps he was just recouping after a tough mission.
“Hello madame, nice evening ain’t it?” He had a strong Fereldan accent, so he was from there and arguably is mostly stationed there because the accent hasn’t faded even a bit.
“Yes, it is.” You spoke skeptically, normally one scout isn’t stationed at one nation for too long, lest they be found out and compromise the entire spy network your lover has spent years perfecting.
“The nightingale wishes me to look after you.” He saluted, before going back to ease and leaning on the wall.
You raised a brow, why would you need to watch over here of all places? Leli was right through that door, and there isn’t many places of entry here that aren’t very loud.
“I see.” You doubt grew, but you would give him the benefit of the doubt. Your Leli was very paranoid, and with good reason you suppose. It must be hard to have all those enemies, those known and unknown that are hiding in the shadows with a dagger or poison. 
“You're beautiful, you know.” He broke the silence again, your lack of an answer must not have been deterring at all for the spy. “A true masterpiece.” he mused.
“Thank you.” You were starting to get bored now, eyes lidding due to boredom. Any second now.
With tactful grace the door opened silently, you could hear the faintest of footsteps take 3 steps before pausing. Another minute of the spy not noticing her, she coughed. It was fake and sounded way too smooth and dull for it to be real.
That made the man jump, his attention snapping to your lover. “Lady Nightingale!”
“Charts.” Her smooth voice riddled with Orlesian accent was sour sounding now. Like she ruined her new pair of shoes in the blood of darkspawn. “At ease, were you?”
His eyes looked everywhere but her as his body froze up under her intense scrutiny “Forgive me, lady nightingale.”
“I’ll see what to do with you.” She stated dismissively, waving him away with her hand “Now run along, I’m sure Charter will find some use for you in the meantime.”
He did not need to be told twice, quickly exiting the balcony with a loud slam to the door. “Lousy company, my dearest?” she teased gently with a small, walking next to you and letting you lean on her.
“Somewhat.” You agreed, resting your head on her shoulder and you looked to the mountains. “Seemed tired. Have him running?”
“He’s new.” She shrugged gently as to not disturb you. “Fresh out of redcliff.” 
“I could tell he was Fereldan, his accent is very noticeable.” You hummed, hand coming out to trace random little patterns on her arm. “Strong.”
“It is.” She agreed. “We will have to rid him of it before we send him out in the field.”
You raised a brow “He’s that new?”
“Yes. he is training under Charter at the moment, and hopefully she will be able to help.” Leli slowly removed herself from you.
“I have to go my beloved. Work is neverending when you’re trying to save the world.” She hummed and kissed his cheek delicately.
You sighed but nodded “I know my love. I’ll see you tonight?”
She smiled sadly “I’ll see you tonight.”
You sighed again as she walked away.
It was duos day! A glorious chance to win with whoever you shall get teamed with to achieve glory and fame. On a bigger note then being a legend already grants you.
You were paired with one of the newer Legends. New Castle you think his name was, but you can’t be bothered to remember.  He seemed to be quite sweet on you, much to Loba’s irritation. You were hers goddamnit! Why couldn’t he see that.
So here you were, on the dropship talking to your duo as wells as your other friends like Lifeline, Octane, and Bangalore.
“Are you excited, amigo? I mean you are with the newbie, so me and Lifeline will take it easy on you if we find you.” Octane laughed, patting you on the shoulder affectionately. 
“I’ll be the one taking it easy on you, tane!” You protested with a giggle.
New Castle clasped his hand onto your other shoulder and laughed deepily. “I promise I won’t be any dead weight to a beauty like them.” 
High heels clacked against the iron flooring of the ship, you were approaching your destination and would soon have to prep to get ready to drop and land for the games to begin. You assumed it was Loba, so you two could have your usual good luck kiss but was surprised when it was Wattson. Loba’s partner.
“Hey.” She smiled and waved “Loba wanted to say she’s too busy to see you before the drop, so she’ll be looking extra hard for you on the ground.” She spoke cheerily.
You blinked. This was the first time she’s done something like this. Was she really so jealous that she’s taking it out on you now? Does she think that you’re too receptive about it? Was that the problem.
Wattson frowned “Are you alright?”
You shook your head and offered your best reassuring smile that you possible could. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little disappointed ya know? But you get heading back Wattson, I don’t want you to miss drop.”
She looked at you, calculating and unsure before her frown only deepened. But she nodded “Yeah ok. See you around, yeah?” and with that she left as quick and out of nowhere as she came. 
Finally it was time to drop, the arena was Olympus. Easy enough, it was your personal favorite because your abilities served you every well here. You don’t how New castle was going to fare though, so you kept an eye on him. Even if he is part of your relationship problems, he was still your duo and you still wanted to win.
“I’m the jump master.” You called out, laughter bubbling in your throat “Hope you brought an extra pair of pants newbie.”
“Wh-” he was cut off as you unexpectedly jumped, a yell bubbling out from his throat and into the air that you two were descending in.
You chose a little area that you knew has enough supply bins to give you both some weapons and a few syringes. Maybe a better evo shield too, hopefully.
“So.” he started “How do you prefer to fight?” he asked as he picked up a Hemlock Burst AR.
“I’m a sniper.” You spoke quietly and hushed, hoping he’d take the hint and do the same. Enemies can be anywhere, and with Wraith’s abilities you wouldn’t even see her coming till she was here guns blazing. She was smart, and has good hearing.
He hummed “So I’ll need to man the front. Can do.”
You rolled your eyes, picking up a wingman and some sniper ammo. “You better. Though you probably won’t see enough action. I’m a damn good shot.”
“Better be.” he laughed quietly, loading his burst.
“There’s a care package near us.” You reported, looking to where it was going to land. “Let’s head over.”
And so you did, you getting your favorite gun ever the Kraber, and New Castle getting a\\ prowler. With these new found weapons and some new Evoshields after some kills, you two quickly climbed the latter till it was the last 3. Only six other legends at most. 
You were kill leader with a stunning 12 kills, and perched high up as you looked through the enhanced scope on your Kraber. You killed Octane and Lifeline before they even knew what happened, same with bloodhound and Fuse. You killed Ash but Revenant got away, and Bangalore and Valkyrie left as soon as they heard a shot from your Kraber, knowing that with your aim it would be a death sentence. 
Caustic and Mirage were easy to pick off when they got distracted arguing with one another, and you killed Wattson as well. 
So it was probably Loba and Revenant still out there. New Castle was antsy before you heard it. Revenant’s totem and gun shots. He must have found Loba in one of the buildings, and given their history it’s unsurprising he would waste his ult on her. 
Clicking a button, a visor was put over your eyes and you could clearly see that Loba was the victor. 1 squad left, it was just her. You felt bad about this, of course. But as soon as she poked her head out, you were the victors.
The follow up party was the usual, and you were looking for Loba and of course you found her. You were the best sniper ever seen, your senses honed completely. So when you heard her and turned the corner to apologize, you saw the last thing you had ever wanted to see.
Loba and Valkyrie were kissing.
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kichikichiko · 1 year
Trip to dreamland
Request by : @lunarowen 🤭
Synopsis : Wally sees his beloved tired and sleepy, so the puppet prepared his Darling charm and comforts you
Pairing: wally darling x gn puppet! Reader
Cw: fluff, comfort, established relationship, slightly OOC?, sleeping together on the same bed 🥹🫶🏻, not proofread
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Sorry to bother you both, but have you seen (name) anywhere today?" The neighbourhoods favourite artist asked Julie Joyful and Frank Frankly, interupting their conversation.
"Oh sorry wally! I havent seen them at all today! Now that I think about it, they seem quite off the day before, right Frank?" Julie looked back at Frank, looking for some kind of answer
Frank nodded after a bit of thinking and looked at the yellow puppet "why dont you ask Eddie? He's probably delivering mail right now"
Wally thanked the 2 and made his way down to Eddie Dear's post office and asked him the same question.
"Sorry Wally" Eddie started, back facing Wally as he sorted out mails and packages. "I havent seen em today either, I will stop by their house later on, if you want I can report to you what I find"
Wally shaked his head "no that wont be necessary I think I'll just head over to their house instead, thank you Eddie"
You and Wally were suppose to have a painting date around the woods of the neighbourhood, but you never showed up.
After a bit, the yellow puppet arrived at your home and knocked a few times, when there was no answer he started to get worried.
He knocked again "hello~? (Name), its me Wally. Are you alright in there?" No answer
He pondered for a bit then decided to do something
"I'll come inside then (name)"
He entered your house and stood at the entrance, waiting to hear something, anything from you but again no sound can be heard.
Wally went up the stairs to your bedroom and knocked, "(name)? Are you alright?"
He opened your bedroom door slightly and peaked his head in, the sight he saw was you propped up on the floor dozing off with papers scattered around the floor.
Wally walked up to you and crouchrd down, shaking you a bit to wake you up.
You opened your eyes and groaned a bit "wally...? What are you doing here? Were suppose to meet tomorrow..."
"It IS already tomorrow (name), you didnt show up at our meeting place" He answered you with his signature smile and lazy eyes.
Once he said that did you finally gain your senses, you looked around to see the sun shining through your window, then at the clock and back at Wally
He didnt seemed bothered at the slightest, making you feel guilty. "Im... so sorry Wally I didnt- I should have set an alarm! I didnt realised I dozed off last night oh no!"
Wally placed his hand on your head and shaked his head, the smile still on his face "dont worry about it, I was worried something happened to you, speaking of which...whats with all this paper scattered about?"
You scanned the area and finally remembered what you were SUPPOSE to do the night before
"I was... trying to prepare a drawing of the both of us last night.. as a surprise gift to give to you when we meet up..." blush formed around your cheeks (if that was even possible) as you looked down to your hands, slightly embarrassed "none of them looked nice so I kept on trying to draw a better one... i guess I lost track of time and the next thing I knew, I've already fallen asleep"
The yellow puppet laughed at your words, "ha.. ha...ha" some puppets thoight the way he laughed was iffy or strange, but you never thought of it that way, in fact when he laughs, it washes your worries away.
"Oh dear (name) I think all your drawings look lovely, I would have appreciated all of them either way and Im sure you know that" he gave you a closed eyes smile reassuring you, making you smile a bit. He took your hand and stood up "lets just spend the day at your place, you seem pretty tired so lets just relax"
You nodded and lead him to your bed as you layed on it Wally following along.
He attemped to hug you, but ended up limp in the process making you laugh "youve gotten slightly better at this Wally"
"Im glad, the concept of hugging is still strange to me, ha.. ha.. ha..."
Comfortable silence ensued and you started feeling your eyelids drop, before you made your way to dreamland, Wally kissed your forehead and said the following words,
"Have a wonderful trip to dreamland, I'll see you there, Darling."
Masterlist here!
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zweigsons · 2 years
not yet
wally west x fem!reader smut
summary: kinktober day 3 - orgasm denial
warnings: nsfw, he is kind of mean... ooc even....
a/n: first year writing for kinktober and i've never written ANY of these let's goo
word count: 793
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Wally loved using his superpowers when he fucked you. He wasn’t going to beat around the bush about that.
One thing he loved more than that, though, was not letting you come. Because here you were, four of his fingers pumping in and out of you, and two on his other hand vibrating on your clit, and you were begging him to let you come, but he just shook his head.
“Mm-mm, not yet, sweetheart,” He said sweetly, and he kissed your forehead. The kiss itself was rather domestic compared to what was going on in your other area.
“Wally,” You cried, and you brought your hands up to pull at his hair.
He just tutted, “Baby, come on, you’ve gone through worse.”
That sentence was true. There was the time he made you go out in public with a remote control vibrator inside of you, or the time you were cuffed to the bed with him eating you out, no way for you to move.
Wally West was a surprisingly kinky man.
As soon as he felt your climax begin, your walls tightening around his fingers and your noises ramping up in volume, he pulled away from you.
You whined, “You’re so… unfair!”
He just smiled, “You love it, though. Love me stretching you so thin like this.”
You pouted, unable to deny his words. “I hate you,” You said, and you crossed your arms.
He chuckled a little, “You don’t.” He kissed your lips in a kiss that was between rough and soft, and he placed his hands on your shoulders.
You whimpered at the kiss, and you tried to bring your hand down to touch yourself, but he caught it.
Pulling away from the kiss, he kept your wrist in his hand. “You’re not being very good for me, are you?”
“Aw, so sorry,” You replied, smirking.
He freed your wrist from his grasp and leaned over you. He was so close, you could probably count each individual freckle on his face. It’s not like you haven't tried before.
“Turn over,” He said simply, standing all the way back up.
You wanted to be bratty, to defy him, but why not comply just this once?
“Mmkay,” You said, and you brought a hand up to trace down his jawline before you turned over and onto your stomach.
His hands came up under your hips, and he moved you so that your ass was in the air. This was probably the position you hated the most, but he seemed to love it. It felt so embarrassing and exposing, which you suppose is what sex is all about, but still.
You watched him as he bit his lip, pressing the very tip of his cock into your entrance.
“Do you want it?” He asked, pulling the tip out and slapping it against your folds.
“Oh my God, please,” You whined into the pillows.
He huffed gently, and then in one thrust, his entire cock was pushed into your throbbing arousal.
A strangled noise left your mouth, and you wiggled your hips on him, silently begging for him to move inside of you.
A soft noise came from him, and he ran his hand down your spine. “I’m gonna use you like a fucking fleshlight, and you can’t come until I’m finished with you,” He said softly. Even if his tone was gentle, there was something underneath it that made you whimper in anticipation.
“Okay,” You replied, your voice a whisper.
He started to move his hips, his hands gripping your waist. His length felt so good pounding into you, and you turned your head to look at him. He looked so pretty, not at all trying to hide the shameful bliss that was on his face.
You heard him moan your name as his hands tightened on your waist, and his thrusts grew more erratic. The feeling of him mercilessly pounding into you made tears prick at the corners of your eyes, and you had to bite down on your bottom lip to keep yourself from full-on crying.
“I’m gonna come, I’m gonna fill you up so good, sweetheart,” He groaned, and with one last powerful thrust he painted the walls of your pussy with his seed.
He continued to thrust for a bit after that and said, “Okay, pretty, go ahead and come for me.”
And just like that, it was like a knot inside you came undone, and you trembled as you reached your climax.
A tear rolled down your cheek and onto the bed sheets, and he wiped the wetness off of your face after he pulled out.
He hummed in satisfaction, “That was so good, love.” You rolled over and grinned at him, and he kissed your forehead.
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cartmankisser · 1 year
Woo! Welcome Home request! Would you be down if I requested Wally with a s/o that has scopohobia? I feel the concept is interesting since staring is one of his most important character traits and I haven't seen anyone play with that idea yet so I'm curious how you would interpret it! Thank you! <3
there’s something about this that’s weirdly cute to me…
also!! first welcome home post 🤭 sorry it’s a bit short,, maybe ooc but i don’t care i’m having fun
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wally truly tries his best to be a gentleman! he pulls your chair out for you, holds your hands, kisses your knuckles, he says please and thank you, and makes sure to keep eye contact 24/7 to show he’s listening to you! he really isn’t trying to be unnerving, he’s just trying to be polite!!! how else would you know how much he adores and respects you while he listens to you?
he isn’t the smartest when it comes to understanding clues. he just doesn’t really get what he’s doing wrong! at first, he might think that you’re just sick of listening to him talk! or maybe you don’t want him to be around anymore and that’s why you won’t look back at him! oh dear, this is really upsetting him! he loves you a lot, so of course he makes sure to ask you what’s wrong!!
you sit next to him on his couch as he doodles on a big piece of white printer paper. once you settle down a bit, he asks you gently if there’s a problem… he explains to you how he feels about the way you react when you’re together. about how you squirm and shy away when all he’s doing is trying to be polite!! he tells you how much he likes looking at you. he thinks you’re absolutely adorable, and he could spend all day admiring you! he just??? doesn’t understand why you’re refusing his way of affection????
you’d have to explain to him thoroughly and directly that he makes you quite uncomfortable and uneasy when he stares. it’s not that you’re trying to be rude or awkward about it, you just can’t help it!!!! he’s seemingly always waiting for you with wide eyes, ready to watch and study your every movement. you’ve found him in the dark sometimes too!!! like he’s hiding just to secretly watch you!!!! you just can’t shake the wave of panic that washes over you when you can feel his piercing gaze.
there may be some slight unintentional guilt tripping from him, but after you explain your side of the story, he does what any gentleman would do when asked to stop doing something! he tries not to make you uncomfortable, but it’s just so hard for him!! he doesn’t do it on purpose!! he’d surely have to brainstorm some compromises for the two of you….
for example, he’s always loved intently listening to you ramble. he was told that it’s polite to make eye contact to show that you’re listening, so that’s exactly what he would do as you’d tell him about your day or explain the newest show you’re watching… but now he’s opted for smiling and nodding while he continues drawing or painting! he tries really hard to focus on his art, but it’s so hard with you sitting next to him!!
i can just imagine him staring at you out of the corner of his eye. like his staring doesn’t count because he didn’t turn his head to face you directly 😭
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nox140497 · 9 months
The Waynes
Authors Note: So this is my first male reader insert..... and it's pretty bad....... so if you don't like it, don't read this one.
Summery: Dick and the others are slightly ooc (maybe not though) in this one. Ok, Dick's vvveeeerrryyyy ooc..... sorry... not sorry.
Warning : uhhh, language cause Jason's in this one.
Also, really long, sorry
Info: I mean you could be female but I'm gonna be using he/his/him if you guys want I'll do the female one of this too, let me know if you guys want that.
Background: You are m/n Queen son of Oliver Queen and Nyssa (spelling of that please?)Al Ghul. You, like your dad, 'brother' and 'cousin', are an archer however you have other powers too.
Control of all ellements including shadow and light.
Shapeshifting like Beastboy, you're not green though, all your animals are black.
Your favourite form is a large wolf that people believe is a dog when in civvies.
You are also half demon... thanks alot Ras...
You also have super speed like Barry who is your Godfather.
Your Suit is similar to Dick's though it is just black.
Nobody knows the batboys' secret IDs yet except for m/n in this one. Also Dick and m/n have been dating for 4 years and m/n is very protective of not just Dick but of all the batkids. The team doesn't know this though 'cause they don't show it as Nightwung and Ghost (if you have a better hero name for him please let me know cause i'm thinking he's going to pop up in alot of my other oneshots, pehaps another book, and I can't come up with anything better than that so please help), though they are close.
Dick Grayson is a clingy, cuddly teddy bear. .
They will sometimes flirt with one another.
Bruce trusts him with the birds 'cause he's technically Damians causin and part demon.
He is the only 'meta' allowed in Gotham.
Also the boys all listen to him and like to cuddle when they seek comfort or warmth. (He runs hotter than a normal human and can adjust his body temperature)
Also Dick has an accent that he hides as Nightwing and m/n absolutely adores it, Dick has no idea why.
Red Hood: 16
Red Robin/Robin: 14
Robin: 10
Ghost: 19
Kidflash: 20
Artimis: 20
Miss Martian: 20
Supperboy: 21
Aqualad: 22
Beast boy: 15
Lagoonboy: 16
Wondergril: 14
Bumblebee: 21
Zatana: 21
Prompt List
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Nightwin's P.O.V.
It's a normal day at the cave. We were all doing our own thing when the Zeta beam lit up.
'Recognized Batman 01'
Everybody groaned as the big bad bat entered and ordered us to the mission room.
I groaned softly as I looked at the screen and saw a family photo of us on it. I could hear 'Red' Robin do the same slightly behind me and m/n snickering softly beside me. I nudge m/n in the ribs rather harshly and hear him grunt softly in response and I smirk.
"Team, as you probably know, this is the Wayne family. Recently, the oldest, Richard Grayson-Wayne, has been receiving death threats..."
Out of the corner of my eye I see m/n get a dark look on his face as he glares darkly at the wall behind Bats. I also see a slight green glow behind the lenses of his mask. How others don't notice it is beyond me but whatever.
"and Bruce Wayne has asked for our help in protecting his kids." Bats finishes.
"So what? We have to babysit a bunch of rich brats?" Lagoonboy growls in question. Batman and m/n twitch slightly.
"Yes." Batman says blandly. "And Nightwing, Robin, and Ghost will not be joining you." He finishes, and all three of us do a doubble take mostly 'cause Ghost wasn't going on the mission.
"Excuse me?" M/N growled, stiffening beside me the glow behind his lenses intensifying slightly. I descreatly take his hand and squeeze before letting go.
"You have a more important mission." Bats said. M/n raised a questioning eyebrow. Bats just gives him a look, and he relaxes beside me and nods once. The glow of his eyes lessened but not disappearing.
"What, why do they get to sit this one out?" Wally whines childishly
"Because Nightwing and Robin are comming with me to try and find the source of the threats and as I said Ghost has a more important mission to attend to" Batman growled making the others take a step back. Wally just pouted. I heard m/n snort in amusement at his godbrother (godcousin?).
With that, batman walked back to the zeta tubes, and the three of us followed him out and to the batcave.
Recognized Batman 01
Recognized Nightwing B01
Recognized Ghost B02
Recognized Robin B12
"So what is this ever so important mission that I am supposed to have B?" M/n asked curriously, tilting his head slightly to the left as we all removed our masks.
"You're going to make sure that my boys don't kill each other before whoever this is gets the chance, as well as making sure that they don't kill the team." Bruce said as he sat down at the Batcomputer. M/n nodded, and mock saluted before turning to me and Tim with a smile.
I smiled back as we headed to the changing rooms and then upstairs. Tim slipped upstairs and into his room as we headed into the kitchen for a small snack ( he is a speedster after all) and then headed to the living room and calapsed onto one of the coutches, to cuddle and whatch tv until dinner.
At some point, I must have dozed off because the next thing I know, I'm being lightly shaken by my boyfriend.
"Dinner time, Dickiebird." He said softly, gently brushing hair out of my face.
I hum softly as I start getting up and stretch slightly. I hear a soft chuckle from beside me, and I blush lightly, looking over at the dark-haired boy.
"What?" I ask with my accent shining through earning a soft smile and a kiss from my boyfriend. He loves my accent. I don't know why.
"Nothing, my love. You're just cute when you wake up, that's all." He says in a soft voice, causing me to blush more. I hear another soft chuckle before I am pulled up along with him. That's one of the things that I love about him, despite almost being as tall (cough taller cough) and almost as muscular as Bruce he's always so soft and gentle with my brothers and I. Unless absolutely neccessery like when breaking up a fight and even then he never uses his full strength.
"Comon before Jay eats all the food." He says in an amused tone, and I chuckle slightly, following him into the dining room and the chaos that is a normal dinner at Wayne mannor.
M/N P.O.V.
I woke up the next morning with my beautiful Bluebird cuddled up to me still blissfully asleep. I noticed a while ago that he sleeps better when he's with me, so I come over as much as I can. I mean, I do have my own place in Gothem and have been thinking about asking him to move in with me.
He is only barely 18, and I really don't want DaddyBats breathing down my neck. Thank you very much.
Anyway I do need to go get some clothes and stuff at home but I'm so comfortable and I really do not want to get up and besides Dick's finally getting some sleep and I know if I move he will most likely wake up.
Still M/N P.O.V.
It's about an hour later that Dick starts to stir in my arms.
I smile and lightly run my fingers through his hair. He moans softly and snuggles closer to me.
"Good morning, my love." I say softly into his hair.
"Morning." He mumbles back.
"We should probably get up and go to breakfast before Alfred sends one of your brothers to get us." I say gently, rubbing his back.
"Mmhhnmmm." He hums back. I chuckle slightly and nuzzle his hair again before starting to move to get up.
"Mmmmm." He whined in protest, clinging to me like a koala and trying to keep me in bed with him. I chuckle again and run my fingers through his hair again.
"Com'on Dickie you need to get up and eat, and I need to go to my apartment to get my stuff." I say in a soft voice.
"Nnnoooo." He whines.
"Yyyeeesss." I say in the same tone. He lets go of me and crosses his arms with a pout, and I smile before pecking his lips.
He sighs dramatically and grabs my hand before following me out of bed and then downstairs to breakfast, where all the others already are. Bruce smiles at us from over his newspaper as everybody else just looks up at us. I smile back and thank Alfred as he places coffee and breakfast in front of Dick and I.
"The team will be here in about an hour, and then I will be leaving and leaving you boys in m/n's hands. Please behave and don't kill anyone." Bruce says once he puts the newspaper down.
"They know better than to try B. Don't worry, we'll be fine." I chuckle softly while being glared at by 3 sets of eyes. I turn to the three younger boys and raise an eyebrow at their glares. They flinch and turn back to their food. I spot an amused smile on Dick, Bruce, and even Alfred's faces.
After breakfast I peck Dick's lips and leave the manor to go and collect my things from home.
By the time I return to the manor and slip in the front door unnoticed, I notice that the team is already here seeing as I can hear the chatter comming from the lounge room. I slip over to the door of the room after placing my things at the foot of the stairs to take up later and lean against the doorframe whatching silently. I notice a set of teal eyes as well as a set of steel blue eyes (Jason and Tim who are facing the door) flick up to see who was in the doorway. I also saw the other two birds stiffen a bit before relaxing when their brothers did nothing but return to watching the team.
Most of the team looks somewhat annoyed at having to be here, or maybe it's just Jason or Damian annoying them who knows. I smirk, waiting for someone other than the birds to notice me.
They do not.
I stand there for 10 minutes before clearing my throat and taking satisfaction in whatching them jump. I know the boys noticed me the minute I walked into the doorframe, and probably when I walked in the front door, but the rest definitely did not. They really do need more training.
The team stares or glares at me as Dick jumps up and practically throws himself into my arms.
"Some protection you lot are. If I wanted to kill you all, I could have." I snarled as I held Dick to my chest, and he snuggled into my neck.
"Ghost, what the hell are you doing here? Batman is gonna kill you when he finds out you aren't on that important mission he sent you on." Artimis growled through the now established mind link. I meerly raise an eybrow and scoop Dick up, making him squeak, and carry him inside and sit on the couch with Dick in my lap and the other 3 boys get up to curl up either beside me leaning on my shoulder (Tim and Dami) or sitting on the floor leaning on my legs (Jason).
"You can talk to me outside the link they know my secret identity." I sighed as I ran my fingers through Jays hair.
"THEY WHAT!!' The team exclaims. I feel Jason and Tim flinch a bit, and I run my hands through their hair to calm them down slightly. I meerly glare at the team.
"I've known them since Dick was adopted, so what? 10 years? 11? And as you can see, we're really close, so yes, they know my identity." I say slightly annoyed.
"11." Dick murmers softly, still snuggling into my chest, eyes closed. I smile softly and kiss his hair.
The team just sits and stares at me.
"Does Nightwing know your new plaything is a rich brat?" Wally asks through the link again.
"Yes." I drawl cooly. Sneering and glaring at the fact that he just called my boyfriend a brat and implying that he is meerly a plaything, an object.
Only I get to call him a brat.
Still M/N P.O.V.
It's been a week, and I want to stab something. Peferably someone on the team. They are infuriating. They won't leave the boys alone. It's getting on their nerves as well as mine, and worse, Zatana won't stop flirtting with Dick. Because of their frustration, I've had to break up more fights than I normally have to, and Dick's become even more clingy, not that I mind that, though. We have resorted to hiding in the cave, and I have considered taking them to my place instead, but that would result in DaddyBats breathing down my neck, and again, I don't want that. It doesn't help that they can't go out on patrol to let out their anger either.
I really hope Bruce finds this guy soon.
Ok so I swear to God if B doesn't hurry the hell up and get his ass back here soon I'm gonna cut a bitch or I'm gonna let Jason or Damian kill them. I can see that Dick is close to thinking the same thing. And THAT'S saying something because he's probably the most sensible of us. So if they continue this they're doomed.
We've taken to hiding in the Batcave more often because otherwise there's gonna be blood and alot of it, and it helps seeing as we can try and get a lead on the guy threatening my bird.
The team being so invasive has messed with the boys' sleeping schedule, not that they had a very good one to begin with (Read, don't have one at all). They've all become more clingy because they're tired and while I don't mind the boys being clingy the snotty and down right rude comments from the team over the mind link are starting to get to me, to the point where if Dick isn't with me at all times I fear I might go Demon on them and nobody wants that. I know I won't hurt the boys if that happens, but still not something I want to happen.
Currently, the boys and I were cuddling on the couch while the team sat around the living room chatting over the mind link. I wasn't paying them much mind instead focusing on my own mind conversation with the birds, something the team didn't know I could do. Then again, the team doesn't know my full power . Not even my 'cousin' knows. Anyway, I wasn't really paying attention to the teams conversation until a comment caught my attention, and I tensed under Dick who was again in my lap.
"I don't see what n/n sees in that brat. I mean look at him I bet he can't do anything without n/n holding his hand. I mean he can do sooo much better than these rich fakers, the kid probably doesn't even love him and is using him, I mean look who raised the kid, Bruce Wayne is a playboy and his brats probably take after their father." My 'cousin' said through the link obviously forgetting that though I was not participating in the conversation I was still connected to the mind link and could infact hear them.
Dick looked at me when I tensed and noticed that my eyes were starting to glow green. He quickly shifted in his spot and wrapped both arms and legs around me to try and calm me down. Once I was calm enough I turned to the team and gave them a glare so powerful all of them shrank away from it.
"You have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe instead of judging them based on what the danm press says about them, do the intelligent thing and get to know them first." I snarled coldly through the link, and they all flinched. I got up with Dick still being a koala bear on my waist and walked out closely, followed by the other three birds.
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purplecyborgnewt · 6 months
Who is the flash character who is the most underutilized/which character should have had more episodes?
Hartley. I'm living on this hill, might as well die on it.
He had so much of his plot and personality developements happening offscreen. Turned good offscreen, worked with Team Flash offscreen, then turned bad offscreen, got a boyfriend - and not just a boyfriend - a boyfriend who's supposedly Love Of His Life! - offscreen... Roderick's cute, I don't mind him existing, but he started as a sexylamp in a glass coffin and didn't really progressed much from there after waking up. If Hartley got more screentime, more story - onscreen story - maybe Roderick would become more than a Mandatory (Not-Het-For-A-Change) Love Interest Out Of Nowhere. Maybe I'd even start to care about him for his own's sake, not just because he's someone Hartley cares about... Or maybe I'd keep feeling conflicted about him. We won't know, because their whole alleged Great Love Story happened offscreen. No flashbacks (beside one to the tragic incident on the bridge), nothing. He's a cute blank slate. Great for ficwriters who are afraid of fucking up and making a character OOC, I suppose. Look, I'm myself the person who's always afraid of fucking up and go too OOC - that's why I barely write serious fics and pretty much never publish them anywhere. Nonetheless, if you're trying to sell me this dude as Love Of Hartley's Life, I'd like something... more substantial.
They also randomly gave Hartley powers, then either forgot about those powers or quietly retconned them away.
All the Rogues were either underutilised or mishandled by the show tbh (or were both mishandled and underutilised). Hartley is the one I always have to stop myself from ranting about until I just run out of words.
And while we're at it: unpopular opinion - "should this Flash character have been on LoT instead" pretty much always gets "no" from me. LoT took two iconic Rogues and killed one of them (the exact one with the most fans, to be honest - sorry, Mick). Killed Stein in the way that still infuriates me. Somehow killed Mattobard twice. (Fine, so the things didn't go all that great for him when he returned to his own show either. When the fans who liked how Mattobard looked in 3.01 were saying we want to see him with a beard again, we meant his actual facial hair, EW.) Miraculously didn't mansge to kill Wally, but still. They all "should" have been getting better writing and more screentime on their own show. Alas, that wasn't meant to be.
(EW claimed lately that if he got another season he'd totally bring back everyone-everyone-everyone. Yeah. Sure.)
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alolawinters · 27 days
☆Pinned Intro Post☆
Alola! Yo~ All the hellos~
My name is Wally. I'm transmasc, and I use he/him pronouns. I'm a 30 year old Team Skull Admin and Pokémon stylist who enjoys traveling to other Reigons with my team, and I sometimes travel for work too! When I go for work however, Guzma always comes with me. I love the paranormal, battling, and creative grooming (especially on a Furfrou).
I was born in Lavender Town, Kanto, and now I live here in Alola- in Po Town to be exact. It's always rainy here, we're near the beach, and my found family is wonderful. If you have any questions about life here, I'm more than happy to share a bit~
I'm in a relationship with Guzma, I'll get that out of the way. He calls me Boo, and I call him Bugs! So if I refer to someone as my Bugsband (instead of husband, haha get it?), that's who I'm talking about. Plumeria is not part of our relationship, she is literally like our sister. Guzma grew up with her!
My Pokémon
I have my active team, and I just have some around. I love giving my Pokémon freedom to roam around Po Town, but I'll just name off my team for now.
Goblin • M • Sableye • Prankster - He and Pyrite are never seperate so I'll have Pyrite stay back during any battles. Both are gremlins and they will try to get your jewelry if it's a jewel.
Aulkhor • F • Dusknoir • Pressure - She is my most serious Pokémon. I don't think I've seen her smile, but she gives good hugs.
Lullaby • F • Wigglytuff • Cute Charm - Lullaby is the second Pokémon I caught while I lived in Kanto! She has been with me through thick and thin, she is my "jack of many trades", and is a Cute Contest grand champion~
Nemophila "Nemo" • F • ☆Sylveon☆ • Pixelate - My Nemo baby~ She has such a sweet tooth and will constantly ask me for a PokéPuff- Specifically the orange one. She will get you with her puppy face, she's very good at it.
Pepper • M • Unovan Zoroark • Illusion - He is the brother to Salt... I assume. I found them both on Mount Lanakila as Zorua, and Zoruas aren't native to Alola, so I think they were abandoned there and... well. They both have since recovered and made an amazing ninja battle duo. I'm very proud of them~ Pepper is the bigger of the two and also the loudest.
Salt • M • Hisuian Zoroark • Illusion - Brother to Pepper He is smaller and more quiet, but when he gets loud in a battle it's a little scary how loud and shrill he can get. He and Pepper Like to snuggle.
((Ooc under cut))
Woof sorry for not getting a proper intro up for this blog! I've been busy with life and art work.
So I'm Wally. This blog is my self-insert roleplay blog! Anything that happens here does not affect other people's universes. This is for me to have fun, make some friends, and do a bit of roleplaying because I'm tired of being shy about it. I am an adult ('93), so I wanted to reflect that in my sona as well. Most of what StoryWally likes is what I like~
There's not really a canonical timeline for this, StoryWally just kind of exists and event could be happening, all depends on how this goes!
There will be no NSFW here.
There will be swearing and heavy content, but I'll do my best to tag the heavy content stuff with "cw"
My own lore and tidbits in my AU that will, again, not affect other AUs
I will occasionally have my other OCs and canon characters roleplay and interact~
My main Tumblr is @ribbonwolf , and there is cw on that because I post a bunch of stuff that definitely is NSFW.
Lore, Wally at work, Wally's pokemon, Po Town, pokemon photos
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
The Rogues have a code.
That much probably most people know, they even had it on the TV show.
The thing is, the code shifts throughout the different Flash runs and also depending on what writer is in charge.
Originally, the code was very simple, very straight forward. Three rules.
1. Don’t kill. 2. No drugs. 3. The score comes first.
It’s so simple and I genuinely love, love, love it. No killing, just theft. Good. No drugs; no dealing with them, no taking them yourselves because you gotta be clear-headed to do the job. Double good. The score comes first. That doesn’t mean nothing else matters, it actually means that you can’t let yourself be distracted by personal feelings like revenge.
Quite frankly, the last rule is the first one the writers kicked out. The Rogues get written very revenge driven for a while. But they amend it by adding another rule and honestly that’s okay, I love that rule.
4. The Rogues take care of their own.
Meaning they avenge each other’s death, but also that they break each other out of prison. It’s basically the foundation of “The Rogues are a Found Family” and that’s my favorite aspect about the Rogues so this rule is important to me.
The next rule to be kicked out is the first rule though. Because for reasons I genuinely can not grasp, the writers wanted the Rogues to be murderers.
They didn’t have to be. There’s enough other villains going around, killing people without a second thought. The Rogues, as a group, could have literally just remained thieves. It would actually also make so much more sense in the larger continuity of things, for them.
But no, rule number one changes into “Only kill if it’s either you or them” - which is fair enough, society at large does have that rule too, it’s known as “self defense”. And then it turns into “Don’t kill speedsters”.
So we’ve reached the point this post is really about. It’s about how the Rogues have an honor code. And how cool that actually makes them. And how the writers continuously fuck that up by rewriting the honor code and stripping the Rogues off their honor to the point of having them murder a child in cold blood.
The Rogues kill Bart Allen. Not even in the heat of battle. He’s walking away from them and they shoot him in the back. Mark Mardon, Leonard Snart and Mick Rory murder a freaking kid.
I’m not entirely sure how age works in the DC universe just yet, seeing as Bart is a grown I would guess 19 year old-ish guy by now but none of the Rogues have aged a day. The youth keep growing; Teen Titans and Young Justice all become adults, but the adults kind of all remain the same age.
Either way, to the Rogues, Bart Allen is a child. They even make a show of pointing that out before they kill him, noticing that this is not the last Flash or the original Flash, that this is a kid.
And still, with the “threat” of prison - just prison, nothing more serious than that - the Rogues murder Bart Allen and I’m sorry but that’s the most OoC thing I have ever read in all of the Flash issues and runs so far.
The Rogues, who played games with Barry Allen. They never wanted to kill him, they even say so themselves in canon. That they always expect Barry to outrun them. It’s a game to them, trying to outwit but not murder the Flash.
And the Rogues and Wally West? They’re friends. They have barbecues pool-side with each other in their civil attire, Wally attended Lenny’s retirement party.
But Bart Allen, the youngest Flash, him... they just... murder. Because they don’t want to go to prison. When going to prison and breaking out again is literally just what they do, all the fucking time.
The way the writers backtracked on the Rogues’ honor code and kept writing them more and more murderous and with less and less morals, to make them - I don’t know - more edgy or whatever is so frustrating.
Because if I wanted villains without remorse or care who just murder for the fun of it, I would be reading fucking Batman comics.
I am, however, specifically reading Flash comics because I want the colorful thieves who steal but also save the city if push comes to shove, the thieves with a heart of gold who don’t kill but all have the capacity for redemption in themselves as shown in canon repeatedly in the past.
This is... the worst character assassination I’ve ever witnessed in DC and I’ve seen some serious nonsense at this point.
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vanana-r0tat3 · 2 years
BATIM/BATDR characters as vocaloid songs
sorry if any of these feel ooc </3 some of these are covers //just like last time heres the playlist//
Joey Drew: World is Mine - ryo [Jubyphonic Cover] (i am only half joking with this one...) Outer Science - Jin [Kuraiinu Cover] The Game of Life - Yuzuhico [Jubyphonic Cover] Matoryoshka - Hachi
Henry Stein: Bad Apple - Minoshima [Jubyphonic Cover] Donut Hole - Hachi [MioDioDaVinci KYO Cover] Nonsense speaker - Nekobolo
other characters below the cut :)
Sammy Lawrence: Stop Nagging Me - Neru Crystaline - CirCrush Echo - Crusher [JubyPhonic & Mes] yes i am plugging my old mashup Phony - Tsumiki [Will Stetson Cover] Love me, Love me, Love me - Kikuo [Mey Chan Cover]
The Ink Demon: Karma - CircusP Copycat - CircusP [Dima Lancaster Cover] Amygdala's Rag Doll - GHOST The Cat's Dining Table - Kikuo You are a Worthless Child - Kikuo
Audrey: Rolling Girl - wowoka White Happy - MARETU Brain Fluid Explosion Girl - rerulili
Susie Campbell/Malice Angel: Let's go to Heaven - Kikuo Hitorinbo Envy - koyori Machine Gun - KIRA Again - Crusher [ARAKI Cover] Bacterial Contamination - Kanimiso-P
Norman Polk/The Projectionist: Emptiness, Emptiness, Emptiness of Emptiness - Kikuo
Henry and Joey: Therefore You and Me - TadanoCo Patchwork Staccato - toa [Jubyphonic Cover] Talent Sampler - koyori [Agi UTAU Cover] Monster - KIRA [Aruvn Cover] Mind Brand - MARETU [Kuraiinu Cover]
Sammy and Joey: Honey I'm Home - GHOST I Hate You - dennoko-P Disillusioned - MARETU
Sammy and Norman: Hole Dwelling - Kikuo Corpse Dance - Kikuo
Audrey and The Ink Demon/Bendy: Hide and Seek - SeeU [Lizz Robinett Cover] S.I.U - MARETU [Chinjireta Cover] A Tale of Six Trillion Years and a Night - kemu Childish War - Giga-P & Reol
Audrey and Joey: Death Should Not Have Taken Thee - Jesus-P [Jubyphonic Cover] sorry i just think this one is silly lol
and of course, leekspin for wally miku's levan polkka is so fucking funny bc apparently shes not even singing in finnish shes just singing giberish that sounds vaguely like the original song its great
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i already had karma down before seeing this but i put it under bendy HFGHJDFJHD definitely fits sammy i think too!
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consistenthero · 2 years
Your deathstroke posts finally made me cave. I'm going to start reading about this sad bastard man; where do I start? I've heard his '91 run is like, "he wants to die, he can't die, there's also a lot of homoerotic subtext with his good pal wintergreen" but there's also that Judas Contract arc in NTT, and I've seen good things about the Deathstroke Inc Year One arc, and you've also mentioned Rebirth? All I know is that he was hilarious in UTRH until he bombed Blüd, but apparently that's ooc of him anyways?
😭😭 thats terrible news that ive inflicted this man upon you.
that being said! I absolutely think you should read 91 and NTT and try to do it in as much order as you can (comics suck sometimes it hard to follow), Slade is SO emotional in the early comics like he CRIES multiple times but you can really tell how much he loves Joey and how hard Joey's death affects him and they're classic comics for a reason, like they're good comics (but they are very dated though so prepare yourself for that)
I do think it takes a special person to read Rebirth Slade (Deathstroke 2016) and come away actually liking him so I feel like you should read that second to however far you get in the 91 one.
Rebirth is mostly a book about how he affects his family so they get to shine and his dynamic with Addie in it literally makes me foam at the mouth and I wont lie I do really love him in that as well, his relationships with Wally and Tanya are so cute until they're not. Rebirth has grown on me like a fungus, I've now read pieces of it at least three times. (If you want to watch a rebirth-like Slade, Deathstroke Knights & Dragons does kinda do that, you do have to suspend your belief because the plot sucks)
New 52 Slade sucks, his one redeeming quality is that he does get to love his kids in that. Also, this might be controversial but I do think Slade is pretty in character in Nightwing (1996) which has pieces that overlap with UTRH up UNTIL Bludhaven gets bombed. Dick and Slade were playing EACH OTHER and using Rose to do it and I just know that Bludhaven getting bombed was not how that arc was supposed to end.
That being said, Slade bombing bludhaven does impact the way the titans interact with him until the end of post-crisis.
Sorry this ended up being long but I've fallen off of any recent Slade comics since Deathstroke Year One ended (I REALLY LIKED IT, it was predictable but perfect to me)
Anyway, thanks for asking about my old man, I hope this helped.
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askwallydarling · 1 year
Does wally like to steal apples from howdy's shop?
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"Well of course not, Neighbor! Stealing is a terrible thing to do, especially to friends! Whatever made you ask?"
[OOC] Hi hi! So sorry for taking so long to respond, I kind of forgot I had the blog to begin with, ahaha! Also Hello fellow welcome home ask blog, hehe
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