#so of course I had to draw Nya and Kai with their old design like an old memory
junkanimate · 1 year
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A piece of time
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the-ninjago-historian · 9 months
Ninjago Remastered Designs!
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THEY'RE DONE! After months of work!!! They are DOOOOOOOOOOONE. WOOOOOOOOOOO! Lol! Welp, these are my Ninjago designs! Basically, this is my take on the Ninja if they were in a 2d animated cartoon! And yes! I will be drawing more characters. Tumblr butchered the quality, so close ups and design notes are below the cut. They're pretty detailed, so I highly recommend checking them out. Feel free to ask questions about the designs! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ - ✒️🐉
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When designing these outfits, I tried to take inspiration from the ones in the show. And in terms of art style, drew inspiration from early 2000s cartoons, (Action Adventure ones specifically,) Anime inspired shows, and even a hint of traditional Disney animation. And while I designed them with a 2d cartoon in mind, most of the designs would most likely have to be simplified for them to be used in animation. So let's get started!
Kai: Kai was a pretty fun to work with. I actually didn't plan on giving him a sleeveless outfit. But it happened! And I like it! If you'll notice, the flame pattern on his vest mirrors the pattern on his sister Nya's outfit. I thought that would be a cool detail to include. It was inspired by their March of The Oni outfits. I also made sure to include his scar and bandaid. And gave him reddish brown eyes to signify his elemental power. Him and sister I imagine being Brazilian/Taiwanese. So I hope I captured their ethnicity properly. I'm pretty happy with this design. Especially his hair, which was hard to replicate.
Jay: Jay was a hard one for sure. I wasn't too sure how to vamp up his outfit. So I started by giving him some lightning patterns on his Gi. (At least I think that's what it's called?) And I decided to make it look a little baggy and soft. It just seemed to suit him. I tried something a little more form fitting and didn't look right. Also! A fun detail I included was his half the Yin Yang pendent around his neck! And of course Nya has her half. I imagine him having Irish ancestry, so I gave him pale, freckled skin. And gorgeous curly red hair. (As a fellow red head, I'm very proud.) Overall, I think he turned out pretty adorable. And his face is spot on.
Nya: Nya I pretty much got right on the first try! I just had a really clear vision of her in my head. I gave her a grey outfit with bright, vibrant blue details. The pattern on her Gi is inspired by Koi Scales. And she has her half of the Yin Yang pendent around her neck. I really like this one, because while it is simple, it's beautiful. And I think it reflects her element nicely. The only thing I missed was to give her a symbol like the rest. But overall, I love it! One more thing is that I wanted to give her and Pixal different hair. So when I finally release my Pixal design, you'll see that while they both have ponytails, I gave them different cut and styled ones. Should be neat!
Zane: Zane was the first one of the Ninjas I redesigned! I love how he turned out. I tried to give him a splintered ice effect on his outfit inspired by his Core minifigure and gave him his faithful falcon companion. Falcon has his old greyish purple feathers, but blue icy eyes to match his owner. I also wanted to give Zane flowing sleeves, that would look very majestic waving about in a blizzard wind. He is also incredibly tall. Taller than Cole even! I was inspired by the giant humanoid robots I'd seen in movies. In his cloaking disguise, I imagine him looking German. With blond hair, blue eyes, and light skin. I also like to think Dr Julian was German. (Was this influenced by my German ancestry? Who knows?)
Cole: You would not believe how many times I had to redraw this man's face. Haha! I just could find that sweet spot! That face that perfectly encapsulated his strong, but gentle personality. But I think I did it! His outfit is based on his Oni Trilogy Gi, with orange detailing. And he has his Island ponytail and bandana. I absolutely loved that hair style on him. So I had to use it! And if you'll notice, he has a beautiful tattoo on his right arm, with his symbol in the center. I imagine him being half Maori, from his mother's side. And the tattoo was inspired by Maori tattoos I saw pictures of. I'm not too sure how accurate those images were. But hopefully I hit the mark.
Lloyd: Finally! Our green Ninja Lloyd! His outfit was inspired by two things. Dragons, and his outfit from the Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitsu seasons. I gave him a beautiful golden dragon and cloud pattern on his clothes, a leather arm guard, and shoulder pads. If you look closer, you'll also see he has cat-like dragon eyes which pays homage to his dragon and Oni heritage. I like to think that depending on his emotions, his eyes will go from slits, to big and wide. So they are good indicators for his mood. I also imagine him being Japanese. But his powers give him his classic blond hair and green eyes. I'm very happy with this design. His hair, eyes, and face all look exactly how I see him in my head.
Well, that's all. I hope you enjoyed these designs and notes! I assure you, you will see more of the them.
Bye! - ✒️🐉
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edificent · 11 months
to mourn the self
Rating: Gen Characters: Nya, Zane Word Count: 927 Cross-Posted to AO3
It’s been quiet.
One of those rare moments after victory when they’re allowed to simply be. 
The monastery is… nicer after its reconstruction. And while the others are out learning more about themselves, Zane elected to stay behind today. As did Nya.
“Does it get easier?” Nya abruptly ends the silence they entered minutes ago.
There’s an easy smile on Zane’s face as he moves one of his stones to secure more of Nya’s. “Nya, you are the one who requested to play Go against me. I did not promise I would go easy.”
“Not the game, Zane…”
He looks up at her, raising an eyebrow. “Then what do you mean?”
“I mean… mourning yourself… who you were before you changed. Does that ever stop?”
Zane is quiet as he contemplates her words. He’s had a conversation like this before, with Cole, but he wasn’t as hung up about it after he got his body back. Or if he was, he never expressed it. But Nya… 
She’s always been self-reliant. He understands the feeling, to some extent. Raising yourself tends to do that, and though he recovered his memories of his father that doesn’t erase the years he spent alone before Wu found him. 
He wasn’t expecting her to talk to him about her time with the sea.
“No.” Zane finally says. 
Nya looks frustrated by this.
“Truthfully, I try not to think about it. I am at peace with who I am now but that does not make me not… miss things. I notice differences more often than I would care to admit. For example, in my old body, I used to get hungry. My father designed me to be as close to human functionality as possible. This body is missing those… humanisms. My rebuild was incomplete before I got taken by Chen.”
“Sometimes it feels like my body will turn to liquid all over again.” Nya admits quietly, “Like if I don’t stay focused on staying me I’ll fall apart.”
Zane frowns. “I understand…”
“It’s… the feeling of helplessness.”
“Is… there a reason you asked me this? Rather than Jay or Kai.”
“They don’t… get it. To Kai, I’m his little sister that he still has to watch out for, if I say something like this he’ll get all… Kai about it, you know? Jay would get really sad for me but in that oblivious Jay way that somehow makes you feel more bad for him than yourself. You’re more reasonable than they are and you’ve… experienced something similar.”
“I see.”
They both fall silent. 
“Did…. did you ever feel helpless as the Ice Emperor?”
Zane’s frown deepens. “I… did not know myself as the Ice Emperor. I felt… powerful. I believed my words were just and right. But looking back…”
“None of us blame you for it.” Carefully, she reaches over and places her hand on his, comforting.
Zane draws away, instinctively, “No, of course you don’t. I do not imagine the people of the Never Realm feel similarly, however. It is… frightening to know I am capable of such cruelty. And yes… At times I feel helpless because of it. Which is why I try not to think about it. About who I was before everything.”
“Not knowing yourself is… scary.”
“You felt similarly as the Sea?”
“After enough time I forgot myself. That we’re so fragile to forget who we are? To lose ourselves? I worry about what’s to come, honestly. And it will because Ninjago can never stay saved.” She huffs in annoyance at the last bit.
Zane eases up and laughs softly, “No, it cannot. It feels as though there is something new every year.”
“For once I wish it would just stay saved. I never wanted to be ordinary but I’d like for a break once in a while, y’know? See Ninjago without the perils.”
“A road trip does sound like a pleasant idea. But you might want to consider who you would want to take.”
Nya groans, as she looks back at their game. She makes her move and Zane raises a brow at her decision, though she doesn’t seem to notice or care. “Ugh. I love him, but Jay would complain the entire time about bugs, and Kai is annoying to go on trips with.”
“I have been on a few with Cole, he’s not a bad choice, though he does waste money on buying souvenirs.” One more stone, and... there. “I win, by the way.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been on a trip with Lloyd.” She glances down at the board and frowns, “I was never good at Go, anyways.”
“I’m not sure I have either. Save perhaps to the arcade when he was a younger child.”
“He was such a little shit at that age.” 
“Indeed. To be quite honest, at times I feel bad he had to grow up so fast…”
“Me too, unfortunately prophecies don’t seem to like waiting for people to grow up before thrusting responsibility upon our shoulders.”
Zane hums in agreement, before he switches tracks, “I am not sure I would count any of my trips with Sensei as trips.”
“Oh, Sensei trips are by far the worst. Everything is a lesson to him,” Nya laughs, then pauses, “Zane— let’s go on a road trip together.”
“Yeah! You know more about the ecosystems of Ninjago than anyone else here does, and you won’t have to hoard all the snacks while we drive.”
Zane smiles, glad to see Nya’s spirits rekindled as opposed to earlier. “I would enjoy that.”
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Lore Bits and HCs for my Magical Girls AU because I have Severe Brain Worsm
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under the cut because it's a looooong boi (also not super organised or structured. oOpsie-daisy)
tl;dr : a ragtag found family (they're autistic and trans) find themselves battling space-cops with their newly acquired elemental powers because some autistic robot wanted to LARP as Its favorite anime
It's an alien-robot thingy from space
Like canon! Zane, It uses an hologram to appear human
Even by alien-robot standard, It's autistic
It became fascinated and enamoured with humans and Magical Girls so much that It revealed Itself to a few humans and gave them elemental abilities to create Its own Magical Girls team (that's what happens when the 'tism wins i guess)
It doesn't care that "Magical Girls" is supposed to be a gendered term 🤷🏼
Revealing Itself to humans is an alien crime, so now It's on the run
Most of the threats the Team fights is literally just alien-robot cops coming after It
Prefers It/Its pronouns, but because bigots use those maliciously, It only uses them with Its close friends. With everyone else, It prefers they/them slightly, but is mostly apathetic
Doesn't know how old It is in Earth year, but knows It's a young adult by Its specie's standard
AroAce, in a queerplatonic relationship with Cole and Kai
Very Tall (6'4'')
Dresses very conservatively, has an impressive collection of beige sweaters. Pants are always clean ??? (weirdo)
First human turned Magical. Earth powers.
When Zane first arrived on Earth, It was lost and confused, and Cole helped It. That's how they met, and that's why Zane decided Cole has "the pure heart of a Magical Girl"
He was houseless when he first met Zane, they now have an apartment together
He's the oldest (25) and as such fills the role of big brother to the group
Gives very good advice, such as "most crimes are morally correct" and "punch nazis always" and "never talk to cops"
A source of emotional stability for the others, great at co-regulation, very chill
Living happily and healthily, and caring for his community, is his greatest protest
Used to have a shit relationship with his dad, but now it's better, which puts him in the perfect position to support Kai, Nya, and Llorie, who all have shit relationships with their parents
Draws very well, designed all of his tattoos
Tattoos are : Earth Dragon (right arm), Energy Dragon, Water Dragon, Lightning Dragon, Fire Dragon, Ice Dragon (all on left arm), Mountain Landscape (back), White Lily, Music Notes (both over his heart), Piece of Cake (right buttcheek), Pink Crystals (both legs), Mouth with Tongue Out (right inner thigh), there's probably more but I'm out of ideas 🤷🏼
High as a kite 24/7. He uses it as medication for his chronic anxiety and sensory issues
Autistic <3
Special interests include : music history, music theory, just music in general actually, philosophy, baking, geology, and vintage technology, especially retro gaming. he's such a loser <3 (compliment)
Very good baker, makes insane edibles
Dresses punk, but musically prefers prog rock because he's a tasteless nerd (also listens to punk, of course, other types of rock, metal, and some subgenres of dubstep)
Yellow and purple shoelaces
Very Tall (6'2'')
Besties with Nya (mlm and wlw solidarity)
Romantically gay, asexual, transmasc
He was on testosterone for a bit, he no longer is as he is happy with the androgynous in-between he's reached. Doesn't want any kind of surgeries
In a queerplatonic relationship with Zane and a romantic relationship with Kai
Met Zane through Cole
Got turned Magical because Zane figured he'd enjoy it (It was correct)
Resident Himbo. Not a single thought behind those eyes.
Had started apprenticeship at father's forge, but relational conflicts made him leave
He has a horrible relationship with his father, and *very* mid with his mother
Pays for Nya's college education by participating in a shady underground fight ring, The Slither Pit. wins a lot, makes good money
Also has a successful OnlyFans
Has a bit of a drinking problem, but he's working on it (it used to be much worse)
Autistic and ADHD <3
Special interests include : footwear, hockey, hip-hop, metallurgy, glass art, kinesiology (I don't know, man, he's a sport nerd or whatever), hot peppers and hot sauce
Crop tops, tank tops that show off side boobs, booty shorts, grey sweatpants, high-waisted pants, fire prints, red, varsity jackets. Vaguely retro vibe, with the most 90's hair possible (too much hair gel and frosted tips)
24 years old
Bisexual, demi-romantic, transmasc
On testosterone, has had top surgery
In a queerplatonic relationship with Zane and a romantic relationship with Cole
She got turned Magical because Kai, Jay and Cole nagged Zane non-stop until It agreed to Magic-ify her. Kai was ecstatic when she ended up getting water powers (he thinks sibling having opposite powers is Very Cool™️)
Her initial reaction to the turning was to be fucking pissed. That's her initial reaction to anything that stresses her out. Once she got over the weirdness of the whole some-alien-robot-guy-turned-me-into-a-fuckin-magical-girl thing, she ended up embracing it the most out of all of them, she's practically a vigilante at this point
She can fight even better than Kai, as martial art is one of her favorite way of releasing stress
Along with fixing cars
And since she has a LOT of stress to release, she's very good at both of those things
Special interests include : machines, especially cars (her main one), Journey to the West, Queer history, apes (her favorites are chimpanzees), She-Ra and He-Man
Autistic <3
High-masking. It's giving her autistic burnout, so she's been trying really hard to learn to unmask. Her friendship with Cole and relationship with Jay play a big role in her unmasking journey, as they show to her that she can be safe and secure while being herself
Burned out, but she won't let herself rest :/
She's a double-major, engineering and gender studies
She has a terrible relationship with her mother, and very mid relationship with her father
Besties with Cole (wlw and mlm solidarity)
They have similar taste in music (rock, prog, punk, metal). They like shopping for vinyls together
She's a coffee snob. Annoying about it.
Really sappy cheesy lovey-dovey when alone with Jay, but more friend-like when they're with other people (she doesn't like broadcasting her softer side to the world)
Cargo pants, muscle tees, tank tops, leather jackets, distressed denim, steel-toed boots, army surplus, navy blue, army green, black and grey, camo print
Hair up in ponytail or bun always, for sensory reasons
22 years old
Butch bi-lesbian trans woman
On estrogen and progesterone, doesn't want surgeries
In a romantic relationship with Jay
Zane turned spark Magical because spark was infodumping about anime and how much spark'd love to have cool powers
Is the only one on the team who can fly, Zane has no idea how that happened
Cannot stand still, cannot shut up. the AuDHD is strong with this one
Special interests include Sci-Fi, especially space stuff, Starfarer being spark absolute favorite franchise, Magical Girls anime, anime in general actually, machines, video games, snakes, chicken husbandry, animation
Engineering major. That's how spark met Nya
Wanted to also major in theater, but a double-major was way to much for spark
Is in an improv team instead, as a hobie
Spark's a very talented drag performer. makes costumes sparkself. Drag-sona is a genderless alien named Zap, uses zap/zapself pronouns
Favorite music genre is ~computer noises~
Drinks way too much pink monster. Collects limited edition cans
Has not only accepted, but embraced the cringe 😌
A furry, made spark's fursuit. Cole drew the design
Dresses like if arcade carpeting and techno-unicorn had a baby
23 years old
Panromantic, demi-sexual
In a romantic relationship with Nya
She's the baby of the group. She got turned because Zane needed a "chosen one" for Its fantasy scenario
She's not *actually* chosen for anything, but she plays along because she's just happy to be here
Going through the Magical Girl transformation SHATTERED her egg
She graduated from Darkley's, an expensive boys-only boarding school. She's just starting college, majoring in (uuh, I don't know yet. Is veterinary a major ??? I've never been to school.)
When in her magical form, she has non-human features, such as golden horns, fangs, a green scaly tail, pointy ears, and claws
Dysphoria hoodie, always. She's had it since she was 10 (it's running small, but she's very emotionally attached to it)
Her parents are both stinking rich, and emotionally neglectful. Her dad is a weapon magnate, her mom's a world renowned archeologist (that's a plot hole. archeologists aren't usually stinking rich ??? whatev's). They stuck her in Darkley's and pretty much forgot about her. She hasn't come out to them yet, but she's out to her uncle Wu, who was the only family member actually there for her throughout her life
She's autistic <3
She met the group because Nya can spot a baby trans from a mile away, and immediately entered big sister mode. Nya's been helping her navigate the early stages of transition, offered her an understanding ear, gave her advice. They're practically sisters at this point. Naturally, the rest of the group also adopted Llorie.
Special interest include Starfarer (duh), plushies, fishes, especially sharks, mythology/legends/folklore/fairytales
*skirt goes spinny*
18 years old
5'2'' (she's itty-bitty)
She's still trying to figure out her sexuality, but she highly suspects she's on the aro and ace spectrums. Trans girl.
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nori0arts · 1 year
Some info about 'Oni Tommy Au' (yes it will for now be the official name to this Au)
Tommy joins the ninjas but takes some time to get used to them, and some other things too, like not using so much violence when fighting some villains, or to not swear so much, and to use spinjitsu.
About the spinjitsu thing: At first Tommy did not want to learn spinjitsu, but the team conviced him, but even after leaning it, he doesn't use that much, he finds it unnecessary.
About the violence and swearing thing: Well, i have a headcanon that maybe one person or more (including Master Wu) don't like that the ninjas use so much violence at the point of hurting a villain, or swearing too, and Tommy has been dealing with guys that seek for trouble since before joining the ninjas, and of course, he usually used some more violence, and used to swear a lot too, since he usually only talked to himself or a someone he was fighting, took him a while to get used to not do those things.
Did all the ninjas trusted Tommy at season 4 when he first appeared? No, Kai, Cole, and even Garmadon, didn't trust him a single bit, Zane, Jay and Nya, they had their doubts, since they thought he would be useful, so they were cool, but keeping an eye on him, Lloyd was actually, the only one who trusted him completely, even though he didn't know him that well, he saw a certain kindness in him, and since Tommy had confided in Lloyd about Chen's problem at first, this made Tommy gain Lloyd's trust.
Tommy didn't say his real age (since he's very old, because he's an Oni) but he Said he was older than all the ninjas, so, kind of all the ninjas see him as an older brother, he doesn't really understand why they simply adopted him as the older sibling of the group, but after a while, he joined in the fun and started acting like big brother to all of them.(I know I made a post that I wanted to let Tommy have a romantic relationship with Kai, but because of this Au, I thought better of the idea, and I won't do it, maybe with another character in the series, or with an oc that I can create, but for now I don't know)
I also liked to think a fact about Onis while making this Au, what if all of them, when having a human form, have white hair? Cuz, as far as i have seen, ninjago fandom pratically adopted the idea of Onis having white hair, so why not their human forms have it too? But the thing is, the only people on this Au that know about this hair thing, is Garmadon (his father told him, but not to Wu), and Mystake, "Oh so why didn't Garmadon know that Tommy was an Oni when they meet in season 4?" Because the design for Tommy in season 4, he has a hood, which covers most of his hair, so Garmadon didn't get to see Tommy's hair and find out that he was actually an Oni, now Mystake does, but that's later on.
I have lots of ideas to this Au, but i don't want to write it all here, just wanted to put some interesting info, mainly because I didn't say much about this Au, I didn't have a plot so you guys didn't knew what I was doing, but now there is, and I'll little by little post more info about the Au, and try to post drawings.
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Ohhhh boy; here’s some VERY old concept art.
This AU was made around 2011; before the rest of the Elemental masters were revealed, before Garmadon was ever redeemed, before— well, anything. I made it during season 1, when I was roughly.... Maybe 6 or 7, actually? The oldest drawings here are the two with the X symbols on the persons, but let me go in order of the way Tumblr decided to post them.
1- The first ever concept art for Garmadon, before I knew how to draw ears! Or noses! Or more than one set of limbs! When his design was made the Oni were not revealed to be what Garmadon was; that, or I just never knew. At the time it’s not like ANY of us knew what the Oni were in-show, anyway. Originally, this AU a was going to follow Garamdon training the pupils in the FSM’s old monastery— or the one we see in the show, so I tried to keep the design as close to the show as possible... As well as a maybe 9 year old me could. However, a LOT has changed since then, and now Garmadon and his students are constantly on the move.
2/3- Now around when I was 11-14, I can’t remember, the time twins were introduced and I IMMEDIATELY fell in love with them. They were going to be a huge part of this AU at the time, being the cause for why the timeline is the way it is— which is still canon to this day! This AU is essentially caused by Krux and Acronix traveling far back in time by mistake, while Wu was sent forward, and Kai and Nya returning to their gone in canon— Krux and Acronix were left when the world was just first being made, leaving a lot of chaos to ensue from them both that caused the timelines to split and them to be stranded in this Alternate Universe. They caused a lot of havoc that made things turn out the way they did in this AU— but of course, that will be elaborated on in the future. As far as anyone knows in this AU, Krux and Acronix never existed and they don’t know who they are— rather a separate line of time elementals came to be.
4/5- The original Keepers of the Dragons idea. They were going to all be human back in the early days, as the stone warriors hadn’t been introduced yet and Ninjago had a lot of lore yet to be revealed. There’s not much to say on these since the way I design the KotD’s uniforms is so different now, with a lot more symbolism vs just looking cool. Though, fun fact, the woman actually ended up becoming an OC of mine who I revamped awhile ago. You can see some of her on my art blog!
6- More Krux & Acronix with me trying to finalize their designs for this AU— which is nowhere NEAR what their designs are now— though of course we still have a LONG TIME before I get anywhere near being able to show their designs. ... Well, maybe not a long time, but think of this AU as if it were like in Ninjago seasons. This is season 1. Think of that as more a season 3/4 type of deal we can only foreshadow to, for now.
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thinking journal for season 12 Prime Empire 😎😎😎 (2/2)
Here we go with the next part! I really hope we get some major big plot twist at some point, because it's all really cool but I need something to really change from good to GREAT
For now, let's focus on the next episodes!
It's the 17th of April and here we go!
I feel like there's little time to really pull up something, I don't know. Like, what plot twist could happen now that there just half season left with only Unagami/Dyer's identity and maybe Scott's past as mysteries? There's little space for more plotlines, that's what I think
Overall fighting scenes, character designs and game backgrounds are AWESOME!!
Let's see how it goes, maybe I'll be surprised. Wouldn't be weird for Ninjago to pull a bomb last episode 😅
Okay, so there is a photo, and there is a friend. As I thought, Dyer might not be Unagami at all, I feel like there's a lot of backstory coming along. I wonder if Scott has a part in this... WHERE IS SCOTT 💙
Ah, of course Kai would spend his credits on an avatar, I should've known, my flame babe can be such a dummie sometimes I mean why would you even do such a thing as buying an avat-
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NEVER MIND I LOVE IT 😍😍🔥🔥 I thought him being blonde was going to bother me, I actually kinda like the change. Still prefer my baby brunette, but it's really cool as well. The best of this season are definitely the characters designs
Was that "let's fight an ogre mission" a hint for next season? I wouldn't be weird, but it's been a while since I've seen forshadowing for new season in this show
HECK YEAH THE DANCING EPISODE!!! I was waiting for this, Jaya is so cute while they are on the dancefloor 😍 They have chemistry 😘😘😘
I like the implication that Nya was really bad at dancing before Jay, like Kai covering his eyes because he cannot handle her sister not being perfect at something 😛
And Cole being the dance expert, that little tango moment with Kai I bet made many lavashippers super happy 🖤❤🖤❤
JUST LOOK AT THEM!!! Nya better say I love you back soon, like Kai and Skylor are a little behind, Zane and Pixal already said it, Jay can't stop doing it, come on girl it's your turn! 😎😎
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Okay, I think my theory won't happen 😅 Feels like there are not enough episodes for a good reveal, and it doesn't seem like Scott is that influenced by Jay. My last idea is that perhaps he has spent so much time in the game like Jay said (POOR BABY 😭) that he doesn't remember. Maybe the moment he will come back, we will find out that it is Jay's brother/twin, I mean he still has those dragon and lightnings drawing on his back... yeah I like this theory a lot, gonna hold on to it!
So Scott is indeed a person trapped in a game, at least that's confirmed 👍
Also he's got some major issues, the poor thing, and I think there is some special reason behind him not wanting to race besides having just one life.
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OH MY GARMADON 😂😂😂 Okay, okay, it's actually better than I expected really. The scarf is cool, and so are the golden tattoos, the suit and the golden sleeve. It's just the mohawk that will take time to get used to, it's not even bad, just weird 🤷‍♀️
Racer Seven is so cool! Always nice seeing a new female character in this show that is not a love interest. I do love Nya, Pix and Sky to death, but I love variety too 💪
Really, really nice the piece of all Racer Seven's crashes! Impactful and sad, a never ending loop that she wants to break through from. That's the heavy stuff I like!
Okay, ready for the race! And I'm... scared? Like, a lot of they guys have one life?? KAI HAS ONE LIFE?? 😱😱 I hope for the best I guess 😅
Might be my favorite episode yet
Seven is SO COOL, it's another reason why I'm sad these episodes are so short! I really would had liked see her more, truly have her bond with the guys
Soooo... I guess since Scott's been in the game for 30 years it's safe to assume he's not Jay's brother/twin. To be fair it's really hard to tell a LEGO person's age😅 At this point I guess he could be either Dyer's friend, even if it sounds unlikely, or... idk, still think he could have a connection with Jay. Maybe he's like... an older brother? Libber had him a long while ago?
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! WHY DID SCOTT HAVE TO DIEEEEEEEE??? 😭😭😭 Just when he was getting more involved, come on! He even said he wanted to try that hero stuff, I love him! WE WILL SAVE YOU MY TECH BABY!!!
Cole getting a ride from Kai, this season has some pretty good lava material ❤🖤❤🖤
I've got some major Ninjaball Run vibes from this, that brings me back 😂 Even the no rules thing is there, come on, there has to be a little bit of inspiration from it!
Still don't know what I think of the rats, kinda seems useless and annoying, gonna be honest. But it's a nice race, exciting with nothing big happenin-
Kai and Cole sacrifice for Jay
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I so, so enjoyed how they did it. Like, one look between them to realize that yes, this is it, Jay is the expert and needs to go on. This is the end of our race... AAAHHH!! (Infinite shipping potential too)
Omg Nya screaming her brother's name and Jay his best friend's name, while Lloyd looks so devastated (those masks are actually kinda espressive, I really like them). Wow. This is the angst I needed, finally👌
YES SEVEN WON!!! HECK YEAH GIRL!!! SO HAPPY FOR HER!!! Also Okino in the background being happy, nice touch!
And now they are three... it's gonna end up with only Jay huh. I... I'm not ready actually, my heart 😢 They better all hug when this is all over!!!
The music of the old school section was actually very nice, reminds me of the past, I kinda hoped The Fold were going to release some game themed songs. Been a while since I have one of those 😍
Lol, explaining the side scroll games was actually pretty cool
YES THEY ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGED THE AIRJITSU!! Maybe they will remember they can used it, right Cole? The ladder scene? YOU CAN FLY???
OMG NYA ACTUALLY SAID CICLON-DO JUST HOW CUTE IS THAT!!! All the way from my favorite season Possession, Jay's definition of airjitzu that I actually still kept in one of my fanfictions 😂
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Okay the design of the temple of madness is REALLY cool, you can immediately tell it's from an old videogame. Gives me the double vibe the googles for the first 3D movies used to give me 😂
Also look at this
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THIS IS ADORABLE!! 💙💚💦 Really old style videogame 😂
And there we go!! Harumi!! Since I saw her in the set I was wondering what she was going to be, maybe an avatar or an NPC of some sort... THIS HURTS WAY MORE!!! And of course pure heart BABY boy Lloyd doesn't feel good fighting her, he had a crush on her! AND HE FREAKING SAW HER DIE!!! It's really sad that he still hopes for her to be good...
The fighting scenes are really, REALLY good! So fluid and active! This fight was really pleasant to watch, not gonna lie 💜
Okay, down to three members. Remaining Zaptrap and water godess... omg Nya will totally die first and at that point Jay will go completely nuts. I'm both scared and DYING TO HAPPEN!!! ANGST FINALLY!!! THIS IS THE STUFF!!
Got some major Skybound feeling, like when it was only Jay and Nya... will Nya finally say I love you back?? I HOPE SO ❤💙❤💙
With the three keytana now, what will happen? I'm actually curious now, this is the exciting stuff I need! And yes I do realize it's a little weird that for getting hype I need my faves to die 😅
The Weekend Whip with sax, never thought I needed this in my life 😍
Bet Brent had a blast recording this
Okay this is the third Chima reference I see, they better throw some Nexo Knights hits as well next season! Come on, it's about freaking knights!!!
This is not what I expected when they said there was going to be an episode with only Zane and Pixal but I'm sure as HECK not complaining 👌
Oh, seeing Pixal joining in so normally is so beautiful, I really wish we could have her even more often
Dareth's karaoke bar! From Sons of Garmaron! Also him guessing first try because the ninja really do get post in other dimensions very often 😂 Gotta love them indeed
Pff Zane narrating and getting stopped every time because of it, how I missed this naive little nindroid
So the bartender Tony is the friend? That's it? A little easy really, hoped for more... still calling him Milty is cute 💕
Buddy's Pizza from season 2!!! This season is killing me with references and I LOVE IT SO MUCH 💜💜💜
So, the mechanic is free again (the Kryptarium dudes should really learn how to do their job right 😓), Zane is kidnapped, and Pixal has a fedora that makes her possibly even cuter. I have emotions
AH!! KNEW IT!! UNAGAMI IS NOT DYER!! FREAKING CALLED IT!!... kinda expected really, but still called it 😅
So Unagami was the first name of Prime Empire and is also an AI that got crazy and was shut down, but now is back after programming the game itself and wants to get to the real world?... I'm down with it
So I'm guessing we won't get much of a Scott backstory... Eh, let's see how it goes!
I was seriously confused by why those dudes wanted to kidnapped Wu, but it made sense later. Still come on sensei, you're a freaking half god or something, pull yourself together 🤦‍♀️
Very nice that Pixal is the one to bring up the argument about feelings and AI. So very nice to have her in this!!!
Oh finally the backstory of Unagami I'm really curious about what happened in the past and what exactly brought the shut down of Prime Emp-
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So Scott was the first beta tester, Milton asked Unagami to make the experience as exciting as possible, and that ended very badly so the game was shut down and THEY LEFT HIM INSIDE FULLY KNOWING HE WAS THERE??? I HATE DYER NOW!!!
Although it is really interesting knowing a tech genius like him, until now we got Dr. Julien and Cyrus Borg that were plenty open about the idea of AI with feelings as meaningful as humans'. While he doesn't get that, they are only machines for him and that's the reason why he doesn't understand how much Unagami is mad and filled with need for revenge.
This is why I want more than 11 minutes, the themes of this season are really, REALLY cool. I would have loved more introspection and development.
I guess Scott being Jay's brother is officially debunked 😅 Although I am curious about the life he left behind, since he was stuck in that game for 30 years. He still has those lightnings on the jacket I don't understand...
The portal is open, Zane might get destroyed, Unagami wants revenge, Jay and Nya are the only one left and I'm pretty sure Nya will be killed as well leaving only Bluebell so there's THAT. So yeah, this is actually pretty cool!
Two episodes left. Okay Ninjago season 12 Prime Empire, wow me 😎
This felt a little simple if I'm gonna be honest. I felt like the last mission before facing Unagami was a little basic, with nothing really exciting. Still liked it, but this is probably my least favorite episode 🤷‍♀️
Of course, put Jay is a sushi restaurant-themed level and he will kill you with puns 😂 I love this prankster
Again, the fighting scenes are dope. Definitely one of my favorite things since they changed the animation. You lose something you win something 😙
Wooo, Jay saying that he had trained for years just for kick his butt was actually cool! Bluebell is unleashing!
"And that's how we roll!". You rock we roll, am I right 😂
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I wish Nya said that she loves Jay back though! Freaking come on girl, he is your yang!!! ❤💙❤💙
Unagami is not Dyer, he wants to get to the real world, I'm actually kinda curious about the confrontation that is about to happen... ALSO THERE BETTER BE LOTS OF HUGS WHEN THIS IS OVER
I... genuinely forgot about the dragon medallion 😅 Eh, I love dragons so I'm fine with it. Well, let's see how it ends!!!
Wow, I actually love this ending?? A LOT?? After last episode I didn't have much hope, but after seeing it I gotta say, it was really great 👌👌
Thanks for not dying on us again Zane, much appreciated
Jay taking charge is quite rare and when it happens you know things are about to get crazy 😂 It was really nice seeing how sensible he could be, telling that Unagami wasn't evil after all, that he needed closure and answers
I know I miss the animation peak we reached with SoG and Hunted, but I gotta say the atmosphere of the city with the lightnings and the gray sky was really awesome. Very cool.
Pff, that part with the elevator though, reminds me of the one in season 1 that made me start watch Ninjago ✌ Also it's always Borg's Tower indeed 😂
And wow. WOW. I didn't expect Jay to drop the I'm adopted bomb on us, I think I never heard him talk about it since Skybound (that technically never happened so 😅). It was SO good seeing him sympathize with Unagami because he was also left with no explaination. His desire to know, along with the hope that the past is the past, but they had a good reason for. Also he freaking said he didn't have the chance to ask because Cliff is dead and I 😭😭😭😭
And here I melted, because we finally see the situation for what truly is, the way Jay also sees it: Unagami is a kid, a child that doesn't understand how the world works, that just wants to make his father proud but got rejected instead. The confrontation was actually touching, I really wish we had more time for that. Even a little resistance from Unagami, another fight, and a finally reconcilliation with Dyer.
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Could you seriously be cuter than this?? ❤💙❤💙 I wished for more hugs but I'll settle for this I guess 😍
Okay, very nice to see Seven and Okino out there and deciding to live their lives in Ninjago, nice to see some others like the rats going back to Prime Empire. As Unagami said, he gave them a choice, it's up to them at this point
But I'm sorry, WHY ARE WE NOT GOING TO TALK WITH SCOTT??? That guy's been trapped inside the game the longest, not even a "Hey bud, you're alive, cool cool"? I know I've been overbearing about how much I love Scott, especially since I had all those theories about him (still don't know why he has lightnings on his jacket and hat, is it just a style thing? Idk), but come on! Well I guess if he's happy I am 🤷‍♀️
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Is that his girlfriend or something? After 30 years? Or maybe she got trapped with him a while later? Or maybe that's his... mom? Look, we all know determine the age of LEGO characters is hard, give me a break please 😅😅
Overall, very nice ending, it brought everything together quite nicely. I'm satisfied, yes!! 💜💜
As I said, the episodes' lenght I really think gets in the way of making this an excellent season. There is so much that could be explored more, the choice matter, all the amazing characters, and the AI feelings stuff from the latest episodes. There is room for more, I wished we got that
The characters though were really amazing. Between Scott, Okino, Seven and Unagami himself, there were very different personalities with very different dreams and thoughts, that made this ride much more interesting
Fighting animation was 👌👌👌
Comebacks from past seasons were 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Maybe it didn't really focused on Jay as much until the end? Yeah it was about him, but we got to see his sensibility and his past only last episode. He loves Nya, he likes videogames, of course but there's more about him than meets the eye! Wished we saw that, but in general it was nice seeing him first line again 💙
I liked this season. It has flaws, but I enjoyed many parts and at the end I was left satisfied 👍
Just... wasn't Jillian supposed to be in this? Or is it next season? She said a mom was going to come back, I took for granted it was going to be Edna. I'm curious about next season now... FINALLY A COLE SEASON EVERYONE!!! 🖤🖤🖤
Thank you for leaving notes to my last rant, this helps me not jump excitedly every time a new episode comes out 😅 Well then, that's all from me!! Have a nice day everyone!! 💜💜💜
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afandomroom · 4 years
Note- Angst, also here's the prequel of this story
Daemon strained against his vengestone restraints, a harsh glare fixed on the ninja as he roared at them. There had been an attack on the village he and Safa were living in. It was a small, rural area, didn’t draw much attention, good for laying low. Of course, Safa thought it was because Daemon liked the “fresh country air”. With that small lie, they had actually managed to build a good life there. Without his reputation, Daemon had a decent, legal job. He could send Safa to school with the money he made, and his little sister had friends. They were happy, they were safe But then some mob had gotten gutsy, deciding they needed more territory.   Daemon hadn’t wasted anytime running home from his job, not bothering to explain to what was happening to Safa has he scooped her up and started running for the outskirts. All he had said was that she needed to stay quiet, and keep her head down. He could tell she was scared. He just wanted to get out of the village, so they could be safe again. Then he had spotted a couple, backed to a wall by a group of cackling gangsters. He tried to stay focused, to only care about Safa and himself.   But there was something about the fear in couple’s voices, that forced him to stop. Thinking quickly, Daemon had found a corner to tuck Safa away in, instructing the small girl to stay there and remain quiet, promising her that he would return. The ninja hadn’t seen him tear the goons away from the whimpering couple. They hadn’t seen him fight the goons off, defending the lovers. The only thing they had seen was a terrified couple, running out of the alley while screaming…and a roughed up Bizarro following soon after.   He didn’t want to fight the ninja; he had tried his best to dodge attacks, to convince them to focus on the gang members, the immediate threat. He barely had time to hope his little sister would stay hidden, when Kai landed a flaming hit. Adrenaline and rage flared, as the Bizarro landed his first punch. The ninja could’ve died, he realized, if it weren’t for a familiar, whimpering voice just beyond the fight. The sight of a wide eyed Safa had frozen Daemon, as he realized she’d seen him slip into his old ways. He could hardly breathe, as he stared at her shocked confused and even terrified expression. The prick in his neck barely registered, as Zane stuck a needle in. His focus was entirely on his young companion. He could barely hear her shouting his name, running to him as he slipped into unconsciousness. He watched through blurred eyes, as Kai scooped up the small girl, holding her back as she struggled and cried out for Daemon. Then everything had gone dark. Now here Daemon was, arms bound tightly behind him, captors glaring at him with suspicion as he struggled and seethed. He didn’t know where Safa was, they wouldn’t tell him where she was. He hated not knowing if she was ok, if she was being looked after. Kai leaned against a wall, arms crossed. He didn’t appear at all phased by the Bizarro’s rage. “Look man, we don’t know how that kid knows you. We don’t know why you gave her a fake name, or why someone like you was anywhere near her. But we do know this- “The fire ninja stepped forward, placing his hands on the table that separated him from the Bizarro, leaning in close, “You’re not going near her, ever again.” For a minute, Daemon didn’t move, didn’t say anything. He just locked eyes with the brunette as his words processed. Alright, at least he knew Safa was safe. He then proceeded to slam his head into Kai’s forehead, sending the red ninja stumbling backwards. Kai   gripped his head with a groan, swearing. Daemon’s scowl deepened through the ache in his own head. “Daemon is my name, ya idiot. Jus’ cause I look like your friend, don’t mean we share a na-“His head snapped to the side, as Nya punched him. Daemon wasn’t the only one in the room who didn’t want their family messed with. It’d been a while since a punch had hurt Daemon, courtesy of the vengestone. “DON’T TOUCH HIM!” Nya squirmed in Jay’s grip, as he held her back from throwing more punches at the bound Bizarro. “Nya…please calm down…” Jay mumbled, holding his girlfriend around her waist. Kai pushed Zane away after letting the nindroid check for a concussion, stepping back towards Daemon, though he seemed to be more cautious of the space between them this time. “If you honestly think we’re letting someone with a record of beating up people for kicks near that little girl, you’re dumber than we think, pal” Daemon almost spat out another retort, when it hit him. He fell slack in his chair, giving up on his struggle, staring at Kai without a trace of anger left. The ninja could only watch in cautious confusion at his sudden mood change.
Why had it taken him so long to understand? They thought they were protecting Safa, just like he tried to. They thought he was going to…hurt her. They thought he was a threat to her safety.  It made sense, like Kai had said; he had a history of beating people for entertainment. His mind drifted back to how scared Safa had been, seeing him rage against the ninja in that village. He thought back to when they first met, how scared she’d been of the large Bizarro.  He thought about how scared she would be if she had seen him head but Kai. He thought about the lies he had told her. Maybe they were right; maybe he was a danger to her. Daemon lowered his head, releasing a shaky sigh as everything set in. When he finally spoke again, he found that his strong voice had turned shaky.   “I...I would never...hurt Safa.” He looked at them, confusion doubling in their expressions, “I...I just want her safe…please…please jus’ let me see her…” He swallowed; confused at the statement that next left his mouth. “Then you can take me t’ Kryptarium. You’re right…I cause too much pain; I’ve caused too much pain. I-I’ll go willingly…Jus’ let me see her…let me say good bye…” He could feel an unusual fear bubbling up in his chest, as the ninja looked at each other, and left. They had no reason to agree to his demand, and every reason to drag him off to Kryptarium without giving a second glance. He was never going to see Safa again; his last memory of her would be her eyes staring in fear and her voice screaming his name. His little sister was going to be dragged off to some orphanage, pushed into some over filled home that couldn’t care less, without knowing what happened to her big brother. She’d think he’d abandoned her, left to save himself. But he would never do that. He would rather die than let her be alone, to feel abandoned again. He wished his hands weren’t bound, so he could wipe away the building tears. His throat felt tight. Why was this so terrifying, so heart breaking? It had nearly been an hour, when he heard the door open. He didn’t look up, assuming it was a ninja here to drag him off. He didn’t speak when the footsteps stopped beside him. His heart swelled with hope when he felt a small hand gently shake his shoulder. A sad smile appeared when he heard a soft, scared voice call his name. “D-Daemon?” He looked over at Safa, wishing he could hug her, and tell her it would be ok. The best he could do was lean over, letting the small girl wrap her arms around his neck. “H-hey kid…they treating you ok?” He couldn’t help the cracks in his voice. “Y-yeah” he could hear the sniffling, god he hated the circumstances. “The Earth Ninja was watching over me…he’s a lot like you Daemon” Daemon gave a light chuckle at this, “Not that surprised, we definitely got more than one thing in common” “Why...” Safa pulled away from Daemon, reaching out to his cuffs, “W-why did they do this? Y-you’re not a bad person…y-you haven’t done anything wrong!” He sighed, leaning back to look Safa in the eyes. He hoped she never learned what he really was, what he had done, what he had been designed to do. “Listen...kids...I…” His throat was getting tighter, as he bit back tears. This was hard, painful. “I…have...to go-“ “W-what?! No, why...I don’t want you to go, why do you have to go?!” The pain in her face was breaking his heart. He swallowed again, shaking his head. “I-I can’t explain kid…this...this is jus’ where we gotta split, I…it’s not my choice...but t’s gotta happen. But...th’ ninja will take care of ya, ‘t’s their job….” Safa hugged Daemon once more, tearing pouring as she buried her face into him. “I don’t want the stupid ninja, I want you! Y-you’re family…don’t leave me like my other family did, please!” Hot tears fell onto Safa’s dress, as her words finally broke what remained of Daemon’s dam. His voice got quiet and shaky, as he rested his head on Safa’s. The closest he could get to returning her hug. “The last thing I want to do is leave you kid. This….this is hurting me so much-“ “Then stay!” “I-I can’t kid…I…I can’t…I-I’m sorry” Before Safa could continue protesting, the door opened again, two people walking in. The siblings looked up, seeing Cole and Zane there, with Jay in the hall. Daemon frowned, but gave a nod of understanding, looking down at Safa. What remained of his heart shattered at how betrayed, lost, and broken she looked. Why was life so cruel to innocent people like her? “Listen, Safa...I need you to promise something, ok?” She didn’t respond, looking away. Daemon exhaled, closing his eyes. He couldn’t continue seeing her like this. “Keep smiling, ok? Stay brave…things will be ok, I promise, they will be…” Safa didn’t look back at him until Jay picked her up, starting to walk her out of the room. She fought against the brunette’s hold, reaching out for her brother, crying out. “Daemon! NO, DAEMON!!” Daemon forced himself to give a comforting smile, tears still pouring out. “Bye Kid” He focused his gaze on the remaining two ninja. “Let’s get this over with.”
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fabrowrites · 5 years
The Ninja Create Fursonas
Despite the title, no furries were harmed in the making of this fic
When the announcement first comes through, Jay's thrilled. He can't believe it's real. It's like something out of a dream. When the day finally comes and they're on their way to the studio, he sits in the back seat and practically vibrates in place for the entire trip.
A hand settles on his thigh. "Settle down, Jay!" Cole says, laughing. "You're charging up enough energy to give us all static shocks for a week. Is your brain exploding? You're so jittery today."
"Of course I'm jittery," Jay snaps. "How are you not? This is like, the greatest thing that's ever happened to me."
This thing being- wanting to ride their latest wave of popularity after defeating the Preeminent (and Nadakhan, but apparently he didn't count- yes, Jay was salty), a toy-making company had approached the group and asked if perhaps they'd be interested in a line of stuffed toy creatures made after them? As if they'd say no. And if that wasn't enough, they also wanted the ninja to be the ones to design them.
Jay just might pass out in the back of this van.
They'd been escorted into a cozy-looking room with long tables and chairs and given giant pads of paper and black markers. The head artist gave them a rundown of guidelines- nothing scandalous, certainly; they should try to make each character cute, relatable, and most of all marketable- and oh, wouldn't it be neat if they each had something to do with their element?
Jay had agreed readily. He sized up the sketch pad in front of him and cracked his knuckles. Okay, brain. Let's do this.
Except that was forty-five minutes ago and Jay's no closer to an idea than when he began. He bangs his head against the table with a long, drawn-out groan. His sketch pad drops uselessly from his hands.
"It's no use," he whines. "I don't have a creative bone in my body. I'm gonna have to pack my bags and move to the south and become a repressed goat farmer."
Kai mumbles something that sounds suspiciously like "not a creative bone in my body my butt." But when Jay looks over at him, the fire ninja's attention is fixed firmly to his own board.
Blearily, Jay raises his head. Everything he's drawn looks like trash. There's a weird leopard creature scribbled out in the corner. Next to it is a lizard that looks like a cross between Rango and that purple thing from Monsters Inc except with none of their good qualities and all of their bad. A sad bird-thing sits in the center. It looks disappointed in him despite its lack of face. Maybe the blankness enhances it.
He drops his marker on the table and leans back with a long groan.
"It can't be all that bad," Nya says. She's bent over beside him, bottom lip caught between her teeth as she fills something in. Jay sighs without moving.
"I couldn't think of anything to draw so I started drawing Kai as a porcupine."
Nya whistles lowly. "That is bad," she says. Both of them ignore Kai's outraged shout of: "Hey! My face is the best inspiration you'll ever get!" She sets down her own pad, closing the cover. "Maybe if we show you what we've done, it'll inspire you."
"Or it'll just make me feel worse about myself," Jay grumbles, but he sits up in his seat properly. "Okay. Let's try that. Do you have anything?"
Nya shrugs the way she does when she's proud of something she did but doesn't want to call attention to it. "There was something I was working on." She flips open her sketchbook. Jay scoots his chair closer to hers. His eyes widen.
"Woah, Nya! That's actually really cool!"
"Actually?" Nya asks, raising her eyebrow, but she laughs when Jay pouts at her. "Oh, fine. Thanks. It's not much yet, but-"
The character on her paper is a seal, small and round, with dark eyes and a happy puppy face. At the edges of the sheet are more drawings- one has the seal in a wetsuit; another puts it in diver fins and a snorkel.
"I wanted to experiment around," Nya says. "I think I like the wetsuit one the best."
"That one's cute," Jay agrees.
From Nya's right side comes a groan. "Will you two keep it down?" Kai complains. "Some of us are trying to work here."
"Some of us are trying to work here too, but we can't," Jay sends back. Not one of his best comebacks, but it's to Kai. "I've got brain blockage and Nya's helping me out."
Kai glances over and sees what they're doing. He perks up. "Oh, are we sharing?" He sits up straighter and drums his fingers on the table. "Hey, guys! We're sharing!"
"Oh, good!" says Cole. "I wanted your feedback on something."
"Me too," says Zane.
Jay narrows his eyes at both of them. "This right now?" he says. "This is about me. Not you."
Cole waves his hand. "Of course, of course."
The way he says it has Jay hhmphing, but they both turn their focus to Kai as the fire ninja loudly demands their attention.
Kai has created what appears to be a horse, except that it has a few too many legs, a creepy tongue drooling out of its face, and horns. So it's actually not like a horse at all. Somehow it's both angular and blobby at the same time. Ah, the dualities of Art.
"I thought we were supposed to be making these marketable," Zane says with a tilt of his head.
"This is marketable!" Kai protests. "Kids are like, bonkers for dragons."
Ah, so that's what the blob is, Jay thinks. "Bonkers?" he snickers aloud. "What are you, seventy? Did you try cuckoo too? What about nutty?"
"Bananas," Lloyd pipes up. "Gaga. Buggy."
"Okay, okay, we get it," Kai grumbles. "You like to talk."
"That wasn't my point at all," Jay says, but he concedes it. He does like to talk, after all.
"Why does it have six legs?" asks Nya.
"Those are its wings," Kai sniffs.
Nya bursts out laughing, slapping her hand on her knee, eyes closed into crescents. "Hey!" Kai shouts, shoving her from her chair. "You know that drawing's not my real talent."
"Oh, we know," Cole says under his breath.
"Nothing!" Cole grins. "I'll go next." He flicks back a page or two. "So I originally wanted to do a bear, because bears are cool and they're the deadliest animal on the planet."
"I'm pretty sure you meant to say 'shark'," Nya says.
"I'm pretty sure I said what I meant to say," Cole snips back. He returns his attention to his drawing board. "But bears are too overdone in this day and age."
Jay can't even make fun of him for saying 'this day and age' like some grandma because he's too busy currently gaping at the art on Cole's board.
The character on Cole's paper is definitely not a bear.
"Bears are overdone," Cole says. "So I thought, why not make a narwhal?"
"How on earth," Jay asks faintly, "did you make the jump from bear to narwhal?"
Cole shrugs. "It made sense at the time."
"What's a narwhal?" Lloyd asks. His marker is flying a mile a minute across his sketch pad and his eyes never leave the page.
"It's a unicorn fish," Jay says, turning a disbelieving eye back to the earth ninja. Cole just grins. "A unicorn fish that no one cares about. What happened to giving me inspiration?" he demands. "You've just killed any ideas I might have had!"
Cole pouts.
"I, for one, think it's adorable!" Nya's come up behind Cole now and is peering at his sketch pad. Hearing her words, Cole brightens. "Does it have a name?"
"I was thinking Gnarly."
Nya nods sagely. "That's uber-rad, bro."
Bring Me to Life is playing on a psychedelic loop inside Jay's head. Wake me up inside, wails the lead vocalist, but Jay can't wake up (save me).
"Am I the only one taking this seriously?" he whines. "Guys. This is like, our legacy."
"I'm pretty sure our legacy is saving the city," Kai drawls, "not whatever these characters will be."
"Our legacy," Jay emphasizes. "Don't you realize how cool this is? How many people get to say they have their own cartoon character?"
Cole shrugs. "Exactly. That's why I'm having fun with it. Hey, do you think that Gnarly would look good with a monocle?"
"I'm taking it seriously," Lloyd says. "Look at mine."
"Gnarly would look absolutely dapper in a monocle, how could you even ask that."
"How big is he?" asks Zane. "That would have to be one big piece of glass."
"Hey, guys."
"Ooh, you should give him a mohawk."
"A mohawk? He's a fish! Fish don't have hair!"
"I'm pretty sure it's a mammal, actually."
An explosion rockets the left side of the room. Jay startles so badly he almost falls out of his chair. His eyes dart around for the threat, only to lock eyes with a smirking Lloyd. A smirking Lloyd who still has his fist raised, faint wisps of smoke rising from his fingers.
Jay lets out an inhuman shriek. It's a wonder that no one's come in to check on them, honestly. "Lloyd!"
"What?" Lloyd grins. "You weren't paying attention to me."
"We've raised a brat," Cole says. "An absolute menace."
Lloyd's grin intensifies. "As I was saying…"
He spins his board around with all the pomp and circumstance of a ten-year-old who learned how to act through daytime television. Somehow, despite them only having been given black sharpie markers to draw with, Lloyd has colored his character in with crayon. It's a shockingly detailed goat-creature. Its fur has been colored a mint green, and it's wearing a golden sweater with dragons crossing the sides.
It looks like it was ripped from the pages of an actual comic book.
"Woah!" Kai says, launching himself across the table and sending no less than three markers flying as he goes in for a closer look. "That's awesome, Lloyd!" He beams at the younger ninja. "What is it?"
Nya scoffs. "Obviously it's an alpaca, you dolt."
"It's a yak," Cole says.
Jay makes a disagreeing noise. "No, I'm pretty sure it's a goat."
"Guys," Lloyd says, looking extremely disappointed in all of them, "it's a llama."
They sit in silence for a moment.
"Ooh," Jay says. "Alright. That makes a bit more sense."
"Is it my turn?" Zane asks. Unlike some other members whose names shall not be mentioned, he waits until their attention is on him before starting. "I put a lot of thought into this character."
He turns around his paper. Jay chokes on his water. Tears stream from his eyes and he's coughing, but when he wipes them away the picture stays the same.
In the middle of the page, in the glorious high definition only a nindroid could hope to achieve, is a shark that looks like it came right out of some Super Bowl halftime slot. Its eyes are vacant. Its mouth is open in an agonized scream. It's standing in a starfish pose, legs in lieu of a tail.
"My character is a shark," Zane says, as if it needed any explanation.
Everyone stops and looks at him. Zane's the picture of earnestness, eyes wide and unguarded. At this exact moment, he looks like a five-year-old presenting some horrific drawing to its mother. As the silence stretches on, his face falls. "Is it not on target enough? I know we were supposed to be making something related to our element, but there are not that many snow creatures."
The group glances at each other, expressions veering towards the panicked side. By some unspoken agreement, they all reach the same conclusion.
"Oh, no!" says Nya. "We were all just surprised by how good you draw."
"It's a great shark, Zane," Cole says, tone a bit forced. The expression in his eyes doesn't match the grin on his face.
"Yeah," Jay says lamely. "I like how- how blue it is."
Zane beams.
"It looks like you're well on your way!" says a new voice. It's the head artist, coming back into the room. She looks around approvingly at the studio of chaos. "Well done. I knew I heard the sounds of productivity in here."
Apparently productivity sounds like random explosions and screaming now. That's- honestly not that far off the mark, considering that Jay's a literal ninja for his job.
"The next step, if you haven't already," says the artist, "will be coming up with names." Cole high-fives Nya. "I'll be back in a bit to check on you again!"
The room descends into voices once again as she leaves.
"I need a cool name for my dragon," Kai says immediately. "There's got to be a way to combine my name with it, right?"
"Kragon," Cole suggests. "Drakai."
Kai wrinkles his nose. "Kragon? Like that weirdo from the LEGO line?"
"No, you're thinking of Cragger," Lloyd says. "Kragon is that magical crystal thing Jedi use."
Jay rolls his eyes. "No, that's a kyber. Didn't I raise you better than this? Kragon is that website that people sell stuff on."
"No, that's Craigslist."
"Whatever it is," Kai interrupts, "I don't like it. So you nerds can all drop it now."
"I think I'll call mine Neela," Nya says.
Cole glances at her sketchpad and makes a noise of approval. "Neela and Gnarly," he says. "Hey! Ours could be best friends!"
"You're already coming up with backstory?" Jay protests. "I haven't even started my character!"
"Well stop whining and just make one!" Cole says, exasperated.
Jay pouts. At the other end of the table, Lloyd's cackling up a storm as he writes name after name down the side of his paper. Jay leans over to see: his favorites seem to be Llod, Llyod, and Floyd judging on the circles he's made around them.
Jay sighs and leans back in his seat. Nya's abandoned her spot beside him to go brainstorm with Cole, and Kai's still tossing ideas out to the group even though no one's listening to him.
"Ooh, what about Kaitron?"
"That just sounds like a robot," Jay complains. Inspiration cuts through the cloud of his mind like a knife. "That's it!"
The entire room stops and stares at him. Seeing that he's just stood abruptly and slammed his sketch pad against the table, Jay can't blame them. "Kai," he says, "you're a genius." As quickly as he stood he's seated again, turning over a new page and beginning to sketch.
"I'm a what?" Kai asks, somewhere in the background.
Jay outlines a triangular shape. Then a body with one big wheel instead of legs. He fills up his page with sketches, mind vomiting up ideas faster than he can put them on paper. Yes. Yes! This was exactly what he wanted!
"Everyone!" he says- practically demands their attention. He rips the top sheet off his sketchpad with a flourish. "Meet NJ, your friendly little shapeshifting robot friend! The double emphasis on friendliness means that it's full of love."
"Shapeshifting?" Lloyd asks. "Woah, that's neat!"
Jay nods, grinning. "He can turn into anything, as long as it's non-organic." He points out some sketches of NJ as a toaster, as a spy drone, as an umbrella.
"That's- actually a cool idea, Jay," Cole says. "I like it!"
"Hey!" Jay protests. "Are you telling me that all my other ideas aren't cool?"
Cole grins. "You said it first," he points out.
"Kriff!" shouts Kai. For a second Jay thinks the fire ninja is swearing, but it turns out he's talking to his dragon. "Perfect name. Done."
The head artist chooses this moment to re-enter the room. She beams when she sees all their sketchpads laid out. "Looking good, everyone! Do you all have designs now?" They nod. "Great. Well, our next step will be for each of you working with our on-location artists to better flesh out your concepts. Oh, and then backstories!" She grins. "I'll go call them in."
She leaves. Kai stares at his paper. "I hope my artist likes challenges," he finally says.
31 notes · View notes
infjarts · 7 years
Here is the FAQ and Masterpost for my Ninjagotale project! Read on for answers to basic questions, and scroll down for links to certain posts! This will be updated whenever new content comes out, so check back often to see if you missed anything!
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It is an Undertale/Ninjago AU/crossover story that has evolved into a VERY different thing than it started out as. It is basically Undertale, but with the characters swapped with characters from the Ninjago series. However, there will be a HUGE plot twist that changes everything.
No. But like Underswap and Underfell, it pretty much belongs to everyone in the fandom. There are multiple interpretations, and I am not the first one to have one. Many of the character choices are actually inspired by other people’s interpretations! However, I’m doing something particularly unique with mine...
It used to be! Now it’s a comic. You can find the written version links below the comic version links if you’re interested!
In my version, they have the same names as the Ninjago characters, but most of the personalities are the same as the Undertale characters. However, to make things more interesting, the characters you interact with most will have some of the traits of the Ninjago characters. So they will be a bit different.
The appearances are a combination of the two characters. Most are humanoid, but I made it a goal to make them clearly not human (they are still called monsters). You can see what I mean if you take a look at some of the designs. You’ll find the links to them in the “characters” section of this post (scroll down a bit). You may see multiple links, and that’s because those specific characters have been redesigned. Beware, the originals are much less visually appealing than the new ones!
VERY few. I made it my goal to use them sparingly, and only if I have no other choice. If there is an OC, know that I had VERY GOOD REASONS to put them there. Don’t tell me that there is no reason for [character] to be an OC, there is. I will be happy to explain my reasons to you if you ask nicely. Unless it is a spoiler (because there is one).
I used to do that with my fanfictions on FFN. Sadly, I have moved on from taking requests. I have realized it is actually a bad writing move in general and should not be done if you want quality writing. The only people who are authorized to give significant influential input are the members of the Ninjagotale Team.
Thank you for expressing your concerns. I’m sorry, but I’m not changing the plot to please a few people who don’t like what I’m doing with my story. There are other stories out there. Go find one you do like. Or make your own story instead of whining at other people to change their stories so you like them.
Absolutely! After all, I’m not the first person to have an interpretation of the AU! There are several other people who have one of their own! And if it’s specifically for my version, tag me in it and I will reblog it and add it to this masterpost! You will also be featured in the Neutral Ending credits!
Of course! Just know that I am not obligated to answer them. But I will try my best to do so, as long as they’re not hate, spam, someone forcing their opinions on me, or could potentially cause drama!
First reason: because while I have seen concept art and fan art of it, I haven’t seen many people make it into an actual story (I do have friends who are currently in the process of it though).
Second reason: I actually feel motivated to do this. This is huge, because lately I have not been very inspired. By anything.
Third (and probably most important) reason: On a personal level, this is actually my way of tracking my improvement and development of my art. My goal is to have mastered most of the basics by the end of the project. I don’t know if that will happen, but I’m going to try! #FILLED WITH DETERMINATION
Easy! Just join the discord and read the basics for newbies! Here’s the link! https://discord.gg/jZCap2U
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Part 1 start
Chapter 1 start
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Part 1 start
Part 1 Act 1 start
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
FULL CAST OF CHARACTERS WITH PERSONALITY DESCRIPTIONS (updated once in a while, check back occasionally to see changes!)
Ninjagotale promo poster 1
Ninjagotale promo poster 2
RELEASED DESIGNS AND SKETCHES (some of these are in my main blog because they’re old and unofficial and I don’t feel like spamming you all with bad art on this blog) (also keep in mind that the official designs are always subject to change along the road and I’m not going to make a new design page every time there’s a shift in style or appearance due to improvement and development of my art) 
Mettaton = Pixane (turns into Zane and Pixal once Mettaton EX happens)
Alphys = Jay
Undyne = Nya
Sans = Cole
Papyrus = Kai
Asriel = Lloyd
Chara = Morro
Grillby = Skylor
Flowey = Lolley the Lollipop
Toriel = Misako
firstfandomfangirl’s Jay/Sans design
firstfandomfangirl’s Cole/Papyrus design
firstfandomfangirl’s Nya/Undyne design
firstfandomfangirl’s Lloyd/Frisk design
firstfandomfangirl’s Morro/Chara design
firstfandomfangirl’s Zane/Napstablook design
that-one-ninjago-blog’s Nya/Undyne design
cjwildstyle’s Ninjagotale poster
firstfandomfangirl’s Jay/Alphys birthday present to me
as-you-doodle’s Morro/Chara drawing
Morro/Chara three-way collab (me/firstfandomfangirl) (firstfandomfangirl/as-you-doodle) (as-you-doodle/me)
booping-noses’s designs
Fallen down
Kai’s hair
Morro’s hair
Fite me bro
Upgrading Lolley
Guess I’ll die
19 notes · View notes