#dude they both kinda died i think they should talk about it
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edificent · 1 year ago
to mourn the self
Rating: Gen Characters: Nya, Zane Word Count: 927 Cross-Posted to AO3
It’s been quiet.
One of those rare moments after victory when they’re allowed to simply be. 
The monastery is… nicer after its reconstruction. And while the others are out learning more about themselves, Zane elected to stay behind today. As did Nya.
“Does it get easier?” Nya abruptly ends the silence they entered minutes ago.
There’s an easy smile on Zane’s face as he moves one of his stones to secure more of Nya’s. “Nya, you are the one who requested to play Go against me. I did not promise I would go easy.���
“Not the game, Zane…”
He looks up at her, raising an eyebrow. “Then what do you mean?”
“I mean… mourning yourself… who you were before you changed. Does that ever stop?”
Zane is quiet as he contemplates her words. He’s had a conversation like this before, with Cole, but he wasn’t as hung up about it after he got his body back. Or if he was, he never expressed it. But Nya… 
She’s always been self-reliant. He understands the feeling, to some extent. Raising yourself tends to do that, and though he recovered his memories of his father that doesn’t erase the years he spent alone before Wu found him. 
He wasn’t expecting her to talk to him about her time with the sea.
“No.” Zane finally says. 
Nya looks frustrated by this.
“Truthfully, I try not to think about it. I am at peace with who I am now but that does not make me not… miss things. I notice differences more often than I would care to admit. For example, in my old body, I used to get hungry. My father designed me to be as close to human functionality as possible. This body is missing those… humanisms. My rebuild was incomplete before I got taken by Chen.”
“Sometimes it feels like my body will turn to liquid all over again.” Nya admits quietly, “Like if I don’t stay focused on staying me I’ll fall apart.”
Zane frowns. “I understand…”
“It’s… the feeling of helplessness.”
“Is… there a reason you asked me this? Rather than Jay or Kai.”
“They don’t… get it. To Kai, I’m his little sister that he still has to watch out for, if I say something like this he’ll get all… Kai about it, you know? Jay would get really sad for me but in that oblivious Jay way that somehow makes you feel more bad for him than yourself. You’re more reasonable than they are and you’ve… experienced something similar.”
“I see.”
They both fall silent. 
“Did…. did you ever feel helpless as the Ice Emperor?”
Zane’s frown deepens. “I… did not know myself as the Ice Emperor. I felt… powerful. I believed my words were just and right. But looking back…”
“None of us blame you for it.” Carefully, she reaches over and places her hand on his, comforting.
Zane draws away, instinctively, “No, of course you don’t. I do not imagine the people of the Never Realm feel similarly, however. It is… frightening to know I am capable of such cruelty. And yes… At times I feel helpless because of it. Which is why I try not to think about it. About who I was before everything.”
“Not knowing yourself is… scary.”
“You felt similarly as the Sea?”
“After enough time I forgot myself. That we’re so fragile to forget who we are? To lose ourselves? I worry about what’s to come, honestly. And it will because Ninjago can never stay saved.” She huffs in annoyance at the last bit.
Zane eases up and laughs softly, “No, it cannot. It feels as though there is something new every year.”
“For once I wish it would just stay saved. I never wanted to be ordinary but I’d like for a break once in a while, y’know? See Ninjago without the perils.”
“A road trip does sound like a pleasant idea. But you might want to consider who you would want to take.”
Nya groans, as she looks back at their game. She makes her move and Zane raises a brow at her decision, though she doesn’t seem to notice or care. “Ugh. I love him, but Jay would complain the entire time about bugs, and Kai is annoying to go on trips with.”
“I have been on a few with Cole, he’s not a bad choice, though he does waste money on buying souvenirs.” One more stone, and... there. “I win, by the way.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been on a trip with Lloyd.” She glances down at the board and frowns, “I was never good at Go, anyways.”
“I’m not sure I have either. Save perhaps to the arcade when he was a younger child.”
“He was such a little shit at that age.” 
“Indeed. To be quite honest, at times I feel bad he had to grow up so fast…”
“Me too, unfortunately prophecies don’t seem to like waiting for people to grow up before thrusting responsibility upon our shoulders.”
Zane hums in agreement, before he switches tracks, “I am not sure I would count any of my trips with Sensei as trips.”
“Oh, Sensei trips are by far the worst. Everything is a lesson to him,” Nya laughs, then pauses, “Zane— let’s go on a road trip together.”
“Yeah! You know more about the ecosystems of Ninjago than anyone else here does, and you won’t have to hoard all the snacks while we drive.”
Zane smiles, glad to see Nya’s spirits rekindled as opposed to earlier. “I would enjoy that.”
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erwinsvow · 10 months ago
little sad bitchy!reader moment: her and rafe are at the country club with topper and kelce and some other friends of rafe and one of the guys starts saying how she would be a horrible wife and mother (bc of the way she is) and she honestly is so hurt by it and i think she would almost try to change the way she is around rafe a little just so he wouldn’t think that about her…
sobbing thinking about it and listening to this (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLX2Pdcv/)
hi my love this was so amazing and wonderful to write! im sorry its kinda long, hope you like it ♡
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in all honestly, you stopped caring what people said about you a long time ago. you weren't the way you were because it was funny, or to get a reaction out of others. that was just the way you've always been, and there was nothing you hated more than letting people walk all over you and get away it.
that must be why the comebacks would fly out of your mouth before you could stop them, if you even wanted to stop them. why you never stopped to think twice about the people who didn't want to talk to you again or the boys who didn't want a second date.
you weren't easy to handle, not that you wanted to be, but you knew you weren't.
it seemed easy enough for rafe though.
he never seemed to wish that you'd bite your tongue or tell you to act differently, behave a certain way. no, he'd laugh and fire back something, or agree with you and say something you remember to add to your collection of insults.
rafe liked you as you were. that's why he fought so long and hard to get you, something that you didn't take lightly. you were committed, and the more days that went by, you found yourself softening up more and more with him.
rafe knew a side of you that a select few had ever seen, much less engaged with. you liked it this way, having a boyfriend you could be yourself around and be a little soft around.
until you overhear a boy at the club talking about you. in all your years of life, you've never let a boy make you feel upset, and you didn't want to start now. a comeback brews the second he mentions your name—of course it's the idiot one, the one whose parents pay for his grades and doesn't know anything besides losing at pong and scaring away girls—but it dies in your throat when you hear the words that follow.
"i mean i get it, she's hot, but i don't know how cameron puts up with her."
"what're you talking about? she's just like him," kelce says, and you feel briefly grateful for him.
"dude, she's a bitch. i've never heard one nice thing come out of her mouth. totally untamed. you can't bring a girl like that home to your folks, they'd hate her. especially his folks. and don't even mention long-term. imagine coming home after working all day and your girl is bitching at you? i mean, no offense but what kind of kids is she gonna raise?"
you hear laughter, and when your face feels wet, and you're confused for a moment. you look up at the ceiling, wondering if there's a leak, when your eyes flood again and more tears fall down.
crying, and that too over what one of rafe's friends said about you. this isn't like you. frankly, it's pathetic. those idiotic boys don't know the first thing about you or your relationship with rafe—they don't know the conversations you have and all the things you both agree on and the way he laughs when you fire back at him.
but somehow, feet leading you outside and to your car, fingers texting rafe some excuse for why you went home early, you end up letting it affect you.
rafe comes over the next morning—he texted you something but you didn't reply. worried for a moment about something you've never been concerned with before, you think a nicer girl would have texted him back right away, that you should have texted him back.
he doesn't knock, never does. your parents aren't home but he has your spare key, letting himself in and up to your room. he stops at the doorway, leaning against the frame.
"hey. what happened last night?" he asks it like he doesn't know what happened—which is good, you want it to stay that way. the thing you would have said yesterday bubbles up, coming to your lips. maybe if you'd gotten your head out of your ass, you'd see my text.
"wasn't feeling good. came home."
"you feelin' okay now?" he gets closer to you, and you look up at your boyfriend. i'd be fine but that asshole you already hate ruined my mood. will you run him over in your truck?
"better." you stop for a moment, you don't want him to think something's wrong. "how was your night?" he looks at you a little confused.
"it was fine. borin' without you. kelce asked where you went too."
"y'know i always liked kelce," you say, smiling again. you think you can get better at this.
rafe takes you out for lunch, and then you wanted to go shopping in the afternoon and get your nails done. it's a whole day, and you like spending it with him. you swallow down what your mind usually thinks and opt for being nice instead, polite questions and trepid commentary.
the waiter brings you the wrong drink—and though you're not so much of a bitch to hurl insults at teenager servers, you're normally annoyed enough to say something and get your correct drink. instead you sip it quietly, waiting for rafe to start the conversation. when you don't, he looks at you in that confused way again.
"you okay?"
"yeah. fine. you okay?"
if he thinks something's wrong, he doesn't say anything. at the mall, nothing looks how you want and even the things you like don't feel right. you'd let rafe buy you whatever you want, normally giving him a twirl in the dressing room and thanking him very sweetly.
"you want that dress?" rafe asks, his arm resting on a rack while you comb through mindlessly.
"no, it was too short."
"that's never been an issue before." ha-ha. pervert. looking up my skirt aren't you? knew you were desperately horny for me but this is down bad even for you.
"trying to dress better. and it'll be cold soon."
"hey, look at me." rafe uses his hands on your shoulders to turn you from the clothes, facing him. "you okay baby?"
fuck, you know you messed up. he only calls you that when he's being serious—the rest of the time it's princess, angel, sweetheart. all things that you are definitely not.
"i'm okay. i just don't want it. but thank you." you don't know it, but he thinks you're upset with him, spending the next hour in the nail salon racking his mind for the reason why.
your nails are fine, they look pretty enough. shorter than normal with a clean french manicure, you admire them from a distance. you suddenly feel like crying again, wondering why you didn't get the pink acrylics you like, rhinestones and bows and all the other things that were pretty to look at when you flipped people off.
in rafe's passenger seat after, you keep staring at your hands, feeling another tear slip down. rafe's not looking at you, he's looking ahead, still unsure what was going on.
"baby, if i did something you gotta tell me, i don't like seein' you like this-" when he turns his head to glance at you, you're looking back at him with your pouty face and wet cheeks—two things he's never seen before. "hey. what's wrong?"
you couldn't stop the downpour if you tried—tears falling quick and fast. you hate that anyone's seeing you like this, especially rafe.
rafe is nice to you, and you soften up around him. you didn't really realize that he softens up around you too. he wipes your tears away, keeps a hand on yours the whole time.
"can you talk to me? what's goin' on?"
"yesterday.. one of those guys said that i was a bitch-"
"which one? to your face? when? i'll fuckin' kill him-"
"no, he didn't know i was there. it's not that, i know i am. i don't care about that. he said that-" your voice cracks, something else you hate, that you don't want rafe hearing. "sorry. he said you couldn't bring me home. and that you would hate coming home to me-me being all mean. and that our kids would be mean too."
yes, you're mean. but rafe's mean too, and none of your friends have ever said anything like that about him. you like that he's mean, that he's like you—you think he's the closest thing to a soulmate you could ever find.
"don't fuckin' listen to any of them for a second, got it? they don't know anything."
"rafe, i-"
"no, seriously. they yap because i wasn't there to knock him out. and he says it when you're gone 'cause he knows you'd make him cry if you were there." you sniffle, though you already feel better.
"but i didn't. i started crying instead." you hate even thinking about it.
"s'okay, it happens. but don't believe a word of that shit. i wanna come home to you everyday. hear everything you say. i want all of it."
"really?" you ask him, wiping away your tears, appreciating the hand on your thigh and how sincerely he's looking at you. "i thought you'd be mean if i cried in front of you."
"it's hard enough to be mean to you."
"you're such a sap. should we go get ice cream and braid each others hair after this?" he laughs, and you laugh. "thanks rafey."
"no problem, kid."
"don't call me that." rafe groans, and you smile.
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faygosoda · 2 months ago
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A/N: Chat I had to do smth cute but also slightly angsty JS NOT TO THE POINT WHERE READER DIES AGAI
Title: My Gift To You
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Yeah, playing a dumb kids game with a random suited stranger that had soo much money in his suitcase in the subway was probably the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.
Who would have expected to be kidnapped under a bridge and brought to a gigantic place full of so many other people?
But at least you won against that random dude eight times before he seemed as though he got upset and ended your streak, giving you a small card before leaving and telling you to call to play games for some money..
I mean talk about human trafficking..
So here you were, standing in a crowd of people as debts got named off and people were show on screen and- wait what the fuck?
Your- dude that’s your girlfriend.
Uhm hello what the fuckkkk..
You’d think you would be able to see her tall self through the crowd but all of these people were blocking the way n shouting obscenities left and right.
Why was the love of your life here of all places?
Wait- nevermind, you know why.
The surgeries duh.
That was the same reason you were here for so why wouldn’t she also be here for that as well.
You wish she would’ve told you instead of scting all suspicious and distant.
Then again you didn’t say shit to her though but thats different cause it just issss.
Too lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t realized that the guards had finally shut up, the crowd of people breaking apart slightly which gives you the chance to find your girlfriend.
You move through the crowd, eyes catching the tall figure and short hair of your lover whos back is slightly turned away from you, hands clasped together showing her hesitance.
Hyun-Ju looks around, observing those around her, thoughts spiraling before a hand clasps down on her shoulder which causes her eyebrows to slightly furrow and turn to the person that held her and-
Oh my.
“..(Name)! What are you doing here?” Her eyebrows were raised in surprise, her lipstick covered lips forming a small ‘o’ shape.
“Your surgeries.. I wanted to help out, but I should be the one asking considering I haven’t been seeing you as often lately but all of a sudden you’re here.” You squint at her, head tikted as you held strong eye contact with her.
Hyun-Ju sighed, a hand coming up to caress your cheek as she spoke while the other landed on your waist, giving you a squeeze.
“My love, I’m doing this for my surgeries as well, and for us. That’s why I’ve been so distant.. I’m sorry. It’s no excuse though and I promise I will make it up to you.”
Damn. She had you wrapped around her finger superrrr tight..
You huff, leaning into her hand, lips pursed as you nod. “It’s okay.. kinda. I missed you a lot Hyun-Ju and I- I honestly thought you were maybe kinda.. getting tired of me.”
Your words come out mumbled, eyes flickering down as you mess with the hem of her zip up.
“I know it’s probably stupid-“
“No, no it’s not. I should have been honest with you. I truly didn’t mean to make you think that Sweetheart, I love you and I’ll never leave you again..”
She kisses your cheek and then your lips, a small smile on her face before she pulls away, her hand still remaining on your hip.
Sadly, the lovely reunion is cut short by the guards speaking about photos..
Didn’t know it was selfie time.
You and Hyun-Ju move, following the rest of the players while holding hands to stay together.
Photos had been taken already and it was time for the first game.
Hyun-Ju and you hadn’t let go of each other besides for picture taking, having took never leaving each other again very seriously.
Hand in hand you both moved through large doors into an arena filmed with.. sand?
“Sandbox..?” You mumble, Hyun-Ju humming as she thought.
“I don’t think so.. look at that big doll at the end of the room.” She points, your eyes following in that direction, landing on a tall and gigantic doll-like robot.
“Oh…. Ew.” That earns you a snort from your lover who kisses the top of your forehead with the shake of her head.
A sudden voice is heard through out the arena, explaining the game.
“Red light green light? Oh I’m good at this! It’ll be easy!” You smile, laughing.
Yeah uhm it wasn’t easy.
Numerous times you had tripped, not only hurting your hands and knees but landing in puddles of blood.
Blood from the others players around you.
Dead players might you add.
As of now you stood behind Hyun-Ju, hands shaky and throat tight from everything going on around you.
What the fuck was happening????
Your hand held the hem of Hyun-Ju’s shirt tightly, squeezing your eyes shut as the doll indicated to stop.
So close to the line.. just fifteen steps away.
So close yet so far from death.
You wanted to go home, see your family, see your friends, listen to music, eat something, lay in bed with the love of your life who was holding up with this way better than you were.
Eight steps away.
Then, you’re grabbed by the sleeve, pulled in front of someone as the robot says “green light!”.
Hyun-Ju’s shaky breath hits the nape of your neck, her hand tight on your arm as she hold you in front of her, moving you along.
“Red light!”
Four steps away.
It feels like eternity when the doll rings out “green light!” And your pushed past the line, your girlfriends body making contact with your own as she sughs in relief, her hold still tight but not in a painful way but instead in a way that shes praying this is the first and only round of this sick and twisted game.
You let a breath that you didn’t even know you had left in you, head turning to her with eyes full of tears, about ti say something until shes dashing right across the line and back into the peripheral of that stupid pig-tailed doll.
It’s a pathetic cry, already knowing that when your girlfriend makes up her mind there’s no way of changing it.
You watch as she runs towards to males, one already injured and the other assisting.
Your heart beats in your chest as the seconds go down, frozen in your spot as all three freeze, Hyun-Ju and the other man that helps the injured man shake in fear.
Five seconds left.
You’re gonna be sick.
Please you can’t lose her you can’t you can’t you fucking can’t
They make it over the line though, falling on the floor and a sudden ‘BANG!’ Rings throughout the arena.
The injured man was taken out.
Is it bad that you felt relief that it wasn’t Hyun-Ju?
You don’t know and in the moment you don’t give a fuck as long as she’s alright.
You rush to her aid, arms wrapping around her tightly as your ears ring.
She’s okay.
You’re both okay.
You both WILL BE okay.
You’ll get out of here and go to Thailand and- and everything will be okay.
The end!
A/N: I finished this up during basketball practice LOL hope u guys like it!! PLS SEND IN MORE REQUESTS I ONLY GOT 2 RNN💔😒
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 9 months ago
🎈emoji so I’ll see it:
ok so I’m a middle schooler (M), yes I’m 14 (old enough to be on the site) and today we were doing some end of year activities (eg. signing yearbooks, playing games, etc etc). And I was talking to a friend of mine we’ll call her V. Suddenly I was approached by a teacher who said that a kid (let’s say Jessica) wanted to talk to me. I was like “oh ok sure.” Jesica approached me and brought me a card. Now some background on Jessica:
So Jessica is autistic and in all different classes than me. I’ve interacted with her a few times, she seems to have some friends? I don’t really know. In the past I tried to be her friend not knowing she was autistic (this is the possibly asshole part) but her behavior was really strange as she would often say odd things that made me uncomfortable (not perverted or anything but just really awkward) and would really kinda creep me out so once my class with her was over I never spoke to her unless she initiated it which only happened once or twice. Another thing that really bothers me is that I co-lead our showchoir group with V and another student and it’s a difficult job that requires a lot of participation and effort from all the members. Yet Jessica hardly ever does anything, she just sits in a chair half the time while everyone else is working hard. I know that it’s a spectrum and not all autistic ppl are the same but there’s two other autistic dudes who both work super hard and help out a ton!
Anyway she insisted that it had to be a surprise and told me to close my eyes and put out my hands. I absolutely hate closing my eyes in public due to the worry that someone will touch me while my eyes are closed but I didn’t wanna upset her so I did it anyway. When I opened my eyes she’d placed a folded over piece of paper in my hands. She’d written a card in pink magic marker, it was almost illegible so all I could make out was “my full name and grade, the date, summer (have a good summer?), and school. She asked me to read it out loud so I mumbled a bunch of sounds together to make it seem like I was reading it even though I couldn’t tell what it said on account of the handwriting. She seemed satisfied so I thanked her telling her how much I appreciated and moved to leave when she said “and what do we say?” Confused I said “thank you”. I think that was the right answer? She then put out a hand toward me which is a pretty normal gesture in our school meaning you want the other person to dap you up. So I did, to which she seemed confused and tried to shake my hand. She then said “don’t I get a hug? You have to hug me right?” I HATE hugs. It brings back traumatic memories and I really really could not bring myself to hug her epesecially since I didn’t know her well. “I told her I’m sorry but I don’t do hugs. I just really don’t like them.” She looked disappointed at that and then said “that was really sweet of me right, writing you a letter?” I didn’t know how to reply to that so I said “yeah it’s great.” She replied saying I had to right her back and that I should “write it at home and give it to her the next day”. Knowing I’d forget, I just grabbed a piece of paper and wrote it to her right there. It was a simple paragraph on a different sheet of paper with the usual stuff, “have a good summer, you’re really cool, good luck in hs” the kind of stuff you write in someone’s yearbook. she seemed satisfied and she put her hand out again so I dapped her up again. She then shook my hand vigorously and walked away saying she’d see my tommorow.
I hated everything about this encounter but I still feel like I did a good job being nice and stuff even though I have a hard time being patient with people that pressure me to do things (eg. Writing her another letter, hugging, affirming her over and over, the handshake thing). Idk V said it was a strange situation and I handled it fine but again was not hugging her bad of me? Or like did I mess up in some other way? I have no beef with autistic people at all and I’m friends with a few of them but is it wrong of me to just not like her?
Also thanks for reading all that but if it was too long:
TLDR: autistic girl wanted me to hug her as thanks for her writing me a letter and I declined, aita?
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gh0stsp1d3r · 10 months ago
ℳ𝒶𝓎𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝓈𝒾𝓈𝓉ℯ𝓇
Chapter 10- Barracuda Mike
Series masterlist
Warnings: small mention of vomit, mentions of alcohol, pretty much it. Not a whole lotta rafe
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“Jesus- why’d we even take her with us?” John B asked JJ as they watched you down yet another drink.
“That- that was my last one, okay?!” You defended, crushing the can and rolling your eyes.“And let’s face it, I’m smarter than you two idiots.” You pointed at them.
“You dropped out.” JJ retorted.
“Okay, I never said I was book smart. Street smart.” You shrugged. “You might know calculus but what use is that if you don’t know how to get out of a 2000 dollar debt with a drug dealer? Or how to tell which one of your friends is talking shit behind your back? I’m extremely smart.”
“Wh- you know what, nevermind.” John b mumbled to himself. “Can we please get back on topic?” He asked you, you nodding and sitting up now with a sigh.
⋆˚✿˖° 𐙚 ₊ ⊹ ♡
“You actually think he’s gonna get arrested?” Kiara asked Sarah.
“He can’t get arrested. Not now. If he’s locked up, he can’t help his dad. I have to fix this. Can you give me a ride to Toppers? Please?”
“You don’t think this plan could make things worse?”
“I don’t know. And I don’t know what’s gonna happen with me and John B, but what I do know is I can’t just sit by and watch him get arrested while his dad’s abducted. I have to try.”
⋆˚✿˖° 𐙚 ₊ ⊹ ♡
The next morning, JB rung the bell on the yard, you and jj stirring at the sound. You groaned, covering your face from the light that came through.
“Shit.” You mumbled, feeling a massive hangover. Your head pounded.
John B sighed, listening to nothing but the seagulls squawking.
“It’s something about the dudes face, you know? Like the whole no hard feelings, bro, you know what I’m saying?” John B spoke to you both, coming across on a skateboard.
“No hard feelings. It’s kinda hard not to have hard feelings about that.”
“He’s a dick, we all know this.” You mumbled to him. “Is there like some Tylenol or something? I’m dying here.”
“Yeah, in the medicine cabinet.” JB nodded over to it. You stood up, stumbling inside and to the bathroom. They watched you go inside, John b turning back to JJ.
“What’s her deal?” John B asked
JJ shrugged. “Hell if I know. She’s been a fucking wreck recently.” He paused.
“Well, I mean she’s taken care of Luke for like her whole life, now he’s gone. I’m sure that’s probably most of it.” John B shrugged.
“Nah, something seems off.” JJ mumbled. “Like she’s hiding something. She doesn’t drink like that unless she is.”
“Well, do you really think she can help us when she’s like that?” John B asked him.
“Yeah. I mean, you don’t have to like her but you gotta admit, she is one hell of a problem solver. And a fighter.” JJ paused.
“Like.. oh, oh, remember how she got you outta that detention?” Jj snapped his fingers. “And how she beat up those kids who pulled out their switchblade on you?”
John B laughed at the memory. “Dude, I had the biggest crush on her then.”
“Oh, we know. You would invite her over to the Chateau all red faced, stuttering and shit.” He laughed along.
Once the laughter died down, John B spoke up again. “Is she dead or something in there?”
“Nah, she’s probably puking her brains out right now.”
“Should we.. check?”
“Alright.” JJ stood up, opening the door and leaning in as he shouted into the Chateau.
“Are you dead?!”
“No I’m not fucking d-“ you shouted back, before being cut off with a groan and putting your face back by the toilet bowl.
“Yeah. Puking.” JJ spoke, going into the chateau, John B following.
“Well.. anyways, I was thinking… passports. We don’t have ‘em.” John B switched up the topic, both boys walking to the kitchen.
You got out of the bathroom.
“Therefore we can’t fly commercial. We need other ideas.”
“Fake passports?” You suggested. “I know a guy.”
“It’s a good idea but we don’t have the time for that.” John B told you, opening the fridge.
“Okay, well, don’t you got the money that you took from Portis?”
“I have that to my dad.”
“So then what about a boat?” JJ suggested. John B sniffed some milk, coughing and putting it back in the fridge, most definitely expired.
“If we get a boat, maybe we could get down there ‘cause the HMS… yeah. You know about the HMS.” JJ went into the fridge now, “Oh! Limbrey, Limbrey has a boat! What if we took that one?”
“Yeah, no. She took that back, and the HMS is not gonna make it down to the Port of Spain, so out on the boats.”
You sat on top of the counter, grabbing a glass and using the faucet.
“So..” you paused, taking a sip of water. “We don’t got any money, and we also don’t have a boat that can make it down to South America.”
“Actually, I might know a guy. I’m onto something…” JJ mumbled.
You furrowed your eyebrows hearing the sound of a truck pull up. You looked outside.
“Uh-oh.” John B spoke, you looking at him as you both crouched behind the cabinets.
“You don’t start with uh oh, dude. You’re so negative-“ JJ spoke, still standing. You grabbed his arm, yanking him down.
“Get down, shoupe is right out front!” You whisper yelled to him.
“All right, John B.” He said from outside, all of you crawling and whisper yelling at each other
“Yoo-hoo! Anybody home? John B!”
“Go under there! Under there, right now.” You told them both, pointing to a small table.
They managed to hide themselves by uncomfortably managing to fit under. You couldn’t fit.
You panicked, jj motioning for you to hurry.
“I can’t fit with you two fatasses under there!” You whispered, desperately trying to find anything else. Shoupe began to walk closer and you were running out of time.
You glanced outside, making sure you weren’t in view as you stood up and ran as quickly as possible to the nearest room, hiding yourself under the bed.
“I know you’re in there!” Shoupe spoke, now in front of the door.
He knocked on the door, looking inside through the window.
“If he sees you, it’s game over.”
“I know, okay, J?”
“Don’t get that.”
“I know you can hear me in there.” He banged. “You need to come out and talk to me. It’ll be a whole lot worse if you don’t.” He sighed, finally walking away from the door.
“Okey-doke, have it your way! You know where you can find me.” He called out, getting in his car and starting the engine.
“All right, let’s peel.” John B spoke, both of them grunting and getting up from the table.
“Shit, JJ?” You shouted, coming from outside the bedroom.
“You guys alright?” You asked them,
“Yeah.” They both said in unison.
“All right, I got a plan, all right? Think it might work.” JJ said. “It’s a little sketchy, might not like it. But I think it’ll work.”
“No, no, no, no, wait, wait, what plan?” John B stopped him.
“If I tell you now when the plan is half baked, you’ll get all negative.”
“Look, I’d settle for a quarter baked plan.”
JJ mumbled over him, using a mocking voice. “Come on!”
“Don’t you dare make that noise at me.” John B rolled his eyes, both of you following JJ anyways.
⋆˚✿˖° 𐙚 ₊ ⊹ ♡
“Hey.” Rafe spoke, a small smile on his face as Sofia woke up.
“So, is this place really all yours?” She asked him.
“More like lord of the manor shit.”
She laughed at him, as he stepped outside, looking at the mess the party had left.
He looked over, his mind being flooded with the memory of you storming over there yesterday. A part of him hoped it had ended differently and you would give in.
But he knew you weren’t like that, he knew you were stubborn when it came to these things.
What’s worse is that his suspicions about the pogues knowing he had melted the cross down was confirmed when you came over.
Rafe stormed over to where he knew his dad was, his mind also going to a conversation he had with Barry. “It’s you or your dad.”
“I’m taking care of business. I’m laying groundwork, I’m making connections, I’m trying to plant my flag here, okay? So you just need to go back to your island where it’s safe, and you need to stop jamming me up, okay?”
Ward stood up, sighing at his son.
“If you get caught here, it ruins everything.”
“I’d figured you’d know where to find me, of all people.” He chuckled. “I’m glad you did. I think it’s clear from what happened yesterday… I was right. You’re on a very bad path, Rafe.”
“Your opinion, not mine. Okay? I’m good.”
“You’re making the same mistakes again and again, the same ones I did, okay?”
“So I’m gonna help you, son. I decided to make some changes.”
“What are those..?” Rafe asked him.
“I’m taking control of the company away from you.”
Rafe paused. “What?”
“You’re not in charge anymore, Rafe.”
“What are you saying?”
“My attorneys found a more recent document that left control to Rose.”
Rafe exhaled, nodding. “Rose?”
“Yeah. You didn’t think I was gonna give up complete control, did you, Rafe? Not be able to tap the rudder a little bit? I’m very generous with my children.”
Rafes fists clenched, itching to punch his father at the moment. “Oh, are you?”
“But I’m not a complete fool.”
⋆˚✿˖° 𐙚 ₊ ⊹ ♡
“Oh, perfect, Rockfish.”
“Hey, I remember bashing a beer bottle over some dude here.” You reminisced, smile on your face.
“There’s a guy here, that’s always here, moves a lot of weight. My dad worked for him.”
“No, you don’t mean Barracuda Mike? That asshat?!” You exclaimed, jumping out the car with JJ.
“Come on, there’s gotta be a better option than this.” John B said, knowing Barracuda Mike.
“Oh, you know what? There is a better option, except there’s not. All right, dude? Seriously, we don’t have a whole lot of time and your dad needs help right now and this guy is gonna be the key to getting down to South America ASAP.”
“Let me do the talking, okay?”
You and John B exchanged looks, watching Jj walk up to him. You both followed him.
“Yo, Mike!” Mike turned around at Jjs voice. “Yo! You remember me, right? You know it, it’s on the tip of your tongue.. J-“
“Luke’s son!” He put the knife in the board. “And daughter.” He nodded to you.
“Uh, also go by JJ, but uhm, that’s y/n, and this is our good friend John B.”
“In the flesh. Yep.”
“Heard stories about you three, especially you.” He pointed at you. You gave him a small salute and smile.
“Sounds about right.” You shrugged.
“I mean, he’s a stone cold cop k… killer..”JJ paused, you looking over to your side to see a very tall and large man standing menacingly beside you.
“No, I’m not.”
“Mike, I’m gonna be honest about why we’re here, okay? Since my darling little brother can’t seem to speak, we are in a little bit of trouble, and we need to get down to South America, if that’s uh-“ you spoke, before he cut you off.
“I’m sorry, slick, but I done sold the travel agency.”
You laughed, looking down and back at him.
“I mean, we’re not looking for some free handout here, alright? Name- name a price, you got it.” You shrugged. “We just need to parley, in um, private, if that’s cool with you.”
John B looked over, before you and JJ could even more.
“Just stay here, just stay here.” JJ mumbled to him.
“No you’re not gonna do this.” He whispered, “you’re not gonna leave me he-“
JJ walked into the large man. “Excuse you! All right.” He walked out.
You followed, looking at the man and saying “sorry for him. He’s a bit slow.” And walking outside with them.
You and JJ walked onto the dock, with Mike.
“Look, I know you got planes comin’ in with bales of weed from South America, they need to be unloaded, right? That’s what my dad did for you, and I’ve done it quite a few times, I can do it for you, Mike,” you pointed to yourself and to him.
“He would come home and brag about how much he made one night, which was 10k right? That’s a shit ton of money, we’re willing to do it for free.” You told him.
He scoffed, “nothings free, kid.”
“I live by that one too, all right? So, I’ll be honest, all we want is just some space in the cargo hold when you make your next trip down there. That’s all I want.”
“You just want a ride.”
“Just want a ride in that cargo hold. And then in exchange you get three sets of free hands, and another 20k in your pocket, sounds like a win to me.” You laughed. “What do you say?”
“5:30.” He called out.
“5:30, tonight, yes sir! We’ll see you!” You told him, walking back to JB.
“Fuck, I’m back. Missed this shit.” You said with a smile, JJ and you doing a handshake you made up as kids as you walked.
“Yeah, you are.” He exclaimed.
“Nice to meet you guys!” You waved bye to them as JJ grabbed John B, you guys leaving to the Twinkie.
“So I convinced him to get us a ride, but we have to do something.”
“Okay, what do we gotta do?” John B asked.
“Just a lil’ something.” JJ shrugged.
“A little something?”
“Every time you say a little something it’s never a little something.”
“John B, it’s literally the easiest job in the world, bro.” JJ told him, stopping in his tracks.
John B groaned.
“We just unload it. You know what they do on planes? You know on delta and united when they take the bags off of the-“
“Yes- yes.”
“That’s what we’re doing, okay? Once we do that we punch our tickets, go on to South America, sipping on piña coladas.”
“Shit, that sounds good right about now.” You murmured.
“Except you, no more alcohol for you.” JJ pointed to you.
“Oh, cmon! That’s not fair, you’re not my dad.”
“Yeah, well, you’re driving.” He threw the keys at you, you groaned and got into the drivers seat.
@cassie0sstuff @rafesgiirl @fals3-g0d @tiaamberxx @callsignwidow @saintnourah
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toxicanonymity · 2 years ago
Dude I miss nw!Joel. How’s my man doing?
Night Drives (one shot)
1k words / creepy!joel x fem!reader / master
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Warnings/Notes: standalone. creep. c. 2018. non-outbreak AU. Drug use. dubcon. unsafe PIV. Night walks list. request from @alloftheboysivelovedbefore. 
Imagine you’re pretty drunk from a girls night out and you’re talking on the phone with a friend while waiting on your Uber which will be an SUV, middle aged driver, kinda cute.  Guy pulls up in an SUV, rolls down his window, “lookin’ for a ride?” You get in, still talking on the phone, battery getting low.  The driver is wearing PJ pants. Good for him, you think. 
The driver brazenly checks you out as you buckle your seatbelt.   “Well damn, look at you.”  Unprofessional, but you’re flattered.  “Where'm I  takin’ ya?  Home, I hope?”  He has the address.  Does he really need to know if it’s where you live?   You don’t answer, you keep talking on the phone with your friend, not paying attention to anything else.  He lights up a joint. You don’t really mind, even though this is the sketchiest Uber driver ever.  
Finally, your phone dies. The driver starts hitting on you, eating you alive with his eyes, draping his hand over the center console, not quite touching you but in your space.  “Like to party?” he asks. 
You’re drunk enough to play along.  “Yeah, I guess.”  
"Knew you were a bad girl." He tries to hand you the joint but you don’t take it.  He checks you out again. "Damn, you're hot,” he says.  You’re becoming more attracted to him as the drive goes on.  He says, “How’d I get this lucky? Damn.”  His fingertips start to graze your bare thigh and you don’t bother tugging your dress down or pushing him off.  It’ll be over soon, you’ll never see him again, no harm in a little flirtation.  “Right place, right time I guess," he mutters.
Next thing you know, he’s parking the car.  Not at your house. 
“Where are we?” you ask, confused.  
“This is home, baby.”  He turns off the car.  “C’mon, let’s have a drink.  Got some real good shit inside, too.”  
You look confused.  “What’d you say your name was?”
“Joel.  And I don’t need yours, ‘less you want me sayin’ it later.” 
The blood drains from your face as you realize this is not your Uber driver.  “You’re not Uber, are you?” 
“Shit, no.  I look like an uber driver to you?” 
Now you’re screwed.  Your phone is dead, you have no idea where you are.  He pretends to be sympathetic about the confusion and says he wishes he could help but he has a flip phone and it’s dead, too.  He doesn’t have a car charger. But you’re welcome to come inside and use his computer so y’all can get some directions.  You can have a drink while you wait.  
Against your better judgment, you go into the basement with him and he secures both locks, making your stomach turn.  He motions to the couch for you to sit down.  He finds a cord for your phone instead of his, a welcome surprise that puts you at ease.  He also getas out that good weed he was talking about and brings you an IPA.  You sit down on the couch while you wait for it to charge, and he sits next to you, far too close, with his arm across the back of the couch behind you. The basement is dimly lit and the situation couldn’t be more sketchy, and yet something is stirring between your legs.
He lights up the joint then puts it up to your mouth and you accept. “Attagirl,” he says. 
Your arousal grows as his hand drifts to your thigh and lightly strokes your skin.  
As though reading your mind, he says, “Sugar, don’t worry ‘bout what you should be doin’.  Go on, drink your beer.”  You take a sip, you’re starting to sober up way faster than you want to.   His fingers stroke higher on your thigh, lifting up your dress.  “We can do whatever we want,”  he says in a low rumble. 
He leans closer and the hand behind you makes its way to your bare shoulder.  You put the beer back down.  The hand on your thigh creeps to your inner thigh.  Before you know it, he’s nudging your panties aside feeling how wet you are for him.  “Fuck yeah,” he whispers.  “God, you’re fuckin’ hot.”  
He leans over and kisses you, then keeps leaning, the force of his kiss sending you down on your back.  He’s a good kisser.  His upper body is against yours.  Before you know it he’s all the way on top of you, waistband pulled down, with his massive wood grinding against your soaked panties and you’re moaning into his mouth.  
“That’s right, baby, all yours.” He pushes two fingers inside you.  “Hell yeah, that’s what I’m talkin’ 'bout.  You let him take your panties off, hungry for his cock, and when you feel his tip at your entrance, he can’t be inside you fast enough.  He grunts as he impales you with his log, stiff member, and holy shit does he feel good.  
“Fuck yeah, baby.  Damn you feel good.”  He really, really does, too.  Far too good.  Upsettingly good.  He looks good too, damnit.  His arms bulge out of his t-shirt as he hovers over you, slamming his thick cock into you.  He fucks you nice and hard.  “Love how you take this cock, baby.”  He speeds up a little and you start to moan more vocally.  “Hell yeah,” he pants. 
He really knows what he’s doing. He wraps one of your legs around him and keeps pounding you, kissing you, sucking your neck. Next thing you know, you’re coming. “Yeah, come on this cock.”  You come hard, then he puts you in a mating press and pulses inside you.  You don’t even move to stop him. You take your pills pretty good, anyway.   
By the time you recover, your phone is charged and you’re actually not that far from home, it turns out.  You let him give you a ride home for real this time.  The whole thing is surreal.  
I know what happens after NW pt 5, I just have to write it (clown emoji).  I guess I’m having fun exploring his history as a menace meanwhile. 
as always thank you for reading & engaging! y'all are the best.
All joel: @ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose  @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @lokanda @blackvelveteen1339   @manazo @wolvesandvampires  @taeslarityy @str84pedro @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine
NW: @tehweeana @cutesyscreenname @ele-meno-p
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huelovening · 5 months ago
let you break my heart again pt. 2
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hueningkai x reader
warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, hueningie says mean things
a/n: HI im so sorry this took like. a year i died
the amount of scolding kai had to endure after he came home, left him upset.
he opened the door and immediately came to sight of his four elders, expectantly looking at him. "where's y/n?"
oh, his next words will surely take a blow on them. "i-, i don't think y/n and i should spend time anymore. she likes me and i don't return her feelings like that."
mixtures of "WHAT?", "dude what the hell" and "beee so for real" spread throughout the room, kai sat down on the couch with his hyungs, expecting comforting words, but-
"dude, you can't be serious? you ruined your relationship with y/n, because apparently you don't feel the same way? i know you're insecure sometimes and unsure of your feelings but you like her. whenever we talk you bring her up, i was annoyed by it at some point but i knew how much she meant to you so i let it be. don't be a dumbass, kai." taehyun finished, sighing one last time.
"you don't know how i feel, don't fucking act like you do. she's nothing to me" kai spat, his words more venomous than ever.
he got up to go to his room after that, taking one last glance at his best friends infront of him.
he was furious, that was for sure. he couldn't understand why his friends had to meddle in his life like that, he could handle it on his own. though he knew he went kinda far and said words he didn't mean, (you were definitely not nothing to him) he didn't want to talk to them as for now.
kai never argued with his friends, so he didn't know what to do, but to rot in bed for a little while. he couldn't even talk to you cause he broke your heart!
the boy tried to act like it was your fault, for falling in love, for thinking he'd like you back. deep down, he knew, that some kind of feelings did in fact, linger for you.
not that he would ever admit.
truth to be told, he thought his heart had belong to yuna. though after their first date, he realised she wasn't what he wanted, she wasn't you. as he kept seeing her, the guilt ate him up, and she knew too. that's when she ended things, kai told this story to his friends, ...without the part where he didn't even like her.
so, what the hell is wrong with him? why did he reject you? it's so clear to everyone that he wants to be with you. he needs to let you know too.
you haven't been doing well. after listening in on his conversation soobin, you obviously knew he wouldn't want you, but still, it hurt.
so when you've spent the entire night crying your eyes out, you don't expect to hear the sound of the ringing of your doorbell at 3am.
you considered not getting up at all. probably just a prank, right? but with the loneliness consuming your mind, you already absentmindedly made your way to the door
as soon as you see his face you want to leave. run out of the house, even if its yours. the thought of slamming the door into his face hurts you, seems too cruel. after all, he's still the same boy you fell in love with, even after getting hurt.
"y-y/n.. i-.. can i come in?" he stutters.
you study his face, not knowing what his intentions were. he walks to the couch you've shared endless amounts of time on, laughing together and you cant help but think if you ruined it for good.
as you both sit down, he expectantly looks at you, didn't he initiate this? "kai, what is it? i know how you feel, we don't need to talk any more about this." you shrug, acting as nonchalant as possible.
"no, y/n... it's.. i made a mistake." he takes a deep breather in between his sentences. "i like you. fuck, i know i cant say this but i love you. i always did, i don't know why i acted the way i did.. i guess i was scared. i'm an asshole, i know and i understand if you can't forgive me but.. i just need you to know, that it's always been you. i'm sorry." he finishes
you're speechless. out of everything that could've happened, you didn't expect this, not at all. (which doesn't mean you're not excited about it!)
"kai.. i.. i love you too but i need some time. suddenly you don't like me and then you do? i forgive you but.. i need to think about this." you say.
he gives you a look which.. you don't know how to quiet read. is he glad? or angry at you? you start becoming nervous again until he starts speaking. "okay. that's fine. take all off the time you need"
he finally shows his signature smile again, the one that makes you weak in the knees, the one that makes you want to kiss him stupid.
he indulges you in a warm hug and you cant help feel your heart beating the same way that it always has for him, and for the first time that night, you giggle.
"spend the night?"
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rinnsverse · 2 years ago
BITTERSWEET — 42!miles morales
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TROPES: my poor attempt at angst, minor fluff
UNIVERSE: canon-divergent
PAIRING(S): 42!miles morales x gn!reader
WARNING(S): translated Spanish (please correct me), reader is still learning Spanish, 42!miles is a sad boi, mentions of death, ooc!miles I think?? (I really don’t know, this man got 2 minutes of screen-time)
A/N: is this original? not really. is this self-indulgent? absolutely. 42!miles is in purple 1610!miles is in red. Also sorry if this is all over the place, I was lowkey kinda sick when I wrote this
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HOW DID MILES even end up in the spider society’s headquarters? Other Miles.
“Look man, I appreciate you bringing me here, but I really don’t see the point of me being here.”
“Dude, the only people you ever talk that your close to is mom, uncle Aaron, and me,” the tallest rebutted.
Miles was about to retort that those weren’t the only people he was close with but quickly snapped his mouth back shut, bringing back bittersweet memories.
“Miles!” you called out, hurrying up your walking pace into a slight jog, “Thanks for waiting for me.”
“Of course. No podía tener al amor de mi vida aquí solo en estas calles a punto de ser asaltado,” he replied offering his hand which you took, and began walking.
“Wait, did you just call me ‘love of your life?’” you question after finally translating it in your mind, obviously flustered by his sudden declaration.
“You’re getting better, amar,” he compliments placing a chaste kiss to your jaw.
“Hey! Don’t ignore my question!”
Abruptly pausing your walk to your place, he swiftly drags you to the side of the street pulling you closer, “Sí, eres el amor de mi vida. Now, am I the love of your life?” he inquires with a soft whisper, squeezing your hand.
“My love is all for you, amado,” you softly chuckle placing a kiss, squeezing his hand back.
“That’s right, I am your beloved,” he smiled cockily, pulling you closer to him, with his arm around your shoulder instead of holding your hand in his, resuming the walk.
“We’re not close,” he huffed out.
“We’re literally the same person, but you somehow ended up emo and even more of a nerd than I am.”
One look from the other, made Miles immediately shape up again, “Um, anyways! This is the cafeteria, though not a lot of people are here right now since for some reason at exactly 3:33 PM no one’s ever hungry.”
“Yeah, but in the next 10 minutes or so, this place should be filled,” as if on cue 2 spider-people came swinging in.
“What’s up Miles and new guy!” Pavitr greeted, taking off his mask to show off his perfectly white smile.
‘So bright…’
“Finally, now your the new guy Prowler me.”
“No your still the new guy.”
“Wait why?! We’ve known each other for two months! And I’ve had practically 2 years of experience being Spider-man!” Miles exclaimed, making incoherent gestures with his arms.
“Yeah, but this guy just has the vibes, y’know?” Pavitr explained, making contact with Miles’ shoulder, immediately making said boy stiffen. “Oh, my bad bro,” he apologized, releasing his hand.
Miles just grunted in acknowledgment turning his attention to the other spider-person in the room, who was just standing there awkwardly.
“Uhm, hi?” they said, giving him a shy wave.
Immediately Miles’ half lidded eyes shoot all the way open at the familiar voice that came out of their mouth.
“Mi corazón?”
“Uhm, hi?” those were the exact words you spoke when you first met Miles.
You both had been partnered with each other by default since you both were absent the day the project way assigned. He barely responded to any of your advances of being better acquaintances.
It was hard to tell and pinpoint an exact time when your friendship started, but all Miles knew, is that he wasn’t letting go of your relationship till the day you died. Just as his beloved nickname of yours stated itself.
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“Uh… Dude? Are you okay? Because I swear I heard you say, ‘My hea-‘“ Miles was quickly cut off by a hand slapping his mouth shut.
“Shut your goddamn mouth,” he stares into Miles’ eyes before adding a small: “Please,” almost unheard.
‘He said please?!’
Slowly nodding his head, Miles slowly turned towards the other spider-person.
“Oh! Right, this is Y/N! Our latest member of the spider-society,” Pavitr introduced, making Y/N remove their mask.
“Hi, like Pavitr said, I am Y/N. Nice to meet you both,” they gave a polite smile and reached their hand out to greet the two.
“I’m Miles, and this: is also Miles! Another version of me,” the boy in the black and red spider-costume greeted, taking Y/N’s outstretched hand.
“Or you’re another version of me,” the boy in purple grumbled, “You can just call me the Prowler.”
‘He’s avoiding eye contact… Did I do something wrong? Is he just, nervous? He doesn’t strike me as the type to get easily nervous by new people…’ Y/N’s eyes narrow in thought at the newly dubbed ‘Prowler.’
“Well, I’m gonna get lunch before any others get here, see y’all around,” they say before making the braided haired boy too uncomfortable, and walking to the stands.
“Dude, what was that?” Miles questioned.
“What’re you talkin’ bout’ man?”
“‘What am I talkin’ about?’ I’m talkin’ about the way you interacted with Y/N! You were lookin’ everywhere but them.”
“Jus’ drop it man,” he sighed before turning around, “Ima jus go find that bathroom you were talkin’ bout.”
Walking away, his mind drifted back towards you; the you he just met, the spider-you, the alive you. Squeezing his eyes shut and shaking his head, he refused to go back down that road.
You were just a bittersweet memory after all.
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2g-1k · 29 days ago
Dear Diary - Callen
I lack motivation to write a complete chapter, so here's what's happening to Callen right neow. Not sure if it's necessary to read, but it's always nice to see what Callen thinks amirite?
Also, to anyone who speaks French, I won't apologise for the really stupid name of a character. It was completely intentional.
Dear (without affection) diary,
I fucking hate it here.
First of all, I don’t even know why I had to go to the medic when the wounds I have are 1. already healing, and 2. especially minor wounds that will heal on their own. The people in the capital must be pussies to not even be able to survive a few scratches. Like I’ve literally survived worse, man.
I got a medic who wasn’t even a medic. He’s literally a fucking alchemist. I see the connection between alchemy and medicine, sure, but really? I thought medics had to be certified?
Oh nevermind, he is certified in both alchemy and medicine. What the hell. Where did he get the time for that? What a fucking tryhard. Well, considering I haven’t died from his prescribed medicine, he should be capable enough, which is kind of sad news because I’d love to sue him for negligence if he fucked my body up in some way.
His name was also kinda dumb too, in fact. What kind of sane person actually gives birth to a child and thinks shit like “Oh, what a beautiful boy. He shall be named Carleau de la Voiture.” Like be for real right now, does his mom need an asylum? Because her son can certainly send her to one.
I also learnt that the sleeping potion was invented by this exact Carleau (god his name sounds like shit, but don’t tell him. Though you’re a fucking diary entry anyway so it’s a stupid threat but whatever.) He named it “the Carlussy drug”. He refused to elaborate.
It was probably the same stuff used on that giant that loves to stalk and harass me. Just making a guess, I don’t know a lot about alchemy nor medicine, but I think it didn’t exist until fairly recently, since if it had existed, Mom wouldn’t have had to suffer that much.
Butt! (haha) Speaking of the giant— honestly I need to think of a nickname for him, or find a way to ask for his name, if he has one��� I wonder where he is right now. Not that I particularly care about him or anything, just that I’m curious of his whereabouts. I mean, it seemed easy to put him somewhere when he was in Fallance, but the capital has no room for this. Unless some stuck up noble wants to keep him as a pet in their oversized garden, I’m willing to bet 10 gold that he has to stay in some dirty, stinky pigsty.
And also I’m calling him Wheat. Because his hair is the colour of wheat. I also happen to be hungry.
Curse the capital to not even provide food for their patients, but insists on healing wounds that are almost healed.
I don’t know what the capital’s reasons are to keep me here in mostly good shape, to be honest— they always have some ulterior motive, and it’s up to them to decide whether I’m of use to them or not. I believe it has something to do with Wheat. He’s currently about ninety percent of my current problems so I would not at all be surprised if I was brought here for information concerning him.
Joke’s on them though, I literally know nothing. Fuck would I know shit if as far as I know, we don’t even speak the same language? Hell, he didn’t even speak after realising it was basically a futile attempt. Smart dude. Well I have more excuses I guess. Just yap shit like “oh, it wasn’t my fault, dear important bigshots, Wheat wasn’t talking, don’t blame me,” and hopefully they will leave me alone. (They probably won’t.)
Also I may be a bit narcissistic here, but I’m pretty sure I’m the only one that gets a reaction from Wheat. I mean he reacted to basically no one? But me? Which can be good or bad news depending on the situation.
I will emphasise that I do not care about Wheat in the slightest. 
Suddenly thought of something. I noticed members of the Temple around the are— fuck nevermind I hear them g
P.S. Reread it after they left and I think I used too many fucking swear words here— gotta cut this shit down.
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casual-praxis · 3 months ago
Thinkin' bout Gas Station AU (name pending) ship shenanigans..
So, I've committed to Bluedow and background Vired, but I don't know how prevalent they actually are. I don't have a fic or comic in mind for this AU, so I have no idea if this is even relevant, but I have a few ideas in mind that might be interesting to share.
+ Shadow is initially drawn to Blue since he seems easy to mess with. Like, the dude ignores most supernatural shit he sees because he either doesn't want to acknowledge it, or thinks it's a prank--Shadow can't just not screw with him, right? It's practically the demon way.
It's not like Shadow's gonna get attached to any of these losers anyway. Nope. Nuh-uh. He's gonna follow Lord Vaati's plan for total town takeover and that's that.
Except, he didn't factor in Blue actually being...kinda fun to talk to. Like, he's still a weak mortal who could die at any moment should Shadow will it, but...their sense of humor overlaps, even if Shadow's is on the darker side now and again. They can both agree that Vio is the worst, which is great, because Blue doesn't even need to know Shadow's reasoning, he just agrees!
Blue also introduced him to this thing called "anime", at which point they both lost a whole day to watching this "Hunter x Hunter" show at Blue's house. It's fun. Blue takes Shadow's oddities in stride. He doesn't question why Shadow isn't familiar with most mundane mortal things, or judge his parasol when they hang out on their days off. He treats him like any other strange Hylian living in their strange little town (albeit with some jabs here and there about Shadow being really into larping), and it's...a little nice?
Totally not a crush though! Even if he does find Blue a little attractive--it's purely aesthetic! Who doesn't think the people they like (as friends!!) are nice to look at?! Don't be silly haha...
He's not subtle. And they were roommates.
+ Red and Vio are interesting in the way that I can’t tell if their dynamic is toxic, or weirdly wholesome. Like, you can’t really get around the fact of there being a power imbalance. Vio will presumably possess Red’s soul from now until forever unless something kills them both. Not to mention Vio being able to alter memories, but that's something Red seeks out at first.
It's a bit hard to summarize (I've had to stop myself from writing several paragraphs a handful of times now), but if I were to attempt, the path their relationship takes looks a little like this:
Red and Vio are mostly strangers to one another. Just coworkers with no strong opinions of the other.
Red dies, and Vio revives him, due to having a use for Red's fire-based soul (which is determined by a human's personality).
Red silently struggles through having no one to talk to about the fact he died, because no one even remembers it happened. To make matters worse, Shadow has now appeared, and Blue seems to gravitate to him more--so he's "losing his best friend, too".
Vio has been keeping tabs on Red, since Red is under his domain now, and decides to approach since the spiraling is getting worse.
Red feels incredibly conflicted on how to feel about his resurrection, but Vio stands by his decision, so Red requests that Vio make him forget everything, too. So he can try to pretend things are normal.
Vio can't erase Red's memory of his own death, since it wouldn't be possible to hide the evidence of Red being technically dead to himself. But he can erase other memories, to make things slightly easier on him. Though, overexposure would be a bad thing, and might have a few side effects (namely, becoming immune).
To make up for the fact Vio can't always erase his memories, he starts looking into other ways to try and make Red forget his struggles--without using his venom. This results in Vio putting a lot of effort into making just Red happy, to the point where they basically go on several mini-dates without them immediately realizing.
Eventually, Shadow confronts Vio about restoring Blue's memory of Red's death, so that they can patch up their drifting friendship, but Vio is reluctant since it might "break" Blue (to find out he accidentally got Red killed, found his mangled body, and then started to become distant after the fact). It does end up working out, but Vio didn't have much faith.
Red becomes happier with Blue now in the loop on supernaturals (and starting to fix their friendship), but is still insistent Vio keep paying attention to him (as if Vio would ever stop). He's realized his feelings for Vio are changing, but isn't quite sure what that means for them in the future.
Meanwhile Vio has just accepted that this human is now his human, and even if he doesn't really know how love works, he's willing to learn it if it means Red won't stray from him.
The dynamic continues to evolve from here, and all of this is pretty much "off-screen" since Blue (the main character) is out of the loop on it, but I think this wraps up arc 1 at the very least.
Will probably post more notes later, but this got a lot longer than I wanted it to be, whoops.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 months ago
Your original post was about Naomi and Hop a lot. But a person she'd become frustrated by for underestimating and coddling her is Alexis. Her life situation also would break in half the core of his selfdestructive self-deceit and running away:
She sure never met any evil team or did any big risky thing as a younger kid. But she was lonely and never dared anything. Many people protected her. They didn't mean it to, and Naomi would've had trouble going against her anxiety, but their actions backfired and left her with her own scars. Lack of confidence and of independence, horrible anxiety, and feeling miserable.
Does that ring a bell for Alexis?
And her being "safe" didn't stop the losses of Soul or Gerardo. Even more Soul, who didn't have a dangerous job, but who by chance got sick and died because of it.
A childhood of complete safety is a lie. It doesn't exist. And being herded away from any hardship stunts a child's growth.
That's the theme with Alexis bay-beeeee,him and stunted growth. Being stuck or stagnant if you will.
Alexis isn't a nuzlocke protag anymore bc I didn't wanna go anymore nuzlockes, so in the place of pokemon death I simply played up the anxiety and paranoia that Alexis would feel as he goes on his journey. The fear of Team Plasma getting him or his family. The fear of what would happen if he doesn't comply with their plans ( of being the hero and facing N). Of course: he's a protagonist. He still can't just leave things the way they are. The exact fear of his loved ones getting hurt is what drives him but god, it sucks. To be 14 and to feel that much fear. And then he loses his arm and then he runs away bc Unova is overwhelming, and then when he comes back, those fears are still there, but it manifests in " I need to do everything in my power to keep them safe and happy and have a good future". For Elliot and the Unova gang it's "moving on" -> not talking about what has happened to him, shutting down when there is an attempt to, all under the saying " it's in the past now" ( spoiler alert: He is very much stuck on the past lol, but he doesn't want to admit it)
And got Naomi, like you said, he sees a child around the age he was when going on a journey and sees how shy and anxious she is and it's almost like he's being taken back to his days on his own pokemon journey and that fear? It just. Slowly creeps back in. Oof I'm. I'm kinda realizing how much Alexis is probably projecting here. Naomi needs someone to guide her away from the danger and the risks, like how Alexis wished someone did that for him. And it could be a sweet notion if he'd just allowed her to actually. Be! Just. It must be tough to realize that it's less about her ( I mean it is very much about her) and more about him and his own insecurities. For both of them honestly. Yikes my dude. I don't even think he fully registers it until Naomi or Elliot or both snaps at him for it. Naomi needs to grow. She is growing. She appreciates the concern, and if given the context, she would fully get why. But that still doesn't mean she's just going to just. Take people smothering her anymore. She's gonna grow!!! And she already went through shit before hand - with her dad and Gerardo - So to pretend that she's this. I dunno, perfect doll that has never experienced anything wder and should be protected is simply incorrect.
Also just. He's so worried about risk and hardships, and yet Elliot has honestly been suffering for some time because of Alexis' avoidance. And I feel like Alexis would just. Use this against himself, convincing himself that it's all a better reason for her to simply leave him, and not take it as a sign to do better. To maybe not make your sister feel like shit when she just wants to talk to you about what happened. The cycle of self-loathing and pity bay-beeeee!
This was a much longer way of saying what you said though. Galar is a much needed wake up call though. Alexis really does love his family. So once it really settles in how badly he fucked up it honestly breaks him. And it's honestly all up to him on how he makes things better that doesn't fall into " they're better off without me"/avoidance bc that shit hasn't been helpful for years.
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w0mped · 2 months ago
I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently, and this feels like the proper place to say:
Outside of art style and soundtrack, there’s no reason to watch Evangelion.
It wants to be so many things and fails at every single one.
Do you want a post apocalyptic show that delves into the major ramifications of 2 previous events and a possible third??? Evangelion’s not that. Half the time it forgets that the first or second impact even happened!!! They’re in a new version of Tokyo and so much is done to make everyone forget that their world has *RED OCEANS* and *MILLIONS OF CASUALTIES*. The apocalypse is ignored. I understand that some of that is themeing, yknow what do governments and people in power hide from us, but dude at some point it gets jarring when they have a whole episode about the red oceans and then they’re never seen again. The show doesn’t even tell you its lore. Subtext and context are definitely interesting ways to deliver information. Natural world building rocks, but there’s a difference between that and what Evangelion is. Evangelion has so many conversations that just kinda loop in on themselves and don’t help explain anything. I had to look at the wiki to understand anything that’s going on.
Do you want a cool mecha anime where they fight stuff and win the day? Evangelion’s not that. We get crumbs. Absolute morsels. Tiny bits and pieces of genuinely amazing fights. Again this isn’t an art rant the arts awesome The limitations on the Eva’s usage gives a reason behind it, but there’s a severe lack of mecha in this mecha anime. I understand that mecha anime do this where the mechs are a metaphor and all that. There’s merit to sneaking people into a drama by having cool explosions and robots, but the writing can’t carry the show. When they do fight, it’s ok…definitely not worth all the talking and philosophical bs. Philosophy is fine but it needs to be actually demonstrated. And will they explain the mechs at all? Not unless you mean WE PUT YOUR MOMS SOULS IN THE MECHS????? AND THATS WHY YOU CAN PILOT THEM???? I am willing to suspend my disbelief and engage with he story but that’s insane.
Do you want a character driven drama dealing with depression, anxiety and self improvement through hardship? Evangelion’s not that. 90% of the characters have no depth, and the ones that do aren’t that complicated. Shinji’s the most compelling and his journeys probably the best in the show….but Asuka and Rei are nothing… Asuka is the must stubbornly written character. I understand that the point is to show her immaturity and differences from Shinji, but that should not come at the expense of character depth. The fact that her and Shinji go through the same experiences and she doesn’t develop at all is frustrating. Rei, on the other hand, does nothing. She makes no active choices and is in a hospital bed more than she’s in the plot. So what if she’s a CLONE OF SHINJIS MOM?????? if she has no impact of the plot. If she died in the first episode, nothing would have changed. Kaowru is his own bag of worms but at least there’s a consistency. Misato, Kaji, and Ritsuko have their moments and actually offer a unique parallel to our current trio if you fully ignore Rei and Ritsuko but whatever. Will this ever be explored? A little? There’s some backstory about them but it’s extremely shallow imo. Kaji gets a decent amount of depth bc he talks about the plot with Shinji. He makes an effort to be a character. Penpen has more distinct character traits than the majority of the cast and that’s WILD.
Do you want a show with an ending????? Evangelion’s NOT THAT. Both the End of Evangelion movie AND the original series ending and notoriously confusing. The ending of the original series was meant to evoke a sense of overcoming your fears and connecting with others. Is this demonstrated well?? No. They do a bunch of trippy stuff and have an actually really wholesome sequence where everyone is in a different more classic school anime, but forget that they have to…yknow…conclude the show in a satisfying manner. The last 2 episodes feel entirely separate from the main show. I know about the production problems but that doesn’t make up for this There’s no through line. The writers were just like “uh oh yeah this needs to end. Now it ends now it’s over done good bye” and tried do cram all the philosophy into the final 2 episodes. On the other hand…the movie is made out of spite. The entire end of Evangelion film is made to tell the audience to go fuck themselves. I’m not reading into anything that’s the creators words. It’s a kill fest that is just there for the sake of being sad. There’s no plot and no explanation of anything occurring in any way. Just “look everyone turn to orange Fanta or get shot :3”.
If you want a show with depth that cares about its viewers, watch Code Geas or Madoka Magica. Genuinely masterful in their execution and theming.
Edit: this came off as super harsh yall, my b. New to tumbr so I don’t know the etiquette. Evangelion has value in what it’s trying to portray but there are parts I felt dropped the ball. I’m glad people like it, it’s just not for me :)
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tansyuduri · 11 months ago
Merlin Loregasm Rewatch S1E2
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my rewatch of Merlin focusing on the lore. I am a giant nerd so pretty excited about this. Time for VALIANT!
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So this brings up heraldry in the series. We see Arthur using Camelot heradlry, and other knights doing the same but during tourneys, we see Lots of different other patterned shields. So either people usually use the shield of their overlord in battle but their own in tourneys Or no knights of Camelot besides Arthur appear in tourneys. (I think Lancelot will make this a bit clearer when we get to it.) Either way either this is Valient's family crest, or he serves someone with a family crest. Either way it makes sense for why he murders this dude. As the shield is KINDA a dead giveaway to his identity. (And we know he is a knight or at least is acting as one and pulls it off better then Merlin's later first attempt at identity theft.) They obviously do not require patents of nobility at tourneys because Gwen, Arthur and Merlin pull off a fictional Knight later just fine.
I think he is likely a knight because ARMOR IS EXPENSIVE Y'ALL.
He also says he is from the Western Illes. Because the island of Mora And Ealdor this is the first place we hear about besides Camalot. Does he mean Ireland? I think he means Ireland? ALSO! are you used to my messed up grammar and punctuation yet? I have an LD in both. This is why I always need Betas for my fics despite creative writing being my thing. (I mean besides just wanting them to be better.) (This is an example of autistic oversharing. You are welcome! BACK TO MERLIN!)
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So we only see this kinda sparing with Merlin in armor and holding a sword and shield once. (Usually he just holds a target for arthur) However, Merlin does get better with a sword somewhat as the series progresses so I think it likly continues. (Though perhaps a bit more nicely) It's interesting because Arthur has his pick of people to spar with, we see that later. Yet he says "Most Servants collapse after the first blow" So who is he sparing with? Has he been given manservants he didn't like before and just used this to make them quit? ANYHOO this was not as much lore so will not often comment on character dynamics but yesh.
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Okay so I will spare you the talk of different armor parts. BUT this is really interesting compared to mentions of "Camalot forged steel"
See many Castles would have their own blacksmith and the one in the villager would be more for horseshoes, nails, and the like. Because armor and weapon making was A BIG DEAL
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This implies Gwen's father was a HIGHLY SKILLED blacksmith who likely served the knights of Camalot. (He can't have been the only one because when he dies there is a period of time before Elyan comes and in Gwen's words Gets the forge running again.) But for a regular blacksmith to serve as an armor and weapon maker is a BIG DEAL that kinda knowledge was highly specialized! And yet Uther killed him easily.
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OKAY time to nerd out a bit! This is quartering, an advanced heraldic tradition in which an individual for some reason or another wanted to show MORE than one coat of arms they were entitled to. You guys should look all this up, its fascinating! But onward!
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Okay yeah remember what I said about Gwens family likely descending back to the Roman times? It's still possible but if Arab knight equivalents can get to Camelot then her family could totally have come from northern Africa for other reasons. Also I like the dude in Mauve having an Anglo-Saxon Helm and the due behind him having one from the 1100s I love Merlin's stew of things from all over history.
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Okay this is perhaps just Uther being an ass. Because I'm sorry if you are not the king of Mercia I refuse to belive you are the king of Ireland. (Albion is not united yet.)
Perhaps its mostly knights of Camalot here with some exeptions? I mean if we are creative with the dude CLEARLY of the middle east we can say somehow became a noble of camalot. It would explain a few things. Did Valiant come from Ireland (Sorry I mean The Western Illes) originally then somehow for reasons we will not question also moved to Camalot? (Unlikely as Uther asks him to stay later.) There are also very few people here so likley perliminary tournaments were held? I mean we do see in Lancelot people come from all over to try to be knights of Camalot. so THEORETICLY Uther might be being honest here?
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Okay this guys helm is the same as the Arab dude we saw before I think he just took his outher coat off. BUT And some of this gear is very European. So Camalot somehow has an Arab noble family that fights in ancestral gear when they can OR he got repairs along the long journey to Camalot in local styles. Take your pick!)
(You know because I can't be normal and just say they throw this in for visual appeal.)
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Something to note! This would normally be the job for a Squire. A Squire was also usually the step before knighthood but in the Merlin world they do not seem to exist!
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dangermousie · 1 year ago
God, this sequence was BRUTAL and I adored it. Basically, he can't help himself and keeps throwing jibes about her and the painter and she finally has had enough:
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And so she loses it, and hits back and in her attempt to protect herself, draws blood! (The thing is, she has NO idea that he is still in love with her; hell she still has no idea he lied in jail. She is angry and vulnerable.)
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And that hits him straight in the heart - all his barely controlled, unacknowledged terror that he's missed his chance, that she won't ever like him again, that she's moved on.
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So he addresses it in a mature manner in a private measured discussion. Psych!!! She drew blood so he goes for the jugular ten times worse. The man has only two defense mechanisms when hurt - to retreat behind his walls (tried, didn't work) or when that's impossible, to lash out to make the other person back off and/or to hurt as he's been hurt. And so this utter and complete mess pours out of him, in front of the whole office...
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The thing is, what he doesn't realize (and she doesn't realize it either, she's too emotionally compromised) how utterly this rant proves he's so so so in love with her - it doesn’t just show he's out of his mind with jealousy, it's like him reminding her, in the most dysfunctional way possible, see you liked me me me meeeeeee meeeeeeeeeeee! And the fact that he talks about all these little things she did back way when means he actually remembered the supposedly insignificant to him things for YEARS in glorious technicolor. He has revealed himself completely and neither of them is together enough to realize it.
And then he brings this up as his finishing comment and I kinda flail like Kermit because this is the crux, isn't it - this is him, telling her in the world's most dysfunctional manner that he is feeling betrayed, that she should keep her word and choose him and just - he was never great at communicating or showing his feelings in a functional way but he got better (his sister shortly before she died even commented that he learned to express love) and then jail happened and all the progress was undone and then some. This is a man mere weeks out of jail, any hope of him processing and expressing himself in a functional manner would be deluded.
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I mean look at them, both equally heart broken and such a total mess.
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The thing is, the fact that it makes sense for someone with his issues and his personality and his background to lash out like this, does not negate the fact that he hurt her terribly and she deserved none of it. If you think about it, in his whole life, she's the only person who's ever fought for him - everyone else was either unable or unwilling. I mean, I am sure his mother didn't want to die and leave him but the fact remains, he was the caretaker between the two of them; he feels his sister picked her abusive husband over him, Gao betrayed him, dancer friend couldn't do anything, teachers didn't care (look at her mommy expelling him), cops didn't care (his sister's accident) etc etc. And here is this beautiful, kind, warm, brighter than the sun young woman who fights for him and fights for him - fights for a place on his team, fights for his friendship and his heart, fights to provide a place for him after his life is wrecked. She just doesn't give up and not even he can make her give up permanently. And then he thinks she's dating painter dude and logically so what - she has every right to do so - but that pushes all his jealousy and abandonment issues and he just implodes.
I love so much that the office is on her side btw (man, they must view the real life soap as a hell of a bonus to their working life) and the thing is, the moment after he said what he said, you can tell it sink in for Li Xun how unforgivable and heinous that outburst was (and not like in jail for a good cause either.)
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Poor girl! Yes, your ex boyfriend is an idiot, I am sorry.
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Join me as I go feral about klance + Dear Arkansas Daughter by Lady Lamb at 4/5am
The first three lines are just:
Take a swim in the water / Take a swim in the water / Dear Arkansas Daughter
I have nothing special to say about this except that Lance and water are interconnected in my brain, unsurprisingly. I mean he pilots the blue lion so it just makes sense yk yk
You with the dark curls, you with the watercolour eyes / You who bares your teeth with every smile
This one is SO obvious but. Dark curls = Keith and watercolour eyes is Lance
Bares your teeth with every smile FEELS like Keith too. He's smiling and supposed to be friendly but is still coming off as idk like ??? Standoffish or argumentative anyway!
He says "I can always hear you sing, I wanna hear you speak to me"
This HITS. Imagining this as Keith begging Lance to just TALK to him to tell him how he FEELS because Lance is used to concealing how he feels with jokes. UGH
Skipping a line or two bc I don't have thoughts about those
I was talking at a cigarette / There's nothing left to say / But he should have been there anyway / For I didn't sing a single song, all day
This is about when Keith goes to the blade of marmora and leaves voltron ok ok. Like. Lance misses him. He misses talking to him and he doesn't know what to say when Keith isn't there, his jokes feel hollow now because he isn't there I. Am foaming at the mouth
As my love for you dies / As my love for you dies / As my love for you is steadily dying
Lance and Keith pushing down their love for each other and suppressing ("killing") it as they're separated and IDK IDK is this anything
As sharp and serious as a pistol in the eye
Something something Lance uses a gun and he is the sharpshooter and has good aim. Yeah thats all
My heart is full of swords / Full of, full of swords
This is kinda silly but it reminds me of the three of swords tarot card which has swords impaling a heart. This card also symbolises like, separation, grief, sorrow and heartbreak so!
Once again about Keith leaving to join the blade of the marmora they're both heartbroken and hurting!!!!!
Tie my hands and I knock my knees / As I kneel down, I kneel down in the sea / To the ocean floor, I will sink / Like a steel chest full of weapons
Once again !!! Water + Lance! Interconnected to me
"I will sink" makes me think he's like... giving up hope of Keith EVER coming back and they're relationship being the same again
"Like a steel chest full of weapons" this just goes back to the swords in the heart line and I think thats cool, yeah thats it
And on the spine of the tide, you will rise / Like a red, ripe, red, ripe apple
This one is embarrassingly simple but red = Keith lmao
The "red apple" (Keith) "floating on" (coming back to) "the tide" (Lance)
It feels like hope
ALSO. It reminds me of how oil floats on water and they don't ever truly combine but instead simply like.... co-exist in the same space. Idk dude I'm so tired and having so many thoughts
Take a swim in the dirty water / Dear Arkansas Daughter / Take a swim in the dirty water
Dirty water!!!! Foams at the mouth. This calls back to the start of the song but it's dirty now which links back to my previous thought of oil + water (the metaphor being keith is oil and lance is water btw)
Because water with oil in it is like dirty I guess
And the whole take a swim thing is Lance embracing Keith back into his life
Darling, child, true love of mine
Idk. True love of mine. Feels self explanatory
True love <3 they admit their feelings to each other and are happy. The End
The demons took over, and I needed to get this out of my system I would apologise but then again this is literally what this tumblr account is for so. Yeah hope you enjoyed that word vomit
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number1mackinnie · 2 months ago
every line mac has said in order
episode one - bullseye
"Oh! Sorry about him, he mean he's already talking to me."
"Yeesh… what's his deal?"
"We… probably should go, Phone…"
"Yeah… let's go."
"Fighting goin' on."
"Doesn't seem she noticed yet…"
"Could be better."
"It's honestly boring around here. It's just the same thing every day. Coin trying to say his dumb stories, Clock and Snowy fighting, it's just the same."
"Phone, buddy! We gotta be the same team!"
"Look, we already have a full team. You can't join, sorry."
"Okay guys, what will we be called?"
"Sounds good!"
"Okay, M.A.C, you need to hit 60 or more… you got this…"
"D-did I hit it?"
"GAH! No…"
in total: 17 lines
episode 2 - surprise
"I can hear you!"
"Serves you right!"
"Hey, Phone…"
"Is it bad that I'm kinda scared about this elimination?"
"I get it! I just… I feel like the viewers would vote for me…"
"Oh no…"
"Yeah 20% chance I know…"
"Are you insane?!"
"Ooh!~ Someone has a cruuush!"
"Agh! What are we gonna do?!"
"That's it!"
"And you two are out!"
"Wait that's not a fris-"
in total: 16 lines
episode 3 - all rock, no roll
"Huh. I see we're at a disadvantage here, Smoothie."
"What do you mean by that?"
"That's… not a bad idea actually."
"Yeah, surprisingly. We're making good process."
in total: 4 lines
episode four - someone say doom?
"Get on with it!"
"Okay, so where do we gotta go now?"
"Guys I think we're going the wrong way…"
"Whuh… Wait! They got the marble!"
in total: 4 lines
episode five - war
"Well, why don't we just revive him?"
"It's just a button, what could go wrong with just pressing it? It might work."
"Whuh- How did it even break?!"
"Well… one of us should host with them gone… but who?"
"That was for costing my team the challenge though… why this time?"
"HEY! I do actually. I'm athletic, uh… a skilled runner… and…"
"Phone! Listen… I didn't mean to lose this early."
"I mean sure, but…"
"Do you expect me to jump in there or something?!"
"Ow! Whuh? Is this the pit's heart? I guess it wasn't bottomless then…"
"AH- Uh… Coin?"
"What's going on…"
"HEY! Don't talk about him like that!"
"Sayyy… uh, Coin. Where's Clock?"
"…How do you even know what happen?"
"Then what's going on right now?"
"…How did you even do that?"
in total: 18 lines
episodes 6a - get lost!
"Coin. You said you can watch the episodes on TV."
"He died in episode 4, dude."
"Yeah. You can thank Towel, but hey. The same thing happen to me in episode 2 when Phone got killed by Conditioner. I know how you feel, I can relate."
"Sheesh. Short temper, huh?"
"He's stuck in a dome and can't get himself out."
"Why were you guys stuck in there anyways?"
"Well, that's weird. Let me take a look at him."
"Uh… hi, Phone. You okay? You froze for a while."
"Alright. Just… try to… also focus on when to put it down."
"Hey. Can I go with you guys?"
in total: 11 lines
episode 6b - this isn't it
"Finally! Ugh… gave me a cramp."
"Don't. Ask."
"Okay. Where now?"
"No way!"
"Oh. Forgot about that…"
"Hey. Phone, how much longer until we get to Malos?"
"Well, things could be worse. There could be a… sea monster."
"Well, Phone should be able to pick us up soon."
"He should be here any second now…"
"We shouldn't worry about that right now, this city has to have some sort of… recovery center."
"Oh boy…"
"I wanna rejoin."
"Hey. You don't need to vote me back. I get it, but if you do, thanks."
in total: 14
episode 7 - par
"Wha- Come on! Not you too, Phone… well, I can try to win for the both of us, and besides. If I get eliminated we can hangou-"
"On it."
"Dang it..! Better luck next time I guess…"
"The button! How did you get it back?"
"Say… what do we do with Towel since she's all folded up?"
in total: 5 lines
episode 8 - run
"Wha- What's going on here?"
"Uh… okay."
"Okay… the 5 minutes are up! And if you guys try any funny business… I'm- I'm gonna get'cha! I'm gonna shoot the thing in the air and get'cha! Or… do I shoot it at you guysss…. well, whatever! I'll still get ya' guys!"
"And you two are OUT!"
"Ow! Oh. Hey OJ."
"Uh… okay, that's three down.."
"Oh, I got you now!"
"SURPISE! Oh, yeah. Here's your leg."
"No problem! Anyways, surpi-"
"Uh… I may or may not have shot myself…"
"Oh. Right."
"Hey! Get back here!"
"Well… I got to use this thing."
"Coin! Don't!-"
in total: 15 lines
episode 9 - in ruins
"Eh. It's probably just you, we should seek higher ground though, just in case…"
in total: 1 line
episode 10 - blue void
"You sure this was a good idea?"
"Right, bu-"
"Seven-way rock, paper, scissors!"
"Wait, Phone. You're eliminated too y'know…"
in total: 4 lines
episode 12 - up
"Did you guys know they could glow?"
"I… I didn't expect much of a chance last time… I don't expect one now, but that'd be cool! Now that Phone's out, I could win for him maybe?"
in total: 2 lines
episode 13 - fixing
"How did they get here..?"
"Sorry, but, as cool you may seem Bowling Ball, I'm gonna have to cast this vote to you."
"How many votes did we get?"
"Awh fiddlesticks…"
"You okay, bud?"
in total: 5 lines
episode 14 - finding
"What is going on?!"
"Conditioner you're encouraging this?!"
in total: 2
episode 15 - electric wall
"Well, Phone? Do you think you could use your robot arm or whatever to break the wall?"
"You can call me M.A.C."
"I mean, kinda."
"What for?"
"Like… what?"
"Well, what do you want me to do?"
"Uh… I guess I could help."
"Yeah! Why is your screen light stale blue?"
"Oh. Okay."
"Yeah! Explain the stuff I never heard about!"
in total: 11 lines
episode 16a - calm before the storm
"Makes sense to me!"
"Blue rectangle!"
in total: 3 lines
episode 16b - let the chaos begin
"Uh… you might wanna look at this…"
in total: 1 line
episode 16c - that's what you get, ha!
"Y'know, I can kind of relate. That reminds me of Phone and how he was built for me to have a friend."
"No, I didn't build him. It was a person i knew who built him for me."
"It was out of sympathy."
"They realized I pretty much had no one back then. No one really liked me, so I guess they felt bad and built me a new friend! They even added some cool powers too! That was pretty cool."
"Yeah, I thought I was getting some where with Blue Rectangle… but… yeahh… I just hope wherever Phone is going, it'll be safe for him."
"Yeah, thanks for listenin' Blueberry."
"Geez, I hope Towel gets outta this one. What do you think, Phone?"
"AH!- Oh. Hi, 3-Ball."
"…Does it look like I am?"
"It's just… I can't believe Phone would sacrifice his whole life for us. My one and only friend, is gone. Forever. I have no friends now. It was just him… and now I have nobody."
"I have. But nobody cared about me as much as Phone did."
"…Thank you."
"Wait, 3-Ball! I just wanted to say that… since I don't really have any friends at this point, will you be my friend..?"
in total: 15 lines
episode 16d - thank you
"Uh… I don't think I really want to… this isn't really my thing here."
"Wait, me? Really?"
"Wow, uh, thanks guys. I'd love to join your friend group."
in total: 4 lines
bops: episode 1 - shot in the dark
"Just a bit bored, it's honestly boring around here…"
"Hey, Blueberry! You wanna team?"
"Oh. Okay. I get it."
"Oh. Right… Well… do you wanna team?"
"Well… aren't we the only Frozen Fighters here?"
"Yeah, I don't think it'd work anymore."
"I mean… there was a laser tag contest… but that didn't go great…"
"I don't have the best experience with these kinds of things…"
"Then I shot myself in the hide and seek contest…"
"Ow! Augh… not again…"
"I mean… it kinda is…. but-"
in total: 13 lines
total lines for VOO: 152 lines
(currently) total lines for BOPS: 13 lines
(currently) total lines altogether: 165 lines
episode with least amount of lines for VOO: episodes 16b and 9
episode with most amount of lines for VOO: episode 5
(current) episode with least amount of lines for BOPS: episode 1
(current) episode with most amount of lines for BOPS: episode 1
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