#so now im so anxious that hes hurt and upset with me
g0thsoojin · 1 month
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leecherish · 6 months
whatever, can everyone go and be all niceys to me please
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finalhaunts · 2 years
#.txt#fuck man.#thinking about my ex. agh.#i dont know how i feel about things i guess#ive moved on and im happy he’s happy /gen but also whenever I think about him I just get so upset#I guess I’m just wondering what I did wrong. its been over a year and im still just so upset whenever i think about it#because it had been nearly two years since we got together and he just. broke up with me out of the blue.#and I never got an explanation as to why. even when I asked he didn’t tell me#and part of me is thinking ‘’well i should just respect whether he wants to say or not’’ but at the same time don’t I deserve some closure?#he said it wasn’t because of her at least. but part of me can’t help thinking he left me because he was happier with her.#I feel like maybe I was just too much. and thats why he left.#im too anxious and too paranoid and too scared whenever i enter a relationship because i don’t want to do something unforgivable.#i dont want to hurt anyone. that’s the last thing i want. I don’t want to push anyone away.#and im hurt that it didnt work out and i want to know what I did wrong but#at the same time i feel like im. happier. now that im out of that relationship#he wssnt a bad guy and he still isnt /gen. i just. i dont know#looking back on the relationship i don’t feel like i was happy. and once we broke it off we drifted apart quickly#and even if he didnt do anything wrong i feel Very uncomfortable over the thought of us interacting again. even just as mutuals or whatever#I think I’ve honestly just given up on trying to find love. its never worked out for me#ill just stick to the fictional ones. thanks.#also if anyone readjng has any clue who this js please dont mention it#this isnt like. a callout or me trying to smear him or whatever he’s genuinely a great guy#im just. having a lot of mixed emotions. even after so long.#vent
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forzalando · 3 months
😭😭 ok im going to give u a non logan prompt but no pressure!!! "wear a jacket, it's cold out." with lando🤭
ok this idea got stuck in my head and i couldn't let go of it - i hope you like it I'M NERVOUS!!!! i just couldn't stop thinking about reader + lando fighting and even though he's upset, reminding reader to take care of herself😭😭 thank you so so much for your request, you are the best, lilli💛 lando + "wear a jacket, it's cold out" 1k-ish words, tw: angst/fight (with resolution), mentions of lando crashing during a race (uninjured)
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You huffed and sat down on the hotel bed, running your fingers through your hair and squeezing your eyes shut tight.
“I think we need to just let this be right now,” you whispered. “All we’re doing is arguing, neither one of us is in the right head space to keep going. Eventually we’ll both say things we don’t mean.”
“Y/N, you’re just not listening to me! Talk to Zak, talk to Andrea or Will, any of them will tell you that what I did wasn’t a risky move. I saw a gap, I went for it, we made contact, and I crashed. What was I supposed to do? Back off?”
“I don’t know, Lando, I don’t understand what you do when you're in the car! But it’s abundantly clear you weren’t thinking about me or your family while in the car today. Do you even care? When you’re racing? Do you care about what will happen to me if you get hurt?”
“I’m not hurt! I was released from medical after an hour, this is not that big of a deal and you know it. You’re overreacting.”
You scoffed, grabbing your phone and texting the only rational person that was in the vicinity and could help calm you down.
The silence in the room was deafening, only broken by the sound of your phone vibrating with a text alert agreeing to your request.
“I’m going to meet up with Oscar,” you mumbled, grabbing your phone and your purse. “I can’t be around you right now but you need to rest – we’ll just go for a walk or something, I’ll come back within an hour.”
“You’re walking away instead of staying to talk this out? But you’re accusing me of not caring?”
You turned to look at Lando – defeat written all over your face. “I’m not even going to respond to that. Please, just lay down and rest. We can talk when I get back if you’re still awake or we’ll talk in the morning.”
“Fine. Have fun with Oscar.”
Lando’s response was short, clipped, you could tell he wanted to say more but instead flopped down on the bed and turned his head away from you.
You walked briskly towards the door – eager to escape the tension, the handle turning easily in your hand. You spotted Oscar in the hallway waiting for you, but you stopped your movements when you heard a soft “wait” ring out from across the room. “Wear a jacket, please. It’s cold out,” Lando urged. His head was still facing away from you, but you could tell from his body language, even though he was laying down, that he felt guilty. His body folding in on itself, his arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders – the sight of him almost made your heart leap out of your chest.
Now you felt guilty – accusing him of not caring when caring about you is all Lando ever does. You always looked out for one another, always had each other’s best interests at heart. Even something as simple as reminding you to wear a jacket – it reminded you of all the little ways he shows you that he loves you every single day.
Tears welled in your eyes and you looked out at Oscar – he gave a knowing nod and watched you shut the door before walking back to his own room.
“Lan,” you whispered.
Before you could say anything else, he sat up and turned to face you.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered. “I can’t even imagine how anxious you feel watching races or what you feel when there are days like today. I’m sorry. It was insensitive of me. I’m just frustrated and it’s hard to deal with – that feeling that I’m not invincible and I can get hurt on track. Your fear made it that much more real but instead of talking about it, I lashed out and downplayed everything so I wouldn’t have to deal with it.”
“Oh, Lan,” you cried, rushing towards the bed and wrapping your arms around him tightly. “I’m sorry, too. I know you’re safe and I know you wouldn’t do anything reckless on purpose, it’s just terrifying to see. Those few seconds when you can’t answer on the radio because you’re out of breath – it’s agony, but I didn’t stop to think about how you feel.”
You sat in silence for a few moments, holding onto each other and grounding yourselves. The feeling of him in your arms – he was here, safe, and that’s all that mattered.
“I think that was our first actual fight,” Lando mumbled against your neck. “And look at us, hugging it out after only a few hours.”
“It’s because I’m so mature,” you teased, pressing soft kisses all over his cheek and down his neck.
“Yeah, that’s exactly it.” He laughed, maneuvering you both so that you were laying down but still hugging one another. You breathed deeply, inhaling Lando’s scent and then adjusting your arms to hold him even tighter against you.
“You think Zak would entertain the idea of putting an inflatable hamster ball around your car?”
“And with that, I’m going to take a shower.” He stood and pressed a lingering kiss to your lips, resting his palm against your cheek.
“Hurry back,” you mumbled against his mouth.
“I’ll always come back to you,” he whispered.
The double meaning behind his words calmed your frantically beating heart for the first time since you watched him spin off track. What a man Lando Norris was – he could drive you absolutely insane, no pun intended, but you loved him more than you could ever describe.
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if you'd like to request a short drabble/blurb, please see this post!!
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romanticinlove · 3 months
Summary: When Jude is banned because of his celebration, his anger gets the best of him
word count: 1k
Warnings: Angst
During the game against Slovakia, England was putting up a good fight. When the other team scores, it went unanswered for so long. As you watched the game from the stands, you felt very anxious. Your boyfriend, Jude, was playing and you knew he had a lot of pressure of him during this game. You were wondering how he was dealing with the weight of the game, and you worried for him. When the game clock showed the 90th minute, you could only hope that enough time was added for England to make a comeback. When England finally scored, it was Jude who scored. You jumped up in the stand celebrating along the other fans. You could not have been more proud of your boyfriend. It was only when you looked down at the pitch that you saw how Jude decided to celebrate. You didn't think much of it, other players had done this celebration many times before. Sure, you thought it might've been a bit crude but he was just celebrating, you couldn't blame him. When the game came to a close, you were celebrating, Harry Kane scored a goal in extra time that secured the win for England. When you went down to see Jude, you were so proud of him and could not wait to see him. When he left the locker room, you could see that he was upset about something.
"hey baby, I am so proud of you! You played amazingly tonight, I knew you would be the one to put us ahead" You said and went to kiss his cheek, but he simply turned his head. You were confused and continued "Is everything ok?"
"Can we just go?" Jude said, while he couldn't even look you in the eye. You were a bit hurt because of the way he was acting but decided to leave him cool off before trying to talk to him again. As you drove the both of you home, you would occasionally look over at Jude, who only looked out of the window. You dropped Jude off at the facility where the teams were staying. When he went to leave the car, you tried to talk to him again.
"Ok well I'll call you tonight ok? " You said to him hopeful that he would at least give you something.
"I can't call tonight" he said before opening the door, but before he could get off, you began again.
"That's ok, I'll talk to you later then. I love you"
"You too." Jude said and then he shut the door and walked off. You sat in the car for a couple of minutes, shocked at his behavior. The both of you always said I love you to one another. It sounded so stupid and cheesy, but it did hurt you. You began to drive to the hotel where you were staying. Before, the distance would've killed the both of you, but maybe now it was necessary. You tried to think about every possible thing that could've set him off. When you couldn't think of anything, you tried to brush it off. When you arrived at the hotel, you got ready for bed. Just when you were about to go to bed, you decided to text Jude.
you: Hey Jude, I don't know what happened tonight, but I just wanted to let you know that I am very proud of you, you did great. I love you, please text me back <3
Read at 10:47
When you woke up and saw that he left you on read, you got a bit upset. You genuinely had no idea what happened and you thought maybe it had something to do with you. You decided to try and text his teammate, Trent, and see if maybe he knew something.
You: hey Trent, Do you know what's wrong with Jude???
Trent: did he not tell you?
You: apparently not
trent: Y'know his celebration yesterday? He got a €30,000 fine, and a ban
you: are you serious??
Trent: unfortunately
You were very upset and immediately called Jude.
"Jude why didn't you tell me about the fine and ban??" you said as soon as he answered the phone
"Who told you about that?"
"it doesn't matter, why didn't you?"
"y/n I don't have to tell you every little thing that happens, stuff just happens"
"Not every little thing, but yeah things like that are important, especially when you get disrespectful with me"
"you still haven't answered my question"
"I told you it doesn't matter"
"who did you ask?" Jude said as he began to raise his voice a little. He was met with silence and then he spoke up again. "y/n, who told you about that?"
"I asked one of your teammates"
"Oh so instead of going to me, you go to another guy? How is that right?" Jude said in an accusatory tone. You didn't like what he was implying.
"What are you trying to say right now, you think I would cheat on you?"
"why did you have to go behind my back?"
"You were being cold and unresponsive, I was worried" you said. Jude scoffed not he other end and you began to get teary eyed "we're not accomplishing anything right now, ok. I will call you later when we're both a bit more calm."
"Yeah sure, maybe you can call my teammate and tell him about this" he said before hanging up the phone. You sat indoor hotel room, dumbfounded by this argument. How could he think that about you? You were beyond angry, but you couldn't think about why you were crying right then and there. But maybe he was right, maybe you should've texted Trent, maybe you should've waited for him to be ready. As all of these maybe's went though your head you got a text.
Jude: Honestly, I don't know what to do right now, I need space, I can't be focused on this and the euros, soju please leave me alone right now
you: Jude I will respect you space but please know that I would never do that to you, I promise
Jude: Ok
You: I love you
Read at 12:26
a/n: This was my first attempt at angst so pls lmk what you think!!
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laiiaaa · 1 year
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summary Carmen seems a little off when you visit him, and you try to figure out why. For once, you pry him open.
length 3.2k
contents angst, hurt/comfort, he's really an angel even if he's closed off n stubborn, very very emotional, lots of negative self-talk from Carm, he cares so so much, relationship talk, everything resolves in the end dw &lt;3
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It takes more than a few knocks for Carmen to open the door. If you counted correctly, it took six tries, plus a phone call. So you shouldn’t be surprised that when he finally does open the door, he barely gives you a kiss on the cheek and mumbles Hey before turning his back to you again, back in the kitchen with his phone face up on the counter. He’s antsy, almost talking to himself, checking his phone every five seconds.
You walk in and lock the door behind you as you take off your shoes, and you drop your bag on the coffee table, which houses little else other than a remote and a day-old mug with coffee staining a ring in the bottom. “…Everything okay?”
He leans into the counter with his weight on his hands and spares you a glance and a haphazard nod. “Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine—just waitin’ for my guy to call back.”
“Isn’t it a little late for that?” Sitting down on the couch, part of you expects him to join you without being asked. Your back and feet ache, and all you want is for Carmen to lay with you, ease his hands up and down your spine, and watch the first thirty minutes of a random film before falling asleep.
“No, no—he usually answers when I need ‘im.” But he’s working. He’s at home, and you’re waiting on him, but he’s working. He seems to be prioritizing that a lot lately—a lot more than usual, at least. Running a hand through his hair, he watches the screen again, and mutters to himself, “Thirty fuckin’ minutes. Fuck you.”
You peek over the back of the couch. “Are you sure everything’s okay? You sound upset.”
“Yeah, baby, I’m—fuck this—” He derails from answering and instead picks up the phone again, calling and letting the dial tone ring out the second time this hour. He waits with his hand on his hip and his lip tugged between teeth.
You know ‘his guy’ doesn’t pick up when he drops his phone on the counter again with a sigh and another muffled profanity. “Carm?”
His head rests between his hands, but he lifts it to look at you. “Yeah?” 
“Can you come sit with me, please?”
God, how you tug on his heart strings when you ask, your voice all sweet and dripping honey, you make it impossible to resist. “‘F course, yeah,” he answers, pocketing his phone and turning off the kitchen light before joining you. 
He loops an arm over your shoulder as he presses his lips to your temple, and his heart skips a beat or two when you snuggle into him with your hand splayed against his chest. The two of you stare off at nothing in particular, soaking in the touch of the other. You smell so distinctly like you—like home—he’d be getting lightheaded in the best way if he weren’t so…so caught up in everything you help him escape: work, the fringe family, being so dead tired that in his mind he can’t tell where his kitchen ends and the fire begins. But that phone call he’s waiting on. It’s poking needles in the nape of his neck. 
You sit up after a couple minutes, keeping a hand planted over his heart when you look at him. “I can literally feel how anxious you are.” He scoffs, but before he can protest you add, “Seriously, Carm, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, it’s—everything’s just…” He looks off into nowhere behind you, his free hand making circles in the air like the words will fall into his palm if he tries hard enough. He stumbles for a few moments until he looks you in the eye again, a bit pained when he tells you, “Everything’s fine, baby.” The arm that was hooked over your shoulder is now curled around your waist, and his fingers, rough and scarred, trace meaningless shapes into your back, teasing beneath the hem of your top. “You don’t have to worry ‘bout it, alright?”
You’re unconvinced. You shuffle your hips around to straddle his, placing your hands on his shoulders with your thumbs carefully massaging the sides of his neck. Like clockwork, his hands take purchase of your waist, and he brings one to slide down over the curve of your ass before smoothing circles into your thigh. He always seems to speak to you in this way—maybe about as much as he tells you he loves you through his food—the physical connection much easier to manage than trying to crack open the rock-hard shell in his chest.
You lean into him a little more, your back arching ever so slightly. “You know I want you to keep me in the loop. What’s the guy for now?”
He sighs. “It’s just—shit with the stoves ‘n it’s messin everyone up, the kitchen’s basically a fire hazard, ‘n I really need him to answer his damn phone before something…” He shrugs. “…Before something just, I dunno, blows up, I guess.”
“Well, nobody’s even in that kitchen right now, so no explosions just yet.” You eye him for a moment, biting at your lip in contemplation when he doesn’t smile quite like he usually does at your drier jokes. “Is there something else bothering you?”
His brows furrow. “No, no—why, why’re you askin’ it like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like, like…” He shakes his head as if it pains him to consider it. “Like there’s somethin’ wrong with me, or, or somethin’ I’m hidin’—”
“I didn’t mean it like that, Carm, c’mon.” Your voice goes softer, hands a little gentler as you cradle his jaw in your palms. “I just want you to let me in.”
He takes a deep breath through his nose. “You’re always sayin’ stuff like that,” he mumbles, and you can feel the vibration of his voice through your hands through to your heart.
“Because I mean it.” The AC whirrs nearby, almost muffling your words. “I want you to tell me about the things that bother you. I would never judge you.”
You’re so tender with Carmen, he thinks he could melt into a puddle on the floor, left to seep into the floorboards and through the ceiling of his downstairs neighbor. And he feels the words bubbling to the surface, the emotion pooling, red-hot behind his eyes, an answer burning at the back of his throat and clawing through his chest rough enough that the kisses you scatter from his cheek, to his jaw, to his neck do little to aid his wounds. But when he answers you, it’s tame. “I do tell you about things.”
“You do, but…” You wrap your arms around his neck and nuzzle into the space between it and his shoulder. “I’m just thinking about this game I used to play when I was a kid, sardines.”
His head tilts back against the back of the couch, and your breath dances along his skin while his hands smooth along the bumps of your spine. “Sardines?”
“Mhm,” you hum, “It’s kinda like…hide and go seek, but reversed. One of us would hide, and when someone found us, they’d squeeze into that spot too. And I remember being terrible at it, because we’d be making faces at one another in our little hiding spot, and I could never stop giggling, and I’d just expose everyone too soon.”
He chuckles quietly to himself. “I can picture that, you laughin’ while shoved in a closet.” His fingertips trace your shoulder blades.
“Pretty much how it went. Always too loud.”
“But I like hearing you laugh. I—I always feel better…gettin’ to see you all happy.” He’s thinking he got a little too caught up in the moment, and before you can say anything back, he asks, “What were you thinkin’ about the game, then?”
“It’s a little stupid to say it out loud,” you start.
“‘S not stupid, promise.”
You pause, hesitant. “…Okay.” One quick kiss to his neck before you continue, eyes closed to sink into him, “I just like to think that, eventually, you’ll let me in like…like it’s a game of sardines, or something. That I’ll just…squeeze in right beside you, and—and you’ll let me be there for you without pushing me away.”
He hums, low and drawn out to give you a beat to breathe.
“Sometimes I just want you to tell me what it is that’s bothering you, just to…make it easier on you a little bit, knowing someone’s in your corner. Just to be there.” Your fingers twirl into his messy curls and scratch at the nape of his neck the way he likes, and his silence drags on long enough to make you anxious.
But Carmen, too, is anxious. His chest is tight, his hands fidgety, and he’s sure—he knows, he feels it in his gut—that he needs to say something, anything. But he can’t find the words. They swirl in the back of his mind, and he can taste them crawling to the tip of his tongue, but they never become clear. They lurk where he can’t see them, and he keeps his thoughts on lockdown for you, because he’s been convinced along the way somehow in his decades of living that it’s easier, for him, if he keeps the softer parts stowed away, never to be seen again. He’s starting to think you’re trouble, that you make him softer where he grew to be tough. So it’s muffled and covered by his palms smoothing up your waist when he asks, “Sit up for me a bit, baby?”
And you listen, of course, because really you’re thankful he didn’t kick you out by now. Your vision is blurry from tears pooling in your eyes, but his hands—so, so gentle, the touch barely there like he thinks you could break—cup your jaw and urge you a little closer, his thumbs stroking your cheeks and wiping away stray tears. The two of you gravitate closer until your noses brush by one another and you exchange breath, until he leans into you and slots his lips against yours. He’s hesitant and careful, he doesn’t know if it’s quite the right thing to do or if it’s says what he needs it to, but when you prop your hands against his chest and kiss him back he knows part of you needs it like he does. 
Both of you need it—that silent exchange, emotions spilled between sweet kisses and kind hands. So you stay that way, with Carmen’s hands holding you close to keep you from running away, and yours answer back I’m here, until he pulls away, eyes closed, to rest his forehead against yours. 
He keeps himself blind when he whispers, “I know…” You can tell he’s mulling over his thought, so you wait for him to add, “I—I know, that you’re in my corner. An’ I want you there, alright?”
You try to soak in the feeling, so close and seemingly getting closer, a little breathless from his kisses as much as his words. “Alright.”
“I just—I just get so, so stuck in my head that I…” He swallows. “I can’t tell half the time if there’s anything even worth sayin’, I’m just spaced out ‘n…going fuckin’ crazy.” His brows furrow against yours. “I’m not used to stuff like this.”
“I know.”
His hands rest along the curve of your face a little firmer when he suggests, “But I can try—to, to, uh, tell you things, to let you in, or, or however you put it—I—” A deep breath. “I’m so fuckin’ bad at this, I’ve never done this, but—but I’ll try, for you, alright? You tell me, an’ I’ll try for you.”
You nod against him.
“Fuck,” he hisses, “I just—it’s just—I like this, y’know? Being with you, I like what we have, I—I like doing this, and—I wanna…I wanna make you happy. The same way you do for me…” He goes quiet and shakes his head a little, anticipating his next words. “I don’t wanna fuck it up.”
You can’t fight the smile that pulls at your lips, even if it is bittersweet. “You aren’t gonna fuck it up, okay? Being with you already makes me happy. I know you’re trying.”
“But trying isn’t…it’s not always enough, an’ I know in some ways—in a lotta ways, probably, I’m not…I—I’m not the best at saying things, an’—shit, am I—am I saying too much—?”
“No, Carm, no. I want you to keep talking.” You take his lips in another gentle kiss, your stomach whirring warm and content.
“I don’t really know what to say, or—”
“It’s okay,” you coo. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but…if there was something else bothering you earlier…you can tell me.”  You pull back a little to really look at him, running your fingers through his curls and making him gently close his eyes. “And I’ll just say okay, and then we can move on. I won’t say anything unless you want me to.”
He hums with his eyes still closed, his mouth in a smirk. “Mm, like sardines.” It’s a little snarky when he says it, but when his thumbs brush beneath your top, you know he’s just thinking over his options. 
“Yes, like sardines.” You’re a little embarrassed, but also a little thankful that he followed the bit.
He waits for a few moments, just breathing, letting you smooth your hands through his hair and over his shoulders and down his chest. It’s calming, he realizes—simply existing in the same space, careful touches and brief kisses. He runs his palms from the back of your waistband to the plane between your shoulder blades and presses gently, urging you to lean against him once again. When your head rests against his chest, he takes in a deep breath through the nose and out the mouth. He watches the ceiling. 
“There’s…” Another pause. “It’s not just the stove that’s botherin’ me.” 
You don’t answer him, not even a hum to acknowledge he’s said anything, and he realizes that you were serious about the whole ‘not saying anything’ bit. 
“I…fuck, I don’t even know how to say any ‘f this. I think…I think I’m just freakin’ out about…about everything. The restaurant…you…” There’s a long, heavy pause, a shaky breath. “An’—an’ that’s it, really, besides family I guess—which is really fuckin’ pathetic when I say it out loud.” A sniffle. “Real pathetic. But all I’ve had is fuckin’…fuckin’ cooking, an’ working, an’ dealin’ with my family ‘n fuckin’ Richie all my life—” His chest gets, tight, a hand leaves your back to run over his mouth. “God, an’ I am so fucked up,” he laughs.
You were already crying before, and the tears keep coming, streaming from your eyes to your cheeks and staining Carmen’s shirt. You’re not sure whether he even realizes.
“I’m fucked up, and you’re just—you’re so perfect, compared t’me, ‘cause you’re all smart, an’ you always know the right thing to say ‘n how to say it, an’ you’re just in a completely different world sometimes, an’ I want in—I wanna be able to do things for you, all of it, but—” He needs to catch his breath. He needs water. He needs sleep. His throat is sore and scratchy, he feels his pulse pounding in his forehead. “I’m just…scared…that—that I could fuck you up, too.”
His chest expands beneath you, and you’re shaking, biting at your lips to stifle sobs. Part of you wants to sit up and hold him close, tell him that he’s the perfect one and you’re anything but, that all he’s ever been is made for you, that maybe he is fucked up, but you don’t care because you love him all the same—you love him.
Carmen isn’t used to this reaction. He’s used to explosions, yelling, screaming, pointing fingers with hot tears, saying what he shouldn’t, saying what hurts, guilt smacking him across the face for years to come. He’s waiting for the other shoe to drop. He feels your trembling and holds you that much gentler. 
“Baby,” he starts, “Hey, lemme see you, you’re shaking—” He tries to peel you from his torso, prodding at your sides until you wipe at your eyes and sit yourself up. His hands reach to hold your wet face. “What—what’s wrong?”
You push his arms away. “Sardines, Carm.” You try to stay true to your word—that you’d take what he says, and only store it away—but you’d be lying if you said you’re not struggling to keep more tears at bay. 
“I want you to talk to me. You said you’d talk if I wanted you to, I—I need you to talk to me, c’mon, please—”
“This is so wrong—I’m the one who should be comforting you—”
“Hey, hey hey hey—” He smooths a hand over your hair and presses kisses to the tear stains on your cheeks. “That doesn’t matter to me. That doesn’t matter to me, alright?” He holds you steady, waits for you to meet his eyes, and when you look at him, it’s like he can see right through you. His thumbs brush away your tears, and your breathing settles.
You sigh, your hands moving from his chest to his shoulders. “We’re such a mess.”
Carmen shakes his head, mind full of you as his eyes trail the contours of your face, the plush of your lips when your teeth bite at them. “Wouldn’t wanna be with anyone else.” His hands touch your waist again and ease you into him, buzzing with your soft curves in his grasp. It’s more than therapeutic, he thinks. Life-sustaining might be more accurate.
You nod, and your fingertips graze along his cheekbones before you plant a soft, yearning kiss to his mouth.
He kisses you again because he can’t help himself, and he might be too scared to look you in the eye when he says it, but eyes closed or not, he means it. “You’re so good to me.” His arms wrap around you again, addicted to feeling your weight beneath his skin, and he presses his lips to your jaw. “So fuckin’ good to me,” he repeats, lower than a whisper like it slipped by without thinking. 
You card your hands through his hair, messily beautiful, and answer, “You deserve someone good,” just as quiet as he is.
He swears his heart stops, and his lips trail from your jaw down to your neck. “You’re too good to me,” he says again, with a bit more honesty in the change. He knows you, so he already knows what you’re going to say, and that any other time he’d deny it.
You hum, a warm smile curling the corners of your mouth as you pull him closer to your chest, grazing your lips by his hairline for a gentle kiss. “No such thing.”
And for the first time, with his arms wrapped tight around your waist with a gentleness reserved only for you, and with your body slotted against his, he really starts to believe it.
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whats-it-mean · 11 months
What having your very own Knight is for ☆
KNIGHTS x Reader (separate) saving you from a creep
A/N - celebrities and idols get harassed fairly often (sadly) so i felt like this made sense ^^ also im not very good at writing arashi or leo VERY SORRY il try to improve as i write more for Knights. Most of these can be read as platonic but Izumi and Ritsu’s parts are slightly more romantically-coded because… im down bad
TW - People who wont take no for an answer >:(
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Intro
You clenched your fist as you desperately tried to pull it away from the grasp of the person in front of you, who had grabbed you by the wrist to stop you from getting away.
“Let go of me-”
The person in front of you only scoffed, tightening their grip on your wrist before grinning down at you. You could feel your fight or flight response kicking in, and you mentally flipped through your options in that moment, before you snapped your head up at the sound of footsteps drawing near.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Leo Tsukinaga
You could barely process everything with how fast it happened, but suddenly you felt your wrist being released, and the next thing you could see was the well known King Leo, standing in front of you with an arm outstretched, his eyes narrowed in an uncharacteristically serious expression.
There was a moment of silence, Leo staring directly at the individual across from him, before breaking into a pout and placing his hands on his hips.
“That’s not very nice, ya know.” He huffed, taking a moment to glance over his shoulder towards you. “You okay?” You nodded, to which he properly turned around to face you, now completely ignoring your aggressor. “How could he!? Are you hurt? Here, we should go back to the Knights’ practice room…” He turned back around to face the other individual, who was watching, dumbfounded. “I’m not done with you, either! Hmmph. rude. What makes you think they’d even wanna hang around with a loser like you?”
You blinked at the boy’s antics, simply watching in awe as he continued to fire off insults and them, grinning slightly any time that they showed a reaction. After a moment, you heard a scoff and they simply turned and walked away, clearly upset.
Leo turned back to you. “Well! Now that that’s taken care of… Let’s go do something fun, ‘kay?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Arashi Narukami
It was as if the breath left your body as Arashi resorted to grabbing you carefully by the hand and glaring directly into the eyes of them, showcasing a surprising amount of strength as she pulled their hand away from your wrist without a word. She paused for a moment, giving them the dirties glare you had ever seen her give, so much so that you got shivers.
The moment she could, she turned on her heel and ushered you away in a rush, making sure to keep her touch on your hand gentle, her expression slightly anxious. The moment you two rounded the corner and she felt you were far enough away, she placed her hands on your shoulders.
“Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” She asked, voice pitched slightly higher than usual.
“I- Im fine.”
Arashi looked you up and down as if inspecting for ay sort of damage, glancing once around the corner once to make sure your aggressor was gone before leaning forward and bringing you into her arms, holding you as close to her as possible as if it would bring her some solace.
“I was so worried for you. Next time that happens, call me, okay?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Izumi Sena
“I said let go of---”
You were cut of by the undeniable feeling of Izumi’s arm wrapping around your shoulder, as without even sparing a glance behind you, you knew he wasn’t happy. At the sight of him, the person in front of you released your wrist instantaneously, and Izumi slowly stepped back, bringing you with him.
All the silver-haired boy did was sigh, holding you ever so slightly closer before finally averting his glare, which had been trained on your aggressor the whole time.
“You really shouldn’t touch what is’t yours.” He muttered, taking one moment to glance over the other’s figure- most likely to memorize their face in hopes of talking to them later, in private- before starting to walk away, arm still around your shoulder to assure you stayed by his side.
“You had me worried there, you know.” He huffed, glancng around like he was on edge. “It’s a good thing I’m here to keep you safe.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Ritsu Sakuma
All you could see when you looked up from the ground was the familiar white of Ritsu’s favorite sweater as he stood in front of you, reaching out a hand and giving a lazy shove to the person in front of him. Despite his usual tired way of going about things, you could sense how tensed up he was.
“Oi. Leave them alone.”
An immediate sense of safety washed over you, as you took a step forward to peek over his shoulder as he stared down at your now very nervous aggressor. He glanced in your direction for a moment, assuring himself that you were alright, before turning back.
“You know-” He let out a quick yawn. “Me and my brother are vampires. I wouldn’t suggest messing with people dearest to us” He narrowed his eyes at them for a moment, watching until they left in a hurry. Ritsu turned to you, almost immediately leaning onto you and closing his eyes once they were gone. “You okay?”
“Yeah- Thanks, Ritsu.”
“Any time. I can’t have you getting hurt, now can I?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Tsukasa Suou
You could tell when he stepped protectively in front of you that Tsukasa was nervous, but he stood his ground nonetheless, keeping up his chivalrous nature. He kept his chin tilted upwards, attempting with as much confidence as he could muster to look like he wasn’t anxious.
“You need permission to touch someone.” He said, voice sharp as he stood there, staring down at your aggressor. 
They opened their mouth to say something, most likely some sort of shitty comeback, but you didn’t really hear as your mind was still struggling to catch up to you- all you could really focus on was how thankful you were that Tsukasa had arrived to save you. And the fact that he was trying so hard to appear strong for you- it was adorable.
You could sense Tsukasa falter at their comment, but he maintained his disposition. He muttered some sort of threat regarding ‘The student council president’, and they finally gave up and left. The moment they were out of earshot, Tsukasa let out a sigh of relief and turned to you, fawning over you in a rather panicked manner until you assured him you were fine and they hadn’t done anything.
“God… I’m so glad you’re safe. I’m not sure if I’d forgive myself otherwise.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── End
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guys im so sorry I can't believe i havent posted in so long its very unsexy of me so this is sweet comfort fluff about embarrassment as i am very embarrassed right now of my own actions (taking over two months to post again)
i was considering posting this without the old men and then decided that if im doing the strawhats im doing everyone ESPECIALLY sans and moby dick
Laughs. But if you look sad he starts feeling bad and tries to make you laugh instead. But also he'll forget that it made you sad and bring it up again later. He tries his best to accommodate for your feelings but he's a naturally casual guy so he doesn't see what's embarrassing. There's a few miscommunications about this at the start of your relationship until he explains that no matter what you do he adores you🥲
He didn't even notice it to be honest, or he thinks it's really cute. And if you bring it up to ask him about it he's just like what are you talking about, nobody was even looking. That's a lie, he was looking because he he's lowkey obsessed with you, but he doesn't want to make you feel worse so he just lies. He even pretends that him always saving you from falling is coincidental, you at least know that ones a lie but sweet nonetheless.
Tries to reassure you but draws attention to it by accident, and then he does something more embarrassing to cover it up. To be honest though it really works, people just talk about him instead. But he also makes you feel less embarrassed just by how much he dotes on you, if you fall then he's swooping you up bridal style to go to chopper, if you spill something on your dress he'll cover you up with his jacket, he'll clean anything you break with not a single complaint, he just adores every fibre of your being, even the wayward clumsy ones.
Always thinks it's cute. And he really relates to the anxious feelings so he's just treats it like a normal situation, if anyone else saw it then he makes sure to tell them to not speak of it. He will also replace your clothes if you accidentally damage them :) like you wake up and your favourite skirt that you accidentally spilled ink all over and had to bin is now on your bed, brand new and sparkling. He also makes little inventions to help you out, both silly and serious, like a portable air bag that inflates with a button, a little robot that is essentially a roomba, little things like that.
Threatens everyone who saw it to never speak of it and then distracts you as much as possible until you stop thinking about it. Will cuddle you if you get really upset about it but she doesn't really understand why you would be embarrassed because she thinks everything you do is perfect. She does eventually learn when there's going to be a possible chance for an accident, she's predicting your clumsiness like the weather🫡 she stops what she can and tries to teach you how to avoid these situations :)
Prevents said embarrassing moment. Listen she's just so efficient and she spots problems before they happen so she's just secretly fixing stuff because she never wants you to feel bad. It's not until like months into your relationship and you're apart for some reason that theres like a series of unfortunate events that reminds you how clumsy you can be and realise what she's been doing. Lots of appreciation kisses after that for sure.
Honestly you never really feel embarrassed around him, he's just so easy going and he manages to make everything seem normal. If you trip or walk into something he just checks to see if you're okay, if you spill something on yourself or rip something he uses his shirt to cover you while you go and get changed. He really could not gaf as long as you still fancy him tbh. But if someone makes you feel bad then it's like that scene from the cat in the hat(he will make it look like an accident) :
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Concerned if you're hurt or if you get upset, but otherwise completely doesn't care. He just nonchalantly fixes the vase you broke, or helps you up from the floor and just pretends that he didn't watch you accidentally eat a fly. He really is just so in love with you and he still carries the manners of his youth so he refuses to contribute to your embarrassment in any way. But he loves an excuse to keep his hands on you, guiding you by the shoulders, holding your arm, carrying you around, he can't get enough of it.
Lovely beautiful man, he is always embarrassing himself but he's old enough to not care anymore and neither should you, if you fall over guaranteed it's because you're laughing at him just having slipped on deck. With Jinbei you become the type of couple where you bring each other down literally and up metaphorically, there can hardly be any embarrassment to you're sharing happiness all the time.
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mopeyy · 9 months
Eetu x reader pls? Maybe it’s after zommy dies and the reader heard that eetu was missing (he’s her mate) then he makes it back to the hometree and explains what happens and it’s just angsty and fluffy as she comforts him.
You hissed as another bracelet broke under your tense fingers. It was hard to focus on crafting when eetu had still not returned from his hunt. You were worried for your mate. What if something had happened to him? What if the sky people finally got too close? They were staring to become more bold with each day, and you could not seem to convince Eetu that hunting far from hometree would only put him in danger. "I'll be fine, you worry yourself yawntutsyìp." He'd say, pressing a kiss to your temple and leaving for his hunt. Well now you had a reason to worry. It was already dark outside, the glowing plants of pandora coming to life, and Eetu was still not home. Your anxious thoughts came to an end when you heard a commotion coming from the entrance of home tree.
You raced towards the noise, forgetting all about your bracelet making and only hoping that it was Eetu who had returned. The Na'vi were all crowding around something, blocking you from seeing. You pushed through until you were right in front of the crowd. When you got there, all you saw was the Sarentu, standing infront of someone and blocking your view. The Sarentu's eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on you. They dipped their head down as though they felt guilty, before stepping to the side, revealing the person behind them.
You saw that it was no other than your mate, Eetu. His side was bleeding profusely, the wound was covered by his hand so you could not see the extent of his injury, but based on his expression and the way he could hardly stand, you assumed the worst. When his eyes found yours in the crowd you didn't hesitate to walk towards him. His hand found your shoulder, using you as support so he could properly stand. You lifted your hand up to his face, running your thumb along the new cuts on his cheekbone. "y/n, I- hmph" He couldn't even finish his sentence before grunting in pain and almost falling as he stood. Your ears pinned to your head, scared at seeing his pain.
You waved over a healer from the crowd who helped you bring Eetu to the healing area of home tree. You sat at his side while the healers began to make quick work on his wound. When you saw them pull out a bullet you couldn't help but be upset. You had told him to be careful countless times, yet his need for adventure always gets the best of him before he gets hurt. He noticed the change in your expression, reaching to hold your hand in his. You looked at your held hands, before moving your eyes up to his face. He looked upset, and not just because he had been shot, but because of something else. You were sure that something had happened when he ran into the sky people.
After a while the healers cleared Eetu and he was allowed to go. You helped him up to your shared room in home tree and lowered him down so he could take a seat. The room was silent, and you decided to speak first. "Are you hungry? I think the gatherers brought in your favourite fruit today. I could go grab you some if you'd like." He was turnt towards the open side of your room, where the sky was on full display. "Im not hungry, thank you." he replied, eyes not moving from the view infront of him. You sighed before moving to take a seat next to him. You tilted your head to face him, watching him admire the sky.
You placed your hand on his arm, "You know you can talk to me, right tìyawn?" He turned towards you, looking at you for a moment. Suddenly he was pulling you into a hug. He tucked his head into your neck, and you felt a wetness hit your shoulder, a tear. He let out a shakey breath before speaking, "The sky people showed up out of nowhere. I tried to escape them with Zomey but I-I had to fight. I got trapped inside of their metal bird. I could hear them shooting at Zomey. Mocking her." His grip on you tightened, "The sarentu found me and let me out, but by the time I got to Zomey she was...it was too late." Your face dropped. Your mate loved his Ikran, they had been bonded for a long time, going through everything together. They had the same spirit, the same love for flying and hunting. A big part of Eetu was gone. You brought your hand up to his hair, softly stroking it. "Im so sorry Eetu. To lose a bond is unimaginable." He lifted his head up from your shoulder, shaking his head with pinned ears. "It is all my fault, I should have listened to you. I went too far out and my carefree actions got Zomey killed, and I wasn't able to protect her." He hung his head in shame. You had never seen your mate so upset, "tìyawn it is not your fault, it is the sky people. They kill without need. Do not blame yourself." You brought your hand up to his face to wipe the tears from his eyes. He leaned into your palm and moved closer to rest his forehead against yours. "She is at peace now, with eywa." You whispered, hoping to bring him some form of comfort.
"I can make you a bracelet with one of her feathers in it, if you'd like" You suggested. He let a small smile pass onto his face before pressing a kiss to your temple, "That would be nice, thank you."
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g0thsoojin · 2 months
#he thought i was too emotionally fragile to listen to him :((( so he didnt come to me with his struggles#even if he wanted and needed to#which makes me so upset too bc like#i CAN hear it. i WANT to hear it i want to be there for him!!!!#but me and my fkn whining made him feel like he had to be careful with my emotions and not burden me#im just so.... i regret it all so much#so this is a big part of why i need to try to separate that blog i have sentimental attachment to and actually successfully have a#blog specifically for venting... bc i cant risk this ever happening again#i mean atm i dont ever wanna talk to anyone again bc everyone hates me and i will only hurt everyone and everyone are mean lol#so yeah.... but to think i couldve avoided all this and he wouldnt have pulled away from me if i hadnt run my dumb fkn mouth on that blog..#i regret i so much my body hurts i wanna throw up and cry and rip my hair out how tf did i let that happen#but also another reason is that... i really dont know why but last year i got more active followers and too many ppl see my blog :///#which means more assholes who are mean and rude to me#so everytime i vent im hyperaware and anxious abt ppl judging me silently#or sending rude anons and i dont feel comfortable anymore#also... there is one guy... who .. idk why but he has this weird... attachment to me#and he gets mad that i dont want him and calls me stupid for pining over someone who doesnt want me#(actually the entire problem is that the loml did want me but i fucked it up)#and he sends mean anons and want me to talk to him everyday even if he doesnt even reply to what i say when i message him and idk#i feel uncomfortable bc he looks at my blog and judges me and is mean and i hate it :/#i wish i had done this earlier..#which ive actually tried several times but i always end up fkn whining my head off on my main anyway#idk why. but i have to find a way to stop bc i just dont want this to be a source of unease for me anymore#ill always hate myself for letting it fuck it up with him tho bc i cant imagine ever loving anyone this much.... fuck i hate myself i really#i really hate myself... and already now when im like yeah imma stop#ive already made several whiny too vulnerable vent posts on that blog like can i stop??? whats wrong with me ohmyfkngod
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doylldonmagar · 10 months
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So I saw @hermesmyplatonicbeloved 's post and had some thoughts. I agree and disagree. I am a percabeth fan but I also know that some of it is screwy, and if you are familiar with my blog, you know this. I think RR screwed up and wrote out a LOT of trauma, I think he really should have dealt with that better. I think it's not good that he wrote trauma and mental issues and abuse into the foundation of many characters and then has ignored it when it became convenient for the plot.
I would love to see specific quotes and books for these because some of them I have no memory of and would like to revisit them.
I'm gonna talk my way through all of this so I'm gonna text break here
The first point is Percy scaring her to tears. I can only imagine in Tartarus? Like when they're both in their worst state? I don't know. I agree they should have talked about it, but I think they should have talked about all of HoH, which brings me back to saying: Rick really failed at dealing with trauma and processing and long term effects. Honestly, being scared *of* him, yeah I agree that's bad, but is that the situation? If she's scared by his power, then I'm not sure of where I stand on this, I don't know anyone with demigod powers, but I don't think I'd be scared simply because I know someone is capable of hurting me. Plenty of people are capable of hurting me. Like I don't know, what situation is this?
"Percy has been suicidal the whole time annabeth has known him, in BoO Percy attempts suicide and annabeth said nothing, noticed nothing" I'd really like a page or quote because i remember him being suicidal but never attempting. (Im rereading what i wrote, is this maybe referring to percy deciding it would be better if he drowned when hes with Jason? If so, I thought the book said annabeth wasn't told that he wanted to give up) But really my bigger issue with this statement is the fact that it's not necessarily a bad relationship just because a person doesn't realize someone is suicidal, or if their suicidal thoughts are fluctuating. If he's been suicidal the entire time she's known him, how should she know? And why is it the girlfriend's job to stop him from suicide? Like yeah she should care, but that's not her responsibility. No one should feel responsible for a significant other's suicide unless they encouraged the SO to do it.
The judo flip, I agree, annabeth should have been more sensitive to Percy's past and again, I blame Rick for conveniently forgetting that an abused kid is not going to laugh or even take well to being thrown on the ground. This also reminds me of a post I made a while back, because I was so frustrated by media portrayals of women getting upset (usually worried) about another character and shaking them or hitting them or using some form of violence, and that's portrayed as acceptable and normal and as a sign of love. I'm not a fan of that.
"Annabeth likes to keep percy on his toes" this point, I want specific quotes, cause I'd like to go over it again. I agree this is funky. Percy says he feels more comfortable with annabeth and feels like he can talk to her blah blah, but yeah, I think I remember him saying she makes him anxious and that's a problem for me. Like genuinely, to anyone who reads this: if your SO makes you feel uncomfortable, anxious, nervous, or unsafe, please reevaluate your relationship and be safe. That's not good. And back to percabeth, I'm really not sure why RR would say that.
Bringing up abusive stepfather. If annabeth didn't already know about Gabe...I don't know, that says to me that percy was too traumatized to talk about it, in which case, why can annabeth see it in his actions, his comments, his reactions? I don't know that either. But I do know that having met my fair share of traumatized kids, it's not at all uncommon for them to share trauma as a joke and for multiple kids to laugh it off, not to mention suicidal jokes or jokes about their own abuse. Now I want to be clear, I'm not saying that's healthy, I think that's bad, but I also think it's common. And if annabeth doesn't realize what he's really talking about, or is caught up in her own experience, or is uncomfortable, laughing is not an uncommon response. And I don't think that makes their relationship toxic. (And I'm saying it again: I think Rick wrote that so that people could say oh poor percy and feel strongly about how horrible the situation is, but he didn't want to get into the trauma, so by annabeth laughing it off, he can move on with the scene but include little details that show how bad tartarus is)
I don't remember any comments about poseiden, but I agree her interactions with Tyson are problematic. I have zero explanation or excuse, I really don't know what rick was thinking with that, unless it was maybe a way to signify how all halfbloods feel about monsters? (Now that I've said that, that kinda makes sense, if percy sees a monster who was his human friend, but everyone else just sees a monster who is just like the other monsters who have killed their siblings. But still. Annabeth saying he was gross was uncalled for, Rick could have said she was scared or concerned this was a trick or something, but disgust?)
I agree about Percy's unresolved trauma manifesting as fear of annabeth. I already commented on the judo flip, see comments above.
Percy absolutely has horrible self asteem. I'm not sure that's annabeths problem. Yeah she should support him in every way she can, but it's not her responsibility or anyone else's to make him feel better about himself. She should want to, and she should be positive and encouraging, but I don't think Percy's lack of growth is her problem or necessarily a sign of a toxic relationship. It can be, but I'm not certain it is in this case. I think, as I'm sure you know if you've read this much, Rick doesn't know how to write characters who are further along in their trauma- processing, healing, discussing- rick fails to deal with anything besides a currently traumatized kid and a unresolved but out of the directly abusive situation. (This is where I'd like to note, the whole seaweed brain thing, not funny to me, not cute. I'm not a fan because I do think that encourages negative self image. I am aware that that could be link to annabeths childhood, but again, I would expect her to be hyperaware of this sort of emotional abuse. And I blame Rick. Why does she never have her actual abuse mentioned?)
I don't recall annabeth pushing percy to choose between them. I would have said she had doubts about him still wanting to go to CA and he said that he regretted not being there for Estelle but didn't want to be without annabeth (which is kinda cute, kinda codependent to me, and I agree, codependency is not cute)
I would argue the last point "Percy has no interest in going to New Rome or University" is clearly false. In SoN (2nd book of HOO) Percy discovers there are full families living in New Rome, and how it's safe there, and he says multiple times that he wants that, how he remembers he had a girlfriend named annabeth and he wants her to be there and wants to be able to settle down *there*. And in ChaliceotG he's torn, because he does want to stay in New York for his mom and sister, but he really wants to be with annabeth and he loves new Rome. He says multiple times how he wants to go to New Rome. Its true, if the only reason he wants to go is for annabeth, that's a bit funky. But new Rome is the safest place for demigods, and he's been in wars for years, of course he wants that. And wanting to be out of school- okay? New Rome isn't just about the university, not to mention the New Rome university is focused on kids with dyslexia and adhd, obviously. So it will be tailored to him, his struggles are understood, accepted, and aided. Who wouldn't see the appeal in that?
And finally, I agree, that if a character or couple is going to have broad reach, they should be healthy. That's a problem i have with Colleen hoover and all her toxic relationships that have a large audience and are so loved by that audience. And back to this, I hate that the pjo hoo couples are so focused on in the books because fans always pay attention to the couples, but the focus amplifies them, and I think having a relationship be the main focus of a kids/teen/ya book sets up horrible mindsets, and idolizes relationships and all in all is not good for kids. Percabeth or not, healthy or not, I don't think the emphasis on relationships is good.
I might link some of my other posts that I mentioned or that address similar issues in the reblogs
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
I Fell in love Alone pt. 3
Another shot of depression for you all-
Buggy x GN Reader
Angst and Sad
No warnings just sadness
Support me in Ko-Fi
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When Buggy woke up the next morning, He felt awful.. his head was swimming and nausea was going through his system like a tsunami. He shifted and felt the emptiness of the bed next to him- The hangover now not being the worse pain he felt..
He laid there, pressing his face into the pillow as he took in what remained of your scent...thinking of the mornings he would touch your hair or look at your sleeping form next to him, He just wished he'd cherished them more. The creak of the door drew him out of his thoughts, turning to see you walking in with some breakfast and water for him.
He sat up slowly and watched you with foggy eyes at every movement you made. Setting down the tray of food and pouring him a glass of water, as well as kicking a bucket closer to the bed just in case he needed to puke, you already dressed and ready for the day which clued him in that he must have slept very late- or you got up very early.
"Feel better?" You ask softly, he nods softly at this- lying about feeling better. The pain from you not being there just stronger then the sickness of the hangover. Awkward silence fell after this, Buggy finally breaking it with a anxious sigh and turned to meet your eyes.
"(Y/N) I wanted to say im sorry for everything and how I acted can we-" You cut him off quick with a shake of your head, sighing heavily as you tried to hold back the tears that threatened to fall.
"Buggy I'm still leaving... This does not change that... I'd never want you to hurt yourself but I am not staying either. I know youre upset but that changes nothing-" You said finally, His face crumbling at your words as he looked away from you. A storm of emotions going over his face as he sat there in the bed.
"I appreciate you being honest with me and honored you shared how you felt... but you are 6 months too late" You say with a final breath, looking to see his eyes flashing with rage.
"Get some rest..." You say softly and get up to leave the room. Closing the door behind you as you heard the first crashed- Him inside the room throwing and destroying the cabin in a fit of pure anger. Taking a shaky breath you walked away, the echoing of his angry cries fading as you left.
You should have known better then to think Buggy would let this go so easily...
For the next 3 days, you saw the love bombing. The gifts magically at your bed, the flowers, the candies and more things you knew possible. How did this guy manage to find a kitten in the middle of the ocean!? The whole crew was also now watching you- you knew it and truthfully that hollowness began to return at having everyones eyes on you all the time like they were waiting for you to fold to Buggy.
You returned everything, bringing it back to Buggys door every chance you got and avoiding even going to dinner your friends bringing you dinner as you didn't want the eyes on you.
Buggy was starting to get frustrated more at himself for failing to get you interested in him again- thinking that you caring for him while hungover showed you still cared and he could keep you from leaving. You almost thought he was going to not port just to keep you on the ship, however it was a pleasant surprise when he did- even if he seemed upset at it as well.
Once at port you exiting the ship with gusto finally the freedom of the small place lifting your spirits from the dead and the idea that you wouldn't be trapped like before filled you to
Spending the day with your friends as you scouted out the village, your crew gathering supplies as you found you way around and planned a new life in the cute village.
Once back to the Big Top your few friends through a going away party for you, Food and drinks being set out as music filled the ship. It was a emotional release you had needed before departing from your life as you knew.
However Buggy's absent from the dinner was very noticable and you knew why.. as the night came to and you giving final hugs to your friends you packed the last of your things in a sack and bring them over your shoulder as you make your way to the Main Deck. Next to the exit you see a figure sitting there, already knowing who it was.
"You really aren't going to stay?..." Buggy said softly as he sat on a barrel looking at the sleepy village.
Stopping you lean against the rails and look at the Captian- he luckily wasn't drunk like before but he looked depressed...
"Buggy... I don't think we are good for each other now-" You say softly, seeing the hurt in his eyes at this. Normally he would throw a fit at being confronted like this- but instead he seemed to accept it and bow his head humbly. "You love bombing me proves that- I know you want to do better now but that doesn't erase what you did before..."
"If...If I became the man you deserve that would treat you right?... would you come back?.." He asked softly, his own fake pride and ego being tossed to the side for the hope of your return.
"I don't know Buggy- I do love you.. But I don't think I can be with you. We are both bad for each other and... You broke my heart" You admit, seeing how he winced at your words. Nodding in a sad understanding that it had been his fault for this- Rubbing the back of his neck.
"But... Maybe in the future, if things are better. We can give it another go." You suggest, unsure of your own words- However you see Buggy look at you, a flash of something you'd never seen in his eyes before. Hope and Drive.
"Really?... If I get better we can maybe see how far this thing can go?" He said softly, you nodding as you adjust the sack over your shoulder. Buggy Biting his lip in thought and nodding, smiling sadly as if he had been told a disappointing joke.
"Well, I'll do what I can to be what you deserve. Even if I am the Biggest Fool in the East Blue, ill be the best there is"
He sadly laughed at this, Opening his arms to gesture to himself in a almost pathetic way.
"You know me! I manage to fail upwards. And Hopefully I can still land before your feet" He said with his signature smile, unable to help yourself you giggle softly.
"I have faith in you"
You kiss his cheek and give his hand a squeeze, tears rolling down your cheeks as you turn and begin to walk off the ship you'd call home for the final time.
"Goodbye Buggs" You say softly as you walk to the pier and into the darkness of the sleeping Village.
Buggy stood there on the deck of his ship, watching the love of his life walk away- taking away what shred of love he had left in his blackened heart- Yet he could only be angry at himself for it... he had driven you away.
His fist clenched as he held back his own tears, looking up to the sky to keep them from falling and let out a shaky breath. Vowing silently to become the best to bring you back to him..
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dottores · 2 years
summary: a failed mission sets dottore off, just not in the way you might’ve expected--the doctor cares for no one but himself and his research, not even his own segments, so why was he so incensed at the fact that you were hurt?
warnings: no warnings, really, reader a bit anxious over just failing a mission and a small wound. just some hurt/comfort (??) with dottore. not rlly sure what to label it.
notes: man ik dottore isn't rlly the hurt/comfort man but i think i kept this rlly well in character im lowkey proud i even had tee n eris double check 4 me <3 i wrote this during my breakdown friday adfijaiosdfjia LMAO @tweris @dxlucs @7rkx @mxnjiros @hanmas @albedophoria @tokyometronetwork @manjiroscum @dynalite @niicevibe
wordcount: 1.5k
“You’re upset.”
You looked away at the statement--there was no sort of empathy or worry behind his words, it was a simple observation, a fact, nothing more, nothing less. He barely bothered to look at you as he spoke, engrossed with the vial in his hands. If you didn’t know any better, you would say he didn’t care at all. 
If you didn’t know any better.
He wouldn’t have acknowledged it at all if that were the case.
“I’m not,” you said after a moment, clearing your throat and smoothing your palms over your pants twice before picking at your cuticles, a nervous habit that you couldn’t seem to break. 
“... and now you are lying.”
You grit your teeth together, ignoring Dottore’s words as you became frustrated with one cuticle that would just not peel off. You let out a shaky breath, bringing your finger to your mouth, going to rip it off with your teeth instead, but a hand curled around your wrist before you could--grip firm and unmoving even as you tried to pull your hand away. 
Reluctantly, your gaze drew upward to where Dottore was now standing in front of you, staring down at you unamused and unimpressed. “What happened?” he asked again, and you noticed that he had placed the vial down, averting all of his attention to you as he waited for you to explain. 
And you wanted to explain, you really did, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t bring yourself to admit that you had failed the one mission that you had been given, not to Dottore. You were already trying to brace yourself for the punishment that would come from Pantalone at your failure. So you kept your mouth shut, turning your face away from him as you waited for him to lose interest and go back to his research.
You should have known better.
You felt two fingers grab your chin, not hard enough to bruise by any means but also not gently. Dottore turned your head back toward him, tilting your face up and forcing you to look at him. You kept your gaze averted but you could feel the way he was searching your face for answers, trying to piece together on his own what happened. Sometimes you really hated how smart he was. 
“Your mission went poorly,” Dottore finally spoke up--it was a statement but also a question, he was waiting for your reaction to see if he had deduced it correctly. And you couldn’t help the way your throat spasmed as you tried to swallow back the sob--you had never been one to handle failure well, ever since you were a kid. “I see.”
Dottore let go of your face and you snapped your head to the side, turning away as you tried to blink back the tears that were building too rapidly for you to control. He didn’t speak again as he moved back to his lab table, picking the vial back up and watching it absently before placing it on a burner. 
“What happened?” he questioned as he put away some of his tools, walking to the other side of the room where he had several other vials displayed.
Breathe in, breathe out.
“Pantalone sent me to the Natlan border--to Apavny--to pick up some materials for Sandrone. It was, um, supposed to be a simple mission, not even leaving the homeland-” your voice cracked, your hand went to your side as pain shot through your abdomen at the reminder. You noticed how Dottore was now looking at you sharply from the corner of his eye, waiting for you to continue--you tried to hide the way you were holding your side, “Natlan has been getting more aggressive, we knew that, I just didn’t think-”
“They attacked you,” there was an odd tone to his voice, tight and unfriendly, as he placed the final vial back in the burner and turned to look at you. You weren’t sure you had ever heard him take a tone other than the low drawl he usually spoke in. 
“They got the materials-” you tried to continue, confirming his suspicions that you had failed the mission, but apparently that hadn’t been what he was leading to.
“You’re hurt.”
You faltered as you forced yourself to look back up at him, catching the way his jaw was taut and the way his eyes were trained solely on you, waiting for you to speak but you weren’t sure what he wanted you to say. Instead, you only shook your head.
“It’s only a flesh wound,” you said quietly. “It’ll be-”
Your voice hung off when you noticed the livid expression that had crossed Dottore’s face, it was only for half a second but you had caught it and you couldn’t help the way you hesitated. He was angry? But why?
Dottore didn’t speak again, returning his attention to the lab table, and you noted that instead of moving to continue his research, he was now putting the vials and materials away. His movements were still as smooth and graceful as usual, but each time he shut one of his drawers, it was a bit harder than necessary, the bang nearly making you flinch.
Was he mad at you? You couldn’t tell and any question you might’ve had to ask him died on the tip of your tongue as soon as you opened your mouth to ask him. The moments he spent putting away his tools and materials were long and agonizing, an anxiety building in you that you had never felt before. Dottore wouldn’t hurt you, you knew that--he might not care for anybody but himself but he had always favored you the most of everyone within the Fatui, even above the other Harbingers and his own segments.
What if your failure ruined it? The disappointment enough reason for him to cast you aside? You had never understood why he favored you, you figured it was because he saw potential in you and now, with your failure, you-
You hadn’t even realized he had come to stand in front of you, lifting one hand to your jaw again to tilt your face up toward his. Your cheeks were wet, you hadn’t even realized you were crying and Dottore hated weakness, any sign or mention of it had him mocking and cruel. “I’m sor-” you tried to say, voice cracking despite your strongest attempts to keep it steady.
“You said this happened in Apavny?” he asked, voice low and quiet and tense, but the grip he had on your jaw was gentle this time--he was never gentle with you, not while he was training you, now while he was trying to teach you about his research, he was always cold and sharp and unforgiving.
You nodded as best you could with the grip on his jaw. 
“You did the best you could,” he said after a moment. “I’ll take care of it from here.”
You were at a loss for words as you stared up at him but Dottore didn’t linger. His hand dropped from your face, the cold expression returning as he turned to grab his cloak from where it was hanging several feet away, shrugging it on before fastening his mask on. 
“Dottore, they’re probably long gone,” you tried to tell him, taking a few steps toward him but you froze when he turned his head over his shoulder to look at you--you couldn’t see his eyes from behind his mask and it had always unnerved you because you could never how he was feeling.
He didn’t even bother to respond to you, pushing the doors to the lab open and leaving without another word, leaving you standing there reeling, trying to figure out what had just happened.
Hours later, he returned, blood still splattered on his cloak and face, the box of materials you had failed to retrieve snug in his arms. His lips were tight and flat, and his eyes were still covered by the mask, you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. 
He didn’t speak as he pushed the box into your own arms, not until he had already passed by you. “Bring it to Pantalone, tell him you retrieved it.”
Your mouth was dry as you stared down at the box, confused and trying to push away the rising emotions. You spun around to look at him but he didn’t even bother to look back as he walked back down the hall toward his lab.
“Dottore,” you called, watching as he paused midstep, waiting for you to continue. “Why?”
He didn’t answer, and you supposed you should have expected that. Instead, he waited for a moment before continuing down the hall, leaving your question hanging heavy in the air between the two of you as you stared down at the box with an oddly warm feeling in your chest, wondering what this all meant.
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teyamsgrl · 1 year
i choose you ✧ lo'ak
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❗️MDNI ❗️
IM SORRY i love angst to smut with lo'ak it is legit a serious obsession 🥴 he is just WOW CAN THIS BE REAL WOW
°˖➴ warnings: fem omatikaya reader, agedup!lo'ak, angst to smut, l-bombs, tsaheylu, slight dirty talk, slow and deep loving sex 😮‍💨 - paskalin: honey, oel ngati kameie: i see you
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you had no idea what you did wrong. just a week ago you and lo'ak were inseparable, now he is quite obviously avoiding you. it broke your heart for so many reasons, the first being that you truly didn't know what you did; your best friend was actively running from you with no explanation. anytime he spotted you he would turn to walk the other way or leave a group when you joined. second, you were completely in love with lo'ak, unimaginably in love. you could basically hear your poor heart shattering into a million pieces everyday over again. everyone knew you loved lo'ak beyond a friendly manner, and you thought he felt the same way, it seemed obvious. the way his eyes flickered to your lips when you spoke or how he wandered his hand along your back when you were upset, even how he simply listened to you, paid attention to every single word that you uttered. the third thing, which hurt the most, was that he was hanging around with another girl. kai'ra was the most beautiful songstress in the clan, and someone that everyone either wanted or envied.
you couldn't contain the jealousy and distress that stirred through you when you spotted lo'ak and kai'ra from afar in the evening, him showing her one of his dad's guns and teaching her how to hold it. you scoffed when you saw her brush one of his braids back behind his ear, his hand still on her arm in preparation to help her aim. a purple hue coloured your face as emotions whirred in your mind, your eyes filling with tears within seconds. your once sparkly amber eyes were now much duller, heart having been stomped on and thrown to the side. you had never felt so lost before, lo'ak had become your everything in so many ways and now it was as though he was never aware of your existence in the first place. you sniffled and turned your gaze to your feet that were playing around in the moss underneath you. you suddenly heard footsteps coming in your direction and your eyes shot up, seeing kai'ra pass just a few metres beside you. your heart rate picked up as you noticed a now alone lo'ak still in their previous spot, presumably cleaning the gun. you bite your lip out of nervousness before hurriedly approaching lo'ak, determined to get an answer from him and also give him a piece of your mind.
his gaze moves away from the gun as he hears someone approaching, eyes catching yours. "y/n no-" you cut him off immediately, "no. you don't get to run away this time. don't you dare move" your tone is harsh but voice shaky, you had never felt anxious around lo'ak until this moment. "you need to tell me what the fuck is going on here. what did i do wrong? why have you been avoiding me for almost two weeks, lo'ak? i'm not leaving you alone until you give me a fucking answer" your finger is pressed into his chest, constantly poking as you speak. you watch as he sighs, looking as though he is trying to piece together his thoughts. "paskalin..." a tear immediately falls from your eye at the endearing name, his tone gentle. you brush away your tear and lock eyes with him, searching for more. "i'm- i'm so sorry, so sorry..." you breathe shakily under his gaze yet muster up enough strength to still stick up for yourself, "sorry isn't going to cut it. you need to explain to me the reasoning behind this. why are you avoiding me? and why are you with her? what's going on, lo'ak? please just tell me..."
your voice breaks as more tears fall from your eyes. he visibly softens when he sees you crying, stepping closer to cup your cheeks and swipe away your actively falling tears. "i know it doesn't, i know... i'm gonna sound so stupid..." he exhales, "i love you, i love you so much. i just felt that i was bad for you, all i do is mess around and put myself and the people around me in shit situations, and you're, well, you're you. you deserve someone better than me. i knew how you felt about me and i just ran because you deserve better. kai'ra was just an attempt at a distraction, but you never left my mind. walking away anytime you were near killed me, it broke my heart to know i was hurting you. i just figured in the long run it would pay off as you'd be with someone better... now i see that it was a stupid idea, my insecurity kinda just... yeah" you lean into his touch, looking into his eyes and seeing the genuine sorrow behind them. "i love you too lo'ak, so much it's almost unbelievable. you really hurt me, doing all this. i've never felt so lost until i was without you. but, i see your side, i know your insecurities. to me, you are perfect. i have never met anyone like you, nobody will beat you in my eyes. no matter what, i choose you. i will always choose you. oel ngati kameie, lo'ak.." your heart races as he rests his forehead on yours, his breath tickling your lips. "oel ngati kameie" he whispers before colliding your lips together in a passionate kiss. you could feel the love and emotion he was pouring into the kiss, your hands moving to rest on his chest. your tongue slides along his bottom lip, urging him to open his mouth and let your tongues tangle.
he disconnects your lips slightly, "let me show you how much i love you, please" he begs, staring into your eyes with anticipation. you nod eagerly, bringing him down onto the moss beneath you. it was late enough now that there would be no one else around, especially in this area of the forest. you lie on your back, pulling lo'ak over you and tracing your hands down his torso. he smiles down at you and kisses his way down your neck, removing your top in the process. you hum as he kisses along your breasts before continuing down to your loincloth. he removes it as well, his large hands pressing on your thighs to spread them open. "so pretty, aren't you?" he hums, eyes raking over your naked body. the purple hue fills your cheeks again, this time for a better reason. he smiles at the sight, leaning down to kiss all over you thighs. you tangle your hands in his braids as his lips continue on their journey, stopping at your ankles. he leans back to get his loincloth off, his cock springing out resulting in more wetness to pool in between your legs. "you're okay with this, baby?" he asks, lining himself up with your entrance. "of course, yes" you breathe out, wrapping your legs around his waist.
he hums and eases himself inside of you, your head rolling back at the full sensation. "oh-" you gasp, legs tightening around his slim waist. he groans and leans over you and presses his hands into the ground beside your head, slowly beginning to pump in and out of your slick pussy. "so tight, shit..." he whispers into your ear as he stretches you out. "feels good, feels so good, lo'ak" you mewl and claw at his shoulders, nails leaving small indents. "it does, you're so good, so good and pretty.." he moans and picks up his speed, finding a medium pace that allows him to hit deep in you every stroke. he lifts one hand from the ground to grab your queue and pull it out from under you. "hold it here baby.." you whimper and move one hand to hold it up, your legs tightening more around him out of excitement. he moans as you drag him in more, still thrusting into you as he grabs his own queue and places it beside yours, tendrils working on their own and connecting. your pupils dilate and your back arches as you connect with lo'ak more than you ever have before, his forehead dropping against yours and chest heaving at the surge of pleasure from tsaheylu. "great mother..." you whine as his tip caresses your cervix, his hips never faltering. "you are... fuck you are amazing..." he groans and starts thrusting harder and deeper, at this point abusing your cervix with his cock. "close, i'm close!" you squeal, legs beginning to quiver. "me too... with me baby, you're with me... come on" he coaxes out your orgasm and his own, your cum spilling out as his fills you up simultaneously.
yours and lo'ak's breathing is ragged after your orgasms, bodies pressed together as you both come down from your highs. "love you, love you, love you" he mumbles as he kisses all over your face, you giggling as he does so, "i love you too, sweet boy" you wrap your arms around his neck as he remains above you. "i won't hurt you again, i promise. i'll do anything to protect you, give you the world..." he rambles on as you play with his braids, "i know you won't" you smile up at him, heart swelling at the fact that you two are now mated. "good" he smiles back and kisses your nose gingerly, his heart now full of you again.
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secretlilsis · 11 days
She had been crying in her room for quite some time now. It made him anxious, she had not allowed him inside to comfort her. But he was pretty sure that was and had always been his job. To be the one that cheered her up, made her smile. And now she wasnt even letting him close to her. He didnt even get to ask what had upset her so much. But sitting in front of her closed room door, he could hear her sniffle and cry. Like a watchdog, he sat there. Waiting until she gave him permission to do what he was meant to do : make her smile, make her feel better. Suddenly she shouted to him, being pretty sure he was somewhere close "Big brother, are you still there?"
"Yes my dear, I am right here."
"Its fine you can come inside now."
He didnt need to be told twice, and was in her room within seconds. The way she hugged her legs, the sight of her puffy eyes, all that filled him with empathy and a genuine need to see her feel better.
"They .. theres this guy and he..."
Oh no. His muscles tensed. He already started to get angry, feeling protective of her.
"He.. He.. He basically sexually harassed me...... I dont know... I.. and no one was on my side. I..." She looked so distraught. His head was boiling over with hate. No one got to touch his little sister, esp not in a way she did not want or enjoy.
"What is his name? Maybe I should pay him a little visit." His voice was shaking with rage. Within seconds her small careful hurt words had managed to turn him upside down. She had never been the kind of girl to play coy and pretend she didnt share his rage, all of to often when someone had stepped out of line had she told her big brother and he had handled it for her, she had not once attempted to hold him back. Instead it seemed to give her a sense of joy, and a feeling of being utterly protected by him. He was glad she indulged him in that way.
"Before that though big brother... I want you to overwrite where he touched me. I mean it was only my ass and my hair but..." She looked at him through her puffy eyes and sadness, and suddenly there was a silent kind of yearning. Like she counted on big brothers touch to undo whatever that guy had caused her to feel.
He stepped closer to her, and before doing anything sexual, he simply held her very tightly and gently petted her head, stroking her long strands of hair and whispering into her "Its alright... Ill make you feel better.. Whatever you need. Im here for you. I love you."
She hid her face in his chest, but then slowly took his hand and put it on her breast "Make me forget this ever happened, okay?" She whispered, that same yearning in her voice all over again. She felt so fragile, yet there was something powerful in her voice, something determined.
"I hate that someone that isnt you touched me with that type of intention, youll just have to do me so much ill forget all about it.. And.. Ill delight in it when you go and hurt him for me.." Her voice sounded somewhat sinister, but he couldnt help but find that cute too.
He kissed her fragile looking lips, and she returned the kiss somberly. Soon her blouse came undone, and so did her skirt and she sat there in her underwear, looking at him, needing him, wanting him. All the way through this he held her tightly, not wanting to stop comforting her... When he started to touch her pussy, he angled her differently so he could still kind of wrap around her and hold her close. Her soft moans enveloped him, and he soon was in his own little world with her. She sounded gentle, loving and inviting and she was wet around his finger.
Like in a daze he slowly went to properly fuck her, her cunt ready and open for him. She accepted him without blinking, the only difference was that her nails now were digging into his back in a way they usually didnt, there was shaking anger and desperation behind it, like she wanted to claw herself inside him to proccess what had happened. Like shed pull him inside her violently if she had to, like shed never ever want to let go of him.
When they came, she looked a little peaceful again, like he had done as she asked, like she had overwritten the foul sensation.
As their bodies seperated she looked at him and gave him one last tongue kiss, spit splitting between their mouths - connecting them still, only ripping apart as she spoke "Tell me in full detail about what youve done to him, once youve gotten around it, okay, big brother?" There was that shaking rage in her voice again. He understood it all to well, he was sure, whatever anger she felt, he felt it tenfold.
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