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mopeyy 10 months ago
Dangling Trust part 2馃憠馃憟?
Dangling Trust Part Two
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora (SPOILERS!!!)
Summary: After Teylan has broken your trust will you be able to forgive him and mend your bond? Or will the ghosts of the past continue to haunt you.
Authors Note: So sorry this took so long! I've been super busy and haven't had the time to write but I'm back to write this and some more requests I got! I had no idea how to end this, sorry!
You tried to focus your hearing on the wing around you, the birdsong you could hear from a distance. Anything to avoid the silence. The air between you and Teylan was stiff as you made your way back to the Resistance Base.
After you had fixed the outpost you didn't exchange many words, choosing the quiet as your friend instead. Besides, you didn't know how to talk to him. You were afraid that if one word slipped out you wouldn't be able to stop. And that's what you were avoiding. You didn't want him to know that he hurt you when he left and that you had spent every day since missing him until you hated him for it. You hated him for making you feel this way.
As you two continued to walk it wasn't long before you saw the outline of the Resistance Base in the distance. You figured that once you stepped inside things would go back to normal. You two would go back to not talking and pretending the other didn't exist. You wondered when your relationship, whatever it was, would be beyond repair. Maybe it already was, but you didn't want to know that just yet.
Teylan, sensing the shift, cautiously reached out, placing a soft hand on your shoulder. You quickly brushed it off and turned around to face him.
"Sorry," he muttered, "I just.."
No. You knew that look in his eye, and you certainly knew what he was going to say. He opened his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it.
"Stop it Teylan, not now." You turned away from him once again, quickening your pace back home. It was so close, you just needed to walk a bit faster. You could hear Teylan moving quickly behind you.
"If not now then when?" he spoke, his voice gentle yet filled with the sincerity of a soul seeking redemption. "I know I've made mistakes, ones that I can never take back but-"
"I said stop it Teylan." You interrupted, irritation lacing your tone. You didn't need to hear his apologies. You knew you'd give in and forgive him, but he didn't deserve that, even if you wanted to give it to him.
"No y/n" He grabbed your arm with a pressure you hadn't felt from him before. He turned you to face him. Seeing your expression he loosened his grip, mumbling a quick 'sorry.' He spoke again, "I need you to hear me now, before you go back to avoiding me."
You lowered your gaze at his words, but let him continue.
"I regret what I did every day. Mercer he... he made me think things that weren't true, made me see the world differently until I felt like I didn't belong. I've never felt Na'vi... and he used that against me. He said I was more like him than Na'vi and I believed it. I lost sight of my family, lost sight of you. And for that im sorry."
Teylan stared, awaiting your response. You lifted your gaze and let your eyes meet.
You always knew that Mercer had an effect on Teylan you couldn't seem to understand. And even though what he did hurt you, he admitted he made a mistake, and he was in front of you asking for forgiveness.
"I don't know if I can trust you again," You finally said, your voice barely above a whisper. "But I'm willing to listen, and I'll try to understand."
Teylan nodded, his relief evident in the slightest of smiles.
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mopeyy 1 year ago
i鈥檝e gotten such good request for frontiers of pandora! I can鈥檛 wait to write these and i鈥檒l work on them soon! I鈥檒l also work on part two of my Teylan Fic :)
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mopeyy 1 year ago
writers block :(
If anyone has any ideas send request so I can get out of this pls馃檹
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mopeyy 1 year ago
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mopeyy 1 year ago
Looks like So'lek won the poll! Ill be writing something for him soon. As for the Teylan fic ive just posted the first part so lmk what you guys think! If anyone has suggestions for the Solek one shot just send it to my inbox!
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mopeyy 1 year ago
Dangiling Trust
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora (SPOILERS!!!)
Teylan x Na'vi Reader
Summary: After Teylan has broken your trust will you be able to forgive him and mend you bond? Or will the ghosts of the past continue to haunt you.
Authors Notes: Ive heard there's no Teylan content so Im willing to provide馃構 . Let me know what you guys think, I might give this multiple parts if ppl like it!
Sitting on the edge of a towering cliff, you admire the sight in front of you. The sky, a swirling dance of purples and blues, and the gentle breeze blowing your hair. As you sit, legs dangling over the cliff's edge, you feel the rough texture of rock beneath you. The cliff is covered in a carpet of moss that glows faintly, illuminating your surroundings. The sensation of the cool, damp moss against your skin is refreshing, a stark contrast to the warmth of the sun beaming down on you.
You went out by yourself often. Taking the time alone to think and clear your head. At the moment the thing you're trying to clear your head from is Teylan.
After you all defeated Mercers base Teylan came back and rejoined the resistance. The sting of his earlier betrayal, though dulled by time and forgiveness, lingers like a stubborn chill.
You and Teylan, once bound by respect and trust, now stand on uncertain ground. The memory of his deceit haunts you, a ghostly presence that questions the depth of your bond. Could the connection you once felt have been so fragile? His return to the resistance does little to mend the fracture in your heart.
As you attempt to cast these thoughts aside, to leave them scattered among the rocks and carried away by the wind, they persist, stubbornly clinging to your mind. The past, with its unanswered questions and unresolved emotions, remains a silent companion.
"I like this one."
You picked up one of the many beads that laid out in front of you and handed it to Ri'nela.
"I love the color, the purple will look good with your skin."
She took the bead from you and added it to your hair. Ri'nela has been practicing braiding after one of the Na'vi taught her. She has been begging to use you as practice and every time you were able to avoid it. Except today.
"Ouch Ri'nela!"
"Sorry, sorry"
You pushed through the pain, just wanting it to be over.
You tried to distract yourself by looking around the room, admiring the way the Na'vi and humans were able to work side by side. You turned your eyes to the doorway as you heard it open, wanting to se who came through. Teylan walks in, his arrival brings a palpable shift in the room's atmosphere. you quickly averted your gaze. This didn't go unnoticed by Ri'nela,
"Hey Teylan! Come here!"
He turned towards the sound of his name and started to make his way towards the two of you. You rolled your eyes and let out a sigh which only made Ri'nela laugh.
"Rinela, Y/n, what are you guys up too?"
She let a smile overtake her face, taunting you, "Oh im just braiding Y/n's hair. How do you think it looks Tey?"
"oh!" He cleared his throat in between words as a purple hue took over his face, "I think it looks very nice, the beads and everything."
You muttered a 'thanks' and tried to look anywhere else but him.
The silence that follows is heavy, laden with words unsaid and feelings unexplored.
"Uh well I should go so.. ill see you guys around."
With that he left, probably on his way to go bother So'lek with more human toys.
Rinela sighed from behind you,
"Y/n, you know you two have to talk at some point, right?"
Her words made you think. Should you follow the path of forgiveness, to rebuild what was once shattered, or should you guard your heart against further pain.
"If I want to talk to him I will, don't let it bother you Rinela."
You made your way through the resistance base on your way to find Alex. He's always managed to find chores for you to do and you had no idea what he might need help with now. We was at his usual station as always.
"Alex, you said you needed me?"
A look of relief washed over his face,
"Great your here! Ive been working on some new SIDS, these ones should be able to hack faster. Theres an old resistance outpost nearby and I wanted you to use the new SID to get it up and running."
The task seemed simply enough and it was something you had done before,
"sure I can do that, just give me the coordinates."
"Thank you, now were just waiting onnn, oh, right on time!"
You creased your brows in confusion. What was right on time? You turned around just to face the one Na'vi you didn't want to see.
"Alex, what's Teylan doing here?"
"Oh, I just figured id send him along to see if the new sids work and if there's any more room for improvement."
You sighed, of course he'd be coming. Alex gave you a pat on the back before handing you the Sid and walking off. Teylan waved you over from the door. You internally groaned before making your way over to him.
The majority of the walk was quiet. The air was thick with words unsaid and you didn't know if you had the guts to break it. Walking next to you Teylan hesitated before decided to speak,
"Im sorry, I didn't know he'd pick you."
You looked at him from the corner of your eye than quickly switched your gaze back to the ground.
"Its fine, he's always giving me some chore to do anyway. Even if its something he can do himself."
Teylan laughed quietly
"Seems like their overworking us, maybe we should run away." He joked.
Teylan's attempt at humor fell flat, the words dissipating into the air like mist.
"Your good at that aren't you, running away."
Your response, sharp and laced with the pain of memories, was a clear reminder of the distance between you. His laughter ceased, replaced by a look of regret that briefly crossed his features. The joke, meant to lighten the mood, had instead served as a reminder of the wounds that had yet to heal.
The journey continued in silence, each step a reminder of the fragile line you both now tread, between the remnants of a once strong bond and the uncertainty of what lay ahead.
As you approached the old resistance outpost, the structure loomed before you, this place has definitely been untouched for a while.The task at hand was simple, all you had to do was reactivate the outpost. You set to work, your hands deftly manipulating the new SID, while Teylan watched from a distance, his presence a silent question hanging in the air. After a while the outpost hummed to life, its systems responding to the deft touch of the SID.
Teylan stepped forward, his voice breaking the silence that had settled between you. "You did it," he said, a note of admiration in his tone. It was an opening, a tentative step towards bridging the gap. You looked up at him, the walls you had built around your heart wavering for a moment. The possibility of forgiveness hung in the air, as fragile and as vital as the newly awakened outpost.
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mopeyy 1 year ago
Kia ora,
Huge Eetu fan, I'm sad there's not more content out there.
Long after I finished the quest I can't help but check back in and worry post Zomey's passing.
Could I request maybe letting him fly on the back of your ikran sometime, because he misses the sky?
Devastated you can't let him do this in the game 馃槶
Grieving Skies
Avatar frontiers of pandora
Eetu x Na'vi! Reader
I love this request!! I hope you like it馃槉
Beneath the shadow of the Hallelujah Mountains, you stood beside Eetu, whose eyes once sparkled with life, now dimmed by the feeling of grief. His silence after Zomey's passing hasn't gone unnoticed. You often found him staring at the sky, his eyes full of longing. Prior to her passing he would tell you stories of how they soared through the skies together. Over time it became clear that flying was not just a pastime for Eetu, but a cherished ritual that bound his soul to Zomey's. It was their shared passion, a symbol of their unbreakable bond.
As you stood beside him now all you could see was a shell of the man you knew. "Eetu," You whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder, your voice barely a ripple in the wind. "The skies still sing of you and Zomey, you should not have to give up flying." He shook his head, "I could never bond with another ikran, would not be the same." He shut his eyes tight at the memory of his ikran.
"I know, that is why I am asking you to fly with me. You can ride again."
He opened his eyes and turned to face you, question written all over his face.
"You would really do that?"
You nodded, "Of course I would, I cannot see you like this anymore. I want you to do what you love Eetu."
His ears flickered, listening to your words. You could see the conflict within him, the yearning to take to the skies wrestling with the sorrow of his heart.
You stepped closer, your own heart heavy with empathy. "Eetu, the bond you shared with Zomey was unique, irreplaceable. But she wouldn't have wanted you to be grounded by grief. Let her spirit lift you up once more, through the clouds and over these mountains." Your words hung in the air, a gentle plea for his healing.
He let a smile pass onto his face, " Your right, I do miss the sky. It makes me feel closer to her. I will fly with you." His voice, though still tinged with sadness, carried a newfound determination.
The next day, you prepared your ikran for the journey. Eetu approached, his steps hesitant but resolute. "I am ready," he declared, his voice steadier than it had been in months. Together, you climbed onto the ikran, hearts pounding in unison with the beat of her powerful wings.
Your ikran took off and launched you into the sky. The view was beautiful, you felt as though you could see all of pandora beneath you. You felt Eetu smile behind you, his laughter lost in the wind.
You smiled too, happy to see him this way, the smile on his face from doing what he loved, and the light you thought he had lost was shining in his eyes.
The flight continued, each beat of the ikran's wings taking you deeper into pandora. By the time you landed, something had shifted within him. "Thank you," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "Today, I flew with Zomey's spirit beside me, and I felt her joy. I will fly again, not just for her, but for myself."
He pulled you into a hug, a gesture that conveyed more than words ever could. In that hug, there was an understanding that while the pain of loss might never fully disappear, the skies would always be there to offer solace and a connection to what was cherished and lost.
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mopeyy 1 year ago
!Sneak peak!
WARNING: spoilers from avatar frontiers of pandora
Currently debating if this should be a one shot or be longer with multiple parts馃憖 Lmk what you guys think :)
Sitting on the edge of a towering cliff, you admire the sight in front of you. The sky, a swirling dance of purples and blues, and the gentle breeze blowing your hair. As you sit, legs dangling over the cliff's edge, you feel the rough texture of rock beneath you. The cliff is covered in a carpet of moss that glows faintly, illuminating your surroundings. The sensation of the cool, damp moss against your skin is refreshing, a stark contrast to the warmth of the sun beaming down on you.
You went out by yourself often. Taking the time alone to think and clear your head. At the moment the thing you're trying to clear your head from is Teylan.
After you all defeated Mercers base Teylan came back and rejoined the resistance. The sting of his earlier betrayal, though dulled by time and forgiveness, lingers like a stubborn chill.
You and Teylan, once bound by respect and trust, now stand on uncertain ground. The memory of his deceit haunts you, a ghostly presence that questions the depth of your bond. Could the connection you once felt have been so fragile? His return to the resistance does little to mend the fracture in your heart.
As you attempt to cast these thoughts aside, to leave them scattered among the rocks and carried away by the wind, they persist, stubbornly clinging to your mind. The past, with its unanswered questions and unresolved emotions, remains a silent companion.
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mopeyy 1 year ago
Heavy Goodbyes
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora (SPOILERS!!!)
A quick lil one shot while waiting for the results of the poll
Nor x Na'vi! reader
"You can't just run off after stabbing alma Nor!"
"Leave y/n. I don't want to talk about it."
You shook your head. How could he act this way? How could he just run off after what happened? You decided to take a different approach, a softer one to try and calm him down.
"I know what she did was horrible but-"
He cut you off,
"Horrible? She betrayed us y/n. She betrayed all of us. To believe she was ever on our side," he scoffed, "What a traitor. As much as she wants to believe it she will never be one of us."
He was upset and it was easy to tell. His ears were pinned to his head and his brows were furrowed. He was pacing back in forth, clenching and unclenching his fist to sooth himself. Even though you agreed with his statement part of you was still upset.
"So does that give you the right to run away? We're all struggling Nor but that doesn't mean you can close yourself off and push everyone away."
When you said this he stopped his pacing and turned to face you. He walked towards you and you took a step back. He was really angry and in full honesty, seeing him like this scared you. He leaned in close and started to speak.
"I don't need the right. We are free now are we not? I can do what I please. Maybe I just don't want to be somewhere that constantly surrounds me with humans and their technology."
"But they are our allies Nor-"
"They are humans all the same. I don't care whose 'side' they're on. Before they were on our side they were with the RDA. If you want to trust them fine. But i'm leaving."
You're lips parted in shock. He was leaving?
"Nor, you can't be serious.."
All he gave you was a nod. Confirming that he was set on his plan.
You reached your hand out and placed a hand on his arm.
"You can't leave, we all need you here. Teylan has already left, we can't lose you too Nor. I can't lose you."
You pleaded with him. Your eyes started to gloss with tears and your grip on his arm tightened.
He stared at you with an unfamiliar look in his eye. He seemed hesitant for a moment before he placed his hand on top of yours.
"You don't have to lose me." he whispered.
You let a small smile pass over your face, a glint of hope in your eyes.
"Does this mean you'll stay?"
He softly shook his head and took a step closer, getting rid of all space between you two.
"No, y/n, I'm...I'm saying come with me."
Your eyes widened, "what?" You mumbled. How could he ask you to leave?
He placed his other hand on the side of your face, tracing the stripes on your cheek with his finger.
"Come with me. We can explore Pandora and be truly free. Please yawntutsy矛p."
You paused. You didn't know what to say.
The weight of Nor's gaze was heavy, a mix of determination and a plea for understanding. You could see the wildness of Pandora reflected in his eyes, the untamed beauty that he yearned to return to. But the thought of leaving everything behind, the community you had helped to build, the allies you had fought alongside, it anchored you in place with a paralyzing indecision.
Nor's voice broke through your hesitation, softer now, "I know it's a lot to ask, y/n. But out there, it's just us and the world we were born to live in. No more wars and fighting, just... freedom." His words painted a picture of a life unburdened, a dream that you had both shared once upon a time.
You took a deep breath, feeling the weight of your next words. "And what about the fight we've been a part of? The sacrifices? Can we just turn our backs on that?" Your voice was a whisper, but it carried the weight of all the unspoken fears and responsibilities that tethered you.
He responded with a fierce intensity, "We've fought enough, y/n. We've earned the right to choose our own path. And I choose a life where I'm not defined by this conflict." Nor's hands were steady, his resolve clear, but there was a tremor in his voice that betrayed his own inner turmoil.
The silence that followed was filled with the sounds of Pandora's wildlife, a reminder of the living, breathing world. It was a siren call, tempting and sweet, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to be swept away by the possibility of it all.
Finally, you spoke, "I... I can't go with you, Nor. We have to understand that this isn't about running away. It's about choosing our own battles, and mine needs to be fought here." The disappointment in his eyes was evident,
"Please just stay." You begged, desperate, asking him one last time.
By the look in his eyes, you already knew the answer.
He leaned forward and kissed you. It was bittersweet, a culmination of your shared history, a moment that acknowledged the depth of your bond and the divergence of your paths. As Nor reluctantly pulled away, his eyes searched yours for any sign of reconsideration, but you stood firm, your decision made.
Nor's expression hardened, the vulnerability that he had briefly shown now gone. "Then this is where our paths part," he said, his voice steady but low, carrying the weight of finality.
You nodded, the tears you had fought so hard to hold back now spilling freely.
He took a step back, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer before he turned and disappeared into the lush foliage of Pandora, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the life you had chosen to keep.
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mopeyy 1 year ago
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mopeyy 1 year ago
Little Hunter
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora
Tumblr media
Eetu x Navi! Reader
taronyutsy矛p - Little Hunter
woosh.聽You groaned as another arrow missed the target. No matter how many times you practiced, you still had the aim of a child. How were you supposed to hunt if you couldn't even hit the target? You sighed in defeat as you walked to pick up your arrow. Suddenly you heard a cocky laugh from behind you. You rolled your eyes, knowing who would be there when you turned around. "I guess archery isn't your strong suit, Sarentu." You reached down, picked up your arrow, and started walking back to your position. "Shut up, Eetu; you're supposed to be my teacher, so if I'm failing, it could only be your fault," you suggested. He laughed as he made his way toward you. "It's not my fault you are this way. The sky people have taught you to hold a gun and not a longbow." When he reached you, he tilted his head and clicked his tongue. "I see what's happening. You're standing all wrong. here,"
He stood behind you and pushed you to his chest, fixing your posture. "You need to keep your back straight and loosen your shoulders." He slid his hands up to your shoulders and pushed them back. "And you should hold your bow like this." His hands moved towards your arms, adjusting them, before placing his hands over yours, making sure you were holding the bow right. "Do you see how much better that feels?"
He was so close that when he spoke, you could feel his breath on your neck. You only nodded in response, scared that no words would come out if you tried to speak. He slid his leg in between yours and used it to widen your stance. "Stand like this, nice and firm." He moved his hands off of yours and slid them down to your waist. His voice was next to your ear as he spoke, "Now feel the wind, and when it is calm, shoot."
You watched how the leaves on the trees shook and how the grass moved. When it all stilled and you no longer felt the breeze on your face, you released the arrow. It sliced through the air faster and smoother than it ever had. For the first time, it hit the target. Not completely in the center, but it was better than you had done before.
Eetu released your waist and took a step back, giving you some space. "You're already improving, Sarentu." He said this with pride in his voice. You turned around to face him with a smile. "That was the best my aim has ever been. Will you keep helping me practice?" You hoped he would say yes. You wanted to get better so you could hunt, and you didn't mind Eetus's company. "I can't; I promised I would hunt arrow deer for the meal tonight." You sighed in disappointment. "I take it back; you're a bad teacher." You joked and crossed your arms with a smile.
"ouch, you're hurting my feelings, taronyutsy矛p. If I could stay and help you, I would, but I have better things to do." He smiled. You scoffed and turned back to your practice. He playfully rolled his eyes and said, "I'm only joking with you; come find me at the bonfire tonight. We can speak then." He offered. You opened your mouth to reply, "Maybe, it depends if I go." You shrugged. "Right, well then maybe I'll see you tonight." He said, then left as someone started calling his name in the distance.
The fire was bright against the dark sky and the embers danced in the air. All of Pandora glowed around you. It was a breathtaking sight. The fire was huge, surrounded by dancing Na'vi. And the air smelled sweet, must have been the smell of today's hunt. You could never get enough of Aranahe cooking. You decided to go to the bonfire tonight and try to have fun. It was better than having your ear talked off by Teylan at the resistance base.
You spotted a table full of delicious meat and fruit. mmm. you hadn't eaten all day and couldn't wait to dig in. You squeezed through some dancers on your way to the table. You almost made it until someone grabbed you by the arm. Suddenly you were thrown into a dance by another Na'vi. You were being pulled every which way, so fast that you hadn't even realized you were dancing. Every time you tried to break free you were passed to someone else and forced to keep dancing. It was an endless cycle.
Finally, out of breath, you broke free. You stumbled out of the dance circle, fixing your hair while doing so. You didn't dance often, and you had never danced like that. You regained your breath and continued your previous task: getting to the food table. This time you were able to do so with no distractions. When you reached the table you huffeed in annoyance. Of course, all the food would now be gone.
Someone approaches you and stands at your side. "Were you hoping to eat?" They questioned. You looked to the side and made eye contact with no other than Eetu. "Yes, but I'm too late." you sighed. He laughed and then handed you a kebab stacked with meat and fruits. "Here you can have mine, I only took a bite." He offered. You smiled at him, "Thank you." You took a bite and it had to be the best thing you ever tasted. The meat and fruit made each bite savory and sweet, a perfect combination. He laughed at your eagerness, "You must be so hungry after all that dancing huh." He snickered.
You paused your eating and your ears quickly reddened with embarrassment, "You saw that?" you prayed to Eywa that his answer would be no, but your prayers were not answered. "Of course I saw it, everyone did. Who knew the Sarentu could dance." He said, teasingly. You put the finished kebab down and used your hands to hide your face. Eetu grinned and moved your hands away from your face.
"It wasn't bad taronyutsy矛p. You tried really hard to keep up with the dancers, I thought it was cute." He gave you a squeeze on the shoulder in an attempt to make you feel better. You let out a soft smile,
"Maybe I should pursue dancing and quit hunting."
"slow down, don't get too cocky."
You two shared a laugh.
The laughter between you and Eetu lingered in the air. As the night wore on, the bonfire's glow seemed to cast a spell over the gathering, with the Na'vi's vibrant blue skin illuminated by the flickering flames. Eetu's eyes held a spark that mirrored the firelight, and you found yourself captivated by the way his presence seemed to command the space around him.
As the night deepened, Eetu's gaze turned thoughtful, and he leaned in closer to share a story from his youth. He spoke of a time when he too struggled with the bow, how he overcame his shortcomings through perseverance and the guidance of a mentor. His words were not just a tale of personal triumph but a subtle lesson on the importance of patience and practice.
The conversation shifted as Eetu inquired about your life before Pandora, your dreams, and what you hoped to achieve among the Na'vi. You found yourself opening up, sharing stories of your time with the RDA and your own challenges. It was a moment of mutual understanding, a bridge being built between two worlds.
By the end of the night, you and Eetu had learned a lot about each other.
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mopeyy 1 year ago
I always take requests!
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora:
Forgotten Love pt.1
Forgotten Love pt.2
Heavy Goodbyes
Little Hunter
Grieving Skies
Dangiling Trust
Dangiling Trust pt.2
Hogwarts Legacy:
Awkward pt.1
Awkward pt.2
Dangerous Waters
Burning pt.1
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mopeyy 1 year ago
Forgotten Love (Last Part)
Nor x Fem Na'vi Reader
Summary: Reader is in love with Nor, but he's still in love with her dead sister.
Inspired by this post!!
You and Nor use to speak everyday, but now you've went a full week without talking. After your confession there was just no point in speaking to him. You knew he was going to reject you and you didn't need to hear him say it. It would hurt too much. Of course you missed talking to him, he's your best friend. But you couldn't look at him knowing that he didn't feel the same.
He hadn't made any attempt to speak to you. Mostly just looking at you from the corner of his eye. Or sharing a forced smile when you passed one another. It was exhausting really, but neither of you tried to fix it.
You had recently took down a big RDA drilling facility, reducing the pollution percentage by a significant amount. So tonight the resistance was celebrating. The headquarters were filled with colorful party decorations and dancing music. You knew the humans were having a good time, but it didn't really feel like you needed to be there. You turnt to leave before hearing someone calling your name. "Y/n! y/n!" it was Teylan. He came running over to you, Cleary excited about the party. "Where do you think your going? this party is all about you." He smiled, nervously adjusting the cap on his head. "Im just going out to get some air Teylan. Ill be back in soon." You promised. He exaggerated a long sigh and told you to come back soon as he walked away. You softly shook your head and laughed at teylans antics.
You walked outside and found yourself sitting at a little pond that leads towards the waterfall. it was a nice kind of quiet, the only noise being the muffled music from the party. It was dark, allowing you to see all the stars in the sky. When you were in the RDA they didn't let you and the others outside much. they were scared that if you saw what was out there it would tempt you all to run away. After escaping the RDA you were never anywhere but outside. You stared at the pond in front of you, watching how the water would ripple when a little fish swam by. You smiled, dipping your legs into the pond for the cool relief the water gave you. You couldn't believe the RDA had kept this world from you for 15 years.
After a while of sitting there you heard foot steps behind you. You didn't turn around, you already knew who it was. "Done with the party?" Nor took a seat beside you and raised his brows in question. You only took a quick glance at him before turning your attention back to the water. "Yea, it's kinda hard to dance with all the tiny people around." you smiled, turning to look at him. He was already looking at you. He laughed and shook his head, "I guess it wasn't the best idea to put Na'vi and people into one room." He joked. Silence overtook you as neither of you knew what to say. You played with your hands trying to distract yourself from the awkward atmosphere. Nor cleared his throat to get your attention, "Listen y/n I...about what happened that night-" you cut him off, "Nor I already know what your gonna say and its just going to hurt more if I hear it so please don't." He shook his head and placed a gentle hand on your arm. "You don't know what im going to say, so please just...listen." he pleaded.
You nodded and he slid his hand off your arm. "I was thinking about everything and I wanted to apologize. Ive always admired Aha'ri and her bravery, and I may have had a small crush on her when we were kids. But that's all it was, a childish crush. That night when you found me, I was scared. Scared of how new everything is. I think I was talking about her because I wish I had some of that bravery too. Ive been thinking about what you said and you're right. You have always been there for me and I was too blind to see it." He saw how your attention was focused on the sky. He put his hand on your chin, turning you to face him. His green eyes piercing, as if they could see right through you. "If you'll let me, id like to be there for you too."
Your ears twitched, revealing the emotion you were trying so hard to hide. You had thought that he came out here to reject you, but it was the complete opposite. You wanted him to feel the same way about you, but you had to make sure it was for the right reasons. You tilted your head up at him and opened your mouth to speak, "Nor, I don't just want to be a reminder of my sister. I want you to want me, not just be with me because you can't have her."
He shook his head, his eyes saddening at your worries. "y/n believe me, that is not it at all. I want you. I want your smile, your laughter, your humor, your kindness, your beauty. You. Not anybody else." He reassured you.
You smiled at him, letting out a soft laugh. "Well then you can have me." He smiled at this and leaned in as your lips met. You had never thought things would end this way but you didn't mind as the kiss deepened and your hands combed through his hair. You knew now that everything would be alright.
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mopeyy 1 year ago
Forgotten Love
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Nor x Fem Na'vi Reader
Summary: Reader is in love with Nor, but he's still in love with her dead sister.
Inspired by this post!!
The soft ground of pandora glowed with each step you took, the leaves rustling from the soft wind. The glowing plants and moon guided you safely through the forest. You thought back to what led you out here tonight, how nobody in the resistance could find Nor, and you were tasked to look for him. Of course, you were the only one who knew where he'd be. You knew Nor more than anyone here, you'd memorized him from the many years you spent together in the RDA.
You stepped over a log, making your way towards the top of the waterfall, his favorite spot. You weren't surprised to see his figure sitting there, his legs dangling over the edge. Since the resistance rescued all of you, he often came up here to think. You didn't try to be quiet as you approached him, not wanting to accidentally scare him. His sharp ears twitched when you took a step. He knew you were there.
He said nothing when you took a seat next to him, still keeping his gaze on the view infront of him. Determined to end the silence, you spoke first. "Everyone is looking for you, Priya sent me to go and find you." He let a soft smile pass his face, "Well than you've found me." His gaze was unwavering, still not turning to look at you. You took note to the crease in his brows, and how his ears were slightly pinned back, he was upset. "Is this about the Aranahe? I know we spoke about it last time." You questioned.
Was he still upset? Scared that the Na'vi might view him different? Your thoughts came to an end when he replied, "No, not this time. its just-" He paused, contemplating on wether to not to tell you, "Its nothing, don't worry yourself" He ended, deciding to keep whatever he was thinking about private. You let out a soft sigh. With everything going on it was not a good time to keep secrets from one another. You placed a hand on his shoulder, "I don't mind worrying, you are my friend. Tell me, what's on your mind?" He glanced at you from the corner of his eye before placing his hand on top of yours.
He opened his mouth to speak, "Im just thinking about Aha'ri. How unfair it is that we get to be here and she doesn't. " You stayed silent, leading him to continue, "She would have loved it here, to be Na'vi. She was so brave and adventurous." A smile overtook his face as he spoke about her. You watched how his eyes held a different look in them. It was a look you haven't seen before. Why did he look this way when speaking about your sister? "I don't know I just...well, do you ever think about her?" He asked, turning to face you and watch for your response.
You swallowed before answering, "Of course I do, everyday. She was the only family I had left." you whispered, voice growing quiet and sad at the thought of her. He took your silence as his turn to speak, "I sometimes wonder what things would be like if she was still here. How different they would be." You raised a brow at this, confused you asked, "Different how?" He paused once again, thinking about his next words, "I haven't told anyone this before but, when we were children I.." he hesitated, taking a short pause before continuing, "When we were children I was in love with her. And...sometimes I think I still am." He confessed. He watched your face for any sort of reaction but you couldn't believe what you were hearing. Yes, Nor often talked of your sister but you just thought it was because he missed her like the rest of you did, you had never imagined that he may have loved her. You knew for a fact that your sister had not felt the same. When you were children all she focused on was escaping and keeping your Sarentu culture alive. She wasn't focused on love. and never once had she mentioned such a thought about Nor. How could he love someone who didn't feel the same, someone who was no longer here? How could he still love her when you were right here, in love with him.
Your eyes fell to your lap and your ears pinned to your head. You removed your hand from his shoulder and stood up. Watching you, he stood up too. "Im sorry, was that too much? I know speaking of her can bring back the memories for you and that was never my intention." He explained, he felt bad thinking that the thought of your sister made you sad all over again. You shook your head and began walking away from him, "Its not that Nor, its nothing don't worry." He started to walk behind you. He didn't want you to leave the conversation upset. "What happened to being friends and telling each other what's on our minds?" He questioned, using your words against you. When you didn't respond he grabbed your arm. Soft enough not to hurt you, but tight enough to stop you from walking away. He put his other hand on your hip, turning you to face him. "Y/n, what is it?" He pleaded.
You let out a soft breath before looking up at him through your lashes, begging your eyes not to water. "Its you Nor" You spoke. His face changed to one of confusion. His eyes narrowed and his brows creased in confusion. "I-what?" He replied, the confusion evident in his tone. You rolled your eyes. How could he be so dense? "Im upset because of you Nor. How could you love my sister when I've been here the whole time? How could you love her when I love you." You mumbled the last part. When he stayed quiet you continued to speak, "Why do you think its always me who finds you when no one else can? Why do you thinks its always me who comforts you when your upset? Why do you thinks it me who knows what concerns you? Why do you think its me who knows you." You finished.
Upon your confession his grip on you loosened. You took this as your chance to leave. Your broke free of his grip and walked away into the forest. he didn't follow after you.
comment if you want part 2!
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mopeyy 1 year ago
Literally gna write a fic about this now LMAO
So'lek this So'lek that. What about Nor!? What about the guy who is still in love with my dead sister who I am in love with??? What. About. Nor?
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mopeyy 1 year ago
Eetu x reader pls? Maybe it鈥檚 after zommy dies and the reader heard that eetu was missing (he鈥檚 her mate) then he makes it back to the hometree and explains what happens and it鈥檚 just angsty and fluffy as she comforts him.
You hissed as another bracelet broke under your tense fingers. It was hard to focus on crafting when eetu had still not returned from his hunt. You were worried for your mate. What if something had happened to him? What if the sky people finally got too close? They were staring to become more bold with each day, and you could not seem to convince Eetu that hunting far from hometree would only put him in danger. "I'll be fine, you worry yourself yawntutsy矛p." He'd say, pressing a kiss to your temple and leaving for his hunt. Well now you had a reason to worry. It was already dark outside, the glowing plants of pandora coming to life, and Eetu was still not home. Your anxious thoughts came to an end when you heard a commotion coming from the entrance of home tree.
You raced towards the noise, forgetting all about your bracelet making and only hoping that it was Eetu who had returned. The Na'vi were all crowding around something, blocking you from seeing. You pushed through until you were right in front of the crowd. When you got there, all you saw was the Sarentu, standing infront of someone and blocking your view. The Sarentu's eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on you. They dipped their head down as though they felt guilty, before stepping to the side, revealing the person behind them.
You saw that it was no other than your mate, Eetu. His side was bleeding profusely, the wound was covered by his hand so you could not see the extent of his injury, but based on his expression and the way he could hardly stand, you assumed the worst. When his eyes found yours in the crowd you didn't hesitate to walk towards him. His hand found your shoulder, using you as support so he could properly stand. You lifted your hand up to his face, running your thumb along the new cuts on his cheekbone. "y/n, I- hmph" He couldn't even finish his sentence before grunting in pain and almost falling as he stood. Your ears pinned to your head, scared at seeing his pain.
You waved over a healer from the crowd who helped you bring Eetu to the healing area of home tree. You sat at his side while the healers began to make quick work on his wound. When you saw them pull out a bullet you couldn't help but be upset. You had told him to be careful countless times, yet his need for adventure always gets the best of him before he gets hurt. He noticed the change in your expression, reaching to hold your hand in his. You looked at your held hands, before moving your eyes up to his face. He looked upset, and not just because he had been shot, but because of something else. You were sure that something had happened when he ran into the sky people.
After a while the healers cleared Eetu and he was allowed to go. You helped him up to your shared room in home tree and lowered him down so he could take a seat. The room was silent, and you decided to speak first. "Are you hungry? I think the gatherers brought in your favourite fruit today. I could go grab you some if you'd like." He was turnt towards the open side of your room, where the sky was on full display. "Im not hungry, thank you." he replied, eyes not moving from the view infront of him. You sighed before moving to take a seat next to him. You tilted your head to face him, watching him admire the sky.
You placed your hand on his arm, "You know you can talk to me, right t矛yawn?" He turned towards you, looking at you for a moment. Suddenly he was pulling you into a hug. He tucked his head into your neck, and you felt a wetness hit your shoulder, a tear. He let out a shakey breath before speaking, "The sky people showed up out of nowhere. I tried to escape them with Zomey but I-I had to fight. I got trapped inside of their metal bird. I could hear them shooting at Zomey. Mocking her." His grip on you tightened, "The sarentu found me and let me out, but by the time I got to Zomey she was too late." Your face dropped. Your mate loved his Ikran, they had been bonded for a long time, going through everything together. They had the same spirit, the same love for flying and hunting. A big part of Eetu was gone. You brought your hand up to his hair, softly stroking it. "Im so sorry Eetu. To lose a bond is unimaginable." He lifted his head up from your shoulder, shaking his head with pinned ears. "It is all my fault, I should have listened to you. I went too far out and my carefree actions got Zomey killed, and I wasn't able to protect her." He hung his head in shame. You had never seen your mate so upset, "t矛yawn it is not your fault, it is the sky people. They kill without need. Do not blame yourself." You brought your hand up to his face to wipe the tears from his eyes. He leaned into your palm and moved closer to rest his forehead against yours. "She is at peace now, with eywa." You whispered, hoping to bring him some form of comfort.
"I can make you a bracelet with one of her feathers in it, if you'd like" You suggested. He let a small smile pass onto his face before pressing a kiss to your temple, "That would be nice, thank you."
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mopeyy 1 year ago
Send request for avatar frontiers of pandora!
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