#so not only did dracula get punched in the face
sesamenom · 4 months
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more of Mae's adventures in Castle Dracula
aka: Maedhros used Punch! It's super effective!
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Shadows Entwined: Part 2
BatmanVsTmnt!Leonardo x sidekick!reader
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Part 1 / Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Bonus (18+)
In which both Leo and reader get grilled by their families, because of the "pretty eyes".
Warnings: Spelling, loong.
The reader and the turtles are 19.
“They call him… The Batman”, Donnie said, reading from his computer screen, causing Leo to break from his starting contest with the wall. He didn’t even remember how he got to staring at the wall. He remembers returning to the abandoned cafe with his brothers, after their meeting with this, Batman and… her. She had said his eyes were pretty. No way she actually meant it. Not with eyes like hers. They were… Leo did not know how to describe them… deep? Colorful? Lively? Filled with emotion-, oh this is how he ended up zoning out in the first place.
Leo was once again pulled out of his thoughts, as Raph started yelling about how stupid it was to use half an hour to google something he could have guessed in seconds.
“I’ve read rumors about a supernatural bat creature in Gotham, but I assumed that he was an urban legend, or that he was a mutant like us”, Donnie said deeply fascinated.
“That guy was definitely human”, Leo finally spoke. “And I think his super natural powers are just his gadgets. Anything about the girl?” Leo could see Raph facepalm out of the corner of his eye.
“Nothing”, Donnie said. “Only stuff about this Batman, or whatever he is”. Why did that pull down on Leo’s mood? No information about her at all?
“We already know what he is!” Mikey was practically dancing at the whiteboard. “He’s awesome!... Unless he’s a bad guy… That would make him… 40% less awesome”. Leo could already tell by the look on Raph’s face that he wanted to punch their little brother all the way back to New York.
“No one knows his motives, but it does appear that he only attacks criminals”, Donnie continued. “Especially this clown guy”.
“So he wears a Dracula costume and punches clowns. Who cares?!”, yelled Raph. “The dirtbag stole my sai!”
“Dracula costume? What kind of Dracula movies have you been watching?”, Donnie muttered.
“Is that why that girl hang around him?!”, Mikey yelled from his whiteboard, jumping with the same enthusiasm he had shown ever since they arrived in Gotham. “He has bitten her and now she is under his control? This city just gets better and better!”
“I don’t think so Mikey. She did say Leo had pretty eyes”, Donnie said. “Hypothetically, I don’t think a human under vampire control would say that. I actually don’t even think vampires in fiction can control people like that…”
Leo already hated this conversation.
“Look all I’m saying is Shredder stole the ooz from TCRI and came to Gotham, we know he’s been working with a new partner, right? It’s gotta be this bat creep and that Leo loving sidekick he has around”, Raph said, exasperated.
Leo remained unmoving with his arms crossed, but the mentioning of the girl made something move in his stomach.
“I’m not so sure”, Leo said. “The way they fought, avoiding lethal blows. They wanted to figure us out. Like a detective".
“She wanted to figure you out”, Raph mumbled, just loud enough for Leo to hear it. Leo would have spoken up, and Mikey not done it first.
“Okay bros. I broke it down”, he said, pointing to his drawings on the whiteboard. “Awesome: Little bat throwing things, cool car, sweet hat, Leo’s first girlfriend. Not awesome: Kicked our butts, may be evil, mean voice, Leo’s first heartbreak”.
“Either way”, Leo broke in, before giving his brothers any chance to add on to Mikey’s whiteboard Batman and sidekick breakdown. “After Wayne Enterprises, we have no idea where the Foot will be next. The Batman is our only lead”.
Donnie nodded. “Whether friend or foe, he and his sidekick was at the scene of the crime. And if you give me a minute, I think I’ve gotten an idea”.
“I was right outside!” you yelled like a spoiled child, waving your arms in the air, while Batman carefully looked at the magnifying glass in front of him, a sample he had taken from the sai laying in the little glass tray. “I did nothing but watch those metahumans kick Penguin’s butt! I could have helped you!”
“I did not need help”, Batman said, stoic as he always was when wearing that mask. “I had it under control”.
“That blood in your mouth said otherwise”, you sighed leaning against the deck next to you. This man was stubborn and you knew it. It was no use fighting him on his opinions, as it would be a losing battle for anyone except him.
You heard the familiar sound of a grappling against metal, and saw as Batgirl made her way out of the air vent.
“Heard on the scanner that the police took in some of Penguin’s men. Said they were jumped by four crazy frogs. I assume those were my lizard guys”, she said.
“Your lizard guys are strange”, you told Batgirl.
“They are turtles”, Batman said, pressing keys on the computer keyboard. “And the DNA on this weapon suggests they were mutated by an outside agent”.
“Mutant ninja turtles”. You raised a brow. “And me who thought Gotham couldn’t get any stranger”.
“The technology the ninjas have already stolen could be used to refine a mutagen like that”, Batgirl noted. “But why?”
“The cloud-seeder is the last piece of the puzzle. Which is why I had to move it to a secure location outside of Gotham”.
“I really wished you guys brought me in on this!”, Batgirl said. “I mean I saw the monsters first. It’s my case”.
“And pass up the opportunity to watch them swordfight Penguin later in the future? No way! I had front seat tickets!”
“There were too many unknowns. You could have gotten hurt. Both of you”. Batman turned his attention towards you. “You have to be more careful, (Y/N)”.
“What do you mean? I was beating that blue one pretty good”.
“Yet you didn’t notice the red one almost tapped you from the back”.
You felt a movement in your stomach and cold run down your back, yet your face started to feel hot. You did not notice at all. When would that have happened?... How long did you look into those blue eyes? Did the red one see an opening, only for Batman to save you, while you were being engulfed in a mutant turtle’s eyes, not noticing the world around you?
“N- no, I didn’t”.
“No, and you’ll have to work on that before I start calling you for backup”. Feedback from Batman always sounded harsh. And it did make you feel self conscious. But when it came to fighting alongside Batman, it was a matter of life and death. “In the meantime”, Batman continued, before you could dig too deep into your own feelings. “I’ll need to start working on a way to counteract the mutagen”. Batman stood for a moment. “And for that I could use both of your help”.
You could feel a big smile form on your face as Batgirl thanked the man you saw as your father figure. It wasn’t often that he actually asked for your help, or any help at all, making this a rare occasion, forever saved in your memory.
“All though”, Batgirl said as Batman looked closer at the sai he had gotten from the red turtle. “If those creatures left the Penguin's men tied up for the police, maybe I was wrong about them”.
“Maybe”, was all Batman had to say about that.
The drive back to the Batcave from Wayne Enterprise was silent. With you and Batgirl squished together in one seat, while Batman was driving the Batmobile. The silence that was so common when it came to Batman. It was a far cry from the Bruce Wayne that had taken you in as his own daughter. I was as if the moment he took the mask on, he became a different person. Not less loving than the Bruce Wayne you had given the title father, but less expressive and harder to read.
“Pretty eyes?”, Batman said, finally breaking the silence. Batgirl looked at you in confusion.
“It caught him off guard didn’t it? I’ll say it worked”, you said, playing with a smile on your lips. The bat stayed silent. You knew that silence. It was not an approving silence. You tried playing it off, talking about something else. “Did you notice how easily excited the orange one got? And how mad that red one was? They kind of remind me of Robin-”.
“Your brother is not comparable to a bunch of ninja turtles”.
“Well you might think that”, you mumbled, thinking of your pestilence of an adopted brother, that often caused chaos in your daily life, by sneaking around Wayne Manor. “He does look a little like them”.
Batgirl turned to Batman. “Care to explain?”
Batman sighed. “(H/N) and the blue mutant had a moment where she told him he had pretty eyes”.
“A moment?”, Batgirl asked, slightly shocked.
“A stare down”, you said, feeling your cheeks getting hot.
“A moment”, Batman corrected. “Even his attacks became softer after she told him”.
“No they didn’t!”
“They did. And so did yours”.
With your cheeks on fire, you crossed your arms and leaned back into the seat you shared with Batgirl. The amused smile she was trying to hide, made you wish the Batmobile would swallow you on the spot.
Why did that damn turtle have to have such pretty eyes?
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Hello! Hope it's not too much to ask and you can ignore this <3 your mental health is more important <33 if it's okay can we get Miguel with a s/O who also has fangs but in their lower set of teeth and readers fangs only sting and cause Helusinations
Thank you!
I was watching Human Resources season 2 while writing this tbh
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Everyone in the spider society liked to call you both vampires. Miguel hated it, like hated it.
“Alright, calm down Count Dracula.” Peter B Parker had always joked with him. You snickered at it, while miguel just glared at him.
Miguel had always put you on missions with him, and this one was no different. He wanted to make sure you were okay at all times, even with your fangs.
“Stay close.” He mumbled, as he messed with his watch to track the anomaly. He rarely went out to get them himself, but apparently this one has slipped past the others.
It was yet another doctor octopus variant you guys were chasing. He was younger than the other ones you usually caught, but again very smart, and this one was faster than the others.
“Keep your eyes out, he should be around here.” Miguel looked around, and so did you.
“There.” You pointed, messing with the lenses on your eyes. He looked where you pointed, and looked at you. You looked at him back. He started to swing, and you followed after him.
You swung to the other side of the man, and you waited for his signal. “Go.” He mumbled, the earpiece in your ear barely picking it up.
Octavius looked at the both of you, using 2 of his tentacles to grab the both of you. You struggled in his tentacles, and Miguel just narrowed his eyes.
“Two spider people? You both aren’t my spider-man.” He said, narrowing his eyes at the both of you.
“You’re in the wrong universe, kid.” Miguel said.
He looked no older than 15, obviously a teenager.
“Wrong universe?” He questioned, looking at Miguel.
“Yeah, so if you just come with us-“
The kid laughed at that, and shoved Miguel onto the hard concrete floor.
He groaned as you just stared at Otto, trying to distract him as you saw Miguel trying to escape his grip.
“Look, we know it doesn’t make sense but-“
“You both are just gonna put me in a cell again.” He spat.
“We just want to help the multiverse, so just come with us-“ he tightened the grip on his tentacle, making it so it’s hard for you to breathe.
You struggled for breath, and tried to wiggle out his grasp but it was no use. Miguel hit his face with a web, distracting him for a moment and you fell to the floor. You gasped for breath, and sat up for a moment as you watched Miguel kick and punch him.
You quickly got back up on your feet, webbing his tentacles to where he couldn’t use them, and he broke free of them quickly. You quickly went behind him, and hopped onto his back, miguel knew what you were doing and tried to distract him as you sunk your teeth into his neck, focusing on your bottom set of teeth.
He trashed and tried to get you off, his attempts were futile as his body trashed, and his tentacles falling. He was now in a dream like state, and Miguel then grabbed him, and webbed him up.
You opened a portal and you guys walked through it, his eyes were off in another world as you lay him on a table to examine the tentacles.
“Seems like their surgically connected to him.. not a shocker, but I could deactivate them so he can’t use them.” You said, Lyla working next to you.
“Yeah. Good job today.” He said, nodding to you with his hands on his hips.
“Thanks. You too.” You have him a faint smile.
“Andddd… deactivated.” You said after a little bit of pushing buttons, Lyla helping you. Lyla smiled.
“Thanks Lyla.”
“Of course! Anything for my favorite vampire.” She teased. You rolled your eyes and laughed as she disappeared.
You walked around for a bit, chatting and talking with a few others before making your way back to Miguel after a few hours. It was dark out, around 10:30.
Luckily he was already on the floor, walking around and typing away on the computer, he took a sip of the coffee next to him, and moving to the other computer.
You walked up behind him, he didn’t even notice you until you wrapped your arms around him, which even then he just continued to work, only giving you a glance.
“Miguel, its 10:30.” You said, and stopped hugging him to try and talk to him.
“Someone’s gotta do it.” He mumbled, voice raspy.
“C’mon, let’s go home.” You said, tired and ready to go.
“You can go. I gotta finish this.”
“Miguel.. it’s too late. It will be here in the morning, right Lyla?”
“Right! Go to sleep Miguel, you’ve been working here 24/7.” Her cheery voice appeared.
Miguel rolled his eyes and waved Lyla away. He stayed silent for a moment before looking down at the floor. He sighed and turned to you.
“Alright.” He said, you smiled slightly. He had left the cup of coffee for someone else to clean up. Soon after you both walked to the apartment.
Miguel’s nanotech quickly disappeared, he quickly changed as you struggled with your suit..
He smiled at you struggling to reach the zipper. You had this problem everytime. He shook his head and went behind you and unzipped it.
“I could’ve done that.”
“Mhm, sure.” He said, and laid down in the bed. When you were finished changing, he was fast asleep under the blankets.
You smiled at him, and got under them with him.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
OKAY, SO. Today's episode is one I've been looking forward to, and it definitely lived up to expectations. I absolutely adored how you can hear Jonathan at the end of his rope, all restraint fraying away. The rage in his voice when he wishes for a weapon "that I might destroy him" - not even 'kill', but 'destroy'. Partially that may be that he realizes Dracula is already 'dead', but even so that is some evocative violent word choice!
Speaking of Dracula, what an incredible performance today. I absolutely loved so many line deliveries. Something about his voice a little softer as he says "my carriage shall come for you," even though it's obviously a lie. Jonathan absolutely cannot stand his lies any longer - the way he spits out "Phh, sincerity!" is amazing. His voice as he's asking to go is so intense, so sharp and insistent but also pleading all the while, you can hear the anger and the fear. But Dracula is return is just so smooth, really really gets across that charm Jonathan is so suspicious of today. Soft, smooth, diabolical. The way Dracula stops to laugh after saying, "speed the parting guest, eh?" SO EVIL OF HIM. And the way he fuckin' mocks everything Jonathan has been through for the past two months, mocks the game he has forced him to play all this time, when he says "sad am I at your going, and that you so suddenly desire it." The sarcasm in those two words is astounding. I WANNA PUNCH HIM IN HIS STUPID EVIL FACE. Incredible. Absolutely top-tier performance.
The SFX were so good too, I absolutely loved how long the chains and such at the door went on, really drawing home how securely it has been shut all this time. And it gets even better because the length of it repeating as Dracula shuts the door again feels so final. Not to mention the wolves: I was loving the snarl of a few of them as Jonathan says they got angrier. The way Jonathan lingered/emphasized just slightly on "their red jaws" - similar to, but not as much as he did for Dracula and the vampire ladies, just enough to really cement the parallel but also show their fear doesn't come with the same kind of fascination.
And Jonathan realizes he will die here. He is too afraid to willingly walk into it. He feels so utterly defeated by this realization; he'd thought he was ready. He'd thought he had nothing left to lose, has already risked death in his last exploration, knows he does not want to allow Dracula and the vampire ladies to kill him at any cost, but... when faced with this certain death (which he witnessed only a few days ago) he can't do it. And it feels like a moral defeat as much as, more than any disappointment at a failed escape. He is absolutely miserable and you can hear it so well in his voice. He literally has to hide his face. He cannot bear to speak to Dracula again, just accepts the escort back to his room in miserable silence. It's agonizing.
And then Dracula smiles, and kisses his hand to Jonathan.
The defeat is so complete and so horrible. And then salt is ground into the wound with the conversation Jonathan overhears outside his doorway. The laughter. All four of them laughing at him. It's an almost childishly blatant type of cruelty for the vampire women to stick around until he sees them and then continue to laugh right in his face before running away - they can vanish into dust! They are choosing to scamper off like this because it feels more fun to them! It's awful and the voice acting is absolutely marvelous.
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lauralot89 · 4 months
My dear, it never rains but it pours. How true the old proverbs are. Here am I, who shall be twenty in September, and yet I never had a proposal till to-day, not a real proposal, and to-day I have had three. Just fancy! THREE proposals in one day!
I mean I know the focus here is that she had three proposals in one day, because that is indeed nuts, but I'm over here astral projecting at "yet I never had a proposal till to-day." It gives the impression of Lucy pacing around her house all annoyed, thinking "surely someone's going to come by and propose today."
But, for goodness' sake, don't tell any of the girls, or they would be getting all sorts of extravagant ideas and imagining themselves injured and slighted if in their very first day at home they did not get six at least.
Dr. John Seward, the lunatic-asylum man, with the strong jaw and the good forehead.
you never heard anyone talk about good foreheads anymore, do you
Also I'm going to start introducing myself as The Lunatic-Asylum Man and see what happens
he looked very strong and very grave as he took both my hands in his and said he hoped I would be happy, and that if I ever wanted a friend I must count him one of my best.
I cannot put in words how happy my aroace ass is that Bram Stoker understands The Power of Friendship and the validity of platonic relationships
I sympathise with poor Desdemona when she had such a dangerous stream poured in her ear, even by a black man.
I'm just reading this book having a wonderful time and then I get punched in the face with the remembrance that it was written by a white guy in the 1890s who was somehow so progressive in his views of women, trauma, and mental illness, and so not progressive in LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE
but he found out that it amused me to hear him talk American slang, and whenever I was present, and there was no one to be shocked, he said such funny things.
Quincey is the ideal man and I do not take debate
Miss Lucy, I know I ain't good enough to regulate the fixin's of your little shoes
I need to find a Dracula audio book, preferably read by a Brit, just to hear how this sounds
I know, Mina, you will think me a horrid flirt—though I couldn't help feeling a sort of exultation that he was number two in one day
honey, three dudes asked for your hand in marriage, you can feel as exulted as you want
Lucy is the ideal woman and I do not take debate
Why can't they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble? But this is heresy, and I must not say it.
My dear, I'm going to have a pretty lonely walk between this and Kingdom Come.
Well, OW
It'll be something to keep off the darkness now and then.
Again, OW.
She put the third proposal in a PS, I love her
I am very, very happy, and I don't know what I have done to deserve it. I must only try in the future to show that I am not ungrateful to God for all His goodness to me in sending to me such a lover, such a husband, and such a friend.
why must this story hurt me in this way
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darkfuckademia · 1 year
Date Night with a Vampire
Vampires needed permission to enter, and Dracula was doing his very best to earn an invitation. The Big Bad himself, the vampire of all vampires, was on his knees on my welcome mat proving that real fangs did not leave people tongue-tied the way fake Halloween ones did. The heavy silver ring on my finger (just in case) was biting into my lip where I had my hand clamped over my mouth to muffle any of my moans from disturbing the neighbors. I was very aware that despite how late it was, anyone on my floor could turn the corner at any moment and see me pressed up against my door with my leg hooked over Dracula’s shoulder, but it wasn’t enough to make me stop him. It wasn’t every day you got a guy with centuries of experience between your legs—I wasn’t about to waste this opportunity.
Long pale fingers slid over the front of my red dress, up my belly to rest on my chest, just slightly to the left. The other hand gripping my thigh dug in hard enough to leave a bruise as he groaned into my pussy. Oh. My heartbeat. I would’ve said something, would’ve made sure this was the only part of me he wanted to eat since I definitely wasn’t a blood-donation-on-a-first-date kind of girl, but there was something slick and unfamiliar coating his tongue that stole all of my common sense. Dracula had explained it over (my) dinner, how vampires stayed a secret, how they healed the puncture wounds of their fangs with a special protein-rich venom on their tongues. How it made the feeding process not completely horrifying and uncomfortable. A gentle, temporary high, he’d said.
It did not feel gentle on my clit.
As he toyed with it, rolling it around with the tip of his coated tongue, lapping at the hyper-sensitive underside, I fought off a fourth orgasm in a shockingly short amount of time. I was going to die. He was trying to kill me. The only reason I was even upright was because of his pale hands and his inhumanly strong shoulders holding me up. His tongue was slippery like good lube, soft like new silicone, fizzy like soda, and I was going to die. Was this how undeath happened? Pleasure that transcended mortality? I didn’t want to live forever but god, did I want to feel this way for eternity.
Dracula hummed, his spread fingers flexing over my heart, and I could tell I was in for it. I gripped the back of that hand for some kind of support and tried to breathe, tried to stay calm, tried not to lose–
The fangs that had been clamped on either side of my clit pulled back, allowing all the blood he’d been summoning with his mouth to rush in. It was so acute, so perfectly on the edge of pain and pleasure as if he’d found a way to mimic the line he straddled between life and death, that I came harder than I ever had in my life. The orgasm was like a punch to the gut, driving all the air out of me with one barely-muffled shriek. My hips writhed and shook, the orgasm drawn out by the gentle, dizzy strokes of his tongue. My legs gave out and this time he let me slide down the door and collapse into his lap. 
Dracula chuckled as I shook in his arms, still coming without any stimulation. My muscles cramped and tears slid down my face, dripping onto my fingers still covering my mouth. Cool fingers plucked them away as an equally cool forehead pressed to mine. The less-than-human temp had turned me off at first when he’d taken my hand on the walk back to my apartment, but now it was relief against my fevered skin. Orgasming four times in a leather trench coat and matching thigh-high boots was like getting fucked in a boiler room. I struggled out of my coat with clumsy hands and wrapped my noodly body around him to cool me off. 
His kiss was strange with the fangs but not unpleasant. When he slipped his tongue between my lips, I sucked on it in gratitude for the pleasure it’d just given me until he groaned against my mouth. The slightly unearthly sound of it shivered through my body, probably some sort of survival instinct that I was too stupid to listen to. I wanted to hear more. I wanted his pleasure. I wanted to drive such a powerful creature to the brink. 
“Inside,” I gasped against his mouth, unsure if I meant my apartment or my body. “I want you inside.”
Read the rest here🩸
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pinkiepiebones · 10 months
Okay okay... favorite Renfield face/expression in the whole movie?
Aaaaaa I'm not in a place where I can screencap right now so I'll do my best to describe scenes! Yes, scenes. You expect me to only pick one?
-the face he makes in the flashback when his narration says "I actually remember thinking, 'he really, really means it this time.'" Like, the slightest little flicker of a smile, those wide anime eyes, babygirl is in Too Deep!
-And then after the pope (? I don't know non-satanic church costumes) explodes, that face where his wyes kinda roll back and he blinks. That always read to me as coming back up from some Dracula hypnosis. Not that Dracula needed to exert a lot of control, but still. And his eyelids are dark and the redness around his eyes, gah, give the makeup department all the fucking awards right now
-After he crunches into the cockroach at the end of the meeting, with his eyes lit up and that goofy smirk
-"Looks like you're out of knives." *SNIKT* "I was wrong." Just the change from smug to OH FUCK NOT AGAIN
-"Oh, shit!" The bewilderment looking at his fist after he punched Apache Joe's head clean off.
-"Maybe if we were just a little bit more careful..." Something about how exaggerated his expressions are here. Like he's really trying to nail this pitch.
-When he's writhing in agony on the floor as Dracula lectures at him. :3c (I kinda feel bad for liking those faces but also, like. Who's gonna stop me.)
-The weird slack jaw disbelief look when the busload of cheerleaders rolls up
-Sadly cut from the movie but when the nuns thank him after the Mulates fight and he crosses himself and goes "Oh, well thank you, nuns" and immediately makes a cringey face XD
-The goddamned anime eyes sparkling as Rebecca's tenacity in the face of certain death inspires him. Literally 🥹
-Oh man I'm only like 1/3 of the way through the movie so uhhh I'll fast forward to one more: When he arrives in the room where Rebecca has seemingly given over to Dracula. He pulls the fucking anime-est sad face big teary eyes- like fucking, did Hoult mainline Ghibli films just to get his eyes to do that???? (Side note- Hoult can should will must and will be cast in the inevitable next Ghibli movie dub). Also he looks genuinely crushed as he gives a little nod like "yeah part of me knew no happiness would last for me..."
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hauntedwitch04 · 2 years
Ghosty blanket
🎃Halloween party🎃  
Tasm!Peter Parker x reader
Words: about 0.7k words
Warning: none, just pure and lovely fluff with our Pete, and a bit of heart attack for the reader 
Author’s note: So this is for the 7th but how I already said yesterday I felt like shit and I couldn’t post. Today I won’t post the one for the 8th ‘cause I have to go out and see some friends and I don’t have time probably to post it. Btw hope you like it!
✒️:    "You saw the ghost, too." "Love...it was a fucking bedsheet."
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The cold October air caresses your face as you wait patiently for your boyfriend on the roof of your building. You have known for almost a year now that Peter is Spider-Man, given one night, after only six months of being together, he showed up injured in front of your bedroom window in his suit, asking you for help. 
For the past few months you have made a habit of seeing each other at night after he has made his rounds in the neighborhood, to check that all is well, on the roof of your building. Even if andesso it starts to get a little colder you would not replace this moment with anything else: you love spending time with Peter up here, away from everyone and everything, without worry, as you watch the moon rise in the sky over Queens. 
As you stand there looking around, spying on their lives of others through their windows, you hear a dry thud behind you. Immediately you turn around already knowing who you would see. 
"Hey Pete!" You say as you get up, walking toward him with open arms. He still approaches with his suit on and his face covered by his mask, but his arms mimic yours. You hug very tightly, before he removes the mask over his face. His beautiful smile finally returns as his eyes look intently at my face before he kisses me. 
Our mouths dance to music only we know until we are breathless. Once we part, my breath fails me a second time, but this time from fear. 
"What was that?" You say frightened under your breath. He immediately becomes alert, turns around and makes sure you are protected behind him as he checks the whole area. 
"What did you see?" Peter asks in a serious tone. 
"You're going to think I'm crazy, but I saw...a ghost, it was definitely a ghost, or something that looked like one." 
"Honey, we have to stop watching horror movies in the middle of the night because we can't sleep." He says half laughing as you punch him lightly between his shoulder blades. 
"Yeah yeah, you can make fun of me all you want for this, but can you go check it out? I know it sounds silly to you, but it would make me feel a lot better." You whisper the last part, pressing yourself against his back. He looks at you and leaves a kiss on your forehead before answering you. 
"Of course I'll go check, just stay here and try not to get kidnapped by Dracula in the meantime." 
You give him another little slap before he turns away and walks over to where you saw the ghost. What seems like hours but is actually a few seconds pass before a scream from the boy rips through the air. 
"Oh my God Peter, are you all right? Did you see the ghost too? Damn I shouldn't have let you go alone!" You yell back as you walk toward him. 
You see him lying on the ground laughing, holding in his hands a white children's blanket with a stylized ghost on it. 
"Love...it was a fucking bedsheet." He says, as he gets up still laughing at your fear. 
"You're an asshole Peter Parker." You say angrily, as you cross your arms over your chest, even though you too are smiling at the stupid scene that just took place. 
"And you love me for it too." He says, hugging you, and resting the blanket on your shoulders. 
"Unfortunately for me, yes, but you don't have to take advantage of it." You respond by closing your arms around him again. 
You stay for hours more on the roof of the building before entering the apartment, as you talk about this and that and look at the city from above kept warm by that blanket that had so frightened you.
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powderblueblood · 7 months
ohhhh 18, 9, and 2 for your Steve and Eddie (any verse you'd like
interrogate me about my characters
you are FEEEDING MEEEEE i'm sorry this took me like a couple of days my brain had to power back up after the weekend
hellfire & ice/sequel!eddie starts off as your garden variety drug dealer and progressively adds a couple more tools in his criminal belt as the years go on and honestly? doesn't really see that much of a boohoo about it. yes, it's what the world expects from all munsons, yes, it's bad bad work for bad bad men but eddie can't see himself working a straight job. ever. he's not equipped for it. and, he's made peace with the fact that he'll never be a rockstar (jk no the fuck he has not he's so bitter) so he's all, might as well make the wasted years i have on this stupid earth a little more interesting. he's got a little bit of a robin hood complex going on once we meet him in his late 20s.
clear cut!steve is also a criminal albeit the smoother kind, and kind of works off a similar thing of i've never been good at anything else, so this might as well be my career. except for steve, it's banking on how far he can get with that tireless, bottomless, all-consuming harrington charm. working in insurance, or whatever the fuck his father did, never quite scratched the itch of bold faced robbery that... well, robbery did. it's funny, though. steve's never had the aspirations towards grandeur that his fellow thieves have had, because he knows what it's like to grow up in a cushy rich household. steve's just doing it for the thrill of fooling everybody. and he is, by the way. fooling everybody. even you. remember that.
hellfire and ice!eddie, like.... do you mean his entire life up to this point and actually, beyond. he once got so unbelievably fucking stoned that he thought calling a phone sex line was a good idea but then once the sexy operator lady picked up, he got so freaked out that he could only talk in fozzie bear voice and he couldn't drop the bit for 20 minutes. fun conversation with wayne about that phone bill. he's also written so much bad poetry, so many embarrassing near-self insert stories (one of us, one of us) where he romances many a comely elfin lady. he once slipped one of these stories into chess club captain martha peterson's locker in freshman year as, like, an effort at wooing her but then he got pulled into the fucking guidance counselor's office because she said he was stalking him.
old hollywood!steve... again. regrets. humiliations. he has a few. one could be punching bela lugosi out after a stage production of dracula because he thought he was a real vampire (drunk). another could be punching out an extra on the set of the merry widow in 1925 because he was sniffing around mae murray, who steve was also sniffing around at the time (jilted). steve was replaced by 'that rodent-voiced bastard john gilbert' and the extra he clocked? none other than clark gable. among other embarrassments; not securing a finalized divorce from his first wife before he married his second (drunk), the time he fully pissed his pants when buster keaton played a prank on him during a seance (stoned), getting caught wailing for a second chance outside joan crawford's room at the garden of alla hotel (that woman was inside having lesbian sex).
old hollywood!eddie knows his entire career is based on fluke, but he's too embarrassed to nurture his real talent, which is writing. to be honest, he does stunts because he kind of has a death wish. not being able to express himself was killing him, but he was always too full of piss and vinegar and cowardice to kill himself. but now people see him, or what the studios have made of him, and it's glorious and horrifying and naked and fake and full of possibility that he's too scared to touch.
hellfire & ice/burning up & burning out!steve (moreso sequel relevant, but) has always thought lacy was a fucking weirdo honestly and blames lacy for nancy pulling away from him during his senior year, not like nancy becoming a person was a factor or anything... until they're older and steve and lacy grow increasingly fond of each other. he wishes he took the job that his dad laid out for him on a silver platter sometimes and married someone stable, like tina or whoever. steve's increasingly more anxious socially as he ages, knowing that most people see him as some kind of joke, but he has to put on the face and be the guy, whatever that means to him in 1994. he's terrified that he's built his life around constructs that are flimsy; being independent from his family, following a path when he's not sure of himself as a person, desperately trying to make the thing with nancy work when she's there because he's familiar and he's there because he's afraid.
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muder-boner · 1 month
tw mentions of getting high , nightmares , fighting
Summary of my oc': Her name is Riri /its not me lol just same name !! She normally lives in a zombie apocalypse, erm i wont go in detail her life is so disturbing
so in sf, shes a teen again, and her mother is alive, when her and her sister , and moher left the abusive home and ran away from her father they moved in The Adisson Apartments /idk if spelled right and uhm yeah idk, here are some hc
When Riri first met Sal, she already knew him , but that still didnt make her any less cold.
''Uh, youre Riri, right? I heard youre new here.'' Sal asks. Riri squints her eyes. ''Ah, youre Larrys friend?.'' She looks around and nods when she notices Larry nearby. ''Sup dude.''She turns to Sal. ''You need anything?'' Sal shakes his head. ''I just wanted to introduce myself, im Sal, my friends call me Sally Face.'' Riri looks around. ''Erm, oki.''
After that when they hung out at Riris place, Sal brought Gizmo over, little did he know Riri had two cats, white cat named Angel, and black cat named Dracula, the three cats played together , while Sal looked around Riris room for hour since she has so much stuff in there.
After like a month of being friends, Riri got introduced to the friend group, she instantly became friends with Ashley, bur she kinda just was there everytime they hanged out, not much of a talker.
Sal was confused how Riri knew Larry, so when he asked her she explained that Larry caught her smoking on the rooftop, they proceeded to get high on casual Fridays, just smoke buddies.
Lisa and Riris mother are bestfriends.
Riri appered in Larrys and Travis' nightmares cause they both saw Riri in a fight with one of Lizzies / her younger sister / bully, they still havent recovered
Sal could hear Riri yell at Lizzie at 3 am from downstairs over some food.
Riri likes to study human anatomy and animal anatomy with Todd, only reason she likes to be around him.
She relates to Travis so she tries to help him, not knowing how to comfort him yet she gets called a cunt by him so she punched his nose, shes too embarrased to say sorry so she didnt show up tp school for 3 days.
She once got high with a teacher, nobody knows.
Riris mother hates when Riri smokes in her room but cant help smoke with her
Her younger sister, Lizzie LOVES Larry, she sees him like an older brother,
one time Riri came home to see Lizzie paint Larrys nails pink and play with glitter ponies together. She still has a picture of Larry like that on her wall.
Larry was suprised Lizzie knows so many swear words, so they had a contest of who know the most swear words.
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nosilhovette · 9 months
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❀ *◦ christian yu. demiboy. he/they. pansexual and panromantic. ⇝ hey, isn’t that lee "bastian" sebastian ( nickname: erebus )? i think that the thirty year old from melbourne, australia works as owner of wrench it, cashier at dracula's coffin club, and member of the bastards, but outside of that people describe them as a symphony in an empty ballroom, bruises colouring your knuckles in blue and purple, taking a punch with a grin, scattered shards of a broken mirror, an aura of black following your every move, tenderness buried under the rubble. i hear they are capricious & cunning, but they are also known to be resolute & sharp-witted. consider giving them a visit at their home in kingpin trailer park, and get to know why they’re called the serpent. stats / pinterest
disclaimer: most, but not all, of the gifs found on this blog are mine, made from scratch. please do not save, repost, use or claim as your own.
full name: lee sebastian
age: 30 years old
date of birth: march 22, 1994
hometown: melbourne, australia
gender: demiboy
pronouns: he/they
sexuality: pansexual/panromantic
occupation: owner of wrench it, cashier at dracula's coffin club
spoken languages: korean, english, american sign language
parents: unknown
siblings: unknown
TWS for implied abuse, mental illness, religion & substance abuse
sebastian's story begins in melbourne, australia, born at exactly 3:33 am ... to two extremely devout catholics. their child being born at ( in their beliefs ) a time that symbolized satanism brought great unrest, which would in turn be the very reason they abandoned him just years later. convinced that their son was possessed by the evil entity, or was the devil himself, when in actuality he was just a child who needed to be nurtured, their love turned to hate.
having gone so far as to have him exorcised, it was only a matter of time before they abandoned him, only six years old at the time. dissociative amnesia caused the more traumatic memories and their aftermaths to be lost in the depths of his mind; when he came back, he was in a ward of the foster care system. the life of torment he lived was over, but he couldn't escape the ghosts of it that haunted him, a permanent reminder burned onto his skin in the shape of a crucifix.
they called this child who'd forgotten his own name ezra, which was what he went by from that point on. the rest of his upbringing was spent in the foster care system, relocated more times than he could keep track of, never finding a place to call home, or a family to call his own.
harbouring a reputation, most of his peers thought of him in the same way his parents did. he wasn't an outgoing or obedient child, and his tendency to get into trouble only got worse in his teenage years. the black sheep of each home and social circle, sebastian's life was spent almost entirely alone; his only companion being the stray kitten that wandered the premises.
inevitably aging out of foster care, sebastian was faced with many more challenges. without any guidance or resources, he ended up in sydney with the feline, homeless for some time before getting recruited into a gang. there was much better company to be in, but it got him off of the streets and gave him some sort of purpose. he was, however, a snake in the grass. after a year of doing the dirty work and being shoved around, he sold the gang out, discreetly running off with the funds and taking off to seoul, south korea.
having changed his name before setting off, lee sebastian was finally born, and his life could finally begin. in time, he'd be swooped into the music industry, where he was finally thought of as something other than damned. the group achieved great success, and during this period, he began to explore his gender identity, ultimately discovering himself to be a demiboy, identifying as such going forward.
the waters grew rough late 2016, when symptoms of his very neglected mental health worsened. he began stray from the path and taint his idol image ( a concept that he hated ) – the life wasn't as perfect as it seemed. past habits returned, and substance abuse became a coping mechanism when times were especially tough. soon enough, he'd find himself back in the pits of hell.
bastian's inevitable departure from the industry was explosive and def left a mark. leaving the members behind, just as what had been done with the gang all those years ago ( except staying in touch this time ), bastian all but disappeared as he relocated to anchorage, alaska. while many didn't take what he accused the label of seriously, it came just 6 months before its shut down, following the situation with nikolai's group in 2017.
eventually finding a new place of belonging, bastian became a member of the bastards; the second gang he'd be a part of, but it was far less bullshit he'd have to put up with than the former. anchorage came to be his home, as fucked up and shrouded in mystery as it was, and this time, he wouldn't run away.
bastian still struggles with episodes of memory gaps and disassociation, and is diagnosed with a dissociative disorder that he does seek therapy / take medication for, as well as for his personality disorder.
even though he ditched the industry a long time ago, he still makes music of his own today as a creative outlet and is professionally known as bash, though he's more off the radar these days with a smaller but devoted fanbase.
was in a long-term relationship (with some off and on's) with nikolai up until recently. even though they're just friends now, he'll always be his first priority.
personality wise, may come across as cold and unwelcoming at first ( resting bitch face and being covered in tattoos probably doesn't help this ), but below that iciness is just a fucking dork. a grumpy but loveable one. he means well!!! generally speaking, he is easy enough to get along with if you don't mind that he's brutally honest and a little rough around the edges
he is notttt a patient person by any means. impatience is probably one of his biggest flaws, along with impulsivity which gets him in fucked up situations; they don't have time for any bullshit. the type of person to just walk away in the middle of a conversation if it's deemed a waste of time. also has a short fuse. sometimes u just gotta be like let's get u to bed grandpa FDHGJFDH
as a result of trauma, he has one white blind eye.
still has the cat from when he aged out of the foster system!!! she is 11 years old now and is a lil seal point siamese named danbi. loves her to death. has another siamese mix, a 4 year old named Jimothy that was adopted with nikolai – they coparent him. also has a black german shepherd named loki!!!
just another #mess added to the roster tbh. we love him
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talon-the-hawk · 1 year
Even MORE Incorrect D19 Quotes
Valeri : Whoa, Alexandru, what’s up with that angry face? Alexandru: Valentin won’t stop talking about how “Ancient Egyptians were furries”. Valentin: But they were! Just looks at all their gods- Alexandru: Oh my god, SHUT UP!
Alexandru: Do you guys ever have a civilized conversation that doesn't require insulting each other every time you get a chance? Valentin: No. Valeri : No. Alexandru: Didn't think so.
Tim: I’m a reverse necromancer! Larissa: Isn’t that just- Jamie: No. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You are literally so fucking unfunny that it hurts. It physically hurts my body knowing that people still think murder is funny. I cant believe im saying this but do you guys know how chronically online you all are, thinking that saying “oOh iM a rEVeRsE nECrOmANcER i LOvE tO kiLL pEOpLe” is genuinely funny and will get everyone in the room shitting themselves from laughter?? cause its not. It’s fucking not. In fact, its the unfunniest fucking joke ever. Not just any joke about killing people. This one specifically. Its so unfunny and stupid. Nobody is fucking laughing at that, Tim. It makes you look like a greasy emo kid who has never been outside once in their life and uses tumblr religiously. Like not even the funny side of tumblr. the fucking unfunny side filled with overused jokes about murder and illegal acts. Honestly, youre so unfunny, Tim. Fuck you.
Jamie: Do you think different paints have different tastes? Larissa: They do. Kate: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?
Jamie: I reserve the right to judge a movie based on when it was made, thank you very much. Kate: You consider anything made before 2000 old and bad. Jamie: And I reserve that right! After all.... Jamie: I bet you wouldn’t like the average movie made in 1879! Kate: There were no movies made in 1879. Jamie: *slams table* WRONG! There was ONE movie made in 1879! The first movie! A zoopraxioscope of a horse galloping! Matt: Oooh! Let’s go ask Valentin if he saw it in theatres!
(Yes, he did in fact see it in theatres-)
Kate: I didn’t know that air fryers are a real thing. Used to think that they were made up by the internet as a funny joke and that their purpose was to “fry air”. Larissa: WAIT, BUT IT FRIES THE AIR TO FRY THE FOOD?? Kate: I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS A KITCHEN APPLIANCE, MY FIRST ASSUMPTION WAS SOMETHING AKIN TO AN AIR CONDITIONER! Matt: IT’S NOT LIKE AN AIR CONDITIONER???? Jamie: You guys clearly don’t own an air fryer.
Kate, spraying a melted cutting board with a tiny water gun: We gotta cool this bitch down. Cool it down. Jamie: I actually just put the cutting board in the oven... Larissa, visibly confused: Okay, so they decided to put the cutting board in the oven? Kate, spraying Jamie: You FUCKING DUMBASS! Jamie: Dude, I forgot- Kate: OH MY FUCKING GOD! We're trying to make Chicken Alfredo right now, and you fucking MELT the cutting board in the oven at 400 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT!? Valentin: *Watching in complete confusion while trying to process this whole situation.*
Valentin: We might have gotten into a bar room brawl back in the city. Dracula: Well, that was entirely predictable. Valentin: One of them punched a gang member. Dracula: Valeri? Valentin: Alexandru, actually. Dracula: Oh, that was going to be my second guess.
Kate: What’s the announcement, Matt? Matt: It’s a lecture. Jamie’s gonna tell us everything they know about sex. Larissa: It should be an enjoyable 60 seconds.
Valeri: I still don’t have a New Year’s resolution. Alexandru: You could lose a few. Dracula: You could be less lazy. Valentin: Don’t be such a bitch. Valeri: Okay DAMN, SHIT.
Jamie: THEY COME SEASONALLY! Jamie: THEY COME EVERY YEAR! Kate: What- Larissa, are they drunk again- Jamie: IT DOESN’T MATTER WHERE I GO! Jamie: WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Larissa: What does WHAT mean? Matt, who is the only one who knows what Valentin is talking about: I mean, when you found one in the bathroom- Kate: WHAT THE FUCK DID JAMIE FIND IN THE BATHROOM? Jamie: I’M TELLING YOU LIKE- LIKE IN THE SWIMMING POOL- Jamie: IN L.A. Jamie: EVERYWHERE I GO, THE DUCKS COME TO ME! Kate and Larissa : Oh, for fuCKS SAKE Jamie-
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years
Winter Whumperland 01: Returning Nightmares
This is me, trying out AMOW's Winter Whumperland Challenge.
Fandom: Castlevania (Netflix)
Characters: Adrian, Trevor, Marie (Trevor and Sypha's child)
Genre: Whump with some Fluff
Length: 958 words
Ao3 Link
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He had not been there, when his mother had been killed and yet in his dreams he so often was. Standing there, among a crowd, seeing her burn, the fire first blistering her skin, burning her hair and searing away that simple linen dress, before gnawing on her flesh. She would scream much longer than he knew people to scream during burnings like that. It was not the worst part about it, though. The worst part was, that he could only stand there and watch, himself unable to move, unable to stop them, unable to save her. He would just watch, utterly paralyzed with it.
At times he would wake at this point, but he did not this time. Instead, once more seeing his father arriving at the castle. He heard himself speak those words once more: “I will grieve with you, but I won't let you commit genocide.” As his father turned, the man Adrian had known for his entire life was gone. There was no loving father anymore, no man who would look at him with pride. There was only burning rage and a cold, cold hatred. As Adrian drew his sword, his father was already there, punching him, throwing him to the ground. And Adrian's heart was faltering. He knew he should command his sword to defend him, should get back up, but as he looked in this face that had been there for his entire life he could not. He screamed, when his father's claws buried themselves into his chest, when he realized that his father really was going to kill him.
It was this pain, that woke him. He opened his eyes, trembling. Sweat covered his face, even though it was a fairly chilly night. He took a few deep breaths, once his mind finally returned to the presence. It had been almost seven years ago. His father was dead. He had survived. He had a family of his own by now. Two wonderful humans sleeping by his side. A young child in a crib.
Rain was splattering against the window, as it was a stormy autumn night.
He had forgotten about one person sharing the bed tonight. “Papi?”
As he turned to the side he found Marie, who had been sleeping between Trevor and him. Right. As so often during nights like this, she had been unable to sleep, awoken by the thunderstorm earlier this night, fleeing to her parents’ bed.
“Everything is fine, sweetheart,” he whispered. He laid down again, turning to her. Softly he caressed her rosy cheeks. “I just had a bad dream.”
The six-year-old looked at him with a serious gaze. “I know bad dreams,” she said, as if he did not know it. After all bad dreams were the second most common reason for her to flee to their bed. He smiled softly.
“I know.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” she offered seriously, just as they would often offer it to her.
Mirroring his gesture, her little hands carefully put a strand of his hair behind his pointy ears.
He hesitated. She was still too young to hear about what had happened before she was born. She did not need to know more than she did already about the time his father tried to extinguish humanity from the face of the planet. Neither did she need to know that his mother had been burned as a witch. She knew that something bad had happened, of course. There were enough other children and youngsters in the village who had lost family to Dracula's attack. But she had never learned that the mad vampire king was her own grandfather. At least in spirit.
“I dreamt of the time my mother died,” he hence replied, not elaborating. “That's all.”
She took that in, her expression still ridiculously serious. “You miss her, right?”
“Yes, of course I do.”
“I am sure that one day you will see her again,” she then decided with a smile, her hand now resting on his cheek.
He chuckled. Ah, maybe she was right of course. He supposed that even though he was immortal there would come a day when he would die as well. Killed in battle, probably. At some point even he would die. “You are probably right.”
There was a grunt behind Marie, as Trevor opened his eyes. “What are you two talking about in the middle of the bloody night?”
“Papi had had a nightmare,” Marie replied.
“Had he now?” Trevor looked at Adrian questioningly. There was instant worry in his gaze, making Adrian sigh.
“It's alright,” he replied. “I am alright.”
Trevor sighed, doing just the same as his daughter had before: Combing some loose hairs from Adrian's face behind his ear. “Tell me if it isn't, okay?”
“You know I will.” Careful to not squish Marie between the two of them, he leaned his forehead against Trevor's, for a moment just soaking in this familiar touch. The closeness. He was not alone. Even with his parents gone, he wasn't alone.
Being held by this man was always a balm on his soul. And somehow Sypha was still sleeping to all of this – as was little Simon.
Marie was the first one to yawn again. She closed her eyes, cuddling up to Adrian as she did. “Wake me, if you have another nightmare, will you, papi?”
“Of course I will,” he whispered, putting one arm around her.
He looked at Trevor once more, who smiled at him. Because despite everything… Things had turned out alright. The nightmares might never go away, just as those other little things and insecurities would stay. But he was alright. He had a family, people that loved him. He was going to be alright.
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i-rove-rock-n-roll · 1 year
Drake meets a cowboy (my first pbj event!)
“You'd think that such a large city like New York would make it easy to stalk prey.”
“What?” asked the man at the bar, confused.
“You also wouldn't believe how many times I've gotten maced.” The vampire shook his head. “One lady even had a pair of brass knuckles.” The vampire continued. “She punched me in the face. How am I supposed to strike fear in people’s hearts with a missing fang?”
The man at the bar inched away slowly. The vampire huffed and turned back to his drink, sulking.
“I’ll have a beer. And get him another of whatever he’s drinking.” A man in a cowboy hat shambled up beside the vampire.
“A bit early for comic con, isn’t it? Who’re you supposed to be? John Wayne?”
“Very funny.” The cowboy took his beer bottle, toasting silently with his new companion. “And you’re, what? Twilight sparkle?”
“That’s a horse.” The vampire said mildly.
“Technically, she’s an allicorn.” The cowboy replied, without a hint of embarrassment. “My daughter is a fan.” He took a drink.
“I’m a vampire. And no I don’t sparkle.”
“And I’m a cowboy. We clear that up yet?”
“That can’t be your profession.”
“Why not?” The cowboy asked, curious.
“Well we’re in the city for starters. No cows here.” The vampire said.
“”Ah.” Said the cowboy. “Well cowboys don’t always herd cows you know? Cattle herding is actually my side job.”
“And your main job is?”
The cowboy smiled. He finished his beer. “Monster hunting.”
“Ah.” Said the vampire. “That would be a problem wouldn’t it.”
The cowboy ordered another beer. “As I recollect it was a cowboy that killed your vampire daddy..”
“Never say that again. “
“Hit a sore spot did I?”
“No, I just never want to hear the words vampire daddy In the same sentence again. “ the vampire said. “And Dracula was more than my sire.” He flashed a cold, fanged smile at the cowboy. “He was my birth father as well.”
“How does that work?” Asked the cowboy.
“When a mommy vampire and a daddy vampire love each other very much—“
“I’ve heard enough.” He paused. “I thought you said you never wanted to hear that phrase again.”
“Only I’m allowed to use it.” The vampire sighed. He drained the last of his drink. “So what now? Do we do this right here? Right now? Destroying the bar and racking up witnesses?”
“Please don’t.” Said the man behind the bar. “I have a family.”
The vampire gave the cowboy a look as if to say ‘see?’ The cowboy sighed.
“I’m not going to kill you. Wasn’t planning on it.”
“Now that’s a lie.”
“Ok so i lied.” The cowboy admitted. “Haven’t you ever changed your mind before?”
“What did it? My good looks? My stunning personality?”
“The fact that you’re drinking a strawberry daiquiri with a curly straw and a little umbrella. You obviously aren’t the monster that’s been hunting in this town.”
The vampire was impressed. “You got all that from a strawberry daquiri?”
“Actually I got it from the airplane ticket you dropped on your way in here.” The cowboy said. “You just got in an hour ago.”
“I was on vacation. Sue me.” The cowboy raised an eyebrow. “Okay don’t actually sue me.” The vampire said. “I like Hawaii. They have coconuts.”
“You can buy coconuts at the grocery store.”
“The ones in Hawaii taste better.”
The cowboy sighed again. “Are you in, or not?”
“You really are lacking in manners, you know.” The vampire tsked. “You haven’t introducers yourself, you threaten to kill me, and now you want me to join you on, what? Some poorly explained suicide mission?”
The cowboy’s cheeks reddened and he ducked his head, hiding his eyes. “I bought you a drink, didn’t I?”
The vampire clicked his tongue. “Ulterior motives. I’m interested.” The cowboy hesitated. “Go on.”
The cowboy pulled a pencil out of his pocket, and scribbled on the bar napkin. “Meet me at this address.” He said. “Tomorrow. There’s too many ears here.”
The vampire looked at the napkin, then looked up and around. The bar was nearly empty, save for an old man in the corner and a young couple a few chairs down. He tucked the napkin away. With a grim, if dramatic nod, the cowboy turned and left the bar. The vampire ordered a daquiri for the road and left a tip. Maybe he should’ve stayed in Miami.
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ofgentleresolve · 1 year
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@wellfell sent in: drenched in sunlight , waves are peacefully brushing over the soft sand . she hates sunlight with the same passion she's been hating momoko since middle school . her beach party was loud , unlike what they thought of her , akina wasn't keen to exist in crowded places like these but at least she looked good . under the shade , sipping her cool berry juice with her pink sunglasses on . pissed , bored , and exceptionally aware of the fact that her old friends hasn't forgotten about the scandals that had her name on it . . . all went smooth until lamon approached her — she was peacefully brooding and glaring at the sea until he sat beneath the cool shadow of the shade beside her . and smiled a little . ❛ did momoko got tired of eyeing me and send you to check on me ? if she keeps calling me miss dracula i will break her jaw . go tell her that . ❜ of course momoko didn't send him , lamon doesn't listen to anyone . she didn't even know with such thick walls of ice between him and his friends , why exactly he appeared . maybe the same reason she did , to see him .
Here’s how life goes: it happens and then expects you to act like it never did. Is that how they think he should act? What, with the way they disappeared into thin air in the aftermath of the accident, only to reappear two years later with some kind of squeal like ‘oh my god, I haven’t seen you in like forever, how have you been my guy?’. Those were the same people who didn’t even bother to visit him in the hospital, let alone send a text. And now they come crawling back like nothing ever happened? Like he’s still the same shadow from two years ago, the naive lamb who would take everything said to him at face value.
Yeah right.
Momoko’s beach party sounded like a drag, from the very beginning. For one thing, the more Co*caine Don*nald’s new roommate talked about, the less it sounded like a meetup so much as a frat party, but copy-and-pasted onto a beach. Why would he go when his roommate already drags him to the beach ( in the middle of the night too- some would say it’s sketchy, but again, who cares, it’s four in the morning, no one should be giving a shit at this time ) anyways? This is just the same, except now he has to put sunblock on if he doesn’t want to burned.
But he’s here anyway, half-tuned out to whatever the hell Momoko and the others are saying. The only reason he knows her is because she was friends with Robin back in the day. ‘Was friends’ because he’s pretty sure she’s not taking the time to go see her up north. He has a red solo cup holding some mysterious blue liquid, which he has no intention on finishing. It’s easy to see how strong the punch is just by the sheer amount of time it took for people to get plastered. Why did he change his mind again?
“Why would she ask me that? She can do her own bidding.” That and if she did ask Lam that, he’d cuss her out instead. At the very least he’d say if she’s so intent on harassing someone she invited, she damn well better have the guts to do it herself. He takes the seat next to the only tolerable person at this party. If the others are busy getting smashed, heating up as hot as the summer sun shining down on them, then Akina is the SEA BREEZE. 
( The wind, day or night, has always been his favorite part of the beach. )
“If you’re Count Dracula, then she can be a WEREWOLF- loud and furry.” Which would be fitting for her, he doesn’t add. Knees brush against Akina’s bare ones. In all technicalities, she doesn’t have to be here either, doesn’t have to hang around these people who smile to her face but give back-handed comments behind her back. 
So why did she go?
( He could ask himself the same question, really. When a mutual friend mentioned that Akina would also be invited, he looked up from his phone for a long moment- she always does that to him, making him stop what he’s doing and listen. He has her number so he could’ve asked her point blank if she would be going. That would be the easiest way to know and to see her.
But then again, for all the times they could be direct with each other, they…aren’t. And besides, if they can just keep ‘meeting up by circumstance’ then it’s all the more convenient, isn’t it? People will talk either way. )
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He motions towards the water and the shoreline that stretches in parallel. “...Wanna ditch? They won’t notice if we’re gone for a while.”
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koschei-the-ginger · 2 years
Finally posting my thoughts on Cary Elwes' films between 1979-2004
Yesterday's hero (1979) - he's an extra somewhere in this shot, I guess lol
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Another Country - he was so awkward lol but this movie was overall great.
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Oxford Blues (1984) - I couldn't stand watching 80s Rob Lowe in a sports drama so I only skimmed through this one. His character was posh and obnoxious™
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The Bride (1985) - this was so bad, I only skimmed through it and I still cringed all the time.
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Lady Jane (1986) - the first movie I watched for this post, I ended up staying up until 4 am on a work day and I have to say, he simply looks too catholic to be in this movie, I am sorry, that's all I could think about... And for a movie about two 15 year kids it featured a lot of extremely uncomfortable scenes of them naked
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The Princess Bride (1987) - listen, I totally get the hype but I watched it for the first time as an adult only bc it was famous on tumblr so I just can't feel about it the way others do
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Maschenka (1987) - I looked so hard for this movie and only found in it Russian dub, which was voiced over the german dub and I'm not that desperate yet... I don't think I missed anything important.
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Never on a Tuesday (1989) - another movie I just skimmed to see his 2-minute part, the plot was about some guys trying to hook up with a hot lesbian or something. Charlie Sheen appeared too for about 30 seconds
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Glory (1989) -this should not be a movie about Matthew Broderick....
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Days of Thunder (1990) - Tom Cruise snoozefest but he's really good at being blond and annoying™
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Hot Shots! (1991) - the sequel is way better
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Leather jackets (1991) - miscast in a terrible movie again
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Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) - finally something interesting!
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Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993) - I imagine this is how other people feel about the Princess Bride, this is the movie of my childhood. Looking at it now, there are some problematic jokes but it's still just so funny.
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The Crush (1993) - why are there so many movies about grown ass men "being seduced" by literal children. I'm sure I've seen this movie as a kid, the way he punched her in the face in the end felt so familiar
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1994-1999 - covered in a previous post
Cradle Will Rock (1999) - convoluted mess
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Shadow of the Vampire (2000) - Willem Dafoe being creepy in an indie movie for 92 minutes, it's strange but it's not bad
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The Cat's Meow (2001) - lame, messy, who asked for this? ...
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Wish You Were Dead (2002) - When I tried watching it for the first time I had to turn it off after 3 minutes. Glad I gave it a second chance, it's a low-budget direct-to-video movie that's very silly and nobody is taking it seriously, Cary Elwes sounds like he forgot his inhaler, Elaine Hendrix is just there for the funsies and Mary Steensburgen is having the time of her life playing a small town gold digger.
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Comic Book Villains (2002) - another low budget movie but if you like Natasha Lyonne you should definitely give it a go. I'm sure I've seen it before
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Saw (2004) - I don't need to talk about Saw, that movie is the reason I'm doing all of this
Ella Enchanted (2004) - he's a bit too over the top tbh
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American Crime (2004) - I get the impression that he's the only one who knew this movie is unwatchable so he just went and did... anything. He looks, sounds and behaves like a parody of David Attenborough.
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