#so not a happy fluffy chapter heh
sundogsandrainbows · 2 days
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STORY SUMMARY: Trust is a delicate flower that needs to get nurtured and time to grow. Even more so love. A tale of two disparate Wardens forced together, of finding a way to overcome the distrust, and their own painful past in the time of the Blight. Very in-depth, character-focused exploration of the Dalish origin/warden, of all DA:O companions, and their relationship dynamics during the Fifth Blight. Follows and expands on canon events; AU in some ways. Multiple POV's, origins, and pairings. Slow burn af.
CHAPTER 52 SUMMARY -- SOUNDS OF YESTERDAY, PART I: In order to find the key for the chest left behind by Cailan in Ostagar, the Wardens and companions make a very reluctant detour to Lothering. Or rather what little is left of it, with it being now a destroyed, corrupted husk of a village.
[...] Smoke billows cloyed the firmament, obscuring what little daylight was left. Alistair had the infinite wisdom to take a torch with him, lest he’d stumble blindly through the torn down ruins of this village. What made it hard to breathe and watered his eyes wasn’t just the plumes of smoke from the fires still burning. It was the corruption here, like a leaden cobweb it wrapped itself all around them, stealing all life and oxygen. No wonder the man they’d met had contracted the taint sickness for entering here, for it was absolutely and entirely darkspawn territory now. Dead land, rotten and destroyed to what seemed its core. Unthinkable that it could ever recover from it, not with how thick the stench of death permeated the air.
“Ugh, lovely.” Lenya kicked at a stone in frustration. He illuminated the ground for a closer look at it, which was a baaaad idea in hindsight. Since it wasn’t a stone after all… but a small skull, long since picked clean. Maker, if that wasn’t belonging to an animal then… no. Nope. Nope . Refusal to complete this thought was the best course of action here, and the only valid one. “It is even worse than I expected it to be here.”
“Yeah.” Hard to imagine now that they were walking through this then-intact village almost half a year ago. Fresh-faced and thrown together after the tragedy that was Ostagar and their near death experience, in the search for information and equipment for their larger than life quest. It always had held the air of despair, filled to the brim with refugees as it were, but this here… was a completely disparate world. Theirs , to be exact. And every place would look like this, whole cities turned graveyards, should they fail. So many more people would die, futures and hopes crushed underfoot by incessant floods of darkspawn hordes. It was all the pressure, all the burden now visualized in this forsaken place; of what was at stake and expected of them both –just the two of them– that robbed him of all oxygen. How could he ever— The ground began to spin around him and with the torch still in hand, Alistair stumbled to a house's ruin at the side, to empty out his stomach into the snow-covered, decayed soil in front of it. The torch cluttered to the ground as he doubled over to heave. [...]
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rlbbackup · 1 year
Just This Once...
This was inspired by SxF Chapter 87 and Aerequest's lovely comic! Please enjoy!
Beware minor spoilers.
AO3 Link Aerequet's art!
He hadn’t intended to get caught in the hallway.
With all the commotion coming from the living room, how was a man to get any kind of rest (or, in Twilight’s case, finish working on his report regarding the whole shit storm that had gone down in Shellbury and maybe catch fifteen minutes of shut eye). His arm ached, his head throbbed, and every sound felt amplified by a thousand, even with the door closed.
It was probably his injuries that led to his slower reaction after opening the door from his room to hear clearly what was going on out there. Blue eyes simply staring down the hallway, watching as Yor knelt down at Bond’s side. The large dog rested his paws and face on her lap, his fluffy tail wagging eagerly.
Over the chaos that was Anya and Franky arguing about something Twilight could barely catch, the spy could see his wife’s lips move, inquiring to their dog.
“You’re enjoying this, huh Bond?” She asked, a happy smile on her lips as she brought her strong, bandaged hands gently on the dog’s fur, one hand patting him lightly while the other moved in gentle strokes with a brush.
He was so exhausted that he couldn’t turn away from the sight. A little voice told him to go back to his room, that he had work to do, that no one was in danger and he needed to sit down, dammit.
But he was pinned to the spot. Too weary to move, to look away, to go. Torn between want and responsibility.
Which in turn led to his daughter spotting him. Her head snapping towards him, her green eyes honing in on him like heat seeking missiles, her expression morphing into something not entirely innocent but not entirely malicious either.
“HaHa!” She called, letting go of Franky’s arm and clutching her fists in front of her. “You have to fsshh Chichi! Since Scruffy is a coward!”
Fsshh? What the -
“Hey!” Franky called in protest, but was drowned out by another anxious voice.
“Oh no!” Yor called, her voice pitching up into that range when she was worried she had messed something up irreversibly. Ruby red eyes landed on him, wide and remorseful. “D-Did we wake you up? I’m so sorry, Loid-san!”
“Wh-” Twilight began only to be cut off.
“Fssh him, HaHa!” Anya demanded, now jumping up and down. Her little Mary Jane’s clacking on the wood and most definitely bothering the neighbor below.
“Heh! Yeah, I’d love to see that!” Franky added, cackling...even if he had been distraught only moments prior for some reason. "A nice downpayment for retrieving those things you needed from work, eh, Loidman!"
“No!” Yor squeaked, hands outstretched towards Anya over Bond’s prone form to stop her from stomping. “Your Papa needs his rest, a-and he did say his head hurt so -”
Oh. The dots finally clicked. Thank goodness this was just a small (but demanding) request from his daughter and not something that ticked seconds closer to the end of the world. \
Fsshh must mean brush. Like what Yor had been doing to Bond only seconds earlier.
Taking a deep breath, Twilight felt his ears redden. Should he give in? Anya was already making a loud fuss over this and with Franky encouraging her... there would probably be a tantrum on the horizon.
If only he had been fast enough to retreat back to his room before he had been spotted.
Some spy he was.
Clearing his throat lightly, two of the voices quieted, eyes boring into him to see his answer. Drooping his head slightly, Twilight acquiesced.
“Once is...fine.” He answered, barely audible down the hallway, his feet finally able to move, move towards the living room.
Yor’s face snapped towards him. “Huh? But-”
Although everything ached, his strides still took him to his wife’s side in a few seconds. “Just once and then you really should get back to you schoolwork.”
Their daughter had the gall to look a bit smug at that, as if her father had complimented her antics, even with this insistance that she study. If he had been well enough, he probably would have thought that something was afoot, but he was just...so worn out.
Careful to not accidentally trip over or step on Bond, Twilight sat down on the floor next to Yor and pulled his knees to his chest. Blue eyes staring ahead, unseeing as his wife shifted beside him. Her bandaged fingers came down softly on one side of his head while the brush made contact with his golden locks on the other.
Just once. He thought, though he could feel his mind beginning to unfurl, a soft...barely remembered memory coming to the forefront.
“Hold still, baby! Let me get these knots out of your hair. Then you can go play with your friends.”
“Just this once, Mama! I’m a big kid! I can take care of my hair myself.”
The gentle sound of fsshh... fssshhh so close to his ear made the memory go stronger, heavier in his heart. His expression flattened, his eyes narrowed but not in anger or suspicion...just distant as the past came flooding back.
Just this once...is fine.
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cookies-are-nice · 9 months
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Content : sibling drama(im an only child fyi), Happy Hanagaki family, Toman shenanigans (mikey x oc)
Auther's notes : I'll be posting a little bit less often, but I think this chapter is okay.
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Chapter 3 : Misunderstandings
-ˋˏ ❀ * ‧₊˚* ੈ‧₊*❈꧁🥀꧂❈ * ੈ‧₊* *₊°❀ ˎˊ-
Sachiko threw her school bag on her bed and quickly hopped in her shower. Although the shower she took was a good one, she remained in the bad mood she carried home from her terrible day.
The poor girl forgot her English homework at home, so the teacher gave her a scolding. And to add to that, She got a 6/10 on her math exercise paper because her classmates were distracting her and her favourite teacher was disappointed with her. Furthermore, her wallet was nowhere to be found so she had to skip both breakfast AND lunch cause she had to stay back for detention. The detention was caused by a friend of hers, accidentally breaking a vase. Rose took the blame for her, except she didn't expect to starve the whole time. And then, she had to run home in the rain because she forgot her phone was charging at home and she couldn't call her driver.
The exhausted teen got dressed, dried her hair off and face-planted on a fluffy, comfortable bed. Nothing could've separated her from the bed at that point. Nothing except for the fact that her younger sister was still at the kindergarden. (I refuse to give her a break, the X from MHA didn't get a break you don't either SAYA INSAN ADIL)
Without hesitation, she shot up from her bed and called her driver. When she arrived at her sister's kindergarten, Sachiko asked her sister's teacher where little Yumi was. The teacher said that someone had already picked her up. Thinking her sister had been kidnapped, Sachiko rushed back home only to find that Takemichi had already picked Yumi up. Letting out a sigh of relief, she ran toward Yumi and hugged her.
"OH thank goodness! I thought something bad happened to you!" Sachiko cried out squeezing her 6-year-old sister.
"Heh, I figured you were staying back at school so I picked her up instead, sorry for giving you a scare." Takemichi timidly spoke.
"Thanks Takemichi, though, you had me thinking Yumi had been kidnapped for one second."
Sachiko turned to face Takemichi and noticed fresh bruises and cuts on his face. She told Yumi to go to her room. Once she was sure Yumi couldn't hear, she spoke.
"Again? This is the 3rd time you've come home like this idiot,"
"I know I jus-"
"No, No, you don't, " She interrupted. "You aren't telling me what happened nor are you fixing it. I need you to take this seriously"
"I am"
"NO! Time and time again you've come back like this and yet every single time I ask you, you brush it off and deny it!" She yelled at her brother. "What the hell do i do about this?!"
"I've told you, nothing! I'm sorting it out!"
"Damn it! Just let me help!"
"You don't need to help, I'm fine!"
Rose's eyes widened at that name, ah, she sure hasn't heard that name in a long time. After realising what he had said, Takemichi quickly apologised.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to say that"
"No, you're right, you're not like him," She shot back. "you're far worse."
Taken aback by his sister's words, he softly asks her. "w-what do you mean?"
"Our father was a determined man. Despite that, he had always lacked something-kindness. You have a heart of gold Takemichi, you always h put yourself before others, constantly endanger yourself, " She takes a breath before continuing. "I'm scared that I'll lose you too..."
Tears started to well up in Sachiko's eyes.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you, it's just," She sobs. "-been a really hard day."
A tear crept down her face. Takemichi, not knowing what to do, takes her into a hug. Pulling away from the hug first, Sachiko says, "Thank you."
"For what?"
"For being a good brother."
Smiles made their way onto the siblings faces. While the two were enjoying the embrace, the door to Yumi's room creaked open. Out came the 4-year-old child, squeezing her blanket.
"Oh Yumi, did we scare you?" She pulls away from the hug to look at her little sister. The small child nodded and ran towards her siblings.
"Sorry Yumi, we didn't mean to..." After hearing her older brother's apologies, she raised both her hands, gesturing for Takemichi carry her. The clueless boy turned to Sachiko for help but only got a mocking chuckle paired with an evil smile in return.
"I'm not helping you! It's your turn to do Yumi-duty this time, goodnight~" Sachiko teased, quickly retreating into her room before her brother decides to ditch their little sister duty again.
She slept well, the soft sounds of silence lulling her to rest. Unfortunately, she wasn't quite so lucky the following morning.
Takemichi phrased, unsure whether that was a sneeze or not.
"than 'kyou" Sachiko said wiping her nose with a 5-ply tissue she had recently bought specifically to treat Takemichi's injuries.
"-sick," Sachiko hurried to complete her sentence. "running in the rain doesn't seem like such a good idea to me anymore,"
Takemichi, still shocked by the fact that the demonic sound came from his sister, got up from the breakfast table to get a thermometer. Sachiko remained cuddled up on the sofa scrolling on her phone. Once her brother came back with the tool, he took her temperature. The thermometer showed a whopping 39.8°C.
The sick girl snatched it out of her brother's hand and saw the temperature her body was in. Of course, having absolutely no experience in this matter, the siblings called the emergency number. Sadly, the emergency respondent told them to "give her panadol" and hung up.
In their state of panic, the two delicate snowflakes decide on calling Hinata. Takemichi ran to get his phone and was now talking to hinata in another room. Fortunately, Hinata was a normal person with a normal life and gave them normal advice. Rose took some fever medicine and was transported to her bed to rest.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
Takemichi opened the door and was met with the faces of the founders of Tokyo Manji Gang.
"Takemichi!" The leader of Toman whined.
"OH? Why are you all here?" The confused boy questioned his friends.
"Oi Takemichi where the hell were you?" Draken shot a question of his own.
Coming to a a realisation, Takemichi quickly apologised. "OH NO! I forgot about the hangout, I'm Sorry! (⋟﹏⋞)"
"Takemichi how could you be so forgetful!" Mikey, very ironically, accused Takemichi.
"You're one to talk," Draken called his best friend out on his hypocritical behaviour.
"I'll kick your as-" His threat was interrupted by a feminine voice shouting, "Takemichi!"
The group of boys went silent when they heard the voice coming from Sachiko's room. Takemichi couldn't think of anything else to do, except to stand there, frozen.
"...Was that Hinata?"
"Uh, no bu-"
The atmosphere became serious almost instantly. The eyes in the room stared him down as if they were ready to pounce at Takemichi if he says the wrong thing. The poor boy's brain gave up on thinking as he was trying to find an answer that wouldn't earn him a kick to his head or a punch to his face.
Draken, tried of the silence, questioned, "Then who was that?"
Suddenly, the door to Sachiko's bedroom swung open. Out came a girl, wearing a crop top and shorts, though her body showed no signs of injury, she looked pale and lethargic.
"Takemichi, Where is my water?"
Once Rose saw the group of boys surrounding her brother, her flight-or-flight response had been activated. The girl looked at her brother, then back at the group, Not knowing their intentions, she took half a step back, retreating into her room.
"And who is this Takemichi?" the boy with blonde hair asked while eyeing here down suspiciously.
Sneaking a glance at her brother's expression,
Takemichi no longer had any worry or panic on his face, instead, it was replaced with an embarrassed one. After her suspicions were cleared, Rose started to calm down.
"I'm Takemichi's sister, Sachiko. Who might you be?"
Mikey, shocked at her statement, blurred out, "...sister?"
"We're Takemichi's friends and we've come to pick him up for a hangout." thankfully, Draken was the only sensible one and explained first.
Her brother had an expression that could be considered the prime example of relief. Most of their group looked dumbfounded while the others looked embarrassed.
"Oh, I see. Then, don't let me be a bother!" Sachiko no longer felt threatened by their presence, so she shoved her brother our the door, "Takemichi go."
"nonono you go hang out, I'll be fine"
She quite literally 'pushed' her brother to hang out with the friends of his.
"Thank you very much Sachiko-san." (chifuyu)
The polite boy took a bow and all of the exited the house quickly.
"Huh, they were surprisingly polite,"
Sachiko said to herself before taking a sip of the water she requested so many times. She looked out of their house window and saw her brother joking around with his friends. She was about to go back to bed but not before she noticed "Tokyo Manji Gang "imprinted on one of Takemichi's friend's jacket. The boy had a short figure and blond hair tied up halfway.
"He seems quite familiar...Have I met him before?"
Oh you sweet child, you have, so many times before.
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I'm following most of the tr plot but I'm changing a little bit (I'm not letting anyone die)
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 9 months
so… ao3 year in review, huh! this was a good year for me for writing, mcyt content really sparked my brain and i wrote FAR more than i had in the last few years. this post is gonna be mostly mcyt fic, hence why it’s here, but there’s a bit of blaseball left too.
i found the photo of the friend that i was looking for-written for the boston flowers fic exchange commemorating the return of blaseball (heh….), fluff about the flowers being friends and sharing photographs
space’s blaseball poetry collection-exactly what it says on the tin! i joined my school’s poetry club last fall and wrote a lot of poetry about blaseball in that time. (i’ve written a bit of mcyt poetry too, maybe i’ll post that someday)
stop me if you’ve heard this all before-empires s2 cannon divergence where pix is the only survivor of the other universe blood sausage was in and he gets brought to season 2. i swear to god this will be done in the new year, i promise.
would you mind if i tried to take a pass at it?-my longest fic to date and the fic i made this account for in the first place so i could post shipping and people wouldn’t be weird. you all should thank wither husbands for my presence in your life (/j)
just put your sweet lips on my lips-really living up to my ao3 username on this one with a second fluffy wither husbands fic, this time with an established relationship!
i still taste you on my lips, lovely bitter water-i intended for this to be SLIGHTLY cannon divergent and then realized i’d made up an entire piece of empires lore in my head by accident. read this one it’s good.
but when it comes to the end, you’re just the same as them-clock duo are messy as hell and i love that for them. if you could bash someone’s head in with a clock in minecraft impulse would’ve made this fic cannon by now.
men are fools, oh, men are frail-one of my favorites this year about martyn, the end of liml, and misleading prizes. very excited to write more treebark for the title exchange.
she says i’m spread thin, but baby, i’m just restless-deceit had me by a chokehold for a month and i still really like this HOWEVER legundo follows me on tumblr and vaguely implied in his end of the year stream that he reads at least some fanfiction. terrifying.
never forget number 46-another one of my favorites this year, partially because it’s so deeply self indulgent and partially cause it’s GOOD. read my blaseball au even if you don’t know anything about blaseball come closer i promise.
how to rest-the first in the perpetuity/secret life crossover series inspired by @wooshofficial and @betweenlands ‘s ghost fics that wasn’t supposed to become a series. lmao. the third installment will be here shortly.
it’s not something that you put to bed-the second installment in this series and the last of my top 3 fics this year. something about jimmy and chrys’ personalities were so fun to write together and allowed me to play in a very interesting space with him.
so what’s in store for next year? probably a lot of stuff that i don’t know of yet! but definitely on the docket:
blaseball winter exchange fic (will be going on main ao3 and blaseball side blog if you’re interested)
whatever fic(s) i write for treebark title swap (hoping to write at least two!)
second chapter of “stop me” i SWEAR
more blaseball au! i’ve got so many ideas floating around :)
and a million other things i’ve got ideas for that may or may not see the light of day, who knows!
happy new year, everyone!
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illadvisedselfships · 10 months
I come into your inbox bearing one free ticket 🎫 to gush over any f/o of choice :3 (or all of them if you prefer as well~)
Cruella De Vil (SPECIFCALLY 1996)- The only person real or fictional I would ever marry!
First of all I just love the way she talks! She uses words like 'squander' and 'sycophant' and aghh I love it. And this quote??- 'More good women have been lost to marriage then to war, famine, disease and disaster'. This is the line that first got me interested in her. Like... its extreme (Of course women can be married and still be powerful and amazing as hell) but there is truth to it and I love a mean old woman who's not afraid at all to say it.
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Her HAIR. Its just perfect!! It looks so soft and fluffy and? the colour and the volume?? How??? It is iconic and I love drawing it, looking at it, thinking about playing with it... XD Its just great, alright?
How sorry she was about Anita's pregnancy 😅😅😅 Babe same. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if I got pregnant I would want people to respond the same way 😅😅😅 That's just personal thing, of course, I know most people would be happy to be with baby and wish to be congratulated but hey- that's why she's my f/o XD
I'm oddly obsessed with the sound her teeth make on her cigarette stick??? XDD Its just- I don't know. One of those things that's kinda satisfying for me ! 😂
Red. Lipstick.
She doesn't pull punches and I love writing for characters like that ^^ You get what you see with her.
Jim Bickerman- My main F/O!!
Alright first of all- I just feel like he's a perfect combination of all the kinds of characters I like! XD 1. Sleaze, 2. Crazy old man 3. Antagonist.
The f l a n n e l s. I-
Its just-
They look so good that's all I'm gonna say XD
A small detail I noticed that I like?? He has band aids on his fingers in Final Chapter. And I just wonder if, behind the scenes, the costume designer decided Jim was accident prone and constantly covered in band aids or if that was an Englund add XD Either way I just think its neat for a low budget campy creature feature sequel XD
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Messy beard.
OKAY BUT?? HIS TALKING?? The line 'Come to Daddy you little bitch'?? That wry chuckle and 'Heh, whadaya mean?' all-too-innocent after someone asks him where the hell he's taking them?? Using 'clicks' as a measurement of distance? 💙 The fact that he calls himself a 'greedy old fart' as well as a 'cripple'? 😅
HE HAS REDEEMABLE QUALITIES. WHICH IS A NEW ONE FOR ME XD He respects his mother ('Mrs Bickerman wasnt a very good housekeeper' // 'Hey. That's no way to talk about the dead, son'), he is apparently against stealing (When a woman in Vs Anaconda suggests they take a boat he's very serious in telling her that doesn't belong to us), yes he was very creepy with that one girl in Final Chapter but he did not go to touch her at all which I think is pretty good compared to some other Englund characters 😅 as well as other F/O's of mine (Past or present), he was semi-nice to Max, etc.
His reaction to getting a gun pulled on him will never not be my favourite XD Like 'oh for gods sake, this again?'. And- you can see- he is almost laughing!
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Also- I BET he could build a campfire. And that?? I don't know why but??? That is TOP TIER for me. I just-... oooffffffffffffffffffffff. Just 👌 Haha XD Where did my underwear go??-
Otis B Driftwood: I dunno, he's just... very comforting to me??? Ahhhhhhh.
I think its been very well established by now I love characters that don't hold back. They're brutally honest- usually in a mean, cruel way. Cruella De Vil is one, Slenderman is another, and Otis is one too. Maybe I just like that I always have that option?; not the killing or being mean obviously, but that just being grumpy instead of forcing a smile on is there as choice if I need it. I used to go into a 'Slenderman persona' when I had an oral presentation in school?? 😂😂😂 Which just means I was able to be still. I wasn't worried about what anyone else thought cuz who cares what they think, 'I hate them all anyway' (Which was of course not true, it was just apart of the 'persona' 😅). Otis is a riff off of that time in my life, I think XD 😅 When I'm having a bad day nowadays and I'm still forced to be out and about I might start thinking a bit snarky like him 😅😅😅 I know, I have some off defense mechanisms.
ANYWAY- he's absolutely rot incarnate and that is why you watch the movies XD He's a like a train wreck. You cant look away.
HIS SPEECHES!! Oh my lord. I love that that's how we were introduced to him- with him ranting to some kidnapped teenagers about a 'conformist world' and 'this culture of mechanical reproductions'. Ohhhhh boy XD
Somehow?? He seems to get... healthier?? With age??? What is this Benjamin Button nonsense?? XDD He has definitely made a deal with the devil.
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He looks so cuddly in his overalls in the 3rd movie 😂😂😂 And he has no right!-
Just the fact that when one guy, Virgil, was worried if he went and broke Otis' sister out of prison as per Otis demand then she would kill him (Virgil), Otis was like *sigh* 'okay, I'll write you a note.'. Like a parent saying his kid doesn't have to do P.E today??? XDD
He. SINGS. Whoever said musical theatre kids aren't hot have clearly not seen what they can turn into. Goddamn.
His voice in general ahhhhhhhhh. I wanted him to degrade me at first, admittedly XDD But now I want praise. And degradation actually. BOTH! And its not the actors real voice, either, I saw a video on Tik Tok of Rupert and he was talking completely different- then at the end abruptly PUT ON HIS CALLAHAN VOICE FOR A LAST LINE and ohhh BOY I was finished. XD
Oh my goodness, he yanked my dormant teacher/professor kink back to life by its ankles!-
That was my first kink and honestly I'm pleased to see it back 😂😂
The fact that they made the character so much worse in the musical??? Like in the movie (Victor Garber ver.) he's kind of likeable at the start, making a joke or two to release the tension in his classroom- but THIS version is like crush grandma so we can get laid IMMEDIATELY!! G o d. I love villains. And he is a classic case of no-holds-barred, black and white, Disney Villain-esque, walks-off-chuckling bastardry and I love it.
'Or is that unfair?- OH WAIT, I don't care'.
Ahhh!, his face after he sniffs Elle's resume!! Its so cute I love it XD
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This outfit:
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singwhenyoucantspeak · 10 months
Twenty questions for fic writers
thanks for the tag @blackdalek! I feel like i maybe have not written enough for these answers to be that interesting but i'm going to do it anyway because fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Three. Although there are two other fics on fanfic.net that I never moved over to AO3. Full disclosure, I don't go by this url on AO3 or ffn because when I started writing fic i was still closeted even to this tumblr blog, which seems insane in retrospect LOL (also I have a lot of IRL friends on this blog now who don't need to go reading my fanfic. I guess that is where i draw the line XD so if u are an IRL maybe ignore the rest of this post. or don't - read on at your own risk lmao)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
47,860 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
OUAT - Swan Queen (although I have not written for them in about 9 years soooo. I should really fix that. but let's be real, I do not write very often in general)
Supergirl - General Danvers
Grey's Anatomy - Meddison
there are other fandoms that I definitely started writing things for and then abandoned before I even posted anything. Oh I did write Rizzoli & Isles fic a lot like 10 years ago but never posted any of it except for a crossover fic that still lives (and will die) on ffn. In retrospect that fic was v problematic due to copganda.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
lol I only have 3 fics on AO3 so guess they are my top 3.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Although I have not been lately because lately they're all like "I love this fic hope you come back to it" and um I can't really say if I will come back to it or not! I would like to, buuuut it's far more likely that when I start writing again it'll be something new. Who knows though! I am definitely at a better position in life to start writing again now than I have been for the last 2 years.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
well... I think i've only completed two fics ever LOL the first was a pretty fluffy one shot (i think... idk it was ffn era so who remembers). Rooftop Negotiations is pretty angsty in general but it does have a hopeful ending (and I prevented Astra from dying so how angsty could that really be XD)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think all of my fics are intended to have happy endings, but they're for the most part unfinished so I couldn't say which would be the happiest ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Hmmmm I cannot remember if I ever have. It depends what you consider hate. I did get a very weird comment on one of my fics by someone who was really aggressively angry that I had abandoned it. So that was weird. I also got some criticism on that crossover fic I previously mentioned and yeah in retrospect that criticism was well founded.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
heh heh not usually but I can think of one scene that I wrote. If I ever continue my multichapter meddison fic I will have to decide if I want to write smut or not. I did rate it M so...
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Oh the crossover. Look, when I first started writing fic it was just me and my tumblr friend emailing a google doc back and forth, alternating each chapter, writing only for ourselves with no direction planned and no intention of posting it anywhere. And yes, we loved a crossover. Mostly it was Rizzoli & Isles and OUAT crossovers but my co-writer loved to introduce new crossovers without warning so those fics got out of control very quickly. But the first fic I ever posted was a crossover (again Rizzoli & Isles and OUAT). Can anything really be considered a crazy crossover though when OUAT is involved? the show itself is a crazy crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not as far as i know!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that i know of (although I did start writing a fic in another language once. I never posted it though)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
uh the unofficial never posted fics mentioned above LOL
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
probably still Swan Queen tbh. I will never be over them. I feel like I have devoted my whole adult life to them.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Can I go where you go?
I sooo want to finish it. Writing that fic was the most disciplined I have ever been with fic writing and the only reason I stopped was because I moved across the country, started a new job, and got into a new relationship all at the same time and life was chaos for 2 years.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I *think* I am good at dialogue. I can usually hear a conversation between characters in my head and when I write dialogue I'm really just like transcribing what they're saying.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
description kills me. I cannot keep track of character's movements through space, I generally don't care about what their surroundings look like so I forget that the audience might want to know. My ideal fic would just be written like a play where I only have to provide the spoken lines and no other information or direction.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't think I've tried other than the time that I tried writing the entire fanfic in another language. I have read many a SQ fic that sprinkles Spanish dialogue in for Regina and tbh it is so hit or miss as to how well it works that I dunno if I ever would try it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
OUAT/Rizzoli & Isles (was a crossover lmao)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
at this point, Rooftop Negotiations because i actually finished it and succeeded at staying within the scope of what I set out to achieve. and for what that was, I think I implemented it all quite well.
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taegularities · 2 years
You wanna know what cmi does to me? It fills my belly WITH 10000000000 butterflies and I read and reread it until I've literally engraved it to my memory. Literally almost every other sentence and I'm coming back to reread it. Not to mention certain scenes overwhelmed me so much ( in a good fluffy way) I legit stop reading start passing around and then continue reading becoz well I need to process lmao. Wow I'm literally head over heels for these two. I'm just wow- and the fact that you thought we mi8ve gotten bored of it? How could u I mean do u not see us practically worshipping this beautiful masterpiece? BaBE HOW COULD YOU😭😭
I'm hurt now 🙁 and I only seek a new chap,as an apology,soon that is😚
Heh I hope you have an amazing weekend pretty rid I lub youz always. Don't forget to tc of yourself, don't forget to shield yourself from the cold (especially after jin specifically told us 😭) again I lub youz my pretty rid, always 💜💜😚
it had been so long, i legit feared i wouldn't deliver 😭 thought you might think the chapter is too all over the place LOL very glad that i could still impress you, though! so happy you love those two and the overall story so much, bc ngl.. writing a series is truly hard at times. so honestly, thank you !! for reading, for rereading, for sending me a message, for supporting me, and for reassuring me 🥺
i hope you have a beautiful weekend, too, all the love back to you !! 💕 and argggh thank you so much, trying my bestest to take care of myself, and i hope you do as well !!! 🥺 (also yes omg, it really is so cold, pls be careful D:)
another chapter as an apology, you say? on it 🤓
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(tho it might definitely need some time – i'll probably post a drabble first! hope that's okay and you guys can be patient with me <3333)
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✨ 💫 💝 💥 💌
What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Honestly? Leaning towards I’m Nothing But A Kid Who Couldn’t Understand.
I feel like that one didn’t get a whole lot of attention, which is a shame, because I worked freaking hard on it. I see it as one of the best fics I’ve posted, actually!
what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Oooh! I was hoping someone would ask this :D
Hmm… I’d say the ones that talk about the characters as opposed to my actual writing.
Don’t get me wrong, I love any and all comments and will cherish them… but the ones that talk about the characters are just more fun for me! For example, stuff like “it’s so like him to do this thing” or “it was so cute when he did that!”. Stuff like that!
I guess I like them because it kinda feels like, when I write, the characters are in charge; I’m just the one tasked with documenting them. And when comments talk about the characters, and what the characters do/say… I don’t know, it’s just more fun :)
what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Good question :0
Probably If You Want Love! I wasn’t expecting people to… like it that much?? Just on the first chapter, I got a whole bunch of very excited comments! That doesn’t really ever happen when I post fics 😅
find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
Aww :D
Little Songs 🥺
It’s weirdddd!! Whenever I post a Ghostbur fic, the views/comments go way down :0 He’s just not a very popular character :’(
Eh, won’t stop me from writing about him >:)
ANYWAY, back to the question!
I think Little Songs is a very quiet, very simple, very fluffy fic :) No big plot lines, no big moments; just a ghost and his sheep spending time in nature!
I honestly wish there were more fics like that; just moments in time, instead of Big Stories.
I also wrote Little Songs while in a camper driving down a highway with extended family! The sun was setting and casting everything in deep gold!! It was so pretty!!!
share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
It’s like… I call it the “not-hallmark au” but it’s really not a hallmark at all alsgaksgajsg it’s just set in wintertime in a big city and Wilbur has an office job or something and he’s content-ish but perpetually stressed and then Ghostbur shows up and WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY’RE BROTHERS HEH and little by little Ghostbur and Wilbur start to ✨bond✨ and Ghostbur makes Wilbur’s life a bit more fun and Wilbur starts to get a bit more happy and AW SHOOT THIS REALLY IS A HALLMARK AU ISN’T IT
0 notes
jake-g-lockley · 2 years
The Light of My Knight | Moon Knight x Desi!Reader | Chapter 10: Turmeric Face Masks
Warnings: A bit too much fluff, a lot of ‘ILY’, non-sexual nudity, aftercare, bathing together, some suggestive elements, swearing. Word Count: 2.5 k words
Taglist: @wordacadabra @paymeinkash @ahookedheroespureheart @sodonuthideout @local-mr-frog @swiggy-needs-mental-help @pakhiya @mintpurplemnm @soumya-13 @violet-19999 @hot-mess-express1
Chapter 9 | Chapter 11
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A/N: This was supposed to be an angsty chapter, idk what happened AHHAHA
What are some ways that people can confess their love for someone? Maybe over dinner with some nice wine and food, maybe with some flowers and chocolate, maybe even with a tiny puppy.
You never knew how you were going to do it. It was clear you loved them, you loved them so much that your heart ached when you were away from them. You didn’t expect that your confession of love would literally be fucked senselessly out of you. 
“I love you, I love all three of you.”
You were still gasping for air and your grip on the bed sheet below you was so tight that you thought you literally could not unfist your hands. Your heart was pounding so hard in your chest that you literally thought you were going into cardiac arrest. 
You felt Jake’s hand caressing your cheek as you tried to see past the blinding white light that obscure your vision. You feel yourself smile, a dopey lopsided smile that definitely made you look like a crazed individual. 
“Y/N? ¿Rosa?” you could hear Jake's voice and his face materialized in your vision. 
“You’re so beautiful, my angel. Such a pretty boy.” You whisper through your sore throat, reaching up to touch his face as he stares down at you. He opens his mouth to say something but you press your finger to his lips.
“My prettiest boys. Heh, my boys. A bit weird that I have three but here we are. I’m so obsessed with the three of you. So perfect.” you mutter as Jake silently smiles. 
You wrap your arms around Jake’s neck, bringing him down towards you, kissing him softly. 
“I love you, Jake.”
“I love you too, Y/N.” He whispers, pulling slightly away and pressing his forehead onto your forehead. “Come, let's get you cleaned up.” 
He kisses your cheek softly and slowly slides out of your bed, hooking an arm under your legs and another behind you, lifting you up with ease.
Your eyes widen as you feel the mixed bodily fluids gush out of you, making you shift uncomfortably in Jake’s arms. Jake smirks down at you, carrying you to the bathroom. He sets you down on the toilet, turning on the running water to the bathtub. He grabs a small towel, wetting it and starts wiping you clean, making your face heat up. 
“Nuh, uh, don't get all shy now, we all know that you're far from innocent.” Jake says when he meets your eyes, making you snort with laughter as you tossed your hair into a bun.
After chucking in a bath bomb into the tub, he picks you up again and lowers you into the water, climbing in behind you. You lean your back onto his chest and let the water soothe your sore legs. 
“Hi, baby.” you feel Marc snaking his arms around your torso and kissing your exposed neck, trailing kisses down to your shoulder. 
“Hi, chellam.” you say, reaching up to touch his cheek and he kisses your palm, pulling you close. 
“I love you too, you know?” he says, unhooking his arms and reaching to the right to grab the bottle of your sandalwood body wash. 
“I know, I love you Marc.” You sigh as Marc starts lathering the soap all over your body, slowly kneading your shoulders and neck, making you literally melt against his touch. The both of you sat in happy silence as Marc grabbed a small towel and started rubbing your skin in soft pleasant circles.  
When he was done and the bath water started to become cold, he got out and dried himself, wrapping a soft fluffy towel around his waist as you stared up at his physique, leaning against the cold bathtub, smirking. 
He raised his eyebrows and mirrored your smirked as he held out his hand for you.
“Can you stand, baby?” He asks softly.
“Mhmm, I got dancer legs.” you say kicking your leg up to show him and his smirk falters.
“Don’t try to tempt me again, little devil.” Marc glares at you and you laugh, taking his hand, letting him pull you up and wrap you in a big towel. 
You tucked the towel tightly around you and looked up at Steven, who had fronted, cupping his face with your hand and kissing the tip of his nose as his eye fluttered close. 
“I love you, Steven.” you affirmed one last time, caressing his cheek. 
“I will never get bored of you saying that, I love you too, Y/N.” he sighs and opens his eyes. 
You dropped the damp towel into a basket and padded to the wardrobe to pull on some panties and a sweater, while Steven pulled his boxers on and slipped back into bed. You curled up beside him, and laid your head on his chest, slowly feeling sleep outweigh the urge to stay awake with your boyfriend forever. 
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
“That's what I’m trying to say, even though it gets everywhere, the oil really helps with strengthening hair.”
You and Steven are now at a bookstore to get a few books. The huge bookstore made you feel slightly overwhelmed so you clung to Steven’s hand while excitedly looking through shelves to find the books that were recommended by a blogger that you followed. You had picked up a book about ayurvedic treatments and Steven was intently listening to you talk about the stuff that your Acchi made you do. 
The light from the high windows of the bookstore was lightly brushing the high points of Steven’s face and you found yourself staring and smiling up at him. His eyebrows arched upwards and he gave you a dopey grin, rounding his doe eyes. 
You brought your hand up and lightly pushed the curls that flopped on his forehead. Your mouth drops back to a frown as you swipe under his eyes, where dark circles bloomed due to the boys’ collective lack of sleep. 
“Donna and Khonshu are overworking the three of you.” you sigh, patting his cheek. “I still can’t pinpoint who’s worse.”
“Well, what can I say darling, mans gotta eat, innit?” he simply says, holding your hand to his cheek, turning to kiss your palm. “But, eh, Donna’s definitely much worse.”
For the past few days, the boys and you have been working overtime and even then, Steven had insisted on taking you out on a date today. 
“How does the bird even pay you guys?” You say narrowing your eyes. 
“Love, he is a god. Money is superficial to him. Besides, we are really used to this, I’ve had worse weeks.” and to your horror, Steven laughs and shrugs it off like it was any other thing. 
For a bunch of dudes who always worried about you, they certainly did not make any time for themselves and it was finally showing on their faces. Steven looked positively exhausted and seriously needed some TLC, no matter how casual and beautiful his smile was. 
“Nope, I’m not having this. Let's go home. It's my turn to take care of my boys.” You say, dragging a protesting Steven out of the bookstore. 
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
“Take your shirt off and sit down on the bed.” you instructed Steven, who raised his eyebrows suspiciously at you but started to strip. Marc and Jake had given up and retracted into the headspace to get some rest, giving Steven full control.
He watched as you grabbed some yogurt and turmeric, mixing them in a little bowl with a small makeup spatula. You placed the bowl with the mask on a tray along with coconut oil, cucumbers and a cloth in a bowl of water. 
“You made me a salad, love?” Steven says, confused as you swatted playfully at his chest.
“This is what my Acchi used to call ‘The Ultimate Indian Spa.’ She used to do this to me after a long week of teaching me dance.” you say, setting the tray down beside him, crawling up onto the bed behind Steven. 
“Lie down.”  you say, patting your thighs. Steven obliged and settled his head onto your thighs, staring up at you with a small smile on his face. You immediately got to work, pinning Steven’s curls back with your bobby pins and then scooping a little bit of the mask with your fingers, delicately smearing the paste onto his face and neck. 
“Tell me a story of one of your adventures, raja.” you ask softly as you place the cucumber slices onto his closed eyelids after wiping your fingers.
“Well, umm, alright, let me tell you about the time Marc and I met Taweret.” Steven says as you dip your fingers into the coconut oil, smoothly gliding it onto the skin of his bicep and start massaging the tense muscles. 
You listen in pure shock for a good fifteen minutes as Steven describes how they died and went to the afterlife, meeting the goddess of women and children and how they got out of there after Marc unfroze Steven from the Duat. 
“Hold on a second, let me backtrack a little bit. You guys were dead?” You ask, not concealing your surprise as you move to the other bicep.
“Mhmm.” Steven says, grinning. 
“That's weirdly impressive, but also very traumatic. Where was Jake in all of this?” you say, shaking your head and bending over Steven to grab the little wet towel to wipe the mask off his face. 
“Uh, we kinda left him in a sarcophagus. Well to be fair though, we didn’t know he was the one in there.” Steven said and you laugh, still thoroughly confused. 
Removing the cucumber slices, you wipe the mask with slow swipes off his face and neck until it was clear and the towel was stained yellow. Steven kept his eyes closed and he looked so blissful in your lap. 
You lightly kissed his eyelids and they fluttered open, revealing his deep brown eyes that you would never get bored of, making you smile. Steven grabbed your hand and guided it onto his chest, where two scars sat directly in the middle of his sternum.  
“That's where Harrow shot us.” He whispered as you traced the lightened scars, biting your bottom lip and wondering what would have been the case if Marc had chosen to stay in the Field of Reeds. You say a silent prayer to Taweret and Osiris, thanking them, pressing a soft kiss onto the scars. 
“I’m so glad that you guys are alive.” You whisper and smile at Steven, pulling him to a sitting position. 
“Can I oil your hair?” Steven nods and you grab the little oil vessel and pour a little oil onto the top of his head, quickly rubbing it in with the palm of your free hand. Setting the vessel aside, you rub your palms together and start massaging the oil into his scalp.
Steven sighs and his shoulders droop. You deepen the pressure and run your fingers through his curls, making sure that the oil is spread evenly, moving your fingers to his temples and rubbing them in slow circles. 
“Shit, darling, what sorcery is this?” Steven groans and you giggle, moving your hand to the nape of his neck.
You move your hands up and down the back of his neck, pressing slowly at the tense areas. You must have hit a particularly sensitive area because Steven tips his head and lets out a moan that tugged at your guts, making your eyes widen.
“Oops, sorry.” Steven bashfully says, “Your hands are magic, I swear, love.” 
You smirked and repeated the same process a few more times, until you were sure that Steven had turned into a ball of goo under your fingertips. 
“Now I think you’re just doing it on purpose.” He groans at the end of it. 
“Okay, I’m done. I need you to go and shower, kanna.” You say, pushing Steven off the bed slowly. “I’ll get some dinner ready for you.”
By the time Steven came out of the shower, you had made two thosai with the batter you had from the morning and served it up with some coconut chutney. 
“Hola, rosa.” Jake whispered into your ear, hugging you from behind
“Oh, hi baby, what happened to Steven?” you ask as you grab his hand, leading him back to the bed, one hand balancing the plate.
“He was really sleepy after the way you assaulted our muscles. So, I’m here. Unless you don’t want me here then-” 
“Don’t be fucking stupid Lockley, sit your ass down, of course I want you here.” You sternly say. “And I didn’t assault your muscles.” 
“Whatever you say, mami.” Jake raises his hands in surrender and sits cross legged on the bed, holding his hands out for the plate.
“Nope, I’m supposed to be taking care of you.” You say as you sit in front of him. 
You tear the thosai with one hand, dipping it in the coconut chutney and holding the morsel in front of his mouth between your index finger and thumb. 
“I can feed myself.” Jake frowns.
“I know you can, that's why I’m feeding you, because I can too.” you wiggle your eyebrows and tap his lips with your pinky. 
Jake scowls but parts his lips and you push the thosai piece into his mouth, satisfied with the outcome. Jake stays silent and fidgets with the drawstring of his sweatpants as you feed him the thosai. You grin at the sight before you. Big, scary Jake Lockley is acting shy and you were absolutely head-over-heels in love with him. 
You use your thumb to wipe his lips and kiss his nose before walking to the kitchen. Dimming the lights, you grab a book and climb back into bed, fluffing your pillow and pulling Jake towards you. 
You sit back on the pillows and Jake curled up beside you, gently laying his head on your chest. You slid your arm around him and started stroking his hair in a rhythm pattern. 
“Thoongadaa.” You whisper and Jake didn’t need to know what you meant to say as his eyes closed and his head became heavier on your chest. Within minutes, Jake’s breathing regulated and you knew he was asleep. 
You stare down at the man on your chest. He was so different when his face was relaxed. All the worry lines on his face almost looked like they were disappearing, filled with a form of relaxation that you were happy to provide. 
His long lashes rested on his face and you took note of the light dusting of color that was on the high points of his nose and cheeks. You trace the little scar on the bridge of his nose and his prominent brow bones with a feathery touch as you smile at the sight before you. 
The book that you took with you laid discard on your bedside table as you instead found solace in watching the love of your life sleep. 
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Rosa: Rose
Chellam: Sweetheart
Ayurvedic: Relating to Ayurveda, the traditional Hindu system of medicine
Acchi: Great-Grandmother
Raja: King
Kanna: Beloved
Thosai: South Indian savoury, thin pancake made from a batter of various fermented pulses and rice flour, which is then cooked on a flat griddle
Coconut Chutney: Coconut chutney is a south Indian chutney, a side-dish or a condiment, common in the Indian subcontinent
Mami: Mama
Thoongadaa: Sleep, da.
Chapter 9 | Chapter 11
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lloydskywalkers · 4 years
Hey i love your fics, even though they make me cry heh and i wanted to ask do you have a masterlist or would you ever make one for your fics on tumblr? if not thats totally cool, i was just wondering, have a great day!
ahhHH thank you so much!! <3 all my fics on tumblr are under the “my fic” tag, but I’ve been meaning to make a masterlist for ages so I guess this is the day, thank u for finally giving me the push to do this :’D
Mult-Chapter Fics (FFN and AO3 now!)
Raising Hell + AO3
(my baby I’ll be writing for the rest of my life, essentially a massive fic covering Kai, Nya and Lloyd’s relationship throughout the seasons)
All I’m Asking For
(team-centric holidays-fic au following the aftermath of an Oni battle)
Down Comes the Night
(s9 au where Lloyd, Morro and Harumi have to work together that maN I need to update)
Those Left Behind
(post-s8 fic following Lloyd and Nya coping with the guys’ “deaths”, written before s9 premiered)
One Shots (tumblr)
(below the cut because there are. a lot.)
Skywalker Syndrome pt. I
Skywalker Syndrome pt. II
Skywalker Syndrome pt. III
(Lloyd loses an arm and a whole lot of aftermath, circa s8/9)
moats and boats and waterfalls
Post-Crystalized, the ninja rebuild their home with various levels of success.
Post-Seabound, Kai angst with a heavy dash of Lloyd
any port in a storm
(Pixal and Lloyd and the evolving nature of friendship, as highlighted by the regular burning down of your city. Lloyd and Pixal bonding throughout s8/9)
(snapshots of Lloyd and his relationship with titles)
planetary go 
(Lloyd attends Rachel ((oc)) and Brad’s field trip, and things blow up) 
Wishful Thinking
(post s10 Lloyd and Garmadon angst) 
Wishful Thinking part 2
(considerably less angsty oneshot where Garmadon attempts to understand Lloyd, in disguise)
the idiot’s guide to not despising your cousin 
(au where Lloyd and Morro get to be cousins that’s so long it will crash your browser)
call the police and the fireman (alternative warning: fire hazard)
(Lloyd learns to breathe fire, and it goes as well as you’d expect)
There’s Insurance for That
(Five places the ninja are no longer allowed into, featuring Skylor)
a complicated profession
(mandalorian au with Kai and Nya as Mandalorians)
(Lloyd goes oni mode real quick and handles it Not So Well)
(sad s5 aftermath, featuring Lloyd and Cole) 
what stays and what fades away 
(post s11 aftermath, with a focus on zangst)
and it is a shame 
(s11 ice emperor speculation, featuring Lloyd, Akita and Zane)
in which the monastery almost burns down again 
(the ninja try to throw Lloyd a surprise birthday party) 
(Kai-centric fic dealing with his relationship with fire over seasons)
turned to smoke 
(s1 Lloyd and Garmadon versus s8 Lloyd and Garmadon angst)
exposure therapy 
(pre-s8, Lloyd tries living alone)
close for comfort 
(Kai has nightmares after Chen’s staff in s4) 
Kai possessed by Morro rambling 
(not really a fic, but also sort of?? close enough)
hyacinth (in yellow)
(post-s7 Lloyd and Cole-centric angst, focusing on lost parents)
Fic for art where Kai takes a hit for Lloyd 
(it’s. also angst.)
n stands for neutral 
(Kai teaches Lloyd how to drive. Sort of.)
(post s10 Kai and Lloyd talking)
déjà vu
(Lloyd and Nya after Cole falls in s10)
two a.m. tea
(Pixal, Nya and Lloyd bonding over cheap tea, pre-s7 through s9) 
snip, snip
(Kai gives kid Lloyd a new hairstyle)
it’s me (version 2.0)
(Show Lloyd and Movie Lloyd have a bad day thanks to dimension-jumping oni)
terrorize y’all’s neighborhood
(fluffy team halloween fic with kid Lloyd)
(Lloyd and Garmadon, as seen in contrasting snapshots through seasons)
Survivor Ninja!
(post s2, the ninja get stranded at sea for the day — crack)
(s2 bad end au, the single worst fic I’ve ever written, everyone dies and no one is happy)
(Wu-centric angst over Lloyd and Garmadon’s similarities)
(Cole’s nightmares as a ghost are particularly dangerous)
lost on you (alt. ouroboros) 
(Morro, Harumi, and Lloyd on loss and the color green)
ninjago incredibles au 
(exactly what it says on the tin, incredibles 2-era inspired)
on gifts 
(Edna and Jay growing up)
could have-beens
(harumi dies?? written during s9 not sure what this one is actually but it’s angst)
(post-s5, Kai finds Lloyd watching storms)
like a bad soap opera 
(mid-s8 episode aftermath of harumi’s betrayal)
some other person’s destiny 
(Lloyd and Harumi on the river mid-s8, I cannot believe this was the first fic I wrote for ninjago)
Kai runs into the son of Lord Garmadon for the first time (movie-verse)
Kai and Lloyd prank Chen, featuring grumpy cousin Morro (movie-verse)
Kai and Nya on leaving Lloyd behind in s5
The show ninja watch their movie 
Grave Danger snippet with Lloyd in the river whooo
That ATLA au where Harumi’s a bloodbender 
S5 snippet with Lloyd and Ronin vibing over possession
S9 au angst where Lloyd and Nya never found out the guys were alive 
Halloween Jay and Lloyd fic Tumblr ate like three times
Angsty Jay and Cliff Gordon oneshot
Lloyd gets his ear pierced by Kai
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0x-jelly-beans-x0 · 2 years
!!!Two idiots in Love!!!
Chapter ´s list / Next Chapter 1/? , This is just a pilot fic that I planned to turn into comic if i have time. Word Count: 1490
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Warning: Portuguese in some parts, black y/n, friends to lovers, slow burn , siblings idiotice, ryoma hoshi x reader, highschool au. Artist´s credit
Word count: 1410
Your name is Muxima Kapuka, an Angolan transfer student in Japan; that was recently transferred due to your dad wanting to research new opportunities of work…
But You don’t think it was a good idea.. Even tho all of you didn’t have much in your country, we were sustainable on your own..but now you have less , living tighter spaces but still up float.
You were put in a high school to start your 10 th grade and which was ok to say to say the least but you were the only black person in school. Your hair was kinky and fluffy. A 4c hair is pure beauty , 1.75 m, dark brown skin , some small eye bags ( made by stress) and usually wears the male uniform due to being more comfortable to you.
You were used to being left alone due to most people finding more “fascinating beings” than humans; but even though you were used to that solitude it didn’t stop being difficult to deal with that isolation.
You were trying to pay attention in class by writing while the teacher spoke but they were speaking so fast that your pen slipped in the process.
You were looking around for your pen but you couldn’t find it until: 
-Here!- A really deep voice tells that
You got really scared that you slowly turn back really worried of what will appear and when you saw you could only say:
Oh! Thanks-
you’re welcome- he replies. 
His appearance was unique, he has a dark brown hair, black eyes and Rosie cheeks and nose. He was Ryoma Hoshi , the shortest man in high school , he had a 1.05m but those were the only remarkable things that he had. His grades were kinda good but not remarkable and he also participated in the tennis club.
You thought to yourself “ Maybe he can be my friend? Yeah maybe. But HOW??? Maybe at lunch time, I can talk to him”.
You turn your back and look at him. He looks at you a bit nervous not being sure if you wanted to talk to him or another person; you smile at him and say;
Hey, do you want to have lunch with me later?
He looks even more confused and say:
Are you talking to me?
Yes -you answered 
Are you… sure? -he asks you almost in disbelief and confusion
Yes! - you answered firmly 
O-Ok then? - he tells seemingly in shocked
After that interaction, Ryoma started to question your intentions.
At the Lunch time; you reunited with him , he was silently eating while you appeared and suddenly became a little nervous.
You were eating and wanted to start a conversation:
Hey! What do you like to do?- 
Eh…Tennis nothing much really..-he answers awkwardly 
Cool! It is really important to stay active.- you answer in a uplifting tone
Do you..participate in any sports?- He questions you
Oh… I used to.. I was a swimmer awhile back; I participated in five competitions and won in the last!..But we didn’t have the money to continue that career… But it’s fine.- you finished awkwardly 
Hum.. sorry. Maybe you can participate in swim time- he answers trying to uplift you.
Heh..Maybe- you smile kinda awkward 
Do you…What do you like to do?- he asks you 
Oh! I like to draw , sew and play guitar sometimes- you answer really happy 
But it isn’t something that interesting…-you down play it 
No. It’s kinda interesting..- he tries to continue to push the conversation.
OH REALLY!! I HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO SAY!! You see, what I usually draw is- you start to ramble and talk to him until lunchtime was over.
He was listening carefully and sweetly for everything you said even participating in it.
After that exchange you decide to help him around , reaching up to high places so can get his stuff or just follow him around when he doesn't want to talk; he was slowly getting more angry when you're around him until he said:
Stop babying me…-
What?..-You look at him confused
I didn't ask for your help..or for you to following me…-
Sorry I just thought that you wanted to help you…- You try to explain.
I STILL DIDN'T ASKED…JU-Just stop following me..-
Later that Ryoma was assigned to clean the classroom alone, it was normal for him to do this , he didn’t want to be a dead wheat for anyone so he just helped this way; but when the school was almost close and he wasn’t close to finishing,you appear to help him.
He was so confused and asked:
Why are you here? You should be at home..-
You need help so I’m here- you say it while rolling your sleeves.
Ah? No! That’s not enough to help me and you know it. First ,You join me for lunch, then you help me around without me asking and when I still ask you to stop , you're still helping me?..- He looks at you confused 
The only thing that I did was give back your pencil; you know? -  he finalizes it.
Well yeah but you listen to me and also you’re always lonely and since I’m lonely too… I just decided that we, lonely people, should stay together!-
Humf..Whatever..- he looks aside and tries to hide his smile-
It was night but everything was finally organized and cleaned; you two started to direct to the exit of the school in silence, until Ryoma said:
You didn’t have to do it but thank you anyway.-
You’re welcome, bud.- you answered happily
MANAAAAAA- a voice screams  from the exit door
You two look at what it was but it was possible to see it due to being dark where they were. They started to run in your direction , Ryoma was visibly scared and froze in the spot and asked:
My sister..- you answered scared
Her look was revealed, she was a kid around 10 to 11 years old, light-brown skin, short 3c hair around 1,20m and visibly angry at you.
You tried to protect your chest , ‘cause you knew you couldn’t run faster than her; she closed her fist , jumped and punched your stomach at such speed and strength that made you immediately fall over.
You were grueling from agony but she only picked up your shoulders and shake you furiously while saying:
Olá para ti também - you answered sarcastically 
PORQUE CARALHOS FICASTE A ESCOLA ATÉ ESTAS HORAS?? Nem atendes o telefone..- She looks at you so done of you
Eh..Não é permitido atender o telefone nas aulas?..-You try to find a excuse.
Às tuas aulas terminam às 17 horas… SÃO 19 HORAS?!?- She is even more furious than before 
You look at Ryoma ,trying to find some help from Ryoma but he wasn’t understanding a single word of this exchange sohe gives you a look of “I don’t know” ; she looks at what Ryoma furiously but when she looked eyes on him , her anger turned into worry and kinda disgust, she says slowly:
Tu..viraste uma pedófila?…- she covers her mouth 
EU NÃO SOU PEDÓFILA NENHUMAAAA- you scream from anger
Sorry but I’m a bit confused..-Ryoma spoke worriedly , she jumped back and put her fists up.
Aquele é a voz dele???- she questions it scared from her live-
Sim… O nome dele é Ryoma Hoshi; é um amigo da minha sala..- you explain how he is,looking really exhausted-
Ele foi a razão de teres demorado? - she questions you
Sim…Ele só precisava de uma  ajuda na limpeza mas demorou mais que o esperado..- you explain the situation to her.
Ok se é isso.. Hello, my name is Kiari Kapuka. Nice to meet you- she tells that to Ryoma.
Eh.. Nice to meet you Kiari, I’m Ryoma Hoshi- he looks away awkwardly.
If you don’t mind, I will take my sister to her home- she holds your hand and starts to push you to go.
He-HEY!! ESPERA!! SEE YOU LATER RYOMA!!- you wave at him telling him goodbye
Bye !…-he waves back at you real awkwardly and questioning if this is how siblings work
When you and your sister are far enough, she questions:
Começaste a namorar e nem me avisas?..-
Ele não é o meu namorado , só um potencial amigo.- you respond to her
Pelo menos, isso é bom- she finalizes it
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letsperaltiago · 3 years
somewhere only we know
This is my entry for the B99 Summer 2021 Fic Exchange and it's for lovely Johanna aka. @amyscascadingtabs <3 I picked the prompt: "Jake and Amy going on a babymoon and enjoying some time together before everything changes for good."
It's very simple and just pure good, happy parents to be-vibes so yeah :) I initially wanted to add smut but didn't have the time to write it :(( If you feel like it's something you'd like, then feel free to lemme know! I can always add a chapter two heh. Anyways, enjoy!!
Rating: G
Words: 2.7k
Read here or on Ao3
“Jake, this is… amazing.”
This seems to be all Amy can come up with as the hotel room presents itself before her. Better or bigger words seem to be lacking from her otherwise excellent vocabulary but she blames it on the fact that she’s been carrying a tiny human for the past 35 weeks - not that she’s complaining. It’s been hard, both physically and mentally, and there are a few more weeks to go but by the end of it all, she’ll be holding her little baby boy. 
She’s tired and every inch of her body swollen and/or sore, but more importantly she’s eager and excited. Jake is too, if not even more than her, and this has resulted in the current scene: their babymoon. 
“You like it?” 
The way Jake asks her, eyes shining with innocent expectation and voice laced with childish excitement has her imagining just how their little boy will turn out to be. She can’t hold back her smile. This man will walk to the end of the earth to make her happy, essentially already has during this pregnancy, and the babymoon is just as much for him as it is for her. 
She turns on her heels to face him, showing him the bright smile that’s plastered on her makeup-free face which has gained some freckles during her pregnancy. 
“You could’ve planned a trip to a dumpster and I would still love it.”
Hands cupping his scruffy cheeks she pulls him in for a short but tender kiss that even so many years later, after thousands of kisses, has his toes curl in excitement. She truly would’ve stayed anywhere as long as Jake was with her. Although she does appreciate the fact that she’s standing in a beautiful lakeview suite at the LakeHouse Inn. 
“Should we reassess how much we refer to dumpsters and other gross locations when we declare our love for each other?” 
She chuckles at his comment, lips resonating against the corner of his grin. 
“Should we?” She slowly slides her hands to the back of her neck, entangling her fingers to keep her latched onto him even as she pulls away to flash him a pretend contemplative expression.  
Eyebrows cocked in playfulness, they share an indicative look in silence, only for them to break it in unison. “Nahh.”
“Right? It’s what makes us us.” Jake pulls her in by the hips which are carrying their son. 
Everything about Amy reminds him of their little miracle and makes him feel all tingly and excited. One look at her, one touch, and he forgets about the rest of the world and its crappiness. He has Amy and together with the tiny human in her belly, she is his entire universe. 
She closes the gap between them (as much as she can with the full-blown balloon shape of her stomach). 
“So,” she mumbles against his lips, “what are your plans for us?” 
Sadly, the 3-hour drive from home didn’t do wonders for her heavily pregnant body and even though she won’t admit it out loud, she hopes her husband’s plans for tonight will demand the bare minimum of her. She feels his lips and body withdraw, prompting her eyes open however the mischievous smile that meets her has a dimmed anxious feeling creeping over her - he does remember she’s 35 weeks pregnant, right? 
“I know that look, Peralta.” Her voice is distrustful, and after 7 years together she should know better than giving in to his teasing, but her suspicious air only fuels his fire and desire to mess with her. 
“In honor of my incredible and always so organized wife, there’s a tightknit schedule waiting for us.”
Tightknit schedule? Amy would usually be beaming at these words but right then and there, swollen legs, hungry and feeling everything but hot and fit after the drive, she aches to fall back onto the bed and sleep for days. It’s huge, king-sized, with crispy white sheets and the fluffy pillows are definitely calling her name. Although, the fact that Jake has everything planned out for their last vacation together, just the two of them, does pull on some heartstrings. He loves her so much and she loves him so much too. So much that she (almost) doesn’t turn a hair when he proudly starts listing their schedule for the evening and following day. 
“So right now it’s 4 PM which means unpacking-time. At 6 we have a dinner reservation at this cute little restaurant in a little town nearby so we’ll need to leave at approximately 5.45. At 8 there’s a showing of Die Hard at the local movie theater, which I thought we could attend?”
Okay, maybe her left eye flinches at this but very discreetly (or so she chooses to believe). 
“Then tomorrow there’s breakfast at 7, which is perfect because we have canoeing on the lake at 8.30...” 
She zones out after this. Hormones, tiredness, the fact that she can’t feel her feet- there are a thousand reasons but Amy can feel the most is tears prickling, threatening to spill. Not because she doesn’t appreciate her husband’s efforts and grand gestures, all for her, but because she can’t stand the thought of doing any of these sweet things he’s planned for them. She can’t cry though. He’s going to think something is actually wrong.
However far gone she was, the sound of Jake’s voice pulls her back in and there’s a confusing mixture of mischief and pure adoration shining from these famous deep brown eyes. Why is he almost smiling when she’s having a tiny meltdown?
“Are you crying?”
“No?” she scoffs although she’s proven wrong upon touching her cheek where her fingers are met by a thin wet streak. “I’m just,” she clears her throat in hopes of avoiding a strained voice, “so overwhelmed by happiness and everything you’ve planned for us. It all sounds… great.”
Silence dawns upon them as Amy’s fake smile tries to convince him. On his part, Jake is biting his lip in an attempt to hold back a laugh, but his wife’s panicked look and teary eyes have him failing to last and after a couple of seconds he breaks the quietness. 
“Honey, I’m messing with you,” he chuckles and quickly pulls her back in for a tight hug, as tight as the belly allows, pecking the top of her head. “I know you love a good schedule but the only plans I have for us are: staying in bed, ordering room service, and watching tv.”
“Oh, thank God.”
The moan of relief flies out of her before she can even consider how it must sound to Jake, a great deal of embarrassment hitting her upon realization. She just made it sound like she wouldn’t appreciate her husband’s effort to make this weekend of theirs the best. 
“Jake, I’m so sorry! I didn’t-”
She pulls back to look him in the eyes, ready to offer a sincere apology for her blunt exclamation. She never gets to. Instead, she’s met with a huge grin and her husband looking everything but mad or hurt. Almost as if he knew. He knew how she’d react. He wanted her to react.
“You sly sneak! You knew you’d freak me out!” 
Only her husband can trick her like this, and, on one hand, it’s very endearing... Jake Peralta is more than just a good cop; he’s excellent. Brilliant and bold, maybe even too much sometimes, although he usually gets away with it. Usually, she’s always on his heels and she hates to admit it, but her mommy brain and restless hormones are making it much harder, if not impossible, to keep up with his always upbeat pace. 
“Of course I knew, babe.”
No matter how hard she tries, she can’t even find it within herself to be genuinely annoyed with him. He’s pulled her back into his arms and is looking at her with that mischievous smile that can both infuriate and enchant her. Tonight it’s a little bit of both although mostly the latter, she has to admit and the last bit of annoyance melts away the second he leans in, offering her a soft kiss that lets reminds her of the fact that he’s the best thing in the whole damn world. 
“I love you,” she manages to mumble against his lips before he can pull too far back, her swollen fingers cradling his jaw to emphasize her words. It tampers with any kind of reasoning and her ability to remain miffed. 
“I love you too...” her husband mumbles back against her lips. 
Pulling away isn’t an option, he’s too addicted and he enjoys feeling the air coming from her nose when she chuckles. “How much?”
“At the very least enough to not make my heavily pregnant wife canoe around a lake.” 
“Peanut and I appreciate that very much.”
Although after all these months there’s a comfort and familiarity in being able to rub her belly and know her son is in there, safe and sound, knowing he soon enough will be out here in the real world with them has butterflies fluttering in her chest. Jake’s hand joining hers in stroking her belly only causes the number of butterflies to multiply, explode all over again, and her hormones are making her question whether she wants to cry or laugh - or perhaps do both. After such a long wait, from the second they decided to start trying, there’s no blaming her impatience. There’s so much to expect and patience has never been her strongest asset. Only when it comes to Jake and their son. She’s impatient to see, hear and feel it all. The life and adventure she’s created with the man she loves the most seems scarily close yet torturously far away. 
With no reason to leave in sight, Amy finds herself bundled up in a hotel bed sent from heaven, wearing nothing but panties and her favorite nursing bra. Jake is on an errand run to grab her the creme cheese-filled pierogis and Arroz con Leche their son and she are very much craving. Although she does prefer her abuela’s homemade version of the latter, even a pregnant Amy can come to terms with the fact that there are limits to Jake’s super husband-powers. He can and will get her almost anything as long as physically possible - or within a radius of 20 miles which Abuela Dolores at this given time for good reasons isn’t. 
Amy had insisted on the hotel’s room service menu being more than fine, but her husband knows her all too well and could tell she wasn’t content with the ravioli and créme brulée she’d originally settled for. Before she could even begin to protest his offer to run out and get it for her, her husband had pulled on a pair of jogging pants and a hoodie, grabbed his keys, and left her behind with a peck to the top of her head and a promise to be back in not too long. 
In all honesty, the ravioli and creme brulée would’ve been fine, and she would’ve preferred Jake to be here to cuddle her. Nonetheless, there’s no denying how loved and important Jake makes her feel. Especially when he suddenly walks in the door, multiple plastic bags hanging on his arms and car keys dangling from his mouth. The view is hilarious, to say the very least, and she wonders: how did she ever get so very lucky? 
Perhaps she will never know the answer to this. Luckily when you’re cuddled up in a soft hotel bed eating pierogis, fries, grapes, and Arroz con Leche with the love of your life, it doesn’t really matter how you got there. Being too busy talking, eating, and making out, the documentary about the history of paper Amy’s been dying to watch is mostly just background noise. 
“Can you believe we’re having a baby?”
Her husband’s mouth is filled with fries and before she can even think of answering his question, she has to reach over to wipe ketchup from the corner of his mouth. 
“Yes… but also no. In a good way.”
It’s true. She always knew she wanted kids but wanting is one thing; actually outliving it still seems surreal to her, even as she runs her hands around the curve of the skin encapsulating their very own little human being. What makes it so much more surreal is the fact that Jake Peralta is the father. Jake Peralta, the guy who she 6 years ago could only pine for. Now she’s lying in bed with him, watching him smile at her with those soft, brown eyes and warm rosy lips that she not so secretly hopes their son will inherit. He swiftly wipes oil and salt off his fingers before reaching over to place his hands on top of her belly. Placing hers on top of his happens like a newfound reflex of hers. His hand is warm and feels like home.
“This is probably the last getaway we’ll have, yanno, just the two of us.”  
His soft voice has her looking up from their joined hands on her belly to see him looking directly at her with glistening eyes, the blue light from the television casting a blue hue on the side of his head. He looks so handsome, pensive, so perfect and she can’t come to terms with the fact that he’s her’s and she his, and together they’ve created new life.
“Yeah. More likely than not.” 
“How do you feel about that? Are you scared? You know- of giving birth and how life will be after that?”
A few beats of silence go by, only the dull sound of the tv filling the otherwise silent room. His hand never slips out of from beneath hers. Does this question maybe reflect some worries of his? 
“Not scared, per se...”
She quickly makes sure that there’s no food in-between them before scooting in closer to him. Her hand slips off of his only to slide up his arm, all the way up to cup his face. There’s close to no room between them. Her thumb dances across his cheekbone. 
“... Excited, maybe a bit anxious, but I know it’ll be alright and so very worth it in the end. And yeah, our life nd dynamic might have to change a bit but it’ll always be us. But I’m not scared,” This seems to put a damper on his running mind. “And you know why?”
“Because I have the world’s best baby daddy.”
As hoped a wide smile lights up his face, pure unadulterated joy so obviously present in this little moment of theirs. Worries seem irrelevant and non-existing. 
“Are you worried, babe?” 
She sees his smile fade a bit but not enough to genuinely worry her. Just like everyone, he has his thoughts and worries. With care comes worries. He wants to do his best, she knows. 
“Maybe a bit, you know? Like not genuinely worried like I would’ve been a few years ago, but just… averagely worried.” 
“That’s okay,” she comforts, her thumb still tracing smooth lines on his cheek. “It’s normal. It just means you care and want to do good, which is all I can really ask of you.” 
“I do care. A lot. So so much,” he chuckles shyly. 
“Which is also why you’re going to be fine, I will be fine and everything will be fine.” 
She doesn’t give him the time to agree nor protest but instead leans in to place a long, tender kiss on his lips, inviting him to join in on the moment.  It’s just a simple kiss, soft, like the one they had a Shaw’s after agreeing to stop trying (which eventually lead to more trying, but that’s beside the point). With every breath, they take the kiss grows deeper, longer. It’s as if their bodies are aware of the fact that this will be the last time they get to do this without a child to get home to; without the responsibility of being a parent. All at once, it’s frightening but also, more than anything, exciting. Their lives might be on the verge of changing forever. Although lying there in bed together, feeling the soft touch of their spouse, it feels like they’ve never changed and never will. They’re always going to be Jake and Amy. 
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crystalirises · 3 years
Death was Fated to Be...
... it just never specified whose.
TW: Implied Character Death, Ghost Children, and Blood
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28886223/chapters/83167660
His eyes fluttered open, the taste of ash sharp against his tongue. He felt cold, everything was cold. He shivered, little hands coiled around the stone ground. A red sky greeted him, shrieks and screams echoing in the distance. Faintly, he could smell a metallic scent in the air. A feather floated by, its black hue somehow bright against the red sky. He tried to stand, but a sharp pain ran through his whole body. Tears ran past his cheeks, stinging at his skin. Soon, the mild hurt turned into agony, and he let out a tortured shriek. Arms wrapped around him, the world grew dark. He screamed against the hold, more tears running past his cheeks and burning at his face.
“Shhh, you’re alright, mate. You’ll be alright. Your grandpa’s right here.”
His face was buried in a cloak, the scent of mint and tea reaching his nose as his cries turned into small sobs. He still couldn’t see, but as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw that it wasn’t darkness that covered him. It was a wall of feathers. He whimpered, struggling in his captor’s hold, but they kept a tight hold on him. He could hear explosions, but his captor blocked away the world from his view. He heard the rustle of feathers, their muffled steps, and knew that his captor was moving towards the cacophony of chaos. He whined, hoping that his papa would come save him soon. He didn’t want to be taken, not by a stranger, even if they did have wings.
“I know you’re scared, Fundy. It’s alright. I have you, you’re safe.”
A hand petted the back of his head, fingers pausing at the base of his ears before scratching. His tail wagged, a yip escaping him despite the fear that was still curled in his mind. They curled closer to their captor’s chest, clinging to their calming scent. They smelled old. Fundy would have snickered if he wasn’t a bit too scared to offend the person who was holding him. After a moment, the panic of outside melted away into a tense lull. His captor paused. Fundy sniffed at the air, his nose wrinkling at the strong scent of metal and of withered rot. The wings unfurled away from him, giving him a view of the world outside. He preferred it inside the safety of the wings. His attention focused on the scorched ground and the rubble that scattered the dead earth.
“Phil… I didn’t think you’d be here.”
A gruff and tired voice broke Fundy from his thoughts. He buried his face deeper against his captor’s scratchy cloak. He didn’t like the voice, and he didn’t want to see the voice’s source.
“Well, mate. It’s not everyday you’re told your son has plans to blow up a nation, a nation that he founded himself, mind you.” His captor - Phil - sighed, adjusting his hold on Fundy. The new position didn’t allow him to hide his face. “I just can’t believe it, Techno. He loved this country.”
“Didn’t seem like that to me, Phil. I may have not agreed on the idea of the continuation of government, but I never agreed upon the TNT placement. Wilbur made that choice all on his own. He was the traitor, and I don’t lie when I say that I saw it coming.” The piglin hybrid before them spoke low, his voice barely above a whisper despite the roughness in it. Crimson red eyes met his gaze, a wince crossing the piglin hybrid’s - Techno’s - face. His regal clothing was bathed in blood and ash, the once white shirt now drenched in red. Fundy whimpered, but despite his fear, he tried to hold the man’s gaze. Techno mentioned his papa’s name. Maybe he knew where his papa was. The piglin hybrid snorted, crossing his arms across his chest. “Phil, I know you have an addiction with adopting orphans but this is a bit much, don’t you think? He’s dea—”
“Techno. Not now.” A hand rested on top of his head, petting his… has his hair always been white? Fundy blinked, eyes wide as a strand of white curly hair clung to his forehead. “I’ll tel—”
“Can Fundy ask a question, pwease?” He didn’t mean to cut off Phil, but he was scared and wanted his papa. The man holding him paused, flashing a gentle smile while he nodded for Fundy to continue. He pursed his lips, throwing a cautious look towards Techno. “Where papa?”
The man froze, teeth clenched as he sucked in a deep breath. Techno averted his gaze, attention fixed to the sword that had been sheathed at his waist. Fundy frowned, trying to reach both their eyes, but neither of them could look at him. He tried to squirm out of Phil’s hold, intent on finding his way back to L’Manburg. The sky was beginning to darken, and papa wouldn’t like it if he came home late. Phil didn’t let him go. He whimpered, eyes pooling with tears that were quickly brushed away before they could even touch his skin. Phil shushed him, rocking him back and forth as he paced around the ground. “No, no, no. It’s alright, Fundy. You’re safe, I promise. I’m your grandpa… your Grandza, as I assume Wilbur would have told you to address me as.”
“G-grandza?” He sniffled, wiping his nose on the man’s cloak. Phil laughed, wrinkling his nose, but he didn’t berate Fundy for the action. He looked over at Techno, taking in the strange piglin hybrid who looked extremely uncomfortable underneath his stare. He thought back to his dad’s stories - at least the ones that weren’t as fuzzy in his mind - recalling how his dad would mention his older twin brother who was a powerful warrior. He also mentioned that his older twin brother had long pink hair. Fundy pointed at Techno in awe, all previous fear gone. “Uncle Techno!”
“HEH?!” Fundy giggled, tail wagging as he tried to reach towards his uncle. Unfortunately (or fortunately, if you ask Technoblade), the screams of an angry mob reached their ears. Fundy withdrew, whining as he gripped at his ears. He heard his grandza and his uncle quickly exchange words, and then they were running away, the wind brushing against his hair and cheek.
But… he didn’t feel cold. No. Not at all.
Fundy poked at the hole in his chest, phantom blood oozing out in a hue of orange. He wrinkled his nose, the blood splattering against the wooden floor before disappearing into thin air. Grandza had given him a mirror, something to occupy himself with as they continued to build the cabin around him. He wanted to help, but his uncle and his grandza said that he could help decorate the inside of the cabin instead once they finished building. His attention turned back to his reflection, his small frown going back into a smile. He was wearing his favorite sweater. It was orange, warm, and very fluffy. Like his tail! His papa had asked uncle Tommy to make it a few sizes bigger, so he could barely even see his little hands as the sleeves covered them entirely.
His white curly hair nearly covered his blank white eyes, and he couldn’t help but wonder how Eret would feel if he showed them his eyes. They matched now! He giggled, sitting down on the floor after looking at himself in the mirror for as long as his attention remained. He watched his grandza and uncle work around him instead, his grandza having built a small roof above him so that the cold, wet snow wouldn’t touch his skin. Fundy was a bit disappointed to realize that he’d never be able to touch snow or water again. They hurt him, and Fundy didn’t like getting hurt.
“Hey, mate. Need anything down there?”
“No, Grandza!” He looked up, waving at his grandza who was standing on a nearby wall that had yet to be finished. Fundy frowned, floating off the ground for a bit before settling back down. It was snowing heavily now, and he didn’t want to get hurt again. They learned the hard way that Fundy couldn’t touch snow when Phil had placed him down on the snow, in which Fundy began to shriek the moment his feet touched the ground. He sighed, laying down. “Want to help…”
“You know you can’t, mate. Not with the snow.” His grandza stuck out his hand, a snowflake landing against the palm of his hand before quickly melting away. He frowned, turning his head to the white flurry that flowed down around him. Grandza hadn’t thought of how big the space he should have for movement, the two by two wooden roof barely gave him any space to run around in. He looked just as a cold gust of wind slapped against his cheek. He turned back to see grandza back on the ground, his wings had let out a puff of air as he landed gracefully on the ground. Fundy sat up as grandza walked closer to him, ruffling his hair. “Bored? Alright, wait.”
Grandza began to add more wood to the roof, giving Fundy more space to run around in and play. Fundy was happy about it… until he realized that he didn’t have anything to play with. His toys were back in L’Manburg, and his papa was still in L’Manburg. He followed after grandza, the man focused so much on the roof that he didn’t notice the small tugging at his robe. After a few seconds, Fundy gave up on trying to get his grandza’s attention. “When papa coming?”
His grandza winced, eyes darting here and there like any other object was much more interesting than Fundy. He frowned, tugging at grandza’s cloak once again. Fundy heard his grandza let out a sigh under his breath, crouching beneath the wooden roof so he could pull Fundy into his arms. They sat there, Fundy fiddling with the mint tea-scented cloak that helped him calm down. Grandza smelled nice, even his papa didn’t smell that nice. His papa always smelled like gunpowder and freshwater. Fundy only ever liked the freshwater, the gunpowder not so much.
“Fundy…” His grandza’s gaze flicked down, black wings ruffling behind him. Fundy tried not to look as nervous as his grandza, maybe if he looked brave, grandza would be too. A hand petted the top of his head, fingers shaking as it held a strand of white hair. “I need you to understand—”
Fundy looked behind Phil, noticing a familiar figure trekking through the snow in the distance.
The sword clattered against the blood-stained cobblestone, red ichor dripping past the edge and landing somewhere far below their reach. Phil could hear the loud thump of his heart in his ears, the rush of adrenaline seeping away from his veins as the body collapsed against the ground. He moved before his mind could process what happened, hands gripping at the corpse that had stopped breathing the moment his sword had struck. Not a single word had been said. Not a cry. Not even the chance to say goodbye. His fingers gripped the back of the body’s head, rocking back and forth even as it began to fade away from his hold. The soul was being claimed, he of all people should know there was nothing to be done to stop the process. He held on a little tighter.
He’d flown miles from the solace of his home. He was an old man, at least as old as his real age would imply. He was an immortal, a man who has seen countless wars. He has seen empires rise and fall. He has seen mortals rise from the ashes and return to the earth. He has watched the world change around, adapting to the times, careful to never fall for the charms of mortals. And he’d stuck to that mora; ever since he realized he could never grow beyond the age of 40. He’d stuck to it even after countless forms of death. He couldn’t seem to die. He’d walked the earth, alone and content with his immortality. Then he’d met Technoblade, a warrior possessed with the spirit of the Blood God. Phil has yet to determine what Techno is, a mortal or a god. Then after, he’d fallen in love with the goddess of death herself, and gained the title of ‘The Angel of Death.’
In all his years. In all his lifetimes. This very moment affirmed his moral to never befriend or ever grow close to a mortal soul. He didn’t know why it burned so badly, but it did. And he’d never felt this pain in a very long time… not since his first lifetime. The body beneath his fingertips crumbled into dust, lost to the winds of time. Blood still clung to his fingertips and to his cloak. His breath stuck against his throat, tears springing to his eyes. He held them back, his hands trembling instead. Phil held his hands close to his chest, eyes fluttering close as he whispered a prayer of death and safe passage. Perhaps his wife will receive him in the afterlife, and maybe he’d be happier there than he was in this life. He shook his head. In all his years. Among all the souls he’d reaped and sent away. He didn’t realize how painful death really was.
“Phil…” He forced himself to look up. The sword was no longer on the ground, instead it had been picked up. Blood slid down its steel blade, staining the ground even more. Phil winced at the noise, at the drip-drop of red. He stood, his shaky knees threatening to give way beneath him.
He let out a shaky sigh, forcing himself to meet his son’s dark eyes. “Wilbur…”
Hm... is the Wilbur coming to where Phil, Fundy, and Techno are Ghostbur or just Alivebur?
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More Then a Woman | Frank Woods x Fem!Reader | Chapter 4
Alex tries to get Woods to open up on why he's been acting so... odd lately, and Woods proves himself to be emotionally intelligent and self aware
Tags: Slow burn, fluff
Chpt 1 | Chpt 2 | Chpt 3 | Chpt 5 |Warnings: strong except language and some age difference, in case you don't like that
Mason fires off three shots in rapid succession, all of them hit a perfect headshot on the paper dummy. He whoops in disbelief, removing his earmuffs to brag to Woods.
“Damn, did you fucking see that?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, good shit Mason”, Frank agrees, yet he seems distracted.
Alex sneaks a glance at Frank’s shooting dummy to see it’s barely been touched. He looks back over at his friend. The Sargent smiles as though lost in a daydream, thoroughly cleaning and absentmindedly inspecting his gun over and over again. Mason cocks his head and waves a hand in front of Woods’ face.
“Hellooo”, he calls teasingly, “What’s the matter with you, huh?”
Frank blinks hard, giving his head a little shake, “Huh? The fuck are you talking about, I’m fine”, he blows off the question and readies his pistol down the firing lane, as though he were just taking a little break all along.
“Alright, that’s enough”, Alex puts his pistol down forcefully, adding his earmuffs to boot. “You wanna know something Frank? The real reason I brought you out here was because I was hoping you would open up, damn it! Look, you’ve been acting… not yourself. Ah! Let me finish! Anyway…”, Mason comes a little closer, taking on a more personal, concerned tone, “I’m worried about you man. I mean, we’ve known each other for how fucking long? Whatever it is, you can tell me, and I know you know that, so… What the fuck is holding you up?”
Frank spares a glance to the friendly hand resting on his shoulder, then back to the concerned eyes of his closest, and perhaps even only, friend. He shrugs Mason’s hand away, “It’s nothing man, come on”
“Oh, but it is something then?”, Alex takes on an accusatory tone that makes Frank bristle.
“I said, it’s fucking nothing”
“What!”, Woods slams down his own firearm, turning his full attention to the conversation, “Why the hell do you need to know so badly anyway? I said it’s nothing, end of story! If anything, it’s fucking… stupid, so just drop it alright!”
“I care because I care about you, you bastard!”, Mason gestures aggressively to accentuate his point, but gives up soon after with a frustrated sigh.
But... Woods feels for his friend, and he appreciates the effort. Really, he does. It’s not often he has someone check in to see how he’s doing. Or… at all, really. He huffs a sigh and throws a look Alex’s way. Damn it…
“Fine. It’s about a girl, alright? You happy now?”, he looks away quickly, snatching up his firearm as though to get back to the target practice. Unfortunately, Alex has other plans.
He reaches across the divider and lowers Franks pistol from the shooting position, wearing a grin somewhere between bewildered and teasing. “Are you fucking serious? All this, for a girl?”
Woods immediately gets defensive, “Hey, fuck you! I-”
“Jesus Frank, calm down, will ya? I’m just… Well, surprised, I guess!”, he laughs, but in the disarming, good natured way that he’s so inclined towards. “Well don’t keep me in suspense, who is it? She must mean a lot to you to have you this bent out of shape, haha”
Frank thinks a moment, wondering if he should really give himself up like this… But then, he’s already in this deep, right?
“It’s… The secretary from the CIA headquarters…”, his voice is so low, it's more a dampened mumble than anything else.
Mason freezes, trying to decide if he heard him right.
“Frank… You can’t be serious.”, he leans in once more, taking on a now concerned, hushed tone, “I- Come on man, she’s just a kid. D-don’t you want a woman with a little more… experience, at least? I mean-”
Frank recoils at that, “Woah woah woah, what the fuck? Who the fuck said anything about that shit? It’s not like that!”
“Well ok, maybe life experience then! I don’t fucking know!”
“Look, will you stop trying to make me feel like shit?” What, you think I don’t already know all this? That I haven’t told myself about it a million fucking times!” Woods takes another breath, ready to spit out the rest of his speech. Instead, he uses it to steady himself, and calm down.
Come on… It’s just Alex.
“Damn it… Ok, I’m sorry. I just… I don’t think about her like that, ok? I-”, his voice drops to just above a whisper, his mouth working nervously, as though he’s afraid to admit what he has to say next. “I’m just so... lonely, damn it. I wish… I wish, I had someone like that around for just... company's sake, I guess? Someone who’s… sweet, and… gives a shit about me…. You know?”
Mason looks down, his face set in a look of sympathy, thinking back to his own happy life complete with his wife and son back home. He doesn’t think he’s ever heard this much emotion in Frank’s voice. “Yeah… I know…”
“Heh, but who gives a fuck. I mean, there’s no way she’d go for me, right?”, he huffs a humorless laugh. Frank goes silent for a long moment. It doesn't take his closest friend to see that everything he’s admitted to today weighs more heavily on him then one would even realize.
But suddenly, the despondency is broken. As though regretful to have been so vulnerable, he covers it up the Woods way, “Hey. If you fucking tell anyone I said this shit, I’ll fucking kill you”
He and Alex lock eyes, one with an unsure look of fear and the other one of dire seriousness. But, after he’s had his fun, Frank’s stern expression melts into a joking laugh. He gives Alex’s shoulder a playful shove, “Aw come on, I’m just messing with you! Let’s get back to the range, huh?”
Woods readies his shooting equipment again, and just before he puts on the earmuffs…
“Hey, Frank? ...Your secret is safe with me”, Alex smiles, earning a subtle one back from his friend.
“Heh, fucking softie…”
“You know what? Maybe... you could try talking to her, you know? I don’t really get it but… No harm in trying, right?”
Frank considers the advice. He’s serious, isn’t he? Well…
“Yeah, maybe…”
Frank looks at the double glass doors of the CIA offices, checking over his reflection one last time. He’s decided to take Mason’s advice… Today’s the day. He’s just going to go find you, try to not come off as a psycho again, and maybe ask you out to uh… coffee? Yeah, that’s what most people do, he thinks.
Last night, he ransacked his closet for this outfit. And wouldn’t you know it? Way, way back under the piles of shit, he found a nice, light grey dress shirt and some mostly polished leather shoes to go along with his good old jeans. Is this... ‘business casual’ or whatever the fuck? Hell if he knows, but he assures himself that it’s the effort that counts. He straightens the collar and smooths down the front, doing his best to ignore the way it hugs his abdomen just a bit too much for his liking.
He licks his thumb and swipes it once over each eyebrow, making sure to admire all the work he put in this morning. If anyone else saw him now, there’s a good chance they wouldn’t recognize him. Gone is the wild, fluffy mess of black hair, and instead he’s managed to slick it down into a respectable, controlled style. He even brushed and shaped up his beard, for Christ’s sake.
Well, no more fucking around, he supposes.
Frank takes a deep breath and pushes through the double doors. He wanders through the public section, then badges himself into the back offices. Now if he remembers correctly, he ran into you right about… down that way. Unfortunately, he only knows you by first name, thanks to that coffee shop place.
It’s a name that’s been playing back in his mind over and over again ever since that morning.
He’d never admit to it, but perhaps… only once or twice, he’s tested the way it sounds aloud. Just to hear it again. He knows he’s getting way too ahead of himself, but you know, if this were to ever work out… maybe another tattoo is in order. He brushes a hand absentmindedly over his left pec where even now his heart hammers away nervously.
It would be a fitting spot for the name of his girl…
A slow brigade of names on silver, engraved plates passes him by, until finally… There.
Your door is closed, but the sound of furiously fast typing tells him you’re in. He raises a hand to knock… Or, wait. Should he knock? Is that weird? Maybe he should just… come in? No no, that’s freaky as fuck… Right?
His thoughts are interrupted by the harsh ringing of your desk phone, which is silenced promptly as you answer. Damn it, now that he thinks about it, what should he even say? Fuck… he should’ve brought flowers or something, shouldn’t he? Fuck fuck fuck! He knew it, this was never going to work. Maybe he should just lea-
Suddenly, your door swings open. You shriek in surprise at finding another human being just on the other side, clapping a hand to your mouth as you correct yourself, only now realizing who it is. “Oh! Sarge- Um, Frank… I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t recognize you!”, you laugh, trying to break the tension that doesn't even exist.
No, right now, all he’s focused on is you...
The sound of your laughter washes over him, and once again he’s reminded of that warm, dream like summer breeze he felt with you not so long ago, back at the coffee shop. It almost makes him wish you would laugh at him more often… Just so he could hear that sweet, sweet sound. Today you’re wearing a pink pleated skirt and a tastefully ruffled blouse. Everything, from your shoes to the little touch of makeup, matches perfectly.
You look very… cute.
There’s a word he never thought he’d say….
Frank mutters something placating to reassure you that no harm’s been done, but it’s all he can do to stay upright. His face feels inordinarily warm, and he can actually feel his heart beating, no, racing, without even touching it. HE's almost sure he’s dying, and to make matters worse, he can’t recall ever having been made to feel this way before.
So, what the fuck is happening to him?
(Uh oh, cliff hanger! Luckily, the next half is up!)
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strawbunniiee · 3 years
A Girl and a Ghost Ch 5. Precious Rose
SOOOO this one is a bit lengthy!! there’s a bit of blood, a lil language, so fair warning! oh yeah and HEHEHE SPOILER ALERT THERE’S SOME TASTY PHANTOMEACH MWAHAHAHHAA
i had a LOT of fun writing the phantom and peach fluff hehehe ;)
dont worry!! this definitely won’t be the last chapter either, there’s still gonna be more of my cheesy fic sjfndkfd
hope you enjoy!! @salamifuposey @monsterbride99 just letting these lovely hooman beans know that this chapter exists!!
Jawaii had her arms raised, ready to slice King Boo to ribbons, but the king blasted her back into a wall.
Jawaii had the wind knocked out of her lungs as she slid to the floor.
Phantom rushed to Jawaii's side, picking up her petite body. His eyes became a deep, dark blood red as he shot a murderous glare at King Boo.
"She didn't even stand a chance." he smirked.
Phantom charged a blast of blue fire in his palm. "DIE!" he screamed, hurling it at the king with all of his might.
He had attempted to avoid it, but he wasn't fast enough. The ball engulfed him in flames as he screamed.
The king flung a fireball from his cracked crown, but due to his crown being damaged, it spiraled out of control, which hit Phantom in the process but also set the attic ablaze. He gasped and grabbed Peach's body.
Jawaii regained her breath and jumped off of Phantom.
She didn't listen, instead she ran to King Boo and aimed to tackle him. She phased right through him and onto the floor. This just made him guffaw.
Phantom began to inhale, gathering air in his body to let out the loudest, most powerful opera scream he had ever sung.
King Boo saw this as an opportunity to take Peach back from Phantom. The ghost Rabbid glanced over at Jawaii in panic, as if begging her to do something.
Jawaii leaped up while the king was distracted and stabbed him, taking great effort to make it as painful as possible for him. It cut open his skin, creating a massive gash on the side of his face, bleeding out a strange blood-like substance, perhaps ectoplasm.
The king let out a monstrous howl as he fell over onto the floor screaming, his hands over the gash.
Then, Phantom finally let out his scream, after inhaling so much air he felt like he was about to explode. It was a force so strong, so powerful that it blew a massive hole in the attic, blowing the bleeding king far away, all the way to the swamps in Spooky Trails.
Both of their ears rung from the noise.
Peach began to slowly wake up. Phantom picked up Jawaii and burst out of the hole in the manor, taking the three of them away.
Peach screamed when she fully woke up.
"Wh-where am I? Who are you? ...Oh. Mr. Tom?... what happened?" the princess sputtered out, deeply confused by what was happening. "All I remember is... King Boo taking me away, and then... nothing. And... who's the little girl?"
Phantom's face turned red and his eyes widened as he shyly looked away, blushing. "Ah, w-well... Princess, it's a rather complicated st-story, you see,—"
"Phantom, why don't you and I tell her what happened together? Maybe it'll be a lot easier that way!" Jawaii chimed in cheerfully.
Phantom smiled at Jawaii. "I suppose you're quite right!"
The two happily retold Peach everything that had happened, complete with how the two became friends, their adventure in Spooky Trails, leading all the way up to them rescuing her from King Boo.
"Oh my goodness, what a story! It sounds very scary but exciting at the same time! I'm glad that you're safe and sound, though!" beamed Peach.
Phantom blushed yet again. "Oh, why thank you dear Princess! I'm quite happy you went on unscathed as well."
"Hang on a sec, you know this lady Phantom? She seems very nice!" asked Jawaii.
"O-oh, yes yes! I do know her. We're, erm, friends." Phantom said quickly.
Jawaii squinted suspiciously at him. "You seem super awkward in front of her. Do you have a crush on her or somethin'?"
Phantom's face was a bright red tomato at this point. "N-no, that's preposterous, o-of course not! Why, no male and female can be t-together without people believing that they are lovers!"
Peach giggled a bit. Jawaii grinned mischievously.
"You know, Jawaii has a point. Do you have a crush on me..?" asked Peach.
"...N-no, it's just hot out here. I act a b-bit strangely when it's scorching hot like this!" It was actually quite cold that morning, contrary to Phantom's statement. "Oh, and would you look at th-that, we're here already!"
They had made it to the silent castle in the early hours of the morning. The sun had not even come up yet, still pitch black and silent. Phantom set Peach and Jawaii down gently.
"...Thank you so much for saving me from King Boo, Tom." Peach gave Phantom a gentle kiss on the cheek. His face violently blushed as he had a look of sheer surprise on his face, his jaw hanging open. Jawaii couldn't help but snicker at the look on Phantom's face.
"I... oh my! I wasn't e-expecting that, my princess." Phantom stammered.
Peach simply just smiled. "Would you like me to get you a room to stay in for the rest of the night? You two must be very exhausted after your dangerous adventure together!"
"That would be very much appreciated!"
"Oh... Jawaii? Should I tell your parents where you are...?" asked Peach, concerned.
Oh crud, I totally FORGOT about that. thought Jawaii.
"Uhhhhh... I'm sure they're fine! I'll just come back when the sun's up!"
"All right, then. I'll be right back in just a moment!" Peach walked off.
Phantom went silent.
"Hey uh... now that she isn't here... do you actually have a crush on her?" asked Jawaii.
Phantom looked around and whispered in Jawaii's ear. "To be completely honest, yes. I do. She's the most beautiful, kind woman I have ever met... and thanks to King Boo bringing back the memories of my past life, I know that I had spent my past life attempting to get her to notice me. But it had resulted in my demise."
"First of all, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, no shit Sherlock, for a theater nerd you're a TERRIBLE liar y'know." she teased lightheartedly. "Second of all, ouch... that really sucks. But hey! In this life you befriended her!"
Phantom sighed. "I wish so dearly that we could be together. I tried so hard in my past life, I sacrificed so much to get her to notice me... but that red capped demon had gotten in the way countless times. And worst of all... he and Peach are together."
Phantom began to softly sob, his hands over his face in despair. Jawaii slowly walked over and gave him a hug.
"Aw... I'm so sorry about that... But my mom says it's not good to bottle up emotions. Maybe you should tell her how you feel..?" she suggested.
Phantom just stared in silence for a few moments before he finally responded. "...Perhaps."
"Maybe I could help you with it!"
"...No, i-it's best for me to simply just... tell her. I've known her for quite a while now, but I've mostly been too nervous to do as much as speak to her."
Jawaii hugged him again, even tighter than the last time. "I'm here for you, best friend." she smiled.
Phantom hugged back. "...Thank you, Jawaii."
After a few minutes, Peach came back in to tell them that their room was ready.
"Sorry about the wait! We had a few issues... come on in, it's much comfier in here than it is out there. It's so cold out." she said.
"Oh! You're all right, Princess."
Peach escorted the two into the castle and into their room. Just like outside, the castle was very dark. It had little to no light other than the light of the stars and moon softly shining through the windows.
When they arrived, Peach opened the door. The room was very tidy and had very expensive looking furnishings, and two extremely fluffy beds with plentiful amounts of pillows and blankets. Jawaii gasped and immediately began to jump on the bed. Phantom and Peach laughed a bit at Jawaii's antics.
"Well, sweet dreams you two. You both deserve it after the adventure you've had tonight! And thank you both again for saving me... that was such a terrifying experience. No matter how many times I get kidnapped, it's always so scary."
She smiled and blew them both kisses. Phantom blushed.
"Ah... you're welcome, Peach. Bonne nuit."
Peach smiled and closed the door. She went back off to bed happily.
"What the shit did you say to her? Bun... bon-nue. What?" Jawaii asked, deeply confused.
Phantom quietly chuckled. "Bonne nuit. It's French for good night."
"The heck's a French?"
"Heh heh. Perhaps I shouldn't be laughing, for you're an alien child. You don't know everything about Earth and that's understandable!"
"No, it's okay. I like to make people laugh. 'Cuz it means I made them happy!" replied Jawaii.
Phantom smiled at Jawaii once more. "We should get some rest, my child. We've had a very long day. Bonne nuit, Jawaii." He laughed a bit at his own joke.
Jawaii smiled. "Nighty night, Phantom." She yawned and stretched and sprawled out on her bed, quickly falling asleep within a matter of minutes.
Phantom, however, lay awake in his bed, thinking about what Jawaii had told him to do. He tossed and turned, pondering his decision. His heart throbbed, wondering what would happen.
Then, he decided.
He was going to tell her tonight. He had figured that he may as well get it over with now.
He nervously got out of bed and quietly phased through the walls to get to Peach's bedroom, where she had still laid awake. She was slightly startled by Phantom seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
"Oh! Tom? Is there... something you need?" she asked
"Well... there is something I must tell you. I've hidden it from you for so long... because I was afraid of being rejected, I suppose." he admitted.
"Oh... Well, what is it?"
"I know that you are already taken... b-but..." Phantom covered his blushing face with his hands, and forced himself to finally choke out the words.
"I l-love you."
He knew that this was the end. She was going to kick him out of her castle... or far worse.
But her response shocked him down to his very gramophone.
"Well... if I'm completely honest, I have feelings for you too. That peck on the cheek earlier... was something I've wanted to do for a long time." she smiled and looked away a bit.
Phantom stared dumbfounded at her. He couldn't believe it. "B-b-but, you— and M-Mario—" he stammered.
"Oh, that's just a rumor that goes around... everybody seems to think that! He's still a very close friend of mine, and I'm so glad he's saved me so many times."
"Erm... speaking of that... King Boo told me something about myself that not even I had known. I... I was a human once. I wanted so badly for you to notice me... each time you were kidnapped, I always attempted to save you... but my attempts were futile, for Mario always saved you before I ever could. But one day, King Boo trapped you in a painting... and for the first time, I had arrived in time to save you. Unfortunately, he had killed me and sealed my soul inside a gramophone. I had forgotten about this previous life... until he had told me. Then all of the memories rushed inside me. Saving you had felt... like I had finally fulfilled my goal." he explained.
"...Actually... now that I think of it, I do remember a handsome young man who had clothes not different than yours who had come to save me from him. I remember his beautiful deep voice... with that accent... it was your voice! Your voice was always so familiar to me...but I could never figure out where I heard it."
Phantom's face turned red from the complements. "P-princess, please stop flattering me..."
She giggled. "You haven't become any less handsome than you were as a human, you know."
Before Phantom could respond, she kissed him again. This time, on the lips.
The two kissed under the pale morning moonlight shimmering down into the room.
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mugiw4ra · 4 years
Yours and Mine.
The Joker doesn't take kindly to those who disobey him. You're his queen, and he expects much, much better of you. 
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, BDSM, bondage, sub/dom relationship, female reader.
6k+ words // AO3
Long story short (heh), this is basically the Doffy x Reader fic I've always wanted to read, so I took the bull by the horns and wrote it instead. I'd be down to write a few follow-up chapters, maybe bring Law into the mix. I really love this dynamic of Doflamingo being Doflamingo and having the brattiest Queen under his wing. I loved writing this and yes, it's a bit long, but I promise it pays off! xxx 
The warm sun kissed your skin as you strode through the royal gardens. As common with your previous visits to the King of Dressrosa, there appeared to be fewer staff attending the castle the closer you reached the front gates. You couldn’t even sense the presence of Doffy’s makeshift family, and your observation haki almost never failed you. Not having to look at Trebol and the annoyance of the rest of his crew was a relief to say the least. The black longcoat you wore to preserve your decency billowed behind you, and your velvet pink stilettos clicked on the brick pavement with every step you took. You were a queen coming home to claim your king as a prize for your spoils of war, and damn if you didn’t look the part. While he wasn’t a faithful partner, you were seen among his allies as the only weakness he’d ever been clumsy enough to expose. You were invaluable to him, and the respect he gave you may have been the only dead giveaway. 
The guards manning the towering front gates stiffened as you approached. They pulled the doors open without hesitation, and bowed as you passed. You gave them the slightest wave and fought back the smugness on your face. After years of being involved with Doflamingo, the feeling of being on top of the world was still something you hadn’t gotten quite used to. 
The courtyard was empty. The smell of roses hit your nostrils before you were able to take in the rest of your surroundings and it felt like a sigh of relief. It had been far too long since you’d visited this beautiful kingdom. A bubbling fountain sat idly in the center, and if you didn’t have an impatient warlord waiting in the next room you could have spent the entire afternoon right there. The entire castle was magical, but this was your favorite spot. It was so serene, and the warmth this place held was such a stark contrast against the power that loomed deeper within the stone walls. As you neared the halls connecting to the throne room, your stomach began to somersault in anticipation. You hadn’t seen Doflamingo in months, and if his family were nowhere to be seen, he had only one thing in mind for your arrival. He could never be bothered to give you a proper greeting, but you didn’t need one. It meant more to you to keep him waiting, the anticipation leading up to something he could never get tired of. Your heeled footsteps echoed through the halls. There were no guards to open doors for you this time, but the grand throne room doors opened regardless. You passed through the egress without changing pace. 
At the end of the long room sat the man in pink on his majesty’s throne. The cathedral ceiling and tall windows illuminated him, and you smirked as he looked you up and down without saying a word. You shrugged the jacket to the crook of your arms to reveal bare shoulders, exposing a skin tight strapless black dress that just barely covered your assets. Doffy sat with one leg slung over the arm of his elaborate chair and sunglasses hung low on his nose. A grin spread across his cheeks, and a faint blush teased at yours. You kept his eyes on his as you drew closer, not losing your composure. 
“Little flower,” he growled, the deepness in his voice never failing to send shivers up your spine. You’d be lying if you denied the warmth in your center hadn’t already begun to pool. 
”You’ve been absent for far too long.” 
“I hate to keep you waiting,” You purred. “Your enemies are getting pesky. If you keep pissing them off the way you do, you’ll have to do a bit more than wait if you want me back sooner.”
The back-handed sass was not warmly welcomed. 
“Oh, really? Have you weakened, little one? You don’t think you’re up for the simple task of keeping my kingdom peaceful anymore?” His voice began to rise, and while he was obviously toying with you, you began to feel smaller and smaller. 
You scoffed at him, and Doflmaingo’s grin grew wider as you drew closer. You were eye level with his bare chest now, just nearing the foot of his throne. 
“And what would you do with me then, captain?” Your voice was low and seductive. You tread these waters carefully. “Drown me? Slice me in two? Throw me off the island and hunt me down?” You crawled onto his lap slowly, with your legs on either side of his waist, forcing his leg to come down and sit properly. You could already feel the bulge in his skin-tight pants as his pink feathered jacket brushed kisses on your bare thighs. He swiftly pulled the coat off your back and let it fall to the floor. You took his hand and formed a makeshift gun with his fingers, holding the barrel under your chin to look up at him helplessly. “Shoot me down?”
 His booming voice quieted, and you could feel the steady breaths of the monster in front of you rise and fall in his chest. The muscles in his stomach rippled as he moved against you. 
“Stop giving me reasons.”
He snatched your wrist that touched his hand and held it above your head, rendering your entire right half useless.  His strength was unfathomable and struggling against it, despite your own power, was useless. 
“So confident,” He spoke sternly. “So gutsy. All this time, and that fire in you still burns. What do we make of that? How do we punish one that refuses to behave?”
Doflamingo’s grin was inches from your lips and you ground down onto him, stifling a whimper. After so long, this was quickly becoming all too much. His power, his voice ever teasing and taunting you, his strong hands binding you and holding you back. His length sitting directly between your legs growing with every move you made. 
His eyes travelled the length of your body. Doflamingo released your arm and with one swift motion, stood and slung you over his shoulder. One hand gripped your now exposed ass firmly while he made the route to his king’s quarters. 
You were comfortable enough with him to giggle as you settled into place on his back. 
“I thought I kept you waiting!” You taunted, “We have to go somewhere more comfortable? Really?”
His vice grip on you relaxed a bit, enough for him to turn and glance at you.
“I have something special planned for my disobedient queen. Impatient? Really?” A chuckle escaped his lips. 
After making your way through his library, you ended up in the bedroom you shared. Yes, you had your own wing of the castle but he liked your company more than he often cared to admit. He would summon you here at times, only to sip wine and sit in his arms while he read aloud and mused at the latest world news. You would sit and listen, give in to his desires, and enjoy having him all to yourself. You were, after all, more than happy to be at his whim. 
The large room had more floor to ceiling windows along with beautiful opened french doors that connected to a balcony. White curtains fluttered in the breeze that breathed life into the space.  The bed was the centerpiece of the room, one that was truly fit for a king. Where plush pillows and fluffy duvets once sat were now silk sheets and two or three ordinary pillows. The simple bed made a clear statement: nothing was going to get in the way. 
Doflamingo quite literally threw you onto the mattress, and with your hair haphazardly falling in your face, you kicked off your no longer needed heels. You smiled up at him, admiring his features that you missed as he unbuckled the belt on his jeans. 
“Where were we? Ah, yes,” he hissed. “Apparently you’ve forgotten how little I tolerate sass. That’s something we’re going to have to fix.”
His gaze turned cold as he folded the belt in two and pulled a chair from the nearby table. Out of thin air, his silky white strings appeared at your wrists and tugged them together in front of you to form a perfect, unbreakable knot. 
“Why you become such a little brat when you come back to me is curious.” Your wrists pulled forward, forcibly yanking you upright to sit up straight at the edge of the bed. “It’s almost as though you enjoy this.”
You peered over at him while he slid off his feathered coat, expertly hanging it on the back of the chair. Admiring every inch of the tanned skin you longed for, the warmth between your legs grew stronger and spread throughout your lower half. You were at his mercy, and you’d eat up every second of it. You arched your back and let your bound wrists fall between your legs. The scant dress nearly falling off of you slid further down your chest as you sat up, just barely revealing more of your chest. Not paying you much mind, Doffy found his place in the chair.
“I like pushing your buttons.” You smiled mischievously, “I like that I’m afraid of you and how much that makes me want you. You’re dangerous, and the fact you haven’t killed me yet means I get to keep coming back to this.” You gestured vaguely with your now useless hands. 
This earned you yet another tug at the wrists, now pulling you up and towards him without hesitation. Doffy gazed up at you, with a vile look of hunger smeared across his face. 
“If I killed you, I wouldn’t get to do this to you. I wouldn’t get to see your adorable little ass walk into my castle like you own the place, I wouldn’t get to see you beg, and I wouldn’t get to fuck you into submission because of it. You belong to me, and you shouldn’t take that lightly.” 
You moaned at his words and with a hot breath passing your lips, he pulled you forward yet again to bend you over his knee. He tilted his head down to speak low and clear into your ear.
“Now, why am I punishing you, little flower?” 
A hand gently pushed your dress up around your waist to reveal pink lace, a sight that did not go unnoticed by the man looming over you. He took a moment to toy with your lingerie, grabbing at your ass and letting his fingers just barely brush between your legs. You quivered at his touch. 
“I kept you waiting.” You smirked. 
Until a strong hand ferociously met your behind. The power behind the strike jolted you forward, and you cried out in both surprise and pain. The chair shifted beneath you. You were sure it was going to leave a bruise. 
“Wrong. Try again.” He massaged the angry skin with care, letting your tense muscles relax. 
“I disrespected you.” You sighed against his thigh, your breath now hot and heavy as you waited in anticipation for another blow. 
“I have never questioned your respect for me. I have never doubted your loyalty.” The look of confusion was torn for your face as quickly as your lace panties were ripped off of you. He warms you up this time, slowly rubbing the spot on your ass before giving another devastating blow to your other cheek. You cried out again, more of a moan this time. He was enjoying this. You could feel him straining against his pants underneath you. You whimpered at his touch. “Again.”
“I gave you attitude. I was rude and disobedient, and for that I’m sorry.” Your voice was rough and shaky, your entire lower half trembling from sizzling pain and arousal. 
“Finally. You’re supposed to be smart, my queen. But how do I know you’re truly sorry?” He teased. Another finger brushed against the length of your slit. “How do I know you won’t come home to me again and give me another headache?”
You stifled another moan. His touch felt like fire and all you wanted was more. You’d waited long enough. 
“You’re already so wet for me. You expect me to do something about it when you act the way you do?” The binds around your wrists tightened as if to drive his point home. “You think I’m done teaching you this lesson?” You groaned as he prodded at your center once more. “I’m going to spank you again, much harder, and we’re not going to repeat this again. Do you hear me?”
You nodded. 
Strings appeared again in front of your face this time, wrapping around your head to form a makeshift gag. You were able to bite down, and were grateful. It wasn’t out of restraint this time, but out of care. This was going to hurt. 
“I think we’ll do three. Bare, with the belt, and you’d be wise not to stifle whatever noise I rile out of you.” He lowered to your ear once more. 
“If you need a break, kick me.” He gestured his foot behind yours. 
You nodded once more in recognition. 
Doflamingo let his belt graze against your ass carefully, allowing you to feel the cold leather grace your skin. Shivers ran through every limb as you braced what was to come. He wound his hand back, and let the belt fall into you with incredible force. The smack echoed in the giant room. You yelped in pain and finished with a moan as you bit your restraint. You felt his other hand reach behind you to play with your now dripping pussy. 
“Good girl.” He purred. A finger dipped inside you. “Don’t hold back.”
The sinful noises escaping your mouth at this point could not be stopped if you tried. You were aching for him. He kissed the reddened mark the belt had left and wound up again, pushing the finger teasing you even further. Drool was pooling at the corners of your mouth and false tears in the corners of your eyes. The next spank was harder than the last, and your ass was almost numb from the pain. You could already feel the welts beginning to rise. You cried out in desperation, pushing your hips back to grind against the finger inside you. 
“You’re ready for me, aren’t you?”  
You groaned, whipping your head around to glare at him. He looked you dead in the eyes, and pulled his finger out to draw circles around your bundle of nerves. 
You nearly lost it. 
“One more, dear. One more.” You moaned again, he was fully erect underneath you and you couldn’t understand how he was still comfortable. Your want, surpassed by need, now had evolved into unadulterated hunger. You were putty in his hands and if it meant him fucking you into oblivion, you would obey his every desire. 
With an act of finality, the belt tarnished your sensitive skin one last time. You bit down on the strings, hard. Doffy’s hand left your center, and if it hadn’t you would have unraveled then and there. His hands immediately made their way back to your ass, massaging you deeply and with care. The strings around your mouth and wrists vanished, and he pulled you up to stand with him. You were dripping down your thighs, your lips red and full from ache. He leaned your head up towards his, and pulled you in with longing. His kiss was warm and welcome. 
“That’s my girl.” He half moaned against your lips as his tongue wound against yours. Your hands dipped below the waist of his bottoms and he allowed you to slide them down, freeing his member from the former constraints. His hands were all over you. Travelling the length of your arms, lingering at your now bruised wrists. He groped at your hips and pulled you closer to him. You let your fingers trail his impressive length. The dripping precum slicked your hands as you gently gripped the rest of him. He sighed into your collar and took your jaw in his hand. He tilted your head out of the way as he sucked and bit at your neck, leaving a pattern of bruises and marks along the way. His teeth grazed you a bit harder before he spoke, 
“Undress.”  he commanded. His gravelly tone against your sensitive skin sent fire through you. You stepped away, and lifted an eyebrow at him. 
While he was exploring the curves of your figure he’d already unzipped the backing of your dress. You slowly and carefully pulled the garment from your torso to reveal a bare chest. It had been snug enough to make your breasts bounce when they were set free. As you pushed it down your hips, Doffy settled on the bed. He rested on his elbows, and had already stripped his lower half. His caramel skin glistened in the small peeks of sunlight that shone into the room. He was a beautiful, dangerous creature. He felt you belonged to him, but he was unfortunate not to realize that he was very much yours in the same regard. 
You kicked the dress away from your ankles and made your way over to where Doflamingo had relaxed. You watched as his eyes drank you up from head to toe. He sat up to pull your waist closer. 
“I had a reward for you.” A soft chuckle escaped him. “But you just have to be full of surprises.”
“My love,” You smiled down at him adoringly. “would you even want me around if I wasn’t?”
Doffy planted kisses across the curves of your hips, releasing your abdomen to knead at your ass. You instinctively thrust forward. Your decency was replaced by greed and desire, trying to get his lips closer to the part between your legs. The haze from being so close to climax and having it stripped away from you left your body in complete control. 
“I’d want you.” His tongue lingered just below your belly button. You gasped, and he continued. “Just as much as I do now. I chose you not because you’re unpredictable,” He kissed a trail down and allowed his expert tongue to take entire length of your aching pussy. “But because your fire makes you fight me at every turn.” Expletives crossed your lips and you tangled your fingers in his golden locks. He smirked up at you. “Because you melt in my hands. Because you lose that tenacity when you remember who you answer to.” 
You couldn’t finish his name before a whimper was released first. Doflamingo buried his lips in your folds, his lips sucking as he drew circles around your clit. You closed your eyes and rested into him. A hand left your ass as you did so. He drug his nails up the front of your thigh before teasing your entrance with his middle finger. You trembled at his ministrations. You were already so close, and the thought of him filling you with every inch of his girth had you moaning shamelessly. He pushed deeper inside of you, adding another finger and curling them as his tongue made quick work of you. His tongue flicked over your sensitive bud with purpose. He let just his tip tease you before flattening to lap at the entirety of your swollen core. 
You cried out as the overwhelming pleasure washed over you. His digits brushed against your walls just slightly faster as you rode out the peak. You had already been so close, that this was beyond enough to bring you over the edge. The electricity in your veins spiked and the stimulation on your clit was already becoming too much. After being deprived of his touch for so long, the release he gave you was blinding. You felt something brush against your arm, under your breasts, and again across your back. You opened your eyes just in time to see Doflamingo’s threads leaving his fingertips against the small of your back, and entangling thick knots around your torso and arms. You recognized the pattern, but couldn’t quite remember the name. He smiled up at you. 
“Your turn.” He purred. He removed his fingers from you, and gently massaged your now puffy lips. The ropes that had formed around your upper half tightened in an instant to bind your arms to your back. You couldn’t move, and you felt a sudden pressure hit your shoulders. It was as if an invisible person was pushing you down towards the floor. You didn’t even try to fight it, and you allowed Doffy’s binds to bring you to your knees. Doflamingo sat up straight on the satin linens, stroking his impressive length with intent, but eyes were focused only on you. He looked down at you with a sneer and brought his tip just inches away from your lips. You opened your mouth just slightly, a tiny “o” beckoning him to you. You looked up at him with the biggest doe eyes you could muster, and you knew fully well how mad it drove him. 
You let your chest fall forward and your nipples brushed against your restraints. Your eyes left Doffy’s to lick his cock from base to tip. A hand began to rest on the back of your head and with a combination of your current position and the binds holding you back, the heat in your center resurfaced. You teased his tip playfully, dancing kisses across it before licking its circumference. Doflamingo’s abs stiffened, which directed you to slowly take his length, inch by inch,  until it grazed the back of your throat. A little over halfway, you knew straight away it wouldn’t be enough for him. You continued regardless and began taking long strokes. You hollowed your cheeks and just before you let him leave your mouth, you swirled your tongue around his tip. You swiftly took him as deep as you could once more. Finally, this earned you a sinful groan from your partner. His head fell back as he immersed himself in the white heat you began to burn at his core. You continued, with Doffy holding his cock poised perfectly to your lips. The warm, wet stimulation had him gripping your hair and manipulating your head up and down his shaft. He began pushing you to go deeper. The pain from your hair being pulled and him using you for raw pleasure had you moaning against him. Your vibrations against his throbbing member drove him wild. Your eyes began to water and you lapped your tongue around his tip at every chance he gave you. He forcibly brought your head lower and pushed you to take all of him at once. He fucked the back of your throat and let out a guttural moan. You fought his hand that now had a vice grip on your hair, but it was to no avail. His thrusts were deep and strong. Your eyes watered and where moans once filled the air was now silence, save for the wet sound of your saliva mixed with precum pooling in the corners of your mouth and dripping down your chin as he brought you up and down. 
You knew he was close. He was impossibly hard and had lost himself in desire. Doffy’s hold on your hair did not weaken as he pulled your mouth off his throbbing erection. You gasped for air while he allowed you a moment of composure. Composed, however, you were not. Drool was falling from your lips and you looked up at him desperately. You felt at this point that he could do whatever he wanted with you, and you would eat up every second of it. This moment and chemistry was what kept you coming back for more. You couldn’t imagine another human being able to give you this same feeling, whatever it was. 
“Is this,” you huffed, “the grand plan?” You looked up at him with raised eyebrows and a cheeky grin, half proud of yourself that you hadn’t just choked on his cock, but also curious as to how far you could push him. Doflamingo furrowed his brow and a grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. 
He yanked your head back to look up at him. 
And then slapped you across the face. 
Not full strength, nor enough to tarnish your beauty, but hard enough to make a point. He gripped your chin and laughed. He stooped down to lock eyes with you when you moaned. 
“You’re going to regret that, darling.” 
The threads wound around you began to snake down your legs, taking hold of your thighs. You gasped aloud when altogether they pulled to bring you standing. Doflamingo rose off the bed with you, and gently brushed the back of his hand against the cheek he had smacked. He took a moment to take in your beauty. Your cheeks were flushed, your lips pink and full. Lust in your eyes burned flames that brightened every expression you made. He gazed at you with adoration, and you could see the hunger in his stare behind the pink shades he donned. He was remarkable and terrifying and beautiful. He left you breathless. 
After what was barely a moment, a strong hand took hold of the knot on your back and tossed you face down onto the bed. Your face hit the soft mattress and before you could get your bearings, his hands found your waist and pulled your lower half up. You were bent over and fully on display for the man about to completely ruin you. You looked over your shoulder back at him as Doffy lined himself up to your entrance. You felt his tip slide up and down your slit, whimpering when he passed over your stimulated bundle of nerves. He allowed himself to just barely dip inside you, then back out and over your clit once more. With impressive restraint he continued this game as you wriggled against your restraints underneath him. 
You were a whining, whimpering mess. Your hair falling into your mouth as Doflamingo’s name escaped your lips. 
“Tell me, y/n. Tell me what you want.” 
“You…” You croaked, his hands gripping your sides when you tried to push him deeper. “All of you.”
“And why should I give such a petulant brat what you want, when you want it?” 
“Doffy…” You moaned when he dipped into your folds once more. “Please.”
“There’s the manners I taught you.” The bastard laughed. “Say it again for me, dear. Convince me.”
“Please, Doffy.” He deprived you of touch once more. “Please fuck me. Please let me make you cum.”
He pressed his entire length into you without pause or hesitation. You were dripping wet from your previous climax and his teasing that he bottomed out inside you with ease. You were full, and with every movement he made you could feel him stretching your walls to compensate for his impossible girth. You yelped, but every noise you made was muffled in the sheets he fucked you into. You had a complete lack of control and he was taking advantage of it. The grip in which he held onto you would without a doubt leave beautiful finger-shaped bruises by tomorrow. 
“You want to make me cum?” He snarled. “You first.”
Your moans filled the room, next to his breathy grunts that slipped out nearly every time you tightened around him. You knew you wouldn’t last like this. He took long, steady strokes only to slam you back down into the bed. The high he gave you was incredible. The lust you shared and the need you had for him was immeasurable. Doflamingo took your ass in both hands, spreading your swollen cheeks wide to watch his cock glide in and out of you. You took him expertly, and he admired your reddened and dripping lips. His thumb inched closer to your other hole only to tease you further. 
“This is how I like you.” Doflamingo slowed his pace, drawing circles with his thumb around your other entrance. You shivered at his touch and heat began to spread throughout your chest. “You think you’re so big, but look at you.”  He spat down onto you and slowly pushed inside, knuckle deep, and thrust his cock in its entirety back in at the same time. “Reduced to this.”
You clenched around him and screamed as you came undone. Your thighs shook and heat spread all throughout your body. You saw stars and gasped as he pulled your hair to bring you closer to him. 
“Yes, my dear. I want to hear you.” He growled into your ear as he fucked you mercilessly. His thumb rested inside you, all the while his powerful thrusts slapped against you. The wet sound of his cock sliding in and out of you was ever present under the expletives leaving your mouth. “Do as you wish. Make me cum.”
The binds he held you in vanished and your arms fell to your side. 
“Doffy... ” You sighed into the sheets, dragging your dripping pussy up and down his length. You bounced your ass up and down onto him, and Doflamingo moaned in relief. He slapped your abused ass playfully. You moaned at his touch. 
You pressed your hands against the mattress to test how much strength you had left. You carefully pushed your chest up and off the sheets and let his length fall out of you, turning around to face him. 
“Will you lay down for me?” You piqued his interest, and he raised an eyebrow as you turned yourself to face him. “Can I ride you?”
Doffy leaned down to press a kiss onto you. A bite tugged at your lower lip as he pulled away. When your eyes opened, you took in the sight before you. His rippling muscles were glistening with sweat. His throbbing member was deep red at the tip and bobbing up and down, clearly begging for release. 
“Please?” You looked up at him, and brought your fingers down to play with yourself as he considered. You looked like a goddess before him, and he would have been hard pressed to deny your desires. You sunk your fingertips into your wet folds and kept his gaze. 
“You make it impossible to say no.” He sighed against your lips. 
You pressed your clean fingertips against his chest to push him into laying on his back. His head landed softly on a pillow and he looked up at you curiously. Your eyes took him in once more before you crawled over to him. You let your hands travel down his chest and thighs, indulging yourself after being constrained for so long. You took his cock in your mouth with reckless abandon, earning you a soft moan from your partner. You had made him incredibly sensitive, and you felt him get harder in your mouth as you licked your essence from him. You rose and positioned your legs on either side of his hips. Doffy’s hands fondled your breasts and tugged at your nipples. You smiled softly as you lined yourself up with him. 
Slowly and with care, you lowered yourself onto him. You took his entire length, adjusting back to his size and settled for a moment with him deep inside you. You let out a slow sigh, and felt a sharp pinch at your chest. Doffy had clamped your nipples tight between his fingers, and thrust up, further into you. You ground into his actions, swirling your hips onto the man below you. He released your chest and brought a strong arm up to grip your throat. 
“Yes…” Doffy purred as he glared up at you. “Don’t disappoint me.”
You began with slow, tentative motions. You allowed his cock to glide up, almost all the way out until you shot back down. The blonde hairs on his lower stomach teased at your clit with every stroke. He held your neck stronger at every movement you made, making your voice crack into your moans. His breaths were heavy and veins were peeking at his temple. He wasn’t going to make it much longer. You quickened your pace and felt the muscles in his lower body tense at your ministrations. Doffy released your throat, and the noises he held back from you sung from your lips. He gripped your hips as they pushed further onto him, and Doflamingo sat up to hold you close. His arm reached around your back and gained a strong hold on your shoulder. The other wrapped around your lower back and he growled into your neck. He bit down hard, and thrust up into you. He continued to draw sinful noises out of you and the heat between your legs burned stronger. You rode him harder, faster. Chasing another climax that was building at your center. You lost control, every movement you made brought you closer and closer. You couldn’t stop, and his strokes against your inner walls pushed you further. You felt him harden within you, and you thrust him as deep as you could muster. He hit a spot in the back of you and you croaked his name. You clenched your legs around him and held him deep within you. The wave of pleasure that washed over you had you clawing at Doffy’s back as you held on for dear life. Just as you peaked, he shuddered beneath you. He let out a soft groan into your neck and fucked you with deep, long strokes. You felt his warm release and whimpered against him, already feeling light-headed. His cock slid out of you and rested on your belly, dripping with evidence of his own satisfaction. His hand on your shoulder found the back of your head and he held it with care. You shared a moment, panting and coming down from the high you had built together. Doffy’s chest and neck were red hot, and he held you close as you relaxed against him. He leaned down and kissed your cheek with the softest of lips. 
“My queen..” He spoke against you, and you met his lips with warm content, kissing him with all the gratefulness you could express with the simple gesture. 
“I missed you.” You whispered against him. He held you closer and kissed you once more. You watched a frown tug at the corners of his mouth. Doflamingo released you and you pushed back off of his lap. 
“Good. You’re staying.” 
You raised your brow at him in amusement, watching him as he rose from the bed. 
“Lonely?” You mused, joining him. You began to make your way to clean up before he grabbed your arm.
“I have an old friend coming.” He sighed and pinched his nose in frustration. “I need you here.”
“You’re worried.” You expressed your concern and turned to look up at him. Your hair tickled as it brushed against bare shoulders. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with. You’ll know when I need you to.” You rolled your eyes when he turned away to grab the bottle of wine off the table. You stiffened at his sudden seriousness. 
“I’m here.” You accepted his coldness, despite the obvious front. “I’m here to do as you wish.” 
You crossed your arms around his stomach and held the king from behind as he poured two glasses of wine.
“Whether it’s this you want,” You softly kissed the curves of the muscles on his back. “Or those who dare defy you put in their place.” You paused before releasing the embrace. “I’m yours.” 
He faced you and offered you a glass. 
“You’d be wise not to forget it.” He locked his eyes with yours and again, you felt small. The beast before you was judging his prey with a studied gaze. 
“Doflamingo.” His name rolled off your tongue and an air of confidence lifted your shoulders. “If I were going to betray you,” you sipped at the dark red in your hands, “I wouldn’t put myself in such compromising positions.” 
This earned you a chuckle from your superior. 
“I am yours.” You restated, resting your glass on the table before leaving him to regain your decency. 
He watched the swaying of your hips and your hair cascading down across your back as you exited. The pride on his face visible to no one. The swelling of his heart rose though he continued to push it down.
No, my dear. I am yours. 
His mind betrayed him.  
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