#so many people share houses with eggs or with friends or never had eggs to share with and she feels like she's just
SHAPE HELLO IT IS ME!!!! CALLI CUBITOZINC!!!!!!! So erm. gonna be honest dude i fought with myself in my head so hard on what i wanted to send for this especially cause i didn't want it to be silly or stupid but you know what. Who give a shit. and i have been there when it comes to having to fight for writing motivation... boy have i ever. SO!! feel free to run with this prompt if you get any ideas from it but absolutely no pressure :]
"Jaiden spent uncountable moments these days thinking about what kinds of things she could've done in the past."
HI CALLI HII BELOVED MUTUAL CALLIIII . i have never written a jaidn before but for you.... i will try.
Jaiden spent uncountable moments these days thinking about what kinds of things she could've done in the past.
Or- maybe they weren't uncountable? They were probably countable, if she'd cared enough to count, but it hadn't occurred to her to count them when she started, and so she'd lost count of them from the beginning, so. Uncountable.
...There's something almost sad about that. Losing track of things since the beginning, no hope of catching up to the present. No chance to right the now because of the wrongs of the past. It makes her heart ache in her chest to think about, but she can't- she can't stop thinking about it. She keeps poking at it, like a bruise, but a sideways bruise. Look at these flowers, they look just like the ones in Bobby Fields. Drink this tea, it's just like the tea Cucurucho gives her. Look at Roier, smiling at Cellbit, and then quietly leave them to be happy. It's...
One thing that's different, from the then to the now, is how many houses she has. One for each piece of her heart, all of them missing something. Does the party house count as one of hers, too? What about the room she stayed in while helping the Cucuruchos? She wants to say yes. It hurts to think yes. If she said yes, if she went there to call for him, would he still leave her waiting?
...She knows the answer. Part of her wishes that she didn't. More of her knows that it's better that she does. It's like playing pretend, and you need to know when you're playing pretend. She knows how often she plays pretend, and how often she pretends that she isn't, and she remembers the time that she didn't have to and she wants that back so badly that it hurts.
Like a bruise. Poke, poke, poke. She knows she's being manipulated, and still she leans into it. Is it helping? Who is she helping? If Cucurucho is hurting, can she really help him? Can she free him? Is it worth it? Is it about worth, or is it about waste? Is it about anything?
Jaiden groans and throws her arm over her face. Maybe it's about laying in the warm pink sand on Hot Girl Beach while Mouse and Foolish chatter behind her. Maybe it's about leaving her empty houses and keeping her hair dyed Miku-blue and doing what she can, because she can. Maybe it's about tailing along with Foolish whenever he gets more silly Cucurucho tasks. Maybe it's about- whatever else is fun. Whatever else keeps her occupied, and out of bed, and waving goodnight to the sun.
There, is that another one of her uncountable moments? No, probably not, she hadn't done much thinking about the past. She could do that. She could think about Bobby and his raccoons, and Bobby and flowers, and Bobby and the very first painting he made for her.
Like a bruise. Poke, poke, poke. She's almost afraid of finding out what will happen if she lets it heal.
...That's enough angst for the day. The sun will be setting soon, and she wants to say goodnight to Bobby with a genuine smile. She pulls her arm off her face and sits up to turn to her friends, join in on their fun.
Her houses are empty, but she knows how to pretend that she has a home.
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artiststarme · 1 year
A Grudge Be Held
Based on an enabling comment from @estrellami-1. Hope you guys like it and please leave me your opinions in the comments!
There are a few well known facts in the universe; the earth revolves around the sun, George Michael is gay, Tim Curry has sexy legs, and Eddie Munson holds grudges.
It wasn’t because he was a bad person or because he thought people were inherently bad, he’d just been through too much to waste his time on people that had already wronged him. He didn’t give more than one chance and if they fucked that up, well, they didn’t deserve another one.
He was usually lenient on what constituted a grudge to be held. Unless someone did something directly to him or someone he cared about, it didn’t really bother him and they certainly didn’t make his list. His parents were on there (because why wouldn’t they be?), Mrs. O’Donnell was on there because he was positive at least one of his failed senior years was due to her having a bone to pick with him, and Principal Higgins was on there too because fuck that guy.
Tommy Hagan was on the list because of a rumor started that made life hard for Eddie for awhile (it was true but needless to share), Jason Carver was on there now for starting a mob trying to kill him, and Billy Hargrove earned a spot for being an asshole to anything that moved.
A person that many people were surprised wasn’t on the list was Steve Harrington. The DnD party was shocked when they heard King Steve wasn’t an object of resentment in Eddie. But he’d never done anything out of malice to Eddie specifically. Where others saw confidence and pride, Eddie looked at a lonely and broken teen that was willing to do anything to fit in. He couldn’t hate him for that. And the time where Steve stood up for Eddie against Billy Hargrove at a drug deal gone wrong forever cemented him as a good guy in Eddie’s eyes.
After his experience with the Upside Down, psychic murders, and overall shitshow that was his Spring Break, Eddie and Steve got closer. Steve coerced everyone of authority to clear Eddie’s name with help from Robin, Nancy, and the passed Chief Hopper that apparently wasn’t actually dead. He housed Eddie and Wayne until they could find a new trailer that they could afford. Then he spent every waking moment making sure Eddie was alright and included as part of the group. In laymen’s terms, Steve saved his life.
So in true Eddie fashion, he made the internal dramatic decision that he would hold grudges on Steve’s behalf. He would be a guard dog of sorts, protecting and defending the love of his life his friend. What he didn’t consider was how difficult the task would be.
Through a new lens, Eddie saw that everyone walked all over Steve. The cashiers at the grocery store blatantly charged him extra, the customers at Family Video talked over him nearly every sentence in response to questions they asked, and teens on the street laughed at the scars in their view. Worse of all though, the Party didn’t respect him. Dustin and Mike told him several times a day how stupid he was, Nancy looked at him in pity and shut down all of his opinions, Lucas talked about not having sports in common with anyone right in front of him, and Robin kept blowing off their plans to hang with Vickie.
Through it all, Steve appeared fine. He smiled and nodded in all the right places but as soon as he thought the eyes moved on, his smile would slip to reveal something sadder. And so Eddie’s vengeance began.
He “accidentally” knocked over sales racks near the registers in the grocery store when they charged an extra $2 for milk. He keyed the cars of the teenagers that laughed at the evidence of Steve’s pain. When he saw Officer Callahan yacking at Steve for speeding, he picked up a dozen eggs and pelted the man’s house in revenge.
Dealing with the kids in the Party was trickier. His glares and barbed comebacks were clear enough for Nancy and Robin to change their ways. The kids though just weren’t observant enough to pick up on the clues Eddie tried to drop. One session of a campaign though, the perfect opportunity presented itself.
“I didn’t know there were dragons in the game. If you losers had told me there were dragons, I might’ve considered playing ages ago!” Steve exclaimed from his seat on the couch, intrigued eyes meeting Eddie’s.
Eddie smirked at him. “Oh yeah, Big Boy. You should know by now that I’m full of surprises.”
Steve blushed a little bit but as he went to respond, Mike interrupted. “Steve, you’re not even playing. You shouldn’t even be here much less interrupting the game!”
Steve’s flush turned pale and he shrunk into himself. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can just uh, I can go. I’ll see you guys later.”
As he moved to get up though, Eddie stood and towered over the table.
“Wait Steve, you’re gonna want to see this part.” He glowered at Mike and rasped his voice to transition back to DM’ing. “A comet flies from the dragon’s cavern and lands on Sir Madeon. Roll for damage.”
“What the hell! No, you can’t do that!” Mike stammered with a dropped jaw.
“I just did, pipsqueak. Roll for damage or die trying.”
“14,” Mike muttered. He glared at Eddie then Steve before pouting in his seat.
“The comet is too large to escape from. Sir Madeon tries to run but he’s not fast enough to avoid the flying stone. It lands on his back in a fiery crumble. The intense heat eats through his flesh, bones, and organs at once leaving only his head and limbs intact, scattered amongst the rest of the Party. He dies a horrendous death and his friends are left alone with only the smell of charred remains to remember him by.” Eddie ends his tirade with a quirked eyebrow. That’ll show these little assholes what happens when they mess with him. A quick glance at Steve shows him excitement and surprise, he absolutely was not expecting that.
“What the fuck. This is supposed to be PG,” Dustin stares at Eddie in horror. “You really just killed a character in the middle of a campaign for Steve?”
“Roll stealth and damage.” Eddie tells him deadpan.
“God-fucking-dammit! Eddie, no, please…”
“Roll or face the consequences!”
“3 stealth, Nat-20 damage,” Dustin whispered with his face in his hands. The other kids watch Eddie in a mixture of confusion and aghastment. But Steve is beaming, teeth shining from ear to ear.
“The dragon hears your cries of grief and turns its burly head towards you. Its glimmering eyes reach the you and the rest of the Party and you see its scaled lips open in a human like smile. With a speed you could never have anticipated, it slithers toward you before standing on muscled hind legs and flapping its leathery wings. Its lips curl around a blue flame. The last thing you feel is a flash of ice before you see no more.
Your friends see you disappear into a pile of ash, the heat of the flame too powerful to escape. The dragon whips its tail towards the party while they stare at where you used to stand. Will the Wise can’t even list his magical staff before the weight of the tail crushes him to the ground in a pile of shattered bones and bloody sinnew.
Luther is impaled by one of the dragon’s back spikes and killed immediately. The light in his eyes fades and all he sees is a figure with a crown waving at him in the distance. Prince Stephen and his pet dragon prosper in the face of their trespassing adversaries once again but the only witnesses to the horror are erased from the Earth.”
The boys stare at him in shock while he arranges his papers and stands. “The end. Steve and I are going to the movies. You bitchasses aren’t invited and if you’re even a little bit nasty to Steve again, I’ll pulverize you in real life just like I killed you in the campaign. Think on that.”
With that, Eddie grabs the hand of a stunned Steve and drags him from the Wheeler’s basement. After that debacle, he’s sure that the kids have gotten their point. And now he’s got a movie to see with his main man.
(The kids absolutely get his point and moving forward are a lot nicer to Steve. And a little scared of how Eddie’s mind works.
Eddie holds a grudge against the kids for months and will still reference their comments when he sees fit for the rest of their lives or at least the rest of his.
And Steve? He starts dating his DM in shining armor a mere two hours later.)
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kamaluhkhan · 1 year
all the love we had and lost
pairing: conrad fisher x fem!reader
summary: you come back to cousins beach after a few years away. conrad is not particularly happy that you're back - and you aren't particularly thrilled, either. too bad there's a history (chemistry?) neither of you can deny.
warnings: lots of plot + flashbacks. angst with fluff in betweem. slightly suggestive dialogue/situations but nothing more than the actual show, a guy being pushy about hooking up with reader but nothing happens, mention of injuries and blood throughout, hints of alcoholism, brief mention of dieting (reader is competitive swimmer and deals with certain pressures from that), reader gets her period, takes on too much responsibility and argues with her mother (aka eldest daughter syndrome)
tags: @stargirlsirius-recs, @ifilwtmfc, @qwertyb2577, @allnrsnz, @baconeggndcheez, @peanutbelley, @imogen-skye, @geekinthefuschiahair, @tvije,
a/n: thank you thank you thank you for so much love on my first conrad fic!! i'm so excited to share the rest of the series, so stay tuned :))
read part one here
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the best friends of our childhoods are the loves of our lives, and they break our hearts in the worse ways. (fredrik backman)
now — summer, age 18
you throw in some extra sprinkles, along with a few more tablespoons of sugar. belly has a huge sweet tooth. it's the night before her birthday, and you're in the kitchen at the fisher's house baking her coconut confetti cupcakes. 
born on june 21st — the summer solstice — belly conklin is the definition of a summer child. she's summer, personified: sunshine, sweet tea, sand, and smiles. having missed so many birthday celebrations, you’re determined to make this year special.
you go to the fridge to grab some eggs, and when you close the door, you're startled by the person standing behind it.
"what are you doing here?" you ask, holding a hand to your chest and setting the carton of eggs on the counter. the joy you felt making birthday cupcakes for belly fades away, replaced with a tingling in your chest. you and conrad hadn’t spoken more than three sentences to each other, or even been in the same room alone, since that morning on the beach. as the distance between the two of you grew, so did your frustration at him. 
conrad raises his eyebrow at you. he reaches around you into the fridge and pulls out a beer. 
"i should be asking you that." 
"the oven at my house is broken and your mom said i could come over."
“i’ve heard that one before,” he mumbles as he leaves the kitchen. you almost can’t believe he brought it up, even if just in a passing, somewhat snarky remark. conrad probably thought you didn’t hear.
these past few weeks, conrad hasn't just been cold towards you — which was a relief as much as it was heart wrenching. he seems more closed off in general, more inclined to spend time with others who hadn't seen him grow up. in fact, you imagine he’s on his way to see nicole now. maybe with her, he can pretend everything is fine. but not with the people in this house, who knew him inside and out.
you would never admit it — if conrad wants to ignore you, you could ignore him just fine — but it was eating you up inside, and it took everything in you not to confront him, to comfort him about whatever he was going through. you’d have arguments when you were kids, but it was nothing a ring pop or tub of cherry jello couldn’t solve. this time is different; the wound is deeper, harder to heal.
you wanted the old conrad back: the sweet boy who cared for you and let you care for him in return. 
then — summer, age 14
belly was turning 12, and you wanted to surprise her with homemade cupcakes for breakfast. only, the oven at your house was broken, which meant your intention of baking her birthday treats would have fallen through, if not for susannah’s ever-present generosity. 
everyone else was out of the house — you even asked laurel and susannah to take belly shopping to not ruin the surprise. you were decorating the cupcakes when conrad walked in from the deck. his wet hair stuck to his forehead and he was wearing a rash guard, so he probably got back from surfing. he looked paler than usual, even after being in the sun for hours, but you didn’t think much of it at first.
“hey,” he greeted, sounding slightly out of breath. “what are you doing here?” 
“the oven at my house is broken, so your mom said i can come over to bake these for belly’s birthday tomorrow.” you gestured at the clumsily decorated treats. the cupcakes had bright pink frosting and rainbow sprinkles. you weren’t a professional by any means, but knew that belly would love them.
“but i’m sure she wouldn’t miss one or two, if you wanna try one,” you offered, smiling at conrad.
he smiled back, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “yeah. yeah, let’s do that. i’m just gonna get changed first.”
conrad walked past you, and that’s when you noticed him limping — along with a bloody gash just below his left knee.
you instantly dropped the spatula back into the half-empty frosting bowl.
“connie, what the hell happened?”
“i’m fine,” he answered. “i wiped out, got cut by the fin of my board.” conrad must have noticed your eyes widened with worry because he grabbed your wrist gently, thumb rubbing soothingly on your pulse point. he was bleeding out on the kitchen floor, and there he was, trying to make sure you were okay. 
“i’m fine,” he reassured. 
the blood dripping down his leg suggested otherwise. years ago conrad would faint at the sight of blood, and though he’d mostly outgrown that, you knew it still made him queasy. you imagined the pain definitely wasn’t making it easier. without another word, you pulled him into the bathroom and made him sit on the edge of the bathtub. you washed your hands then sat cross-legged in front of him.
“you here to fix me up, sweetheart?” he smirked as he watched you gather supplies from the cabinet underneath the sink, your brows furrowed in concentration.
“what?” you paused, almost laughing. until you saw his wound again, and you got back to work.
“it’s from the hunger games,” he explained. “when katniss finds peeta in the arena? and he’s all, like, injured.”
“well, he was definitely in worse shape than you,” you assured. “your cut’s not that deep, it just looks bad.”
“it doesn’t feel great, either.”
conrad exhaled sharply when you started applying pressure to his leg with a damp washcloth. you placed your other hand on his right knee.
“it’ll be fine, connie. i’ve got you. keep your eyes on me, okay?”
he looked down at you, wet hair framing his face as he offered a short nod. 
you gestured at him to take over, and your fingers brushed together when he grabbed the washcloth, but he never looked down. his eyes still followed you as you searched the bathroom for something to cover his wound.
a comfortable silence followed. the two of you used to spend hours talking, sure, but what you loved about spending time with conrad is that silence didn't bother him. you could each be in your own worlds while in the comfort of each other's company, and that was enough.
once the wound was cleaned and the bleeding slowed down, you placed a gauze pad over his cut before wrapping a cloth bandage around it.
“i’m pretty sure it’s ‘you here to finish me off, sweetheart?’,” you remembered.
conrad shook his head. “i’m pretty sure it’s not. i’ve read the book like, three times.”
you move to sit next to him on the edge of the tub.
“how sure are you, connie? because i’m pretty damn sure.”
conrad shrugged. “i’m pretty damn sure, too.” 
you rolled your eyes, but with a smile. “okay, fine. we’ll check. but, when you see how wrong you are, you have to come with me to see jaws 2.” it was playing at the local movie theatre during their weekly throwback thursday — you and belly had seen it advertised on your way home from getting ice cream. you had wanted to ask conrad, but couldn’t find the right time.
because you hadn’t meant it to be a date, but you also hadn’t not meant it to be. something changed about how you felt towards conrad that summer; or, maybe, you just figured out what was different about the love you felt towards him compared to everyone else. 
(yes, love. again, something you would never admit.)
you thought maybe — maybe he felt it too. there was something different in the way he teased you, laughed with you, looked at you when he thought you couldn’t notice.
you did notice. it happened so much that eventually you decided that either it was all in your head and he didn’t love you that way, or he was also scared of what would happen if he did. which, to be fair, was the position you were in. you were very scared of what would happen if you crossed that line.
“i’ll agree to that,” conrad said. “if you agree to having a picnic with me on the beach. if i have to face my fear of sharks, then you have to face your fear of angry seagulls stealing your food.”
a picnic on the beach. you wondered if this was conrad’s way of subtly asking you on a date. did he also want to cross that line, become something other than friends? he looked at you so eagerly, you hoped he did.
“fine.” you held out your hand. “but you have to protect me from angry seagulls.”
conrad smiled at you brightly as he grasped your hand. 
in the end, conrad lost the bet. the screening of jaws 2 was cancelled, so you rented it from the video store instead. you got his favourite movie snacks, and some of yours as well, and made sure the couch had the comfiest pillows and the warmest blanket. you felt butterflies just thinking about the two of you watching together, cuddling on the couch. 
when the time came though, your plans fell through. the playdates your siblings had lined up both cancelled. your mother had plans to meet a friend at the bar, and claimed she couldn't reschedule. by then your parents were divorced and your father was elsewhere with his new girlfriend, so it fell to you to babysit your siblings.
conrad came over anyway: he helped you make rice and lentils for dinner, convinced your brother to eat his vegetables, and let your sister paint his nails. the four of you watched night at the museum and ate all the junk food you had gotten, with you and conrad sitting on opposite ends of the couch, but stealing glances and shy smiles at each other. when your mother came home, a bit after midnight and a little tipsy, she got angry that you’d kept the twins up so late and cheated on the diet she had so carefully planned for you — to keep you in shape for swimming, she claimed. you rolled your eyes, and that made her angrier. without you saying anything, conrad took the twins upstairs to get ready for bed as you and your mother argued. by the time conrad walked back downstairs, your mother had gone into the living room for another drink and you were in tears. he asked if you were okay, and you told him to go home.
you never talked about that night again, and everything went back to the way it was: with neither of you crossing that line.
the only reason you let belly drag you to nicole’s party is because it’s her birthday. 
as soon as you enter the house, nicole and the other debutantes whisk belly away to a table filled with elaborate cakes. you can’t help but feel slightly embarrassed by how elegant they look in comparison to the cupcakes you made her. 
"come on," taylor groans. "let's get a drink."
taylor grabs two beers and hands one to you. you gratefully accept. the two of you catch up for a bit, when suddenly jeremiah starts serenading belly in an outrageously funny musical number. you laugh along with them, until you catch a glimpse of conrad with nicole on the couch at the other end of the room. nicole is sitting in conrad's lap, and she leans over to whisper something in his ear before kissing his cheek. your entire body heats up.
conrad was right before: you were jealous. as frustrated as you were with him, you were even angrier at yourself for feeling that way. 
"i’m gonna go find the bathroom!” taylor says, practically shouting over the music. 
"okay!” you yell back. “i’m gonna go get another drink." 
you know all too well that it isn’t a good habit to get into, but you need something stronger if you’re going to survive this party. you examine the drink table, finally picking out some mediocre tequila. you take a shot, then another.
“tequila. my kind of girl.” someone declares, creeping up behind you. 
it’s a terrible pick up line, and you already have a feeling that the guy trying to flirt with you is some rich entitled asshole. 
but, the guy — liam — can hold a decent conversation, and he’s cute enough.
he’s no conrad, though. you take another shot when that thought crosses your mind, and force yourself to flirt with leo. liam. right, liam.
liam leans in close, pretends to listen to you, lets his gaze linger on the deep v-neck of your shirt. you’re so close, you can smell the alcohol on his breath. 
“five minutes,” you boast after he asks how long you can hold your breath underwater. somehow, the conversation veered towards your time as a competitive swimmer. you’re just the right amount of tipsy that your inhibitions start fading away.
“wow,” liam says. “i have to say, i’m glad you didn’t have that training camp this summer.”
you bat your eyelashes at him. “oh? why is that?” you lean closer, trailing a finger down his chest.
“because then i wouldn’t be able to do this.” 
liam kisses you then, and you kiss back. he slides his tongue in your mouth, runs his hands over your body. you feel nothing. it’s fine.
“let's go upstairs.”
liam’s grabbing your wrist before you have a chance to answer. as he tries to tug you up the stairs, your eyes meet conrad’s from across the room.
suddenly, you feel nauseous. you rip away from liam’s grip and place a hand on the wall next to you to steady yourself.
liam turns around sharply. “what is it?”
“i changed my mind, actually. let’s just hang out downstairs.”
liam grabs your wrist again, his grip tighter than before. “don’t be a tease.” 
this time, your voice comes out louder. “i just changed my mind. that doesn’t make me a tease.”
“don’t be a bitch, then,” he scoffs, and you’re this close to breaking this guy’s nose. “do you wanna fuck, or not?”
“i don’t,” you answer instantly, struggling to break free from his grip. 
“okay, whatever. we don’t have to go all the way, but we can still go upstairs, and have a good time.”
he manages to drag you up two steps as you strain against his iron grip, now almost cutting off your circulation. your heartbeat quickens and you feel dizzy. finally, you grab onto the railing for leverage, forcing liam to stop in his tracks.
“what is it now?” he groans.
“just stop, liam.”
“listen,” he starts, speaking to you almost mockingly, like you’re a naive little girl. “i know what girls want, so you don’t have to be shy. we’re going upstairs right now and —”
“liam, is it?” the rest of the party is in full motion, but here’s belly, giving liam one of the most intense death stares you’ve ever seen. belly, who if you cut open, would bleed sugar. “i’m gonna have to ask you to let go of my friend.”
“whatever,” liam answers, rolling his eyes. “if you don’t mind, we’re kinda in the middle of something.” he tries to move you forward, but you stand your ground.
jeremiah is also glaring at liam from the bottom of the stairs, his golden retriever personality long gone. “back off, man,” he warns.
“just mind your own business,” liam snaps.
“they said leave her alone,” steven asserts, walking over once he sees what’s happening. “and you don’t wanna mess with us, trust me.” he clenches his hand into a fist as if proving a point.
in other situations, you and belly have definitely teased steven for his tendency to act all tough, but right now, you couldn’t be more grateful.
“who the fuck are you? her bodyguards?” 
“just let her go,” belly orders. 
“i think she can speak for herself. she wants this, but if you’re jealous, you can join, too.” 
your stomach churns. liam leans in close to whisper in your ear. “maybe we’ll see if those 5 minutes come in handy when you’re sucking my —”
as soon as liam lets go of your wrist, his hand trailing downward, you shove him away and punch him in the nose before he can finish his sentence. you deliver a final blow to liam’s ego as he’s doubled over:
“what i want is for you to leave us the fuck alone. there are other people in this house who i’d rather hook up with. people who aren’t complete assholes with fancy cars to compensate for their tiny dick.”
the flirtatious smile falls from liam’s face, replaced with the kind of anger only rich entitled assholes have when they don’t get what they want — figures that he only gets the hint when it literally hits him right in the nose. he’s angry enough to deliver a punch right back to your face. 
you hear a crack upon impact, and pain radiates from your nose. you fall down the stairs, but belly manages to catch you before you hit the ground. she holds you as jeremiah and steven step in front. you hear them shouting at liam over the music, but their exact words don’t register.
you lick your lips, tasting blood. your ears are ringing, and the room is suddenly all fuzzy.
“i’ve got her.” conrad’s calm and measured voice cuts through the chaos. you feel a strong, familiar arm wrap around your waist. “go find cam — the rest of us have been drinking, but he can drive her home.”
somehow, you find yourself in a bathroom, sitting on the counter as conrad stands between your legs. he carefully examines your injury, but you notice how he avoids making eye contact. 
you feel your head spinning all over again. maybe it’s the alcohol, or the adrenaline, or the fact that the two of you haven’t been this close in a while — probably a dangerous mix of all three. 
“you here to fix me up, sweetheart?” the question slips past your lips before you could stop it.
conrad looks slightly amused, and he finally meets your gaze. “that’s not the line,” he deadpans. you know (from trying not to but ultimately not being able to pull your attention away from him all night) that he’s had a few drinks as well; it seems like the two of you ignore each other best when you’re sober.
but, still, he remembers. his comment earlier and his smile right now is all the confirmation you need: somewhere in the back of his mind, he replays memories of you. no matter how cold he acts towards you, he still cares.
he continues wiping the blood off your face. “how’s your hand?” he asks.
you flex your fingers, inspect your hand. “it’s been better,” you answer, though your knuckles are slightly aching. “worth it.”
“i guess all those years away made you a badass.”
all those years away. the reminder feels like a stab to the heart, but you wouldn’t let it burst the comfortable bubble you and conrad had somehow stumbled into. 
instead, you offer him a lopsided smile.
“oh, connie,” the nickname rolling off your tongue with ease. “i was always a badass.”
“yeah, yeah. but it’s different now. you’re different.” he pauses. you’re worried he’s going to say something else. 
but he doesn’t. instead, he asks, jokingly: “did you join a fight club or something?” 
you take that as a good sign: like you, he’s trying to preserve the playfulness between you before everything else seeps in and ruins it, before you’re brought back to the present, where you’re both heartbroken and not talking to each other. 
“you know the first rule of fight club —”
“don’t talk about fight club,” you finish together. 
conrad laughs, even though it’s not that funny. you laugh, too. 
a silence falls over you, one that’s not unfamiliar, but not entirely comfortable either. conrad holds the cloth against your nose to make sure the bleeding stopped. 
it seemed to be a strange pattern between you two — being there for each other when you bleed.
then — summer, age 12
it was the end of july when you got your first period. 
you had made lunch for your siblings and walked them to their day camp, when you suddenly felt an ache in your abdomen. that ache turned into a sharp pain by the time you got home, and you ran to the bathroom to confirm what you’d suspected. 
that afternoon, mr. conklin was taking all the kids to mini golf, but you weren’t feeling up for it. you texted belly about what happened and spent the rest of the day curled up in bed.
you didn’t hear him knock over the sound of the movie you were watching, but suddenly you saw conrad standing by your door, holding a bag from the candy shop. 
“jesus, connie, you scared me!” you exclaimed, pausing the movie. 
he smiled sheepishly and flopped down on the bed next to you. “belly told me you weren’t feeling well. here.” he handed you the bag. 
you opened the bag, grateful that conrad picked out your favourite treats. you take one and bite into it. your stomach growled — you hadn’t eaten earlier because you felt nauseous, but now you could eat that entire bag in one go.
“how was mini golf?” you asked, popping another treat into your mouth.
“it was awesome! i finally managed to get past that giant hippo and get a hole-in-one. i got the highest score.”
you frown, wishing you had been there. if anything, to beat conrad’s score. 
“don’t worry, we’ll go back another time,” conrad added. “you can beat me then.” sometimes, you swore conrad could read your mind. he then asked if you were feeling better.
“no. i got my period,” you huffed. “it sucks.”
“oh.” conrad adjusted his glasses, a sign that he felt awkward. “i’ve heard about those. they sound pretty brutal.”
“health class?”
“no. my mom, actually.”
health class wasn’t much help for you either, and neither was your mother. you were lucky enough to have susannah and laurel, who had explained everything to you and belly. 
“anyway, what are you watching?”
“the hunger games,” you answer. “i just finished the book.”
conrad didn’t move — he actually leaned back against the pillows even more — so you figured he wanted to stay. you moved the laptop so it sat between the two of you and started playing the movie again.
“you know, it doesn’t seem fair that you miss out on having fun just because of your period,” conrad said as katniss finds peeta injured in the arena.
you frown, about to point out that he has no idea how painful cramps can be.
he lifted his hand up to stop you. “not that i can judge what you’re going through. i’m just saying when it’s this bad, instead of being alone, just text me, and i’ll be there.”
when the time came, he watched movies with you in bed. he brought you junk food and pain killers. he even biked to the store when you’d run out of pads.
he was there for you, just like he promised.
those moments from past summers now feel warm and sickly sweet, like popsicles melting in the sun — then again, that might just be the remnants of tequila flowing through your veins. you think about what happened earlier, how belly, jeremiah, and steven stepped in to protect you. how conrad is here with you now, taking care of you so tenderly even after you’ve ignored each for so long. it’s like nothing changed. but once you leave this bathroom and the alcohol leaves your system, it wouldn’t be the same. you feared you'd never get that magic back, and that weighed on your chest so much, you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“why’d you go for liam, anyway?” conrad asks, breaking you away from your thoughts. he removes the cloth from your nose so you can answer, and the bleeding seems to have finally stopped.
“you really wanna know?”
“yeah. liam’s an asshole. and you’re…” conrad places his hands on either side of your thighs, leaning close. “you.”
“i went for liam because….well, honestly, i didn’t care who it was, as long as they made me forget you,” you admit, because what did you have to lose. you probably have a broken nose, you definitely have blood on your shirt, and your time with conrad is running out. 
conrad’s eyes darken. his fingers start to play with the hem of your shorts. 
“did it work?” his voice is a whisper, but he’s so close that it’s crystal clear.
it’s hard to determine who leans in first, but soon enough your lips are on conrad’s. it's not the most elegant kiss — it's messy, urgent, with your noses bumping together, and teeth clacking against each other. he cradles your face in his hands, and you wrap your legs around his waist to bring him closer. you taste beer on his tongue, and maybe a hint of lime, but it’s overwhelmed by the salty, metallic taste of blood stained on your lips. you tangle your hands into his hair, and you swallow his moan as you gently tug. it’s clearer now: you’re not dizzy from the alcohol or adrenaline, but dizzy from him.
when you run out of air, feeling like your lungs could burst, you pull away. conrad’s gaze is heavy on yours as he traces your top lip with his thumb.
“connie,” you whimper, itching to kiss him again. 
“you’re still bleeding.”
conrad wipes away your blood with the cuff of his flannel. before either of you can do or say anything more, there’s a knock on the door. jeremiah, letting you know that it’s time to go. 
and, just like that, the moment is gone. 
a few days later, belly invites you over for a girl’s night. you paint each other’s nails, eat sour candy, and watch rom coms, just like you used to. she updates you on debutante season, the argument she had with taylor, and her blossoming feelings for jeremiah. you let it slip that you and conrad kissed at nicole’s party, though you admit you aren’t sure what it means — as if you hadn’t spent hours and hours thinking about the kiss, about him. belly gives you a knowing smile, but you change the subject before she can comment any further.
you’re halfway through 10 things i hate about you when belly falls asleep. you grab your phone, deciding to finally reach out to conrad, when you get a text from him.
he’s already on the dock when you arrive, looking out onto the water. 
“hey,” you greet as you stand next to him. “i was actually about to text you —”
“did you tell belly that we kissed?” he interrupts. you can’t quite read his expression as he waits for you to answer.
“no, i didn’t,” you lie. “but…would it matter if i did?”
“well, i mean, belly’s close to nicole and i don’t want her finding out," conrad explains. his words are deliberate, and you suspect he'd spent some time perfecting what to say to you. so far, you didn't like where this was going. conrad delivers another blow:
"it’s not like it meant anything.”
you feel like you could shatter into a million pieces right then and there.
“it didn’t?” you hate how fragile your voice sounds, compared to conrad’s stoic demeanor.
conrad shrugs. “i mean, we were both drunk and the thing with liam happened, so we just got caught up in the heat of the moment.” 
“you’re saying there’s nothing between us, then? nothing other than friendship?”
he turned away before he answered. “no. nothing.”
“then what about last summer?” you demand. you force yourself to keep it together, your tone firmer than before. “i guess that didn’t mean anything, either.”
“y/n…” he pauses, and you know you caught him off guard. “i don’t know what you want me to say. we’re barely even friends anymore. you come back here, after all this time, after so much shit has happened, and expect us all to drop everything to fit you back into our lives. but, you don't. we moved on. i moved on, and i can’t deal with you —" 
“got it,” you snap, already turning to walk away. “loud and fucking clear, conrad.” 
it’s not like it meant anything. we’re barely even friends anymore.
you replay conrad’s words as you crawl into bed next to belly, holding back tears as to not disturb her sleep.
you decide then that you didn’t love conrad anymore. you couldn’t because it would eat you up inside. 
then again, it doesn't seem like hating him would be any easier.
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mosaiclobster · 1 month
Pecking Order (Farmer x Hayden)
I haven't posted fic on tumblr before, but people have been so unexpectedly lovely about this silly fic on AO3 so I thought I'd share it here too 🐔🐣
House chickens must wear many hats. To Henrietta’s relief, those hats were figurative; she never much cared for the indignities of clothing. Ribbons were another matter, especially ones bestowed on award podiums. She wore those with pride.
But Henrietta was more than a show chicken. She was a house chicken, and that meant she was a pest controller, a therapist, a taskmaster. A friend.
Well, not a friend to all. Hayden was her person, and she didn’t see much need for the rest of them. At least Ryis had a healthy admiration for birds - she let him pet her, on occasion.
The others were hopeless. Balor, Valen, and Errol gave her a wide berth, which was respectful, but none of them ever bothered to bring her treats. Celine did, but she was too nervous to feed Henrietta by hand now.
She hadn’t meant to peck the girl. It was a simple misunderstanding, one a flattened palm would’ve solved.
March was the worst of all. He didn’t address her by name, only as “chicken.” When she pecked him, she meant it.
But then, there was this new person. “The Farmer.”
Henrietta considered the nickname an impertinence. Hayden was the farmer in Mistria. His people had worked this land for generations.
Henrietta Jubilation Featherbottom knew something about legacies. She was a part of the most award winning lineage to ever grace chickendom. She’d raised a whole brood of blue ribbon birds, and she had Hayden to thank for that. Any affront to his honor was an attack on her own good name.
Hayden didn’t seem to mind the other farmer, though. He even let the interloper join game night. He broke the news to her over a bowl of popcorn, as if it was only natural to include this fraud. “Used to be an adventurer before settling down here. Imagine the stories!”
An adventurer indeed. Sounded like a rootless, chickenless existence - more of a rogue than a farmer, if you asked her. When their new guest arrived, Henrietta clucked with all the derision she could muster.
In return, she received a handful of wild berries. Palm flat, and steady.
“Nice to meet you, Henrietta.”
Well mannered. That was a surprise.
Hayden gave Henrietta an encouraging pet. “Isn’t that thoughtful?”
She kept a wary eye on the stranger while she plucked and pecked at the ripened fruit. Hayden rubbed at the back of his neck - a nervous habit.
Why should he be nervous? Henrietta studied his kind face, the one she’d known since she broke out of her egg. He was blushing.
“Ah, she’s made a bit of a mess. Sorry about your hand.”
Henrietta trilled, indignant. She was a dainty eater. Juice stains were to be expected, and his embarrassment degraded them both.
The so-called farmer smiled at Hayden, and gave him a rakish wink. “Better berries than monster blood.”
The cheek! But Hayden seemed quite charmed - he hardly noticed their other guests arriving, and the color never quite left his face. Valen even asked if he was feverish.
Amusing jokes, exciting anecdotes, nice manners… by the end of the night, Henrietta had to concede that this new human was well socialized.
Over the next few weeks, a routine took shape. Sweetwater was the fastest route to the museum from the other farm. On the way, offerings were made: berries for Henrietta, and coffee for Hayden. Not every day, but close. Henrietta often joined them at the kitchen table - gossip was her secret joy, and there was plenty to go around. Apparently, Valen was spending an awful lot of time with that witch who ran the bathhouse.
Hayden took a sip of coffee. “Good for them. Life’s meant to be shared, isn’t it?” Henrietta watched his warm brown eyes widen. Hayden coughed, and set his coffee down so hard that it sent a spoon flying. The clatter ruffled Henreitta’s feathers, but she smoothed them for his sake. Poor Hayden was blushing enough already.
“That’s why ranching is so rewarding. I’m glad you decided to get a coop - how are the girls doing so far?”
“They’re great. Thanks for setting up the see-saw, it’s been a big hit.”
Henrietta had met the girls once, under Hayden’s watchful gaze. It was clear they needed a strong matriarch, but Hayden scooped her up before her beak could do its work.
That was alright. Henrietta could be patient - they’d be joining her flock soon enough.
After all, Henrietta was nothing if not perceptive. She knew a courtship when she saw one, even if it lacked the usual dropped wing and dizzying dance. The gifts, the fleeting touches, the lingering looks… honestly, she couldn’t understand what they were waiting for.
Once the leaves began to turn, Hayden confided in her. Not just her - Ryis and Valen were there too. They didn’t equal her in wisdom or tact, but such gatherings were good enrichment for humans. She listened politely, and cooed in agreement when Ryis stated the obvious: “Hayden, we know. Everyone knows. You’ve been attached at the hip all summer.”
More blushing. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Valen shrugged, and swirled her glass of wine. “What’s there to say? We all thought you were already dating.”
Hayden rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, we aren’t. I don’t think so, anyway.”
They all laughed. Or clucked impishly, in Henrietta’s case. Once Ryis recovered, he put a gentle hand on Hayden’s shoulder. “You’d know. The next time you’re together, just speak from the heart. Trust me.”
The four of them were halfway through a fiendish jigsaw puzzle when Errol burst through the front door. Henrietta dropped the piece she was nibbling on and nearly fell off the table in shock - such an entrance!
The man’s face was as white as his beard. He looked absolutely stricken. “Please, come quickly. The mines -”
Henrietta trilled in alarm. Only their semi-retired adventurer would be so foolish. So brave.
The others charged off without her, leaving Henrietta sick with worry. She tore open a bag of premium treats, but the tasty morsels did little to soothe her.
Finally, Hayden returned with Valen and the intrepid patient. Henrietta was ready with a lecture about the dangers of monster hunting, but she received no promises of hanging up the blade. Just a pat on the head, and a crushed berry.
“As your doctor, I can’t advise you to hand feed livestock right now. You’re more prone to infection if she-”
“-she won’t. Here you go, Henrietta. I plucked this off a bush as they were dragging me out of the narrows.”
It was the nicest one she ever tasted.
Naturally, Henrietta was an accomplished nurse. She set to work, nestling at the patient’s feet on the couch while Valen gave Hayden instructions.
“This one has to be taken with food, twice a day. Something simple, like toast.”
Eggs and toast, surely. Henrietta began to doze.
When she awoke a while later, she wasn’t surprised to find another set of feet to warm. The two of them were laying in each other’s arms beneath her favorite checkered blanket.
They were mindful not to disturb her, but Henrietta allowed them their cooing and preening and kissing. Humans were such soft, silly creatures.
And now she had two to look after. Henrietta drifted back to sleep, and added another figurative hat to her collection: matchmaker.
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chososcamgirl · 4 months
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𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 - y/n’s cattery!
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background !
you and maki’s first ever interaction was at the age of 5 when maki pushed you off the playground slide in kindergarten. the stunt of hers left you both in tears as you had a grazed knee and she had a scolding in which after she ended up apologising to you. since then you guys have been bestfriends ever since. you and mai were also close but nothing could compare to the friendship you and maki shared. when you both turned 15, maki moved into the town over so you both went to different high schools. you both still kept in touch by calling every night - discussing the different gossip and one another’s school. alongside this you both met up frequently - every sunday to be accurate because you both could not stand to be physically distant with eachother.
the little rendezvous both of you held still continued until after you both graduated from high school. you both ended up attending eachothers because the ceremonies were a day apart - maki’s being first. after the ceremony, maki introduced you to yuta, panda & toge in which you called out toge as to why he was wearing what looked like his pyjamas under his robe (it was in fact his pyjamas.) after a bit of back and forth banter and laughter, maki invited you to join them for dinner together to which on you agreed to. after 5 courses of pure goodness, 32 dirty plates, 2 attempts of a food fight (toge being the prime suspect for both), some underage drinking - mostly from panda getting crunk after 4 bottles of soju - and many many embarrassing stories shared later, you guys all headed home, full of food and joy. you didn’t realise how fun maki’s other friends were. sure you heard stories here and there but experiencing a night out with them was for sure in your top 10 most cherishable memories.
you would’ve never imagined being hungover at your graduation. even you took 3 ibuprofen in the morning, your head was still banging and it was your turn next up to claim your certificate. suddenly your name was called and an eruption of screams came from the crowd. not only did the front row consist of your parents and family, but also maki, toge, yuta and panda in which the loudest of screams and cheers came from them. later on maki told you that the three guys were also planning on attending the same college as you and maki. maki who is studying law, yuta who is studying occupational therapy, panda & toge who are both studying finance and commerce, and you who is studying veterinary science.
during summer of that year, the 5 of you became inseparable, doing anything and everything together. you realised that everyone had a part in your friendgroup. maki whilst keeping the role of your bestfriend is also the “mom friend” and always keeping everyone in line - in another words from being arrested. yuta is the empath, you could always go to him whenever you needed an unbias opinion or just to rant - he always reassures you that if you need to let go he’s always there and his advice is always understanding. panda is the party animal, you always know it’s gonna be a good time if panda is there. the most memorable moments are always with him and he is the literal embodiment of gaf. and finally toge. toge is your partner in crime, you grew closest to him over the summer. you want to go egg your ex’s house? he’s there with shopping bags full of eggs. you want to bully some kids on roblox? he’s there with two headsets. you want to get drunk and forget about everything? he’s there with panda and three fake id’s. needless to say that summer was unforgettable.
after summer, you guys found an apartment complex that were currently looking out for people to rent the two rooms available. of course you guys immediately jumped onto it. what’s the next best thing living with your best friends? living 4 doors down! you guys were going to make these next couple years the best ever.
fun facts !
ᨘ໑▸ the characters included in this post are all aged 19-20
ᨘ໑▸ on the third day of college toge and panda got banned from the campus library after playing penis.
ᨘ໑▸ you, toge and panda always have a big going on and it used to concern poor yuta at the start because he thought it was actually serious.
ᨘ໑▸ panda, yuta and toge live together in one room and you and maki live together, along with your tabby cat called ‘beck’.
ᨘ໑▸ you guys all do grocery shopping together, but panda always comes to your apartment to steal food because theirs is always gone halfway through the week.
ᨘ໑▸ there once was a big ass spider in your apartment so you called toge to come and kill it but as soon as he walked in it jumped on his face and he scream was so high it was comparable to a dog whistle. you also recorded the whole thing and mention it atleast twice a week.
a/n: there is a love interest in each group :3
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synopsis ; the season of sun-kissed oceans and golden-hued moments is before you! however being a broke college student is not an ideal look to have, especially at your age. desperately seeking solace from financial woes, you and your bestfriend stumble upon an unexpected opportunity - a cat cafe. crafting lattes and pampering purring patrons seems easy enough, right? that fantasy lasts about one day before reality claws in.
🏷️taglist: @coquetteslvt @aliventboo @izakyun @luvvmae @tuihiatus @soonajeeme @ascybous @rotten1angel @catobsessedlady @myguumi @enhleui @viviennevianna @spacebaby1 @iheartlinds @haikyuu-tothetop @mua-for-now @waytootiredforthisss @j2upiters
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alotofpockets · 10 months
Right in front of you | Leslie Shay
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Pairing: Leslie Shay x Reader Reader pronouns used: she/her Prompt: "Is that a hickey?" Masterlist | Chicago Fire masterlist | Words: 1k
You loved to cook at the firehouse around the corner, on your days off from the family owned restaurant you worked at. Besides loving to cook, it was also a way for you to see your girlfriend when she was on shift. The environment at 51 was also not bad, you loved being around the people that Shay called her family, even though most of them didn’t know you and Shay were a thing. The two of you didn’t mind people knowing, you just didn’t want to make telling people such a big deal. Severide and Dawson knew for sure as they were her best friends, and maybe some other people had guessed and just never mentioned it. There were however also a few people that were definitely still clueless, like Cruz and Otis, as they were about to prove to you once again, you realized when you saw them walk in with their eyes focussed on you.
“Good morning boys, how was the call?” You ask as you put some scrambled eggs and bacon on a plate for each of them. Cruz was quick to give you an answer, priding himself on saving the day. “I rescued an old lady from her house before it was engulfed in flames.” Otis quickly chimes in, “Not before I located her and told you where to find her.” It was adorable how hard they were trying.  “Sounds like a great start to the day, then.” You smile. 
You had been coming to prepare food at the station for a few months now. When Shay had breakfast duty one day she asked if you could prepare breakfast for take out at the restaurant, after she relayed the many compliments the team gave to the food, you had suggested coming over to cook breakfast in the firehouse once a week, much to Shay and the team's liking. 
Not a day at the firehouse went by without Cruz and Otis trying to flirt with you. Not responding to their flirts or not showing the same interests back didn't stop them from trying every time, though. You had mentioned it to Shay after the first time it happened, wanting to be open about it. She just laughed at their antics with you, before she pecked your lips and told you, “You just tell them off or tell them about us if it gets annoying, okay?” So far, you had just found it funny, and decided to see how long they were going to keep this up, still not in any way giving them a signal that you were interested in them, of course.
You were still making scrambled eggs when Shay and Dawson got back from their call. They walked right up to you for their food, a cup of coffee, and of course they started a conversation with you. When they sat down with the rest of the team Shay overheard Cruz and Otis whispering amongst themselves. “We should start a bet on who will be able to get y/n to go on a date with them first.” She exchanges a look with Dawson, both of them working hard on keeping their laughter in. Shay, like you, thought their antics were hilarious, so she didn't stop them, unless you would get uncomfortable by it. 
Shay joins the conversation of their other teammates. She gets tired of her hair in her face so she puts her hair up in a quick messy bun. “Wow, Shay, is that a hickey?” Mills gasps. Dawson turns Shay's head her way so she can see for herself. “Sure looks like a hickey, Mills, never seen one before?” The brunette jokes. The rest of the team starts bombarding your girlfriend with questions, you look over to the group as it starts quite the commotion. “Okay, okay, calm down. You all get one question.” Shay says, knowing these people well enough to know they were going to drop it.
Capp starts off the questioning round. “Is she hot?” He immediately gets a shove to the shoulder by Tony, “Was that seriously the best you could do?” After he shrugs, Shay answers, “Yes, she's very hot.” Mills goes next, “One night stand?” She shakes her head, “No.” The team shares a look before Casey asks the next question, “Does Severide know who it is then?” Severide answers that one, letting the team know that he does. Otis decides to ask the next question, “Do we know her?” Shay noticed that you were walking towards the table with your own plate of food. “Yes, you do.” She says. You can see their brains working overtime, and have to try to hold in your laugh, as you sit down besides Shay. 
You share a look with Shay, letting her know that however she wants to handle this, it is okay with you. She smiles and puts her arm over the back of your chair. “It's really not that hard to think of a person that you all know.” She says, pulling their eyes back to her. The arm on your chair makes its way to your side, as she pulls you closer to her. “She's literally sitting right in front of you.” After finishing her sentence she places a kiss on your forehead and keeps holding you close. Most of the reactions to the news were comments along the lines of that’s great, congratulations, or you’ve got to keep this one around followed by Mouch pointing to the food and then giving a thumbs up. Of course, those reactions were all great, however, your favorite reactions were those of Cruz and Otis. Their eyes widened when they realized they had been flirting with Shay’s girlfriend for weeks. 
The newly found information made the team quickly forget about the hickey that started the conversation, as the team was happy to see Shay so happy with you. They continued asking you both questions, how did you meet? and how long have you been together? until the alarm rang and all companies were being called to a scene. Shay kisses you before getting up, “Thank you for breakfast, baby.” 
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animatorweirdo · 22 days
The Fall of the Sun (Part 2)
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Part 1
While recovering from the injuries that had left you bedridden, you remember the past and think of the moments that led you into this.
(Author note: Just a fair warning, I might not continue this fic after this part.)
Warnings: broken bones, drugs to numb the pain, pirates, murder, your family dying in a fire, mentions of becoming a slave, jumping into a sea, getting attacked by a sea snake, storms, dehydration and nearly dying by the sun, Halbrand being a bit annoying, bar fights, mentions if him being in prison, violence, volcanic eruptions, things getting destroyed by fire, threats of being burned alive, angst, injuries, betrayal and reader being self-deprecative.
As you lay on the bed, trying to let your broken body recover. You think of the past, the happier times before all this. It was all you could do besides be wrapped in bandages and consumed by the medicines to numb the pain. 
You were born in a town beside a northern shore. It was a happy little town. You were a young girl, dreaming of adventure and finding true love. Your family considered you silly for them, but you were certain that one day— you would embark on a journey to fulfill those dreams. 
One special thing about your town was your unique neighbor, a dragon. Your people and her had lived in peace for many years thus there was never a fear of her attacking your town. She was a patient and kind being. You had visited her cave many times with your friends. Nearly everyone had a great friendship with her and you all were eager when she shared the news that she had laid a clutch of eggs.  Life was good back then. 
However, everything changed when the pirates came. 
You and the town first allowed them to stay out of politeness. They were arrogant and rude, but since they didn’t cause trouble worth kicking them out, you could only wait and hope they would leave as soon as possible. But then they heard about your friend and decided to commit one of the most horrible acts you had ever seen. 
They sneaked into her lair and murdered her. They crushed their eggs and stole all the gifts you and the townspeople had given her throughout the years. 
When they bragged their victory to you, you all were horrified and tried to chase them out, but then they attacked your home, burned the houses, and killed people. Your family perished when your house caught on fire. You had no idea what happened to your siblings and cousins. You were the only one to survive. 
Unfortunately, you were also taken captive by the pirates with those who survived. They intended to sell you for slavery. Despite your hatred for them, you were scared to act and played nice until you found out they had taken one of the eggs. They planned to sell it to some lord who would take pleasure in enslaving a legendary beast such as a dragon. Remembering your old friend, you decided not to allow it to happen. 
During a storm, you stole the egg. However, seeing nowhere else to escape when your escape boat was lost. You jumped into the freezing sea, allowing the current to take you despite struggling to remain above the surface. 
Miraculously, you survived the storm. But then you were forced to swim in the sea without clear direction, hoping you might find land.  You doubted if you made the right decision, but considering your fate would have been slavery, death by the sea was perhaps better than a lifetime of torment. 
That was then when you encountered the raft and met him, Halbrand. 
The surviving people took pity enough on you to help you climb on the raft, and then he spoke to you for the first time. 
“What is a lone maiden like yourself doing swimming so far in the sea?” The brown-haired man questioned after one of the raft people helped you on the raft and you lay on the wooden flooring, exhausted. 
“I jumped out of a pirate ship. It was either stay and be sold as a slave, or jump and possibly die in the sea. The latter was more pleasing to me,” You answered then looked toward him. 
“What about you? What does a lonely wet rat like yourself doing so far out of here?” You asked, which earned a chuckle from him. 
He first appeared a bit cold but did not seem to mind talking with you. Apparently, the ship he was traveling on was destroyed by a sea snake, and now they were hopelessly sailing on whatever was left, hoping a land would come their way sooner or later. Strangely, he kept looking toward the bag you clutched close to your hips like he knew something. It made you feel uneasy but tolerated it as you were stuck with him. 
He seemed to liven up a bit when you talked more, and he seemed to have taken a liking to calling you ‘tough girl’ just to annoy you. You hated it, but you couldn’t help but admit that talking to him helped you keep your sanity. 
Unfortunately, the sea proved more dangerous than you imagined. You were attacked by the same sea monster that destroyed Halbrand’s ship. It devoured the rest of the poor travelers and destroyed the raft, leaving only you and Halbrand. You did not know how you survived, except you two lay quietly against the raft as the sea snake swam past you.  Scared out of your wits, you might have held his hand tightly which he did not seem to mind until the danger was over. Strangely, you remember him uttering some strange words right before the sea snake left. 
Then the storm came, which caused many troubles and nearly destroyed the raft if you had not cut the rope that kept you down. Then came the sun and you were dying from heat and dehydration. 
Heating under the scorching sun, exhausted and choking on your dry throat. You looked toward Halbrand one last time. 
“You know, Halbrand. Even though you were kinda annoying since we are most likely going to die, it was nice knowing you. “ You said, struggling to maintain consciousness under the heat. 
He chuckled, sweating and glancing toward you. “I knew you were gonna warm up to me eventually,” He teased, his eyes full of exhaustion. “But… it was nice knowing you as well, tough girl,” he said, using the nickname you hated. 
He offered his hand and you did not mind holding it as the sun finally got to you, causing your consciousness to flicker under the heat. 
But luck seemed to be on your side as you two were found by a numenorian ship. 
They gave you water and food to eat then brought you to one of the port cities of Numenor. The ship’s captain was kind enough to share some gold so you two would have a place to stay for a couple of nights while you sorted out your predicament. 
You allowed Halbrand to stay with you, even though you had enough only for one room in the inn. He liked testing your patience and tried to convince you to show the secrets of your bag, but luckily he didn’t push it. Perhaps your ordeal together managed to help you become friends and you two decided to find some work so you could keep the room for now. 
Your mother taught you everything you needed to know about embroidery and the workings of stitching. You had a passion for clothing and fashion. You asked around if anyone knew any clothes vendors or shops who could use an extra hand and you ended up meeting a nice elderly woman named Núriël, who was amazed by your skills and eagerly took you in to work for her. 
While doing a small errand, you noticed Halbrand seemed to have found his place in a forge, so you catch up with him for a moment. Apparently, to work in a forge, he needed to be part of a guild and he managed to become a member. You felt slightly proud and wished him congrats before continuing your day.
Your day went smoothly and quicker than you anticipated. Núriël gifted you extra clothing for you and Halbrand after you told her of your ordeal in the sea.  You were grateful and eagerly made your way back to the inn, only for some numenorian guard to tell you that Halbrand was in prison for theft and causing a tavern fight. 
You were slightly livid as you helped him out of there and forced him to explain. Apparently, he had trouble finding work in the forge, so he stole the guild badge and tried to get into the good graces of the men by buying them drinks at the tavern. However, they were easily offended by something he said and a tavern fight was born. 
You scolded him as it was common knowledge that the numenorians were known as a proud people. Such tricks as buying drinks will only work on those from Middle Earth. 
He then admitted he had not interacted with people much, so he was not the most experienced. You found it weird that he did not know how to interact before returning to your room, making dinner, and then showing him new clothes so he would not look like a rat. 
The next day, you decided to aid him in finding work at the guild. The people there were much calmer when you apologized for your friend’s rude behavior and then questioned about the qualifications to join the guild. Halbrand was slightly offended when you excused his behavior as being a fever from the sea, but since it allowed the men of the guild to give him a chance, he did not complain. 
You instructed him very clearly not to run his mouth. He is to listen and learn when necessary. You were not going to help him if he got himself in prison for the second time. 
He showed gratitude and promised he would not disappoint you. 
He kept his promise as he managed to win over the guild with his forge skills and become an official member, which meant no more stealing or tavern fights.
The whole thing helped you become closer and you got into a routine that helped you adapt to your new life. Halbrand learned to be better at socializing with people, though you had taken on yourselves to dress him on proper occasions. He always teased and joked about how you were his personal dresser. Those jokes always earned a smack or eyes rolling. 
However, you did grow fond of him and finally trusted him enough to reveal the golden egg to him. 
You told him about your friend and the life before pirated. You told him how you could not allow her only child to be taken and sold off to slavery. Halbrand looked at you with rare sensibility. 
“I’m sorry… for your loss,” He said. 
“Will you promise me not to tell anyone? We are better off now, but there is no knowing what the Numenorians will do if they find such a creature here. “ You asked. 
“I would not be able to forgive myself if anything came to happen to my friend’s only child,” You said, looking at the golden egg in your hands. 
“I’m sure everything will be fine by how you protect the egg,” Halbrand tried to play it off as a joke. 
“I’m serious, Halbrand. Please… Give me your word you will allow no harm to the egg,” You said with a tone of seriousness. 
Halbrand was quiet for a moment before taking your hand into his. “I give you my word that no harm will come to the egg or the life inside it,” He said sincerely. 
That promise helped you be easy on yourself, and surprisingly, Halbrand seemed to have become more honest with you. He still teased you like no tomorrow, but he kept his word and did not mention anything about the egg to the outside world. You could not help but admit that you considered him one of your most trusted friends. 
You and Halbrand decided that life on Numenor was not so bad and had enough money to rent a bigger place. You became comfortable leaving the egg near the fireplace to incubate and after three months living in Numenor, the day finally arrived.
You pulled Halbrand out of his forge that day, excited to have him there. You two then watched as a small dragon hatched from the egg. Its scales were golden and big pearly black eyes looked back at you. A small adorable chirp escaped its mouth and your heart was stolen. You placed your hand on the table and watched the little creature curiously climb on your palm. You then snuggled close to it with love in your heart. 
Halbrand figured the dragon must be male. You found it a little strange that he had such knowledge of dragons, but you didn't care enough and already came up with a name. You named the little dragon, Anorion, which Halbrand thought was slightly cheesy yet fitting. 
Your routine changed with Anorion as he needed food and a lot of attention. It became a bit of a challenge as he would sometimes cry out for you, nearly giving himself away to your landowners and other people nearby. Anorion would behave well in Halbrand’s care, but he was especially clingy with you. It gave Halbrand a reason to tease you as Anorion obviously saw you as his mother. 
You considered getting a new place that was away from people, but then you heard some rumors about the Southlands and remembered that you had relatives who lived there and hadn’t seen them in years. 
You proposed the idea of the journey to Halbrand as Anorion had become rowdy as he grew and that you had enough to pay a ship to take you to Middle Earth. Halbrand surprisingly agreed to the idea without much thought and you began the preparations. 
You bid goodbye to the friends you made. They bid you farewell and gave you some parting gifts. You delivered Anorion in a box, playing him off as your sicky pet to explain the sounds that echoed from his box. You then finally set off to Middle Earth.
As you sailed out of the port city, you became curious about Halbrand’s decision to come with you and questioned him about it as he could have easily stayed in Numenor. 
“I did not mind our life in Numenor, but I think it would become lonely and less interesting without you there,” Halbrand said. “And I would be a pretty bad father to Anorion if I abandoned his mother on a possible dangerous journey,” He finished with a grin. 
His remark caused you to roll your eyes at him, but in your heart, you felt warm and a change. That was perhaps the moment you began to feel more for your annoyingly charming friend. 
When you finally arrived on Middle Earth, you bought a wagon and a couple of horses before setting off to the Southlands. The journey was long but peaceful. As Anorion had grown big enough to learn how to fly, you two had fun helping him learn and Anorion eagerly flew most of the distances and began hunting for himself. 
You two would sometimes stop to fish and camp beneath the stars. You once instigated a water fight in a river and Halbrand gave no mercy. It was fun, but when Halbrand picked you up by your waist and you both fell into the river, you noticed how the close contact made you feel nervous even though you had no such issue before. 
When you finally reached the Southlands, you were suddenly stopped by your old elven friend, Rhiwlas. You had met when she first came to your town and you two became good friends so you were fairly excited to see her again.
She had warned orcs had been seen around Southland and insisted she would escort you to the village. 
You did not mind and took the chance to catch up with her, telling her everything that had happened as she escorted you to the village where your relatives lived. 
Your relatives were shocked but glad to see you. They were sorrowful when you told them what had happened to your home and were more than willing to provide a place for you and Halbrand to stay. 
After settling in, you and Halbrand took the chance to sit on the grass and enjoy the scenery while Anorion looked around your new home. 
“Not a bad place. It’s very peaceful,” You stated. 
Halbrand nodded with a hum. “I agree. Thought I am happy that the forge of this village is looking for new smiths and do not require me to join some guild,” he stated, making you giggle. 
“Say… since we are in Middle Earth. There is nothing that would stop you from traveling and doing what you want,” You started, and Halbrand looked at you strangely. “I do not mean you are not welcome to stay. You are more than welcome. I just mean… If you wanted to leave and travel, that would not bother me,” You explained. 
He stared at you for a moment before grinning. “I am in no rush to travel. I think I can come to enjoy this place,” He assured and you could not help but smile. Relief and joy encased you within the thought of him staying. 
But then Rhiwlas came and to your surprise, she seemed suspicious of Halbrand. She questioned you about his past, and then you figured she was just being protective of you. You assured her that Halbrand could be trusted, but for some reason, she was adamant in her suspicion. 
Then by accident, she saw Anorion. You quickly had to introduce her to him and assure her that he was not dangerous. Luckily, you managed to get her comfortable, and promise not to tell on you. You promised her that you would introduce Anorion to your relatives soon enough. 
Unfortunately, your new peace did not last long as the orcs attacked. It was completely out of surprise and you would have lost your life if Halbrand was not there to save your life. Rhiwlas and her people did their best to fend them off, but they overwhelmed them by numbers. You were scared that soon they would either kill or enslave you all, but then Anorion took flight and released his fire upon them. 
You and Halbrand had tried to help him learn to breathe fire and this was the first time you had seen him use it effectively. You felt pride and Anorion’s sudden appearance scared the orcs away, allowing Rhiwlas and her people to finish them. 
The orcs left, ordered to retreat by an orc that looked like an elf. You were glad it was over then introduced Anorion to your relatives and the village people. Luckily, they were more welcoming than you thought and did not mind giving treats and pets to the small dragon.
While recovering from the attack, you noticed the sudden change in Halbrand’s mood. He was quiet and stared at the way where the orcs and their leader left with hatred in his eyes. That way you knew he knew the orc leader from somewhere and questioned him about it. He hesitated first then revealed the orc leader had done great wrong to him, thus the hatred.
You were sympathetic and comforted him, which helped the anger in him to calm down. 
Rhiwlas went after the orc leader with her company and the peace was restored. But then, Anorion became frightened by something. 
He started crying, biting your arm and clothing, seemingly trying to lead you away from the village. It was hard to calm him down until Halbrand revealed that, like animals, dragons could sense when a great danger or catastrophe was going to happen soon.
You began to feel eerie when you noticed birds escaping toward the west and other animals becoming frightened by something as well. You decided to trust Anorion’s instinct and convinced your relatives and other village people to leave as soon as possible. 
You traveled away from the village, carrying Anorion in your arms as you tried to comfort him, all the while attempting to figure out what had frightened him so deeply.
You got your answer when the Southland’s slumbering volcano erupted. The great cloud rose before your very eyes and balls of fire fell upon the earth. All of you ran for your lives, despite having some distance from the volcano, the great balls of fire were able to reach you and cause havoc around you. 
Halbrand covered you while you two ran with scared Anorion in your arms. However, then the great cloud of fire came toward you with awful speed. You were not able to run away as it caught up to you, ready to burn all of you alive. 
“(Name)!” Halbrand yelled. He embraced you as the fiery cloud consumed you and everything around you. You cried out in fear, expecting to be burned alive. 
But instead of being burned alive, you felt something cold wrap around you and then you dropped against a forest ground. 
In shock, you stared at the unfamiliar forest around you. Anorion whimpered as you got up and looked around in confusion as there was no fire around you. 
You then saw the fires and the smoke and walked up the hill, seeing the volcano far away and everything that had been burned to ash. You were in disbelief of what had happened, but your worry for Halbrand and your relatives overshadowed your need for answers and you began making your way out of the forest, toward the destroyed land. 
By coincidence, you encountered Rhiwlas who came back to investigate after seeing the volcano erupt. You then told her what had happened. 
The fiery cloud had most likely dissipated by now, so you pleaded with her to see if any of your relatives or Halbrand were still alive. She doubted anyone could have survived such destruction, but you continued pleading and she finally agreed. 
You stayed in the camp with Anorion and some of her people. They questioned how you survived and you gave an unsure description of how during the fire, Halbrand embraced you and suddenly you were in another forest like magic. They found it strange, but your confusion was settled when Rhiwlas returned and declared she had found one survivor. 
You were relieved to find it was Halbrand who had survived the fire. However, your face went pale when you saw a large sharp piece of wood stuck through his side. 
Rhiwlas explained he was going to need immediate treatment if he was to survive. She then sorrowfully explained that your relatives and the rest of the village people had died in the fire. Your heart sank for your relatives, but you held strong as Halbrand’s survival was at stake and you brought him to Lindon. 
You prayed Eru or whatever Valar for him to survive. You were there as the elven healers worked swiftly to remove the wood piece and block the blood loss. They were able to stable him but he was going to rest for a while. 
You were by his side the days he spent with his eyes closed, praying he would not leave you alone till the day arrived when he opened his eyes and teased you for your tears. You were joyful, but could no longer hold back revealing your feelings. 
“Is everything a joke to you?” You scolded him softly after he woke up and made that ridiculous remark. 
“I like to keep up the smiles rather than despair. Thought having lovely maiden yourself and our sweet child mourn my passing does not sound like an awful end,” He grinned. 
“I thought I really lost you,” You revealed.  
“Well, as you can see. I am way too charming to pass away so easily,” Halbrand said, petting Anorion’s head. 
“I’m serious. Halbrand you are more important to me than you realize. I do not know I would be able to live without you by my side,” You confessed, hoping he would understand what you meant and he did. 
Halbrand stared at you, before gently placing his hand behind your head and bringing your lips down to meet with his. 
It was sweet and short before you broke it off, and he promised he was not going to leave your side anytime soon. 
You were there as he recovered. He recovered surprisingly fast. After two days, he was able to walk by himself.
You told the happy news to Rhiwlas. However, she had begun to suspect Halbrand from something. She revealed how she found it way too strange how he was able to survive the volcano and that he was most likely the reason you were able to escape the volcano into another forest. Thinking about it made you realize how strange it was and that there was a possibility that Halbrand was not an ordinary human man. However, when Rhiwlas revealed that she suspected him of being a malicious being, you became defensive. You tried to reason with her that Halbrand could not be something evil since he did save your and Anorion’s life. Why would he save you if he was evil? 
Rhiwlas was not convinced, especially when Halbrand had begun taking an interest in talking with the elves and suggesting something that could help them defeat the orcs now they had found themselves a new homeland in the former Southlands. 
Then something happened between them and you could no longer find Halbrand anywhere. Rhiwlas revealed that he was Sauron, causing you to fall into shock and denial. You thought she was throwing accusations at him because she was being overly protective. You could not believe the man you have befriended, lived, traveled with, and held feelings for could be some ancient evil from the past. 
Unfortunately, it was the truth. 
You became the unfortunate fool deceived by the deceiver, with no family or place to go. Alone among the elves. And now, a poor fool with a broken body. Anorion was possibly dead, if not, enslaved by the orcs. You could do nothing but stare into the nothing, hoping you won’t end up as crippled for the rest of your life. 
Oh, what an unfortunate fool you truly are…
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A/N: Hi! I'm kinda new in the Hogwart's legacy fandom and I've seen so many people sharing their MC and their stories and I just wanted to share mine too!
English is not my first language, and my blogger skills (?) are poor, so proceed with caution!
Meet my MC!
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Name: Tori Lewis
Birthday: 14th June 1875
Birthplace: Turin, Italy
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Lesbian
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Acaia wood, phoenix core, 12' length, quite bendy flexibility
Patronus: Jack Russell Terrier
Quidditch position: Seeker; Imelda practically begged her to join the Hufflepuff team because "I need a good competition in order to improve myself!"
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Some extra facts!
Her name
Tori stands for Vittoria. Why Vittoria? Because she is half-British and half-Italian (from her mother's side) 🤌. I chose the name because I like to think that her parents thought about  Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and King Vittorio Emanuele II of Italy, both sovereigns by the time of Tori's birth.
Why Turin?
Because well, it's my birthplace! Also, Turin is a special city: it has a lot of esoteric story. In a few words, this city joins London and San Francisco to create the triangle of Black Magic, but also the triangle of White Magic too with Lyon and Prague.
Spouse: Poppy Sweeting (she IS wife)
Career: Auror and Natty is her partner, they're thick as thieves and menace to their superior
I think that Poppy's mission is still saving beasts from poachers, so I headcanon she is a sort of mix of Auror and magizoologist (guys, I have no idea about careers in wizard world lol)
Residence: Hogsmeade (I headcanon that since she is a Keeper, she doesn't want to live far away from Hogwarts, I'm also too in love with Hogsmeade)
My personal headcanons with future wife Poppy 💛
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Even if they're in the same house and same bedroom, Poppy had never spoken to Tori before their first Beasts Class together because the last was often away and Poppy herself is a night owl, visiting Highwing or studying beasts, etc.
Poppy was also sure that the new fifth year will become like her schoolmates. Because sure, why the new cool, brave student will be friend with Peculiar Poppy? But fortunately Tori is such a good egg, kneazles can confirm.
Tori decided to kneel in front of the Graphorn (because we're not a monster, right?) following Poppy's example. It was Poppy that waited patiently for the mother dragon to take its egg back. It was Poppy that put down her wand when centaurs came to her. And of course, you should show respect to an Hippogriff before approaching.
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That's why she chose to kneel. The Graphorn has fought well, it deserved respect.
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Poppy felt in love first. Tori felt harder. Like she is kind of in denial for a while and then BOOM she falls and realises and she is panicking "what? Aaaaah what should I do now?!"
Poppy doesn't need protection but loves how protective Tori is.
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Their love language is physical touch. Every single one. Surprise hugs from behind? Lovely! Forehead kiss? Adorable! Cuddles in the vivarium with beasts? The best!
Should I really say it? Poppy is an adorable little spoon and love to be wrapped in Tori's arms.
Tori is a golden retriever. Already from day one when Poppy asked to follow her in the forest.
Tori feel like she could die because of Poppy's cuteness, often screaming "STOP BEING SO CUTE AND SO KISSABLE I CAN'T FOCUS"
Poppy is a great cook, Tori isn't at all. But a few times she has tried to cook to cheer Poppy up. The result was messy but still edible and Poppy appreciated the efforts.
They're bad dancers but they don't care, they're having fun
I have a very sappy proposal headcanon.
Tori proposed to Poppy after a couple of months after graduation (lesbian couples move fast, okay?) and she decided to be extremely romantic.
She studied where and when to find Mooncalves' dance and saved the day on her calendar. When the day came, she took Poppy and flied on Highwing to the special place.
Poppy thought the surprise was the mooncalves' dance, instead she turned around and found Tori on her knees, with a ring in her hand. A very shining ring that a selvatic niffler has tried to steal before Poppy could say yes, jumping from a bush the moment the ring sparkled under the moonlight. The little beast had caused little chaos but fortunately they catched it before was too late. With the retrieved ring in one hand, and the beast thief in the other, Tori asked grinning "do you still want to marry meee?"
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I've surely more facts and headcanons for my MC, but I think this post is already long enough!
Anddd that was my MC! If you've read so far, thank you so much!
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matan4il · 10 months
I'm so happy some of the hostages are being returned. I was honestly starting to worry that maybe none were left alive, were smuggled out, or couldn't even be found from Hamas themselves. So, small blessings.
What I loathe is people trying to pretend Hamas is virtuous for this or that 5 prisoners for everyone Israel is even morally equivalent. It doesn't erase every person coming home lost someone brutally before being taken and probably left another person behind as a hostage. It will never erase how they tortured innocent civilians. These people coming home have probably been brutalized for 50 days. The trauma they will carry around breaks my heart. So many families will never be whole again. Pile on the people being returned to Gaza were actual terrorists who tried to or killed Israel's.
Every family has been forever changed in violence they never asked for. But I am grateful for who comes home. Seeing the reunion videos makes me happy. It just doesn't change my opinion of the people who did it. It's actually worse when I see them cheering and jeering at the red cross recovering them.
However.. I can't leave you without some dark humor. My neighbor put up Ceasefire sign with a death toll count at 10,000. When I was walking by, I asked her where she got that number because it's clearly wrong. I'd be happy to explain. She walked in and slammed the door. At least I'm more popular in the neighborhood and have a Ring so she can't egg my house. Although I am considering putting up more Israel flags just to start a sign war. Petty, yes, but if it annoys them, priceless!!!!
As always, I hope you and your family are staying safe. Lots of love!!!! Hopefully, researching for the museum is a nice distraction. Sending prayers, you're feeling OK!!
Hi darling! <333
Oh, I was sure that Hamas would keep at least some alive. Living hostages are worth more than dead ones. At this point, Hamas NEEDS this break in the fighting, and for sure they knew their strongest leverage over Israel would be hostages, so... what worries me is that we don't know how many are live. Fifty hostages is less than a quarter from the people kidnapped, and Hamas has not yet produced a current proof of life for the rest. But yes, I don't think it's possible to see the family reunions and not be moved! (well... so long as you're not de-humanizing Israelis, that is)
The people who have to be told that Hamas isn't humane, a terrorist organization that has beheaded human beings, including babies, raped women of all ages to the point where their bones broke, amputated kids, kidnapped a 9 months old, murdered Holocaust survivors... those people are beyond hope. Still, if you look at a recent released Hamas vid, meant to depict its terrorists as "humane," you can actually hear them instructing the hostage to "keep waving." That says it all.
I'm also gonna mention that one of the hostages released by Hamas tonight had to be rushed into surgery, and her life is in danger even after that.
And that's on top of everything else you mentioned. Yes, every single one of the hostages has either lost a relative, or still has family or friends in captivity, or had their house physically destroyed, and they were all changed forever by 7 weeks of captivity underground, in terror tunnels. I was listening to the testimony of an Israeli kid who was freed by Israel in 1976 from Entebbe, after just one week as a hostage, without being separated from his family, without losing anyone, while they weren't held underground, and he still said he was never the same person again. I can't understand anyone who ignores that. Then again, I also can't comprehend how a human being can look at a poster begging for the release of a baby, but some did exactly that, and proudly.
LOL I love that, thank you for sharing! And NGL, I would love for more Israeli flags on display. Even just the fact that it humanizes Israelis means so much! Thank you for being such an incredible ally, from me, and I'm sure from others reason this, too! Sending you all the love and good wishes in the world, you absolute ray of light! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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yuurei20 · 2 years
Deuce Info Compilation Part 1: Deuce's Mom
Deuce first references his mother during Book 1 when it is revealed that he was “the only man of the house”, so he would help her with the heavy lifting that resulted from when she would “stock up” during sales.
Deuce references helping his mother during sales again in his PE vignette, where he uses the skills he learned as a child to help Sebek acquire pudding for Lilia (“I can’t tell you how many times I was barreled down over a single carton of eggs.”)
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Deuce reveals that he had been able to shop for Trey and others at the dorm during the chaos of Sam’s sale, and Sebek compliments him as “a gifted human indeed”.
We get the story of Deuce’s past for the first time during Book 1 when he explains that he had been “wild” when he was younger (“yobisute” was changed to “I called my teachers names” as English does not have honorifics)
He says his change of heart was inspired by overhearing his mother crying about “how she must have been a horrible mom, and that maybe she never should have tried to raise me by herself.” Deuce insists on taking responsibility for his past actions, saying “She hadn’t done anything wrong. It was all me.” When he was accepted to NRC, he “decided then and there that this time, I wouldn’t do anything to make her cry. This time, I’d become an honor student—someone she could be proud of.”
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The topic of his mother arises during Wish Upon a Star, as well, with Deuce saying that he once heard her wish for him to stop fighting and live a healthy life.
Deuce’s mother calls him twice during the Wish Upon a Star event, and the first time leads to a conversation with Silver where he says that his old friends used to make fun of him for being so close to her. Silver says, “It’s only natural you’d want to talk regularly with someone you care about.” 
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Deuce shares a summarized version of his past with Silver and we learn that, due to his poor reputation, Deuce would get accused of things that he’d had nothing to do with.
He says, “Of course I got a huge attitude when people wouldn’t believe me. Looking back, though, they had every reason not to.” We learn that the only people who ever believed him were his mother and a neighborhood police officer who would always insist on hearing his side of a story and prove that he had an alibi when people tried to frame Deuce for things he hadn’t done.
Deuce says that, “If I could be like that, maybe my mom wouldn’t worry for much”. Deuce explains that this is why he wants to be a police officer when he is older: more specifically, a part of an agency that handles magical crimes, referred to as “magic marshals”. 
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Deuce’s mother calls him again at the end of Wish Upon a Star to tell him that “Even Night Raven College couldn’t have asked for a finer Stargazer than you” and “You know I’m very proud of you”, which nearly makes Deuce cry. He says, “One of these days, I’m gonna make my mom happy by making an even bigger wish come true.”
Deuce brings up his dream of joining the police force again in his birthday vignette, saying that he he has put most of his effort into “media research”, watching movies and TV and memorizing “intense-looking running styles” and “cool-sounding one-liners to use when making an arrest”.
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Deuce mentions his mother often: in the Culinary Crucible he talks about wanting to “learn how to cook good meals for when I’m at home”, saying that his mother would “always cook egg dishes for my birthday” and “now I know what mom means when she says she adds a pinch of love to her cooking”.
We learn that Deuce would help his mother cook as a child. He says that he recently learned that she’d had a cold, but she didn’t let him know until after she had fully recovered. Deuce says “I kinda wish she’d lean on me more when she’s struggling” and “the next time I visit, I want to cook for her and show that I’m more dependable than ever!”
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When Crowley and Ortho threaten to expose the students for not going to rescue Idia from Eliza during the Phantom Bride event Deuce’s reaction is “my mom would cry if she saw me on the news like that”.
He also mentions his mother waiting for him during Winter Holidays, something he wants to buy but cannot afford and how he does not want to ask him mom for money, the curry she would make, sending her a picture of his halloween costume, helping her with household appliances and more.
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triscribe · 2 months
DC in Westeros - the Doom of Krypton
It began with Val-Lor and Hatu-El.
For more than a thousand years, the Kryptonian Empire ruled much and more of the lands of Essos. At the height of their power, over thirty Grand Houses of Dragonlords vied for power within their cities, supported by untold wealth and unknown magics. Their airborne armies could cross thousands of miles in a matter of days; their pyromancers and bloodmages raised great palaces and formidable temples; even in hidden places where Kryton did not rule, their influence shaped culture and custom, inspiring traditions that still last into the present day.
No one could challenge the might of the dragonlords. Not their slaves, nor their subjects, not even their allies. And though the exact cause of the Doom that came upon Krypton remains unknown, many surmise that the Grand Houses reached for power too dangerous even for them to touch, that their pride and hubris at its peak at last roused the anger of their gods, who opened the earth and filled the skies with molten rock and burning ash. No matter the cause, it took the Doom less than a day to unmake all the mighty wonders of the Kryptonian Empire, to utterly destroy all those who’d lived at its heart.
The dragons rose, the dragons ruled, and then, the dragons died.
Except for those few of House El.
A mere seven years before the Doom, a Kryptonian youth named Val-Lor dreamt of fire and blood, of the world he knew undone in a thrice, with only a single beckoning gleam on the horizon that promised of safe shores. Attempting to share this dream, this warning, did not produce the desired result: the dragonlords all laughed at Val, the second son of a lesser branch of a minor family. All, that is, except for his friend Hatu-El.
Records tell us this single lordling attempted to support Val-Lor’s claim, even against the desires of his own family. When that led nowhere, Hatu instead made a fateful decision: to abandon Krypton entirely. He gathered his closest friends, their spouses and small children, their indebted servants and beholden soldiers. And most importantly, Hatu took a single egg, a young hatchling, and his own nearly grown dragon, Nightflame.
Four other names have come down through the histories, those dear friends who cleaved to Hatu-El and his decision. Tyr-Van supplied three of his family’s best ships; Kad-Zee furnished them with all the supplies his coffers could purchase. Col-Ur brought chests of books from the great Hall of Magecraft; Lan-Zod kept her warriors on guard at all times, protecting and hiding the movements of the others until they were ready to depart. When the moment came, they went swiftly, leaving Krypton far behind before any could realize they’d gone.
We will never know the full reactions of the families abandoned by these six; only a single mention is made in the chronicle of their journey west with regard to a squad of dragonriders swooping low over the ships, led by an elder sister of Hatu-El who pleaded for him to return. He steadfastly refused, and the riders subsequently departed. If any other attempt was made to convince the wayward Kryptonians the error of their ways, or else to forcefully seize and bring them back, then those sent to do so never encountered the tiny fleet. And any annals kept in Krypton itself that may have made mention of the incident did not survive the Doom, seven years later.
By then, Hatu and Val had found their way to that gleaming shore in the latter’s dream: a small isle across the Narrow Sea, formed of shining black stone and possessed of a single smoking mountain. It sat across the opening of Blackwater Bay, and served as a rest stop for local fishermen and passing trade ships. These lowly Westerosi, who may not have ever even heard of the Kryptonian Empire, let alone seen a true dragon, were so taken by the arrival of Hatu-El and his people that none protested his claiming of the isle, and replacing any title it may have previously carried with the name of Kandor.
In short order, a grand fortress took shape, made of that same gleaming black stone. The courtyards stood wide enough for a hundred men to drill, or a single adult dragon to sprawl in the morning sunlight. Wide halls and large chambers were carved into the mountain itself, kept warm by the volcanic vents within, with a thick curtain wall keeping all of them safe and sheltered. Seven towers climbed into the sky; one for each of the Kryptonian bloodlines who’d settled there, and the last a mighty beacon, housing an enchanted flame at the top to safeguard the small inlet below and keep incoming ships from dashing themselves upon the sharp rocks at night.
During construction of their new home, the displaced Kryptonians learned of the Doom, the utter ruin of all they’d known and loved in days past. With the fortress of Kandor complete, some years later, Hatu-El insisted upon a celebratory feast, during which he pronounced their six families to be the new unified House of Krypton, the last bastion of their lost empire. Whether truth or legend, it is said that as he made this declaration, outside the great hall Hatu’s dragon Nightflame lifted her head and roared, unleashing a wave of blazing fire into the sky, briefly making the dim evening as bright as midday.
Ever afterward, the line of El ruled the House of Krypton, the dragonlords supporting and supported in turn by the descendants of Van, Zee, Ur, Zod, and Lor.
So THAT is progress.
I'm still tweaking my description of the Conquest, several generations later, but with luck I'll have everything sorted out soon and be able to post this to AO3. Might make another post today with my so-far layout of the other Great DC Houses of Westeros and my vague intentions of how they'll all be tied together.
Absolutely feel free to ask questions if y'all are interested, that's the best motivation for me to actually type all this nonsense out instead of just letting it sit in my head.
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alittlextrathatway · 9 months
So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The fire house.
Now I have to say, this was difficult because I rarely listen to Swift and I didn't know who the other was either... So if this just comes across as a weird choice, please feel free to ignore it. (just wanted to give you another to choose from because I really like your writings)
Fourth entry for the Sylvie works at FH 40 series.
You can find the previous parts at the following links: part 1, part 2, part 3
Three weeks and many dates later, Sylvie wakes up in Matt's bed. He's not in the room and his side of the bed is still rumpled and messy. She runs a hand over the sheets finding them still warm. He hasn't been out of bed long. Getting out of bed, she borrows a pair of Matt's boxers -- rolling them at the waist so they fit -- and puts on her t-shirt from the night before.
She starts to head to the bedroom door but then her feet leave Matt's rug and land on the cold concrete floors. With a grimace she scampers over to Matt's dresser and steals a pair of socks. Why is this loft always so cold? Do Severide and Matt really run that hot?
Well, okay, she knows Matt does. Thank god. He's like her very own personal space heater.
Padding her way into the open concept living room and kitchen, she finds Matt and Severide making breakfast. She's assuming Stella's still asleep.
Matt looks up as she approaches the kitchen island. He scoops the scrambled eggs into a bowl and then rounds the island to meet her halfway, greeting her with a quick and casual peck to her lips. "Good morning."
"Morning," she replies, winding her arms around his waist.
"How'd you sleep?" He asks, mimicking her stance and holding her in return.
"Wonderful. I had you to keep me nice and toasty all night. That's always my favorite."
Severide's face pinches as he fixes his breakfast plate. "Alright, take it back to his room. I don't need to hear the bed sharing specifics."
Sylvie narrows her eyes at him and sticks out her tongue, leaning into the bratty little sister role she's found herself playing when it comes to her boyfriend's best friend. "Why do we have to take it somewhere else? You have a room too."
"Yeah, but my name is on the lease so..."
"Alright, that's enough of this weird sibling act," Matt says cutting Severide off with a laugh. "Go wake up Stella before breakfast gets cold. We need to leave for the firehouse soon anyway."
"He's only interrupting me because he knows I'm right. For the record," Severide says as he turns and leaves the kitchen.
"You guys leave for the firehouse together?" Sylvie asks Matt. She's never slept over the night before a shift before, but today was different. Today, it made sense.
"We take separate cars but yeah we leave together. Are you ready for a shift at 51?" He asks, leading her to the kitchen so they can both make a plate.
"As I'll ever be. I'm excited to work with Mikami. Shay raves about her. Says she really knows her stuff. I just hope everything goes well for Shay today. If anyone deserves a promotion it's her." Since that first shift Shay covered for her, the two of them have become fast friends. Today, Sylvie's repaying Shay's initial favor and covering 61.
"Have you thought about what she suggested at Molly's last night?"
"What? You mean me filling her PIC spot if she gets promoted to AC?" Sylvie bites her bottom lip and then shakes her head. "I have a little but...do you think that's a good idea? Us being in a relationship and working together? You don't think anyone will have an issue with the optics of that?"
"Optics of what?" Matt asks, following her to the kitchen table to eat. "You wouldn't be directly under my command. You've got an AC and Paramedic Field Chief for that."
"In my experience, the actual chain of command doesn't really matter," Sylvie mutters as they sit.
"Okay, I hear you," Matt reluctantly admits. "I know Kidd's had some weird run ins with a couple of guys even though she and Severide are on different rigs. If people are gonna be ignorant and rude logic hardly ever stops them. If you decide you don't want to, I'd understand, but keep an open mind. See how today feels. Deal?"
"Deal," she agrees, leaning over and kissing Matt's cheek. "For you."
Later, with 12 hours of a shift at 51 under her belt, Sylvie can admit Matt's house is exceptional. The team at 40 is full of good people, but they're not as close knit as 51. Violet is a great partner. A little green but extremely knowledgable. And, most importantly, Chief Boden nor anyone else at 51 cares that she's dating Matt. It doesn't affect how she does her job so it had no bearing on what they think of her.
During a quiet moment, she's sitting with Matt in his quarters and watching everyone else at 51 go about their day. None of them pay her a bit of attention as she lounges on Matt's cot while he finishes up his paperwork. When she was dating Greg at 40, everyone seemed to stare at her constantly. They watched her every move as if waiting for any sign Grainger might favor her over anyone else.
She assumed that was normal. That every house would be that way. It's odd knowing that assumption was wrong. Is this house the exception or the rule? She's never worked anywhere but 51 or 40 so it's hard for her to say.
"I can hear you thinking," Matt says before he turns in his chair to look at her. "What's going on over there?"
"My last experience dating an officer was...uncomfortable. Not because of Grainger. He was fine. But the people around us watching us like a hawk. I braced myself for an uninvited opinion every day," she confesses. "And I thought that was normal."
Matt nods, listening intently. "Thought? Past tense?"
"Your house hasn't asked me a single question about you or batted an eye when we interacted or touched. They only care about our relationship as much as they need to in order to make sure you're happy. That's...mind blowing, honestly."
The grin he points at her is slow and full of understanding. "Yeah, 51 has that effect on people, a lot."
"I was worried working together and dating would put added pressure on us and burst our little honeymoon phase bubble. I've had relationships fall apart over less, you know?" She idly plays with her watch band as she debates continuing.
Is she on the verge of too much, too soon? Should she quit while she's ahead? No, she's done softening her feelings for the sake of a man she's dating. She did that with Greg and ended up staying with him too long passed their expiration date. If anything is ever going to work out for her, it'll take her being honest to make it happen.
"And I really don't want this to fall apart. I haven't been this crazy about a person in a very long time." She takes a deep steadying breath as she finishes telling her truths and impatiently waits for Matt's reaction.
She doesn't have to wait long. He relocates from his chair to the bunk next to her and takes both of her hands in his, smiling so warmly his eyes wrinkle at the corners. "I haven't been this crazy about a person in a long time either, and we're not going to fall apart. Especially not because of any outside opinions. We're the only ones that really know how we are together and how we feel about each other. I'm not gonna let anyone, at 51 or otherwise, take that from us. Trust me on that one."
His certainty and determination send thrilling little shocks coursing through her bloodstream. She feels buzzy. Almost as if she's had a double shot of espresso, but she hasn't. No, she's got something much better: private doses of Matt Casey that she has access to whenever she wants. The more time she spends with him, the harder and faster she falls.
"Oddly enough, I do trust you. Completely."
"Good," he says, lifting the back of her hand to his lips for a quick and subtle kiss. He's aware people could be watching and he's sensitive to her worries. Most guys wouldn't be. But Matt Casey is the best of the best. Of course, he remembers and acts accordingly.
God, she's in big trouble. This man is going to own her heart before too long and, once he has it, she knows she won't be getting it back.
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goodluckclove · 4 months
Edgar Gallows Blog Takeover - Intro Post!
Uh - hi! Hello!
I don't really know what I'm doing here or why I'm doing it, but Scott told me there's no way he's trying this unless he sees me do it first. And if Scott's not doing it Tenzin won't be comfortable enough to try either - really, Katy's the only one here comfortable chatting to strangers. It's a delicate web otherwise.
But yeah, my name is Edgar. I'm 30 and I live in New Orleans. Scott and I looked up what people put in intro posts like these and a lot of them had genders and pronouns, so let's just say I have both of those and not go any deeper than that.
I've worked in a few tourist-y traps in NOLA, mostly back of house doing prep and assembly work. Right now I'm a bartender and I'm great at it. I'm the best in the world. I've won awards. You can lie on the internet without consequence, right?
I should say that I am ex-Academy. I won't say which one for the sake of anonymity (And - let's face it - my own safety as well). I wasn't expelled or discharged or whatever. Technically I wasn't even released. I don't practice anymore, or really keep up with the news and politics of Academic witchcraft, so don't expect me to get into it unprompted.
I don't think there's a genre of music that I don't love, but I'm a big fan of funk, disco, new wave and Japanese city pop. Talking Heads is my favorite band of all time.
I'm a self-taught chef. I think I'm pretty good at it. I also bake, which I am less good at. Those skills do not transfer like you might think they do.
Scott's looking over my shoulder and he's telling me to mention that I like birds. I do. I feel weird saying that because I don't really know that many bird facts for anything other than my few favorites (Goldfinches and Buntings). I just like looking at them.
I say that I play video games but the only video game I'm remotely good at is Old School Runescape, which I don't think is that cool to say.
Things to Ask me About?
I would love to talk about cooking or food. This could be to give advice, recipe suggestions, food pairings, knife skills - ask me something as simple as how to scramble an egg and I'd be happy to share my technique.
In regards to the Academy, I will say that I'm Legacy and so I never actually enlisted. If you're thinking of going down that path at your own branch, I worked at the University of mine as a librarian for maybe five years, so I got a good perspective as to what the process looks like. I'm open to offering insight and tentative guidance if you aren't weird.
Scott says I should mention that I'm also a birthright. He's really the one that has more authority to talk about that since he actually grew up in a witch town, but apparently he has a lot of opinions on how I should do this for someone who barely understands how the internet works.
He's watching me type now. Fuck it, you can ask me about Scott too if you want. I assumed I was straight until about a week ago. Now I seem to have bagged myself an ethereal magical boyfriend. He saw me use the voice command on my Pixel and now he makes me say goodnight to my goddamned cell phone before we go to sleep. I love him.
DNI List
I heard admission rates for Academies hit a major spike recently, and I'm just putting it out there that I really would rather not debate anyone super invested in the "mission statement" of their local University. The newer members never seem to realize that the culture of the Academy differs like crazy depending where you are, and because of that there really isn't the kind of centralization they claim exists to Junior Members.
Also - and this might be a divisive take - but I was born into this world. I spent decades of my life in the Academy. I truly do not care about the opinion of someone who trained for two years after joining straight out of high school. I won't block you, but I will send your username and any comments you make to my friend who is far more Anti-Academy than I am (Hi, Katy).
Anyway that's all! I look forward to posting things today and maybe talking to some new people! I hope everyone is nice and not weird and I do not regret this happening!
who is this? why is this happening? check out the pinned post on my blog to learn more!
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2018 backlogs part 13. ocs are in it? i have no recollection of these ocs.
soulmate au
Soulmates. You don't get to choose them but most seem to be the perfect match for you even if you don't know it at first.
You technically get your soul mark at birth it's just incredibly faint but then as you grow up it becomes more prominent, it's assumed that that's because you're closer to meeting your soulmate.
But that's where you have a slight problem: you're 14 and your mark is still dull. Normally that would be fine it just means your soulmate lives farther away, but being the child of a top hero in your country means you have moved around a lot; and in turn met many many people. Is it possible to never meet a soulmate?
"Y/N breakfast is ready!" Your mom calls up to you in a singsong voice. It's a family tradition that every Saturday you all sleep in and then have a fun breakfast together. You race downstairs nearly knocking over the vase of flowers on the hallway table. Down in the kitchen there wasn't a large array of foods but some mickey mouse pancakes (with an assortment of toppings), bacon, eggs, and some fruit salad. All your favorites, the nostalgia is like a warm hug.After piling your plate tall with breakfast you sat down at the table with your mom and dad. A few minutes into the family breakfast and a few shared glances between your parents you could tell something was off.
"Y/N your mother and I have something to tell you." Your dad's tone was off. He seemed almost nervous. Nothing he could say with that tone could be good. The words rung in your head like a bell was struck next to you. 'We're moving'. Again? Where this time? Will I finally meet them? Why do we have to move around so much? You had so many questions but you couldn't form enough words to ask all of them. You could only get one of them out. Where? The answer rang more than the initial news. Japan.
That was a couple years ago though. You were nervous at first of course, moving to a new country is always scary, but the nerves lightened a little bit once you noticed your mark was getting darker as the time there went on. You were still the child of a professional hero due to a slight transfer hence the move. And with a move and a powerful quirk there's one school in particular you wanted to go to. UA. The best hero school in Japan. There's nothing you wouldn't do to get in. After a grueling entry exam and a lot of practicing you got in. You got into the hero course call 1-A and tomorrow was your first day.
It was strange to be walking into a hero school in a new country but you were excited. The pro heroes here were exceptional and inspiring to watch. You aspired to be like them. The door to class 1-A. Here goes nothing. Your classmates were interesting, a very lively group, with very lively quirks. One stood out the most though an incredibly cute guy with a birds head, he was a little eccentric in a Gothic way but that made him all the more captivating. You became fast friends with most of your classmates, all aside from the angry and unapproachable Bakugo at least.
Your teacher had you all do a lot of physical tests today and admittedly you felt gross you could feel the sweat encrusting the dirt onto your skin and the only thing you could think about as you opened the door to your house was showering. After dropping your bag on your bed you went directly to the shower but as you undressed you noticed it on your shoulder. Your mark was solid. You met him. You squealed in delight though based on your parents rushing to the outside of the bathroom door it must've been more of a shriek. With a tank top still on you threw the door open and showed your parents your mom in particular. The excitement in the air was palpable. After your shower you got dressed into comfortable clothes and got online to talk to your old friends from back home, they HAD to hear this.
A few months had passed and since then you've gotten closer to your friends and even closer to who you found out had your mark with you, Tokoyami. Your initial thoughts of him being attractive hadn't faded at all though you two hadn't known each other long, you decided to take everything slower even though the chemistry was as if you had known each other your entire lives, you decided to go as far as dating but not much further. Your parents each loved the other which while expected was very nice. Despite dating for a few months now whenever you two kiss he gets extremely flustered which is endearing.
"Students I have a couple announcements to make. '' Everyone immediately stopped talking and paid attention in hope it was something exciting. "Firstly there will be a family outing for the hero classes so please do check with your parents and have the papers that are being handed out signed so we know who will be coming. Secondly after long deliberation we have decided a select few of the hero courses do this so do keep it between us; there is a traitor in the school, we are unsure who it is or if they're a student or a teacher. We have decided to tell you so you can keep a lookout and tell us if there is anything strange." The class was buzzing there were whispers everywhere around, everyone's voice muddled together. Who could it be you asked yourself its a hero school, if you're here you're either a hero or want to be. It could be one of my friends even.
A couple of weeks had passed but the anxiety of the traitor wasn't a bit lower than before, understandably. As all the families and students climbed onto the buses there was a silent agreement to not discuss what was heard until after the day of fun with everyone as to not ruin it. The cool early morning air chilled everyone's core a small bit as you all rode to the destination off the forest and walked to the final spot - a clearing semi deep into the belly of the forest. The drive was long and the buses cramped but you couldn't help but wonder who was joining, or if the traitor would be. The blades of grass were painted with a dew that soaked the bottom of your shoes, it was going to be a good day. Right?
The day turned out to be bright, sunny, and comfortably warm. Games were played and if students chose to they were able to show off how their quirk training was going in a safe and controlled environment. You could hear it a mile away, a screaming match between Bakugo and his mom, looks like it's his turn to show off. How unusual. With a sigh you gently grab your parents arms and back them away to a hopefully safe distance. "You don't want to be close to this trust me." Next thing everyone knew some of the biggest and loudest explosions you've seen him set off flashed, like lightning feet away from you.
You weren't the only ones watching.
After the show Bakugo gave it seemed as if everyone wanted to show their parents how their quirks and control had gotten and you were no exception. The longer you watched the others show their parents and friends the more shy became which didn't go unnoticed. Suddenly you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder, looking over you saw the lightly caring smile on his beak and you felt a wave of confidence as you waited for what you knew would be your turn. Every so often as the moment got closer and closer you would feel an encouraging squeeze on your hand. 
You took your turn, more nervous than you ever had been. It had been years since this many people saw you use your quirk, it doesn't always go well. you looked back at your families. Toko's face was gentle as ever and you could feel your parents eyes watching in support. You took a breath and closed your eyes. Focus Y/N. You could feel the air swirling around you to your forearm and hand gently blowing against your face. You slowly opened your eyes and scanned the tree line, you don't need a large trunk just one to show how well your training is going. You slide your foot back getting into the proper stance. As you breathe out you move in one fluid motion and slice your arm through the air; in turn the air that gathers around your arm is like a knife flying through the tree cutting the trunk in half. The crash of the falling tree was the last thing that was heard. Everyone was silent. Most had never seen your quirk used, and those who have before had never seen it to that extent.
You could feel your face getting warmer as everyone stared at the sliced tree laying dormant on the ground. You slowly walked back to your family's spot next to Tokoyami's family. The second you got close enough you were tugged into your warm as she gave you a hug and your dad gave you a proud high five. Once your mom let's go you take your spot next to Toko once again the picnic blankets were laid out and the food was ready to eat as the other students demonstrated their own abilities. You sat on the scratchy blanket eating and lost in conversation when you noticed a fog roll in. Figuring it was just a student you didn't know, you all continued talking amongst yourselves but also to the occasional  classmate or friend that came by. You were enjoying yourself; it felt like pure bliss sitting in the clearing with everyone around. The sky darkened quickly, which would've been normal but there was no sun set. The sun was still shining down. The fog was thicker and darker, a mix of fog and smoke maybe?
Blue flames engulfed the trees surrounding the clearing spreading quickly. The fog and the smoke was heavy and everyone scrambled to get to safety. You felt a strong hand grab yours and pull you up as figures slowly walked into the clearing. Shigaraki was first followed by the usual villains, what a thought the usual people trying to kill us. Your eyes scanned them all and saw some you didn't recognize including someone you could only call Nomu version 2 he was gigantic.
He was talking. You didn't want to listen, you had to think.
Thé air was heavy and still as the fog slowly got thicker no one dared to move. There were so many villains it was dizzying. So many new ones too. If it were just the hero course students you probably would have stayed as a group to try to fight your way out but it wasn't. No, there were heroes, families, and students from different class types. You had to get to safety. How? How are you going to do that? Movement. You had no time to think you could only react as Nomu 2.0 started to move. Slow at first like a lumbering giant, a mistake of human creation. Then he wasn't. He wasn't slow at all; he charged toward a large group being stopped by All Might and Mr. Aizawa. Panic. Fear.
With a shriek acting as an alarm everyone scattered. Villains chased while others went back into the woods. People were everywhere fighting or running. Terror. The pro heroes were all busy trying to stop various people from getting hurt. You were frozen. Unsure of what to do. You felt a warm hand grab yours and yank you into the tree line. Toko. Your parents, one being a pro hero chose to fight while the other ran alongside you. Dark. The fog and smoke blotted out the sun as much as they made it harder to breathe. Where were you? You'd been just running and running. You all stopped. Tokoyami's dad needed a minute. You kneeled with him and his wife in tow for a moment. He wasn't used to this.
Crack. Crunch. Crash.
A tree covered in blue fire came crashing down between you all. Like scared horses his parents booked it deeper into the woods. "I'll get them you two just get to safety." You assured him. It was safer to get as many people out as possible. You ran. You weren't sure how far they'd gotten but you just kept running calling out in hopes they would hear you. Your legs were heavy, your feet like cinder blocks hitting the ground. You saw them. Picking up speed you ran to be just in front of them blocking their path to stop them. They had tears in their eyes, could you blame them. You pulled them both into a hug, though you weren't used to so many feathers. After choosing a direction to walk you started making your way hopefully out of the forest. The fog and smoke mixture thickened to the point it was hard to see far in front of you. That's when you heard it. The other footsteps. You all stopped.
After a short moment you saw a figure step closer. A slow trot would be best to describe it. Followed closely but a few others. Friends? As they got closer you were able to see their faces. Shigaraki. He was right in front of you. Dabi and three others tailed right behind him. Who were they? You only knew about the main villains from this organization. You'd never seen them before, you were getting more unsure about this by the second. You motioned for his parents to get behind you though would that really help anything? You looked at the ones you haven't seen before. They were about your age, one wearing a mask on their mouth, maybe a vocal quirk, and the other just looked bored. The third one was odd; she didn't seem like a villain at all. It was off putting.
"Mr. And Mrs. Tokoyami, once I can get their attention on me please run as much as you can." You said without looking away from the 5 in front of you. You should never talk about a plan in front of the people who want to kill you though.
In a blink you were grabbed. Strong chains coiled around you squeezing you holding you in place. The cold metal felt strange as it dug into your skin. Help. You could hear more clinking metal behind you. You struggled to turn your head but when you did you saw his parents coiled even tighter than you. The feathers on his father were slowly being pulled out by the coil. You had to get out of here. The chains lead back to the bored guy. So he didn't even have to move no wonder he's bored. You focused on each of them, your eyes trailing around the scene as you tried to think of a way out.
"Masami Tokoyami. Age 47. Quirk shadow puppet. Not a threat." A cheerful voice spoke. What?
"Hachigoro Tokoyami. Age 50. Quirk bird. Not a threat slightly pathetic though. A shame really." Her voice trailed off at the end. She was staring at you now. It was only a few seconds but it felt like an eternity. "Y/N. Age 16. Quirk solid air. Threat level high if they can control it well, it'll be sharper than any weapon created." She started talking directly to you "I would have loved to be your friend under different circumstances."
Horror. What kind of a quirk does that girl have? You needed to get out of there and soon. The way you came would work, it was just barely a straight show after all. You looked at it for too long. The third one, the other girl, had noticed what you were focused on. If you could see her face it probably would have had a smirk plastered on it as she walked over to the path. She leaned on a tree watching you looking for any hint of reaction. She must've gotten what she wanted because suddenly the very tree was falling over blocking the path. In an instant blue flames engulfed the. Smoke filled your lungs and burned your throat. No.
You felt the air wrapping around your wrist. You had to do this fast. You focused as much as you could on the chain holding you. Slice. The metal broke in half, but instead of a simple clink it was accompanied but a scream in pain. He can feel his chains. Your prison fell and the other half retreated back into his body after flailing and scoring trees. He doesn't seem very bored anymore. After a moment of you steadying yourself you heard the gasps. The Tokoyamis could barely breathe with the air and the chains. Turning around you saw them, bruised and Toko's father bloody from his feathers being ripped out.
It was like a horror movie. The chains raised them with ease. The slightly worse part was what came after. Masami was thrown into a tree with enough force that it was turned to splinters. The chains loosened and were left there in the shards. Before you could think Hachigoro was raised as high as the canopies and slammed into the ground. You would never admit it but the fact that it caused a small crater was slightly cool. You placed a hand on your shoulder right over your soulmark. You'd save them. For him.
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miss-celestia13 · 1 year
Strangeness and Charm
Tumblr media
DanxOFMC First Date One Shot
Words: 5.3k
Three months after the events in the mine, Imogen has moved to Colville and is determined to find out of the thing growing between her and Dan is something real or imagined. A dark theater, a row to themselves, and Dan's surprisingly gentle disposition leave her head spinning.
I started this a year ago and finally got around to finishing it. It is sickly sweet. Tooth-rotting fluff and romance. Just tried to capture something light and lovely. Tension, soft looks and touches as they watch the stars and open themselves up to the possibility of more. I hope you enjoy it!
Imogen paced the pavement outside her house, counting the cracks in the concrete repeatedly until her mind spun with numbers, and it shut up that voice yelling that this was a stupid idea. It had been three months since the events of the case had come to a fiery end—three months of healing and breaking and bleeding. Most nights, she awoke to gasp for air, sweat trickling down her neck as she clutched at damp bedsheets in a vain attempt to keep her tethered to the here and now. She was getting there, though. It was easier every day to ignore the flashes that crossed her mind whenever something reminded her of those dark days.
Tonight she was meeting the one person she’d never stopped thinking about. Not even while she’d been interrogated for hours on end, FBI agents screaming in her face as she refused to give up Jake’s location. Not that she knew it. Nobody did. And he had vanished like the phantom he had to become to stay free of the twisted justice system of their country. Jake hadn’t been in touch with anyone since, and she missed him in an odd way. She had thought there was something between them in the midst of fire and blood. Still, it had turned out their situation had created a false sense of urgent emotions that had dissipated the moment Hannah was saved. They’d parted as friends and had made no promises to see or hear from one another again. And she was good with that.
The betrayal of one of their own was a poison that had yet to be sucked from shared wounds. None of them would be the same again, and Imogen thought that was good. After all, their secrets and lies had caused the entire mess; maybe now they’d communicate before hell could rain again. She’d barely spoken to them since. Lilly and Jessy had made the most effort, but Imogen was the type to let people breathe and reach out when they were ready. So far, that day hadn’t come, and it stung her after all she’d done to help, but she didn’t blame them for not wanting to speak with a living ghost reminding them of their darkest times.
Then there was Dan. His abrasive nature had been offputting and irritating. Until that hard shell had cracked like an egg, and he’d shared a piece of his heart with her, and she’d seen him for what he really was. A golden soul with a heart of sunlight that he protected with barbed words and bristled skin. They’d tentatively made plans that last day and kept in touch while her friends put their lives back together. She had initially hated that it was Dan who had reached out. Thought he was brash and combative in those early days but had soon learned that he felt and saw more than he let on. He found it challenging to deal with. He’d been trying with her over these long months they’d spoken daily over text or video calls. Planning for this night.
A first date always brings up a myriad of emotions. Nervous anticipation led the charge, a sparkle of fireflies in her belly each time she thought about seeing him, and delicate hope was the most giddy-making of them all. It was the cause of the sparkling energy currently causing mayhem in her stomach each time she imagined the many different ways this night could end. That feeling of weightlessness blended with a tang of fear had haunted her throughout the long day. She swore the clocks had rallied against her. Each time she looked, they had barely moved. The day had gone smoothly despite it ebbing like thick treacle, and the sunny weather helped boost her optimism, as had all her preparations for the date. She took that as a good omen. Her days usually were a test of endurance and fortitude. She tried to picture it in her mind; Dan reaching for her hand, his shock at her newly dyed purple hair, and she could already hear him asking if she wanted butter on her popcorn. His voice had slowly become a lullaby these past few months, soothing her and making her laugh whenever he spotted the shadows swimming in her eyes. Her dearest hope was he would remain her friend if this failed and they didn’t click.
Imogen loved and hated horror movies in equal measure. She loved being terrified after the scare was over, the giddy rush of adrenaline as you realized you were safe, and laughed at your own stupidity. He hadn’t mentioned if they were watching something scary, only telling her he was holding her to their deal. Dan was on his way to pick her up since only she moved to Colville last month and hadn’t gotten a car yet. The early evening sun beat down on her bare shoulders, the sundress she wore insubstantial as it frothed in the breeze. She was overdressed, but she had wanted Dan to see her as she was and not the terrified creature she had been for the past three months.
Her heart was a hummingbird in her chest, fluttering wings grazing her ribs every time a car slowed as it passed her. He was a few minutes late, but traffic was always bad at this time of day. The heavy satchel she’d stuffed with toiletries and a change of clothes slapped against her thighs as she continued her pointless pacing. It was presumptuous to assume she would spend the night after they left the movie theatre, but she liked to be prepared. She was reaching into her dress pocket for her cell phone when a car horn blared too close. She jumped a foot in the air, whirling with a hand pressed to her chest to see a black Mustang purring at the edge of the pavement. A shy smile curved her mouth as Dan leaned over to open the passenger side door for her. Another car waited impatiently behind him as she scurried over and clumsily got in.
Her eyes raked over him hungrily. He’d hit the gym hard after everything, and it showed. All hard lines and lovely muscle, his shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbow as he drove off with one hand on the wheel. His hair was much shorter now. She had loved the long hair, but it had looked scraggly a few days before, and he hadn’t video called her since that day. It warmed her to know how much effort he’d put in, and the new hair color and makeup she donned didn’t feel as frivolous now. He wore black sunglasses, effortlessly cool as he smiled softly at her, and she itched to scratch her nails through the scruff of his beard.
“Hello, stranger,” he chuckled in a deep voice when all they did was steal glances at each other every time he hit a red light.
“This feels weird, right?” She laughed after a long moment, making Dan grin.
“It does, but who said weird had to be wrong?” He returned, and she shook her head, smiling as she looked out her window.
She could feel his eyes on her every now and again. A flash of heat crept up her neck and colored in her cheeks when she met his sparkling gaze. Her body felt as if someone had replaced her blood with fizz. She might have floated away if she hadn’t been strapped into her seat. He chatted about mundane things, his usual sense of humor was restrained for now, and her heart grew gossamer wings as she understood he was nervous. Dan. Was nervous. That seemed absolutely ridiculous to Imogen as the man had no shame, and his brash attitude was part of why she started falling for him.
It wasn’t until they were well into the drive that she broke the easy silence. Her mind was abuzz like a swarm of bees had taken it over to build a new hive inside the dark of her brain.
“So… what movie are we seeing?”
Dan flashed her a Cheshire Cat grin, eyebrows waggling as he replied, “Well, you said you liked being scared. But I didn’t want to frighten you off on the first date… kinda hoping for a second one.”
He winked playfully, and she couldn’t help the shocked laugh that burst out of her.
“What did you pick? If there are spiders, I can’t watch it.” She warned, teasing him, and he shook his head.
“No! It actually looks funny more than anything. M3GAN? Have you heard of it?”
Frowning, she reflected on the things she’d seen and couldn’t stop the thought that reminded her that her whole life had been a horror movie for months. She did not remember if she had stumbled across a trailer or something for it.
“I don’t think so. What is it about?”
“Ahh, it’s better it stays a mystery. I want to see your face when she’s on screen.” He joked, making her giggle and play with the ends of her hair.
“I swear, if it’s anything gross, you will pay my next therapy bill.” She laughed. Dan’s undignified snort only intensified her joy.
“Deal. We’re here,” he said gently, and she was startled, suddenly realizing they were parked behind the movie theatre, and she hadn’t even noticed the car had stopped.
She hurriedly unbuckled her belt and reached for the door handle. Dan’s voice stopped her from opening it.
“Wait, you can’t deprive me of my gentleman routine!”
Chuckling, she smirked and said, “Gentleman? Come on, Dan, we both know you’re far from that.”
He exaggeratedly gasped, clutching at his chest while she tried to hold in a stupid giggle.
“You wound me, Genna! I am a sophisticated man who knows how to treat a woman.”
“My apologies, Daniel. Go on, treat me like a lady.” She teased to make his lovely eyes twinkle. The pleasure of his nickname for her still made her chest glow.
Watching as he got out and walked around the hood of the car, she bit down on her lip to restrain her joyous smile, trying to break free, and quickly failed as he opened her door with a flourish. He held out his hand, head bowed and watching through a fan of thick lashes as she took it. Tingling like a thousand tiny creatures crawling up her arm as their skin connected, the fireflies in her stomach took flight again as he helped pull her out of the low car. Her cheeks were stained pink, and a delightful warm flush crept up her neck, yet she felt utterly at ease with this man. He had seen her at her worst. Her most desperate moments had been spent with his face on her phone screen, and she had done the same for him. There was nothing to hide as she tipped her head back to meet his eye.
“Thank you, sir,” She joked as he closed the door and locked the car.
He chuckled, voice dry as dust as he said, “Sir? I’ve been called many things, never that.”
“Let me guess, uncouth, cheeky, strange... should I go on?”
He winked and slung her arm around her shoulders as they approached the ticket booth.
“You missed mouthy, obnoxious, and charming!” He chirped, making her look away to hide the smile hurting her cheeks.
He quickly bought their tickets, dropping his arm to hold the theatre door open for her and ignoring her arched brow as he fell into step beside her, and they headed for the concessions stand. Scanning the menus, her stomach grumbled. She hadn’t been able to eat much that day. Too excited and nervous, she’d forgotten that food was a necessity as time finally grew legs and tried to outrun her. Dan heard and ordered the most enormous bucket of popcorn they had, more of a trashcan, really, smothered in butter, and she added nachos and chocolate to the order once he had gotten them drinks. Carrying it all was the biggest challenge. Hot plastic cheese, cheap salsa, and jalapenos tickled her nose as he opened the screen door and let her choose the seats.
The room was chilly, the air conditioner working overtime as the bodies filling the theatre raised the temperature. It wasn’t full yet, but almost there as she climbed the darkened stairs, desperately praying she wouldn’t trip as she spied an empty row near the back. Glancing back to ensure Dan followed, she guided him into the middle of the row and plopped down. The previews started as Dan handed her a drink, and he settled in beside her. The dim lights went off, sounds of explosions, some hero rallying their team to defeat the enemy, and the quiet murmurs of people chatting about which movie they’d see next filled her ears as static skittered over her skin. His arm had come up beside hers, barely touching her, but she felt it like a shock each time he shifted, and his skin brushed hers. The hair on her arm stood straight as he did it again, and she wasn’t entirely sure if he meant it.
By the time the movie started, she had run through a hundred scenarios and questions, wondering how the date would end and if he’d make a move. Would he do it here? Taste like popcorn and syrupy sweet Dr. Pepper? She wasn’t sure, couldn’t plan for it, and didn’t want to. They shared the popcorn, blindly reaching for handfuls, jolting each time their hands met, and shyly smiling at each other. It was driving her mad in the best way. She took a deep pull of her drink to wash the saltiness away as the titular character appeared on the screen. She almost sprayed Pepsi out of her nose. Dan was grinning as she turned to him and shook her head.
“That’s the reaction I hoped for,” He had leaned in so close his warm breath ghosted down her neck, and she suppressed a shiver even as she smiled.
“I’m glad you find me amusing,” She laughed, ignoring the tremor in her hand as she rested her arm beside his again. He hooked his pinky around his almost absentmindedly. He watched her, though, like he was ensuring she was okay with it. The world might not see it, but Dan was sweet, and she would fight anyone that said otherwise.
It went on like that. Tension swirled and grew more palpable as the evil doll robot thing murdered everyone that displeased her owner. It was a current under and over her skin, electric and vivid, like she had finally awoken from a months-long sleep, and the world had returned to full, screaming color. The small touches lingered longer, hands reluctantly parting and shifting imperceptibly closer to each other. She wanted to rest her head on his shoulder and see what he would do if she did. Just do it. He clearly likes you! Stop overthinking it. She chanted it over and over in her mind but slumped down in her chair as courage failed her, and the voice in her head called her a coward.
Eyes glued to the screen, she tried to ignore the melancholy trying to creep into her heart at her inability to make a move. Dan either sensed it or had been having a similar internal battle. She managed not to jump out of her skin as his arm wound around her shoulders, fingers tapping the bare skin of her shoulder, scattering goosebumps down her arm as she turned to find him gazing at her with a question in his eyes. Is this okay? And she melted as she nodded and relaxed into it, finally giving in to the urge to rest her now silent head on his broad shoulder. She felt as if her blood had been replaced with helium, and she was at severe risk of floating away as he squeezed her gently.
The empty nachos tray lay at their feet, and the popcorn bucket was almost done, too, as Dan set it down on the open seat beside him, and every inch of her was alert as he settled back down. The weight of his eyes on her was heavier than his arm, and she couldn’t shake it off. He paid more attention to her than to the movie. Every time blood was spilled or that freaky robot danced, his eyes were on her to see her reaction. Her cheeks were aflame, hands trembling as she fidgeted with the skirt of her dress and tried to hide how pleased she was, but it was impossible. It was almost hard to breathe. Each little movement had them rubbing together. His breath ruffled her loose hair, and the heat coming from him was close to scalding, keeping the chill in the theater well at bay. She was dizzy, excited, and terrified all at once.
Whatever cologne he wore sent her thoughts down steamy, dark paths. Slightly spicy, woody with a hint of musk and clean skin. It was addictive, and she found herself sneakily inhaling deeply whenever she felt his attention stray from her. She wanted to brand it into her lungs and imprint it on her memory so she never forgot it. Time was a cruel mistress. It loved to drag out the boring parts, the waiting. But when it came time to indulge in the things she’d wanted for months, it slipped through her hands like she was trying to catch smoke. Neither moved as the credits rolled, enjoying the darkness and closeness as the other patrons left in a slow drip. Colville had never felt like home; she had believed it wouldn’t ever feel like hers. But in that dim room, the scent of him, his whisky eyes locked on her blue ones, she could feel the last three months of displacement and anxiety slowly slide free of her body.
There was an invisible thread between them. A magnetic force that drew them closer, mouths inches apart before they were aware of moving. Her lips tingled as she licked her bottom lip, and he followed the action. She went very still as he seemed to come to a decision and moved to eliminate those last inches just as the lights came on and the door slammed shut, indicating everyone else had left. They sprang apart as if lightning struck them as the usher tidied up for the next showing. Shaking hands and black internal curses at this stranger for interrupting their moment were all she knew as they hurried out. Dan burst out laughing as he held the main door open for her, and they skipped out into a beautiful summer’s night.
A plush blanket of stars glimmered overhead as he took her hand, threading their fingers together and slowing her to a casual stroll. They ambled toward the car park, taking their time as they chatted and joked.
“Your face... I wish I had taken a photo. I want it as your contact pic.” He said as she nudged him with her elbow.
Her fingers were fizzing between his, the innocent contact sending sparks flying up her arm and into her chest.
“It was funny, not scary... Though I’m sure my nightmares will now consist of that thing dancing down the hall to kill me.” She retorted as they waited to cross the busy road.
“Yeah, it made me want to climb out of my skin. Creepy.” He laughed as his hand tightened around hers, and they crossed the street.
Her heart rate was more appropriate for a life-threatening situation, not a first date, as they entered the parking lot, and his car came into view. She didn’t want to end it yet. Wanted to talk with him for hours and then do it some more when the sun came up. His steps had slowed almost to a crawl, and it made her feel brave that he was reluctant to end the night too. She smiled as he let go of her hand long enough to open the car door for her, waiting patiently for her to get in, but she paused in front of him, making him toss her a questioning look as she took a deep breath. He was much taller and bigger than her. Indeed, he was a bear of a man, and she had to push up on her tiptoes, tentatively laying a hand on his hard chest as she brushed a tender kiss onto his bristly cheek.
It was meant as a chaste, quick peck to thank him and show him she was open to more than friendship. His reaction was beautiful. She had never imagined Dan Anderson could blush! But roses were definitely blooming in his cheeks, and he moved mechanically once she’d belted herself in, closing her door and marching around to get in his side. Neither spoke until he’d pulled out of the lot and merged with the traffic. The radio played softly, an old rock song she remembered her parents singing along to the last time she’d visited them. Every glance they shared was charged by indecision and reluctance to end their lovely evening. She was tired of denying herself good things, and she thought he might be too, so she dredged up as much confidence as she could gather and offered him a way to extend their night.
“If you take a left just up here and follow it for a few miles, we can sit at this quiet spot near the docks and see if we can catch any falling stars.”
“What the lady wants...” He jested, making her giggle like a schoolgirl with her first crush.
The spot was quiet, a small hidden cove not many knew about, and she often walked there during her many sleepless nights to watch the sun recolor the world once the moon had turned into its watery bed. It was peaceful and calming, and hardly anyone went there as there was no beach to play on. The sky looked like fine art on the best nights. Sometimes, she felt that each masterful stroke of shadow and brush of light across the endless sky had been done purely for her eyes. She hadn’t told anyone else about this place and crossed her fingers that he would like it too. Her breath was tight in her chest as he took the left turn and coasted down the tarmac while she told him where he could park. Too soon, they reached their destination, and she had to fight not to hold her breath as he stopped the car and stared through the windshield at the water rippling endlessly before them.
“We can sit inside, but it’s better outside,” She nudged when he remained quiet long enough that she was starting to feel the urge to pick at her nails again.
“Come on then, Genna show me; it is your spot after all,” He said after shaking out of whatever was holding him captive.
She searched his face for any sign of turmoil or regret, found none, and relaxed slightly as he helped her again.
The salt-coated wind on her face, brine, and a clean freshness perfumed the air, and she breathed it in deeply, quickly calming down now she was in familiar territory. Her nightmares usually chased her here. Many tears had dried on her cheeks as she stared longingly at the sky, begging for a reprieve from the terror. She wanted to replace all that with something good, something fragile and full of glittering hope as they perched on the hood of his car. He didn’t hesitate this time. His arm wound around her waist and tugged her into his side as she followed his lead, arm wrapped around his hips and hooked her thumb through his belt loop. Her feet didn’t touch the ground, kicking carelessly as they enjoyed the peace. So many words were crawling up her throat, begging to be given life and sound; she was tired of holding them in.
“Thank you,” She whispered, “Not just for tonight, but for everything. You didn’t have to be there every night and day.”
“I didn’t, but I wanted to be. You don’t need to say thank you. You did the same for me.” He replied just as quietly, uncharacteristically somber for him.
“I don’t need to, but I wanted to.” She said, lifting her head to meet his eye as he smiled at her.
“I accept your gratitude, my lady,”
She snorted and poked him in the side, delighting in his false shout of pain before he laughed and kissed the crown of her head.
“Just so you know, those nights you struggled? I was struggling too. I needed you just as much as you needed me. I hope you know that,” He confessed in a murmur, serious and utterly free of his usual snark. It touched her, and she felt like she’d been dipped into a hot bath. The cold night didn’t bother her as they basked in silent comfort, speaking and joking when something popped into their heads. She couldn’t remember a time she had been able to indulge in those silences borne between two people who understood each other and did not need to voice everything that came to them. It wasn’t something she had thought Dan was capable of, but he kept surprising her. His fingers drew patterns over her dress, making her shiver and lean into him.
Soon, they lay back on the car, she mourned the loss of his touch for a split second, but he immediately grabbed her hand as they got comfortable. They stole glances at each other through their periphery as they watched nature’s finest show in the sky above them. His thumb made slow circles on her hand. An incredible prickling sensation moved in the wake of it, and she shifted closer until their heads and legs touched too. Contentment was a rare thing for her. She always found some way to sabotage it or deny it. Still, she felt it then under the melody of stars and the crash of the waves, and her heart was the drumbeat to the song her mind composed in honor of it.
“Did you tell anyone you were meeting me tonight?” She asked after a long while just to hear him speak.
“Thomas and Jessy. They’re both too happy about it, and Jessy demands that you visit her soon.”
Forcing a laugh for none had reached out to invite her or check on her, she said, “Tell her I will come soon... How are they all?”
Dan caught the shift in her mood but understood she didn’t want to poke at that wound.
“They’re okay. Some are worse than others, but they’re better than they were... It’s still weird, though.” He said, and she nodded, understanding they might never be okay again.
“Maybe one day this will all just be a memory that doesn’t hurt anymore.” She muttered, hoping it would come true as a star streaked across the sky, and Dan instantly pointed at it.
“What do I wish for?” He said with a wide grin, turning to her as if she held every answer to every question he’d ever had.
“Whatever you want, it has to be yours.” She teased as he gave her a resolute nod and took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second as the star vanished.
When he looked at her again, she couldn’t stop her nosiness, “What did you wish for?”
Dan shook his head, “Can’t tell you. Then it won’t come true.”
“If you tell me, maybe I can make sure it does,” She chuckled, eyes locked on his rugged face as his gaze dipped between her mouth and a spot over her head.
She thought he would ignore her, change the subject or make a joke. He didn’t.
“Or I can make it come true myself.” He said in a voice that wavered as her body went loose and tight, her hummingbird heart out of control as she nodded without any idea what she agreed to.
It didn’t really matter. Not as he moved so close, her vision doubled. All she could see, feel, and smell was him. Electricity sparked under her skin as he let go of her hand to cup her face, tilting her head so gently it made her want to cry. He was careful and slow, giving her time to back away or turn him down. Instead, she gave in to the need to scratch his bristled jaw and wordlessly handed him the consent he sought. Her pulse flickered in her throat, breath quickening along with it, the rush of blood in her ears as time stretched out and the world around her faded until there was only Dan. Supple lips on hers, delectable and plush as he tested the waters, and she let go of the breath she was holding. He made a sound then like a leash snapping as he grew more insistent and brave. The scratch of his whiskers, the heat of his body, and his big hand dragging her closer chased away any doubts still flittering about her overthinking mind.
He tasted like sugar and salt, sweet with a bite as she opened for him, and his tongue swept inside to tangle with hers. It felt like discovering something new and coming home all at once. Unfamiliar but somehow fitting her perfectly as she mapped the shape of his lips, his hand dropped to her hip to pull them flush together. It was a clumsy kiss that soon turned into something so sweet and profound that she felt her nerves melt away as her body slackened and the tremor in her hands stilled. Her fingers were in his silken hair, trying to pull him closer in as her greedy lips opened wider, and she nipped at his plump bottom lip to feel him smile. His very male scent in her nose was so enticing she sighed and let herself enjoy being soundly kissed for the first time in years.
Their lips tasting each other, their roaming hands, and the scrape of his beard on her flushed, sensitive skin was all she ever wanted to feel. She felt free, a little wild, and wanted, and it was a gift beyond price as he taught her a secret language that needed no sound or words but their panting breath shared between two lungs. In all her imaginings, she had never come close. She had expected roughness, grasping hands, and a demanding mouth from him. He held her like she was made of fine glass, reverent, and like she was something he never wanted to break. It made her heart quiver and jump as they kissed. Heat cascaded through her chest and banished the frosty layer that had protected her during these past months of painful healing. The weight of it had been crushing, and now it was gone. 
Magic. She had never believed in it before. But there, on the hood of his car under the stars, she felt it ignite in her veins as he broke the kiss to stare into her eyes, and she knew his world had just tilted upside down too. All they thought they knew was now gone, and something new was ready to bloom. If they were brave enough to take it, they could grow like ivy, out of control and all over each other. Was she prepared for that? She didn’t think anyone was ever truly ready to change their lives to include another. So, instead of overthinking and writing a thousand speeches, she would never say out loud, she was tired of playing it safe. Imogen took a deep breath and jumped. 
“Your place or mine? I’ll pay for breakfast.” 
I may or may not write another part. I haven't decided. I wanted to write something romance-focused without smut to see if I could. Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed it, I'd love to know! :-)
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Afterthoughts on Puss in Boots 1 & 2
Hey guys, so I just saw Puss in Boots 2; The Last Wish. And while I do love it? There's one big problem I have with it. The relationship between Puss & Kitty. Now I do love these two and absolutely ship them but the problem I have is the way they are shown in the movies side by side.
In the first movie? Puss was running from the law out of survival when he was set up by his Ex-friend and Brother, Humpty Alexander Dumpty. Puss wasn't a full on criminal until the robbery of The San Ricardo Bank. He had given up on petty theft and decided to help people in the community of San Ricardo. He even says how this was thier home and the people didn't do anything to hurt them. So Humptys betrayal hurt Puss and cost him his home, his mom, and his honor. At this point, he's a hit man and thief for hire out of survival.
Enter Kitty Softpaws who is also a solo thief. Known for her stealth and having "The Softest Touch in Spain". She was a stray with lovely claws. She was adopted by a loving couple but after a few too many mishaps involving her claws (scratching curtins and rough housing with a hamster & accidently killing it) so she was declawed. She's working with Humpty to get the golden goose and it's golden eggs. What's left unknown how much of the plan she knew. Its not clear if she knew that Humpty was planning to backstab Puss or to destroy San Ricardo via the Great Terror aka golden goose's momma. Regardless, she ends up sharing the betrayal in Puss's eyes. She admits to him that Puss shows her that she's found something she cares about more than gold. No, someONE. The two team up to stop Humpty and they are successful in not only saving the town but in redeeming Humpty.
Now the second movie hints at how Puss and Kitty were going to get married but Puss didn't show up. This isn't out of character since Puss has always run from his problems. I mean it was only when his mother begged him to stop running that he surrendered and went to jail peacefully when he could have escaped just fine. But before it was out of survival. As time went on, he gradually became addicted to the thrill of defying death. I mean if he has 8 extra lives to spare, so why should he be worried? This fed his pride in his legend, his adrenaline rush, and his biggest flaw: running away from his problems and consequences. Its only in the Cave of Lost Souls that he realizes how empty his lives have truely been.
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It also hints at there were more times when Kitty faced betrayal by others, not just her infamous declawing. But what always throws me is how she's hyper aggressive about how Puss left her in Santa Colomba yet she later claims she didn't show up either. That she's never had someone she could trust.
I know she's lying about not showing up but maybe it's not Puss she's mad at. Maybe, it's that she's mad at herself because now she knows how it feels to stab someone you love in the back only to have it done to you in return, intentionly and directly or otherwise. Or in laments terms? Professionally, she's used to being betrayed and being the betrayer. Comes with being a solo thief. But in personal relationships? She's only used to being the betrayed, NOT the betrayer.
Remember; she stabbed Puss in the back first. Now he's returned the favor. She's mad at both him and herself. She's using his obsession with his legend and image as a justification for her anger without actually talking about the root issue. How do I know? Look at what the map shows her:
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Puss is learning how his reckless lifestyle has left him alone and with even death himself wanting Puss gone for good. But Kitty is essentially running from herself and how for years? The only person who she's ever felt safe around is the same person she betrayed. She's running from her guilt, her loneliness, and her fear of betrayal.
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