#so like... I didnt want to actually date him i guess
actual-corpse · 2 months
So sorry so ososos os So So!aaaaaaa!!!!! Duckienhdjdbdn!!!
When I say there's pretty boys, it's like I'm looking at some damn good character design!!!!
Like... I do not want to see them naked. I do not want them to be naked with me, no sex or anything like that, just
I want to draw them and spin them around in my head like a blorbo!
And when I was younger, I HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE FEELINGS! I JUST ASSUMED IT WAS A "NORMAL" ALLO CRUSH YOU KNOW!!! Like... everyone was talking about sex and love and boyfriends, and so I misunderstood my INTENSE aesthetic attraction to Blake! I just wanted to admire him like a blorbo from my shows!
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 3 months
To elaborate more on the Pesterquest stuff -
Alternia is a hell world. It's shitty to live in, even if you're a highblood, unless you fit a very specific mold of person AND are lucky enough to be born of a high caste. Every troll character we care about is, in some way, fucked over by their relationship to their society; Eridan and Vriska get it the worst, having been forced to participate in the murdering side of things since they were young, but every lowblood is screwed and every highblood is made worse even just by their passive participation. Kanaya becomes less sympathetic because she seems completely at peace with the society she grew up in, and Feferi wants to enforce casteism, even if it's of a different flavor. Gamzee and Equius both hold genuinely casteist beliefs and attitudes, which slip out and alienate them from the people they care about.
Putting a friendship simulator into the middle of all this is... a choice, I guess. I'm not going to begrudge anyone for wanting that or liking that, but it's going to be inherently at odds with what Alternia is and is meant to represent, and thus, fundamentally at odds with many of the characters' arcs and even basic personality traits, so heavily are they influenced by the shit society they grew up in.
For a non-Eridan example, Karkat loathes himself in massive part because his society loathes him. He's kill-on-sight and lives in daily terror of death. He wears a symbol at all because not having one marks him as even more of a freak, even though he knows that that symbol is connected to the empire's biggest rebel, whose footsteps he is expected to follow. The reason he's so obsessed with being leader-y and earning his teammates' reapect, or the respect of anybody, is because he's so deeply insecure about whether or not he even deserves to exist.
If you soften Alternia to the point you can write a lighthearted friendship simulator in it, then that characterization... goes away. Karkat is no longer motivated by deep, overwhelming insecurities, which drive him to idolize the society that deems him unworthy, mistakenly believing that if he can find validation in that society, he'll feel less bad about himself. Instead, Karkat is just kind of an asshole!
It's the same way with Eridan. He and Karkat are equal and opposite in this way - while Karkat is marked for death by his society, Eridan belongs to the extremely privileged caste of sea dweller royalty - even moreso than Feferi, as Feferi is slated to be murdered by the Condesce as soon as she comes of age (and her ridiculous optimism is likely something she cultivated in outright defiance of this fate). But it turns out that being a sea dweller sucks shit, too, if you aren't the extremely niche type of person that society deems "correct."
Eridan is not actually casteist and genuinely likes his land dweller friends - and this is unacceptible. Not only that, but smaller "unacceptible" offenses are wrapped up in big ones - despite not liking murder and feeling guilty about it, murder is objectively the correct thing for Eridan to be doing, constantly, to the point of it being "all [he's] ever done practically," because if he doesn't fulfil the duty of his bloodline to be murdering lusii (and by extension, their charges, who are culled when their lusii die), EVERYBODY dies. The constant push-pull of trauma, societal expectations and obligations, the fate of the species, and the fact that he is inherently not the "right" kind of person for his society, are pretty much his entire character. He's basically a walking ball of anxiety and emotional turmoil.
So, again, if you soften Alternia to the point where you can write a story about Eridan wanting to see Shrek in a public theater (something he would not actually be able to peacefully do in canon Alternia - at least not without taking off his cape, hiding his fins, and going anonblood - as sea dwellers are considered ridiculously hostile to the point even Gamzee's nervous about being on the beach for too long), Eridan ends up being just kind of an asshole!
Pesterquest!Eridan is, and I cannot stress this enough, fundamentally not the same guy as canon Eridan. They have practically nothing in common, from the fact that PQ!Eridan is willing to do something for leisure, to the fact that he isn't widely feared and the movie theater doesn't empty out in a panic when he turns up, even down to the fact that he likes femme fashion (canon Eridan goes to Lengths to lean into masc fashion) and Shrek (canon Eridan is a hipster). Hell, even the fact that PQ!Eridan SMILES is a massive deviation from canon!Eridan, who has never once been depicted smiling, and probably hasn't for many sweeps.
Also that he has that much beef with Sollux when, canonically, the two had a lukewarm mutual dislike and didn't even bother interacting until Feferi was added to the mix and Eridan became mad that Sollux was dating her. He wasn't even casteist about him until then, and after, even Sollux and Feferi don't think he's casteist, they just think he's ashenflirting so he can get into a quad with Feferi. Like come on, if you're going to feature another troll in Eridan's route, 1) make it be Karkat, and 2) have Eridan cheat on you the whole time with Karkat like he does to Feferi.
Eridan is just overall a wild choice in a friendship sim - I can't even blame them for just writing an OC and putting an Eridan skin on top - because societally, Eridan isn't even supposed to have non-sea dweller friends. The sea dweller/land dweller race war is something the Condesce deliberately put into place in order to keep land dwelling nobility in line, and Equius cites it as one of the reasons he never got along with Eridan. Like, the very fact that Eridan talks to two land dwellers on friendly terms (Kanaya and Karkat) is a MASSIVE deviation from what he's "supposed" to be like, and a huge hint that he's not as casteist as he'd like to appear. You are genuinely hundreds, if not thousands, of times likelier to end an encounter with Eridan either orphaned or dead than as his friend. He's an unstable maniac, and there's a reason so many members of his team don't like him even though he's legitimately not casteist and they mostly seem aware of it (nobody really complains about or even notices Eridan's casteism by the time they're on the meteor - his contradictions are really obvious, and it's likely that they've more or less realized that he's full of shit).
Again, I don't begrudge anybody for wanting or liking PQ. Who cares, really. I'm just saying that as a canon discussion blog, there's not really any place for PQ because it's so far removed from canon that, like, there's not really anything meaningful to discuss about it. The setting and characters in PQ are fundamentally divested from canon, and not even in an AU way. And it's totally fine if that's what you like, but, yeah, like.
Was Eridan written well (where "well" = accurate to canon): no. Maybe he's fine as an OC with an Eridan Minecraft skin slapped on, but that's not my beautiful son, that's not my baby boy.
What did they get wrong about Eridan (where "wrong" = inaccurate to canon): all.
What route would I have written for Eridan: he shoots you with a gun and you die. And then maybe cheats on you with Karkat
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
You know, one thing ive been thinking about the whole keke's outfit thing...it continues to baffle me how the straight heterosexual view of women's 'attractiveness' STILL tends to equate scantily clad with 'availability' or 'asking for it' or 'putting it on display'. As if wearing something skimpy is what threatens the boyfriend's position as the only man who is allowed to be attracted to his girlfriend.
But like. And i cant speak for all women attracted to women here. But i KNOW i am not the only woman who watched nope, caught the VERY SUBTLE HINTS, and was immediately like 'oh she is the hottest thing ever I AM DEVOTED TO HER' because we are starved for lesbian characters just being allowed to exist and be attractive on screen without catering to the male gaze. Like the akira slide and motorcycle scenes? Sexy as hell. The little dancey thing to classic music? Sexy. Her general refusal to sit upright? Still hot. And she was doing it all in slightly butch but still extremely stylish clothing that basically covered everything. And i mean she was still the most attractive character on that screen the entire time, i probably missed half the movie because i was just watching her the whole time. And it had absolutely nothing to do with how little she was wearing.
Like yes keke herself also looked sexy in that dress/bodysuit that her boyfriend hated so much. But why is it THAT that makes him insecure? Why not the thousands of lesbian/bisexual girls who watched nope a few too many times just to daydream about dating a girl like emerald one day?
#Journal shit#My own insecurities are all about emotional intimacies#Like the physical attractiveness stuff doesnt make me jealous#If other people find my significant other attractive thats fine#But if it starts to feel like there is someone who would be better suited for my significant other emotionally or personality or whatever#Yeah lol#It seems like with men its very much about control#They want to control the relationship and feel secure that their woman is performing *sexy* only for them#Though i would guess an independant woman scares and intimidates insecure men too#Like a woman who has a choice to just walk out scares them#I have tried and tried to wrap my head around shit like this#Like my abusive ex used to HATE all my friends#Every. Single. One. Of. Them.#And he refused to believe i wasnt secretly wishing i could date every other person in my life#Like everyone was a threat#And i bent over backwards trying to make him feel secure nothing EVER worked#I lost tons of friends that year 2011 is hell year for a reason i was SO isolated and lonely and hermity#I would make friends and then lose them quickly partially because my boyfriend didnt like anyone#And its not like he wasnt very vocal about the girls he ACTUALLY wanted to be dating who werent me#and how much he resented me for not being prettier more talented more elegant/refined whatever#It was a mind fuck and always made me feel like i was going crazy trying to jump all the hoops#Even after he dumped me theres still sad sack journal entries on this blog of me sighing about how much i loved and missed him lmao#I took all his insecurity and hate and turned it on myself like why couldnt i BE better why couldnt i make him happy#Spoiler alert that didnt work#I guess i always felt like i kinda deserved it i was mostly ugly and not worth much and who can blame my ex#But seeing women who have it all STILL get stuck dealing with asshole behavior? :( makes me sad
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yelloworangesoda · 7 months
havw to come up with a characters tattoos……….. AUGH
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i-like-gay-books · 2 years
my eyes have been opened to the possibility of rory x paris oh my GOD
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catmemey · 1 year
newness? maybe.
#big tags ahead fyi#last chapter in the [redacted] saga probably for a little bit#i responded to his message from last night#i didnt want to go overboard with being affectionate in a romantic way or anything#so i went a softer route of thinking about how he's my closest friend and I still want to tell him what he means to me#so... it was still extremely genuine and i was vulnerable in saying all that#but... then his response was like. 'i think i get a bigger picture and maybe misunderstood what you had said'#and im internally like. wait. what do you mean. what did you misunderstand.#why does it sound like you think i only like you as a friend#because i dont but it felt selfish to dump all that on him#and he even apologized for dumping some of the things he said on me#but anyways. i panicked a little bit.#i guess i didnt want him to get the impression i wasnt interested at all#so i sent an obscure message being like 'well if its not selfish to say then i actually would have said more#but it felt selfish to say all that'#and then he was like 'well maybe i'll say one last thing. it isnt selfish to speak your mind.'#'and id rather be honest with each other if nothing else happens'#so i was like well ok here's my chance#and said that i want to and would date him if he was single and exclusive#and then he was basically like 'yeah me too but i care too much about [my gf] to end it'#which i knew#its just.......... a lot.#and i offered some advice about his relationship if he wanted#as long as he didnt care if it was hard hitting#and he was like 'sure let me see how you throw those punches'#so i lobbed some heavy questions at him#and he was like 'those werent bad. i cant say i know the answer to any of them'#so mission accomplished there i guess?#but... he said he wanted to have some time to himself to think everything over#which is very fair. there's so much
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had a sex dream about one of my tattoo artists. im sure this means nothing.
#and the thing is#i dont actually know who it was#bacuae in the dream i said it was the guy who did my wrist#but???? the person who did my wrist was a girl about 5'4" and super curvy??????#not a man who was taller than me with glasses????#im 90% sure the three artists in the dream were all people ive dreamt of before but iv never met#he did kind of look like s younger version of the guyehp did the back of my neck but idk who his buddies were#and i talked like hed done one for me before and i wanted another.#anyway along with two friends one of whom is in my dnd group the other was a bitch i went to school with whod never have a tattoo we#ended up playing dnd together after the artusts closed up shop#and the guy told me he wanted to open another with more artists like him than who hes hired now#he was nice but didnt show much interest in me until someone else basically assulted me#like not actually but knocked me out and i woke up with a bunch of piercings and his name on me#and the artist i knew suddenly got very protective of me and helped take them out and said hed cover up the ink and we started dating#he was paranoid to let me.out of his site but i also didnt want to leave his side so it was sweet and we both had to calm each other when#we did have to be apart???#idont understand this but yeag at one point we had sex in his chair he had ny habds above my head and he was smiling so wide#i have no idea who he was but he was pretty cute#i guess i mean he wasnt my type at all but he was cute he had ink and thats whatmatters
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hernymills · 1 year
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mejomonster · 1 day
I am yet again debating if im willing to wade through dating apps to try and meet someone
#rant#i guess like. im chronically ill. and work remotely. so its probably in theory the best way to meet ppl?#but in the past few years dating apps have degraded to be designed for users to find it harder to meet other ppl which 1 super sucks#and 2 means the apps barely do their only purpose for users!!!#and then like... 3 years ago when i was on apps... i matched with 10k ppl#and talked to dozens of ppl. and asked out many ppl#and no one wanted to actually date. they wanted comoliments from strangers#only poly ppl wanted to date and i didnt wanna be in a poly relationship#the only Not poly person i met at that time was such a dumb himbo he didnt realize i was asking him out. then he left the country so oh well#and like... after that many nonstop poly people and married couples and non-looking compliment-fishers for uears straight i was just#tired and depressed. i felt like i was unable to meet anyone even after trying hard for years. so i gave up apps#i tried meeting ppl in person too both then and since. i kept meeting married or partnered ppl so not available. or aromantic ppl not#wanting relationships. so then i also felt burned out and like welp okay. even in my hobbies and social events i only meet unavailable#ppl. so i guess i felt a bit hopeless and lonely either way#if i do a dating app again im just gonna try being as brutally honest as i can? i feel like i was before but#maybe i can do better? like: studies chinese and japanese. writes fanfiction. into X Y Z games and shows. nonbinary. bi. looking for#potential for long term relationship.#do i also list demiromantic? demisexual? i would rather not but i also dont want a naive person to just Assume im not into them just cause i#dont want sex for 3-5 months. i just... need to feel a crush after time bonding for a while before i want that ;/
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orcelito · 2 months
I was on call for nearly 7 hours between streaming my samurai game, watching anime, and then just chatting some. Which was really great for getting my mind off things!!! Hung out with a good assortment of friends, which was pretty great.
Though. Now I'm alone again. Which I usually enjoy. But it also has me remembering why I was on such a long call to start with...
I have therapy tomorrow, and I don't know whether I should mention this. She's primarily my grief therapist, so it'd maybe feel weird to spring something else on her... but I don't know...
#speculation nation#just kinda remembering again how fickle it all was.#all the compliments... the 'i love you's... nearly 6 months of them...#dropped so suddenly for a days-long infatuation...#ultimately i guess it's for the best that this happened before i got Too deep into it.#unlike my ex from 2020. where i was literally living with him and genuinely contemplating eventual marriage.#the idea was floated vaguely of my recent ex and i living together next year if we were still together by then.#so if she's gonna be so shallow and selfish as to drop me just like that for a new 'love'...#going so far as to say she doesnt actually love me & every time she said it was just automatic impulse...#like. ouch.#adding in the fact that i admitted to her that i struggle with trust and abandonment issues#due to prior experiences with being dropped for being too difficult or having someone choose some1 else over me...#she promised that i was the only one she wanted to actually date... but then turned around out of nowhere and said she wanted to add one#but when i stood my ground and voiced my concern about her daying someone else given the obvious communication issues going on#(aka her standing me up without warning and ignoring me all day. which she said was bc she was too distracted by the person#she's in 'love' with. to the point where i just wasnt even a thought in her mind...)#(though i literally called her when she didnt show up to the time we agreed on. idk how she'd miss it. but oh well.)#anyways i was rightfully worried about it. and Thats when she ignored me again only to say she couldnt see us working out#bc there was no way of her feeling the same way with me that she does with Her...#frankly i think shes blinded by infatuation and is going to regret this later down the line.#throwing a good thing away for a passing fancy who's planning on moving away soon Anyways.#but. well. it's not my problem anymore is it? even if she begged for me back theres no way i would#after the absolute shitshow that's been the past day.#and it sucks bc i really did like her and spending time with her. but im glad it happened now. before i got too deep in it.#i'll give myself time to recover. focus on my interests again. and school.#and in a few months' time maybe i'll join the dating pool again. this time with a better idea of my wants and boundaries.#it really sucks to have 10 exes. it's kind of embarrassing. but with each one im learning more about myself.#in time maybe i'll find the person that's right for me. who wont drop me bc im too much of a hassle or bc someone else is better.#i have worth as a person. im not perfect but plenty of people do like me.#and i'll find the person who wants to stay with me for good. sometime. eventually.
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jvzebel-x · 5 months
#sometimes i get really sad about my life you know? like. really sad about it lmao. for various reasons.#like it would be really cool to be normal. very often i just wish i was normal lmao.#but then i remember meeting this guy while i was homeless&he had everything that i late 20s/early 30s college grad would want#stable&well paying job in the field he actually went to college for#rented part of a banging a duplex that had a yard allowed dogs&was a five minute walk from downtown bar crawl area#had both one of my fave motorcycles-- an r6--&one of my all time dream cars-- a 6speed cts-v.#i presume a dating life from the tampons that were in his bathroom.#&yet. he was miserable from what i could tell lmao. &it was weird bc it was like he didnt realize that#until he met us lmao. i would be more annoyed by that. i was v annoyed by it at the time lmao. the amount of weird jealousy i dealt w while#fucking homeless+sick is disgusting&ill never forgive fucking anyone for it&a part of me will always be dead+rotted bc of it lmao.#but for him it was different in the way of. i could kind of understand it lmao.#he had come from a rough background from what i understand&was a success story.#&yet he clearly felt trapped in his own life. clearly felt like he was surrounded by things he should be more grateful for while none of it#filled the hole in him ppl like him are PROMISED success will fill. being apart of the status quo but on the good end will alleviate.#he had been in one accident&never rode his bike again. when i asked why he lied&told me the bike was unrideable bc he didnt know me lmao#&when i asked if there had been any damage past the obvious dent in the gas tank he got red+quiet+changed the topic.#he worked at some big bank&didnt bother trying to brag bc the one thing he DID know about me is that i am v anti bank+leftist lmao.#he considered himself a leftist too until he talked to me&realized he was actually v centrist in basically every view he had#&that centrism came from a desire to keep his privileges as a cis white straight man-- something that made him openly embarassed.#he used to deal thru college&when i met him he couldnt keep up w one round of dabs w me something that also obviously embarassed him.#he had surrounded himself w ppl just like him&was jarred upon meeting anyone outside of that bubble who wasnt a far right asshole.#&he didnt like what he saw about himself. &that was really obvious.#when we left his place after the brief week we were staying there he was literally in tears about how much he wanted to come.#to help&see where we ended up or whatever idk lmao. i guess im still actively annoyed by it lmao.#but i still get it on some level. when you reach the top&realize youre not fucking happy where do you go from there?#will a house do it? will moving to a different location for your same bullshit job do it? will meeting a girl exactly like you do it?#&when i want to be normal so bad it physically hurts i remember him&i think maybe things arent so bad lmao.#like it could be worse i guess lmao.
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confesswithkisses · 1 year
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pixeljade · 5 months
Laios/Kabru is such a funny ship to me because there's precisely ZERO chance Laios is interested in a non-monster romantically or sexually, but also, he's absolutely got the exact balance of "wanting to please those around him" and "having no clue what constitutes human romance/friendship" that Kabru could be like "Hey I have decided I'm OBSESSED with you and DO YOU WANT TO MAKE OUT???" and Laios would probably have a thought process like "Huh. Is making out normal for best friends slash royal advisor and king? I dont actually know! But I trust Kabru and I want him to like me so...sure!" And this could slowly and steadily escalate to a full relationship while Laios is just sitting there like "Haha we're besties. :) such good friends!!" And eventually Kabru mentions casually that they're dating and Laios has a short crisis about it, before realizing that it doesnt matter too much and he enjoys spending time with Kabru even if theres not actual attraction beyond platonic on his end, and Laios just. Decides SURE I guess we're dating haha!
Meanwhile from Kabru's perspective, each step of the way, he's overanalyzing every fucking interaction. He gets one-word answers from Laios sometimes and spends days agonizing over it only to find out that Laios was just distracted rotating different monsters in his empty head, and didnt mean anything by it. Both of them are so utterly clueless in such completely different ways and they'd LOOK like just a regular couple to most onlookers but anyone who knows them even a little would know the MASSIVE WELL OF TENSION underneath the surface. I imagine that Kabru ends up going to Marcille & Falin's place to drink and ask for advice quite often, which mostly turns out as Marcille saying "MY BROTHER-IN-LAW IS A DUMBASS WHY DO YOU EVEN LIKE HIM STOP COMING HERE I WANT TO GET BACK TO SMOOCHING FALIN" and Falin giggling and being like "You're doing fine sweetie :)" knowing her brother is absolutely going to go with the flow straight into marriage with this nerd who once wanted to murder them
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cosmiiwrites · 5 months
OKAY SO I HAVE AN IDEA. What about established relationship domestic fluff with Adam?? Like waking up in the morning cooking breakfast that kind of stuff (I AM STARVED OF HAPPY ADAM CONTENT)
˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ domestic life
.ೃ࿐ adam x reader .ೃ࿐
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ hc/drabble: how adam would be like as a domestic partner cw: cussing, fluff, established relationship, reader is lwk fem coded a/n: ME TOO ANON. ME TOO. sorry for the hold up on the adam fics btw😭🙏
alright SOO
if you're in a relationship with adam, you obviously mean a lot to him
sure, he brags about his groupies and hookups all the time, but he's never actually been in a serious relationship with any of them
and he never stays in contact with them unless he needs a quick orgasm
without a doubt he drops them all for you
so when you’re dating him, let alone living with him, you’re a lot more than a good fuck
at first, waking up and adam being the first thing you see in the morning took you a while to get used to
you’d always find an arm slung around your waist when you woke up, stopping you from leaving the bed
you found it cute at first, but it started to get annoying when adam literally would not let you get up
“adam, hon, babe, love of my life, i gotta get ready for work,” you yawned. “adaaam,” whining his name clearly did not work. unfazed, the angel only tightened his hold on you. his face buried itself deeper into the crook of your neck. “c’mon, sera won’t be happy if you’re late for the fourth time this week…” you reminded him.
“i don’t give a shit,” adam groaned, voice muffled and barely audible. you loved his morning voice: husky, low, less insufferable. “i jus’ wanna be here with you. i don’t want to hear sera’s bitching this early in the morning…” his last sentence made you laugh, earning you an annoyed growl. “fine, i guess that’s fair.”
you settled more into your shared bed, one arm slinging around adam’s neck while the other combed through his hair. adam gave you a low groan in response. “mmh… could just stay here in bed all day, with you, y’know?” usually, you would object, but this time you gave it some thought. laying in bed with your boyfriend, cuddling all day? hm. you let out a defeated sigh.
“fuck yeah!”
you had actually found a way to let adam release you from the bed without him bitching about you “abandoning him”
that is, by cooking him bomb ass breakfast
the first time you cooked him breakfast was when he was deep in sleep and you were able to sneak your way out of his grasp
he wasn’t happy about you not being in bed with him, but your cooking made up for it.
an unfamiliar smell woke up adam. “[name], what the fuck is that sme- [NAME]?!” he frantically looked around for you, scanning the bedroom, the bathroom, he even checked the closet. this dumbass didnt even try following the smell. finally, adam found you in the kitchen, back facing towards him as you flipped pancakes.
he gave out a sigh of relief. almost instantly, adam pulled you into a hug from behind, head resting on your shoulder. because of the unexpected gesture, you let out a squeak. cute, he thought. “calm down, babe, s’ just me.” he chuckled. “but seriously, don’t leave me alone… i thought you got murdered or somethin’.” you whipped your head around to meet his eyes. was he serious? “first of all, this is literally heaven. secondly, i left to cook you breakfast, dummy. now go sit down or you’re not getting any.” immediately he complied.
“holy fuck.” he said, munching on a pancake. you giggled. “do you like it?” adam stared at you like you had gone crazy. “do i—do i like it? sweetheart, if i knew you cooked like a god i would’ve forced you to make every dish in the damn book.” his praise went straight to your head. you didn’t think he was capable of complimenting anyone that much but himself! still, you weren’t complaining.
not only did you make breakfast for adam, but lunch and dinner, too
when adam came home from work and found ribs on the table, he went FERAL
“baaaabe, im home,” he announced rather loudly. adam scanned the kitchen for you, instead landing his eyes on a large plate of ribs. never had adam wanted to wife someone up so bad.
“oh, adam! i just made some-“
“marry me.”
i feel like adam wouldn’t be too keen on doing chores around the house
washing dishes, doing the laundry, taking out the trash? not quite his forte
once said that it was a “woman’s job,” and you gave him a firm smack to his head (well deserved)
“adam, you NEVER do anything around here!” you complained. adam only groaned in response. “c’monn, doing the dishes won’t kill you,” “i dunno, it might.” “ADAM!”
“fine, jeez! so fuckin’ dramatic i swear…” he muttered under his breath. he reluctantly picked up a sponge and a plate and began cleaning the plate profusely fast. you leaned on the counter next to him, a smug grin on your face to which he only tsked at.
he put away the last dish, finally. “there, you happy now?” he huffed. “very.” you grabbed his face and pecked his lips once, twice. adam was taken aback at your sudden movement, nevertheless kissing you back more fervently. “mph- shit, if this is what i get for doing the dishes, i might start doing it more often.”
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Drawing each other (Slasher edition)
help im getting good ideas for writing but idk what fandoms to write it for so uhuh... i guess writing for the mains ones i write for! woo yeah! characters: jason voorhees, brahms heelshire, bubba sawyer, thomas hewitt, Michael myers notes: reader is GN, admin did a coin clip on whether or not the reader is an artist cws: none
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sometimes sitting in the cabin all day can get a little boring, you were the one who brought up the idea of drawing each other
neither of you are particularly good at drawing but that doesnt mean the two of you arent going to have fun
hes a little embarrassed to show you his drawing of you, hes hesitant to turn the paper around to show you
you didnt have much access to many drawing supplies, a lot of what you already had was crayons and colored pencils stolen from the camp, as well as the paper
he doesnt care if the drawing doesnt look the best, hes in love with just about anything you do or anything that has to do with you
he keeps the drawing folded up and tucked in his shirt pocket!
hes actually pretty decent at drawing, using that to spend his time when hes not watching you from the cracks in the walls
on top of that hes pretty confident in his ability
you, on the other hand.... i dont think he would make fun of your work, but its clear that theres only one artist between the two of you
keeps the drawing you make of him in his little hiding place in the walls
takes a long minute to look at your drawing of him, its hard to read what hes thinking in that moment
more than proud of his drawing of you, you likely have to remind him to hurry up.. hes going to spend a lot of time on it
will expect a compliment for his work- and dont think he wont compliment your work either!
you got the idea while doodling random stuff in your sketchbook, deciding to take this as a moment to do something together
he doesnt get it at first but hes... probably... not going to just walk away from you
a decent artist himself, he doesnt draw often but its clear he knows some of the basics of art
very quiet while the two of you draw but its nothing new
exchanging your drawings goes without a hitch, and hes sitting there looking at your paper for a long moment... he doesnt give much of a reaction... but you do notice him tucking the paper into one of his pockets
he doesnt care if you keep his drawing or not, however you sometimes find him looking at his art if you display it somewhere
hes not very good at drawing, he never really gets the time to sit down and doodle- on top of that he doesnt know what to draw most of time, when he does have the time and thought to try!
loves anything you make, you dont have to be a good artist either, hes going to take in every little detail of the art
is this how you see him?
if youve added additional stuff such as sparkles or hearts, hes going to be staring even longer... thats so sweet, you like like him?
of course he already knew you did, youre both dating but seeing stuff like that in passing always feels nice
very protective of the drawing out of fear that his brothers may tamper or destroy it- at best they (namely nubbins and choptop) may tease him
like his original counterpart, thomas doesnt draw all that often so he hasnt built up the skill... but that doesnt mean he isnt going to try to draw you how he sees you when you sit him down to do this activity with him
takes a long time to get all the details right, doesnt want to make you look off or worse, offend you if he messes something up
you can draw him with or without his mask, but its clear that you put care into the drawing, regardless of skill
loves it so much, hangs it on the wall in the basement so he can look at it while hes working... its like a little motivational thing for him! he protects his family, and youre part of it.. he does this for you!
a little hesitant to give you his drawing, but lightens up at your delight for how he portrayed you
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oh-allie · 3 months
and then i go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like...
dr ratio x fem!reader
(sorry if hes ooc i didnt know how to bring out his assholeyness on a first date withour having the reader standing up and leaving his ass)
pt. 2 of then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two
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four days before the date.
you made veritas feel icky. his sweaty palms disgusted him, his jumbled thoughts made him feel like hiding in his study and never leaving, and the way even thinking of you made his heart race made him feel like a fool.
so he did what he does best, and he studied. he worked his ass off. researched breathing exercises and studied the human mind. the feelings he'd read about before, ones he swore he'd never stoop so low to feeling, were now what he seeked to bottle up. not completely, for he is still a man. just enough to not feel like such an idiot.
for the next four days before you two planned to meet, he practiced. in front of mirrors, lying in bed thinking of you; he worked day and night to get back to his normal self. he even suppressed his giddiness and raging thoughts about you enough to get two good days of work in.
7 hours before the date.
ratio is a methodical man. he plans and he executes.
he did not plan to wake up at 3 in the morning the day of your date. and he can’t get back to sleep. he's done his calming breathing exercises, he’s focused his muscle groups, hes counted sheep. he is NOT getting any more rest.
so now hes sitting on the edge of his bed, head in his hands like that one picture of shinji. a plethora of thoughts are racing through his head,
“what if i look like shit later today?
...i’ll need to wear concealer with my eyeliner today…
...i’m so fucking tired.”
but it's mainly you. what if he messes up, what if he's too rude or snarky? what if you don't really like who he is, like everyone else?
3 hours before the date.
you know how in films the dorky loser main character practices in front of the mirror before talking to their crush? veritas seemed to take it to heart, as he's standing here, leaning on his sink counter, staring at his own reflection (which he spent the last four hours on) and practicing what he’ll do.
his mind is organized and going over what he’ll do (although he's heavily suppressing the jumbled nervous thoughts that are running rampant in the back of his head) but it’s okay! ‘cause this doctor has a plan..!
talk about her outfit
ask her why she was interested in you
… the weather ?
surely the conversation will flourish from there. yeah. he’s totally prepared.
30 minutes before the date.
of course he’s 30 minutes early. if you’re early, you’re on time. if you're on time, you're late. and if you’re late? don’t bother showing up. that's his philosophy. although he's kinda hoping you don’t show up early too. his deep breathing exercises will take at least another 20 minut-
29 minutes before the date.
he watches as you enter the cafe, nodding to the barista and looking for a table. he notices you noticing him. your eyes light up and you sent a quick wave as you hurry over. but- wait, just a second- he’s not ready! he hasn't even started his affirmatio-
“hey! i guess we had the same idea, huh?” you chuckle, situating yourself and your bag onto your chair.
uh-oh, he’s just staring at you again. well, that's actually completely and totally 100% your fault! he was in the middle of DEEP-BREATHING. don’t interrupt a guy when he's breathing deeply.
“yes. we did. my philosophy on punctuality is that if you’re early, you’re on time. if you're on time, you're late. and if you’re late? don’t bother showing up.” he manages to get out. did that sound too snobbish?
“exactly! if you’re going somewhere, go with a purpose. even if that purpose is to get out as soon as possible, y’know?” you rest your head on your hand and make some relevant motion with the other one.
that's good! that's really good. he just had a conversation with you, just like he wanted. okay, okay. what now? what were his points?... outfit, interest, weather. outfit, interest, weather. outfit…
“are you going to order, veritas?” the sound of his own name from your tongue draws him back to reality. he’d like to hear that again.
“pardon me. yes, i’ll just take a black coffee.” he’s curt and in the back of his mind he's still deciding which point to bring up.
“sooo…. you look lovely. although i almost didn't recognize you without your alabaster head. i like it though.” you say, making small talk. he didn't mind it with you.
‘FUCK she beat me to it’ is what he’s thinking.
“thank you. you look beautiful, as always.” oooo he got you blushing and kicking your feet.
you let out a curt giggle at that, “so, why do you wear that? the alabaster head.” you cock your head to the side a little. you cutie patootie.
“i can’t bear to see idiots. of course, they wouldn't want to see me either.” he replies, matter of factly.
“they’re surely an idiot if they don't want to see you.”
haaah. veritas’ collar feels tighter and his head's getting hot. how's he supposed to react to that? do you have no shame?
and then he implodes because of your overwhelming beauty
okay guys i gotta be honest i have no idea how to conclude rhis ....so idk and then you guys bone or whatever you want ☺️
a/n - i'm so sorry about rhe ending gang but i quite literally could not think of any way to end this and ive been putting it off for weeks so i knew it wasnt getting finished.... whoops! 🤗
dedicated to 🌸 anon <3
(sorry for making you wait so long ml....... 😞)
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