#so like at least all my photos aren't gone but all my editing work is
beansnpeets · 9 months
I'm having an absolutely terrible day
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My Touchstarved MC / OC time
Because I've been saving it for today^-^
[Warning: long rambling, and possibly no editing]
I have come to the point where I view the main LI's as my side characters to my silly little cannon divergent lore. So everything is completely made up, and also I'm going to rewrite my MCs to fit the actual game when it comes out. so there is my disclaimer before I head off into Lala land.
I've made different MCs based on the three backstories you can choose when you enter the game.
The Alchemist (Naudedel)
Hound (Hound)
Unnamed (Noble)
Each is still cursed but each curse takes on a different form or is gained at a different time along the journey to Eridia.
Noble is the one with the original curse from the game. They corrupt the minds of those they touch. Except on rare occasions...
Hound is a by-product of Nobel's hands. Hound is (till they reach Eridia...) the only one who can touch Nobel without punishment. Though she seems to have still retained her sanity, there is one man who refuses to deny the golden veins running under her skin.
Naudedel was an experiment gone rogue. An attempt to create an artificial God gone wrong. Turning his back on his creator, but still tries to reach for a false heaven on his own.
In my little headcanon world, they are all traveling together as a found family. Hound acts as their guardian, Noble is the oldest, Naudy is the weird middle child, and then there is Cetcher, who is a stand-alone OC who was adopted into their little family.
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| And here is a little family photo/reference sheet :D - I'll explain the designs later |
Also, designs aren't finalized completely!! (which is why Hound is missing the prosthetic mentioned below)
The General BackStory: part I
Hound meets Noble when they are around six and takes care of them along with the help of her then-husband Cove. The two worked as mercenaries till taking Noble in as their own. The young couple promised to watch over Noble as they travel to Erida to try and find a cure for their curse. Along the way Hound and Cove hit what they called... a rough patch. Which resulted in Cove severing Hound's leg, not before she could take his good arm. Though Hound can't remember much of their life before that fight. She does know that he is still out there, and looking for them. But a swordsman without his dominant hand isn't much concern for her so she pushes on with the child at her side.
That is when they find Naudedel. The prodigy son of a mage who lived at the top of the hill in the remains of a small standing town. The mage was an older woman, but hospitable to the young mother and her child. She was also very taken by Noble after learning about their infliction. And wanted to help them in their journey to Erida seeing she had ties there from her past. This is where Hound was given her prosthetic, fueled by alchemy and mechanics. Noble took a liking to Naudedel despite his moody disposition and the two (to Naudy's dismay) were stuck at the hip during their stay. However, things didn't stay pleasant for long. As if the air changed in the small town, dire truths flowed with it. Hound and Noble soon learned about the true nature of the boy bound to the hill. The 12th experiment, the 12th body that surprisingly hadn't been dropped in one of the many pre-made graves that ran along the hillside yet. "What a resilient boy she's found!" was the last macabre expression Hound was willing to put up with from the townsfolk before marching up that damned hill only to find a darker twist in the doorway. Naudedel was the one to free himself. The one to kill his mother and step off that hill in his own shoes. Hound just happened to walk in front of him. Or at least that's how he is allowed to tell the story.
The now trio continue their journey, arriving in one broken small town to the next. Around the time the young ones are teenagers and Hound is theoretically pushing late 30s yet every familiar face they meet on the road swears she hasn't aged a wink, They start a town riot...
However, that's a story for another time. Anyways, the kids adopted Cetcher as their new baby sister. Cetcher worked as an assistant for an apothecary in town. Though assistant is more of a stretch, servant or pet would have been more fitting. The man running the shop treated the child less than an errand boy and refused to elaborate on where he got her. So Naudedel made it his mission to run off with the kid with the ever-so-graceful help of Noble. After convincing Hound to take her in, the glossy-eyed baby joined their one-wagon caravan. With surprisingly great help from Naudedel, Hound taught Cetcher how to read and write, which might have been the start of her greatest joys, at least in the moment.
But they were on their way. And spent another 5 years on the road before getting close to the city. But that was where they would part ways for a year. Naudedel had found a lead to possibly undoing Noble's curse. But it would be out of their way and a possible goose chase. And Due to an unfortunate run-in with a certain swordsman wielding his signature longsword in his non-dominant hand. They needed to get on the move fast. The plan was for Naudedel and Cetcher to go off the path and for Hound to watch over Noble and make it into Eridia safely. This was the plan, but of course, things would never go accordingly. Here we are in the current day, Noble alone in Eridia left in Leander's care, Hound presumed dead, Cetcher lost in the Fogfall, and Naudedel making contracts with deities he is too proud to admit are over his head.
But yes, my cornerstones of my silly found family.
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the-city-kitty · 2 years
Nobody Invited You- Chapter 2 snippet
So as life is wont to do, things are still crazy as hell, as a matter of fact I'm sick right now. So the full chapter is still gonna be delayed for a bit, but instead of having nothing I at least wanna post a little sneak peek at chapter 2. This will probably look different in the final version after it goes through a couple rounds of editing but for now this is a little bit of what I have so far of the chapter.
Leo leaned his head back as the carriage pulled away from the wreckage of their home. He kept his eyes on it for as long as he could until the muted colors of the underground sailed past his window in a blur. Father sat across from him, equally as tired as Leo. It was one of the rare occasions that he removed his helmet and armor. His curly hair was held back in a long, thick, braid.
Rather than sitting on Father's shoulders, Huginn and Munnin were by Leo. Munnin was curled up in Leo's lap like a cat while Huginn was cuddled up to Leo's side. Leo couldn't help petting and kneading his fingers into Munnin's downy fur. It was an old, childish habit he hadn't really broken yet. But after everything he was too tired to feel particularly embarassed about it right now.
The first half hour of the trip passed in silence. No one really had anything meaningful to say, least of all Leo. He more or less slipped into a light doze. It was more sleep than he'd gotten in the last few days.
But now he has time to think. Now that they aren't picking through the wreckage of their home and boxing up whatever was salvageable; now that he isn't cutting his hands on broken frames of family photos and now that they're not being pestered by nosy inquisitors, he has time to think about everything his father told him.
He has brothers. On an intellectual level, he has always known that. His father told him of the circumstances of his creation after all. It's just that he always assumed they were dead. Finding out they are alive this way... ice dripped down his spine.
"I'm just as surprised as you are," Father said. "They appeared so suddenly, with a human at their side, no less."
And isn't that just an insult to injury? A human in his home. And she took his sword. Who gave her the right-?
"They were determined to rescue the agent and stop any further experiments."
"But why? They've been gone all this time, what could they possibly have to do with any of this? To do with us?" Leo asked. Father was silent for a moment.
"My son... in all honesty, I don't think they truly understood the consequences of their actions."
"It's like December came early," Father says, suddenly breaking the silence. Leo takes a second to process that, he's still a bit sleepy.
"Pardon?" he asks.
"We always go to the old Manor in December anyway, so just think of it like December came early." Father shrugs. Oh. He's trying to cheer Leo up.
"Fath-" Leo sighs, "Dad, how can you be so flippant about this? You told me how hard it was to rebuild after the first fire."
"I was younger then, more inexperienced and easily overwhelmed when things didn't go my way. I've learned from my mistakes since then. Rebuilding will go much faster this time around. You'll see. We'll be back home in just a few months."
Leo took a few breaths until the building heat behind his eyes was thoroughly subdued.
"It won't be the same though, will it?" They had lost things. More than his father losing his test subjects and materials and data, those could be recovered with some hard work and dedication. But that was their home. More than just the building they spent most of the year in. More than just the building he grew up in.
It was in his home that he was actually his father's son, not an orphan that the Baron adopted and invested as his heir. It was in his home he could make stupid puns and jokes with Huginn and Munnin and not worry about being the most charming conversationalist in the room. In his home he could just be Leo, not The Honorable Leonardo. His home was the one place that was real. That was safe.
And now, without ever even laying eyes on each other, his so-called "brothers" had come along and burnt everything he's ever known to the ground without remorse. Even once his house was rebuilt, now that he knows that they're just out there and might just reappear out of thin air? How is he ever supposed to sleep in his own bed peacefully at night ever again?
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lisacatara-actress · 2 years
Almost Lisa: Pt 8, “Laughable... Almost”
*I retain all rights to my photography and story, story details, biographical information, fashion designs, art work, and anything and everything I have posted which is my own creation*)
You're still thinking about it, aren't you? Why I haven't dated an 18 years. It does sound pretty incredulous, bereft of the story behind it. No, I’m not crazy or have unrealistic expectations. Well, I do NOW. And life is just too damn short for bad company, bad sex, bad coffee, or fake relationships . The funniest ignorant comments men make to me are that they're surprised “nobody scooped (me) up yet”. As if I would relinquish that decision or fall into the arms of any man who wanted me. As if I OWE that to someone because simply having standards isn't enough for me to remain single. I want and deserve to be attracted and inspired, too.  And honestly, I seldom meet someone who excites me in the ways I find attractive (intellectually, spiritually, and yes, physically).
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Fathers / Daddies,
Hug your baby girls. As often as you can. If they don't learn what non-sexual touch is from you, they will have nothing to compare it by moving forward. Sex will feel like respect and appreciation when it's not.
      Sincerely,   A woman who learned this the hard way.
Once I moved to LA, I apparently developed attractions (and tolerances) to grown-ass man-children. My ex (yes, 18 years ago) had terrible mommy and daddy issues, was a pathological liar, and had at least three personalities (that I counted). He was also a kleptomaniac and stole a substantial amount of money from me (and a couple of his friends), just after cheating on me. Total package, obviously, lol. After that experience- which culminated in about a year of my life spinning out of control, dropping down to 105 lb because I just couldn't believe I didn't see signs of his illnesses- I eventually took a few lovers. But always unfulfilled and with unwarranted drama. One such arrangement lasted nearly seven years, on and very “off”. He was another (older) grown-ass man-child with serious Daddy issues. But wait! There’s more... He was also a narcissist, an over-compensatory control freak, and a very angry human who threatened to commit suicide every few months right about the time he knew I was going to leave him. But dang, if he didn't get the soft part of me that wanted to help him heal from his own trauma. Some people can't. So why did I stay?
Sex.  Literally, that's the reason. I was completely focused on my career and wasn't in a position to have a more committed or permanent relationship. Plus, he had an adorable little dog. It was- I thought- a mutually agreeable arrangement. But once he sexually and psychologically abused me, I was gone. Permanently. You get to a point in your life where you realize how valuable time is. When I say I no longer make time for bullshit, I mean it. That dude- by the way- later acquired (I've chosen this word on purpose) an industry award. Hollywood is full of - and too often celebrates- bullshit. And it’s hardly difficult to find in an industry that attracts hurt and broken people, looking to find themselves. Sadly, many believe what The Biz tells them is true. And others support those lies to further their own careers. I’ve witnessed many a colleague completely lose themselves, desperate to fill a gap in their lives. Few actually find the “Happily Ever After” of Hollywood success. And of those who do, there is most often a price.
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There are 2 reasons people do things: 
               1) the desire to experience Pleasure,
               2) the need to avoid Pain
A few years ago, while still living in "The Valley” (CA), I’d frequent cafes (as I am right now- quel suprise) and edit photos for the books I self-published. Joan's on Third was a favorite stomping ground. At the time, one of my neighbors was (is) a famous name actor being dragged by the media (and rightfully so) for a slew of disgusting accusations which surfaced. He would deliberately position himself where I had to glance in his direction, then stare me down until I looked his way. He’d invite himself to join me, looking over my shoulder at what I was working on, lavishing compliments, trying to win my favor. Then- manically- complaining about everything and everyone. He wasn’t nervous, just pissed. As if consequences were so...like...annoying.  A few years later, He was back on the film grind with a new show and more in the pipeline. Everyone stopped talking about his indiscretions. This happens A LOT in Entertainment. The next public outrage comes along and the old one is forgotten. When I worked in public relations (damage control and marketing), we'd tell our clients that Time was a friend. For this reason.
Hollywood runs on false power and real control. Piss off the wrong player and you'll find your climb up the ladder is greased and missing rungs. To succeed you must - to some degree- be a “Team Player”. Not only where booking jobs is concerned, but out in the field. The general public has heard and become familiarized with some of the behind-the-scenes debauchery over time, but they really cannot grasp that its REAL, and how DEEP the rabbit hole goes.
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In my early days in the Biz, I was invited to countless industry parties and events. Some, I actually went to. It was common (for me) to dance with celebs and share booths at exclusive clubs. There were also copious organized events which were more private, where celebs could “let their hair down”, away from the medias gaze. It was around midnight at one such party in The Hills when a large bouncer approached me and my host and explained that we were welcome to stay, but that the party was “going in a different direction”. I got it, immediately, and got up to leave. JUST as a certain celebrity’s naked ass went running up the stairs, chasing a bevy of young, star-struck, spandex-clad 20-somethings (something they were known to do). Lisa, OUT. I never believed I had to sell myself to achieve success. I had the “it factor” then, was talented, smart, and professional. Surely if I kept studying, auditioning and improving my craft, success would be inevitable.
I was wrong. Truth be told, playing the Game can be... helpful.
Everything I’ve accomplished has been done with my integrity intact. There were many opportunities to advance by other means. I couldn’t. Or wouldn’t. Though through the years, I watched several colleagues chose to go the route of hotel meetings and “favors” to shortcut their careers forward. It often ended in tears, protests, pleas, and even blacklisting. I’ve lost at least a few colleagues to suicide or substance abuse along the way. If you don’t have solid people who care about you and keep you grounded, Hollywood is a dangerous playground.
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La La Land gets a rep for being a meat market and playground for soulless opportunists and pedophiles. I wont pretend they aren't in the mix. But there are infinitely more good people than bad. Unfortunately, often bad ones are gate keepers and decision makers. It’s not as if depravity and abuse run rampant across the industry. It’s there, but you generally find it by looking for it. I learned to recognize trouble and mastered getting out of uncomfortable situations before they became confrontational / "icky”. Though not necessarily unscathed.
Case in point: I’ve worked in The Biz for nearly 20 years and have around 160 or so credits to my name. But you probably never heard about me until you read this Blog.
         (to be continued...)
(PS If you like what you're reading, I welcome contributions to the efforts via Venmo @LTarantinoDesigns)
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btsgotjams27 · 3 years
All Grown Up ~ JJK | 2
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✨ title: all grown up | series (completed) ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader | ✨ rating: R/18+ ~ minors dni ✨ genre/au: romance, fluff, angst, friends-to-lovers, humor, banter, smut, age gap, best friends little brother ✨ warnings: noona kink, older woman, younger man, kissing, oral (m,f), unprotected intercourse, significant age gap (9 years), confident Jungkook, cocky Jungkook, bratty Jungkook, crappy mom, but overall Jungkook is the sweetest, most romantic boy who's fallen in love | warnings for each chapter will vary ✨ author's notes: I won't be updating this series on Tumblr. This fic is inspired by the k-drama, Something in the Rain. ✨ author's notes 2: okay, so i do plan on editing the rest of this series! i just don't know when it'll be done. ✨ can also read on AO3 or Wattpad
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[ SERIES MASTERLIST ] prev | next ✨ jungkook, the boyfriend...?
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✨ chapter two ~ walk me home | wc: 2.3k
By the night's end, the two of you were damp from playing around. He asked if he could walk you home and you agreed.
Strolling through Seoul at night with the stars twinkling above was a joy for you. Though you were a night owl, you weren't technically outside at night often. You noticed he made sure to be the one standing closer to the street as you walked together. Conversations with Jungkook seemed effortless. It was like catching up with an old friend, just picking up right where you left off.
"I hear you're a hotshot at work now?" You peered up at him as the two of you walked side by side.
He laughed, "Nah, I don't think I am, but if you wanna say that, sure." He didn't like to brag about his achievements and didn't think it was necessary. He just happened to be good at his work, and people saw his potential. That's how he got where he is today.
"Aren't you one of the top video game animator and designers?" That's a big deal if someone were to tell you that. It was something to be proud of, especially at his young age. You didn't see too many young people as ambitious as he was.
"Are you keeping tabs on me? Got a spy somewhere?" He teased you. He wasn't on social media and if he were, it was only because his friends tagged him in photos or videos. He never saw the point of putting your life on blast for others to see. So, even if you were to keep an eye on him, you weren't able to do so via social media.
You scoffed. "No...my mom told me. She loves to tell me how successful other people are." You always felt as though you'd never be good enough for your mom, no matter how hard you tried. Even growing up, she'd always put a lot of pressure on you.
"And what about you?"
You mumbled, "What about me?"
"Aren't you a successful writer, producer on a TV show?" He smiled, trying to also hype you up, trying to tell you how magnificent you were even though you didn't feel like it.
It's true you were. You had everything going for you, career wise at least, minus the cheating ex-boyfriend. You had your dream job, wanting to tell stories that you had in your head. You had been writing since you picked up your first pencil.
Your latest show received high ratings and it should be something you were proud of. You worked hard and tirelessly on this baby.
"Maybe I worked too much, too hard, and that's why U-jin cheated on me." And your mind was still there. It was hard to shake off how your career played a role in your relationship. Would it do the same in your next one? If there would even be a next one. You loved your career but at what cost?
He could see the sadness in your eyes that you were trying to hide, but you had to admit, the breakup hurt. You thought you were going to marry him, have kids, a house. It's possible you just felt lonely because that comfort and contentment that you had for the last few years was now gone. You needed to learn how to be alone again.
"Noona, what did I make you repeat earlier? I thought you were going to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Do we need to say it again?" He hated seeing you like this. Disappointed, sad, lonely. You didn't deserve this.
"No, please don't make me say it again," you sighed. "I forgot how much you annoyed me." You didn't want another pep talk from him. You were a grown woman, just taking a little time for some self-pity, to feel sorry for yourself before you'd eventually pick yourself back up again.
He chuckled, "Don't you miss it?" He cheekily smiled. That stupid smile made you flutter a little.
You nodded. "Yeah, I kind of do."
"Yah--do you miss him because had a big dic–" Jungkook asked but you stopped him.
You waved your hands at him. "Bup-bup-bup! No, I'm not talking about that stuff with you." It was weird. He was like your little brother. You were not talking about sex with him. And why was that the first thing that came to his mind.
He pouted. "Wha-Why not? I have seen my fair share of boobs. I've had se–"
You acknowledged his answer with a loud 'uh-huh' and walked faster.
"What? I have! You don't believe me?" he cried, trying to convince you of his past conquests or latest conquests.
You turned around. "Oh my whittle baby bunny Kookie, I absolutely believe you." You said teasing him. You were sure a guy that looked like Jungkook definitely didn't have trouble in bed or picking up women. But there was no need to go there in your mind, especially since it was Yuna's baby brother.
"I'm pretty good in bed, so I've been told–"
You looked at him and plugged your ears. "LA-LA-LA-LA. I can't hear you. I don't wanna hear about your sex life."
He gently pulled your hands down from your ears. He softly chuckled seeing how uncomfortable that conversation made you. "Noona, so what if you were successful and busy? That didn't give him the right to cheat on you. You deserve better than that."
Why did he have to go and be all sweet on you? It didn't help with those big twinkling brown doe eyes staring into your soul. His lips looked extra pink and plush tonight, and was now slightly parting into a grin, showing off those perfect bunny teeth. You chuckled to yourself because you forgot he had the chocolate chip mole right underneath his bottom lip, something he named himself when he was younger.
He softly chuckled. "What?"
You smiled bashfully. "Now that I think about it, I don't think you've grown into your nose yet." You reached up to boop his nose and walk away. He stayed behind for a second before catching up to you. He quietly walked beside you with his hands tucked behind his back. The two of you enjoying each other's company.
Clearing your throat, "Enough about me and my sad little life. What about you? How are you? How was living in California?"
"It was great. I enjoyed it so much. The beaches and food were amazing but nothing beats being home. You know?" He flashed another bunny smile at you.
"I'm glad to hear. I think California did a good number on you. Yuna would give me updates every now and then. Didn't you have a girlfriend out there?"
"Oh--yeah, her name was Alex. We broke up when I was moving back."
"I'm sorry to hear that. So, it looks like we're both on the rebound then." You softly chuckled.
"Mhm, yeah looks like it."
"Well, this is me. I would uh...invite you up but uh...I don't know how appropriate that would be."
He laughed and nodded. "Appropriate? What are you gonna do? Seduce me?"
You smacked his chest. "What? No! God, you're so gross. You're such a boy!" You sighed. "I only meant that it's late and someone could get the wrong idea if they saw us or something..." you trailed off, hoping he'd stop teasing.
Jungkook stood in front of you and pinched one of your cheeks. "You're so cute when you get all flustered."
You shooed his hand away. "I'm not flustered, just conscious."
"I mean I don't mind if we 'Netflix and chill," he laughed.
You rolled your eyes. "Goddamnit, Jungkook. Good night." You stomped up the stairs, annoyed at all the sexual innuendos.
He ran after you, grabbing your hand. "Noona–stop. I'm just messing around."
You glared looking back at him. "Night Kookie." A small chuckle left you. "I'll see you when I see you."
He didn't want the night to end just yet, so he kept stalling, trying to think of an excuse for him to stay around. "Um, can I use your restroom? I had too much soju tonight."
You shook your head. He was like a lost puppy wanting you to take him home. You waved your hand for him to follow you. As the two of you were waiting in the elevator, you realized you had left your apartment a mess, with dishes and clothes everywhere. God, you were a grown woman and couldn't even clean up after yourself. What's wrong with you?
You stopped abruptly before opening your door and Jungkook bumped his head on yours. "Ow–" the two of you softly said while laughing, rubbing the spots you just conked your heads on.
"Sorry...just a warning. My apartment is a mess."
He chuckled. "Should I close my eyes while you guide me to the bathroom?"
"Shut up. Come on."
The apartment you lived in for these past few years was a dream find. A colleague of yours was moving out and she told you about her place. You swooped it up before it was even on the market. It was spacious, had a good amount of light that came in, and the view at night was spectacular. You walked in and the light automatically flickered on, revealing the long hallway which led to the living room, kitchen, and dining area.
Jungkook followed you in with wide eyes, trying to take in every detail of your life that he had missed out on these last few years he was away. He slipped off his shoes, trailing behind you. He noticed there weren't too many photos on the walls, just a few of his sister and you, and a few of your family. He assumed you already put away any remnants of your ex-boyfriend.
"The bathroom is in my bedroom, so just walk in through there." You pointed to the door straight ahead of you.
He nodded and proceeded to open your bedroom door. He wasn't sure why you were hesitant to let him in. There were one, maybe two pieces of clothing on your bed, but that was about it. It wasn't messy at all. He quietly observed your room as he walked in, noticing the laptop on your desk, the kind-of dying plants that you probably forgot to water, the calendar hanging on your wall, next to polaroid's of you and U-jin.
"Jerk," he thought to himself.
He looked to his right and found your bathroom. It was quite pretty, he thought, it was very you. The warm color palette made him feel at ease. He noticed a tray decorated with a vase and dried flowers next to a bottle of lavender lotion, it's probably what you smelled like after a warm shower. A small standalone shelf with a few magazines and extra towels finished off the rest of your bathroom.
You walked in your bedroom to see the bathroom door closed. You figured you had about 2 minutes to hurry and change before Jungkook would walk out and see you half-naked. You threw your bag on your bed and ran over to the dresser, looking for a shirt and sweatpants. The sweatpants were acquired. You hurriedly slipped off your jeans and tugged on the sweats, but of course, you forgot you did your laundry and most of the shirts you loved were still drying.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
The door handle from the bathroom was beginning to jingle, indicating Jungkook was about to open the door and find you basically topless. You were scrambling to find something, anything to put on. You grabbed the only shirt you could find and pulled it over your head.
Jungkook opened the bathroom door to find you out of breath and changed into your outfit for the night. He eyed you up and down. "Cute shirt." He decided not to point out the two things that were staring him down. He was simply going to ignore them.
You looked down to see the shirt you chose. It was Hello Kitty dressed up as a bunny, then you noticed your nipples poking through the stupid shirt. Luckily, Jungkook had left your room already, so it gave you a chance to grab a hoodie and put it over yourself.
This would have been less awkward if you had just waited to change. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. You proceeded to leave your room to say goodbye to Jungkook. You found him meandering around your living room, looking at pictures that were hung up.
You fixed your hair and tugged down on your hoodie, making sure you were covered up, embarrassed that Jungkook almost saw you half-naked. He was examining a photo of you and Yuna, arm and arm with each other. The photo was taken on your 30th birthday. You wanted a quick trip to Jeju Island to celebrate turning the big 3-0.
It was supposed to be a double date type trip with her, Namjoon and U-jin but of course, U-jin gave you a 'work excuse' and didn't go. Other than being the third wheel on your own birthday, you still managed to have fun.
"When was this taken?" he asked curiously.
"On Jeju. We were celebrating my 30th."
"Just you and Noona?" He turned to examine you.
"Namjoon too. He took the picture."
He was going to ask if U-jin was there too but he realized he shouldn't ask since it was a touchy subject.
"You look happy here." Looking back at the photo, he smiled.
You grinned thinking about it. "I was. It was a good weekend."
"I'm sorry I missed all of these things."
You laughed, "Don't be sorry, you were out doing your own thing. There will be plenty to celebrate now that you're back."
He liked the sound of that. Being back. Being able to celebrate the big and small things. He missed being around his family and you.
You hummed.
"Could I come to watch you on set sometime? Well, not watch you, but what you do. I'm curious as to what you do every day."
"Yeah just let me know when you want to come and I'll make sure you get on set."
"Are you free tomorrow?"
You let out a hearty laugh. "Miss me that much huh?"
✨ prev chapter ~ it's been a while
✨ next chapter ~ jungkook, the boyfriend?
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haleybn · 2 years
hsmtmts speed rewatch part one
Will I be watching all the episodes my Wednesday because I have no life... yes I'm not really editing this so sorry if it sucks.
I remember being so confused the first time I watched when the screen paused a loaded
She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath like ma'am, you aren't about to be on broadway!!
All good, no bad
Was Ms. Jenn just planning on stealing her new outfit from costumes?
I really wish big red actually grew a mustache
Ricky baby!!!
how does a wig almost fall off in a balled... and not a major dance number?
Hey, is bad, Ricky
I am team Ricky on the whole break thing
also love Gina already being in the background
let. Ricky. talk.
who admits there love over social media
sitikyk is cute though
he looks like he is about have a panic attack
Nini cheated
I just noticed the one person who claps is gina
Ms. Jenn just lying the entire speech
how can you only watch the first 15 minites
theater does have real-world skills
Go leopards!
pop off Cortney
who says v hudge
the water polo guy looks 30
not the tiktok audio
Woah, who is the cute corus cow
has Ricky ever gone big red go for advice
we stan nini's family dynamic
and them we flash to ricky's mike looked so tired
Let us be honest Big red has HSM on his own
Ej did defiantly did tempt faith
not the professional dancers
Gina trying to sniff out the competition
is it a transfer student if it's the first day of school
who get that excited with darbus
who assigns parts just by looking a people
gina being like oh, she has SOME confidence
trust falls
mr. M hate his job
Carlos has a crush
people hate on matt"s rendition too much
I really wish they went into depth with the whole gina's mom and pressure thing.
I change accents when nervous to
also love Gina
I lowkey STILL ship ejni
like did she not see how upset Ricky was
she has to know about his homelife
also, him mom was already leaving "for work" even a year ago wow
Carlos does not know HSM
her voice is so good though
the boy with them phones
the broadway stage bit is so pretty
At least he kind of knows how slate
why would you say this in front of everybody
The way you just see gina putting the pieces together.
His voice I good, but how did he get troy
She doesn't even love You Ricky
honestly, nini has a right to be mad
If I was ej id be pissed too
also, how does get the cast list in like 5 minutes
Love the dancing credits
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btsandvmin · 3 years
Answering asks in regards to my recent post about shipping
Ok, so I got a few asks which I think are all responses to my recent post How much do we really know?
I got a few others but these are the ones I am choosing to reply to.
If you follow me and have done so for a while you probably understood my post already, and thus most of these replies might not be that interesting to my general readers. This for the most part just a reply to explain the points I felt got completely misunderstood by these particular anons. But I also go through some others that asks as well. Those will be at the bottom of the post if you want to skip the explenations.
Here goes. So the first ask I got was this:
Anonymous asked:
You mentioned in a post that during the billboard Vlive V suggested that him and Jimin “sleep together casually.” But the very next day Jimin said in a press conference that he was with JK all night and cried with him over the #1 spot. Do you think you ignore things JM says or does to fit your Vmin narrative? There just seems to be a big confirmation bias. A lot of your evidence seems to come from V’s songs but that’s entirely your analysis based off your perception of their relationship. (Not that I don’t agree with you on some of it.) How do you step back and look at things unbiasedly or rationally?
First of all, yes I did mention this but I didn't say that Jimin and Taehyung slept together that particular time/day. I am not 100% sure the post you read was the "How much do we really know?" but if it was, I said this:
"....or that Vmin seem to casually sleep together in private (if we take Tae’s words for it in the Billboard vlive)..."
Meanwhile in that vlive this is what Taehyung said.
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"I told him to sleep next to me" followed by "...as he's too lazy to come to my place" it makes it sound like they normally would have gone to either place to sleep together, but both were too lazy to do so this time. Thus they didn't sleep together this instance, but the way Tae talks makes it sound like they casually ask each other to sleep together at times and like it almost was a given that one of them go to the other.
Worth noting is also that the way Taehyung says it (though there is always room for error since I don't speak Korean) it seems he was asking Jimin to come over first, and he wasn't even aware of the Billboard result. He also asked Jimin to do this on JK's birthday, so clrealy it didn't seem like a big deal at least from Tae's side to ask Jimin to come over to him on this particular day.
What I said in my post applies even if they didn't do it that day. Because it doesn't matter if Jimin went in the end or not, Tae still "casually" asked Jimin to come to his place to sleep.
You can look at the whole vlive (1st in BILLBOARD! Gather ARMY!) from September 1st 2020 and get your own understanding, it's not that long and it's full of cute moments.
But if we get into Ji/kook a little bit, the way I understood the situation from what they said is that of course yes, Jimin did tell JK about it. He said as much and of course I will believe him when he says it.
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I never said that Jimin didn't say this, so I don't understand how my post would in any way imply that I ignore what Jimin says or does to fit a Vmin narrative. I didn't even mention Jimin, because it wasn't what I was talking about. Jimin's situation didn't matter in that context, just that Tae asked Jimin to come sleep with him.
Sadly I can't include all pictures because there is a photo limit, but Jimin also says he wasn't prepared for the news, and he was talking with Taehyung, and then he started to cry as he got the news. To me it seems he might have told Tae first (and that they already were on the phone when Jimin got the news?), and that JK likely wasn’t with Jimin when he got the news himself, but that he told JK at a later point.
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But aren't you ignoring how they told the story a bit as well if you see this as a pure ji/kook moment?
The thing is that to me, no matter what ji/kook did that night doesn't even matter for what Tae said. It still indicates Vmin sleep together casually in their private time even if they didn't end up doing it that particular day. And if Tae could say that and ask that on the night leading into JK's birthday then how does that make Ji/kook seem like likely lovers even if they were together? Of course it doesn't mean that Vmin automatically becomes real, but I never said that either. Maybe the two ships cancel each other out, but in the end the fact that Taehyung said this, said it like it was normal, and suggested it the night before JK's birthday says something to me.
It's fine if Ji/kookers love the fact that JM told JK, I don't blame them, but they in turn need to take Tae's words into account as well. The whole point of my original post was to say I don't understand how shippers can feel confident in their ship being real, and this is a perfect example of why focusing in on one thing and ignoring or not noticing another makes these beliefs based on too little information.
You also seemed to ignore the rest of the post (if that was indeed what you were reading) where I state that I do have a bias and where ALL shippers use narratives that fit their ship to tell a certain story.
You also mention me ignoring moments and having confirmation bias, and sure I can't truly get rid of that, but again... I didn't ignore Ji/kook. I never said those things didn't happen. If anything I keep saying all ships have moments and shippers focus on them so much they don't see others have similar moments. Likewise I won't deny ji/kook moments when they clearly exist, that was a big part of the post, if you actually read it and didn't just get stuck on the small details. But it's good you are curious about and know confirmation bias. I have brought it up as a problem many times as well, and I will surely talk about it more in the future too.
Then, moving on to your point about "evidence" I would once again like to say (like in the post) that there is no such thing as proof or evidence for ANY ship. Just moments that shippers put together with their interpretations into a narrative. So you saying "A lot of your evidence seems to come from V’s songs but that’s entirely your analysis based off your perception of their relationship. (Not that I don’t agree with you on some of it.)" is why I felt you somehow misunderstood my whole post.
Of course it’s all my analysis based on my perception of their relationship. That’s the WHOLE POINT about how all shipping analyses work. Not just mine, but all.
Also, yes Taehyung's songs is a big part of why Vmin is suspicious, but it's far from the only reasons I have to question them. I simply used Tae's actions as an example in my post because they are quite many and out there. Many facts tied together, but of course what they mean is always a guess. Which I also stated clearly. I literally brought up a lot of examples of Vmin and said they make a lot of sense, but that doesn't mean we can be sure or "know" Vmin is real.
So, yes, I do feel you misunderstood me on several points, and it seemed you didn't read properly at all but rather got stuck on the details and then used Ji/kook moments to "refute" me even though it in my opinion wasn't relevant to the post at all. Which is why I in turn posted this reply:
It didn’t take long for someone to misunderstand my posts and get caught up on the details and examples instead of the general message. While they were at it they decide to throw in a good “accusation” of something I legit have said I am many times and no one can avoid. Good to know some people just don’t want to understand. 😗👍
Not only you but less interesting/good asks as well might have made me feel a bit annoyed, so I replied like this, I suppose I misunderstood your intentions too.
You also asked "How do you step back and look at things unbiasedly or rationally?" and my personal belief is that I can't. I am biased towards Vmin, and I do try to see things from many ways and to get content in its full context. But simply by consuming and remembering more about Vmin than other dynamics I will still remain biased. I don't think any shipper can truly remain neutral.
Then I got a a second ask (Edit; I now know this is by another person than the first ask).
This isn’t me trying to misunderstand you, I’m just genuinely curious how you ship vmin while also questioning Tae’s honesty (your BB night comment) and thus also Jimin’s, and also hand over the best tools to anti-vminnie who can use your words as proof that “well even vminnie don’t believe vmin so why should we?” And if all ships are basically equal, why ship at all, or why ship vmin? They have the most conclusive things and yet the more we get the more you question and doubt them.Why?
And suddenly there came a whole new additional set of problems.
I suggest reading my post Shipping vs Believing because if you knew my stance you would understand that I think there is a huge difference between shipping and believing and that you can ship whatever you like and it doesn't have to be tied to reality at all.
In general this ask makes you sound like a delusional and defensive believer, so I perhaps suggest reading my post Can shipping turn into conspiracy theories? as well. This additional ask is why I replied with this second short post:
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You say I question the honesty of Tae or Jimin's words, but hopefully you understand this is not at all true since I explained what I actually meant in my original post. Tae asking Jimin to sleep with him is just as true as Jimin telling JK about the win. These two things don't contradict each other and I trust both of the statments to be real.
Also, how am I "handing over tools" to anti-vminies? These things are all out there, and I wasn't even talking about anything negative? Just because I have a more healthy approach than "Vmin is obviously real" that doesn't mean my words should be interpreted as "shipping Vmiin is pointless". However, you did get it right that I don't believe in Vmin, but you seem to have the wrong idea of why I have that stance to begin with. Which again, was part of the message in the original post which you here continue to not understand in other ways.
Me not talking as if Vmin is 100% real doesn't mean I hand out tools to antis. Personally I think that's a weird interpretation of my text, but I can't do anything but try to explain my view on shipping, which I feel that I have many times.
I also don't personally think all ships are equal, but I do think many ships have similar moments and that those moments either get ignored or hyper focused on in a way that makes shipping analysis less trustworhty and always biased and not based purely on facts and the full context. Basically yes, a lot of ships seem to cancel each other out, but that shouldn't stop anyone from shipping. BUT it should make people careful about calling moments "proof" and be sure their narrative is the only possible truth.
I also don't think it's fair to say "They have the most conclusive things and yet the more we get the more you question and doubt them.Why?". I've always tried to keep a distance between shipping and analysis and while we do get more and more for Vmin it's not that I start doubting them more... It's just that I remain open to other things despite more things happening that fits in a Vmin narrative.
I honestly can't tell if you have read a lot of my posts before or not, but it doesn't seem like it, and thus it feels even more unfair for you to lay this judgement on me as well.
Then I got a third ask (edit: which was a second one from the first anon):
Anonymous asked:
I think I’m the anon you responded to. I did read more of your posts where you question things a bit. It’s nice to see you still have a healthy view point on things. I wasn’t really disagreeing with your posts, just wondering if you felt everything was being considered when coming to conclusions. Have a good one !
All this drama, and for what? :P But have a good one too I guess. Thanks for taking the time to read more and trying to understand my point of view.
I also got this ask from another person, and I hope you might understand what I meant after reading my reply to the first anon.
Hi I am sorry I am confused. Can you tell me why specifically you think Vmin alluded to sleeping together during the Billboard Vlive? Didn't Tae say he was talking to Jimin on the phone and told him to come over? Then at the press conference Jimin said "I was with Jungkook" and they were sitting stroking their phones. I am not a shipper or an anti shipper or anything like that. I just would love to see the receipts on this if you have them?
Again, I didn't mean Vmin slept together that day. But the fact that he asked and it seemed like a very normal (even perhaps expected) thing that one of them would go to the other, I can still express it as Tae alluding to Vmin sleeping together at least sometimes during their private time.
Now onto another anon, with a very different take. :)
Anonymous asked:
Spot on. Shipping is one thing but how can some people "believe" in a ship, I'll never understand. People need to realize that even with all the content we get (from concerts to DVDs to Run to BV to interviews), we only see them for maybe like 2-3 days (total) out of 365 days. Like? They visit a country for 7 days and we only get 10 hours of content from it. Do we have any idea what any of them is doing right at this moment? "Supporting" a ship is stupid even if you're right at the end.
Thank you anon. I don't fully agree that we get as little as 2-3 days total out of a year, but we definitely don't see the majority of their lives. And while you are a bit crude, I agree... Even if a ship is real, supporting and believing and being convinced of only one ship is at least in my opinion not the right way to go about it. Which is why I say let's speculate but also support them all whatever the truth might turn out to be.
There we go... It ended up being a lot of drama made out of nothing else than a small misunderstanding. Anyways, I hope I made myself clear. Thanks for the asks, sorry for the somewhat annoyed attitude and I hope you understood what I tried to say.
Thanks for reading. If any of you had the patience to do so all the way through I salute you. <3
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thoroughlyskeptic · 3 years
“We both went to the London premiere but not together. We weren’t engaged and there was no reason to sort of show off to the world." USA Today November 18, 2014.
I'd like the Nannies to express their opinion about this please. With the full understanding that no person or persons on this side of the computer can control, sway or change Ben's mind or heart. That's not the point. The point is to understand what you believe is the psychological reasoning behind the decision to use that phrasing with his pregnant, soon to be fiancé and soon to be wife and soon to be mother of his child. According to People magazine and the Daily Mail, and those, including nannies, who said they have seen a Birth Certificate, Christopher Carlton Cumberbatch was born on June 1st.  Dislike it all you want, having a birthday makes it possible, and given human nature, likely that people will speculate on the date of conception, especially considering the facts, including the timing with regards to the Oscars and the shotgun* nature of the wedding. If it was a full term no problem pregnancy, 40 weeks, not under or over due, she was 2 and a half months pregnant when the above statement was made.
This story you nannies have built up, that Ben and Sophie have a true perfect love forever, that they never fight, how do you reconcile that with the whole unvarnished truth? Unless Sophie was totally gormless, she must have known she was pregnant. If Ben was dating her and truly in love, he would have known she was pregnant. They married three months later. He was in true love with the women he married, the woman he proposed to, whom he didn't mention by her name in interviews, and didn't want to walk down the red carpet to his movie premiere with the woman making his dreams come true, his dreams of being a father.
Now you are going to yell about things like privacy. That what he said was meant to protect Sophie and hide the pregnancy. I think anyone who is at all skeptical could answer that one. No one eager for privacy about their personal life talks to reporters, USA Today, or People magazine at all, let alone does a wedding dress spread in Vogue. I'm surprised it was in the print edition, and not the digital only. After all, maternity bridal gowns aren't really "en vogue". The long and short of it is that photo spread was well positioned and they managed to photograph her to look like she wasn't 5 1/2 months pregnant, perhaps to make that style of gown more in demand. Shotgun weddings tend to favor empire waists and lots of flounce to disguise the bump.
Now, I know the next question from the peanut gallery will be, why bring this up? They have stayed together, have two more kids together and it has been x and whatever years.
Here are several responses. Pick one or more in any combination.
1. Our feelings don't have to be right to be valid.
2. You have the option to object to our perfectly valid emotional reaction.
3. We have a right to block you from our page. You also have this right.
4. If you object to our opinions, you do not have to read our blogs or interact with us in anyway. If you are constantly feeling harassed because you see content from skeptics, BLOCK THEM, don't blame them! If the worker at Sea World handed you a poncho to protect yourself and you didn't use it, you can't blame the Shamu if you get splashed.(Sorry for the outdated and insensitive analogy but I wanted something easy to understand. I disagree whole hearted with the captivity of intelligent creatures be they aquatic or terrestrial mammals.)
5. We are valid in our own right as people. If you attack us on a personal level, we will defend ourselves and we have the right to do so.
6. As long as we do not interact with anyone,(i.e. Ben, Sophie, Karon, his management, etc) we can say whatever we want on our own blogs. The majority of us have never met him and don't want to. As far as we are concerned, Ben is an imaginary person that we are writing as a character for a long running D&D campaign.
7. However, the same does not apply to you. Many of you have gone out of your way to meet him. You believe that by sending hate to skeptics or doxxing them you will earn validation from him. I worry that some of you are on the brink and if he doesn't acknowledge you one time, or does something that you can't justify with your world view, one of you will snap. You think this about us, I know. But the nannies on the whole have much more emotional investment in Ben's personal life. (As a for instance, The skeptics call him Ben because at least one nanny has said that, "we don't know that he prefers that nickname so we should use his full name" another said "nicknames are for close friends and family and we aren't those, so we should call him by his full name or Mr. Cumberbatch." If Ben even has two thoughts about any skeptic or nanny(especially how they address him in blog posts) for the entire year I'd be surprised. Unless, of course, it when he has to think about you lot bothering him, stalking him, and generally making a nuisance of yourselves.
I also know you complain that the skeptics don't "love" Ben in every thing he does and don't always watch all his work. The gatekeeping within the fandom, not include how you discount and loathe the skeptics, is extreme. Fans must be all or nothing.
1. Not everyone has the money to participate fully, whether that is buying movies, theater tickets, merchandise or going to conventions to hear him speak. Disregarding fans based on their ability to participate, especially due to financial inability, is gatekeeping and it is the worst kind of gatekeeping. You are saying the only good fans are rich ones.
2. Generally the nannies viewpoint is Eurocentric as well. Some people have jobs, have children to raise, have other things that take priority over "being a fan". Being a fan requires time that poorer countries, less developed countries generally lack. Some countries censor the movies that are shown. Doctor Strange was not shown in the East the way it was in the west and unless you can afford to travel to another location,(Say the London Premiere that didn't quite happen and the nannies were upset because he didn't preform like a good little monkey in a suit for them?) you are made to feel left out by the uber fans.
3. Some people have emotional triggers. Ben's roles tend more towards the dramatic then comedic. Drama can deeply affect those who have experienced similar situations. He has been in movies dealing with Cancer, Childhood Abuse, Incest, Slavery, War, Pedophilia, have I missed any major triggers?
4. He is also in the MCU and the Hobbit movies which have flashing lights which makes them inaccessible to those who have seizures and migraines. Another oft used gatekeeping tactic in fandoms is the restriction of accessibility. In the US, there are compliancy laws for disabilities(although they aren't always obeyed) but smaller, poorer countries may not have accessible movie theaters. Fans with disabilities can not travel as easily as more abled fans. Smaller independent films Benedict made at the beginning of his career may not have captions or audio description or may be unafforable for those that have medical costs to consider.
5. There is also gender bias in the Cumberbatch fandom. One need only look at their chosen name, Cumberbitches. I can think of 15 more gender neutral terms off the top of my head but men and those who identify as male were inherently excluded from the fandom. I can think of ONE male fan. Maybe one that writes under his wife's account as to not get ridiculed. Because they would be ridiculed by the nannies, that is who they are, the "gatekeepers of the fandom", deciding who is worthy to be a Ben fan.
They have made fun of fans before. Not just skeptics. People they don't like or don't want in their little clique. So the majority of Ben's fans are middle aged rich white women. Not because that's who he's trying to reach as an audience but because that is who his uber fans allow to worship him.
If you are in need of examples of how out of control the uber fans are take the following for an example.
Someone did a nice tweet about other actors. It had nothing to do with Ben, although it did feature Tom Hiddleston and other Marvel actors. The ubers starting by saying Ben wasn't listed, then jumped into, well, a screenshot is worth a thousand words.
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As they say, that escalated quickly...
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*Shotgun Wedding is an American term for a marriage precipitated by the pregnancy. It comes from an American colloquialism, termed as such based on a stereotypical scenario in which the father of the pregnant bride-to-be threatens the reluctant groom with a shotgun in order to ensure that he follows through with the wedding.
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pixie88 · 3 years
Christmas Shopping
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Chapter 3 - Addicted to you.  
A/N: It felt so weird writing/editing this chapter in the middle of summer, but that’s how their timeline worked out! I can’t remember the last time I released a H&L chapter or wrote one to be fair, I think after this I have 2 more in drafts. Better get back to it! I hope you like it 😘  
Tagging those who asked to be tagged but if you want to be added let me know!
Read previous chapters HERE!
Warnings: Fluff & NSFW
Songs: Kelly Rowland - Commander, Rihanna - Only girl, Magic - Rude & Wyclef Jean - Perfect gentleman.
Word Count: 2673
Pairings: Laila x Harry
Enjoy! 😘  
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A couple days later.
"So what are you going to get Harry for Christmas?" Nikki asks her as they had taken a break from shopping to have some lunch. "I have no idea what to get him!" she sighs. "I'm sure he'll be happy with you in some sexy lingerie," Nikki winks at her Laila lets out a loud laugh making people turn to look at her. "Or you can get him a Santa costume?" she laughs.
"What are you getting Stu?" Laila changes the subject. "He wants a new aftershave, I can't remember what he normally wears. What does Harry wear?" Laila has a think "Erm...a few different ones really Paco Rabanne One Million, Davidoff cool water, Boss Bottle that one what's his face is in the advert....the guy that plays Thor. Is one he smelt recently and liked but he didn't get it because they sold out and only had the sample bottle."
"You can get him that! I might have a sniff to see if it's something Stu would wear too!"
After lunch, they are walking through the shopping centre, Nikki ended up getting Stu some aftershave. Laila was still unsure what to get Harry, so Nikki drags her into Ann Summers. "What about these??" Nikki holds up some fluffy handcuff, Laila snorts. "We already have some, but without the fluff!" Nikki puts down the cuffs "What about cock ring? Closest Harry will get to sticking a ring on it!"
"We have that too," Laila blushes. "Crotch less knickers?" Laila nods signalling she has those. "Weighted love ball?" she asks and Laila again nods. "Feather tickler?" nod, "Blind fold? Riding crop?" Laila again nods, "Jeez, it would be easier to ask what you haven't got!" the pair laugh, "What? It has been eight years remember!" Laila winks at her.
"What about anal beads or ball gag?" Laila pulls a disgusted face "Finally! What about nipple clamps?" Laila laughs, "Only if they're being used on him!" she laughs. "God! Just think 6 months ago you were a born again virgin...now look at you! Getting more action than all of us put together!" Nikki giggles "Just over 7 months actually!" Laila corrects her.
Laila's phone Pings.
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"Nikki! Look what Harry has done to Mabel!" she hands her the phone. "Awwww! Laila how adorable do she look!" the pair coo over the photo. "Has she met her new dog walker yet?" Nikki asks as she hands back the phone "She's met her, she's actually taking her out today." she smiles.
They ended up leaving the shop with some Christmas theme lingerie.
Laila arrives home all the lights are out "Harry?" Laila calls out. "I'm in the living room!" he calls back, she hangs up her coat and makes her way across the hall. When she opens the living room door the room is lit with tea and fairy lights, there are blankets and cushions on the floor in front of the coffee table. On the coffee table there is a chocolate fondue with fruit and marshmallows next to it "Aww Bear! What's all this?" she wanders over to him on the floor. "Where's Mabel?" she looks round the room as she sits next to him.
"She's gone to bed, Nessa took her for a 2 mile walk today!" he cups her face pulling her in for a soft kiss. "Aww, are they getting on OK?" he smiles, "Yeah, I've booked her in for Monday to Friday this week coming about lunchtime, so you'll met her this week."
"Right, enough about this dog walker. Are you going to let me feed you?" she winks, he leans forward grabbing a strawberry and hands it to her. She dips it into the chocolate and guilds it towards his lips, he's just about to take a bite when she redirects it to her mouth and takes a bite. He laughs and reaches over and pulls her lips to his. His tongue swirls with hers tasting the chocolate covered strawberry, he pulls away "That was amazing!" he grins at her.
She grabs another strawberry covers it in chocolate and traces it against his pulse line. Her tongue follows the same path, he groans and his breathing hitches as she pulls away she places the strawberry against his lips, he takes a bite. His lips brush over her finger tips making her every nerve ending stand on end. He knows the affect he has on her "How was that?" 
"Tasty!" he grins and winks at her "Your turn." he picks up a marshmallow covers it in chocolate holds it out for her to bite into it. "Hmmm..!" she smiles at him "Did you get all your shopping done?"
"I need to order a couple of bits online, but after that..I'm done."
"Christmas day, what are we doing?" he asks.
She sighs, "I don't know how we are going to split between them all!" she leans against him and his arm comes around her. "I have an idea....as it's our first Christmas together, what if we did Christmas day just me, you and Mabel? In bed in our PJ's? I'll cook us Christmas dinner. Then Boxing day we do a buffet for both families?" she sits up to look at him "So, a lazy Christmas day? In bed?"
"Yeah...PJ's, snuggles in bed and a Harry Taylor roast. What more could a girl ask for?!" he winks waiting for her answer. "I love it!" his face lights up "Really?!" he questions her. "Yeah, Christmas day in bed with my hunky boyfriend, but I have one alteration....no pajamas!" He raises a brow to her, "Noted!" he jokes. "Instead Christmas jumpers!!!" this wasn't the answer he was expecting.
She giggles "Your face! But I want matching Christmas pajamas!" He chuckles "OK, but no photos my brothers will rip into me!" she sighs "Oh! Come on, one photo? Just to make me happy?" she pouts. "Fine, if it makes you happy." she claps getting her own way, "I think you owe it to Mabel after today!"
He chuckles "She looked cute!" "She did! Oh are you working Saturday?" she asks. "I don't think so?" he questions. "Every Christmas we do a friends Christmas party, kinda like a blow out before the family stuff. Nikki has planned it for Friday night and she has found somewhere that is having a 90's to 2020's night"
"Sounds good, who's going?" he asks. "Remy, Alec, Nikki, Stu, Alene, Daniel and now us!" she smiles. "I'm guessing we get completely smashed then?" she laughs.
Friday evening.
They arrive at the club Nikki found, Laila and Harry are the last to arrive.
Laila notices Stu and Nikki at the bar, she sneaks up behind her Stu spy's her, but Laila puts her index finger to her lips signalling him not to say anything. As she reaches Nikki, she wraps her arms around waist, making Nikki whip round with a face like thunder until she realises it was her friend "Laila, I was just about to...whatever. Glad you guys are here." she shouts over the music.
"Sorry, Mabel's walker got back late. Where are the others?" Laila calls back, Nikki points over to a table where the rest of the group are sat. Harry leans in, "Shall we get a drink first?" Laila nods "What you guys having?" Stu asks. "I know Laila's drink, Harry what ya having?" Nikki asks.
After they make their way over to the others "Hey!!" Laila call out as she takes a seat next to Alec, who hugs her and Harry. They are sat for a few minutes when Kelly Rowland - Commander begins to play Nikki jumps up, grabbing Laila's hand dragging her to the dance floor.
Nikki starts to sing along.
"From here on out
I'll be your commander (I'll be your commander)
No fear no doubt
I'll provide the answer
Right now I command you to dance"
She points to Laila, who starts to sing along with her. The pair are dancing on the edge of the dance floor in view of the table, laughing, their bodies swaying to the music the pair attract a couple of strangers, who slowly move closer to them waiting to make their move to become their unwanted dance partners.
Completely oblivious to the unwanted strangers, the song switches to Rihanna - Only Girl they continue to dance. Suddenly both girls feel someone behind them as they turn they saw Stu and Harry, Laila looks up at him confused "I thought you don't dance?" she laughs. He wraps his hands round her, swaying her as he leans in, "I don't, but those blokes behind me were inches away from trying to dance with you two."
She looks behind him "Oh, you didn't want me dancing with a stranger?" she laughs, he shook his head and they continued dancing away.
The next song was Magic - Rude as it starts up Laila starts singing it to Harry when she gets to the chorus he joins in.....
"Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know
You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die
'Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is no!'
Why you gotta be so Rude?
Don't you know I'm human too?
Why you gotta be so Rude?
I'm gonna marry her anyway
Marry that girl, marry her anyway
Marry that girl, yeah, no matter what you say
Marry that girl, and we'll be a family
Why you gotta be so Rude?"
Both grinning and smiling, he cups her face pulling her in for a kiss.
A little later back at the table "Laila, Boxing day....is it OK to bring Melissa?" Alene asks, Laila looks over to Rem. "Is Rem OK with that?" she looks to Alene who nods "If it's OK with Rem it's OK with me." when she looks up Rem mouths "Thank you." to her.
Daniel comes over from the bar with a tray of drinks "Sex on the beach anyone?" he passes them around the group. "Damn Daniel at least buy a girl a drink first!" Alene teases him "Sorry Len, but you aren't my type!" he winks at her, the group laugh.
A little later Perfect Gentleman - Wyclef Jean starts playing a tipsy Harry pulls Laila away from the bar and onto the dance floor. He spins her before pulling her close to him swaying them together. "Hey, you are a liar!! You can dance!" Laila giggles as she wraps her arms around his neck.
"My moo....ves only get bet...ter after I've add....a few." his words are slurred, his hips move with hers. He spins her round again, her body collides with his "I think you need to get drunk at every party or night out if it improves your dance moves!" he smirks before claiming her lips. As they sway with their lips locked, Laila can feel him begin to stiffen against her hips "Hmmm....someone seems to be enjoy themselves a little to much!" She winks.
He looks round checking no one is near, his lips brush against her ear "Can we head home? I got some other kinda moves I want to show you!" she giggles and bites her lip, "Let's go!" they say their goodbyes and head for the tube.
10 Minutes later.
Their underground train arrives empty, he sits and pulls her onto his lap. He captures her lips, the kiss becomes heated, Harry pulls off his coat and places it on her lap. His hand creeps under his coat snaking into her jeans "Bear, not here!" she whispers, he smirks against her lips continuing his trail. He lets out a soft growl. He reaches her hidden jewel, her head rolls back as his lip pepper down her neck.
She bites back a moan as he works between her slick slits.
Through the speaker they hear the next station is their stop, they both groan with disappointment. "Come on, we can continue this at home!" she gets up as the train pulls into their station.
2 Weeks later.
It's the day before Christmas Eve, Laila has just finished her last day until the new year, she wanders into the kitchen, "Oh, Harry! You're home early!" she was sure he mentioned he was training Stu tonight.
He's leaning against the kitchen counter with a whiskey in his hand, he looks over to her "I canceled Stu's PT session....Laila, there's something I need to tell you..."
He looks as if what he's about to tell her is tearing him up inside, her minds goes into overdrive....Was history repeating itself?
"Bear?" she looks at him concerned, he takes a deep breath "When I came back today to take Mabel for a walk at lunch....I bumped into Nessa." she laughs, "What is she annoyed we didn't get her to take Mabel out today?" he silently chuckles, but it quickly fades. "She was walking another client's dog, she asked if she could join Mabel as I was taking her over to the fields. We were just sat on a bench talking...she asked me about work and us. Then this afternoon she turned up at my work for a PT session, I didn't even know she booked. I was giving her a tour of the gym and she tried to kiss me..."
Laila's cheeks burn, but soon drain cold "What?!" was all she could conjure up from her lips. "Laila, I promise you as soon as she leaned in I stepped back. I was just as confused as you are, I asked her to leave after that." she can see he's just as shocked as she is "Laila? Please say something!" he softly pleads with her.
She sighs, making her way over to him cupping his face "Looks like we need to find a new dog walker." she laughs, he rolls his eyes at her. "Hey, It's not the first and probably won't be the last time a client tries to make a move on you....I remember a client making some more steamier moves on you about 7 months ago," she grins at him. He laughs, "Those were wanted moves!" he reminds her. "More than wanted...just look at what happened that night...but I'm glad you told me about Nessa." she pushes up on her tiptoes to kiss his nose.
"I've never given another woman a tour of the changing rooms since." he laughs before continuing "That is how and why we work because we are honest with one another!" he kisses her nose. "OK, can I be really honest..Bear?" he nods, "You stink!! Did you not shower before coming home?" Laila baits him. "Oh, I do? Do I?" he raises a brow to her.
With that he throws her over his shoulder "Harry?! Put me down!" she screams between her laughter. "Sorry, my love that's a no!"  his hand strikes her arse cheek as he begins to climb the stairs with her over his shoulder. "Harry!!"
Cuddled up on the sofa watching a film "Bear?" he hums in response. "Can I be the one to sack Nessa?" she giggle, he starts searching her hair, "Harry, what are you doing?" she asks. "Looking for your devil horns," he chuckles, "But if it makes you happy...Yes, you can sack her.... to be fair, it means I don't have to deal with her," he starts to stroke her hair back down "Now how to do it? Mwahahaha!!" she fakes an evil laugh, "You really are the devil!" he smiles at her "Oh, you've seen nothing yet, Bear!" she winks.
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He pulls her onto his lap, so she's straddling him, he cups her face "Why don't you show me?" his lips crash to hers.
Chapter 4
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sckyie · 4 years
star dust
one - mirror mirror
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date conversation log: y/n + blind date
"Hi, Goro right?"
"Yea, nice to meet you Y/n."
"Nice to meet you how are you?"
"I'm good, good. How are you?"
"I'm fine, you like nice."
"Thanks, you look beautiful as well."
"So...What do you do for a living?"
"I work as a indie artist, you're a model right?"
"Oh, you know my work?"
"I- I'm kind of a fan actually. You're just very pretty and I got excited to find out we matched on Bumble."
"Oh, cool..."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like a creep- Gosh I'm messing this up aren't I?"
"No, no! It's fine, you're not the first guy to be a fan who's gone out with me..."
"You got quiet, everything alright?"
"Yea! I'm just- Let's go back on our date yea?"
"Yea, definitely. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about your career if that's okay?"
"Yea, it's fine."
| Goro takes you back to your apartment complex after your date. |
"Well I had fun, did you?"
"It was nice going out with you. Thank you again for taking the time out of your day to get to know me."
"Definitely! I was wondering if I could possibly get a second date?"
"No disrespect but I'm not sure I want to. You seemed only focused on my following, promoting yourself, and not asking questions that are about me. Thank you Goro, but I hope you have a good night."
Finally back inside your shared apartment, you find your roommate sitting down watching TV. You hung your purse up and kicked off your shoes. You walked over and sat beside your roommate and laid your head back onto the couch. "I'm never going on a blind date again," You groaned. "All he did was ask me about being a model and if I could promote his music. It felt like a interview."
"At least you're home now right?" Yachi chuckled. You brought your head up and noticed a notification. It was from Bokuto Kōtarō, your biggest celebrity crush.
He had just tweeted he's back in Tokyo and it brought your mood up. You and your publicist, Eiichi, were the only two who knew you fangirl over him. Your followers always asked but you always kept your love for volleyball a secret. Especially to your other roommates, they all were apart of the volleyball team at their schools. You, however only attended the games to watch them play.
The first time you laid eyes on Bokuto was when his school played yours. You were fascinated by his skill and how great his team dynamic was. His looks were just a bonus, but you always took account what he did as time went on. You watched him play for the Black Jackals and now he's on the National Japan Volleyball Team.
Keeping your guilty pleasure was easy in your house. Lev and Yamaguchi played before in high school but never really saw it as a career. Yachi was a team manager but she didn't continue it either. You'd watch Bokuto's games in your room and switch it to editing photos if someone came in.
It's a dream to meet him, let alone see him in person. So you just admire the athlete from afar as you know it would be nearly impossible for you to be apart of his life.
a/n: im excited for this new story :)
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @snowsmuse @so-im-still-single @anhphunnnn @karasunobbys @elianetsantana
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