#so it's been very interesting to have a birb who wants to eat everything I offer lol
leavemebetosleep · 2 years
my birb: would get incredibly sick if I let her have coffee
also my birb: gets mad at me that I won’t share my coffee 
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thegamingcatmom · 5 days
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(I can´t get over how adorable/goofy she looks here. How am I supposed to fear any of that?)
If Mother Miranda were to take an interest in you outside the whole vessel thing, it would include:
(Yall know the drill by now: Don´t like my dark and twisted stuff, don´t read my dark and twisted stuff. 🖤)
having to listen to her ranting and gossiping about her "children"
sometimes, it´s straight up just death threats
she´s scary when she gets like that
especially because she tends to breathe down your neck to calm herself (your scent is quite helpful)
having to listen to her feverish prayers when it comes to Eva
Eva is a big topic in general
helping her in her lab
which basically means cleaning up her mess (and she is rather messy, it has to be said)
we´re talking mountains of papers as well as mountains of bodies
ofc she´s gonna make sure to snuff out every last bit of life before she lets you near her failed experiments
she won´t take any risks when it comes to you
as for the papers-
...it´s a mess
and it´s very scary (and very unfair) when she gets all hissy and murderous over you trying to do your "job" and clean up her mess just because, out of the millions of papers, there´s one that she still needs
"How dare you throw that away?!"
"Well, how tf am I supposed to know?!"
...you think to yourself because there´s no way you´re gonna say that to her face (you quite like breathing, tyvm)
whenever she has one of her downright terrifying smash-things-against-the-wall "tantrums" (as you like to call them not to her face) she gets all purry and touchy-feely after
probs her way of apologizing (cause there ain´t no way she´s gonna use them words)
you hate that it´s working
despite being a mass murderer/mold monster smt who doesn´t require eating or using any stuff that humans usually would (like toilets), she does appreciate you cooking and cleaning for her
things she tasked you with ofc
she quite...enjoys the sight
(smt about that domestic view just...does things to her)
(you force-wearing an apron drives her wild)
she does have feathers, after all
and those need lots of TLC 💋
makes you clean her mask too
or her hand chains
anything, really
in return, you may wear it
(honestly? totally worth it)
we won´t talk about the fact she´s doing it more for herself (just like pretty much everything else) because seeing you wearing what is hers just...yknow?
but also to demonstrate to you just how good it feels to be bad
"Hm... What do you think, little bird? Do you like it? I certainly do..."
forces you to attend meetings with her so she can show you off
and also because it almost always gives her a reason to rip into her "children" because that bunch just doesn´t know how to behave around you
especially the tall one who keeps throwing you looks that make it seem like she wants nothing more than for you to drop dead
you kinda share that sentiment
anywhere would be better than here
...she´s scary
something Miranda takes note of as well
one look is all that is needed to put the tall one in her place
in moments like this, you truly appreciate your roommate´s/abductor´s murderous side
when you´ve been especially good for a (long) while (no escape attempts, no talking back, no disobeying her whatsoever) she indulges your childish urges to see her transform into different animals
she will deny any and all accusations of smiling at that, down to her very last breath
(she could be persuaded though...)
one day, you´ll probs have to go from cleaning that mess to making it
which means actively helping MM with her experiments
cutting someone open etc.
there´s no way out of it, let´s be honest
it´s her livelihood, ofc she wants to share that with you
(isn´t she just precious?)
spying on the villagers for her
(she will find out when you´ve been lying, so don´t even think about it)
(This actually got way less dark and twisted than I anticipated. Gotta work on that, LMAO.)
Basically, my HC for Miranda includes her getting an absolute kick out of anything family/domestic life. She goes absolutely nuts when it comes to her daughter, so I imagine this would count for an s/o as well. She gets obsessed to the point of no return, and she´ll fight tooth and nail to keep them with her always.
I could go on, and on, and on, and on, and-
But, alas, it is rather late and, unlike some mold monster smt, I do need my sleep. ;3
I might do more posts like that cause I have thoughts. 😩🤌
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jess-the-vampire · 3 years
Sooooo whatya think of the new episodeee?
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Oh it’s definitely my favorite episode of the series so far, i was having such a good time at every turn. I’m glad i went out of my way to avoid spoilers, cause i was glad to actually be surprised by some elements on first watch.
I think this had by far the best opening for an episode so far, we finally get back to the villians, we meet the coven heads, we get insight on belos’s plans-
and then belos gets constipated, which starts getting into the more character driven lore, which is the best part. You instantly can tell GG and Kiki have some bit of tension between them to be Belo’s favorite, though granted i wonder if hunter is the only one to know belos is cursed and actually just always insists to help belos with his fits to prevent others from seeing them.
Including kiki.
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It’s honestly unclear how aware anyone is that belos is cursed, like him eating pailsmans is apparently not something he hides, but like....i feel him being cursed is something that people would know universally if it got out...so i’m left wondering if anyone knows besides hunter.
Regardless, belos turns into a goop monster with an angry side, and i guess his mask doesn’t transform with him compared to the rest of his body so he breaks it again because i guess he goes though masks like crazy.
Hunter turns away in this scene from his outburst and even though he’s masked here i can already tell he’s most likely pained in these scenes. Like he’s probably seen this happen so many times, and i can’t imagine it gets any easier for him, it’s probably awful to watch belos suffer like this for him (Regardless of the abuse)
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And to be honest, it seems pretty painful for him, i think this ep seems to at least confirm whatever this thing is that takes over belos’s body.....belos never actually wanted it in the first place. 
Yeah so after Hunter tells belos there’s not enough trees to medicate him anymore, we’re hit with the “UNCLE”. Which, when i first watched it i needed a second to even process the fact they confirmed their relation.
and i was like “CLOSE ENOUGH”, not his kid but uncle still works just fine for me, i’m just happy my assumption they were related actually came to ahead.
And i rewatched this episode a few times, and on second watch i realized more what happened in this scene. Hunter was talking about his interest in wild magic, and making more pailsman to help belos, and some method that could heal him and as soon as belos looked at him he instantly shut down.
He was clearly rambling about wild magic cures for belos because of his interest in it, and then suddenly remembered his uncle hates wild magic and felt super awkward.
It seems highly likely his interest in wild magic came from trying to cure belos and spending a lot of time reading up on the stuff. 
And then we get hit with the whole “Our family is dead because of wild magic” line, which.....i’m curious to know what happened there. But it does at least explain why belos feels how he does, if wild magic both killed his family beside hunter AND cursed him in the first place. We’re just gonna need more info on what exactly happened.
Also while Belos is def abusive and does not treat hunter how he should, this scene actually does read off to me like belos does care about hunter to some degree. If belos is cursed and his curse works in similar ways to how Eda’s curse works, then it’s worth reminding ppl that eda mentions early this season how stress can amplify the curse even more.
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And sure enough, belos goes goopy on hunter’s shoulder all of a sudden when he grasps him. Which could be considered a sign of stress and that the idea of hunter dying or being in danger actually does stress him.
You could very much also assume this is just due to his curse not being fully handled and just getting worse, or that belos only cares about hunter for selfish reasons....but i’m not taking anything off the table here.
Belos can still be a shitty uncle, and still care about hunter, these aren’t mutually exclusive traits. But we need more episodes for now on this.
But anyways he asks hunter if he can rely on him, kiki is pissed......and we move on.
So i’m glad luz’s impulsiveness is addressed a ton in this episode, they actually bring up a lot of good points. That luz has no plan, that the time she’s spending here might render moot if she goes back to earth, ect ect.
Hunter even calls her out a lot later for not thinking things through, it’s a whole deal in this episode. I’m glad it was brought up cause it’s actually worth asking a lot of these things.
the set up here works, they actually made a good reason for why a pailsman didn’t bond with her. Speaking of which the adoption thing is cute and i love it, it’s a great idea. The designs are all very cute and fun.
Bump face reveal was a lot for me to process, but i find the idea of his pailsman being a pet that can help with his disabilities a good idea.
Also like, i did find it odd that they got staffs so early because we’ve never seen kids their ages with them before, but i guess it’s a new tradition? Does everyone at hexside now have one?
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Honesty not sure why batqueen left the nest there overnight, i meant i guess she assumed they were safe with that shield but in context i dunno why she didn’t take them home after the school day was over.
but whatever, luz stays there overnight hoping  a pailsman will bond with her and GG just kidnapps them cause of pure luck on his part a bunch of pailsman were in a vulnerable spot tonight.
So GG continues to be charming, by whistling the theme song and then being blasted off his ship hilariously, before cockily teleporting himself right back on it seconds later. Like he and luz have great banter, he’s so extra like this it’s so funny, and god he’s so FAST with that staff it’s scary but so awesome.
Yeah so then hand dragon crashes them and i was so excited cause it meant face reveal. Poor dude looked so in pain and then we find out kiki tried to effing murder him because of course she did. But like, i think killing your boss’s nephew is the WORST way to get a promotion tbh.
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(Also i got confused for a bit cause his mask has always been drawn as a mask, but now it’s a helmet in this scene for whatever reason but-)
Anyways, face reveal, Like honestly ppl weren’t too far off with their guesses, really the only thing people didn’t get was the tooth gap (That was fair tho, we couldn’t have guessed that). But it did make him even cuter.
like the banter is funny, he licks her hand, she slaps him, he looks SO pissed at her for this mess.
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and i guess that outfit is his under armor apparently.
He’s lucky she didn’t run away immediately and followed him, but maybe he assumed she would since she had no where else to go.
Also his expressions in this ep are glorious, these had to be fun to draw.
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Also we find out that the coven team members have never seen his face i guess? They just assume he’s a silly kid and are awful to him, so i guess he’s not only the youngest member of the coven but he never really shows his face much.
(”Call your parents”, ha ha.....whose gonna tell them who his uncle is?)
He is however, REALLY good at parkour and he’s fast even without his staff, so he’s well trained alright.
And then they reveal he’s not magical and i was SO happy cause i was so sure something was up when he wasn’t doing magic like the other witches despite his pointy ears. So they outright confirmed what i thought.
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Hunter is pretty smart tho, like he can tell luz wouldn’t hurt him and wouldn’t flee so he knows he has the high ground here. Like he might be being a bit of a dick, but to be fair luz has been nothing but a dick to him throughout the whole episode (Everyone in this episode has been a dick to him tbh)
They team up and i get excited cause i love this kinda stuff and it gets more wholesome because hunter is super interested in her magic, he thinks it’s cool and you can tell how much he actually loves wild magic but then again...shuts himself down because of belos making him fear the stuff.
An then because luz asks, he tells her his backstory.
honestly with how this world treats people who aren’t magically powerful, living and growing up in a world that would find you useless sounds....awful. Hunter must be an anomaly around here, human blood or not.
Luz coming here to learn is different then growing up in a world and being the only one with no abilities and no future without them. Belos provides him with magic and a future, it’s no wonder he stays with him despite everything.
the whole “Found me” thing is weird, cause belos implies they’re blood related and hunter makes it sound like belos semi-adopted him. Which....if he did i dunno why “Uncle” and not “Adopted dad”, but ok....guess that’s for later.
Apparently hunter is important for something tho with the “Titan has big plans for me” thing, not sure what, but-
But yeah as soon as Hunter talked about wanting to make his own future and Rascal tried to land on him i knew EXACTLY where this was going, it was so cuteeeeee. The lil birb wanted to be with hunter, that’s so wholesome.
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And he’s so terrified because of belos and what wild magic did to him, the poor bab.
But yeah, luz then trusts him with his staff back, because again....impulsive. But hunter does actually ask if she’s sure, so he might as well be asking if she trusts him.
The plan goes ahead, and hunter nearly betrays her.
though granted, hunter never promised her he’d stop and let her take them away, the truce was supposed to last till kiki was stopped and they were gonna fight out who got the pailsman. But it does bother luz cause she was hopeful he was better then this.
But just like he did before, she calls him out and he doesn’t betray her, because he’s ALSO too nice to do it, just like he said she was. He says his name (Which also took a moment to process), and then beats the crap out of kiki while letting luz get away and protecting her like a badass.
He might not have magic, but he’s good at fighting
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like he can easily teleport to luz and take the pailsman, but he doesn’t, he lets them get away and luz knows this. Even though she also knows hunter has to go back to the emperor too and they have to separate.
It’s only slightly bitter terms, because in the end he came through for her and she knows it.
honestly, the worst part is i can’t even be mad at hunter for it, i’m sure he was terrified to fail belos. Both because he loves him and doesn’t want him to suffer....but also because of well...being punished. Really says something when his near betrayal doesn’t even make me mad at him, and i can understand why he nearly did it.
He let her go, knowing he’d be in SERIOUS trouble and that it would hurt someone he actually loves, so....ouch.
so yeah at this point i knew rascal wanted him so it was only of matter of what happened next.
Which was, luz getting the wood, which i like more anyway. Eda and King doing this offscreen and coming home like this is actually very funny, and honestly i appreciate the message of it being ok to wait.....means a lot to me.
yeah so belos is like...being an ass, like the kid tried his hardest, you don’t need to hit him with the “Is this the thanks i get?”. He’s a kid and he’s trying to cure you you dick, give him a break he doesn’t remotely have to help you like this.
Also apparently belos has not even told hunter HOW this happened, like...dude. Hunter is trying to be entirely reasonable here and belos spikes at him, which does imply some physical abuse though the only reason hunter doesn’t get a new scar is because he moves.
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but how he reacts implies this has happened before, he is bracing for impact and he flinches. It’s pretty sad tbh, especially since hunter loves him and belos’s respect means something to him.
Belos is such an idiot, like c’mon dude, hunter is trying to help you and you don’t listen to him you dick. Kid shouldn’t have to say sorry for anything he did nothing wrong, he was just trying to help.
Anyways, he gloats at kiki (So at the very least she knows what he looks like under the mask), which he deserves a chance to do anyway. So i guess he didn’t rat her out for trying to kill him, personally my guess why is blackmail.....he was gonna hold it over her head to keep her from doing it again and threaten to tell belos.
But kiki quickly tells he LET the pailsman get away since he was the one to fight her (Curse his cute loose hair strand). So i guess now they have dirt on each other, so that’s fun.
His room is adorable, though the med kit by the bed is concerning.
Rascal comes for him and it;s so cute....though you can tell hunter nearly hurts him on instinct because of force of habit, but it’s so cute how he cares and how the birb loves him and is his new staff.
it was well hinted to as well, it’s so subtle, but the bird being cheery, curious, and his constant habit of escaping boundaries was perfect for hunter. He represents what hunter wants to be and why they got matched is done so well, all without explaining anything.
Hunter indirectly stated his deepest wish, to make his own choices, and rascal resonated with that. 
can’t wait to see where this goes.
great ending shot, love me some conflicted shots looking out of windows like trapped birds.
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also this title was a pun the whole time i can’t-
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razzle-zazzle · 4 years
835 Words; Birb Time
TW for dehumanization
Cole probably should have seen this coming.
It wasn’t enough that the mage holding him captive treated him like a bird—no, he had to make Cole a bird, too.
It was not a fun process. The transformation was slow, done in parts with each day that passed. Something about the magic being too complex to do all in one go.
The first day had seen scales growing up Cole’s legs, his feet shifting slowly into talons. It had been agony, the itch of the scales prickling up his legs and the ache of his bones shifting. Why were bird ankles so weird?
The second, feathers began to appear. Etched out patterns—and it was admittedly very pretty, the way the feathers appeared along his skin like ink on a page—appeared in patches all over his body, itching and itching like far too many beetles scuttling about under his skin. His captor had had to handcuff Cole to keep him from scratching at it.
Today, Cole’s arms were aching, agony spreading through his limbs as his bones broke and rebuilt themselves over and over again, shifting into the shape of wings. Fuck, were all bird skeletons this weird?
Everything was realigning, shifting—Cole counted himself lucky that the feathers mostly covered it up. Counted himself lucky that he wasn’t actually in the cramped birdcage today, instead chained to a small platform, his growing wings spread out on either side of him.
The pain was bad enough on its own. But having the exhaustion heaped on top of it?
Cole would give anything to not be here. To not be treated like some experiment by this mage.
Speaking of which...
“Oh, you’re going to be so pretty.” His captor cooed, gingerly spreading one of Cole’s still growing wings, his hand tracing the grain. “A pretty, pretty bird.”
Cole was too tired to glare. Too tired to do anything other than lie there as his captor examined the transformation.
His captor continued to coo at Cole, sounding for all the world as though he were talking to a beloved pet rather than a prisoner. “Yes, you’ll be such a pretty harpy.” He forced Cole’s mouth open, examining his teeth as though he were a racehorse or something. “Oh, these are far too blunt.” Cole’s captor tsked. “But we can fix that.”
Cole gagged. His captor withdrew his hand.
And then a piece of jerky was being held in front of Cole’s face, his captor cooing affectionately. “Do you want a treat? Yes, I think you deserve a treat for being so patient.”
If Cole wasn’t so exhausted, he absolutely would have snarked back. Instead, he accepted the offered food, eyes slipping closed from exhaustion.
At least the dias was more comfortable than the cage could ever be.
Without resistance, Cole let himself drift off.
Perching was… weird. Cole’s talons would automatically grasp when his legs were folded under him, and he couldn’t extend them until his leg was straightened.
But it also felt so natural to sit upon the perch the mage had provided, felt so natural to fold his wings against his body like a bird would.
The ninja were visiting again today. Something about haggling over payment. The mage’s services weren’t free, and he wasn’t interested in money.
Jay kept casting nervous glances at Cole. Cole summoned all of his energy—and he’d slept better the past few nights, having not been stuck in that awful birdcage—and glared at him.
Jay squeaked and looked away.
Zane noticed this. “Jay, it’s just a bird.”
“A very gorgeous bird!” The mage chimed in, approaching Cole with a conjured mango. Cole took the proffered fruit, holding it awkwardly between his wings as he bit into it. Why did the mage have to use a bird of prey as the base for the transformation? A parrot could hold things in its feeties, so why did Cole have to awkwardly pin things between his wrists to hold them?
Juice dripped down his chin, but there wasn’t much Cole could do for it. And the mango tasted good, but that didn’t make eating it any less awkward.
“I wasn’t aware harpy eagles could eat fruit.” Zane commented, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
Cole glared at him.
The mage chuckled, reaching up to scritch at Cole’s neck. “He’s a very special bird.” He turned to the other two. “It wouldn’t do for a mage to have a completely normal pet, now would it?”
Jay muttered something about oversized vultures already being irregular. Cole finished off the rest of the mango. The mage laughed. Cole shifted on his perch.
The conversation continued, but Zane and Jay were unable to come up with a payment. Cole watched the proceedings disinterestedly.
After all, if the ninja didn’t care enough to help him get away from the mage, then why should he care what they were doing? Why should he feel invested in people who didn’t give a rat’s ass how he felt?
So Cole watched impassively, pretending it didn’t hurt.
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citrineghost · 5 years
A Letter to WordPress
Dear WordPress,
Tumblr has been around for a good while now and many of us have been here since the beginning (or close to it). It’s become something of a comfort and a home base for many. You can understand then why it’s so terrifying and tension-setting when a new owner comes around.
This website has been through a lot of changes, very few of them good in recent years. I want to open up a dialogue from the user base about our feelings and desires surrounding this site, because to so many of us, not only its design and function, but its success and future are a big deal.
Obviously not all of the things I list below will be universal opinions, but I’ll try to outline some of the things I’ve seen the majority of users want. I’ll also throw in some things that are more personal, because I can’t claim to know everything the rest of the users want, but I can tell you where I see obvious problems.
First and foremost, here’s an obvious one. You can’t really go anywhere on Tumblr without knowing: we want the bots and the nazis gone. We need some kind of captcha system for every time someone wants to include a hyperlink in a post or response. Until the staff count gets higher, I would honestly suggest closing down the report system for everything but bots, nazis, and death threats/suicide bait.
Make NSFW content welcome again. Outside of porn bots, the pervasiveness of NSFW content is slim to none. As long as minors and those with ‘NSFW’ blacklisted aren’t seeing the NSFW content, there’s nothing wrong with it being here. A large number of the people posting NSFW content on here are artists who use this content to make a living on commissions. The ban has done nothing but make valuable members of the Tumblr community leave and take their art elsewhere. The focus should be cracking down on anyone who isn’t properly tagging NSFW content with ‘NSFW’. If the focus is put on that, the problem with NSFW content will be null.
Please keep Tumblr unintegrated with other social media. Most users will agree, the anonymity is such a huge part of what draws us to Tumblr. Other people only know what we tell them and it’s very appealing for our real life accounts (e.g. Google, Facebook, etc.) to be completely separate. When users want to share links to other accounts, they can do so easily with links on their blogs.
Replace ads with either, better, more sensible ads or members content. A large part of the ads on Tumblr make absolutely zero sense just by looking at them. Not to mention, they’re all completely unfit for the user base. I’ve seen weight-loss ads (harmful to the many people on the site recovering from eating disorders) and ads for products most people wouldn’t need or want until their forties. Most of the user base is 13-35, if I had to guess. I can tell you right now, you would make more money and the user base would be much happier if ads were removed in favor of members content. Adding a paid membership that allows users to gain access to new features (rather than restricting what’s already here) would be a huge boost in morale and company income. Use that income to improve the site. Don’t get comfortable making more than the bare minimum in profit until the website is functioning reasonably well. Hint: it’s not right now.
Keep the base functions of Tumblr. Don’t try and get radical, hoping big changes will excite the community. They won’t. We’re creatures of habit and we just want memes, fandom, and relatable nonsense. Keep reblogging, replies, customizable blogs, tags, and likes functionally the same.
Be receptive to bug reports and post change logs so that the community knows that they’re being addressed and fixed.
These are the obvious pleas of the community. Please keep in mind that the heart of Tumblr is in its users and if you ostracize us, there will be nothing left. We love this website and we want to see it thrive as much as anyone. We just don’t want to sacrifice the spirit of the community in the process.
Read more under the cut if you want to see some more of my own personal suggestions. I’d love for other users to sound off in the replies with whether they agree with any of the pleas or suggestions and also give their own!
Okay, so, here are some personal opinions that are by no means the voice of the community. I think they’re pretty sensible, but what do I know?
Change back the color. I hate this saturated navy color and I’m pretty sure a lot of others do too. I’m part of the disabled community and I know and have seen people saying that these extremely contrasted colors that were added are making their Tumblr experience worse. It gives people headaches due to light sensitivity and, frankly, it’s ugly. If you’d like to cater to those who are visually impaired/colorblind, that’s fantastic! Do so with an account setting that turns on higher contrast mode or adds patterns to things to make them distinguishable.
Add an option to blog suggestions and posts that have shown up on your dash from followed tags that says “Stop Suggesting This.” I’ve been suggested a number of blogs that I’m not interested in following. I don’t want to block the user, but I do want some different suggestions and for those blogs to stop showing up in suggestions. I’m also tired of seeing the same post twenty times from a tag I follow. There is currently an option that says “This particular posts sucks.” While I think that was a great attempt at catering to the community, I don’t want to use it because my intuition says that there’s a negative connotation. Does me saying the post sucks make it show up less for other people? Does it lose popularity? I can’t tell. The only thing I know is that I don’t want to say that a good post sucks just to make it quit showing up on my dash.
Implement some of the features that XKit uses. I would bet at least a quarter, if not more, of Tumblr users use XKit to make using Tumblr less painful. That shouldn’t be the case. Tumblr should have these functionality options available in dashboard settings.
A very hot take here that many might disagree with: Make notes viewable more like mobile has them. As it is, it’s hard to tell which ones I’ve seen on desktop. It can be tricky on mobile too, honestly, but it’s easier than on desktop. I would also heavily suggest making the unseen notifications darker so that they stand out and making a button to indicate that you’ve seen them.
Keep the dash, messages, notes, and profile as separate processes similar to how mobile has it. The trek all the way down the damn dashboard is a long one. I want to be able to see notes and messages in full size without losing my dash progress. When I switch back I want to be right where I was. I understand if this one isn’t possible or practical. It was just something I like about mobile over desktop but I’m aware that they’re two different beasts with different capabilities.
As far as the aforementioned members features, I do have some ideas, but I can’t guarantee they’re the best the user base has to offer. I’m sure others could think of better. Anyway, some things I’ve thought of are groups/clubs, digital currency, and separate dashboards. So, as it stands, You can have multiple blogs on one account. People can follow them separately. That’s fantastic. What would also be nice though, is being allowed to make separate dashboards. This would probably take up another chunk of server space, so I understand if it isn’t feasible right now, but I would jot it down. The ability to separate shitposts, aesthetic imagery, fandom content, and NSFW would be amazing. If you follow a huge number of blogs, like me, you could even make a friends dash so that you don’t miss your friends’ posts. It would just be a matter of allowing people to add and name their new dashboards. Then, when they go to follow people, it prompts them to choose what dash their content goes to. You could even simplify it by making the follow button default to the main dash, but adding a little dropdown arrow beside it. You could then choose which dash to add them to from a list. Below are some bad paint-drawn concept drawings.
Anyway, I hope this has all been helpful in some way. I’m fairly certain that WordPress will never actually read this, but it was cathartic to write and I hope it will be cathartic for someone else to read.
Sincerely, birb-ghost
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peachdoxie · 4 years
Okay so I’m like way late in sharing my liveblog of chapter 13, but I read it earlier and took notes and here they are! Man, what a doozy of a chapter! I have a lot of things to say.
Conjoined fabrials require a careful division of the gemstone—and the spren inside. 
Like we knew this already but hearing about it directly is like. Yikes.
Other types of spren do not split as evenly, as easily, or at all. 
Gimme the lore, Branderson
Shallan had to deal with Veil’s alcohol abuse. Again. 
He was using that time to go ride horses. 
The paranoid part of me thinks something else is going on, but also Adolin is still allowed to have interests, especially if he’s grown closer with Dalinar’s Ryshadium after losing Sureblood in Words of Radiance, as the chapter later describes.
Shallan found herself alone—and for the first time in weeks, she didn’t have a role to play.
The deal is set and arranged. The spren will come.
Seven years ago now—and if that timeline was correct, she must have begun seeing Pattern as a young child. Long before Jasnah had first encountered her spren.
I feel like this is important but idk why. It sort of implies that the Cryptics were the first spren to start forming Nahel bonds in the current era, but, again, why? What are the implications?
She couldn’t see those memories; didn’t want to see them. As she shied away from them, something dark shifted inside her, growing stronger. Formless. Shallan didn’t want to be the person who had done those things. That… that person could not… not be loved…
Oof but also not true
Memory loss was apparently common to these cases, but the rest of what Shallan experienced seemed distinctly different. Importantly, she wasn’t experiencing continued memory loss. So maybe she was fine. She’d stabilized.
I have the feeling Shallan does, in fact, have some significant memory losses that she’s either unaware of or so in denial about she doesn’t realize she’s in denial of them.
Besides, these fabrials did the work of a dozen people.
lmao Roshar is undergoing industrialization which is probably a bad thing
When she became Veil, the colors in the room… muted. The colors didn’t change, but her perception shifted.
Neat detail. I wonder how that would interact with the various Heightenings of Nalthis.
His pet chicken, the green one.
“Of course, with your powers nothing is permanent, is it? You deal exclusively in the ephemeral.”
That’s kind of a recurring issue in Shallan’s life, isn’t it, the lack of permanence?
His chicken held its prey with one foot, eating almost like a person did with their hands. The thing was so strange, so alien. It stood upright, like no other beast Shallan had studied. When it chirped at Mraize, it sounded almost like it was talking, and she swore she could occasionally make out words. It was like a tiny parody of a person.
Lmao “alien.” Shallan, you have no idea how right you are. Also, I’m going to guess the bird may actually be talking to Mraize since it’s a fucking aviar
Ask a better question. “Nalathis,” Radiant said. “Scadarial. What are they?”
“Nalthis. Scadrial.” He spoke the words with a different accent. “Where are they. That’s an excellent question, Radiant. Suffice it to say they are places in Shadesmar where our Stormlight—so easily captured and transported—would be a valuable commodity.”
Okay sure just fucking namedrop the other planets in the cosmere again why don’t you
A more perfect gemstone could contain the Light long enough to go offworld, but there is still the Connection problem. This little flaw has caused untold trouble. And the one who unlocks the secret would have untold power.
dear fucking hell, Mraize.
tbh I don’t even know how to react to this revelation. It’s so simple and yet so ambitious, and it would have significant impacts not just on Roshar, but on the whole of the cosmere. Not to mention: Investiture on Roshar is renewable because when it’s used, it returns to the Spiritual Realm until it’s brought back into the Physical by highstorms or a perpendicularity. What would happen if Mraize found a way to take Honor’s Investiture and have it be used somewhere else in the cosmere outside of the Rosharan system? Would that unbalance the Shards even more?
just an absolute what the fuck. there are so many unknown Realmatic ramifications for this. what the fuck.
“I already have,” Mraize said, making a fist. “Though putting the plan into motion will be difficult. I have a job for you.”
Great, Mraize already knows how to do this incredibly ridiculous Realmatic bullshit. This is going to be bad if he gets it up and running, even if Mraize himself isn’t “evil.” It would radically change everything, and there are many bad people who would abuse that change.
“I have news for you,” Shallan said. “Sja-anat contacted me while I was away. She agreed to your terms, and is sending one of her spren to the tower, where it will investigate your members for a possible bond.”
Ah, so this is who Shallan was communicating with earlier. But how did Sja-anat use a spanreed? And what kind of spren will she send, and how has it been corrupted?
Also, Shallan and Mraize at least know that Glys was corrupted by Sja-anat. I wonder who else holds this knowledge.
“I cannot betray this secret,” Mraize said. “Let’s just say that Lightweavers fascinate me, and leave it at that. And you should not fear if I did keep someone close to you. Such a person could be an… aid in times of need. Iyatil did the same for me.”
*tosses another piece of evidence onto the theory I saw someone make that Shallan, in a very repressed persona, is actually Mraize’s spy*
“Immortality, in part. He thought he could become like the Heralds. In his quest, he discovered a secret. He had Voidlight before the Everstorm—he carried it from Braize, the place you call Damnation. He was testing the movement of Light between worlds. And one close to him might have answers. At any rate, we couldn’t risk Ialai or the Sons of Honor recovering these secrets.”
I honestly don’t know what to make of this but it seems important so
“Oh, we know where he is,” Mraize said. “He has asked for—and been granted—asylum in a city no other Ghostblood has been able to enter.”
“A place you can’t enter?” Shallan asked. “Where is security that tight?”
“The fortress named Lasting Integrity,” Mraize said. “Home and capital city of the honorspren in Shadesmar.”
at least my question of “why the fuck is SHALLAN going to Lasting Integrity” is answered
“Oh, you will. And once you successfully return from this mission, your reward will be—as always—something for which you hunger. Answers. All of them.”
So like, first of all I’m skeptical that Shallan will actually succeed, so that’s one thing. And second, what’s to say that Brando will just have Shallan learn things off the page and we don’t know the answers? Either way, I eagerly await how this plot line will play out. Whatever’s gonna happen, it’s gonna involve some hella cosmere Lore.
Mraize had never been willing to speak of that, but she had to think they’d been grooming her—and her family—for over a decade.
He knew the truth about Shallan’s past. There were holes in her childhood memories. If they did what he asked, Mraize would fill them.
And maybe then, at long last, Veil could force Shallan to become complete.
The word “grooming” stands out to me here. What, exactly, were they grooming her for?
Anyway. Wow. What a fucking chapter. So little action, and yet so much just changed. Rhythm of War is taking on a very different look now that there’s Lore at stake.
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twilightvolt · 5 years
Twilight Thoughts (BEASTARS Episode 6)
Episode 6:
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- Ok, so first we--someone’s dead again.
....o h .
Of course, everyone’s like “Whelp, gotta dip, carnivores. cya.” and Jack be a sad boi. ;w; man, these guys have it hard.
- Then we get introduced to our next main character from the trailers: Juno!
Imma be honest, i was really iffy about her before this because i was hoping her character isn’t what i think it would be. and i’m sure any Persona 4 players who’re watching this show can get what i’m about to say.
.....I hope she’s not like Rise.
For those of you who haven’t played P4, Rise came off as SUPER clingy to the main protagonist. at least in my opinion. i know some say she’s best girl, but no. not for me. that’s Naoto’s title. lmao
I am praying that Juno doesn’t do the same and become clingy towards Legoshi and like, becomes that character that just feels like a shoehorned love interest because y’know, she’s a wolf too. so far, she seems ok. she was being bullied and Legoshi stepped in and played hero for a moment which was great. but her mentioning she was also in drama and also one of his kind just kinda raised a little red flag for me. i dunno.
Also, shoutout to the way he saved her. like “I’m her older brother.” but then she sees her face and he like “D-damn! We look nothing alike!” i’m sorry, i’m ded. lmao
- I was excited to see what the world outside the school was like. i’m the type who likes taking in all the little things and seeing the town be all bright and bustling was just so nice. then i heard Louis be like “Don’t go to the black market.” and i was like “Wh-....b...black market?” O_o
Oh no, things’re gonna get crazy again, aren’t they?
Y’all don’t just tell people not to go somewhere. that’s cartoon talk for “Go there. That’s where the plot is.” lmao
- So they eatin’, gettin’ that W c D o n a l d ’ s , and i’m like “Huh....I want fries now.” and then a little while after the episode, we come home with fries. and i never outwardly asked. it just happened. and i was like “MY FEELINGS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED.”
And Legoshi’s just sitting there quietly eating like a third wheel and i’m like “Dude, same.” also, Bill acts very much like one of the popular kids at school that i totally used to have to be in the same classes with and i swear i felt a twinge of old school annoyance resurfacing.
Still, it was fun seeing what the town was like. i’m hoping we get to see it much more in the coming episodes.
- And then they get lost (Thanks, Zoozle Maps. XD) and accidentally end up in where? the black market.
And i was thoroughly traumatized.
I was like, “Oh, it’s an old shopkeeper. probably sells weird trinkets or so-” *Shows his fingers. or lack thereof*
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U-uhh....w h a t ?
Like, it’s the black market. i expected it to be weird. but like....not this disturbing.
He was just, like, selling off his LIVING body to the carnivores and i was like “Oh god, that’s horrible.” goodness, i signed up for this, huh?
Then i hear the market theme and hear some sick beats and i’m like “dONTCHU THROW SOME JAMS AT ME AT A TIME LIKE THIS I CAN’T VIBE TO THIS nO-”
And then Bill be like:
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And suddenly i wanted to beat him upside the head. thankfully, my boi did that for me. lmao
But for real, i was mad, but like....it’s understandable? like, i hate that i understand enough to not be totally angry with him, but like....he’s a tiger. and ngl, after the bunny blood, i did NOT put it past him to react like this. i just wish he weren’t so....B i l l , y’know? the more he’s on screen, the more i wanna smack him, but i still actually kinda like him enough to see where he might go as a character. cuz he’s not a bad guy, he’s just.....an idiot. it’s weird. XD i’m still holding onto my theory that he killed Tem tho.
Just....man, this is heavy.
And then they cut to right after the last episode where Legoshi and Haru finish their heart to heart moment and then they cut back to him running off through the market street not knowing what these feelings are. like, he genuinely likes her and he can’t stop thinking about her.....but at the same time, he’s uncontrollably drooling?....i dunno man, sounds like you’re just hungry. and that concerns me.
Oh, right, right afterward he gets taken in by the panda from the trailers whom i believe is named Gouhin? but yeah, he ties him up in chains and a muzzle and proceeds to interrogate him about his feelings toward the one he thinks he “likes.” and then shows him a wall of pictures. pictures of carnivores just like him that have tasted meat and couldn’t get over it. to the point where they uhh......yeah, let’s just say i was shook by the things he said. like, that could potentially be what happens to Legoshi and honestly, that’s really sad and i don’t want that to happen. i legit felt a chill when i saw some of those photos. no joke.
Then i guess he takes him to the next room and has a little chat with him. what the conversation was about was basically Gouhin telling Legoshi that his “love” isn’t real and he should cut ties with Haru if he wants to not eat her by accident. but in a way where it sounds like he’s telling him off for it cuz Legoshi was like “That’s not true! we’re friends!” and he basically says that Legoshi’s way of thinking is a childish, flawed mindset. like, d a m n . he verbally smacked him. lmao
Then he starts to leave, but not until Gouhin hands him a copy of bunny porn.
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“If you get excited over this, then you’re just a young boy with a fetish for small animals. if not, and you stick with your one rabbit, that’s bad.”
Ok, so if he feels something, then he’s just a weirdo. but if he doesn’t, then he’s in danger of eating her and that’s a BIG problem. huh....kind of a lose lose situation here, don’t you think? ._.’
But yeah, Legoshi runs out thinking to himself about how much he hates this and that he wants to forget everything that just happened. and honestly, this is the point where i kinda felt sad enough to cry. cuz this is an innocent kid that wants to stay connected to someone they believe they love, but then reality just hits them REALLY hard. and they just want to cover their ears and stay unaware about what’s really going on.
All this time, he believed the adults just stayed vegetarian cuz that’s probably what he was taught or maybe what he assumed because of how he was taught. but when you think about it, not everyone can repress their true feelings forever. they’re animals. it’s in their nature.
He keeps trying to tell himself that this is okay. that he won’t hurt her anymore than that first night. but....is that true? can that be true? or is this just some twisted sense of “love” that ends in yet another unfortunate death? things seem to be getting more and more frustrating for him and if i didn’t feel some form of sympathy for him i sure as hell am now.
But....i wanna believe he can overcome those feelings and stay close to her. maybe they won’t be able to be a couple. they might just have to stay friends. but anything to let him be happy, y’know?
The episode ends with him finding Aoba the eagle again. he tells him that he just couldn’t go through with eating that guy’s fingers cuz he thought of his herbivore friends which just made him feel icky about it. and yeah, that’s understandable. birb boi is a good boi....who probably just stuck by Bill cuz he wanted to fit in, but y’know.
This causes Legoshi to cry and yeah, i broke after that. i was highkey imagining an alternate ending where he just runs up to him and hugs him crying in a full on bro moment and i kinda wish that happened cuz honestly that would make me cry a river. for real. i would die.
And i guess that’s that. this episode was quite a wake up call for Legoshi at least. but here’s hoping things look up next episode. see you again!
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witchy-anna · 5 years
Hawks SFW Fluff Alphabet
I unintentially made this one longer than the nsfw alphabet 
NSFW alphabet
Hope you enjoy!
A: Affection (How affectionate are they with a s/o?)
Clingy af. You may have to invest in a crowbar to pry him off your leg. He does not understand personal space but you love it anyway. 
B: Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)
When you talk about something you're interested or passionate about. He'll listen intently to your every word and ask questions just to get you to continue talking about it. 
C: Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
He'd ride around on your back if he could. He particularly loves sitting you between his legs or straddling him while encasing both of you with his wings. 
He craves your touch. Your warmth is enough to melt away his stress and worries. 
Being a celebrity comes with a lot of fans groping his wings or being to touchy feely with him. 
He knows you respect his boundaries and the thought makes him happy beyond words. 
At first he'll feel apprehensive with allowing you to touch his wings but quickly realizes how intimate it feels and will legit beg you. 
Like I said, clingy af. 
.D: Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
Building his career to the point where he can live a comfortable future with you. 
He is young but he often thinks of having tiny versions of the both of you. 
E: Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
When courting you he will "conveniently" be at the same place at the same time as you are. Flirtatious as hell but also a sweetheart. He doesn't compliment you just for the sake of it but because he genuinely feels that way. 
Once he successfully courts you he won't push you because he's afraid of scaring you away. However, he will take you on extravagant but private dates. He's afraid of the press getting a whiff of you and ruining what you both have. 
When he is certain you're his to keep you'll be all over his social media. 
He is a proud birb. 
F: Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
When you have nightmares he will hold you close and wrap you both in his wings. If you cry he will end up a sobbing mess. It absolutely breaks his heart to see you cry and you'll end up being the one conforming him. 
(My personal h/c for him) The poor sweetheart has terrible nightmares. He's been through a lot and even though he tries to keep that carefree persona, he does break. When this happens take him in your arms and wipe away his tears. Pepper his face with kisses and stroke his wings to calm him. 
G: Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
Random stuff he'll see on patrol or scrolling through his social media. He falls for those ads of items that end up looking nothing alike. One time he got you a shirt with his face on it. 
Make him chicken and he'll be the happiest cannibal out there. 
H: Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
As stated before he is clingy af. The more he can get his arms around you the better. You're his solace and comfort in his stress ridden life. 
I: Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
As much of a goofball as he is, he works hard to be romantic. Due to how busy he is he puts extra thought into dates to make them all the more special in case you can't see each other for awhile. 
This man cherishes you and will. Make. Fucking. Sure. You. Know. It. 
J: Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Not often no. He's extremely self confident and knows he works hard for your relationship with him. 
K: Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
His kisses take your breath away. That man knows how to kiss. However, he is much more of a cuddle bug than a kisser. Much more likely to be trying to get his arms around you then getting to your mouth. 
L: Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
It was after an exhausting straight week of working when you both had a cuddle date. He had you in his arms while watching mindless TV and it just hit him how much he loved you. 
You freaked out because he started sobbing and couldn't understand a word he was saying. 
After calming him down he told you just how much you meant to him. 
Keigo doesn't say it often because he feels it's something precious and doesn't want to overuse it. 
He instead shows you his love through physical contact. 
M: Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
Yes, he pretty much started to plan the wedding immediately after telling you he loved you. 
The ceremony will be huge and publicized. 
He wants the whole damn world to know you're his. 
N: Night Out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
Keigo is a busy man so when he has time for a date with you he goes all out. 
Typically very private dates. He does want to show you off but also wants you all to himself. 
Also because he is a celebrity and people tend to rudely interrupt or take pictures of the two of you. 
O: Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?)
Bring you to his agency or work. 
He's irrationally afraid of scaring you with the work he does or hurting you. 
He keeps no secrets from you but also feels it's different for you to see in person just how grueling his job can be. 
P: Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
This man is the epitome of playful. He's a huge goofball and it's his mission in life to get you to laugh. 
He loves your laugh no matter how it sounds. 
Q: Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
Your opinions matter to him but he's not always open about his own. 
He's typically more concerned about your thoughts than his own. 
He does not keep any secrets from you and expects the same from you. 
R: Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
Half and half. 
He shows up randomly to see you. Sometimes it feels like he has a tracker on you. 
Other times he meticulously plans things out. 
S: Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
He's a stomach or side sleeper. His favorite position is on top of you with his face in your chest and arms around you. 
If he ever ends up on his back, he'll wake up a cranky asshole. Give him kisses and hugs though and he'll perk up.
One time you woke up on a particularly cold night to find him sitting up snoring and cradling  you against his chest. With his wings wrapped around the both of you and completely covered in blankets. 
T: Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
He trusts you unconditionally. 
Keigo believes because you accepted his crackhead personality and the not so fun things he's had to do for his job, that you're worth it. 
It took a bit before he trusted you enough to tell you his secrets. 
But once he did, he told you everything. 
It's also hard as hell for him to keep surprises from you. He usually ends up spoiling gifts or surprise dates early because he's so excited. 
U: Unique (What makes them unique as an s/o?)
He's extremely intelligent and has a fantastic memory. 
If you tell him something as an afterthought he will still remember it even if you don't. 
This has a downside though because if you do something embarrassing he will never let you live it down. 
V: Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
It took a bit for him to let his guard completely down. 
He's used to keeping up the perfect persona of being a celebrity pro hero. 
The first time he truly let himself be vulnerable was when he told you he loved you. 
When he gets upset and overwhelmed he breaks apart. 
His public image is so important so you are the only one who knows this side of him. 
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon)
You once asked him if he was homeless because he was almost always at your place. 
You end up begging him to take you to his house. Upon seeing it got upset why he preferred to spend so much time in your tiny ass apartment while his house was massive. This Birb has $$$. 
He was really embarrassed and hurt when you said that and ended up ghosting you for a bit. 
After a small fight he ended up admitting that your apartment smelled like you and he felt more at home there with you than he ever did in his own house. 
After that more and more of his stuff gradually showed up in your apartment. 
You didn't think much of it but ended up finding out he sold his house and moved in with you without your knowledge when his mail started arriving at your place.
It's a well known fact he is obsessed with chicken. 
Prepare for your fridge and freezer to be jam packed with chicken products. 
It's a good thing he makes money because this man can eat! 
X: X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
Mother-hen mode. Enough said. 
Y: Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
Keigo is a massive attention whore. He gets really butt hurt and huffy if you push him away. 
Even to the point of ghosting you. Please take pity on him. 
His eating habits. 
He tends to stress eat and will eat with his mouth open. 
Oh and if you got chicken for yourself you better eat it as soon as possible, because he WILL steal it. 
Z: Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
You are his world. He is the cuddliest clingiest person who worships your body. (cont. in nsfw alphabet!) 
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drmatchupmode · 6 years
Matchup #18
Let’s see… I’m fine with any of the games but if I need to be specific then NDRV3 please!
Girl, 5'10", questioning bi (definitely into guys. Still trying to figure out girls). I wear glasses. Which have a habit of falling down off my face…
INFP. I have trouble talking to people. Especially if it’s my first time meeting them. I tend to keep to myself and can sometimes seem a bit standoffish. I don’t mean to be rude or anything and I tend to apologize if I realize what I said seemed rude. Though I tend to apologize too much. I like when people are happy.
Once I start putting my walls down though? I’m almost the opposite. I tend to be much more talkative and wanting to hang out more. Though only with the person I let my walls down for of course. But sometimes I relapse. I’ll worry about annoying them and pull away for a while.
I like animals. Especially cats, tigers, frogs and anything fluffy. I really enjoy playing video games (except shooters cause I have horrible aim). I’m more used to playing by myself though so I won’t try and make someone play with me if they don’t want to. I also enjoy anime, manga and animated movies. Also bike riding. But only in places that don’t have too many big dogs running around.
I have a soft spot for cute things. And I like the idea of being pretty. Like, wearing a nice dress and just… feeling like a princess for a moment… But, well, it wouldn’t work.
I have low self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, self-whatever-else-I-made-have-missed. Plus depression and anxiety. But I am getting help. Even if it is slow going.
I’ve been hurt before. I tend to hide parts of myself that I think people won’t like (the therapy, the video games and manga, etc). To try and make sure I won’t give them another reason to hurt me. But again, you bring down the walls and that goes all out the window. 
As you can see I have a bad habit of rambling. A lot. A lot a lot. 
Sorry if this is no good… 
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Omg this is like, a year late. I’m so sorry, like really, I am. I started wondering if I should close down the blog or something because I haven’t been able to accept requests since I first opened the blog, which was like a year ago, and this blogs probably dead but a promise is a promise and I’ll answer all of your matchup requests even if it’s the last thing I do. I’m not even sure if you are still into the fandom friend, but even then I still hope this matchup is of your enjoyment, even though the wait was probably not worth it :’).
Your match is….
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Gonta Gokuhara!!!
(No, it’s not because of your avatar image I promise lol) Who’s the perfect partner for a princess? A gentleman of course! And who is more of a gentleman than Gonta? Gonta is not one to shy away from trying to make friends, so despite your initial standoffish attitude or apologetic nature, he would very much take a liking to you and try to befriend you despite it seeming as if you don’t want to. After managing to ease yourself around him, you’d find out how much in common you guys actually have. First and foremost, you both really like animals, which could serve as a great bonding element between the two of you. Though you both have affinities for different types of animals, introducing each other to the others preferred animal types could also strengthen and expand your love for all animals. Your talkative nature and rambling tendencies I believe would also be very much welcomed by Gonta as someone who is very curious and wants to know about different subjects. I think he’d also be very intrigued by your interests as well, such as manga and video games, due to his lack of cultural and technological knowledge. Gonta is also no stranger to low self-esteem and all of what it’s accompanied with. Perhaps he would not understand why exactly you feel this way, because in his eyes you are perfectly fine, but because he knows these feelings very well, he’d be very much a supportive companion. Depression and anxiety he may not be as easily comprehended by him, so his efforts at helping you at first may seem a bit fruitless, he might even get frustrated at himself for this, but this does not mean he isn’t willing to learn and familiarize himself with such topics to help you out. Just as he’s someone who is willing to support you along the way, you’d also be someone able to support him. Your more “mediator” nature would be very beneficial for him at times when he experiences fits of anger, as you’d be able to easily soothe him down, as well as avoid these types of incidents as well. Someone with a more open-minded and forgiving nature would also be best for Gonta, as he needs someone who can empathize with him and understand him. You both overall share some of the same values as well, preferring peace and harmony over chaos and conflict, which would be an overarching element that reinforces your bond. 
Gonta first approached you due to the close interaction he saw you having with animals
Afterwards you and him naturally grew closer together
Most of your dates consist of either visiting zoo’s, insectariums or parks where you can get to take bike rides and maybe spot a few small doggos and birbs or other animals (he’ll protect you if there any big and rowdy doggos tho)
He’s like super fast on a bike though, so might have to do some catching up to do
Might even break bikes a few times due to the sheer force he uses
He looovess having conversations with you, anytime you start rambling about something you like he starts beaming with curiosity and interest
He starts asking you questions, prompting you to continue with the subject resulting in a never ending spiral of talking
One huggy boy I tell ya
You’re the perfect height for him to just embrace and snuggle without you completely disappearing into his arms
He might just hug a bit too tight at times though, just let him know and he’ll soften his hug 
You often change depending on the day on who is the big spoon and small spoon, though he’ll often be the big spoon because he is protective of you
The old glasses switcheroo, where you just sort of exchange glasses for the sake of it, shenanigans always ensue
Will buy you a  t o n  of dresses, jewelry and girly cute stuff since you are his princess and he’s your gentleman
Might at times even feel not enough of a gentleman for you, cause you are literally perfect in his eyes, but you always assure him he is alright the way he is
Also, you bet you are going to buy a pet together at some point, it’s only a matter of time
He is quite fond of playing video games with you, though he often isn’t very good at them. You still have quite a blast.
It’s become sort of a tradition you introducing him to a new anime or manga. He especially loves Studio Ghibli movies
Whenever you feel bad, he’ll become very gentle with you, getting you a blanket if you need one, a glass of water, something to eat and never leaving your side till you feel better
He gets confused at first as to why you become distant at times, and might even start to think it was something it regards to him, but he later comes to know you just need your space and understands it
Same case with depression and anxiety, he might not understand them at first, but trust me he will study everything he can to understand and help you through it
You are his princess, and he’s your prince.<3 
Other options: Rantaro Amami, Kaito Momota
Hope you enjoyed the matchup! If you feel like you weren’t portrayed correctly/I misinterpreted your information let me know and I’ll make the corrections!
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rogue-snorunt · 6 years
Can I still be nosy? 7, 8, 16, 18, 19, 31, 43, 44
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i’m shook because someone actually wanting to get to know my doofy ass ; u ;7. Do you have tattos?Yep! got 3 tho tech one is a two-parter: +The Great Chain from Bioshock with “A man chooses, a slave obeys” quote on left wrist.+ Assassins Creed feathered insignia from the second game on right wrist.+ White ink skeletal angler fish on right side of left calf with its angler wrapping around to left side turning into a branch in which a cute ass fluffy owl sits as its lure.8. Want tattoos?Yep, and I want to get more : Gene’s star tattoo from Outlaw Star; Cardinal and some Daisies ( nana and great nana’s spirit bird and favorite flower) and a crow (my favorite birb) done in a mixed style of abstract and geometric shapes. The Marker from Dead Space with possible “Altmen be Praised” But both a phobia of needles (ironic i know but the tattoos i have already I did as a sort of self forced exposure therapy) and money currently prevent them,16. I’ll love you if…You treat me like a decent human should treat others; give me food, are patient, I am able to relate to you due to similar likes and interests. 18, Most traumatic experience:strap in- this is gonna be long  and I apologize: 
three years old- dad chasing and holding me down and forcing piercing my ears with a needle and an ice cube.six years old - the cat I’ve had an lived since birth and was my only friend: scratching me in the face , it was my fault as I pulled his tail like dumbass kids tend to do, resulting in the cat running outside and getting ran over by my day. i lost my best friend and my right eye that day.16 years old - accidentally getting left behind at a gas station in new jersey because I had to pee and left my phone in the car.
17 years old - Let my fathers dog - Milkshake out before taking a quick shower only to get a knock on the door a few minutes later by a random dude who informed me he had hit Milkshake. there was nothing anyone could do and no place was open so on christmas day I laid in the snowy road with Milkshake while she choked on blood for a couple of minutes and than died.  19 years old - 3 months into driving, a deer running out infront of me and I swerved to miss it resulting me to go off the road on a steep guard rail-less hill. my car got air and I popped all four tires; the frame got shifted 4 inches to the right, bent the control arm, it flipped on its side and my 50 pound toolbox getting thrown my backseat, missing my head by a few inches and smashing into my windshield. my car landed a few feet from a metal pole in a ditch. the only reason I was able to get out was because I happened to have the sun roof open that day and managed to fit through it.   Instead of  going to the hospital after, like the intelligent person I am,  I just went home and slept for 3 days.22 years old - getting rammed from behind doing 75 on the highway by a white truck while trying to pass a semi-truck while driving home for the weekend from college. fishtailing then doing a couple 360′s managing to not hit the semi truck besides me or the truck behind me and stopping inches from hitting the guardrail, facing the opposite direction. again, did not go to hospital; went to my friends restaurant where I worked at the time and just went to sleep on the dining room floor.22 years old - crossing the crosswalk on my way to my friends restaurant and assuming the suv coming down the hill would abide by the laws of this land but instead getting double-tapped by an old lady.  No hospital - went to restaurant and went to sleep in the hallway to the house above the restaurant.23 years old - the head gasket in my 88′ Ford Bronco exploding while driving back to college on a dark and very stormy night. I had to stand in a downpour next to a giant fireball for 2 hours waiting for the cops to come.25 years old - moved to Wisconsin for a bit and while riding the bus to work, a man apparently disapproved of how I was sitting and punched me.Few months later a finch flew into our apartment building and I tried my best but it died in my hands.26 to 27 years old -  Moved back to new york; where my step mom died and her appearance at the wake still fucks me up.Than I began working at a bakery and worked with an unstable man who would black out; scream, throw and break equipment and threatened to hurt/ kill me and lock everyone inside the bakery and burn it.and finally 27 years old: on january 31st - my friend was driving me home before a bad snowstorm hit and we hit black ice and slammed into a tree. the airbag broke my hand; face and glasses and fucked up my ribs, left lung and have a damaged nerve in my neck. The feeling of getting the air knocked out of you and not being to breath and the agony of trying to was the worst pain i’ve ever experienced  in my life and I was in and out of the hospital for 5 years with pancreatitis, kidney stones and infection, ulcers and organ shut downs all at the same time. last: having to put my dog with prostate cancer down after he wasn’t getting better. he died in my lap and it still haunts me.19: a fact about your personality take away the silly manner of speaking and vocab; puns and dumb jokes, pop culture references and goofy mannerisms : I’m just a dumb emotional asshole. 31. Last text message“I can’t help that I’m a slut for grade a memes and maple candy, stop shaming me”43. Sexiest person who comes to mind:tbh, i havent had a thought like this but now that I am @life-is-no-sugarlicking ‘s roy ; gage , dean winchester and ryan goslin come to mind.44. random fact:alot of food advertised as gluten free is naturally so already. Companies like advertising that and repackaging it to sell at a higher price just because they slapped “GLUTEN FREE!” on something they been selling already for years. and its a trap alot of people newly diagnosed with celiac’s are victim too.   Rice; Veggies, Meats, Potatoes, Corn starch, Corn Tortillas, Cheerios, Rice Chex, Fruits, marshmallows, chocolate and gummi worms/bears/etc, also oatmeals are naturally gluten free so you don’t need to buy that special overpriced junk.if it requires a rue (thickener like in gravies and chowder) / is a soup/ requires a binder such as meatballs and meat loaf/  needs to be baked or fried / beer or other alcohol like that  = 99% chance its gluten, don’t eat it! vodka; rum; tequila, i believe gin and apple ale are all gluten free.you can use corn starch in lieu of flour for making gravies and soups Advice? Read the labels for everything. Personally, as long as it doesnt actually contain wheat/wheat by products or gluten, I can have things with “MAY contain..” but everyone is different and more sensitive than others. just be careful and read everything. (soy sauce and corn pops are fucking traps because soy sauce is alot of the times made with soy AND WHEAT so check!!! and corn pops are shitheads because you think “oh! CORNpops! I must be able to have it! cause its CORN pops! FRIGGIN CORN-POPS! CORN!!” NO YOU CANT BECAUSE THOSE SNEAKY MUTHAFECKERS USE WHEAT AS LIKE THE 2ND INGREDIENT AND I AM REALLY SALTY ABOUT IT) 
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Houseki no Kuni 3 - 6 | Girls’ Last Tour 3 - 6 | Boueibu OVA | Netjuu no Susume 6 | Juuni Taisen 7 | Mahoutsukai no Yome 6
Apparently there’s a bonus if you watch until the end of the 5th ep of Netjuu no Susume…I’ve seen it, or else I wouldn’t be telling you it exists.
I’ve rolled out the simulcast commentary tags for the seasonal shows that don’t have tags yet (aside from Netjuu no Susume’s replacement when that time comes).
Plus, as you can see in the title…there’s the Boueibu OVA in this bundle of notes, for completion’s sake.
Houseki no Kuni 3
That snail sure is a lively thing.
Really? A poop joke? Well, that’s one way to rub Phos’s new state into Dia’s face.
…welp, not much to talk about this time, I guess.
Houseki no Kuni 4
What the heck? The snail has a type???
This OP is lovely. Its best aspect is the visuals, though. It sounds kind of plain compared to even Saturday Night Question (Netjuu no Susume).
That snail makes a nice wig for Master Kongo, doesn’t it?
I’m listening to this show for the first time, and Phos uses “boku”, interestingly enough.
The snail's urge to go back to its home in the sea reminds me that lots of Chinese people go back to their country for Chinese New Year. I wonder if the same sentiment is involved in both instances?
The ED is nice, but not as good as the OP.
Houseki no Kuni  5
Watermelon? I feel sorry for the gem which has that name.
Ahh! These jellyfish are cute (and practical)!
“No getting all weak-kneed now!” – Says Phos, who’s got legs potentially harder than their body.
Houseki no Kuni 6
Trust exercises. I did some with some members of my anime club once. (Haha.)
I noticed the spikes were blue, so they might be Sapphire. It’s kind of like Rabbit’s necromantistry (Juuni Taisen), but…in a slightly different form.
Girls’ Last Tour 3
Kanazawa???? *thinks about King’s Game, where the protag and the author share the surname Kanazawa*
There’s some extremely glaring CGI during this episode. For a moment, you can discern Chi’s made of CGI while in her Kettenkrad.
Please don’t ship the grown man with the loli.
That’s some grim humour they attempted with Kanazawa. Kinda like Zetsubou-sensei (Nozomu Itoshiki).
Boueibu OVA
I almost wasn’t going to cover this, because it’s an OVA, but hey, why not make an exception? This may be the last time we Boueibu fans can talk about this stuff again…(Plus I think I’ll have volume for the entire thing if I hurry.)
Haha, the volleyball scene. Notice En talks first.
Yumoto’s being basic as always. *sighs happily*
Trump, eh? The word for playing cards is trump, but…y’know?
(about “graduating in a storm of cherry blossoms” and En saying it sounds lonely) I was just about to say that, En. However, that may just be OVA feels speaking.
Itsumo Ichiban? Rememer that guy? Well, there’s Itsumo’s brother on Kin-chan’s list. You can tell because he’s literally Itsumo Nisan. Geddit?
(about Zundar’s meeting with Kin-chan) The manga! It was correct after all!
Yep, that’s exactly how it went 2 years ago. In fact, I think it might be recycled content…(?)
Wombat speaks very formally. I learnt about keigo in the past year so I only picked up on that this time around.
The word used by Aki is “sad” according to the subs, but hazukashii means “embarrassing”, which puts a new spin on it.
They’re literally just using montages of s1, which is why I want Pony Canyon to bundle the OVA with s2. It’s more money, but for the consumer, it’s more worth it. However…having Bi…Egoism in an anime segment at all is new.
Akoya must be popular in the fandom. Either that or the staff are acknowledging how unloved he is.
Yay! It’s Star the VEPPer!
It’s good that each of these side characters is getting their own montage. Plus we’re getting official translations of the character songs, which is the best thing you can get for free when character songs aren’t distributed normally in most cases.
4th wall breaking! I guess you never expected that, eh? (Actually, you probably did, considering it’s been a montage for almost everyone now.)
(I love En’s little snarks in the middle of the song.) The only one left after this is Atsushi, right? Update: Oops, forgot Kin-chan. Sorry Kin-chan.
I never really realised Atsushi’s song was so hard rock compared to En’s more pop-like one.
“But do I really have that fire inside of me?” – I think I heard the song go atsui which is a real funky (in a good way) pun on Atsushi’s name.
Aww, they missed out in such a good pun! Haru went haru and Aki went aki. The translator didn’t pick up on that though…aww.
Whoa! Yumoto got all scary! Botan Yuzuru though…gotta look into that later for magicalgirlsandcerulean.
This (Spanish?) guitar reminds me of this track from The Dog Island.
A-ha! This is what you get when you translate the Japanese in the ads too.I was quite right indeed, although it really is the dang 132nd graduation ceremond.
It’s literally a button monster. Don’t wanna mash his buttons! (I bet you’re all groaning from my jokes, ahaha…)
Dadacha’s voice sounds kinda ridiculous now because Yasumoto is clearly using the deeper voice he normally uses for Zundar.
Notice the monster’s face is made from the character 高 (the first character in the Japanese word for “high school”).
Salty Sol is still salty after all this time…sad life.
That train station is the same one from the beach episode!
I’ve seen enough spoilers so I know where this is going…I already identified in the spoiler chat what Wombat is going to catch as a reference to a Kenji Miyazawa work.
This train is somewhat obviously CGI…
Spinach curry? When’d Wombat eat that?
Ths slideshow appears to be all the clean art for everything they’ve ever produced in the Boueibu canon! Even events and collabs!
“So wipe away your tears.” – I’m not crying, you are…*tear leaks from corner of eye*
I don’t recognise two of those pictures…(EnAtsu beach pic and a yukata one with the Defence Club on the roof.)
Oh…my…it’s over? Well, frankly I was expecting the fandom’s end in 2015…so, here’s to the future. Farewell, and remember: love is forever! Separations are only a new beginning!
Netjuu no Susume 6
That was a really bad Glico man in the back (of Koiwai)…
I think something’s wrong with my eye. It just gave off a few tears…(kidding tone)
Whose car is this that Morimori-chan is sitting in??? Update: It’s a taxi. Whoops.
I think Morimori-chan used the word douryou (colleagues, coworkers) instead of employees. The word for employees would probably be very different.
Nikunokiya??? (thinks about Kinokuniya)
(Koiwai goes Ai no chikara ne…) Boueibu reference…kind of.
Notice Koiwai said he was low on health in the text but he said zombie in the Japanese. That’s where Fruits de Mer comes in for Morimori-chan.
“There’s no way I’d say something like that!”
I think the cup this ED is new. Plus the headphones.
Oh! I spotted Morimori-chan with the medium length hair in the background of Sakurai’s bit of the ED.
There are some blurry pictures of Koiwai in the ED and they’re so hilarious!!!
So the ED actually evolves along with the show. Interesting.
Juuni Taisen 7
Rabbit stores his blades in his tail. That’s weird, but funny.
Literally, the episode title is “Dragon Head, Snake Tail”.
Dragon and Snake really are like the Beppus! I keep thinking that. I want a crossover fic now…
Tatsu = dragon.
I only just realised but…a naga is a snake. Nagayuki is the younger bro, isn’t he? Dangit, Nisio Isin! You bested me again.
150 doesn’t have any significance in regards to the number 12 now does it?
It’s Rabbit! Who’s not wearing his trademark booty shorts or high heels! Rabbit in a waiter’s outfit is really something, though.
“Hot guy”? Not by most people’s standards Tora/Kanae, considering he’s currently missing his head.
It’s tiger versus…aww. It’s not tiger vs dragon…
How can Ushii still talk after being strangled by Snake’s arm???
Whoa! Incendiary components are cool in Bond movies, but fiery liquid? That’s a step up!
Mahoutsukai no Yome 6
Admit it. You saw it in the next ep preview (unless you skipped it or read the manga)…It’s TITania time!
“She touched me for the first time.” – Elias, what a dork you are…
The birbs around Chise are so fluffy and adorable! It’s cute.
Geez, it really is TITania…these fanservice wiggles are destroying my Mahoutsukai no Yome experience…
Seing the Faerie Queen facepalm…is something else. *sweatdrops*
In the same way I want a koala sheep from Avatar the Last Airbender, I want one of those sheep bug things.
“Every creature of the night, including she and you, are my adorable little children.” – No wonder you have such big hooters, TITania…
A wild SIMON appeared!…Thought we’d forgotten about him for the rest of the episode. He would’ve made a better brick joke if his return were prolonged, y’know.
Strange question, but do priests wear pants?
Girls’ Last Tour 4
I’m listening to Ugoku Ugoku for the first time and it’s…strangely catchy…
That thing with the face is really creepy…
That thing is a stone statue???
“What IS cheese?” – Considering sometimes cheese tastes pretty bad, I don’t blame you for not knowing what cheese is.
Couldn’t they check the camera for what Kanazawa was doing with it?
I just saw the number 3230 on the camera’s inside frame for taking pictures (whatever you call it). That might be the year this show is set…
Notice the word for temple that’s used is jiin, a Buddhist temple. A Shinto version of that might be jinja.
Kanazawa was voiced by Akira Ishida? The guy who did Kiku (SGRS)??? NOOOOOOO! I missed a prime opportunity! I’ll have to go back for it later.
The ED is even more catchy than the OP. Is that even possible???
The camera breaks in the ED…that’s so ominous…
That post-ED scene was cute. A little bit.
Girls’ Last Tour 5
The slightly-electronic-sounding OP doesn’t quite fit the show, does it?
The phrase used was definitely ie dake ni. I’m not quite sure what that means, but…okay. I’ll just believe the subs on that one.
I wonder if Sentai is planning to dub these…I can imagine this show being dubbed.They wouldn’t need to pay too many VAs for it, for one thing.
Akogare is the word for desire or longing. It would be no surprise f there was an akogaru or akogarareru made from it as well.
Notice it’s “Yay!”, but with the word for house (ie) emphasised.
What is this fish dream, a metaphor for lesbians…?
The soundtrack guys must’ve had lots of fun striking cans or whatever.
I think this ED is different to the one last ep…Its name appears to be Amadare no Uta and it’s sung by the main VAs.
I bet the soundtrack guys hit a bell or two there…
Girls’ Last Tour 6
Oh no! It’s an Anime Scientist! Last time we had one, it was Shinawa (Kado), and you know how badly that went…
Interesting that the word for “takeoff” is “separation [from the] ground” literally.
Okay! I’m caught up to the weekly episodes now!
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bunnyandbirb · 7 years
Summer 2017 Bunny’s Anime Review: Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu
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Current Episode Count: 7/? MyAnimeList.Net Rating: 6.8/10
I’m not gonna lie. I was trying to find a show to watch for this post and had no idea what to watch. Birb gave me a few suggestions and I was like “Nah…” to all of them. Then she says “Watch the new pretty boy samurai anime.” So I immediately found the first episode without knowing a damn thing about it. Surprisingly, it wasn’t too bad. The music is beautiful and the art is really compelling. It does have that slight 3D feel to it that reminds you it was based on a game. I’ll run through the plot quick before getting to the important stuff.
Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu follows a group of samurai, called Sword Warriors, that are attempting to stop history from being changed by the Time Retrograde Army. Each of the samurai were once swords who were given human bodies when their masters died (Fun fact: they are all named after real weapons that were created. Historical accuracy bitches). The leader of the samurai, Saniwa, has the ability to detect time anomalies so they have a general idea of when the army is going to try and change time. Every time they go back, they use knowledge of history to figure out what events should take place and stop the army from interfering. The first 5 episodes follow the newly created Second Unit who are attempting to stop the army in the 1863. The next 2 episodes seem to be about the First Unit. It’s not clear yet if the rest of the show will switch units again or what will happen. That’s enough to get you started. There honestly isn’t a ton more to say about the actual plot. But there is a ton to say about the very pretty samurai. I’m gonna break it down for you by character, mostly just focusing on the second unit.
Izuminokami Kanesada
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Kanesada is the main character of the show and eventually captain of the Second Unit. He has that typical anime samurai look to him so I was expecting for him to be the cool and aloof type. When we first meet him, when he’s fighting the Time Retrograde Army, he does fight with that “This is so easy” kind of feeling. Although he might have aspects of that stereotype in him, he also freaks out a good amount too. When the first mission of the Second Unit ends poorly, Kanesada questions his leadership ability and if history was really not altered since so many people died. At this point in the series, it does seem that he’s starting to question if what they are doing is good or not. Kanesada has a rivalry with Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki. I love his hair so much, even if I’m not the biggest fan of his character.
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Horikawa Kunihiro (a.k.a. The Weak One)
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Horikawa is the other main character. He is a new Sword Warrior and is the assistant to Kane-san, as he calls him. His outfit looks a lot more like a dapper English gentleman. I don’t really know why. He’s definitely the typical “I’m in everyone’s way” type of character and often doubts his own abilities. He never really makes major mistakes but for some reason still decides he’s doing terribly. Horikawa is probably my least favorite of the pretty boy samurai. I was waiting for him to have some sort of epic moment but most of the time he’s just there. He really just serves the purpose of giving a reason for the other characters to explain what is happening so the audience can also understand. There really isn’t a lot to say about him.
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Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki (a.k.a Naruto Uzumaki)
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Okay so Mutsunokami’s name is obviously not Naruto. But he is literally the same type of character. Loud and impulsive? Check and check. Spends most of his time talking about food or eating? Check.  Is more devoted to saving people than anyone else? Check. They’re all orphans since they started as swords, so I won’t count that as a character trait. But everything else is basically a perfect match. He even has a rivalry with another character (although it is never quite clear why him and Izuminokami hate each other so much). The coolest thing about him is that he’s the only character who uses a gun as well as a sword. Of course, he’s very trigger happy but it does allow for a different fighting style that probably suits his character more. Also, he’s ripped as fuck.
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Yagen Toushirou (a.k.a. Mr. Short Shorts)
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Okay, I’m not gonna lie; Yagen is probably my favorite. Which makes me uncomfortable. Because of those damn shorts (see below for legs)! Yagen is the most confusing character. He has a very shouta feel to him with his outfit and his purple eyes. But his voice is surprisingly deep. He’s definitely the edgy, angsty one who also happens to look like a school boy. There was one scene where Yagen scoff/smirked and I was sold. He’s the rogue type character. Two smaller knives are his weapon of choice and he also has a basic knowledge of medicine (of course there’s a scene of him fixing his own wound). True to form, his backstory is a little bit of a mystery and he isn’t very talkative. It is clear though that he holds a few of the other warriors in high esteem and doesn’t really look down on people. It confuses me that the shortest pretty boy is also my favorite but I’m trying to just accept it.
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Tonbokiri is the buff, experienced warrior. He has the most brute strength of all of them but isn’t as impulsive as Mutsunokami. He uses a spear to fight which is pretty cool. In an RPG, he’d be the typical tank warrior type. When they have to fight an Ootachi, a much stronger demon, Tonbokiri is the one who holds off the demon while the others leave to fight elsewhere. He can take a decent amount of damage and has some pretty high stamina. He’s also the self-sacrificing type (important in a tank) and ends up severely injured during the Ootachi fight. Don’t worry, he ends up being alright. I don’t really have much to say about him. He spent a whole episode basically in a coma so he’s behind on the character development front. I like his magenta hair?
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Tsurumaru Kuninaga
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Tsurumaru is the last member of the Second Unit that we are introduced to. He doesn’t make an appearance until episode 4. When the Second Unit ends up fighting a much bigger army than they expected, he gets sent back in time to join the fight. He’s probably my second favorite member. While Yagen is the angsty type, Tsurumaru is the troublemaker type. He talks shit to the demons while they are fighting and gets yelled at for being a troublemaker when the unit goes back to the Citadel (the home base for the Sword Warriors). We don’t know a ton about his character yet since he has only been around for a few episodes, but I’m interested to see where they go with his character. His white hair and gold eyes are pretty cool. He almost looks like the typical “terminally ill” character (think Bleach) but I’m pretty sure he’s not. I hope.
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Bonus: Konnosuke
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I almost forgot! Each unit is given a talking fox who basically acts as the liaison between Saniwa and the group. The foxes can record what is happening so they can check that no history has been altered. They also basically are databases and can search who is in the area and what important events will take place within a span of time. Konnosuke is the fox who travels with the Second Unit. He really likes deep fried tofu. We meet a couple more of the foxes in the other episodes and it’s obvious they all have slightly different personalities.
The Rest
I’ll quickly run through the names of the rest of the pretty boys because you can never have too many pretty boys.
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He seems to be the one who is in charge of everyone. He can detect the time anomalies and is definitely very powerful. His eyes are fucking huge.
Yamanbagiri Kunihiro
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The newly appointed captain of the First Unit. I love his voice. He’s obviously ashamed about his sword past but it’s currently a mystery. He’s in the running to be my favorite
Mikazuki Munechika
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The oldest Sword Warrior. He seems sketchy to me and I feel like he has a hidden agenda. He’s probably the best fighter but pretends he’s too old to fight.
Higekiri and Hizamaru
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Twins, since every pretty boy show needs to have a set of twins. The one in black is the most excitable. The one in white seems a little bit like a psychopath. We’ll see.
Oodenta Mitsuyo
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Extremely violent. The only character we’ve seen who just straight up punches some of the demons. Could easily go on a killing rampage and it would be in character.
That’s most of the pretty boys, or at least the ones I care about. If you want a show just to look at cute guys, watch this. If you want a really good plot and interesting characters, you can probably skip this. I’ll probably watch the whole damn thing (thanks Birb).
~ Stay tuned for nonsense ~
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verdigrisprowl · 8 years
Lost Light Stream - Transformers Prime 53-56
Prowl tried to help with the bargain thing Rodimus asked him about a month ago. He decided he wasn’t going to make progress.
Soundwave danced at DDR. It was the most important thing to happen tonight, and perhaps in all Lost Light Stream history.
Welcome to the 'lostlightstream' room. Smokescreen: Delete that! Airachnid: Make me. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[Unclear. We will see.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: //Not bad. Got to crunch up some rubble back home. Had me a damn good day.// Smokescreen: Don't make me go over there, Spidey. Timeline: they are gonna wonder around now looking up at everyone CptRodimus: *chuckles* The simple thing right? Airachnid: And what are you going to do about it? Airachnid: Cry again? Shockbox: *Hm. He pings an okay. The other is probably busy.* Whirl: Hey, she's on MY couch. If you come over here and start something, I WILL end it, Smokescreen. CptRodimus: We waiting on anyone else? Ima start Smokescreen: Spidey- you wanna fight? I'll fight you later- Airachnid: Fine. Smokescreen: I won't fight her now, but you can't stop me once I'm out of here. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ain't nothin' like it for when ya gotta work off anger.// ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He is ready when the others are.]] Whirl: I don't care what you two do when you're out of here. Fight, or play tiddly-winks, or do a tango, for all I care. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((sorry if i'm slow, i'm eating dinner and typing lmao)) Smokescreen: And spidey- you win, you can torture. Bruin: *lots of footsteps, woops they were almost late* Whirl: ((Rodimus we watched these last week)) ItsyBitsySpyers: {{It Bruin bot!}} Zoooom. Smokescreen: GEE KNOCK OUT HOW LONG WERE YOU THERE Whirl: ((we did Inside Job through darkest Hour)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((wait yeah we're on S3E1)) Whirl: ((we're on season 3 episode 1!)) CptRodimus: ((rodimus wasnt there >_> he wouldnt know >_> ItsyBitsySpyers: ((OH)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Ah. Rodimus, we covered this set.]] Airachnid: Oh but I think I already won. CptRodimus: ...? Smokescreen: waitwaitwait-- can we get to the part where I'm in the sky? Smokescreen: You haven't won! Smokescreen: ...... Shockbox: *is allowing the others to take care of this episode mishap.* Whirl: ((i'll let y'all sort it out, gotta finish up dinner)) Timeline: Timeline is watching with wide optics "what was that? CptRodimus: I swear I havnt shown them its a playlist Smokescreen: geez they really like showing my insides, huh? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[At Dancitron, last week. He thought you might have captain's business keeping you.]] Airachnid: Whatever you say Smokescreen, whatever you say. CptRodimus: You just---- Smokescreen: You haven't won anything, Starscream. CptRodimus: THis one too? Airachnid: Yes. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes. Through to after the base was destroyed.]] Smokescreen: Still- I learned something valuable from that! /He's going to turn on his phase shifter and pull out a cube of high grade from his chest./ Timeline: horrifide internal screaming Airachnid: [she's not even going to pass a glace anymore] CptRodimus: ? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[This one and the one following. You are looking for the tape he labeled... hmm]] Bruin: *yay, there's a free shoulder for lazerbeak* Timeline: "WHAT WAS THAT THING HE DID" -they are pointing at smokescreen- ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Darkmount, NV]] Smokescreen: .... Smokescreen: oh primus I remember what's coming up Airachnid: :3c Whirl: *peels up the corner of his cube and huffs it softly, trying to get a scent& CptRodimus: *grumbling to himself* CptRodimus: This one?@ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Ah, yes. Thank you.]] Smokescreen: .......... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[By the way, your lap ornament has trouble with this set.]] Timeline: "oh that doesn't look nice" ItsyBitsySpyers: [[So you are aware.]] Windchill: *APPEARS* Whirl: *swivels his helm around as soon as Windcill walks in. It's just you and the spider lady tonight* Smokescreen: ... CptRodimus: Mechs tend to with base destruction Smokescreen: poor wheeljack.... FakeProwl: *arrives, belatedly* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods to Prowl. Couch?* Shockbox: (( oh that megatron, he's a fine guy. )) Shockbox: (( you could say he's)) Shockbox: (( armless )) Whirl: Okay, I got two questions. First of all--*holds up his cube and looks at Soundwave* What is this? And second of all... where's Frenzy? FakeProwl: *who else is on the couch* Quark: One arm Megatron ItsyBitsySpyers: *Just him.* Windchill: *He's going to sit down while all of this docudrama happens, k* FakeProwl: *then he'll take it* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Quark is also here though.* Smokescreen: HA they sure fragged up at all that- ItsyBitsySpyers: ((which i wasn't sure of because they were so quiet omg i'm sorry)) Timeline: *horrifide face at the screen* FakeProwl: *prowl checked his usual couches and failed to check the rest of the room. what looked like Optimus's corpse distracted him* Whirl: *scoots to make room for Windchill's HUMONGOUS BUTT* FakeProwl: *that's an interesting start* Windchill: *SITS HIS GINORMOUS BUTT DOWN* Smokescreen: .... Windchill: I see you kept it warm for me, thanks. Airachnid: [she's just watching Smokescreen's reaction to all this] Whirl: Of couse. *shifts position and very delicately props his feet up on Windchill* Feel free to make use of my footstool, by the way. *to Airachnid* Timeline: "what is this?1?!" Smokescreen: /He's just starting to curl up already./ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Frenzy is busy working and that is Praxus Pucker-Up.]] CptRodimus: *pat pat* Airachnid: [she barely heard him at first] I'll keep it in mind Whirl. Shockwave: ((SPRINTS IN AND SLIDES INTO HOME BASE)) Shockwave: ((DID I MISS HIM DID I MISS MY SON)) Whirl: ((SAFE)) Whirl: ((not yet we just started)) ItsyBitsySpyers: //Boss, we gotta get some of these.// ItsyBitsySpyers: [[No.]] Shockwave changed their nickname to Txen. CptRodimus: WHat is what? Windchill: (( Making some elixir of life brb )) Quark: *Walks in and sits down in a near by chair Smokescreen: ........ Txen: ((okay i'm gonna be Txen tonight so i dont have to fuss about switching for 4 people)) Timeline: "that looks like that time I tried to space bridge a flower" Shockbox: ((ahhhhh, you brought the preds today? )) Whirl: *tentatively takes a sip; I'm guessing this is a very sour drink?* Hmm. Tangy. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Massive fusion cannons.]] Whirl: Ugh, he's got a THRONE. What a loser. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((very acid-burn, very sour)) Smokescreen: megatron stop calling that number Whirl: ((ROGER. So translated into whirl's weak sense of taste... QUITE TANGY)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lol)) Smokescreen: It's a pretty comfy throne, at least, but... Airachnid: That lie was almost believeable. Whirl: Anyone who loses it enough to plop themselves on a throne is due for termination, in my opinion. That's a good sign someone's gone mad with power. FakeProwl: I wouldn't trust him if he told me my own name with that tone of voice. Txen: ((ok when is most dramatic to come in late lululul)) Whirl: *takes another, long sip* This stuff ain't half bad. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Amused bob* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((with your boy, of course)) Whirl: *SNRKS at Prowl* Txen: ((wish i could remember when that is exactly but yeeeeeeeeee)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((the end)) Smokescreen: .... A literally low profile for me FakeProwl: *oh. EXTREMELY belatedly—* Whirl: ((fowler <3 <3 <3)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble stretches out on the couch. If Rodimus' knee is still available, he's using that as a foot rest. If not, he's kicking Smokescreen's leg* FakeProwl: @Rodimus *comm ping* Timeline: -looks up at Rodimus- "An exploding space bridge is a pretty thing to see but after it messy" Whirl: *GOO,D, Rumble. You've been taught well* Smokescreen: /He's still curled up and is trying to ignore the kicking there/ Txen: (("did the trick" aka sold toys)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave shakes his helm. He STILL cannot believe the Vehicon did not think past paint jobs.* Airachnid: [she's still watching Smokescreen] FakeProwl: ((ultra Hasbro marketing technique: "but it's not safe enough. we should change your paint twice a week just to be completely safe.")) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((DON'T GIVE THEM IDEAS)) Smokescreen: /He's not crying yet, though. Sorry, Spidey./ Airachnid: [she can wait, she's a patient arachnicon] Smokescreen: Primus, everyone was going through so much... Windchill: (( Wheeljack, always the damsel in distress. )) CptRodimus: *spoiler flickers* CptRodimus: You never asked them? Windchill: He looks awful. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Heh heh. Yeah, sure. That's some plan he's makin'.// Smokescreen: I didn't really want to tell 'em about what was going on for me then-- Smokescreen: And I mean- I heard bits and pieces, but not thwe whole story. Smokescreen: ....... /Hearing Optimus does get him crying./ ItsyBitsySpyers: ((the one thing that bothered me about this asspull explanation-- ItsyBitsySpyers: ((if he had the phase shifter, he could have had everyone touch him and they would've survived the base explosion)) Txen: ((~asspulls~)) Windchill: (PFFFFT )) Smokescreen: ((I figure smokescreen just didn't think of that)) FakeProwl: ((smokescreen has to be a special snowflake alone or not at all)) Airachnid: [chinhands at Smokescreen] FakeProwl: ((so sayeth the writers)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes. yes it could.]] Txen: ((*shakes fist at writers*)) Shockbox: (( smh. )) Smokescreen: /Trying to turn away from Airachnid there- uggh/ Shockbox: (( BIRB. )) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Laserbeak remembers this now. She abandons Bruin and tries to worm her way behind Soundwave's back to dock* Txen: ((deploy the cute baby)) boomtank: ((is here now, hai Smokescreen: GOOD JOB JACK YOU RUINED EVERYTHING ItsyBitsySpyers: *He leans forward to give her room to do so before sitting back again* Bruin: *oh bye birb* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Buzzsaw will take her place though* Windchill: *Sighs* FakeProwl: *Prowl thinks he knows how this is going to end for Laserbeak* Airachnid: That's what you get for texting your mother. boomtank: -wanders in a bit late- Windchill: How dare he. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Greetings, Blaster.]] CptRodimus: *waves at blaster* Smokescreen: But-- he could've gotten hurt! And he could've gotten Arcee hurt! Bruin: *and hellooo buzzsaw* boomtank: Hello, Soundwave -and waves back at Rodimus- Whirl: *no real expression on his faceless visage; he just seems to be enjoying his drink* Txen: ((gratuitous slomo)) Airachnid: Why don't you talk to your human friend about that? He IS alive in your universe isn't he? Smokescreen: He is-- I just-- I haven't talked to anyone back on Earth in a while. Smokescreen: Don't really want to tell them about Cybertron and how-- you know. boomtank: ...oh Airachnid: Or you'll start crying again? FakeProwl: *murmurs* Are my audials deceiving me, or is Smokescreen criticizing thoughtless recklessness? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They do not.]] CptRodimus: BOOM Whirl: HA! Smokescreen: ... Whirl: Nice, ItsyBitsySpyers: *Muffled whirring from behind him. He reaches a feeler behind himself and taps his back* Airachnid: [LAUGHS] Windchill: Obvious. Smokescreen: Airachnid, can you go jump in a scraplet pit CptRodimus: Awesome FakeProwl: Hmm. Imagine that. Whirl: Oh, dang, Laserbeak. Arcee a little to spicy for ya? *sly sidelong look* Bruin: * aw heck not again, sympathetic rumbling noises* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Long, long stare at Whirl.* Whirl: *is he supposed to feel bad for ribbing Laserbeak* Smokescreen: HA Knock Out- really? Txen: ((MY BOY)) Smokescreen: soundwave put those away Whirl: *because he doesn't. It's not like Laserbeak is DEAD* Airachnid: :3c ItsyBitsySpyers: *He may feel whatever he wants. Soundwave will think what he wants.* Smokescreen: why does it have to show those feelers like that Smokescreen: why does this show do that ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Because he was inspecting his deployer.]] boomtank: ...? Windchill: It's history you boob Smokescreen: I know it's history! But does it have to show the feelers like that Smokescreen: BOOB Bruin: *OH FRAG* Shockbox: *he sits up straighter. * Whirl: *surely he expects this sort of cavalier attitude towards violence and injury by now* Windchill: (( Finally my thirst can be quenched. )) Txen: *an unfamiliar figure temporarily fills the doorway. Predaking strides in, flanked by Darksteel and Skylynx. A few seconds later, Shockwave follows, finishing out the little 'royal retinue'* Whirl: Oh, hey! Look who it is, boomtank: -NOPE- Shockbox: *of course his alternate survived, and- oh! speak of the devil.* CptRodimus: Its your all purple people eater ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage temporarily leaps onto Prowl's lap to keep from being squashed by the Predacons as they pass* Smokescreen: :O /Waving at the predacons!!/ Airachnid: [glaring at all of the newfound company] Quark: Wep the table just tilt over to the cons even more Shockbox: *how impeccable, his timing.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He then hops off again as soon as Soundwave reminds him not to do that.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Greetings, Shockwave.]] Whirl: *blinks and immediately looks at Darksteel; Whirl sits up a little straighter, looking as if he's about to say something... but subsides. That's not the Darksteel he knows* FakeProwl: ((lsdkfjlj. every time i haven't seen shockwave in a while i forget that he doesn't sound like G1 shockwave.)) Whirl: *or, knew* Windchill: *What the heck just walked in?* CptRodimus: Failed to accurrtly hit anything you mean Shocky. Txen: *a coincidence, of course. still, fitting.* FakeProwl: ... Excuse you. *a little warning would have been nice.* Smokescreen: PFFF-- /Offering his servo for a high five for Rodimus/ Shockbox: *he's very distracted by the display, but he pings a greeting over to his alternate.* Windchill: (( Until, one day. )) Shockbox: *he is alone on the wave couch today.* Whirl: *he looks over the others curiously, but returns his attention to the screen, somewhat disappointed* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage dips his helm. That's the best he's got.* Windchill: (( I made contact with Megatron. )) Smokescreen: ... Shockwave sounds almost sad there FakeProwl: *he'll pretend that was an apology.* Whirl: Oh, PLEASE tell me you HIT him, Shockwave. Txen: *Shockwave nods in return to the greetings and ignores the attempts to tease him for his aim* Windchill: It kind of happens when people think you're dead, no big deal. CptRodimus: Dude got left behind, it sucks. boomtank: ((and how many Shockwaves are in the room? Shockbox: (( two. )) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((two)) Smokescreen: I know it does-- boomtank: ((two too many for Blaster ItsyBitsySpyers: //You been left behind, mech?// Whirl: Damn. Missed opportunity. Shockbox: (( his little antennae twitches kill me every time. )) Shockbox: (( excuse me, i need to fan myself. )) Smokescreen: HAH I am so glad for Knock Out existing Smokescreen: just take some of the corn right there Txen: *Predaking scans the room for the open couch most resembling a throne and eases into a seat. DS and Lynx are sniffing curiously. they're all kind of skeptical about this 'spacecraft' thing* Windchill: That would be stealing, Smokes. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He did not know when to stop toying with Starscream.]] Smokescreen: but he needs to eat Windchill: Not that badly, apparently. boomtank: .... Quark: ...........When did we get a Predacon? Whirl: There's only one time to stop toying with Starscream: when you're ready to snuff him. FakeProwl: *maybe this time. trying again.* FakeProwl: *comm ping @Rodimus?* Smokescreen: cryptid ratchet CptRodimus: *ping response* Windchill: It's Sasquatch. Smokescreen: he's even in the bigfoot pose Whirl: ((PFFT)) Whirl: Ratsquatch. Txen: Skylynx: *snorts at Quark* One? Try three. agoodidstraction: what did I miss? Smokescreen: ratchet's a cryptid Windchill: That sounds even worse. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Ah, yes. This.]] Airachnid: You being tortured. Whirl: YOU. Shockbox: *Oh Starscream. So petty.* agoodidstraction: oh good Whirl: *sits up and points at Wheeljack* I got WORDS for you, mech. agoodidstraction: What? Smokescreen: ..... Airachnid: [cackles] Whirl: What the hell was in that cy-gar you gave me> Windchill: ... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He did see it. That's why he refreshed it.]] Smokescreen: soundwave did you refresh the page there while starwasnt looking Whirl: Last week, I mean. Smokescreen: AHA ItsyBitsySpyers: *NOBODY HEARD THAT* agoodidstraction: Silver, mercury, maybe some other scrap Txen: *Predaking cracks a smirk at Starscreams misfortune* FakeProwl: ... Why would you sabotage Starscream? CptRodimus: @Prowl ::Sup?:: FakeProwl: *he's sitting right here, he heard it* Airachnid: Because why not? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Because he had already defected.]] Shockbox: (( 'because *** starscream' can be a very adequate reason. )) Whirl: It was a drug, wasn't it? It wasn' a NORMAL cy-gar at all. *narrows his optic* You slipped me something! Smokescreen: New drinking game: Take a drink every time Starscream is embarrassing agoodidstraction: Oh great I'm here for this scrap Airachnid: I think we would die if we did that. Bruin: *preemptive exit* boomtank: -once again, NOPE- agoodidstraction: HA FakeProwl: @Rodimus «I apologize for the belated reply. But—what was up with that matter you commed me about? Trading innermost energon for something?» Shockbox: *still rather curious about the path.* Smokescreen: shockwave is actually pretty agoodidstraction: And yeah, Whirl, I thought ya wanted to party FakeProwl: *he's had a busy month* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Appears to have successfully distracted from his vow by mentioning his betrayal. Is pleased* Bruin: *wait. nevermind he didnt even mannage tto get up* Shockbox: *gives smokescreen a look.* Whirl: *eyes Wheeljack warily for a few moments* If you pull something like that on me again, I will gut you. boomtank: -Nope. Nopenopenope, out the door he goes- agoodidstraction: You didn't wanna be high? Shockbox: *it doesn't communicate anything, but it's a look. * Windchill: That smelter is shaped like Whirl: *snip snips a claw* Got it? None of that slag. Ever. Windchill: A BUTT Txen: *cant find what isnt there. unfortunately, wheeljacks mind is exceptionally empty* agoodidstraction: Frag yeah Airachnid: [she'll look forward to that, doesn't blame Whirl for being upset] agoodidstraction: *hey frag u* FakeProwl: At what point did you defect? CptRodimus: @Prowl ::That was--- hella long ago. It's too late now all fragged up.:: Windchill: Do none of these know how to dogfight? Windchill: I'm dissapointed. Whirl: *Whirl should know better than to accept cy-gars from the likes of Wheeljack* Booze though... you can slip me all the booze you like. *relents* Whirl: Of course they don't. They JETS. Whirl: Sadly inferior fliers. FakeProwl: @Rodimus «I'd still like to know what it was about.» agoodidstraction: Alright, then let's do shots. Smokescreen: uh huh, sure starry Whirl: No offense. *nudges Windchill* Smokescreen: /Drink drink drink/ Windchill: We're not usually THAT pitiful. Windchill: That was just obscene. Whirl: Compared to any chopper with his salt, you are. Smokescreen: I'd say drink every time I was embarrassing, but we'd also die with that Windchill: Maybe, but that's not my point. boomtank: -is the heights scene over?- Windchill: Can we compare them to other jets for a second? Windchill: It makes them look even worse. Txen: *Shockwave goes to sit next to Soundwave as always. DS and Lynx spend a minute elbowing each other in excitement before going to help themselves to one of everything from the snack table* Windchill: I don't expect they were even trained. Smokescreen: ..... Shockbox: *you sure about sitting next to soundwave. soundwave isn't on the wave couch.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[After the Omega Lock. When both sides finished destroying Cybertron.]] Shockbox: *and prowl is with him. * Txen: *...isnt he?* Whirl: Of course they weren't--these 'Cons treated their drone warriors like scrap. You think hey'd bother TRAINING THEM? Pfft. Txen: *prowl means nothing and may as well not exist* Whirl: ((also can I say... JEFFREY.... COMBS!!!!)) Smokescreen: ....... Windchill: Depends on who's in charge and when. Windchill: (( ALWAYS. )) Shockbox: *eh, true. but as far as i know, i'm sitting alone.* Whirl: I mean, specifically, the command structure we see HERE. On these documentaries. Whirl: Megatron and his cronies. Smokescreen: Is it that wrong to give up fighting like that? agoodidstraction: Whirl. I'm buyin' drinks. Smokescreen: ................ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They did not know yet. He coud not tell them. We were... trying to determine what to do.]] Windchill: No argument there. CptRodimus: @Prowl ::Doesn't matter now.  Chance is all burned out.:: Windchill: *He's seen the evidence.* Whirl: ... *looks to Wheeljack* If you feel like sliding one my way, I won't say no. Txen: *apparently latecomers dont get the best seats in the house* agoodidstraction: Any special orders? Whirl: Ravage gave me this really good one, though. *waves an atomically sour/acidic drink in the air. Whirl loves it, of course* It's no gaugebuster but it's really tangy. boomtank: -peers back in- ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i thought the wave couch and slendy's couch were the same thing...)) Whirl: Oh, a gaugebuster, definitely. If you can get your hands on one. Windchill: They wiped out as many seekers as they could, so nobody was left who knew how to do anything, or even cared. In terms of aerial troops, I mean. Whirl: *TWO flavors?? IN ONE DAY? THAT'D BE AMAZING* Txen: ((it was only wave couch once there were three waves on it haha)) agoodidstraction: You got it. FakeProwl: @Rodimus «That isn't what I asked, but fine.» Smokescreen: theyre so close I'm so happy for them aaaaaaa?? Whirl: ((true love, bulkhead)) Whirl: ((true love)) Shockbox: (( eh, i don't even know anymore. i know i said  i was sitting in my usual spot, and you later went on to say that only quark was sitting with you when prowl wanted to join.* Shockbox: *)) Shockbox: (( so i presumed you weren't on the usual couch. )) FakeProwl: ((schrodinger's wave couch.)) FakeProwl: ((they both are and aren't on the same couch until txen shows up to ask)) Smokescreen: I can't believe Megatron had all the fliers painted in Starscream's colors Txen: ((how long it is grows with every new person to sit on it)) Smokescreen: ... probably after that thing with me ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i thought you meant your boy took his spot near the front of the room again, and i meant quark was in the room, not on his couch lol)) Whirl: I chalk THIS up to incompetent leadership. *gestures to the screen* When you outnumber the 'Bots so, so ridiculously HEAVILY, and you STILL get shown up, I'd say that the deficiency is in quality, not ItsyBitsySpyers: ((the couch is just soundwave's feelers supporting people)) agoodidstraction: *sits by Whirl and pushes over a drink* Bottom's up. Whirl: quantity. But, I'm just calling it as I see it here. Txen: ((ok so shockwave IS sitting in his spot. yes? yes.)) CptRodimus: Why are they throwing f listers at them? Smokescreen: Wheeljack-- can I have a drink, too? Windchill: Well, to be fair. Airachnid: [cackles] agoodidstraction: Come on over, kid. Txen: ((gay)) Whirl: *if Wheeljack wants to sit near Whirl, he'll have to wiggle in between either Airachnid or Windchill* Windchill: You have to be incompetent to systematically destroy your only tactical advantage to begin with, Smokescreen: But Rodimus is a comfy seat Airachnid: [she's not moving] Shockbox: (( yes, let's go with that. and let's solidify the fact that my usual spot is on the wave couch. )) Whirl: Agreed. Thanks, 'Jack. *he will take this drink in the other claw; is this the Gaugebuster of legend? Or a special brew?* Airachnid: [she loves that little smile of Ratchet's] Smokescreen: I miss Ratchet too now and everyone and Airachnid: [so precious] Shockbox: *he greets his alternate when he joins the couch.* agoodidstraction: *he'll just hang around then* CptRodimus: Ratchet is such a Tsudere. agoodidstraction: That's your Gaugebuster, mech. Smokescreen: A what now ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We barely had anyone else to throw at them, Rodimus.]] Txen: *DS perks and stops stacking his plate comically high to look at Whirl* Did somebody say 'Gaugebuster'? agoodidstraction: auuuugh ItsyBitsySpyers: //This fragger, I swear to fraggin Primus...// Smokescreen: ULTAR MGNUSA ItsyBitsySpyers: //Hey! It's me!// boomtank: Magnus boomtank: Is he as strict as the one from my timeline? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You have no idea.]] Whirl: *hoists his second cube up to toast Darksteel* You know it, mech! Smokescreen: babyking Whirl: *bottoms up; Whirl takes a long pull. He speaks while he's drinking* This is the good stuff. agoodidstraction: Did a lot of timelines have predacons? Shockbox: *Oh, right, shockbox doesn't even know who the predacons are.* Whirl: I dunno if we do. Whirl: Aside from Razorclaw's boys. Smokescreen: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABYKING Airachnid: Mine had them, but they were not brought back to life by Shockwave. boomtank: Not mine, thankfully Whirl: ((The Baby)) boomtank: Because a class like that would...uh...no. Txen: ((dem claws on shocky tho)) Smokescreen: i wanna pet him Whirl: Oh, hey! *swivels around and nods towards Predaking* It's you! Smokescreen: ... /wait frag predaking's in the room/ Shockbox: *...looks like the rest of the chat has given him all the context he needs to figure out that beasts such as this one are among us at present.* Windchill: A unicorn would have been cooler. Txen: *Predaking blinks– he’d been paying close attention* Indeed. It is I. Bruin: *looking from the screen to the predacons.. oh waohh* Shockbox: *….he approves.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Your majesty.]] *Helm bob* Smokescreen: … Oh yeahhh Shocks has made babies before agoodidstraction: !!!!!!!!!! Whirl: Welcome to movie night, I guess. *toasts predaking with the Gaugebuster* agoodidstraction: why’s everyone obsessed with my energon Windchill: You’re just juicy, dude. Whirl: *SNICKERS* Smokescreen: It’s pretty weird, yeah! agoodidstraction: why me Whirl: Ohh, analogue flight, right? Nice. Airachnid: [she’s glad that this beast doesn’t exist in her universe] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Because you’re an easy target.]] Txen: *inclines helm to Soundwave and Whirl. just his due respect* boomtank: -debating just staying in the hall- Smokescreen: Maybe they’re all vampires but only with your energon CptRodimus: *turn to look at who talked* OH hey– your the dragon? Whirl: ((i hope all of you are ready for Whirl Fanboying Maybe Just a Little)) Txen: ((gdi im so bad at identifiers. that was predaking lol)) Windchill: Maybe there are vampires here, in the room, right now. Txen: ((..also my universe’s predaking has a gnarly missing optic jsyk)) Smokescreen: :O ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave glances at Windchill. What do you know. Who told you.* Whirl: Better watch out, Wheeljack. Windchill: *There’s at least one bloodsucker in here that he knows of.* Whirl: *he’s gonna chug his super-sour drink so he can nurse the GB* Txen: ((snif did you miss darksteel asking about gaugebusters)) Smokescreen: Hope there aren’t any though- that’s pretty weird! Whirl: ((Nah, Whirl responded!)) Windchill: But there might be. CptRodimus: Maaaaaaaaaaaagnus Smokescreen: ughrhghh magnus why Txen: ((darn i missed it)) agoodidstraction: I’m not an easy target, frag you Txen: (sorry)) boomtank: Ah. That’s Magnus. Whirl: ((he toasted Darksteel, drank, and said while drinking [like a weirdo] basically, THIS IS THE BEST__ Whirl: Oh, NO. OH NO. Whirl: IT’S MAGNUS. Smokescreen: ... still miss seeing him though Whirl: Oh nooooo. I thought I was free. I can't believe this. How could you do this to me, Soundwave. Whirl: ((you're fine dude, it's hectic 8) )) boomtank: You can have mine ItsyBitsySpyers: //You ain't never free from him. I mean, me.// Whirl: *begins to continue lamenting but just snickers instead. Dammit Rumble* Smokescreen: ME ITS ME agoodidstraction: One, two, three *chugs* Whirl: Now, Wheeljack. You said you weren't an easy target... but does this mean you do admit to Windchill's charges? Whirl: *finishes chugging and fixes Wheeljack with the most serious optic of all* Are you juicy? Smokescreen: ... GEE HI SPIDEY Airachnid: Alternate. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Haaaaa!// Windchill: Maybe we should bite him and find out. agoodidstraction: I AM juicy Smokescreen: :o agoodidstraction: I'm the juiciest Whirl: I'll leave you that honor, Windchill, as I'm lacking the necessary biting bits. *snorts and ses his empty cube aside; time to hunch over his drink and savor the bouquet* Smokescreen: wheeljuicy Whirl: Oh, wow. Txen: DS: *he and Lynx plop down on the floor near Whirl with giant plates of snacks.* Most of you bipeds don't seem too good at handling that kind of fuel. *sniffs at the nearby bots* Whirl: Nice. Windchill: 'K, I'll bite the heck out him. CptRodimus: NEAT CptRodimus: Firebreathing! Shockbox: *really studying how predaking's fire breathing works.* agoodidstraction: why didn't I get dragons? Smokescreen: man predaking must be really warm and cozy and great for cuddling Whirl: *nods distractedly, watching the screen* Yeah. I've got next to no sense of taste, most of the time. *looks down properly* So stuff like this is heaven sent. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Perhaps Rodimus should show off a bit for the Predacons later. Have a flame on moment.* Airachnid: Do you have... negative surivival instincts? Whirl: But I got to actually taste it once. Liked to knock me unconscious. In short--it was GREAT, boomtank: -yup. Staying in the hall- Txen: PK: *snorts at Smokescreen's comment* agoodidstraction: I'm a Wrecker Smokescreen: ... Look- I'm not gonna go over and cuddle with Preds right now, but if Predaking ever sounded interested, I'd be 1000% down Whirl: *those WINGS though* Smokescreen: ... Also hi Preds! How're you doing? agoodidstraction: frag Txen: DS: Right??! *shares Whirls tastes in obscenely strong = awesome, apparently* CptRodimus: *laughs* I wonder who is hotter. Me or him? Txen: Predaking: Well, thank you. Smokescreen: You're hot in different ways! agoodidstraction: I'm cool CptRodimus: I bet me. Windchill: I'm hotter than either of you. CptRodimus: Iam hottest in a few ways. *winks at SS* Smokescreen: Aw- you're welcome! ... Seriously, if you're ever interested in cuddling, comm me. Bruin: Oh hot damn *can cybertronians drool, cause Brbuin is totaly doing the equivalent rn* CptRodimus: *looks over windchill* Not my flavour for that size. agoodidstraction: Cuddle pile Windchill: Your loss. Whirl: *LOOK AT HIM FLY* ItsyBitsySpyers: *They probably can and apparently some in here wouldn't blame him* Whirl: *IT'S FANTASTIC* Txen: Predaking: *looks a little taken aback by this offer* Whirl: I tend to run cool, myself. But yeah. If you guys have any other special brews like this--*waggles the cube at Darksteel* Let me know, mech. agoodidstraction: good to know every version of me *** hates magnus hahahaa ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You have no idea.]] Whirl: Arrgh I'm not nearly drunk enough to deal with Ultra Magnus. *TIME TO CHUG* agoodidstraction: Same agoodidstraction: I'm gettin seconds FakeProwl: *all right. he tried with Rodimus first and got a complete non-answer. Next.* agoodidstraction: Hey PROWL FakeProwl: *is going to ignore that* Smokescreen: /Giving Predaking a friendly grin and a thumbs up!/ agoodidstraction: Don't be a *** Prowl Whirl: Mech. You've got some moves. *swivels his helm to nod at Predaking* agoodidstraction: Prowl Whirl: Nice flying, ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage mutters something that might be a compliment about Predaking's tracking abilities. Even if they are inferior to his own.* Smokescreen: wheeljack no Whirl: ((predaking shows up,. everyone compliments him. he feels like the king he is. a good night)) Txen: DS: *shakes his helm* We can't make anything that good. Predacons just know how to hunt and eat things raw. So One-eye's lap ornam--- uh. We trade for it. Txen: ((A GOOD NIGHT)) Windchill: How is it that this spacecraft can't outrun an analog flier? Bruin: That was.. impressive agoodidstraction: It's a *** spacecraft Whirl: He must be that good. Windchill: *Was not impressed.* agoodidstraction: old grandpa cruiser Airachnid: Or it's a very slow ship. Whirl: *snickers--he caught that* So WHO is in charge of this brew, again? FakeProwl: @Soundwave «About a month ago Rodimus contacted me asking about a trade with Shockwave involving innermost energon? I redirected him to you. Did he comm you about it?» ItsyBitsySpyers: *WAS monitoring the frequencies closely. Decided not to say anything.* Windchill: It made it from Cybertron and back within a human lifetime, it can't be that slow. Txen: Predaking: *bows to your superior experience, oh small but mighty hunter* Windchill: Or from Cybertron to Earth, I mean. ItsyBitsySpyers: *WELL THEN. Ravage is pleased. He lifts his chin and closes his optics* CptRodimus: Magnus and his sudden dramatic earth arrivials. Ha. Whirl: Well. Slipspace travel isn't the same as flying through an atmosphere. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Affirmative. Smokescreen: stop calling him an it Starscream agoodidstraction: ((a friend of a friend introduced me to raf's voice actor last year andwe had ramen and text about guild wars. he is a cutie patootie omg)) Smokescreen: actually starscream just stop Windchill: Assuming that's what he did, it wasn't specified. Shockbox: (( holy ***, that's great. )) Whirl: ((omg)) Smokescreen: ((:OO NICE Windchill: *Frowns.* Whirl: I'd assume so. Whirl: *dramatically sighs and flops; half on windchill, and half on airahcnid. Sorry, Airachnid* I'm gonna need to bring more booze next time. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «What was that all about? I was about to start construction in Iacon so I couldn't ask him for more details. And now he doesn't feel like enlightening me.» Windchill: You need MORE? agoodidstraction: *halfway done with second cube* Txen: Predaking: *pleased by the compliments, but preening is beneath him* At this point, it was instinct more than skill. We Predacons come from a long legacy of apex predators. Airachnid: [she doesn't mind too much] Txen: ((sorry im so slow lmao)) Whirl: I need to be sloshed to deal with Magnus. Whirl: ((dude u fine)) Txen: Predaking: *tempted to growl when his onscreen counterpart did* agoodidstraction: This is *** why is everyone alive Airachnid: I do not blame you. Windchill: You guys are weird. agoodidstraction: What's this *** Smokescreen: ... okay sounds did you notice that I was dragging a hammer through darkmount and not say anything or did you frag up Windchill: He doesn't bother me. Smokescreen: ..... NO. CptRodimus: Awe, c'mon Magnus isn't bad once he  chills abit. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave points at the screen* Smokescreen: OPTIMUS. NO. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He knew what you were doing.]] Smokescreen: no no no no no boomtank: .... Whirl: Hey, if that was all instinct, then it's all the more impressive, mech. Airachnid: [chinhands in Smokescreen's direction] Smokescreen: ...... Windchill: Maybe you shouldn't have SMASHED IT THEN. Smokescreen: /Dangit no he's crying again./ Txen: DS: *shifting sheepishly in his seat when Whirl tells him to continue* Uh, you know... *drops his voice to a stage whisper, not that that works* Soundwave. The energon setup there is pretty -sweet.- Whirl: You and me are gonna hafta agree to disagree, Rodimus. He might be YOUR buddy, but he's not MINE. agoodidstraction: Smokey *hic* Airachnid: I do agree, if he wanted to restore Cybertron with it, she shouldn't have broken it. Smokescreen: all of you shhhh Windchill: No you shhh. Smokescreen: ... wheeljack Smokescreen: you shhh! Optimus knew what he was doing! He had to! Txen: ((*fart noise that sounds like 'op shouldve died instead of cockteasing it for five episodes straight*)) CptRodimus: *optic rolls* Well you get he is my buddy. Dont keep bashing him. agoodidstraction: ((omfg)) Smokescreen: ......... agoodidstraction: C'mere, want a sip? Whirl: *snickers; he is NEVER, EVER gonna forget Soundwave being called Shockwave's lap ornament. It is a thought that will amuse him in dark times. It will warm his spark and make him laugh in darkest hours Windchill: (( I hate that they dropped this plot thread jfc. )) CptRodimus: Orly, smokes? Smokescreen: ........... Airachnid: [LAUGHS HYSTICALLY] Smokescreen: /He's going over for that drink. And to curl up./ Whirl: *and since you can read his mind, Soundwave, YOU KNOW THIS* Yeah, I've spent some time at Dancitron. Prety cool. Not my kinda music, or my kinda scene, but it's not too bad. Txen: Skylynx: *noisily gobbling his plateful of snacks by just sticking his face into the pile* boomtank: Yeah, I'd have that look too CptRodimus: OPtimus told you... not the matrix? Airachnid: [MORE LAUGHER] Whirl: ((weh that's when it freezes for me)) boomtank: Leadership is a pain Smokescreen: /Chugchugchug he's trying to not answer anything/ Windchill: It's not that bad. boomtank: Really? Whirl: Oh my god. He's so HORRID. agoodidstraction: *** you magnus Whirl: Someone save me. *floops more* Windchill: Ewwww Whirl's touching me! boomtank: In my experience, it kinda is Windchill: *CRINGES.* Smokescreen: I think that was the one mistake Optimus mamde back there- Windchill: Maybe you don't have enough experience, then. Whirl: *rubs his feet all over Windchill's belly* Txen: Darksteel: *is a rude boy who's pushing his luck* We don't have -anything- like it on our planet yet. *theyre all wee bebes who see a nightclub and go AHHHHHH WHAT MAGIC IS THIS* Windchill: *Makes wretching sounds.* boomtank: ....right. We'll go with that. Txen: ((the preds are all like, 4 years old lmao SO INEXPERIENCE)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((okay i'm trying to get caught up in chat ONE: roddy since rodimus did not tell him it was a secret and he was there when the offer was made anyway would it be horrible if he told Prowl)) Windchill: *Shrugs while making wretching sounds. Sorry, dude, he's from Vos and Born Opinionated.* Whirl: *calmly continues his convo with Darksteel while rubbing his feet on Windchill and flopping on poor Airachnid* I think we used to, but I never went to places like that, myself. Airachnid: Then I think the Matrix needs a new set of standards. boomtank: -led what was left of the Autobots against Megatron when all other oficers were captured or killed- Whirl: You should travel, mech. See the multiverse. Smokescreen: I hate you Airachnid. Airachnid: :3c Smokescreen: ... But you're right. CptRodimus: ((rodimus already asummes anything he tell SW isnt pirvate anymore then no it will not make anymore issues Windchill: *Can't believe Whirl is mauling his stomach.* Whirl: *what part of this is not believeable* Windchill: *Well, to start with, Whirl is not believable. He is a myth.* Windchill: *A FANTASY.* Airachnid: [she's just going to pet Whirl, she wants to keep her servos preoccupied] Windchill: *If u know what I mean.* Whirl: *Whirl is obviously a cryptid* Smokescreen: Rodimus-- the matrix makes mistakes sometimes, right? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Life creation. Txen: Darksteel: *grin is more like a grimace* Maybe one day. Right now I gotta think of the kids. Windchill: *The song of his people.* Whirl: *WHAT THE DICK HE'S BEING PETTED. ...allows this* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Elaborate?» Whirl: *blinks; the tableau before Darksteel is even more ridiculous now* The kids? Oh--yeah, Shockwave talked about them, I think. You've got little Preds running around? Windchill: *Faintly offended that they're being referred to as seekers, but whatever.* CptRodimus: Ever met a purple Blurr, Smokescreen? Pretty sure Primus can *** up. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): This one's, Shockwave's timelines have protomatter creation knowledge. Txen: DS: *w/e hes in a babypile half of the day anyway* Yup! Sure do. Smokescreen: Purple Blurr? Blurrple? Whirl: Shockwave made 'em, right? We've still not gotten past the wholle 'how to repopulate' problem. CptRodimus: *chuckles* Txen: Skylynx: *chokes a little* I fraggin' HOPE he didn't make them... Whirl: Then who did? CptRodimus: Well... still got that silly weakness Bruin: Ooooh ouch Txen: DS: *laughs* Naw, mech. He created -us-. We, uh. Handled the rest. Whirl: Oh, damn. *LAUGHS* Smokescreen: But-- you know-- he made a mistake on this part in the documentary with me, right? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sits up slightly* CptRodimus: Ice cubed Whirl: Looks like they put you on ice, Predaking! ItsyBitsySpyers: *He likes watching this part quite a bit.* Shockbox: *is paying extremely close attention now.* CptRodimus: Primus Whirl: *looks back down to Darksteel, staring blankly for a moment* Ohhh. You guys propagate on your own, ight? Neat. Smokescreen: ........ CptRodimus: PPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFT Windchill: (( WHY AM I LAUGHING AT THAT SOUND. )) Txen: Predaking: *slight optic roll* I am susceptible to extreme shifts in temperature. It is of no permanent consequence. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «"Protomatter"?» Windchill: (( Sorry OP but your death throes amuse me. )) Smokescreen: ............ alpha trion was also-- ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Basic living metal. Cybermatter. Protoform material. Smokescreen: how can two mechs and the matrix be so wrong CptRodimus: magnus is still awesome to watch. boomtank: -okay, back inside the room, again- ItsyBitsySpyers: *Quietly taps the inky mesh of his middle with a feeler claw. This stuff.* Txen: DS: *nods* Where we're from, most of the more beastlike bots do. Bruin: Aw frag, thatt wont end well Whirl: Pfft, and they have the nerve to call YOU guys primitive. You can do things we CAN'T. boomtank: HOW Txen: DS: That's what I'm always SAYING! *this guy gets it* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Such a good part.* Whirl: Oh, hey! Even you're getting in on it, Shockwave! Shockbox: *very good.* Whirl: Nice gun. Shockbox: (( i like how most of his dynamic actions actually do send shockwaves.)) Windchill: (( I live for the Shockwave fights. )) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Ah. That's... if we're talking about the same thing, I believe it's called sentio metallico here. The material that surrounds a spark to make a new frame. That's what you can make?» Txen: Shockwave: The circumstances had become sufficiently dire to necessitate direct involvement. Windchill: He's dead, Jim. Whirl: Either way, have fun babysitting. *snorts and 'toasts' Darksteel again; it's so weird to talk to someone so familiar and yet a stranger* boomtank: -Then again, Blaster would never try jumping from any height. They terrify him- Txen: Shockwave: *has good shock absorbers. very good shock absorbers* ItsyBitsySpyers: *The feeler then drops to his side to, oh, I don't know. Pinch Shockwave's leg ever so secretly.* Whirl: *leeeans back again more. Slowly folds up his leg. Slowly. Extends it, pointing like a ballerin... for Windchill's face* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Correct. Windchill: *Stares.* Windchill: *This is it, this is how he dies. Toe to the face.* Whirl: Are you any good? *to Shockwave* Shockbox: *they're like arperture science level shock absorbers* Txen: Shockwave: *antennae perk. looks curiously over at S-- ah. Whirl* "Good?" Whirl: Can you fight worth a damn? FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Shockwave was offering—what, a sample of it? In exchange for a sample of someone's innermost energon?» boomtank: ....? Windchill: (( Starscream what do your elf eyes see. )) Airachnid: ALLLLLL)) ItsyBitsySpyers: //It ain't Skyfire.// FakeProwl: ((they're taking the autobots to nevada)) agoodidstraction: ????? boomtank: Wait Whirl: PFFT. agoodidstraction: this happened? Whirl: *BURSTS OUT LAUGHING* boomtank: Optimus got wings? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He got... well, everything]] CptRodimus: ...NICE Windchill: Why am I not surprised? boomtank: Or a jet pack? boomtank: Wow... Whirl: Wait, wait--wait. The Autobot's in you guys' dimension--they DID have fliers, didn;t they? *the foot has landed. Poke the cheek* Airachnid: [LAUGHS TOO, STILL NOT OVER IT] CptRodimus: SOMEONE HIT ME WITH THAT HAMMER agoodidstraction: robust Windchill: That's a long story. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Was always oddly uncomfortable with that upgrade. He likes big bots. He dislikes the Prime. Dilemma.* Airachnid: The Autobots had a few flyers. Shockbox: *to gay or not to gay, that is the question.* Whirl: Huh. We've always had plenty. Weird. Smokescree: THER WE GO what did I miss Windchill: Most of them were defected Decepticons, in my dimension. Smokescree: ....... Also Rodimus no Whirl: *shockwave no* Txen: ((dang i dcd. did my posts not post)) Whirl: *stop being attractive* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Small nod at Prowl* agoodidstraction: he is pretty huge Airachnid: [still laughing at the way Optimus looks] Smokescree: I'm glad Megatron didn't know about this stuff until recently, at least. ItsyBitsySpyers: //No way, Rodimus. You wanna look like a brick wall?// Whirl: Lord. That's embarrassing. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Wouldn't be racin' no more like that.// Whirl: Yeah, Rodders, you're better off staying the way you are. A good racer is better than a bad flier, any day. Txen: Shockwave: Taking into consideration that I am not a professional soldier, my fighting abilities are adequate. Windchill: *Nods. Even he'll agree to that.* Windchill: PFFFT. Smokescree: I don't think he looks so bad-- he's got a couple of my features? Like the thing on his chest and the extra biolights and-- It's weird Whirl: *just. pushed up against the cheek* Airachnid: Especially when you look like a bloated space shuttle. Bruin: *plating flared out, kibble up. Shockwave never to be underestimated* Whirl: Not too shabby. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Why did Rodimus want a sample? If it's your equivalent of our sentio metallico, then we already know what it is. Unless there's reason to think yours is significantly different than ours.» Smokescree: spidey I will eat you agoodidstraction: Haha CptRodimus: I bet if I had wings I'd out fly you whirl! Airachnid: :3c ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Replication knowledge. Whirl: NOTHING with wings can outlfy me. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave glances over at Shockwave. Tell him you were that steady.* Txen: ((COOL as a *** cucumber)) Windchill: *He's trying to sputter and there's practically a foot in his mouth. Don't complain if he spits on you, Whirl.* Shockbox: *astounded by the calmness of his alternate* Whirl: ((LIKE A BOSS)) Windchill: Depends on what you mean by that, bro. Txen: Shockwave: *are there iterations of himself who are -not- that steady?* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Ah. And Shockwave wanted innermost energon in return?» *unspoken: he ONLY wants innermost energon??* «Why did the trade break down?» Whirl: Go fatser than me? Maybe. But as far as moves goes, sorry Rodders. All the upgrdes in the world won't help you. *preens shamelessly* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's met a few.* Shockbox: *shockblast, for one.* Whirl: (9FOWLER IS SO GOOD FFF)) Whirl: ((BEST)) Smokescree: ..... I want to hug optimus FakeProwl: ((shockblast does not count. he has anger management issues.)) agoodidstraction: My Optimus never got yolked Smokescree: i miss him i really miss him I- /Dangit it's happening again he's tearing up/ agoodidstraction: Smokes Txen: Shockwave: *mmh. a shame. perhaps they do not have allies that can be relied upon to form a bridge in time* Windchill: (( I HATE that we had the S2 ending that gave the cons such  huge advantage only to spend the entirety of S3 just returning it to the previous status quo, waste of time. )) Airachnid: [and she's watching Smoke. again.] Whirl: ((yeah.....)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Correct. Requested material not possible. Whirl: ((but the multi part setup wasn't too bad)) Txen: ((tfp didnt understand stakes)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Why not?» Airachnid: TFP didn't understand a lot of things)) Whirl: *retracts his foot at last* Txen: ((now any time the stakes get risky optimus just flies in and overpowers anything thats not predaking)) FakeProwl: ((tfp didn't even understand what it had written half the time)) CptRodimus: *long hard look at whirl* Nah--- bet I would. If I have even half my skills fro mthe ground <3 Whirl: *...is he still being petted. Because if he is he is staying put, but if not, he's gonna sit up like a civilized creature* Airachnid: [yes he is] Txen: ((...only two eps tonight? :'0)) agoodidstraction: ((didn't they get a new director and make the writers cram everything into only 13 eps)) Windchill: (( Too busy selling toys + executive meddling + no actual writing team, just people pushing their own agendas. )) CptRodimus: ((there was three ItsyBitsySpyers: ((that was four heheh)) Txen: ((oh wait damn im wrong)) FakeProwl: ((yep)) agoodidstraction: ((we could've had SEASPRAY damn it. wj would have been so happy)) Airachnid: yeah season 3 was a mess)) Txen: ((WHAT how time flies)) boomtank: ((aw Windchill: *His mouth will never taste the same.* CptRodimus: *claps* There we go. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Thank Primus. He's not ready to face the upcomng memory yet.* Whirl: Pfft, in your dreams. *doing his best to look dignified while being petted and failing* You wouldn't even IMPRESS me, much less outmatch me. CptRodimus: Hey SMokes Windchill: *STRETCHES.* Shockbox: *well, tonight's showing sure has been...enlightening.* Whirl: You out, mech? Shockbox: *but he'll be leaving earlier than usual.* Smokescree: /He's just going to keep curling up here/ Bruin: *well that was something. He's just gonna eye the predacons because wow* Txen: *the preds are like wtf is wrong with petting. being petted is the BEST. ...when you ask for it. no funny moves smokescreen* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave bobs his helm to Shockbox. He figures he'll be getting questioned soon....* Windchill: *Stretches leg into the air.* Windchill: *So fancy.* Shockbox: *in a non-public setting, most likely.* Whirl: *Whirl didn't ask but he is not complaining. Airachnid has lovely fingers* Txen: Predaking: *'wow' is the acceptable response to a specimen of his stature and grace, yes* Smokescree: /He's not gonna try petting NOW at least. seeing Optimus like this again hurt a lot/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ah well. It had to happen sooner or later.* boomtank: Smokescreen? Are you okay over there? Shockbox: *he doesn't bother to take any energon with him this time.* Whirl: We going for one more? Or are we breaking for tonight? agoodidstraction: *head on table* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Unknown. Autobot morals, insufficient supply, other. Shockbox: *in any case, he pings goodbye. as he makes an exit.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Hmm. What were the *precise* terms of the trade? And why wasn't something else simply proposed instead?» CptRodimus: We are done for hte night Windchill: That felt really short. Txen: *shockwave nods farewell to the alternate and keeps an eye on the two preds near whirl in case they Get Rowdy* Windchill: Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention. CptRodimus: *pulls out a datapad to play games on* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble peeks at the games if he can* Smokescree: /Shaking helm some in Blaster's general direction but not actually speaking. Dangit this is embarrassing/ Whirl: *if they do you'd better count on Whirl to egg them on* Airachnid: [she's still watching Smoke] Whirl: *to Windchill* You were probably distrcted. *by his feet; he looks to the Preds* You guys should come back, sometime. Whirl: We could use some Preds to liven the place up. boomtank: Do you need someone to talk to? CptRodimus: ((wher eis smoescreen at? sorry chat is moving really fast Windchill: Yeah, now that I think about it, I probably was. Smokescree: /He hasn't really moved much- probably still on rodimus unless rodimus moved?)) Windchill: *Partially due to FEET.* Txen: DS: Heh. Well, we were thinkin' about coming in for our parts at least. Uh. I mean, 'His Majesty's' parts. -We- ain't in it till the very end. Windchill: *Partially being lost in his own mindscape, the final frontier.* CptRodimus: ((nah smokey is getting a gamer hug rn then since rodders started playing a game on his datapad Txen: DS: *downright unfair if you ask him* CptRodimus: *mummers* Hey Smokey. agoodidstraction: zzz ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Innermost energon samples, sources: four/more outliers. After debate, other unusual mutations, spark readings also accepted. Whirl: PFFT! You actually call him MAJESTY? Whirl: *LAUGHS* Whirl: *who knows what wonders await us all in Windchill's mind* Windchill: *Raises eyebrows.* Smokescree: ... /Leaning up to Rodimus, still all curled up/ Bruin: *would buzzssaw object to helm scritches? Bruin is going to find out* Windchill: *Fart sounds, we've established this.* Txen: *they both shush Whirl urgently before His Kingliness notices hes being made fun of* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Huh.» *an odd request.* «Why?» ItsyBitsySpyers: *If Bruin asks, he may give one (1) helm scritch. If he surprises Buzzsaw, he'll get activated chainsaw wings (but no damage yet) instead* Windchill: *Windchill will fight his Kingliness, nobody tells Whirl what to do.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Buzzsaw is one of the minis who don't like surprise touches* Whirl: *he does subside, but no faster than he feels like* That is HILARIOUS. Txen: Skylynx: Look. We got to, all right. You don't know how he gets. Txen: DS: Don't mean we can't be sarcastic about it. CptRodimus: I gave optimus mack the matrix too. Txen: Predaking: *sarcasm what is sarcasm* Windchill: Wow. Bruin: *very slow moving han, making it obvious where he's reaching*This okay? Whirl: You'll neve, ever catch ME simpering up to someone just because he likes to think he's royalty. But, I'm not a Pred, so I guess it does't matter. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Shockwave.... many, MANY millions. Most genetic data already learned, understood. New knowledge, higher understanding sought. Educational. Entertaining. Smokescree: I mean- I didn't really take it in the first place... Is it a mistake to not to do that now? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Soundwave has seen own. Fascinating. Txen: Skylynx: Ehh. *scratches cheek* It's like. A "pack thing." *air quotes* And the sooner you kiss a little aft, the easier he gets to live with. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Buzzsaw floats juuuuust a little lower to permit the hand. Briefly.* Windchill: Better to kick his aft, if he's gonna act like that. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Is there any danger to the people whose innermost energon is handed over?» ItsyBitsySpyers: }}Be certain you do not mistake me for a pet. I simply enjoy the sensation.{{ Txen: DS: Uh, were your optics shut during that show? *snorts* We tried, once. Whirl: Hey, you know what? I ain't even gonna judge you guys. boomtank: -Okay, no need for him now, Rodimus has this- Windchill: I saw everything, I think. Whirl: Do what you gotta to keep high command from breathing down your neck. But someone who wants THAT level of DEFERENCE from me's gotta EARN it. CptRodimus: *shrugs* All that matters is that you listened to your Spark Smokescreen. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Minor innermost energon loss. Privacy matter: full genome inspected. No other dangers expected. Windchill: *It's an unfair assessment, he still outweighs even Predaking, so. His perception regarding kickable aft is a little different than most people's.* boomtank: -Back to listining to music- CptRodimus: @Boom *pings a <3* Whirl: *whirl will 100% fight Predaking. He will probably lose but he will enjoy every second of it* Whirl: *an aerial battle against someone like THAT? HOT DAMN SIGN HIM UP* Bruin: I would never. Spotter and Lazerbeak enjoy it so guessed you might as well. *one  scritch and he'll stop* Smokescree: Well-- of course. I can't be a prime- I'd be bad at it! I'd get someone hurt and I know it and I don't want to hurt anyone because of my own mistakes CptRodimus: *rueful smile* It sucks. Txen: DS: It's not like we gotta grovel or nothing. He's just touchy about titles. *and he wouldnt admit it, but honestly... the guy does an okay job at leadership when he's not being a pompous aft* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Approving whistle. A wise mech, this Bruin. He can see why his sister floats nearby some nights.* Windchill: *Is a little more interested in Smokescreen's dilemma than Predacon problems, now.* Windchill: Listen, dude. boomtank: -Blinks but pings back a ':)'- CptRodimus: ((they are talking softly to eachother Whirl: *Whirl's just Extra Rebellious, don't worry, Darksteel* Fine, fine. But still. Principle of the thing. *he also might be slightly tipsy* Windchill: (( Whoops sorry, I couldn't tell. I keep getting up and missing blocks of chat. >:U )) CptRodimus: ((at least rodimus is. certinally not a thing he would have just anncounced to a room Txen: DS: *scraggletooth grin* If you care that much about it, you could always take a shot. FakeProwl: *a moment of silence as Prowl contemplates that.* @Soundwave «I can see why Rodimus balked. Taking another's innermost energon is... a questionable endeavor. Taboo, depending on the circumstances.» CptRodimus: ((it be pretty clear Smokey is upset thou! Whirl: I'd do it for fun, mech. Whirl: *lowers his voice* Soounds like a hell of a time. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Do you think he would be willing to accept something else?» Smokescree: ((smokescreen might be a bit louder because bad at controlling volume while crying)) Whirl: *lowers his voice YET AGAIN to a hoarse whisper* And I like to fight. CptRodimus: (9^^ I say they can hear Smokescreen but not rodimus? Whirl: *lowers his voice TO EVEN EVEN MORE LUDICROUS DEGREE* It's basically all I'm good at. That and singing karaoke. CptRodimus: ((that fine Smokey-mun? Windchill: *Chin, meet hands.* Smokescree: ((that's fine!!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Soundwave knows energon taboo. Native planet has own versions. Taboo clinging not understood; Prowl's timeline gives in survival hope. This, literal survival hope. CptRodimus: ((so they all can see smokey upset and tearing up while rodimus and mummeringly softly at him ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Regardless... other items accepted, IF suitable. Txen: DS: *leans in, taking it seriously until that last bit startles a laugh* We're Predacons. We -all- like to fight. Whirl: *snickers back* That's why I like you guys. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((... can rumble hear if he's right nearby or is it really murmury murmuring?)) CptRodimus: ((would soundwave know the other item--- nvm i dont care about the details at this point Whirl: I used to be pals with another Darksteel--from a different timeline. *nods to Darksteel* It's... weird. Meeting the same people from other dimensions. But not a bas weird, necessarily Whirl: *bad CptRodimus: ((rumble can hear them he is right next time :D ItsyBitsySpyers: *Then Rumble can hear but is keeping his mouth shut for the moment.* Txen: DS: Huh. Never met another ME before... What was I like?? CptRodimus: *idle takes one of smokey's hand and start to make it dance to the beat* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He doesn't care for Smokescreen much but he knows embarrassing Rodimus won't win him any points for his application* CptRodimus: *a twitch of a grin* Windchill: *Makes snoring sounds, he's starting to get irritated for no rational reason.* FakeProwl: *hmm. what does Prowl feel safe giving...?* Txen: Shockwave: *well. movie night is over. he shifts in preparation to stand up* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh no you don't. Another hidden pinch with the feeler claw that is still right by that leg* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Would Tarantulas's innermost energon be of sufficient interest to him?» Smokescree: /Letting Rodimus take his hand, but still mostly curled up/ CptRodimus: *this make happen* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave leans back so Prowl can see Shockwave better and keeps looking at him. Try asking.* FakeProwl: *maybe not, considering that if Shockwave asked, Tarantulas would polish Shockwave's pedes with his own innermost energon for nothing in return; but it's worth checking.* Whirl: He was real cool, mech. *nods slowly; Whirl is actually somewhat sad to have lost him* Once, we both got blackout drunk and went on a rampage through a space station. Whirl: Spent the whole rest of the next day trying to piece it all together. Whirl: ...*perks up suddenly* Ravage! You're on-screen! ItsyBitsySpyers: =That poor feline.= ItsyBitsySpyers: =Filthy biped.= Smokescree: ?? /Smokescreen's not tearing up mostly because he's completely confused about what Rodimus is doing here/ Whirl: O,h come on, that;'s not so bad. If I was a cat, I'd let someone do that. Txen: Shockwave: *startles slightly when pinched. caught partway into stand-mode, he pauses, then sits back down. apprently, his presence is required* CptRodimus: *a soft purring laugh* Windchill: Cats are so patient. Txen: DS: Oh. I did that once. *nods somberly, mouth pursed* At Dancitron. Didn't end so good. ItsyBitsySpyers: =Lucky for you.= CptRodimus: ((thats totally is what rodimus is doing to smokey ItsyBitsySpyers: *He'd be clawing someone's optics out by now* Whirl: Rodimus? Can I make a request? CptRodimus: *laughing* Yeah? boomtank: -snickers at the sight- Whirl: *it's easy for whirl to say, he's not a cat* CptRodimus: *this is laughing therapy* FakeProwl: ((what a patient cat)) CptRodimus: *for the smokes lol* Windchill: (( I love them so much. )) boomtank: ((cat looked like about ready to do some murder Smokescree: /he's so confused right now and might be trying to squirm out of this!/ Whirl: HEH. I had a grand old time. FakeProwl: *sends Soundwave a comm ping that's the digital emotional equivalent of a mildly displeased blep face.* «Fine.» Txen: Predaking: *mystified. is this human entertainment. why does the small predatory mammal accept this abuse of its dignity* Whirl: Anyway--from my experiences, you guys know how to party. *nods* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage growls and slips out of the room. He's not watching his furry brethren be treated this way.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Buzzsaw's giggling though.* Whirl: *and now, aided by the coprious amounts of booze he has drunk, he straightens up, bobbing his helm in thanks to Airachnid, before swiveling around and pointing at Predaking* Whirl: YOU. CptRodimus: *ok he will show this vid ic now so smokey can see the cat vids* Airachnid: [she just lets him] Txen: Predaking: *eloquent brow raise* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Don't worry, Prowl. He'll make it up to you.* FakeProwl: *comm ping to Shockwave* Whirl: We gotta fight. Smokescree: Rodimus please-- Whirl: It's inevitabe. CptRodimus: *pets pets for good kitties* Windchill: (( That is the face of a cat that just doesn't care. Look at him. )) Whirl: Also, my request is anything by Dio. But Holy Diver is a good pick. Smokescree: ... /Grumbling but he's not trying to squirm away- the petting is kind of nice./ Txen: Shockwave: *one antennae twitches. aha. so the reason reveals itself.*  «What do you want.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Close, Shockwave, but not quite.* CptRodimus: ((what was whirl's request? ItsyBitsySpyers: ((anything by Dio but Holy Diver is good)) Whirl: ((anything by Dio, but he recommends Holy Diver. Rainbow in the Dark is also a good pick)) Whirl: ((feel free to have Rodders promise it next week!)) Whirl: ((Smokescreen needs the therapy and whirl will not hold it gagainst him(( Txen: Predaking: *tilts helm to level his good eye* ...Oh? And what makes you think so, Autobot? CptRodimus: Next week Whirl I'll do it just remind me~ Whirl: Because if you don't agree to fight me... you're a CHUMP. Windchill: *Says the guy who won't agree to fight HIM.* Whirl: *THIS DOESN;T CONCERN YOU SICKBOY* Windchill: *LEFT OUT AGAIN.* Whirl: *HE WILL flip rodders a quick salute. Dragon Time* Windchill: *Story of his life.* CptRodimus: *poke smokes cheek* You dont like silly earth cats? FakeProwl: @Shockwave «I've been given to understand that about a month ago you offered to trade the process for creating cybermatter in exchange for four samples of innermost energon with unique properties.» Whirl: *WINDCHILL HE WILL PUT HIS FEET ALL OVER YOU AGAIN LATER. DRAGON. TIME.*& Windchill: *THAT'S NOT A FIGHT THO.* Whirl: *it is if you think about it. whirl's feet against your gag reflex* Txen: Predaking: *optic widens, surprised. he doesnt know what a chump is but gathers its an insult* You challenge my authority? FakeProwl: @Shockwave «In hopes of assisting Captain Rodimus in concluding this bargain, may I ask you some questions about that arrangement.» Txen: DS: Oh boy. Now you've done it. Windchill: *Did you just assume my gag reflex?* Whirl: Damn right I do. *puffs up* I challenge ALL authority. Smokescree: /And he's starting to curl up again./ Not right now... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble chokes on his snacks. Whirl can't be this dumb.* Windchill: *It's not that dumb.* Airachnid: [she likes Whirl but dhe's not getting involved] Windchill: *Are there seriously only two people in this room not scared of the flying toad? Shockwave presumably aside?* Smokescree: ((eggs is just staring at me and slow-blinking at this)) Txen: Predaking: *lets out a deep and resonant "HAH" and pounds his fist on the armrest before standing up. looks more exhilarated than angered* I will take the utmost pleasure in defeating you on the -- Txen: Predaking: -- field of combat. CptRodimus: *tiny sigh* Fiiine. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble isn't scared, but he knows better than to make an outright challenge. That's the kinda mech you gotta sneak up on.* Airachnid: [she doesn't like to waste energy on things that don't concern her] ItsyBitsySpyers: *This is the difference between him and his brother.* Whirl: *he looks purely exhilarated. Well also like, 30% drunk, but mostly exhilerated* Big talk, flyboy. Windchill: *That's ONE way of doing it.* Whirl: Name the time, and the place, and I;'ll be there. Windchill: *Some of us have options. A bonfide CORNUCOPIA of meting out buttkickings.* Windchill: *Bonafide wow Whirl: *whirl, some might be shocked to know, IS capable of sneaking around when he needs to. see: Luna 1. but man. Sneaking on THIS magnificent specimen would be a WASTE* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Whirl's some 5 or 6 times Rumble's size. Cut him some tactic slack* Whirl: *understandable* Whirl: *but he'd probably do this even if he was still stuck as a bird, because. Whirl* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Final countdown, huh? This 'bout how long Whirl has til he gets snuffed or how long til ya pop guns 'n chase us all out?// Windchill: *Windchill, on the other hand, has no real excuse for sneaking around.* CptRodimus: Huh...? Whirl: PFFT! Oh, ye of little faith! Txen: @Prowl: *first, a correction* «The offer entailed a set amount of the substance, for the purpose of testing whether it could serve as a substitute for your sentio metallico. It was understood that-- CptRodimus: *looks up form his game playing and petting* Txen: further negotiation for the method could follow.» ItsyBitsySpyers: ((OOPS that's... mun error, not soundwave lying)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((frick)) Smokescree: /Purring from the continued petting and is starting to cling to Rodimus/ ItsyBitsySpyers: //OH HECK YEAH// CptRodimus: ((soundwave wouldnt heard the that part anyways ItsyBitsySpyers: *Air guitars* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((whew)) CptRodimus: *is fine being a purring heating pad* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... So the bargain was for four samples of innermost energon, in exchange for a sample of the substance? And the method, I expect, would be more costly?» Windchill: *Narrows his optics. This song has always annoyed him a little and he can't figure out why.* CptRodimus: *he will just play his game on the datapad =)* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble stops to look at Rodimus.* Txen: @Prowl: «Ask your questions. My offer remains open, so long as my terms are not disrespected. I care not -who- acts, nor who reaps the benefits.» ItsyBitsySpyers: //Hey. Hey. I know a game you gotta do.// FakeProwl: *he did ask a question* Txen: (sorry im like)) Txen: ((that was still my initial response)) CptRodimus: *glance at rumble with an encouraging smile* FakeProwl: ((ok no prob. i didn't know if you thought the questions where rhetorical, my bad)) Txen: ((i hate this chat format and always struggle with it)) ItsyBitsySpyers: //There's this whole human game where ya sorta - where ya fake play this stuff on a fake instrument. 'N it got this song.// Txen: Shockwave: *in other words... he can go to someone you'd prefer that he not* CptRodimus: Guitar hero. ItsyBitsySpyers: //YEAH! You know it already? Don't tell me ya got it?// Windchill: *Stretches for REAL this time; he's getting frustrated and it's time to go.* Txen: ((your last post was to soundwave was that supposed to be shocky)) FakeProwl: ((.... yes, my bad)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's still waiting on Arcade to fashion a metal controller after he accidentally crushed the plastic one* FakeProwl: ((again)) Smokescree: ... Guitar hero!! We need to get some Cybertronian-sized guitar controllers ItsyBitsySpyers: //That's what I been sayin'!// FakeProwl: *not fazed. he never expected shockwave to care about who he gives his materials to as long as he's paid for them* Smokescree: I've got Cybertronian-sized DDR dancepads, but not guitars. CptRodimus: haha. I'll get hte nerd on it. ItsyBitsySpyers: *The BIGGEST shocked face.* CptRodimus: They scaled up PS4 controlers already Smokescree: YES PLEASE Whirl: I still need to learn to play. Smokescree: :O Really? I've got scaled up wiimotes and stuff-- we should just scale up as many consoles as we can! Smokescree: /He's starting to smile again at the thought/ boomtank: Scale up? Smokescree: Scale up so we can play 'em! ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah. Whatcha want us to do, play on them lil human ones?// Txen: @Prowl: *slowly inclines his helm* «Innermost energon, or an alternative but viable method for genetic analysis. Surely you understand the inherent difference in value between a substance and its-- ItsyBitsySpyers: //...I mean, I kinda can.// ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ain't none of you could.// Txen: --method of creation.» Windchill: *Just use a holoform, pssh.* boomtank: No, no, I just...didn't know what you were scaling up CptRodimus: *leans over a hits a few keys on the control pad under the table top* Whirl: You should absolutely do it, Rumble. Whirl: And I'll get a me-sized one and join you, someday. After a lot of classes. Windchill: I can't believe I've almost sat through this song twice now. Windchill: I'm leaving. Smokescree: Game controllers! Whirl: I've always wanted to use an electric guitar as a weapn, though... *distant look* Txen: ((OK GOMEN going to try to reply for predaking)) Windchill: You all tricked me. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Seeya, footstool// boomtank: Game controllers. Whirl: ((NO RUSH DUDE U FINE)) Windchill: Bye, suckers. Whirl: Pfft. *nudges Windchill with his foot one last time* Seeya, loser. boomtank: For...? Smokescree: ... FRAG YEAH hold on hold on maybe I have the dance pads in my subspace somewhere-- /He's rifling through his subspace. No dance pads unfortunately/ CptRodimus: *a set of ddr pad scaled uo rotate out of the floor. this is their multipurpose room* Smokescree: Video games! Smokescree: !!!! Smokescree: RODIMUS RODIMUS ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave accidentally perks at the sight, then pretends he didn't* boomtank: Um...? Smokescree: You wanna go? Windchill: (( For the record: I like that awful song but Windchill...not so much. )) Smokescree: /He's going to go over and take one- he's really good at this game!/ boomtank: -sits back to watch, curious- CptRodimus: Ill go I pick an easy song first! CptRodimus: *hops onto the player one pad* Smokescree: We don't need easy. FakeProwl: @Shockwave «Surely I do. I asked for clarification only because I had been led to believe the bargain was different.» Windchill: *He gets up and GETS THE HECK OUT before musical chaos breaks loose.* Smokescree: Well- I don't need easy, but still. Airachnid: [she's just going to sneak off becase things are getting boring] Whirl: *bobs is head in farewell* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Intently watching Rodimus play* CptRodimus: ((i didnt que up a twoplayer on sorry xD Txen: Predaking: *sweeps an arm wide* Whatever place and time you deem fitting for your defeat. *his own planet is just acid rain rn u may have to pick lol* Airachnid: [waves at Whirl before disappearing] CptRodimus: *oh we is hella fancy he learned to play in korea* Smokescree: ((All good!! just imagine smokescreen playing along here/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Itch to challenge rising. Mustn't.* boomtank: -Soundwave. They seriously need to sit and talk- Smokescree: Not bad, Rodimus- bet I'll still win this though boomtank: -He had the same idea- ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yes they should.* Whirl: Okay. All right. So. *poiints* ...I'll pick when I'm sober. Txen: @Prowl: *doesn't waver* «Good.» *hasn't seen his previous dealings as terribly rational, so -he's- just heading off more of the same* Whirl: But anyplace with room to FLY. FakeProwl: @Shockwave «What, then, would you consider a reasonable payment for the full process? Without the patronizing comments, if you please, I find they waste valuable time.» ItsyBitsySpyers: ((omg the angriest ddr battle. blaster vs. soundwave. it could only be worse with a jazz.)) Whirl: *because OF COURSE he has to fight this guy in the air* boomtank: ((that would be HILARIOUS Txen: *duh of course* CptRodimus: *laughs* zi get too fancy--- footwork top notch! CptRodimus: WHo else for the pad? Smokescree: We've both got some AAA footwork, I think! CptRodimus: *steps off* Txen: Shockwave: *thats probably the most patronizing way to request a lack of patronizing comments, but ok. he runs some calculations* Smokescree: !!!! CptRodimus: *glances at blaster* I know you can rock this. CptRodimus: Get over here <3 ItsyBitsySpyers: *WATCHING SO CLOSE. Might be leaning forward.* Whirl: *Whirl will not even look at the pad; he'd definitely be good at this stuff but like hell is he gonna admit it* boomtank: Waiiiit Smokescree: I wish we could have infinite challengers and just have everyone go at it CptRodimus: *see that noodles* Whirl: For now... time to go on. *hops up and streeeetches before ndoding to the Preds* Nice meeting you two. Whirl: *turns and points to Predaking* YOU. You're goin' down. CptRodimus: *grins at boom* Whhhhaaaat scared SMokes is going to up seat a music mech? Txen: DS and Lynx: *wave to Whirl* boomtank: ...I think I know how this is played... boomtank: -okay, challenge accepted- boomtank: -up he goes- Smokescree: Hey- I'm a dancing mech. I'm not going down. CptRodimus: The arrows are times to music you press the arrows as the go up. You dont have to do al lthe stuff I was doing~ FakeProwl: *If Shockwave wasn't able to figure out by himself that it's illogical to waste his own time patronize someone who's trying to conduct business with him, clearly he needed it pointed out to him.* boomtank: So the arrows are notes boomtank: Got it boomtank: ((I'm laughing ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i got one lmao)) boomtank: ((hmn? ItsyBitsySpyers: ((am i allowed to link in here or should i put in skype)) CptRodimus: ((skype me Whirl: ((i cant believe a google search for "ddr kokomo" came up with NOTHING)) Smokescree: ... ((Ok how are you supposed to do that part where it's all notes at once Smokescree: ((do they just want you to use your feet that badly)) Txen: Shockwave: *perhaps prowl shouldnt be so ready to feel patronized by simple word choices made in the face of exhausting and negotiation with bots who care more about morality than saving cybertron* Smokescree: ((*hands boomtank: ((yup Txen: ((*minus that and. shoo you)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave would be sighing if he could hear those asterisks. Instead he's watching the other shenanigans* Smokescree: Soundssoundssounds- you can dance right? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He can.]] Smokescree: You should play this! boomtank: -That was fun- Whirl: *and poof he's gone for now* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And why should he do that?]] Whirl: ((i must shower and i Caannot Abide this song)) Whirl: ((or the one that was playing last)) boomtank: ((whoa CptRodimus: ((soundwave mun wanted it linked =) Smokescree: 'Cause it's fun and you'd be good at it ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it's hard to see little but his legs are in full jitter mode too)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What does he get for doing it.]] CptRodimus: Fun ItsyBitsySpyers: ((pictured here: both music mechs)) Smokescree: A good time? What, do I have to let you look into my mind for secrets or something? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Fine.]] Txen: @Prowl: «Supervised study of your Enigma of Combination.» ItsyBitsySpyers: [[After this one.]] Smokescree: ... Fine to doing it for fun or for doing it for my secrets? 'Cause I don't really have that many secrets boomtank: -Can't. Sitting and laughing at this song- ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Both. Give him a moment.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Wanders into the hallway too toss back a quick ration* Smokescree: wait what CptRodimus: *rodimus does this dance without the dance pads cause he knows it xD* boomtank: -off the mat though- CptRodimus: *the actual dance* Txen: ((are prowl and shockwave going to have to Have A Serious Discussion while soundwaves dancing)) FakeProwl: @Shockwave «Noted.» boomtank: -laughing so hard- boomtank: ((Blaster here CptRodimus: *laughing too this is fun* boomtank: ((I think there is only one Soundwave in the room ItsyBitsySpyers: *Okay. Quick ration digested. He's back in and waiting to see what he'll have to work through.* boomtank: -okay, back on his peds- Smokescree: /And he's gonna sing along here!/ ItsyBitsySpyers: ((omg it's so slow tho....)) Txen: *the predacons are basically fascinated by this Revolution of the Double Dance* boomtank: ((gah ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i was hoping for something fast for him ;; )) boomtank: ((it doesn't match uuuup CptRodimus: ((this one is awful boomtank: ((yeah CptRodimus: ((lt find another ItsyBitsySpyers: ((thank you ;; )) boomtank: ((tanks Txen: ((god)) Smokescree: /Watching the predacons and grinning. They like it?/ Txen: *darksteel's trying to get skylynx to take a turn* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Okay. Soundwave shakes his arms a little and steps on the pad.* boomtank: ((oh god FakeProwl: @Shockwave «Thank you. At present, that's all the information I need. I will inform you should I require more.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *And he won't be using his feelers.* boomtank: -Smokes or him against 'wave?- CptRodimus: ((can we all take a moment to picture this Smokescree: /Going to just go over near them and try to pat/ You should give it a go, too! Txen: Shockwave: «Very well.» *if thats all to that conversation, he has other things to pay attention to* CptRodimus: ((lmao FakeProwl: *... ah. and just in time for a much more interesting show.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((you are free to. that's the only reason I gave in lmfao. though he's fancir than this guy)) CptRodimus: ((i really nearly two yers had a thread where rodimus had these scaled up for the rec room boomtank: ((hehe ItsyBitsySpyers: ((nobody who can twirl like he did in the wj fight is this bland)) Txen: ((honestly DDR dancing tends to be really bland stomps)) boomtank: ((we need a fancier one for 'wave Txen: ((i appreciate the talent required regardless)) CptRodimus: ((rodimus is too boomtank: ((yup Txen: ((but its not super conducive to ACTUALLY dancing)) Txen: ((...unless soundwaves just Doing Riverdance RN)) boomtank: ((HAH ItsyBitsySpyers: ((LMAO)) Txen: ((picture it tho lmfao)) boomtank: ((ohgod ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i have seen some creative players)) CptRodimus: ((lmao Txen: ((*SNORT*)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((HAHAHA)) CptRodimus: (((ooc now CptRodimus: ((i am down a rabbit hole ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave steps down and nods. That was a little fun.* CptRodimus: ((minibots ItsyBitsySpyers: *And goes back to take his seat like nothing *** happened.* CptRodimus: ((ok i need to go get food Smokescree: /Thumbs up at Soundwave! Maybe he forgot the secrets part from the fun? Smokescreen's hoping that./ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ha. As if.* Txen: ((A SOUNDWAVE NEVER FORGETS)) Txen: ((except when he does)) boomtank: ((good luck Smokes boomtank: ............ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tilts his helm.* FakeProwl: *farewell ping to Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods farewell to Prowl.* Smokescree: /Dangit/ boomtank: I am going to have to talk to my alternate ItsyBitsySpyers: [[....Hmm.]] FakeProwl: *flickers out* boomtank: What? CptRodimus: @Smoke ::You can come over and play DDR later!:: ItsyBitsySpyers: [[....Nothing. It is nothing.]] Smokescree: @Rodimus ::That'd be awesome-- thank you.:: boomtank: ...right. Smokescree: Hey- Preds, preds- you ever play any games? Txen: DS: *stops mid-attempt to scratch his head with his foot* Uh. What kinda games? Smokescree: Like the game we had up! Or even physical games- you ever try lobbing? ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Makes a small note to maybe. MAYBE. Ping Blaster of his own accord some day.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((what are you lookin for roddy?)) CptRodimus: *ok has to run out---* CptRodimus: Oh *** guys--- i got a shift who is on duty rn.... CptRodimus: *enjoy npc cyclonus glaring til you all leave* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell.]] boomtank: ...goodnight ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We should also be heading home.]] CptRodimus: *spins out of the room as Cyclonus comes in* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Stands and summons all of his minis. Glances at Blaster.* boomtank: Yeah? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...You were.]] NnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnO can't give a full compliment. [[Acceptable.]] boomtank: ....thanks. Same to you. ItsyBitsySpyers: *A sort of. A kind of. A stiff nod.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Coils a feeler loop around Shockwave's wrist and pulses Interest, Capital I, with a Question.* boomtank: -waves and leaves- G'night! boomtank: ((because mun is laughing so hard right now agoodidstraction: what Smokescree: Wheeljack Txen: Shockwave: *glances at feeler, then at wheeljack. maybe they should... have this conversation somewhere with fewer pests present* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Agreed. Shall they?* Txen: Shockwave: *offers arm* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Takes it. And out they go.* Txen: (SORRY SMOKEYMUN we got in a big convo on skype)) Smokescree: ((All good!)) Txen: DS: *shakes head vigorously* Sometimes we wrestle. Or take an old steel beam and have a tug-of-war. The kids got -loads- of chew toys...
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glukoosivartija · 7 years
sorry i am a bored loser lol it is 7:33 AM and i haven’t slept
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? - With mom yes, we are pretty close, biological father I don’t even know, my moms partner I am friends with but not very close. 02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? - Since animals can be ‘’who’’ too, I think I announced this to my chickens. 03: Do you regret anything? - No. Probably. Yes. I don’t know. I wish things were different for sure but I can’t do anything to things in the past anymore. 
04: Are you insecure? - Extremely. 05: What is your relationship status? - Single.  06: How do you want to die? - *trigger warning* I want to get sick. Really sick, so I would know when I would die. So I could have time to make peace with my gods and so others would have time to make peace with me. It would not be my fault. No one would blame me after I died. So I would see other peoples reaction as I fade away. I am selfish for thinking that way. I would not override the possibility of hanging myself either.   07: What did you last eat? - Rye bread I think. 08: Played any sports? - When I was a kid I used to have many hobbies. I quit them all. 09: Do you bite your nails? - Rarely but yes. 10: When was your last physical fight? - The only physical ‘‘fight’‘ I have had was when I was like 10. Someone did something that annoyed the shit out of me so I jumped on them and beat them, literally. They did not resist so that is not technically a fight. Ahhh, the perks of having undiagnosed ADHD. <3 11: Do you like someone? - Romantically, no. Absolutely not.  12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? - I don’t think so but I sometimes sleep very small amounts, like 2 hours or so in 48 hours.  13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? - Hate is such a strong emotion... I would be happy to say I don’t, but then I would lie.  14: Do you miss someone? - No, I don’t think I do. 15: Have any pets?  - Ten. Three chickens, three chicks, three dogs and one gerbil.
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?  - I’m tired. Upset. I’ve got the right to be mad.
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? - Lol yea 18: Are you scared of spiders? - I used to be. Now I find them extremely fascinating. 19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? - If I could keep my current knowledge and change things, yes. If not, I have no interest in re-living my past nightmares. 20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? - I would rather not remember that. .21: What are your plans for this weekend? - Care for pets, play videogames, draw.... The usual. .22: Do you want to have kids? How many? - Currently I don’t want to have any. Plus my genes are worse than rotten eggs. 23: Do you have piercings? How many? - Five. Septum, snake bites and stretched ears aka onion rings. 24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? - Psychology was a hit for me. 25: Do you miss anyone from your past?  - No. 
26: What are you craving right now? - ADHD meds would be nice lol..... 27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? - Yes 28: Have you ever been cheated on? - No 29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? - I have.  30: What’s irritating you right now? - The fact I am hungry but I have lost my appetite. 31: Does somebody love you? - Yea, many do.  32: What is your favourite color? - If I could, I would surround myself in black and white. In the actual colors, dark red pleases my eye. 33: Do you have trust issues? - I do. I have no trouble telling about myself and things related to me if I am asked, but I rarely open up myself. I have hard time trusting those who have betrayed me more than thrice. 34: Who/what was your last dream about? - The last dream I remember clearly was about a bread that stole my whole life. :’’)
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? - I rarely show negative emotions but I completely broke down in a meeting when i was forced to get ‘‘medical treatment’‘. In front of my aunt, mom, shithead doctor and nurses. 36: Do you give out second chances too easily? - Yea. They always end up hurting me. I am planning to keep doing it tho. 37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? - Forget. 38: Is this year the best year of your life? - I think that year is far in the future. 39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? - 13. 40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? - Yea. 41: Favourite food? - Pastas! 42: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? - No. 43: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? - I read a book. 44: Is cheating ever okay? - No. If it would be okay it would not be cheating. 45: Are you mean? - Not mean, unemotional maybe 46: How many people have you fist fought? - None. 47: Do you believe in true love? - No. 48: Favourite weather? - I am an emo and I must confess I love the rain and the heavy weather after it, lol 49: Do you like the snow? - Ewww I hate everything cold 50: Do you wanna get married? - No. 51: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? - In worst case scenario that would trigger a very negative feeling. So better not. 52: What makes you happy? - Videogames, my family, my pets, friends, the morning fog, good food, birb chirps, chatting with Milma, good music, good vent, successed art...
53: Would you change your name? - Birthname yes 54: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? - Yes, I dislike being too close 55: Your best friend of the opposite gender likes you, what do you do? - ... Opposite of agender? Someone help? My current closest friend is gay af for males tho so I would laugh my ass off 56: Do you have a friend of the opposite gender who you can act your complete self around? - WHAT’S AN OPPOSITE GENDER. ALSO NO. I don’t even know who my is my ‘‘complete self’‘. 57: Who was the last person of the opposite gender you talked to? - Like come on,,,,,, Last person I talked to was my good ass friend, my gaming pal, my ‘‘find it so you find it’‘ 58: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? - The same person again I guess lol 59: Do you believe in soulmates? - I... guess? My human relationships tend to wither but maybe someone else has that kind of luck 60: Is there anyone you would die for? - To save someone? No. Everyone has to face their own fate. I would not take a bullet that has any other name than mine scribbled on it. For entertainment? Just for the sake of it? Perhaps.
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