#so im standing there getting the full blast of both
toziers · 1 year
concerts are so embarrassing now with everyone constantly taking photos… like im here to listen to music i dont need my lesbian breakdown to be accidentally documented in the background of your obsessive fan photos let me rock in peace
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b14augrana · 4 months
Your first time versing Lyon was the match of your dreams
Barça Femení x teen!reader
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pt. 3 masterlist
Warnings: lots of happiness and not proofread as per usual … 😁
A/N: i forgot to mention that mapi's knee is 100% functioning and not crippled in this series!!!! i’ve decided to turn it into a series because i love our hay day obsessed reader so much.
also, reader takes alexia’s place in scoring a golazo because our wonderkid needs her time to shine and what better time to shine than in a uwcl final 🪄🪄 (peep my reference in the fic to the gif im so smart)
we need a nickname for little miss wonderkid so i dont constantly refer to her as reader so plz suggest some in my asks 🥹
You were way too nervous for the final to function. You regretted eating breakfast that morning because it felt like you were about to throw it all up.
Honestly, you were even nervous to look at the players. You stood timidly between Lucy and Irene in the line, secretly hoping you never had to leave the tunnel. You did not want the likes of Ada Hegerberg charging towards little 16-year-old you.
You glanced down at the ‘NV15’ written on your wrist in black. That forever-present question of 'What would Vidić do?' loomed in your mind.
He wouldn’t be worrying about anyone on the opposition. He’d just be worried about breaking the Brexit tackle world record and keeping everyone in white as far away from the goal as possible.
The officials at the end of the tunnel signalled to both teams, which meant it was time. As you emerged out of the tunnel, walking out to the sound of a stadium full of culers, you didn’t feel scared. The cheers from all around the stadium deafened you, but also made you feel an insane amount of pride.
As you stood beside your teammates, the Barcelona anthem blasted on the speakers and the crowd became a choir as they sung the anthem loud and proud. Your attention was in the stands, looking at all the people that had come to watch. You almost teared up when you spotted a little girl and her older brother wearing a jersey with your name on it. Your name. Just having a mascot blew you away, so seeing people you probably weren’t much older than, wearing jerseys with your name on the back, was a crazy concept.
It made you think about the future. It made you hope that one day, you’d grow up to be some little girl’s idol the way Vidić is yours.
“Get ready to shake hands, (Y/N),” Irene reminded you, noticing that you looked a bit spaced out. You brought yourself back to the present and nodded, sticking your hand out to shake the long line of Lyon hands.
When Alexia asked you to bend down and hold the match day pennant, it almost felt like blasphemy. Your mouth was slightly agape as she thrusted it into your hand. “But why me?”
“My knee is no good, it’s better if I stand,” she explained.
“But why m–”
“Just hold it, nena!” Alexia laughed, getting back in the line. You crouched down, holding the pennant in one hand and bracing the ground with the other as you smiled gingerly for the camera.
As soon as the photographer lowered his camera, you sprung to your feet and gave the pennant back to Alexia. “There you go, capi!” you said happily, motioning to Renard who was approaching with their own pennant to exchange. Alexia laughed and patted you on the back, mumbling a quick ‘gracías’ before turning away.
You walked over to the bench and shrugged your jacket off, folding it neatly for one of the team management to take to the locker room later on. With one last meaningful glance at your wrist, you ran onto the field to take your position. Irene was with you in the center and Lucy covered the right while Ona took care of the left. Jona had told you to be prepared for Mapi to come on, so you kept that in mind too.
As soon as the whistle was blown, you were relieved to see that Aitana, Mariona, Caro and Salma had already gotten things under control. That gave you time to scope out the Lyon front three and think about how to handle them.
You thought about what Lucy said. ‘Don’t get hurt trying to do extreme tackles.’
At the end of the day, it all came down to instinct. When Dumornay started running at you with the ball, her feet moving too quick for you to focus on, you knew what you were going to do next had to be purely instinctual. This wasn’t the match for calculated tackles.
It was a fearless tackle. It wasn’t even much of a tackle, actually; you had just gotten to the ground right in her path and made contact with the ball first before she even touched you. When she did touch you, the top of her boot got caught on your abdomen, knocking her over. It was the consequence of her own speed and momentum.
With the ball at your feet, you did what you always did best — kick it as hard as you could and hope it goes well. You must’ve hoped extremely hard or hoped to the right deity, because the ball landed right at Aitana’s feet. Not an inch in front.
With one touch, she had beaten her marker. When Aitana got the ball, it was almost always a goal, and this time was no different; before you could even register that your ball had been kept in play, let alone found a player of your own, it had beaten Endler’s desperate hands and hit the back of the net. The stadium has the loudest atmosphere you’ve ever experienced after Aitana’s goal.
She came running to you, her arms outstretched. You threw yourself into her, hugging her tightly. The rest of the team came shortly after, suffocating you two in a big team hug. You heard some muffled voices praising you and Aitana, but you were too stunned by how quickly it all happened to even register their words. There were many pats on your back and side hugs before the game reset and you were back to your centerback position, kissing the writing on your wrist.
“Aparejo increíble (Y/N), and the pass! Magnífico!” Irene said, pulling you close and ruffling your hair (to which you huffed and slicked it back down) before running back to her position.
You didn’t actually intend to make that pass, so was it that special? Aitana did score from it, but she just has magical feet.
The match had flown by, both teams only separated by one goal at the 90th minute. Lyon were desperate for a goal. Barcelona were desperate for another. Many changes had been made, including Mapi and Pina coming on.
You watched as Diani came down the left wing and somehow managed to beat Lucy and Mapi, which meant you were going to have to try tidy up at the back and not let Diani get to Cata, the last hope.
At first, you just jockeyed. You held her off and tried to delay her, which worked; her stepovers were useless and she couldn’t get past you by tapping and running… but then she did.
She took a touch just wide of you, giving herself heaps of space to dribble up to goal if she was quick enough to retrieve the ball. The big underlying issue was, your jockeying had led you two up to the box. You could either get a card and risk her scoring from a penalty or worse — not do anything and let her put it in. You would rather break your Hay Day login streak than let that happen.
As she lurched forwards to get another touch on the ball, it was like everything was in slow motion. Time slowed down as you extended your leg and thrusted your entire body forwards, cushioning your fall by sliding on your arm across the damp grass and towards the ball. You closed your eyes as she got closer to your face, hoping that if you didn’t see it happen, the collision wouldn’t hurt as much. If this tackle went wrong, it would be over for you, for Barça.
Diani’s opening had been a gift from God himself, so you prepared yourself to see her celebrating happily, the ball rolling into the net when you opened your eyes, but when you finally did open them, the ball wasn’t in the net. Diani wasn’t celebrating.
She was lying on her chest, scrambling to get to her feet. The ball was out, discarded somewhere near the barriers as a ball boy passed a new one to Lucy to throw in. Cheers had rung through the stadium upon your last-ditch tackle, but you had been too distracted to pay attention to them. You had been too focused on trying to execute the perfect tackle that would either make or break the game.
The only thing you guys needed was another goal to really seal the deal. Lyon were getting dangerously close, you needed a goal.
When Lucy had played the ball in, you moved a bit further up the field, watching the play. You noticed Caro receiving the ball, and then you noticed the absence in the middle of the box. You scanned for Aitana or Pina or anybody, but they were all marked by figures like Renard and Carpenter or in other words, brick walls that were not letting them in any time soon.
It was all, pure, instinct. You ran– no, sprinted up the field, flailing your hands in the air. “Caro, Caro!” you screamed, motioning to the middle of the box, begging for a cross.
The cross she delivered from the right wing was set to land just in front of you. You couldn’t reach it for a volley and you sure as hell couldn’t bicycle kick it in. It was travelling fast and getting nearer by the second, but that was the advantage.
Without a second thought, you jumped up. Your body was basically horizontal in the air as you flew forwards, forehead connecting with the ball. It was a shame you couldn’t watch it shoot past Endler, burying itself right in the bottom left corner. You flew into the net as well, and the only way you realised you had scored was when you sat up and looked to your side to see the ball. That’s also the only way you realised you were in the goal.
You had never stood up faster or yelled louder. You zipped past Endler and ran down the field towards the nearest camera. Your first goal of your career couldn’t have been more perfect, so you needed a celebration to match.
Aitana appeared by your side, and as you two ran side-by-side, you pointed to the people in the stands. It was a simple but meaningful celebration; it was the same celebration Vidić had once done, and you remembered it vividly. In fact, it was one of your favourite moments.
You ran to the corner flag where the rest of your team were, and you all fell into another affectionate huddle. Lucy squeezed your side. “You’re in the wrong sport, I think you’d do well as a professional diver!” she jeered, having to yell her words over the noise. You grinned at her and hugged the woman tightly right before being instructed to reset.
The ball had barely started moving again before the referee blew the final whistle. Everyone from the sidelines jumped from their seats and ran onto the field, and the people on the field ram towards your goal. Cata booted the ball into the air and jumped on top of the big hug, and then Pina followed. There was singing and dancing and flags being thrown and tears and hugs for days.
It was happy moment upon happy moment for everyone as it all sunk in — you had finally, finally beat Olympique Lyonnais in a Champions League final for the first time in your history. You had helped beat Lyon and make history with this team, and you had won your first ever Champions League and quadruple, but you had to give credit where it was due.
You knew if you never had a role model like Nemanja Vidić, nothing would’ve happened the way it did for you against Lyon.
Being a 16-year-old girl with such a fiery passion to defend and hold it down at the back wasn’t easy. There wasn’t many defenders that played for the badge the way Vidić did. The reason you loved him so much was because he exerted such an immense sense of pride and dedication to his club, and that was the type of defender you wanted to be.
That was the type of defender you had been today.
You couldn’t believe Keira and Patri when they ran up to you saying that the officials wanted to see you so you could receive the Player of the Match award once again. Your jaw was dropped and you went red as they basically dragged you away from the locker rooms and towards the officials. Your cheeks were still red from embarrassment as you took the photo.
You learned that you couldn’t just slink away into the locker rooms after such a big match, so you spent a solid 10 minutes talking to fans all around the stadium. It was a bit awkward for you at first because most of them were either as old as Alexia or literally your age, but you figured you’d have to get used to it.
The best part about the whole day was, when you eventually got back to the locker room and picked your phone up, you had reached level 300 on Hay Day.
As if one major achievement wasn’t enough.
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essjujutsu · 10 days
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okay so maybe you were already nervous about the first day of your new school.
and maybe listening to your depressing playlist at 7 in the morning wasn't helping that.
but mitski can help calm your nervs to! but with yuji blasting his music in his room right across the hall, it didn't necessarily get the mood right anyways.
"yn, hurry up! we gotta go in like—two minutes!"
"im coming!!"
you reply, grabbing your backpack. you hopped through your messy floor, clothes spattered out from your unpacked suitcase.
you ran down the stairs, seeing yuji sitting on the floor next to the front door and sukuna rummaging through the upper cabinets of the kitchen.
"here, take these for the walk."
you don't have enough time to fully comprehend what your uncle's saying before a protein bar is being flowed full force at your face—though thankfully you throw your hands up and catch it in the air. you throw the second one to yuji, who instantly unwraps it and starts eating it.
"first day—tough shit. todays when you make first impressions on everyone. good luck."
"oh, uhm—thanks?"
you reply, raising a eyebrow at sukuna's comment. he was being nice—maybe? you couldn't really tell. but before you get to decide yuji announces its time to get going so you wave a quick goodbye to your uncle as you walk outside.
"don't worry, its not a long walk—only like ten minutes give or take."
yuji says, taking out an airpod so he could hear. you nod, opening your phone to make sure you have your schedule for the third time today.
yuji was right, after about 15 minutes you arrive at school. you bite the inside of your lip slightly, a nervous habit you picked up over the years.
"so, were still early, me and my friends always come a bit early 'cause we like to hang before classes and—"
yuji starts, but before he finishes his sentence someone comes rushing from behind the two of you.
"yuji, yn! hey!"
you look behind you at the girl waving. she had dyed orange hair, nobara!
"nobara! there you are!"
"sorry, i know we usually walk to school together but i woke up late—anyways, hi yn!"
nobara replys, walking up to stand in the middle of you and yuji. she smiles as she grabs both of your arms—starting to walk into school.
"its so nice to have another girl in the group, y'know. it's just me and maki, and she dosen't really like shopping so she never goes with me. sometimes panda or toge come but like barley ever 'cause their always 'busy'—"
wow, you only really met her yesterday and she was already talking to you like you were close friends. you smiled, at least meeting yuji's friends was off to a good start then.
nobara countined talking untill you three reached the bustling cafeteria, her and yuji seemed to look around for a moment—trying to find their other friends. then yuji's eyes open a little wide and he points to the back of the cafeteria.
"there they are, let's go!"
he says, practically dragging you through the crowds of tables. nobara had already ran ahead, running to go grab a chair and sit down.
once you finnaly approached the table you looked up to five sets of eyes directly on you.
your mouth starts to turn into an awkward smile as you look around the table trying to deicde what to say, but thankfully for you, yuji most of the time knows how you feel.
"everyone, this is yn!"
he grabs your shoulders, presenting you to the group in a way before laughing. he moves his arms to point—starting at the two at the end of the table.
"yn, this is panda and toge! them, maki, and yuta are all a year older then us. but trust me, you can't tell with these two."
he giggles, his joke resulting in the white haired boy giving your brother a small "hey!" and turning to face you.
"you don't look to much like yuji, you should've ate him in the womb honestly."
panda laughs in response to that, an you can't help but laugh aswell.
"ha-ha, sooo funny guys."
yuji responds, rolling his brown eyes. he points to the two in the chairs next to them.
"those two there are yuta and maki! my favoire girlboss and her malewife-"
"shut up yuji."
the girl with the black hair and glasses replies, standing up and slamming her hands on the table annoyed.
she did look oddly familiar though...did you know her from somewhere?
she notices your confused look at her and raises an eyebrow, as if to ask if you have something to say. nobara wasn't kidding when she said she was intimating.
"sorry, you just look awfully familiar—that's all!"
"hm, you went to the boarding school north from here right?"
you nod in response, wondering what she's getting at. maybe you went to school with her?
"you must know mai. she goes there."
oh it clicks into place, shes related to mai. you didn't know mai all that well, but you did know she was mean. they must be twins, hopefully maki isn't anything like her sister.
"don't worry, im not like her—she's an asshole."
you let out a small sigh of relief. thank god. you turn your eyes to the one person who you haven't met yet. he was sitting at the other end of the table, on his phone. nobara was next to him—she was saying something but he didn't seem to be listening. you reconized him from a couple of yuji's instagram posts, but you didn't remember his name. he looked tired and like he didn't want to be there—which made you wonder why he seemed to hang out with them.
"oh yeah, yn—this is megumi! he's in our grade."
nobara says, as yuji sits down on the table next to him. was this the other best friend yuji had mentioned before? he seemed pretty annyoed as he took off his headphones.
"uh, nice to meet you!"
you say, giving him a small smile. he didn't seem all that interested in talking.
"nice to meet you."
"sorry, he totally puts up this whole 'mysterious and nonchalant' vibe around people—he's not even-"
"shut up, yuji."
nobara was in the middle of doing something with her phone as she spoke up.
"here yn, i added you to our group chat. check it after class m'kay?"
you responded with an agreement, as the bell rang for you to head to your class.
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BACKGROUND INFO: - nobara, yuji, toge, panda and maki all met in middle school, megumi later moved into town and became friends with yuji—who added him to their friendgroup - yuta moved last year, and he became friends with maki (and then the rest of the group), are him & maki dating? who knows! i don't think they know either LMFAO - there will be more of each character! i just wanted to get quick character intros
A/N: i'll try to have chapter 3 out by this weekend! again sorry if anythings ooc or if my grammer sucks ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི
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TAGLIST: (ask 2 be added) @1ndee @4ngelfries @jammofsammichflip @notveevee @qtnfer @love-me-satoru @satoryaa @loriisheart @starrnai if the tag dosen't work, change ur settings pls !
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nekassvariigs · 2 years
I saw someone having a post mentioning if a character from one piece would be certain about age gaps so here i am in a silly goffy mood.
Idea: Waking up/Walking around not realising youre wearing a shirt saying "Dilf patrol" and going out on the ship/certain places causing some interesting conversations.
Raighley, Shanks, Mihawk, Law, Kid, Doflamingo
Special addition: Bepo for cuteness
I know kid and law arent dilfs but theyre fun to write
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Way too busy to notice it at first until someone points it out.
Hes flabbergasted.
"Into experianced men huh?" he comments brows furrowed in question.
It took you a while to register.
"I know i dont qualify as one but give me a few years."
You couldnt be more embarrassed, not to say anytime he asks you to stand on lookout he'll yell "DILF PARTROL" full blast embarrassing you each time.
If hes into you he'll paint over one of his shirts the words "certified dilf" while working on his gagets. If you catch him in the act give him a sly smirk and run for your goddamn life.
However if you both happen to wear it at the same time again its now your turn to shout over the entire ship "DILF SPOTTED" the moment you see him. You'll distract him so horredusly he wont be able to unhear it for the next week.
At some point you both take a picture, altough the main focus is you zooming in on his tits where the label he drew on was.
"Let me see the photo."
You show it to him proudly and prepare for self defense.
"You little shit." hed scoff ,however his ego was lifted that hed certified dilf material.
This pink flamingo has been walking around you all morning trying to be subtle.
It was getting on your nerves.
"Can you ATLEAST pretend that your subtle, Youre like 10 meters tall dude you wear a PINK FEATHER COAT."
"So?" He picks his teeth with a toothpick.
"Why are you following me?"
"Your shirt."
"What about it?" you get more annoyed by the second.
"Not your dresscode madamoiselle?" you give him a fake smile with your eyes.
"Ha..Hahaha..HAHAHAHA, i must send this to the navy." He takes a photo.
"Fuck do you mean send it to the navy?!"
"Look, i can already hear "it's the dilf parol woman" with your face plastered all over it."
Oh he really was pushing it huh.
With a loud FWAP the shirt lands flat on his face right on the centered plastered with the writing.
"I think they'd like this one better."
You show him the picutre. There he is this wooden shelf for a man in his pink ridicilous coat with his face covered in a shirt thats says "Dilf patrol" boldly.
"My ass im gonna let you have your way with it."
Onsues a battle between two idiots.
Nearing your defeat you splur out "Y'know if you had a kid you'd qualify for it."
"Huh- Yeah right."
"Im dead serious."
"Time to take one for the team." He said confidently.
Usually you stay over at Shakky's rip-off bar having known the owners well half owner Raighley. You never managed to catch his wife on time however, she was always out so one good day you treated yourself to a hands on barman experiance pouring yourself a drink, mind you its late so its okay.
Whilst mixing your drink you hear the front door open Raigley in sight he catches a seat.
"One whiskey on the rocks ma'am." he gets cozy until seeing you prepare your drink. You shake the mixture the tshirt you wore frurrowing all sorts of ways.
"?" He sees something written on it.. not fully tho, so he'll take a another peek in a bit.
Your drink made, you start his grabbing some ice and whiskey for the foxy man.
"Here ya go~" you happily chirped at him offering his drink.
It wasnt until you were mid drink he said "Say would i qualify as a dilf?"
ah the burning sensation of choking on alcohol.
"What?" you ask him barely able to breathe.
"You know, I mean not to shoot myself in the foot i do happen to look good for my age." he takes a swig of his drink calmly.
"F-First off, where is this coming from? Second off what!?" You stutter, Raighley barely dared being so cocky, and now all of a sudden this!? Did he hit his head?
He doubles the K.O pointing to your shirt at which you stare down, immidiatley embarrased for showing your interest in older men un such a dumb way.
Cheeks blazing you admit defeat, giving him a thumb up weakly.
"You're overqualifed.."
"That so?" He smirks hand on his beard in question.
Now confidently you humm altough your legs were giving out.
Who woulda thought you had one of the hottest man, not to mention the most humble one around teasing you like this when youre compleatley unprepared.
[continuation awaits ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ]
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Poor guy was hoping to eat his meal in peace when you come in theough blazing the words dilf patrol on your shirt.
He literrally chokes.
"You alright capitan?" you ask him.
He swallows dryly, "Yeah..." he stares at you, then at the writing, then at you,the writing and at you for the last time.
"Y/n-ya, You know our crew mostly has guys around the age of 20, right?"
"Riight.. , point being?" you curiously ask.
"Point is WHO ARE YOU PATROLING FOR?!" Not gonna lie he was determined to know.
"!!?" Shocks sets in as you realize what youre wearing.
"Haha oh this thing, well you know give it a few years everyone will be aprooved, even you Law." you chuckle lips pointing in a whistle like manner.
He mentally stopped until he lowered his cow-print hat lower over his face, continuing eating without furter comments.
Hoo... Oh my.
"C-Capitans blushing!" Bepo alerts everyone in the dining hall. Startling you and Law himself.
"Was not, shut up!"
"I'm sorry!" he bows apologizing.
"Well in anycase we have time dont we?" You chuckle pouring yourself some tea.
Few meters behind you you hear more bickering about "Dont joke about this!" et cetera.
The silent man was trying to enjoy a morning newspaper till perona started babling to him about you.
"Whats the issue?" the blandly replies.
"Have you seen what shes wearing its not cute at all!" she pouts pointing to you , a pastry in your mouth the shirt revealing the writing.
Lightning stuck in his head.
"We all have preferances.."
He didnt want to even think about it.
"Thats right, we all have preferances" you pouted back disagreeing with her.
"Of all things you choose old hot guys seriously!? Pick something cuter next time!"
Bwaaa~ You drop your pastry.
"Who says i like old hot guys?"
"Your shirt says.." He nonchalantly interrupted.
"Ah so it does, WHAT?!" You strech out your shirt noticing the writing 'Dilf patrol'
"As long as she can handle it, i see no issue." He adds in.
Your jaw dropping, how can he be so relaxed about this.
"Stop embarrasing her old man-"
The bell dings in everyones head striking a nerve.
Everyone locks eyes.
Silence follows.
It was the tensest breakfast youve ever had with the two of them.
After breakfast you chose to clean the dishes upon hearing a knock.
"Not my buisness, but good choise." And he leaves just like that.
No dishes were washed for the next 30 minutes out of sheer incapability to understand his approval.
All bark all bite he doesnt hold back.
He digs the shirt, calls it trendy,odd but trendy, hes seen worse.
"Y/n, i qualify."
"For what?"
"You can count me as a dilf, no?"
Your brain shortcircuts.
"Well.." You eye him up and down making him wait impatiently.
"I mean sorta? Youre not really the hot DAD material are you? "
"I can be though." he shoots you a grin.
"Caaan you?" you hiss back at him.
"Wanna seee for yourselllf?"
[Continuation awaits ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ]
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You had just woken up having no actual shirt to wear from your regulars you scramped one from the dryer. You didnt even bother to check which one it was you had agreed to train with bepo.
"Goodmornin'. " Hes as polite as ever.
"Mornin' bepo, lets start some warm ups?"
You both proceed to train along eachother however the longer it lasted the more people gathered around you two.
"Whats this about?" You question wiping the sweat off your forehead with your shirt.
"Mm Maybe because youre wearing that today?" ,his fluffy paw points to your shirt.
Every guy in a 10 meter radius was giving you thumbs up making you red as a raindeers nose.
"Y/n, whats a dilf anyways? Some new monester out there?" He innocently asks
"Haha y-no?, Do you wanna know?"
He nodds.
"Well its a preferance for older attractive looking men that have kids or had kids who grew up."
"So.. Do you like ..." he was deep in thought..
He didnt know what to ask.
"Ah mabye Vice capitan Ben?"
"Dont think hes got kids, but hes attractive so i approve." You wipe ur nose at the thought.
Next day Bepo shows around with a shirt labeled
"Shaved ice patrol."
What an innocent creature..
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daydreamingmia · 6 months
Walker Scobell X Reader | Series | You Belong With Me🔱 Part 16
Santa Monica 🌊
"Y/n!" You hear someone yell
"Y/n!" They yell again
It was Walker!
Then you hear another voice come in the room
"Is she awake yet?" The other voice asks
It was Aryan!
"No I think she's dead" Walker says
"Oh well she was kinda annoying anyway" Aryan replies
"Rude" You mumble
"She's not dead!" Walker gasps
You started drifting off again
"Y/N WAKE UP!!" They start to shake you
"Noooooo!" You whine
"Fine" Walker says then there was silence
That wasn't good
Suddenly ice cold water hit you in the face and you screamed
"NOW WAKE UP!!" Walker yells
"Honestly Walker kinda deserves it" Aryan smirks
"Rude" Walker gasps
They then pick you up by your arms and legs as you try to fight them off.
"PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!" You scream
"Okay" Walker says a little too fast and they drop you on the floor
"Ow! Walker!!" You yell
"What?! You said put you down!!" He says acting innocent
"I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" You look at Walker
"Why don't you hate Aryan?! He did it too!" Walker complains
"Because Aryan is just your accomplice!! You're the idiot behind all this!" You point in his face but instead of arguing back he just kisses you
"Good morning lovely" He says as he pulls away
"Good morning idiot" You smile
"Gross!" Aryan complains
"Sorry" You both giggle
You go to the bathroom and do your hair and makeup.
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You fill your water cup with water in your sink then peek out your door.
"I'm ready!" You yell
You hear them walk over and stand in front of the bathroom door. Aryan facing you towards you. Walker's back to the door. You open the door slightly and Aryan looks at you and you wink and him and lift the glass so he can see it. He slightly nods but immediately looks back at Walker so he doesn't know what's coming.
You sneak up behind him and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around with a smile that immediately fades into shock when you throw the ice cold cup of water in his face.
He just stands there mouth open but smiling a little.
"I little pay back for earlier" You say smugly
He just stands there dripping
"Oh wait!! There's still some left" You say as you reach to grab a stool to get above him to pour it on his head.
You turn around and get hit with water as you shriek. You look and see Walker grabbed your shower head.
"OH YOURE DEAD!" You scream and charge him as he turns the water back on
The two of you were now fighting for it. Water soaking the ceiling and the walls. Just the sound of both of your laughter...but mostly Aryan's. He was just standing there watching. Laughing hysterically.
After about 5 minutes with the walls soaked and the floor starting to flood you feel another pair of hands grab the handle. You look and see Aryan fighting on your team.
"BETRAYAL!" Walker gasps
"Yup" Aryan just laughs
The two of you force it from Walker's hands and pointed it at him.
"Full blast?" Aryan asks you
"Oh yeah!" You reply
After a few minyes Walker started to plead
"Please! Please! I'm sorry!! I will never pour ice water on you to wake you up ever again...I'll use hot water." He jokes
"Aim for the face" You tell Aryan
"Okay! Okay! Im sorry!!" He pleads
"Fine" you say
Aryan turns off the faucet and we look around the room. It was flooded.
"Oops" Walker mumbles
"What are we gonna do?" Aryan asks
"Mom!" You yell
You dried off and left. You were sitting in between Walker and Aryan in the backseat.
"Can you move over anymore?" You try to shove Walker
"No! And you're gonna shove me out the car door if you keep pushing like that!" He complains
"Well then I'll have more room soo..." You keep shoving him
"You know what..." He bear hugs you
"You can't push me out of the car like this" he says smugly
You would complain but you were enjoying the hug
"Soooo...how are we doing this we just walking out?" You ask
"No we are gonna fly" Walker answers sarcastically
"I meant they don't know we are coming so like is there gonna be an announcement or are we just walk out there?" You say
"You want an announcement?" Walker asks
"Not want. I was just curious how this was gonna work" You shrug
Walker opens the car door and steps out
He makes a trumpet noise
"Presenting! Her royal highness Y/n!" He announces to nobody
"Well thank you kind peasant" You joke
"What no announcement for me?" Aryan complains
Walker rolls his eyes
"Presenting the court jester!" Walker says sarcastically
"Well I am pretty funny" Aryan replies
There were like 5 security guards Walker around you
You walked onto a bridge where everyone was
You heard the screams of all the fans
"Walker marry me!!" A girl screamed at Walker
"Sorry taken" He replies
"HE TALKED TO ME!!!" She yelled in her friend's face
Then you noticed the paparazzi. One of the paparazzi guys pulled your arm to get you to look at the camera but Walker pulled you back and glared at the guy. He put his hand on your waist and pulled you in. You kissed him and he blushed.
The three of you were now signing stuff and taking pictures with fans.
Aryan was a couple people ahead of you and Walker was a couple behind.
Everyone was screaming your name and handing you books.
"Y/n! What was your favorite part of filming?" A girl asks you
"Hmmm...making fun of Walker" you reply
"You do that everyday" He says to you
"True. I guess meeting Walker" you reply to the girl and hand her the book you just signed
"Awwwww" You gushed
You continued down the row of people
"Y/n!" You heard a familiar voice yell
You turn and see one of the boys you used to go to school with
"Max!" You yell
You hug him
"What are you doing here?" You ask
"Well I'm a fan of the show so I came here for the event. I had no idea you would be here!" He smiles
"Surprise" you say
Suddenly you felt eyes one you. But not like usual. You look over and see Walker staring at the two of you. No expression on his face. You look around. EVERYONE was staring
"Walker come over here!" You wave to him
He give someone their phone back and slowly walks over
"Walker this is my old friend Max. Max this is my boyfriend Walker" You smile
"Boyfriend" Walker blurts out as they shake hands
You giggle
"Nice to meet you boyfriend I'm Max" He jokes
"So...why are you here?" Walker asks Max awkwardly
"Uhhhh...I'm a fan of the show" He responds
"Oh. I'm glad." Walker says
"Anyway we gotta go. It was nice seeing you again" you say trying to get put of there
"You too!!" Max waves as you pull Walker along
"Well...that was interesting" You laugh
"What?" Walker says like nothing happened
"I think someone is a little jealous" you giggle
"WHAT?!?! NOOOOOO!!" Walker says in a high pitched voice
"Hmmm...then why did your voice go higher than a 2 year old?" You ask
"It didn't..." He clears his thought
"It didn't" He says in a really deep voice
"Okay" You laugh
"Do you still like him?" Walker blurts out
Mind you the two of you were still signing things while you were talking
"What?! Are you crazy? Walker I love you! I don't like him. I love you and only you" You look him in the eyes and kiss him
"I love you too" Walker smiles
"I know...that's why you're jealous" you giggle
"I'm not jealous" He states
"Okay "boyfriend" " you quote him from earlier
"Okay maybe I was a little bit." He blushes
"It's okay. I know it's only because you love me" You kiss him again
"It is" He blushes
You were signing the Percy Jacksom sign when Walker came running up behind you.
"Boo!" He screams in your ear
You jump and mess up your signature
"Great! You messed it up!!" You point to it
"Mission accomplished" He says smugly
"I hate you" You hit him in the head
"I love you" He says and kisses you
"I love you too" You blush
You then turn and try to fix your signature the best you could
Then you write under it
"Walker messed it up 🙄"
"You know what I think everyone needs to see what my signature looks like not messed up." You say mischievously
"What are you doing?" He asks nervously
"I'm trying to sign you forehead idiot. Now stay still." You say
"Ahhh! No!" He says trying to fend off your pen (with karate hands)
"Stay still!!" You yell
"Somebody help me!! That crazy girl is trying to sign me!!" He screams as he runs away
You chase after him
"Just stop running!!" You yell at him
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!" He screams still running
About 20 minutes later you guys were now in front of the sign.
He now had your signature written across his forehead
The three stand in front of the sign and pose for the paparazzi. You were on Walker's right and Aryan on his left. You smile and look up at him sweetly
"Awwwwwwww" everyone says in unison
"What? I'm just looking at my beautiful autograph" You joke
"Is this gonna come off?" Walker asks worriedly
"No. It was a Sharpie" You shrug
He just looks at you shocked as you turn back to the cameras and smile
A/n: Sorry Taylor wasn't in this one I promise she'll be in the next!! As always thank you soooooooooo much for reading!! I love you all soooooo much!! You all mean so much to me!! I can't thank you enough!! If you like this story please comment, like and follow!!
Also if you guys ever wanna talk my messages are open😁
Tags: @noajakah236482 @yeeteddemigod @the-tortured-poets-depxrtment @walker-scobell-obsessed
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shiftyyyy · 17 days
faggot ewww ewwwwwww ewwwww you smell ewww you like jimboooo ewwwwwwwww wwww
ewwwww alfred brown smells 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 hashtag doll eye hate ewwwww mystery looks like ass i bet he smells and his rotting smelly balls smell like ass cheekz like ewww they’re hanging ewwwww old men balls ewwww i also hate your bunniez they smell like baddd ewwww yuki smells so bad she had shit all over her ewwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaa
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desperatecuckquean · 5 days
See rape is a very simple and easy thing. I already have the lock picking set and the practice with it, the gag, the chloroform, the rope to remove any chance of you escaping.
As for what I would do to you, well first of all I'd make sure to bring a camera to keep a copy of everything I did. Every slutty admission of loving and lasting for more from you.
It would start off simple you see, chloroform you so that you're easier to tie up and gag, as you come round I would softly start circling my finger around your clit, just enough to get little whimpers out of you, giving positive reinforcement the whole time so that you realise its right to enjoy this. Next I'll start to gently squeeze those perfect tits of yours, making sure to keep the line of pleasure and pain just blurred enough that you can't tell whether it hurts or you enjoy it, again hazing those lines to remove any tiny little inhibitions you might have left. Once you're moaning more than squirming and groaning ill take your vibratory thay we know sluts like you keep in your night stand stick it inside your pussy on the middle setting for now. Then I'll take my dick out and slap you round the face a couple of times, then it can go firmly between your tits with some lube as I fuck them, making sure to tease you with the tip just going into your mouth.
Then the real fun begins, ill position you sat upright on the bed, hands tied to each post so you can't move and then relentlessly fuck your throat, getting faster and deeper and harder until your cunt can't do anything but leak juices all over the place from such a primal throat fucking, ill keep this up until I grunt and cum deep down your throat.
Once im satisfied with the use of your throat ill remove the vibratory from your pussy, take my still throbbing dick and shove it straight deep into your vagina, the vibrator will go in your ass, with only your pussy juice for lube, and then I shall violently fuck your whore cunt until I cum at least twice inside it, maybe even three times just so you realise who's cunt this is now and what's expected of my new whore.
Once im done with your tight little pussy ill switch the vibrator back into there, making sure it's on full blast this time and go straight balls deep into your ass, making sure to pound and pound and pound it until I cant hold back and spray your insides with my seed.
Lastly, once im satisfied your ass is appropriately ruined I will use your mouth and throat to clean my dick off of all the juices before leaving the vibe in and a wand tied down on your clit both at fill blast, ill take my camera with me, put a fresh one down and as I leave ill make sure the door is left wide open so the whole street knows your just a free use screaming whore for anyone to come in and fuck
Fuckkkkkkk. This one checked so many of my boxes. Got my pussy wet and throbbing. 🫠🫠
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sunny-with-a-knife · 7 months
Let me all show you my oc! Their name is Aundrea (Angie for short) as Well as my friends ocs!
I'll upload more or her art soon but I just got too lazy so have them from an art challenge I did w/ some friends^_^
Tw: death in all backstories (litteraly none of them have a mortal parent who's alive)
(It's great /j) all text colored in parentheses are my own comment! The white ones are from my friends
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ONTO THE LOREEE (click read more if interested)
Their father, Terrance Maheswaran, had planned to tell Angie her "amazing" heritage and terrifying adventures that would’ve laid ahead of her when she was 13, packing up her gift and a letter explaining everything for when she arrived at chb,
but in a sick cruel, twist of events, their Father died in a large explosion when she was working on an invention (a kid from the village had jacked with the oil rig, causing the generator to explode, Setting off The highly explosive fireworks and chemicals inside)
That had left her with a dead father, bad Eye, half her face burned and neglected trauma she refuses to Talk about, and would much rather throw herself into her inventions when someone Tries to make her talk.
But now she's dealing with a busted home, a hospital bill, a present, and a letter telling Her she's the daughter of greek goddess athena? Obviously she steals car parts and pieces from a local news station, making a warrant out for her arrest, (what half-blood hasn't?) as Well as an epic police chase scene while she blasted barbie girl and crashing Through the chb woods into A tree as well as a girls wine bottle (All jokes aside she was practically dashing to half blood all the way from the empty land if El Paso, Texas)
All of this has taken place somewhere after the pjo books (I thinkkk???? Me and my friends have yet to decide a timeline, so for now we ball ig)
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Written by my friend Kiwi!
daughter of Dionysus!
One of her first trips to the casino when she was 8 caused the trigger of her madness. Nadia got invested watching a poker game that when it was time to leave and someone interrupted her trance, she suddenly got angry and started clawing at the attendants face. Her mother was banned from the casino. This news spread about a demon child attacking anyone that touched her with glowing purple eyes. This also didn’t help Layla’s and Nadia’s money situation as that casino was quite common for clients. The rumours spread to Layla calling her a “temptress” and “demon mother” since she was the only one to calm Nadia and she “slept around” so she could have “easily slept with a demon and gave birth to a monster”. Many conspiracists found out and religious freaks plotted to kill them both. A ritual for the child and murder for the mother.
She is the daughter to Layla Mansour when Layla had a one night stand with a disguised Dionysus (idfk how it works don’t come at me). Layla was a prostitute that used her body to get in the pants of high ranking officials that cheat on their wives but when Nadia was born, she had a new purpose. Living. Nadia was Layla’s break from disgusting men and she tried to protect Nadia as long as she could. Money was tight and Layla took more jobs. By the time Nadia had just turned 8, she was taken on her mother’s “trips” to nice hotels and casinos etc.
(Shit goes from 0-1000 real quick in Vegas ig /j)
During the night on a full moon on the 30th of October at 3 am. A 10 year old Nadia found her mother killed with a shot to the head.(she only saw the body im not that mean to nadia) (yea right 🙄) The religious freaks mysteriously went mad (I wonder could it be Nadia whhhaaaattt). Nadia ran away blah blah blah she’s 11 and at camp half blood woo. (My friend is so funny when talking abt Nadia lmfao)
Her first year there she was sceptical and hoarded shit, she was claimed when she first gambled with Dionysus and woo new brothers. They introduced her to drinking (bad brothers >:() and the fact she isn’t affected like normal people by alcohol if she wants and skaboosh wine gal emerged. Her need for money couldn’t be solved with taking stray drachmas from the floor (don’t ask me just accept what I say as fact and just take it) so she started a gambling activity of sorts. Second year is when she started gaining reputation and it went pretty normal until the start of her third year this random ass kid crashed their weirdoes car causing Nadia to drop her drinking making it undrinkable. (How she met Angie!)
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Written by my friend Rohan!
Dex was born in China before moving to the US when they were 2. They had a rough life, being forced into anything that had extra credit or talent labeled on it, since they’re mom wanted them to be able to be a dutiful citizen of the US.
Dex’s mom; Beihe was on a vacation in the US when she had gotten pregnant with a one night stand with the disguised Hades. Beihe was ostracized from her family when she came home pregnant, and when she gave birth she moved to the US.
Soon Dex was forced to learn anything and everything from a young age, it didn’t matter what it was; Their mom wanted them to be a prodigy in everything, the most prominent things being Violin, piano and kung fu. Dex had come out to their mom, and soon it became something to use against them.
Dex and their mom were in constant arguments daily, but by evening their mom was parading them through downtown before they went to eat dinner and go to bed. But by the age of 9 an accident had occurred, and right in front of Dex’s eyes their mom was turned into a puddle of flesh, organs, blood, and other bodily fluids. (It was not finger licking good ☹️ /j)
It had left Dex with scars along their body and trauma to deal with. When they were found they were placed into their fathers custody, and that's when they gained an accepting parent.
And soon they transitioned and changed their name with their fathers permission, and was trained and taught languages and fighting styles and mainly how to fight with a spear. Dex has powers but doesn’t know about them, since they are constantly helping their father and only have enough time to sleep and eat whilst doing so.
They were sent to the camp as a spy when their father had come up with the idea, and sent them a monthly allowance for it. They have books and journals in different languages, and can contact their father through a mirror that they have hidden.
Dex when Nadia and Angie find out their a spy almost murders them in a fit of fear, before they leave them kinda beat up and make them swear they won’t tell anyone. And grow kinda distant for a while from them, and become scared to touch them after watching them recover slowly from a distance. They don’t report this to their dad.
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Together they go on a journey??? TO THE WEST! nah jk- but so far we haven't really written a concrete story yet, it's mostly just dealing with Dexs betrayl rn but I'll update when any changes occur!<3
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ottpopfic · 23 days
“It's okay,” Katie croaks, taking her godfather's hand in hers, both their palms slippery with blood. Jason's unfocused eyes train on her face, brow pinched with concern “I got it from here. You can go to him”
Leo and Jason are the first to pass of the seven
When Katie comes to she knows immediately that Uncle Leo is dead
Some possessed someone has been targeting safehouses, very monster of the week. The Bomb Shelter, a backyard fallout shelter turned house show venue that acts as a temple to Ah-Pa in Cincinnati, has been tracking them after a failed uprising. They had gotten an IM from Alania, the daughter of Iris who runs the place, that the group was heading north after the failed attempt. 
They hadn't been worried. If the assailants barely touched The Bomb Shelter, a five-person operation where two members were fully mortal, The Way Station should be fine. 
At least until the oncoming force got their hands on a fucking trebuchet
They didn't get much warning, just a feeling and then a sound as she and Uncle Leo locked eyes and knew . Katie had enough time to scale up a chunk of curved sheet metal to kick over their two current apprentices before Uncle Leo tackled her to the floor as the wall and rose window exploded in 
The large flaming barrel full of stones the opposition hits them with only does some of the damage, the rest of it is the equipment in the WorkShop going up on its own. They have both magical and mortal machinery and raw materials, a lot of which when combined wrong are a hazard on their own. The major issue is that the projectile hits the dust catcher’s receptacle, once it goes up it's all over. The fireball it creates shoots through the vents and into the other equipment, bypassing the safety enchantments and creating a multitude of explosions sending shrapnel flying in all directions
Katie knows her godfather is dead in three ways. First she feels it, his soul downstairs. He's blocking the line of traffic like a dickhead, waiting, she knows exactly for who. The older she gets the easier things are to feel in the upside down, and someone so close to her is a simple feat
The second is that his body is still on top of her. He's too cold, like his internal flame fled with him leaving Uncle Leo at a regular mortal body temperature. She can also see that he's dead, there are multiple giant shrapnel wounds from where he protected her with his body, and way too much blood. He's also not breathing, or moving, or anything. Festus is standing over them both, about the size of a horse as Katie likes to shrink him down so he can hang inside, blasting fire whenever anyone or anything gets close 
The third is that the Way Station is in her head like never before. Ever since moving here it's been a pickle in the back of her mind, a feeling here an emotion there. Now it's speaking full sentences, Katie can feel every want and need. If she weren't so out of it it would be overwhelming 
She can see Uncle Jason from where she lies prone on the floor under the wreckage. He's holding his own against multiple flying enemies, but even the Pontifex Maximus Valdez Son of Jupiter can't help his age. Katie's dads are in their seventies now, and it shows
Uncle Jason is injured, he has arrows sticking out of his back and a nasty gash on his left arm and chest, but he's still going. Katie gets the impression that he knows he's not making it out of this battle and he's just trying to take out as many infiltrators as he can before he falls, fighting like the wounded and cornered animal he is. Every movement is filled with rage and desperation, using his powers without care for the consequences. It would be terrifying if she wasn't still struggling to consciousness
Katie doesn't think she could ever be scared of any of her dads, not the way other people tend to be. Big shows of power are the norm for her, and she knows they would never ever hurt her. But if she was going to be, this is the closest. Uncle Jason fights like he has nothing to lose, like he's lost it all already. The electricity that pours off of him is rolling and visible, half alive on its own. And where Uncle Jason usually fights with this dignity, a trained poise and finesse, have been replaced by this feralness as he's full-on taking people out with his teeth
It's hard to watch, but Katie is also feeling super out of it in a way she can't place
You have a concussion the Way Station informs her, that makes sense 
Are our apprentices okay? She asks back
The apprentices are alive
Are there any dead?
There are three dead
Are you counting Uncle Jason?
Who's the third
Katie has always liked the cloud nymph, she had joined the Way Station only a little before Katie was found. She was a wonderful kind hearted spirit, always there to lend an ear and an excellent baker, she will be missed
Uncle Jason staggers after he takes out the last attacker, trying to balance for a second before his sword clatters from his hand and he collapses to the floor. Festus makes a wounded heartbroken keen above her but keeps his post
You need to get up the Way Station tells her It will be worse if you don't. You have things to do
She does have things to do
Katie rolls over, using her arms to drag herself out from under Uncle Leo’s body. It hurts , every movement hurts but she keeps going, ignoring Festus’s worried whining and pulling herself over the wreckage toward where Uncle Jason lays barely breathing
When she finally crawls her way to him he's almost dead. One of the arrows went through a lung, his breathing wet and ragged. She couldn't save him even if she wanted to, not with his age and injury and the amount of blood he's lost, but he needs to go he needs to be with Uncle Leo
They have to go together . If they don't go together their cycle will start again, storm or fire, and their souls won't survive it a second time. Dieing for each other, pulling each other out of the underworld over and over, it has bound their souls together more than any prophecy ever could. There is no one without the other now
“It's okay,” Katie croaks, taking her godfather's hand in hers, both the palms slippery with blood. His unfocused eyes train on her face, brow pinched with concern “I got it from here. You can go to him”
She holds his hand until he passes, it doesn't take long. He can't talk, but she knows he tells her he loves her, she loves him too. She waits until she can feel her goddad’s meet, they head for Aunt Styx together. They have already paid for the passage many times over, she doesn't need to worry
It's okay, they are together
It takes her a moment to hull herself to her feet, her body feels fuzzy and far away, but she stumbles to the hole in the wall all the same. Katie has always been able to see things that are super small, never needing the magnifying lenses others do to do the same work she does. But sometimes, if she works really hard at it, she can see things far away like she's looking through her binoculars
It's a trebuchet, like they knew it was, all outfitted to the nines and surrounded by monsters and lackeys. The man in charge, possessed as he is, is decked in golden armor like the king he is trying to become. Katie has always needed a line of sight to use her powers, but she feels the Way Station helping push her visuals, she can see all the details
The man's mouth is open as he yells an order, she can see all of his teeth. She lets her magic take hold of a back tooth, the twelve-year molar her medical training tells her, and then makes it grow. The screaming and the loss of the view of the bone as the man clutches his head in his hands doesn't change anything, her magic holds on tight, scaling the tooth up and up until it erupts out of the side of the man's face, the sharp roots of the molar puncturing his brain and exploding out his skull.
When she lets go of the tooth to move on to the second-in-command it starts to shrink back to its original size on its own. That's how it's always worked with organic living things, even if he's not exactly living anymore with the side of his head blown open and his shredded brain falling out. Inanimate objects keep their scale when she's done with them, living things don't, it's not a big deal. Katie uses her powers to grab the second-in-command’s tongue as the woman screams in horror, giving her the same treatment. it's hard to tell if she suffocates first or dies from her jaw and cranium being ripped apart and then off her neck by the sheer size the muscle reaches
She kills four more people this way before her wife gets to her, wrapping both arms around her waist and pulling her from the hole in the side of the building. Katie feels even more lightheaded with the break in the connection, in a far-off way she realizes her nose is bleeding and that's probably bad. An over extent of her powers or a reaction to her injuries, she can't tell
Festus is back too, hot on her wife's heels like he went to get her himself and supporting some of the blond’s weight
“I gotta, I gotta” Katie is mumbling, she can still see some of their attackers. Most are dead or in some kind of retreat, but she can't be sure
“Katie you gotta stop ” Lettie insists, pulling her so she can't see out of the side of the building anymore. Festus helps by pushing Katie with his body, corralling them like a sheepdog
“But I gotta, ” The Way Station is pushing her to continue, it's so angry and miserable and it wants them to not only leave and never come back but pay for what they have done and who they have taken
“Please baby,” Lettie turns her in her arms so she can see her face. There's a gnarly cut through her left eyebrow that is still slowly trickling blood into her eye and she is covered in dust and dirt and detritus, her beautiful blond ringlet curls matted down with mud and debris “Please Katie your hurt, and Jason and Leo-”
“It okay,” she tells her wife, eyes unfocused as they both slide to the floor “It's okay they went together”
“They had to go together” she's desperate for Lettie to understand, bloody hands clutching at the blond’s ripped dress “It would start again if they didn't go together, but they went together so they're okay”
Lettie has this look she recognizes, but it's not one she's used to having directed at herself. It's the one people give Papi sometimes he does big underworld magic, or when Dad uses his plague powers, like for the first time her wife is scared of her “Katie that's not-”
“The Way Station says I have a concussion” Katie pushes on. 
“It's talking to you?”
“Oh sweetheart ” 
Lettie pulls her into her lap, the blond bracing her back against the bricks and Festus. Katie can hear her saying something about calling her dads, then Lettie is swiping her thumb through the trail of blood from her still bleeding nose and wiping it across the coin charm on her necklace. Katie can hear her secretary Janet’s voice, then a very panicked Papi, but it feels far away like she listening through cotton. 
“C’mon baby, stay with me” Lettie prompts, papping Katie’s cheek, but it's hard to stay focused. Now that she's not concentrating on defending her home, information from the Way Station is streaming through her head unfiltered. There are forty-five broken windows not including the rose window which they have destroyed 78% of and over 50% of the roof garden is unsalvageable and they have lost six of the fruit trees also there's a water leak that is affecting the mortal structure below and at least one load-bearing wall is at risk of collapse as well as every resident is injured in some way and the infirmary is already at capacity and she's being fed the exact location of every inhabitant in real time some of who are trapped in some way and she needs to go help them right now
Suddenly Dad’s face is swimming into view, his warm hands holding the sides of Katie’s face so he can inspect her. She can feel his vitalkinesis slam through her hard, no gentle rev-up or bedside manor, right into triage mode. 
“Papi shouldn't shadow travel like that,” she slurs out, they are getting too old to be hopping about willie-nillie especially with carry-ons
“Think that's the least of your concerns right now sweetpea.” Dad tells her, in full doctor mode
“We have five that are in critical care and three dead,” she recites, somehow her disaster training coming through first
“Uh-huh?” Dad lets go of one side of her face to scale up his med kit and dig around “Tell me what else is wrong”
“Two of the critical are still under ruble we gotta-”
“Your Papi is on that, tell me what's broken”
“Mark has a broken clavicle and -”
“No, tell me about the building’s damage”
“The garden and main room are the worst, but we got structural damage on both our side and mortal side.” That's easier, not as raw. It's painful to track the people but the hard statistics of the infrastructure feel more neutral “The stair creation enchantment has been damaged we will need to gather the right supplies to fix it, I don't know if we have enough crab blood”
Dad is tying something on her right leg, the one that was trapped under Uncle Leo and the shrapnel of the exploded WorkShop. That's not right, she just has a concussion  
“Wa’s goin’ on,” she asks, she still can't really feel her body right. She tries to pitch forward to see what Dad is doing down there  “Wa’s wrong”
“Don't look baby,” Lettie tells her, putting a gentle hand on Katie's forehead so she can't look down. It holds her against her wife’s shoulder, Katie can feel how there is blood on her hands too. Festus puts his big warm metal head in her lap, helping keep her still
“Keep her talking,” Dad says to Lettie over her shoulder and starts in on a hymn 
“C’mon Kat-Bird, how many bricks do we need to replace?” Lettie prompts, the number comes instantly into her brain 
Lettie keeps her talking like that, gentle questions about the state of the building that the Way Station gladly feeds to her. Now that Katie isn't in fight or flight anymore she can feel the full loopiness of her concussion, making her sluggish and dazed. The only thing that’s sharp in her mind is what the Way Station is informing her, all hard facts.
When her godfathers reach the other end of the river Katie bursts into tears. She has to be in shock or something, because one moment she's barely aware of her surroundings and the next she's so wracked with grief that she just can't take it
“ They crossed ,” Katie sobs. She feels Lettie pulling her closer, her wife pressing a kiss into her hair as her own tears drop onto Katie’s ruined shirt. Festus lets out a mournful whine
Papi slides up to them a moment later. His expression is pained from feeling it himself and winded like he ran to them. The second Katie locks eyes with him she starts crying harder
“They went together ,” she tells him through her tears
“I know Pippi ,” Papi reassures, putting his arms around Lettie’s shoulders so he can hold the two of them “You did good”
Katie just cries, the closest members of her family holding each other tight, yet two people short. 
“I got her as stable as I can here,” Dad eventually tells them “Let's get to the Infirmary, Georgie is gathering everyone there and I don't think the floor is sound”
They don't let Katie stand, Papi scoops her up bridal style with an old man grunt, careful around her legs. Festus helps Lettie get up by giving her his neck and shoulders to haul herself up with
“But we gotta-” Katie tries to argue, still crying and loopy even as she tucks her face into Papi’s shoulder 
“It's okay, the others are coming to help,” Dad says
“Who?” Lettie asks following behind, Festus helping support most of her weight 
“ Everyone ”
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problematicraccoon · 3 months
🍎&🌊 for the shifting game <3
question one: pretend your dr has one of those filler-beach-day episodes. what’s everyone doing?
once again i am gonna do my skz dr with this one, cos i miss it T0T
Chris is probably off somewhere staring at the sunset, standing in the water. Seungmin's probably there with him, warning him to be careful standing somewhere so slippery at "his old age". Chris is currently trying not to punch him in the throat.
Felix is getting picked up and hauled off by Changbin, who's cackling like a little gremlin and running around with Lix over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
Jeongin and Minho are throwing Hyunjin into the water after Hyunjin REPEATEDLY has said he just wants to build a sandcastle and be left tf alone.
I'm sitting by mine and Hyunjin's unfinished sandcastle as he's carried away kicking and screaming, as Jisung comes up and tries to rizz me up by flexing his muscles and jokingly asking if im single (we've been dating for like seven months lmfao), but he can't keep a straight face and neither can i, and we both just end up laughing. he eventually gives up and plops down beside me to help build the moat for the sandcastle. Hyunjin trudges back to us, soaked and looking pissed, as Jeongin and Minho laugh hysterically behind him.
once the sun sets, we hang out for a little while longer before we head back to our hotel, grabbing ice cream on the way. we stay up half the night just talking <3
question two: what are three songs that remind you of your dr and why?
Oil & Water by PVRIS. mainly because of the chorus, which goes "maybe it's foolish, but I wouldn't do this, for anyone else but you. but i'm born to do this, fall and keep moving, up on my way to you" and i think we can all resonate with this T0T
Midnight Fiction by ILLIT. its just such a dreamy, pretty song. i always have it on in the background when im attempting a shift or just daydreaming about my guys :) makes me think about them.
The Creeper Rap by tryhardninja. mainly cos i cant wait to connect my phone to our blutooth speaker and start playing this song on full blast to jumpscare the guys T0T cant wait to terrorize them
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legacyshenanigans · 2 years
I don't hate you THAT much..
The boys all ran through the Forbidden forest, a Troll close on their heels, and adrenaline pumping through their veins, the sounds of panting, hollering, and the troll roaring echoing the area. Garreth and Leander hurled out spells towards the troll behind them as they ran, with Sebastian joining just in front of them as he had a firm grip of Ominis's hand helping him run through the dense valley, Amit and Everett were slightly ahead but also trying to fire out spells towards the troll. They all eventually made it to a large open space clearing of the woods. Garreth yelled out for them all to keep running as he stood in the clearing about to face the troll head on.
Leander: Not a chance! Im with you!!
Sebastian: Amit! Everett! Take Ominis and keep going!!
Ominis: Sebastian?! I-
Sebastian: Please Ominis! I dont want you getting hurt!
Amit: Of course!
Everett: Come on Ominis!
The Ravenclaw pair look Ominis with them, all the while Ominis shouted out for Sebastian in despair. Sebastian ran back towards the clearing to help the two Gryffindors, all three of them grunting and shouting out their spells towards the Troll, Leander had climbed up a nearby platform shooting spells from above as Sebastian and Garreth remained on the ground.
Sebastian: Keep fucking blasting it! And watch out for his hits!!
Garreth: Got it!!
The three of them running themselves to exhaustion against the behemoth Troll in front of them, Sebastian knew he could end this Troll in a heartbeat with dark magic, but resisted the urge, in fear of Garreth and Leander getting it out there, they weren't exactly the "best of friend's" so he felt his worries were valid.
The Troll hit the ground HARD with its club, sending a mass shock wave, making Sebastian and Garreth fly back onto the floor of the clearing. Sebastian quickly stood back up and looked over, seeing Garreth still lay on the floor, gripping at his leg in agony after hitting it against a large rock from the force of being pushed back, the Troll glaring towards him, beginning to charge over, club in the air.
Leander felt helpless atop the platform, still firing spells, but the troll was in some form of frenzy, Sebastian widened his eye's as he shouted out "Weasley!!!!" Running over to him and standing between the wounded Gryffindor and the Troll, the creature still coming full force, Sebastians face curled into intense anger as he held up his wand, screaming out "AVADA KEDAVRA!!!!" Sending a large bolt of green magic darting towards the troll, hitting it in the chest, the Troll letting out a strangled gasp, its eyes rolling back as it instantly fell backwards, hitting the floor with a loud crash. Silence filled the forest, Leander making his way from the top of the platform. Sebastian was panting, staring at the dead troll, before turning his attention to Garreth.
Garreth simply stared at Sebastian in shock, panting himself as Leander appeared.
Leander: Garreth! *kneels down beside him* Fuck, your leg! Are you ok?!
Garreth: Yeah *winces* I'm fine...
Sebastian: ....
Leander: *looks towards Sebastian* Didn't know you knew unforgivables Sallow...Never seen one in action before.
Sebastian: I...I just-
Garreth: You saved my life...*small smile*
Leander: You did *smiles* I'm willing to forget what I saw here today..Just from that alone.
Sebastian: *gives them a small smile back*
Garreth: Quite surprising, actually....Heh...You, saving my life.
Sebastian: Shut up Weasley *chuckles*....I dont hate you THAT much that I'd of let you die..
Leander and Sebastian both help Garreth up, to make their way once again through the forest.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 months
Heyo! M.I., here, with a second update today. Hopefully this makes up for the complete absence of Blackie in the first one. (Oh, and I totally forgot to say this earlier...can you seriously just picture Freddy getting a second glove, but they're both full of crochet needles lmao)
You've almost stopped noticing the passage of time. One day you could have a customer bundled in their winter coat, the next shorts and sandals. Which usually didn't indicate much besides a change in hemisphere.
Seasonal holidays aren't really important, either. The one thing you do have? New Year's Eve. The Cafe seems to love it, transforming itself into a tacky wonderland of streamers and lights. The tv screen flipping from one celebration to another.
Your little group of three gathers around as the clock strikes midnight wherever you are, clinking the champagne the building always provides.
This year, Blackie seems strangely on edge. This, in turn, puts you on edge. Nothing gets to him, so if something has, that can't be good. He never says much during the toast beyond the standard wishing of a happy new year, maybe some cynical musings about who's going to wander in over the next one.
You're simultaneously intrigued and worried by the cryptic 'to new beginnings,' he offers up. It's too out of the ordinary to be unimportant.
You're not reassured when he's nowhere to be found the next morning. Logically, you understand that Blackie disappears all the time. He's got things to set in motion. But you can't shake the feeling something's...off.
Not that you're given much time to ponder it before the door swings open, ushering in a pair of teenagers along with a blast of cold air.
There's a ring on the girl's left hand that can only have come from a box of Cracker Jack with how cheap it looks. It's the most terrifying promise you've ever seen and you hate her boyfriend on principle.
It's going to be impossible to speak with them together. You can already tell that from the defiant way the girl cuddles into the arm draped around her shoulders. No one understands how in love they are. How ready to take on the world.
He's a musician. God, of course he is! The hair gave that away. That and the way he goes on about just needing to get in front of the right people with his guitar and it'll be smooth sailing to the top. You know she's afraid of being left in the stardust, even if she doesn't say it.
Seeing them, you have to give yourself some credit. Tommy had never gone near a guitar. His sole ambition was 'become rich.'...Oh. No, actually, maybe you don't deserve any credit. You spent years believing in someone who had a vague dream and no discernable talent or skills to achieve it.
This girl can't be allowed to go the same way.
You finally manage to corner her in the bathroom, eyes darting quickly to search out any signs of abuse when she emerges from the stall. It's sad to say, but you've been here long enough to become an expert.
"You alright, honey," you ask. "Should I call someone?"
"No," the girl says tersely, scrubbing her hands extra hard and avoiding your gaze. Clearly she's heard this all before. "I'm fine."
"Maybe you think that, now, but-"
"Leave me alone!"
Alright, that was clumsy of you. Poorly-handled. Fortunately, the extra delay has bought Tommy enough time to get the boyfriend away somewhere. The girl looks uneasy, twisting her ring as she waits in the booth.
It's a good two hours before they return, freezing you with the swing of the door. The boy looks pale, sitting down across from his girlfriend instead of cuddling up again. Taking her hands. You can't hear the conversation, but she's shaking her head frantically.
"What'd you say to him," you ask Tommy, getting him alone in the kitchen.
The two of you watch through the window, keeping your own voices low. Standing a little back and to the side so they won't immediately catch you if they look up.
"Showed 'im he was being stupid," Tommy replies, holding out his arm to offer you a cuddle. You allow it. "There's a bridge about five miles from here, old guy under it with nothing but a guitar..."
You have a feeling you know exactly who the old guy was, and find yourself oddly relieved to know where Blackie had gone. Along with sorry to have missed seeing him dressed down in hobo-chic. His antics aren't nearly so bad when he's on the helper side of things. Shame he's gotta be an ass just as frequently, but you're starting to understand that's a literal requirement of the job.
Doesn't mean he needs to have so much fun with it.
"Kid thinks he's invincible," Tommy continues. You tilt your head back to look at him and the two of you exchange bitter smiles. "Said that would never happen to him and if it did he'd just work his way up. So I asked what about her. What does he think happens to women living under a bridge and could he protect her from that?"
"That actually worked?"
"I had to spin a few worst case scenarios, but...yeah. He's a hot-headed idiot, but he definitely cares."
"He's not hurting her?"
"Nah. Except right now," Tommy adds as an afterthought while you watch the ensuing drama play out.
The girl starts crying, throwing her cheap ring at her boyfriend and flouncing out the door. Letting in another blast of cold and nearly bowling Blackie over in the process. She pauses long enough to give a red-faced apology before hurrying on.
You're even more relieved to see him back. But that something is still hanging over him.
He looks at the boy, who ducks his head at the scrutiny.
"Lover's quarrel?"
"Yeah." The kid runs his hand through his rockstar hair. Bends to collect the ring from under the table. "Yeah. Guess I better go after 'er."
"Ya think," you mutter sarcastically, finally untangling from Tommy as he gives a quiet laugh at your remark.
One more blast of cold, that still manages to reach you in the warm kitchen thanks to the giant window. Making you grumble as your bare legs have had enough.
Blackie sits with his back to the counter, leaning on his elbows; lazily snapping his fingers at the tv. You and Tommy make your way into the dining area for a better view.
The screen displays the adolescent lovebirds waiting at a bus stop. Huddling for warmth and talking about going home to see what opportunities Jesse can find there. You'd wondered what their names were, as both had refused to give them. You still don't know hers, but it's enough that you do know they'll be sensible. Work hard and wait for things to happen in their own time. Instead of getting impatient for dreams that were too far out of reach.
She's not wearing the ring. It gives you hope she'll outgrow hot-headed rockstars in the meantime.
Suddenly, there's a shift in the atmosphere. A humming energy that makes you gasp in recognition. You and Tommy turn as one to face the door.
It's glowing. Barely able to contain the too-bright whiteness behind it. Blackie reaches into the air for his sunglasses. You reach for Tommy's hand, giving it a squeeze.
The door swings open. The pair of you step forward but something...blocks you. Only you. Tommy stops, as well, looking down at you apologetically. The last time he'll ever have to do that, you know.
"I love you," he says.
You don't say it back, that would be dishonest. But you do let yourself be kissed goodbye for the sake of the past and the almost rekindling that had begun with your stay here.
Then he's gone.
That's when it hits you all over again. The way it had the night you died. He was your biggest regret. When you were alive, it was always lurking in your subconscious. The post-death, better version had almost made you forget. And you'd found yourself starting to care for him the way you had when you were bright-eyed and stupid. Free of bitterness.
Now he's let go of his regrets and left you behind. The way he should've in the first place. You stand regarding the door with open hostility as it gently sways in his wake. Taking a harsh, shuddering breath, you stalk towards the ladies' room without a word. Trusting The Cafe will know what you need.
It's an empty, white void when you get there and you smile, sad but grateful, before throwing your head back and screaming into it.
"I was a child, you no good, reckless son!of!a!biiiiitch!!"
He'd never even given you so much as a Cracker Jack ring. Bastard.
You stay there for who knows how long. Shrieking, crying, kicking and pounding your fists on the soft yet sturdy walls. Your rage isn't spent by the time you leave, but you need an interactive target. Preferably male. There's only one of those available right now. Or, you suppose that should be 'anymore.'
To be honest, even limited to verbal sparring, fighting with Blackie is satisfying in a way. You get to be angry without feeling bad about it, and you know he'll give as good as he gets.
He's right where you left him. Though now he's facing forward, eating a cup of coffee with a spoon. Like it's cereal. Overloaded with sugar, too, if you had to guess. He raises an eyebrow curiously at your return. As if there wasn't a very good chance he'd seen your entire breakdown on the television screen and was waiting for you.
You hope not but...you know there's precedent. Honestly, you were sure the building meant well, but you'd rather've had a moment to yourself.
"Why didn't you stop him," you demand, stomping over and slamming a hand on the counter.
Blackie shuffles to the next bar stool, taking his coffee with him. Away from you. Which you think probably has less to do with feeling threatened and more with how far you've encroached on his personal space to yell at him. Practically in his face if he'd turned even an inch in your direction.
"Not really my job."
"Oh, bull!"
He should have been more than capable of dangling an offer that left Tommy stuck here with you. The way he deserved.
Thinking about it, now, you feel a little betrayed. Saving the kids must have been a final step. For him. Something The Cafe had begun by giving you that glimpse into his thoughts. Earning his redemption in your eyes and setting him free with your forgiveness.
"He was ready," Blackie says with a shrug. "I can't stop that."
"And me?" You're still spitting your words like tearful daggers. "Don't I get to be ready? I was right there with him for all of it."
Why are you still here, in this endless, timeless limbo? Helping other people move on or go home when you can't do either.
"Not up to me," Blackie reiterates calmly. "That's between you and...uh..."
He trails off, pointing upward. Directing his eyes the same way. His refusal to engage properly somewhat deflates your anger and you settle for scoffing at the unfairness; folding your arms and dropping onto the seat he'd just vacated.
There's a little glitch in reality as he slides his cup across the counter. Well, it's not his, anymore. Just a duplicate. This one filled with cocoa and a generous dollop of whipped cream.
Somehow, his coffee never actually moved despite the fact you'd watched it happen.
"Thanks," you say, more to him than the building. You're not happy with it at the moment. "When I was really upset, mom used to-"
Make you hot chocolate just like this. Even in the summer, braving the heat to simmer it on the stove because nothing cheered you up quite as well. Blackie knows this, already. In that unsettling way he knew everything about your lives.
For a moment, you sip quietly and think about finally making a wish to go home. You'd phrase it as 'I wish I'd never met Tommy.'
Except it wouldn't do any good. You'd danced that dance before. The first night when you'd passed all the little tests Blackie threw at you to prove yourself worthy of being a guardian spirit or whatever you were, now. Your life would be on fast forward until the inevitable death at twenty-six.
No matter how things played out, there wasn't any more future left for you. And you'd just been rejected by heaven. No way of knowing if that were temporary or permanent.
"Did you know," you ask quietly, fidgetting with your cup handle. "Is that why you've been so..."
Trailing off, you gesture vaguely. Trying to convey with a wave of your hand that he hadn't been himself.
"I did."
It's matter-of-fact. No guilt or apology. He and The Cafe both knew Tommy's stay was drawing to a close without you. Both helped facilitate it.
"A warning would've been nice, thanks."
"Why?" Blackie still has that same matter-of-fact tone, spooning more coffee into his mouth. "It wouldn't have changed anything...just sped up the sulking."
You huff at him, sipping your cocoa.
"I could've been more prepared."
"True," he concedes. "But tell me this: the night you died...would you want someone warning you, knowing it was still going to happen? Nothing you could do but dread the inevitable."
"No, but...this is different."
"Not really."
You hate admitting Blackie's right. In a way, it was still a death you'd be dreading and couldn't stop. Tommy's gone and he won't be back. You hate him. You're jealous. You once loved him. He was your friend. You'll miss him. For good or bad, that was still a decade and some odd years spent together.
You can't help feeling very conspired against.
Not to mention very disturbed, suddenly wondering what else Blackie knew. If his strange mood didn't have just as much to do with awkwardness around seeing things he shouldn't.
"Did you see...us," you ask, cringing back from the question while the words are still forming.
He looks away, only giving you a glance from the corner of his eye.
"Do you want honest or reassuring?"
Okay, that answers that. Now you're stuck with him for who knows how long, and you don't know if you can ever bear to face him again.
You gather what's left of your cocoa and beat a hasty retreat toward the ladies' and your own room, but his next words pull you up short. Addressed to the nearly empty cup he's idly stirring.
"For the record...I turned it right back off."
"Thank you," you say, clutching your cup and exhaling the words on a sigh of relief. "That was really-"
Polite. Kind. Gentlemanly. What comes out is an awkward combination.
"-polind...ly. Look, I'm just going to avoid you for awhile until we can both pretend that didn't happen."
"Perfectly understandable." Then he looks up. Deadpan except for the mischievous twinkle. "But don't worry. I saw more of Tommy and his birthmark than of you."
You laugh. Just like that, everything's okay again. You're still going to hide for at least a week, though.
He's killing me XD Oh lord.
The bit where Frank has the opportunity to watch Fae change in the first ep but turns the screen off is my FAVOURITE part of the first episode XD And seeing it mirrored here is giving me all good feelings 💛!💛!💛!
This is my favourite part so far XD Every new part you make is my new favourite, though-
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dumbasswhatever · 1 year
Yoooooo I got a book that made me experience mental illness in a positive way, It's Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. It's a korean webnovel. It's about Kim Dokja, who's an average office worker, who just finished reading a webnovel, Three Ways of Survival, and the sole reader to read it until the end. Then, everything that the novel was about actually happened, so now he is thrusted into this apocalyptic world and have to survive in it.
This novel makes me crazy bc it discuss the way some people who read to survive, to live another day. Is it voyeuristic to see the characters suffering in order to live? If the characters were right in front of you and know that you read their stories, will they hate you? Resent you? For only watching and never helping? Are you, the reader, absolved of your sins, to know that these tragedies are made for your consumption?
Usually novels that goes this route will slander the readers sayin that you are bad, but NO this novel said the characters will love you, for reading their stories, for being there in suffering and in happiness. The stories will love you so, so much it will try to save you, even if it means that the characters have to go through it, the damned timeloop, again and again, to see a happy ending with you. You are doomed by narrative but they will try again and again to save you, until the very end.
It's a love letters from authors to readers who read to survive, and it resonates with lots of people who read it. And it fucks so harddddd it uses all the so called cringe cliches and tropes and embrace it and it goes HARD. It's not a novel based on logic, it uses storytelling components like themes, tropes, cliches and such as world building materials and it flows smoothly.
Also Kim Dokja made me so ill, this bastard is so depressed, full of self-denial and suicidal. He adopts kid and became an absent father. Everytime he made a plan, it will include a) if don't work kill myself or b) if killing self don't work, escalate situation so it fucks everyone in vicinity, he keeps saying "oh i do this selfishly. Im gonna reach an ending where everyone i love live happily and i am doing this for myself and myself only". He thinks he is unlovable. His self-denial is so strong it's literally parts of his skills. His companions are going crazy cause this man CANNOT stop throwing himself headfirst into danger. Have I mentioned the queerest polycule ever between the book's protagonist, kim dokja, and a hack author? They all said that the really can't stand each other BUT THEY ALL LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH IT BECAME A DAMN UROBOROS OF A TIMELOOP, SAVING EACH OTHER AGAIN AND AGAIN.
Okay anyway I'm normal again. Read ORV if you want. But be warned cause many people aren't normal after reading it. Engard
alright alright sorry for the ever so late answer, i would have answered your ask right away but see i was... indecisive. i began reading orv about a year ago but i got about 70 chapters in and then got distracted. (NOTHING against orv here. i can get distracted and abandon literally any story ever. i still haven't finished watching the ace attorney anime.) and so i know already that i like orv and i think it is so very fun, and i have been thinking recently about getting into it again and maybe actually finishing it this time, but i wasn't totally sure if i should start now since i'm gonna be getting some books in at the library... but anyways i gave in and i am having a BLAST. love this little freak kim dokja. right now, dozens of people are trying to assassinate him and he's like "well don't worry about that we don't have to fight them. the monsters are about to appear." i have orv downloaded on both my phone and my laptop so i can read it while i brush my teeth and also while i eat cereal in the morning. who even needs youtube. i am going to be so annoying to my sister about this
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pierregazly · 1 year
it's raining in my part of the world and since im still on my gasly twin bs, i present
the gasly twins during a rainy race
just imagine them in their little rain boots and toddler sized versions of the rbr and ferrari rain uniforms
merc and alpine have their own teams' rain jackets on stand by if the little tornados decide to pay them a visit
ellie and théo moving about the paddock by taking turns jumping in the puddles that are forming
imagine an intern is tasked with keeping up with the gasly twins
the twins are going about having the grandest of times while having a grown adult probably with a masters degree or two under their belt running after the resident demon spawns of the paddock with an umbrella in hand to make sure they dont get too wet
FULLY EXTENDED IT WOULD PROBABLY BE THE SAME HEIGHT AS THE BOTH OF THEM (derailing a bit to say i think ellie would be just the tiniest bit taller while théo would be the tiniest bit older)
back to the topic at hand
the twins each drinking a hot chocolate when spectating the race with their respective team principles, while the adults have a coffee to keep warm as well
and while they are drinking their warm drinks fred and christian are talking to them like full grown adults who work for them and the twins responding in same fashion
fred 🤝 christian: turning the twins into mini team principles one race at a time
omg ellie and théo making fred and christian patch them through to their uncles so they can tell them to watch out for puddles
(i can make a whole post of the twins on the team radios)
after the race they demand a cuddle session with their uncles (mick, sharl, george, lew, etc.) so that they can make sure they are warm from the elements of the day
their parents dont even get an invite at first and when they ask ellie responds with an "i guess 🤷‍♀️"
okay i think i've gone on long enough, hope this cheered you up a bit after the week you had 💜
no but imagining little babies jumping through puddles in their little rain gear has me 🥹
ellie and theo would absolutely have a blast during rainy races, even if it’s pouring and everyone’s stressed and concerned about the hazardous conditions they’d just be having the time of their life (fred and christian would be like oh no rainy races are great, don’t worry little mini me’s, your uncle’s are totally fine [they’re not])
even if it hurts them to admit it, although the hot cocoa is great at ferrari and red bull, alpine interns make it special for them with the best chocolate they can find and it’s probably the only time you’ll ever willingly see them in the alpine garage during a rainy race
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gladiolidiaries · 2 years
quackity priv tweets talking about content/his english audience
12/22/22: im feeling under the weather guys no driving stream i am sorry :(
12/7/22: Want to take the time to thank all the English speaking viewers who take the time to learn o try to learn the Spanish language to understand some of the content. It’s the coolest and cutest thing ever. Don’t worry to those who don’t anyway, lots of HUGE stuff coming for yall
10/19/22: I’m genuinely upset that throughout my career I’ve been seen as a horrible cook for all the silly little cooking streams I’ve done, when I OBVIOUSLY am not that shit at cooking. On Saturday I’ll do an actual serious cooking stream to prove all of you wrong because I’m sick of it
10/11/22: thank u guys for being so sweet and so nice to me at twitchcon. had a blast meeting every single one of you, both from my English speaking and Spanish speaking community i will proceed to yell from happiness AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
9/17/22: i'm going through so much footage and so many scripts that explain SO much. I wrote all the scene contexts with such depth, this is gonna be amazing
9/15/22: In one of the upcoming days I’ll be doing a FULL ON behind the scenes stream of ALL the Las Nevadas footage/scripts/images/bloopers I’ve obtained throughout almost 2 years of DSMP. :)
8/25/22: i cant believe how fucking crazy this whole lore is ending up looking like lol
8/13/22: Despite it being short, had so much fucking fun with this stream can’t wait to do it again soon. Love and appreciate u guys so much
7/30/22: I just hit a million subscribers on my Spanish channel and I cannot thank you guys enough for everything. Iwouldn’t be able to do this in Spanish if not for the insane support my English community has brought me throughout the years. Love and appreciate you all so much ❤️; It may not seem out of the ordinary but being able to do all this in Spanish as well has been a dream I’ve had since I was a kid. I feel so blessed to have TWO amazing communities. Cant wait to bring a lot more incredible content to everyone!!!!
7/27/22: miss u guys!!
6/26/22: I REALLY MEAN IT WHEN I SAY I LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU GUYS SO MUCH ❤️; I feel so emotional, a few days ago I got to stand inside the boxing ring of the BIGGEST ever Twitch event ever made in history with many of my Spanish friends. You guys have given me these opportunities and I’m so fucking grateful to have TWO massive and supportive communities!
6/15/22: For the next 3 days (or less) I’m participating in a huge Spanish Minecraft event on my alt Twitch channel :-) Super appreciative of those who come and support the streams despite not knowing Spanish. In one of these days I’ll raid into my main and do an English stream btw ^_^
4/2/22: Hey guys, sorry for the lack of activity recently. I’ve been working hard on literally my favorite fucking video of all time. I say this for each video I make and I mean it every time. It’s coming out soon and im so fucking excited for you guys to see. Big fucking plans ahead ily
3/20/22: i remember after working on my last lore stream every day from morning to night for a month, i remember the morning after the stream, i woke up at 5AM and i literally just went to the beach and sat there for an hour it was so nice. im so happy to see everyone getting the merch; i have so many projects in the works and i can’t wait to replicate this feeling many more times in my life
3/9/22: I just filmed the most incredible video I think I’ve ever done in my career. I’m so fucking happy for these opportunities. Love you all I’m so excited to show you
2/24/22: AHHHHHHH school has been super difficult on me recently but i have so many projects on standby ready to go!!! thank you guys so much for the patience i promise theres some really big stuff for you all soon!!!!
2/12/22: i miss you guys. ive been incredibly busy but working some incredible fucking stuff. i feel excited and very blessed
oh thanks for sending that. i think deep down he probably wants to shift to Spanish only but knows that a big % of people are attached to his english content so he keeps trying to say that things are coming
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watery-pancake · 4 months
It's a weird pattern I've only now been able to notice, after regurgitating that previous story. I always fall into the same pattern. Becoming comfortable in a new person, settling into routine and feeling like myself, and they switch up on me and suddenly everything is different and we end things and I end up alone once more.
It's different in my current relationship, where now that we've both settled into routine, I've found him becoming more and more loving as time goes on. It makes me so uncomfortable.
It breaks the moment when shitty things happen. The other day I was harassed by a guy in an Uber, and he fell asleep before I could finish talking about it. I used to wait hours for his calls and texts, and he consistently stays up to the dawn of morning, but the first time this has happened to me and I need comfort? He just sleeps. The next day, when I could really use attention to feel comfort. Conveniently, he decides to take a day to himself, exploring the city. I wished he came to my job to surprise me to help me feel better. I found comfort in coworkers and customers. I came home and he showed me the beautiful sunset over the bridge, and it felt mocking. It wasn't his intention, obviously. But here I was, working all day, and feeling as lonely as ever, and he's able to just relax and enjoy life. The beautiful view I have to watch from my bed while my feet throb from standing all day. And today, I worked a full 8 hour shift on a busy Saturday, and after I talk about my day, he has nothing to say. I ask him a question, and he automatically assumed I've finished.
He wasn't listening.
He can say he was doing laundry. Or that he wasn't at his phone since he was busy. Or whatever excuse to shift the blame to it being my fault. It hurt. A lot. I watched tiktoks, and he just said there was a problem with my audio being too loud, and I muted myself. I doubt he ever noticed, considering his silence for the following hour. Not a single interaction to me or my long monologue about my day. I waited that full hour hoping he would say something, anything. All I heard was his TV blasting noise to my headphones. I gave up, and said goodnight. I almost wished I'd gotten drunk tonight again, but my legs ache too much to get the bottle. Nor do I want to drink. I just want to relax.
And tomorrow (or should I say later today after staying up all night) I'll go to a family gathering with him, and this will be a 'dumb overdramatic' memory once again. As they always become, for comfort's sake.
What am I supposed to do, talk about it with him? A stupid idea. ill just feel shitty and he'll become super distant and it makes me feel even worse.
i just wish he would go out of his way, like "hey i know the past few days have been rough and i havent been giving you as much attention as i shouldve. and im sorry." not this "my bad" bullshit. an actual im sorry, or apology. it sucks. he says he cares but his actions show so much otherwise. actions speak louder than words after all.
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