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Drinking again
sometimes i wonder how different i am from my father. he too, escaped with alcohol. i can only dream of the pain he was in with his weight. i wonder if he, too, had a possible brain tumor. if he ever dreamed of a life outside of this.
i guess ive only ever seen my parents as strangers, devoid of all emotion. it is a struggle for me to think that they think, even of me. for me to have this disability for life, to bring life to a being who will be in pain for the rest of their life. i always thought how i will remain sober my whole adult life, no alcohol, no weed, nothing. at least, that's what i knew until i met my lover. i wanted to remain the same way i was when i was 18. i knew i was sensitive to addiction. i said it to my family and everyone i knew, "the only time i will have alcohol is maybe a glass of champagne at my wedding!" look at me now. i watch a show where the protagonist struggles with addiction constantly. i look at old pictures and see the scars at the edges of my lips, knowing its from smoking. i always imagined i'd kill myself, and at least the only benefit my pathetic life will have will be donating an organ to someone in need. i hate my existence. i live my every waking breath in agony, in rage how my parents selfishly desired to have a child at their ripe age, knowing the risks. the risks they knew would have to be suffered for the rest of the life of the child my mother bore.
i exist with hatred, coursing through the veins of every sad, desperate breath i take. this disability of mine. of which, no matter how many drugs or painkillers i take, will always remain me in the same place i started in. anxiety from all the abuse i took as a child. pain from purely existing in this day and age. no matter what i do, i will always be the weird guy in the corner of every party, drink in hand to hopefully push me to even talk to a single person.
i urinate once an hour. when the days are hard, i have my cane to support this pathetic weight on this pathetic body. like i ever thought i was capable of loving.
every day i wonder what my father would have thought of me. seeing his little girl, who once was small enough to hold in the palm of his hand. he sees her as a ghost, drinking to forget like he once did. he sees her, loving someone who could never love like she did, like he did. i can never forget the valentine's where he got my mother a huge heart filled with chocolates, >$100 worth. and all she did was complain for how much it costed. all i can think for my entire childhood how i can only remember them kissing a couple times, not enough to fill a hand. i can only remember the night at elementary school where i heard him scream how he no longer has sex with her, since i didn't know yet she only had sex with him for being allowed to stay in this country, to which even now as an adult i can't decide who the hell my mother is.
i think of her so much. i dream of who she could have been, like my lover's mother. loving, keeping the door unlocked since he feels no fear around these individuals. sometimes she comes in the room just to show love for him. who am i? to think this could ever be my reality? when i see him, i see my father, who worked his every waking hour to bring his daughter a live he could only dreamed of.
i spent my life hating my father, even praying to God for his passing, and it is only in his passing I see his life for what it truly was.
i only realize now, postmortem, that he wasn't lying when he said no man will love me more than he does. his last words to my mother? give her nothing when i die.
it really encapsulates what i deserve. i deserve the bottle, like my father did. i deserve no family or friends, like my mother does. i deserve to be alone. i am pathetic, and that is all that i will be until the beautiful day that this waste of flesh is meant to be still and eaten by maggots til there's nothing by bones left. these bones will not be seen by scientists, since i am just one of many billions of humans of whom have roamed this vast planet. all my hours of work into research, all the gold stars on hours spent on homework and tests will be for nothing.
i am nothing. and will remain so until my passing.
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as quickly as the sun dissipates into the rain, such has the light become dark. little pills make dreams come true, and i fell quickly into your slumber. every day better than the last, every moment more unforgettable. succumbed to water, i expect the risks you entice, yet when questioned, you found it romantic. romanticism is the death of me, in which my second life became a dream of the past.
the second the little pills disappear, as does my beautiful lover. knowing how sick i am changes nothing, when at the end of the day i am an annoying woman. a pathetic woman. for what reason do boundaries exist, when it isn't something that entices you. and yet i am meant to use this voice to speak to you, when you dismiss me so quickly. like my feelings are absolutely nothing. the nightly calls, the wishes of a bright future by my side. so quickly the good mornings have become long nights. for what is my responsibility?
for what do i do this for. my mind is rotten, confirmed by blood tests. minor inconveniences become nights spent shaking and sweating in a panic. meant to be awake in 5 hours, what should have been a peaceful night. i realized it too late, how your constant texts of the day and silent nights meant more to me than long calls of rambling and ignoring me. my only call of attention is to answering you.
i felt uncomfortable, and it should have never become a conversation further than that. as i do for you, as ive always done. a simple notion of care, but yet it is not enough for you to remember.
happy valentine's day
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i wonder if you remember those times. today its so natural. you ask my day, i ask yours. i ask questions, so many, for a world i can never quite grasp. your world, of which, ive always wanted to become immersed with.
do you remember when you used to yell? not speaking loud, but rather in that demeaning tone. when my questions were always too much. no matter how light my steps were, i always cracked the eggshells beneath my toes. and thus, the gut- wrenching feeling of once again being misunderstood began. of why i am so nosy. petty. annoying. shut up. shut up. shut up.
i look at you today, and ask you a million more, and yet no matter how hard i stomp, the carpet envelops me with warmth, compassion, knowing that i am full of love and love is full of me. i still do not understand what changed. how the 3 weeks of torment for 1 week of your heaven became an eternal nirvana. what mess of words did i jumble together for you to see me as me? which way did i apply my makeup for you to see my eyes only look at you, even when you only looked for others? what tone did i create for you to hear my voice only sings for you? i will never understand.
it is once again, tonight, where i stay up later than i should, and recall these excruciating moments. no matter how strong my drink is, i can never damage my brain enough to forget them. no matter how damaged my lungs become, i can never seem to alleviate the anxiety they cause. for what am i, but the brains to your brawn. the calculations to your plan. the knowledge behind your smooth words. i was once the shadow cast by your light, and finally, i can stand beside you and feel the love i dreamed for. for humans sought the warmth of the heavens and fell from the tower of babel, i have felt your scorching flames to feel the comfort of the cold.
am i meant to find the comfort in this snow? where my skin is now covered in scars? am i meant to forget how the fire burned my nerves, where i can only feel this breeze against my eyes?
in the first few months, i dreamed constantly of you. i thought of you to sleep, and thought of you in the morning peeking through my window. i desperately wanted the love you once had. i can never stop this rotten brain from the jealousy of your first love. monthly gifts. a first love. a first time with someone you loved. a heartbreak that you felt deep in your soul, even by your own hand. a constant search for the one you lost. i craved it more than life itself. i fell into a deep suicidal drift, knowing what she was to you is something i could never be. maybe that is what caused you so much resentment towards me? that i was so alike to her, it angered you, and that hand fell hard to my heart. a love letter, flowers, thoughtful gifts. all things you gave to her, but not to me. and i still wait for you, in the cold of a train station, in the burning summer heat, around the block of your home, in the college where we shared passionate kisses and words of affection, in my own bed. there is not a place we have been to that i have not waited for you at least once. and i continue to wait, for wounds do not heal the second they are cut.
i wonder how she would have felt, seeing the man you are today. pride in being right? jealousy that no matter how hard she tried it's only something my present self can experience? i feel envy for my own self, that the lover girl i once was has become this woman. capable of waiting for a text without a panic attack. capable of hearing you type for solid minutes without fearing the (inevitable) worst. capable of loving you without becoming obsessive once again. the love bombing has ceased, and become a consistent kind of love. seeing '---- liked your tweet/ repost' and i feel this wound has stopped hurting. hearing the words 'i miss you' and feeling the wound has ceased bleeding me dry. feeling you pull me close, not out of lust, but out of need to be closer to me? and the wound has healed.
but the scar remains. it has numbed, compared to my uncut skin. it it capable of feeling touch, but nowhere the same as before.
do i prefer it now? or the ignorance of myself 2 years ago? i can no longer tell. but yet i know, today is a new day, and the sun is a little brighter, and my tea is a little sweeter, and my clothes fit a little better. my once annoying questions are now all answered without hesitation, and your silence has become incessant rambling in my ear as i attempt to sleep once more, and succeed with you at my side. you constantly say how much you wish we lived together, mentioning sometimes to me how you look forward to raising little ones with me, and how the lego set i made of your family is missing someone: me. you feel jealousy i watched a gameplay without you, and that the person i am texting is not you. the irrational jealousy i felt with you is now a little joke between us. shutting down at your words is no longer an option, when you are there to listen and communicate like i had once dreamed.
i miss you, without my heart pounding out of my chest in anxiety. i love you, without seeing my pupils dilate in the mirror. i can await your text, without feeling my lungs never able to complete a breath. my love for you has decreased, yet normalized. for once, in my pathetic, sad little life, i can love someone normally.
you and me, me and you. seldom seen apart. i wish it could stay this way forever. i know it will not. a girl can dream, cant i?
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like you
i see your activities, even if we haven't spoken in months. leader of a board, groups of friends who are waiting their turn to spend time with the great You. gifted type of intelligent, the same genre i've been titled, but yet these clothes fit to your form, and my curves jut them out in every wrong way. a weak source of family like i. little money like i. too much to say like i.
i see your family, how they look at me like you could have become me in another lifetime. my awkward charm, but yet the grades and productivity to show i am more than this form. i wonder if you share my jealousy. we walk in public, and encounter an interaction. i fall apart, the wind has blown my hair the wrong way, my clothes aren't sitting correctly, my voice box has broken. i am a mess. and yet you know exactly what to do and what to say. i say nothing, i just look at you for answers like a stupid child. i have panic coursing through my veins, my script hasn't been written, my plastered 'outsiders' mask has not been properly strapped on yet. and you speak with oil in your voice, ever so smooth and light to the touch. they envelop me, and this interaction passes by.
i see how you looked at me. my life seems so put together, doesn't it? a lover to love, a family i am capable of tolerating and avoiding, my gifted child syndrome you knew has grown into a functioning adult. Perfect Me, who keeps her hair clean and tidy. Perfect Me, with my big girl job and big girl activities. I can never stop looking at you, when you talk to me. Conventional attractiveness is light years away with being able to have you speaking to me about your special interests. Years and years have gone, and you've only seen me at my most vulnerable once. And once again, due to my family being my family. Would you believe it that a simple 6 weeks after the anniversary of my father's passing I was thrown out of my home, after being verbally abused for years for it being my fault? Would you believe the things that he did to me? Would you believe if I told you the things that run through this endless maze of a mind? You show jealousy towards my 'exciting' life, but i could not be more jealous of you and your calm, peaceful life.
All these connections, I envy them. Envy will be the death of me, since I can never look into my own life and feel joy. I want the mundane, the seeing movies deep into the night. The silent winters where the only warmth is from a Marlboro Gold. The times after work where, for a brief moment, nobody in my life knows exactly where I am. I am invisible, I am at peace. No one to yell at me, no one to call me names, and more than anything, no one to look at. For it is when I can see who I can compare myself to, I fall apart. I am but a simple standing empty can. My materials are weak to bend, and a simple breath can collapse me. I envy all of you, so deeply. I can only walk forward on my two human legs and one artificial.
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2 feet away
it's morning again, and i'm making breakfast. two eggs, some sour cream, and some toast. the usual. it's fall, so why not a latte? i begin to brew one. i crack an egg, and so follows the second, and before i know it, the sliminess has slipped the shell onto the floor. it's so close, but so far.
the fire has begun. it slowly heats up my mixture. the fire rages to cook the toast. i lower the temperatures.
there is no surface to grab onto. the stove is hot, and the handle to the oven is too far down, even with my limited height. i attempt to stoop over, but the pain has reached its breaking point. i cannot pretend to be normal again. i attempt to crouch, with my spine straight. the bending of my knees tug the strings inside me taught, and i fall backwards. collapsed, over an egg shell. i lay on my dirty floors and see the dusty ceiling above me. so far, but so close. i can reach, but i cannot sway.
the egg shells are beside me, i can angle my arms in a way to grab them. i roll myself to my side, then to my chest, and pull myself back up. my composure is still, for this is my reality. my destiny, since the first time i felt the sting in this weak body of mine.
i throw out the shells. i have no use for them here. my coffee has brewed, awaiting milk. my toast is burned, and my creamed eggs are an omelet. i flip it to its other side. i scrape off the carbonized section to see a golden shine.
i sit down, and feel the sting again. my right leg is a nuisance, nothing but pain. a coffee, some eggs, and some toast. at this point i've exhausted myself and lost my appetite. i throw out my breakfast, to retrieve my coffee and a cigarette. i subtlety wish the inevitable cancer would kill me before this pathetic body is nothing but a pile of flesh, but yet i still enjoy the sensation of this simple beverage's warmth trickling down my burned esophagus, and the breaths i take in this cool air.
i lay in bed. my coffin, where i will be in life and in my final resting place. the shells were so close, but so far. in this age i am meant to be running in parks, causing trouble in bars with friends, working hard in my education to secure my future. but for pathetic me, i am in bed again.
what could have been grazes my fingertips, gently caressing the skin. but it never allows itself to become too close. it teases me, seducing me into believing my efforts will be rewarded. i fall into its temptation, my mind cleared of stresses and i delve deep into its caresses. before i know it, i'm awake to reality again.
two egg shells, two feet away.
and yet i ever fooled myself enough to believe i had a chance.
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cycle of abuse
it never stops being funny to me. you can never escape abuse once it happens to you, even a single time. you will be abused your entire childhood, and once you're an adult and you think you've finally escaped, you're so used to being abused that the people you think you can trust turn out to be the same way. these habits that once terrorized you now just seem comfortable. it happens so many times that you normalize these habits. even when you think you can finally trust someone, that this person will be the one to break you out of it, they just learn your sensitivities to weaponize it against you. you begin to be distant towards other people, when you used to hate it happening to you.
you can never truly escape it
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hey, sorry for the call out of nowhere. i know its been a while, a while too long at that, haha! weather must be nice in colorado, huh?
ok look. it just seems weird to me. how you can do it like its okay. just talking to people out of nowhere. you meet a person, and you speak to them like how we used to talk. like i was just another character in your movie. how do you do it? just... talking to people?
i don't know... its just so weird to me. you know how i was raised. my parents weren't exactly there when i needed it, my brother only being there just to punish me when i did something wrong. it was really nice, to have you around. you were someone i could rely on. the thing is, since the last time we've spoken, i realized how different we were. i see a person and i just think about all the ways they hate me and want nothing to do with me. even at my job, that requires me to talk to people, i just feel worthless and annoying. how do you do it so easily? just, talking to someone? asking how their day is, bringing up a random topic?
remember when we used to meet up before class, and we'd just talk? it was always the best start to my day. even if id wake up and get yelled at AGAIN for doing SOMETHING wrong. at least seeing you was something i could look forward to, you were the most consistent person in my life
i wonder if you still think of me, like i think of you. my first best friend, thoughts of friendship and platonic love. it's been 6 years now, huh?
sorry. fuck. this is so weird. its so weird isnt it ahahaha
sorry. im so sorry. i know im being weird again
anyways, tell ant i said hi. xiana too. tyler as well. mom and dad...haha its been so long i cant even remember their names. sorry....
take care. hope you're doing well. you know ive only ever wanted the best for people, even if they did me wrong.
i hope the best for you
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tonight i wonder
do you think the rain feels the touch of the ocean when it falls, and the ocean feels the warmth of each grain of sand, and that the rocks in the sand feel themselves dissolving with the crashing waves until it is reduced to its simplest shape? that the rocks once strong become such grains, and such sand breaks down into the ocean, and finally evaporates into the rain it once was? what choice does the rock have but to wait for its inevitable destruction, but sees the beauty of rebirth. into ocean to stone, the stone can never return to what it once was, but perhaps its happiest this way. to change is to change, and to rise above is to be broken down first. nothing can stop the natural order, and perhaps thats how it should have been. perhaps i am the stone being broken down, and my rebirth into normalcy it only a step away. my rock is hidden deep within a chasm, that no one cares to find for its useless value
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recently ive realized just how bad my memory has become from smoking weed, so i finally decided enough's enough. finished my last edible, hit my pen for the last time. it's come to the point where even the most basic memory recall is a struggle for me. the other day i started panicking bc i couldnt find my phone... while watching tiktoks
however, the problem still arises with my crippling anxiety and neverending thoughts. nothing can stop my brain. so i resorted to the last thing i would normally do: exercise. i say last thing bc normally w my brain it literally petrifies me to the point that ill be physically unable to do anything. my mind is being rotted by how terrible the thoughts are, even when i try to distract myself they just come back. ill be laying in bed, my fingers and toes cold as ice, stuck with the heavy feeling in my chest as if im on the brink of a heart attack. stuck, paralyzed in my bed. my tomb until the waves pass
the other day i borrowed a weight adjustable kettleball from my brother. 20lbs for now, if i remember right. my original plan was to just use it to help with the pain in my left shoulder since my muscles are more than likely atrophied from the sheer amount of time ive spent in my bed in pain.
its so fucking hard to exercise when my spine is screwed in place with titanium, my lower spine has a curve, and my thyroid disorder removes all my energy. no workout i could find was helping
the other night i had another anxiety attack. in my bed, crippled once again. i used the kettleball, and the blood flow helped. did some core workouts on my old yoga mat, and it helped even more. did some stretches, and i was all right. laid in my bed, and right before i could sleep it happened again, and i repeated my routine.
its so funny to me. it was on this same yoga mat i found out i had scoliosis. my mom bullied me for years that the pain in my back was just from weight, so at the ripe age of 10 i started dieting. it was only when i bent over on the yoga mat that she saw how fucked up my posture was. it feels like yesterday she was angrily pleading with me to just straighten my posture. it never straightened, even now. all that weight i gained was never my fault either, it was my thyroid disorder forcing me to gorge myself until i felt like throwing up, and still feeling unsatiated. hungry.
it feels nice to find a new habit that works for me. a healthy one, at that. finally i have something that can help with my pain, mental and physical. mostly mental lol. its nice. next step: finally quitting nicotine for good. not "quitting" but frfr quitting. not a couple puffs a day. not a puff a day. nothing. no more lies. im getting off nic, and improving my health. i want to be able to look at my lover, my family, and my friends and finally be honest when i say "ew no i dont smoke". i WILL get better!!!!!!!!!!!!
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1:47 am, i have a morning shift
thought ab the best comparison for bpd imo
its like imagine youre studying for an exam and you put on white noise in your headphones to rlly focus. youre fine, chillin, living life, then suddenly your playlist changes to some loud distracting music. it starts off very quiet where you cant even notice it, but then it just gets louder and louder to the point that you cant even pay attention to what youre studying. you try to lower the volume but it doesnt decrease. it just gets even louder. you try to take off your headphones, but your hands are shaking too much from how loud the noise is that its physically impossible. you can't study, and you have to sit there with the music blaring into your eardrums until the next song comes up, but you don't know when that is. the music never stops blasting until a friend stops by and helps you out. by the time they take the headphones off, you look so uncomfortable that they look at you disgustingly before leaving. and they never let you explain what happened, they just see you in such a shaken up state and think how stupid you are for not just changing the song or taking off the headphones. you feel weird, and can't study. you fail your exam, and its only when you can get a better grade that you can feel better.
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I keep coming back
i keep trying to find distractions but im always in the same cycle. i worked 12 hours a day for months but nothing can distract me from my habits. vaping for a head rush. smoking until i can feel the air. i bought 3 vapes and all i can think is regret regret regret regret. i cant tell my bf because he'll just be so mad at me for being so stupid as to fall back into my addiction and yell at me. the hardest part of addiction is having no one to talk to about it and offer me comfort. im all alone. i broke when i sat down and realized i had 0 reason to quit other than to avoid my bf yelling at me to stop. he doesn't yell. its the air becoming thick and him speaking to me in a lower, condescending tone. talking to me like i am a child who broke a glass when warned not to play around with it. like i am stupid enough to fall into addiction and as if its something i choose. i didn't choose to be prone to addiction. i knew it would happen since its so generational. but yet i still tried it once, like he did. i knew as much as he does with how he DOESNT fall into it.
i did this whole stupid fucking internship and on the day of my presentation. my whole team is just terrible. i left early and no one except my friend on the team even noticed. i skipped the final day and the same reaction. i constantly bother this team and give them good ideas but just like every fucking woman in stem i just get told im wrong and this man who repeats the same thing i just said is correct and it was his idea. i walk away from this internship with 0 experience since i was dismissed so much. thats a lie. until i was dumped with completing the whole thing in the final weeks. i memorized the code top to bottom but yet i am toyed like i am a doll who knows nothing. as if i didnt fix the bug tormenting us since the start of this internship.
then its just back home. no internship. little hours from my job. and i am at home again, unable to sit down due to my severe pain. damnit. damnit. DAMNIT ALL.
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In this family of 3
There's only room for 3, my mother, her ego, and her love, my brother. It makes sense why we naturally moved on after my father's passing, since then it was three finally. Everyone hated him, since in my immature mind I always believed in my mother, and never questioned how he would magically find out about everything wrong we did. I never questioned why my mother told him about my brother's subpar grades, sending him into a rage.
I always tried to be the perfect daughter. 4.0 gpa, no friends (how my parents liked it), no social life, and always at home. The first break was getting my own personal laptop. No longer was I at the mercy of their punishment. I was simply able to exist in my own space, undisturbed. I miss it, feeling rebellious for merely playing games with online friends.
Somehow, no matter after what, she would find something to start hating. Hated the way I put water to straighten my hair in the mornings. Hated how ugly my eyebrows were, never questioning why I always said the sensation of hair makes my skin crawl like bugs on me. Hated how I walked. Hated how I had to awkwardly bend over due to my spine issues. Hated how I sounded when I cried. Hated everything I did. It was easy, to pick on me. I never said anything for years and eventually just broke. Ah, my teen years. I miss them sometimes, the fire that would never die with all the decade's worth of fuel that was pumped into me.
I'll never understood exactly what God I must have pissed off so badly as to give me a life like this. Constantly in pain with my spine. Constant mental issues due to my terrible hormone health. Constant insecurity with the weight gain of my thyroid disease. Unable to form healthy relationships due to my traumatic bullshit past. Unable to make friends due to crippling anxiety from both my parents and experience with 'friends' dropping me at the tip of a hat for someone more interesting. Unable to breathe normally due to my obscenely large breasts. Unable to walk due to my joint problems. It's all I am. Just constant disabilities holding me back.
It fucking sucks. I just wish I was normal, plain boring. Men like a boring impressionable woman. It would be easier to live and just exist. I could have friends. More. I could be able to handle them.
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To becoming a woman
When I was younger, men were so much less direct. Once in the supermarket, I was cornered by a man, in front of mother, behind his wife, and he came very close to me and stared into my eyes. I never returned.
Before that, it was always asking when I'd turn 18 already and to give them a call. This was during the pandemic, working at my father's restaurant, with him at my side. They laughed, so I feigned one too.
Now, at an internship I had to be at the top of my class to enter, I am ignored, cast aside, and asked my future plans with regards to having children. All my years of hard work and planning. To be ridiculed.
I am truly a woman in STEM.
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i will be going to pick up my things
i tried calling you
straight to voicemail
i should take the hint
shouldnt i?
ive spent the past couple days
a drunk mess
i plan to buy more tomorrow
i finished half a bottle of bourbon
in a couple days
i want your kisses
i keep imagining us
in your bed
i run my hands through your hair
i dont know if its over yet
not like you'll tell me anyways
its always a game with you
and ive finished playing
i miss you so much
ive never loved someone
like i have you
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ive been ghosting, ghosting alone
so its over i guess
naturally ive gotten drunk
sent a petty message
3 days no response
and here i am
drunk as if i'm sad
do i miss your attention and love
or do i miss you
do you miss me
or do you miss my attention and love
i lie and say i dont care
you post a picture
two beautiful crepes
i say
hope you enjoy your new girlfriend
i hope you do secretly
if you cheat again
it would make sense
and yet here i am
sad and drunk alone
missing you
how pathetic, you would call me
you would believe im in the wrong
which makes sense
you always do
idk why im writing it in poem style lol
my thoughts are going too fast
while drunk
to make a paragraph
good thing i have two jobs
and some friends
to distract me
from thinking
of you
how pathetic am i
it was my favorite song
i mentioned to you once
ghosting by mother mother
you said it was a shitty song
then i hear you humming it
every time we are together
and yet it doesnt make up for it
all the times
we have sex, you go on your phone
we have sex, you play a game
we call, you go on your phone
we call, you play a game
like the slut i am
how pathetic am i?
still missing you
as i type this
wanting you to text me back
just to ignore you
because at the end of the day
i wouldnt marry you
but i still dream of it
when you break your porn addiction
when you break the social media addiction
you find disgust in my smoking addiciton
but look at you
its easier to judge from your point of view
but you always make the mistake
and forget to look at yourself first
you always forgot
to look at me
and yet i miss all the little moments you would
even in the dinner
you purchased to appreciate my work for you
you couldn't wait until after
to call your parents
in the middle of that dinner
you couldn't wait to look at your phone
in your grandparent's home
after disgusting sex
you couldn't wait for a distraction, a game
and when i ask for affection
you treat it like a chore
and yet i still sit here
missing you
how pathetic, right love?
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