#so im not sure if there should be SO many baseballers on there
muirneach · 1 month
this list is fucking insane sorry
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sirompp · 1 year
the way some of you guys talk about ai is um. kind of concerning? like you know image generation and chatgpt arent the only kinds of ais in the world right.
#i feel like im swinging at a wasps nest with this one but#the way some of you guys declare your passionate hatred for any and all ai. its um. worrying to me?#like yes there is a lot of ethical problems. with the two kinds of ai people seem to fuckin know about#There Are So Many Other Kinds Of Ai (Which Have Their Own DIFFERENT Ethical Problems)#like agi (artificial general intelligence)#agi is like what everyone used to think about when they talked about ai. the kind thats supposed to become like. ''sentient''#ok well not sentient but. thats supposed to be able to learn how a human can#i dont know. is this a weird thing for me to feel iffy about.#is it too early for me to be worrying were gonna invent a whole new kind of bigotry#im pretty sure we're eventually gonna make an ai thats indistinguishable from humans in like. a Living way#not a The Kinds Of Things It Makes Look So Normal way#why do i think this? bc i am an optimist and have wanted this to happen since i was an itty bitty baby. and if we dont ill be sad#people saying ai should be like. outlawed bc of what corporations are doing is so wild to me.#like imagine every day you go to school you and your friends get beaten up with baseball bats#and you decide baseball must be banned from the school bc of how many people the bats harm daily#instead of thinking for a moment and realizing. maybe the fucking jocks who r hitting you need to be expelled instead of the sport#that the bats came from.#does that metaphor make sense.#or am i making up a guy to get mad at#i dont know.#i might delete this later
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simmyfrobby · 2 months
I wonder what it is about the sport of hockey specifically that inspires this many poems. I've not seen any other fanbase like this one.
200 of those hockey poems are admittedly on me. but with that said, i dont know if hockey is any more romantic than any other sport. ive for sure been weird about other rpf pairings before hockey (read: brocedes) & ive seen wonderful cycling, motogp & baseball edits. i think it might just be that there's something so very real and beautiful about live sports.
(cue the mark halliday poem. you know the one)
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do you see?? do you get it??? football!! romance!!!! high stakes!!! athleticism!! the simple act of catching a ball somehow being the most important thing in the world!! the precision of it!! P O E T R Y
i think everybody should be a romantic when it comes to sports.
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 A. Bartlett Giamatti
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Hanif Abdurraquib
and as for poetry:
"The qualities I appreciate most in my favorite soccer players happen to be the same ones I appreciate in my favorite poets: beauty, creativity, flair, imagination, skill—all words, incidentally, that I’d attach to Pelé and Romário."
Duy Doan
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Anselm Berrigan
and okay. a few more sports poems while im at it:
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Ray Fleming
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Jill McDonough
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Hanif Abdurraqib
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Peter Balakian
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Naomi Shihab Nye
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Oliver Evans
also Catch by Samiya Bashir which always reminds me of this poem by Trygve Skaug (@lemondropbois edit)
also these lines from "The crowd at the ball game" by William Carlos Williams:
So in detail they, the crowd, / are beautiful // for this / to be warned against // saluted and defied— / It is alive, venomous // it smiles grimly / its words cut—
Kevin Young's Brown is full of baseball poems and therefore incredible
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i wont end on my own words. Abdurraqib makes this point more eloquently than i ever could:
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it's really not just hockey..
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honkytonk-hangman · 9 months
Just Another Thing – [1]
Walt 'Finn' Finnegan x Reader/OC
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Summary: God help anyone who might've thought a nice, stable relationship might bring some kind of change to Walt Finnegan's usual mischief and mild-hedonism. God especially help them if they also thought a girlfriend would provide any sort of calming influence over him.
She definitely influenced him, anyone could tell you that, unfortunately just never in any way that could even remotely be described as 'calm'.
Warnings: cussing, mentions of and talk of sex, sexy body parts, ect. reader/OC is named Kimberly/Kimber, but it is still written in second person and her name shouldn't come up very often.
Notes: oh boy oh boy oh boy you have no clue how excited i am for this fic. it's literally been in the works for over a year. i'd even go as far as to say it's my fave fic in recent memory!!! Im not sure yet how many parts, but the story does have a beginning and end.
It's not necessary to have watched the film before reading this fic, as this is set in the year after, around 1982, however certain character dynamics could be confusing. Also i definitely headcanon Finn and Beverly becoming good friends, hidden beneath a layer of exasperation of course but he is definitely the type to go to all the theatre stuff like come on look at him!!!!!
okay enough from me now heres the fic I really hope you enjoy!!!
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You register the alarm on your friends’ face’s far too late to do anything, and the next thing you know you’re clutching the crown of your head, a dull throbbing ache now pulsing under your fingertips.
It wasn’t an entirely unfamiliar sensation, you’ve been hit in the head by a ball plenty of times, but the sheer weight behind this particular impact stood out to you. That, and you knew it couldn’t have been the volleyball you and your friend’s were playing with, because you currently held it.
“What the fu–” you begin angrily, already whipping around in the direction you’d been hit, cutting yourself off at the sight of an approaching man, a look of genuine remorse painted on his features as he jogs toward you. Behind him, a group of guys with baseball gloves watch on with various cringing expressions. Just as the man nears you, his eyes subtly travel up and down your figure, his lip quirking with approval, but he keeps his face apologetic. He comes to a stop several feet away, where the baseball had landed, but doesn’t take his eyes off of you, placing his hands on his hips and lifting his chin at you.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” he says, and it at least sounds sincere. “Roper’s never had much of an eye.”
You purse your lips, but try not to look too angry. He was cute, you realise dumbly, still rubbing your head. Dirty blond hair settled in light waves at the top of his collar, a matching blond moustache groomed neatly above his upper lip. He was tall, broad across the shoulders and chest in a way you’d only ever really seen on guys who worked out, athletes and the like. He also looked a little older than a lot of the students you’d see walking around campus, and he certainly didn’t approach you with the confidence of a freshman, so you figure he must be at least an upperclassmen.
“Well, maybe y'all should work on that with him,” you grumble lightly, and drop your hand.
“You okay?” he nods at your head, and you shift to lean on one foot, not missing the flicker of his eyes to watch as you do, or the way he lingers on your rapidly rising and falling chest before he meets your eye again.
“Isn’t the first time, certainly won’t be the last. Hair probably won’t sit right tonight, though,” you complain.
“Big date?” he asks, the teasing tone unmistakable. You lift your chin a little indignantly.
“I’m sure your day is just riding on my answer, but I don’t feel particularly inclined on telling you that,” you huff, heart rate doubling when he laughs, looking away from you for the first time as he grins widely.
“Well, how about this,” he starts once he’s sobered, bending down to swipe the baseball from the grass, taking a step toward you as he does. “The next time I see you, I promise you won’t get hit in the head,” he waves the ball as if you need reminding, but takes another step closer. “And you tell me what night works best to take you out?”
You fail to hide the amused smile that pulls at your lips, but then again, you weren’t really one for playing hard to get. You can see now that he’s only a few feet away, that his eyes are a startling green, and you think you wouldn’t mind running into him again, sans head injury.
“Alright,” you tell him, stepping back with a nod. “Next time.”
It takes all of your will power to turn away from him and move back towards your friends, though you feel his eyes on you for some distance, and make sure you swing your hips just a little more than you usually might.
Part of you regrets not making plans then and there, but the other part of you shivers at the already building tension of your potential next meeting.
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Squinting at your reflection in the mirror, you flip your feathery waves once more over your shoulder, before almost immediately letting it fall back where it was. Just as you’d predicted, thanks to the decent-sized lump on the crown of your head, your Jerry Hall blowout was looking less supermodel and more super-odd.
Scrunching your nose as you mess with your tresses one last time, let out a huff, and force yourself to turn away, just in time for Nancy to appear at your open door, her curled fingers tapping gently on the wood.
“Hey Kimber,” she begins, pausing to give you a whistle as you exit your bathroom and do a twirl for her. Your collared halter-neck jumpsuit was supposed to be worn with a ruffle-neck blouse, but you’d never intended to style it that way, not to mention it was tight enough that you’re not totally sure you’d even be able to fit said blouse beneath it anyway.
“Something’s telling me Miss Texas ‘56 didn’t have this particular ensemble in mind when she ordered this for you outta her fancy lil’ Saks catalogue…” Nancy teases. You roll your eyes.
“Saks don’t do catalogues.” you correct her with a faux air of haughtiness, but don’t bother to contend her point. All of your housemates were more than familiar with your former Beauty Queen mother, despite never having met her. The monthly ‘care packages’ she sent you, filled with various ‘in season’ (see: frivolous) items of clothing and ‘essentials’ spoke volumes about who exactly Mrs Charlene Wynne was. That mostly just amounting to ‘eternally neurotic but well-meaning’. 
Nancy pokes her tongue out at you and scoffs out a laugh.
“Whatever, the point is; Mama doesn't always know best. You look foxy!”
You let out a laugh and smooth your hands over your thighs, thanking her softly.
You weren’t at all oblivious to the way you looked. Certainly you were no Raquel Welch, but most days you could manage something in the realm of Christie Brinkley or Cheryl Ladd, which was pretty damn good. You had your mother to thank for that, though your dad was no slouch either, but considering your mother couldn’t walk ten steps without someone recognising her from her Miss Texas win almost thirty years ago, you’ll give her most of the credit. As a result of your parent’s contributions, you’d become aware fairly quickly of the effect you tended to have on men, especially College men.
“Did you need me for something?” you prompt after a few more moments of Nancy preening over your outfit, remembering that she had come up here with a purpose some minutes ago now. Nancy blinks, before she makes a soft gasping sound, and straightens up.
“That’s right! Beverley arrived a little while ago, she was asking for you!” she informs you, waving her hand in the vague direction of the stairs and the party quickly coming to life on the first floor.
“I’m coming now!” you tell her, giving your hair one last flip before you move for your door, closing it behind you and quickly following Nancy as she all but skips. 
The ‘little’ get together had officially started a little while ago, but you’d had a study group that had run long, meaning you were now fashionably late to your own houseparty, if there were even such a thing.
Almost immediately once you crest the lower steps, you feel yourself shift into focus, totally in your element now, a cool, easy smile finding a place on your features. It isn’t difficult for you to move through the light throngs of people, despite your arrival not going unnoticed by those around you, but instead of excusing yourself meekly past distracted conversationalists, you’re liked enough that partygoers both consciously and subconsciously make way for you, plenty of familiar faces greeting you warmly in passing as you go.
You aren't surprised to find the kitchen milling with guests too, though the music is a little quieter here, so you figure it will remain more sparsely populated until later in the night, when everyone is comfortably tipsy.
“Kimberley!” A female voice calls out, perhaps a little too loudly, but you’d come to expect as much from anyone deeply involved in theatre.
“Beverly!” you match her energy, volume and all, knowing that she was likely already feeling a little out of place among the other guests, who were all mostly part of the College’s various sports teams and who you suspect weren’t even aware there even was a theatre program.
You can’t stop yourself from grinning ecstatically, overjoyed to see your friend for the first time since classes had commenced for the year. However, you feel more than you see the redhead that collides with you, her much shorter frame crashing into yours with a comforting force, and thanks to your non incosiderable height, as well as your many years playing volleyball, you hardly even budge from the impact, even in your chunky platform heels. You quickly hug Beverley in return, but far sooner than you’d like, she’s pulling back and launching into what sounds like a planned monologue.
“Okay! So, you know how ages ago I said I was going to set you up with one of Jake’s housemates from the baseball house?” Beverly starts, already waving her hands expressively, her expression bright and excited. You search your mind, but honestly, you aren’t sure if the conversation sounds familiar or not. You’d had a lot of people say similar things to you throughout your college career so far. Most of the time they were totally off-base matches, but you were always happy to experience new things, new people.
Beverley doesn’t wait for your reply though, clapping her hands and rubbing them together.
“Well, of course the team was invited tonight, meaning I can finally introduce you!” she exclaims, looking wildly over her shoulder, as though the person in question was supposed to be just behind her. When she sees an empty kitchen, she frowns and purses her lips. The glimmer of annoyance is wiped from her face by the time she’s looking back at you, and she huffs good-naturedly.
“I told him to wait for me…” she links your arms as she speaks, and you happily let her lead you to the kitchen door, where a light bubble of conversation floats through from outside. You have to let out a laugh at her sheer excitement, which appears genuine, though not in her usual manner. 
The usual manner meaning that every so often when the two of you found yourselves at the same club or bar, whenever she or her friend’s were being bothered, the pretty redhead would giddily inform you that she had someone she wanted you to meet, then standing back and watching gleefully as you casually sapped up the creep’s attention, only to bluntly shoot him down and send him off. 
You don’t get the feeling this is one of those times, but from what you knew of the baseball team, you very well may have to do some shooing on your own behalf tonight.
Outside on the tiny back-deck, a small group of people had gathered and right away your brain sparks with familiarity, though you have very little time to consider this before Beverley is releasing your arm and stepping forward. She smiles brightly as she sweeps between you and a man who turns around as if on cue.
“Finn, this is Kimberley Wynn! Kimberley, this is Finn! I am almost certain that the two of you will get along famously,” Beverely announces with a flourish and a wink. You and Finn both blink startled at one another for several moments, before mutual recognition quickly sets in. Your lips slowly pull into a wide grin, and you don’t bother hiding the fact that you’re now looking him over with no subtly, just as he’d done to you earlier in the park. 
“I’m not about to get clobbered again, am I?” you begin flirtily, glad that the man, Finn, recognises you as well, though unlike you, he seems to avoid taking the opportunity to check you out again, to his loss. Instead, he smiles big, almost showmanly, and takes up a slight lean on the railing behind him.
“If it’s any consolation, your hair looks great,” Finn replies cooly, and it’s almost as though you’d never parted ways at all. You flick your hair over your shoulder, seeing how his eyes follow the movement before they’re locked back on yours and you already know you’ve got this man hook, line and sinker.
“Luckily for you,” you sniff, though your smile undercuts any real resentment. Finn seems to grin a little wider then, more genuinely than the showman smile. You think the way his eyes crinkle in the corners is sweet, and that he should smile that way all the time.
“Wait, you two already know each other?!” Beverley cuts in, suddenly reminding you that she was in fact still standing there, watching and listening. “How?!” the redhead demands, not going so far as to stomp a foot, but she does cross her arms in a huff as she looks between the two of you in betrayed disbelief, though you note most of her ire seems directed at Finn.
The blonde swings his gaze back to the shorter woman, seemingly tickled by her apparent annoyance, yet his teasing expression is full to the brim with endeared fondness. You get the impression that this was the natural state of their friendship, and that Finn is about to say something inflammatory just to get a bigger rise, which might be a little funny, but you cut in before he can speak, relieving Beverly of her confusion.
“All Star over here threw a baseball at my head this afternoon,” you say pointedly, making sure he doesn’t mistake your happiness to see him for forgiveness. Finn holds his hands up then, and jerks a thumb in the direction of a man in the larger group of party goers on the porch.
“Roper threw a baseball at your head this afternoon,” he corrects you, as though that should absolve you of your attitude.
“Oh, that’s right! You just failed to catch it!” you tease, watching as he winces dramatically and grasps at his chest.
“You wound me sweetheart!” he exclaims ruefully, and despite the vaguely amicable antagonism, you can see now why he and Beverly are friends.
“Then we’re even.” You say. You already agree with the redhead’s earlier assessment; the two of you were going to get along famously.
Finn shrugs in a manner that reads more as relenting than indifference, and at least some of his overly performative act comes away. Beverley scoffs a laugh, rolling her eyes heavily as she reaches out to shove Finn in the arm. He sways, you think for her benefit, which makes you smile.
“Only you could throw a baseball that hits the one girl on campus who’d actually put up with you…” she snorts, seemingly assuming his chances with you were now dashed. Finn raises a finger in protest.
“As we just discussed, I only failed to catch the ball that hit the one girl on campus who may or may not be willing to put up with me. I’d like that to go on record.” He smiles at her simperingly. Beverley regards him with a withering look for several seconds, before choosing to ignore him entirely, turning to you.
“Have fun.” she says, sounding much more like her usual manner, though before you can tell her it’s alright, she’s already spun away, and when you find her again, she’s tucking herself under the arm of her boyfriend, Jake.
You shake your head, and look back at Finn, finding his gaze already locked on you. He pushes away from the railing then, and steps toward you.
“You know what this is?” he asks you, once more sounding like an actor reading lines, and gesturing between you. “Fate.” he says, lowering his voice somewhat like it was a secret just for the two of you.
You cock your head at his odd little act, though you aren’t entirely un-charmed by it. It was rather different to when you’d met this afternoon, despite his blatant flirting then, now it was as if you were speaking with a completely different person. A stage magician, perhaps.
“So, why don’t we go get a drink in your hand, and then you can tell me which day works for our upcoming date.” Finn gives a slight flourish, and while his whole demeanour is still clearly put on, there is an endearing element to his theatrics, a silliness that you might find more charming if it didn’t feel so much like he was performing for you.
He offers you his arm graciously, which you can imagine combined with his hyped up charm, would have plenty of women already giggling into their sleeves, which you don’t do, but you do place your other hand over his warm skin as well, and allow him to lead you back into the kitchen.
“So what’ll it be? Beer? Fruity punch? Fruity punch and beer?” he wiggles his eyebrows at you, and even though he’s still playing a role of some kind, it’s not hard for you to see through it.
“Fruity punch,” you say decisively. “Can’t stand the taste of beer.” You tell him honestly, watching as he goes about procuring you a glass of the punch you yourself had made, and appreciating the effort he puts in to make sure you have at least two cherries, though, you don’t think he means it to be suggestive, despite your own thoughts going straight to the gutter over the matter.
“So, what you’re saying is; I should switch to the punch if I want to test this theory about you being the one girl on campus who’ll put up with me later?” he asks in amusement, at last handing you your drink, his eyes sparkling. You accept the drink and give a noncommittal shrug as you take a small sip. 
“Oh, that’s not necessary, but I’ll certainly appreciate it later.” You really feel no need to go along with his act, not seeing any reason to play coy about your intentions, not in the way he seemed to feel was par for the course at least. You watch as Finn takes a moment to actually process your words, a brief mix of surprise and curiosity passing over his features, but it’s quickly covered up by a much more ‘cool’ looking mask.
You have to crack a smile at his sheer determination to convince you to have sex with him, the poor man somehow didn’t realise he was preaching to the choir.
“You really do look fantastic, by the way,” Finn says after a few moments of awkward quiet pass. You push aside your amusement, and grin happily at him, smoothing your hand over the material fondly.
“Thanks! I feel like one of ‘Charlie’s Angels’,” you gush a little, briefly feeling silly for bringing up the comparison, however, this time Finn’s smile makes the corners of his eyes crinkle in that way you liked, making his whole face seem softer and more natural, pouring with warmth.
“Trust me, Farrah’s got nothing on you right now,” he tells you sweetly, continuing to fondly watch you preen, not just at the compliment, but because you think this might be the first time all evening he isn’t speaking from some kind of script.
The moment passes quickly, though, and as you duck your head to accept his praise, you see his face momentarily scrunching up in a wince, like he was scolding himself for saying something so saccharine. You consider telling him that you found the sweetness endlessly more endearing than any of the other lines so far, but you hold your tongue. You had a small feeling that his pretence was really more about him, than about you, at least to a degree.
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Finn is about halfway through earnestly telling you about his apparently ‘average’ sized cock when you at last run out of patience. The gimmick itself was entertaining enough, definitely an original approach to picking up women, and you’d even played along to start with, but you can’t help wondering why you’re standing around talking about his cock when you could be doing other things with it instead.
While he’s still talking, you reach into your pocket and dig around for a moment, before you find what you’re after. Finn trails off when you turn and lay the coin face-side up on his forearm. He blinks at it in confusion, for a few seconds, before looking questioningly up at you.
“Penny for your thoughts?” you ask before he can speak again, and force yourself not to pump your fist triumphantly when his confusion is quickly replaced with affection. Sure, you knew he wanted to have sex with you already, but now he thought you were cute, too.
“Alright,” he answers simply, fully angling his body toward yours, leaning in closer to you at the same time.
“So, this whole ‘average sized cock’ thing, does it actually work? I mean, has it worked when you’ve used it before?” you tip your head up at him, genuinely curious, but you don’t miss the way Finn’s features fall blank for a second after you speak, his smile fading, replaced with mild discomfort. He seems to shift back from you slightly, regarding you once more before he replies.
“I guess this is the time it doesn’t.” He all but mutters, his frown deepening as he looks away from you again, clearing his throat this time and straightening up, obviously embarrassed. He crosses his arms over his chest and looks back at you evenly.
“Could’ve stopped me earlier,” he says a little stiffly, though seemingly coming to terms with whatever direction he now thought this conversation was taking. You can’t help yourself then, his sulking making you laugh, fully and joyfully, but before he can sulk further, you lay your hand gently on his arm, over the penny, and give him a light squeeze. You shake your head as your laughter dies down, and fix him with a warm expression
“I never said it wasn’t working– in a manner of speaking,” You softly tell him, watching as he blinks down at you. You hurry to explain. “I mean don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t working, but only because it’s totally unbelievable.”
Finn at last relaxes somewhat, though his slight frown remains as he considers your complaint.
“What’s so unbelievable about it?” he demands, in a way that tells you this pick-up tactic was one he was proud of, though clear playfulness had returned to his voice.
Confident that you were now talking, actually talking to Finn as he was, and not as he thought would get him laid, you feel energised to engage with the subject matter more seriously. You scoff and roll your eyes at his indignation.
“Firstly,” you start, shifting to lean on your hip, bringing you closer once again. “No guy is ever going to accept, let alone admit that he has an average sized-cock, and he’s definitely not going to admit it to a woman he wants to fuck.” You say matter-of-factly, though you didn’t have anything more than your not-insubstantial intimate experiences with men to go off of as proof.
“Guys who really are average, don’t think that they are, and they probably never will because no woman is going to bring up the fact that his seven inch cock looks suspiciously closer to five.” you wave your hands a little, not realising before now that you really had any firm opinions on this subject.
You see the cogs in Finn’s brain turning as he regards your words with something that resembles amused but genuine interest. You figure he hadn’t expected you to really have a point, which to be fair, you hadn’t expected either. You do plan to let him respond, but you suddenly remember something else you’d been thinking about earlier, when he’d first brought up the concept.
“–And! In my experience, guys who do have big cocks, they don’t really say anything, or they mislead you entirely, so that they can get off on hearing you telling him how big he is.”
That earns a hearty laugh from Finn, who shrugs a shoulder in admittance at that point at the very least. He’d returned at last to watching you fondly, and you think once more that Beverley had been spot on in introducing the two of you. You’re pretty sure Finn is the only man who would so happily, or nonchalantly debate with you about the size of other men’s cocks, just as you’re sure that you’re the only woman on campus who has ever challenged him on it.
Finn hums in thought. “So, you believe men will only ever overcompensate or undercompensate?” he asks, but it's more of a statement. He watches you intently as he tips his chin, and you nod.
A moment passes between the two of you, before Finn leans forward, right into your space, wearing a pleased smirk.
“In that case honey,” he starts, voice sounding a little deeper now, huskier somehow. “What’s the verdict then?” he stares at you unwaveringly, challenging you. You frown.
“The verdict on what?” you ask, though at this point you couldn’t muster much genuine interest, not when all this verbal foreplay was slowing down the process of getting him in your bedroom for some actual foreplay.
Finn’s smirk grows then, seemingly glad you’d asked. You watch as his eyes dip briefly down to your chest, where his height and closeness grant him a very good view of your tits. He meets your gaze again before he speaks.
“Do you think I’m overcompensating, or undercompensating?”
You blink and stare at him as you process, not even bothering to hide your captivation, but it lasts for mere seconds before your lips are curling into a coy smile to match his own. You copy his move then, dropping your eyes to take in the front of his jeans, but you don’t look back up again as he had. Instead, you reach out and begin tracing his belt buckle. Finn inhales sharply, clearly taken off guard by your forwardness, which was clearly working for him.
You’re momentarily distracted from his belt as you catch sight of the rather sizable bulge forming at the front of his pants, giving you a pretty good idea of what the verdict should be. You lick your lips without really thinking, but take full advantage of the way Finn’s eyes follow the movement, tracing the path over your now wet mouth as he awaits your answer. You lean in, closing the miniscule distance between you at last, and give his belt a teasing little tug toward you.
“Y’know, I haven’t a clue,” you lie nonchalantly, your smile only growing when you use his belt to pull yourself in and press right up against his front. “But I’d love to find out.”
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s0apmactav1sh · 6 months
Alex keller headcanons cuz hes still my husband and ive not focused enough on him because of my dedication to my other fics
I should be sleeping. I need a better sleep schedule
Cw: smut, male directed but can be read as nb no use of yn. These are just my headcanons for alex, i apologise if they arent in line with the actual game/game play i havent played it in a while
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SFW <3
I full heartedly believe he grew up with siblings and was the oldest. I feel he was the "im player 1 bcuz im the oldest" type sibling but he still loved playing with his younger brothers/sisters. I feel he most likely had two younger sisters and was constantly hovering whenever they brought home guys or girls.
He was a sporty child, football? Yup, baseball? Yup, basketball? Sure why not. Anything that required him to be fully hands on he did. I think he was constantly on the move with training nearly every day of the week which he always attended no matter what.
Didnt have a girlfriend till his senior year of high school cuz he was completely oblivious to the girls who swooned over him. A complete gentleman and had great manners cuz his mama didnt raise no slob.
Only started experimenting with men in college but even then he was reluctant to try with the same sex bcuz he wasnt sure if it was ok to feel that way. Questioned his sexuality a lot when going through his phase of having one night stands with men
Joined the army to be 'helpful' he had the mindset that he wasnt being helpful sitting in his apartment doing nothing after finishing college. Fully enjoyed the training and everything. Put him into a routine that reminded him of his years of sports
Looks up to farah completely. No matter what he respects her entirely and sees her as the commander over there team.
Prefers a partner that isnt in the military, he'd rather come home to them and drop work off at the door. Hes a work stays at work typa guy and never drags things back, even if something goes bad he doesnt make it an entire personality afterwards for his partner to deal with.
A raging bisexual but leans more towards men. Defo prefers to be the bottom rather than top mostly because hes so use to having a constant lifestyle so he'd rather be able to lay on his stomach taking it and being treated like a pillow prince that he is.
Loves recieving. Whether it be head or being eaten out he loves it. He's still a giver like will 100% return the favour to his partner if they want but if his partner is more into given well then he has no problem allowing them to do whatever.
Likes toys. Like the ones where his partner can control it, turning it up or down while its inside him. If is partner is male he defo has a custome dildo in the shape of there dick. Just for when hes on base and they arent there.
PHONE SEX!!!! do it with this man and hes folding. Absolutely adores it when hes being told what to do and how to do it. Makes it even better when his partner is on facetime with him and they can see what hes trying to do and they correct it if hes doing it wrong/about to hurt himself.
Eye contact. And a lot of it. Love just lovingly looking at his partner while theyre fucking the life out of him <3 even if there eyes are squeezed shut he still finds his eyes trailing over there facial features. Just completely adores the look as they pleasure him and themselves.
A proud moaner. Man will moan no matter what he has so many sensitive spots and with an attentive partner theres not a chance he stands that he can be quiet but it makes things seem even sweeter bcuz he voices his pleasure so much during the act.
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That is it. Ill make another one for king!price later and part 2 to my fic coming out when i wake up
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snobgoblin · 11 months
so here's what I thought Russel's friends might look like I'm gonna put the explanation under the readmore bc im gonna go on for a bit.... also before u say anything I KNOW Russel's eyes are white but they actually didn't turn white until after he got posessed by his friends
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ok so what inspired this is MOSTLY these specific verses in the Phi Life Cipher version of Clint Eastwood- sang from Del's pov
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so we can assume, from this, two things about the appearence of the rest of Russels friends. 1) at least one of them has braces. and 2) they're all different races
so OK next point. that's all we know about them.... and that's not really a lot to go off of, from a design perspective. so! I know Del likes baseball, and assumed the rest might be sporty as well, so I assigned them with different sports so I'd have a way to pose them....... the last girl doesn't have a sport she's just kinda The Cool Girl (doesn't know many sports and couldn't think of one) also I tried to make them all have a bit of sporty/grungy fashion bc that's always nice
ANYWAY the reason I chose those specific appearances- we know Russel picks up skills from his friend ghosts- at least he does with Del. we know his drum skills were amplified by Del's inclusion in his body- and we also know Del can understand Japanese in Jump The Gut, and guess what, Russel can sometimes understand Noodle in early phases despite her needing an interpreter with most people. I believe him knowing how to understand Japanese comes from Del... so it's reasonable to say, some of his other traits could come from his friends, also. now, I've heard people say Russel is Muslim so I just included someone who is Muslim, and according to my partner some of the ways Russel cooks are actually common with Mexican people, so I had a Mexican guy, and I really couldn't think of anything else I could pull from Russel so I added an Indigenous American bc there never seem to be that many characters that are
anyway also the reason there are five is because I asked my friends how many there should he and @/euos-the-cat said there should be five total including Del so they can all easily fit in a car together and I thought that was cute (he also suggested color coding them like a little rainbow!)
I think that's everything I wanted 2 say... also I'm stupid as fuck u guys so if I did something that's like Against The Rules and I'm not aware (like I used reference pictures for the Muslim girl but I'm still not sure what pieces of clothing she's really allowed to wear you know) so if you notice something that's just Wrong let me know... also yeah I know Muslim isn't a race don't worry
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bitter-panacea · 2 months
If goulard + social media = chiitan, then what would *arty*'s internet presence be.
AAAAAAAAAH amazing question lmao listen im not sure what happened i guess i just couldnt help myself so here's some thoughts bout Gou and Arty if the world of twelve had social media
First off
Here's some info to give people an idea of why i say Goultard would be Chiitan (there is so much more and you should definitely do yourself a favor and check out its twitter account and youtube videos if you haven't already) :
Chiitan (a genderless "0 year old fairy baby" otter that wears a turtle as a hat) was the self proclaimed unofficial mascot and tourism ambassador of the city of Susaki. Susaki threatened to sue Chiitan after receiving many complaints about the controversial nature of its content (off-putting and violent) from people mistaking it for the official mascot and tourism ambassador (named Shinjo-kun).
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In this, Gou self proclaims as the Ambassasor of Iop.
Both Arty and Goultard are very new to social media in general and don't really understand how it works. But Gou REALLY wants to have an internet presence and a cool reputation. He trusts Arty the most to help him with that, so Arty is Gou's community manager (at least he tries to be).
They both know the password and share the account. They both post on it, but Arty isn't in the pictures/videos (or rarely).
Arty's the one who takes the pictures and videos of Gou doing jackass stunts, getting hit in the head with exploding baseball bats, drinking gasoline, fleeing cops in a kart, getting arrested etc... Some are Arty's suggestions but Gou has elaborate bullshit ideas every 10 seconds anyway. Gou also posts stupid gym bro thirst traps and nonsense work-out tips. He has public beef with random people for the stupidest reasons and challenges them to real life fights.
Arty tries to stop Gou from getting into fights with people who leave mean comments. De-escalating conflict is obviously not his strong suit, he almost always immediately loses his patience and sends "kill yourself" to all of them instead.
Gou has definitely accidentally posted nudes on main (thought it was a dm) at least once.
They've had their account terminated so many times.
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lucatielsgirlfriend · 3 months
good morning. i mean afternoon <3
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
18. ideal weather?
19. sleeping position?
21. obsession from childhood?
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
28. five songs to describe you?
32. top five favorite vines?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
56. favorite tradition?
64. favorite website from your childhood?
66. favorite flower(s)?
72. worst subject?
82. pc or console?
88. your greatest wish?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
94. favorite season?
96. desktop background?
and i have to ask this one ^-^ 98. favorite historical era?
omg you love me and you want to know everythig about me ^-^
5. bottles is easiest, but a crisp glass soda feels so nice!
6. out of those the styles that i think look best on me are boho and sportswear :) i like goth but im not really in the culture
7. headphones. i found this really nice compact travel set so im not totally unaware when i wesr them out!
8. tricky. I do love movies, but tv shows are easier to digest for me so i watch those more
9. um. probably when water hits the hot ground. rain or otherwise. like waterguns. bbqs are also really nice :>
10. i was a fat kid so not many. i really enjoyed badminton and tennis and also rounders or baseball
15. i remember liking Kensuke's Kingdom for a book report but idk if holds up... I also enjoyed when we analysed poetry in our final year ^^
17. um i have three pairs of slip on sketchers so those. theyre easy and shoes r expensive :p
18. heavy summer rain 🤤 thunder or not
19. i roll around a lott in my sleep, so i wake up in all sorts of positions. its usually easiest to get to sleep on my side tho.
21. i was a pokemon kid. show, cards, games and merch. always on that damn ds
26. i kinda hate the heat, so chilling in front of a fan with a sippy drink and music is sooo good. i liked the beach when I last went though!
27. stupid-cold bonfire nights are realllly nice. my birthdays right around guy fawkes so lots of nice memories there. im also more active in winter because it gets darker faster and i dont sweat as much.
28. five... umm: 'Laughing Gas - The Fratellis'; 'Override (A) - Area 11'; 'Knees Deep - The Beths'; 'To Be Better - Miracle of Sound'; 'Moment of Forever - Willie Nelson'. ^-^;
32. umm idk i was never really on vine... literally none come to mind sorrry
46. naked for sure especially in summer. t-shirt and bottoms on the coldest nights. ^-^
56. tradition... not sure I have any anymore. when i was a teenager we used to go to the lake and follow a river and have a shitty bbq by the side with a bluetooth speaker. and everyone would jump in the water and I never would hehe
64. YouTube. I yearn for the old days of YouTube... I was just becoming sentient when youtube was coming around so i was on it a lot
66. tulips! esp orange ones :>
72. maths. numbers hard.
82. PC all the way from my shitty laptops to here. i love my compuper
88. umm many. to be a girl. to be able to be social without anxiety attacks. to be able to afford things. to not be scared of intimacy. for my pets and family and friends to live forever and always be happy. many many wishes.
92. lamps. i hate overheads especially white ones.
94. Autumn. idk I like the colours. and there's usually a lot more happening around then. halloween and birthdays and getting cooler.
96. usually a game still. or art from a steam trading card or smthn. right now it's a boss from Slay the Spire :)
98. I dont know a lot about history as I should. but I'm interested in gold rush/ westward expanse era stuff, what little I know of it. I should learn more history... Idk sometimes ot just doesnt go in, and I have fuck awful recall ^-^;
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kitnita · 11 months
Talk Hockey To Me
(tag game)
tagged by @eliooliver83 @oetter & @txstars!! mwah thank you!!!
1. The thing that got you hooked on hockey
i am a lifelong member of the 'being insane about sports' club in that i still have a poster of my baseball team's 2005 roster hanging over my bed & used to get SO pissed in middle school when boys in my class had incorrect college basketball opinions. but hockey was just? never on my radar?? due to the south texas of it all. then i went to college for broadcast in new york state & made friends with some guys majoring in sports broadcast and was like wait ....... there's a sport they talk about that i can't talk about (i loved knowing more about sports than boys so this was a serious blow) (football doesnt count i decided when i was a kid that i didn't care about football therefore its not real) & a friend of mine with whom i watched the world series was like no i've got you i can get you into hockey. i realize now she just wanted an excuse to proselytize about the new york islanders.
but anyway yeah!! i stuck with being fond of them because of her & then added the stars because as a Texan i had to root for them & also tyler seguin hooked me. i was a casual fan until there were absolutely No Sports in 2020 & i accidentally stumbled upon hockeyblr just in time to get hyper mega insane about hockey before the bubble playoffs.
2. Your first ever fandom friend
like any normal well adjusted person i feel weird calling someone my friend even if we're friendly because what if they don't actually like me (again this is normal & well adjusted behavior) that said tanya txstars was the first hashtag mutual i had in starsblr whomst i feel like i talked to via the tags!!
3. The jersey you would most like to own
wait have i ever mentioned that i own a mooterus jersey. it was like eighty dollars off depop because its a) womens cut & b) a size small which means that while it does technically fit, my tits stop it from looking like, you know, a jersey should look on the human body. so i'd love one that i can wear without feeling ridiculous!! through logan stankoven all things are possible!!! i'm generally a jersey thrifter so i do love the $16 tyler jersey i found but im sure one day ill bite the bullet and buy a non-secondhand otter jersey.
4. YOUR player (you only get ONE so choose wisely)
unfortunately goalies are inherently endearing & then on top of that he's also insane in the most confounding way possible so jake oettinger is My Guy whether he likes it or not
5. A pairing that deserves more fic
as someone who has written just over half of the robotter fic out there in the world: please put more robotter fic out there in the world. also i think robo & otter both deserve to fuck otter's goalie partner. also also it's not technically a pairing but i think we as a people need to embrace delly's clear & evident love for throuples and start sticking him in other peoples relationships. it's what he would want <3
6. Your favourite on-ice moment
jason robertson laying flat on his back on the ice after finishing his first career hat trick lives in my head rent free btw. if you even care. it just plays on a fucking loop up there. also the the dellymiro delly's first goal celly. also also that time those flames fans tried to actually curse jake midgame. like on the one hand what the fuck but on the other hand i actually admire that kind of dedication yk
link someone else's art/fic/etc that you love & think everyone should check out
i'm still foaming at the mouth over @txstars's rule 63 robotter fic!! also i think it's clear what robo ship i've dedicated myself to but everyone in the roboroope trenches is soooo impressive to me. i see the vision. @winningmachine's stats guy robo fic is a foundational text. thank you @starscelly for also giffing insane random things during games. there's so many other fun people in starsblr specifically & hockeyblr generally but see above re: being normal and well adjusted so You Know Who You Are & also I Love Your Work
link something you made & are proud of & want people to see
my magnum opus ............ the robotter primer. linking anything else feels weird BUT please enjoy my unhinged labor of love. i saw someone mentioned it to that gay hockey tournament blog but didnt want to link it?? please link it places. put how unhinged i was/am about them on blast.
tagging @coffeehound91 @moregraceful @hintzy!!! & also idk who has and hasn't been tagged so if you see this & would like to do it please do & feel free to tag me as the person who tagged you because i am a certified nosy bitch & love seeing other people talk about themselves <3
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hotluncheddie · 8 months
By the way.
Is there maybe, perhaps, mayhaps, (insert another word) some more love for mid 20s slightly chubby Steve (i feel weird about being so specific but I just thought about + 10-15lbs. But also he's still working out so beefy-soft Steve heh.) that's not feeding kink related? Like no active wg or something? (It's just not entirely my thing heh. Okay honestly one point might be that it reminds me too much of my dad and yeah.... 😂)
Not trying to dictate what you're writing because you absolutely should do you on YOUR page 😊. Just thought about it and missed little Gremlin Eddie a bit haha.
Just everyday moments. Like I know you basically do that in every microfic challenge but imagine a 5+1 where Eddie admired Steve's body five times (maybe even non sexual? Would be lovely I think!!) and one time, Steve admired Eddie's body for example. (maybe at the pool, crop tops, old shirt, after a night out, short shorts, Steve playing Baseball or something, Idk. There are so many optionssssss.)
You really don't know how weird I feel for sending this ask. But I wanted to be brave and NOT do this as an anon. I gotta learn to be okay with what I like and that it's not WEIRD. (at least I hope so)
So yeah... ehhhmm. Thank you and K byeeeee 🥰🥰
hello!!!! beefy soft steveee my love my love!!!
ty for being brave and ty for being specific. what ur asking for is not weird i can say that for sure lol.
i still get embarrassed sometimes thinking about what i’ve posted and the kinks i’ve written. i know they’re not for everyone so that's why im glad you've been specific and i really really do like writing both! chubby steve with and without wg kinks involved!!
but yeah, it’s my page and i’m gonna be brave on it! keep writing both! u can’t help what u like :3c
but i can absolutely write you a 5+1 with helplessly in love goblin eddie girl dinner!!! soft happy steve is so important to me! and if it's okay with you lovely lovely i'm going to keep adding to what i've written so far and make the 5+1 a separate post? i dunno when it'll be finished but i promise short sweet slightly soft steve for u <3
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trust-m3 · 1 year
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News reporter: sorry for the urgent news break but this afternoon an unknown cases of people getting murdered has been reported.
News reporter: Victims who witnessed the crime stated that the murderers they saw are people who had pass away years ago.
News reporter : although we don't have that much evidence of what are the victims have been seeing for the past few months but Various professionals are still researching what is the cause of this uncanny situation, we will get back to you as soon as we have the answer.
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News reporter: we advise everyone to please stay indoors, as well as keeping the doors locked, shut the windows and– ca-- [REDACTED]
News reporter: --1- an- Don't trust anyone–----
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Juza:Muku are you okay?
Muku: we're all gonna die...
Muku: we have no hope it's all over for the three of us..
Juza: For the last time muku we're gonna be okay-
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Muku: we can't survive just by staying in this house, how many days have we been here? IT'S BEEN 3. DAYS. JUCHAN AND NO ONE HASN'T COME HERE TO SAVE US
Muku: what if it's really..... The end of us
Muku: If- if they're going to kill us, they should kill me first im- I'm just a useless bits of fried up flour that was left in the oil fryer-
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Juza: Muku- muku calm down we're not gonna die, stop thinking about that.
Juza: If we believe in eachother everything will work out easily, trust me
Juza: if no one's coming to save us then we can by ourselves. We're stronger than you thought muku
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Kumon: Listen to niichan muku, even if things are getting a lil freaky outside our home we'll stick together no matter what.
Juza: Kumon's right muku, don't lose hope
Kumon: and everything is gonna be fine because your best cousins are here to make you smile again!
Muku: Juchan... Kyuchan....
Juza: muku we've all been through the same situation as you muku, but we got to beat them up think about yourself too, aunt sakisaka will surely be proud of you if you stand for yourself so cheer up.
Muku:....thanks juchan :')
Kumon: hhnngghff hate to break it but I'm kinda hungry tonight I've eaten all the canned food earlier
Kumon: we should have bought some groceries before this happens
Juza: None of us wouldn't know this will happen kumon.
Kumon: i know niichan, everything just happened so quickly, like everyone turned to zombie
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Muku: Uuuuuuuwaaaa ma-maybe they're actually zombies!
Kumon: but... Zombies eat not kill- AH! Or an Alien invasion!!?
Kumon: Wha- i wouldn't let that happen to you muku! I'll protect you from them!!!
Muku: th-thank you kyuchan im glad you're here with me
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Juza: mmhhnnm
Juza: i think i still have a few sweets stored in my room, lets just eat that for tonight
Muku and kumon:!?
Juza: you guys wait here im going to my room
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Juza: Tadaa~
Kumon and muku:!?!?!?!!?!!!
Kumon: As expected of niichan!
Kumon: You even have energy bars! This is good
Juza: yeah..
Juza: But we can't just eat this everyday I can't let you guys get sick because of me again.
Muku: this is enough for the both of us, me and kyuchan.
Juza: but still
Juza: I have to go out there and get food
Kumon: niichan!? you can't go out there alone in the middle of the night! We'll go with you
Juza: no. It's not safe for you two to go out there
Kumon:niichan it is dangerous out there, please reconsider this!
Juza: kumon didn't you said, i am strong and can beat everyone's asses in 1 second
Kumon: that is not the point niichan- there are strange things happening in this world, This is different!
Juza: don't worry i can defend myself, besides i got our lucky baseball bat here
Muku: Juchan i know i said something earlier but please, don't risk your life just for us
Juza:...if you guys are that worried, then I'll stay here with you guys instead.
Kumon: thank you niichan, we won't be complete without you.
Juza: don't worry I won't leave you two alone
Kumon: hehe, anyways let's go munch this up! Im starvin'!
Juza: yeah, let's eat.
Muku: uwa! Juchan also had my favourite chocolates!
Kumon: I'll eat these energy bars, muku do you want some?
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cracka1604 · 4 months
sure i guess - C
sup internet, cracka here. is it bad that this week i have spent mostly doing nothing, playing baseball, stealing, and reflecting on my life? reflecting a lot i must add. im not a good person but that doesnt change the fact that others love me for who i am, yes im still on that topic. self love is something i have a lot of trouble with, i have done horrible things in my life. such horrible things, i regret them a lot. im not a good person by any means, but i think everyone isnt if you judge them on their decisions in life instead of their personality. i ask of you reader, look in the mirror after this and think of people who love you, why do they love you? if you dont know this assume why. why should you love yourself? dont think about things of the past, think about recent, good events. what rights have you done? how many people have you made smile or laugh recently? you are a good person reader, i know it.
mentioned last post, i played baseball. i crossdressed and mostly played outfield, got yelled at by my friends, hell and people i've never even met before, talked about dead by daylight and left. but it was fun, i think the mere group of people was so interesting to me, all these new faces and names i've never seen and heard before was so exhilarating, but as soon as i got home i just felt nothing. i was fucking exhausted, sore, and awful feeling. but in the moment i was so *alive* and just... there. i was in the groove you know? i think this is a good representation of myself, in the moment im energetic and out there, but by myself or out of a group im so... dead. im still and motionless. in these moments i normally get sad or something like that but again, im just out of it, dead. it was fun though, i look forward to playing again with the group. oh, and the names of the teams were GOONERS and EDGERS. im not joking. i was a GOONER.
the fear of missing out
i must admit, i have a great fear of missing out on things. especially with events or similar things. im not a very 'talk first' kinda gal, most of the time i wait for other people to talk first to me, and if i want them to talk to me i dont talk to them, i just hope they can read my mind and talk to me. im a weird person, but every time someone talks about an event to me or something that has or is happening i just think in my head "damn, i wish i was/is there..." its quite annoying, i wish i didnt have the impulse of agreeing to every offer of hanging out or checking my phone every 5 seconds just staring at my inbox or dms list.
im weird
very weird
the weekend
for those out of the loop its kinda the weekend right now its quite odd how im very very greatful for this weekend unlike others most of the time i just go: 'hey, its the weekend, nice, no school!' and i go about my day not having to worry about anything but right now, im very very happy that its the weekend for some reason, i have no idea why but im just glad. maybe its the fact that i can rest, or spend time with others, i dont know. i just like the fact that im here and living right now, or something i dont know
but anyways, im tired, its late, and im cracka signing off
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tfw-no-tennis · 1 year
one piece live blog hrmmmmm
why hello its me LJ starting another liveblog. yayyyyyyy i love liveblogging lol. so ive been wanting to do this one for ages - the one piece manga! im starting at zou bc i wanna catch up, then i plan to go back and read from thriller bark on. lets hope I get there!
I have read most of this already (I was last caught up to the end of act 1 of wano) so there will probably be spoilers scatter through, for now...
So i started w/chapter 803. here goes!
robin thinking the dragon drawing is cute awww
revolutionaries wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
dragon asking about robin awww <3
dragon: luffy who???
still thinking abt the person on reddit who posited that blackbeard is actually 3 guys in a coat and thats why he can have multiple devil fruits and also thats why his flag has 3 skulls. mans might be onto st
uh ohhhh the revolutionaries have been busted 😬
buggy having like. a pirate temp agency. hhhhhhhhhakjdhsfsjkjdfjkjl
ok but buggy failing upwards is always so funnyyyyy pleaseeee
I admire buggy for sticking to the clown theme. can't quit the bit
also him pretending to be Large is hilarious
luffy usopp law and zoro all being like NINJA???? 👀 I love it
okaaaaaaay onto 804:
AUGHHHHH not the ASL bros playing baseball cover 😭😭😭 mannnn I wasn't ready 😭
the coordinated strawhat dodge lmao
hvbahdjkfbsjhdf kanjuro and kin'emon fucking around back there and getting knocked off lmfaoooooo
robin with the morbidity hvbhjadfjbaksjf love her sm
them being like ehhhh should we get those guys or just leave them? they're fine lets just go. hvaikdfbjksdf
oh my goddd everyone getting so invested in the dragon's struggle. plssss
zoro and law being lame hvabdjkfbsjdkf
I love sm that luffy and usopp are always wow'd by everything new and cool that they see and that they always share that awwww
godddddddddddd I forgot the official scans call him zolo. SOOOO cursed
in my head zolo is just the OC ruth and I made up; zoro's twin brother on wano who is heterosexual, doesn't really care about swords, and has a great sense of direction. we're so funny
oh shitttt is that carrot???
usopp being so stressed all the time makes sense if u think about one piece's crazy condensed timeline...like they Really were getting into a new insane fight every single week with no pause
still mad that she got sidelined back to zou later in the manga :| I'll talk abt that more later I'm sure lol
ooomg wanda showing up w/nami's clothes on. hello. not kidding when I say that nami is a lesbian w/the most game ever she legit has a gf on every island
usopp being like 'a talking animal!?' how long have u known chopper my dude
omg at this point in time naruto had just ended 😳 crazy for one piece zou was a while ago at this point but naruto has been over...one piece rlly won that huh
oda saying 'kishimoto has escaped the hell of weekly serialization' bruh somebody needs to unionize these mangaka. fr.
okayyyyy 805!
usopp being worried for nami awwh
robin 'perhaps they eat people.' hbvhajdfbjksdfbhksja love her
oh my god so many implications that the other straw hats are dead lmao
lmao god law just casually being like 'yea I never expected to see my crew again' bc he was planning to die in dressrosa...
bepo oooobh show me bepo
luffy immediately getting into a fight lmao
oooobh I love carrot she's so cute why did she have to get booted from the story :( boo hiss
of course luffy actually remembers bepo bc he's a talking bear and that's COOL
law's crew missed him sm awwwwwwwww that makes it extra sad that he was planning to die yeesh
oh shitttt they all missed some drama
omgggg the cover story w luffys village awwwhhhh dadan and makino and her shanks babyyyyy also is she wearing a wedding ring?? are she and shanks married????
kin'emon and kanjuro shenanigans lmao are they ever gonna make it up the elephant
bruh that's so cool how the elephant spraying water on itself sustains the minks on zou ooooooooommh I love the creative ways that the one piece world works
carrot just randomly biting luffy...mood
aight WHO was getting crucified.
yall gave zoro directions to somewhere???? is anyone seeing the problem here lmao
'chambres' lmfao the translations...french ass sounding law
usopp hiding behind zoro and puppeteering his arm hhhhhh I love them
omg I forgot abt the pineapple houses. SO cool
reunion!!!! :D
ohhhh my god the sanji cliffhanger. yessss so juicy fuck yeah
honestly I am soooo pumped to read whole cake again lol that was the first one piece arc I read since that's what was coming out when I got into one piece in 2018 and it slapssssss. also I'm really excited to read the rest of wano, especially now that it's over, and to catch up and hopefully read weekly like I do w/CSM. yayyyy
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nanjokei · 1 year
i just have a lot on my mind lately thats why im talking about this stuff suddenly.
but i have been thinking. like people catastrophizing gundou getting the boot when they have no idea how thin the ice she's been skating on is anyway, im not sure if they even know who she is aside from watching some gunkan clips and maybe a few solo clips— honestly, shitposting about baseball during the biggest match japan has had probably this century, in the country where Baseball is Serious Business, honestly is so ill advised that i can only think she should have known to stay in her lane as someone who had been doing social media as a job for so long.
i think what people are missing is that she was a Controversial Tweet factory. shinzo abe died and she made fun of it, like on the day of, and yeah honestly i think its pretty based but let that set the tone for you. when the baseball shit happened it wasn't JUST the baseball tweet, if you searched her up on twitter at the time people were making threads of all the insane shit she's said, and she got blasted on national tv for being a dumbass. like... i think that people have to realize that it's a job at the end of the day. in the eyes of many japanese people this wasn't unfair or bullshit at all lol. your opinion as an overseas "fan" who shitposts on reddit or 4chan or even twitter DOES NOT MATTER. (most of these people just hover around certain talent without actually watching anyone)
my opinion on it? play stupid games win stupid prizes lol. yeah it sucks an og got the boot on some level but to act like she was 100% in the right is kind of crazy and ignoring a lot of things. like i said, it's a job, you work for a company. a lot of people forget it is a job. and there is a responsibility especially given how anal jp netizens are to not do stupid shit to make yourself a target. she absolutely fell on her own sword. these people are ADULTS. i hate the overseas fandom bc they think the companies are at a liberty to defend them at every junction. like, if it's like that, isn't it just better if both parties part amicably anyway. i'm sure she is much happier as an indie and hanging out with warabeda.
ofc thinking like this gets you called a shill. by all means, if you think so, call me it in your mind. personally i'm very critical especially this year. i just have the common sense not to get in my emotions and see things objectively rather than act like they're actually anime characters who are unable to have any agency. people leave their jobs all the time over disagreements and creative differences or just plain idk, Wanting To Move On after 5 years of anime kayfabe (no matter how thin). so i rarely get sad about retirements the way overseas fans act like either someone died or was abused by some kind of investor pleasing shadow committee is so immature and offputting to me
also. way worse controversies have been overlooked 🤷‍♀️
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holdingontoheadache · 2 years
Doly, Doly, Doly! My dear friend, I’m sorry for going like a week without sending a message! This week really got away from me. How’s your vacation been? How’s Hail Mary? I hope you’re doing well!!!
Oh my brother always hated having to share with me cause you know I was the annoying little sibling who wanted to play with all the stuff he had. It was the only way I played like any video games until I was in my preteens and got a wii and DS but I’m not sure which one was first lol. But I still tried to play games on his stuff.
We definitely would! There’s so many concerts I wanna go to and I can’t wait till I feel comfy enough to start going back to them!!! I’d absolutely go see Niall in a heartbeat. There’s just something about live music that really is magical. And it’s also one of those human moments of “I’m in a room full of all these people and we’re singing the same songs and love this person on stage.” And what a feeling that is. Especially for an artist that makes you feel like at home, that is truly special.
How exciting! Let me know how you like it once you get it! I found that I enjoyed it quite a bit! And I’ll have to see if I can find them! I took photos of that installation like six years ago now!
I want a Louis hoodie so bad! I have one of his shirts but it’s kinda old, too small and the back art on it is peeling. My favorite YouTubers announced they got married recently and oh my heart, it was so sweet. For streamers I feel like I rarely catch the streams live so I watch a lot of vods or people editing down the streams to the important/good bits. I think I said I tend to wear a normal like baseball cap? I’m not sure how else to describe it but I wear it when I’m having a bad hair day or just don’t wanna deal with it. I got to wear my beanie today which was nice since I rarely get to! It was pretty cold so it worked great when I went out/had to let my dogs out. I will say, I think I prefer ice skating to roller skating! I’ve been roller skating a normal amount and I think I’ve only gone ice skating once but it was so fun cause it’s just so different! I’d love to do it again. Italy! How exciting! I bet it was beautiful. I know this sounds crazy but I’m not sure of the last time I had a mango/if I’ve ever had one really. I know I’ve had kiwi but it’s been a very long time so I dont remember much about the taste. Cleaning carpet is awful! I’ve stained my carpet horrendously by accidentally leaving a tube of black paint out and stepping on it 😐 and then a blue drink spilled on my beige carpet sooo. I like it in my room but probably nowhere else in a house.
I know this isn’t as long as the others but I feel im blanking on what to talk about atm buuut I’ll still do a speed round of course!!!
Since it’s the holidays: if you have a Christmas tree, do you prefer a fake or real one? I understand the appeal of a fake one 100% because there’s no cleaning up, watering and throwing it out like a real one and plus it’s a one and done payment for years to come! However, im a sucker for a live tree. I love smelling the tree in the house and I love going to pick one out!
Do you dilly dally? Like when running to the store are you someone who gets everything they need and then goes straight to check out or do you kinda get pulled in by other things not on your shopping list? I feel I can do both but I absolutely dilly dally more than anything. I get distracted easily like when Walmart was open 24/7 my dad and I would just be like “we should go get snacks” at like 1am and then we’d be there for an hour and a half… it’s why my mom refuses to go inside Walmart with him.
Do you prefer to use the stove/oven or the microwave? Like when I make soup I make it on the stove my friend makes it in the microwave. And like a stouffer’s meal I make in oven every time my friend will just the microwave. Like even when making water I’ll boil the water instead of using the microwave. I hate using the microwave for most things I’m not sure what it is or why but it just feels better using the stove/oven.
When it comes to jewelry, do you prefer gold or silver? I personally prefer silver. I think it just looks better on me! But I feel that I don’t wear much jewelry anymore at all.
I can’t remember if I’ve asked but which do you find more interesting or even scary? Space or the ocean? I feel both are equally so fascinating but also absolutely terrifying!! I love the ocean though, I used to want to be a marine biologist sooo and someone tried to tell me we’ve explored a lot of the ocean so there was no point in being a marine biologist and I almost lost my mind cause anyone and everyone know how little of the ocean we’ve actually explored!
Do you enjoying sparkling water? I personally am not a big fan. I just don’t like the taste of almost jay of them! I think it’s very rare for me to find one I like.
What was the last movie you watched that had you thinking “I’ve got to tell everyone to watch this movie” because you enjoyed it so much? I’d say mine was probably Glass Onion and Nope. Also, what’s an underrated movie you think deserves more love?
Okay, I think I’m done for today! I’ll talk to you soon!!! Hope you’re doing well and are having a good day/night! ❤️
Hello, lovely!! Happy Louis Tomlinson day!! 🥳✨🥳✨ I can’t even believe he’s 31 like- time is truly and illusion cause he doesn’t look a day over 25!! Also, Merry Christmas Eve!! May you spend this day filled with the love and joy from friends and family!!
I totally understand!! I, too, have fallen behind on my Christmas asks this year. It’s been tough to find the time to send these asks, so no worries, love!
My vacation has been going very well!! The next couple of days are going to be me just trying to soak it all in!! The days are counting down and before I know it, I’m back in the cold again. 😵‍💫 how are you on the weather situation? I heard it snowed pretty bad in the southern states, so I wasn’t sure if you were affected? I haven’t read Project Hail Mary since I landed last week. It’s one of those things where I have to be in the mood to read it. But I definitely will get back into it at some point once I’m back home!! I like it too much to just abandon it!!
I think all of us younger siblings are embedded with the ability to annoy our older siblings into either 1.) letting us play video games with them or 2.) doing everything in their power to make sure we’re not two feet within the proximity of their gaming systems lol. It’s the annoying young sibling to gamer pipeline!!
You described the concert experience to a tea!! Two days ago, I went to see a Latin reggaeton duo that I’ve been listening to for as long as I can remember!! It was a magical experience in that arena and I would do anything to relieve it again!! Can’t wait for what next year entails for live music!!
Are you talking about Jenna and Julian? I saw!! I’m so happy for them!! I remember watching the one really old video where they both try MacBook filers. Julien had me in tears that day because of how hard I laughed!! I only wish the best for them!! ✨ wait, you’ve never had a mango? Oooo, if I can send you a box right now, I would!! It’s not mango season here on the island or else I would send a picture of what I believe are the best mangos! When they’re just ripe, they’re so sweet, yet tangy at the same time!! Highly recommend!!
Speed Round Answers!! Fake/real Christmas tree? All my life, I’ve only ever had fake Christmas trees, so I’d probably say that only because of convenience! If I had my own proper house, then I’d say yes, probably! Even if it’s just for one holiday season!! It sounds like something nice to have and I do like the smell of pine trees lol. When you get the chance, I’d love to see a picture of your tree when you can!! Do I dilly-dally? I can wholeheartedly say that I’m a dilly-dally kind of person!! I have to go down almost all the isles to find things that I would like, both when I’m grocery shopping and clothing shopping; hell, even just window shopping when I’m not buying anything!! Lol. I think I get it from my mom cause she’s the same way I am where she has to go down every isle, unless she’s in a rush for one specific thing. I’m definitely someone who’s down for snacks in the late hours of the morning lol. Microwave/stove? For convenience, I’m a microwave user, but I’ve also realized the importance of using a stove to reheat food! Especially things like leftovers, they taste better reheated on the stove than using the microwave!! Unless it’s like 3am and I’m hungry for something I’ve set aside, I’ll just pop it in the microwave and hope for the best lol. Gold/silver? Depends on what I’m wearing that day, but I would probably say silver! I think it goes with everything a lot better than gold does. I say, as someone who doesn’t wear jewelry all that much except for their ear piercings that have mismatched earring on that follow no specific pattern whatsoever. Space/ocean? Both are equally as cool as they are absolutely terrifying!! While there is still so much of the ocean that hasn’t been discovered, I can agree and say that we can definitely keep it that way!! I’d say space travel (I wouldn’t go up into space myself, but the idea of it does sound exciting nonetheless). Sparkling water? Not a big sparkling water/soda drinker. It doesn’t really taste like anything (even though water doesn’t have a taste anyway) and the carbonation isn’t really my favorite. I’ll only really have a carbonated drink when I’m out and that’s all they have to offer. Other than that, I’ll take a juice/plain water any day!! Movie to inform the masses? I haven’t watched a good movie in a long time!! The last movie I saw in theaters was My Policeman. Just out of the sake of my lack of movie engagement, I’m gonna say that!! It has a really good message about love and loss, especially in a society that didn’t allow that kind of love to happen. While many current places are still restricting lgbtq+ people today, it shows we have the ability to move past that kind of mentality in the upcoming years!! Underrated movie? Hmmmmmm…. I’m not sure. I’m gonna go with the easy answer and say the Andrew Garfield’s adaptation of The Amazing Spider-Man. I really enjoyed those movies when they came out and seeing a lot of people undermine the cinematic masterpiece that it is makes me sad. I haven’t seen Nope, but I heard a lot of good things about it. Never heard of Glass Onion though. Might have to take a look.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday season, love!! Sending all the love to you and your family/friends/whoever you choose to celebrate this year with!! I’ve truly enjoyed talking with you this December!! Until the next one 💕.
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byeolhyesisi · 3 years
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troublemaker!lee donghyuck x reader
the continuation of exception, wherein Lee Donghyuck asked you out the help of his friend's suggestion.
genre: fluff, non-idol au, highschool au, slight crack, short fic
warnings: haechan lmao just kidding, ONLY SLIGHTLY PROOFREAD IM SO SORRY
words: 1.6k+
tags: @angel-hyuckie @joker0705 @bbjisungg @spectracully @mmarrie @jwoos-colored @deysii @trashlord-007 @jeonqquk @neotechhsworld @kjpmin @i-aecrysture @je4nsv @whatsa-bi-as @gu-nil
dedicated to: @gu-nil and the anon who was wondering if im considering to make a part two of my supposed oneshot haechan fic! i did this for the both of you<3
a/n: i highly recommend reading exception first before this fic!
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"Wait wait wait— Hold on, dude. What?" Mark said confused, his brows furrowed and his lips slightly gaping at his friend's declaration.
"I think I like her!" "No wait I don't 'think' I like her, I actually like her." "I LEGIT DO I SWEAR—" Donghyuck grabbed the older boy by his shoulders and started shaking him back and forth. "I am not doubting you just stOP SHAKING ME, HYUCK." And with that, Donghyuck did stop, his hands were still on Mark's shoulders and the two boys were just looking at eachother. It was like one of those scenes in an anime or in a cartoon where the animation suddenly turns into a very basic version of the original one, accompanied by a long awkward silence in a comical sense.
"How did you even come to that conclusion?" He asked the choco ball in front of him (yes that choco ball is Donghyuck). "Because I can't annoy her. I can't get her to be mad at me if you get what I mean. Unlike the others she's just chill. She's just... She's too much of an angel." He answered, his voice was gradually softening.
"And every time I had to make it up to her after the many failed attempts I did in the past, I'm surprised that I know her favorite snack are choco pies and her favorite beverage is the raspberry iced tea you can get at the vending machine for a song." He uttered. "That she tends to clasp her hands together when she's shy or nervous and that she has the habit of swinging her feet when sitting down and it's adorable, by the way—" Donghyuck continued, eventually listing every detail he didn't realize he knew about you. His words just slipped out if his lips effortlessly, there is no deception in them; they were true. Mark smiled at the sight of this Donghyuck. It was different from the chaotic one he always sees. One look at the boy's face and you'll already know that he means it when he said he likes you. "So... Are you gonna do something about that or what?"
That made Donghyuck think. The boy touched his chin using his thumb and his index finger as he squinted his eyes. When the realization hit him hard like a baseball bat yesterday, he still hasn't think of what will he do. "Should I ask her out?" He asked. "Well, yeah sure I guess you can do that. Just walk up to her and ask if she wants to grab coffee with you or something." Mark told Donghyuck. "That's sounds too boring. Why would I ask her to grab coffee with me when I can take her to an amusement park or something." Donghyuck complained. "It was only an example—" "You suck at giving examples then." The older boy looked into the distance, gazing at a nonexistent camera as if he was in the office for a moment before returning his eyes on Donghyuck. "Just go and do it, alright?" He said before patting the top of the younger boy's head.
Since first period he can't get you out of his mind, preoccupied by daydreams on how should he approach you. He had no problems on approaching you before but now that he has this feeling for you, it suddenly sent anxiety to every nerve of his body. This was the first time he ever felt like this. It was a foreign experience.
When his fourth class was dismissed, he happened to walk by the classroom of your section. He slowed down— sneakily taking a peek inside and he saw you looking outside the window. Donghyuck stopped, ending up standing in front one of the classroom's doors with his hands inside the pocket of his mustard yellow hoodie. The feeling of someone's eyes on you made you look straight at the door as if you already had an idea where your tingles are sensing it. Donghyuck was frozen, embarrassed that he was caught staring but when you waved your hand in a small manner, his frozen state melted down. He took one hand out of his pocket and waved back. The loud ringing of the school's bell interrupted the small moment. He didn't want to leave yet, but he knows he should as another (and the last) class is about to start. Since when did he ever care about attending class? He never did of course, but he enjoys the feeling of daydreaming in a period of time where he should be focusing on something else; it's not like he minds if he got scolded about it. The boy flashed a small smile before leaving and a grin crept its way onto your lips.
It amazed you that he becomes this completely different person when it comes to you; he wasn't this "asshole" everyone labelled him as. Usually, he was snarky around everyone; bossy sometimes as well. He likes messing around. He likes creating ruckus whether it be with a certain person or the entirety of the world. You received a lot of warnings in your first day that he liked to cause trouble; annoying people was his sole purpose in this world as they would put it. Well yeah sure maybe he did mess up your notes once, spilled paint on your uniform that took weeks to remove and tried to blame you for the small explosion that happened in the science lab, but you weren't mad. Your classmates were confused why you weren't mad. Donghyuck was confused why you weren't mad. You were taking everything well and maybe it's because you found him cute despite his efforts of trying to have this badass image.
The hoodies he wears have bears embroidered in them, the pencil he uses had those cute prints that are usually found in children's pencils, and his phone case was painted by his younger sibling. Even if you wanted to be angry, you don't think you can. Not when he looks like he came straight from those "soft boy moodboards". Not to mention, he was like a clingy child to his friends. All you see is a boy who is trying to enjoy his youth as much as he can (though that does not excuse his "asshole" behaviour with others).
Even though your friends are weirded out by your logic, you're just too ashamed to share to them that you have a crush on, apparently, the school's number one pain in the ass.
Suddenly you remembered that you haven't actually expressed your gratitude to the boy who gave a bandaid with bears on them and you thought that maybe now is your time to make it up to him after all the snacks and drinks he bought you out of guilt. Time was ticking and the teacher at the front was busy teaching as you took noted down important information. Seconds became minutes but the both of them just passed by. The next thing you were doing was gathering the courage to walk up to him. How do I say thank you? Why am I nervous I'm just going to say thank you. You told yourself while you were walking through the busy hall filled with students rushing to leave the school grounds, a bag of chips and a can of coffee in your hands.
As if yesterday repeated itself, the collision of two bodies made a moderately strong impact. Unlike what happened last time, both didn't end up thrown on the ground. It just caught the two people off guard. "Hey watch it—" Donghyuck shut his mouth immediately when he recognized the person to be you; the switch for his attitude seemingly turned off. "(Y/N)! God we really need to stop meeting like this. Are you alright?" He chuckled slightly before asking you with concern in his voice. "I'm fine. Don't worry, Hyuckie." You assured. Hyuckie??? The boy felt his soul escaping his body for a moment just to jump around and panic over the nickname. For a good amount of time, the two of you were just standing there. No one had the intention of walking away or saying goodbye because both people had something else to say.
"Do you want to grab coffee with me?—"
"Do you remember the bandaid?—"
The both of you were staring at eachother with a shocked expression as you both spoke at the exact same time. At this point, the hall was almost empty and it was just you and Donghyuck left in the middle of it. You were flustered, you could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks and Donghyuck can feel the same thing. Not because you asked if he remembers the bandaid he gave you yesterday, but because he can't believe he actually blurted those words out of his mouth. For the mean time, the atmospheric was awkward, not until you gave him an answer.
"I'd love to." You replied shyly. Donghyuck's eyes widened, "REALLY? I mean uhm... really?" He asked with giddiness. "Yes really." You chuckled.
"Can you uh hold on for a second?" "Yeah sure, Hyuck."
Donghyuck proceeded to run all over the hall, doing jumps every once in a while. He was like a child that had too much energy and it made you laugh. He stopped in front of you and cleared his throat, an uncontrollable smile plastered on his face. "So what about the bandaid?"
"I just wanted to say thank you and I also want to give you this as well." You said as you handed the bag of chips and the can of coffee to the boy. "Oh it's no biggie, you didn't have to get me these. But thank you as well." Donghyuck smiled and it made your heart skip a beat.
"Let's go to a nearby cafe tomorrow after school?"
"That sounds great, Hyuckie."
"Alright I'll see you then."
He couldn't stop smiling like an idiot even after you left, leaving Mark with a lot of keyboard smashed text messages from the boy.
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