#ok well not sentient but. thats supposed to be able to learn how a human can
sirompp · 1 year
the way some of you guys talk about ai is um. kind of concerning? like you know image generation and chatgpt arent the only kinds of ais in the world right.
#i feel like im swinging at a wasps nest with this one but#the way some of you guys declare your passionate hatred for any and all ai. its um. worrying to me?#like yes there is a lot of ethical problems. with the two kinds of ai people seem to fuckin know about#There Are So Many Other Kinds Of Ai (Which Have Their Own DIFFERENT Ethical Problems)#like agi (artificial general intelligence)#agi is like what everyone used to think about when they talked about ai. the kind thats supposed to become like. ''sentient''#ok well not sentient but. thats supposed to be able to learn how a human can#i dont know. is this a weird thing for me to feel iffy about.#is it too early for me to be worrying were gonna invent a whole new kind of bigotry#im pretty sure we're eventually gonna make an ai thats indistinguishable from humans in like. a Living way#not a The Kinds Of Things It Makes Look So Normal way#why do i think this? bc i am an optimist and have wanted this to happen since i was an itty bitty baby. and if we dont ill be sad#people saying ai should be like. outlawed bc of what corporations are doing is so wild to me.#like imagine every day you go to school you and your friends get beaten up with baseball bats#and you decide baseball must be banned from the school bc of how many people the bats harm daily#instead of thinking for a moment and realizing. maybe the fucking jocks who r hitting you need to be expelled instead of the sport#that the bats came from.#does that metaphor make sense.#or am i making up a guy to get mad at#i dont know.#i might delete this later
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