#so if you're the person who made that ask ! i hope thats enough !
daily-basil · 15 days
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Fat Basil yippeeeee
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fourmoony · 6 months
hey, you could do something with reader telling james (or poly!marauders) that you're pregnant. reader was tense and hesitant about what his reaction would be, as she thought he wouldn't like the idea
thanks for requesting!
f!reader 1k cw: pregnancy
James has his head almost inside the pot of soup on the stove, poking and prodding at it with a wooden spoon as though it may bite him, when you cross through the arched entryway of the kitchen. He turns his head over his shoulder when he hears your socked feet padding across the tiled flooring, glasses fogged up and his smile bright.
"I don't think I did it right." He tells you, forbearing a greeting all together.
His brows hook in the middle when he turns back to the pot, lips pouted just a little. You peek over his shoulder to find a simmering pot of vegetable water and find yourself biting back a smile. Sweet James, your loving and doting boyfriend, always up for a challenge. You don't have the heart to tell him there's entirely too much water and not nearly enough stock in the pot, so you rub his shoulder encouragingly, place a kiss to it, after. "Looks lovely, handsome."
It pulls a warm smile out of your boyfriend, who seems more encouraged by your words than you think he should be. He's so trusting, so loving, leads with his heart and his soul, and nothing else. He puts too much faith in you.
"Remus' never looks like this, but I s'pose thats because he does it in the slow cooker." James placates himself with a shrug, eyes back on the steaming pot.
You hum a mild agreement, pulling yourself up onto the worktop so you're facing James. He likes the company whenever he's cooking. You like the domesticity, the routine, spending time with him whilst completing a task, talking about your day, your friends. It's nice, to be so comfortable with the person you love.
"Did you write down the instructions as he was giving you them? Or are you going from memory?" You ask James apprehensively.
He doesn't reply at first, too occupied with throwing a load of raw potatoes into the pot. They drop to the bottom of the pot with a sickening thud, water splashing over the sides. James winces as a droplet catches the side of his arm and turns to you with a weary look, "From memory. He was going too fast and the landline was crackly."
There's no saving the soup now, so you allow James to continue his ministrations. You'll pretend it's even better than Remus'. Anything for James. Anything to see him smile.
"He said he hopes you're feeling better soon, by the way. Sirius, too." James adds, face dangerously close to the open flame of the gas cooker as he adjusts the heat.
You blanch. You'd mentioned feeling poorly to James yesterday morning, a little tired, a little sick, stiff, the normal beginnings of a cold. The soup makes sense, now. "You asked Remus for his soup recipe because I mentioned feeling a little poorly once?"
James nods, shrugs like it's no big deal.
You've never felt this kind of love before, the kind of care and consideration James has.
"Jamie, I'm not poorly." Your voice is a little unsteady.
You'd wanted to wait, tell him when you'd figured out how you felt about it yourself. Wanted to be sure whether this was something you wanted, something James would want. You know he's a good man, a good person with a massive heart, but you've not been together for as long as you'd have liked, you're not married, there's a list of things that could make James run for the hills and you wouldn't blame him.
But you know him. You know James Potter. He's never ran from anything.
"Well it's too late for that, I've already made the ruddy soup, now." James teases, poking the pudge of your thigh with the tip of the wooden spoon.
"James," You try to garner his full attention, away from the burning vegetable water, "I wasn't poorly."
He frowns, probably trying to pin together the phrase with the way you're acting and comes up with nothing, so he says nothing.
"I'm pregnant."
James doesn't say anything for a minute. You can't read him. Eyes wide, jaw slack, eyebrows lost in the messy tuft of his fringe. Just when you think the silence might choke you, the fire alarm sounds, loud and abrasive. It kick starts your boyfriend's brain and he grabs the nearest tea towel, motioning for you to stay put, and wafts the smoke away from the detector.
After, in the silence that follows, he leans over the kitchen sink and opens the window, turns off the stove.
"When did you find out?" He asks, voice unwaveringly calm.
Your heart slams against your rib cage, scared and begging you to run, "This morning."
James nods, "How do you feel?"
"Nauseous. Confused. Scared."
James softens, crosses the distance between you. His hands are soft on your face when he slots between your legs, eyes swimming with emotion. He smells faintly like OXO stock cubes and his normal cologne as he rests his forehead against yours and heaves a deep breath. "You wanna do this?"
"Only if you do." You answer truthfully.
"I love you, you know that?" His voice comes out hoarse, and you realise he's holding back tears.
Tears spring to your eyes, too, when you nod, "I know."
"There's no one else I'd rather do it with."
Relief washes over you like a bucket of cold water, bringing the air back to your lungs, life back to your heart. You're laughing into the kiss that James presses to your lips, giddy and excited. He presses two gentle pecks there, after, and one to your forehead.
"Holy shit I'm gonna be a Dad." He sounds awed, in disbelief.
You laugh, "Yeah. You are."
"And you're gonna be a Mum."
"That's generally how it works, babe." You say placatingly, thumbs swiping over his rounded cheeks, holding his face in place. His smile is like the sun, bright and blinding. You feel warm all over just looking at it.
"I need to phone Sirius." James announces, turning on his heel to make for the landline.
You shouldn't be surprised, not when Sirius is an extension of your boyfriend's being. So, you simply wait until you can hear James ramming his fingers against the telephone, and dump a couple more stock cubes into the soup.
He can thank you later.
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theoriginalkaminari · 3 months
Izuku Midoriya with a Tsundere!S/O
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For those who are unfamiliar with a Tsundere here are some examples, such as Natsuki from DDLC, or maybe something like Uzi from MurderDrones I know there are more I just can't think of that on the spot💀
(Also heres like a definition: Tsundere is an adjective used to describe a person or character who swings between emotionally hot and cold, in particular when dealing with a love interest. Especially used to describe someone who is usually cold or cranky but occasionally shows a soft, kind, mushy side.)
Izuku stared down at the burnt notebook in the fish pond.
"Great." He mutters to himself, trying not to let this get to him to much. "My dreams have been turned into fish food."
Izuku watches as the Koi fish in the pond begin to nibble at the notebook, trying to get some type of food or nutrients from it. Izuku reaches his hand into the pond. "Thats enough, give it back." He says, voice wavering slightly as he takes the burnt notebook out of the fish pond.
You've seen this happen a few times. Katsuki Bakugou would bully Izuku Midoriya, and all anyone would ever do is watch and laugh along side Bakugou. Yet, somehow you weren't any better. You didn't laugh, but you didn't really do anything either. You would just stare, or walk away and pretend like nothing was happening.
Until one day, you decided to but the green haired boy a new notebook. He probably had thousands, so what would this even accomplish? And why would he accept it from you? You're nothing special.
These were all thoughts you had as you watched him pick up the ruined notebook up from the fish pond. You found yourself mesmerized by his actions, by his appearance, by everything he did.
Without thinking, you clutch the fresh notebook you bought for him in your hands, and approached him.
"H-hey!" You call, walking up to him. Izuku looks over at you, surprised by your sudden appearance. He can't say he's seen you around before, and your height surprises him a bit.
He looks around, thinking your talking to someone else, then looks back at you. He points to himself, mouthing the word: Me?
You feel a slight blush spread across your face as you nod. "Here." You hold out the fresh notebook for him, trying to dismiss the feeling in your chest.
Izuku's eyes widen slightly in surprise. He looks at the notebook, then back at you. "I-is this...for me?" He hesitantly asks.
You nod firmly as you continue to hold out the notebook. "I had an extra one and you seemed like you needed one. Don't think I got it for you or anything, got it?" You say sternly but a slight softness in your tone.
"Oh! No, thats not what I was suggesting at all!" Izuku trys to clarify, not wanting to offend you. "Thank you.." Izuku says softly and takes the notebook from you, his thumbs brushing against yours. "Really, thank you." He looks at you, smiling brightly.
This action makes your blush deepen. You succeeded! You made him smile! The cause of that smile was you!
You quickly turn away and fold your arms. "Whatever. Don't loose it." You say sternly, before storming off.
Izuku watches you leave, slightly confused but not unhappy. He smiles to himself, putting the ruined notebook and the new one into his backpack.
Since you weren't in the same class as Izuku, he didn't see much of you until he walked into 1-A for the first time.
Your hopes and wishes had finally come true! You don't know how he got into UA, but that doesn't matter to you currently. You quickly look away when the green haired boy looked at your direction, avoiding eye contact.
"Is that...?" Izuku mutters to himself before approaching. "Uhm, excuse me...?" He asks you in a nervous tone, making you look his way.
You feel a soft blush creep up your face as you stare into his beautiful emerald eyes. You see a small sparkle appear in them as he recognizes you.
"Oh! It is you! You're the one who gave me my new notebook, right?" He asks in a happy and soft tone, holding up the notebook that you had gifted him.
He actually...kept it? And used it, even! You can see some of the pages are slipping out of the notebook. Maybe he used it..to much?
Realizing he's been waiting for you to respond, you quickly say something. "Uh, yeah. I forgot I did that." You say in an attempted confident tone, trying to seem nonchalant. "And I have a name, you know! Its Y/N L/N!" You quickly clarify, glaring softly at him. You have no intention of scaring him off.
Izuku quickly shakes his head, a nervous expression on his face. "N-no, sorry! I didn't mean to offend you or anything like that!" He tries to say, but it comes out more stuttered and not very put together.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya. Its really nice to meet you, L/N!" He retaliates, holding his hand out for you to either take or shake, yet you do neither.
You knew his name far before this, but you didn't say that. You didn't want to come off as a stalker or something. Instead, you huff and turn your head away, crossing your arms. "It is." You snap back, making him lower his hand in defeat.
Izuku laughs nervously, clearly taken aback by your tone, but doesn't say anything about it. "R-right, well, I hope we can be good friends!" He says in a much happier tone, which makes a blush quickly spread on your face.
You stared at Izuku for a few weeks from afar.
Sometimes, you would make him cookies, or some other kind of sweet treat!
"Oh!" Izuku would say as you hold out the beautifully wrapped cookies out to him. He feels a blush spread across his own cheeks, and even a soft smile. Pointing to it, he asks, "Whats this?" He asks.
You own face being very red, you just shove it in his arms, shielding your face from him. "I had extra! And..." You weren't able to think of a good excuse, so you just shoved them closer. "Take them!" You blurt out.
Izuku smiles softly and takes them, bowing his head slightly. "Oh wow, these look great! Thank you so much, L/N!" But as he says that, you're already storming away, not wanting to embarrass yourself.
You continued to make him things, sometimes food, or a cute craft you made!
You were thinking about what to make next as you walked through the cafeteria, when suddenly, someone called your name.
"Hey, L/N!" It was Izuku. He smiles at you when you turn to him. The green haired boy is sitting with Tenya Iida, Tsuyu Asui, Ochako Uraraka and Shoto Todoroki. Izuku smiles kindly at you. "Would you like to sit with us?" He asks politely.
Really, the only person you really knew at that table was Izuku, but something irked you to sit with him. Nodding, you walked over. "..fine. But only because someone took my usual table." You mutter, sitting beside him and Ochako. Ochako smiles sweetly at you. Not wanting to seem too rude, you nod back.
Thats how you became good friends with Izuku Midoriya.
No matter what you said, he kept pressing until you eventually started following him around, even beginning to hang out with him outside of school, mostly to study. You prefered it there, after all, your family situation was...complicated.
Whenever you were with Izuku, you felt at home.
One day, Izuku got a letter in his locker. A letter you wrote for him, asking him to meet up with you outside of school. So he did.
Izuku walked outside of the school's gates, clutching the letter in his hands. He looks around for you, only to see you near a bakery. Makes sense, since he knew you enjoyed sweet things. Izuku smiles, quickly walking to you as he calls your name. "Y/N!" He calls softly, gaining your attention.
You turn to him, your hands clutched together and your face flushed a soft pink. "H-hey, Izuku.." You say quietly, looking back down.
"I got your letter!" Izuku said softly, smiling sweetly at you as he stood by you. "What did you want to say?" He asks politely, tilting his head to the side.
You swear your heart stopped. You froze. You were planning on telling him how you felt, but..maybe you could try another time. This felt scary, and you were beginning to panic a bit. The usual thoughts of dought ran through your head. What if he rejected you? What if he didn't still want to be friends after? What if things did go back to normal, but you two were always awkward around each other? What if it didn't last long?
Izuku patiently waited for you to speak, his eyes fixated on your features. "If you're not ready to tell me, do you mind if I ask you something first?" He asks in a soft and polite tone.
He was right. You weren't ready to tell him. You nodded sheepishly, not saying anything or looking at him. Izuku smiles softly, a blush spreading across his own cheeks. "Well, i just..." he takes a breath in.
"I think you're really pretty. And handsome, beautiful, everything. You're amazing. You're an amazing cook, and you're quirk is super beautiful!" He gushes, smiling even brighter to himself. "You're personality is so adorable, and you have a cute gleam in your eyes when you talk about something you love!" He says, looking at you.
"What...I'm trying to say is that..." he sighs, taking a breath in. He gulps, preparing himself when,
"Do you wanna go out with me?!" You suddenly blurt out, your face completely red.
Izuku's eyes widen in surprise.
You immediately cover your mouth, face turning red with embarrassment now.
Izuku's face flushes an bright pink, trying to cover it with his arms, making them go around his head. "Y-you what? I-i!" He stammers, his blush only deepening.
You turn away from him. "You know what? Forget it! I didn't say anything, okay?!" You say, walking off. Izuku stops you, grabbing your wrist. He brings you back, a pleadinf look on his soft face. "Please...wait." he says softly, his face still very red.
"Y/N...I'd love that. I'd really like to go out with you!" He stammers out, holding your hand and bringing it to his chest so you can feel his heartbeat.
Your heart skips a beat. Then another, and again. The boy of your dreams is in love with you.
Not knowing what else to say, you just squeeze his hand and nod. "Cool.." you murmur softly.
Izuku can't help but giggle at this, kissing your palm. "Cool." He says in response.
"Cool." You say again.
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kiatheinsomniac · 11 months
hi kia :) are you doing ok? i hope you are queen 💃 I was wondering if you could write how the assassins (altair, ezio, connor, arno, jacob) would react to a reader who suddenly passed out after standing up too fast 😭 it happened to me yesterday and it made me laugh so hard afterwards like thats the goofiest way to pass out ever 💀 iron deficiency queen 👏
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☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: bestie mood. i stand up too quickly and immediately go semi-blind and have to lean on things for support lol 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: altaïr, ezio, ratonhnhaké:ton | connor, arno, jacob 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: none
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。・:*˚:✧。 altaïr ibn-la'ahad
♡ he's got the fastest reflexes you've ever seen, he's lunging to catch you so you don't fall or hit your head. He immediately checks that you're still breathing and will cup your face in his hands and give firm pats to your cheeks while talking loudly to you, trying to pull you back to consciousness
♡ when he finds out why you've passed out, he's immediately reprimanding you and sending you to go and eat enough nutritious foods.
。・:*˚:✧。 ezio auditore
♡ he wasn't quick enough to catch you yes this is based on how quick you have to be to interact with the game or you don't get to hug Leonardo sobs but he does immediately check you over for injury, your head being the first he checks. He lays you on your back with your head in his lap as he waits the few moments it takes for you to return to consciousness
♡ he immediately begins to ask how you feel and if anywhere hurts and wants to know if you're sick or if you've been eating or drinking enough. He'll pick you up bridal style and cook you a meal himself if it's older Ezio but younger Ezio will lay you down somewhere cosy while he sends for a servant to cook for you.
。・:*˚:✧。 ratonhnhaké:ton | connor kenway
♡ he won't show it but he panics. He's watched his village be burned to the ground as a child and his life's work revolves around killing people so when he sees you drop to the floor, his first though isn't that you've fainted but that you've died.
♡ he soon gets over that moment of gut-wrenching panic though and comes to his senses, immediately checking you over for injury, checking your temperature and your breathing. He sets you down somewhere comfortable, assuming you're now on your way to bruising from hitting the ground. He makes sure that you get plenty to eat and drink, trying to use the most nutritious ingredients he can for you.
。・:*˚:✧。 arno dorian
♡ another one who panics due to childhood trauma: when he sees someone laid on the floor like that, for a moment, that awful memory of his father flashes before his eyes. He's not so good at hiding his concern as Connor is though. The panic is evident in his voice as he calls out to you and dashes to your side.
♡ Arno knows to make sure that you haven't hit your head or anything and he sets your head in his lap while he waits for you to regain consciousness. When your eyes do open again and you look up at him, you'll see teary eyes and shaking hands on him. But he's just relieved you're ok. You'll get a very pointed tongue-lashing from him following by him insisting on making sure you're well-fed and hydrated
。・:*˚:✧。 jacob frye
♡ with quick reflexes and his very extroverted personality, Jacob is either fast enough to catch you or surrounded by some Rooks who he can call to so they can break your fall if he's too far. His first worry is that you're overworking yourself so he makes sure you get a break from work
♡ cannot cook to save his life so he's had to go out and order food to bring back for you (or he's begged Evie to cook for which he now owes her many favours) but he insists that you eat and drink well to recover
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☾ ⋆ ゚like my work? why not: ∘ buy me a coffee? ∘ commission me? ∘ join my taglist ∘ consider following/reblogging
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strwbmei · 11 months
Kinktober : Level 2.
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summary: as a loyal servant, you've grown tired of the archon taking your work for granted.
contains: gn reader, reader has a dick, anal, dubcon, brat taming, semi-public sex, spanking, crying, degradation, humiliation, you write on her, no aftercare, rough sex
pairing(s): furina x reader
a/n: uh. accidentally scheduled to post this for the 15th and just realized now. oops. hope the dialogue isn't too cheesy...
thats all for now, i'll be a bit busy this weekend so i can't promise that i'll be able to respond to asks/messages
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NSFW below the cut !
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"Unhand me right this insta-!"
"Shut. Up."
You had your Archon's wrist pinned to the wall; petite and feeble arms uselessly flailing as she made what could only be called a pathetic attempt at resistance. "Do you think you're getting away with this?! Just wait 'til this is over, you..!"
You roll your eyes. "Me? Do you even know my name?" You'd been such a loyal servant— obeying her every whim, working tirelessly because of the impossible demands she had set, and yet; she didn't even know who you were. Not once has Furina spared you a second thought. You were merely one of her servants. Hers to command and control as she pleased.
She let her mouth hang open for a second before closing it again, biting back a retort that she can't think of. "What's wrong, dear Archon? Aren't you going to fight back?"
Furina had always acted so high and mighty, but merely cornering her in a dusty, secluded warehouse had her feeling so weak and small— at least, in your presence. Wait, no— she's an Archon! What right did you have to treat her like this? You should be groveling at her feet for forgiveness if anything!
Though, as much as Furina wanted to... she couldn't deny how aroused she was getting. You scoff seeing her clench her thighs together. "Of course, this whole situation gets you wet. Fuckin' slut." Before she could make up a comeback, you let go of her wrists.
"Bend over and put your hands on the wall."
"I don't wanna!"
"I wasn't asking. Don't make me repeat myself." You ordered, using a tone full of authority that made Furina's heart skip a beat. She's been the one ordering and bossing people around for as long as she can remember, and she certainly doesn't mind, but she had no idea that giving someone else control could feel so... freeing.
Begrudgingly, she followed your orders; turning around and resting her palms on the dusty walls.
A second passed, nothing. Furina found a sort of thrill in the anticipation of what you'd do, but it was still nerve-wracking nonetheless. A few more seconds passed, and as Furina was about to speak, her words were cut off by a moan she didn't even realize she let out when you spanked her ass.
Her body threatens to lose its balance, knees faltering and hands slightly slipping. You rub the spot where you had hit in a mockingly soft way. "Aww, too much for my spoiled goddess?" You cooed into her ear; her frustration evident. Just then, an idea pops into your head. "Mm... I know, why don't we play a game?"
"Since you forgot my name," She looks at you with a confused expression from over her shoulders; heterochromatic eyes already glossy and wet with tears that threaten to spill onto her smooth skin. "I'll give you a name, instead." The game sounded simple enough, but the sadistic smirk you had on your face spoke volumes.
"From now on, I want you to refer to yourself as my personal cocksleeve. Not the Hydro Archon. Not Furina. When you're in my presence, you don't serve any other purpose but to take my cock. Got it?"
The Archon, the respected and feared Archon of Fontaine, meekly and hesitantly nods; so weak suddenly. Her obedience, though unexpected, pleased you— unlike her silence. What happened to the loud, irritating voice she used as she bossed and ordered you around? Where did all that strength go?
Furina yelped. "I asked you a question." You're sure that her body would have tumbled over if you weren't holding her ass up. "I-I uh," Embarrassment filled her as she stuttered. Slap. "Yes..!" You snickered at her whiny tone, which you're sure wasn't on purpose.
You pulled her shorts down, a string of her slick connecting her cunt to her now ruined panties. Fuck. "Are you really getting wet from this?" You mock. Your finger ghosts over her entrance, and you can feel it throb and flutter around nothing.
"No, I'm not..! Do you really think that-"
"I didn't give you permission to speak." The second you take a step back, it feels as if the weight of the world was lifted off of Furina's shoulders. "Tell you what, since I'm feeling generous..." This time, you slap her cunt, making her whine from the mix of pain and pleasure.
"I'll give you three seconds. If you run away, you can throw me in a jail cell or do whatever you want to me. But if you don't," Her ass is an angry red from the sheer force of your slaps, and you take it upon yourself to rub it in teasing circles before slapping it once again. "I'll humiliate and fuck you until you're a good-for-nothing slut."
"Three." You stay completely still, arms crossed as your figure loomed over the other woman. "Two." Furina stays unmoving, and you can see her cunt glisten with arousal. "One."
As she looked back over her shoulders, her stomach churned with both excitement and nervousness once she saw the sadistic smirk on your lips. "Fuckin' brat. You're fucking disgusting." Although your words sounded like you were insulting her, you couldn't be more proud to have the Hydro Archon bending herself over for you, wet pussy on display— all for a servant she never even gave a second glance at.
No matter how much Furina wanted to deny it; fight back... she was incredibly desperate and horny— and even if she didn't want you to know that, her body told you all about it. The weight and consequences of her decisions don't hit her— at least, not until she feels your thick cock, hard and as rigid as stone from her doing, resting on her back.
Just an hour ago, she was going on about her day as usual. Under no circumstances would she imagine that she'd be getting her ass pounded by you in a dirty storage room, praying to whatever other gods existed out there that you wouldn't get caught.
"Shiit..." The death grip you have on her waist doesn't relent, still as strong as it was before your first orgasm. How many times has Furina cum? None. It doesn't matter. She'll take any scrap of pleasure she can get at this point— she just wants to be filled. "So tight... just for me." You can feel her balance faltering as you slap her ass again.
And you don't even fulfill that. You're completely selfish; the only reason you chose to fuck her ass was solely because while it was tighter, she receives little to no pleasure. Plus, not many people can say that they've fucked an Archon in the ass. You wanted her to learn that she's merely a toy— and that it doesn't matter if she doesn't cum as long as you do.
At least, that was what you intended.
You chuckle darkly through heavy breaths, seeing Furina squirt and make a mess everywhere. "Seriously? You're cumming and squirting like a whore from getting your ass fucked? How pathetic can you get?"
Just then, a thought crosses your mind: how pathetic can she get?
Looking over at the pile of boxes next to you, you spot a marker on top of some documents that you hope were unimportant, seeing how some of Furina's juices got on them. You don't check to see if the marker is washable or permanent. You spread her legs even wider, and the last thing she hears is the cap getting removed before feeling a short, cool sensation on the back of her thighs.
"Every time you cum from me fucking your ass," Slap. "I'll write something on your body." Furina doesn't respond. She doesn't trust herself to run her mouth; remembering how that was the reason this encounter happened in the first place.
You lift her off your cock, making her whine at the loss of contact. She quickly realizes what you were trying to do as soon as you turn her to face the door. "N-no... please!" The Archon tries to make use of the rest of her feeble strength, kicking— though her actions tickled you more than it hurt.
"Oh, baby..." You cooed. Your tone almost reminded her of your meek, monosyllabic replies to her bossing you around— but now, there was an added sultriness and authority. "You can fight back all you want if that makes you feel better, but we both know you want this."
"Look. Even if you don't want to admit it, at least your body is honest." You rub on her still-sensitive clit, prolonging and coaxing out more of her orgasm. Tears start streaming down her face as soon as you bring her down on your cock, ass stretching to accommodate your size.
"Please, 'm sorry!... I'm... mhmff... Your personal cocksleeve is sorry! If we get caught..." Her words are cut off by a particularly hard thrust knocking the air out of her lungs. You smile at her words, but your pace doesn't relent. In fact, it gets even faster. "Oh? You know your name. I thought you were too dumb for even that." Besides, the way she clenched tighter once you positioned her in front of the door of the warehouse didn't go unnoticed.
She keeps on begging and apologizing through sobs and moans, feeling herself close to passing out with the sheer force of her incoming orgasm. With a loud sob, her body grows limp and her cum forms a puddle on the ground beneath you two.
"Tsk. All that talk, and she couldn't even last two rounds." You groan, laying her slack body on the floor. Her legs are trembling, and her thighs are a sticky mess. Her gaping hole is filled to the brim with your cum, just as it should be. There are numerous writings on her previously sacred body; namely words such as 'slut' and 'whore.'
With a few jerks of your cock, warm ropes of your cum shoot out and cover the woman beneath you. You zip up your pants, leaving her both physically and sexually ruined for the next person who would be unfortunate enough to find her.
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╰┈➤ taglist ; @nbdaddykink , @teethoftheeditor , @roninraccoon , @commandercarbs , @sapphic-simp4015 , @truculentbantam , @vrachis , @dukemira , @arbiteriey , @krowbyss
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hannieehaee · 5 months
THE BOY IS MINE (kofi/patreon exclusive)
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18+ / mdi
summary: what happens when two pretty tennis players you'd been keeping your eye on both beg for a bit of your attention?
content: softdom!reader, sub!chan, subish(?)!vernon, reimagined version of the hotel room scene, not rlly following the movie plot, afab reader, pwp, smut, making out, a tiny bit of mxm (only kissing), three-way kiss, dry humping, boob worship, oral (m receiving), handjob, penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 3674 (full fic)
a/n: since i havent written any extra content for my kofi nor patreon even though thats one of the benefits i decided to wip up this short challengers inspired fic!! i hope those of u who read it enjoy c:
find full version on kofi or patreon!
"Are you on facebook?", Vernon stopped you before you could take your leave.
"He's asking for your number. And so am I," interrupted Chan.
"You both want my number?," you tilted your head in amusement.
"Seems so," said Vernon, taking a drag from his cigarette.
"I'm not a homewrecker," you rebutted.
Chan chuckled, "We don't live together."
"It's an open relationship," added Vernon, "You're at the hotel in Flushing, right? We're in room 102. Come hang out with us later."
"What, want me to tuck you in?", you challenged.
Vernon smirked at this, but did not fall for your bait, "We can just keep talking – about tennis, of course."
You nodded with a chuckle, continuing to walk away from them and back to your family, ignoring any rebuttals coming from them as you left, knowing that you'd likely find yourself at their hotel room in a few hours.
That was the last exchange you had with the two boys during in the aftermath of an after party that was meant to celebrate your latest win. It was also repurposed to commemorate the future opening of your upcoming foundation.
When you had first arrived at the party, you had obviously expected a bit of attention from the attendees, – specially considering you were the guest and of honor – but you had not predicted that you'd end up bumping into two fellow players who you just happened to have taken an interest in a while back.
Their names were Vernon Chwe and Lee Chan, two pretty boys who had clearly reciprocated your interest immediately upon meeting you. You knew Vernon to be a beast when it came to tennis, something which made you develop a special type of respect for him. Chan was a little less confident in his abilities, but as a seasoned tennis player you knew that there was immense talent hidden in there.
Upon taking a break from dancing, both boys had approached you, falling into conversation with you very quickly. It didn't take a genius to realize the clear attraction they felt towards you, nor could you deny that their demeanor towards you drew you in. Before you were pulled away to sign some autographs, they had insisted you meet them by the beach once you were free from your duties, an offer which you decided to accept.
After about an hour of hanging out by the beach, you had figured out their dynamic a bit.
Vernon was the more confident of the two, clearly the leader of the duo. Chan was a little more awkward than Vernon, but he still carried an air of confidence to his person that you enjoyed. It was also easy to tell that both these men wanted the night to go in a less than friendly way – at least based off the way they stared at you all night.
You knew you'd likely have to end up making a choice when it came down to it, but did you really have to? They seemed close enough for you to enjoy them both at once, you just had to play your cards right.
Standing outside their door, you knocked, gluing your ear to the wood in order to take in the commotion going on inside.
The sound of scrambling and hushed rambles as they readied themselves for you was entertaining to say the least. They were clearly not actually expecting you to come see them, but you couldn't blame them – you liked to make your presence unpredictable.
Suddenly, their steps got closer to the door, causing you to unglue yourself from it as they opened it. Their breathless states matched one another as they greeted you with an awkward 'hi' and 'hey,' leading you in.
After drinking for a bit whilst lounging around on the floor of the hotel room, you began asking each other questions to get to know each other. You'd come to find that they'd known each other since they were tweens, attending the same private school together and even sharing a few intimate memories together – the retelling of Chan's first time jerking off while Vernon guided him was nothing less than adorable to you.
Your interest was peeked. Despite being in adamant denial about not being interested in each other in any way that went further than platonic, a twisted part of your brain could not help but want to test out how far they'd be willing to go with you whilst together.
"We're out of beer," you said after a slight lull in conversation, getting up as they both gazed at your legs shamelessly.
With enticing eyes, you went to take a seat on the bed, smirking as you spoke again, "C'mere."
"W-which one?", asked Chan with wide eyes as Vernon took the lead and went to sit next to you. Chan quickly followed after him, taking a seat on the other side of you.
find full version on kofi or patreon!
note: this is just an extra fic for the ppl who subscribed to my kofi or patreon! ill still be posting as i usually do on here c: (a full vernon fic is coming soon<3)
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
hey fay! I hope you're having a beautiful mornin
I am here to request like SWOONING hotch, touchstarved, red-cheeked, brain shortcircuited hotch, who is left a puddle by reader's lingering touches at the office.
I feel like if y/n was the type to just grab him by the hand when they need to show him something, the type to cradle the back of his head with their hand whenever they pull him in for their signature hugs, the type to casually doze off on HIS SHOULDER 😳🚨 he would simply be putty in their hands, he's just enamoured every time they open their mouth and say HIS NAME? HIS? and if they gave him his very own nickname like not even aaron not hotch but a personal nickname because THEY think about HIM enough to think he needs his own special word (personally I imagine they call him beam and he never knows why - but its bc when he smiles, like really smiles that gorgeous face thats nothing but smile lines and dimples ear-to-ear, he's beaming, he's a beamer, its just what he does. I. dont make the rules).
basically i would love to just read about lovely little hotch to get butterflies and blush and be enamoured by somebody, and of course reader is clueless bc they think thats just how he is but NO when they touch him he feels sparks and he'll follow them like a magnet, its this force they have on him, he's just a willing participant in any aspect of their life they're willing to let him see.
i would totally get if this was not your vibe or not something you want to write/elaborate on but GOD i need more swooning hotch in my life
bestie i'm embarassing late to this 😭 you're just so sweet - if you read this pls tell me you saw it lmfao <3 ily
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Hearing the sound of his first name coming from your lips made him pause for a second. Impatient from watching him standing there frozen, you grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the direction you wanted his attention at.
“Come on, look at this. I found his son’s drawings. This could give us some insight of what their relationship looks like,” you explained, but Aaron was unable to pay any attention to your words, as your hand was still holding his.
“Beam, are you listening to me?”
Here goes that nickname again, he thought. He would sell his soul to find out what that nickname meant. He had asked you about it before, but your only response was a sneaky smile. A smile he would do anything for.
“Sorry,” he said. “I was distracted.”
“That’s okay,” you answered, softly. “I know our last case was tough and we jumped into the next one without having a chance to recover first.”
Aaron was grateful you assumed that the cause of his distraction was the last case and not your beautiful face, and even though you weren’t necessarily correct, his heart still melted at your comforting words.
“Yeah,” he simply said, and nodded.
“Well, you can always talk to me if you want. You know that, right?”
“I know.”
You wrapped up the case quickly so you flied back home that same night. Everyone on the jet was already asleep, except for the two of you.
Aaron was lucky enough to have been chosen as the one you sat next to, and his heart hadn’t calmed down for a second.
He felt embarrassed by the feeling of butterflies in his stomach just because his crush sat next to him, but he was glad his heart could still feel those emotions.
“Can I?” you sweet voice interrupted his thoughts.
As he turned to look at you, he saw you pointing at his shoulder; you were asking for permission to fall asleep on him. As if he’d ever say no to you.
“Of course you can,” he said, almost breathless.
“Thank you, beamy,” you grinned as you let your head fall on his shoulder, and it was impossible for him not to smile too.
His smile grew bigger when you turned your head slightly to look up at him.
“That’s why you’re my beam,” you whispered.
“Everyone says you never smile, but I see you smile all the time. And when you do you’re just beaming. You light up the whole room, no joke.”
“Stop,” he laughed, unable to keep his cheeks from blushing.
“It’s true!”
“You’re usually the reason why,” he admitted.
His words got you shy, he could tell, but you wrapped your arm around him and snuggled closer in the crook of his neck. “That’s the biggest compliment I’ve ever been given,” you mumbled against his neck.
Aaron breathed out a laugh, and it was his turn to wrap his arms around you, making sure there was not even an inch of space between your bodies.
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nogenderbee · 7 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕊𝕙𝕪 𝕘𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ hi there, blade, jing yuan, welt and dan heng with a teen reader thats like nene kusanagi? :)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hey hey! And omg yes of course! I love the crossover I get from pjsk and hsr honestly ^^ So hopefully you'll like at least a bit what I wrote!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic
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✧ Dan Heng honestly liked your shyness, you were like the only person on the Express who didn't chat that much so he found your presence quite relaxing
✧ but if you fine silences uncomfortable, he won't force moments when you two just sit next to each other silently and relax after long day
✧ bur silence is quickly broke by you playing your games and he realizes he was wrong... you're still not this bad but when your cheering gets louder within every day, it really makes him reconsider his thoughts
✧ it certainly takes him some time but believe me, he can get used and learn how to ignore your cheering, so he's back at finding your presence relaxing
✧ he doesn't mind your sharp tongue at all, in fact he's happy you can stand up for yourself- what do you mean it's only towards people you're comfortable with?!
"Eh... they want vanilla cupcake. What? And with sprinkles... Can't you really say it yourself? You were confident enough to insult someone's whole life in there shooting game of yours."
✧ that certainly surprises him but he realizes that when someone insults you irl, he'll have to be the one to step in...
✧ he doesn't mind your passions but be he's not necessarily interested in trying them out either... he just sort of accepts it like a hobby of any other
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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✧ Welt is definitely trying to be supportive and he doesn't mind your shyness a bit, he finds it adorable and it makes him somehow hopeful you won't cause troubles despite being a teen on express
✧ but once you get comfortable and he hears how emotional you can get during your games? He's on...
✧ you know how parents always say "it's because of your phone"? Yeah it's him... but he just applies that to your mood swings and sharp tongue, and nothing irrelevant like stomach pain!
"Watch tour language. I understand they made you mad but you stiill shouldn't say things like that. How about you take a break? Himeko just made tea."
✧ at some point, he probably tried giving you screen time limit but he can't be too strict... so unless you're troublemaker, you'll get past few additional hours
✧ he finds it curious how your personality switches depending on how comfortable you are, but he figures out why it happens pretty quickly
✧ he'll gladly take you with express on any exploration so you can slowly get more courageful, but if you'll prefer to stay in with PomPom and probably Dan Heng too, he's not gonna force you
@vodka-glrl - come get your father of the express!
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✧ Jing Yuan is pretty interested in your personality and passions if being honest
✧ he didn't mind your shyness and when you started being playfully salty? He saw it as a little gift of seeing your real self after hard work of gaining your trust
✧ he doesn't mind speaking for you, he'll even lens you his ear what you want to say and he'll repeat it
"You know I don't mind you hiding behind me. But I'll have to ask you to not pull my hair, please?"
✧ also, he never takes your remarks too personally, he appreciates the friendly critique and knows that you're just being playful teen
✧ he loves listening about your games, movies and so on! In fact, he even asked you if he could watch or play a bit
✧ he's not great at gaming but with you carrying him, you still rarely loose and both of you have fun because somehow, Jing Yuan finds weirdest buts and easter eggs while wandering around
✧ he knows someone in Xianzhou who may share your passion for games... so he uses that to get you some new friends and hopefully to open up to more people
✧ that's really the only thing he might push you forward to, if you have trouble making friends, he has no problem with helping you find the right people
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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✧ at first you were nothing like Silver Wolf to Blade, but after he saw how competitive and honest you can be... he finds so many similiar traits between you two
✧ you mean games made you so salty? What's going on with kids these days...
✧ but in the end, he couldn't care less as long as you worn annoy him
✧ and luckily for him, you're still rather shy so his intense gaze seems enough to make you go away and he'll use that fact
✧ but when you start getting more comfortable around him and Stallaron Hunters... he realizes it's not so easy anymore...
✧ you're not necessarily bothering him but he can hear your insults and remarks on his persona when you talk with Silver
✧ instead of 1 game fanatic who screams, yells and cheers after every victory or death, now he has to deal with 2... great.
"Keep it down you two. Don't forget where you are and what's our mission. Just because we're having a break doesn't mean you should give away our hideout. Because I can promise, I won't save you when enemies come."
✧ he really feels more on neutral end to you tho... you may talk behind his back and cheer and so... but you never tried forcing him into games he didn't like
@vodka-glrl - come get your cold man!
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montimer · 4 months
Claude Frollo x Knight!reader
Gn!reader, oneshot
Warning: smutty but i'll put a line where it starts
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You were his loyal knight. He trusted you deeply. And you never disobeyed him or even hesitated about any of his request.
He loved you for your loyalty and how brave you were. There was just this one problem. He didn't just admire you for those quality's. He got lost in your eyes and the way you smiled at him rather often.
A smug smile always formed on his lips whenever you replied with a "Yes sir!"
And when your attention was on someone else, well it made him very upset. Especially if you looked happy talking to the person who wasn't him.
But he refused the idea of being in love. 'No there is just no way, i must be wrong' he told himself.
He found himself thinking about you at late nights. At first it was just him worrying. But soon he started to rewind memories. Memories about you talking to him, smiling at him, calling out to him.
'This is all their fault' he thought to himself. 'You're the reason i can't get any sleep' he complained.
Earlier in the afternoon he couldn't stop staring at you and when you pointed it out he said that you are falsely accusing him. Which you responded with a "Im sorry sir. It's just that you look tired, is everything alright?"
He stared at you unblinking for a second (which kind of spooked you out). "I just- had a problem with the fireplace, yes yes thats it" he said it strangely but not enough for you to suspect anything. Plus you didn't wanted to question the judge anymore.
"I see, well if there's anything i can help with, you know where to find me" you said it smilingly with a wink. You didn't mean anything by it, just wanted to seem nice but he almost choked on the air.
He didn't said anything, and after coming back to reality he quickly gave you a nod.
'He probably didn't get much sleep' you thinked.
"Well im off! Hope ur majesty sleeps well tonight." And with that you jumped on your horse and he watched you until you disappeared.
Back to the present he was still wide awake. He wished he could just finally sleep and get a good rest.
After moving around for a couple of more seconds he found himself in a comforting position. And soon after finally fall asleep.
In his dream, even there you couldn't leave his mind.
Plus you were laying so close to him. And your hands roamed around his body, complimenting him, asking him if it feels good.
"Oh Judge, you are the greatest" you said it seductively, stroking his ego (and his body)
He couldn't respond, only moans and whimpers came out of his mouth.
Your hands find their ways to his private area and he felt his heart skip a beat.
He was a blushing mess at this point.
Your voice, your hand, your beauty was making him go crazy. How could he not give in?
Your figure took his face in their hands and pulled him in for a kiss. When you pulled away he was trying to catch his breath. He never felt this good before. He never wanted to give in to lust, to sin. But here he is, letting you take control.
His hands moved to touch you but you grabbed them and pinned him down. Now on top of him.
"I saw the way you were staring at me, taking a like to me huh sir?"
He was not sure how long he can handle this for.
He didn't quite know what or how to but he wanted some sort of release from the pleasure.
You started kissing his neck and nibbling on it. He felt something rush trough him.
He woke up and sit up fast, still panting, his face all red.
He felt a strange feeling in his pants. Little did he know he just had a wet dream.
After that he felt very embarrassed but also interested. He couldn't look you in the eye that day. He just stared at you, turning away with a slight blush when you looked at him.
But now he knew, that no matter what. He has to make you his.
'They will be mine, even if it takes for me to act a sin. It's their fault anyways, they must knew what they were doing to me, with the way they talk,act, and smile my way' he told himself many times.
And the judge does not give up so easily. So it's all on you. Will you go the easy or the hard way?
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zwolfgames · 6 months
MHA yandere headcanon breaking up with bakugo and shoto. But they take it very poorly
(I've never done headcanons before so forgive the weird way these are phrased! A bit shirt but I hope you like it. And thank you for the request, I'm littarly squeeling each time I get one.)
Requested: skinnyfattyyy
Warnings: violence, yandere, degrading, kidnapping, forced marrige
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This relationship had started of rocky already. Bakugo wasn't the nicest or the most affectionate.
When he realised you genuingly liked him, his behavior got a bit sweeter, more loving. Less barking you out as if you just blew up the planet. Bakugo truly enjoyed having a partner that enjoyed him and his explosive personality… he didn't have to play tough or soft for you… just be himself.
It was nice for a while, untill you started noticing some of his strange behavior. You found your stuff in his room. Combs, that shirt you lost like a month ago… Your plushie? But fine… he's your boyfriend… you suppose he can have some of your stuff. Thats fine right?
Not for long. It quietly became clear that he was an insecure prick. Wich made him irrational, possesive and absolutly obsessive.
So, naturally, as anyone who felt in danger, you talked to him and asked to break up.
Bakugo didn't take it lightly. Stopping his breathing for a moment while waiting for you to announce that it's a joke.
When that line doesn't happen, he grab you by the wrist, pulls you to him before you get pinned to the wall.
He yells, a lot. A ringing in your ear is left from his barrage of insults and degrading comments about how you'd never find someone else and how you had promised to stay with him.
So to ensure that this never happened again, he gave you one chance to apologize. You didn't take it and his hand set on your lower back let out an explosion.
He muffled your yell of agony with his hand and held you to him, what would you do with a broken spine and a burn wound, huh? Run? He doesn't think so. His guilt ate him up for hurting the one he loves. A hero was supposed to protect the people he loves…. But this was… a way of saving you, yes. Saving you of a diffrent bad relationship. He's the better option.
You have no choice but to accept his harsh care as he treats your wounds and lets your spine heal while you're stuck in bed.
You'd never try again, would you? This was enough of a warning, right? You'd stay his now right?
If you dared try and break up with him again then he figured further injury was needed…
So be a darling and stay with him, that's all he asks <3.
Just like with Bakugo, the first part of your relationship was a bit rocky, mostly because of Shoto's inability to properly share his feelings.
He did eventually tell you everything, his past, his toughts, his struggles. And you had held him lovingly. As a good partner would
Now that you were aware of his past and his flaws, you would stay with him, right?
Shoto was a lot more delusional then Bakugo. He truly believes you're meant to be his since you get him, since you accept him.
So when his strange behavior starts showing, you get concerned. He threathend one of your friend's to stay away… had way too many drawings and paintings of you then you would have been comfrotable with.
So after a while of trying to talk this out and try and have him be a normal boyfriend again, you give up as it makes his behavior even worse.
The day you suggest breaking up the heartbreak is clear in his mis-matched eyes. He doesn't want to hurt you. He really doesn't. He wanted you safe and with him.
You end up frozen to the floor by your feet before a hit to the head knocks you out like a light.
Finding yourself in an unfamiliar room when you awoke again was quite scary. Well… atleast it wasn't a basement?
Shoto had announced that you'd be staying in this room up untill you were both of age and could legally get married. You think a part of your soul left your body at that info.
And so it happened. You married into the Todoroki family and you were barely ever seen again.
But, you were his. As you were supposed to be. His soulmate.
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genderqueerdykes · 25 days
Hey, so I unfortunately found out about transness through kalvin garrah and while at first I felt comforted that there was someone like me out there his videos very quickly made me think I wasn’t “a real trans person”. I’m still unpacking a lot of that but I was curious how you deal with dysphoria or with imposter syndrome and feeling like you aren’t trans enough. all love to you <3
hello there! i'm so sorry you've had this experience, i've heard this from other folks as well
i think the important thing to remember is that your gender is yours, not someone else's- someone else cannot possibly speculate on what your gender is because everyones genders are unique to them. no two people experience manhood or womanhood or any other gender the same way.
generally speaking, when someone is lashing out at others and saying they're 'not a real trans person' like kalvin, it's because they have a deep seated insecurity. kalvin is insecure, so he must make you insecure, too. my therapist recently explained to me this type of behavior stems from someone seeing behaviors they dont like in themselves reflected in others, so they lash out to try to get the other person to change to make them comfortable. it has nothing to do with whether or not you're a real trans person: He's insecure and lashing out at people.
it's okay to have imposter syndrome, i have it as well. it takes time to cope with. i would say that just remind yourself that cis people generally do not think very hard about their gender, and also, there are a million ways to be trans. you can take hormones or not, get surgeries or not, pass or not, it's up to you. there are no rules. you don't have to try to assimilate and look and act and sound as cis as possible. if thats not your goal dont follow that path
youre allowed to forge your own path, dont worry. it's okay to be who you are, not who someone else told you to be. i hope that helps you, take care, stay safe, feel free to come back and send another ask if you'd like
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t0rturedangel · 8 months
hiii!!! i'm the same person who sent the ask regarding jekyll and i LOVED it! im honored to be the first asker and i might fill more - so if it's alright, may i request jekyll and/or hyde with an innocent yet motherly!darling who worries for their wellbeing, even going as far as gently scolding them and making them feel relaxed every once in a while.
take your time and take care!! xoxo
╭ . . . 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 ੭
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𝐃𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐘 𝐉𝐄𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐋 / 𝐌𝐑. 𝐄𝐃𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐇𝐘𝐃𝐄 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 ♰ ৎ﹕𝘢 𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘮𝘦𝘯 (𝘩𝘤𝘴)
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YAYYY ANOTHER JEKYLL & HYDE REQUEST, I'm honestly in love with the book and game so I'm sooooo happy you came and requested more!! :D I hope you like this
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𝘩𝘤𝘴 ~ 𝐉𝐄𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐋
✧⠀⨾ Despite never saying it, Jekyll adores you and values you a lot- like more than he cares for Utterson and Lanyon- and thats saying a lot since he knows the two very close
✧⠀⨾ he loves it whenever you visit, because you take the time out of your day to make sure he is doing well, even helping the servants make some tea for him and clean up a bit after- for some reason Jekyll loves your tea more than anyone else's, you make it so perfectly
✧⠀⨾ he also tends to try and not cause as many mistakes as he usually would while you're there- whether it be via experiments that he maybe burnt himself with or just casually bumping into things, you'll always be at his side right after and be scolding him while patching him up as well
Currently, you were sitting by the side of Jekyll- who has managed to mix up the wrong amount of chemicals needed for one of his recent experiments which caused it to overflow and accidently got on his hand- which burned... a lot. ❝ how could you be so careless Jekyll? look you've hurt yourself again.... Please be more careful around your chemicals, you know first hand how dangerous they can be! ❞ you patched Jekyll's hand up, holding with with delicacy which made it seem as if he'd break if you were careful enough which was true to an extent, Jekyll was feeling weaker lately- he's been more careless with himself and how he acted leading to this mess. However, he couldn't help himself from smiling at you with a fondness- you were always there for him, out of the kindness of your heart and that made him adore you more than anyone else could. You were truly a miracle to him
✧⠀⨾ Jekyll doesnt understand how he managed to meet you and befriend you, but he thanks god everyday for it.
✧⠀⨾ As a thank you, he always buys you gifts that he knows will make you overjoyed, he pays attention to what you like and dont like so when it comes to thank you's, you're never disappointed or sad
✧⠀⨾ All of his servants, cooks and Poole love you since you're sort of keeping their master together while also keeping them happy- whenever you visit they're always chatting with you about anything but this isnt about them
✧⠀⨾ Jekyll find your innocence adorable, and questions on if you are the completely moral person you make yourself out to be- or do you also indulge in your vices? do you have your own Hyde? though he'll never ask, no never, he just loves this perfect image of you- sweet moral you who wouldn't hurt anyone ever
𝘩𝘤𝘴 ~ 𝐇𝐘𝐃𝐄
✧⠀⨾ the first time you met Hyde, it was probably an accident- Jekyll has though of something so horrid that Hyde couldn't help but take over, it was never Infront of you (Jekyll is so grateful for that you don't even realize)
✧⠀⨾ Though when Hyde did see you, all of his rage and anger suddenly just went away?? it left him so confused and almost made him angry and vicious again until you began to talk to him- normally??
✧⠀⨾ you weren't disgusted with him? you didn't find him hideous? you didnt run away, screaming in horror? no, you didnt do that, oddly enough you walked over to him- smiling happily, and introduced yourself leaving the creature so confused and baffled he almost completely ignored you (he didnt though- you were too intruging to him)
You smiled at Hyde, grinning from ear to ear as you held out a hand for him to take and shake. ❝ hello! I'm [name] it's so lovely to meet you ❞ you didnt run away, or looked at him grossed out which almost irked the monster but he stayed out of pure curiosity. ❝ I'm Hyde.❞ he replied almost coldly, though you didnt get angry with him- instead fascinated ❝ oh! yes i have heard of you- you're a good friend of my dear Jekyll's! i dont understand why everyone is so sacred of you ❞ you smiled even more- leaving Hyde to question you and your intentions, yet he made no move to hurt you. Everyone was shocked, sorry- correction- everyone outside, in the beauty of the moon was shocked to see Hyde, the murderer, the man who trampled a girl to near death, the one who smites women down for simply looking his way- walking down the street with the sweet little thing like you latched by his side, smiling from ear to ear as you chatted about something while Hyde listened. You has done the impossible, yet only you could do it
✧⠀⨾ he secretly love having you around, you're the only person who gives him the light of day at the minimum and at the maximum you care for him.
✧⠀⨾ once he returned to his home after getting into a fight with a man who was capable of fighting back- the man obviously was killed as Hyde had overpowered him with sheer brutality and died bleeding out, though he did manage to get a few hits on the deformed man (Hyde) leaving him bruised.
✧⠀⨾ you were waiting for him- happily with a knitted scarf for him (you felt bad for him as it was always cold in the night time of London and Hyde barely wore anything warm) but when you saw him, bruised and beaten you didnt even care about the scarf or how he even got hurt
✧⠀⨾ you sat there, much like how you were with jekyll, scolding him and patching him up carefully- despite him stating MULTIPLE times he can handle it and wont die.
✧⠀⨾ Much like Jekyll- Hyde questions your innocence but enjoys it none the less- the two of you acting as the opposites attract trope
✧⠀⨾ Overall, the two of them adore you so much- you're the sweetest and kindest person to the two of them and they're grateful, in their own ways (Jekyll buys you stuff and Hydes beats people up for you)
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mystarsohee · 3 months
Hiii, would it be ok to request something with cg!Jun Han from Xdinary Heroes? No worries if not. Hope you're having a good day!
so pretty
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genre: fluff!
junhans nails were painted, so of course you want to match with him!
!!! non-sexual agere, only cg name used is hannie.
cg!junhan gn!reader
currently, you were sprawled out on the couch while one of your comfort shows was playing on the tv. accompanied by junhan, who was sitting (normally) on the couch with you. the way you were positioned put your head in his lap, and one of his hands was massaging your head. the other, was scrolling through his phone.
"hannie, wanna hold your hand."
so, he stopped massaging your head so he could give you his hand to hold.
"mm, other hand please, want you to keep massaging."
alright then.. other hand it is!
you got a hold of his hand, and you were fidgeting around with his fingers and some of the rings that decorated them. honestly you could stay like this forever, laying with your favorite person, watching your favorite show, in your favorite little pajamas! junhan could probably stay like this forever as well, but only because you were there with him.
while playing around his hands, making silly shapes and such, you noticed he painted his nails! this wasn't an uncommon occurrence, it was actually very common for his nails to be painted his signature black. sometimes he'd let you pick the colors.. so his nails would be a different assortment of silly colors!
"hannie, your nails are pretty."
"thank you baby.. but i think yours are prettier!" he replied, with kiss to your forehead afterwards.
"mines not pretty.."
"what? they're very pretty."
"but they not painted like hannie?"
"well, we can paint them if you want! then we can match."
you perked up at this information. your nails could be painted too!! just like your hannie! quickly you nodded, and junhan tapped you to get up off the couch so you could follow him to the bedroom. while you sat on the bed, he went to the bathroom to grab the different nail polish colors he had at the moment. you wondered what color you should paint them. maybe.. pink? it is one of your favorites. but what about that pretty blue color he had? that one would look so cool!
your mind wandered back to what junhan said, "then we can match." thats right! he wants to match with you! so obviously you want to have your nails painted black, just like his!
by now, junhan was back from the bathroom. he signaled for you to sit on the floor, to avoid spilling nail polish on the bed. all of the nail polish he had was laid out in front of you, though it wasn't a large amount, it was enough for you to reconsider your choices. he asked which color you wanted, and you answered with black. keeping word about matching with him.
"you sure?" you never usually ask for black, most of the time you go for a bright color.
"yup! wanna match hannie." you looked up at him with a smile, which he gladly returned.
"we'll start with your right hand" you put out your right hand. "you have to be very, very still okay?"
you replied with an eager nod. a look of seriousness washed over your face, you don't want to mess up junhan while he paints your nails!
he started to paint your nails with the same black that he had on. one of his hands was holding under the palm of yours, to help keep it steady. the warmth was nice, and it warmed you up inside. even though its been quite a while since you two met, he still made you flustered just because you love him that much. you watched his face, so concentrated.. glasses were about to fall, so he tilted his head back so they'd fall into place.
"other hand baby. try not to move the one i just painted okay? it still has to dry."
"oohkay.. it looks so cool hannie!"
"well, i did paint it y'know!" he said with a laugh.
after a few more minutes of admiring his face, both of your hands looked like his! but junhan told you that you had to wait for it to dry, so it wouldn't get messed up! he held both of your hands with his, gently of course, and was lightly blowing on it to speed up the drying process. he also stole a few kisses to your knuckles, which made you giggle.
finally they were dry, and you were carried onto the bed solely for the fact junhan wanted to cuddle. (obviously you wanted cuddles as well) your nails matched perfectly with junhans! his hand was intertwined with yours.
"see baby, look at your nails! its so pretty!" he was right. they are so pretty!
"so pretty like yours! thank you for painting them hannie."
"so pretty like you my love. and your very welcome, i'll paint them whenever you want okay?"
"mkay, i love you!" you buried your head into your chest, the words still flustered you at times.
junhan kissed your head, "i love you more my baby."
author note: i love u anon for requesting cg!junhan. i loveee my junhan so bad omg this was so cuteee!!!!! this writing was heavily inspired by this one video of junhan on live where hes talking about his hands when he plays guitar😭😭😭 also im down bad for him and his white glasses theyre so cutie.
as always, feedback is always appreciated 💕
and heres the video if anyone cared
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fairykazu · 9 months
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"name? are you there?" kazuha asked, his voice was muffled. you laughed nervously,
"yes, i am! don't worry. i'll be there in a bit, just let me do somethiiiing real quick." you answered. you wondered what was off about your apartment until you realized it's a bit messy. by a bit, you mean, it's terrible. it's like every world storm disaster decided to visit your home. you quickly tidied up your place until it was decently cleaned. you opened the door, "hi, kazuha! i hope you didn't wait too long." his nose was dusted with a bit of pink since the cold, he slowly moved his limbs to your apartment.
"no... not at all." he spoke. you noticed you forgot to put away your undergarment on the floor, quickly, you slid it behind the closet next to the door, hoping your highschool crush didn't notice. unknownst to you, he had, he chuckled a bit before he changed the subject, "what kind of song would you want to write?"
leading kazuha to the living room, you fluffed a pillow as he sat down. putting the pillow down and sitting near him, you laughed a little, "didn't you ask me? what genre do you think fits me the best?" well, you had already done enough pop. maybe it would be time for you to do some indie? he shrugged, "what are you most comfortable with?"
"i think, pop, it's a bit mainstreamed though."
"ok, what if you go for pop again but experiment with sounds that sounds like a dream?"
"what do you mean?"
pulling out his phone, kazuha quickly searched something up and played a song by barbara, the idol known as shinin' miracles. "like a dream pop?"
“i love barbara’s music but would it be like copy cat? i dont want to be all controversial.”
he scooted closer to you. you noticed every feature of his face and especially his maple-colored eyes. shit, has he ever changed from high school? he feels the same but is he prettier than before? you tried to ignore it as he continues, “when your albums out, you could release this after and say its inspired by barbara. i'm sure she would be flattered.”
“ohh! okay, i think i have to ask the kamisatos about this but i could work with this."
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you yawned as kazuha brought over the third round of canned drinks, "do you think the lyrics are good enough?" kazuha asked you as you half-hazardly glanced at the various sheets of paper. some of them was sprawled all over your star-shaped coffee table and the rest were scrunched up and littered your complex's floor. "hmmm, i think so?"
cracking opens the can, you heard the familiar crisp crrk of the can, he handed it to you. his hand lightly brushed over yours and you tried to ignore the feelings it gave to your heart. "did you even read them? or did you do 'the thing' because you're too tired to look?" he jested as you laughed.
"haha, of course not! who do you think i am?" you replied, obviously lying through your teeth. as obvious as you were, kazuha was fighting back the urge to laugh, he tried to hide it with a smile. kazuha smiled warmly, "name. you are a person who does not lie at all."
"yep! yep! haha, thats me." he chuckled at your useless attempt to lie. an awkward silence filled the air as it started to kill you, you gave in.
name: 0 | kazuha: 1
"...okay, hand it over to me."
he took the can out of your hands, and you raised a brow, "you usually spill your drinks when you're busy with something. remember in highschool-"
"oh god no! don't ever bring that up." you winced at the pain, remembering that memory. it was too depressing to remember. kazuha made a face at you as you begrudingly agreed with him, "alright. take my beautiful dr. pepper away."
you traded your soda for to read the lyrics of the devil!!! just kidding... woah!
these lyrics weirdly sound romantic....
are the high school feelings coming back? man, why could lumine be right of all people? stupid star twins. y
"anything weird?" kazuha asked, worried. oh, he's doing that face when he's too worried and may or may not have a stomachache of overthinking a problem. you nodded your head no, "nah, it's fine."
"you sure?"
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masterlist | prev nxt
a new and upcoming soloist was coming into the world of tevyat. but wait… isn't that one of the triple stars?! y/n was apart of the trio band called "triple stars" with aether and lumine. but due to mysterious reasons, they left the group with no explanation. however, they have come back with a new name: celeste
notes: - song used in this chapter is called ive always had a thing for you baby by between friends - dc (divider credit): @\bunnysrph
taglist: @pyrrhicgaze @d4y-dr3am3r @murderisokayforme @aeongiies @florakis @luvnoya @mellowknightcolorfarm @elikyeet @4leyn3 @imkaaayy @xiaosonlybeloved @kavxikitty @jayxncya @sakiimeo @theblueblub @whipped-for-fictionals @ynverse @eunchaeluvr @rifran @meowmeowmau @sweetstrawberrybabe
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is-on-its-way · 2 months
In the name of the Father, the Skeptic and the Son
Episodes: One Son/ Two Fathers
Dana Katherine Scully doesn't take overt disrespect and then just continue on with her work. Also Mulder needed a reason why he was being so short with the woman he loves... The titles are Alanis Morissette Lyrics from Jagged Little Pill. I feel like its relevant to this sitch.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Epilogue
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Chapter 1: We had to believe in something, so we did
The lone gunman give Mulder a piece of their minds for being so rude to Scully.
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(LONE GUNMAN office. There is a buzz at the door. FROHIKE goes to the door and unlocks all eight locks and opens the door for MULDER.) MULDER: The latest in home security. FROHIKE: Hey, you get through this, you got to come through me. MULDER: I got a call from Scully. Said it was urgent. (MULDER enters the office. All three GUNMEN are present and also SCULLY in a fetching black turtleneck ensemble.) SCULLY: I'll ask you to hear me out before you launch any objection. Mulder, I asked them to pull up everything they could on Diana Fowley. MULDER: (sigh) I don't have time for this. SCULLY: Mulder, she's playing you for a fool. MULDER: I know her, Scully. You don't. SCULLY: You knew her. You don't anymore. I think we can prove that to you. BYERS: She took a position in the FBI's foreign counter-terrorism unit in 1991. Seven years in Europe. SCULLY: Yet there isn't a single piece of information available on her activities in the FBI files. MULDER: (gives a sarcastic melodramatic gasp) I hope you've got something more than that to indict her with. SCULLY: Travel records pulled from airline manifests that had been purged from her FBI records. Extensive movement throughout Western Europe. Almost weekly trips to and from Tunisia. MULDER: For the purpose of what? LANGLY: That's what we couldn't figure until we took a flyer and we found this. FROHIKE: Mutual UFO network logs. MULDER: MUFON. SCULLY: Special Agent Diana Fowley of the FBI was visiting every European chapter collecting data on female abductees. MULDER: So she's collecting data. Big deal. SCULLY: Or hiding it. MULDER: Scully, you're reaching. SCULLY: Mulder, when I was abducted a chip was put in my neck. When I happened upon a MUFON group filled with women who'd had the same experience. MULDER: So you're suggesting that Diana is monitoring these abductees? Monitoring these tests? SCULLY: You tell me that Cassandra Spender is the critical test subject - the one who could prove everything. And yet, who is watching over her? Mulder, I can prove what you're saying or I can disprove it but not when Diana Fowley is keeping us from even seeing her. Mulder, ask yourself why there is no information whatsoever on Special Agent Diana Fowley. Why she would suddenly happen into your life when you are closer than ever to the truth. I mean, you... you ask me to trust no one and yet you trust her on simple faith. MULDER: Because you've given me no reason here to do otherwise. (Long Pause.) SCULLY: Well, then I can't help you anymore. MULDER: Scully, you're making this personal. SCULLY: Because it is personal, Mulder. Because without the FBI personal interest is all that I have. And if you take that away then there is no reason for me to continue. (MULDER watches her as she walks past him and out of the office.)
Byers was looking at Mulder mouth open slightly.
Langly said “Geez” under his breath
“Of all the idiotic things I’ve ever said to a women, that certainly tops any of it.” Frohike said grimly.
“All right, thats enough out of the three stooges.” Mulder said impatiently.
“You were so mean to her, and all she wants to do is to protect you.” Byers said in disbelief.
Mulder made towards the door.
“Scully is a hundred times the woman Diana is.” Langly added
“Whats the hold she has over you that you’re risking everything you have with Agent Scully?” Frohike said
 “Yeah. What gives?” Byers said
Mulder stopped and turned to them. 
“I have a history with Diana. She’s my friend. I can’t just throw that away because Scully doesn’t like her. It wouldn’t be fair.” 
Life isn’t fair. But the woman you love just walked because she thinks you’re the one being unfair.” Frohike said
Mulder scoffed “Love?”
“Oh lets not hide behind pretense here. Its so obvious, its a wonder you two haven’t figured it out yet.” Byers said.
Mulder rubbed his forehead at this fighting with himself about what he was about to say. 
“Did you tell her? Did you tell her we...” He stopped himself looking up at them. He couldn't say it out loud. 
They all looked surprised, Frohike looked indignant. 
“Of course not.” He answered.
Relief flooded him in a way that made him uncomfortably aware he was relieved.
“We wouldn’t do that to her.” Byers said.
“Besides we agree with Scully on this one.” Langley said
“I guess you have to ask yourself if you value your idea of what the truth is, over Agent Scully’s feelings” Byers said.
“It would be nice if she trusted me.” Mulder said  
“She does trust you. She doesn’t trust Diana.” Byers said
Mulder pondered this and didn’t respond.
“We sure don’t.” Frohike said
She’s dirty Mulder. Nobody comes up that clean in one of our searches unless something sinister is at work” Langly said.
“I just don’t get this need to be right, when you’re so obviously wrong.” Byers said
He started toward the door. “Of course you’d side with the pretty lady.” Mulder said exasperated
Thats not why. But the beatiful agent Scully is a good friend to us. And…” Frohike said
“She gives me advice on you know, girls” Byers said
“She calls me on my birthday” Langly said
“Mine too” Byers said
“Mine three” Frohike said
“You’ve never called us on our birthdays.” Langley said.
“I just figured you three sprouted fully formed from alien larva.” He didn’t look in their direction, pulled open the door and left after Scully.
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He sat in his car and head leaned against the steering wheel. Scully’s words ran through his head. 
It is personal. Without the FBI personal interest is all that I have.  I can't help you anymore. There is no reason for me to continue.
Panic was setting in now. He’d stood up for his principles and for Diana. Thoroughly exasperated with Scully, for not trusting him, not trusting his judgement on a personal matter. They’d become so much closer than they ever had been and she was acting like he was going to run away with Diana or something. At the same time, she’d just admitted to things he was exhilarated and shocked to hear. He’d known they were close, known he loved her, known he liked being her partner. But she’d never talked about the personal side of their partnership. Never made it known she felt like without it, she’d feel the same way he did. That she couldn't continue the work without him. 
He punched the steering wheel and the car honked. A elderly woman, crossing the street in front of his car, with a bunch of grocery bags in her hands jumped and stumbled back. 
He put his hands up to the windshield and yelled “I’m sorry! Sorry ma’am! It was an accident.” 
She gave him a dirty look and recovered her dignity before stalking off. 
He massaged his aching hand and cursed his frustration under his breath. He didn’t want to lose her. Was his loyalty to Diana worth losing Scully? The answer was of course no. He’d never had a partnership or friendship with anyone like he had with her. Nothing he’d had with Diana came close, and they had been… close. He loved Scully. More than he'd ever loved anyone. He was in love with her. Hopelessly. Maybe that was why this theory of hers stung so badly. It was fine for her to shoot him down at work, but this was about a friend. And she didn't trust his judgement. But she could be so stubborn sometimes. Even when there had been a mole in the FBI. Even on her deathbed as she was offering to sacrifice herself for his reputation. She’d been so quick to suspect the only person it seemed they could trust within the FBI. But Skinner hadn’t been the mole. Mulder had been right to go with his gut and not the evidence.
He looked up absentmindedly staring out of the windshield. Evidence. He could get evidence. And he knew three people who could get him Diana’s exact address. He got back out of his car and walked back to where he’d come from.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Epilogue
@today-in-fic 🙏
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rainbowsans · 10 months
Hello! •,• I am fan of yours and I have question I hope is not taken rude,and please do not answer if is uncomfortable question! I mean not to offend nor make uncomfortable (English is my third language sorry if it is bad)I am new learning lgbtqia+ community! Has been cool to meet new lgbtqia+ friends
if it happens to be to personal I hope you’ll ignore or ist say so,but figure you share information so maybe it ok? I was wondering how can be one he/him and one lesbian, I like to understand.
can man be lesbian? What that mean to you personal level <3 I know not enough, it can be hard to ask because people become mad when ask questions sometime.. id love to learn and seek to understand but if not good question then I am very sorry to you! I hope you have beautiful day or nighttime lovely person!
okay first and further most
im non-binary, NOT a man. thats a VERY important part of the he/him lesbian label. Men cannot be lesbian, PERIOD.
i use he/him pronouns because i am comfortable with using them, pronouns do not equal gender. you can use any pronouns and be cis, gay, lesbian, etc...
"a he/him lesbian is a non-binary masculine, feminine, or non-aligned person who identifies as a lesbian and chooses to go by he/him pronouns (or a woman that identifies as a lesbian and chooses to go by those pronouns). you can be a lesbian as long as you're not a man and go by any pronouns you wish to go by. if you're a woman or a non-binary person, no matter your alignment, you can be a lesbian."
quote is from this helpful carrd
so yeah, im a nonbinary individual who has a leaning preference to non/male aligned folks so i am a lesbian, i just use he/him pronouns because those are what i am most comfortable with using.
i've spent years trying to figure out my sexuality and i realized that i connect more in being a lesbian than pansexual back in early high school, it made me feel like i found a piece in myself that i was missing for so long if that makes sense, i feel complete, more of myself now.
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