#so i went with italics rather than bold cause i could see a few different scenarios.
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celtigaar · 6 months ago
@oharpyia said : ♡ for maris, please ! / pre-established relationship meme
send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses ! i’ll bold what i want for their relationship, italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS. childhood friends / work friends / family friends / recently friends / turning antagonistic / turning into something romantic / stable / falling apart / friendship of need / friendship of circumstance pen - pals or internet friends / coworkers / partners / other .
ROMANCE. childhood sweethearts / newly entered / soulmates / skinny love / unrequited from my muses side / unrequited from your muses side / friends with benefits / awkward / fading / turning toxic / toxic and destructive / other .
FAMILIAL BOND. sibling bond / older sibling figure to your muse / younger sibling figure to your muse / parental figure to your muse / parental figure to your muse / guardian figure / legal guardian / other .
ENEMIES. dangerous to themselves / dangerous to others / unpredictable / passionate / rivals / petty / developing into a sexual tension / developing into a romantic tension / based off family matters / based of circumstance / based of professional matters / based of misunderstandings or lies / other .
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psi-king · 2 years ago
How psychic 7 feel about fact that Bob's and Helmut's daughter dates son of guy who ruined Lucy's life?
(Also, Dove is great, im just really curious)
Oh, joy! This question is gonna be so fun to answer >w<! Sorry in advance for the long paragraphs! Some of this is related to your question, some of it is backstory filler since this question lets me get it out cleanly. The answer to your question is in bold and italics if you don't wanna sit through reading the other!
Everyone was pretty iffy on the whole situation, as no one could really tell if Gristol was using Dove or not ( he never did once during the whole time ) to progress his plan further. Helmut was probably the only one who was most understanding as it's in his blood to be forgiving.
Dove and Gristol's relationship acutally didn't start after Gristol was discovered. She and Griss were close-knitted friends as children ( without Gzar Theodore knowing of course ) and Helmut got used to seeing the bratty prince around then. Fast forward to when Gristol was hiding behind his Nick identity, that's when the two ended up rekindling relations, and even started dating. The most important part of that is Gristol was pretty much his old self around her, as he found no need to keep up the Nick persona ( though he did continue to lie about his past and name so his identity wasn't told to the whole motherlobe as Dove is a chatterbox ) When Gristol was finally discovered, Dove was pretty upset and the two broke up for a few weeks but that doesn't really throttle the two much at all cause they end up seeing each other once again while he is in the Psychoisolation Chamber.
This is where everyone started getting very worried about the two being in a relationship again, as most assumed Gristol was just using the third head to get back to his tricks, though due to the heavy about of reformation tactics and methods Dove started using she was able to get Gristol to once and for all put away his evil plans. Though the first time he was let out of the chamber he was met with a lot of judging eyes, especially from the heads. It took a lot of apologies and buttering up for him to even be ALLOWED in the Green Needle Gulch where Dove's house is.
Due to Dove and Ford's agreement on rules, Gristol is not allowed around Lucy. The only time he was taken to see her is to apologize and that's it. No one wants him to screw up and break Lucy again.
Since Helmut was kinda accepting to begin with, time for the other psychic seven. Bob was the second one to warm up to having Gristol around. He managed to get the royal-minded prince to take a small interest in gardening, even though Grissy was and still is rather fussy about the dirt and grim that came with it.
The third to warm up would have been Compton. I've had a headcanon for a while that Gristol has always been interested in cooking, so he learned quite a lot from Compton, however, Boole's anxiety constantly put him on a heavy edge with the prince as it took him a while to properly trust him.
The fourth is both Cassie and Otto, as the two basically just followed the others trust in the prince. Cassie though is a bit different of a case. She was like a mother figure to Dove, so she still carries a bit of judgment about Gristol. This is mainly cause of her past where there was a lot of snakes in her life, so she fears Gristol might turn out as one as well. Otto on the other hand just has neutral feelings about everything, like " Oh ok I guess this is fine. " energy.
Ford and Lucy have not warmed up to having the prince around. Ford sort of understands, but with how much he and Lucy went through due to Gristol's father the two are not taking any chances.
Though I just want to add here that Gristol hated his father a lot. The two always butted heads throughout the entire time Theodore was alive. Thedore was always very neglectful and cared more about being a king than he ever did about Rokel and Gristol. Rokel is completely different than Theodore, she was constantly shamed by Theo for her wants for a better kingdom. She knew about Dove and Gristol's friendship when the two were kids, and tended to put a lot of care into making sure Theodore never found out cause she feared what would happen to Dove. Rokel is still alive and has put down her royalty status to enjoy life more, though she still is pretty nitpicky, just like Gristol, cause its hard to just throw away the life of living fancy.
And a bit more about Theodore and Dove's connection;
Due to Dove's mediumship powers she HAS seen the ghost of Theodore and has to put up with his judgment of her. Theodore under no circumstances likes Dove, and is pretty aggravated at Gristol for taking the path of kindness he did.
Also thank you for taking an interest! Dove means a lot to me so it's fun to ramble on about 'er!!
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glitxhwayventeen · 4 years ago
Lonely Together
Jihoon: Chapter 2 (Dark Side)
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Characters: Jihoon x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, angst, fluff, potential blood mentions, genocide, runaways, health issue mentions, weapon mentions, panic attack description? (Though honestly it’s more of an anxiety attack), death mentions, child abandonment mentions. Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written.
Author’s Note: I recommend listening to Dark Side by R5. I thought the actual lyrics to the song gave off a solid vibe that I wanted to transfer to the start of this particular chapter.
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts
🥀 & ☁️
Lonely Together Master List
Chapter 2: Dark Side
When you woke up this morning, you had the sweet scent of Vanilla and honey hit your nose. It was warm and inviting and made you feel safe. You were glad, normally you’d never feel safe in the wild. The pack helped a lot with that issue. But when you woke up today, you noticed that you had woken up to a quiet house. Which was… strange to say the least. There was always some sort of ruckus going on downstairs in the early hours. So you figured you’d go investigate cautiously, in case something had happened. You grabbed your thigh garter belt with your knives attached before you quietly made your way down the stairs. You saw and heard no one. Nothing was wrong or out of place. Everyone was just… gone. But why?
“Boy, you come prepared don’t you?” A male voice said from the stairs, causing you to jolt back in surprise, automatically drawing your knife from its holster on sheer instinct, ready to release it at any given moment.
You relaxed and placed it back to your thigh as you realized it was just Jihoon, one of the less spoken wolves of the pack.
He was only a few inches taller than you, but you were still incredibly intimidated by him. You weren’t sure why all the others were terrified to piss him off, even the alphas, but you were never worried he’d get mad at you. Which was weird, you were always skeptical of everyone, it was just in your nature as a rogue wolf.
However, with him, it wasn’t horror that overtook your veins, it was nervousness. Like you had some sort of school girl crush on him and you were worried you’d mess something up in front of him and die from the embarrassment of it. But why? Why would you care what some rando wolf would think of you when you’d probably be leaving in a bit when your wounds were healed better?
“Jesus Jihoon! You know I could’ve killed you right? Didn’t your parents ever tell you not to fuck with a bitch with knives?” You huffed out in annoyance while slapping you hands over your face, praying that he hadn’t seen your cherry red cheeks yet.
Of course he had though. He never took his eyes off of you whenever you were in a room. You were just too zoned off to notice
“Uh no… Not really. Never had them so they didn’t teach me shit. Not that any of that matters. We both know you’d never hurt anyone if you could help it.” He shrugged, nudging past you to make his way to the fridge for a bite to eat with a small smile pasted on his glorious lips. God he annoyed you.
“You don’t know that. I always come prepared, I could be a serial killer for all any of you know” you cooly threw his way as you let your guard down slightly, for some reason trusting him enough to have a semi civilized conversation alone.
“Yeah yeah you’re a little vicious killer. Whatever you say kid” He laughed out, trying to keep his amusement in check at your quick replies.
You gritted your teeth, “Hey I am not a kid! I’m centuries old! MUCH older than you.” You smugly responded to his bitch ass nickname for you.
Jihoon looked you up and down for a second, making you a bit self conscious and spreading a heat down to your lower belly, “You don’t look older than me. Matter of fact, you look like the youngest one here. So I’m gonna keep calling you kid, kid.” He leaned in close to you and whispered seductively in your ear.
“Where- where is everyone?” You stuttered out, trying your best not to focus on the minimal contact Jihoon had made with your shoulder while brushing past you moments ago. Curse your dumb instincts. Why did you have to find him attractive? Couldn’t your wolf side ever just stay in check?
“The market? No, to Taeyong’s? Maybe it was to the river? I dont know by the time they left it didn’t seem like they even knew where they were going so I stopped listening.” He answered while taking a bit of an apple he had snagged from the fruit basket on the counter.
“W-why didn’t you go with them?” You questioned him as you tried your best to avoid his piercing gaze.
“Didn’t feel like third wheeling a bunch of mated coupled wolves.” He shrugged once more while sitting himself on the kitchen table you were next to, “Plus, someone needed to stay here and keep an eye on the house.”
“I would’ve been here.” You chimed in, as if he would’ve ever seriously left you alone.
Whether you were a Werewolf or not, he was NOT gonna leave you without some sort of safety net if he could help it. If he had it his way, you wouldn’t even go down to the market with the other mates when supplies were needed. He knew you could handle yourself as a fellow wolf, and he knew you were the best to go because you weren’t marked yet, but he was worried for you.
You definitely had people looking at you because of your different appearance. You were drop dead gorgeous to anyone with eyes, and that greatly concerned him every-time you went out shopping. He may have been more of a lone wolf, but he wanted to protect you at all cost, even if you didn’t realize that’s what he was doing yet.
“Doesn’t count. You’re a FANCY werewolf, remember?” He emphasized the word fancy in a condescending way that irked your nerves all the way to your core.
“We don’t know what you can do yet. Besides, you act like I’d actually want to go watch them make goo goo eyes at each other all day long. Seeing them cuddle and dry hump the whole time we’re doing something isn’t my idea of fun. I’d rather be here and enjoy the peace and quiet while I can.” He said as he tossed the remains of his apple in the garbage can in one swift motion.
“I can do everything you guys can and more!” You defended yourself, getting a bit frustrated at the younger wolf for doubting your abilities.
“Then prove it. Do something… super wolfy” he chuckled out, half jokingly and half seriously in what a normal person would recognize as a flirty manner.
He hadn’t had too many girlfriends. His experience with girls was limited compared to his brothers. So sticking to his sarcastic edgy tone was the only way he knew how to engage with you.
He was curious as to what your powers entailed anyways. They all were, none of them had met a wolf like you before. All the wolves they knew were modern, and the only seriously powerful wolf they knew was from a Chinese pack that had fled to their area who could communicate with heaven, hell, and the nether realms. They had heard stories that had been passed down for some generations about what wolves were like long ago, but none of it was confirmed because nearly all had been killed or died off. So they wanted to see if you could actually do all the things from the legends they heard about your people. For all they knew, you could fly.
You hesitated for a moment, trying your best to think of something, anything that you could do that would shut him up and prove your point. But everything you thought of required you to be much stronger than you currently were. None of the visible powers you had were working right now due to the small amount of silver still running through your system. Even if you were working at full strength and weren’t hurt, you had never been able to use your powers to their full extent do to something having been wrong with you since birth.
“… I- I cant.” You sighed in defeat while bringing your head down to look at your hands.
“Why not?” He wondered aloud, not even really meaning to tease you, he just let the innocent question slip from his lips without thinking.
“Because I got hurt and I have no way to get better! My entire pack is dead! Everyone I love is dead! I don’t have a mate! I need some sort of connection to the people around me to heal faster and I don’t have one anymore! I need one or the other to have my powers come back this quickly after such a traumatic incident and I have neither! I’m fucked up and I’ve been fucked up for a long time okay!” You snapped, your eyes now bleeding and turning emerald green from anger as you yelled at him.
Once you saw his confused and remorseful expression, you quickly closed your eyes and turned around to try and calm down. You didn’t mean to go after him like that, but you were already very worried about your own health not coming back and the taunting tone in his voice just made you break. You could feel the hurt in his heart. It made you want to cry, you didn’t mean to yell at him. You were just a very touchy person who had been asked about a very touchy subject.
“I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get upset. I just- I’m concerned for myself and this conversation… well it made the concerns I already had skyrocket. But that’s not your fault. You would’ve had no way of knowing that. I apologize for getting mad at you over something so childish.” You earnestly said, trying your best to look him in the eyes without blushing from embarrassment.
He quickly moved his head down to look at his lap. He understood your pain. He could feel it everyday. You were his mate, he already did have a connection to you. He knew when you were sad or hurt or worried. He knew that you weren’t just in physical pain, but emotional pain as well. He wished he could take it all away from you so you never felt a negative feeling again. But he just couldn’t. Though, he was upset at himself for making it worse for you. Why did he always have to try and stir the pot? Couldn’t he just leave well enough alone? Couldn’t he just be cool around you and know when to stop?
“It’s okay. I… I understand what it’s like. To not have anyone I mean. I didn’t realize that you actually had to have those things in order to heal better though. With wolves now, we don’t necessarily have to have those things. I mean having them helps, but we get better eventually anyways as long as we get the wound cleaned properly. I didn’t know it was different for you...” He bit his lip as he continued, “But you know, our pack can be your pack, if you want anyway. There’s an opening for another ticking time bomb now that Chan’s found a mate. You’d be perfect for the job” he joked, though you could tell he was serious at the offer for you to join the pack.
“Yeah… how much does it pay an hour?” You played along, trying to lighten the mood from the tension you had made appear due to your little anger outburst.
You hurriedly propped yourself up on the table next to Jihoon, who gave you a small smile in return. It gave you goosebumps all over your skin. So you were thankful you had grabbed a large sweater the pack had given you before you went downstairs this morning.
You were given a bunch of them. They made you feel safe, and you loved the way they smelt. So when the other mates apologized and said they didn’t have many ‘girly clothing items’ to give you as getting clothing was sparse at the moment, you didn’t complain. You were perfectly content with your bigger clothing.
When you sat up on the table, you smelt the same scent of vanilla and honeysuckle that you nostrils had been absorbing from the clothing given to you…
“Not a lot.” Jihoon confessed, “we only offer housing, protection, and being around people who would do anything for you. But honestly, you could do a lot worse in terms of a career.” He bit his lip once more, the action drawing a small pur from your chest, which you tried to cover with a small cough. Of course he still caught the sound though. You weren’t even sure why looking at him made you that happy. The sound made Jihoon swoon, he loved that he already had such an impact on you.
“Of course there’s also some downside like with all jobs… like having to constantly break up fights, having a complete jackass for a mate, and well… you know… sharing bathrooms…” he trailed on, rubbing his neck while he attempted to make it seem like the middle part was casual.
“Wait! A complete WHAT for a WHO and WHERE was I???” You all but yell out in shock, making Jihoon wince.
He couldn’t tell if you were upset that he’d just burst it out like that. He honestly couldn’t even tell if you knew you were his mate or not. He didn’t know if you WANTED a mate or not. From what he knew of you, you usually stayed away from people unless you had to be around them. You told the others that staying alone is how you’d survived all these centuries. But Would you make an exception to your rules for survival to stay with him?
“Uh… yeah. A mate. That would- that would be me. I’m your mate…” He whispered, attempting as best as he could to regain control of his heartbeat that was now almost pounding out of his chest.
That’s when it all clicked in your head. Why they let you eat first with the mates, with the OTHER mates. You were one of them. It’s why they found you when you needed help, he must’ve felt you were in danger. It’s why you didn’t die that day even though your wounds would’ve been normally fatal even to you, because he was near you and never left your side. It’s why you weren’t scared of him like everyone else, you knew he’d never hurt you because he loved you. It’s why the pack always giggled anytime you and Jihoon would get near each other. It’s why the smell on your sweaters and his smell were so familiar, he gave them to you because you were his. You two were mates. It all made sense.
“We’re- we’re mates?” You reaffirmed out loud, but you started to feel dizzy. You weren’t sure what was happening.
Everything was going too fast, it felt like you were moving in slow motion but the entire world was spinning as fast as it could around you. The edges of your vision started becoming fuzzy and dark. You started to feel like you were going to pass out, but before you could fall flat on your face to the floor, Jihoon caught your fragile body in his arms.
“Yes. We are. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, but I wanted to give you some time to adjust to being around normal people before I told you.” He assured you as he started moving towards the stairs, bringing you to his room and setting you down on his bed. He was incredibly worried for you, he could hear your heart rate slowing by the second.
“You might need to lay down. You don’t look well” he spoke softly as he held the back of one of his larger hands to your clammy forehead.
“Yeah… okay… rest… that makes sense… I’m sorry I- I just wasn’t expecting-” You tried to say as you start to give into the panicking darkness, not wanting to fight the urge to black out anymore.
“It’s okay. It’s a lot to take in. Just try and sleep okay?” He shushed you as he moved his blankets over your petite form, hesitant to touch you as he didn’t want to make matters worse. But his inner wolf was screaming at him to hold you and rock you to help you.
Everything you had heard about Jihoon told you he wasn’t someone who could have a relationship. All the others always talked about him wanting no one around him ever. They called him a grumpy old rogue wolf who miraculously got stuck in their pack. They said that He did things his own way. He did things alone. So did you.
“Jihoon, how the hell are we supposed to be together when we’re both lone wolves?” You whimpered out to him before everything went dark.
Another Author’s Note: alright so you guys know the drill. I wrote this close to midnight and I’m too tired to care about revising rn. So i shall look at it and fix any mistakes tomorrow when I get the time. Tomorrow I don’t think I’ll be praying more than once. Sorry, I’m working a doubt shift. But Wednesday I’m hoping to post three times! Here’s to hoping!
(Updated 9/6)
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eberles · 5 years ago
Our Song
JJ Maybank
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(gif is not mine, if it’s yours lmk and I’ll give credit:)
Request: hi! I have another song request for JJ 🙈( I hope they are never annoying I just love listening to the songs and remembering what you wrote!!! don’t feel pressured to write this one HAHAHA) Our Song by Taylor Swift?! I don’t have any specific request I just love a good JJ fluff !!!
A/N: They are never annoying!! i think it’s so cute 🥺and i love writing them!! this one is super soft btw brace yourselves! all of the italics are flashbacks of JJ explaining your song basically, bold = lyrics
Warnings: none, sickening amounts of fluff lol
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I was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car. He’s got a one hand feel on the steering wheel, the other on my heart
"Baby, is something wrong?” JJ looked over at you curiously as you were looking around and turning the radio down.
“Nothing, I was just thinking how we don’t have a song.” you responded back looking over at him in the drivers seat.
“Our song is...”
Our song is the slamming screen doors, sneakin out late, tappin on your window. When we’re on the phone and you talk real slow, cause it’s late and your mama don’t know
You had just gotten home from a date with JJ about an hour ago and you barely made it with a few minutes to spare for your curfew. Even though JJ only dropped you off an hour ago you were already talking on the phone with him while you got ready for bed.
“You’re talking really slow, babe.” JJ laughed into the phone, making fun of you.
“My moms sleeping, i’d just rather not wake her.” you said trying to explain.
“Would it be easier to see me in person?” As soon as the words came out of his mouth through the phone you could hear a tapping on your window. He didn’t, you thought. Yet, you weren’t exactly surprised when you looked out your window and saw your beautiful boyfriend.
“JJ? What are you doing? I thought you went home.” you asked sticking your head out the window of your 2 story home.
“I did, but I missed you, so I came back. Come keep me company.” JJ attempted a whisper careful not to wake your sleeping parents.
“JJ Maybank wants me to sneak out! What are the odds?” you joked making his roll his eyes and give you his best puppy eyes while saying, “please” multiple times.
“Okay okay i’m coming!” you laughed and started climbing out your window, scaling the side of your house. Lucky for you, you’ve done this a few times.
Our song is the way you laugh, the first date, and when I got home before I said amen asking god if he could play it again. I was walking up the front porch steps after everything that day had gone all wrong and been trampled on and lost and thrown away
“So, how was the date?” John B asked JJ, wanting to hear about the first date he had with you the night prior.
“Man, I didn’t kiss her, and I should have.” JJ kept his answer simple, only regretting one thing from the night before, everything else was perfect.
“Well, is there gonna be a second one?” JJ thought about John B’s question for a moment, but he already knew the answer.
“Hell yea, she’s amazing.” John B looked at JJ with a shocked face because usually JJ didn’t get too caught up with relationships, but he saw something different this time.
“Then it sounds like there will be plenty of other time for kissing.” John B added making JJ nod his head in agreement and John B swore he could see JJ’s cheeks light up with a small blush just thinking about the possibility of kissing you.
You agreed the night was perfect, so perfect that you even went home from your first date with JJ and prayed to god there would be a second one. Hopefully he would kiss you on that one. You weren’t usually one to pray, but you had a good feeling about that one. About him. Originally you were having such a terrible first part of the day that you almost cancelled your first date with JJ, but wanted to hopefully lift your spirits you continued to go on it. Once you got home, you couldn’t believe how well it went, imagine if you did cancel.
Got to the hallway, well on my way to my lovin bed. I almost didn’t notice all the roses and the note that said...
When you arrived home from another date with JJ, you noticed a note from him on your bed accompanied by a bunch of roses. you weren’t sure how he did it while he was with you all night, but it made your heart melt. You guys had been dating for a few months at this point and he just wanted to show how much you mean to him.
The note talked about how important you were to him and how much he cherished having you in his life. You meant the world to him and every minute he spent with you was better than the last. Crying at the sweetness of the note you decided to sneak out of your house and go visit JJ at the chateau where you knew he was staying. Once you got there John B opened the door letting you in and calling for JJ.
“Baby? What are you doing here?”JJ asked surprised to see you. Usually he was the one to go over to your house after dates. JJ took your hand and led you into the spare room that he usually slept in when he stayed at John B’s.
“I got your note, and I wanted to thank you in person. I don’t know how you got the roses in my house, but I thought it was really sweet, babe.” you gushed telling him exactly how you felt. JJ sat down on the bed as your spoke and pulled you into him so you were sitting on his lap. He had a little bit of a blush on his cheeks since he’s not used to showing his soft side.
“I just wanted you to know I appreciate you, pretty girl.” JJ whispered, leaning in to kiss you and when he had you wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.
I was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car. I grabbed a pen and an old napkin and I wrote down our song
“Do you have a pen in here?” you said reaching out to grab the napkin that was wrapped around your coffee cup from earlier.
“Yea babe, check in the glove box, why?” JJ watched you out of the corner of his eye while you searched around in the compartment for a pen. Once you found one you started to scribble words on the napkin.
“I’m writing down our song, bub.” you spoke as if it should’ve been obvious. “I’ve heard every album,” you added.
“Listened to the radio,” JJ interrupted.
“Waiting for something to come along that was as good as our song.” you agreed with him, impressed he was able to finish part of your sentence. “Keep telling me more of our song.”
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violethyeseon · 4 years ago
first appearance
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synopsis ∣ The word ‘nervous’ doesn’t exist when Got7 is always there with Hyeseon but everything came crashing down when someone decided to being her down.
timeline ∣ November 2020
characters ∣ Kim Hyeseon (Violet), Got7, Lim Hyejung, Gwan Aelia (Ace of Devils), Ahn Eunhee (The Bloody Roses)
a/n ∣ nervous, fidgety Hyeseon. This is her first public appearance. Mention of The Bloody Roses. Italics means they are speaking English, while bold+italic means they are speaking in Thai, someone bringing Hyeseon down with mean words.
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“Hurry! Hurry!” The bodyguard pushed Hyeseon in as she was busy answering text messages from her own friends and family - earning an irritated frown from the girl, looking up from her phone to the bodyguard.
“Yo, chill! Calm down! We have time!” Hyeseon whines slightly towards the older woman, earning a slight gasp from her.
“Calm down!? Calm down!? We are late for 1 minute! C’mon!”
“It’s just a minute... “ Hyeseon muttered under her breath, following the new bodyguard who was rushing. She then stood in front of the waiting room - looking at Hyeseon with a smile, a fake one.
“She’s all yours!” Hyejung informed - patting the young one on the shoulder as she left Hyeseon all alone.
“Damn, I miss The Bloody Roses.” 
“Me too.”
Hyeseon’s eyes went wide, turning towards the room to see half of the members sitting down on the sofas while the other half were getting their make-up done.
She sighed while going towards the one who replied to her with a hug, the one and only Bambam. 
“We miss them too, especially my girlfriend.” Bambam voiced out as soon as Hyeseon pulled back as she began hugging the other members.
“Aww, that’s cute! I just met up with Nara for a catch-up session, she looks cheerful as always,”
Hyeseon smiled cheekily while looking towards Bambam who was getting his make-up done next. She could see Bambam’s ears getting red, causing Hyeseon to laugh.
“Hey! Don’t forget we are here, you know.” Jinyoung pointed out while looking offended that they were speaking in another language where they couldn’t understand fully. 
Hyeseon shrugged while looking towards Jinyoung, making him playfully tell her off to Jaebeom who was just cooing at the whiny Jinyoung.
“I was talking about a specific group of girls that I missed,” Hyeseon voiced out and that’s when all of the members of Got7’s head turned towards her - even Mark and Jackson who were on the phone.
There was a visible pout from Jackson, making Hyeseon run towards him - hugging his side. 
“I think we all missed them too,” Youngjae commented while feeling the grip on Hyeseon’s waist tighten, knowing Jackson’s hands are on her waist.
“Let’s not be sad and sentimental! It’s Hyeseon’s first public appearance! We should be happy for her!” Yugyeom, who had been quiet, jumped up from his seat as he was grinning towards Hyeseon’s way.
That’s when Hyeseon started to feel nervous - it was gone previously since they were talking about a different topic.
Hyeseon was really nervous the moment she stepped into the car where one of the Ace of Devil’s members took her to the location where the online fan-sign meeting was located.
The bodyguard was no help at all since she didn’t speak a word to Hyesoen in the car, it was as if she was a wall so she decided to contact the girls that she has been close to.
They had a group chat together - specifically for only Hyeseon and The Bloody Roses. The moment she sent out a ‘I’m nervous!’, and in just less than a minute she received numerous replies from different girls.
“I’m actually nervous,” Hyeseon let out her true feelings, earning fatherly smiles from the other members. They know how it feels like, it somehow brings them back to their first appearance.
“You’re gonna do great, Hyeseon! Don’t worry and follow Jaebeom hyung’s lead!” Jackson smiled softly towards Hyeseon while gesturing towards Jaebeom - who was already calling her to sit next to the leader.
Of course Hyeseon went towards him, sitting in the middle of Mark and Jaebeom.
“Any worries lately?” Jaebeom questioned and Hyeseon tilted her head slightly - thinking what she had felt. Well, other than being happy and tired from dance practices and keeping her body in a good shape, she’s fine.
“I think I’m good. I’m just nervous, because this is my first appearance. I’m scared if I had said anything unintentionally or words that could hurt the fans. You know me,” Hyeseon ranted out and throughout, Jaebeom was putting her words on his brain - finding words to calm the girl down.
“Hyeseon-ah. Listen to me, okay? You are going to be fine. You have been attending practices, acting classes, and professionalism classes and they said you are progressing rather well. Don’t worry much and try not to overthink because I personally think you are going to do fine,” Jaebeom advised calmly yet he was firm. 
Hyeseon sighed - a sigh to let out that heavy feeling from her chest while nodding. She then let out a smile towards Jaebeom, a smile that Jaebeom knows where she is going to make it through this.
“That’s our girl,” Jaebeom ruffled her hair.
A few minutes later, Jaeebeom was next to do his make-up so Youngjae took a seat next to her.
“Jaebeom hyung is right you know. You’re gonna do great! Fighting!” Youngjae cheered while letting out his iconic laugh, causing Hyeseon to chuckle too hearing how awkward his laugh is.
“Hey, Hyeseon! Play among us with me! I’m short of one person!” Mark suddenly nudged onto her hand - he who has been quiet since the start knowing he was playing a game or texting his girlfriend.
Hyeseon of course joins in and in just 10 minutes, the game is about to end. 
“Jaebeom’s right you know, you’re gonna do fine. Trust him, us. I know it is nerve-wracking when you step in but once you stepped out, trust me you’re gonna be wanting to go back,” Mark voiced out while finishing the game and that’s when Hyeseon looked up towards Mark with a smile.
Mark is a man of few words. He only spoke only in relevant times so this is something that Hyeseon has to keep in her mind - his words.
“Noona! It’s your turn!” Yugyeom called Hyeseon and that’s when she decided to put her nervous feeling aside with a smile.
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The Got7 members were laughing and giggling towards Hyeseon as she was basically ranting towards the younger ones.
“I was so confused! I can’t believe I lost when I am able to understand and speak Thai!” Hyeseon whines towards Bambam who was laughing his heart out - even the fans were laughing towards Hyeseon, she was basically a crackhead like Bambam.
“So now we know you are a replica of Bambam… that means I have to watch out for you too,” Jinyoung folded his arms while shaking his head - jokingly kind of disappointed that Hyeseon is as loud as Bambam.
“Yay! That makes it even for the maknae line!” Yugyeom had his arms on Hyeseon’s shoulder on her other side while Bambam’s arms were on Hyeseon’s opposite side.
The older members could only shake their head with a sigh - knowing they are gonna be a trio soon.
“But, you got to admit that you had fun right?”Jaebeom questioned as he turned towards her and that's when the maknaes let go of Hyeseon - knowing that it was a conversation between the leader and the only girl member, they always knew those 2 would end up with a serious conversation.
“You were right, Mark was right too - everyone is right. It was fun, Ahgases are fun to be with.” Hyeseon confessed with a shy smile, earning a chuckle from Jaebeom as they were walking side-by-side.
But their foot-steps instantly stopped when they heard voices, kind of angry and pissed voices in their waiting room.
“What the heck was that!? Are you making a fool out of yourself?!”
Hyeseon gulped while turning towards Jaebeom who was an expressionless face - he definitely knew who it was since he decided to show himself in front of the door.
“We were being our own selves. We didn’t do no harm and the fans enjoyed it.” Jaebeom voiced out. Being the curious Hyeseon, she peeked slightly from Jaebeom broad back to see the leader of Ace of Devils basically looking mad.
“Being your own selves?! You’re joking aren’t you?”
“I’m not laughing though,” Jaebeom answered firmly. Hyeseon didn’t even dare to look at the woman since she was basically looking straight towards Hyeseon.
Hyeseon frowns slightly, her eyes went downcast - she has to speak to the management about this, her group is being mistreated by these new bodyguards and she could tell her own members were unhappy about it.
“Hyeseon-ah,” The leader of A.O.D, Aelia called - making Hyeseon to look up towards her.
“Do you think you are fit to be an idol? Because personally, I don’t think you fit to be one,” Her words were like venom to Hyeseon’s ears and somehow her heart somehow beats as twice as normal.
“Hey, that’s not nice.” Jackson voiced out with a frown.
“Jackson hyung is right. You are no one to speak towards her that way. I demand an apology from you,” Jinyoung added and he was about to take a step forward when Mark got a hold of him.
“He’s right you know. You’re no one. So apologize to her,” 
A voice made Hyeseon startled since it came just directly beside her - seeing someone who she is familiar with. It was Eunhee from The Bloody Roses who looked as professional as ever - causing Hyeseon to jump towards her.
That was the moment when Jaebeom felt relief, someone who had the same rank as the one who was looking down at her own member.
“I’ll talk to you personally later, Hyeseon. You too Jaebeom.” Eunhee stated while ruffling Hyeseon’s hair then patting Jaebeom’s back as she walked passed them.
“You’re not supposed to be here, Eunhee. Do you need me—
“I’m here to have a word with you, then I’ll have a private meeting with Got7.” Eunhee folded her arms as she stood in front of Aelia. 
“And I got official instructions from JYPE that I will be taking them to their next location so, after we’re done talking, you are good to go.” Eunhee added and Aelia was about to cut her off but Eunhee had already turned her back towards the stunned girl.
“Oh! And you might want to apologize to Violet before I would personally break your neck.” Eunhee snapped towards Aelia, seeing her eyes went wide - also earning reactions from Got7, a funny one.
“That’s what bullies get from bullying an innocent human being.”
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masterlist : Violet, Got7′s 8th member
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goodshipsherlollipop · 4 years ago
Self-interview (but not really)
When I heard about @sherlollyappreciationweek hosting a self-interview event, I thought it would be fun to participate, so people could get to know me better as an author.  But, instead of doing a self-interview, I approached some of my readers and asked them to pose questions for me to answer.
I’m not aiming at making this about me personally.  It’s all about me as an author.  If you want to know about who I really am outside of my writing, feel free to chat with me privately.
The name of the person asking the questions will precede each section. As this interview is rather long, I will do it in two parts.
Q: What personal experiences or skills (in broad strokes), besides your faith, have influenced what you write about for your characters?
A: I know I see Molly differently than most people, in a more wholesome way.  When I look at her character on the show, she doesn't seem the type to have a long sexual history, but instead, seems to be someone who has devoted her life to becoming the best pathologist she can be.  I adore her character, and to be honest, I put a lot of my own traits into her - including her love of singing and faith.  My post TFP Sherlock has had his true nature restored by the events of Sherrinford.  Thus, he is emotionally stable and able to love Molly deeply. I can write him that way because I happen to have a romantic, loving husband (lucky me!). A lot of times in my married stories, I draw on experiences I've had that I have fictionalized for the characters.  I usually refer to these in author’s notes.  I also love writing about their children, and put a lot of thought and personal experience into writing for them from watching my own daughters grow.
As for the other characters, I just write them the way I feel reflects their personalities best from what I’ve observed in the show, working on fleshing out their characters more as I’ve continued 3 years worth of storyline beyond TFP. For example, my version of Mycroft has mellowed a lot and married Lady Smallwodd, and John has also become a Christian and is remarried with a son.
Q: What kinds of characters do you find most challenging to write, and what strategies do you use to write them?
A: I don’t think I necessarily have a lot of issues in writing the canon characters because I have watched the show so many times I feel I know them personally.  Probably the most challenging thing is writing for OC’s or peripheral characters I may have brought into a story that we haven't seen a lot of (like Billy Wiggins or Philip Anderson).  I must admit, I have written very little about Moriarty, because most of my stories take place after his death.
Q: What character is hardest to write?
A:  I kind of  addressed this one in the above answer, but I do think I'd find it difficult to write for Moriarty because I'm not sure how well I could get into the psyche of a deranged madman!
Q: Do you get any nasty reviews?
A: Thankfully, not many. Most of the negative ones are people reacting to a story out of context.  They will read a story in the middle of my chronological timeline and then complain that the characters are OOC.  When I write my continuing stories, I assume that people are familiar with the characters as I’ve written them already, so this can cause confusion.
Because of the Christian themes, I have lost readers who object to the theology I present through my characters. Obviously, I will not please everybody.
But generally speaking, people are very kind about my work when they review it, and I especially love the reviewers who immerse themselves into my world of Sherlock and Molly and embrace my post-TFP version of them.
Q: What do you like best about your stories?
A: Probably what I like best is that I've found a unique niche in the fandom in creating a whole Christian theme, and writing a lot of different stories with the same theme.  I've not seen anyone else doing that (although I'd love to see it done by others).
I enjoy writing my own continuing post-TFP happy ending for Sherlock and Molly, expanding their universe and that of the other characters from Sherlock as well.
Also, I enjoy showing Molly as someone with a belief in saving herself for marriage.  It's not going to be a popular idea for the general population, but I know many Christians can relate to that desire to keep sex for that special someone rather than experimenting with every boyfriend they date.  
I also think I do a pretty good job in writing love scenes that are steamy, but still clean, although I’m aware that some readers are more sensitive who find them too steamy.  I write using my own inner guide for how far to take things in the bedroom.  Some stories are definitely steamier than others, but there are certain graphic terms I will never use in my writing because I feel they cross the line of my own comfort zone.
Q: How have you overcome the challenges of your vision impairment?
A: This is definitely an ongoing process for me.  When I began writing, my proofreading would just consist of looking over the chapter a couple times to try to errors. I have issues when typing on my iPad because of the flat keyboard surface.  That means I often type a word incorrectly.  To help compensate for that, I have hundreds of words in my “text replacement” section, so that certain words I often mis-type automatically correct to the right word.  I have a bad tendency to hit the M instead of N or vice versa, for example.  A few months after I began publishing, someone suggested I use a text-to-speech app to help me identify incorrectly spelled words.  That did help.  I copy a chapter into the text-to-speech app and watch my chapter in a split screen as I listen to the words.  That has been a big help.  Then, this year, I discovered a free website called prowritingaid, which I now use as another editing tool, and it identifies even more spelling and grammar errors.  So now I find myself writing, proofreading as I go along several times as I write.  When the chapter is finished and I am ready to publish, I do another visual read.  Then I use the prowritingaid site as another editing step. After that, I use the text-to-speech app and listen as I read.  Finally, I copy the whole thing into Google Docs, add italics and bold type and glance through the chapter again to see if Google Docs has discovered any more errors.  It's a very long process, believe me, and it takes so much longer to do the editing and proofreading than to write! For me, the writing part is easy!
Q: Does it (visual impairment) affect the way you write?
A:  Physically, yes.  I cannot use a computer, because I need to be inches away from the screen to see what I am doing.  Sometimes I will sit at a table and write, but usually, I put three cushions on my lap and sit my iPad on top.  Over time, that method has caused me to have pretty severe tendonitis, but I have no other way to write, and it's worth the pain to keep writing! Currently, I am also dealing with frozen shoulder as part of the physical issues.
Also, I have to enlarge my text to write.  I use the Colored Note app for my chapters, set to the maximum size of 36, and when I go into Google Docs, I set the size to 25 so I can read it.
Q: What part about writing do you find the most challenging? What’s the easiest?
A:  As I mentioned above, the most difficult part is definitely the editing/proofreading process because I have to work so much harder than a normally sighted person, and it takes up a huge chunk of time.
Also, I am very particular in trying to write realistic fiction whenever possible.  That means a ton of research. For example, in my story where Molly was shot, Confronting Evil and the Truth, I researched a lot about gunshot wounds and how to care for them.  In A Honeymoon Journey, my characters went to Stratford-upon-Avon, and I researched that location thoroughly for many of the chapters.  In my latest COVID-19 series, I have followed the pandemic closely in the UK and have added many real situations that have happened there.  Research, research, research!
The easiest part is definitely writing the story itself, especially dialogue.  I can hear the characters in my head telling me what to write.  I rarely suffer from writer’s block, unless I am trying to think about how to write a mystery or crime and how to resolve it.
Aslan's Princess
Q: Where do you find inspiration? Is it something specific? Or multiple things?
A: I find inspiration mainly in two areas.  First, from watching episodes over and over and analyzing them. Second, I also find inspiration in my own life, in bringing in real experiences I am familiar with (such as pregnancy and childbirth).  Occasionally I will read a story or a review where someone tells me something that sparks my imagination. My current WIP, The Good Book, was actually inspired by a gif-set one of my readers, Penelope Chestnut showed me.  It got me wondering what would happen if Sherlock suddenly discovered the Bible (shown in TBB) in his bookcase and decided he wanted some answers about the meaning of life.
Q: What drives you to keep writing?
A: Certainly, one of the most motivating factors is hearing from readers who enjoy my work.  Readers generally have no clue what kind of power they possess when it comes to encouraging a writer to keep going.  A pat on the back is always a good thing. I wish more people could understand that.
Aside from that, though, I feel a calling from God to keep writing. I like sharing my faith through Molly (and Sherlock). My hope is that people will find my stories inspiring and encouraging.
Q: What/Who can you absolutely not write without?
A:  I cannot write without my iPad.  I use it not only to write, but to research and to watch Sherlock on Netflix.  it's my all-in-one resource!
Q: What is your favorite story you've published so far?
A: I will always love A Journey to Love, Faith and Marriage, because it is the “mothership” from which all my other stories spring, but my writing technique was not great at the beginning; there’s an obvious improvement in later chapters.  But, I am also very fond of Sherlock’s Dream of What Might Have Been.  That one tells a story of Sherlock and Molly meeting in uni, and then jumps to the canon, inserting a secret relationship (and child) throughout the series canon. I put a lot of thought into filling in Season 4 backstory as well.
Q: What (in vague terms) story are you looking forward to telling next?
A: I have a few stories in the pipeline that I am looking forward to sharing.  One that steps away from the overt Christian themes is a Pretty Woman AU.  I haven't seen anyone attempt an AU for that movie, and I look forward to sharing it.  Perhaps it will spark interest with a few more readers because it isn't heavily weighted on the Christian theme scale, but is merely one of my more whimsical, creative story ideas. It is the first story I have written that combines elements from both a movie and the Sherlock narrative.
I also have a couple of one-shots that I will publish in the timeline of my WIP Journey to a New Home, one,that deals with the topic of divorce using a Biblical perspective, plus one that sheds light on the subject of depression.
End of Padt 1.
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hopesbarnes · 5 years ago
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Gold Dust Woman
Summary: Set Pre-Ragnarok. Inspired by the song Gold Dust Woman. The goddess of temptation and sorcery is ruled by no man and doesn’t do love. You prefer to sleep around and mess with men’s heads for fun. Loki is just the newest in the line of people who have taken to you. He wishes for you to rule beside him as queen, but that type of life isn’t made for you.
Pairing: Darker!Reader x Loki
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Cursing
A/N: This is so different from my usual writings, and I really like it. This isn’t a happy, reader falls in love type story. Reader in this is so unlike me, it was a lot of fun to write. Also the drug mentioned is 100% made up.  Bold Italics are song lyrics
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In theory, being Asgardian is excellent. Thousands of years to experience the realms, powers that mortals dream of, and being worshipped sound wonderful. The little ones desire to be a goddess like you. Royalty is everything one wants. However, it’s monotonous. No good being loves the goddess of temptation and sorcery. They don’t leave you offerings or pray to you. You’re remarked on the same level as Loki. The people crave a white-veiled princess, and you’ve never been that.
Your lips are on his the moment he opens the door. There’s not a minute for him to digest your presence. The kiss is harsh, your teeth clash together and Loki moans into the kiss. You bite his lower lip to allow the kiss to deepen. His hands dig into your hips and yours lightly tug his hair. The two of you move until your back hits the wall. You pull him down, leaving him kneeling before you.
“What would people say, seeing you kneeling before someone?” you tease.
“What they don’t know is for the best, my love.”
He identifies his place and lifts your dress up and you move your leg over his shoulder to give him better access. Loki starts to move his tongue against your folds and you moan out from the feeling. He continues to tease you until you pull his head back to look at you.
“Continue teasing me and you won’t cum,” you threaten the mischievous god. He nods and moves back to your core. This time he doubles his efforts and fucks you on his tongue. Your hips move and you’re thrusting down on his face. The pleasure accumulates and you orgasm. The good boy that he is, Loki licks up every drop.
You pull him up to reach your lips and kiss. During the kiss, you wave away both of your clothes and activate a birth control spell. The goddess of seduction can’t get pregnant, it would ruin your image. The kiss continues until you reach the edge of the bed. You push him down and straddled his hips.
“I do love seeing you on top of me, it’s a beautiful sight,” he gushes to you.
“Keep being this sappy and I’ll find a new God to fuck,” you warn.
You hold his cock and guide yourself down on it. Once you’re seated fully, you move his hands to the headboard and lock them with a wave of your hands.
“Are these really necessary?” he complains.
“No, but I like the way they look. Plus, it reminds you where you truly belong.”
You start a quick pace, not looking for a sweet lovemaking session. You rock back and forth roughly and scratch his chest as you do. His torso looks as if a cat has clawed it up, and the sight sends you over. This, in turn, causes him to fill you with his cum.
You pull the sheet up on Loki before getting up and magically cleaning yourself up and reappearing your dress on the ground.
“You’re a shitty person, but a fantastic fuck,” you remark while redressing.
“It’s not like you’re quite sunshine, dear,” Loki quips back. He’s lying in his bed with his wrists still fixed to the bed frame. The sheet rests low on his hips and you can’t help but appreciate his physique once again.
“Is that what you want? A little blushing maid to control?” you ask as you straddle him once again. Leaning to his ear, you whisper, “We both know you could never be satisfied without me dominating you.”
His laugh is dark, and he doesn’t refute the statement. He would crawl the grounds naked for you if you asked. You will never truly be his, but he will always be yours.
You flick your wrist to remove the binds and free him. While keeping him tied up and hidden away seems ideal, he has duties as king to see to. You’d rather him as Odin than Odin himself running this wretched kingdom.
“Why won’t you accept my proposal as Queen?” he inquires while dressing himself.
“You and I both realize I’m not made for that.”
“We should rule the realms together, would that really be so terrible?” Yes, It would. You think to yourself.
“I’m no Queen,” you reply.
“I’m no King, and yet…”
“You were born for this life. The regal manner you have to conduct yourself, the diplomacy, the fights. It all fits you. I was born for revenge. I spend my nights high or drunk, fucking whoever falls into my sight. I tear apart relationships and fool people for fun! And I like it. I’m no Queen Loki, get that through your head!” you snap at him.
“If the people truly saw who ruled them, they would quiver in fear. I’m a fucking monster, or don’t you remember? I’m what parents warn their children of.” he spats shifting into his frost giant form.
“They warn of your race, not you. You really want to compare who's the bigger monster?”
“You’re not a monster.”
“Yes, I am. The sooner you realize this the better,” you sigh and walk out of the room.
When you live thousands of years, the people in lesser worlds start to write stories of you. They call you gods and try to make sense of the senselessness way you impact their world. Thor is named Zeus to the Greeks and Jupiter to the Romans. You, on the other hand, are known as Peitho to the Greeks. The goddess of persuasion and seduction. They also created you into the story of the sirens, beautiful women who lured men to their death.
Most of the stories were true. There was a time when you seduced men and killed them. It wasn’t a high point of your legacy. But you never claimed you were innocent.
A few days after the fight with Loki, he came to apologize. Claimed the pressure of the throne was too much.
“Nobody told you to steal your father’s identity and be the ruler,” you quip back. Sympathy wasn’t a virtue you had.
“Father wasn’t fit to rule anymore. Thor isn’t around, too busy gallivanting around to care for his home,” he replied.
“Still didn’t mean you had to be king.”
“Want to destress, Allfather?” you tease just to get him to shut his whining up.
“What have you in mind, lover? He asks. The word lover leaves a bad taste in your mouth, but you ignore it.
“Snagged some Ferðalags last time I ventured the forest. Turned them into a potion to drink. Wouldn’t mind sharing,” you offer the vial. You consume the drug with him and spend the next four hours high forgetting the world.
It was only a matter of time before Loki begged for marriage again. He was planning to reveal himself as Loki soon and wished to have a wife for that. You never would love him though, and marriage went against every part of your being. A better person would cut off the relationship, leave him now before it ruined him. But you couldn’t, you enjoyed messing with his head and body too much.
 Tensions were running high amongst the realms. Loki’s approach to diplomacy and ruling wasn’t being taken to quite as he hoped. Rumors of Thor fighting and trying to bring peace about spread, and while he didn’t speak you can tell the mischievous God is worrying. You weren’t one for comfort, but you were fairly good at one of the best ways people relax.
Loki was sitting in the throne room, atop his chair. It was late, so he was in his true form instead of hiding behind the face of his father.
“Why are you here so late?” you ask.
“It takes a lot to rule a kingdom, dear,” he replies.
“You know what they say.”
“Hmm?” he questions.
“Rulers make bad lovers,” you remark.
“Is that so?” he asks, beckoning you closer with his stare.
“You better put your kingdom up for sale,” you declare walking to straddle his hips.
“I feel like I should fuck you in this throne for that statement.”
“Honey, the day you are the dominant one in this relationship, is the day I become the Goddess of Marriage.”
“Then you fuck me in this chair,” he suggests sharply.
You tug down his pants, not bothering to completely undress. You hike the long dress you have on up and he whines upon the realization that you had nothing underneath. You readjust your position and take him in one swift drop of your hips.
“This is how I would like to go, encompassed by you,” he remarks as you move your hips against his.
You lean forward to meet his lips as his hand snakes between your bodies. Instead of connecting your lips, a moan falls from them against his. It’s erotic the motion, and he groans against you. You quicken your pace and your head falls against his shoulder, unable to hold yourself up as you fuck yourself on his cock.
It doesn’t take long for you to come apart as he releases into you. You sit for a moment to catch your breath and then wave a hand to clean the mess.
“You could stay awhile, just sit with me,” he breathes.
“Loki,” you sigh.
“Loki what? Why can’t you let me love you!”
“You knew I didn’t do that! That isn’t me,” you snap, aggravated. He kept trying to make you into someone you weren’t. You warned him before the first hookup. Why didn’t he listen?
“It could be. I wasn’t supposed to be regal. I was supposed to die.”
“You wanted to change. You hated who you were. I love being this!” you shout waving your hands to emphasize the point. “I love fucking anything with a pulse! I love killing those who cross me. I love seducing people and watching their lives crumble as a result! I love being a witch in every sense of the word. I don’t get why you can’t understand that. I don’t want to be your fucking queen!” The entire declaration causes his face to fall.
“I love you,” is all he manages to mutter.
“Then I’m sorry to shatter your illusions of love, and what it should be. But this isn’t love.”
“Then I guess this is done.”
“I think I should visit Midgard for some time,” you suggest.
“I figure that’s for the best.”
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malereaderinsert · 6 years ago
Wildfire - Part One
Fandom: Game of Thrones.
Pairing: Jon Snow x Male Targaryen Reader
Warnings: I tried to get the most accurate translations for this chapter, but it`s not 100% perfect sorry. Italic words: Dothraki and High Valyrian. Bold Words: Translations.
Aside from that there are no warnings (I know, shocking).
Word Count: + 7.000
Summary: (Y/n) Targaryen, was separated from his twin sister Daenerys on birth for their own safety. He eventually found his way back to Westeros in search of his destiny. But, will his growing affection towards the Stark bastard get in the way? 
Set on the beginning of Season 07, but I plan on writing until the end of Season 08.
Sub: (Y/n) your name. (Y/D/N) your dragon’s name. (Y/D/C) your dragon’s color. There are no options for choosing your eye and hair color cause you know, pure blood Targeryen, so white hair and purple eyes it is.
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“Dany, you're doing it again.” (Y/n) spoke after taking another bite from the apple in his hand. His sprawled limbs occupied the entire throne, that was rather uncomfortable since it was made of stone.
Daenerys’s only answer was to give her brother an eye roll while resuming her pacing in the throne room.
“Don't speak with your mouth full.” It was (y/n)'s turn to give his twin sister an eye roll that was considerably more dramatic than her's. “You know I can't sit still when I'm nervous brother.”
“I still don't know the motive of your unease, dear sister.” At that the woman stopped pacing and gave her brother an incredulous look. “We both know the white wolf needs our help. The people from the North can be quite headstrong and I heard this Jon “Snow” is rather stubborn too, but he needs something from us and we can use that in our favor.”
(Y/n) rose from the throne and started lazily walking towards Daenerys with a smirk. “And I heard whispers that he's still unmarried and is quite the charming.” The man knew his sister was in need of a distraction. All she could think about was the damned iron throne. She deserved the best and (Y/n) knew more about Jon than he was letting on.
The northerner was indeed headstrong and stubborn, but the way he fiercely defended his family and men was something you didn't see every day. That, certainly, made him a great man and an admirable leader.
“You know I'm not interested in romance.” (Y/n) knew his sister was clinging to her past, to the love that was taken from her and to the son she could never have. And seeing the mournful look in his sister's face made his heart ache.
“I'm sorry. I'm just trying to look out for my little sister, huh?” The male reached out and tucked a stubborn strand of white hair behind his sister's ear while giving her a teasing smile.
“You were born ten seconds before me, ten! There's barely any age difference between us.” Daenerys had an indignant expression on her face but an easy smile graced her lips.
Missandei chose that moment to arrive in the throne room and the attention of the twins were draw to her.
“I apologize for the interruption my king, my queen. Your guest has arrived. Tyrion is greeting him at the beach as we speak.” The interpreter gave a slight bow after delivering the message and narrowed her eyes when (Y/n) started laughing.
“That's great news!” The man begun walking towards the door before being stopped by Daenerys's voice.
“Where are you going?” Her voice held doubt and apprehension at what (Y/n) was about to do.
“Well dear mandia, I'm going to greet our guest of course. The king in the North deserves a proper reception, don't you think?” Mandia = Sister
“He's not the king in the north, lēkia. At least not yet.” Daenerys tone were reprimanding, a tone she used a lot when speaking to her brother. lēkia = Brother.
The white-haired man’s only response was to chuckle and turning his back on the two woman that looked at each other with knowing looks.
“The king is going to ride (Y/D/N), isn't he?” Missandei asked her queen which responded with an amused and exasperated smile.
“You know how he loves dramatic entrances. I just hope he doesn't scare our guest to death and causes another war.” At the mention of Jon Snow the interpreter remembered something.
“Your brother has been very interested in the bastard, don't you think?” The ex-slave was trusted enough by her queen to have that kind of conversation.
“What do you mean?” Daenerys asked while eyeing her friend with interest.
“He's been asking for many whispers about the man, and a lot of them aren't about politics.” Missandei grinned when her queen understood the implications of the information. “And if I might say, he is indeed very handsome.” The woman gave a shy smile which was responded with a curious and surprised one from Daenerys.
“Come, you must tell me everything. Is he as short as they say…?” The queen and her interpreter proceeded with linked arms out of the throne room.
The mother of dragons was very protective of her “older” brother, as he liked to put it. As a matter of fact, they hadn't even grow up together.
(Y/n) came back to Westeros after spending almost all his life back at what was left of the home land of the Targaryen’s, Valyria. But his identity was known to Daenerys, so when a man with white hair and purple eyes came riding on the back of a (Y/D/C) dragon she knew what to expect, but the moment still came as a surprise.
(Y/n) was a laid-back guy, with a sassy and cheeky attitude. He was instantly liked and disliked by many. Most men envied the king due to his swordsmanship and physique while the women would swoon every time he spoke.
The striking similarity between the twins was proof enough of (Y/n)'s heritage. They were quick in warming up for each other and soon became inseparable.
Daenerys made the decision to share the rule of the seven kingdoms with her brother, after he proved to have a sharp mind and “unusual abilities” that made him invaluable to their success. And she needed someone she could trust by her side and the queen knew she wouldn't find that in any other man.
So, it was only natural for Daenerys to know everything about the man her brother seemed to be infatuated with. She could only hope the situation didn't came between them and the iron throne.
(Y/N) strode confidently across the many stone halls of the castle until he reached the side exit. His crimson cloak was blowing in the strong wind that was coming from the sea, and the family crest embed in the metal of his armor, right above his heart, shone in the pale morning light.
The winds were getting colder by the day, but the young dragon had fire in his blood, it warmed his body and soul against the freezing air.
(Y/n) crossed rocks and grass until he reached the dragon nest.
On a burned patch of stone, surrounded by bones and other animal remains, stood four dragons. Two smaller ones, Rhaegal and Viserion. And two bulkier ones, Drogon and (Y/D/N), the latter being the bigger of the four.
Dany was afraid at first that Drogon would get too territorial and would eventually try to kill her brother's dragon, but the opposite happened. Both dragons turned out to be best buddies, if you could explain their relationship the same way humans do.
The four giant beasts turned to look at the man as he approached, raising and flaring their frills in excitement. Drogon got closer and gave the young rider a small bump on the sides with his giant head, his way of greeting.
“Is good to see you too, you rascal.” (y/n) gave the dragon a teasing smile and a few head rubs, then after getting what he wanted, Drogon turned back the way he came.
The giant beast bumped its head on the other dragon's neck and went to lay down not too far away.
It was (Y/D/N)'s turn to come closer to the man, lowering himself and silently asking for a head rub, just like Drogon.
“Someone's feeling needy today, huh?” (Y/n) reached with both hands and started scratching the hard scales. The dragon let out a puff of hot air that warmed the man's skin.
The dragon rider gently touched their foreheads together as they often did, and the beast made a purring noise similar to a cat, tough much louder.
(Y/n)'s magical bond with his and Dany's dragons was deeper than the one between parents and their children. He could feel their spirit and the fire essence running through their veins. Five consciences melding into one, becoming hard to determine when one ends and other begins.
The peaceful silence was broken by the young man that remembered why he came to see his dragon in the first place.
“Let's greet our new guest (Y/D/N). He deserves a proper welcoming committee.” The dragon let a sound that looked awfully like a chuckle.
The stories about dragons that mimicked their rider's personalities were very much true. While (y/n)'s dragon was playful and mischievous, Drogon could be as brooding and frightening as Dany in a bad day.
The young rider moved easily when climbing his dragon's shoulder, the action almost automatic.
The beast's huge horns served as a make shift ladder and soon the rider were positioned on the dragon's back.
“Sōvēs!” “Fly!” At the command, (Y/D/N) arced his back and extended his wings, each as brilliant as stained glass, and with a powerful movement they took off.
Tyrion and Grey Worm stood by the beach, the former had just greeted the bastard of Winterfell and his advisor Ser Davos Seaworth.
Dothraki men surrounding the four figures regarded the visitors with wary curiosity, they trusted their khal and khaleesi, but one could never be too careful.
“Come now Snow, it's time for you to meet the rightful rulers of Westeros.” Tyrion remarked while leading the two men through the stone staircase.
After a few seconds of hesitation, the Onion knight and the bastard followed the dwarf, with the Dothraki men right behind them.
“If you don't mind me asking Lord Tyrion, but when did the Queen's brother arrived in Westeros?” Jon asked while eyeing his surroundings. The topic of the male Targaryen was one that came in many conversations between him and Sansa.
Since his appearance rumors were quickly spreading to all the seven kingdoms, but what Jon and his half-sister knew was probably just that, rumors.
He couldn't deny his curiosity anymore, the man intrigued him.
“Oh, he arrived a few days before Daenerys and the Unsullied took the city of Meereen. He was actually detrimental to their victory that day. If you're concerned about his heritage, don't be. They're very much alike, frightening so. And something tells me you'll be meeting soon.” Tyrion had his eyes set on the horizon, right above the man's right shoulder.
Jon had just followed the dwarf's gaze when he heard a loud roar and a pair of giant (Y/D/C) wings blocked his sight. He could barely dive in time before being decapitated by huge sharp talons.
The winged monster took another turn, and Jon could only gape and stare at the creature with wide eyes.
The dragon finally landed on the staircase making the whole structure shake and blocking the way.
Jon's attention that until now was set on massive black teeth, each the size of a man's arm, snapped towards the dragon's back where an armored man sat.
Brown eyes met purple ones. The man on the dragon's back had white snow hair, tied in a single long braid that went past his waist and a playful smile graced his lips when he looked at Jon, sprawled on the ground.
“Aena Shekhikhi. Qhono!” “Good Morning.” (y/n) greeted his men, the Dothraki, and called the attention of the taller one that stepped as closer to the dragon as he could. “Zhey qoy qoyi! Hash yer dothrae chek asshekh? Chek?” “Blood of my blood! How are you feeling today? Better?” The dragon rider asked the man, that bowed respectfully. 
“Anha dothrak chek asshekh, Khal vezhven.”  “I feel well today, great Khal.” Since arriving on the island, a large number of riders were getting sick, their bodies were not accustomed to such cold weather. (Y/n) was paying close attention to them and did what he could to speed their recovery using his medical knowledge, and other means.
“Akka zhey Moro?”  “And Moro?” The male inquired about the other rider.
“Mae's davra ale, khal. Vo afazh asshekh. Anha tih mae dothralat disse ajjin.” “He’s better, Khal. Not hot anymore. I saw him riding just now.” The rider's mouth twitched and (y/n) was pretty sure the man was fighting a smile, happy that he's fellow rider was finally getting better no doubt.
“Hazi davrae. Hezi davrae.” “That’s good. That’s good.” Sighted in relief. He had been worrying sick, and the good news were definitely welcome. “Astat mae tat jadat tihat anna. Haje? Akka zhey Qhono, zhorre yeri mahrazhi akka mithri. Yer tat davra.” “Tell him to come see me later. Okay? And Qhono, take your men and rest. You deserve it.” The young dragon spoke respectfully with his bloodrider.
“Ven yer astat, zhey Khal vezhven.”  “As you wish, great Khal.” The dothrak then spoke with the rest of his men and they began descending the staircase.
Only when the last Dothraki was out of ear shot did (Y/N) spoke, eyeing the man that yet had to get up from the ground.
“Lord Stark, it's an honor to finally put a face to the name. I promise the view is much better when you are standing up.” Jon seemed to come out of his haze when Tyrion came close and offered his hand.
“I'd say you get used to seeing them. But you never really do.” The dwarf shared his mind while giving the dragon rider a knowing and amused look.
Jon was able to recollect himself pretty quick and greeted the male Targaryen.
“Your grace, it's an honor to finally meet you too.” The white wolf gave a slight nod while looking from the dragon to his rider.
“If you don't mind me interrupting your grace.” Ser Davos came forth and spoke directly with the king. “You addressed Jon Snow as Lord stark, but that's incorrect. He never took his deceased father's family name and Jon is a king not a Lord.”
“With all due respect Ser Davos, from where I come from we never punished the child of the unfaithful. We punish the unfaithful. And we shall see about the king situation soon enough.” (Y/N) said the next words to Jon, and the intensity of his gaze almost made the man squirm. “You have the blood of the first men running through your veins Jon, you have every right to be called a Stark. And if that wasn't enough, your actions in protecting the north and your house speak for themselves.” Only the strong wind could be heard while the two men stared at each other's eyes.
(Y/N) could see that his words pleased Jon in a deeper level, maybe the man was just seeking approval and the young rider was happy to oblige.
“What happened to the unfaithful in Valyria, if you don't mind me asking your grace.” Tyrion spoke breaking the uncomfortable silence. The dwarf had an insatiable curiosity about everything related to Old Valyria.
“Well Lord Tyrion, let's just say there was amputation of certain limbs involved and leave it at that.” (Y/n) was the only one smiling at what he just said while the other three men looked at each other and gulped.
Suddenly (Y/D/N) advanced towards Jon. The man was caught by surprise, but still held his ground. It took every ounce of courage for him not to cower in the face of such monster.
(Y/n) could only look in surprise at the scene unfolding beneath him. He didn't detect any violent thoughts coming from his dragon just curiosity, so he only watched.
The dragon's massive head got closer enough to touch. He took his time inhaling the man's scent. Big and slitted orbs perused every inch of skin it could find before focusing on auburn colored eyes.
Jon did not blink or moved while the other three men watching could only gawk at the scene. (Y/n)'s expression was one of pure amazement and awe when suddenly an idea popped in his head.
Dany would probably ground him for life for even having this idea in the first place, but when did that prevented him from doing anything.
“Lord Tyrion, Aegon's Garden at this time of day is strikingly beautiful if I recall, and it has a lovely piney scent that I'm sure Ser Davos would find quite pleasing.” (Y/N) had a sweet innocent smile on his face, however Tyrion could see right through it, but knew better then questioning the king's motives so he simply nodded.
“I don't think that's wise Jon.” The old knight was quickly interrupted by the man.
“I'm going to be fine for now Ser Davos, you may accompany Lord Tyrion.” Jon removed his eyes from the dragon rider just enough to dismiss the knight from his services.
The dwarf went first to guide the way and soon the old man reluctantly followed.
When both men were far enough the young rider started to climb down from the dragon. His agile limbs made quick work and he was on the ground in a few seconds.
(Y/N) lazily walked towards Jon while caressing his dragon's scaled neck. Heat radiated through the thick plates, warming his hand.
“(Y/D/N) seems to really like you my lord.” The male Targaryen got closer to the man and was surprised that Jon stood a few inches shorter than him, a fact that brought a predatory smile to his lips.
The white wolf would be disturbed if someone else looked at him like that, but he just felt a heat spreading through his body that only worsened when the young rider started to circling him.
(Y/n)'s violet eyes roamed every inch of armor, leather and skin. His intense gaze focused on the slight blush on the other man's cheeks and ears, making them even more vivid. Inching his nose a little closer to the man, (y/n) breathed his scent in, which was earthy and reminded him of freshly cut wood, like the damp forest after a snowy day.
Jon finally was able to fight through the intense heat coiled in his belly that was clouding his mind and making his whole body ablaze. He cleared his throat before attempting speaking.
“Y-your grace, you've said earlier that you're from Old Valyria. Wasn't Valyria destroyed millennia ago?” As soon the words left Jon's mouth the man wished he could take them back.
(Y/N)'s face once joyful became full of sorrow and hard as stone. The man turned his back to Jon and looked up, meeting his dragon's slitted eyes. The immense creature stared down at him. Whatever he saw in those big orbs made up his mind.
He would trust a piece of his past to a man that he knew nothing about, or only knew what his dreams had shown him, and what his spies had uncovered. The bastard could turn out to be the enemy depending on the reason of his visit, but a feeling from deep down told him that he could trust the white wolf, the same gut feeling that led him to his sister all those years ago. The feeling he learned to follow without question.
The truth was, (Y/N) had already fallen for the man, a man he didn't met until that day. But he knew Jon to be compassionate, brave and stubborn. A man that refused to stay dead when his people still needed him. A man that would sacrifice himself to protect the family that never returned his love.
Jon was about to apologize for his lack of manners when the white-haired man started talking.
“You probably already know of when I came to be. The story goes about a great storm, that wrecked ships and shook the very foundations of this island. Me and Dany were born during that storm, hence her title, Stormborn.” Now that the gates were open the words came flowing. “My mother, gods bless her, had what the Dothraki calls a bloodrider, dothrakhqoyi, as said in dothraki language. He would kill and die for her without a second thought.” (Y/n) finally mustered the courage to turn back around. His piercing eyes focusing on Jon's brown orbs.
“That Dothrak warrior I talked to a few moments ago is one of those, my bloodrider, Qhono. Every respected Khal and khaleesi have a few warriors that had pledge their life and service to them. I'm really lucky to have two of those warriors, Moro and Qhono. We didn't come from the same womb, but they're blood of my blood nonetheless.”
“It amazes me how the Dothraki followed you and your sister here, your grace. From what I've heard they are not very fond of the sea.” After the north proclaimed him as King, Jon was set on a quest to know everything he could about his potential “enemies”, and that included the Horse Lords.
“They are not. But they are a strong people that value strength above all. When I arrived things were hard, they were wary of the new comer which is understandable.” (y/n) talked about those times with fondness, his eyes became distant probably remembering something from the past. “In time, after many battles fought, I proved my worth. Some of them died in the process, as their culture dictate, but then I became their Khal. My greatest honor. A day I'll never forget.” The man's purple eyes were glistening in the pale light of the rising sun, but he quickly wiped the tears away.
“Your grace seems to really care about the Dothraki.” The, even though they are not really your people part was left unsaid by Jon.
“They are my people. Dany tends to forget that they are her's too. I would give up everything for them, even my own life.” (Y/n) stated with such raw honesty that the bastard had no doubt the man was telling the truth. Jon felt his stomach fluttering and his heart swelled in admiration.
The bastard didn't know from where those feelings were coming from, but he smiled through the confusion making the other man frown.
“As a true king should do.” (y/n) stared into the man's eyes, that were a deep, earthy brown — the color of earth after torrential rains.
“I'm right to assume you would do the same for the north, Lord Stark?” The young rider asked, his soft lips stretching into a smile that didn't quite reach his violet eyes. The bastard thought he would never get used to be called like that, but it would be a lie if the man said he didn't like it.
“Without a second thought.” Jon answered with no hesitation and (y/n) had no choice but believe him.
“I hope we never come to that.” The king replied giving Jon a sad smile, one the man mirrored.
(Y/n) started climbing the stone steps that would eventually lead them to the castle. Jon followed close behind and soon they were faced with a giant (Y/D/C) dragon. The young rider gently caressed the smooth and hard scales.
“Jikagon hae se jelmio.” “Go like the wind.” The words were said to the dragon that after nuzzling his rider's hand took off towards the cliff. The two men stood there, silently watching the immense beast flying away, well (Y/n) was at least. Jon's eyes were admiring the man's profile. The dragon rider had a soft expression, making his eyes less intense and more peaceful. This look suited him better, Jon thought.
It was time for the bastard to blush again when the male Targaryen realized the man was staring. With a soft and teasing smile (Y/N) got closer. 
“It's amazing how a man that faced the frozen hard winter of the north, can blush with just a cold breeze.” The young rider reached with his fingers, caressing the other man's cheek that was like ice to the touch.
Jon closed his eyes and breathed a heavy sigh. He couldn't remember the last time someone touched him without ill intentions. And the ones who actually did it caused him great pain, physically and otherwise, and he had the scars to prove it.
But (Y/n) touch, despise his teasing tone, was gentle and radiated warmth. A warmth that Jon didn't know he craved until he had a taste of it.
“Or maybe is something else entirely.” Jon felt the warmth leaving his cheek and for just a second he chased after it before snapping back to reality. 
Jon couldn't look (Y/n) in the eyes so he focused on a very interesting patch of stone close to his feet. The bastard could feel the other man stare a hole in his head, which made him even more embarrassed. He was regretting ever letting Ser Davos leave with Tyrion.
(Y/n) didn't know Jon would react the way he did, but it was a nice surprise. The lord commander,  the man rumored to have come back to life, the king in the North, and he was blushing to the tip of his ears and all it took was a slight brush of his fingers. (Y/n) could only imagine how the man would react to a real touch, or maybe something more.
The young rider finally took pity of Jon and diverted his eyes towards the horizon. The bastard looked up when (Y/n) started speaking again.
“As I was saying, my mother's knight sailed to the continent of Essos a few months before my birth, in search of what was left of the Valyrian Freehold, now known as Old Valyria. He found great many things. One of those being, the stone men were not the only living beings residing in the ruins of my city. My people still lived, a few of them at least, and our culture lived with them.” Jon could only listen to the man. What he described should be impossible. Every tale he had ever heard about Valyria depicted the city to be nothing but ruins. Nothing could leave there.
 “He stayed in the city for a few weeks. Helping where he could, building trust with the locals, and making connections. When he returned to Westeros the war was already happening. The War of the Usurper, primarily instigated by Eddard Stark, your father.” (y/n)'s expression didn't betray any emotion as the words left his mouth, and Jon stared in confusion. “What wouldn't we do for the ones we love, huh? If I were in his place I might have done the same thing. The world would burn before anyone could laid a hand on my sister.”
“I know the story. It seems our families have quite a history.” Jon stated, giving a smile that looked more like a grimace than anything. The topic wasn't a pleasant one.
“Indeed we have. Much blood was spilled between our houses, but that's in the past. The sons shouldn’t be blamed on the mistakes of their fathers. I hope we can agree that our real enemy are one and the same.” (y/n)'s eyes were holding the wisdom of the words he left unsaid, and Jon could swear the man knew more about the reasons of his visit than he was letting on.
(Y/n) diverted his eyes before the bastard could decipher the information they held.
“Needless to say, my mother died giving birth to me and my sister. But before that, she instructed her trusted knight to protect me with his life, and they knew I wouldn't be safe in Westeros. The Targaryen twins would draw to much attention if we stayed together, making us easy targets.” (y/n) started climbing the stone steps once again, in a lazy pace.
“So, your mother's knight took you to Essos?” Jon inquired, walking side by side with the taller man.
“Yes, he did. Ser Willem Darry, the former master-of-arms of the red keep, led four other loyalists in smuggling my brother Viserys and Dany from this island in the middle of the night. They ultimately sailed to Braavos across the Narrow sea. I went next, with only my protector and a wet nurse. We took the route south towards the summer sea, arriving at our final destination weeks later, the Valyrian Peninsula.” Of course (y/n) didn't remembered any of those facts, but his caretaker told him all about those early years.
Jon couldn't wrap his head around what he was hearing, but something told him he should trust the man walking beside him, and that had nothing to do with his growing feelings towards the male, he told himself.
“How was it? Growing in such place, I mean.” Jon's curiosity wasn't academic like Tyrion's, he wanted to know (y/n) and for that he needed to understand his upbringing.
The man gave a humorless chuckle before responding.
“It was no place for a child to grow. But it was better then death, that's certain.” (y/n) joked, and this time both men laughed.
Jon's laugh was followed by small giggles that made his whole face flush. The laughter created a small vacation for both men, a blessed relief from all the distress that didn't seem to have an end. For a single moment Jon forgot about the night king, the white walkers and all the people depending on him. He lost the tightness in his chest. The muscles in his neck relaxed, and his shoulders sagged. He couldn't remember the last time he felt that good.
(Y/n) lost all sense of his surroundings. Staring wasn't quite the word for what the male was doing. His eyes rested, not unblinking but slowed; yet the effect was soft and inviting instead of harsh.
(Y/n)'s violet eyes focused on Jon's figure and everything about him. His hair, black and tied in bun, seemed to engulf every ray of sunlight. The male knew that underneath all the thick clothes was a powerful and strong body, able to withstand the cruel and harsh life of the north, and certainly marred with scars. (Y/n) never wanted more to strip the man bare, to break him apart just to… The male snapped back to reality.
“Ao mittys, ao mittys.” “You fool, you fool.” The white-haired man whispered over and over again between gritted teeth, cursing himself. He had done it again. A stupid thing, letting his feelings cloud his judgement. Tyrion always said he had too much heart, a growing rarity those days.
“Is everything all right, your grace?” Jon asked while his hand hovered above the man's shoulder, uncertain if the touch would be welcome or not.
“I'm fine my lord. It's just, I have a lot on my mind right now.” (y/n) answered with a fake smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. Jon let his hand drop while giving the man a slight nod, his brows squished together in a concerned frown, but it was not his place to call the king out of his lie.
 “Where were we?” (Y/n) asked no one in particular.
“Your upbringing, your grace.” Jon responded after a few seconds of silence; the man seemed lost in thought.
“Right, how death can be compared to my childhood days. Gods how I can be morbid sometimes.” The king gave a humorless chuckle. His past wasn't a pleasant memory but it had its good moments. For the most part he chose to focus on those times, the happy ones. And yet his mind had other plans.
“Isse iā dārion hen perzys ānogār, mērī se quba kostagon umbagon paktot.” The words came flowing from his mouth, as it did years before from his protector's.
“What does it mean?” The bastard inquired in a soft tone. He knew the topic wasn't a pleasant one for the man.
“In a kingdom of fire and blood, only the wicked can stay sane.” (y/n)'s face was hard as steel, his eyes grew dark and haunted, but he forced the words out. “My guardian told me those words when I killed my first man. I had no choice, it was me or him, and I didn't take pleasure doing it. For me life is important, more than anything, but sometimes death it's the only way.”
“I learned great many things from him, my protector, particularly the best way to swing a sword. But to survive in Old Valyria one needed more than a metal stick.” (y/n) responded while taking a detour, so instead of going towards the castle, both men were heading to the other side of the island.
Jon realized this and almost told the king he had taken the wrong path, but decided against it. If anyone knew how to navigate the island was him.
“Do you believe in magic, my lord?” The white-haired man asked while taking careful steps between the rocks that littered the ground close to the cliff. The question caught Jon by surprise, but he answered after a few seconds of thinking.
“Well, I heard old stories. Warlocks on Qarth, red priests capable of seeing the future by gazing into flames and pyres. Men who are able to control untamed beasts by entering their minds. There was an old woman in Winterfell that used to tell all sorts of crazy stories, and I've seen things that I can't explain too.” At that Jon stops talking. His memories flashing back to what he saw during his time beyond the Wall. White walkers, the wights and the night king. He knew that that was true, because he had seen it with his own two eyes. The same couldn't be said about the rest.
“A skeptic, my lord? I understand. You can't believe in everything you hear, you need evidence. I like that.” (y/n) nodded his approval as a slight smile tugged his lips. “When I was a child, I used to believe in all sorts of fairytales that my wet nurse used to tell me. As I grew older I discovered that some of those tales were false while others were very much real. All proved to be true: blood magic, fire magic, greensight, skinchanging and finally, the darkest of them all, necromancy.” At the last word the white-haired man gave Jon a dark look, a look that made his skin crawl and the fine hairs covering his body to stand on end. Could the king be talking about the army of the dead? That was the reason Jon had come to Dragonstone in the first place. But how could (y/n) know about what happened beyond the Wall, the Targaryen’s never ventured so up north.
“What your grace meant about necromancy?” Jon asked when he was finally able to move his mouth again.
“Patience my lord. I have a feeling that all your questions will be answered soon.” The male twin replied giving Jon an enigmatic grin.
Soon they stopped at the edge of a cliff, and both men admired the sight before them.
Four giant beasts flying in front of the rising sun. The dragons had a way about them, a slowness and grace. Their immense leathery wings, each as brilliant as stained glass, blocking the pale rays of sunlight, casting the island in a dragon shaped shadow.
“They are beautiful, aren't they? How can you not believe in magic when the proof of its existence is right in front of you?” (y/n) asked the man beside him. Jon stared at the flying creatures in amazement and scoffed.
“With all due respect your grace, I don't even know how dragons are born, or created for that matter. All I know is that they went extinct hundreds of years ago and then suddenly they were back.” The bastard replied with crossed arms and a sarcastic expression, one that (y/n) couldn't help but laugh of. And damn it if Jon didn't want to hear that laugh many times more.
“So allow me to educate you my lord. Dragons lay clutches of eggs that are roughly the size of a human child's head, but much heavier. The spark of life inside these eggs can last for decades or even centuries, no one really knows. But the secret key to hatch a dragon's egg is made very obvious in my house words. Fire and blood.” The king then returned his gaze towards the flying dragons, while Jon took the opportunity to marvel at the man's profile.
“So you see, to give birth to a dragon one must have magic in their blood. The connection between rider and dragon can't be explained, it goes beyond our flesh. I would die for my ride Jon, as a mother would for her children. Do you understand?” (y/n) searing purple eyes focused on Jon, the man felt as if his feet were rooted to the ground, unable to move, he could only stare back. Whatever the king saw in those earthy brown orbs convinced him. Convinced him to show the bastard another piece of his past. “I want to show you something.” 
(Y/n) closed his eyes and gave a deep sigh, emptying his lungs. He focused on his dragons, their connection, and in their shared spirits. The man was able to feel every inch of scales and every shift of the powerful muscles underneath them. He watched from their eyes and heard from their ears. At that moment they were one. The same fire that burned in him burned inside of his children.
When he felt that their connection was complete (y/n) finally opened his eyes, and they were milky white. If Jon wasn't so engrossed at what he was seeing he might had fallen from the precipice. The sight scared him to his core, but it also amazed him. Of course, he had seen the same thing when he was beyond the wall, but this time it felt more powerful, more raw.
Jon could only gawk and hope the man couldn't see how much he was shaking.
“Māzigon.” “Come.” (y/n) whispered. If the bastard wasn't so captivated by the whole thing, he surely would've missed the moment when the four dragons started flying towards them. When the creatures were close enough to the cliff they dived towards the sea, dipping their tails and huge talons into the water. When Jon was sure the dragons would hit the rocky side of the island they extended their leathery wings, gaining speed towards the sky, only a few inches from where the bastard and the king stood.
If it wasn't for (y/n)'s good reflexes, Jon would had fallen face first on the ground. The king maintained a strong hold on the man's arm, keeping them both on their feet. Each dragon gave another turn before landing right in front of the two men, making the ground shake.
“Careful where you step my lord.” Jon looked at the man startled, half expecting to see eyes glazed white, but the foreign violet orbs were back and they were looking at him in amusement. “And now I scared you to silence. Great.” (y/n) chuckled while Jon diverted his eyes between him and the dragons, his mouth kept opening and closing like a stranded fish.
“H-how did you…? Were you controlling them?” The bastard spoke, after finally being able to form coherent words.
“Controlling? No. I was part of them, as they were part of me. I can control them if the situation requires, but is not something I would like to do. They are intelligent creatures my lord, more than certain men I know.” The snark comment drew a laugh from the bastard, that was watching the male twin caress the scaled head of his dragon. “They have affection for their friends and fury for their enemies. They grieve for the dead and rejoice at every victory.”
(Y/n) still had his hand around Jon's biceps. The male twin slid his fingers down the bastard's arm that was covered by hard clothing, the rough fabric was definitely made to protect the wearer from the cold.
Jon's breath hitched, all of his attention was focused on the soft feeling of the other man's touch, that radiated warmth even through the thick leather.
When their hands touched the world around them seemed to fade. (Y/n)'s hand was calloused but not as Jon's. His felt more like sandpaper, or perhaps stone, rough, unfinished and cold as if all heat had been sucked out of it. It suited him, the king thought, looking into his deep brown eyes, that held a gentle glint that seemed to reflect the corners of his mouth, which were fighting a shy smile. The male Targaryen brought Jon's hand up to his lips, the warm breath graced the man's fingers and goosebumps flooded his skin.
(Y/n) marveled at the harsh feeling of the man’s palm. A hand of a warrior. His lips caressed every callus and rough patch of skin, without taking his eyes off the bastard that had become a blushing mess. The king then took Jon’s hand, guiding it towards the awaiting dragon, that was still close. The irregular scales were warm to the touch, more so than the king’s hand, that was still on top of his, the bastard realized. (Y/D/N) nuzzled at the two hands in an affectionate manner, making both men chuckle, Jon in amazement and (y/n) in relief that his dragon accepted the man that he was, probably, in love with.
They were so immersed in the moment that Tyrion was able to sneak up on them. The only warning been the sounds of protest coming from the three dragons. Jon reluctantly removed his hand from the dragon’s warm scaled snout when he saw the dwarf making his way towards them.
“I’m sorry for the interruption your grace, but the queen awaits.” Missandei spoke while bowing in respect.
“Certainly. I think I kept you to myself for long enough, my lord. Believe me, you don’t want to leave my sister awaiting.” (y/n) said, giving the man a fake  frightened look, for which Jon responded with a chuckle. Missandei only eyed the interaction with amusement. “I trust Missandei to show you the way. I’ll be there momentarily.”
Jon gave the king one last lingering look and an awkward bow before following the ex-slave towards the castle. 
(Y/n)’s eyes followed Jon’s retreating figure for a few seconds before looking at his dragon and saying.  “Issa, kesi gaomagon bisy.” “Yep, we'll keep this one.”
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thesloppiestbitch · 6 years ago
This Is Not A Temporary Love - John Deacon x Reader
A/N: This is based off of one of my favorite songs right now, Temporary Love by Ben Platt, so I suggest listening to it while you read!
Lyrics are in bold italics!
Summary: After a lengthy friendship with John, he finally works up the courage to ask you out. Despite you liking him as well, you refuse to let yourself get hurt one more time. You’d rather be alone than risk losing your best friend. John attempts to reason with you, but you seem to be a lost cause...
Warning(s): Swearing, mild angst for like a line or two (I don’t even think this needs a warning, but I’m putting it here just in case, even though it’s literally a line and a half and ends right away)
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As you walked down the cold streets of London with your best friend since the beginning of primary school, John, your mind began to wander and your hands grew colder. You shoved them in your jacket pockets in an attempt to warm them, but, before they even had a chance to warm up, John had pulled off his gloves and handed them to you.
You shook your head at this gesture, a small smile present on your cold face.
“Oh, for Christ’s sake, [Name], just take the bloody mitts,” He laughed out. “I’ll be fine,”
You sighed jokingly. “Fine,”
You took the gloves from him and slipped them onto your hands. Immediately, they warmed up, which you were more than thankful for.
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you again, but you didn’t mind. That was one of the many wonderful things about being so close with John; there didn’t need to be conversation to make the time you two spent together meaningful.
After a while, John stood still and quietly spoke up. “Look, [Name], I have something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about for a while now, but I’ve just been too nervous to bring it up,” He paused, looking down to you.
You gave him an encouraging smile, cheeks rosy from the cold. “You can tell me anything; you know that,”
He nodded, looking down to his feet. “Yeah, I- I know, it’s just...”
You took a step towards him, placing your hand in his upper arm. “What is it?” You asked, growing slightly concerned.
“Never mind, it’s stupid anyways—” He spoke quickly, looking up to meet your eyes.
You sighed in response, giving his arm a light squeeze. “Just tell me, you dork.”
He looked down, watching his hands fiddle with his fingers to calm his nerves, something he did a lot. “I...” He paused, pressed his eyes closed as hard as he could, and inhaled sharply. “I have feelings for you.”
He spoke so quickly, it took you a few seconds to process what he’d actually said, and he took this as a bad sign.
“[Name], just forget I said anything, it’s stupid, I know, I’m sorry, I’ve just been trying to tell you for a really long time and—”
You cut him off again. “No, no, John, you don’t have to apologize!” You quickly attempted to change his train of thought. “I’ve liked you for a while too, it’s just... You know I’ve had a lot of bad relationships in the past, and I don’t want to fuck things up with you and potentially risk losing my best friend,”
He nodded, understanding. “Love is good until it’s gone,”
You nodded, dropping your hand to your side and looking to the ground. “It seems we’ve both had to learn that the hard way, huh.”
“Yeah... Which sucks, because I was really hoping something would come from this,” He nervously laughed out, starting to walk forwards again.
You nodded in agreement, stepping quickly to keep up with him. “Me too,”
“Then why don’t we try? You don’t have to hide your love away because of some bad experiences,”
“I wish it were that easy... But I know that I’m gonna make mistakes—”
“So will I, no one is perfect,” He interrupted. “And I know that leaning on somebody isn’t easy, but I’ll do what I can to make you see that this is not a temporary love,”
You smiled at his wording. “That’s cute, John, but—”
He cut you off again, something he was sort of known for doing. Despite being such a quiet man the majority of the time, he could be very talkative when the right moment presented itself. “You may not think I know the difference between what would be temporary and what would be long lasting, but I do. We’ve been best friends since year 2, [Name], I know you better than anyone else in the world. I’ve seen you at your highs and your lows, I’ve been there to comfort you after every shitty guy you’ve dated before... I feel the gravity between us, and you can too, don’t even try to deny it,”
You looked down as you kicked a small block of snow. “I agree one hundred percent, there’s definitely something between us, but... What if everything is great for a few years and then we break up? I’d be left without the one person in the world who actually understands me and loves me for who I am. I can’t risk losing that,”
“One date is all I ask. If you still feel this way, we can just stay friends, but if you don’t, we’ll see where this leads. Deal?”
You laughed, brushing some hair out of your face as the chilly winds began to pick up. “Alright, one date, but that’s it!”
But, of course, one date turned into many, and the two of you continued to date in secret for months. John never understood why you felt the need to keep the relationship a secret, but he went along with it for fear of losing you if he brought it up. Until the night he’d asked you to join him and his family for dinner.
You sat on the couch, arms crossed over your chest. “No, John, I’m going if you’re going to try to introduce me as your girlfriend! Say nothing and act as though it’s just any other day where I’d come over? Sure! But I refuse to tell people we’re together!”
“Why? What’re you afraid of?” He questioned, growing fed up with your childish behaviour and secrets.
You fell silent for a moment before speaking. “You.”
This single word left John dumbfounded. “What?”
“I’m afraid of losing you. Every time I go public with a relationship, it goes to shit! Or things are going great until we meet each other’s parents and things go downhill from there... Those guys, I didn’t really care about— they were really nothing more than a fun shag for a few months, but it’s different with you. I don’t want you to turn into just another ‘fun shag’ and I most certainly don’t want to lose you.”
A small smile spread across his face upon hearing how much you cared about him. He moved to sit beside you on the couch rather than continue to lean against the wall opposite you. “[Nickname], we don’t have to hide our love away because of some shit guys who couldn’t see all the good inside of you. And both of us are gonna make mistakes cause leaning on somebody’s never easy, but look at me and tell me you see that this is not a temporary love. I know I’ve said that multiple times, many ways before, but your anxiety about our relationship hasn’t seemed to fade away; I figured you could stand to hear it again. I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you.” He comforted, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he spoke. You leaned into him, smiling upon hearing this common phrase. Some days, it seemed like hearing him tell you that was the only thing that would calm you down.
“Thank you,” You mumbled, leaning further into his embrace.
“For what?” He chuckled.
“When the world around is caving in, and the winds... Well, they keep on changing, you always seem to know just what to say or do to calm me down. You take my hand and let it spin, but we’ll hold still. You keep me grounded, and no one else has been able to do that. And I love you for that, among many other things,” You teased, attempting to lighten the mood after such an in depth conversation about the state of your relationship.
A large smile broke out across his face. “That’s the first time you’ve said that,”
You looked up at him, smiling as well. “Oh?”
He nodded. “It is. And I love you too,”
You hummed in response, leaning towards him to press a soft kiss upon his lips.
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lucisfavoritedemon · 7 years ago
Remembering Summer
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Title: Remembering Summer
Pairing: Dean x Nell (OFC)
Warnings: Angst, talk of death, depression, mentions of suicide attempt, fluff in flashbacks, Smut, unprotected sex (short portion of flashback towards the end), language
Word Count: 3,490 (sorry not sorry).
A/N: I just finished watching season 7 again for like the millionth time and I have been wanting to write this story for a really long time. This is for @katymacsupernatural SummerTime Challenge. Hope you enjoy. The text in italics are flashbacks. My words were Drive in Movie Theater, Margaritas, and Mini Golf. Words will be bolded in the text.
It was gorgeous out, the kind of gorgeous that made you want to be outside enjoying the sun. Not Nell though, she sat alone in the dark, the only light in the small little cabin was seeping through the small gap between the curtains, which haven’t been opened since the day she left that awful place. She had wanted nothing more than to sit alone in the dark where she belonged.
She was afraid that something like this would happen eventually. Everyone leaves her in the dust whether they abandon her or they die on her. Already she lost two members of what she considered her dysfunctional family. She didn’t care that one of them betrayed her and her friends, she still saw him as family and forgave him for everything even if he felt he didn’t deserve her kindness.
She searched that place for hours. None of her friends were anywhere to be found. Not Sam, not Dean, not Cas, not even Kevin the prophet. Everyone was gone. Meg was taken by Crowley, who wanted nothing to do with Nell anyways. Now she was truly alone. All she was left with was the hope that Sam and Dean found Dick before it was to late.
On days like these she thought about all good times her and Dean had in their final months together. It was days like these she missed him the most.
“Come on it’ll be nice to get our mind off the leviathans for a little while. If Frank calls regarding anything on Dick and his henchmen then we can drop everything and come back, but you’re stressed out over this and you can’t be. Please?” I practically begged Dean. We have had these plans for over a year now. He owed me a true date and we earned a little vacation. I mean after everything that happened with Bobby he didn’t really want to do much of anything.
“Fine. But just for a few days alright? Then no hounding me for ‘vacation time��� anymore got it?” He caved. I knew he wouldn’t be able to look me in the eyes and tell his favorite girl no.
I had everything all planned out each day would be filled with new and exciting adventures and activities. Activities that slowly, but surely I let Dean slip that he loved doing.
We left early to beat the traffic, for I had no time to waste. This was gonna be four days of non-stop fun just to get our minds off of the current events hanging over our heads. The whole Cas thing was just overwhelming not only for Dean but for me too. Not to mention that we were all a bit on edge.
We got into town about 6 pm. We checked into the motel and dropped our stuff off in our room before I was dragging Dean back out again. “Come on it’s about to start soon and I don’t want you to miss this.” I said grabbing the keys to Baby.
“Okay fine but why can’t I drive?” he asked trying to get me to tell him where we were going, though I give him props for trying.
“You want it to stay a surprise don’t you?” I asked getting a sigh from him and then he hopped into the passenger seat.
The whole ride there I let him choose the music. It was only fair since I was driving his car. I just wanted this to be a surprise for him. Plus in the end I think he’ll like what I have planned.
It was 10 minutes till the movie started when we pulled into our assigned spot. “Why don’t I go get the snacks while you stay here and get the speakers attached that way if the line is long you don’t miss a thing.”
“Really a drive in movie? You tend to like these things a little bit more than I do, you know there has to be something good on for me to sit through it right?” He grumbled, but I knew he would enjoy it.
“I know, but I have a very good feeling you’ll enjoy this one. So I’ll be right back I promise. If you don’t like it we can leave,” but I doubted he would want to leave.
It took me almost 10 minutes to get everything which I was hoping with us getting there as late as we did we wouldn’t have to wait. I wanted to see Dean’s reaction when the movie title pops up, or even when the opening music begins to play. Luckily when I got back to the car the movie was just getting ready to start. The music started playing and Dean’s whole demeanor changed, he sat up straight, jaw dropped before it went into a huge grin, and his eyes, his eyes lit up like he was a little kid again. For a second there I thought he was.
“The Untouchables? Really Nell? This is the coolest thing ever.”
“See I told you, you would like it.”
“Like it? I love this movie. This is the only way I haven’t watched it yet. I thought they didn’t play this movie in Drive Ins anymore?”
“Let’s just say this theater is different than most.” I said before stopping the conversation to enjoy this special movie with my special man.
“Okay you have to tell me how that Drive In Movie Theater is special,” Dean begged. I guess now that the surprise was revealed and the movie was over I could tell him.
“I might have pulled a few strings,” I tried to get him to inquiry a bit more.
“What do you mean by that? What did you do?”
“I saw an add in the paper for requests for movies here when we did a hunt a while back and I put in a request for the Untouchables for this date that way I knew they had enough time to get the movie to play it. They said they would try, but there were no guarantees on it. A few weeks ago I got a call saying that if I was still planning on coming to the movie on the date I had chosen I had to reserve it for how many tickets I wanted that way they made sure the person who requested the movie got to see the movie. I put in a reservation for two tickets to be put on hold for the date I had requested, and they told me they had got my movie and that the tickets were reserved. I asked if I could also get a spot reserved, they said that they usually give the person who requested the movie the best spot in the lot. Usually the spot is expensive but since this movie was requested by me it was included into the pack of the reservation for the tickets or whatever.”
“Wow, you did that all for me?”
“Of course anything for you Dean. It may have been a hassle to make sure you didn’t know anything about what I have planned, but so worth it to see that glow in your eyes. The way you looked when you saw the opening title, it was like you were a little kid again.”
Thinking about Dean and how happy he looked, it was still etched into her brain. Whether she was awake or asleep he was always there, and it hurt so much. She had no clue whether he was alive or dead. Nell always assumed the latter though for she had scoured every book to find a contact that could possibly know where Dean was. Most wanted his head on a platter along with Sam, but she told them she wanted them both delivered safe and sound back to her.
Nell twirled the little blade contemplating the inevitable. It would be the third time that she reopened the cuts Dean had so easily and neatly stitched up after their last fight. The thought of losing the man she so desperately needed in her life had threatened to leave and she would rather die than see that happened. So she tried, it was a good thing Dean felt the same way or else she wouldn’t be here right now. He patched her up nice and good. He took her stitches out a few days before he went missing on that mission and ever since she has been opening the scars slightly, but before they could heal completely she was reopening them again. He would so hate her right now if he knew what she was doing to herself for him. He would say he is not worth her causing physical harm to herself. But he so was worth it.
The next day was going to be a bit lax, but still the driving was what was gonna take up most of the day. When we got in, again we checked into our motel room, then it was off to find some good food. I knew he loved a good burger bar so I had found just that. You could make your own burgers, and enjoy some drinks from the bar.
We walked in and his eyes lit up when he saw the buffet set up. He didn’t even realize that it was just all stuff to top your “anyway you like it” burger.
“What is this place? I thought you said we were gonna get burgers?”
“We are. See that set up over there?” he nodded looking really confused, but also slightly intrigued, “that’s all toppings for burgers. They have the best burger menu, but most people come here to build their own burger.”
“No way.”
“How many for you today?” the hostess asked.
“Two please.” I said while Dean checked out the topping bar.
“Right this way please”
“What can I get you guys to drink today?” the waiter asked a while after we sat down.
“We’ll have your famous house margaritas and we’ll do the burger bar for our meal.” Dean ordered for us.
“I didn’t think you liked margaritas?”
“I normally don’t but I read up on this place and they’re supposed to have like world famous margaritas. I thought what could possibly go wrong. Worse comes to worse you can have mine and I could order a beer.”
“Very true.”
The food was so good. I believe that Dean probably put every single topping on his burger, for in the end you could hardly tell where the burger was in the pile of toppings. Man, he ate it all though. Such an impressive feat for him.
Nell can hardly ever look at a burger without thinking of this moment. It was killing her inside. The thought of how happy their life was, and in just a few short months it was all torn away from her. The happiness, the feeling of being loved, and the feeling of being lost in the little moments that made her life so perfect. Sure her life was far from that, but having that man by her side she felt like it was that way.
She dragged the small blade across the barely healed scars. She traced the first scar with the small blade like all the times before, though this time going a little deeper than she truly intended to. Drawing more blood than she had before, but she didn’t care, anything to numb the pain of her broken heart. Anything to stop the thoughts of their last summer together for she didn’t want to have another summer without him for she knew how amazing it was with him. She didn’t know how she did before they met.
No matter how hard she tried to stop those memories from flowing in they just continued to float around her head. Making the start of an already rough summer, that much harder.
I decided to stay in this nice little town for another day for right next to our motel was Mini Golf. I never actually planned it that way for in the place we were going next there was a miniature golf course next to it too. I really wanted the last place to be a surprise for him and I honestly think he might enjoy the bit of nostalgia.
Little did I know that this was gonna be the time that I actually see my boyfriend be nerdy and legit enjoy himself.
“Okay, but I really think I’m gonna win this.” Dean was just being his same cocky self though it was adorable I wasn’t about to let him win.
“Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and let’s bet on it. If I win you give me 20 if you win I’ll give you 30 just cause I’m feeling generous.”
“It’s a deal. May the best mini golfer win.”
“I feel like I really suck at this. I must really be out of practice.” I complained making him help me. I mean if we are golfing I want to be as cliche as I can be for who knows when will we be able to be a normal couple like normal people.
“Here all you have to do is aim, pull back slightly, and follow through,” he came up behind me and helped me to get a hole in one, “see you’re not that bad.” I turned around in his arms that were still wrapped around me so he could hold the putter properly, and I pecked quick kiss on his lips.
“Thanks maybe now I could be on my way to being as good as you.” I teased and moved on to the next hole.
“Wow what is that like 5 in a row, I am on a roll today, and it’s all because you helped me.”
“Yeah and it’s not because you hustled me and pretending those first few holes,” Dean rolled his eyes and scoffed at me.
“No not at all oh and look at that you still won.”
“How I only got one hole in one and you have 5?”
“That’s also because I was getting all those over hit on the first 13, whereas you were hitting them within the amount you were supposed to. So yeah I hustled you, but it still worked to both of our advantages.”
“You do have a point.”
“Yeah and here is your 30 bucks, but tomorrow I have an even better surprise for you.”
“What is it?” Dean begged.
“Uh uh,” I said in a sing songy voice, “if I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it?”
“True, but you know I hate surprises, for all I know we’re gonna go back to the safe house and you’re gonna dump my ass.”
“Okay I can tell you right now that will never happen. I promise on my life Dean Winchester, I am yours till the end of time.” I reassured him and kissed him passionately.
“I know it’s just sometimes I feel that you don’t want me anymore, I know this life has taken a lot from you and I just can’t have you suffer because of me.”
“Trust me I will not be leaving anytime soon I promise, and if I go I will go down fighting.”
Nell has given up the fight. All she wants is the pain to end. This Life has taken everything away from her and she wants nothing more than for all the pain to stop. Nell made her way to the bathroom, she took a glance in the mirror. She looked horrible, her eyes were sunken in from the lack of food. She mainly spends her day sitting on the couch in the dark or sleeping. She doesn’t do much of anything anymore.
She took one look and collapsed. How could anyone love someone who looked like that? She felt even if Dean was out there looking trying to get back to her and Sam, he would leave her because he no longer loved her for what she was doing to herself because of him. She wouldn’t blame him for who could love someone like her.
This was the last stop for our four day vacation, and this was the day I was super excited for. I couldn't wait to see Dean's reaction. It may have taken almost all day long, but it just makes the experience that more accurate. "We are here! You excited for this?"
"I have no idea...wait a sec. Is this the motel where we first met?" He looked around, examining his surroundings.
"It is. This is a recreation, sort of , of the day we met, on the day exact day we met."
"Wow, this is probably the coolest thing anyone has ever done for me. I honestly don't think anyone has tried to recreate the day we first met, ever."
"Well it probably won't be a full recreation as we both are already in the same car, when we met you walked over and introduced yourself to me."  
"That is true, but maybe that's the cool thing about this, we can create new memories here as well as relive the old ones."
"Oh yeah? What do you have in mind?"
He picked me up and carried me into the room. I giggled a little and kissed his plump lips. He threw me on the bed and got on top of me, connecting out lips again, this time making it more passionate. I tore away to catch my breath, and looking into his I could see they were full of lust. I knew he was hungry for me.
I started to take my shirt off as he took off my jeans. I took his shirt off, then I took my bra off as he took off his pants. Now both of us were left in nothing but our underwear. Not for long though, for he pulled off my panties, and within five seconds flat they were on the floor and his mouth was on my aching bud.
He was licking, nipping, pulling, any action to that gave me pleasure, he was doing it. He was in an out of my entrance with his tongue while his teeth rubbed my clit; sending shivers up my spine.
It wasn't long before he stuck his fingers in me. He started to thrust and when he acted like he was gonna pull them out he would curl them in; edging me closer to my climax. The way he worked was intoxicating for me, his tongue, his fingers, all of it, and soon I was coming around his fingers and on his face in a mess of moans.
"Did that feel good?" He asked smiling up from between my legs.
“Yeah, but it would feel so much better if you were inside me.” I stated looking down, seeing a huge bulge in his boxers.
Before I knew it his boxers were off and he aligned himself at my entrance. He thrusted in fast and pulled out slow, and continued to kept this pace up, finding my g-spot right away.
“Oh...Dean you feel so good,” I moaned digging my nails into his back as he kissed my neck.
It seemed a little rough, but he was being gentle, worried he would hurt more than he intended.
“Hm...faster Dean...please…” I begged.
“Of course,” and he picked up his pace a little sending pure pleasure throughout my body.
His thrusts started to get a little sloppy and I knew he was close; “want me to pull out or do you want me to continue?” he asked politely.
“Keep going...I...want you to fill me,” I moaned out.
He continued to thrust even through his climax, and a few moments later I followed clenching around him full of pleasure and happiness.
“How’s that for creating new memories?” he asked plopping down next to me; pulling the covers over us.
“That was amazing,”I state curling up to him; my hand resting on his chest, and my arm resting on his stomach. “This is probably the best night of my life, well at least for now until we do this again.”
“Yeah, I agree. Honestly this has been the best week of my life, and I got to spend it with the girl of my dreams.” He kissed me, and wrapped his arm around me before we both fell asleep satisfied with how this week tuned out.
Nell hadn’t felt that alive in years. It was only with Dean that she felt like that. Nell sat sobbing on the floor thinking about the best night of her life. She continued to twirl the blade in her fingers, blood dripping down her arm. She felt a little light headed. Her phone started ringing out of nowhere. Eventually it would stop when the person realized no one was gonna answer.
@mamaredd123 @ericaprice2008 @winchesterprincessbride @sea040561 @torn-and-frayed @impala-dreamer @impalaimagining @our-jensen-ackles-love @canadianspnhunter 
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uta-no-knb · 8 years ago
[Song-fic] "Just the Girl" (Haizaki x Reader)
This was another wattpad request for Haizaki. Like I mentioned HERE, Haizaki is one of the characters I’m not so confident in writing. If you have any advice for writing him better, please let me know!
(F/n): First Name (L/N): Last Name Italic: Flashback Italic: Thoughts Bold/Italic: song lyrics, and lyrics used in the story (i.e. letter, a character saying the lyrics, etc); Will have "♪♬" to indicate its part of the song lyrics. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ - Flashback
He didn't know why he was here. He shouldn't be here; yet here he was. Haizaki Shogo, the toughest, "bad boy" of Teiko middle school was sitting beside the bed in the nurse's office. He didn't even like you, yet here he was.
Why did you do this you idiot? he thought, looking at your sleeping face which was covered in bruises and gashes. One of your pranks ended horribly wrong and the victims decided to take it out on you. He thought he would be out of the woods with dealing with people since school was out, but I guess Lady Luck wasn't on his side.
....Hey, at least he didn't run into Nijimura.
More importantly, why did I even bring you here?
He couldn't help but ponder as to what was going on in this situation.
"Fuck, here comes the flashback...."
"What the hell did you say?" you growled, as you held a second year up against a locker. "Say what you said, again."
♪♬She's cold and she's cruel But she knows what she's doin'♪♬
"(L/N)," you heard a voice say from behind you.
TUrning around you saw no one other than Haizaki, standing there.
"Hey," you replied, your grip getting tighter on the boy's shirt, as a faint blush appeared on your face. The look faded as one of annoyance took over.
♪♬She pushed me in the pool At our last school reunion ♪♬
"What are you doing?" he asked, looking at her with a confused look.
"None of your business," she growled, as she let the poor guy go. "What do you want?"
He shrugged. "I just saw you about to beat up someone. You know girls, shouldn't fight like that," he said leaning against the wall.
"Says you," she laughed, shoving him out of the way.
♪♬She laughs at my dreams But I dream about her laughter
"But I suggest high-tailing your ass out of here before the teachers come."
"Since when did you care about getting into trouble?!" she asked.
"I'm heading to the arcade; wanna ditch practice?"
"Last one there has to buy the tokens," she chuckled, dashing out of the school.
♪♬Strange as it seems She's the one I'm after♪♬
~~~~~Time Skip~~~~
♪♬'Cause she's bittersweet She knocks me off of my feet And I can't help myself I don't want anyone else♪♬
He wasn't an idiot. Despite his personality, he was most definitely not an idiot. He could tell how you felt about him. You liked him-no, maybe loved him even. He couldn't help but mentally gag at that thought. There was nothing about you that interested him in that way.
♪♬She's a mystery She's too much for me But I keep comin' back for more She's just the girl I'm lookin' for♪♬
You weren't a mysterious woman afterall. Hell, you weren't even an erotic one, which is the type of women he prefers. There were so many things about you that he couldn't help but list them in his mind. For starters, you couldn't keep a secret for more than an hour and you ran on 100 proof attitude power.
The last one wasn't technically a bad thing, but there were times where your attitude did get in the way of some of his plans. The most evident one being pranks. You were pretty much a female version of him and lets face it, no one wants to date an exact replica of themselves. So he was going to nip this crush thing in the butt.
The day came to an end and the two of you walked towards your house; he may be a dick, but even he knew that if you walked home alone something could happen.
"Did you have fun. Haizaki?" you asked, looking at the taller male with excitement in your eyes.
A simple "mhmm" escaped from his lips, as he kept his gaze forward.
After a few minutes you were finally in front of your house - you didn't exactly live that far from the arcade, so it wasn't a hassle to get back.
"Anyway, thanks for walking me home, Haizaki," you said as you stepped a bit closer to him. Mentally, you were thinking that he would hold your hand-since you guys had a great time (even if you did lose some games.)
"What are doing, idiot?!" he exclaimed, as he noticed you leaning closer towards him"...I just wanted to hold your hand-"
"Just stop." he said, looking at you. "Stop all this shit."
"H-haizaki," you whispered, as you took a step back. "What has gotten into you?"
"I know you like me, (L/N)," he said and he couldn't help but notice your face turn a light shade of pink. "But I don't like you. I never will. You're not even attractive!"
Your heart sank. You really did like him; sure you were hard-headed and you liked to backtalk people but you were still human; you have feelings.
There was silence between you two. The once angry look in his eyes vanished as he saw your eyes widened. He then realized what he had just said.
"Fuck you, Haizaki," you exclaimed breaking the silence, as you walked into your house. "I hate you!"
"Oi, (L/N)!" he exclaimed.
♪♬And the more she ignores me The more I adore her What can I do? I'd do anything for her♪♬
"Oh yea. I said that. Damn I hate flashbacks," he muttered as he got up from the chair that was next to your bed. Walking towards the door, he stopped and looked back over his shoulder briefly before exiting the room.
It was the next day as the silver haired male walked into his classroom. The moment he did, he saw you sitting at your desk, most likely doing homework. He noticed that you had a black eye, but slightly smiled as he saw the cuts healing.
He knew you were most likely still mad at him for what he said two nights ago, but he still decided to check to see if that was the case. You were a different person around him; while your tough girl demeanor didn't vanish, you still opened up a bit to him.
Did he feel bad for what he said? Yea, he will admit that he did feel bad.
He decided to send you a text and he waited until you received it. He saw you look at your phone briefly before turning it off and putting it in your bag.
....Okay, maybe you were still mad.
♪♬And when she sees it's me On her caller ID She won't pick up the phone She'd rather be alone♪♬
As the school day went on, he continued to send you text messages, and like always you were ignoring them. This of course pissed him off.
♪♬But I can't give up just yet Cause every word she's ever said Is still ringin' in my head Still ringin' in my head ♪♬
However, what really pissed him off, were the words you said to him.
"I hate you!"
"Did you have fun?"
"Let's ditch."
"Fuck you!"
♪♬She's cold and she's cruel But she knows what she's doin'♪♬
This angered him even more. Why am I such an idiot? The thought then came to him.
...Do I really like her?
He recalled some of their so called "adventures" together. Pulling pranks on other students-especially that blond idiot Kise Ryouta-, ditching classes, annoying the hell out of Nijimura.
He couldn't recall a time where he had that much fun with someone, especially with a girl. The answer was now clear to him.
He liked you.
He couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face. "I guess you do know just what to say, so my whole day is ruined."
~~Time Skip to End of Day~~
It was one of those rare days where he actually decided to show up to practice, only to be met with a surprise as he opened the gym doors.
He was seeing you kicking the blond idiot.
"You're a fucking idiot!"
"WAAH! (L/N)-CHII! I DIDN"T MEAN TO!" he exclaimed, "AOMINE-CHII -"
"You almost made me shoot one of my club members," you growled, stomping on his back.
♪♬Cause she's bittersweet She knocks me off of my feet♪♬
"(L/N), leave him alone," a voice said, causing the female to stop harassing the male.
"Akashi-chii! Nijimura-chii!" he exclaimed, scrambling over towards the captain and vice captain.
"Control your idiot, Nijimura," you said. "He almost injured one of my teammates."
Haizaki could feel his heart pounding. Damn it. I want her.
"What did he do?"
“This dumbass threw the basketball out the door and it hit the head of one of my teammates, causing her to shoot her arrow and almost nailing another teammate in the head.”
“It’s not my fault Aomine-chii didn’t catch it!” 
Before you were about to reply to Kise’s comment, he decided to walk in. "Yo."
"Oi, Haizaki decided to show up," Nijimura said, turning his attention away from the crying blond and switching it to him.
You on the other hand stiffened the moment you both made eye contact. Immedietly, you grabbed your bow and headed out of the gym. "Nijimura-senpai. Please control your monkeys." And with that statement, you vanished.
"(L/N)!" he shouted, running out of the gym, completely ignoring the screaming captain.
You just kept on walking faster.The moment he caught up to you, he grabbed your arm and spun you around. "What the fuck do you want?!"
♪♬She's a mystery She's too much for me♪♬
He was silent, only being able to look into your eyes. His throat tightened, as he tried to find the words he wanted to say.
"Let go Haiz-" Your sentence was cut off as his lips were placed on yours.
♪♬But I keep comin' back for more♪♬
"Stop!" you exclaimed, as you pushed him back. "What the hell has gotten into you?!"
"Look, I'm sorry for what I said," he started as he backed you into the wall, his hands on either side of your face. "I realize that my kind of women are erotic ones, but I now realize that they're not."
"Then what is your type?" you spat at him. "And let go, I have to get back to my club."
♪♬Oh, I keep comin' back for more She's just the girl I'm lookin' for♪♬
"Someone who likes to pull pranks. Someone who picks fights. Someone who is a lot like me." He paused as he brought his face close to yours again. Before he closed the gap between you, he muttered seven words.
"You're just the girl I'm lookin' for."
Waaaa. Why is Haizaki a pain in the ass to write for? -_-
I’m alive guys! Don’t worry!!! I have other requests in the making! (Thank God I have today and the next three days off!!
Until Next Time!
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