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violethyeseon · 4 years ago
first appearance
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synopsis ∣ The word ‘nervous’ doesn’t exist when Got7 is always there with Hyeseon but everything came crashing down when someone decided to being her down.
timeline ∣ November 2020
characters ∣ Kim Hyeseon (Violet), Got7, Lim Hyejung, Gwan Aelia (Ace of Devils), Ahn Eunhee (The Bloody Roses)
a/n ∣ nervous, fidgety Hyeseon. This is her first public appearance. Mention of The Bloody Roses. Italics means they are speaking English, while bold+italic means they are speaking in Thai, someone bringing Hyeseon down with mean words.
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“Hurry! Hurry!” The bodyguard pushed Hyeseon in as she was busy answering text messages from her own friends and family - earning an irritated frown from the girl, looking up from her phone to the bodyguard.
“Yo, chill! Calm down! We have time!” Hyeseon whines slightly towards the older woman, earning a slight gasp from her.
“Calm down!? Calm down!? We are late for 1 minute! C’mon!”
“It’s just a minute... “ Hyeseon muttered under her breath, following the new bodyguard who was rushing. She then stood in front of the waiting room - looking at Hyeseon with a smile, a fake one.
“She’s all yours!” Hyejung informed - patting the young one on the shoulder as she left Hyeseon all alone.
“Damn, I miss The Bloody Roses.” 
“Me too.”
Hyeseon’s eyes went wide, turning towards the room to see half of the members sitting down on the sofas while the other half were getting their make-up done.
She sighed while going towards the one who replied to her with a hug, the one and only Bambam. 
“We miss them too, especially my girlfriend.” Bambam voiced out as soon as Hyeseon pulled back as she began hugging the other members.
“Aww, that’s cute! I just met up with Nara for a catch-up session, she looks cheerful as always,”
Hyeseon smiled cheekily while looking towards Bambam who was getting his make-up done next. She could see Bambam’s ears getting red, causing Hyeseon to laugh.
“Hey! Don’t forget we are here, you know.” Jinyoung pointed out while looking offended that they were speaking in another language where they couldn’t understand fully. 
Hyeseon shrugged while looking towards Jinyoung, making him playfully tell her off to Jaebeom who was just cooing at the whiny Jinyoung.
“I was talking about a specific group of girls that I missed,” Hyeseon voiced out and that’s when all of the members of Got7’s head turned towards her - even Mark and Jackson who were on the phone.
There was a visible pout from Jackson, making Hyeseon run towards him - hugging his side. 
“I think we all missed them too,” Youngjae commented while feeling the grip on Hyeseon’s waist tighten, knowing Jackson’s hands are on her waist.
“Let’s not be sad and sentimental! It’s Hyeseon’s first public appearance! We should be happy for her!” Yugyeom, who had been quiet, jumped up from his seat as he was grinning towards Hyeseon’s way.
That’s when Hyeseon started to feel nervous - it was gone previously since they were talking about a different topic.
Hyeseon was really nervous the moment she stepped into the car where one of the Ace of Devil’s members took her to the location where the online fan-sign meeting was located.
The bodyguard was no help at all since she didn’t speak a word to Hyesoen in the car, it was as if she was a wall so she decided to contact the girls that she has been close to.
They had a group chat together - specifically for only Hyeseon and The Bloody Roses. The moment she sent out a ‘I’m nervous!’, and in just less than a minute she received numerous replies from different girls.
“I’m actually nervous,” Hyeseon let out her true feelings, earning fatherly smiles from the other members. They know how it feels like, it somehow brings them back to their first appearance.
“You’re gonna do great, Hyeseon! Don’t worry and follow Jaebeom hyung’s lead!” Jackson smiled softly towards Hyeseon while gesturing towards Jaebeom - who was already calling her to sit next to the leader.
Of course Hyeseon went towards him, sitting in the middle of Mark and Jaebeom.
“Any worries lately?” Jaebeom questioned and Hyeseon tilted her head slightly - thinking what she had felt. Well, other than being happy and tired from dance practices and keeping her body in a good shape, she’s fine.
“I think I’m good. I’m just nervous, because this is my first appearance. I’m scared if I had said anything unintentionally or words that could hurt the fans. You know me,” Hyeseon ranted out and throughout, Jaebeom was putting her words on his brain - finding words to calm the girl down.
“Hyeseon-ah. Listen to me, okay? You are going to be fine. You have been attending practices, acting classes, and professionalism classes and they said you are progressing rather well. Don’t worry much and try not to overthink because I personally think you are going to do fine,” Jaebeom advised calmly yet he was firm. 
Hyeseon sighed - a sigh to let out that heavy feeling from her chest while nodding. She then let out a smile towards Jaebeom, a smile that Jaebeom knows where she is going to make it through this.
“That’s our girl,” Jaebeom ruffled her hair.
A few minutes later, Jaeebeom was next to do his make-up so Youngjae took a seat next to her.
“Jaebeom hyung is right you know. You’re gonna do great! Fighting!” Youngjae cheered while letting out his iconic laugh, causing Hyeseon to chuckle too hearing how awkward his laugh is.
“Hey, Hyeseon! Play among us with me! I’m short of one person!” Mark suddenly nudged onto her hand - he who has been quiet since the start knowing he was playing a game or texting his girlfriend.
Hyeseon of course joins in and in just 10 minutes, the game is about to end. 
“Jaebeom’s right you know, you’re gonna do fine. Trust him, us. I know it is nerve-wracking when you step in but once you stepped out, trust me you’re gonna be wanting to go back,” Mark voiced out while finishing the game and that’s when Hyeseon looked up towards Mark with a smile.
Mark is a man of few words. He only spoke only in relevant times so this is something that Hyeseon has to keep in her mind - his words.
“Noona! It’s your turn!” Yugyeom called Hyeseon and that’s when she decided to put her nervous feeling aside with a smile.
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The Got7 members were laughing and giggling towards Hyeseon as she was basically ranting towards the younger ones.
“I was so confused! I can’t believe I lost when I am able to understand and speak Thai!” Hyeseon whines towards Bambam who was laughing his heart out - even the fans were laughing towards Hyeseon, she was basically a crackhead like Bambam.
“So now we know you are a replica of Bambam
 that means I have to watch out for you too,” Jinyoung folded his arms while shaking his head - jokingly kind of disappointed that Hyeseon is as loud as Bambam.
“Yay! That makes it even for the maknae line!” Yugyeom had his arms on Hyeseon’s shoulder on her other side while Bambam’s arms were on Hyeseon’s opposite side.
The older members could only shake their head with a sigh - knowing they are gonna be a trio soon.
“But, you got to admit that you had fun right?”Jaebeom questioned as he turned towards her and that's when the maknaes let go of Hyeseon - knowing that it was a conversation between the leader and the only girl member, they always knew those 2 would end up with a serious conversation.
“You were right, Mark was right too - everyone is right. It was fun, Ahgases are fun to be with.” Hyeseon confessed with a shy smile, earning a chuckle from Jaebeom as they were walking side-by-side.
But their foot-steps instantly stopped when they heard voices, kind of angry and pissed voices in their waiting room.
“What the heck was that!? Are you making a fool out of yourself?!”
Hyeseon gulped while turning towards Jaebeom who was an expressionless face - he definitely knew who it was since he decided to show himself in front of the door.
“We were being our own selves. We didn’t do no harm and the fans enjoyed it.” Jaebeom voiced out. Being the curious Hyeseon, she peeked slightly from Jaebeom broad back to see the leader of Ace of Devils basically looking mad.
“Being your own selves?! You’re joking aren’t you?”
“I’m not laughing though,” Jaebeom answered firmly. Hyeseon didn’t even dare to look at the woman since she was basically looking straight towards Hyeseon.
Hyeseon frowns slightly, her eyes went downcast - she has to speak to the management about this, her group is being mistreated by these new bodyguards and she could tell her own members were unhappy about it.
“Hyeseon-ah,” The leader of A.O.D, Aelia called - making Hyeseon to look up towards her.
“Do you think you are fit to be an idol? Because personally, I don’t think you fit to be one,” Her words were like venom to Hyeseon’s ears and somehow her heart somehow beats as twice as normal.
“Hey, that’s not nice.” Jackson voiced out with a frown.
“Jackson hyung is right. You are no one to speak towards her that way. I demand an apology from you,” Jinyoung added and he was about to take a step forward when Mark got a hold of him.
“He’s right you know. You’re no one. So apologize to her,” 
A voice made Hyeseon startled since it came just directly beside her - seeing someone who she is familiar with. It was Eunhee from The Bloody Roses who looked as professional as ever - causing Hyeseon to jump towards her.
That was the moment when Jaebeom felt relief, someone who had the same rank as the one who was looking down at her own member.
“I’ll talk to you personally later, Hyeseon. You too Jaebeom.” Eunhee stated while ruffling Hyeseon’s hair then patting Jaebeom’s back as she walked passed them.
“You’re not supposed to be here, Eunhee. Do you need me—
“I’m here to have a word with you, then I’ll have a private meeting with Got7.” Eunhee folded her arms as she stood in front of Aelia. 
“And I got official instructions from JYPE that I will be taking them to their next location so, after we’re done talking, you are good to go.” Eunhee added and Aelia was about to cut her off but Eunhee had already turned her back towards the stunned girl.
“Oh! And you might want to apologize to Violet before I would personally break your neck.” Eunhee snapped towards Aelia, seeing her eyes went wide - also earning reactions from Got7, a funny one.
“That’s what bullies get from bullying an innocent human being.”
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masterlist : Violet, Got7â€Čs 8th member
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violethyeseon · 4 years ago
first case.
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synopsis ∣ Jackson, Violet, Youngjae, Bambam and Yugyeom decided to have a late supper after waiting for Youngjae to finish his Idol Radio schedule, not knowing trouble is waiting for them - featuring Got7â€Čs bodyguard to the rescue as always.
timeline ∣ August 2020
characters ∣ Kim Hyeseon (Violet), Jackson Wang, Bambam, Kim Yugyeom (Got7), Ji Chaeun, Kim Yeonji (The Bloody Roses)
a/n ∣ assault alert!, involves with a knife and taser, just one curse word
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Violet yawns as she felt Jackson leaning against her shoulder while on his phone. She slightly glanced at his phone to see pictures of Chaeun.
There were lots of them.
“Woah, is that Chaeun eonnie?” questioned Hyeseon and Jackson nodded while turning towards her.
“Yeah, pretty isn’t she?”
“She is prettier without makeup, alright. I always compliment her whenever she goes out barefaced but she would always headlock me.” pouted Hyeseon - causing Jackson to slightly chuckle.
“I have old pictures of The Bloody Roses back in early 2017! Wanna see?” offered Hyeseon as Jackson enthusiastically nodded his head.
“Me too! Me too! I want to see it too!” Bambam joined in the conversation.
Hyeseon showed them a couple of pictures of her in the hospital - seeing some of the girls taking turns to feed Hyeseon. It made Jackson coo in adoration after seeing how loving the 7 girls are - and that caused Yugyeom to join in the conversation too.
Not noticing a familiar face was approaching them.
“What are you guys looking at? I wanna see too.” 
A voice startled the others as they turned towards Youngjae who was also peeking at them who was hurdling at the corner. 
Jackson and Bambam jumped a little as they looked at him.
“Oh! Hyung! Since when you were here?” Yugyeom turned towards the older one, seeing him chuckling towards the others tiredly.
“Since about a minute ago..? Let’s grab some food! I’m hungry!” Youngjae exclaimed as he turned towards Hyeseon with a wide smile - as the younger girl proceeded to question him about his schedule.
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“Thank you for the meal Jackson oppa!” Hyeseon thanked the older member as he just nodded while ruffling the younger one’s hair. 
Apparently, Jackson wanted to treat everyone since he was the one who offered to eat out, at the same time wanting to get to know Hyeseon more as someone from her stage persona. 
He wasn’t surprised that she is more to the loud side - but Jackson could see that Hyeseon was more talkative to the maknae line, since she was considered a maknae too. That caused Jackson to pout slightly.
“Hyung! What’s wrong? Why are you pouting?” questioned Youngjae with a slight chuckle as his arms went towards the older one’s shoulder - walking side by side.
“Hyeseon is closer to Bambam and Yugyeom when I was the one who treated her,” Jackson slightly whined as he pointed towards the 3 who were having a serious conversation at the front - and that caused Youngjae to laugh.
Hyeseon’s eyes turned towards Youngjae as she heard him laughing, her eyes focused towards Jackson who was pouting and they made eye contact.
“Why? Why? What’s wrong?” Hyeseon’s head turned towards where Youngjae and Jackson is - as Jackson shook his head in denial.
“Jackson hyung is sad that you are closer to Bambam and Yugyeom than him,” Youngjae pointed towards Jackson with a slight chuckle. Jackson turned towards Youngjae with a slight glare as the older member felt embarrassed.
“Aww!” cooed Hyeseon as she went towards where Jackson and Youngjae - Hyeseon stands in between them, her shoulders bumping into Jackson’s with a cheeky smile, causing Jackson to look taken aback.
“Jackson hyung is jealous!” Yugyeom pointed out while Bambam was making the ‘Eww’ sound.
“Doesn’t mean I’m talking to Bambam and Yugyeom, it does not mean I’m not fond of you.” voiced out Hyeseon as she smiled towards Jackson. Though she couldn’t see Jackson’s features clearly due to him wearing a cap and a mask, there were slight pinkish on his cheeks.
Jackson finds her cute - in a friendly way of course. He can’t compare Hyeseon to Chaeun since both of them have different personalities though they have the same vibes.
He could say that Chaeun is sexy rather than cute.
“But you have to agree that you are closer to us rather than Mark hyung, Jaebeom hyung and Jinyoung right?” Youngjae questioned in a cheeky way and Hyeseon tilted her head slightly.
“I’m dead if they know if I say yes. But yeah, I’m more hyper and loud, I guess
 with the 4 of you.” admitted Hyeseon with a smile, causing the other 4 guys to coo. 
As they were walking by the streets, fans started to notice them but they didn’t bother since they were used to it. Hyeseon on the other hand was slowly panicking as she tried to act normal but Yugyeom saw her reaction just by scanning her facial expression.
“Noona, you good? We’re here to protect you,” Yugyeom tapped onto the older girl as she could only look up towards the taller one with a smile. This caused Jackson to be more protective of the girl as his hands landed on her wrist, holding onto her closely to him.
There weren't many people but there were like 10 people who were recording them. 
“Yah! Kim Hyeseon! Go back to the hospital!”
Hyeseon’s head immediately snapped, along Jackson, Bambam and Yugyeom, to the direction where the deep voice came from. Their faces automatically frown, especially Jackson as his eyes wander around the crowd to find the source of the voice.
Youngjae didn’t even bother to look where the voice came from since he was getting pissed and annoyed - and his fatigue was not helping with the feelings he felt right now. He was just encouraging Hyeseon to look forward and ignore the comment.
With just a blink, Hyeseon was being pulled away roughly by a strong and aggressive grip - causing the younger girl to shriek, adding a few shocking gasps from passerby.
“Yah!” Jackson yelled while trying to grab Hyeseon back and from Bambam’s view, he saw a figure running from far as she pushed in between a few fans and that’s when the other 3 members finally figured out the scene.
“Omo, omo!” Youngjae mumbled while trying to pull Hyeseon away from the assaulter - also helping Jackson as the older one was trying to grab her too.
This was a dangerous situation for them as the assaulter has a weapon - which was a knife and Jackson knew that if he went too far, Hyeseon would get hurt.
“He has a weapon on hand. Copy.” said Yeonji outloud and it was obvious that she had an earpiece on. 
She made eye-contact with Hyeseon while showing her palms, signaling to her that it was going to be okay, at the same time telling her not to move so much.
“What are you gonna do now, officer? I have a knife right here and I can just slit her throat,” said the assaulter with a smirk, causing Yeonji to frown. 
She was obviously annoyed but she knew she can’t react due to the fact that the assaulter is basically trapping Hyeseon on his arms with the knife pointing closely towards her neck.
Her eyes moved towards the other 3 Got7 members who looked so frightened and just in shock. Jackson’s eyes were already tearing up due to the fact he can’t help the younger one.
“Please.. let the girl go.” Yeonji slowly pleaded while making eye contact with the assaulter. She was just buying time for the others to come. As Yeonji took a step forward, the assaulter moved a step back with Hyeseon on his hold.
Yeonji saw a familiar figure slowly running towards where they were from the back, while holding a gun. She was thankful that they were in an open space. The assaulter is dumb for doing this in the middle of a road and there were people recording everything.
Yeonji had a lot of responsibility for now - which is keeping an eye on the fans incase the assaulter changed his target.
The other 3â€Č Got7 members were just a few feet away from the scene but they keep a distance away due to Yeonji forcing them to and she had to watch out for herself too.
The familiar figure slowly approaches them and Yeonji gets ready as she eyed the one who was pointing her guns towards the assaulter back. 
With a count of 3, a gunshot was heard and that caused Yeonji to hurriedly grabbed Hyeseon harshly by her arm, engulfing her into a tight hug. 
The assaulter’s body directly fell on the floor as he was being tased. 
“What’s taken you so long?” Yeonji whined towards Chaeun who quickly went towards Hyeseon.
“Is she hurt?” Chaeun ignored the younger one as she shook her head.
“She’s shocked though,” Yeonji answered while rubbing Hyeseon’s back, feeling her body shaking in fear. 
Chaeun then goes towards Jackson and the others, patting them on their faces then to their bodies, checking if they were injured or harmed. 
Due to her being in work mode, Chaeun had to ignore Jackson’s eye contact as she could only pat his shoulder - also knowing that there were fans.
“I called MMG regarding this since JYPE is basically closed, it's nearly going to be 4 anyway.” voiced out Chaeun while looking towards the assaulter. 
She immediately went to the floor with the handcuffs and as soon as she was about to grab his hand, the assaulter unexpectedly was on his feet - causing Chaeun to be taken aback causing her to be in guard mode.
Chaeun tried to shield him from running away but she was met by a sharp pain on her arm and there was a scream coming from one of the fans at the back after seeing Chaeun being slashed deeply on her arm.
“Fuck,” Chaeun cursed as she was trying to chase him as he ran away. 
Her left arm was holding tightly to her injured arm, feeling the blood gushing non-stop. She was pissed that the man got away - watching the assaulter running far on the streets.
“Chaeun! Move away!” A loud yell came while feeling a gush of wind passing through her at the same time the sound of motorcycle’s passing by her in a flash. 
Chaeun could already recognize that it was the 2 maknaes of The Bloody Roses who came to the rescue with their favorite motorcycles.
“Chaeun! C’mon! We have to go!” Yeonji yelled while supporting Hyeseon’s arms - seeing how pale she looked. 
Chaeun’s gaze then fell towards Jackson - he was the only who was waiting for her while the other 3 members were already on their feet to MMG company building since it was just a few walks away.
“Eonnie. It’s going to be okay, alright? I’m here, you’re safe. The other’s are safe.” Yeonji reassured Hyeseon as she took out her jacket to the older one who’s face looked pale.
Hyeseon looked towards Yeonji with a slight frown.
“I’m okay, but I’m more worried for Chaeun eonnie. I feel like it’s my fault that she got slashed,” muttered Hyeseon as she felt the grip on her shoulder from Yeonji.
“Eonnie, she’s okay. We’re prone to this kind of situation and this isn’t the first time we handled this kind of situations. Everything is unexpected and it’s definitely not your fault. Not you, not even Got7.” answered Yeonji softly but firmly.
Hyeseon could only look down as she felt herself getting more weaker and weaker.
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masterlist : Violet, Got7â€Čs 8th member
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violethyeseon · 4 years ago
angel and cupid.
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synopsis ∣ Violet is a part-time cupid and part-time angel.
timeline ∣ July 2020
characters ∣ Kim Hyeseon (Violet), Park Jinyoung (Got7)
a/n ∣ mention of anxiety, slightly angst (?), mention of Ahn Eunhee (The Bloody Roses), this chapter is the after-math of this
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“Hyeseon, I didn’t know you’re a good dancer. It’s sad that your previous management only promoted you as a singer,” commented the choreographer as he was turning the music off, indicating the session was over.
Hyeseon was busy trying to catch her breath, her hands were onto her waist as her chest were moving up and down - the younger one was trying to stabilize her breathing. 
“This.. is the reason why
. I only do singing
” said Hyeseon, pointing at herself who was already struggling to talk - the choreographer chuckled as he smiled at the younger one in adoration.
Got7’s choreographer adored her ever since she stood into the dance room - being introduced as Got7’s 8th member. At first, he was quite weirded out with the idea but his thoughts basically washed away after seeing Hyeseon for the first time.
With just one dance session, both the choreographer and Hyeseon got close just by relating with each other.
“I think JYPE or Yugyeom - or even one of the members will gladly help you regarding your breathing. We have breathing techniques to help you manage singing while dancing.” assured the choreographer as he pat Hyeseon’s head as encouragement. 
“It’s going to be hard because it’s my first time dancing with my own members. I only have my band members,” commented Hyeseon as she sat on the floor - looking at herself through the big mirror. 
It was already hard as soon as she attended the meeting with JYPE. Hyeseon could tell that her previous management and JYPE management was way too different. 
Not that MMG is not professional, but JYPE was way more on the top and they know how the entertainment industry goes by.
No wonder Dad decided to change his company’s path.. 
Hyeseon was given numerous rules - most of them were kind of understandable which is to try not to be too close to her friends outside the entertainment industry and not to be in a relationship for half of the year. 
Of course the first thing Hyeseon thought was The Bloody Roses.
“How about The Bloody Roses?”
“It’s better if you are close to them! Since JYPE bought your father’s company, The Bloody Roses are considered our staff too so it’s okay if you are close to them.”
That made her at ease. Hyeseon thinks she doesn’t need friends from outside the entertainment industry. As long as she has The Bloody Roses, her father and her Got7 members, Hyeseon will be fine.
In fact, Hyeseon is thankful for The Bloody Roses - especially Eunhee, right after the incident regarding the trainee. 
There are a lot of things that Hyeseon is thankful for. She actually could write an album about them.
“Look who’s here,” 
The choreographer voiced out and Hyeseon’s gaze turned towards the door, to see an unexpected someone - bringing 2 bags that obviously looked like food.
Hyeseon’s eyes turned bigger as she quickly stood up - running towards him. She quickly helped him carry one of the plastic bags and she could see one of them had jajangmyeon in it.
“Hyung, I brought one for you too,” said Jinyoung as he turned towards the choreographer who already had his side bags attached to him.
“Oh.. But I’m going to Stray Kids’ dance room though..” he muttered and Hyeseon frowns slightly.
“It’s okay, oppa. Here! There’s chopsticks and some side dishes in it. You’ll need it later, trust me.” Hyeseon handed the plastic bag to the choreographer as he looked at the bag then to the younger girl who was smiling at him.
“I don’t usually eat heavy food but since Violet asked me to do so..” answered the older one as he shyly took the plastic bag while waving towards the 2 young ones as he quickly exited the dance room.
“It looks like he is late for Stray Kids’.” commented Hyeseon as she pouted while looking towards the door - earning an amused chuckle from Jinyoung.
“How’s the dance practice going?” questioned Jinyoung as the both of them sat down on the floor. He looked at the younger girl as she was busy taking out the jajangmyeon wrap - her chopsticks were already on her hand.
“Can I be honest?” 
“Of course!” answered Jinyoung as he looked at her with an amused smile.
“It was tough. I don’t know how you and others could sing while dancing. I already had trouble singing while running.” ranted Hyeseon as she had the usual expression that caused Jinyoung to chuckle - seeing how funny she is.
She reminds him of Jackson.
“Training and more practice, young one.” answered Jinyoung as he watched her starting to eat - she looked like she didn’t eat for the whole day.
“I heard the other members had visited you.” commented Jinyoung as Hyeseon’s eyes turned towards him. Jinyoung sighed as he grabbed a piece of tissue - his hands already moving to help her wipe the dark sauce on her cheeks.
“Yah! Try to eat neatly. You’re gonna get scolded by Jaebeom hyung or Bambam,” whined Jinyoung as Hyeseon continued eating but her eyes still glanced at Jinyoung as he was frowning while wiping her cheeks.
He reminds her of Eunhee. They are so similar - that explains why they are together. 
It’s cute.
“What are you staring at? Is there any on my face?” Jinyoung became self-conscious as he started to dab his face with the tissue. Hyeseon shakes her head as she puts away her chopsticks, her gaze starts to downcast.
“Oppa, have you spoken to Eunhee eonnie?” questioned Hyeseon as her voice started to get a little deeper for a girl. Jinyoung looked at her and he could see she was serious, she didn’t look like she was curious or just being her usual joking self. 
Hyeseon was genuinely worried. A few days ago, Eunhee and the maknae line of Got7 visited Hyeseon as they had dinner together. Bambam told Hyeseon secretly that Eunhee was avoiding the Got7 hyung line and that it actually worries Yugyeom and Youngjae.
Hyeseon knows that she won’t sit still - knowing how close The Bloody Roses and Got7 are since the staff told Hyeseon about the stories they heard and mostly, it was The Bloody Roses looking out for Got7 and vice-versa.
“I tried. But she kept.. avoiding me. I didn’t know what to do.” said Jinyoung and Hyeseon naturally frowned sadly seeing how Jinyoung looked. It was the first time for her to see him looking sad other than seeing him in his works.
This was real, Jinyoung genuinely and really feels heartbroken.
Hyeseon could see that he really loves her.
“Last resort is to go to her, you have to talk to her about it, apologise to her.” commented Hyeseon as she picked up her chopsticks.
“What do you mean?” questioned Jinyoung as he frowned slightly. Jinyoung knows Hyeseon and Eunhee have a close bond - after finding out what happened to Hyeseon, her history on how she had depression and to how she met The Bloody Roses.
Hyeseon looks at him and she knows that Eunhee didn’t inform her about her history with her anxiety and how she has it - which involves accusations and people ganging up on her.
“Eunhee eonnie has suffered a lot. All I could say is it involves people ganging up on her and accusing her. Don’t you think there’s a reason why she is so.. tough and just blunt towards people?” questioned Hyeseon as she raised her eyebrow at the older one. Jinyoung is basically summing up everything in his mind.
It doesn’t feel right because his new member had to make him realize what is the reality. 
He finds out that Eunhee has weaknesses, she has a past, she’s a human who often feels sad.
This is wrong but Jinyoung always looks up to Eunhee, he just sees her as someone who is perfect with everything - someone who always has a perfect life, other than her cutting her ties with her family.
He didn’t know Eunhee suffered this much.
Jinyoung didn’t even realize that he was tearing up because he could only feel his heavy heart as he was trying to gulp the lump on his throat - also he didn’t want to cry in front of the younger one.
“It’s okay, oppa. Just cry if you want to. Don’t hold it in - it will eventually come out anyway.” commented Hyeseon as she pats his back - nodding slowly. Jinyoung looked towards her to see Hyeseon just staring at him with her lips tightening upwards.
She looks like a cartoon character and that caused Jinyoung to chuckle slightly as his head fell back while trying to wipe his tears.
“You do know that I don’t shed tears that often right? Even in front of the others,”
“Of course! I have lots of tips and just facts about you from Ahgases. I feel honored that you cry in front of me,”
“I just had one or two tears - I didn’t cry, Hyeseon.” corrected Jinyoung and Hyeseon shrugs.
“Still the same, oppa. Don’t deny that you’re gonna cry..” 
“Okay, shut it. Don’t tell the others, especially Eunhee.”
“...No promises
 But seriously oppa, talk to Eunhee eonnie.. Actually.. I have an idea.” offered Hyeseon as she grinned towards Jinyoung as he slightly narrowed his eyes towards her.
“What is it?”
 It kind of involves with you, Eunhee eonnie and the beach,”
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masterlist : Violet, Got7â€Čs 8th member
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violethyeseon · 4 years ago
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In which GOT7, TWICE, DAY6, STRAY KIDS and ITZY has spoken about the newest member of Got7 and as an artist, performer joining JYP Entertainment.
Question from the interviewer :
For Got7 :
“How is Violet like in real life and how did the group change as soon as a female member is being brought into your group?
“Have you personally met or seen Violet? What is your first impression of her and what are your thoughts on the idea of Violet being put into Got7?”
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Mark turned towards Jackson as the Hong Kong man just blinked at the older one. 
“Nothing has changed to be honest. I don’t know if it’s just me but it’s still the same. Oh wait! There’s one! Mark hyung is always smiling whenever Hyeseon argues with Jaebeom hyung!” Jackson pointed and Mark’s eyes turned wide.
“What? What do you mean? I wasn’t smiling! I’m just amused that Hyeseonnie is a brave girl. No one dares to argue with our leader. Since Jb’s temper has drastically improved and since Hyeseon is a cute girl, Jaebeom could only look at her in amazement and adoration whenever she argued back.” commented Mark as he nodded slowly.
“Basically she’s like a mixture of Bambam and Yugyeom but the laid-back version and more polite version,” added Jackson. Mark slightly turned towards him.
“Are you saying Bambam and Yugyeom are rude?” Mark raised an eyebrow to tease Jackson as he looked at Mark with a blink.
“I’m not saying they are rude but you know how they are..” Jackson looked towards the camera with an innocent smile - causing Mark to chuckle to hear his reply. 
“But seriously, Hyeseon is an amazing person. She is someone who has that positive vibe, though most of her works are the opposite. That’s how she expressed herself.” added Jackson with Mark nodding in agreement.
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“I actually wanted to meet her! I heard she is friends with The Blody Roses’ eonnies!” Jihyo commented - followed by an enthusiastic nod from Nayeon.
“I’m a fan of her works, I have seen her perform in MAMA Awards. She totally caught the idols’ attention alright,” voiced Nayeon as she was smiling widely.
“Chaeyoung as well as Dahyun are huge fans of Violet’s. Chaeyoung was the first one to tell us regarding the news of Violet joining JYPE. She was even fangirling when Violet was being put into Got7.” Jihyo confessed, earning a chuckle from Nayeon.
“Chaeyoung is really a huge fan of her, really. She was telling me that she wanted to meet Violet.” added Nayeon.
“So far we haven’t met her face to face - as in having a proper conversation so I couldn’t say about my first impression of her. But from far, Violet seems to be a shy person. I could be wrong since her fans say that she is a bubbly person.” confessed Jihyo as the leader turned towards the older one.
“Same goes to me. I haven’t met her yet so it’s not fair for me to say my first impression of her. She seems like a nice person. I mean she is a nice person since JYP himself was the one who had a meeting with her.” voiced Nayeon as she smiled towards the interviewer.
“I want to be friends with her - the other TWICE members wants to be friends with Violet!” added Nayeon as she spoke towards the interviewer.
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“Can I be honest? I was so happy when she signed with JYPE! Mainly because I wanted her to collaborate with us!” Jay commented as his eyes went wide while turning towards Wonpil, who was looking at the older one with a wide smile.
 I don’t know about the other members but I would often see Hyeseon in Got7’s dance room with the choreographer hyung. I would sometimes come by to say my greetings.” Wonpil voiced out as he tilted his head.
“I haven’t met her before. I guess you’re the only one who has met Hyeseon.” commented Jay as Wonpil clapped - feeling proud.
“My first impression of her would be
 she’s very shy at first but thanks to choreographer hyung at that time, Hyeseon and I kind of became friends
. I guess I could say that..” added Wonpil as he looked towards Jay then towards the camera.
“I love the idea of a co-ed group! I mean it’s not my first time seeing or hearing there is a girl in a group that has guys. We all know KARD. I wish JYPE could make a co-ed group. That would be awesome.” commented Jay as he was amazed at his own statement.
“I find it interesting, for me. Just like Jay hyung, I want to see JYPE come out with a co-ed group. But I don’t think they are the type to make a mixed gender group.” added Wonpil honestly as he folded his arms while tilting his head slightly.
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“Jackson hyung introduced me to Hyeseon noona when I bumped onto them,” confessed Changbin as he turned towards the leader who was staring at the picture of Hyeseon who was holding onto a microphone - it was obvious that she was performing in the picture.
She is beautiful.
Changbin scoffed as he figured the leader’s expression.
Bang Chan is star-struck that he didn’t realize he was in an interview. It was thanks to Changbin’s nudge on the arm of the leader that Bang Chan was woken up by his own thoughts.
“I haven’t met Hyeseon noona yet,” said Bang Chan as he turned towards the interview with a shy smile.
It was unfortunate for Bang Chan because half of the members have met Hyeseon - his members would have told him that Got7 members would introduce her to them whenever Stray Kids bumped onto her.
It seems that the Got7 members were having a one to one practice session with Hyeseon.
“You’re always stuck in the recording studio, hyung. You should go out in a while.” complained Changbin as he faced Bang Chan who just shrugged his shoulders.
“I’m busy preparing for our next album - gotta’ hustle and bustle they say,” answered Bang Chan with a chuckle as Changbin could only shake his head.
“When I met Hyeseon noona, she was a little shy but I can tell she is someone who is bubbly as soon as you are close with her. Stray Kids’ members listen to her works too and we are already a fan of her,” explained Changbin with a smile and a nod.
“Yeah - speaking of her works, one of the particular albums made me listen to her other albums. I think it was her very first album which was called VIOLET, THE BEGINNING. I would like to collaborate with her one day.” confessed Bang Chan sincerely as he smiled, genuinely wanting to collaborate with Hyeseon.
“We hope that Hyeseon noona will collaborate with us, 3RACHA. Hyung, we should release a rap ballad in our upcoming album,” suggested Changbin as he turned towards the leader as the older one thinks.
“Sure, I don’t mind. We have to ask Hyeseon noona first,” nodded Bang Chan as he tilted his head with a smile, turning towards the camera - hinting the fans that maybe they would have a future 3RACHA album with Hyeseon in it.
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“I was very excited! A new addition to JYPE!” Lia admitted as she smiled, her eye smile became visible.
“We actually found out by the article and we had to double confirm with our manager. It turns out it was real,” Yeji added as she smiled shyly towards the camera.
“We got close in a matter of one dance session.” Yeji continued as she turned towards Lia who was nodding her head - agreeing to the leader.
“Hyeseon eonnie had a dance practice session where Lia and I were her dance teachers. I can tell why Got7 oppas and the other JYPE artists really adores her.” Lia commented as she slightly giggled, remembering the day that they had the dance session.
“It wasn’t awkward at all because Hyeseon eonnie was so friendly and she had that extrovert vibe. Although I’m shy at first, Hyeseon eonnie made me open up to her and we are friends now!” added Yeji with a smile.
“I can’t wait to see her on stage with the other Got7 members. Although Hyeseon eonnie isn’t the same group as us, I can assure the fans that there is a lot that Hyeseon eonnie wants to show her fans,” voiced Lia as she smiled cheekily towards the camera.
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violethyeseon · 4 years ago
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theme six: holly — header/sidebar theme as requested by an anon. you can choose either a header or a sidebar on the index page, and you can choose one or multiple columns. (updated june 8, 2020)
previews: header with grid, sidebar with one column / code: pastebin, github
features and options:
responsive for both desktop and mobile devices
header or sidebar on index page. sidebar on permalink page. if you pick sidebar on index, it will show as a header on tablets and mobile devices.
post sizes: 300px, 350px, 400px, 450px, 500px, 540px
one, two, or three columns
optional blog icon in your header/sidebar
NEW: customizable photoset gutters (from 1px to 4px) and post margins
NEW: first npf photoset in a post will be converted to a regular photoset, thanks to this script by annasthms and codematurgy’s npf photoset script
show/hide/hover tags, show/hide captions on index, show/hide note count on index, show/hover like and reblog buttons
eleven different fonts and five font sizes
up to five custom links, all colours customizable
note: tumblr’s customize page is buggy as hell. i recommend switching all the options on and off when you first install the theme, and then save and exit. even if something doesn’t look right on the customize page, it should look fine on your actual blog. 
full list of credits here
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violethyeseon · 4 years ago
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theme eleven: rosemary — responsive and minimal sidebar or header theme with a slide-out navigation menu and a bunch of customization options.
previews: sidebar and header / code (on pastebin or github)
features and options:
slide-out navigation menu with up to six custom links, an unlimited number of pages on your blog, and a search bar
 option to add a header/sidebar image, option to show blog icon, or option to show both
space for two optional statistics/updates in your header or sidebar
post sizes: 400px, 450px, 500px, 540px, 600px
lots of post styling options: centered or left-aligned text, two styles of post info (minimal with icons only or with icons and text), show or hide date, show/hide/hover tags, show or hide captions, customizable post margins
font sizes from 12px to 18px, eleven body font options, and four title font options. all colours are customizable.
responsive for all screen sizes and mobile devices.
the icons in your blog stats are from; to change them, go to the site, find the name of the new icon you want, and add the new icon name into the slot in the customization panel.
tumblr’s customize page is very buggy and when you first install the theme, you have to toggle the options on and off to get them to work properly.
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violethyeseon · 5 years ago
feedback / recommendations!
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hello everyone!  Please take some time to do my survey regarding The Bloody Roses!! Thank you! 
                                C l i c k  h e r e!!
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violethyeseon · 5 years ago
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Everyone’s first impression regarding Got7’s leader was the same but as the years passed, Jaebeom’s intimidating aura has toned down a bit - thanks to the people he is surrounded with. 
The moment JYPe told him and the rest of the members about their plans, Jaebeom already knew who Violet is. He could say that he was a fan of her works - the girl is like a mixture of Heize and Zico but more in a calmer form. He acknowledged her skills of producing lyrics and music.
But Jaebeom didn’t know Violet’s off-stage persona, he learned that fans call her real name off-stage. He just knows about her stage persona. Turns out that she is a shy ball of sunshine. 
After getting to know her more and thanks to his girlfriend who helped to break that awkward wall, Jaebeom treated Hyeseon just like how he treats the other members but he has a soft spot for her and he tends to keep an eye on her.
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Honestly, he had mixed feelings with the PR’s team but he trusted JYPe in-regards with the idea. He didn’t hate the idea but he’s not against it. 
Along with Jaebeom and another 2 members, Mark somehow knew about Violet. Sadly, he knows her through the news that she was hospitalized - at the same time it taught Mark to be more mindful of what he is going to say to her in the near future, not that he is not mindful.
It was normal for him to think that the girl is going to be sensitive but he didn’t know that she’s the opposite. Hyeseon is the opposite of sensitive regarding the situation she had faced - in fact, she embraced it and she said that she’s not ashamed of it nor she is proud, that’s because that is what she felt at that time and she is merely human.
Mark looks up to her in that expect and it made him to be protective of her - hence he isn’t afraid to show it. Compared to his first meeting with her, Mark is considered one of Hyeseon’s protectors. (That includes Jaebeom and another 2 members.)
Not to mention that Hyeseon is the closest with Ahrin - which makes Mark extremely happy that Ahrin along with the other 6 bodyguards saved her life and Hyeseon mentioned to him that Ahrin is a keeper.
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To think that he was the only one excited makes him nervous on meeting this Violet girl. He was curious why there were a few nervous faces on his other member’s faces too - especially Jaebeom and Jinyoung.
Jackson thought that they hated the idea but after seeing how shy and friendly JJP is towards her - it made Jackson’s friendly and just extroverted aura emerge and thankfully, Hyeseon was at the same level of energy as him.
But after spending time with her, Jackson realized that she was more than that. He was actually shocked that she has that split persona when he finds out she had a rough past - both from his members, Violet herself and more in depth and clearly - from his bodyguard-girlfriend.
He was the last one to know that his bodyguard-girlfriend is friends with Hyeseon, causing him to be so flustered when seeing Chaeun kissing Hyeseon on the cheek.
Since both Jackson and Hyeseon produce their own lyrics and music, they often had worked together such as featuring on each other songs.
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He just went along with the idea of JYP because by now, he honestly just gave up with JYPE itself. As long as Got7 and his members aren’t harmed, he is fine. But he can’t help but slightly be curious on how the group works with a girl in the group.
Jinyoung was the only member who didn’t talk to her - because he was quietly observing Hyeseon, in terms of her personality. He, along with his Got7 members, has met Hyeseon in MAMA Awards in 2015 and 2016 - MAMA Awards 2017 was the last year that he would see her and he finds it odd. Then he found out from his manager about the news of the girl being hospitalized as she tried to take her own life.
Since that day, the news made Jinyoung to lessen his savageness - learning that his words might hurt people, he was extra careful to the people he is surrounded with.
That’s what Jinyoung remembered as soon as he met Hyeseon for the first time and he doesn’t say much but as they spent time together, Jinyoung opened up to her and he would always keep an eye on her, at the same time he had vowed to his bodyguard-girlfriend that he would take care of Hyeseon from those hateful netizens.
Just like Mark, Hyeseon has mentioned Eunhee to Jinyoung and the new member could see that Jinyoung really loves his bodyguard-girlfriend - seeing that he always has his ears turned red whenever she mentions Eunhee.
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Youngjae was extremely confused but he just went along with the JYPE’s idea. He was confused at the same time he was curious. But deep down, Youngjae was worried that he might turn awkward when they were going to meet.
His worries immediately washed away after meeting Hyeseon face to face - he could feel that positive vibes of hers as they bowed to each other and they instantly hit it off, maybe because Youngjae could relate to her so much.
Youngjae always supported Hyeseon, both of them are like close friends. He tends to stick to her during schedules that they had together. He even visited Hyeseon during her dance training breaks - when Hyeseon has to learn Got7’s discography.
Youngjae knows the girl was vocally talented and he acknowledges it after fans wanted him to collaborate with her. He knows that Hyeseon is struggling with their choreography - and he could totally relate.
Just like other older members, Youngjae is particularly protective of Hyeseon, knowing what had happened to her  - and sometimes he wonders if this is how his bodyguard-girlfriend felt, during the times when she had to keep an eye on him during the ‘sasaeng’ incident.
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Bambam was shook, yes shook. He kind of liked the idea of a girl being in the group, at the same time he was curious. 
Then his curiosity immediately shuts down as it becomes excitement. When the name of the girl came out, he kept asking the executives if they are really adding her in - because he didn’t want them to keep his hopes up. 
It was finalised and Bambam was so happy and both of them met, Bambam immediately broke that awkward barrier by talking to Hyeseon both in Thai and English - knowing that the girl has Thai blood in her. He felt at home since there was someone like him. 
The both of them instantly hit it off and Hyeseon decided to tell him to drop the formalities since both of them are Thai’s and she feels that it was unnecessary since she was just a year older than him.
Bambam really likes her works - her own written songs and her own producing. He even wants to collaborate with her - both in English and in Thai.
After spending more time with her, Bambam somehow found out about her depression from Hyeseon herself since he got curious about Hyeseon drinking a few anti-depressants.
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Seeing how his hyungs reacted, it’s safe that Yugyeom doesn’t mind the idea of a girl joining but he instantly thinks about their choreography because he himself knows that it was intense and he was worried for the new member.
Somehow he got information about Hyeseon from Bambam and he was relieved that the girl had her own training and he was shocked that Hyeseon has 5 years of training. The leader had almost 3 years of training. Hyeseon could have been Yugyeom’s senior.
Yugyeom was so shy when he met Hyeseon face to face. He then realized that Hyeseon was a replica of Jackson but she was the laid back version. Whenever there’s Bambam, there will always be Yugyeom so either one would always appear when they hangout - especially for Hyeseon’s dance practices.
Yugyeom didn’t hesitate to support Hyeseon since she needed help regarding her dancing skills - although he told her that Hyeseon was doing great, he believes that Hyeseon keeps practicing, she would reach his level.
Though Yugyeom is the youngest, he is aware of what Hyeseon has gone through - which is thanks to Bambam, and he felt that it is his duty to protect Hyeseon also keeping an eye from haters since he treats Hyeseon like his own older sister.
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violethyeseon · 5 years ago
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Violet’s Profile
Violet’s relationship with Got7
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angel and cupid
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JYPE’s artists reactions on Violet joining JYPE
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violethyeseon · 5 years ago
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YEARS ACTIVE: 2013-present
‷ BRIGHT: Being the only child in the family, Hyeseon was given unconditional love from her parents - even after the death of her mother. No matter what kind of situation she is facing, Hyeseon would always be that ball of sunshine to her fans and to the people that she is close with.
‷ CHARMING: Her fans, the Violeters finds her charming, in a sense that they felt the positive vibes whenever Hyeseon held a fan-meeting. There are no days that Hyeseon would give them a neutral face. She would always smile to the fans, even when she is going through a tough time.
‷ EMPATHETIC: Trained from the age of 12, Hyeseon has experience a slice of the trainee life and this taught her so much in terms of her attitude. Thanks to her experience, Hyeseon manage to make genuine friends with the trainees but there will be small percentage that are jealous of Hyeseon - talking bad behind her back but Hyeseon would always look at the bright side.
‷ MESSY: In which her room and her mood. Firstly, her room - there would always be scrunched of papers everywhere. That is from writing her over-thinking mind ; 9/10 of the lyrics were consist of sadness, getting high and pills. Lastly, her mood - Hyeseon is on anti-depressants so she turns to get moody if she forgets to eat her anti-depression pills. Her manager would always remember to bring her pills.
‷ DECEITFUL: Hyeseon is good at deceiving people - in term of her well-being and feelings. Her fans, the Violeters aren’t aware what Hyeseon has gone through and recovering from depression (but eventually found out after the news of her being hospitalized). She could deceived her fans but she can’t deceive the people she is working with - that is The Bloody Roses and her Got7 members.
‷ INSECURE: Hyeseon blames her depression for her insecurity. Before she had depression, Hyeseon was confident of herself - especially in her body. But ever since she was being attacked by netizens, Hyeseon has been going the gym and has been extremely going on a diet.
𝙎𝙆𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙎 / đ™Žđ™đ˜Œđ™đ™„đ™Žđ™đ™„đ˜Ÿđ™Ž
VOCAL: 90 / 100
DANCE: 80 / 100
RAP: 75 / 100
VISUAL: 90 / 100
CHARISMA: 85 / 100
PRODUCTION: 80 / 100
𝙑𝙄𝙊𝙇𝙀𝙏’𝙎 đ˜żđ™„đ™Žđ˜Ÿđ™Šđ™‚đ™đ˜Œđ™‹đ™ƒđ™”
VIOLET, VOL. 1 [April 2016]
VIOLET, VOL 2 [February 2017]
HER THOUGHTS [September 2017]
HER FALL [November 2017]
Violet’s father is the CEO of her previous label - MMG Agency.
Violet was only 12 years old when she became a trainee in MMG Agency.
Her father’s agency used to be a entertainment industry but it has now changed to a law firm/enforcement agency.
Violet writes her own lyrics and compose her own song.
Violet has her own band that’s called The Violeters’ Band and they decided to join Violet on her journey with JYPE.
Violet was hospitalized for more than a month as she tried to take her own life.
Violet at first rejected the idea of her being the 8th member of Got7 but she made a last minute decision agreeing to the idea.
Violet has taken a 2 year hiatus from her previous label.
đ‘œ 𝑰 đ‘¶ 𝑳 𝑬 đ‘» ’ S GALLERY
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