#so i was curious just HOW bad it was for the people in the back
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You know, I spotted the comment by @brainfugk up there and I just have to way in. "No Bad Guys Here. How do you want to enforce that."
Societies have been around for a long, long time. Oldest contiguous one is 65,000 years old.
Not a typo.
Old-timey civilized people used to complain a lot about how all the non-civilized cultures out there were savages who if they were smart would be building High and Fancy Tech. So since they didn't have it, they must be stupid, right?
The reality is that people are and have always been people and if they've got a very comfortable life set up, their turn their curious minds to social technologies, because questions of "what do you do with the people who wronged you" are hard to solve and rarely the solutions 100% last forever. Every generation often have to answer the question.
But note how I said hard, not impossible.
There are literally tales of cannibals, actual cannibals with all that implies, being let back into a culture and put in a position of power, with the caveat that they could never do cannibalism again. Why a position of power? Because the fear that if you fucked up hard enough to drive this guy back to cannibalism, you'd be first on the menu.
There are cultures where all the power is ritually taken away, as in you throw a party every year and the more given away, the more social collateral you get. Misers who hoard power last less than a couple of years because the rest of the community just stops supporting them.
Sometimes the person is put into reparations, where they have to work off their debt to the people they harmed. This is mediated by the idea that the person working off their debt could also call for justice if they were being actively abused.
But here's the fear that the MAGA are working off of: that their children will be shown a better way than their's and that's why they are turning the U.S. into a prison state.
So if it did come down to it, the focus should always be on the future. Minimize the harm another can do, which is vastly less tough than you might believe, if done humanely. And work on a better future for the people around them.
There's always a solution to something that doesn't require a horrific and inhumane ending. Sometimes getting there can be rough as all hell, but it's worth it to build up examples for the times to come.
If your goals basically amount to "after The Revolution everything will be great because people will all have the Good Ethics and work together in my Perfect System and the Evil People with Bad Morals and Bad Behaviour who are making this world bad will be gone (killed/imprisoned/exiled/all converted to agree with us when they see our Perfect System)" then that's just fascism. I hate to say it but you've put a gay socialist hat on fascism.
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Really curious about your experience taking and deciding to take finasteride. Iâm transmasc and Iâve got diffuse thinning from autoimmune/ autoimmune meds/ low dose testosterone, and would actually really love to have less body hair. I wonder how you balanced the possible side effects given that thereâs a huge contingent saying anything from âI took it for 2 weeks and now have debilitating brain fogâ to âI took it for a year and my dick shriveled up but I kept taking it and now my dick is stuck like thisâ etc.
long post
i'm not on T at the moment, the only hormone im taking is 5mg progestin/day for menstrual suppression, so idk how helpful my information will be. but here it is anyway
im taking 1mg a day finasteride, sometimes forgetting to take it, and i got mine from AllDayChemist. tthe effects i've noticed are first, that my nails are now growing annoyingly fast, but unfortunately they dont seem very strong so i have to cut or file them every couple days. this seems promising because as recently as a couple years ago i was still growing genetically long, strong nails just like my mom and my nail decline over the past couple years seems to suggest some sort of problem with them.
as for hair, i already have very long hair, and it's properly spiral curly, so determining exactly how much longer it has gotten in a period of time can be tricky, but i THINK it is also growing faster. when it's wet in the shower is when i can see where it is reaching relative to my back/hips, and it seems like it has grown back down to my tailbone very quickly since the last trim. I also see a lot of baby hairs around the observable areas on my hairline, and my widow's peak (which has always been very defined even when i was a kid, it's not a pattern baldness widow's peak) has a handful of what look like new hairs that are the appropriate length to have started growing since i started finasteride. also, and this is the biggest relief, when i brush my hair i am shedding a LOT less. like maybe 20-30% of the hair that i used to lose in my hairbrush is there now. i initially started this finasteride experiment because my shedding was getting so bad and i was noticing significant volume loss, so only seeing a fraction of the hairball size in my hairbrush as i used to is really great
naturally i neglected to take any "before" photos because im just not that organized, so my data sucks.
as for other effects.....i really havent noticed any at all. my brain fog is bad all day everyday at my baseline, so it's possible that anything finasteride is contributing is just being lost in the background noise. however, on the other hand, the obsessive self-monitoring of the sick person may also mean im in a good position to notice that kind of thing. i dont know.
i think my eyelashes are being affected positively. i forgot to take finasteride for about three days last week and noticed that i lost about six eyelashes that day, so i think they were finasteride lashes but who knows.
as for feminizing effects, like i said, i usually pluck my beard hairs (im fem-presenting rn) on about a monthly basis, and i have about four or five of them on my chin, and a peach fuzz mustache with five or six darker hairs that i shave or pluck sometimes too. since starting finasteride most of the beard hairs just havent grown in. i haven't noticed any breast tenderness or body feminization, i think i look about the same naked as i always do, so i dont think im getting any body fat redistribution either. i havent noticed any sexual effects either but i'm in a semi-asexual period at the moment anyway so im not sure how much i would notice finasteride changing that stuff anyway.
i think the online drug effects anecdotes are a valuable source of data, but that the data is generally low quality. the people reporting on what they think are side effects are extremely impressionable and also suck at noticing confounding factors, and stuff that's very personal and very psychological like erectile dysfunction are basically impossible to get good data for outside of a lab. it's one of the most vulnerable factors to placebo/nocebo effects, and erectile function declines with age anyway at about the same time people start taking finasteride, so i just dont think reddit posts are trustworthy on this topic. someone could easily have turned 35, started taking finasteride because they were losing enough hair for it to bother them (normal at that age), and then also started experiencing age-related erection decline at the same time for reasons unrelated to finasteride, and just done the human thing of associating the two unrelated events. on the other hand hormones are weird and theres every reason to expect an exogenous drug thats doing stuff to your "masculine" endogenous hormones could affect your penits. its not unrealistic at all.
drug companies bend over backwards to hide side effects that only come to light many years after a large general population is exposed to a drug. so i dont think you can discount this stuff either. i just tend to assume most of the reddit side effects are partially bad data and partially exaggerated, even as i take them seriously.
in conclusion hormones are truly weird and have unpredictable effects. i think it's probably not the case that trialing a low dose of finasteride for a few months would permanently damage you, but i cant state that with certainty because idk,. shit happens and there are edge cases for everything.
edit: i just remembered i used an epilator on my legs around the same time i started taking it. i dont have a lot of body hair normally so idk how good this data is, but i THINK my leg hair has been growing back less, and thinner, than it was before i yanked em all out. kind of hard to tell since epilators usually cause really bad ingrowns on me, i dont really have the right hair texture to be using one in the frist place. but this epilation growback SEEMS less hairy than it usually is.
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I've been trying to interrogate my own feelings re. all the sulky/jealous First shenanigans, because I haven't been able to enjoy them as much as I wanted/expected to, and (bear with me on this, I'm still trying to sort it out in my own head!) I think it comes down to the fact that First hasn't quite received the same recognition as an actor that Khao has, and I don't just mean in terms of awards/nominations, but things like JoJo's dream cast including Khaotung, Gun, Fourth (and possibly someone else?) but not First, or Khaotung more frequently getting name-dropped by other GMMTV actors. I'm not saying First never gets praised, or that he's not considered an excellent actor, but I do think that if asked to name great actors, most ppl would think of Khaotung just that millisecond before they'd think of First. And I'm sure a lot of that is down to the nature of roles they've played and how a character like Ray or a subplot like Gaipa's mum in MLC are scene stealers that - understandably and rightfully - stick in ppl's minds. So this isn't me trying to say one is better/worse than the other or that there's a gross injustice in play (though I do think First as Akk should have received much more recognition!). But with that in mind, when there's talk about future collaborations and jokes about Khaotung moving on, even though I'm sure it's 99.9% unserious on First's part, I do wonder if that 0.1%, on some level, worries about being left behind or holding Khao back, not because I think that's in any way grounded in truth or that Khao himself would ever countenance that, but just because of that wider context I mentioned in terms of their relative status in their field. And also because we know that First, however confident he is in his abilities, is also an incredibly sensitive person. I'm trying to imagine a role reversal, where the same scenario played out but with someone wanting to collaborate with First, and maybe it's just me but I can't quite picture it playing out in the same way, and not because Khaotung isn't possessive/protective of their relationship, but just because...I don't know! It feels almost like there's an unspoken agreement that of COURSE everyone wants to work with Khaotung and of COURSE he's going to go on to great things, that I just don't quite feel would be applied to First in the same scenario, which means the joke wouldn't work in the same way. Or maybe it's just that First gets teased more full-stop and I'm the one being oversensitive! I promise I'm not one of those fans who catastrophises or sees disaster/estrangement in every tiny thing, and it's not that I'm worried myself about the future of their partnership. Like I said, I was just curious about why, despite the chuckling, I was feeling slightly uneasy, and that's what I came up with! We know First is ambitious as an actor, that he takes it incredibly seriously, that he WANTS to win awards, and no matter how selfless his love for Khao is and how proud he is of him, I think it's a little naive to pretend he's never once felt anything bout the fact he's yet to receive that same recognition, especially when they're working alongside each other - that doesn't mean he's jealous of Khao, or that he's a bad person or bad friend/partner, or make his happiness for Khao's success any less genuine. So yeah, I couldn't help but wonder if, beneath all the hilarity and silliness and OTT sulking, there wasn't just a kernel of genuine insecurity. I mean, it'd be very on-brand of First to turn his actual fears and doubts into a skit starring himself as the butt of the joke - that's just classic people-pleaser with self-esteem issues behaviour, and the reason I recognise it is cos I'm one too! Sorry for rambling. Don't really know why I felt the need to word vomit all over your blog - think I was trying the whole 'name the thing then the thing no longer has any power over you' trick!
ngl, this rise in talk about fk and vibes and interactions have been bothering me since it started a couple of weeks ago and i'll adress that now for the only time bc i feel the need to, like yourself anon, let this out just so i can feel a little better. pls know that despite referring to you, i don't mean to sound mean to you in specific, anon. it's more of a general impression of what i've seen on somsomtw recently and especially. i do realize that i'll sound a bit aggressive in this, but it's nothing personal to you.
people have been complaining about fk joking about this "moving on" thing, and working with other artists for the past three days (just bc they happened to have three days in a row of events, in first's case) but they only started joking about this bc fans have been senselessly talking about them having a fight that never existed and they leaned on that. quite genuinely, in the last couple of years that i've been in this fandom, this is the first time these things took so much force. it's imperative that we, as fans recognize when they are joking for funsies and given their nature and public image, they would never ever make it obvious if they were actually having a fight or a disagreement (the fact that people have been dead set on the idea that first has a girlfriend just bc of those pictures he posted on valentine's day and taro cards just adds to the histeria me thinks).
as actors, we all must agree that both first and khaotung have been severely underutilized by gmm (by choice or bc projects weren't presented to them, both are viable options). and i completely agree with you in the sense that first especially has not received as much direct praise as khaotung has. you mentioned the possibility of first somehow feeling like he's holding khaotung back which reminded me of someone (i can't remember who, i'm sorry) saying that when they got paired up, first solo fans were pissed bc first was definitely the most known of the two and that khaotung would be the one holding first back. i think it's really naive of us to think that, with the relationship they have, we assume that instead of talking about their insecurities with each other (like we know they've done in the past when they chose to let us know) and have a mature conversation between them, they'd talk about it in front of cameras. they know they have an image and a reputation, do we really think they'd bring that up if it wasn't just for jest?
(and this is what first himself talked about in his press talk after today's event, too)
you know what bothers me a little about this "khaotung can move on to do other things talk"? so far we're only aware that he might or might not have a collaboration with other artists for lol, but besides that he has no other projects (and he didn't have any solo events this year, too, besides the qingdao fm), but first is confirmed and will start filming for my magic prophecy really soon, so honestly, in theory, shouldn't people be saying the opposite? like first is moving on to act with other people for real, it's actually happening, but there are some people who are pressed by the possibility of it happening for khaotung. and might i add too, idk if this happens with every couple, but idk where this idea of working with other people became "this is the end of their career as a cp, they are getting other partners" (not you anon, but i've seen this quite a bit around), and i don't know what kind of mental gymnastics some of you are doing to justify that. WORKING WITH OTHER PEOPLE IS GOOD. THEY ARE ACTORS. THEY NEED THE EXPOSURE AND IT'S A GOOD THING THAT THEY HAVE MORE CONTACT WITH OTHER PEOPLE! dr. karn won't have a romantic interest i don't think, but god's forbid if either first or khaotung ever get paired up with a woman (like most bl men already were like earth, tay, new, gun, off, sea, jimmy, joong, dunk, and basically everyone else), because i've never seen a fandom that likes to fragilize a relationship that has proved to be anything but fragile like some soms do.
from what they've allowed us to see, first seems like one of the most genuine and caring people ever. we can't never put our hands on fire for celebrities bc they only let us see what they want us to see, but when you have two people who are highly praised not only professionally but also personally by pretty much every one of their colleagues and bosses, you can at least get an idea of to base yourself on. i'm not saying that first might not have felt insecure about it, but i think it's disrespectful to think that we know better than them of how to navigate this situation. what benefit would it bring to them, if they were actually beefing to bring this up with media and fans?
i'm not disregarding first's feelings, i must also add. we know he wants recognition and wants to be known, that's why he's in the industry, and i hope he gets nominations as kant this year bc he deserves it so much (still baffled that he didn't get anything with akk. it is one of his most impressive performances in my opinion), but i'll say it again, they only started joking about this matter bc fans made a fuss about this first. they are just leaning on the joke and the media keeps asking about it and he keeps reassuring it is a joke but he still jokes, because people love talking about it. he wouldn't be doing that if fans didn't bring it up and p'leo commented about it on the lol press tour and they were forced to address that. joong and dunk, being gremlins and chaos bringers as they are encouraged them to lean on that pretended-jealousy thing bc that's what they do themselves. they play with the circunstancies fans create (joongdunk have the advantage here bc differently from fk who usually don't address when fans are being ridiculous, joong calls them out tho).
i find it funny that, if you're a fk fan, you must know one of the things that brought them fans in the first place besides their acting ability and chemistry is the fact that they have a extremely close and meaningful relationship (besides the intensive ghost shipping project they were on before becoming an actual pair with the ig lives and brand collaborations and despite khaotung being paired up with podd at the time, first always lurking in the corner). but people are so easy to flip and turn their actions and words into something else. for a couple you're always praising for having a close bond (we call them soulmates, don't we?), some people really think their relationship is extremely fragile to not be able to endure.
#bibs ask#Anonymous#firstkhao#firstkhaotung#first kanaphan#khaotung thanawat#also it's crazy to me that this whole thing became a discussion topic around the same time fk were acting like love sick puppies#these things always happen when they are acting their gayest#just a month ago people were convinced they were actually dating 100% sure no doubt#and now bc we don't see them posting pictures together as often there's suddenly a rift#some of you got spoiled and forgot how they usually disappear when they don't have anything to promote#and not having joong with them as closely as it was during thk filming era really messed with yall's perceptions
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Buddie AU/What Ifs?
Okay so hear me out a Buddie AU where when Buck is growing up he would beg to go live with his grandparents because they actually cared about him.
Buck would always be the happiest at his grandparents house where he was allowed to be his curious self. His grandfather would encourage him to always ask questions and to seek knowledge. His Grandmother on the other hand makes sure that Buck knows how to appreciate the arts by teaching him how to play the piano, sing and paint. But never with end goal of making Buck to be the best pianist, singer or painter she just wants her grandson to have an outlet for his emotions.
Philip and Margaret Buckley would never let Buck indulge in the arts because everytime they saw Buck do anything remotely fun all they could think about was how it should be Daniel. And although they were teachers Philip and Margaret never encouraged Buck to ask questions quite the opposite they would tell him he was being annoying. Maddie would make thing a little big better as she would let him ask her questions or they would watch documentaries together.
When Buck is around 7 years old the Buckley grandparents want to tell Buck about Daniel but Philip and Margaret don't let them. And it gets worse when Margaret manhandles Buck a little bit too rough one day leaving him with some bruises that they tell him to hide from his grandparents or else he won't be allowed to see them. But once Buck comes back they take pictures of the bruises and use it to threaten the Buckley grandparents into staying silent about Daniel.
The Buckley grandparents try to have CPS look into Philip and Margaret but when they ask Maddie if she'd seen them hit Buck she says no. And it's not like she's lying she never sees them hurt Buck but she also knows that if she says anything about what she does see that it could be worse for Buck.
Maddie is afraid that she'll loose another brother so she says no and that she doesn't think her parents are bad people. And when their parents tell them that they won't be allowed to see their grandparents again Maddie is there to pick up the pieces of Buck's heart. And when Maddie leave for College, Buck tries to run away to his grandparents house but is caught before he could reach his destination.
Years later when Maddie gives him the jeep the first place Buck goes to is his grandparents house. Where he stays there with them for a few days and that's where he learns about Daniel. They take him to Danirl grave where they finally allow him to meet his older brother. And when Buck leaves they remind him to always seek to learn and to appreciate the arts.
Buck 1.0 is still a thing but he doesn't really do the whole steal the firetruck to have sex. Hook up with someone from a call sure but only after he's off shift. Go to bars looking for a one night stand, wouldn't be Buck 1.0 if he didn't. And Abby and Buck still happen as well as the whole leaving Buck without really breaking up with him.
And now that this is all established imagine if one day the 118 is at the station eating or something and the talk about their childhood comes up and Buck just goes "yeah sometimes I wish my grandparents would have just taken me away from my parents." And Eddie goes so very still because he hasn't told Bucm how his parents tried to take Chris from and now he's not sure if Buck would side with him or his parents.
It doesn't help that a few shifts later Chimney tell Hen and Eddie that he told Maddie about what Buck said and that Maddie tells him that Buck thrived with their grandparents and that it would have been better had their parents let their grandparents take custody of Buck.
Eddie who is still struggling with his guilt of not being there for Christopher and how it was Buck who helped him get his footing. It makes the voices that sounds a lot like his parents all the more harder to ignore when they tell him he's a bad father and that he's dragging Christopher down.
Shannon coming back into the picture makes Eddie thing that if he can make it work with her then maybe he can still give Christopher the family he needs/wants. Except that Shannon asks him for a divorce and less than 24 hours later she died. And once again when he was struggling to get his footing it was Buck who helped him find his footing.
When the bombing happens and the Buckley grandparents fly out to be with Buck, Eddie watches on as Buck all but preens under their care. It's makes him sick to his stomach that maybe the universe is showing him a preview of his future.
Because what if Christopher grows up to resent Eddie for not letting his grandparents raise him and in the future when he's injured instead of calling Eddie, he calls his grandparents. What if Helena and Ramon are right and Christopher does belong with them?
That thought never leaves him. Not when his holding on to Christopher after thinking he had been lost to the tsunami or when he's telling Buck there's no one he would trust Christopher with. Those thoughts get louder and founder u til a little bit after everything with the lawsuit is resolved.
Having Buck as his support system helps Eddie block those thoughts. Until the talk about their childhood is brought up again and Eddie can't contain it anymore. He finally breaks and tells Buck about how his parents thing Chris would be better off with them and how Buck probably agrees. And Buck just sits there looking at Eddie with so much pain and sadness until Eddie tells him to say something.
"Eddie, my parents were emotionally abusive towards me because they only saw the ghost of the son I failed to save. All I ever was to them was spare parts that turned out to be defective. And if it weren't for my grandparents and Maddie I don't know and I would be here with you right now. But Eddie none of that means that I would ever agree with Helena and Ramon. Christopher is so lucky to have you as a dad Eddie."
Hearing Buck say that he doesn't agree with Helena and Ramon had Eddie feeling like he could finally breath. And it made him realized that the reason why he never can bring himself to date anyone else is because the person he been looking for had been infront of him this hold time. Eddie doesn't kiss Buck, no he instead let's Buck pull him into a hug as he just let's himself feel. But had he kissed Buck he would have found that his feelings were reciprocated.
It wouldn't be until after Eddie is shot that they would get their act together and just kiss.
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1 Year anniversary of Boonboomger episode 1 premiere, The series that I never had any single thought that I gonna love them that much when I saw them at first

This time of last year, My life was pretty good. I enjoy my multifandom fangirl life as always, Taking with local friends, Discussing with western friends on discord, Playing some games, Building gunpla, It was a normal life but good. For tokusatsu that I love (and usually have a main focus on Kamen Rider) for more than 10 years now, I was on the hype train of Kamen Rider Blade 20th anniversary event. It was so happy that my favorite series had a spotlight again and still love by the communities. But in fact, I was pretty much on a faraway position from toku fandom since a long while now. I knew that Kingohger was a peak (I have some goods too) And Gotchard came to the half of series. But that time I was too faraway to ride on the hype train. Maybe because toku fandom wasn't my main focus fandom like I used to be. I was just enjoy some information about them when it come to my timeline and go to check if something fun happen.

When I heard a news about Boonboomger at first. I laughed a little from how funny the name is and made fun a little. Like Boom Shakalaka or Boom-Boom Shake (I'm in D4DJ fandom too). After I made a joke, I went back to my main focus fandom again because I thought "Well, Nothing gonna change. Know some news and look at them from far place like always. And my focus in toku fandom are usually Kamen Rider anyway" And when they appeared officially, People laughed at them because how funny the tire heads are. I was surprised too. Yeah... It was crazy design. But I always think that design isn't the most important thing. The story are. So I was waiting for the next information. Then February 18th, The cast revealed. I giggled again, For the third time. Because how the character name are too literally car-related names. Tire, Chassis, Mirror, Lock, Work site. But yeah... Still a normal thing in anime or media that sometimes the character names will bring from something that match the theme of story. So I was like... Okay lol. But the casts visual are so good. I admit.

Finally, First episode premiere. I looked at them from faraway position as usual. I knew that people still so impressed of how Kingohger was that much epic. So I assumed that Boonboomger that go back to simple way might not able to catch their attention that much at first... Or maybe not? How Sentai decided to go back to simple way after all of the craziness for many years might be a good thing, Let us rest for something more simple like a good old days. And after I checked a feedbacks, I was surprised and happy that how the audience like them after many laughs on them. Well, Simpleness aren't bad thing at all. But I will end up just checking on them from faraway again, right? Well, On the same day production blog was update too. As I checked a feedback from audience on Twitter, One tweet that captured one part of that blog caught my attention and it tickled my curiosity. That sentenced said that the blue "loves" (大弽ă) the red. Since I'm also long time fujoshi for many years that have lots of ships in toku fandom too, I was wonder a lot. Why they put that word so blatantly? Normally about shipping in toku, Just put something like have a strong bond, Strong interesting on other, Or trust that person a lot, is enough to gain an attention from fujoshis. But "Love" Huh??? This caught me off guard. I was like "Well, I'll keep check on them because I'm so curious right now"

So, I went back to main fandom like I always do. But keep checking on Twitter and Facebook every week after the on-aired. I found that they really keep caught me off guard. Outside of how normal but fun to watch story. The dynamics of the characters that interesting. And as my curiousness was on that certain blue boy, It kept escalated lmao. The "Unfair", "Trust your judgement", "Don't leave me behind" all of them came after the word "love" on production blog. They caught my attention and won't let me go because my fujoshi sense was tingling so bad. And his character settings have lots of my favorite tropes too. That time I still thought that "My interesting on them might be not that hard". But then, My local friend that I knew for many years but didn't talk to each other that much for years started addict to Boonboomger. She drew lots of BBG fanart. And of course since she's fujoshi like me, She drew fanarts and spicy fanarts of red and blue too. And those fanart kept come into my timeline. Lots of male friends joking about them too. Everything was too perfect for me to... Maybe comeback to toku fandom again? One day on May, That local friend decided to make a first Tiremeter doujishi. And when I saw that announcement, Even though that time my interesting still wasn't on the super high level, But I was like "I have to get one!" So I DMs to her since many years. We reconnected from the love for them. And then after that for a bit while the plushies was on sale and I decided to bought it. That time I was like "Well, Point of no return for me. Maybe I love them now."

I went to Japan for Kamen Rider Blade 20th anniversary event on August, But I enjoyed Boonboomger stuffs too like watched the on-air real time, Went to eat at Sentai Restaurant and buy some merches. After that I checked on the latest episode every week and enjoy the overall aspect of the series. The lovable characters, The simple but fun story. And they lit my fire to back to toku fandom for real since that time current main fandoms was on stable (and had too little things to enjoy) status. So yes, Toku fandom became the main fandom again since many years. And after that Gavv was able to caught my attention from the design and how cute Gocizos are too so, Fever time! I connected to lots of friends who have the same interest. Even in JP communities too. Since that local friend help me (or drag me) to this rabbit hole, I have to help her access to JP communities to buying doujinshi too. And with our power, It was successful (But our wallet are completely defeated)

The fire that Boonboomger lit inside me wasn't only the feeling of excitement since long time, But my development and improvement too. I already got lots of confident boost about my drawing from previous fandom. When I saw my friend made a second doujinshi, I said to her that I wanna join drawing the extra pages too. That was a first time in my life that I could break the limit of my drawing and the old thought of "My work will never be able to sell" and I was so proud when I saw my arts as a form of doujinshi in my hand even though it was just an extra pages. After that my will to improve my art skill became stronger and I keep on going until now. I even think about what if I revive my fiction writing skill that I left it dead for 8 years too? Well... Maybe. And another one is... Yep, Me came back to Tumblr because I wanna yap about my bois! This maybe a little improvement of my English skills.

I, Who usually mainly attract to Kamen Rider and enjoying Super Sentai from a bit far away compared to Rider (I grew up watching early Heisei Rider before knowing Sentai for a pretty long while so), Finally found Sentai series that I really love, Found actual oshi that I stan a lot, Found OTP that made me excited and brainrot so damn bad since Build. (As I said before that I'd never into toku ships that hard since the best match bois) Found the 3rd IRL person that I stan a lot since last time that was 10 years ago. And I feel really thankful to meet them and everyone that came to my life because of them.
I'm a person who have to take lots of time to like something a lot. But if I really into that thing I'll keep into it and never change. Since my fever time on Boonboomger still strong so maybe I need lots of time to find another series that made me crazy like this again. I don't know if Gozyuger gonna be another wave of my craziness again or not since I need a time to know them a little. But I think I'll enjoy a new series from a little faraway position like always. And I'll never forget how Boonboomger changed some parts of my life. Because a fire of passion inside me already lit.
I'm really glad to meet you guys, Tire person.
#bakuage sentai boonboomger#boonboomger#super sentai#tokusatsu#my post#appreciation post#1st year anniversary
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Trauma bonding over that mcr concert is my favorite way of socializing
#jesus christ#'WORST experience of my life'#I wanted to ask him about that concert for ages now but always was too shy because i didn't know him well#i just knew he went to the same concert as we did and i knew he didn't even have front of stage tickets#so i was curious just HOW bad it was for the people in the back#boy i would have cried if we had been further back#it was sad in the front i can't imagine it being worse even though i know it was SO much worse#'i couldn't even watch my videos because i was so sad'#one of the saddest things anyone's ever said to me#anyway#if i wasn't so socially incompetent i think we could be friends because he's cool#but I'm too introverted to make any attempt to connect more#but we share the same music taste and we were also crying over how we couldn't see fob in autumn because we'll be in korea#so much fun#void screams#people were amused by our mcr outrage#understandable#BUT IF THEY HAD BEEN THERE THEY'D UNDERSTAND IT'S ABSOLUTELY JUSTIFIED!!
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I gotta blabber for a sec about how much I appreciate how unique and SO not-simple of an antagonist Olrox is.
like he's introduced as the Vampire Who Kills Richter's Mom, and it was a straight-up murder. Like he fully sought her out, she was in the process of sending her kid overseas most likely because she knew he was coming - even before we fully get Olrox's side of the context, we can tell that shit was personal. Right down to the vivid green eyes, he's giving weirdly chill disney villain vibes. But the entire rest of the show? He's the dude in the bad guy car of the villain train just sitting and judging (OH is he judging) every other person there.
Olrox tracking down and killing Julia Belmont is the most confrontational we ever see him get. Every other scene he's in? He's watching, assessing, sometimes philosophizing, and eventually pulling his own chess moves, but fighting? Rarely! And the additional context of his character makes him even more fascinating!!
Olrox is really one of the only vampires in both Castlevania and C: Nocturne that seems to hold onto a connection to a human's life - even after he's no longer one. He reminisces to Mizrak about being a human during the fall of the Aztec Empire, he chooses to spend his time more like a human than any vamp since Lisa sent Dracula traveling like a human way back when.
Homeboy crossed the Atlantic by fucking ship, at a time when the trip took literal weeks and weeks and he can't even leave his quarters except at nighttime (granted, idk if he *has* a faster way to cross the ocean but it kinda seems like he'd do the ship trip anyways) he chooses to rent a room at an inn instead of staying at the chateau (and boink a cute human in said room, cough cough), and really seems to avoid other vampires - although I'm not sure if that's cuz he just doesn't vibe with 'em in general, or because he really doesn't vibe with the current hot vampire philosophy of the century, which seems to be very heavy-handled colonialism + elitism
I kinda wouldn't be surprised if it's both honestly - given that the only other vampire we meet besides him who spent time in the americas/new world was a literal plantation owning slaver (and unless I misremember, Annette says there were multiple vampires among the rich in St. Domingue), it seems pretty likely to me that whoever turned him was probably a vamp who had a direct hand in the downfall of his nation - coming to the New World specifically for conquest and to seize resources seems like it would be hella appealing for vampires. It would make a LOT of sense for Olrox's standoffish behavior around the other vamps to go back to him having been turned by someone very similar to them, who was probably not just an enemy to him, but part of this massive wave of destructive change in his human life.
like he really gives an impression of actively disliking and withdrawing from every other villain's motivation in this show - and it makes a lot of sense if my speculating is even a little bit close. The vampire's goals in Nocturne would be very nearly the same thing that drove the fall of the Aztec Empire - desire for power and control, justified by some """""natural order"""" hierarchy which really just boils down to 'we want all of this and we're going to indulge in making up a dramatic jerk-off reason why we're entitled to it, since you can't stop us taking it anyways and we've got time'
Dude seems to make little effort to be vampire-like - we rarely see him revel in his power like many other vampires do, as well as seeing him nonchalantly rubbing elbows with humans. He speaks fondly of a man he loved, who he fell for while said guy was still human, TO the other human he is currently crushing on! And I do mean crush, like he doesn't react to or treat Mizrak like a plaything, almost every time we get an Olrox lore-drop it's because he's talking to Mizrak sincerely about things that matter to him. He LIKE-likes this human, to the point of jumping directly into a fight to whisk Le Crush to safety in front of a vampire so powerful he won't directly oppose her! Absolutely fascinating behavior all around.
MAN but I want to see some flashbacks from this guy - as far as we know, vampirism is completely an Old World thing - Europe, Asia, Africa, every other vampire we've seen in both Castlevania shows has been from these continents. Were there even any vamps there at all before europeans landed on the shores of the americas???? I mean, I've heard of one of the old religions in mesoamerica having a suspiciously vampirelike god, but how would that connect to Olrox getting vampirized as a 30ish Aztec man?
MAN OH MAN but I am looking forward to seeing what Olrox gets up to in s2 -I'm burning to know if he's gonna survive the series or not, because despite him being the first villain we meet in Nocturne and doing a deed that usually gets villains the 'karmic death' ending, overall he's not really being written like a bad guy the audience wants to see go down. especially since he's not actually in opposition to our protagonists and has a vested interest in keeping one of Team Good Guys newer members alive. My guess is he's either going to get a similar ending to Isaac, a villain that we root for who actually catches a break and doesn't die, ooorrrrrrrr he's gonna get a Highly Tragic sort of death
#oh wiki says camazotz is from mayan mythology so i have connected no dots actually#although it also says in mesoamerica general bats are associated with death night and sacrifice which DOES sound very vampire-y#olrox#castlevania olrox#castlevania nocturne#castlevania#mizrak#mizrox#FASCINATED by him having (seemingly) turned his old love into a vamp without consent#but when mizrak (whom he is claiming he's NOT in love with) yells at him to let him get back to the final fight godammit#he just ends up watching him go with literal tears in his eyes#ruh roh someone's in WUV DAAAWWWW#MAN but I would pay good money to see Olrox interact with Dracula - the two confirmed vamps we know of who were Down Bad for a human#Dracula would probably be like âMy wife is a cooler human than ur boytoyâ (and he'd be right)#Mizrak was on the anti-reason/rationality + Protect Churches Not People bandwagon with Abbott Jerkface#he gets the 'not as much of a jerk as you coulda been' award for getting his priorities straight in the last 2 episodes#meanwhile Lisa Tepes literally banged on The Impaler's door and demanded to be taught medicine to use reason and education to help people#im very curious to know what Olrox might think of Dracula's reaction/actions to Lisa's murder#but im DYING to know how he and Alucard might interact this season
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Sorry if this seems confrontational, but for the life of me I canât get into your âChloe has no growthâ point when the show itself retracts growth from everyone and is inconsistent with everyone. You saying âThe show just lays down basic character traits in Chloeâ doesnât make sense when her basic character traits are supposed to be her being selfish and spoiled.
S2 built off of that and despite what you say, had Chloe doing things that in S1 she wouldnât have done. She apologized multiple times to the people she wronged, she willingly put herself in harmâs way to help the people she cares about and she was openly vulnerable to Ladybug in âMalidiktaorâ. Something S1 Chloe wouldnât have done. If thereâs a distinct difference between a Chloe back in S1 and a Chloe in S2, then growth HAS taken place. But it doesnât stay because of the formula (and the writers just donât want her to keep that growth)
So what Iâm asking isâŚwhat do you mean âChloe doesnât have growthâ?
I can understand the âNo arcâ argument because an unfinished arc feels like thereâs no arc at all (even though they are fundamentally not the same)
I wouldn't say that the show retracts growth from everyone. It's more that no one is ever supposed to grow. Every episode resets the cast. That's just how pure formula shows work and Miraculous is being sold as a pure formula show. The characters are meant to be static (one of the writers literally compared Miraculous to Dora the Explorer).
That static nature is why pure formula shows normally avoid giving their good-guy characters major flaws. It's the wrong medium for that type of thing specifically because the characters cannot change in meaningful ways throughout the show. They can learn little lessons that don't really change them and maybe have big change between seasons via a special or movie, but that's about it. Thus things like the season four conflict working so poorly. It's just a terrible choice for a formula show! The conflict is literally not allowed to develop properly because of the chosen format.
But sure, let's talk about Chloe and why I will die on the hill that she never demonstrated meaningful improvement even with the issue of the inconstant writing. In fact, seasons-one-to-three Chloe is one of the most consistent characters in the show. For this discussion to work, we need to start off by discussing character development and the two main forms it can take: character establishment and character growth.
Character Establishment
When the audience meets a character, they know nothing about said character. It's up to the writer to guide the introduction process. To choose when to reveal already existing elements of the character's personality, skills, and backstory. This is called character establishment. It is the writing telling you who the character is on a baseline level. Those reveals don't need to happen at the start of the story, though. They can be - and often are - held back for when the time is right.
When these reveals are delayed, it's important to remember that these elements were always part of the character. The reveal isn't changing who the character actually is. It's just changing how the audience views the character.
For example, we spend a good chunk of season one uncertain why Gabriel is doing what he does. Then, in Origins, we learn that it's all for Emilie. This is new information that adds depth to Gabriel's character, but it doesn't change him in any way. This is who he always was. We just know him better now and can recontextualize past events with our new understanding of his motivation.
Character Growth
Character growth is when writers take a character's personality or world view or even just their skills from point A to point B, allowing the audience to watch the character change and become a new better - or lesser - version of themself. This is usually part of a larger character arc where all the moments of growth add up, but it can take the form of small moments of growth that don't fit into a bigger picture, too. I'd probably still call that an arc, but we'll use the word "growth" a lot in this post, so let's just call it growth to be consistent.
Miraculous doesn't really have either arcs or growth because - once again - formula shows don't allow characters to meaningfully change, so I'm going to have to make up an example here. I'll use one that illustrates how character establishment and character growth can and do intertwine as that's an important thing to acknowledge to help guide this discussion.
Let's say that we have a character who lost their family at a young age. We'll call this character Mary. Mary's loss guides her character throughout the entire story, but the other characters and the audience are never told that this is what's going on. We just know that Mary acts in seemingly illogical ways at times and that she trusts no one.
Throughout the story, Mary learns to trust her costars, leading to a big, dramatic scene where she finally tells them - and the audience - about her past. This big dramatic scene is both the culmination of a character arc and a piece of baseline character establishment that allows us to understand Mary's character better no matter what part of the story we're reading.
Because these combo growth and establishment moments are so common in stories, it can feel like character growth when we learn new things about a character in a dramatic moment, but that's not always what's happening. Sometimes dramatic moments are just there to reveal what was always there by forcing a character to act differently than they usually do through the power of extenuating circumstances. These extenuating-circumstances moments are not character growth because, once the moment is over, the character resets to their normal self. The moment wasn't there to let them grow. It was there for the sake of the plot.
This is actually a really important thing that writers need to know how to do. Figuring out what circumstances will make a character say or do a thing they generally wouldn't say or do is part of how stories work. I have started stories with characters acting wildly "out of character" because I put them in the a situation where the behavior suddenly was in character!
Oh, you don't want to talk to this total stranger because you're an introvert with social anxiety who has yet to learn how to love yourself and open up to others? That's nice. Your leg is broken now and you're stuck in the middle of nowhere. What you gonna do sucker? Lie there in the dirt or talk to the nice lady who wants to help you? Your choice! (Spoiler: he talked to the nice lady. He even let her physically support him when he'd usually never let a stranger touch him!)
As soon as that scene was over, the character reverted because it wasn't growth. He didn't become a more open person. He just did something he normally wouldn't do because the situation demanded it. It was extenuating circumstances so that the freaking plot could start.
This is what happened with Chloe in season two. Everything that people call growth is really just extenuating circumstances that reset by the end of the episode or even by the end of the scene.
Let's Talk About Chloe
Chloe does not have a character arc, aborted or otherwise. She is never taken on a journey where we watch her change. All we get is delayed character establishment via extenuating circumstances, but it's given in ways that make some people feel like she was being given an arc. Let's talk about why that is.
Season one Chloe is a one dimensional mean girl. She has almost no depth. She's just here to be petty and cause akumas. She is not a fully realized character.
Season two takes those traits and keeps them, but also gives Chloe a lot more depth to round her out and make her feel like a real character. She's just as petty and mean as she always was, but we're finally allowed to see her in some moments that make her feel like a well of potential to become something more, which the writers basically had to do if they wanted to let her be a hero. The audience needed to feel like Chloe could be good in the right situation.
The feelings evoked by her newly discovered depth are why people go "oh, she had a character arc! My feelings about her changed in a big way!" But she didn't have an arc. You just got to know her better by seeing her in moments where she was forced to be vulnerable. That's not growth. Growth is meaningful, lasting change, not situational change. Everyone changes based on the situation! It's why the "True Selves" stuff is such nonsense. It implies that there's one set way that we're supposed to act in order to be authentic and anything else is some kind of lie which just isn't how the world works.
Let's look at some examples to drive home what I mean.
Season one established that Chloe idolized Ladybug. It's why we get things like this moment from Evil Illustrator:
Ladybug: Fine! You stay! Later! Cat Noir: What do you mean later? Ladybug: I mean, you're the one who wants to protect her, so you don't need me. So, later! (swings away) ChloÊ:(looks over balcony) Ahhh! Ladybug! Text me! OK!
And this confession from Antibug:
Ladybug:Â [Chloe] pretended she was me?! How often does that happen? Armand:Â She idolizes you.
So Chloe adores Ladybug and wants to impress her/be her best friend. Cool. Got it. That never goes anywhere in season one because season one doesn't see Chloe and Ladybug interact much. The most we get is Ladybug saving Chloe from akumas, which doesn't allow for deep conversations. I don't think that they're ever alone in a moment where they can actually talk.
That changes in season two. In season two, they get to interact a lot and it's often in moments where there's a big threat and no one else is around, letting us see a new side to Chloe. But that's not Chloe changing. It's just the writers revealing that Chloe has more to her than the mean girl stuff because of course she does! Pure mean girls don't exist. Everyone has depth. We simply never saw that depth before because Chloe was never put in a situation where she needed to be open. We can't say that season one Chloe wouldn't confess things to Ladybug or chose to sacrifice herself to let Ladybug win because she never had the chance to do those things!
In fact, I'd go so far as to argue that season one Chloe probably would have done the same things as season two Chloe because season two Chloe doesn't really contradict season one Chloe. Antibug showed us that Chloe was pretty desperate to be loved and welcomed the way that Ladybug is loved and welcomed:
ChloÊ: Jagged Stone! Jagged: (thinking she's the actual Ladybug) Ladybug! What are you doing here? ChloÊ: Um⌠when I find out you were here, I knew you'd wanna see me! I had to come say hello. (Sabrina waves at Jagged)
and Chloe has always been a stubborn girl who stands up for what she wants even if what she wants is something bad. Antibug also showed us that Chloe can be genuinely nice to the people she cares about. Her and Sabrina's relationship is shown to be complex with them often having a lot of fun together.
Similarly, Origins sees Chloe showing her father genuine affection after she's saved from Stoneheart:
[Image description: Chloe and Andre hugging and looking very happy to be together]
Origins is the baseline episode that tells us who the characters are on day one, so I never once doubted that Chloe loved Andre, but Andre didn't get akumatized because of Chloe's actions in season one. He didn't even get akumatized for something that Chloe had nothing to do with! His first akumatization is in season two, so it's not shocking that we don't get a Malidiktaor type scene until Malidiktaor.
Chloe was vulnerable with her personal hero when her beloved parent was in danger, but not before? Shocking! Who would have guessed?
Me. I would have guessed. I didn't even realize that people were reading it as some sort of character growth because it clearly wasn't. Malidiktaor didn't feel like something new for Chloe's character. It just felt like the writers were leaning into things that we'd always known about Chloe and using them to better establish her character as someone who genuinely cares about select people. She just doesn't show most of the time.
The same thing goes for Chloe's sacrifice and apology in Zombizou. Chloe only sacrifices herself when there's no one left but her and Ladybug. When the choice is to let the terrorist win or take the hit and let you personal hero save the day. Brave? Sure, but also not growth. Chloe is team Ladybug for all of seasons one, two, and three! She wants Ladybug to like her! Plus even a petty brat can have moments of goodness where they pick a hero over a literal terrorist.
This honestly would have been a damming moment if Chloe didn't sacrifice herself. She functionally had no other choice here. The entire episode builds itself to the self-sacrifice moment so that Chloe is forced to make that choice even though she's been her petty bratty self throughout the whole attack. It's genuinely solid writing.
Then, in the heightened emotions directly after the Zombizou win, we get this:
Miss Bustier: But I hurt a lot of people... ChloÊ: No... I did... I forgot your birthday, once again. And when I saw everyone had prepared a gift for you, I totally lost it. Because I, too, would've liked to offer you something. I'm sorry, Miss Bustier. Miss Bustier: Thank you, ChloÊ. Those words are the best possible gift you could ever give me. (hugs ChloÊ) (ChloÊ hugs her back, forgetting herself for a moment.) ChloÊ: Huh?... Uh, yeah. Okay then, we're all good.
A brief moment of vulnerability that quickly ends and does not stick around because Chloe's change was situational, not true growth. The next scene of that episode starts with Chloe being her usual self:
ChloÊ: Me? You want me to apologize to the entire class? Ridiculous! They should be thanking me for saving everybody.
And ends with the reveal of Chloe's gift to Miss Bustier, which was given in private via a note.
Once again, nothing new for Chloe's character. She acts as she always has, being mean to everyone while having moments of vulnerability when things get tense. Remember that hug between her and her father that we talked about earlier? Same concept. She had just almost died from an akuma attack and so she needed some emotional support, leading her to act more openly loving than she usually does when he's around. Once the moment is over, she reverts to the petty mean girl default.
Giving gifts to placate people is also something that we've seen before. A pretty similar thing happens at the end of Evil Illustrator, it's just played less sympathetic towards Chloe because the writers weren't giving her depth back then:
Sabrina:Â Too late. ChloĂŠ and I are doing the project together. Marinette:Â You mean, you're doing the project? Sabrina:Â Well, of course! After all she's been through... Marinette:Â Ughhh.... Nice new beret, by the way. Sabrina:Â I know, right! ChloĂŠ lent it to me. She really is my BFF! ChloĂŠ! Your geography homework's ready!
For any of this to be character growth, we need to see Chloe act differently over time. For her to be put in similar situations and get different outcomes, but we don't see that in part because Chloe didn't change and in part because season one didn't do much to develop Chloe's deeper side. We rarely see her alone or in moments of extreme vulnerability, but you need those moments to show her depth. That's why Despair Bear had Chloe crying alone after Adrien threatened to end her friendship and not before. Chloe is very reluctant to openly show depth. You have to force it out of her, which perfectly fits the character we met in season one.
Even her standing up to Hawkmoth and rejecting the akuma isn't character growth in my opinion. Chloe has always stood up to authority and demanded whatever she wants. She has wanted to be Ladybug's friend and be seen as a hero since season one, so it's not shocking that her extremely strong will would allow her to defy a terrorist. If there is anyone in this show who can stand up to a terrorist on shear "no!" power alone, it's little miss I-always-get-what-I-want. I could see a variation of this happening at any point in the show, just change Chloe's reason for defying Gabriel to match the situation. Rework these lines to be about a party that she wanted to go to and I'd still totally buy it:
ChloÊ: No, Hawk Moth! I am a superheroine! I am Queen Bee! Ladybug will come and get me when she needs me! I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU! (throws her photo onto the ground as the akuma exits it... and pants)
Chloe acted like a hero here because she wants all the perks of being a hero and can't believe that Ladybug would actually bench her. That's impossible! Ladybug wouldn't do that!
As soon as Chloe accepts that she won't be a hero again, Chloe stops acting heroic because acting heroic wasn't growth. It was her playing a part the same way she played a part in Despair Bear. She was doing what she needed to do to be Queen Bee again and not because it's the right thing to do. This would only be real growth if she rejected the akuma after accepting that she wouldn't be Queen Bee again, but that's not what happens. As soon as she accepts that she's out, she no longer has any reason to play nice. She never grew into a character who did what's right for the sake of doing the right thing. It's always been about getting what she wants or being seen how she wants to be seen. Until that changes, she hasn't changed.
So no, Chloe didn't have an aborted arc. They didn't start to redeem her and then change their minds. All they did was make Chloe one of the most complex characters in the show only to then not do anything with the character they wasted our time establishing, ignoring the complexity they gave her while also cranking her mean dial up to the point of absurdity where she's not even fun in her original role anymore.
I get why it feels like she had an aborted arc. The fact that the character establishment was delayed makes it feel like something shiny and new about Chloe. There's also the fact that the character establishment we get in season two is the kind of character establishment that you'd do if you were setting up for a redemption arc, but that doesn't change the fact that it was all establishment work. None of it was a true arc where we watched Chloe grow. We just saw her put in situations that revealed hidden depths.
Her showing depth is not her growing because when in the world does she show off this supposed growth? She only acts differently in the type of scenes that we've never seen her in before or around characters that we've never seen her truly interact with before. When she's around the established teen characters or in her usual scenes, then she acts the same way that she always has. We never see her be genuinely nice to Marinette or something like that. She's only nice to Ladybug and she's still rude to Chat Noir. That's not character growth! That's character establishment that can then be used to guide character growth!
Same thing goes for the stuff in Despair Bear. We learn that Adrien can push Chloe to be better, but he never does it again and she reverts as soon as he lets her off the hook, so it wasn't character growth! It was just Chloe establishing that she can play nice when she needs to. This means that she could grow if the story chose to take her down that path because we've established that she knows what being nice looks like. Fake it til you make it plot go, go, go! But the plot never went, went, went so meh?
Add in the fact that season one was a bit of a test season with lots of elements that got dropped and the fact that characterization in this show has always been wildly inconsistent from episode to episode and I'm really not seeing a strong argument for Chloe having an intentional arc that somehow got aborted. People just saw the potential for her to have one and argue that potential is the same as an aborted arc when it really, really isn't.
To give an analogy, Chloe's story is like walking into the kitchen and seeing grandma laying out the ingredients for her famous chocolate chip cookies. We get excited because, hey, cookies! Then we come back an hour later and there are no cookies. Nor is there some other sweet that uses the same ingredients. There's just ingredients, sitting unused in their original packaging, making us wonder what the heck grandma was up to. At the same time, she never really started making cookies. She just set out ingredients. They're still there, totally unused, waiting to be made into something, so we can't call them a failed cookie attempt. That implies a level of commitment that was never there. She didn't even say that she was making cookies! We just assumed she was because we, understandably, wanted cookies and wanted to believe that grandma had a purpose to her actions.
#ml writing critical#ml writing salt#chloe deserves better#I did initially think that they were going to redeem Chloe#But they only ever did the initial setup work#They never committed to anything#In fact I though Queen Bee's intro was the writers saying that she wouldn't be redeemed#And that the hero Chloe thing was just a fakeout to make people watch season two#Which is still what I think Queen Bee was#The writers love cheap fakeouts like ending a season on a mass reveal that then goes nowhere#Chloe's writing is par for the course and not anything especially bad compared to the rest of the show#Queen Bee was just an excuse to make you keep watching#Chloe was never getting redeemed or even properly damned#Is that deeply frustrating? Yes#But it's also the most logical read of her story with strong backing in the text itself#I'm not a fan of the conspiracy theories about the writers sabotaging her on purpose#That's just not how this goes#Sorry to disappoint but occam's razor applies to writing too#Bad writing is just infinitely more logical than a bunch of writers purposefully risking their careers to get back at online randos#Chloe stans are just not that important or influential#I can point to so many shows where people came up with insane theories to justify the bad writing and it's just...#I get the desire for complex reasons to explain why a thing you loved failed you but that's just not a logical conclusion in most situation#Nor is it all that healthy to go down those conspiracy rabbit holes. That's just going to damage your mental health#Curious to see the reaction to this one#Remember we're talking about fiction here and play nice please#Formula show problems
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actually it's kind of funny how people will say Alex's fatal flaw is that he 'doesn't ask for help' and that it's his determination to handle things on his own that leads to his deterioration and eventual death when his whole introduction to the present-day timeline was a very literal cry for help that simply went ignored
#N posts stuff#like even if you think alex was lying throughout the entirety of season 2 and he was waiting from the Moment jay showed up#JUST to kill him (Which again i don't think makes much sense when he could have killed Tim & Jay immediately instead of#breaking Tim's leg. anyway) EVEN IF alex spent that whole time lying it doesn't actually change the fact that he would have at least#been Pretending to Ask For Help and if he wasn't lying then he was Literally Asking For Help and it doesn't Actually matter#what intention Alex had because the text is Ambiguous about Alex's honesty during season two; what isn't ambiguous is the way#other characters (specifically Jay) respond to him; like yeah - S2 Brian/Tim were never in one million years going to help Alex with shit#so sort of any argument that brings up Tim as someone who asks for/offers help is borderline meaningless in this era of the series#Jay had the 'opportunity' to help Alex (and i'll get back to that in a sec) but DIDN'T - Jay wasn't Interested in actually offering Alex#'help' bc Jay is ultimately curious about Answers and 'Offering Help' and 'Getting Answers' are two Wildly conflicting goals#Jay thinks Alex has answers and when Alex doesn't Offer these 'Answers' to Jay on a silver platter Jay gets pissed off and paranoid#and starts Stalking Alex bc he thinks it's 'Suspicious' that Alex won't give him the Answers (that Alex probably doesn't Actually have)#ANYWAY. ultimately this post is about how it's absurd when people argue#that individual character choices could have made a difference in the way this series played out - specifically wrt Alex#because EVERYONE in this WHOLE series are being affected by influences outside of their control ; including Brian Tim and Jay#so it's silly when people are like 'if ALEX had just made a different choice For Himself this could have all been avoided' WRONG.#bc Ultimately there's not really a way to 'help' someone else out of this situation - Tim tried and failed Repeatedly#the comics proved he even failed with Jessica - like MH isn't a horror situation where you can kill the big bad#'getting help' is a meaningless argument - what would successfully helping or getting help even look like? anyway.#the sub argument of this post is that Alex's biggest 'sin' is that he doesn't perform emotions the way other people want him to#like Alex is a character with a kind of flat affect - instead of LOOKING scared or grieved he LOOKS bored or angry#and everyone judges him based on that - so Alex is 'Suspicious' he's 'Lying' he's 'Guilty' but all of these deductions are predicated#on the belief that Alex isn't reacting to his circumstances the way a 'Normal' person would - so it MUST all be an act and so he's guilty#so everyone treats him like he's guilty until the end of season two when he's like 'Fuck it FINE i'll be guilty then' and so it goes#not a self-fulfilled prophecy but being Cornered Into a prophecy and then Blamed for it - SAD. anyway
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maaaaaaaaaaan. ridiculous to be calling DBD "pathetic" because it couldn't get licensing for various final girls. as if it hasn't always been because of some bullshit on the end of the copyright holders. fuck, we would have gotten more material from Hellraiser, had it not been for the copyright holders. we lost Stranger Things temporarily because of the copyright holders being out of touch with fans and greedy. Ghostface exists in the game because luckily, the character of Ghostface isn't actually owned by Big Bad Viacrap.
also like. DBD isn't Fork Knife. it's just not. and if I'm not mistaken-- it's not like Fork Knife has any horror character that DBD doesn't, apart from Eleven and Hopper. Eleven could never be in the game anyway, because any character added has to be over 18/a legal adult (for legal reasons). and we have Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan instead. It makes much more sense that they chose those characters for the game, as this followed S2, which made Steve one of the most popular characters from the show. so much so that he can even contend with Eleven in popularity.
and let's not downplay the fact that DBD does have other, very, very impressive licenses in it. such as Silent Hill. that was the first big thing Konami let happen with the ip in YEARS. Resident Evil was...HUGE. Wesker's chapter brought in an unprecedented number of players and anyone who played survivor at that time knows that for WEEKS, all you would get was Wesker after Wesker. We have Chucky and Tiffany, voiced by their original VAs. Sadako from the original Japanese Ringu, not the American version of the same concept! You can play as the Xenomorph, and the Xenomorph Queen! Vecna, from D&D is a killer, and he is voiced by Mr. Matt Mercer! We have Ash Williams, Alan Wake, Leon. S. Kennedy, Cheryl Mason, and very soon Lara Croft! and then After her-- we are getting Castlevania!! So there is no shortage of incredible of characters from horror that are in this game, and it's disrespectful to act like the people who work on this game don't care enough about it to try their fucking hardest to give fans the best possible licensed chapter dlcs they can. it's not their fault if the copyright holders want something different.
Besides, I think it's gross to suggest that DBD doesn't have a claim to the title of "Horror Hall of Fame" just because it doesn't have specific licensed characters in it. what about all the amazing original characters that the game has? do those suddenly not count, just because they do not include super well-known characters from popular old horror movies? A lot of these popular old horror movies don't include/don't give much of a spotlight to people of colour, so the original chapters often give the devs the room to add diversity to DBD's cast of characters, whereas a license might have otherwise not allowed it. and many of these original characters even have nods to existing horror media, like the End Transmission chapter drawing inspiration from both the horror-survival game SOMA, and the sci-fi horror movie/comic book Virus. Does the hard work that the many talented members of the DBD team put into making this original chapter, among many others, mean nothing, just because Sidney Prescott or Sally Hardesty aren't in the fucking game? I should hope the fuck not.
#dbd#thoughts about media#I just wanted to see if there were any updates about the timeline for the cosmetic contest!#or if there was going to be an extension for the anniversary event!#but I was tempted with the âthis post is from an account you blockedâ#normally I wouldn't click this. but it's DBD. and well I was curious who it could have been from.#hilariously enough this person wasn't blocked for previous bad takes about the game.#I'm pretty sure this is the same person who made an awful ST tweet and then rescinded it upon being corrected.#like...this opinion about DBD isn't necessarily like...uncommon or unbelievably evil or something.#a lot of people don't know the trials and tribulations the team has to deal with when trying to secure copyrights.#but it also isn't hard to infer??? that securing a license isn't necessarily easy??#the issues with the Hellraiser and Stranger Things licences were fairly public. I thought that would have clued people in.#Mr. Cote even spoke on multiple occasions about how badly he wanted ST back but it was Netflix that wouldn't budge.#also Ghostface being owned by Funworld and not Paramount has been repeated ad nauseam by now.#it. just.... it wouldn't KILL people to do a little research before posting terrible opinions online.#but honestly what annoys me most of all about this is that it tries to undercut all the other great things about DBD.#there are so many awesome characters in it-- both licensed and original.#why the FUCK would you try to downplay that just because your favourite final girl isn't in the game?#who gives a fuck. we have plenty of other super awesome women in the game. get over yourself.
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can i verbalise a selfish thought for a moment. dont read the tags if thatll bother you or anything
#what with all this talk of colonisation and whose land what is it does make me wonder about what the bigger voices in these convos would#have to say about my country. like im genuinely curious bc idk how to categorise us at all. context bc i dont expect anyone to know:#the indigenous people of the land i live on were the arawaks & lucayans. however when this land was first colonised they were all genocided#and who are now known as 'bahamians' were brought over on ships. and then somehow we went from the spanish to the english who colonised us#as well. now my worry is purely hypothetical bc we are an independent and sovereign state right so there's no 'threat'#but would we be considered 'indigenous' ? i can't think we would??#but maybe my issue is that i'm looking at this philosophically rather than politically. cause politically we probably would#but while the us-israel-colonisation convo is a political one the stances are philosophical so ??#like (again. hypothetically) if the same thing were to happen here ig i just wonder how we would be dealt with#and then the land ownership convo as well baffles me & it has for a while. since at least 2020 when the whole 'cottagecore is bad' convo#took place with the arguments that the aesthetic romanticised stolen land and i wondered even then like ? are we in the same position??#is the land still considered stolen if the people inhabiting it were displaced themselves?? and didn't steal it??#and moreover if the people it was stolen from no longer exist to take it back?? man idk#im stunningly bad at articulating my own thoughts so if this was a mess im sorry and thanks for making it this far#and also pls tell me if this comes off in the same light as americans making this about their election. i really dont want it to. im just#thinking. i guess idk#stop talking abbie
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pondering that falon'din is associated with an owl, and those are also messengers of andruil. and he's referred to as "winged death" which is also mentioned to be something that elgar'nan deploys against enemies. and both falon'din and andruil are referred to as venturing into dark places, where no one else can survive/wanted to go.
and ghilan'nain was not initially an evanuris, but was antagonistic towards them and making a bunch of weird creatures. she was given the offer to join them in return for getting rid of the creatures, and accepted. but with "pride stopping her hand" from destroying a few. and when asked about trusting people to share power, solas says "I know that mistake well enough to carve the angles of her face from memory."
solas also has nothing good at all to say about falon'din, mostly calling him a bloodthirsty tyrant who went so far in encroaching onto other evanuris territory that mythal had to besiege his temple and beat him up to stop him.
but he says nothing about dirthamen at all.
dirthamen is described as having gone missing unexpectedly, scaring all his followers, because they were now unprotected. and caught between their own high priest wanting to lock them into the temple forever like a cask of amontillado, and other forces outside that wanted to take their secrets by force. there is one note that a dirthamen follower defied the evanuris and took on a forbidden (probably a dragon) type of form, and was judged by elgar'nan harshly. he apparently also invented the varterral to protect his town from a high dragon? wack, but also could indicate that he had worked with ghilan'nain on making it, since she's the only one who's otherwise mentioned to be bioengineering stuff.
dirthamen has very very few surviving statues or depictions, and is more associated with falon'din than as his own independent figure in the dalish myths. even his own temple includes mosaics of falon'din. there's a few statues that are probably dirthamen, but the most striking is in mythal's section of the fade behind the eluvian, which is a statue of a hooded figure, doubled over with a giant sword sticking out of his back.
#dragon age#txt#i love the idea of ghilan'nain initially being friends with solas but then betraying the rebellion in favour of becoming an evanuris#ALSO it makes the ''he was a wolf and she was a halla đĽş'' Heterosexual Motif very funny if the halla was an absolute menace to society.#halla (threatening). the halla is committing atrocities like you would not Believe.#solas wandering up to a dalish clan and locking eyes with this mild looking white deer thing and just hearing kill bill sirens#andruil/ghil could even be like a somewhat cursed celene/briala parallel if briala had actually agreed to sell out her people#in favour of being's celene's lover/right hand instead.#so she narced on dirthamen who then gets killed/partially absorbed by falon'din#with most of his followers scattered/killed/forcibly converted to his service as falon'din goes on a rampage#until mythal steps in to make him knock it off#which then makes the others nervous that she was capable of stopping him + might start actively doing her job as Justice again#so they get together and set up an ides of march type of event that takes her out#and then are like ''yay! we can finally roll around in the blight even more like we wanted to :)''#so solas decides to just wall them off entirely#who knows what sylaise or june are up to in this theory#i assume they were just playing minecraft creative mode or the sims and didn't notice anything. just vibing.#anyway i wish this had come up bc i was deeply curious about my boy dirthamen....#he's the god of secrets! this dude should still be kicking around in some form. get back in there.#at the very least he should have a weird little cult or something remaining#personally i'm declaring that dirthamen was a spirit like cole.#who had the capability to remove memories#and that's a) how mythal managed to force andruil to ''forget'' how to access the void#and b) why the others killed him - perhaps to get it back? and why his followers were terrified without his protection#bc they had way too much classified information about all this world-endingly bad stuff
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I'm so baffled/scandalised by the fact that apparently schizospec do better with around 5hrs of sun exposure - per day? Per week? Idk i couldn't find the timeframe - yet many of our meds make us more sensitive to the sun's rays (photosensitive?)
As usual with Nerfed Google, and since it's a schizospec problem, i can't find ANY source detailing/examining/discussing this contradiction between our pharmaceutical treatment and our needs, which i find kinda bullshit - esp. as a very pale ginger-gened schizospec in New Zealand. Research on this needs to be conducted like yesterday!
But yeah please don't take this as a sign to go off yr meds, trust me if your doc/healthcare prof said so then you need them. Just saying we deserve better. Better drugs lol. I am regularly frying like a lobster after just 15-20 minutes* in the NZ sun on these meds and it's not ok? There must be a way to make them not make us sun-sensitive (i believe it is bc they thin the skin which also sounds not great)
Anyone else on the spectrum constantly getting sunburnt??
#*with sunblock!#but maybe i need to reapply it after 2hrs like it says#it's just awkward to have to go âok soz guys i need to stop working five minutes early to go to the bathroom apply sunblockâ#and it's frustrating when people get mad/annoyed at me for not being able to arrive early anywhere I'll have to wait outside#like there's such an inadequate amount of shade around here it's so hostile to people with skin#even the lovely Birman/Himalayan/Ragdoll neighbour cat looks like it has sunburnt ears!#we even lost the childhood cat to cancer from the sun!#partly why i didn't appreciate the fashion post i happened upon the day that was trying to make sunburn âsexyâ#sunburn is so effing serious in NZ!#the NZ and Australian sun alike are not to be fucked with#we need more consideration for sun-sensitive individuals!#it's almost like its own disability. âsorry I can't go outside i will burn almost immediatelyâ#also heat - not to mention sunstroke+heatstroke - makes schizospec worse so like I'm curious how being in the sun can rly help overall?#yes i know vitamin D but like the net (gross?) positive benefits when you do the calculations (if theyre even quantifiable in numeric form?)#sorry my verbiage can intensify on bad days hence i need sleep#i also use Bondi Sands facial sunblock on my face so i thought it would be effective sunblock as i think it is Australian#and AusZealand-made sunblocks are supposed to be superior/the gold standard#but idk maybe i should switch back to the Cancer Society sunblock if i can find it in packaging that is portable in my bag#i am ever a pedestrian/sans car#schizospec#schizospec problems#harsh New Zealand sun#New Zealand sun#cancer mention#schizospec in the sun#actually schizospec#sunblock#UV rays#Australian sunblock
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playing science telephone
Hi folks. Let's play a fun game today called "unravelling bad science communication back to its source."
Journey with me.
Saw a comment going around on a tumblr thread that "sometimes the life expectancy of autism is cited in the 30s"
That number seemed..... strange. The commenter DID go on to say that that was "situational on people being awful and not⌠anything autism actually does", but you know what? Still a strange number. I feel compelled to fact check.
Quick Google "autism life expectancy" pulls up quite a few websites bandying around the number 39. Which is ~technically~ within the 30s, but already higher than the tumblr factoid would suggest. But, guess what. This number still sounds strange to me.
Most of the websites presenting this factoid present themselves as official autism resources and organizations (for parents, etc), and most of them vaguely wave towards "studies."
Ex: "Above And Beyond Therapy" has a whole article on "Does Autism Affect Life Expectancy" and states:
The link implies that it will take you to the "research studies" being referenced, but it in fact takes you to another random autism resource group called.... Songbird Care?
And on that website we find the factoid again:
Ooh, look. Now they've added the word "some". The average lifespan for SOME autistic people. Which the next group erased from the fact. The message shifts further.
And we have slightly more information about the study! (Which has also shifted from "studies" to a singular "study"). And we have another link!
Wonderfully, this link actually takes us to the actual peer-reviewed 2020 study being discussed. [x]
And here, just by reading the abstract, we find the most important information of all.
This study followed a cohort of adolescent and adult autistic people across a 20 year time period. Within that time period, 6.4% of the cohort died. Within that 6.4%, the average age of death was 39 years.
So this number is VERY MUCH not the average age of death for autistic people, or even the average age of death for the cohort of autistic people in that study. It is the average age of death IF you died young and within the 20 year period of the study (n=26), and also we don't even know the average starting age of participants without digging into earlier papers, except that it was 10 or older. (If you're curious, the researchers in the study suggested reduced self-sufficiency to be among the biggest risk factors for the early mortality group.)
But the number in the study has been removed from it's context, gradually modified and spread around the web, and modified some more, until it is pretty much a nonsense number that everyone is citing from everyone else.
There ARE two other numbers that pop up semi-frequently:
One cites the life expectancy at 58. I will leave finding the context for that number as an exercise for the audience, since none of the places I saw it gave a direct citation for where they were getting it.
And then, probably the best and most relevant number floating around out there (and the least frequently cited) draws from a 2023 study of over 17,000 UK people with an autism diagnosis, across 30 years. [x] This study estimated life expectancies between 70 and 77 years, varying with sex and presence/absence of a learning disability. (As compared to the UK 80-83 average for the population as a whole.)
This is a set of numbers that makes way more sense and is backed by way better data, but isn't quite as snappy a soundbite to pass around the internet. I'm gonna pass it around anyway, because I feel bad about how many scared internet people I stumbled across while doing this search.
People on quora like "I'm autistic, can I live past 38"-- honey, YES. omg.
tl;dr, when someone gives you a number out of context, consider that the context is probably important
also, make an amateur fact checker's life easier and CITE YOUR SOURCES
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Video essay by Jellybox about what's good and bad about indie animation!
Wanted to share this in case it's helpful to anyone wanting to pursue making animation independently. It's also for fans of indie animation who may want some insight into how an indie studio works, why indie cartoons are always selling merch, why release schedules are often erratic, etc.
I also wanted to clarify the video's context, because it seems to have been somewhat misconstrued in some circles. Not long ago, WGA and SAG strikes, followed by TAG negotiations were very much in the news, shining light on the struggles the artists, writers, and actors in the Hollywood studio system are facing. In response, the words 'just go indie' have been tossed around quite a bit lately.
Gene and Sean at Jellybox approached us a few months back explaining that they were planning to make a video about the realities of running an indie studio/producing indie animation, largely in response to that 'just go indie' attitude. They were curious if we'd be willing to share our experience, including information about actual costs and the various difficulties and complications we've encountered. We said yes! We'd like for people to know what it's like. As much as it might look appealing next to the currently very broken studio system, indie has its own set of problems, and we think it's a good idea to be transparent about that because talking about problems is how you begin to address them.
Of course, while you get creative freedom and you have no shareholders to appease with indie production, the primary struggle you're always going to face is fundingâŚand funding avenues are limited. Banks aren't eager to hand out business loans to freelance artists making cartoons, for instance. Social media algorithms reward frequent updates you can't swing with hand-drawn animated content, so you can't rely much on things like AdSense. You can't really insert sponsored ads into your animated videos without being too obtrusive. You can take on client work, but that interferes with your ability to focus on own animated project. Crowdfunds can be great for seed money, but they're also a ton of work to fulfill, and fulfillment itself will tend to eat up a considerable amount of the funds you've raised. Once your animation is produced, there is no well established way to sell the animated episode itself like there is for, say indie games sold on Steam. So, while we consider ways to try to make the terrain a bit more hospitable to indie creations, if nothing else, let this explain why productions rely a lot on merch drops!
And hey, if you're an animation fan, consider supporting the independent productions you enjoy, whether you're tossing a few dollars their way, buying their merch, or just mentioning them to friends:
The Far-Fetched team is launching a crowdfund very soon to help them complete their pilot!

The Monkey Wrench team is killing it lately, and they deserve so much more fanfare than they've gotten!

And of course, thank you to the excellent folks at Jellybox for starting an important conversation!

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âWhoâs your new friend?â (Salesman x reader)
Summary: Your dadâs dark stranger is the one for you. Too bad about his cruel streakâŚ.
Contains: sit down chicas this is a LONG one, plot but gratuitous p+rn, dads!friend au, rough sex, edging, pussy spanking, heâs mean :( , choking, drugging, everything IS consensual bc Iâm tired of everyone writing him as a domestic terrorlzing rapist, heâs still psychotic and unhinged tho, just not psychosexual because psychotic traits donât always translate to sexual violence, your dad is sweet but trusting and naive, squirting, pussyspanking unprotected sex (donât be a dummy, wrap your gummy) begging, degradation, praise, cursing, reader is a bit of a bitch, light dom/sub dynamics, his cock is stuuuupid fat bc I said so and have eyeballs, ur 22 in this period and heâll spit in your mouth in the next installment of this series :)
A/N: Yeah, he got me yâallđ Gong Yoo sexy, fine, tall, handsome ass got međIâve been tripping out for 17 days straight over this man soooâŚ
â ° ⥠⢠⾠_ _
_ ⾠⊠â ° . +
You knew your dad often had strange friends but this one takes the cake.
Raising a skeptical eyebrow at the tall man your father was currently introducing you to. Standing over 6 feet in a pitch black suit he was extremely easy on the eyes with full lips, perfectly styled hair, relaxed posture and not a wrinkle in sight paired with the darkest almond eyes youâd ever seen. You rove your eyes over him once more before looking back up to find him staring back at youâŚ
Yes, he was perfectly lovely but was it too soon to assume something about him was..off?
You feel your face warm at how strong his gaze is but you stare back defiantly, mentally cursing your too trusting dad.
ââŚand since we chat almost everyday during our commute to work- would you guess that weâre both in sales and marketing?- I thought itâd be great to invite him over and talk more in a more comfortable setting!â Your dad says excitedly, smiling as he tells you all about his new friend. The man smiles alongside him, cheeks faintly dimpling and despite your distrust, you canât take your eyes off of him as you feel your heart beat harder in its cage.
âI was going to call to tell you I was bringing company but you know I forget to use that thing.â âThat thingâ being a modern phone to a man who was awful with tech. You scoff but nod to let him know you donât mind (completely) and because you already know how your father is and he continues,
��Oh right! Speaking of forgetting, I donât remember if I ever mentioned my daughter even though I know I probably did-â, you listen to your dad introduce you and the man smiles even wider as he steps forward, offering his hand to yours in a shake.
âHow pleasant to meet you.â Holy shit. His voice is a lot deeper than you expected and you absentmindedly place your hand into his waiting one. The way it completely encases your hand due to its sheer size makes your heart stop before it melts down to a warm pool in your lower stomach, settling in your core like hot tea as you breathe out a shaky exhale. His hand is also rougher than you thought itâd be for a simple businessman as it squeezes yours and a quick flash image of that same hand around your throat has you snatching your hand back as you shoot him a tight smile.
âRight. Back at ya. Um, how old are you again?â
âAh. Isnât that improper to ask new people?â
âIâm just curious to how you maintain a career as developed as my dads because you seem so young.â
Oh. Youâre quick witted; that makes things a potential hassle for him.
âWell, Iâm much older than you. Iâm certainly older than your father.â
âHa! Are you also the Emperor of China-â, Youâre cut off as your dad says your name in the way he does when youâre being rude but you ignore it, glaring at the man.
âBe polite! Heâs older so you should speak respectfullyâ, you barely hide the roll of your eyes but your fathers new friend catches it and you swear you hear a huff of amusement from him, the low sound makes you shiver as you turn on your heel to go back upstairs, your dads scolding calling after you.
âAish! Spoiled! Brat! You were so much cuter when you were younger!â
âBellybutton lint!â
âOld man!â
âOh yeah?! You wonât be 22 forever!â
The only response he gets back is the sound of your bedroom door slamming while youâre all too aware of the eyes on your back when youâd left. Your dad sighs as he runs a hand down his face. The salesman simply stands quietly, grinning as always as he observes your little spat. Something about it caught his attention though.
âSheâs young.â And your father agrees, insisting thatâs part of the reason for your behavior, you apparently were âmuch nicerâ and he nods in understanding.
âCollege age is tricky. I met her mom around her age and things are so much more different than they were back in our day so I try not to be too hard on her but sometimes sheâs so-!â He tilts his head as he waits for your dad to find the word.
Ah. How cute. A little attitude problem.
That honestly doesnât surprise him because most pretty little things almost always had one- you were no exception. Though, you yourself were a pleasant surprise. Heâd maintained a friendly relationship with your father on a mere whim, finding him to beâŚnice unlike most he considered nuisances, so when the man invited him over one day he accepted and as he trailed through the door behind him, taking in the warm tones of your house when he spotted you. Standing near the island by the kitchen in shorts so tiny the wide waistband made them look like a mini skirt, the words âPINKâ on the back and a snug white tee shirt, the blue of your bra peeking through, you walk towards them smelling of fabric softener and cold vanilla. Your hair was down as you stared at him like you were both scared and wanting with big eyes full of suspicion. The gloss of your lips shining back at him as your lips curl during your inspection of him, lightly arched brow raising as you gave him a thorough once over, eyes flicking back up to his when you were done. You were absolutely delicious to look at. Short, smart mouthed, pretty and prissy.
He didnât mind the rude way you spoke to him- no- because your eyes tell. You were weary but interested; cynical in all the ways your father wasnât but that was perfectly fine.
His smile slowly shifted into a smirk as he followed your father to the living room, humming whenever he would speak, but his thoughts were preoccupied.
Thinking of smooth legs on a cute face heâd love to see wet with tears as he spanked your smart ass raw.
When you went upstairs the first thing you did was grab your headphones and tune out.
What the fuck was your dad thinking??
You huff as you flop on your bed, scrolling through your favorite apps while you tried to slow your thoughts.
Everything is fine.
Your dad always has the most unconventional friends and acquaintances so this was probably just that and you were freaking out more than usual because he was unfathomably attractive. Thatâs it. You just needed to get a grip. But fuck would you love to ride him through the weekend if only he didnât have such a concerning auraâŚand wasnât pals with your dad of-course.
About 2 hours later when you go downstairs to get food and bring it back to your room-answering curtly when your dad asks if you want to join him and the hot stare of the suited man youâre trying to pretend isnât there.
âHard no. Do I look like a nurse? You two senior citizens can play amongst yourselves.â
You sigh when you get back up to your room, FaceTiming your friends as you eat, talking about whatever and whoever before you remember you need to organize some of your class notes and say goodbye before you hang up.
It takes less time than you thought it would so when youâre done, you go about your night routine. Teeth, skincare, oversized cotton shirt, lights off as you put on a movie youâve seen a million times. Itâs harder for you to fall asleep when you can still hear his deep voice through the walls talking and laughing with your dad, shaking your core as you toss and turn- physically fighting the feeling- until you fall asleep.
Another few hours later, you wake with a start. Somethingâs not right.
You can still hear the tv downstairs but no voices. The hairs on the back of your neck stand and as you turn your head towards your door- pulling the covers off your legs, the sight of a tall dark figure rips a blood curdling scream from your throat. In that same second the figure steps closer, the light from your tv illuminates him and your heart races as you stare back wide eyed at your dads suited stranger friend. Youâre still gasping and reeling as he sits down on your soft bedding, watching with rapt eyes at you trying to calm down from the near heart-attack he almost gave you.
âW-what..what the fuck?!â He smiles as you get up to yell in his face, gesturing wildly.
âWhy the hell are you in my-â, you cut yourself off as another realization dawns on you completely and he canât help the compulsion he feels towards you.
âHow long have you been in my room- wait whereâs my dad?!â If you knew who he was and what he did for a living, youâd be much more agreeableâŚor maybe not and thatâs what fascinated him about you. You were so unusual. Wanting to steer clear of him instead of on, even though heâd piqued your curiosity, you didnât blindly follow like every other nuisance did; instead he was the inconvenience and the way you let him know via sharp words and distrusting looks was something he hadnât gotten in a while. The way you brushed him and your hard working dad off with no more than a pretty glare while probably never having actually worked for anything in your life made him itch to correct you. Make you say sorry- break you back into the sweet girl he knew you could be.
âI swear to god- WHERE IS MY DAD-!â, before you can raise your voice anymore, turning to go find him yourself, heâs pulling you back by your wrist, covering your mouth with his other hand as he hooks his chin over your shoulder cooing at you to calm down - listen to him a bit.
âShh. Your father is alright, had too much to drink so heâs passed out downstairs but safe nonetheless.â You feel your body relax against your will at his words but you still bite his palm for scaring the hell out of you. The pain that blooms up his wrist from his hand makes him hiss against your ear and you wish it didnât sound so good before it trails off into a light chuckle.
âIâm going to move my hand. You wonât scream. Understand?â You roll your eyes but nod anyway and a few seconds later his hand is lowered but he keeps you sitting up against him.
âLook- if youâre some kind of extortionist or blackmailer, my dad only works for clean honest compan-â,
âIâm none of those things.â Huh. Youâre even more confused but the silence that follows he doesnât break instead he waits for you, enjoying your discomfort as you shift against him.
âThen what the fuck do you want? Nothing better to do in your ancient age on a Tuesday night besides creep around?â Your mouth would be the death of you and this might very well be the moment as you mouth off to a complete stranger who could be (and actually is) very dangerous but bravado was all you had. Youâd seen and heard more than enough to know that an older man in a suit visiting a young girl he didnât know in the dead of night never ended well.
âI want to chat for a bit.â You tilt your head a bit in confusion but he takes your silence as the go ahead, making your heart pound when he shuffles even closer causing you to feel his firm pecs through his expensive smelling dress shirt; the heady combination makes your pulse race as you fight yourself on whatever it is exactly that youâre feeling but shouldnât be.
âWhen your father mentioned you, you sounded like such a nice girlâŚâ, the low way he speaks resembles a purr, words vibrating his chest, thick arms holding you tight to him as his warm breaths coast across your chest and neck.
âImagine my surprise when I meet you and youâre nothing more than an ungrateful little princess with a pretty face but very nasty attitude.â You feel your face warm in shame at the blatant way he calls you out, immediately defensive as you shoot back,
âWhatâs it to you? If you want to see some obedient thing then get a boarder collie-!â Enough of that. His hand claps down over your throat, squeezing not enough to hurt but enough to make you shut up as your heart rate spikes, nerves going haywire at the sudden cut of oxygen. You get dizzy quick. Blood rushing through your ears like a current of cotton, hand flying up on instinct to pull at his muscled forearm but it doesnât budge and you whine- biting your lip as your heart beats liquid fire through your body. You were so fucked up, clamping your thighs shut as if that will stop you from getting wet but itâs hard to pay attention to that with a tight hand around your neck and mean lips against your ear.
âDidnât your father tell you to respect your elders?â He tuts out and you nod desperately, willing to swallow your snideness if it meant getting air. He loosens his grip enough for you and you gasp so hard you nearly choke, the sound turning him on more than it should; he grabs your chin so you face him with teary eyes and he nearly groans at how weak you look. The sedatives he slipped in your dadâs drink would last for a while so for now it was just you and him.
âAnswer me.â
âYou first-â, youâre quick to shut your mouth as a smirk grows on his face. A fast learner.
âSmart. Butâ, he pauses to put you on edge before continuing, âbecause I quite enjoy your father and his company, I donât like the thought of him being troubled by anything.â His words are sweet but they also fill you with dread because you know how much you intentionally butt heads with your father. Mouthing off at him just to amuse yourself sometimes. You never meant to stress him but messing with him a little was how you showed your affection.
âThat includes you as well.â He rasps against your neck, nipping the sensitive skin there with more teeth than tongue and you choke on a moan, breathing hard.
âOkay. Got it. I need to be nicer-â,
âNo, you need a firm hand.â Oh fuck. You bite your lip at that, watching through bleary eyes as he rubs his other hand down your chest, brushing your hard nipples through your shirt as he feels up your soft curves. The hand around your throat tightens when he feels you might move but when you donât he doesnât loosen it- instead he rewards you with wet, scalding kisses behind that spot under your ear, suckling down until he reaches your collarbones. Your eyes water from all the sensations as you try to rationalize whatâs going on before you lose yourself to how good you feel.
The hand caressing over your body doesnât stop, threatening to burn you alive with the heat it ignites in you. To make matters worse, you canât even breathe deeply enough to calm down with the hold he has on your neck and youâre reminded of how pathetically wet you are whenever you move your legs as youâre completely naked underneath your shirt. So much is happening but itâs not enough. Fleetingly scarce touches is all youâre being given but you need more. You shouldnât want this, want him- or anything having to do with him- but you do and that thought scares you more than any potential repercussions.
He watches you with an unreadable expression as you shift constantly, sliding a hand under your shirt to cup your tits, flicking and twisting the stiff nubs cruelly between his fingers. Laving his tongue over each bruise heâs left on your neck before choking you harder, making the veins on the back of his hand show and your mouth drops open, hoarse broken moans falling as your hips twitch upwards. This was how he liked you. Melting into him so obedientlyâŚ
âYouâre going to be a good girl now?â He asks like itâs a question but the even in hazy state youâre falling into, you know itâs an order. He loosens his grip again so you can answer, voice hoarse,
â..y-yeah.â The softened tone you use when you respond makes him hard beyond belief and he bites your shoulder with a satisfied groan and you swear your cunt has a pulse. The familiar burning ache is so blinding that you listen immediately when he tells you-
âOpen your legs.â
He almost didnât hear your sharp intake of breath. He barely noticed the way your hips snapped up to hump his hand⌠he was preoccupied with just how wet you were. Your arousal coats his fingers as he slides them between your sopping lips making you keen through shuddering breaths as you try to control yourself. A few hard circles to your clit shatters that control as you cry out, needy sobs falling from your gloss smeared lips while you beg prettily for him.
âPlease! I-! Iâll-anything! Just-!â His hand collar tightens again as he slides two fingers knuckle deep in your spasming hole, immediately curling them towards him, grinding them against that spongy bundle of nerves inside you and the fire thatâs been steadily burning inside you almost makes you black out from how quick it threatens to consume you. Youâve never felt more out of your mind, your cunt so soaking wet itâs audible. White-searing pleasure shoots electricity through every nerve and youâre screaming. Between the fuzz in your head from oxygen loss or the brutal way heâs fucking you with his fingers- the one thing you do know is that if you cum now, youâll faint.
âWaittt- mm-! S-stopp!!â Itâs the struggle of a lifetime to get the words out but you do and when you do, surprisingly- he listens. Taking his fingers out as the strings of your slick drip from them and you cry at the loss, the ache still there but you could at least breathe. You feel a nip at your ear and you only then notice the way youâve rested your weight completely against him.
âHmm? Whatâs wrong?â His voice is thick with arousal from how wonderfully you responded to him. So wet he could taste it in the air as you trembled and cried against him. The water in your eyes spilling down over as they rolled back into your skull. Your face was the perfect erotic expression of tormented bliss as he made you earn air and fight off an orgasm so strong it wouldâve put you in a vegetative state.
The sound of your weak sniffles make his cock ache as he lays back on your bed, maneuvering your hips over his as he opens his pants, taking his length out he moans at the pressure relief. Swiping his fat head through your messy folds but not inside.
âWell? I need you to answer me. Or do I need to get it out of you myself?â You shake your head, lifting your arms when he moves your shirt up off you and now youâre completely naked while heâs still clothed. As much as his stare intimidated you, his attentions felt even better, moaning at the dirty kisses his cock gave your hole.
âWas gonna cumâŚbut you didnât say I could yetâ, you reach up to use his arm as leverage while you wiggle your hips and your submission drives him mad with how much he wants to ruin you.
âAw. Thatâs cuteâŚbut if you came before I let you, what then? Are you smart enough to tell me?â He asks sweetly but the condescending undertone makes you feel dumb as heat blooms in your chest and you will away the fuzz thatâs making it hard to think so you can give him a proper answer. One that would please him. The fact that you even wanted to please him was something youâd have to get back to.
âIâd be in trouble?â You say it like a question and less of an answer and he finds your uncertainty so cute as he laughs indulgently at you.
âClose. Itâs because youâre my good girl. And my girl only does as sheâs told, yeah?â The same trickling tingle at the base of your skull is back again as you mindlessly repeat after him.
âYeah.â He hums, lining himself up with your drooling pussy, sliding in with one thrust. Gritting his teeth with a heavy groan while you choke on a sob.
âFuckinâ tight-!â Deep grunting in your ear overwhelming you in the best way and you lose it from how full you are. You couldâve guessed by his height and frame that heâd be packing but it felt fatter than you would have ever been able to accurately guess, pressing effortlessly against every spot that made you see stars.
You were everlastingly grateful your dad was knocked out because the sounds coming from you and your room were beyond incriminating. Even though he wasnât moving, every-time you did, you could feel the deliciously heavy pressure against your slick walls. Shivers wracking up your body as wheezing fucked out moans left your mouth and you grind down in messy circles until the hand on your throat stops you.
âLook at you. Desperate nâ wet begging to cum. Youâd do anything I tell you, huh? Just like a dog.â
A disgustingly pathetic warble is his reply but he wants more from you, choking you hard as he pinches your sensitive nipples.
âUhhn! Yes!â The sheer desperation in your shaky voice gives him a sick head-rush.
âOpen your legs for me.â
You obey before he even finishes his sentence. Thighs falling apart, cooled air over your center makes you moan wetly as you wait patiently. So patiently that the first heavy slap against your pussy winds you by the time the pain registers. As soon as the sting settles, warmth pools in its place, sensitivity heightened as you wail. The stricken sound makes his cock throb inside you.
âWha-!â, another slap cracks down on your swollen lips, hitting your clit spot on and again and you try in vain to wriggle away.
âYou still need to prove to me that youâre sorry for your behavior earlier.â He says, voice casual but no less mocking and you cry. Tears running down your cheeks as your body struggles to adjust and obey. Before you can shout out however many strings of apologies itâll take for him to let you cum, he strikes your center again, hissing in pleasure at your screams. He feels it. That somehow youâre even wetter, dripping down his balls and smearing your slick all over the front of his slacks. He has half a mind to make you clean it up when heâs done with with you as he spanks your cunt again, biting your ear hard until it reddens.
âIf you cum before I tell you, I promise Iâll make this the longest night of your lifeâ, he groans darkly in your ear. Youâre blessed that you can still hear him through the bass of your heartâs beat and the loud, wet connect every time his hand comes down. You were so close. The sharp sting and the pained pleasure of swelling warmth his heavy hand left behind was too much and your poor clit couldnât take much more. Gasping through your tears, you scramble to find the right words.
ââLease- please! Ah-mâsorry!â Your raspy voice breaks halfway through when lifts you only to slam you back down on his fat length, flicking your sensitive nub when he meanly asks you,
âSorry, I didnât quite catch that. Try again, little girl.â You night just be in for a long night after all.
You could barely breathe from how hard he was choking you, swollen pussy enflamed from countless spanks, and your center was stuffed to the brim as he was so big that he didnât even have to try to hit your spots. You scratch and wrestle with his hand until he loosens it, gasping and whining, you pray you donât come from the instant relief it gives you. The rush settling over you like a fuzzy blanket. He shifts below you and you hurry to get the words out before he makes you come without his say-so.
âIâm- Iâm sorry! So sorry! Please Sir, can I-!â
Sir. You called him sir.
Itâs less of you apologizing but more of you submitting to him, acknowledging him by title that he held superiority over you that pleases him enough to let you cum. Cutting off your sweet begging with more mean, heavy slaps to your wet pussy, basking in your delighted wails as he fucks up into you.
His hand tightens around your throat and this time, you welcome the suffocating pleasure. Scratchy cries escape when they can but youâre so far on the road to ecstasy that you donât even care how you look or sound, chest heaving as your eyes water. Your cunt feels like itâs on fire but you beg him in every way you can to keep going even though you canât take it and he does, groaning against your ear as he rubs messily at your throbbing clit.
âSo good, baby- you can cum. Make your little mess before I make you beg some more-â, he does not have to tell you twice as everything youâve been holding, releases and you do make a mess.
Mouth dropped open as you sob and for the next couple minutes hot unending pleasure is all you know as the stinging slaps get faster, ending with harsh circles on your bud after each one and your hole gets even tighter before you go limp- liquid jetting out of you. He fucks you through it with a tight grip on your windpipe, using you like a snug fleshlight until heâs coming harder than he has in a while at the state heâs put you in. He waits until he catches his breath to slide out of you- whoâs deadweight as he lifts you off him.
Rolling off the bed, the silence makes him look over at you only to see that youâre out cold. His eyebrows raise as he huffs out an amused laugh, fixing his pants before brushing his hand over your pretty face. He might have overdone it he thinks as he sees your face return to itâs normal, less flushed hue. Leaning down, on impulse he presses a kiss to your cheek, his gentlest touch of the night before getting up and covering your worn naked body with one of the many blankets on your bed.
âYouâre a treat in more ways than you know.â
As he stands, before he opens your door to leave, he pulls a card out of his pocket and leaves it on your nightstand then heads back downstairs to get his shoes and jacket. Turning off the tv where your dad sleeps easily and quietly slipping out the door, smiling the entire way. Now he has even more fun.
When you wake up the next morning, you turn with a pleasant ache and stinging between your legs as you stretch, sighing with a blissful smile until you remember why you ache and who caused it.
Pushing yourself up, you stop when you see a card on your stand, rolling to the edge of your bed, you swipe it off and raise it to your face. Itâs a picture of lollipop, a simple circle on a stick but the words below it make your chest warm and you donât even bother pretending to yourself that you arenât interested in seeing him again.
âNext time Iâll make you even sweeter.â
In part 2âŚ
Or 3âŚ
#squid game#squid game x reader#the salesman#the recruiter#the salesman x reader#the recruiter x reader#gong yoo#gong yoo x reader#squid game smut#the salesman smut#salesman x reader
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