#or if there was going to be an extension for the anniversary event!
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maaaaaaaaaaan. ridiculous to be calling DBD "pathetic" because it couldn't get licensing for various final girls. as if it hasn't always been because of some bullshit on the end of the copyright holders. fuck, we would have gotten more material from Hellraiser, had it not been for the copyright holders. we lost Stranger Things temporarily because of the copyright holders being out of touch with fans and greedy. Ghostface exists in the game because luckily, the character of Ghostface isn't actually owned by Big Bad Viacrap.
also like. DBD isn't Fork Knife. it's just not. and if I'm not mistaken-- it's not like Fork Knife has any horror character that DBD doesn't, apart from Eleven and Hopper. Eleven could never be in the game anyway, because any character added has to be over 18/a legal adult (for legal reasons). and we have Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan instead. It makes much more sense that they chose those characters for the game, as this followed S2, which made Steve one of the most popular characters from the show. so much so that he can even contend with Eleven in popularity.
and let's not downplay the fact that DBD does have other, very, very impressive licenses in it. such as Silent Hill. that was the first big thing Konami let happen with the ip in YEARS. Resident Evil was...HUGE. Wesker's chapter brought in an unprecedented number of players and anyone who played survivor at that time knows that for WEEKS, all you would get was Wesker after Wesker. We have Chucky and Tiffany, voiced by their original VAs. Sadako from the original Japanese Ringu, not the American version of the same concept! You can play as the Xenomorph, and the Xenomorph Queen! Vecna, from D&D is a killer, and he is voiced by Mr. Matt Mercer! We have Ash Williams, Alan Wake, Leon. S. Kennedy, Cheryl Mason, and very soon Lara Croft! and then After her-- we are getting Castlevania!! So there is no shortage of incredible of characters from horror that are in this game, and it's disrespectful to act like the people who work on this game don't care enough about it to try their fucking hardest to give fans the best possible licensed chapter dlcs they can. it's not their fault if the copyright holders want something different.
Besides, I think it's gross to suggest that DBD doesn't have a claim to the title of "Horror Hall of Fame" just because it doesn't have specific licensed characters in it. what about all the amazing original characters that the game has? do those suddenly not count, just because they do not include super well-known characters from popular old horror movies? A lot of these popular old horror movies don't include/don't give much of a spotlight to people of colour, so the original chapters often give the devs the room to add diversity to DBD's cast of characters, whereas a license might have otherwise not allowed it. and many of these original characters even have nods to existing horror media, like the End Transmission chapter drawing inspiration from both the horror-survival game SOMA, and the sci-fi horror movie/comic book Virus. Does the hard work that the many talented members of the DBD team put into making this original chapter, among many others, mean nothing, just because Sidney Prescott or Sally Hardesty aren't in the fucking game? I should hope the fuck not.
#dbd#thoughts about media#I just wanted to see if there were any updates about the timeline for the cosmetic contest!#or if there was going to be an extension for the anniversary event!#but I was tempted with the “this post is from an account you blocked”#normally I wouldn't click this. but it's DBD. and well I was curious who it could have been from.#hilariously enough this person wasn't blocked for previous bad takes about the game.#I'm pretty sure this is the same person who made an awful ST tweet and then rescinded it upon being corrected.#like...this opinion about DBD isn't necessarily like...uncommon or unbelievably evil or something.#a lot of people don't know the trials and tribulations the team has to deal with when trying to secure copyrights.#but it also isn't hard to infer??? that securing a license isn't necessarily easy??#the issues with the Hellraiser and Stranger Things licences were fairly public. I thought that would have clued people in.#Mr. Cote even spoke on multiple occasions about how badly he wanted ST back but it was Netflix that wouldn't budge.#also Ghostface being owned by Funworld and not Paramount has been repeated ad nauseam by now.#it. just.... it wouldn't KILL people to do a little research before posting terrible opinions online.#but honestly what annoys me most of all about this is that it tries to undercut all the other great things about DBD.#there are so many awesome characters in it-- both licensed and original.#why the FUCK would you try to downplay that just because your favourite final girl isn't in the game?#who gives a fuck. we have plenty of other super awesome women in the game. get over yourself.
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Are requests open? May I request a sylus x wife reader (not the mc) where she is afraid of him and feels like he doesn’t love her cause of his cold and intimidating nature. Then mc arrives and she’s hurt and shocked with how he treats her. Now convinced that he doesn’t love her and hates her she keeps her distance and sits alone everyday on the rooftop. Barely eating anything nor sleeping properly she lost the will and strength to sleep next to him and sleeps on the couch or on the rooftop (after she saw him pin down mc onto the bed ya know that scene) . Even starts to think of packing up and leaving telling herself to “prepare” whenever he divorces her.
But one time she gets kidnapped for bait and injured yet sylus hasn’t come for days so she tells her kidnappers “ it’s a waste of time cause sylus won’t come for me, i mean nothing to him , he was already planning to get rid of me. so you might as well kill me right now and save your breaths.” Not knowing that her husband overheard her when he entered before she passed out due to lack of food and exhaustion.
Did You Ever Love Me?
The day you married Sylus was the happiest day of your life. You had been by his side for 3 years. It wasn't the easy life you had once dreamed of, but this was the reality of the N109 Zone. Nothing was easy, and everything had a price.
You still remembered the day you had first met, what a blood bath that had been. Your family had been one of the most influential in the area. Having long established their authority when it came to weapons dealing. Only supplying top-notch weapons.
From a young age your father had made sure you knew the business, drsminf of having you take over. He taught you everything he knew. From the making of the orders, to quality check, and even materials secured.
That day it was your parents 25th anniversary and a big party was thrown for them. Business partners and friends were all invited to the event.
The only thing your father had not warned you about, was the extensive dangers of the N109 Zone. He'd tried to shield you from just how dirty the world could be.
A rival family had crashed the party with a seemingly endless group of thugs. Before anyone had realized what was going on, gunshots filled the air. People started screaming and running in a desperate attempt to get to safety. Pushing and shoving others out of their way as they went.
A stray bullet hit your arm and blood immediately started pouring from the wound. You grunted as the pain slammed into you and momentarily lost your footing just a another bullet whizzed past the air where your head had been seconds ago.
You heard your father calling your name and pushing through people trying to get to you. You could see your mother sitting on the ground near one of the stairs columns. She was tying a makeshift bandage around someone's leg. Trying to staunch the bleeding.
You felt like your life was running in fast forward as you watched your father continue to push through the crowd and then he suddenly stopped moving as his eyes widened and he looked down. Blood was blooming across the white shirt of his suit and staining the black jacket. In the center of the stain was a hole. You felt sick seing that hole pierced through his chest over his heart.
"Father!" Your scream rang over the gunshots and panic as you tried to run to him. The long him of your dress got stepped on and you fell to the floor landing hard on your side. Pain zipped through your body at the hard smack to the unforgiving marble floor.
You desperately fought to get to your feet as it finally seemed like the crowd was thinning out. Thankfully no one stepped on you or your clothes again. Just as you reached your father the gun shots stopped and the following silence seemed to bring the air of dread.
The scent of blood was strong, making you gag as your stomach heaved. You push the feelings back and reach out to the injury, hands shaking as you try to staunch the blood flow. He grunts with the pressure and his eyes open slightly. You start muttering words but even you don't believe what you are saying.
"It's ok father, we can fix this. I'll get help, the doctor will fix you right up and then everything will be ok." Tears arr pouring down your face as he smiles weakly. He reaches for your face, trying to touch your cheek. Just before his hand can touch you a great force yanks you back.
You scream out at the pain, pulling you scalp. A heavy fist has gripped your hair, yanking the strands hardly and then a voice is in your ear. "I'll blast a hole in your head if you move a muscle." The voice growled near your ear as he tightens his grip on your hair. Your cried our in pain and he just tugged harder, you bit back the second cry as hot tears rolled down your face.
His arm grabbed your hand and forced you to your feet, perking you to face the way he wanted. He kicked the back of your knees forcing you to kneel in front of a man. Tugging your head back as he allowed you to stare at the man clearly responsible for this entire plot.
Fear stuck you as a cold, malicious smile stretched across his heavily scarred face. His eye was like flat steel. No luster or shine to its grey depths. A scar cut through his left eye and down his cheek, going all the way down to his mouth. Burn scars were also intermingled on his face.
His eye itself was an ugly milky color, it held no pupil or iris. On the right side of his face three long jagged scars could be seen stretching from his ear down to his chin. Little tremors went through your body. This man had an overwhelming presence and the sense of evil wrapped around him like a cloak.
"Well, well, well if it isn't the little princess. Your father was careful to hide you away from me. Protecting his biggest weakness. I must say I do admire him for that."
In contrast to his appearance his voice was smooth, a slight rasp clung to his words. Whatever had attacked and scarred him had obviously affected his vocal cords. He worked it to his advantage, speaking in a way that soothed you on the surface. Even if his words were unsettling or foul.
He reached for you, his fingers and thumb just barely brushing your face when a loud caw shattered the silence. With the bird cry black and red mist began pouring into the wide space and the air got heavy. As if gravity itself was pushing down on everyone and everything in the room. The mist covered and hid everything in its path. Blinking you realized you couldn't see the man in front of you.
A deep, suave, sexy voice seemed to come from no where as helped had seemed to arrive. "It seems you did not learn your lesson. I don't mind teaching it to you agiain, Osric." The mist wrapped around him, holding him still. Footsteps tapped across the floor, the occasional sloosh as he stepped in a puddle. Your body shuddered, knowing exactly what liquid he stood in.
It took a few minutes before you realized that the man who had been gripping your hair was no longer touching you, or even anywhere near you.
The mist began swirling into the center of the room, right next to you. Looking into the mist you could just make out a tall silhouette. As rapidly as the mist had spread it was now retreating.
A tall well built man was standing right beside you. Silver hair carefully styled. Red eyes piercing and promising danger. The right one seemed to be glowing.
"You have some guts, touching something of mine, I don't take kindly to thievery. The man, Osric, was hoisted into the air with the mist. He gasped and sputtered clawing at the mist to no avail.
Two men appeared by your side then. One offered his hand, bit you hesitate. Both are wearing black crow masks with subtle red lines on the face of the mask and a red tipped beak. Two red horns poke through the hoods they wear and a gold ring is on one of them. The two are slim and tall, you can tell nothing of their appearance. Clothing and masks make it impossible to discern any identifying features.
The first guy is still holding his hand out to you, he seems neither impatient nor upset that you haven't accepted it yet. Finally seeing no consequence to taking his offered hand you lightly place your palm in his. He gently but firmly grasps your hand and assists you in standing. He let's go after you are steady on your feet and positions himself at your side. The second does the same on your right. Like they are bodyguards.
"Screw you Sylus"! Osric sputters out, still trying to break free of the mist. His fingers are bloody from his efforts to free himself. "Luke, Kieran, see to it that she comes to no harm." The silver haired man says as he squeezes his hand. The mist constricts around Osric further cutting of his air flow completely.
One of the two lightly grabs your arm and spins you around just as a sickening crunch reaches your ears. This kind of thing happened a lot here. Those with power ruled over the weak. It was nothing new.
You had long grown accustomed to the way Sylua dealt with traitors and rats. He did not tolerate disloyalty and gave no second chances.
The events of your parents 25th anniversary party had happened five years ago. You often wondered how your life would have gone if you had never accepted his hand when he gave it. Your father had been supplying weapons to Sylus' organization for years. He'd apparently stuck some kind of deal with Sylus, that had involved your protection.
Sylus had married you, per your father's request and now he owned almost half of your family business. Haven acquired your mother and father's shares. He'd left yours to you.
At first you'd been absolutely terrified of him. His aura radiated danger, almost like he was a living grim reaper. He so often came back to the manor covered in blood. The twins were his direct subordinates. They followed his every command quickly and without hesitation. But at least they had a personality and could provide a sense of calm.
It had taken almost a year before you could approach Sylus without feeling nervous. You hadn't been able to understand your fear of him. He'd posed no restrictions on you, didn't make any ridiculous demands and had never threatened you with harm of any kind.
The turning point had been the day he'd come home injured and concern over his bleeding wounds had overrode the fear. Despite his insistence that he didn't need any first aide treatment, Sylus had not pushed you away or tried to stop you from cleaning his wounds.
After that he began spending time with you and talked to you. Before you knew it you looked forward to when he would come home and just talk to you for awhile. These little gestures and act of kindness had resonated in your heart and little by little you felt yourself falling for him.
He'd granted your request to be touched by him and he spent a night with you. Thinking that he too had given his heart to you, you lived your days believing that he loved you back. That was until she appeared.
In an instant his entire demeanor changed. He made her his top priority. Spending any and all time he had with her. Most nights he didn't even come to your room anymore. His side of the bed was often unspent in.
You hadn't officially met her yet, only seen her in passing. She was beautiful. Long dark hair hung in neat and straight lengths down to her very slender waist. Piercing eyes almost the shade of jade framed by thick dark lashes. She was on the shorter side, even you were taller than she was. This woman held some kind of connection with your husband and the knowledge that your place was very quickly being stripped away gnawed at you from the inside.
Wandering aimlessly through the manor one day you discovered the ladder that lead up to the roof. Even though it was cold outside, you still sat there on the roof. Wondering how long it would be before you were forgotten completely.
Despite the cold and the swirling snow, you dozed off hugging your arms to your sides. What seemed like minutes later you were woken up by a piercing light. The sun was beginning to sting your eyelids, squinting against the harsh glare of the sun's first rays of the day, you tried to sit up straight. Your whole body was numb and cold. It took several minutes to rub feeling back into your fingers.
Carefully moving away from the edge of the roof you stood up. Your legs shook from the movement. Having been in the same position for too long, they had gone to sleep.
You did some light stretches and gradually the shaking and numbing little stings subsided and you felt more sure on your feet.
Finally you made your way to the roof latch, having left it open all night there was a pile of snow at the base of the ladder and it was freezing cold to the touch.
You descended the ladder and walked around the manor. It was quiet, most everyone was asleep at this time. Feeling the desire to see Sylus, you turn around and head to his room. He was usually there at this time. You hesitate at the door. Whenever you'd come to his room he was usually accompanying you.
Just as your about to knock, a voice addresses you from behind. "He's not here, Sylus went out for work. I've been waiting for him to return since last night." Turning around, you see that woman. Feeling angry for a reason you can't quite grasp, you turn around
and storm by her. Purposely bumping into her on the way by. She stumbles but you keep going.
Your sour mood lingers throughout the day killing any appetite oyi might have had. Your wandering leads you back to the roof and you sit in the same spot from the night before.
From your spot on the roof, you can hear his motorcycle approach the manor and you sit their contemplating what to do. Finally after another two hours you head back to his room. When you get there the door is adjacent and you silently push it open. You feel your heart stop.
There on the bed is Sylus on top of her. She's pinned down and it's very obvious what is going on. His naked back is to you and her equally naked leg is wrapped around his waist. Their kiss is intense that you feel your heart break. His hand is twined with hers and pinned above her head. You back away and run down the hall and go to the roof.
Hot tears are streaming down your face as you realized that Sylus had never loved you. He'd just been indulging you for the last several years because you were useful. He could even hate you for all you knew. The one he truly loved was currently tangled with him on his bed.
You feel your heart break further as you realize that with no family or friends you have nothing. You had only ever been useful to Sylus because of you family's business. That was not love and never could be.
You cry yourself to sleep on the roof again, completely defenseless and unaware of the eyes watching you. When you wake up again, there's a dull ache in your head and a ferocious growl in your stomach, but you have no desire to eat or even move.
You sit there watching the stars for what seemed like days. Eventually the sky begins to lighten as the sun begins its ascent across the sky. You continue to sit, even as heavy clouds roll in. Another snowfall is coming, you remembered from the weeks forecast you had read a few days ago. But still you don't move.
It's only when the wind cuts through you, chilling you to the bone that you get up. Once again you rub feeling back into your frozen limbs and head down the ladder. You avoid your room and his. Just the thought of sleeping in a bed you had shared with him makes your stomach turn. Your entire body burns with the feeling if betrayal, but you can neither act on it or alleviate it. The feeling simmers in your stomach driving away the need for food.
Eventually you end up on the couch. The warmth from the fire burning in the hearth slowly warms you up and a drowsy feeling over comes you. Stretching out and pulling the throw down over you, you manage to drift off into a restless sleep.
After what feels like minutes, your body is shaken awake. It's that woman again, hate burns through your veins. You want to tear her apart and rip her to shreds. You glare at everything.
"Hey, the cook said you didn't eat dinner. So I brought you some food" She offers the plate to you. It's all your favorite things. A light fruit salad with beautifully cut fresh fruit and a stack of golden waffles topped with whipped cream and raspberries. Your anger overtakes you and you sit up and shove the plate away from you. She's so surprised at this action that she stumbles back, dropping the plate as she does. The delicate China shatters on the floor as the fruit scattered and the waffles sit there on top of the broken peices.
She looks at you with hurt on her face. "Why did you do that?" She asks just as Sylus enters the room. He looks annoyed at the mess on the floor. Concern overtakes him as he comes closer. Of course none of it is for you, she's the only important one in his eyes. A shard of the plate had bounced of the floor and put a cut on her arm. She had a line of bright red blood blooming out from the slice.
"Did you really think I would accept anything from YOU?" You spit the words at her like venom and stand up. "I know your not so stupid as to be unaware that Sylus is my husband." Your words are as cold as the ice outside. Red blooms across her face as realization strikes her.
You turn to leave the room and just as your about to step into the hall something grabs your arm and yanks you back. Your head whips around and your suddenly face to face with Sylus angry expression.
"She is my guest, you will treat her with respect. Don't lay your hands on her again." You rip your arm from his grasp. "You must think I'm an idiot. She's getting a hell of a lot more than hospitality from you. I owe her NOTHING. She is nothing to me but a sneaky slut that wormed her way into a married man's bed. Both of you disgust me." You storm from the room. As you leave, you take notice of the twins. They are also watching you, but you do not care.
You return to your room and begin to make preparations. You're almost certain now that Sylus hates you. "Divorce is pretty much guaranteed." You say out loud to no one. As you look around the room you realize that nothing in it is truly yours. Everything had been given by Sylus after your marriage. "What a joke I am. I must be the biggest idiot in all of the world. I never should have married him. He was a complete stranger. What a fool!" You kick the dresser in anger, the pain just spurs you on.
After ripping the sheets off the bed and throwing them to the floor your anger had only increased. Grabbing the nearest object, your hurl it to the floor. Feeling satisfied as it shatters. You begin throwing things all over the room. In minutes the neat, beautifully decorated room is in shambles. Glass, sheets, books, jewelry, makeup, and nick-nacks are all over the floor. You turn and leave the disaster you made, making sure to slam the door as hard as you can on your way out. The paintings on the wall tremble from the force.
You storm through the manor headed for the stairs again. You don't recognize the lightheaded woozy feeling that has over come you and you feel dizzy as you reach the ladder that goes to the roof. Halfway up, your foot slips. Before you fall, in a burst of adrenaline you manage to grab the ladder securely. Your heart is beating out of your chest as you cling to the rungs. "That was too close," you mutter taking deep, steady breaths.
Undeterred, you climb the ladder anyway, resolute in seeking peace on the roof once more. It takes a lot more effort to climb up than it had in previous climbs. Your huffing and puffing by the time you manage to get up.
As you walk to the ledge and glance at the snow covered ground below, you realize something is off. The footsteps in the snow are not yours and since it had been snowing for hours, the ones from earlier would have long since been hidden under more snow.
You whirl around ad your mind screams danger. You hands fumble through your layers of clothing to grab the knife you always kept with you. It was a custom blade and designed to attach to your bra. Although it was small, it was very sharp and could easily cut and stab in defense. As your hand manages to grab the handle a figure appears from the top of the roof. He easily jumps down to where you are.
"To think that the infamous wife of Onychinus' boss would be so easy to get to. No bodyguard?" He asks in a taunting tone. The man is dressed head to foot in black. His entire body is covered save for his eyes. Black as a blank night sky and soulless. He points a gun at you. "Drop the knife, or I'll put a bullet in you right here." He says his finger twitching on the trigger.
Having been taught how to fight from a small age, you fein dropping the knife as he moves closer. Just as he's within reach you spin it around and drive it into his upper arm. Unfortunately he was prepared for your tricks and fires the gun. The bullet burries itself deep into your thigh. You cry out and collapse to the ground clutching the wound. Blood seeps between your fingers and down your leg. Falling upon the snow.
"You're going to regret that." The man says as he pulls the blade out of his arm and flings it to the ground. He reaches out and grabs you. You're enveloped in a blinding light and then everything fades away. Sight, sound, and feeling are gone.
It feels like you're floating in darkness for a long time. You struggle to move, bit something is restricting you're movements. A rattling sound is the first thing you can hear as your senses come flooding back. The pain slams into you again and you groan. You realize that you've been blindfolded with a thick cloth.
"She's finally awake. I would really like to know about that blade she stabbed you with. It really did a number on your arm. It must have been very sharp.
"Shut up and just do your job. The boss needs information and she's going to have it. He said do whatever it takes to get it out of her. Just don't kill her." A gleeful cackle made you shudder and then footsteps came closer to you.
"Darkness makes the pain more intense. You will tell me what we want to know." The man says and then you can hear metal being moved around. Your heart begins to race. There is nothing for you to tell them. Sylus had always made sure that you knew nothing of his business and plans. You had only ever overseen the production of weapons. You didn't know their purpose or intended use.
"I imagine I'll get away with it if I do kill you though. Osric was his brother just so you know. Boss has a personal grudge to pick with you and Sylus. This is going to be delicious. Let's begin. We'll start with something easy." He said and then you could feel him standing at your side.
Hours had passed since the torture had begun, but no matter what question he asked the result was the same. You didn't know.
He had tried a variety of methods to break you. The first had been pulling you fingernails our. It had been excruciating and you nearly passed out several times. The he had tried whipping you. Your back was a raw bloody mess from all the cuts. That had made you pass out. His ways of waking you up again were resolute. Dumping ice water on you seemed to do the trick.
Your mind felt like it was going to snap if this went on much longer. Your voice was raspy and hoarse from the hours of screaming and crying. At first you had tried to hold back, but this maniac had taken it as a challenge. Several times he had said you were boring him with your instant responses.
"You're n-not going to-o get any.. anything fro-om me. I have nothing to tell. Even if I wanted to." This was not the first time you had said those words. It's just they fell on deaf ears. "Ju-just kill me al-ready. I I'm useless to yo-ou. He-e doesn't ca-are about me. Ju-just end it already. I-I don't kn-ow anything." This went on for days. You knew time was passing but you had no idea how much until finally a different person entered the room.
"Boss is fed up with you. He wants to know why she hasn't spilled her guts yet. He's tired of waiting for what he wants to know. Can't believe three days and she hasn't cracked once." His voice sounded disappointed and uninterested.
You'd lost count of all the methods they had tried to get you to speak. Several times you had begged him to just kill you but he'd only laughed in response. Sleep had been allowed a few times and sips of water had been given.
They had never removed your blindfold, and you were glad that you could not see what had been done to you. Even if you could feel every injury, being able to see them would have made it ten times worse.
Just as he was getting ready to start again, the door was blasted open. It sounded like it had been ripped right off the hinges. Chaos ensued with whatever had cause the door to explode, and the man started yelling.
"Who the hell are you? How did you get in here?" Crashes followed the words, and then a guttural sputter followed. Seconds later, you felt hands touching you, and you flinched, thinking that more pain would follow. To your surprise, the restraints on your arms and legs were removed, and then someone was carefully helping you sit up. A pair of hands touched the blindfold and then dim light hit your eyes. You screwed them shut feeling that it was painful.
Every part of your body hurt. Stinging and burning sensations were running rampant all over and you just wanted it to end. "We need to move." A familiar voice said in your ear. You open your eyes, ignoring the pain from the light and look at the voice. To your complete surprise Luke and Kieran are by your side.
"We've come to get you. Boss is so angry. I don't want to stick around here." The twins had their usual care free attitude as they watched you. "Why?" You asked looking at the pair. You could sense their confusion. "What do you mean why? You're Boss's wife. Of course he will take back what is his." One of them said as the other drapped a blanket over you and then carefully picked you up.
You grimaced and tried not to show the pain. "M-my leg is broken." You managed to get out between gritted teeth and gasps. They said nothing as they took you out the door.
Having never seen any of the place you were in, you were surprised at the twisting hallways and maze like route that you were taking. But the twins seemed undeterred and walked quickly. Before long there was a heavy metal door in front of you. It was all dented and it looked like an explosion had hit it. The door was already adjar and upon further investigation, you notice that it's hanging off the hinges.
Walking down another short hallway you come up into a large room. With a start you realize that blood is everywhere and there are bodies scattered through out the room. At the front leaning against a table is Sylus. He looks irritated and he has blood spattered on his face. He stands up straight when he sees you and the twins. His gaze hardens as he looks you over.
"Why did you come?" He looks at you blankly, his face giving nothing away. He just looks at you like he's staring right through you.
"Did you ever, even for one second love me?" You ask after several tense minutes go by. He still says nothing. Feeling the unsaid confirmation of what you had thought to be true now a reality you close your eyes against the tears.
A minute later and you open them again. "I am over this. I just want it to end. I don't care about anything anymore. I no longer want anything as I also posses nothing. You can have it all. I just want it to end." After letting go you feel like a weight has fallen off your shoulders. All the hate and resentment you'd felt several days ago has disappeared.
"Take her to the manor and contact the dr." Sylus finally says after many moments. The twins immediately move out. Despite their best efforts you get jostled several times and the pain makes you pass out. You surrender to unconsciousness, thankful to escape for however short a time it will last.
Over the next several months you are confined to bed to allow you injuries to heal. The scarring isn't as bad as you had though it would be, but it extends over most of your arms legs and back. The whip scars will never disappear and serve as a constant reminder to never show your back to anyone.
Eventually the day arrives that the dr tells you all of you injuries have healed and he discharges you from his care. Eight months have passed since that day and finally you are back on your feet. Having packed a bag with a few sets of clothes you grab the strap and the papers you had asked for a few days ago.
Without hesitation you go to Sylus' office and open the door. He is sitting at his desk reading some documents. You walk over and set two things down. One of them reads Transfer of Assets and the other says Annulment of Marriage. Placing a pen on top of it you say resolute "sign them and then you'll never see me again." You take a step back and wait.
He sets the papers down and looks at what you have placed on his desk with a raised eyebrow. "What is this?" You inwardly sigh. "Sinc you do not love me and I have no desire to play second fiddle to anyone else I am not staying. Clearly there is no place for me here. This is to repay the treatment I was given. You owe me nothing and I owe you nothing." You're confidant that with relinquishing your rights to your family's business and everything you endured being at his side will more than repay him.
He appears to be lost in thought as he reads over the papers. "You really want nothing in return?" The only thing you had asked for in the divorce agreement was that he not seek you out and that your paths never cross again. You nod and finally he moves to sign them. You turn on your heel and walk out of the door, out of his manor. This corrupt part of the city and out of his life forever.
A sense of peace washes over you as you get into your car and turn the ignition. Ready to begin your own life.
And thus ends another one. I did make some tweaks to the original plot line I was given because it flowed better in this way. I do hope you don't mind. I stuck to what you gave me as much as possible. I hope you enjoyed this one
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#love and deepspace#lnds#lnds sylus#love and deepspace sylus#request fic#annon asks#lnds x reader#love and deepspace x reader#long fic#angsty#angst with a neutral ending#angst#lnds mc
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no, please don’t kill me mr. ghostface, i wanna be in the sequel!
>>> you didn’t think you were making it out of kinktober without a visit from ghostface, did you? all cute and sweet pieces, blegh. it's time to play...happy halloween—don’t hang up on me you bitch!
>>> cw: PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION. NO MINORS. dark content ahead. inspired by scream 1996. murder, blood, gore, stalking, yandere!characters, ghostface!characters, manipulation, major character death, alternate no curses!reality, physical harm to reader, manhandling, knifeplay, costumed sex, prone bone, dub con, non con just in case tbh, biting, choking spanking, face-slap, degradation (whore, slut, bitch, etc), praise, breeding, doggy, blood consumption, mating press, throat fucking, edging, double penetration, fingering/knife-fucking (?) (f!receiving) anal. threesome mfm/mmf, breeding. let me know if i missed anything. >>> wc: 15.8k >>> event masterlist: >>> playlist

you were starting to get majorly freaked out. the past year or so had been the worst of your life. your college professor was murdered last fall—sending the small town into a frenzy. some people were mortified. how could someone so brutal be lurking in the shadows of this cheery town? they stopped walking to school and carpooled instead, kids no longer played in the yards, and women rarely went out unaccompanied. some people thought it was funny—something interesting to talk about after years of mundane crimes barely making the news.
you were feeling something much more complex than just fear or interest; you were battling grief. grief that no one else even knew about, adding to the complexity of your feelings. toji was just your business professor—one that you paid frequent visits to on and off campus. you did a good job of covering your tracks, coming up with lie after lie to keep your friends well distracted from your taboo hook-ups with the community’s favorite teacher. they would bully you to tears if they knew you gave your virginity to dr. fushiguro—and between satoru and suguru’s relentless teasing, you would never know peace again.
plus, it’s nearly been a year, and you were nothing more than the other woman, a young girl that caught his attention over the monotony of marriage. it wasn’t going anywhere, and you knew that. in a way, the emotions you grappled with weren’t grief at all—but guilt. toji had young children—what you did was wrong. you felt that way when he was alive and you were actively doing it—but something about him pulled you in. maybe it was your own naivety that was to blame for believing him when he promised you he would leave his wife for you–all just to get you to put out again and put off your friends. maybe it was the subconscious belief that he was the best you would get, the best you deserved. your parents were hardly winning any awards for their methods, and the only other men in your life have been around you since high school, the aforementioned relentless teasers: satoru gojo and suguru geto.
you like to think that you put it all behind you, but you can’t stop this creeping feeling that toji fushiguro was murdered because of you.
and that wasn’t the end of the weird happenings. your lab partner—kento nanami unceremoniously dropped out this month, so the rumors around campus say, but you have a bad feeling about it. you’ve been calling him for days with no response, he has no after school work presence, and his best friend looks like he’s seen a ghost anytime you’re around. it was all the school was talking about, especially approaching the anniversary of dr. fushiguro’s death.
“i say he was murdered, just like the professor. we have a real serial killer on our hands, ladies and gents!” ieiri shoko—a haphazard extension of your friend group—wiggles her brows, reclined back on her hands to survey the rest of you as she puffs her cigarette.
gojo rolls his eyes, giving the speaker an unimpressed look. “i think they gotta tick a few more boxes before it’s a serial killer, no? only two murders, and so far apart?” he shakes his head to discount the theory. he makes a good point, perhaps it was just a creepy coincidence after all. there’s no reason to freak yourself out over nothing.
“yeah? well i think it’s connected too.” iori says from her spot on the ground, her head laying in your lap as you braid and unbraid her hair, just keeping your brain occupied on something other than the death that seems to follow you.
“yeah? and that’s why you don’t get paid for thinkin’.” gojo snickers, utahime’s annoyed attempt to swat at him blocked by suguru’s body, the two of them sitting behind you at the picnic tables out in the open sun. it made you feel a little safer, surrounded by friends and in a place where you could keep an eye out. you trust gojo and geto to watch your back.
satoru continues to giggle on about it until shoko interrupts, taking her cigarette out of her mouth and pointing gojo down with it. “what if they just pick one of us every year–some kind of halloween sacrifice?” she posits, and your eyes widen. the boys exchange a look, and suguru’s voice of reason cuts in.
“let’s leave the detective work to the police, yeah? i’m sure sheriff zen’in wants to solve his nephews murder.” he leans back against the table while gojo balances his weight with his elbows on his knees.
“yeah right. the sheriff couldn’t give a damn. ” you scoff, biting your tongue at the fact you spoke on the subject at all, but especially something so vague—implying you know more about toji than the normal student, and your cautious friends are also perceptive, you fear.
“what’s that s’pposed to mean? our loyal piggy doesn’t wanna protect the community?” gojo leans forward on his knees, bringing his face closer to yours. he’s studying you—every nervous shift of your eyes, the seconds you let pass before you answer, everything, and you know it.
“of…course he does. i only meant—”
“pshhh, everyone knows those zen’in families are weird.” utahime swings in to save you—feeling the way your body tenses under your best friends interrogating stare “why d’you think his last name is fushiguro instead, hm? probably left the family to be a better person—how dreamy of him.” she sighs wistfully, having been another one of the many girls that would have killed to be in your place. “and that old bastard probably doesn’t care. he probably did it himself, knowing how corrupt–”
“smoking on campus, are we, students?” headmaster yaga walks up to send the conversation to a screeching halt. shoko quickly snuffs out her butt on her boot, crumpling the evidence in her hand as the man comes closer. suguru’s never quite cared about the opinions of his elders, and he won’t start now. he keeps slowly dragging his—making eye contact with the headmaster as he comes to a stop before your group in the grass. “geto. you mind?”
he arches his brow in annoyance, sticking out his tongue to burn the ash on. gojo giggles. “what an anarchist!” he cheers jovially, nudging his friend with his elbow. “we didn’t see any no smoking signs sir, swear.”
suguru cracks a lazy grin at the defense, looking at yaga patiently. “i’m sure you’ve heard the news about your fellow classmate.” he starts, and utahime sits up properly to question him more specifically.
“that he dropped out? yeah–we heard that days ago.” she confronts with furrowed brows. you can tell by the clench of yaga’s jaw that there’s more news. your heart sinks to your stomach, that bad feeling you had making an ugly return with the shifting of yaga’s stance.
“what–did they find him?!” you push yourself up to stand, heart pounding in your ears. if kento was dead, was it your fault too somehow?
yaga turns to you with a sad and curt nod. “they did. he was…strung up outside of his house–brutally murdered. his parents found him. all we know so far is that he was on the phone when he died. his mother heard him.”
you cover your mouth with shaky hands. how awful, to hear your own son gargle his last breaths? what a horrible way to go, you can’t believe your stoic and stern lab partner was no more, meeting a fate so horrible you wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemies.
“how awful…his poor family.” iori shakes her head, too stunned to speak further. shoko replaces her cigarette with a fresh lollipop, lost in her own head; no doubt contemplating the morbid horror film most closely resembling the current situation—she has a fixation with death.
“there will be a memorial fundraiser to help his family with the funeral costs.” yaga nods, arms folded over his chest. he was clearly at a loss for words, though what could one even really say? he settled for, “be wary, kids. the sheriff’s department will be issuing a curfew. please be safe.”
iori nods as the headmaster walks away—turning back to look at everyone. you hug yourself, feeling a chill in the air that only reminds you of what time of year it is—halloween. you’re still lost in thought, wondering what toji and nanami could have possibly had in common outside of knowing you and being at this school. what motive could be, who was next.
satoru and suguru exchange a look. they can see how wound up you are, noting that you seemed to know that something had happened to nanami before you were told. shoko breaks the silence first.
“this is just like scream, you know? spooky phone calls and brutal killings—says here that he was gutted and suspended from a tree.” she shakes her head, reading the pixelated news article from her nokia screen—grossed out and intrigued at the same time.
iori gasps, “that’s awful—don’t compare his death to a movie, ieiri!” she scolds, noticing you off in la la land. “earth to y/n…hellooooo? i hope this isn’t a scary movie because you are so dying first.” she snarks, and gojo arches his brows and grins mischievously at the sentiment. he gets to his feet, creeping up behind you–jerking you by the shoulders and gasping just to scare you.
you scream and jump back—punching him in the chest. “you jerk!’ you huff as he covers his stomach with laughter, stumbling back into his bench seat. suguru gives you an apologetic smile, standing and offering you his hand.
“c’mon, let me walk you home.” he tilts his head towards the path you take. gojo jumps up too.
“i’ll come with! make up for my prank?” he pouts, resting his chin on your shoulder. his icy blue gaze stays trained on you until you finally give in and look at him, making a bright grin spread across his face.
shoko huffs, “you’re an insensitive asshat—i’m sure you’re not taking this seriously because you always picked on kento. i wonder if the piggies know that!”
“he was a nerd—that’s all!” he scoffs with an eye roll, “oh yeah, so now i killed the guy, huh?” he furrows his brows, insulted by shoko’s insinuation that he could stoop so low.
“no one said that, satoru.” suguru claps his free hand down on the other’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “let’s all relax. i know this is scary, so make sure we walk in partners, at least.”
utahime gags and rolls her eyes at the dramatics, stretching out before getting to her feet. you look to her, thinking you should make sure your fellow woman makes it to her dorm, but suguru’s voice cuts through your thoughts again.
“we just want to make sure you get home safely with all of this going on, you look…worried.” suguru comments, stretching his palm out to remind you that his hand was extended for you. your heart warms at his kindness. he’s always been a gentle giant–especially compared to satoru; who has his own charms to him like his sense of humor and his striking good looks. he takes care of you in his own ways—but suguru’s always been more traditional. you place your hand in his, smiling thankfully. he turns to the other girls, but yu haibara is already escorting them the other way, careful to avoid you entirely. your shoulders slump at the idea that he blames you for nanami’s death.
gojo slings an arm around your shoulders and they steer you towards your off campus rental. it’s a little two bedroom one bath—no satoru mansion, but it does the trick. you’re rarely there anyways, bouncing between your friends’ residences for the “dates” you all go on—though ieiri and iori aren’t typically included.
“so this stuff’s really got you messed up in the noodle, huh?” satoru asks, exchanging careful glances with his opposite. you hum so he knows you heard him, settling into the rhythm they were walking for you. you don’t know if it’s the question or the crisp autumn air that makes you shiver—maybe it’s the way they both watch you so intensely, though the longer you think about it the more you realize they’ve kinda always been like that, letting their eyes stay on you too long, analyzing your features to decipher how you really feel. you can’t hide a thing from them. you can only buy yourself time.
“yeah. i guess so.” you settle on, tucking your cheek into your shoulder. you knew they would ask for more specifics, all in the due process of taking care of you.
“were you even close to that nanami guy?” suguru follows up, brows raised in curiosity. you know this trap. it was a miracle you’ve ever been able to keep toji a secret. they’ve always taken a special interest in your love life—they’re protective over you, and wanted to vet any potential match for you. but the boys you met in high school were easily scared off by the strong and intimidating friends of yours, so you figured college wouldn’t be much different. hence why you didn’t try—taking toji’s affection like a gift that fell into your lap.
“he was my lab partner, so we’ve done a few projects together. he seemed like a nice guy, never crossed any lines. responsible. the sort.” you shrug again, not wanting to seem too invested. “i guess it’s just…weird. he was here one day and now he’s not, and killed so brutally…it doesn’t feel real.” you explain, and suguru seems to reflect on the words.
“people die all the time, sugar. maybe he got caught up in something he shouldn’t’ve, maybe wrong place wrong time, or maybe he was eyeing something that didn’t belong to him. who knows. no use troubling yourself over it.” gojo shrugs, sliding his hand up to pat the back of your head.
“that’s easy for you men to say! if some serial killer came after you, you could fight ‘em off. i have no chance if he was…to pick me next.” you retort, trying to make them see why you were so amped up about it.
“what makes you think that he would pick you next?” suguru furrows his brows, but gojo just tilts his head side to side to mull it over.
“nanami was a man, right? i wonder why he died.” he thinks aloud, shrugging. you snap your head towards him to chastise him for such a statement, but suguru clears his throat.
“you have nothing to worry about, right? like satoru said earlier. these are isolated incidents, and they’ve only gone after men so far. chin up, angel.” he insists as you three walk up the steps to your house.
you take a deep but shaky breath, nodding. suguru was right. the only victims have been men. toji’s death and subsequently nanami’s had nothing to do with each other. it was just your guilt gnawing at you. if you didn’t get yourself together, your perceptive bodyguards would pick up on the fact that you were hiding something from them. “thank you. i…needed to hear that.” you nod in satisfaction.
“i’ll call you later, just to make sure you’re still..doing alright.” he assures, patting your hand before he drops it. gojo squeezes you into him, ruffling your hair.
“don’t worry, cutie. we’ll see you tomorrow!! dream of me!” he calls out as their figures retreat.
once the door shuts behind you, you sigh out a breath of relief.
you get some homework and laundry done in the few hours you have before bed. it’s a regular routine, but that’s why you found peace in it. you make yourself some dinner and cozy up on the couch, flipping through the channels to find something to make some noise outside of your loud brain. nanami’s picture makes you pause on the news, the reporter droning on about the case. according to phone records from that night, someone called his house six times, calls various in length from where kento was allegedly hanging up and trying to ignore the killer.
“it seems the young man was stalked from outside his home for the entire night—making a valiant effort to run according to forensics before he eventually succumbed to his injuries. the case is ongoing, and due to the nature of the crime, sheriff zen’in has ordered a curfew of 8pm, beginning friday.”
you’re reeling at the report, stunned beyond belief. it’s hard for you to even envision something so horrible. he must have been so scared. when your home phone rings—you’re jumping out of your skin–scambling up the couch with a scream. you stare at the receiver on the little side table next to you, fear nipping up your spine. that reporter said that nanami had been called repeatedly the night of his death—but suguru also promised to call. you decide to take the chance, satoru lives close enough that you could call him for help if it was this mysterious serial killer instead of one of your best friends on the other line—plus, nanami’s slaughter showed that ignoring the call wouldn’t help a thing.
you reach out a shaky hand, feeling your throat go dry and tight as your sweaty palm grabs the receiver. like it makes a difference, you quickly put it up to your ear, looking around frantically. you never realized how many windows your house has, and now it feels like you’re naked for the world to see. “hello?”
“hey, angel.” suguru’s luxurious voice calms your nerves instantly, like throwing water on a fire. you relax back into the cushions, sighing audibly.
“h-hey.” you card your fingers through your hair in attempt to rid yourself of any lingering anxiety.
“i take it you aren’t feeling better about the whole ordeal then?” he sighs with you, gnawing on his bottom lip a little. you were troublesome for his own nerves.
you play with the spiral cord connecting the receiver to the landline. “i was, i swear! then i saw the news and they were warning about phones like yaga did earlier and then–”
“your phone rang. sorry about my timing then, sweetheart. did you eat?” he interrupts, but his concern makes you tingle with warmth. they may be overbearing at times, but it’s so clear how much they care about you.
“mhm. i have some leftovers though, if you’re still hungry. i could…use some company?” you weakly excuse, slightly embarrassed to basically beg for his protection; but the truth was that you knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight unless you had some comfort.
he chuckles softly and smiles into the phone when he agrees. “of course. i’ll be right over. give me ten minutes—i’ll bring slushies.” he hums enticingly, and you give him a choked up chuckle of relief. he would protect you through the night–and make sure that you had a good time, too.
“kk, sounds good. i want the cherry one!” you tell him like he doesn’t already know everything about your preferences.
“i know you want the cherry—i’m not a psychopath.” he chuckles with you, his car’s engine humming to life in the background. “i’ll see you soon angel. hang tight.” the line goes dead, but you’re no longer filled with a sense of dread, even if you were still nervous about the murderer on the loose.
while you wait on suguru, you do some more channel surfing. you wonder what satoru’s up to tonight and if he’ll be peeved that he wasn’t invited to hang out. who are you kidding, of course he’ll be jealous. you reach over for the phone to call him—even with suguru’s headstart he would probably still beat him here if you got to him now. the high pitched ringing of the phone sounds off again just as your hand wraps around it, making you jump just slightly—it caught you off guard, is all. it’s probably suguru calling to tell you that 7/11 is out of cherry—they’re always out of cherry. annoyed, you put the receiver to your ear.
“ugh, don’t tell me—”
“hello y/n.” the slightly garbled deep voice says. you don’t recognize it–and your heart drops to your stomach. this, this is who’s been murdering people, this is him. this is who they warned you about—why suguru is sneaking out to come see you through the night–suguru. you have to buy enough time for him to get here, if nothing else.
“who are you?” you ask, trying to give your voice some bravado. you start searching the windows again, the eerie sensation that you aren’t alone was making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. goddamn you need to invest in a dog.
“blegh–boring question. i want to know who you are, precious y/n.” the voice states, male in nature, but you can’t distinguish anything past that. your heart races at the avoidance.
“you know my name, and my phone number. seems to me you know who i am.” you clench your jaw together to keep your teeth from chattering, willing yourself to be intimidating. the voice on the other end cackles in amusement.
“you’re funny y/n. i mean the real you, silly girl! let’s play a game. for every question you get right, the longer i’ll let you live. every question you get wrong…one of your friends… dies!” he seems very entertained with himself over the threats, making the fear bubble up over your heart.
“m-my boyfriend is on the way! he’s really big and he’ll beat your ass–”
“and he’ll be the first one dead! question numero uno, and we’re starting easy!! oh, don’t cry now! you can do it, c’mon, iori and ieiri need you right? those are your girlfriends–and that’s not the first question!” he titters again, but his name drops make your rapidly beating heart still in your chest. “how far away is your little boyfriend?”
your chest heaves, the stranger’s wish for you not to cry was wasted. he knows everything–all your friends names—maybe the fact you hadn’t called satoru tonight was the only thing keeping him safe. you wonder how long this stalker must have been following you, listening to you. you wonder if he killed toji too—and why.
“l-like…six minutes, or so. I-i don’t know!” you cry out, clutching the receiver. you think about the consequences of hanging up—maybe that is what angered him into killing nanami. you better stay on the line.
“good girl. see? not that hard! just keep using that noggin’ of yours!” he encourages, breathing heavily into his side of the phone.
you nod, sure he can see you anyway. you shrink into the couch as if it will swallow you whole and keep you safe, but the feeling of comfort is short-lived.
“why was toji fushiguro murdered??”
you blanche. he is responsible. this is…all your fault after all. your worst fears are coming true right in front of you, and suguru cannot get here fast enough to stop it.
“i…i don’t know! i didn’t do it!” you put your hand over your other ear, trying to ball up and make this all go away.
“wrong answerrrr. you’ll find out soon that i’m not bluffing, sugar. let’s try again. why was toji fushiguro butchered?”
how does he know? toji must have told people. that’s the only logical explanation—you know that you haven’t spoken of it to a soul. this man knew, and killed him for it? was he related to toji’s wife, here for revenge? where did kento fit into this—is it really all about you?
you can hardly hear yourself respond over your heartbeat echoing in your ears, pumping your blood in a rush. “i..i dunno!! because i slept with him!?”
“ding ding ding! i knew you were a smart girl. but you do know that makes you a little slut, right? do you know that means you killed him, sugar!” he hisses the last part, as if personally hurt by the notion.
“i..it was wrong–yes–but i..i–” you try to explain, but realize the stranger has no reason to allow it. he’s here to punish you, and you have to either accept this lying down, or try to put up some kind of fight.
“is that two wrong answers? you’ll sentence your best friends to death over your pride, slut? how disappointing.”
“no, no–i am!” you clench your eyes shut, finding it easy to beg for their lives. if this caller was to be believed, then you already knew he wasn’t bluffing.
“you’re what? hmmm y/n?” his voice gets louder, like he’s closer to the device.
“i’m a…slut!” your cheeks burn, you shift uncomfortably on the couch as you wait for the stranger to reply. “please sir.”
“last question–speed round. what door am i at? your front door…or your porch?”
thoughts stop and instinct takes over, causing you to drop the phone and run to your porch–a sliding glass door with flimsy locks. you turn on all the lights, hoping to ward off whatever evil lurked in the night hunting you. you click all the locks in place, sprinting now towards your front door, which stood open already.
“no..” you say aloud, voice a broken whisper of realization. he was already in your house. maybe he had been the whole time, you don’t know anything anymore. all you can think about was suguru’s arrival—hoping you could last for a few minutes longer. you spin around, deciding to venture back the way you came. it was already cleared, he couldn’t have slipped behind—a gloved hand covers your mouth—leather thick enough to smother, and you throw your elbow back as hard as you can, stunning the captor into letting your face go. with a hurried gasp, you’re sprinting for your life. you run to your porch door, grappling with the lock that you just secured. you keep looking over your shoulder, waiting for the figure to reemerge, shaking the lock with all your might. you hear the footsteps, looking over your shoulder to see a tall monstrosity—cloaked in ghostface’s attire. you scream out and throw the door open. shutting it on him before he had the chance to grab you again.
your heart is racing and you aren’t sure where to go next, attempting to clear your fence to get to the main yard of your house, maybe you could get to suguru first. the killer is faster though, both in mind and in body. he grabs your ankle before you can get all the way over, yanking you back to his domain. you scream for help, but there’s no one around to hear you.
“my boyfriend—he’s scary, please mister!” you fight, kicking and thrashing to get all the openings to escape that you could. “let me go!” you throw your legs, connecting with his stomach. he reflexively clutched it in pain, giving you a window to scramble back to your feet and back into your house through the porch door you escaped from. locking it would be a waste, you just start throwing down whatever you could get your hands on to make an obstacle course for the masked man. you assume the cheap costume doesn’t have the best visibility, and you hope to use that to your advantage.
you sprint for the front door, hearing the grunting and frustrated groans of the man chasing you. you blink through your panicked tears, grasping at straws for what to do next. it’s then that you hear the gravel of your driveway crunch under what could only be tires—and who could only be suguru. you shove your couch in between you and the killer, flailing yourself down your front steps and into the yard, sobbing and out of breath, scrapes and scratches showing the evidence of the chase.
suguru is out of his car in an instant, by your side even quicker. he seems to put two and two together at the sight of you, running into the house just in time to see the ghostface impersonator sneak out of your living room window, fading into the distance. you can’t let suguru go very far, terrified beyond measure as you glue to his side and cry into his shirt once he assures you the scary man is gone.
he holds your face, trying to soothe you the best way he knows how. “shh, shh, let’s call the sheriff, alright? this has to be reported.” he insists, holding you to his chest as he picks up your phone to call the police to your home, your kitchen and living room a mess of the night that would undoubtedly scar you for life. you nod, burying your face in his comforting scent. “just tell them what happened, and make sure you tell them everything.” he encourages, petting your hair as you wait for them to arrive.
your heart sinks at the prospect of revealing your secrets to the police. surely they don’t need to know every word exchanged on the phone. you can communicate the gist. you rehearse in your head what to say—but nothing prepared you for sheriff zen’in putting suguru in cuffs and shoving him in the back of a squad car.
you protest, proclaiming his innocence–but the sheriff says if he’s truly done nothing wrong, then he can answer a few of their questions down at the station. you ride in a car too, like a passenger instead of a prisoner, to report what happened in detail that night. you can hardly get through an account of it—too nervous about suguru’s interview. he didn’t even wait for a lawyer, and had already used his phone call. deputy choso finally lets you go once it’s apparent you’re too shaken up to give them anymore than your scrambled memory, about being home and talking to suguru and then a very…summarized version of your call with the killer—and of course your run from him.
you’re relieved when a just-rolled-out-of-bed satoru throws the station doors open, face stern as he scans for you. his features soften when they land on yours, and he’s pulling you into his arms before you’ve even really processed that he’s here. suguru must have used his call on him, to make sure you were taken care of in the event they want to hold him overnight—you’re touched.
“y/n, what happened?! suguru said—a ghostface broke into your house?? are you alright, are you hurt—what are they talking to him for?” he asks, cradling your head on his chest after gawking at your bandaged ankle. you shake your head on him, just wrapping your arms around his waist.
“i dunno, the guy chased me, satoru—i thought i was going to die!! suguru got there just in time, he saved me, and they’re treating him like he’s a criminal! get him out of there—call your dad or something this is bullshit!” you heave, panicky breaths shaking out over his shirt.
he rubs your back, finding suguru’s eyes through the blinds over sheriff zen’in’s window. he takes a steadying breath, clearly trying to set an example for you to follow. “it’s gonna be okay, c’mon, you believe in your ole pal satoru, right?” he leans back, hands on your shoulders to give you a reassuring look. his nod gives you the faith to do the same, leaning back into his chest for that feeling of safety that seems so fleeting these days.
satoru goes back and forth with the deputy about holding suguru overnight, threatening the mayor’s intervention. but deputy choso calls his bluff, rolling his eyes in clear aggravation.
“even the mayor’s asleep right now, kid. unless daddy’ll come running at three a.m, geto’s spending the night.”
“we have classes tomorrow you dipshit. y/n was literally expecting him—what can you even be holding him on?” satoru bucks, arching his brow. it’s rare that he gets serious, but when he does he comes correctly.
“reasonable suspicion.” choso shrugs, leaning back in his desk chair. “doesn’t suguru know how to clone phone numbers? i seem to remember some trouble the two of you got in for prank calling.”
“in eighth grade?” gojo scoffs, grabbing your hand roughly. you know it’s just because he’s wound up about the situation at hand. first your attack, then they cage suguru up like an animal, and now he’s dealing with dumbass deputy dewey. “prank calling to psycho murderer, huh? i suppose that is the only logical fuckin step!” he shakes his head in disbelief, dragging you from the station. “let’s go, sugar. time to get you back to bed—”
ice floods your veins. “what did you just call me?” you pull back out of his grip, looking at him with wide eyes. satoru’s face falters as he searches over yours, paused mid-speech.
“what, sugar? i’ve called you that for years, y/n!” he rolls his eyes, sighing. “so paranoid, goodness. c’mon.” he pats your lower back, urging you into a steady stride alongside him. “let’s go to my place. wouldn’t want there to be a second strike or anything.”
you still stare at him with that quiet unease, brain racing through your conversation with ghostface. “h-he called me that, too.” you mutter, stumbling over your own feet every few steps. satoru slips his arm around your waist to keep you close and to keep you from falling.
“well, i didn’t exactly coin the nickname, i must admit.” he forcibly chuckled. “babe, please.” he rolls his eyes at your steady disbelief. “if i wanted to kill ya, do you not think i could pretty easily? i mean, my dad’s the mayor and you have no family. clearly, i only have your best interest at heart, y/n.” he raises his brow, and as blunt as his statement may be, it is effective. satoru’s strong enough to crush you in one hand, if he wanted to. plus they’d be the only ones that missed you if you were gone. “i’ll…try not to call you that anymore.” he adds on the end, squeezing your hip in an effort to give you some peace of mind.
you nod softly, processing. he’s always been sort of crude and a little brutal in his manner of speaking, always followed up by triumphant giggles at his own jokes. it’s his way of protecting you, of playing good cop and bad cop all at once, and over time you’ve gotten used to his bluntness. he was right anyhow, you shouldn’t doubt the only protection you have in times like these. plus, his offer of safety was too good to pass up.
so you let gojo bring you to his huge estate, not affiliated with the mayor’s property downtown, no, this was just for satoru alone. it was expansive but still held onto that homestyle feeling. his bedroom was cozy, warm and safe like his arms around you, protecting you through the last few hours of the night.
news of your attack had spread like a forest fire around campus by the following morning. of course everyone’s in your face, all swarming around you in hopes they could get any bits of information—did the ghostface mention nanami? how did you escape? why was suguru still at the station if he rescued you?
luckily satoru is there to serve as the buffer between you and the crowd, your other friends close in quickly as well, shoving and cussing until the path cleared and the rules to leave you be were instilled. you weren’t even sure how you were up and walking right now. you were exhausted between the chase and your collective two hours of sleep. your worry was weighing you down, the haunting anxiety of being attacked again, of causing more of your friends to be killed due to your wrong answers, of getting suguru into serious trouble just because this town wanted someone to blame for this. you felt like you’ve had too many iced coffees, body wired and fidgeting as you try to avoid all the lingering stares by making your way to the bathroom to hide for a bit—just long enough to let everyone settle into classes, so you can peacefully get to yours.
you hear a couple of girls chit-chatting between the stalls, a voice you recognize saying your name followed by a near audible eye-roll. you quickly tuck yourself into a stall so they don’t see you when they come out, heart racing now that you seem to be the topic of conversation.
“i bet she’s making it all up. i mean—a ghostface costume? really? that movie came out thirteen years ago! i mean if we’re getting in the halloween spirit, why not jigsaw?” she snickers, the metal door to the stall clanging open to signify that they’ve left—the water running at the sinks.
“mei mei! that’s awful, why do you hate her so much?” the other girl teases, grabbing some paper towels. you bite your lip in wait, insulted beyond belief that she could think you were that big of an attention whore.
“because gojo and geto follow that girl around like she has some kind of…spell on them! i wouldn’t be surprised if she killed dr. fushiguro. she was in his class last year—and he seemed to pick on her a lot. maybe he was some…witchy sacrifice to make the two hottest guys at this school fall in love with her! nanami was this years!” she reveals as if she’s solved the crimes herself, simply from being so self-aware.
“that’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever said, skank!” her friend dismisses with laughter, their voices fading as the bathroom door squeals shut, telling you they’ve left for good. you lean against the door of your stall for a moment, raking your hands over your face to cope with the cold sweat coating your skin and the disbelief gripping your heart. you fidget with the lock, stumbling out to the sinks for something to bring you back to life. you turn the faucet on, thinking some cold water would do the trick. it helps you perk up a bit even when it just hits your hands. before you can cup any and splash your face, a chill creeps up your spine—you’re being watched.
you bend over, looking under the doors of each stall to make sure there weren’t any feet lurking behind the doors waiting to attack you. you don’t see anything, puffing out your cheeks as you exhale and right your posture. you make eye contact with yourself in the mirror. you have to snap out of this, you tell yourself, raking your hands over your face, tugging at your eyes and rubbing your cheeks in an effort to remind yourself of reality.
“y/nnnn.” the distorted voice echoes in your mind, making you gasp and spin around to look at the stalls, look all over the bathroom, nearly flattening your chest to the floor to look under the stalls again. again, nothing. your brain is playing tricks on you. you’ve officially lost it. what was the likelihood of being attacked in your campus bathroom anyway—especially since he started at your house? you take a deep breath and gather your backpack up, hearing the clanking metal sound of one of the stall locks. “don’t ignore me, y/n.”
you squat down, there had to be someone there this time. you knew paranoia could only go so far, that voice sending your heart into a fearful spiral.
boots descend from the toilet, planting firmly on the ground. you start to breathe heavily, a jagged black cloak lowered to tell you that you were indeed being targeted by a ghostface impersonator, and you scream. he lunges out of the stall—a huge hunting knife clasped in both hands over his head as you duck, limboing under his attack and making for the door.
“help me!!” you scream frantically, voice so shrill it hurts your throat. you feel the heat of his body against your back, so you fling your head backwards into his chest—surprising him enough to falter. you fling the door open, making that connect too, scrambling for any extra time and space you could get. your vision is blurred by the nervous tears that spring automatically, searching for an exit or someone to help. you see a few guys standing together at the end of the hall—one of which has stark white hair that you could recognize from worlds away. “satoru!! he’s here, help!!”
the frantic desperation in your voice grabs all of their attention, satoru and naoya zen’in—grandson of the sheriff–sprint closer to figure out what’s going on. they see the masked man stalking after you, but you can only keep running for your life. your legs nearly give out as you make it to satoru, collapsing in his arms. his eyes are wide as he pushes you back behind him, turning to deal with the intruder—but the zen’in beats him to it. he tackles the figure, managing to wrestle the knife away even before the ghostface rolled them to win the struggle, punching naoya hard enough that his head bounced off the floor. you gasp–shoving satoru forward.
“help him!!” you panic, not able to stomach the thought of someone else dying over you. satoru barrels forward and roughly pulls the ghostface off, turning to naoya to ensure he was still alive while the masked figure tumbles to the ground with a grunt. you’re paralyzed with terror as one of the other boys, a freshman named ijichi, checks on you, grabbing your attention with his shaky voice.
“y/n, are you alright? goodness.” he pats your shoulder, and you nod–turning back to the commotion. you catch the sight of the cloak slipping down the stairs, screaming out for gojo to warn him. he quickly moves to follow—but finds no trace of the man. he turns back to you with a shake of his head. he was gone.
satoru moves to pull you to your feet, holding you securely to his chest as yaga and a host of other teachers bustle through the hallways looking frantic.
“he came to this school. that is it!” yaga shakes his head, surveying your crying and terrified form. “classes are canceled until further notice!” he declares, instructing for the cops to be called immediately–and to bring a paramedic for the student injured in your defense. you feel so guilty when you look over at the zen’in boy holding his eye, wincing. he had no business with you and didn’t have to get involved at all, but he likely saved your life!
you sniffle, gently pushing yourself off of gojo with a weak smile. you give him a grateful look, nodding to him in a way that communicated your need to accomplish something. “i’m okay.”
he nods a little, letting his hand fall off of your elbow. he watches you slouch over to naoya as he shoves himself into a seated position. you crouch to his level, giving him a gentle but still anxious smile.
“hey..does it hurt pretty bad?” you ask, sympathetically frowning at the shiner. he scoffs a little at your question. you sure are lucky you’re stunning–and that he has a reputation to uphold.
“yeah? it’s a massive bruise. i’ll live though.” he shrugs, brushing his hair out of the way.
“well…thank you. for doing that, you could have been hurt worse.” you nod, standing. you reach your hand out to help him to his feet. he smiles, and takes your hold despite his usual pride, he’s able to capitalize on some arrogance.
“i had it under control, don’t worry about it. what kind of man would i be if i didn’t step in?” he smirks, and the little look makes you blush. maybe you had a soft spot for the zen’in families good looks.
“i see, well. thank you anyway.” you hum, turning back to satoru. “i guess we’re free to go home, huh? classes are canceled…” you scratch at the back of your neck anxiously, hoping satoru would let you attach like a little lost puppy in order to stay within the realms of safety.
he rubs at your shoulders, wiggling his brows a little. “mhm, way to go, princess. you got us outta school!” he cheers, throwing his arm around your shoulders. “i say, party at my house!! everyone’s invited!” he yells out into the emptying hallway, the announcement of canceled classes causing the majority of your peers to spill into the schoolyard, escaping before the headmaster changes his mind.
the idea of a party right now made you nauseous. anyone of these people could be the ghostface poser or his next victim. you wish you could just hole up in your house, but being alone was hardly an option for you right now. satoru keeps a hand on your back to guide you out of the civics hall, assuring you that a party is exactly what you need to get your mind off of things.
“there’s no way i’d leave your side anyway! plus the girls are gonna be there, and—look who the cat dragged in!” his long finger turns your head in the direction he was looking, and your eyes widen at the sight of suguru waiting against the group’s usual tree. relief floods your system. at least suguru was free, clearly they couldn’t pin this on him like they wanted.
he strolls over to fall in line on your other side, giving you a sly smile. “hey angel. shoko told me what went down, and i am now on your side. that sheriff doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing.” he sighs out as he loops his arm around your shoulders. you give him a proper hug, letting him pick you up slightly to keep walking to satrou’s place. it was a normal happenstance, the two of them loved passing you between them like a toy football they tossed back and forth, this time it was suguru who lifts you from the ground. you wrap your legs around his thighs with a giggle—feeling a bit of lighthearted fun spring to your heart.
“oh don’t tell me you didn’t get the honeymoon suite.” satoru mocks, reaching for your upper half to pull you into his hold, to which you and suguru insist in passing you over. it’s all part of the games they like to play with you.
you roll your eyes. “we tried to get you out, well—sato did. that deputy was a big ole meanie about it.” you huff, being carried like a baby in gojo’s arms. he nods, pouting down at you.
“totally. was gonna get dad on it and everything! but hey—this party will be epic, the girls are getting some snacks, we’re on beer duty!” he cheers happily, gently tossing you up into the air. you freely giggle, falling back into his protective hold. he passes you to suguru, who slings you over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. you playfully kick and giggle and that sweet sound prompts satoru into comment. “she’s always so happy with us, huh sugu?”
he pats above your back, nodding. “of course. you’re our girl, right?” he hums, giving satoru a knowing smirk. you squeal a little and nod.
“mhm, i just feel so…safe with you two!” you sigh, relaxing across his shoulder. he finally lowers you to your own two feet once it’s time to walk into the general store with that one boozy cashier that would let geto have whatever he wanted from that store—including his weight in beer probably two times the legal purchase amount. you stroll around the aisles with them, satoru urging you to pick your own snacks over whatever gross shit iori and ieiri brought over.
for once, all seems to be well. you settle into a couch at satoru’s place, letting the boys fight over where they sat, deciding they’d just let you lay across them both. so your new couch becomes satoru and suguru, but they’re just as comfortable. shoko and utahime laugh at the sight when they come in, a few more stragglers that heard satoru’s invite making their way in for the free booze.
shoko of course came with her bag stuffed with horror classic dvds, starting with the obvious scream given her recent comments, and you roll your eyes and groan at the selection. suguru pets your hair back at your reaction, chuckling down at you.
“what, not a horror fan?” he raises a brow, the idea making gojo titter.
“probably not enough lady killers for our princess’ liking.” he elbows geto playfully, squeezing your thigh with his other hand. “or too many bimbos. which is it?” he asks expectantly, blowing some hair out his eyes.
you shrug. “what does sidney say, something about how insulting it is that all the girls are so dumb? always running upstairs when they should be going out a door on ground level. it’s annoying. and yeah—more girl killers!” you giggle back, finally settling into a decent spirit now that you knew you were safe with your friends.
“totally!! carrie’s like all we have!” utahime complains from the floor.
“well—all the victims have been dudes so far. maybe we have a lady ghostface out there.” satoru raises his beer to clink it with utahime’s. she’s already tipsy enough to toast gojo, so you know this night will be eventful, though you can’t help your unease at his statement. you felt like it was important to only pass around the proper information in regards to something like this, even though satoru’s only joking innocently.
“it’s not a woman. he’s too tall.” you mumble, reminding your friends in the room that you’ve suffered at the hands of this killer not once, but twice. your friends shift around awkwardly at the realization that they’ve gone a little too far.
satoru pats your thigh. “hey, y/n—” you assume he was going to apologize, but he’s cut off by the phone. your heart plunges. no, this can’t be happening. not here, not in the safety of satoru’s home–with all of your friends gathered around. your gasp makes a few heads turn to you, and satoru’s face falls at your jumpiness. “hey, it’s alright. probably just my folks. don’t worry. shoko—answer it?”
she nods, though you can tell she’s a little nervous too. she puts the phone to her ear and hums–seemingly recognizing the voice on the other end. the room all takes a collective breath of relief, but that doesn’t last very long. shoko clamps her hand over her mouth as she gasps, turning to you all to repeat what she was just told.
“it’s the sheriff’s grandson—naoya. they found him strung up the flagpole—gutted like nanami!” she whisper yells, sparking the intrigue of most of the mildly intoxicated young adults in the room. she nods a few more times with whoever’s on the other line, shaking her head at the grotesque crime until they hang up.
“well—what are we waiting for, let’s go check it out before they pull him down!” some freshman suggests, getting whoops and hollers from the other nameless faces as the pile out of the room, shoko leading the charge. you’re gripped with fear. this is the last straw. there’s no room to deny it anymore. the only common thread is you. when would this man get gojo? get geto? get ieiri and iori—you? would you have to watch all your friends die in front of you before he finally got you? naoya was not a nice guy, he had wronged plenty of people and was toji’s cousin—but he had saved you that day. and been punished for it.
“i need to go lie down.” you declare, sitting up on the only two men you could trust these days—which only made you fear for their safety that much more. suguru looks up at you wistfully, seeming to understand. gojo pouts, but nods his head towards his room.
“we’ll know where to find ya, sweet cheeks.” he assured, helping you slide off of their laps. you smile and nod at him gratefully, breaking out in that nervous cold sweat you were prone to as you creep up the steps towards satoru’s room. your heart thunders in your chest, so loud in your own ears you think it may be audible to everyone else. suguru ‘awwws’ as you walk off and utahime blows you a kiss, stretched out in the recliner. she’s invested in the movie—totally into billy loomis, naturally.
you wish you could be so naive to spend your night crushing on the killer in an old horror film, but your mind is too preoccupied with the one you’re living. some comfort soothes at your heart as you enter satoru’s large personal space. it smells of his soothing sweet scent, and you melt right into his bed, looking up at the rotations of the ceiling fan. you aren’t sure how long you stare up at it, wondering what entertainment your classmates were getting out of seeing naoya’s dead body. it makes you shudder to think about it, you wish that this was some sort of nightmare. at least those weren’t real. but that can’t be, because you feel yourself fall into some kind of satoru’s scent-induced slumber.
“you know, it is pretty spooky how similar these past few deaths have been to the movie.” utahime scrunches her nose as she looks around the remaining friends. gojo nods, lips turned down in a pondering frown.
“yeah–like the disembowelment? totally creepy. awww i’m all out of beer. utahimeeeee?” he coos, shaking his bottle at her. she jiggles hers and rolls her eyes at the emptiness. she shoves out of her comfy spot on the recliner.
“you’re lucky mine’s empty, you bastard.” she chuckles, shaking her head and making her way out to the garage.
“let suguru beer-sit for me when you get back, i’m gonna go check on the princess!” he yells after her, using his own thighs to propel himself into a stand. he turns to suguru, brows raised. “she’s been so skittish lately. i’ll be right back.”
suguru takes a swallow of his room-temp beer, making a face at the taste. he finds himself alone with the movie, no choice but to watch the corny film that the current killings seem styled after—at least in costuming. he sighs.
some time must have passed by the time you blink awake. you think it’s the trees rustling in the october wind that rips you out of your brief reprieve, or maybe it’s the uncomfortable silence and stillness to gojo’s house. either way, you’re yawning—stretching out on your stomach as you remember what caused you to isolate yourself from the rest of the party in the first place. you close your eyes as if that will stop the thoughts in their tracks, but it’s no use.
the scraping up the trellis outside of satoru’s room does plenty to wipe your mind, followed by what could only be the sound of the window being opened from the outside. you push yourself up, ready to flee the bed, but his voice stops you as if he had puppeteer strings controlling your limbs. the distortion is familiar, just like it was on the phone that day.
“don’t move you little bitch, i’ll slice you to ribbons!” he cheers, boots scuffing against the floor. you’re holding your breath, still laying on your stomach, head faced away from the killer.
“wh–what do you want from me?” you gulp, clenching your jaw as his weight sinks into the bed. your hands grip satoru’s pillow as the ghostface touches your back, hand resting in between your shoulder blades. he trails one finger along your spine, stopping at the curve of your ass.
“ya mean you haven’t figured it out?” he slides his hand under your skirt, curling his finger in the waistline of your panties, pulling them out and letting them snap back against your skin. “i want that pretty pussy in exchange for another day on this spinning rock!”
you shiver, fear creeping up your veins. you feel something sharper than a finger against your back—unmistakably the point of his hunting knife. your body straightens and you gasp, his gloved hand palming at your ass. while the blade keeps you in place.
“p-please, mr. ghostface, i–i dunno what this is all about!” you breathe heavily, feeling a tingling warmth bubble in your abdomen at his touch—fear had to be crossing the wires in your brain. he uses one hand to shove up your skirt, slapping the skin, the leather covering his hand only intensifying the feeling. you squeeze your eyes shut at the pleasurable sensation–shaking your head in surprise with yourself.
“i just told ya, sugar. open up those ears and those legs. you’re gonna let me fuck you dumb if you ever wanna see outside this room again, be the good little slut i know you can be.” he pops your ass again, causing you to make a strangled sound of enjoyment. your cheeks burn, you can’t be enjoying this, the stranger that’s been terrorizing your life for the past few months—even possibly the man that killed your lover a year ago—should be the last person on the planet that causes your pussy to clamp around nothing.
you obey, spreading your legs wide enough for him to shift between. he repositions himself there on his knees, hooking his arm around to press the long blade across your delicate neck as he pulls your hips up slightly. you gasp at the sharp weapon pressed to your jugular, careful not to move or you’d slit your own throat. he giggles, using his free hand to leave the outline of his hand on your ass. your heart thrashes, blood pumping in your ears as a disgusting need burns viciously in your gut.
“that’s a good start, see. you can do it.” he kneads your ass approvingly, big hands gripping the skin so tenderly you whine out, biting your lip immediately after. his laugh is taunting, and makes the anticipation shoot up like sparklers. you’re ashamed. this is a dangerous and scary murderer, and he’s in here fucking you, you can’t deny that it makes you feel a little special—as he’s only targeting males. “ohhh you’re an even bigger skank than i thought, wow. you like it!” he licks his teeth audibly, hooking a finger around the crotch of your panties, yanking off the soiled fabric. he delights in damp juices covering his fingers as he tucks the soiled undies in the back pocket of his jeans beneath the robe. “you’ll fuck anyone won’t ya?”
you move to shake your head, feeling blade bite into the flesh beneath. you open your mouth in your defense, silenced by the feeling of his bare fingers playing around in the mess holding you at knifepoint has created. “no! that’s not true!”
he slaps your ass, sighing. “yeah? why’d you give this pretty little cunt to your married professor then? eager? desperate? did he make ya feel special?” he inquires, making your pussy grip again. the possessive lengths this murderer went through clearly spoke to your pussy if not your heart or your brain. you feel the man move around, freeing his cock if you had to guess. you ask yourself why you did fuck toji, and you decide to tell the truth. with the way things were going, he’d know if you were lying anyway.
“because i was horny and he was hot and there—and i…i guess i did feel special, he picked me.” you reply, earning a growl in return. the smack on your ass has you screaming this time, the force of it causing you to brush up against the knife a little, feeling the first layer of skin give way.
“wrong answer.” he gruffs, not as jovial sounding as before. you know what comes next. you briefly wonder what he’ll feel like, how curved or thick he’d be, and if he’d actually let you live after he’s done. he answers most of your questions rather quickly, feeling like lightning had struck you and split you open—you realize he’s shoved himself all the way in while you’re still laying on your stomach. you sputter out gargled sounds from suddenly being so full, balling up your fists in satoru’s pillow. maybe it was his scent wafting in your nose that made you horny instead of the masked man plowing your insides, holding your ass cheek apart with one hand in order to reach top speed. “little slut likes getting ruined by a psycho, huh? maybe i will keep you around after all, gripping my cock like you love it.” he giggles, laying all his body weight into the thrusts.
you’re mewling, gripping satoru’s pillow like it was the only thing tethering you to this earth. the ghostface was hitting every spot so rapidly and with so much force that you’re seeing stars. it takes everything in you not to slump forward—only the threat of imminent death keeping you awake enough.
“you keep grippin it, lil slut. dont wanna let me go?” he chuckles at the way you keep lifting up to escape the blade. “cute slut though!! and a good one. gonna give you my load for being so obedient—i guess you didn’t have much choice though!” he laughs and pulls the knife from your neck, sickening slaps of his hips into your ass sound out across the room, growing slower in pace until he stills altogether, seed flooding your insides–his tip pressing it directly to your womb. his breaths are slightly ragged as he presses your ass back together, trapping his cum tight as he pulls out of you, humming at the sight of his slimy seed sliding out of your hole and pearling up on your pretty thighs. you heard his zipper at the same time you heard a knock at the door, a voice you recognize all too well kicking the panic up again.
“y/n? i heard screaming, are you okay?” suguru asks, jiggling the handle. “everyone’s gone and i just want to make sure you’re alright. i’m coming in.”
you shake your head, turning to scream out a warning, but the ghostface clamps a hand over your mouth. suguru pushes the door open— furrowing his brows at the sight, immediately rushing forward to intervene. he grunts his displeasure, snatching your hand to yank you away from the figure.
“run y/n!” he commands, trying to shove the man away from you. you slide off the bed frantically, trying to get geto to run away with you as he and the ghostface struggle for dominance over the knife. he turns his head to look at you still standing in the room. “go, now!” he calls out, the sound of the blade making contact with his skin making the color drain from your face. his eyes widen as he looks down at the knife in his chest—while the masked murderer cackles wildly before he grabs the wooden handle. geto looks back up at you, eyes growing more and more lidded.
“yet another friend you’ve killed, little skank!” he cheers, yanking the knife out with a harrowing schlick before embedding it in him again for good measure—his form falling to the ground. the sound of geto’s body collapsing was enough to send you scrambling down the stairs in search of the only other person who could help you get away. your legs move faster than you’ve ever seen them go before, taking two steps at a time as you bound for the door.
you hear the stomps of ghostface’s boots coming after you. you shudder out your cries of anguish, trying to figure out a way to put some space between you and him—not wanting to put any merit in his promise to keep you alive. you jump over the couch, slinging the tv down and once again throwing any and all obstacles in your path. it seemed to work well enough the first time you tried it, and based off of his hiss and a subsequent thump, you know you tripped him up a little bit. you sprint towards the garage, flipping on the light and pressing the switch to raise the door—screaming in horror at what the lights reveal.
iori utahime was nearly unrecognizable, her head smashed in the refrigerator with a broken beer bottle sticking out of her chest. hot tears spring out of your eyes instantly—muttering your apologies as you dip under the opening the garage door gives you, full sprinting like your life depends on it. you’ve made it to an open field—somewhere you once felt safe now making you feel like a deer waiting to be pounced on. you keep your head on a swivel, trying to locate the black mass in the night—but it was virtually impossible.
when he comes out of your peripheral—running at you from your right side, you see him in enough time to slide under his attempt to bear hug you, turning an about face towards the house. maybe you could make it back there, make it back to geto’s body—if you could just lock the doors and windows, you should be home free. satoru was still around–luckily you didn’t find his body. you struggle to get oxygen into your system through the chilly night air—feeling it squeeze at your lungs as you desperately fight to get back to some idea of safety, running in bursts and patterns to keep the masked man guessing and confused through the tiny holes in the mask. tears still sting at your eyes as you throw yourself up the steps, making it to the door which you deadbolt instantly. you sweep the house, making sure the other doors were locked before coming back to the front—hearing the beating of the ghostface rap against the door.
“don’t lock me out sugar! we had such a good time!” he appeals, using the weighty knife handle to beat on the door some more. you grip the sides of your hair, out of breath and full blown panicking. if satoru wasn’t in the house, then you’ve locked him out, and who knows if suguru was clinging to life upstairs. noise behind you makes you wheel around to confront it—terrified that the ghostface snuck in through a window like he had earlier.
instead, a heavily injured and bloody suguru limps out of gojo’s room, gasping out your name as he tumbles down the stairs, falling all the way to your feet. you cry out and crouch to him, face contorted up with concern and horror. he motions to stand, asking you to help him do so.
“suguru! he’s outside–oh my god, are we going to die? where’s satoru? i need him to be safe too! we have to call the police—” you prattle on, doing your best to help lift his weight. he groans in pain, helping you to the best of his ability as you get him propped up against the wall. he keeps you from pulling away, holding your hand in both of his.
“we’re going to be alright, angel. i’ll call the cops.” he assured, stumbling forward—toward the door. he nods to help you calm down, a bloody hand cupping your face to have you look him in his gentle eyes. “i’m going to get us out of here.”
“don’t!! he’s gonna break it down or something—stand back, suguru! i’m scared!” you warn him as he looks out the peephole, shaking your head frantically.
“you should be.” he says, leaning against the front door, giving you a cunning smile. gentle brown eyes shift into something much more sinister—though the lust that always swims in them remains. his words rock you off kilter—you’re sure you must be so paranoid that you’re making things up now.
“wh-what?” you shake your head, furrowing your brows a bit as he lifts a bloody finger to his mouth, sucking the red digit clean with repeated swirls of his thick tongue—and making you step backward as the shock wears off. he was involved. you don’t understand how or why—but your best friend suguru geto was involved.
“shame you don’t like horror movies, y/n. maybe if you had seen scream, you’d have known what to expect. high fructose corn syrup—just like in carrie.” he hums, trailing his tongue along his hand. you shake your head, steadily backing away from him. he wasn’t hurt at all—just theatrics to get you right where he wanted you. which means satoru—
“n-no…this is impossible. you…you came to my house!” you argue, trying to find a way for it to not be true. you back straight into another hard chest—and the figure dangles your panties over your face. your veins are frozen as you turn slowly—faced with the missing satoru. he’s beaming, wiggling the fabric in his hands.
“surprise! look what we did for you, princess!” he cheers, stepping forward to make you back up—pushing you back into suguru with every calculated step. you blink rapidly, processing all that’s before your eyes. satoru and suguru? they were working as a team this whole time? a murderous, manipulative team?
“for me? what on earth are you talking about??” you shake your head incredulously, wondering how they’ve cloaked their insanity this whole time. “i–i never wanted this!” you begin to sniffle, the tears of realization starting the burn your eyes.
“no? you know how we feel about boys around our princess.” satoru hummed, shaking his head.
“after all of our years of devotion to you,” suguru shakes his head, stepping in front of you as well, leaning down to capture your vision. you avoid his eyes, too busy dealing with your racing thoughts. “you reward us by giving your virginity to a married man. what were we supposed to do about that angel?”
“how–how did you find out–”
“you’re so loud in his office, pretty girl. we know what you sound like all too well—and you had been missing a lot that semester…we put two and two and two together!” he says shrilly, devoid of the costume though the large hunting knife was still in hand.
“i…i didn’t ever get any attention from boys!!” you start to cry, the full weight of their words taking hold on you. everything was your fault after all, those haunting feelings were all true—and your best friends were the ones behind the whole scheme.
“why would you need any other attention?? are we not more than enough?” he snarls, deeply wounded that you gave your body away after he’s spent so much of his time catering to it.
you sniffle, recoiling away at his tone. geto was always so gentle and calm, but it seems like he’s finally snapped. you never thought they had any romantic intent with all their safe-guards, assuming they viewed you more like a tiny kitten that needed their protection. but it all makes sense now, their abnormal need to spend their time with you, the cuddling, the touching, even the carrying game—you were sure now that it was all about their feelings for you. geto grabs your face in one broad hand, jerking your chin up to look at him.
“you’ll look at me when i’m speaking to you. answer. are we not enough?” he demands, clenching his jaw so tight that you can see the muscles twitch.
“yes! you’re enough—i just didn’t think it was like that, boys–i didn’t think you both liked me, i–i just thought you were being nice–”
“well. there’s no more of that, slut. if we didn’t kill the other two, who knows what you would have let them do.” he snarls, squeezing your cheeks together to keep you from speaking further. satoru claps his hands, tugging you to the couch.
“it’s time we make you our final girl, sugar. aren’t you so lucky? who else would love you like us?!” he asks you, pushing you into the cushions. he holds the knife to your shoulder, pouting. “don’t make me use this on you, pretty girl. just listen to us and we’ll go from a scary movie to a happily ever after.” he hums, sitting at your side so he could keep the blade steady.
you’re reeling, brain light and heavy all at once. they did this…for you? all to show you their love and devotion? it’s too much. his words are sweet but his actions have been anything but. you shake your head. “utahime…what did she do to deserve that?” you snap, tears slipping down your cheeks, you feel bolstered with the confidence that they won’t hurt you. this elaborate scheme has all been to make you theirs, after all.
geto laughs, shaking his head as he comes over to the couch, the boner in his pants so obvious your pussy clenches involuntarily. you’re lucky your skirt has you covered enough that neither of them saw it, for you’d never hear the end of it. geto strokes himself over his pants, giving satoru some kind of direction with the nod of his head. gojo shifts you to your knees, forcing your head forward to stare at suguru as he unbuttons his pants.
“utahime was in the way.” suguru shrugs, letting his endowment slap up against his red corn syrup stained shirt. he peels that off next.
gojo scoffs. “you don’t need friends anyway, you got us!” he cheered, repositioning his digits on the back of your neck. suguru pushes some hair over his shoulder, gesturing to his cock with a simple look down.
you shake your head no, trying to fight against satoru’s hold, but he points the knife under your jaw, following the line of the bone. suguru chuckles darkly.
“this whore will fuck anything on two legs, but when it comes time to fuck the men that earned it, you wanna be shy?” he shakes his head with disappointment, “you even slutted yourself out for someone you didn’t know. what’s the problem? if he holds the knife against your neck will it make you drip again?”
the statement makes you gasp softly, the pang in your core causing you to whine in disbelief. why was this turning you on? there’s no way you should be giving in to such a crazy stunt. they’ve ruined your life, killed anyone close to or interested in you—and now they’re here to claim their due reward. and your pussy is absolutely leaking over it despite the alarms ringing in your head. the way that geto grabs a fistful of your hair to guide your face to his drooling slit has you opening your mouth to welcome him inside without any more protests, causing gojo to giggle at the sight.
“told ya she’d give in. we know her better than anyone, yeah?” he dances the knife along the side of your neck as your throat bulges with suguru’s thickness. your eyes roll back at the feeling of his fat tip hitting your uvula, keeping you from speaking anyway.
“there we go. you’re pretty when you listen, y/n.” he hums, cock jumping in your mouth. you felt better than he could’ve imagined—and nothing could recreate the mix of fear and taboo lust that you look at him with, tears dotting the corner of your vision as he guides your head in bobbing along his thick shaft. gojo just keeps your hair from falling in your face–eager to see all of you as you arch up on your knees, wiggling your pretty ass in the air. “nasty little thing. you’re just as bad as us, you know. you made us kill all these poor people—if only you listened to us and left boys alone.” suguru grunts, watching as satoru pushes your skirt up, trailing the tip of the knife over your ass cheek, careful not to slice as he peppers slaps to your other side. you whine at the feeling, pussy tightening at his teasing even though suguru filled your mouth to the brim. suguru slaps you—medium intensity, but coupled with satoru’s spanks and his dick forcing your throat apart—it had your vision darkening. you never stop sucking his cock though, and that’s what he was testing for.
“let her ride it.” he rewards you with his approval, and satoru snickers happily. suguru’s hand falls to grip your neck, loving the sounds you make when struggling to breathe. the pain is so delicious, you can feel the morale in you dying the longer they toy with you—your need to be touched outweighing your fear–transcending it into trust. you know that they love you, in their own fucked up way, so they won’t kill you. your drowsy eyes shoot open when you feel the cool wooden handle of the hunting knife nudge against your clit. gojo holds it carefully by the blade—too skilled to let it cut him even with your uncalculated movements. suguru chuckles at your reactions, letting your hair go to see how you swallow him up on your own accord. you don’t falter, not even when the handle slides around your hole, teasing you into steady rolls of your hips to find it. gojo loved this—watching you grow so needy you’d settle for fucking yourself on the weapon that slayed your professor, your lab partner, your white knight, and your best friend.
“look who’s a needy whore now. you wouldn’t ever be satisfied without us, angel.” suguru insists, watching the pleasure on your face as satoru finally lets you sink down on the handle. it’s wide, stretching you open with a slight burn—but it’s delicious friction strokes against your insides, and you were eager for anything to relieve the ache in your stomach, the way they used you but loved you mercilessly has you clamping, wetness sliding down the weapon. the guilt pushing back against the pleasure was slowly fading—losing. “oh, no, no. don’t let her cum.” suguru tsks, sliding his cock free of your mouth. you whine at the loss, rubbing at your sore jaw, feeling gojo’s hands find your waist again. he pulls you to lay in his lap, his own excitement pressing against the tight seam of his zipper. you’re careful to lay your head on his thigh, looking up at him and feeling a sense of relief—even as he pressed the blade to your neck.
“you liked this earlier, right? that’s because you’re just as fucking nasty as we are, cutie.” he snickered a little, cupping your clothed tit. suguru saddles between your legs this time, pushing your knees to your chest without pause, absolutely nothing but a feral need to claim you flashing in his eyes. he pushes your shirt up just to see all of you, “i’ve waited far too long to see these tits, angel.” he grumbles, palming at them in between squeezes from satoru’s large hands. you moan at their touches—so intense yet different and identifiable. satoru hums at the little noise, tweaking your nipple as geto parts your pussy lips. he doesn’t warn you before he sheaths himself, making you take his length all at once. your eyes widen at the feeling—so wide you don’t understand how your throat accommodated him. your back arches off the couch at the sensation, you think you can feel every vein and ridge along his length as he lets you get used to it. gojo’s enamored by the face you make, brows pinched and mouth dropped open—wide eyes flickering between them. he’s dreamed of this for so long—they would do all of this as many times as it took to have you like this now, but luckily you’re obedient. satoru cups your face with his free hand, trailing his fingers along your cheekbone in a touch reminiscent of his ghostface earlier. he’s gentler than suguru despite the blade he wields. suguru’s grip on the back of your thighs will bruise, it hurts even now—but in the type of way you want to feel forever. he’s not gentle with your pussy either, pulling his full length out, tapping your clit with his head to make you mewl. the force he uses to plow back in causes satoru to move the knife from your neck, drawing circles over your bouncing fat tits instead.
“she’s so tight, huh? think she’ll stay like that between the two of us?” gojo giggles, looking up at the pretty faces suguru himself was making. his eyes are lazily lidded, but still serpentine and focused on the sight before him. you squeeze down on his cock, and he loves that he can’t tell if it’s from fear or your returned affection.
“so tight, despite giving it up so freely. isn’t that right–our little slut?.” suguru mutters, watching the glint of the blade as satoru swirls it around your delicate skin. your eyes widen at his question, face burning at the fact that they knew. blaming them wouldn’t get you anywhere—it seems you had to own your mistake and hope that groveling can return you to your former glory, despite how you clench around him calling you a slut.
you nod, “i’m sorry! i didn’t know that you two love me, i’m sorry, suguru!” you lean up a bit to appeal to him, causing satoru to knick your skin with the blade. you moan at the slight burn, beads of blood bubbling to the small cut. satoru curses at himself, though the noise you make has his eyes narrowing at yours in intrigue. you liked it, just like you liked fucking at knifepoint earlier
“you’re a dirty little bitch.” satoru chuckles, looking up at an intoxicated suguru. his eyes were nearly blacked, pupils fully dilated. he leans over, running his fat tongue along the shallow wound, humming at the few drops of your blood that he got to taste. satoru arches a brow, fascinated by the reaction. it makes him want a taste for himself—but suguru’s still hungry for more. his thick hand steadies your jaw, his tongue licking a thick stripe up the side of your neck. you shiver at the feeling—all the feelings. the warmth threatening to spill over at the cock splitting you in half, the slight dizziness that came from the cut—how lewd and chill-inducing suguru’s tongue felt, the intense desire behind satoru’s groping. it was all consuming, and you were losing sight of yourself relatively easily—after all, you felt your safest with them. they’d never hurt their final girl.
“let’s see just how dirty, satoru…” he hums, never faltering with his hips as he moves his lips to your neck, licking and sucking spots into your skin almost romantically. you’re so undone that you even move your hips, circling to try to get closer to suguru, teetering on the line.
“oh–it feels so good, suguru..” you mumble, and satoru giggles at your blissed out face, dick throbbing in his jeans.
“i’m sure it does, pretty slut.” satoru sings to you, his normal taunting voice was layered with the sick affection he holds you in. he watches your cut pearl up with blood again, the sight so pretty to him. he’s seen plenty of blood eradicating all the threats to your happiness, but yours seemed so much better. like you were more pure than those that he’d eliminated on your behalf. he wanted to see some more—and suguru does too. satoru makes a matching cut below the accidental one, swiping his thumb over it to collect the hot crimson. you watch him, lengthening your neck to tilt your head back—eagerly following how his tongue wrapped around the slender digit to suck the tangy taste off.
the opening you give suguru is so delicious he can’t repress his chuckle as he picks the perfect spot between your neck and shoulder. he bites down and you can feel his canines pierce the skin deep, screaming out at the painful bliss. your red blood covers their white teeth, leaking out of their pink lips. suguru looks like a vampire instead of a masked murderer with his chin dyed burgundy, satoru’s tongue darting out to collect the remnants on his own mouth before he leaned up–grabbing suguru’s jaw so he could lap up the stain, letting your blood mingle together on each other’s tongues as they wrestle together. gojo holds the knife carefully away from suguru’s head as he puts his other hand on his face, the two clearly just as into each other as they were you—a fact that was terrifying and insanely hot at the same time. you shudder—feeling your heartbeat echo through the cuts and your bite, pussy throbbing around suguru. he breaks away from satoru—yanking him back by a fistful of his white hair.
“our little bitch thinks it’s time for her to cum.” suguru sighs, and satoru grins down at you with a mix of blood and saliva dribbling from the corner of his mouth. satoru shakes his head.
“but i haven’t even touched her!” he protests, pouting down at you. it makes you feel a pang of guilt in your stomach—but not because you were fucking two serial killers, no–because you hadn’t given one of them enough attention.
“you did take her earlier—without permission.” suguru growled a bit and looks over your slightly bloodied chest and fucked out face. he knows exactly what will perk you back up and get satoru back in line. he releases his hold on his hair and slips out of your sopping folds, moving to slip the knife from satoru’s grasp while taking your chin in his other hand. he nods satoru to you. “prep her ass—i wonder if she ever let the professor in there. wait no…i’m sure he only fucked your ass.” he gently pulls on you, prompting you to get back to your hands and knees, facing him. he strokes your cheek with the back of his hand, tilting your chin up with the blade to look at him.
the intense knowing in his eyes makes a shudder trill down your spine—and your pussy clench. how did he know that? knowing about the affair—hearing it—was one thing. but how did they know the intimate details outside of…being there. the puzzle pieces click into place and suguru can see it in the way your eyes widen. he chuckles, nodding to confirm your fears while satoru jiggles your fat ass cheeks in his hands. he’s admiring the recoil, the leaking pussy he had to spread your ass to see—it was all such a wonderful and worthy reward for him.
“you think we’d miss a show like that? tsk tsk.” he pouts, keeping you engaged so satoru could warm you up on the other end. “professor fushiguro didn’t want any more children? how sad.” he teases slightly, running the knife over your plush lips, watching the way your skin gives in to the metal, bouncing back up as he moves it to a new spot. satoru gathers the arousal pooling down your thighs, adding his spit to the nasty mix on his fingers. you gasp softly, feeling his digits prod around your puckered entrance. “could have made a pretty little thing like you his baby mama? hm. maybe if he’d been smarter about it, his existing son wouldn’t be fatherless. though that’s on you too—”
you whimper, shaking your head. “n–no, don’t say that!” you protest, feeling the humanity in you lash out at the statement.
“why? hard truth? don’t worry princess—we’ll give you plenty of kids. you won’t be left wanting, poor thing.” satoru pouts with you, giving you the first finger down to the knuckle. you squeeze around it, any combativeness dying right back down as the brain fog returns. he’s slowly thrusting it, letting you rock your hips back for more, the unrelenting need in your gut yet to be satisfied under geto’s punishments.
“and your kids will have two fathers just to keep you extra safe. can’t you see? we’re the only ones who can protect you and make you happy.” geto implores, stroking your cheeks and watching your reaction to satoru’s second finger, tucking his lip between his teeth.
“oh she already knows that, sugu. c’mon sugar. tell him.” he encourages, defending you in his own way. he scissors his fingers in your ass, giggling at the wet squelch that accompanies his movements. “you’ll be so happy–just tell him, princess.” he appeals, your brain mushy with the feeling of their hands on you and their promises swimming around your brain. they have protected you from so much over the years, between your average bullies and boys that truly crossed the line back in high school—you know that in their own deluded way, they’re right.
“you guys are the only ones that make me happy!! i feel so safe here–i know you won’t hurt me.” you whine, nodding. it appeals to both of their hearts–the sultry call of your voice had them eager to fill all your holes.
“oh we’ll hurt you, slutty princess.” satoru hums, sliding his fingers out of your choking ass. he repositions you, hands fitting into the handles of your waist to right you in his lap, angling his proud length at your hole. “see, this will hurt a bunch! but you’ll love it.” he assures, pulling you down on him a few inches at a time. you scream out, looking up at geto for rescue. he only steps in front of you–fisting his own cock in the angle he needs it. your eyes widen when you realize that they plan to fuck you at the same time—and they don’t have the decency to let you get accustomed to one before giving you the other.
gojo hisses, your ass was still so tight despite all his hard work, though the amounts of spit and your own slick he slathered around were making it easy to sink into you. as soon as you hit the hilt of his dick—absolutely shaking from the pressure in your ass, suguru’s nudging your pussy lips apart to bully you some more.
“you can take us both—you’re a slut, remember? you can do it for us.” suguru reminds you tenderly, holding your face as they get used to the feeling of you and each other through the thin wall of tissue that keeps them apart. you sputter, grabbing onto suguru’s shoulders in an effort to not fall over. satoru uses his hold on your waist to propel you to move, making geto’s work minimal. the pace he sets is brutal, picking you up and slamming you back down while suguru just rocks his hips to add to the sensation of two cocks fucking you open.
if you thought either of them were big and splitting earlier, then this was what you got in return. white hot pain and pleasure courses through your veins, replacing the fear and unease that has been haunting you for days. they were taking care of you, and if you didn’t have to fear their wrath—why wouldn’t you squeeze their cocks, scream for them, and make them feel just as loved?
this is what they deserve, what their hard work has earned them: your silken walls being beaten into the shapes of their dicks and nothing else—your tits and ass bouncing with the impact of their brutal thrusts sending you back and forth like a tug of war.
“it’s too much!” you cry out, feeling the heat in your stomach burn as bright as a star–you felt like you were on fire. pleasure tingled up your veins, the gummy spots of your cunt being abused perfectly by suguru’s thick cock—your insides being rearranged by gojo’s unrelenting brutality, despite his sweeter speech.
“d’awh, no it’s not. look at you—you’re doing it.” he encourages, putting his lips to your neck. “you’re takin’ it so good.”
“squeezing us even. stop lying–you want even more.” suguru huffs, grabbing your throat. you sputter a little, erotic moans turning higher in pitch. he chuckles at his prediction—cock twitching in your walls.
“toomuchtoomuch—need to cum, please, please boys—wanna cum all over you!” you plead for yourself, though it’s not exactly a performance. they were fucking you mindless, and at this point you would do whatever it took to have them—even lying to the police about what happened here tonight.
“aw sugu, listen to her. i wanna see it, let her cum.” satoru adds on your behalf, balancing his chin on your shoulder. he bats those crystal blues at suguru, knowing he surely can’t deny you both—and he won’t.
“tell us you love us, angel. tell us who fucks you so good, then you can cum.” he grunts, laying his hands over satoru’s to feel you move your hips on them both, fucking into geto just to throw your ass back on satoru—it’s so fucking good.
his demand isn’t even a challenge—you’ve succumbed to their desires for you some time ago, accepting their brutal form of love as the one that you’re deserving of—men who would kill for you. what more could you ever want?
“i love you, fuck—i love you both so much! i always have–i always have, you’re my boys!” you pant, your voice begging plead. “you fuck me so good–let me cum to show you, please–suguru!! satoru!!” you cry their names so sweetly that satoru can’t hold himself back anymore—hot cum fills your ass before you even finish saying it. he’s shuddering, nodding to give you his permission, though you wait for suguru too.
he leans forward—jerking your chin up into a proper kiss with him, gnashing on your lips and giving you a taste of his tongue. he holds your face still as he pulls away, nodding. “cum, angel. you’ve been so fucking good.” he drawls in your ear, giving satoru a rewarding kiss too as your hips spasm under his command. it strokes his ego, the way you scream and jerk as your orgasm overtakes you—the ones he’s denied you factoring into the toe-curling sensation of this one. he follows after you—his hot seed spurting out in bursts, so so much cum. it’s clear suguru and satoru have planned this for some time—and now that delights you instead of invoking the fear it should, if you were normal.
satoru rubs at your shoulders, pulling away from suguru’s lips with a loud smack. you can feel your heart pounding—hearing it in your ears as they turn to you—cocks still plugging you full. “now princess…” he hums as suguru picks you up off of him. he looks so pretty, you think, his skin slightly red from excitement—blue eyes wild with adrenaline. “we’re gonna get you cleaned up—and then it’s your turn to attack.” he giggles, making you snap your tired head up to suguru who holds you like a baby.
“the police. we have to be believable survivors after all. didn’t you watch any horror movie, y/n?” he shakes his head, a fond grin on his face as he takes you to the kitchen, sitting you on the counter for satoru to wipe down. gojo kneels between your legs to clean you carefully as suguru tucks the knife into your hands.
“aim for the stomach. you’ve got our hearts already.” suguru smirks, dialing 911.
#kylee's kinktober event#kinktober#kinktober 2023#kyleewritesjjk#ghostface#ghostface!hijacked#happy halloween#gojo x reader#geto x reader#satosugu x reader#satosugu#gojo smut#geto smut#geto suguru smut#suguru geto x reader#geto suguru x reader#gojo satoru x reader#jjk x reader#gojo satoru#jjk gojo#gojo saturo#jujustu kaisen#dark content#minors dni
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Project Moon 8'th anniversary stream overview:
Cut for spoilers
God fucking bless this company, "nervous, one minute *clears throat*"
//as per last time, i will have some thoughts on each section which will be elaborated on in a marked subsection of each area, primarily it will be an overview and analysis of the content shown
Note at the start "This may be a long stream".
Revealed timeline.
Year in Review:
(Graph 1, Pictured, Monthly average players this year)
(Graph 2, Pictured: Daily Active Users)
New ID and EGO extraction:
Devyat association Sinclair (seen in a prior teaser) and Asymmetrical Inertia He EGO Heathcliff.
Sinclair 000 ID:
Likely a rupture ID similar to Rodion's Devyat.
This ID appears to use the same Courier system that Rodion used as well, being able to retreat from battle.
Skill 1 appears to be 2 Blunt coins. Skill(s) 2,3, and 4 seem to each be 3 Blunt coins.
Rather than a skill 4 it seems to be just an empowered skill 3 however, without the coin reuse at all.
It will be interesting to see if this ID can stand to beat Talisman Sinclair's bench passive slot.
Heathcliff He EGO:
Likely a tremor EGO due to its seeming relation to the "bell of truth" abnormality named Clockwork-Time Roly Poly in Mirror Dungeon.
Both the corrosion and awakening appear to be blunt damage EGO with either 1 or 2 coins, however there is a chance for a coin reuse system on the awakening due to the repeated animation before the final strike.
If this EGO is in line with the Roly-Poly, it will likely relate to fragile somehow, and may introduce a new tremor type, or reintroduce Tremor-Fracture to relate its Fragility concept.
Mirror Dungeon 5: Mirror of the Dreaming:
It is noted that this Mirror Dungeon changes are going to be long in explanation and extensive.
Party revive is noted, alongside "Combat changes" likely to include the new Chain Battle system, and abnormalities/EGO that are designed to use said system such as the Devyat ID and latest Fell Bullet EGO.
New EGO gifts, Choice Events, and Theme Packs. This confirms the return of the mirror dungeon floor pack system, allowing us to complain about getting the bosses we chose to fight.
The "new choice events" is likely referring to those that appeared in both Canto 7 and RR4, being "Dreaming Electric Sheep (which likely will be the source of Imitative Generator)", Portrait of a Certain Day, King in Binds, 400 Roses, Rose Hunter, and Hurting Teddy Bear.
There are changes to the pack system, allowing us to change between the hard and normal packs in the selection menu as shown, also i checked the EGO gifts shown in the image, they're all ones we've seen before.
Within Hard mirror dungeons, you have a selection choice between 4 EGO gifts, and the ability to select 2 of them, alongside both their associated Mounting Trials
In this hard pack, a "special shop" is able to spawn.
Within normal difficulty dungeons, the final floor is moved to the 5th rather than the 4th as is current, similar to how current Hard dungeons work.
Shops and rest stops are now one in the same it appears (once again, no new EGO gifts shown).
The aforementioned "Special Shop" that appears within hard packs.
This allows to swap out more skills, it will contain more EGO gifts, and will be able to fuze up to 5 EGO gifts together at once, which likely is due to the increased number of gifts that will be received specifically at floor end.
Duplicates of EGO gifts, they do not apply stacking bonuses, but rather are able to be fused.
When revived, sinners will have their SP set to zero, however all other sinner's SP will remain the same on floor start.
More abnormality battles will be present, and upon winning battles against said abnormalities (boss fight abnormalities encountered in elite or normal encounters), one will receive the EGO gifts related to the abnormality, as if they completed the fight through an encounter.
Hard mode fog of war changes, allowing you to see 2 nodes ahead rather than the current one.
EGO gifts are planned, for the aforementioned abnormalities most likely, and several that are unrelated or completely new.
In both images, fusion "tree's" are mentioned, with fusion gifts that are able to be fused (currently impossible as tier 4 gifts may not be fused), where new and weaker EGO fusions are added, which may be fused into double fusion, or fusion^2 EGO gifts.
Next Week, 28th of November.
5th of December.
some point this season, we will be able to gain achievements, and challenge the dungeon past floor 5 without the rewards, as an added Roguelike challenge mode.
Monthly ID rotation, reoccurring missions, and Quality of Life UI improvements such as a clear timer.
There are plans to release this in stages, as:
which is the reasoning behind the weekly additions that are listed above, which allows for Consistent quality assurance and constant content rather than a large release and a dead period.
Seasonal ID:
The Manager of La ManchaLand Don Quixote:
actively making use of the bloodfeast keyword, akin to the other bloodfiend ID's
This ID's kit will vary depending on the present allies, specifically changing when other La Mancha Land ID's are present.
Specifically, skill 1 is the Priest, skill 2 the Barber, and Defence skill The Princess.
This ID's skills will be adaptive to multiple situations alongside their defensive skill,.
The defence skill was not shown, however, i believe that this ID's skills will be Slash, Slash, and Pierce respectively.
Wealth and Fame:
"We will need to increase our revenue to make the following a reality: add more enjoyable functions and high fidelity cutscenes; To Begin Production on a new game; or to release animations (Advertisements, previews, Short episodes, full length movies, and/or anime)
Sinner Target Extraction Changes:
Sinner Target extractions will now feature event extraction ID's and EGO from the preceding season, not including those obtained through the event itself such as Chef Gregor, or Multicrack Heathcliff.
In the future, target extractions may have association or syndicate themes, such as a blade lineage themed extraction
Returning Intervallo's with Voices:
Most intervallo in the game are unvoiced, this was due to the ease in creation and flexibility that it allowed them to create and release, with less strain caused by alterations and adjustments within the dialogue.
Adding voices to these intervallo in post is fareaser as the dialogue is already set in stone, which means that there is no worry of future alterations.
These intervallo will be returning with higher level in a "hard mode", each featuring 2 EGO relating to the intervallo's theme.
Why EGO? the sinners tend to receive id's of increasingly powerful characters and LCB's story progresses, releasing ID's for intervallo returns means that they may be, story and lore wise, held back by the strengths of the characters present in past intervallo. However, EGO are free from these concerns, which makes us believe that they are a better choice for the intervallo returns. This does not rule out the release of ID for intervallo reruns, if there is a valid inspiration an ID may be released, however it will primarally be EGO. When an intervallo is voiced, characters will be featured as paid announcers such as the Gnomes, Jun, and Aeng Du.
(Paraphrased) (quoted because Tumblr decided i couldn't have images)
Announcers will be extractable from Ideality (yisang) and from standard extractions, {green marker}: More Money For Anime
Ideally they will also be adding voice acting to the mini episodes between both intervallo and canto's.
5th Walpurgisnacht:
Library of Ruina theme.
2 Full Stop Office Fixers, Hong Lou Liwei and Gregor Stephan (or so appears).
Der Freischütz EGO, sinner unknown, likely Heathcliff due to his being the only Sinner yet to receive a Walpurgisnacht release, and his lack of inclusion in the aforementioned ID.
Intervallo 7.5 1:
Regular Check Up:
episode about health checkups for sunners, specifically their mental corrosion and distortions(?).
This will take place in T Corp.
Refraction Railway Line 5, The Merry Go Round:
As of now there are no definitive gimmicks for this event, however it will cycle similar to RR2.
Yield My Flesh to Claim Their Bones Rerun:
Intervallo 2: Nocturnal Sweeping:
Ill give you two guesses what SWEEPING is going to be about, especially a NIGHT in the BACKSTREETS
Canto 8: The Surrendered Witnessing:
Hong Lou Canto.
Ill let @lu-is-not-ok pick this apart, as they are far better at Hong Lou analysis than i am, as it has been aeons since i read Hong Lou Meng and i don't plan to re-read it any time soon.
Mili Asia concert tour:
this year was delayed due to Cassie's delivery, the current goal is for the concert to be held during the 9th anniversary sometime around the 18th of November 2025.
live tickets will be sold separately for Korea and Japan.
Concert will only feature Mili songs from the Project Moon games.
Starting in Korea, and ending in Japan.
(Slow, manual movement of powerpoint to the centre of screen while the vtuber model dissapears)
Arknights Collaboration video plays.
(re aligning of the presentation while talking)
"We were invited into Hypergryph headquarters, exchanged merchandise of our games and had a fruitful discussion"
KJH's signed Lappland poster.
4 sinners will be receiving crossover content.
Though it is too early for a full on reveal, the sinners who are getting said EGO have been revealed.
Faust, Hong Lou, Ishmael and Gregor.
We do not currently know who each sinner will be paired with for this collaboration, however if i were to wager it would be Kal'tsit for Faust, and potentially texas for Ishmael (they're both stoic lesbians i think it works).
Reimagined outfits and combat skills will be used as inspiration for the EGO skills. Why EGO skills? see above rendition of this same question. ID's are representative of the power that a certain character may hold, which would alter perceptions of the ID.
One (1) operator from arknights will be featured as a (presumably Paid (more money for the anime)) announcer for the game
Long Term R&D Goals:
ID Skin functionality: Akin to layered armour, using growth materials (shards n threads) to use one ID's animations and moveset layered on top of another's.
EG. Barber Outis appearing as Magic Bullet, and that (the Yi Sang) is a skin and not an ID being San from the Streetlight Office in Library of Ruina, which is not going to be released as an ID, but only a visual.
They are learning how to monetise this game it seems.
However, this is a long term goal, as each ID has different cinematics, effects, and coin counts on each skill, such as altered effects due to charge.
HHPP Store expansion:
Enhance Immersion by making use of panoramic projection.
the physical store is being expanded, separated into different areas, the cafe, a Ruina themed section, followed by a section representing each Canto of Limbus Company.
2024 AGF (anime games festival):
merchandise being sold:
ID acrylic cards
Limbus Company zip-up Hoodie and attachable patches. note that these hoodies are the same in design as to those worn by the sinners in the Intervallo 1 teaser Image.
Employee ID card and casing. Employee cards for each sinner excluding dante.
W corp Cap (like the ones worn by the ID's, Outis, Don, Faust, Meur, Etc.)
2025 EGO callender.
Paper bag
EGO can badges, including: Sunshower Yi sang, Everlasting Faust, Lesbian Don Quixote, "Contempt, Awe" Ryoshu, Yearning-Mircalla Meursault, Cavernous Wailing Hong Lou, Fell Bullet Heathcliff, Blind Obsession Ishmael, Hex Nail Rodion and Sinclair, Sunshower Outis, and Solemn Lament Gregor.
The Director will have an autograph signing at saturday and sunday from 4-6pm.
HHPP Popup Cafe:
In Busan there will be a popup cafe of HHPP selling several popular dishes.
There are currently conversations being had with other pop up retail booths and locations, namely PAX west 2025.
The merchandise sold at the AGF will later be sold at the popup cafe's, and then later at the main HHPP itself.
In Game rewards:
*director clears his breath*
1300 Lunacy and a 10 pull dextraction ticket.
Thanks You for watching.
Also Thank you for reading this~
#Full Overview#limbus company#lcb#projmoon#essays i wrote primarily while half asleep#lobotomy corporation#limbus#library of ruina#lor#literally's ramblings#project moon#Sinclair LCB#Sinclair#Heathcliff LCB#Don Quixote LCB#New release#New Content#Stream overview#Clockwork-time roly poly#Devyat association#La Mancha Land#Sancho LCB#canto 7#lcb don quixote#canto vii spoilers#Arknights#Arknights Crossover
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Can i get a new large passion fruit lemonade with boba for tsukishima?
Camping In A Storm
warnings: mdni, nsfw, a tad of swearing
request: spicy getting caught in a storm with husband Tsukishima
For your third anniversary you and your husband Kei decided to go camping near the Kitadani Formation - Japan‘s primary source for non-marine vertebrate fossils.
You were looking forward to the extensive lecture he would give you on each tiny bone and its significance, loving how swept up he got in fascinating dino facts.
On the day of the hike however you woke up to thunder and strong wind pushing against the small windows of your rented camper van.
Snuggling deeper into the blanket and your husband’s arms, you deflated a little knowing how much you both had been looking forward to today.
“So, on a scale from 1 to 10 how bad is this trip?”, you asked, somehow feeling like the storm was your fault.
Kei threw a disinterested glance outside, then his eyes focused on you, “It’s actually not terrible.”
“Wow, high praise.”, you chuckled.
He frowned and a moment later said, “You do realize that being here with you is the main event for me, right?”
Your stunned expression told him otherwise. Idiot.
He privately hated that even after all those years you still seemed to doubt that he was happiest when he was with you. When you were in his arms like right now. When you smiled at him. When he had the goddamn honor of coming home to you. Why didn’t you see that?
He obviously still had a lot to learn about being a good husband, if you continued to question his feelings at times like these.
Ugh, and that look on your face - you should know by now what it did to him when you got all cute and shy like that. He shifted a little so his hand could travel from your waist over your plush thighs a little further.
“I love you.”, he said simply and, pulling your panties aside, slowly pushed a long delicate finger into you.
“Nngh, I love you more.”, you squirmed, grabbing a hold of his shoulders and hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
“Take that back.”, he grumbled and used his thumb to rub your clit, making you cover your mouth to stifle a loud moan.
“Never.”, you panted, looking up at him.
“Tch. Suit yourself.”, he leaned down to nib at your neck, adding another finger.
a/n: thank you for the request! I hope you enjoyed it ✨
#sunnys lemonade stand#tsukishima kei x chubby reader#haikyuu x chubby reader#tsukishima x reader#tsukki x chubby reader#tsukishima x chubby reader#chubby reader#haikyuu smut#hq tsukki#haikyuu tsukki#tsukki smut#haikyuu tsukishima#tsukishima kei#tsukishima smut#tsukishima imagine#hq tsukishima#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu x curvy reader
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♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ ౨ৎ ‧₊ .ᐟ 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ! [ slut4sugu’s valentines event! ]
authors note: decided to do a cute little valentines event bc why not . also I’ll try to upload daily for this but if if I can’t please understand I also have work to do 😭😭🎀. Happy valentines <33 (I’ll update this as I go!)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ these beautiful banners + pictures are made by @lil-liaa & @dollywons
𝐇𝐔𝐆𝐒 𝐍 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒—[ spencer reid x black!fem reader 2/4 ]
synopsis: it’s your first valentines with Spencer! And instead of doing something big and grand, you both decide on doing a cute little date night in at his place! Little did you know you’d initiate a lot more firsts that night.
𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄— [ Alucard tepes x black reader 2/6 ]
Synopsis: on the night of your first anniversary alucard spoils you in dresses and beautiful sights, and on your walk back home you end up having to wipe away stray tears of past uncomfortable memories.
𝐗𝐎𝐗𝐎— [ Bakugou x black!fem reader 2/8 ]
Synopsis: past relationships haven’t been kind to you when it came to celebrating anniversary’s and holidays, so katsuki busts his ass to make it perfect for you <33
𝐁𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐌— [ Tsukishima kei x black!fem reader 2/10] MDNI!!
Synopsis: for 5 years and 3 months you tormented tsukishima kei with daily nuisances, and now he wants you to be his nuisance forever <33
𝐌𝐘 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐎𝐍𝐄— [ ??? X black!fem reader 2/14 ] MDNI!!
Synopsis: after extensive planning, and hours dancing away in heels it’s the fated moments couples dream about, your wedding night.
#! 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ kam.writes!#spencer reid x fanfiction#spencer fluff#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x reader#alucard x black!fem reader#alucard#castlevania#alucard tepes#bakugou x fem!reader#bakugou fluff#mha fluff#mha kirishima#mha mina#haikyuu tsukishima#tsukishima fluff#haikyuu x poc!reader#haikyuu x black reader#haikyuu x imagines#tsukishima x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugou x reader
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20 years of House MD? Let’s PARTY!
I am putting together a big House MD fandom bash! There will be something for everyone. Have an idea you’d love to see but it’s not here? Drop me a line.
This is a sideblog, by popular request. Find my main @oddlittlestories and follow here for all updates and reminders House MD 20th Anniversary.
Also, forgot to shout-out @russell-crowe for the amazing gif icons.
Here are the activities I’ve planned so far:
Gift exchange. Final check-in on 11/9! Please reach out if you need an extension, or if there’s a chance you won’t finish by 11/16. Find the full schedule and details here. Here is the ao3 collection, which you can post to any time up until 11/16, and will go live on the big day.
Prompt Claim. There will be a list of prompts, posted to this tumblr page, with a signup form. 300 words for fics. Each one will be claimable by one writer/artist/etc. Get your engines running with a short fanwork!
Drabble-Doodle Dogpile. One prompt per day leading up to the anniversary (11/10-11/16). 100 words for fics. The prompts will be posted on this Tumblr account. Dogpile on each prompt! Enjoy your friends’ versions. Let’s revel in different interpretations.
Livestream. Starting on 11/16 and continuing for eight days, @malcolm-f-tucker will be streaming 3-4 episodes from each season. And YOU get to select one per season, so keep your eyes peeled for the relevant polls!
November 16, 2024 is the big day, but any item can be created ahead of time. You are welcome to post to ao3 or Tumblr ahead of time—fanworks will be reblogged to this account day of, but don't forget to tag @housemdanniversary!
Let’s make this an anniversary to remember!
Cancelled events (for this event! I may revive them in future)
Fanwork requests. This is slightly different from prompt claims, as audiences will be able to be much more detailed with what they want. Audiences, start thinking about what you’d love to see.
Hilson trope bingo! Structure tbd. Read fics and mark down tropes on your bingo card!
#house md 20th anniversary#hate crimes md#hatecrimes md#house md#house md fanart#house md fanfiction#house md fandom#malpractice md
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"Dance with me" || park seonghwa || one-shot

| genre: non!idol ateez. fluff. slice of life | mentions: teasing. fainting. jewelry gift. | This is literally my high school delusions. My old school is literally an 'old school' school like no phones and computers, being in a relationship is not allowed, and big ass windows as our source of fans--- i mean we do have electric fans and ceiling fans but with the weather and a very old, close to dying, e-fans? We really have to depend on the wind from our windows. Anyways, this list is basically a true experience. My personal favorite? Song Mingi's.
To visualize the story, here: How I imagine

The festival had ended with a loud bang. It is a celebration of the schools’ founding anniversary. Old students came and celebrated—even shared some advice in looking for a university and how to pass their entrance exam or stories about how they made the head school minister angry because of them not attending the last day of practice in graduation.
“Hey! Ms. Naduranta asks for you to be part of the cotillion, have you given them the permission slip?” You snapped out of your thoughts when Seonghwa spoke, not even looking up from his work, he was facing your desk instead of his. He was jotting down notes that he missed last monday and is in a hurry to finish it before the practice for the promenade happens and he doesn’t need to overwork himself to comply with his missing requirements.
You shake your head, sighing. You were over the moon to be part of the dance but you have no confidence at all. Placing your pen beside your notebook as Seonghwa continues to write down his notes, looking at him. “I’m a bad dancer and besides, my absence could be a chance for the others to join.”
This time, Seonghwa looks up from his work, scoffing, playfully tapping the pen on your forehead. You mouth a small ‘ow’ before rubbing it off, “You are one of the good dancers here. Ms. Naduranta is the one asking for you; it means she has a feeling that you will win the crown for the night.”
You scoff this time, leaning back on your chair. “I’m bad and there’s nothing stopping me.” Seonghwa eyes you in judgement before shrugging, continuing his work, “Whatever.”
Prom. It was the event every senior anticipated, and Park Seonghwa, being in charge of the sound system, was busier than ever. He darted in and out of the classroom, monitoring the songs and equipment, leaving you alone to complete your notes and requirements, which he would later borrow to catch up.
Despite the demands of the upcoming event, Seonghwa remained by your side. He knew about your social butterfly still inside its cocoon, no anytime of the day will it try to come out of it. Though, there were times you spoke about you not including his obligation in his daily life but he debunked your words and chose to stay with you. No matter what, he speaks highly of you, he mentions things about ‘that’s her favorite’ or ‘she does not like that’.
Everyone thought you were his girlfriend; well, you are his childhood friend. Don’t get yourself wrong on this because he is popular as the school’s heartthrob and you feared he might drift away into the spotlight, surrounded by admirers, but like mention he stayed with you. Still, the envious glares of others sometimes made you question how long it would last.
You walk inside the room, already expecting the class to be half full since all morning classes were cancelled to prepare for the prom, and you were selected to participate in the dance.
Seonghwa saw you, sliding the door close of your classroom, before walking towards the direction of the auditorium. He smiles, his heart speeding at the sight of you, holding the box of chords and extensions for the sound system, “Goodmorning, where are you going?”
You look up, rubbing your arm, as the chilly morning nips on your skin, “Good morning Seonghwa, I’m on my way to the auditorium.”
Nodding his head, hiding his excitement because Seonghwa knew you accepted the offer after 4 days of considering joining. He heard from Ms. Naduranta about your acceptance and now every day, if he only knew this is what he has to see every day, Seonghwa watched you practice with your partner, his jaw tightening with an unfamiliar feeling that gnawed at him. He couldn't shake the discomfort—the way your partner held your hand, how you smiled during the routine—it stirred something deep inside him.
His heart pounded harder each time, the jealousy creeping up uninvited. It wasn’t just about the dance. Seonghwa felt a possessive pull, an intense need to keep you close, fearing that someone else might steal you away, even though he never doubted your loyalty as a friend.
He wouldn't have let you join but he re-considers it after seeing you all smiley and interactive with other students.
Finally, on the day when you were alone in the auditorium, waiting for the others to join practice, a quiet settled over the room. You wandered over to the table where the sound system was set up, but there was no sign of Seonghwa. Curiosity getting the better of you, you sat down on the table and picked up his MP3 player. As you scrolled through his playlist, you found several old songs—tracks you both used to listen to when you were younger. Nostalgia washed over you as you stopped at one song and pressed play. The soft melody echoed throughout the auditorium, filling the empty space.
‘You’re just too good to be true …’ Your ears were satisfied with the soft music. These past days you were having a headache and earache as the loud music blares, almost to the point you have to yell to the others.
“Feeling a bit nostalgic eh?” Seonghwa's voice interrupted your thoughts. He emerged from the sound system room. You looked up, giggling, "I thought you deleted this one!"
He scoffs, placing his hand inside his blazer, "Why would I delete that?"
You rose an eyebrow, "Because you said it's not your type of music?" But truth to be told, all your favorite music were inside the MP3 as well, he hears you playing them every weekend. Including the one playing currently. His hand extended toward you, "May I?"
You meet his gaze, and without hesitation, you placed your hand in his. He guided you into a dance, your hands gliding above your heads, arms brushing against one another before he took your hand and spun you around. The dance was graceful, almost effortless, as if you had rehearsed it a thousand times. With every step, your heartbeat quickened, but not from the dance—it was from being so close to him. The warmth of his hand in yours, the way his eyes never left your face, made you realize that your feelings for him had grown deeper than just childhood friendship. You had always known he was special to you.
As the song drew to a close, Seonghwa led you into the final move of the dance. With a smooth dip, he cradled you gently in his arms, your faces inches apart. His eyes searched yours, and in that moment, you saw the same affection reflected back at you.
“I like you; you know?” he whispered, his voice steady, filled with sincerity. Seeing you in the arms of your partner, just a minute, he might not like the words will come out and guarantee himself inside the principal's office. So, with a small courage, he had spoken those words that he hid for a long time.
Before you could respond, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, sealing the confession with a tender gesture.
The dance ended, but the moment lingered in the air, and you knew that despite everything—his popularity, the attention from others—his heart belonged to you, just as yours did to him.
Smiling softly, running your fingers on his jaw, tapping his forehead with your forefinger, "Took you long enough, Seonghwa."

#ateez#ateez imagines#ateez x reader#ateez fanfic#ateez scenarios#ateez fluff#ateez atiny#ateez seonghwa#ateez park seonghwa#park seonghwa#park seonghwa imagines#park seonghwa x reader#seonghwa#seonghwa ateez#seonghwa x reader#atz
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Hello! No pressure and admittedly self serving ask (since I’m writing a fall chapter): do you have any headcanons about Silvan holidays/celebrations?
Ooooh this question! Festivals in Eryn Galen is a BIG TOPIC, in my opinion, because those Silvans love to party! Writing an extensive post describing the annual feasts and festivals throughout each of the seasons has been on my Headcanon To-Do List for a while, and because of your Ask, I'm going to return my attention to that.
While I work on it, for purposes of your fic, here are my basic headcanons about....
Mereth Nuin Giliath: The Feast of Starlight
This is the biggest and arguably the most important of all annual celebrations in Eryn Galen for three reasons:
It is the oldest of all Silvan feasts--older than the Woodland Realm itself. It commemorates the awakening of the Elves on the shores of Cuiviénen--literally the first event in the history of the race. Although the manner of feasting and traditions have changed over the millennia, it has been observed for as long as the eldest of the Nandor could remember.
It celebrates the light of the stars and the Queen of the Stars, Elbereth Gilthoniel. The Silvans may admire Oromë most out of all the Valar, but they still highly value and honor Varda as the source of light, goodness, and protection.
On a more personal note, Elvenking Thranduil met (SA 1358), was betrothed to (SA 3262), AND married (SA 3265) Elvenqueen Maereth all during the Mereth Nuin Giliath. Therefore it is an important anniversary for the royal family, which they choose to celebrate with the entire realm throughout their rule.
Art credit: Miriam Ellis
Mereth Nuin Giliath is celebrated both in Eryn Galen and in Lórien. In the SotWK AU, Thranduil and Maereth meet for the first time during the Mereth (see fic: "Sins of Our Fathers"). In Chapter 1 (the only chapter, so far) is the most I have attempted to describe this celebration.
The feast is held during the "Middle Days" (Enderi), for 3 straight nights, roughly during the first week of October.
It involves three nights of eating, singing, and dancing under the stars. With the entire kingdom invited, it is always the most well-attended community event.
In Eryn Galen, when its population was at its peak, this meant tens of thousands of revelers gathered in one place!
Although technically hosted by the King, the whole community pitches in and works together to arrange everything.
Harvest directly precedes the Mereth, so the realm is well-stocked with food for the massive celebration.
Hunting season comes after the Mereth, so food is additionally replenished for the coming winter.
These are just the basics, so more details will follow in the complete "Celebrations by Season in Eryn Galen" post. Coming soon...hopefully! :) I will tag you, @dilettantefeminist -- thank you again for prompting me to think about this!

Introduction to SotWK
Main Headcanon Masterlist
Fanfiction Masterlist
sotwk headcanon - This tag captures all SotWK headcanon posts, including minor ones that might not be on the Masterlist.
#sotwk answers#sotwk headcanon#thranduil#thranduil headcanon#legolas#mirkwood#mirkwood elves#the hobbit#lord of the rings#tolkien#tolkien headcanons#mereth nuin giliath#lotr#silvan elves#eryn galen
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9/10-17/2024 Daily OFMD Recap Pt 3
TLDR; David Fane; Lindsey Cantrell; Nat Torres; Damien Gerard; Dominic Burgess; Fan Events: OFMD Rewind; S2 Trailer (Because the Night, Belongs to lovers); Trends; Fan Spotlight: Relax I'm From The Future; OFMD Colouring Pages/Paper Pete; Love Notes;
Part 1 / Part 2
== David Fane ==
David is teaching at ICAN International! Check them out on their website!
"ICAN’s focus is to help create opportunities in work force development, build infrastructure and establish placement goals by amplifying training with extensive ongoing master classes, by bridging connections beyond Hawaii." More videos on the Repo

Source: David Fane's Instagram Stories
== Lindsey Cantrell ==
Our beloved set designer, Lindsey Cantrell has so much going on too right now! Did you know she's going to be at Comic Con LA! Our friend petrichor (aka gheyandwoke on twitter) is spreading the word about the OFMD Panel happening Oct 6, 1 PM PST featuring none other then Linds Cantrell!

Source: GheyandWork on Twitter Oh and in case you are a fan of Only Murders In The Building, it just won an Emmy for Outstanding Music Composition For A Series! This was another great show she worked on and if you'd like to check out some BTS/other things she shared for it, feel free to visit here!

Source: Lindsey Cantrell's Instagram
== Nat Torres ==
One of our fabulous writers, Nat Torres making a quick appearance.
Source: Nat Torres Instagram Stories
== Damien Gerard ==
Damien, our dear Father Teach has some WONDERFUL NEWS. Five Years Clear of Cancer! Congrats sir!
Source: Damien's Twitter
In other news, he's on Dragon Age: Vows of Vengeance Episode 1! Listen in if you're interested!
Source: Damien's twitter
== Dominic Burgess ==
Dominic, (aka Jeffrey Fettering) keeping up with the current events!
Source: Dominic Burgess Twitter
== Fan Events ==
OFMD Rewind Eps 5-8 with @adoptourcrew and @astroglideofficial is happening tomorrow, 09/19/24! Did you miss out on the fun on twitter on the 12th, or just don't have access to twitter? No problem! You can see the whole thread here on the repo.

"Join us and @astroglideofficial for our rewatch of Episodes 1-4 of S1 of #OurFlagMeansDeath! We’ll see you on Twitter at 2:30PM PDT to talk it through…as a crew 🏴☠️ #LubeAsACrew#OFMDRewind#ofmd"
Source: AdoptOurCrew's Instagram
== S2 Trailer Anniversary ==
Adopt Our Crew lead the charge with the S2 Trailer "Because The Night Belongs To Lovers" S2 Trailer, anniversary on Sept 14th! They asked some fun questions to boost engagement! Feel free to reach out to them to answer any of the questions! Don't know which trailer we're talking about? Check it out below!
Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Trends ==
Oh and great job everyone, looks like some great trends on twitter from the 14th!!
Source: Politest Menace's Twitter
Source: AOC's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Relax I'm From The Future! =
So this is VERY late because of my delays but I was given permission by the fabulous @citrussyndicate and all folks involved to share this phenomenal Relax I'm From The Future Cosplay w/Rhys! Thank you so much for allowing me to share this, it's so cool!
Source: @ CitrusSyndicate's Twitter
== OFMD Colouring Pages / Paper Pete! ==
Our fantastic friend @patchworkpiratebear is back with more colouring pages, and something new and exciting-- Paper Pete! These were all done as part of the @ofmdaction event, and they are awesome!
Source: Patchwork Piratebear's Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. Gosh, I can't believe it's been a week. I have to give it up to the ofmd fan crew cause they do week long reports and oh my god is it exhausting. I tip my hat to you lovely folks for all the work you did for so long with weeklong updates. Tonight, I wish I had more in me so I could properly express myself. I am so very grateful for all of you wonderful crewmates who have been patient, and kind and supportive over the past week to me. It's been a lot, and I try to keep people up to date, but I also try not to go too crazy cause it's a lots of heavy stuff going on (not just with me, with everyone on a personal level, with the world, etc), so whether you left passing hugs, or a kind word, I just want you to know you are so very incredibly appreciated and it means so much to me. So please accept so many hugs coming your way from me, and some ghostly forehead kisses.
Sometimes life hits us with some of the absolute craziest shit, and you know what helps get us through it? Each other. A hug, or a kind word makes a world of difference. Someone checking on you, or reminding you to drink water, it can honestly save someone's life/sanity and it kept me going this week. So please know that you make such an amazing difference, in my life and so many others. <3
But also, please remember. if you need support too, reach out, I know sometimes it's hard to ask for help, but we're here for you <3. We only have this one life, and there's no use going through it alone. Love you so much crew, thank you again for being such a wonderful group of kind hearted, compassionate folks. I am so honored to know so many of you <3.
Source: The Latest Kate's Tumblr
Source: BloomWithChristie Instagram
#ofmd daily recap#daily ofmd recap#ofmd#our flag means death#adopt our crew#save ofmd#long live ofmd#david fane#nat torres#dominic burgess#damien gerard#lindsey cantrell#relax im from the future#Youtube
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The Fairytale Keeper's Final Assessment - Roger (Premium End)
This is the 1st anniversary event and is in his POV.
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Roger: Kate, I’d die of boredom without you. I’d miss you. So stay as a fairytale keeper.
Kate: Roger…
Roger: So, what are you going to do, Kate? Continue being a fairytale keeper? Or are you going to say farewell-to me.
Kate: I…
Roger: How about I give you an extension. I’ll wait for you at Crown Castle ‘til midnight. If you don’t want to be a fairytale keeper anymore, then you don’t have to come back.
Kate: Don’t need to come back…?
Roger: Yeah. I’ll just write “NO” on the agreement letter and that’ll be it. Alright, I’m heading out. Make a choice you won’t regret.
Alfons: So, you just abandoned Miss Kate? You’re the worst. Just like how the hunter abandoned Snow White. You’re a heartless, muscly glasses-wearing walking egoist!
When I got back to the castle, I grabbed Al, told him the whole story over drinks and he fired complaint after complaint.
Roger: You got some nerve hurling insults at me while ignoring how much of an ass you are yourself. Kate wouldn’t have been able to make a choice if I was there. And if I stayed, I would’ve been in trouble.
Alfons: Don’t tell me you were going to bring her back by force?
Roger: Hmmmm………?
Alfons: Oh this is not good. You’ll always be an egoist.
Ice clinked in Al’s glass of whiskey.
Roger: Al. I��m definitely egotistical, but that doesn’t mean my head’s empty. We’re all cursed, part of Crown, and killers. It’s a parade of misery and disaster. It would’ve been better if she stayed uninvolved.
Alfons: Well, I agree with you on that point.
Roger: And yet… There’s lots of things you can’t give up on. I’m sure the same can be said for you.
Alfons: … I don’t know about that. My glass is empty, so I shall be taking my leave. I hope that losing Miss Kate will make you fix your ways.
Roger: Haha, thanks.
How much time’s passed since Al left?
It’s not even because of my abnormally sharp hearing, but the clock sounds really loud.
(30 minutes ‘til midnight)
(What if Kate doesn’t come back?)
I’d definitely miss her a lot.
And then rationalize it as “it is what it is”.
(As we get older, we get a whole lot more decisions to make)
Five minutes ‘til midnight.
—The sound of Kate’s voice and footsteps reach my ears.
Kate: Roger!
Roger: “Welcome back” Kate.
I looked up at the clock and saw that it was exactly midnight.
Kate: You must have felt a little worried. About how I might not have come back.
Roger: Well, maybe a little.
Kate: I was troubled. I mean…I have friends, and I was pretty useful as a postal worker.
Roger: Hm, I see. So why’d you come back with Liam?
Kate’s eyes dart side to side.
Kate: Well…um…it just happened that way.
Roger: I heard something like “tell it to Roger straight!”
Kate: !
Roger: Well?
Kate: The truth is…I couldn’t stand being alone so I went to see Liam at the Scala Theatre. I hung out with him…to kill some time.
Roger: Why?
Kate: Because…
Roger: Because?
Kate: Because…I wanted you to think about me of course.
Roger: …
Kate: Saying what you want, leaving everything to me… I…You know there was a chance we would've never seen each other again, right?
Roger: Yeah
Kate: You knew and yet you left just like that.
Kate started tearing up.
Kate: I thought…you’d want to spend more time with me.
(Really…this girl)
The day I met Kate, I tried to draw a line between us and have her live wisely.
A brief time at Crown as a fairytale keeper should’ve been enough.
(And yet)
~~ Flashback ~~
Kate: I still don’t have an answer on whether your betrayal was evil or not. Therefore— Can I not continue to think about it while being by your side?
~~ End flashback ~~
Kate said that and tried to get to know me and Crown.
(Nothing’s changed since that day…)
(No, she’s been chasing after me incessantly)
(Ah, damn it…)
(Everything about her’s so cute. It can’t be helped)
I drew closer to Kate and pulled her into a hug.
Kate: Ro…ger?
Roger: I still want to be with you. Let’s stay together, Kate.
Kate: I’m not doing this because you told me to. I’ve…made my decision.
Roger: Pfft, hahaha. Nice. I love a woman who can think for herself. But, do you really know what this means? If we’re together, then that means you’re gonna be at my mercy.
Kate: Bring it on. I still want to know more about you and Crown. Besides…I still haven’t proved that love exists yet.
For me, love’s something that has no proof. So I don’t have any faith in it.
What we call love is a dysfunction of the brain or a misunderstanding caused by sexual desire.
That’s my definition of love—Kate wants to prove me wrong.
(It's like saying you stayed for me, isn't it?)
Whether Kate’s affections can be called love is something yet to be seen.
Roger: In the meantime, let’s kiss.
Kate: ……Huh?
Roger: Didn’t you hear me? Kiss. Kissing. You like that, don’t you? Kissing and being affectionate.
Kate: O-of course not!
Roger: I thought you really liked me if you kept chasing after me.
Kate: That’s because…it’s my duty as a fairytale keeper.
Roger: Such a hard worker. I’ll talk to Victor about giving you a raise.
Kate looked at me in annoyance.
(You’re so cute)
Roger: Well then, let’s start with this “again” form here. Let’s get along, Kate.
I held out my hand and Kate grasped it in hers.
Kate and I are connected.
Once again, with a certain temperature.
Fairytale Keeper’s Letter of Agreement From here on, Kate will continue her role as the fairytale keeper. Because she’s a valuable dog, or assistant, in my research on curses. Beyond that, I’m simply curious -Roger Barel
(Kate’s POV)
It was a few days after I chose to continue my role as the fairytale keeper.
I had suddenly received a notice from Her Majesty the Queen. Kate, I’ve heard much about your work. Thank you for everything. Therefore, I would like a reliable woman to assess something. Whether Roger, who is cursed, is suitable for Crown.
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Clavis 3rd Anniversary Event
A Beast's Dream Realized by Beauty
Premium End
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Prince. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Premium End | Epilogue
Clavis: “Look, take action now.”
Boy: “Right now?”
Clavis: “Mmhmm. From the moment you have a dream, think about what you need to do, and start doing it.”
Clavis: “I’ll do it tomorrow, I’ll do it when… The moment you think that, your dream will remain a dream.”
Clavis: “You don’t have to do anything spectacular. If you take action that leads to your dream, even if it’s trivial…”
Clavis: “It all adds up and naturally, your dreams will come true.”
--End Flashback--
It was a casual remark that was made as an extension of our chat.
However, there is a scene that flashes through my mind.
Clavis: “Hey, what’s your dream, mother?”
Leticia: “Oh, what happened all of a sudden?”
Clavis: “Mother, you always support my dreams.”
Clavis: “Even if I say I want to be a butler, a doctor, or a chef, it doesn’t matter.”
Clavis: “That’s why I want to support your dream.”
Leticia: “Fufu, thank you.”
Leticia: “My dream is to see Clavis as an adult.”
Clavis: “Me as an adult?”
Leticia: “Well Clavis, there are so many things you want to become, right?”
Clavis: “Yeah. Because I want to be a better man than Chevalier!”
Leticia: “…I see. Do all of your dreams come from Chevalier?”
Clavis: “Yes. Everything he can’t seem to do, I’m going to be able to do.”
Clavis: “He’s so brusque, he could never be a gentleman or a butler…”
Clavis: “And even if he has knowledge, he can’t be a doctor or a chef because he’s not good with people.”
Clavis: “Not to mention the trapmaster!”
Leticia: “I didn’t think they’d be chosen on such a common ground, but… Fufu, I see.”
Clavis: “What, are you laughing?”
Leticia: “No? But your mother is looking forward to seeing what kind of adult you’ll become.”
Leticia: “You’re a prince, but you don’t have to be tied down by your status.”
Leticia: “Will you become a butler, a doctor, a chef… I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do that but—”
Clavis: “You don’t understand.”
Leticia: “Yes, I don’t understand. So, Clavis, do whatever you like as much as you like.”
Leticia: “I guess, that is my dream.”
Clavis: “…That’s a strange dream.”
Clavis: “But, I’m going to make it happen. Because it’s my dream to repay my mother one day!”
Leticia: “Oh my goodness, I’m delighted. I’m looking forward to it.”
--End Flashback—
I thought my mother’s dream would come true easily.
In any case, it’s just a matter of growing up normally.
--But reality was not so easy.
Even the most simple of dreams—“to see my son as an adult”—never came true.
Someday it will come true, and then I’ll return the favor.
It was because I had such a naïve idea,
I had nothing to give back to my mother, who had given me so much.
--End Flashback—
(My mother was the kind of person who often came home with tears in her eyes)
(At the time I didn’t even understand that “that” was a mark of tears, but it must have been quite painful.)
She betrayed the queen she was serving, and she had the heavy responsibility of being the head maid,
Having to raise a prince under all that pressure…
There are many reasons why my mother shed tears, and I feel sorry for her.
(If I had grown up sooner, I might have been able to save my mother.)
(Maybe I was able to make my dreams come true.)
(I didn’t know anything about that, and spent my childhood acting like a child.)
It’s a regret that lingers even now.
When I reveal these smoldering emotions to Emma for the first time, her pretty face distorts.
(….Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything after all.)
Clavis: “Haha, You would make such a face, wouldn’t you? That’s why I hid it.”
Clavis: “The past is the past. I’m a man of the present—and I’m sorry to my mother, but I can never repay her.”
(…a terrible lie.)
(I wonder if you’ll notice… I hope you don’t.)
When I laughed brightly, Emma’s eyes fixed on me…
Emma: “…Clavis.”
Emma placed the herbal tea in her hand on the bench railing.
Clavis: “What’s the matter? Your eyes are suddenly very focused.”
Emma: “No, just….I was just thinking.”
(What is it?)
Emma gently reached out to me and then,
Slender fingers were on my waist and she tickled with all her might.
Although I managed to put down the herbal tea I had in my hand, the tickling attack was more effective on my body than I expected.
(…hm…I feel like Emma’s face is glowing!)
As I tried to move my body to escape, tears blur my vision as she attacks where I’ll feel it most.
Clavis: “… hgh… Haha! Why are… ngh… Stop, haha.”
I seriously felt like I was going to die laughing, and just as I was about to see heaven, her fingers let go.
(I thought I was going to die!)
Emma: “What do you mean ‘I can never repay her’.”
Emma: “I think you have repaid her enough now.”
(How is repayment… and what you’re doing now…connected?)
I casually wipe my tears and look at Emma,
Unlike me, in a terrible situation, she has a serious face.
Emma: “I have never met Lady Leticia, but I can tell you this much,”
Emma: “If she’s still watching over you from somewhere, she is definitely, absolutely, wishing you happiness.”
Emma: “She gave her undivided attention to you, at the cost of her own time because…”
Emma: “There is no other reason than that she just wanted you to be happy.”
Clavis: “…”
(Ah, I see…you wanted to comfort me.)
Emma: “If that’s the case, then the fact that you are the happiest man on the continent right now is the greatest way you can repay her.”
Emma: “So smile, smile and laugh a lot and I’m sure Lady Leticia will understand.”
(…The dead say nothing anymore)
(Therefore, there is no telling whether Emma’s ideas are right or wrong.)
(But, I think my mother would say the same thing if she were still alive.)
I have lived with my regrets for many years alone, without telling anyone.
Maybe the reason I wanted to talk about it was because I wanted to feel Emma’s kindness.
Emma: “Clavis, if you can’t make your dreams come true, I will make them come true!”
Emma, chest puffed and proud, declares cutely and holds up her hands to close the distance.
This is not the time to get sentimental.
Clavis: “Wait, wait, wait! There’s a difference between being happy and laughing a lot, calm down, my dear fiancée.”
Emma: “I’m glad you’re enjoying this so much.”
Clavis: “Oops, your face looks worse than before.”
(…Even with such an upset face, she’s still incredibly cute.)
I wanted to hold my head up in a different way.
Clavis: “But, my face is even worse isn’t it?”
Emma: “!?”
To prevent Emma from doing any more to me, I took the initiative and embraced her.
Emma’s ears grow bright red and becomes quiet, it’s so adorable I can’t stand it.
Clavis: “But… you’re certainly right.” 7210
Leticia: “Thank you for being born…Please, live with a smile always on your face.”
--End Flashback—
(My mother’s last words, they’re in line with Emma’s sentiments.)
(…I’ve always regretted it.)
(But at this point, maybe it’s okay to break away from ‘regrets’)
No matter what path you take, there is no returning to the past.
Clavis: “Thanks to you, I am the happiest man on the continent. Perhaps I could return the favor?”
I tighten my arms, clinging to Emma’s kind thoughts.
In the truest sense of the word, I may have finally been able to break free.
(If it wasn’t for Emma, I would have regretted it till the day I died.)
(…Firstly, I would never have been as happy as I am now, and repaying my mother would have been a pipe dream.)
(I should thank you for that…)
(And for making me laugh so hard…?)
--It goes without saying that Jade is famous for its herbs, which are packed full of all kinds of benefits,
The baths, which combine herbs and hot springs, were the main purpose of this trip.
Benefits, benefits, benefits! Hot springs are said to be beneficial for beauty, health, and many other things.
I was secretly planning on introducing my hard-working fiancée to this country.
(But, that’s ostensibly why.)
If you just want to visit, you can rent out a hot spring to yourself,
There is no need to stay away from Emma, who has reached an extreme point of embarrassment.
Clavis: “I’m a man who has made all my dreams come true—but there are still many dreams that haven’t come true.”
Clavis: “First, I want to take care of you in the bath. I want to wash your hair, wash your body, and polish it with my hands.”
--End Flashback—
(--I can’t do it. I can’t stop smiling.)
Emma had initially fled to a corner of the room.
A few minutes ago, I chased her into the bath, caught her, and made him sit in a chair like this.
“I will make your dreams come true.” She proudly declared,
It seems that now she is finally ready to have her body washed.
(How is my fiancée so cute.)
I work my hands into a soapy, foamy lather and glide it over Emma’s skin.
I lift her slender arm and stroke it carefully, then I move my hand to her back, around her neck, and then to her breast.
Emma: “Nngh…”
Emma, holding her mouth shut and trying hard not to make a sexy sound, was bursting with cuteness.
(Makes me want to play a prank on you.)
When I poked the tip, Emma turned around with a bright red face.
Emma: “Clavis…”
Clavis: “Did that tickle?”
Emma: “…you know, don’t you?”
Clavis: “Haha, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Emma: “…”
Clavis: “Okay, okay, I won’t do it again.”
Emma: “That would be fine, but…”
It seemed she didn’t turn around just to make a complaint,
Emma’s direct gaze never wavered.
Clavis: “What is it?”
Emma: “…I was just wondering if you could help me out a bit.”
Emma: “Why did you dream of taking care of me in the bath?”
(Oops, I didn’t expect you to ask me that…)
What I told Emma about as a dream that day was all spur of the moment.
It didn’t have a deep meaning because it was just a bunch of deceptions that came out of my mouth to hide my past regrets.
However, it was definitely a desire I was thinking about subconsciously.
(I never thought about the reason, but I guess--)
Clavis: “It’s obvious isn’t it?”
Clavis: “My bashful, shy fiancée would never let anyone else do something like this.”
When I tickle her armpits, Emma’s body jumps.
Clavis: “But, if you only allow me…”
Clavis: “That’s love in the flesh, isn’t it?”
(…Oh, I see. What all my dreams about you have in common is that they can’t be done unless you’re loved.)
Emma: “…That reason is more cunning than I expected.”
Clavis: “Haha, really?”
Emma: “When I hear that, it makes me want to help with any dream you have.”
Emma: “But, please don’t do anything naughty!”
Clavis: “Nothing?”
(I’m already feeling naughty…)
Emma: “Nothing.”
Emma spoke firmly and turned away.
Emma: “…here, I can’t hide anything.”
Emma: “With how much I love you Clavis… everything comes out from my body, doesn’t it.”
Clavis: “…”
Clavis: “……”
(I want someone to praise me for not attacking you right now.)
Although I was able to hold out with the mental strength I had cultivated as a gentleman,
I place a kiss on Emma’s hair to calm myself down for a moment.
(But something... something, I have to distract myself….)
Clavis: “Do you have any dreams?”
(Next, I’ll make your dreams come true.)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Premium End | Epilogue
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Frozen Through the Years
Yearly Spotlight: 2016
Written by @secretsofthestorymakers
2016 was a BIG YEAR for the Frozen fandom. There were not many big events, but the real-world reach of the franchise itself expanded greatly.
In Disney World, the newly-rethemed Norway in Epcot opened, including the ride Frozen Ever After, the Royal Sommerhus (where guests could meet Elsa and Anna), and a Frozen-themed shop selling everything from plush dolls to drinkware. At Disney’s California Adventure, fans celebrated the opening of Frozen: Live at the Hyperion, a 55-minute show that ran multiple times per day until the park closed for the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
Sales of Frozen merch were going strong all over the world, to the point where discount shops stocked Frozen items along with the food they sold. Of course, most of the merch was aimed at children, but the Disney Enesco figurines proved to be popular among older fans! In March, Disney in Concert brought songs from Disney classics - including Frozen - to stages in Austria, Switzerland, and Germany, allowing the magic of Frozen to be experienced by whole new audiences. The brand extension Frozen Northern Lights also began in 2016, expanding the lore of our favorite story in the form of 5 books published (4 of them in 2016) and 4 LEGO shorts (though some of this lore was decidedly not canon).
Within the fandom, 2016 was also the beginning of shipping wars; intense arguments over which characters should be together ensued, proving to be somewhat divisive for a previously unified fandom. As the official franchise and the fandom continued to grow, Frozen remained in the hearts of superfans and casual viewers alike.
Stay Tune for More
👆🏻 Click above if you want to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Frozen. The due date is April 12, 2024.
We look forward to seeing your memories ❄️
#frozen10#frozen 10th anniversary#water has memory#frozen#frozen 2#frohana#kristoff#sven#olaf#elsa#anna#olaf's frozen adventure#ofa#frozen fever#yearly spotlight
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hi. treebark
I'm going to go feral, the emotions, the VIBE, OHHH Ren needs to let himself feel things and accept that people can be nice to him. I want to wrap both of them in a nice warm blanket and give them warm beverages and a soothing candle
I also want to see what agonies they encounter next. it can be both!
the mask slips.... the duality of what's going on with Ren vs Skizz is super interesting. Ren gets cared about? he's feeling things, not his mask. he's confused. he's enjoying it though. he is, still, inexplicably, confused. still reaching for the mask, even as it falls.
Skizz however... is yelling at the sky and getting mad at himself when he slips up.
I have ALSO been considering the duality of TT Ren and TTSBC Ren. actors... I think out of all the TT and TTSBC counterparts they would probably get along the most. (and by get along, I mean they probably wouldn't kill each other. Probably.) the Martyns also probably wouldn't kill each other, but I think TTSBC Martyn would get mad he can't do magic, lmao
ouhh... now I'm thinking about the definitely-not-TT TV show in TTSBC... the current view count on that we have is zed, Scott who read them as books and by extension jimmy, I believe? hmm
final thought here: I forget if I sent an ask about this before ( <- has the memory of a single banana chip) but I wonder how that zedango bet is going... probably not how any of them expected it to.
sorry for the gargantuan ask! as is tradition, LOVE your writing, excited for the TTSBC anniversary (my drawing tablet calls to me) and I hope you have a glorious and wonderful day
I LOVE THEM! They make me SO happy!!!
I mean, i think you're right in that TT!Ren and TTSBC!Ren would probably get along decently well, in the sense that they could have a functional conversation and not conclude it with either murder or an anxious mental breakdown. After all, they'd both just fake their way through it! 😆
Oh yeah, the definitely-not-TT TV show! Zed is watching it, Scott loved the books and so now he's making Jimmy read them, and they're also watching the show together. The Zedango bet is probably still in full swing, but we shall see about that...
Martyn would be so pissed that he can't do magic. He'd also probably be mad that TT!Martyn got to be a damsel in distress for Ren to save, though to be fair the associated trauma is not something he'd be interested in 😭
I'm so glad you're excited about the TTSBC anniversary event! I'm really excited for it as well, I think it's just gonna be so cool to see what folks want to contribute!!! I'm so happy you plain to participate!!! 💖
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Valenfield Oneshots/AUs Collection, Chapter 16, R.P.D Party

Pairing: Chris Redfield & Jill Valentine
Summary: A party is hosted at the R.P.D and Chris & Jill hang out during it
Status of their relationship in this one shot: Friends with clear feelings
WC: 5.9k
Type: SFW
Warnings: Talks of SA/Usage of weed
A/n: Hi! Hope you all enjoy. Please check out my masterlist, there's a lot of stuff there. You can get to know me, you can see the rules of my blog and then you can see all of my fanfictions. You'll be able to find the previous chapters to this fic and upcoming ones. You'll also be able to find my Wattpad & AO3. Comments, reblogs & likes are appreciated. Thank you
Pulling into the R.P.D parking lot, Chris released a hefty sigh as he just sat there in the driver's side seat. Stifled music playing off of the radio, more specifically a Queen song. The drive wasn't too bad but Chris was just tired from the past work week. Driving from home, to work then from work then back wasn't easy. It was quite an annoyance but his presence was required at this event.
The R.P.D is celebrating it's 27 year anniversary of being an official Police Department. More certainly, the Raccoon City Police Department. Chris has worked here since the mid '90's, it's odd trying to comprehend the fact it was once an art museum. He was apart of the elite S.T.A.R.S team, alongside some others such as Barry Burton, Brad Vickers & Jill Valentine. They also had their captain, Albert Wesker.
About the only thing that was going to keep him sane tonight was drinking and smoking, probably seeing Jill too. Chris & Jill have been close friends for awhile now. She became a member of the Alpha Squad only a few months ago but they've truly become inseparable. Chris even trains her in marksmenship and she'll train him in B&E. They're quite the duo, at least that's what Barry tells people. Chris already presumes they'll stick together throughout the event.
Grasping onto the handle, Chris opened the driver's side door to his truck as he hopped out of it, shutting the door carefully and huffing out with tranquil. Just from outside, Chris could hear the sound of blues music with a tint of classic in it. It was going to be one helluva night, that's for damn sure. He wouldn't be surprised if people end up being kicked out for being to blacked out.
Not only is it members & workers of the R.P.D but also local civilians who were granted an invite. Mostly just people who donate to the department or have family members who work for it. Either way, Chris has already predicted it's going to be busy as all hell. He'll just find his people & act as natural as he can. He isn't for public events such as this, he'd rather be at home right now, watching TV or working out.
Different people, some he knew of and some he didn't, were making their way into the establishment. The Police Department's doors were wide open for entry, welcoming each guest with guidance. Chris kept it casual, wearing his brown leather jacket with the words 'Made in Heaven' patched into the back of it. His pants were black jeans & his shoes were brown boots, basically the same shade as his jacket. Wesker had told him to dress nice & simple, this was Chris's idea of that.
Ambling into the building, Chris was wowed with how it looked. It doesn't normally look all fancy & elegant. Streamers were hung up, tables were all over, buffets were in place and oddest of all, hundreds of people were littered on the inside. It was extensive enough for that so he guesses it's not all that surprising. Sticking near the reception area, Chris scanned the main hall and didn't see anyone he knew personally. Of course he seen a few workers he knows of but it's not like they're buddy buddy or anything.
Right beside where the main hall desk is at, there was a plastic, white, thick table with different containers of wines & juices. Chris snagged out a red solo cup and filled it with champagne. He prefers harder & more stronger drinks but this'll suffice. And besides, it didn't taste bad. Actually, it was sweet & tangy. Must be flavored. Or rosé. As Chris sipped from the cup, he strolled up the ramp and spotted Barry standing beside a few people.
When Chris saw Barry, it was like he knew as right then Barry shifted his head and noticed Chris. "Hey, Chris, buddy, come over here!" Barry shouted to him, waving his hand too. Chris chuckled to himself and made his way over, not walking too quick as to not seem eager. As he stumbled on closer, he realized Barry's wife, Kathy, was there. He's only met her a couple times but she's a sweet lady.
"Hey buddy, you remember Kathy?" Barry asked him, his burly arm around his wife's waist. "Now of course I do, hi Kathy." Chris said kindly to her, giving her a friendly nod. "Hello Chris, you look well." "You as well." Chris smirked, his tone sweet. He was a genuine guy. He could also be formal when needed. "Glad to see you remember. Besides that, have you seen what they have to drink?" "Just wines and champagne, juice too." Chris nodded his head, taking a glance in his cup. "Alrighty then, honey, I'm going to get us some drinks, be right back." Barry snickered out to Kathy, letting her go & striding off.
"So..." Kathy began, "Is working with my husband nice?" She seeked an answer out from Chris. She was just trying to create small talk. "Yeah, he's a great man, a smart one at that." Chris answered her, tapping his right foot on the clean ground. "He is, he most certainly is." Kathy responded, giving Chris an affirming grin. "Are your daughter's here too? Or just the two of you?" "Just us. My sister is babysitting Moria and Polly tonight." Kathy replied to Chris, she had a purse hung from her lanky shoulder.
"Hey, have you seen a short woman at all? Uh, short brown hair, skinny, hazel eyes?" Chris questioned Kathy, wanting to find out where Jill was. "Jill? Barry told me she was off with some man named Brad." Kathy responded to him, her voice was timid, like she was nervous. "Oh ok, thanks." Chris muttered out, sipping his drink and glancing over at Barry who was filling up cups for himself and Kathy. He was a gentleman to his wife. That's how Chris hopes to be someday.
Grabbing both cups, Barry wandered back on over to Kathy & Chris, handing one cup to Kathy. "There you go lovely, it's just red wine." Barry spoke to his wife. Kathy took the cup from Barry and sipped it, nodding her head in approval. "Tasty." She complimented. "Uh Barry, do you know where Brad and Jill are?" Chris asked him, scratching the back of his head. "Last time I saw them was when me and Kathy first got here, all I know is that they went upstairs, I'm assuming to go somewhere more private." Barry teased Chris.
Barry wasn't born yesterday, he's aware of how Chris feels about Jill. It's clear as day, if anything. The first time Barry realizes Chris had a thing for Jill was on the first mission they went on when she joined. All Chris did on that mission was take care of Jill & help her out. Chris was never the type of guy to worry about his team like that. Not that he was selfish, but he never notices their struggles. But with Jill, his eyes are always on her, therefore he's capable of noticing.
But Barry knows, he knows how he feels for her. Barry even notices how Jill is too. She often gets all finicky & off putting when Chris is around, as if he makes her shy. She's also always demanding that he be the one to train her & no one else. Not only that, she tends to be only excited & uppity when he's around. If he's not at work or just not around, then she's all quiet & keeps to herself. Which, that's not an issue, she can do as she pleases, but all it does is further prove her feelings towards Chris and how they aren't just friendly.
"Seriously?" Chris spoke blatantly to Barry. A roaring laugh come from Barry, his hand placed on Chris's bulked shoulder. "No." He snickered. "She is with him but they're in the office upstairs with other people, like Richard, I think." Barry laughed, removing his hand from Chris's shoulder. A deep & annoyed scoff came from Chris as he rolled his eyes. Damn, he could be sassy. "Oh, well, speak of the devil." Barry whispered to Chris, pointing up at the left side staircase.
Chris swiftly spun his head to look up at the staircase. There she was, it was Jill. She was in fact next to Brad too. She looked so beautiful. She was wearing a dress, in which she never does. Chris has never ever seen her so dressed up. She was stunning. The dress she wore was long sleeved and short but flowy at the ends. And it was all black too. It suited her quite well. Her hair was the same as always but without her beret, she looked even better.
Moving down the steps, Jill took notice of Barry but didn't realize Chris was beside him. She honestly believes he wouldn't even show up tonight. She only did because she's sick of Wesker's bullshit. "Barry!" Jill announced, stepping down the stairs with most haist. "Jill, Chris is here now!" Kathy vocalized to her, waving her head, urging her to walk on over. "What?" Jill shouted out, not being able to hear Kathy.
Jill was off of the stairs and finally noticed Chris in all his glory. She was very glad he was here tonight. "Chris!" Jill spoke with excitement, cutely running over to him in her flats. Once again, she's never worn shoes so formal, only her work ones. "Hey." Chris said to her, holding his arms out as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He was pretty sure she was buzzed but he truly couldn't tell. "How much have you had to drink tonight?" Chris chuckled out, his arms wrapped around her. "She hasn't had anything yet, she's just in a good mood." Brad enunciated to him.
"Is that right?" Chris questioned Jill, his voice low & hushed. "Mhm, today has just been good, especially now that you're here." Jill expressed, letting go of him as she didn't wanna seem weird for being all touchy, she was just happy he was actually here for the event. "Would you like a drink? Wine, champagne, juice?" Chris seeked, his cup was also empty so it was a good opportunity to get her one as well. "Wine would be nice, thank you Chris." Jill praised him, her eyes set in stone on him. Chris nodded and ambled off back to the beverage table.
Walking down the ramp, Chris first refilled his cup with juice. He didn't plan on drinking too much since he does have to drive home. It's ironic he's drinking at all when knowing he has to drive, considering he's a type of cop. Lifting up the tab to the wine container, Chris let the wine spill into Jill's cup. He didn't fill it too much, he remembers the time she was hungover and he most definitely doesn't want that for her tomorrow. At least if it does happen, it won't be all that bad considering it's Sunday & they'll have the day off.
As he poured her drink, his eyes gandered over at her and he nearly lost his breath as he caught onto the fact she was also looking at him, her arms crossed against her chest. Her eyes were full of blissfulness and looked dove-like. Quickly turning his head away, Chris held onto both cups as he made his way back to the small group he was in. Chris never noticed how many people piled into the department until just now ; It was not this full when he first arrived.
"Here you go, Jill." Chris smirked at her, handing off her drink. "Thank you." Jill whispered, going back to engaging in the conversation. "So then after I drop off the casserole, Kathy just gives me a look of concern! I don't think it was that bad!" Barry voiced with a older man chuckle. "Oh sweetie, it was bad." Kathy giggled, slapping his shoulder playfully. "What did I miss?" Chris muttered to Jill, his mouth up to her ear. "Just Barry talking about the time he cooked a green bean casserole." Jill snickered, side eyeing Chris in a friendly manner.
Chris snorted when Jill said that. Imagining Barry cooking was hilarious. He was old school, he was raised to not have to know and luckily, Kathy was A okay with that. She's a great cook anyways. Sometimes, she allows Barry to bring extra to the office. Chris's favorite has always been her lasagna, she makes it excellently. Jill has told him her favorite is her homemade baked Mac & Cheese. She'll crumble potato chips on the top even which makes it even yummier.
"I don't know how to cook either Barry, don't feel bad." Chris cackled out, his free hand in the pocket of his jacket. "See, I'm not the only one." "I don't know how either, never was taught and I haven't had the time to teach myself." Jill uttered out, sipping her wine. "Oh Jill, I would love to teach you how, Barry, does she have our house phone number?" Kathy asked her husband, she was eager to set up a time & date. "Pretty sure, right Jill?" "Yeah, yeah, I do." Jill contently spoke, her body swaying back and fourth.
"I didn't know you didn't know how to cook." Chris mumbled to her, a sly chuckle releasing from him. "Sadly not, but I suppose Kathy will teach me somewhat." Jill snickered, gazing at Chris. He gazed back at her, his eyes locked on hers. Kathy began to talk again, which snapped the two of them out of their staring. "So Jill, the first thing I'll teach you to cook is your favorite food, what is it?" Kathy had a happy voice. "Oh, I would say chicken parm and spaghetti." "Great picks, I'd love to teach you how to make those." Kathy tittered to the woman.
Listening in on their convo, Chris was happy for Jill. He first of all had no clue she didn't know how to cook but the both of them, her & Kathy seemed ready to learn and Kathy seemed ready to show her. "Wanna go get something to eat?" Jill asked Chris, placing her petite hand onto his brawny shoulder blades. "Sure, why not?" Chris responded, following right behind her.
There were different buffets set up around the main hall and even in the upstairs area. There was one with mini sandwiches, one with sweet treats like cookies and ice cream cups. Other than that, there was one with meat boards and veggie/fruit trays, it was obviously coordinated. "What are you going to get?" "Oh, probably a sandwich and some vegetables." Jill told him in reply, her head looking down as she picked up one of the. The sandwiches were cut to look perfect, thin slices through them & they were exact triangular shaped.
"Who the hell would take the time to make sandwiches look so divine?" Jill snorted out, placing two of them into her plate. "And how bout you? What are you gonna get?" She questioned him. "Probably a cookie, I'm not very hungry." He expressed, viewing the sweet treats table which was near the beverage stand. "My sweet tooth is not in tonight, by my savory one is." "Valid." Chris teased, peering at Jill as she placed some cherry tomatoes onto the small styrofoam plate.
"Want me to come with you to get a cookie? I don't mind." Jill raised, holding her plate with both hands. "Sure." Chris shook his head, shifting his body and ambling over to the desert table. Not only was there cookies & ice cream but also mini cakes, macaroons & rock candy. "Ooo." Jill shrieked out when she noticed the macaroons. "Don't mind if I do." She mumbled, snagging two and setting them beside her already bitten into sandwich.
"I don't know if I want a sugar cookie or a chocolate chip cookie..." Chris pondered aloud. "Want me to choose for you? I bet I can read your mind?" Jill jokingly said, her arm scraping against his as they stood quite close together. "Have at it." Chris cackled, tossing his free hand up. "Mmm, okay." Jill laughed as she picked up the chocolate chip cookie, "Was this your card?" Jill verbalized, acting like it was a magic trick. A warm heat arised in Chris's lower abdomen, she was right, when is she not?
"Maybe." Chris tugged her leg, taking the cookie from her and biting into it. It was really good, it reminded him of the cookies Kathy would make and bring in. She may have baked these even. "Ready?" "Ready." Chris responded, strolling alongside Jill as they went back to the group. Now, a few others were there, a few Chris didn't know but he did know Kenneth & Forest. "Hey man!" Forest exclaimed when he seen Chris. "What's up Forest?" Chris questioned his pal, taking a miniscule bite from the sweet treat.
"Nothing much bro, just chilling around. You two hanging out?" Forest wondered, making it obvious he wanted to hang with them. "Yeah, yeah, we just got some food and now we're just gonna be here with you guy's." Chris had a curved smile whilst he nodded his head up & down. "Rad." Forest chuckled, gulping down his drink, which must've been something he brought from home. It smelt like straight Vodka. He was wild like that.
"So Jill, how're you?" Forest asked the girl, a cringy smirk plastered on his face. "I'm okay, you?" "Oh I'm great." He answered, chugging more of his alcoholic drink. Yeah, he was out of it. "Are you already drunk?" Barry mumbled out to Forest. His words were slurred as he began to talk, "A little bit." He wiped the slobber from the inner corner of his lips. "You're one hell of a man Forest, I'll give you that." Barry snickered, raising his glass slightly before drinking from it.
Continuing to talk, the group, everyone in it, was speaking & having a great time. Chris felt comfortable enough to give his two sense in as well. The only person Chris dreaded seeing today officially showed up. Chief Irons, he's the chief of police and man, is he a dick. All he ever does is find ways to comment on how the STARS members are screwing up and how they need to do better. Chris knew he'd most likely attend considering speeches were in order but he was praying it would be postponed.
Chris also knew that sooner or later, Irons would make his way over to them. He is going through everyone in the front first, talking to those and acting all civil & respectful. It's just a mask. He's a prick. Chris doesn't understand how Wesker can put up with his shit. Speaking of Wesker, he didn't even show up tonight. He's going to most definitely receive a mouthful of bullshit Monday morning.
"Irons is here." Kenneth groaned out to the group, everyone either sighing or grunting. Transparently, nobody likes him. Very few people do. There have even been speculations of him bribing certain companies to save the ass of the R.P.D. It's complete nonsense. "Of course he is." Barry scoffed out, his hand on his wife's midriff as he held her close. One time, Irons literally flirted with Kathy. He's a weird fuck and they all stand by that.
"Jesus Christ, is his ass coming over here?" Forest whined out, trying to seem professional but it was difficult due to his sobriety being gone. "Hello." Irons spoke to the group, his voice deep & off putting. "Have any of you seen your captain tonight?" "Don't think he even made it." Jill was courageous enough to say something, Chris knew he wasn't going to. The last thing he wanted to do tonight was speak to that asshole. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Irons hissed out, veins popping out from his forehead. "Your captain needs to learn how to act like one." Irons blabbered.
"Well, Chief, he's not our puppy, we aren't supposed to keep a chain on him." Chris spat out, his tone was so clearly not calm anymore. Something about the guy brings another side out of him. "Now, Redfield, when the fuck did I say you were to? Exactly, I didn't. Don't be a smartass." Irons clapped back, he was a giant dick. Chris scoffed and walked off before things got to heated. He knew that if he would've stuck by, it wouldn't have ended well. "Chris!" Jill muttered out, wanting him to come back, but he didn't.
Jill just simply stood still as Chris jogged off through the main corridor of the R.P.D. She understood how he felt and what was going through his head. "Just fuck off Irons." Jill frowned at him as she walked away angrily. She didn't immediately go after Chris, she didn't know how he felt about her chasing after him. He deserved alone time if that's what he so desired. But at the same time, she wanted to be there for him. Deep down, Jill knows she's one of the few people, if not the only person, who can control him good enough.
Exhaling softly, Jill sat down in one of the chairs near the exit, twiddling with her fingers & occasionally guzzling her wine. After a few minutes or so, Barry came convoying to her all alone, Kathy must've been off doing something else. "Hey Valentine, you okay?" He wondered, popping a squat down beside her. "Yeah, I'm doing just fine." Jill said with pure sarcasm. "Hey, don't give me that, I'm not the enemy here." Barry spoke like a true fatherly figure, which he sort of was to not only her, but Chris too.
"Sorry... I just feel bad for Chris, like why does Irons always have to be a cocksucker?" Jill grunted, the veins of her hands being more visible now. She wasn't angry like Chris was, she was more sorrowful than anything. "Ya, I get it, he's something else... I have learnt to ignore it and so should you & Chris." "I'm trying." Jill expressed, her head in her hand. "I can tell, I know he's a lot to deal with... You know where Chris ran off to?" "No clue." "You should go and find him, I presume you're the only person he wants to be around right now." Barry voiced, his voice so honest & caring.
She thought about what Barry was saying. Was there some deeper meaning behind it? Barry was full of riddles. "Maybe so..." Jill whispered, fidgeting with her nails, they were even painted for once. "I know so, Jill, you bring a comfort into his life that I've never seen him have. I'm pretty sure you being around makes him different, makes him himself, y'know?" "You think so?" "I do." Barry smiled at her, standing up from the folding metal chair. "Bring it in." Barry held his arms out for her. He did always give the bestest of hugs.
Briskly, Jill got up and wrapped her arms around his round stomach, feeling like a little girl as she did. He caressed the top of her head as he hugged her. Jill and Barry were close the second she joined the squad. He welcomed her in with open arms. Chris was actually distant with Jill when she joined, but within time warmed up to her. "Go find him and talk to him, ok?" "I will." Jill muttered out to him, pulling away slowly. Barry has such a kind soul.
"I'm gonna get back to the wife now, don't be gone to long!" Barry cackled out, stepping backwards as he disappeared into the crowd. "You do that." Jill spoke below her breath as she sighed soothingly. Her nerves were less shaky now, she felt better about all of this. Jill left her empty red solo cup on the chair, along with her plate as she didn't even see a trashcan in sight before she then stepped outside, checking around the front area to see if Chris was anywhere to be found.
If he wasn't out front, then he may have been in his car. Jill just hopes he didn't decide to up & leave. He wouldn't be that selfish. "Chris, you out here?" Jill shouted out, her arms at her side. The wind was picking up, her dress was flowing in the breeze, it was chilly out. She spotted his truck near the edge of the parking lot but where she was from, she didn't see him in it. Jill was just very relieved it wasn't gone, that meant he was somewhere around here.
He wasn't the type to just go out on a walk so she scratched that off of the list. He would've said something if he were to, right...? At least she hopes that's the case. "Chris, please answer me!" It was still silent, all Jill could hear was the sound of the wind and people yapping inside of the R.P.D. It was tiring, trying to track him down whilst being cold. She took it upon herself to check the East side of the building, maybe he was there, just taking some time to himself.
Turning the corner, Jill heard someone cough, it was a manly cough. "Chris..." Jill whispered out, looking at the East gate fence and scanning it as she saw him sitting on the steps. "There you are..." Jill mumbled, slowly walking towards him. "Here I am." Chris sighed. She scurried over to him and sat down beside him. The two of them stayed silent for a few moments, Jill just didn't really know what to say. The sound of the wind got louder and goosebumps formed along Jill's arms. "Fuck..." She uttered beneath her breath. "C'mere." Chris soughed.
He took his thick leather jacket off and put it on her shoulders, keeping it stiff so it'd stay put. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt anyways so the cold didn't bother him as much. "Thank you." Jill hushly said, her hands resting on her thighs. "Yeah." Chris said in response. Jill broke the tension and spoke her truth, "You can't let Irons get to you like that... He isn't worth it." Jill spoke kindly, her voice soft as ever. "I know." Chris groaned out, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
Looking up at him, Jill gave him a small half smile. "Are you okay?" Her soul was so gentle. She cares for him so much. "I am now." Chris whispered. Jill was sitting one step below him, it made him seem even taller than he really is. "Good." "Are you doing okay?" "I am, I'm just exhausted... But not like physically, y'know?" Jill expressed. "Mentally then? If so, me too." Chris chuckled, it wasn't a happy one though. "Yeah, I guess you could say that." Jill chortled, hiding her head in her arms.
As she sat in the same position for a bit, she heard the sound of a lighter clicking and she shot her head up, seeing Chris lighting joint up, which shocked her. "Chris, that's illegal, what are you doing!?" Jill covered her mouth, her eyes wider than ever. "Oh, yeah, whatever." Chris snickered, taking a long drag of the joint before blowing it out, the wind pulling the smoke with it. "Oh my God, where did you even get that?" "Somewhere over yonder." He teased her. "You wanna hit it?" He asked, holding it out to her.
"Oh I'm not sure..." Jill said with a brittle voice. She was contemplating it but she didn't know what it was like, she's never even smoked a cigarette before. "What will it do to me?" "Nothing, you'll get high." "What happens when you're high?" "Depends on the person and the weed. With this, you'll mostly get the giggles and get hungry." Chris's eyes trailed on her, then down her figure then back up to her eyes, although she didn't realize that. "What if we get caught?" "We won't." Chris reassured her.
Chris wasn't going to pressure her into smoking, he would never, but he'd love to see how she gets when she's high.
"So?" Chris snickered, wiggling the blunt in front of her face. "Okay." Jill giggled, grabbing a hold of it and placing the end of it between her pink, smooth lips. "Now just inhale slowly, you'll feel a burn but it's a good kind of burn." Chris explained, gazing at her as she began to take her very first hit. Jill inhaled slowly yet deeply, feeling that burn Chris spoke about, she instantly felt the need to cough. She zipped the joint away from her mouth and coughed profusely, her throat itching & scratching. "Atta girl." Chris smirked, taking the blunt off of her hands.
"Fucking hell." Jill coughed out, her eyes begining to water as the coughing didn't let up. "You're ok, let it out." Chris teased her, taking another drag from it himself. "Here." Chris handed his cup to her, allowing her to take a big 'ol swig from it. Jill heaved out, leaning back and giggling. "Let me try again!" Jill snickered. "Damn, you sure?" Chris posed, not wanting to let her do it again, she took it pretty roughly. "Yeah, I'm more prepared now." "Alright." Chris laughed, passing it back to her and studying her pretty face as she took a safer approach to it.
She took an even slower hit before stopping right as she felt that tingly burn deep in her neck. "That's it." Chris praised her attempts at a good inhale, she was a natural. Jill blew it out moderately, tittering as some of the foggy smoke seeped out through her nose. "That happens." Chris mentioned, admiring her newly found talent. "That's not so bad but I feel like a druglord." "Jesus Jill, it's not like a bad drug, other people smoke it, even Kathy does." "No fucking way Kathy smokes this shit, does Barry know?" "I don't think so." Chris laughed, the laugh clearly came from deep within. It was nice to see him so gleeful.
The sun has officially set, it was dark now, Jill assumes people will probably head home after the speeches but they haven't even begun yet. The first & only star was out, finally, it was directly above Chris & Jill too. It was like destiny. The steps were cold but the heat from Chris's jacket countered it, Jill felt appreciated when Chris gave it to her, it was like he commonly thought of her. It was a kind gesture that she was always going to accept with grace. "Did you notice how Forest was hitting on me earlier?" Jill randomly brought up. "Yeah, I noticed. He's a dork." Chris snickered, breathing in the marijuana.
"Why? You liked it?" "Absolutely not." Jill laughed, gazing up at Chris. The incoming reflection of moonshine hit her hazel eyes wonderfully, she was so full of light & beauty. "I've never even seen you in a dress before." Chris expressed, his eyes on her body once again. "There's a first for everything." Jill beamed at him, her elbow resting on the step as her head was in her hand again. "I feel like I look stupid in dresses." "No, you don't, you look good." Chris complimented her. "Yeah?" "Definitely." He mumbled out.
"You know, I've never seen you wear this jacket before. It's always hung up by your desk." "Yeah, I never liked how it fit me." "I think it looks nice on you." Jill whispered to him, she bit her lip slightly whilst doing so. "It looks better on you." Chris tittered, he was so evidently checking her out ; There was no way she hadn't caught onto it yet. Jill stood up for a moment to sit up beside Chris, their shoulders side by side, their legs rubbing against one another's.
"How ironic is that? Two stars are above us now and we are also two stars." Jill giggled out, pointing up at the grayish sky. "Cool." Chris said to her softly, passing the joint to her for the last time. "You can have the last hit." "How generous of you." Jill said cockily, taking the final hit before stomping it out on the steel ridgid steps. "You gonna take up smoking now?" Chris teased. "Actually, probably." Jill joked, looking at him again.
"Chris..." Jill whispered out, not saying anything after that. She was gonna get all heart felt, but didn't wanna ruin the joyous mood. At the same time, it felt needed. She really just wanted to make sure he was truly okay. He needs to be at least okay. "What's going on?" Chris asked her, placing his hand on her knee in a comforting sense. "Uh I just... You know I'm always here for you, yeah?" Jill smiled. Chris stared at her, his heart swelled up.
Chris always found Jill to be a sweet girl, from the day they met, to be exact. She's always treated him so kindly and never once doubted him. She even makes him compliment himself on his hard days. She's such a good person. "Jill..." Chris mumbled underneath his breath, their eyes locked on each other's. Chris suddenly felt like just holding her. Even just like... Kissing her? That was even too far.
Although, it was as if she read his mind. Jill wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing her body closer to his as she did so. Chris breathed deeply into the crook of her neck, morely into her thick, healthy hair. His bulky arms encased around her waist, holding her as close to him as he could. Her warmth was comforting more than anything. His jacket slid off of her shoulders as they embraced one another lovingly.
Sure, they've hugged before, but it was never anything like this. This was real. This was passion. It felt so good to feel her against him like this. "I love you Chris." Jill said, it was meant to be interpreted in a friendly way but even Jill didn't know if she meant it like that. She finds herself questioning what kind of love it is that she feels for him. "I love you too." Chris replied, his hand stroking her hair carefully & with ease. "Thank you for being you." Jill mumbled out, her nails digging into the back of his shirt. "Oh Jill..." Chris's voice shook as he held the back of her neck gently.
Leisurely pulling away, Chris gazed at Jill, his hands in hers. Chris also heard the sound of someone speaking loudly, indicating that speeches were starting. "I guess we should go in for those, huh?" Chris chuckled, feeling sort of awkward but also happy. "Heh, I suppose so." Jill cleared her throat, standing up and stretching. "Here." Chris spoke once more, picking his jacked back up and putting it on her. "Now Forest will know you've been with me." "Chris!" Jill giggled, smiling with her teeth, oh how pretty she was. "Let's go, you ass." Jill rolled her eyes playfully as the two of them made way back into the department.
#tumblr fyp#resident evil#jill valentine#chris redfield#valenfield#valenfield otp#valenfield fanfiction#resident evil fanfiction#chris x jill#ship post
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good evening Miss Pink Moon,
i don't normally go on tumblr much but when I do i like to scroll through your Blog. i always remember your posts being very insightful & sometimes a reflection of my own life. this may be parasocial of me, but i feel that we both know Isolation & Loneliness. in October though, i have had events happen where i've been disillusioned in the safety i thought i had in my solitary lifestyle. today, i met with a counselor again, and upon telling her my birthday (8/4/04)...in u.s. american format) & my name ((angel)), she smiled and said she loved the #4, and that it was the date of her & her partner's birthday as well as anniversary. and that it is her favorite angel #.
i have my own reservations on spirituality, horoscopes, fortunes & the like, but i'd like to be open minded about it more, seeing as how i've been experiencing many coincidences, it's made me curious. i don't know much of anything on angel #'s, or other such things, so i wanted to ask about your thoughts on the manner. though maybe i shouldn't be asking for your services 4 free; i'd love to draw characters of yours as thanks ☆
Ur so sweet, thankyou, u dont have to do anything for me though, i offer priestess services for free because it's what i believe in ^_^
To briefly summarize my thoughts, i dont think angel numbers or astrology or any of it actually matters at all, even though i have studied all these subjects extensively, enjoy theorizing, its my game, but i know gaining knowledge is just a facet of what my own particular ego desires, and it passes the time. However the inevitability of all the digging, what you find at the root of it, is simply that everything is so deeply interconnected, in a sense everything the same, and there's no point trying to fill your mind w anecdotes & comparisons, because the TRUTH is inside you and the truth is love. And love is everything so you are everything. We don't have to discern what is and isn't a sign or a message. whatever you interpret is your reality.
the point of all the learning i've done has been to show me how to transcend searching for answers. So if u never felt called to that line of thinking, dont feel like its a necessity. just go where u feel called. it means whatever you feel it means and you are what you want to be. this makes some people spiral but you literally can just do whatever you want.
Thanks for ur question...ALways happy to help where i can :#) Love, pmd9
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