#so i think! this is a fair exchange hehe
funkyplantguy · 1 day
Heyo! Am here to make you think abt ur scarian superhero au, cuz it sounds really fun!
I assume there's superpowers in the universe, but does scar have any? It seemed like he only used the gadget cub made him. What about Grian?
Also, Grian works to convince people that scar is hotguy through youtube essays, right? Is that all he would upload?
And last of all- cumbo???
first and foremost - i'm going to use you (and this ask) as a bit of a sounding board, if you don't mind! i tend to process best externally, and the more i yap with friends and fellows here on tumblr about this au, the more it's going to expand and grow and solidify. nothing i say here will necessarily be canon, more just...collective brainstorming!
that being said...i don't know that...there actually are going to be superpowers in this universe. this is subject to change but at the moment...i'm rather vibing with the idea of everything being technologically based. maybe some people have certain skills that are enhanced with the use of science and tech, but nobody necessarily has or is born with superpowers/mutations/etc. i think that perhaps scar was someone who was maybe just really athletic - or really talented with a bow - and was "scouted" based on that. ultimately though, i'm not sure! that's one of the main things that i need to work out before actually digging into the writing bit - this au didn't exist until like, two days ago, so i'm still figuring out the general worldbuilding :D however, i do know that grian is not going to start out as a hero or "enhanced individual". he might become one at some point in the narrative, but...that's also up in the air at the moment. smiles.
i think grian started doing video essays as a hobby to practice his editing skills (i think for a brief period, he considered going into video editing as a career, then switched to just plain old editing) but was too invested (stubborn) to give his essays up. i reckon that he started with doing video essays about various media (movies, shows, etc), then stumbled across scar's channel and immediately became borderline hyper-fixed on the (obvious!) similarities between himself and the city's hero, hotguy, and...well...it's all downhill from there!
oh, but of course! live laugh love cumbo. those bitches always gotta haunt the narrative
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wonfilms · 7 months
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enhypen & the ways they say "i love you" (without actually saying it) ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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warnings : n/a : gen: fluff a/n: im back?!? after almost 6 mths .. but yes i'm back, (finally..) school has been HELL, BUT yrhome is back in action, i hope this is alright even though i feel a little rusty hehe, reblogs & comments are very much appreciated
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heeseung -> "this song reminded me of you." - heeseung's love is constant, never once wavering. he sees you in every little part of his life.. he thinks about you constantly never once do you leave his mind he discovers a melody that seems to capture you within mere musical notes... so he shares it with you.. each song that make his heart swell just like you do.
jay -> "you wanted this right? i saw you looking at it at the store last weekend?" - jay's love is bold yet gentle, almost like a first love and a last kiss paired in one. jay remembers everything about you, your favourite colour, which perfume you use, what shoe size you are, what makes you tick and what comforts you after a long day? so it's no surprise that when he caught you eyeing that lipstick at the store he just had to buy it for you, whatever makes you happy is all he wants.
jake -> "give me one more kiss, please babe just one more..??" - jake's love is exhilerating and yet comfortable all at once, like the fond nostalgia of a childhood fair-ground ride. he should be out of bed right now, rushing to get ready for work but he can't help himself.. not when you look that damn beautiful laid in his arms , he kisses you softly letting the feeling linger. just one more kiss, he pleads.. but you both know that's never the case
sunghoon -> "have you eaten yet baby?" - sunghoon's love is soft, sweet and it feels warm like a bowl of soup. he never fails to ask you whether you'd eaten yet, always. he takes comfort in knowing you're still safe and healthy. he shows his love through words, whispered confessions against your neck and gentle squeezes of your hip as he kisses you to sleep at night.
sunoo -> "i wish i could see you all the damn time" - sunoo's love tastes like oranges and frozen grapes. he didn't think he'd ever want someone's company like he wants yours.. he needs you he wants you by his side even more with every passing minute. it feels almost natural to see your smile and your pretty eyes every minute of the day, it's like a second nature to him to admire you. jungwon -> "i wanna grow old with you one day" - jungwon's love is like rainy days spent cuddling next to the fire. he's never been one to shy away from the words 'i love you', but that's probably just because it's you. hell, love is terrifying but he knows you're the one for him. his other half the last little missing puzzle piece in his life, you're perfect for him. niki -> "you make me wanna try." - niki's love is like a gentle studio ghibli movie. it's not perfect but yet it still it. his love is encouragement, soft words of affection exchanged in private and heart-wrenching embraces that make you feel like melting. you're both young, and maybe thats completely okay, love is also helping the person you love most grow and change and still staying by each other's side.
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Nilou x Veteran!Warrior!Male!Reader
A/N: Here's something light and hopefully fun to read. Enjoy! CW: None.
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When Nilou’s fans come up to her for autographs, they can’t help but cast worried glances at the man next to her. Despite officially being only a bodyguard, the warm smiles and kind looks you exchange with each other have made your love obvious to the people of Sumeru. Nobody mentions it in her, let alone your presence though - they know you’re not someone to be messed with. 
Nobody really knows where you fought, but your more-than-professional demeanor, your grizzled eyes, speaking of experience, make it more than obvious that you’ve seen your share. Your handling of weapons makes you a commanding presence - you hardly ever have to speak to make sure Nilou has as much space as she needs to feel comfortable. 
For your adorable lover, however, your presence is quite the opposite - you’re a guarantee of comfort and safety, and such a cute one at that! She finds it positively heartwarming how you compare to her. You’re a big, strong and scary guy while she’s a tiny and innocent girl. 
Nilou: Hey sweetie, can you… pick me up, please? Y/N: Hm? Oh, of course.  Nilou: W-whoah! Hehe~ It’s like in those fairytales, isn’t it?
You’re her knight in shining armor, and she’s your princess in need of keeping safe and sound. It always gets her heart racing when you remind her just how fragile and gentle she is - as a flower, needing strong hands to protect her from the cold winds. 
Speaking of digits, she really enjoys holding hands with you. Your hands, just like your whole person, are the precise opposites of her. They are big, rough, full of little scratches, scars and other wear-and-tear from your days of campaigns and fighting. They were and still are capable of feats of great strength and violence - she saw how tightly you grip the sword, just as she saw your enemies staggering under your blows. And yet, despite that, you are as gentle with her as can be when you stroke her hair or touch her cheek. 
With your body being as it is, you make for a very safe shelter for her. Nilou would like nothing else than to curl up in your strong, masculine arms, safely away from the threats and dangers of the world. Your body is also very good at heating her up on cold days with how big it is. A perfect pillow, a perfect ladder, a perfect vehicle, a perfect jar opener - she enjoys it thoroughly, and isn’t afraid to show her appreciation of you. 
Whenever you’re shirtless, expect Nilou to always show respect to your scars. They are marks of a warrior, a courageous man who endured wounds and stood tall through adversity. She’ll kiss them gently, and if you allow her, trace her fingers along them with featherlight touches. Nilou would love to learn their stories, but will understand when you don’t want to share them. She knows that these particular ones might have scarred more than your body. 
Nilou enjoys taking care of her big, strong man. She will cook for you whenever there’s a chance, even if you insist otherwise. 
Nilou: Here you go honey! Enjoy~ Y/N: This is wonderful… But you didn’t have to go all this way, you know? I have a pair of hands… Nilou: Hey, don’t mention it. It’s my obligation and my pleasure as your woman to keep you just as healthy and happy as you keep me, right? I think it's just fair, sweetie.
Nilou is very aware that her anxiety regarding leaving Sumeru City is a result of her sheltered life. She’s never really left it - the wilderness is teeming with bandits, Fatui and monsters who would all gladly have a piece of her if the opportunity came. She might have a Vision, but Nilou’s no warrior - she never practiced using it for combat, never had the need to fight, nor is she a very strong girl. With you by her side, however, she feels safe. She knows you’ll keep her way out of danger - she saw you fight, so trust isn’t the sole thing backing up her belief in your capabilities. Nilou truly enjoys walks out in the forest without a care in the world as well as picnics with you. Still, she insists on getting back before it gets dark, and if evening catches you by surprise, you’ll find her gripping your hand and sticking very close to you. 
Kindness speaks through your eyes, but they also betray years of experience and proficiency at fighting. This is the exact reason that Nilou’s manager decided that you’d make a perfect bodyguard for Nilou. Sure, Sumeru wasn’t really known for violent incidents, but you never know. The simple fact that you happen to be her husband is an added benefit as well. Nilou is more motivated, feels safer and is generally happier when you’re nearby. Besides, she only agrees to leave for Port Ormos if you accompany her, which by itself is a big step up from before when she was confined to Sumeru City. Still, other locations are for the future only for the time being.
Y/N: I’m sorry miss, but this is a staff only area. Woman: I am allowed to pass. Nilou: Is everything alright?  Y/N: Yes, Nilou. Turns back May I see proof of this then? Woman: I don’t need to show a grunt like you anything. Do you know who I am? Y/N: No and, frankly, I do not care. Please step back. Woman: I have my methods for types like you! Y/N: leans in And I have my methods of making you into a headstone or a vegetable. You may take your pick.
Due to the nature of your past job, some may see a killer in you, but Nilou doesn’t share their outlook. She might be young, optimistic and innocent by nature, but it doesn’t mean she’s oblivious to what war is. Your stories, as dark and upsetting as they are, only furthered her disdain towards conflict, but not towards you. 
Nilou knows that you cannot expect someone to act humane in an inhuman situation. She knows that the people and creatures you had killed were not killed for your own amusement, but because it was a simple choice between you and them. She does not hate you - she never will. You are just like the thousands of other young men, sent to the frontlines and made to kill monsters or their fellow man without much choice in the matter. 
She does appreciate that the war made you the man of today - a rugged, attractive beast of a fearless man - but she won't ever as much as think of suggesting that the war had a positive effect on you. Saying this wouldn't only be insensitive, but also, sadly, untrue. 
Your experiences left a permanent mark on you. They scarred both your body and your mind. She can see it in your eyes. You haven't fully left the battlefield, left the army, and it is plain to see. You have a set daily schedule, for example. You also keep a sword by your bedside and a dagger under your pillow. “Just in case” you promise, but she knows better than that. 
You have dreams about your past that might come and go, as you reassure her, but seeing you in distress breaks her heart. Nilou was always waking you up whenever a nightmare haunted you, calmly reassuring you that it's okay, that it's all a dream. She grounds you with gentle touches and soft words, expertly bringing you back to reality. At home, you dislike talking about the war, just as you dislike noise, especially metallic in nature. Nilou understands that, and makes sure to avoid rattling kitchen equipment and the like when she's preparing you food, for example. 
Speaking of cooking, and taking care of you in general, it doesn’t bother her at all, partly because of what you experienced. In the last, you have been forced out of your home and into a life of violence and approved murder where every day could be your last. But now you're home - with her. She is your wife, your home, your safe refuge. It's only natural for her to find fulfillment and pleasure in creating a loving retreat for you to rest your weary soul in. 
She is thrilled to help you and care for you, for just one, simple reason. She loves you. 
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Thanks for reading!
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Winter Sun (21)
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21. The dangerous Road
Summary: War came at a heavy price
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Targaryen Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, medieval and asoiaf customs, AGE GAP, Cregan is 12 years OLDER than reader), arranged marriage, death of a character, war and all that comes with it, mentions of pedicide (killing of a baby), threats of non-con, technically adultery, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3 k
Notes: Like I said, the pace is picking hehe, and it will get dark for a couple of chapters. SO SORRY FOR THIS LOVES
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“I bled once”, you whispered to the maester, “but the symptoms hadn't stopped, I thought to be with child”
“after the birth of a child it could be tricky”, he warned with a warm smile, “forgive me my lady but I must check you out” 
It was an uncomfortable afternoon with the maester, but afterwards, you left his tower to search for Sara
The test that he had made you do was going to take time to… “develop”, so you had a couple of days before receiving any news 
Sara, and you, had started a quick net of communication throughout the North, you had contact with White Harbor, with the Lady Mara, and the Lady Bolton from the Dreadfort, all the way up to the Bear Island, even down at Widow’s watch, you exchanged ravens regularly, you even created, with Cregan, the “Dragon watchers”, dragons were faster than ravens, but you had placed outposts with huge beacons of fire that were to be lit as soon as they see or hear them, so as soon as it is lit, the next one will light them also, creating a line of fire to be seen miles away in Winterfell
You were nervous, the people were nervous, you had yet to receive news of Cregan, but if you think about it more carefully, it could be dangerous for him to be writing where they are and where theta e going, letters can be easily intercepted, an the last months you realized people who believe a man should have priority to ascend the Iron Throne over a woman is bigger than you expected.
You could have Aegon royalists within Winterfell without even knowing 
When you found Sara, you gasped
She was a mess, clutching to her own chest, heaving and crying by the window in her room
“Sara!”. you called for her name, running to her, hugging her, “what happened?”
“I don’t know!”, she managed to whine, “I saw something”
“What did you see? What happened? are you alright?”, you were so confused, she was distraught
She weeped in your arms, and you hugged her to comfort her, you directed her to sit on the bed, and you cuddled her. She eventually calmed, but she still shook with the sobs
“I don’t know what happened”, she whispered, “one minute I was here, and another…I was somewhere else”
“What do you mean?”, you asked her softly
“That somehow, I was somewhere else, I was something else”, you believed in magic, you believed in people who could dream about things that were going to happen, everyone in your family knew the tale of Daenys the dreamer and how her visions saved the Targaryens from The Doom. Once you were hiding from the boys with Helaena, and she couldn’t stop whispering about stars in the middle of the day, you didn’t listen and when the boys found you you ran from them, failing to see the edge of a wooden furniture and banging your head against it, you passed for several minutes in which you could see silvery stars under your eyelids 
But this was something else
In the book Cregan had lent you, you had read about wildlings north of the wall that could take the body of animals and use them as their own… but it was only a tale, wasn’t it?
“I was in the skies”, she continued, “I was flying, I was big, I saw Dragonstone”
“Dragonstone?”, you asked
“I think it was, I- I had never seen it”, she explain, still catching her breath, “it was big and dark, seemed like it was built front he rock itself, and… had many dragons sculptures all over”, that was a fair description of the castle of your family
“What else did you see?”, you asked
“I took flight towards the west”, she said shakily, “over the seas until I could see a castle, surrounded by a powerful wall, and a small village, under the protection of another wall”, she said, she was with you, but her eyes were seeing something outside of the room, they were lost in her memories, “the castle was made of gray rock with reddened tiles in their towers”, you paled then, “a banner was hanging from the biggest one, two black wings over a white banner, in front of a checkered black and gray field”
“House Staunton”, you whispered, “a house front he crownlands, loyal to Rhaenyra”
“They were under siege, and I was going to help them, but then…”
“Sara…”, your heart was pounding in your chest
“Two huge beasts, Vhagar, and another golden dragon flew down upon me, jaws open, a breath of fire and I…”, her eyes filled with tears again and she wept in your arms, “I could smell the burnt flesh, and the reek of death!”, she weeped again, and you held her against you
“Shhh, it’s alright”, you whispered, “it is alright”
But it was not
You could feel it 
And you were made certain the very next day
“See that he is bathed gently”, you said to the main maid that took care of RIckon, “Even though he likes the heat, just like a little dragon”you giggled, playing with his feet, “I would bathe him myself but I have a meeting with the master at arms”
“Yes My lady”, she said gently, you liked her, she was sweet and cared for RIckon as he was her own, she took him gently and accommodate him in her arms
“Who is this handsome boy that needs a bath?”, she cooed, “let’s take a bath and let mommy focus on her meeting”, she said as she walked away
You smiled as you saw her leave the rooms, but were called by a pup, Rickon’s pup as he barked at you playfully, moving her triangular tail
“Don’t believe you are free of a bath!”, you chided playfully, and he barked again but ran to hide from you with a whimper. 
You giggled
They were really clever animals Direwolves 
But as you were preparing to leave your rooms to your meeting, there was a knock on the door
“Yes?”, you asked cheerfully, as you were the Lady of Winterfell, and you needed to show yourself strong, but the face the maester had, it immediately told you something was wrong
Very wrong
“I have letter for you, My Lady”, he said, he sounded apologetic
“What is it?”, you whispered
“One if from Dragonstone, but the other… is it from Harrenhal, from Aemond Targaryen”
You palet
you received the two small scrolls, your hand already trembling, you didn’t know which one to open first, you decided, that the one from Dragonstone
It surprised you to see it was from Rhaena, you had never had a personal relationship with her, but still you read the few lines she wrote
And as you did you whimpered, bitter tears falling from your eyes
Rhaenys was dead
Her and Melys had been burnt by Aemond and Aegon in both their dragons
Just like Sara described
Rhaena goes on saying  she wanted you to hear it from her, because she knew how dear you were to her grandmother and vice-versa
“No, no, no please”, you cried, clutching your chest, falling to your knees
“My Lady!”, the maester fell to the floor on his knees beside you, clutching you tightly, “Are alright?” he placed his hand on your forehead 
“No!”, you whined, you let out a scream of pain as you felt your heart was ripped from your chest. Sara showed up, taking the place of the maester by your side, grabbing you tightly 
“I will bring you a special tea, to calm your nerves”, he left the room
“She is gone, Aemond killed her”, you whined, grabbing into Sara, “my aunt is gone”
“I’m so sorry”, she whined, “I should have seen it sooner”
“It’s not your fault”, you whispered, your voice as broken as your spirit. You then looked at the other scroll that had fallen by your skirts, this had to mean something… something else…
You couldn’t resist, you couldn’t
You opened it
What you found there didn’t surprise you, there were threats, a warning, and a demand
You whined at the sight of his poisonous words 
But now… you jumped from the grief, straight to the anger
It was him!
The source of all your pains, all your traumas, it was him, for taking your baby nephew, and now your dear aunt
It was him
And you were the only one who could stop him
Sara looked at you, petrified and scared of what she found in your eyes
“No”, she whispered, when you looked straight ahead, tears were no longer falling from your eyes, all it was there was fire, and bloodthirst, “whatever you think you need to do…”
“I have to”, you answered barely, standing from the floor, your hands made fists
“No! you need to stay here!”, she cried, “please!”
“I am the only one who can stop him, stop this”, she took the scroll from your hand and read it, and she whimpered
“Its a trap!”, she said
But you were already on your feet, grabbing your riding gear, the thickest pants you could find and the upper part to go with it
“Please! think of Cregan! of Rickon!”, she insisted 
“Is for them I’m doing this”, you said, all emotion in your voice disappeared
“Please! they can fight him”, she insisted
“I can get close to him and kill him, I’m the only one who can”
“But at what price?”, she asked
“the debt is high already”, she whispered, “and it will only take me”
“please!”, you turned to look at Sara
“Tell Cregan I’m sorry”, you whined, tears falling down your cheeks again
“You tell him yourself!”, she insisted
“Take care of my son”, you cried, “please love him as your own”
“You will!”, she said, now desperate, “you will love him, and see him grow!”
“I did the best I could for the North, I’m sorry if it wasn't enough”, you cried
“It was! but is not over!”, she grabbed your arms, “please!”
“I’m the only one that can stop him”, you insisted, “I can kill him”, she knew there was no convincing you, she can see it in your eyes
“No one else is going to die for me”, your voice again a flat line, “Cregan will be spared, and the crown will belong to Rhaenyra”
“But please let’s wait until we can reach Cregan”
“You know what his answer is going to be”, you said, but you realized Sara was not going to let you leave, so instead, you agreed to wait
Only to sneak out in the middle of the night, after telling the nannies to take RIckon for the night claiming you needed to be alone, they took him without question.
You couldn’t dare to see Rickon for one last time, if you did, you would second guess your decision and you couldn’t
This was more important than yourself
This was about the future of the seven Kingdoms and the future of your family and everyone you loved
This was bigger
Vhaelar was waiting for you outside the Winterfell gates, she roared into the night air but at this point you didn’t care if everyone listened, you will be in the air by the time they think they can do something to stop you
So you climbed on top of your dragon, Aemond’s words burning inside your brain
“I killed Rhaenys at Rook’s Rest, it wasn’t personal, but I know your husband is marching down with his army, you have three days to come to Harrenhal, if you do not, I will burn them alive, and then I will ride North and take you anyways. Spare the Starks, give yourself to me”
You had to answer his call
It was true, you can come to him willingly, you had a dragon, you could hide a blade in your undergarments, and after, you could slay him in his sleep or something, anything, but when he said it was the end of house Stark, it meant your baby as well, pedicide is not something you would put past Aemond. You knew he was capable and able to do it
For Rickon
For Cregan
And for Sara and the North
Yourself was a small price to pay
The night was long but you didn’t plan to stop as Vhaelar flew decisively under you
You believed you had until morning until Winterfell wakes up and sends a raven to Cregan, if you manage to fly over them it will be too late also
In the air, atop your dragon, nothing could stop you
Unless perhaps, another dragon
All night, all the way south, your mind was blank, there was only grief, pain, and rage.
You did not deemed yourself as vengeful person, and yet, you wanted it, desire it, you felt a fire growing within you, that wanted to burn everything in your path
You felt such heat within you you barely felt the still cold air that hit your face in the heights, and before you even knew it, the sun was shining in the horizon.
You felt no hunger, no tiredness, no nothing
Only the rage
It was Midday when you saw the unmistakable burnt towers of Harrenhal
Your dragon growled, like she was in pain, feeling your anger
You led her to descend upon the castle with a velocity that made your stomach drop, but you didn’t care about that, you cared about vengeance
But you were in a close distance, you felt the fire burning within you, one command and you could burn Harrenhal and the Green forces within them, Aemond probably was there, inside 
As you were going to give the order, you were interrupted by a low growl. Vhagar appeared from nowhere, pushing your dragon and you in the air
Vhaelar whined as she struggled to keep in the air and you knew then and there, that against the monstrous Vhagar, you could do nothing. Even if your dragons was one of the largest 
The Queen of dragons growled in greeting and you could feel Vhaelar’s nervousness as your own.
Or perhaps you were your own
Some people would say that you are more lamb than dragon, because of your mother’s house
But they were wrong
You were a dragon he awakened 
You landed heavily by the gates, you could see the restlessness of the soldiers in you and your dragon’s presence. You abandoned the want to burn everything, against Vhagar you couldn’t win. you had to be smart about this, she had the upper hand, the surprise factor was ruined 
“WHITE DRAGON!”, they chanted all over the walls, but you didn’t attacked them
Perhaps that is what you should do.
Burn them all
But the retaliation from King’s landing and the Greens could be worse
Aemond appeared by your side, he did not hide his smile, his happiness of seeing you there. 
Bold, you assumed, as you were near your dragon, you could burn him, here and now
The temptation was great
“You came”, he greeted, “good girl”
“I came to the call of your insanity”, you growled, he came to you, quick on his feet, you took a step backwards, still he grabbed you by the back of your neck
Vhaelar growled, dangerously, but VHagr was there, right by her side, she grabbed your dragon by the neck, furiously, dangerously
“NO!”, you screamed
Vhaelar whined in agony, and Vhagar released her, it was only a warning, but her black blood flowed profusely from the injury in her neck
“NO!”, you wanted to go to her, but Aemond held on to you tight
“If you don’t want me to finish her off, you will come with me”, he had to drag you towards the castle, as you could hear her whines of agony as her pain as if was your own
He dragged you through the halls, the stench of dead was clinging into you by every forceful step, and you whined under Aemond’s brutal hold
He threw you into a room. It held no windows, no nothing, but it was furnished with the very best he could find in his proximity, you realized. A luxurious big bed, with small tales on each side, many candles all over the room to light it up since it had no windows, and a table with chairs on one corners, tapestries on the floor and hanging from the walls to give it a more comfortable feel to it, but it didn’t hide what it was, it was a prison, only made for you
“A room for a princess”, he said mockingly, closing the door behind him, “you will stay here”
“I did as you asked”, you said, trying to regain control, “I came, I did as you said, promise me you will kill no one else”, you whined, “please”, he only smirked
“I promise I will no seek the death of anyone else”, he pleaded with a hand on his chest and another raised, but all seemed like a mockery, “I only wanted you, it is good that you finally saw this”
“I don’t understand”, you whined, “why me? after everything”
“That is not for you to know, now put on the dress I selected for you”, he said, taking your shoulders and directing you to look upon the bed, where a very revealing dark green dress was waiting for you. “You are to please me, since you are married, since you didn’t want to marry me, you will be nothing else, but my whore”
A single tear fell down your cheek as you contemplated what you willingly let your life turn into. 
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callsign-rogueone · 2 months
This is my reminder to you to Hydrate or Die-drate. The summer is hot in America, as someone in the medical field I have seen one too many people faint from lack of fluids.
On a stupid side to make you smile at a scenario while you drink a glass. After reading the bonus Xaden Scenes from FW; Garrick knew from the start that Xaden had a thing for Violet even back to the first time they sparred together. Very observant; do you think that he and a select few other Marked ones had a betting ring of if they would in the very least hook up? It made me laugh thinking about this at work cause like imagine:
Xaden and Violet first hook up, there is lightning everywhere; Garrick and Liam had to change the Armoire the next day, when they meet for the next dagger exchange a few of them exchange coins and Xaden is just like "Really guys? Couldn't do it when I wasn't looking and wouldn't know."
Or Alternatively where he just says "guys she's special to me." And Imogen sarcastically says "omg that's so surprising."
I’ve got my emotional support Starbucks cold cup on deck, not to worry 🫡 it’s an iridescent dark blue that reminds me of dragon scales. I have a matching red one too hehe
oh I believe they absolutely have a betting ring on that, and on several other things.
in my little au, I’m gonna have them use a devalued Tyrrish currency for betting and favors since cadets don’t get paid. the idea being that it’s like Monopoly money as far as Navarre is concerned, since they no longer accept it outside of Tyrrendor post-revolution. it only has value within the marked group because they agree that it does.
a little peek of that from an upcoming chapter:
“Tyrrish Krown,” he explains before Violet can ask. “A defunct currency that has no value against Navarrian coin. We just use them to settle bets and call in favors.”
“If it doesn’t have exchange value, then…”
“They bankrupted us. All we had left was our gold, and whatever they didn’t burn.”
so they’d use that as betting chips. anyway, I got off the trail and into the weeds here, back to the original question:
Garrick was absolutely on the side of “they’re gonna do it”. Liam too after he started spending more time with Vi / became her bodyguard. idk who would be on the opposite side. maybe Imogen, because she really didn’t want Vi in the group at first. she’d be extra pissed having to fork the money over to Garrick of all people.
Xaden would be deeply unamused. definitely like you said… “really. you had to do this in front of me.”
to which Garrick would come back with something like… “you are singlehandedly responsible for a lightning storm that we all had to witness.”
cue some brotherly bickering.
also I don’t remember who I saw post it first, but I agree with the theory that they just swapped the armoires — Xaden ended up with the broken one, since it was either that or having to ask the school for a new one… and he’s not going to explain the circumstances of it breaking to anyone else, no thank you. (and assuming that the wingleaders have specific rooms like college RAs… that means Dain ended up with it the year after, lmao)
Liam and Garrick were laughing about it the whole time. but they’d also constantly remind him for the rest of the year how much he owes them for making them haul a bigass cabinet up and down two flights of stairs.
the details of her window being repaired remain unclear. they’ve caused a fair amount of property damage with their love… 😅
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puppy-sabby · 7 months
Hiiii!! I’m Sab or Sabrina, take your pick :)) I’m 19, she/they- 🩵my Paytie🩵 I’m owned but totally down for friends :3333, and this is my nsfw account for all my depraved behavior. 🩷💛🩵 Pfp is by @Ojilibean0 on Picrew!!
Cancer sun, Virgo moon, Leo rising 🐾
Spicy pics of me and my bdsm test results are under the #🩵🪽 tag :3
Incase ur feeling generous <3 hehe:
Boundaries: I’d love to be moots/friends!! I’m awkward as hell so fair warning ahdvsvsv- friendly flirting is perfectly fine but I'm owned by the bestest n cutest ever 🩵🪽a hopeless romantic, slow burn lover, and a sucker for soft domming ✨ loooove pet names 🍬 PLEASE don’t use my pictures for ed content. Do not reblog me to your ed account. I am not at all comfortable with being used to promote disordered eating.
(some of) the kinks you’ll find here: somno, breeding, puppy play, bdsm, choking, hair pulling, light knife play, leash and collar, praise, degrading, stalking, light cnc, size difference🪻
Hard limits: scat, extreme violence (face hitting, snuff, beating, punching, kicking, etc), fisting, definitely more I can’t think of rn 🐚
Side blog is @a-sirens-wings :33
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
I saw your tag about meeting your boyfriend because of posting on Tumblr and I'm very curious as to how that happened. Like, did you find each other's blogs, saw you had stuff in common and met up IRL? What happened? Please give us details (if you're willing to talk about it, no worries if not!)
Also, for a boyfriend tag, may I suggest... Calcium. Cuz you're a skeleton and calcium makes bones stronger... I'll see myself out
(Referencing the tags of this post)
Oh my gosh. Buddy you have just opened up Pandora’s box. Brace yourself for the most adorable couple origin story ever.
He followed me fairly early on into the process of me posting my work on Tumblr. I don’t remember exactly, but I think my TPiaG mini comic “Heart-to-Heartbreak” was the first post he ever reblogged from me. After that, he was super enthusiastic and involved with my blog and engaged with basically every post I ever made. This guy was one of THE followers of my work— if I posted something, he was always there to like it and share super thoughtful commentary or hilarious jokes.
I absolutely adored him even back then, and we had barely exchanged a handful of messages on Tumblr where he thanked me for inspiring him to get back into art and writing, and I blubbered about how meaningful that was to me. We eventually followed each other on Spotify and I think that’s about the point when I really should have realized I had it bad for him. I was CONSTANTLY rambling to my mom about how much I wanted to be this internet stranger’s best friend, but I was super hesitant because our family has been huge on online stranger danger and never really talking to anyone unless you know exactly who they are in real life. I’m an adult and all, yeah, but I was still super anxious about internet strangers at large— though he never once made me uncomfortable or wary :>
Eventually, he made a goofy post about it being his birthday, and I bolted to tell my mom about that and how I didn’t have enough time that day to polish up any content of his favorite characters I’ve written and post it as a gift for him. I was utterly distraught and pretty much full-on monologuing to my ever-so patient mother about how much I wanted to befriend this man and how amazing he was and how shy I felt about the matter, and she looked me dead in the eyes and told me to ask him if he wanted to message each other more and get to know each other better.
I sent him a message over Tumblr, we exchanged Discord usernames, and I’m pretty sure it was just over a week of messaging and getting to know each other more and more every day later when he told me he thought he was in love with me— to which I very eloquently rattled off a bunch of nonsense that ended in “I don’t know how to communicate this other than by saying ‘dude, same’.”
After that, we’ve only gotten more and more mutually obsessed. Thankfully he’s in the same country as me, and we’re even timezone neighbors, so he’s not on the opposite side of the world— and when I realized some of my household were going on a trip to the same state where he lived for a family wedding, I SCRAMBLED to insert myself into that trip last-minute. We had originally thought that we’d meet up when he could drive to my state (a process that would take a long time because of some complicating factors), but when I realized my family were flying down there, I was practically foaming at the mouth with the thought of seeing him so much sooner. We met up not that long ago and were even able to meet some of each other’s family members (my family absolutely adores him, and I think his likes me a fair bit too, hehe). But listen: when I tell you I adored him before, I was absolutely head-over-heels for him when we met in person. I got to hug him and I had this thought come to mind of “Oh. This is the person I want to marry.” And I’ve never once doubted it :>
During the times we met up we mostly sat around and basked in each other’s presence and stared at each other. I ended up breaking eye contact a lot because I kept getting flustered and also because this man is TALL and I had to periodically rest my neck 😂 I was able to give him some pins I had made of our PMD team that represents us, and my boyfriend. My boyfriend, you guys. He had the gall to send me a screenshot of an eBay listing of the world’s most adorable Snorlax plush weeks before while we were on a call together, bought it immediately after I had said I loved the plush’s face as we hung up, and then GAVE ME IT WHEN WE MET UP.
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Look at him. That’s my son now. I was trying to think of what to name the little guy when my toddler niece dubbed him Tummy. My boyfriend approves of the monicker— as he should, because it’s the bestest name for the bestest boy.
TL;DR— He followed me on tumblr, I desperately wanted to be friends with him and sent him my Discord username on his birthday, we exchanged “I love you”s a week later, and I was almost sick on a plane because I was so excited to see him during a trip to his state for a family member’s wedding. We are absolutely obsessed with each other and kind of instantly Knew from the get-go that we’re going to be each other’s Person™️.
As for the tag, I'm not sure I’ll go with it but I’m starting to consider “The Boyfriend Bird Feeder”, because it works out to the acronym BFBF which I find funny, I mainly want to make the tag as a way for him to easily find posts where I’m talking about how amazing he is whenever he needs a pick-me-up (and so people can block the tag if they find me raving about my man so much annoying lol), and his persona that we spent all day yesterday cooking up looks like this:
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fatuismooches · 1 year
But this also gave me a brainrot aboit bathing with harbingers
YES PANTALONE IS A RICH BASTARD and uses tons of skin and hair caring products. He enjoys being taken care of and will do the same in return, that's a fair exchange. Just wash his hair and listen to him complaining about his co-workers asking for budget raise for 10th time this month I think he's very stressed and tired by the end of the day, he might even doze off right in bath, since it's warm here and you gently stroke his hair (he looks cute-but wake him up please or he'll end up with sore neck)
Columbina gives me vibe of a person, who uses a lot of silly stuff, like bath bombs or salt. She's playful and will splash you, which will turn into a war with water being all over the floor (poor people who'll have to clean it up..). She's another one to possibly fall asleep in bathtub, so wake her up too. She also sings in shower
We should stop slandering only Dottore, bc Childe is also a type of person to give you a biiig hug, while covered in blood. But, well, he's easier to get to wash himself. Like Bina, he's also playful and will summon small water animals to entertain both of you (he will create a small narval and gently bup it on your nose... Before breaking it, so you'll have water over your face, bc you're so adorable when flushed!! You're allowed to splash him for this)
I think Sandrone forgets about bathing, drowned in her work and if you invite her, Sandrone will say she'll take a quick shower to return to her work. Please convince her to come with you, she needs rest. In bathtub, all of her thoughts are about unfinished projects :(
Hehe YES it's obvious Pantalone only uses the most exquisite, high-end products (have you seen his hair? absolutely LUSCIOUS) He probably made a deal with the company to have the stuff delivered to him regularly so he doesn't need to keep buying it lol, but YES he lovesss to pamper you but he also adores being pampered in return. But you gotta make sure you're a pro at it, don't tug or pull on his hair too roughly, be gentle when washing him, you know what I mean. Make sure to sympathize with him and be very soft as he complains to you about how that doctor is using up his funds with no progress. Make sure to give him lots of kisses when he decides the perfect napping place is laying on your chest in the middle of the big af bath tub 😭 (Also get him out of there because a sore Pantalone is a grumpy Pantalone) But he'd also be the kind of guy to be romantic as hell and put candles around the bath and have a book to read in there too :3
AND OMFGG 100% AGREE ON COLUMBINA SHE LOVES TO DO STUFF LIKE THAT. You two always try out new things to put in the bath, I feel like she's really one of those self-care people so your skin is gonna be ultra soft. Though she is extra silly and loves to set you up for literal ATTACKS by her (throw the rubber duckies at her pls) And yea she can fall asleep literally anywhere so try your best to get her out 😭 OMG the singing in the shower😭😭 I love her she definitely gets the best song ideas in there with you... it's brainstorm time
I HATE TO SAY IT BUT YOU'RE 100% RIGHT ON CHILDE...😭😭 Bro comes back after destroying multiple Hilichurl and Treasure Hoarder camps and is ready to hug you to death... baby i love u but CLEAN UP FIRST. But at least he actually loves the baths/the water in general so it's actually quite fun (you're just sad for the person who needs to wash his clothes 💀) He's actually so cute after a shower because his hair is all damp but then you get to see it fluff up back to life with that long ahoge 😭 He's also extra cuddly and won't let go of you <3
SANDRONE BABY NO... get her robots to turn against her. Don't let her leave until she's had a long, warm bath. Her mind will still probably drift to her robots and incomplete puppets... but give her a really good scrub and wash (she won't admit it but she feels way better after working nonstop) (she dives back right into working nonstop again though) Though i feel like she secretly likes to be pampered, lol she doesn't even walk by herself, her robot carries her. So though she doesn't express her gratitude much verbally she is thankful deep down.
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pjo-obsessed-nerd · 8 months
He's so creep, but he's so good
Percabeth power couple, yes pls
"It's either the realm of the dead, or someone left a carton of milk in there in to 1990's" nah, but that's the fastest way to make me gag about a smell I can't smell 🤣
"No one comes baaaaaack" I love this man so much ❤
"I just think it's safer if I'm not the one holding them all." That's fair. ya know, as someone who drops her phone regularly, that's relatable.
Those pearls sound ✨ c r u n c h y ✨
IT'S THE SCENE - BABY PERCY 😭😭😭 aww my baby I just want to hug him. I can see it now, I'm gonna bawl like a baby in a few mins
"Not in Kansas...", "Hey, focus, we left Kansas four days ago." Reminder she hasn't seen a movie, points for continuity ❤
Grover squeezing that ball omg
Poor Grover, it's ok 😭
"Only suckers wait in line" 🤣🤣
"You're not dead.", "I mean, we're all dying... To some extent." He's a comedian 🤣
The silent whistle admittedly gave me chills; I can just see the horror on Annabeth's face. CERBIE!!!!
i just screamed a little... Oh, my sister is gonna cry
aww, Cerbies TOO cute, the little whines omg I'm gonna DIE. Annabeth giving him scratchies aww even though she's terrified. Percy is impreased
I am a Rottweiler lover at heart, so I'm just obsessed with Cerberus I'm not sorry
OH GROVER EW; Thank god he's okay
Oh, ik how they get separated I bet 😭 JUMP SCARE OH
Aww Annabeth threw him the ball such a good puppy omg
Is. Is Cerberus wearing a leather jacket? Or is that leather armor? I can't tell 🤣
Annie lore drop 🥲 grovers so impressed tho
"I think it's... It's in the dog." His name is Cerbie. /jk
Percy, baby, what did you draw that upset someone so much? He's just a BABY. I WILL FIGHT THIS HEADMASTER TOOTH AND NAIL IT'S A PEGASUS SIR.
Grover, stop guilting yourself sir
OH jeez what tf.
Man I guessed Asphodel, and I was fucking right. My Mythology teacher would be so proud. This is such a haunting take on Asphodel omg. That's terrifying.
"I trust your dad." Athena ain't gonna be happy about this one, ladies and gents. 🤣🥲😭
Annie's gone, and i stg if we lose grover I'm done
Nah, Riptide looks sick tho. Pretty sure that's the first time we've seen it in good lighting
so r we not gonna see Hades..?
"Is this?", " No.", "I, I mean it looks like-" "it, it absolutely is not.", "Okay. So... what is it then?", "Yeah, that's the master bolt!" This exchange was so funny 🤣
The pieces r fitting together... Hehe
"Zeus is just gonna have to wait." HELL YA, STICK IT TO HIM, GROVER, THAT'S MY BOY!!! Grover reminding Percy exactly why he chose Grover, his best friend, to come on this quest in the first place. ❤
Sad Baby!Percy 😭 that's a lotta ice cream for such a tiny boy
sally avoiding the topic and crying, I wanna hug her too. She's trying so hard.
Hades palace is gorgeous, damn.
Are we gonna get to see the Furies again???
Percy's hands must hurt from how hard and how constantly he clenches them fists damn.
Who tf-
HADES IS SO NOT WHAT I EXPECTED. I was expecting a rocker dude, but I love the "silk robe, manicured hair". Man's got class.
"I admire the cut of your jib." Ok maybe not what WAS that 🤣
He's way less scary than I expected, tbh.
Is he wearing heels? It sounds like he's walking in heels
SALLY'S A GOLD STATUE NOW??? Sally reaching out for him 😭 I'm done. I'm done.
"What did you do to her?" I can sense the rage coming
Percy 😭
babe, Hades was so confused. He just wants to be left alone, such a mood tho. Percy's so confused
"But that voice, it definitely did not sound like you." That an insult or a compliment, I deadass can't tell 🤣
Ok... Hades is being very generous, but what's the catch here? This feels sus. Oh. There. Run. pearls. now.
"Hold fast, mom." HOLD FAST MOM YESSSSSS
Sad Sally 😭 What's happening rn
"Tell me why", "you don't wanna hear why." Fair, fair 🤣
Nah, Poseidon's actor fits the bill so well in my mind. Like. Mm.
Poseidon rlly does care.
"His mother raised him well." Damn right!
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ssahotchnerr · 2 years
Do you have any hc for Aaron falling in love for non bau reader? 🥺
so so many omg 🥹
i just love the idea of a cinderella kinda love story for aaron <3 the two of you initially met at a bar; you were out with friends, aaron with the team. some guy was making unwanted advances on you, and would not leave you alone despite your attempts to create distance. aaron noticed you in distress almost immediately (to be fair, he noticed you the second you entered the establishment, so completely struck by your beauty <333 and immediately intervened. intimidating by nature, it didn't take long for him to send the creep rushing away, regretting coming up to you in the first place. and hehe you're immediately taken aback with how gorgeous this stranger is, his dreamy brown eyes especially <3 the two of you fall into simple conversation, but as fast as it began, it was over- your friends find you and are quick to tug you away. so you turn back and thank him again, and then you're swallowed up by the crowd.
after that night, you are on aaron's mind constantly. the sound of your voice, your smile, anything he has to hold onto just from a few minutes of conversation. he's kicking himself over the fact that he didn't get your name, number, and is so bothered by the possibility he could never see you again :( all he can think is- how did he let the one get away? yes, he barely knows you, but there's just a feeling deep deep deep in him that your small encounter wasn't meant to be brief or a one time thing. it was something more.
a month or so later, just when he's giving up hope, the two of you finally run into each other again at a simple place of convenience- the store, a coffee shop, park, etc.. when he sees you (he has to do a double take hehe) his eyes just light up and his heart is beating so rapidly, it almost feels like a dream because he's been longing to see you again <3 likewise, your head turns, you make eye contact with him, and little does he know you've been thinking of him just as much as he's been thinking of you <3 you can bet neither of you are going anywhere until info has been exchanged, and thus begins the most beautiful love story <3
it doesn't take long for the two of you to become official. it didn't make sense to take things slow, because the two of you just know. you've made him feel something he didn't think he was capable of feeling again, jack adores you, and you can't picture a life without aaron. hehe it's such a spontaneous kind of love, a thrill that aaron didn't know he needed so badly.
but, he is awfully nervous at first :( haley wasn't fond of him being gone all the time, and he's worried that sooner or later you'll begin to feel the same, and he can't risk losing you. of course, you console him and insist that won't happen, that you love him and aren't going anywhere, but he can't help it, it's always in the back of his mind :(
plus he's protective of you- not only because he knows firsthand there's monsters living out in the open, but more importantly, he simply refuses to let the world swallow you up and take you away again now that he has you. you've made his life make sense again. change has always been a constant in his life, and for once, he just wants to be- to maintain a sense of normal in his chaotic life. he wants to be happy and live blissfully with you :( just something simple for once.
aaron's just the absolute sweetest with you <3 constant kisses, loving loaded looks, calls before bed if he's away, your hand always in his no matter the location. he has to remind himself that he deserves to a love like this, although his mind may try to persuade him otherwise. he deserves something good, which without a doubt is you <3
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aalissy · 5 months
Andddd here is chapter 2 for today! I hope you like it <3. If you do, lemme know your thoughts! I love writing marichat banter hehe.
On a quiet evening in Paris, Marinette and Chat found themselves playfully bantering on the top of her rooftop. He had begun coming over more and more often lately and she had to admit, she certainly loved his company. It was nice talking to him. Especially when they were teasing each other.
Chat leaned back against her railing, his cat-like grin playful. "You know, Marinette, for a civilian, you handle yourself pretty well in sticky situations."
Not one to back down, Marinette smirked back at him. "Well, I learned from the best.”
“Of course you did.” He flexed his arms, his green eyes gleaming with pride.
Letting him enjoy the moment for a brief second longer, she nodded her head, her lips twitching. “Yep! Watching Ladybug summon a random lucky charm and figure out how to save the day with it is very enlightening. I think it’s helped me come up with even more plans.” Rocking back on her heels, Marinette couldn’t help but giggle as his face dropped.
“Hey! What about me?!” Chat pouted.
“Oh, but of course,” she sighed. “How could I forget about you? Watching you prance around and make puns has also been quite the help," Marinette’s voice dropped teasingly.
Chat chuckled, twirling his baton between his fingers. "Ah, but my puns are a crucial part of my hero persona. Can you imagine Chat Noir without his charming wit?"
Marinette pretended to ponder, a playful glint in her eyes. "Hmm, I suppose you'd just be a stray tom cat then."
Chat Noir gasped dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. "Ouch, Marinette! That's cold!"
Marinette couldn't contain her laughter at his dramatic reaction. "Don't worry, Chat. I'm sure you'd find a way to charm your way back into everyone's hearts. Including my own."
"That's more like it.” He grinned, before his voice turned more thoughtful, a small frown creasing his mask. “But you know, Marinette, I don't think I've ever needed to rescue you. You're always so resourceful and quick on your feet."
She swallowed harshly. Well, that wasn’t good. She couldn’t have him going around getting ideas. Her secret identity was meant to be secret, thank you very much. She had to do something. And quickly.
Marinette raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge in her eyes, hoping to stop wherever his train of thought was heading. "Are you implying that I don't need saving?"
Chat leaned closer, a mischievous glint in his eyes and she relaxed slightly. "I'm just saying, you're more than capable of handling yourself. Although, I wouldn't mind being your knight in shining leather if you ever needed one."
Marinette felt her cheeks redden slightly at his words, a mixture of amusement and warmth flooding her. "Oh really? And what would my distress signal be? A call for puns?"
He grinned at her, his tail swishing behind him. "Exactly! If you ever find yourself in trouble, just shout 'Chat, puns needed!' and I'll come running."
“Good to know," Marinette replied with a playful wink. "But let's hope I never need to use that signal. I'd hate to see you exhausted from all that pun-making."
Chat chuckled. "I'll take my chances. After all, what's a hero without a damsel in distress to rescue?"
Marinette rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm not a damsel in distress, Chaton. I'm a damsel with a plan."
He laughed, enjoying their banter as always. "Fair enough, Marinette. But remember, even damsels with plans can use a little help from time to time."
As they continued to tease each other and enjoy the peaceful evening, Marinette couldn't help but feel grateful for Chat Noir's presence in her life. Whether it was fighting villains or just exchanging playful banter, they certainly made a great team, always ready to support and uplift each other.
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dujour13 · 6 months
⭐ for The Prodigal Tiefling?
Thank you Crow!! 💕💕 hehe another chance to ramble
Since I answered another ask for the side-fic The Prodigal Tiefling I’m brazenly going to use this one for the chapter by the same title in The Lark and the Crow.
This is one of the very earliest chapters I wrote before having any intention of uploading anything, so it’s a bit creaky but dear to me.
First of all giggling maniacally while writing Woljif in hot water with the Baphomet cultists, who are not exactly the sharpest daggers in the demonic ritual DIY kit, lucky for Woljif. He has them running red-herring errands to try to keep them from sacrificing Deval:
“Now you’re talkin’. First, you need the right kinda altar. This half-baked scraped-up pentagram just won’t do. It’s gotta be granite; big slab, you know, to catch all the blood. Next, you gotta have the right kinda knives: Abyssal uh, obsidian. Dipped in the blood-rain of the Worldwound on the night of an eyeball storm. And it’s gotta be the right timing.” He looked up at the stars for a long moment, making mystic calculations. “When the moon is in retrograde.”
I’m sorry I’m such a nerd but I made myself laugh with the moon in retrograde thing. Truly the blind leading the blind.
This is an important character moment for Siavash. He finds Woljif and almost weeps with relief, but doesn’t miss a beat with “Hail Baphomet.” These two’ll be partners in crime in no time. And Woljif is more than impressed when to back it up he pulls an actual succubus out of nowhere and the cultists immediately decide this guy is ok.
Next a little interlude written much later gives a glimpse into Siavash’s loneliness as Knight-Commander and how much he valued Woljif’s company before he disappeared. This is a direct echo of my own desperate search in my first playthrough of the game. (I didn’t want to take Drezen without him. I looked everywhere. I cried. Siavash cried. Google didn’t help. It was awful. Eventually realized you have to take Drezen first.) This brings us back to his emotion in the present.
For narrative sake the chapter then goes straight into the confrontation with Voetiel. I re-wrote my own version of the dialogue, partly because I hadn’t taken screenshots (not intending to upload the fic) and partly because it was just fun.
I kind of enjoyed ending the battle with “Darkfang” the cultist and Deval rolling around on the ground trying to kill each other. I feel like Baphomet cultists are such a treasure trove of comedy.
But one of my favorite Woljif moments of all time in the game is how he tries to convince you that the only reason he went to so much trouble to save Deval from the cultists was because he didn’t want to be haunted by his ghost afterwards. This transparent lie is just everything I love about him.
And of course, most importantly, the aftermath is the occasion of Woljif’s very first hug of his whole life AAAAHHHHH
On the road back to Drezen there’s a chance for Lann and Woljif to pit their social philosophies against each other in camp:
The mongrel shook his head. “Listen. You don’t seem to get it. Hiding or running off when we’re fighting, stealing stuff, trying to get out of doing chores—think of what a disaster it would be if everybody acted like you. If everybody does their fair share, everybody’s better off. Don’t you see that?” “You wouldn’t last one minute on the streets,” Woljif shot back. “You give one green copper, play the hero one instant, show one weakness, and they’ll eat you alive. Hold the end of your tail in the fire ‘til you squeal. Haul you up and hang you by the horns. Horn. Whatever. You’re the one who doesn’t get it.”
Siavash might not strictly agree with Woljif here, but he’s sympathetic.
I kind of liked this little exchange when they arrive back in Drezen:
“Welcome to Drezen. Brand new city, ripe with opportunity.” Siavash surveyed the stinking heaps of rubble and demonic graffiti proudly. “Don’t mind the mess.” “Reminds me of the command tent,” Woljif muttered, not unhappily.
And then the flighty azata commander promptly gets sidetracked, and Woljif finds himself in a new city with nowhere to call home, and everyone else goes off and leaves him standing there. Resourceful as always Woljif finds his own way soon enough.
The chapter is a bit long and windy, but it’s about Woljif’s relationship with people—his understandable distrust and his sense that it’s him against the world, but also his secret generosity and need to be accepted.
It starts with Woljif alone against the cultists, and ends with him on his own again in Drezen. But in between he gets a taste of what looks a lot like real friendship: somebody who’s got his back unconditionally, somebody who has the smarts to pick up his cue and run with it. Somebody who gives nice hugs.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 7 months
Part two, let's go!
Oof, poor Dabi. It's good that he's trying to figure shit out though! And Shigaraki is right, wolves aren't meant to be alone. It's bad for their health.
They're figuring out boundaries :)
They're both social creatures. They need to be around others. I bet Shigaraki was happy knowing his scent brings Dabi comfort.
Shigaraki is so patient. He doesn't want Dabi to leave again. I mean, he would let him go if he chooses so, but he's prefer it if Dabi sticks around. I wonder how long he has been alone? Wolves are usually only alone if they leave the pack they grow up in to make their own or join another (most of the time because of space issues), but I think it's different here, isn't it?
I love the detail about grooming Dabi's ears. I'm pretty sure that even if Shigaraki knew what it meant to rabbits, he would be willing to do it to make Dabi feel more comfortable.
"Are you really that lonely?" "I didn't think so." Gnawing on this conversation. Going absolutely feral. Oh my God, they are so sweet.
They exchanged tragic backstories! They're getting more comfortable with each other.
Toga! I love how she and Shigaraki act like siblings.
I love the meeting and economy in the forest. It's cool to read about how things are different and how Dabi is settling in. I honestly don't think he's ever moving back into the village. Not when he's safer (and happier) with Tomura.
He met the other rabbits! And they saw Tomura groom his ears. No wonder they're so shocked, lol.
"He's sure that a fair number of the beasts who see them go are certain that he'll be eaten. He will be, but not in any way that will hurt." Oh my God XD
They're so sweet. How can they be so sweet? Dabi is so excited about being useful, so happy to have something to do other than survive. And Shigaraki is happy to have him close, to see Dabi happy. I love them.
He's writing his siblings letters. He's writing his siblings letters and asking Tomura to drop them off and I love him for it. Dabi is living. He's living and happy and he deserves to be. Shigaraki too. They're happy together :)
Oof, having your throat gnawed out sounds like a very, very painful death. Welp, shouldn't have attacked Dabi then.
Oh, the mating bite was so good! Tomura always encourages Dabi to defend himself if he's scared, so of course he thought that was what it was. He's always so worried about Dabi. And they talk about it and it's nice and they are disgustingly in love.
Tomura is so embarassing, lol. He will say the most corny shit with a straight face and Dabi just has to deal with it.
The answering letter has been delivered! I think it's very funny that Hawks showed up only to get extremely embarassed.
Meeting the family! Immediately scandalised by the way he is not dresses. Oh, I love how you write Todosibs interactions.
Shigaraki getting all of the siblings' approval is very nice, especially since it showed how they focus on different things. Also, Dabi bothering him awake was very funny. I'm sure it gave his siblings a bit pf a fright though.
Mating part two! These two are feral. Oh, this is so much fun. Well, after the next market the whole forest will know that they're happily mated. Good for them :)
Hehe thank you! They're just so fucking cute and I absolutely lost my mind over them, I love them so much! This was a very fun one to work on and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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sunstone-smiles · 1 year
15: Can we have a Ryuunosuke and Sholmes tickle fight? I imagine they’re fighting over the last dessert or something
The Last Jam Tart
Author’s note: Yes! My goofy and lovable Great Ace Attorney boys! I hope you all enjoy Day 15 of Tickletober: Tickle Fight! (From August's Tickletober 2023 list!)
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Series: The Great Ace Attorney
Characters: Herlock Sholmes, Ryunosuke Naruhodo, and Iris Wilson
Word count: 995
Summary: There’s only one jam tart left for the taking, so Sholmes and Ryunosuke get into a competitive ‘fight’ to see who will win the last tart. 
Ryunosuke bites down on the flaky crust of a jam tart, enjoying the sweet strawberry flavor hitting his tongue. The little rounded tarts are the perfect size to hold, each made with extra care to create the delicate pastry.
“Mmm!” Ryunosuke finishes his mouthful. “Iris, these are delicious. Thank you!” He takes another bite to finish off the other half he had in his hand.
“Hehe! You’ve only said that about a thousand times now, Runo,” Iris giggles.
“And a thousand more thank yous will come your way, my dear Iris,” Sholmes intervenes from beside Ryunosuke. Both men occupy the red couch in the living room of the Sholmes’ Suite as they enjoy their dessert. “For these are marvelous jam tarts, baked perfectly in every way,” Sholmes continues.
“Aww! That’s sweet of you to say, Hurley! I’m glad you both like them.” The little girl swells with pride at her job well done. She gestures to the tray in front of her on the black chest they use as a coffee table. A single jam tart that seems to sparkle in the gleam of the room lights sits alone on the tray. “There’s one more if anyone would like it.”
“I’ll have it,” Ryunosuke and Sholmes say at the same time. The two men exchange looks with each other.
“Well, it seems we have come to a crossroad, Mr. Naruhodo,” Sholmes says. “In that case, we must have a fair fight to see who will win the last jam tart.”
“What?” Ryunosuke’s voice heightens with confusion, “Mr. Sholmes, surely you’re not going to challenge me in combat over a jam tart?”
“Oh, but that is precisely what I plan to do,” Shomes responds with a smile. “En garde, Mr. Naruhodo. The fight starts…Now!”
Before Ryunosuke can properly process Sholmes’s declaration for battle, the great detective lunges at Ryunosuke and tackles him to the arm of the couch. Fingers then quickly dart towards his sides—tickling Ryunosuke through the fabric of his dress shirt. 
“H-Hehehey!” Ryunosuke jolts and bursts into giggles, his legs kicking out from the surprise attack. He leans his head back and shoves at his opponent, “Mr. Shohoholmes!” So this is what the great detective meant about going to combat over the last jam tart; he was declaring a tickle fight!
“I see you’ve figured out my strategy, Mr. Naruhodo!” the great detective mentions as if they were simply continuing the flow of their conversation, “So, the first one that can make the other surrender is the winner! Agreed?”
One would think that the two opponents would come to an agreement before the battle actually started, but at least this is a fight Ryunosuke has a chance in!
“Yohohou’re ohohon!” Ryunosuke exclaims through his laughter. As a counter strike, the lawyer lunges his arms towards Sholmes’ ribs.
Sholmes harks out a laugh and grips Ryunosuke’s scribbling fingers at his ribs. With Sholmes now on the defensive, Ryunouske pushes him over, causing Sholmes to flop onto his back on the other end of the couch. Ryunosuke quickly pounces at him and scribbles his fingers into Sholmes’ ribs again. Now it’s the great detective’s turn to burst into giggles. Herlock clamps his arms down in reflex before grabbing the lawyer’s wrists, but Ryunosuke easily slips out of his grasp. He then switches to clawing at Sholmes’ belly, causing the great detective’s back to arch with a giggly yelp and his arms to flail across his middle as a line of defense.
“This is the game you wanted to play Mr. Sholmes!” Ryunosuke grins, knowing he hit an extra ticklish spot on the detective. “So, do you yield?”
Sholmes controls his flailing limbs and uses them to tug himself backwards, so that he can prop himself somewhat upright on the arm of the couch. Ryunosuke still hones in on his belly, while Sholmes returns to latching onto the lawyer’s wrists. “Dohohon’t count me ohohout just yehehehet!” Sholmes laughs. 
Fighting back, Sholmes finds an opening and launches a hand at Ryunosuke’s ribs, like he was delivering a tickly punch. The lawyer squeaks and reals to the side, almost falling off the couch. When he turns to stabilize himself, Sholmes recaptures the upper hand by swooping in behind Ryunosuke and drilling into his ribs.
“AH! Nohohohot the ribs!!!” Ryunosuke playfully flails his arms in Sholmes’ hook-like hold.
Sholmes grins over the lawyer's shoulder, “How about you? Do you surrender now Mr. Naruhodo?”
Ryunosuke’s answer is a scribble into Sholmes’ belly again. Sholmes flinches and tries not to yield his effective attack on Ryunosuke, but the ticklish fluttering at his middle allows Ryunosuke the wiggle room he needed to send Sholmes face planting into the cushions. 
As neither Ryunosuke or Sholmes seems to be in the mood to surrender, Iris—who’s been giggling as she watches them—decides to take the initiative. She goes to the kitchen and grabs a butter knife, then returns to the tray on the chest. She cuts the jam tart in two, near perfect halfs. “Runo! Hurley!” she calls out to them over their laughter to gain their attention. 
The two men look to Iris and pause their tickle fight in its tracks. With the break, they both collect their breathing, especially Ryunosuke, who was on the receiving end of the tickles when she stopped them.
Iris gestures to the tray, “Why don’t you two just call it a draw and share?”
“Yes, a draw! We can share the last tart,” Shomes repeats in agreement. “Why didn't we think of that before hand, Mr. Naruhodo?”
“Maybe we would have if you didn’t tackle me down to tickle me first,” Ryunosuke responds.
“Ah, well no use dwelling on the past now,” Sholmes replies. Ryunosuke rolls his eyes, but smiles at his friend. The two untangle themselves from the tickle fight and scoot over to their original spots on the couch. They then each take one half of the jam tart and enjoy the final pieces of treat together.
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saezurufeels · 1 year
I never expected this chapter like this. I thought it would be one of those heart-braking chapters, but it wasn't at all. So far, this is my favorite chapter because even though I was hoping for them to talk, actions did more than that, I guess. I want to know your thoughts about it, I love your posts!!.
Thank you!! And, fair enough, I mean, the previous chapter did end a bit ambiguous! At least the chapter exceeded your expectations and made up for the 4 months of torment lol
Tbh, I thought they would exchange more words than punches, but you know what that means...angry, passionate makeup sex hehe. Wasn't expecting the kiss, but I did expect lots of emotions, given that Yashiro was rescued etc. Yashiro even said he "didn't know that he wanted this," which probably refers to being taken away from Kido. Look at Yashiro introspecting<3
I haven't seen the pages of Yashiro kicking and punching Doumeki, but I know they're going to destroy me once I do. To see Yashiro's anger, fear, and total devastation in response to Doumeki getting a tattoo... if anyone ever said Yashiro didn't care about Doumeki, I hope they're having a real good think right now. The amount of love and care that Yashiro holds for Doumeki isn't even describable. I know he would give his life for him instantaneously.
It's no wonder they barely spoke in this chapter. It was all about expressing emotions through action. Doumeki understood Yashiro's feelings by how Y reacted to his tattoo. He knew, because he also worries about Yashiro. He has also gotten angry at Yashiro for the things he does to himself. The kiss was the perfect response to Yashiro's physical charge. It said "I understand you, I know why you're angry, thank you, and I care about you too." When Doumeki kissed him, Yashiro responded by deepening the kiss, and it was a way of approving Doumeki's thoughts. Yashiro would have pushed him away if he didn't acknowledge or support Doumeki's unspoken response. They both confessed to each other without words, and it's beautiful.
I'll probably have more to say once I actually see the full chapter, but thanks for checking in and asking :)
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hychlorions · 2 years
If you had to rank each Apollo Justice case on a 10-point scale, what would your ratings be?
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honestly i like them all so much and it's been a while since i've last played AA4 so it's hard to give an answer without having to sit down and think about it :"D but assuming you wanna sit down for something long-ish, i'll start them all off on a perfect 10 and here's what i'd give deductions for:
Turnabout Trump (4-1) - i'd leave it at a 10 tbh. absolutely banger case for setting the tone for the rest of the game. i don't recall anything i disliked about it atm so i'm assuming there's nothing at all :>
Turnabout Corner (4-2) - hickfield/hotti existence. get him outta here! but on the other hand there's an exchange about klavier pausing a world tour to see the little boy that bested his brother that can mean different things depending on if you're playing the game for the first time or if you're replaying it. on first playthrough i assumed the judge's shock at klavier returning meant he hasn't taken another case since kristoph's arrest in 4-1, which. fair i guess bc prosecutors probably take cases more regularly than the waa in-universe but it's nothing to blink twice about yknow. HOWEVER replaying it after having gone through 4-4 (esp given how he mentions the gavinners to the judge) it starts to seem as if klavier ran off with his band for seven years and didn't come back until after his brother was arrested. which. >:3 hehe
-3 points for creep factor. +1 however for the simple joy of making me tear my hair out over klavier's mystery hiatus length
Turnabout Serenade (4-3) - people give this case too much shit tbh. it's the funniest case in the game and you guys just have no sense of humor 😭 me, lover of comedy, however, can appreciate it for what it is, and it's that 4-3 is the best demonstration of aa's sense of humor. my only gripe with it is that daryan's mentioned to be the first detective klavier's ever worked with. however in turnabout succession the detective shown in the flashback for the gramarye trial (klavier's courtroom debut) isn't daryan, but gumshoe. this isn't elaborated upon any further, so i am sitting here. wondering what mystery case klavier worked on that got resolved without going to court wherein daryan is the detective AND happened before the gramarye trial. i understand prosecutors but WHY pray tell are they shoving 17 year-olds into a detective position on the police force. god.
-2 for in-universe labor laws implications. +2 for klavier's weird forehead obsession (he has about three lines about apollo's forehead) and also the fact that this case has the most canonical uses of herr forehead out of all the cases in the entire ace attorney series at ~61 uses out of the total 129 (including DD). +1 more for being so rife with lines you could use as basis for headcanons ("straight except when he's depressed" "i should've learned to play guitar" "her quiet, deep song glides through the air... lilting above a sparse, but elegant piano accompaniment" i'm so sorry as a klapollo enthusiast this is the case of all time to me)
Turnabout Succession (4-4) - gorl you know the last case of the series has to be the most nailbiting one. such is the case for turnabout succession... if only the mason system didn't royally succ. do you know how hard it is to piece together the timeline for post- and pre-gramarye trial for someone like me?!?! (is forgetful) not to mention the fact that kristoph has apparently only met vera once but already knew she bites her nails when she's nervous? did you put a camera in their house or something? weirdo. however only in burning piles of rubble will real gems reveal themselves. *holding up the scene where zak explains the gramarye powers to phoenix, subsequently revealing the trucy-apollo siblingisms all along* isn't she beautiful?
-4 for being an inconvenient pain in the ass and kristoph's nail polish murder plot that crumbles under a magnifying glass and kristoph's stalking extent implications. +1 for bracelet lore you know i love me some bracelet mechanics (taps my homemade "THE BRACELET DOESN'T TIGHTEN" sign like a proud father)
Final answer:
4-3: 11/10
4-1: 10/10
4-2: 8/10
4-4: 7/10
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