#anyways biting these two again rrrrr
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What was Rai and Kaeya’s first valentine day like?
Hmm, honestly it was actually both of them planning stuff beforehand and trying to be subtle about it so they could surprise each other (DKJHDH it was very much them also trying to make sure nothing would clash and also be something their partner would like — which would lead to some interesting interactions,,, for example, Kaeya mentioning cake and Rai showing up at an assassination job with the Darknight Hero (Diluc) with a baking book in hand. He'd be flipping through the pages and asking Diluc: "I did find one recipe that uses alcohol — would that be a bad idea though, he's definitely going to be drinking wine. Oh, don't mind me, you can keep strangling that agent, I'm just asking for a brother's opinion. Perhaps I should ask Adelinde instead, hm." Or it's Kaeya attempting to sneakily lower Rai's workload for the month so nothing would happen on Valentines — on a couple of days, Rai would be doing his job like usual, but would find the treasure hoarders already tied up and he'd come to visit Kaeya's office later, only to see him snoozing at his desk). On the actual day, Rai woke up quite early (4am - he actually managed to sleep early the day before) so he could manage to put the icing on the cake before Kaeya woke up. However, he'd walk into Kaeya staring back at him with a slightly sheepish grin and a bowl of chillies in his hands. While, Rai had decided to bake a cake at 4am, Kaeya had planned to cook breakfast for him at that time,, which would lead to an unfortunate clash. However, they'd just laugh it off and start helping each other out — Rai would help chopping the chillis (100% because these were the chillis that Miuna had grown and while Kaeya was prepared to make his sacrifice, Rai had decided that he would just help out — "It would be insanely hilarious to see you in a pair of goggles and a scarf, but, I think I'll just spare you today.")
Kaeya would be helping to mix the icing, before attempting to smear some on Rai's face when he's looking away, and would just snicker when his partner finally notices and wipes it off with a snort (he'd try to run off when Rai takes out a scoop and chases Kaeya around with it — safe to say, breakfast did take a while and the cake had less icing than it was supposed to — yes Zhenzhu was napping in her favourite sunspot amongst the chaos hehe). After the whole morning, Rai would take Kaeya to an escape room — specifically the high difficulty one that he had been musing about completing for a couple of months. It would be a challenge, much to Kaeya's delight; moreover, the puzzles and traps reminded him of the past ruins he had gotten trapped in with Rai in their past adventures (to be fair, the escape room was set in an old ruin - they did manage to find some treasure hidden in a secret room they managed to find,, "Say, dear, I do believe perhaps a little bonus to our prize would be delightful."
"And I thought I was the one with a criminal past here...") For dinner, they'd both have a candlelit one at the Angel's Share — with Venti's singing in the background as the sky turned into hues of orange above them before descending into deeper blues with the evening star glinting in the sky.
They'd exchange gifts during this time — with Rai receiving a dagger with an intricate handle and blade shaped into a wing, while Kaeya would receive a pair of earrings that had dangling star shaped crystals. Later on, Kaeya would guide Rai to an abandoned mansion — a place he'd recognise as a Lawrence mansion that had once hosted the masquerade that he had solved his first case with Kaeya, back when they were still enemies and constantly had a knife at each other's throat. In fact, this was the exact place where he had found Kaeya to be his match; the place that would be the start of their game of wits and blood that would continue for the next 2 years.
"This place..." Rai stepped over the broken chandelier, his eyes sweeping over the long tables and shattered ceramics. Something lights up in his expression as he turns around to grin at Kaeya, "Now, isn't this exciting, hm?"
Striding over, Kaeya pulls Rai into a waltz stance, hand eagerly wrapping around his waist. The scratchy melodies of a classical piece drifts into the haunted ballroom, weaving itself through cold air and bringing back the old warmth of memories. Echoes of dancers donned in colourful satin and elaborate masks emerge around them, laughter floating away with the distant memory. "I couldn't find a quartet eager enough to perform in an abandoned house, that was especially once a major crime scene. However, I hope a gramophone and a disc with recordings of some of our favourite albums will suffice." The moonlight shines through the stained glass, illuminating Rai's softened eyes as he presses a kiss against Kaeya's gloved hand before meeting the other's gaze. Awe and something warm seems to have settled on his face, with fond reminisence trickling in his smile. "It will be more than adequate, Star-eyes."
#RAAA THIS WAS NOT POSTED ON VALENTINES - 3 days later in fact#anyways biting these two again rrrrr#sorry for the delay - been working on some presents and also a bit busy hehe (><“”)#raiya#maeanswers
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New York: Day 16
JOHN: -He came out into the snow-covered town for some sort of practical reason, but he ended up forgetting entirely what that was. Two hours later, he's out here building snow salamanders.-
JOHN: -He takes no notice of Jude for now. All these fucking salamanders need pebbles for eyes and fat tails. John didn't dress very well for the cold. He forgot to put gloves or a scarf on. His hands and face are red and chafed. BUT he doesn't have to use his hands to push the snow around so he's still having a ball.-
JUDE: -he is burning... he wants to go out into the snow but he's having a hard time leaving.-
JUDE: ...
JUDE: -knocks on the window to get john's attention.-
JOHN: -IT'S JUDE! He floats up to te window and...knocks back.-
JUDE: ... -opens the window a crack- JUDE: hello
JOHN: -leans on the sill to warm up his snoot and hands.- hey jude!
JOHN: hahaha.
JOHN: get it because
JOHN: aw, you get it.
JUDE: -he looks so unamused-
JOHN: -beams at him, so proud of himself.-
JOHN: what's up, buttercup?
JUDE: oh, nothing
JUDE: I was just watching you play in the snow and thought it must be nice to be able to just...
JUDE: go outside and play in the snow
JOHN: well.......there's a perfectly good window right here.
JOHN: come on out!
JOHN: -waggles eyebrows.-
JOHN: -john u ablelist fuck-
JUDE: -makes a face- uh... wait, are you planning on floating me down or something?
???: -high in the sky, there is a circling figure encroaching the small town. Difficult to say, but that glint of copper does look a little familiar.-
JUDE: -OH GOD WE'RE UNDER ATTACK AGAIN. he ducks back down under the window sill.-
JOHN: oh, right you can't fly. yeah. i could do that- -OH SHIT HE HAS THE SAME THOUGHT.-
JOHN: -squints and SQUARES up.-
???: -Just a single flappy dot that is descending at rapid speeds. Then all at once, he drops down to the snowy ground, buffeting up a lot of wind and snow. Removes the hoodie from his bull-horned head to blink and stare at the bair of bucktooths-
RUFIOH: ...john?
JOHN: -Had his fists raised with a FIGHTY expression on his face, balancing on the window sill on his toes. Then he recognizes that pair of familiar horns. A nitram. Huh. Oh, it's just Rufioh.-
JOHN: oh!
JOHN: hey!
JOHN: -he's not as shocked about this as he probably should be.-
RUFIOH: uh...
RUFIOH: -lifts a hand to wave.- hey, man.
JOHN: -jumps off and silently lands in the snow. He goes in for a fist bump.-
JOHN: good to see you, man! what brings you here?
JUDE: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/04/3d/0c/043d0cf0b05401dc8f5a9df8291fddf7.jpg
RUFIOH: wh... -wall-eyed about this exchange and honestly kind of concerned. He looks around his surroundings, uncertain. Fixing John with a knitted expression.-
RUFIOH: -gotta get the man his fist bunps tho. Definitely.-
RUFIOH: what... br1ngs me here?
RUFIOH: should 1 not be here or... -flaps his wings about to shake the snow off of him.-
RUFIOH: sorry, dude. 1 just... was under the 1mpress1on that... you weren't hav1ng 100% a good t1me out here. th1s earth canada or whatever the fuck... -glances at the peeking human from the window. Gives him the side eyes.-
JUDE: -he's not having a good time-
JUDE: -if it's any consolation-
RUFIOH: -He is comforted by this, thank u.-
JOHN: -Uh oh. He's missing something. Probably something important. He kind of sweats internally, debating on whether to ask any questions. He knits his brow in concern.- umm. well! we uh....we got captured by guy fieri and his minions, but we've been okay since we left. we're just taking some time to recover and hide out a bit.
JOHN: how....did you get here? -He's struggling to remember where Rufioh was in the first place. Confusion.-
JOHN: i mean...our plane got shot down! but we escaped and nobody was hurt.
RUFIOH: -winces and rubs the back of his neck thru the hoodie.- yeah... heard about that... glad you made 1t out alr1ght.
RUFIOH: um... k1nd of a long story, bro. k1nd of 1nvolves portal hopp1ng and... talk1ng to some strange crypt1d peeps. avalon's full of those...
RUFIOH: but th1s was a spec1al case, 1 guess. 1t happened really fast 1f 1'm honest... anyway.
RUFIOH: 1'm here now. -ends up looking past john. Kind of hopeful for something.-
JOHN: -looks back at Jude. Oops. He waves and gives some enthusasitc thumbs up, letting him know IT'S OKAY.-
JOHN: -rubs the back of his neck. He feels guilty and sort of a lost/embarassed combo, like there's something he should say or do and he's just ...missing it.- hey, why don't you come inside. warm up and have some food and stuff. all of that sounds pretty intense.
RUFIOH: um..........
RUFIOH: that's a good 1dea... almost... -wary peering at the thumping sounds. He's got a sword and it's pointy.-
JOHN: -WHAT COULD THAT BE. he goes to investigate.-
RUFIOH: -keeps his distance because he minds his self preservation and all.-
[ Soon accompanied by yowling. IT APPROACHES. ]
RUFIOH: -O shit........................-
MEULIN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjeNh2lLXDU
JOHN: ah.
MEULIN: -if this window wasn't open all the way it is now because she is COMING OUT OF IT.-
JOHN: -just staring.-
RUFIOH: oh sh1t. -Well this is happening. He braces himself for impact.-
JOHN:-Just stands off to the side with his hands on his hips. Well. Would you look at that.-
MEULIN: ヾლ(=`ω´=)ლ
MEULIN: -Rufioh is the proud recipient of the fat cat, complete with purrs and nuzzles.-
RUFIOH: -POUNCE TACKLE'D. There he goes, crash sliding thru the snow.-
RUFIOH: - wasted...-
MEULIN: -kneads his belly, content.-
RUFIOH: -wheezes... There's so much purrs and wild cat hair in his face.- that's just... accurate.
RUFIOH: d1dn't want to message you 1n case there was a way to track 1t down?? so. yeah.
RUFIOH: 1'm here.... -and crushed. She's right on his belly and Ruf flops. Looks to John for help.- (help.)
JOHN: -He can't help but smile at this. Well???? It's cute!! He does nothing to assist Rufioh, partially because he would never obstruct this cuteness and partially because he lacks context for everything.-
JOHN: that was a hell of a jump!
RUFIOH: -John, ffs...-
MEULIN: -places paw on Rufioh's face.- YOU CAME ALL THIS WAY??
RUFIOH: -scrunches up his face and accepts his fate.- 1 had to...
RUFIOH: 1t was dr1v1ng me nuts not know1ng what was happen1ng...
JOHN: -While they're having this moment, John FLOATS UP TO THE WINDOW AGAIN TO CHECK ON JUDE.- -knock knock- hey buddy? you ok?
RUFIOH: yeah... 1t was all over the newsfeeds on avalon... they try and keep on top of the war stuff happen1ng.
RUFIOH: everyone's real nervous.
JUDE: -STARES some more.- yes, I'm fine
JUDE: I'm a little less concerned with playing in the snow now, however
MEULIN: IT'S B33N PRETTY ROUGH... -she's still recovering, but hey, WHATEVER-
RUFIOH: -dammit... he rests a gloved hand by her head.- yeah...
RUFIOH: had to come as fast as 1 could.
RUFIOH: john sa1d 1 could come 1ns1de?
MEULIN: OH YEAH! WE ALL HAVE THESE LITTLE HOTEL ROOMS. -rolls off him and wriggles in the snow beside him. IT'S FLUFFY.-
JOHN: oh! well! i think we're heading inside soon anyway.
JOHN: um, i'm sorry if that startled you or whatever but that's rufioh. he's a crew member. he um...hasn't been...around in a while ...but he's a friend!
RUFIOH: -rises like the undertaker and attempts to brush the snow out of his hair.- glad you're keep1n' a low prof1le. RUFIOH: aren't you cold?
MEULIN: SURE!! BUT... IT'S SNOW. (ฅ•ᆺ•ฅ)
JOHN: -eventually hops down and rejoins them.-
JOHN: aww. you guys murdered my family of snow salamanders.-
JOHN: this is almos worse than what you did to that poor moose.
JOHN: almost, but not quite. :/
MEULIN: (ฅ•ω•ฅ) -paws up like WHOOPS. they were hungry tho.-
RUFIOH: -if she isn't already wearing one, Rufioh sets a beanie right on her head. He brought one for her just in case.-
JOHN: -awww. she's so cute.-
JOHN: -but in his mind's eye he's replaying the horrifying carnage that took place.- watch out dude, you're next.
RUFIOH: 1 heard about the moose too... -makes a face.-
MEULIN: -IS BEANIE. Content.- WE DON'T HAVE TO K33P TALKING ABOUT THE MOOSE! -let her bite butts.-
RUFIOH: 1 th1nk we should... but a1ght. -fixes the beanie for her, making sure her horns are comfy snug.-
RUFIOH: 1f 1'm not 1nv1ted 1ns1de 1 can always l1ke... crash 1n some tree out here. 1t's no b1gg1e.
RUFIOH: 1n case you need a scout...
RUFIOH: bangarang... 1'll take you up on that. -flaps his wings again, giving thim a stretch.-
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