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maehwajuuuu-chu · 2 months ago
1-60, all of them for raiya.. give me the Big Post.
First of hOLY SHIT, I’m shaking in my boots, ALL 60??/pos — IDK YOU BUT THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING ME TO YAP.  By the way, I’ll be putting a few questions + answers in another response cause someone else asked too! I hope you’re ok with that :) (those will be questions 4,10,22, 43,47 and those are here!) Suggestive Questions will be Orange!
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Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’? Kaeya ->  During the earlier stages of their relationship, Rai would continue to take on tasks by the Grandmaster or Adventurer’s Guild that were extremely high-risk and involved targets who were notoriously difficult to arrest or eliminate. These tasks always involves a minor injury or two, but sometimes, he would manage to jump through the window before collapsing on the floor: internal bleeding, concussion, a deep stab to his side…you name it. He would try to tend to his wounds in a half-delirious state without being found out, and yes, it might’ve worked a few times. He’d have brushed off Kaeya’s concerns, pointing out that he could take care of himself fine and that’s what he had been doing for years. That he was used to this and that Kaeya shouldn’t worry about him. Yet, on the fateful day that Rai would be forcibly dragged to the healers for major blood loss and several stitches, he would land into hot water with Kaeya. An argument would break out almost immediately at the ward, with Rai trying limp out of the room — only for the Cavalry Captain to wrestle him back to bed and proceed to respond with rare frustration and exasperation to Rai’s irritation. “It’s my job, Kaeya — a contract I need to fulfil with that damn Grandmaster. I can deal with a few broken bones and blood, if it means he’ll keep to his side of the deal ,” Rai almost flippantly declares, as he flops back onto the bed. “And besides. It’s not the first time you’ve seen me bleeding out—“ “Yes, it isn’t.” Kaeya interrupts. Tightening his hold onto Rai’s bandaged hands, he looks into his partner’s eyes with something unreadable settling in his gaze. “But right now it is unpleasant to see you in this state; it scares me, dear. Because I love you.”
What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare? Rai: He’s a very light sleeper, so he sits up almost immediately at the first second that Kaeya wakes up from the nightmare. Turning the bedside lamp on. He would gently guide Kaeya to his side, wipe away the sweat from his temple, and comb through tangled midnight blue locks. There would be questions about what had happened and almost ragged replies from Kaeya, his fingers curling into the fabric of the bed. Next, he’d be nuzzling his nose into Rai’s neck with a pleading kiss — “Enough about me,” he’d mutter, moving his clammy hands to pull his partner back to the bed. “You must be exhausted, I’m sorry to have bothered you over this.” “Mm, sure.” Rai shoots him an unimpressed look, “I’m exhausted as a bat at midnight. You do remember I generally work at this hour, no?” “Of course I do.” “Then, let me care for you tonight. I’ll be awake until you feel better enough to sleep.” Helplessly looking over at Rai’s determined gaze, he folds and plops his arm over his face with a quiet groan. “…You won’t listen if I say no, are you?” “You know me so well.” Rai grabs onto Kaeya’s hand, ignoring the other’s grumble and pressing his lips against the knuckles with a short snicker. “I’ll go get you a hot cup of milk, stay right here, alright?” “Sure, boss,” he mutters out, yet a small worn out smile graces his lips when Rai returns with a steaming mug. Later, he’d fall to a dreamless sleep, his body settling into an endless darkness. The faint sensation of fingers caressing his scalp with a hum of a familiar song accompanies him, like a comforting companion. Kaeya: Compared to Kaeya, Rai has nightmares frequently — a miserable source of torment caused by his past experiences. Usually, he abruptly wakes with sweat and adrenaline coursing through his mind, nails clutching at the sheets and clinging onto his partner’s night shirt . He attempts to bear with it and curls by Kaeya’s side with a haunted grimace; watching his chest rise and fall as he waits for the captain to rise with the sun. Yet, there are a few nights where Kaeya is woken up by the sound of stumbling and books crashing to the floor. In the darkness, he would catch Rai tear at the window latch, his hair flayed around and pyjamas sticking to his wet skin. “Ritsuka,” Kaeya would quickly call out, worry filling his voice. “What’s going on?” Whipping his head back, a startled expression is seen on Rai’s gaunt face. Strands of hair stick to his cheeks with red veins cracking through his eyes. “I…I need to — “ he claws at his hair before slapping his temple —“shit, the room feels so hard to breathe, I—” A cold palm slinks onto his face and Rai would look up to Kaeya’s eyes; mismatched irises glinting in soft reassurance. The clock ticks in the background; rhythmic and in time, with leaves just rustling outside the window. Stiffly reaching to snag his fingers onto the band of his partner’s pants, he’d rest his spinning head onto Kaeya’s shoulder and closes his eyes. Cold touches slowly run up his back and he takes in a breath. Holds it in. And lets it out. Repeat. Soon Kaeya would open the window, letting the cool air in. He’d stand with his arms wrapped around Rai, softly counting the seconds Rai would need for each step of this routine. Feeling the sweat dry and his partner’s trembling stabilise, he would then slowly pull him to the kitchen. Pouring out cold water, they’d both sit in a comfortable silence with Kaeya massaging Rai’s hand until he would finally doze off.
Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.) You have absolutely no idea on how much Rai enjoys stealing Kaeya’s shirts. He really enjoys flaunting around in them and driving Kaeya nuts. Other then that, he might steal Kaeya’s coats cause he does have a slightly smaller frame and likes to sniff onto his partner’s scent. Kaeya actually has a Liyue bracelet made of Noctilucous Jade that he got from Rai ages ago (little bit of a spoiler but they met as kids once in Liyue harbour before Kaeya got taken in by the Ragvindrs — he didn’t forget about it but Rai did [both Kaeya and the bracelet] at some point due to life complications). It’s extremely precious to him and it’s something he would never trade for anything in the world.
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Describe their cozy night in. Any time Rai and Kaeya can spend a non work-related night together, they always make sure to enjoy it thoroughly. In their more cozy nights, they set up a game of TCG (or any other board games like chess) at the living room table with some wine and snacks. If the weather is cold enough, they would pull the blankets out of the closet and nestle in them together on the sofa while playing TCG. Music on glass discs would spin out from the phonograph, scratchy band melodies filling the night.  A while later, they would be doing their seperate things while chatting — Rai might be sewing up a new plushie for Miuna, while Kaeya would be reading a new mystery novel from Fontaine. It isn’t extravagant really, but it is simple and comforting, and being near each other is enough.
Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other? There really wouldn’t be a scenario currently where either would leave each other — they have a pretty ‘Ride or Die’ relationship. Hypothetically, if Genshin does give Kaeya the ‘Choose Mondstadt or Khaenri’ah’ route, he’d try to leave Rai so he could protect him. Yet, Rai is a stubborn ass so he’d just stick right by Kaeya’s side the whole time, because gods, if they’ve already survived through shit once together, they might as well try hell (even if it kills him — damn it, he loves that man way too much).
Would they build a pillow fort together just because? With enough alcohol, yes they would. At some point (when they’re not drunk), they might get pulled into building a pillow fort for Miuna and her friends just because she pesters them into doing it for her (also because both Rai and Miuna missed out a lot on their childhood and its nice to do something they never had the chance to do).
What happens if one of them gets sick? Kaeya: When Rai got sick the first time, he was in an awful state. He didn’t get sick often, only once a year even, but it meant that each time it happened, it would be plain horrible. He would be in a state where he wouldn’t be able to walk and would be in a half-delirious state. At first, Kaeya would tease him a little, finding it quite humorous that a man so feared by a large population of Teyvat would end up this miserably sick. It would come to a surprise when Rai would pout and hide his face in the pillow, instead of snapping back with a snarky remark. Throughout the day, Kaeya would feed Rai chicken soup and let him mope around on his shoulder. At some point, when Kaeya would try to leave to get some water, he’d have a hand wrap around his wrist and yank him into the bed. A quiet grumble would be heard from Rai as he’d tightly hug his partner with a sulky face. With a sigh, Kaeya would mutter, ‘If I get sick later, it wouldn’t take much thought on choosing who to blame, hm?”. An exasperated smile would soon appear as he watched Rai fall asleep with sniffles and hoarse breathing. (And yes, he did get sick the very next day and would find much joy in annoying Rai with his complaints). Rai: The first time Kaeya got sick was before they became partners. That was also when Rai decided to sneak through the window to check on the captain and had a sword swinging at him at the courtesy of a very sick Kaeya. Not the best start, but oh well. One thing Rai had learnt that day was that man was an absolute nightmare when it came to resting. Despite the overtly confident and ‘lazy’ persona, Kaeya is really a workaholic behind the scenes. Numerous documents would have to be stashed in some unreachable place, and quills and inks confiscated. Rai would even have to haul away a typewriter that had appeared in the bedroom at some point. Of course the sickly captain would start complaining about it and attempt to sweet-talk into having his work returned (“Oh, you wouldn’t refuse such a weak and frail friend, would you?”). Yet, Rai would just plop a spoonful of rice porridge in the other’s mouth with an eyebrow raised (“And that gives me more than enough reason to ignore those words. Do yourself a favour and actually try to rest, captain.”). When Kaeya finally agreed and slumps back to his bed, Rai would briefly leave to work on the tasks assigned to the Cavalry Captain as promised (he could technically lie and push the responsibilities onto other knights so Kaeya wouldn’t worry, but on second thought, he would be more efficient in completing these…..although the documents could be left to someone else). Later, he’d return with groceries for dinner and check on Kaeya, who would be sleeping the cold off. During the night, Rai would watch over Kaeya and at some point start singing a lullaby under his breath to pass the time. This would be the night where Kaeya had heard Rai sing for the first time, but he wouldn’t recognise the voice until he would catch Rai humming to himself in the kitchen the very next morning. Strangely, he wouldn’t tease Rai about it though…perhaps it was just a secret he had wanted to keep for himself.
What are their thoughts on having children? Due to their busy lifestyles and the amount of enemies they have compiled from their work (which is a list Rai is slowly sorting through), they don’t really have any interest in adopting children. It feels like an unnecessary risk for both them and the hypothetical child, and overall, not a priority. For Rai, Miuna is one big job already and he’d honestly be fine without a kid for a while. Kaeya is teaching Bennett and babysitting Klee, so it honestly feels like he has a kid/s already tbh (Kaeya’s adoptive father/brother role also has been passed onto Rai and now he’s pulling Bennett and his friends out of trouble almost weekly). Also, everyone they know with kids are dropping them off at Rai and Kaeya’s house (Seiren is a guilty culprit here) pretty often so both of them can babysit their kids. It’s pretty chaotic, especially if both Klee and Miuna are around.
Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell? Kaeya often will try to hide his emotions if he’s upset, it’s a habit he has maintained over the years after all. However, for Rai, Kaeya is like a completely open book. If he could recognise his lover even when he is blind, figuring out what Kaeya is trying to hide is as simple as unravelling a chain of daisies. A smile too wide with a an eye that doesn’t quite match up, or fingers rubbing at the temple a bit too much. Sometimes it really is laughable when Kaeya thinks he wouldn’t figure out that he’s upset — “You didn’t think I’d love those silly expressions you make when something goes wrong, huh?”
Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over? Heated arguments do not generally occur, cause it’s usually over something serious and they prefer to talk about complicated matters only when both of them are feeling emotionally grounded (this is the current time I should specify, because before this, when they were transitioning from enemies to friends, they both were an absolute mess by themselves and for each other. Fights were constant during that time with Rai despising Kaeya for capturing him and Kaeya struggling to understand Rai. They didn’t start all romantic and wholesome either). (It should be noted that the whole timeline is obsession - ‘how can this man outsmart me, I need to know who he is’ —> rivalry - ‘I’m starting to figure you out, my friend. Will I be able to beat you next? ‘—> hatred - ‘I’ll gladly stand in a pool of your blood, I will lap it up and enjoy it; fingers sticky with red and heat’  —> mutual betrayal —> ‘Only one of us will remain, fate will not let both of us survive and it cannot be me who falls’ —> regret and anger - ‘I will not be a fool to your country and you are no fool to my future betrayal’, ‘Well, let’s bet on it then.’ —> forgiveness and understanding - ‘I see you.’  —> yearning - ‘Doesn’t the moon look beautiful tonight?’ (And that you will love me?)’ —> love - ‘I cannot lose you, not ever again.”) ANYWAYS BACK TO PRESENT DAY, if they do have a heated argument, Rai generally retreats for a bit of time to cool down and Kaeya would turn on some music to sort through his thoughts. When they both meet again to smooth things over, Kaeya would have prepared some tea in a thermostat and Rai would have brought some candy from the shops. They both take a walk around the lake or even the beach if they can while talking about the previous argument and reach on a solution that satisfies the both of them.
Who’s the bigger tease? Absolutely Kaeya. He loves to pull at Rai’s leg and watch his partner respond with absolute bafflement and/or laughter. At times it would be a challenge to rile the other up in another small mind game or little figurines he might scatter around Rai’s room as a little prank. It brings him much joy to tease and poke around Rai indeed.
How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash? I did talk about this a little in the ship chart I made of em, but I will talk about it here again! IN MORE DETAIL YEAA They’re both unpredictable as individuals and often enjoy taking risks to spice things up for fun. They do like to take on challenges, especially if it’s from either partner as they find a lot of excitement into trying to figure out how their partner would outsmart them. Rai’s more grounded personality compliments Kaeya’s flair, with him often being Kaeya’s anchor when Kaeya takes things too far with others and makes sure he doesn’t dig a deeper hole for himself. For Rai’s more intense side, Kaeya lights it up with his more lighter personality with jokes and banter. He also brings out the more softer aspects of Rai with his romantic attitude and loosens him up to be less cold around others. With Kaeya’s preference to be calculative and more scheming, Rai prefers to deal with problems right there and now. Which they both utilise to balance out decisions during work. However, sometimes it does clash, especially when Kaeya is consoling a friend and Rai says something very blunt instead, although generally he doesn’t say anything at all (It can help to be fair LMAO). They’re both stubborn and prideful, which can lead to disagreements where both may attempt a few underhanded methods to….persuade…. The other person (like small pranks or surprise kisses, making out and stuff).
Do they always say ‘i love you’ before leaving? Rai: Not always, some days it’s just a tight hug with a kiss on the lips, cheeks and neck with a stern “Don’t get too reckless and come home safe.” But there are the days he might feel a bit more soft, muttering a “I’ll miss you today,” and murmuring, “I love you, please finish work early,” and just nestling his face into the crook of Kaeya’s neck, before letting go with a quick kiss. Kaeya: All the time; he just quickly says with a happy grin, “I love you!”, before drawing Rai into a long kiss while fiddling with his hair — he wouldn’t be able to see his love for a few hours and he’d like to engrave some aspect of Rai into his mind so he wouldn’t feel alone when he wasn’t there (as if he didn’t already mapped out Rai’s face and body with his hands in the bedroom — who knew Kaeya would crave his darling ever so often). “Come see me when you can,” he would next whisper, tucking hair behind Rai’s ear and walking off, gaze barely leaving Rai’s until he turns around the corner.
Can they stay up all night just talking? On some days, there is no greater pleasure than sitting in their bedroom and chatting about what had happened in the day. It might be how Timaeus had exploded an entire stall with a glittery potion and had temporary mouse ears as a side-effect, or Kaeya might as well talk about how teaching Bennett was like, slightly agonising over how the student had accidentally lit a nearby entire wagon of wine barrels on fire. It would be until Zhēnzhū grumpily mews and smothers her furry body over Kaeya’s face to interrupt the discussion that they both would notice the time and finally retire for sleep.
Who’s more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately? Honestly, it’s Kaeya, he enjoys holding his partner in his arms and melt into a passionate kiss. It feels nice and he enjoys showing a little bit of his love like this. When he’s feeling a little cheeky, Kaeya will tease Rai until he gives up all flustered and just grabs Kaeya by the waist to kiss him before pulling back to half-heartedly roll his eyes at Kaeya’s smitten-ass smirk and flushed cheeks.
How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind? They actually have two!There is a  silver Maine Coon cat called Zhēnzhū (珍珠 — meaning: Pearl)! She was a giant lonely magic cat who was in an event quest that I made with my friend. She’d secretly follow Rai back home when the event ended and would be found waiting outside his house as a normal sized kitty. It was a bit surprising at first, but Rai would just fondly chuckle and pick her up, muttering, “You like me a bit too much, huh?” Zhēnzhū is a very social cat and she is quite clingy, following either Kaeya and Rai around the city as they do their work. She enjoys receiving pats and treats from others, and frequents the Cat’s Tail, either to observe the TCG players or to hang out with the other cats. She is also very vocal, often mewling and pawing at Kaeya whenever she wants some belly rubs or is just annoyed about how she didn’t get a treat for the past 30 minutes. The other fur baby is Starling! She’s Kaeya’s cavalry horse and is a Roky Mountain horse! She’s been working with Kaeya since he was 16 and is considered to be quite experienced. Overall, she is quite sweet and patient. She deals with kids well, but has negative patience with strangers or jerks (this also includes anyone who is mean to anyone she likes - she will start acting very fussy and will move around and jump whenever those kind of people attempt to ride or pat her. When they finally give up, she just gives them a very hairy eyeball as she trots away with a snort). She also has a dramatic flair and can act dead exceptionally well! Of course if sugar cubes and a nice back scratch is offered as a reward. With plenty of praise as well. She can also be rather snuggly and lies on top of Kaeya whenever she can. Starling can be a bit greedy at times and snuffle around pockets for more treats. 
How do they feel about PDA? They both really enjoy it. Like. A lot. At least every Favonius knight has seen Rai sprawled across Kaeya’s lap in the office while playing with his partner’s hair and hand resting on his collarbone. During meetings, Kaeya would sneak a hand on Rai’s thigh as he would whisper comments to the other and Jean would choose to ignore it, for any scolding wouldn’t work on those two. A visiting merchant might catch those two exchanging a kiss right by the gates before one of them heads off. Whenever you encounter both of them, you are guaranteed to see Kaeya’s grip wrapped around Rai’s hip or Rai entangling his fingers into Kaeya’s as a way of perhaps, safe-keeping.
Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship. ‘Ma Meilleure Ennemie’ — Stromae, Pomme (For when they were enemies) ‘Middle of the Night’ — Elley Duhé (enemies - theme for the fic) ‘Dancing with Our Hands Tied’ — Taylor Swift (Current) ‘Double Take’ — Dhruv (Current) ‘Rule #2 - Moonlight’ — Fish in a Birdcage’ (Current but whenever they’re on jobs that are far from each other and writing letters, this is so specific but I’ll put it in here) ’Say My Name’ — Yu-Peng Chen (Theme Song) ERM, I could add more honestly, but I shall limit the answers DKJHDKJH
Who would get into a fight to defend the other’s honor? Who tends to the other’s wounds? It would most likely be Rai, he has no qualms on using force to take care of certain problems after all. It might be a late night at a tavern, where a drunken treasure hoarder might describe the Cavalry Captain with disparaging remarks and suddenly a hand grabs onto their chin, forcing them to look up. An unspeakably frightening face looks down upon them, wrath crackling in the atmosphere with a mouth baring sharp teeth. The other treasure hoarders would sit in tense silence, slowly sipping their wine as their friend would be forcibly dragged out of the tavern by the scruff of their shirt. Loud sounds of furniture breaking and fighting can be heard until it suddenly stops, with the meek noise of apology finally discerned behind the door. Later when Rai would return to the bar with bloody fists and a scratch on his face, Kaeya would purse his lips and pull the other towards a seat. He would dip a cloth in alcohol and press it against the bleeding wound, ignoring the grumbles. “It’s alright, I tossed that idiot to the local doctor—“ “Dear, would you look to the side a little for me?” A bandage is plastered onto his cheek and Rai slides his eyes back to Kaeya with a smirk. “You’re smiling.”
“I don’t think I am,” Kaeya chuckles, with a small glimmer in his crinkled eye.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to stay in bed come morning? Rai — he often wakes up later due to his late night shifts and whenever Kaeya needs to go to work, he just grabs onto him and pulls him back to bed. Kaeya honestly has no complaints and will half-heartedly remind Rai about his duties, only to have Rai harrumph and cling on to him tighter.
Who’s more likely to give the other a massage? Rai — Kaeya often gets cramps from sitting at his desk and writing documents, so Rai pops up in his office frequently to rub his shoulders and remind him to take breaks. It’s something Kaeya is really thankful for and just leans against Rai’s chest whenever he gets a massage, because it really does feel nice.
Do they have any hobbies they share? Other than scheming and ruining another criminal’s day together,  they both enjoy playing strategy games like chess and both enjoy some form of music. Rai likes to sing (when only people who know are around of course, he is shy about it) and Kaeya does find some fun in playing piano. They both like watching plays and like visiting the Cat’s Tail to play with the cats.
What are their vices? Kaeya: He can honestly be one sadistic mf and often escalates things further than intended. He is spiteful and can hold a grudge; often passively aggressively reminding others of a past incident (e.g Diluc). He is also terrible with being honest with his feelings, particularly if he is upset and will try to bottle it up and drown it out with alcohol later. Alcoholism —> is also pretty bad with his alcohol and will drink til he blacks out (he’s been better these days, but it still happens at times). Rai: He has a terrible temper and will lash out with a threat if someone (usually strangers) irritates him enough (he is working on this slowly). He often will choose to end situations with violence or imply that he will resort to it, despite the situation not needing it. He can easily become very frustrated when things do not go the way he wanted  and can be quite impatient. He doesn’t see the good in others first (kids are not included, they’re innocent in his eyes) and opts to be untrusting, not opening up and being quite cold until he knows more.
Who is the light weight that needs to be taken care of after a party? Rai is not a light weight, but he might as well be if he is being compared to Kaeya or a lot of Mondstadt civilians. There is no way he is ever going to the tolerate the amount of alcohol an average Mondstadt person drinks and that usually ends in him being carried home by Kaeya. When he doesn’t drink however, he just watches everyone drink til they blackout and carries them all home (especially Kaeya, Venti and the Chief Outrider).
What are their thoughts on pet names? Do they have any? Kaeya: He absolutely loves using pet names for Rai and also does like it when Rai uses some for him too. He generally calls Rai, ‘Dear’ (the one he uses the most), ‘Honey’, ’Sweetheart’  and ’Mr Grumpy-pants’. In more vulnerable situations where they are alone, he calls Rai by his real name, ‘Ritsuka’. Rai: He doesn’t mind it (secretly likes it a little if its from Kaeya) and does use some for Kaeya. He always calls Kaeya, ‘Star-eyes’ (it’s his favourite) and might use ‘Darling’ if he feels like it. ‘My captain’ is another of his favourites, especially when he is teasing.
Who is more likely to jump in an elevator? Who freaks out? Honestly, by themselves no, BUT if Miuna is hanging out with those two for the day, she’d most likely challenged Kaeya to a jump-off and those two would start jumping on the elevator while Rai just sigh and hope the elevator won’t break.
Your OTP gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing? I’m assuming that they picked outfits from their wardrobe and put it on their partner teehee.
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Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.) As described in question 19, absolutely not. They need to have one hand on each other by minimum for all times.
Who’s the better story teller? Kaeya —> Like his charismatic personality and way with words, he is adept at weaving dramatic tales, especially if it is a means for distracting kids like Klee so she wouldn’t explode another lake. At other situations, it’s used as a way of developing a fake backstory in order to fool criminals and befriend them — the more dramatic, the better after all.
Who’s the better cook? They’re both decent cooks, but it’s probably Rai ngl. He does like cooking spicy food (recipes from his mum that he later taught to Miuna) and was doing a good amount of cooking when he was taking care of Miuna since he was around 15. Luckily for him, Kaeya does have a tolerance for spice and is more than happy to eat the food that Rai makes (as long as the spice isn’t Miuna level of spice, those ones are horrendous).
Who’s more likely to tell a dirty joke or story to make the other blush? I don’t think either of them really tell dirty jokes to be honest. Kaeya may find a few humorous and Rai doesn’t really care for it; it’s not something both are really into.
Who’s more artistic? They’re both a little artistic in their own ways! Rai enjoys sewing, especially little toys or accessories for people he cares for (especially Zhēnzhū, girl keeps getting bows and scarves). Kaeya enjoys the piano and does a little bit of prose.
Who’s more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry? Rai —> Kaeya would be wrapping his arms around Rai’s waist from the back as he tiredly watches his partner quickly whisk up a a batch of scrambled eggs. Oil crackles and the yolk cooks into a mellow golden, soon to be poured on top of a slice of toast. “Thanks, dear,” he’d murmur, pressing his lips against Rai’s cheek. “Mm, you better enjoy it,” Rai grumps, as he hands over the plate.
Which is more likely to swear? Rai, unlike Kaeya’s more eloquent manner of speech, he often will swear like a damn sailor. If the common Teyvat tongue isn’t enough, he will be more than glad to start spewing insults from languages from Liyue, Inazuman and even Fontanian. Honestly, if there is a reason why Miuna started swearing since she was 8, it’s more than likely Rai’s influence.
Who is more sexually experimental? Who’s more vanilla? I’d say it’s a between vanilla and experimental, they like to do some of the kinkier stuff but they don’t go overboard a lot (Rai does like it rough at times…). It is generally Rai who suggests some newer things for the menu teehee (while Kaeya has that ‘play-boy’ fanon characterisation by the fandom —which I really disagree with — I really think he’s more of the gentleman out of the two, so he leans towards vanilla most of the time, not all the time though). I’d say Kaeya’s more passionate and teasing, while Rai is more bitey and likes to goad Kaeya on.
Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think? Kaeya —> He probably had found an injured finch during his patrols and would bring it home in the fur he wears on his shoulder so he could take care of it for the next few days. At first, Rai would be confused to hear faint twittering in the office and would open the door to his partner nuzzling a little bird on his hand. While Rai would suggest to hand the bird to a vet technician, he would soon fall for Kaeya’s slightly sulky expression and listen to the other’s insistence that he had the experience to take care of ‘Twig’. “…Why ‘Twig’?” “Well, he does have the colouring and I did think it was a rather adorable name. Right, Twig? Don’t you agree?” Over the next few weeks, Kaeya would continue tending to the bird, ushering Rai over when Twig would finally start walking on his own. While Rai had mostly watched Kaeya during that time, he would buy bird feed and watch over the bird while Kaeya had left for work (and also keep Zhēnzhū away from Twig). When Twig had finally completely recovered and was able to fly again, he would not leave for long. He would come back to check on the couple and accept the offerings of food from time to time.
Who has an insatiable appetite? And what does the other do to help? Both of them have a mutually insatiable appetite for each other. You might catch Rai staring at Kaeya’s chest window a bit too long at work or Kaeya leaving more than usual kisses on Rai, hesitant to pull away.
Which one would take their jacket it off and drape over the other one because they were visibly shivering? Kaeya every single time —> he’s the one who has a cry vision and therefore, a higher tolerance for the cold. Rai on the other hand does not. Sometimes he’ll be shivering in the cold, with the moths hiding under his hair for warmth. It would be until Kaeya would arrive and find the sight of Rai glaring into the distance with the moths bristling on his body rather hilarious. When Kaeya would finally offer his coat, Rai would quickly snuggle up into it and latch onto the other’s arm, hand sneaking onto another hand. “Damn it, I forgot you had permanently cold hands.”
What’s their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.) Rain if they want to stay inside and have a drink together, but definitely a warm day with puffy clouds and a cool breeze if they want to be outside.
Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway? Rai would be humming and swaying his hips to the music as he chops up vegetables on the cutting board. It would take him a few minutes to notice Kaeya leaning against the doorframe, a tender smile curled up in endearment. With an embarrassed cough, Rai would place down his kitchen utensils and fold his arms. “So…productive day?” He would awkwardly ask, ears flushed red. “Hm, I’d say so,” Kaeya would snicker before sweeping across the kitchen and cranking up the volume on the phonograph. “Although I have an idea to make this day a bit more fun.” “Archons, you will be the death of me.” Rai would look away as Kaeya would grab onto his hand and coaxes him into a light waltz. “Oh? I thought the one who invited me for a dance at the Ludi Harpestum surely be a lot more confident.” “I…was caught off guard today and I practiced for the Ludi Harpestum — Oh shit, the carrots are burning, give me a second first.”
Can they fall asleep without the other? Technically, yes because they do have tasks that send them to literally opposite sides of the continent at times. But, they do prefer sleeping next to each other over being alone.
Would they get frisky at the movies by themselves? No, they’d be at the movies to watch a movie. If they wanted to get frisky it would be outside of the movie theatre tbh
Who’s the better driver? Rai —> in any modern au, he would be driving drunk Kaeya back home a lot.
Does either of them have a hard time being away from the other? On the surface, they seem to be indifferent when they are separated from each other for a while, but an unfortunate knight might find out that Rai is a lot more snappier and less patient when he is alone, or that Kaeya will sneak glances at the clock whenever he thinks nobody is looking.
Who’s more likely to do something out of spite? It’s by a close margin, but it’s Kaeya —> whenever they disagree on something, he can get really petty. This can include: putting cucumbers in Rai’s food; getting more nippy during kisses or stealing Rai’s favourite dagger for the day. Rai’s just incredibly unimpressed the whole time and often stands his ground cause he’s also pretty stubborn, but in the end he generally just gives up and compromises to whatever Kaeya wants.
What’s a non verbal way they say I love you? Rai: Whenever Kaeya is busy, Rai goes out of his way to pack some of Kaeya’s favourite food and just immediately teleports to wherever he is so he could hand over the package (“I can’t have you starving during work, huh?). Other non-verbal ways he says ‘I love you’, is by hugging Kaeya by the waist and pressing a kiss against his cheek, or buying more of the stuff that Kaeya mentioned he liked, like certain fruits or drinks. Kaeya: He sometimes buys little trinkets or jewellery that reminds him of Rai and gifts it to him, often going “I thought you’d look lovely in this, dear.” Other than that, he often likes to kiss the inside of Rai’s wrist with that completely tender expression on his face, and in other times he’ll prepare Rai’s favourite tea and dessert when Rai comes back home a little grumpy.
Describe their weekend getaway? It could be a weekend trip to Dragonspine, where they rent a cabin and have hot cocoa while star gazing at night. They might wake up early in the morning and attempt the higher parts of the mountain to see the sun rise, the cold wind biting at their skin as the dark skies of glittering stars fade into a pink. Another trip could be taking a ride through Stonegate and staying at Wangshu Inn for the night before heading to Liyue Harbour, so they could look through new merchandise brought in by the ships and meet with Miuna and her friends. Sometimes, it is as simple as dinner at a fancy bar and listening to live music before taking a midnight stroll through Mondstadt and having a small chat under the street lamps.
Would they ever go skinny dipping? No, but they do enjoy sharing a bath. It generally occurs whenever either or both have had a tough day, and they just want to do something relaxing. They have a whole cabinet of scented bath soaps, salts, dried flower petals or fruits and candles dedicated to these baths.
Who’s more likely to carry the other to bed? Rai…generally because Kaeya is exhausted from work or extremely drunk, there is no in-between.
Do they like watching clouds or star gazing? Star gazing, but they also really like moon gazing.
What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood? Rai likes to put on something a bit risqué, maybe something with hip cut-outs or something quite sheer and just teasing Kaeya throughout the whole day until he finally breaks and just pulls a smug Rai into the office or bedroom. Kaeya peppers Rai in compliments, with remarks that are more suggestive than usual as he draws the other closer with a guileful expression, watching Rai struggling to focus as he fights the smile that threatens to break his serious facade.
Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart? “I did not put in a jar of cat-shaped pickles in the basket.” Rai would pointedly glance at the whistling captain before pulling out a pouch,”Or…bar of soap that has a secret toy in it?” “Oh, who knows,” Kaeya responds, as he picks up a small statue. “This is such a cute chicken, how much is this?”
Who’s more likely to hold a grudge after an argument? Again coming back to question 50, Kaeya.
Who tops? Who bottoms? They’re both switches — what they do is generally dependent on mood and what they want, but Rai does lean more to power bottom and Kaeya is more of a teasing top. (Disclaimer: ‘Top’ and ‘bottom’ labels don’t really fully encapsulate bedroom dynamics — although getting into this would require another post).
Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping? Rai —> He’s the little spoon but he clings on Kaeya really tight when they’re both sleeping together (he has a really strong grip, the first time Rai got drink around Kaeya and fell asleep on him, Kaeya couldn’t leave literally. He was stuck with Rai until he woke up).
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mae-falling-in-may · 5 years ago
Hello! Can you write an Edmund Pevensie x Reader based off of this song I recently found; A Typical Teenage Love Song by Tate McRae on YouTube please! Tysm :)
Hello anon ! Ty for the request, it will be my first song fic but i'll try my hardest to make something decent ❤️
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maehwajuuuu-chu · 2 months ago
4,10,22,43,47? >B3
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HIHI BEE!! Your answers are finally here hehe *bows* (I hope you don't mind that this took a while lols) 4) Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’?
In both of their eyes, both of them need to be ‘protected’ cause they do care for each other, but really, in most situations, they pity the person that tries to hurt either partner. Like Rai got locked in a building with a gang of treasure hoarders? Man, Kaeya’s already calling a healer, not for Rai, but for those poor idiots that decided to attempt an attack on his dear very murderous partner. And for Rai? He’s just watching Kaeya trip people over and play them like a damn fiddle. He is definitely more of the protective one out of the both of them though. He always sticks to Kaeya’s side; visible or hidden, with a weapon ready  at hand. At times when Kaeya is out of the city, he leaves a moth on him, making sure that Kaeya will always be able to reach out to him when he needs help — although most of the time, he will hear Kaeya sneaking in jokes and teases instead.  10) Describe their first date.
(Okay, their first date wasn’t after the confession but on the same day just before the confession and it was very romantic so IT COUNTS, I’d love to honestly spill about everything but this is a special one and y’ALL DESERVE A FULL WRITTEN CHAPTER, so have a part of the date lols). It was during the Ludi Harpestum where the spring breeze would blow petals across the bright blue sky and the scent of cooking hamburger patties for the ‘Pile Em’ Ups’ drift throughout the city. Kaeya would be pulled into a crowd by Rai, an unusually soft grin dancing across the other’s face. A flower crown would be perched on his unruly silver hair, with the kitten he had saved earlier still sleeping in Kaeya’s arms. The melody of a lute strums and weaves in between the dancing couples, with drums pulsing behind the music. Something warm swells up in Kaeya’s chest as his friend sweeps his arms into a practiced bow before holding out a hand for Kaeya. A mirthful glint glimmers in Rai’s gaze: ‘Take my hand already,’ he seems to convey. With a chuckle, Kaeya places down the kitten on a nearby table and grabs onto Rai’s hand once again. Drawing him close, Kaeya whispers into the other’s ear with a smile. “I hope you have practiced enough, my friend. I can be a bit too good at this dance.” “I learn quick, Star-Eyes,” Rai laughs as Kaeya immediately swings him into a fast spin. “I suggest you rein in that confidence of yours first, hm?” 22) What reminds each of their partner?
Kaeya about Rai: The moon and the moonlight (it reminds him of Rai’s hair), Jasmines (Rai’s scent is jasmine), thunderstorms, cats, hot tea, silver trinkets, the night breeze, smoke, lace Rai about Kaeya: The stars (reminds him of Kaeya’s eyes), wine, snowflakes, Calla Lillies, the sound of waves and seaspray, starconches (often collects shells for Kaeya), blue shimmery fabrics and fur, leather, glasses for alcoholic drinks 43) Who would give their life for the other without a second thought?
Both of them. It would literally be on instinct too and I—  Anyways, someone should tell the author to not put those guys in a situation like that huh (thankfully these guys have braincells and would try to avoid events like that)  47) Does either of them have a secret that could potentially ruin their relationship?
None —> Kaeya was there Rai at his worst and Rai has seen Kaeya make some terrible decisions, and they have already been through a really tumultuous period together. Pandora’s box has been opened long ago and there are no more rocks left to overturn. Rai does know about Kaeya’s connection to Khaenri’ah and it’s not something that would make him rethink about their relationship.  Hope these answers make do hehe :D
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maehwajuuuu-chu · 14 days ago
What was Rai and Kaeya’s first valentine day like?
Hmm, honestly it was actually both of them planning stuff beforehand and trying to be subtle about it so they could surprise each other (DKJHDH it was very much them also trying to make sure nothing would clash and also be something their partner would like — which would lead to some interesting interactions,,, for example, Kaeya mentioning cake and Rai showing up at an assassination job with the Darknight Hero (Diluc) with a baking book in hand. He'd be flipping through the pages and asking Diluc: "I did find one recipe that uses alcohol — would that be a bad idea though, he's definitely going to be drinking wine. Oh, don't mind me, you can keep strangling that agent, I'm just asking for a brother's opinion. Perhaps I should ask Adelinde instead, hm." Or it's Kaeya attempting to sneakily lower Rai's workload for the month so nothing would happen on Valentines — on a couple of days, Rai would be doing his job like usual, but would find the treasure hoarders already tied up and he'd come to visit Kaeya's office later, only to see him snoozing at his desk). On the actual day, Rai woke up quite early (4am - he actually managed to sleep early the day before) so he could manage to put the icing on the cake before Kaeya woke up. However, he'd walk into Kaeya staring back at him with a slightly sheepish grin and a bowl of chillies in his hands. While, Rai had decided to bake a cake at 4am, Kaeya had planned to cook breakfast for him at that time,, which would lead to an unfortunate clash. However, they'd just laugh it off and start helping each other out — Rai would help chopping the chillis (100% because these were the chillis that Miuna had grown and while Kaeya was prepared to make his sacrifice, Rai had decided that he would just help out — "It would be insanely hilarious to see you in a pair of goggles and a scarf, but, I think I'll just spare you today.")
Kaeya would be helping to mix the icing, before attempting to smear some on Rai's face when he's looking away, and would just snicker when his partner finally notices and wipes it off with a snort (he'd try to run off when Rai takes out a scoop and chases Kaeya around with it — safe to say, breakfast did take a while and the cake had less icing than it was supposed to — yes Zhenzhu was napping in her favourite sunspot amongst the chaos hehe). After the whole morning, Rai would take Kaeya to an escape room — specifically the high difficulty one that he had been musing about completing for a couple of months. It would be a challenge, much to Kaeya's delight; moreover, the puzzles and traps reminded him of the past ruins he had gotten trapped in with Rai in their past adventures (to be fair, the escape room was set in an old ruin - they did manage to find some treasure hidden in a secret room they managed to find,, "Say, dear, I do believe perhaps a little bonus to our prize would be delightful."
"And I thought I was the one with a criminal past here...") For dinner, they'd both have a candlelit one at the Angel's Share — with Venti's singing in the background as the sky turned into hues of orange above them before descending into deeper blues with the evening star glinting in the sky.
They'd exchange gifts during this time — with Rai receiving a dagger with an intricate handle and blade shaped into a wing, while Kaeya would receive a pair of earrings that had dangling star shaped crystals. Later on, Kaeya would guide Rai to an abandoned mansion — a place he'd recognise as a Lawrence mansion that had once hosted the masquerade that he had solved his first case with Kaeya, back when they were still enemies and constantly had a knife at each other's throat. In fact, this was the exact place where he had found Kaeya to be his match; the place that would be the start of their game of wits and blood that would continue for the next 2 years.
"This place..." Rai stepped over the broken chandelier, his eyes sweeping over the long tables and shattered ceramics. Something lights up in his expression as he turns around to grin at Kaeya, "Now, isn't this exciting, hm?"
Striding over, Kaeya pulls Rai into a waltz stance, hand eagerly wrapping around his waist. The scratchy melodies of a classical piece drifts into the haunted ballroom, weaving itself through cold air and bringing back the old warmth of memories. Echoes of dancers donned in colourful satin and elaborate masks emerge around them, laughter floating away with the distant memory. "I couldn't find a quartet eager enough to perform in an abandoned house, that was especially once a major crime scene. However, I hope a gramophone and a disc with recordings of some of our favourite albums will suffice." The moonlight shines through the stained glass, illuminating Rai's softened eyes as he presses a kiss against Kaeya's gloved hand before meeting the other's gaze. Awe and something warm seems to have settled on his face, with fond reminisence trickling in his smile. "It will be more than adequate, Star-eyes."
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maehwajuuuu-chu · 3 months ago
What would my art taste like?👀💖
To me, your art is something sweet with a jelly + cool texture — with something fruity in flavour as well. Dishes like bingsu with canned fruit toppings, mixed fruit cups and mango tea boba are something that appears in my thoughts. Another dessert that your art would taste like is lime cheesecake!
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maehwajuuuu-chu · 1 month ago
(regarding music recs)
Hello Mae :D
You have trusted me with too much power :D
Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley
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gosh ur gonna haunt me with this song until we're both old and wrinkly tsk tsk
how dare my inbox be used like this 😤 /j
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maehwajuuuu-chu · 3 months ago
Theres not a lot of it but what would my art taste like?
HRMM, when I think of your art, I arrive to flavours that are soothing — something that is light and rests easy on the taste buds. Such includes jasmine tea, rice paper rolls and mul kimchi (water kimchi). Another drink I also think that would taste like your art is Seoklyu-cha (pomegranate tea!).
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maehwajuuuu-chu · 3 months ago
I think it would be something comforting and warm, with a flavours of spice and savoury. Dishes would include like Chinese stir-fry noodles, jijim (korean savoury pancakes with veggies and meat or octopus) and buckwheat tea. I think desserts with a nutty flavour like Yakgwa would also taste like your art!
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maehwajuuuu-chu · 1 month ago
teehee thank you for your sacrifice for the bby
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maehwajuuuu-chu · 3 months ago
what would my art be in the gourmet menu
HM, your art reminds me a lot of sweet food like pastries overall. I wouldn’t say it would be too sweet though, and would have bitter aspects like dark chocolate or coffee. This would include profiteroles with dark chocolate drizzle, coffee macarons and chocolate-covered raspberries. Iced mocha with a scoop of ice-cream is also reminiscent of your art to me!
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maehwajuuuu-chu · 3 months ago
re: "how would art taste"
(THIS IS INTENDED AS A JOKE LMFAO you already know I can't draw but now I guess other tumblr people can also be subjected to my signature silly stick figures)
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NAWR, your art is cute, HUSH — Your silly stick figures are immaculate and your chibi art is CUTE. Anyways, they’d taste something crunchy to me with some fun flavours. This would include Korean fried chicken, caramel popcorn and sour hard candy. A drink like a non-alcoholic Pina colada would go well too! 
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maehwajuuuu-chu · 3 months ago
I just wanted to say I absolutely love and adore Raiya and Miuna’s lore and character designs!
And I give you my deepest condolences for Molly. My heart goes out to you!
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AUGH THANK YOU SM (><) I try my best with those guys (a bit of hard work ngl) and I fr teared up slightly in happiness at this omg. I'll continue to work on their stories and share em on here! (>.<)99 Thank you for your kind words about Molly, it's been hard but I'm doing a lot better rn :)
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maehwajuuuu-chu · 16 days ago
I just wanted to say Happy Valentines/Friendship day and let you know you are deeply loved and cared for! I hope you know that you mean an absolute ton to me and you are a wonderful friend and person in my life!
I love your ships and I hope Kaeya spoils that man with his whole soul!!!!
Im a day late BUT I hope your day today is fantastic and full of the love you deserve!!! you deserve the world Mae mae<3
RAHHH BEE,, this is really so sweet and dang lovely I had a rough couple of days and when I saw this pop up in my inbox, it really made me smile loads AKJDHKJH You also mean so much to me as well — thank you for befriending me, it's been one of the highlights so far and it is something I treasure a lot (>u<) Happy late Valentines/Friendship day to you too!! You bet Kaeya is spoiling Rai teehee (gonna write out some stuff mwahaha) I hope your day goes even awesomer with much happiness and love huehue (also if you see something in your inbox,, just saying, I'm gonna be doing rounds as a delivary bird for the next week)
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mae-falling-in-may · 5 years ago
Lucy x Reader, where the reader is Caspian’s younger sister? Maybe during Dawn Treader, angst or fluff? Angst is preferred.
Hi ! I just posted it here, thank you for your patience !
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mae-falling-in-may · 5 years ago
Ahhhh! Thank you so much for the Edmund x reader!! Don’t sweat about the song part! thanks, you’ve really made my day after having a rough week. Take care!
Annwww thank you so much !! I'm really happy you liked it, hopefully it'll get better for you❤️❤️ love ya !
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mae-falling-in-may · 5 years ago
Please write more Caspian imagines (Narnia). The last one was so cute! Maybe you could write just fluff or something. Or protective!caspian :) I would be soo happy! Thank you! :)
I'm glad you liked it ! I'll definitely write more of him because i love him so much, i'll just try to have previous requests done before doing another, ty for the support ❤️
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