#so i simply didnt i literally said ‘i did this for attention and i got attention my little plan worked can i go now’
chussy · 2 years
no doctor i didn’t try to commit suicide the only thing i was committing was to the bit
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the movie was ADORABLE and it was QUEER and it was CHEESY and HAPPY and SILLY and CUTE and I LOVED it and I have some THOUGHTS and im going to put them here bc idk what else to DO
bad reputation playing after cakegate into the intro credits was the most slay choice
alex is a bracelets man send tweet
the closet scene at the hospital was such a slay 10/10 alex looking like a pissed off little kid the whole time like yeah buddy throw ur little temper tantrum we love to see it
they didn’t say fuck enough times in this movie they said it so many times in the book wtf like you had the r rating already just use it why would you not use it???
the timeline is hurting my brain they’re shifting stuff around I am questioning reality
rip obtuse fucking asshole
TZP 🫶🏻
why did we invent miguel he’s a snake literally for why was he there
while we’re on the topic of miguel I disagree with having alex have been w him bc I think it takes away from his complete obliviousness and his thus huge moment of realization w henry so I think we get less of an alex finding himself and more of an alex exploring this part of him that he already knew was there which isn’t inherently bad for a film or book but I just always found alexs discovery of his queerness and the resulting shifting/understanding of things from his past to be such an important part of the book for me personally like just with the rearranging of things he’s always felt but never noticed or payed attention to is very special and gets lost when you give him this queer experience that he’s fully aware and understanding of
zahra for the win
ugh the yellow rose tie I’m crying
okay so ur going to talk about alexs eyelashes but NOT give the line to henry excuse me????
“take the american with you” im dying at that
girl they called the election so fast ik things move faster in movies but here’s me knowing how LONG it takes in the book and the SUSPENSE and the ADRENALINE and then it was just over like that before you even know it like damn
uma thurman woman that you are 💗
so I was thinking ab when they do the new years count down and these random girls kiss alex and I’m like damn no what it’s supposed to be nora but you know what then I realized they just made nora into a sister figure for alex since they got rid of june so their relationship is and always has been 100% platonic
it was so slay of them to literally open the movie with alex being nervous and thinking he’s going to mess up at the wedding and get rejected like yes thank you for addressing this boys perfectionism and imposter syndrome head on from the very beginning this is the alex we know and love
putting alex and henry in the same room when they’re talking on the phone to each other was such a good choice I love it
they made this movie for the readers you have to know the LORE you have to understand how DEEP henry and alexs relationship is and you simply cannot get that in a two hour film but goddamn did they do a good job trying
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rinaforpages · 22 days
how (not) to survive academic invalidation
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park gunwook x reader
using the american hs system bcs wow! im american... (i half wrote this at the end of last school yr so)
warnings: swearing, self-deprecation (obv), yn hits themself, angst with a bit of fluff at the end, reader is actually smart but surrounds themself with geniuses.
2.6k words
# 1 dont compare yourself
"junior year kicks everyones ass." you wanted to kick whoever said that ass. not only was the school work kicking your ass, your friends and classmates seemed to be doing just fine.
they were working on ap chemistry minus laura and gunwook who were working on ap environmental science, and you, who took neither of those classes, felt extremely out of place, doing your ap us history homework.
"whats species richness again?" laura asked gunwook, who quickly answered her question. you looked up, planning to ask the soon-to-be early graduate a question, only to see him helping sarah with a chemistry problem.
you weren't like them and you despised that. your friends were top of the class, an average of a 4.4 gpa, an early graduate (and first in the 2024 class overall) and there you sat with your measly 3.75. they were in 3-4 ap classes, and you sat there, struggling through your 2. (in your defense, ap lang and apush are the two hardest aps juniors could take).
you didnt excel in any way shape or form. they had just about an a in every class (minus ryan in french, who had a b), and a b was your most common grade.
a good 10 minutes later you had finished struggling through apush, you moved on to mandarin. you were the only one who took mandarin, everyone else opting for french. the characters jumbled your brain as your friends spoke in french, seemingly coming easy to them.
you heard footsteps walk by, and ricky laid a hand on your shoulder, looking over. "thats wrong." he said simply. the french kids careened their necks to look at you. he grabbed your pencil and wrote the right character, then walked away. you hummed as you circled the characters you didnt know, opting to ask zhang hao over bothering ricky again.
"you ok over there?" gunwook asked. you scowled.
"i dont understand why there are so many idioms! im losing my goddamn mind." parker laughed, mumbling that you chose the language. you couldnt (or didnt want to) voice your doubts as you thought you could.
as they focused their attention on their homework again, you waved over zhang hao, who hanbin had asked to help cut fruits for you and your friends. he set down a plate in front of you, then sat down.
"what does 开夜车 mean zhang hao please im gonna kill myself." he laughed as hanbin looked up, extremely concerned.
"you know 熬夜, right?" you nodded "so its kind of like that but youre doing work. it literally means burn the midnight oil" you thanked him as he patted your head, pulling the plate of fruit away from your friends and toward you, gunwook making a sound of discontent.
you sighed, packing up your bag at a text from your oldest brother. he was home from his masters program in germany, apparently, and was now waiting outside the dorm. you loved your older brothers, you really did, but they were so much smarter than you ever will be. the oldest graduated magna cum laude from mit, now achieving an accelerated masters for mechanical engineering, and the younger was attending harvard for premed, both completely full ride.
your friends, finally re-noticing you, looked up. "where are you going?" gunwook asked, shushing yujin.
"brothers here," you mumbled, not wanting to wreck your self-esteem any more than you had. sarah pouted, but nodded, whipping out her phone. gunwook opened his mouth, but then quickly closed it. "bye hao, thanks for the help. bye, hanbin and jiwoong!" the three oldest members waved back, hanbin hugging you as you walked by. when you got in your fathers' car that your brother was driving, you spilled your guts.
# 2 dont fall behind
at some point, your motivation fell through. all you wanted to do was lie down and stare at the ceiling all day. sadly though, education laws (and school rules) prevailed.
as you trudged up the stairs from last lunch to pre-calculus, you cursed the architects of the three-floor building and whoever required you to go to school.
two of your friends—laura and ryan—had junior priv, which meant they left early. sarah and coral (who had missed the study session) were in ap chem, and gunwook left for a shoot. without your friends to motivate you to work harder, you felt there was nothing left for you to do.
you had fallen asleep in mandarin earlier that day, so why were you still exhausted?
quick answer: you had stayed up late finishing your apush bonus points.
actual answer: you had no motivation to do anything.
you were falling behind on homework: what used to be doing homework as soon as you got home turned into doing it right before class. a teacher had approached your freshman-year english teacher about it, the one teacher who you could talk easily to. yujin was standing right there; they mustve not have realized you two knew each other.
ricky and zhang hao had invited you over for a cdrama binge session. (ricky said "itll help you" in his texts.) but yujin quickly pulled you aside.
"youre falling behind?" he asked, pointedly. you sighed, nodded, opening your mouth to reply as gunwook walked by, asking what you were doing.
"nothin! ricky and hao invited me over." the words rushed out, and they were so not convincing, but gunwook shrugged and moved to sit down beside ricky and gyuvin. you hushed yujin and walked over and sat down beside hao. gunwook stared at you.
"come here." he motioned, shoving ricky off the couch. you hesitated as you made eye contact ricky, but eventually, there were only so many thumps against the couch you could take. "see? more comfortable over here" you hit him, and he let out a yelp.
"do you have much homework, yn?" taerae asked, setting down a bowl of popcorn.
"only a couple of classes," you replied, shoving a kernel in your mouth.
matthew laughed, "the usual suspects, im guessing?" you nodded. gunwook threw a (toned) arm around you as the two chinese members debated the drama.
"how much have you done? its sunday." gunwook asked, lightly, rubbing circles on your arm with his thumb.
"i can do it all tonight and tomorrow." you sighed, the sentence reminding you of where you are in school. gunwook hummed.
"make sure you get sleep, though. you need sleep, its not healthy if you dont." fuck. you were in deep shit in two ways. you were falling deeper into your rut, and you were falling deeper in love with your childhood best friend.
# 3 dont be too hard on yourself
...was easier said than done. your mind cursed you every time you got a bad grade. you wondered what was the point: you werent good enough to get into the likes of yale, or any of your colleges for that matter.
you had long since fallen off the ladder. it had injured you your 8th-grade year, and every attempt to climb back to where you were or any pushing from a 3rd party proved futile, as you only slipped and fell back down again.
the sat was fast approaching, and every practice test you did was never where you wanted them to be. every stupid math problem you got wrong brought a punch to your head. you had called gunwook, only realizing when he didnt pick up that he was in a shoot. panicked, you hung up before the voicemail. when he called you back (10 times with his members also calling you), you opted to ignore it. it was getting late, anyhow, and you had to go in early for apush in the morning.
apush lab made you want to kill yourself. sarah sat next to you, but everything always seemed to favor her. the quizzes, the teacher. it was unfair, really. american history was supposed to be your thing. so why were you struggling? after lab, sarah asked you what was wrong. "gunwook had called us in a panic because you didn't pick up." you shook your head, lying through your teeth.
"i had a question, but then passed the fuck out like 5 minutes later." sarah laughed and nodded, saying she was glad you got proper sleep, mumbling something about the aforementioned friend. when you asked, she waved you off, the man himself standing outside your classroom. he swung an arm around you as sarah walked in the opposite direction to her next class. he asked you the same thing. you lied to him too, but he looked less convinced. he didnt press you further, though, as you two began to walk down the stairs to your creative writing workshop—a senior elective you had begged your guidance counselor to take. gunwook took it to fill spots in his schedule.
the teacher loved him. as did everyone. you wondered if you could ever experience that. your oldest friend was everything you weren't and it was a point of contention inside your mind. you cursed yourself that you were nothing like him. gunwook nudged you in the middle of class when you were given an opportunity to work, asking what was wrong.
"i know thats not why you called me and then didn't pick up. you're also in your head right now." he pointed out, softly. you hummed, scribbling down something in your notebook.
"i just... i had a question but it was stupid. i figured it out." he looked at you pointedly, a look that told you to tell him the truth. "seriously! im ok!" he nodded, grabbing your hand for a squeeze.
# 4 do your best
you were nervous. ok nervous was an understatement. you rocked from heel to toe as you awaited the announcement that the doors were open. your friends chattered nervously around you. for them, this was the first time they were taking the sat. this was your second. you had gotten a 1340 on your first try—nowhere near where you wanted it to be. your brothers had gotten 1600 and 1590, respectively.
you were on call with all your friends the night before, gunwook coaching you guys through certain questions. he had texted you, (only you, but you didnt know that) wishing you luck. ricky and zhang hao had wished you luck as well.
everything seemed like bricks in your bag. it was only a couple of things—a computer, for the digital sat, a pencil, a calculator, a water bottle, and a banana. but it felt like you had hundreds of textbooks in your bag for no reason at all.
the doors swung open, and you rushed up to your assigned room. the setup was a blur, and the reading section seemed to be so too. during the break, your friends voiced similar opinions. then, during math, you began to struggle. somewhere along the way, though, gunwook popped into your head. you dont know if it was   because you wanted to make him proud, or you didnt want to disappoint your oldest friend and crush, but it worked. you powered through module 1 and 2, module 2 being the toughest one by far.
when the results came back two weeks later, you waited with baited breath as your friends skipped class with you to check all of your scores. gunwook held your hand as you refreshed the page.
"i dont want to look." you said, hiding your face in his chest.
"ill look for you." he mumbled into your hair, scrolling down. you felt him smile into the crown of your head, "i knew you could do it, sweetheart." you looked, and a big glaring 1590 stared back at you.
"wook!! holy shit a 1590!!" you wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him tight.
# 5 talk about it
you sat with your friends and the members as you awaited gunwook's family's arrival. gunwook smiled from his seat on the gymnasium floor, holding up his phone. almost on instinct, you all checked your own.
wook🩵: this'll be you guys next year. ill be up there watching you all.
sarah burst in to tears. laura full on sobbed, and ryan and carols eyes were brimming with tears. as you read the text again and again, you got a separate text.
wook🩵: i'm proud of you y'know? i saw you struggling a bit at the end there but you made it through. i love you, yn. im glad to call you my friend.
i love you i love you i-
"hey yn sweetheart!" gunwooks mom sat next to you. his brother waved, and his father gave you a curt nod.
"hi. you guys must be excited." his mom laughed, nodding, then shoving your shoulder.
"im more excited about something else." you opened your mouth to ask her what, but the ceremony started
giving gunwook his graduation flowers made him blush. he shook his head. "do you not like them, wook? i thought theyre your favorites." he shook his head again, dropping the flowers into his mom's hands, grabbing your face.
"you are clueless, yknow that? i gave you so many hints. everyone knows." when you asked him what he meant, "yn, you didnt think id notice you putting yourself down? you know i cant fucking stand that. sorry mom. it kills me that the love if my life doesnt realize how fucking amazing they are, and it kills me that they dont realize that im in love with them." at this point, you dont know what you were doing. because gunwook was confessing to you that he both likes you and that he knows about your self-deprication. so now, surrounded by friends and seniors, gunwooks family and members, you kissed him.
it wasnt like anything you had imagined. your first kiss, you mean. peering seniors were waved off by shouts from matthew and gunwooks brother—both burly enough that even the biggest varsity football players would shrink away.
gunwook smiled on your lips as your friends cheered amongst themselves. you heard a loud "闭嘴!" from zhang hao to what you presume was ricky chatting with the senior mandarin class. when you broke off, gasping for air, gunwook tore off his graduation gown, pushing it onto his poor unsuspecting leader. he grabbed your arm, and the two of you sprinted as fast as you could.
out the gymnasium doors, out back by the cafeteria, through the back-woods path. he stopped when he was sure no one would follow him.
"so whats going on? with the whole." he gestured to your head. you knew what he meant, so you nodded. you told him everything, how you compared yourself to everyone, especially your friends and brothers, you were falling behind, your motivation was close to 0, and you never really believed that you could do it. he was quiet for a while. you knew he was trying to find the right words.
you wanted to cry, or throw up, probably both. it felt like the trees and the birds and your boyfriend? were judging you. but gunwook just apologized, for not noticing sooner, for not knowing how to help. you shook your head, tears threatening to fall, but he shook his too.
"no, no, im your best friend, yn, i need to be here for you. im serious, you have people to rely on, you dont have to shoulder this all by yourself." the tears threatening to fall were not a threat anymore, and the dam broke. gunwook grabbed the back of your head, pulling you into a hug.
mandarin guide:
开夜车: kai ye che, lit. burn the midnight oil
熬夜: ao ye, stay up late
闭嘴: bi zui, shut up/close your mouth
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I just realised ive never actually talked about my thoughts on religious chip even though i think about it constantly ever since he mentioned having a holy symbol and holy water and going out of his way to replace those after he lost them to the electrodon and also i fucking love making up fantasy religions and pantheons because its soooo fun
onto my thoughts on what god chip follows and how he got there:
basically Chip follows a god much, much older than Aster or Lundadaeyis, and far more distant. this god is nearly forgotten, followed and worshiped by very few people. this god does not care whether or not people follow him, of course, because it changes nothing in his domain either way. technically, this god could even be considered one of the Great Old Ones, a god whose true name was forgotten centuries upon centuries ago and whose legend is passed on only by word of mouth from follower to follower. those who know of him call him The Narrator.
The Narrator is the god of all stories told throughout the world. He is the god of chance meetings and fated encounters, of accidental occurrences and inevitable events, of the roll of the dice and pre-written prophecies.
(its dm grizzly. chips god is straight up literally just dm grizzly. i made dm grizzly a god.)
As a kid, Chip was never all that into the religions of mana. He found the concept of fate too restricting and the idea of total free will terrifying. He didn't like the idea that every bad thing that ever happened to him was always going to happen no matter what nor did he like the idea that it was the result of his choices, and therefore his fault. So he didnt pay much attention to any talk of Aster and Lunadeyis on the small island he grew up on.
But he was approached one day, when he was maybe 14, by someone very plain, but weathered and with eyes that had seen much. The person offered him a pendant shaped like a quill with a twenty-sided die dangling below it, and said he "looked like a young man with a story to tell". He told chip about The Narrator, a god who simply observes and chronicles and changes the story only to make it more interesting, and even then leaves it up to chance. And something about it called to chip. Maybe it was the lack of pressure. the idea that maybe the bad things werent always going to happen, but that they also weren't anyone's fault, really. or that if more bad things happened, even if it was his fault it wasn't for nothing - it'd be a good story to tell, and at least someone would get something out of it.
So chip became a follower of The Narrator. his belief is a quiet one. hes not the praying type, and The Narrator isnt the kind to demand prayers. perhaps if you toss one up to him, offering to change the story in a way that interests him, he may roll the dice for you, but otherwise he just Is. and that's all chip needs. he just needs something to point to and say "this isn't for nothing", he needs a reason why the bad things that happen are worth it, he needs a reason to believe his story isnt over yet. so he wears that holy symbol with the quill and the die and he believes quietly and he hopes it suits the narrative for him to keep his friends and find his crew.
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ggukiepie · 1 year
WOWOW. one of your girls is so yummy.
very excited for next part and to see your perspective and ideas.
but for me i think we’d need more angst rather then revenge. im assuming jk has lots of friends who he sleeps with and its not just yn. which means to him yn is nothing special (unfortunately) thats why i dont see the point of ‘revenge’ because realistically i dont think jk really cares if yn fucks with someone else which has been proved in already the first part. (jk knows yn sleeps with jimin yet doesnt seem to really care and only wants sex.) he only looked for her to sleep with her in the first place & not because he wanted to have a friendly conversation or check up on her. he started touching her before he knew about her sleeping with someone else.
its kinda the same with yn as yn also slept with jimin (which was so hot.) , except she seems to be interested in jungkook. but i dont think yn is really letting jk walk all over her because shes well aware that jk sleeps with other woman and she knows he lied to her yet choose to not speak up. although i love how she can control herself cause if i was in her place id try bring attention to myself and make jk jealous OR js go up to him and slap him especially when he said he ‘just’ left the party while he has a red stain on his shirt 🥸 but by the way she controlled herself and didnt even let jk know that she saw him with another woman, it seems like she knows her feelings wouldnt matter to him because its probably casual for him to be with another (multiple) woman each night.
AND FOR THAT REASONNN^^^ i think the song suits it smmm 😣😣 it fits so perfectly. ive been nonstop listening to the song before i read it and its the first story that im so interested in to write about my opinion. ANYWAYS BACK TO THE STORY.
so maybe shes okay with just simply being one of his girls because she knows she wouldnt be anything more & also she may not want to stop sleeping with him because thats the only way he can be close to her relationship wise.
which means yn is literally just one of his girls for some of his nights. I LOVE THAT SMSMSM. also everything here is simply my opinion and arguments as to why there should be more angst rather then revenge for atleast now until theres more development in their characters and we’d know more. althought idk how many parts ur willing to give in for this. BUT thats simply my perspective, if u think of the story differently and wanted to choose a different way for them thats cool too
i talk alot im gonna stfu now but i really like ur writing and ur idea for it was really cool. im waiting for the next part, take ur time and i hope everythings well for you. 😁
-soo ??
nooooo you're literally so so sweet. thank you so much for taking the time to send me this message. i love ur review !!
im glad u got to see how i related the song and the story. yeah, yn is a bit...not in the right head space 😭 atp she's already given up on the chance that maybe jk might like her back. ofc she can't help but feel sad bc she fell for him. ure right that she's content with being one of his girls, she'll take whatever jungkook gives her :( she didn't even have to ask jk if he slept w that girl bc she already knows 🤧
on jk finding out abt yn and jimin - jk did ask her if they're friends "like us?" i wonder what he meant 🤔
maybe i can write a short backstory of yn and jk hmmmm
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expfcultragreen · 2 years
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I accidentally stuck my tongue so far into my cheek that it turned into a rude gesture 🤷
Like where's the lie, they do think exactly that, i nailed their sentiments exactly and now someone thinks i share them? All like "im here to patrol whether you count as a lefty or not", not like "what did you mean by that" just like "my interpretation is x, here is your sentence". I really wanted this kid to message back so i could find out more about his ideas of community like approximately what kind of organizing he's done RL and, if any, whether it was with anyone over 25. Because like, something i find endlessly interesting about "the left" or qiltbag culture, is there are sharp generational divides in what makes someone feel unwelcome in these communities or "thrown under the bus," and ironically this way of bringing an issue to someone is patternisticaly how people younger than myself in any network ive been in, have alienated the people older than myself. So rather than responding glibly to this kid with some brush-off about like "this isnt it, learn to parse content more astutely or you'll be branded a narcissistic disruptor" i really wanted to get some dialogue going.
Like I'd tell myself to work on clarity but there's literally no accounting for how people read stuff/whether they choose to pay attention to the part of my blog description that says dont even bother reading this blog. So all i can do is clarify if/when someone brings something up. And no one ever likes that, because being asked to look at the other person's pov is just filed as gaslighting when the person with a (tone-policing, hello) criticism already doesnt trust you.
Intersectionally speaking its insane to read "wellness check survivor" and be like "anyway im here to hold you accountable for calling yourself a lefty--using my own standards which are very important and objective"
Like this is so fascinating, what is this kid THINKING, like what kind of egotrip is it exactly? Youthful inexperience?
Jsyk wellness check survivor is code for "i am so controversial the pigs nearly murdered me and they may try again" so like i am clearly madpridecore and hard acab/kcsw-wave, and if youre positioning yourself as the arbiter of who gets to be a lefty, you should probably know that bossing the-crazy-people-who-are-targeted-by-police-violence around and telling us what our words mean, is actually really unconsciously fashy and your whole ass is hanging out right about now
But apparently we cant have anything approaching a fruitful private exchange about it because what i said seems to have been ignored. Like, you could have just paid attention to any of the cues in my header and not wasted your time messaging me. The gender neutral fairy emoji alone screams "i am not going to respond to you in a way that you find productive 💚"
I can actually read and can actually apply intersectional leftism, being very old (accident) and experienced (i racked up life experience like it was my career, its gotta count for something), so when i got this message i was just like "oh he's autistic ...meaning, he didnt happen to understand my tone from how i worded it and he found what i said pointlessly inflammatory because he cant imagine the audience aside from himself and doesnt understand the intention of my words within that broad context of unknown audience,,,,,, i will simply explain myself to him and apologise for the upset, rather than going out of my way to point out what a stupid jackass he is" ...directly anyway 😏 it was my first instinct but then my reading comprehension kicked in and i saw clearly through the haze of my triggered emos that it just wouldnt be appropriate, considering the information ive been given about the person who triggered me. Is this funny to you yet? Its funny to me....
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Doctors Orders
HCs / Imagines for Dune characters (2021)
~Imagine being a healer who's caught the eye of a few of the Dune Chatacters~
AN: I tried my level best to keep this gn. So i avoided fem/male pronouns to the best of my abilites. Pls lmk if i unkowingly added some.
And as always, likes and reblogs are well appreciated <33
(Pardon my grammar. Eng is not my first lang) (gifs not mine)
☆ Paul Atreides ☆
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My boi is absolutely smitten the moment he sees you.
It was a normal day in training and he had a few scrapes here and there
His mother did not let him eat dinner before checking up with Dr. Yueh. Unfortunately for him, Dr. Yueh was attending his Father, leaving you, his apprentice in charge.
Paul was visibly shocked at how graceful you looked and handled his wounds. You blushed under his gaze and dressed his wounds before letting him go.
After that encounter, Paul made it his mission to get hurt every training session, even if it was the slightest of bruises.
And everytime he came into the infirmary, you'd end up falling in love with the raven haired duke just a bit more.
You found his visits endearing but also stupid. He was literally hurting himself to see you.
So the next time he came in for something silly, you didnt talk to him like you normally did. You simply prescribed some medicines on a piece of paper and walked away.
He was a bit hurt to see you ignore him. He was worried he overstepped boundaries the last time he came in.
When he opned the piece of paper, however, his face broke into a grin.
Meet me in the gardens. Doctors orders.
☆ Duncan Idaho ☆
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Now this guy is ripped af and rarely needs to go to the infirmary.
When he does, it's usually for something very serious
So you can imagine the shock on people's faces when they see him come regularly to the infirmary, without a scratch on his body.
This guy literally came to the healers for a paper cut
Because he wanted an excuse to talk to you, look at your wonderful face and make you blush with his goody comments
You were mesmerised by his gaze. Every single time. Your heart melted at his display of affections
You were in the middle of filing the medicine cabinet when Duncan rushed in, with a hand to his heart
Fear crippled you before you got on your senses and rushed to him
"What happened? Whats wrong? Are you alright?"
"Oh God. My heart. I think - It stopped beating."
"Until I saw you"
You could have punched him in the face fore scaring you like that but you involuntarily cracked a smile. Unable to control it, you giggled softly at his dorky grin before pulling him closer to you
"Well in that case, i must prescribe a day of resting, before a get well soon kiss."
Duncan grinned at your reply, "Yes, Doctor"
☆ Duke Leto ☆
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Now, catching the attention of a Duke was something that you never imagined
Like seriously, how does one get up one morning and go "oh yes, today I shall make the freaking duke be heads over heels for me"
Whether you did or not, the Duke was smitten by you.
Ever since you assisted Dr. Yueh in treating the wounds of the Duke after a particularly rough battle, he was entranced by the way you held yourself
As a person of high power, he couldnt afford to hurt himself like Paul just so he could get a excuse to talk to the healer that caught his eye.
So he made you his personal healer.
You were the first to reach him in any distress
And he loved seeing the care for him in your eyes.
Eventually he had the courage to ask you out on a date. But you'd be hesitant. Sure the back and fort flirting was exhilerating , but actually dating the duke?
"What will Lady Jessica say? What will Paul say?" You were close to the son of the Duke and didn't want things to get weird between you two
"Would you believe me if i said that this was their idea?"
You were shocked to say the least. But having being confirmed that the others were okay with you acting on your feelings, you became brave enough to initiate a kiss
The Duke smiled into the kiss and caressed your hair lovingly
"Lie down and rest. Let me take care of you. As a thank you for the times you've saved my life."
☆ Lady Jessica ☆
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Lady Jessica had some basic knowledge of medicine
She knew how to dress a wound, tie a bandage, etc.
What she didnt know was how to deal with dreams and nightmares
After Paul discussed having visions with her, she started having nightmares with Paul dying in battle. She always woke up with a start and never drifted back to sleep, causing bags to form beneath her eyes.
As a woman of steel, she regarded this with a pinch of salt and refused to take help
You however, were starting to get frustrated. As the appointed healer for the Lady, your superioirs were berating you for not "doing you job"
You were in half the mind to punch them but stopped yourself for the Lady's sake. If word got out about the nightmares, it would send Caldum into a state of panic, since Jessica was considered to be a powerful Bene Gesserit, who couldnt be easily shaken
You were becoming increasingly worried for her though. You could hear her screams some nights but couldnt get into her room to comfort her.
Your heart ached for the woman. But you could t get into her chambers with explicit permission fom the high ranking officials
So you talked to the Duke and he granted you permissiom to enter her chambers in the event of another nightmare
( he ships you both so hard omg )
That night, you hear shuffles and whimpers coming from Jessicas room and you slowly enter it.
You see her panting and clutching at the sheets. You slowly wake her up, not wanting to scare her further. You hug her, while running your arm up and down her back
She sees you and pulls you closer into her arms.
"Stay with me please"
"Ofcourse, M'lady"
I think its safe to say that Paul and Leto saw a rather well rested Jessica the next day
☆ Gurney Halleck ☆
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Even if Duncan never visited the infirmary for small cuts and bruises, he atleast went to the infirmary for a big wound
Gurney? He'd rather die than go to the infirmary
He hates the place. It makes him feel weak.
That is until he found a reason to willingly go the that god forsaken place. You
You always managed to break his stoic facade. You were one of the few people who were allowed to see his soft side, his smile, his adorable nature.
Sure, it made him vulnerable, buy he wouldnt want it anyother way
To say that the others are surprised is an understatement
But seeing their uptight swordmaster finally falling in love with someone was heart warming
That didn't mean they didnt tease him. Oh no. Now that you guys were official, the hurricane of teasing flooded in.
Whenever he was being bombarded with jokes, you'd go upto him and pull him away, muttering lovingly into his ears.
"Sorry people, I've got to go. Doctor's orders."
Requests are open!
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simluvbot · 3 years
Enhypen’s reaction to when you punch a guy (hyung line)
a/n: this was a request ! I said I could upload this a few days ago but due to it being my birthday and it currently being exam week I didn’t have the time to edit this so that’s why I uploaded without proofreading at first TT // ok I finished editing 😁 Jake and sunghoon’s one is so bad don’t read it pls sorry
Although as this fic includes violence I only wrote for hyung like members and not maknae line, I hope you understand
Warnings: descriptions of physical violence (punching), mentions of being in a crowd, mentions of wanting to harm others (thoughts)
+ note: this is a work of fiction and in no way am I encouraging violence ! I wrote this in a way that I thought would match the member’s personalities although this is definitely not a true depiction of the enhypen members ^^
Lee heeseung
You and heeseung had been in the library studying together for your exams, and although you both had luckily reserved a secluded spot in the library that was both quiet and spacious for your revision, it wasn’t soon before some inconsiderate assholes had decided to occupy your desk too.
There were only two of them, yet they still managed to take up over half of the table whereas you and heeseung only had one small portion to yourselves
Plus they were very noisy, and the only librarian being on the seconf floor didnt help either  😐
You and your boyfriend had both made several attempts to sheepishly ask them if they could please quieten down before the librarian came back and kicked them out and more importantly so you mad heeseung could focus ??
But they simply ignored you, paying attention to the… online games ?? They had came to the library to play???
You were starting to get very annoyed, but decided to bite your tongue and instead have you and heeseung focus on your work
But it was when one of them spilt their coffee on heeseung’s expensive   textbook and even laugh afterwards which is what you decided that you finally had it
You don’t know how it happened, but soon you were standing up and landed a solid punch on the guy’s face
Heeseung was really shocked, just as much as you at your brash movements
And he would be even more concerned for you when he sees the person you punched egret aggressive to you and start getting close in your face.
“Hey man, that’s enough.” Despite heeseung’s shock, it didn’t take him longer than second before he stood up and grabbed at the man’s arm easily after he got up close you you intimidatingly, heeseung’s strong grip preventing the stranger from hitting you back and you swear you’ve never heard heeseung’s voice so deep and authoritative before as he told the man to sit down and focus on his stupid game
Due to your own surprise at your actions, you barely payed attention to what was going on as heeseung had a polite (on his end..) whisper-argument with the two guys, packing his things up as well as yours before grabbing your hand and safely leading you out of the library
You two ended up going home where he cleaned at your busted knuckles gently, sad at the fact that you got hurt and overall bummed out at two guys who got you so worked up and that his go-to textbook got ruined ):
“Baby, why did you do that, Hm? We could have just left to another place. You could have gotten hurt if they fought back!”
More than anything, your boyfriend was upset at the idea of you potentially getting more than just a few cuts and bruises on your knuckles, and so you promised heeseung right then and there that you wouldn’t do it again
After both of you got changed into your pyjamas, you and heeseung had set up your own study area in the dining room table, where you both continued with your study session for the rest of the day, with lots of cuddles afterwards as a reward!
Park Jongseong
You and jay were walking back home and it was already dark outside as you were both walking through the streets.
Approaching a heavily crowded place outside a club which included several people under the influences, it was pretty hard for you both to squeeze through the crowd as you were walking past.
They literally were spilling onto the road.. :/
“Jay.” You gasped when you lost hold of his hand on yours, leaving you in the idle of the crowd alone. There were so many bodies around you and as you got quickly pushed to against a wall from the movements of the people you found it hard to make your way through the people who were much taller than you.
You were starting to get anxious and when someone came directly in front of you, literally ignoring you asking for them to move and plainly blocking you for no reason you started to get frustrated, adrenaline in your veins as you lost your boyfriend and wanted to get out asap before you started fo panic.
You had asked the person to please move out of the way so you could pass through and they even had the audacity to look at you and make eye contact — only to simply ignore you when you asked for the nth time for them to scoot.
So, with your anxiety peaking and frustration soaring, you punched them hard on their face as soon as they turned around, and when they went stumbling backwards you finally had enough space to escape from your trapped position against the wall.
Jay had finally found you and was right there a few steps in front of you, and you were almost reaching him when a hand pulled you back suddenly, slamming you against the wall aggressively and leading you to hit your head hard.
Jay saw the whole thing. and he was livid
He shouted at the guy and grabbed his hands in his, pushing him so he was off of you once again. Jay was so angry he literally thought he could see red. How dare a man not just refuse to let someone obviously distressed through, but to touch you and hurt you?
You had to calm him down and urged hin for you both to leave before the stranger started getting aggressive because he was already shouting at you both and some heads were turning 😟
He eventually listened to you when he saw your glossed eyes and you clutching at your aching knuckles, so gently grabbing your unhurt hand in his he swiftly led you both away from the crowd in less than a minute, face fallen and heart aching ah ):
“Hey, let me look at you. are you okay? Did that bastard hurt you a lot?”
You could tell he was still so agitated with what happened, checking at your bruised knuckles and looking a the back of your head that was starting to form a lump from the force of being pushed against the wall earlier.
“I’m so sorry, I should have held tighter. I should have brought some security guards with us today.”
You had to tell him it was okay and you defended yourself and the guy was just a jerk and can’t hurt you anymore.
Jay was still so sad at the fact that you got hurt all because he let you go accidentally for one second ): seeing you so anxious and literally in pain made him feel so bad.
He showered you in many kisses once you both got home and you had a relaxing bath together, as well as helping treat your bruise , promising for this to never happen again 🥺
Sim jaeyun
You were hanging out with your old classmates as a reunion and it was getting close to the time where Jake had said he would pick you up to take you home.
Your classmates had asked you if you had a partner and when you told them that you did, they all got instantly curious.
You of course got so excited and was ecstatic to flaunt off your talented and handsome boyfriend to them :D
So you showed them a picture of Jake, however the reaction that you were met with was not what you were expecting.
Your classmates were silent for a few moments as they looked at the photo, before one of them eventually asked,
“Oh, so that’s the guy you’re dating?”
You could see two of them exchange glances for a reason you could not possibly fathom and your heart fell to your stomach when you saw them stifing their laughter.
“What?” You asked, frowning as you looked at the photo you showed them on your phone. What was wrong with the photo?
“Oh.. nothing it’s just.. well.. he just doesn’t look like the best option..”
“It’s pretty cute actually. Of course you would end up with a guy that looks like he matches you in social level.. he’s probably a loser.”
You were so confused and the comments kept coming as they talked amongst themselves, openly criticising Jake for no reason.
You gotta admit, you never were the closest my with your classmates in the first place but still decided to agree to the meet-up for old times’ sake.
You could put up with their side glances towards you ever since you arrived because you barely cared, but when they dared talk about your boyfriend like that??
You were so angry you felt yourself almost shaking.
“Hey.” You said, standing up abruptly from your seat on the picnic table at the park you guys were hanging out at.
“Why are you insulting my boyfriend like that. What is wrong with you?”
Once again, they simply laughed in your face, seeming to think of your reaction as hilarious.
You were gonna start crying soon because the rage boiling up inside of you was reaching to the point that you were finding it hard to contain it and breathe deeply to keep calm and not cause a scene.
But they kept insulting Jake, liking watching you get angry under their gazes.
One of your classmates in particular kept offering comments, too many and you had enough - you snapped.
You punched them square in the face.
And you had done so just when you noticed Jake exiting his car right outside of the park, when it was obvious that he saw you.
You didn’t care, and in fact you started laughing almost hysterically in front of your classmates at their shocked expressions.
You were in tears because the person you punched started having a nosebleed… to you it was hilarious and you were in your own world trying to catch your breath from laughing so much until you heard your name being called.
“Y/n.” Jake said worriedly, finally reaching yoy and placing a hand on your shoulder.
He led you to his car, and after you both left and as you sat silently in the passenger seat having calmed down, you were staring to feel awkward with all the little glances Jake threw towards you ever so often.
He didn’t ask or push, instead just remaining silent and gripping at your hand you had punched your classmate with, thumb swirling over your red knuckles as he stared down at them with a bothered expression.
“Sorry.” You finally said, giving him a sheepish smile. “They just kept talking so badly about you when they found out I had a boyfriend.. I couldn’t resist.”
Jake if anything was a bit disappointed that you had reacted violently, and he was silent for a few seconds as he sat unknowing of what to say, frowning and licking his lips like a confused puppy trying to work out a solution.
“Please just don’t do it again. Violence is never okay, you should have just left. I don’t want my y/nnie getting hurt or getting into fights because of me, okay?”
You both drove back and cuddled a lot on the sofa, and Jake made sure to give your knuckles several kisses, his heart aching with the memory of what happened );
Park Sunghoon
“Ha, if it isn’t the ugly y/n.”
You bit your lip as you heard the familiar laugh of the rink bullies behind you, plainly mocking you.
“Still friends with that weirdo, park sunghoon?”
Ever since the members in the same extracurricular figure skating club had found out you were friends with sunghoon, the ice boy that they liked to torment for reasons forever unknown to you, you had soon too fallen victim to their evil teasing.
“I told you to stop making fun of sunghoon like that.” You said plainly, sighing as you sat down on a bench to undo your skates.
The group members laughed and would just not leave you alone, even going as far as sitting next to you and entering your personal space by constantly poking at your sides sharply.
And you swear to god the temptation of slashing open their faces with the bottom of your skates was very tempting—
But no, you had told sunghoon that you would meet him at the entrance of the rink to walk home together after your individual practices; and you were already running late.
“Where you going? To go see sunghoon? Huh? Go tell him that we messed with his skates so he fails in the competition.”
Your hands froze as you were tying your converses. You looked up, meeting the leader’s gaze.
“What?” You had enough. You could never understand why they had sunghoon as their punching bag. Sunghoon was used to it, not one to start arguments and the type to only keep to himself when things like this happen.
You just went along with it and followed his lead in ignoring your other club members, but them going this far to try to sabotage the performance sunghoon had been training months for? You had enough of simply doing nothing in retaliation to their bullying.
Standing up abruptly, they stood back at youe sudden movement, but not quick enough for being able to dodge the punch you swung directly on the nose of the nearest one in front of you.
Looking over to the doorframe of the changing room — there was park sunghoon.
“Sunghoon.” You said in shock, glancing over towards the group in front of you as they started guffawing at the sides of the person you punched
“Sorry, I got caught up with-“
You were just making your way speedily over towards hoon when you were pulled back by the wrist painfully.
You gasped when the force that you were let go of led you to be flung over to one side and practically topple onto the sticky matte floor.
Wincing as you landed on your wrist, you hissed at the fresh pain and the loud crack that came with it.
It was silent as everyone paused, having heard your wrist snapping as much as you had felt the pain of it.
“Y/n!” Sunghoon was at your side in an instant, pushing his way cut though the others standing around you in shock.
His pretty face was frowned with worry, eyes wide as he came in front of you, assessing your wrist without touching it.
“Let’s get out of here.” He scooped you up, and if you weren’t busy trying to breathe in and out deeply to calm yourself down after your injury, you would have been surprised at the skate bullies making space for a clear path Sunghoon to carry you through.
From all your time of knowing the talented ice boy, your skating partner and friend — you had never really seen him show much emotion apart from the small smiles and laughs he gave only to you. His long legs were able to stride quickly to a bench outside as he called an ambulance for you, a distressed expression as he meticulously cared towards you.
And gee if you breaking your wrist didn’t hurt like hell, but after all, did you regret that day? No. You finally were able to stand up to the bullies for the first time, and even more importantly — that moment had started the beginning of a new chapter for you and Sunghoon.
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xlysaaa · 3 years
Ok, so this might become a bit of a long post. After reading the latest Kono oto Tomare! chapter, i just have to get these feelings off my chest. It'll be random & full ramblings.
i put some panels of chapter 105 but also from 99.5 in this post.
-> lot of spoilers, so read at your own risk <-
this wont be a review or something. I just want to ramble and scream.
First of all, Chikas father . . .
I have literally no fucking words for this sorry excuse of a father! seeing this flashback made me wanna puke my fucking guts out on the floor.
how much do you have to sink as a human being to make YOUR VERY OWN CHILD think this?
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What kind of human scum do you have become to tell to YOUR VERY OWN SON " It's hell. Ever since you were born, Its always been hell." ?! What kind of heartless huge shit being do you have to be to treat your very own son like he's the worst, like he isnt worth of human affection or care?!
While Chika was scared & uncomfortable, because he punched someone for the first time to defend himself, instead of talking about it the father looked at him like he was dirt.
When Chika went to the Takaokas that day in Chapter 99.5, he brought back come of the selfmade cake from Tetsukis mum, because he wanted to share it with his father, he thought he could make him happy.
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look at this adorable sweet baby bean? how dare you make him cry. ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
Imagine a little smiling chika hoping his father would come back early from work to share this delicious cake with him. . . and THEN! imagine the father telling chika in his drunk state all those horrible things, while chika still cares for his father and put a blanket on him to keep him warm. Only for the faher to say ".. I cant bringt myself to love you."
We read in the latest chapter that his mother left with another man, chika cant even remember her face, because he was 2 years old. If its because of the dad, why wouldnt she take chika with her? i dont care whatever her business is, she is as much to blame as this human trash called father. There were so many moments were i had to pause for a bit cause these scenes were too heartbreaking.
Of course Chika would never treasure himself when never once did his father! How should he know how to hold himself dear, when his father never did?
I cant find even the words to describe, what i'm feeling. I feel so sick to my stomach.
I'm so glad that he had his grandpa who cherished him and gave Chika affection. He always encouraged Chika. "Hey, Chika. Dont give up on yourself" & showed him the Koto. He & Tetsuki literally pulled Chika out of the deep darkness & showed him light.
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Look Chika, they're all waiting for you! T____T
- - - - - - -- - - - - - -
When Tetsuki transfered into Chikas class, a boy told him that he shouldnt get involved with chika because he's a loner & he's trouble. He said "Instead you can be friend with us" to which Tetsuki replied "Thanks. But no thanks." IN YO FACE YOU SHITTY BULLY CHILD.
Anyways, after school the boy & his friends planed to isolate Tetsuki & bully him . . welp, these boys forget chika "LAME. You guys are super lame." and off they go :'D thank to these shitty children ⬇️
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a wonderful unbreakable friendship started! They became best friends who were inseparable. /chikas adorable blush q.q sweet baby bean!!!
When Chika had an argument with his father & left the house, he was bullied by middles schoolers & fought. . . it was then when they started to slowly fall apart.. Chika started to avoid Tetsuki & isolated himself again. Even when Tetsuki tried to ask what happened or tried to help him, Chika would only say "Its got nothing to do with you, do dont butt in." Tetsuki blamed himself "If only I had been there the first time Chika had fought. Maybe we could've run. Maybe we could've feigned defeat. Anything so he didnt have to deal with their attention. Any maybe he would still be . . ." He missed his best friend & was worried what would happen to Chika if he keeps going on like this..
Tetsuki was told by the teacher that his mother had an accident & needs surgery. He's waiting anxious in the hospital, hoping for the best, trying to keep the worst case thoughts away . . thats when Chika comes running into the hospital he was worried!
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When Tetsukis dad said to Chika that he heard a lot about him from his wife & thanked him for supporting Tetsuki, he asked about his wounds & if they hurt. . thats when Tetsuki learns the reason, why chika kept his distance from him. He didnt want to involve him or put him in danger. "E-Everything's fine! I'm not hanging out with Tetsuki anymore, nobody's seen us together, nobody knows we're friends or anything. I would never drag him into my problems. Never."
Takaoka-papa is as wonderful as Takaoka-mama, jesus the Takaoka family is a bunch of lovely human beings, help me!!!
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WHY ARE THEY SO DAMN WONDERFUL??/Tetsuki is so happy for chika *ugly sobbing deluxe*
I'm so glad that that he had Tetsuki right beside him, i dont wanna imagine what would have happened to Chika without his support & affection.
For me, they have one of the most wonderful & most strongest bond ever. I love their friendship so much, seriously i could probably write an essay about them & would never be able go stop. 🥺❤❤❤
Chika went through so much already, he fought his way through life, suffered, so NOW! Let him finally become happy!
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Ufff, i didnt mean to make it THIS long.. but there's so much to say about this manga & the relationships chika made or the persons met.ヾ( இ⌓இ)ノ゙
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
The Doctor Is In
Stephen Strange x reader
Bruce Banner x reader (platonic)
a/n: hey! idk how to build stairs guys. i didnt feel like researching it. i dont care if it’s wrong. leave me alone. part 2/2.
Out (1)
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There was no hope of Stephen coming back. Every truth you had to face was harsher than the last. Even when you got home and realized that Wong was among the vanished...and he didn’t fix the stairwell.
Maybe the stairwell was a good thing. It gave you something to focus on in these hard times. Sure, it’d been a month since the incident, but that still wasn’t enough time for the world to heal. That meant that contractors were hard to come by. But the roof would have a tarp over it for some time. No way you’d deal with that.
So you took a trip to the hardware store, you stocked up on wood and nails, lacquer and wood stain. Anything else you needed for the project. Anything to keep you busy.
There were so many sleepless nights. You hated being alone in Sanctum, hated being alone in your bed. Every so often you would nap on the couch, but then you’d get right back to work. Weeks on end you spent on the stairwell. How long will you stick around while I talk about the stairwell?
Doctor Banner called you from time to time. His voicemails were kind, heartfelt, but you couldn’t stop now. The gutted stairwell from a couple weeks ago was coming by very nicely. As nice as it could when worked on my an amateur. Alright, it looked awful, but you couldn’t stand using a ladder to get to the second floor.
As you were staining the wood, you played a message from Bruce:
“Doctor L/N, it’s Bruce. I hope you’re doing alright, but you know that if you’re not, I’m here for you. All the remaining Avengers have kind of...gone their separate ways for the most part, they’re pretty broken up about everything. I just want you to know that because you don’t...have to be strong right now. I understand if you can’t be. Just call me back whenever you can? I want to make sure you’re alright. We’re survivors, we should stick together.”
Bruce hadn’t known you long, but he was still a great person and friend. You should call him back, but if you lost focus, you may lose yourself. So you continued to wipe against the grain of the fresh stairs and moved to the next step. And the next. And the next.
The last step was the lacquer and seal. You were scared to finish up. What would you occupy yourself with once this was over? You thought about the answer until the very last step and admired your shabby craftsmanship. It’ll do. Or maybe you should tear it all down and start over? While you were thinking over your newest thought, your phone rang again. Bruce Banner.
“Hey, Bruce.” You answered the phone as you normally would and sat on the floor in front of your work.
“Y/N?” Bruce asked in disbelief. “Y/N, hey! How are you? I don’t know if you’ve been getting my calls..?”
“I have.” You quickly replied.
“Oh.” He quietly nodded to himself.
“I’m sorry, Bruce.” You realized your mistake and knew you may have come off as a little rude. He’d been nothing but kind to you, but you’d just realized you were alone today.
“No, no! It’s okay! I understand, don’t worry. What have you been up to?” His effort to start a conversation may be successful this time around.
“I fixed the stairwell. All of it. That’s what I’ve been doing the past few weeks. I just finished a few minutes ago.” You felt awkward talking to him. Not because of him, not at all. Just because you hadn’t really had any human contact in a while.
“I didn’t take you for a carpenter, Doctor.” Bruce was genuinely surprised with your skillset, you could hear it in his voice.
“And you still won’t once you see the job I did.” You actually managed to let out a chuckle. You didn’t know you could still do that.
“Oh, I hear ya loud and clear.” Bruce laughed, too. I wonder if he was having the same thoughts as you. “Y/N, do you want to go out to lunch like, now? I could use some company, maybe you could, too.”
“Yeah,” you checked the time on your watch, Stephen’s watch, and realized you worked through the night and day, “text me an address, I’ll meet you anywhere. See you soon.” You hung up pretty quickly, only to get ready ASAP. You were sort of covered in “stair supplies” and smelled like...not good. You’d take a quick shower, put on some clean clothes, and take off. Unfortunately, the stairs weren’t dry, so it was another round up the ladder.
You finally took a trip back to your bedroom and shuffled through the closet filled with your...late husband’s clothing. It still smelled like him, surprisingly. You wondered just how long it would last. You hoped it’d be forever, but you grabbed your own clothes and quickly got dressed, then checked your phone to see that Bruce was running “a little late.” It’s okay, you were, too.
You took a seat on Stephen’s side of the bed and decided to snoop. Did it count as snooping if he was no longer here? You knew that he didn’t keep secrets from you, so what was the worst you could stumble upon? Books, books, and more books. But some were important books, ones detailing mystic arts. Maybe...maybe it was time to pick up a new skill. You stuffed the book in your bag and decided to head out now before you got too comfy in an actual bed.
You and Bruce sat at a booth in the empty diner, awkwardly gazing over the menu while trying to stir up some conversation. It’d been a while since either of you had visited someone, you didn’t even know what to talk about.
“So, home renovations, huh?” Bruce asked while peaking over the fold of the laminated list.
“Something like that.” You sighed and set yours down and aside. “I know what I’m getting. What about you?”
“I just need a minute.” The only noise besides your bland conversation was the rustling of dishes in the back, which didn’t last for long. “Got it. A burger. That’ll do it.” Bruce announced and got the attention of the waiter.
Ordering took a second, but soon you and Bruce were alone again and ready to talk.
“How are the other Avengers? I know you said they went their separate ways, but...” You inquired and were surprised to see a smile crack on Bruce’s face. “What?”
“At least I know you listened to my voicemails.” He chuckled and took a sip of his iced tea. “They’re dealing with it. I don’t exactly know how. Nat’s staying at the compound, I’m sure she’s glad to have a home again. Cap went out on his own. Thor went back to his people. Tony and Pepper are trying to separate themselves from the world, I think. I don’t blame them. That’s all I know.” You stayed silent, but nodded along to his outer thoughts. “You alright?”
“I’m sorry, Bruce.” You started. “I didn’t mean to ignore you, leave you hanging. I just still don’t know how to take this. I keep thinking about what Stark told me when he came back. His whole ‘this will all make sense soon’ thing. Nothing about this makes sense to me.”
“Well, Strange was different, wasn’t he? He had that Stone, he had those powers, he might know something we don’t.” Bruce explained to you, an attempt to comfort you. “We’ve tried everything, y/n. Maybe it’s time to wait, maybe in time you’ll see that he sacrificed himself...for you.” You teared up at the scientist’s words and quickly wiped your eyes as the food was placed before you. “Thank you, sir.” Bruce said as the waiter walked off. “Hey, y/n? It’s okay that you’re hurting. I get it. But please don’t act like you’re alone. I’m gonna be here for you, okay?”
“Yeah,” you sniffled while hiding your wet eyes, “Me, too, Bruce.”
When you got stressed out when you were younger, you threw yourself into your studies. Maybe that was why you were such an accomplished scientist. But what studies did you have now?
You had a library full of knowledge. It wasn’t your usual knowledge, but it would suffice. Now, the book that you’d snagged from Stephen’s bedside was a bit advanced for you, but that was okay. You had options.
Where would you even begin? This place was bigger than you remembered. Was this another spell? Did you know what you were talking about? Stop thinking, y/n. Start reading.
You picked out a book. You just ran with it. You recalled stories from Stephen. You remembered you needed the ring. What did he call it? Song ring? Sink ring? Slink ring?
Sling ring.
Not a problem, you could find one. Sanctum probably had tons. Maybe in Stephen’s study? You wished you had asked him more about his arts before, you just didn’t get it at the time.
One was stashed in a drawer. It was Stephen’s ring. The one he used himself. And it was the only one you could find, so it’d have to do. And so you got to studying.
The first time the air sparked by your hand was magical. Literally. But it made you feel something for the first time in nearly three months. And that was just the beginning. It felt like you were carrying on Stephen’s legacy in a way. You’d never be “Sorcerer Supreme,” but you didn’t have any intention of that. You just wanted his memory to live on, even if it were through you.
So you’d practice and you’d learn and you’d practice and you’d learn. You’d see Bruce whenever you could, and he soon noticed your mood change.
“I’m glad to see you happy for a change.” He told you while you walked through the park.
“Yeah, it feels great.” You told him while watching construction vehicles cleaning up the debris that had been lying around for months.
“I’ve been meaning to ask. What’s with the ring?” He looked at your hand and you lifted it closer.
“Oh...it’s Stephen’s.” You simply stated.
“Is it like a wedding ring?” He took a closer look and let you laugh it up for a quick second.
“No, no!” You shook your head at the ridiculous question. “I might as well show you. I haven’t told anyone yet, but that’s because you’re the only person I talk to.” You stopped in your tracks and shooed him back to give yourself enough space. “Ready?” Bruce looked terrified, but nodded a response and watched you raise your hands ahead, concentrating on the small portal you had began to open. Bruce recognized the opening since he’d fallen through it before.
“You’re one of the sorcerers?” Bruce’s eyes widened. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
“I just started learning!” You exclaimed with a bright smile. “I needed something to get me through this all...and I wanted to protect Sanctum like Stephen and Wong had always stressed doing.”
“That’s...amazing, y/n. Self-taught magic? By a scientist, no less. Look at you go!” Bruce had a knack for being supportive. You were glad that he crashed through your roof and into your stairs.
“Thanks, Bruce. Maybe in time I’ll be able to cast a spell that fixes my roof.” You shrugged.
“Oh? Come on! I said I was sorry!”
And then five years went by. Flew by, actually. You’d become a skilled sorcerer and used your skills around Sanctum. There wasn’t much to do here on Earth. It was a bit quiet.
Bruce was still a close friend of yours! You’d advised him in his quest for balance. He was no longer at war with himself.
The roof was fixed! You had Bruce spectate your very own spell to repair the damages he’d inflicted, but all was forgiven.
Then one normal day you got a call from him.
“Hey Bruce! How’s it going?” You answered, even though it interrupted your meditation.
“Can you meet me at the diner ASAP?” He sounded a little off, but still upbeat, so you opened a portal and stepped through to find yourself right out front. It was easy to spot him through the window, but there were others with him. Avengers.
“Hey, all.” You took a seat beside an unfamiliar one. “Hi, I’m y/n.” You told him as a plate of food was set in front of you.
“I ordered you your favorite. Hope you’re hungry.” Bruce smirked at you and let you get to it.
“So, it’s been a while, huh?” You asked the two Avengers across from you.
“It has.” Natasha sighed. “I wasn’t aware you were...also a sorcerer.” She began.
“I had a lot of free time.” Last they saw you, you weren’t as cool, calm, or collected. They were glad that you’d found peace. “I have a feeling this isn’t a social lunch.”
“I’m sorry to pull you from your calm, Doctor L/N—” You cut Steve off.
“Y/N is fine.” You replied.
“Scott here,” Steve motioned to the awkward man sitting alongside you, “was stuck in the Quantum Realm for some time, if you’re familiar. He thinks that there’s a way to...to undo what Thanos did.” You peered over at Bruce and watched him shrug as your heart started to beat faster and stomach started doing turns. You hated the thought of getting your hopes up, but you still dearly missed your husband.
“What can I do?”
You had a hand in opening the dozens of portals around the ruins of the Avengers Compound, but you weren’t the only one. Stephen, Wong, and hundreds of other sorcerers were assisting to bring an army to combat the troops of an outdated Thanos, and you were so close to Stephen.
Using your magic to create a pathway to the sky, you leaped from step to step to get a clear look of the battlefield. And to let Stephen see you. He did. And so did the cloak.
You’d never used your powers to fight, so you’d have to step it up out here. But you knew Stephen wouldn’t let you get hurt. And you believed that you could handle this yourself.
“Y/N!” Stephen called to you as he flew to your altitude and held you in a special embrace that you’d nearly forgotten the feeling of. “It’s so good to see you.”
“Are you kidding me, Stephen?” You chuckled through tears that you just couldn’t hold in, tears that dragged through the dirt and dust on your face, clearing small lines down your cheeks. “I have missed you every day since the moment you left. I am so glad to have you back.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t say goodbye, y/n. I truly am. But I knew that you would manage without me. You always have.” He explained to you in such a heartfelt way, admiring your capability to still be standing in the air.
“You knew I’d become a sorcerer, didn’t you?” You cocked a brow and watched him smirk.
“I had an inkling.” He joked with you as the firefight below was still rampaging.
“It’s very unprofessional of you to be talking to your s/o during times of crisis like this.” You chuckled and broke your spell to fall back to the ground, stopping yourself before it was too late in what could only be described as a “superhero landing.” Now that you were on the ground, assistance was required for your own side of the battle.
You and your fellow sorcerers had to defend more than anything. Shields popped up across the battlefield in an effort to keep your people alive. There were too many close calls and you wanted to survive long enough to go home with your husband.
“Y/N, over here!” Stephen beckoned you to the flood that would have made this fight much harder, and you were delighted to defend alongside him. The cloak rushed to you and gave you a fast track to the edge of the water, you couldn’t help but that it for it’s kind service. “Ready?”
“Of course.” You lifted your palms and motioned towards that water, redirecting it and keeping it at bay for the time being. “I love you, Stephen.” You remembered to tell him.
“I love you, too, y/n.” He replied with his focus still on the flood. “And I’m proud of you. So very proud.”
“Couldn’t have done it with you.” You joked and stabilized the rushing waters, giving you a true load-off before the end was clear. Dust passed through the sunken hole you all stood inside. Dust of your enemies that had finally lost. You and Stephen stared at each other in disbelief, yet couldn’t help but run into each other’s arms. “This is real? We won?”
“In a way.”
Stephen and you dressed in all black were standing in the back yard of your savior. Tony had given his life to give others a life. You were just sorry that it had to be him.
Bruce stood alongside you with a long face and an injured arm. It was time for you to be there for him like he’d been there for you.
“Thanks for bringing back my husband, Bruce.” You whispered to him while holding Stephen’s hand tightly. Over the past few days, you just couldn’t seem to let go of him.
“Oh, yeah? That was nothing.” Bruce playfully answered through his sorrow.
“How’s your arm feeling?” You asked him, making sure the sling wasn’t twisted up an any way.
“Not the greatest, but I’ll be okay.” He assured you and watched as you leaned your head onto Stephen’s smile with a sense of relief. “I’m really happy for you, y/n...”
“But?” You raised an eyebrow with a hint of worry.
“But you better still hang out with me.” He smiled at you and you even heard a chuckle escape Stephen’s lips.
“You can count on it, Bruce.” You lifted a hand for a fist bump and collided your knuckles with his, even if they were a bit oversized.
“Shall we get going, dear?” Stephen asked you while he hooked his arm around yours and opened a portal home. You waved goodbye to Bruce and went on your way, stepping right into Sanctum as the way closed behind you.
“So you really meant it, huh?” You asked your husband while setting your belongings down.
“That I love what you’ve done with the place?” Stephen laughed at your oncoming smirk and walked forward, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you forward to kiss the top of your head. “Of course, dear.”
“Even the stairs?” You peeked your head up to look at your husband and watched his smile grow. You’d never bothered casting a spell to properly repair them. Maybe you were just too proud of your work. Maybe it was a reminder that you got through these five years on your own terms.
“I do.” He leaned down to kiss your lips. “It adds character to this place.”
“More character than the magic?” You prodded at him.
“I think you mean ‘sorcery.’” He corrected as you leaned into his chest and slightly swayed back and forth, taking in his presence for the 50th time since he’d come home.
“Oh, of course. Silly me.”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @blizzardbabe // @agentshortstacc // @rosadiaz-sarayvargas-harleyquinn // @werewolf-himbo // @comiocudequemtalendo1 // @mochamoff // @the-marvel-meme-emporium // @summersimmerus //
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denkamis · 4 years
hi!! could i get double chocolate and cherry with kaminari, shinsou and midoriya please?❤️
idk if i did this right so im sorry if i didnt!
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to anon: hey anon, no worries! you did it perfectly :)) aww i love the characters you chose for this prompt, this is adorable. enjoy some fluffy times with these sleep deprived boys from a very sleep deprived writer <3
warnings: none! just some swearing and some bad sleeping habits lmao. reader is gn!
prompt: denki kaminari, hitoshi shinsou, izuku midoriya scenarios + “it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyways.”
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denki kaminari
denki stays up late playing osu and minecraft
what can i say, he’s just a gamer man
so he’s honestly pretty reliable when it comes to you knocking on his door at late hours of the night
always the biggest cuddle bug, really happy that you go to him first out of everyone
literally drops everything for you hehe
lots of sleepy kisses too
“fuck! goddammit,” denki grumbled, shaking out his wrist as he had just failed the six star version of the intro of blend-s on osu. he had gotten rather addicted to the circle clicking game. this further resulted in denki staying up late on school nights, despite kirishima’s warnings of him potentially falling asleep in class the next day. it was fine, he could always borrow notes from you or jirou anyways!
as he went to restart the map again, a soft knock came at the door to his dorm room. spinning off his computer room chair, he prepared himself to be lectured by aizawa for the fifth time this week about breaking curfew. “aizawa-sensei, i know that i’ve been loud lately but i swear this time it won’t happen- y/n?” he stopped mid-sentence as he saw you standing on the other side of the door. “what are you doing up so late?”
you shook your head, immediately hugging his torso instead. you were clearly a bit distraught about something, but denki wasn’t a mind reader. he figured that from the way you were clinging onto him, it must have been a bad dream of some kind. “hey, hey, easy there! nearly knocked me over, huh,” denki laughed lightly, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head before closing the door behind you. you clung onto him, face buried in the crook of his neck. it made a small blush dust across his cheeks, a warm feeling spreading through his arms as he held you close. “i hope i’m not bothering you,” you mumbled, to which denki hummed. “you never bother me, babe. it’s okay, i couldn’t really sleep anyways.”
the two of you stayed like that for a long while, denki swaying the two of you back and forth. you could feel gentle lips peppering the crown of your head with kisses. as your heart rate slowed, denki piped up. “wanna stay here for the night? my bed’s missing out on some action! and by some action, i mean sleep. i really can’t sleep.”
you snorted at his words, your eyes flicking up to his goofy yet endearing smile, his eyes bright yet a bit tired from late night gaming. he poked his tongue out at you, making you roll your eyes with a tiny smile of your own gracing your features.
“how could i say no to that?”
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hitoshi shinsou
we already know he’s up at these unholy hours
not for any particular reason, just because he can’t really sleep
quite the insomniac that one
and the fact that he can’t sleep properly or well unless you’re with him
you smell like lavender in the morning too bc he puts it in his pillow to help him sleep, thank you
shinsou lay awake in bed, eyes trained on the ceiling as he waited for himself to fall asleep. it was no secret that he barely got any rest, so it was simply easier to just sit and wait until his body exhausted itself to the point where he simply fell asleep. staying as still as he could, he kept counting the amount of times he breathed in and out. it made him acutely aware of his surroundings. the crickets outside his room, the way the moonlight streamed through his blinds, the miscellaneous creaking sounds of the dorms. yeah, he definitely wasn’t sleeping tonight.
he didn’t flinch as the door to his room opened, blinking slowly as his eyes adjusted to the light spilling into his room along with a new figure. “y/n?” he asked, not bothering to sit up. “hey, are you up? sorry toshi, i couldn’t sleep,” you explained softly, allowing the door to close behind you as you tiptoed across his dorm room. his hair was sprawled across his pillow, deep violet locks hiding his hands situated behind his head comfortably. it showed off his arms that were built from training for when, not if, he ever got into the hero course.
a lazy smile crossed his lips at your words, his heartstrings being played by you so seamlessly. “it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyways,” he replied with a tilt of his head towards you. he moved over a bit in his bed as to give you space to lay down next to him. you crawled beneath his comforters, inhaling the scent of lavender as you did. apparently shinsou had said that the smell helped him fall asleep easier. strong arms wrapped around your waist, encasing you in a protective embrace as your head rested comfortably against his chest. the comforter was thrown over the two of you. you felt so much safer already.
his large hands were placed on your lower back, his thumbs drawing lazy circles on your skin as his breathing began to relax noticeably. hiding your smile, you cuddled closer to him. to this day, you had never seen shinsou fall asleep so quickly since that night.
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izuku midoriya
baby is up studying for a test that’s in like 2 weeks
either that or he’s on an all might video spree on youtube and no that is not the first time this has happened, it is certainly not the last
he has so many stuffed animals in his room probably, like he just has them stuffed in his closet
the all might plushies stay on the bed tho
his cuddles are unmatched tho, change my mind
izuku was pacing around his room, vocabulary words spinning about his mind as he counted them on his fingers. he was mumbling definitions to himself, going over all of them in his head before referencing his notebook to make sure nothing went wrong. amidst his ramblings, a knock at the door made him jump to attention. “come in?” he called out, watching intently as he saw you come into view. his face showed relief, grateful to know it wasn’t aizawa or kacchan complaining about his incessant pacing.
“would it be alright if i sleep here tonight? i’m worrying about my grades and stuff again,” you rubbed the back of your neck with a small smile, trying to play off your question as relaxed as you could. it wasn’t exactly a secret that you had a crush on the boy in front of you. he was kind and humble, wanting to help as many people as he could despite all the circumstances that had the world against him. it was admirable. even now, he looked so concerned from the clear lack of sleep you’ve been getting these past few days. “of course you can sleep here. ah, wait! i have to, ah,” he stumbled over his words as you looked to the bed to see not one, not even two, but four all might stuffed toys on his bed.
midoriya’s face erupted with crimson, shoving the plushies into his closet as he sputtered out various excuses as to why they were there in the first place. when he turned back to you, you were giggling. not at him, but because of the entire situation in general. “you’re adorable, izu,” you told him gently. a light feeling bloomed in his chest upon seeing the smile you held for him. you looked so undeniably beautiful to him, the way your hair was a bit messy and how you stood in your pyjamas. while others, including yourself, would find that you looked completely normal, midoriya loved seeing you be so casual, so comfortable around him.
“you’re sure i’m not interrupting you, though?”
midoriya returned your smile with his own, stepping forward to intertwined his scarred fingers with your delicate ones. “it’s okay,” he murmured softly, holding your hand as if you were the most precious thing in the world to him, “i couldn’t really sleep anyways.”
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all works © denkamis 2021.
@meilbox @honeykami @httpfirx @strawberrysalwa @hey-i-really-miss-you @smexy-goose @satis-kei
want to be on the taglist? see this post!
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mqnasluvr · 4 years
heya ! i heard you were new around here, could i request headcanons of enemies to lovers with kaeya and childe ? any pronouns are fine ! they’re so annoying i hate how i love them nevertheless,, thank you belladonna and take your time <3
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enemies to lovers | kaeya alberich
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pairings; kaeya x gn!reader
mentioned; jean
warnings; enemies to lovers but it’s pretty one sided, spoilers for kaeyas backstory, no beta we die like men, a lil bit of kaeya slander im sorry i had to, gn! reader
word count; 2k
a/n; where did kyquu go? :( i hope they at least see this.. i didnt finish childes part but i wanted to push this out as soon as possible. :(
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to put it simply, your relationship with kaeya was... tiring.
you had been close to kaeya and his younger brother for years, them being your closest and most trusted friends throughout part of your childhood and teenage years. but that all came to a halt when the former admitted to being a spy from khaenri'ah.
in no way or form did he expect for you two to forgive him— but actually seeing your broken and betrayed faces hurt him more than he thought it would, and the image still haunts him to this day.
you had separated yourself from the two brothers. although diluc didn’t do anything wrong, you didn’t want to pick between them ( even though you really should’ve ). that decision was too hard for you to make.
for years, you stayed out of touch with kaeya as he continued to climb the ranks within the knights of favonius, and you followed, much to your dismay. you worked hard to become a knight, and you weren’t going to quit just because of some bad blood between you and your superior. ( props to you for maturity )
he wanted nothing more than to reconnect with you, and maybe even diluc— but that was wishful thinking. diluc ragnvindr was a stubborn, hardheaded man, and getting past that exterior would be no simple feat.
so, he opted for ( not so ) subtly courting you— giving you the occasional wave whenever he saw you walking through mondstadt, offering to help you train ( although you declined every time ), and other small things. you question why he chose to do this now of all times, after half a decade of not speaking to each other.
you weren’t sure how to feel, but it made you agitated. not seething with rage, but it did annoy you to see his lazy grin whenever he walked into the angels share and saw you sitting in the corner of the room. it annoyed you whenever he did that stupid two finger salute before walking off, and archons, did it annoy you when he patted your shoulder after sparring as if you were the best of buds.
then why did your thoughts never stray from him?
that question, you couldn’t answer.
and so, you resorted to treating him like he didn’t exist. it was rude, but you couldn’t really think of anything else. avoiding him like the plague was the one thing you were good at.
as if things couldn’t get any worse, one of your worst nightmares came to fruition.
“jean, please. why can’t i do this mission with you? why... him?” you were basically at the acting grand masters feet, head in your hands and pleading up at the woman. she felt bad, but there was nothing she could do.
“i’m really sorry y/n. but i’m too busy with other things, and kaeya happens to be available. you know an ordinary knight wouldnt be able to take this mission,” her guilt worsened when you looked up at her with ( fake ) tears in your eyes. she kneeled to your height.
“i don’t know of your history with kaeya, but please, just put it aside for this one mission. it shouldn’t take you very long.”
jean helped you stand to your feet, the frown etched into her face growing deeper when she saw your shoulders slump. “alright, fine..i’ll try-”
“jean! have you seen y/n— ah, there they are,” kaeya waltzed in without so much as a knocking, making you jump in surprise and shoot a glare at him. he flashed you a lazy grin.
“speak of the devil..” you muttered.
“are you ready to go? we don’t have much time.” the mission you were assigned was to gain intel on what the fatui were planning. to get said intel, you had to sneak into a gathering held by the fatui. the dresscode was rather expensive— more expensive than anything you owned— so to help you out, kaeya took the liberty of purchasing an outfit for you.
kaeya dropped it into your arms. “change into this. don’t want to show up to a party wearing uniform, do you?”
“thanks...” your face felt warm from embarrassment, but you did have to admit, that was considerate of him.
he laughed and waved his hand, shaking his head. “let’s get going, yeah?”
you finished getting ready with the help of jean. she sent you one last apologetic gaze before walking you out the door, waving at you both.
kaeya didnt even hide the fact that he was checking you out. his eyes raked over your attire, before sticking his arm out for you to hold. “my, my, you look quite impressive, y/n. is everything suited to your tastes?”
you huffed and walked past him. “the corset is too tight, and the shoes are too small.” you were only half lying— the corset was a bit uncomfortable to move in, but he got your shoe size down to a T. how? you didn’t really want to know.
“if that’s the case, i can loosen it for you-”
kaeya laughed it off, and you only grew more irritated. “come now, y/n. don’t be so stiff.”
“i am perfectly content with being stiff, thank you. now hurry up, i want to get this over with,” you muttered the last part.
you didn’t want to admit that you were struggling to take your eyes off of his attire. he was clad in a white suit with blue complimentary colors to match your own outfit.
you rolled your eyes. ‘of course he’d get us matching outfits.’
but, you didnt find yourself minding all too much.
the party looked like any other party— fatui agents littered all over the residence, along with guests in fancy clothing.
you tugged on your sleeve, feeling uncomfortable and out of place. but on the outside, yourself and kaeya blended in pretty well.
because kaeya was such a well known figure, he had to change up his looks a bit. no eyepatch, ( i know, so uncharacteristic ) and he used contacts to change his eye color to a darker shade.
he also put that disgusting rat tail away.
so he didn’t look completely different, but he looked different enough.
...the change was nice.
you couldnt help but feel watched though. but that was to be expected. even though you felt somewhat secure in this situation, anxiety rests for no one. it rested in the pit of your stomach dormantly, waiting for a moment to bloom.
looking around the ballroom, kaeya found people dancing in the middle. deciding that it was better to at least enjoy the party before leaving, he stood in front of you and held his hand out, bowing.
“may i have this dance?”
“who do you think i am-”
kaeya flashed you a cautious glance, head nodding towards a fatui agent who was keeping their eye on the two of you. holding back a sigh, you placed your hand in his. he grinned.
“thank you,” he said. you grunted quietly and held back a roll of your eyes as he dragged you to the middle of the dance floor.
“attention whore,” you muttered, feeling warmer as he placed his hand on your lower back and pulled you in closer.
“you wound me, y/n.”
“you deserve it. i wish i could slap you.”
he stayed quiet. maybe too far?
you shook your head. no. there was no way you we’re going to let yourself feel sorry for him when he was literally a spy.
but he feels honest enough.
sure, his intentions at first were.. questionable. but he’s changed for the better. kaeya has been in mondstadt for years now, and khaenri'ah fell ages ago. his love for mond shouldn’t be doubted for a second, even if he hides it quite well.
before you could look up and make sure your words didn’t hurt him too badly, he leaned down near your ear.
“we have to go.”
“i’ll explain later, but we have to go,” he grabbed your hand and pulled you through the crowd.
you didn’t notice, but several of the fatui agents were watching you. you didnt change your looks as much as he did, opting to use simple touch-ups to make yourself more presentable. but it wasn’t enough.
“hey!” one of that agents shouted, and kaeya turned his head back to see how close they were. like he suspected, they were following gou. they pushed through the people, even going as far as knocking one man over, just to catch up.
you hurried your steps along with kaeya, almost sprinting to keep up with him. his grip on your hand was firm though. you two dashed up the stairs onto the third floor of the residence, where the bedrooms were. offices, libraries, bedrooms— they were all there. kaeya picked a random one and shoved you both inside.
it was a red themed bedroom, the lights dim with papers scattered along the desk on the other side of the room. “it seems we’ve gotten lucky,” kaeya joked, skimming over the papers. they were letters, between the fatui and some unknown source. kaeya stashed them in his jacket.
you didn’t understand how he could joke at a time like this. you still arent in the clear and you could hear rapid footsteps coming upstairs. “kaeya—!”
“you know how you said you wanted to slap me?” he said while tucking the last bit of papers into his suit. he didnt even give you a chance to answer. “you can, after this.”
you were confused, but when he backed you up against the wall and pressed his lips to yours, that confusion turned into anger, then more confusion, then understanding.
sighing when you finally caught on, he pulled your body closer to his and you wrapped your arms sround his shoulders. he tugged and nipped on your bottom lip, and if you didnt know any better your knees would be knocking. he was almost too good at this.
suddenly, an agent— a female one, this time— barged in. “have you— hey! take that shit elsewhere, lovebirds!”
kaeya hid your face in his chest, grinning lazily at the woman. his lips were swollen and his eyes were lidded. the woman blushed.
clearing her thoat, she held up a picture of you. well, moreso the back of your head. “have you seen this individual?”
he stared at the woman, then glaced down at you. “..sorry. i’ve been busy, i haven’t seen anyone of the sort. wish i could help,” he shrugged, and the ladies blush worsened. “o-of course..” she muttered, before closing the door and locking it.
kaeya snorted at the irony. he looked back at you, who was still touching your lips with your fingers.
“was i that good?” he chuckled, and caught your hand when you moved to slap him. his laughter died down and he looks oddly serious.
“y/n, we need to talk..”
“...no we dont,” you turned your back to him. he put his hand on your shoulder.
“yes,” he sighed. “we do. i know you didnt want to do this with me-”
“-and really, i understand. but i’ve changed, and i know you’ve noticed. i dont want you to hate me forever-”
“and you can’t-”
“kaeya!” you nearly yelled. he finally stopped talking over you. “i don’t want to talk about this right now. can you just drop it?”
“then when?” he narrowed his eyes. he laughed humorlessly when there was no reply.
kaeya’s eyes softened the longer you stayed silent. he gently grabbed your wrist and pulled you in for a hug. “...sorry.”
“could you please shut up,” you mumbled into his chest. he laughed softly.
“i know you’re wary right now. but all i ask for is a second chance,” he pulled away and hend your hands together in his. “...please.”
it was an odd sight, seeing him this vulnerable. then again, there was a good chance he was faking it to get on your good side but.. for some reason you found it hard to believe that. he looked truly sincere.
you groaned.
“you better not make me regret this.”
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spnshameblog · 2 years
Hopefully this isn't coming off as aggressive towards you (God I hate typing online because I'm never sure how my tone comes across) but I'm just going to take what Misha said at face value because I simply can't understand why anyone would joke about something like that and if they did I can't imagine why they'd take this long to clarify that it was a joke and why they'd clarify it was a joke to random fans instead of just posting on social media
No, youre fine and i completely agree! It makes no sense. If it was a joke that got misunderstood by literally thousands of people, he should have corrected it immediately. Like, he cant stop the first momentum ofc, but its now monday and multiple news outlets with millions of followers have written about it. If its a misunderstanding he really really needs to address it soon. Talking to a few superfans in a private m&g isnt gonna help at all.
My theory is still that his comments were genuine, but got way more attention than he wanted and he didnt intend for it to be the official coming out some people are calling it now. Which still sucks, but at least he wont have to "come out as straight" lmao.
Im gonna be honest, if it really turns out he was making a joke, that would actually upset me. Like yes, bla bla parasocial relationships are stupid, what did you expect bla bla. I would actually be hurt. So i dont WANT to think it could have been a joke.
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unknownwriting · 4 years
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Summary: childhood friends to lovers with the asl trio hc (modern au!)
Characters: Sabo, Portgas D. Ace, Monkey D. Luffy
Notes: Uhhh...I didn’t just write more Sabo and Ace. 🙈 omg I really can’t get enough of these 2. Lol it was hard to write Luffy but I tried my best 😌
Definitely love at first sight. When he first saw you, he wasn’t sure why, but he loves you. Maybe it the way you smiled, or laughed, or your playful eyes. Whatever it was, Sabo has always like you since you were kids.
now seeing how the world isnt perfect, Sabo had only barely got to know you before he was forced to move away to London (idk why London but Oda said that Sabo was British sooo....🤷🏼‍♀️ and like if you live in London or what not just don’t for the sake of the hc 😌)
Of course before he left he made sure to make a secret email so he could still email you and his brothers. Once he got his phone he did not wait to give you his number and call.
because he still lives over sea (assuming that no one reading this lives in England...) the 2 of you would call and text all the time. Text each other good morning and how y’all slept, text through the day about every little thing, and at night the 2 of you would fall asleep on the phone (I completely forgot about the time difference so just ignore it for this)
I can’t even tell you how many time you had your phone taken up and had Ace to steal it back.
even though the 2 of you couldn’t see each other in person, only being able to call and text didn’t seem to stop you 2. You still told each other everything, sent each other memes on Insta, and called when ever you got a chance.
no don’t think that just because Sabo is over seas, Ace doesn’t know about his crush on you. 100% knows about it and 100% teases you about it. You can’t really get mad at him because if it wasn’t for him you wouldn’t have realized your feelings for Sabo
but with Ace knowing about Sabo crush, he made sure to keep other boys away just because he can. Sabo really didn’t ask for it but he’s still greatful anyways.
and so with any boy that has ever like you being scared away by Ace, in your senior year of highschool (Sabo is 2 years older than you so he had to wait until your senior year) Sabo fianlly came out and told you that he liked you. And surprise, surprise you like him too and as soon as those words left your lips, he dropped everything and booked the next flight. He didn’t even tell you here was flying over till he landed.
you, Ace and Luffy wasted no time and drove right to the air port. You definitely made sure to wear your running shoes because you practically sprinted to one side of the air port to the other. As soon as your eyes landed on the blonde, you jumped straight into his arms and didnt let go for a solid 10 minutes.
with sabo now home, of course y’all throw a huge party. How could you not. Literally everyone’s invited. Garp, Daran (she complains, but she happy and everyone knows it), all the straw hats, most of the whitebeard pirates, even Shanks and his crews shows up even though they hardly know Sabo. It’s just a huge party
the party could’ve gone on for days but Sabo still had to get situated. So once the party ended the 2 of you began to unpack his stuff at your house. He came over with practically nothing so it wasn’t hard. And once that’s was done, the 2 of you began to do a bunch of couple-y shit to make up for the time spent apart.
touch starve, both of you, but most Sabo. Always had to be touching you. Whether it’s holding hands, kisses on the cheek , or just hugging. He feels the need to make up for all the years he was away from you.
and you better be ready for surprise dates, like this man will not stop making you feel loved. And in all honesty you could care less about the dates, simply being with him and being able to hug him after so long is all that you need. It doesn’t take a lot for the 2 of you to feel loved at all but just let Sabo spoil you. If you don’t he’ll practically throw a fit. And plus being smothered in kisses isn’t that bad from time to time
omg I so need a fanfic like that 🤧
Portgas D. Ace
At first Ace came out cold to you, just like he did Luffy. When Ace was a child he didn’t think he deserved to be love so he contuined to stay cold but just like Luffy, you didn’t give up. You tried to make conversation and play with him and sooner or later he did come around to you.
But what really sparked his so called curiosity with you was when Sabo had told you who his dad was and you simply shrugged it off, saying, “his dad has nothing to with Ace. As far as I’m consered he’s dad’s irrelevant at this point.” It was bold for you to say but Ace liked that. From there on out there aways seemed to be a glow that followed you, like a spot light.
Ace knows everything about you, even the things you don’t know. He doesn’t do it to be creepy he just couldn’t stop thinking about you. Ace knows your favorite color that changes every 3 months, how you like your pizza, how you always sleep talk, how you have a bad habit of speaking before you think and how you bite the inside of your cheek when your nervous, and how you dig your nails into your palms when your angry
He’s know you inside out and he really doesn’t mean it in a creepy way. It’s just hard to not watch you when your caught his attention. Now all throughout elementary school and middle school he didn’t think much of it. But once he was a freshmen in highschool and you were a 7th grader, and boys began to take interest in you that’s when he finally figured out: he was in love with you
of course, he had a little help from Sabo. Sabo’s best friends with Ace, how could he not notice? He thought it would be best to let Ace figure out that unknown feeling himself, seeing how Ace’s has never once thought about it. But as soon as Ace was able to figure out his feelings, Sabo was right there ready to help him out
It wasn’t hard, really. You were right by Ace when he slowly came out of his shell thanks to Whitebeard and his crew who took Ace in. And once you saw how lively and happy he got it was hard not to fall in love with him. Now that hard part was trying get together
Thatch was the the one who ended up actually getting you 2 together with the help of Sabo and Koala. Now of course, they waited until your senior year of highschool so things weren’t weird and then the plan was set into motion.
If the 2 of you had to be honest, you don’t even remember how it happened. You 2 just started dating The plan was all over the place, so the 2 of you just decided to tell each other you like them. And then boom, the 2 of you were a couple.
So like everyone always knows this but Ace won’t care of the relationship of the other one doesn’t love back. With his past he needs to know that he is loved, so while he always spoil you in kisses and acts like he is the giver in the relationship, you know well enough that he’s a receiver. You don’t mind at all anyways, seeing the fluster look at his face, is enough for you.
But that doesn’t means he does plan surprise dates, or random gifts. The relationship you 2 have is very balanced, nothing ever feels to overbearing. And I know I say this a lot but dating Ace is the best thing to ever happen
Monkey D. Luffy
Honestly the 2 of you probably met at some random park. You don’t even know how it happened. One minute you playing on the play ground, next thing you know your walking in the woods with a random boy that was about your age.
You couldn’t really complain though, the playground was getting boring and being pulling along for an adventure wasn’t bad. While on the adventure you were able to learn, surprisingly a lot about the boy. But the big take away is that his name is Luffy, he’s got 2 bigger brothers, and is around 7, about 2 years younger than you.
Definitely ended up spending the whole day with him in the woods. Y’all did everything from climbing trees, finding rare beetles, fighting animals, and playing in the ponds. You hardly met this kid yet and yet you had more fun than any other friend you met. By the time y’all headed back it was practically nighttime and, although he probably didn’t do it internationally, Luffy ended up walking you all the way to you house.
Before you could even knock on the door, your parents swung open the door and engulfed you into a crying hug while also scolding you at the same time. They were definitely giving off mixed emotions. From there, Luffy let out a loud laugh and ran off, waving by to his new friend. From that day forwards, you seemed to always be caught up in some mess with him. Y’all would meet at the park, at school, at stores, just any place where the 2 of you could have any type of fun.
This went on for a while, the 2 of you would adventure off to the woods, until Luffy’s brothers began to ask who you were. That’s when Luffy finally decided to take you to his house. It’s not that he didn’t want to take you before it’s just that he thought it would be more fun to go other places. But once Luffy brought you to his house, Dadan, the lady you learned who was taking care of them, practically had a heart attack. Seeing anything kid was the last thing she wanted. You had to tell her like 10 times that you were just here to hang out with Luffy. 
It’s not like it mattered though, you were already with him so it was really like Dadan had to take care of you. But just like the other boys she definitely came around to like you. And of course, Ace and Sabo came around to like you. How could they not? It wasn’t everyday that a girl would hang out with them. Whether or not he wants to admit it, Sabo had a small crush on you. But it didn’t last long after seeing your relationship with Luffy.
The think about Luffy is that he’s not gonna know he has a crush or even realize it on his own. He doesn’t really care that much. He knows all about dating and love and the birds and the bees, he just doesn’t care as much. So Luffy didn’t notice his crush on you until you brought it up. And even once you brought it up, not much changed between you 2. Not because he doesn’t like you he just doesn’t see what’s the difference between being friends and dating.
You ended up telling him you liked him early on but you didn’t want to actually get into anything until high school. So you waited until sophomore year then you asked Luffy to date you. Of course he got a push from Ace and Sabo but Luffy was gonna say yes anyways. And thus, the 2 of you began dating.
Dating Luffy is kinda a challenge. He not one to pick up on the little things or signals, so most of the time you have to tell him straight forwards. Whether you want a kiss, a hug, or to go on a date. Although the 2 of you are dating, Luffy acts how he was before beacuse he doesn’t see how the relationship changed much. He doesn’t do it to hurt or upset you, it’s just how he sees it.
And although you have to tell Luffy what you want most of the time. Dating Luffy is surprisingly easy, too. Depending on what it is, Luffy could either be a challenge or not. Beacuse you have to tell Luffy everything communication is really strong between the 2 of you. The both of you also trust each other very much. Because Luffy doesn’t just build relationships with anyone. Once the relationship starts though, you can expect him to be very trustworthy and reliable. Luffy adores all the friendships he makes, so he’ll never befriend someone who he doesn’t trust.
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
P.P| No, You Actually Dont
Summary: the lies are unbearable, especially when your vulnerable.
Warnings: language, insecurity? Cheating? Idk i just didnt feel happy on valentines so why not. I also dont know what this is-
A/n: for this im pretty sure i listen to blondie by current joys, kids byyyy....?? Oh! Current joys, and space song by beach house.
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You stood, clutching the roses in your hand with a wide smile on your face, about to knock on peters apartment door.
Its valentines day, the day you both got together, the day he had balls to ask you out. And it went on for 5 years, youve never fell out off love for eachother, at least you didnt think so.
So you eagerly bit your lip, knocking on the door with your free hand. “I think the pizzas here!” Peter yelled to make your eyebrows furrow, slowly letting your hand drop as you grew curious, hearing the door creek open “hi- oo-o” he said, looking at you while holding onto the door.
“Hi....peter...haha” you let out an awkward laugh, “hi my love, i wasn’t expecting you to be here....?” “Peter!” Your eyebrows furrowed as you heard someone in the back “what do you mean peter? Do you know what day it is”
“Yeah...its valentines day?” He said, looking away then looking right back. “Exactly peter- fuckin valentines day....and youre here with liz? Do you know what other day it is?” You asked, holding the flowers tight.
“I-i-“ “peter we fucking celebrated this for 5 years...how could you forget?” You asked, looking at him while his face grew red “did you also forget im your girlfriend or do i have to set a reminder for that too?” You asked, he let his mouth open before it closed again, not knowing what to say.
“Peter you said you wanted to watch this- y/n?” Liz asked, walking from the livingroom to you both, confused spread across her face. “Dont play fucking dumb, you knew today was- is our day” you said, biting your cheek and tapping your foot aggressively against the ground under you.
“Y/n this isnt a good time” he said, not wanting to argue and thats when your mouth slightly opened, fighting back tears that were gonna pool your eyes. “M-me? N-not the right t-time? P-peter” you looked, tilting your head at him as he gave you a sorry face. Liz stood in the background looking at you, still not knowing whats going on.
“Fuck you peter, its our fucking anniversary” you pushed the flowers in his chest, flipping off liz and swiftly walking off.
And you walked, the rain pouring as your fists were clenched tight, tears slipping away free willingly as you thought about the current situation, why you?.
You went to MJs, soaken on her front door, she asked what happened, you simply broke down on your knees and started to cry, heartbroken.
She immediately came outside, even in her small pajamas and bended down, holding you, getting herself soaken as she held you in her neck, letting you pour your heart out.
Peter tried his best to act like everything was okay, but it wasnt, he wanted to talk about his feelings with you but also wanted to give you your time, so he did, until he called you three days later.
And there you sat, on the couch, eyes droopy as he could tell you weren’t really taking care of yourself. You cuddled yourself while peter silently sat across from you, not knowing how to make conversation.
“Y/n...i swear i forgot” “weve been dating for five years peter, what is there to forget? You love liz dont you? Is this why you act like this? Why you havent gave me your full attention? You dont love me do you” and with that you broke your own heart, he doesnt love you. You cried, sniffled, and peter just watched, breaking his own heart too.
“Y/n i love you, i swear on my life i do” he sniffed, standing up and getting on his knees, his hands holding your chin making you look at his teary gaze.
“No you dont peter, just admit it” you said, he wiped your eyes. “Y/n i love you....im just not in love with you”
You heard your heart crack, literally you could hear your heart crack like glass. You frowned as your mouth slightly opened, your eyebrows furrowed as your eyes teared. “Please dont cry” he pleaded, looking up at you in a begging way and you couldnt help it, your shoulders slumped as you felt like you could barely breath, peter hugged you tightly, feeling the tears come down on his neck.
“I thought you wre the love of my life” you whispered, “i did too, y/n” he said, rubbing your back “i still love you, and my love will never be leaving y/n. I just want you to know that” he muttered, now playing with the material of your black sweater, while you just stared at the wall frozen, you didnt even hug him back, you just sat there, tears rolling down yout cheek as tou didnt know what else to do.
“Y/n?” “.......yes...” “I hope you love me too” his lips came together, leaning closer in your neck, thinking about it.
“Yeah, i do”
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mikoobun · 4 years
if levi had a son/daughter in the underground. (part 1)
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-being born into the underground under kenny’s supervision, levi was never surrounded by exactly the best influences. levi would most likely mess around at a young age, getting someone pregnant at the age of around 16 years old.
-hearing that he had a child on the way.. was not exactly exciting. in fact, it was the complete opposite. levi was in shock; he completely refused the possibility of someone bearing his kid. being so young, he had no idea what to do. he’d kept the secret from kenny for a while until he couldn’t do so anymore.
-he’d ran to the older man for advice, as he was the closest thing he’d ever had to a father. kenny was surprised, and actually found the situation to be quite comical. nevertheless, he gave levi pretty solid advice.
-kenny simply said, ”you want to be a deadbeat? go on and do that if you can live with the fact that you left a child behind that you never met.” and took a swig of his beer. “mess with as many broads as you’d like.”
-”but just know that your actions are that of a coward,” kenny continued, gaining levi’s full attention. “little self respect will always make you a little ass kid, runt.”
-that was all levi needed to hear before making up his mind.
-levi’d taken full custody of the child after it was born; the mother was too busy selling drugs and her body to care where it would end up, anyways. levi was happy he’d made his decision, god knows how the child would've been raised under that woman’s care.
“take him/her,” the woman carelessly tossed her screaming baby into levi’s arms. his eyes widened as she just walked past him. he looked down at the infant. their eyes were overflowing with tears, and their face was an alarming shade of red. “i don’t need no damn baby.” the woman continued. levi’s chest bubbled with anger. how could she be so cold? he held his crying baby boy/girl into his chest and stormed out of her house, trying to keep his temper from flaring.
-the first few weeks were hell. levi had gone many nights without eating and sleeping to provide for his son/daughter. levi began stealing baby formula, blankets, baby clothes and beat the shit out of anyone who got into his way.
levi held a knife to the sweaty storeowner’s fat neck, glaring fiercely. “if you hadn’t noticed,” levi drawled. “my child is fucking hungry. if you know what’s best for you, you’ll let me take this formula and we’ll both walk away with our lives.”
-kenny offered little to no help, but he did help provide food when it was absolutely scarce. kenny sure as hell didn’t describe himself as a father, but he was not cruel enough to watch the baby starve to death.
-levi picked up on his kids favorite foods. canned mangoes and peaches.
-the baby was a screamer; which subjected levi to many, many headaches and only increased his irritability. their temper tantrums were i n c r e d i b l e . this is actually where levi picked up the word, “brat”.  (he used it on his child in the underground 24/7 lmaooo)
-levi's protective as hell over his child. nobody other than kenny, isabel, and farlan could touch them. everyone else was too dirty in his eyes.
-piggyback rides! very often! his child is literally a human accessory because they're constantly clinging onto him
-as his kid started to walk, chaoosssss grewwwww.
-___ was definitely a troublemaking kid. they would ignore their fathers reprimands, throw things around, and was far too curious for their own good (which has landed levi-and sometimes kenny- in a few shitty situations)
Levi: “oi ___, dont do that. oi- HEY-”
Kenny: “hey, kid. sit down. sit- HEY SIT-”
-if they could speak, Levi's kid could admit that their father's glare was terrifying.
-dressing his kid was absolute hell
-he quickly learned that his kid liked to walk around barefoot, and would NOT accept shoes. ever.
-levi couldn’t play with his child very often, but he did the best he could. his childs favorite game was patty-cake. (can you imagine THE levi ackerman singing and playing hand games with a 2 year old? adorable.)
-as much as levi pretended to hate it, he cherished these moments.
-he'd often fall asleep next to his baby, or with the child laying on top of him
-and soon, ___ began to speak.
-at first it was unintelligible gibberish, the type that only mothers could understand from their young. levi, being the mother in this scenario.
__: "sasq juk rbfjo awui anosoi?"
levi: "aren't you going to tell him/her how your day was?"
-one time, levi was out of the house, so __ was under kenny’s supervision. they’d called kenny “pawpaw”, which instantly grabbed kenny’s attention. 
“what- what did you just say?” kenny didnt know if he was hearing things. __ giggled. “pawpaw!” they cheered. kenny sputtered. “paw- look, kid, i aint nobody’s pawpaw-” “pawpaw, pawpaw, pawpaw!!” 
-his kid calls levi “dada” or “pop pop”. levi swears his heart melts a little when he hears it
-but with everything, comes a fee.
-___’d quickly picked up on his father’s foul mouth, which kenny found absolutely hilarious.
___: “fuck you!” 
Levi: “dont say that.”
Kenny and ___: “fuck you!”
Levi: “oh god”
-needless to say, levi was tired as hell. every day was something new with him/her.
-suddenly, one day he just.. realized.
-he realized how much he truly loved his kid.
amidst the dirt and darkness of the underground city, there was a star that shone brightly in levi’s life. levi sat in a dark alleyway, holding his child close to his chest. the baby loved that; being held so close to their father. the baby was fast asleep, nuzzled deeply in levi’s arms, cooing ever so gently. his cold grey eyes softened, a sight that only his child would get to see. he realized his baby looked just like him. his heart throbbed in his chest. ___ was such a bright light, a youthful energy in a place made from hate. levi’s heart throbbed. he rocked back and forth a little. he wondered why they had to be born here. he wondered if he were a good parent. his thoughts ran rampant. almost as if they could hear his thoughts, ___ whined a little in their sleep. levi halted immediately, and glanced down again. the baby was fast asleep once again. levi smiled to himself. without even trying, ___ was his light.
trust me, levi wouldnt trade it for the world.
im sorry if this is bad haha, i came up with this in an hour :) -nila
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