#wow rina actually posts
rinaforpages · 15 days
how (not) to survive academic invalidation
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park gunwook x reader
using the american hs system bcs wow! im american... (i half wrote this at the end of last school yr so)
warnings: swearing, self-deprecation (obv), yn hits themself, angst with a bit of fluff at the end, reader is actually smart but surrounds themself with geniuses.
2.6k words
# 1 dont compare yourself
"junior year kicks everyones ass." you wanted to kick whoever said that ass. not only was the school work kicking your ass, your friends and classmates seemed to be doing just fine.
they were working on ap chemistry minus laura and gunwook who were working on ap environmental science, and you, who took neither of those classes, felt extremely out of place, doing your ap us history homework.
"whats species richness again?" laura asked gunwook, who quickly answered her question. you looked up, planning to ask the soon-to-be early graduate a question, only to see him helping sarah with a chemistry problem.
you weren't like them and you despised that. your friends were top of the class, an average of a 4.4 gpa, an early graduate (and first in the 2024 class overall) and there you sat with your measly 3.75. they were in 3-4 ap classes, and you sat there, struggling through your 2. (in your defense, ap lang and apush are the two hardest aps juniors could take).
you didnt excel in any way shape or form. they had just about an a in every class (minus ryan in french, who had a b), and a b was your most common grade.
a good 10 minutes later you had finished struggling through apush, you moved on to mandarin. you were the only one who took mandarin, everyone else opting for french. the characters jumbled your brain as your friends spoke in french, seemingly coming easy to them.
you heard footsteps walk by, and ricky laid a hand on your shoulder, looking over. "thats wrong." he said simply. the french kids careened their necks to look at you. he grabbed your pencil and wrote the right character, then walked away. you hummed as you circled the characters you didnt know, opting to ask zhang hao over bothering ricky again.
"you ok over there?" gunwook asked. you scowled.
"i dont understand why there are so many idioms! im losing my goddamn mind." parker laughed, mumbling that you chose the language. you couldnt (or didnt want to) voice your doubts as you thought you could.
as they focused their attention on their homework again, you waved over zhang hao, who hanbin had asked to help cut fruits for you and your friends. he set down a plate in front of you, then sat down.
"what does 开夜车 mean zhang hao please im gonna kill myself." he laughed as hanbin looked up, extremely concerned.
"you know 熬夜, right?" you nodded "so its kind of like that but youre doing work. it literally means burn the midnight oil" you thanked him as he patted your head, pulling the plate of fruit away from your friends and toward you, gunwook making a sound of discontent.
you sighed, packing up your bag at a text from your oldest brother. he was home from his masters program in germany, apparently, and was now waiting outside the dorm. you loved your older brothers, you really did, but they were so much smarter than you ever will be. the oldest graduated magna cum laude from mit, now achieving an accelerated masters for mechanical engineering, and the younger was attending harvard for premed, both completely full ride.
your friends, finally re-noticing you, looked up. "where are you going?" gunwook asked, shushing yujin.
"brothers here," you mumbled, not wanting to wreck your self-esteem any more than you had. sarah pouted, but nodded, whipping out her phone. gunwook opened his mouth, but then quickly closed it. "bye hao, thanks for the help. bye, hanbin and jiwoong!" the three oldest members waved back, hanbin hugging you as you walked by. when you got in your fathers' car that your brother was driving, you spilled your guts.
# 2 dont fall behind
at some point, your motivation fell through. all you wanted to do was lie down and stare at the ceiling all day. sadly though, education laws (and school rules) prevailed.
as you trudged up the stairs from last lunch to pre-calculus, you cursed the architects of the three-floor building and whoever required you to go to school.
two of your friends—laura and ryan—had junior priv, which meant they left early. sarah and coral (who had missed the study session) were in ap chem, and gunwook left for a shoot. without your friends to motivate you to work harder, you felt there was nothing left for you to do.
you had fallen asleep in mandarin earlier that day, so why were you still exhausted?
quick answer: you had stayed up late finishing your apush bonus points.
actual answer: you had no motivation to do anything.
you were falling behind on homework: what used to be doing homework as soon as you got home turned into doing it right before class. a teacher had approached your freshman-year english teacher about it, the one teacher who you could talk easily to. yujin was standing right there; they mustve not have realized you two knew each other.
ricky and zhang hao had invited you over for a cdrama binge session. (ricky said "itll help you" in his texts.) but yujin quickly pulled you aside.
"youre falling behind?" he asked, pointedly. you sighed, nodded, opening your mouth to reply as gunwook walked by, asking what you were doing.
"nothin! ricky and hao invited me over." the words rushed out, and they were so not convincing, but gunwook shrugged and moved to sit down beside ricky and gyuvin. you hushed yujin and walked over and sat down beside hao. gunwook stared at you.
"come here." he motioned, shoving ricky off the couch. you hesitated as you made eye contact ricky, but eventually, there were only so many thumps against the couch you could take. "see? more comfortable over here" you hit him, and he let out a yelp.
"do you have much homework, yn?" taerae asked, setting down a bowl of popcorn.
"only a couple of classes," you replied, shoving a kernel in your mouth.
matthew laughed, "the usual suspects, im guessing?" you nodded. gunwook threw a (toned) arm around you as the two chinese members debated the drama.
"how much have you done? its sunday." gunwook asked, lightly, rubbing circles on your arm with his thumb.
"i can do it all tonight and tomorrow." you sighed, the sentence reminding you of where you are in school. gunwook hummed.
"make sure you get sleep, though. you need sleep, its not healthy if you dont." fuck. you were in deep shit in two ways. you were falling deeper into your rut, and you were falling deeper in love with your childhood best friend.
# 3 dont be too hard on yourself
...was easier said than done. your mind cursed you every time you got a bad grade. you wondered what was the point: you werent good enough to get into the likes of yale, or any of your colleges for that matter.
you had long since fallen off the ladder. it had injured you your 8th-grade year, and every attempt to climb back to where you were or any pushing from a 3rd party proved futile, as you only slipped and fell back down again.
the sat was fast approaching, and every practice test you did was never where you wanted them to be. every stupid math problem you got wrong brought a punch to your head. you had called gunwook, only realizing when he didnt pick up that he was in a shoot. panicked, you hung up before the voicemail. when he called you back (10 times with his members also calling you), you opted to ignore it. it was getting late, anyhow, and you had to go in early for apush in the morning.
apush lab made you want to kill yourself. sarah sat next to you, but everything always seemed to favor her. the quizzes, the teacher. it was unfair, really. american history was supposed to be your thing. so why were you struggling? after lab, sarah asked you what was wrong. "gunwook had called us in a panic because you didn't pick up." you shook your head, lying through your teeth.
"i had a question, but then passed the fuck out like 5 minutes later." sarah laughed and nodded, saying she was glad you got proper sleep, mumbling something about the aforementioned friend. when you asked, she waved you off, the man himself standing outside your classroom. he swung an arm around you as sarah walked in the opposite direction to her next class. he asked you the same thing. you lied to him too, but he looked less convinced. he didnt press you further, though, as you two began to walk down the stairs to your creative writing workshop—a senior elective you had begged your guidance counselor to take. gunwook took it to fill spots in his schedule.
the teacher loved him. as did everyone. you wondered if you could ever experience that. your oldest friend was everything you weren't and it was a point of contention inside your mind. you cursed yourself that you were nothing like him. gunwook nudged you in the middle of class when you were given an opportunity to work, asking what was wrong.
"i know thats not why you called me and then didn't pick up. you're also in your head right now." he pointed out, softly. you hummed, scribbling down something in your notebook.
"i just... i had a question but it was stupid. i figured it out." he looked at you pointedly, a look that told you to tell him the truth. "seriously! im ok!" he nodded, grabbing your hand for a squeeze.
# 4 do your best
you were nervous. ok nervous was an understatement. you rocked from heel to toe as you awaited the announcement that the doors were open. your friends chattered nervously around you. for them, this was the first time they were taking the sat. this was your second. you had gotten a 1340 on your first try—nowhere near where you wanted it to be. your brothers had gotten 1600 and 1590, respectively.
you were on call with all your friends the night before, gunwook coaching you guys through certain questions. he had texted you, (only you, but you didnt know that) wishing you luck. ricky and zhang hao had wished you luck as well.
everything seemed like bricks in your bag. it was only a couple of things—a computer, for the digital sat, a pencil, a calculator, a water bottle, and a banana. but it felt like you had hundreds of textbooks in your bag for no reason at all.
the doors swung open, and you rushed up to your assigned room. the setup was a blur, and the reading section seemed to be so too. during the break, your friends voiced similar opinions. then, during math, you began to struggle. somewhere along the way, though, gunwook popped into your head. you dont know if it was   because you wanted to make him proud, or you didnt want to disappoint your oldest friend and crush, but it worked. you powered through module 1 and 2, module 2 being the toughest one by far.
when the results came back two weeks later, you waited with baited breath as your friends skipped class with you to check all of your scores. gunwook held your hand as you refreshed the page.
"i dont want to look." you said, hiding your face in his chest.
"ill look for you." he mumbled into your hair, scrolling down. you felt him smile into the crown of your head, "i knew you could do it, sweetheart." you looked, and a big glaring 1590 stared back at you.
"wook!! holy shit a 1590!!" you wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him tight.
# 5 talk about it
you sat with your friends and the members as you awaited gunwook's family's arrival. gunwook smiled from his seat on the gymnasium floor, holding up his phone. almost on instinct, you all checked your own.
wook🩵: this'll be you guys next year. ill be up there watching you all.
sarah burst in to tears. laura full on sobbed, and ryan and carols eyes were brimming with tears. as you read the text again and again, you got a separate text.
wook🩵: i'm proud of you y'know? i saw you struggling a bit at the end there but you made it through. i love you, yn. im glad to call you my friend.
i love you i love you i-
"hey yn sweetheart!" gunwooks mom sat next to you. his brother waved, and his father gave you a curt nod.
"hi. you guys must be excited." his mom laughed, nodding, then shoving your shoulder.
"im more excited about something else." you opened your mouth to ask her what, but the ceremony started
giving gunwook his graduation flowers made him blush. he shook his head. "do you not like them, wook? i thought theyre your favorites." he shook his head again, dropping the flowers into his mom's hands, grabbing your face.
"you are clueless, yknow that? i gave you so many hints. everyone knows." when you asked him what he meant, "yn, you didnt think id notice you putting yourself down? you know i cant fucking stand that. sorry mom. it kills me that the love if my life doesnt realize how fucking amazing they are, and it kills me that they dont realize that im in love with them." at this point, you dont know what you were doing. because gunwook was confessing to you that he both likes you and that he knows about your self-deprication. so now, surrounded by friends and seniors, gunwooks family and members, you kissed him.
it wasnt like anything you had imagined. your first kiss, you mean. peering seniors were waved off by shouts from matthew and gunwooks brother—both burly enough that even the biggest varsity football players would shrink away.
gunwook smiled on your lips as your friends cheered amongst themselves. you heard a loud "闭嘴!" from zhang hao to what you presume was ricky chatting with the senior mandarin class. when you broke off, gasping for air, gunwook tore off his graduation gown, pushing it onto his poor unsuspecting leader. he grabbed your arm, and the two of you sprinted as fast as you could.
out the gymnasium doors, out back by the cafeteria, through the back-woods path. he stopped when he was sure no one would follow him.
"so whats going on? with the whole." he gestured to your head. you knew what he meant, so you nodded. you told him everything, how you compared yourself to everyone, especially your friends and brothers, you were falling behind, your motivation was close to 0, and you never really believed that you could do it. he was quiet for a while. you knew he was trying to find the right words.
you wanted to cry, or throw up, probably both. it felt like the trees and the birds and your boyfriend? were judging you. but gunwook just apologized, for not noticing sooner, for not knowing how to help. you shook your head, tears threatening to fall, but he shook his too.
"no, no, im your best friend, yn, i need to be here for you. im serious, you have people to rely on, you dont have to shoulder this all by yourself." the tears threatening to fall were not a threat anymore, and the dam broke. gunwook grabbed the back of your head, pulling you into a hug.
mandarin guide:
开夜车: kai ye che, lit. burn the midnight oil
熬夜: ao ye, stay up late
闭嘴: bi zui, shut up/close your mouth
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osarina · 1 month
(all jokes aside you’re free to write about you want and i’ll still eat up every one of your works 🔥🔥)
IADFHAUISDFHSUDFHSU NONNIE ILY LOLLLLL actually fun fact, i have 3 fics that were supposed to be from that au partially written - so i might post those but i wont make it a massive project like pmreader
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nakanotamu · 8 months
ShuPro Awards 2023!
Normally I would post this on Twitter but I don't use twitter any more so now you guys get to deal with me instead! ShuPro dropped their awards for 2023 today so here they are in english. Right off the top, note that these are fan voted awards, so yes they're absolutely biased towards larger companies & popularity. To be clear I am not publishing this to be an unbiased news source I am posting this to be a bitch and tell you everything they got wrong bc I am right all of the time and have incredible taste. The numbers are how many votes they got. Anyway here we go.
Pro Wrestling Grand Prize
Hiromu Takahashi - 1748
Tetsuya Naito - 1516
Kenoh - 1269
Sanada - 915
Tam Nakano - 838
Will Ospreay - 301
Jake Lee - 266
Unagi Sayaka - 233
Yuma Aoyagi - 219
Natsupoi - 182
[Three women all being in the top 10 for the overall GP feels really big to me, especially Tam in the top 5. Also Kenoh in 3rd is very cool. I don't remember for sure but I think women have made top 10 before, but I don't think this many. Also all of them being Cosmic Angels? Oh my heart 🥲]
Best Match
Shinsuke Nakamura vs Great Muta - Noah 1.1 - 1258 [😒]
Tam Nakano vs Giulia - Stardom 4.23 - 1046 [should have won]
Tetsuya Naito vs Keiji Muto - Noah 2.21 - 725
Tetsuya Naito vs Will Ospreay - New Japan 8.12 - 566
Hiromu Takahashi vs Hayato "Jr." Fujita - Michinoku Pro 10.15 - 437
Tetsuya Naito vs Kazuchika Okada - New Japan 8.13 - 411
Kenny Omega vs Will Ospreay - New Japan 1.4 - 355
Katsuhiko Nakajima vs Kento Miyahara - Noah 7.15 - 336
Kentoh Miyahara vs Kenoh - Noah 1.1 - 235
Will Ospreay vs Shota Umino - New Japan 11.4 - 204
[Best Match is always kind of a side eye category that is sometimes kind of just the "which match was the G1 Finals" award and once again it proves Japanese fans are also capable of having bad taste but at least Tam & Giulia got 2nd place.]
Joshi Wrestling Grand Prize
Tam Nakano - 2092 [Holy shit that's a lot of votes. They're right but wow]
Giulia - 1192 [Like seriously stunned Tam swept it by that much. Just wow.]
Suzu Suzuki - 823
Unagi Sayaka - 737
Saori Anou - 563
Mizuki - 548
Iyo Sky - 502
Maika - 323
Rina Yamashita - 279
Sareee - 210
[Tam getting it by such a huge margin is crazy but I'm so happy. Also Tam, Una, & Saori all getting in the top 5 is incredible, Cosmic Angels are unstoppable. I'm really surprised Poi didn't get on the list though, especially after getting 10th in the overall category. Anyway clearly this is the most important category and god willing one day soon this and the overall category will both be all women.]
Best Unit
Cosmic Angels - 1973 [So true bestie. This is the 3rd year in a row Cosmic Angels have won this award which is insane, especially given the 2023 they actually had. They are fucking unstoppable. Girlfriend power is unbeatable.]
Los Ingobernables de Japon - 1361
Good Looking Guys - 1149 [I have a few friends who like GLG and mostly I just like seeing anything other than New Japan on these lists so I'm glad.]
House of Torture - 940 [lmao seriously?? did 940 people just not know who else to vote for or like are you guys really huge Sho fans or what]
United Empire - 418 [If you like UE I'd ask you consider growing better taste thanks]
Pheromones - 404 [Should have been way higher smh]
Just 5 Guys - 386
Donna del Mondo - 209 [Hey good for them!]
Okay honestly 4 of these being women's units AND Free WiFi getting on this list owns.
Best Foreign Wrestler
Will Ospreay - 3487 [God really. Are you guys serious. Always with this shit]
Megan Bayne - 1045 [r u kidding me.]
Max The Impaler - 963
Zack Saber Jr. - 627
Chris Brookes - 599 [Should be way higher]
Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr. - 548
Mariah May - 420(nice) [SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRST PLACE]
El Phantasmo - 222
Luis Mante - 106
Jack Morris - 105
Best Rookie
Hanako - 1842 [WOW!! It's not ToSpo's rookie of the year award but still very big for her.]
Oleg Boltin - 1673
Wakana Uehara - 1523
Kizuna Tanaka - 944
Zones - 417
Dark Unagi - 316 [LMAOOOOO]
Ryoya Tanaka - 233
Chi Chi - 218
Yu Owada - 198
Mifu Ashida - 181
[7 women on this list & the win going to Hanako is AWESOME but also LMFAO DARK UNAGI GOT 6TH PLACE ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME Una's power is limitless. Kayfabe is alive and well.]
Favourite Pro Wrestler [I always love they do favourite separate from best]
Tetsuya Naito - 1384
Natsupoi - 892 [Poi in 3rd overall as well is HUGE]
Saori Anou - 887 [COSMIC ANGELS SWEEP]
Kenoh - 683
Hiromu Takahashi - 597
Hiroshi Tanahashi - 593 [I remember a lot of times this feeling like the Hiroshi Tanahashi award so Tana down in 7th is surprising]
Wakana Uehara - 577 [Honestly Wakana seems crazy popular and they're pairing her with Yuki Arai now right? God that's like a print money combo]
Kazuchika Okada - 533
Mina Shirakawa - 514
Unagi Sayaka - 461
Starlight Kid - 375 [Wow crazy she got 12th place with how out of shape and lazy she is 🙄 THIS IS SARCASM if you don't know what I'm referring to I envy you. Hope 2024 is the year a certain someone finally gets fired Stardom would be better with no subtitles]
Yuki Arai - 364
Mayu Iwatani - 361
El Desperado - 359
Will Ospreay - 343
Giulia - 341
Kento Miyahara - 316
Maika - 290
Sareee - 283
Minoru Suzuki - 273
Taichi - 248
Sanada - 236
Saya Kamitani - 231
AZM - 198
Katsuhiko Nakajima - 183
Jake Lee - 179
Utami Hayashishita - 172 [Not enough lesbians voting obviously]
Jun Kasai - 170
Yota Tsuji - 164
Naomichi Marufuji - 163
Yuma Aoyagi - 154
Rei Saitou - 148
Hayato "Jr." Fujita - 147
Suzu Suzuki - 145
Arisu Endo - 141
Yuki Kamifuku - 137
Mizuki - 131
Hazuki - 130
EVIL - 128
Saki Kashima - 126 [SAKI SWEEP. TOP 10 NEXT YEAR]
Iyo Sky - 125
Shingo Takagi - 122
Great O-Khan - 121
Kairi Sane - 120
Miyu Yamashita - 119
Shinsuke Nakamura - 118
Kaito Kiyomiya - 115
Syuri - 113
Go Shiozaki - 111
Overall these awards are just popularity contests but I still liked a lot of what I saw. The Favourite Wrestler top 50 actually being half women is great and soon enough it'll be all women and we can finally admit we just don't need men's wrestling any more. I can't believe how insanely popular Cosmic Angels are, especially with the let's say rocky 2023 they had, but I guess some things are just so undeniably great people can't miss it.
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I’m the anon who asked about the SATVB openers looking for work post-tour 🙋‍♀️
I actually work in the music industry and honestly that’s very normal for newer/smaller/up-and-coming bands like been stellar to pick up “regular” jobs in between tours. Kinda unfortunate but just the reality of touring post-Covid. Things have gotten so expensive and even bigger bands are hardly making profits from shows, especially considering how many people/staff they have to pay for touring, production, etc. And most of it is Ticketmaster/venues that are making the profits (ik we all know this lol).
Especially considering that been stellar is relatively new (I think? Honestly I don’t know much about them/their history) some bands will offer to take a pay cut to support a larger act/tour because the exposure may benefit them more in the long run. Considering the success of ATVB/SATVB, how viral the tour went, and (in all honesty) the attention Matty’s had in the past year — I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. That would be at the band’s/their managers decision to take a pay cut for exposure (although they’re signed DH I doubt jamie o is their manager but I don’t really know haha).
Ik it sucks but more musicians/artists/creatives do precarious work in between gigs to make ends meet than you think 🤷‍♀️. lol I mean think of how many famous pop stars who own brands/take tv gigs and don’t tour anymore (not saying theyre struggling for money but touring is hard and not as profitable as it used to be). Especially considering DH is an indie label, these newer artists aren’t signing massive deals that’ll allow them to live in mansions and stuff lol. It’s the reality of the industry but who doesn’t have a side gig these days the way the economy is rn haha
So I wouldn’t necessarily say DH is a bad label (I honestly don’t know — theyve produced many successful acts & every label/business has drama behind the scenes). But even if they were a bad label, the onus isn’t necessarily on the label for what they get paid for touring.
Not trying to start any drama or ramble too much lol! Ik this convo started bc of the current Rina drama which really intrigues me.
Wow and I thought the publishing industry was bad. This fuckin sucks. Can artists not make art anymore. I figured since it’s not their own lil tour and it’s supporting a much bigger artist it would pay better.
Idk. DH definitely needs to do more to at least promote their people. Their posts are hit or miss like it’s not consistent but I don’t know what their deal is. They’ve signed some amazing artists they should back them more. Just feel bad for the guy like he just came off tour he should at least have some wiggle room. Ugh creativity never pays under capitalism.
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bisexualfemalemess · 1 year
Gonna make seperate posts for episode 7 and eight because they’re so long and i would write like a whole book about them. So let’s get started with episode 7
WHAT IS HAPPENING? PRESS CONFERENCE?? GINA IS GOING TO NEW ZEALAND? With mack?! FUCK THIS! Not terri waiting on ricky as he’s climbing through gina’s window 😭😭😭 Fuck off with your mack bullshit. “I don’t personally have anything against you.” Bitch why you tryna start a beef then? EAT HER UP RICKY “are you planning on showing up for her tonight?” PROTECTIVE BOYFRIEND EXCELLENCE. AWUSUSUSU TELL HER YOU LOVE HER FIRST ITS WHAT SHE WANTS YOU MIND READER! Not miss jenn and gina talking about ricky not saying i love you yet. THAT PURPLE DRESS IS FUCKING GORGEOUS!! OMG. WOAH BENJAMIN AS COACH BOLTON LMAO. Not her casually checking if he’s dating anyone. Aww Ricky continuing nini’s tradition for her, they’re definitely better as friends. Aww, ej coming to see his friends. Aww, big red too. Ej supporting ash and maddox we stan. Aww, so glad seb and carlos are back together. Aww, he got ‘em a round-trip. Dani is playing tiara gold, fits. Did i mention that i love the relationship between Kourtney and her mom? Because i do. Hahaha not jet asking if kourtney’s mom remembered her, he’s so awkward with her, he’s as whipped as ricky. OOH, THEY BOTH WANNA TELL EACH OTHER THEIR THINGS. Madddox, coming in and interrupting and turning off the lights. The awkward laugh after ashlyn’s joke, they’re in love. Aww, rina meeting up in the dressing room at intermission so he can tell her he loves her and she can mention she’s leaving :( Also, the amount of kisses this season between them. INSANE. RINI COULD NEVER. Not mack :| naww, ricky holding her flowers. NOT HIM MOCKING MACK, HE’S A MENACE. Aww, Ricky telling miss Jenn he loves her, he’s on a trip rn. WAIT, MISS JENN GOT WICKED?! WAIT, MIKE AND LYNN ARE BACK TOGETHER???!!! Gina loves touching ricky’s face, just something i noticed throughout the season and rn during now or never. DEWEY WOOD?! He’s a madlyn shipper, as he should. Dani back away from ricky, please. He’s not having it 😭 RINA TROYELLA, THEY’RE SERVING! Terri actually showed up, wow. My babies. Aww, gina’s thinking about real life while playing gabriella. Give rina a happy end, pls tim. Aww, glad portwell got some closure even if she took away the one thing they have ashsjsusuusdshdududusu. She doesn’t want to ruin his night, aww. Rina supremacy. I love maddie and jet. Aww, jet’s such a cutie. “It feels like the stage should be afraid of you.”Bf. I want it all kinda served. ANTOINE?!!! NOT THE MIDDLE FINGER TO BIG RED SUSUSUSYSH THIS SEASOJ IS SO GOOD AND CHAOTIC. Not maddie practicing her confession to ash and then seeing her pretend she’s still with red. AWW RICKY PRACTICING HOW TO TELL GINA HE LOVES HER TO HIS PARENTS IM ON THE FLOOR. YES, WRITE HER A SONG. AHH NIGHT TO REMEMBER SISISUSUDUSU. WHY IS TERRI JUST WALKING IN AND OUT JUST STAY FOR YOUR DAUGHTER LIKE?! NOT SEB KISSING CARLOS IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CROWD AND COMING OUT TO HIS DAD. Anyways, endgame. Aww, another rina kiss and her touching his face again, my children. Wait, who’s gonna go play coach bolton now that mazzara can’t? NOT GINA HAVING TO GO MEET QUINN WHILE RICKY IS GOING TO THE DRESSING ROOM TO TEL HER HE LOVES HER. Terri looks so happy telling him gina’s leaving??? AND THEN ADDING WITH MACK “i really am sorry, ricky.” Girl, no, you’re not. OMG THE WAY RICKY WHISPERED I LOVE TOU INTO THE EMPTY ROOM, I’M CRYING
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frostluvrs · 1 year
Wow its actually so interesting how rinis view the show because i always saw Ricky clinging to Nini because of his fear of change. why would his fear of change cause the breakup, that is a change he was afraid of lol
it’s interesting bc their argument is basically that gina needs stability and ricky can’t be that forever for her because he needs to embrace change and that includes him leaving slc. and that basically she will hold him back from looking towards the future in the long run. but i don’t think they realize rina shippers like the idea of ricky and gina growing together and that’s how we’ve always seen their relationship; not simply just her being the change he needs and him being the stability she needs. sure this could be a point they discuss in s4 in regards to their relationship and where ricky is going after high school but the whole point is they will be able to make it work while their other failed relationships couldn’t. key point: they just GET each other (in ricky and gina’s own words in 1x05 and 2x03). portwell and rini never got each other or even really understood each other. even when portwell were in their “build up” era in s2 they made time to show they don’t get each other (and rini…. i’ll explain further down). rini and portwell were never able to communicate effectively (rini for both s1 and s2….) while in my opinion they will show the opposite with rina. the only time they weren’t able to communicate properly was in s2 because of ricky being in a relationship.
i also don’t think they really understand rina’s relationship because they tried saying gina’s speech at the end of s3 is her just focusing on the past when that’s not true at all (unlike ricky with nini at the end of s1). it was simply her saying that she never saw her feelings for him coming and he was never the plan and started naming their moments where she never would have guessed. her saying he’s not a maybe and he’s a yes to me also proves that when the time comes even if he can’t give her “stability” that they’ll fight for their relationship and making it work. the writers could always prove me and other rinas wrong in s4 but 🤷🏻‍♀️
of course if you’re a rini shipper you’re going to view the show differently but in my opinion ricky and nini from s1 were constantly shown to be better apart. ej mentioned nini being a good different during the summer camp (post breakup), kourtney said nini looks at herself through ricky’s eyes and meeting him changed her in ways that kourtney thinks aren’t genuinely her, and even ricky says in 1x09 he’s back to who he always was. ricky gets the idea to “win her back” because his parents relationship is falling apart. and we all know why their second relationship failed but i guess rini shippers think as long as ricky has changed and began accepting change and grows they can have another chance now that they’re different people. i just feel like s1 and 2 proved that the problem will always be that they were never supposed to stay together forever. the only reason they got back together the second time is because they both didn’t want it to be over and for ricky it was the only thing that felt unchanged in his life. their second relationship was over before it even began because while they loved each other they weren’t IN LOVE anymore. they were put back together simply to have them realize whatever they had is gone. they’re each others first loves and that will always hold a special place that no one can replace (and shouldn’t have to replace… first love doesn’t mean you will never love someone on that level again) but that’s it. at least in my opinion and what i feel like the show was clearly trying to tell you
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aectpen · 1 year
synopsis: 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐥
pairing: Zhang Hao of ZB1 and fem!oc
status: ongoing
chapter 3: bracelet
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rina's obsession with zb1 grew by the day. rina was spending her day off with haemin in her apartment and they came up with the idea to watch zb1 content.
every time zhang hao was on the screen a smile creeped up rina's face. she now declared him her favorite idol. she found everything about him endearing. she thanked god haemin introduced them to her.
"i want to be his alpha." rina said when zhang hao appeared on the screen.
"i should've never introduced them to you. he needs to file a restraining order against you."
"i know ms. jiwoong is my husband isn't talking about restraining orders." rina retorted. "anyways, i talked to strawberry yesterday."
"please tell me it was more than a hey."
"it was he even asked for my opinion on what snacks he should buy, and then bought it!" rina fawned over the interaction. "he also told me to call him z, so we're getting somewhere."
"i have to see him, cause he has to be really hot for you to be having heart of just from seeing his eyes."
"well i'm sure the lower half of his face is even prettier than his upper half. he kinda reminds me of zhang hao. they seem very similar to me. maybe i'm projecting my wants onto him."
"if he looks anything like him and you won't make a move tell him i'm available." rina snorted at the suggestion.
"i really need a strawberry. my love life is genuinely embarrassing." haemin wiped away fake tears. "zhang hao posted!" her demeanor immediately changed.
it was a photo from inside a convenience store. "rina isn't that your store? omg," rina took a closer look. you could see her apron hanging. "oh my god, it literally is?"
"wow, they go on your off day that's sick"
rina stared at the picture. it was like she was connecting the dots in her mind.
no it can't be
zhang hao was wearing the same bracelet she saw last night. z for zhang hao. he also had a black mask in his other hand.
"what's wrong? i mean it's fine you've met him already."
"no i'm fine was just thinking it'd be crazy if i actually was working." rina lied. she didn't want to admit what she thought since she might be wrong, or she might actually go insane.
when haemin went home, rina immediately began stalking all zb1 accounts for pictures of zhang hao, covering his lower face with her finger to see the similarities.
did he not put on a mask because i wasn't there?
rina above everything else felt stupid. how could she not see it at first. i mean it's like hannah montana putting on her wig and people being oblivious that she's miley stewart. she also felt embarrassed. she hoped he didn't recognize her at the fansign. she thought he thinks she's a dumb fan.
she stared at the ceiling in bed unable to sleep.
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rina dreaded clocking in to work the next night. she hoped he wasn't going to make an appearance tonight or she would be a mess. his mask was the barrier between them. now the mask is transparent. she knows who he is. she won't be able to be normal around him anymore.
with only 15 minutes left in her shift, she sighed in relief.
rina ducked behind a shelf and tried to salvage her appearance. not for strawberry anymore, but for zhang hao.
"uh, hello?" he walked around the store.
"hi.." rina approached him. she mustered up the courage to try to pretend like nothing is different.
"so we meet again." he mimicked her.
"stop, that's so embarrassing." rina covered her face. "it's cute." rina's heart almost beat out of her chest
thee zhang hao called me cute someone write this down
"well.. what are we buying today?" she asked looking away.
"i actually wanted to buy the strawberry ice cream again it was really good."
"m-my recommendations never fail." she shrugged.
it wasn't in the cooler, it must be in the back.
"um, i can go see if there is any in the back." rina practically ran before he could even respond. she felt her cheeks while looking in the ice cream section. even in the cold area, her cheeks were like the surface of the sun. "i'm literally going crazy," she whispered to herself.
she grabbed a few pints to put in the cooler. "there you go. anything else?" she handed it to him purposely avoiding brushing hands with him.
"thanks, that's all." they went over to the candy section and grabbed his favorite.
just as she finished ringing him up, jaejun came around the counter. "you guys must be best friends or something." he commented.
"something like that, right rina?" the cat got her tongue. every time he said her name she felt weak in the knees.
"bye jaejun."
she took a few steps away from the store before she heard her name being called.
"um, do you live around here?" rina nodded. wow is he really talking to me outside of the store.
"well i was wondering if you wanted to share this ice cream,  my friends don't really like it much." rina couldn't believe her ears. so she really wasn't delusional. who would she be to say no.
they walked over to the park and sat at a table under a street light. he handed her a mini spoon. rina looked away while he took of his mask. for some reason it felt illegal to see him without it. " you know you can look at me right?"
she slowly turned to see him. "i could tell that you know who i am now."
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joondaya · 2 years
hsmtmts 305 thoughts:
- best episode of the series so far, let’s not even argue on this
- had my mouth hanged open the whole episode
- gina’s comments were hilarious to me
- but in all seriousness gina shouldn’t be feeling like she is second place to val or not enough as a girlfriend, specially in her first relationship
- ngl i would be here for kourtney and jet because i don’t like howie so
- carlos going to maddox and ashlyn saying they’re in love with the same boy while they’re both sapphic and crushing on/dating girls is hilarious to me
- can i just talk about rina’s duet once again?!?!? the whole thing was absolutely crazy
- i need to make a whole separate post on the rina duet because i really got a lot to say
- the moment of revelations was CRAZY
- ricky slapping ej?!?! oh wow
- ej’s name being elton john? i always made that joke since s1 but damn never thought that would actually be his name
- also the fact that gina didn’t even know his name? they have been dating for long enough to not know that
- also i almost forgot this but the fact that carlos says for ricky and ej to pretend ricky stole ej’s girlfriend and his mind goes to gina instead of a more real and comparable scenario like nini ? this episode was just wild from beginning to end
- can jet please stay in the show? the talent is too much for just one season. plus he has one of the best songs of the show ever
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
Season 3 Episode 6 Thoughts
WOW this episode was as Ricky put it “heart wrenching”
Like I know he’s been feeling it all season but I’ve been so well fed with the content. This episode I genuinely felt what Ricky felt. That was hard
But before we get too into rina I’ll make some other notes first
Ashlyn feeling the fireworks and pw not??? Oh sorry pw you’re bones but that was so sweet for Ashlyn
I have really enjoyed watching her discover herself and her sexuality this season. I remember season one thinking she was not super straight and so it’s cool really seeing her find her full identity this season (something she stated she had a hard time with). Which is an interesting insight to who she is at EH because she always has loads of clubs she’s in and stuff right? It’s like she could never settle on being one thing because maybe she actually didn’t totally know herself but now she does.
I also appreciate the Maddox and Jet storyline. I was team blue but very happy yellow won. It seemed like a really sweet victory for them and it was nice watching Jet try to restore that relationship
I kind of expected that storyline to resolve this episode so it was interesting seeing that Maddox still doesn’t feel totally resolved. I wonder what else will happen
I’m SO excited for Sebby to come back for prom 🥹 I miss him so much and I’m sure Carlos does too ❤️
The scene of Miss Jenn teaching EJ her directing tips 😭😭 pls it was so funny. When she talked about angrily shoving the papers in the binder. I NEED someone to gif Ej doing that so I can use it as a reaction meme lmao
I also LOVED her referring to herself as mommy or that they were her children, her son, etc. anyone else it is kinda weird but idk it works for her?
Although it didn’t work for Miss Jenn last season when Ricky got mad at her 😶 but I didn’t say that
I also wonder what the Miss Jenn and Mike agenda is? This cruise feels kind of out of left field for their relationship? It doesn’t seem like they were together that long for her to just hop on a boat with someone? But also what happened to Mozzarella Stick? Tbh I’m indifferent as of right now to both couples. I would be happy with her with either guy… I’m just confused because S2 left her relationships sooo up in the air so I’m curious to see if that gets more resolved S4
It was SO healing for my childhood to see Corbin perform again. I am actually sad he didn’t do the wildcats cheer too. It was a nice rina moment that came from it but I’m like 🥺
I also appreciate the implications of Corbin reliving his Disney games days. And then mixing dancing and basketball together after Chad made such a big deal about dance and baseball/basketball not mixing. Just loads of nostalgia 🥲
Carlos kept mentioning something about wanting a dressing room?? And they showed miss Jenn giving a little face that seemed like she was up to something with that? I wonder what that was about? What if she made him his own little dressing room before the rehearsal? 😭 she showed ashlyn how important her part is and she might do the same for Carlos 😭😭 oh that’s cute
Also miss Jenn finding the licorice at some random store was a shout out to the “big summer blowout” in frozen. I love 🥰
I made a separate post about this on my page but I think the pw canoe scene was very on the nose to The Little Mermaid? I kind of think it might be a hint at next seasons musical
I’ve been so-so about the jetney agenda but watching him cheer her on and the parallels of them having stuffed animals + some of the looks have been cute I’m ngl
I kinda got annoyed at Val this episode. She was very… pushy? Like pushy with Kourt, pushy with Ashlyn understanding “who she is”… idk something about this episode rubbed me the wrong way with her
Ok now for the best part RINA
MY SWEET BABIES I MISSED YOU (lmao am I miss Jenn coded??)
The HUG AND HAVING ONE EVERY EPISODE 6. So now they have massive parallels for each 5th and 6th episode of the seasons? Tim you better keep this up for future seasons
But really the hug was so sweet and watching Gina go to him first because she was proud of herself 🥲
ALSO the troyella basketball parallels??? Hello?????? That was so cute. I wanted to see him go behind her and help her shoot.
Also I wanted ricky to be the only one who helped her up after she fell but we can’t always win 😭
Isn’t it interesting that EJ ONCE AGAIN points out to Ricky something he can’t figure out as ginas boyfriend? (Why she hasn’t laughed at his jokes but is laughing at Ricky’s) oof the jealousy is strong in this one
But also Ricky made gina laugh 🥹
Also watching Ricky’s crying was HARD. He hasn’t cried that hard for anything else, including his break up with Nini. (I pointed this out in another post). Like this REALLY affected him
Ngl I was a teeny bit disappointed with that scene in the cabin. I thought that we would get the flashback or even a little more around why Ricky was so upset but jet made things about him then Ricky had an idea and the scene was over. I just feel like the dialogue got cut really short and there could have been even a couple more sentences to make the scene feel a little more whole. I would have LOVED the flashback here too but we can’t always win
I will say though, I’ve had this theory that the characters that the kids are playing not on stage is Ricky being Kristoff and jet being Sven and this scene amplified that. Remember how annoyed in frozen Kristoff got at Sven when he tried to make Kristoff go back to Anna or keep going through the woods with her? Kristoff got snappy. Me thinks Mr Bowen is portraying that same quality
I loved watching Ricky cheer Gina on in all the events 🥹 you can even hear him in the scene where she is rock climbing. It’s just such supportive boyfriend material unlike SOMEONE 🫥👀
Also did you notice when Ej was telling gina all the reasons he needed the show to go perfect she was the LAST reason? It was like he was explaining all of his anxieties and stress and then it was like “oh yeah and you too so I don’t have to stress over that either”. It was just.. yikes
(I still really would love a Kourtney and Ej scene where they talk to each other about the anxieties they’ve been facing)
I would love to see some sort of parallel where Gina feels or hears the words or something about the fireworks when she’s with Ricky. It’s interesting how miss Jenn pointed that out and we clearly saw them with Ashlyn and we also clearly saw how pw waited and waited for them to show. It was very in your face that they wanted these fireworks to happen so badly and they were never going to come. Instead of showing pw watching the fireworks to show they came we just got Ricky crying to the rina cue. I think having some sort of parallel to the fireworks with rina is going to be our way of knowing rina are finally on the same page. Ricky knows his feelings and whatever feelings gina has swallowed or push to the side have resurfaced and she acknowledges them too. Their love will feel like fireworks 🎆
ALSO (someone on Twitter pointed this out can’t remember who so if you know pls comment so they get credit) the scene where ricky takes Ej to gina parallels the scene heavily where Kristoff takes gina to hans. It’s not what he wants but it’s putting the other person first which shows you love someone. (Which I pointed out was a direct quote from frozen)
And sorry not sorry I’m gonna say it: I don’t think Ricky is just crushing on Gina or just likes her. He even made this a point “on accident” last episode. Ricky is IN LOVE with Gina. His feelings are so much deeper than he or others may be willing to admit
Ok friends I’m sure I have more thoughts but it’s 3am so my brain is VERY tired. I will post more throughout the week because it’s going to be tough waiting to get to episode 7 😅
Please send asks talking to me about theories, questions, etc through the week. I would love them! I have one in my inbox right now I’ll get to tomorrow but I’d love to discuss more with ya’ll :)
Ok have a good night! ❤️ rina endgame
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ginjithewanderer · 2 years
[Homare Arisugawa] Emotional Orange SSR — Backstage — Poolside Memory — Part 2
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Thank you Rina for the raws!
Translation under the cut
Izumi: It's a travel magazine.
Azuma: I read that magazine from time to time, too. Their articles are very tasteful.
Guy: Are you going on a trip somewhere?
Homare: Yes, actually—
Hisoka: ... Arisu, we're out of marshmallows.
Homare: Have you already eaten my backup supply!?
Tsumugi: We're back.
Azuma: Tsumugi, Tasuku, welcome home. Were you out doing street acts again?
Tasuku: Yeah. ... That said, how come you're all gathered here?
Homare: Ah, actually, I was planning on taking a solo trip. I was just looking at a few things in this travel magazine.
Tsumugi: Ooh, how nice.
Hisoka: ... Get me lots of marshmallows.
Azuma: Hehe, he's like a cat you're leaving behind to watch the house.
Guy: Have you found any nice locations?
Homare: Yes, I thought this hot spring resort seemed nice, but...
Tsumugi: Oh, they talked about this resort on TV a while ago. Apparently the inn is making a buzz lately because it was done by a famous interior designer.
Tasuku: Well, popular inns like this one are definitely completely full around this time of year, though, right?
Homare: Yes, that is true. Of course this summer will be-
Azuma: Huh, this rental vacation home is...
Izumi: Do you know it, Azuma-san?
Azuma: ... Just as I thought. The owner of the vacation home on this page is an acquaintance of mine.
Azuma: Just the other day, they posted on Inste saying a reservation had been canceled, so...
Azuma: Should I ask them if it's still available?
Homare: I appreciate the offer, but it's much too big for just one person.
Azuma: Then, why don't we all go?
Homare: What if our schedules don't align and we can't go to the resort pool!? 
Tsumugi: ... Mine is flexible around this time.
Tasuku: I'll be free after a performance, too.
Guy: Mikage and I can coordinate something around this time as well.
Homare: And so the tables have turned completely.
Azuma: What will you do? If you do want to travel alone, you can just say so.
Homare: ... Naturally, I've decided we should go. Let's all make unforgettable summer memories together!
Azuma: I'll contact them, then.
Tsumugi: How will we get there?
Tasuku: The car should be good...
Homare: ... I thought I would have to wait until next year again, but I see I was too hasty with that.
Izumi: (Hehe, Homare-san seems happy.)
Izumi: It's great that you get to go with everyone, isn't it?
Homare: Indeed. You'll be going, too, of course?
Izumi: ... Yes. Please let me join you!
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Izumi: Wow, this is beautiful...!
Tsumugi: I love how spacious it is.
Hisoka: It's nice and cool here...
Homare: It really is splendid! I'm already feeling poetic inspiration welling up inside me!
Tasuku: Why don't you give your poetry a rest, just for today?
Izumi: What should we do for dinner?
Azuma: It looks like the owner filled the fridge with all sorts of ingredients.
Guy: ... With all this, we can make anything we want.
Tasuku: How about a BBQ then?
Izumi: Since you even brought me along with you, I'll take charge of cooking!
Hisoka: ... We'll just be having curry again.
Tasuku: No doubt about it.
Izumi: Is there something wrong with that!?
Tasuku: That way, it'll be more of a camping trip than a BBQ.
Homare: Since we're here, why don't we each prepare one dish?
Homare: After we've finished, whoever's cooking we decide is the worst will have to play a punishment game.
Guy: There aren't many difficult dishes to make at a BBQ, but that sounds good.
Tsumugi: That sounds fun.
Azuma: I don't mind it, either.
Homare: It's decided, then!
Homare: We're free to do whatever we want until dinnertime, so let's think about what to make at the BBQ.
Guy: Understood.
Izumi: Whoa! There's a pool in the garden!
Tasuku: Huh, it's big. Should we get in soon?
Azuma: I'll hold back on that.
Hisoka: Me, too. Changing clothes is a pain.
Homare: Unfortunately, I didn't bring my swimsuit. I'll pass my time relaxing with a book.
Tasuku: ... Then why did you choose one with a pool?
Tsumugi: Ahaha... there, there.
Part 3
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yasmini24 · 3 years
Season Finale Checklist
season finale post
-THE HARNESS. lily stole the harness, howie may have been an accomplice, kourtney thinks howie is being weird (he's being weird because of the harness) and THE SHOW MUST STILL GO ON EVEN WITHOUT THE HARNESS ✅❌ (?) It was never revealed that Lily stole the harness but we did find out about Howie's thoughts
-ricky realising lily and her intentions (our guy is gullible) ❌ ✅ He told her to get out of the party but he called her after
- PORTWELL AND THEIR DATE. after what jamie said, ej is not sure if gina actually likes him and the date might be cancelled. gina is gonna be heartbroken because she doesn't know what jamie said to ej. so they need to have a talk and kiss. ✅THEY DIDN'T GO ON THEIR DATE BUT THEY KISSED!!!!
- NINI AND GINA TALKING ABOUT THE CHOCOLATE SITUATION. this episode was opening night, so there couldn't be any drama between anyone. I want them to clear the air and be besties!! ✅THEY RESOLVED THE CHOCOLATES SITUATION AND BESTIES. also the gini scenes...WOW
- SPEAKING ABOUT NINI, I loved how nini was a emotional pillar for everyone. her character was really nice and I'd love to see more of that AND director nini. ALSO, we all saw the sneak peak where gina and nini talk about her music opportunities right??? WE NEED SOME MORE INFORMATION ON THAT ✅ GINA SAID SHE UPLIFTS EVERYONE AND NINI CALLED JAMIE
- RINA CLOSURE!!!! ricky and gina need to have a talk just to close up whatever they had. ❌ no talk
- ANTOINE MAKING ANOTHER APPEARANCE (seriously, where's my child?) ✅ HE CAME BACK
- KOWIE, REDLYN and SEBLOS FLUFF (in chaos, there must be peace and we all saw that promo photo with kourt, howie and her mom) ✅❌ we got kowie and redlyn fluff. seblos not so much
- mr. mazzara and ms. jenn development ✅sure???
-nini and ricky becoming FRIENDS again ✅YESSS
- BATB CAST FLUFF. just them all laughing and having fun. they need it after all the shit they went through with north high, ms. jenn, relationship messes... ✅WE GOT IT. AFTERPARTY!!!
OVERALL, the finale was lacking in ways BUT we still got some things so I'm okay for now
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pokefan531 · 3 years
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[MMD] Post-Halloween on Wacky House Members
So this is what happened a day after Halloween. All Wacky House members are having something on a different lounge elsewhere, telling others what they did or got for Halloween.
Allister, Gogo, and Bea's story. Gogo: Allister! What did you got? A love letter? Bea: Is it Acerola? Allister:...yes. Bea: Sweet. So what does it say? Allister: Umm... just asking me out as well as giving me her bags of candies inside. Gogo: Sweet! Sounds like you really had fun with her last night. Bea: Yeah! Allister, you would be happy to find a girl who shares similar hobbies. Allister: Yeah... just she speaks more than I do. Gogo: I know you don't talk much to new friends, but seeing how you both are ghost type leaders, it's a very common thing to talk to each other about. Allister: Really? Bea: Oh yes! It's just like how I had common talking to Greta, my best friend, and also Korrina, sweet-loving fighting gym leader. I'm sure you got this on your day with Acerola. Allister: Thanks! Bea: Yeah, I just played as a ninja warrior, as I dressed as one. Gogo: It was easy. I played as Nikki from 6teen. Bea: Ooh nice! Allister: Sweet! You both fit in actually.
Ash and D.VA's story. D.VA: I got a lot of EXP candies last night and chose my Cruise outfit. Ash: Cool! Well those are candy. D.VA: Yep, filling my EXP. Also, they have sound system right by us. Ash: Oh! What you want to do? D.VA: Play my favorite BGM, as it's a party here on post-halloween timeline. Ash: Sounds great! D.VA: But also, I met lots of Mercy, Sombras, Tracer, Widowmaker, Sigma, Lucio, and Baptiste cosplayers, so it was a pleasure to meet them. Ash: Brilliant! I just dressed up as Red. Wow so long since I wore a Red outfit. Although I wore his original costume instead of from the one I used to wear in my early days. D.VA: Oh! FRLG one! Ash: Yep, but I tried his RBY one. D.VA: Yep I saw it. By the way, I showed them my wepaons as they found it cool. I didn't use any ammos, but just have it in my inventory. Ash: Great!
Adult Alix and Konata's story. Konata: Oops! That was loud. Alix: Oh my! That's embarrassing. Konata: Sorry! I just had it go right through me. Alix: Phew! That's stinking up here. Konata: I must've ate too many candies earlier. Oh and I even got a burrito during Trick or Treating. Must've got a lot of beans. Alix: Really? They were handing out burritos in halloween? Konata: Yeah. On one place where some guy and girl were handing those out as well as bubble gums. Alix: Wow! Well, just be careful of how much you eat then. Konata: Sure. By the way, I was playing as Mona from Genshin Impact! Alix: Oh nice! I was playing as Molly from Oban Star Racers. Easy because she almost look like me. Konata: Oh yeah!! Funny lol.
Robbie Rotten and Tawna's story. Robbie: Oh my, Konata! Konata: Just excuse me, had ate more candies and a burrito. (Tawna appears next to him) Tawna: Hey Robbie! It was totally fun last night! Robbie: Oh yes! We really did well as pirates! Tawna: I agree! It's so fun going around and play You Are A Pirate song! Robbie: Ah, yes! A song that never gets old. So fresh to play when our pirate time is up! Tawna: Yep! And after all, it was the reason why a lot of people handed candies to us for support. Robbie: Ohh yes! It's such great to performing on a fitting event. Tawna: Yep. Maybe in Thanksgiving, we can do hot potato event. Robbie: Sure!
Rina's story. Rina: Heh! I never thought I get to walk around as a mermaid! Wow! Madame Taki put out a great spell on me that allowed me to walk with my tail, in ground. Well, that was a great way to go trick or treating. But, I even like to take pics of myself as a mermaid with my shell and fish tail. That raised my PokeGram's likes and comments. Such a sweet success! Even Lucia and Hanon are shocked by my halloween night! They say how shocking. lol.
Miruko's story. Miruko: Hello peeps! I'm Miruko! Also known as Rumi Usagiyama! I got bags of candies around, while going out as Miruko. Got lots of love and even flex around. It's been fun last night with all the costumes and candies. I even got avocados from Milo. Not only that, but I met up with Momo and Tsuyu. Oh and can't forget Izuku either. It was a fun night and now all of us are chilling here, sharing our stuffs from halloween.
Credits: Vibrant Lounge - DiemDo-Shiruhane SM Ash - Jakkaeront Tawna - SAB64 Allister - Arisumatio (textures restored) D.VA - DesertDraggon Robbie Rotton - YikesDepartment Gogo - Entzminger500 Miruko - HatsuneDKaname Rina - Japanese Author Adult Alix, Konata, and Bea - Myself
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digitaluvr · 4 years
tagged by @newgf and @sataemism to answer these questions (i’ve combined them since there’s some overlap), thank you very much for tagging me! 💖💘💕💞💓💗💝
name/nickname: caitlyn, cait or call me anything else you’d like honestly
star sign: capricorn
height: 5’2
time: 1945
birthday: jan 10
fave bands: the 1975, ben&ben and uhhh does big time rush count
fave solo artists: rina sawayama, megan thee stallion, kiana ledé, taemin, jonghyun, crush
song stuck in my head: currently flip-flopping between keri hilson’s pretty girl rock and freddie mercury’s the great pretender
last movie: a little favor
last show: sweet home
when i created this blog: i don’t wanna go all the way back to my embarrassing posts so i’m gonna assume mid 2012??
last thing i googled: [my uni’s student union] office hours
other blogs: @stuhdied which is my old studyblr from high school that i started bc i wanted to be a *~studyspo ho~* but now just use to keep track of productivity/study masterposts
do i get asks: not really! only for ask games, if i’ve asked for clarification on smth or confuse my information/dates and someone corrects me 😭 i’m embarrassing ❤️
following: according to tumblr on desktop i’m following 256 people!
followers: honestly the number is basically like nothing to me now bc i’m pretty sure a lot of them are inactive anyway 😂
why i chose my url: i wanted an nct url and this was the coolest one i’ve thought up that also happened to be free
average hours of sleep: 5-6
lucky number(s): i don’t think i pay attention enough to know if i actually have one?
instruments: currently trying to learn the ukulele!
what i’m wearing: an oversized grey hoodie and star wars pj bottoms lmao
dream trip: eating through asia w/ my friends like i’m in a netflix food documentary!
dream job: a baker with my own little shop/cafe!
favourite food: anything with tofu, pork sinigang, sushi, pho, sweet potatoes
nationality: canadian
favourite song: h.e.r. - every kind of way
favourite animal song: uhh i have no idea what this is actually asking me so maybe exo’s growl???
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: sailor moon, the spiderverse bc wow!! so many spider-men, and pokémon 😭😭
random: i decided to try making my own excel spreadsheets for budgeting but i’m actually finding it to be so unexpectedly satisfying? there’s smth about colour coding things, dropdown menus and programming things to do the math for you that just hits different 😩
recent pic: tried to build gingerbread houses with my little sister on christmas day but it kept falling apart and my sister was only interested in eating the candy decorations 😔
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tagging @aechan @syotaro @bamyan @yerisdykes @yvezs @lleejeno @love4eva @velvetsan @wayvmetal @goingcrazies @yutaphoria @lullabys @onliafans @back2u @mooshum @2vxq !!
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book-a-holic · 4 years
Live watch: Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
OK, yeah, I don’t usually do this, or actually ever (I don’t even post stuff)... but I have absolutely NO ONE in my life who watches this, or I feel comfortable ranting a LOT (because believe me, I have a lot I’m feeling), so here I am.
lets be real, love live is king in queerbaiting, and it really fucking irritates me, it’s such good setup, so much love, so many girls being pals, aaahhhh it’s so fucking sad, I thought I gave up after Sunshine’s love confession by the sunset from a girl who reads yuri, like COME ON WHAT... but well I was watching some rnd stuff, and I watched 22/7, and gosh I missed love live and there was this new one and I’m now on episode 3 and remembering why I loved it so much and hated it so much...
so first episode: I can’t believe I’m here again
I was so mad at myself for doing this again to me and uuuuuuhhggggg I can already see the bait and we are only 2min in D:
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Look at those 2 sdjkvlabsdfkjhbasdfkjblaskldbjf the are so cute and so cute and oh no shit I’m in this again... ok, keep calm you know what to do... fuck canon, they are clearly already a couple, they are together and dating for so long they are completely casual with each other and have a happy relationship, that’s it, no I’m not delusional you can clearly see it there (let’s see if I can keep myself deluded of the whole season)
so... YAYYY FIRST MUSC TIMEEEE that was so cool look at all those horible CG fires oh wow I forgot how good and cool and everything the dances where, like really good 3D character animation and composition and camera work, yep Love Live really is the best, there is no comparation..... and all those extra of how Yu see’s Yuki’s concert, wow super awesome!! I I particularly liked this shot
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seeing it again as I now know Yu is not an Idol but a fan/supporter it really makes me love it more, you can clearly see how she love’s it but also the divide like “nope don’t wanna be there, wanna watch it” yay really simple analysis great work also, the hand drawn fires are motherfuckin awesome
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so it goes on and wow they are so married already, look at Ayumu waking up her gf and OHHH are they gonna do next building neighbors again??? oooohhhh next door neighbors JEZUZ FUCK NTR FLASHBACKS SHIT Y DID I WATCH THAT SHITSOW awn they are so cute and OMG I’M blind Yu’s hair is green and that weird/cute bang on Ayumu wow they outdone themselves on the girls’ design and ohh new main girls and oh the prez is that the idol girl I'm sure and oohh more members and that girl is a model, fancy~~ and YAHHH BABYYYY two songggssss and oh it’s super different to have song from 1 character (and now that I’ve seen some info on the character awesome that makes so much sense) OMG THEY HAVE MATCHING SQUARE THINGS THEY ARE SO IN LOVE
Episode 2: shit it is so good I’m so happy
ohh a fight between Yuki and Kasumin funn! Miss Model-san get’s the award smart girl, and also nice that she isn’t in the club but wants them to succeed because of her waifu (yes Emma is her waifu ep 3 proved that)... well I don’t really remember much from this episode, just that Ayumu was kinda jealous that Yu was calling Kasumin that was cute, and It was also nice seeing someone realize what they did and try to change, and Ayumu trying her hardest was so damn cute, and also really nice seeing the other characters know each other and interact. Welp I guess I don’t have much to say about this episode because Kasumin is def not my kinda character, she was ok, her music was ok....
Episode 3: OH NO I’m already in too deep
YAY I was right about prez, well obv it was really in your face... also not that much to say.... I loved the continued interaction from everyone, it really gives another feel to this series, it’s not them trying to get members, they already have people interested, they are already friends, lets get this show GOING FAST. I’m loving having Yu as a main character, it’s really refreshing not having an idol but someone seeing someone who wants to support them and loves that stuff, really interested to see how she keeps on helping the others grow.
Some random stuff from this episode:
look at those girlfriends they are she cares so much :3
Look at that Yu being so perceptive and considerate and loving her idol
look at that total dork Yuki having a completely different personality, and her music is so cool *-*
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I love how on the cast image in the end she has an idol costume, not her uniform
also I’m really enjoying Ai and Rina, their interactions and that cat are so cute, really looking forward to ep 4
Sooo what was this all about.... I’m enjoying myself, I’m really scared to be sad about the bait because it’s already happening... but also I’m happy and it’s cute IDK, I just wrote a bunch and I swear I’m not drunk and I’m not sure it makes sense and I write so many ands, I swear I know how to write.... and those are my thoughts at the moment I’m gonna.
Am I gonna write about anything about the next episode? or the rest of the season? who knows, not me.. and that’s all I think, have a good life if you were crazy enough to read all of my ramblings :D
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
As Long As It’s You
Idol: Doyeon (Weki Meki)
Prompt: cheerleader kim doyeon has tons of suitors and love letters but she’s alr dating soccer player f/reader yet nobody seems to realise and reader lowkey is frustrated so one day after reader’s big game and their team won, doyeon kisses reader in front of the whole school
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: I lowkey love these types of scenarios and I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope you all enjoy!
♡ Tip Jar♡
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“Wow, more pink letters. What a surprise.” Yoojung’s voice was sarcastic as she looked down at the letters that had fallen from Doyeon’s locker to the floor into a neat pile at her feet. By now, this was a regular occurrence, and the taller girl just sighed as she bent down to pick them up. Her recycling bin was starting to get full at home. “What innocent hearts are you going to break this time?”
“I can’t help it if they fall for me,” Doyeon pointed out as she shoved the letters deep into her backpack, then put the books on top. “It’s not like I want them to.”
Grinning, Yoojung shut her own locker and put her hand to her heart. “Our resident heart breaker. If you were a dude, you’d be a fuckboy.”
“I don’t even know these people though,” the taller girl complained, closing her locker and shifting her backpack onto her shoulder. It was significantly heavier than it had been that morning. “They just look at me cheering one day and decide they love me. It’s all fake and superficial.”
“Maybe you should hide your identity. Like with a mask or something. Like that gangster girl from that short movie we watched the other day.”
“I think it’s a little too late for that. Everyone knows who I am already.”
“Oh right. Good point.” Yoojung hummed as the two girls fell into step beside each other. “I mean, you could just come out and tell everyone that you’re dating (Y/N).”
“I’ve been as obvious as possible. I post photos of us together online. What else am I supposed to do?”
“True, but you have your accounts on private,” Yoojung pointed out, and Doyeon wrinkled her nose.
“That’s because I kept getting confessions on my posts.”
“Wow, it must be so hard to be beautiful.”
“It’s not like that-.”
“Doyeon!” A familiar voice called her name as the two of them walked outside, and her face lit up as she turned to see you jogging towards her with a smile.
Ignoring Yoojung, Doyeon opened her arms to greet you with a tight hug. No matter how long the two of you had been dating, you still gave her butterflies, and they danced in her stomach as she pulled away to see you smiling affectionately at her. “What’s that look for?” She asked, tilting her head, and you laughed.
“I’m just happy to see you. How was your day?”
“It was okay, better now that you’re here.”
“I repeat, gross,” Yoojung said, skipping forward. “She got a bunch more letters from some poor unfortunate souls. Oh, and some guy asked her out during lunch.”
At the mention of her large fanbase, your face fell slightly and you wrinkled your nose. “More letters? When are people going to take the hint?”
“I don’t know.” Doyeon sighed and took your hand, starting to walk towards the school gates with Yoojung on the other side. “I’ve stopped responding to the letters all together because I can’t respond to ten people a day. The public confessions are starting to get on my nerves too, because then I look like the bad one for turning them down. Then when I tell them I’m dating someone they all act like it’s just an excuse. For some reason, a lot of people don’t believe me.”
For a moment, all three of you walked in silence, you holding her hand just a little bit tighter. At the school gates, Lua joined the group, immediately linking her arm with Yoojung’s and giving her a kiss on the cheek, and the shorter girl snapped her fingers with a gasp.
“PDA! That would make it obvious, wouldn’t it?” She leaned into her girlfriend and smiled. “I mean, nobody questions if we’re actually dating. Right, babe?”
“They don’t have to,” Lua answered, grinning and booping Yoojung on her nose. “Our love is that obvious.”
Doyeon grimaced playfully and shoved her friend’s shoulder. “And you said we’re gross, Yoojung.”
“I mean, to be fair, you are. We’re just grosser.”
“Sure.” She turned back to look at you and flushed slightly when she saw that you were looking at her intently. “What? Is something on my face?”
“No, I was just thinking. The public affection thing could work.”
Doyeon’s heart skipped a beat. Oh god. Was she ready to kiss you in public? “Yeah? But we don’t usually see each other during the school day. How would that work?”
A smile spread out over your face and your mood seemed to lift. “I think I have a plan.”
Suspicious, she poked your cheek and narrowed her eyes. “What are you up to?”
When you didn’t say anything, she poked you again, but you just grinned, shaking your head. “You’ll see,” you said with a laugh, and she groaned. She hated waiting.
A few days and over twenty love letters and two confessions later, Doyeon was getting ready for the big soccer game. Despite her growing frustration and her nervousness when she thought about what your plan might be, she felt calm as she put on her cheer outfit and tied her hair into a high ponytail. She’d been cheerleading her entire life. If there was anything she knew, and if there was anything that could calm her down, it was cheer.
“Ready Doyeon?” Lucy, one of the freshman, bounced over to the table, a huge smile on her face. “It’s the big game! If we win this one, we’re on to the championship!”
Doyeon stood up and smiled, straightening her skirt. “I’m so ready. I know the team will be amazing.”
“Rooting for your boo?” The younger girl wiggled her eyebrows, and Doyeon couldn’t even be mad. At least someone believed her about her relationship.
“Of course. Are you cheering for Rina?” She asked. Suddenly, Lucy’s face went red and she looked away, making the older girl laugh. “You’re so cute Lucy. Come on, let’s go join the rest of the team at the door.”
Thankfully, the weather had recently gotten warmer, and so she didn’t immediately feel like she was about to freeze as she walked out onto the field. Instead, she felt warm and fuzzy, smiling out at the cheering crowd. Their excitement was contagious, and her heart started to pound as she got into formation, shivering as a thrill went through her body. It was time to start.
Raising one of her hands, she locked eyes with you standing across the field and beamed before mouthing a quick sentence. She couldn’t say it, not out loud, but she knew you got her message.
“Good luck. I love you.”
Soccer, unlike other sports, always kept Doyeon on the edge of her chair, her heart skipping and stopping with every other play. Every time it looked like you might get hurt or you got the ball only to lose it again, she would grip her pom-poms a little tighter. Whenever you scored, she was glad she was a cheerleader, because she could cheer you on like crazy. The game left her breathless and excited, especially when you were playing.
So when the final goal was made, winning the game for your side, the relief she felt made adrenaline wash through her body and made the difficult cheer routine easy. As she came down from cheering, the game over, she saw you heading towards her, and your words from days before came rushing back.
“I have a plan.”
Suddenly, her legs felt wobbly, and her breath caught in her throat as you approached. Still, a smile spread over her lips.
“You were incredible out there,” she said, meaning every word, and you grinned proudly. Somehow, even sweaty and dirty after the game, she still found you so attractive, grinning like that.
“I did it for you,” you said, and then you leaned in, and her eyes fluttered closed.
She felt like she was in a movie as you wrapped one arm around her waist and brought the other hand up to caress her face as you kissed her, bending her back with the force. Her heart pounded again in her chest and a thrill ran through her as she kissed you back and threw her arms around your shoulders, pulling you in closer. The noise of the field disappeared into the background as she focused on you and only you.
As it turned out, it wasn’t that hard to kiss you in public.
When you pulled away, breathless, she giggled. “You taste like Gatorade,” she said, and you laughed.
“Better than sweat and dirt, right?”
“Much better.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Can I kiss you one more time?”
Her cheerleading friends whistled, and from somewhere, Yoojung was yelling for her to “get some.” There was a murmur and what sounded like cameras going off in the crowd, and Doyeon smiled. Now everyone would know that she really, really loved you. She doubted she’d be getting any more letters or confessions after this, but just to make sure, she leaned in again, her sparkling eyes making you swallow with anticipation.
“(Y/N), you can kiss me as many times as you want.”
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tapedeck-archive · 4 years
tagged by @agentplant thank you!! <3
answer 30 questions + tag 20* blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
name/nickname: Emma
gender: nonbinary
star sign: Cancer
height: 5'6"
time: 10:48 PM
birthday: July 10
favorite bands/groups: death cab for cutie, mumford and sons, hippo campus, of monsters and men, radio company ;), patd, mcr, coin, anarbor
favorite solo artists: mitski, cavetown, conan gray, phoebe bridgers, alex g, tom rosenthal, willow, joji, rina sawayama
songs stuck in my head: well i am listening to Born to Beg by The National right now!
last movie: Ten Inch Hero lmaoo
last show: most recent watch is Queer Eye / Supernatural, i was watching them simultaneously because i'm insane. but the last show i finished was Hannibal. wait no technically it was spn rip
when did i create this blog: tumblr memories bot says 01/10/2015 2:53 PM yikes !
what do i post: wow what a difficult question to answer. this blog is mainly art and film and literature and things related to my personal life. i have a sideblog for fandom stuff which i don't want to force upon my friends xx
last thing i googled: "ruby bridges"
other blogs: @deangirlinterrupted is the only one i'll promote lmfao... for fandom stuff. the others are not important :) ✨
do i get asks: not really!! at least not on this blog. when i do it's usually an irl friend (mwah) and i am always open to them wink wink
why i chose my url: i needed a change from my old one, and juliana said they liked this one best out of a list i had :) and i love queerbait lmao
following: 231
followers: 369 for this one
average hours of sleep: 10 lol...
lucky number: 9, 13, 27
instruments: i know clarinet and bassoon really well and i've been learning ukulele for a couple years
what i am wearing: black sweatpants, grey t-shirt with a dog on it :) (it's from martha's vineyard), flannel with autumnal colors. all thrifted!
dream job: idk anymore. i'd love to make some feature films i think, and it's not really a dream but an actual goal to work at a publishing house
dream trip: road trip thru western USA or just switzerland baby!
favorite food: idk man i like anything my mom will make for me :-) i like to cook soup and gnocchi though
nationality: i live in the US but i was born in Japan :-)
favorite song: Broken Horse by Freelance Whales ? currently cop car by mitski
last book read: i'm in the middle of Her Body & Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado still
top three fictional universes i'd like to live in: uhhhh. i truly cannot think of even ONE. the fictional universes i enjoy are not places i'd actually want to live in. i just think they're neat. i'm fine where i am
*tagging @goldlacestars (because you like to do these mwah) idk if anyone wants to do this to share with me, go ahead and please tag me!! i'm hesitant to tag anyone but no matter who u are i care about your thoughts..... u don't even have to do the whole thing, you could comment some answers on this post.... <3
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