#so i had to go look up the horcrux stuff
ellecdc · 6 months
Dude, I don't know why I am asking this. But do you think poly moonwater will choose to be child free? I do think so. I mean, regulus past story and remus fury problem, I don't think they'll want kids at all
But if reader accidentally gets pregnant. Do you think they gonna keep their distance an arm lenght? I mean, I remember in the book remus trying to leave nymphadora who's pregnant at that moment (or is it after she gave birth? Can't really remember) by trying to help Harry looking for the idk the name of it, voldemort collections?
oooouuuu this is a fun question! thanks for asking; and I think that happened before teddy lupin was born and they were searching for Voldemort's horcruxes! - also, in regards to canon, I think the reason remus felt willing to take off was because he truly was sort of all alone: no parents, no siblings, no family, no friends. Plus society constantly shitting on him, plus there being a war etc etc, he felt very desperate and didn't feel like he could handle being responsible for nymphadora and a child
But of course since WE DON'T LIVE IN A WOLD WITH VOLDEMORT OVER HERE 🙃🙃🙃🙃 I think this is a valid question
(my answer is going to be SFW until the page break below - I will put warnings ahead of time for minors)
My answer would be yes, I agree that Regulus and Remus would perhaps wish to be childfree. Like you said, Remus feels like society views him as a stain and he wouldn't want to pass that legacy onto a child (biologically his or not), and he also wouldn't want to put a child through the pain of seeing their father suffer through every lunar cycle. Regulus had a horrific childhood and would be very scared to be anything like his mother or father, and I kind of see him as this guy who really doesn't know what to do with kids...he never had a childhood really, and never was around other kids until he was at Hogwarts, and by then he was right traumatized soooo yes I agree, he would be worried about having children.
As for our darling reader finding out she was pregnant? I have some thoughts on that.
I think Regulus has a deep rooted sense of duty and loyalty to his people, and ultimately, Remus and reader would be his people. Even if he hated the idea of reader being pregnant/having his child, I think he would shove that down so deep and just completely take on this role he never really wanted but hey, he's here now and he's going to do what he has to do. It was why he ended up in Slytherin (duty/loyalty to his family), and it was why he took the dark mark (duty/loyalty to his family). He took the mark because he believed that to be his role, his job in life - and if reader ended up pregnant, well, that was his duty then.
I think Remus would be a wild card. Remus never had a proper childhood either; he had to grow up really fast as he was bitten at only 4 years old. This means for as long as he can remember, he's been a werewolf. He didn't get to attend school (due to injuries/pains, scars, unexplained absences etc), he never had siblings, and he couldn't play with the village kids. So not only does he not necessarily know what to do with kids, I think he'd still have some of those "the kid would be better off without me, I can't curse another life to me and my lycanthropy) BUT I think he'd have been around Harry and loved that kid so damn much, and he'd have his friends and loved ones to help him come to terms with it.
This could be a cute fic request.
now.....as for the NSFW stuff (18+, minors don't look down here)
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I have this headcanon that pureblood's have a breeding kink....they were literally bred, born, and raised to carry on the bloodline and produce heirs - so I don't think Regulus was fucking innocent in that conception LOL he would have been very excited thinking about spilling inside of reader and getting her knocked up.
in a similar vein, I also believe that there is a primal side of Remus with his lycanthropy which would ALSO support a breeding kink - truly fucks like an animal tbh and gets so turned on at the thought of filling reader up
okay sorry for being a dirty horn dog thanks byeeeee
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daytaker · 9 months
hii hellooo, may i request brothers with a clown core mc? their outfits most often being very colorful but their personality being the opposite? like somewhat cold and very blunt, not talking much and if talking then it’s about something mildly disturbing like murder investigations or an odd fascination with deadly diseases stuff like that
sorry that it’s extremely specific and thank you regardless _(┐「ε:)_
Clown Anon MCs - [ Clowncore MC | Death-Fixated Science Geek MC | LeVeyan Satanist MC ]
When you first arrived, no one was sure what to think. They looked you over. Your pink hair, your cyan shorts. A yellow T-shirt and rainbow suspenders. Gaudy makeup and adorable pink tennis shoes. Beaded bracelets and necklaces and colorful tights.
And a box of smokes in your back pocket.
"Welcome to the House of Lamentation," Lucifer says, gesturing grandly at the stately mansion ahead of you.
You say nothing. Instead, you pull out a cigarette and a lighter. Taking a drag, you lazily gaze at the house, then back at your host, who looks disgusted.
"Make sure you only do that outside," he says, nodding to the box of cigarettes in your hand.
You blow a puff of smoke in his face and start walking to the door, completely ignoring the sounds of Lucifer struggling to contain his rage.
"Why's it called that?" you finally ask as you stop at the front doors. "'House of Lamentation'?"
Lucifer, having composed himself by now, steps up beside you. "This is a replica of a house from the human world," he explains. "In it, an entire family was murdered; the parents, the servant, and six of their seven sons. The seventh--"
"Ohhh. This is the Sutton house," you say, nodding.
"Excuse me?"
"The Sutton house. Massachusetts, 1923. Elijah Sutton, oldest of seven sons, runs into the local tavern screaming that his servant killed the whole family and himself. Most folks today think it was Elijah who really did it. I know I do."
You take one more drag from your cigarette, then drop it on the ground and put it out with the heel of your shoe.
"So this is their house, huh? Sick."
It's breakfast on your second day in the Devildom. You took extra time to apply your godawful makeup this morning, and you're sure it shows, because the brothers keep glancing at you as if they're not quite sure what they should say.
"You talk to them, Mammon," mumbles Satan. "You're their babysitter."
"Ah... ahem." Mammon casts a glare at his brother, then looks at you. "So, uh... Human." You stare at him with a dead-eyed expression that seems to unnerve him even more. "...We're goin' to RAD today, and there's a couple a things you should know." You continue staring.
Mammon looks to his brothers for help, but they all avoid eye contact. "Uhhh... Just... try not to get eaten, 'kay? Lucifer'll be pissed if you die on my watch."
"Do demons eat people?" you ask. "Like, raw?"
"Sometimes! So don't mess around with 'em, got it?"
"That's gotta be messy as fuck."
"It is!"
"You got any photos?"
"So I get that you're the seven deadly sins," you say to Satan, sprawled out in an armchair in the library, "but like... is that all you guys got here?"
Satan, who had been minding his own business and innocently reading a book of curses, looks irritated. "Is that all of what?"
"I dunno. Bad shit shaped like people." You shrug. "Like, you got the Four Horsemen or somethin'?"
"Of course not," Satan snaps. "That would be ridiculous."
You shrug. "Embodiment of plague? Too ridiculous to believe. Embodiment of wrath? Well, obviously that's a thing."
"You have to make pacts with Lucifer and his brothers," Belphie urges you through the door. You stare at him, then take a drag from your cigarette. As long as Lucifer is occupied in the music room with that weird record, you're going to break every rule in this damn house.
"How am I supposed to do that? Am I gonna split up my soul Horcrux style? Give everybody a slice?"
Belphie stares at you for a few seconds. You don't realize how badly he wishes he could kill you in this moment. "Are you going to help me or not?"
You shrug. "What do I get out of it?"
He blinks at you in utter bewilderment. "You... make me happy?"
You stare at him. He stares at you. You stare at him. He continues to stare at you.
You head back down the stairs.
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patrophthia · 1 year
from the glue | tom riddle
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pairing: tom riddle x reader
genre: fluff, lovey dovey stuff, tom changes himself for reader, song fic, OOC tom (like super OOC), not beta read
wc: 1.1k
this is a request ! thank you for sending this in!! <3
tag: @tr4ppola
You like to believe in the good in people. You'd like to believe that no matter how bad a person seems to be, there's something in them that is truly good. You'd also like to think that there were bad even people who you might deem good. Which is probably why you think Tom and you worked together so well. 
You balance each other and made one another a better person in one way or the other. 
Tom taught you how to stand your ground and you taught him how to be (for the lack of a better word) more tolerable and less pessimistic. 
The longer you knew Tom the more you realised you'd never met someone like him. No matter how much you knew of him, he'd always find a way to surprise you whether it be good or bad. 
You never understood why he'd been so drawn to you after your first meeting. You were in class, so was he, when you'd accidentally bumped into him as you reached over to care for your plant. "Sorry."
"Don't be," he says, his tone unreadable. You glance up and meet him eye to eye and swore it flashed red for a split second before he sent a smile your way. "It happens to everyone." 
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He was nice, which is what you'd notice the first time. In the second, you realised just how charming he was and how many of your classmates longed to be with him. He didn't care about them though, always turning them down when they slightly hinted that they were interested in him. 
So imagine your surprise when he'd asked you to be his partner on a project who you were sure he'd be fine doing on his own. You didn't read much into it, maybe he just wasn't as smart as you thought he was despite him being at the top of the class. 
A month later, your project turned in with an Outstanding as your final grade. Tom made excuses to keep on being by your side since then. It was as if you two were glued to the hips. 
You didn't understand why at first, but when he'd started telling you some of his secrets, you were quick to pick up on why he's been doing so. 
And to prove yourself right, you decided to ask him about it one evening after your study (not) date. You didn't like beating around the bush, neither did Tom. So you decided to jump straight in. "Do you like me?" 
He looked up and studied you for a second before he answered. "I'm here, aren't I?"
Okay. Maybe you should rephrase it. "Do you have feelings for me?" 
"Would I tell you about the basilisk if I didn't?"
You think about it for a second. It was weird that he'd tell you (who at the time had only known him for about a week) about a hidden basilisk underneath a castle that had been kept as a secret for you. You guess he just really likes you then. 
Throughout the next few months you managed to fall for his charms (and him yours). Somehow, he'd become your boyfriend along the lines of straightening out his wrongs. Your boyfriend was a bit of a fixer upper, so what? 
Of course you couldn't change everything completely about him, he still had his goals in life but most of it was diverted when you told him plain out that you'd never date someone who would willingly hurt a completely innocent person. 
So he took a different approach to it instead, he'd had one Horcrux when he'd first met you and vowed to never make any more. He finally found something that made him happy and he wasn't going to let it go to waste for something that hadn't made him half as satisfied. 
Last night you decided that it was best to destroy the Horcrux and Tom wholeheartedly agreed, mostly because he was willing to do whatever you asked him. 
Who knew destroying a Horcrux would hurt like a bitch? Certainly not Tom. He knew it'd take a toll on him, just not as much as it was as of right now. 
The only thing bringing him comfort as he recovered was you. He'd always thought he was averse to touch, but when it came to you he wanted nothing more than to glue himself onto you. 
Morning comes way too quickly for his liking, and even though he's woken up ten minutes earlier than you just so he could hold you for a bit longer. He wanted to stay here a bit longer, limbs tangled underneath his blanket, stuck onto you. 
You stir awake and he finds himself frowning, knowing that you'd have to get up and out the door in a few minutes. 
"Good morning," you say, smiling winsomely at him. 
His frowns deepen. He's going to miss you even more now. "Good morning." 
Your eyes flutter shut when he pressed a short kiss onto your forehead before opening up again, this time more alert and awake. "I have to go to work," you say first, trying to get out of his grip. "And you have to take the day off to recover." 
He listens to you, and he thinks to himself, asking. When did he start listening to a command from someone other than himself? And secondly, why is he listening to a command from someone much shorter than him? 
When he doesn't reply, you begin getting yourself ready for work. When you get back out, Tom's still in bed, wearing an uncharacteristic pout. "What?" 
"I think you're forgetting something." 
You double check your thing to find that everything's there and frown. "What do you mean?" 
"Doctor's order," he says. "You'll have to kiss me before you leave or else you'll miss me and I turn into an evil wizard while you're gone." 
You let out a loud sigh, failing to hide a smile at his childishness. You pressed a quick kiss on his lips, Tom grabbing a hold of your face in an attempt to deepen it only for you to pull back. "Work." 
"I'll be back soon okay?" You tell him. "I love you." 
He hesitates and you're not upset when he does so, you'd always been understanding so you know how he feels when it comes to love because, quite frankly. He never thought he would ever be in love. 
It was impossible for someone to love when they were conceived under the love potion, so he never bothered to seek out love. But you were special, and you were here now, with him. And so he loves you for it. So just before you leave, he tells you back what you'd heard the first time ever. "I love you too."
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—from bee: fluffy tom 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 i like my tom best when he’s OOC teehee, reblog/notes/feedbacks are greatly appreciated!! :]
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sodamnradd · 1 year
Hermione Granger was going to die on his operating table.
Draco paced the room and tried to ignore the ghostly girl lying unconscious a few feet away.
Potter was the only person keeping Draco here and, if Granger died under his care, it was all over. The Order would blame him for her death.
“What am I meant to do with you now?” he mumbled, glaring at his patient.
He touched Granger’s pulse and felt it fading. Her skin was cold and clammy. Even her hair seemed deflated, giving up the good fight.
There was no other way.
“Don’t worry,” he murmured, feeling a flash of remorse for the fate he was bestowing on her. “I’ll make sure you don’t fall in love with me.”
The Order promoted Draco to main headquarters. He had his own room and went to bed with a full stomach every night. Sometimes, there was even beer.
But Draco would have slept in moth infested sheets again and eaten stale cereal for dinner every night if it meant staying away from her.
After her miraculous recovery, Granger visited him in the medical wing. Often.
The first time to thank him for saving her life. The second to borrow a book she spotted on his desk, swapping it for one of her own. The third to return his book and tell him about all the ways it had pissed her off. Before he knew it, she’d cajoled Draco into a war-time book club, reading all the books Granger bartered off other Order members.
She started confiding in him about odd things that were happening to her.
“It’s not my problem,” he cut her off, popping open his collar as the room grew three notches too hot.
“But you’re my healer.”
“I’m not your healer. I’m just a healer. A reluctant one. Your idiot friends won’t let me do much else.”
“Help me find out what’s wrong with me, and I’ll have them reassign you.”
She was insufferably stubborn.
“See how I did that?” she asked one afternoon, squashing a fly with her palm and resuscitating it seconds later. “That’s odd.”
“That’s magic.” He feigned disinterest, swatting the irritating fly. “Couldn’t you have let it die?” Sometimes Draco wished he had.
“It’s like holding sand in my hands. I have a handful of seconds to decide whether to preserve its life or let it trickle out—Are you even listening to me?”
“I’m counting inventory.”
“Stuff your blasted inventory. This is serious!”
He made her concerns seem trivial, shooing her off and demanding she mind his office hours.
Yet she always came back, always wanted to hear his expert opinion on why Dark Magic was so easy now, why she was quicker than Harry at casting off Dementors, why she didn’t need her wand to perform magic anymore.
One evening she visited him, devastated. “Tell me why I can’t stand letting anyone touch me.”
Red mist filled Draco’s vision, noting her rumpled figure. The state of Granger’s hair was an old joke by now, but he could tell someone’s fingers had been raking through it. Her shirt was misbuttoned. She looked messy and fierce and unbearably debauched.
“It certainly looks like someone tried,” he mumbled, trying to choke down the emotion that rocked through his chest.
“Tell me, Malfoy.”
“How am I supposed to know?”
“Because you’re all I think about!” she exploded. Her face went crimson.
She cleared her throat. “I know my own body. You did something to me that night, didn’t you? When I was injured.”
She stormed forwards, poking him in the chest. “What did you do?”
He snatched her fingers in his fist. It was like he was pure whisky, and she an Incendio spell, set astray. “Fuck.” He dropped her hand at once.
Granger leapt away too, gasping. “Did that just…?”
“You almost died,” he said, physically restraining himself from reaching for her again. “I didn’t have a choice.”
“Malfoy?” Her voice was little more than a croak, her eyes too wide and innocent. Looking at him like-like—
He had to look away. “I split my magical core and gave you half.”
“Like a Horcrux?”
“It wasn’t my soul. But magic is binding in its own way.”
“What do you mean binding?”
“As in, you can tap into it now. It’s yours.”
“So I have my own magic and half of yours?”
He shrugged.
Granger’s mouth fell agape. “How do I return it to you?”
“It’s irrevocable.”
Realisation dawned on her face. “So, all of this,” she wagged a finger between them, “is because of your spell?”
“There’s no ‘this’.” He repeated the gesture. “It’s you and it’s me. Separate.”
She shook her head. “Don’t lie.”
“I’m not—”
“You looked like you wanted to commit murder when I walked in just then.”
He shifted his gaze, jaw clenching. “My magic recognizes itself in you. It’s… possessive.”
“And mine recognizes you,” she concluded. “It doesn’t like me being with anyone else. You knew this would happen?”
“Should I have let you die instead?”
“I don’t know,” she admitted, and Draco tried not to wince. “Is this it, then? We’re bound to each other for the rest of our lives?”
He couldn’t stand looking at her anymore. Remorsefully, he replied, “This is it.”
(883 words, prompt: soulmates from @dhrmonth)
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deathly hallows is so weird. i remember even when i first read it at 12 being kinda like ???? because really? this? this was supposed to be the big hyped up grand finale?
obviously book 7 isn't the only book with plotholes but there are so many more than in the others ones and they were really obvious things that just felt so lazy. like suddenly people can be their own secret keepers? meaning that the plot device that kicked off the entire series now doesn't make sense? or jkr forgetting harry canonically knows how to cook. just basic stuff like that that felt so sloppy. or harry and co breaking into the ministry to steal something that umbridge might just as easily have left at home in a drawer in her house. ?? or they somehow don't have food when they're camping even tho they can do magic and can duplicate food so they could just take a ton of stuff from a grocery story and copy it forever?
plus the pacing. it has some really good moments towards the end but omg a lot of it has no sense of urgency. or i remember as a kid after reading book 6 being super hyped to see the other cool and difficult to defeat enchantments guarding the horcruxes like we saw in book 6. but nah. in book 7 they're just lying around anywhere.
it's like jkr set up this whole horcrux hunt thing and then got bored with it and wanted to get thru it as fast as possible. and then added a bunch of poorly thought out wand stuff that contradicts prior canon. there were a ton of cool things that could've been done with book 7 and instead most of it feels so rushed.
It seems we all have secret trauma revolving Deathly Hallows.
The beautiful thing about the being your own secret keeper, of course, now means that if that was the case then someone didn't tell the Potters this or they were dissuaded from this path for some reason makes Dumbledore look very suspect.
Though I personally love the idiotic plan to bust into the Ministry to get the Horcrux rather than try to find out where Umbridge lives or trying to get a hold of her when she does her shopping in the country's one shopping district of Diagon Alley. It's just so dumb.
Or the fact that the gang suddenly survives only on mysterious mushrooms they gather deep in the wilderness of Great Britain or the time they look for blackberries in the middle of winter. Ron knows there aren't going to be blackberries, tells Harry as much, but since he's come back from abandoning this very stupid mission he now believes that Dumbledore must have had a plan.
Dumbledore had a plan.
(But yes, anon, it's just a bad book filled with beautiful stupidity that felt like it should have been a video game and was oddly written as if it was a video game where most of the chapters are boring cut scenes you want to skip and the game play is things like "raid gringotts" or "fetch the sword from the bottom of a pond to destroy the horcrux".)
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the great war
Theodore Nott xfem!reader
part of the midnights collection
December 31st, 1998
Dear Diary,
So much has happened, I don’t know where to start.
The past month has been eventful, to say the least. As far as the Horcrux hunt goes, the boys managed to destroy two of them, almost one month ago, and Hermione thinks they’ll be going to Hogwarts by the end of January. 
Hogwarts has been shut down, unofficially; classes have stopped and the only ones staying there are the teachers and the students who have nowhere else to go. Professor Lupin said that most of the muggleborns have fled the country with their families.
I worry about the boys going back there, especially now, it isn’t safe with Snape as Headmaster and the Carrows there. They shouldn’t be going there alone.
The attacks against muggleborns and muggles, are more frequent now than ever. There is a station on the radio, spreading news and updating the supporters of the Order.
From what we’ve been hearing, things aren’t going as well as we’d like them to. Moody says that, even if we destroy the Horcruxes and kill Voldemort, there will still be so many Death Eaters and werewolves left and they will try to continue his work.
Not to mention, the politicians who secretly support him. It just feels like no matter what we do, they will still keep appearing. So how will it ever end? 
You feel panic creeping up on you again, and you stop for a moment, laying your head on top of your desk, hoping that if you shut your eyes, you will forget everything for just a few seconds. But you don’t. Instead you decide to focus on something else and you continue writing.
Andromeda Black has been visiting us, her husband is also fighting and her daughter moved in with us. And, in case it wasn't clear, she is Dracos aunt. I think she wants to fix their relationship, Narcissa and Andromeda were close growing up and from the way she talks about her sister I can tell how much she misses her.
Draco is the only person tying her to her sister- and her old family. I am sure she is proud of him. Proud of all of them.
We, have also grown closer to them, it is ridiculous to think how every time I’d stumble across Pansy Parkinson at school, I would feel anxious over the things she would say to me, but now- now we laugh together almost every night.
We all sit together and talk about school and our past, but only about the good stuff. Pansy makes fun of Theo and Draco, and how difficult they were back at school. How Draco would constantly talk about Harry when they sat in their common room. 
She remembers how one time, Blaise invented a drinking game, where every time that Draco would mention Harry, they would take a shot of whatever alcohol they had. She woke up with a pounding headache the next morning next to Theo who looked sick and Blaise who had gone to the bathroom at least three times.
And worst of all, Draco was sober and kept on blabbering about quidditch and how unfair it was that “undisciplined-Potter” won almost at every game.
Pansy told us the other day that even if things go terribly and we all die, at least she made girl-friends and didn’t end up alone with a whiny Draco and a moody Theo- her words not mine.
Theo and I have also grown close this past month. After the last time I wrote you, he visited me in my room and asked if he could sleep here. I let him in and turned the rug by my bed into a mat. Anyway, he slept there that night, and the next one and everynight after that.
He says he doesn’t get nightmares anymore, he feels safe now; and he can fall sleep easier. And to be honest, I have also been sleeping better, ever since that night. It isn’t only easier for me to fall asleep, but when I wake up I feel safe, and I can calm down faster than when I am on my own. 
I didn’t realize how much I craved to be near someone until Theo started sleeping here, how easier it gets when you have someone by your side. 
He usually knocks on my door a few minutes before midnight, we lay in our beds and talk until one of us falls asleep. 
He is kind and funny, and if it weren’t for the War I could fall we could be more than housemates-who-can’t-sleep-by-themselves and-need-eachother. But, we could die at any moment and living in a fantasy will not help me; and neither will getting my hopes up over nothing. 
We spent Christmas morning together, we woke up very early, and those who were not on a mission were still asleep. He made us spiked-hot chocolate, and we exchanged Christmas stories, until the others woke up.
That morning he told me about his childhood and how he would spend Christmas with the Malfoys, because his father didn’t want him around.
He asked me about my childhood and I told him about visits at the Burrow, and that one year when I spent Christmas at Hogwarts; raiding the kitchen with the students who were also there; and then listening to Hagrid’s stories at night.
Last week, I think the day after Boxing Day, I heard him talking in his sleep. Usually, he is the one to wake me up, whenever I have a nightmare, but that day the opposite happened. 
He was thrashing in his sleep and mumbling words that I can’t remember, he told me once that he dreams of Blaises death. I woke him up and
You raise your head and look outside your window as you recall that night. 
You were on your knees next to him, desperately trying to wake him up. Tears were dropping on his cheek and he kept grunting as if he was in physical pain; you shook his shoulder hard enough that he woke with a deep sigh.
The look on his face haunts you to this day, it is something you never want to see again. You lightly grabbed his face and whispered “It was only a dream.”, but he didn’t seem to believe you. He looked at you in silence, and grabbed your wrist, willing you to stay there with him and not move.
After a few minutes, he let you go and whispered “I am sorry.”, you could have just gone back to your bed, he was fine, he had snapped out of it. But you felt something tugging at your chest, and you just couldn’t let go.
You grabbed your blanket from your bed and draped it over you, as you laid down at his makeshift bed. He was nervous at first, at how different this was, from your usual sleeping situation, but after a few seconds he laid next to you and guided you to rest your head on his shoulder, while he kept you close with his arms.
You slept in each others arms that night, but when the morning came you woke up alone with only his scent there to hug you.
You never spoke about that night, and you still pretend it never happened…
In a few hours it will be new years day. 1999. I feel numb, it almost doesn’t feel real. Time is moving and the world is changing, every day, but I feel stuck. I am stuck inside this house and in this war that no-one asked for.
I keep losing people and I can’t see how that is ever going to change. I just hope, wish, that the War ends this year, and the new millennia doesn’t start with violence and death. Is it selfish to also wish that I make it out alive, without losing anyone else that I love?
You hear a knock on your door and quickly hide your diary. “Come in.”, you say and the door opens to reveal Theo in his usual sweatshirt, holding his pillow with an apologetic smile.
It is the same look he has every night, he told you once that he feels awful for burdening you like this, and as he tried to leave your room you stopped him “I want you here, it helps me too.”, you explained and he laid back down.
“Hi.” You say softly and move to your bed. 
You both lay down, you on your bed and he in his; but you are both on your sides, facing eachother.
“Theo?”, you softly ask and he replies with a “mm”
“Do you think it will end?”
“The war or the world?”, he asks yawning
“Yes.” , he replies softly
“Which one?”
“Both.”, he says as he rests his head on his head and looks up at you “I just don’t know, which of the two, we’ll get to experience.”
“What will you do, if you survive the war?”, you ask, wanting to change the subject before a full blown existential crisis hits you, minutes before the new year.
“It depends.”, he says seriously 
“On what?”
“In your scenario, will you also have survived the war?”
“I hope so.”, you say with a laugh
“Well then, there is this house that I used to visit, with my parents, when my mother was still alive”, he quickly tells you “It is in the countryside and the healers said that it would be good for her health, to live away from the city.” 
“I would go there, and you should come with me.” He says and earns a surprised look form you
“You can see the stars from there, very clearly, because it is so far away from the city lights”, he begins describing in a way that tells you that, this house and perhaps the memories he has from there are significant to him.
“And it is by the coast, so you can sit by the beach and forget about anything that troubles you. And it has a huge library, with so many books, you would love it there.”, he finishes, and you can tell by his movements and the way his eyes stare into yours, that he is getting tired as each minute passes. 
“Mmm sounds nice.”, you reply slowly
“What about you?”, he asks then
“Hm, if I survive this war and you are still alive I’ll make you take me to that house, because now I am curious to see it.”, you say smiling, earning a smile back from him “You don’t go there anymore?” 
“No, my father couldn’t visit it; after my mother passed, it reminded him of her.”
“Do you remember her? Your mom?”, you wonder
“No, not really. I remember she was kind and quiet. Maybe it is better she died, I don’t think she would’ve survived this war.”, he says now with a hint of nostalgia in his words
“You never talk about your parents.”, he points out, not in an accusing manner, but curious.
“Yeah, I- miss them, too much. I- it hurts talking about them.”, you say and it is true.
Whenever you think of your parents questions are shot at you; Are they okay? Are they safe? Will I ever see them again? It is easier to try and forget about them; for now, until it is safe for them to be with you again.
“It is almost midnight.”, Theo says, snapping you out of your thoughts
“It is almost new year.”, you exclaim “Come here, for the countdown.”, you ask craving the feel of someone near you.
He lays on your bed, facing you still, and instinctively he grabs your hands in his as he looks at you; opening himself to you, letting his emotions and thoughts show. Letting you see them.
“Will you really take me to your lake house if we make it out alive?”, you ask half-jokingly
“It’s a beach house. And yes.”, he replies seriously 
“Then I will stay alive for that.”, you promise him. You will stay alive because the world is worth saving, you will stay alive because he gives you hope and something to look forward.
You will stay alive for yourself and the people you love, but also for him. The sound of fireworks snap you out of your thoughts.
The New Year has officially come. And the person you are spending this moment with is Theodore Nott, how could anyone ever prepare you for this moment?
What could they say to convince you that someday, you would lay in your bed with Theodore Nott, exchanging happy new year wishes and laying bare your souls to eachother. Exposing every dark thought and worry, opening your hands to receive the other persons concerns and fears.
“Happy new year.”, he tells you
“Happy new year.”, you wish back and look at his face more clearly now. You notice his eyes and how easily you can lose yourself in them, and you stare at his lips as if they are the medicine to cure your symptoms. Bring you back to life.
“Theo.”, you say; barely whispering 
“Yes.”, he replies in the same tone, now looking at you like he can read your thoughts. His eyes scan your face, expectantly, wanting. As if he is starved.
His look is enough for you to lean in and whisper to him, when your lips are a breath away “For good luck. For the New Year”
And with that you close the gap between you two. He slowly closes his eyes and grabs the back of your head carefully with his free hand, pulling you closer to him. You place your hand on his shoulder, resting your body on him.
The way his lips kiss yours feels like a drug. This alone, is worth fighting for. To be able to kiss him, like this. And it is solely because when you kiss eachother, it feels as if a weight is lifted off your chest, as if his hands help you carry the stone to top of the mountain.
Normally, you would blame yourself for being weak; you should be able to handle things by yourself, you shouldn’t need others to survive, that is what your mind would normally tell you, and yes normally you would agree. But there is nothing normal about this life you are currently living.
So you keep kissing him and when his mouth travels south to your neck, causing you to let out a small sigh you don’t stop him.
“For good luck.” he repeats as he takes off your shirt and kisses your skin.
“For good luck.” you repeat as you pepper kisses along his jaw and neck, while he tugs at your hips to remove the rest of your clothing.
And, later when you lay together with your clothes discarded on the floor, with his arms around you; holding you impossibly close to him and his breath fanning rhythmically in your ear, tickling you softly, you try to convince yourself that it was in fact just for good luck.
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A/N: feedback and criticism are appreciated and needed ⭐️🤍 This will be continued this has been poorly proofread so, I am deeply sorry for the mistakes 🫣
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 21 - Mirror
@jegulus-microfic August 21, Word count 784
Previous part First Wolfstar part
“Well, how did you find the locket?” Sirius asked Regulus when he couldn’t tell them how to hunt the Horcruxes down. 
“Voldemort took Kreacher with him when he went to hide it, because he needed someone to drink that foul potion and underestimated the powers of the house elves. He left him to die in the cave, but house elf magic lets them apparate in and out of places wizards can’t, and he forgot about that. He clearly never had one growing up.” 
“So it was sheer dumb luck that you found it then? Just great!” Sirius threw his arms up dramatically. Regulus winced involuntarily. James was immediately at his side and wrapped an arm around his waist. 
“How did you find it in Grimmauld, Sirius? You were just crouching there muttering nonsense before you stuck out your hand in exactly the right place,” James asked, pulling Regulus just that little bit closer to his side. Sirius paused for a second before spinning around, his eyes wide and a shit-eating grin spread across his face. 
“I could smell it.” His smile dropped when Regulus and James looked at him as though he was mad. 
“Werewolf!” Sirius reminded them. Regulus rolled his eyes as if he could forget. 
“Yes, dear brother, but that doesn’t explain how you smelt it in a room full of other dark artefacts. If that’s what you were about to say, that you smelled the dark magic,” Regulus drawled. 
“It had a different scent. Something even darker than the other stuff in the room. It had an odd metallic smell, mixed with something cloying and sweet.” 
“Well, that’s a start,” Remus said. “But we still don’t know where the rest are, or how many.”
“I’ve smelled that smell before,” Sirius wrinkled his brow in concentration as he interrupted Remus. “In the dungeons of Lestrange Castle. It was faint, but I remember thinking what a horrid sweet scent. Bella must have been hiding one there,” 
“Then we should go back and find it!” Marcus finally joined in the conversation. Regulus rolled his eyes again. 
“Voldemort would have retrieved it as soon as he found out about the wolf attack. It’ll be long gone.” 
“If he gave one to Bella,” Sirius interrupted again. “Then he's probably trusted a few more to his most loyal followers.” He stared at Regulus. “Who else was in his inner circle?” Regulus swallowed.
“Malfoy, Dolohov, Yaxley, Avery, Crabbe and Goyle,” He listed off the names on his fingers. “He doesn’t have that many trusted followers, or as much as he can trust, which is not a lot. He's quite paranoid, actually.” 
“We can knock Crabbe and Goyle off our list to check. They’re too dumb for him to trust them with something so important.” James stood taller, his leadership qualities shining through. Everyone in their little group gave him their full attention. “I say we start with Malfoy and go from there,”
“Yeah, that slimy git has to have one,” Sirius agreed. 
“Only two should go inside, just like Grimmauld Place and have the rest of us on lookout,” Remus said, beginning to formulate a plan. 
“Good idea, sweetheart,” Sirius grinned at him. “Though it would be handier if I still had my mirror. That way we could keep in contact easier, but I lost it when Bella knocked me out,” He scuffed his boots on the scrubby grass. James suddenly smacked himself on the forehead and pulled two identical silver compact mirrors out of his pocket. 
“I found it when I went looking for you,” He tossed one at Sirius. Sirius plucked it from the air and immediately dropped it. 
“Ouch!” He yelped. 
“It’s silver you idiot, and you’re a werewolf,” Regulus sniped at him, bending to pick it up from the dirt. He held it in his palm and flipped it open. 
“Hi, love,” James’s face was in the mirror. Regulus yelped and dropped it on the floor again. It was too much like Riddle’s eyes in the locket. He stooped to pick it up. 
“Sorry, I don’t know what I was expecting when I opened it, but not that,” He tried again and this time marvelled at the magic. It was genius, whoever had created it had done a beautiful job. “It’s a shame we don’t have more, and maybe some that they can touch,” He pointed a thumb at the three werewolves and got three middle fingers in return. He huffed a laugh through his nose. “I could probably figure it out. Remus, I might need your assistance,” Remus nodded, and Regulus went back to observing the mirror. They’d need all the help they could get if they wanted to hunt down the Horcruxes. 
Next part
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Tommary fic idea:
1945: Tom through some animagus transformation gone wrong gets himself stuck as a cat living in Knockturn Alley. Turns out you can’t successfully become an animagus if you don’t have a complete soul (which given the lack of information on Horcruxes, Tom found out the hard way.)
1995: Harry, escaping from the Dursley’s during the summer, ends up renting a cheap flat in Knockturn above Borgin & Burke’s where he works as a shop assistant. While working there, Mr. Borgin is always complaining about this mangy, feral, cat living in the alley & how its always stealing things from the shop (because Tom had not stopped trying to get back to his original form). He tells Harry that he’s tried to kill it multiple times, but the damn thing somehow always gets away & if Harry sees it to kill it on sight.
Of course, Harry doesn’t do that, he starts leaving a part of his lunch in the alley every day for Tom. Slowly over a period of weeks, Harry earns Tom’s trust (well, not trust, but Tom starts looking at Harry like a free meal ticket) & Harry starts venting out his life to what he thinks is a cat. (Except this cat is oddly intelligent & at times, Harry swears it understands him & wonders if maybe it’s part kneazle.) Until one day, Harry asks Tom if he just wants to move in to the flat upstairs.
& since the flat is better than the Alley, Tom agrees. (Harry still leaves the window open to the fire escape, so Tom can come & go as he pleases.) Then cue all these funny cute scenes of Harry forcing him into a bath, of trying to get Tom to eat canned catfood, of Tom bringing back his stolen items to Harry’s flat & Harry constantly moving them back down to the shop (telling him he’s gotta stop stealing from the neighbors), Harry & Tom sleeping in the same bed with Tom splayed out over Harry’s face, of Harry trying to get him to wear a collar with a name tag so people stop thinking he’s a stray, Ahhhhh! So cute! & when Harry has to go back to Hogwarts at the end of the summer, he ends up taking Tom with him.
Eventually, I imagined that Harry figures out Tom is not in fact a cat & endeavors to help him return to his original form & by that time Tom is utterly smitten. They end up with a successful partial transformation, turning Tom into a human with the cat tail and ears, & Harry is not prepared for how handsome Tom is or how cute he is with the tail & ears. & of course, Tom ends up seducing Harry. He seduces Harry a lot.
But he refuses to wear the damn collar. It’s not happening.
Inspired off of this tiktok :
Whoops 😅 I started writing it. Oh well 🤷‍♀️
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rollercoasterwords · 3 months
I recently caught up on ATWMD and it is such an incredible story. You are an insanely talented writer. Your prose is so vivid and the complex characters and storyline are just 10/10. Amazing. Thank you!
I have a question if you're open to giving your opinion! I feel like the group (Remus, Lily, and James) seemed to accept Regulus quicker and easier than Sirius. They seem much colder to Sirius (at the start at least) than they were to Regulus when he first arrived. Like the wandless magic lessons for instance. When Imelda won't teach Regulus, James does it personally. But I didn't get the impression they'd do the same for Sirius. They seemed more likely to cut him loose.
Is this just because of the circumstances for how they each end up with the order? Or do you think there's more to it? Or is it just because we didn't see Regulus POV at the time of him arriving with the order so it's just a matter of it being the past?
hi thank u!! glad ur enjoying the fic <3 & i think i answered a similar question to this before but i don't feel like scrolling back thru my own blog 2 find it so. happy 2 go thru it again i love talking abt these characters <3
essentially the difference in their responses is down to the different circumstances in how each brother joined the order, yeah, but all 3 of them also respond pretty differently, so going one by one:
lily honestly doesn't respond all that differently to either brother; w reg she was kinda cold at first out of hurt/jealousy over what she perceived as his budding relationship w james, assuming that reg would become another in the long line of casual hookups & knowing that she herself could never sleep w james without probably ruining their friendship bc of her own feelings, etc. & then once they have their little bonding moment where they both kinda realize they're in the same boat (unrequited feelings that go deeper than just wanting a casual hookup, knowing that those feelings will wreck things if they do ever sleep w james) & make their unofficial little pact (no sex w james potter) they become very close. so lily's initial response has less to do w how she perceives the other person as being good/bad & more to do w her own personal feelings towards them. when sirius shows up she's the only one of the 3 who's initially pretty kind + welcoming + essentially just treats him somewhat normally, bc she doesn't personally feel any animosity towards him but also isn't immediately going to be best friends w him, knowing who he was. she also has a slightly different perspective, tho, bc she's close w reg & knows that reg thinks sirius is a good person, and trusts his judgment. for lily, all the stuff with the death eaters is less...personal? ig? even tho it's had a very significant impact on her life; she was rescued by the order as a young child & raised w them, so she never directly experienced the kinds of oppression that muggleborn wizards typically face from death eaters + voldemort's regime etc, and she also does most of her work within order hq in potions labs and isn't necessarily fighting face-to-face w these people, so although she views them as the enemy she just isn't as emotionally connected on an individual level & therefore has an easier time looking past sirius's history and judging him as she finds him when he joins the order.
james, on the other hand, is personally connected & fighting death eaters face-to-face; they aren't just a monolithic Enemy to him, he hates them as individuals, too. he also has a more black-and-white view of a morality and a different idea of what courage looks like, and values what he perceives as courage very highly. so for james, he viewed regulus as this sort of brave lone warrior from the start for deciding to break away from the death eaters + fight a cave of zombies + try to destroy a horcrux on his own--james thinks that's badass + brave + noble, and that colors his perception of reg from the start. even when reg insists that he's not a hero, james still thinks what he did was heroic, and that paired w the fact that he was never a high-ranking death eater before breaking away makes his involvement w them forgivable--in james's eyes, reg has atoned for his past and is now trustworthy, which is why he likes him from the beginning. sirius, on the other hand, doesn't make the decision to join the order; he's basically forced into it. bc of that, james views him as a coward and looks down on him when they first meet; this is where a lot of his animosity is coming from. + sirius doesn't exactly jump at the chance to join the order, giving the impression that he's still loyal to voldemort, which just makes that animosity worse. it's not until sirius starts to "prove" himself thru action that james begins to trust him more, bc action is really what speaks to james + what he views as a testament to someone's character.
and then there's remus, who disliked both brothers from the start. unlike either james or lily, he's grown up under voldemort's regime & has directly experienced violence + oppression in ways that neither of them has, so he hates every death eater on an individual level for good reason--in his eyes, they have all made the personal decision to uphold + perpetuate violence (which is true!), and he doesn't care why they made that decision; nothing excuses it. we don't really see his reaction to reg joining the order bc he's not really around order hq as much, but remus was wary towards him from the start & even tho he eventually accepted that reg was working w them now, he's never befriended reg the way lily + james did & he never feels close to him or even really likes him. and his relationship w sirius is a whole other can of worms lol...hopefully the story is enough to show why remus treats him the way he does, but really the only reason he doesn't just keep ignoring sirius the way he kinda does reg is bc of their history together + the feelings between them. otherwise he'd probably just be standoffish to both of them!
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sunchasingstar · 1 year
Imagine it’s right at the height of the war, before James graduates Hogwarts. Regulus oblivates James and himself to protect James and because regulus knows he could never live with the memory of having James and not being able to keep him. After the war, they all survive surprisingly because James and the order end up getting anonymous tip with all of the Horcruxes. So flash forward like four years, James and Lily have split up. They realize that they rushed into their marriage because of the war and for harry but that’s not what either of them wanted and the war has kind of made it to where they don’t actually love each other as romantically as they do as a family, so they’re still best friends and great co parents for Harry. James took over his father’s company and shop so he sells potion ingredients and stuff like that as well as also coaching for a local Quidditch team. Regulus comes in one day and they both look at each other with my echo of I know you, you’re home. It was like coming home. However, neither of them actually remember meeting each other and only vaguely remember each other from school. Although, they have the sense that they know one another more than what they already do so they go down the path of re-meeting only to find out when all of the memories surged back because Remus accidentally gets into an argument with Sirius because they both knew about their relationship, even if it was “ secret” which leads to both James and Regulus, overhearing it, and finding out that they had been together at one point, this breaksJames heart, but I think it would be cute to have like them re-falling in love with each other then interrupted by memory of their first time falling for each other, and there’s like subtle parallels between the two, and it’s almost like an every life, they were always meant to fall in love for each other no matter how many times they have been separated, no matter how many lives, they always end up back to each other.
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the-delta-42 · 9 days
Abused and Broken 2
Abused and Broken
[First] [Previous] [Next]
Chapter Two: Parents and Child
Harry awkwardly sat across from his double, his father, unsure how to begin. James was kicking himself, he suggested they talk before going to Hogwarts.
“So…” Said James, glancing around, “What’s your favourite sport?”
Harry blinked, before shrugging, causing a wince, “I like to play Quidditch, there aren’t any other sports at Hogwarts.”
James frowned, “Not even duelling?”
Harry shook his head, making James sigh, “What about summoner’s court?”
“What’s that?” Asked Harry, frowning.
“You basically use a summoning charm on a ball on a stage that has been divided into five, each worth a different set of points.” Explained James, “What about gobstones, or chess or, I don’t know, broom racing?”
Harry shrugged, “There a gobstones club, I think, I’m not sure about chess or broom racing.”
James sighed through his nose, before looking at Harry, “Do you have your school stuff?”
Harry nodded, prompting James to stand, “Alright, give me a moment,” James waved his wand and sent Harry’s belongings to Hogwarts, “I’m going to disappertate us to Hogsmeade, it’s a small village near Hogwarts, and then we’ll go to the castle and meet up with Lily.”
Harry swallowed, before reaching out and grabbing a hold of James’ outstretched arm.
Regulus groaned, staring down at the newspaper, he knew for a fact that Sirius wasn’t a Death Eater and that he certainly wouldn’t betray the Potters. He’d considered telling the Minister as such, but decided not to as he was a ‘known’ Death Eater.
Which also made his knowledge on Peter Pettigrew dubious to the Ministry as well. He hoped that the Potters cleared it up, with both Dumbledore and the Ministry. His father had left for Gringotts early in the morning, Regulus hoped it was to find a way to exonerate Sirius.
Regulus heard his mother disenchanting the various defences around Grimmauld Place, she’d fainted when Regulus told them about the Dark Lord’s Horcruxes. He didn’t know what his parents thought about Sirius now, but he hoped it’d somewhat improve their relationship with him.
Frank scowled at Neville’s book list, “At least most of them aren’t dangerous.”
Neville cowered a bit.
“Neville, that’s not aimed at you,” Said Frank looking at him, “that’s aimed at the idiot that thought it’d be a good idea to give students a living book.”
Neville seemed to relax, getting another sigh from Frank, “I’ve been told that you’re not very good when it comes to magic.”
Neville looked down and nodded.
“I don’t know what she was thinking, making you use my wand instead of getting you your own.” Continued Frank, “And she’s clearly trying to make your choices for you, because I highly doubt she went over your options for your electives.”
“She said I had to make her proud.” Mumbled Neville, getting a groan from Frank.
“Right, we’re going to Diagon Alley.” Said Frank, with a tone of finality, “We are going to get you a wand and talk to actual experts on the elective subjects, because I’ll be damned if you have to share a room with the drama queen that is Trelawny.”
Frank picked his wand up and helped Neville to his feet, “While we’re there, I’ll see about grabbing a broom, since your mother keeps complaining that the one we have isn’t sweeping anything up.”
Harry lurched forwards as soon as they landed and threw up.
“Ooh, I forgot why I hated that so much.” Groaned James, leaning against a wall, “Never disapperate on an empty stomach.”
“I didn’t.” Coughed Harry, straightening up.
“I know.” Said James, before coughing and standing up, “Right, it’s going to be a long walk to Hogwarts, what electives have you gone for?”
“Divination and Care for Magical Creatures.” Answered Harry, making James stop.
“Really?” Asked James, frowning, “I’d’ve thought you’d at least go for Ancient Runes or Arithmancy. What made you go for Divination?”
“Ron and I thought it’d be easy.” Answered Harry, making James’ frown deeper.
“Harry,” Said James slowly, “you do know that you’re the heir to an Ancient and Noble House, right?”
Harry stared at him as he shook his head, “What’s that?”
James took a deep breath, “Right, change of plans. We’re going to the Three Broomsticks and I’m going to strangle Dumbledore when we get to the castle.”
James led Harry to a large inn, before going up to the woman behind the bar, “Hello, Madam Rosmerta, would it be alright if Harry and I occupied the private room for a few hours?”
The woman, Madam Rosmerta quickly overcame her shock, nodded, “You know where it is.”
James smiled, before guiding Harry up to the private room.
“Right,” Said James as soon as Harry sat down, “A very brief history of House Potter and our roles as a Great House.”
Lily frowned when she saw James leading Harry up to the school, “You were supposed to be back hours ago.”
“We got sidetracked,” Answered James, “Harry didn’t know anything about the family history.”
“And the books?”
“I got him an Ancient Runes and Arithmancy books, because he told me he decided to take Divination because he and his friend thought it’d be easy.” Said James, before noticing that Harry was hanging back, “Harry, it’s alright.” He gestured for Harry to come closer.
Lily sighed, before crossing the distance between her and Harry. She examined him for a moment, easily looking through the glamour he’d made and took stock of his obviously broken nose and the swelling that was going down around his left eye. Lily and Harry looked at each other.
“…Mum?” Whispered Harry, trying not to sound hopeful.
Lilly swallowed, before grabbing Harry and pulling him close with Harry tentatively returning the embrace. James took a step back, before heading toward the castle, intent on interrogating Dumbledore.
Ginny laughed at she watched her Uncles mock duel each other.
“That’s cheating, you swine!” Bellowed Fabian, after Gideon sent a shoelace tying jinx at him.
“Says who?” Barked Gideon, as his nose lengthened.
“Says me!”
“ENOUGH!” Bellowed Molly, getting between them, “You’re setting a poor example for the children. And, besides, they’re going to bed. We have to go to Diagon Alley in the morning to get their school supplies and Ron and Ginny new wands.”
“What’s wrong with them?” Asked Gideon, shortening his nose.
“Ron broke his when he and Harry crashed Dad’s car into the Womping Willow.” Explained Percy, “And Ginny’s core burnt out at the end of last year.”
“What happened to it?” Questioned Fabian, frowning.
“In the morning.” Growled Molly, pointing her wand at them menacingly, “So, you two can clean this mess up, no buts! You made it, you clear it up.”
The brother guiltily looked at each other, as Molly walked away.
“And don’t use your wands!”
Fabian and Gideon groaned.
“So, Sirius Black was a traitor?” Asked Gideon, as they got off the Knight Bus.
“From what we can tell.” Answered Arthur, “It’s the obvious conclusion.”
“The obvious conclusion isn’t always the right one.” Stated Fabian, as they entered the Leaky Cauldron.
“There’s also the knowledge that Black kept saying ‘He’s at Hogwarts’, before he escaped.” Said Arthur, as they followed Molly and the children into Diagon Alley.
“Ron!” The three men were practically pushed aside by a thirteen-year-old girl with bushy hair and unfortunately large front teeth, “Is Harry with you?”
“Hermione,” Said Arthur, getting Hermione’s attention, “I’ve already spoken with Professor Dumbledore, Harry’s at Hogwarts with his parents.”
“Oh…” Hermione breathed heavily, “r-right… he’s safe at Hogwarts…right?”
“Not bloody likely.” Snorted Ron, “He faced a Basilisk a few months ago and before that there was the thing with Quirrell and You-Know-Who.”
Hermione nodded, before looking around and spotting Fabian and Gideon, “Oh, hello.” She held out her hand, “I’m Hermione, Hermione Granger.”
Fabian and Gideon looked at each other, before both outstretched their hands and simultaneously shake her hand and say, “Nice to meet you, Hermione, Hermione Granger.”
Hermione stared at them, before slowly turning her head and looking at Fred and George.
“Oh, brilliant.” Grinned the Weasley Twins.
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Seeing your reply on the HP books, what disappointed you in DH? What would you have changed in it? Less deaths?
On HBP and why I didn't care for DH: get ready for a long post/ran that the tl; dr version is: *it makes narrative sense but not logical sense and I wanted both*
I didn't *love* the intro of the battle of the seven potters, to begin with. Obviously I know that we needed some introductory action to get going, and what's better than a battle where both Hedwig and Mad-Eye die? Even warriors die, childhood ending, etc. It makes *sense* for the narrative, but not in-world. Just make an illegal portkey. Apparate, ffs. Put Harry under the invisibility cloak, side-apparate him to Diagon Alley, and then re-apparate to a safe house, if you want to avoid the trace issue. Or illegal portkey that noise because Harry's already wanted and so are the others. Remus would've been a great pick. Everyone hates werewolves. (and ok, I get why they did what they did, because Snape put it in Mundungus' ear to keep Voldemort's trust, but also, it just seems like shoddy thinking it through, JKR's inconsistencies drive me crazy).
Grimmauld Place and Yaxley. Ok, so this is also going back to JKR inconsistencies. If Snape was Secret keeper (as were all Order members after Dumbledore's death) why wouldn't Voldemort just ask Snape for the location and ambush them? But ofc Snape is protecting Harry, there's that tongue-tying thing so Snape couldn't say, I suppose, but still. Part of me wonders why Hermione didn't try to obliviate Yaxley, or stun him, and then ask Kreacher to come with them so they wouldn't starve. Kreacher would've been delighted to hunt for horcruxes. Or why Hermione didn't apparate them to nowhere first, shake Yaxley off, and THEN go to GP? But again: hero's journey has to be alone, character development, whatever. I'm just saying it doesn't make sense.
Camping: so boring. Harry Potter and the Haunted Camping Trip. Pass. I get it; it's boring to them, it's boring to us, it's dry, it's dull, it's reflecting what the characters are going through. But at the same time, why didn't they call for Kreacher? Or Dobby? And why did they wear the locket when they could have shoved it in the beaded bag, put a sturdy string around that, and worn the beaded bag around their necks? Give them some kind of protection? Sigh. It's for narrative purposes, not sense-making purposes. Or give us more deaths during that process, they come across some cool dead bodies of Muggleborns and it freaks them out.
The deaths: ok, let's start with my clear frustration with Remus and Tonks dying (for narrative purposes, I also get, orphaned child, last Marauder is gone, Tonks is young and dies early like Alice Longbottom, whatever). Andromeda Tonks is left with Teddy. Wtf, did JKR forget that Andromeda existed when she killed Remus and Tonks off? Did she realized she killed a whole family? What? Narrative purposes, I say to myself, but also want to scream.
I would've had more deaths, but different ones. Instead of Fred, I'd have killed Bill and Molly. Fleur would be newly pregnant and not know it, so Victoire would still exist, but Bill dying would bum everyone out, and have a fatherless child. Then Molly--just imagine Arthur without her. Do it. Kill the next closest mother figure Harry has. Have Neville kill Bellatrix instead, but make it more of an accident. Ron will kill Nagini. That's the stuff right there. Or hell, get Andromeda Tonks all up in there, have HER kill Bellatrix, and die in the process. Leave Tonks with her little family. Oh, and as an added kick, set the epilogue only a year later, have it be Arthur's funeral because he died of sadness or whatever but things are looking up elsewhere.
That epilogue. While I'm ok with it giving us the Potter kids and Tedoire, I would have loved to have left it to the imagination. You know what would've been good? Arthur's funeral, but have all the canon couples be together as engaged or newly married, Fleur's holding fatherless Victoire, and Arthur is joining his oldest son and his wife in the grave. Lupin and Tonks are there with Teddy and then they go see the Tonkses' graves to put flowers there or something. Remus wasn't really a father figure to Harry but Arthur was. Kill all the real parent figures. Get Vernon and Petunia in the ground too just for shits and giggles.
Anyway. That turned into a much bigger rant. I was more or less dissatisfied with the how of everything, a little bit of the why, and I like the how and why to be congruent. Why things made narrative sense was fine enough, but let me scream about how dumb the camping trip, secret keeper rules, battle of seven potters, and screech about Remadora.
at the end of the day they're all fragments of fiction that are vehicles to tell a story, and while I understand the story that was ultimately told, it doesn't mean I like the ending or that I think it was satisfying for the saga that came beforehand.
that's what fanfic is for!
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who should be shipped with young tom riddle
A. Walburga
B. Orion
C. Hagrid
or D. Alphard
i've actually never seen tom x hagrid before, but it gives me the ick. the expelling incident was too icky, and as much as i love an unhealthy relationship (which is bound to take place w tommy) i just ? don't ship hagrid with anyonejkjda
i know it's like . very teenagerish that i dont ship the guy who's not very romanticizable but like dkhafhka umm. hagrid isn't very intelligent and prone to be tricked easily, and that just kind of isn't my favourite flavour of unhealthy relationships.
walburga and tom is personally hilarious to me bc walburga is a very bipolar batshit fucking insane bitch (canon) with a need to mother everyone (i have reasons for saying this!) (in her own, toxic, possessive, way) and tom has mommy issues. i don't think they ever had anything go on between them, but i think tom wouldve liked walburga. he def approached her for recruitment idc what anyone says (unless . like . canon evidence.)
kinda bellamort vibes. kinda.
orion. is straight. but like. no one is 100% straight yk. if orion had one (1) boycrush, it would be tom. orion is litr a coward (he's barely mentioned in the books which i read as him being walburga's cocksleave who says yesmaam to whatever she says & not doing shit on his own). now, orion didn't have any apparent impact on sirius (he never mentions him) or the house (no (apparent) portrait, even though he's lord black) which i read as him just blending into the background. i mean, as much as a black can blend in, anyway. yeah so whatever right,,, he was also younger than tom so i don't think tom had any interest in him. there's more interesting people in the world, the only thing orion would've had that mightve caught tom's fancy would be him being heir black (tomxsiriuspropagandainsert). but like,,, yeah.
now alphard <333333
um. so. i headcanon alphard being like two years younger than walburga, and wally is two years above tom soo. stars align. (funny black family joke.) sirius alphard black and his horrible taste in men is delicious & i love it. he pulls the dark lord by being non-threatening enough that he's not intimidating tom, but hard enough to rival him (at least for a while).
a teaches t about all the magic in the fucking world, and t is drawn to a's charm&looks&intelligence&magic. same w alphard.
it would be so toxic too bc tom would be impersonal as shit and never tell alphard anything right,, he'd cheat repeatedly, he'd make up rumours and lies, he'd make horcruxes, he'd visit a country, he'd plan world domination and when alphard asks about it he's reminded that tom and alphard dont mean anything to each other, theyre simply fucking because theyre teenage boys !!!!!!
uhm. idk how yap more.
tom would remove alphard's memory of their friendship (it was never very public, they both avoided each other anytime but nights) once he became voldemort (homophobia :3) and alphard will always wonder why his dick stands up at the thought of the dark lord 🙏🏼🙏🏼
uh but yeah they broke up in sixth year when alphard found out tom was the one who killed myrtle (erased memory!). alphard has a heart and it is fragile unfortunately.
uhh but i do hc tom did love alphard. ik it's implied that he cant feel love (bc of the love potion?) buuut idk ? i feel like if coming from a love potion would literally turn you into.... wahtever that was.... it'd be a crime yk. he's just a very fucked up kid. psychopathic. he just turns into a proper monster as he starts making horcruxes. he loved & trusted alphard and he told him stuff about himself (a reason why he removed his memories!) like myrtle. bro was NOT good w words. (canon).
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solosolace · 23 days
Drarry? Severitus? Random tropes and canon?
Severitus- The Dursley are scared that harry might lose it again after what he did with Marge and no amount of convincing from Dumbledore is going to change their minds. So he gets Snape to take him in. He may or may not had no choice.
Drarry- Draco will get a redemption arc because he is still a git. The romance part wont be until the end of 4th year or 5th year. They will be friends first.
WolfStarPrince- I like this ship. Planning on making it a gradual thing because I refuse to Obliviate the hatred. Sirius lets Snape live in the Grimmauld Place because he's taking care of Harry. Remus is helping Sirius get better and is the referee. (Ideas are welcome)
Werewolf! Harry- Harry gets bit by Remus during the full moon, he's in denial. I always thought it was weird no one got hurt when Remus forgot his potion so I changed it so now Remus will never think to forget his potion not just because harry as to take some too but because he is consumed with guilt about what he did to him.
Veela! Draco- You can not tell me the Malfoys didn't have Veela in them. Abraxas Malfoy is half in my fic but married a full Veela. Most Malfoy are half or less, They don't like people to know because even though Veelas are valued and such they are still creatures and that ruins their Pure Blood image.
Werewolf! Draco- Voldys fault. Lucius was suspected a traitor (he wasn't but is now because really) so Voldemort got Greyback to bite Draco where the dark mark was going to be. This happens before 5th year starts and only happens because Lucius didn't realize Voldemort was lying. (Said he just wanted to see who his new followers would be) Now the Malfoys can hold onto their views because Lucius is a lot of thing but he isn't going to get rid of his son(I think)
Voldemort finds out Harry is a Horcrux- I want to make him go more insane. He still hates and want to kill Harry but now he's trying to find a way to do that without hurting his soul. Since no one has ever made a human Horcrux because he can't look for information on subject but he can test on himself. Cue nightmares and visions. And some very messed up Voldemort giving up and just trying to kill Harry soul and all.
Harry has trauma- I wanted harry to realize what the Dursley did was bad (Not fanon things like beatings and SA but the starvation and locking up, the isolation) that he's safe now even if he can't fully trust the adult around him. He steals food and hoards it, He'll hide in corners and small spaces but panic in other. Mostly I'm writing how I reacted when I left a my relatives place because I was treated very similar to how Harry was.
Now important things I will not add so when I post the fic you know its not there-
Bashing- I don't like some the stuff Dumbledore did but if I'm going to hate him its for stuff he did and the Weasley are family and I love them.
Lordships- I think its kind of pointless.
Odd wizard language not in the books- I cringe when I read them I will not write it. Ex. So mote it be, On my magic, etc, etc.
Soft! Snape- God help those who think Snape is a kind gentle soul, He will be a strict parental figure who shows care in a questionable fashion, not a Molly Weasley 2.0
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wolfstarendgame · 2 years
Jegulus au, where Regulus gets the dark mark and then because he is disgusted with himself and is distraught because the only two people that have ever loved him would be heartbroken and disappointed in him so he disappears for a few months-a year, to look for the horcruxes. he finds all of them and the last on he finds is the locket. He gets the locket and gives it to Kreature, when they are leaving(Regulus being very unable to move and in pain because of the stuff he drank) the inferi come and drag him under water, as they are pulling him down he tells Kreature “you know where to go… leave… and tell him I love him” and is pulled underwater. He doesn’t specify who the ‘him’ is but kreature knows. As he is being dragged down he accepts his fate, because it is either death or disappointing James and Sirius. He thinks of childhood memories of him and Sirius and falling in love with James. The last thing he thinks before he dies is ‘I’m sorry’.
Kreature goes to the Potter house with all 6 horcruxes. Sirius opens the door with utter confusion. He calls for James and it’s the three of them standing in the house, Kreature puts the horcruxes on the floor and bows his head. James and Sirius are both very confused , and with knowing that Kreature and Regulus were very close Sirius knows that Kreature would only do this by Regulus’ orders, but then where is Regulus? “Kreature… where is Regulus?” Kreature keeps his head down “Master Regulus is gone” Sirius freezes “what?” “Master Regulus’ final words were ‘tell him I love him’” oh. Sirius hears muffled sobs and quickly remembers that James is there too, the same James who had his heartbroken by his brother a year ago when out of the blue he left. Sirius just lost his brother, his best friend, even though they hadn’t spoken in a year he would always be his best friend, but James lost the love of his life, for good. He knows that if it was Remus, well he doesn’t want to think about if it was Remus. With silent tears streaming down his face, Sirius turns to James and takes his face in his hands “Hey, James look at me” it takes a bit but James looks at him “I-It’ll be okay” he doesn’t believe it himself but it needs to be said, but James just cries harder and pushes himself out of Sirius’ grasp “N-No, he’s- he’s gone” and then James is gone and sirius is alone.
James wasn’t thinking straight so when he found himself on a cliff over looking the ocean, he was confused, but then the event of not even 10 minutes ago caught up to him. Regulus is gone. And James would never get him back. He sank down to the ground, a puddle of tears. After a long time crying on the mossy rocks James open his eyes and looks and the ocean. Regulus loved the ocean, he once said that he could watch the waves for hours. James wasn’t crying anymore, he was angry. Regulus is gone and there’s no one to blame but ducking Voldemort. Well… I guess it’s his turn.
Or, an au where Regulus dies getting the last horcrux and James avenges his death by killing Voldemort
(Kinda like dark James, but not Voldemort side yk?)
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
Please can you tell us about:
Madame Lestrange
Rigel Lestrange
Glory and Gore
And the marriage counselling one (the premise of this already has me in a chokehold)
This is very very long so I will put it under the cut. Thank you for the ask!
Ch.11 - Madame Lestrange Contrary to popular belief, Bellatrix Black was thrilled with her wedding day: the food was perfect, the music was perfect, the groom was perfect. In the whole history of weddings, there had never been one more perfect than hers. Or 1972. Bella & Rod's ridiculously expensive wedding day and all of its shenanigans, including but not limited to: a mopey and very drunk Rabastan losing his virginity, Bellatrix and Andromeda's last conversation, the Dark Lord's failure to RSVP and the trouble it caused, and (ofc) the wedding night *wink wink*
Ch.26 - Rigel Lestrange 1975. A very sad one, quite gory too and definitely not for the faint-hearted, but also one of my favourites to write because I've always been fascinated with Bellatrix's missed motherhood. (All my readers know what I think of TCC by now, and anyway, this story takes place from 1969 to 1981, so no Delphi). The day of her miscarriage.
Ch.39 - Glory and Gore 1979. Still unwritten. The story of the third time the Potters defied Lord Voldemort. It's basically a long battle sequence with a special focus on Barty, Severus and Rabastan (Alastor Moody is horrified with this new generation of Death Eaters). By reading Regulus' journals, Bellatrix realizes that the gold cup her Master entrusted her is a Horcrux. When he later summons her, she chooses not to tell him that she knows (Bellamort moment, idk if smutty or not yet). Rodolphus visits his mistress (who is NOT AT ALL a shameless self-insert, nooooo) to make amends for stuff he did previously; they make peace, but it's pretty clear that they are not going to last.
The Lestranges go to couples therapy A comedy; still unwritten but fully outlined.
Ch.1: The explosion 1996. The Lestranges are having yet another Earth-shattering row that just so happens to blow up almost half of Malfoy Manor. Narcissa and Lucius threaten to notify the Auror Department of their whereabouts unless they agree to go to therapy. They recommend a Diagon Alley marriage counsellor who worked wonders for them: she's discreet, will keep quiet for money and has a strong stomach. Bonus: they show up either Polyjuiced or with some other shitty disguise and are immediately found out.
Ch.2: Mr and Mrs Lestrange's marital problems General bickering in their second session, we get a look at the therapist's notes. They are the worst patients ever, but she takes them on as her personal project. Both of them hate her but they really don't want to end up in Azkaban again. Rabastan finds out they are going to therapy and immediately he tries to hijack their third session. He is quickly put in his place.
«Roood» Rabastan practically sang, plopping down onto the couch, right between the couple. «Bella. You didn't tell me the lady was a hottie». He winked at [insert name]. She did not look impressed. «Rabastan, I presume». «Oh, you guys! You talked about me! Wait», his tone darkening in mock horror, «did they do it in a weird way? While discussing their sex problems?» Rodolphus looked ready to murder him on the spot. [he proceeds to basically sexually harass her and cause a disruption to their therapy session] «I do, Rabastan. I do. I find you utterly fascinating» she said, staring at him over her glasses. «In your opinion, on a scale from one to ten, how much do you use sex and alcohol to numb the pain of an unfulfilling life, completely devoid of ambition and genuine connection?»
Ch.3: The Lord Voldemort Factor The Lestranges are absent from one meeting or another.
«It's important that you try to be present for these appointments without too much rescheduling, Bellatrix. It shows that you are making an effort for each other, that you care about the other person's time». «The only thing I care about is my Master's time!» «See? She always does this! She's flaky». «Who are you calling flaky?!» «We agreed there would be no name-calling». Bellatrix shot him a triumphant look. «And we also agreed there would be commitment».
Lord Voldemort inquires after them and finds out (either from a terrified Lucius or from a still butthurt Rabastan) where they are. He decides he has to see for himself. Our dear therapist is terrified, but then again his disguise is the worst one yet. Truly laughable. Voldemort has her cancel all her appointments for the day so that they can have a longer session (he desperately wants to be included). It's not like she can refuse.
«It would be my professional opinion that you try and find a balance, an arrangement that works for all parties. Something to satisfy Mr Lestrange’s frustration, Mrs Lestrange’s exhibitionist behaviour, and Mr... Um... the Dark Lord's need to be the centre of attention». «We murder Rodolphus?» «It would be my professional opinion», she straightened her spine, «That you have a threesome».
Ch.4: Yet another satisfied client I'm still not sure whether I want them to divorce or not lmao. What I do know is that there will be a plot twist. Let's just leave it at that.
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