#so i guess you guys are going to have to survive with this pretty bad piece XD
coffee-master · 20 hours
[Lee Pines]
I wish there was a fanfic about trans Stanley Pines, who realised he was trans AFTER he was kicked out of the house.
Honestly I belive that during his childhood and teenage years there would be visible sights, but Stand ignored it due to the many circumstances.
I also think that his realtionship with his father would be maybe ever worse? I belive that Filbrick would often complain that his "daughter" was making more mess than his other sons, or complain for not being "a typical girl" or "girly" or other stuff.
After being kicked out I think that due to the new enviroment and other people (good and bad) Stan would probably run into some queer group in one of the bars. Maybe he would try to scam them or steal.. But somehow he would end up with a conversation AND REALISATION.
Egg cracking.
Later Stan would realise that he's a guy and do something about it. (In illegal way due to the situation)
He would do some dirty job to get some shots of testosterone. And it would start working.
He made a call to one of his old pals (on crime) to get a top surgery. The operation was of course a big risk (like 70% you survive, 20% you will die of blood loose on the table and 10% you die due to the infection if the surgery went bad)
I think the transition would have a positive impact on his mental health (like:; "Yeah Testosterone won't solve my money or family problems BUT LOOK WHO CAN GO SHIRTLESS!!)
A little steps would make him smile.
(TW: Another small detail is that during his living on the streets before transition Stan would probably also experience some sexuall harrasment) [I'd have a big impact on him]
Another think is that the transition would help him with his crime record. Slowly [DEADNAME] Pines wanishes away and nobody knows where or how and nobody can susspect him anymore.
From now on He would call himself Lee Pines. (simply)
[Let's be honest. I don't think Lee change his name to Stanley.. it's just like Stanford.. But that's only my opinion]
But Lee Pines would get himself more criminal record and in the end still use new fake IDs and ect.
Let's get to the part where Lee gets a postcard from Stanford.
NOW THIS IS WHERE THE REAL FUN BEGIN! Because he doesn't know about this whole stiation.
Stanford is waiting impatiently for his twin sister to show up in his Shack, but when he opens the door, he sees this MESSY HOMELESS GUY (suspicionsly similar to him)
"WHO ARE YOU?! DID YOU COME HERE TO STEAL MY EYES!?" - Stanford is ready to shoot.
Lee is clearly confused. He expected that his twin wouldn be shocked to a man at his doorsteps. But he didn't expect it would go like this-
"Geez, you sure now how to-" Before he could even finish his sentence Ford rapidly moved his crossbow even closer to his face.
"Who are you!?" Stanford yelled insantly.
"Woah Woah- Chill out pointexter-" The messy twin slowly raised his hands up.
"Talk. Now." Ford threatened.
"I'm your brother you dumbass-!" Lee yelled flustration and anger, not paying attention to his words at all.
Instead of being angry Ford only laughed manically at the answer. Shermie was far away with his own family. Moreover adding the fact that he didn't keep in touch with him in a long time. The answer was just hilarious!
"Wrong answer, try again." Ford smirked thinking this must be some trick of imagination or another shape-shifting creature from this forest.
Meanwhile Lee was terrified seeing his brother in this state of mind. Just what exacly happened to him?
But before he could even question this whole Madness, he heard counting.
"Five.." It was Ford. "Four.." And he was counting down.
He was counting down-
Who could have even guessed that reunion with his brother could cost him his head? Nevertheless Lee prefered to stay in one piece.
So he spoke.
All that he know.
"In the middle school I used to take your box class, since you hated it so much and once Pa' found out, he was pretty pissed at both of us!" Immiediately he saw how Ford was taken aback.
It was a good sigh.
So he kept going.
"During summer we'd go on the beach and pretend to be treasure hunters! One time we wanted to make a fireplace next to the boat? I used my dresses as a firelighter and later I was 'forced' to wear your nerdy clothes as a punishment! We had a pet! Shanklin the Stab Possum! World's greatest pet!" He talked and talked until there was no oxygen for him to breath.
But he did it.
Ford blinked dumbfoundly instantly taking a step back from him. Lee didn't hesitate and used this opportunity once again.
"You told me to come here! You send me a post card!" He slowly reached to his pocked, taking out the pice of paper and rapidly waved it in his face.
"What.." Confused twin lowered his weapon down at the sight of the evidence.
"A lot has changed during those ten years brainiac." Finally the other twin said a little coldly, after seeing Ford putting weapoon away. "I go by Lee now." He added simply.
For a moment Stanford didn't say a thing, as if he've just got a brain damage.
"You know what? This isn't the weirdest thing I've seen. Get inside!" Stanford didn't have the time to question, especially when outside, everyone could see them.
Instead he dragged "Lee" into his house.
You can guess what happened next.
And, If someone would be interested in writing a fic about this or something similar then go ahead! DO IT! This is free to use!!!
Just tag me, becuase I'd like to read it too...👉👈
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spookythesillyfella · 11 months
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" again and again and again ... "
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mothram · 11 months
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mooooonnnzz · 1 month
World/Insured Part 3
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Stanford Pines x Sibling!Reader/Stanley Pines x Sibling!Reader
☆ hope you guys r liking it so far!! :p
☆ 4,4k words
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✶ “Can we talk about [Name]?” Ford suddenly brings up one day. The waves of tourists have been moderately slow for the day, allowing Stan and Ford to kick back and relax for once. And in the midst of sitting down on the couch, his mind dwelled over to the thought of you. Stan let out a long sigh as he sat down, pitt cola in hand. Stan was trying to break free from his alcohol addiction, Ford noted. “Sure, what do you want to talk about?” The causality held in Stan’s words made Ford uneasy. He was so unnaturally calm with his words, at least the last time he brought you up, he can sense the agitation in his words, but he couldn’t find any dripping anger from him now. Mustering up all the courage he had left, he asked; “How were they?” He felt his mouth run dry. Out of everything he could’ve asked, he asked that? All the questions he had were out the window and off into the woods, leaving him scrambling for words. Taking a sip from his soda, he said, “Do you want to know how they felt immediately after they left with me?” Ford nods. “Well, being fifteen and a rage of hormones, they pretty much hated you.” Stan’s eyes glance over to Ford whose face could visibly read hurt. “I’m just kidding!” Stan cackled, shoving Ford. “They were ripped apart. I remember they told me how they felt everything and nothing at the same time, real poetic than one.” He takes another sip. “They missed you so much while I hated your guts. I couldn’t think of you without seeing red and they couldn’t think of you without crying.” He swirled the drink in the can, looking down to his shuffling feet. “What did you guys do to survive?” 
✶ “I enrolled them into a high school. I didn’t want them to be stupid like me, ya know? And while they were in highschool, I started my business which earned us money to get by.” Stan told him. “Would you even call what you did a business?” Ford said with his eyebrow raised. “Hey!” Stan rolled his eyes, placing the can of soda down on the floor. “Once we got banned from a few states, [Name] put their foot down and encouraged me to get a job. And guess what, I landed a pretty good job! My history of stealing peoples money was long gone, until now,” Stan quietly said the last part. “And we were living pretty comfortably. I got us a nice house, a good car and [Name] graduated highschool and they got a job as manager of some sort, can’t really remember.” Stan scratched his chin idly. “They were on their way to move out and take their business elsewhere when you decided to show your face.” Stan cleared his throat, looking at Ford. “They talked about you a lot.” He softly added. “I saw how they lit up when they saw me for the first time. They looked so much older.” Ford said. “I mean, yeah, that’s what happens when you miss, like, 10 years of their life.” Ford ignored Stan’s comments and mulled over his thoughts. After a moment, he spoke up. “Thank you for talking about them, Stan.” Stan shot him a smile. “Of course, talking about them wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.” Since then, Stan would share stories of you whenever Ford asked, ranging from embarrassing ones, to one’s where it was a little harder for Stan to tell. But in the end, it brought them closer together and kept the memory of you alive. 
✶ Much to Ford’s dismay, the whole shack was rearranged to be a tourist trap. By day, they were busy ripping people of their money and by night, they buried themselves in their work, fixing what they could while simultaneously searching for the second book. And before they knew it, they were in their late 50’s. Adjusting his fez, he smiles at himself through the mirror. “Stan!” Ford bursts through his room, starling Stan. “Geez, Ford! A little warning next time?” Ford stammers over to him. “No time for that!” He huffs out. “The book! I-I can’t find it!” Stan’s face falls. “What?! What happened to it?” Ford opened his mouth to answer when Soos yelled out; “Mr. Pines!” Stan curses to himself, that must be the kids. “Do you have any idea where it could be?” Stan asks. Out of all the days something could’ve gone wrong, why today? “I think maybe the gnomes took it?” Stan was ready to scream again when Soos called for them again. “I want you to go and look for the book.” Stan insisted, pointing a finger at him. “I’m not coming with you to get Dipper and Mabel?” Ford gasped out, his hand slapping on his chest. “No! Because you lost the book!” Stan pointed an accusatory finger at him. “I lost the book? It was probably a gnome who took it!” Ford defended. “How are you so sure that a gnome even took it?” Ford scratched the back of his neck nervously. “They may or may not have knocked me out just a few moments ago.” Stan was so ready to deck him in the face when Soos came into the room. “Mr. Pines!” He pointed outside. “The kids are here!” “We know that, Soos.” The twins spat out. “But there’s this wolf mailman dude, and I really don’t trust him and he’s probably like eating the kids right now at the bus stop!” Soos rambled out. While Stan carried an unimpressed face, Ford’s face twisted to one of horror. “We need to pick them up now!” Unfortunately for Stan, both Soos and Ford have a rising suspicion that the mailman is a wolf in a human disguise. But the man was just hairy! Ford pulled Stan along and got inside his car. Starting up the car, Stan let out an exhausted sigh. “How did puny little gnomes knock you out?” He asked, backing out of his parking spot and onto the road. “I was busy reading when they knocked me out cold! I don’t think they intended to steal the journal, when I was waking back up they realized and grabbed the nearest object possible and ran out of there.” Stan sighed, tapping his finger on the wheel. “I really can’t believe you sometimes.” He mutters. “It wasn’t my fault, Stanley!” 
✶ Coming to a complete stop, Ford rolled down the windows, a large smile on his face when his eyes landed on his favorite great nieces. “Grunkle Ford!” They cheer, equally large smiles on their faces. “Hey, hey!” Stan watched as they stumbled into the car with their bulky backpacks skidding against the roof. “Where’s my love?” Stan exclaimed. “Right here, Grunkle Stan.” Mable giggled, wrapping her arms around Stan’s neck and nuzzling her face into his shoulder. “That’s more like it,” Stan grinned, gingerly patting her back. “Now where’s the sweaty one? I’m missing one!” Dipper sighed, a playful roll to his eyes. “I’m right here,” Mable pulled away from Stan and swiftly latched herself to Ford. “C’mon, give your old grunkle some sugar.” Dipper cringed. “Don’t ever say that again, Grunke Stan.” He said, hugging Stan. “I say what I want, kid! We live in a free country for a reason.” The drive home was full of conversation, the twins telling their grunkle’s stories from school and their home life. Stan and Ford made the conscious effort to comment and react to everything they said, if not Mable would make sure they did by repeating what they said over and over again. When the Mystery Shack came into view, they both shoved their face against the window, marveling at the shack. “Is this what Grunkle Stan is always talking about when we call him?” Mable’s hot breath fogged up the window. “Yup. And now you guys get to see it.” Ford gestured to the shack, smiling proudly. He had soon come to love the shack he and Stan worked on, he will never admit that out loud though. Parking in his usual spot, he turns to the kids. “Get yourself settled in, alright?” They wasted no time jumping out of the car and scampering off into the shack. “And don’t touch anything!” A jar crashing onto the floor was heard in the distance. “They don’t listen, do they?” Stan shook his head. “Alright, poindexter, what are we going to do about the book?” He started, looking at Ford who pulled at his turtle neck anxiously. “We have to wait till tonight to look for it.” Tonight came and they were too wrapped up with the twins that they couldn’t go out and search for the third book. Their schedules became so busy that a week had passed and they still were waiting to find an empty slot in their schedules to find the book but it never came.
✶ “Grunkles! Grunkles!” Mable came running at them at full speed. “Woah there, kiddo!” Ford swooped Mable up from the floor. “You almost bumped into me.” He laughed, putting her back down on the ground. “That was the plan.” She giggled. “But I have something to ask!” She shoved her hand inside the pocket of her skirt. She pulled out a photo, a very specific photo that Stan had kept in his room. She pointed at the person in the middle. “Who is this?” She asks. “Mable!” Dipper rushed to the living room. Bending over, he hoisted himself up by propping his arms on his knees. He wheezed out, his eyes locking onto the tense scene in front of him. “Did she already ask about the photo?” Silence was his response. Breaking out of his trance, Stan swiped the photo out of Mable’s hands. “Where did you find this?” Stan’s eyes flickered between the photo and Mable. “In your room.” A flash of emotions went through Stan’s face. Why was Mable in his room? Why did she pick this photo out of all the things in his room? He spiraled. He wasn’t expecting to speak of you to someone who had no idea of your existence. Stan’s heart crumpled into a pathetic ball. The twins had never met you. Ford took notice of Stan’s unnaturally quiet nature.  “Kids, why don’t you go to your rooms?” Ford said, kneeling down to their height. “But why?” Mable whined, pouting. “Because we need to decide if we are ready to tell you, okay?” Ford gave a knowing look to Dipper who understood that this wasn’t an easy topic. Dipper told something to Mable and with a worried look, she dejectedly followed him up to their room. “Stan?” He looks over to Stan who was shakily pulling out a packet of cigarettes. “I thought you quit, Stanley?” Ford watched sadly as he walked inside the kitchen and searched for a lighter, when he did he pocketed it and walked back out. “It’s either I drink or I smoke.” Stan said, heading towards the porch. Ford followed after him, shutting the door behind him. “You want one?” Stan offered the pack and he debated for a moment before denying his request. Stan brought the cigar to his lips. He cupped his hand around the cigar as he lit it up with his lighter. Taking a deep drag of the smoke, he allowed himself to relax, welcoming the familiar feeling of the smoke filling his lungs. “We don’t have to tell them if you don’t want to.” Ford spoke, watching the puff of gray smog lighty cover his vision momentarily. “I don’t think we have a choice here.” Stan takes another long drag from the cigarette. “We can tell them we’re not ready yet.” Ford reasons. “I think it’s time they should know about [Name].” Stan stares at the late afternoon sky. “It was just all so sudden and I didn’t know how to react. It all went downhill from there.” Stan twiddled his cigarette between his fingers. “You don’t have to explain yourself, Stanley. I know how you feel.” A comfortable silence blanketed the both of them warmly. “Do you ever wonder what [Name] would think about the twins?” Ford breaks the silence, glancing at Stan from the corner of his eye. Stan wistfully smiled, stubbing out his cigarette on the floor. “[Name] would have loved the twins.” 
✶ Stan looked between the twins. “So, whaddya wanna know?” He asks. “Who are they!” Mable shouted. “They are our younger sibling.” Ford said. Mable’s face exploded into shock. “We have a secret Great Aunt/Grunkle?” Mable couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Where are they?” Dipper questioned. “They’re somewhere,” Stan said with a strained voice. “Where is somewhere?” Mable cocked her head to the side. “They’re out exploring the world.” Ford horribly lied. Mable frowned. “You can tell us if they’re dead, Grunkles. You don’t have to hide it from us.” Stan took a harsh deep breath in. “They aren’t dead, pumpkin. We just have no idea where they’re at.” Mable nodded her head in understanding. “Did you guys fall out?” Dipper asked with a tiny frown. “Yeah. A terrible fight broke out and they left.” Ford gazed at the photo of the three of them when they were young, clueless of the world and just happy to be surrounded by one another. “I’m so sorry.” Mable’s excitement was no longer there and was replaced by sadness for her poor Grunkle’s. “It’s okay, dear. No need to apologize.” Ford assured Mable with a smile. “[Name] is a wonderful person,” This was the first time Stan had talked about you in a present tense and he couldn’t tell if he liked that or not. “I hope one day you get to meet them.”
✶ Unbeknownst to the two older twins, Dipper had found journal three when Stan instructed him to go out and put out signs in the woods. But they didn’t find out that Dipper had it until he had shown the book to Ford and Stan after the events that had followed them the past few days. “Gideon nearly destroyed the whole town trying to find it!” Dipper said. Stan pretended to feign interest as he skimmed through the pages. “I don’t know what it means, or who wrote it, but after all we’ve been through,” He looks at Mable and smiles, directing attention to his Grunkle’s who were trying their hardest to hide their actual feelings. “Maybe you guys should finally know about it too.” He grinned. “I’m glad you showed us this, Dipper.” Stan shut the book closed. “Uhm, Grunkle Stan. Why does Grunkle Ford look like he’s about to crap himself?” Mable looked concerned for her Grunkle. Everyone turned their attention to Ford who weakly smiled at them. “Excuse him. He’s still shaken–” Ford yanked Stan by the sleeve and pulled him out of the twins room. “We need to go to the lab now!” Ford whispered. “I know that, Stanford! But at least let us pretend we don’t give a ratsass for this book!” He whispered back. “We’ll be back!” Ford awkwardly excused him and Stan. The twins heard their Grunkle speedily walk down the stairs. “Do you think I’m ever going to get that book back?” Mable shrugged. 
✶ Placing the books right next to each other, Ford flipped to the pages containing the blueprints. He connected the books together, showing the full plan of the portal. Stan read the instructions and swung over to the controls, he flipped the exact switches that were told to be switched. The lights around the portal flickered on. “Oh my god!” Ford laughed out in surprise. “Is this actually going to work?” Stan and Ford rush over to the portal. Their hearts thrumming against their chest. Together, they pulled the lever. With a click, it moved to the other side and the portal hummed. Zaps of electricity emitted from the portal as it powered back on. A rush of wind blew by Stan and Ford as the portal swirled to life. Ford shook his head in disbelief. “Can’t believe we did it, huh?” Stan says with a smile. “I thought we were never going to get this portal turned on.” Stan claps his back. “Well, believe it!” 
✶ Ford was so sure they weren’t going to get caught. He was so absolutely sure. The plan he made to steal the nuclear waste was perfect, there was no room for error. But it seemed like the universe had other plans. He never imagined himself getting pinned to a cop car with cuffs around his wrists. This was more of a Stanley thing, and yet here he is, getting arrested. “This is all just a big misunderstanding!” Ford cried out, his cheek squished against the hood of the cop car. “Guys, can’t I give you some money?” Stan approached them with his hands in his pockets. They all watched him nervously, guns aimed and men ready to tackle him down. “Grunkle Stan, maybe you shouldn’t!” Mable grabs Stan’s hand and pulls him back. “You guys got the wrong guy, my brother is innocent!” Stan argues. “Oh, we’ve been watching your family all summer and we have seen some pretty disturbing things. Whoever you think your brother is, he is not what he seems.” They shove Ford into a car. “Guys!” Ford calls, the door slamming shut on him. Stan watches as they drive off with Ford, his head spinning. “As for you guys, we were removing you off the property.” The guy with a mustache said, directing them to another cop car that was beside them. “No, you can’t!” Stan felt helpless. He just wants you back, why is this so difficult? The chaos spiraled into madness and suddenly, Stan was in the lab, begging the kids to not turn off the portal. “This’ll end the world, Grunkle Stan. Why can’t you see that?” Dipper had his hands hovering dangerously close to the button. “Just listen to me, kid. It’ll make sense later, just don’t press the button.” He walked towards them but was soon taken off his feet. “Brace yourselves!” They all rise up, twirling and thrashing around the room. “T-Minus, thirty five seconds.” The robotic voice said. Dipper had grabbed onto a beam and told Mable to reach for the button. Using the cable wrapped on her foot, she inched herself close to the button. “Mable, wait, wait!” Stan pushed him off the wall and tried reaching towards her. Soos dove straight for Stan and wrapped himself around him, apologizing to him. “Soos, what’re you doing?!” Dipper followed what Soos did and yelled at Mable to turn it off. 
✶ “Stop!” Everyone looked around and they all gasped when their eyes landed on Ford. “Mabel, don’t listen to Dipper. Listen to me,” Ford pushed himself toward the nearest beam. He coiled his arm around it, securing himself. “Do you trust me and Stan, Mable?” Ford firmly asked, his eyes locked with Mabel. “I do!” She desperately said. “Then trust us when we tell you to not push the button.” Mabel looked to Dipper who was widely shaking his head. “Okay,” She raises her hands above her head. “I trust you guys.” She let herself float up, away from the button. “Mable, no–!” A white flash envelops them whole. 
✶ They all roughly made contact with the floor. With a groan, Stan rubbed his head, his head lifting up towards the portal. The portal flickered with wandering electricity. Ford held his breath, eyes fixed on the portal as he waited. A black figure barreled out of the portal, their head whipping towards it. “Close the portal!” You yelled, your hand wrapping around a gun that was hoisted in their waist. You turned their attention back to Stan and Ford. “Close the portal!” You repeated louder this time. In the distance, they all heard a loud distorted guttural grumble. Ford got up from his feet and rushed over to the control panel, flicking all the switches down. “Switch the lever off!” Switching the gun to your other hand, you aimed it at the portal and with your free hand, you pulled the lever. Before whatever monster was chasing you could catch up, the portal sputtered close. You held your chest, catching your breath. The rush of adrenaline you felt passed and you were immediately struck with pain. “Thank you.” You whisper, clutching your side. You think you can manage and to prove it, you take one wobbly step forward. You tried to take another but you collapsed to your knees,  blood splattering on the floor below you. “[Name]!” Stan yelled, he darted towards you. “Stanley?” You croaked out. You blinked in surprise. “Is that really you?” Your question falls on deaf ears as Stan yells for medical supplies. Ford comes rushing to your side, inspecting the upper half of your body. “Stanford’s here too?” You felt your body teeter from side to side. “Is Mom and Dad gonna pop up?” You joke, your body crashing onto Ford. “[Name], can….hear…?”  Stan’s voice fades in and out. “What did you say?” Your eyes squint at Stan. “Here, Grunkle…” You could hear a high pitched voice and you go to look for it but your vision has gone hazy. “They’re slipping…out of…” You really wished you understood what they were saying. And without even realizing, your eyes closed on you. 
✶ You feel a warmth tickle your face causing you to stir awake. “Oh my gosh, it worked!” A voice spoke. “Mable!” A prepubescent voice filled your ears. “What is with all this talking?” You sleepily grumbled out, peeling your eyes open to see two tween kids staring right at you with big wondrous eyes. “Hi, I’m Mable! I’m your great niece.” She introduced herself. “Great niece?” You groggily got up. “Where am I?” You ask, blinking as your vision comes back to you. “You’re in the Mystery Shack!” She tells you with a chipper attitude. “Mystery Shack?” You look down to see that your original outfit you wore was now discarded somewhere and instead wore a large baggy white tee and heart pajama pants. “What am I wearing?” You pinched at your clothes. “Kids!” A gruff voice was heard behind the doors. “Oh shoot!” Mable looked around the room. “Where do we hide?” Dipper whispered, his eyes darting under the bed. “Go under the bed!” Dipper said, diving straight under. “Please don’t tell Grunkle Stan that we’re here!” She pleaded. “Uhm, yeah?” She beamed and hid right under the bed. In an instant, the door was pushed open and your eyes locked on your brothers. Your brain processed it for a moment, wait… “Stanley, Stanford?!” A gasp leaves Ford. “Why are you awake! You’re supposed to be resting.” Ford scolded. You didn’t pay attention to Ford’s scolding, wrapped up in the moment of seeing your twin brothers living and breathing right in front of you. “Are you guys real?” You try to blink away the tears that were obstructing your view. “Of course we are silly.” Stan laughed, sitting down on the bed right next to you and wrapping you in a side hug. “Stan…” You cried. You had spent countless nights, shouldering the knowledge that you weren’t going to see your brothers ever again. That haunted you every single day from the moment you woke up to the minute you went to sleep. Here you are, proven wrong for once in your life. And it feels so good to be held by Stan again, feels so good to have a familiar feeling wash into your senses again. “How?” You ask, peeling yourself away from Stan’s shoulder, wiping the tears away. “We just kept trying and trying.” Ford told you, a somber smile on his lips. “Oh, Ford. Come here!” You grab his wrist and tug him into the bed. The action caused you to drag and flop all of them on the bed with you. Tearful laughter erupts in the room. “I apologize for the scare earlier,” You say, your hand pressing against your side. “Don’t apologize. It wasn’t your fault.” Stan said. “No, really.” You begin to unwrap the gauze around your waist, ignoring Ford and Stan’s protest. “I heal quickly.” You point to your already sealed up gash. The only thing left to prove that you were injured was the thin scar that spread across. Ford gawks in awe. “You need to tell me an in depth story detailing every single thing you have been doing for the past thirty years.” Ford said with so much seriousness you laughed. “Bu-but you passed out. Ford said it was from blood loss!” 
✶ “I only passed out because my body needs to shut down momentarily to heal up my wounds.” You tell him matter of factly. “Oh, great. Now we have another snobby nerd.” Stan joked. “Oh, stop it! You are too, considering you fixed the portal alongside with Mr. Branic over here.” You jabbed a thumb over to Ford who yelled out, “Hey!” in offense. “Hello family!” Mable popped out from under the bed. The three of you screamed loudly in fear, clutching each other. “Woah, didn’t mean to scare you guys!” She helped Dipper out from under the bed. “I just wanted to say that you guys are so adorable!” She squealed, pouncing onto the bed. “I can’t believe I have a Great Aunt/Grunkle who has traveled throughout dimensions. Isn’t that so cool?” She kicked her feet in excitement. “What kinds of monsters did you see out there?” Dipper asked, climbing onto the bed and settling himself between you, Ford and Stan. “A lot.” You respond with a smile. “I never caught your brother's name.” You say, booping Dipper’s nose. “His name is Dipper!” Mable pulls him close to her, cheek to cheek. “We’re twins.” She mentioned. “So it runs in the family, huh?” You elbow the two sets of other twins you had the misfortune to partially grow up with. “Guess so,” Stan smiled. “Let’s play a get to know each other game.” Mable offered. Everyone surprisingly agreed. “Okay, let’s start with Great Aunt/Grunkle [Name]. Tell us about yourself.” The rest of the afternoon was spent catching up with the family and when the game was over, the twins had left, leaving you with Stan and Ford. “Thank you guys for not giving up on me.” You say into the hug. “We’re family! How could we ever abandon you?” Ford replies. An awkward cough emitted from you and Stan looked off to the side. “Oh.” The last thirty years had been rough, for you and the twins, but it was nice knowing that it ended with the three of you once again reunited at last. 
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IT'S DONNE, and again if you guys want more i'll write more but till then i think this concludes word/insured YIPPIE
Taglist: @boredwithlifeatthispoint, @lovexsage, @teddycricketdream, @theilluminatidragonqueen, @raventeen @cedarmoonzz if you wanna be added to my taglist, dm me or comment! <3
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Mr Long Legs and Ms Pocket Size
Summary: Toto loves that his girlfriend has to cling to him like a koala whenever she wants to kiss him. OR how Y/n has to constantly pull off the highest heels just to stand next to her “giant” boyfriend.
A/N: I will add a small smau right below so stay tuned u guys!
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Toto and his girlfriend, who he lovingly calls his 'short stack,' wake up every day with a smile on their faces. They start their day with a kiss, normally she would have to hold onto him just to give him a peck on the lip. As they go about their morning routine, Toto can't help but grin as he watches her attempt to reach things on high shelves, which is often caused by him because he often teases her by placing things on the top shelf that are out of her reach, knowing she would have to call him for the help. 
“Damn you and your heights, who would put their everyday mugs on the highest place on the cupboard!”
“It’s not that high, Schatz. Look! It’s very much reachable. Well, compared to my size of course. Here you go.”
“New information, in case you don’t know… I am not your size”
“I’m pretty much aware of that, you are rather pocket-size, Liebe.”
His girlfriend playfully rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.
"You know very well I'm not as tall as you, you oversized giant," she said with a hint of amusement. 
"But I guess being so towering has its downside. You're constantly losing things behind the cabinets and on top of the fridge. I suppose height isn't everything." Toto chuckled, wrapping his arm around her waist. 
"Height has its benefits, especially when it comes to pulling pranks on my short stack girl," he said while kissing her neck.
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“Have you grown? Liebe.”
“Just for today, so pretty much yes.” Y/n grins then lifts her shoe high enough to reveal heels that make Toto’s jaw drop a little before he begins laughing hysterically. 
“Gotta pull off these bad bitches right here so that the press can take a picture with both of us without cutting your legs out of the frame.”
“There’s no way you’re gonna survive the whole day with those on.”
“Watch me! Toto.”
“Please! For the sake of me, just wear something flatter, like trainers, or your flats.”
“Nope.” She said with the sound pop “p”. 
Y/n is well aware that Toto enjoys the benefits of such a height gap, but it's enjoyable to tease him about being able to close the space on occasion.
"Shall we go?" Y/n asks making Toto sigh looking down at her feet again before nodding.
“If you ever feel any sort of discomfort please come to me right away. Yes? Liebe”
“Alright, Mr Long Legs”
Y/n confidently struts towards the door with Toto trailing behind her. As they step inside the paddock, they are immediately greeted by a swarm of press and fans clamouring to catch a glimpse of the famous couple. Toto watches in amazement as Y/n effortlessly strikes a series of poses, her confidence and poise perfectly fitting the larger-than-life persona she had adopted for the day. Despite her high heels, she didn't falter and instead embraced the spotlight with grace, leaving Toto in awe of her confidence and charisma. He also couldn't help but feel a little nervous at the idea of her wearing such high shoes all day, but his girlfriend was determined to make a statement. 
“Someone is a bit taller today?” Lewis said chuckling.
“Yes, Lewis. I’m even at your head level today. Still not quite George’s height but one step at a time, right?”
“Impressive… But I prefer the tiny boss to be tiny. Because those heels can break your toes or something.”
“It’s quite hurtful now but don’t you dare tell Toto. I’m trying to stay above a little longer today. Maybe till the race ends, then I will take it off.”
“Swear on my toes, Lewis. Now get in the car. “
As Toto listened to Y/n's exchange with Lewis, he couldn't help but feel a pang of worry deep in his chest, with a little pang of jealousy as he heard Lewis make the comment about preferring her to be tiny, but he quickly pushed it aside. In his eyes, his girlfriend was perfect no matter her height. He knew how determined and fierce she could be, but the thought of her hurting herself in those towering shoes left him feeling uneasy. As Lewis walked away, Toto approached Y/n with a small frown, as he gently lifted her foot and carefully removed her heeled shoes, he couldn't help but notice the slight tension in her expression. He could tell she was disappointed that her attempt to be "taller" had come to an abrupt end. But he knew that her safety and well-being were his top priority, and he wasn't willing to risk her getting injured just for the sake of appearing taller. As he lowered her feet back to the ground, Toto looked up at her with a mixture of concern and affection "You know," he began, his tone tender, "you're perfect just the way you are, Liebe. Whether you're towering in those shoes or not." He gently ran a hand up her slender leg, his touch affectionate. "I don't care one bit about your height. I just want you to be safe and comfortable. That's all that matters to me."
Y/n couldn't help but soften at Toto's words, her disappointment at having to remove the heels fading in the warm glow of his affection. "I know," she replied, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. She reached down to brush a stray lock of hair out of his eyes, her touch gentle. "I just wanted to stand a bit taller for a change, you know? But I understand where you're coming from." She gave him a grin. "Next time, perhaps I will try on some wedges platform?”
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, georgerussell63 and others
y/n_user: Can someone tell him to give me some of his height?
mercedesamgf1 we will try tiny boss
y/n_user Thanks admin! I appreciate ur help lewishamilton Can u tell him to save some for me also! Much needed it y/n_user Go find ur own! This is mine already
user_1 Mrs Long Legs now
user_2 Those shoes could kill
user_3 Can u save some for Yuki too
y/n_user Noted user_4 Tell Yuki to take it from his bf gasly
lilymhe Pretty heels for ma wifey
y/n_user Stop it wifey they're killlinggg meee lilymhe U can always sit on my lap wifey mercedesamgf1 Please stop calling my missus your wifey - toto user_1 the boss has joined the chat mic drop
user_5 Not toto using the company acc
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, georgerussell63 and others
y/n_user photo dump and date night with my Mr Long Legs and he calls me his Ms Pocket Size so screw the heels
user_2 She looks so good!
user_1 Dear mr future husband pls take note
lilymhe love you beautiful!
user_6 ATE and left NO CRUMBS
lewishamilton gorgeous - toto wolff
lewishamilton i don’t have instagram - toto wolff
y/n_user pls give lewis his ig acc back old man!
user: nOt the sign off by toto himself 😭😭
mercedesamgf1: finest couple ever! 😮‍💨
user admin— you’re so real for this omg user admin knows what’s up user can toto fight? user can’t fight for a championship that’s for sure
mercedesamgf1 the boss says you’re gorgeous
711 notes · View notes
taylormarieee · 11 months
~Were supposed to hate each other right?~ Carl Grimes
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Request: Would you do a Carl x Reader, where Carl and Reader dislike each other a lot and then gets lost together on a scavenging trip, so they finally have to spend the night in an abandoned hotel or something similar and to unwillingly share a bed and it ends up with them having sex? can you add that the mood of the two of them the next morning is very strange and embarrassed and they don't know how to deal with each other now?
Pairing: Carl Grimes x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: PiV sex, Shy Carl, Shy Reader, Awkwardness, Teasing, lots of cuss words, reader and Carl don't like each other, dry humping, needy Carl, needy reader.
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You and Carl didn't like each other at all! It was not a new thing to the group.
Ever since they stepped foot in Alexandria, you just found him so stuck up because he knew all about killing walkers and surviving.
Well let's not forget how you were out in the wild too, trying to survive and not get bit just like them.
The only difference is you had no group. So you hated when he acted like he knew better and was so much smarter then you in survival skills.
You two were both out on a run instructed by Rick and Carol for you too to get along.
You rolled your eyes but didn't complain, Carl on the other hand...
"This is such bullshit! Why do I have to drive in a god damn car with this annoying ass brat?!" He complains.
"Watch your mouth!" Rick yells at his son.
"Seriously dad?" He asks.
"I am very serious. I don't know what it is with you two but lemme get this straigh through your stubborn teenage heads. You two will go on this run, find supplies, and get along. I don't give a damn if you guys fake to like each other." Rick yells.
"People can't stand to work with you two because all you guys constantly do is bicker. Carol's tired of it, i'm tired of it, hell Daryl's tired of it! So shut your mouths and go!" Rick continues irritated before walking off.
"Damn, I've never seen him that angry." You say. You look at Carl and he speaks.
"Well at least we both agree on something." he says before walking off to go find a car.
You follow behind him and you both get in the car. Rosita opens the gate and Carl speeds off.
You each brought a bag off supplies and food just incase you get stranded.
You both silently sit in the car not speaking to one another. You constantly glance at Carl.
"What?" He asks rolling his eyes. Your eyes widen and you open your mouth to respond.
"What do you mean? I'm not doing anything." You respond already annoyed.
"You keep looking at me, do you think I'm pretty or something? Stop staring." He says keeping his eyes on the road.
Your face gets hot as you look down at your fingers. You quickly shut down the smile slowly starting to appear on your face.
"Ew! What!? No, I hate you remember. You're ugly anyways." You respond staring out the window.
You feel the car shaking. You think it's just the gravel until the car completely stops moving. It slowly comes to a stop in front of a hotel.
"Damn it! The car ran out of gas. I guess this is where will be staying for a little while. A herd is coming up anyways. Quick let's get inside. Maybe we can find something." Carl says.
You both grab your stuff and quickly but quietly sneak into the hotel before the herd sees you.
You guys find a room on the first floor and get settled. You notice that the room only has one bed.
"Carl, this room only has one bed." You state. He looks around and groans.
"Well you take this and i'll take the room next door then." He responds.
"All the keys are gone except this one. This key was left in the door. You can't open the rest." You respond, "Plus we have to stick together incase anything bad happens. We are sharing a bed wether you like it or not." You say.
"Quit whining like a baby." You add with a smug smile on your face.
Carl rolls his eyes and mutters a curse word under his breath. You both get comfortable and turn your body's far away from each other as possible.
During your slumber to feel Carl moving in his sleep. You were about to kick Carl when you hear him whimper.
'Maybe he was having a nightmare', you thought. But then he whimpered your name and you froze.
He turned his body and grabbed you waist pulling you closer to him. That's when you fell it.
The stiff feeling of his cock inside his jeans begging to be released.
He was having a wet dream about you! This is not real, it can't be, you thought.
You tried your hardest not to move but he kept rubbing himself against you.
"C-Carl." You whimper out. He moans again and grinds himself harder against you.
"Carl!" You whisper shout. He stirs awake, realizing how close he is to you. He quickly scoots away just staring at you in the dimly lit room.
You turn to face him with your hand down you pants desperately looking at him.
Carl is breathing heavily waiting for consent to touch you again, to feel you again.
"I need you Carl." Those 4 words were all he needed before his lips crashed on yours.
You moan into him and quickly go to take of his pants. He lifts your shirt up exposing you belly.
You successfully pull his pants down to his feet before lifting of your shirt.
You fondle with the button on your pants as Carl takes off his shirt and drops his pants and boxers on the floor.
You finally manage to take of your pants and discard them with the rest of the clothes on the floor.
Carl and You are both so needy that he doesn't even have time to prepare you for his length. You don't care anyway.
He slowly slides into you, the stinging feeling of your walls being stretched felt painful but good at the same time.
You moan out as he enters you and he groans at the feeling of your walls trapping him inside you.
You leave marks on his back from gripping him so hard. He slightly tugs on your hair unknowingly but you are to fazed out in bliss and ecstasy to notice.
He continues his slow pace until he feels himself about to cum.
"Oh shit, I'm gonna cum, c-cum with me please." He whines out. You moan as you feel your orgasm approaching.
"Cum inside me Carl, please!" You cry out. He follows your desperate order and releases his seed inside of you.'
Your orgasm rips through you like a wave. Your whole body shakes and your eyes roll to the back of your head.
You ride out your high and you fall limp. Carl's head falls on your shoulder, his body too weak to support his body weight but he tries anyway for the sake of not crushing you.
You both end up falling asleep snuggled up next to each other.
When the morning comes out through the windows. You quickly notice how you and Carl's clothes are on the floor. You quickly get dressed before he wakes up, memories of last night flashing in you mind as you look at the messed up bed.
You hear Carl finally stir awake and you can't even look him in the eye.
You mutter a good morning before walking out of the room with your bag to try and find a new Car.
You finally found a Car after 10 minutes of looking. You drive it back to the hotel to see Carl standing next to the old Car you guys used.
He gets in and it's the quietest car ride back home. You guys don't speak to each other or even look at each other. 'What an awkward moment you', thought.
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Taglist: @carlgrimesenthusiast @loveforcarl @carlsdarling
A/N: Thank you @carlsdarling For requesting this and I'm sorry it didn't get posted when I said it would.
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
Similar fic idea to One Step Three Steps, but instead of some random Hatake brat being zapped into modern Konoha from the very early days of the village, it was actually the at the time Hatake Clan Head.
I'm gonna go with the Hatake family tree I tossed into Chasing Shadows for fun, meaning a) the clan head is named Haruka, and b) she's Sakumo's mother (thus Kakashi's grandmother) and Tobirama's aunt
She died very shortly after Tobirama (like a week tops) and the rest of her clan was wiped out pretty soon after her.
(Sakumo was raised by the only other survivor of the clan, an old grandma with poor memory who hadn't been in any state to fight, and who later passed away when Sakumo was still pretty young— so he learned very little about their clan and their traditions, and then passed on even less to Kakashi before he died)
I have literally nothing else for her other than the above, so I guess we'll figure out her character together as we go along
With that said, this is gonna be a long one, so buckle in for
✨️ The Hatake clan head time travels from early to modern Konoha ✨️
Immediately, there's just so much potential pretty much anywhere you drop her into the timeline.
Lets take her from the very first years of Konoha, where they're still lowkey building the village and Madara is still around (bc I love the drama of the time traveler respecting Madara only for the future people to be like "oooo... ok, so bad news actually— Also, you legally aren't allowed to talk good about him for military dictatorship reasons, sorry :(" )
And then we're gonna drop her into kid Kakashi era, with Sakumo still being alive
Right off the bat -> That's Sakumo's fucking mom!!!! Holy shit you guys!!! The last time she saw him he was like a literal infant she JUST recovered from birthing AND NOW HES A WHOLE MAN!!!!
Shes grabbing him by the cheeks squishing him to death, there may be baby talk involved (he's a grown man let him go oh my god??)
If she comes before his mission gone wrong, her presence prevents him from going on it (disaster averted,,, for now) He's currently in the running for most likely to become next Hokage and she's so disgustingly proud holy shit. Her baby!!! Hokage!!!
Maybe have some talk about how that'd make either 3 or 2 Hatake's in office depending on if you count Hashirama as a Hatake (Haruka does not) and how that's kind of bad, right? Only Haruka doesn't give a SHIT about that (politicians hate her and shed hate them too if she didn't enjoy making them suffer so much)
"But Haruka, as clan head aren't you a politician too by default?"
"Haha yeah!! Isn't that awful? (For all of them)"
If she comes AFTER the dreaded mission gone wrong, Haruka is all about backing up his decision (the Hatake are a clan who emphasize loyalty like no other, which is also part of why they took to Konoha's mentality so well)
Shes telling Sakumo he did the right thing and fuck literally everyone who says otherwise. Trust your momma Sakumo, she knows best
Her being there averts Sakumo's death— either bc she manages to keep him going, or bc she interrupts him mid suicide
(I can see Sakumo trying to go through with it specifically bc he thinks at least Kakashi has Haruka now once he's gone)
Kakashi kind of hates her.
There's like a whole big bit about the Hatake clan bloodline limit, which is sort of general wolfy stuff, enhanced senses, some extra strength, etc. And my all-time favorite take, adaptation ✨️
Their white chakra is super flexible, able to adapt and change to fit pretty much any situation —or even other bloodline limits. (Which is why Kakashi not only survived the sharingan implant but came to arguably master it)
Anyways -> other than the white chakra (which neither Sakumo or Kakashi know the details of other than it's their family chakra and its,, white. Exciting, I know), their bloodline limit seems to have borderline dissapeared with Kakashi and Sakumo, due to basically them not knowing how to feed into it / activley supressing it to conform to polite society (unaware that certain impulses aren't actually just intrusive thoughts but actual instinct trying to get them to do things necessary to feed into and reawakened their bloodline limit)
Kakashi actually shows more hints of still having it bc of his age, while Sakumo is very well practiced in accidentally supressing it to conform with general society.
So obviously, Haruka is like "hey guys!! What the actual fuck is this!!" and immediatley (borderline desperatley) trying to get them back to her perceived normal
She's actually REALLY fucked up about all this. Her own son!! Her own grandbaby!! And they don't even eat enough MEAT!!!! This is an actual nightmare, this is like basic baby stuff all the Hatake's should know and she's getting nothing but blank looks and vuagley ashamed guilty stares from Sakumo as she asks if he even takes Kakashi on hunts (he didn't even know that was a thing he should be doing.)
Don't even get her started when she learns Sakumo isn't acting as clan head on the Konoha clan council, holy shit. The Hatake might be a clan of 2 now but they were among the first clans to come to Konoha— she doesn't give a shit how many of them are left, if the number is more than 1 then there better be a fucking representative of theirs on that goddamn council
Funny bit where Kakashi tries to bite someone and Sakumo is telling him to stop bc jesus christ child can you behave for 5 seconds oh god he's so sorry— and Haruka is like, why are you telling him to stop??? This is enrichment for him :)) if there's no blood it's fine, that's the official clan policy for dealing with kids
Haruka... isn't actually a very good choice to leave as your babysitter. If nothing is on fire and no one is dead she considers herself successful.
Sakumo will learn this. In time.
Mmmm bad ending where Sakumo goes through with the suicide. Could be very fun and fucked up n dramatic.
Kakashi doesn't find his father's body first bc Haruka does— or maybe he does but Haruka walks in right behind him and forces him to close his eyes before he can actually see the body.
Fun scene where Haruka is physically wrestling Kakashi away from his father's body, a hand over his eyes as he screams and claws at her, demanding that she let go and let him see his dad.
Can't she smell the blood!? Tou-san is hurt, he needs help! What are you doing!!? Let him go!! Tou-san, Tou-san, where are you? Why aren't you answering?!
He bites her hand in his struggles, so deep that it later scars (just another reminder of the day, oh boy !!)
Haruka getting hit by the fucking brick of reality, straight in the face. She got to meet her son, the only survivor of their clan from her era, just in time for him to die <3
The fic then takes a HARD turn from the silly fluffy fun times of Haruka goofing around telling people to suck her dick if they have a problem with her (which a lot of people definitely do)
-> Right into shinobi politics, political schemes and sabotaged missions and buried clan history galore territory. Haruka isn't ab to take this lying down and everyone's about to get their first look at a grieving Hatake mother in her prime who just lost her baby to the shinobi rumor mill
Before she was kind of keeping to herself just having fun in the clan compound, not reeeally getting involved with any politics or village shit, bc like, she's playing with her family!! This is like her vacation till the time travel is solved and she goes back home!!
But she's not doing that anymore.
Sakumo is gone and Haruka is more than willing to take the seat he chose to leave empty at the clan council. She's about to become EVERYONES problem.
In the bg, Kakashi VIOLENTLY swings between fucking hating Haruka ("You should have stopped him! You should have been there! You should have helped!") to being like, physically unable to be unatached from her (she's waking up in the middle of the night to find him suddenly burrowed into her blankets, holding on to her like he's scared she'll dissapear when he wakes up)
Small soft scene where he's sleeping on top of her and quietly whispers that he's sorry for biting her.
Haruka possibly tries to have Kakashi temporarily drop his training but it's a very hard battle to fight. Both bc Kakashi wants to fight and bc Konoha wants him to fight
Uhh first big scary Haruka politics scene when she puts her foot down and says something along the lines of, "are you telling me here and now that my word as Hatake clan head is not enough to stop Konoha from taking away my child?" And Sarutobi kind of has to back down bc that does NOT fly well with the other clans
Obito and Rin swing by and try to pry at why Kakashi can't fight and she just fucking stares at them and goes, "He's 6."
She goes home and puts her head in her fucking hands. She was promised Konoha was to keep the kids SAFE, that's the entire fucking reason the Hatake agreed to join!!! This is not safe Tobirama, you bitch!!!!! If they send out Kakashi to die, shes going to find your fucking ghost and grind your face into Kakashi's grave!!!!
Anyways, time for my favorite part: politics
Haruka is coming from the early days of Konoha, where the only reason the Hatake even joined the village was, "because my cute little nephew (Tobirama) asked us real nice"
In her mind, she and her clan are still allowed to back the fuck up out of the village whenever she so chooses. She likes it in Konoha, yeah, but they're still free reign nomads and while she'd like to stay and have her clan flourish (which they didn't exactly do and she can literally SEE the way the village destroyed them from the inside out) she and her clan retain the right to leave whenever they want. And if they do leave, other than losing the new friends, it won't exactly be hard on them to get back to the nomad life.
All of that is to say that Sarutobi isn't her Hokage and while she'll be nice and respectful bc she recognizes the position (and her position) when push comes to shove, there's literally nothing they can hold on her to make her bend or break.
Also the last time she saw Sarutobi he was one of her nephews little brat tag-alongs, and she's so fucking bad at treating people their age, doubly so if she knew them as a kid.
It's,,, kind of demeaning actually, she should stop. (She will not.)
Anyways: play into her not just being Tobirama's aunt but also Hashirama's (her sister was their mother) which becomes fun bc Kakashi is her fucking grandkid!! Meaning he's also their fucking cousin!! Politics!! Implications!!!
At least one person is making a "of fucking course the boy genius is related to one of them" joke but like in an angry way (it's probably Obito)
Anyways I started this off with basically nothing for Haruka other than her name and I think she accidentally turned into a real character along the way (inevitable tbh)
Shes a DEEPLY flawed person actually, which I kind of love. She has a habit of belittling people and not treating them their age (absoloutley calls everyone even slightly younger than her 'kid')
Her views of childcare are totally skewed and she should not be trusted with any children other than Kakashi (it's ok he's literally built different, she can provide proper enrichment for him)
Shes so fucking full of herself and about to make it EVERYONES problem
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cosmerelists · 9 days
Bridge 4 Discuss Terrible Pickup Lines
As (sort of) requested by @dewypeach and @imtheseventh
So back when @cam-ulu29 asked for a Kaladin flirting list, I ran a poll about whether it should be a sincere, sweet list or a list full of terrible, out-of-character pickup lines. The former won by a MILE, but some people were interested in the latter. Dewypeach & imtheseventh in particular suggested doing something with Bridge 4 either suggesting terrible pickup lines or having Kaladin try them out. So here's something like that!
Skar: Worst pickup lines you can come up with. Go.
Lopen: I suggested one for Kaladin, but it wasn't terrible--it was really good. He acted like it was terrible, though--does that count?
Kaladin: It WAS terrible.
Kaladin: And...weird.
Kaladin: I'm not going to flirt with Dalinar. He is my boss. And married. And old.
Lopen: So what I said, right, was that Kal should look Dalinar right in the eye, all serious-like, and say, "My relationship with my father is terrible. Will you be my new Daddy?"
Moash: [spits out drink]
Skar: No!
Lopen: Listen, it would work! I can read a man, and I KNOW that would work on Dalinar!
Lopen: Okay, okay! If you prefer to flirt with Navani, you just gotta roll up with something like, "So I heard you like long, thick towers. It just so happens that I..."
Kaladin: NO
Moash: See, the thing is, Kal, you're attractive enough that you could probably get away with a really bad pickup line.
Moash: I bet you could tell someone that you want to "Plunge straight into their their Honor Chasm" and I bet it would work.
Kaladin: That would absolutely not work.
Moash: You say that, and yet...
Rock: Moash has point, though! We are all well-known now, yes? All good-looking (except maybe for Lopen, who is unfortunately very short). I think men like us get away with some pretty bad lines, yeah?
Letyen: "You did a bridge run straight into my heart."
Moash: "I wanna explore YOUR chasms."
Kaladin: (What's you and the chasms, man?)
Lyn: "Let's...bridge this distance between us."
Teft: "I'm from Bridge 4. Do you want to get a drink?"
Skar: "Let me show you how good I am with my spear."
Sigzil: "You prefilled the forms in my heart."
[They all look at him]
Sigzil: What? In Azir, that's a very effective line.
Moash: Is that true, though, or are you making up Azir stories to trick us stupid Alethi?
Sigzil: [sips drink enigmatically]
Kaladin: Fine, fine, okay!
Kaladin: If I wanted to "pick someone up" with my Bridge 4 cred, I guess I'd try something like...
Kaladin: ...
Kaladin: Uh... How about: "My days in the bridge crews were horrible and dark. I barely survived. I lost a lot of friends. Good friends. It haunts me still. But now that I'm out, I've decided to live. And that means doing things that make me WANT to live."
Kaladin: "Like going out with you!"
Kaladin: [Looks at them expectantly]
Moash: Oh, Kal...
Lopen: Even your pretty face can't save that one, gon...
Skar: The thick tower line is looking better and better...
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chelseeebe · 6 months
‘til the world caves in: something in the orange
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mdni 18+. smut. exfamous!steve x female reader. zombie apocalypse au! mentions of guns and violence throughout. no use of y/n!
a/n: this is my new iteration of the apocalypse au! i dabbled with it before but actually rlly like this one, matter of fact, most of the chapters are written already lmfao:) the famous part rlly is just there for this oneee specific scene i had in mind for a later part but it’s something different i guess
nobody cares who you are in the apocalypse. well, maybe except for you.
life before the outbreak had been weird enough for steve, his band had just started their rise to fame when all this shit went down.
it wasn’t exactly where he wanted to be at 19 but money and fame weren’t anything he was gonna say no to.
and then news broke that people had started eating each other’s faces and now he was no longer this up and coming star, rather just some guy trying to stay alive with some girl he’d met fleeing new york.
six years was more than enough time for them to become best friends, travelling through various camps and groups of people before they ended up somewhere in the middle of indiana.
steve’s never been here before and he wishes he wasn’t here now.
there’s nothing for miles and now robin’s leg is fucked, he thinks it might be the end.
the buttfuck town of hawkins indiana would be their demise.
they’d collapsed on the fence of some building, too dehydrated and tired to care. accepting a certain death as robin cries softly next to him, their fingers entwined as death awaits.
they were pretty delirious when they were picked up by some group. a tall man with a thick moustache and a lady with a sweet voice, helping them across town to their compound.
he’s not entirely sure what had happened when they’d arrived, he’d been bustled into a room and remembers collapsing on the bed with a pounding in his head before blacking out.
turns out he was out for days, waking up in the dark confines of a tiny box room with nothing else around him. admittedly, the lack of robin in his immediate vicinity scared the shit out of him.
all he can remember is that her leg was infected and her head was starting to hurt which was never a good sign.
a small, curly haired lady bursts into the room, startled to see him standing, “oh! you’re awake! great,” she smiles.
“where am i?” he asks, like a petrified child.
“you’re in hawkins,” she nods, “you were in a pretty bad state when we found you.”
nothing had ever felt so befuddling, jolting him back into survival mode as he realises his bag was nowhere to be found.
“where’s robin? we need to.. we have to go,” steve rushes, fearing the worst.
“she’s good, i think she was in the cafeteria.. we can go and get some food if you’d like?” the kind lady offers, pity in her eyes.
he nods, sceptical as he follows her out of the room and through the massive doors. there’s laughter from the other side, amazed at the sight of the light bulbs glowing white. electricity. nothing like the candles and flashlights they’d been using for years.
robin jumps up from the table the second he walks through, hobbling over with a few grunts and groans.
“you’re awake! oh my god steve, i’ve been so worried,” she frets, throwing her arms around his neck, trying to ignore the stares from the strangers in the room.
“you’re okay? i thought..” he exhales, not wanting to finish his sentence. “i don’t know.. fuck,” now robin was here and alive and in his arms, the overwhelming feeling of ten people gawping at him sinks in.
there’s nothing familiar about this place, it’s nothing like the places they’d stayed in, it feels like before.
“come get some food,” robin ushers, placing her hand on his back and very slowly walking to the table, “it’s nice here,” she leans in to whisper, “everyone’s super nice, they even have electricity!” she marvels, helping him to the empty seat.
she pushes her plate towards him, beans and some sort of meat. he hadn’t had a substantial meal in what felt like months, living off of foraged cans and jerky.
the crowd seems to back off at this point, leaving him and robin to eat. to try and digest this place despite feeling like he was in some crazy dream.
“we found some stragglers, out at the old school,” he hears a voice from behind, talking about himself and robin, “they were in pretty bad shape.”
steve doesn’t look around, continuing to eat his portion of robin’s dinner instead.
turns out he didn’t have to, as you arrive at his table, shotgun still strapped to your back and a thick layer of dirt all over your face.
“you the new guys?” you ask, looking between him and robin.
“yeah,” answering for the both of them, “robin,” extending her hand to meet yours.
you shake it, with a small, wary smile before turning your attention to steve, eyes narrowed as if you’re trying to place him.
“i remember you,” smiling with the side of your mouth, sizing him up. “steve harrington,” saying his name with such conviction, “newest member of in motion, weren’t you?”
he’s surprised that anyone would even care to remember him or the shitty boy band he was coerced into, “i mean, i was.. doesn’t really matter now though, right?”
you hum and he’s not sure whether it’s positive or not, “i used to be a fan,” steve couldn’t fathom someone like you ever being a fan of the shitty corporate pop he used to make. “maybe you can perform for us some day.”
it’s the first time in years that anyone has recognised him from before. unsure of how it makes him feel.
steve had presumed that he and robin were doing pretty well, they were alive weren’t they?
he’d found out that actually, neither of the two knew a single thing about proper, adequate survival skills and had gotten by with some grace of god.
he could shoot a gun, at least he thought he could. they typically just aimed and shot and hoped for the best rather than all of this.
you kick his feet further apart, barking shoulder width into his ear for the umpteenth time. it’s pretty hard to focus when you’re standing right behind him with your soft lips brushing against his ear every few seconds.
robin takes to it like a duck on water, keeping her arms straight and the gun in line with her eye. how the fuck does she know all of this shit?
steve fires and subsequently misses the makeshift target, cursing under his breath with a nasty side eye to robin who hits it straight in the drawn on face.
“steve,” you warn, walking over to him with a slight frown, “keep it steady, that kick back is no joke.”
he pulls a face, realigning the gun to his eye and tries again.
missing the target entirely this time.
“okay,” you sigh, the feel of your arms wrapping around his startle him for a second before the rest of your body presses against his back.
oh god.
it’d look pretty weird if he popped a boner while on shooting practice, he thinks.
it’s not as if human contact is a thing he encounters regularly, how was his body supposed to know the difference?
your chin rests on his shoulder, peering over at the target, hands coming to sit atop of his sweaty ones as you aim for him.
“that good?” you ask, breath tickling his ear.
it felt good, felt very good actually. your chest flat against his back, his breathing falling into to time with yours.
“ye- yup,” he flutters, almost choking on the words.
steve get it together.
“so go,” you order.
his finger presses the trigger, the bullet flies through the target, straight between the eyes.
“there you go!” you celebrate, the warmth of your body on his disappearing as you come to join him at his side.
he and robin share a look, robin’s smirk was unmistakable, steve knew what she was thinking, somehow he always did.
“go again, just you this time,” nodding with encouragement.
his thoughts are jumbled, preoccupied with the want for you to touch him again. just this time, maybe somewhere more private.
but he does it. the painted on silhouette is hit straight through the forehead, garnering a whoop from robin.
“you’re getting the hang of it,” you smile, fingers brushing over his as you take the gun from his hand. it makes him shiver, electricity pulsing between you. “don’t worry, we can come back out here another day,” sharing a look that lingers just a little too long.
you collect robin’s gun and announce something about lunch but steve can’t focus, still attempting to collect himself from a puddle on the floor.
“man, if you don’t get in there, i’m going to,” robin quips, slapping him quite harshly on the back.
“fuck off,” he hits back, trying to shake the loud, intrusive voice in the background of his mind.
there wasn’t much time for love and relationships while he had to fight the undead. a small part of him wonders if maybe now it’s possible, in here, with you.
okay, he’s definitely getting ahead of himself.
you don’t help steve’s delusions when you join him and robin at their table for breakfast, making sure to slide into the seat directly opposite just so he can try not to choke on his food.
“you guys settling in okay?” you ask, not really looking at robin at all, eyes glued to his.
“y-yeah, it’s nice here,” he sputters, trying to focus on the bowl of porridge in front of him.
“good,” you smile, sickeningly sweet.
robin’s foot swiftly connects with his leg, coughing on his mouthful as he returns the favour. he knows what she’s getting at, he’d divulged his fantasies to her a couple nights ago.
they’d been allocated separate rooms but hadn’t dared to separate yet, holing up in steve’s bed as they got used to this place.
you look up again, as if you want to ask something, “i think uh.. a few of the kids found out you were in a band and they wanted to know if you’d sing for them at some point?”
steve narrows his eyes, not forgetting that you’d already revealed yourself as a fan, “they asked?” quirking his brow.
your lips pucker, jabbing at your food in an attempt to hide, “well..” looking up at him through spindly lashes, “maybe not just them.”
he feels this intangible sensation in his chest, a burning that aches his insides.
“okay,” he smiles, managing to keep it down, “i’ll sing for y- them,” hoping no one pulls him on his freudian slip, cheeks burning scarlet.
your eyes light up, the whole world encapsulated within your iris’, a sight he already dreamed of.
he feels like a teenager again, wondering if the pretty girl on the other side of the table liked him back.
“ready?” you nod, slinging your backpack over your shoulder.
steve’s been anxiously awaiting his first shift on watch, scared about the prospect of accidentally fucking up and someone dying or something like that.
so for his first shift, he’d been graciously paired with you on the back wall. he’s been told there’s never much action there, usually a few stray infected but nothing too serious.
it doesn’t help that you’re in some ridiculously skimpy vest with the tightest pants he’s seen. there’s not a chance in hell that he’ll be able to keep his mind focused.
the pair of you stroll over to the wall, climbing the rusty old tower and relieving argyle and will from their positions.
grateful that you were given the evening shift as the hot july sun is setting and the breeze is beginning to kick in.
you immediately slump into the camp chair, slinging your bag from your back and kicking your heavy boots off, clunking against the metal as they land.
“so.. now we just sit here?” steve asks, cocking a brow at your relaxed disposition.
“yup,” nodding along as you squint up at him. “back wall’s never too exciting, i bet we don’t see a soul.”
“yeah.. okay,” he nods too, taking a seat in the adjacent camp chair, praying for a quiet night.
time ticks on for what must be hours, the courtyard had gone quiet and all he can really hear is your gentle breaths and a cricket somewhere in the long grass.
it must be gone 2am by now and you’d not seen a single thing, not even any infected.
steve can feel your eyes on him, not daring to look over until you start speaking.
“bored yet?”
he shakes his head, he wasn’t. this was pretty exhilarating if he was honest. every time you spoke to him, his heart rate seemed to soar.
“no, no this is nice.”
“the quiet?” you question, tilting your head to the side.
“yeah.. i feel like i haven’t really stopped since we got here.”
there’d been copious amounts of training and the like since he had properly recovered. nancy had shown him how to tie and set up traps. dustin had attempted to explain how you guys had power, though he couldn’t really grasp it.
and you, you had shown him how to shoot and fight and how to use a knife correctly rather than just flailing it around and hoping for the best.
“you’re not a bad watch partner, some of them are so annoying,” rolling your eyes in jest, snickering quietly.
steve smiles, genuinely. he hadn’t really experienced anyone other than robin’s company for a long time and while he loved her to death, it was nice to speak to someone else.
“you’re not too bad yourself,” shying away after his pathetic attempt at flirting.
there had been a fair amount of consideration and a perhaps a little bit of delusion but he had dwelled on it and came to the conclusion that he really liked you.
probably more than he should do at this point.
you pout your lips, considering something before starting, “you know.. there’s something else we could do to pass the time..”
he stares, befuddled for a moment until the glint in your eye makes it all click.
“oh,” is all that comes out of his suddenly very dry mouth.
there’s a flash of hurt and maybe embarrassment on your face, “or not.. i mean- i was just.. forget it,” squeezing your eyes shut as your palm hits your forehead.
“no! god no! i didn’t think you’d want to.. y’know, here..” terrified that he had screwed up his one chance.
not only would he have to leave hawkins, he’d probably have to curl up and die somewhere out of sheer embarrassment and regret.
“i wouldn’t have asked if i didn’t want to,” you shrug, uncurling from your blushing state.
steve almost falls from the rickety chair, “of course i do.. is it a good idea?” motioning over the wall somewhere, “with the watch and stuff..” eager to not disappoint the rest of his new group mates.
“we haven’t seen a thing all night.. we’re not being relieved for another few hours.”
“i don’t.. i don’t think i’ll need a few hours,” hell, ten minutes would be fairly optimistic.
a smirk nudges at your lips, standing from your chair to perch in front of him, hands on his shoulders as you take one last quick peek around.
“you’re sure?” you ask, as if he wasn’t gazing up at you like some pathetic puppy dog right now.
“so sure,” nodding enthusiastically. hesitant to touch you until you smile down at him, egging him on.
“get on the floor,” you instruct, still leering over the metal barriers, “just in case.”
he does as he’s told, sitting back against the wall with a lopsided grin as his heart rate increases tenfold.
it’d been years since he’d had sex. he supposes there was that one girl at the third or fourth camp they were in but she was pretty weird and a little obsessive. it only happened once and then he couldn’t bring himself to do it again.
but you’re smiling now, resting on his thighs and he thinks his heart might give out. there’s no certainty that he’ll even be able to last long enough for you to get any enjoyment from it but he’s willing to try.
a moment passes, eyes locked as you lean down, pressing a gentle yet excited kiss to his lips, it’s more human contact than he’s had in years.
you waste no time, fumbling with the button on his pants, sighing as you pop the button, waiting for him to return the honour.
steve lifts both of your bodies, barely kicking his jeans off before you sit back down, his fingers tingling with pure excitement as they unbutton your pants.
they end up somewhere in the pile of discarded clothes, focusing your attention back on his lips, carelessly connecting your lips.
your hips rock back and forth, sending a deep grumble from his throat to yours as his dick twitches in his boxers. he might as well not even bother to actually have sex, he was about to cum right then and there.
it’s made worse when your middle and index finger slide into the waistband of his boxers, struggling to stay afloat as you tug the material down just under his balls, cock springing up the second it’s freed.
you position your hands on his shoulders, looking down at him with wet lips, the only sounds are the crickets watching this degeneracy.
your hands find their place on his shoulders, holding yourself up while his fist finds his cock, lining himself up with your entrance, heart rate skyrocketing as you gasp above him.
his fingernails graze your skin, leaving indentations in the soft flesh, unable to contain the husky groan that escapes his lips.
your palm slaps over his mouth immediately, eyes wide as your hips rock, “you have to be quiet,” you hush though the smirk tugging at your lips tells him you’re not angry.
steve feels electric, pulsing through his veins with every slight movement you make, garbling into your palm when your pace quickens.
bouncing on his cock, making the entire structure creak and wobble.
he realises now that it’s silent, how obvious the sounds of sex are, skin slapping against skin as you squeak and grunt alongside it.
you’re insane, keeping your hand firmly over his mouth as you use his shoulder for leverage, rolling your hips and squeezing around him.
he’s about ready to cum already, there’s no surprise there. but he’s trying his hardest to hold out, to let you get something from this before he blows his load.
clinging on to your hips for dear life as they roll, eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks while he turns to utter mush behind your hand.
“oh shit,” you whine, clit nudging against his pubic bone, louder than he could ever be.
that’s it, hearing you whine sends his stomach lurching, with barely enough time to life your body from his lap before he explodes.
hips stuttering into the air as you watch with bated breath, still covering his mouth as a series of expletives tumble out, muffled and breathless.
steve’s never felt so embarrassed and yet so good all at once, the back of his head thwacking against the metal panel as he floats back to earth.
you rest atop of his thighs, nibbling on the skin of your bottom lip. there’s a silence that makes him want to crawl up the side of the barrier and let infected rip him apart.
he wants to apologise for his premature ejaculation, a little ashamed that he couldn’t prove himself to you but before he can conjure up the appropriate apology, your finger tilts his chin upwards, to meet your eyes.
you stifle it for a minute before bursting into a fit of giggles, “it’s okay.. maybe next time.”
albeit a very vague promise of a next time, steve starts to beam, still catching his breath as you shuffle off of his thighs, pulling your panties on as you lay back on the floor, gesturing for him to join you.
dawn breaks around the two of you, the birds rising to sing their song as you lay on the uncomfortable metal grates next to him.
it’s so serene, a picturesque view peeking from outside the little hut.
this is a feeling steve had thought he may never experience again, content with his life despite the rest of the world crumbling outside of the walls.
it’s something in the orange hue, an aching feeling that he owes to blind optimism. a spark of hope, remnants of a fear to lose anyone else.
to lose you.
your tongue pokes from the side of your lips, sighing softly, “there’s something i have to tell you.”
he turns, watching your face fall. apprehensively awaiting the harsh truth you were about to unleash.
“go on..”
this time you sigh loudly, exhausting the air from your lungs, “my ex.. lives here too. he’s out on a run to fort wayne at the moment but, they’re due back anytime now and i just need to pre-warn you that he’ll probably be a bit of an ass when he finds out.”
relief washes through his body. was that it?
crazy psycho exes weren’t something new to steve, albeit a long time since he’s had to even think about anything like that, but he doesn’t care.
“oh my god,” he exhales, “you scared me.. i thought you were ‘bout to say something crazy,” chuckling at his preemptive fear.
you whack his arm, “i’m being serious,” turning your head to glare at him, “he’s not.. the nicest person and he definitely won’t be nice about this.”
“what’s wrong with him?” steve asks, genuinely. they’d crossed paths with a lot of fucked up people in the six years since this had started but he had never believed that anyone truly bad could live somewhere as nice as this.
those places always seemed to crumble, he’d seen it enough times to know. people had taken the apocalypse as a means to become awful people, dictating the lives of everyone around them as if you weren’t all trying to do one thing.
you sigh, scrunching your nose, “he and his uncle have been here from the start of it all, helped build this place to what it is now. but his uncle, wayne, left a year back.. went to try and find his brother, eddie’s dad.. and now eddie’s just eternally pissed off about it.”
steve contemplates your words, knowing he’d probably also be incredibly infuriated too. family, real blood family, was a rarity nowadays. most people had lost most, if not all of any semblance of family by now. he was astounded to arrive here and find real family, joyce had her sons, nancy had mike, even lucas had his sister.
“oh.. that’s.. it’s understandable, i guess,” not quite finding the right words.
you nod, biting on the inside of your cheek. you’re holding something back, steve’s not sure what and he’s certainly not going to ask now. unwilling to ruin the moment.
“why’d you guys break up?” considering if he’d like to get in the middle of some complicated, messy situation.
for you? definitely.
“i dunno.. he was just so angry, he let it consume him,” a certain twinge of sadness to your tone.
“and he took it out on you?”
you scoff a little, “me and everyone else.. look, does it help if i say that he probably won’t shoot you?”
steve hums, “not really.”
that does it, brings your smile back as you crack up shaking hysterically as you turn back to the sky.
“i still think you should sing for us all,” changing the subject completely.
steve groans, wiping the layer of sweat from his forehead. before all this, he would’ve said that he preferred summer but now that there were corpses roaming the streets, he definitely favoured winter. that stench is something he’ll never forget, rotting flesh and hot july sun were not a good mix.
“didn’t i already agree to sing for the kids?” he teases.
you’re interrupted from any further begging as nancy’s voice rings out from below, “hey guys? you there?” worry embedded into her voice.
“shit,” you hiss, shooting up as you grab your pants. “sorry.. sorry,” apologising for your lack of clothing and the accidental fright you’d given them.
“oh wow okay,” nancy bites from down below, laughing her head off, jonathan covers his eyes to give you a little privacy as you pull your jeans on, “how’d i know that you two were gonna fuck this up?”
“yeah yeah, shut up,” you rush, cheeks burning as you jump into your clothes.
steve shuffles over sliding his pants back on as he turns beetroot red, not only was this his first shift, it was also the first time he was showing everyone that he was a capable person to keep around. he’s not so sure they’ll agree now.
nancy and jonathan climb up the ladder, a bemused expression shared across their faces, “quiet night?” nancy asks, cocking her head to the side.
“something like that,” shrugging off her quick remarks as you grab your backpack and shove steve’s into his chest.
the two stand there gawping as steve flushes, stepping into his sneakers and attempts to hurriedly brush his hair into place. he wants to be embarrassed, really, but he’s still riding the high of you even kissing him.
“see anything interesting?” nancy bites, eyebrows raised expectantly.
“mhm i bet,” she smirks, her lips pursed as you shuffle past her, ignoring the smug look on her face as you climb down the ladder.
steve gives them both a little wave, still trying to hide his reddened cheeks as he follows you down from the perch.
you’re waiting for him at the bottom, tugging him away as the pair watch from above. it takes everything in him not to turn around and smile.
“y’wanna shower?” you ask, breaking the silence as you enter the building.
he damn near jumps into the air, clicking his heels together, suppressing his excitement with a simple nod, bounding along behind as you pull him along the corridor.
he’d take any shift if it meant ending up with you.
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simmyfrobby · 1 month
do u have any sports doc recs 🤝
i mean. the crossfit games documentary i just watched was sad but also quite an interesting look at the crossfit community & how people deal with grief. i watch the buttery bros documentaries for this event pretty much every year. the quality isn’t Amazing but they’re free & on youtube & they provide an up close & personal view of the athletes because the guys who make the movies are friends w them so that part is pretty cool.
other sports documentaries i liked:
The Last Dance - basketball series. incredible storytelling. equally incredible soundtrack.
Icarus - cycling doc. slow start but gets REALLY good. deep dives into the russian doping scandal from a few years back.
The Russian Five - hockey doc. it’s on youtube and i think everyone has pretty much seen it by now but it’s just. so good. so devastating.
Free Solo - climbing doc.
Senna - F1 doc. i liked the documentary and thought it was good but senna himself is um. pretty gross. the documentary doesn’t mention it but he dated a teenager when he was a grown adult so. you should know that going in i guess.
Last Chance U - series. the basketball season is good & the first american football season is good too. every other season i kinda hated. it’s a series that follows a group of boys who’ve failed out of university or gotten into some kind of legal trouble & are now trying to impress at a junior college to get back into the competitive sports programs. my mom and i used to watch these together.
MotoGP Unlimited - MotoGP series. this is basically drive to survive if it was good.
Hitting the Apex - MotoGP doc. slightly older but still good. focuses more on VRossi who i think is one of the most interesting motorsports personalities probably ever.
Tour the France: Unchained - cycling series. i thought this was v good even though i don’t typically love the netflix drive to survive type shows.
Cheer - cheerleading series. this one is interesting because the second season takes SUCH a turn. (CW: sexual assault) the first season follows a cheer team throughout their season. it’s happy. lighthearted. cute. the show does really well, the cheerleaders become pretty famous over it. the second season starts with one of the cheerleaders (a fan favourite) being imprisoned for sexually assaulting a minor. so that season then follows the rest of the team & how they’re dealing with that. it’s pretty dark but i found it interesting.
other docs worth checking out:
the first pens cup doc is pretty good. (i watched the other 2 and liked those less). there’s also a documentary called Pittsburgh is Home which i quite liked. not super high quality, but interesting.
ive seen a bunch of the netflix sports docuseries and hated pretty much all of them (sorry) but i will still check out the american football quarterback series just because i think american football is cool.
i watched the leafs all or nothing docuseries twice (TERRIBLE storytelling. really so bad) and enjoyed it for what it was. but man it’s bad. sorry leafs fans. also some very disturbing serious injuries being shown so don’t go into that one blind.
more crossfit & crossfit adjacent documentaries that i liked but that aren’t necessarily Good: FroIVing, The Fittest on Earth (there’s like 4 of these. ive watched all of them a few times), Fullsterkur, Ronnie Coleman: The King.
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thebestsetter · 5 months
The emperor's bad luck
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An: This is actually my first fic! Also, english isn't my first language, so I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes! I just read Kaiser's backstory and got really sad. HE'S JUST A BABY 😭😭
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Michael Kaiser has never been a lucky guy. And I'm not talking about that kind of luck of finding a penny on the floor or getting a question right even though you don't know the answer. I'm talking about a luck that is harder to be found nowadays: the luck to be born with a great family, with loving parents and awesome siblings. The kind of family that you see on magazine covers or billboards, smiling and having fun together, looking like they've never had a bad time.
His mother left him when he was just a baby. A Hollywood actress who has probably already acted as a mother in a movie, although not in real life with her own son: ironic, isn't it? She looked like an angel, with pretty blond hair and beautiful blue eyes, but her looks didn't reflect her personality: a cunning and clever woman.
So, she came up with a plan to make her fame grow: she laid down with a movie director. After she became more famous, she left the man all alone. Well, maybe not ALL alone. She left him with their son: Michael Kaiser. But the man didn't appreciate it and often abused Kaiser. For every mistake Michael made, he hit and tortured the poor boy. When Kaiser was barely 8, his father started sending him to the streets to steal food and other things, since the man couldn't really work because he began drinking (he also didn't want to work, and sending his kid to steal things was a lot easier).
- Now go, Kaiser! - the man said while waving a broken beer bottle in the air - and don't come back without that milk you forgot last time, or else I won't be as gentle with your punishment.
Michael grabbed the backpack his father handed him and ran out of his "home", not wanting to spend another second with that man.
"They found out I stole from that shop" Kaiser thought while looking at the shop he stole from the last time he went on his 'robbery spree' "so I have to find another one".
He then began walking across the neighbourhood trying to find somewhere to steal from. The blond boy came across a new shop he had never seen before: it was a small shop with red colored walls. The german child decided that was the one he was going to rob. Passing his small hands through the shelves full of things he couldn't even think of buying, Kaiser shoved the important things down his bag, such as eggs, butter and other things. He then came across the dairy session. Reaching for the milk, Michael quickly grabbed it and hid it into his bag, wanting to get out of there before he got caught, when suddenly he heard a gasp coming from behind him.
- Are you stealing milk? - a (h/c)nette girl said, startling Kaiser and causing him to drop the bag from his hands, making all the items of his backpack spread across the floor. Scared, he began to pick his things and stuff them back on the bag - hey, what are you doing? COME BACK HERE!
The girl began to chase him around the store while begging him to stop running. After some time, she finally caught up with him.
- I-I'm sorry - he said, panting - p-please don't turn me in! I need to steal to s-survive. My father doesn't work and my mother left me with him. I'm sorry, but I need this things!
- Don't worry, I won't report you! - she said, smiling - my father is the owner of the shop. I can give you some cookies and snacks to go and won't turn you in, but with one condition: you need to answer the question I wanted to ask you when I saw you stealing the milk.
- O-okay - he said in a calmer tone - what is it?
- Do you wanna be my friend? - she asked, her toothy grin appearing and almost blinding Kaiser because of how big and bright it was
- W-what? - he asked, making the girl repeat herself - sure, I guess…
- GREAT! You're my friend now! Come on, I'm gonna give you something to eat.
The girl gave Michael some snacks (without her father seeing them, of course) from that shelves that had things he thought he'd never get to eat and went to the door of the store to say goodbye to him.
- Bye hm… - she began, then gasped - You're my friend, but I don't know your name!
- I'm Michael Kaiser - he said, clearly a lot more confident around the girl, but still a little weary
- I'm (Name) (Last name) - she smiled, glad that she made a new friend - bye, Michael! Come here tomorrow again so we can play!
- (NAME)! COME HELP ME OUT IN THE SHOP! - they heard her father yell
- COMING - the girl shouted and waved goodbye to Kaiser for the last time before disappearing inside her family's shop.
Althought Kaiser was a guy that didn't have a great luck, he considered himself lucky for finding her: his first friend ever since he was born. And for the first time in a few years, Kaiser went to sleep with a full stomach and a happy mind, with a new found hope in his soul: a hope for a better future, with friends like (Name) (or maybe even her, if his luck suddenly decided to change) at his side.
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cherrycherrylady2024 · 2 months
Christmas with the Grimes'
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(Dilf! Rick Grimes x reader) Word count: 2,672
Warnings: 18+, descriptions of Rick's abdomen (awooga), flirting?
Chapter 2: Welcome Home
The train ride seemed to go by at lightspeed while you let your mind swirl around Rick Grimes. As you pulled into the King County station you took a few calming breaths and got your shit together, prepping to see Mr. Grimes again. Rick. Rick. Rick. Rick. BE NORMAL. Judith stirred, then stretched, taking a peek outside, “Oh good, we survived!”. You chuckled and stood to retrieve your bags. The trek through the train and to the front of the station felt a million miles long. Why were you getting so worked up about this middle-aged single father? You hadn’t ever been that into older guys. There was just something about him…
You need to reel it in, you reminded yourself. You repeated it like a mantra in your head over and over and over: reel it in, reel it in, reel it in, reel- HONK! You nearly jumped out of your skin at the car horn. “Damn it, Dad!” Judith screeched, nearly dropping her bag in surprise. She laughed at herself as you followed her to the big green Ford parked across the street. Be normal Be normal Be normal. You could see him behind the wheel, laughing and shaking his head. Oh god. Judith looks back at you, “He thinks he’s a comedian.” The driver's door opened and Rick's cowboy boots appeared. Then his denim-clad legs. His brown belt and shiny belt buckle. The gun on his hip. He slammed the door closed. While the action only took him about 2 seconds, it was like a slow-motion movie scene to you. You were mesmerized. Rick wore a flannel shirt and a thick brown fleece-lined police jacket over it. He walked to the side of the truck, his hands on his hips, head cocked. “‘Scuse me girls but have you seen my daughter anywhere? She’s ‘bout… mmm let's say yea high?” He raised his hand up to roughly oompa loompa height before Judith was upon him, swatting his hand away. “Shut it.” she retorted. “Hello to you too, kid” He chuckled wrapping her in a big hug. They parted and Judith opened the backseat to stuff her suitcase inside. The butterflies in your stomach were swarming now, building up to an explosion. Rick looked over to you with a smile. Fuck. You were unable to stop yourself.
“Hi Rick!!” you blurted excitedly.
You began mentally punching yourself in the face.
I guess it wasn’t that bad. No, it was bad, you thought to yourself, you just harpy shrieked at him. He raised an eyebrow and laughed, “Well it’s nice that somebody’s happy to see me.” Oh my god. Luckily the cold air had already given you rosy cheeks, so your embarrassed blush was pretty much concealed; but you were almost certain that Rick could tell. You could’ve sworn that he gave you just the tiniest funny look, one that you couldn’t quite place. Judith had already shoved her suitcase inside and you went to do the same. It was a bit difficult to fit yours next to hers in the already small backseat. You put your foot up on the side and pushed with all your might before a jacketed arm reached out from behind you and shoved Judith's suitcase to the side, allowing yours to slip in perfectly. You turn to find Rick just a few inches behind you. So close that, momentarily, you felt the heat radiating from his body. “There ya go,” he says, letting out a little huff of air as he pushes the suitcases in further, revealing a seat for you. “Oh- thanks” you say, frozen. He nodded (and there was that look again!) before walking around to the driver's seat. You climbed inside, and as you buckled yourself in, it dawned on you exactly what type of look that was. 
It was the type that all guys do when they know- - - they’re making you nervous. 
He knew exactly what he was doing to you. 
And he was doing it on purpose. 
You gripped your thighs, digging your nails in, as you felt a warm tingling sensation build in your lower stomach. No. No. No. You had to be misreading this. You had to be.
Before long the heater was blasting and Judith was reading her Hamlet essay to Rick, his eyebrows all knit up, trying to follow. You had been zoned out for the past few minutes, trying to get your shit together. There was no way. No way. You had to be wrong. You shoved down that little voice inside, telling you what you knew you wanted to hear, and took a deep breath. You distracted yourself by listening to Judith, even though you had heard the essay upwards of 15 times back in the dorms. Upon her use of the word “anagnorisis”, the reflection of Rick's eyes in the rearview mirror flashed up and caught your gaze. He raised his eyebrows and shook his head slightly as if to say “What is she talking about?” You let out a little laugh, it was a pretty academically dense essay, and he cracked a smile, chuckling to himself. “What?” Judith stopped, looking between you both. For some reason it made the two of you laugh more, “Anagnorisis is a real word people! I used it correctly!... I’m pretty sure. I got a 93% on this essay, so laugh all you want! Whatever” she rolled her eyes humorously, crossing her arms. Rick took in a deep breath, quieting his laughter but still smiling, “Well honey, gun to my head I couldn’t tell ya what that word means, so you must be doin' something right…” Then added, grumbling “But it sounded like a 100% essay to me, nothing 93% about that.” As he said this, Rick spun the wheel and the truck turned into a short driveway.
The house was fairly large and white, definitely Southern style with a wrap-around porch. It was old, but in the best way where it immediately feels like home. Rick got both of your bags out of the backseat and carried them up to the porch with ease. You followed behind Judith, taking in the yard and exterior of the house. There was only an inch or two of snow on the ground and someone had clearly tried and failed to make a snowman. You guessed it was Carl. Golden shining Christmas lights decorated the lip of the roof and wrapped around the two banisters of the steps. You all tapped your shoes on the last step, shaking off the snow/mud. The ancient-looking wreath on the door shook as Rick led the way inside. You were greeted with a wave of toasty warm air, homey was the best way to put it. The house was a little messy, toys strewn about, an overfilled laundry basket waiting to be washed, and what appeared to be the leftovers of a blanket fort in the living room. Rick set down your bags, calling out “Carl! Come say hello to your sister!” He stumbled over some shoes in the entryway then sighed, turning to you “Damn it…welcome to the Grimes estate y/n. Didn’t get a chance to clean.” You snicker, stepping over the shoes and toys, “If you think this is bad you shoulda seen where I grew up.” You surprised yourself with your candor. You rarely mention your home if you could help it, but you found yourself wanting to spill your guts to Rick. Like he would understand everything. Make you feel better. Safe. Jesus Christ!!!!
Luckily your brain shut up at the sound of thundering little feet on the stairs. Carl emerged and ran over to his sister, nearly jumping on top of her. “Judith!” he exclaimed, “Carl!” Judith echoed over-enthusiastically, hugging him. Carl started talking a mile a minute, “I got a new comic book from Nana today, it's so awesome! It was an early Christmas present-” Rick interrupted Carl, carrying your bags towards the stairs, “It was not an early Christmas present, it was s’posed to go under the tree, but someone snuck into the mail ‘fore I even saw it.” He had his hands on his hips again, giving Carl a sly look. Carl looked at his feet, concealing a smile. Judith ruffled his hair, “Well it’s a good thing Santa already put you on the nice list this year, or else you mighta been in big trouble.” Rick picked up the bags and headed up the stairs. Carl gave a little eye roll, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it.” Judith chuckled then turned to you. “Carl, this is my roommate y/n,” she said. “Hi Carl, I’ve heard so much about you!” You said with a smile. “Hi. Do you like comic books?” he replied, in that straight-to-the-point way that kids do. “Sure I do,” you responded. Carl beamed, “Okay good, then both of you can come see my new comic! Follow me.” He headed up the stairs, you and Judith exchanged a look and chuckled, following Carl. At the top of the stairs, you asked to quickly use the bathroom and Judith directed you down the hall, “There’s a bathroom attached to your room, it’s all yours. I have to share mine with this animal,” she nodded her head towards Carl who scampered towards his room. You walked down the short hallway toward your room, studying the photos on the wall. Carl's school picture, Judith's graduation, some drawings, and an old photo of Rick holding baby Judith. You studied it for a moment. He was younger of course, clean-shaven, his hair more tamed, but his eyes still sparkled the same way. Honestly, you preferred him the way he is now. A little more rugged, more knowing. Damn, it was sexy. This was all running through your head as you entered the open door to your room, only to stop short.
Rick was in your room.
But he didn’t notice you. He was reaching for something on the top shelf of the closet. His arms stretched just enough to lift the hem of his flannel, revealing a sliver of his lower abdomen. Time seemed to slow down. You felt like a Victorian man seeing an ankle for the first time. You swear to god you almost drooled, your eyes locked on the sliver of belly until it was gone. He had turned around and was now looking at you. Before you could say anything, he apologized, “Sorry y/n, I meantta get the bed all made up ‘fore you got here, but I guess it slipped my mind.” It was only then that you realized he was holding a stack of sheets, retrieved from the closet. “O-oh, it’s- it is totally fine. I can do it. Thanks. Thank you,” you stuttered hopelessly. Rick ignored your protests, walking over to the naked mattress. He fanned out the fitted sheet and began tucking it into the left corner. His flannel sleeves were rolled up, his forearms hypnotizing you as he lifted the corner of the mattress. You still stood awkwardly in the doorway, watching him until you sprang to life. “Let me help,” you said quickly, walking past your suitcase, which he had so kindly delivered to your room. You tucked in the opposite corner sheet. Then he did the bottom. Then you did the bottom. Then he fanned out the top sheet. You caught the other end and the two of you brought it fluttering down on top of the fitted sheet. As you brought the sheet down you made fleeting eye contact, which immediately made you crave death just as much as it made you want to jump his bones.
NO. No, you didn't want that, who said that? Not me, you thought to yourself.
You decided gaslighting yourself was the only way to stay sane this winter break. You flattened out the ripples in the top sheet together, and you tried not to yelp when your hands brushed past each other. This entire time you were working in silence. Should you say something? Would it be weird to say something at this point? Unable to stand the silence you scanned your brain for an appropriate thing to say. You both began stuffing pillows into their cases. “I just want to say, thank you for letting me stay here. I-I know it’s probably an imposition-” he cut you off, “No imposition. You’re welcome here anytime.” The matter-of-fact way he said it made it feel like this was the final word on the situation. You were wanted. You weren’t an imposition or a burden in his eyes. “Well- thank you anyway. I think it’ll be really fun. Staying here. I mean, like, y’know getting to know Judith's town and, uh, more about her and… yeah,” Jesus Christ. He smiled to himself as he pulled another pillowcase on,
“You're right. We’ll have lotsa fun.”
Oh? Oh. Oh my god. You felt like you had whiplash. Just a few words and you were at a loss, frozen, as he stacked the pillows up. You slowly pulled the rest of the pillowcase around your pillow, going over and over what he just said in your mind. Did he mean that the way you heard it? He had to. He had to have meant it that way. NO. NO. NO. He did not mean it that way. It was a polite response. But the INTONATION! You argued with yourself. You said you thought it would be fun, all he said is that it will be fun… Fuck he totally meant it that way oh my god oh my god oh my god- “Do you run cold?” He was looking at you, one hand on his hip. You blinked at him. “What?” He smiled playfully at you. At your near catatonic state. He knew exactly what he was doing. “Do you get cold? In the night. I’m just wonderin’ if ya need another blanket is all.” You caught on incredibly slowly, dumbly looking down at the two quilts he had laid out on the bed. Was there a correct answer? “Uh. I do. Kinda,” you put eloquently. “Figured. It gets real cold in the guest room anyhow, I’ll go get ya another,” he didn’t give you a second to process his words before he breezed right past you back down the hallway. Alone for a moment, you took a shaky breath, setting down the pillow you were still vice-gripping. You slumped onto the bed, raking your hands through your hair. The tingling sensation resumed from earlier. The tension, in your mind or not, was becoming unbearable. You pressed your thighs together as your mind swam.
Rick re-entered with a thick dark green knitted blanket, you felt warmer just looking at it. “Try that,” he stated, tossing it to you. You catch it, feeling its heft, and rub the fibers together in your hands, “It feels nice,” you murmur. “I’ll let ya borrow it til you go back, but don’t get any funny ideas about taking it back with you. That one there’s my favorite,” he said with a smile, his arms crossed. He gave you his favorite blanket. Shut up he’s just being hospitable. “Thank you.” He nodded, and with that, he was gone. It was like the lights died out in the room. You immediately feel his absence in your chest. You wanted to chase after him, even just to talk about the weather. Anything. Instead, you stroked the blanket he gave you. It smelled of him. Not just his cologne, but him. Before you knew it you were holding the blanket to your face, deeply inhaling, imagining him all around you. His strong arms, wide rough hands, that smile of his. You imagined you were combing your fingers through his thick head of hair. You wanted him desperately. Jesus, you felt like a creep. 
You let the blanket fall back to your lap. 
To your surprise, Rick Grimes was standing in the doorway again, that fucking look on his face.
“Meant to tell ya, dinners at 7” He turned on his heel and was gone. 
notes: thank u all for ur support on the first part! I hope this satiates you all for now while I finish part three <3
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grapejuicebrat · 1 month
brutal part 3
PAIRING: neighbour!harry x reader
SYNOPSIS: even though you don’t love me, just tell me you love me.
WARNINGS: mentions of kissing, another guy and another girl, sexual tension in the end but it’s not really a warning.
NOTES: this took me so long and i’m so sorry!
[wicked games, the weeknd]
brutal masterlist
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“what’s up, harry”
“yeah, something happened?”
“no, nothing. just wanted to check on you. everything is okay? i’m worried about you”
“why would i not be okay? im just so busy, you know?”
“yeah, i understand, baby. do you think you’ll be able to have a dinner with me? i miss you so much.”
“yeah, why not? in our favourite restaurant tomorrow?”
“yes! that would be great”
“i’ll pick you up at 8. that would work for you”
“of course! can’t wait for tomorrow. love you, baby”
“yeah, good night, hon”.
i mean he couldn’t be so perfect. of course something was wrong with harry and guess what. yeah, harry does have a girlfriend. and no she isn’t some kind of a bitch or a mean girl. sarah is such a sweet pie with doe eyes and a big heart. but for harry this relationship were dead from the very beginning.
they met in college, through mutual friends and it was like love from the first sight. for sarah at least. harry at that time wasn’t even interested in a relationship. especially in a long distance relationship. but for some reason he couldn’t just say no to sarah after a one night stand because she was deeply in love with him. sadly she still is. even tho he treats her like shit.
you know what i mean? he couldn’t think about her anymore after he met you. you weren’t a bad girl. in fact, you are such a copy of sarah. you have those big eyes and you are so naive. so delicate and so sweet. and you were sexy. like the sexiest thing about you is that you don’t even try to be sexy. you wouldn’t let some random guy to touch you in different places and that’s what harry liked about you the most.
well, actually, sarah isn’t his girlfriend. like harry didn’t tell her yet but personally he thinks that he is single by now. and by the way, sarah could found some new guy to fuck. of course, she could. it’s not like harry would be against this. i mean, they live in different states and she has every right to build her life without harry. harry definitely wouldn’t survive without sex for this long. and this makes him a shitty person, he understands this but whatever. it’s not like you would ever find out about this. at least harry doesn’t plan to tell you about sarah.
harry didn’t plan to tell you about sarah but now, he doesn’t have to. you already know this. you didn’t mean to go to this fucking restaurant at all. you were just craving some pasta so you went to nearest restaurant and boom! there he was. harry with some friend, or with some girl friend. or that’s what you wanted to think. you stayed near this restaurant for more than twenty minutes just to make sure that this cute, pretty girl isn’t his actual girlfriend. but i guess friends don’t kiss like that. and harry wouldn’t grab her ass like that if she was just a friend.
something broke inside you. you heard a crack and everything went dark just in one second. well, of course you aren’t his girlfriend and you aren’t his mother to tell him what to do. but he could at least tell you that he has a girlfriend and you wouldn’t let him flirt with you. you wouldn’t let him invite you to come over. you wouldn’t think that you two could be something more than just friends. you thought that this type of guy is only in teen movies. a playboy and a quite girl. but in this movies, in the end, they were together and in love and shit.
“hey, you alright?” you turn your head and see a blonde guy, looking really worried.
“yeah, uh n-no” you didn’t really feel a tear. and you didn’t feel another tear streaming down your face. you wished you could just teleport to your apartment and just lay on your bed and cry in peace. but instead you chose to watch this love birds kissing each other with such a passion.
some part of you wished that it was you standing next to harry.
“i’m patrick” a guy suddenly said, shyly smiling.
“i’m y/n. sorry, my face is a mess” you laughed, nodding your head.
“no, it’s not. you’re pretty even with tears, trust me” he looked at you and laughed “sounded a little bit creepy, didn’t it?”
“i like weird things patrick, so it’s okay” you smiled turning fully to patrick and slowly forgetting about harry and this girl standing beside you.
“i heard that some piece of chocolate would make your day better. do you want to check this theory?”
“yeah, i do. but just for you to know, you’ve already made my evening much better”
and it was totally true. patrick did really changed your evening. and the next three months tho.
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“will you please stop for a second? give me just five minutes and i’ll explain myself”
“no, i don’t want to hear anything, harry” you turned your head to him. “ maybe three months ago i wanted to hear that she doesn’t mean anything but now i understand that you don’t even need to explain yourself. i’m just your neighbour who’ve smoked with you and told you about my childhood. that’s all. we’ve never even been friends.” you smile and nodding once again, started to go upstairs faster, trying to get away from him but harry’s next words stop you.
“yeah, you’re right, we weren’t friends. but we both know that we aren’t just some neighbours. i’ve always found you attractive, and i bet you thought about fucking me. there is nothing stopping us by now, we can start again. forget about everything and try again” harry’s face was so close to you. you can feel his breath on your face, his green eyes are looking you with some kind of hope and some part of you wanted to tell him that he is right and you need to try again but another part of you was smarter and much colder. if man cheat once, he would cheat again. and harry, well he is harry. he won’t change himself just for you.
“we can’t. i have a boyfriend and i love him” you made a step away from harry, looking right into his eyes.
“do you love him?” he asked you quietly.
“you heard me”. harry’s voice is much stronger now. he makes a step to you and you stay right were you are, thinking about his question. “do. you. love. him?” making a pause after every word, harry tried to look into your eyes one more time, trying to get an answer.
“we’ve only been dating for a month. i can’t say that i love him but that doesn’t mean that i…”
“that’s what i thought” harry makes a step back, smiling proudly.
“what are you talking about” you ask him, watching him giggle.
“you don’t love him.”
“that’s not true” you shake your head, biting your lip.
“okay. look into my eyes and tell me that you love him. if you do, then i’ll never ever disturb you again”.
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share your thoughts for this one!
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TAGS: @daphnesutton @hcqwxrtss123
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nohoperadio · 3 months
Imagine a far-future society, we don't know what's happened but the Earth is dead, I'm vaguely picturing them all living on space stations or something, there are only precious few species of plants and animals being kept alive, very few indeed, you couldn't quite count the remaining species on your fingertips but you could certainly check out all of their Wikipedia pages within the space of an hour. Future Wikipedia I guess, I mean whatever it is they have. No edible fruit or vegetables have survived at all, I'm not sure what they do for food, something futuristic presumably. Some kind of... future powder?
But there's this project that's been in the works for decades, they've figured out they can synthesize an apple. I don't know how that works, but the scientists have figured out a way. They're going to make an apple and this is like landing on the moon for them, everyone's insanely hyped about it, nobody's seen an apple for millennia... well see part of what's going on here is that the historiography of the time back when Earth still existed is irreparably bad now, it's super impressionistic because so little survived. And I guess partly because the Genesis story has been all blown out of proportion (there's more to it but that's a big part of it) these guys have a really exaggerated idea of the importance of apples to Earth humans, they basically imagine us eating apples all day long and worshiping apple gods and making apple art and all stuff like that. It's pretty silly but remember they have NO fruit or veg, they eat powder or whatever it was I said, they don't even have a rough concept of what "eating an apple" might be, like does it get you high for example? I bet they think it does, like a really spiritual special kind of high! They must have embellished it so much right? Gotten real carried away.
So like I say it's really hype, they're going to finally make an apple! A real one I mean, not like an approximation of what some scientists theorize an apple might be like, they've figured out how to definitely do it accurately (somehow, idk, just trust the omniscient narrator that they're doing it for real). But: they can only make one. Too much resources required or some shit, like I said this is their equivalent to the first moon landing except maybe more so, it's not a sustainable plan to reintroduce apple trees or something, they can only make one apple ever and that'll be it.
So as you can imagine, quite apart from all the scientific resource that's gone into this project, there's been a ton of resource invested into (not to mention endless public fascination and debate over) the question: who gets to eat the apple? It's a big deal! Everybody envies whoever's gonna eat it; most people also don't envy them. Since time immemorial, the essence of the apple has been defined by centuries and millennia of myth and speculation and storytelling holding together scattered fragments of a mysterious glorious past. Very soon, the essence of the apple will be defined by whatever this guy says it is, whatever the apple eater manages to communicate of the ineffable experience that will always be theirs alone. Humanity will demand a report, and the apple eater will have to be a poet of rarest genius at the very minimum to be trusted to deliver it, they hold the most privileged position maybe anyone will ever hold by being allowed to do this, and all that will remain of that briefest experience for all eternity will be their words. They're an instant prophet, no questions asked. I don't know about you, but if that was me I would definitely shit myself.
Well anyway forget about all that stuff. I was only thinking of this because it occurs to me, you're kind of like the apple eater of your own life, right? I mean nobody's making a big song and dance of it like those crazy apple space freaks, but it's true no?, you *pokes you in the face quite hard* with your highly specific soul positioned in your highly specific situation, that's only going to happen once, you're the only one who's ever going to know what that's like, assuming you aren't going to give some sort of big testimony, somehow. Only difference is like I say, no one really cares in your case, although actually I do sometimes, I hope that doesn't weird you out. I'm just saying imagine being asked the question! As if the answer really did matter! In theory anybody could just walk up to you and do that! I promise I won't ask you, if you promise you won't ask me.
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ateotd-izzy · 1 year
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maroon | thomas x fem!reader
“the burgundy on my t-shirt when you splashed your wine into me”
during his first night in the glade, thomas (quite literally) bumps into a girl.
“and how the blood rushed into my cheeks, so scarlet, it was maroon”
as more time passes, thomas becomes closer with y/n (very close), but that changes after they escape the maze.
“the mark you saw on my collarbone, the rust that grew between telephones”
warnings: it’s bad, kissing, maze runner, swearing and whatever (i never know what to write here)
“the lips i used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon”
“our med-jacks, clint and jeff.” newt introduced to the greenie as he showed the boy around. “and this is— woah, watch out.”
the greenie hadn’t been watching where he was going and bumped right into you as you walked past, spilling the drink he had been holding all over your shirt.
“oh, god, i am so…” he paused as he met your eyes. a girl? “sorry.”
you looked down at your soaking wet shirt and a few boys around snickered.
“thanks.” you smiled sarcastically and turned on your heel, heading towards the small hut that sat not far from the homestead.
“nice one, greenie.” newt clapped him on the back. “i think you just ruined her day.”
“who was that?” the boy asked, watching as you disappeared behind the door of the hut.
“y/n. she’s one of the runners.” newt answered. “also the glade’s only girl.”
inside you were changing your shirt, muttering in annoyance as you did so.
your favorite shirt (out of the five or so you owned) was now covered in gally’s foul-smelling drink thanks to that greenie.
after changing, you went outside to join the party again, only for it to be declared over moments after the greenie remembered his name.
“uh, hey.” he jogged over to you as you walked back to your hut. “i’m, um, i’m sorry about before. is your shirt okay?”
“it’ll survive.” you shrugged. “i guess.”
“so, you’re a runner?” he asked, walking with you. “you go into the maze with that minho guy?”
“yep.” you glanced at him. “are you just going to follow me the whole way?”
“oh, sorry.” he slowed down. “um, i’ll go now.”
“okay.” you stared.
“see you around, y/n.”
you furrowed your eyebrows. “right. see you around…”
“see you around, thomas.”
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while it may not have seemed like it, you and thomas became pretty close friends over the next week or so, and you felt dumb to admit that you even had feelings for him.
he was in the same boat. except thomas was head-over-heels in love with you.
you kissed once. when the glade was being attacked by grievers, he kissed you before the two of you split up.
so after your group escaped the maze, the two of you did your best to stick together.
the two of you sat on the floor of the room your group had been forced into after being ‘saved’.
your legs were stretched out to sit in his lap, and his hands sat on top of them.
the rest of the group was around, all full after eating more food than they’d ever seen in their lives.
you couldn’t focus on the conversation that was going on between teresa and the boys, because all you could focus on was how thomas’ fingers drew small shapes on the bare skin of your leg where your pants had rolled up a little.
you wanted to tell him how you felt. you wanted to kiss him again. but everyone else was around, and the thought of being in front of everyone made you uncomfortable.
you had no clue how thomas did his whole leader thing.
when the door to the room opened, everyone jumped up and ran over, eager to know exactly what was going on.
the man who had opened the door introduced himself as mr. janson and led your group through the compound.
thomas held your hand the whole time.
“first things first, let’s do something about that smell.”
the boys were being taken to a different room to you and teresa. just before your hand slipped from his, you kissed thomas on the cheek. simple enough.
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that night you properly kissed again and he asked you to be his girlfriend, and despite all of your worries, you said yes.
it wasn’t long after that when your group had to leave the compound with another boy, aris. you still hadn’t escaped wicked.
you stuck by thomas’ side the whole time, or until you were separated again.
you didn’t even know if he was alive, but jorge was confident he and brenda were fine.
it took a few days until you reached what jorge called marcus’ place.
you got into the party and the first thing you spotted was thomas and brenda.
then they pulled apart, thomas said something and brenda wandered off.
thomas seemed to spin around the room until he yelled out and collapsed.
your heart was broken.
you were separated for just a few days, the longest since you had met, and he was kissing a girl he barely knew.
you couldn’t even say anything to him because he was out cold. instead you had to help minho drag him upstairs and act like nothing happened.
then, after he woke up, your group was on the run again, searching for the right arm.
in the car, thomas reached his hand over and tried to take yours in his, but you pulled yours back. you didn’t let him.
he looked at you. he was confused.
you didn’t answer his look. you just turned your head away from him and looked out the car window.
he had no clue why you were suddenly ignoring him. not the entire drive to the mountains, not when the were taken to the right arm camp, not when brenda collapsed.
it was only when he was in the tent with her later, just after brenda woke up, when it clicked to him why.
you had seen brenda kiss him.
everything seemed to click into place at that moment, and he jumped to his feet halfway through his conversation with brenda.
“you okay?” she asked.
“yeah. yeah, there’s just something i need to do.” thomas looked down at her. “i’m sorry, i’ll be back later.”
then he ran out of the tent.
the camp was large, and thomas had no clue where he could find you. or any of his friends for that matter.
it took about ten minutes of searching until he found you.
you were sitting alone on a rock, looking down at your feet and mumbling something to yourself.
you looked up and thomas realized you had been crying.
there was a twinge of bitterness in your voice, and thomas frowned. it reminded him of how you had spoken to him the night you met, when he had splashed his drink into you.
“you okay?”
“i’m fine.”
he knew you weren’t, and he ignored the obvious signs that you didn’t want him around when he sat down beside you.
“what do you want, thomas?” you asked.
without another word, he simply wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest.
at first, you thought about trying to pull away. but you didn’t.
“why’d you kiss her? brenda?” you asked eventually. “do you like her better? because, you know, i’ll back off or whatev—”
“no, no, no, y/n.” he pulled back so he could look you in the eyes. “i could never like anyone better than i like you.”
“then why—?”
“she kissed me.” thomas told you, cupping your cheek with one hand. “we were drugged, okay? i…”
thomas winced slightly at the memory of brenda’s face after his words.
“i thought she was you.” he admitted. “whatever that marcus guy put in that drink had me seeing the weirdest shit.”
“are you calling me weird shit?” you teased and thomas’ eyes widened.
“what? no.” he shook his head. “that’s not what i meant.”
“i know. i was kidding.”
you grabbed his hand and interlocked your fingers.
“i’m sorry.” he apologized.
“don’t be. i get it now.” you shrugged.
“yeah, but i could’ve said something sooner.”
“when?” you asked. “when you were passed out? or when we were almost shot by mountain people?”
he chuckled. “okay, maybe not. but—”
“tommy, i get it. don’t worry.”
the feeling of freedom and happiness that evening was short lived, and soon became a nightmare.
teresa betrayed them, wicked burned the camp to the ground, and multiple people were taken.
sonya, aris, minho and you.
thomas had lost you. he had lost the battle. but he was determined to get you and minho and everyone else back.
he would do anything he could. he would do whatever it took to get you back.
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taglist: @brvceyamada
a/n: why don’t these ever turn out like they sounded in my head LMAO
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years
Tony, the futurist
Buckle in folks, I've had some thoughts and I'm about to make it ✨everyone's✨ problem.
Been thinking about Tony Stark, the futurist who saw the end of the world.
Tony, who in IM1 escapes kidnapping and torture and says, "I shouldn't be alive. Unless if was for a reason."
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who, in The Avengers, has this exchange with Bruce Banner:
Tony: You know, I've got a cluster of shrapnel, trying every second to crawl its way into my heart. This stops it. This little circle of light. It's part of me now, not just armor. It's a… terrible privilege. Bruce: But you can control it. Tony: Because I learned how. Bruce: It's different. Tony: Hey, I've read all about your accident. That much gamma exposure should've killed you. Bruce: So you're saying that the Hulk… the other guy… saved my life? That's nice. It's a nice sentiment. Saved it for what? Tony: I guess we'll find out. Bruce: You might not like that. Tony: You just might.
Right after this, Cap tells Tony, "You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you."
And then Tony flies a nuke into a wormhole, tries to call his girlfriend because he thinks these are his last moments, did not go in there expecting to survive.
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Although he survives, he witnesses an alien army so terrifying, so unbeatable, it gives him crippling PTSD nightmares and panic attacks, knowing they are not prepared to defend the earth.
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I'm thinking about Tony who, in AOU, gets manipulated by Wanda into witnessing his worst nightmare.
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Which, by the way, involves losing all of his newfound friends.
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Later, he has this exchange with Nick Fury:
Tony: And I'm the man who killed the Avengers. I saw it. I didn't tell the team, how could I? I saw them all dead, Nick. I felt it. The whole world, too. It's because of me. I wasn't ready. I didn't do all I could. Fury: The Maximoff girl, she's working you, Stark. Playing on your fear. Tony: I wasn't tricked, I was shown. It wasn't a nightmare, it was my legacy. The end of the path I started us on. Fury: You've come up with some pretty impressive inventions, Tony. War isn't one of them. Tony: I watched my friends die. You'd think that'd be as bad as it gets, right? Nope. Wasn't the worst part. Fury: The worst part is that you didn't.
Tony's worst fear is to survive in a world he's failed to save. He has to "do all [he] could" or else the future he's terrified of will happen and it will be his fault.
(Not to put too fine a point on it, but there's a reason why Tony and Peter are so compatible as mentor and mentee.)
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Tony's seen what's coming, and he's willing to do whatever it takes.
Here's the thing, though:
Tony doesn't actually want to die.
In AOU, when they're arguing about why he created Ultron, Tony says this to Cap:
"Isn't that the mission? Isn't that the 'why we fight'? So we get to go home?"
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He tells Bruce that the reason they should create Ultron is to have "peace in our time."
He tells Pepper that his constant tinkering, his inability to ever, ever rest is because he needs to keep her safe from the oncoming threat.
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Tony has a life he wants to protect, people he wants to keep safe. And, unlike the other Avengers, he knows exactly how impossible this will be to achieve.
Tony is the only Avenger who understands how severely outmatched they are. Maybe Thor understands the threat, but he has no ability to imagine losing.
Tony tries to get them to understand:
Tony: Recall that? A hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space. We're standing three hundred feet below it. We're the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the live long day, but, that up there? That's… that's the end game. How were you guys planning on beating that? Steve: Together. Tony: We'll lose. Steve: Then we'll do that together, too.
Well, they do lose. And they don't do it together.
And it turns out Tony was right about everything.
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He was right that he would survive to face his world that he'd failed to save.
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He was right that the Avengers would not be enough.
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He was right that Bruce's powers would be worthwhile someday.
And, apparently,
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some people think he was right that he was only alive for this reason.
Because, obviously, the only "reason" for someone like Tony Stark to be alive is to eventually sacrifice himself, right?
A character so traumatized can only find peace in death.
Stop that.
Tony Stark may have been willing to risk his life for his family, but that doesn't mean he wanted that to be his end.
Remember when this happened?
Bruce: Saved it for what? Tony: I guess we'll find out. Bruce: You might not like that. Tony: You just might.
Bruce gets to live long enough to like his ending.
Remember when this happened?
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All Tony ever wanted to do was make the world a better place.
And, what about this?
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You're telling me that Yinsen didn't value family above all else?
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That he thought Tony should die and leave them behind?
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Tony Stark is a futurist.
He is the Cassandra of the MCU. He warns the others constantly of the oncoming threat that only he, apparently, can see. (Even Thanos calls him "cursed with knowledge.")
No one believes him. Alone, he tries to prepare for the threat that he has witnessed. He sits with his nightmares and tries to find a way around them, constantly.
He builds a life worth living, finds people worth protecting, just like Yinsen told him to.
To protect the future, he does all he possibly can.
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Tony deserved to be part of the future too.
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