#so i find it very sweet that my great grandmother
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narwhalsarefalling · 2 years ago
my mother taught me to crochet when i was young. she was left handed, so she taught me how in the bathroom mirror so her hands would be in the right position.
she learned to crochet from her grandmother, who was right handed. her grandma was the one that originally used the bathroom mirror to teach her granddaughter properly.
i find something poetic about that. here in this bathroom mirror, through generations, we adapt to our young who have a different way of learning and interacting with the world
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magics-neptunes-things · 1 month ago
Love Sweet Love
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Hi guys!
Happy Steph's day ♥
I'm sorry, I haven't posted for a very long time but I'm working on it. I hope you will love this new Chapter of my Steph's series. You don't have to read the first two, but it's a plus I think.
You can find them here : Lightning Love | Struck By Love
Please enjoy ♥
And Happy Birthday to Steffy ♥
TW : None
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When you come back from the USA, after your injury against Colombia, Steph makes you live in her house. Officially to help you with your injury and because she doesn’t have any stairs in her new house. Which is really a good point, because almost all of the other people who could have offered their help actually have stairs in their home.
Steph and you have been friends since you were teenagers, so no one asks any questions when you mention that you are living with Steph for now.
With time, your things found a specific place in Steph’s house, and she even made some more space in her closet for your clothes. Your Tottenham jerseys are washed with her Arsenal ones, you share the vegemite pots that your grandmother sends you and you sometimes wear Steph’s shirt to sleep.
You love the intimacy between you and how everything is so easy with Steph. She is the most easy-going person in the world, and you are falling in love even harder with her every day.
You’re a little afraid of when it will be time for you to go back to your own apartment. It will probably be soon, because your cast has been removed two weeks ago, and you now have an ankle splint to help you walk. You are supposed to still use your crutches, even if you don’t when you are home. You prefer jumping around on one foot.
It drives Steph crazy.
Steph isn’t home for two days now, she had a game in Liverpool and left with the Arsenal squad. You weren’t able to go to watch her because you had to go to your rehab. So, you went to watch Tottenham playing at home instead, cheering for your teammates. Charli and her fiancé came with you to walk Calvin those two days and for the others walk you just stayed around Steph’s house or went in the garden with him.
When you come back home after the game, a look at the clock tells you that your girlfriend will be home in one hour.
You are so grateful for Steph, her patience while you were injured and all the little attentions she had for you during this time. So, you decided to thank her with a real good meal tonight, with all the romanticism you have in you.
You set the table with a red tablecloth, a vase with some roses in the middle of the table and some candles. You listened to the florist talking about the number of flowers for the bunch of flowers, not even knowing before that the number had a meaning. Coming back home, you thought a little bit about your ex-girlfriends and wonder what they would think about your behavior.
You kind of explained to Leila what happened with Steph, without giving her the name of your girlfriend. But you needed to explain to her the reality of your feelings and why things didn’t work between you two.
For dinner, you chose Steph’s favourite meal, and you ordered the ingredients needed to be delivered to you here. It’s way easier for you like this, doing your shopping in crutches would have been way too complicated.
Steph’s car wheels squeak on the gravel in front of the house several minutes after. You jump between the fridge and the table with the starters when Steph opens the door.
A cream and red flash passes next to you when Calvin runs to great Steph, making you smile softly. You distinctly hear Steph cooing and greeting Calvin back, before coming in your direction.
“No! Don’t come here! Close your eyes!”
“Why? What have you done?”
You jump on one foot in her direction, seeing that Steph had in fact closed her eyes. She looks so cute with her low bun, her scarf and her training clothes that you can’t help yourself but steal her a kiss.
You feel her smile against your lips and then kiss her cheek when she talks.
“Is it to distract me about the fact that you are walking without your crutches?”
“No” you giggle. “Can you walk without opening your eyes please?”
You take her bag from her hand and put your hands on her shoulder to walk easier towards the table. You make her stop and move to be able to watch her reaction.
“Ok, now you can open your eyes” you say when you are in the right place.
You totally ignore the table you settled a little bit before, your eyes only looking at her. Steph’s eyes go wild for a moment while she takes everything in sight. You are suddenly nervous, wondering if it’s maybe too much. Or stupid? You never talked about it finally, but isn’t a girl supposed to like being surprised?
Maybe it’s not a good idea finally, after being away Steph maybe just wants to take a shower and go to bed.
“Did you do all of it yourself?” she asks finally, turning to face you.
“Yeah” you nod, fidgeting with your fingers. “I wanted to thank you properly for the way you took so good care of me while I was just like a burden hurt teenager. I am really thankful for you and your patience and your kindness”
You are totally rambling now, talking a little too fast and almost breathless. You weren’t looking at her while talking, looking at the flowers in the middle of the table. But when you feel her grab your hand, you look at your girlfriend again.
“You have nothing to thank me for, I did it because I wanted it. Even if you are terrible to look after, you little troublemaker”
You smile shyly and let yourself relax when she hugs you. You pass your hands around her neck, taking advantage of your position to breathe her scent. You really missed her.
“Do you mind if I go take a shower quickly before we eat, though?”
“No, it’s a great idea. You stink” you smirk.
You giggle when she smacks you behind your head, clinging against her when she pretends to push you away.
“You’re so mean”
“Yes, but I made diner”
She rolls her eyes and smiles before you let her go. She doesn’t smell at all, but you totally understand the need to take a shower and refresh herself after a long travel day.
You lean on the furniture behind you, looking at her leaving to go to the bathroom.
“Steph?” you call her just before she closes the door.
You look at her curious face exceeding the port frame two seconds before smiling softly.
“I really missed you”
Her eyes go soft, and you would literally die for the smile coming on her face right now. There is a tenderness in her eyes, and you sometimes are still surprised when you realise that it is destined to you.
“I missed you too” she says softly. “I’ll be quick, okay?”
“Yeah” you smile back.
You look at her going inside the room again, before jumping back towards the kitchen.
“Use your crutches!” you hear her shout from the bathroom.
You roll your eyes again before deciding to oblige and go to look for them. You don’t really know where you left them, and you finally spot them next to the door of Steph’s bedroom. Then you go back to the kitchen and start to warm up a little what you will eat after the starters.
A little lost in your thoughts, you don’t hear Steph coming back. She takes you by surprise, passing her arms around your waist and kissing your cheek at the same time. You almost jump off your skin, which she seems to find very funny.
“You’re so annoying” you grumble, even if you are smiling.
You just can’t resist her laugh.
“I’m sorry. What can I do to help you?”
“Just put your ass on that chair, Catley”
“As you wish”
You weren’t expecting her to take you in her arms, carrying you like a bride, to the table. She then puts you in your chair before sitting in front of you. That wasn’t exactly how you were picturing things, but it’s maybe better like this. At least you aren’t scowled one more time because of those damn crutches.
You have to admit that you are pretty satisfied about how you were able to cook everything. You like cooking, you sometimes don’t have the time or even the energy to do it. But today you really liked cooking for your girlfriend.
After the diner, you went for a quick walk with Calvin and then to the living room. Arsenal men are playing, and it probably will be a good game. You take advantage to snuggle against Steph, happy to find her arms back. She absently strokes your back under your shirt while watching the game, talking sometimes about something that comes into your minds.
“Dean wrote to me earlier today” Steph says casually.
You feel your heart missing a beat and a strange feeling in the bottom of your stomach. All the fun you had after sharing Calvin's last mischief in the park is now very far away.
“What did he want?”
Your tone is flat, probably giving Steph a hint that you may not be handling this information as easily as you should.
“He wanted to see Calvin”
You can feel her eyes on you, but you look straight in front of you, looking at the TV screen without really looking at it.
“I thought Calvin was your dog only, not his?” you frown.
“He’s mine only, but he still wants to see him again”
You just hum for any answer. You don’t believe it for a single second, in your opinion it’s just an excuse to be able to see Steph again. You know that your girlfriend is the one who ended the things between them. Now that some time has passed, maybe he wants to see if they maybe could get closer again.
You don’t like the strange feeling, now not only in your stomach, but in all your body. You maybe are with Steph for several weeks even months now, but you still don’t take your relationship for granted. You are fully aware that you can lose Steph at any time. Few people know about your relationship after all, it would probably not mean much in the eyes of the world. To yours, however, it would be worse than anything.
On another hand, you can’t tell her that you don’t want her to see him. You won’t take that right.
You raise your eyes on Steph when she pokes at your ribs, to see that she’s still looking at you.
“You know that if I ended things and cancelled my engagement with him, it’s for a good thing, right?”
“Of course” you mumble, looking at the screen again.
She already told you that he might have a thing with a girl he was talking to while they were still together. But other than that, you never really asked about him. Steph never mentioned him either, to be fair.
“Are you still talking to him regularly?” you ask finally, raising your eyes on her again.
“Nope. It was the first time he wrote to me since Christmas. You’re the one being friend with your ex”
She’s right here. Since the confessions you made to Leila, you and her are friends again. She started throwing teasing comments on your Instagram’s post again and you call each other from time to time.
“If it bothers you…” you begin while sitting.
“Not at all” she smiles “It was just to point out that you are still in contact with one of your exes too. But I trust you.”
“I trust you too. But Leila knows we are together. Your ex doesn’t even know that you aren’t single anymore.”
“I’ll let him know, okay?”
She’s looking at you with so much affection that you can only smile back at her. You feel your body relax again and you cuddle closer to her again.
“Okay” you say, burying your face in her hoodie.
Several days later, you are finally able to walk without any crutches, having received the green light from the physio team. You don’t feel any discomfort in your foot anymore and it’s a really good point.
In fact, you were even able to train with the rest of the team today and that makes you happier than ever. You probably won’t be able to play that weekend, but it’s obvious that it will be okay for next week.
You are practically hopping when you come home that day, parking your car next to Steph’s one in the driveway. You frown when you see that there is another car too, not recognizing it like Beth’s car or even one of her teammates. In your memories, no one is driving a Skoda.
Like usual, Calvin comes to greet you when you arrive, this time silently stroking himself around your legs. You pet him, before hearing voices coming from the living room.
“I just… It doesn't make any sense to me. I thought you were friend with her, nothing else”
Dean. What the hell is he doing here? You frown again, taking two steps to be able to hear better what is happening in that living room. None of them heard you coming in.
“Nothing ever happened while we were together, Dean” you hear Steph sigh.
“Still. She just waited for us to be over to shoot her shot?”
“Not at all. She doesn’t even say anything, I kind of pushed her to know about her breakup at Emily’s wedding and… Well, you don’t have to know everything, but I was the one figuring out alone her feelings for me. Then all clicks and it was like evidence”
There is a beam of silence, only broken by Calvin chewing with application one of Dean’s shoes. You let him do it with a cold satisfaction. You don’t like the way that man tries to make you pass for the one corrupting Steph in the wrong way.
In contrast, you love the way Steph doesn’t share everything with him. It belongs to you and her, not him.
“And just for the record, you were the one getting over it very quickly with that girl from your medical team”
“It wasn’t serious. She was just a rebound”
“You were talking with her when we were still together.”
You can easily picture Steph, her eyebrow arched, and her arms crossed on her chest.
“It was a mistake” he sighs. “I shouldn’t have done that. If I knew it would push you to end things between us, I wouldn’t even have looked at her.”
“She wasn’t the reason for our breakup. I mean maybe a small part of it, but it wasn’t the big deal. What I said at this point was valid and still is. I just don’t have any love feeling for you anymore”
Must be painful to hear, but at least you have to give credit to Steph for standing her ground and being clear with him. You empathise a little bit with him though, you will be destroyed if Steph ended things between you. Even if you never will talk to someone else like he did.
“Okay but what will you do when you will want to start a family? You won’t even be able to do it together”
Okay, we are now finished with empathy. Maybe now is the best time to make your appearance. You go for the door again, opening it without any discretion.
“Love, I'm home!” you shout happily while almost slamming the door.
You take off your shoes quickly without even untie the laces, petting Calvin’s head.
“Living room” you hear her answer.
Deciding to put it more in the show, you start to talk while you are still outside the room.
“Did you know that Hayl… Oh. Hi.”
Dean and Steph are both standing in the room, separated by at least two meters from each other. You look at the both of them, taking the situation. He seems upset and doesn’t answer anything, and you drag your gaze away from him when Steph talks.
“Hi Sweets. How was training?”
You smile at her and hesitate to go for her, but when she raises her arm to invite you to hug her, you don’t hesitate. You pass your arms around her waist, kissing her cheek softly. You don’t want to push things too far either, you know she won’t like it.
You cringe a little at the silence coming after that, exchanging a glance with Steph. You want to know what the hell is this guy doing here, but you don’t really know how to ask that question.
“Dean informed me that he found some of my things in his boxes and wanted to give them back” Steph informs you.
You probably will be forever grateful at how much Steph knows you and seems to read into you. You just nod before turning your eyes toward him. He was already looking at you and you know that look perfectly. He seems to be jealous of your proximity, but you won’t move.
Maybe it’s a stupid thing to want to mark territory, but you don’t want him to pop randomly at Steph’s door, now that he knows where she lives. Anyway, you don’t take your hand off of your girlfriend’s back.
“Lucky you were home” you finally answer.
“I didn’t realise I needed to ask for approval to see my ex-fiancée” he growls.
“She lives here too, actually” Steph intervenes before you even can open your mouth “She has her words to say”
You use your better poker face at this, because you totally aren’t living here officially. Now that you are able to walk correctly you could probably go back to your home, but you never really left. Steph never asked you to do and never made you feel like you were too much here.
“I have to go” Dean finally says. “I have training”
You don’t move but Steph nods, saying goodbye too. You can’t hide the smile creeping on your face when you hear him grumbling when he finds his chewed shoe, Calvin now sleeping peacefully on his bed next to the couch.
You love that dog.
When the door is closed, you feel Steph take a deep breath and lean a little more against you. You realised how tense she was, but you are surprised by such a relief.
“Are you okay?” you ask quietly, kissing her temple.
“It was the first time I saw him since I left our home” she explains to you. “I told him I was seeing someone without saying your name, but he didn’t want to leave before knowing how you are. I’m sorry, I don’t think we will be able to hide our relationship for any longer”
“It’s not a problem for me” you shrug. “People have known that I love women since my teenage era. What about you, though?”
“I don’t know” she begins slowly. “I haven’t any problem with Kyra knowing it to be honest. But maybe I’ll need to talk about it to my family first”
“Okay. If you need me, just tell me, yeah?”
Stephs smile softly at you, and you kiss her for good this time. The kiss is soft and slow, and you feel her thumb stroking your cheek softly.
“So, what did Hayley do?”
Later that day, you are looking at the ceiling, lost in your thoughts. Even if you tried all the rest of the day to forget about Dean and what he said, some things are dancing in your mind.
Did Steph and him talked about starting a family? And if it was the case, why does it bother you so much? They planned to get married; you shouldn’t be so disturbed with that. You know you are lucky to finally be with the girl of your dreams, but that strange feeling in the bottom of your stomach won’t go away.
You tried to distract yourself by cooking with Steph, playing some video games with her and telling her about your first training back since your injury, and it went pretty great to be honest.
But now with Steph under the shower and Calvin sleeping, you are alone with your thoughts.
“I was waiting for you to come with me”
Steph’s teasing voice makes you smile softly. You turn on your side to look at her when she enters the room, wearing a big shirt and probably panties, even if you can’t see them given the size of that shirt.
“You are the most beautiful girl in the world” you mumble.
Your smile grows wider when she rolls her eyes and makes one grimace of her own. You love her with her hair down.
“That’s true!”
“It’s not” she giggles while coming with you under the cover.
“Yes it is”
You let her have the time to lie on her back before you lay on her, sighing with ease. It’s your favourite spot in the world. You enjoy her stroke in your hair while she scrolls on her phone for several minutes, before starting to draw shapes on her hips with your fingertips.
“I can hear your brain boiling, Sweetheart” Steph finally says. “What’s going on?”
You bite your lips softly, looking for a way to approach things. Because she doesn’t know that you heard a big part of her conversation with Dean, and you don’t want to upset her. Your silence pushes her to try to guess what’s in your mind.
“Is it football related?” she asks first, and you shake your head no. “Is it about us?”
“Kinda” you hesitate. “I just…”
“Is it about something you heard earlier?”
Damn. You look at her, stunned, torn between guilt and amazement. You can see the ghost of a smile on her face and her eyes shining with fun.
“Do you think I really don’t know you?”
You roll your eyes with a smile, accepting the teasing easily. She doesn’t seem mad, and she waited for you to show something to talk about it. You really don’t deserve that girl.
“I didn’t want to intrude. I didn’t know it was him” you shrug.
“I knew it the second you passed the door” she smirks, making you smile too. “Plus, I don’t have anything to hide from you. What part of the discussion is playing with your head?”
Sitting on her hips, you pass a hand in your hair. You don’t know how to express yourself and how to tell her things. Once again, you don’t want to fight with her. But you promised each other early in your relationship that you will always discuss and talk about things, not to drag any misunderstandings along.
Steph waits patiently, looking softly at you while playing with the edge of your shirt. You finally decide to go straight to the point, it will be easier like this.
“When he talked about having a family. Is it something you discussed together?”
You try hard to fight against the pictures coming in your mind, focusing on your girlfriend’s pretty face.
“Not really” she frowns. “We were both into sport and I don’t think it was time for us to have this conversation. He was very traditional you know, first dating then living together, then engagement… One thing at time”
It does make sense actually. You nod softly, trying to process this information.
“But was it something you wanted?”
You watch her looking at you with a little bit of… angst maybe? That doesn’t seem good and just when you were going to tell her that you finally don’t want to know the answer to that question, she starts to talk again.
“No, not really. It’s very selfish but I wanted to finish my career before even thinking about it”
Oh. That wasn’t what you were expecting. It’s probably strange to feel a little relieved about it.
“It’s not selfish” you assure her with a smile, redrawing the features of her face with your fingers. “We, women, have to choose between sport or baby. It’s so stupid”
She nods softly, suddenly lost in her thoughts. It looks like things were exchanged because several minutes before you were the one thoughtful. Now you feel lighter than ever.
“What is it?” you ask, tilting your head on the side.
“What about you?”
“I was never serious enough in my relationships to even talk about it” you roll your eyes.
“That doesn’t mean you don’t want to have kid one day”
She has a point. You feel your cheek getting redder because to be honest, the idea of you and Steph with a little kiddo running with Calvin in a big garden is something you would love. Maybe even back in Australia, who knows.
“I do want kids, but not carelessly. I want to have time for them, all of that…”
“Okay” Steph smiles softly.
“And a great mummy to raise them with me” you add, winking at her.
“Okay” Steph says again, laughing this time.
“But not now, though”
“Not now”
Steph repeats your sentence before suddenly grabbing you by your hips to change your position, making you lie under her while she straddles you.
“We have something else to discuss first” she says.
“Oh, do we?”
“Yeah. What do I need to do for you to live officially here? Lose your keys? Burn your house?”
“You just have to ask” you laugh.
“In that case… Would you like to live here with me?”
“I’d love to”
She smiles at you with so much tenderness that you feel your heart almost burst with love. Taking her gently by the collar of her shirt, you drag her towards you to kiss her. She doesn’t wait any second to kiss you back, making you smile against her lips.
“You’re such a dork” you giggle shortly after.
“You love me, though” she answers, her head now on your shoulder.
“I do. You don’t know yet how much I do”
“I love you too.”
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withahappyrefrain · 6 months ago
opening the door for them or pulling their seat out before they sit down with bob would be delightful!
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You had only been at the bar for ten minutes and already regretted all the decisions you made that led to this moment.
Why did you agree to a blind date?
First of all, it was with your friend's coworker. And no matter how much Natasha said it was fine, you couldn't help but be nervous.
You had heard stories of the squad Nat worked with, some good, some…not so good.
"It's not the Hangman guy, right?" You asked her when she first brought it up.
Nat pretended to gag, "You're my friend, not enemy. It's my WSO."
So there you were, awkwardly shifting in the chair at the bar as you looked towards the entrance for the sixth time, anxiety building up in your stomach and threatening to come out like bile any moment.
This was a horrible idea.
You tried dating, you really did. Various dating apps, going to different bars and strike up a conversation, but nothing seemed to work out. Sometimes you'd get ghosted, other times it would end with you curled up in a ball on your couch with a pint of ice cream while some stupid romantic comedy played in the background. You quickly learned that it didn't matter how great the first or second date went, folks will change their mind about you at the drop of a hat.
At least with Hinge or Tinder, you could see a picture of the person and speak before meeting them. With a blind date, you didn't have that, only the information your matchmaker had given you.
He went by Bob. He was a WSO. From the Midwest, specifically Montana ("Don't refer to his accent as Southern, he will go on a spield '' Nat warned you). Very sweet, but shy at first, which was why he supposedly had trouble finding someone.
He sounded nice. Potentially lovely. But you knew better by now, after years of failed attempts and broken hearts.
Sounding nice didn't guarantee anything.
You wondered what Nat had said about you. Probably that only your parents called you by your full name. That you and Nat met through college was also a given. She's had shit luck when it comes to finding someone, hopefully you can change that?
You checked your phone for the upteemth time. 7:12. He was supposed to be here twelve minutes ago. Surely he wouldn't stand you up, considering he had to work with Nat the next day?
The idea was surprising, but not shocking. Despite the intention of dating, some folks were quite careless when it came to a heart that wasn't theirs. You had been on that receiving end more times than you'd like to admit.
He probably thought the idea of going on a date with his coworker's friend was too risky, too weird. Perhaps he looked you up on social media and found an aspect of you that he didn't like. Thanks to numerous assholes, you could list off several potential reasons. Not pretty enough, not interesting enough, not affectionate enough, too affectionate, too clingy-
The list could go on and on. Thankfully it didn't. Thankfully, the sound of your name, said by a soft voice broke you out of your thoughts and made you turn around.
He reminded you of the male love interests from those Old Hollywood films you watched with your grandmother as a small child. Sandy brown hair that was tousled in waves, piercing blue eyes that stood out against his sharp nose and rosy cheeks.
But above all, he looked kind. Truly kind. Maybe it was the lopsided, assuring grin or the way his cobalt eyes shone against the soft lighting of the restaurant.
His thin lips formed into a saccharine smile as he stepped forward, extending a long arm out.
Holy shit, he brought you flowers.
You couldn't help but stare, wide-eyed and open mouth at the beautiful marigolds and orange sunflowers. You didn't know people still did that-no date had ever done so for you.
"I-I'm so sorry for bein' late. I swear, I'm always on time, I just wasn't sure which flowers to get ya. I-I mean, I knew you liked sunflowers, Phoenix told me that but I wasn't sure if yellow was overdone or if I should do something different and I'm really sorry-"
"You're perfect," your eyes widened at your own words, "The flowers I mean! The flowers are perfect and beautiful and traffic happens, it's okay!"
His smile widened at your reassurance and you swore it melted your heart. Heat rose to your face as you accepted the bouquet, your fingers brushing against his.
The two of you walked to your table. When Bob pulled out your seat for you, your heart fluttered.
There was no way this guy could be real. Why was he single?
Often, the conversation on a first date was awkward and full of long pauses.
Not this one. Not with Bob.
He asked you questions about yourself. Hell, he even asked follow up questions. And they were thoughtful.
Bob felt the same way.
Yes, he found you stunning. But you were much more than that. You were insightful, passionate, kind.
Why on Earth were you single?
Bob was determined to make everyone else's loss his gain.
"Would you want to go get ice cream?" His fingers were tapping the table, a nervous habit that you found adorable, "I mean, I get it if you're tired but if you're not, I'd love to continue?"
A downright dopey smile overtook your face as you nodded enthusiastically.
"I'd love to continue!"
You couldn't hide your surprise though when Bob all but jogged in order to hold the door for you.
"Oh, thank you! But you don't have to do that," you explained. His brows knitted together in confusion, the corners of his lips slightly downturned.
How could one man be so cute?
"Do what?" He asked, confusion all over his voice.
"Oh, um, holding the door?" Was it wrong to have brought that up? Oh God, was he going to think of you as rude?
Instead Bob smiled as he shook his head, "Nonsense. You should never have to hold the door."
Oh no. You were going to be down bad.
As the night went on, your nerves disappeared, giving Bob a sweet smile when he held the door open or pulled out your chair.
You didn't say anything when he held the car door open to drive you home, just that smile that made his heart flutter.
But when he opened the car door after arriving at your home, you stood instead of walking forward.
"I....I had a really good time tonight," the nerves came swelling back. You couldn't recall the last time you had clicked with someone so quickly.
"I did too," his smile warmed your body, "Maybe...if you'd like, we could-"
"Do this again?" God, you really hoped that's what he was going to say. You didn't think your heart could handle it otherwise.
"Yeah," he let out a nervous chuckle, "I'd love to do this again."
Your heart soared. Nat now had rights to the biggest "I told you so" but you couldn't find it in yourself to care at this moment.
"I'm not doing anything this Friday," containing your excitement was difficult. You were positive that big, dopey grin was plastered on your face right now.
Bob loved it.
"I'm not either." That was kinda a lie. Fridays were usually when his squad went out to the Hard Deck to celebrate the end of the week.
But Nat wouldn't mind and that was all that mattered.
You two exchanged phone numbers, hands clumsily typing as you both tried to sneak glances at one another.
Once your respective phones were back in your hand, it seemed like the front door was calling your name.
Not that you wanted to leave.
Offering him coffee at this hour would be silly, no one did that anymore.
"Can I walk you to the door?" His voice was timid, unsure.
"Please." It came out abruptly, as though you had lost control of your mouth, "I mean, yes. I would like that."
When Bob offered his arm, you accepted, linking yours with his.
"This is my stop," you motioned to the front door, earning a chuckle from Bob. God, he was so handsome. And his hands were so large. What would it be like to hold them?
"I had a really good time tonight. Probably the best date I've had in...a while." The dusting of pink that spread across his cheeks was downright darling.
"Could I-"
"If you don't kiss me, I might explode."
Normally you weren't one to be so bold. But the ache inside you was threatening to burst at the seams.
"Oh thank God," was all Bob could get out before pressing his lips to yours.
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floatyflowers · 1 year ago
Dark! Percy Jackson Reverse Harem x Reader|| Chapter Two
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<<< Chapter One
Your eyes widen when you see Chiron being half horse half man.
"You are a centaur"
Chiron chuckles at your shocked expression.
"Indeed, I'm, and I'm here to guide you"
"Thank you, sir"
"Are you not going to greet me, (Wrong name)?"
You turn your eyes to stare at the dark haired dark eyes man with confusion.
"My name is (Y/n)" you correct him before asking "And you are?"
"As in the god who has a cult?"
"That's me, I miss my cult"
You nod in agreement, unsure if that was meant to be humor or a genuine confession.
"Yes, I used to rule an entire cult in ancient Greece. They all worshipped me and offered me sacrifices."
You feel a twinge of unease at the thought of being in a cult, especially one led by a god like Dionysus.
Still, you don't want to be rude, so you just smile politely and say.
"That's... great."
Dionysus nods, seemingly satisfied with your response.
"Well then," he says,
"Shall we continue on? I can show you around the camp and introduce you to some of the other demigods."
Chiron frowns, looking at Dionysus, finding his behaviour strange.
Dionysus is never friendly towards any demigod.
But now, he is offering to show you around.
Chiron never understood the gods obsession with you.
He assumed it has something to do with your powers.
"There is no need, but thank you for the offer, Luke showed me around the camp"
You say before turning towards the centaur.
"I will be going now if that's all"
The moment you take your leave, Dionysus sighs in disappointment.
"If only she was my daughter"
The cabin is all pastel pink and surrounded by flowers and cherubs statues, and it is also close to Aphrodite's cabin, which is not surprising.
But what made you uncomfortable is the glass window in your room.
You will need curtains for that later.
What is surprising is that you found tons of gifts on your bed and your wardrobe is filled with clothes.
And a note that says 'From your beloved grandmother. Aphrodite'
Also there are gifts from different deities.
For example, Hermes gave you a golden caduceus pendant with a blue diamond.
Apollo gave you healing potions.
Ares gifted you a dagger and also has a note with it 'Sharp enough to kill your enemies'
But what astonished you the most is the gift from Etos, it's a music box.
A cherubs music box, when you turn it on, it starts playing very enchanting music.
There is a long letter too.
My sweet demigoddess,
I write to you on this fine day to express my deepest love and adulation for you.
Your strength, courage, and power all demonstrate your divine ancestry, and your beauty and grace shine with the warmth of the sun.
My heart aches for you from far away, and all I desire is to embrace you in my arms and to watch you flourish with all that you are and can be.
This music box is a gift from me, once it starts playing, all monsters will flock away from you.
From your father,
The strong fragrance on the letter makes you calm down.
To be honest, you don't hate Eros even though he never was by your side when you grew up.
Maybe the new life for you here, isn't bad after all.
"Capture the flag? As in fighting other demigods? no thank you"
You say, walking by Percy's side.
The boy showed up at your doorsteps first thing in the morning, and asked you to walk with him.
"Don't worry, I will protect you, if you stay by my side" 
You stop and look at Percy and cross your arms over your chest.
"Why did you tell Luke that I'm your girlfriend?" you inquire.
Percy smiles.
"Because you have always been my girlfriend, remember in grade one where you wanted to marry me and made a promis-"
You quickly stop him, your cheeks heating up from the childhood memories.
"I was a child"
"I don't care, a promise is a promise"
"What if I fall for another?"
Percy shrugs, with the smile still on his face.
"It would be like Icarus flying too close to the sun"
You raise an eyebrow but he continues.
"Another might get close to you but they will never reach you before they fall to their deaths"
Chapter Three >>>
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iidilio · 9 months ago
Hey there! How about having the madara, hashirama and itachi's way of celebrating an anniversary with his wife as headcanons? Thank you!
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[ 🌸 ] oh...! If I were married I would like to go to a beach to do you know what thing… that's right, I'm talking about drinking pineapple with my partner while I tell him the gossip that my grandmother told me the other day-
characters: itachi uchiha, madara uchiha, hashirama senju
genre: fluff with a touch of comedy
warnings: none, spicy parts, reader being pampered by three adult men, happy married couple
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Itachi Uchiha
—My sweet boy.
—He sleeps a little longer than usual to enjoy the warmth of the morning by your side, even though he has a whole list of plans of what he wants to do with you. —When he feels he's had enough rest, he gets up quietly and heads to the kitchen.
—When you wake up, he brings you breakfast in bed with a smile so beautiful and bright that it makes you fall in love with him for the thousandth time.
—He gives you a shy smile if you decide to share something from your plate with him (he'll eat it, but, don't expect him not share from his own plate with you too).
—In the end, the two of you end up feeding each other while laughing like lovestruck teenagers.
—After that, he takes you to the bathroom for both of you to take a shower before starting your day.
—He is gentle as he scrubs your shoulders, back, and chest while you just sigh relaxed with his soft touches.
—Of course, he'll let you help soap up his back.
—In the end, he wraps both of you in towels before carrying you in a princess style to the bed.
—Things… happen when you get there.
—Let's just say your legs wouldn't stop trembling for a good few minutes.
—You both go out to eat at a nice place.
—While eating, Itachi's free hand plays with yours under the table.
—When your stomach is satisfied along with his, you go out holding hands and walk through the park (which was surprisingly empty) before sitting on the grass under a tree. —And now it feels like a dream to Itachi. You by his side as he feels the fresh breeze. —Your head fits like a puzzle piece on Itachi's shoulder while he wraps his arm around you, resting his head on top of yours. —You stay like that for a while until Itachi tells you he has a little surprise for you. —You’re a little surprised when he takes you to a spa. —And Shisui suddenly appears, telling him that the Hokage is calling him for an emergency. —He kisses you on the forehead before telling you he'll come back for you and to relax at the spa in the meantime, giving you some money before disappearing. —You stay there, trying not to feel too disappointed but thinking it will be quick. —When you're relaxed and your hair is styled and shiny, you're surprised to see Itachi outside the place. —Waiting for you with one of his lovely smiles along with a bouquet of flowers, as if he hadn’t left you there for two hours. —"Shall we go?" he asks, giving you his hand and the bouquet to take. —On the way home, you wonder what has him so smiley until you enter the house and find out why. —He made you dinner. —Well, it looks more like a buffet with your favorite foods combined with his. —He guides you to the table and pulls out the chair for you to sit before sitting next to you. —That's when you realize it's impossible that Itachi could have done all this by himself in such a short time. —"The Hokage didn’t call you, right?" "No, but I made you dinner." —Enjoy his food, please. —He had a great time enduring Shisui’s cheesy jokes on the way home. —When you’re both satisfied, he gives you something he’s been working on for several months as a gift. —As a gift, Itachi gave you a small book in which he wrote some poems that perfectly describe the love and affection he feels for you. —Every feeling that your words, touches, and voice evoke in him is written in its pages. —It’s a very personal and special gift for him, one that he made exclusively for you and only you, and no one else. —Please! Don't cry or he might get alarmed. —Anyway!
—At night, when you enter the hallway leading to the bedroom, you’ll see a path of petals.
You let out a soft laugh when you saw the petals on the wooden floor. Your heart was pounding hard against your chest, making you feel excited.
A small blush crept up your face as you imagined what Itachi had prepared for you. "Itachi! What is all this?"
"Another gift for the most special woman in the world," he replied with his own quiet laugh while leaving several kisses on your shoulders, as far as his position behind you allowed him to reach.
The walk to the bedroom felt relatively much shorter than it had all the previous times.
You let Itachi guide you, feeling so in love while feeling his hands over yours, caressing them with his long, cold fingers as he accompanied you.
A gasp of awe escaped you when you saw the bed. There were several petals on the bed and the floor, the window curtain was open, letting the angelic moonlight into the room, making it look ethereal and so intimate.
Your heart skipped a beat when Itachi cupped your face with such tenderness. He kissed you so gently that it almost made your knees want to give out. You smiled when you felt his hands slowly and methodically undress you.
He was definitely the man of your dreams.
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Madara Uchiha
—Many will say that Madara is already prepared to celebrate your anniversary four days in advance.
—Well, that is half true and half false.
—Don't look at me like that, the man has been preparing since the beginning of the month.
—Don't get me started on your first anniversary (the poor guy was running around like a headless chicken since the beginning of the year. He was like that until you saw him nervous because he couldn't find a good gift for you… and there were still five months left).
—He will want to give you a special (and expensive) gift. —Although sometimes he runs out of ideas or has them but doesn't know if they are good and if you'll like them, the poor man is like: "😦, now what?"
—Sometimes he goes and asks Hashirama for suggestions (once the good man suggested for some reason that he bake a cake and bring it to you in bed as a nice surprise, he even offered to help him… it didn't go well).
—Sometimes he goes to the cemetery to talk to his brother's grave and ask for advice. He knows it's useless to ask a dead person for help, but somehow it makes him feel better and gives him more confidence with the ideas that come to his mind.
—And, in turn, it fills him with energy to continue. —Because your man may be stubborn and confident when he's on the battlefield or when he's face to face with a tailed beast, —but then you come along and weaken him, and he doesn't know what to do, aww! —Going back to before! —Girl, you hit the jackpot. —It's like it's your birthday. —He spoils you a lot, he just wants to pamper his beautiful woman (not that he doesn't do it every day, though). —He takes you to eat wherever you want and buys you whatever you want, because you know, in his words: "My wife's happiness is my happiness." —When you get back to your house, he'll ask you to stay in the room for a moment while he disappears into the bathroom. —And when he comes out with a big smile, you know he's up to something.
“What are you doing?” you asked, letting out a small breathless laugh as he held out a hand to you, which you took with amusement.
Madara smiled at the sound of your little laugh. “It’s a surprise,” he replied, looking into your eyes with love, his own body trembling with anticipation and longing at seeing the subtle playful glimmer in the rich color of your eyes.
He gently guided you towards the bathroom door while still holding your much smaller hand compared to his. Before entering, he turned to look at you, “close your eyes”
You made an ‘o’ with your mouth as you did what he had asked; to tell the truth, you were excited, very excited in fact. You heard the soft sound of the door opening and then felt the gentle warmth of the steam on your face and a smell that at first, you couldn't distinguish but had escaped when the door was opened.
A smile spread across your lips from the excitement, but you held back, not wanting to ruin the surprise your husband had prepared for you.
You quickly identified the smell, it was… lavender? A soft laugh wanted to escape you, it was your favorite and your husband’s too.
You felt his body press against yours from behind, giving you a different kind of warmth than the steam. His chest found its place pressed against your back while his strong arms wrapped around you. His chin rested perfectly on your left shoulder.
When it came to him, everything felt like a puzzle; every piece always fit in its place, your hands when you interlaced your fingers, when you both hugged or when your lips met, it felt as if the world had made you for each other.
“Open your eyes”
You did.
Your eyes opened to see several petals on the floor and on the water in the bathtub. The candles lit up the bathroom, the light was soft, giving the bathroom a special and romantic touch.
“Happy anniversary, dear,” your lover whispered before making a trail of kisses on your shoulders and back. You squeezed his arms as his hands moved over your beautiful body with the sole mission of pleasing you.
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Hashirama Senju
—Fun guy.
—He has several gift ideas he wants to make (I feel like if Hashi-Hashi had Pinterest, he would have a board specifically for ideas to make for your anniversary).
—In fact, in modern times, I can see him making ice cream with milk and crushed cookies just because he saw it while browsing the internet looking for easy desserts to make 🥺 Hashi-Hashi solves.
—Okwy, okay, okay
—Let's get to it!
—My handsome guy will wake you up a bit early to make the most of the day (he managed to escape after signing all the papers the day before and somehow left his younger brother in charge of the Hokage Tower).
—Also, he is somewhat excited and nervous about what you will say when you see his wedding anniversary gift. I mean, he spent a few months making it with such care that he fears something might go wrong.
—He insists on making you breakfast as a reward for all the times you have kindly made and prepared food for him when he has to go to work.
—But it doesn't turn out so well, you know?
—Poor thing, my boy 😭.
—Please avoid the burnt part of the egg and the overly toasted side of the bread. He did what he could 😭✨.
—After eating, you both wash the dishes (you insist on helping him after the last time you let him wash the dishes alone, he managed to break a cup… and it didn't even fall to the floor to begin with, you are still trying to figure out how he managed to break it).
—After that, you both stayed on the porch enjoying each other's presence until lunchtime.
—He will take you to the forest for a picnic lunch in nature ✨ The guy has some ideas.
—He will lean on your shoulder while nibbling on his ham sandwich (he leaves some crumbs on you, although he removes them afterward).
—After eating, he will ask for permission to lie on your thighs, he simply loves the feeling of being with you.
—You both stay talking for a while as you gently run your hands through his hair, relieving all the accumulated stress he has from his job.
—Sometimes, the leaders of other villages drain all his energy, but he keeps going, for you and for all his people!
—After that, he takes you to another place.
—He looks nervous yet excited. When you reach a part of the forest, he is practically smiling from ear to ear.
“Close your eyes”
“Why?” you asked, raising an eyebrow playfully.
“Just do it, I promise you won't regret it”
You smiled. Although you were nervous, you trusted your husband— whatever he was planning in that head of his.
You felt his rough hands gently taking yours to start guiding you. Some giggles escaped you when you heard him nervously trying to guide you and tell you not to trip over a rock.
Although, to be honest… you didn't feel as many leaves under your feet— could it be that Hashirama had cleaned the path you were now walking on?
Your heart bubbled at the thought of your husband trying to keep the path clean and perfect for you, and suddenly you understood why Tobirama was sometimes alone in the Hokage Tower and seemed a bit nervous when you asked about your husband's whereabouts.
A laugh threatened to escape your throat, but fortunately, you held it back. Both brothers were terrible liars, maybe it was in their genetics.
“We're here, darling,” Hashirama said excitedly. You could practically feel him bouncing a little with excitement, like an impatient child wanting to show something he was proud of.
“Alright… open your eyes”
You opened them only to marvel at the variety of vibrant colors dazzling your sight.
In front of you was a landscape with several flowers of different shades and colors. The soft scent that filled your lungs made you sigh with pleasure, freeing your mind. You vaguely wondered how you hadn't noticed the smell of the flowers before; maybe you were so focused in your mind that you didn't pay attention to it.
The gentle squeeze of Hashirama's hand softly brought you out of your thoughts. The sun was beginning to set, and the sky was tinted with various colors, which only added to the beauty of the landscape before you.
“Shall we?” your husband asked, excited to show you around.
Your eyes shone, “Yes...”
And if you both did something else that afternoon, well, that would stay between you two and the flowers surrounding you.
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after-witch · 5 months ago
Horrorfest: You Better Not Let Him In [Yandere Wolfman x Reader]
Title: You Better Not Let Him In [Yandere Wolfman x Reader]
Synopsis: The door doesn't lock, and he still wants you to let him in.
For Horrorfest request: trying to hide from a wolfman but the door wont close
Word count: 600ish
notes: yandere, non-graphic mentions of violence, implications of possible sexual assault
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“Oh, please.” The words bubble from your chapped lips like a prayer. A desperate one, the kind you would whisper like a mantra as a child, eyes squeezed shut, on those nights that you were suddenly sure you wouldn’t wake up. 
But there’s no use praying to the wolfman on the other side of the door.
No use at all. 
His breath is loud; you imagine how hot it must be against the door. What it must smell like: primal, like the rest of him. He pants in great short huffs from the running he did–the chasing, more like.
Chasing you from the hiking trail all the way into your little cabin (he burst through the front door, broke the lock clean off); down the hall, into what had been your bedroom for the past week.
Only there was no lock on the door–it won’t even close all the way, thanks to the faulty hinges. And there’s nothing heavy enough to put in front of it, nothing you’re strong enough to drag.
Nothing at all you could do but brace your shoulder against it, even though you saw the wolfman break the heavy lock on the thick front door of the cabin like it was nothing. 
So you know, without a hint of a doubt–
The only reason he’s not inside right now is because he’s waiting for you to open up, like a good little thing, like Red Riding Hood smiling brightly at grandmother before she gets oh-so-close enough to see the points of her sharp teeth. 
“Open the door,” he says, in a voice that is not very sweet. “Open the door, and let me in.”
There’s a sound against the wood. Scratching. A claw–his claw, he has no hands but paws with nails so sharp you’re sure they will gut you easily–dragging down the wood.
You don’t answer. You can’t. All you can do is press your shoulder feebly against the door, knowing he’s on the other side, knowing all it would take is a shove to have you on the floor and the door swinging off its loose hinges.
How did he find you? How long had he followed you? It all falls into place, here, on the other side of the door. The unusual footprints around the cabin. The ripped up flowers left at your door, topped with a dead mouse. The sounds in the woods--the snapping, the breath you thought had been a fox or perhaps, a lumbering raccoon.
It was him, and now--
“Open the door,” he says to your silence. Louder and lower, and you catch the sound of spittle in it. He won’t be patient for much longer. You have to make a choice.
Your heart pounds so hard you can hear it. 
He can, too. 
“Open the door,” he says, for the final time. “Or I’ll–”
“Please don’t,” you squeak out, sounding like the prey that you are. “I’ll–-I’ll open it.”
It takes longer than you expect to force your body to move away from the door. It doesn’t want to move. It knows what’s going to happen, even as your brain whirs and whirs and tries to guess. 
He could eat you. Tear you to pieces, gobble you down like dinner. He could–he could–but oh, you know, there are worse things than being eaten.
Worse things are what you think about when he pushes the door, which half-falls off the broken hinges, and stands in the now-empty frame. 
He smiles, and his teeth are very sharp. 
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artandthebible · 5 months ago
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Naomi and Ruth
Artist: Evelyn De Morgan (English, 1855–1919)
Date: 1887
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Naomi and Ruth
The story of Naomi appears in the Bible in the book of Ruth. Naomi lived during the time of the judges. She was the wife of a man named Elimelech, and they lived in Bethlehem with their two sons, Mahlon and Kilion. Naomi’s life illustrates the power of God to bring something good out of bitter circumstances.
When a famine hits Judea, Elimelech and Naomi and their two boys relocate to Moab (Ruth 1:1). There, Mahlon and Kilion marry two Moabite women, Orpah and Ruth. After about ten years, tragedy strikes. Elimelech dies, and both of Naomi’s sons also die, leaving Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah widows (Ruth 1:3–5). Naomi, hearing that the famine in Judea was over, decides to return home (Ruth 1:6). Orpah stays in Moab, but Ruth chooses to move to the land of Israel with Naomi. The book of Ruth is the story of Naomi and Ruth returning to Bethlehem and how Ruth married a man named Boaz and bore a son, Obed, who became the grandfather of David and the ancestor of Jesus Christ.
The name Naomi means “sweet, pleasant,” which gives us an idea of Naomi’s basic character. We see her giving her blessing to Ruth and Orpah when she tells them to return to their mothers’ homes so that they might find new husbands: she kisses them and asks that the Lord deal kindly with them (Ruth 1:8–14). But her heartache in Moab was more than Naomi could bear. When she and Ruth arrive in Bethlehem, the women of the town greet Naomi by name, but she cries, “Don’t call me Naomi... Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The Lord has afflicted me; the Almighty has brought misfortune upon me” (Ruth 1:20–21). The name Mara means “bitter.” The cup of affliction is a bitter cup, but Naomi understood that the affliction came from the God who is sovereign in all things. Little did she know that from this bitter sorrow great blessings would come to her, her descendants, and the world through Jesus Christ.
Ruth meets a local landowner, Boaz, who is very kind to her. Naomi again recognizes the providence of God in providing a kinsman-redeemer for Ruth. Naomi declares that the Lord “has not stopped showing his kindness to the living and the dead" (Ruth 2:20) Seeing God’s hand in these events, Naomi encourages Ruth to go to Boaz as he slept in the threshing floor in order to request that he redeem her and her property. Naomi’s concern was for Ruth’s future, that Ruth would gain a husband and provider.
Naomi’s bitterness is turned to joy. In the end, she gains a son-in-law who would provide for both her and Ruth. She also becomes a grandmother to Ruth’s son, Obed. Then the women of Bethlehem say to Naomi, “Praise be to the Lord, who this day has not left you without a guardian-redeemer. May he become famous throughout Israel! He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age. For your daughter-in-law, who loves you and who is better to you than seven sons, has given him birth” (Ruth 4:14–15). Naomi was no longer Mara. Her life again became sweet and pleasant, blessed by God.
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ravencincaide · 7 months ago
 Not everything is as it seems 
Summary: You had every right to be angry- furious- at Chuuya, and no amount of apologies or tears was going to change that. In fact, you were considering breaking off your engagement that very second, packing your things, and leaving while putting put your relationship on hold- though just sleeping alone after months apart would do the trick. OR the time you find out that communication is both the greatest strength and weakness in your and Chuuya’s relationship. 
Inspired by Sweetober prompt 30: Cuddling + an independent part two for ‘And The Truth is Out’ Warnings: Cursing, drinking, rash decisions, guilt, tears, hurt, comfort, FLUFF and a little bit of suggestive sweetness. 
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You pressed three fingers to the bridge of your nose, eyes shut tightly. You were doing your absolute best to handle the onslaught of emotion which washed over you in steady, suffocating waves; anger, frustration, annoyance, humiliation and guilt, And with them came a pounding headache which all served as a brief preview of the hangover you were certain to experience the following morning.  
“ So Chuuya, tell me once again how you did it for me or, well, what was it you said? ‘With me as the only thing on your mind’?“ you muttered, not opening your eyes or even turning to face him. If anything you dug your fingers even deeper into the bridge of your nose, your nails leaving small crescent markings on your skin. 
You heard him groan; a tortured sound as if repeating what he just said was a punishment in and of itself. A kind of sadistic torture that was on par with Dazai’s methods. “ Please” he sighed, a heavy, tired, drained sound “ Once was enough- don’t you think?” 
You growled in warning, a rather weak sound, but it was sufficient to have him tense beside you on the couch. Undoubtedly he was well aware of how angry, no, furious you were at him. Still, Chuuya hesitated. You could practically hear him chewing his lips to shreds as a pitiful distraction from your words. No, he chose silence over admitting his own fuck-up for a second time. A moment longer, then he reached for the almost finished fancy bottle of wine on the table. 
The one he bought, the one you stole at the beginning of the night.
He shook it slightly, raised an eyebrow at how little was left, and then sighed. Clearly not in the position to school you for the barbaric way you consumed Chateau Lafite. No, Chuuya valued his life more than wine and his relationship with you over the temptation of bringing up your wine consumption. Even if he had been right in his assessment that you needed something significantly stronger than wine to deal with this day and the issues that kept pilling up in your lap like a morbid magician trick. No, Chuuya was a lot of things, but he was not stupid enough to add more fuel to the fire by repeating himself or offending your drink consumption. 
Especially when you had heard him loud and clear the first time and were already walking the fine line between tipsy and wasted, or better yet, balancing the tightrope between someone he could actually reason with and.. Well,..his own definition of hell.
The silence dragged on for only a few moments before your anger finally reached a burning point; “ No, Chuuya, you’re going to explain to me exactly what you mean by the fact that you cancelled the restoration of my great-grandmother's wedding dress, forgot to pick it up. While also ordering another dress that, surprise, surprise, won’t be here in time for the wedding!” Your voice echoed around the apartment. Your hand dropped away from your eyes as you turned to face your fiance- now degraded to boyfriend- who once again wiped at his eyes. 
“ I told you, sweetheart, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you had to find out like this- m’bad I thought the store called ya. But honestly, doll, that dress was ugly, and no way in hell am I letting m’girl walk down the aisle looking like a breaded condom!” Chuuya snapped back, tiredness and tipsy shifting his position from grovelling to something snappier as he pressed the back of his hands against his eyes. 
You gaped at him, a flash of hurt at his words, then a look of horror drew on your face as your drunken mind took his words literally and conjured up an image—a look which somewhat resembled the above-mentioned once-treasured-family-hairloom dress. 
You sighed, then ran a hand through your hair. The disappointment that the dress was gone was still eating away at you. Accompanied by a sense of humiliation at the description of said dress that Chuuya so unkindly used,  More importantly, however, there was anger, something between frustration and rage at the prospect that your so-called soon-to-be would rather hide and exchange dresses behind your back while on a mission away from home instead of coming up and talking to you. No, the anger in the pit of your stomach did not allow you to let him off the hook just yet. 
The devil on your shoulder probed for you to break up with Chuuya then and there- if that was how he acted prior to marriage, only the devil knew the kind of manipulative bastard he could become once the ring (or noose) was tied around your finger. While the angel on your shoulder whispered he did it entirely out of care and love for you; Chuuya knew how much the dress meant to you, but he was also very aware that your already shaky reputation could be affected negatively by said dress. Not to mention how it would affect Chuuya’s image as an executive of Port Mafia if he let his soon-to-be become the butt of the underground society joke. 
Perhaps you did not need to be too harsh on him; a week on the couch and a half-cold shoulder would probably be more than plenty to make sure he never again tried to mess with your clothes, body or choices. Although you’d never admit it, but being separated from him for a few months may have affected your decision in his favour. 
If only slightly.
Admitted defeat, you turned to face him; “ And the tears? Surely you’re not such a pussy to cry about the dress now” you asked, your eyebrow raised as you finally looked at him, twisting and turning on the couch beside you, if not in pain, then in the very least huge discomfort. The sight of it tugged ever so slightly at your angry heart; not enough to cuddle and kiss him but sufficient to ask what the issue was. 
“ ‘Course not, baby, it’s these godamned fucking cheap ass lenses that I can’t get out. Fuck” Chuuya moaned in pain as he pressed the back of his hands against his eyes, somewhere between wanting to claw his eyes out together with the lenses and desperately trying to get the irritated tears to stop streaming down his cheeks. 
You were not even going to ask why he wore ‘cheap ass lenses’. Sometimes you just did not want to know. 
“ Come here”, you sighed and reached beside the couch towards the drawer. There you pulled out a hand sanitiser and squirted some foul-smelling liquid onto your hands before rubbing it in. “ Lay your head in my lap before I change my mind.” 
Chuuya did not need to be told twice. He dropped sideways, his body weight sprawling mostly on the couch with his head landing right in the middle of your lap with heavy, almost painful duns, knocking off his hat in the process. You glanced at it only briefly, feeling the tiniest bit of pity for the way it landed on the floor before you turned your attention back down to Chuuya. He had removed his hands from his bright red eyes, tears still streaming down his cheeks. 
The sight was pitiful, but the still burning rod of anger in you left little pity or warmth in your tone—just frustration at how childish he could be. Like an oversized five-year-old, “ You know you did that to yourself, right?” you muttered as you leaned over him and raised your clean fingers towards his eye. He didn’t even flinch, though his sensitive eye twitched several times as you touched the bottom edge of the lens and slid it downward, pinching it ever so slightly off his eye. It popped out without much difficulty;  “ Your eyes are damned sensitive to everything, and you thought it was a fantastic idea to pop some lenses in?” 
“ Come on, babydoll, have mercy” he pleaded as you purposefully took a long moment to discard the first lens before reaching towards his second eye to repeat the process. Once done, Chuuya let out a groan of relief before he wiped the last of the wetness off his cheeks. His eyes were red, irritated and likely hurt a lot, but they were already better than before you took the lenses out for him. 
Without another word; you motioned for him to sit up. Then you stood up and confidently walked towards the bin, discarding the lens. Instead of returning to the couch, you picked up your forgotten phone and reminisced wine from the couch table. 
“ Sweetheart-”
“ No Chuuya, you get the couch. So just stay there and think about your behaviour!” you grumbled, then yelped as you felt a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you backwards until your ass once again made contact with the soft leather. A little maneuvering, some gravity manipulation and you were sandwiched between the back of the couch and Chuuya, his hot breath hitting your ear, his arms cuddling you closer to his chest. 
“ Fair enough, Sweetheart, but you never said I had to sleep alone”, he purred, a smirk evident in his words as he began pressing kisses all over your skin. If apologies and explanations couldn’t pacify your anger, then maybe this will…  
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Author note:  This fic was inspired by the following dress. So if I had to see it, so do you. No, but honestly, re-reading the comments on the independent part one of the fic made me want to write something that wasn’t cheating but also equally complicated. IDK if I succeeded but ehh I had fun. Hope you did too
Until next time 
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All fics are unique works by ©ravencincaide 2024. Do not copy/repost/translate or spread my work(s) without my explicit permission. If you see any of my work(s) reposted/copied anywhere else without my consent, please inform me!
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lainalit · 7 months ago
"We were born sick." You heard them say it
A acotar canon complied fanfic about a common hewn city family.
I posted a one shot that I originally did for my headcanon of a darkbringer going home to his family when he was being denied purchasing toys and sweats from velaris shopowners, just like Rhysand ordered them to do.
After that, the OC's that I created for it wouldn't leave my mind, so I plan to write one shots (probably non-linear) for them.
You find both first parts on ao3 and the second chapter under the cut their his daughter gets her treats.
The small faelights adorned the walls and tables, enveloping the Maher family's living room in a warm, dim glow. The rich aroma of butter and sugar wafted through the air, enhancing the cozy atmosphere.
Seated in a rocking chair by the hearth, Enid threaded a needle through the soft, dyed pink fabric of an almost-finished teddy bear for her daughter, her hands moving with quick steady precision. As she worked, she hummed a gentle tune from an old lullaby her mother used to sing to her—a lullaby she now sings to her daughter whenever nightmares stirred her little one from sleep.
Her husband, Cadell, and their daughter Trina were visiting Nain Ada—the female who took Cadell in after his mother passed away—allowing Enid to complete Trina's gift without needing to worry of looking after her and the fear of Trina discovering the presents too soon.
Just one of the many things Enid loves about her husband; he never takes her homemaking tasks for granted and devotes every moment of his day to their daughter after returning from his Darkbringer duties.
She sighed softly, redirecting her attention to the small pink teddy bear as she completed the final stitch on its back. She examined the meticulous work she had devoted nearly a week to while Trina was at school.
Sometimes, she could still hear her great-grandmother’s voice admonishing her that the stitching wasn’t perfect and that she would need to start all over again since only a flawless stitch could make a flawless wife. What nonsense.
She placed the teddy gently on the rocking chair and walked over to the kitchen island, where the rounded butterscotch candies cooled off.
Taking one, she blew on it and carefully bit off a small piece. As she savored the sweet flavor, she closed her eyes, recalling how her Cousin Kenna, from whom she had obtained the recipe, would make these treats for her birthday when she was young—one of the few cherished memories.
Enid carefully packed the butterscotch’s and the teddy into the bag that Cadell had brought back from his visit to Velaris, a bag that had returned empty after he was denied the very same things she had worked so hard to create now.
As she closed the bag, she struggled to quell her frustration over the situation and the injustice of it all.
She’s fed up with Keir and his elitist friends dictating what the impoverished Fae can and cannot do within the city walls. She seethes at the way the High Lord treats every citizen of her home like a criminal, all while his own hands remain far from innocent.
 But what infuriates her the most is Morrigan, whom the common folk of Hewn City derisively called the 'Red Traitor.' Enid resents how Morrigan abandoned the females, the younglings, and all the vulnerable souls once she secured her own freedom and dreams, never pausing to consider those still trapped within the dark mountain walls yearning for the same.
But she pushed those thoughts aside as she entered her daughter’s room and placed the bag of gifts on the bed. She chose to focus on her blessings rather than what she lacked.
Enid stood in the warm glow of the kitchen, the faint scent of vanilla and butter still lingering in the air as she wiped the dark countertop clean.
The rhythmic sound of her cloth against the surface was soothing, a welcome reprieve in the otherwise peaceful afternoon. Just as she finished, she heard the unmistakable thud of heavy boots on their front door, stirring a flutter of excitement in her chest.
The door creaked open, and there was Cadell, his broad silhouette framed against the fading light, with Trina nestled in his arms, her small form draped against him like a sleeping flower sprite from one of her picture books.
“Wake up, princess! We are home,” Cadell announced with a playful lilt, gently jostling her.
 Trina stirred, a sleepy grumble escaping her lips as she buried her face deeper into her father’s neck, unwilling to wake fully just yet.
With quick strides, Enid closed the distance, her heart warm at the sight of her husband and daughter. Cadell leans down, his lips find his wife's forehead in the customary kiss he lovingly bestows upon her each time he comes home.
“Did you have a good time by Nain Ada?” Enid asked, her smile teasing as she tipped her head back to meet his gaze, her hazel eyes sparkling with curiosity.
Cadell chuckled, his dark brown eyes shimmering with contentment.
"If by that you mean her feeding us until we’re ready to burst and her grumpy self finding fault with everything and everyone, then yes,“ he replied, a note of affection lacing his words as he adjusted his hold on their daughter.
Enid quirked a brow, a smile tugging at her lips. “And you, my sweetling?”
Her daughter, still half-asleep, merely nodded her head against her father's shoulder, an adorable little gesture that made Enid’s heart swell.
“Well, it seems like our princess wants to sleep instead of meeting Lucy’s new friend?” she said, glancing from her husband to her daughter.
Trina lifted her head slightly, her big hazelnut eyes blinking up at her mother with a hint of curiosity.
“New friend?” she murmured, the remnants of sleep still clinging to her words.
"Yes, they arrived just before you and went directly to your room," Enid replied, gently tucking a stray of Trina’s dark hair behind her ear, revealing her small features that already resemble her husband , though he would insist she looked much more like her.
With a sudden burst of energy, Trina wiggled in her father’s arms, determination flashing in her sleepy eyes.
“Daddy, let me down!” she demanded, her voice tinged with the audacity of a youngling sure of her own authority.
Cadell chuckled lightly, his deep laughter resonating in their living room.
“Okay, okay, but what do we say first?” he asked, lowering her slightly, giving her the room to wiggle free.
Trina beamed up at him before leaning in, planting a big, warm kiss on his cheek.
“Pretty please!” she chimed.
With a laugh, he set her down entirely, watching as she dashed off towards her room, her tiny feet pattering against the stone floor in a flurry of excitement.
Just as Enid was about to head towards Trina’s room, Cadell caught her wrist with a firm yet tender grasp, turning her gently but decisively to face him.
“Wha—” she began, before she could fully voice her question, he leaned in, capturing her lips in a long, passionate kiss that seemed to stop time itself.
When he finally pulled away, his dark eyes locked onto hers with an intensity that made her pulse quicken.
“Did I tell you how incredible you are?” he breathed, his voice low and filled with admiration.
She took a moment to catch her breath, her heart racing from both the unexpected kiss and the weight of his words.
“No, that’s the first time you’ve ever told me that,” she teased, a playful glint in her eyes as she swatted his shoulder lightly.
He leaned in closer, his breath warm against her pointy ear as he whispered, “Well, if that’s the case, it seems I need to show my wife tonight just how incredible she is.”
A shiver of excitement and anticipation danced down her spine at his words, a heady mix of emotions blooming within her. But before she could form a reply, a sharp scream pierced the air from her daughter’s room, shattering the intimate moment.
In an instant, her husband’s demeanor shifted from tender to alert; he released her and sprinted the few meters to their daughter’s room, his concern palpable. She was right behind him, her heart still pounding—not just from the kiss, but from the sudden urgency that had replaced their tender exchange.
In Trina’s room, the atmosphere was electric with joy.
Enid stepped inside to find her daughter tightly clutching the pink teddy, bouncing up and down in sheer delight. The moment stirred something deep within her, an echo of uncontained happiness.
“By the Mother, don’t scare your old father like that, Trina!” Cadell exclaimed, his hand resting dramatically on his heart as if he were about to swoon.
Enid couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his remarks. Both in their seventies, they were seen as practically youthful by high fae standards, especially when compared to Ada, who was over seven hundred years old.
Trina stopped her bouncy dance and held the pink teddy high above her head.
 “I’m sorry, Daddy! But look at Lucy’s and Mr. Starfall’s new best friend!” She stretched her tiny arms up toward him, enthusiasm radiating from her face.
Cadell knelt down to her level, his gaze softening with love as he looked at the stuffed animal she clutched in her tiny hands.
"I see, princess. They look quite lovely," he said, his voice thick with emotion.
Without warning, Trina launched herself into his arms, wrapping her limbs around him with all her might.
"Thank you, Daddy!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with pure, unfiltered joy.
Cadell chuckled, a deep, warm sound that filled the room, hugging her back with equal fervor before loosening his embrace just enough to look into her bright, eager eyes.
 "You’re welcome, sweetheart, but I didn’t do anything. It was all your mama’s work."
Enid, standing nearby, suppressed a smile, knowing full well that her husband had played his part as well. He had helped with the cutting and dyeing of the fabric, though she chose not to mention it now.
She’d will remind him later by mischievously depriving him of his favorite indulgence in bed, so that he wouldn’t always be so self-effacing.
Trina glanced over at her, breaking free from her father's embrace, and before she could topple into her mother’s legs, Enid bent down to catch her, pulling her into a long, heartfelt hug.
"Thank you, Mommy! I love you so much," Trina said with a soft voice, her small arms squeezing with all the strength she could muster.
"I love you too, my sweetling," Enid murmured, feeling the beginning of unshed tears prickling at her eyes.
As they slowly parted, Enid asked gently, "So, what’s the name of your new friend?"
Trina looked thoughtfully from her mother to her father, then down at the plushie in her hands.
"I think…I’ll name him Thessie." A big smile spread across her face.
"Why that, sweetheart?" Cadell asked, his tone laced with curiosity.
Trina gazed down at Thessie, cradling it in her small hands.
“His pink reminds me of the pictures from the Dawn Court in my schoolbooks, and the High Lord is Thesan, so Thessie!”
There was a brief silence as they all absorbed the weight of her words. Each of them understood, in their own way, that they would likely never see the breathtaking views of the Dawn Court at sunset.
Breaking the silence, Enid chimed in with a soft, nurturing voice, "What a lovely name, sweetie. And since Lord Thesan wields healing powers, your Thessie will undoubtedly possess some of that magic as well."
Her daughter's warm eyes widened, a spark of wonder igniting within them. "Do you really think so?"
Enid smiled brightly as she answered, “Of course! Just like Mr. Starfall has star powers, or Lucy has fire powers.”
Trina hugged Thessie tightly and gave the bear a kiss on its head. With an ecstatic look, she made her way over to her dressing drawer, where Mr. Starfall and Lucy awaited the arrival of their new friend.
As the moment unfolded, Cadell grasped Enid’s hand, every bit of warmth radiating from his calloused grip. His gaze was drifting to his daughter's bed, where the candy bag poked out from beneath the larger bag.
“Princess, look what I’ve found!” he said, retrieving the sweets and waving them teasingly.
"Daddy, my caramel bonbons!" Trina squealed, darting across the small room in an eager attempt of trying to seize the candies out of her father’s hand.
"Wait a minute, the oldest gets to go first!" Cadell declared, holding the bag just out of reach, a playful glint in his eye.
"That's not true, Daddy! The youngest gets to go first!" Trina exclaimed, hopping up and down on her feet, eager to get her hands on the sweat treats.
With a mischievous smile, Cadell raised an eyebrow at her.
 "If that’s so, why doesn’t the youngest try to catch her old father?" And with that, he released his wife's hand and dashed out of the room, laughter bubbling from his lips.
"Daddy, you cheated!" Trina yelled, her laughter ringing out as she chased after him, her little legs moving as fast as they could.
Standing in the doorway, Enid listens to the joyful peals of laughter reverberating around their Alcove, wrapping every corner in a cocoon of blissful love. A peaceful smile graced her lips.
Despite not having the opulent wealth of gems and gold that Prythian aristocrats possess, she felt immeasurably wealthy in that moment, as she watched, her greatest treasure right in front of her, scuttling through their home in a whirlwind of laughter.
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mavrintarou · 2 years ago
[1:05 AM] Kita Shinsuke
It's literally 1 AM and I need to share this sweet Kita that I've been hogging all to myself. He's just... something else. Lol. I write a lot about Suna and Sakusa but Kita definitely holds a special spot in my heart... or elsewhere.
Warning: fluff, angst (nothing between Shinsuke x Y/n), and explicit smut. Note: it is long - I don't think you guys ever complained, but I wanted to warn you guys regardless. .
Kita Shinsuke gently caressed his wife’s pregnant belly. Then, as she slept, a soft moan escaped her lips, and she nestled closer, seeking the warmth and comfort of his embrace.
A few months ago, when he met his son’s first-grade substitute teacher, Shinsuke couldn’t have imagined that he would feel a longing for another woman. Since his wife tragically passed away in a car accident, Shinsuke found himself single-handedly raising their two-year-old son with the support of his grandmother.  
“Dad, we have a new teacher since Mrs. Fukada is home with her new baby.” Shinnosuke announced excitedly, “She has a new baby girl…” he paused, locking eyes with his dad, his gaze filled with longing. “Can I have a baby sister too?”
Great-grandma Shin giggled, patting the little boy’s head. “I wish for a baby sister for you, too, Nosuke.”
Shinsuke sighs softly, “I’ll see what I can do.”
Once night falls, Shinsuke gently places a steaming cup of tea before his grandmother, commencing their cherished nightly tea ritual. They found solace on the patio, engaging in their nightly heartfelt conversations.
“It is time you find a partner.”
Although he had anticipated this conversation would arise at some point, he found himself partially surprised by its timing, catching him off guard.
“Your boy needs a mother. I can only do so much. You need someone, and you should give him more siblings.”
It was always Shinsuke’s dream to have a big family. Moreover, he and Shinnosuke’s mother dreamed of more children after his birth.
“I’m just… I don’t know if I’m ready.” Even though it’s been a few years since her tragic death, he still loved her dearly.
“I know you will never be ready, but you can try.”
The following day he had promised to take his son to school to meet his new teacher, who, Shinnosuke promised, is very pretty.
“She doesn’t have a ring on her finger, dad.” Shinsuke suppressed his laugh, unsure where his son was going with the conversation. “Maybe she isn’t married yet, and you can marry her?”
“Son, that’s now how it works – “
“Hi, Shinnosuke. Is this your dad?”
The last time Shinsuke was ever starstruck was with his late wife.
Shinnosuke tugged his dad’s hand and spoke excitedly, “Dad! This is Ms. Y/n – my new teacher! Isn’t she pretty.”
True to his son’s words, she is pretty.
Gorgeous if Shinsuke was being honest.
He felt hot all suddenly.
“Hello,” he greeted, praying his face was not tomato-red. “I am Shinnosuke’s father, and I hope he has not been a handful.”
Her smile radiated warmth, captivating Shinsuke’s gaze.  
As she stepped closer, a gentle fragrance of sweet perfume reached his nose. “Not at all,” she replied, her voice carrying a touch of admiration. “You have a remarkably well-behaved and intelligent son.” She affectionately tousled Shinnosuke’s hair, and he leaned into her touch like an adoring puppy.
Shinsuke longed for her hand to pat his head at that moment too.
Shinsuke attempted to keep his distance from Ms. Y/n. Instead, he would merely drop off his son outside of school, making arrangements to pick him up at the gates if he could, all to resist the overwhelming desire to do anything but kiss Ms. Y/n passionately until all his desires were fulfilled.
He could not give in to temptation.
But Shinsuke ran into Ms. Y/n everywhere.
At the grocery store.
At the salon.
At the clinic.
Complicating matters further, his son held a deep affection for her and frequently spoke about her with admiration.
His last hope for maintaining his distance and preserving his sanity unraveled when circumstances forced him to accompany his grandmother to the hospital due to a precautionary overnight admission for a cold. This left his son alone at home, intensifying his concerns.
“If you don’t mind, Kita-san, Shinnosuke can stay with me until great-grandma is released.” A look of surprise filled his eyes as he absorbed her thoughtful suggestion. Shinsuke was overwhelmed by the immense responsibility of managing his rice field, tending the crops, and caring for his grandmother; he struggled to ensure his son was never left alone at home.
Despite his gratitude towards her, he hesitated momentarily. However, when he glanced down at his son, whose eyes sparkled with anticipation, he couldn’t resist. “Please, dad?” his son pleaded, his excitement palpable.
Shinsuke sighed before agreeing; he crouched down, “You must listen to Ms. Y/n and behave.”
“Yes, dad.”
Shinnosuke was smitten by Ms. Y/n.
When Shinsuke arrived to pick up his son, he felt a pang of disappointment upon seeing his dad waiting at the door. “Do we have to go home, dad?” his son pleaded, his eyes longing. “Can’t we stay here with Ms. Y/n?”
“Shinnosuke,” Shinsuke called out his son’s name, his tone laced with a warning, the kind used when it was necessary to reestablish authority. Upon hearing his dad’s voice, his son’s shoulders slumped, and he turned away to retrieve his belongings. “Sorry,” Shinsuke apologized quietly, blushing under Y/n’s gaze.
“Don’t be. He is still young and doesn’t know any better.”
Shinsuke couldn’t help but observe her casual attire, with sweatpants and a loose shirt. “Regardless of that, he was being rude, and I need to have a conversation with him,” he stated, taking a deep breath. “thank you. I am truly grateful for your understanding and for looking after him. I can’t express my gratitude enough.”
“He was very helpful, I made him help me with chores, and we cooked together, so it wasn’t quite a vacation for him.”
Shinsuke’s throat tightened as he struggled to find his words. Nervousness consumed him to the core. “I…” he stammered, his voice quivering, “may I… may I take you out? It’s just my way of saying thank you.” As he uttered the question, her eyes bore into his soul, intensifying his anxiety. In that moment, panic surged through him as if he had ventured beyond the acceptable boundaries. “Please,” he hastily added, fearing she might feel obligated, “don’t feel obligated – “
“How about a date?” She interjected, catching him off guard. His eyes widened in surprise as her words sank in. “Take me out on a date,” she added, her tone laced with anticipation.
Nervousness consumed him throughout the date, hindering his ability to relax and enjoy the date fully. However, a wave of relief washed over him when Y/n reached across the table and gently touched his hand, reassuring him with a playful remark, “relax, I won’t bite.”
He wanted nothing but her to bite him because he only wanted to devour her.
They had dinner and walked along the river, getting snacks.
As they conversed about their lives and aspirations, Shinsuke watched her gracefully twirl and walked along the ledge, seemingly at ease.
Her warmth and vibrant personality enveloped him, and with each passing moment, he found himself falling deeper in love with her. Finally, stepping up beside her, he extended his hand, inviting her to grasp it as they walked along the ledge together.
“Kita-san,” she called softly, brushing loose strands of hair behind her ear. Concern etched across her face as she gazed into his eyes. “Is something troubling you?”
Y/n towered over him, her height surpassing his by two heads, causing him to tilt his gaze upward to meet her eyes.
Throughout his life, he had always been forthright with others, never shying away from expressing himself. However, he faced a challenging dilemma in this particular moment: between maintaining his hidden emotions or finally revealing everything. The decision weighed heavily on his mind, causing a moment of uncertainty.
He let out a sigh, realizing that he had nothing left to lose except for her. However, he knew deep down within himself that everything he had been feeling up to now surely meant something. He couldn’t possibly be the only one feeling this way. He had to be honest with her. It was a necessity, a longing that couldn’t be ignored.
“I really like you.” He responded in a hushed tone. “You’re a young single woman while I’m a single parent dad with a six-year-old son,” he began, acknowledging the difference in their life stages. “Yet, despite that, I haven’t felt this certain about anything in a long time. He found out tonight that he was seven years older than her.
“I must confess, Ms. Y/n, that I am undeniably attracted to you,” he admitted, his voice tinged with sincerity. “I apologize if my previous actions seemed rude, but I’ve been doing my best to keep my distance from you, to suppress these feelings I have for you.” He paused, carefully considering his words. “I don’t want to presume that you share the same sentiment, but every gesture, every glance, every smile you give me, they only deepen my desire for you.” A small smile curve his lips, “I can’t help but want more and more.”
A weighty silence hung in the air, the only sound being the gentle rustling of Y/n’s hair dancing in the wind. She fixed her gaze upon him, eyes locked in a wordless exchange.
“You have so many options, while I… I am limited,” he admitted with a hint of vulnerability. He paused, reflecting on the conversation they had just shared. “Listening to you speak of your goals just now; made me realize that perhaps we might be on different pages.” A furrow formed between his brows as he held her gaze, trying to discern her thoughts within her silence. “I might be over my head saying this, but I want to be upfront with you.” He exhales softly, “if Shinnosuke and I aren’t long-term possibilities for you… please tell me now so I can release you from any obligations.”
She playfully waved her fingers, beckoning him to come closer. As soon as he was within reach, she lightly flicked his forehead, a mischievous smile on her face. “You’re so mean to doubt my sincerity,” she teased, leaning to kiss the spot she flicked. “I wouldn’t be right here with you if I didn’t have deep feelings for you, too, Shinsuke.”
Hearing his full name uttered by her made his heart skip a beat.
He stares at her, looking at her longingly until she reciprocates the words, “I like you. I really like you too.” He releases his breath; he cannot contain the smile on his face. “Can I kiss you?” she whispered, leaning closer to him already.
“Please,” he begged.
Still leaning over the ledge, she brushed her lips against his before moving her mouth into a deep kiss.
She was the first to pull away, inhaling to catch her breath.
Shinsuke’s face turns a shade of pink, feeling lightheaded and on cloud nine.
Y/n stepped down from the ledge, and Shinsuke made a move to take her hand again, this time intertwining their fingers.
“Shinsuke, I might be bold asking you this on our first date, but… do you want more kids?”
Her question caught him off guard, but he quickly answered, “of course I do. Do you want children?”
She glanced at him, a smile on her lips, and she nodded. “I do.”
He smirked, “how many?”
“Maybe… two or however many…” she glanced at him from the corner of her eyes, “my future husband wants.”
Shinsuke was flustered by this woman, arousing him in all ways.
Glancing at his watch, Shinsuke couldn’t help but wish that the night could stretch on indefinitely. However, he also wanted to be a gentleman and ensure she arrived home before 10 PM.
She was about to keep walking down the path when he halted her. “Y/n,” he called her name softly, “I don’t – I don’t want the night to end, but I want to be a gentleman and bring you home….”
“Then don’t…”
His brow raised at her question, “what?”
She stepped forward, staring at him, “don’t be a gentleman then.”
He let out a low groan, his throat constricting as he struggled to suppress the lump forming within. “Please… stop,” he managed to choke out.
She closed the distance between them, eliminating any space that could fit even a piece of paper. Her large, doe-like eyes locked onto his, causing his knees to weaken and his palms to grow sweaty, and cock to expand excitedly inside his trousers. Finally, she whispered, “what do you want, Shinsuke?”
They barely made it through her apartment doors when he pulled and tugged her clothes off.
“Bedroom,” he growled against her mouth, “please,” he begged seconds later. Trails of clothes led to her bedroom; he could barely spare a second to break away from her lips to pull his shirt over his head.
Her blouse and skirt were discarded by her ankle, and he pulled away to admire her. He reaches behind, unclasping the clips to her bra and letting it slide off her body. Then, with her white panties left, he released a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. Then, he locked his gaze with her, searching for a reflection of the fiery, passionate emotions that consumed him.
He doesn’t realize he has been biting his lower lip until she reaches up to tug it free. “Shin…” She guides his right hand to her breast, and his large rough hands instantly palm the mound, kneading the soft tissue, earning himself a soft moan from her. “More,” she begged, pressing the other hand to the other side. “Touch me, please.”
Shinsuke kisses her hungrily while his hands massage, squeeze, and flicker the hardened nubs. Her tongue meets his eagerly, dancing and swirling with his.
He pulls away to tug his belt, undoing the buttons before letting his trousers drop to his ankles. Even in the dim light in her room, he could see the damp, dark spot where his cock was leaking.
She drops onto her knee before him, and his eyes widen before he can stop her; she pulls the waistband of his boxers, freeing his cock. She was mesmerized by how thick his girth and heavy his sacks hung.
It had been a long time for Shinsuke and having Y/n’s fixed gaze on him only excited him more.
“Y/n…” he breathed; whatever else he had to say went down the gutter as her lips enclosed around the thick bulbous head. He lets out several foul words as she takes as much of his cock into her mouth, her jaw expanding to fit the width of his cock.
Y/n slurped and suckled to the point that Shinsuke felt he would embarrass himself soon if he didn’t stop her.
She pulled back but not releasing him when he gripped her hallow cheeks gently, “enough… or else I won’t last.” He steps back, freeing his cock from her lips with a pop. “Please stand.”
She did, and it was his turn to get down on her knee to pull her remaining piece of clothing down her legs. He looks up at her with a soft smile, “please take a seat on your bed.” She follows his command, and he spreads her legs and swoops in between, licking along her slit to her small, hidden nub.
Shinsuke slips a finger inside her, slowly thrusting before adding two additional fingers. He wanted to stretch her out; he didn’t want her to be uncomfortable when he replaced his fingers with his cock.
He had always perceived himself to have an average-size­ physique down there until one day, his under-classmate, Miya Atsumu, announced it loud in clear to the entire volleyball team in the locker room.
“Holy shit, Kita-senpai!”
Shinsuke had left his towel on the bench by his locker and had no choice but to return after a quick rinse completely naked. Everyone was getting dressed and didn’t bother paying attention to him until Atsumu casually glanced over and then had to double look, eyes bulging as he stared at Shinsuke’s private area.
And like boys, they all compared their sizes amongst each other.
That day, Kita Shinsuke was not only the captain of the boys’ volleyball team but also the thickest down there.
“Shin,” Y/n whispered, “you… I want you.”
He sat up, fingers still buried and working within her as he leaned over and kissed her. “Need to prep you – I don’t want to hurt you.”
She reached for his cock; her small hand felt good around it; he couldn’t wait to feel what her walls felt like. “You won’t hurt me… I can take it…”
The innocent teacher he was smitten by is replaced by a teasing minx. “You sure?” He teased, “what if you cannot walk tomorrow?”
Her grip squeezed around his cock, “thank goodness tomorrow is the weekend then?” she leaned to peck his chin, “Shinsuke, fuck me, fuck me until I can’t walk tomorrow….”
A low grumble escaped his throat before she was shifted onto the middle of the bed, he paused, and she sensed hesitancy. “I… don’t have a condom.”
“I don’t either.”
Shinsuke groaned as she unconsciously bit her lower lip. “I can pull out; do you trust me?”
She locked eyes with him, her gaze unwavering. “Shinsuke, if I didn’t trust you completely, you wouldn’t be here right now.”
He chuckled and kissed her quickly, “stop making me fall for you.” He whispered that and impaled her in a swift thrust. His forehead pressed against hers as neither could speak but only feel one other. He gave her a second to adjust and accommodate his size before she gave him the silent green light.
He gave light shallow thrusts until the pained expression became a pleasant expression.
Shinsuke needed to not only feel her deep inside but needed to press himself against her. He held his weight off her, but his chest pressed against her.
He threads his fingers through hers again, pinning her arms beside her head. He fastened his hips, thrusting deeper each time and feeling his heavy sacks ricochet against her ass.
God, he wanted to breed her.
The animal instinct in him just wanted to breed her over and over. Impregnate her so she will be stuck with him forever—he and Shinnosuke.
He was already pinning her down; all he had left to do now was cum inside her… forcing her to take his seed.
He would cum inside her over and over until she was overfilled to ensure his seed took place, and a baby… their baby is conceived.
But that would be for another time.
“Y/n…” he groaned, feeling ready to explode. It has been a very long time since he’s ejaculated. He needed to withdraw now in case his timing was off. “You feel so – “ his words are lost when he feels her legs wrap around his waist and arms around his neck. “Y/n – no… I’m – about to –“
As their bodies pressed together, her chest brushing against his, she locked eyes with him. Her gaze was filled with seductive allure, her eyes hooded and shimmering with a glossy sheen, “cum – cum inside Shin… cum inside me….”
“You –“ he tried to shake off her legs, but they only locked tighter, “you don’t know what you’re asking for…”
“Give me a baby, our baby….”
He quickly succumbed to the overwhelming pressure, causing him to crumble.
“As many as I want?” When she looked at him, slightly confused, “many as I want? Right? I’ll marry you, and you’ll give me as many babies as I want?” She did not need to answer him verbally; he felt her walls squeeze him repeatedly as her womb screamed Yes! Yes! Yes!.
He let go of her hands, hooked his arms underneath her legs, and hiked them over his shoulders. He mounted on her, bending her in half before pounding into her, “you’re mine, Y/n. Kita Y/n. Mine.”
He embraced her passionately, envisioning a future where they shared the same surname, and eagerly anticipated the joy of starting a family together.
“Y/n,” he let out a soft moan near her ear, his body quivering in a release as both their bodies trembled together.
“Shin,” Y/n whimpered, “how – how can you… too much…” She could barely lift a finger. However, Shinsuke has been going nonstop. Finally, after three rounds back-to-back, he wiped her down and laid beside her after truly making sure she would not be able to walk.
He has pushed her beyond her limits, bending and pushing her into positions she had never felt so vulnerable.
She lost count of how often they’d engaged in such intensive intimacy.
It was early morning when his husky voice woke her up, his hands grazing her sensitive body and shifting her so he could slide in easily.
It was in the moment when she blabbered, permitting him to cum inside of her.
She wouldn’t be surprised if she were pregnant after these sessions. She learned of Shinsuke’s breeding kink – cumming inside her with an excessive amount of cum that the both of them were a mess of body fluids.
He whispered lewd words into her ear, telling her how good she was at taking in all his seeds. He could not wait to marry and see her round with his baby… babies because he wanted a big family. He was a man of his word, ensuring she would be pregnant after he was done.
And he was nowhere to be done.
She lay flat on her front side; his grip on her waist had become numb as he pounded into her from behind.
Y/n busied herself with setting the table, briefly glancing up as Shinnosuke murmured something she couldn’t quite catch.
He finished setting the table with her when he came around to her side, tugging the apron she wore.
She crouched down to his eye level, “what’s wrong?”
He leaned in closer, his tiny hands cupping her ear as he whispered with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation, “can I… can I call you mommy?”
Y/n’s eyes widened with surprise as she gazed at him before responding, “do you want me to be your mommy?”
He nodded, his silver hair with dark tips fluttering, resembling his father’s. “I pray with granny every night, hoping you’ll become my mommy,” he confessed earnestly.
A month ago, Shinsuke and Y/n told Shinnosuke they were dating and seeing each other. Shinnosuke was overjoyed, sharing the information with all his friends and other school staff the next day.
Shinnosuke cherished the morning walks to school, gripping his dad’s and Ms. Y/n’s hands tightly. It filled him with a sense of warmth and belonging.
Y/n started to spend dinner with them and would head home after Shinnosuke went to bed. Then, of course, Shinsuke would take her home…
“Move in with me,” Shinsuke whispered; every night after their few rounds of lovemaking, he would ask the same question again.
As always, Y/n would answer softly, “soon.”
He would return home in the morning before Shinnosuke woke up.
Y/n gently ran her fingers through Shinnosuke’s hair, a tender expression of affection on her face. She adored the young boy, and in the brief period they had spent together, her heart had opened to this father and him. She had fallen in love with both of them deeply.
From the moment she first encountered Kita Shinnosuke, something about the boy inexplicably drew her in. As she inquired about his name and hobbies, his reserved yet bashful demeanor instantly sparked a connection within her.
“I like to garden with my dad.” He answered quietly, avoiding eye contact.
Every morning, she instinctively searched for him in her classroom, ensuring he was present. He was an intelligent and radiant student, and she cherished every moment with him. However, she couldn’t help but notice that his grandmother always picked him up after school while the other parents collected their children.
Y/n asked him one afternoon as she waited with him for his grandmother to show up. Shinnosuke was usually the last student picked up. “My dad is busy with the crops, so he doesn’t get home until after school; that is why my granny picks me up.”
Something deep within her urged her not to probe any further regarding his mother, as he seldom spoke about her.
It wasn’t until Mother’s Day that she organized an activity for all the students to create artwork to gift to their mothers. As the day drew to a close, she noticed Shinnosuke still seated at his desk, gazing at her. Concerned, she asked him, “Shinnosuke, why aren’t you getting ready to go home?” Then, she crouched down and inquired, “is everything all right?”
He nodded his head, a small smile on his face. “I have something to give you.”
Y/n raised a brow, “do you?”
He nodded his head again and pushed his artwork towards her. “Can I give this to you? I don’t have a mommy.”
Y/n’s heart ached for the boy. Everything suddenly made sense to her – why he rarely mentioned his mother.
By the grace of God, she met his father the next day.
And fell in love with him.
“What are you two whispering about?” Shinnosuke and Y/n spun around to find Shinsuke leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed and one leg over the other. His brow raised as he observed them. “Are you two planning something without me?”
Shinnosuke chewed his lower lip nervously. “I asked Ms. Y/n if I could call her mommy.”
Y/n shared glances between father and son, noting the striking similarity in their expressions. She has seen some photos of
“And what did Ms. Y/n say?”
The boy anxiously glanced at Y/n, awaiting her response.
Y/n reached out and gently took hold of his tiny hands, cradling them in her own. “Shinnosuke,” she said softly, “you can call me whatever you feel comfortable with. If you want to call me mommy, I would be honored.”
His hazel-green eyes welled up with tears,  and he turned to glance at his dad as if seeking confirmation that he wasn’t the only one who heard it.
Y/n shifted her gaze to see Shinsuke approaching them. He crouched on one knee, stepped forward, and presented a small black velvet box. Then, with a heartfelt tone, he spoke, “Y/n, would you also be honored to be called my wife?”
“Please, mommy?” Shinnosuke pleaded, his eyes filled with anticipation, mirroring his dad’s hopeful expression.
“Will you marry me, Y/n? And join us here, with Shinnosuke, granny, and me?” Shinsuke’s quivered with emotion, but he pressed on, his eyes locked with hers. “Together, we can create the family we’ve always dreamed of and build a life together as partners.”
Y/n’s voice caught in her throat as tears streamed down her face, struggling to regain composure. She hastily wiped away the cascading tears, desperately seeking an explanation. “Did you two… plan this?” she choked out.
In a striking display of synchronicity, the father and son exchanged lopsided grins before responding, “yes.”
A soft sniffle escaped her as she gathered herself, her voice filled with emotion. “Yes,” she replied, her eyes glistening with tears, “I would be deeply honored to be your wife, Kita Shinsuke.”
Shinsuke exhaled deeply, a sense of relief washing over him as he reached into the box and retrieved the ring. Sliding it onto her finger gently, he leaned in and tenderly kissed her hand. Then, without hesitation, he pulled her into a warm, embracing hug, his voice filled with sincerity. “I love you, Kita Y/n.” Finally, he gently released his embrace on her and extended his arms to welcome his son into the fold. “We’re a family now,” he murmured, voice filled with warmth and joy.
Life immediately changed in the Kita household.
Y/n and Shinsuke were married quickly in a small and intimate gathering; they exchanged heartfelt vows, surrounded by those who witnessed their profound commitment and their undeniable love for each other.  
Neither could believe that a year had elapsed in such a short time.
As summer arrived and the children enjoyed their break from school, Y/n began to notice the subtle changes in her body. After confirming her suspicions, she felt a mix of excitement and anticipation. Finally, the time had come to share the joyous news with her husband, letting him know she was finally pregnant.
Shinsuke couldn’t help but feel and act surprised and delighted as Y/n shared her news, even though he had already suspected it for some time. The unmistakable pregnancy glow, her fatigue, and the increased sensitivity during their lovemaking had all been telltale signs. Deep down, he had known all along, but hearing her confirm it brought him a renewed sense of joy and anticipation.
The physical changes to her body had become more apparent, making it difficult to conceal the news longer. Y/n leaned close to Shinsuke, her voice barely above a whisper, filled with excitement. “Shinsuke,” she breathed, her eyes sparkling, “we’re having twins.”
And he couldn’t have expected anything less. A wide smile spread across his face as he embraced Y/n, his heart brimming with joy and excitement for the blessing of twins.
. . .
E/n: To be clear, we know between the Inarizaki boys... Aran is probably the longest... I hope you enjoy my version of Shinsuke - in my head, he is definitely the top HQ character with the biggest breeding kink.
>>>@queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy
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deadmomjokes · 2 months ago
What was that I said about life sure life-ing? 😅 Cuz whoo boy it sure did.
First, my MIL had her surgery. She did great, hardly any pain afterwards. A week or so later, I went in for my weekly checkup and they ended up deciding to keep me and induce that day because my blood pressure was no longer responding to medication and they didn't want it to turn into preeclampsia. So my husband rushed to get Bean to her grandparents, and our little dog to the boarding place we'd picked out (a place run by a bunch of sweet nuns, who did amazingly with her despite her going near catatonic due to the stress).
Then the next day, when I was a few hours out from having the baby, we get a call from FIL that MIL collapsed and was going to the hospital by ambulance for a suspected heart attack. All while poor Bean was watching. So husband had to scramble to go get Bean and see his potentially-dying mother, then find care for Bean last minute (luckily, some friends from church hosted her for a sleepover and she had a blast, which got her mind off what had just happened). Husband was able to get back to the hospital in time to be with me when baby Nugget was born.
So Nugget is here, as of the week before Thanksgiving. She's great, I'm doing way better, that's all good news.
But my mother in law did not, in fact, have a heart attack. She had a massive pulmonary embolism as a complication from her surgery. They were able to remove it, but the procedure to do so caused complications. Long story short, the poor woman has been in the hospital for the last eight weeks, minus a week-ish in a rehab facility before going back to the hospital with more complications. She may get out to the rehab again this week, but there's no telling if or when she'll be able to go home.
So my husband has had to do a lot of running back and forth to the hospital/rehab center to help coordinate her care. Meanwhile we also had the regular two-week Christmas break from school for Bean, but with a newborn so we couldn't go anywhere or do anything fun out of the house because it's the middle of winter and respiratory illness season. And while she's honestly handling the trauma of watching her grandmother collapse and be whisked away by an ambulance as well as can be for a five year old, she still went through something very scary there. And then got cooped up with a baby for two weeks. And then the day they were meant to go back to school it came a huge winter storm and they had the whole week out due to road conditions. So she was losing her dang mind for a while there.
And our little dog ended up needing to have six teeth removed, all while trying to get back on track after getting boarded suddenly and then coming home to a stranger in her house (a friend who came to watch Bean after her emergency sleep over) and then a new baby when Mom finally came home.
So yeah, it's been a wild couple of months. Sorry for being gone, but that's why. The good news is that my blood pressure stopped trying to kill me, and Nugget is way better at eating and sleeping than Bean was at her age so I'm actually doing pretty well for having a newborn. We were on extra-hard-dark-souls mode with Bean as an infant, so playing on normal now is a breeze lol
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 1 year ago
Hello! I was wondering if you could write about the Merc's with a gn! reader who loves baking?
Btw, I love your writing style! It all feels so accurate and it's helping to feed this new fixation of mine <3 <3
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I see we have some food lovers in the askbox, chat. *crackles knuckles* you ask, and daddy delivers.
Mercs with somebody who gives them food
- Depends on your current location. The gravel wars isn’t short of moving from place to place. If it’s somewhere like japan he’ll go full weeb mode and eat nothing but fish related dishes. You know speed racer? In the fucked up TF2 universe there’s a speed racer themed restaurant. Take him there. (On second thought maybe don’t go eating with him in Japan he might eat the Hiroshima rocks.)
- He swears he’s on a diet but it’s inconsistent as fuck. This is the same guy who canonically eats radiation we’re talking about here. You hand him some warm bread you baked and he’s ecstatic. You catch him sprinkling something on his slice. It’s grounded up like pepper. He’s like “This? This shit is fuckin’ perfect. The person who owns my gym back in boston recommended it for energy. Tastes great.” You read the label and you realize it’s grounded up uranium.
- If you make him homemade fried chicken he’ll nearly choke up. Seriously. nobody’s ever done that for him before. Giving him food in general is also his love language but chicken? He thinks you want to marry him forever and ever now.
- You don’t really know what soldier likes.. He doesn’t make anything very evident and tries his hardest to make his one defining trait being that he’s a veteran. But you know that’s not true. You decide to make him some sandwiches and he’s confused. “Huh.. Well that’s some weird tasting MREs. Not complaining. It’s actually really good. Shame that civilians can’t get the same luxury right now.” He says. You have no idea how to explain that WW2 is virtually nonexistent anymore.
- Finally you settle with something. Honey with warm bread. Instead of eating slices like a normal person he just swallows the entire loaf like a snake. You are worried for this man’s intestines. He seems to be fine however.
- Gives you either a romantic or platonic kiss on the head. Your pick. His breath smells sugary and sweet and you nuzzle your head against his collarbone in response. This is his way of showing he appreciated the food.
- I sure hope you’re capable of producing stew because that’s all he eats when he isn’t unhealthily suppressing his own hunger with scrumpy.
- You get him to eat a variety of food somehow. Although he’s picky, he isn’t impossible either. Due to growing up in an orphanage he was no stranger to having to cook for himself at times when the caretakers just really didn’t care. You exchange recipes. For some reason he has an entire Scottish cookbook under his bed. As well as a book on “Leonerdo Da Fuq’s Basic Guide To blowing Sentries Up. And making it look like an accident.”
- He’s very thankful. Demoman’s not much of a foodie. He eats to live rather than lives to eat. But your snacks hit different. They’re made with your love. That’s why they’re so much better than what he typically eats.
- He eats everything you give him. Even if it doesn’t particularly tickle his fancy. His belly is big and swollen afterwards and you want to squish him so bad. That’s a pillow waiting to be laid on. He then tells you fond memories of thanksgiving and when his mother would cook his family an entire turkey dinner.
- He responds twofold by making you something as well. You wake up one day to find an entire breakfast platter laid on your end table. There’s a little sticky note there and although it doesn’t have a name on it — the dash alongside the expertly drawn symbol of his class is evident enough. Only somebody with expertise in blueprints would draw something like that. Hint hint.
- Heavy isn’t a dumbass by any means but this is a certified Heavy L situation. He thinks you’re trying to offend him at first because people call him fat on a regular basis. Medic explains from afar that actually it’s a gesture meant to express hospitality, and upon realizing you were just being nice he looks embarrassed and rubs the back of his neck.
- Lets you spoon feed him your food. He likes it for some reason. He likes any kind of meat, and protein. He eats that shit everyday. Not just that but dark chocolate and other bitter tasting foods as well. Despite his massive size he doesn’t actually eat large portions at a time.
- He knows how to make mostly deserts. Takes on a sort of mentor role and tries to teach you how to bake cakes and stuff like that. You’ve never seen Heavy in such a domesticated setting. Watching him go about cooking without breaking somebody’s skull in for once was actually kind of surreal.
- Cook / get them nothing but sweets. They won’t eat anything else. You begin to wonder if Pyro is even remotely human because of how much unhealthy food they eat. (But then again you’ve seen soldier survive losing both his arms and Medic sowing them back on. It’s probably fine.)
- They are unbelievably excited to see you walk into the room with plates and/or boxes. You’ve unintentionally pavloved them into associating it with your food. They clap and make grabby hands. Wanting to see what sweets you’ve brought them.
- It’s actually quite odd.. You see them retreat into their quarters to eat their food. It’s clear they’ve eaten it because they always take the plates back but you’re never allowed to see them eat directly. They don’t attend dinner with the other mercs or even breakfast.
- “Bloody hell.. This for me?” His voice hiked up a little. A little shocked that somebody would even consider making or buying him food in the first place, Only his parents ever did that for him. He takes it hesitantly but his expression doesn’t seem negative. Just incredibly dumbfounded. You had got him some donuts from a market in tuefort. You figured it would go well with his coffee.
- Immediately starts eating them. Sniper is both a meats sort of guy and a sweets sort of guy. Looks from side to side to make sure nobody saw him take your offer. That would be a embarrassing. He grabs the entire box and retreats into his camper van like a rat.
- He then slowly opens the door.. “Oh, right. Bugger. This is typically the moment I comfortably invite you in.” He cringes at the thought. Leaving the door open for you, and moving aside to let you in. He begins telling you the basics about how to hunt your food. For some reason it’s all incredibly dangerous aussie animals though. Some of the stuff doesn’t sound edible but he’s apparently eaten. He’s especially passionate about how to properly cook crocodiles.
- Pretentiously nitpicks the fact you brought him cupcakes. Citing his knowledge about how too much sugar consumption can kill you… whilst simultaneously eating the cupcakes.
- “Even worse yet —- they ruin your dental health. Hoo, i’d hate to be on the receiving end of a tooth filling by an angry dentist.” He says, shoving more of your sweets into his face. You wonder if he’s even self aware of what he’s doing to be honest. “Although I do envy their sadism! It’s much worse than mine, actually — Das schmeckt gut.” He adds.
- He frowns. You knew Medic had loved cupcakes in particular so you were confused at first. Well it wasn’t that. In fact it was something more stupid. “Well then again the consumption of sugar is important for our bodies, I must add. With the wrong diet we could die from low blood sugar. I wonder if it is possible to extract all the sugar from a human body using a sort of giant homebrewed syringe. It is in theory possible for me to—“ The man is at his chalkboard writing down mathematical equations again.
- When you give him food for the first time he’s unbelievably pouty. Couldn’t you have asked him his tastes first? He hesitantly eats what you give him anyway. As long as it isn’t fried, fast food, candy or anything that wasn’t expensive as fuck.
- Incredibly good table manners. Incredibly good at cooking his native cuisine. For some reason he’s intent on insisting that french food is superior than any other food. When you’re eating with him he straightens your posture, politely puts your napkin in your lap and schools you on the fact you’re not using your salad fork or whatever. There’s way too much pointless shit on his table. Who the fuck created all these weirdly specific rules?
- Eventually he’s so tired from trying to teach you he loses his temper and crosses his arms like a discontent toddler while you eat nonchalantly. “What?” You say. Using the wrong fork again. He’s still staring at you. “What?!” You repeat yourself. “I love you, Spy.” You say. Shoving more food into your mouth. He keeps glaring at you.
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femmeleatherface · 4 months ago
i tortured myself by reading the poto (1925) shooting script! there were good things and bad things and if i don't infodump about them i will explode
really long and rambly disclaimer: this isn't the original-original draft (which from my understanding is where the rosy hours of mazandaran sequence came from, but don't quote me on that), nor is it the same as the los angeles premiere cut (which from my understanding included the redemptive love ending for erik, which was apparently never scripted and got shot on the fly while they struggled to figure out how to end the film, But Again Do Not Quote Me). that said, you can see traces of the original script and some of the sequences lost with the los angeles premiere cut, and some of the choices made are... interesting!
long post so thoughts under the cut
complete list of items i am mad or at least disappointed we didn't get in some capacity:
the frame narrative. for some reason they had the story come from the files of m. faure instead of anyone actually involved in the narrative like christine or the daroga, but still. would have been cool
a close, honestly sweet relationship between joseph and simon buquet. if you're going to spend so much time focusing on joseph's death, maybe making us care about him is a good thing??? wild concept
la sorelli's knife <3 also just a role for her in general
erik using a trapdoor to spirit away cesar the horse. i don't know if they ever actually filmed this or what since it seems a little complicated, but the way it's written gives me major looney tunes vibes:
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130-D ANOTHER PART OF CELLAR #5 OR #6 IF WE HAVE THE SET. MED. SHOT NEAR THE BIG OPERA HOUSE FORGE A groom currying a great white stallion while a Hercules of a smithy is preparing to put new shoes on the stallion. We plant the stallion fastened to a ring bolt in the stone wall by a strap and is parallel with the wall. The blacksmith is holding up the hoof of the great white stallion to measure a shoe, then he moves over to the forge and with his back to the horse pumps the bellows and sings to himself -- then a strange thing happens, a section of the wall and floor upon which the white stallion stands suddenly turns as if upon an axle and the white stallion vanishes leaving apparently the same wall floor and ring bolt - the smithy lifts the red hot shoe from the forge and prepares to hammer it. He casualy looks around toward the place where the horse was, gasps and drops the hammer. Then thinking perhaps one of the stablemen played a joke, he calls to him - they join him and he asks them about the horse.
so! much! daroga!!!! obviously he is the highlight to me. he gets so many more little scenes and i will say they get pretty repetitive after a while (he shows up, is mysterious for a paragraph, leaves, rinse & repeat), so i get why they changed things. but what i find interesting (and most agonizing to lose) about this particular version is that he's shown to be a pretty compassionate man, aloof but overall very kind and caring about others, even before we know what his deal is. he has a scene with raoul where he shoots him a look of "friendly compassion" while raoul is the exact opposite. it's... a wonderful characterization. what the fuck. also i get the sense that he regularly visits erik's house offscreen and maybe every time he's leaving/entering the cellars we are supposed to infer after the fact that he's paying erik a visit. MANY QUESTIONS. anyway this daroga is amazing and wonderful and i love him. we were robbed.
the "erik visible behind the mirror looking at christine" shot before ALW made it cool:
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[181.] SEMI C.V. CHRISTINE ON COUCH Suddenly part of the mirror beind her becomes transparent, revealing the upper portion of the masked face.
mme valerius! she's christine's biological grandmother in this script rather than an adoptive mother, but waves hand. her relationship with christine is very sweet. definitely understand why they cut her, though, she shows up in one scene and isn't even mentioned anywhere else. but what she gets is nice
the cemetery at perros scene. it's SO atmospheric and probably was gorgeous-looking in black and white. unlike some of the scenes in this script we know they actually filmed it because we can see extant photos of it and UGH. UGH!!!!! MAD!!!!!!!
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erik has a black mask. i get why they didn't do this one too because it wouldn't have shown up well in a black and white medium, but oh... it would have been nice...
the unmasking scene being partially colorized like the bal de masque. i am a sucker for silent film experimentation, this could have been neat
also the rat catcher (as a rat catcher vs. some random guy) having a colorized red scarf around his neck to make him look decapitated. very morbid. love it
the comic relief played by snitz edwards being the guy who touches red death. from a storytelling and filmmaking standpoint it makes sense (brings new characters into the original story, less actors to pay, etc.) and i'm honestly surprised this didn't make it to the final cut. also, erik's "don't touch me i am red death" warning is on his cloak like in the novel and that is one of my favorite book details so it delights me they were originally going to do it in the film
this erik line:
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more understanding of/sympathy for erik from him expressing his desires in general
subjectivity in the torture scene. raoul imagines a forest fire and a lion in his delirium and maybe it wouldn't have worked but i love the stark contrast of that with the daroga's perspective of the frankly banal reality of the torture chamber immediately after (if only because it's a great daroga moment)
also the daroga being more levelheaded during the torture scene in general like in the book. i don't think they necessarily changed this in the final cut, but i do think they shortened the torture scene to a degree and used shots such that the daroga actively searching for a way out based on his preexisting knowledge is a little hard to infer, whereas on the page it is very obvious
this beautiful moment between christine and erik:
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[535.] MED CLOSE UP ERICK AND CHRISTINE AMBER Christine gazes up at him earnestly and the picture is held for an instant. Erick realizes that the final moment is at hand and there is sense of terror in his manner. She asks him in a trembling voice: "DO YOU SWEAR TO ME THAT THE SCORPION IS THE ONE TO TURN?" BACK: For the first time Erick shows fear. In a hushed way he answers her: "YES... IF YOU WISH TO BE MY BRIDE." BACK: Quietly she turns from him. [536.] CLOSE UP CHRISTINE AMBER Without an instant's hesitation, but with thorough consciousness of what she is doing she turns the scorpion. [537.] A LONGER SHOT AMBER Erick walks toward her - a man crushed. Christine in this instant has become his master. Christine turns calmly to meet him.
but also i am extremely glad we didn't get these things:
a long, tedious history of the opera house. so much exposition that is mostly not interesting and only barely ties into the story. yawns. we dodged a bullet on this one
just raoul's entire starting characterization. the raoul we got is hardly amazing but wow. this guy is... literally everything raoul is not supposed to be: cool, suave, dashingly romantic, a womanizer. he's basically every 1920s he-man romantic lead and I Do Not Care For It. he gets better the further the script goes along/the closer the script follows the book, but woof. bad. BAD!
reveal of erik's face and the chandelier scene way too early. 35 pages into a 126 page script, or about 30 minutes in if we follow the 1 page = about 1 minute rule. that would have KILLED the suspense of erik's character and undercut the unmasking scene with christine later. and probably also messed with the pacing and sense of stakes. speaking of:
messy pacing. the most egregious offender of this is the beginning. the first fifty pages cover a single night, in which we: meet our characters, introduce the opera ghost concept, get even MORE boring exposition about the opera house, get three "wow the persian is so mysterious who is that guy" moments, set up the plot with erik wanting christine to sing, the murder of joseph buquet (also setting up his relationship with simon so we're sad about joseph biting the dust later), stealing cesare, the chandelier scene, an erik face reveal, raoul finding out about erik, and a whole bunch of other stuff that i can't even remember because it just comes nonstop all at once. the order is... weird, and the story does not benefit because there is just no dang moment to breathe and get to know any of these people. also HOW DOES ERIK HAVE TIME TO DO ALL THIS MAYHEM IN ONE NIGHT. HOW!!!!!!!!
erik's name is erick. for some reason??? it's like they couldn't decide between the eric and erik spellings and just decided to mash them together for... some reason...
subplot with philippe and his wife trying to send raoul to monaco. i do like giving philippe more to do to make his death is more meaningful, but this... is not the way. philippe calls the cops on raoul when he ends up becoming an army deserter, and i get the desire to add stakes, but I Do Not Care About Any Of This
the rising action for the climax is way too complicated. we do not need christine and raoul planning to leave after the bal de masque and then having their plans foiled because raoul gets thrown in prison, only for him to manipulate philippe into letting him out and then give christine a new plan to run away with her after the show, have erik find out about this and be mad because he was the one helped the cops catch raoul at the bal de masque (also he found out about raoul's prison escape and the new runaway plan because erik's apparently a peeping tom who watches christine get dressed in her dressing room, charming), and THEN get to erik kidnapping christine during the performance because apparently he is great at coming up with elaborate kidnapping schemes on the spot. we do not need it. we do not.
the daroga gets less important rather than more important at the end: this is something you can see in the extant versions, but it's especially frustrating in the shooting script because so much of his character was built up, but after the grasshopper and the scorpion sequence he just... exists. becomes one with the mob and that's it. at least in the extant cuts he gets to be the ONE person who ushers in the mob, semi-justifying his presence after he guides raoul to erik's house. in this script he ushers the mob in with simon buquet and raoul (because yes, the mob ending apparently existed in some form dating back to this script if not earlier--UGH!!!!!), which doesn't make the daroga feel really useful or necessary as a character at the end. also he and erik don't even get one scene together in the entire script, which is flabbergasting to me because the trajectory of the story is clearly steering toward some kind of confrontation between them at the end, but nope. my guess this is all a casualty of the constant ending rewrites and the daroga's character being one of the more difficult characters to adapt to 1920s hollywood movie standards, but i'm still mad. this daroga was so good and even during pre-production was getting done so dirty
philippe.... lives????? how did that even happen, what. just what. he went and was drowned but sike! he's alive! what the fuck.
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nanqmies · 2 years ago
Cotton tail | Wolf!Kaeya
tw: dubcon, knotting, overstim, biting, slut shaming, manipulation sorta ??, hair pulling, praise, degradation, creampie, breeding, manhandling, semi public sex, anal, nipple play, gn amab!reader, reader is very naive, also you’re a bunny hybrid, red riding hood au, I think that’s all?
wc: 2.8k
a/n: i’m veryy happy i finished this so quickly!! this wasn’t what it was supposed to be but i kept writin n thinking abt how it would be great as kaeya cause hes such a tease ^^ again i will try to clean up how everythin looks!! please enjoy my work. ଘ꒰⑅ ´ ˘ ` ⑅ ꒱♡
nsfw under the cut~
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"Don't go near any wolves!" Your mother reminds you, with worry on her voice. Fixing your old red hood, your floppy bunny ears sticking out. "I packed Granny some cookies, berry jam, and a water just in case." She ruffles your hair once more, then gives you a soft kiss on the forehead.
You grab the basket of goodies from her hand, tucking everything underneath a plaid cloth. "Momma.. I'm not a baby anymore! I can take care of myself!" You sigh, hugging her tightly "Go down the left path! And avoid any-" you cut her off quickly,"Wolves! I know Momma! Love you!" Shutting the wooden door quickly behind you and running towards the dirt path leading to the old woods.
You were ecstatic to go out, you were old enough to go out on your own now but your Mother was so overprotective. Wolves were predators and dangerous to rabbits, your father sadly losing his life to a rabid wolf. Since then your Mother has been on edge ever since, never letting you go out on your own as she was terrified the same would happen to you. But finally she let her worries aside to let you bring your ill grandmother some sweets to help her recover..
Your fluffy little tail and ears bounced as you walked along the path, crunching dried leaves under your feet. The sun was still up, but you wondered how long it’d be until it started to get dark, to be completely honest you weren’t necessarily listening to what your mother was saying, her words and warnings falling of deaf ears. You were too excited to go out to listen to what she was saying.. She did say to avoid wolves and bring the basket to Grandmas house.. What path did she say to take?? I guess I’ll find out when I get there… Were constant reoccurring thoughts in your head.
You were mindlessly walking through the trees at this point, waiting for the singular path to separate to two.
You stop to think, “Which way did she say to go again..?” The right looks a little familiar maybe, you trust your gut and swallow, quickly walking faster through trees and bushes. A slight shiver runs down your spine, was someone following you? You feel like eyes are on you, watching your every slight move. You’ve been walking for almost 30 minutes now, your feet and legs feel sore every step you take. You tread on for a while until, a grassy area in the distance catches your eye. Thank god..!
It’s all quiet here, the sun not too bright in your eyes. Sitting down, you plop down on the grass, setting the braided basket down on your lap. Digging into the basket and eating a cookie, sighing as you chew on the yummy treat. You needed this, surely Granny wouldn’t notice a few cookies gone? And maybe she wouldn’t notice half of the water gone as well.. She has been going up in age and you are her lovely grandchild.. You eat another cookie washing it down with water, taking the last bite your ears stand up and start twitching like crazy, leaning forward checking for sounds. Trying to identify where it’s coming from while looking around. Hearing sticks breaking and leaves crunching from the bushes.
"My, my.. Aren't you a cute bunny.." a deep voice rumbles from behind causing you to jump. You whimper, trying to crawl away. "No no no, stay still.. Are you lost?" The deep voice asks, coming closer, trying to comfort you.
"W-What a deep voice you have!" you blurt out recklessly
“The better to greet you with, my dear.” the voice responds.
Coming out the dark forest, its a tall man with scruffy ears atop his head, his rough tail swishing behind him showing his clear excitement. His bright colored eyes watch you curiously, a playful smile pulling at his lips, revealing sharp teeth. Cupping your face, his long nails poke into your soft cheeks. You flinch slightly at the touch, whimpering even louder than before. "You're trembling like a leaf.. Whats your name pretty?" Tilting your head up, you mumble your name quietly, he grins more and introduces himself as Kaeya. His big hands lower down your trembling figure, rubbing your thigh comfortably.
"So, what brings a cute thing like you here?" he whispers, You flush at how close he is. "My Grandma is sick.. I came here to bring her sweets." replying shakily, humming in response. Kaeya’s large hands explore your clothed body.
"And what big hands you have!" you stare down at the hands rubbing gentle circles into your thighs
“The better to embrace you with, my dear.” He squeezes your thigh, wiping the stray cookie crumbs from your soft lips.
“I don’t think your sweet grandmother would appreciate you eating her food..” He rubs your floppy ears between his fingers, making you squeak at the unexpected touch. “Mr. Wolf! Don't do that!" whining at the touch, chuckling at the nickname, he questions further "Why not? Does it feel weird..?” His grin is unsettling on his face, like he’s hiding something behind that friendly smile.
“I shouldn’t talk to wolves…” trying to stand up but he quickly shoves you back down into the grass, you can finally get a good look at his face. Long hair tied into a braid, a scar near his eye covered by a cloth eyepatch.. His one visible eye a bright periwinkle blue, with long dark eyelashes. You can’t help but comment on it.
"Goodness, what big eyes you have!"
“The better to see you with, my dear..” responds the wolf, holding both your small wrists together and pinning them to the ground.
Kaeya’s free hand roams your body, pulling and yanking at your clothes. His sharp nails tracing against your skin.
“Mr. Wolf… Please it feels weird..” You struggle against his heavy body on yours as he pins you down under him with no effort. “Tell me, does it tingle here..?” He pokes your stomach, “No!” , he tries not to laugh at your naivety but continues poking different places on your body until his hand hovers over your crotch. Kaeya reaches down cupping your clothed privates, you squeal loudly attempting to scramble back, "Don't touch there!" yelping louder than before. He chuckles, pressing his body against yours. Frantically trying to squirm under his grasp, struggling to break free.
"Let me go!" pushing against him and kicking your legs. Your useless struggles only seem to turn him on more. “Let you go?” He pouts, “Why would I do that..?” he gropes over your crotch, “Your body seems to be saying otherwise..” ripping a hole your thin bloomer shorts, he flips you over on your stomach, squeezing the squishy globes of your ass, your bunny tail twitching in response. Kaeya unbuckles his belt and pushes down his pants just enough to let his throbbing cock spring free, salty pre already dripping at the tip. It’s huge..! Veiny and girthy whilst the tip burns an angry red. Your eyes immediately widen in worry, "No- no! It's too big!" yelling at him, "It won't fit!" you keep squirming and writhing under him again.
"Don't worry, Cotton tail I'll make it fit in your precious little body." he whispers, a glob of spit landing on your rim, rubbing it in with his tongue. You jolt at the newfound feeling, your legs shaking in anticipation. Kaeya’s tip slowly pushes in, stretching your rim painfully, you never expected someone as big as him to be your first. "Stop please stop!" you moans, back arching off the ground, he shakes his head more. Kaeya grins, pushing in his large cock deep inside you. You cum immediately after he bottoms out in you. Your breathing becoming heavier, sweat dripping off your forehead. “I haven't even moved and you already came?” Voice full of mockery? “Such an eager slut." he coos, moving in and out of you quickly. Crying out from every overwhelming movement. Drool runs down your chin,
"M- Mr. Wolf! Mmf Aahn!" gasping for air while clutching at the grass. Your hips rutting against Kaeya’s fat shaft, feet thumping rapidly against the ground. "Oh sweetheart, you really are tight." he praises you with a groan, pushing in and out as deep as possible, his cock reaching further trying to abuse the sweet spot in you. A thick ring of cream building around the base of Kaeya’s dick, pulling your hair roughly to bring you up, sinking his sharp teeth into your neck. Pearly whites tinted red with blood.
“N-Ngh..! Mr. Wolf..! T-Teeth too sharpp!~” biting your lips at the painful pleasure emerging with each bite he gracefully gives you.
“Needa fuck~ mark you as m-mine, my dear..” he sinks his teeth deeper into your collarbone, hearing you squeal in response.
You’re bouncing on his cock on your own at this point, chasing his knot and thick pungent cum to stain your insides white. Your tongue hangs out your mouth, tears wetting your pretty lashes. Your mind only thinking about breeding, breeding you full of his fertile seed, over and over until it spills out the side. You’re almost sobbing, begging Kaeya to fill you with his pups. Your whole body trembling from the intense pleasure, nails filled with dirt from clutching the grass so tightly.
"Is all you ngh stupid bunnies think about is getting breeded?" he laughs deeply, He’s losing his cool at how warm and good your insides are at stroking his cock. "Mr W-wolf...! Mnnh! Pleass b-breed..!" you beg him through laboured breathing "Shh.. No more talking~ Gonna fill you up nicely. I'll cum in you every day if I have to." he spits out his words between pants. Flipping you over to your back and forcing your thighs up as far as he could, hitting even deeper than before.
"Nnnnnn... Aahn... Hnnngh!!" You squirmed beneath him unable to stop you from cumming again. He kisses him hungrily, pulling your shirt up starting to toy with your sensitive nipples. Pinching and rolling the swollen buds around his rough fingertips, relieving them of the pain with his mouth, sucking them gently and running his tongue over them repeatedly. You feel like you’re cumming again when he bites them harshly, your hips jerking up meeting your release once again.
“You're gonna be mine." he purrs, repeateding the words ‘Mine’ over and over again, chasing his orgasm with a few thrusts. "Aahh Hnng!~ Mr. Wolf Mmm.." moaning as Kaeya fills you up completely, leaving your tummy bloated full. You groan and whimper, feeling as though you would explode. Tears stream down your cheeks. "Too full.." He whispers feeling Kaeya’s knot rush with blood locking you together, pushing his not deep in you. Humping his knot against your soft ass, wanting to overstimulate his cock to cum more. “S-Stopp can’t take anymore..~ you hiss weakly, turning over and burying your cheeks in grass when he ignores your pleas and continues to rut, his cum continuously spurting thick loads in you, making sure it takes before his knot goes down.
Your body has given out completely, covered in bites and bruises, dried blood all over your neck. All your energy gone, you’re so sleepy… Your legs much to sore to attempt walking, shaking like jelly. You’re a drooling mess, grass stained clothes and hair frizzy. Your shorts ripped apart, victim to Kaeya’s rut and sharp claws. Your breathing has leveled out now, waiting for his knot to go down so he can finally move. Kaeya pulls whats left of your shorts back up your hips pulling out of you in the process. Thick cum dribbles out but he kindly pushes it back in with his fingers. Carrying your limp body in his strong arms back to your small cottage.
"Noo... needa go to Grandmaas..." you complain weakly, clinging on to his shirt. "I'll drop off the basket to your Grandmas”he reassures you, petting your soft twitchy ears. After a while of walking in the darkening sunset, you reach your home, Kaeya picks the window lock to your room placing you on your soft comfy bed.
"Mr Wolf.. When will i see you again.." you ask drowsily, He pets his fluffy hair softly. "Whenever you want my pet, you know where to go." He kisses you again before leaving out your window, you fall asleep quickly. "Be safe little bunny.. You're helpless without me." He grins disappearing into the woods.
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@nanqmies © 2023
please do not translate, steal or repost my work.
reblogs and feedback appreciated!
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theprismyyy · 7 months ago
Natalie Scatorccio x Fem!Reader
Tw: I tried to translate as best as possible some Brazilian terms and things that in reality I think would not really have a translation, but that I still tried to make it understandable for everyone.
(English is not my first language)
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Natalie who loves you very, very much and is obsessed with your culture, like she thinks it's so amazing and loves hearing you talk about it <3
Natalie has never been interested in really learning other languages, I mean I think she would know a little bit of Italian but mostly the swear words, but Portuguese? She is really interested in it, mostly the swear words (of course), but she really thinks it beautiful so much when you speak it and she always says that you sound like you are "singing".
Natty would try to make Brazilian food when she saw you sad and missing Brazil. She's not really a great cook but what counts is the intention and hers were definitely the best.
Her first real trip abroad would probably be with you and obviously with the destination being Brazil :))) thinking about your family who travels during Christmas and New Year's time to celebrate with their relatives in your country and you beg your parents to take Natty along :3
Natty who is literally like this: 😲 and you're still just at the airport lol
Leaving the airport and taking an Uber to her grandparents' house and she spends the whole way glued to the window like a puppy, looking and pointing at everything she sees and thinks is cool.
Thinking about living near the Center/Copacabana and she can see Christ the Redeemer from inside the car and she's all bouncy like:
"I want to go there, can we go there? Please, come on, come on, please it looks so cool!!"
Natty really likes Brazilian architecture and the aesthetics of more traditional houses because it is so cozy and has a warm, comfortable vibe.
Natty who loves her family because well...people can say whatever they want about Brazil and Brazilians, but the fact that we are an extremely warm people is kind of undeniable.
You would probably serve as a translator to mediate conversations between her and her family members since few of them actually speak English, yet, despite the language difference I can easily imagine her having conversations with your grandmother without your help where neither of them can really understand what the other is saying, but somehow they understand each other (??) they are not speaking the same language or anything but you just catch them talking and agreeing and getting along really well while Natalia helps her peel potatoes in the kitchen.
Natalie would be 100% a fan of MPB, samba and funk (especially old funk).
I can really see her loving Rita Lee, Alcione, Claudinho e Bochecha, Mc Marcinho (and secretly Mc Carol and yes, I think she would probably know what Carol's songs are about because she asked, she would also find the lyrics the height of humor).
Natalie who totally loves and worships Brazilian bikinis and would look like a cartoon character, eyes popping out into big hearts and tongue drooling 😭😭 she just loves you so much and thinks you look so hot in one.
She loves how Brazilian barbecue is so different from American barbecue and I honestly think she would like Brazilian barbecue better.
Her love garlic bread.
She would love to go to museums and tourist spots and would want to take lots of pictures with you and she is not really a fan of taking pictures but she just wants to have memories of good times with the girl she loves so much :(( she is so sweet.
I would love to take out at night to enjoy Pedra do Sal and I know she would love.
Trying to teach her to samba but she is a bit clumsy, however she learned to shake it funk like a good Brazilian very quickly and you are in shock, because what the hell did they do to your sweet girl 😭😭😭 your cousins taught her and she thought it was super fun, she shows it to you like she just won an award, full of pride for having learned and it's cutie.
Imagine going to the beach with her and having to drench her from head to toe in sunscreen because she's so white and otherwise she'd be as red as a shrimp 🤏 so baby, I can't stop thinking about her with her cheeks and the tip of her nose covered in sunscreen because her face is the place that burns most easily.
Drinking caipirinha on the beach and eating corn with butter or fried fish with potatoes <33333
Playing ball with random people on the beach because a game between two or three people always ends up attracting strangers who end up joining in the game :)))
She would 100% buy a bracelet, earring or ring from some artisan seller on the beach.
Getting bikini tans on the beach with her and bleaching your hair on the roof of your house with her and your cousins ♡♡♡ imagene her sitting on the roof with your hair wrapped in aluminum foil and a towel over your shoulders with your cousins while you wait for it to be time to wash the product.
Again talking about the fact that Natalie likes swear words because she would really love them and would love the variety of swear words and expressions that Brazilians use to show anger or indignation because there are SO MANY options and they seem so much funnier.
100% buy a blouse from Brazil or if you have one she just takes yours >—<
Imagine celebrating New Year's Eve with her on the sands of Copacabana and kissing her when the countdown ends, she would melt like butter in your arms and love the fireworks
Now let's talk about the religious part:
A little discretion and observation: Umbanda is an eminently spiritualist and spiritualizing religion. Therefore, the faith professed by its practitioners, most of whom are mediums, requires a strong belief in God and in the existence of the spiritual world that interacts with the material plane all the time. For those who are interested, I recommend that they research and study more about it, as it is a very beautiful and interesting religion; here I will not go into much depth on the subject because I am not a practitioner and I do not see myself having a great place to speak and understand it, despite finding it incredible.
She would be like a curious puppy honestly, asking questions all the time and being all curious about everything.
She would try to record the names of the Oxirás and Pombas Gira because she thinks they sound good and are cool to pronounce.
She would find the clothes and leashes so cute and I can see her asking if she can wear a leash too <3
If she went to a Terreiro during a party for one Oxirá she would literally look like this: 😲😲 like so amazed by everything.
She would love to interact with the entities.
If she had the opportunity to be in contact with the Erês at some point, I can really imagine her sitting on the floor playing with them and being so sweet <33 and they would really like her.
She would like to try to learn how to sing a point and try to understand the "difficult words" and she wants to learn so much because she knows that your religion is so important to you and if it is important to you, then it is important to her too.
I would be extremely angry if someone tried to offend your religion in any way.
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@pinkbunny888 @jellyb3annn
© 2024 theprismyyy — por favor, não copie, traduza ou republique nenhum trabalho meu sem minha permissão.
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haeigoo · 6 months ago
Compass (SJH)
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ღ pairing: lifeguard!johnny x fem!reader (less beach stuff, i got carried away lol)
ღ description: nearing graduation, (y/n) spends the weekend at the local pool to unwind the stresses of school, when she meets Johnny Suh, who will be the change of perspective she needs before stepping into the next chapter in her life.
ღ word count: 2,015
ღ genre: ANGST, fluff
ღ warnings: YN HAS LOW SELF-ESTEEM FROM THE START (like self-blame, sorry), slight swearing, nothing sexual & i focused on the friendship more
ღ playlist: hate myself by dodie, heaven by maude latour, & karera by bini
ღ author's note: happy one year to me, for posting my first au here (coincidentally). this is personal to me & i’m very proud of putting it out there! <3
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“(y/n), we just finished our exams,” Mei playfully whined as she nudged your shoulder. “Let’s go out!”
“Where? I wanna stay in the city.” You chuckled.
“The local pool!” Mei rose up from her seat. “You miss swimming.”
“I wouldn’t know anyone there, except you.” You looked up at Mei and smiled.
“That’s exactly why we’re going!” Mei brimmed with anticipation.
While packing for the weekend, you were busy ruminating. Am I 100% sure?
You’ve kept quiet about your vices because you didn’t wanna be a problem for anyone to solve. The possibility of pivoting away from years of dedication to a craft, terrified you and if anyone, god forbid, were to find out, you wouldn’t know how to live with yourself. You indulged in the consequences in great detail, making you sweat profusely as your mind catered to every thought.
Hanging on the wall was your self-portrait from when you were young. Rough squiggly lines from a set of crayons your grandmother got you for Christmas. You had large oblong-shaped eyes and a rectangular smile on the piece of paper.
Imperfect but, you continued. She didn’t have a care in the world, you wondered.
The weekend finally comes when you hear a knock on the door, followed by a sweet tone which called out for you, it was Mei. Who else knows your address? you snickered. She dragged her small luggage inside and charged at you, with a snuggly hug. It just felt right for a moment.
“You look drowsy,” Mei, to her surprise, stepped away. “Was I too early?”
Your eyes widened as you took a deep gulp. If there’s one person worth telling, it’s her, right? you thought.
“Just amped up. Shall we?” You grabbed her hand and plastered a smile. After minutes without a bench in sight, you both arrive at the gate. Awfully spacious, you purse your lips.
“You sure it’s open? Looks like a cemetery.” You let out a laugh.
“Peace and quiet?” Mei giggled.
“Mhm, I do like the sound of that,” You continued. “I’ll just look around.” You left the resting hut.
Again, you were all alone but the fresh breeze did help you soothe your nerves. Walking slowly made you notice how poignant the red and white striped pool lanes were. The heat outside striked the surface of your skin as you brush your hair back. You couldn’t put into words why the constant stream of water keeps colliding.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud thud inside the restroom. The sink had sachets scattered messily around and a stack of kickboards were on the ground. Unbeknownst to you that taking one step would make you fall flat on the floor. The impact it had on your bottom was so painful, you couldn’t get up nor think clearly. You were greeted by a six-foot man looking down on the mess that is you.
“Shit, sorry! You okay?” The man hastily asks as he reaches out his hand for you.
“You think?” You said with gritted teeth. “My butt’s sore!”
“I’m Johnny, by the way,” Johnny hesitated for a moment before meeting your gaze. “What’s yours?”
“(y/n). But I’ve to go.” You slowly get up off the ground, with zero intent of letting him utter another word.
You were about to leave when Johnny tapped your shoulder. Something about his energy drew you in, so you indulge with what he has to say.
“A lifeguard’s not usually like this,” He continued as he scratched the back of his head. “Lemme make it up to you.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” You brushed past him.
Before turning behind your back, Johnny was left standing there, stunned. Curiosity grew deeper and you knew you had to bump into him again.
Practically limping from your swollen bottom, Mei saw you from a far and quickly ran towards your direction. She sits you down at the resting hut with a towel on her back.
“(y/n), who did this?” Mei hands you a cup of water, voice trembling.
“I slipped on the pavement!” You humour her after taking a few sips. Mei lifted a brow in response.
“Just a clumsy lifeguard.” You winced. “But I’m okay!” You look into her eyes intently.
“Doesn’t look like that.” Mei’s voice dropped, avoiding eye contact with you.
“What’re you getting at?” You tilt your head sideways, eyes bulged.
“Just tell me, (y/n).” Her nostrils flare up, voice low.
You took a deep breath as you closed your eyes. You started to mumble, at first, but you kept going. You told her how you endured studying at such a prestigious university because of her and opened up about skipping graduation altogether.
“I brushed it all off because I had you,” Your hands fidgeted. “Now, I’m not so sure.”
“So you’re saying, it’s my fault?” Mei pursed her lips. “You lied to me.” She crossed her arms.
“No, because I’d lose you if I did!” You raised your voice before covering your mouth.
“You know what,” Mei tensed up. “Talk to me when you’ve come back to your senses.” She brushed her forehead with a puzzled look.
Mei dragged her luggage, left the hut without looking back. Shocked to your core, you knew begging was useless. Letting the person you trust the most to pull away was a guttural feeling. You cried yourself to sleep that evening.
You abruptly wake up as the sun hits the surface of your skin. You hear children laughing at the pool when you are interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Sleepyhead.” A glint of light shines from Johnny.
“I don’t recall nicknames.” You retort back, getting up as you rub your eyelids.
“What’s mine, then?” He exchanged.
“Stalker.” A chuckle broke out between the space the two of you shared.
“What’re you doing, aside from spying on me?” You questioned.
“If you must know, I work here,” Johnny said. “Pool’s full today and I need an extra pair of hands. Job’s yours if you want!” He offered.
“I don’t have experience,” Before you could finish, Johnny eyed you up. It was different from the day you first met him. He wasn’t clumsy, but incredulous and had you high on a new feeling.
“Relax, I got you.” Johnny reassured you as he placed both his hands on your shoulders.
Your cheeks turned a shade of red and you knew, he had noticed as before he shook his head. You rolled your eyes at him and nodded.
Your job began by preparing kickboards near the pool. Johnny left you to man the desk for a few minutes, you didn’t expect today to be packed. You took notice of a collision of waves splashing against each other. Opposites, you tell yourself. A different life you could’ve been living if you were honest with yourself versus the one you have today. You’ve dug yourself a grave deeper than your fingers deep into the kickboard you were holding, tightening the grip when it suddenly snaps. And it was your fault. A bunch of kids with dagger eyes, gossiping about you. Tears start to form and blur your vision from what’s ahead when Johnny catches up behind you.
“Let’s go.” Johnny breathed.
“I’m fine.” You said, reluctant to take his help. “Don’t you have a job to do?”
“Technically, you do too.” Johnny laughed. “C’mon, who doesn’t take breaks?” He pulls you up to take you inside.
As you walked through the door, silence welcomed you, but in a good way. Johnny gestured to you to sit at his chair before offering you a cup of water. As you take a sip, you let out a scoff, visibly coughing as your emotions start to burst. Feelings of overwhelm lapped you like ocean waves when you lay everything down.
“I stayed in a program because it’d be too disappointing to throw away years of sweat and tears down the drain,” Your voice low, head in hands. “Now, I lost my best friend.”
You glanced up to see Johnny quiet and for once, you actually felt safe. As you were about to continue, he stood up from leaning against the desk.
“I dropped out years ago.” Johnny said, jerked his head to the side.
Your assumptions of him were disproved, all at once. Nonetheless, your mind grew curious and wanted answers to why.
Johnny opened up about dropping out to pursue a myriad of jobs, eventually landing himself more experiences than anyone you could think of. It wasn’t easy, of course. People in his life developed grudges because there wasn’t any certainty in his path.
“Must’ve been hard,” Your eyes narrowed.
“But, I got me.” Johnny shrugged. “(y/n), you have so much time on your hands. Just gotta learn how to use it.”
“What should I do?” You asked with an empty look.
“You know what you have to do, (y/n).” Johnny grinned.
It was sundown and with residents leaving, it was just the two of you again. You’ve overstayed your welcome and couldn’t bear facing another day without Mei. You thought it was ludicrous to write to a stranger.
Thanks for everything, Johnny.
Don’t be a stranger, I’ll be at 29 St. C.U.P. id Auditorium @ 5PM tomorrow.
The morning of your graduation comes and needless to say, you should’ve been at the venue, but there you were, standing outside of Mei’s door. With a simple knock, you hear the twist of the knob turn, taking a deep gulp before opening your eyes was all that seemed certain.
“Spare me five minutes?” You asked.
Mei nods her head, still arms crossed and not uttering a word.
“I’m sorry,” You continued. “Just the program itself, but I was never lying to you about who I was.”
If it weren’t for the weekend, you would’ve never gained the strength to apologize to her. But you had arrived here, feeling a lot more secure of yourself.
“C’mere.” Mei pulls you into a tight embrace, arms wrapped around every inch of you as tears cascade down. “You’re gonna figure this out.” She said reassuringly.
After some time, you went home to prepare and as you were getting dressed, your mind wandered off to that weekend. You’d hope he’d show but brushed it off immediately. He’s probably busy, you say to yourself.
The auditorium was a street away and as soon as you stepped inside, it was a different atmosphere. A widely packed audience filled with people’s emotions gushing uncontrollably. Fellow batchmates called for your attention. This isn’t so bad, you thought.
You found your seat by the end of the row as the event began. The crowd grew loud with the heartfelt speeches that the professors and students gave. The time came to line up before the stage and you were growing uneasy.
“Next, (y/n) (l/n)!” The speaker exclaimed.
Your lips start to curl downward, eyeing the diploma. The dean shook your hand and pulled the other to slip the paper in. Unreal. The photographer was gesturing in front of you when your eyes veered from across the crowd, Mei smiling with her thumbs up close to her face.
And with a flash, you’re a fresh graduate. Still feels like pretend except you have the gown and diploma to prove it.
The ceremony ended with tearful goodbyes as trenchers were thrown up into the sky. You rose from your seat when a bouquet of flowers found its way into your arms.
“Excuse me,” Johnny continued. “I think you dropped this!” All dressed in his most comfortable sweater and slacks, accentuating his physique.
No longer fighting away tears, you accept what’s in front of you. “I’m glad you came.” You sniffled.
“No tardies.” Johnny snickered. “But, I’m really proud of you.” He leaned closer, meeting your gaze.
Johnny placed both his hands on your waist and you were expecting a hug, when he picked you up and spun you around. Giggles escape between the two of you.
You weren’t known for taking risks, but you probably wouldn’t be here without it. You start the next chapter of your life with a fresh take in mind.
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