#so i cant gush to them about it
Currently screaming, crying, and losing my mind because one of my fave artists LIKES MY DUMB WRITING
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I will never achieve higher success than this
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valsnonsense · 4 months
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It's them the boys my love's the lights if my life the yees to my haws my oTP-
I can't even begin to explain why I love them for me they just WORK-
John has been alone for so long, stewing in his regrets and failures as an older brother. He needs a gentle figure in his life to assure him that he matters and that he deserves love because despite all the mistakes he's made he's working to change
Trollex doesn't have much screen time, but he strikes me as a kind, gentle, and loving. He's open to the inclusion of other genres of Trolls, and strives to be a better King because of it.
In my personal headcanons, Trollex doesn't have a good relationship with his family because of how willing he is to let other Trolls in their kingdom. So he's lived most of his life trying to apease someone who was never gonna give him a chance, unless he went back to their old ways.
But when he meets John, someone who is unabashedly himself, he falls hard. And John falls right back, falling into the arms of this gentle giant who's more than willing to tell him how much he's loved over and over again.
These two are cheesy as hell and can often be found with their foreheads pressed together, whispering sweet nothings to one another.
They found each other late in life, but by god they're gonna make the most of it.
I could go on for hours about these two and frankly I already have so imma cut it off here and just say these two are without a doubt my OTP and I can't stop thinking about them-
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brograndpa · 4 months
Thinking about ascended Astarion and professor Gale. Thoughts are messy but here's my synopsis of how they get to where they are.
thinking about astarion who has been pulled along into a strange friendship by gale who takes astarion's random stealing of his books to mean that he's reading them. astarion isn't, he's just doing it to piss gale off, but the opposite effect of it has him annoyed instead. nevertheless, he decides to just go ahead and read it, then passes on his own "recommendation" in the form of a spicy novel he picks up while traveling. thus is the start of their book club.
it happens early on enough that astarion decides someone as powerful as gale proves a good ally for his fight against cazador, and he can also tell just how easily manipulated gale can be in the right circumstances. so he interrupts one of their book club sessions with a kiss, and gale freaks out saying he's not so sure this is a good idea given his Orb and all that.
naturally they both go to bed disappointed, but the next day gale is super apologetic saying he's been unable to stop thinking about it, and how he desperately wanted it but also fears putting them both in danger. astarion relents because yeah. that makes sense. and thinks nothing of it other than well we've got something going on here. not sure what it is but he seems to trust me enough without needing sex, so that's weird.
then elminster comes and suddenly astarion is fucking fuming at the revelation that apparently, if the gods ever do answer your prayers, it's just to tell you to die. astarion makes it a point to, with the orb stabilized, have raunchy nasty woods sex with gale all to make himself feel like he has some control over the situation. it's in this sex though that gale finally learns all of astarion's little tricks and comes to realize that he's really only having sex with a dead man who's been trained to use his body this way.
not that gale rejects him for this, but it does make his concern for astarion grow. he realizes first that their relationship isn't properly mutual, but he's weirdly okay with it because he can see that astarion genuinely does care about making gale remember the joys of living, and how ironic it is that it has to come from an undead. it's through this revelation that gale decides he wants to share an escapist illusion with astarion of a world that might have been, and though gale isn't expecting anything in return for it, astarion's undead heart twists somehow. he writes it off as a strange taste of empathy.
it's only when astarion finally ascends that he realizes the depths of his feelings. how utterly insane he is for gale, his heart racing ten million miles an hour as he looks at the man who doesn't know when to stop giving away pieces of himself, and how starved astarion is for every last inch. it's because of these feelings born from his newly living heart that the moment astarion learns of the crown of karsus, he's terrified of gale taking it. he would have been in favor if he were just a spawn who hadn't had his chance at revenge, but now that he's done that and more, he realizes how horrifying a world without gale at his side could truly be.
when gale tries to explain this to him in the boatride, astarion grabs gale's hand and pulls it to his chest, all his rage and fire gone as he expresses genuine vulnerability for vulnerability's sake, begging gale to understand how much astarion loves him without wanting to say the word because it doesn't mean anything on his tongue anymore. gale asks him to say it anyway, because he'll be able to tell. astarion says it, sounding like he's never said it before in his life. gale kisses him, and promises he won't reforge the crown, because astarion is right. it would be terrible to throw away his heart for power when he could give it to astarion instead.
and then gale just falls even deeper as a result because wao...he really has someone he loves that loves him right back, just the way that he is right now..................a bit ironic that he'll end up losing his heart either way, but it's alright. he'll know it's always beating for astarion
idk i just love the idea of astarion realizing the depth of his love only once the hollow space in his chest has been filled by a heart that won't stop pounding everytime he looks at his beloved!! and the true fear that comes at the idea that he might be alone if gale were to cast him aside for godhood...he couldnt take that. his manipulative ass is gonna do everything to keep that wizard as his property
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darnellthefirestarter · 2 months
It's a little hard having friends who don't understand this kind of thing
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saltycharacters · 2 months
Staff at the vet love Udon and keep gushing about how beautiful and healthy she is I Win At Ball Python Care
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 4 months
ik realistically i never got a lot of love for jensen and bryce bc oh my god a queer pairing of color?????? fucking tragic i know but also i like to pretend its just bc they are too complex for the mere cishet choices player to understand 😌 
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crazycoven · 1 year
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holds this scene to my heart forever and ever
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foxxology · 2 years
hey guys im trying to think what empires duo to do a superhero/civilian love square thing cuz i adore the one @kitsuneisi made for desert duo and im just like
nature wives or fwhimmy????
the possibilities
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lazybakerart · 2 years
the only way i will NOT enjoy the live action yu yu hakusho netflix show is if they push a heterosexual agenda. it’s shounen, which means it’s gay, and i refuse to watch kurama be anything less than flaming.
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s0fter-sin · 3 months
Your reblogs are making me consider playing cod... what would you say you like about it? And which cod game has this ghost team on it?
friend, you’ve opened a door i don’t think can be closed 😭
so, ghost team is from the new rebooted modern warfare trilogy, specifically the 2nd and 3rd game. it mainly refers to the four main guys who are sas soldiers known as task force 141: price, gaz, soap and the titular ghost aka the one with the skull mask (but can also mean their allies in the games, specifically alejandro and rudy known as los vaqueros). price and gaz are in the first game, mw 2019, but soap and ghost are only introduced in mw2 2022
ghost team itself comes from mw2 2022 when price and gaz meet up with soap, ghost, alejandro and rudy and they do an unsanctioned, illegal mission together. as price says: “we are not 141 and los vaqueros on this. we’re a team. ghost team.”
as to what i like about it… whew boy
so, there’s three parts of the game: the campaign, multiplayer mode and zombies mode and i’m all about the campaigns. they don’t have the tightest plots in the world but the characters and their relationships more than make up for them
mw2 is my main game and in it, soap teams up with ghost to hunt down a terrorist and find missiles he’s stolen. ghost is a lieutenant and soap’s superior and he’s scarily professional; he will get the job done no matter what and that makes him seem cold and harsh and distant (one of his most well known lines is “choices have consequences” after soap pushed him to help their allies instead of continuing to pursue their target). soap is a steadfast sergeant, a soldier through and through but he will buck - not reject, just push back - against orders he’s unsure of. if you saw my soap meta post, i have a lot to say about him lmao
they end up in mexico working with a mercenary group and mexican special forces (alejandro and rudy) and one thing leads to another and soap and ghost end up separated; soap’s injured without any weapons and they’re being hunted throughout the town of las almas. since ghost is, well, ghost, you expect him to leave soap behind; soap probably won’t make it and the mission is time sensitive. but ghost stays; he hunkers down and waits and guides soap through the town on their comms. he teaches him guerrilla warfare, how to make weapons out of random objects, keeps his head on straight with dark jokes when he starts to falter (“what has two legs and bleeds?” “don’t tell me.” “half a dog.” “i asked you not to tell me.”)
ghost keeps him going and when they finally get back together (“alright, johnny; you made it.” “we made it, lt.”) and get to a safehouse, rudy asks where they were. soap says, “i was on the run; ghost waited for me.” rudy then says, “of course, no?” soap immediately says no just for ghost to cut him off and say, “yes. we’re a team, all of us. this happened on my watch and i’ll need help to fix it. no one fights alone.”
like are you kidding me??
and that’s just soap and ghost and that’s just one mission. price and gaz and their relationship to each other is just as complex and rich and all of it makes me want to dig into them and know more
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caracello · 1 year
doomguy on swlfship tumblr is like. hes got some incredibly basic black and red theme and he doesnt have a pinned post he doesnt know nor does he care about community terms. he rarely gushes and when he does its either a blurry screenshot with no caption at all or its like 3 words. his url is shipandtear. SOMETIMES he reblogs imagines but he doesnt like the soft mushy ones (he likes them a lot but hes too embarrassed to reblog them). iHave to assume hes also an animal crossing blogger
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shoutout to indie games with unique artstyles that are only 5gb at most can we give it up for indie games with unique artstyles that are only 5gb at most
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yoonyia · 4 months
my humanity in a book series now that I actually think about the premise is so weird.
the original concept is just to prove that all of humanity's pain and suffering and joys and gifts can be shown in just a few books, that a lot of our struggles are shared and a lot are unique but that they're all inherently human.
no matter what experience you go through it's going to be a human experience because you are a human, and no matter how isolated and alone or exiled you feel the rest of humanity you are still infact human and take that part of you everywhere
you will always be a step in some direction of humanity no matter what that deed is
it's not meant to be read as comforting, in all honesty most of the characters find the idea of never not being human to be sort of disturbing. But that's a part of the human experience too. To look at humanity and say "man we suck"
But now I'm looking at it and it's more then that
the book is set in the 32nd century
although because of my lack of imagination I can't think of what the language would be like I did haphazardly put together a culture that I personally felt like matched the common trend of development in humanity
everyone is given a livable space, concept of currency really isn't a thing (but that's less on humanity and just because the space colony is made up of roughly 10,000 people and trade is impossible, there's more reasons too but I won't get into them at this moment) and in all honesty the society is fundamentally different then most societies on earth.
It's what you would call a utopia but it's such an obvious system that no body even considers it good. They talk only about the unfairness of the council members and the inhuman layout the colony is built on to make it relatively fair between all people. (I say fair not equal because they do take children, occupation and just size of person into account, which yes is a nightmare for everyone invloved)
but I dont know if you see it but there's a disconnect
they don't value the things we value, they don't have the same desires the same ambitions the same secret indulges, many conflicts are the same as they are now but they have a completely different context, different reactions from people, different tones and no real recognizable side we usually see in modern debates.
it's worse then if it were completely different conflicts, then you could just do some narrative translation and make it based off of the modern lense but you can't do that because it's the same conflict. ofcourse it's not to a point where your brain thinks "I can't compherehend this at all" but actually that makes it worse, because it is compherehensible it just isn't common
it's a story trying to tell you that all human experiences are inherently human but it's showing you a humanity that you can't really quite connect with
things you think are basic desires exist but they're not considered the core things that makes someone human, there's something alien about these people that you can't really agree with the actions they take and can't make sense of the movements and words they make.
800 years is a long time and I wanted to show it but I made a story that's inherently ironic
it still fits the original theme, it might fit it even better since it's telling you no matter how much humanity changes its still going to be humanity
but I left my audience behind, I alienated them to show them that they are human, that despite the alienation they're still apart of this society that they're reading about that dosent feel quite right
it's a weird thing to do
I really thought this book was going to be simple to write but I'm already adding layers and I don't think I'm going to stop
and also the science aspect behind this story excites me so much
I'm no biology major so half the stuff I come up with for the alien planet's are probably going to be impossible but it's fun to write about
espicially the plants, I found the heat regulated Lilly pads to be really fun to think up of
also fox like creatures that glow under uv light, gosh that took so much research
they're adorable by human standards but they are deathly venomous so please don't pet them
this series isn't even the only one in this universe
there's a second story that I suddenly forgot the name of but it's something like 'Colony 1, Brother Lutangalo' or something similar.
oh and if you haven't noticed yes these books are heavily inspired by the enderverse and I just wanted to go more indepth into the parts of the books that was largely left unexplored. So this series is also inspired by the shadow series, so the humanity in a book is more morality, conceptual and personal in nature the col1 brother lutangalo books are more political and more grounded in the main society (the 2 main characters are sent to set up a colony on a different planet so they aren't really on the main colony themselves) the main narrator being lutangalo which is the son of the 108 year old colony leader Lau. (this society also has a euthanization law that all people over the age of 100 by law must die to prevent over population, but religious leaders are protected so they can live pass 100 indefinitely) and is currently 8 when you first meet him. Actually his books don't start until he's 12, we meet him when he's 8 because that's the year the 2 main characters comes back
his books, and I'm calling them his books because this series is heavily centered on the one character rather then the humanity series which is forced to jump between people in different time and space to get the message across because the 2 main characters litterally don't react to anyone else but eachother for the majority of book one, all of book 2 and half of book 3 (at least that's what my planning says but it may change when I get to writing the drafts)
anyways his books are very focused on the family that he's apart of and how they affect the colony, it also focuses on the personal perspective of this one kid which is honestly the closet thing the readers get to a instinctually relatable character, he has all the impulses and needs a person of the current age would have, because he basically lived in the 21st century because of his obsessive need to research about Mr ari who is notoriously a history nerd.
so you're finally getting a person that lives and breathes in the same patterns as you do.
and he's so miserable
he is one of the most troubled, impulsive people you have ever met
but also the calmest and kindest and gentlest person at the same time
he's a horrible liar until he isn't, he's intelligent and self aware until he's shockingly oblivious
just a ball of horrible contradictions that feels way too unstable and flipfloppy to be consistently relatable
yes of course in several moments you will exclaim "ha, he's just like me!" but it's going to be rather hard to admit that all of his experiences and actions are relatable or even compherehensible
unlike the first series it's not justifiable in any rational way
it's messy, it's complicated, it's convoluted and he's honestly awful in some scenes
but thats human too
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carrotpiss · 5 months
#in stark contrast to most of my personal posts this is about me being happy and gay#because i need to just get it out my system bc otherwise i am just going to grab a friend by the shoulders and scream (in joy) in their face#i am dating someone and its really really nice and sweet and cute and like nothing ive ever experienced before#and instead its like every tiny little dream about this kind of thing ive managed to hold onto despite every experience otherwise and ahhhh#the lack of focus on just sex or sex appeal is so nice its like there but as a side thing so its nice and i dont feel like an object#i feel like a human person with thoughts and feelings and interests outside if that and feel safe in that and feel safe that everything wont#just be discarded if i dont want to do that like i feel like boundaries and stuff are an option! without jeopardising everything#and el likes me as much as i like them and wants and sees and communicates that they want something long term and ahhhhhhhh#i just want to cry like holy shit this is everything ive ever wondered about like i have spent so long wondering what this feeling would#actually feel like and its so good and so indescribable and ahhhhhhh#waking up on monday night and seeing them in my bed and cuddling me was just so nice i felt wanted i felt... loved#this all seems so out of left field still i still feel like i just never saw it coming but its so welxome and nice and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#my pessimism is still there but its less loud now its more learning to accept this may not be perfect forever but letting me enjoy the now#crouch speaks#it feels so nice to not be scared and to feel secure and ahhh#also it made me laugh El remembered me hitting on then at the Dgoals release show making them blush lol#i only remember the time i hit on them later at the groles show so its funny i pretty much used the same line twice and it still worked#i cant wait to see them again i cant wait to hold hands in public again i cant wait to be idiots who keep blushing too hard and accidentally#kissing eachother on the nose instead of the mouth because we are stupid and gay and pathetic about it hahaha#just ahhhh i could gush forever how perfect the 2!!! dates weve been on were and the fact they want more and more and ahhhhh#this is so lame i know i just haven't experienced anything remotely like this before and its just... wild#like wow holy shit what on earth i have been so increasingly miserablely depressed and insecure from the shea stuff last year and then this#just absolutely removed all of that i actually feel like a human person again with value
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teddydeer · 1 year
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been feeling nostalgic and thinking about the scene to egl pipeline so i redesigned one of the oc’s i made in my scene phase (´• ω •`) her name was simi but im thinking of changing it!
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dcwnrisen-aa · 1 year
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