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heartless-aro · 3 months ago
People when a character is aromantic or aromantic coded: Wowie! They’re aroACE! Because they aren’t interested in romance! Look at how aroace they are!
People when a character is aroace or aroace coded: Isn’t it cool that this character is asexual? Asexual icon! They’re such great asexual representation :)
#aro#aromantic#ace#asexual#aroace#alloaro#it feels like there’s this weird mindset of#if a character is aro then they MUST be ace too#and if they’re aroace then the ace part is all that matters!#and of course aplatonicism is never even mentioned as a possibility in fandom spaces (even with characters like Saiki who is apl coded af)#hell. even with real life people who have come out as aromantic#if someone comes out as aromantic they’re assumed to be asexual as well#and if someone is openly aroace it’s very common that people emphasize the ace part over the aro part#and while I get that some people do talk more about their asexuality than their aromanticism#it’s still weird to me that like#for example#Yasmin Benoit is one of the most prolific aromantic activists AND one of the most prolific asexual activists#yet I rarely ever see people mention that she’s aromantic or aroace. Everyone always just says “oh she’s asexual” and leaves it at that#her aromantic activism seems to just get ignored even with how much of it she’s done#when trying to find news sources talking about aromanticism for a research project about half of them were interviews#with Yasmin Benoit! she’s done so much work for the aromantic community#yet even in her Wikipedia article which describes her as an “asexual and aromantic activist” in the very first sentence#the section on her activism doesn’t include the words aromantic or aromanticism even ONCE.#like. yeah she does emphasize her asexuality a lot more than her aromanticism. but her aromantic activism should be acknowledged too
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jq37 · 5 months ago
Aelwyn is sixteen and preparing for midterms at Hudol. Uniform pressed and starched, head full of incantations and spell components. She doesn't mean to bump into Adaine and get orange juice all over her shirt but today isn't the day she's going to start showing weakness.
"You know, you really should watch we're you're going," she says archly, playing off the clumsy mistake as a purposeful jab.
Playing it off a bit too well because, the next thing she knows, Adaine is flipping her off and a bolt of queasy looking, green energy is coming towards her. Ray of Sickness. And she can't spare the spell slot for Counterspell because she needs it for her exams.
"You little bitch!" Aelwyn says once she's emptied the contents of her stomach down the front of her shirt.
"Good luck with your exams," Adaine says sweetly.
Aelwyn is eighteen and the oldest, mangiest cat she's ever seen in her life has just vomited on her shoes.
"My," she says, casting a shield spell around her ankles to stop the cat from clawing at them. "You weren't kidding. He is a little bastard, isn't he?"
The shelter volunteer looks mortified. "Oh, gods! I am so sorry. I tried to warn you--I mean, not that I'm blaming you but--"
"No, it's alright. I did ask you to show me stragglers."
The shelter worker gestures to another pen on the other side of the room. "I can show you the kittens we just got in or there are some very well behaved older cats as well if you'd--"
But Aelwyn cuts her off, scooping up the old cat--though she holds him at arm's length for now, just to be safe. "No need. I haven't changed my mind. I'll take this one." She looks at the tag on his collar. "Hector."
Aelwyn is three and, as of a month ago, no longer the youngest Abernant.
She's had baby dolls in the past but never a baby sister and this is exciting new territory. She's full of questions. When is she going to be able to walk? When is she going to be able to talk? When will she be old enough to have lembas bread instead of formula?
Her parents seem less fascinated by the new addition to the family than she is but her mother is amused when she slaps away the hand of a colleague of her father's who tried to touch Adaine before sanitizing his hands, standing between the much larger man and her sister.
"So defensive. Perhaps she'll be an abjurer."
When Aelwyn asks what that is, her mother says that it's a kind of magical protector and she likes that a lot. That sounds like a good thing to be.
At night, Adaine cries. Except, she doesn't hear it because the mobile above her crib is etched with runes that cast the Silence spell.
"But what if she gets hurt?" Aelwyn asks.
Her father brushes her off. That's what the Unseen Servants are for. But she thinks that's what an abjurer might be for too and even though she isn't one yet, that doesn't mean she can't start practicing.
So, every night, Aelwyn waits until her parents have put Adaine down for bed and then tiptoes into her room. She checks to see if Adaine is silently wailing and if she is (and even sometimes if she isn't) she presses her face between the bars of the crib and sticks her little hand over Adaine's face.
"Don't cry," she says, even though the Silence spell mutes her words as completely as the tears. "Mum said I'm an abjurer. Nothing will get you. Don't cry, baby."
Adaine grabs her hand with impressive grip strength for something so small and, within a few minutes, she's trancing peacefully.
Aelwyn is seventeen and her sister is off to save the world again. This time from a Night Yorb--whatever that is.
It feels cruel that Adaine should have to go risk her life again so soon after she just almost died--not almost died, she did die before being raised by her cleric.
She wants to come with, to help in some way. Surely she could be helpful--last quest they brought Gilear for Helio's sake!
But Adaine doesn't ask her and she can't bring herself to say the words she needs to have the conversation she wants. So, instead, she lightly whaps Adaine on the shoulder with her spellbook as she's packing for the quest.
"I know you haven't done much studying lately what with your grades being based on how many hobgoblins you kill or whatever ridiculous system Aguefort has cooked up," Adaine rolls her eyes at that, "But if you don't mind a little cram session before you leave tomorrow, I can show you how to cast Teleport like I said. Might help you stay a touch less dead on your quest."
Her tone is light but her eyes betray her: Please, please, please don't die again.
Adaine's expression softens but then she scoffs, playing her half of their game. "I don't know what a Hudol dropout who's been in jail for the past year is gonna teach me but do your best."
Aelwyn is seven and her father is cross with her.
"Really Aelwyn," he says and even though they're talking via crystal she can feel the frost of his glare. "You thought it was appropriate to call me at work for no good reason? How many times have I told you and your sister to not bother me while I'm working."
She hates the word bother. She doesn't want to be a bother. She tries very hard not to be. Maybe she just didn't explain herself well enough.
"I know, father. But Addy got really scared and panicky on the playground. She was breathing really hard and--"
Her father makes a noise of disgust. "I don't have time for this. She is in primary school now. Stop coddling her. And her name is Adaine, not Addy. Please speak properly. I'm raising you better than that."
He hangs up before she can say anything else.
Aelwyn is eighteen and most of the claw marks on her arms have healed, which is nice. On her lap asleep is Hector who has apparently decided he likes her enough to use her as a radiator but not enough to submit to medical treatment without using her arms as a scratching post.
"You little heat vampire," she says as she slides her thumb across the screen of her crystal, searching for a video that will help her out. Eventually she finds one that looks promising and she calls it up.
On the screen, a halfling is standing next to a cat who is actively shredding her sweater with its claws. "You're going to be tempted to use some kind of a shield spell when applying the ointment," says the halfling. "But cats can smell abjuration magic and they don't love it. You won't get close enough to do the job. Isn't that right my darling?"
In response, her cat hacks up a hairball.
"Darling indeed," she says under her breath.
But even laced with sarcasm, the word is sweeter against her tongue than she anticipated.
She sinks her hand into Hector's fur and scratches his back for a few moments before tentatively speaking aloud. "Sleeping well, my darling?"
Hector says nothing--he's asleep and a cat. But warmth blooms in Aelwyn's chest--more than enough to make up for what Hector is leeching from her.
Aelwyn is seventeen and her father has just given her the most horrible command she's ever received in her life--and she's counting being made to sink a ship full of people in that calculation.
She knows her father doesn't expect her to delicately extricate the knowledge he needs from Adaine's mind. He expects her to get it at all costs. To ransack and pillage the memories if necessary with no heed of the consequences on her psyche. He'd probably prefer it that way--the more broken Adaine is, the easier it will be to mold her into a version of herself that is more useful to him.
Aelwyn is usually a smooth talker and a convincing liar but now, she stumbles all over her words, babbling out a stream of deflections and pleas as her heart squeezes tighter and tighter in her chest until she can't hold back the truth that she's been suppressing for years anymore.
"Adaine's just…she's a baby."
Aelwyn is eighteen and her apartment is full of cats.
She's always thought that the phrase, "One thing led to another" was a bit of a cop out--clearly there were key steps between point A and point B being glossed over--but in this case, there is truly no better way for her to articulate how she went from zero cats to ten cats in such a short amount of time.
She's sure that if she was still living with Jawbone, he'd have something to say about it but that's exactly why she isn't currently living with Jawbone.
She portions out food for all of the cats, saving Hector for last because he likes to eat curled up next to her.
"My darling baby boy," she says, lifting him onto the couch with her because the jump up is a bit much for him and his old bones. She kisses him on the top of the head and then pulls out her crystal. She scrolls mindlessly for a bit before checking her messages despite the fact that there's conspicuously no notifications.
Not that she has many people to expect texts from but she hasn't heard from Adaine in a few weeks and it's unsettling. When they weren't getting along, they were still living under the same roof. She was able to keep tabs on her, more or less. Now, they're closer than they've been in ages but barely talking.
I'm the older sister, I suppose, Aelwyn thinks. I should take the initiative.
She pets Hector with one hand and drafts a message with another: Are you alive, bitch?
She's about to press send but then she frowns and deletes the draft. After a few moments of thought, she taps out a new message: Can't believe I'm gonna say this. Miss my little sister. Everything all right?
Aelwyn is seventeen--though she doesn't feel like it.
Her mind is telling her that she's sixteen and that she was just been broken out of a jail cell in Solace but Adaine is telling her that she's just been broken out of an entirely different prison after being tortured for months even though she doesn't remember any of that.
But her body feels frail and Adaine says she's been in her mind which means she must have used the hard reset.
She's suddenly feeling very vulnerable--not because of the disorientation or the of the levels of exhaustion she can feel weighing on her like leaden chains. No, it's because of the fact that Adaine using the reset means that she must have read the treacle-y note that she left there for her to find.
It was just an insurance policy, she tells herself. There was wisdom to buttering up your savior to make sure she'd do what you needed her to do.
She manages to mostly believe it. But the small, truthful part of herself that knows how deeply she meant the words is so uncomfortable that she antagonizes Adaine until she's annoyed enough to hit her with a spell, sending her into blissful unconsciousness.
Aelwyn is nineteen and she's going to kill her mother.
Well, not alone of course. Adaine deserves the kill at least as much as she does if not more. It'll be a group effort.
It's a strange mix--the cold fury at her mother mixed with the warmth she feels for her sister, sitting across the table from her. She summons a flame to her palm, a preview of what their mother has waiting for her. She watches Adaine's eyes harden with resolve and she sees the face of her baby sister, left to wail alone silently for hours, soothed by her presence. "Let's get her."
"Yes, my dear," she says, the endearment coming freely as if this has always been their dynamic. "We'll get her."
But there will be time for that later. Right now, it's time for ice cream and seeing Adaine so content in such a simple pleasure causes the warmth in her to surge so suddenly that it would be startling if it wasn't so pleasant. The urge to voice it is so powerful that she doesn't know that would have been able to stop it at any point in life, let alone now.
"I hope we get to eat ice cream and cast magic forever," she says, words that would have been impossible for her to say one short year ago and impossible not to say now.
And, to her delight, Adaine agrees.
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months ago
Section 31 is so lame. Like, I can just tell with every word they say that they think they're SO cool and the writers think they're so cool but they're so smug and laaaame I am rolling my eeeyeees
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horsechestnut · 6 months ago
Anyway, if you're a fan of Bruce and Steph having a father/daughter relationship you should probably go read about Oliver and Mia.
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flea-palace · 6 months ago
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ggardengirl · 1 year ago
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he was just a fucking kid 💔💔
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thewalrusespublicist · 2 months ago
Not going to lie, that new 'do you think he ever thinks about me' quote has made me even MORE tinhat about that skywriting Paris passage, in particular it ending with something like ' I can't forget her and I hope she can't forget about me'.
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eerna · 14 days ago
Reading Hadestown criticisms is funny bc they're always like "this is a bad show because WHY are they CONSTANTLY talking about a TRAIN but WE NEVER SEE A SINGLE TRAIN"
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yume-fanfare · 4 months ago
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arovalentines · 2 months ago
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time to make your choice only you can be the one
#undescribed#bonk.png#ggg#great god grove#great god grove spoilers#ggg spoilers#<- bc of king n hand gesturing stuff for the au this one gets the spoiler tag#caption is a line from legend of everfree from eg movie of the same name bc its now linked to ggg for me bc of brainrot#first au stuff i dont like have anything really planned out n also dont really plan on doing anything with this beyond doodles#settled on inspekta being a horse bc i want him capochin patty n king to all be earth ponies bc of like permanent having it ingrained from#being an mlp fan as a kid that earth ponies are seen as less special bc they cant use magic or fly n that fits for story similarities#bc inspekta n capochin hating on patty for projection reasons AND inspekta's replacement anxiety n envy of king who in the au#is the only other earth pony lined up to become an alicorn (bc again being specifically an fim fan since i was a kid ingrained in with fanon#that ponies that become alicorns are almost exclusively pegasus or unicorn bc of earth ponies not having as clear of a connection to magic)#in my mind patty is the main character like the bizzyboys are also main characters but its like how the mane six are the main six but#twilight is the MAIN main character its like that n then godpoke is her sidekick (like spike ig but like mysterious stranger style <- idk#what i mean by this) she gets to be the protag bc the type of character godpoke is in the game n how im fitting them to be in the au doesnt#really work for a protag role while patty can be more readily slotted into mlp protag shes the only bizzyboy who cares about solving in the#game (as shown in hobbyhoo) n i like her so she gets to be the protag v-v inspekta is still doing the whole like shit from the game just in#a different way bc of mlp related restrictions n tone differences. the episode where luna goes to nightmare night after being freshly reform#ed walked so milldread section could run however cobigail's deal does run closer to that episode that to the game counterpart but like witho#ut cob having been banished for a thousand years theres no rift in the au bc its. mlp so sort of vague direction is related to the tree of#harmony n like maybe thats how inspekta powers up for the two parter transformation. a thought i had for a workaround for how inspekta keeps#king isolated was maybe turning king to stone n hiding her in plain sight but while that would slide in mlp (they turn a child to stone in t#he series finale apparently??) it leaves a bad taste in my mouth from the ggg angle so probably gonna do something else#art comments both inspekta n cobigail's pony names are taken from ponies i already had inspekta's comes from a different mlpied thing#n cobigail's comes from a fankid (spelled like kandi corn tho bc fankid's a rave girlie) the rest of the gods get to keep their names aside#from maybe bauhauzzo (whos role is undecided) huzzle n click clack arent ponies bc i felt it suited them more huzzle gets to be discordesc#bc i think its fun if like this versions god of chaos wasnt evil BUT that angle is used as slander against huzzle by inspekta#n click clack's a breezy bc small n bratty (we will be ignoring that breezies are mortal if i remember right bc thats not relevant)
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serpentface · 10 months ago
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Brakul Red-Dog was a decidedly handsome man, though soft featured and fishbelly pale in complexion. He was tall and thickly muscled, with a heavyset wrestler’s build that spoke to years of bodily conflict between hard labor and good eating. His hair was a striking orange-blonde, which he always kept shorn close to the scalp. His brows, beard and mustache were darker in color, bushy but well-trimmed and fastidiously maintained. He always spoke slowly and with great care, less for Wardi being his second language and more for the gap between his front teeth that would whistle, rather embarrassingly, were he not careful. He was born of the Hill Tribes, specifically a clan of farmers and cattle drivers on the north side of the Erubin river valley. If Brakul's hair and accent wasn't enough, his tattooing made these heathen origins abundantly clear. Trailing down beneath each deep brown eye was a vertical line bordered with four dots apiece. His upper arms were braced with alternating banded patterns of lines, dots, and square whorls. Most eye-catching was on the left of his broad chest, where a figure of a dog seemed to bound majestically over his nipple.  Brakul would often be seized by a nostalgic melancholy in drunkenness and set about explaining his markings to his Wardi compatriots, tracing over his skin and identifying each point in his slow, deep voice. His arms and face, apparently, contained exhaustive detail about his family tree; fathers and grandfathers and brothers and brothers-in-law and uncles and great-uncles and second cousins and so on. The nuances of how some circles and rectangles could do so always eluded Janeys.  The dog was fresher, the ink black where the rest faded blue-gray, and its meaning simpler. It was a bit of a bitter joke, a nod to his war name ‘Red-Dog’. Apparently, his people would tattoo the symbol of their clan's name over the heart upon final initiations into manhood. Brakul never got the chance, given he’d left his brothers, wife, and child for foreign causes and a foreign lad, and as such had been thoroughly disowned. The dog was the only name he had left. Janeys knew of people who oh-so-creatively derided Brakul as ‘Haidamane’s dog’ and chinmachen based on this. These were, of course, absolute fucking morons. Anyone with half a brain and the barest observational skill would know the man was completely and utterly ganmachen, ox-faced by both temperament and birthsign. Hardy in nature, placid and quiet under most circumstances, stubborn to a fault, and dangerous when pressed.  It was Janeys who was born under the dog stars, though this he kept secret, implying himself to be his dear Faiza’s twin when asked. The two of them looked much alike after all, and were born just over a year apart. It took only this small, harmless exaggeration to claim her far more auspicious birthsign as his own, which was well worth the risks of dishonesty. Janeys had enough problems - and more than enough scathing epithets - without the addition of ���bitch-faced’ to his good name, thank you very much.
Janeys' POV introducing Brakul Red-Dog, himself, and (loosely) the Wardi zodiac system
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wardensantoineandevka · 2 months ago
related to my longer post just now, but it is also kinda funny when people try to frame Lucanis as being reluctant to be First Talon because he is struggling with a conflict between a gentler spirit and the work of being a killer when one of the reasons Lucanis preferred not to be First Talon is because it would cut into the time he spends stabbing people to death. like, he likes the killing people part of the job so much that he's trying to turn down a promotion that might affect how much directly killing people he'd be doing.
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ashenberry · 1 year ago
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happy aj trilogy day thrilling sequel to the last ms doodle post
[ID: Several MS Paint doodles featuring the cast of apollo justice ace attorney.
Image 1: Trucy looking disappinted at apollo Trucy: God apollo your such a poser Apollo: Somebodys dead.
Image 2: Daryan and Klavier arguing. Daryans hair is censored
Image 3: Trucy and apollo in shadow looking at something Apollo: I hate looking at this [daryan] guy Trucy: Why does it have anime boob jiggle physics
Image 4: A stickman on fire going, "AGGAGAGAG achtung baby!!! AGHHAGGAH
Image 5: Daryan looking to the side (hair censored) saying, "Im his silly little rabbit
Image 6: Trucy looking up at him asking, "does he call you that" to which daryan responds with "no"
Image 7: trucy and apollo spot a banana and trucy says, "YOO WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT"
Image 8: Lamiroir saying, "and hes very good at the piano, which is nice because orphans usually suck ass at the piano"
Image 9: A bowl of lettuce on the dance floor with the text, "he should have been at the club..."
Image 10: Patrick star edited to be wearing klavier gavins clothes
Image 11: Machi pointing a big gun at a bowl of salad that is nervously sweating. there is a note that says, "prosecutions recreation of the crime
Image 12: Apollo pointing with crunchy text that says, "RECALL"
Image 13: The judge and apollo The Judge: Did you see anyone else that night backstage mr justice Apollo: uhhhh (thinking about a banana in a top hat)
Image 14: Apollo over trucys body laying on the ground upset yelling, "MR LETOUS NOOOoooo"
Image 15: Trucy sits up and apollo says, "And thats how i found the body your honor 👍"
Image 16: Trucy and Apollo, with apollo looking shocked Apollo: hmm i dont think i knew daryans hair was long in the back Trucy: to be fair its also long in the front
end ID]
[ index ]
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vaguely-concerned · 5 months ago
rook x lucanis: romance with a commentary track! solas and spite contribute with their thoughts and opinions along the way whether anyone wants them to or not. it's like a MST3K episode up in here as you try to get hot and heavy. in. in the pantry. love among the radishes at the end of the world (rifftrax version)
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wildstar25 · 4 months ago
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Honeymoon pt.3 - Kozama'uka
"It's just as you said, my love, the sights Kozama'uka are marvel to behold. Such vibrant wetlands... I can understand now how you were reminded of that of Lakeland. Let's settle here for lunch. I would love to hear this tale of Alexander that Y'shtola mentioned earlier in Earthenshire."
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amariaamaris · 1 year ago
I'm convinced that if the Jedi were a little more unhinged and thirsty that the clone wars never would have happened. Hear me out!
My timeline is more than likely going to be completely off on this, but just follow me here.
Like imagine that Mace Windu - or another jedi - for instance is a Senior Padawan or freshly knighted and he comes across the Haat Mando'ade. Let's say he sees Mand'alor Mereel and is just like "smash". Then he sneaks a picture and posts it onto the Jedi.net or whatever and with the picture puts "Smash" and then a poll that has two options: "Smash" and "Pass". Then lets say he sees Montross and is like "Hard Pass" and sneaks a picture of him as well and puts it up with "PASS" and adds in the comments that he has some rancid-ass vibes.
Then all the jedi respond by choosing "Pass" in the poll thingy and they all follow it up in the comments with "100% rancid vibes" and like "stay away" and "danger". Then there is one particular unhinged, thirsty Jedi that's like. "100% PASS... but also like, I could fix him though". And the other Jedi are like "Soldier down!" and "Force-speed Pilgrim!" and "RIP in the chat". Then that same Jedi and like "Okay, maybe I couldn't fix him, but like.... he could fix me!". The follow up responses are just like "RRRIIIIPPP" and "No, don't go to the darkside!" and like "You're taste just went and burned alive on Mustafar."
And like random people will be so confused because they'll hear random Jedi that are on missions together just out of nowhere say "Smash" or they'll randomly hear "Pass" and have no karking clue as to what they mean by that. 'Cause it's so out of context and the entire galaxy beliefs that they're magical celibate monks.
Then somehow the jedi's habit of doing that with just random ass people in the galaxy gets leaked and/or the Haat Mando'ade hack into their system and find it and they end up in tears of laughter and confusion. Somehow that happening saves the universe or something.
Like a Jedi sees Palpatine and is just like "such a hard PASS" and like "puking in my mouth and crying" and posts that the the Jedi.net and the poll blows up within like an hour with everyone dragging Palpatine in the mud for having "rancid vibes" and "looking like he sells children laced candy" and "big stranger danger energy" and like "hide your kids, hide your wife..." Somehow this leads to them figuring out that he's a sith lord and they off him with the help of the Haat Mando'ade that are just kind of there. 'Cause, these Jedi are unhinged, need an actual night of sleep, like a three month vacation at minimum, and obviously need at least one Haat Mando'ade around to keep them from getting themselves killed by throwing themselves off of karking 300+ story buildings without a jetpack and refusing to wear armor! So, they've decided to adopt/marry the lot of them and are refusing to return them to the Republic. The Jedi Order now belong to the Haat Mando'ade now and they will fight you to keep them.
And yeah, they all just kinda vibe together and save the universe and go on to kark some slavers up.
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