#so even though we once planned to live together in the city now that’s just impossible
songtwo · 3 months
thinking maybe it’s time to break up. but the sole thought of it hurts so so bad
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circuitsfantasies · 2 months
Freedom. (A Sebastian Solace fict)
Somehow you had managed to get Sebastian to the surface and away from the urbanshade facility. Whatever black magic or pure chance you managed to pull you did it. And he was finally free, but so were you. Free from having to go down into a cold, wet, and dangerous hell that many had risked to get a god-forsaken crystal.
You were lucky you had lived a good bit away from town so you could shelter the eel from the cold grasp of the city. It took a few days for Sebastian to adjust but once his eyes got used to light and he felt comfortable enough to go outside with you into the backwood of nature he looked like this was all he had ever wanted.
Noticing a few tendencies Sebastian had picked up never ceased to make your day brighter. For instance, there was a field of grace not too far from the forest in the backdoor of your home. When you took Sebastian there he wriggled around when laying on the grass like a cat did like you've seen so many times in cat compilations.
Another thing he did you couldn't help but smile at was when the eel sunbathed. He would laze around near windows or in the backyard for house basking in the sun's rays, and even if you wanted him to move he wouldn't. Sometimes he'd convince you to join him and he'd coil his long tail around you as you fell asleep together in the sun.
One thing Sebastian wished he could do with you is going into town or the city and do mundane things like buy groceries. He missed being normal but you reminded him how your heart was for him no matter the form he held. He may still have doubts but he appreciated your patience with his doubts and loved that you helped heal this mangled part of him.
Once you had cooked or heated up a meal for Sebastian he almost cried being able to eat normal food again instead of scavenging for scraps in the facility. One thing you found out he loved was strawberry shortcake! On occasion, you would buy him a whole cake as a treat and watch as he throughout the week eat away at the soft cake.
Sleeping-wise, you had to rearrange your room and buy a bigger bed so that Sebastian would be more comfortable. He still had to coil up, but he was much more comfortable than before. Though, he was a total blanket and bed hog. You'd go to sleep and wake up in the morning being smothered under a heavy tail or Sebastian straight up just putting his whole torso weight on you. He looked so beautiful when you woke up seeing a gentle beam up light on him as he looked like he was the most peaceful thing in the world.
He was happy.
He was free,
YOU were free.
"I'd say we finally both got what we wanted yeah? Next time don't wake me up so early." Sebastian teased before pulling you back down into the soft blankets. You figured the two of you could relax for now.
(Circuits note!! Hope you enjoyed this fict my friend suggested I write! I have another Sebastian fict planned so look forward to it! :])
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wolverigrl · 12 days
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Hugh Jackman x reader (actress)
Warnings: smut! Only 18+!, swearing, angsty, fluffy
!Disclaimer! If you'd like to skip the smut, scroll down as soon as you see "---" in the text. From there, the smut part begins and ends at the next "---"!
Previous Part
It's been five months. Five months since our first date, and yet somehow, it feels like both forever and no time at all.
I sit here now, in the gym, watching him lift weights like it’s nothing, and I’m struck by just how lucky I feel. From the very beginning, it was like we found our rhythm without even trying - our relationship is built on mutual respect and trust. We give each other space when needed, and t's refreshing to be with someone who values independence as much as I do.
The dates we've had so far have been perfect in their own way. Our second one was at this hidden gem of a restaurant tucked away in the city. I remember how he laughed when I spilled wine on the tablecloth, and how his hand brushed mine as we reached for the same napkin. We've done simple things too, like grabbing coffee early in the morning or working out. Once, we spent an afternoon at an old bookstore, getting lost in the aisles of dusty novels and sharing passages that made us laugh. Every moment with him feels like a memory in the making
And yet, it all changed a little last month when we were spotted. We hadn't been careful enough. A quick kiss in a park, something so innocent, but the paparazzi caught us. The next day, our picture was splashed across every tabloid and social media. That unintentional confirmation of our relationship wasn't what we had planned. Neither of us wanted the world in on our private lives.
Still, we've dodged every question thrown at us in interviews or on social media. But avoiding the questions doesn't stop the criticism.
The age gap. It's what everyone seems to latch onto. Hugh's used to it - He’s been doing this long enough to know how to handle the press, the rumors, the gossip. But me? I’m still learning how to deal with it. I try to act like it doesn't bother me. I nod along, tell everyone I'm fine, but inside, it's harder than I thought it would be. Some of the comments sting more than I care to admit. I've been in relationships before, but none of them were "public" like this. My exes were all from my private circle - well, except for Chris, but that doesn't count. That was way before either of us was well-known. This, with Hugh, is different. It's out there.
I didn’t want that. I wanted to keep us private for a while longer, to hold onto this little piece of normalcy for just us. But now it’s out, and there’s no taking it back.
Now everything is under scrutiny. People question our relationship and my motives. Of course there are fans who are supportive - sweet comments, even some who come up to me on the street and say they love us together. But then there are the others. The ones who say I’m only with him to advance my career, that I’m using him to get ahead. Ever since our last movie together, I’ve been getting bigger roles, and some people think that’s because of him. Like I can’t earn anything on my own.
I try to brush it off, but there are moments when those words hit hard. And even though Hugh has told me a thousand times to ignore it. I’m not like him. I haven’t been in the spotlight for decades. I don’t have the thick skin he’s developed over the years.
Our managers weren’t thrilled either when they found out we’d been seeing each other behind their backs. It wasn’t anger, really, more disappointment that we hadn’t trusted them enough to let them in on it. But in a way, I’m glad we didn’t. We needed this to just to be ours for a while.
Still, despite all the noise, the criticism, the rumors—there’s comfort between us. We act like a real couple. We’ve never had the talk, though, about what we are exactly. Are we officially together? I don’t even know. We’ve just kind of fallen into this routine, and honestly, love it. I love the way he makes me feel like I’m the only person in the world when we’re together.
My eyes drift back to him as he lowers the weights, his muscles tensing with the effort. He's ridiculously strong, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a turn on. God, he’s attractive. And sweet. And patient. And funny. Sometimes I catch myself even fangirling. I mean, it's still Hugh fucking Jackman. How did I get so lucky?
“You good, y/n?" Hugh’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and I realize I’ve been staring.
“Yeah." I say, quickly covering up my awkwardness with a grin. “Just appreciating the view.”
His eyes narrow, that playful smile tugging at his lips. He walks over, sweat still glistening on his skin, and towers above me, crossing his arms. “You know, you could’ve just taken a picture.”
“Maybe I will next time,” I tease, leaning back on the bench.
He chuckles, the sound warm and rich. “Or you could just join me instead of sitting over there like a creep.”
“Please. I did twice as many reps as you did earlier,” I say, pretending to wipe imaginary sweat from my brow. “I deserve a break.”
“Is that right?” He raises an eyebrow, leaning down so we’re almost face-to-face. “Pretty sure I saw you struggling with those squats.”
“I wasn’t struggling." I protest, trying to keep a straight face, but his cocky grin is making it impossible.
“You say that now, but your form—”
“My form was perfect!” I laugh, pushing his arm lightly. “Stop acting like you weren’t impressed.”
“Oh, I was impressed." he admits, his voice dropping an octave. “Just not with your workout.”
The heat between us flares up in an instant, the way it always does when he looks at me like that. There’s this pull, this magnetic energy that I haven’t felt in a while. We flirt, we tease, we push each other’s buttons, and it’s exhilarating. But there’s always this line we haven’t fully crossed yet. We get close - so close - but we always pull back.
We go back and forth like this until we wrap up our workout. Hugh's leaving for Sydney tomorrow to visit his family for a few weeks, but his kids won't be able to join him because they're going on holiday with their mom, so it'll just be him this time
I'll admit, I already miss him so much. I don't really know what to do yet. So far, we've spent pretty much every day together, but now that the interviews are slowly getting fewer and everyday life is getting quieter, it's getting boring without someone to keep me on my toes. I guess Ryan and Blake will have to take over.
After the gym, we head back to his place, still bickering about who did better with which exercises. By the time we're on the couch, it's turned into playful shoving and teasing until his lips are on mine, and everything else fades away. God, I’ve missed this. I’ve missed the way his lips feel on mine, the way his touch sets my skin on fire.
But just as things are about to cross that line again, I pull away, leaving him breathless and staring at me in confusion.
"You’re impossible." he mutters, running a hand through his hair, frustration evident in his voice.
I smile sweetly, standing up and stretching. “I need a shower.”
"You’re an absolutely evil woman!" he calls after me as I walk toward the bathroom, but I don’t turn around. I can feel his eyes on me the whole way.
I can't help but smile to myself as I undress and step into the shower. The hot water cascades down my skin, but my mind is elsewhere - back on the couch, replaying the way his hands felt on me, the way his breath hitched when I kissed him. It's getting harder to hold back, to not give in to the growing desire between us. We've come close before - so many times - but for some reason, we always stop right pefore things get too far. It's like we're both waiting for the perfect moment. I'm not in a rush, but God, he makes it so hard to resist.
But it’s not just physical. It’s him. It’s the way he looks at me, the way he makes me feel seen. I’ve never been so comfortable with someone, and that scares me a little. I’m falling for him - hard - and I’m terrified of what that means. We’ve never even talked about what we are, and here I am, thinking about how much I want him, how much I love him.
The thought stops me in my tracks. Am I in love with him? My heart pounds in my chest, and I realize that, yes, I probably am. But I don’t know if he feels the same way. What if this is just something casual for him? What if I bring it up, and he doesn’t feel the same? He’s never pressured me, never pushed for more, and sometimes I wonder if he’s happy with how things are - just casual, just fun.
When I'm done, I slip into my pajamas - just a simple tank top and shorts - and head into the bedroom. Hugh's sitting on the edge of the bed, scroling through his phone, but he glances up when I walk in.
"Took you long enough." he says with a mischievous grin. "Were you thinking about me in there?"
I smirk, leaning against the doorway.
He laughs, setting his phone down and standing up. He walks over to me, placing one hand on my hip, the other cupping my face. His lips brush mine in a teasing kiss, his hand sliding down to give my ass a playful squeeze.
"Behave." I mutter, but my voice betrays me, sounding more breathless than I intended.
"Why? I thought you like it when I don’t." he says, that teasing grin never faltering.
Before I can respond, he pulls away and heads to the bathroom. "I'll be right back."
I sighed and lay down on the bed and looked thoughtfully at the ceiling.
Before I can lose myself in my thoughts again, I hear the water turn off, and a minute later, Hugh steps back into the room, still dripping wet and wrapped only in his towel, which hangs dangerously low. I can't take my eyes off him. He's searching through the dresser, muttering something about forgetting his boxers, but I don't hear the words. My heart pounds in my chest, and I know - I know - this is it. I can’t hold back anymore.
Without second guessing, I get up and cross the room, moving toward him without a word. He watches me, his brow furrowing in slight confusion, but there’s something else there too.
When I reach him, I stop, just inches away, and look up at him. I don’t say anything for a long moment. I just let myself feel the weight of this moment.
Finally, I find my voice, though it’s softer than I expected. “I want you.”
His eyes widen slightly, and for a moment, I think I’ve surprised him. But then, something shifts in his expression, and the air between us thickens. He steps closer, his hand coming up to cup my cheek as he studies my face.
“Are you sure?” His voice is low, husky, and I can see the restraint in his eyes. He’s giving me an out. One last chance to change my mind. But I don’t want out. Not anymore.
“Yes." I whisper, barely able to speak past the lump in my throat. “I’m sure.”
That’s all it takes. In an instant, his lips are on mine, and the kiss is different this time - deeper. Hungrier. His hands move to my waist, pulling me against him, and I wrap my arms around his neck, melting into his touch.
Before I know it, he’s lifting me off the ground, my legs wrapping instinctively around his waist. I can feel the heat radiating off him, the roughness of the towel against my skin. His grip tightens, and I’m suddenly aware of just how much I want him - how much I’ve always wanted him.
The kiss grew more intense, more desperate, and I can feel the last remnants of our restraint crumbling. He carries me over to the bed, his towel loosening around his hips, and gently lays me down. Our breaths are ragged, our bodies pressed together in a way that makes it impossible to think of anything else.
His kisses moved to my neck while one of his hands disappeared under my top. I gasped softly and ran my hands over his strong back. He began to gently squeeze my breast as I pressed his hips against mine with my legs, clearly feeling his arousal. Breathing heavily, he rubbed his groin against me and applied more pressure to my breast.
"Please." I said softly and looked at him greedily. "Please what, love?" he broke away from my lips and straightened up a little to get a better look at my face.
I couldn't help myself and looked down to his towel, which was now hanging down so low that you could see his perfect v-line clearly, as well as the vein under his belly button.
I swallowed and also straightened up to pull my top over my head.
"Fucking hell." he muttered quietly. I lay back down with my arms over my head and looked straight at him. "Just stop holding back and fuck me already."
He didn't need to be told twice and leaned over me again. The kiss was wilder than before and I felt like his hands were everywhere. I was in such a trance that I didn't even notice that he had already thrown my shorts on the floor. It was only when I felt his fingers on my clit that I realized it. I gasped out loud and dug my fingers in his hair and shoulders as he caressed my neck and circled his thumb over my clit. I was a complete wreck. Everything happened so quickly, but somehow it also didn't. I pressed my knees into Hugh's sides and pushed my pelvis towards him as he slid two fingers inside me. I moaned loudly and pushed my head back into the pillow. Suddenly I felt an electrifying sensation as he ran his tongue around my breast and sucked on it. He curled his fingers in and moved his hand faster. I moaned loudly again and pressed my nails firmly into his shoulder as a pleasurable feeling came over me in my abdomen.
Hugh's kisses moved back up to my lips until he released his heavy breath and slid his fingers out of me.
He looked at me full of lust and totally befuddled. I had never seen him like this before. But seeing him like this almost made me go crazy myself. He smiled gently at me and stroked a few strands of hair from my face. "You're so damn beautiful."
I felt my face flush and ran my hands down his torso to his dick, smiling. He breathed heavily and closed his eyes as I slowly began to stroke him.
I clenched around nothing and bit my lip as I looked at him.
He looked at me again, bent both my legs and pulled my hands away, to stroke his own member. He rubbed his pre-cum wet tip against my clit and looked deep into my eyes. It made me absolutely feral.
"Hell. Stop fucking teasing!" I growled. Without another word, he slid into me and put my legs over his shoulders. I moaned loudly and curled my toes. He was breathing heavily and you could see how much he was controlling himself.
"You're so fucking tight." He slowly began to move his hips and it drove me wild when I felt him filling me up. "Baby please don't hold back." I moaned and closed my eyes.
"Eyes on me my love." he groaned and thrusted harder. I gasped, a little startled, and looked him straight in the eyes. My hands disappeared into his hair again and his speed increased steadily. I felt everything slowly boiling up inside me and I clenched hard around his dick. That eye contact. His moans. The sounds of our bodies hitting each other and the thick air in the room. Everything began to spin around me and I could no longer maintain eye contact.
"I'm gonna cum!" I moaned as I felt him thrusting even deeper than before. Hugh now closed his own eyes, let my legs off his shoulders and pressed both my hands over my head with one hand to stimulate my clit with the other. He was panting loudly himself. "Cum for me baby. I wanna see how you cum all over me."
That gave me the rest and for a brief moment I thought I was seeing the white light. My legs were shaking like crazy and I felt an incredible pull in my abdomen. Hugh moaned with me and let go of me to support himself with his forearms next to my head instead.
Panting, he rested his head in the crook of my neck while I stroked his sweaty back. Shortly afterwards, I felt his rhythm become more and more irregular until he did a last hard thrust and moaned loudly. The sound of his voice and the feeling of his pulsing dick made my skin crawl and I pressed myself tightly against him with my legs and arms.
There was complete silence for a moment. I could only hear our panting and our heartbeats in the room.
I felt his semen leaking out of me and slowly running down my bottom.
Hugh pulled away to lay down next to me and pulled me to his side before kissing me on the forehead. I smiled at him and stroked his sweaty chest with my hand.
"We should probably have done it before the shower." Hugh said with a smirk and looked at me.
"Or in the shower." He laughed and nodded.
After cleaning up, we lay together, our bodies entwined under the blanket. The room is quiet, except for the sound of our breathing slowly returning to normal. Hugh is beside me, his arm draped over my waist, his fingers lazily tracing patterns on my skin. I can feel the rise and fall of his chest against my back, and there’s a comfort in the silence between us.
But there’s also a weight, a need to say something. To define this.
I shift slightly, turning so I can face him. His eyes meet mine, and for a moment, neither of us says anything. Then, softly, I ask. "Do you ever… worry? About what people say about us?”
His brow furrows slightly, and he brushes a strand of hair from my face before answering. “What people say? You mean the age thing?”
I nod, feeling a lump in my throat. “Yeah. And the way they watch us. The paparazzi, the rumors… It’s just hard sometimes.”
He presses a soft kiss to my forehead, his hand gently cupping the back of my head. “I know it’s hard, y/n and I’m sorry you have to deal with all that because of me.”
“It’s not your fault,” I say quickly. “I just… sometimes I don’t know how to handle it. But I don't want to be that person who lets the outside world affect what we have." I whisper. "But sometimes it just... gets to me."
"You're not that person." he assures me, his voice firm but gentle. "You're human. And it's okay to feel that way. The important thing is that we talk about it, like we're doing now.. And you don’t have to handle it alone." he murmurs, his lips brushing my temple. “I’m here. We’re in this together.”
His words are soothing, but there’s still a part of me that struggles with the reality of our situation. I bite my lip, hesitating before speaking again. “Sometimes I wonder… if maybe we shouldn’t—”
“Hey." he interrupts softly, his thumb grazing my cheek. “Don’t go there. We’re good, okay? We’re more than good.”
I close my eyes, leaning into his touch. “I know. I just don’t want it to get too complicated.”
Hugh is silent for a moment, then he asks quietly. “Would it help if we made it official?”
I blink, my heart skipping a beat. “Official?”
He gives me a small smile, his eyes soft as he looks at me. “Yeah. Maybe then they will stop harassing us with their questions." For a moment we both were silent before he started to speak again. "Like… would you want to be my girlfriend?”
My heart swells at the simplicity of his question and made me speechless. Then I slowly nod, a smile spreading across my face. “Yeah." I whisper. “I’d like that.”
He grins, pulling me closer and pressing his lips to mine in a soft, lingering kiss. We stay like that for a while, wrapped in each other, content.
After a while, he pulls back, looking thoughtful. “You know, I’m heading to Australia tomorrow to visit family.”
I nod, already knowing. “Yeah, you mentioned that. How long will you be gone?”
“A few weeks." he says, his fingers brushing over my arm absently. “But… I was thinking. What if you came with me?”
I blink in surprise. “To Sydney?”
“Yeah. I mean, only if you want to. No pressure. I just thought it’d be nice… spending some more time together. Away from all this.”
I hesitate, the idea both exciting and terrifying. “I don’t know, Hugh. It feels… fast. I haven’t even met your family yet.”
He chuckles softly. “You wouldn’t have to. Not unless you wanted to. It can just be the two of us. We can do whatever you want. I just want to spend time with you."
I smile softly at his words, feeling my heart swell.
“I’ll think about it,” I say softly, leaning my head against his chest. His heartbeat is steady beneath my ear, a calming rhythm that soothes the anxiety swirling in my mind.
“Good,” he murmurs, running his fingers gently through my hair. “That’s all I ask. No pressure.”
I bite my lip, thinking it over. The idea is tempting - really tempting.
"Okay." I say, making the decision. "I'II come. But maybe I'll fly out a week later. That way I can maybe meet up with Blake and Ryan, maybe even visit Chris in Boston."
Hugh nods, a relieved smile spreading across his face. "Deal. A week later, and we'll have the best time. Just you and me."
We share another soft kiss, and can't help but laugh against his lips.
After our conversation, we lay there for a little while longer, basking in the afterglow of everything we’d just shared. The weight that had been pressing on my chest for weeks felt lighter now that we’d talked about it.
Eventually, we sat up, and the idea struck me - if we were really ready to move forward, maybe it was time to let the world know about us on our own terms.
“I was thinking…” I start, glancing over at him. “We should post a photo of us."
Hugh’s eyebrows lifted in slight surprise. “You sure about that?”
I nod, feeling a sense of resolve I hadn’t felt before. “Yeah. I mean the media already knows about us and we can't hide anymore. So why not?"
A smile tugs at his lips, and he reaches for his phone on the bedside table. “Alright, I’m in. Let’s take a picture then.”
I chuckle. “But maybe we should put on some clothes first?”
Hugh laughs softly, the sound sending a warmth through me. “Yeah, I suppose we shouldn’t scandalize the internet too much.”
As I sit up, I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the bedroom mirror and grimace slightly. My hair’s a mess from… well, everything, and I’m definitely not looking my best. “Ugh. I look awful.”
Hugh stands up and shakes his head with an amused smile. “You look perfect,” he says, casually reaching into his closet for a shirt. He pulls one on, his muscles stretching the fabric in a way that makes it hard for me to focus. “Come on, we’ll take a cute one.”
I roll my eyes playfully but grab one of his T-shirts from the drawer. “Fine, but if I look weird, we’re deleting it.”
“No way!” he teases, pulling me into his arms once I have the shirt on. “You could never look weird.”
I can’t help but laugh as he wraps his arms around me from behind. He holds the phone up in front of us, angling it to get the perfect shot. “Okay, smile!”
I glance up at him just as he snaps the picture. My smile turns into a laugh, the joy bubbling out of me before I can stop it. I look ridiculous, but when I see the photo, it’s kind of perfect. Hugh’s grinning at the camera, looking all charming and effortlessly handsome as always, while I’m gazing up at him, clearly laughing and obviously so in love.
I bite my lip, hesitating. “I don’t know… I look a little -"
“You look great." Hugh cuts in, his tone firm but soft. “Come on, y/n. This is us. It’s real.”
I glance at the picture again. He’s right. It’s not some polished, perfect photo shoot - it's just us. Happy, in love, and completely ourselves. I sigh, giving in. “Okay, fine. Let’s post it.”
He beams at me, clearly pleased, and starts typing a caption on his phone. I lean over his shoulder to read it:
>>thehughjackman: Caught laughing at all the rumors... guess they weren't all wrong🤫 #couplegoals<<
I laugh, rolling my eyes playfully "#CoupleGoals? Really?"
"You're right." he says, smirking as he backspaces. "How about.. #HughJackedY/n?"
I swat him laughing, and he finally posts it without any hashtag.
I take my smartphone and also post it with another caption:
>>y/ninstagram: Who knew Wolverine was such a softie?❤️🐺<<
And just like that, it’s out there. The world now knows officially. My heart pounds a little faster as the notifications start rolling in almost instantly. I feel a rush of nervous excitement—what will people say?
We sit there, watching as the comments flood in, one after another.
>>vancityreynolds: Took you long enough!<<
>>blakelively:This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Love you both!<<
>>ChrisEvans: Treat her right or Cap's coming for you!💪🏻<<
>>zendaya: Omg, stop! You guys are ADORABLE<<
>>officialladydeadpoolmovie: Deadpool approves of this union. Carry on.<<
I glance at Hugh as the comments keep pouring in, feeling a strange mixture of warmth and relief. There’s so much love here—so many people supporting us. It’s overwhelming in the best way.
“I told you it’d be fine,” Hugh says, his voice soft. He nudges me gently with his shoulder. “And look, everyone’s happy for us.”
I smile at him, feeling lighter than I have in days. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
More comments continue to roll in, some from fans, some from friends:
>>florencepugh: I KNEW IT!!!<<
But it’s the fan comments that really make me smile:
>>lordyx3z: Omg, I knew they were together! This makes me so happy!🥹😩<<
>>serenax77: Remember when y/n literally said 'fuck me' during an interview? Manifesting at its finest😂😂😭<<
>>hugh4ewa: Hugh, blink twice if y/n's forcing you to post couple pics😂<<
>>y/nno1fan: About damn time! Y'all had me waiting like the post credits scene of a Marvel Movie!<<
>>mynameseve: I need somebody to look at me, like y/n looks at Hugh😭❤️<<
>>girlpoolxpoppins: Can somebody pls check on Ryan? ASAP<<
>>boyinyellwspndx: y/n: "fck me!" - Hugh: "Say less". Dreams come true folks<<
I can’t help but grin at the flood of positivity. Sure, I know there will be some haters - there always are - but for now, it feels like we’re surrounded by love and support, and that’s all that matters. I glance at Hugh again, my heart swelling as he scrolls through the comments, laughing at some of the more playful ones.
“This was a good idea.” I say quietly, resting my head on his shoulder.
He turns his head slightly, pressing a kiss to my temple. “Of course it was.” he murmurs. “Now everyone knows you’re officially mine.”
I laugh softly, my heart feeling full. “And you’re mine.”
We sit there for a while, reading through the comments and enjoying the moment. It feels like a weight has been lifted, like we’re finally free to be ourselves without worrying about what anyone else thinks.
And honestly? It feels perfect.
@spectorrrhgf @tinawantstobeadoll @appetencyfortacos @weskerussy @kellyxo1 @larkkyoris @shukirschtein14 @corvusmorte @carefree-flowerchild @rexmeshlasblog @melmel-fandom @needz1nk @nonamevenus @morganlolitta @angelofthorr @pickuptruck01
Next part
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alpydk · 2 months
Gale x Tav (F)
I don't know what this brought on. Lunar Eclipse I'm blaming (Even if there's not been one. Or Chapter 88 from @auroraesmeraldarose) - If you've not read it, go now and do so. It's filth. Purely amazing filth.
Tav slept with Mizora, Gale left as we all know. Hate sex ensues at the epilogue party. That's it.
Word Count - 4,271 - CW - Smut, hair pulling, dom Gale, lots of catty arguing.
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The fire crackled softly as the party goers mingled, catching up on the previous six months of gossip and adventures. Shadowheart absent mindedly stroked the white fur of Scratch as he begged for the roasted lamb upon the table, Wyll and Karlach skulked off rather quickly together with a couple of bottles of Purple Dragon Blush in hand, and Astarion wished his own glass would refill quicker as he listened to the long-winded explanations of portal travel from Gale. None dared mention the one member of their group who had not appeared despite being their leader.
“She’s probably not coming, love,” spoke Astarion as he noticed Gale’s head once again whip around as if searching for something.
They’d all known of the tumultuous end to Gale and Tav’s relationship, the argument turned to fight in the early hours of the morning, plates being thrown, insults hurled in pure anger. It wasn’t the most lively the Elfsong Tavern had ever been, but nearly all inhabitants spoke for weeks afterwards of the shouting and the reckless acts of the Heroes of Baldur’s Gate, of tables destroyed under sparks of lightning, of the rain of arrows piercing the scarlet curtains as she’d stormed out of the premises. If it hadn’t been for the tadpole, she probably would have left for good.
None of the small party of adventurers had ever seen Gale lose his temper to such an extreme, his heart broken and then crushed with such little regard, and it had taken Shadowheart many an hour to calm him down after Tav had walked out of the tavern. He’d alternated between long rants about the audacity of what she’d said and done, and a simmering quiet as he plotted what he’d do when she next appeared. They didn’t know which was the more problematic to handle.
After Tav’s return, the arguments had continued, carrying on even throughout the upcoming battles, only now they had involved bitter sniping at one another. You expect me to take it lying down? That’s much more your style. Only because of your baggage at being dominated. They’d shared so many secrets between each other, but all this had done was provide ammunition to fire, just a constant barrage of spite and venom cutting in deeper than any blade.
“No idea what you are talking about,” Gale replied, his head lowering as he’d been caught in the act. He knew he was on guard for her, his plan of taking the high ground falling apart with the passing seconds. He was going to ignore her mostly, show that she hadn’t wounded him at all, that he was now a successful professor in Waterdeep despite her actions.
Astarion let out a light scoff and smirked. “Of course you don’t. So, the fancy clothing and manicure were meant for me instead, yes?”
“You, of all people, should understand the benefits of self-care.”
“Hm, you’d be right there, but I also know the effects those acts have on others.”
Gale rose his glass to his lips, a fleeting thought going through his mind that maybe he had done all this with her in mind. He hated her, though, for what she had done, how she had ripped out his heart and left him to once again pick up the shattered pieces of the little self-esteem he’d had left. All because of one night… “Well, my intentions were purely self-indulgent for once. After everything, I think I deserved a little pampering.”
“Have you even spoken to her since the docks?”
It was so easy to lie and say he hadn’t seen a thing of her since they’d parted ways that afternoon. However, their paths had crossed a couple of times since, once before he had left the city where they’d picked up their argument from where they’d left it in the tavern, and again in Waterdeep where he’d come across her in the markets. Their second interaction had been less intense, but instead came with it the icy chill of two people who loathed the presence of each other. Comments had again been spoken in anger but without the fury of earlier, both holding their cards close to their chest to not reveal to the other how things were in truth.
“I’ve been far too busy to have involvements with the likes of her.” Gale spat the last words out with disdain, the image of her in his mind as he’d left her near the stalls during that rainy day reminding him of the deeply buried anger.
The remark was met with a soft chuckle. “So catty. And I never thought you had it in you.”
“Then you clearly don’t know him well enough.”
The female voice caused both Gale and Astarion to lift their heads in attention. Tav stood observing them both and neither knew how long she had been there listening to the conversation. The leather armour they’d once known to wear had been replaced with a short scarlet dress, her long ebony hair braided back loosely, allowing wisps of hair to hang over her pale skin. Her dark eyes still burned with the anger of months past, and Gale lowered his head to avoid her scornful gaze.
Astarion was the first to raise his glass, welcoming his old friend. “My dagger-happy friend! We didn’t think you were ever going to grace us with your presence.”
She glanced over briefly at Gale before turning to Astarion and giving him a very intentionally close hug. “You know me. Love to make a fashionable entrance.”
“Or just like to make a show for attention…”
The comment was mumbled from Gale’s direction, but there was no acknowledgement of it. Astarion glanced nervously between the couple before letting go of Tav and grabbing a nearby bottle of wine. “I’ll just be catching up with Wyll…”
“But I’ve only just got here.”
“Yes, and we’ll have plenty of time to speak more intimately later. Especially if you catch up with us drinks-wise.” He gave Tav a wink before, in her opinion, scarpering from the scene, leaving her and Gale alone.
She was unsure what to say as she watched him lift his glass, finding it empty. “You look well.”
“As do you.”
Near the stalls of Waterdeep, Tav had bashed into him first, his books falling to the floor and the pages taking in each fresh raindrop with ease. Gale had initially apologised for colliding with her, but as he’d realised who he was dealing with, the response quickly turned to aggression.
“Still as perceptive as a drunk Gelatinous Cube,” he jabbed, collecting the tomes from the puddles and trying to get as much water from them as possible. He knew a few spells would be wasted repairing the pages as he reached his tower, but it was still another easily avoidable annoyance.
She scoffed, nudging a book away from him with the damp leather of her boot. “Or maybe just a little payback for your comments three months ago.”
“Payback!?” he exhaled. “By destroying valuable literature? How petty and childish, but then again, I should expect that of you by now.”
“Oh well, run home to Mummy Dekarios. I’m sure she’ll kiss your boo boo better.”
“At least I have a family, and not just the blood of the murderous god Bhaal flowing through my veins.” He knew these were not the best words to bait her with, elegance and articulacy abandoning him knowing her Bhaalist past would provoke her. Yes, she had renounced her father, but it was a straightforward attack and one she deserved.
The heat rose in her cheeks, and she gritted her teeth, trying to push down the knee jerk reaction she wanted to have. She would not respond as she had before in violence. He wasn’t worth the effort. “Better blood than whatever you pumped into your cuntish goddess.”
Just as they had last time, the situation escalated. Market goers ran past to escape the rain, but the two once lovers stood glaring at one another, each refusing to back down. At one point, they may have been able to discuss what happened, how Mizora had got involved, how the art of seduction had been enough to destroy what some had seen as true love, but now there was nothing but hurt and pain. Gale had refused to listen to reason, Tav’s guilt had resulted in attacks to protect herself, and neither wanted to apologise for the further damage they were causing.
Her words were biting, but they were nothing he hadn’t heard before. Mystra, the orb, his mistakes, social skills, any imperfection she could find, she had thrown at him, and he had done the same in return: Bhaal, alcohol imbibition, lack of education, poor literacy knowledge (what moron did not know of Storm Silverhand!?).
“What? Cat- “ The word rolled off her tongue in mockery “-got your tongue? It would certainly be a first.”
“I’m simply astounded that, despite our parting, you still feel that you could rival a goddess such as Mystra.”
“Not exactly a high bar to reach. Especially if she was interested in you.”
Lightning crackled in the distance as the storm worsened and with it, the skies rumbled as if reflecting the scorn both shared. The rain grew heavier, Tav shivering a little and trying to hide the regret of having chosen the thinner cloak for her outing. Gale noticed and tried to ignore the whisper of concern in the back of his mind. He’d give her none of it.
He didn’t want her to have the last word in this argument as she’d had back in Baldur’s Gate when her arrows had destroyed the bar and his lightning had destroyed the tables. Despite what had happened, they would both at least avoid that outcome. A devilish smirk appeared on his face, his hand giving a gentle flick beneath his moistened robes. “As much as I love to partake in your infantile game of insults, I do actually have somewhere else to be.” He pushed past her, purposefully shoving her shoulder, books in hand, waiting for her realisation at what he had done.
Tav stood, taking the full impact of his body against her arm. She wanted to shout at him, wanted to call him back to finish things properly rather than letting him run away like a coward yet again, but her body would not move. She knew when she’d tried to cut him off exactly what he had done. The fucking wizard with his spells again.
The hours had passed in a stony silence as the party continued. Tav had wandered her way around the old campsite, chatting with everyone and finding out what had gone on in the last six months. She’d almost punted Tara on getting hissed at, but knew the tressym had a lot more than just sharp claws and sharper words. Avoiding Gale had been her primary aim for the evening. Her secondary one had been to show how she was over him now, telling of how in the last six months she had continued to adventure, saving lives and being a hero. She’d hadn’t secluded herself to a tower or changed her name in an attempt to reinvent herself.
He tried to ignore her not-so-subtle digs at what he had been up to, his own attempts at one-upmanship being heard by Shadowheart and the rest of the company. Eventually, though, he’d ended up in the company of Tara, who was quick to give her own opinions on his ex.
“You certainly avoided disaster with that one.”
He huffed at her words. Hearing the opinions from others still did not come as he wanted them to. It was one thing for him to throw insults after all he’d been through; it was another for someone else to say them. Part of him wanted to defend to Tav, but he knew it would fall on death ears, and so he simply nodded, keeping his eyes forward and listening for anything that would drag him away from how uncomfortable he was becoming.
As the stars gathered in the sky and the campfire died down, people slowly excused themselves, leaving Tav and Gale alone at the table. Bottles of wine had been emptied, and both felt the warmth in their bodies, their tongues loosened and ready for another round of contention.
Tav glowered across the empty plates, seeing the way Gale’s eyes reflected the dying embers of the fire, noticing how a few more silver strands of hair had grown since her last meeting with him.
“I’m guessing your father never taught you it was inappropriate to stare,” he said without looking at her.
She looked at her empty glass, deciding if it was worth pouring another. She could feel the slight sway in her upper body, the heat in under skin, one she had blamed on anger rather than alcohol. “And I’m guessing Mystra taught you all about ignoring people.”
Gale glanced over at her, thankful for the table separating them. “Not ignoring, simply no longer interacting with those beneath me.”
“I seem to remember you preferring me beneath you.”
“And I seem to remember you not caring what position you were in. Or who you were in that position with.”
Tav was quick to rise to her feet, her palms resting on the table, partly for support, and partly to emphasise her annoyance at his comments. “Oh, like you would have resisted any better, Mr. I’ll fuck anything that shows me a little bit of positive reinforcement.”
He rose to his own feet, his voice increasing with anger. As everyone else had left, there was little reason to hold back any reason and logic. “I only wanted you! I only ever wanted you!”
“Clearly not! You were so quick to throw it away.” She made her way around the table, her dress catching on the off splinter and causing her to tug it in anger and her voice to become more spiteful. “You threw me away just as She did.” 
As she approached Gale, he tensed up, but he would not show any weakness to her. Not now, not after the months had passed, and he’d worked to move on. He’d picked up all his pieces, and he refused to have her break him again. “Threw you away? No, I just made you face the consequences of your actions.”
She stopped in front of him, backing him into the table, her chest touching his. She could smell the hint of wine on his breath, feel the heat of his body emanating and merging with her own. It had been so long since she had been this close to him, his lilac embroidered suit he’d chosen, complimenting the colour of his skin. He still smelt of the ink and parchment of his library, as he’d done all those months ago when they had travelled together, and she wondered if time had caused it to be buried into his pores.
“Because after all you did, you’re such an expert when it comes to outrageous consequences. I’m surprised you’ve not been reading up on how to shove an orb in my chest,” she bitterly replied.
“You’re simply not worth the waste of magical artefacts.”
The two stared at each other, refusing to be the one to back down. With its last flames extinguished, the fire left only the glow of the enchanted lights that encircled the campsite upon them. The musical entertainment had died out hours ago, and now all Tav could hear was the sound of their breaths mingling in the air and the river flowing in the near distance. She’d ran out of the stronger insults with him, wine and rage clouding her judgement of the situation. There were only so many times she could bring up Mystra or his folly before resulting in petty remarks about his behaviour or manhood. Now would be one of those moments. “You reek of your library.”
Gale did not hesitate in his reply. “You’ve put on weight.” It was true what he said, but he would not tell her it suited her, that the way her thighs looked in her dress had fanned the old flames within him almost immediately. Her body close to his, the heat between them, the adrenaline flowing through his veins as it always did in her presence made his heart pound and as much as he despised it, he wanted her.
Tav’s voice caught in her throat with the inane comment. Anger burned within her, his remark creating a whirlwind of emotions. A part of her wanted to laugh in his face, another wished she had brought her bow to the reunion, but his proximity clouded her judgement. She wanted to give him back that same pointless surface level snark he’d retorted with, but as she saw the intensity in his eyes, saw the soft curve of his lips, she knew there was little she could do than fall into her desires.
His lips hit hers with a burning passion, his hands gripped to the sides of her face, his fingertips weaving between her black hair. He pushed her forward slightly with the intensity, feeling the way her mouth responded in kind to his, her tongue dancing with his in a need to make up for lost time. Feeling his body react to hers so forcefully, he slid his hands down to her hips, gripping her tightly against him and turning them both quickly so she was backed to the table. “Tav…”
“Shut up.” She could feel the heat of his body rising as he pushed into her, her scarlet dress riding up over her hips under the force of his wanted movements against her. There was little to argue about further, only the desperate touch starved grabs at his tunic as she tried to gain better access to the flesh beneath.
With his mouth still drawn to hers, he batted her hands away as she fumbled with the ties. Both knew there was little want for the intimacy of old, there was only the raw, intense desire fuelled by fury and wine that drove them forward. Removing his lips from hers, he took in the sight of her before him, lust blazing in her eyes, her cheeks flushed, and body aroused. Gale’s hands remained firmly on her hips, and he turned her from him, bending her chest first onto the table. Glasses topped around her, and he heard her softly groan as the oak met her hands.
He ran his fingers up the tender flesh of the inside of her thighs, listening for the sigh she had given in the past. He knew she was resisting, but it came eventually as his hand reached the hem of her skirt. “I didn’t lie when I said you’d put on weight.”
“Fuck you,” she growled, backing her behind with wanting into the hardened erection that lay hidden underneath the leather of his trousers.  
“As you wish.”
He put Tav in her place with a clothed thrust, hearing her sudden moan with the impact. Little time was wasted as he hoisted her skirt up over her hips, taking in the sight of her filled out buttocks before him, the small black lingerie leaving little to his imagination of what lay beneath. He ran his fingertips over the material, working his way from back to front and feeling the way she arched into the feeling of his hand.
She looked over her shoulder at him, an annoyance in her eyes. “I’m not a glass of wine. Get on with it,” she barked.
Gale took this command as another excuse to toy with her, drawing his body back slightly from hers, releasing his grasp on her and watching as her irritation turned briefly to neediness. “Surely you can ask nicely, or did the cambion take your manners too?”
 “You’re under the assumption I had manners to begin with.”
“Then maybe it is time I introduce you to what I’ve been partaking in the last few months and teach you.”
He drew himself forward, one hand working at the buckles of his trousers, the other sliding the underwear from her hips before him. She averted her eyes from him, her palms outstretched on the table. He could see her ebony braid lying upon the scarlet fabric of her dress, and he remembered nights of his hands entwined in her hair in a gentle caress. This would not be one of those nights. “Now, my dear Tav. Say please.”
She scoffed at his words. “Fuck you.”
The hand on her hip came up and gripped the end of the braid, tugging it to make her aware of his intentions. He positioned his cock at her entrance, teasing her as she tried to back up onto him. “I apologise. I do believe I misheard you.”
Looking at the silver plates and empty bottles before them, she smirked. She could feel the longing building within her before he’d even began his lesson. After Mizora, Tav had not been with anyone else, and the guilt she had felt from her own folly had kept her from even attempting to trying to bed someone. Showing this desperation would not happen, though. She’d drag it out for as long as her body could hold out. Her words were slow, intentional, baiting. “Fuck. You.”
Gale pulled her hair with a sharp yank and, in doing so, pushed into her in one quick thrust. The sharp noise she made was muffled quickly with her hand, as she refused to give him any satisfaction. He lazily pulled himself out, watching as her body relaxed, returning himself to the teasing position once again. “Does the student still protest?”
It took her a moment to compose herself, not expecting him to take charge in the way he had. He’d always been soft with her, worshiping her as if she were a goddess, touching her softly and tenderly. This was a fresh experience, one she welcomed after all that had gone on between them. “For as long as I lie here unsatisfied, yes.”
She could not see him, but she knew he would be grinning at the idea of the control he had over her. She felt the sharp tug of her hair, the deep thrust that filled her, causing her to release an uncharacteristic whimper. “Fuck…” she whispered as she felt him retreat again, sliding over her clit in the process.
His throbbing could not be ignored as he pulled out the second time and he tried to keep his mind focussed, not on what he needed but on the words he spoke. As one hand remained on the braid, the other returned to her hip, his fingernails pressing into her side to keep him grounded. The control remained in his voice, a slow purr of the words. “Unsatisfied? Is that why you ran to her so eagerly?”
“Better to her than Mystra.” she whined, feeling his cock twitch against her. Her mind was clouded with yearning, her composure escaping her as body hungered for release. “Just as you planned to.”
He gave another quick thrust, but this time did not relent as he had before. His hand remained with the braid now wrapped around it, a rein in which to keep her head held high and her back arched. Her side of the story had finally been understood, her fear that she would lose him driving her to the cambion, the one who'd lured her with promises of what could be. Gale buried himself inside Tav, feeling her walls contract around him as she neared a long-awaited climax, his muscles tightening with each pleasured cry she gave out. His own grunts broke free, and he felt as he began to lose all the composure he’d once held onto.
 “…I…I’m so…” Tav stammered
She opened her eyes in shock as he denied her, at how selfish he was being with her needs, at how good it felt to hear. “Please…” she begged weakly.
Her words were driving him mad, each thrust becoming shorter and more instinctive as her hips arched into him and the pressure grew. He knew he was close, all resolve breaking with each panted breath. “No.” It was the only word he could manage as his mind became lost in the sensation, his hand clasping her hip tighter, his body trembling as he refused to let go.
“Gale…please...” she repeated in a needy whimper over and over, her voice growing higher with each jolt of his body into hers.  
His name on her pleading lips was all it took to push him over the edge, spilling himself into her fully, feeling as she let go of her own self-control, clenching around him tightly and letting out a lustful cry. Bending over her, he felt her back upon his tunic, his warm palms brought down to the table to help support him as he gasped for air above her. Heated kisses were placed over her shoulder and without realising his thumb had hooked over her pinkie finger, a light stroking of contentment shared with her momentarily.
They lay for some time in postcoital bliss, neither speaking of what had happened nor what was to come. Despite the anger, the hurt, the cruel words spoken between each other, they still loved one another, but whether things could ever be repaired between them, neither knew. For now, all they had was this one night, one under stars and enchanted lights, amongst scattered plates and drained bottles. Talking could come later.
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thatfreshi · 1 year
We Never Cease Being Lucky (Astarion x Reader)
TW - anxiety attack
Recommended Song: Renee - Sales
You absolutely adore birthdays. Although, you haven't celebrated yours since you met Astarion on that godforsaken beach. You remember asking when his is, as you do with everyone. He trailed off, distant.
"I... I don't quite remember."
You never asked about it again, but that sadness kept you in a chokehold. How could you go so long without celebrating your birthday? It's not fair, to not be able to celebrate life, to have that ripped away from you.
Once you end your adventures, you buy a house together, free from all the past pains, dancing on hardwood floors far from anything that ever hurt you. You still live in Baldur's Gate though, and you realize something one day while lying in bed.
"Aster, you were born here, right?"
"Of course, never left, well until I was taken."
You smirk, a little plan unfolding in your mind.
"I know what we're going to do this evening."
It's not often you have a suspicious smile across your face. He's curious.
"Well my love, please do tell."
"We're going to break into the courthouse!"
He laughs, sitting up to stretch, letting go of the slumber.
"Adorable. As far as I recall, we're done with our silly little adventures."
You just stare at him, and he realizes you're serious.
"Wait, why do you want to break into the courthouse?"
"It's a secret!"
"I feel as though it's hardly fair to ask for my assistance if you're not even going to tell me why."
"Well, it's for you. You'll see."
"Alright then, I revoke my complaints. Breaking into the courthouse, sounds great."
He used to be a lot more secretive about it, but he loves when you do things on his behalf. You don't often get such an opportunity, but tonight, tonight you finally get to give him something he's been missing for so long. Of course, as long as everything goes to plan. You tell him to grab a few lockpicks, and the two of you head out into the darkness.
"Sooooo, you can't even give me the slightest hint as to what you're up to?"
"Nope, but at least now you know it involves your very own specialty: sneaky criminal activity."
"Now, I think I have quite a few other far more interesting specialties, but I guess I'm just a glorified key to you."
He scoffs.
"No, you're just really good at getting into places quietly, and I think if I did this by myself I'd probably get arrested, and I definitely don't need you bailing me out considering you'd hold it over my head forever."
"Well you're right about that."
You give him a playful shove, and he trips on a loose cobblestone.
"Okay, rude. Maybe I'll turn you in anyways, say you were trying to involve me in some illegal heist against my will."
"But if you do that, you don't get your surprise!"
"Ugh, fine. I'll play along."
You shush him as you get closer to your target. There's a sleeping guard posted outside, one that the two of you successfully sneak past, finding a side entrance.
"Do you have any idea where this door leads?"
You smile at him, and he rolls his eyes.
"You're asking me to open a lock and you have no idea what's behind it? You clearly are not as masterful of a thief as you used to be."
He starts to pick away at the lock anyways.
"Well, I have been in retirement for a little bit."
At the end of your sentence, you hear that final click, and he opens the door. When the two of you get inside, it's pitch black, all the candles and oil lamps burnt out.
"Do you see any signs that say Records?"
"No, what would I possibly want with the city's records?"
"You'll see! Gods, just let me do something nice."
"It seems like I'm doing most of the work so far..."
"It's fine. Once we find the records room I can do the rest. You're just helping."
He can't resist that grin of yours, clearly excited by your mysterious plans. Astarion gives in, sighing as if he's bothered, but the two of you continue to look for the records room. Eventually, you turn a corner to yet another locked door. You bat your eyes at him, and he goes to work once again.
"You owe me after this."
"Please my love, I'm telling you you're gonna be so excited!"
"If you insist my dear."
He gets the second door unlocked, ushering you inside. He casts fire, lighting up a nearby candelabra. You're met with bookshelves stacked high with pieces of paper loosely put together, turning more golden and tattered as you look to your left.
"This is it!"
You immediately start to look at the dates on the records, finding the range of about two centuries ago. Without a care for the organization, you quickly flip through years and years of records, looking for anything that could be a birth record.
"Darling, I thought the point was to sneak in here, not throw papers all over the floor and have someone know we were here."
You ignore him, becoming a little desperate to find what you're looking for. The text is fading on some of these documents, making it hard to know they're not his. He crouches down on the floor beside you, realizing you're stressing out about this unknown objective.
"Hey, hey, Tav. What's wrong?"
You start to tear up a little, thinking this would be so simple, that this stuff wouldn't be so carelessly stacked on shelves.
"I can't- I can't find it."
You throw the stack of papers on the floor, wiping a tear off your cheek.
"I know you're trying to do something nice for me my sweet, but maybe if you told me what you're looking for, I could help you."
You sniffle, trying not to go into a full sob.
"I- I wanted to-"
You choke up, almost unable to speak. He takes your hands in his.
"Breathe Tav, breathe. In, and out."
You listen to him, trying your best to just inhale and exhale. You didn't think this attempt was going to lead to an anxiety attack, but luckily he's dealt with plenty himself. Your breath steadies as you tightly grab his hands.
"Now, what are you looking for?"
"I... I was trying to see if I could find your birth certificate. You know, since we don't know when your birthday is and all, I thought it might be nice to know. I feel so bad, it just passes every year and you're none the wiser."
He's dumbfounded, shock in his eyes, almost a little confused. You were having an anxiety attack just now because you weren't going to find when his birthday is?
"Darling, I... that's very sweet, but nothing worth this much stress. I haven't even thought about it in years."
"Yeah, but I just really love birthdays, and I just wanted a day where we could celebrate you, you know?"
"I appreciate that sentiment, truly, but if we can't find it, it's okay. You tried, and that's enough. Besides, what's the point in keeping something almost three centuries old at this point?"
"I don't know, I thought that was their job, to keep old shit."
You look at the scattered papers, and he follows your gaze. Something catches his eye, a document sitting to your left.
"Wait, look at that one."
You turn, picking up the piece of paper and holding it in the light of the flame.
"Holy shit."
He sits himself on your shoulder, looking at the writing with you.
"Gods, I really am that old."
You smile, another small tear falling.
"Aster, look. It's tomorrow."
He continues to read, eyes crossing the date again.
"We never cease being lucky, do we?"
"No, I guess we don't."
You turn to kiss his cheek, and then roll up the paper, putting it in your bag.
"Wait, you can't just take that!"
"Why not? Means more to us than them."
You simply shrug and he shakes his head, almost in disappointment. You clearly had no intention of making it seem like you weren't here. He doesn't stop you though, as he can't deny he'd like to keep his birth certificate as well.
"Thank you my dear, for always thinking of me."
"There's nothing more important I could think of."
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 5 months
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Fluff Alphabet
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Big thanks to to @scealaiscoite for their SFW Poly Fluff Alphabet for the inspiration here!
a = affection Is anyone more overtly affectionate than the others? You are definitely the most outwardly affectionate. Not in a PDA sense, you just tend to be the most sentimental. You don't initiate physical touch a whole lot, but Alex and Casey both know you are down to cuddle at any time, and they take advantage of it often. Alex is the snugglier of the two, but Casey gets FOMO when you snuggle without her, so she'll jump in, too. b = bed What's the sleeping situation like? California King (no twin bed! no roommates!). Casey on the right, Alex on the left. You are forever the middle spoon because (a) you love it, (b) you're by far the smallest, and (c) both Casey and Alex can feel a bit smothered after a whole night of middle spoon-ing. c = comfort When someone's feeling down, how do the others look after them? When you're down, your self-esteem takes a hard hit, so Alex and Casey do their best to be extra reassuring. When Alex is down, you and Casey do your best to make her feel important and to distract her. Nice clothes, expensive dinner, all your attention all night. When Casey's down, she needs to take a fucking break. The problem is that she never wants to. You and Alex usually have to take her phone and laptop away and force her to relax. Bubble bath, takeout, snuggles, the works.
d = dates What do dates look like? Who usually plans them, and are they individual or a group affair? You take turns planning, but also enjoy the occasional spontaneous date. Everyone is always invited, but not everyone always goes. You have lots of things you like to do all together, like dinner and a movie or a weekend at the beach or a trip to the farmer's market. But there are things you do in pairs, too. For example, you and Alex love classical music, so you've got season tickets to the NY Phil, but Casey's ears would explode if you made her go. Alex will attend a sports event with you and Casey once in a blue moon, but mostly it's just you two. Alex and Casey love dancing, from ballroom to clubbing and everything in between. You are a truly awful dancer and have a really hard time in loud, crowded environments, so you usually send them on their way and enjoy an evening to yourself.
e = events Who drags everyone else to their family's and friends' events? When it comes to family, you do all the dragging. Casey's parents live in the city, so you see them at least a few times a month, and Alex doesn't talk to her dad (her mom died when she was 17). You're very close to your family, and you're the only one who has siblings and nieces and nephews. Christmas at your family's is a given, and Alex and Casey are 100% there for it. But friend events? Those are all Casey. Alex will drag you to one, too, mostly out of obligation, but Casey genuinely enjoys going out and grabbing drinks with friends and will convince you both to go with her sometimes.
f = fights Are fights something that happen often? How are they resolved? Of course you fight. Everyone fights. But the fights are usually civil and logical and respectful. You've got twice as many relationships to maintain in a triad, so direct communication is a priority for you all. Casey and Alex have had to learn how to tone down their "lawyer-ness" during arguments, though. At first, they'd sometimes fight you so hard–like they were in court–that they'd end up making you cry. They always felt awful and backpedaled real quick. They're a lot gentler with conflicts now.
g - getting together How did you all get together? Alex and Casey met at work, a slow-burn career romance. By the time you came along, they'd already been together for several years. They'd discussed polyamory before and, while neither was necessarily opposed, neither one of them had anyone else they wanted to date either. So it was very much a we'll cross that bridge when we come to it situation. They came to the bridge when you moved to the city and joined Casey's rec softball league. It was Casey who fell for you first, Casey who started inviting you out to lunch with her and Alex after softball games, Casey who cautiously, gently asked Alex how she'd feel about her dating you. To which Alex said, Yeah, of course, if it'll make you happy. But I think I kind of want to date her, too. Can we all date? Do you think she'd be into that? It turns out that, yes, you were into that.
h = hobbies Do any of you share hobbies or passions? How do you include your other partner(s) in them? There's a foundational understanding between you that you don't all have to enjoy the same things. You and Alex share a deep love of reading and often spend evenings on the couch reading together, snuggled up against Casey as she plays video games or watches sports. You and Casey play softball together, and you love watching sports–baseball, basketball, football, you name it. Alex will watch with you, but she's mostly in it for the game day snacks you make. And obviously Casey and Alex have a whole career/calling in common, so they talk about that a lot, but they always try to make sure you're included in the conversation, and make sure to explain patiently when you have questions.
i = in sickness and in health When someone is sick, who's the caretaker and who's the germaphobe? Who's resistant to being taken care of? It depends on what kind of sick. If puking is involved, Alex and Casey are on their own. You are out of there, probably staying in a hotel, leaving soup deliveries outside the door with a mask on. Any other kind of sickness, and you absolutely dote on them. Casey eats this up. She is a pitiful sick person. Alex, on the other hand, will keep going until she literally can't anymore. And even then she'll tell you she's fine, and you have to force her to rest and take it easy. You can't exactly talk, you're pretty resistant to being taken care of, too. But that's mostly because Casey and Alex have important jobs to do, and you don't want to distract them.
j = joker Who's got the best sense of humor? Do you all like to tease and banter? You are by far the funniest of the three of you. You love making Alex and Casey laugh. It's one of the highlights of your life. Their jobs are so serious; they can tend to be on the serious side, too. So you make it your mission to brighten their days. That being said, there's a lot of good-natured teasing and insulting that happens on a regular basis. Casey calls you asshole more than she calls you anything else, probably. Alex has a razor sharp wit which is mostly funny, but every once in a while she'll toe the line between funny and mean. She can immediately tell when she's taken it too far, though, and is quick to make it up to you.
k = knowing Who can read their partners like a book? Is there anyone who has their walls up, even around their partners? By nature of being incredibly intuitive, you are the best at reading emotions. The problem is that you can usually tell what they're feeling but not why or who it's related to, so you almost always think it's somehow your fault. You're working on that one in therapy. Oddly, you're probably also the hardest to read. You have walls up, though they're slowly coming down. And Casey and Alex can have tunnel vision when it comes to work, so sometimes they miss things. Of the two of them, Casey is the more open with her emotions. Alex is open with anger and anger only. She's working very hard on being open with her other feelings, too.
l = lavish Is there anyone who really likes to lavish and show off their partners? How do the others react to it? Alex. Alex all the way. She's proud of herself, proud of the work she does, and proud of having not one but two stunning girlfriends. She dresses you and Casey up to the nines in clothes it would have taken you years to afford. When she walks into a room with you in a tailored Valentino suit on one arm and Casey in a designer gown on the other, she just knows everyone's jealous that she's living the best of both worlds. Since neither you nor Casey came from money, you both had a hard time with Alex's generosity at first, but you came to accept that showing you off is just Alex's way of telling you how proud she is of you and how happy she is that you're hers.
m = memories Is anyone more on the sentimental side? You, 100%. Although Casey and Alex have their moments, too. But you're the one who packs lunches with little loves notes. You're the one who surprises them with flowers at work, who cooks their favorite dinner because you know they had a bad day. You'll pick up that book that Alex wants so bad, but doesn't have time to go get. You'll record the Giants game instead of watching it while Casey's at work because you know she'd rather watch it together later. Of course, they do sweet things for you, too. Like Alex asking you to read your favorite book to her because she wants to read it with you. Or Casey organizing a game night with the SVU folks at your house, because she knows you want to hang out with them, too, you're just much more comfortable at home. You all have your moments, but they'd both agree that sentimentality just comes so, so naturally to you. It's a gift.
n = nights What's the nighttime routine like when you're all together? You are a big, big fan of parallel play so, even though you usually like to quietly read a book before bed, you want to do it wherever Alex and Casey are. Alex spends an eternity in the bathroom on her skin care routine before putting on the softest, most luxurious pajamas. She fixes herself a cup of peppermint tea and curls up next to you with her own book. Casey always has "more work to do," but she'll go through case files while you and Alex read. Or she'll finish the newspaper if she didn't get to that morning. She always has a gigantic, messy collection of file folders, old newspapers, and half-full glasses of water on her nightstand. You almost always fall asleep first, and they don't stay up too much longer because "you're just so adorable" and "I can't pay attention when you look that snug-able!"
o = open How open are you with one another? Very. You don't keep secrets. You don't tell lies. When you first got together, Alex suggested you all lay down "relationship rules." Those were two of the biggest. It sometimes takes longer for you to open up about what you're feeling, but they've learned that it doesn't really have anything to do with how much you trust them, it's just how you process things.
p = PDA What's PDA like with them? Is there anyone who loves it? Anyone who hates it? Alex would full-on make out with you in public, but she knows that's not a good look for someone in her position. Also, you and Casey do not like PDA. Casey will kiss you on the cheek or put a hand on the small of your back at a party, but that's it. You might hold their hands, but you won't do anything else in front of others. Alex won't either unless she feels like someone's infringing on her territory (her territory being you and Casey). Then she gets really possessive and is not afraid to show people that you're hers.
q = quiet Who prefers to spend their time out and about, and who likes to spend it at home? Casey is the most social of you. She loves going out with you or going out with friends. Alex is kind of in the middle. She's very, very good with people and socializes quite a bit, but often out of political obligation (to grease the wheels, so to speak, and make connections) rather than for fun. You are a hardcore homebody. You'll go out with them because you love them, but you're always very excited when you all decide on a night in.
r = romantic Is anyone a bit of a sap for their partners? You. So, so you. You just truly can't believe you lucked out with these two gorgeous, strong, confident, crazy smart women. Oddly enough, both Alex and Casey tend to be more affectionate with you than they are with one another. It's not that they love each other less, but you've got a couple of theories as to why they're just a little more romantic with you. (1) You're much, much smaller than them. Like a full 10 inches shorter. So they sometimes baby you a bit. They think you're very cute. You both love and hate it. (2) They were together first, and then kind of simultaneously fell for you, so you sometimes think they see you as collectively theirs, tag-teaming to take care of you and love you. You don't mind. They're collectively yours, too. (3) You're more sentimental than either of them, so it's easier for them to be sentimental with you than with one another. But, all in all, there's plenty of romance to go around.
s = sharing Is there anyone who's particularly territorial of their partners? ALEX. Very possessive of both of you. Casey's pretty damn possessive of you, too. Less so of Alex, but that's probably because she knows nobody fucks with Alex. You are the least territorial, mostly because you're just glad to be there. It doesn't leave a whole lot of room for jealousy. Just as Alex and Casey did before you came along, you all have an open understanding that if someone else were to come along–for any of you–you'd be okay with one of you pursuing a relationship with someone else, too. But it seems unlikely. You're all deeply content with things as they are now and don't really see yourselves bringing anyone else in.
t = terms of endearment Nicknames! What are the nicknames!? Alex uses honey or my love. Casey uses sweetheart and honey and sometimes baby. You mostly use lovely, which drives both of them wild, and also honey on occasion.
u = urge Who's the most impulsive? And who reins them back in? None of you are very impulsive. You think things through before acting. But of the three of you, Alex is probably the one who lets her emotions get the best of her, which can sometimes get her into hot water. Both Casey's and Alex's emotions (and impulses to do something brave and stupid) run high during hard cases. Thankfully, you're usually there to talk them out of it.
v = vacations How do vacations go? And where do you travel? You do vacations big. Alex has a lot of money, and you all love traveling. Alex considers it her absolute joy to make you and Casey's travel dreams come true, because she knows you didn't grow up with the kind of money to make them happen. She whisks you away on far-flung vacations as often as she can. An even bigger test of her love: she'll go camping with you because Casey loves it so much. But only with the highest end camping gear. And she will not touch a fish or a fishing pole, but she'll sit in a chair and read with you while you and Casey go fishing. Your favorite vacation so far? A surprise holiday trip to Soneva Jani in the Maldives. You'd always wanted to go to the Maldives, but it was very much a pipe dream. Alex packed for you, and you had no idea where you were going until you boarded the connecting flight to Malé. You were so excited you cried a little. When you stepped into your overwater bungalow, you just couldn't contain your excitement, running around the building, staring out at the crystal blue water, and kissing Casey and Alex over and over again, saying "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!"
w = worthy How are insecurities handled? Are any of you more self-conscious than the others? You're the most self-conscious. Casey and Alex are just so conventionally beautiful and successful and confident. They're smart, powerful, career-driven women and you're... a dorky, tiny, androgynous little work-from-home ad copywriter. Sometimes it's hard to know what they see in you. Alex is almost never insecure because she's cocky as fuck. Unless she screws up at work, and then she needs a lot of reassurance. Casey is insecure in that she's never able to live up to her own standards, so you have to remind her often that she doesn't need to be perfect and she's doing great. Insecurities in your home are always met with love and reassurance, never annoyance or frustration.
x = xoxo Who checks up on their partners a lot when they're apart? Do they call or text? Casey. She'll call to check up on you at least once a day. If you're out of town, she calls you at night, too, right before bed, on speakerphone with her and Alex (or vice versa, if Alex is out of town). Alex misses you, too, but she's more likely to text sporadically throughout the day. You text or call when you see something funny or something that reminds you of them.
y = yearn Who misses their partners the most, even just throughout the day? You really like your alone time, so you miss them but you really like having your space (working from home is great for this). But Casey and Alex miss you. Because you're home so often, when you're not home–out with friends, spending the weekend at your parents', etc.–they almost don't know what to do with themselves. Bonus POV: The Group Chat Casey: babe when are you coming home 😢 💔 😭 💌 😫 Alex: my love I need you here in my arms You: omg chill you guys i've been gone for like 2 hours! Casey: yeah 2 hours 2 long
z = zealous Who was especially eager in pursuit of the relationship? Was anyone more reserved? When it was just Alex and Casey, Alex made the first move. With you, it was Casey who came after you the hardest. Alex was a bit more reserved because she didn't want to make you feel like you had to date her, too. She wanted to be sure that you knew if you just wanted to date Casey and not her, that was okay. but she really did want you. She was trying so hard to be respectful that you eventually had to ask her out. Alex, can we go out sometime? Yeah, I'll see when Casey's free. No, I meant... just me and you. I mean, obviously Casey can come, too, if she wants, but... I'd like to take you out if you'll let me.
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My favorite ships ranked!
There's a huge chance this list will change once every two days at the very least, but let's do it!
Literally my favorite ship ever. They're just perfect for each other in every possible way. Their love languages complement each other perfectly, they can rely on each other, and they work together like the best team in the world. Lena needs love and Kara knows how to offer it without asking for anything in exchange. She will take whatever Lena is willing to give her and be happy about it. But Kara still needs someone that will look at her and see who she really is, no judgment, and someone who she will be comfortable being herself - Kara Zor El - with.
Speaking of fanfic, I think it’s safe to say these fandom has some very talented authors who gave us very well written works. They can also work in every possible scenario, so that's a huge bonus.
Favorite scene: "Supergirl might have saved the city, but, Kara Danvers, you're my hero."
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Shoot is THAT couple that should have ended up together, but didn’t. I don't hold a grudge on it, though, because Root's death made sense to the show's ongoing plot. I can't say they would be perfect like Supercorp because Shaw has some emotional problems and Root is just also in love with a artificial intelligence or whatever, but they would work. Shaw would try - for Root - and Root would love every part that Shaw allows her to see.
Favorite scene: "You can't live with me and I can't live without you."
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Do I even have to say anything? Our most perfect CANON couple. They were perfect from start to finish. The way Nicole absolutely adored Waverly, almost like a worship even, but wasn’t afraid to stand tall on her ideas and opinions. The way Waverly acted like Nicole hung the moon and stars in the sky just for her, and how we know she would be able to do anything to keep Nicole happy. They're that couple that make everyone's teeth rotten with how sweet they are.
Favorite scene: "You guys make The Notebook look bleak."
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One of my favorite gay ships, so it has a special place in my heart. In the early seasons, it's pretty clear, at least for me, that Alex and Olivia could have something going on. I believe they were both shoving it away because none of them was ready to get seriously involved with anyone and they knew that whatever they decided to have would be too special to be treated lightly. Unfortunately, time was cut short for them when Alex got pulled away for WitSec.
I do think they will forever be each other's "almost", or "what if", but they're long past that now. They changed too much and they did it separately. If they were together, they would have changed around each other and, possibly, be able to work those differences to stay together. But now I don't think they would be able to keep a relationship. It's a bit sad, but it's also a very good portrait of reality.
Favorite scene: "You like being back on court, don't you?"
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I'm new to this ship, but I already love it. They remind me a lot of Shoot, actually. We just know that Yelena needs to find someone who would love her with no restrictions and that she deserves to find love. And Kate needs someone able to ground her, but also someone who allows her to be as silly as she wants, someone that will always have her back, doesn't matter how insane her plans might be. They have chemistry too. Also, I can see them getting together with no drama at all, or maybe something they can easily solve, and then being together for the rest of their lives to the point that they can't even remember a time they didn’t know each other. We didn’t get to see them that much, sadly, but I keep my hopes up for more scenes of them in the future.
Favorite scene: "You have one fork?"
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Okay, two intelligent and beautiful women together? Sign me in! I've been in Harry Potter's fandom for many, many, years now and, after giving it too much thought, I can safely say that Fleur would be the perfect match for Hermione. She would challenge Hermione, they would have endless discussions about any and every subject, they would have enough books together to fill up a library, and they would make each other want to be better every day. I also see Fleur being a bit sarcastic and Hermione keeps rolling her eyes at her at least fifteen times a day.
Fleur is constantly curious about the muggle world, always eager to learn anything Hermione is willing to show her. She would have a great relationship with Hermione's parents, mostly because she thinks they're one of the most genius people on the planet because they know how to fix people's teeth. Meanwhile, Gabrielle would loooove to talk with Hermione, especially when they get together to embarrass Fleur.
Favorite scene: You know, the totally canon one when Fleur asked Hermione to the Yule Ball.
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Heist wives? Yes, please.
We don't even need to pretend. These two were totally banging throughout the whole movie. The headcanon is that they used to date, then Debbie made some stupid decisions, met the wrong people, they broke up for a while and then Debbie got locked up. I believe Lou was so angry with her for both being stupid and for ruining what they had because she wanted to get more money than they actually needed, that she didn’t even visit Debbie in prison.
While there, Debbie had enough time to realize how much of an idiot she had been, so it's up to her to win Lou back. Meanwhile, Lou knows that she's screwed the second she sees Debbies smile again. She just can't help but orbit around her.
Also, they're the Moms, no doubt about that.
Favorite scene: "Baby, I don’t have a diamond yet."
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The only reason they’re all the way down here is because I hate CW, but I actually love them more than half of my family. They’re married, they’re moms, they’re in love, they’re perfect. Someone as caring as Kelly needed someone to make her go crazy like Alex, while Alex deserved someone that would understand her no matter what. Honestly, I just love them.
Favorite scene: THE PROPOSAL
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Is there any chance this could happen? No.
Do I still dream about it? Constantly.
It's just one of those couples where things would just work. My biggest headcanon for them is that they would be constantly laughing and having fun. Always joking and playing around with each other. Natasha would crave physical touch and Carol would be happy just to be around her at all. Carol would finally find a reason to stay on Earth without feeling guilty about it and Natasha would one thousand percent make a retirement party for her.
Also, they would protect each other so fiercely that no one would even dare to warm any of them.
Favorite scene: The one where Natasha ends up on top of Carol in the training room. Totally canon, trust me.
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Might sounds crazy, but hear me out.
Barbie is literally Gloria's dream Barbie, and Gloria is the reason Barbie is alive. Once Barbie becomes human, I can totally see Gloria falling for her without even noticing it, while Barbie takes a while to realize what are those things she's feeling. I do believe Sasha would have a strong part in bringing them together. She would be the one to explain to Barbie what a crush is and what being in love should feel like, and then she would have to give her mom a gentle push to acknowledge her own feelings.
After that, fluff all the way. Gloria would be the most patient person in the world while she sees Barbie navigating human life, just happy to have whatever Barbie is comfortable giving her. Meanwhile, Barbie keeps getting surprised by how strong her feelings can be every time she even looks at Gloria.
Favorite scene: Not a scene per se. Instead, I'm bringing that Tumblr post that says "Ken only has a great day when Barbie looks at him. Gloria always has a great day when she looks at Barbie."
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Quite literally, any lesbian ship from Twilight. My favorite one is Rosella, but Bella x Tanya is a close second. Bellice is also a very strong candidate, not to mention Bella x Kate. And, oh, did I hear someone say Bella x Irina or was it Bella x Leah? Honestly, just give me lesbian Bella and I will be happy.
One of the hottest couples that exist.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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klbwriting · 8 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 8: Shot at the Night
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Orm can't do much to help Y/N but he does find someone who can
Note: song is 'Shot at the Night' by the Killers
Taglist: @hyperagitatedcydonian13 @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul @duchcess
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We’re breaking all the rules To find that our home Has long been outgrown Throw me a lifeline Cause honey I’ve got nothing to lose Once in a lifetime
“Why did you settle by the ocean if you’re so afraid of water?” Orm asked, sitting on the back porch with Y/N, watching the waves under the moonlight. She was strumming, singing one of her songs. He was starting to recognize them by now and he knew she sang this one because he liked it. She looked at him and shrugged.
“I used to love the water, felt free and happy in it,” she said. “I told you I was accused of something that I didn’t do. I do bare some responsibility for it though, even though it was an accident. Ever since then, I don’t want to go back into the water, but I can’t let myself forget that day. Part of me wonders if it was my fault.” She stopped strumming and set the guitar aside, wrapping a blanket around herself.
“Did you want someone to get hurt?” he asked. She shook her head. “Not your fault, you shouldn’t stay here feeling guilty. What I did…I wanted to hurt people, all of the pain I caused was because I was angry. You didn’t have that malice.” He looked at the water before looking down at his hands. She reached out and put her hand on his arm, instantly calming him.
“Do you remember feeling like that?” she asked. “Do you ever feel like that now?” He shook his head. “Have you tried to make things right?”
“Yes, I’m trying,” he whispered. She smiled at him and squeezed his arm.
“You’ll get there, let the guilt go, but keep becoming better. I’ll help you, we are better together,” she said.
Orm startled awake, the memory fading from his dream to his waking nightmare. He didn’t know when he had fallen asleep, sometime right before dawn. Last he remembered his mother and Arthur were still there making plans on finding some kind of proof of who tried to kill Orm. The footage was enough to clear Y/N of active treason, but she still could be held for conspiracy. Conspiracy to commit treason was a capital offense in Atlantis and she could still be executed if they didn’t find and get a confession from the culprit.
He was alone now with a note from Arthur that they had left to find proof in Atlantis. Arthur planned to talk to Hendrix and Atlanna was going to talk to Y/N. Orm went over to Y/N’s place. He hated to invade her privacy but maybe she had something. He started searching, trying to ignore that her bed was still unmade from where they had been together, her same clothes from her birthday on the floor around it.
“There has to be something,” he muttered to himself as he went through her closet. He moved some boxes out of the bottom and saw a small door, probably another small storage area behind the wall. He was able to pry it open and inside was a bag. He pulled it out and sat on the floor, looking through it slowly. He pulled out the mosaic of her and her father. It was cheap but well made, a product of the lower city where technology to film wasn’t as widely available. He set it aside carefully. Next came out a flyer for Atlantis for All, listing their goals as equal status, better living conditions, and fairness in the workforce. Orm remembered his father telling him that all those below the nobility were lazy, they just wanted people to hand them money and food without doing anything for it. At the time he had agreed, but this notice listed things that anyone would need to survive and thrive, which is what he thought his father wanted for all Atlantians. He set it aside also and pulled out a stack of papers. This was what he needed, letters to and from different people in AfA.
I work from morning until night, I never see my family, yet they still starve…
My mother died because we couldn’t get her a proper doctor, the nobility never have to worry…
My father died of the sickness King Orvax released when I was a child. King Orvax made me an orphan…
We can fix this. There is a way. King Orm’s coronation is on the first day of the Great Migration…
Here is what he needed. He read through the letter, it laid out a plan to protest, nothing else. They were to have Y/N sing, and Hendrix volunteered to bring the cracker. This was almost enough, but Orm needed something else. Aria was mentioned as one of the leaders of the group. He had to find her; she might have more proof.
Orm wasn’t sure where else to go so he went to the café. It was empty except for Y/N’s friends when he arrived. They were all glaring at him. When he walked in Dean came up and punched him in the face. It didn’t hurt, but Orm wasn’t expecting it and stumbled back a step. Dean was shaking his hand, wincing. He had probably broken a couple fingers. Aria pushed past him.
“Get out tyrant,” she demanded. Orm stood his ground. “We know you did something to her, no one can find her.”
“I didn’t do anything, but Hendrix took her back to Atlantis to face trial for treason,” he said. Aria froze.
“You’re lying, you gave her up,” she said, but her voice lacked conviction.
“If I gave her up I would be on my way to trial too. I’m a fugitive just as much as the two of you,” he said. “We need proof that Hendrix was the one who tried to kill me. I found a letter in her things with the plan for the coronation day, it says Hendrix was to get the cracker, but we need more than that, anything that makes it sound like he alone planned the attempt.” Aria was breathing deep, trying to remain calm.
“How do we know you won’t just take the evidence and destroy it?” Vincent called out. “What if you want to use her to get yourself pardoned?” Orm didn’t have time for this bullshit.
“Because I love her!” he yelled. “Because she is everything to me and I won’t stand by while they execute her. I can’t go back, no one will believe me if I say she is innocent, I’ll just get thrown in a cell next to her, but my brother is king. If I am able to get proof to him he can set this right.”
Aria watched his speech and nodded before motioning for him to come with her. She lived only a few houses down from the café and she also had a bag full of letters. She kept meticulous records and correspondence, including from Hendrix. Hours later she jumped up.
“I found something,” she said, setting the letter down in front of Orm at her kitchen table. By then everyone had joined them, watching. “This is from Hendrix, the day before the coronation. I think I received it by mistake. I never read it because well, I hated Hendrix and anything he had to say was worthless to me.” She pointed to a spot that clearly incriminated him.
“These people are idiots. They’re going to give me the crown and not even realize it. Tomorrow Orm will be dead and I’ll be king,” Orm read. This was perfect.
“Bless that asshole’s giant ego,” muttered Amanda from the couch. Orm stood and hugged Aria.
“I know you hate me but thank you,” he said. He looked between her and Dean. “I am sorry for the tidal wave, for everything. I was wrong and I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for it.” He left it at that, hurrying out of the house and calling Arthur to tell him he had proof.
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sadnightforus · 10 months
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biker boyfriend!juyeon x gn!reader
SYNOPSIS: In an attempt to surprise you for the 500 days anniversary, he took you on a ride to his favorite places that are far away from the city, after various complaints from you that you found nothing to do in Seoul. 
WARNINGS: none… we reached this point guys (besides the mentioning of Eric being a super rich guy that’s all). too much fluff *insert the crying waterfall emoji because normal emoji does not cut it* 
A/N: don’t know if y’all know this but I was inspired by that one particular fanmade video. the og concept was supposed to have a bad boy vibe but he looks too good in that middle pic so I have to comply with this one instead. so cute, I’m kicking my feet fr. also omg full on fluffy soft fic from me??? I Will Die. 😭😭😭
reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated!
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You’re bored of Seoul. 
 Don’t get it wrong, you don’t hate the city at all. But Seoul always has something going on. The streets look amazing during the day and night and there’s modern technology everywhere. Everything seems so fancy and lavish. You’re proud of how far the world has come. 
 Even though it’s incredibly hard to earn a quiet time for yourself since it’s a really busy city and if you want complete silence, you have to block out their own voices. It’s hard to ignore the presence of others when there are loud noises and so many people at once. 
 However, for you, it’s also the city of love.
 You met Juyeon when you both first enrolled into the same college and happened to closely share a semester together due to the duo group work your professor was making you do (and the deadline was well over 2 weeks). Those 2 weeks were blissful, you used to think he was a bit cold and even more so, a bit too full of himself, since he is immediately dubbed as ‘the dancing prince’ and he hangs out with the popular crowd. But your first impressions didn’t matter because he was incredibly nice and polite, and was so helpful when helping you with the project too, be it ideas or just offering to take places in completing the work. And you both ended up getting an A due to the outstanding efforts you put into your work, which you have to thank your amazing partner for. 
 And after the project ended, he still keeps in contact with you, insisting that you’re quite an interesting individual to know and hope to develop a further friendship. A total lie from him because he later admitted that when you both got into a relationship with the saying that by then, he already liked you and he just wanted to see if he has a chance with you. 
 Now back to the present. 
 It’s Saturday and you both are on a semester break. You live with your roommate/coworker and she’s off to work already, leaving you alone in this apartment as it’s your day off today. You were cleaning up your room and wiping off the dust off the furniture when suddenly you received a phone call. You look at your caller ID and you can’t help but smile when you see who it is. 
 So you pick up, pausing your cleaning process so you can talk to him just a little bit. 
“Hi, my pretty baby.” 
 That name never fails to flatter you and make your heart jump out of your chest. 
“Hey there, pretty boy.” 
 You think you do a pretty job concealing your flustered face and tone (rightfully, sue him for reducing you into a mushy lover). Otherwise, you would’ve been so embarrassed if he knew he had done irreversible damage to you. 
“You don’t have any plans for anything today, right?” 
“Why? You wanna take me to one of Eric’s father’s fancy restaurants?” 
“Great idea, actually.” He laughs, humoring you along. It’s no secret that Juyeon loves spoiling you. He had a hard exterior, according to all of your friends and you yourself. But when you guys began dating, they were subjected to the PDA between you two and their opinions on him quickly changed because just who is this guy? And plus, he also likes to take you on a new adventure. 
 Somehow, it makes you feel like a naïve teenage girl who’s dating a bad boy and you always wanted to ask him if he is truly one (even if you know he works part-time as a barista for his parents’ café shop). It’s hard to believe that someone as perfect as him can possibly exist. It’s unbelievable. 
“I was wondering if you’d like to join me for today's exploring.” He shyly explains and you can feel his shy smile tugs through his tone. What have you done in your past life to get a guy like him wrapped around your finger? Whatever you were doing, you’ve done it right. 
“If it’s Seoul, I’ve practically walked through every shady alleyway. It’s no fun.” You whine, your wet cloth cleaning off the dust is long forgotten amidst the phone call between you and your lover. 
“It’s not Seoul. I wanna take you somewhere else.” He keeps it vague and you suspect that he has a surprise for you. 
“Okay, let me clean myself up a bit.” You exclaim, putting down the wet cloth and hanging it up to dry from your bedroom (in your defense, it’s not dirty at all. You have a habit of wiping off your dust often and you definitely don’t have enough time in your hand to clean it right now). 
“Can you pick me up in an hour and a half?” You ask him, strutting around in your room to go to your bathroom to freshen yourself up. 
“You can still show up in sweats and I’d still think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” He says, means every single word of it because he thinks you’re pretty. So goddamn pretty he loses his mind over you and he doesn’t believe that he’s the one who gets to have you all the time. 
“Lee Juyeon, shut up. I think I stink. Do you honestly like it when I’m sweating like a dog?” You make a gagging face while you’re putting on your cleansing foam. 
“The sweats can’t wipe away your beauty.” His reply makes you want to bang your head into the wall so bad. 
 God, he’s such a romantic. 
“I’m showering. You can save that sappiness when you pick me up later.” You furiously blush, trying to get him to end the call so you can get ready to go wherever he leads you to. 
“I’ll see you later then, baby.” 
 And the line is disconnected. 
 You sulk a bit before putting your device back as you snap back to reality. But you’re also beyond excited where he will take you to today. 
 So you divert your attention back onto getting ready and hoping that the new things you’ve been wanting to try out will work. 
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“You look absolutely breathtaking.” Is the first thing Juyeon says after he comes to pick you up. 
 You decide to wear a black big cozy jacket, combined with black jeans and white shirt, which goes with his similar casual wear that he chooses. 
 There’s a spark in his eyes as he scams your whole body. A boyish smile yet so much of a shyness ticks behind that expression. He hands you a helmet, to which you still remember that the particular item is a gift from his dad who bought motorcycle tools equipment as a present for his 19th birthday and that includes the helmet you’re holding in your hand. You check to see if it has been unlocked yet. Once you see that it does, you quickly put it on your head, adjusting it properly before locking it and you gently hop onto the vehicle, excited for the ride.
“Are you ready?” He asks, wanting to make sure that you’re seating yourself comfortably before the motorcycle takes off.
“I’m all done.”
 And you hear the engine takes off, as the vehicle takes both of you far away from your place.
 The air feels fresher than usual, the atmosphere and the feelings remind you of the old Hong Kong movies you used to watch with your friends as a teenager. You always dream of doing something wild and adventurous to feel the essence of the ‘neon & loneliness’— something that has been used to precisely describe those types of movies. And now it’s like you’re living your dreams out. 
 If it’s a dream then you don’t want to wake up from it. 
 His soft woody cologne that radiates from his body all makes you feel like everything is in a daze and you’re the main protagonist of those films that you always loved. How did you get so lucky? 
 The motor is being driven further away from the city and you’ve crossed numerous luxurious stores and fancy places as you hold on tight to your lover. You’ve seen different kinds of people today; the sad, the happy, the singles, the couples, the divorced, the kids, teenagers, adults and you think you might’ve driven past celebrities by accident too. 
 Your eyes are trained to watch the road and take your worries off the daily life you’re experiencing today. You think though, instead, it’s making you realize something very precious about life. 
 People can be in a state of anything, regardless of their age. And they’re diverse, they have something to tell. Behind every person, there’s a story that is waiting for a person to uncover those. Uncover the deepest, best and worst parts of themselves. 
 You think you’re lucky that your boyfriend is the most gentle and caring person who always brings out the best part of yourself. Never once had you ever felt as if you were held back or restricted from good opportunities. He always encourages you to chase after your dream, while he steadily works towards his goal. 
 The short breeze through the city now has long escaped. You both are going somewhere unfamiliar, although you’re not sure how exactly familiar he is with where he plans to take you. However, you know better than to doubt him when he is quite literally the very same person with a really great taste in everything.
 Your thoughts do eventually come to a stop as he drives to a gas station and by that time, it’s around 3 and a half in the afternoon. The vehicle’s engine is no longer running after he shuts the power off and you know it’s time you get off the bike.
“I’d like to fill in the tank please.” Is what he says. His honey voice, ever so softly, makes you wonder how people aren’t falling for him already. The staff comes to him immediately and helps fill in the gas as per request. 
“Do you want to buy something?” He turns to ask you. “Or do you need to use the bathroom?”
“Not really.” You respond as you shake your head.
 You both stand while waiting for them to pump the gas and calculate the bill. And when you both are done, he gears up the vehicle to signal that the adventure is nowhere done. You hop on it, excited to see what will be waiting for you.
 You both leave the place, 
 Your boyfriend’s scent soon lures you to sleep, with you being barely able to open your eyes. It hasn’t been that long that you fall asleep together with him, but you both are somehow always away with the college assignments and personal workloads that are being dumped on you. Having him really close for the first time in 3 weeks does nothing but really makes you want to rest up.
 And you think to yourself, hmm, screw that. He’ll wake me up when we arrive at the place.
 Then you lay your head and close eyes as you feel yourself drifting further away to the dreamland that has been long awaited for you.
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 You woke up once you felt like you were being carried.
 You didn’t register it until you felt the abnormality of the said body pillow that you’ve been resting on start moving up and going even gradually higher. It’s only then that you open your eyes, consciousness not fully hitting you yet as your exhaustion keeps luring you to the dreamland. However, since you don’t have such a habit of sleeping when you are being moved around, you try your very best to open your eyes and pray that the sunlight will hit your eyes, although it’s unlikely as the sky beams with the color of soft orange and yellow, like a beautiful fire in flames.
“Shh, baby. Just sleep.” He shushes you, continuing to give you a piggyback ride. You immediately protest and almost go feral and also, almost cause a disturbance to him too.
“I’m wide awake, you can put me down and I can walk.” 
“Nice try, but no.” He chuckles and you can already imagine the most annoying yet such a beautifully crafted boyish grin plastered all over his face. He’s lovely– that’s just who he is.
“But where are you taking me?” You ask, eyes now can’t close on their own as your sleepiness already wears off from talking earlier.
“You’ll see.”
 And several minutes later, you both reach a part of a town that you’re sure has never been here before. He seems to be lost, with the way he hesitates to take a step further as he walks. 
“But Ju…” You whine. “Can’t you tell where you’re going?” You plead for him to give an answer, you so badly wanted to know what place he will show you this time. 
“Nuh uh.” He shakes his head a bit, still insisting on being mysterious and vague with the direction you’re heading. 
“But will you put me down? It’s uncomfortable being carried when I’m like, awake.” You complain and he finally gives in, sighing as he puts you down and you almost stumble forward and fall as the gravity feels new to you and if your boyfriend wasn’t there to catch you at all, you’d certainly slip by now. 
“Thank you.” You mumble out. 
“You good to go?” He asks, offering you his hand to hold as you busk in a new, unfamiliar place together. His eyes sparkle up, light of hope and love, so much adoration stores up in a gaze of his that belongs to a person that you’re proud to call him yours. 
 You’re losing track of yourself with the way you keep looking at him without a word, like a dumbfounded teenager that has no idea what they should do when they harbor romantic feelings towards their crush. But he lets you, until you gulp down to wet your throat and proceed with the next thing you’re going to say. 
“Yes.” You have a dopey smile on your face. “I can’t wait.”
 And you both take one step, two steps and more steps forward. Until you get inside the mysterious building. 
 Your boyfriend is not a man of many words, but his actions are always sincere. When he speaks, he always expresses his love for you. 
 You can even say that in almost two years of your relationship, you never have to doubt his feelings for you. That’s just how transparent he is. You don’t think you can find a greater love than him.
 With more steps further, you make it past the door and you see many abstract arts and paintings being hung, scattered all across the wall. Each frame and piece, colorfully coming together to make a piece of stories that is waiting to be told. The lines that piece it together, asymmetrically perfect in a way that it never seems to be out of place, although if you separate it, it wouldn’t make much sense to the naked eyes that only saw the remaining pieces and never get the chance to witness the beauty of the completion and harmony that lies in the form of crafts that you see with your own eyes. 
 Similarly, that’s how you feel about your boyfriend. 
 Not many people know him and you always had the impression that he was rather cold and closed off. That’s how he appears to the outsiders. The description of him from fellow classmates and his friends are drastically different because they never get to fully see what he is like as a person. 
 A person who is full of love to give to others, the one who dotes on others and is full of adventures. 
 Life with him is never boring, he brings a new kind of joy in your life. The kind of excitement that is dangerous, but you’ll let him lead you to go anywhere, even if it’s a thousand miles away. You trust him to keep you safe because never once had you been harmed or run into dangers.
 He instructs you to stand in front of him, you do so without a question. He pulls out a silky fabric and you already know what he wants to do– blindfolds you for the surprise. You let him as he carefully wraps the material around your eyes in a gentle manner to ensure that it doesn’t hurt you.
“Hold my hand and follow me.” He speaks to you softly and you nod your head. “I want to show you something.”
In a sight of darkness that is hard to break from, you let him guide you. He’s your light amongst all of this and you know he’ll never let you slip or stray away. With careful steps forwarding on the stairs and going up, further and further and then the floor feels smoother without the anxiety of reckoning,  it only takes a bit to finally realize you’re past the staircase.
 You feel like time freezes and you’re not sure how much time has passed by, although you think it’s not that much. It’s by far, the most anticipated thing for you. 
 Then you hold his hand tighter as he takes you in this unfamiliar place.
 You’re not the only one with so much adoration for your significant other. Your boyfriend is no different from you. 
 For Juyeon, being with you makes him feel like he’s in heaven. There’s no greater feeling than your presence around. 
 You heal a broken part of him that he didn’t know existed until you become the most cherished and frequent presence in his life, which is no doubt, loneliness.
 You’re calming, intelligent and intriguing. You’re an open book, but also, a mystery that he wants to keep uncover. He can lose himself in just studying about you and he wouldn’t care. You’re that someone to him who he trusts, with all of his life.
 When he inherited a motorcycle as a present from his parents in 11th grade, he usually rode it everywhere alone, even when he had friends. He discovered many fascinating locations, hearing every kind of life story from strangers whom he met on the road when he did his little exploring and witnessed people going through many stages of life. He used to watch people flirting and he wished that he had someone else to share his perspective and sightseeing with.
 You came along unexpectedly and stole his heart away. He can barely imagine a life without you now. The things you do to his heart is unhealthy. You’re the sole reason that his burning passion for life doesn’t become something he deeply despises. 
 The once cold seat of the motorcycle is now replaced by the warmth of you. And he wouldn’t want to have it in any other way. 
 He has seen many beautiful things that calm and heal his soul, but none of it were you.
 He thought beauty lies in the empty roads of complete darkness, or constellations and stars in the sky. But it’s clearly you, who is a Venus personified. 
 He’s in love and he’s not hiding it. 
 Which is why he wants to show you this view.
 By stopping in his track as he has reach the final destination, he reaches to slowly the blindfold off your eyes, all while tells you to still your eyes closed and only open under his command. 
 Both of you walk further and further away, with the help of Juyeon who guides you in the desired direction. Cold breeze hits you and you realize now that you’re most likely on the balcony and not in the secured walls of this building. 
“Open your eyes, baby.” 
 You let the light penetrate your vision as the skin that covers your seeing splits apart. 
 The view is breathtaking. 
 The sky turns into a light beat of deep orange, pale blue, deep pink and purple. You see the simplicity, the complexity and something so lively. 
 You see how the sky slowly turns itself into a pitch black, as the colors start to beautifully blend themselves, creating an unforgettable view that spreads through all across the universe from your own eyes. The wind blows slowly, as if to celebrate the magic of your shared happiness with him, which makes the moment even more unreal. 
 The lights that hang from there only intensifies its beauty. 
 You see polaroids of you both together being decorated, some you weren’t aware that the pictures were being taken. There are books and a table for dining that are put together like high end restaurants and you have no doubt that it wasn’t just a one day of work at all. 
“Happy 500 days anniversary.” He tells you, hand gently caressing you. “This house originally belonged to my grandpa. He has since passed it down to me.” He states so ever so softly and you’re shell shocked. 
“He told me that if I find someone special, I should bring them here. Because this house witnesses how my grandma and grandpa love each other and everyday is always special to them. For a long time, I didn’t understand what he meant because the idea of a lover that exists in a lonely person’s story doesn’t make sense. But I met you, my special person. I want this house to witness our love, too.” 
 You have tears brimming in your eyes as you listen to him speak further, all while his gaze lovingly settles on you and his thumbs wipe your tears. 
“I didn’t know what love was until I met you. When you’re away, I miss you. When you’re sleeping, I wish you’re awake so I can tell you some jokes that make you laugh.” 
“Me too.” You lose yourself into the warm brown eyes of his. “When I think about you, all my sadness disappears. It’s cliché, I know. But.. I think I’m so lucky to have you.” You choke on your own silent sob as he presses light kisses onto your lips.
“I’m so lucky to have you too.” He says truthfully. “I never believe in destiny, but I think we’re destined to love each other.” 
 And under the now moonlight that slowly shines onto you both, he cups your face and kisses you with all his might, as fireworks go off in the sky, as if to be a witness of this beautiful love story. 
 You don’t care for any of that as he whispers ‘I love you’ and you whisper one back too.
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wikiangela · 1 year
me, you, our kid and a dog
the dog fic is finally here! fluff, getting together, first kiss, reluctant dog dad Eddie, all three of them being adorable lol ❤️
words: 4.7k
[read on Ao3]
“You’re getting a dog?” Hen asks, piecing together the few sentences she’s heard. “As in… together? “Yeah.” Buck grins, opening his own locker as well “We’re not getting a dog. “But Eddie!” Buck almost whines, and, god, Eddie would give him anything he asked for, but he’s also stubborn, and he decided something already, he can’t just go back. Besides, does he really want to be stuck taking care of a pet on a rare occasion Buck’s at his loft? “Uh, you don’t even live together.” Hen notices, confused, a frown on her face. “Or have we missed something?” she and Chim exchange a look that Eddie doesn’t wanna look into. He’s already pretty sure he’s wearing his heart on his sleeve, and everyone knows how he feels, he doesn’t need confirmation. “No, but it just makes sense.”
It starts as a random remark on a sunny Sunday afternoon when the three of them are at the park. They’re just taking a walk, with the goal of getting ice-cream from the best ice-cream place in the city, according to both Buck and Chris – which is just an ice-cream stand in the middle of the park. 
There’s a lot of people around, strolling and talking just like them, or having picnics, or walking their dogs… and that last thing is what starts a conversation.
Because a big dog runs up to Buck – Eddie’s not even surprised at how every single breathing creature, human or otherwise, is just enamored with Buck, he’s used to it – and he stops to pet it with the brightest smile. Meanwhile, the owner, a young girl probably in her early twenties, catches up and apologizes profusely, saying that the dog tugged the leash out of her hand, and assures that it’s friendly and it’s safe to pet her – which is what Buck’s already doing, anyway.
“Hey, pretty.” he coos, crouching down, both hands petting the dog’s head, while it pants happily, tongue out. 
“Can I pet her, too?” Christopher asks, giving Eddie the most adorable pleading expression, and Eddie just can’t say no. 
“Of course. Just be careful.” Eddie says and watches as Chris walks closer to Buck, who holds one of his crutches to prevent it from falling, when Christopher hurries to pet the dog with the brightest smile. This close, the dog is almost at his height, and Eddie gets a little anxious, but doesn’t let his overprotectiveness take over. Buck’s right there, there’s nothing to worry about.
“She’s so soft.” Chris comments, and the dog licks his face, making him giggle.
They stand there for a long minute, before Eddie apologizes to the girl for keeping her there, and she laughs and says it’s okay. Chris tells the dog it was nice to meet her, and gazes after her wistfully, when the girl finally walks away.
“You really shouldn’t pet strangers’ dogs.” Eddie mutters to Buck once the girl is out of earshot.
“She said it’s fine.” Buck whispers back.
“Not before you already pet it.” Eddie gives him a look. “Just saying, you should be more careful.”
“Next time I will.” he rolls his eyes, as they start walking towards the ice-cream stand again, conversation picking up where they left off.
“I wish we had a dog.” Christopher says suddenly, interrupting Buck mid-sentence, and it surprises Eddie a bit. He’s never mentioned it before, and Eddie’s never thought about a pet, and he doesn’t know how to discourage him from that, or how to say no without breaking his son’s heart. Because there’s no way they’re getting a dog.
“Man, I always wanted a dog growing up.” Buck says wistfully, and, well, now Eddie’s screwed. “My parents never agreed, though.”
“We should get a dog together.” Christopher says, looking at Buck with a wide smile, and Eddie has to step in before they start planning and saying no will become even more heartbreaking.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Dad! Why?” Chris pouts and stops to look at Eddie with those eyes that make any ‘no’ almost impossible to pass his lips.
“Yeah, dad, why?” Buck joins in, and his pout is almost equally irresistible. Eddie is not in the strongest position here. If he wasn’t absolutely convinced of his decision already, he’d fold immediately. And he feels like if they keep talking about this, they might just change his mind. He won’t have this.
“I promise I’ll walk him and feed him, and Buck will help!” Chris says, now stopping and turning towards Eddie.
“Eddie, come on.” Buck shoves his arm lightly.
“You guys are serious? You actually want a dog?” Eddie looks between them, and they nod, matching pouts on their faces. Shit, he’s not gonna fall for it. “No.”
“No.” he repeats firmly, his heart breaking a little at his son’s defeated expression. “We all know that you will take care of it for a minute, and then it’ll fall on me, at least when Buck’s not home.” he adds quietly, not missing how he accidentally made it sound like Buck’s living with them, realizing that he’d love that more than anything, but choosing to ignore this for now, because he doesn’t have time for an am-I-in-love-with-my-best-friend freak out again (they happen more frequently than he’d like to admit lately, and he thinks he has the answer already anyway). “Or probably on Carla when we’re at work.” he continues. “And she’s not getting paid to take care of a dog.”
“There’s dog sitters.” Buck murmurs, and Eddie shoots him a look. They’re not made of money, for god’s sake. But then he sees tears in Chris’ eyes, and almost relents. Almost.
“Listen, it’s a no for right now, alright? But let’s revisit this conversation when you’re a little older?” Eddie asks, and Chris immediately lights up.
“How old?” he asks, and Eddie shares a look with Buck. Then, he looks back at his ten-year-old, and answers:
“Thirteen.” because it seems like a reasonable age where he’ll be able to actually take care of a pet, and also, a lot can happen in three years, maybe he’d want a different, more low-maintenance pet. Eddie could do a goldfish, for example.
“Fine.” Christopher relents, and looks at Buck. “We can wait three years.”
“Yeah.” Buck responds, a soft and surprised smile on his face. Like he still doesn’t believe they want him in their lives permanently, and he’s not expecting them to make such long-term plans involving him. “We sure can.”
“Just, we’re clear that we’ll have the conversation then, right? Not that we’re actually getting a dog?” Eddie adds, not wanting them to get too excited. He knows Buck could just get a dog on his own, it’s not like he lives with them (sadly), though as far as Eddie remembers, pets aren’t allowed in his building. But even if he could, Eddie’s pretty sure they’d still make this decision together. He doesn’t know exactly when it happened, but their lives became so intertwined it should be scary. It’s not, though. Buck is his partner, at and outside of work. In almost all the ways Eddie wants him to be.
“Sure.” Buck says dismissively, with a chuckle, like he knows they already won. Eddie really doesn’t like when they team up against him, because that’s usually how it ends, with them winning. They’re his two biggest weaknesses, they have an advantage separately, and together? Eddie’s surprised he managed to say no right now. 
Then they continue their walk, Chris a little bit in front of them, starting a new topic, now wondering what ice-cream flavor he should get, while Buck throws his arm around Eddie’s shoulder, and Eddie feels like his whole body is burning. To anyone else they must look like a family, a couple and their kid. Eddie hates how comfortable he is with that, and how much he’d actually want that to be true. Maybe he’s coming to terms with his feelings for Buck, because now, thinking about wanting to hold his hand and kiss him, and spend the rest of their lives arguing about getting a dog while living together – it doesn’t make him freak out or panic. He feels settled. He’s smiling, and he’s content, and he wants countless more afternoons like this with his boys.
But for now, the dog conversation is over, for at least three years.
Or so Eddie thinks. And, boy, is he wrong.
Because from then on, the topic of dogs and pets is being brought up constantly over the next couple of weeks. 
Mostly small mentions, Buck and Christopher talking about the kind of dog they want – a breed wasn’t specified yet, but definitely a big one, which prompts Eddie to wonder how Chris wants to walk it without the dog pulling on the leash and tripping him. Not that there’s gonna be any dog, that’s not happening.
And then, after a few days, the conversation extends to outside of home, when Buck drives them to work – because he stayed over, like he does pretty frequently, sharing the bed with Eddie because he’s not gonna sleep on the couch – they’re best friends, it’s normal. Or so Eddie’s trying to convince himself to avoid freaking out.
The whole drive over, Buck’s trying to convince Eddie to change his mind, and is still talking about it as they’re walking into the locker room, where Hen and Chimney already are.
“-and you have a backyard, which is just perfect-” Buck continues, not even bothering to say hi to their friends.
“It’s not big.” Eddie points out, opening his locker.
“But it’s enough! And we can build a doghouse together, that’d be so much fun!” he says excitedly, and when Eddie looks at him and sees his sparkling eyes and that smile, he almost gives in. “And I’ll take care of it all the time, too, you know I will.”
“Buck.” Eddie tries to be stern and wants to shut it down for now. They’re at work.
“You’re getting a dog?” Hen asks, piecing together the few sentences she’s heard. “As in… together?”
“Yeah.” Buck grins, opening his own locker as well.
“We’re not getting a dog.”
“But Eddie!” Buck almost whines, and, god, Eddie would give him anything he asked for, but he’s also stubborn, and he decided something already, he can’t just go back. Besides, does he really want to be stuck taking care of a pet on a rare occasion Buck’s at his loft?
“Uh, you don’t even live together.” Hen notices, confused, a frown on her face. “Or have we missed something?” she and Chim exchange a look that Eddie doesn’t wanna look into. He’s already pretty sure he’s wearing his heart on his sleeve, and everyone knows how he feels, he doesn’t need confirmation.
“No, but it just makes sense.” Buck shrugs, taking off his t-shirt in one smooth motion, and Eddie pointedly does not look (he sees him out of the corner of his eye anyway, he can’t help it, peripheral vision exists, okay?). He doesn’t look until Buck puts his LAFD shirt on, and he’s safe to turn to him without the danger of blushing or his eyes lingering where they shouldn’t. He kind of hates realizing he’s attracted to his best friend, because it’s making things weird, at least in his head.
“How does it make sense exactly?” Chimney asks, something smug in his voice.
“It just does.” Buck says dismissively, and Eddie wonders if he’s as confused as Eddie as to what has been happening lately between them. “And Christopher wants nothing more than to get a dog. He said he doesn’t want any presents for his birthday or for Christmas, just a dog.” he adds, and Eddie’s heart breaks a little. Has he said that? Not to Eddie. But if he did… They’re so gonna break Eddie sooner or later. But, again, he’s stubborn (which is probably where Chris gets it from, honestly).
“We’re not getting a dog.” he repeats for what feels like a thousandth time. It’s like a new catchphrase, and he doesn’t like it.
“But Eddie.” Buck pouts, and Eddie tries, really tries, but is aware he’s doing a poor job at that, to conceal a fond smile. Buck is just so adorable, and Eddie is- well, he’s maybe-possibly-probably in love with him. But they’re at work, and their friends are listening, and he doesn’t need the input, and doesn’t need them to know how much closer he and Buck are than they realize – though it might be too late for that, to be honest.
“Let’s talk at home?” he finally sighs, and Buck grins triumphantly. And Eddie knows he’s gonna give in sooner or later.
Especially since, once he gets home, Chris and Buck join forces once again, and Eddie can only hold out on his own for so long. With even his partner against him, there’s not much he can do. His son has websites of some local shelters open on his laptop, as well as a whole PowerPoint presentation about why it’s a great idea to get a dog. Eddie doesn’t know when Buck and Chris made it, but they did, and now they sit Eddie down in the living room and make their case. 
And, well, obviously, Eddie’s heart is not made of stone. He sees the two most important people in his life be so passionate and excited about this, they already set their hearts on getting a dog, and Eddie’s been refusing long enough.
Once the presentation is over, he stands up from the couch, while his boys look at him expectantly and with so much hope, if he didn’t change his mind already, he would now.
“So? Can we get a dog?” Chris asks quietly. Eddie takes a deep breath.
“We need to set some rules first.” Eddie says, and cheers erupt. Before he can say anything more, he finds himself in a tight embrace by Buck and Chris, whom Buck lifted up into his arms, so they can both hug Eddie. They thank him, and are so happy, and Eddie knows he’s made a good decision.
He’s even more sure a minute later, when Buck, in all his joy and excitement, apparently forgets himself and kisses Eddie straight on the lips, just a sweet, chaste brush of lips, and when he realizes what he’s done, they both freeze. Meanwhile, Chris, still in Buck’s arms, has his arms around Eddie’s neck, and doesn't look at them. 
There’s fear in Buck’s eyes, and Eddie gets it, the fear over the possibility of ruining everything, he feels it every time he has the urge to do something dumb like kiss Buck. Which, well, happened. And Buck initiated it. So maybe nothing’s ruined, if Buck feels the same. Because why else would he kiss Eddie?
So, Eddie smiles, which quickly turns into a grin, and Buck looks relieved, and then he beams, when Eddie leans back in, capturing Buck’s lips in a short, soft, tender kiss. It feels like coming home, like everything is where it’s supposed to be. Somehow, Eddie thinks they’re on the same page, and they both know they’re on the same page. They will need to talk later, but for now, the silent communication and understanding they’ve always had is enough. 
“Ew.” they hear Chris groan, and they break the kiss with a laugh, both blushing. “At least put me down if you’re gonna make out.” he adds, and Eddie feels his cheeks get even warmer. He sees that Chris is smiling, though, and Eddie’s a little surprised, because it seems like he’s cool with him and Buck being… whatever they are now. Hopefully dating.
“Uh, here you go.” Buck mumbles, putting him back down, his face bright red. “So, a dog?” he asks, shyly looking at Eddie.
“When?” Chris immediately adds.
“Why don’t we drive down to the shelter tomorrow and have a look?” Eddie suggests. “But first, some rules.” he says sternly, not letting even Buck kissing him distract him, not completely, anyway. He can keep it together for a minute. “Every morning one of you walks it and feeds it. No dogs on the furniture, including the couch. It’ll get a bed in your room-” he points at Chris, who beams at him, “and that’s where it’ll sleep. It’s your responsibility.” he looks from Chris to Buck, they both nod. He’s also aware that most of any rules will get broken anyway, and that he’ll end up taking care of it, too, obviously, they all live under the same roof anyway. Well, not all… not yet. 
“Are we building a doghouse in the backyard?” Buck asks tentatively. 
“Dad, can we?” 
“Yes, of course we can.” Eddie smiles, because he already said yes, and he’s not sure he’d be able to say no to anything they both ask him right now. “But let’s get a dog first, and then we’ll worry about everything else, alright? We’ll get toys and bowls and all that tomorrow, too.” he adds, knowing that it’s another question from his son. And it’s just hitting him now that it’s happening. They’re getting a dog. What is he getting himself into… But first, there are more pressing issues. “Hey, why don’t you go call Carla and tell her, to prepare her for what she’ll have to deal with when she’s here next time, and I’ll just talk to Buck real quick?” Eddie adds, and Chris just nods, gives them both a knowing look, as if he was sure what it is they wanna talk about, and goes to his room.
Once they’re alone, Eddie looks at Buck, who’s looking everywhere but at Eddie. He’s nervous, as if he didn’t get enough confirmation already. Eddie grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers, and Buck’s wide eyes land on him.
“Relax.” Eddie chuckles. “I just felt like maybe we need to talk at least a little bit.”
“Yeah, uh, so that was-” he stops, as if not sure what to say next.
“Unexpected.” Eddie finishes for him, still smiling. “But very, very welcome.” he says just to reassure Buck that he’s not reading anything wrong (Eddie’s not sure how he could but, well, it’s Buck), and tugs at Buck’s hand to bring him closer. 
“Yeah?” his face lights up, and his eyes shine when they look into Eddie’s. 
“Yeah.” Eddie gets even closer, their faces inches apart, both their smiles widening, as Eddie links their lips again. But then he pulls away, because he did want to talk. Nothing goes according to plan today, but he’s not complaining. “I’m happy you kissed me, because I was starting to think I’d never be brave enough.” Eddie admits. “I was worried I’d ruin things if you didn’t feel the same.”
“Which is?” Buck raises an eyebrow, his smile turns teasing, and hopeful, and of course he already knows, but Eddie will gladly spell it out for him.
“I’m in love with you.” Eddie responds, looking into Buck’s eyes, and he feels so much lighter now that he said it. He’s been denying it, wondering, freaking out over it for so long, but now it comes as easy as breathing, and it just feels so right. “I think I have been for a long time. We’re a family already, but I want us to be a family in this sense, too.” he squeezes Buck’s hand, where he’s still holding it. “I love you so much, Buck.”
“I love you, too.” Buck’s smile is blinding. And Eddie can’t resist leaning in to kiss it. “I didn’t even think, it was so-”
“Normal?” Eddie finishes for him with a laugh. “Yeah. Like we’ve always done it.” Because that’s what it feels like when he kisses Buck right now. It’s amazing, yes, but there’s nothing really groundbreaking, it doesn’t feel new, even though it is, it’s the most natural thing in the world, kissing Buck, like Eddie’s been meant to do it. “And if you want, I’d love to do this for the rest of our lives.”
“Wow, that’s fast.” Buck jokes, kissing Eddie again. “We just kissed for the first time, slow down.”
“Uh, we’re getting a dog together.” Eddie pulls away further to give him a look, eyebrows raised. “And we’re co-parenting a kid together, have been for longer than either of us probably realize.” he adds, and sees Buck’s face melt at that. “We’re pretty far ahead already.”
“That’s true.” Buck chuckles. “I can’t believe this is happening.” he whispers, bringing his free hand up to Eddie’s cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you.” Eddie can’t resist a smile. He gets to say it now. He gets to kiss Buck, and hold his hand, and be with him. And maybe they started it a little backwards, but they’re them. They’ve been partners and co-parents for so long, and they know each other better than anyone else. So, Eddie doesn’t think anything would be too fast. Hell, they could get married tomorrow and he’s pretty sure no one would even bat an eye, it’d seem like the most natural thing. But maybe not just yet. Not that, at least, he’ll work up to it one day. However… “And, you know, parenting a kid together plus taking care of a dog together will be just so hard while living apart.” he adds teasingly, and sees Buck’s eyes widen.
“Yeah?” he breathes out.
“Yeah. Might make it much easier if you, I don’t know, maybe move in soon?” he asks, trying to act as nonchalantly as he can, but not quite succeeding, because he’s excited. He hasn’t been this giddy in a long time. And, to be honest, Buck’s already kind of living with them, it’d just make so much sense. More than getting a dog together while living apart, that’s for sure.
“You want me to move in?” Buck tries to smirk, but awe and surprise overtake his expression.
“If you do, yeah.” Eddie says decisively, because now that it’s happening, now that he knows for sure that he and Buck feel the same, everything slots into place, and he knows exactly what he wants. He wants Buck in his life, in his home, forever. “That not too fast for you?” he slowly leans in again, not able to resist those gorgeous lips a second longer, now that he got a taste.
“Actually, no. Seems perfect.” Buck responds, meeting Eddie’s lips halfway.
When they go to the shelter the next morning, Chris is excitedly talking about dog names, and everything they need to buy, and all the research he and Buck have been doing on training dogs to pee outside, and teach them tricks – it’s adorable how excited he is, and now Eddie has no idea why he was ever opposed. Buck and Eddie walk right next to him, holding hands, smiling at each other, as they listen to their son. 
It takes maybe two weeks for the puppy to have Eddie wrapped around her little paw, any rules he made be damned. He’ll never admit it out loud, because he was the one refusing to get a dog in the first place, but she won him over completely. Buck and Chris tease him about it, and he pretends he has no idea what they’re talking about, which apparently they find really funny.
“Hey, I thought you said no dogs on the couch?” Buck asks, running his fingers through Eddie’s hair, as he walks around the couch to sit next to Eddie. Well, Eddie and their little puppy, Luna, who’s curled up next to him, her head on Eddie’s lap, and she’s soundly snoring as he absentmindedly pets her. Buck sits down on his other side, and puts an arm around Eddie.
“Did I?” Eddie mutters, looking down at the adorable dog, and wondering what he could have been thinking then. “I don’t recall.” he adds, and Buck laughs. Eddie immediately shushes him. “She’s asleep, shut up.”
“Wow.” Buck whispers and rolls his eyes. “And you didn’t even want her.”
“You guys are inseparable now. This was supposed to be Christopher’s dog.” Buck notices with amusement, and he’s only half right. It is Chris’ dog. But she really likes Eddie, and what can he do about it? But they’re not inseparable. Eddie and Buck might be even more now, but not Eddie and the dog.
“She is. Yours and Chris’. She just sat next to me.” Eddie says, looking back at the TV that’s so quiet it’s barely audible. Buck and Chris have been obsessed with the dog since the moment they saw her, and she loves to play with them both, but for some reason, whenever Chris is not there, she ends up hanging out with Eddie more. Buck always jokes that she could sense who was skeptical towards her and made it her mission to change his mind. Maybe there’s something to it.
“And you woke up at four to walk her this morning. And two days ago.” Buck points out, having way too much fun with this. So maybe Eddie’s willingly walking her now after claiming that he won’t, because he’s not the one who wants a dog, so what? He’s allowed to change his mind… again. “And didn’t she sleep in our bed last night?”
“That’s irrelevant.” Eddie responds, not able to resist a smile. He still can’t believe it’s our bed, and our home, and our son, and our life… and our dog – as much as Eddie wants to deny it, she stole his heart, just like she did Buck’s and Chris’. He won’t say that, though. “Someone has to walk her when you two can’t, and she already woke me up.” he shrugs.
“Oh, of course.” Buck laughs and kisses his cheek. “So you guys are not best friends yet?”
“No.” Eddie responds immediately, but his hand is still petting the dog, and he involuntarily smiles when she blinks her eyes open. “Hi, look who finally woke up.” he says softly, and ignores Buck chuckling – or tries to, but it’s Buck, and his laugh is one of his favorite sounds. Luna turns over, demanding belly rubs, and Eddie obliges.
“I love you so much.” Buck says, and when Eddie looks up at him, he immediately meets his eyes, filled with so much affection, it still takes Eddie by surprise.
“I love you, too.” Eddie responds, and just the fact that he can say it now is still making him grin like an idiot. 
“More than the dog?” Buck teases, and Eddie rolls his eyes, while Buck laughs once again. “I’m not hearing a no.”
“You’re insufferable.” Eddie leans over and kisses Buck, just to shut him up. He laughs into the kiss, and Eddie can’t believe how much he loves him, his heart is overflowing with it. One of them deepens the kiss, and Eddie’s just about to suggest they make the best out of Chris still being at school, while they have a day off, but then a few insistent barks interrupt them, and Eddie realizes he stopped petting the dog when he and Buck started kissing. He pulls away, and smirks. “Look, she’s just as clingy as you.”
“And apparently she wants all your attention, like me.” he looks at Luna. “You know he’s mine, right?” he gets another bark in response, before she apparently gets bored of not getting attention, and jumps off the couch, going to the kitchen, where she has her bowls and some of her toys, and they installed a dog door on the back door, so she can go to the backyard, where Eddie, Buck and Chris build a doghouse and fenced off a little area for her. It’s been a fun project, Buck was right. “Ha! Now I have you all to myself.” Buck grins, and leans in again.
Much later that night, they all watch a movie together, Christopher sits in between them, the puppy on his lap, Buck and Eddie’s hands intertwined on the back of the couch, because now that they’re allowed to, they never stop touching for longer than necessary. Maybe they’re both a little clingy. Eddie kind of loves it.
He looks at his family, his wonderful son, and his incredible partner, who’s holding his hand and smiles softly at him over their son’s head, and the dog that, there’s no denying, brought them together. Maybe it’d happen one day anyway, it probably would, but they got here quicker because Christopher and Buck really wanted a dog. And now they live together, they have a family and a life, and a future together. Eddie thinks that giving in to all the pleading and getting a dog was the best decision he could’ve made, and he’s so grateful for it. 
He brings Buck’s hand closer and kisses his knuckles, just because. He’s just overwhelmed with how happy he is right now. He doesn’t think he’s ever been more content in his life. And when Chris groans and complains that they’re being gross and constantly making out (which they’re not… at least not with Chris present), they just laugh, and look at each other, and it’s perfect. Their family is perfect. Eddie wouldn’t change it for the world.
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skzcollision · 1 year
churchboy!felix x afab!reader (5/7)
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genre: fluff, smut, teen angst
synopsis: certain expectations come with being a pastor’s daughter. in everyone’s eyes you are a properly behaved girl, albeit rather timid. according to your parents, you aren’t as devoted to the church as you should be. they entrust you to an old family friend’s son, deeming him to be a good influence. these circumstances bring you two closer together and stir up all kinds of emotions.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“What do you want to do?”
Scraping the bottom of your cup, you scoop up the last of the creamy gelato, humming around the plastic spoon in contemplation. You really haven’t given it much thought. Your only goal is to be free from your parents and the life they have set for you—which you’ve just told Felix, and everything you have been planning once the school year commences.
“I- I don’t know. Honestly I didn’t even think about it, all I know is, I want to be in charge of my own life for once.” You say, dropping the spoon into the empty cup. “I’ve just enrolled myself in General Studies for now.”
Felix nods in understanding. He reaches forward to pinch your cheek, a comforting smile on his face. “You’ll figure it out. I know you will,” he then gets up to throw your cups away.
“How about you? Where will you be living?” You lift your gaze, squinting through the sunlight. He has told you about the tech university he’ll be attending in September. Like the school you’ve chosen, it is also in the heart of the city, so it would be a bit of a drive from your town.
He returns to his spot next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “My older sister lives pretty close by so I’ll be moving in with her.”
You grin excitedly and lean into him. “So you’ll be near.”
His eyes crinkle with glee. “I’ll be near.”
“Oh, and just so you know,” his brows raise as you move your lips by his ear, speaking in a hushed tone. “I’ve applied for a single dorm.”
When you pull away, his dark eyes bore into your own and he deadpans, “I guess that means no more fooling around in churches.”
You laugh, resting your head against his chest.
Felix jerks from suppressing his own laughter, and buries his face into your hair. “Still can’t believe we did that… I hope we didn’t miss anything cleaning up.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell everyone it was Alice and Jason,” you say, placing a repugnant image in your heads. He dissolves into snickers.
It would be quite the scandal. Everyone knows that the aforementioned couple is waiting until marriage to even have their first kiss so holding hands is the furthest they could have gone.
You turn to him after a few beats of silence. “Hey Lix,” he quirks a brow when he hears the seriousness in your tone. “Do you really believe in God? Like if it weren’t for your parents…”
He pauses for a moment to think.
“It’s not that I believe in him—it’s more that I want to. Like if I put my faith into something, maybe I could also learn to have some faith in myself… Like I could erase my uncertainties about the future and believe that things will work out for me because… because you know, they always say that he has a plan for us. Or something like that… I don’t know…”
Felix trails off, suddenly hyper aware of himself under the weight of your gaze. He has the habit of rambling and trying to express his every single thought, which you find endearing, but he gets flustered when the things he says seem to go nowhere.
You get what he’s trying to say though, you know that he has had some issues with his self confidence and more often than not doubts himself. He’s the type of person that is too busy building others up with positivity, that he forgets to do the same for himself.
But you’ve been staring for too long.
A quiet chuckle leaves him. “Maybe you think that’s lame, but–“
“No, no, that makes perfect sense.” You assure him, waving your hands frantically. “I could never think that you’re lame.”
His lips make a loud smack when he kisses the top of your head and you both beam at each other.
“M’sorry, that was a lie.” You say jokingly, sucking in air through clenched teeth. “You’re pretty lame at Mario Kart.”
“Mmm,” he narrows his eyes. “I believe I let you win that time.”
“Sure you did.”
“Don’t get all cocky now just ‘cause I felt sorry for you.”
“You are mean, you know that?”
“It all comes from a place of love,” he murmurs before softly pressing his lips to yours.
“Love?” You whisper against his mouth.
“Love.” He affirms, grinning.
Your summer is filled with moments like this.
Biking through rough, gravelly paths, finding empty fields to dump your bikes onto. Rolling around in fresh uncut grass, revelling in each other’s presence.
Whispers of sweet nothings, limbs so jumbled up you don’t know where one begins and one ends. His rough, but plush lips, chapped from all the wind and laughter, made soft again when you kiss—until your mouths are sore and pink. Calloused fingers caressing your exposed skin, as if memorizing every curve and detail of your body.
“I remember the first time I saw you,” he remarks, breaking the silence that has settled upon you two.
Felix is lying on the grass, his arms crossed behind his head and face tilted towards the blue skies. You’re on your knees next to his motionless body, trying to get his nose just right.
“We were in bible study, and you were sketching in your notebook—just like you are now.” Freckles dance as the corners of his mouth lift up, eyes falling on your concentrated face. “You were so focused. Like you were off in your own world.”
You glance up from your sketch pad, ceasing the rapid scratching of your pencil.
“Think that’s when I started liking you.”
Heart skipping a beat at his confession, your lips part in surprise. “Really? That far back?”
His parents have been around ever since you were a kid, but Felix had stayed with his grandparents for a good portion of his life before moving into town, so you really only got to meet each other when you were both fourteen. You never suspected that he had feelings for you. He hid it well.
“Mhm,” he smiles widely now, finding your astonishment amusing. “You didn’t even acknowledge me then, but I always looked forward to watching you draw.”
“Psh–“ You scoff, returning to your portrait of him, struggling to contain your smile. “You fall in love way too easily.”
“Only ‘cause it’s you.” He nudges your knee with his elbow, but you refuse to make eye contact now.
Somehow you’re the one feeling all exposed and vulnerable, even though he’s laid out for you to observe and draw.
“Well if you liked me for that long, how come you never said anything?”
You can hear the movements of the grass when he shrugs. “Because I was scared?”
“Of my father?” A breathless laugh breaks through your voice.
Your mother is actually more daunting in comparison. Although your father has a stern and severe air about him, he is quite short and frail looking standing next to her. Your father never smiles, but your mother smiles a concerning amount, and they are never genuine—which makes it more unsettling.
“No,” he says it like it’s obvious. “Of you.”
This gets you to finally look at him. “Me?”
“Yeah, you,” his fingers tickle the outside of your thigh. He stares deeply into your eyes, pupils blown out. “Even now you scare me. You make me question everything I’ve ever known, you bring out this side of me that…”
“That?” You mutter, suddenly feeling short of breath.
Words are not needed. He pushes everything you’re holding aside, leading you onto your back. Tufts of grass poke at your arms and back, but he lays your head gently on his folded hoodie. Caging you in his arms, he gazes at you for what feels like an eternity, fingers stroking your hair, your rosy cheek, then your lips.
Felix whispers your name, so simple yet, it impacts you so intensely, you don’t know how or why but warm tears prick your eyes. Maybe it’s the way he’s looking at you, like you’re something so precious and worthy, or– you don’t know, you’re not thinking straight and you aren’t making any sense right now.
His lips are on yours in a flash, and you let yourself slip into that boundless space with him.
Your head feels light, every touch, every kiss, stealing air from your lungs. His body presses tightly against yours, hearts beating alongside each other.
Then he’s asking you a question, something you don’t fully process but say yes to anyway because the answer is always yes when it comes to Felix.
Sunlight pierces your eyes when he moves down your body, settling his face in between your thighs and pushing up your skirt. His hands are on either side of your underwear and he’s looking up at you for confirmation.
Only then you realize what he just asked you, and your heart pounds with excitement. “Yes, yes, please…”
The anticipation buzzing through your body is soothed when he finally swipes his tongue across your slit, fingers gently parting your folds and allowing obscene access to your most sensitive part. Felix is careful, calculated, his wet muscle swirling and laviciously curling around your clit.
Your body switches from tensing up to falling limp, swimming with pleasure from his ministrations. Expletives and sounds of ecstasy escape your mouth, urging him on. His fingers dimple the flesh of your thighs, keeping you open as he dives further into you, until his forehead is pressed against your lower abdomen and all you see is a head of hair.
His mouth has fully invaded you now, lips cupping around the bundle of nerves as he eagerly licks up into your sweet cunt. He groans against you, voice raspy and resonant. The vibrations only bring you closer to your release.
Your hips have started rocking into his face and he locks his arms around your thighs as he now messily eats you out, letting you use his mouth to your greatest pleasure.
Your mind goes blank, and for a moment, it feels as though you are floating. Felix holds you down, taking everything you’re giving him, thumbs skimming across your smooth skin.
He collapses next to you, breathing hard.
It takes a while for you to gather yourself, enough to say something at least. “How– how did you…”
Felix turns his head to you, smiling cheekily. “Did a little bit of research.”
“Damn good research,” you sigh, at a loss of words as you swing your body to rest against his.
He chuckles, pulling you tightly onto him, kissing you on the head then all over your face.
You are still dizzy from the day as you are biking your way home. Things had to end a little early because your mom decided to be a buzzkill and started sending you texts telling you to go home.
A melody hanging from your smiling lips, you walk through that door, only to be ripped out of your contentment by your mother.
She stands with her hands on her hips, lips pressed into a thin line. Suddenly you’re eight years old again, getting in trouble for something as trivial as leaving the kitchen tap dripping.
“Care to explain what this is?” Only it is a much more serious matter than that. A letter falls open from the hand she holds out in front of you.
A letter from school that you have hidden in your drawer.
You gulp, holding yourself firm despite your shaking limbs. “I’m going, mom.”
A smile creeps onto her face, more so a grimace, as she steps towards you. “So this is how you repay us, after all we’ve done to raise you.”
“It’s just a school.”
“Is it,” she laughs coldly. “You go to that school, then what? You stop going to church, start partying, doing drugs–“
You scoff in disbelief at her major overreaction. “Mom, that is so–“
“I have always known what you are,” she voices ominously, staring at you with pure disgust, as if you were vermin and not of her own flesh and blood. Then that piece of paper is thrown at your face, her countenance turning fiery.
“You’ve done it now,” she raises a hand—a scene all too familiar to you.
It triggers your fight or flight response and suddenly you’re ripping open the door, almost tripping on your own feet as you rush out of that house. Heart racing wildly in your chest, you bolt down the driveway, ignoring her shouts.
Hot tears spill from your eyes and onto the screen of your phone as you press the button to call Felix.
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| taglist: @moasworld @beautifulixr @vixensss @yeetfellx @g00dtimenotlongtim3 @letrasalvientoblog @yourmercibeaucoupsblog @tfshouldidohere @sxurgrapes @babrieeee @fawnpeaks |
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Fizzarolli x MinorNobility!Reader Headcanons
Ngl, my friend gave me a character and I ran with it. Honestly it probably wouldn't have been long until I did the best jester in all of hell. Hope y'all enjoy!
• Ah Greed, home sweet home, land of mafiosos and poverty galore.
• And you got to be one of the few people above. And by that, I mean you were one of the lowest nobles in the ring.
• Goetia or not, you still had a decent amount of respect, and money, but to most people above you, you were a joke.
• Plans to help the poverty problem while still keeping profits up? No, they're stupid, you should just go back to your measly, little penthouse.
• Yeah, it wasn't great for you.
• Not the wealth, although even that came and went.
• Most people would expect the nobility of Greed to be rolling in cash, but that wasn't totally true.
• Sure, the big boys like Mammon got about 80% of Greed's wealth, but the money got reduced as it went down.
• Essentially, you had to live off of of the scraps.
• Most of the crime families had more than you, actually, so when you're a noble in a city where cash is everything, and you're being beat by multiple imps, you get treated like a joke.
• There was always one place you could go to escape it all, though.
•  Lust is a pretty great place to relax, if you were being honest.
• It's not for everyone, of course, but you enjoyed it. You loved exploring the ring, but there were a few snags.
• A lot of the places required you to be with someone, and while usually you got someone to vouch for you, this time you didn't.
• You were actually friends with Asmodeus, somewhat, and he actually got you into his club, Ozzie's, a couple of times.
• This time though, you weren't so lucky.
• Ozzie was caught up with something else and couldn't help you, so you had to figure out something else for the night.
• That was until Fizzarolli stepped in and got you inside.
• You had seen him preform before, you had even talked to him once.
• You definitely had a thing for him, though you were never sure if it was purely physical attraction, or if there as a bit of romantic attraction too.
• Don't worry, you figured it out that night, after he invited you backstage.
• Fizzarolli had to preform first, though, so he kinda just dropped you off in his dressing room and had some food and drinks sent your way.
• You were a bit disappointed about missing out on the show, but you did enjoy getting a glimpse of how things worked by the curtains.
• Not to mention his dressing room was really nice.
• Honestly, it reminded you a bit of your penthouse.
• A bit smaller, of course, but it had that same general decor and vibe, minus the more... adult things.
• After a while, Fizzarolli returned, and he said something you weren't really expecting.
• He thought you were hot, and he was kind of into you too, at least from what he had seen of you.
• One thing led to another and you spent the night together at your apartment.
• (What that entails is completely up to you, bestie. We love and respect asexual people here.)
• The following morning, you woke up before him, and decided to make some breakfast.
• It was the least you could for Fizzarolli even talking to you.
• He woke up and was... confused.
• Most people just expect him to leave in the morning, except for Ozzie and maybe a few others.
• At your insistence, he stayed for a while, and you two got along swimmingly.
• Alas, he had his own obligations, but he did leave you with two things.
• One: The possibility of a follow up date.
• Two: A kiss and a slip of paper in your palm.
• When you uncrumpled it, you saw it was a phone number, as well as a message.
• "I'll pick you up tomorrow night. <3"
• You were ectsatic, of course.
• But now, you have to figure out something nice to wear.
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lfghughes · 1 year
Stay Forever
a/n: got a little barzy request about moving in and it’s been a long while since i got a barzal request
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“Mmm, I don’t want to go to practice.” Mat stirred next to you, his fingertips traveling up and down your spine. You seconded his statement, last thing you wanted was for either of you to leave this bed especially when soon enough your time here would be coming to an end once again. Living in a different city had its challenges. It could definitely be worse but a three hour drive was still rough especially when it was mostly you making the drive.
Not that you were blaming him at all but during hockey season you understood he couldn’t just come and go as he pleased and there was no way that after a game he’d want to drive three hours to your place so you usually made the sacrifice. Again it could be worse but this was still tough. “Are you still planning on heading back home later today?” He asked and you could hear the tone in his voice was slightly on the down side. 
It would definitely be another week before you’d be able to make it back down since you had a few projects you needed to focus on this week and you knew Mat wanted to spend as much time with you as possible. “I’m probably going to head out as soon as you go to practice so I can beat the traffic.” You could still feel his finger tips on your skin as he cleared his throat slightly like if he was nervous.
“I’ve actually been thinking that maybe we should start thinking about maybe you moving in with me. That way you don’t have to drive as much and I mean there’s plenty of space here for you to work and do your own thing.” The idea was beautiful but there was also a big part of it that made you feel anxious. You had lived with an ex before and it clearly hadn’t ended well. Not that you saw yourself and Mat breaking up but living together changed a lot of things. 
You pulled away slightly from his touch and a frown grew on his lips. Immediately you felt the guilt settle in. “I don’t know, I have to think about it. I like my place, you know. I know it’s far but I’m not sure if I’m ready to change my life yet.” Maybe not the right set of words for this moment. “I mean I want to. It’s not that. I just…living together will change so many things and what if it’s not for the better.”
Luckily, Mathew knew all about your previous relationship and he knew how it affected you and the insecurities you had now so right away he knew why you were worried. “It’s going to be a change but not a big one. I mean you’re here pretty much every weekend but hey we can do a slow move in. Whatever makes you comfortable.” His expression had softened and you knew that he would let you take this at your pace which meant the world to you. “I really have to get to the rink, but just think about it. You already have a key and half your stuff is here but whatever you need, I’ll do it.”
With all that being said, Mat slipped out of the bed going off to his practice and leaving you with your thoughts. He had a point and even though it wasn’t ideal you could pay rent on your own place for a few more months until you were sure this was a good idea and once you felt more comfortable you could sign the lease over to someone else. You knew you could trust him but seeing how he was willing to move at a slower pace and the fact that even if you did say no he wouldn’t get angry made it so much easier to make a decision. You took out your phone sending out a quick text to him “What about we try this whole moving in thing next weekend?”
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holly-fixation · 4 months
On a beautiful spring day, Sephiroth builds up the courage to defy Hojo, explain his boundaries and attempt to maintain them.
Hojo is having none of that, slaps him across the face and screams "You are the reason your mother killed herself!"
A Saturday. Of course Hojo scheduled a sudden lab visit on a Saturday an hour before he had to attend. Sephiroth and the other Firsts planned on visiting the parks in the city. It may not be anything extreme or exciting, but threatening to take that day away from him was the straw that broke the camel's back.
He didn't show up. He didn't notify anyone. He didn't let word spread until it was far too late. Until the little red circle next to his profile picture read "not attending" just before he should have left. He had a wonderful, relaxing day with his comrades, laughing and sharing stories and ducking paparazzi in the most elaborate ways possible. He returned to his First Class apartment with a smile on his face, until the sinking feeling in his chest told him he was not alone.
Three bangs struck his door. Once opened, Hojo stood in its wake.
"How dare you."
It was a lecture he was sure he had until Monday to avoid. Responsibility. Soldier readiness. Respect. His loyalty to Shinra. His strength. His intelligence. Surely he was intelligent enough to know what happens when he blatantly skipped an appointment.
"And surely you're intelligent enough to know not to schedule anything on a blatant day off. No matter how many times we have this conversation, you ignore my requests, so I enacted them myself. This was not an urgent appointment, and my schedule says I am out of the office. All I ask is to respect my time."
"After all the disrespect you've shown me since the day you were born?"
"Then you shouldn't have chosen to raise a child..." Sephiroth didn't believe the words left his mouth until Hojo's slapped him.
"And what were your other options, Sephiroth? An orphanage? Where your abilities would wither and die before ever reaching the potential we granted you here at Shinra? A foster home where you're kept for a paycheck, malnurished, and ignored every single day without the attention of anyone? Or were you hoping for a relative? Someone connected by blood to take you in as your own? Pershaps on your maternal side? Even if that was an option, which it never was, they would never welcome you into their home. You're the reason your mother killed herself!"
Sephiroth silenced, a phantom taste of blood settling from his cheek. He couldn't even look at the man scientist before him.
"Now you will get it together. I expect you in the lab first thing tomorrow morning without delay. You already disappointed your mother. Do not disappoint the living too." The man in white left.
Sephiroth moved slowly, achingly. He dug to the furthest corner of his dresser drawer, pulling out a golden locket. An empty locket, its shine the only thing it physically provided. But the pattern and shape were one rebuilt from memory, though the heart of it remained missing forever. He held it close to his chest, taking strained breaths.
I'm sorry, Mother... I'm so sorry...
The next day he stood in the labs. Just another Sunday in May.
Mother's day.
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httplilyyy · 2 years
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pairing: leah williamson x reader, fcb femeni x reader
summary: after a gruelling game against real madrid all feelings are put onto the table, does it lead you to being heart broken or someone else’s?
warnings: angst & fluff
word count: 3.1k
a/n: this is one of the alternate endings of part three... so enjoy. you can either read this version or the other- or both! :)
woso masterlist | prev. part | alternative end
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“The person you are calling is unable to take your call right now, please leave a message after the tone.”
Six times. That's how many times Leah had tried to call you. Yet, you still didn't pick up.
With every time Leah called you she had a little hope in her that you would pick up, but it soon shattered when it went through to voicemail.
“Pick up, please.” Leah whispered, her voice cracking as she sat on the edge of her bed. “Just pick up.”
Fiddling with your ring on her finger Leah decided to call you one last time.
Leg bouncing up and down in anticipation, Leah bit the nail on her thumb waiting, hoping, or anything in between for her to hear your voice.
As the phone rang the likelihood of you picking up got slimmer and slimmer. Leah ultimately decided to end the call, completely unaware that you were contemplating on the other end, finger hovering over the button to accept.
Letting out a long sigh, one full of many emotions, Leah couldn’t stop the feeling of her bottom lip quivering along with the tears pooling up in her eyes.
Finally letting the emotions get the better of her, she soon broke down once again. This time taking longer to compose herself.
With trembling hands, Leah picked up the letter beside her and read it once again.
I’ve known you for five years and lived with you for three, each one of those years, minutes and seconds have been the best of my life. But I can't be friends with you. I can't be just friends with you.
I like all the little things about you, I like the way you make me feel, I like your smile, laugh, everything. I like you. Nothing in this world can stop me from liking you.
You might be wondering where all my things have gone and it's because I got sent a transfer, one from Barcelona. I took it. I couldn't turn it down.
Well at first, I didn't really want to take the offer. That was until I saw you and jordan. I just couldn't handle the heartbreak knowing that Jordan was the one who got to hold you, kiss you, be the one to call you theirs.
I was going to tell you, you know. I had it all planned out, it wasn't anything extravagant, just a little something.
I’m sorry I didn't tell you about my feelings and about the transfer. I was going to, it's just that life got in the way. I don’t want it to be real. I don't want to leave, not really. Not without you.
I’m sorry that I couldn't tell you face to face, I just felt like a text would be a shitty way to say goodbye. It’s not really a goodbye, though, more like a see you later.
And even if we did have a chance to be together, maybe it was just not meant to be.
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It had been three weeks since you had left London and moved to Barcelona. You managed to fit in with the team really well and you were happy to call this new place your home.
Lucy and Keria were there to help you find your feet and get to know everything going on in the catalonian city.
You had grown close with all the girls and more specifically with someone in particular. The two of you were seen almost everywhere together. Neither of you were seen without the other during training or even team bonding.
The team started speculating and eventually the fans did too, but it was always the same answer. No, you're not dating. How could you? Not after Leah.
“Here come the love birds.” Mapi joked as you walked into training with Alexia by your side.
“Very funny.” Alexia deadpanned, wrapping her arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer to her. “Y/n can only dream.”
“Yeah right.” You chuckled, pushing away from the midfielder slightly.
“Come on you two.” Lucy smiled as she walked in between you and alexia, placing her arms around either of your shoulders and walking the two of you out and onto the pitch for training.
“Leave them alone Maps.” Ingrid said as she walked behind you, Lucy and Alexia.
“You can tease them later.”
“Fine.” Mapi reluctantly huffed as she walked to training as well.
Training was fairly easy, a couple simple drills and it went by in a flash. The rest of the girls went back to the locker room to get changed whilst you stayed out to do some shooting drills.
After sinking another ball into the net, you heard someone walk up behind you. They didn't say anything at first, just watching as you pelted balls at the goal.
“You’ll end up making a hole in the net, if you keep kicking that hard.” The voice said from behind you. Alexia’s voice.
“That's a shame.” You said, not really caring.
“Alright, what's up with you?” She asked, coming to step in front of you, stopping you from kicking another ball.
“Nothing.” You muttered, trying to get out of Alexia's intense stare, manoeuvring around her.
“It's obviously not nothing.”
“Just drop it.”
“Does it have something to do with the person who always calls you?”
“I said drop it.” You huffed, kicking another ball.
“I want to help you.”
“Ale, just drop it, please.” You said, your voice sounding so drained.
“Want me to set you up?” Alexia asked softly, getting that you don't want to talk about the topic.
“Yeah,” you replied with a smile, “if you don't mind.”
“Not at all.”
The two of you continued to pass and shoot for a couple of hours, laughing, making jokes and having fun to your heart's content.
Once you both decided to finally stop, you sat by the side of the pitch, waters in hand, trying to cool down.
The two of you continued to converse, not caring how late it was getting or how long you were sitting beside each other.
You were laughing at something Alexia said when a call interrupted the two of you. Pulling your phone from your pocket you saw Leah’s name pop up on your screen.
Sighing, you chucked your phone in between you and Alexia. Bad idea. The woman beside you picked up your phone and answered the call just before it was going to end.
“Y/n?” Leah’s voice questioned on the other end. “Oh my god…”
As Leah asked multiple questions at a million miles an hour, you tried to get your phone off the woman beside you.
Alexia was quick to jump up and avoid your advances, trying to dodge your hand desperately grabbing for your phone.
“... I read your letter and I-”
“This isn’t y/n.” Alexia answered before you could stop her.
“And I- wait what?”
“Look, you’ve gotta stop calling her.”
“Ale, stop.” You pleaded but Alexia shook her head.
“What? Why?” Leah asked.
“If someone doesn’t answer your calls that means they don't want to talk to you.”
“Ale-” You said once again.
“No, y/n-”
Before Alexia could talk any more, you took your phone back out of her hand and walked away from her but not before giving a look that said ‘you're in deep shit’.
“Leah.” You said, placing your phone by your ear.
“Y/n?” Leah replied, her voice sounding so relieved but she was still unable to believe she was finally able to hear your voice after many weeks.
“Do they mean it?”
“Mean what?” You asked, looking back at Alexia noticing how she fiddled with her fingers.
“What they said, about you not wanting to talk to me?”
“It's not like that its-”
“I get it, it's fine.”
“No leah-”
“Just tell me, did you mean it? What you wrote in the letter did you mean it?”
“Of course I did.” You said softly.
“Then why did you leave? We could have figured it out, I thought we were a team, I thought- I-” By this point, Leah had let her emotions take over, you could practically hear the tears in her voice.
That's when you broke down. Hearing leah cry made you start, lip quivering, eyes watering, legs trembling, heart rate increasing causing you to finally let it all out.
“Leah, I have to go.” You sniffled.
“No, y/n you just picked up, i’m not letting you go now.”
“Leah, please, I'm sorry.”
“Y/n-” Leah’s desperate plea was the last you heard before you ended the call.
Your head fell down as you looked at the phone in your hand, tears falling down your face as you tried to wipe them away but it was no use.
Alexia cautiously stepped in front of you, hands cradling your face as the pads of her thumbs wiped away your tears.
You were in some sort of trance, your mind focused on how you needed to hear Leah's voice again, to feel her touch again.
“I cant.” You said quietly, stepping out of Alexia’s hold.
“No,” you said, stepping back every time Alexia tried to get closer to you, “why would you do that?”
“I thought that-”
“Well you thought wrong.”
“Lo siento.”
“I’ll see you later.” You mumbled, walking away from the Spanish captain.
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The team had noticed a change between you and Alexia as well as your style of play, you were more ruthless, uncaring, violent but you had a new fire in you, one that was determined and hungry.
You didn't care if you got a yellow, as long as it helped you and the team it didn't matter. Some would say you're playing a dangerous game, but that was a risk you were willing to take.
Within the new found fire, you played more minutes, scored more goals, made more passes, tackles and assists. You were on your way to becoming an all time great but there was one thing setting you back.
More like someone setting you back.
It wasn’t just the team that noticed you distancing yourself away from Alexia, the fans did too. You made sure to stay as far away as possible, knowing your heart couldn't take it.
You were confused. So very confused.
You had known Alexia for a short period of time but you just couldn't help falling for her.
Now, you never imagined falling for someone other than Leah and somewhere in your heart you still held that love you once had.
It was finally one of the biggest games of the year, an El Clasico. Barcelona vs Real Madrid. It was just as important as it is in the men's game, each side wanting to take victory over the other.
“You alright?” Lucy asked as she came up beside you, noticing that you were staring at your locker.
“Yeah, you?”
“I feel like you’re not telling me something but I'll drop it for now.”
“Thanks.” you smiled weakly.
“I want you to score today.” Lucy nudged you.
“I’ll try.” You chuckled.
You had played a couple of games for Barca but this was the first one where you were in the starting lineup.
You stood behind Mapi as both teams lined up, determination displayed across everyone's faces.
Walking out onto the pitch you looked around the stadium, a sense of pride filled you up.
The seats flooded with barca shirts, each and every one of them giving you that extra confidence boost fueling you up for the game.
When the ref blew their whistle you kicked off the game. Each team put in their maximum effort from the start.
It was around the fourteenth minute when you had a shot on goal. Pina had sent a lovely weighted ball to your feet and you were through on goal.
You heard two defenders gaining on you and saw that their keeper coming off their line.
With each player getting closer and closer you decided to try your luck and chip the keeper.
You watched as the ball soared through the air and landed just beneath the bar, a small clinking sound could be heard before the stadium erupted into cheers.
The ball had bounced off the bar and into the net. You felt someone jump onto your back, screaming in your ear. A couple of other girls came and congratulated you before you had to get back into your positions.
You soon found out that Alexia was the one who jumped on your back. Sending her a small smile before Madrid kicked off the game once again.
Half time soon arrived and Barca had managed to keep the one-nil lead. Walking back into the locker room, the girls patted you on your back as they walked past.
Everyone sat down and listened to the half-time talk, seeing where they could improve as well as noting down some of Madrid's tactics.
Each person in the room was determined to hold onto the lead and Barcelona was clearly not going down without a fight.
There were a couple minutes left till the second half began and as you were sorting out your laces you felt someone sit beside you.
“Hola.” They said, rubbing their hands over their thighs.
“Hey.” You said, looking up to see Alexia looking at everything but you. “You alright?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah.” She smiled, finally turning to face you.
Not really knowing what to say to the woman you sent her a warm smile. As you were about to get up, Alexia held her arm out and stopped you from going anywhere.
“Um, good goal, great actually.” She said, stumbling over her words.
“Thanks.” You chuckled, trying not to find her cute.
“Can we- only if you want to- could-”
“One minute girls!” Someone shouted, cutting Alexia’s ramble off.
“Yeah?” You asked, waiting patiently for Alexia to finish what she was trying to say.
“Could we talk after the match?” The woman finally said, a sheepish smile noticeable on her face.
That smile dropped however once she noticed you getting up from your seat.
“Of course.” You replied, holding your hand out for Alexia to take.
The midfielder placed her hand in yours and felt a small blush crawl up her neck.
“Did you really think I was going to walk off?” You teased.
“A little, yeah.”
“You really think that low of me, Putellas? Ouch.” You joked, feigning being shot as you held your hand to your heart.
“Shut up.” Alexia chuckled. “We’ve got a game to win.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
The two of you walked back onto the pitch with the rest of your team, your sole focus on winning.
The second half was much more gruelling, Madrid definitely placed a target or two on your back. You played the ball as if it was a hot potato. Making sure not to hold it for longer than three seconds as you knew a Madrid player would soon be coming for your ankles.
At the eighty-third minute you had managed to find space a little to the right, making a run down the wing. You were inside the box when you found the perfect opportunity to cross the ball in.
Just as the ball left your foot you felt a pair of studs collide with your ankle, sending you tumbling to the ground.
Your hand immediately clutched your foot, and a pained groan ripped from your throat. With one hand on your ankle you hid your head in the other.
You could hear your teammates fighting and shouting around you but your mind was only focused on one person in particular, kneeling beside you.
“Hey, y/n?” Alexia asked softly. “Can you look at me?”
Rolling onto your back, you turned your head to the right and you saw Alexia’s worried face scan over your body.
“Hola.” You smiled.
“Y/n.” Alexia said, her voice sounded stern.
“Please tell me you’re not faking an injury.”
“No.” You said dragging out the ‘o’. “Definitely not. Nope.”
“Okay, maybe I am but it does actually hurt.”
“What am I going to do with you?”
“Help me up?” You chuckled once you saw Alexia’s disappointed face. You knew she wasn’t really disappointed, seeing as she tried to hide her smirk.
“You’re lucky we scored.”
“Uh huh, you just have a soft spot for me.”
“Get back into position.” Alexia said, shaking her head trying to hide her smile.
The game soon came to an end and it was a two-nil win for Barcelona. You went around shaking the hands of Madrid players before going to speak to some fans.
You ended up giving your shirt to someone and after mass amounts of pictures and many things being signed you finally walked back towards the locker room.
“Hey, Putellas.” You smiled as you walked up behind her, wrapping your arm around her shoulders.
“Hey.” Alexia replied. “Um, could we talk? Before going back into the locker room?”
“Of course, where do you want to go?” You questioned.
“Over here?” Alexia asked as she pointed to a somewhat secluded area.
“Sure.” You agreed. “What did you want to talk about?”
“Okay, so I- I don't really know how to say this.” Alexia mumbled as she fidgeted with her hands.
“Hey, it’s okay, just take your time.” You smiled, taking a hold of her hands.
“I like you.” Alexia rushed out, so much so you couldn't understand what she said.
You looked at her with confusion written all over your face and Alexia took that as if you didn't feel the same way so she took her hands out from yours and walked away from you.
“Wait- Ale? Why are you walking off?” You questioned as you ran to catch up with her.
“You heard what I said and-”
“What? No? I didn't, what did you say?”
“I like you.” Alexia said again, this time a little more slower. “It’s fine if you don't feel the same way I-”
Alexia couldn't finish what she was going to say as she felt you place your lips on hers. At first it was tentative and unknown before it soon became frantic and impatient.
You both reluctantly pulled away, resting your foreheads together, enjoying the little moment the two of you were in.
“Y/n?” Someone asked from behind you, their voice sounding broken.
You knew that voice.
When you turned around you were met with Leah standing with tears in her eyes as she looked between you and Alexia.
“Leah.” You whispered out, stepping forward.
“No, I get it.” Leah smiled sadly. “You’ve moved on.”
“Leah, that’s-” you tried, “why are you here?”
She didn’t say anything, just holding up your letter that was in her hand.
“Oh, Leah. I-”
“It’s fine.” Leah sniffled. “I guess we’re just not meant to be.”
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alottanothing · 4 months
Keep Playing [part one]
Summary: September 1978, Eddie Munson wakes to the sound of arguing. With his father out of the picture, his mother Betty choses to leave her son with the only man who ever cared him.
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Language, mentions of abuse
Tag List: @itswormtrain (please let me know if you would like added to this list)
A/N: Hello friends! I'm back to writing, and this time it's for a completely different fandom. This series is a labor of love between me and @itswormtrain. In fact, our friendship blossomed because of Eddie Munson, and now we are both so deep in this, that we're tying it into other fandoms that have no business being related lol. This is our world that has been bringing us lots of joy for almost two years and now we finally get to begin the journey of sharing it. This is just a taste of LOTS that we have brainstormed and planned for a very long time. I'm hoping to keep updates fairly regular, too, as I have a lot already written that just needs some editing.
On the anneversary of Eddie Munson coming into our lives, we hope you enjoy this first part of many into our own canon.
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~September 1978~
That night, he dreamt of The Shire, and it made him happy.
Whenever he found himself drifting languidly through that picturesque world, rife with smiling faces and togetherness, Eddie Munson felt free. He dreamt of endless cerulean skies reaching to kiss the lush green hills and the spiked peaks of mountains lining the horizon. There, with the halfling folk, Middle Earth was a peaceful place. A safe place. A place tucked away and out of sight of the searing eyes of the Dark Lord. A place where a kindly uncle raised his nephew.
Often, Eddie wished he could venture past the words printed onto the pages of the books he could only ever read in the Hawkins Public Library. Just like he wished he could be a hero in a far-off realm, Eddie wished he could bring his favorite books home, but the ladies there never let him have one of the fancy cards. The keepers always told him they were out.
He never minded really; Eddie liked the library. It was safe like The Shire. And while it wasn’t lush and green or full of magical wonder, it was quiet, peaceful; and for the most part, all the people there were nice to him. At least nicer than what he had at home.
Books and dreams were the best way to escape the walls he had no choice but to call home. So he did all he could to surround himself with books; even if that meant walking all the way into town and to the library.
The Oakes was a cluster of run-down apartments located on the outskirts of the city: a nesting ground for Hawkins lowlives, and the place Eddie called home. It was an unkept and out-of-the-way haven where unsavory things could be left to rot in peace; the walls were crumbling and most of the windows were broken or boarded up. Every sound crept through the thin walls, from the chittering of pests to the shouting of others next door. Most anyone would look at the derelict structure and pity anyone unfortunate enough to call such an unforgiving environment home. But for Eddie, it was all he truly knew. So, as he lay on his secondhand mattress, covered with a single blanket — rife with various burn holes from cigarettes and other paraphernalia — to stave off the morning chill, Eddie couldn’t help but be content as he dreamt of a land better than the one in which he dwelled.
It was early when he heard his mother’s voice outside his door—his room only slightly larger than a closet. Her words were low, marked with an edge Eddie knew too well. She was frustrated, though, seemingly not at him for once. He didn't recognize the man's voice that came after his mother's, though it did seem to be the root of her irritation. His voice was deep and resonant, carrying an air of authority that demanded attention. It was confident, yet there was a hint of cruelty that grated on Eddie's nerves the longer he listened to the man speak.
Strangers were a familiar occurrence after Eddie’s dad got arrested. Every one of them had been men, and none of them were ever friendly. Ever since Walter Munson was carted off to prison for the multitude of crimes he'd committed over the years, there had been a revolving door of men in their apartment. The visitors came and went, mostly at night, and never stayed long enough for Eddie to learn any of their names, most of the men ignored him, just like his dad had always done, others weren’t as polite. Rough hands and cigarette burns were never something anyone could get used to, though Eddie tried.
The truth of it was, Walt wasn’t much better than those strangers who ignored him or burned his arms with cigarettes. Anything those men did, Eddie’s father had done it first. Sometimes, the only memory Eddie had of his father was the pain. When Walt went to prison, Eddie could only mourn the idea of a father: a man whom he could look up to and rely on. Someone who taught him how to fish or play ball. Walt did none of those, however, but did leave him with the skills to hot wire and pick locks: skills of a criminal.
Eddie didn’t want to be a criminal; he wanted to be like the heroes in the books he read.
The continuous arguing between his mother and the man on the other side of his door created a subtle hum that wasn't quite strong enough to break Eddie's grip on his dream. That was until the creaking of his door echoed through his small room, shaking him as he desperately clung to sleep. Tendrils of reality were quick to bleed into the illusory green of The Shire, pushing him closer to consciousness. For a few moments, he found himself caught between the realms of dreams and reality; gradually the real world seeped into the vibrant landscape of his mind. The idyllic meadows and rolling hills began to lose their luster, the colors faded and the magic waned. The sounds of song birds and the rustling leaves were replaced entirely by the harsh sound of his mother's voice, growing louder and more irritated with each passing moment. 
“I am not taking the boy, Betty.” The stranger’s tone was stern, cruel to a degree.
Eddie kept his eyes squeezed shut, begging for the gentle Tolkien landscape to remain.
“I know,” his mother said, and even with his eyes closed he could hear the grit of her teeth. “We’ll take him to his uncle's.”
“Good, now hurry up. I’m not waiting all morning.”
The remaining fragments of Eddie's dream finally shattered when a hand  shook him free of it's peaceful imagery, with a touch that was slightly more forceful than necessary.
“Edward, get up now,” his mother forced a pillowcase into his hands as he sat up. “Put your things in there: clothes, toothbrush—whatever. Just hurry, and do not make me tell you twice.”
Eddie blinked, the light spilling into his room making his vision worse as he rubbed the crust from the corners of his eyes.
“Where are we going?”, he asked with a yawn.
“You are going to stay with your uncle for a while.”
“Uncle Wayne?!"
His mother balled her fists, jaw growing tight as she took a heavy breath through her nose.
“Edward, I swear to God—I don’t have time for this. Pack your shit, or so help me, I won’t take you to Wayne’s. I will leave you here. Is that what you want?”
“No...” Eddie cowered.
“Then do as I say.”
He nodded and began stuffing things into the pillowcase without saying another word.
Despite his mother’s sharp tongue, once she left him to pack, a small grin worked its way across his face from the notion of going to spend time with his uncle.
Months had passed since the last time Eddie saw his Uncle Wayne. Driving trucks cross country kept him away for weeks and months at a time, and Eddie always missed him. Still, he always looked forward to the days his uncle was back in town.
Wayne was always kind, and patient—he never yelled or threatened him. Never burned him or raised a hand to him. Wayne always made sure he ate three whole times a day, which was more than he ever ate when he was home. Eddie found great relief in the thought of spending a few days at his uncle's place. It would provide a much-needed respite from his mother's constant scolding. The walls of their small apartment always seemed to amplify her voice, making every word feel like an arrow piercing directly through his heart, likely aided by the lack of artwork or much furniture. No matter what he did, or how much he tried to be good, he was faced with a never-ending symphony of disappointment and frustration that echoed through his mind, leaving Eddie feeling defeated and trapped.
He did his best not to dwell on any of the words she said, but it was never long before more were hurled his way.
But now, the prospect of escaping to his uncle's was like venturing back to his dream, back to The Shire. Wayne's trailer was a sanctuary he seldom had the opportunity to seek. Eddie wasn't going to squander his visit, no matter how short his visit would be, even if it was just for the afternoon. All he wanted to do was fill his mind with thoughts of all the fun he and his uncle would have, just like Frodo and Bilbo.
With little more than a change of clothes tucked into the pillowcase he’d been given, Eddie’s mom grabbed him by the wrist and yanked him out of the apartment complex before ushering him into the back seat of the strange man’s car.
Immediately, Eddie's nostrils were overwhelmed by the pungent smell of cigarettes, the offensive aroma stubbornly clinging to the orange, stain-adorned, velvet upholstery, as though the scent had become the very fibers themselves. The whole back seat had clearly seen better days. What was once surely soft and plush to the touch, now felt rough and coarse under Eddie's hands. All the dubious marks—a mishmash of stains, smudges, tears, and the ever-familiar circular burns—seemed to have a story of their own. The combination of those marks created an unsightly mosaic that fostered a sense of unease in the pit of Eddie's stomach.  A song played on the radio that he didn't recognize, the juxtaposition of the upbeat melody and the increasing tension in the vehicle causing his head to swim. The odor faded after a couple of minutes, and the stains were easy to ignore, but the song remained. Eddie did his best to listen to every word, with the hope of drowning out the harsh whispers happening in the front seat.
The man at the wheel exuded an aura that stood diametrically opposed to the serene radiance of the morning sun streaming through the car windows, which coupled sourly with the rest of Eddie's overwhelmed senses. The piercing gaze of the man's deep-set eyes reflected in the rearview mirror seemed to accuse him of some wrongdoing, though Eddie had never met the man before that morning.
As he attempted with the stain on the seat next to him, Eddie did his best to ignore the stranger's scrutiny. Every racing thought in his head, he began to fill with memories of his uncle and the fun they always had. Little by little his frayed nerves calmed, and his focus drifted to the world outside his window, watching the familiar sights of Hawkins pass by. All of it was gilded, at least in his mind, drenched in the golden light of morning that evoked a sense of majesty. There was little greenery to be seen, no mountains sprawling across the horizon or centuries-old trees stretching into the blue heavens. Nevertheless, the scenery outside the car window reminded Eddie of The Shire, and he found the corners of his mouth drawing into a small smile.
Before long, the urban landscape of brick buildings in the downtown transformed into lush—though not magical—woods, charming farmhouses, and vast fields of beans and corn until finally Forrest Hills Trailer Park emerged on the horizon. Abruptly, the car came to a halt, the brakes  crying out loud enough to startle birds perched in the nearby trees and the motion enough to toss Eddie forward in his seat.
“Get him out!” The man barked. “Be quick.”
“Alright! Jesus.” Betty barked back.
His mother’s hands weren’t gentle when she tugged him out of the rear seat, across the gravel, and up to his uncle’s door. Eddie barely managed to grab his pillowcase of belongings. He winced with each step, his heart pounding in his chest as he did his best to keep up with his mother's brisk pace. The lack of tenderness in her touch mirrored the coldness in her eyes, a look unbefitting of such a beautiful, warm morning.
As they finally reached his uncle's doorstep, his mother released him from her grip, but the forceful tug had left him off-balance. Eddie stumbled forward, barely managing to keep his footing as his pillowcase slipped from his grasp. Panic surged through him as he watched his belongings spill onto the ground, his few possessions scattered and vulnerable.
Quickly, he dropped to his knees, doing everything to keep his hands from shaking as he scrambled to gather every item he'd dropped, feeling his mother's eyes boring into him. She offered no assistance or sympathy, she simply watched him with an air of irritation and disappointment before turning back to his uncle's door.
“Wayne, It’s Betty!” Her fist beat against the door as she spoke. “Open the door!”
“Just leave the brat!” The man in the car shouted from his open window, his biting tone causing Eddie to step closer to his mother out of fear. The lesser of two evils…
“No!” she shouted back.
Eddie watched, keeping himself as small as possible, eyes teetering between his mother and the angry man in the car. He just wanted to be with his uncle, the one adult in his life who had never raised his voice or handled him with any sort of ill-will. He wanted to feel safe.
“I know where the key is,” Eddie offered quietly, wanting the screaming to end.
Thankfully, his mother heard him and immediately stopped pounding her fist on the door.
“What?” She almost looked mad, and Eddie’s focus fell on his ratty tennis shoes, afraid to look her in the eye.
��I know where the key is,” he repeated, softly. “Uncle Wayne showed me.”
“Then get it,” she snapped, more frustration souring her expression.
Eddie bounded off the short stoop, easily finding the spare key hidden at the juncture of the steps and the side of the trailer. He gently pulled at the loose piece of siding and the silver key fell into his palm.
When he offered it to his mother, he did so with a small smile—proud he’d remembered the secret place and that he could help his mother—but she snatched it from his hand without a single word of praise or thanks causing Eddie’s expression to fall. She seemed angry that Eddie knew of the key’s existence at all...
Without a word, she let them in, pulling Eddie by the arm again until he was left standing alone in the middle of the living room, while she stalked through the trailer, shouting for Wayne.
“Shit,” she huffed, coming back into the room, annoyed not having found him.
Outside, the man in the car was laying on the horn, shouting just as loudly. With each baleful blare, Eddie cowered into himself, wishing the man would just leave.
“Jesus Christ.” His mother shook her head, peering out the window before turning to Eddie and sighing.
“You give this to your uncle whenever he gets back, okay?”
Eddie nodded, shoving the envelope she passed him into the pillowcase that contained his meager possessions. The envelope felt heavy in his hands, though he could feel it was just a sheet or two of paper. How could it feel as heavy as it did? When he raised his gaze to ask what she'd written, his mother was gone, leaving the screen door bouncing against the doorway.
Confusion washed over Eddie as he stood there, clutching the pillowcase tightly. His mother's sudden disappearance left him feeling a mix of emotions, mostly, he'd expected her to offer some form of goodbye before embarking on an uncertain journey with the strange man. When should he expect her back? How long would he be staying with his uncle? He'd never know, as he watched the car peel out of the gravel, his mother never once looking back.
The entire morning had been a series of strange occurrences, leaving without saying exactly how long he’d be with his uncle seemed the strangest of all. For whatever reason, his mother never liked having his uncle around, never liked when he’d visit or when Eddie went to stay with him. She always wanted him back as soon as possible. His mother never left him at Wayne's without telling him when she would be back. Even so, he was determined not to waste a single moment he had with his uncle.
Wayne was the only pillar of strength and reliability in Eddie's life; they'd shared a special bond going as far back as he could remember. The longer he stood there, wondering why his mother left so abruptly, the more Eddie realized he didn't care so much.
For a moment Eddie contemplated reading the note he’d shoved into the rucksack of a pillowcase, wondering if he’d find any answers inside. However, the longer he lingered in the silence of his uncle's home, the less Eddie cared about the note. Wayne would be home soon, and the strange man was gone, two facts that settled warmly over him. He felt safe at last.
With a sigh, his eyes took in the familiar sights of his uncle’s home, finding that little had changed since his last visit. Aside from a few new mugs and hats hanging on the walls—souvenirs from all his treks across the country—everything remained exactly as Eddie remembered it. Even the dishes in the sink seemed the same ones, untouched since he was last there, a couple months prior.
Strangely, those few plates and forks left forgotten in the sink induced an abrupt sense of dread. His mother had scolded him countless times for leaving a single dish unwashed amidst the filth that engulfed the entire apartment. The contrast between the untidiness of their home and her berating to clean a few dishes always left him wondering if his mother found pleasure in treating him the way she did. Why could he not leave a dish in the sink when she refused to clean at all?
The sudden flood of memories forced the onslaught of dread deeper. Uncle Wayne never yelled at him, still, the persistent echoes of his mother's screams in his mind caused him to abandon his belongings by the sofa and promptly attend to the dishes, striving to silence the relentless barrage of hurtful words in his head, and prevent new ones once his uncle returned home.
With the two bowls, a plate, and several pieces of flatware left to dry in the rack on the counter, Eddie relaxed a little, looking around to see what else needed to be done. His uncle’s place was far cleaner than the apartment; there was trash on the tiny kitchen table: wrappers from granola bars, crumpled paper napkins, and other scraps, which Eddie tossed in the bin next to the washer. He took the liberty of emptying his uncle's ashtrays and stacking the magazines a little more neatly on the coffee table, as his mother would've wanted.
Every small chore he completed helped the dread subside until the only unpleasantness he felt was the emptiness in his stomach. It growled angrily and while his mother liked to keep all their food out of his reach, Uncle Wayne kept an entire cabinet stocked with all of Eddie’s favorites, and not just the cheap store brands either. Wayne always bought him good stuff. That single cabinet was like a treasure trove, rife with cereals, chips, pretzels, and even candy bars. The fridge also housed a handful of things just for him too: sodas and juice boxes, even Yoohoo’s.
After several minutes of consideration and a few more rumbles from his stomach, Eddie grabbed one of the freshly washed bowls and filled it with an assortment of snacks: a generous pour of Honeycomb, a handful of pretzels, and a package of M&M’s. He also swiped a cold can of Coke from the fridge and planted himself on the sofa.
That was where he stayed, patiently awaiting his uncle, munching on his snacks, and indulging in the luxury of watching  TV. The morning cartoons shifted into daytime dramas, turning into evening favorites before horror movies ruled the screens as the sun went down. Eddie watched it all, only getting up to grab more of the snacks from his cabinet. His belly was full for the first time in a long time, and he felt at peace. All the strangeness of the morning began to fade as the hours passed.
The last part of The Exorcist was playing on the television when his eyes began to droop. With Wayne still gone, Eddie pulled his sleepy body from the couch long enough to fetch the spare pillow and blanket folded neatly in the hall closet and sauntered back. He kept the TV on, volume low, as he settled against the cushions hoping to find Frodo and Bilbo and The Shire waiting for him in his dreams once more.
Next Part ->
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