#so even tho this is a little too neat an ending to wrap up this arc - I like this scene
smileydk · 1 year
You can't con the Con-Man
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Pairing: Magician!Taehyun x PickPocket!OC
Summary: A pickpocketer finds a fancy looking man in the middle of the street. He's wearing a neat suit, his hair is styled nicely, over all he looks clean. She comes to conclusion that since he looked fancy, he's gotta carry some cash on him. She however does not expect him to catch her, and she absolutely does not she take into account that he could be a magician and con-artist.
cw/tw: Kissing, make-out session, hickeys, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it if you wanna tap it), orgasm denial, creampie, slight breeding kink, choking, cunnilingus
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Jiwoo looked for her next offer. It was hard considering the fact that she was in the Jung-district, which meant almost no one carried enough cash to even risk anything.
She sighed. She had to go to Gangnam, which she didn't want to do since the cops knew her a bit too well.
But then again, she liked having a roof over her head as well as sleeping on a full stomach.
''Fuck'' She mumbled and turned her heel towards the subway.
She kept her head down as she got on the train. She was hoping there would be no controls this time, since she jumped the gate and hadn't paid for a ticket. It was rarely any controls, but she had seen thos annoying, blue-clad men coming down the trains.
Her prayers were heard and she got off the train in Gangnam. As soon as she stepped off the train, she walked into a giant flood of people.
The clock was 5 in the afternoon, meaning everyone were on their way home after work.
''Perfect'' She mumbled as she bumped into people, apologized and smiled sweetly, meanwhile her hand dug around in their pocket for something worth stealing.
She was silently thanking her genes and looks. She fit into the Korean beauty standard almost perfectly, and she had an innocent face. No one would ever suspect her to pickpocket. Except the police who already knew her.
Besides, she wouldn't keep the wallet, she'd take cash and throw the wallet in the nearest trashcan. There would be no actual way of proving the cash wasn't hers.
As she made it up to the ground she smirked. She'd already made 100'000₩. Sure, it was two bills, but it was more than she'd ever find in the Jung-district.
The woman kept walking down the streets, bumping into random people she thought looked wealthy enough to loose a few bills. She would never steal from someone who already seemed poor.
She stood by the ugly Gangnam Style statue, doing nothing. She was mostly looking for a new victim. No one was to her liking. Most of the people were either teenagers, kids shopping for their families or old couples, none of which she'd ever pickpocket.
She had a tiny bit of morale.
''Ha!'' She exclaims quietly to herself. She'd found her next victim.
A tall man, probably around the 6 feet mark, clad in a striped suit, nice polished shoes, big doll-like eyes, a kind smile on his lips. He looked rich.
Jiwoo approaches him to take a closer look and notices the small hat infront of him as well as a deck of cards which he shuffled in some fancy way. It did look quite cool, she had to admit.
She took a spot in the front and watched as he performed different card tricks. Whether it was finding someone's card or simply making them appear out of thin air, he made it look simple.
He took a bow and the crowd that had gathered around him applauded. Some people dropped a few bills in his little collectors hat before they left.
He collected his stuff and didn't seem to notice the woman who still watched him. She carefully walked around him and allowed her hand to slip into his, not-so-tight, blazer pocket. She found a couple of bills and grabbed them.
As she tried leaving something stopped her.
A pair of handcuffs, in the other end was the magician. He wore a smirk on his lips. ''Where do you think you're going with my money... Kim Jiwoo?''
Jiwoo froze. She didn't know what to do. ''Uhm... you're not gonna believe me if I said that you dropped them I guess?''
He chuckled and shook his head. ''Nope, hand them back''
A groan left her lips, but she held out the bills for the man to take. ''Are you gonna let me go, or do you plan on keeping me around as a pet?''
''Well, you would make a beautiful pet'' He smirked as he turned to take a better look at her.
''Oh yeah? I'm an expensive bitch''
''I live in Gangnam, sweetheart, I've got money. Judging by your little con attempt, you don't''
Ouch, she thought. Sure, she'd tried stealing his money, sure, he was correct, sure, she deserved the words he used, but still!
''Don't act innocent, we both know I'm right''
The woman only raised an eyebrow. ''Oh yeah? Sure, you are. But let's take a look at you. You're a magician right now, on which you can't make much since not everyone leaves bills, and those who do never leave over 5'000₩, meaning you must have a much better job, or you're con-artist''
The man looked slightly impressed. ''Well, love, you're correct. I work in a boring office during the day, when I'm off the clock I come here and do my magic but simply for entertainment''
''So, you're gonna let me go or?''
''They were never locked, darling. They're from the toyshop around the corner. They were literally like 1'000₩''
Jiwoo's cheeks heated up. Now that he said it, and she actually paid the handcuffs some attention, they looked crappy as hell.
''So, your name is Kim Jiwoo, got a number? Or you wanna borrow mine?'' The man packed up his last things.
''Never give anyone my number, why should you be any different? And how the fuck did you know my name?'' Jiwoo stood by the man as he packed. She'd shoved her hands into her jean's pockets as the wind picked up. No, she didn't bring a hoodie.
''Well, because I didn't tell the police man over there about your failed plan. I recognize your face, you're wanted for pickpocketing. And you really need to keep track of your Credit Cards'' Taehyun held up Jiwoo's Credit Card.
Jiwoo groaned. ''Fine, +81 705 161 423. You got a name?''
''Kang Taehyun'' He bowed elegantly.
''Are you a prince or sum?'' The woman raised an amused eyebrow. ''Why do you care who I am anyways? I literally tried stealing your money''
''You failed anyways, and I have your Credit Card, so I'd say I won. And you're pretty. Why wouldn't I want to get to know a pretty girl?''
Jiwoo still didn't understand. ''What if I'm a minor?''
''As I said, I've seen your wanted posters, I don't think they'd care that much about a minor'' Taehyun finished packing up all his tricks and turned to her. ''Wanna join me for dinner? On me''
The woman was much to hesitant. Sure, the man was absolutely gorgeous and he was kind, but she also had never allowed someone to be "close" to her, no matter how cheesy it sounded. Nor did she really trust the man.
But then again, free food.
''Well we're gonna have to swing by a dress shop because no restaurant in Gangnm is gonna let you in looking ike that'' Taehyun motioned to her ripped jeans, which wasn't design, and her worn out t-shirt that could pass for a dress due to how outstretched it was.
''I have no-''
''I didn't say you should pay. I simply said we needed to get you one. I'll pay for that as well''
Jiwoo was hesitant. ''Why are you so determined to take me to dinner? You met me a minute ago''
''No sweetheart, I'm a con-artist, I've seen you a lot. I've seen you pickpocket for years. I'm impressed. But you know the poor, blind man you gave 10'000₩ last week? Me'' He smirked and bowed.
''Not as impressed. Happens all the time''
''I made 100'000₩'' Taehyun smirked and raised an eyebrow. ''How much did you make? Minus the 10'000₩ you gave me''
''Fuck you'' She mumbled under her breath.
Taehyun raised an amused eyebrow. ''Only if you want to''
He started walking, and Jiwoo followed blindly. She had no idea where they were going. She never spent much time in Gangnam, she was usually in and out within the hour.
The man, who she'd met 10 minutes ago, dragged her inside a giant gown shop. It held floor gowns, princess looking dresses, puffy gowns, floral gowns and so on. They were all kinds of colors.
Jiwoo walked up to a random gown and checked the price tag. Her eyes widened. ''Taehyun, these gowns are literally 3'000'000₩, and those are the cheap ones''
''And as I said earlier, I'm paying. Pick anyone you want, Princess''
The women in the shop looked her up and down with judging faces. Sure, she was dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and an oversized t-shirt, and she hadn't showered in a week, but she felt judged.
She found a white gown with a slit. Sure, she wasn't much for gowns, but it just spoke to her.
Women in Korea were generally quite short and petite, but Jiwoo was (apparently) even shorter. ''Excuse me, do you have this in size 44?''
The women who worked there only laughed. ''I don't think you can afford that, darling''
''I didn't ask you if I could afford it, I asked you if you have this in my size''
The women only continued laughing at the single woman standing in the shop, gown in her hands that was way too big.
Taehyun let out a loud groan. ''Assist her, would you? I've got money to spend. If you're not gonna help her, I might as well just take my Black Card here, and go somewhere else''
The women were suddenly very, very excited to help the woman find a dress to her liking.
''Would you like to take a shower? No extra cost''
Taehyun sat down in one of the velvet futons. He smiled to himself. She was probably the most gorgeous woman he'd ever laid eyes upon.
Jiwoo came out 40 minutes later, dressed in the white gown, which was slightly lose at the cleavage, not leaving much to the imagination, it was tight around the aist and flowy from the hips and down. The slit was high which made her legs appear longer.
On her feet were a pair of white LouBoutin, which added an extra five inches to her short height.
Her hair had been blow dried and curled by the clerks and flowed down her back in perfect waves.
Taehyun walked up to her and took her hand in his. ''How do I look?'' Jiwoo asked as Taehyin spun her around. Due to Jiwoo never wearing heels before, she tripped over her own feet.
''Easy there'' Taehyun chuckled and wrapped a securing arm around her waist, and pulled her against her own body. ''I'll pay, and then we'll head out. Sounds good to you?''
The woman nodded. ''Uhm, will-''
''No, we're not taking your disgusting old cothes with us. You can burn them. We'll buy new clothes for you''
Jiwoo raised an eyebrow. ''So you're saying I'll see more of you?''
''Only if you want to''
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Taehyun was laughing loudly as Jiwoo spoke. ''No you did not!''
''I did! I swear! So, I was running away from his asshole of a police, and he was catching up since he was literally twice my height, and so I didn't know what to do! Then I remembered something my friend told me, flash a man and your problems will go away, so I did''
Tears were filling Taehyun's eyes as he continued laughing. ''Oh my god, kind of wish I was on the other end though''
Jiwoo smacked his arm and glared at the man. ''How dare you?''
''With the cleavage on that dress you're not leaving much to my imagination, altough, uhm, my imagination is... that now''
The woman leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs. ''Oh yeah?''
''Yeah, you're hot, I'm hot, let's fuck'' Taehyun stated bluntly. He leaned back and looked at Jiwoo through hooded eyes.
Jiwoo would never admit it to the man's face, but it made her hot. She liked his burning, mysterious gaze.
The waiter came over with the tab, which Taehyun quickly paid. The two left the restaurant and waited for the valet to drive the car to the front.
Taehyun had a tight grip of Jiwoo's hips. ''Quite sure you're gonna leave a mark if you don't release my hips''
''That'd mean you're mine, eh? Wouldn't it look beautiful?''
''Taehyun-'' Before Jiwoo could scold the man the valet pulled up with the slick, black Audi r8.
Jiwoo sat down in the passenger seat again and Taehyun closed the door behind her. As he sat down in the driver's set he smirked. ''So, you're coming to mine?''
''I would never fuck someone on the first dinner-''
''Stop lying to yourself, I saw you shifting when I stared you down before''
The woman blushed and looked out the window. ''No''
''Don't deny it, Princess'' He smirked and started the car. ''I know you want me''
Jiwoo decided to not reply and continued staring out the window. Taehyun only chuckled and drove towards his own place, one hand on the steering wheel and the other one resting in Jiwoo's lap.
She tried ignoring his, rather big, hand on her left thigh. It was warm, and squeezing her flesh every now and then. Jiwoo tried her best to ignore it, but he made it very hard.
As he squeezed her thigh once more Jiwoo'd gotten enough. She laid her hand on his and held it in a firm grip. Taehyun smirked. He enjoyed the effect he had on her.
''You are such a tease''
''I know, two words and I'll do it''
Jiwoo looked at him. ''I am not gonna say that''
Taehyun chuckled. ''Okay, I'll leave you high and not-so-dry''
She was silently cursing him in her head. She was hoping he'd completely ignore her and take her in his car.
''I know you want me to take you here, in the car. But I'm gonna need to hear you say those two magic words''
She continued cursing him. ''Fine! Fuck me!''
Jiwoo had never seen a man pull over that fast. She also could not understand how he pulled her into his lap with one swift motion.
''Wanna ride me? Or do you want me tot ake you in the backseat?'' Taehyun raised an eyebrow and massaged her waist.
''I don't care''
''Backseat then'' Jiwoo followed his orders and climbed into the backseat. Taehyun made sure to smack her ass before following her lead.
Taehyun didn't waste anymore more time and leaned down to press his lips against hers. Jiwoo wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him flush against her body.
A small chuckle left her lips as she felt him grinding against her. ''And you teased me?''
''Well Princess, we're gonna see who's the one begging soon'' He pulled her panties to the side and looked at Jiwoo. ''As I said, not-so-dry? Hm?''
His hands ran up her thighs, fingers moving too lightly for Jiwoo's liking. Goosebumps grew on her legs, causing her to shudder.
He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers again. He smirked to himself as he inserted his fingers in her pussy. A small, breathy moan left her lips.
As his fingers pumped inside of her Jiwoo could only moan. His hands were huge, and they surely knew what they were doing.
His fingers nudged her g-spot, forcing a louder moan from her lips. ''Taehyun~'' She whined. ''Do that again!''
Taehyun wore an, almost sadistic, smile on his lips as he repeated his previous action, forcing more pornographic moans from Jiwoo. ''Such pretty sounds, Princess. You're such a little slut''
Jiwoo felt embarrassed, but she enjoyed his degrading comments. ''Fuck, yes, for you Taehyun''
He curled his fingers, making Jiwoo buck her hips slightly. As she clenched around his fingers he sped up his action. ''Are you gonna cum? Hm?''
She nodded as her whole vocabulary was gone within a second.
Just before she could cum around his fingers, he ripped them from her heat and smirked. ''Nuh-uh, not yet'' A small whine left her lips as she tried sitting up. ''Taehyun~''
''Nuh-uh to that as well'' He pushed her back down.
He backed up even further and hooked his arms under her knees. He leaned down and pressed his lips to her heat. A whine left Jiwoo's lips. He chuckled to himself as his ego grew, before diving back into her pussy.
He was also slightly embarrassed. One taste was all it took and he was addicted to her. The way she tasted, the way she smelled, the way she reacted to his actions, the way she moaned his name.
Jiwoo's hands found Taehyun's hair and grabbed a firm hold. A small groan left his lips as she pulled slightly. ''Fuck, keep pulling''
A small chuckle left Jiwoo's lips, but continued pulling slightly at his hair. Her chuckle was cut off as he plunged his tongue back into her hole.
The lewd sounds that echoed in the car only made Jiwoo wetter, if that was even possible. He ate as if he was a starved man, as if he hadn't eaten since forever.
''Taehyun, can I please cum this time?''
''Nope'' He sat back up and wiped his mouth. ''Am I too mean to you, Princess?''
Jiwoo wanted to nod, but she enjoyed that he used her as he wished. ''Yes, but for some reason I like it''
''You're a sadist'' He chuckled and leaned down. Jiwoo was ready for a kiss, but he stopped right before they met. ''You like pain? And degrading? You like being embarrassed by me?''
''Maybe?'' She found Taehyun's hand and brought it towards her neck. ''Choke me?''
Taehyun froze for a second. Sure, he'd had his fair share of freaky people, but never one he cared about.
But he was, weirdly, into it. He chuckled in a sadistic manner and wrapped his hand around her neck. ''So pretty''
With the other hand he undid his belt, which turned Jiwoo on a bit too much, and pulled down his pants together with his underwear. Without warning he pushed his dick inside her.
Jiwoo's jaw fell open as he bottomed out. Taehyun removed his hand from her neck and pushed his fingers in her mouth instead.
After a short moment of letting her adjust to him he started thrusting hips in a slow pace. He wanted her to feel every inch of him.
''I thought you said you were gonna fuck me'' Jiwoo smirked, knowing she was hitting every nerve he had.
''Oh yeah?''
Taehyun's hands wrapped around Jiwoo's neck again and his hips sped up.
The car shook as he thrusted his hips in an, almost, unhuman pace. Jiwoo had been worried earlier that someone could walk by, those worries were out the window the second he entered her.
''Is this what you were planing when you stole my money?'' Jiwoo shook her head to the best of her abilities. ''Oh yeah?''
Jiwoo could feel herself getting closer, which wasn't hard due to the previous acts. ''Taehyun~ please let me cum''
She clenched around his dick before releasing her orgasm. Taehyun's hips only sped up as she came, smirking sadisticly again as she whined from the sensitivity.
''Fuck, you're so pretty, hm. I'm gonna cum because of you-'' He was about to pull out, but Jiwoo wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer. ''-want me to cum in you, hm?''
Jiwoo nodded. ''Fuck, yes!'' She pulled slightly at the ends of his hair.
''Want me to fill you up? Fuck, you'd be pretty with my babies. Don't you agree? Even prettier than now''
Taehyun stopped his thrusts and Jiwoo could feel him twitch. A second later he came in her, filling her to the brim. He pulled out and smiled as he could see his cum leaking out.
He quickly stuffed his fingers in her, pushing everything back in. ''Can't let anything go to waste if we want you swollen, hm?''
No one moved. They kind of just stared at each other.
''You're so pretty'' Taehyun mumbled again, this time an adoring smile on his lips.
Jiwoo chuckled and sat up. She leaned against the, now fogged up, car window. It was cool against her shoulder blades and it felt nice. ''And you're very handsome''
''Wanna move in with me?''
''Wow there. Moving very fast now, are we?'' Another chuckle left her lips as she was about to put on her underwear.
Taehyun was quick to snatch them and stuff them in his pocket. He then shrugged and pulled his own pants on. ''I’m keeping those for easy access'' He winked. ''And to be honest, I kind of just assumed you lived on a park bench or a run down barn''
''How dare you?'' Jiwoo replied jokingly. ''I'll think about it. Now- fucking hell it's steamy'' She painted a heart on the window.
''All you, Princess'' He leaned over her and pressed his finger against the window before he started to write something.
''We just fucked <3''
''That's my name, don't wear it out unless you're screaming it'' He winked and climbed back into the driver's seat.
''Fuck you''
''Round 2 already?'' He smirked as Jiwoo climbed into the passenger's seat.
''Yes, Princess''
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adracat · 1 year
GWitch: Finale thoughts
Pardon for the lateness on this, got busy after the episode aired and then proceeded to write a fic using my achemy brainworms lmao. But here it is, the end of a terrific journey!
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The permet stress really took its toll upon Suletta after her bout with Eri but that won't stop our girl from trying to save her family. So rough to see though.
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Gotta say, besides Nika and Chuchu, Aliya is easily my fav Earth House kid. She's into divination, takes care of animals, and is just so chill
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Surprise Surprise SAL are being cheeky assholes. They don't care what Delling/Benerit has to say since this is just a grasp for power on their behalf. They have all the cards atm with that WMD
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This was nice I guess, but I really dislike him so I just rolled my eyes lmao. I guess the one Lauda stan is happy he got screentime.
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For Mio to keep entreating Prospera is admirable on her part. She knows it might fall on deaf ears but she has to try for the sake of her future wife and hellish mother-in-law. It was so good how her faith in Suletta never wavers. She knows Suletta is coming and isn't surprised once she shows with Aerial
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And Suletta demonstating her growth by ignoring Prospera's command? Top-tier fr fr. Loved that entire exchange and call back to ep12
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I don't mind 4 but it is painfully obvious he was slotted into this role because of the truncated re-write. 'I guess I'm like her' No sir, you were explicitly not in S1 LMAO! But I guess they needed a newtype to overpower Eri even though it doesn't narratively make sense for 4 to be one. Ah well, in another world where Okouchi got the seasons he wanted ;-;. It was a nice send off nonetheless
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Rainbow party permet is so cool, pride Gundam!! I wasn't too keen on Calibarn's design before, tho I love the broom, the rainbow really sells it for me. And that coven of gundams?? So cool. Schwarzette usage here, abysmal pilot, and wealth of unused symbolism stings a bit. They so clearly had an arc planned but had to cut it :/ I would love to see the initial draft before cuts were made
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MIOMIO DISSOLVES BENERIT. Hell yeah. Had a feeling she would choose to go this route. Also, the stone cold way she stares down the barrel of a gun... Ma'am, my heart <3 The best peace princess ever
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This hit me in the feels. Suletta forgiving her mother, Eri begging for all of them to be a family, and Prospera seeing the ghosts of Vanadis smiling at her lovingly. It was everything to me.
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The soundless fake-out as Mio believes Suletta is dead was cruel and brilliant. The horror in her eyes that morphs into weepy happiness when Suletta awakens will stay with me for a long time. They even did the little gundam helmet bop again!
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Shaddiq taking the fall for everything was good of him, but it feels a bit too neat haha (They had to wrap up loose threads hastily and it shows) He really is an interesting character that, in a longer run, could have been amazing
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Surprise! Sulemio got happily married during the timeskip and now Mio has to suffer a keychain's negging. Super funny outcome but I hope Eri can move between devices or else that's a bit hellish
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Mio stealing Shaddiq's highly trained girlsquad is amazing. Ain't no one getting to the president of GUND-ARM without a fight. This also opens up the possibility for more Sabanika, so excellent decision all around
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THE RINGS!!!! Ahh any nitpicks are nothing compared to sheer happiness I feel when seeing them. They fought and suffered so hard for this ending and it was all worth it! Eri and Prospera sharing in their joy is the cherry on top~
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This image is my fav. Suletta is such a special protagonist and her relationship with Miorine broke ground in a legacy franchise no less. They are in love! They married! And no one can take that from them. Thank you GWitch, I love you lots. This ride has been unforgettable from the beginning <3
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rivangel · 3 months
same nonnie from
SIGHHHHH KANE. if you do end up writing something for this, I’m gonna need 55 business days to recover (because ep 55 is midnight sun sobs)
omigosh !! I didn’t even think about Levi slowly forgetting Erwin’s features 🥲🥲🥲🥲!! going back to crying rn.
— 🦈 Anon (signing off as this if that’s alright)
i thought i’d respond to ur ask with it if that’s alright :) hopefully it doesn’t take too many days off ur life tho!!!😭also i went into it imagining that they never acted on their feelings. and lastly, to anyone who actually has a problem with this fanfiction, there is no problem. thanks!
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Death had only once leered so close over Levi—by starving, joys just as much as sorrow fleeting as his mother's health had, as the acrid smell of death filled to the ceiling. In this case he'd been close enough. And in this case death again attracted him—not because he missed someone, someone’s he loved, not entirely. Dying brought comfort, he owed it to them—all of them—and from a completely strategic perspective, it was the best way to give them all the best chance.
He would fight to the death.
His last thoughts were of the craving to catch sight of the seaplane, the Alliance (Hange), but he couldn’t afford to, his sight lost to the steam anyway. After that it was too hot to think. It's heat consuming, heat intensifying until it ate through his means to even feel it.
A sense or lack thereof drops over him like a sheet, colluded somewhere between cool seawater and rampaging fire. And hope.
Goodbye after all... Levi. Watch over us.
The ground is soft under his back, perfectly grooved like sand, and the pain is gone. He didn't realize how much pain he’d been in until it left him, or he left it.
His eyes open to the sky, blinking mildly. Hadn't it been daytime?—The pinkish-purplish sky makes it either morning or sunset.
Because of that, he feels almost at peace until a bird crosses overhead, drawing forth his memory of what just happened.
"The plane..." he groans and props himself up on his elbows. Then a soft voice nears above him, reassuring him, "Is on its way."
He already knew he'd forgotten what Erwin's voice sounds like, but it only now strikes him hearing the warm, low baritone once again. His eyes tell him the same. Erwin is crouched and gazing at him, just as beautiful as the day he lost him and the time between the day they met, but his expression exudes an affection that he rarely saw, if ever; he finds difficult to name. His hair is neat, his blue eyes as clear as a warm ocean, ironically full of life. “Levi.” He offers him his outstretched hand to help him up. “Don’t worry. Come.”
Eyes still locked, Levi takes his hand firmly, standing. It’s a feeling he has, that neither of them will pull away this time.
Others are here—he sees them standing all around and his throat stiffens. Petra is the closest and smiling gently, along with Mike (who's comically taller and always has been). Familiar faces are further and further away, composing the crowd. Moblit is closer in that regard, but he’s looking up in the opposite direction.
"Up there, although I’m sure you believe me."
“Yeah,” he mutters, faintly smiling with his eyes more than his lips. Levi looks to him and Erwin lifts his head and indeed, leaving two bold contrails, the seaplane is sailing bravely across the sky. They watch, holding hands. Erwin looks back down at him. "You did your duty, Levi."
He sets his jaw a little, frowning reluctantly. He just…
“You’re far too hard on yourself. And I say that as a hypocrite.”
“Hm,” he chuckles gently, looking again. The plane is no more than a speck now. “Maybe…”
Erwin squeezes his hand, taking his attention again. “I swear to you.”
His words touch Levi's heart profoundly. Erwin speaks for every other feeling he wants to say once they're alone by slowly wrapping him in his arms, as if Levi would even think of rejecting him—he’s certainly right about being hard on himself. He buries his face in Erwin's chest and brings his arms up around his waist, completing their embrace.
"I've wanted to do this so many times," Erwin murmurs.
"...I wanted you to."
And now they can. Until forever ends.
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| more Eruri |
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tigerdrop · 2 years
I think we should talk more about breeding kinks here specifically with whatever men you're currently thinking about. I finished read your snippets on your website so that inspired this anonymous question.
god. i have a lot of insane things i could say about it. WRT daniel and jamie. i want to put it under a readmore b/c im embarrassed but i dont want to use one b/c they dont work right on my theme (SO IVE LEARNED) so heres captain sisko cardboard cutout
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this is probably going to get weird but daniel is a weird guy. full disclosure
uh. god. i had a whole long thing typed out justifying it but all u really need to know is that daniel is one google search away from being a massive furry. if he had any idea how much anthro knotting porn is out there on the internet he would never leave his fucking room. he has it so bad dude
so like. this poor fucking guy wants to come in something so badly he cant see straight (who doesnt) and the only thing hes got is another dudes mouth on a blue moon. it would be a lot easier if he could just sniff out who wants to fuck on the air like a big stupid dog. a big mean doberman fursona with a spiky collar and a stupid hat. yknow. whatever
i think the idea of being a thrall to instinct and not having to navigate impenetrable social norms in order to have sex appeals to him. hes learned the hard way that he cant wrap his head around the intricate rituals. so its really great for his, uh. self-actualization. that he ends up with a buddy who likes to play along and makes it really, really obvious that he wants to use daniel like a dishrag
the ultimate torture, though: being a guy with a breeding kink dating a guy who gets off on edging you and stringing you out. imagine
daniel: i need to come in you so fucking bad. I need to knock you up jamie: Thats great buddy. If you come before i do im going to fucking kill you
tbh jamies standpoint on it is that he both never wants to have kids and is physically incapable of having them in the first place so daniels whole breeding kink is. like. a little oddity to him. something he feels a little conflicted about, given, you know, the gender . its a thinker
but really in the end its the ideal scenario b/c he gets to indulge daniel and play pretend with no consequences. its the same as if he was a cis dude indulging him. and tbh its worth it to see how fucking strung out it makes him. daniel sweating bullets at the idea of nutting in some big muscular hairy dude..........its neat. to him. and not to me. i dont care
its also neat to have jamie be a big ol bully about it too. all demanding and pushy. treating him like a bit of an animal about it...............whatever. insane animal style sexo while jamie doms the unholy hell out of him. sweet and sour both. Whatever
ultimately tho the goal is to nut in jamie and to do it over and over again and i think thats great for him. i think its even nicer if he accidentally comes too quick. all sweaty and desperate......poor guy.
(as an aside: jamie would never be for-real mean about his dick because - and not to be a huge fucking dyke here for a moment - your dick doesnt need to work like a pornstars b/c you dont even NEED one to have insane screaming bed-shaking sex. his fingers work just fine, right? get in there, buddy. finger your cum deeper into him. Jesus christ man)
alternatively. overstimulation. jamie using his iron thighs to keep daniel right where he is after he comes while jamie gets off. its like a punishment in its own right.....making daniel stay in place, all raw and sensitive and trembling......he would whimper. i think. cant do nothin but feel it. really really cute. stuff. i think
ok. sorry. this went a lot of places. goodbye forever
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teafangirl · 3 months
Greetings here’s part two, of my first fan fic. reader X Edwin! ☕️😌
(Photo is from goggle)
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Welcome to…..reader X Edwin Payne
Chapter two–Awake
(We start with reader’s point of view)
You can't seem to remember at that moment what happened to you, you feel light, maybe you were too scared to notice before. When you were being dragged by one leg to a big mushroom whose teeth had sunk into you. It was a flash of light the first time then you woke up, chills moving up your body, you were still in that place with it. You tried to slide backwards, but it grabbed you, ripped you apart. Soon you just lay waiting for your doom once again you had no idea how long it had been going on for, you were shaking as this nightmare played over and over again. Sweating, shaking, hyperventilating, your head was spinning. As Edwin sat there waiting for you to awake, he noticed you were hyperventilating. He knew he needed to wake you tell you, you were now safe. He gently set the cat off his lap. Put it on the grass beside him as he came to your side, and slowly, gently he touched his hand to yours, after a second he held it, as he did your eyes slowly opened. You took in the night sky, the trees, and the boy, with short black hair, that was a tad messy, at least until he reached up and made it neat. This boy looked tall, thin, and very attractive, his green eyes continued to look at you as he set kneeling beside you, holding your hand. That certain gesture from him seemed to calm you, you felt a different kind of chill run up your spin, one you haven't felt ever since well you are not sure, but you know it's not fear. Then he spoke, his voice sounded crisp and it had a bit of a accent.
“Your safe now,” Edwin paused then continued,“ do you remember how u ended up there?” Edwin tried to sound professional, he wasn't quite sure how he felt about the person seeing as Charles didn't feel the same way he did, he was still reeling from that. Added to that, he couldn't expect this person to feel anything for him. Edwin put up his controlled persona once more to see this person as a case to solve even tho crystal and Niko were both cases, and yet they have become friends, he thought. Edwin looked at the person laying in front of him as they opened their mouth to speak, but no words seemed to come out. Edwin couldn't help but look at this person's eyes, he wondered how someone so very attracti…he cut his own thought off and stopped looking at their eyes.
You lay there trying to remember, trying to answer this boy's question when you notice him look away from you, you squeeze his hand which is still wrapped around yours, this makes him let loss a kind smile. You try again to speak, this time words come out, but they sound very stuttered.
“I…d..d…don't…remember..alot” The boy replies, “That's quite alright, can you tell me what you remember..” Edwin thinks for a second, then opens his mouth again, “also my name is Edwin Payne.”
You try to sit up, Edwin is quick to help you sit against a tree beside the tree he was leaning against earlier. The cat, who had been watching, the moment unfold, looks at you and runs off, presumably to go rat to the cat king. A bit of a worried expression can be seen on Edwin's face as he watches it leave, but he quickly masks it, as he thinks to himself
“I hope I haven't put this ghost in trouble with the cat king”
He looks at you, putting back up his persona as you start speaking.
“I I… I was dared..to go to some house…while I was visiting this town,..then..” tears run down your cheek as you remember, a woman, saying you would be punished… that she needed a test subject, she tortured you, then killed you, you remember she dumped you in the woods you didn't know how you were alive, then the mushroom. You start to turn a little pale as you remember, causing Edwin to hold you a little, it's clear his persona is slipping.
“I am sorry, sorry she did that to you, you never should have been dared, you didn't deserve what happened. I understand you” he remembers how Simon and the other boys sacrificed him. Edwin lets a caring smile show as he moves a little closer.
“Your safe with me, I know how it feels to die over and over, “
His words make you smile a little, you move closer slowly, Edwin lets you, he looks at your body then at your face as he speaks.
“Would you like to go back to the flat I am staying at, it would be better than here?”
You nod, he helps you stand up, his hands feel warm on your body, then he speaks again.
“I don't want to startle you, but… I am a ghost, and so are you”
Your shocked, but you seem to understand maybe you already knew this, or maybe you just didn't care, as he led you through a mirror, you fallowed intently. Once you stepped out, Edwin was standing there in the middle of the room watching you then as if he realized something he spoke.
“Now that I have told you, you're a ghost, death will come, you should go with her to your afterlife!”
He said, as a sad look started to creep onto his face, but he quickly hid it. Edwin didn't know why he told them they were a ghost so fast, perhaps he didn't want them getting hurt by the cat king or Esther again. He watched as their mouth opened, and they walked closer to him.
“What if I don't like my afterlife, maybe I should… just stay with you..can I?” Edwin looked a little disappointed as he said
“why would you want to stay with me, I could put you in danger, you have already been through enough”
Edwin left out that he might have already put reader in danger but, it's clear he cares about you, there's a smile on his face that shields his sadness you can't stay. However, you, seen to be able to read Edwin as you walk over and place a weak hand on his shoulder. “T… Thank-you for saving me…but I don't think I am ready to go, Whatever…happens I can handle it…can you?”. Edwin looks directly into your eyes as a smile comes onto his face as he looks at you as he replies..” i….” Edwin does not know how to respond, as he takes your hand and watches you smirk. As you gaze into each other's eyes, you start leaning closer, slowly as to not startle him to be honest with yourself this is the first time you have felt this way about someone for so long.
Edwin's a bit shocked at this move of yours, he does not know for sure, but he feels something for you that's clear to him. Steps a little closer to you, it's clear he's a bit shy..
Just then a loud bang goes off downstairs in jennies shop, smoke covers both floors and seeps into all the rooms as a blood chilling laugh sounds throughout the building.
Edwin's face becomes very worried as he takes your hand and leads you to the door as you ask,
“W..what's going on Edwin, what's happening?” Edwin holds your hand, tightly it's clear your both scared as you make your way down the hall and ascend the stairs, the laughter gets louder once the two of you get to the first floor..you both see the intruder..the shops been destroyed and a woman with blonde hair and a fur coat with something in her hands stands in the middle this woman turns around, and you go cold, sweat running down your body, as you whisper “E… Esther!” Edwin looks at her and stands in front of you as if he's protecting you, but he really doesn't know what he's doing.. But then Esther just laughs says she's already got Charles, this makes Edwin tense more but before either of you can do anything she goes to suck the both of you into her dvice it feels like a vacuum cleaner it's strong. Then everything goes black!
Enjoy ☕️😌
If u have any suggestions let me know please! I would like to know what u think of part two! I tried to leave it on a bit of a cliffhanger! Btw the story takes place between episodes 6,7 and 8 , I may change some events from episode 8 to fit my fan fic ! I know there was less of Charles in this one but i wanted part two, to focus on reader and Edwin’s relationship.
Anyway have a great day!
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quillkiller · 1 year
i'd love to hear more about why u didn't like barbie if it's not a problem for u
it’s not a problem! i do want to preface by saying tho that i did actually love seeing it and especially in the theatres with my dyke best friend!! and we had the time of our lives.
i wrote a very long and messy film review about barbies take on feminism and the patriarchy, i could post that if you’d be interested? :)
it also just. rubs me so in the wrong way seeing ryan gosling being peoples favorite thing to come out of the barbie movie. it just proves to me, imo, that barbies message went completely unheard. i absolutely loved his performence too but like. did we watch the same film? do we really think it’s funny that ken got bored of ruling a pareiarchy bc it didn’t include horses? is that actually funny or is it just unbelievably insensitive and out of touch? because i personally think the latter.
my main thing tho is basiaclly just that i had expected the film to do something literally anything new. to say something we don’t already know. i could name several films with the same feminist take and i just genuinely thought it would do one single radical thing. and it didn’t, in my opinion, and it left me very disappointed. i can’t name one single (new) thing the barbie film did for women/feminism if i’m being completely honest. it wrapped itself up in a neat little package towards the end saying ’everyone matters!’ w a cute little bow on top. men (because kens are still men) didn’t have to apologize and ryan goslings ken is everyones favorite part. from a movie about patriarchy and the sidelining of women. it just doesn’t sit right with me at all.
the kens are literally my enemies like what they did was unforgivable? they were men brainwashing and taking advantage of women and they didn’t even have to apologize and now we’re all obsessed with ’kenergy’? they should’ve at the very least be held responsible, but no they got an apology instead. while the barbies literally didn’t get a single one. is kenergy rly something we want? was he really keanough?????? i swear if i ever meet a man saying he’s a ken / is kenough i will kill him and then myself
some people may think i’m overreacting or that i’m a buzzkill but this is is genuinely how i feel about it. i see women say ’this is a film for all women!’ but i didn’t feel that once? i didn’t feel included once in the narrative and im definitely not being represented by barbie. it brought me back to when i was in the closet and i felt alien to everyone around me. i felt strange and ugly and wrong. this was a film for heterosexual women, imo.
in my defense, i am a film student film with a bachelor’s degree in film science, so i do feel confident in my own reading of the film. i am also well read on feminist theory and have been educating myself for years (and still do). it’s two things i’m very passionate about and literally you couldn’t spend even half an hour with my friend group, all dykes, before it turns into political/feminist discussions hahahah. i trust my judgment in how i feel about the film, but i’m not trying to change anyone else’s mind and im definitely not saying it wasn’t a good film. i’m absolutely not automatically right because of this. this is simply my reading of the film.
however, i find it very difficult not to engage with media, especially film, critically as someone who studies film and intends to make it my career. and i tend to engage critically from a gender perspective based on feminist theory because i honestly just can’t help it. a huge part of me didn’t want to engage with barbie critically because i had the time of my life watching it. i had so so so so much fun. but sadly, here we are
i had a similar experience when, in film history class, we started every single morning watching silent films. i fucking love silent films but let me tell you, the people who made silent films don’t love me or care for women. every morning i had to prepare myself to watch a woman get murdered by a man. a reminder of how women have been treated in cinema. a reminder that a woman isn’t a person, she’s a plot device for the male protagonist. the men in my class never noticed, whereas me and my uni friends (all girls) felt rather affected by it every single viewing. film theory hits different depending on who’s watching the film
that’s why i wanted barbie do just something new. it’s a film literally based on feminism and patriarchy and it still ended with a woman apologizing to a man. she still had to fight him off trying to make advances. she still had to do the emotional labour for another man.
it was just tiring. i wouldn’t have this opinion if it hadn’t made it so clear that the literal plot is patriarchy and feminism. that’s why i feel so let down
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (10/09/23)
no zom next week cause it'll be a recap and post will be 1 day late since jump will be on monday instead of sunday 😠 anyway start of new serialization round this week so that's fun, all the artists are newbies so good luck to them surviving the trial by fire
blue - finale/completed green - new series/new to me
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Pokemon Horizons Ep21
it's funny how this worked out cause I called she was gonna catch hatenna before we even got the episode titles for this so great job myself. regardless it was a good ep, good to see riko get some spotlight and her finally catching a new mon too. some action next week with the baddies coming back so that should be nice
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Atelier Ryza Ep11
nice ep, it was nice to see ryza get to show off her big brain and get recognition from (most of) the village. considering where it's gonna end next week I won't be surprised at all if they announce a cour 2, I expect it to happen even, but we'll see soon enough I guess
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Zom 100 Ep7
nice ep, good to see that bastard get his comeupance cause seeing how he treated akira had me HEATED god. shizuka is very cute also, lots of good shots of her this ep. no ep next week cause it's gonna be a recap (oof) but hope that means 8 and 9 will be on time
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch21 (Finale)
it's really a shame tenmaku couldn't last longer while something like nue is gonna outlive it by a bit. I really liked it, only a 7 cause it got axed prematurely so it had to rush quite a bit but it was quite good regardless. tosh's art is as good as ever and you could really see tsukuda's love for movies and knowledge coming through. the only complaint I have is how fast the mom plot got resolved since it wasn't really set up beforehand but that's a result of it getting axed early. it's a shame the jp readers didn't like it but I'll be looking forward to this duo's next work. tenmaku is getting a special chap in some months (I assume it's gonna be them after the timeskip) and next year they're doing a one shot so that should be good
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MamaYuyu Ch1
new serialization round babey let's go. the only thing this author has done in the past was a one shot around this time last year but it wasn't related to this new series. the first chap was... alright. felt like a one shot really. it had some weird paneling but with some neat ideas for them a couple of times. the art's good for the most part but some of the chosen angles led to some goofy lookin faces. the monster design near the end was CRAZY tho. not really much more to say about it tho, the chap didn't set up that much. we know there's demon lords and heroes and that they've been fighting since forever but they've been at peace for 18 years now. curious to see where it's going from here since, well, they're at peace. is it gonna be isekai with the mc going to other worlds to help them? is his world gonna get invaded by more demons from other worlds? will it just be slice of life? who knows but we'll see how it goes in the next couple chaps
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Dandadan Ch120
figured this chap would be to wrap up the reiko plotline, and set up the next arc, but it was fun seeing her tease momo like this. cool to see the next big baddie is a human (looking) guy since it's just been monsters so far, he has a sword too so expecting some pog stuff
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Blue Box Ch116
nice chap, it's good to see taiki fired up and finally going all out against someone. it was also good seeing some progress on the ayame kyou romance cause I've been saying that was gonna happen for ages and there's been little crumbs before but today there was a really big one
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Martial Master Asumi Ch12
time's flying in mma and skipping right to the fight, all while hiding nito's super move, but it makes sense, no much point spending time in a "training arc" when nito has trained all his life. looking forward to the fight next week
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Cipher Academy Ch39
good chap, setting up the next arc and also giving us tayu's backstory and also saying that all this time she has been holding back which is very spooky. I'm also curious who iroha is gonna convince, my guess it's yosaimura since she said no right away but they have a really good relationship but we'll see. other guess is anonimity but I doubt it
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Ramble#12 - Delinquency
This month's episode is on delinquent manga, a pretty dope but unfortunately pretty dead genre. That may just be my underexposure speaking but it seems to me that the delinquent pipeline seems to get dryer and dryer every year.
I was hoping to find a bunch of new rad delinquent manga this month but honestly it was a pretty weak month for reads but nonetheless let's get into it
top 5 delinquent manga read this month:
#5) Wolf Guy: Ookami no Monshou by Tabata Yoshiaki (complete with 117 chapters, I only got 56)
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Just gotta say right off the bat, even though I haven't finished either wolf guy or akumetsu by the same author I very much prefer akumetsu [spoken on before in ramble#4, Mystery, Madness & Mayhem]
Regardless the premise here in wolf guy, is basically that there's this guy that turns into something wolf like (yes a werewolf) and how his nature seems to attract bad news
My main problem with the series is how much they ask you to suspend your belief as the students are in middle school and are closer to terrorism than delinquency, it gets very very wild, a little too wild for me, fairly solid art but I would warn folks to approach with major caution if they decide to pick this up
#4) OUT by tatsuya iguchi (ongoing with 206 English chapters)
Basically the story here is a dude just got out of juvie and has to avoid trouble so he moves out of town to the sticks, and if that had played out well for him there'd be no story here. So ofc one of the first things that happens is him getting into a fight with the VP of the top gang in the area.
Luckily delinquents tend to respect guts and nobody else was around so that played out well enough for him except now he's wrapped up in the arguments of the local gangs who are on the brink of war.
My main problem with OUT is that the camaraderie usually present in delinquent manga is almost non-existent here, no vibes, just violence. I will say it's got pretty decent art, and a number of pretty neat spreads.
#3) Bakuon Rettou by Tsutomu Takahashi (complete with 105 chapters, I read 46)
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Basically this one dude just didn't like boredom or the normal life or something so he got involved in a biker gang as if extracurricular activities didn't exist or something.
We follow this guy through his outward and internal changes as he gets deeper and deeper into the gang.
I was really excited to get to this because of the author but I was pretty disappointed in the end, maybe because I only got halfway but at least they had the same old beautiful art I had expected.
#2) Tokyo Revengers by Ken Wakui (complete with 279 chapters + an anime)
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Fairly popular so you may have heard of it, the story goes that the main character goes back in time to save his crush by joining the gang that kills her in the future, with the goal of becoming their leader so he can prevent his crush's death.
not gonna lie I really dug it in the beginning, the premise was a two punch combo of things I loved, I mean time travel + delinquency? In any case idk my love for it just petered out, then the ending was a bit wack, crazy style on almost every character tho.
#1) Durarara!! story by Ryougo Narita and art by Akiyo Satorigi
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Best thing I read this month, a bit surprised since I'd already watched the anime way back when but it was still super great.
The story is that a young lad named mikado ryuugamine moves to the big city of ikebukuro for high school in an attempt to shake off his normal day to day life. He meets up with his childhood best friend masaomi kida who shows him around town and gives him all the details of strange tales, urban myths and living legends.
The story is broken up into durarara, durarara saika arc, durarara yellow scarves arc & durarara re; dollars each about 20 - 30 chapters long
top 5 delinquent manga read ever: (I go off cuff for these so no transcript, but dude trust me)
#5) Kyou kara ore wa!! by Hiroyuki Nishimori (366 chapters)
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#4) Beelzebub by Ryuuhei Tamura (252 chapters)
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#3) Holyland by Kouji Mori (182 chapters)
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#2) Rookies by Morita masanori (233 chapters)
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#1) Clover by Tetsuhiro Hirakawa (401 chapters)
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honourable mention: great teacher onizuka gto
thanks for listening, if you'd like to see specific scores my anilist is in the link above and additionally there's a small off cuff part 2 in the episode where I talk a little bit more about what I like about the delinquent genre
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arachnaesghost · 2 years
Greywaren spoilers!! Finally putting to words my feelings about it.
I'm just kind of sad and vaguely disappointed about greywaren. I don't want anyone to feel swayed by this tho! Idk like I did enjoy it and there's nothing in particular that I dislike, but I'm let down a bit nonetheless. I'm sure this is partially because it was so so so hyped up in my mind, and also at the end of the day the raven cycle was always more my thing that the dreamer trilogy. But idk. I saw someone say something like mstief must have had a word limit or something put in GW that caused her to cut a lot out of the book. I hope this is true because it would explain a lot. It just feels a little hollow. Things kind of just get wrapped up neat but too neat? Idk the words to describe what I mean. I do really love a lot about the book. I love the extra background it gives to the lynch family and to Ronan specifically of course. I love Niall and the new fenian no surprise there. (boy-o!) I love Matthews scenes. I am Soo grateful it ended happily even if it felt a lil hollow to get there. I can work with that. And I'm happy it didn't negatively alter the way I view trc because that would suck. But yeah. I think a lot of Carmen's story doesn't work for me. I think how she dates ppl is weak and weird? I think a lot of the series was devoted to her story but I kinda wish it hadn't been. I also reallllllyyyy wanna scream about the bit with gansey and the fist bump feeling like another language or whatever. It makes me think that for some reason they hadn't seen each other much in those 4 years leading up to the epilogue and I dislike that. I suppose they were all probs busy though but still. Sigh. Idk.
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risu5waffles · 2 years
Another 10days gone already? Alright then.
Seriously, time is kinda a jerk. Still, got another ten for a wrap up.
i hate to say a level is just, kinda, there; but this one is just kinda there. It's not not fun, and it does have its charm, but... at the same time, it kind of blends in wiv a lot of similar in theme levels. i did appreciate the credits at the end, it's always nice to see shout outs to creators that've helped out. You know... i wonder now if some of these "just there levels" are really more to give a chance to have fun wiv friends in LBP. i wonder what that was like.
i think this might be, hands down, my favourite all-around level i've played in all of LBP. Just 10 outta 10, no notes, the whole she-bang.
i need to come back to this one, 'cause i'm pretty sure Mellan updated it wiv a bit more polish on player communication, and on the main gimmick. Even in the form we have here, tho', it's a pretty solid level. Mellan's a good kid, and i'm glad to have met him. i think i can say that about most all the folx who've stuck around wiv the channel for a while. i have been exceedingly lucky in that department.
This one's a much different take on kokeshi than the previous one, but i think it mostly manages to pull things off. i can't say it's scary (that's a real hard thing to accomplish in LBP), but it is effective. The boss fight at the end is really quite neat, too. Took me forever to get the timing right on my first playthrough. i think the one we have here was my third?
i think i might actually like school a little more than carp at the end of the day. They're both masterpieces, and carp is an object lesson in level design, but this one is just so charming. The only thing i didn't quite like about it was the use of the cushion as a main building material, the corners of it always feel a little to puffy when it's used in larger constructions, but that's very much a me issue. There's one more secret area here that i wasn't able to find no matter how much i poked around, and you have no idea how much that irritates me from an archival standpoint.
i don't run into a lot of these expansive "just explore around" kind of levels it feels like. They're... honestly a bit of a mixed bag for me? i do like that there's just a lot of stuff all over, and some of the set pieces in this one were pretty cute. It's kind of cool that you could go through the level and just miss stuff if you bee-line for the exit, and that's interesting from a level design/player experience perspective. At the same time? i kind of like a little more of a throughline in level design. i want to know what i'm meant to be doing, and then i feel more comfortable going against the grain of that. i think that's part of the reason why sand-box/open-world style games don't super appeal to me. That and so much of the side-content winds up feeling like "well, i did that because it was available to do, but why?"
i really, really like this one. It clicks for me so well as the introduction to a larger whole (which we may or may not ever see. i don't know if the creator has any interest in continuing to build on the concept). This one really manages to nail that Gardens feel, while still feeling like its own thing. Also, that princess is kinda goals? Like, my self-image doesn't lean heavy towards the feminine, but even still, there was a voice in the back of my head that was, like, "oooh, but... gender?"
We talked about this not so far back, so all i'll add is the first time i played a level that had that "play chomping sfx when food item is grabbed" i thought it was kinda cool and/or neato. After a dozen times, tho', it started to get to me like the Wilhelm Scream does for film nerds.
The precursor to the level we looked at on Friday, and it's clear what a step up Aaron took between the two projects. Which sounds like i'm saying this one isn't good, and i'm very much not. This is, itself, a very impressive, and impressively presented piece of kit; and worth the 30minute playtime if you have it. i do feel like it leans more heavily on exposition to its detriment, tho'. You've got short bursts of "ok, i can do something now" between much longer cutscene sections. It doesn't help that the sfx Aaron chose for your legally-distinct Navi can get to be a bit grating after awhile.
This one's the real deal. The LeChonk. The.... umm... <checks notes> big chungus amung us? Scratch that. Don't like that. Will never say it again. i got to talk a bit wiv Aaron via 'Tube comments, and they're really quite nice. i had very much of the stress that i would be able to convey how i felt in a way that was honest. They did confirm that the level runs smooth wiv no issues on PS5, so if you've got one of those, maybe give this one a shot. If you don't, i still recommend it; but if you're worried about the level breaking, well, you do gots the video here for you (hint, hint, hint, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiint).
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knwbetter · 4 months
day 6 of no speaking to each other: i still missed him very much today. frequently thought about him throughout the day but there were times too where i hated on him in my mind. basically i did think of him and miss him but i hated him at the same time. still had no idea that he was capable of making me like him but leave in the end. he had me so wrapped around his finger that i believed he wouldn't leave me and this thing we had might go somewhere but i was too naive. i remember him asking if i might be willing to move away from here and he was glad that i would be. he even asked me what i wanted to be in life and since he knew i took psychology in school, he said i could move to where he was and be a therapist there. of course i took what he said lightly bc i know this isn't some serious talk but i did start to think about it if it really did come to a point that we became serious. i shouldn't have fell for it tho bc in the end i barely knew the guy. idk how he's like irl, i just know the dude through the screen. in reality, he might be a totally different guy in person. if he is tho, i have to say he's pretty consistent in his online persona and his stories do track back with each other. i'm paranoid and hyperaware of things like those. i can sniff out liars but ultimately a liar is different from a manipulator. those i can't sniff out, heck i fell for it.
i keep trying to convince myself that i shouldn't be so caught up on someone who doesn't even want me. it's such a massive disrespect to myself honestly. i shouldn't have to beg for someone's love and i most certainly can't force someone to like me, that's the last thing i want to do. i'm not gonna sit here and beg him to take me back. that would boost his ego like crazy, knowing he has someone that goes this crazy for him. and i wouldn't want to be the one to stroke his ego like that. he doesn't deserve it and if that is the case then he thinks too highly of himself and has a lot of growing up to do. it's certainly giving little boy behavior, i wonder if he'll ever have the sense to man up.
i felt such deep sadness when i thought of him today from time to time. still in disbelief that he did everything to make me like him but deceived me in the end, acting like i was nothing to him when he told me that i'm not nobody to him and that i'm something to him. well i'm something alright, but nothing more. even as i listen to rap, it reminds me of him bc he said old rap is his favorite. stupid me had to listen to his playlist before which full of rap and it was pretty good too. i miss feeling that good but then again i guess i didn't really know him. that shit hurts my ego too bc i take pride on being good at characterizing people. this experience humbled me bc i completely misjudged him. every little thing has to remind me of him, like when the other day i was looking at jack daniels bottles and found out where it came from. like really, universe? every thing i do has to be connected to him. i guess it shouldn't surprise me bc we did have a lot in common. otherwise i wouldn't have bothered to continue talking to him.
i finally got to drink today and i took it neat. i feel tipsy actually. i think i'll sleep well tonight. i do like the feeling of drinking tho, makes me forget him for sure. i love the fuzzy feeling of it in my head too, like i don't have room to think about anything. we would've been so cute together but he had to ruin it. i'm actually starting my new job soon and i gained crazy courage to even force myself to find a job bc i had this thought in my head that i want to meet up with him this year. whether it might be in japan or here. he definitely inspired me to start putting more effort into looking for a job and now that i got one, we're over. he might've been the push i needed to get a job but i wish there was a less cruel way to it. this experience kind of taught me to be tough and i definitely feel changed. i'll never let anyone mess with me. i know my standards and boundaries now. communication has become more important than ever before. if someone ain't serious with me then i don't want it, next. i'm not here to play and i'm not here for the mind games. how dare you do this to me, fuck you.
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
So. What I think about you. It’ll take some telling to get there. Might get a bit sappy but here goes nothing.
So I’m a pretty new fan of wrestling, less than a year of proper watching still. It was a bit of a spontaneous thing, a friend made watching another sport would post things, and eventually I decided to take a peek and see what all the fuss was about. And in the end, I really enjoyed what I saw. I could get into that, but it’s not exactly important to where I’m going with this.
I don’t remember exactly when I first saw Kip. It was after his feud with OC, but still close to new years. And I thought, geez this guy is neat. Had no idea what was going on with any of his past work, I just liked the way he moved, I guess. So I thought, let me dig a little deeper into this. Eventually I ended up at your blog, and let me tell you, you were a hell of a resource to this baby fan. I’ve always been a bit nervous about following new people (had some bad experiences in the past I’m not eager to repeat) so I think I sort of lurked a while before I actually hit that follow, probably by accident honestly.
So then was Kip and Penny’s trip to Japan, and this is where I got introduced to Chris Brookes, who I’m not sure I even have words for how fond I am of him now. So I very much attribute that to you, and I’m pretty thankful for the introduction to an absolute bastard giraffe man who I adore.
Eventually I got a bit more settled into my new interest, started posting a bit on tumblr, reblogging gifs and the like. And then, just like how I got into wrestling, another fairly distant mutual joked about being interested in what they were seeing. So we talked a bit, I recommended some of what got me interested, and I think in the end that got me a new friend. In a way, I can wrap that back around to you, too.
I see that you struggle a lot. Sometimes it’s with writing, or art. You still make cool things, and I’m pretty awed by that. I’m looking forward to what you’ll make next. I doodled a rabbit on the back of a shopping list today, for the first time in months. It felt like a little victory. I wonder sometimes if your writing, your art, feels like that too. I’ll still celebrate it as if it is.
I’m not really sure how to end this. I guess I just want to say, we aren’t exactly friends, or at least, I don’t feel I can claim that we are right now. But I do think about you, and root for you. And in myriad little ways, you’ve changed my life. That feels a little strange to write, but it’s not untrue. I suppose no one can really know what impact we have on anyone else. At any rate, I hope you’re doing well, I saw you were sick this week.
first of all: CHICKEN ANON YOURE BACK HELLO!! its been a while i hope youre doing well! 💜
legit when i read this first thing in the morning, i fucking cried. just.. theres a lot to unpack here, i try not to ramble but this. something like this is literally why ive been keeping on posting everything i do despite occasionally feeling like theres no point to sharing anything. ive always been telling myself that i first do it for myself, and then share it in case theres someone somewhere down the line that might be looking for this content later
and to hear that there is even one (1) person literally like this out there, using my blog and the content i put out to familiarize themselves with my blorbo, im... like oh my god 💜💜
im really glad it has helped you make friends too 💜 and while i dont know who you are, i would consider us friends no matter what tho, especially after hearing this. so glad things like this have helped you to get more into the community, thats amazing! and to touch up on the art thing, yeah its hard at times to pick things up again after a long while of not doing anything - i literally wrote a drabble last night after not writing anything for a week and i havent even seen my drawing tablet in like two months now lmao - but im so happy to hear about your grocery list rabbit!! little doodles here and there are definitely better than nothing, especially if you enjoy doing them!
youre so precious anon, i hope youre having a good day. im still slightly sick, getting better now thankfully so i should be fully operational the next few days and oooooh when that happens its all over you fuckers when i get back to writing (this is affectionate i swear LMAO)
thank you, i love you 💜
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chaelins · 2 years
yes, the doc is so good! thankfully on youtube (i would put a link but i fear tumblr eating the ask - there’s an in-order playlist on the TWICE channel tho!!!) and all free (unlike some groups i love, who have movies / docs you have to pay to see / watch based on the platform it’s on, if it’s on streaming services at all 😔 ), and absolutely heart-wrenching (to Me… skjdfkjhdf) but it’s so interesting to see a more personal side.
to sidetrack a little, it’s why i love hit the road and inside svt from seventeen! i love seeing what they go through, because while i always always always admire them (as in idols, not just seventeen) and know not everything is shown, having even the tiniest bit of insight to how exhausting it is and how hard they work is so nice because you can fully appreciate their efforts
i genuinely love twice so much so we’re gonna be like 🤝 talking in circles about them! nayeon and sana are 2/6 ults in all of kpop for me, it’s crazy how much i adore them. they’re so special and sweet and i hope they know how much we love them and their efforts, even when they make mistakes or are going through tough times
i’m also going to be baking on my time off!! gingerbread, haystacks (with potato sticks instead of chow mein, it’s butterscotch and peanut butter mixture (way more butterscotch) poured over the sticks & mixed, and then dropped. they look like haystacks, this the name), and buckeyes (like… reeses… but a ball.. idk LOL but i’ve made them since childhood so i hold them near and dear)
i also reorganized my family’s gift bag / tissue paper / wrapping paper bins (there’s two), because looking for bags to put my presents in was a nightmare, but they’re nice and neat now! it won’t last but it felt nice to do something for my parents
i hope you’re well today <333
HIIIII omg i feel like i have a proper moment to think to answer. weekends always go by so quick in a blur for me!
that's exactly why i love docs too. it all started in 2020 with the bp doc on netflix and that helped me get eyes into the industry, and then from there watching more about the trainees, idol shows, etc. idols are some of the most dedicated people to their craft i've ever seen, and it makes me admire them even more like you said! they really want this and they feel so honored to have fans that go so hard for them, they always want to give their best. it makes me really emotional when they talk about it actually 🥺 and i like docs/interviews/etc that let you see beyond the stage idol and about them. and the bond the groups have, that's so important to me too. i love time to twice to see the girls like that 🥰😭 i know i always recognize nayeon is sooo hard on herself for any mistaks and i'm like noooo baby girl let me protect you!
organizing is always what i have to do first anywhere. i'll probably end up doing it to our collection when i started wrapping gifts, and then cleaning the kitchen too for baking LOL i love haystacks actually! that sounds sooo yummy. pb cookies with hersheys kisses, snickerdoodles, and chocolate dipped pb ritz are usually my staple sweets i make for the holidays. i love doing all the holiday activities to be in the spirit, even if it feels like it crept up on me this year!
hope your day is lovely angel 💕💕💕
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lightgamble · 7 years
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You were able to find another way.
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sssrha · 4 years
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transcription of slides under the cut:
[SLIDE 1] the vibes ao3’s top 9 mdzs ships give me (a really stupid thing i made on a lazy saturday)
[SLIDE 2] wangxian: the wholesome canon relationship (with a hint of spice)
ok maybe calling the union between a demonic cultivator and a secret sex fiend “wholesome” isnt exactly accurate…but that’s where the “hint of spice” comes in
other than that tho? i remember seeing a meme somewhere about wangxian and sangcheng and wangxian was described as “domestic gays with a house and a white picket fence and two kids” and honestly? yes 
not that they cant be freaky. id say their particular brand of freakiness is vaguely surrealist suburban horror. make of that what you will
[SLIDE 3] xicheng: either its “pair the spares” or just about trauma
their dynamic is 500% “karen/enabling husband” but like in a good way
objectively the best-dressed couple you will ever meet. like seriously why are you even trying? theyve got you beat
jc would own a flower shop and punch you in the face for saying a single bad thing about his flowers. lxc would own a tattoo parlor and hand you a lollipop and tell you how proud he is of you for not crying while he gave you a tattoo
they dont strike me as a “every evening we relax and watch the sunset” type of relationship B U T every other week they go stargazing with a detailed map of the night sky
[SLIDE 4] xiyao: either a) the angst of betraying/being betrayed or b) the angst of killing/being killed
high society gays. they would both unironically wear tuxedos to a mcdonalds. lxc would see it as a fun couples thing and jgy would do it to assert his dominance
i swear they would be among the smiliest of the major couples. only one of them would give you a happy smile
dont mess with them. no like dont mess with any of the couples but so far jgy is the first one who would make your life living hell and keep you around long enough to suffer the consequences
[SLIDE 5] sangcheng: being simultaneously over- and underestimated
i saw a meme about sangcheng and wangxian where sangcheng was described as something along the lines of “wine aunt and vodka uncle” and honestly? yes
they’re both human disasters. nhs would have various splotches of color on his clothes and you cant tell if it was intentional or if theyre actually stains. jc is very neat and organized but will have a mental breakdown at the slightest inconvenience
sometimes they just sit down across from each other and. cry. its how they bond
idk why it popped into my head but they’re both ace Because I Said So
[SLIDE 6] xuexiao: cute domesticity but also murder
i refuse to believe that xy is anything but unhinged in every universe. whether or not thats a good thing is up to you
xy could and would murder you in your sleep and not feel bad about it until xxc told him off. even then he might still decide it was worth it
xxc doesnt exactly know about The Murder Stuff(TM) but he knows some shit is off but he trusts xy enough to not comment on it
they would meet and hook up in a bar and mutually decide that they may as well stay together for the rest of their lives the next morning
[SLIDE 7] xuanli: the token straights (but also? theyre really cute???)
i did not expect them to be as cute as they were but here i am
anyway jyl has jzxuan wrapped around her little finger and shes just too nice to use that to her advantage
if jyl asked jzxuan for some chocolate jzxuan would just buy her the entire hershey company and forget to give her an actual chocolate bar and jyl is too sweet to actually say anything about it
they would definitely have like 20 children. theyd fucking love being parents. the moment having another child became dangerous theyd start adopting left and right. theyre rich they can afford it and their hearts are big enough for all their kids so why would they not?
[SLIDE 8] songxiao: childhood friends to lovers AND perfect power couple
i know they have more nuance than this but i cant help but think of them as The Perfect Couple(TM)
not shipping-wise!! i mean like. theyre both law-abiding citizens. their house looks like a model house. theyre dressed super neat and handsomely. they both know cpr and first aid and one of them is a lawyer and the other is an award winning writer. idk who is who but yk.
they are who people call to deal with problems instead of the police and they delight in that fact. that is what i mean by them being The Perfect Couple(TM)
[SLIDE 9] chengxian: disasters through and through
uhh i am going to be spending the entirety of this slide ignoring the fact that i personally consider them siblings
they would live in a dingy studio apartment in the heart of a city and theyd both never be home
theyre both super fucking rich but theyd never have any money on hand so dont be surprised if they just starve out on the street one day because theyre just that stupid
they collectively have the self esteem of rotting cabbage but theyre keeping themselves and each other alive purely out of spite and sheer force of will
[SLIDES 10] nielan: childhood friends to lovers AND himbo power couple
psst heres a secret: neither of them are actually himbos
H O W E V E R they both 500% pretend they are. they intentionally act as stupid as possible just for the fun of it
the best part is when they stop acting stupid when something important happens. crouching-moron-hidden-badass at its finest
also the older brother energy is overflowing. it does not matter who you are or how old you are. if you meet them then youre going to walk away with two new big brothers
[SLIDES 11] the end (unless i gather the willpower to make a part 2)
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galos-writing · 2 years
Short #3
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sorry if I've been absent, I've had family issues in these months, something I'm struggling with and I'm having some slight health problems, it's not a bright period for me ^^" I do always my best tho dw
•Tucking their hands beneath the other person's shirt, just to see them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin - WILLIE•
Dates with Willie were famous among girls for always being in exclusive places, like fancy restaurant or extremely selective clubs. So you had always felt like an VIP during your hangouts with your boyfriend Willie, almost feeling guilty for making him spend so much money.
But he always reassured you that it was okay to him, and you don’t have to worry. The thing made you slightly vexed, but discussing with him about this meant discussing with a wall, he was as stubborn as a mule when it was a matter of money.
But you couldn’t let him always set your dates. So, one day, you called him, and invited him at your house, you would take him somewhere different, and not make him spend; and furthermore, it was a little revenge, showing him they could have fun even without spending so much, he didn’t need to flaunt any wealth with you.
You gave him an hour and a dress code, telling him to be nicely dressed but not too much. You knew he wouldn’t listen to you, though, he was pretty vain about it.
He showed up at your flat at the hour you told him, and surprised him with your car, it wasn’t a big car nor new, a pretty old engine but still working to you. The date was quite simple, a dinner and a night at the drive-in to watch a movie. Drive-in’s weren’t exclusive places, but very popular.
You were pretty satisfied to see him having fun after all, at least you knew you were right.
During the movie, you slowly snuggled closer to him, as he whispered to you how lucky he was a having a partner like you, and how much he loved you. But you put a finger on his lips to shush him, with a little smile on your face that made him blush, and then captured his lips for a fond kiss. Your attention for the movie was gone for a while, too focused on each other’s lips, you sat on his lap to kiss better, and wrapped your arms around his neck, messing with his hair by burying your fingers in it, feeling how soft and fluffy it was behind his neck, differently from on the top, combed and neat by hair gel.
You felt butterflies in your belly when you heard a little needy moan from him, the moment when you opened your mouth to deepen the kiss, your teeth nibbling his lower lip made him heavily blush and squeeze your hips in his hands. You could hear him exhale against your lips, and pronounce your name, but refusing to part from you, feeling a bulge starting to form between under you when you started panting and moaning against his lips too.
You two could see the raw hunger you had for each other after entire minutes of eager making out, but you couldn’t wait to get home to touch him. Your fingertips needed to feel him, your skin craved to rub against his.
So you couldn’t help but slide your hands under his black shirt as your tongue hungrily caressed his, your laps pressing against each other. That warm touch of yours on his belly made him gasp and let out a weak whimper, he grabbed your shoulders and gently pushed you away, breaking the kiss. He started panting, his face all red in excitement and fluster for your touch.
Useless to say that the both of you rushed home earlier and never knew how the movie ended, but knowing too well how nice the happily ever after of your date was.
Tag list: @darknessisafriend @indieblair @peakyfuckingblinders21 @ajokeformur-ray @fly-like-a-phoenix @jokerflecker @five-miles-over @fandoms-are-my-friends-1321 @jokerownsmysoul @pursuit-of-comedy @bb-skyrunner @hebiparadox
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