#so cuuuuuuuute i love them
sunstone-smiles · 19 days
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cherry-bomb-ships · 29 days
I reeeaaaally need to go to bed but I'm indulging myself in PPG content from Multiversus (I will take anything I can get at this point), and I already adored the Rowdyruff Boys as a skin for the PPG, but. But guys.
Their opening animation when starting a match... is Mojo dropping them off on the battlefield 😭💖😭💖😭💖😭💖😭💖😭💖 IS THAT NOT THE CUTEST. FUCKING. THING. IN THE WOOOOORLD 🥹💖🥹💖🥹💖🥹💖🥹💖🥹💖🥹💖🥹 LIKE HHHHHHHHRGH THEIR DAD DROPPING THEM OFF TO GO KICK SOME ASS 💖💖💖 I LOVE THIS STUPID EVIL FAMILY SO MUCH IM GONNA CRY
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witchzvamp · 2 years
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this was the gayest thing to happen on this show so far (ignoring tinn's entire existence of course)
and i really like tinn's watch
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breadboylovin · 1 year
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Quadeca (@quadeca): Directed and edited a vid for my friend jane’s new single (sorry for covering ur face) out nowwww
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theater-for-jocks · 2 months
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zishuge · 8 months
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i just started lost you forever and heyyy this smol child looks familiar... is this baby wen kexing?!??
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socksghost · 1 year
i found your art through google search of dave fanart and OMG THE DAVEKAT DRAWINGS ARE SO CUUUUUUUUTE. I *love* them
Ohhhh?????!! I never thought my art would come up in a google search. That's a first for me! I'm glad you found my art and enjoy it. I love Dave and Karkat and their ship so much <3 <3 <3
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onskepa · 1 year
I really liked your moat and human child series. Seriously cute and wholesome after the hells gate incident. Tgere arent any confirmed human children on pandora, besides spider. I would love to headcannons for Na'vi seeing human children and human mama's in general cause they are so different and yet so similar.
Hellooooo!! Honestly this is a good idea! Had a lot of fun with this cute list. Hope you all like it!
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If there is one thing that is common in both Earth and Pandora that is universally treasured, it be mothers.
Earth has their mother earth, and pandora has Eywa.
Eywa is the prime example, she loves all her children and gives them life and welcomes them back when it is their time to return.
So when the female humans begin to show their pregnancy, their symptoms began to show but a little different that they would have experienced on Earth.
The cravings would still be present, but not for human food, rather the need for na'vi food. The need to go outside and enjoy the nature. The need to be one with the land.
These symptoms are different, yet familiar.
At the same time, female na'vi would show their pregnancy as well. Feeling blessed to be given the chance to bring a new generation of their people.
However, for the female na'vi, they would have a strange need to see the humans. Even the ones who dont like humans. But the need grows stronger with each day they ignore the feeling.
As if Eywa commands it, by the natural pull both female na'vi and humans would meet.
To each show how far long each soon-to-be-mother is, the hatred subsides and a new form of friendship grows.
The na'vi mothers would share their knowledge to the human females, and vice versa.
Crafting things was certainly a stable activity for both kinds. Creating things for their children. Blankets, nets, carrying swings, toys, etc.
Both female kinds would even gossip like old friends. Talk of each others experience and interesting knowledge they each like to share.
The na'vi women would quickly learn how more fragile the human women are during their pregnancy. Na'vi women arent slowed down, sure things will be tiring but they still continue their duties.
That is where the na'vi women grow protective of their fellow human sisters. To make sure they are safe, have everything needed and no danger is near.
In return, the human women would teach the na'vi women some soft melodies to sing to their future children.
Soon when it was time for the two kinds to give birth, it was something to remember.
Many called it "Eywa's gift" as it was a day where BOTH human and na'vi women would give birth at the same time.
The tsahik would believe it was eywa's will to bring the two kinds closer.
The bonding didnt stop there oh no. It only strengthened.
The na'vi mothers were so surprised to see just how small human babies were. So small, fragile, and weirdly cute.
The na'vi women would bring their children to meet the human children, while both are vastly different, they are all still cute.
The human mothers would have a chance to hold a na'vi baby, as do the na'vi mothers getting a chance to hold a human baby.
Although the na'vi mothers were more scared since the babies fit at the palm of their hands.
The mothers would still group together, bond more with their children as they grow, in hopes that the new generation would have peace.
And don't forget the fathers. Tough and ready to defend each of their own families. But like the mothers, the fathers had come to a peaceful grounds that they are not so different from each other.
Eywa sees her children, both na'vi and human. She has plans for the new generation. In hopes to bring peace and unity. To love and to hold one another. And what is a more powerful way than that through the love of a mother?
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And that is it for this one! was so cuuuuuuuute to write! Hope you all enjoyed this one! until next time! see ya!
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toomuchracket · 8 months
the macdonald babas for sure.
YEAH like omg eilidh meets joni jones when amber comes over to meet baby keir for the first time and she just gets absolutely obsessed with sausage dogs. ross finds the OG toy one when hes touring, and that turns into everyone (read: her big brother matthew) buying them as presents for her lol; that vid is very you and the kids making a vid of the collection to send to ross while he's on tour to show him the extent of it, and he loves it so much and shows it to absolutely everyone he can lmao. i feel like he screenshots a cute moment from it and makes it his lockscreen, too, just because it makes him feel like he's right there with you all. cuuuuuuuute <3
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coolingrosa · 8 days
What do you do when your brain is just too creative? As in, have you ever had an amazing character that would fit so good into a plot/concept for your story, but you simply couldn't find a purpose for them and therefore had to scratch them? ALSO I SAW YOUR DRINK SHIP CHILD AND AAAAAAAA SHE'S TOO CUUUUUUUUTE I LOVE HER
If the character doesn’t work, it’s a tragic loss. I say that to fulfill that dream, have them as a background character where you can make Aus about their adventures but keep them limited in the actual plot.
And thank you so much! Bee is my precious baby!!
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cherry-bomb-ships · 6 months
OH FRICK 🙈 — @edencantstopfallininlove
AAAAH THANKS EDEN HEHE 💖💖💖💖 This is from the Season 1 episode "Telephonies", and for context, in this episode the Gangrene Gang make crank calls on the Powerpuff hotline of all phones, and just before this scene they called and said that Mojo Jojo was up to no good again
Alright now let's unpack this:
First of all... I mean of course I think the way he fell asleep in his recliner listening to classical music is adorable. His light snoring too uuuugh god I love him 💖💖💖💖
But the way the girls just JUMP HIM like that I adooooore how brutal they always are, like BUBBLES WITH THE BITING?!?!?! YOUNG LADY YOU'RE A SAVAGE 😂💀😂 The physical comedy in this show is always so top notch hrjhdskf
The fact that Mojo stays upside-down in his chair for the entire scene, I feel like in a modern cartoon a character in this situation would stand up and dust themself off first but that detail makes this whole thing even MORE entertaining to me 😂💖💖 (Makes me think, with a brain that big, getting blood rushing to it from being upside down must especially suck 💀)
Ok I do honestly love the girls, and Bubbles's saying "turn everyone into zombies and you scare people" is SO CUUUUUUUUTE even down to the way it's worded being so child-like, I LOVE HERRRR 💝💝 Not only that, but I love that that's the point where Mojo snaps, like of course I think it's just a rule of threes joke but I like to think that hearing such a ridiculous and childish plan is what made him finally snap at them 😂💖💖💖
"I had no intentions of committing any crimes.... today <_<" HAVE I SAID HOW MUCH I LOVE YOUUUUUU 💖💖💖💖💖💖
The way he's drawn from the side in that wide shot is so sillyyyy I love himmmmm
AND THE SASS. THE SASS HE HAS AND HE'S FULLY JUSTIFIED IN HAVING TBH 😂💖💖💖💖💖 That's definitely my FAVORITE part of this clip even if there's so much other good stuff, that's 100% the line I love most hrjhksjfhs 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
💜ask game here!💜
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raviollies · 1 year
omg your tiefling girl is so cuuuuuuuute! I love her and can't wait to hear more about her!
AWWH THANK YOU! I decided to call her Calliope (Muse of Epic Poetry, think that's fitting for a BG3 bard >:3c ) or Callie for short! Some ideas I have for her!
She's a complete sweetheart but not very bright. She KNOWS she's not very smart & she's a little self conscious about it.
Her primary instrument is the Lute, though she can use the Flute too!
She grew up in a travelling theatre! Prior to the Whole Thing, she was traveling collecting folk songs about great deeds and heroes, as she finds them inspiring, like the travelling theatre did plays re-enacting epochs of the past.
She is a lesbian
Doesn't have a single mean bone in her body
Has not said fuck before
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mamadarama · 2 months
hallo :D
it's me again, i'm coming here to MANIFEST. that's right, MANIFEST. what if madara is the crossing scout and what if he and keito kiss guys (it won't be him. probably)
um anyway i actually came here to talk about how cute keito is. i yap about madakei so much on this blog but oh my GOSH that unbloomed! HE'S SOOOO CUUUUUUUUTE i love nerds im sorry i produce this guy. i wanna kick him, why does he look like that? i want to pinch his cheeks but at the same time i feel the need to shove him in a locker like you said. so anyways can we get more keito hasumi gap moe it saved me
btw i got him first 10 pull :D i wish you good scouting luck if you go for him or the other crossing scout!
oh my god with the new shuffle already consuming my sanity if the cross scout is madara im exploding my skull apart and adding drawing them together in the outfits to my ever growing list of ideas i will probably never see to fruition but hey i can dream right
ANWYAYS im literally mental over his new unbloomed he looks so sweet and cute amd i want to antagonize him so bad until he looks at me like that . huh who said that.
i only play engstars jus cuz i dont wanna juggle multiple accs so itll be awhile before i get my chance but until then i will live vicariously through you and share in your excitement . congrats on the lucky pull !!!!
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just-a-carrot · 1 year
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I got distracted and drew a) a new painting W.I.P. and b) BIG FLUFFY TAIL. (Also unrelated headcanon but if Gidget and Iggy are the type to sometimes put on competition shows when they have nothing to do, I think it would be pretty funny if Gidget takes occasional tactical advantage of the tail and blocks Iggy's view from being able to see what's going on for a few moments. Mate's utterly confused meanwhile Gidget's like "guess you'll never know who won" while the names were reading the names aloud. Iggy brings it up and they just go "that's just a fake-out. You would have known who actually won if you were looking at the TV" [it's very silly and cute to me asijdjisadji])
oh my gosh i love this akdjsadfas THEY'RE SO CUUUUUUUUTE. i love the idea of gidget having this huge fluffy tail. it somehow fits in my head with them being the most "parental" of the group, as not only just with iggy i can see them using their tail to comfort or care for or calm down all of the others... 🥺 all of them gathering around...
AND THAT IS A VERY CUTE SCENARIO. i love little things like that lkadjfd funny little silly "competitions" they get into hahaha...
this is 50 shades of adorable i'm gonna sob...
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polarsirens · 1 year
aw thank you <3 as silly as the whole romance was, childhood sweethearts is a trope i am absolutely weak for and i simply had to draw something for them!
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