#so bad you dont understand but where the fuck did my money go and why is my wallet empty SOBS)
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mondaymelon · 1 year ago
"i had a good dream that i thought was going to be very silly but then the ending was sad and i woke up and was like WAIT NO IT CANT END LIKE THAT . so i reworked the plot in my head and tried to go back to sleep to continue and fix the dream but wegh it didnt work... SOBS."
STOP WAIT I DO THAT A LOT TOO LIKE its like oh no i dont like this scene BOOM rewind! noooo the story cant end like that TRY AGAIN! ueueueueue thats so sad why didnt it work ueueue sobes with you also. FICTIONAL CHARS APPEARING IN YOUR DREAMS IS SO REAL HELP i rmb once i watched a fan animatic of xiao playing the kazoo n that night i dreamt that he was playing a saxophone which sounded like a kazoo n i was throwing confetti n paper money at him,, i hope he appears in your dreams soon i think it will be a very interesting dream hehe.
ALSO. AKABANE KARMA??? HELLO?????? when is it my turn smh. ...vox... akuma.... his cooking streams were the death of me omfg AND WHAT. HYUNJIN AND BEOMGYU??? WHAT. 😀 that was a very interesting dream CRYING they THREW CEREAL AT YOU ?? i.. i won't ask any further. mhm.
THE HEADBOPPING WITH LIGHTS OFF IS SO REAL HAHAHKJDHFKS but for me it's more like my brother walking in on me aggressively bopping to music and walks straight out :'D fun times!
japanese is a nightmare i tell you. i am quite effectively illiterate in japanese sobs n falls to the ground HAHAHSKLJFHLDSJK why. why does 怪我 and 怪我 mean different things WHY. (one is 'blame me' and one is 'injury') why is 娘 mother and daughter at the same time. why. 日本語話とても難しです。*weary noises* but duolingo is actually p good for building vocab i think !! YIPPEE!!
ok yes questions. im a kaeya [BEEEEEEP] i meant kaeya main. LOL i cant think of other fictional chars atm so i will just say!! fav genshin chars!! kaeya beidou ayato kazuha fischl furina kirara collei childe && uhm uhm i forgot the rest OMG YEAH 呵呵以后不想让任何人知道我们在谈什么就可以用华语🤭 RAHHHH i recently became absolutely obsessed with modern family i think its really funny && animes! uhhhhhh spyxfam! campfire cooking! senko-san! the genius prince! my next life as a villainess! parallel world pharmacy! and i forgot the rest! HAHAHAHA ooh ooh okok adding on!! what are the top 3 items on your bucket list for 2024?
giggles loudly back at you HAHAHKJSKJF i get loads of bye-lingual moments though,, (forgot the word for tissue in all 4 languages but somehow knew it was spelt taschentuch in german) & yeahh i switch a lot w my brothers esp when we wanna say stuff we don't want people understanding (read: parents) && normally it's mandarin with parents + english sometimes!! yippee!!
the vox. the vox one. i remember. so vividly. i was a vtuber and we were playing minecraft and i did something super cool and funny and the next day there were clips about me and i sobbed wtih joy and then i woke up in my hotel and laid there for a solid half hour questioning if that was real and knowing it wasnt but praying it was. sobs.
wAI WAIA RYUU ARE YOU. ARE YOU A KPOP FAN. STARES AT YOU. SHAKES YOUR SHOULDERS VIOLENTLY if you are. fave groups and biases pretty please. i am in love with skz + txt + enhypen. E E E EE. E E JFSDODJkldlkjlajs biases are hyunjin (big surprise) n miho, txt bias is beomgyu (another crazy, wild, surprise!!) and honestly i cant choose with enhypen but im sorta leaning towards ni-ki rn... e e e e
dont be shy ryuu. whats the redacted. :) aaa for me fave characters... wai have i already said this idc uhm uhm xiao + kaveh + gorou + dori + nahida + venti + furina + fischl + oh so many more. ik some people dislike dori but she just wants the mula and honestly girl same LMAO
ooo spy x family is the silliest!! (have you seen buddy daddies).. for me im watching several things at once rn but its the apothecary diaries, the eminence in the shadow, and migi n dali !! these are all still airing rn so im having a silly time
uhhodkoadsfd tbf i dont really have a bucket list... if we're talking abt small goals ig its just to get good grades cause of my asian parents, to improve my art, and to finally bring my smau out of its stalemate cause i havent touched it in months and i feel bad abt it... sjdflkd
help when i talk with my brother about things we dont want our parents to hear we cant speak in mandarin cause they know it so we just replace the first letter of every word with b except for some few select examples
like. "brek babing bot bis bere" is shrek's bathing spot is here and dont even ask me why i wouldnt be able to tell you LMAO
and "b-b-b-b-b-beer" is like how are you or soemthing along those lines. my brain fries every time we attempt to speak in bod (dont ask why we named it that either i cant tell you too my brain is empty) and WOADOJFOS SAME HERE !!! uhalkdf hmm more questions... do you read any manhwa / manhua and if so which. because i NEED MORE MANHWA READERS IN MY FEED PLE. A S E
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scopophobia-polaris · 15 days ago
What are you just jealous because Jojo is more successful than you?
Cute, bad time to start this when I'm medicated, I'm not actually, far from it
I'm wary of them
Look, maybe I've been around long enough but when people say all links go with their special "lady friends" and don't flash out the Lady friends in general I 🤨
Oh and the Other kin drawing them in a VERY specific way
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Being very weird about MLM relationships
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And the DID thing where yall gave them WAY too much credit for the quotations
We cant forget how they drew Shad of course.
And the fact that so many people think that LU is a queer comic when it just ain't in the slightest, and has a very large side of the fandom that is highly conservative that jojo never spoke out against on tumblr from MY understanding, idk maybe if i had conservatives giving me money and were all up in my shit being weird as hell and making all the younger queer folk in my fandom uncomfy i would A. Not take their fucking money and B. Make a public, not server post condeming them when i get a lot of support from queer fans and younger more vunrable people AND MOST OF ALL when you're making about $1000 USD on EACH COMIC POST and a lot of that money comes from your queer fanbase, idk idk 🤷‍♂️
But I dont know, i guess I dont get the hype🤷‍♂️
I don't hate that comic, there is a lot of effort put into this and people should get the bag when the put in that much effort, but.....
In the end, It all just makes me Kinda wary of being around them and the LU fandom
Also, this aint a call out, all this stuff is still up on her socials and this is why I'm uncomfy
Never ask me about Jojo again unless it's a bizarre adventure
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gffa · 9 months ago
Im having tons of fun crawling all over your dick grayson tag and checking out the comics you've commented on. Batman year one:scarecrow has to be my favorite bbydick and bruce dynamic lol, but also if my dad nerve pinched ME to keep me out of the fight idve gone ballistic immediately upon waking. Betcha dick made *very sure* bruce could never keep him out of a fight that way again (though i didn't quite understand what dick meant when he said he feared batman in a godfearing way? Like its a raw as hell line but i dont quite get what he meant)
Excellentttttt, there's a lot of really fun Dick Grayson comics out there, and that one is just an absolute joy. (I would also recommend One Bad Day: Mr. Freeze, because I think it captures the same feral gremlin angel baby energy of Year One: Batman/Scarecrow! But also Robin & Batman. And Batman: Dark Victory.) The art combined with the dynamic is just so top-tier:
Dick just REFUSING to be serious about Bruce's cranky moods!
Dick casually flinging himself upside down on the couch while talking to Bruce! Refusing to let Bruce snipe at him, he's serious about this, too, you know! What's making you such a pill tonight?
Dick scooting under Bruce's arm to get a better look at some evidence in their case, like he's so little! And he just WRIGGLES RIGHT IN THERE, absolutely no thought for personal space! Or leans his head right on Batman's arm to get a closer look! And that's something that will continue even when he's big as an adult, he has never met personal space of a loved one that he would not casually violate!
Hopping up on the table to curl up with his arms around his knees, like he's not a tiny baby child, and going, "Bruce, seriously, something's wrong, talk to me." as if he's the adult in this situation while sitting there like a TINY BABY CHILD.
Leaving money for a guy they just beat up!
Bruce PICKING HIM UP BY THE SCRUFF OF THE NECK like he weighs nothing, like he's just a pet cat to haul out of harm's way!
Dick trying to flirt with the receptionist and Bruce LOOMING with a cracking knuckles gesture, like if you even THINK about taking this tiny baby child seriously about how he's offering a date, it will not end well.
Dick noticing details and asking really good questions, like that kid may not be as trained as Bruce is yet, but it definitely shows he had a natural affinity for detective work, that he's probably genuinely one of the best detectives out there after Bruce himself!
But also the "god-fearing way" and the nerve pinch lend it some nice crunch, because those moments (for all that this is a genre where these things should NOT be taking totally seriously, this is comics) are really kind of fucked up. I think, while Dick doesn't fear Bruce as a person, he can see the person Bruce is underneath the persona, there's part of him that understands Bruce is not always in control of himself and he does things he later regrets because of it. The whole mini is undercurrented with Bruce being in a bad mood, being surly and snapping, beating up people with more force than needed, slamming tables in his frustration, not talking things out. Dick sees how that plays out, it's why he keeps needling Bruce to talk to him--and Dick's not going to let any of that hold him back, he clearly feels safe enough to tease Bruce, to wriggle in under his arm, to lean on him, to snap back at him. But he also knows that Bruce can do things that are terrifying. He fears that Bruce is going to shut him out. He fears for the people in Batman's way. He knows Bruce will regret those things, but when Batman swoops down on someone he sees as being in his way, that's terrifying, like a wrathful, vengeful god. He's not really bothered by the nerve pinch, he gets why Bruce did it, and it hardly slowed him down that much. He understands that it was Bruce's way of protecting him, because he didn't want Dick to get hurt, but also I think Dick probably sees it as a challenge--to avoid it or overcome it again in the future, it's good training! Like, what a beautiful, wonderful, sweet, fucked up dynamic those two have! What a hilarious feral gremlin child he is, what an incredible "the child has to be just as mature as the adult, sometimes more mature" deliciously awful dynamic that is! Anyway, if any of you others enjoy Batman comics, please read Year One: Batman/Scarecrow, it is so funny and delightful and fucked up in a way I'm not sure it meant to be but sure is tasty as hell!
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darkseed-two · 24 days ago
Oh about the feederisation explosion moment death.
I think. Personaly. Dark Seed could have leaned more into the sexual and Giger (thematic) horror. It's the first thing DS1 shows. But then it is kind of Over apart from the bad ending. Sad.
It would be comically out of place with DS2's general tone but idk. Guy probably has some kind of alien brain impregnation trauma, but we don't get to see that facet explicitly iirc.
I suppose I mean that it ends up just being the catalyst, then Mike is just like "damn……… anyway. the battery still works! also I didn't kill anybody."
I'm thinking too much about this stupid funny game and it wouldn't have been the done thing at the time but…… I continue to think anyway.
Unrelated. Have you noted how the dream sequence that in baby head -> mike head -> scargy head -> sküll dream, his head is on the same mount design as the heads on the generator in the sequel. I thought that was mildly interesting.
gonna say this two things real quick before anything else 1) honestly if i had the chance to go back in time and change anything about the darkseed games i probably wouldn't as theyre so perfect in their own garbage way / doing anything to them would give them a different energy. and 2) i am probably going to get SO dark(seed) with what im about to say so please forgive me. that being said lets get down to business (to Defeat. The huns)
read more divider put here because this shit is gonna be looooong
I agree with you 100% about the missed opportunity of the sexual thematics of gigers art being implemented more into the game; as much as i wouldnt want to actually change anything about the game, if somebody told me to go nuts with a remake or something i would absolutely get a little freakier with it
yes! literally 80% of gigers works are abstracted visuals of sexual penetration so its a mystery to me as well that it didn't get more of a focus. They already borrowed the whole forced male pregnancy thing from the Alien movies, so why not just go apeshit? All of the deaths in ds1 dont really have anything to do with those themes (unless you count the library drekketh guard/weird vagina-looking skull creature impaling him in the chest) so. missed opportunity. i think the main reason why they never leaned into that is because they didnt want an X rating. it wouldve killed any chances of making money as pornographic games got hidden behind the counter back then
This next part is long and probably a bit tedious to read so i apologize, but i just.🤷i gotta get my thought process out about this whole thing- mainly the two main takes, the chad "ancients are real" vs the bitchass "mike is just crazy" theories.
If you go with the whole "its all in his head" bullshit, I feel like the first game would imply that he was orally sexually assaulted the first night he moved into the house. & him being like this plain boring straight cis man who does nothing but ad work all day, that shit clearly fucked up his mental health SO bad. Even with the ancients being real, being forcibly impregnated would be just as traumatizing. I know that in the beginning of the game Mike writes it off as a nightmare, but by the time he sets foot in the dark world he HAS to know that somethings wrong. i feel like it left him dumbfounded and unable to grasp the whole situation at the time with how little he says about his fetus "ailment" (mentioning NOTHING about the weird infant doll), especially going off of his final line where he says hes "only beginning to understand". After the events of Ds1, it would only make sense in Ds2 that he would finally process what just happened to him and have a completely and utterly massive mental breakdown right before the start of the game. the question that plagues me about this is who even did that to him if not the ancients? i feel like if it was a person then they did it to him in his own fucking house. Having someone break into your new home to sexually assault you would probably destroy any and all feelings of security Forever. This would also explain his belongings being missing (the movers ""never showing up"") as they could steal his stuff as well. Also, with how they emphasize his sleepiness in the booklet, it feels like the symptoms of rohypnol to me. Did he get drugged somehow & got set up to be assaulted because of the real estate agents "obligation" to the previous owners?
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I don't know where he could have been drugged, though, because on that fateful day the last person he interacts with is an old cab driver named Andy, who seems to be plagued with either the ancients energy or the horrors present in town. Mike does not appear to eat or drink anything either in his travel from the airport to the house. Also, Beverly does not show up at the house, and is never mentioned again. If I had to take a guess, I'd say Beverly did show up, and that hes blocking it out of his memory.
He also forgets her name when this happens. I feel like that would further cement that he's blocking out the events of that night + this entire narrative is in the past tense + him forgetting her name at the time could be taken as symbolism of trauma response. I don't think being roofied makes you forget peoples names. but yet again idk maybe. fuck if i know. i feel like what they're actually implying is that beverly was merely a pawn (and the "family" is the ancients), which would blow Ds2's insisting that its all in mikes head completely out of the water. (I noticed that ds1 treats it more like the ancients are actually real - ill elaborate on this later). What this all means for the role of the pills at the end of the game, I don't know. Maybe Mike was secretly FtM all along and sue got him abortion pills or something idfk
I know that 1) john mckeegan is said to be the previous owner, 2) his journals in the game depict that he went through a similar torment to mike (but not impregnated), 3) ultimately ended up dying of a stroke, but this does not explain the weirdness of the real estate agent and the whole transaction if the ancients arent real. Who the fuck inherited the house when mckeegan died? are they actually out of state or is she lying through her teeth? I feel like every little bit of info from this beverly character is complete bullshit lies. the house isnt even in good structual health as players were supposed to fix the staircase in the hallway or mike would eat shit and die from falling (never implemented though). so i wouldn't doubt if she was the one who set him up to get assaulted. was mckeegans family fucking with him too if the ancients dont exist? is mckeegans family actually like this evil fucked up group of nefarious serial killers that hide out somewhere in town pillaging and raping people at night? The ds1 hintbook all make the characters drone on about how its "sooooo SCARY out here from all the MURDERS" but like no one is ever directly mentioned being murdered as far as im aware.
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all of them talking up a storm about how its sooooo dangerous in town and how people keep getting murdered makes me feel like they were going for a completely different route with the game initally. I feel they were trying to make it plainly obvious that the ancients are real (more on that in a bit), but with how Ds2 changed everything this could all easily be supporting evidence that there are a lot of nefarious types roaming the streets of this town.
All of this is grounds for very sick and sadistic things you could do to this poor man or the others. texas chainsaw / motel hell / children of the corn type of shit with how vicious these mysterious killers seem to be.
Now, for the opposite "ancients are real" theory; They mention Sue having dreams of Mike asking for help- something thats barely touched upon until right at the very end of the game. Delbert vaguely implies he knows about the ancients when he says "those things" when referring to whatever mckeegan was dealing with. I can't remember where I read this but the cops in ds1 are supposedly under control of the ancients. Also, the whole Beverly situation. As much as I am a major fan of media that has an unreliable narrator angle to it (case in point: one of my favorite films ever is Total Recall 1990), I feel like Ds2 trying to insist that Mike is crazy is a direct spit in not only the players face, but on the original game as well, as Ds1 was very clearly making it out that the ancients were real. In fact, I argue that they opened up the game with that scene and had mike proclaim it as a nightmare to make the players be like Heh. Little Silly Funny Man. That Was Real! and honestly with how much everyone shits all over mike in ds2 (the writers included) it feels meanspirited and frankly ableist to give him a serious mental condition as hes framed as an annoying and pathetic nutjob + gives a completely wrong hollywood-type view of DID & the schizospectrum. Although I cannot deny that it clearly makes Ds1 a lot more interesting. Trying to figure out what would have happened in ""reality"" to him spawns a lot of ground for Nefarious and Evil brainstorming as shown above. I also kind of can't help but project schizoaffective disorder onto him. so. 🤷
For me, I have no lack of imagination for all the possible deaths mike (and co) could experience with these horrific thematics. It would probably not be wise to get into detail on that, though; when i talk about those topics it comes from a fucked up place of lustfully intense hatred and trauma-related suffering & id want to bash anyones head in who would use it as their own masturbation material. Also, just based off of that hilariously random feederism death, you could basically turn any extreme fetish into a death sentence for him. some real tom and jerry slapstick shit. like whatever the fuck was going on when moe howard got inflated and the other two stooges had to shoot him down. use mike as a clay pigeon for a giant harpoon made to look like a schlong or something idk the possibilities are endless 🌈 you can also imagine one of the big biomechanical women getting REALLY mad at mike and stomping him to death with a comically large high heel shoe
for the generator- it is pretty neat to see that reused for it. They also reused it on the far left here on the wall in the DW pool hall -
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Im assuming that the Ds2 devs got the idea for the generator from this specific nightmare Mike had in Ds1. What this could mean in symbolic terms, I'm at a loss for right now. My brain juices are sapped up. Its been 3 hours writing this since I sat down and checked my notifications before I was going to watch the tooth fairy staring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and settle in for the night. It is now 1:54 Am and i want french fries from the air fryer. I will post this dangerously without proofreading and leave it for me tomorrow afternoon to fix any mistakes
edit:it fine
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neenerisms · 4 months ago
enough rambles has gotten me to this point and the time has passed. the bear s4 wishlist right now.
(quick note these all dont have to happen in the same plot LMAO. its more of a "if at least ONE of these things happen, i'll be happy!" thing)
i'm starting this out on a rough foot: carmy and syd argument. it has to happen. i was serious about that when i said in a previous post. in each other's faces and everything. i need us circling back to the s1 vibes right now.
add on: this argument needs to be what prompts syd to leave. i need that whole crew seeing carmy as a bad guy for a few days. white boy loss!
more richie lore. more berzatto lore. more syd lore. all three. in terms of berzatto lore i'd fucking kill to know about their dad tbh. richie lore? i need to know how he got so close to the berzattos. there's obviously something going on in his family to why he's never seen with them. syd lore? ohhh so much shit i wanna know. her family! the catering! little backstory on her tats! storer don't even give me the fucking season if i don't get a syd centric episode.
i also really want a mikey centric episode too!! i understand that he's supposed to haunt the narrative, but i really want to see something about him rather than it just being "oh shit! mikey! anyways—".
marcus/syd/luca trio friendship. look, i have a lot that i want but i need this at the most. getting a scene where they all cook and shittalk carmy is something that will get me through the day.
i can feel the tomato that's about to be tossed at me, but carmy has to apologize to claire. the way i see it, he has three main people he needs to apologize to: her, richie (no, the one he did in ep 1 does not count. it was half-assed and he's more worried about the fact he did it rather than fixing the problem.) and syd. in my mind, i don't think he's ever going to get the balls to apologize to the other two if he doesn't apologize to her first. (or it might be flipped to where he cant apologize to her until he learns how to apologize to those two, but i'd prefer the former to be honest!)
rough foot p2: imo the bear can't come out in one piece. whether it's because of a bad review, jimmy running out of money as a whole so it can't get it funded anymore or, i semi remember someone saying burn it down. (which? i'd weirdly like??? i'd be devastated as fuck if that happened but also...i'm really interested to see the comeback from that.) i just need a wakeup call for carmy for the overall state of the kitchen. (also because i just DON'T see the show ending with it being like "and they did fine dining forever!" it just feels disappointing to end it that way, especially if the sandwich window is apparently doing way better than the restaurant itself...take us back to the roots!! or something!!)
the bear's timeline is so fucking confusing to the point i don't know what's the current date in the show right now (i've been assuming somewhere in between july-august?) so this one is less than likely to happen but i want them to go to some kind of award thing so bad...james beard or something else i don't fucking care, just give me the group in formal wear please. (extra points if this the only time they're bonding after a while!)
i'm not really into shipping culture like that w/ this show (aka idc who gets with who as long as they're happy.) BUT sydcarmies should at least be allowed a win with the way carmy apologizes to syd. i really want it to be somewhere personal and i hope it includes well—food. drop the collaborative dish while they talk in syd's apartment, thank you. (cause it's gonna leave a sour taste in my mouth if they're uncomfortably distant for life.)
lastly, don't give me anymore copenhagen flashbacks. don't get me wrong, i love seeing carmy happy but every time i read kitchen confidential, (which is mostly set in nyc) i just think "i wonder if carmy went through the same shit". more nyc carmy please if we're going to get flashbacks on past culinary experiences! it doesn't even have to be about fields, but i really wanna see what happened in other places carmy visited.
i feel like that's all in my head for now? feel free to elaborate on these, it's just me spitting out random shit that's been in my head. (i might make a hc list soon? is that something people want????)
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starsoftheeye · 11 months ago
TMAGP Live Reaction - Ep 13
This probably won't be a regular thing since I usually listen to the new episodes on my way home from school, but I wanted to do it today and no-one can stop me
Aw this dedication is so nice, reminds me of how I used to sign off on social media when I was younger
omg samcelia date samcelia date
they're so cute omg
"she also said that you dont know how cute you are" alice dyer youre not fooling anyone
i wanna hear what this interaction sounded like between alice and celia
"nobody, i'm mysterious" this isnt gonna come back to haunt us im sure
omg samcelia dating reveal already
"wild couple of years after i moved here" does this mean that celias way of coping with being dropped in a different universe was to just fuck... iconic
either that or jack got brought along with her and shes just covering it up. or jack has some mysterious origins that we dont know about
omg a horror protagonists with loving, alive parents wow
i was not expecting sam to be this relatable oh no
sam :(
oh no an "incident"
alice :(
i love celia just being "i know we're on a date and thats great and all but what do you think about the Horrors"
ofc you know theyre real you lived through the apocalypse
ah hello lena and gwen
ah gwen is learning about the consequences of delivering a random address to a living mr blobby knockoff
ooh are we gonna get some exposition
yes we are
these are our Fears i presume
you work in the government responsible for discarding peoples experiences and traumas gwen you werent exactly one of the good guys to begin with
guys i dont think shes gonna sort it
hold music?? hello?? do we recognise this voice?? needles??
i cannot understand what the name of this company is but i do not like them
the autoresponder sounds so cunty who are they i must know
oooh a scottish guy we love a scottish guy
"i pay your wages" sounding ass. telling the autoresponder that youre the highest investor in a gambling app isnt the flex you think it is dude
i think if a website that directly involves the handling of your money does "weird background checks" and has a "janky interface", staying is less of a feat of loyalty and more a feat of stupidity
oh this guy does nfts for sure
are you allowed to blame the warning you didnt listen to for the consequences?
oh his friends suck too
damn all jokes aside i feel bad for this dude
ohhh so is this like the dice where things can only get so good before they go terribly? or is it like a "when your life gets bad your money goes up" thing
ah its the second option
tbf if its not against the law its not against the law
this guy is the definition of "20 pounds is 20 pounds"
suddenly i dont feel as sorry for this guy
i have a sneaking suspicion that this guy did not get his money
oh nevermind
Ooooh he got pished
Alice really out here dissing every kind of date I've ever been on
oh no :(
sam no :(
sam apologise please
shes right tho youre in the wrong place if you don't want weird
alice :(
this is why a polycule would fix everything
alice i love you
sam i love you but you deserved that
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beesmygod · 11 months ago
Yeah I pretty much agree however I take a little issue with saying they are raking it in. Going off the numbers you used 12k time 5 is 60k, minus 45% is 33k. Thats one persons salary. Not a bad salary, but just one. Id bet that the 5 dollar tier probably brings in the most money, but even if we assume each tier brings in 1 salaries worth of money, how many tiers do they have? 5? 8? Youtube adds couldnt have been a major source of income for them if they were willing to pull videos off youtube. And this little fermi problem were doing here doesnt even touch on production costs. Again, I do agree with your points, but I think the boys were in a no win scenario. They were probably hurting for money, which is what motivated this. Its a shame some fans think they are being greedy when they probably just want to expand, while still paying their employees above market rate!
presumably the majority of their tax payments would be write offs or deductions because it's directly for the business. wait lol hold on my patreon math was fucked. its been a while since ive looked over the fees rates and shit. where did i get 30%. it's closer to 20.
i dont know when their patreon started, but its possible that they have the sweetheart deal that i do because i got in early. patreon fees range from 5% to 12% depending on which plan you choose. that's platform fees. then there's payment processor fees (2.9% + 0.30USD or 3.9% for outside the U.S.) and then a currency conversion fee (if applicable) and VAT (if applicable). closer to 20%. setting the record straight.
i think its unlikely that each tier brings in a salary's worth of income. im not sure i understand why they need an office in LA or large production costs considering my understanding is that most of what they do is talking to each other over a table.
im not sure why the conclusion is that youtube wasnt ever a source of income. it seems that it was (freakishly so, if its anything like other people at their scale) up until recently, due to complicated factors that i sincerely hope is heralding the end of advertising-based monetization.
it seems obvious to me that when money is tight, as would have been expected when let go from buzzfeed, you scale down and do a donation drive. instead of, you know, not throwing money into a guaranteed failure of an idea
if the audience feels like they're being nickeled and dimed its for a reason: they are
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aventurineswife · 4 months ago
can i rant here?
i really want to talk with someone but i dont trust my counselors enough for this
im 100% sure i have ocd (not professionally diagnosed), and its really fucking killing me
my parents are asian and my mom liked being clean, no shoes in the house, showering after coming home from being outside
i think i developed something from that and i really want to fucking die from my ocd
after covid quarantine and stuff, we were allowed back to school, and i was homeschooled my entire life till middle school. back when i was in 6th grade, i started sitting on the floor for p.e. and it was probably one of the first times i did (due to the fact my mom always said to not sit on the floor because the floor was dirty)
im in 8th grade now, and only recently (sep-octo ish) i started taking sanitizing wipes and wiping every surface i touch when i get home from school
i have no idea where it came from but it started randomly
my sister doesnt have the same problem, shes like a fucking dirty leech that touches everything
we share a laundry basket and usually its dirty because we hang some of our dirty clothes off of it, she keeps walking into the room with our laundry basket and her "clean" pajamas always brush against it and it infuriates me
i think my mom's cleanliness rubbed off on me
and she asks me why i wipe (cleaning/sanitizing wipe) everything she touches. its because something inside me knows she isnt clean
shes a really bad liar as well, ive known her long enough to know when she lies, and she lies to me that she "wiped" whatever i say is dirty
and she gets mad at me because im being pushy
i love her but she pisses me off with this
we have a room that is similar to a storage room but for our clothes (baby clothes and what not)
that laundry basket i was talking about earlier, she went near it and her pajamas brushed against it. i tried not saying anything (i didnt), but then she went into the room with our clothes and practically touched everything that was clean (she didnt wash her hands after touching the basket)
it pisses me the fuck off, and im pretty sure i have both germophobia and ocd
i get agitated if i KNOW something isnt clean and i cant rest or sleep knowing something isnt clean
and this only happens when im at home, because i know it as the clean place my mom created
im not one of those people that wipe down every service even if its clean, i only wipe something down if i WITNESSED someone or something dirtying it
i really fucking hate this and want to get rid of these things, but i dont want my dad to spend money on treatments for ocd or germophobia(if there even is treatments for a fear)
-:3 anon
OMG first of all, I'm so sorry for what your sister did to that poor laundry basket 🫂😔
Second of all, I'm so sorry you've to go through at such a young age, no one should go through such things at a young age 😕
Third of all, I understand where you're coming from, perhaps you could talk to your mom about your sister's behaviour(cuz talking to them about your ocd and germophobia) also I'm not sure if there's a cure for it but thank you for feeling comfortable enough to rant to me 🫂🫶
Remember, it's okay, you're valid just the way you are. Taking care of yourself is actually a good thing, you'll live a long life! 🫶 (From what my mom tells me tbh-)
Also this is a free space, so feel free to rant or vent or whatever you would like in my inbox! 🫂💖 I'll gladly read them all
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gardens-of-may · 7 months ago
ENTRY TWO - chap. 23 to chap. 50
spoilers ahead
Tumblr media
that was me singing opera
you wish you heard it
also i can’t stop talking in a british accent because guess is on repeat 
good lord jennifer 
this book is getting BORING
caves are amazing 😑
is the child okay????
fuck you child 
ugh him
oop he’s fAcToTuM 
i’m sorry this book is getting more boring by the second 
*an hour later*
the boy’s a liar the boys a liar he doesn’t see ya he’s not think about blahhhh
i’m also currently falling asleep rn so 😗
*days later* (i wasn’t lying when i said this book is boring)
okay good consent!!!
oop he knows
i thought i was smart for knowing the french
i didn’t know bonne chance meant good luck 😑
it’s like avery is nonexistent and i HATE it
because in the main trilogy, his presence was very shown
but i keep forgetting that avery’s even here because of this shitty narration 
oh hi gray
oh my god grayson in shorts would actually scar me
oh my god
that’s evil
and she’s such a saint 
i forgot that we’re dealing with his dad
technically avery didn’t kill him
so what’s so bad about putting the evidence of what he did against avery out?
i love xander i miss him sm
hehehe 🤭 
that’s true tho
sav and gray are very similar 
gray also likes to deny his feelings tho
same bro 😜
nash is the best 
ily him sm 
oh no
was gray told abt the devils mercy thing?
i don’t really know what whom is 
she’s so funny
that’s one way to deal with mental health 
get a lyra!
no not shorts 😭
i love gigi
lemonade? too sweet?
oh shit
i js realized i can only imagine gray with a british accent 
the aaron warner effect
grayson davenport hawthorne
i find it hilarious that it’s in autocorrect 
“I am so sorry that Avery girl took all of your money,” one of the others said seriously.
“And chose your brother,” another one added.
“And broke your heart!”
“But not your spirit.” The bravest of the girls reached out and laid a hand on his arm”
stop it’s like a fanclub
what has gotten into me?
she isn’t a bitch 
her future is probably brighter than your fucking phone screens
oh yeah i forgot
gigi doesn’t know who he is
no he is not your boyfriend or anything like that 
gigi what cleavage?
gray’s reaction tho
i’m in the rural rn
an ode to nash 
cupcake a palooza? 
as a 5’5 girl anything above 6’ is tall
seems ugly 
a flashback? NOW???
how tall was jamie at ten?
that’s so mean
yeah what about nash ?
he’s amazing 
okay gray might be perfect and xander can think outside the box but jamie is good at taking and measuring risks 
is that a skill? i don’t know 
js triggering pain and insecurities atp
wait they’re supposed to lose
okay so the point of the flashback is to show why he’s doing what he’s doing
wait what did he do?
mr. hawthorne js has a aura that is 
you know
i js read smth kinda sad and it lowk ruined the vibe 
i had hoped the proprietor was zella
sorry 🙂
i forgot avery and jameson weren’t married 
i don’t know why i thought they were
oh shut the fuck up
this feels so wrong
not this
where’s nash then?
what does that bitch want? 
a boyfriend? not even once she’s six feet under
“my existence?”
your existence pains everyone 
i love gigi
oh shit
oh my god
i love gigi 🥰
“prone to eyebrow arching, very fond of imperative sentences, blond and broody.”
how cute?
i’m gonna kill you 
“oN tHe cOnTrArY-” shut the fuck up
that’s terrifying 
i hate him
awwww i love avery tho
nash > gray > jamie > xander
i think im used to leo
“privileged, prep school boy”
i didn’t think he would
oh shitttttt
i’m not describing this
good lord jameson
oh yeah
his brothers are gonna kill him 😀
why would you purposefully do this to yourself?
that’s cute rohan, but i don’t think so
heheh 🤭 
what did you do in prague jameson? what?
no you did not 
oh nooooo
gigi no
ajaksjjw he’s your brother you cannot date him 😭
that weirded me out even typing it
your imaginary girlfriend okay
(it’s me guys)
our forever is limes
not like that
huh (i took a break if you couldn’t tell)
acacia is more of a mom to gray than fucking skye will ever be
good lord
anw eight years ago everyone 🙂
this is so traumatic 
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worldsmostcasualmpregfan · 2 years ago
just need to work this all out
ok so im unemployed fresh college grad atm and ive got job apps sent in and even an interview lined up but that interview is in the town my dad is in so im staying with my dad but in the time ive spent waiting for that date ive been with an employment agency but the job that place sent me to was the absolute worst and my mental health has plummeted to the point that i’m getting physically sick both bc of the job and bc i feel like i have to keep looking over my shoulder with my dad right there.
i skipped work saturday and today which is insanely immature but i cant think im struggling to sleep and eat bc of this and today i emailed the agency saying i wish to end our agreement. they said they wished i gave a notice (tbf i thought i had when i was like “i’m moving away” on saturday.. but whatever. actually not whatever — that shouldntve been discounted and im not entirely at fault here) but that they wish me the best and i said thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
earlier last week when i told dad this job is really bad for me he told me to stay working there until i get another job secured. i did not do that and now im terrified of telling him that i quit bc i dont know what hes going to do plus i dont want to talk about it with him i just want to be left alone
also this interview ive got lined up is for a really great company however i dread working there bc that means i have to stay with dad. i want to go back to where i used to live. also i dont like that one of the high up workers there is friends with my dad. being a nepo baby is great unless the nepo comes from my dad. i dont trust him to not keep tabs on me and i dont want him knowing what ive been doing or where ive been. not that im doing anything illegal i just want him to fuck off, yknow?
all of this leads back to the problem ive always had in that hes a huge control freak who needs to know everything going on in my life and i cant escape. my mom got out through the divorce but im still stuck here and i cant leave either bc even if i cant breathe with him and his wife and their kids i love my paternal grandparents and aunt and uncle. im just so paranoid and anxious and i feel like i cant breathe
im so sick of disappointing people but also the stuff my dad is proud of me about is stuff im not that proud of. its like i just cant win with him.
oh and paranoia aside i dont want to owe him anything bc he used to ignore me for months despite me calling and messaging him constantly (to the point that my mom was like “do you even love me? do you even want to be here do you even care?”) when he took me out for dinner one of the times he decided to acknowledge me he said he’d pay for a field trip (past the time the fee was due so i had to get special permission from the teacher) then the next week he said i only talk to him when i need money so actually no hes not giving me anything. WHAT. and then a couple years later he was like “i never got to be your parent you never let me be your dad :(“ and when i was like “why” he was like “i had to always go have fun with you instead of discipline you bc i didnt want our time together to be all sad and me getting mad at you” like again. WHAT.
he said that bc i was like “i was rly hurt when you said i only come to u for money bc i reached out to u a lot and u never replied”. so. idk what to do with that but i still dont rly understand the argument from him here. but yeah i was like rly hurt and then he started crying talking about how he never got to be my dad even tho i was like 19 when this convo happened so he had 19 years to try and didnt and its rly unfair that im supposed to feel guilty for denying him this even tho i was the child and he had total control he could decide what to do with me and he chose wrong and now hes taking it out on me here in this restaurant. ok.
its so fucked cuz now im like so was i doing something wrong all those times we were tgt? like idk im just scared around him bc i dont ever know if im doing something wrong bc he wont tell me or maybe he will or maybe he . idk i just cant sit still yknow?
also his wife is racist and ive got to deal with microaggressions from her. and hes a pastor
anyway i just needed to get that all out there to feel a bit less crazy. thank you for coming to my ted talk ✌️😗
OH YEAH. and he makes me feel stupid all the fucking time like i dont need a job right now. i Should get one but i dont have a mortgage im not buying groceries i dont need to pay for insurance I DONT NEED A JOB. but he told me to stay in this shitass job bc i need it. dude it had me out in the sun all day (ALL DAY) paying $10/hr and had me coming home genuinely thinking about killing myself. not even bc of the physical labor but bc it was so under-stimulating like i was in my head all day no music no interesting surroundings no conversation nothing for me to solve. and he was all like “well sometimes we have to do work that we don’t like” YEAH I FUCKING KNOW DICKHEAD. my mom said he talked like that to her too and also apparently ok not to brag bc im fr not but im rly smart like im fucking brilliant and my dad always acted like it was bc of him but my mom’s other kids are also brill while my dad’s other kids are… theyre sweet kids and intelligence isnt everything im aware i know but its like “really dickhead?” i just hate how he belittles u and talks like ur dumb. im not dumb. dont piss me off
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graceofgosh · 2 years ago
Autism anon from earlier, here are the supposed tells/abnormalities I have:
- eating food one at a time, rather than sampling a bit of everything. Say I have a plate with e.g. steak, rice, and carrots on it. I will eat ALL the rice, then ALL the carrots, then ALL the steak. I always figured this was normal, but apparently it’s a tell in kids
- I like making feelings “even” on both side. Like, let’s say I’m walking through a door and I brush my right hand on the doorframe. I’ll immediately touch my left hand to the doorway, or I won’t quite feel right.
- lists. Fucking lists. Excel spreadsheets. I make so many lists and spreadsheets and charts and I don’t even know what I’m doing with all this data. Collating things. Like I made this playlist once of just covers of this old song, and the playlist is eight hours and twenty eight minutes long, and I individually organized the songs by year. I didn’t do it all at once of course, it was a little at a time
- tendency to overexplain if I’m telling a story, even if I know the other person knows the info I’m telling. My sister pointed this out to me, that I do this. Let’s say I were to tell a story about work, I might lead into it with “so we get paychecks, right? Because that’s why we have jobs. Every couple weeks, we get these checks that have a momentary amount, as compensation for the work we did. If you work more hours, you get more money…” etc.
- tendency towards repetitive, compulsive behaviors. I once went a year only listening to one (1) album. While I like movies, I rarely watch new ones, I just rewatch the same few movies over and over again. Some movies, I nearly have memorized as a consequence. I once frequented a specific sushi restaurant so many times that I decided to stop going because I felt self-conscious, but I went back after a week and the lady behind the counter went “you wanted more sushi!” as soon as she saw me walk in. I’m very into ritual, like I’ll eat the same thing every day for a while. Or like, I’ve tried getting into anime, but I just rewatch the same anime instead of watching new ones. Regarding compulsive behaviors, there will be things where I’m like “I need to stop doing this because it’s bad/wastes time/is evil/whatever” and will still feel compelled to do it like some phantom hand is guiding me on a chessboard
- I cannot fucking talk to people. I have no idea how to fucking socialize. I cannot understand fucking social cues. I have sat in awkward silence with so many people so many fucking times, I’ve said the wrong thing so many fucking times
- I unintentionally verbalize my thoughts and talk to myself. It’s very fucking hard to just shut my mouth and keep it shut. Usually it’s a light whisper, if I’m alone I just talk. Or I’ll mouth words, like if I’m thinking or typing. I’m mouthing this right now
- I memorize a lot of trivial facts and will regurgitate them onto people. I guess that’s kinda infodumping? I don’t know, I wouldn’t call them hyperfixations though. I just read wikipedia a lot
You mentioned doing weird repetitive things with my hands, what kind of things? I do repetitive things with my hands too. I can describe it as like, I’ll press down each finger individually one after another with my thumb, then I make a fist with my thumb inside and squeeze and it cracks my fingers, then I do it with the other hand. I click my ankles too, over and over
I don’t know, you be the judge. Surely this isn’t normal at least. I’d say most of these I thought were normal, or at least were acceptable social quirks and not signs of anything greater
when i eat the sausage egg mcgriddle at mcdonalds i take it apart and eat each piece individually with a fork and knife. i dont do this with every food but some foods are too much things at one if you dont take them apart. for curry i dont eat the rice and curry seperate i need an equal amount if curry and rice on the fork with every bite otherwise its wrong. if i have an uneven amount of sauce and other food when i finish any food it really annoy me. the iced Machiato at mcdonalds i dont like it when they stir it ib prefer to drink the caramel milk layer and the espresso layer as separate layers.
making things even i relate to this i like to arrange all the square groceries in the comveyer belt so they're perfectly packed it is literally so fun when they're aligned perfectly edge to edge
im too disorganized to makelists but i love looking at them. also wikis. wikis are my favorite media format sometimes. spreadsheets can be so beautiful but i think well indented code looks cuter and more beautiful especially in an ide with colors
i dont think i over explain things unless its something im really into
i only listen to the same music over and over and over again until i get tired of it which is usually never. i already like my music why do i need more? mili is my favorite artist btw i like them bc they make cute songs and happy songs and sad songs and the themes in the songs are cool and i like momocashews voice. i repeat certain phrases alot for no real reason other than it feels good like i say "oh no how could this happen to me" alot in a silly voice i just like how it feels in my throat. i dont feel like im guided or controlled i wish i was controlled it would be easier for me. i do however feel like an npc in a bad videogame or simulation or something. ive kinda accepted that my job is a simulation tough and i pretend im an npc with no agency i just say my pre programmed lines and focus on being a good and efficient npc its like a videogame to me and it makes the day go by easier.
i cant talk to people either they have to talk to me first most of the time or i feel like i dont have permission to enter their social circle. also i usually dont know what to say an im afraid of people thinking im weirrd
i verbalize or post almost all my thoughts i usually talk to myself more when people arent around but i still do it when people are around too. if you ever see me making lots of small text posts im probably stream of consciousness posting im basically doing the digital version of vwrbakizing every thought that goes thru my head
i dont know if anything i said makes sense sorry for the long post
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dear-god-christ-in-hell · 2 years ago
ok ok ok ok ok ok ooko ok
I dont wanna be THAT guy bc yes there are so many overarching problems with burning man but I WANNA STATE ONE THING
there are also loads of 'regular' people there rn
its not only rich people and its not supposed to be "hang out and vibe" IM NOT SAYING ITS NOT THAT IM TALKING ABOUT WHAT ITS MEANT TO BE
burning man is meant to be almost like an artistic experiment
it was an idea a bunch of artists had to go out and see what would happen with a basic goal, burning man was, at one point, actually known by common goers (aka not the rich people, the burning man people) to basically be a huge art experience that wasn't touched by normal society
many many many common people over the years have gone to burning man and many of those people have become regular attendies
in recent past burning man has been popularized by media and now many rich people want to have the experience as well *not to say they didnt before but it was rich people wanting the real thing not what theyve made it now* which is when capitalism fucks everything up again
im not saying burning man is perfect or ever has been BUT i am saying the recent portrayal and 'upgrades' of this event is the reason people are mad at it, not the concept.
i am also saying that there are more than just rich people there and yes people are used to bad conditions out there but this is the exact opposite of what theyre told to expect and prepare for so many of their necessities are fucked
i am talking from the majority of people who go/have gone to burning man before it was fucked up by money and a 'rich person thing' because those people are still there.
I know people personally out there, they are NOT rich and most of them arent so I totally, totally understand the critism but be aware of human life and suffering bc thats what it is
they are in danger and just like how the government treats the rest of us they said meh fuck off to a whole group of PEOPLE in terrible, unforseen conditions, who are ill prepared and trying their best.
aka just like the rest of us
and instead of focusing on the 20% of people there with bigger bank accounts and ripping on a concept thats been bastardized by capitalism
just have empathy? like we can critique how fucked this is and we can talk about all the nitty gritty details that makes this such an event to watch but to do that you need historical and political context and you need to think about whats involved,
this isnt like the billionares in the pod where everyone said no dont and then they did and died in 5 seconds. this is a huge range of people from all walks of life, out in terrible and unusual weather conditions, for much much longer, who are having to deal with the mentality that not only do they now have to survive against nature but the government and most of the country thinks they did this to themselves
thats victim blaming in my book
and yes, the climate, yes being mean to protesters, yes yes yes there are so many things that made this not good but that doesnt change the fact that most people are only there for a good time and dont want to hurt no one
the small percentage is always focused on and in this case its asshole rich people being themselves which is blurring the focus on the fact that the majority of those people are just trying to have fun for a few days when it feels like the world is imploding and instead theyre now trying to survive
we cannot talk about such a large group of people suffering with such indifference, the internet makes it difficult to remember that people are human, they have lives, feelings, and families but in these cases it shows so clearly because we talk about this group as if its one large being of stupid rich people getting what they deserve when its not
there probably lots of college kids there
theres probably lots of mums and dads there
theres probably lots of older regulars there
there are people there
why would we be so harsh when the weather and their own brains are probably getting the point across just fine
burning man 2023 explained
burning man is a festival for rich white people who want to smoke weed and trip acid in the nevada desert and pretend they're one with the earth. it's not a music festival or anything that serves any purpose, it's just vibes
a hundred year flash flood just hit nevada, including where burning man is being held this very weekend
dry desert ground can't suddenly absorb water, let alone that much water all at once, so now burning man is a giant mud pit with THICK deep mud
nobody can get in or out, so they closed all the roads
FEMA just told the *73,000 PEOPLE* stranded at burning man to shelter in place, ration food and water, and essentially "you're on your own, good luck"
the port-o-potties are overflowing into the mud they're all walking around in
the official CDC twitter account tweeted (and then deleted) that there's a confirmed ebola outbreak at burning man, but people are pretty sure it's just trench illnesses. like actual WWI trench illnesses
earlier this week, climate activists protested against burning man, and all the attendees drove right past them (and yelled at them, and tried to get them arrested, etc)
there's a private jet at burning man where people can join the mile high club. it just takes off and lands all day and lets people fuck in it. no word yet on the fuck plane's current status/location
and lastly: when the ground here gets wet, the sea monkeys hatch
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yeeenwex3 · 2 months ago
so... i did the mukbang thing..and i got some major hate. which is a given..I made the food and left it out like it was for someone and then it was gone...i know hwat it looks like no eating disorder just fucking annoying having food around and being a food snob hoggy and then lying about..because" I SAW YOU MAKING IT AND NOW ITS GONE YOU DIDNT EVEN SHARE WIHT ANYONE.."
ITS MY WORST HABIT not to share food...
all night it was about trust..i wasnt going to fucking touch...then it hit me like a fucking bomb...then it happened...now i know why she hates me so much// now im home alone..zero privileges..still broke and in some deep ass drama over fried rice..which all is the problem i blame myself because.... you know i commited to it like it was my job..nothing else to do..without one and just time wasting to free load...and not understanding the price and cost of cooking..setting off fire alarms and people..with no consideration for the impression left by these kinds of antics. i am deeply sadden and upset with myself for doing these things and not having any type of remorse after having been a part of the problem ive created for myself.
I really do hate watch..or hate watching them...because i have nothing better to do than be jealous of random strangers eating and showing off dumb things on the internet..(use with caution was very apparent..atleast to me) I really am sorry I cant fix the situation. And I know that I will have to be responsible for what ive done to create some type of resolution...i hate mukbangs...not every time you eat is called mukbang...i know it was mai who started it because of ronnie dropping off uber eats to the other old 509 apartment and then bringing it up after dinner and ruining her night with her friends..and now everything is mukbangs or sugar rush all over snapshat and tiktok...and i am getting disowned..and stealing internet. all in all very sad to hear..i am a complete fail. Sweetwater was never ment for me..it wasnt suppose to be..thats where the idea of no free amenities started... and i ended out of luck with a stupid mukbang. Asian people problems and i am all out of things so say to my daughter because of how she has been acting over all of this with everythings that has happened.
just dont ever do tik tok trends again its not viral..its just showing off. i get the hate now...its pretty serious to me now...and my mom is expecting something good...or atleast not this...but dad knows what he's dealing with and thats how its going to be from now on.. so say goodbye to the desktop AGAIN.. i got upset and didnt use my time here at sweetwater wisely and i have a debit to owe.
"cant sweet talk youre self out of this one"
I cant already see my friends faces..wow you did a lame trend.."WTF YOU KNOW THATS A BAD IDEA...remember bdub?!" you left the house at like 6 o clock and came home at like 12:30..trru not cool..irresponsible. "dumb fat joke?" "healthy food my ass bitch ate the whole thing..dont let your childern around ANY of it..theres nothing left..regardless of the money..WHERES MY DAMN MEAL?"
no matter how much i tell..or warn you..you act like a spoiled brat. THEY are working and they get paid for this watching children, helping around the job site..they get a lunch..you need to stop and think before you get yourself into a teary eyed mess again because this time i will not be apart of the arguments nor will i have anything to say to you. I will just let your father know how he will have to go about these situations and he will have to be the one to deal with them. Because i can not nor will i any longer..
"i dont have to pay for it..it was cooked and made by someone and left out...have some respect and allow someone else a turn"
"its not even the kitchen..or cooking its why it doesnt stop being talked about..if its constantly around and always going to be there..you should probably wise up"
"the cooking is fine..there is just no manners. People dont die from starvation they die from things like this. Diabetes" "and I dont enjoy fatten foods its distasteful" "No one should be told they cant when someone else does something so child like...no one is going to take care of you when you have to know what you are getting yourself into basically..like dont chicken out..cause thats how serious food fights can get...and trust me its not every one who gets caught just you..cause your lame." and makeup is dumb your like twelve why are you even cooking in the kitchen..who are you tryin to impress..im pretty sure you dont even know what you are committing to..and you have no idea how to fix if it goes wrong end up burning shit.. because thats the dumb kind of stuff that happens when you mess with dangerous things like ovens and stovetop and cooking.
"its money." "i would rather get money then someone buy her food..it just adds to the stress that this whole ordeal has cause...the constant harssing of missed and unanswered calls because of something your irresponsible children have done, its no misunderstanding..i understand very well..I know there is no one there to see everything going on constantly but there are multiple accounts of the same fighting, shouting, and damages being done..so I am very cautious and aware that these thing are not stopping after being spoken to openly.
easy to tell someone to shut the fuck up..but hard to take irresponsibility to something you did that no one knew about..but it was a poor choice.
funny to think..people think over night you learn how to make things right..fixing everything making people happy..it take age...and time..and experience honestly. it doesnt happen right away but it will happen and you will learn from it and "grow" you just arent that old enough yet to know whats wrong with what you are doing.
and thats why I will always be mad at this kind of dumb crap these kids get into...
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theuniverseawakens347 · 3 months ago
so I get the card why for Nov 22 you tell me on the 15th you sending me $1000 easy free nothing to do money a one time ( tried to screen shot but accidentally exit the thing but it’s logged on your end White House DPSS ) … looked into it said I didn’t have to do anything just a straight depsosit - I AINT GET IT .. we know says lee n Howard .. bc they own this card so you blocking my deposits - only fans pull out $30 on Nov 14 … it takes 3-5 business days to deposit .. okay .. it’s Thursday 12 pm… so you counting Friday now …so that mean like Wednesday next week early .. Friday the latest…. NOTHING … I’m checking my app but iPhone 13 water damage from sleeping in my car - condensation hi mold .. Lee n Howard watching me steady Mari and don’t care … mhmm Karen my bath tub when you stayed over I said what - I be trying to tell her but SHE don’t WANA listen - I spend my money to dpfix something in “HER” home I’m the bad guy taking over control.. so ima just regress n die like she want and leave go live outside .. dirty mold . Soil. Anyways.. it’s Wednesday shit ain’t hit $30 I had to take cash app off the card bc THAT EMAIL WONT SEND THE VERIFICATION CODE AND THAT NUMBER IS CANCELED HI IPHONE 13 .. and vortex is in Russian when I tried to reset it for free pay again - Nicole “ it’s good for a year” .. really it’s only been 4 months 🫤 interesting … so long story short I read deeper into provider and only fans card deposit lee why you own only fans - STOCK MARKETS .. nice Wall Street BLACK TRADING ILLEGAL AS FUCK - cash app bitcoin … but it says 21 days for deposit to go thru.. so like okay I did that Nov 14 th… I’m almost two weeks into waiting… weekends DONT count as business days just so brain dry hair bitch know - you look slow. also I’ve dumped myself down enough for you dumbass hos to understand yo dumbass bullshit for good. Here’s a metaphorical “suicide note” - GOOD BYE TO DOING YO DUMB SHIT TO PROVE YOU DUMB AND IM NOT A SCAMMER but again GOD conartist .. IMA GROOM YOU INTO THE FUCKING LIGHT SLAP YO ASS W DISCIPLINE TO GET OUT THE DAMN DEVILS HOLE. .. aiight I’m gone.. everything crashing if you WANA reach me I’m at the lib to 9 .. salvation army around 1-2 back by 3 .. 4.. lee n Howard your “rescue” is pointless it’s a lot of chatter going on and not coming in clear from ancestors but like I said THE GOOD HEARTED GOT ENOUGH TO HELP IF THEY WANT - HOW THEY CAN. you other bitches just greedy n pitch off anyone anywhere. I’m accustomed to finer bc that’s what I give myself and to some generous ppl I’m not even breaking a bank .. nor am I begging and asking too much .. YOU DUMBASS RETARDED ADOPTED PARENTS W YO CRIMINAL FRIENDS FORCED ME INTO SOME SHIT cause you on TWO SEPARATE PLANES NOT TALKING AND IM CLEANING IT UP - I’m ALWAYS RESPONSIBLE BUT IMA SUPPORT ME WHERE I GOT ME.. YOU ADOPTED ME FOR THE OVER HEAD CHARGE TO GET AWAY W CRIMES LIKE I SAID IM LEFT ON MY LONELY TO FIGURE IT OUT AND BEEEEN WANTED NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU … YOU FREED THE HOSTAGE BUT IM STILL TRAPPED DICKWADS.
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bisluthq · 7 months ago
This whole story is reminding me of how I found a few months ago that one of my closest friends had a pattern of DV with his gfs, and it made me realize how much of a problem society's conception of abusers is because there is this notion that its visible to be abusive or a bad guy or a creep and "i could always tell there was something wrong" and theres never any grey zones and victims are always perfect and never fight back or handle it in any way that could be suspicious and the abusers dont also have pain or good sides and everything is black and white.
And like, in my case with my friend, the abuser was this super charismatic sweet guy who was really there for me when my mother got sick and painted himself as a feminist and called out guys for like, not going down on their gfs or whatever, and he had this super fucked up childhood which he still suffered a lot from and which i really empathised with, and it took SO long for me to realize how manipulative he could be and how he was refusing to take accountability for his actions and always justified it to himself and kept hurting people, and even if the good sides were probably still there and the pain was definitely there, it did not excuse any of the stuff he did or make him a good person.
And so, that's why I feel like Justins pov is so important, because that point of view is so important to help people but especially victims to understand abuse, and its so underrepresented in media which is super harmful. So it sucks that Blake and Ryan didn't want to show this point of view
Firstly, I'm sorry your friend turned out to be a worse person than you thought. That's a tough thing to have to realise. Secondly... yeah. I don't think, unless the person is like a complete and total sociopath AND a sadist to boot, they don't have their own justifications for their behaviours? Ryle, from what I've read/seen, has a sad backstory that's led to him having a bad temper and he hasn't like... dealt with that. He is very sorry every time he hurts Lily but he keeps hurting Lily anyway. Your friend, as you say, has a sad backstory that's allowed him to justify shitty to downright abusive behaviours. But both of them have (internal) justifications (that don't excuse them)?
I also think it's worth thinking about how specific relationships can lead to specific behaviours/reactions/etc. Just because someone is a good friend, or a good family member, or a good colleague/boss and all that doesn't mean they can't be abusive to their partner. And fwiw other way round too - someone can be abusive as a caregiver or as a boss or be a really shitty and selfish friend to the point of being essentially abusive and be awesome in other settings. Also just because they were/are good to YOU even in that same capacity, doesn't mean they can't be terrible to someone else. Like just because your ex wasn't abusive when you were together, it doesn't mean they're not abusing their current partner or didn’t abuse an ex.
So yeah, I mean these are HEAVY and COMPLEX topics. I think Colleen is a shitty writer but fwiw she did kinda in her own shitty way want to try explain and show how women often stay in situations even where they can and should leave. I think Justin, for reasons that still escape me, felt that he could use her source material as a springboard for discussions on toxic masculinity and how men are also victims of patriarchy and DV more broadly (beats tf out of me why he chose this source material but let's roll with it for now). I think Blake thought looking cute in florals would be fun. And I think Ryan was looking at how to make the most money possible and also dislikes Justin lol.
Mess, mess, mess but like... profound theme actually.
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falsehopesidkanymore · 8 months ago
Tired. Just a vent. 7-7-24
All I can say is the way he constantly talks to me when we argue should've been a clear sign to stay away for good. I was ready to heal, it had been 2 months down and no contact, from being together for 11years and going through our bs, this was the longest we had not contact each other. And today, he had reminded me of the reason why I didn't want to contact him at all, I should not have answered his call, I should've had him blocked, but my dumbass always had this hope that he is still the same Chris I met in the beginning of our relationship. All he had to do was say the words I wanted to hear, "I miss you, I still love you etc." and with that, I found myself talking to him again, ready to try and start again for the millionth time.
This day was supposed to be a good day, we were leaving his moms place to get breakfast, he said "Who got breakfast this time, me or you?", I felt bad because he got food the last times, but I knew where I was at money wise, I recently quit my job and my new job dont start til August, I knew id have to work more uber eats and instacart delivery today just to make enough for my upcoming bills, if I was working it would be a different story and for sure I'd get us food, I always offer when I have money, but this time I suggested him and said "I think your richer than me right now", he agreed to get breakfast but said something along the lines of "how, when i been buying the food" to which I replied, "its because I got $600 monthly credit card bills on top that my other bills", we got in his car and he said "idk why you never listen to me" and suggested again that I file for bankruptcy, but I told him I already looked into it and decided to not take that route for reasons like: my car will get taken away, my credit will be bad for a couple years, itll be hard for me to get an apartment for a couple years etc., he said he can sell his car to me, and that the years will pass and its better to settle my debts, but I told him again that I already decided, and I dont want his car, I cant even drive stick, he called me picky, and kept insisting and giving me reasons as to why I should file bankruptcy.
I asked if we can just not talk about it anymore, he told me "im not the one who brought it up", I replied and said "you did actually" and he said "no, your gaslighting me right now", and I said "nope, you are the one who brought it up and is the one actually doing the gaslighting, I did mention my $600 monthly debt and you brought up the bankruptcy suggestion", he said im not making sense and was getting frustrated and I continued to try to make it make sense for him to understand it but he told me to "shut the fuck up already", and now at this point we are both mad at each other driving towards Mcdonalds, I told him to at least acknowledge it then ill be done with it bec its not right he tell me im gaslighting him when its actually reversed.
He kept saying that I should just shut the fuck up already and told me that im annoying, we were already at Mcdonalds drive thru at this point and I was so irritated at how he is speaking to me and told him i dont want anything anymore, & ofc I wasnt about to listen to his "STFUs", I made it clear that he should not tell me to stfu and that if he does im not listening and that I could speak when I want and that he needs to acknowledge that he called me a gaslighter when he was the one gaslighting me, he replied and told me that im too much, and im annoying and a bitch and that I really should just stfu, and I responded saying the same thing again, that no, thats not gonna work on me, im not going to shut up, he got his food and we drove out of mcdonalds.
I told him im done, were done and im not gonna take the disrespect again, he replied sarcastically "OooOohhh OoooOOkaAAaayy" as if to say im bluffing or that im just saying it and will still stick around (which I dont blame him for thinking this way bec its true, im always still around whenever he calls after our bs, my dumbass always has false hope), in response I said "im am done, fck this already, im just gonna go fuck someone else", I know it was wrong of me to say, but at the moment of anger and wanting him to see that I am serious, thats what came out my mouth, he called me a hoe and told me to go spread my legs and be a hoe, I told him that its actually him that is the real hoe when it comes to the opposite sex, I just say im gonna do things but he does the real action, brining up that everytime we break up he seeks validation of other women so quickly, finding out recently how quickly he downloaded Tinder again and even subscribed again and paid for the "tinder gold package", he said he never fucked anyone, but I told him that im not dumb and regardless if you didnt, thats what tinder is for, setting up a plan to eventually do it, I havent fucked anyone other than my ex at Saipan & in Hawaii so far its just him even after all our issues, and for him to call me a hoe when he does all this so quickly everytime we are apart pissed me off, so I told him "its you who is worse and is actually a hoe" , he responded "men cant be hoes, only women, were just hoe-makers", I was just mindblown at this point that this is really his mindset and I should've already known, he is an adrew tate fan, im stupid to think that 2 months is really gonna change a person, I expressed how fucked up that is to say and he continued to tell me to stfu and that all this started bec im broke and telling me to go home already.
We parked by my car at his moms house, I got out his car and told him he shouldn't be talking to me like that, went in my car, and started to drive away, as I passed by Mcdonalds I realized I left my weed with him, I felt so stressed and needed to burn, I turned around and called him, he answered with a "WHAT", I told him im going back to grab my weed from him, he told me "well good luck getting it back" and that i should ask a new guy to get me weed, I told him I just want it back, im stressed and it is mines from my uncle, he said "good luck im not home anymore" but as I turn in his street he was just leaving so I drove in front of his car to block him, but he went around me and drove off, we were still on the phone at this point and I said "wow, really" and he said yeah wow, and started to continue to say alot of toxic things so I hung up on him and just turned around and followed him tailing behind him, he wasnt stopping so I honked couple of times and saw he was blinking into the gas station, so I did the same and thought "finally, hes just going to give me my weed back", but boy was I wrong, what did I really expect, this is Chris.
He got out his car and proceeded to the gas pump, I got out as well, walked up to him and asked him if I can get my weed back, he said no and continued to ignore eye contact while inputting his card in the gas pump, so I checked his doors but they were locked, I kept asking him if he can just give it back and he kept saying no, I told him id leave him alone if he just gives it back, still he said no, out of frustration I became louder, asking the same question if he can just give me back my stuff, a guy in a moped came by us and asked if all was ok, Chris said yeah, and the guy said something along the lines of "u sure, i been hearing alot about girls asking for their things back" and Chris said "why your gonna do something about it?" and they guy was about to step off his moped and Chris put his phone down, but I stepped in between them and told Chris to just give me my stuff, he ignored me and still and told the guy something along the lines of that he grew up in nalo, oluolu st., as if to represent or as if that will be him appear tough, anyways at this point he went to sit in his car and I didnt see where the other guy went, but I stood by his door asking the same thing, and he told me no still, and said "you see what your causing", he drove off with his door still open bec I was standing by it and told me he going home and drove off, so i drove off as well to go to his place, but ofc he wasnt even home.
I parked on his street, thinking if i should just wait there or just go home already, he then texts me that im "fucking crazy" and that he "cannot believe I did all that for a nug" and that im "a fucking trip & acting like a kid", he proceeded to say he didnt give it back bec he didnt want me to leave (even tho he verbally said "go home") and that he just wanted to talk like adults (even tho how he was speaking to me was not how adults speak to each other), I responded and told him all he is saying is literally a projection of himself, its childish to hold someone stuff and keep it from them when they are asking for it back, and he shouldve just told me he wants to talk instead of calling me names, I told him im at his street and I just want my weed back, he told me he is at the other gas station bec i guess its my fault that he wasnt able to put gas at the other gas station we were at, he told me if i want my weed back id have to drive to him, I told him that im not trying to take Pali hwy back to town and that he needs to meet me at his street bec thats where he said he'd be, still he kept urging me to drive to him and that hes not doing me any favors after all that and that hes only gonna wait for me for a couple minutes, I told him I already followed him around and he drove off 2 times and its not fair and that he should be the one to bring it, and that if not I may need to turn to his family for help.
I stayed parked on his street and eventually after a couple mins I see his car pull in, he rolled up next to my car and handed me my weed back and drove off.
I am so damn tired of this, I was in the middle of healing and Idk why he had to text me and call me saying he misses me and wants to be with me, idk why I answered his call, I should've had him blocked, but now here I am, going through the same bs. & Chris being Chris, will most likely be seeking another girl for validation & supply while spreading his side of the story probably saying I am drama and toxic, in his eyes, he has no faults and is always the victim and sane one, and now I will have to start all over my healing journey. God, please give me the strength, im sorry Ive asked this a million times but you need to give me more strength than you normally do, you should know me, im weak & always hoping. I dont wanna be weak anymore, I wanna be strong and be good and whole on my own.
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