#so anyways this is the last transformers thing I draw for a while
fawnyanz · 11 months
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That Brainstorm guy
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mayordea · 1 year
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Happy birthday to the number one princess in the world!! 💖
~from her biggest fans :)
ramble of my scattered thoughts on the piece under cut as usual cuz i love talking 😋
This has been an idea I've been cookin for a while, and it was so cluttered and unlike any other ensemble piece I've made... and I decided I oughta do it anyway. I love Miku, I love Vocaloid, and I wanted to do something really ambitious and crazy for her anniversary. Crazy that she's turning her "canon" age this year TwT
I had the idea floating around since like, May...? And then finally started acting on it around June 18. I'm terrible with deadlines, obvious with how I can never make a silly birthday post in time, so I started wayyyy ahead to make sure I have some room to be lazy lol, especially with an idea as ambitious as this.
This was finished on July 12! So I had to sit on this for an annoying amount of time. Very difficult for someone like me who just wants to talk about everything I'm working on to the masses. But at the very least, that gave me the time to work on the draft for this post.
Here's some ~behind the scenes~ scribbles leading up to the finished piece!
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Left is the chicken scratch plan i made in my handy dandy notebook (whenever things are getting real and ambitious, i always made a rough ROUGH plan in there. Usually I'd do a rough pass of the full thing, but this was too complicated for me to do traditionally. I majorly benefited from digital tools to make this possible). CyberDiva and CyberSongman were considered, but I ended up cutting them cuz I just didn't feel like drawing them sorry-- (just pretend they're off to the side. They gave Ruby and Clara the pizza lol). Right is the "final" completed sketch (before I decided to include Chika mid-way through coloring and VY1 and VY2 near the finish line). I started by drawing the main "groups" separated on a different canvas so I can plop them into the main canvas for easy rearranging and transforming. However I got lazy and ended up drawing everyone in the bottom right corner directly on the canvas since I liked seeing the big picture of everyone's positions. Y'know.
Almost excluded Chika! But I like her design so much that I just felt like including her last-minute. You win this time, Chika fans. VY1 and VY2 were very close to being cut! I added them when I began doing the banner and thought "eh why not". I figured their non-human designs would be pretty easy to include pushed back in the bg. Ik VY1 is more commonly associated with the fan design, but I referenced the hairpin cuz it was simpler and the fan looked very annoying to draw 😭
Sorry to the fans of many Vocaloids I had to cut because this composition was insane enough as is. I promise I wanted to include fellas like CUL, LUMi and Sachiko 😭 I will admit I was a little biased on who I wanted to include over others. Like, I don't normally care for Bruno and Clara, but I wanted to get some more international 'loids in the mix. Also wanted to stick in the realm of official designs and not fan-designs since, as much as I can appreciate those, are just a whole "wait who is that guy supposed to be" situation I didn't wanna deal with. I also did wanna include even more character references through the balloons, but they ended up being kind of ugly and overcomplicated the BG :,) (Oh, and while this was originally planned to be a Vocaloid-only piece, I did end up including Teto, Neru, and Haku 'cuz those are Miku's besties dude!!! They may not be Officially in the club but they're her girls and it would be criminal to not invite them to her birthday).
Anyway, this project marks the first time I've drawn a lot of Vocaloids. Lily, Piko, Rana, Yuki, Yukari, Miki, Maika, and many more lol. All of 'em I've heard or seen in passing, but now I actually drew them, and some have really cool and fun designs!! I got into a habit of drawing Merli after this since I just love her design for example. And I'll probably be drawing more lol!!
Oh and the last thing I'll add for now!! The cake is indeed made up of various song references!! I wanted to reference the "big four" producers, just absolute icons in Vocaloid history. The pink/black checkerboard is "World is Mine" (Ryo), the crescents on the side is "Rolling Girl" (Wowaka), the smiley faces is "Matryoshka" (Hachi), and the three hearts on the side is "The Vampire" (DECO*27, which is sort of a symbol of his whole Mannequin album tbh). I know "The Vampire" is a bit modern but I couldn't think of anything else off the top of my head. I'm a fake DECO fan I know 😔 "Matryoshka" was originally going to be referenced in the colors of the candles but believe me it looked like shit so I just went for something else last minute 😭
That's all I have to say!!! Hope you didn't mind the text wall if you made it here. I hope you like it as much as I do!!!! Happy freakin' birthday Miku!!!!
I have to deal with tagging all these characters now for my page,,, in the drafts my tags got cut off after a certain point so I think I'm massively breaching the tag limit 😭 um... I'll figure that out later...
not losing sleep that i can't tag everyone, even for page organization purposes because some characters have pretty generic names and some are a little hard to see in full yknow. If you're one of those people who tag every character in the art piece you reblog... I am very sorry.
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thevoidstaredback · 5 months
Adventures In Gotham
Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant Side Story
The first time Danny had ever been to Gotham, he swore it would be his last. He was twenty-two at the time.
In an effort to relax after finals had ended, he, Tucker, Sam, Val, Wes, and Dani had been playing a round of Truth or Dare after finishing a few movies. Sam had dared Danny to wander around Gotham without attracting attention to himself. The catch was that he wasn't allowed to use his powers except to fly there and back. His time limit was Sunday night.
They'd all been planning to stay the night at Sam's anyway, so no one would even notice he was gone. Though, the dare had seemed easy at the time, Danny should've realized his luck was not that good.
Regardless, he flew to the outskirts of Gotham City, dropped his transformation, and entered.
The first thing he noticed was that there was some kind of bubble around Gotham preventing the Shades and overall feel of death from leaving. It was overwhelming at first, but he got used to it pretty quickly. The next thing he noticed was that he had walked into somebody's haunt.
He made himself presentable and spoke to the night, "I apologise for trespassing," His voice echoed through the open area as though he was shouting in an empty room. Ghost Speak tended to do that. "I mean no hostile intentions. I simply wish to play a game with your protectors." With any luck, whoever this was would be playful or friendly, at the very least. He didn't hold his breath, though.
A lie. He was holding his breath, but that's only because he was nervous!
The night air stilled as though considering his words. Then, a breeze from behind pushed him further into the city. Flapping wings of bats and owls seemed to hide the whispers of "You may come in." and "Be careful." and "You will lose." and "Good luck.".
A vote of confidence from the City Spirit. "Thank you." He was going to be as quick as he could, but he couldn't draw attention to himself. Easier said than done. Batman seemed to know whenever anyone ever stepped foot into his city, especially if they've never been there before. So, he had to play hide and seek with Batman and Robin.
Again, easier said than done.
Danny knows very little about about Gotham and her heroes and villains. What he does know is that Robin is fairly knew to the scene, but also very serious in what he does. He's still a child, though, and he likes to play around a bit. Batman, on the other hand, has already become something of a cryptid, despite only showing himself a year or so ago. Either way, the two balance each other nicely and work well as a team.
Batman and Robin obviously know the entire city inside out, so Danny has to somehow keep an eye on where they are at all times while not drawing attention to himself. Which would be easy, except for the fact that Danny can only sense where non-living beings are. Batman and Robin are very much alive. He's pretty sure. Unless either of them have a shit ton of Shades attached to them, which is unlikely but not impossible, then he'll have to rely on finding them first and keeping them within his sight as he tours around their city.
Why the hell did he agree to this? He so deserves a reward if he succeeds.
'When', not 'if'. 'If' is pessimistic and implies that Batman might just drop him off a building and watch him fall. 'When' at least lets him continue with the illusion that he may get out of this no deader than when he arrived in Gotham.
All he had to do was basically tour the city, then he'll be done. It went well for the first hour, but then he spotted the shadows moving around him. It wouldn't normally be a problem, but one of those shadows was made out of bright colours. Seeing as his Ghost Sense didn't go off, Danny figured the he'd just run straight into Batman and Robin.
Shit. Fuck. Okay, play it cool, Danny.
He ran. He ran as fast as he could without using his powers. When he was sure he'd lost the two vigilanties, he allowed himself to stop in an alley somewhere in the Narrows. (The map he looked at was coming in very handy all of a sudden)
"Could be worse," he said to himself, backing into a corner.
The sound of shattering glass and the scurrying of mice and rats gave the impression of laughter and taunting. Which, rude, but fair.
"Your Knights, my lady," he spoke into the darkness, "are terrifying."
"Who you talking to?"
Danny did not jump. He didn't! Liar.
The kid, about twelve years old, was in bright green, red, and yellow. His hair windswept and he didn't seem even the slightest bit out of breath, let alone tired. Shouldn't he be in bed? Did he have a bedtime? He should have a bedtime, in Danny's expert opinion.
"Did you know that humans are endurance hunters?" Robin had been smiling since he dropped down in front of Danny. And if that wasn't a scary ass line to hear from a twelve year old up way past his bedtime-
No, he's not intimidated. "It's, um, a good thing I'm not completely human then, huh?" Stupid, stupid, stupid! Shut up, Danny! Stop talking! Right now!
This made Robin frown and the shadows started to move again, Batman taking his place just behind the boy. "What do you mean?"
Damn, he's scary! Danny's a sucker for a deep voice with a growl, damn.
"I, um," Intelligent response, Danny. King of the Realm Between Realms of Infinity. Keeper of Balance, Timeless Protector of the Dead and Living, and he can't even form a proper sentence.
Batman and Robin's stares were uncomfortably similar, even as Robin tilted his head ever so slightly to the right.
For all his wisdom, Danny couldn't see how he could manage to get out of this without using his powers. So, "Gottagobye!" he let intangibility and invisibility wash over him and he slipped through the wall behind him. From there, he let the rings of light cover him and he flew away.
He'll take the L. That was scary as hell!
The night wind brushed against him, the sound of breaking bones and cackling telling him to come by to play again some time. Had Gotham's City Spirit lead her Knight and his child to Danny? Probably. She seemed like the type. At least she seems to like him? Silver linings.
"I'm never going there again," he muttered halfway to Illinois.
Tag List:
@zaiothe4th @someonebored0100 @wolfeyedwitch @angelheartgamer @nymanders @princessbelix @luminanightfall @kgne-k @bianca-hooks123 @reigning-catsanddogs @sassywombatranchhorse @dontfightmecauseillcry @soul-lime @anarinette @serasvictoria02 @the-chaos-goblin-child @confusedshades @caicie @fantasticstoryteller @randomshtickidk @itsberrydreemurstuff @blueliac @i-love-mangoes @nymanders @highimpactemotions @anarinette @sleepingdead96 @orbr @tkiesai @atomicsheepscientist @8000fangirl @shower-phantom-ideas @blep-23
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ineffably-human · 1 year
Okay, so: the hypnosis!
Nandor's actually the one who wasn't great at it in the past, yes, whatever. I'm fine with those kind of details being all over the place, personally. Even though it's weird.
What's intriguing me more is that this is clearly a runner. We've heard it mentioned two episodes in a row that they're starting to overly rely on hypnosis as a means of dealing with their slip-ups, specifically when they accidentally reveal themselves as vampires. There's the question of it impacting the minds of the humans around them, in the long-term.
Combine that with:
Sean (their biggest link to the normal human world, whose brain is already fucked up from hypnosis) appearing more frequently.
The vampires going out into the world more in all four of the episodes critics have had access to - and more after that, if the episode titles and summaries so far are any indication.
Nandor does a verbal faux pas on a newscast, we have seen clips with all of them on the newscast as newscasters, is this for a mass hypnosis? (The second one after Nandor's at the basketball game, that was a lot of extras for a simple gag!) A mass coverup?
Colin is going to be running for public office, what's less secretive than that?
They're going to a Pride Parade, what's a better way to juxtapose secrecy than that?
Increased emphasis on the documentary crew. Does the neighborhood notice they've had a film crew around them for fiveish years now? What do they think it's for? Who's supposed to see this documentary anyway?
Guillermo still has another episode with his family coming up, the family that were hypnotized into forgetting major things that are still a part of his personal truth, things that would be a huge risk to the vampires if they came to light...
Between Guillermo's personal secrets and this increased emphasis on the vampires out in the world, not to mention the whole thing with Derek as a metaphor for infidelity, I think secrets and lies are the theme this season. The way change/transformation was a theme in season 4, and power and protection were the themes of season 3.
The 'lies' part of things can also involve self-delusion, that's how Nadja's piece can fold into it. Nandor and Guillermo's feelings about each other work there, too. (I think they know Guillermo has a little crush on Nandor, but neither of them realize just how much and maybe don't even believe it's still ongoing.)
And I think this is a great time to bring it up, because this season is about Guillermo maybe becoming a vampire at last - and I think the secrecy is part of what draws Guillermo to being a vampire. It's like a contradiction that's a feature, not a bug. He's spent a long time hiding major facets of who he is to everyone around him, and being a vampire means living openly, freely, while simultaneously being part of a secret species.
Hell, he's the one who gives us the thesis statement at the end of the season's first episode:
"Being a vampire is no different than being a human. We're all just doing what it takes to survive. We go on about our day. Blend in. Act like everyone else. But the truth is, we're all just hiding in plain sight."
I think the vampires are going to get into a situation that hypnosis can't get them out of, maybe something involving the documentary crew and the footage they've collected as well. Something that fully threatens to expose them, impact their safety, with no way of turning back.
Maybe it's something where only Guillermo, as the bridge between human and vampire he's always been, can save them. After all, what is he right now, if not stuck in-between?
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loupy-mongoose · 3 months
Well, my brain seems to have taken a detour in my interests.
Or werewolves.
Or something of the like. They can transform at will, so it's not the stereotypical werewolf situation.
Anyone remember the Mews I made based on my wolf characters a long while ago?
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I've been thinking about them.
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The big grey one in the back is Brook, I believe an Aurora from the Miyoni line. The one who didn't get a Mew last time. X3
The big orange/brown one is Talon, and is apparently a Wishpet. (I find that big buff drawing of him to be amusing in that context. XD)
The little grey one is Timber. He's one of my oldest and most precious toys. He's an Aurora Mini Flopsie with the name of Woolsey, but little me called him Timber. I believe I got him in 2006, but I don't know for sure.
And the last, Coco... is a mystery. I've tried and tried to find out what brand she is, but I've been unable to find anything. And little me always cut off tush tags thoroughly. So no hope of answers there. XD
Anyway, that's been what's swimming in my mind today.
I... have to admit, I get mad at myself when I change fixations or motivations. I feel horrible that suddenly I'm enjoying something more than Winks and Wolf.
I shouldn't. It's my brain, my motivation, my blog to do what I want with. But it's so hard to give myself permission to do that...
Sometimes I'm mad at my brain for being as fickle as it is, but sometimes I'm mad at myself for not letting myself be fickle.
Fingers crossed my brain decides before the weekend. I don't want to be wallowing aimlessly for things to draw. =_=
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thecoffeelorian · 15 days
Fandom Friday, 09/13: Fanfiction
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Hello again, everyone…and welcome to another installment of Fandom Friday, the two-post series where I go off to find new and interesting fanworks that might need a bit more visibility.
Before I forget, there are just two little reminders I’d like to drop here:
First, in order to have as many examples I can gather from as many facets of the fandom I can draw from and still fit the ten-link limit…I’ve made the executive decision to do this every two weeks, even if just to give you all as complete an experience as I can.
And second, if there’s anybody not on the tag list who ends up liking this series of posts two times in a row…well, I might be tagging you in a few questionnaire posts later this weekend, as I’ll be double-checking people’s interests in pursuing stuff like this, or not.
Anyways…before I ramble on or delay any further, here are my fanfiction picks of the week!
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The Prequels Fanfiction--By @josephsaturn:
The Clone Wars Fanfiction--By @captn-trex:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @dangraccoon:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @happy-beeeps:
Rogue One Fanfiction (Inspired Poetry)--By @colleybri:
The Original Trilogy Fanfiction--By @ladyxskywalker:
Star Wars Rebels Fanfiction--By @lost-in-derry:
The Mandalorian Fanfiction--By @djarins-cyare:
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every two weeks, highlight those writers who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the writers a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…thank you to my friends, thank you to this fandom, good morning, and good luck.
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No Pressure Tags: @melymigo @algo-o-nada @theosb0rnway @everybirdfellsilent @skellymom
@leos-multifandom-corner @maggie-dylan @leenabb104104 @gun-roswell @tazmbc1
@bluedeedeedoop @its-time-to-rise-above @tlmtwelve @snoowply and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new SW fanfiction.
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alexiethymia · 1 month
In which Aoko meets Kaito?
Or someone who sure awfully looks a lot like him. What was it they said about karma again? Kaiao. Shinran. Here we go again.
sapphire & spade; Part of the shuffle the deck fic series; dcmk verse fics of rare encounters with the dcmk kids, while flirting loosely with canon. part character analysis, character interactions. much love for gosho’s couples.
‘Oh no, Aoko’s going to be late!’
She breathes a panicked huff, still ruffling her hair to put it into some semblance of a nice chignon. Rather than anything elegant, she suspects that it probably resembled a bird’s nest. She tried to stem the tears she feels coming up. Aoko knew that this wasn’t like her, to be putting her hair up when she would just as comfortably let it flow loose. She remembered another time she acted like this – during her supposed ‘date’, but she could be forgiven for her nerves then considering that she was trying to prove her best friend’s innocence (ha, funny that).
Anyway, just as it was then, today was a special occasion. And just as it was then, it had something to do with Kaito.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Just there looking effortlessly cool wearing a dark jacket and slacks as he checked the time, stood her best friend. She blows away a strand of her hair in frustration. Kaito’s hair was as messy as hers, but why was it that on him it looked windswept rather than like her chaotic mess? 
But her happiness overcomes her frustration and insecurity. It’s been a week since she saw Kaito last, something about taking time off work to guest star in a magic show in America. At least to herself, she can admit, she missed him. It was their anniversary – in more ways than one. Of when they met and many other new beginnings. He swore up and down it would be nothing like her near-disastrous birthday. He promised that he’d be there and on time. As the gong was about to strike twelve midnight, Aoko was as happy as she could remember ever feeling to see he kept his promise.
‘I swear, no more lies, Aoko.’
She slows to a stop in front of him.
“Aoko! Here you were making me promise to be on time, and you’re the one who was almost late. Good thing Cinderella didn’t turn into a pumpkin or anything like that,” he jokes with a wink. 
His smile could blind her.
At the mention of Cinderella, she remembers a magical transformation and the warmth of his arms. But Kaito had never been her prince charming, rather he was the magical wizard who always did his best to grant her wishes.
Did his best…
Smile straining, she greets him, “Good evening, Kudo-san.”
At his honestly confused face, Aoko could very well applaud him. She could see that he inherited his mother’s skill.
“What are you talking about, Aoko?”
She breathes in and tries her best to be patient. “Kaito couldn’t make it, huh? I’m sorry you got roped into that idiot’s silliness, Kudo-san.”
“No, really,” he says, brows furrowed and looking utterly penitent, “What’re you talking about, Aoko? I am Kaito.” And as if to prove each and every one of her doubts wrong, a blooming rose still wet with dew appears in front of her face.
She would love to believe him, she really would, but Aoko’s had enough practice – and disappointments – in her life.
“Ok then. Aoko believes you,” she could have melted at his relieved expression, “So you’ll accept Aoko’s welcome home kiss, won’t you?” She clasps her hands behind her back and stands on her tip toes to draw her lips to his, closer and closer she draws and feels his breath intermingling with hers.
Just as she thinks they’re about to touch, a high-pitched noise makes her head ring just before she feels the softness of feathers caress her lips.
“That idiot…” she hears in Kaito’s voice, or something close to it. She’s impressed by the subtle shift. When before it had been laced with mischievous laughter, now it was smooth and mildly apologetic, “I’m really sorry about this, Aoko-chan.”
A slight shift in posture, a hand smoothing over his hair, and just like magic, instead of her best friend, there stood in front of her, one famous metantei.
Shinichi knew he shouldn’t have given in to Kuroba.
‘C’mon, Kudo, you owe me. Haven’t I dressed up as you enough times to save your butt?’
‘Yeah,’ he had replied while rolling his eyes, ‘Almost as many times as it caused me trouble.’
‘Onegai,’ Kuroba had pleaded, palms together. ‘Won’t you do your favorite cousin a solid?’
‘You’re my only cousin.’
‘Seriously, Shinichi,’ And he had looked serious, rare as that was, ‘I want to make this special for Aoko. Just think of it as practice for our body-switching trick for my next show.’
Shinichi had been ready to fall for it, before he sighed sufferingly, ‘Again, when did I ever agree to join –‘
‘Plus, if you do this for me, I promise I’ll get you a free three-night stay at the Ritz Carlton in New York. I got complimentary passes since I’m doing a show there. Isn’t your and Ran’s anniversary coming up?’
Damn it.
At the thought of Ran’s overjoyed and wonderstruck face, he decided not to listen to his brain for once. But looking at Aoko-chan trying to keep her smile up and herself strong had Shinichi rethinking this whole thing. No matter how happy Ran might be to spend their anniversary in New York, he’s sure she’d just as well get mad at him for putting one of her girl friends through the wringer. Again, he thinks with feeling, ‘That idiot…’
‘Why did I agree to this again?’
‘That’s no mystery. You pretend like you don’t care, Shinichi, but of course you do. I still remember how ‘Conan-kun’ helped Takagi-keiji out, and Kyougyoku-san too. As much as you say otherwise, of course you’d worry about Kuroba-san.’
‘At least I’m not as bad as you with Hattori and Kazuha-chan.’
‘Don’t fool yourself, Shinichi’, Ran had said laughing sweetly at him, ‘We both know you’re worse.’
Well, he’d agree with worse things than being accused of caring about his troublemaking cousin the moment she laughed happily like that.
Subtly guiding the forlorn woman to sit on a nearby bench, Shinichi tries his best to cheer her up. “You look really nice tonight.” Shinichi meant it honestly. While Ran looked great in lavender and red (probably one of the reasons why it was his favorite color in the first place), he tended to favor blue for himself. Meanwhile, blue seemed to favor Aoko-chan. In her glittering sapphire dress and crystal pumps, she looked every bit a modern-day Cinderella. Or maybe it was the total opposite and it was that modern-day Lupin running out of time. Speaking of…
While he knew he had an overinflated ego at times, Shinichi would like to think he wasn’t as bad as his dad. While he wasn’t as good as Kuroba, he thinks he’s picked up some things from his mother.
‘Ha, everyone knows I’m the one who took after Yukiko-obaa san.’
‘I’m telling kaa-san you said that.’
‘W-wait, I actually have a reason I can call her obaa-san now.’
‘Ha, as if that’ll stop her.’
At the very least, he shudders to think he was as bad as Hattori, so he can’t help but ask, “How could you tell?”
Aoko-chan still seemed blue but lifts up a corner of her mouth in reply, “Kaito doesn’t usually wear dark clothes.”
Remembering countless pre-heist preparations, Shinichi opens his mouth ready to object before Aoko interrupts, “Aoko knows what you’re going to say, Kudo-san. Kaito wears dark clothes when he wants to hide, but for something like this he wouldn’t be able to help but draw attention to himself. He’d wear white or something bright.” Or something colorful and loud. Thoughtlessly she reaches up to stroke the feathers of the dove which had comfortably made a home on her head. She gives up the hairstyle for a lost cause and gets lost in her thoughts.
Aoko had always hated the dark. It reminded her too much of the silence of an empty home. But Kaito was always loud and bright, sometimes blinding. Like a beacon she would always be drawn to him in a crowd and then she wouldn’t be alone anymore.
She decides to continue, “Also, remember what you said earlier,” she smiles wryly, “Kaito wouldn’t compliment what I was wearing. You’re too much of a gentleman, Kudo-san, it still shows. You didn’t call me ‘Ahouko’ even once.”
Shinichi’s sure Aoko-chan’s expression was mirrored by his own deadpan look. They really resembled Hattori and Kazuha-chan at times, for better or worse. He knew that every couple had their own quirks and expressions, but he couldn’t help but worry. Since he wouldn’t ever admit being worried for that menace, let’s just say he was worried about Aoko and leave it at that.
“Still,” Aoko says while fiddling with her fingers, “You almost had Aoko fooled. You did his trick exactly like he would have done it. Is that why Heart-chan is with you?”
He takes a split-second before answering to ask, “Heart-chan?”
Aoko nods like he’s supposed to get it, “Yeah, Hato-chan.”
Shinichi deadpans. Well what else could he expect from someone who loved his punny riddles? Rather, ‘Heart-chan’ was supposed to keep an eye on him, and anyway ‘this little gal knows you already’ before said dove had disappeared into his clothes. Shinichi doesn’t admit to being impressed especially when he could tell how the other man had done it within five seconds. “Something like that,” he answers instead.
Kuroba should be satisfied that she’d done her job, Shinichi thinks, remembering the aftertaste of feathers. And yet he also remembers that annoyingly high-pitched feedback. Grimacing, he thinks that he better be satisfied. At the very least Shinichi was grateful so he gives the dove a pat of his own.
Shinichi was no magician, but if Kuroba could play at being detective, then he could do no less. If they were two sides of the same coin then something like replicating a trick he’s cracked the mystery to was as simple as child’s play.
Still, he was a detective and eternally curious at heart, “So how?” He simply asks, trusting Aoko-chan to understand.
Aoko smiles, a bit brighter than before, “The rose would have been blue,” since it was a special occasion after all, “And,” here Aoko pauses feeling herself blush, “Kaito breathes differently, ifthatmakesanysense,” she exclaims in a rush. She peeks up at the older detective, almost feeling embarrassed at being judged. She can’t help it, Kudo-san and Ran-chan always seemed to her to be so sophisticated and mature, a steady and steadfast couple if anything, that she worried if she was still childish in comparison.
Rather than shocked though, Kudo-san looks like he understands. “I get it, Aoko-chan.” And he really did, she didn’t have to explain. He’d compared women to mysteries once (with time he can look back on it now and see it as a child’s frustration and fear at not being able to understand the heart of the one dearest to him), but they were incredible detectives too. He remembers being shocked that Ran could tell Kuroba wasn’t him (sometimes he might underestimate her too much, it’s a lesson he’s happy to keep relearning), and surmises that this must be something like it. No wonder, Kaitou Kid had always been so tight-lipped. The greatest danger to his identity hadn’t been him, but Nakamori, albeit a different Nakamori than everyone thought.
Aoko breathes in the cold night air. It would be midnight soon. “So what happened? Did he…start again?”
Aoko released a huge sigh of relief when Kudo-san shakes his head empathically, “Kuroba knows better than to break your heart like that,” at her snort, he grins, “Well at least he should know better because you’d be the first to haul him right to jail, with me and Hakuba right behind you. I’m sure Hattori wouldn’t want to be left out either.”
At her energetic response of ‘much better’, Shinichi smiles feeling happy that he managed to allay a bit of her worries.
“It’s just that…he could have told Aoko he couldn’t make it. He said no more lies after all.” She sighed.  
“Aoko doesn’t want to hold him back from doing what he loves. She knows how much he enjoys the stage and spotlight, but sometimes Aoko just enjoys the simple things. Just him being here is enough for Aoko. She wonders if she’s selfish for feeling this way,” she says while placing her chin on her palms, pouting.
Shinichi nods noncommittally. It’s not as if he doesn’t get it. Although it’s been years, his heart still twists at the memory of Ran bursting into tears after smiling so brightly. It wasn’t his place to say, ‘maybe he really had a good reason’ when excuses were just another kind of lie. ‘There was only one truth,’ right?
Even if he could understand Aoko’s pain, it also wasn’t his place to chastise Kuroba when he had been the same. Detective and thief, critic and performer, truth and lie - they were indeed two sides of the same coin because, unlike Hattori, unlike Hakuba, they made their home in that grey area in between.
One truth that he can be sure of though, enough that he can confidently tell Aoko is this, “At the very least, Aoko-chan, no matter what mischief that guy gets up to, he’ll always return home to you. If there’s anything he’d wish for the most, it would be your happiness.” For the man with a thousand faces who knew everyone and could become anyone, there was at least one person in the whole world who knew the person behind the mask absolutely and completely.
He hears a soft ‘thanks’ at the same time a small smile tentatively blooms on Aoko’s face.
‘It’s showtime!’
Ok, that hadn’t been a whisper from the mic he was wearing on his collar. He’s sure he had been listening in through that nifty accessory Heart-chan was wearing from who knows where, and finally decided to make his entrance.
Geez, that guy sure liked to make people wait (Shinichi thinks he deserves to be purposefully obtuse for once. He’s made too many comparisons between them already).
At the wonderstruck expression on Aoko’s face at the multitude of blue fireworks scattered across the night sky above the clocktower, Shinichi hopes that she and he would think this was all worth it.
Ironic that he’d find himself here again, finally facing his rival after so many years after that first meeting that they had both forgotten, and in vastly different circumstances too. He has to admit though that he is relieved to find out that that once moonlighting thief had managed to protect what was important to him.
He watched with Aoko as a glider with a jet engine sky wrote the words, ‘Happy anniversary!’ (As he remembers free falling off a blimp, Shinichi thinks wryly that he finally managed to solve that problem.)
Unlike Aoko though, he didn’t shout a delighted gasp of surprise when a pillar of pink smoke and glitter suddenly puffed in between them.
No matter how many times she’d seen it happen, she would probably always react in wonder as if it was the first time. (Not for the first time for him when looking at Aoko, he is reminded of Ran’s reactions after every successful deduction. Well, the very first time wasn’t really the awed reaction he’d hoped for. Still, he treasured that moment).
Kuroba Kaito, Kaitou Kid, the world’s most daring magician appeared with a bang. He might have had thousands of fans (in both personas), but from the wide grin and manic energy he had now it seemed like he was performing for the entire world in the form of one person.
“What’s that supposed to be, Ahouko?” He says pointing to the ruffled mess left of Aoko’s hair when Heart-chan left to return to her rightful master. It was teasing but still all the fonder for it.
“Mou, don’t tease, Kaito. Not when you’re so late,”
“On the contrary, I’m right on time,” and with a snap of his fingers, Aoko’s hair transformed into the elegant chignon she’d be wrangling it into the whole night.
Hands in his pockets, Shinichi observed the other man dressed to the nines in a white and blue suit. He could be accused of cosplaying a very popular phantom thief except the shade of blue was slightly different, and instead matched the eyes of his lovely companion. “Dummy?”
He was referring the obvious decoy still writing above them, but as expected when Kaito drew closer and narrowed his eyes at him, he’d gotten the double meaning.
“I thought I might have had to ruin my cue and come in too early, but good thing you were here, huh?” Kaito scratched Heart-chan on the top of her feathered head for being such a good girl, before whirling to point at his near doppelganger, “And you! A great detective shouldn’t be trying to steal a phantom thief’s job. That was way too close a call! Don’t make me tell on you to Ran.”
Shinichi scoffs lightly. Now he understood what Hattori must have felt back then, and inspired, he just says with a smirk, “Let’s just say we’re even now.”
Kaito narrows his eyes further if that were even possible. “You hold onto a grudge for way too long.”
“Says you.”
"Wow," Aoko says awed, "Looking at the both of you side-by-side like this...it's like looking at a mirrored reflection!" 
"What're you talking about, Aoko? I'm obviously more good looking," Kaito boasts. "Anyway..."
Shinichi could tell he was planning something from how he was creeping closer but not even he could have expected being blindfolded with magic scarves.
“Oi, Kuroba!”
Kaito knew he probably should have just waited till Kudo left but he never could keep his cool around Aoko. In a whirlwind rush, he drew her in a dance position and finally stole her lips.
Could it be called stealing if they were his in the first place? He may have been a retired thief, and call him a hypocrite if you had to, but he would never let anyone steal this. He may have been forced to look for Pandora, but all the world’s jewels could not compare to this one precious sapphire.
The moment he saw her in her get-up, his heart stopped and he suddenly couldn’t sit still. It was a surreal experience watching her with ‘himself’ from the outside, and to still feel jealous even when it was his own plan.
Arghh, just call him a hypocrite and be done with it, because the moment of that near-kiss, his life suddenly flashed before his eyes and all those times he took Kudo’s place with Ran. He apologizes to the metantei in his mind. Man, even if he did use him as bait for his trigger-happy black organization, Kaito realizes that that little detective must have had so much patience with him to not just punt him to the moon for all the stunts he did back then. He suddenly shudders remembering that ominous flash of glasses that signaled an ass-kicking. On principle, he started staying away from glasses-wearing grade schoolers after that. Trauma ran deep after all.
But he felt everything settle into place the moment he felt Aoko melting into his arms. He thought he knew temptation when he had a chance to steal a first kiss back then, but he had been content to let Sleeping Beauty rest. And yet, even after biting the bullet (and the plush apple that was Aoko’s lips), temptation still continued its siren call every time he saw her.
He must have really missed her.  
A rude cough woke him up from his wonderful dream, as Aoko squeaked and hid behind him.
“I’m giving you three seconds, so the moment I remove this I better not see anything scarring.”
“You wish,” Kaito responds childishly.
As Shinichi sighed sufferingly and peeked from beneath the blindfold, he remarks, “Should I be thankful you didn’t use sleeping gas?”
Interlacing Aoko’s fingers with his own, he shoots his cousin a finger salute and jokes, “Could still be an option.”
“Just try it. I’d tranq you first,” he says, narrowing his eyes at him, “But, I don’t want to ruin Aoko-chan’s evening after she waited so long for you.”
“Pot,” Kaito points to him, then to himself, “Meet Kettle.”
Shinichi rolls his eyes, but didn’t say anything knowing he had a point. “So, any reason why you couldn’t just wait until I left?”
“Because,” Kaito says cheekily before turning to Aoko with a bright, blue rose suddenly in his hand, “I just wanted to show you how it’s done.” Aoko looked even more delighted with the sudden gift.
“Right, right,” he says playing along, as he ruffles his hair. “Well, I’m off. It’s an early day tomorrow, and knowing Ran she’s probably waiting up,” partly to hear any ‘juicy details’ in her own words. “You kids have fun now,” he says with a wave as he turned away from them.
“Oi, metantei!”
When Shinichi turns back, he sees Kaito look unexpectedly sheepish, “Thanks again for this.”
With a small smile, he just replies with a ‘Hai, hai,’ as he finally leaves them to enjoy their anniversary in peace. He’d heard from Ran who heard from Aoko-chan that it was the anniversary of when they met, as well as the anniversary of when the Kaitou Kid had finally given up his mantle and the exciting life of a phantom thief to confess to his best friend. Rumor had it than even when he had the entire female population’s attention, he had only ever and truly sought after the regard of one specific person. Perhaps it was some kind of karmic justice that it was also the same person who hated his guts, and would continue to do so as long as he was still stealing. And so he’d given up the gold to get the girl. Or so the rumor went.
It was a long day and he’s just about ready to snuggle with Ran in bed as he entertained her with the kind of story she’d love.
From the excited gasp he heard behind him, he’s sure Aoko-chan had finally seen what his quick gaze noticed as soon as Kuroba whipped up that rose – another blue rose nestled in its petals, or more accurately it was an asteria, a star sapphire inlaid in a white-gold setting fashioned after a rose. Miniature vines made up its small band. Shinichi’s pretty sure it would fit perfectly, even imagined Kuroba dressing up as Aoko-chan to make sure it really did fit.
Another thing he noticed, the slightly off-kitler English letter ‘H’. Everything else in the message had been lowercase. Shinichi knew Kuroba, whether he was Kaitou Kid or not, being the perfectionist he was, wouldn’t make a mistake like that. Maybe it wasn’t supposed to be an ‘H’ and he had to improvise. Shinichi couldn’t be sure, but it almost looked like it could have been an English letter ‘w’.
Aoko-chan might not get the implications right away. Diamonds were traditional after all (like his and Ran’s), but when had Kuroba ever been conventional?
Seeing that gem had brought back memories of a fallen emperor, a chain of red lights, a forced landing, and a heartfelt confession. As if Shinichi could ever forget. It could have been the same gem that he tried to steal back then.
“I promise I didn’t steal this one, Aoko. Really!”
Just maybe scoured the world for it, which was why he had been missing for a week in the guise of a show. He’d used his own legal (and extra-legal too) contacts in the police, and even Shinichi’s. In the end he’d even asked Sonoko, Momiji-san, old man Suzuki, and when he’d run out of billionaires to ask, his dad and mom. They might have heard something. Even Kuroba as much as it pained his pride to do it, asked his oyaji who had heard of news of the missing gem during his own escapades.
Maybe he wasn’t a detective, and no longer a thief, but Kuroba was still a master storyteller. A star fit perfectly with the moon. And what’s more…
Destiny, Hope, Faith. What they had encountered was a fake empress with a fake gem, but he thought the genuine article fit Aoko-chan perfectly. That true and utter - some would say blind – faith in him, the real him under the smoke and mirrors.
Maybe he had almost lost hope, but just like Pandora, he kept a little bit of it close to his heart. So long as she was there waiting for him and believing in him.  
And just like that, no matter how many obstacles there were of other’s and their own making, maybe it was just destiny for them to be. Together.
Or maybe, he laughs at himself, he was just the sentimental fool Ran said he was, to be comparing their situations.
They were alike, as much as he hated to admit it. Maybe blood really did run that deep. So, he can say that Kuroba could be as stupid as him sometimes. But at the same time, he knew that Kuroba knew how lucky he was to have her, after everything. And they could only be so lucky not to mess up again and end up having to let go.
Maybe his original plan was to make it into one spectacular show, but he’d always been good at improvising, and no magician worth his salt would leave a young woman’s wish unheard and not granted. And so, his original plans took a back seat, and he turned it into something private and just for them instead. Despite that, he can understand if Kuroba still needed his critic one more time, to have someone witness no matter what he decided, and to stop him from running away if needed.
He takes one last look as soon as he’s far enough. Aoko-chan had her arms around him, tight as if she never wanted to let go as she admired the ring on her left finger over his shoulder. Kuroba looked caught off guard, bright red and blushing with no trace of a suave Phantom Thief on his face, just a man flustered in the embrace of the one he loved, before he held her back, equally as tight.
He doesn’t think he needs to worry about anything on that front. He’d once been a thief, and thieves tended to guard their treasures zealously.
And well, Shinichi thinks chuckling, if it was witnesses he needed, then witnesses he’d get. By tomorrow, everyone of their acquaintances would hear of the happy news, courtesy of Ran.
He’s sure to enjoy the chase.
‘Good luck, Kaitou Kid.’
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crystaldoodler · 7 months
A very long post of doodles relating to @theminecraftbee ‘s smallishsona AU (sorry for the tag again). I think of this AU while wandering Tartarus, so, I’ve had a lot of time to think. This post is really long and has a lot of rambling so, I’m putting it all under the cut. I’m sorry world I have too many words and rambles in me
First up, character designs!
I used primarily their mc skins for design, with only a few rl things thrown in. But, I didn’t bring them up so the colors are off a bit.
Starting off with Joel:
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He’s following the persona protagonist tradition of mostly wearing the school uniform correctly, but with some minor embellishments. I’m still debating whether or not to add more, but w/e. His signature color is green.
Then Skizz and Impulse:
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The greatest dichotomy of time to design, Impulse I knocked out on the second go, but I’ve done many iterations of Skizz and I still am not satisfied with this design. The ripped sleeves looked too out there (to me, at least) but nothing else seems to work so I settled for the shirt under uniform shirt look. Something I struggled with that these two emphasize is making them look like teenagers, and what they look like, and also keep to the anime style, and also my own incompetence with drawing facial features so It’s something all of these lack in. Impulse is yellow, and Skizz is blue.
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Scar and Grian are next up, Scar’s facial Scar is from summoning his persona, because he stabbed himself in the face lol. Not much to say about these guys, I settled on orange for Scar and red for grian, which I am still struggling with beacause mumbo:
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is ALSO red. So I guess they are just, both? red? If you look at the party select screens in persona though, the characters have pretty strong color coding, so I guess I’ll figure something out. If anyone is still reading: help. Anyway, mumbo wins the award for wearing the uniform the most normal (except for the tie)
Last but not least, Gem!
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She’s wearing a longer skirt than the usual uniforms and also some big-ass boots. Also, she’s a sea monster thing? So, I was thinking, staring at SEES cool new uniform things and thinking about the Phantom Thieves and how cool their outfits are and realized the persona games have at least some design change to separate their daily looks from shadow hunting. Even if it is only glasses in p4 lol. So, I thought maybe weapon holsters? but, that seemed a little too generic. So! I decided to combine how I normally draw the hermits (and a lot of the fandom does) as having non-human traits as the big things setting their combat looks apart. It is both a) fun to draw, b) creates an eye catching and distinctive design for combat and c) is really funny. I thought it was funny so I drew a comic about it:
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and here’s a sketch of what everyone looks like and also the transformation gives them very distinct eyes, for no reason other than I think it looks cool:
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mumbo is a normal human btw (or at least, he appears to be)
Welp,that’s all I got. If I look at these drawings any longer I will hate them so here they are, yippee. Also, Bee/OP, sorry for exploding; I am into persona and hermitcraft right now so this AU is like a perfect storm to give me brain rot.
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dhs-in-disguise · 18 days
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Really wanted to draw more of @glacia-posts / @glacias-transformers-blog‘s OC Night Terror so memes and this silly thing it is (yes that ask about metal music was me, while doing the meme drawings I listened to that cover and it seemed to fit Night Terror (and I‘d like to believe that them and my own OC would get along so I drew them together for it))
More under the cut cause I went a little crazy
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That last picture is supposed to be a nod to those „I‘m not like other girls“ posts that were popular in the 2010‘s, but to celebrate the little similarities between these two instead! (Also that drawing of Night Terror is pulled directly from this post cause I was too tired to do a full body drawing, go check it out!)
(I would like to clarify that I am fully aware that these similarities are really not that noticeable in the grand scheme of things and obviously a coincidence (we made them around the same time as well) so please no one come on here and accuse anyone of „stealing“ desings- Anyway! I absolutely adore that there are these little similarities and how differently they were incorporated cause that really shows how diverse looking one can use these features even though you wouldn’t think they could be at first but there‘s so much to work with! And that‘s so cool to me and I should stop before I gush about the beauty of character design for 10 paragraphs so yeah. Love Glacia‘s design for Night Terror, both the ears and legs especially I never see anyone make use of the backwards bendy anatomy some animals have going on for Cybertronian designs it‘s pretty dang cool. Peak character design, ok I‘ll stop now.
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hannahmanderr · 7 months
Before we get into the chapter, a HUGE platonic smooch for @duchi-nesten who took the time to draw the Ancients from this story with bribery from me and @scarletsaphire I'm absolutely screaming over them still, they are just UGGHHH SO GOOD
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From left to right is Zunje, Babel, Pele, and Kala!
Anyway, onto the chapter! It's an important one! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Everything begins. Everything ends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jazz flinched as another wayward blast of ectoplasm exploded into the wall of the office building across the street, reducing it to little more than rubble. The battle was becoming more and more destructive as time bled on, and her nerves were really starting to get to her. She needed to get back out there and put a stop to it.
Unfortunately, there was the slight complication of her parents.
She’d tried to play dumb when Frostbite slipped up, but it had been pointless. Frostbite had been all too happy to explain that the Great One was, in fact, the ghost hero known as Danny Phantom.
Perhaps if it had just been her dad there, she would’ve been able to distract him, or figure out how to explain it away, but as luck would have it, her mom had pulled up shortly after the ghost king’s arrival.
It didn’t take them long to put two and two together. At least, that’s what she assumed.
Even more unfortunate was that her concussion had spontaneously decided to rear its ugly head, causing her to lean over and throw up in the middle of the road. Mom and Dad were far less than keen on letting her continue fighting after that. She’d protested of course, pointing out that the all-powerful ghost king was about to raze Amity Park to the ground, but they wouldn’t have any of it.
She had been forced to take shelter behind a large pile of rubble, along with her parents and Frostbite, as the battle intensified. Pariah Dark’s question about Danny had been met with a brutal attack from one of the four-armed Ancients, and the battle had progressed from there. At some point, the little lava-haired Ancient had taken over the direct combat with the ghost king, aided by the gnome and the four-armed ghost with a cloak of clouds. The last Ancient - Pandora, if Jazz remembered correctly - had engaged the black-armored knight. Sam and Tucker were still out there, somewhere, working to keep the thrall army at bay.
And that was just the fighting. Overhead, in the sky, the rip that had heralded Pariah Dark’s appearance still gaped over Amity Park. The air seemed to vibrate with its intensity; Jazz could feel it prickling at her skin, making her feel foreign in her own body. Like reality itself was beginning to fail.
In short, things were Bad-with-a-capital-B.
Jazz leaned over to peer around the rubble protecting them. “We should really be out there,” she muttered, even as her head throbbed worse.
“You’re not going anywhere, young lady,” Mom said. “Not while you’re injured.”
“I told you, I’m fine! I got it out of my system, I’m good to go.”
“I may not know many details about human biology,” Frostbite said, arching an eyebrow at Jazz, “but I have enough experience with the Great One to know that head injuries are serious in humans.”
Jazz didn’t miss how her parents winced hearing about “the Great One” and his injuries. 
They hadn’t said a word about Danny - Fenton or Phantom - since Frostbite’s slip-up. It only put her that much more on edge. Sooner or later, Danny would return, and if Mom and Dad were going to flip out and shoot him on sight, she wanted to at least have the chance to warn him.
As it was, she couldn’t tell what they were thinking. Her mother’s poker face was nothing short of perfect, and her father, though he often wore his heart on his sleeve, was strangely stoic about it all. If there was one thing Jazz hated, it was not knowing things, and not knowing their thoughts on Danny was killing her. 
She could only hope and pray. The fact that they weren't actively trying to gun down Frostbite was a good sign at least. 
But for the time being, she pushed those thoughts away. “Believe me, I know plenty about head injuries. I wouldn’t be wanting to go back out there if I thought it was serious enough.”
“I don't think the person with the concussion should be making that judgment ,” Mom said. “You won't be going anywhere until we know you're safe.” 
Jazz frowned. Was that a hint of hysteria in her voice?
Yeah, that couldn't be a good sign. 
Still, her words gave Jazz an opening. “Alright, fine! Whatever! It's not like the world is ending or anything, in case you haven't noticed. Why aren't you guys out there, at least?” Maybe if she could convince them to go back to the fight, she’d have a chance to catch Danny before they saw him. Maybe she’d have a chance to warn him.
Her parents didn't answer. They exchanged a glance that Jazz couldn't read, and Dad’s shoulders sagged. He opened his mouth. “We -” 
“What's going on here?” 
Jazz’s eyes snapped up to see Valerie hovering just behind her parents and Frostbite; Wes clung to Valerie with his eyes screwed tightly shut. Her parents turned at the sound of Valerie’s voice, and though Jazz couldn’t see her mom’s eyes behind the red-tinted goggles, she could only imagine the look on her face.
Her dad, however, beamed widely. “The Huntress!” he exclaimed, grabbing at Mom’s arm like an overexcited child.
To her credit, Valerie avoided wincing too strongly. “Yeah, that’s… me.”
“Did you find him?” Jazz asked. She didn’t bother to hide the anxiety in her voice.
Valerie frowned, but nodded. “Yeah, but he’s… well…”
“Can we maybe have this conversation on the ground?” Wes asked shakily. Valerie responded with a roll of her eyes, practically shoving him off her. He stumbled the short distance to the ground and collapsed spread-eagle on the street. “Thanks,” he muttered.
Dad’s nose crinkled in confusion. “Uh… is this the backup you were talking about, Jazzy-pants?”
Jazz ignored him. “What do you mean? Where is he?” she asked Valerie.
“It’s okay, I’m here!” a voice called out. A moment later, Danny - as Phantom - pulled up beside Valerie. “I’m here.” Jazz’s breath caught in her throat. She had known, of course, that Danny had gone to get the Crown of Fire, but for some reason, it hadn’t crossed her mind that he would have to wear it. Granted, the crown on his head now was most definitely not on fire, but she thought the frosted look complemented him much better than fire. The way it sat on his head, and the way the cloak he wore rippled in the breeze and caught the light…
He looked regal. Like he really was a king. 
It made her heart swell with pride. Her baby brother… he had come so far. She’d never doubted his leadership abilities, not really. His common sense could be… debatable at times, but her brother had a good heart. He was still young, of course, and the thought of him being a monarch had never occurred to her, but in that moment, Jazz couldn’t help but think that the role suited him.
She must have shown it on her face, because Danny caught her eye, and his hand flew up to the back of his neck. “It’s a long story…” he muttered sheepishly, his cheeks growing green. 
Jazz opened her mouth to respond, but Dad stood up abruptly, cutting her off. Mentally, she kicked herself. She’d gotten so distracted by his arrival, she’d forgotten about their parents.
Danny instantly paled. Whatever he saw in Dad’s face, it couldn’t have been good. Jazz tried to stand, to intercept him, but Frostbite gently held her down. “Easy,” he rumbled quietly. “Do not act prematurely.”
Of course, she wanted to protest that, but she quickly became distracted by her father’s slow approach towards Danny. Her mother wasn’t too far behind. 
Danny’s hand twisted into the cloak, and he averted his gaze. “Look,” he began shakily, “I… I get it if you hate me, and - and I… I’ll let you hunt me down or tear me apart or whatever you want, but please, you have to let me stop all this first, or there isn’t gonna be a world for you to tear me apart in. I just need to - mmph!”
Jazz squeaked and clapped her hands to her mouth as Dad lunged forward. She pushed Frostbite’s paw away to stumble to her feet. She had to get there first, had to stop him from hurting Danny - 
 - but her heart stuttered to a stop as Dad wrapped Danny in a tight embrace.
“Danny,” he said, his voice cracking. “We were so worried… You have no idea…”
A stunned Danny returned the hug as Mom pulled down her hood and glommed on to his other side. “You don’t… hate me?” he asked, his voice muffled by their dad’s burly form.
“Listen to me, Danny,” Mom said, peeling him out of Dad’s arms and holding him by the shoulders. She looked him firm in the eye. “No matter what you do, no matter what you are, we could never, ever hate you. Never, do you hear me?”
Jazz could see the tears glistening in the corners of Danny’s eyes even from where she sat. His lower lip quivered the slightest bit before he threw his arms around Mom’s shoulders. “I’m so sorry,” he said hoarsely. “I should’ve told you forever ago, but I just…”
“It’s okay, sweetie,” their mom said, rubbing circles into his back. “It’s okay. We’ll have time to… to figure it all out.”
“Yeah, assuming the world doesn’t end first,” Wes snarked from his position on the ground. Jazz shot him a heated glare. 
Valerie simply looked away and folded her arms across her chest. Jazz frowned. Something clearly wasn’t sitting right with her, but…
“Wait,” Dad said, furrowing his brow, “what’s this about the world ending?”
“It’s okay,” Jazz said. “The world isn’t going to end. Danny’s going to make sure of it.” Maybe she’d have felt more sure of her words if there hadn’t been a gaping hole in the sky threatening to rip reality apart, but someone had to look on the bright side.
Their parents glanced between the two of them. “What do you mean?” Mom asked slowly.
Before either of them could answer, another wayward ectoblast flew overhead, crashing into the roof of the building right above them. Huge chunks of rubble broke off of the building and began to plummet straight towards them.
Valerie reacted quickly, pulling Wes up by his shirt collar and grabbing Jazz to drag them to safety. Danny and Frostbite reacted just as quickly by throwing up ectoplasmic shields. The rubble slammed into them, then slid off the shields and away from the rest of the group.
Valerie whipped her head towards the battle. “I think I’m… gonna go help them,” she said. She flew off before Jazz could say anything, leaving nothing but a cloud of dust in her wake.
“I need to go help too,” Danny said thickly. He stared after Valerie. “It’s… that’s what I’m supposed to do. If I can beat him, everything will go back to normal… Mostly, anyway.” His hand twitched up towards his head.
Mom whipped her head in the direction of the battle. “Him?” she asked, nodding to where Pariah Dark and the lava-haired Ancient were still fiercely fighting each other. To Jazz’s horror, the Ancient seemed to be losing ground. 
“Precisely,” Frostbite said jovially. How he could manage such a tone in these circumstances was beyond Jazz. “Once the Great One is able to defeat Pariah Dark, he can assume the throne and put the Heart of the Infinite Realms at ease! It’s quite simple, really.”
“Assume the - wait!” Wes shot upright. “You’re telling me that dumb crown isn’t just some weird costume?”
Danny flushed green, and his hand flew up to the back of his neck. “I, ah… like I said, it’s a long story.” He glanced at Mom and Dad. “I’m really sorry, believe me, I wish I could’ve told you differently, and I definitely wish it wasn’t the case, but…”
Jazz watched as Mom’s gaze drifted up to the crown on Danny’s head, as if she were just now noticing it. “What throne?” she asked weakly.
“Um… it kind of maybe sort of might be… the throne of the entire Ghost Zone?” Danny replied with a sheepish grin.
Dad scratched his head. “When did this happen?”
Danny’s face grew sober again. “I don’t know. I only just found out a few hours ago myself.” His eyes flicked away from their parents, down at his feet.
A pang of sympathy struck Jazz’s heart. Sure, Danny looked the part of a king, and somehow, she had no trouble believing he was the king, despite her earlier confusion, but somehow it had escaped her that he had barely had enough time to process everything. That everything was happening so quickly. 
And their parents… it had to be equally difficult for them to process. They had only just learned their son’s true identity less than an hour ago, and now they were finding out he was essentially the heir to the throne of a world full of the same beings they had once sworn to annihilate. It would be a lot for anyone.
And so it nearly brought Jazz to tears when she saw Dad fight to plaster a smile onto his face. He placed a gentle hand on Danny’s shoulder. “Hey,” he said in a tone entirely too quiet for Jack Fenton, “it’s okay. Like your mother said, we’ll have time to figure it all out.”
Danny still didn’t look up. “Yeah,” he said, barely audible. “We’ll have time.”
His tone told Jazz he didn’t believe that in the slightest.
An ear-splitting roar shattered the moment. Everyone slapped their hands over their ears. Jazz only just managed to catch a glimpse of Danny gasping and hunching in on himself, clutching at his sternum.
A wave of hot air washed over Jazz. Trembling, she peered around the rubble, only to gasp in horror at the sight of the little girl Ancient bleeding lava all over the four-armed Ancient. She was still alive - as alive as a ghost could be anyway, but it was evident even from a hundred yards away that she was fully incapacitated. Pandora still fought with the knight, but everyone else - Sam, Tucker, Valerie, the other Ancients, even the thrall army - had practically frozen in place. 
The most terrifying sight of all was the evil ghost king, looming over the street, staring straight at her.
No, staring straight at Danny.
“Come and meet your fate, little Prince!” he called mockingly. His voice reverberated over the street, causing buildings to rumble ominously. “Or will you take the coward’s way out?”
For a moment, the only sound that could be heard was the humming of the rip in the sky. Jazz held her breath as Danny glanced at their parents, then gently pushed Dad’s hand off his shoulder and took to the air.
“It doesn’t have to be this way,” he called back. “Just… give me the Ring before things get worse.”
Pariah laughed, a menacing sound that sent chills down Jazz’s spine. “Why should I surrender what is rightfully mine?”
Danny's eyes flared. “That power’s not yours. It’s mine.”
Jazz blinked at the sudden shift in Danny’s tone. It was still his voice, yes, but there was something about it…
Pariah roared wordlessly again. “Never!” he snarled. “Kilaris is MINE!”
With a guttural yell, he launched himself at Danny. Jazz could’ve sworn she saw a bright white light flare from the crown on Danny’s head, just momentarily, but when she blinked, it was gone, and Danny too had charged forward. The two collided in a blinding explosion of red and green.
Mom and Dad moved to follow Danny, but Frostbite held a paw up. “No,” he said, his voice somber and heavy. “This is not a fight you can help him with. He must win this by his power alone.”
“Listen here,” Mom snapped. “I don’t care how you do it in your world, but I will not stand by and watch my son fight some impossible battle on his own! I - we are going to help him, whether you like it or not!”
“I understand.” Frostbite flinched and threw up a shield just in time to stop another huge chunk of building from crushing them all. “But though you may not be able to help him in combat, there are other ways you can help him.” He glanced at Jazz. “Keeping your daughter and his friend safe, for one.”
“Pfft. Me? Friends with Fenton? Fat chance,” Wes scoffed. 
“He will be able to fight with a sound mind if you help him protect yourselves and the other humans,” Frostbite continued, ignoring Wes. “And I must go and help my colleague.”
Mom turned, watching the battle with helpless eyes. “But… Danny -”
“ - will be just fine. But we must give him a fighting chance by helping elsewhere.”
“He’s right,” Dad said quietly, taking Mom’s hand. “We have to help get Jazz out of here. It’s getting too dangerous.”
“I told you, I’m fine! I can help too!”
Another explosion rang overhead. Jazz yelped and ducked as an enormous bolt of green energy flew over her head. It came close enough that she could feel its cold aura graze the top of her scalp. 
“Y-you know, on second thought, I think I’m with Yeti Man over here,” Wes muttered, cowering behind a fallen wall. Jazz had to resist the urge to roll her eyes.
Her attention, however, quickly turned back to Mom. Again, she found herself wishing she could read minds. She could see the gears turning in her mother’s head after all, but Mom’s stoic face didn’t give her true thoughts away. 
Jazz hated not knowing things.
Then Mom’s jaw tightened, and Jazz’s heart fell. She knew that look. “We’re getting you two to safety,” Mom said. Then, giving Frostbite a pointed look, she added, “And then we’re coming back to help Danny.”
Frostbite closed his eyes. “You will only distract him from what he needs to do. It is not wise.”
“That might be what you think,” Mom said as she bent down to help Wes stand, “but he's my son. I've let him struggle alone for too long.” Her voice cracked. “I have to start… making it up to him…”
“I assure you, the Great One does not bear any ill will towards you,” Frostbite said, frowning in sympathy. “This is not the time to begin ‘making amends’, though.”
Mom opened her mouth to retort again, but Dad laid a hand on her shoulder. “C'mon, Mads. We can figure it out later. Right now, we've gotta help these two.”
It was strange seeing her father being the rational, calm one, but Jazz chalked it up to the weirdness of the day. It was the only way she could keep it all straight in her head. 
Mom shot Frostbite one last hard glare before leading Wes towards the RV sitting down the road. Dad scooped Jazz up into his arms and began carrying her to the RV, much to her embarrassment. 
She opened her mouth to protest, but he cut her off. “Don’t you worry, Jazzy-pants!” he said. His tone was bright as always, but Jazz could tell it was at least somewhat forced. “Soon as you’re safe, we’ll get right back out there and help Danny kick some evil ghost king butt!”
Jazz bit her lip. “What about what Frostbite said? About… interfering?”
Her dad hesitated before answering. “I’m sure he’s wrong. You can’t trust a ghost, after all!” His face froze as soon as the words left his mouth. “I mean, uh, not Danny of course! He’s different.”
She didn’t quite know how to respond to that. That… was a misconception they’d have to clear up sooner or later.
As she peered over Dad’s shoulder, back towards where Danny was fighting tooth and nail against Pariah, she hoped there would actually be a sooner or later.
“Be careful, little brother,” she whispered to herself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The thread flickered.
Clockwork frowned as he allowed it to flow across his hands and in between his fingers. This certainly was the correct timeline, he knew that without a doubt, but its flickering concerned him greatly. It had been so strong when Vlad Plamius made the decision to allow Danny the Crown, but now…
He closed his eyes as he sifted through time. Before, the future had been as clear to him as any other. Now though, he could only see up to a certain point before it was obscured behind what felt like a thick wall of mist. There was still a future there, yes, but not one he could see.
It was, in a word, unusual.
“My dear Kilaris, what are you up to?” he murmured as he let the thread of the timeline slip from his fingers and back into the broader tangle of Time. Its flicker became swallowed up by the combined glow of the cluster of timelines, but Clockwork knew it was still present.
His eyes drifted to one of his time windows. The same image of Danny exiting the portal that he had watched just an hour or so ago played out again, this time in real time. A thin trail of frost followed in his wake as he flew to meet his family. The frost shimmered briefly in the ethereal light of the rip in the sky above, leaving a silky, glowing strand, almost like - 
- ah. Of course.
“Must you always be so overdramatic?” Clockwork said aloud, the semblance of a grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. 
He rested his hands on top of his staff. He knew what needed to happen now. 
It was only a matter of time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fighting Pariah was nothing like it had been the first time around.
Before, Danny had been fighting in a clunky mech-suit. True, it had helped enhance his powers (until it tried to kill him), but it had made his movements equally clunky and stiff. He’d needed to adapt to the added weight and size quickly, but it still cost him when he took a few crucial hits.
This time he was not bound by any suit. He was free to move as he pleased, using the advantage of his smaller form to move with agility and speed that Pariah did not possess. He could dive in close for a punch or a kick, then turn on a dime and dart away. He wouldn’t have been able to do that in the Ecto-Skeleton. 
There was also the fact that he had the help of the Ancients. True, it looked like Pele had taken some nasty hits from Pariah and would be down for the count, but the others were still going strong especially with Zunje now, keeping the Fright Knight and the thrall army at bay. He didn’t like seeing Sam and Tucker down there in the fray, so close to his own battle with Pariah, but there wasn’t much he could do about it.
And then there was the Crown. It remained secure on his head, feeding him a power that buzzed through his veins and his core, making him feel like he’d just taken six shots of espresso mixed with pure ectoplasm. It was an exhilarating feeling, one that made him wish he’d actually used the Crown when he’d had the chance, during his first fight with Pariah.
(A wish he immediately scolded himself for.)
Danny gritted his teeth as he threw up another ectoplasmic shield, this one with a thick coating of ice thanks to the power of the Crown. It helped protect him from Pariah’s elemental attacks, which ran much hotter than his own.
Ectoplasmic fire exploded across the shield, and Danny could feel its heat as it curled around the edges towards him. He had to dig his heels into the air to brace himself against the sheer force of the hit. 
Pariah didn’t give him a chance to fire back. No sooner had Danny lowered his shield did he see Pariah lunging for him, fangs bared and a fiery, maniacal look in his lone eye. Danny yelped and darted to the side, just barely missing Pariah’s fist. 
Danny tried to respond with his own blast of ectoplasm, the Crown’s power coursing through him, but Pariah deflected it easily with his mace. The blast ricocheted off of it and into the street. Danny gasped as it flew right over Jazz’s head, just barely missing her by a foot.
That turned out to be a mistake. He should’ve known better than to let himself get distracted. It gave Pariah the opportunity to take another swing with his mace, catching Danny in the gut and sending him crashing into the ground. 
Danny gripped his stomach and swallowed down a cry. The mace’s sharp spikes were not just for decoration, it seemed; they’d dug mercilessly into his torso, leaving him with deep, ragged gashes. The fall into the street hadn’t been too kind on his ribs, either. He could already feel the Crown diverting some of its power to the injuries, trying to heal him as quickly as possible.
Pariah roared as he dove for Danny, fire exploding to life around his fist. Danny managed to roll out of the way, and Pariah’s fist slammed into the street, cracking it even more. In any other fight, Danny probably would’ve tried to make some snarky comment about how the potholes in Amity Park were already bad enough and they didn’t need more, but he was still struggling to get air back in his lungs. Not to mention he found it much harder to crack jokes in the middle of his more serious fights, mostly because he had to concentrate on not getting beaten to a pulp.
As Danny rolled, out of the corner of his eye, he saw his father scoop Jazz into his arms. Mom helped Wes up, and they ran towards the RV, which was still parked haphazardly down the road. Miraculously, it was still standing. 
He could almost breathe a sigh of relief. He still didn’t know if Sam and Tucker were safe or if they were still out there fighting the skeleton army, but knowing his family (and Wes) were safe offered him a little bit of reassurance.
Focus. Do not lose sight of the goal.
Right. The Ring. He still had to get that. Somehow.
It was going to be much easier said than done. Getting it off of Pariah’s hand seemed impossible, especially with the relentless drive of the king’s attacks. Danny barely had the chance to recover and launch his own attacks, let alone come up with a plan to swipe the Ring. 
He forced himself up and into the air. His cloak flared with cold energy as he allowed ice to gather in his hands. That was another advantage he had this time around - the help from his elemental core. His ice attacks were some of his strongest, and he silently thanked whatever unseen force had granted him an ice core as he loosed the energy all at once, freezing Pariah’s entire arm to the street.
You’re welcome, little Prince.
Danny almost stopped in midair. That remark definitely sent a flurry of questions flying through his head, but he had to keep his attention on Pariah. We’re not done with this, he still thought back.
Of course not. You still have much to learn.
He didn’t think the Heart meant it as a dig, but he still mentally stuck his tongue out. Even if he didn’t have time to ask questions, he could still be sassy. No one could take his sass away.
It was strange how much clearer the voice in his head seemed now that he had the Crown on. It had been clear before, but there was a new clarity to it, like when his eye doctor gave him a new prescription for his contacts. He supposed it made sense; now, he had that direct contact.
It still didn’t explain why the voice sounded like his own train of thought sometimes.
Even stranger was the feeling of the power offered to him by Kilaris. It was stronger than the power he’d had while wearing the Ecto-Skeleton, and that had probably been the time when he was the most powerful throughout the past two years. It helped that unlike the Ecto-Skeleton, the Crown did not drain him of his energy as he used it; instead, it continuously fueled him, pouring more and more power into his body, like it could never run out. It was thrilling, this feeling of endless energy. His core practically vibrated from it all.
At the same time though, fear nagged at him. This was how it felt with just the Crown on. How much worse would it be once he got the Ring too? The thought sent a chill down his spine, and he found himself subconsciously beginning to suppress his core. Suppress the ceaseless power flooding into him.
Why stop the power you are meant to have? 
Danny swallowed. 
That’s exactly what he was afraid of.
It all passed through his mind in the few seconds it took for Pariah to begin trying to melt the ice securing him to the ground. “Why you little -!” 
More ice pooled in Danny’s hands. “Sorry,” he said as he re-froze Pariah’s hand to the street. “You just looked like you needed to chill out.”
Pariah bellowed, and the ice cracked and shattered. “Impertinent child!” he sneered. “When I am in control once more -”
“Save it!” Danny fired off a round of concentrated bolts of ice in quick succession, forcing Pariah to retreat a little. “I already told you, the Heart’s not yours anymore! It hasn’t been for a long time!”
“And you dare presume it is yours?” Pariah said. He quickly gained back the ground he had lost by leaping at Danny again.
Of course, Danny easily flew out of the way. “I don’t ‘presume’ anything!” he shouted. “I already know!”
It probably wasn’t the smartest thing to say, and he really didn’t like the taste the words left in his mouth, but if he’d learned anything throughout his career as Danny Phantom, it was that his opponents got sloppy when he riled them up. Snarking at them just happened to be the easiest way to do so.
Is it truly “snark” if you speak the truth?
In spite of himself, Danny almost laughed. If you’re gonna be stuck with me, you better get used to the snark, whether it’s true or not. We come as a package deal.
He ducked out of the way of another punch. He didn’t recover quick enough; by the time he managed to turn around to face the king, an entire wall of red energy was surging at him. There wasn’t time to fly around it. It struck him with a force so strong, he was thrown back more than a hundred yards.
His ribs groaned in pain as he slammed into the concrete and skidded back a few more yards for good measure. Nausea churned in his stomach from the blow, and he had to resist the urge to lean over and throw up. All too soon, Pariah was on top of him again, swinging his mace.
Knowing there was no way he could move in time, Danny turned intangible and allowed himself to sink into the ground. He counted to three, just enough time to get his nausea under control, then called ectoplasm to his hands. With the Crown’s power, the energy’s green glow was so bright, it almost seemed white.
It wasn’t difficult to track Pariah’s hot ecto-signature underground. Danny lined himself up underneath him, then sprang from the ground. His blazing fists collided straight with Pariah’s jaw. It didn’t push Pariah back like he had hoped, but it distracted him long enough for Danny to fire his ectoplasm in one long, continuous blast. 
Pariah growled under Danny’s onslaught before finally bringing up a red shield. “You truly think this will be enough to stop me?”
Danny didn’t let up. “I’ll do whatever it takes to stop a monster like you from hurting the Realms again.”
“Really now?” Pariah twisted his shield into a blast of his own. It pushed against Danny’s, and he once again had to dig his heels into the air behind him to keep from being thrown back again. “Then why don’t you?”
Danny’s heart skipped a beat, and his attack faltered for the briefest of moments. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I think you do,” Pariah said, laughing. “I have seen you. I have seen your fears, your doubts…”
“You don’t know me at all!” Danny yelled. Frustration distracted him, and he unwillingly drew on the Crown’s power to fuel his blast. “Just ‘cause you got in my head once doesn’t mean anything!”
“Poor little Prince,” Pariah cooed mockingly, as if Danny hadn’t even spoken. “This is why you are weak. This is why you will fail to protect everything you stand for. You are nothing more than a scared child.”
Danny couldn’t stop the anger-fueled energy pouring into him and, subsequently, pouring out of his hands. The Crown was all too happy to supply it. It just responded to him too easily. It responded to his resentment of Pariah, his frustration at the tyrant king’s insinuation that he was a coward, his rage at the fact that Pariah refused to hand over what was rightfully Danny’s -
Danny screwed his eyes shut tightly. That last one, he knew it was the Crown’s influence, but he couldn’t stop it. It was all coming too hard, too fast, too strong, and it was thrilling. The power flooding through the Crown just felt so right, like maybe he really was meant to have it all along.
He wanted to throw up.
The power demanded a release. It thrummed against Danny’s skin, coursing through his core, making his green ectoblast grow brighter and brighter until it was nearly a blinding white. It would not remain bound for much longer.
And so with a guttural yell, he unleashed it.
He wasn’t entirely sure what happened - the rush of energy leaving him all at once had left him overwhelmed and disoriented - but when he opened his eyes, the whole block had a thin layer of ice covering it, sparkling in the ethereal light of the rip above. Large branches of the trees in front of the buildings had frozen and cracked off the trunks, shattering on the ground below. He could see at least one downed power line. 
Pariah had fallen to the ground, into a huge crater Danny swore hadn’t been there before. Crystals of frost coated his hair and his cape. He slowly sat up, rubbing his head, clearly just as disoriented as Danny.
Danny stared at his hands in horror. Did I really do that?
The Heart didn’t answer him. He couldn’t tell if that was good or bad. 
Probably bad. For him, anyway.
And in that moment, he swore to himself he’d never allow the Crown to give him that much power ever again. Never.
(No matter how right it had felt to control it.)
Pariah’s cough caught his attention. “You…” he muttered before stopping abruptly.
Danny’s breath caught in his throat as Pariah’s lone eye fell on the Crown sitting on his head. For just a brief moment, the world seemed to screech to a halt around them, and a silence filled the air, so thick it left a dusty taste in Danny’s mouth. Even the rip in the sky above seemed to pause in its yawning.
Then a fire sparked to life behind that one eye and a wave of heat crashed over Danny, nearly knocking him over. The roar Pariah let loose chilled Danny to the bone and left a whiny ringing in his ears. He didn’t even bother to try and stand his ground against a rage so strong; he simply turned and rocketed off in the other direction.
Just in the nick of time too, it seemed, as Pariah lunged after him. In an instant, a flurry - no, a storm of scarlet ectoblasts surrounded Danny. He twisted and ducked and dived and put all his flying skills to the test trying to dodge them all. It was difficult, since the blasts were all coming from behind him, but strangely enough, he felt as though he could sense them in the air as they flew at him, like he could just tell where they were without looking. 
“Is that you?” he asked as he narrowly avoided yet another attack.
On the contrary. It is you, little Prince.
“That makes zero se- agghh!” A blast clipped Danny’s side, sending a flare of white hot pain up his ribcage. The blast was strong enough to send him careening off course, and he couldn’t stop himself from colliding with a building and plummeting to the street below. His head hit hard enough to cause his vision to go black.
He groaned pitifully as he laid on the road. The pain shooting through his side felt as though it was trying to burn straight through him, even in spite of the cloak and Crown’s efforts to heal him. Something sticky and wet pooled underneath the hand gripping his side.
For a minute, he just laid there, fruitlessly trying to will the pain away. Unbidden memories of being in a very similar pain in a very similar fight began to well up. He forced them back down. Not right now.
A blood-curdling scream had his eyes flying back open.
Vision half-blurry from the fall to the ground, Danny pried his head up off the street and looked. In front of him was the elementary school, surrounded by a shimmering green ghost shield. Normally, he wouldn’t have cared, since it was after school hours and the building would normally be empty, but his eyes landed on a small crowd of civilians, hovering near the inner edge of the shield and watching the battle with fear in their eyes. The scream had come from a little girl no older than six, covering her mouth in horror and pointing at him.
No, pointing behind him.
With a grunt of pain and a tremendous effort, Danny took to the sky again, wobbling in midair. Pariah’s boots slammed into the street not a second later, right where he had been laying. 
This was bad. This was really getting bad. He was injured, and though the Crown and the cloak kept his energy levels high enough for the most part, he was devoting too much energy to the fight to focus any towards healing himself. Energy didn’t exactly help when it was his physical body that was damaged. 
And now there was the fact that he had a slew of people behind him, huddling underneath a ghost shield. True, it would protect them from Pariah, and it would protect them from stray blasts, but rubble could easily go flying in, or someone could step out of the protected radius. It was too dangerous to keep the battle this close to them.
(Not to mention he saw more than one cell phone out and recording, and that definitely set him on edge.)
He tried to dart away from the shield, but Pariah managed to snag his collar as he whizzed by. He gagged and his hands flew up to his throat. 
“A coward!” Pariah cackled. “That is who you are! Fleeing from the battle? Fleeing from those under your protection?” He threw Danny into yet another building. “And Kilaris dares deem you worthy?”
“So you admit it,” Danny coughed. His hand gripped his side again. “That the Heart wants me over you.” Not that he was crazy keen on that fact.
Pariah’s face morphed into a dark frown. “The Heart’s opinion is worthless!” he snapped. “It is I who controls Kilaris! Its will bends to me!”
In spite of the pain and every instinct telling him not to, Danny shot Pariah a cocky, albeit weak, grin. “Bet.”
He had to keep from laughing at the stunned look on Pariah’s face. It was clearly not the response he had been expecting to his declaration, and the fact that Danny had been able to catch him off guard that badly was priceless.
The humor didn’t last long, though. In the blink of an eye, Pariah was charging at him again. This time, Danny anticipated it enough to be able to phase back through the building. He emerged at the ground level, underneath Pariah, who was still looking for him. 
Danny moved to leap up once more, but his ribs screamed in protest. He hissed as he tried to keep from doubling over.
The cloak’s interior had to be sub-zero at this point, it was working overtime. Another layer of frost was beginning to glaze over it. The Crown too grew colder on his head, feeding pulse after pulse of energy into him.
You have been holding back, little Prince. The power has the capability to heal you and aid you in battle simultaneously, but you must let go of your fears if you are to use its true potential.
Danny didn’t answer. He was too distracted barely dodging Pariah’s mace and firing up a barrage of ice at him to do so. 
There was also the little fact that he didn’t want to answer. He didn’t want to… couldn’t acknowledge…
Yet he couldn’t deny just how badly his core wanted it. The memory of how that power had felt just those few minutes ago burned through his head, and his core jumped in earnest. 
He gritted his teeth and forced his core to quiet. It would be fine.
It had to be.
As soon as the ice left his hands, though, he collapsed in on himself once more, clutching his bleeding side. It was long enough of a distraction for Pariah to slam his feet into the street, causing enough of a quake to knock Danny off his feet and to the ground. 
Okay, so maybe it wouldn't be so fine. 
Pariah swung his mace down again, and Danny responded with a green shield. It was too hasty, not properly formed, and it shattered underneath the force. Danny yelped and tried to roll away, but the mace still clipped his back, tearing open the skin there. 
Yeah, definitely not so fine. 
The temptation to give in and let the Crown flood him once more was growing by the minute. Danny didn't know how long he could sustain himself with all these injuries, let alone how he could win the fight and take the Ring. His core ached to be filled by the Heart's power. He knew that if he let it happen, it would almost guarantee his victory.
But his eye caught the ghost shield behind him, where the crowd of civilians stood watching him with horror painted on their faces. He remembered just how badly he had destroyed the block over when he'd let the Crown's power overwhelm him, and his stomach flipped. No way could he put his people in that sort of danger. 
You can control it, little Prince. You are more than capable. 
Again, Danny didn't respond. The battle consumed too much of his focus. Gasping against the flare of hot pain, he took to the air once more to avoid yet another swing of Pariah’s mace. It missed him by a hair. He raised his hands once more to answer with an attack of his own, and - 
It was instinct. He turned his head at the sound of his mother calling his name. 
It was the worst mistake he could’ve made.
He met his mom’s eyes for just a moment, but it was a moment enough for Pariah to make his move. Danny didn’t register the heat moving behind him until it was too late. He turned around just in time to see Pariah’s hand flying towards him.
Reflexively, he turned intangible in the nick of time. Pariah’s hand sailed harmlessly through his head and out the other side. His tangibility returned, and he reached out to return the attack.
It wasn’t until an emptiness unlike any other hit him like a brick wall that he realized it hadn’t been him Pariah had been gunning for. 
Danny immediately dropped to his knees and doubled over in pain as his core cried out. Just like at Vlad’s, his core felt like it had been ripped straight from his chest and drained of all its energy. Cold air surrounded him as his cloak flared to life, trying desperately to compensate for the lost energy. The only sound was his frantically pulsing heart in his ears, and he couldn’t catch his breath enough to shout.
It hurt. Ancients, it hurt.
And unlike at Vlad’s, the emptiness pressed on. 
Danny managed to look up as panic bubbled to the surface. His stomach only churned worse when he saw Pariah standing in front of him with a wild grin, holding the Crown that had been sitting on Danny’s head.
“You should’ve surrendered when you had the chance, little Prince,” he said.
Danny tried to respond, but couldn’t. It was too much. The void inside him felt like it was about to swallow him whole, just like the void above was threatening to swallow Amity Park. 
Please, he begged in a fit of desperation, help me!
The Heart didn’t respond.
“It cannot help you now, child,” Pariah Dark laughed, as if he had read Danny’s mind. “Not when it is finally back in the hands of its true master.”
And as Pariah laughed once more and raised the Crown to put it on his head, Danny lifted a feeble hand towards him, trying to call up his ice, his ectoplasm, his anything, anything that could stop him. He couldn’t feel his power, he couldn’t feel his core, he couldn’t feel his Heart - 
Pariah roared in pain. Danny’s head snapped up to see him drop a steaming Crown. It landed on the street with a loud clatter as Pariah held his also-steaming hand close to his chest.
“You!” he bellowed, glaring daggers at the Crown. “You will yield! That power is MINE!”
Danny ignored him. He had zeroed in on the Crown and begun to drag himself toward it. Somewhere in the back of his head, he realized he probably looked absolutely ridiculous right now, and it pained him to think about how badly he wanted - needed to get the Crown back, but he didn’t care.
He couldn’t tell if he was simply imagining it, but he could almost feel a little tendril of power, reaching out to him, trying to hook into his core, trying to pull him closer.
Pariah roared again, and Danny had to retreat back into the cooling comfort of his cloak as a wall of heat crashed into him. “No!” he snarled. “If you will not bow to me, then you will have no one!” With a shout that shook Danny to his bones, Pariah snatched the Ring from his finger and threw it down next to the Crown with such force that it formed a little crater.
Danny’s heart began to pound even faster. This was it. This was his chance. He just had to move - 
But he never made it. Pariah unleashed a terrible scream, and then hot, red energy poured from his hands.
Straight onto the Crown and the Ring.
If losing the Crown had hurt, Pariah’s attack on it was excruciating. Danny gripped his head and his core, unsure if he was the one screaming or if it was someone else or if he was just imagining it. 
“Stop!” he managed to gasp. “You - hurting…”
But Pariah paid him no mind. Instead, he yelled louder, and another barrage of energy slammed into the Crown and Ring. Danny reacted as though he had been the one to get hit, falling to his stomach and crying out soundlessly.
He could barely see the Crown and Ring through Pariah’s onslaught, but when he finally gathered the strength to lift his head and look, his entire being froze.
A crack appeared in the Crown.
And now he was sure he wasn’t imagining the scream of pain because it definitely had to be him with how his core cracked too, and there was definitely another voice screaming in harmony with his and Ancients, of course it would be screaming, with the way Pariah - 
“I am the power of the Realms!” Pariah roared, and another crack appeared in the Crown. 
Danny reached out one last time, but he knew it was fruitless. There was no way…
Danny cried out.
The Crown and Ring cried out.
Kilaris cried out.
And then
s h a
t t
e r e
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emillyverse · 7 months
Production stages of the Fan Comic of "The Wish Kingdom" !!!
(written by @annymation)
And as promised, here is the "schedule" I said I was putting together for the Comic fic production process.
In the end, this isn't really a "timeline", it's more like a list of what I'll do to build the comic. I want to make all the processes very clear and described to give you an idea of how it will be done and a small idea of how long it will take.
Remembering that I am a human being, not an AI to do things quickly, I have another life beyond networks and this project.
Besides the fact that none of us are being paid to do this comic (although I really wanted to, I'm not going to lie), all of this is being done on the basis of love, affection, positivity and adoration for the initial concepts dispensed by Disney, their classic films that really made that company grow and the main messages conveyed by Walt Disney while he was still alive: "If you can dream something, you can make it happen!" and "It's fun to do the impossible!"
So please be patient and kind to me and the entire team! I already love, adore and thank everyone willing to follow our project.
Well… Let's get started!
1- Rereading and Separating the text:
Starting today (02/26/2024) I will be re-reading Anny's fanfic, separating all of her text into scenes, highlighting the following points:
Characters (designs made by @uva124)
Speeches and facial expressions - the message
Thus defining "who says what, how and in which place?"
Since I will be doing the setting art myself, as the story progresses, I would really appreciate a little help. I'm guessing if you're reading this you've probably already read The Kingdom of Wishes and consequently imagined the scenarios! If you find any images online that remind you of the locations of the scenes in your mind, you can send them to me as a reference! I'm always open to references for drawings!
2- Make the "Thumbnails"
I don't know what term foreigners use to define the thumbnails that make up the first drafts of comics, but here in Brazil, we call them "Doll", in reference to the fact that the sketches are a "test doll" for the comic strip .
Anyway, I digress! It is at this stage that I define the composition of the scenes through sketches. This is where I define what appears or not in the scene, what the scene will be focused on, how I will guide the reader's eye by the meaning of reading the scene, where the lines, the characters, their movements and others will be located… It's a planning phase on how to portray the scenes; the most complex I would say.
3- Review
Here I take a break for two days or three days at most, to relax and forget about the project for a bit. I come back with new energy and review everything that was done, ask for opinions and suggestions from the team, in short, I give a great evaluation and improvement in everything!
4 - Finalization and Publication
In this last step, I transform the sketches into final artwork using graphite pencils, colored pencils and pens that I have available.
When they are all finished, I will publish the comics here and on all my social networks!
I would like to say that yes, I will be posting spoilers for all these stages, watch them at your own risk!
Remembering that English is not my native language, so I really hope everything was understandable! But if you have any questions, you can send questions to me or any member of the team!
And if you want to know a little more about my arts, you can check out my Instagram!
Kisses full of light and stars!
Let's work!!
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accirax · 8 months
Fourth Anniversary Art Analysis
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(Credits to DRDTdev for the art, obviously. Please support the original post.)
Yeah guys, this is definitely Charles, trust me. (/j)
In all seriousness, the reveal of what Teruko's brother (more or less) looks like got me thinking about a couple of things. I'd like to ramble about them in a space less directly linked to the public fourth anniversary art!
The first is that we've (basically) confirmed that Teruko's brother is older than her, something that I don't think we actually technically knew until now! I always got those kind of vibes, but it's nice to know for sure.
The second is something that most people have picked up on-- his white hair color. Between DRDT and altDRDT, the only people who we've seen with white hair up to this point are XF and Dandelion (I think those are the names people agreed upon???). Both of those seem... unlikely to be Teruko's brother, although, for what it's worth, they do both use he/him pronouns. That's not to say that Teruko's brother couldn't have dyed his hair after he and Teruko last parted, and still be someone else we know, like Teacher. However, I could also easily believe that DRDTdev may have wanted to draw this art as a soft disconfirmation of the "Teacher is Teruko's brother" theory before people got in too deep. It's too bad, though, I did like that one.
One of the reasons why I liked it was because of the synergy with Teruko's favorite color being red due to "association." However, even if Teruko's brother still is Teacher, it seems like he has no red in his design as of the last time Teruko saw him. I suppose red could still be his eye color, but I'm going to take this mean that Teruko's positive association with red is due to somebody else-- likely either Xander or Mai, or possibly still Teacher, but without him being her brother.
Lastly, and most importantly, I find it highly interesting that, at this point in time, Teruko's brother is shown with several scrapes and bandages, while Teruko has absolutely none. It got me thinking about the nature of Teruko's luck.
I wonder if Teruko's bad luck operates in a way where it will hurt whoever is around her until she's the only one left, at which point it has no one to attack but herself. (The only comparison I can think of is to the Death card in the card game Fluxx, so shout out if you know what I'm talking about.)
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As long as Teruko is the "protagonist," her luck will go after the "side characters". But, if Teruko isolates herself, then the luck will go after the hero.
Now, there is a bit of contradictory evidence going on here, because Teruko has had unfortunate things happen to her since entering the killing game and being around other people. Most notably, the time that she slipped and fell while holding the cake, and when Xander tried to kill her. That's why I'm wondering if there's also an element of how much Teruko cares about these people involved. Like, if Teruko cares less about someone, they don't pop up as a "side character" punching bag as much. Or, if Teruko caring about someone is the inciting incident to turning an entire group of people into "side characters"-- that way, if she had no friends at any of the schools she attended, she could have avoided dooming them all.
Teruko cared a lot about Xander, so his betrayal was the tipping point. After she took one last blow, the scales tipped and more bad things started happening to the other students than to Teruko. Teruko falling down transformed into the much worse luck of Min dying. And, from then on, the "side characters" started taking the brunt of the bad luck (J's secret being revealed, Eden being bullied and threatened, Ace nearly dying, etc), while Teruko remained mostly fine.
If there is an element of how much Teruko cares about people involved, it would give her a lot of incentive to be a loner and actively make people dislike her.
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Anyways, just a thought. This one is pretty off the cuff, so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm missing something or overstepping here.
Happy fourth anniversary DRDT, happy ???th birthday Mai, and a happy day to all of you!
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eriisaam · 4 months
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Day 7 - Free Day
(Anything goes - including repeats of the previous prompts!)
Part of @sharenaweek
In another time in a modernized and futuristic world compared to Zenith, there was a highly spirited girl, Sharena, who liked creating, yet didn't settle on any particular field. Perhaps complicating the indecisive issue was the jeering of her friend Anna, whenever Sharena did certain fields of art, particularly drawing. Between her drawings being dismissed as childish, and her brother Alfonse's being too cold and analytic to emote feeling, neither siblings and their art could help promote Anna's interests (or rather her profits), yet Sharena dismissed the concerns, as her art still brought her joy making them anyways. Nevertheless, she preservered into trying other wide ranges of creative feels, trying a bit of this, that, and everything while still searching for her calling.
Even in absence of a settled path, the passion of the hunt itself was more than enough to generate a potent amount of energy called performa, and with it, not only led her to broaden her horizons on what parts of the creative field to explore, but attracted dangers as well, in the form of stray mirages that wanted to feast on that performa.
During one of her outings with Anna and Alfonse, she was separated from them and outnumbered and cornered, and though determined to fight her way against the multiple mirages surrounding her, she was outmatched. Yet before this would've costed her life, there was a stronger mirage among the crowd who was overcome with emotions when they drew close enough to see her, and rather than join in on sealing her fate, the mirage suddenly turned against the others and protected her instead, as if suddenly overcome with a sense of recognition of who Sharena really was.
Drawn to suddenly manifest a part of her performa, then drawn further to combine it with this rogue mirage, the mirage suddenly transformed into the form of a fairy-like entity who unlocked a new form in Sharena known as Carnage Form, and with it, turned the tide of battles swiftly in Sharena's favor.
The fairy mirage was known as Mirage Peony, and though couldn't recall specific details, knew immediately that she and Sharena were entwined by fate in some way or another. In Carnage Form, Sharena can wield Mirage Peony in the form of the sentient weapon Mirage Fensalir, a weapon crafted from hopeful dreams that would assist in spreading joy and warding off the nightmarish rogue mirages. Thus began Sharena's new life as a Mirage Master.
And capping off this week is an AU what-if where Sharena hailed from the world of Tokyo Mirage Sessions, became a mirage master, and had a mirage alt of Peony at her side. While I know the usual conventions were that the weapon is a mirage alt of the original hero's weapon (for instance, Mirage Chrom has Mirage Falchion, Mirage Caeda has Mirage Feather, and so on), I tried to condense both Peony's Flower of Joy/Flower of Caring with Sharena's original Fensalir and shifted things around with the assumption Sharena was along the lines of Itsuki's and Tsubasa's level in this AU, rather than be a mirage variant herself, to reunite her with Fensalir in a way anyways.
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Onward for one last time?
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unetherian · 2 months
Intro post
Last updated:Wednesday August 28, 2024
First name: nickname: Lune (or unetherian)
age: yes
gender: nogender
pronoms: I don't have specific pronouns so . whatever you want
theriotype(s): Not yet found TwT But I think . it's a feline
𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼 ・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・
Hi! Welcome to my blog ! I created it to learn more about and connect with alterhuman, otherhuman, alterbeing and non-human communities.
Here is a safe place for:
those who are questioning
queer peoples (or queer créatures)
those who have a plural system (coming from trauma or not)
those who support alterhumanity
those who support alterbeing
those who support nonhumans
those who support otherhumans
those who support queers
those who support plurals systems
乁⁠|⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠|⁠ㄏidk who add
Here isn't a safe place for:
zo0philes/ped0philes/and other stuff like that.
antikin, antilink, antifur, queerphobe, and anyone who wants to physically or mentally harm those who are welcome.
I still don't know who to add ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌
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My hobbies : I love art, I draw a lot (on sheets of paper, digital is complicated) I might buy a graphics tablet one day but... it's expensive TvT. I also do quadrobics and climb trees. I take care of my pets, I observe animals outside, I look at the planets with my (small) telescope, I read, I collect vulture culture, I'm listening to music, any other activities in nature, and many other things.
My parents don't know that I have a Tumblr account so if I've been inactive for a while it means I must have deleted it or just abandoned it. I don't like lying to them, but without the alterhuman community on Tumblr, I think my mental health wouldn't be very good... (They don't know I'm alterhuman) I assure you that I am extremely careful on social networks, I know that you shouldn't joke about that. I prefer to warn <3
Later, when I can, I will try to educate the French alterhuman, alterbeing and nonhuman communities.
If you want to see my alterhuman journey, watch after the cut :3 nf
I awakened in February 2024. That's when I noticed that I wasn't just a person with a lot of imagination.
But it's a long story ;⁠)
I've never felt completely human since I was born. I have always had needs, instincts, shifts etc. At first I thought it was a game and I thought that ✨ one day I would turn into a magical creature who will save the planet from pollution ✨(I really believed it 😅) In my head, it was simple: I was a magical creature capable of transforming into several different animals/creatures, I had to watch over the Earth but humans were starting to become too dangerous so I found a way to become the child of a family and start a life as a human to learn more about this species and find a solution to fix everything, and later transform into my true form to make everything better.(I shortened the lore I created around this).
Finally, I grew up, and I noticed that this story didn't hold water. I stopped believing in all that, because I had made it all up, right?
All ?
I had effortlessly let go of this crazy story (I didn't really believe in it anymore at the end so...) but I still didn't feel human, I continued to have animal experiences... I returned to the starting point. Why do I feel like this? This time I didn't want to make up a weird story like I did in the past (I wouldn't even believe it anyway)...So I thought I was crazy.
I felt bad, extremely bad about my identity.
This time it wasn't completely because of my gender and species dysphoria, (I didn't know what the word dysphoria meant at the time), I just felt crazy. Deep down, I knew that wasn't really the case. But I didn't listen to myself. Who wants to listen to a crazy person, anyway?
Later, I decided to create a clothing style more related to fantastic animals or creatures, to feel better. (unconsciously, I created gears for myself)
And even later, on YouTube shorts, I found a strange video where I saw a masked person running around with a mask, I was looking for something else, so I didn't really watch the video. If people like to pretend to be an animal, as long as they like it and it doesn't hurt anyone, why not?
And I found another video. Then two. Then three, four, five, six, etc.I finally gave in and watched these videos.
And there is the flash.
I admired the impressive jumps and the magnificent masks based on animals and nature. Before, I thought it was a hobby, looking for the animal that most resembles you, and doing quadrobics. I needed this "hobby" to escape my dysphoria and anxiety...Besides, I thought the members of the community were called furries. But I noticed that in a lot of these videos it said "you don't choose to be a therian" or "theriantropy isn't just gears and quads", so I did some research .
And I discovered the actual definition. I discovered MY definition! This part of myself, A WHOLE COMMUNITY HAS FEELINGS SIMILAR TO MINE?????????!!!!!!!!
I discovered the definition of therian. Then that of otherkin, otherhearted, nonhuman, plantkin, otherlink, ockin, fictionkith, ect.
I learned a lot about these communities, before deciding to learn about myself.
Am I therian psychological, spiritual or physical? Not physical, anyway. But I don't know what's causing all this... Not trauma or anything like that, because I didn't have any traumatic experiences in my early childhood, yet I've felt like this since the very beginning of my life... Could it be a past life? I never had any memories, even if certain sensations or smells of nature seem familiar to me even though I have never experienced that... A neuroatipy? I did a lot of research and I have not found anything that describes anything in my behavior or way of thinking... The multiverse theory? Idk...For now, I think I was just born that way. But I am determined to find out why I am like this.
For now I'm looking for my theriotype... We'll see what I'll do next
My introspection is unlikely to stop, anyway ;⁠)
A big thanks for reading! It was a bit long I know but oh well I do what I want >:3
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bedlamsbard · 4 months
“The soldier,” Thanos said. He flinched a little as one of Natasha’s widow’s stings hit him in the side of the head, but brushed it off as if it was nothing more than a mosquito bite. “The man out of…time.”
Thanos let the last word linger there between them. The Stones set across his knuckles glittered in the fading sunlight as he turned his left hand over, thoughtful.
He was a kid playing with a new toy, the kind of boy who burned the wings off flies with a magnifying glass and a sunbeam. Steve knew the exact instant Thanos realized he could use more than one of the Stones at the same time.
March 1945: With the deaths of Johann Schmidt and Steve Rogers only a month old, the SSR has spent the intervening weeks hunting down the last of Hydra’s holdouts. When Peggy Carter and the Howling Commandos are unexpectedly called back to London, however, the return of Steve Rogers from beyond the grave raises more questions than it answers – and draws the attention of a dangerous new enemy.  (Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanoff)
Previous: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
15: Where the Sun Goes Down 187K, AU, WIP
Chapter preview:
They lay side by side in silence, watching clouds move across the stars overhead.  Eventually, Steve said, “Ever since I woke up here six years ago, all I wanted was to go back there.  And then I did and all I wanted was to come back here.” Bucky took that in, then said quietly, “Why?” “That’s the only question that matters, isn’t it?” Steve said.  He didn’t answer for a while and Bucky didn’t push him, just held the photograph Steve had given him up over his face and studied it in the dim moonlight while Steve thought. “I always thought that if I could ever go back, I’d just…be able to throw myself back in,” he said finally.  “And the thing is – the thing is that’s what everyone there wanted too.  They wanted the guy who’d gone up in the Valkyrie.” “Only you’re not that guy anymore,” Bucky said, his voice soft. “No,” Steve said, equally quiet. “Or, well, I am, I always will be, but – I’m not just that guy anymore.  And I don’t – I didn’t know how to go back, to be just that guy again.  Even if I wanted to.” “Do you?  Want to, I mean.” “I thought I did,” Steve said.  He tried to smile and couldn’t, but Bucky wasn’t looking at him anyway.  “Maybe I could have been if Nat hadn’t been there.�� Sometimes I thought that maybe they were right and I had gone crazy.  Sometimes I wished I had.” “Yeah,” Bucky said, so quietly that Steve might not have heard it except for his enhanced healing. “I get that.”
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[ID: Scabatha and Trash on the right and Death on the left./end ID]
Original poll with info for scabatha and trash
Original poll with info for death
Master post link
A few things I forgot to mention plus scenarios below:
Scabitha and Trash:
-i can't think of much else
Here's what I think would have happened last week if you want to read that:
Listen, I'm sorry I dont want to come up with the scenario for these two actually. I'm not in an emotional state where I could handle this.
-actually, if you're not a mortal he can be cool to be around so I wonder if weed could change that.
Here's what I think would have happened last week if you want to read that:
Hey! ([You're] Dead). You don't remember how it happened. But it definitely happened. It almost seems now that it was inevitable. I mean, every couple weeks since you got here there'd been something trying to get you.
And now here you were. In Heaven. Wait. Is that sign right? You're in Park Employee Heaven?
Death Greets you as you step off your conveyer belt. He hands you a contract and says, "sign this and make me a wager and I'll let you go back up top if you win. You ask what if you lose and he lets you know that there's also a Park Employee Hell, and that if it ends in a draw then you get to stay here in Park Employee Heaven. And you remark that this is all very convienent and he tells you his lawyers advised he started giving those he wants to toy with a fairer chance. And you go to try to ask about the lawyer thing and he tells you that you need to just make the wager and sign as he hasn't got all day. So you sign the contract and it engulfs into flames and then you, on a whim, bet that earth weed can defeat celestial weed any day of the week. So he proposes the upcoming Saturday. You accept and then he returns you back to Earth.
Where you meet a very mortified and loud mordecai and rigby arguing over how they're going to get your soul back and this hasn't happened in so long what if we're rusty and things of that nature.
You explain yo them the situation and rigby and mordecai get to work on growing a new strand of weed and they call it something like Blue Collar Man or something and you arrive back in hell fresh Saturday morning with that shit in hand.
You and Death both get high at the same time and your 420 beams like actually start fucking just, battling it out while you to watch and do literally nothing. Ending in what is basically just a light show of weed somehow where both of your weeds transformed into one powerful hero and conquered a kaizu and anyways you and I are both working and we can be friends and so then death goes on to abolish all heavens and hells and institutes a proper reforming system to integrate those who have harmed into a communist after-life society. And now you're back on Earth with your best buds knowing you'll be back some day.
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