#so absurd to me as an american
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fireworkss-exe · 16 days ago
people treating blood meridian like a total joke instead of treating it with the seriousness it deserves bc it's based on very real and very horrific events
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spitblaze · 2 years ago
Boy I WANT to make a joke about evangelicals not being allowed to do anything more fun than eating saltines and thinking about Jesus but it's just. Genuinely very sad to me how many people are brainwashed into thinking that if they ever engage in anything 'secular', if they have even ONE part of their life that does not directly revolve around their religion, that it suddenly means they're doomed for eternal punishment. Genuinely distressing how many people don't connect the dots of 'a loving and forgiving God would not punish you eternally for finding enjoyment in things not specifically approved by your church leaders', because they're taught from such a young age that to question authority will land you in the exact same lake of fire. It's...heartbreaking and infuriating how much of American Protestantism has just become full on christofascist death cults, and that's just....normal.
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cactusdying · 1 year ago
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guys i'm going to be real i dobn't think i expected this kind of direction for the lore update
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shalom-iamcominghome · 9 months ago
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Question to non-crocheters:
Can you notice how many different stitch types are in this?
I ask because I'm using different stitches for certain parts of my tallit to stand out, but I'm curious how noticable it is to a relatively untrained eye, since I feel other crocheters might have a leg up over you - if you see any differences, I'm curious what you see!
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the-lisechen · 2 months ago
#i do love it here#i do! truly! it's the greatest city in the world!#but i am so tired of rolling with disadvantage with every social interaction#i'm tired of looking like an asshole all the time#(not that i don't already in the usual course of events i suppose)#i've just leaned *hard* into the 'dumb american'#and y'all i am laying on the southern accent REAL thick#tbh? it does wonders.#part of that is that 'yessir' and 'no ma'am' are very firmly baked in#and i guess that these folks don't have enough of an ear for it to differentiate 'genteel deep southerner' from 'scruffy white trash'#but for the most part it's worked out to my advantage#this is a fuckin absurd place tho. 'squirty cream.' y'all are not a serious country.#i miss my cat. i'm tired of their accents. i'm tired of their fuckin attitude fr tbh.#but then i'll turn a corner and smell some kind of street food#or watch a whole bus full of people offer their seat to an achingly new mother#or everyone on a sidewalk go to catch an old woman when she stumbles#or see some toddlers playing on a 15th century grave#or i'll be out walking at night and a fox will stop while it's crossing the street to look at me with wariness but no fear as if to say#'i see you. i see you very well.'#or. or-- and this is the big one#the weird high wailing and deep rumbling of the victoria line which is something i can't describe; i don't have the art#but it's like they actually unearthed what this city has sounded like for thousands of years#joyous and fierce and pitiless#and like. where the fuck else would i ever possibly want to live? if i want to live at all i want to live here.#like the man said: '...then you're tired of life.'#domine dirige nos#about.
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slamamanderb · 1 year ago
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As a euphonium player, I get excited every time I see a euphonium/baritone show up in pop culture. Someone finally recognizes us! Though I feel like it's always a coin flip between "hey we need some sort of obscure brass instrument" and "we actually want a euphonium". I'm looking forwards to see which one this turns out to be.
One of the telltale signs that someone is familiar with euphs is that 95% of us fit into a personality type that I think of as "go with the flow". We don't 'choose' to play euph, but rather pick it up as the path of least resistance. Maybe all of the other instruments were already taken (like Kumiko from Sound! Euphonium), or it fills a hole in the ensemble's instrumentation (this was me), or there is less competition during auditions (maybe a third of fellow euphs/tones from my school years). Usually our laid-back nature extends beyond music as well - the only time you'll find a euph as an instigator is when it involves dancing to the music or planning where to go to lunch. There's a reason why we all show up to Tuba Christmas but don't care that our instrument isn't in the name of the event :P
I have no idea if they talked about it on the stream, but I'm hoping to find that Bassline is the chillest of the Leithanian ops. Like Noir Corne levels of chill. Or Elysium in beach mode.
I hope that lore for how their callsign was chosen is included too. I can already imagine the conversation;
"It's a Euphonium, I use it to channel my arts... Maybe you've heard it called a Baritone? They're pretty similar... No, I don't sing. Though if you were singing I guess it would be in the Tenor range... Well, a saxophone is a woodwind, this is more like a trombone... Yeah, it does look like a small tuba... *exasperated sigh* Yes, I do know how to play Seven Nation Army... sure, 'Bassline' sounds fine."
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tiger-moran · 10 months ago
I just want to read a book that I really enjoy reading and where I really care about the characters in it
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mars-ipan · 2 years ago
ohhhhh my god cute girl at one o’clock
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purgatoryresident · 19 days ago
that's got to be the weirdest dream I've ever had tf
in other news, i got up like 20 minutes ago and I'm already feeling like the worst person alive over admittedly minor things. this mind is a prison
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sailorsleepymoon · 23 days ago
The government may be tracking me and putting me on a watchlist . But that simply makes it even more important to continue to say kill kill die die we need to kill elon musk !! I have to do it!!! It’s a public service even!!! I have to keep saying I want Donald trump DEADDDDDDDD because by golly by gosh im taking up data points and if that data is going to me, it’s not going to someone else who would have like even 0.01% better chance at carrying that out than me!! I want them to get assassinated soooooooo bad, but this is all I can contribute to tha cause……
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strange-lights-in-the-sky · 4 months ago
it only took two years, multiple terrible telehealth experiences, and the less than favorable state of american healthcare but I finally have proper medication for my adhd ! hooray !
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doubleca5t · 8 months ago
"weird" really is the perfect descriptor for modern conservatives because I would argue the defining feature of the current american far right is that they exist purely in their own bespoke media ecosystem that is both highly conspiratorial and mostly untethered from the truth. this is a group of people whose belief system has been debunked and disproven so many times by legitimate sources that they've resorted to just telling each other increasingly absurd lies in order to justify those beliefs. the upshot of this being that the minute you remove any of those lies from said bespoke media environment, there's really no appropriate response other than some varient of "bro, what the fuck are you talking about?"
how am I supposed to respond to someone who says that Democrats are running a satanic cult where they ritually sacrifice children to harvest their adrenachome - a theory that is not only insane, but is also a throwaway gag from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. what do you expect me to say to someone who says that trans women are dominating in women's sports, and when asked to give examples responds with a list of non-white cis women? How am I supposed to take someone seriously who thinks that wildfires are caused by space lasers controlled by the Rothschilds or that schools are installing litter boxes for children who identify as cats or that most large corporations are "Marxist" because they have mandatory diversity trainings?
like sure I can take them seriously as a political threat but how am I supposed to have any respect for them as *people*. because as people they are just deeply fucking weird. we should be able to dismiss them out of hand because it's not like they'd care about whether or not we're making a reasoned argument
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boneless-mika · 1 year ago
*afraid of going to Disneyland because apparently French people yell at you if you don't speak French or if you do speak French but not with a French accent and I'm going to get kicked out of the park and possibly banned forever for crying which I always do when someone is mean to me*
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homunculus-argument · 1 year ago
When it comes to high-context and low-context cultures, where one has the expectation of people understanding specific subtle nuances of what someone says, and the other has the expectation that everything needs to be explicitly said to be understood, I've heard plenty of people from low-context cultures ask "why not say what you mean and mean what you say then, why would you have to speak in riddles?" about high-context ones, like people of the latter type are just being cryptic and esoteric on purpose.
But culture does not consist of things you do on purpose, it is just the way things are done where you were raised. And when you were raised in a high-context culture, the thought of needing to explicitly state something instead of using some phrase or expression that you've learned to use comes as a culture shock, too. It's not "fuck you for not correctly understanding my riddles three", but "oh shit, I hadn't occurred to me that I would need to say that out loud."
The first time I went on a business trip to the US, my partner came with me, and we immediately discovered that he does not fare well on long flights. So when my publisher asked me about future trips, inquiring whether my partner would be coming with me, I asked him. He said that he would, if the flights weren't such a problem - he would need to travel in some way where he could get his feet up or lay down during flights, like business class or first class. Being also a finn, I understood what he meant and relayed the message as is to my publisher, not considering that they might not.
To both of our surprise, they started to actually look for first class tickets for us.
Finnish culture is a high-context one, people don't talk much and aren't very confrontational. Being demanding and putting someone else into a position where they're forced to be upfront or demanding is rude. And in finnish, saying "this would only be possible if these entirely absurd/completely impossible conditions were met" is a polite way of saying "no". You are simply explaining why something cannot be done, without either saying an explicit "no" or seeming like you're making up excuses. It offers the other party an opportunity to agree that these conditions cannot be met, so neither party will come off as confrontational or demanding.
Both me and my boyfriend considered it self-evident that the request was absurd, and could not be read as anything but a polite way to decline. It had not occurred to me that an american's natural response to "it would be impossible to do this" is to start figuring out how to do it anyway.
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fuzzytheduck · 3 months ago
I think a lot of Americans have a hard time grasping the idea of Jewish indigeneity because they dont know where their own ancestors came from. Maybe they'll have vague ideas like German, Italian, or Irish, but what they know has very little bearing on their day-to-day lives. They don't dress any different, they don't speak the language their great grandparents spoke, they don't hold regular ceremonies and rituals that harken back to the old days.
The idea of an ethnic group maintaining a constant identity over thousands of years is patently absurd to them. "You're telling me you're still mourning something the ancient Romans did? That's ridiculous! Clearly you've fallen for modern Israeli propaganda, otherwise you're deliberately arguing in bad faith in order to justify land theft and genocide!"
It's very frustrating, because when I say these things I do not say them in bad faith. My friend once said "it's a very American thing not to understand large timescales", and I think she was right on the money. The process of American assimilation has cut peoples ties to their ancestors to such a degree that they can no longer comprehend a continuous identity spanning millennia.
So I'm going to say this in the clearest language I can:
There is a genuine, historically provable, continuous connection from ancient Israelites to modern Jews. By the laws and customs of those ancient Israelites I am one of them. Let me reiterate. I am an Israelite, a Hebrew, like from the Bible, and the fact that my identity has been so mythologized and talked about as if it's a thing of the past will never change that.
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miiilowo · 10 days ago
Help an audhd + disabled trans dude move out and get away from his violent unstable mother (please)
pre-tldr: i need help with funds for moving into a new place, my mom is very violent and irrational, constantly yelling/stomping, i feel very unsafe and uncomfortable, we have over 15 cats she refuses to get rid of and its a huge drain on my mental health. its filthy here and i NEED to get out. ok full post now
Hi 👋 my name is Milo. I'm 19, american, transmasc, audhd, got severe chronic pain and no medication for any of it. makes finding suitable jobs very difficult unfortunately
I currently live in an RV with my mom and have for around a year and a half after being homeless for about a year before that. We have a genuinely ABSURD number of cats (over 15 couped up in this tiny space), which is not only terrible for the cats, its terrible for my mental health, my moms, and is a big drain on our funds. We can barely afford to take care of them and no matter how much I plead with her to take some of them to a shelter or do SOMETHING she refuses to, so that should start painting a picture of the type of person I'm dealing with here.
Her temper is incredibly, INCREDIBLY short. She's impossible to be around, refuses to improve, is physically violent to our general surroundings / herself / occasionally the cats. She has thrown things at me before and threatened me. I generally dont feel safe or comfortable, and most times Ive tried getting her to stop any of the aforementioned behavior, she guilt trips me and things never change. Literally as I'm typing this she's been caterwauling, stomping and throwing things. What prompted this? No idea! This happens genuinely every single day. This is not an exaggeration. It's destroying my brain and I can't handle it anymore. This is going to sound particularly pitiful (sorry) but I do have capital T Trauma related to someone breaking into our house when I was home and loud noises / stomping / yelling does make me INCREDIBLY anxious, and no matter how many times I tell her this she doesn't give a shit. or if she does give a shit she doesnt give enough of a shit to change her attitude
She won't let me learn how to drive and (whether intentionally or not) obstructs any attempts I make to function as an adult. I'm currently self-employed on commissions, but it's not a living wage or something I could make into one (and remain sane. or keep up with). I'm actively searching for a job and have applied to several (fingers crossed) (will update this post when I get one) and, ideally, will be moving in with a friend of mine sometime in the late summer, but I need help with funds for moving in/covering rent for a bit/etc.
Since I do take commissions, if you want one of those and want to help with funds that way, that'll be an avenue for giving me money. I won't have them open 24/7 just to make things more manageable, but that'll be an option some of the time at least.
COMMISSION INFO (tumblr post link). Currently closed!
Otherwise, if you just wanna chip in (it would be VERY. VERY VERY VERY APPRECIATED):
Payp4l: millowo <- preferred
Venm0: miiilowo
GOAL: 720/4,000
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see this ^^^ ? thats my art im gonna have comms open soon ooh ahh HERES A BUNCH MORE TO LOOK AT IF YOURE INTERESTED BELOW THE CUT
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