#so I think thats why I have so much trouble drawing her
spicyraeman · 9 months
draw her squarer maybe? she is so square! (her face. i mean shes a nerd too but. fr) she is so hard to draw cus she looks conventionally attractive but somehow she isnt completely??? idk. gl! im drawing her too and it is miserable
The conventionally attractive but also not thing is sooo true, like overall shes got some pretty conventionally attractive features goin on but then some features that almost make her kinda.. weird? (in a cute way)
Squarer is definitely something im trying to lean into tho! She just got so many little features that make her look like her that its hard to get them all... I think her eyes and nose are what really makes or breaks whether it looks like her, they both have a very particular shape that if you don't get right it kinda loses the essence of shart
Wishing you the best of luck drawing gods favorite princess too, its fucking rough out here
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Maybe an imagine for the Peaky Blinders where at some point they got intimate with their girlfriend in the boys’ office and while they were distracted she put her underwear in his gun cabinet. Would love to know how they react when they’re just sitting at their desk and they go to reach for it one day and just find a really sexy pair of undies in there as well😂
I have been writing this for so so so so so so so so so long I think it was one of the first requests I got back in November and I'm so sorry it's taken me this long. It's been sitting in my drafts for months. But here it is, this was actually so much fun to write and I really enjoyed it. I just needed to be in a specific mood to write it i think? I really hope you're still here on my blog anon and that u finally get to enjoy the request :'(
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🌿 Tommy is only mildly surprised to find your underwear in the draw of his desk. You're always getting up to no good, trying to push his buttons... You're a little minx really, always trying to get his attention... So this is exactly the kind of thing you might do...
🌿He knows exactly why you did it too... Since getting into politics he's had to spend more and more time away from home, always on trips to London, never at home, with you... He knows he's been neglecting you
🌿So, he sends for you, calls you into his office quite calmly. "Sit down y/n..." he says nodding to the chair opposite him.
🌿You're a little uncertain, he looks so stern and serious that you're getting more and more nervous the longer he makes you sit in silence. You're definitely in trouble, that much you can tell...
🌿But you don't know for certain that he's found your underwear until he takes them out of the drawer and drops them in front of you on the desk.
🌿"Y/N, what are these?" the way hes looking at you through his spectacles, so calm and yet stern... You squirm and stutter your response suddenly nowhere near as confident as you had felt when you left them there...
🌿"Um... Well, uh... My um... My underwear i guess?" "You guess?" "No uh... I know Tommy..."
🌿"Right, alright..." he nods and for a moment when he flashes you half a smile and lets out a little breathy laugh you think thats all the torment he's going to put you through... But of course not. This is Tommy we're talking about.
🌿"Alright y/n, and what is your underwear doing in my desk among my tax documents and memos?" "I uh..." "Come on love speak up we haven't got all day..." "Because I put them there Tommy..." You're already blushing deep red, you're embarassed and he's really enjoying making you squirm.
🌿If he's telling the truth he loves that you did it, gives him an excuse to torture you now, force you to admit how much you want him... Something which he obviously loves to hear. Watching you squirm really tuns him on...
🌿"Oh okay, alright, alright... And y/n,why did you do that?"
🌿 You're speechless now, so embarrassed, you can't believe he's really forcing you to admit it but you know he won't let you go or give you what you really want until you do as he's asking and spell it out for him.
🌿You're just not really the kind of girl that does things like this and though it might have been thrilling to do something bad and out of character, you're remembering who you really are - a good, sweet girl - and suddenly you're regretting your little trick.
🌿 "I.. I guess well, you've been so busy lately Tommy I just... I didn't want you to forget about me you know..." you trail off offering him a shy but seductive little smirk. You really want to keep playing coquette but he's really put you in your place and you're not sure now whether he's going to give you what you want or just keep torturing you.
🌿"Right..." he nods before telling you to get up, "Alright y/n now answer me this eh? Come here and answer me this..." he says quiet and intense, running his hands down your arms, taking your hands in his and pulling you down to meet his gaze. He has you bent right over his desk in the most submissive position... You can hardly breath.
🌿"Do you really think you're so easy to forget?" you can hardly speak, just shaking your head slightly, your breath caught in your throat as he tugs you down to kiss you.
🌿 He stands up, letting you go, leaving you feeling let down and if you're being honest, a little confused. You thought he wanted you? For a moment it really looked like you'd played into his lustful side...
🌿 He warns you not to play childish games with him, that in future if you want something you behave like an adult and you come and ask him for it. "Sometimes angel, when you want somet from me, you say please eh? Remember that word sweetheart..."
🌿Fucks you on his desk anyway... "Thoight you might like playing the bad girl eh angel? You want me to show you how I treat those girls?" his low murmur sends a shiver down your spine and when he sinks his teeth teasingly into your neck you can't breath.
🌿Tommy was always going to fuck you on his desk. From the second he'd felt the soft lace in his hands he'd known what he wanted to do to you.
🌿He just wanted to make you squirm first.
🐻 He's surprised by you, other young ladies he might expect this from but not you, not his sweet little zieskiet who has the heart mind and soul of an angel. Who is usually always so well behaved...
🐻 It doesn't help that when he discovers your little memento he's in the middle of an intense meeting with Tommy Shelby.
🐻 Tommy thinks he has the upper hand, thinks he's charmed his way into Alfie's trust once again but Alfie's hand has slipped to the drawer in his desk where his fingers skim the surface of the gun he keeps concealed there...
🐻 But where he expects to find cool metal he finds soft silk and lace instead and his heart begins to race as memories of the afternoon before when he'd called you into his office flicker through his mind like a naughty film...
🐻 For the first time ever Tommy witnesses Alfie Solomons speechless. Sure the moment doesn't last long, but for a second there Tommy catches a strange look in Alfie's eyes, like he's genuinely stunned... He's probably lulled into a false sense of security, thinking he's the reason Alfie's quietly struggling to swallow a lump in his throat.
🐻 But Alfie just sweeps the underwear to one side for later, tskes the gun out and rushes Tommy through the deal, hurrying him out the door, grumpy and impatient so that he can go home to you.
🐻 When Alfie comes home that night he's playing the "everythings as it always is" act, grumbling to you about the lads in the bakery, grumbling to you about something clumsy Ollie did earlier thst day... You're listening but only a little as you shape the bread you're baking. You're don't look at him until he says something that surprises you...
🐻 "Oh, oh yeah right, right i almost forgot, yeah, silly me eh, almost forgot these..." he says producing your lacy underwear and dangling them from the tip of his finger.
🐻 When you turn around to see what he's holding you're shocked. You drop the knife thats in your hand and it clatters on the floor. You shouldn't bd surprised, you only left them there the day before, but somehow your strange out of character whim had completely left your mind.
🐻 "Oh..." you say your hand raised to your mouth... Alfie's still just holding them out, the scandalous garment just dangling between you, you blushing at the memory of your time together. Him waiting, stern expression, for you to take them from him.
🐻 "Oh..." he says watching you, wondering if you know you're in trouble or not... You've turned the most adorable shade of red and he's already struggling to hold his grumbling resolve. "Yeah," he says, "oh..." "Thats what I thought an all when I found em earlier right, I though 'oh" he holds his hand to his mouth mocking your earlier gesture... Making thst blush of yours all the worse because you can't tell if you're being teased or if he's really quite cross with you..
🐻 "An you know what yeah poppet? I showed em to Tommy fuckin Shelby yeah and you know he said 'oh' too, just like that yeah 'oh'..." now you know he's trying to make you squirm, trying to tease you. Because you know theres no way your Alfie would ever show another man something as private as your underwear.
🐻 You smile nervously, your blush and your shy giggle as you bite down to try and stifle it too much for Alfie to maintain any temper he might have been trying to build up.
🐻 Instead he steps up to you, traps you between the cupboards and his body, holding your underwear right up to your face, the lacy garment dangling right by your cheek, silk brushing your skin.
🐻 "These my little zieskiet, these yeah are a very dangerous object, and you right, you're a very good girl yeah, so you my dear, you should not be leaving these, dangerous things yeah, you should not be leaving dangerous things like this lying around right, cause you never know who's gonna find em..."
🐻 "Well that's why i left them in your drawer..." you say quietly, your biting on the tip of your thumb, looking at him so sweetly that its hard to imagine you could have done something as tempting as this.
🐻 "Yeah," he says, "yeah you did didn't you... Tell me poppet, cause theres somethin I'd quite like to know right, somethin thst interests me a great ammount... Why yeah, why would a sweet little girl like you do somethin like that?"
🐻 You would be so shy and blushy, you absolutely wouldn't know what to tell him, your voice abandoning you as you look back at him with doe eyes, biting on the tip of your thumb. When you try to look away he takes your chin in his hand and steers your view back to him.
🐻"Remember my dear little zieskiet, we don't keep secrets me an you? Nah, we don't have no secrets..."
🐻 He knows what you want and he's definitely just teasing you because his favourite thing in the whole world is to watch how you melt like butter for him. How you'll tell him anything he asks, do anything he asks, all he has to do is stroke your cheek and look you in the eyes.
🐻 Honestly he thought he was cross with you for distracting him at a crucial moment but now he's face to face with you, now he's got one hand on your waist the other holding your neck delicately, all he wants to do is reward you for your bad behaviour...
🐻 "Think you'd better pop yourself down over papa's lap..." you think he's going to spank you but when your eyes go wide he just chuckles, tells you not to look so worried...
🐻 Fingers you within an inch of your life whilst you're laid across his lap and then makes you promise him that next time you want his attention you'll just ask.
🐻 "Oh an poppet, promise me yeah, promise me you'll give me a little warning next time you try to play a trick like that... Don't like surprises me..." He's practically telling you to do it again.
🐻 when hes finished with you he'll give you your underwear back and then watch you put it back on in front of him. You want to hate his triumphant little smirk but you're still shaking from your high and when you've done as he asked he welcomes you back into his arms for a cuddle and tells you (almost) all about how your little trick nearly interrupted a crucial business meeting.
🍂 He had been about to kill a man. That he was sure of. Seething with rage, red in the face with a hatred burning in him, that infamous formidable temper hazing his mind, taking over so that in 30 seconds time he wouldn't be Arthur Shelby anymore. He'd be the animal he fought with every day.
🍂 He'd stormed through the house on Watery Lane to the cabinet he kept his guns but when he'd thrown the doors open, practically frothing at the mouth, eyes narrowed and searching only for a weapon with which to destroy the man in question... When he threw open those doors he found a pair of your silky panties artfully wrapped around the barrel of his firearm.
🍂 Suddenly the man in question was the last thing on his mind. His temper wasn't quelled, all that anger and adrenaline was still buzzing around inside his body... He needed an outlet, something or someone to take it out on, lay into... But he couldn't think of anyone else in that moment. Not now he'd seen your underwear. Not now he'd been graced by a flash of memory, your naked body spread beneath him, your eyes rolled back in ecstacy as he'd fucked you the night before...
🍂 So his attention was diverted and a man's life has inadvertantly been saved because now rather than vengeance Arthur is only hungry for you...
🍂 He spends a little time hunting you down, searching around the house and then around the town looking in all your usual haunts. However he finds you exactly where he wants you. Sitting in his chair at his desk in the office down the factory.
🍂 "You," he says when he sees you, his eyes narrowed on you as he takes in the sight of you. How pretty you are, how innocent you're trying to look. It drives him wild and he can barely control his breathing as he locks the door shut behind him and pulls down the blind, "fuckin stand up when I'm talkin to you sweetheart..." He growls snatching at your wrist, pulling you to your feet.
🍂 he's rough with you but honestly that's what you wanted... Arthur's always trying to be on his best behaviour around you and the idea of sparking his temper, of having him be a little rougher with you.. it excites you more than you want to admit.
🍂 he pushed you back against his desk until you're perched just on the edge and when he steps between your legs, your feet hovering just above his shoes, he takes his revolver out and points it at you. You're nervous, your breath catching in your throat as you look up at him with wide, not quite timid eyes. You're starting to wonder if you've bitten off more than you can chew.
🍂 he uses his gun to push your dress slowly up your thigh, you can't take your eyes off it, the cool metal on your skin shivering you, causing goosebumps to ripple over your arms.
🍂 "You are in so much trouble..." He growls, "you don't wanna know how much fuckin trouble you're in y/n... No you don't..."
🍂 "Fuckin look at me eh love, when I'm talkin to you you fuckin look at me..." You're so nervous and the way his voice comes out gravelly and thick with adrenaline, the way you can hear his rage in every word makes you scared you might have gone too far, that you really are in as much trouble as he says you are...
🍂 he uses the barrel of his gun to push your chin up holding it there digging into you to force you to look him in the eyes when he's talking to you. You're trembling with nerves and sexual desire and he can see both your fear and your lust right there on your face. "Not so innocent now are you darlin..." He growls as he rubs his rough hands up over your thighs pushing your dress right up to reveal you...underwearless, legs spread, the sheen of your arousal catching his eye.
🍂 he can't get his belt undone quick enough but when he's dropped his trousers around his ankles he grabs you almost violently pulling you towards the edge of the desk, entering you suddenly, the shock displaced with pleasure almost immediately as he growls into your ear and starts thrusting in and out of you quickly.
🍂 his movements are sharp and desperate and he's fucking you in a way he's never fucked you before. It's divine, exactly what you'd hoped for.
🍂 "y'see sunshine a man was gonna die tonight right, I was on my way to fuckin kill him when I found your little fuckin surprise..." He growls as he's fucking you, you're so dizzy with pleasure that all you can do is moan in response clutching at his hair for your dear life. Your legs squeezing his waist so tightly as you shake and he manoeuvres you on his cock.
🍂 "Fuck," he groans, "I was gonna fuckin kill him and these fuckin things were the only thing that stopped him yeah so I reckon that must make you some kind of fuckin angel... Doin god's work eh? What kind of angel goes round saving lives with her cunt eh?"
🌼 Would be absolutely delighted. All his Christmases have come at once and he can't keep the grin off his face... can't and doesn't want to be subtle even if there's someone else in the office with him.
🌼 In fact if there is someone else in the office with them he'll definitely flaunt the fact that his girlfriend's 'forgotten' her underwear. He's so childish'y smug about it and he can't wait to get home to you.
🌼 He'd have them hung from his finger, slung over his shoulder as he leaves the office early, waving them in explanation when Isaiah shouts after him asking where he's going. Then as the office door swings shut behind him he'd tuck them into his pocket for safekeeping, whistling as he walks home.
🌼 You have put him in such a good mood, theres a real spring in his step and his mind is buzzing with all the thoughts of what he'll do when he gets home to you.
🌼 he'll come in having decided he's going to tease you, play a little trick on you. He'll call through the house for you with a real urgent tone to his voice as if something is seriously the matter...
🌼 and when he finds you sitting in the nursery with one of your friends and the children he'll put on this grave expression, apologise to your friend and send them away.
🌼 "I'm really sorry sweetheart but this can't wait and I need y/n," "God what's the matter John, the family? Is everything okay?" You'd be so worried asking him all sorts of questions but he wouldn't give you an answer until your friend has hurried out the door and you've put the little one in their crib.
🌼 then he'd turn to you, still with those serious, worrisome eyes, he'd place both hands on your cheeks and hold you carefully, looking as if he were about to break the worst news... "I'm sorry for ruining your day flower, if it could have waited you know I would have waited..."
🌼 you're almost panicking now getting more and more anxious by the second, "John what is it just tell me what's happened!" You beg and just like that he relaxes, grin spread across his face as he shrugs.
🌼 "Oh nothing major, don't fret flower... You just forgot these is all..." He says with a cheeky grin as he takes the underwear from his pocket and dangles them in front of your face by the tip of his fingers. He looks so unbelievably proud of himself you could honestly slap him.
🌼 if he wasn't so attractive you would definitely slap him... Instead you just stare back at him in disbelief, you try to get annoyed with him, "For fuck sake John you scared me!" You exclaim but you can't finish the sentence without letting out a little giggle.
🌼 "So..." He says lowering his voice, getting closer to you, his hand on your hip pulling your body in close to his, "if you left your underwear in my office this morning..." He starts, his breath warm on your cheek as he leans in to whisper in your ear, "what're you wearin under this dress?" "Why don't you take it off me and find out..."
🌼 So then he realises you definitely didn't just forget your underwear. The naive 'ad had kind of thought it a mistake, hadn't really thought you capable of playing such a wicked little trick but now he's realised your games, how you're more trickst than he'd first imagined he's actually very proud of the fact.
🌼 he'd pick you up, your legs wrapping around his waist and carry you to the bedroom, throwing you down on the bed where he'd crawl above you, looking down at you full of pride and mischief.
🌼 "So you were playin tricks with me were you flower?" He'd ask, his tone making you squirm and giggle, making you feel teenage and playful and like you might be in the best kind of trouble. You'd try to wriggle away from him, he's got that look in his eyes like he's about to either tickle you to death or fuck you hard and you can't tell which...
🌼 "hang on a minute flower where dya think you're going?" He chuckles stopping you going anywhere with just his hand on your shoulder pushing you into the mattress.
🌼 uses your underwear to tie your hands behind your back so you can't escape him. Then fucks you until you're exhausted, your hips aching from having your legs spread for so long... But you've come so many times you have that warm, all over tingle and when you finally collapse into eachothers arms you can't wipe the smiles off your faces.
🌼 it's going to start some kind of game between you, the two of you trying to outdo one another with mischievous little acts. But John always loves it whenever you leave something intimate of yours in his office and now you know you'll be rewarded for it you do it more often.
🍀 You'd been in his dressing room with him before his big fight, wishing him good luck. You always worry about him before he goes into the ring but you're also really proud of him, and there's something about being alone with him in the changing rooms before he goes out that really turns you on.
🍀 You run your hands over his chest, taking in the sight of him unscathed for the last time, and try to contain your desire. You find him so attractive when he's in the ring and you always let him know. It boost his ego and makes him walk out there twice as cocky.
🍀When you kiss him goodbye you give him a real, deep snog, one hand in his hair, the other hanging your lace black underwear from the gym peg behind your boys head. You want him to have a surprise for when he returns later triumphant.
🍀 He doesnt notice them when he's leaving for the ring, too in the zone, focussing and firing himself up - and your kiss certainly helped fire him up.
🍀All through the fight you're cheering him on just as you always would and Bonnie feels absolutely champion even when he's on the recieving end of a few nasty blows. He knows his little dove is in the crowd watching him and that makes him fight twice as hard because he loves showing off to you.
🍀 When Bonnie wins the fight you're delighted, you jump out of your seat and scream triumphantly for him. Blowing him a kiss when he looks over to you, his bloody grin far more attractive than it should be.
🍀 When he returns to the changing room victorious he's greeted by the Peaky Blinders and his dad, all of them congratulating him. Tommy is very impressed with his work and wants to discuss the next match with him but when something catches Bonnie's eye he follows the younger lads gaze and smirks, rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
🍀Because Bonnie is blushing a deep shade of red. The poor boy is so surprised he's speechless and Tommy can tell Bonnie hasn't heard a word of what's been said since he clocked your underwear hanging from that peg by the benches.
🍀"Alright lads c'mon lets leave our champion to cool off eh, looks to me like he's expecting company..." Tommy is still smirking and his overly casual tone as he draws everyone's attention to the underwear in question makes poor Bonnie even more embarrassed and awkward.
🍀There's a lump in his throat he's struggling to swallow down and all he can think about is you. He manages to stammer out a goodbye, promises to meet them in an hour down the garrison but Arthur laughs and shakes his head, "Nah you won't," he grins, "nah you fucking won't!"
🍀And Arthur's right, the only thing Bonnie will be doing in an hour's time is well, you.
🍀He is so turned on by your little trick that when he sees you he can barely contain his desire for you. He's usually pretty bad after a fight, all that adrenaline coursing through his veins but today he's even more fired up than usual and when you slip into his changing rooms and find him alone, he's got his hands on you in seconds.
🍀he does not want to wait for you to clean him up like you usually do and when you take a warm cloth and begin dabbing at his bloody lip and the cut on his brow he wraps his arms around you and pulls you down into his lap, grinning and teasing you, kissing your cheek and nuzzling into you, making it very difficult for you to do your job.
🍀You giggle trying to brush him off, though secretly really enjoying seeing how desperate for you he is.
🍀"Bonnie sit still, you're making this really difficult," you smile trying to dab at his brow, missing because he's ducked his head to kiss your neck and has already begun to undo the laces that hold your dress together at the back. His nimble fingers are making quick work of loosening them and you know you need to clean him up quickly because the second he's slipped your sleeves from your shoulders you're doomed.
🍀And in the end Bonnie wins and you're forced to accept that you'll just have to wait to clean him up later. He's got other plans for you just now.
🍀Will hold you down in his lap, a really energetic needy fuck before lifting you up and fucking your roughly against the wall. Even though he's going hard he still manages to be careful with you, making sure to hold your head in his hand to stop you bashing it against the wall etc...
🍀He doesn't tire quickly and honestly, your little surprise has given him more of a rush than winning that fight.
🍀Neither of you make it to the Garrison for those drinks and poor bonnie winds up on the recieving end of a lot of ribbing from the other lads. Whenever they bring it up he blushes and gets embarrassed but no matter how many times they ask he never shares the details of what happened after they left.
🐀 Is quietly impressed by your devious little game. He sees them in the drawer strewn artfully over his revolver and he smirks, closing the drawer shut again as if he hasn't even seen them.
🐀 He's biding his time see, playing the long game, dragging the desire out for as long as he can. He wants to wait long enough that you will have forgotten all about it. Or at least until you've come to the disappointing conclusion that he found your little surprise and didn't care about it, wasn't even remotely bothered by it...
🐀 And when weeks go by without him so much as mentioning them, without him even hinting at having found the little gift you left for him that's the conclusion that you come to. That he wasn't bothered, that he thought it was embarrassing and childish, that he doesn't even want to mention it because he thought it was classless and foolish and he'd rather forget all about it.
🐀 Meanwhile Isaiah is enjoying having your underwear in his drawer at work, whenever he has to reach in his drawer for his revolver he feels the black lacy pants there too and smirks. He can't wait to remind you about your naughty little trick... When he's bored at work he opens the drawer to look at them and imagine what he's going to do with you when he finally makes his move.
🐀 And then just as you've vowed you'll never make a stupid mistake like that again, just when you've decided never to behave so foolishly again... He'll have a surprise for you all of his own...
🐀 One night when it's just the two of you, in his room, fucking he catches you out.
🐀 He's on top, his cock deep inside you and your eyes are closed, your lips parted as he fucks you hard, you're right on the edge, your body shivering beneath him, your hands clutching at the sheets as you roll over into an orgasm.
🐀 And then when you moan he shoves your underwear into your open mouth and shocks you with them.
🐀 Your eyes open wide in shock uncertain what he's just put in your mouth and when he leans down, his nose brushing yours, his eyes lit up with mischief, clearly very pleased with himself, and grins down at you, "you lose these?" You feel your cheeks flush crimson. But you can't hide or look away because he's got you pinned down and he's still fucking you, his hands either side of your head, arms rippling.
🐀 All you can do is look up at him, and because you can't shy away, because you're forced to face up to the moment you're forced to acknowledge how much it turns you on... So your only response when he talks to you is your needy moans.
🐀 "Whats the matter mousy, did you think I'd just thrown them out?"
🐀 he will tease you about it relentlessly, loves trying to embarrass you, likes watching you go bright red. But in reality he loves this naughty side of you and he wants to encourage it, so when you threaten him one day, "if you keep teasing me I shan't do it again," he backtracks very fast.
☘️ In New York, you're his other woman and you're jealous. Hes been spending far too much time with Gina lately, sure you know they're the real deal, you're just his honey on the side but still... You should still get a taste of your man every once in awhile.
☘️ So you slip them between a stack of invoices and stock reports and send them up to his office. You may or may not be aware that his Gina is up there with him. That he's all snowed up, and she's going to be the one who takes the invoices and starts to filter through them...
☘️She's probably the one who phones up for you... Michael doesn't even realise whats going on until Gina has welcomed you into the office, studying you, asessing how much of a threat to her relationship you really are...
☘️ But when Michael sees you he panics, swallows a lump in his throat and scrambles to sit up and start paying attention..
☘️ "Whats this about love?" he says to Gina, "whats y/n doing here?" "Oh so you do know her name... Congratulations honey I guess you're more than just one of his whores huh?"
☘️ you feel a little bit like you've walked into a trap, like you've made a bed you're not actually capable of lying in, you're hardly even paying Michael any attention now, it's Gina who's your main concern. She invited you up here... What does she want with you? She certainly isn't looking at you like she's looking for a fight...
☘️ She's watching you expectantly, waiting for either you or Michael to speak up. Then she takes your underwear and tosses them to Michael who is so surprised by them that he drops them.
☘️ "What do you think honey, you think he remembers who they belong to? Tell us Michael baby, are they mine or are they hers..."
☘️ Michael would he totally speechless, he's looking between the two of you, thinking that this is some conspiracy against him but you're just as stunned as he is and you kind of feel like turning and running out of the door.
☘️ but when you make your excuses to leave and try to back out of the door, thinking it best to leave them to their inevitable fight Michael calls after you... "Y/N wait..." which makes Gina laugh.
☘️ "Yeah honey don't go," she says licking her lips wickedly, "the funs only just getting started..." She says teasingly, her eyes glowing with lust... But who for you can't tell anymore?
☘️ When she catches your hand in hers and tugs you back into the office your breath catches in your throat. But what she whispers in your ear leaves you speechless, your heart racing.
☘️ "C'mon y/n kiss me, let's see what he does next hmm?"
☘️ It would be an evening you will never forget.. Gina was only really dragging you into it so that she could get your measure, wanting to work out exactly how much of a threat you were... Wanting to use you to torment Michael. If he's fucking you then she wants to he too, he can't possibly be allowed to have something she hasn't got.
☘️And although Michael is quietly livid with you in the moment he can't control his own lust, his anger taken out on you when he lies you down on his desk and fucks you hard, your head between Gina's legs whilst she rides your mouth and smokes a cigarette casual as you like.
☘️ after that whenever you or Gina feel like a bit of fun you send your underwear up and down to one another slipped between memos. The three of you spend a lot of time in that office snowed up and fucking.
☘️ and although Michaels more than happy with the new arrangement he still makes sure to get you alone so that he can punish you for being so reckless.
☘️ he will bend you over his lap and spank you making you apologise with tears in your eyes as you promise never to be so careless again.
☘️ You will however be that careless again and he'll be more than happy with the consequences.
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devine-fem · 9 months
I love Lizzie with Jon and Damian. I am really enjoying their short stories. What are your head canons about the first time they took care of her and how did they end up being a little family.
heres some funny ones
damian gets jon all week and jon gets her on the weekends but a lot of the times they are together theyre fighting over jon not being around that much and how damian has to do everything
jon calling damian “dame” meaning pretty lady, or wife but also sounds like his name
jon upright calling damian “wife” which he does so much that damian doesnt fight it anymore
and jon ends up doing this in front of someone and it becomes hella awkward
trinity draws on the walls
trinity will break anything she gets her hands on, like anything, a super strength kid is a hassle
trinity thinks cursing sounds cute for some reason and thats how she got in trouble at school
trinity DEFINITELY is a warrior cats kid and damian gets her at least one book each time hes out because he thinks if their money has to be spent on trinity at least hes unlike jon and using it for literacy
trinity drawing a “my family” picture with crayons and her teacher being confused why she drew superman and batman
trinity thinks if she puts her teeth under her pillow that martain manhunter will come and take them to mars in exchange for space rocks
jon is the baseball watching, chair lounging, beer drinking type of husband but instead of baseball its watching superhero news
damian would actually do three cycles of ramadan back to back then let jon cook
jon is more terrifed of scary movies than trinity
imagine dick teasing damian, “hows the commen law?” or “how was the honeymoon?”
trinity being like “i hate when mommy and daddy fight” 😭😭
jon having to do the earmuffs thing to trinity when damian is mad and cursing
damian treats the legion of superheroes like its like jon’s secret mistress or something
trinity loves those little car shopping carts at the supermarket
damian tries to discipline trinity but jon will literally let trinity have her way 24/7 behind his back but if trinity betrays jon in an argument with damian, jon will never fail to use that against her
“i got you gumballs and washaway tattoos at the supermarket, how could you?”
damian will hover over jon doing every chore to make sure he’s doing it right
thank you for the ask. lmao
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chervbs · 2 years
the barber predicament— s. harrington
pairings: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 3.6k
synopsis: when steve complains that he can’t find a new barber after his old one retired, eddie recommends you; an old friend of his that’s a stylist. and you seem to know the way right to steve’s heart-through his hair. based on this request.
warnings: reader and eddie are besties, brief mention of eddie and max’s shitty childhoods, probably incorrect depictions on what it’s like to be a hair stylist, FLUFF to the max and terrible writing
a/n: I really really don’t like how this came out but I loved to request so much that I forced myself to finish it. everything I know I about being a hair stylist is from getting my hair done so much and from tiktok, so I tried to keep the details I wasn’t sure of vague. I apologize if anything is wrong, please let me know if it is. also I completely guessed on how much hairciuts were in the 80's so sorry if thats wrong too. otherwise, like always, i’d love any feedback you guys give me
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“Steve, I sympathize with you, I really do, but if I have to listen to you complain that you can’t find a barber for another second, I will tell Keith that you’ve been letting pretty girls get away with their late return fees.”
Steve’s jaw fell open, staring dumbfounded at Robin. “W-well, excuse me,” He stuttered, offended. “For wanting to confide in my best friend about my troubles. Truly, Robin, I don’t know why I assumed you’d be supportive.”
The blonde rolled her eyes, shaking her head lightly at her friends dramatics. “I was supportive up until the fourth time you talked about it. What’s the big deal, anyways?” She asked. “There’s like 3 different barbers in town. Go to one of them.”
Steve stared at her incredulously, as if she’d just told him to shave his head. “Are you being serious? Do you know me at all?”
Robin sighed, pulling the bin of returned movies out from under the counter. “Yes, Steve, in fact I do. I know that your hair is weirdly important to you. But what do you expect me to do about the fact that you won’t trust any of the barbers in town?” She asked, organizing the movies by genre on the rolling cart next to her.
“You looking for a barber, Harrington?” The additional voice caused the two Family Video employees to jump, looking over to see Eddie leaning on the counter casually.
Recovering from the startle, Steve nodded skeptically. “Yeah, I am. Why, you have someone you know?”
Eddie nodded with a grin. “Indeed I do. This girl that graduated the first time I was supposed to. She was in Hellfire. Went to school for hair and everything. Even does mine on occasion for a discount.”
Steve’s eyes shot up to his hairline, head nodding slowly. “Right.” He said, drawing out the vowel. “Well, listen, Munson. I mean no offense when I say this, but I don’t know if I trust someone with my hair that leaves you looking like that.” He explained, gesturing to the other boys head.
Eddie looked at him blankly. “Offense taken.” He deadpanned. “You think I want my hair like this simply for convenience?”
Both Steve and Robin stayed silent, giving Eddie knowing looks instead. He sighed in defeat. “Okay, fine, that’s partially why. But, I also have to give credit to my ultimate role model, Kirk Hammett.” He grinned.
He received blank looks from his friends and the metal head threw his arms up in exasperation. “Really? Kirk Hammett? Lead guitarist of Metallica? Nothing? Why am I friends with you guys?”
Before either of them could respond with a witty remark, Max came skipping up to the counter with two movies in her hands, throwing them down onto the counter. “I’m ready.”
“2 movies?” Eddie glared at the redhead. “Really, Maxine?”
Eddie and Max had a very odd brother sister relationship that was built almost entirely on a consistent basis of bickering and shoving each other around. Still, they looked out for one another, and Eddie felt responsible for making sure the little bit of Max’s childhood that was left was positive. Which he did so in different ways, including bringing her to rent movies for their movie nights.
“Yes, 2. Because you still owe me for the last movie night you forgot about.” She spit back. Eddie gritted his teeth, sliding over the correct amount of money to Steve for the movies.
“As I was saying,” He sent the redhead one last glare. “Even though my hair is convenient for my lifestyle, I ask for it to look a certain way to resemble someone I look up to. She’s the only one who’s ever gotten it to how I want.” Eddie told Steve, snatching a pad of sticky notes and a pen from behind the register.
He scribbled down a series of numbers before sliding it back. “That’s the number for the salon she works at. Give her a call. If you want.”
You were on your lunch break when the call came in. On a Wednesday, there was no need to have many stylists in the salon at once. Most appointments and walk ins would happen in the afternoon and as a younger stylist you were more often than not told to come in during the day for walk ins. The other women in the salon were older, more experienced stylists that didn’t need the extra cash you normally got for the services.
The food on your fork was midway to your mouth when the phone rang and you let it fall back onto your plate with a sigh.
“Thanks for calling Hawkins #1 hair salon, how can I help you?” The slogan spewed from your lips like a broken record.
“Uh..hi.” You straightened at the deep voice that came from the phone. Of course, you had men in the salon, usually though just to wait for their wives or kids to get their hair cut. There was the occasional male client, but most went to the local barbers and wouldn’t be caught dead getting their hair done in your salon. As if getting a haircut from a woman made them more feminine.
“Hello!” You chirped. “How can I help you today?”
The man on the other line hesitated for a second. “I’d like to book a haircut? With, um…Y/N.”
You perked up at the sound of your own name, a bashful smile appearing on your lips. Someone had recommended you?
“That would be me.” You chuckled. “Can I ask who referred you?”
The nameless man gave you a polite laugh, the deep timbre of the sound sending a warmth to your cheeks. “Uh, yeah. Eddie? Eddie Munson? He said you guys were friends in high school. Said you were good at what you do.”
The kind words certainly did nothing to quell the heat in your skin, but you still beamed at the mention of your friend. “Yeah, Eddie, of course. I’ll have to give him a discount the next time he comes in.” You joked. In all seriousness, you already didn’t charge Eddie the normal amount that you did for haircuts, fully aware of his financial situation. “But, yeah, I can put you in for a haircut. What day were you hoping to come in?”
“Is tomorrow okay? It’s my only day off.”
You opened up the binder that kept track of all appointments, making sure there were openings for the next day. “Yeah, it says here I have an opening at 10am and another at 1. Either of those sound good?”
The line went silent for a second too long, and you have a feeling the man nodded before remembering he was on the phone. “1pm would be great, thanks.”
You grabbed a pen and crossed out the 1pm slot. “Awesome. What’s the name I can put down for you?”
“Steve. Steve Harrington.”
Steve was irrationally nervous for his haircut. Never mind the fact that he was risking, in his opinion, his best feature, but the thought of meeting you was annoyingly nerve wracking. The way your voice sounded over the phone was borderline angelic, and he could only imagine what kind of beauty you radiated in real life. Not to mention, you and him briefly walked the halls of Hawkins High at the same time, and he wondered if you were aware of his reputation back then. He couldn’t recall your presence, but then again, he had his head so far up his own ass that he didn’t recognize most people from high school.
He was so antsy that morning that he was ready to go by 11, leaving him to pace and try to find little things to keep himself busy. The second it hit 12:50, Steve was sprinting out the door, making it to the salon in a record 5 minutes.
The bell above the door rang as soon as he stepped in, alerting the few stylists and customers that were there of his presence. One of the stylists, an older, heavier set woman took a glance at him as she blow dried her client.
“Y/N!” She called towards the back of the salon. “Your 1 o’clock is here!”
A second later, a woman stepped out, who he could only assume was you. You emerged from a beaded curtain, a sight to behold. Steve felt his breath hitch and he tried to wipe the sweat from his hands on his jeans.
You weren’t doing much better. Of course you knew who Steve Harrington was. He’d been a year younger than you, but he’d quickly climbed the social ladder in school. Every party was a big deal when it was held at Steve’s house and if you were friends with him, you were automatically cool.
You hadn’t cared much about the social aspect of school, focusing only on passing your classes and playing DnD. It’s where you met Eddie, who had easily become your best friend. It had been upsetting when you found out he wouldn’t be walking the stage with you, but you’d been supportive of him ever since.
And like every girl, you’d had a crush on Steve Harrington. How could you not? He was a total dreamboat and you’d be crazy not to find him attractive. You’d always been able to push that desire to the back burner, considering your best friend was continuously labeled as The Freak and you certainly didn’t gain any popularity by being associated with him.
When Eddie told you that he’d befriended the former King of Hawkins High, you truly believed he was fucking with you. But he claimed that the man had changed; matured. He told you that Steve’s best friends were a senior girl who Eddie knew band from marching band and a freshman that was in Hellfire. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t curious about this new man Steve Harrington had apparently become.
Oh, and that crush you had? Definitely still there. That much was evident by the dryness of your mouth that occurred the moment you laid eyes on Steve.
He was even more handsome than you remembered. Long legs clad in light blue Levi’s, polo shirt fitted nicely to his toned chest and big brown eyes looking back at you with an expression you couldn’t read.
Steve wished he remembered you. He couldn’t help but wonder if things had been different, would he have noticed you? He wanted to kick himself for not having. You were probably the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, and he realized now that describing you as angelic didn’t do you justice. You were ethereal–otherworldly.
He could see why you and Eddie were friends. Your outfit was mainly made up of black articles with a few splashes of color here and there. Your makeup was dark, creating a contract between the black eyeliner and the color of your iris’s. You were stunning, to say the least.
“Hi!” You exclaimed breathlessly. The sound of your voice broke Steve from his jumble of thoughts, only making his brain fizzle further. Your voice was even sweeter in person. “Steve, right?” You asked, though you knew the answer.
Steve cleared his throat, nodding. “Yeah, that’s me. You’re Y/N?”
You grinned so brightly it nearly made Steve’s heart stop in his chest. “That would be me. You can come sit at my station.” You said, patting the chair you’d stopped at.
He obeyed silently, taking a seat in the chair. You had to crank the lever a few times, lowering the height of the chair to accommodate for his large stature. You tried not to focus on the intoxicating smell of his cologne and he tried not to focus on your hands taking through his hair.
“So, what were we thinking of doing to your hair?” You asked, leaning your arms on the back of the chair.
Steve made eye contact with you through the mirror and hoped you couldn’t tell how red his cheeks were, because he definitely could. “Um, I was hoping to keep most of the length. Shorter on the sides, longer in the front?” He was really just spitting out words, hoping they made sense. Honestly, he was finding it difficult to focus on your question when he felt your fingertips on his scalp.
“So..we’re thinking Swayze but longer?” Steve’s jaw fell slack, staring at you in awe as you put his thoughts into words with incredible ease. You really did know what you were doing.
“Yeah, exactly.” He responded quietly, a little stunned.
You sent him that brilliant smile once again. “Cool.” You stared thoughtfully at his reflection, head tilted to the side. “Can I-could I suggest something? And you can totally say no, but I personally think it would look really good.”
Steve thought that you could ask him to commit arson and he’d say yes. “‘Course. What is it?”
You pulled a couple of strands around his face, trying to visualize your idea. “How would you feel about getting a little bit of highlights?”
His eyebrow cocked in questioning. “Highlights? Don’t only chicks get those?”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes a bit, and Steve’s stomach immediately dropped. He fucked up, he offended you, he–
“No, silly. There’s actually a lot of actors recently that have been getting them. It wouldn’t be any drastic, just a few streaks that would be a shade or two lighter than your natural color. I think it would compliment your skin tone, bring out your eyes.”
The boy found himself nodding before he really considered what you were telling him. “Yeah,” He blurted, realizing he had yet to give you a verbal response. “If you think so. I trust you.”
“Great.” You laughed. “I’ll get you mixed up.”
Steve didn’t know what that meant, but he did know that his haircut had now upgraded to a lengthier process, and he was just happy to have a reason to be around you longer.
As promised, you came back out a couple minutes later, using a brush that looked like a big fork and mixing up a gooey mixture in a bowl. You were quick to start slathering the light purple substance in his hair, carefully applying it to chunks that you had placed over a piece of foil. Each section was enclosed and folded into a little square.
“So what brings you to me? I know you said Eddie referred you, but guys aren’t usually very willing to go to a stylist rather than a barber.” You said.
Steve shrugged a little. “I had a barber before, but he retired and moved out of Hawkins. He’s the only one that’s ever gotten my hair exactly how I want it.” He blushed, reluctant to reveal the reason he’d agreed to be there. “My hair is kinda important to me, I didn’t wanna go to just any barber and risk them fucking it up. Eddie said you were great and I really just needed a haircut.” He explained.
You nodded understandingly, finishing up the last couple sections of his highlights. “I get that. Hair has always been really important to me too. Obviously.” You gestured around you. Steve laughed and you felt the sound bring a warmth to your chest. “It’s always been the easiest way besides my clothes to express myself. And it’s nice to have control over something as an adult when so much is out of your control.”
Your eyes met in the mirror once again, his big doe eyes staring deep into your soul with an understanding that only came from shared experiences. You didn’t know much about Steve’s home life, only what you’d heard during school. His parents were loaded but were often never home. As a teenager, that’s the best thing that could happen to you, but as an adult, you saw how that could get pretty lonely.
The time passed by far too quickly for either of your tastes. You and Steve hadn’t even noticed the time flying so quickly as you talked about anything and everything. It was crazy to think that this man, this sweet, charismatic, beautiful man, used to be a douchebag in high school.
Steve was in heaven as you washed his hair, not even bothering to hide his bliss as your fingers massaged the hair products into his scalp. He could die happy right now, he was sure of it. You held back a giggle as his eyes closed and a convent hum came from his throat. Not wanting to embarrass him, you refrained from commenting and continued your routine.
After a few cycles of shampooing and rinsing and conditioning and rinsing until Steve’s hair was clean and silky smooth, you shut the water off and gathered his hair in a little towel.
“Okay, all done. I’m just gonna blow dry your hair, style it a bit and you’ll be all set.” Steve couldn’t help the frown that appeared, not wanting your time together to end.
It seemed like you read his mind, commenting as you dragged a hairbrush through his brunette locks. “If you’re happy with how your hair came out, you can always come back for trims, o-or touch ups on your highlights.” You stuttered, smiling sheepishly and silently praying that he couldn’t tell how desperate you were to see him again.
“Yeah?” He asked. You nodded, biting your lip shyly as you refocused on his hair. You sat in a forced but comfortable silence as you blowdried his hair. Once it was all nice and fluffy, he watched as you poured a series of liquids into your palm, raking them through his hair. You messed with the strands for another few minutes, doing stuff he didn’t understand but somehow styling his hair exactly how he likes it.
He had to admit, you were definitely right about the highlights. They brought a brightness to his complexion that hadn’t been there before. He felt like he looked younger somehow, which was surprising, considering the kids he always hung around with made him feel like he was pushing 80 sometimes. He told you as such, reveling in the sweet sound of your laughter.
“Well, that’s my job. Just glad you trusted little ol’ me with your most prized possession.” The words came out teasingly. Steve grinned back at you through the mirror, shrugging slightly.
“Guess I owe Munson, huh?”
You agreed, guiding him back to the front to check him out. You typed something into the register at the counter. “Your total is gonna be $10.”
Steve’s eyebrows almost touched his forehead. “That’s it? For the haircut and the highlights?”
“Yeah, it’s with a discount. You are Eddie’s friend after all.” You were almost charging him just for the haircut, and Steve was not having it.
He frantically shook his head in protest. “No, no, Y/N. You don’t have to do that. I can pay you the full price, trust me.”
“Steve,” You chuckled, “It’s okay. I don’t give out many friends and family discounts, it’s not like I’m losing all that much money.”
He cocked an eyebrow at you challengingly. “Oh yeah? How much is the full price for highlights.”
You poked the inside of your cheek with your tongue, reluctantly mumbling out the price, which was much larger than what you were asking. “Absolutely not. Charge me the right amount.” Steve was not about to leave and let you basically have a free service. Not when you worked so hard.
“I’ll just tip you the rest if you don’t.” He smirked, eyes peering at you fondly when you sighed in exasperation.
“It’s seriously fine. I offered the extra service, you don’t have to pay for it.”
A lightbulb lit up in Steve’s head, eyes shining at the obvious opportunity. He’d be an idiot not to take it.
“Fine.” He sighed dramatically. “At least let me do something to pay you back for it. A service for a service, huh? What do you say?”
The corners of your mouth tilted up, betraying your efforts to keep a serious face. Steve was clearly not backing down. “Okay. What’d you have in mind?”
A pink rose to Steve’s freckled cheeks. “Let me take you on a date?”
Your breath hitched. You certainly felt the tension between the two of you ever since he walked in, but you really weren’t expecting anything to come from it.
Steve took your silence as a negative reaction. “Or-I could do anything else. Doesn’t have to be a date, really. I could buy you lunch one day or-“
“I’d love to.” His big brown eyes snapped up to meet your in surprise.
You nodded gleefully, unable to keep your grin from growing. You could feel your cheeks beginning to ache with how much you were smiling.
“Okay.” He whispered, ducking his head bashfully. Steve quickly pulled his wallet out, handing you the 10 dollar bill.
It took less than a minute for you to input his money in, ripping the receipt that printed it. Before you could hand it to him, you grabbed a pen and scribbled something on it.
“My house number. Give me a call?” You asked in a hopeful tone.
“Definitely.” Steve grinned and you repressed the urge to swoon. He sent you a cute little wave, leaving you in the salon smiling like an fool. As soon as he was out the door, your fellow stylists squealed, crowding around you and demanding details.
Steve faintly heard the high pitched noise, smirking to himself. Sliding into the drivers seat of his BMW, he sighed happily. “Yeah, I definitely owe Munson.”
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rk-ceres · 1 year
George’s Revenge
George Weasley x Y/N (+18) George is a little shit
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Y/n & George has been dating in secret for about a year and she gets fed up with him being fed up so she pranks him smut, rough, idk.
Ginny was sitting in the common room doing her homework when you sat down next to her with a small smile on your face Ginny looked up at you with a raised eyebrow as you grinned at her waiting for her to ask you whats up she rolled her eyes at you before sighing out “Yes….?” She asked drawing out the ‘s’ sound confused as to why her brothers best friend was sitting next to her “Hey Ginny, can i borrow your Christmas Jumper?” “sure… but Why? And which one?” She furrows her brows “the blue and yellow one” you shrugged knowing that thats the one that matches George and Freds jumpers “and dont ask questions you dont want to know the answers too” you wink Ginny hands you her jumper with a raised eyebrow “i want it back later i hope you realize this Y/n” she said sternly “i’ll return it unharmed my dear Weasley! And heres something for your troubles” you said with a smile leaving your old notes and homework for her to copy off of finding Fred and grinning at him “whatever it is not happening” he doesnt look up from his Zonkos trinkets “five galleons” “im listening” “im pranking George” “no way.” He says immediately “ten galleons.” He raised his eyebrow “twenty.” “Fifteen and a chocolate frog.” You bargained “twenty or no deal.” He said sternly “half now half later and you cant split it with George” you said “deal”
A few minutes later Fred comes back from his dorm with all of George’s jumpers in hand “here.” He huffs “i had nothing to do with this you understand me.” He said with a toothy grin “yes sir” you sassed him handing him the rest of the galleons “why are you pranking him anyway? Youre only going to regret it later your boyfriends not one to forgive and forget” Fred said with a smirk “he let Alicia Spinnet flirt with him no one knows we’re dating but you.” You looked down with a sad smile “George loves you Y/n you shouldnt get jealous of Alicia.” Fred rolled his eyes “i just want to be officially together. We’ve been dating for eleven months it hurts to see other girl's openly flirt with him because they think he’s single” you pouted and Fred understood
****later that day****
George walks down the steps from the boys dormitories wearing Ginny’s jumper looking furious it looked like he was wearing a crop top he stopped right in front of you, Ginny, and Fred crossing his arms over his chest Ginnys hand flies over her mouth stifling a laugh that threatened to make its way out of her throat the sweater rode up even more as he flexted his arm and clenched his jaw in anger “ha ha. Very funny Y/n give me back my jumpers and release me from this one!” George said in an annoyed tone “have no idea what youre talking about love” you chuckle sitting inbetween Fred and Ginny who were laughing hysterically “this is because i hid your homework and got you detention last week with Snape isnt it?” He huffed “still dont know what youre talking about babe” you said picking your nails “maybe you shrunk that jumper in the laundry” you teased
“You know damn well thats not what happened!” His nostrils flared with anger his lips pulling into a smile of amusement “how much did she pay you two to help her” he looked between Fred and Ginny “what do you mean George? This is the first im speaking to her all day!” Ginny fibbed with a small smile “why are you still wearing it anyway?” She followed up that statement with a question “because the person that **did** this put a sticking charm on the inside of the jumper” George groaned Fred doubled over in laughter
“SHUT UP FRED!” George started to giggle “maybe you should be a little more nice to Y/n here and apologize” Fred chuckled “over my dead body!” George laughed you yawned stretching your arms over your head “goodnight Weasleys! See you tomorrow.” You chuckled to yourself looking back at George with a shit eating grin on your face “ooh you little…..” he grumbled
**Two Days Later**
As you were passing the room of Requirement on your way to class you suddenly got pulled in and slammed against the door you looked up into his deep chocolate colored eyes and smirked “finally got out of that jumper did you Georgie?” His mouth pulled into a line “shut. Up.” He growled in your ear sending a shiver down your spine “youve been naughty babygirl” he dragged his nose along your neck “i have no idea what youre talking about Weasley” you smirked “you know thats not what you call me little slut” he raised his voice anger behind his eyes “youre only making this worse on yourself brat” he nibbled your earlobe gaining a moan out of you he smirked against your skin “oh so you can fuck me. But we cant go public” you spat out at him his eyes widened “thats what all this is about baby?” He asked softly you look away huffing “if thats what you wanted we could’ve talked about it “we always talk about it and its always the same ‘why change whats good already’ George its been almost a year!” You got increasingly annoyed with him “you let Alicia openly flirt with you touch you and you dont even care!” You yelled his eyes widened realizing what it was really about the prank everything.
He slammed his lips on yours biting your bottom lip roughly “only you get this part of me Y/n” he murmured against your lips “thats not cutting it George” he quickly stripping you down to nothing but your knickers grabbing your breasts roughly as he shoved his leg between your thighs pressing his muscular thigh to your increasingly wet heat gaining a whimper out of you “Look at you all needy and worked up did i do this in a couple of kisses love? Everyone knows that you belong to me. Body and soul” He groaned in your ear hands coming to your waist pressing your cunt down onto his thigh “well? What are you waiting for gorgeous” he flexed his leg you slowly started rocking your hips back and fourth his jeans giving you delicious friction on your clit as you bit your lip “ah ah ah” he tutted pulling your lip from between your teeth “i want to hear your pathetic noises as you ride my thigh go on. Let the entire castle know who gets you this fucked out within seconds” he commanded with authority he jolted his leg upward pressing it further into your wetness gaining a loud moan from your throat he smirked “Look at you… squirming like a bitch in heat so eager to get off on my leg gonna be a good girl and beg for me sweetheart?” He asked in your ear “skrew you Weasley” you moaned he brought his hand across your cheek another moan left your mouth turning you on further “you’re a little misbehaving whore who needs to be punished again.” he growled biting your neck “im going to keep you cumming til youre begging me to stop” he mutters as he grips your hips speeding your rutting up getting you closer and closer to your high “youre close arent you?” You nod eagerly he smirks at you pulling his thigh away from your heat immediately shoving three of his fingers in your cunt you whimpered as you started to ride his fingers in time with his movements you clench around his fingers when he brings his thumb to circle your clit “huh… look at you Thats it… fuck my fingers princess…. Soak my hand like a good girl” when your orgasam crashed over you his name came out of your mouth as a chorus he fucked you with his fingers through your first orgasam of the night “good girl” he said shoving the fingers that was in your cunt in your mouth “clean them off” he commanded you swirled your tongue around his digits he removed them from your mouth with a pop after three more mind blowing orgasams with his fingers and tongue he pulled away from your abused cunt
“On that bed now. Face down. Ass up.” He said with conviction you nodded starting to walk he pulled you back to him by your hair “crawl” he spat you nodded getting to your hands and knees crawling to the bed he unbuttoned his shirt and trousers coming up behind you looking at your wet cunt “So wet for me already” he growls “just for you George” you moan “i know baby he shoved his entire length into your sopping hole hissing at the stretch “You like this big, thick, fat dick, babygirl? You like the way I stretch out your slutty pussy out to fit in there?” George growled in your ear pulling all the way out then slamming back in immediately gaining a loud pornographic moan from your throat “George” you moaned “You can take it, I know you can, take it like a good girl baby. Youre doing such a good job taking me so good” he sped up his hips pistoning in and out of you hitting your g spot over and over again silent screams coming from your throat he grabbed you by your hair pulling you up against his bare chest holding your arms behind your back his free hand wrapping itself around your neck squeezing just hard enough to cut your air flow forcing you to listen to his voice “Look at you you little whore taking me so good, look at that i can see my cock in your stomach. So deep isnt it, so fucked out for me baby. So sexy. Who does this pussy belong too. Tell me.” he bites your earlobe letting go of your arms opting out to rub at your clit as he roughly fucks your abused hole when you didnt answer immediately he delivered a harsh slap to your clit velvet walls squeezing him perfectly “you! It belongs to you!” You screamed “good girl baby” he praised rubbing slow circles on your swollen clit “Gonna cum again? Thats pathetic. Why dont you just squirt for me. Make me all filthy, since you cant control yourself around me” you nodded your head eagerly at him gaining a chuckle out of him “beg.” He commanded “please George please i need to cum please please please” you moaned out “cum for me” he said simply and merlin did you wetness gushed over the two of you he chuckled “do i fuck you that good? You really do like being fucked like a slut you just squirted all over me baby you feel so good…” red tinge came over your face as he flipped you over and slammed you down on the bed “Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy when you come. What a gorgeous little slut…. Shit Baby… im Gonna… fuck… you’re gonna make me come, So tight good girl” he slammed his hips into you for the final time painting your walls in his cum groaning
When you came down from your high George pulled you onto his chest rubbing circles on your skin “i love you Y/n/n, only you, i belong to you only you baby you dont have to be jealous you know that” he cooed “i know that. You know that but no one else does… you know how much that hurts? Seeing them flirt and touch you and you doing nothing about it?” You didnt meet his gaze then it clicked in his head you were insecure and needed reassurance “okay baby.. okay” he said softly kissing you gently as you fell asleep in his arms
You sat down next to George Fred sitting on the opposite side of you slowly making your plate with a sad look on your face when Alicia and Angelina came sitting next to George you stiffened in your seat about to get up when George’s left hand placed itself on your thigh stopping you from moving “Goodmorning Handsome” Alicia smiled at George “Alicia” he gave a polite smile “so i was thinking, this Saturday you and i could go to Hogsmeade together” she said with a flirty smile you started to pack up “I appreciate the offer but its mine and my girlfriends one year anniversary on Saturday; I’m taking her to get her nails and hair done, and im getting her a new dress for our dinner and a movie date. Y/n and i already have plans for the entire day none of them include me going to Hogsmeade with you.” George turned around and grabbed your hand “i dont mean to be rude, or maybe i do mean to be a little rude but you have no chance with me you never have, and its annoying being flirted with constantly. shes already got everything i have to give her.” He grabbed your hand and placed a chaste kiss on it “shes everything i want” he sighed standing up “now if you could please stop flirting and touching me? Its making me and my girl really uncomfortable” he turned to you “ready to go Baby? We’ve got potions” George kissed your forehead you smiled at him “thank you” you whispered walking out of the great hall hugging his waist
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anoopsiedaisie · 1 year
My Fionna and Cake episode 7&8 tangent
Lets start it off with the score. 20/20 it was fantastic. my stupid theory post will happen eventually, and I will ABSOLUTELY TALK ABOUT PETRIGROF
The star - Cake thinking Fionna was upset cause her fling died was silly, Fionna was clearly upset before about the candy people. The fight with the vampires was funny but intense, I love how Cake and Fionna care a lot about eachother. Also why does Simon know what holy water taste like. Pb and "Star" was so cute, and I was so right when I talked about us getting more Bubbline on tiktok (Tiktok account is not linked anywhere btw) The vampire world is super sad though, cause they had really been eating for so long, that a potential thousands of people died. Marshall and Gary really lit up the episode from the sadness once again, Gary's tangents of his candy kingdom are so cute. AND HIS HAMBO THINGY IN HIS CAR. Marten and baby Finn are so cute, I wanna legit cry cause HES MEANT TO BE A GOOD DAD BUT HES SO STUPID IN THE OG UNIVERSE. Also imma say this now, Prismo gets in trouble for breaking the rules once and ignoring a few beeps, BUT Scarab ignores several beeps and his entire job and doesn't get in trouble, that boss better have a good reason. Second date (potentially) and Marshall already introducing his boyfriend to his mom, damn. Marshall's mom matches og Hunson perfectly somehow, duche parent club. And Marshall's little blush of embarrassment from his mom acting all weird infront of Gary. Billy's corpse is messed up, like reall messed up, and the reminder of how tall he is is also crazy. I was also wondering the entire time if Pb was human in this universe until she bit off half her arm basically. The Star's outfit is so good, but I wonder how she turned into a vampire now, maybe she was bit in front of that worlds Simon's body and thats why she screamed at something. Already long section so I'll end it here with, I LOVED THIS ENTIRE EPISODE, Huntress dying was sad though, and Gary Marshall kiss was adorable. Closing thought of this episode, Bubbline but toxic yuri. Jerry - Simon and Betty better get a happy ending or I will legit be so sad, they love each other so much, and Betty just legit became part of a god over her Fiance once celebrity crush. I love how gorgeous everything is in this show, Orbo is also a funny character. I feel like someone could narrow down where things and places they go in this Lich's wish universe it'd seem fun at first then spiral though. Simon does NOT know how to draw though get this man an art class. The tree house being naked though, all its leaves gone. Lich's wish to kill all life, really just unironically killed ALL life, down to plants. Fun little references to old episodes, and including one that revolved around Ice king, hmm. Also I wonder the age gap between Betty and Simon, I like to see it as they're like a year apart but Simon just skipped grades cause hes a smart cookie. Also Simon had slides ready for people to be loud, HE WAS READY. Nerd girls in love. I am also guessing Bmo has been alone for awhile now, at least since season 5ish times since thats when the Lich would have made this wish. All the references in Ice King's junk from the melted ice kingdom. Ninja guide books, kunai, vhs tapes and the camera, the pink diary, his bed has the wishing amulet that Gunter used to break bottles. I was RIGHT
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Fionna see's how unhealthy Ice King was, and changes her mind and wants him to not become this sad sad man again. Simon would genuinely be such a sweet and wonderful parent, he loved taking care of the babies in the baby universe, and he sees Fionna get happy when he tells his story with Betty and keeps doing it to keep her happy. Neddy is also guaranteed dead, already obvious but the candy kingdom doesn't have the juices being produced. Bmo has done a lot in his isolation, a lot of stuff is changed or moved, I feel so bad for bmo. But the lines "Help me zip up my bra" and "Ooo, butt stuff" Wow. The Simon and Betty stuff makes me so happy, they're so cute and I love them, they need to have a happy ending or I will be so sad. The lesbians ever, I love these lesbians, let the lesbians be happy. Simon struggling to say he loves her is so CUTE. Poor Bmo, I feel so bad, but he was probably so sad being alone, sad in someway. Petrigrof moment was so cute and adorable please, I want them so happy, they deserve to be happy. Now for the bombshell, Jerry. The Lich's wish monkey paw aspect is that he gets depressed and has nothing to do now that all life is gone. Billy's body decomposing as the Lich parasites it. SO, imma theory my reason for the portal finally opening to GolBetty, either it was because the Lich was used as the battle and influenced it in a way to allow it to finally work, OR Betty's wish to keep Simon safe truly included the crown being worn. Like the crown really did trigger GolBetty like "BITCH, NO" or the third that makes probably the most sense, The Scarab was literally about to kill Simon and go against what Betty wants, meaning she is going to interfere. I saw someone say that GolBetty likely wont remember Simon and this could cause something. BUT I REALLY HOPE THEY DONT DO THAT, I WANT THEM HAPPY SO BADLY
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nyaskitten · 6 months
Tell me about your au plz :3
OK !!! So the details are very messy cuz I just came up with this idea last night while drawing my guy the Nightmare King from Dreamzzz... Basically it's this super self-indulgent story where I just mix shit from Dreamzzz/Ninjago/LMK/Chima for the fucken sake of it!!!
In this story, the main characters are a Kai ripoff, Nya ripoff, and a Wyldfyre ripoff!!! Wyldfyre ripoff is Kai's youngest sister (Kai 22, Nya 20, Wyldfyre 8-10, probably 10), and she also has a pet dragon who she found years ago (knockoff Heatwave!!!)
For elemental powers, those are like these magical crystals called Elemental Cores, which you are blessed with (idk how yet) by ancient dragon lords (they all go by kings but they're not all men.) Kai has his Core somehow, and same for Nya! Unfortunately, Wyldfyre doesn't yet, either due to being too young or not proven herself yet! She doesn't let it bum her out too much because her epic dragon can grant her sort of temporary Core powers (kinda like Chi from Chima). Unbeknownst to them there's a special reason Wyldfyre and the others can accept powerups like this without detrimental side effects (I won't tell.)
The story goes something like this, a few years ago (probably between 3-5) Kai's parents and uncles (in this story Wu and Garmadon are his uncles) mysteriously go missing, and in present day he hears rumors of an ancient dragon king (Overlord) whose darkness has slowly been festering and increasing greatly. Initially, Kai doesn't care, "Surely if this nonsense were to be true, the great Dragon Knights (he doesn't know it, but they're his dad and uncles) will find out about and stop it!" Idk WHY he decides to go yet, but he takes Nya and the dragon, and leaves Wyldfyre with the others... but she does her own thing and follows. It's too late to turn back now, so reluctantly, Kai has to keep his baby sister out of trouble!
For characters, I'm not too sure how many I'm taking from which series' yet...
I know I have Kai, Nya, Wyldfyre, a Lloyd/Arin combo possibly, Jay, Ray, Maya, Wu, Garmadon, the Overlord, and Misako. I'm ALSO taking Lord Ras for self-indulgence reasons, and renaming naming him Korros (for fun and maybe Wu/Korros exes yaoi!) I also know I wanna get some Monkie Kid inspiration, so I'm thinking of the Lady Bone Demon, but crossed with fanon interpretations of the Preeminent as well! Also, again self-indulgence, Nightmare King from Dreamzzz, and also totally Cinder come the fuck on I need Cinder.
I dunno if I'll add Zane or Cole tho... part of me wants to do a Kalmaar knockoff just for one hyperspecific joke of like, Korros is taking forever to find some hidden mechanism in a wall, and Kalmaar goes "you know, i wouldnt have killed my father if i knew what followed would be so boring."
I have many other thoughts brewing in my brain but WHEW thats the gist of it.
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lifmera · 7 months
hi mera!! i hope you’re having a lovely day! could i please request a hazbin hotel, chainsaw man, and twisted wonderland matchup if it isn’t too much?
pronouns | she/they
preference | it doesn’t matter!
personality | very shy, but once i’m comfortable with you i become very chaotic! i tend to be mean affectionately when i get comfortable and just say what’s on my mind without much thought cause i know i can trust you. i am the type of the person to tell you if what you’re doing could get you hurt or in trouble in some way. i’m also very big about honesty so it’s rare that i ever tell a lie, especially to people close to me. hence why i want people to be straight up and not lie to me. not very big on people i don’t know well touching me, but if you’re close to me you can hug me if you’d like.
when i’m frustrated or angry, it happens often but it’s never truly that deep. like i’ll be angry but it won’t be for long. i do lash out at people, but it is often not just one thing that caused me to do it, it’s a build of of things over time.
being sad is just the same way, it builds up over time until it boils over. i cry a lot when i’m sad, same with when i’m angry, because i don’t know where to let out my emotions.
appearance | my hair color changes often, but right now it’s blue and purple! my hair cut is a wolf cut with bangs! i’m very pale with pale blue eyes and i’m about “5’3” to “5’4” in height! my style is grunge or alt, but i like to keep it simple! so just cargo pants, a plain t-shirt, and some high tops and jacket will do!
hobbies | archery, writing, reading, drawing, collecting, gaming
likes | 80s music, vampiric aesthetics, victorian fashion, cats
dislikes | bugs, spiders, thunder, loud noises, arguing
lil extras | istp | pisces
i’m a very all over the place person so i hope this is okay! thank you! <3
I’ve decided to pair you with…. CHARLIE, DENJI & MALLEUS
Pretty wide variety… i know!
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She LOVES your personality once you start to become comfortable.
She loves to be chaotic with you. Shes just a chaotic energy in total.
She’d love if you kept her AND other people out of trouble! Thats why she loves you so much :)
Shes also huge about honesty. Did you see what happened with vaggie!
She understands boundaries. Although she’s probably huge on touch, I feel like she wouldn’t do anything unless you initiated it.
When you lash out, she tries to help you not bottling up your emotions, and talking to her anytime something happened, she’ll love to hear whats going on.
She loves your outfits and your hair!! She thinks its super unique, and would say “opposites attract”
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Chaotic trio w power!!
If you playfully are mean to him he’ll do the same. I also think he’d try to bite you as a joke. Like chomp chomp.
Hes HUGE on honesty. Like what happened with makima…? Yikes..
Please help him stay out of trouble. He’s always doing something hella nuts or putting himself in danger. Although most of the times he prob won’t listen, he might!!
I think he might be a little annoying, so it’ll make you get angry, but if you talked about it to him.. 100% he’ll try to fix it!
Loves how u look. Honestly probably fell for you bc of it!!
He would probably game with you. And he’d enjoy it so much and be like.. “could you teach me…”
Teach him all your hobbies. PLEASE. HE’D LOVE TO DO IT ALL. He’ll suck butt at drawing and painting but please. It’d be so fun.
He’ll kill all the bugs for you <3
I honestly think at first he’d be scared of thunder, but he’d start to like it, and help you!!
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Definitely found out abt you thru Lilia. Lilia approached you cus of your style and was like… we need to be bsfs.
He’s also pretty quiet, but when you get comfortable around him, he’d LOVE how chaotic you are.
I think he HATES when people are too uptight. And will look to you for a break!!
Malleus might be a frustrating partner since he seems closed off, but i promise its just cause he doesn’t have friends and he needs to learn :(
He’d be so happy to find out the reason you were shy at first is bc you’re awkward and you aren’t scared of him like everyone else.
He’d be fine with whatever you did to him. Honestly if you lash out at him, he’d be a little taken aback but he’d let you let all your emotions out, and try to help you through it all.
I also think he’d suck at art. At first. I think he’d pick it up super quickly. He’s pretty good at everything.
I think at first he’d also suck at comforting but after a while he’d be super great at it.
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pansy-picnics · 1 year
How would the tangled kids react to Varian and Cassandra’s villain arc? Also I love your art 😊
AJDJDJDGG OKAY SO. this is SO fucking good but ive been putting it off for so long bc i wanted to draw something to go with it but i’ve just. never figured out what so inevitably i’m just gonna answer it on its own
this subject in particular is SO FUNNY for me to think about bc i think the kids’ reactions depend a lot on how their parents talk abt it and both of them handle it in COMPLETELY different ways. like uknighted dream is pretty open abt it (obviously they give the incredibly watered down kid-safe version) and they kinda use it as a learning experience? like in very vague terms.
its kinda just like
alina: oh why are you and mama cass fighting in your drawing :(
rapunzel: <:) well yknow how if you shake a bottle of soda, when you open it it explodes everywhere?? well sometimes when we bottle up our feelings and don’t do anything with them or talk to someone we trust, they end up getting all shaken up in there, and eventually theyll explode! mama cass and i used to have a lot of trouble talking about our feelings, and because of all those emotions that got bottled up and shaken around in there, we found it hard to properly communicate with each other at all. but then we realized how much we really cared about each other and how we really wanted to make things work, so we learned to be more honest about how we felt and how to communicate with one another without everything just ‘exploding’, so to speak. and thats why we always teach you how to manage your big emotions, does that make sense? :)
on the other hand VARIAN? literally could not care less. at least not with the ud kids. he still has one of his wanted posters that hugo grabbed as a “souvenir” on their trip, and the automaton he used to fight rapunzel? its still in the corner of his lab and he pulls it apart regularly for scrap metal.
ryder will be wandering around his lab when hes like 7 and hes like “uncle vari whats that”
varian: that’s an automaton buddy
ryder: did you make it?
varian: yeah
ryder: what’s it for
varian: well nothing now it’s just spare parts. but i actually made it a long time ago to fight your mom
ryder: which one
varian: both actually. and technically your dad. but mostly rapunzel
ryder: oh
ryder: did you win?
varian: no it wasnt really that kind of fight. nobody won
ryder: oh that’s boring
ryder: can i try it
varian: absolutely not
when emery comes along though varian is like “okay we are Never addressing this again” bc em thinks varian is SO cool and varian actually cares So much about his newfound image. (very stupid of him for that to be his main priority obviously bc emery is like 4 and if she knew what he did she would probably just be like “okay. can i have apple juice”)
anyways yeah ilmari and the twins don’t really tell her anything either because they don’t really see it as anything worth telling her about, especially in comparison to way more important things like the fact that lance will sometimes sneak you dessert before dinner if you can convince eugene he has a gray hair without him catching on. so obviously emery grows up fairly unaware of anything varian has done but the defining factor is that shes constantly hearing about it out of context and is just left to struggle with that enigma.
like you know the experience of being like 14 years old at the family thanksgiving and you get to sit at the grown ups table for the first time and hear about all their weird beef and inside jokes and also hear your aunt mention out of context that hey your dad went to prison once bc that’s LITERALLY what the tangled kids experience in relation to their parents’ pasts. like the twins forgot about most of what varian told them by the time they grew up, they knew the watered down version of what happened with cass but they never knew the little details right. so they’ll just be hanging out playing checkers together while the adults are sitting across the room chatting over drinks and varian jokes “oh man its just like that one time cass kidnapped me” and all the kids immediately whip their heads around like “WHAT?”
this is ESPECIALLY true with emery who’s parents are notorious for having more insults for each other than pet names. em could just be reading by the fireplace late one night and var and hugo come out for a midnight snack and just start talking like
hugo: sometimes i think maybe objectively we should be evil again. like just for fun
varian: honestly. i took over the kingdom once i could do it again no problem
hugo: you’re probably actually strong enough to do it yourself now 🥺
varian: you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid
emery: ….right so are we just gonna brush over the “again” part or did you guys forget i was here
varian also eventually realizes that by doing this he is replicating EXACTLY how quirin used to be secretive of his own past and how like one day varian just suddenly had to grapple with the knowledge that his dad who baked pies and fed the apple peels to his raccoon probably had a kill count. and obviously varian is absolutely distraught over this revelation
“HUGO HELP ME. I think im becoming my dad” “oh. well hey it happens to all of us it could be worse. besides your dad is hot so like i see it as a win win” “What” “what?”
i should probably also mention that ilmari knew about cass’s villain arc long before they even MET and ilmari actively tries to use this against her when they’re like 13. like “yeah well you cant tell ME what to do i’m gonna tell alina and ryder you tried to stab mom when you were in your 20s” (it doesn’t work btw)
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oathofkaslana · 6 months
klee warrior starter kit by meeee :3
ok to understand klee, you have to understand that her relationships are intrinsically linked to the way her character's written. i think a lot of the viewing of her as just a comedic relief character comes from the mistake of viewing her separately from where her character is intended to shine (in tandem w others!) yes, she is very obviously a comedic relief character, but that’s not all there is to her!
there's so so so much intention behind her:
her simplicity klee being simple both reinforces her youth and makes her an even better foil to the complex characters she interacts with because it makes her contrast with them! it also serves as a benchmark for what they were like/what they could have been before whatever situation shaped them. additionally, the way klee's story is right now feels like a set up for a grown up version of her that's more similar to the characters she foils!!! cant you see the version of klee where she does become her own main character where her brother's sacrifice and her mothers love and her guilt over constantly accidentally messing up/hurting others is used as something the expands her motivations for bringing others happiness?
her youth klee’s simple childhood naivety is the whole point of her character that’s why she’s a good foil. the point is that she’s at a point where all of her issues haven’t set in yet because she’s surrounded by so much love. i think it’s kinda obvious how alice not being constantly there is going to influence her. shes not introduced as someone important or someone w a potentially sad story. BUT SHE IS!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS THE POINT!!!!!! her youth also completes the familial narratives she fulfills as someone representative of second chances (re: her being a foil, mhy's general tendency to treat the youth as a second chance)
her connections w fairy tales her being an elf, her weapon being a spell book, her events often having things to do with fictional stories or plays or books, etc etc. all of these tie back to the hexenzirkel and their literary allusions!! we could also argue her bunny theming fits in w alice as a potential reference to alice in wonderland! also note how the hexenzirkel have a history with venti who's a bard and also heavily associated w fairytales.
ARAGGRRAG.. klee's character circles familial themes and love...
family! the person she looks up to most is her mother, alice! all of her summer events have had something to do with alice!! she even references her mom w her skin! and in return, alice loves her back so so so fiercely!!!! but for the majority of the time, alice is not home!! this is so so important bc it sows the seeds for her as a foil for characters with familial issues (primarily albedo, kaeya, razor, jean). her youth comes into play here bc it lets her fulfill this role as someone representative of each of these character's second chances, making it so so so impactful when these characters treat her w so much patience and kindness and love and even moreso when she returns all of those back! there's this one line from the secret summer paradise event where the group is watching as these three quarreling brothers were trying to make klee happy together and kaeya says, "Klee hasn't realized it yet, but her innocent, childlike nature is very powerful. It can inspire and even help heal others." (also note how the first GAA event brought together siblings in mond and how klee makes the KoF her family. re: her character stories) i could also add a whole section on her and albedo alone because oughhh... dear god. she is his little sister! in their first introduction alice, who literally asks albedo to call her mom, tells albedo "We'll be a family from now on, treat her like a real younger sister!" and klee acts as his primary link to mondstadt and humanity, literally drawing him away from his isolated lab and back into the main city because of her habit for making trouble (literally in his character stories btw). she thus becomes representative of humanity to him, something important because albedo has already decided that if he ever succumbs to durin's corruption, he would rather die than hurt mondstadt (also note how albedo's character is intertwined with an exploration of life and humanity and family). klee and alice's relationship also acts as a parallel of albedo and rhine's relationship. both alice and rhine being gone and yet so so so important to their children's lives to the point where both their outlooks and personal motivations are spurred by them! even alice's words mirroring albedo's musings on rhine!! ("My wish is simple: I want Klee to grow up with a curious yet kind heart. As long as she so desires, she can do anything and go anywhere." || ""I hope this isn't just wishful thinking, but… when parents speak to their children about 'the meaning of this world'… surely they just mean the pursuit of a happy life?" and "In such a long life, parents are but a child's first connection. Even though we don't want to be separated, there will come the day when you must walk your own path." || "Reach the far side of philosophy, and create a new destiny for myself and your brothers…"). klee's relationship with albedo also works as a foil for albedo's relationship with durin! (both being sources of heat from the sheer cold, both being naive and reckless, klee being lucky and durin's remains being cursed, klee connecting albedo to alice while durin connects him to rhine, klee being the reason albedo comes back to mond and albedo's lab literally overlooking durin's remains..) extra section for her and razor :'') iirc this is when traveler first learns of klee. this is important because, again, razor's story heavily deals with family, whether it be his biological parents, his lupical, or his found family in mond. klee fits here because klee is the first person (not wolf!!) that razor calls his lupical (from his character stories).
mondstadt! i would honestly argue that klee's intangible from mondstadt and plays such a necessary role both bc of her being apart of the hexenzirkel's story through alice, and for the family narratives and how that ties in w venti and/or the traveler! (venti playing a parental role over mond and traveler going through a typical hero's journey where the story will end the same place it all started.) the familial themes in mondstadt are important since its the first nation, and w the hero's journey, the last nation the traveler visits. obv the traveler's story is also about family, making mondstadt's familial themes tying nicely w the traveler's as well.
symbolism! clovers and rabbits being associated w luck, her clovers being made out of four hearts as a reference to the fact that she's brought up on love <- note how theres also a heart on the back of her bag on her skin, her having a long life span fitting in w her birthday falling in summer where the days are longer, summer also being a season heavily associated with youth and playfulness, her celestial imagery (comparisons to the sun and stars) being indicative of her liveliness and capabilities of healing/growth (again, see the kaeya line from above and the sheer cold effect).
her compassion:
dear god she's literally the sweetest little girl in the world. i feel sick i forgot to say how caring klee is do you remember when she offered to give mona snacks in her backpack because she thought she was hungry? do you remember when she apologized to diona bc she thought she was mad at her and diona instantly deflated and told comforted her? do you remember when she busted out kaeya bc she thought he was grounded? do you remember when she got so excited at the thought of lisa making more board games but then reeled herself in because she was worried lisa would get tired? do you remember when she said goodbye to her mom and turned so that dodoco could say goodbye too? do you remember how she literally went home at night during the event because she promised she would :’)))) do you know how genuinely careful she tries to be with her bombs???? do you remember how in her story quest she literally goes straight to jean and tell on herself, even though she hates solitary confinement, because she felt so so guilty over hurting someone? (she literally goes ,"Mr. Fluffball was only a thief. He didn't deserve to blow up.") she left cat food outside under a sun umbrella when it started getting hotter because she was worried about the heat. when asked what she planned to do with her magic she says. actually lemme just copy and paste this whole quote:
"Klee... wants to make everyone really happy!" But with these words, the mage suddenly realized the problem with this desire— Those who are unhappy surely have their reasons for being sad. Would a smile forced upon their lips through magic be even more painful and ugly than tears? Fortunately, her little mind worked quickly, and she soon found her answer: Then I'll use my magic to get rid of everyone's troubles! "For example, magic could make everyone never get sick again, and never have to worry about Mora! Everyone could eat fish for every meal, and be healthy, and just happily play all day!" But that didn't seem like enough. Klee rested her cheek in her hand, and looked out over the azure sky and white clouds in the distance: "I want... I want to hear everyone's wishes, and save them, and then use the most amazing and powerful magic, to give everyone the happiness they want the very very most!"
she is so so so kind :''')
her sillyisms:
again she blows a raspberry at us in one of her voicelines, said she'd headbutt fungi, literally goes "what do you mean that's child labor???", thinks she exploded something any time she hears thunder, braids razor's hair, made the traveler a huge dodoco, keeps accidentally calling lisa auntie, she literally found primogems and gave them to us, her bombs are said to be impossibly above teyvat's standards they are literally other worldly, she's canonically solo'd the primo geovishap and gave us its drops, etc!!!!!
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i'm sure One Million Kazillion people have asked you this but if not Perpep for the ask game?
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Just one more! This is specifically for Beforan Perpep. Not Bard's Collage or Alternia. Perpep
favorite thing about them Playing her is so fun. She's just a little guy. She is just a little guy, yknow? I also love how she talks. Its not the best transcribed on my part but its just cute. Her intonation is cute.
least favorite thing about them Probably just my... like. Inability to keep up with her timescale... I decided all my ocs have some time distortion shit going on with them because of my executive dysfunction. There are. several things in her drafts that are there because i wanted to draw a picture for it and never did. There are... so many...
favorite line Ok so if youve been here for a while, she once was really mad at Raveri, the other Raveri, and wrote a whole rant about him. That was funny I liked that. I also liked the time she was talking about the horrorterrors and drew one of them with her text.
brOTP Uhhhhhh I still dont really get this im ngl. An otp but platonic, so either a qppr or like... just being good friends? buddies? Well that'd've probably also been old Raveri. They were sopor chess buddies. They did sopor slime and played chess.
OTP Uh... Hm... Yknow, again, I don't really ship Perpep. I guess her alt!self Oftcas has an 'otp' with (B!)Detheo. Their wierd fuckin biuniversal asses. Postgame she has a pitch thing going on with Somati, but her whole situation makes it kind of... I think her intimacy is pretty heavily wounded. Yknow... from being a human pet. Being without a relationship after so long of it being the default is hard though. Something that happens during the game that makes this part easier, but she does feel it really intensely. It's why she gets with Somati actually. Its technically pitch and she thinks of it that way even if it resembles a pale relationship a little more because of how Perpep is. It's not entirely NOT pale on somati's part, but it is pitch. Not the angry kind of pitch though, the like... theyre two individually really chill people who start fucking with shit to compete when theyre together. Mentos and coke ship.
nOTP Shrugs. You'd probably think I'd say Perpep and her culler, but thats narratively interesting to me. Uhhh I guess she would be really bad with Alpha Detheo. Like they wouldn't mix at all and their preconceptions about the other would clash so bad i think they might just kind of avoid eachother a little bit. Curiosity on both sides, with fear twinging Perpep's and logical guilt on Detheo's. Logical guilt being like... not guilt guilt but like. Ah a version of me hurt this person in a very sick way. This has added a level of morality to my self image that is troubling and I will have to consider deeply what went wrong in my other life to ensure something like that does not happen in this one. Also I should stay away from Perpep because she definitely doesn't want any more Detheo in her life. (Not entirely wrong on that last count but not right either)
random headcanon Perpep is the cuddliest motherfucker on the planet. During her session, about from the Entering when she loses track of Cinimon to her death during the Among Us conference between her, Miyers, Respit, and Sphinx, she's really fucking nervous and crabby because of touch starvation. Thats actually part of why she throws so much shade during that little meeting. She's not got a lot of emotional skill, so when she feels negatively, those emotions leech into her other emotions like dye in water. She has a hard time distinguishing between different stressors almost. Like if her emotional state was a body, and her stress was caused by a horsefly biting her on one side, she would project the same anger in every direction. She's new to this, yk.
unpopular opinion uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh My unpopular opinion is you should go on her blog and look at the posts under #captures and appreciate those drawings :-)
song i associate with them Ohoho. Hold on let me get the Perpeplaylist Taroko by August Greenwood Death by Melanie Martinez New Normal by Jack Stauber Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown I Can Talk by Two Door Cinema Club Otherside by the Red Hot Chilipeppers Sports by Beach Bunny (Voiceclaim also) Wreckingball specifically the cover by The Orion Experience In that order. LMK if you have any guesses on how her timeline fits to those. I feel like its pretty obvious but I am also the writer so yk.
favorite picture of them
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This is stil the funniest thing ive ever drawn i think. She flashbanged herself poor fishie.
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This one which is still way detailed. Im kinda sad no one ever asked about the collar, to get a closer look at the picture, the bullet, the rook, the tiny grub hons, the necklaces, the bident, or . any of that. I also planned to have it be more obvious that those are *somati's* clothes. If you look in captures you'll see his dad's dead body. Thats where she got the sgrub disks. College and Exec disorder got in the way of the pictures of Snapdad i planned for Somati to post... I might end up redoing that though. Shrug.
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And obviously this picture from her postgame band on Continua. LOOK At her. she is such a sweetie.
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moonlitkilljoy · 1 month
i just finished it so my thoughts are VERY unorganized but i loved it SO FUCKING MUCH. the puppetry was incredible and i loved what joey was doing when crumb was attacking ella's stepmother. INCREDIBLE.
there's honestly too much for me to say. the acting and music was all incredible!!! i was worried i would dislike any sort of relationship between tadius and ella (no, i dont know why, ig the anxieties just gripped me) but i honestly ADORED it, and im also rlly glad it was never a focus of the story? like they didnt have some big fairytale wedding, bc thats not what the stories about!! the story was about ella finding happiness and freedom; about ella gaining actual agency in her story. her story had love in it, yes, but it was not a love story. it was a story of perseverance and strength, of survival. not that a more explicit love story between them would've taken away from that! but i like that she stayed the main focus, i think that was a great choice.
ALSO. FUCKING LOVED THE FAIRY GODMOTHER. holy shit i had to pause when she came on screen to talk to my siblings about how gay i am because holy shit. also the dialogue in that entire scene was INCREDIBLE and haunting. legitimately incredible!!!!
LOVED all the implied gore and the horror of it all!!! cant wait to rewatch it tomorrow and figure out how to draw the characters >:] i have so many ideas already
ALSO ALSO i was so surprised by this bc i've got contamination ocd and usually gross stuff kind of icks me out but i so genuinely ADORED rancilda. tho maybe that isnt so surprising given my obsession with the riddler and rancilda's love of riddles.... who knows...
oh, man, and the visuals? INCREDIBLE. i have so much to say that im having trouble thinking of anything specific so i'll leave it at that for now <3
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sunny6677 · 1 month
Careless Whisper.
A Kevin x Eyes crackfic.
Kevin can't stop thinking about a certain eldiritch entity he saw the first time the kids brought him trouble.
Chapter 2: The House on The Hill.
The next day, they came in. At the same exact time they always did. Kevin had been watching the watch around his wrist anxiously the entire time. Waiting for their arrival. And he nearly let out a sigh of relief when he heard the two kids call his name in the same cheery tone they always did.
"Hi, Kevin!"
"Hi—Hi, kids!"
He rather anxiously said, quickly setting his hand down onto the counter.
The one in the skeleton costume smiled, walking up to the counter. "Can we get a candy can, ple—"
"Ye—Yeah! Yeah. You can. Just—can I ask you two something?"
The two kids blinked up at him in slight confusion, and in return he swallowed.
"What is it?" The one in the pumpkin costume asked.
"Uh—I wanted to know if you two might know where that thi—..that friend of yours was. You know, the friend who.. came into this store with you for candy a while ago?"
"Our.. friend?" The skeleton costumed kid paused, and then grinned from ear to ear. "Oh! You mean Eyes!"
"Yeah! That's his name! We know where he is!"
Eyes. That was that things name. It fit, to be honest. He had so many beautiful eyes all over his luscious locks of dark red mush. His hair, his jawline. Everything about him was drop-dead gorgeous. And so was his elegant name.
"Re—Really? Where?!" Kevin rather eagerly asked, more excited than he meant to be as he leaned foward.
"He's over in that house on the hill!" The pumpkin costumed kid grinned, "Thats where he lives!"
"Yeah—we can take you to meet him if you want!" The skeleton costumed kid smiled.
"Oh—please! I'd love that!" Kevin smiled hysterically.
"..can we get our candy cans now?" The skeleton costumed kid asked, tilting his head to the side.
"..oh. Right. Hold on."
And so, their journey to the house on the hill began. He already knew of it since he passed it a few times while occasionally driving or walking around town. But he never knew that such a handsome hunk lived there. He could imagine arriving there, and seeing Eyes with a muscular frame leaning against the doorframe, asking in a gruff beautiful voice what he needed.
And here he was. He'd see his love again soon. He had given the kids their needed candy cans, and they were taking him to see their friend. He felt a rushing wave of euphoria beginning to rise within him the more he thought about it, occasionally smiling to himself and twirling what little hair he had.
Sometimes, he'd giggle just from the sheer happiness that he was about to see him again. It was like he was a teenage girl about to go out on a date with her boyfriend. One of the kids would turn to him with an arched brow, and ask—
"..why are you laughing, Kevin?"
And.. well, he'd just clear his throat in response. Saying, "Nothing. Sorry."
As of now though, they were nearing the house. And he was growing frantic. He could have sworn he heard it. That sound of the saxophone. Slowly drawing closer as he saw less houses, and more hills begin to appear on the grass beside the long roads.
The kids were just smiling. Not even rushing at all. But he felt like quickening his pace. He felt his breaths beginning to sharpen.
"..ki—kids, how much longer do we have?" He exhaled.
"Uhhh—" The pumpkin costumed kid thought for a moment. "I dunno!"
Ugh.. that wasn't a good answer. Kevin felt like growling. He felt like rushing ahead of the kids to the house on the hill rather than keeping up with them. So he'd see his love again once more.
Yet.. then, he saw it. Something ahead. A hill. Something on top of the hill. A large silhouette of what appeared to be some kind of mansion. The coldness enveloping Kevin turned into euphoria once he finally processed what it was.
It was the house on the hill.
A grin slowly surged on his face. His gaze became completely fixated on the house. He heard the kid in the skeleton costume speak.
"Uh.. Kevin?" The kid muttered, sounding confused. "Why are you smiling like tha—"
The kid wasn't able to finish. For Kevin practically then leapt over him and the other kid, grinning from ear to ear as he started to dash toward it. This was it! He was going to see Eyes again! Frantic laughter escaped his mouth as his hair flew in the wind.
It was as if he were a totally different person, blinded by sheer love. The image of Eyes in his mind brought him such unbelievable happiness as he giggled.
"I'm coming, my sweet! Hahahahah—ahaahhahahahaha!"
That cry left his mouth the moment he paused in front of the two large doors of the house, and practically swung one of them open. It came open with a large thud, whacking itself against the wooden plates of the walls. He breathed heavily. Exhaling and inhaling hysterically.
His eyes darted around the room. But.. he saw Eyes nowhere. Eyes wasn't anywhere to be seen within his room. Maybe he was upstairs? Or worse, the kids were making things up.
Before he could get angry with that possibility though, he processed something. A bunch of.. red robed figures it seemed, lined up in a circle. They were wearing red masks over their heads. With little holes drawn inside much like the several eyes.. well.. Eyes had over his mush. They wore golden necklaces around their neck. And though he couldn't see their faces, he could sense the visible confusion coming from them.
Still, he was just as puzzled as they were. "..wh—what the..?"
They just stared at him for a moment. After a few seconds, they finally began to move, parting the way as if to part the red see. And in the center, there was a tall man he hadn't seen with a brown hat worn over his head, a lollipop sticking out from the shadow cast by the folds of his hat, and a brown trenchcoat worn over his form.
"..what business do you have here?" The man asked, his voice southern and gruff.
"I.. uh.. I just wanted to see Eyes. Y'know. The—the thing with all the eyes and the tentacles? It's—he's here, right?"
The man paused, arching a brow from behind the shadow of his mask. "Uh.. yes, actually. What do ya want with him?"
"I just—uh.." He laughed hysterically, "I just wanted to see hHi! Yeah! Hahahah—heheheh.. you.. where is he, anyway?"
The man simply looked at him, and then stepped back with beads of sweat beginning to trickle nervously down the sides of his face. "He's, uh.. we're—kinda doin' a ritual for him right now. So he's busy. You might have to just.. come by to see him later."
"La—Later?!" Kevin yelled. No! He couldn't be away from him for much longer! He just couldn't! Not when he wanted to know so much more about him. "What do you mean later?! You can't just—"
"Sir. We're tryin' to do a ritual right now. He can't—"
"Where is he?! Tell me where he is!" Kevin practically begged over the sound of this man trying to speak to him, walking foward with a desperate expression. "I need to see him!"
"Sir. Not now. You—"
"I need to! Please! He's everything to me!"
"..please—please calm down—you—"
Kevin's eyes then went wide as saucers, and he gave a shush. "Wait, wait.. do.. do you hear that?"
The man went quiet. Everyone else in the red robes looked up, as if to listen.
"..hear what?" The man uttered.
There was quietness in the air. At least, for a moment. But then Kevin heard it. The faint sound of.. the saxophone. Coming from somewhere below. He looked down. Behind the man was.. what appeared to be a hole with cyan light slowly pouring out onto the wood. He listened more. The saxophone continued. And everything around him became gradually tinted a pink.
He slowly grinned more, giggling. "Ahahh.. haahaha! There he is!"
The man let out a slight yelp. Kevin dove foward without thinking, practically shoving the man out of the way with his sharp elbow. The other people in red robes flinched slightly. One of them tried to reach out their hands as if to stop him.
Alas though, it was too late. The moment he got close enough to the hole, he prodded all of the hands that reached for him away, crying out sharply.
And once he did, he dove foward—feeling his body slowly begin to sink into the cyan hole once he jumped.
He was falling for a few seconds. He opened his eyes, feeling cyan light blind his sockets as he glanced around rather anxiously. Yet—he suddenly felt his body come to a stop. A firmness wrapped around his waist. It felt like a warm, romantic embrace. One that he could only describe as..
He looked up. And once he did, he saw it.
Staring straight back at him with several cyan eyes.. was Eyes, his sharp teeth looking beautiful as ever. His mush glistening like muscular pecs. His tentacles swirling around like several arms eager to embrace him and comfort him. Eyes looked down at him, tilting his head to the side.
It simply growled in response to seeing him again. Ah, it.. it remembered him! That alone made a smile form on his face as he giggled.
"Ye—Yeah. You do. Hahahah.."
...the saxophone was louder now.
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plipple · 7 months
helloo, i was just curious if you'd mind sharing your gender/sexuality headcanons for dinoverse characters? if you have any of course!! xoxo
HELLO started bouncing off the walls OK
have trouble wording things sometimes so bear with me here
victor - trans guy but at the same time I think he's just doing whatever honestly. Figure out his gender and sexuality For Him because he's too busy to think about it himself nor does he care that much. This is why I draw Victor the way I do btw
vincent - here comes the. SO this is from hcs with my partner (@myramenisfuckingcold) that human vince was tfem ! and that the cyborg, for like. technical reasons or something i'm not sure how to word this probably had his gender exploded too. yeah hope this makes sense. parasite elaborate in notes if uou want
krueger - I'm so scared
draco - should find help for completely unrelated reasons. something is going on there
vanora - blhhrrglgghbn she's um.??? I actually. haven't thought about anything for her. get back to me later on that because I can't think of anything right now
zalmona - what ever. I think she is everything ever out there. i can't exactly put anything specific for him you just gotta understand what i mean here
myers - i dont ljke him he doesn't get anything here
loomis - entity. figure it out
claude - loves men refuses to admit it. he's like so old can you believe it ah ah aha ah aaah
edit ohmy god i forgot taylor. aroace thats all i have to say. they are 🪼
um. i'm sure you can tell who i favor 💕 I feeelll like I'm forgetting someone but probably not??? so SORRY IF I DID !! but Yeahh .
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playroom-sekaii · 1 year
Hello!! could you do some little mizu & cg ena hcs if thats okay (>^ω^<)
Alright, here you go! :D
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-Mizuki's the epitome of a chaos toddler, normally slipping to around 3-4 years old. They can go a bit younger if they're feeling especially bad, but Ena's there to help them feel all better!
- They're a voluntary regressor, usually after having to go to school they'll use the evening to relax and feel small. They don't usually like letting others be around them when they're little though (not only from thinking it would be like their other secret, but I sort of headcanon that they've had bad experiences in their past telling others that they're an age regressor, making them even more nervous about letting anyone know), but Ena is working to help them feel more comfortable with it. When their anxiety over their secret gets especially bad, they involuntarily regress, which is normally when they allow Ena to step in and help.
-Ena is currently one of only two of Mizuki's true friends that know about this part of them, the other being Rui. She wants to do everything she can to help them when they're small, wishing to support their mental health however she can. Though she'd never admit it, she spent a lot of time researching how to be a good caregiver for them, along with thinking about when she was younger with Akito.
-Ena's quite good at telling when Mizuki's trying to hide that they're regressed. Their voice gets a bit mumbly, their teasing doesn't hit as hard as it usually does, they tend to fidget with looser parts of their outfits. Even if they try to deny it, Ena will tell them that it's okay, and try to take them somewhere more secluded if they're in public or start a private Nightcord call if they're not physically together.
-Little Mizuki absolutely loves playing dress-up, it's their favorite thing in the world! They let Ena pick out special outfits for them to wear, and then they put on a little fashion show for her! Sometimes Ena gives them small makeovers as well, and she occasionally lets Mizuki do the same for her (sure, her little one's attempts at doing her makeup make her look like a clown, but she's proud of their hard work!)
-Ena enjoys getting to do arts and crafts with her small one - coloring, drawing, finger painting, she absolutely cherishes every piece Mizuki makes while little. They really like watching Ena draw as well, she can make almost anything, it's like she's magic! There have been a few incidents of Mizuki coloring on Ena's walls, and while she was quite proud of her little one's art, she didn't want to get in trouble with her parents so she had to scrub it off-
-Sometimes Mizuki will want to play games with Ena, be it board games or things like hide and seek, but they're quite a competitive and sneaky small one. Making up rules on the fly is quite common, much to the annoyance of Ena ("An' I can go a extra space!" "What?! Why?" "Cuz I'm special!" "I mean, you are, but..." "Hehe~")
-Mizuki still teases Ena a bit while they're little, though their attempts don't hit as hard as when they're big. Ena likes to pretend that they're the most insulting things she's ever been told, though this sometimes makes Mizuki worry that they've genuinely upset her ("Ena you butthead!" "*gasp* Goodness, Mizuki! How dare!" "Wait Ena no-")
-Cuddles are very abundant! Whenever Mizuki's upset or tired, or just randomly, the two of them will end up on Ena's bed surrounded by plushies, it makes Mizu feel especially safe and happy <3
-Mizuki's favorite stuffed animal while little is a cat Ena got them that they named Amethyst (though they sometimes struggle with the pronunciation, simply calling her Ammy), they take her everywhere with them. If Ammy goes missing you will not know peace around little Mizu until she is found.
-Ena is somewhat overprotective of lil Mizu, she always tends to go the extra mile to make sure nothing happens that could cause them to be hurt or upset. Mizuki thinks she's being a bit silly when she worries like this, but they truly are grateful for how much she cares for them ♡
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stars-tonight · 2 months
Hiii omg I absolutely adore your entire blog! I was wondering if I could get a match up 🙈
Romantic matchup
My pronouns are she/her and I’d like to be paired to a guy
I’d like someone who can match my energy (if that makes sense😭)
Someone who can always reassure me on things (I always self doubt myself its not funny nmm😭)
Someone who can listen to me rant about the most random things and joke around about them or make fun of me for em
Im a pretty shy person at first but once I get more comfortable with the person I’m super energetic and say the most stupid things everr
I talk about the most random things ever that come to mind or rant about my current interests
Im usually a laid back person but I can also get energy at random times and make stupid decisions
I like to listen to music like A LOT like music is my absolute life n basically formed me (I swear I always have my AirPods in listening to some song 💔)
I also like to draw a lot even though I never finished a single sketchbook I have (I keep buying new ones 😭)
My love languages for giving is gift giving and quality time
My love languages for receiving is physical touch and quality time
My ideal date would probably be to go to a cafe honestly (THATS SO BORING IM SORRY😭) but like I would want it to be like a chilly afternoon and we just get coffee and walk around some park and just talk and spend time together
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🥛 aw i haven't matched someone with hinata in so long
🥛 the main reason why i chose him for you is because of your personality and what you said you wanted your partner to be like
🥛 hinata has a lot of confidence and is very good at inspiring / encouraging others so he'd always be able to cheer you up and reassure you
🥛 but he'd also love listening to you rant about things (as long as you can also listen to him rant about volleyball)
🥛 honestly you're kind of like yachi in the sense that you're initially shy but you can be really energetic around friends
🥛 and we know hinata is really good friends with yachi so he wouldn't be perturbed by your initial shyness or your energy once you get closer
🥛 he's also pretty impulsive though so he probably wouldn't be the best influence
🥛 like if you're shopping and you're like "shōyō which one should i get" he'd say "both!"
🥛 unfortunately he has so much energy he'll have trouble letting you listen to music in peace
🥛 like he'll always be like "baby what are you listening to?" and you have to take out an airpod to talk to him 😭
🥛 he'd be happy to listen with you in silence though, just give him an airpod and hold his hand
🥛 he'd always want to watch you draw too
🥛 he'd get so entranced he doesn't even realize he's staring like 👀
🥛 he would always be so flattered to get presents from you, although i think he would prefer homemade gifts over store bought things
🥛 but ultimately he'll be ecstatic that you even thought about him enough to get him something
🥛 hinata would 100% be a clingy koala bear with his partner
🥛 not so much physically but in the sense that he'd always want to be hanging out with them
🥛 so you'll be spending a LOT of time together
🥛 he'll also definitely hold your hand in public and will probably do that thing where he's behind you, holds onto your shoulders, and jumps up and down when he's excited
🥛 if you're taller than him he'll ask you to give him piggyback rides, and vice versa if you're shorter
🥛 i saw this one fanart of hinata in something like a trench coat with a scarf holding a cup of coffee and he was SO CUTE
🥛 but yeah he'd be happy to go get coffee with you and just walk around the park
🥛 probably feeds and chases the pigeons
🥛 secretly hopes you get cold so he can be a man and lend you his scarf XD
runner up for you was bokuto kōtarō!
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A/N: hi! thank you for your request, i hope you liked your match!
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