#so I said AGAIN show me after work and he blew up at me
zofias · 2 years
you know i always wonder why my dad chooses to yell at me right before i have to leave for work like is it his goal to ruin my whole day???
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woodland-gremlin · 6 months
“We’re home!” Conner bellows, posing like he just won the Super Bowl, with Tim behind him looking exasperated.
“Welcome home,” Danny says from the kitchen. “I’m just finishing up the Fudge.”
Hearing the word Fudge Conner cheers before running to the kitchen door. “I call licking the spoon!”
Tim freezes before rushing to catch up with Conner. Danny’s Phantom Fudge was legendary and there was no way he was going to give up the right to lick the spoon without a fight. Conner may have super powers and a head start but he didn’t free Bruce from being stuck in the time stream with his boyfriends by just his good looks, though they certainly helped.
He looks around to see what can give him an advantage in his quest for legendary Fudge when he sees something that causes his heart to drop. League of Assassins garb peeking out through the hallways closet.
His mind began to work in overtime trying to figure out what this could mean. While it seems like one of the League’s assassins is for some reason hiding in his closet, that also makes very little sense. If one were here they would never make such a mistake. It could be one of Danny or Conner’s souvenirs that they liberated from the League when the three of them blew up a bunch of their bases. But that doesn’t explain why they would be in one of their apartment closets, they keep that stuff in the Nest with the rest of the stuff connected to their alter-egos. Though Danny does like to bring some of his inventions here to fiddle with sometimes, he usually phases them into things to hide them when he isn’t working on them.
As Tim prepares for a fight while trying to figure out the assassin grab Danny phases his head through the kitchen wall. “Tim want some Fudge?” he asks before looking at what caught Tim’s interest. “Why are you looking at where I tied up the Cultist Fruitloop?”
Tim’s eyes widen before turning to where Danny’s head was poking through the wall. “Ras?!” Tim squeaks. This catches attention from where he was gorging himself with Fudge. “Ra’s here?!” he asks while rushing towards them, getting ready to fight.
Danny phases through the rest of the wall before shrugging like he didn’t just say there was an immortal leader of a cult of assassins tied up in their closet.
“Well, he kind of just showed up and started ranting about how he would make you,” Danny says while gesturing towards Tim, “his, so I knocked him out with the anti-creep stick and tied him up before shoving him in the closet.”
Tim wanted to bang his head against the wall and from the look of it Conner wasn’t that far behind him in that thought. This was Ras for Ancients sake and here Danny was acting like he was some common thug.
“You don’t seem very concerned,” Conner said, stating the obvious.
Danny shrugs again, “Well yeah, I phased his weapons into me and tied him up. Plus the Original Fruitloop does stuff like this all the time. Doesn’t yours do it too?”
And that, that made sense. It wasn’t that Danny wasn’t taking it seriously, it was that he was used to it. They all were. Each of them had some older Creep that was obsessed with them. He had Ras to deal with, Conner had Luthor, and Danny had been dealing with Masters for years. Honestly, if Masters or Luthor showed up and acted like Ras did he would have tied them up and stuffed them in the closet too.
“Just tell us sooner next time,” Tim sighs.
Danny chuckles nervously while rubbing the back of his head., “Yeah, will do. I just kind of forgot since he showed up in the middle of me making the Fudge.”
Conner gasps, leaning against the wall like he had just heard the most sacrilegious of news. “He interrupted the sacred ritual that is the making of Fudge?!?!” Conner then continues with his hand on his heart, “The audacity.”
Danny snorts while Tim facepalms. It’s moments like this that made him wonder why he loves these two idiots.
“Why is he tied up like a pig?” Conner asks after opening the closet, looking at Ras.
“Because he is one,” Danny absentmindedly replied.
And then it was moments like this that he remembers why.
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harrysfolklore · 26 days
the carlos sainz roast
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summary: it's carlos' 30th birthday and what a better way to celebrate it than roasting him. wc: 2.8k
folkie radio: happy birthday to the smooooth operatorrrrr. i hontesly LOVED this idea that randomly popped in my head and writing it was sooo much fun, i hope you like it !
Carlos Sainz was turning 30. The big 30.
You wanted to do something special to celebrate it, something out of the ordinary that he would never forget. After spending multiple hours on the internet looking for ideas, a brilliant one came to your mind: A roast.
"So all of you will take turns roasting me? Like making jokes about me?" Carlos asked, looking at you from the couch as you pitched him your idea.
"Exactly, baby, It's going to be so much fun!"
The next few weeks flew by in a whirlwind of preparations. You sent out invitations, coordinated with the other drivers, and gathered embarrassing photos and funny stories about Carlos.
The night of the roast, you transformed your living room into a makeshift comedy club, complete with a small stage and a spotlight. Each driver that arrived at your house complimenting your effort.
As everyone settled into their seats, you stood up and tapped your glass with a spoon to get their attention.
"Welcome, everyone, to the Carlos Sainz Roast!" you announced, catching Carlos's eye and winking at him. "We're all here to celebrate the man, the myth, the legend... the one who always leaves the toothpaste open - Carlos Sainz Jr. on his 30th birthday. And what better way to show our love than by mercilessly making fun of him?"
Laughter rippled through your friends as Carlos playfully rolled his eyes, "Thank you, amor, that's very nice of you."
You playfully blew a kiss his way before speaking again, "Now, before we start, let's remember the rules: keep it funny, keep it respectful, and try to speak slowly so Max can understand." You shot a teasing glance at Verstappen, who grinned and shook his head.
"First up, we have Charles Leclerc, Carlos's teammate and the only person who can make Carlos look slow on a good day. Charles, the floor is yours!"
Charles stood up, straightening his jacket as he approached the makeshift stage. He cleared his throat dramatically, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Thank you for that introduction," Charles began, "You know, when I first heard Carlos was joining Ferrari, I was excited. Finally, someone to make me look good! But then I realized, with his luscious hair and chiseled jaw, he was going to steal all my sponsorship deals. So I had to step up my game."
The room erupted in laughter, Carlos included.
"But seriously," Charles continued, "working with Carlos has been an experience. He's like a Spanish version of Google Maps – always recalculating, never quite sure where he's going, but somehow ends up in the right place eventually. That's why I had no doubt in my mind he was going to find an amazing car to drive next season, my bet was on the Safety Car but he opted for an even slower car, a Williams!"
Everyone erupted in laugh again, making Carlos shake his head with his eyes closed, "That one was low, Leclerc."
Charles took a moment to catch his breath, then added with a grin, “And Carlos, now that you’re 30, you’re officially a veteran in the sport. But don’t worry, no matter how many years go by, you’ll always be the guy who can make a Ferrari look like it's in a constant state of panic. Cheers to you, mate!”
You grinned at Charles as he stepped down, patting Carlos on the shoulder. "Alright, that was pretty good, Charles," you said, "But let's see if Lando can top that. Norris, you're up!"
Lando bounded up to the makeshift stage, his trademark cheeky grin plastered across his face. He adjusted the microphone, clearing his throat dramatically.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the birthday boy, Carlos 'Smooth Operator' Sainz," Lando began, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You know, when I first met Carlos at McLaren, I thought, 'Wow, this guy's got it all – talent, looks, charm.' Then I realized it was just his hair products messing with my senses."
The crowd burst into laughter, Carlos included, you ran a hand through his famous locks and he gently grabbed it to place a kiss on your palm.
"If I'm being completely honest," Lando continued, "Carlos taught me so much during our time as teammates. Like how to perfectly time a dad joke in team radio, or how to look devastatingly handsome while finishing P7. Essential skills in F1, really."
The room erupted in laughter once again, with Carlos shaking his head in amused disbelief.
"Carlos, you're one of my best friends," Lando's tone softened slightly, "Even if you did spend most of our time together trying to teach me Spanish pickup lines that work about as well as Ferrari's strategy team."
"But I have a girlfriend and you don't, mate. Even with my bad pickup lines." Carlos jabbed, making you throw your head back in laughter.
As the laughter died down, Lando raised his glass. "To Carlos, the man who proves that you can be devastatingly handsome, irritatingly talented, and still somehow likeable. Happy 30th, mate. May your midlife crisis be as smooth as your overtakes."
Lando stepped down from the stage, approaching Carlos who stood up from his seat to give him a hug.
"Love you, mate," you could hear Carlos say, making you smile.
"Next up, we have Fernando Alonso, Carlos's longtime mentor and fellow Spaniard!" you announced, making everybody clap as Fernando took the stage.
"Ah, Carlos. I've known him since he was just a little karting prodigy. Back then, I thought, 'This kid's going places.' Now, 20 years later, I realize I was right – he's gone to every midfield team on the grid!"
The crowd roared with laughter as Fernando continued, "But seriously, I always thought Carlos had potential, and I was right, he's got the potential to be the second-best Sainz in Motorsports!"
Carlos playfully rolled his eyes, taking a sip from his drink.
"But let me tell you something, Carlos," Fernando's tone softened slightly, "You've made all of Spain proud. You've shown that with hard work, talent, and a famous last name, anything is possible in F1. Well, almost anything, winning a championship might still be a stretch!"
As the laughter died down, Fernando raised his glass. "To Carlos Sainz Jr., the man who proves that you can be a great driver, a fan favorite, and still be overshadowed by your dad at family dinners. Feliz cumpleaños, amigo!"
Fernando stepped down from the stage, approaching Carlos who stood up to give him a warm, laughing embrace. As they parted, you stood up to introduce the next roaster.
"Now, let's hear from someone who's known Carlos since their early days in Formula 1. Please welcome to the stage, the reigning world champion and certified cat lover, Max Verstappen!"
Max sauntered up to the stage, he adjusted the mic and grinned at Carlos.
"If it isn't the new old man of the grid," Max began, earning chuckles from the crowd. "You know, Carlos and I go way back to our Toro Rosso days. I remember when we first met, I thought, 'Wow, this guy's got great hair.' Then I realized that's all he's got!" everyone laughed once again, "Back at Toro Rosso, Carlos was always so dedicated. He'd spend hours studying my telemetry, trying to figure out how to be as fast as me. Spoiler alert: he's still trying!"
The crowd roared with laughter, Carlos included, as he playfully threw a napkin at Max.
"But in all seriousness, Carlos," Max continued with a grin, "you've always been one of the most hardworking and determined drivers on the grid. You never give up, no matter how many times you've been dropped by your teams mid season."
Carlos laughed, raising his glass to Max in a mock toast. "Thanks for the reminder, Max."
"Carlos, you're one of the best guys in the paddock. With your resting bitch face and all, you're always there with a helping hand. Even if your driving skills are debatable," he added with a wink. "Happy 30th, mate."
Max stepped down, and Carlos stood up to give him a hug, both of them laughing. You took the mic once more, "Thank you, Max, for that trip down memory lane. Now, let's welcome to the stage a man who's known for his infectious smile and his matchmaking skills. Please give it up for Daniel Ricciardo!"
Daniel bounded onto the stage with his characteristic enthusiasm, flashing his famous grin.
"G'day, everyone! Carlos, mate, happy birthday!" Daniel began, "You know, I've known Carlos for years, but my proudest achievement was introducing him to his lovely girlfriend, YN," you smiled at this, feeling Carlos squeeze your hand, "I thought to myself, 'This bloke needs someone who can put up with his golf obsession and his constant need for mirror checks.' And boy, did I deliver!"
The crowd erupted in laughter, with you and Carlos exchanging amused glances.
"I remember the day I introduced them," Daniel continued, "I told YN, 'Look, he's a great guy, but be prepared for endless conversations about tyre management and the perfect hair product.' Little did I know, she'd be nodding along enthusiastically!"
You playfully rolled your eyes as the audience chuckled.
"But seriously, folks," Daniel's tone softened slightly, "watching these two together is like watching a perfect pit stop - smooth, efficient, and occasionally involves someone getting sprayed with champagne."
Carlos pulled you closer, placing a kiss on your cheek as everyone 'aww'ed.
"Carlos, mate," Daniel concluded, raising his glass, "you've found yourself a keeper. Someone who can navigate your mood swings faster than you navigate Eau Rouge. YN, love, you've got yourself a man who's smoother than a freshly paved track... at least when he's not tripping over his own feet trying to impress you."
Daniel stepped down from the stage, approaching you and Carlos. You both stood up, enveloping him in a group hug, all three of you laughing and thanking him for his words.
"Alright, that was brilliant, Daniel. Now, let’s hear from let's hear from someone who's about to get very familiar with Carlos's driving quirks. Please welcome to the stage, Carlos's new future teammate, Alex Albon!"
Alex strode up to the stage with a playful grin, adjusting the microphone as he faced the audience.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't my new teammate, Carlos Sainz," Alex began, "You know, when I heard Carlos was joining Williams, I thought, 'Great, someone to help push the team forward!' Then I remembered his time at Ferrari and realized he's just as confused about strategy as the rest of us."
The room erupted in laughter, with Carlos good-naturedly shaking his head.
"But seriously, Carlos," Alex continued, "I'm excited to work with you. I mean, who wouldn't want a teammate who's been through more teams than I've had podiums? Toro Rosso, Renault, McLaren, Ferrari... Williams is just the latest stop on the Carlos Sainz World Tour, isn't it?"
Carlos raised his glass in mock salute, chuckling along with the audience.
"I have to say, though, I'm a bit worried," Alex said, feigning concern. "I've seen how competitive you are, Carlos. I just hope you remember that at Williams, we're usually racing against the clock, not other cars. But hey, at least you'll always beat the safety car... probably."
"You know, Carlos, I just realized we have something else in common besides our great hair and questionable career choices. We're both proud members of the 'No Appendix Club'!"
The room burst into laughter, with Carlos nodding in amused agreement.
"That's right, folks," Alex continued, "Carlos and I have both had our appendixes removed. I like to think it makes us more aerodynamic, but let's be honest, in Carlos's case, it's probably just made room for more hair product."
Carlos playfully patted his hair, eliciting more chuckles from the audience.
"But seriously," Alex said, "I suppose this means we're perfectly matched as teammates. We're both down an organ, so when Williams inevitably asks us to give 100%, we can honestly say we're already giving everything we've got - minus an appendix, of course! Happy birthday, teammate, here's to a season of driving a tractor, but at least we'll be together."
Alex stepped down from the stage and approached Carlos, who stood up to give him a hug patting his back.
"Now, let's welcome to the stage a man who needs no introduction, but I'll give him one anyway. Seven-time world champion and fashion icon, Lewis Hamilton!" you said and everyone clapped.
Lewis sauntered up to the stage with his characteristic cool demeanor. "Carlos, my man," he began, "I've got to hand it to you. You've had quite the career. Toro Rosso, Renault, McLaren, Ferrari, next year Williams, it's like you're collecting team merchandise,"Lewis grinned mischievously as he continued, "You know, Carlos, I've got to thank you. You've done such a great job warming up that Ferrari seat for me. It's like you were my personal seat heater all along!"
The crowd roared with laughter as Carlos playfully buried his face in his hands, and you rubbed his back comfortingly while chuckling.
"But seriously," Lewis continued with a grin, "You've made that Ferrari seat look good. I just hope I can live up to your legacy of looking devastatingly handsome while trying to figure out what on earth the pit wall is thinking."
Carlos laughed, shaking his head in mock despair. "Thanks, Lewis. I appreciate the… kind words."
"You know, Carlos, I've always admired your ability to stay positive," Lewis continued his roast, "No matter how many times you've been dropped from teams, you always manage to smile for the cameras. It's like you've mastered the art of looking happy while screaming internally. I'm taking notes mate!"
After a few more jabs Lewis concluded his roast, several other drivers took their turns at the mic, each adding their own flavor to the celebration. George joked about Carlos's infamous beach photos, Pierre told some stories about their Toro Rosso days and even Oscar joked about being surprised about being invited since him and Carlos always push each other off the track.
Finally, it was your turn. You stood up, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness as you approached the stage. Carlos looked at you with a huge smile.
"Well, well, well," you began, locking eyes with Carlos, "what can I say about Carlos Sainz that hasn't already been said? He's talented, he's handsome, and he's the only man I know who spends more time on his hair than I do."
The room filled with laughter as Carlos nodded in mock pride.
"But seriously, living with Carlos is an adventure," you continued, "He's always talking about smooth operations, but let me tell you, there's nothing smooth about the way he leaves his socks all over the house. It's like living in a minefield of sweaty foot prisons."
Carlos threw his head back in laughter along with the rest of the guests.
"And don't even get me started on his competitiveness. Everything's a race with this guy. Brushing teeth? Race. Getting dressed? Race. I'm surprised he hasn't tried to overtake me in bed yet!"
The room erupted in cheers and wolf whistles as Carlos turned a shade of red.
"But in all seriousness," your voice softened, "Carlos, you're the most incredible person I know. You're kind, passionate, and you never give up, whether it's on the track or trying to convince me that paella is a breakfast food."
You raised your glass, "To Carlos, the love of my life and the smoothest operator I know. Happy 30th birthday, mi amor. May your future be as bright as your smile and your pit stops be faster than your hair routine."
As you finished, Carlos stood up, his eyes shining with laughter and love. He pulled you into a tight embrace as the room filled with applause and cheers.
"I love you so much," he whispered into your ear, kissing your temple softly.
"Well, folks, I think we've successfully roasted Carlos to a crisp," you said with a grin. "But before we wrap up, I think it's only fair that the birthday boy gets a chance to respond. Carlos, amor, the floor is yours!"
"Wow," he began, his accent thicker than usual, "I'm not sure whether to feel honored or insulted. But I guess that's the point of a roast, right?" He paused as chuckles rippled through the room. "First off, I want to thank all of you for being here. It means a lot that you'd all take time out of your busy schedules to come and insult me."
Carlos thanked each of his friends with a blend of humor and sincerity, making everyone laugh. He playfully teased Charles about making him look good on track, jested with Lando about the success of his Spanish pickup lines with you, and expressed gratitude to Fernando for his mentorship while vowing to become the best Sainz in motorsports.
"And finally, to my beautiful girlfriend," Carlos's voice softened as he looked at you, "Thank you for organizing this amazing night, and for putting up with me every day. You're the real smooth operator here."
The room erupted in cheers and applause as Carlos stepped down from the stage. You met him halfway, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug once again.
"Happy birthday, amor," you whispered in his ear, pulling away to kiss him softly.
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0mg-bird · 1 month
Late Night ~ J. Seresin x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Jake had gotten into an intense argument before he went off to work, now it was night fall and he comes home late.
Warnings: language, angry Jake, fluff at the end.
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Never go to bed angry. That’s what everyone tells you when you’re engaged. Hold each other in the mornings, kiss each other good night, go out on dates, don’t have boring sex, keep showing up for one another. That’s what all the old ladies say in public when they see the ring.
Here you are now though, staring at that rock on your finger and not listening to any of that advice.
You paced around your home for a while, you made dinner, sat at the table and waited. Your food got cold. You left Jake a plate in the microwave, then cleaned up. You watched tv for a while, the hour of his usual arrival came and went, time kept ticking on. You took a shower, you put on your silk nightgown, you brushed and blow dried your hair and then you sat in bed, getting more and more frustrated.
Where was he?
The fight was ugly, Jake canceled plans yet again and you were overly frustrated. He’s missed dinners, changed multiple plans of going out with your shared friends. He wasn’t in bed most mornings anymore because he wanted to get his day started earlier for work. You were very understanding at first, he was up for a promotion, his job is stressful enough and you understood his need to lighten his load. That was a month ago. He still skipped out on plans, he wouldn’t even discuss a date for the wedding. Slowly but surely, you were losing your mind, your frustration finally spilled out in the morning when Jake said he was going out with the squad after work, making you have to re think your idea of setting up a romantic night in.
It was a perfectly good Friday night and your fiancé was spending it without you.
He had asked you why you were being moody, you told him you were fine but he grew irritated at your irritation. Soon the two of you were calling each other ridiculous and he was slamming the door shut behind him on his way out.
You got in bed and laid on your side, huffing. There’s the distinct sound of his key turning in the front door, you can hear him coming down the hall and the soft creak of the bedroom door opening. He knows you’re not asleep, but you don’t turn to face him as he stands in the doorway.
He comes into the room, shuts the door and goes to his side of the closet. He undresses, goes into the bathroom for a little bit to wash his face and brush his teeth.
“It’s really late, Jake.” You simply say as he comes back out.
He nods even though you can’t see him. “I know, sorry.” He says, then comes to your side of the bed, standing, looking down at you. You don’t meet his gaze, he can clearly see the irritation on your face. “You’re just not even gonna look at me?” He asks in a growing defense.
You finally look into those green eyes you once fell for. “I’m tired, just come to bed.”
“Tired or just still pissed at me?”
So this was the game he wanted to play.
You adjust to sit up, the covers sliding onto your lap. “Both, actually.”
He sighs, taking a seat at the end of the bed, putting a safe distance between the two of you. “The fight this morning shouldn’t have happened.” He says.
“No, it shouldn’t have.” You agree. “And you should’ve called and told me you were going to be late. Actually, you shouldn’t have gone out at all.”
Jake’s brows crease together, you know his features well enough to know he’s slowly growing irritated. “I needed a little space, especially after you created a mess this morning.”
He was an idiot with words.
You take a second to gather your nerves. “I cannot believe you right now. I’m sorry if I blew up at you, Jake, but I didn’t know what to do when you blew me off yet again. Seriously, what is your deal?” You ask.
“My deal?” He scoffs. “I have no ‘deal’. You’re the one who’s making problems where they don’t need to be.”
At his words, you shove the covers completely off of you. Your feet plant on the floor and you put a significantly more distance between you. Jake watches you slowly pace.
“I think I’ve officially lost my mind.” You say, nodding your head. “That has to be the case, right? I’m just a problem starter, I’m too suffocating, just someone you need space from?”
“That’s not what I meant.” He states after realizing how bad it sounds. “It just gets a little hard when you’re being too demanding.”
You pause, looking at him. You couldn’t wrap your mind around it. This was Jake, your Jake. The man sitting in front of you, calling you demanding, was the same man who promised you a great future.
“Tell me how I’m being demanding.” You say. “Am I too much when I ask to eat dinner with you? Is it too overbearing when I just need a night with no interruption, just one night where you’re not focused on work or going out with your squad?”
He stands now too. “You make it sound easy.”
“Because it can be!” You snap. “It can be easy but you aren’t trying! Jake, I need you to try.”
He runs his hand through his hair, groaning before lashing out in his own way. “I am trying, for fuck sakes! Do you honestly know how hard it is to try and balance everything?” His tone is rough and it startles you. You stand, looking up at him. He doesn’t let you get a next word in, he just continues. “So I miss out on a few dinners, there are bigger things I need to deal with.”
You scoff, huffing. “A few dinners? Jake, you’ve been treating me like I’m your casual girlfriend and not the woman you’re marrying. Hell, who knows if we’re even getting married at this point, it’s like I’m torturing you when I talk about it.”
“Of course we’re getting married.” He rolls his eyes, thinking you’re being overly dramatic.
“You could’ve fooled me.” You say, arms crossed over your chest. “Jake, I am your partner, that means something.”
“I know that! I know it means something, you think I don’t feel like shit already? I do, trust me, I know how fucked up I’ve been.” Jake snaps, tone utterly deep and it rumbles from his throat.
“Then why do you do it?” You ask, voice wavering. You didn’t want to cry, but it felt like your heart was breaking.
He clenched his jaw. “I don’t know what else to do, you don’t understand.”
“I could understand if you’d just fucking talk to me!”
You weren’t a very loud person, you were always very calm and collected, but standing in your bedroom, looking at your fiancé who was being far too confusing, all you wanted to do is scream. A thousand thoughts run through your mind, your insecurities rage.
Jake just looks at you, chewing his tongue. His silence makes things worse.
You take in a breath. “Is it…is it really me?” You begin to ask, hand on your uneasy stomach. “Am I so hard to talk to? I feel like I’ve been right behind you this entire time, ready for whatever you need. Have I not made you feel that way? Or-or is it you? You don’t want me by your side anymore?”
His eyes soften, he shakes his head. “No, no.” He mumbles but tears are already falling down your face.
“Is it someone else? Is there someone else?” Your shoulders shake.
He comes forward swiftly, gently gripping your arms. He looks you dead in the eye. “No. Don’t ever think that.”
“Then what’s the real problem? Please!” You plead.
“It’s me!” He shouts back. “It’s my fear, it’s my stress and I haven’t figured out how to move forward withe life and have all these damn changes!”
Your lip quivers, watching him work through his thoughts.
Jake breathes heavy. “I got moved up the ranks, I have all these new responsibilities I thought I could handle with ease but I can’t. I’m st-”
He chokes on the word.
“I’m s-struggling and I hate that.” He steps back, motioning to you next. “And I’m taking it out on you and I don’t know why, it’s like being around you too often reminds me that I promised you an easy life and right now, that’s not what I can offer.”
You soften, still crying but not for yourself. You come to reach up, pushing his hair back slightly.
“I’m not marrying you for an easy life, I’m marrying you because I love you, Jake. That means being the only one you can come to at the end of the day. The stress and fear won’t scare me, okay? What scares me is the idea of you disappearing.” You softly ensure, stroking his cheek with your thumb.
He sighs and pulls your hand away, intertwining it with his. “I’m an ass. I’m a really big ass, sweetheart, I’m sorry.”
His other warm hand wipes your face clean of any tears. You smile. “I’ll only forgive you if you promise to talk to me about things from now on.”
Jake smiles, then kisses your forehead. “I promise.”
As the two of you lay in bed, you turn over to wrap your arm around his middle, head on his chest as you tangle your legs with his. His calloused hand slides up and down your back.
“I’d be okay with a Spring wedding.” Jake says, breaking comfortable silence.
You adjust to look up at him. “Spring?”
He nods. “Yeah, I think you’ll look nice next to all those colors.”
You grin and lay your head back down. “Spring time it is.”
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Sex Pollen Exposed Reader  X Captains- Shanks, Luffy, Law
Author's Note: Sorry it took me so long. The poll winner was a reader exposed to sex pollen begging her captain for help. Hope you enjoy it! Request, comment, critique below! Thanks for reading friends!
Warnings: MDNI, female masturbation, cunnilingus, fingering, P in V sex, drugged food/perfume, aphrodisiac/sex pollen, praise kink, nicknames, dom (law), needy reader, I don’t own these characters
The Red-Haired Pirates landed on an island under their protection and decided to stay awhile to plan their next move. Last night, the crew partied hard celebrating their recent successes. The next morning the crew slept late and then ventured onto the island to start the next round of celebratory drinking. You, a member of the Red-Haired Pirates, were not quite ready to start partying again after the craziness of the previous night. Your Captain also chose to stay aboard the ship a while longer to nurse his killer hangover.
It was mid-afternoon when you wandered out from your cabin. As you creaked the door to the ship deck, the harsh sun met your eyes. You moaned in distress and covered your face with your hand and stepped out onto the deck. You took a deep breath and adjusted to the feeling of the warm summer sun soaking the exposed skin that your sundress failed to cover. The salty air helped relax some of the tension in your body from your hangover-caused headache. You wandered the ship deck looking out at the ocean and taking in the sights of the nearby island. As you glanced further up the deck, you noticed your captain sleepily resting face-first in a lawn chair. You chuckled at the sight of him. He slightly lifted his head to gaze at you over his shoulders as he heard your gentle footsteps grow close.
“Hey, Y/N. How are you feeling?” Shanks asked before burying his face back in his arm on the lawn chair.
“I’ve been better.” You replied as you rubbed your fingers on your forehead, then through your hair. “How are you, Captain?” You asked as you sat down at the edge of the lawn chair beside him.
“Been better is an understatement. Who’s idea was it to let me drink so much last night?”
“Oh, that would be no one’s, but your own.” You replied with a soft chuckle.
“The boys are already out at it again. They should be expecting us soon.”
“I’m not sure I'm ready for that.” You added as you stared over at the island beyond your ship.
“Me neither,” Shanks mumbled. “One of the local women did give me what they claimed was a hangover cure. We could try it to see if it works.” He replied as he raised his head just enough to peak up at you.
You looked over at him and smirked. He smiled back at you. As you thought about his offer you studied the man beside you. His white button-up shirt blew in the wind over his back. His red hair messily lay across his face to hide his eyes from the sun. He and his dumb white shirts were all you could think about late at night. His white shirts showed his exposed chest and only helped emphasize his muscular build. You couldn’t help but be attracted to Shanks. He was strong, kind, and a good leader. You found him very down to earth for someone of his standing as an emperor of the sea and former member of Roger’s crew. However, he was your captain, and you occasionally thought you saw a twinkle in his eye when he looked at you. You knew nothing could come of it as you were one of his subordinates. He told you as much when he allowed you to join his crew. Your recruitment was conditional based on your not sleeping with any of your crewmates. You’d rolled your eyes at him at the time, but your mind too often raced with the thoughts of the fun you could have with your captain. You breathed deeply and closed your eyes, before turning to face Shanks again.
“I’d try anything at this point.” You said through gritted teeth as you fought to see him through squinted eyes in the bright sun.
“Good. You can try it first and tell me if it works.” Shanks said as he quickly sat up. He paused before rising from the chair to bring a hand to his now-pounding head.
“Try it first?!” You yelled as you tried to stifle a laugh as you watched your captain struggle with the consequences of his drinking choices. “You good, Captain?” You asked.
“Yeah. Just got up too fast.” He replied, removing his hand from his face and blinking his eyes slowly. “I’ll go get it.”
He got up slowly from the lawn chair and found his way to his cabin, stumbling occasionally along the way. You stayed sitting on the lawn chair, closing your eyes to focus on the sound of the waves. The sounds helped soothe your aching head. A few minutes later clunking footsteps returned to your side and you opened your eyes to see Shanks handing you a bottle. You took it and studied the green bottle, the liquid inside appeared clear, but bubbly.
“What is it?” You asked as you hesitantly took off the lid and sniffed it. The liquid smelled of roses and vanilla.
“Don’t know. Like I said, a local handed it to me last night. She said it was a hangover cure. She told me to try it and let her know if it helps.” Shanks replied as he stared at you with raised eyebrows.
“Smells too sweet to be a hangover cure. You try it first.”
“No way! I like to cure my hangovers the old-fashioned way. You look rough though. I thought this could help.” Shanks said with a kind grin.
“I look rough?” You asked with a furrowed brow and pouting lips as you took a swig of the mysterious liquid.
“No. I mean. You look… I mean...I can tell you’re hungover.” Shanks stumbled over himself as he rubbed the back of his head. “How is it?”
You laughed as you looked up at him and took another sip. “Not bad. Just too sweet for me. Probably won't be able to finish it, but my stomach is a bit calmer.” You replied. “Thanks.” 
The two of you talked for a bit. You finished most of the bottle before you grew tired of the taste. Your headache felt better, but the heat bothered you a little more. Shanks eventually went to his chambers to lie down for a bit and you returned to your cabin to grab a book and read. You knew you’d inevitably have to spend another wild night with your crew, so you decided to relax. 
As you tried to focus on reading in your cabin, you realized the heat was still getting to you. Now, out of the way of the sun, you knew something else was going on. You pondered if it was just a side effect of your hangover. You’d never had one as intense as the one you’d experienced this morning and could only attribute it to the intensity of your celebration. Focusing on your book became harder as your body became restless. Your heart started to race as sweat beads formed on your brow. Your fingertips grazed your forehead to wipe the sweat. As you did, your breath stopped in your chest. You remembered the odd beverage Shanks had given to you. You feared you may have been allergic to something in it and grew nervous. You slowly and shakily rose from your bed and exited your cabin to find Shanks. A quick look around the deck resulted in no sign of your captain or your crew. You remembered Shanks had gone to his cabin to cool off and rest. You headed into the interior of the ship to find him.
Upon arriving at his chambers you hesitated, wondering if it was worth bothering your severely hungover Captain. You wiped your wet brow again and shivered at your touch. You exhaled sharply. Something was wrong with you, and you needed help. You bit your lip and shifted on your feet, clenching your thighs together. The warmth was oddly mostly in between your legs and in your abdomen. Though you felt hot everywhere, why was the heat greatest there, you couldn’t help but wonder. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before softly knocking on the door to your captain’s cabin.
“Shanks?” You called out with a hard swallow before your teeth returned to digging into your lower lip.
“Hmm?” A voice mumbled as you heard shuffling heavy footsteps headed to the door.
The door opened and a shirtless Shanks stood in the door frame. He rubbed his still-heavy eyelids and looked at you. He blinked hard a few times and turned his head to examine you. As he looked at you, you shifted in place and wiped your forehead again. You could feel the pink hue on your cheeks as he stared at you. The heat between your legs grew as you lifted your gaze from his feet, over his naked chest, and up to meet his intense stare. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” Shanks questioned as he stepped forward to grab your waist as you stumbled where you stood.
You bit your lip harder, stifling a moan as his strong calloused hand moved to rest upon the open back of your dress. You swallowed hard as you lifted your eyes to meet his. His warm breath hit your chest, causing goosebumps to shoot up your spine. You looked at him through your eyelashes and suddenly, you found it hard to catch your breath.
“I think I may have been allergic to... To something in that drink…” You muttered as you lifted your hands to his shoulders to steady yourself.
Your hands shook as they connected with your captain’s muscular physique. You licked your lips and swallowed hard. Feeling the heat continue to grow between your legs, you rubbed your legs together as your hands slid down his chest. As your hands rested on his pecks, you realized what was happening.
“I’m fine. I just. Maybe I need to lie down for a bit.” You said with a gulp.
“No, You’re not. I’ll fetch a doctor. Here rest. I’ll see if anyone has come back yet.” Shanks said as he picked you up and carried you into his room.
His strong hand on your bare legs caused you to moan again. You tried to hide it, but you knew as the drink worked more of its magic, you were becoming weaker by the second to its tricks. The aphrodisiac in that drink was consuming your being. You felt you only had moments to act before your chest exploded with need, the need to be touched. The need to please the feral growl aching between your legs sang louder. You nodded to Shanks as he laid you down on the bed.
“I’ll be right back,” Shanks called as he anxiously ran out of the room.
You knew you only had a short amount of time. You finally knew what your symptoms were. You knew how to satisfy them. Satisfy the need. You only hoped you could do it before your captain came back. You couldn’t think clearly about the consequences or the embarrassment if you couldn’t. All you could think of was the need. You had to touch yourself. 
You wiped your brow with your right hand and licked your lips. You delicately traced your fingers down your neck until your fingertips met the soft tissue of your breast. You began pulling at the neckline of your dress, the heat within you made you feel as if your small sundress was too much. As the fabric moved it grazed your erect nipples, sending a chill throughout your body. Your breath grew shallow and quick as one hand played with your breasts and removed them from the thin fabric of your dress. The heat between your legs beckoned louder as your other hand traveled down the soft fabric across your abdomen. Your hands stopped at the hem of your dress and rested upon your thigh. 
Your thumb and forefinger squeezed and twisted at your nipple causing a small moan to escape your lips. Your eyes closed and you laid your head back into Shanks’ pillow. The fingers of your right hand now drew circles upon your inner thigh as they inched closer and closer to your core. You bit your lower lip and hooked your pinky and ring finger around the string of your thong, pulling it down to your ankles. The cold air on your soaking wet core caused your breath to catch in your throat. Your fingers slid back up your legs to your core where they became mesmerized in tracing the shape of your slick sex. You bent your knees, placing your feet flat and wide on the bed beneath you. You clamped down as your fingertips brushed against your clit.
As you played with yourself, one hand on your breast the other at your core, the need to touch yourself from the sex pollen consuming you, the world around you faded away. Drool dripped down your chin as your teeth dug deeper into your bottom lip. Sweet moans escaped your lips as your fingers dipped into and stared scissoring in and out of your entrance. Finally, caving to the feral need within you, you didn’t notice the footsteps or the voice calling.
“Y/N, everyone is still gone. I’ll go ashore and get…” The voice began from down the hall but stopped as its owner found himself at the entrance to the bedroom.
Shanks stopped dead in his tracks just outside the room. Before him was you in the bed where he left you, only you were in a new state. Soft moans were filling his ears as you lay half-naked with your fingers pounding in and out of your core. Your eyes were closed and your head was back against his pillow. Your hips ground to meet your palm. His breath caught in his chest as he watched you with wide eyes. He gulped hard and stepped into the room, saying your name louder this time.
“Y/N.” Shanks said.
Your eyes shot open, your ring and middle fingers still deep in your core. Your hips stopped mid-buck. Your breathing stopped completely as you lifted your head from the pillow to look at the man standing at the end of the bed. His dark eyes met yours, pausing to examine the dark red hue upon your cheeks.
“Shanks.” You begged with a hard swallow. “There... There was sex pollen in that drink.” You stuttered out through blinking eyes.
“What?” He asked with furrowed brows.
“Captain.” You began as you opened your eyes wider and looked him up and down. “I need…. I need help.” You begged again as you licked your lips and panted through a long blink.
“Help? What?” Shanks replied, a pink hue growing deeper upon his face.
“Please, Captain. I know.” You swallowed hard and nodded your head. “I know your rules, but please, my fingers aren’t enough.” You said as you removed your fingers from your entrance and sat up on your elbows. “Shanks fuck me.”
Shanks stared at you in awe. Your thoughts were clouded by the aphrodisiac, which drove you to be so forward. Your heart raced as you stared at him. You were embarrassed by the situation, but you needed your needs met or you felt like you’d die. He took a deep breath and lowered his arm to the buttons of his white shirt. Your gaze fell to the waist of his pants, where you noticed a bulge growing beneath the fabric of his patterned trousers. A smile grew across your lips. 
“I suppose.” He started to speak. “I suppose I did give you that drink. I promise I didn’t know what it was. I’ve heard of sex pollen, so if you want my help… As your captain, I will serve you. Truth be told, I’ve always wanted to.” He replied as he finished undoing the last button of his shirt. He lifted his chin, so his eyes met your gaze.
“Please, Captain. I need you.” You moaned as you clenched down at nothing but the thought of him preparing to enter you.
He unbuttoned his pants and slowly pulled them down, letting them hit the floor at the foot of the bed. Your eyes fell to his pelvis where his member sprung out in front of him. You swallowed hard as you stared at it. It was larger than you could have imagined and you weren’t sure how you were going to take all of him. All you knew was that you needed him. He crawled on the bed and straddled you. His length hit the top of your core as he positioned himself over you. You laid your head back on the pillow that rested behind you. He used his arm to remove the dress from your waist and took a moment to take in the site of your naked body.
“Damn, Y/N. You’re beautiful.”
“Shanks, I need you.” You cooed as your hands traced the shape of his muscles on his chest. 
“As you wish, my dear,” Shanks said as he positioned the pink tip of his erect member at the entrance of your core.
You rested your palms flat on his chest as he gently pushed his large head into your entrance. You closed your eyes and spread your legs farther. You focused on the feeling of his veiny length as he entered deeper into you. When he was a third of the way in you couldn’t help but clench down and moan at your newfound fullness. He pushed into you until he was almost filling you. Then he leaned over and put an arm on the bed next to your head. You put your arms around his neck and took a moment to breathe and adjust to him within you. You closed your eyes. He stared at your breasts and watched the rise and fall of your chest as your hips began to wiggle against his length.
“You feel so good around me. So tight for me.” He whispered in your ear.
“Shanks…” You said through blinking eyes.
“Are you ready to take me like the good girl you are?” 
You nodded your head against his cheek. His length backed out of you and paused at your entrance. You whined as you clenched at the emptiness and your hips writhed at the need to be filled again growing within you. Shanks chuckled to himself, then slammed his length into you. He thrust in and out of you causing his bed to rock against the wall of his cabin. You moaned as his tongue met your breasts and he continued to slam into you.
“Shanks!” You yelled as he thrust into you again, causing your eyes to cross.
“So needy for me, you forget who I am. Who am I?” He quickened his pace.
“Captain. Yes. Captain. Yes!” You yelled as Shanks one-handedly lifted your hips from the bed, to enter you further.
With his next slam, his balls slapped against your pelvis. You moaned and a low growl escaped his lips. Drool dribbled down your chin. Your legs went limp beneath you. The new position allowed his length to slam against your cervix, sending a new shooting sensation within you. His length was perfectly stroking your g-spot as he railed you. The heat filled your abdomen. 
“Captain gonna…”
“Me too. Scream my name.”
Shanks thrust faster and faster until fireworks exploded within you.
“Shanks! YES!” You yelled as your body shook beneath him.
Your juices dripped from your entrance as Shanks continued to plunge in and out of you through your ecstasy. He gripped your waist tighter as his member twitched within you. A new warmth filled within you as his juices filled you. He moaned through clenched teeth. You panted as the two of you stayed interconnected, recovering from your highs. Your legs still shaking slightly, you wiped your forehead and raised a hand to tuck a piece of hair behind his cheek. He opened his eyes and smiled at you as he caught his breath.
Shanks removed himself from between your legs and you immediately missed the fullness of him. He took a deep breath and inched his way up the bed until his face was next to yours. A smirk grew across his face as his warm breath hit your cheek. His eyes flicked from meeting yours to your wet lips. He licked his lips and gently pressed them to yours. You closed your eyes and pressed your soft lips against his firm ones. Your lips parted and he fell beside you on the bed.
“Thank you.” You mustered out between breaths.
“Why did we wait so long?”
“You had a rule?”
“Thank goodness rules were meant to be broken. You are incredible.”
“Y/N. Captain. Where are you? It’s time to party!” Lucky Roo yelled from the main deck of the ship.
“Shit,” Shanks said as he jumped from the bed and tossed his pants on.
“Get rid of them fast. This isn’t out of my system yet.” You called.
“Oh, I’m not going anywhere. Don’t let me find you in the state I did earlier, that’s your Captain’s territory now. Be right back.” He said with a wink as he tossed on his white button-up and headed out the door.
You and your crew had just landed on a new island. You paired off and were all ready and excited to explore. Today, you were teamed with your captain, Luffy. After you went and found some food to eat and a bit of trouble, you and Luffy bumped into Sanji. Sanji was flirting with a woman and bragging about some spectacular dessert he had been working on for the ladies in your crew. Sanji had come ashore only to find one last ingredient for the topping. Luffy overheard this and only heard about the desert in the fridge. He grabbed your hand and dragged you back to the ship, where he tried to find a way to pry the locked fridge open. Yes, you were assigned to keep him out of trouble, but Luffy’s food antics with Sanji always amused you too greatly for you to stand in the way.
During your excursion with Luffy, you found a unique chocolate shop and bought a bar of chocolate with raspberry filling. The proprietor had spoken about the notable abilities of the chocolate from the section in which you chose your chocolate bar. However, you were too busy prying Luffy out of the extra-milk milk chocolate fountain to hear what they said.
Now, you grew hungry watching Luffy work at the fridge lock, so you decided to try your chocolate bar. He also grew hungry as he heard the crinkle of your chocolate bar wrapper. He then chased you around the ship trying to steal it until you eventually swallowed the chocolate bar to prevent your captain from getting it.
After the chocolate bar debacle, Luffy returned to the fridge and you sat at the kitchen table watching him and reading a magazine. As you flipped through the pages of your magazine you noticed the room began to grow very warm. You wiped beads of sweat from your face and your mouth grew dry. You stood up from your seat and walked to a cabinet to grab a glass of water. As you reached into the cabinet above your head for a glass your shirt lifted from your abdomen. The cool sensation of the air on your exposed skin gave you goosebumps. 
You filled your glass and brought the smooth glass rim to your lips. As you sipped, you felt the heat move down your body. You wiped your forehead and shifted where you stood. A loud crash from Luffy’s attempts to open the fridge beside you caught your attention. You swiveled your head and looked at your captain. His sleeves were rolled up, exposing his biceps, and his teeth clenched as he launched himself back at the locked fridge door. You swallowed hard as you watched his muscles flex as he pulled at the lock mechanism. 
A dizzying sensation now electrified your body. The heat intensified in your abdomen and between your legs. You reached for the counter to ensure you wouldn’t fall. You blinked trying to regain your composure as you stared at your captain. Your breathing changed, catching Luffy’s attention. As he looked up at you he noticed a red hue across your cheeks.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Luffy questioned as he hung off the fridge lock. 
“I’m fine… I.” You said as you wiped another bead of sweat from your forehead.
Luffy jumped to his feet and walked over to you. You wobbled where you stood and you blinked your eyes shut. He raised the back of his palm to his forehead. His touch sent shockwaves throughout your body. A small moan escaped your lips. Your eyes shot open and you stepped back from Luffy’s hand. Something was wrong and Luffy knew it. Luffy turned his head at the noise you made. He lowered his hand from your face and studied you for a moment. Your eyes fell from meeting his dark ones to his toned chest. The heat between your legs grew. You recognized the need building within you. You started to squirm. You felt the wetness between your legs as your thighs rubbed together. You brought a hand to your mouth and raised your eyebrows. You stepped back from Luffy, his brows furrowed.
“I’m going to go lay down.” You said as you bowed to him and ran off to your room.
Luffy watched you bump into a chair and the table as you quickly tried to exit the kitchen. He rubbed the top of his head as he watched you fumble with the doorknob and leave the room, the door slamming behind you. He knew something was wrong, but he didn’t know what.
You pulled the door to your bedroom shut behind you and leaned your back against the door. Your breathing was quick and your entire body felt like it was to explode. You couldn’t believe Luffy barely touching you made you feel so good, made you moan. You knew that chocolate… the unique ingredient for that one dumb bar you chose, had to be sex pollen. You fell to your knees and your legs spread wide on the floor. Your eyes darted back and forth as you tried to think of what to do. The feral need between your legs grew and caused your entire body to ache to be touched. Dirty thoughts filled your brain.
Your crew was gone and hopefully, Luffy was too oblivious to realize what was going on. He probably wouldn’t check on you either, he would probably keep working at opening the fridge lock. You had read about sex pollen, appeasing the need was the only way to curb the feeling. The feeling, the heat within you was intense, you felt like your body would explode if you didn’t give it what it craved. You threw off your clothes and crawled under your covers. The friction of your bedspread caused another soft moan to escape your lips as you laid it over you. 
You swallowed hard and took a deep breath, then gave in to the need. Your fingertips traced up and down the shape of your body before gliding to your erect nipples. There, they twisted and flicked causing your knees to bend inward. A moan escaped your lips. You raised a finger to your mouth and licked it before dragging it back down to your sensitive buds. You licked your lips as you continued to play with your plump breasts and perky nipples.
Heat and wetness grew between your legs and you knew your nipple play wasn’t enough. You craved more. Your eyes closed and you licked your lips. Your hands slid down your abdomen to your inner thighs, pulling the bedspread that covered you with it. Your thumbs brushed the top of your core. The world around you drifted away, as you focused on the dance of your fingertips and the cool air on your exposed breasts. Your right pointer and middle finger found your clit and drew shapes upon it. Another moan escaped your lips as your legs bent and straightened beneath your touch.
“Y/N.” A voice at the end of your bed spoke.
“Luffy!” Your eyes shot open and you removed the hand from between your legs to pull the bedspread over you.
You breathed hard and fast as you stared at your captain. Your body wiggled uncontrollably with need under the bedspread. You licked your lips again and swallowed hard. You tried to think of what to say to your captain, but you were focused on one thing.
“Luffy.. The chocolate.” You stuttered out. “It made me… made me sick. Now I have to...I have to help myself get better.” You swallowed hard again. “So help me… or get out.”
He stared at you blankly and blinked a few times. Your head fell back into the pillow behind you. You couldn’t take it anymore. The middle fingers of your left hand traced up your thigh and raised to rub at your slick. The fingers of your right hand returned to teasing your clit. Your eyes closed as your legs widened apart. You let out a slow controlled breath as your body rocked up and down.
A weight pushed your upper arms further into the mattress, pulling your hands from your core. Your eyes shot open as you lifted your head from the pillow. Luffy was straddling your abdomen and pushing your arms into the bed, preventing you from playing with yourself. His head was tilted down, so his hat casted a shadow over his eyes. Your eyebrows raised as you stared at him on top of you.
“Luffy.” You begged through a shaky breath.
“Help you how?” He asked, still not lifting his chin.
“Touch me. Eat Me. Fuck me. Luffy I need…” You continued to beg as you wiggled beneath him. “Captain, I need…”
He only pushed your arms deeper down into the mattress. Your tongue slid through your pressed-together lips. You laid your head back and closed your eyes. Your breathing was rapid and short. Luffy’s hand let go of your wrist. As you looked back up at him, he took off his hat and set it on the nightstand beside you. His eyes met yours, his pupils were pinpoint, his jaw clenched, and his brows furrowed. He nodded at you and returned his hand to your wrist.
“I’ll help you. I could use a snack.” Luffy said sternly as he sat back on the bed and repositioned between your legs.
“Luffy…” You said as your eyebrows raised and your lips fell agape.
You’d always been interested in your captain, but you didn’t know how he felt about you. Sure, he put his arms around you more than Nami and Robin, but Luffy was a touchy-feely guy, so you didn’t think much of it. The man had Boa Hancock begging at his feet and he didn’t act. You thought he just wasn’t capable. With two older brothers and two years with Silvers Rayleigh, you had hoped Luffy knew what sex was. You’d wanted to have sex with him many times, you had desired to kiss him many times, but you were too afraid. Now, here was your captain pulling off the blanket that covered your naked body and positioning his face in front of your sex.
Luffy licked his lips as he stared at your entrance. His hands clamped down tighter on your wrists. A smile grew across his face as his eyes flicked up to connect with yours. His tongue licked from the base of your core to your bundle of nerves causing your knees to bend inward.
“LUFFY.” You moaned. 
He used his legs to pry yours apart and keep them open as he continued to trace your slick with his tongue. You clenched down as his tongue traced shapes on your clit as your legs fought against his. Luffy’s licks intensified a moment, then slowed. Your eyes blinked closed, your head tucked further into the pillow behind you. Luffy knew what he was doing.
“You taste so good, beautiful.” He said between your folds.
“Cap-captain. Luffy. Please!” You begged for more. 
His tongue lapped at your wet folds and circled at your entrance a moment before returning to teasing your clit. The heat began to grow within you. Luffy’s hands loosened from your wrists and slid up your abdomen to your breasts. He caressed the bases of your breasts as his tongue slid down your slick to your entrance. His fingertips teased your sensitive nipples as his tongue stretched and dove within your entrance.
“Luf-fy.” You muttered out as drool dripped down the side of your mouth.
Luffy’s tongue stretched and teased your G-spot. He let out a moan as he took another taste of you. The heat built within your core as your teeth bit deeper into your bottom lip. Your legs continued to fight against him. Your hands fell to his head and your fingers curled in his black locks.
“Luffy. Gonna cum.” You whispered as your hips thrut into his face.
“You’re beautiful. Let go for me.” He commanded sternly.
His left hand left your breast and started rubbing fervently at your clit. His tongue returned to your entrance where it slid back inside of you. It pounded and rubbed energetically at your G-spot. The heat in your abdomen exploded. Fireworks shot from within you and trailed across your body. Your legs shook and your toes curled. Your juices squirted out and covered Luffy’s tongue and chin. 
“LUFFY. YES. YES. YES CAP-TAIN.” You screamed as your eyes squeezed tighter shut.
His hand continued at your clit and his tongue licked you clean until you came down from your high.  You loosened your grip on his hair and moved your hands to his back. His head rose from between your legs and he scooted up the bed to lay beside you. He rested on his side facing you. He watched as you tried to catch your breath and recover from the pleasure he brought you. He was mesmerized by the rise and fall of your breasts. As your eyes blinked open, you caught him staring and turned your head to smile at him. His eyes lifted to meet yours.
“Thank you, Luffy.” You said between pants.
“Feeling better?”
“I think so. But…”
“Hmm..? He questioned as he sat up more in the bed.
“That was amazing, but I may need more before this is out of my system.”
A grin grew across Luffy’s face.
“Good. I wasn’t done with you yet. I still have a lot I want to try.”
You and your crew, the Heart Pirates, landed on a new island. You set off with Bepo, Penguin, Ikakku, and Shachi, ready to explore. Your captain stayed aboard the ship to reorganize the medical bay. He tasked you with picking up some groceries while you were away. You and your crewmates grabbed some lunch and then strolled through a market.
At the market, you and Ikkaku stopped to sniff at a perfumery to sniff perfumes. The stall vendor had stepped away as you browsed. You found and picked up a pretty bottle from a raised pedestal. You Noticed a warning label on it, but the warning was smudged. You took the cap off and smelled it. You were enraptured by its scent. It smelled of gardenia, rose, and vanilla. You described it to Ikakku, who only grimaced in response to your description because she hated floral-scented things. You took another deep sniff of the scent. 
Penguin and Shachi called to hurry you along. They’d found a fresh vegetable stall for you to pick up the groceries Law requested. You replaced the cap on the bottle and set it back on its pedestal. Stepping back from the stall, you adjusted the bag on your shoulder and headed off to find your crewmates. 
At the vegetable stand, you pulled out the list Law gave you and picked the ingredients he requested. Your crewmates ditched you for a nearby fried seafood stall. As you paid, a new wave of warmth overtook you. Your head suddenly felt very hot and light-headed. As you took the bag of ingredients from the shopkeeper, you felt restless. You wiped your forehead as you headed to the nearby stall to meet your crewmates. You arrived, groceries in hand, brows furrowed, as you tried to analyze how you felt. The warmth pooled in your stomach and made you feel a bit nauseous.
“Y/N, are you feeling okay?” Ikkaku asked as she stared at you wide-eyed.
“I don’t know. Maybe I’ve been in the heat too long.” You replied as you shifted where you stood.
“Your cheeks are pretty red and you look pale. Maybe you should head back to the sub and have Captain check you out.”
“I’m sure, I’m-” You started to speak as the heavy heat spread across your body again.
You stumbled, but Ikakku caught you. You looked up at her and gave her a soft smile. The wind blew past you as you took a deep breath. You stood tall and clutched your grocery bag closer to your chest.
“Maybe you’re right. I’ll head back to the sub.”
“Want us to walk you?” Penguin and Shachi asked.
“No thanks, I’ll be fine.”
As you walked yourself back to the sub, your symptoms got worse. You couldn’t stop licking your lips and occasionally had to stop to catch your breath, rubbing your thighs together as you did. When you reached the sub, you swung the door open, it creaked. You headed to the galley and started unpacking the groceries. You repeatedly had to wipe your forehead as you did. You continued to restlessly rub your thighs together as you placed the groceries in their homes throughout the kitchen. Law entered the doorway to the kitchen and stared at you with his head turned.
“Y/N. Are you feeling alright?”
You placed the two tomatoes in your hand on the counter. You leaned over and griped at the counter for stability. You shook your head in his direction, squeezing your eyes and your legs shut. Your breathing was short and quick as you lifted your chin and opened your eyes to face your captain. Your cheeks still had a pink hue resting on them. You licked your lips as you stared at him. His jaw clenched.
“Come to the medical bay, I’ll check you out.”
You released your grip on the counter and headed to the doorway where your captain stood. You were still a bit wobbly on your feet, but when Law reached out to assist you, you shook your head and raised a hand. You walked past him and headed down the corridor to the medical bay. Your arms crossed over your waist, your fists clenched as you walked. You focused on taking slow deep breaths as you entered the medical bay and sat on the patient bed raised into a seated position. Your hands fell to your lap and gripped at the hem of your skirt.
Law pulled a stool up to you and grabbed a thermometer and stethoscope off the counter. He put the thermometer under your tongue. You closed your eyes waiting for it to beep signifying the reading was done. You swallowed hard as Law felt your wrist for your pulse. His calloused fingertips grazing your soft skin made you let out a soft hum in pleasure. You furrowed your brows and blinked your eyes open to half-lididly gaze at Law. Your breathing was still shallow. The thermometer beeped.
“Pulse is fast, temperature is just a bit high, but nothing to be concerned about. Let me listen.” 
Law placed the head of the stethoscope between his middle and ring finger. He stood up from the stool and set it on your back against your button-up shirt. You did your best to take a deep breath as he moved the stethoscope around to listen to your lungs. Then, he moved to stand in front of you. He opened the front of your button-up shirt a bit more and set the cool head of his stethoscope on your upper chest. Another soft hum escaped your lips. He moved the stethoscope around your chest and you did your best to take deep breaths. When he finished, he stepped back from you and removed the stethoscope from his ears, putting it back on the counter.
“What are your symptoms?” He asked as he stared at you.
“I… I feel hot all over, but especially in my abdomen. It’s almost nausea, but not. I’m restless like my body needs to do something or… I don’t know. I’ll explode? I’m tired, but I’m wide awake and my heart is racing. Law, what’s wrong with me?” You asked, looking at him and swallowing hard.
“Let me look something up,” Law said as he stepped out of the room to his office.
You leaned back in your seat. Your body felt hot everywhere like you were wearing too many clothes. You unbuttoned your button-up shirt figuring Law had seen you in a bikini, what was the difference between that and a bra anyway? Your hands fumbled with the hem of your skirt and raised it, so it covered just your upper thigh and sex. You rubbed a hand down your neck and upper chest, closing your eyes as you did, releasing a heavy exhale.
“What did you do today?” Law called from the next room as you overheard him rifling through pages of a book.
“Umm.” You hummed as you brought your hands back to your sides and gripped the cushion beneath you. “I had some lunch, then strolled through jewelry and clothing stalls. I tried to keep Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin out of trouble. I smelled some perfume at a perfume stall. Then, I went and got the groceries you wanted.” You stated with a hard swallow as you stared up at the ceiling.
The book slammed shut and you heard footsteps in his office.
  “What kind of perfume did you smell?” Law asked.
“I don’t know, it was floral. It.. It did have a weird label on it, I couldn’t make out.”
You heard the rifling of pages of another book. Your hips wiggled where you sat. You couldn’t take it anymore. The only thing making you feel better was fingertips gliding across your skin, whether yours or someone else's. You rubbed your thighs together and brought your right hand to your chest. You exhaled as your fingers brushed across your cleavage, legs still wiggling beneath you. Another book shut and footsteps grew nearer to you. You lifted your left hand from the cushion and squeezed your knee. You opened your legs wide and took a hard deep breath. Your thumb rubbed circles on your inner thigh. You clenched down at the sensation. You gasped and your eyes shot open to face the ceiling above you. You lifted your head and your eyes met Law’s grey-gold ones, where he stood in the doorway between his office and the medical bay.
The pink shade across your cheeks turned darker red. You licked your lips and gulped. He took a deep breath and set down the book in his hand on the counter next to him. He stared at you blankly with a clenched jaw.
You had always found your Captain attractive, always wondered what those tattooed fingers would feel like gliding across your curves. He was your captain and you knew he would never let anything happen between the two of you. However, that never stopped him from gazing at you too long when he thought you weren’t looking, eyeing your body whenever you stepped outside your boiler suit. 
“Captain.” You said with a whimper in your voice.
Here you were, sitting in front of him, legs open wide, just enough so he could make out the cloth of your panties. Shirt unbuttoned exposing your bra-clad breasts. Your hand was halfway up your thigh and gripping it tightly. Your hips restlessly rocking with need. He’d never seen you look more beautiful than you were then.
“Captain. I-...” You started.
“I know. You were exposed to sex pollen. Now you can’t help…” He swallowed hard as he stared at you. “But need to touch yourself.” He replied as he looked down at the floor in front of him. 
Your eyes shot wide open and your jaw dropped. 
“Captain, please.” 
Law’s gaze shot up to meet yours. You sat upright and removed your hands from your chest and thigh. His eyebrows furrowed and his teeth clenched tighter as he looked at you.
“Captain, please. I don’t have a lot of practice. I–I feel like I’m going to burst. Can you help me? Please.” You said with a gulp.
His breath caught in his throat as he thought over what you just said to him. His eyes lowered to the rise and fall of your chest, rise and fall over your breasts. A smile grew across his face. 
“It is a Captain’s job to serve his crew.” He said as he took a step towards you. 
You exhaled deeply. Law sat on the stool in front of your raised seat. His eyes stared up into yours, the grin still plastered on his face. Your tongue stroked your top lip as your eyes darted to stare at his lips. Law sat forward and whispered in your ear. His hot breath on your neck made you let out a soft moan.
“Since the day you joined this crew, I’ve watched you stare at my hands. Today I’ll give you what you’ve always wanted… them inside you.”  
“Please. Captain.” You begged through shaky breaths.
You gasped as his lips hit your neck and his hands met your knees. You moaned as his lips trailed down your neck to bite your collarbone. His right hand slid up your inner thigh and rested at the hem of your folded skirt, just in front of your sex. You wrapped your arms around Law's neck and twirled your fingers in the base of his dark locks. His left hand lifted your breasts from their clothed cage. His head fell lower and paused in front of your now exposed breasts. You watched a wider grin form across his face as he stuck out his tongue. Wetness covered your chest as his tongue flicked at your erect buds. You began to pant as Law’s right hand traced your wet slit through the cloth between your legs. 
“So wet for you captain. Can’t wait to feel you clench around my fingers.”
“Captain. Need you. Please!” You begged as you squirmed beneath his fingers still playing with your clothed sex.
Your head fell forward to rest on his shoulder. Law lifted you from your seat and pulled the cloth from between your legs. You breathed raggedly as his right hand teased your nipples and his left glided up your legs to meet your soaking wet core. His left hand fell from your breast to your waist. Your eyes blinked closed as his right hand traced up your slick and softly brushed your clit.. Your body wiggled beneath his touch.
“Law please.” You begged.
He pulled you closer to the edge of your seat before his thumb met your bundle of nerves. He rubbed circle after circle changing pressure and speed as he played with your clit. You moaned in his ear.
“Law.” You begged.
“I’m your captain, address me as such.”
“Captain… please. I need you inside me.”
“Such a slut for these fingers. Let's see you take them like the slut you are.”
Law’s thumb stopped teasing you as his ring and middle finger returned to your core. They separated as they toyed at your entrance. You clenched down and dug your fingers into his back. Your hips needily rocked at the edge of your seat as Law dipped his fingertips inside you. You moaned loudly as they pushed inside you. His fingers thrust in and out of you causing heat to begin to grow in your abdomen. Law tightened his grip on your waist and fought the forward pounding of your hips. He added a third finger and began rubbing his fingers upward at your g-spot. 
“Yes. Captain. Yes! So close. Please.”
“Look at you begging for these fingers, begging to come undone. Such a slut for your captain. Be a good girl now, and cum for me.” He commanded as his thumb lifted to meet your clit, increasing the intensity at which he rubbed your g-spot.
Your fingers dug into his back and you couldn’t help, but throw your head back as the heat in your abdomen built to a crescendo. Your eyes crossed as drool dribbled down your bottom lip. Your hips fought against his hold.
Your juices erupted from your entrance covering Law’s hands and your upper thighs. Your legs shook against him. His fingers continued to dance within your core as you descended from your high. You pressed your wet lips to his neck and rested your forehead on his shoulder. You worked at catching your breath as Law slowly withdrew his fingers from between your legs. You sat up and your eyes met his. He looked at his wet fingers and brought them to your lips. You sucked his fingers clean and moaned as he pushed them deep into your mouth.  He removed his fingers from your mouth and placed his lips softly on yours as his hands fell to your waist. Your fingers tangled in his hair as you opened your lips wider allowing your tongue to intertwine with his for a few moments. You pulled your lips apart and rested your forehead on his.
“Thank you, captain.” You whispered.
“How do you feel?” He questioned.
“Better, but I don’t think once was enough…”
“Good. Lay back,” he commanded.
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planeteroticaaa · 5 months
“let’s just go, my dear. cause the way you put it on, made me wanna take it off you.”
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nanami was typically a rather patient man, but tonight he couldn’t help the twitch in his eye or the deep scowl on his face as he watched you make conversation with a group of his colleagues. you weren’t aware of the way they gawked at you in that long, black body con dress you wore—their eyes flickering from the generous amount of cleavage the low v-neck flashed to the way the wind blew the slit of the garment to show more of your legs each time your eyes closed when smiling that same smile that wooed him 5 years ago just as it was doing them now.
it wasn’t intentional, he knew it wasn’t. you just wanted to make a good impression, especially because you knew it could tarnish the way people at his job viewed him, but fuck were you doing too good of a job at pretending to care about what that arrogant, asshole of a boss had to say.
nanami hadn’t wished to go to this work party, ready to lie his way out of it and while you chalked it up to your husband not wishing to socialize, his worried were rooted deeper than that…you. he knew his collages would waste no time surrounding you in disbelief that nanami had a wife and in even more disbelief on just how beautiful you were.
how was it that you were the center of attention everywhere you went? that you turned this party from something everyone felt obligated to attend to wishing that it didn’t have to end at 12am because now it was about to be 2am and nanami was in the corner messing with his now loosened tie, waiting for you to finish your last drink so you could leave as he wanted to take that dress off of you just as much as his boss did.
he himself was surrounded by his female colleagues—each in his ear about how you “left him to flirt with other men right in his face,” their words full of malicious intent that would make any other man question had it not been nanami. he didn’t care for these women—hell, nobody did when you were here, hypnotizing everybody with the way that dress hugged your curves or how contagious your laugh was, the sound blessing their ears, the sway of your hips when you walked, that damn smile luring them in like a moth to a flame.
his resolve was slowly crumbling—checking the time on his expensive watch each time these women opened their mouth to throw another jab at you, staring at you from afar, eyes asking—no, begging you to leave for it was late and he didn’t know how much more patient he could be with you looking like that and them looking at you like that. he’s adjusted himself for the nth time tonight, uncomfortable by the strain in his dress pants. you were driving him insane and he hadn’t even realized he started making his way over to you until he grabbed your wrist.
“you ready to go, my love?” he asked, but something about the way he stared at you—his usual kind, brown eyes now narrowed and dark—that he wasn’t asking you. “ken—” “y/n.” was all he said, voice low and sturn, shutting down any chance of argument, tension so thick it left everyone around you quiet.
he was tired, pissed, and needed you more than anything right now and you couldn’t help but to hook your arms around his stronger one, your smaller frame against his with his bicep pressed up against your breast. “i thought you’d never ask,” you said after smiling and pulling him down to your level by his tie so that your lips brushed against his. yeah, he knew you were all his.
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“i see the tension rising…i feel the temperature rising.”
in honor of my man dropping this HEAVEN SENT album🤭! but in all seriousness, i wanted to give you guys a little something because school has been kicking my ASSSS, but i got yall again soon! — ♱. erotica
— tags list!: @kashxyou, @lame-xxx, @ninacutebee16, @ynishalee, @im-a-simp-4-2d-men (submit your tumblr username here if you wish to be added!)
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spinningwebsandtales · 5 months
Imagine Having To Patch Soshiro Up After A Kaiju Attack
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Soshiro Hoshina X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Blood, injuries, mentions of death, teasing, and kaiju remains
Word Count: 1k
(A/N:) I am enjoying the Kaiju No. 8 anime immensely and it's giving me all sorts of ideas to write! I have several more Kafka ones in my drafts and I want to write more for several other of the male characters. So keep an eye out I may write your favorite dude! I'm also thinking about opening my requests back up in case anyone has any Kaiju No. 8 requests, even though my drafts are insanely full. We'll just see but until next time happy reading! ~Countess
The suits made by Izumo Tech were a marvel of innovation and technology. Designed to give the members of Japan's fiercest warriors; The Defense Force, a fighting chance against the Kaiju that plagued their country. But still the warriors were only human no matter how amazing the suit.
Your booted feet thundered against the broken asphalt, breath heaving in pants as you raced across the now quiet battlefield. Just seconds ago it was Hell on Earth as you and your fellow soldiers fought for your very lives. But now Kaiju matter was splattered against everything. It was going to be quite the mess for whatever cleaning crew was open to do the dirty job. The attacks had become more frequent here lately, that the few companies that specialized in Kaiju clean up were becoming overwhelmed to get the different attack sights back to some semblance of normalcy for the citizens. But even that problem was far back from your mind. Only one person had you running so hard after fighting so intensely. Soshiro had gone silent after dispatching some of the smaller ones with his blades. You knew he had sustained injuries, but for him to go quiet, it wasn't a good sign. There was closer Third Division officers nearby but you knew with whatever stamina you had left you could make it. Your worries taking over any rational thought in your mind.
Konomi echoed in your ear, leading you straight towards Soshiro's location. Her frantic directions wasn't doing much to calm your nerves, but as an officer you couldn't let your anxiety show.
"Just around this corner," Konomi said. You thanked her turning down your communication device as you skidded around a pile of rubble. There leaned up against what remained of a wall was Soshiro. He held his side, eyes closed, and protective mask discarded at his side. Though winded and exhausted from the long race here, you gripped your rifle tighter the sling hitting your neck and tangling in the wild strands of hair that had broken free. Blood coated Soshiro's face and the fact that he wasn't responding to footsteps coming closer was more than concerning. Fear was beginning to grip your heart, when you finally got at his side.
"Two cracked ribs and significant blood loss," Konomi's sudden voice through the comm caused you to jump. "He's not critical just yet but I do have the medics on route to your location."
"I can staunch the blood flow," you replied. "I'll try to get him conscious again too."
"Good idea. I'll keep monitoring his vitals and let you know if anything changes."
Unslinging the rifle from your neck, you set it close by in case any threats remained. You removed the small med pack from your belt and got to work. Tapping at his cheek, you started working on getting Soshiro awake. Several moments went by and it wasn't until you put pressure on one of his worse wounds did he finally groan.
"Vice Captain," you continued to pat his cheek. "Vice Captain Hoshina! Soshiro wake up!"
He stirred, bleary eyes blinking against the bright sunlight before his gaze finally found you.
"Welcome back to the land of the living sir," you sighed in relief.
"So I died," he groaned. "And here I thought I was immortal."
"Well you didn't die but you do have a long road to recovery. You're pretty banged up and look terrible. The Kaiju Captain blew to smithereens looks better than you."
"Officer (L/N)," Soshiro groaned more as you wrapped several wounds tightly in gauze, "did anyone ever tell you that your bedside manner is garbage?"
"We're out on the battlefield and you're not laying on a bed sir," you grinned before going back to placing pressure on a wound that was too large for bandages. "Beside manners don't exist out here."
"Fieldside manner then," he glared. "And if you press any tighter to my side you're going to stab my lungs with my ribs."
"That's not me. That would be your suit keeping you from jostling your cracked ribs."
"(Y/N)! Vice-Captain Hoshina's vitals seem to be stabilizing more. Medics are inbound and will be there shortly," Konomi updated you and you acknowledged her.
"You had me worried Soshiro," you sniffed, hands stained with his blood. You had turned your comm off so you could talk with him in private for just a moment. You both didn't have long anyway with the evac team so close by.
"Sorry," he grimaced. Righting himself up more he wrapped one arm around your neck and pulled you in tight. "I'm sorry I worried you so much. I take risks but this time my decision wasn't the right one."
You held him as best as you could without hurting him further, "I'm just so glad you're okay!"
You hated crying but the relief you felt, had you breaking down in seconds. Soshiro wasn't used to seeing you cry and it broke his heart. Always the strong soldier, you couldn't help yourself around him as you wanted him by your side forever.
"You're not hurt are you," Soshiro asked as he stroked the back of your hair.
"No." You breathed deep, calming yourself and wiped your eyes. "Does that mean that I have surpassed the great Soshiro Hoshina in skills?"
"Absolutely not. We both know that my blade skills leave everyone else in the dust," he scoffed.
"Yeah but I didn't decide to use my ribs to stop a kaiju punch."
"Shut up."
You laughed kissing his forehead quickly, as it was the only place not covered in blood, as the boots of the medics came closer.
"I'm glad you're okay," you whispered. Soshiro couldn't answer as he was suddenly surrounded by several medical officers. He nodded towards you as you picked your rifle back up and started to go join the other members of the Third Division. The battle wasn't over just yet as you needed to look for more survivors. But you felt the burden lift from your shoulders knowing that the man you loved was going to be okay and was in capable hands. The fight with the kaiju continued on but if you stayed by Hoshiro's side you felt like you both could make the world a better place together.
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to-the-stars8 · 6 months
The Wayne's Nanny
Batfamily and Reader/ Bruce Wayne x Reader Chapters Ao3
9 to 5 (Metaphorically)
You had been working for Bruce Wayne for two weeks, and could for sure say that the kids were sweet, though a little out of touch with reality. Whether that was due to their father being the absolute weirdest man on the planet or from how rich they were— You didn’t know. Nonetheless, the days were long and tiresome. You wondered how you ever got through it. 
First and foremost, you had to get up extremely early to see the kids off to school. 
You fixed Cassandra’s headband on her head, making sure she looked perfect, before moving to fix Duke’s tie. Turning on your heel, your pink bathrobe swaying as you did, you quickly stopped Tim from pulling Jason’s hair.
“What did I tell you about pulling hair, Timothy Jackson Drake?” You put your hands on your hips. 
With pink cheeks, he mumbled, “That karma will make me bald.”
“That’s right, and the last thing we want is to look like Lex Luthor, right kids?”
“Right!” They all mumbled. 
Upon his approach, Mr. Wayne seemed pleased with how you managed the kids, even if it was in a less-than-professional way. When you fully turned your attention to him, you grinned, showing off his children. They looked good and healthy—Just as they did before your arrival, the only difference was that he wasn’t as tired. 
“Okay, sweet babies, give daddy a kiss before Alfred takes you to school,” You ushered the kids toward their father. 
Dick offhandedly said to Alfred, “Did I miss the wedding?” You lightly swatted the back of his head while Bruce was kissing the other children goodbye.
Slowly, the kids trickled out of the door, all of them saying goodbye over their shoulders. Now, you were left alone with Bruce and Damian, who sat securely on his hip. 
The moment you turned to the two of them, Damian broke out into a bashful smile. You cooed to him, calling him the sweetest boy on the planet. Finally, you noticed Mr. Wayne again, “You should just leave him here with me. We’ll have such a fun time, huh, buddy?” 
Bruce smiled at his boy, pushing his black locks back before addressing you. “No doubt, but I want him to socialize with other kids. The preschool at work is a fine one, too, and today is ice cream day.”
“Oh, my, then don’t let me hold you back! Let me get a kiss real quick,” A surprised look crossed Bruce’s face, but he slowly started to lean his cheek toward you. You swatted him away, making Damian giggle. “Not you!” You blew a raspberry against the boy’s cheek, causing a shrill laugh. 
Before you could just snatch the little boy from his father’s grasp so he could stay with you, Bruce adjusted him on his hip before addressing you again. “You have enough to do for the day?”
You waved a dismissive hand at him, most of your attention still on Damian. “Oh, sure, my schedule is booked.”
Secondly, you made yourself presentable.
No one wants to see their employee running around in their slippers and bathrobes—Plus, Bruce already got onto about not dressing appropriately when some company had come over earlier that week. Luckily, being employed by one of the richest men in Gotham meant one thing; You could finally afford the champagne taste you had.
The only drawback? Beauty took time, so you spent a good chunk of the morning just making yourself ready to be ready. 
You had to go through your entire skincare routine (of course, after lounging around in the big bathtub with the jets) before you finally went to your closet to pick out your clothes. Once you had something you decided did finally move on to your makeup. Not that you needed any, you thought, but there was no harm in adding beauty to beauty. 
Eventually, the process of actually looking presentable came to a close and lunch was just around the corner. So, getting up, you looked at yourself one more time.
It was hard work being beautiful, but, damn it all, if you didn’t do a good job of it. 
Of course, after you got ready you had to eat something, so, while Alfred meal prepped dinner, you sat while dishing out all the latest gossip. 
As you shuffled a sandwich in your mouth, he told you all about Mr. Wayne’s previous relationship with someone named Selina and how it ended in absolute heartbreak. Supposedly, Bruce had been so heartbroken that he could hardly get out of bed and remained a recluse for months afterward. Alfred’s words, not yours. 
“Oh, so not much has changed?” You asked, cocking an eyebrow. 
Alfred tried to hold back a laugh and leaned forward to quietly add, “This was three years ago.”
You smiled. “So I was right, not much has changed!"
Alfred snickered, turning to peel some more potatoes, and you took the opportunity to tell him your woes with love. It was a deep, tragic tale that could jerk the tears from any eye. 
Except for Alfred’s, apparently. 
When you were done, he filled you in on an even better story. One about the richest of the rich in Gotham, and every word he said had you hanging on by a thread. If you hadn’t met Alfred before, you would have never guessed that he was the kind of man to eavesdrop or have a big mouth. But, damn, if you weren’t thankful for it. 
It certainly was the most entertaining and interesting part of your job. 
After lunch came the hardest tasks. Usually, you cleaned the gaming room for the kids, did some laundry—mainly yours since the kids’ clothes were already washed— and watched TV. Again, it was all in a day’s work. 
After vacuuming the rugs, you put away the kids’ toys, wondering momentarily just how much money Mr. Wayne spent on them. Looking at the designer clothes they wore, the latest toys, and gaming devices, you assumed it was well more than what you made in a year. When you had enough of staring at their expensive toys, you ventured into the laundry room. 
Luckily, there wasn't a lot to wash, only some towels along with Dickie’s gymnastics clothes. When you had done the last load, you found yourself settling into one of the lounge chairs in the movie room. 
This was your favorite part of the day, where it lulled just enough for you to relax again. The kids wouldn’t be home for another hour due to traffic, so you had to whole place to yourself.
Alfred sometimes joined you with a bowl of popcorn, but, since it was so close to picking up the kids from school he had to opt-out. At home, you would have been watching one of those usual daytime soaps, but Alfie had started to put you on EastEnders—claiming it was better than any other trash American daytime TV show. It was only after one character had a whole dramatic flare over the smallest inconvenience, did you started to see why it was his, and Bruce’s too, favorite show. He made you watch so much of it that you had started to pick up some of the British slang, which did not amuse him or Mr. Wayne. 
You watched until an idea popped into your head. The kids would be hungry once they got home, as they usually were, so you decided it would be nice to make them their special snacks. 
Happily, you put it all together, and, when the kids came home, you were excited to see their reaction.
It was almost like clockwork the way they always managed to arrive home exactly at the same time every day. 
You greet all of them with a big hug as you tell them about the treats they had waiting in the dining room. Excited, they were pleased to see that, while Alfred was out picking them up, you had gone out of your way to make their favorite treats. 
Tim grabbed his plate and exclaimed loudly that you were by far the best nanny they ever had. A few of the other kids agreed, and you tried to not let it go to your head so quickly. Yet, you couldn’t find it in yourself to disagree with them. 
They told you all about school, which, ultimately, just turned into a PG gossiping session. Tim told you all about this one kid, who was almost two years older than him, who always called him names and pulled his hair. Almost instantly, based on the last little detail, did you figure it out. Turning around, you looked at the second eldest Wayne who, despite being so sweet, could be devious and a little mean from time to time. 
“Jason Peter Todd, you need to stop being mean to your brother. And what did I say about hair-pulling? At your age, you should know better!” 
Jason gasped, looking around to gain some sympathy. “Why do you think it’s me?”
You cocked an eyebrow and that’s what made the cookie crumble. He confessed that maybe it was him and that he wouldn’t do it again. The rest of the table took their time calling him the future Lex Luthor, much to his annoyance. 
You thought yourself lucky to be the nanny of such sweet kids, even if they were a bit weird. It brought back some happiness in your life that you didn’t know you were missing. 
As the plates started to stack, you clapped your hands together and said, “Alright kiddos, once you’re done with your snacks, get your homework out. The faster you get it done, the faster we can all go play games.”
Finally, Mr. Wayne came home. 
When he did, the entire house seemed to be in a clamor to get to him first. At least, the younger ones did. Dick and Cassandra seemed more interested if he had brought home any treats for them. When there was none, they turned on their heels and retreated into their respective tasks. That didn’t seem to discourage him though, and he was almost playful with the rest of the children.
When Bruce had thrown Duke over one shoulder and Tim over the other as Jason trailed after them, you took Damian. He had a pout on his lips, and tears in the corner of his eyes. When you asked him what was wrong, Damian informed you that ice cream day had been canceled because, in his words, the teachers were mean.
“Fair enough,” You said, taking him to the kitchen. “How about this, we get some ice cream and watch some TV, huh?”
Damian was close to crying, probably just as exhausted from the day as you were, but nodded his head. You gave him another kiss and let him rest his head on your shoulder. After you plucked a little ice cream sandwich from the fridge, the two of you went to join the rest of the family in the gaming room. 
Bruce was there, tie and jacket abandoned, sitting on the couch playing Dick in Mortal Kombat. It didn’t look like Mr. Wayne knew exactly how to play, but he was getting the hang of it. Now and then, when there was a particular point he didn’t understand, Duke, being the sweetest yet odd kid ever, whispered to him what to do. Why a six-year-old knew how to play a game he was far too young for, you didn’t know. 
Looking down at Damian, it was clear to see just how sleepy he was and you started to get up to put him in his room when Alfred stopped you. He offered to take the boy up and gestured over to Cassandra, who was looking at you with her big brown eyes. 
“Hello, sweet girl,” You said as soon as Damian was gone. 
Cassandra, who was sitting on the floor with a ballerina Barbie in hand, walked on her knees over to you. “Can you braid my hair?”
You grinned, looking at her pretty black hair. It was short, cut just below her shoulder, but you could make something work. She plopped down right in front of you and immediately you began to play with her hair. 
Amidst playing his game, Mr. Wayne looked over in your direction to admire you and Cassandra. When you caught his eye, you winked and smiled. Bashfully, he looked back at the game. Unfortunately for him, Tim saw the whole interaction and started to loudly poke fun at his father. 
Ultimately, that’s how the day went. It was a lot of work, and, again, you didn’t know how you did it. Yet, you were glad that it almost always ended so happily. 
It wasn’t exactly a nine-to-five—It was better.
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Claws, Katanas, Compassion and Ketamine
Summary: You were the link between Vanessa and Wade during their breakup. They get back together, creating the perfect triangle. And then Wolverine shows up too, because you totally live in a suite apartment that can fit everyone.
Notes: God I love poly, mutant!reader, gn!reader, I wrote this in one day and thirty minutes last night and I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be obvious
Warnings: Gets real suggestive near the end but it's a fade to black, typical Deadpool content, from swearing to sex, reader does drugs and is very unhinged Wade’s just worse, not betaread we die like Worstie’s X-Men
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The three of you ‘broke up’ in your shitty but homey apartment. Vanessa knew that her death caused Wade to try and kill himself numerous times, and dying shook her up a bit. After being rejected by the Avengers, Wade spent too much time hating himself and wondering where he went wrong, unintentionally neglecting his relationship with both of you
You were the red rope, the link, the buckle on the belt, it seemed. Shit got messy, Wade assumed too fast, but Vanessa wanted to be with you and you still loved Wade, vice versa. Vanessa tried to work stuff out herself, moving out, you stayed at the apartment, and Wade went to live with Blind Al again. You video chatted and texted everyday, and did your darndest to be by both sides.
Vanessa called you one day. She'd gotten the therapy, she said. Wanted to get back with Wade, try again at the least. You encouraged her to try and ask at Wade's surprise party, an extra present to add to the love in the late mutant’s life. Vanessa blew you kisses through the computer, and you mimicked catching them and placing the kisses on your cheek.
Then Wade got kidnapped, and came back two days later, claiming to have saved your entire universe, with some extra company.
“You must think saving the world's sexy, huh, Vanny?” You joked to Vanessa, lightly elbowing her after she and Wade made the promise attempted to try again over his second birthday dinner.
“Shut up and kiss me.” Vanessa put a finger to your chin in jest, and you accepted, embracing her with a gentle kiss to the lips.
“Already getting on it without me?” Wade interrupted, a metaphorical eyebrow raised in light-hearted query, poking in from the room you were in. Your response was simply to blow a kiss, which Wade quickly grabbed and pressed his hand against his cheek, swooning like a teenage girl. Vanessa simply giggled, and dragged you both back to join the party.
You all moved into Blind Al's apartment, in truth because you wanted to take Blind Al's coke. Wade said you couldn't, however, because that was the one thing Feige said they couldn't do. “What a pussy.” You grumbled, throwing the stash back into the floor where it belonged. And then Mary Puppins pissed on your leg, because apparently the nicest Deadpool hadn't potty trained his dog for some reason. Dick.
Oh, and the motherfucking Wolverine was here for some reason.
“Disney's gonna make him keep at this until he's 90, so we gotta give the senior citizen a house otherwise we'll get canceled for elderly abuse.” Wade 'explained’ to you in a whisper, and you nodded intently like you understood. Logan gave a middle finger in response.
He existed, that was for sure. You found him napping in the cupboard once because apparently Logan thought he was too good for the floor. He minded his business, staying out of the way. You accidentally caught him showering with the sweet smelling pink soap Wade and Vanessa shared and good god, those man’s abs were carved by Michalangelo. Fucking beautiful.
You, Wade and Vanessa sat down one night, Logan out at the bar that was full of football obsessed lunatics. And at the same time, you all spoke.
“I need that werewolf cock in me.”
“My god you guys, we need to get Peanut into bed with us, have you seen him?”
“We shouldn’t let him fourth wheel us, ask if he wants to be included.”
Vanessa glared at you both. You shrugged, while Wade did his best to look innocent.
The timing could’ve been worse, with you offering the deal with a Logan who was nearly hungover. Wade on the sofa like ‘one of those French girls’, Vanessa wore a casual hoodie with those really short shorts, and you were snorting heroin. Vanessa explained everything, and you’re pretty sure you hallucinated cartoon birdies as you spoke. Turns out, Wade did the same thing too, once. 
Logan accepted anyway, so he knew what he was going to get himself into.
Eventually, you grew to accept that Logan was a weasel, not a werewolf (which is so much cooler), and that you liked seeing him smile. Made you feel good, especially when he smiled because you were running his hands through his hair.
Like some fucked up hivemind, Vanessa and Wade shared your feelings too. However, unlike last time, Logan was the one who ‘confessed’, when the dude straight up purred in contentment when you tried to sit him down at your shitty table and well, you didn’t need to do much to gather the context as to why.
You and Logan shared the ‘Good’s Cabinet’, containing your most precious drugs and Logan’s more costly drinks, both saved for the most special occasions. You offered to take him to different bars that weren’t full of football frat-bros, and both of you found a new enjoyment in clubbing.
You would wear your best jewelry and drip, while Logan would wear an oversized jacket over his ‘wife beater’ shirt, worn over his Wolverine suit. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
“They asked for no pickles,” He hovered above you like your evil shadow clone, the worker at the front desk sweating on their head and probably under the collar.
“Haha, reference.” You jokingly poked Logan’s chest, before turning to the employee. “Don’t mind him. Never worked a day of retail in his life, doesn’t get the struggle.”
“Fuck you.” Logan added compulsory, though with the vitriol of a man whose moments of swearing have entirely lost their impact. You did get a new meal, no pickles included, so maybe the guard dog privileges are necessary.
Wade and you would often go out to the park on weekends, chilling on a bench as you gave your very persuasive remarks on all the cars Wade would sell on his job. He’d challenge you to get more ridiculous, and you'd do so with a wink and excessive references to sex.
“Get the boss to add truck nuts to all your autobots,” You suggested as you and Wade both got ice cream cones from the greatest truck of all time. “Would add some blitz to your bis, yaknow?”
“You wanna have a fivesome with our Honda Odyssey?”
“Give the objectums something good.” You shrugged, and Wade responded with a look to the audience, cosplaying as a bunch of trees in Discount Central Park.
Vanessa liked to drag you shopping, and you were content watching her search for the perfume bottles with the most ornate casing. God, she was so pretty, her hair put into that messy bun and casual dress.
“This bitch is ugly.” Vanessa said, holding up a silver bottle with a diamond bottletop. You heard a crunch, and tears quickly welled up in your eyes.
“Oh, so sorry sweetie, I wasn’t talking about you-” Vanessa held up her hands and shook them in a panic, putting the bottle back.
“It’s not that,” Your voice was barely a whisper. “I think I stepped on a ladybug.”
Vanessa looked down at the red flakes on the floor near your foot. “Sweetheart, that was an M&M.”
“Oh.” You stood there in silence for a few seconds, before turning back to Vanessa in the unnatural, freakish sort of way. “You getting anything from here?”
Vanessa smiled. “I think we should have an early lunch.” And you grinned too, as she rushed you over to the food court.
Your nights were chill nights, all four of you curled up on the bed, Mary Puppins curled beside Wade’s leg as he kept changing his position every few minutes. You would braid Vanessa’s hair as she scrolled through her phone, and Logan would lie down and accept head pats and bellyrubs with a content purr. Apparently weasels can do that.
Movie nights were great, too. Logan always got the best popcorn and you all had your designated seats. With a combination of heroin and ketamine you called ‘ketarin’, you snacked on your stash while you were all forced to share two bottles of Pepsi.
“Try it, babes,” You gestured your bucket of drugs towards Wade and Logan, the former sitting on the weasel’s lap as he tried to get comfy. “You’ll be able to smell sounds and taste colors. Stereotypical, I know, but life changing.”
Logan glared at you. “Get this fucker off me and I’ll consider it.”
“Wade, get off, I want Logan to taste my ketarin.”
The mercenary huffed in exaggeration, arms crossed. “No can do, sugar tits. Peanut here needs to learn his lesson.”
“What lesson?” You huffed. “Anyways, I forgive Logan, now get off I need him to try it.”
“He was a very bad boy today, and you know this, Y/N.” Logan rolled his eyes.
“Get off him, Wade.” Vanessa spoke in that stern voice, and even though it was not directed to you, your collar was getting hot already. “We’ll sort it out later tonight, mkay?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Wade gave a mocking salute before getting off of Logan with a grumble.
“She’ll be making ya say that seriously later, you know?” You raised an eyebrow at the mercenary, who made a heart symbol with his hands as he winked.
You thrust your special bucket towards the huge, jacked man (hehe), his demands met. Logan sighed before digging his hands in, and shoved it down his mouth.
“I prefer corn starch.”
“You fucking take that back, you little slutty shitter-”
You would’ve beaten him to a pulp for disrespecting your recipe, but Vanessa gave a mock cough, getting you, him and Wade to look at her. “Legally Blonde or Die Hard?”
“It’s August, the fuck are we suggesting Die Hard for?” You huffed, arms crossed, snatching your ketarin back.
“Yeah, too early for festive cheer, sweetcheeks. And I can’t miss out on international girlboss Ms. Woods, who do you take me for?”
“Die Hard is barely a Christmas movie,” Logan scoffed, but didn’t oppose when Vanessa selected Legally Blonde with the remote.
You all relaxed, in your own fucked up way. You and Vanessa arm-wrestled over who got to have a sip of Pepsi (she won, you were trying to hold your bucket in the other hand). Wade’s commentary was louder then the movie, causing Logan to punch him, and Wade let out a murmur of ‘harder, mummy’. You snickered at Logan’s look of repulsion and confusion, looking over to Vanessa, who was most likely the mummy in question. Unfortunately for Logan, she was going onto the balcony to let Mary Puppins piss, so he looked at you.
“Something something we’ll deal with you later, something something what would Elle Woods think?”
Wade seemed to think Elle Woods thought badly of him, standing upright and flopped onto his seat. You put your hands through Logan’s hair, watching him relax from your movement, before yelping when Vanessa came back and accidentally sat down on your hand.
“Shit, so sorry.” Vanessa gave a quick kiss to your hand, and you dramatically swooned as you watched Elle Woods be a girlboss.
“Forgiven, honeybuns, for I could never be mad at such an exquisite princess, who’s hair was made from silk that Willy Wonka once commissioned-”
“Shove your Shakespeare-ass monologues up your ass and get a room.”
Blind Al spoke up, and all four of you turned to see her standing behind you, having just come home.
“This is our room, Al,” Wade countered. “We rented it fair and square while you played poker with all the other little old ladies like you.”
“You’re early.” Logan noted, holding onto a bottle as he turned back to the television.
“Wilson’s clients took a car on a joyride and crashed into the club. Drunk on that high, I reckon.”
“Were they driving with the truck nuts?”
“How the fuck would I know, stupid?”
“Ah.” You hung your head in exaggerated shame, before Al grabbed the wall and let it guide her towards her room.
“Your clients?” You asked Wade with a raised eyebrow after she was gone.
“Karen, Kenny and Twinkletoes.” He ‘answered’. “Now, back to our regular scheduled program of Elle Woo-......and the movie’s over.”
Logan snorted, and Wade gasped, turning to face him. “I’ll have you know that it was a sacrifice I made, I tell you! I gave it all up!”
“You’d give anything up for a cornchip,” Logan shot back, but Vanessa gave a loud clap that stopped the conversation. You placed your empty bucket in the sink halfheartedly before turning to your girlfriend.
“Back to bed. We’ve got some behavior to correct.” Vanessa commanded, heading to your shared room.
“Yes, mummy.” Wade answered in his most ‘uwu’ voice, leading you to groan and Logan to shove him lightly as he followed Vanessa.
“A bit too early on the petnames, buddy.”
Wade stuck his tongue at you, and you flipped the bird before following Logan, who was following Vanessa, and Wade then followed you like some fucked up, freakish line of baby ducks crossing the road.
And you would change none of it.
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finelinevogue · 7 months
okay what about something with fiancerry about wedding planning? like putting stuff together/looking at inspo/etc ??
a/n - again… something small <3
word count - ~1k
wedding planning mahem
“I hate that colour.” You frowned at the potential colour of napkins.
“It’s beige. How is that not good?” Your fiancé, Harry, asked.
You were both sitting on the lounge floor, binders, folders, photos and bits of paper laid out everywhere in front of you. No space on the floor was untouched.
“It’s just.. bleh. I’m thinking sage green, to match the bridesmaids dresses.”
“Ooh that reminds me. Gem said her dress needs altering again.”
“Again?” You ran a stressed hand after your forehead and back over your head. “Anything else I should know?”
“Aunty Carole isn’t sitting on the same table as Uncle Graham, she said. Actually, she kind of threatened me to make sure it didn’t happen.” Harry gulped.
“Oh.. for fu– okay, okay.”
You take out a piece of paper from a binder and add these tasks to your never ending list. There were currently 67 tasks on your list to do and increasing in length too.
“And I should probably let you know that the cake decorator cancelled this morning saying the design was too complicated.”
Your eyes felt like they bugged out of their sockets. “Too complicated? Are you kidding me? It’s a bloody white cake with some green ivy on it.”
You groaned and collapsed on your back. You covered your eyes with the palms of your hands.
“C’mon, baby. It’ll all be okay.” Harry said, rustling with some paper.
You shook your head. You breathed out a deep breath, knowing what was coming next. Your shoulders and chest started to shake as you started to cry.
Your hands stayed over your eyes as the tears flowed down onto your cheeks.
Harry must have noticed, even though you weren’t being vocal about crying, because the next thing you knew he was on his way over to you.
“Woah, baby. Hey, hey. What’s up?” Harry pulled your hands away from your eyes and just let you cry without restraint. He stayed sat by your side, holding one of your hands with his.
“This is so shit.” You tried to talk through your sobs.
“What is? The wedding? The planning?”
“Everything!” You exclaimed, but Harry knew you didn’t mean it.
“Talk to me. What’s actually wrong?”
Harry pulled on your arms to sit you up. He sat with manspread legs and you sat in between them, sitting sideways to his body.
“I just.. I just wanted this wedding to be perfect. I needed it to be perfect and now everything’s falling apart left, right and centre.” You blew out a deep breath as you tried to calm your tears.
“Why does it need to be perfect? It’s not worth being perfect if you’re this upset, honey.” Harry explained, which you understood.
“For you.” You said softly.
“For me? Wha– baby…” Harry struggled to understand.
“You have done and still do so much for me, H. I just can’t even begin to explain just how much. This was supposed to be my way of showing you how much it all meant to me.. how much you loving me has meant to me.”
Harry pulled your chin so your face faced his. “Baby, hey. I know how much I mean to you. I see it everyday, from the little moments to the big. Like, this morning, you knew I wanted a green tea instead of a breakfast tea. I don’t know how you did, but you did. Or last week, I asked you if I could go out and see some friends and next thing I know you’ve organised a barbecue for me and them here. I-I don’t know how you could ever think that you don’t already show me how much you love me.”
“I know, I know. M’sorry.”
“It’s okay, lovie. It’s all going to work out, I promise.”
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themultifandomgal · 6 months
Hey I got a request for peaky blinders
So basically tommy is a single dad to a girl she is 2 years old and you got you was I’ll and tommy was in a meeting and you was bored she u walk. In and tommy yelled at you So you run off and started crying you find John and Arthur and told they what happened how u was I’ll and they find tommy to tell him he was a dick about yelling at you then he told u he was sorry
Hope that make sense x
Tommy Shelby- Just Want To Protect You
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I hope this is what you wanted.
YN and Tommy haven’t been dating all that long, she knew he was a single dad and his daughter, Mary, came first no matter what. YN also knew that he was a dangerous man, but she didn’t care. To her Tommy was a caring man who loved his family (even if he didn’t show it), all he wanted to do was keep YN and his daughter safe.
Unfortunately Mary had been ill with a cold the last week so while Tommy was in meetings YN would take on the roll of looking after her, however today YN woke up feeling rough. She has a headache, stuffy nose and scratchy throat, but still being a mother figure to the young girl YN takes on the task of looking after her and and house while Tommy is in his office working.
“I want daddy”
“I know” YN replies bouncing the crying girl in her arms “but daddy is busy. Why don’t you take a nap. You might feel better and when you wake up, daddy might be finished”
“Ok” Mary sniffles snuggling into YN’s neck. YN takes Mary to her bedroom and puts her down. She stays with Mary until she’s asleep. Feeling rough herself she decides to go and have a nap herself, however due to her blocked nose and now cough, YN gives up after half an hour.
Making her way down stairs she decides to make herself and Tommy a cup of tea. Feeling bored YN knocks on Tommys office door before walking in
“Hi love, I made you a drink” YN says walking in placing the tea on his desk, Tommy just grunts in response “Mary is asleep, still has this awful cold. I said maybe once she wakes up you’d be finished with work”
“And why would you tell her that?” Tommy looks up to YN
“I just thought that you could have a break, you can sit in your chair and work all the time. Mary misses you”
“I can’t just stop working because Mary wants me to”
“I’m not saying that. You’ve been in here since 6 this morning. It’s now 1 and you’ve not had a break or anything to eat”
“I can’t”
“Fine. Guess I’ll be looking after your sick child all day again”
“I didn’t ask you to”
“Then who will? Your to busy with you fucking businesses to even notice that she’s been crying for you this morning”
“Don’t you swear at me!” Tommy yells standing up “Mary isn’t even your daughter so if she’s so much of a bother why don’t you just go!” Feeling taken back YN takes in what Tommy just said
“Fine” YN replies keeping her tears back.
Asking one of the maids to keep an eye on Mary, YN leaves the house and makes her way to the Garrison where she sees Arthur and John
“YN” John waves his brothers girlfriend over
“Hi” she sadly says
“What’s wrong?”
“What’s our brother done this time?” Arthur sighs
“It’s just that, I don’t feel well but ive been taking care of his daughter who’s also ill. When I told him to have a break from work he just blew up”
“Our brother is an idiot YN, I’ll speak with him” John replies
“No don’t. He will know I’ve spoken to you and he will probably have a fit. I’m gonna get a drink”
That evening YN sits her home with a book in her hands, when there is a knock at her door. Putting her book down she heads over feeling confused to who could be at her front door. Opening it up there is Tommy holding flowers in his hands
“I’m a dick I know. I’m sorry”
“You better come in” YN opens up her door wider so Tommy could enter “where’s Mary?”
“At home. Ada has her. I know I shouldn’t have shouted at you, your ill and been looking after my daughter. You didn’t have to but you did. I just get so scared when it comes to you and Mary. I just want to keep you safe and we have a problem with the business. I didn’t want you involved, I didn’t want to worry you”
“Tom, I’m your girlfriend. If we want this to work you can’t shut me out”
“I know I know. Arthur and John knocked some sense into me. Let me make it up to you. Let me cook supper for you. Treat you like a queen”
“I’d like that” YN smiles.
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mooooonnnzz · 1 month
ok HEAR ME OUT?!!!1! Stanley x daughter reader BUT buut the thing is after ford deletes the memory of Stan?l, how would reader react?? What would she do??????? 🤭🤭🤭🤭 EHEHEHEHEHE
Clean Slate
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Stanley Pines x Daughter! Reader
♡ 516 words?!
♡ my shortest work yet
♡ i wanted to post something!! and i rlly liked this request so i did sum short n simple
♡ i have this stanford x kid reader brewing and its soo messy like drama wise, and just overall sad and im so excited to share it
♡ might be coming out tomorrow or wednesday? dunno!
♡ but in the meantime, enjoy some tiny angst!
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⠀➳ When Stan didn’t even recognize Mable when she approached him, you felt your heart crack in two. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. There was no way he lost his memory, right?
⠀➳ You walked over to Stan. He looked so lost and confused, an expression that you never saw your dad often wear. You gulp down your sobs and introduce yourself. “Hi, Dad.” Your voice is frail and tiny. You knew you wouldn’t be able to stand having your Dad not know who you are, but what if there was a slim chance he remembered you? You’d do anything to take up on that chance.
⠀➳ He looked at you, eyes squinting at you. A moment of recognition flashes in his eyes but it’s lost as fast it came. “Dad?” He repeats, shock riddling his tone.
⠀➳ “I have a kid?” He whispers to the others, jabbing a thumb to you. “Yes, Stanley. This is your daughter, [Name].” Ford said, placing his hand on your shoulder. He thumbed your shoulder in a reassuring manner, but all it did was remind you of how Stan would do the same whenever you were down. It made the gaping hole in your heart ache even more.
⠀➳ “She’s too pretty to be mine. There’s no way!” Even with all his memories lost, he’s still cracking jokes. “Dad…” You throw yourself on him, arms wrapping around him tightly as you sobbed onto his shoulder. Stan’s eyes blew wide in surprise. He wasn’t expecting that from you and it left him speechless.
⠀➳ “I’m sorry, kid.” He says, wrapping a comforting arm around you. “I hope you feel better soon.” He pats your back, the other hand running down your hair.
⠀➳ Pulling away from the hug, you step away from him. You couldn’t bear being around him, knowing that he doesn’t remember you at all. The twins hold onto each of your arms, both quietly sobbing.
⠀⠀➳ On your way to the Mystery Shack, you tried your absolute hardest to jog up his memory by sharing stories of your childhood with him. “There was this one time where for Summerween, I was dressed up as Rupunzel and you were the tower.”
⠀➳ “That sounds like a pretty awesome costume.” He said. “It was. We won the costume competition. Of course, I was too young to remember but I have a photo in my room.” Sharing the memories he doesn’t remember didn’t help much, it just caused you more pain.
⠀➳ “Maybe you should leave him be, dear. I don’t think he’ll remember anything.” Ford tells you. Another stab straight to the heart.
⠀➳ When you got to the very beaten up Mystery Shack, you were quick to run over to your room and with careful steps, you uprooted your little book full of photos of you and Stan from under the rubble.
⠀➳ You and Mable took turns showing him memories of the past and each telling, Stan showed signs of remembering.
⠀➳ Your spirits grew and once he fully recovered his memory, you engulfed him in tight hug. “Please, never forget me ever again!”
⠀➳ “I won’t, pumpkin. I won’t.”
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leonw4nter · 2 months
hi! so i was wondering if you could do hcs for re2r leon who is dating a nurse? also i wanted to say that i love your writing!! it’s literally some of my favorite on this app 💗 thank you!
RE2R!Leon Headcanons on dating a nurse…
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RE2R!Leon x GN!reader
You two had met when officer Rayman had to send him to the ER for stitches on his side after a physical encounter with a car thief on crack. You had been at the ER just passing time, occasionally attending to other patients if they needed any help.
You had already thought that the young officer was already attractive, but you didn’t pay his face much attention and rushed to help him with the cut on his side, as blood seeped through his white inner shirt and into his navy blue uniform. He was already used to being shirtless with a bunch of other officers in the locker rooms of the RPD but somehow, he felt flustered being topless in front of you.
“Gosh, your body is just goals,” you comment as you finish up the last of his stitches. Warmth floods his head, sending his brain swimming in all sorts of happiness-eliciting chemicals. “It’s so good, actually. What’s your workout routine?”
“Oh it’s– um…–” he stammered. Pistol squats, weighted squats, glute extensions, weighted calf raises, thirty-second sprints, leg swings, cat camel, crab reaches, and some kicking. It would’ve been easy for him to share his gym regimen and tell you its intervals but with you looking up at him with doe eyes, all words melted into goo before they could leave his throat. “Oh– it’s just, you know– squats, calf raises, some running. That stuff… I think– I mean, yeah! Just these um… exercises, yeah. Right.”
He wanted to kick himself and never come back to that ER again but you didn’t seem to notice his awkward stammering (or did really well that it looked like you didn’t notice it).
You gave your number to him in case he had any questions or needed help with tending to the stitches just below his ribs and since Marvin had given him 2 days off to recuperate, he took the time to call you and asked if he could send you some donuts during one of your lunch breaks soon.
“I was wondering if– if you’ll be okay with me dropping some donuts off at your work during your break. It’s just my small token of thanks,” he said. He wished that he prepared a script ahead and practiced a handful more times, unconfident with the trembling in his voice and the small voice crack he hoped the phone didn’t pick up.
“Oh! Of course! That’d be great! Leave it at the front desk, to a certain Nurse Joyce and I’ll pick it up,” you gleefully say.
“That’d be awesome. So uh… see you soon, I guess?”
“See me soon? Are you implying that there’s going to be more than one occasion where we’re going to see each other–”
“Goodnight, nurse!”
He didn’t mean to sound rude or come off as a sourpuss but your words coming back to him when he thought it would stay only in the form of thoughts in his mind scared him, he just had to hang up.
After several dates and 5 months spent together as friends, Leon bashfully asked if you would want him as a boyfriend because he felt ready to be your boyfriend if you were ready for the commitment. His poor hands were gripping the bouquet too tightly, wrinkling the plastic wrapping around his large hands. His eyes looked comically round and almost puppy-like, especially with his dilated pupils. You nodded and said yes to him, gently taking the flowers and giving him a big hug. Before you went inside your door when he sent you home, you pressed a kiss to his cheek and blew him a kiss before going inside. Poor Leon stood frozen in front of your steps, pleasantly shocked as a wide grin made its way into his baby face. You stayed behind the door for a bit, listening to him. You swear you heard a giddy laugh and a silent “Yes!” from the other side.
Watching medical shows became a regular thing between you two. You pointed out some of the medical inaccuracies and explained what should actually be happening as Leon looked at you with hearts in his eyes. It was also vice versa: you watching a cop show with him and him breaking down the mechanics of how investigations are done while you nod and hum in agreement while silently swooning over the increasing animation of his hands as he went over the laws and breaches in ethics.
“Whew, that was so smart of you.” You say as you scooch closer to him and lean against his shoulder. This confused Leon at first.
“Huh? Why– what’d I do?” He anxiously asked, worried he did something wrong even though that didn’t seem to be the case.
“You really got into the nitty gritty of it and went into hypothetical scenarios with different outcomes of the situation. You know, I heard that you graduated at the top of your police academy.”
He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“Uh, yeah… I did but it’s nothing, really. You’re really smart too, you know.”
Before you, Leon used to simply wash his cuts with water and anti-bacterial soap and not place a bandage over it. Now, he’s immediately asking you for band-aids whenever he has one. Sometimes, the band-aids look ridiculous: bright yellow band-aids with rubber ducks, Disney princesses, cartoons, or cute animal doodles but he doesn’t mind, it’s like a small piece of you that he carries into work, a small reminder of you keeping his wound guarded.
Leon’s now a regular at the hospital, you a regular at the police station. At the hospital, the older nurses and doctors like to grill him about you and how he’s treating you. Back at the police station, the officers like to share stories about all the times Leon embarrassed himself by accident or when he started out as a rookie. They loved to bring up how fast Leon managed to solve the puzzles they set up for him when he had his first day on the job, recommending challenging puzzle kits as a gift for him. What both your coworkers had in common was scrunching their nose and feigning dislike for your mild displays of affection like hugging and kisses to the cheek.
If Leon needed to request for a leave due to medical reasons, he considered himself lucky that you were qualified to be able to write up a medical certificate to present once he got back.
“Officer, I don’t think I can accept this.”
“Why not? It’s written by a medical professional, a licensed one too.”
“We don’t accept certificates coming from–”
“Someone we’re legally associated with? Yes. That includes parents, siblings, and spouses but they’re not my spouse. Well, not yet at least, so I think I’m free to go. Nothing in the handbook indicates that I can’t have my unmarried partner make my certificate.”
“... consider yourself lucky, officer. Fine, I’ll take it.”
He does consider himself lucky– more than lucky, in fact.
One time, he got curious and decided to ask to see the needles you use on patients. On a particularly silly mood that day, you decided to exaggerate a little bit. You took the needle meant for an epidural, a needle around 6 inches, and explained that this went into the spine. He had gone pale, the rosiness and pinkish tint of his face vanishing as you demonstrated how it would be used. You showed him the needles used for intramuscular injections and he adjusts the collar of his clothes, a little queasy at the thought of these scary devices being used on a near-daily basis.
There are some days where you’d come home completely silent and drained, feeling blue from the events that had gone down in the hospital. If Leon got home first, he’d be welcoming you with a beaming grin and open arms but once he spots the puffiness of your face indicative of crying, he pulls you in for a hug and immediately asks what’s wrong before listening to you and offering words of comfort or the solace of his presence with you.
Back then, he simply relied on fruits and the occasional vegetable for his vitamins but after dating you, you decided to slip some vitamins after meals into his diet. He particularly likes the gummy vitamins though you remember to remind him to take them out of the car so they won’t melt and turn into one cluster.
NOTE - Thank you so so much to the anon who sent this, I hope you liked it <3 I've been having writer's block for a bit so it took a long time to complete a request like this but I'm glad that I managed to get this done for you :) I didn't format this post like how I usually format it (w the dividers and text gradients) bc there's a major weather disturbance from where I live and it's affecting the signal and connection speed of the internet so I'll probably make this look pretty once the storm passes us. School starts again in like... a week so requests getting done will prolly take some time so I'll do my best to post everything before everything goes tits up in terms of academics. Anyway, that's it and thank you for reading my fics!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I <33333 UUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!
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papaya-twinks · 17 days
red hot chilli 🌶️ - l.n - part 3
Warnings: brief mention of smut, swearing, obsession
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
other parts
A/N - the golf pictures of Lando sent me genuinely feral so I’m making up another one for this 
And so, when Lando saw you yet again in the pit lane in Miami, he was more than happy. Yet again, you were in the Ferrari garage, with Alex and Rebecca by your side once again. 
“You know,” you said, standing between each of the girls as you watched the grid line up for the sprint qualifying, “some guy, I think his name was Luka, he messaged me the other day,”. Alex raised a brow at the words, gesturing for you to show her. 
“Have you seen him before? Like what he looks like?” Rebecca  asked as the cars came found the weaving straight. “…No,” you said, a bit surprised you hadn’t thought of actually ask your new friend. You and who you thought was Luka had been talking for ages, yet you never did think to ask. 
“Seriously? He could be some 60 year old pervert,” Alex said, raising a brow as she looked at you in confusion. “No, he’s not,” you said, shaking your head, feeling a little protective all of a sudden. “But Y/N-,” Rebecca started. “He’s not a pedo!” you interjected, a little frustrated as you watched the cars roll into their slots. 
Rebecca and Alex shared a look but said nothing more as you put your phone back down, watching as the lights started. “Oh my god,” you gasped as a car spun round, a bright orange car. The same one as, presumably, the same one you had seen in Australia. 
That was shitty.
You didn’t watch the rest of the spring, not all too concerned, as you busied yourself in the corner of your room, taking your phone out and typing a message to ‘Luka’.
Y/N: heyyyyy, how are you?
Lando pause mid-way through his conversation with his engineer upon hearing his phone ding, and he took the de ice into his hands, eyes lighting up as he saw your name across the screen. “Wait,” he mumbled absentmindedly to the hro of engineers, going to the bathroom. 
They’d all caught onto Lando!s weird behaviour whenever his phone would ring and he’d always stare at the message from whoever with such glee. They’d never asked, though, purely to respect his privacy, but it was a little worrying.  Seriously, who was he talking to?
Luka: heyyy, I was watching the F1 
Y/N: me too!
Luka: did you see how Norris went out?
Y/N: yeah, I saw it live, it was rlly unfortunate 
Luka: live?! you’re lucky :)
Of course, Lando did know you’d seen it live. He’d watched you walk down the pit lane in your cute, pretty little dress, the way your hips swayed. God, everything about you was damn hypnotising. Even the way he watched you sip your cup of coffee you had. 
It made him think things, things he no doubt should not be thinking. Yet everything about you was enchanting, almost pulling him towards you like some magnetic force. From small things, to the way your lashes fluttered when the wind blew a little harder, to the way you sipped you walked. 
Y/N: tyyy! You like F1?
Luka: I do, yeah, I love F1! Who’s your favourite driver? 
Y/N: I’d say…maybe Carlos or something 
Obviously you liked Carlos, he was your brother after all. But how was he to ask if you liked him without directly saying that he was the person? That he was Lando Norris?
Luka: Nice, my fave driver is Lando Norris 
Y/N: he’s the McLaren one, right? 
Luka: yeah, ya know him? 
Y/N: I know OF him, haha 
Luka: yeah…he’d be lucky if you spoke to him in real life :) 
Shit, was that too forward? And Lando didn’t even get the chance to check your reply, til he heard a knock on his door, followed by the voice of one of his engineers. “Hey Lando?” the engineer said, opening the door as Lando put his phone down immediately, “you have media,”. 
Lando sighed, nodding as he turned to follow him into the pit lane and to the TV pen. He’d been having an okay time getting on with it, managing to put the whole situation behind him - only to now have media work. That would be shit.
You frowned as you stared at the screen, blinking a few times as you watched Luka go offline. Oh, maybe he had something to do. You put it past you, putting your phone back into your purse and watching the rest of the race, as you stood in the corner. 
“Y/N,” Carlos said with his usual smile, walking into the garage as he nodded for you to come and follow him, “I’m gonna go to some golf course a few miles away. Wanna come? It’s just me and Lando,” he said, his accent thick and Spanish. “We can get out this place,” he said, grimacing a little at the slightly loud atmosphere. 
You ended up agreeing, still have some stress to do with your studying playing at the back of your mind. After all, you could never just…completely rid yourself so stress. If you could, the world would be perfectly…perfect.
You had changed from your other outfit into a new one, a white top and a small tennis skirt, your hair tied back in a braid. You and Carlos arrived at the course, watching a man, with tousled brunette curls, swung his arm, muscles flexing. 
His hair was hanging in messy curls across his forehead, a single one a little out of place hanging low as his biceps flexed beneath his black vest and shorts. Christ. “Hey man,” Carlos said to Lando, snapping you out of your thoughts as Lando tried not to meek his double take obvious. 
“I believe you had a run in with each other in Australia,” Carlos smiled, stepping back so you could shake Lando’s hand. “I guess, yeah,” you said, a smile on your face as Lando nodded silently, leading you to the golf buggy a few metres away. 
“So,” he said, attempting to start conversation as you sat down in the back, Carlos next to Lando as he drove. “You, uh, you gonna play?”. You shook your head in response to Lando, adjusting your top slightly as his arm flexed absentmindedly. “Just caddy, I guess,” you shrugged.
“Carlos wouldn’t trust me enough to touch a golf club, let alone play,” you said wijt a small laugh. Lando chuckled a little, adjusting his hair as Carlos drive down the court to the bit him and Lando intended to go to.
Wow. This was the first time Lando was speaking to you in person. And he’d made you laugh….well, you made yourself laugh. But still!
Though there was a bit of guilt at how he’d been talking to you on Instagram all of a sudden, pretending to be someone else. What if you messaged ‘Luka’ and found out it was Lando? Fuck. He hadn’t thought of that. You say on the side, cracking a few jokes with Lando here and there but said nothing more. 
Luka: Y/N, it’s lovely to meet you and stuff, but we should stop talking. 
Y/N: what? stop talking? why?
Y/N: Luka!! What the hell???!!
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peaxhygirl · 2 months
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: ̗̀➛𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙲𝙺 𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝙾𝙲
: ̗̀➛𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: On the final night of an AMMO investigation their bust is blown up by an unexpected party.
: ̗̀➛𝙰𝙽: Hey y'all! This is my first time writing in a while, so it hope it doesn't suck lmao. Let me know if you guys are interested in this series cause I got lots more to come!
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AMMO's newest addition to the team was Armando Aretas. That's right, the same Armando Aretas that had been a convicted drug dealer, cop killer, and fugitive.
It took some serious string pulling but Rita and Judy managed to get Armando amnesty due to his help with bringing down Lockwood and McGrath. It took a while, but they managed to get it done. In exchange, he needed to work with Miami PD.
Armando was a dangerous man, that was true enough, but he was also an asset. Better to have him on your team than to be against him. Plus, it helped everyone keep an eye on him. He hadn't quite earned the trust of those in his new life.
There was a part of him that didn't care. He'd lived this long without the approval or validation of others, so what was different? Then there was a part of him that wanted to put that behind him. His previous life was a tiresome one.
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AMMO had been steaking out a night club for about a week. They'd finally gathered enough proof for them to carry out their raid. Tonight was the night, they just needed to get the green light from their UC.
"Yo, Mike. You think we could stop at that hot dog shack on the corner after this?" Marcus attempted to whisper but the small space in the truck provided no privacy. "Hell no, Marcus. Teresa just said your cholesterol was sky high and you gained about three pounds this month."
"Uh.., now, see. Did you have to put my business out there like that, Mike?" Armando shook his head. His father and surrogate uncle were admittedly the best part of his new life, even if they were annoying. "Will you two shut up?" He muttered.
Kelly and Dorn's smirks of amusement always seemed to be present whenever they were with the three men. "Hey hey hey. What's happening?"
Armando's eyes locked on the commotion breaking out on the scene. The place was getting swarmed. Their UC hadn't sent the signal so it sure as shit wasn't them. A woman appeared on screen gun drawn and shouting for everybody to get down. "Who the fuck is that?"
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After the raid ended, AMMO exited their van. Armando charging over to the woman who was speaking to who he could only assume she was debriefing to. This woman was clearly police, but she wasn't with them, so as far as he was concerned-- She was out of line. The area was lit up with flashing red and blue lights, cops littered throughout the parking lot, but he was zeroed in on her.
"What the fuck was that and who the fuck are you?" His accent thick in anger at this woman who'd just blew up his mission. His first big chance at showing the team he was really with them.
"Excuse me? You better back the fuck up that's who the fuck I am. Who the fuck are you?" She was feisty that's for sure, responding to him in the same way he'd come at her. In all honesty, it'd taken her a moment to register he was speaking to her because, what?? His hostility towards her was at an all time high for someone who she'd never laid eyes on before.
"Your little raid fucked up our cocaine bust." His nostrils flared in anger as he stepped to the woman a few inches shorter than him. "Or maybe your cocaine bust got in the middle of my prostitution bust." She shot back. "Again, who the hell are you?" The low rasp of his voice was venomous. "I don't answer to you, I don't even know who you are. Let's start with that before charging over here like you hot shit or something."
Armando opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by Marcus. "Hey! Ok, everyone. Let's just calm down." Marcus laughed nervously, stepping between the two of them. "Miss, I'm so sorry for Armando. You know, it's that Latin fire in 'em. Hard to turn off. Um, I'm Marcus and We're AMMO. You are?"
"Raven." Her tone softened but her eyes still blazed with anger in the direction of the young male, who was admittedly cute but clearly had her fucked up. "Vice."
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harrysmimi · 1 year
Synopsis: One where Harry's got yet another concert crush and she's got a sign for him
Ps. . This is sort of a shoutout to my fellow long hair girlies xx
More of my work
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Wembley night one.
Harry was excited, nervous, jittery, happy and hyper at th same time. Playing three nights there was surreal enough.
All three of his shows are sold out. They sold put within seconds!
Night one, he got the sound check done, He worked out, took a shower, had some soup and got ready to rock the stage all whilst his opener, Wetleg band went first.
The show was amazing!
The next day he woke up, and did all of it all over again. He enjoyed it every single time. But somehow he was more nervous today. He didn't know why, he had this weird feeling in his gut there.
But it was his turn and the butterflies in his tummy never went away. He stalled for five whole minutes before he had to really go up and get on with the show.
After Late Night Talking, they stopped for a quick instrument change. And during that time it was Harry's sole job to keep the crowd entertained. He had maximum five to six minutes.
"If you've got any signs now is the right time to get them up." He announced as the music came to a halt. As he was going down the catwalk he noticed someone fiddling with a sign frantically in the sea of signs which was now the pit. It was a sketch book to be specific. "You alright there?" He asked catching the girls attention in all white and her hair tied up in a sleek bun. Her head shot up to look at him when the girl next to elbowed her. She had red heart glasses on. "You've got a sign for me?"
"Yes!" She said as loudly as she could.
Harry walked to the edge as he waited for her to show him her sign. He chuckled walking away but he walked back to her. "Can I read it out loud?" With her agreement he proceeded to read, "your sign says, 'if your answer was only "Yes" to question, I want to ask you one. Ps. I came all the way from India and worked my arse off for this night'." He giggled again, turning red from nervousness.
"Okay, first of all, What is your name, love?" He asked, his mic rested on his chin as he spoke.
"YN?" He got it wrong.
"YN!" She corrected him.
"Oh, YN." He got it right this time. "Well, I really appreciate you traveling all the way too for the show and working your arse for it, YN. Really appreciate it." He blew her a little kiss making her gasp, "and to your sign again. Can my answer only be yes?"
"Yeah!" She nodded.
"Okay..." He hesitated, bht what can really go wrong from here? "What is your question, YN? But keep in mind this is a family show." He smiled a cheeky dimply smile, "or is it?" And the crowd went feral.
"No, no, it is actually a family show. My mum and sister are here today." He added, "yeah, your sign YN."
Harry waited as she flipped her sign to the next page. He turned red like a tomato as he walked away again, making the crowd scream and laugh. "It says, 'Will you go on a Coffee date with me, please?' and in parentheses it says, 'You choose Romantic or Platonic'."
He couldn't help but blush, "it says please. Please!" He was impressed. "I guess I'm gonna have to say Yes." He shrugged still laughing, "at least I have a choice. Can it be not a coffee date?"
"It can be a Chai date?"
"It can be a Chai date?" He asked just to be sure, "yeah! Yeah, why not!" He agreed.
"It's a date!" She yelled.
"It's a date!" He announced dramatically.
"Pinky promise?" She yelled again (so he can hear her) holding up her pinky finger.
"Pinky promise!" He went along with it.
"Yeah, I'm here in my wedding dress if the date goes well." She said, making Harry blush and laugh hardee.
"Yeah, if it goes well." He giggled, "YN, you stay right there we're gonna get back to you after the show. We have disco medley to dance on!"
And the crowd roared at that as he started singing Cinema. And through the middle interlude he made up new lyrics.
"Everybody put your hands in the air, everybody put your hands in the air, put your hands in the air. Everybody put your in the air, everybody I've got a date after here, put your hands in the air." He joked as he continued on with his show there.
Sometime in the show, Harry walked back to the catwalk towards the girl with the sign. She seemed to be having a great time. But he stopped and handed her a rose he picked up from the front stage thrown at him during Grapejuice.
And sometime ahead in the show when he got back to the same catwalk, he saw she had tucked the rose on her ear as she danced.
Harry had a blast!
And he was smitten like a little kitten whole night!
It was the next day after the show.
Harry still have four days left until his next show. So he was going to stay back in London and spend time with his mum and sister, and even go visit his dad later sometime.
His sister hasn't stopped pulling his leg over the girl with the sign on night two.
But today he got a call from his dear friend Pauli, who was also his band member. Pauli never calls him, but he haven't checked his Instagram DMs yet.
"Mate!" Pauli exclaimed, "check your DMs on Instagram."
"Oh gosh, you scared me." He sighed, "I will check them in a minute, yeah?"
"Yep, yep, yep. Have a great day mate." Pauli said before they hung up the call.
Harry sat down on his bed. He had to anyway to put his shoes on, so he opened up Pauli's DM. It was a reel video he shared. It was a video of a girl's silhouette dancing to an Indian song, it was beautiful least to say. He went back see what his friend had to say. They asked him to check the profile out.
It was the girl from the girl with the sign, her bio said she's a dance teacher and of course a choreographer. Her account was verified with well over seven hundred fifty thousand followers. He picked the first post to check. It was a series of ten photos.
First one was a video of her being dramatic, with her dress scarf over her head. It also gave the full picture of her outfit, it was a pretty traditional outfit. It was very short and cut of after her and her friend started laughing. The second one was a cute picture of her and her friend. Then a short video of their interaction, when he gave her the rose. Then another of her Sarah giving her a one of the drum stick. And then a few from the dance studio session, he believed they were.
The last video was of her being woken up by her friend, jt was hilarious. "YN wake up, you just told Harry Styles you're getting married if the first date goes well." The voice behind the camera said. He believed it was the friend.
The girl woke up in surprise. "What the fuck?" She exclaimed still half asleep.
"You even showed him the wedding dress."
"No, I didn't?"
"Yes you did. You have a date with him."
"Shut up. Why does my head hurt."
"Because you drank straight up vodka last night."
"What? No!" She whined and the video cut off there.
Harry laughed watching that. He saw a bit of the comment she replied to hust underneath her caption which he did not understand. The comment said, "No, I don't drink and I drank about 100-150 ml of straight vodka my friend snuck into the venue in a Fiji fucking water bottle." Harry had a great laugh with that, and he saw another one of her replied. "My sober self would have NEVER let my intricate thoughts win. But yes, I asked him out. I had to have my shot (pun intended)." He laughed even more.
There were a few more replies. He saw a comment which explained why she was replying to comments was because she couldn't get out of her bed. A bad hangover it was.
There was a little translate button which he pressed to see what her caption was about because he saw a few more comments with laughing faces regarding captions. It said, "My husband's house." To which he laughed even more. His fans are crazy and they crazier stuff than this. He rather found this wholesome and adorable.
Harry almost had a heartattack when his phone slipped out of his hand. Not because he thought it broke, because he might accidentally like the post. He doesn't want to look creepy. He didn't liked it so he let out a sigh of relief and closed the app and locked his phone.
He remembered he was hungry and in need of a breakfast. So he headed out.
His chef was on off, because well he's on tour. And he can't cook to even save his life there. Though he might argue he can bake, just because he worked in a bakery.
He went to his favourite breakfast place. It was small and quiet and no one bothered him there. He also wore his cap, and his hoodie with a pair of sweats this time, a little bit of change in outfit so he have a quiet day by himself.
"Can I please have a get a large iced Matcha Latte and one of the Chocolate croissants to go?" The guy in front of him ordered as he checked of the menu on the side wall mean while. It was his turn to order.
Just as he turned around he saw a familiar face with glasses on, sat at a corner table.
Wait, is he hallucinating or something here?
She wore a beige cardigan paired with a white tshirt, and what looked like to be a pair of baggy jeans, black heeled boots with red bottoms. Her hair was left loose behind her back, and Subway sandwich as she sketched in her sketch pad.
"One Mocha Latte for YN!"
It was her!
He waited by the side where she'd go over and pick her drink.
Harry was in awe. He wasn't sure if her hair were real or she wore extentions, but he was smitten all over again. She stood almost as tall as him which sort of intimidated him there. She checked her cup as she picked it up and almost bumped into him there with a hot drink in her hand.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She gasped. "Oh my god!" And this was a different gasp of emotion.
"Hello there." He smiled sheepishly.
"This is going to be awkward." She chuckled, seemingly more embarrassed than he was. She looked down at her clothes to make sure nothing was split. Her shirt was his merch. "See! I'm so sorry."
"No, it's alright." He shrugged and watched as his order was ready.
"Just... I am sorry about what I said at the concert." Her cheeks have turned red, "that was so stupid of me."
"Yeah?" Harry gathered up all his courage to say, "why don't you tell me this with coffee then?"
Her eyes went wide as behind her glasses, "sur--sure!" And she agreed. They walked upto the table she was sat at. There was a paper bag from Selfridges and her bag which had a scarf spilling out of it by the side, as if it was shoved in theere in hurry. She closed her sketch pad (which thought he saw a glimpse of a pretty sketch of a dancer she was drawing) and kept it aside and her phone.
"I never drink, and I accidentally drank like I don't know how many shots of vodka." She started explaining it anxiously. "Before you ask how I didn't know it was vodka. I am a dancer and you know after you've been working out for so long and you drink some water and tour throat burn a little? Wait, that sounded so wrong but you know what I mean! I literally did not meant to say what I said apart from the sign!"
"Calm down, love calm down." He smirked trying to hold back his his laugh. "It's alright, I promise it's alright."
He's just having a happy and giggly day!
"Thank you." She sighed and sunk into her seat.
"Hope you at least enjoyed the show?"
"Oh yes, I did." She nodded sitting up straight again and reached for her sandwich. "I remember everything, except for after I accidentally got shit faced, as you all say it here."
"Understandable." He commented.
"How's your day going so far?" She asked.
Oh boy how YN hated small talks. But she doesn't want this to be an awkward encounter with the celebrity love of her life!
"It's been amazing." He admitted, "what about you? Are you here on a vacation?"
Okay, he's bringing something along to chat. Okay, YN calm down!
"Oh, no I'm not here on a vacation." She shared, "as I said I'm a dancer so I'm here for the semi finals and finals for this compitition I entered in."
"Oh, that's interesting." He was amused, "did you win? Oh wait, you had your finals yet?"
"Yeah. I got the second place." She smiled proudly. "It was just yesterday."
"That's amazing, congratulations!" He gasped. He's genuinely happy for her.
"Thank you, thank you so much!" She now beamed at him with excitement. Or you can say quiet excitement, as she took a sip from her coffee.
He liked the way she talked and how she carried herself. Especially now she's all sober and not drunk dancing like she was at his concert. Both those situations show her personality. But he liked how she talked. Something about her felt so delicate. Her posture was way too perfect, it made him feel insecure about his as he sat up straight.
"You're in town for longer?" He asked hesitantly.
"No," she let out a sad sigh, "I am going back home this evening actually."
Now he didn't know what to say further and it looked she had nothing to say either. And neither of them had touched their breakfast. Which was going to be awkward to leave. YN took a bite of her sandwich.
"You know what, I am so bad at small talk." She admitted making him giggle.
"So am I." He admitted too, "what's that?" He pointed at her sketch pad. It made her go red again.
"I draw a little." She admitted and picked up her book. She flipped rhe cover to show him a pretty little sketch of a bunch of roses. And she carefully skipped five pages to the one he saw a glimpse of earlier. It was half done sketch of a ballerina, it looked like she was drawing it with her own imagination.
"That's very pretty." He commented, "why'd you skip those five pages?"
Okay, Stage Harry making an appearance with the confidence there!
"Those are not done yet!" She got defensive. And he just squinted his eyes at her, "I'm already so embarrassed Harry, honestly." She held back a sheepish smile.
It was indeed a smiley and giggly and happy day today!
"Are you gonna show me?"
She sighed and turned the page for him. It was a sketch of rhe grumpy bear from his Gucci collection and the next one was his sketch. The one he posted after his San Jose, Live On Tour show. And the next was his Madison Square Garden pose sketch. And next was from the Coachella show with extremely detailed drawing of his tattoos, and a cowboy hat.
"Oh I love this one!" He is really mesmerises by it.
"Thank you." Her cheeks hurt from smiling and blushing so much in that moment. "You can keep it."
"It's alright." He felt bad now. He doesn't want to take what looks to be hours and hours of work. "Looks like it took many hours to draw."
His accent was sending her to heaven, but she managed to keep her cool. "It's alright." She proceeded to tear off the page carefully.
"Thank you." He's going to get it framed and hung up at his home. Yup, that's the first thing he's going to do!
Harry carefully placed the thick paper in the book he was reading. And it got super silent between both of them, as he sipped his coffee and she ate her sandwich. The chatter became just a background noise. It was comfortable and not awkward. Until her phone dinged with five messages back to back.
"Excuse me." She picked up her phone to check the message. She typed a quick message, with a looks of upset and disappointment on her face.
"Everything alright?"
"Yeah." She nodded, "it was my friend asking when I have to leave." Her friend was going to drop her off to the airport today. She's got to go back and pack up and all. She placed the last bite of her sandwich down on the wrapper not knowing how to tell him she has to go now. It felt wrong. "I should go now? Have to pack and stuff."
"Mhmm." He nodded.
"I'm really sorry about this." She felt bad, because they didn't get to talk much.
"It's alright, love, you got a flight to catch I understand." He nodded as he watched in awe and she placed her scarf around over her neck and gather her stuff.
"Please take care of that for me, it took me fourteen hours to make." She said as she got up and hung her bag on her shoulder.
"I promise." He smiled a dimply grin as he glanced at the little sketch. "Hey, YN?"
"Hmm?" She looked at him as she picked up the trash to throw it in the bin on her way out.
"I, uhhh, can I have your number?" He asked. It had YN's heart almost burst open in her chest cavity.
Harry Freaking Styles is asking for her number?!
"You want my number?" YN couldn't believe what she heard.
She was only joking when she took that sign with her. She sat back down on her seat giving him her fully undivided attention.
"Mhmm." Harry nodded, with curiosity behind his bight green eyes and lips pursed in a thin line. He pulled out his phone to unlocked it to open the dial pad and placed it on the table facing her.
He noticed how she didn't even pick up the device as she typed her number with shaky number. She typed in her name with her pointer finger as she saved it and slide his phone back towards him. Her cheeks had turned a visible shade of rosy tint. He immediately sent her a dot so she could have his number and not think he's a creep when he decides to text her.
That's when he also noticed she's got an Android. He'll definitely have to download WhatsApp now!
"Okay, Harry I really have to run now." She shared, "I broke my shoes and I can't walk fast in heels."
"Yeah." He nodded a beaming smile, "talk to you soon."
"Hmm." She nodded and sped walked out. As she walked past the glass window she waved at him before she jogging out of his sight.
He spent next hour and half with his earphones in, stalking her page. The reels side. Videos of her dancing with a crowd of people. Effortlessly beautiful. Different studios and different locations.
There was a video of her dancing for who looked to be her grandma and mother. The older lady looked very impressed as she sat there in her chair. And the next video was of her dancing with her mum and the next was her recreating old and black and white pictures of her grandma.
It looked like she comes from family of dancers.
He's obsessing over her now. He stopped and noticed he's run out of coffee and that way too much screen time for him. So he went home grinning like a little boy.
It had been a good few months. Harry felt way too awkward to message her. Nothing about their interaction at the cafe was shared by her or anyone really.
It was nearing December. He's framed the piece of art she gave him and hung it where it is in plain sight. He was also hosting a quiet little surprised birthday party for his elder sister.
He's been in deep conflict and he hasn't shared it with anyone else. His interaction with her at the cafe.
But he saw on her WhatsApp stories that she's back in London for work again. He was in London so he texted her to check on if she's up for a little meet up. But his message unfortunately went unseen for a day and half. But he recieved a call from her instead.
He'd just woken up from his impromptu afternoon nap after his intense workout session, which was supposed to be just half an hour long but it's almost seven in the evening. He hadn't even changed yet.
"Hello?" Her voice rang through the speaker phone which was enough to break his sleep there.
"Hello!" He woke up abruptly, "Hi!"
"Were you off to bed already? I'm so sorry to wake you up." Her voice was full of sympathy thinking she woke him up.
"No, I was, I was taking a nap. What's up?"
"I just called to apologise, I saw your message on my notifications but I literally forgot to reply. I've just been so busy. I don't know how to say this over message..." Her voice trailed off with a hint of sheepishness.
"It's alright, I understand." And he really does understand. "I texted you to see if you're up for a meal, and uhhhh, to catch up...?" And he's nervous now.
"I am sorry, I am really busy tomorrow. I have rehearsals for the tour— fuck!" She cut off herself, "I am not supposed to speak about it. I, I am busy tomorrow as well."
He chuckled, "we can meet up now or whenever you're free today."
"Wouldn't it be too late?" Now she sounds nervous.
"I slept for five hours now, don't think I'll be able to sleep again." He shrugged as if she can see him through a voice call, feeling his cheeks grow warmer and tired with a realisation that he's been grinning like a totally idiot.
"Okay. Uhhh, yeah, okay. I'll just have to go back to my hotel, take a shower, and get ready, and, and, I don't know..." She panicked and talked to herself, "okay, we can meet at around ten...ish... If you're fine with that?"
"Send me your location I'll pick you up at ten-thirty." He chuckled again, her little ramble was so adorable to him.
"Okay!" She squeaked.
Harry heard someone calling her name, that was the queue for him to get off the call and get ready. And so he did. He bid her bye and ran to shower. Get out of his dirty and sweaty clothes. He spent three hours getting ready, as if he's going on an actual date.
At exactly ten he recieved her location. He was dressed in a pair of jeans, his white 'Enjoy your health. Eat your honey' shirt and a black coat to keep himself warm. With a pair of black sneakers he reached first. He didn't had much time so picked the first black pair he saw and ran with it.
With traffic it's take him forty minutes to get to her location. He dropped her a text once he reached to the hotel she was staying that.
It was a luxurious and fancy to say the least.
He saw her getting out of the entrance as she bid her friends bye and walked towards the direction he had told her to. It took a few moments to see him. But he saw her.
She wore exactly same outfit as him, but with a black tshirt and her beige coat and white comfy sneaker. Her heels were missing. Her hair left loose this time. Her staple pair lf priscription glasses were placed on the bridge of her nose. A silver necklace shined over the black fabric of her shirt.
"Harry!" She gasped once she noticed him and sped walked towards him. "I am still going to fangirl, please excuse me!"
He chuckled as he approached for a hug, "no worries." He snaked his arms around her middle pulling her in a tight and warm hug, just to get one right back.
He'd hugged her just a couple lf times but she gives the best hugs.
"I have something for you!" She got all giddy and giggly as she pulled away from their hug.
"What is it?" Obviously he's curious.
"Not now," she wiggled her brows cheekily. "Where are we going?"
"Well, if you haven't had your dinner yet, I hope to take you somewhere for dinner." He already opened the car door for her.
"Oh yes please!" She sighed, "I am starving." And got into his car.
"As you say." He closed the door and jogged to the drivers side. "What do you want to eat?"
"Hmm, let me think." She put in a thought into it as she put on her seat belt and he'd already pulled out of the car park, "I want to try fish and chips... Is that too touristy to say?"
"Not at all!" He defended, "we can have fish and chips." He drove to a location just fifteen minutes away. And she followed him in there, it was not very crowded given it was around the closing time. Clearly, it was a pub she saw as she headed upstairs.
"You know I don't drink, right?" She whispered, following him closely behind.
"I know, but this place has the best fish and chips." He led her to an empty table, "you want me to take your coat?"
"No, it's okay I'm cold." She shrugged. They ordered their food and sat in a cosy little corner.
"So you're going on a tour?" He squinted his eyes at her.
"Stop, I wasn't supposed to talk about that. I'll get in serious trouble!" She gasped making him laugh.
"I promise, your secret is safe with me." He pushed for the last time, if she denies he wouldn't talk about jt ever again. But she looked around to see the people already engaged in their own time there as she leaned forward.
"I am going to be a part of The Eras Tour now!" She whispered before she was kicking her feet like a baby in excitement.
"What!? That's amazing!" He was surprised to hear that to say the least.
"Yes!" She grinned, "we start off in Tokyo. You're going to any of the shows?"
"I am definitely going now." He nodded feeling bold, "on one condition."
"What is that?" She looked at him confused.
"Maybe we can call this a date?" He shrugged, trying to be as nonchalant as possible and watched her face go pale.
"You are serious?" She countered instead of answering his query first.
He leaned in closer over the table too, "I think I've made it pretty clear, I like you." A sheepish chuckle left his mouth, "like a lot!"
"Hold on, hold on, hold on. I wasn't expecting this!" She announced with a gasp. "You're pranking me?"
Harry squinted his eyes, " why would I joke about this?"
"You're joking!" Now this was a surprised accusation on him which sent him laughing.
"I am not." He cleared his throat after he was done laughing.
"I, uhhhh," she stuttered, "I need time to think..."
"No worries." He said but before he could say anything further, their food was served.
Harry switched to another topic to make the situation less awkward. She definitely felt awkward and he's rather have her be comfortable than be adamant in getting his way.
"You're not drinking right?" She asked.
"No, I gotta drive." He answered, "why so?"
"No, 'cause I paid like two hundred pound fee for driving without a licence and going over the speed limit here last night." She shared sheepishly, "in my defence all of my friends were drunk their ass off and I had no idea how the uber thing works here. They definitely would have arrested me but they let me go, I don't want to risk that. I still don't know how the uber thing works. That's like my entire month salary gone..."
She's got a job which pays ber better now so she was fine with paying the fine. Or she wouldn't have mind spending a night behind bars. Yeah, she'd do that.
He giggled, "don't worry that won't happen." He understands, it's a new place for her and it can be difficult to figure out addresses and stuff. Especially when it comes to have some stranger drive you around when you don't know the area so well. "You want Icecream?"
"Always down for Icecream!" She announced.
Harry took her to his favourite ice cream place before he drove her back to her hotel. Now, he didn't wanted the night to come to come an end with her. He could spend hours and hours talking and listening her talk. He got put of his car just so he can make the moments linger more. He hugged her but held onto her hand as he wished her a good night.
"Thank you for, uhhhh, taking me out." YN stuttered as she spoke with a sheepish smile, "and about, ummm, your question... I, uhhhh, I don't want things to get you know sour between me and uhhh..." She was trying to find words in language he understands but he already had idea where she was going with this. "With uhhh, me and Taylor. Please don't get me wrong. She's my employer and now she's become a good friend of mine during the rehearsals and stuff. Given you two were together, even though it was a decade ago. I still want to talk to her."
"Mhmm." Harry nodded, because that meant hope was still hanging in there. His heart is still intact in his chest with these new growing feelings.
"But if you're still going to any of the show let me know, okay?" He squeezed his hand slightly.
"I will."
"I promise!" He squeezed her hand back.
It just means he get to be fancy and take her out on a proper date!
That was last year.
Harry was in Tokyo for the first show which YN was part of. He was there with his friends and even his sister joined along with her boyfriend.
YN had sent a bouquet of flowers and a card at his place his birthday, which undoubtedly made his entire year. It was a nice gesture given she said she's so bad at gift giving, especially for birthdays. He kept the card safe.
He has also been waiting for her answer eagerly. Even though it should be pretty evident it's a yes, they talk a lot more now given she's so freaking busy, they're both always texting or sending each other snaps of highlights of their days.
Harry bought a bouquet of flowers for her before he was off to see her. They were meeting up at this little cafe he picked out, but it was going to be her treat in celebration of her new project beginning. It was so special because Japan is his most favourite place to be. And YN have also been so excited to show him something in particular she wouldn't tell him over text or their usual phone calls.
Just as he was about to text her to see if she was there as he walked up the street, he saw her jogging looking at her phone screen. Probably at the google maps. Her face framing hair bounced around her features, as she tried to be as fast as she can in a pair of sandals. A baggy hoodie and her favourite paor of jeans. Her usual glasses missing.
Harry remembered her saying she got contact lenses as she can't really perform with her glasses on. And she needs to see the stage for that.
"Harry!" She squealed omce she saw him.
"Hello love!" He greeted her with his usual warm hug, and recieved one right back. YN just squeezed him tight, like her life depends on it. "I got you flowers." He quietly whispered in her ear there.
"I know!" Her face buried in the fabric of his Bode button down shirt.
Now both of them spent their entire day together, had all three meals and snacks out, walked around seeing all they could see in a day, hand in hand. Before Harry was walking her back to her hotel, which was barely five minutes away from hers.
"I'll take you to see more places later, now please take some rest you've got a big day tomorrow." They both stopped just outside her hotel.
"I know!" YN nodded excitedly with her tired eyes moving closer to him. She works for next four days straight then she's got five days off before she's got to go to Australia for next shows. "You'll be there right?"
"Of course, came all the way here for it." He assured her, feeling his heart flutter in his chest.
"If your answer was yes, I want to ask you a question.' She spoke with a subtle cheeky smile on her face.
"Go for it." He said.
"You want today to be a date?" Now he completely forgot about his question he asked months and months ago. He was just pulled back to senses when she moved even closer to him, making his heart thump in his ears.
YN has had plenty of time to think, work on herself and talk to her new friends/ employer about this. Of course, Taylor is not a kid anymore. She was in fact so happy for YN, when she approached her one random day at the dinner after rehearsals. They both sat down seperately and had a nice thoughtful chat.
YN of course told her mother and grandmother, who she is the closest to about this. They obviously support her because she's so happy. Her missed her mum and grandmother, one of them couldn't travel because of their age and the other couldn't come because they had to take care of the other. She misses her family, being away isn't as romantic as she thought it would be.
But today was amazing. She felt like she had someone known with her for the first time in months and months, in flesh next to her.
YN just wanted to kiss him then and there. In the middle of the street. But she didn't know how to approach with it.
"Hands down, it was the best date I've ever been on." He shared with a beaming smile on his face. "We should do this again, yeah?" He snaked his arms around her waist sure that she's figured everything out by now and that she's finally willing to give them a chance.
"Yeah!" She nodded. He went in for a kiss as the same time as her, bumping into her nose they both ended up in a fit of giggle. "I am sorry!" She laughed, "I've never kissed anyone."
Harry giggled again but assured her, "it's okay." He leaned in again, his time taking the charge he placed his mouth on hers in a delicate kiss. Once he pulled away he had her blushing her forehead pressed on his chest. "It's just a kiss, you're gonna get a lot of those now!" He laughed hugging her again. She groaned before lifting her head up to look at him with a red face.
"I was just a fangirl!" She couldn't believe her life in that moment.
"Now I'll be a fangirl tomorrow." He pointed out, "cheering especially for you."
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