#so I might have to call the emergency line to a doctor to get it checked out
bobfloydsbabe · 9 months
My health really decided to fuck with me at the worst possible time. I don’t have time for this nonsense. I have family to deal with, a birthday not to cry on, work, and more family bullshit. I need things to not be disaster and my body to get back in line.
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zaynesplushiekiller · 8 months
it's quiet today.
too quiet, and zayne is acutely aware of it. he knows it's half-past midnight and his shift ended three hours ago, but he can't bring himself to leave his office. it's quiet now, but it might be loud later, and at that point it would've just been easier to stay at his office.
so he did, of course he did.
his work-life balance is nonexistent, and he's not sure when the line of balance became so blurry, was it when he first started working, or was it the day after he knew he would become a doctor? he's not sure, and now it's become too engrained in his mind to just stay a little longer.
the quiet could not last for long, because this is a hospital and it could never last long, but he's surprised when it's a knock on his door and not an emergency code over the intercoms or a message on his pager.
"come in." he calls, but even he is surprised at how quiet his voice is. when's the last time he's had a sip of water?
"dr. zayne~ there you are!" you singsong, walking through his office and arriving in front of his desk. there's a pretty smile on your face and a look in your eyes. zayne has grown accustomed to this look meaning 'you haven't eaten or had a drink or slept in the last twelve hours so here's me bringing you things', and it seems to fill him with something. a feeling of yearning? he's not sure.
before he can say anything, specifically 'why are you here so late?', you sit a plastic bag down in front of him. he already recognizes the logo on the bag as the one from the convenience store down the street, and from only a glimpse inside of the bag, he knows whats inside of it.
"i was going to see if you just wanted to get takeout but then i realized the time, i figured this would be quicker."
"why are you here so late?" he hasn't forgotten the time like you have. it's almost one in the morning now, and you should be home, sleeping. you are a hunter now, after all.
you give him another look, one where you scrunch your nose and look away from him. "i bring you goodies and dinner and you treat me like this?" there's a shift in tone in your voice, and you let out a giggle at the end of your sentence.
cute, but doesn't answer his question.
"thank you for the food. why are you here so late?" you click your tongue in response. always the stickler for rules, isn't he?
"because i knew you'd still be here." he can't argue with that logic, but something both eats at and fills him. you should've been at home, not worrying about him. but the fact that you were worrying about him... well he couldn't deny that the idea made him a little joyful.
"c'mon, eat," you insist, sitting across him at the desk. "i won't even pester you about going home if you do. well- actually, i can't guarantee that." he doesn't respond, only shooting you a look.
"oh! let me tell you about work today..." once you start talking, he doesn't stop you. it's nice to hear your voice, to see your smile.
as he eats the food you brought him, a thought crosses his mind... how deeply he's missed this.
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pedrospatch · 2 years
Preoutbreak! Joel Miller x Reader
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summary: You're four months pregnant when you have an accidental fall; while you and Sarah wait for Joel at the hospital, an ultrasound technician accidentally reveals the sex of your baby.
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI. (TW) PREGNANCY, reader has an accidental fall, minor anxiety, Sarah calls reader her mom, talk of gender and gender reveal. fluff.
word count: 1.5k
a/n: i am a snail when it comes to requests, but i got around to this request here. it is the same reader featured in family, but it can technically be read as a stand alone. i know there isn't a ton of Joel, but I just adore Sarah and had a blast writing her!
“Where is he?” Sarah paced anxiously in front of your hospital bed. 
A thin, light blue curtain shielded the two of you from the rest of the busy, bustling emergency department that you’d been brought to in Austin. 
“I called him half an hour ago, what’s taking him so long?” she said, a frown turning down the corners of her mouth. “Should I just call him again?” she suggested, the anxiousness evident in her tone. “There’s a payphone down the hallway, I should call him and see where he is.”
“I’m sure your dad on his way,” You assured her, delicately rubbing at your swollen midsection with your hand. You were about four months into your pregnancy, and although your growing baby bump was still on the smaller side, it was very much there, prominent underneath a scratchy, itchy white hospital gown a nurse had helped you into. You watched the teenager as she continued to pace and pace; you didn’t blame her for being worried, but it was causing your own anxieties to begin creeping in, and the last thing you wanted was for Sarah to see that you were scared too. “Sarah, honey, can you please just sit down and relax? I’m sure the baby is perfectly fine.”
She stopped, turning to you. “You fell down the stairs,” she reminded you, as if you could have somehow forgotten that. “What if the baby is hurt? Dad’s not here, the doctors are taking fucking forever—”
“Language,” You glared at her lightly. 
“Sorry,” Sarah mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. “This is all just so scary. I don’t even know how you’re staying so calm right now. How are you not afraid?”
You beckoned her over and patted the space on your bed beside you.
Sarah hesitated, but then carefully sat down beside you.
You slid an arm around her shoulders, being careful not to yank at the intravenous line taped to the back of your hand. “Well if you want the truth, I am afraid,” You admitted, softly. “But I also know that freaking out isn’t going to help. It could actually make things worse and put a lot more stress on the baby.” Feeling her lean into you, you squeezed her shoulders gently. “Besides, if I show you that I’m scared, you’ll be even more scared than you already are and I don’t want that.”
“I just wish my dad was here,” she murmured, resting her head lightly on your shoulder; she placed a hand on your stomach, right over your own.
Although you didn’t say it, you silently wished the same.
Joel had been away, working at a construction site a couple of towns over when it happened, and when Sarah called him in a panic, he had promised that he would get to the hospital as quickly as possible. He sounded distraught over the phone, and as much as you needed him to be there with you, you didn’t want him rushing and risking getting into a car wreck. Still, every single minute that ticked by without Joel there felt like a fucking eternity.
“Miss Miller?” A woman’s voice called politely from the other side of the curtain.
Your eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “Miller?”
Sarah lifted her head from your shoulder, looking guilty. “I might have put that down as your last name when I was filling out the admission forms for you earlier. Is that okay?”
Before you could respond, the curtain around your bed was pulled off to the side, and a blonde haired woman appeared, wheeling what you guessed was a portable ultrasound machine behind her. “Miss Miller, I’m here to do your ultrasound.” She glanced at Sarah. “This must be your daughter?”
“Yeah,” Sarah replied quickly, nodding her head as she stood up from your bed.
You glanced up at her, your heart fluttering inside of your chest—did she really see you as her mother figure?
“Are we going to be able to see if the baby is okay?” Sarah wrung her hands together nervously as she questioned the technician. “And my mom? What about her? She told one of the nurses that her ankle was hurting her a little after the fall, are you going to check that too?”
My mom.
It sounded so natural, so right to hear her call you that.
“I’m just here for her sonogram, sweetheart. The first thing we want to do is to make sure the fall didn’t have an impact on the fetus. The baby, I mean.” The woman slipped on a pair of white latex gloves and peeled your blankets back, away from your lower body. “After, we will have one of the attending physicians run some tests and get an x-ray of your mom’s ankle to make sure it’s okay.”
Sarah reached for your hand, holding it in her own as the technician lifted your hospital gown and squirted a clear, cool gel onto your skin before running the doppler over the lower part of your abdomen; she squeezed your hand, her light green eyes fixed intently on the screen attached to the portable machine. “I can’t tell what any of that is.”
The woman smiled, pointing to the lower part of the screen with her free hand. “Well, the entire image is her uterus. And do you see that right there, that little thing? That’s the baby. There is her heartbeat, looking healthy and strong.”
You froze and Sarah’s mouth fell wide open.
“Her?” she gasped. “Did you just say her? It’s a girl?”
The technician’s smile faded. “You weren’t aware of the baby’s sex?”
“Does it look like we were?” Sarah nearly squeaked, her eyes wide.
The woman flushed a deep shade of red. “Oh no, I am so sorry—”
“It’s okay,” You managed to tell her. “Please, don’t be sorry. It’s okay.”
After cleaning the gel off of your stomach and tugging your hospital gown back down into place, the technician excused herself, uttering another quick apology about the mishap before leaving.
“It’s a girl,” You breathed out, a smile breaking out onto your face.
“I’m going to have a little sister!” Sarah squealed, beaming as she threw her arms around you. She pulled away, grinning from ear to ear. “I knew it, I totally knew it would be a girl! Uncle Tommy owes me twenty bucks.”
You raised an eyebrow at her. “You and Tommy made a bet?”
“We sure did! A bet that I won.”
Before you could say anything, the blue curtain around your bed was pulled aside once again and a frantic, panicked Joel appeared.
“Dad!” Sarah ran up to him, throwing her arms around him. “Finally!”
He gave her a quick squeeze and then rushed to your side. “Baby, I’m so fuckin’ sorry, I tried to get here as fast as I could but traffic was so damn bad, it was a nightmare just tryin’ to get back into the city,” he explained breathlessly, taking your hand. He began to sputter out his questions, going a hundred miles an hour. “Are you alright? What did the doctor say? Has anyone even been in to see you yet?”
“Joel, breathe. I’m fine,” You promised him. “I might have twisted my ankle a bit, but they’re going to take a radiograph in a bit. Other than that, I’m okay.”
“And what about the baby?”
“I just had an ultrasound done and the baby is okay. We’re both fine,” You assured him, prompting him to exhale a sigh of utter relief.
Joel pulled your hand up towards his lips, kissing the back of it gently before he asked, “Baby, what the hell happened?”
“I was doing laundry. I was carrying the basket of clothes downstairs from our bedroom and my foot slipped,” You admitted sheepishly.
“I’d just gotten home from school and I saw it happen.” Sarah walked over to his side. “I called for an ambulance and then I called you right after.”
Joel placed his other arm around her, pulling her close. “You did the right thing, babygirl. Thank you for that.” He kissed her temple and turned back to you. “And you’re absolutely sure the baby is okay?”
You nodded. “She’s fine, Joel.”
“Good. Because I was so—wait, what?” he hissed, his his dark brown eyes going wide with shock. “Did you just say, she?”
“Surprise!” Sarah grinned, her arm tightening around his waist.
Joel glanced at her, then back at you once again, thoroughly confused. “Wait just a damn minute, I thought we all agreed that we didn’t want to know the gender until it was born! You two asked for the gender without me?”
You almost felt bad for laughing at the look of complete and utter betrayal that crossed his face. “Of course we didn’t. The technician accidentally told us,” You explained. You tossed him a small, joking smile. “I’m sorry, Joel. I know you were rooting for a boy.”
“Sorry dad, you’re outnumbered,” Sarah teased him. “Three to one.”
Joel kept his arm around her as he leaned down, kissing the top of your head. “I might be outnumbered, but that’s perfectly fine with me,” he said. “Me and my three girls—my perfect little family. It’s more than I could ever ask for.”
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
When Yelena gets in a car accident, you reunite with her and her sister after years of not seeing each other
Note: I love Natasha and I love Yelena so here’s this. Enjoy!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
When you got a call in the middle of the night, you knew it was nothing good. You listened carefully as the doctor told you that your best friend had been in a car accident.
Your brain racked as you tried to think of who that might be. Then she told you her name. Yelena. You haven’t seen her in years, but you are still her emergency contact in her phone. Nothing truly went wrong in your friendship. Just childhood friends who grew apart.
No matter the distance between you, you got in your car and drove to the hospital. Three hours later you pulled into the parking lot. They told you Yelena was still in surgery, so you settled in the waiting room.
That was almost five hours ago now. The doctor enters the room finally. You stand to greet her.
“Yelena is in recovery now,” the woman says. “It’ll be a long road, but she is expected to make a full recovery.”
“Oh, thank god,” you breathe out. “Can I see her?”
The doctor nods and leads you to her room. You take a few deep breaths before you enter. You haven’t seen her in three years, but she still looks like the same girl that you once knew.
Her green eyes open a few moments later. She groans in pain slightly before her attention falls on you. You walk closer to her.
“Y/n?” She asks. You nod. “What happened?”
“You were in an accident,” you explain. “I don’t know many details, but the doctors say you’ll make a full recovery.”
“Okay,” she says. “Okay, and you’re here because?”
“You must have had me listed in your phone as an emergency contact,” you say, shrugging. You really don’t know why.
“Did you call Natasha?” Yelena asks.
Natasha. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about her in years. You always admired her so much and felt so safe in her presence. But she and Yelena didn’t have the easiest relationship. It’s been so long since you last saw the redhead. Close to eight years. You miss her.
“Oh, um, no,” you say. “You two are talking again?”
Yelena nods. That’s good, you think. They need each other to really be happy. That was always the truth.
“I can call her,” you tell Yelena. You make a move to step out of the room, but Yelena reaches out for you.
“Y/n,” Yelena says. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, Yel,” you say, tears fill your eyes.
You pull her into a soft hug. You didn’t realize how much you missed her until you held her in your arms. Every memory of your life together passes through your mind as you squeeze her.
“I’m hungry,” Yelena mumbles into your shoulder. You can’t help but laugh. Still the very same Yelena.
“I’ll get you food and call Nat, okay? Be right back.”
You step into the hallway and feel your pulse quicken as you click on Natasha’s name in your contacts. Truthfully, you always hoped Nat would confess her love for you, and you’d live happily ever after. But you never so much have kissed the girl.
The phone rings for a few moments and you begin to wonder if she’ll pick up. Maybe she sees your name and decides not to answer. But your what-iffing stops when Nat answers the phone.
“Hello,” Nat answers. The sound of her voice threatens to make your heart stop.
“Hi- um- hi Natasha,” you say. “I don’t know how to say it so I will just go for it. Yelena was in an accident, but she’s okay. She asked for you, so I called.”
“Where is she?” Natasha asks. You hear some bustling on her end of the line.
“We’re at the hospital.”
“I’m on my way,” Natasha replies. And that’s the end of the call.
You get Yelena some food before you go back to her room. Inside, you catch up with her. Things have been good for both of you. She is an accomplished veterinarian. You knew she would be successful.
You’re laughing about some old joke when Natasha arrives. She walks to Yelena quickly and hugs her sister. You stand back, letting them have a moment. They speak for a moment in Russian before Natasha looks to you.
To your surprise, she rounds the beds and pulls you into a hug. You bury your face in her neck and soak up her touch. She is warm and smells like the fruity hair products she must use. She pulls away but moves her hands to your face.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Natasha says. She always used to call you that. Her thumbs brush over your cheeks. “I’ve missed you.”  
“I missed you too, Natasha,” you say. You get lost looking into her green eyes. She looks older but in the perfect way.
Yelena coughs to break the moment up between you and Natasha. The older sister drops her hands from your face and turns her attention back to Yelena.
“You should get some sleep, Yelena. That surgery was intense,” Natasha says.
“Such a mom,” Yelena grumbles.
“And a doctor,” Natasha adds. She pulls the covers up Yelena’s body. “We’ll go get some lunch. See you in a bit.”
You follow Natasha out of the room. She knows where to go to the cafeteria, and you put two and two together.
“You work here?” You ask Nat.
“I do,” she replies. “Well, from time to time. I travel for work, but this is technically my home hospital.”
“I didn’t even know you were a doctor,” you say.
“Heart surgeon,” Natasha says. She doesn’t seem phased by how your mouth opens in shock. “What do you do for work?”
You tell Nat about your career and what you’ve been up to. For some reason, it doesn’t feel difficult to talk to her. It’s like no time has gone by. You eat lunch together and continue to catch up.
“I’m glad to see you and Yelena are close again,” you say.
“Yeah,” Natasha says. “I guess last time you saw me Yelena and I were on some rocky ground.”
“You had a big fight. Five years at least of no talking,” you remind her.
“It was six years and four months,” Natasha recounts.
“What happened?”
“The same thing as always, you know. Melina and Alexei. Yelena always keeps things lighter with them, and I was pissed. Until I wasn’t,” Natasha says. “My girlfriend at the time, Wanda, helped me realize how important it was to be talking to my sister.”
“That’s good, Nat. Yel has always needed you to be at her happiest.”
Nat nods. “And she needs you too, y/n. She cried about missing you,” Nat explains.
“I didn’t know that,” you say quietly. Nat scoots her chair closer to yours.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I know you held her when she cried about me too.”
You did that. Many many times. Nat reaches and takes your hand. She helps you stand up. You follow her down the hallway and into what appears to be a breakroom.
“Did you ever find that person you dreamed about?” Natasha asks.
Her words seem random until you remember the nights you spent with her on the roof of your parents' house. You told her that you dreamed of loving someone and having someone love you back purposefully. She agreed that it was what she wanted too.
“No,” you answer. “Did you?”
“Maybe,” Natasha answers. “But I’m still waiting to see if she loves me back.”
“Oh, well, I hope that she does,” you answer. Nat steps closer to you, and she takes your face in her hands again.
“I hope she does, too,” Natasha says. She leans in, and her lips are inches from touching yours. “Do you love me, y/n?”
“I love you, Natasha,” you whisper.
Natasha’s lips brush against yours softly. You really start to kiss her back when her phone goes off. You wish she would ignore it, but she pulls away.
“Shit,” Natasha says. “It’s Yelena.”
“Does that mean-”
“I’m the cardio surgeon on call,” Natasha says. “Let’s go.”
She leads you out of the breakroom and to the operating room waiting area. Natasha leaves you there as she disappears behind the doors.
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goth-mami-writer · 4 months
Hi there! So here's my idea. The reader (medic officer) and leon just come out as a new couple and they're happy until one day they get draft for a mission and there meet the one and only Ada Wong that they have to cooperate for the mission. Leon is paying way more attention and all over Ada that he almost disregard the reader. She tries to be understanding and softly communicate with Leon but it turns into an argument. The reader gets upset and misunderstand Leon that he is very not much over with his "the one that got away". Leon regrets the things he said and tries to talk to her but she proceeds to avoid Leon at all costs. Que the enemies attack their base and the reader sees that the enemy is aiming to shoot Ada and at the last minute takes the critical hit for her while thinking that Leon would be heartbroken if Ada dies. Reader flatline a couple of times. I would like to know how Leon would react to this. Let's end it with a happy note ^^
▪︎~ Wildflower ~▪︎
~(AU) Leon Kennedy × f!Reader angst/jealousy work @bat-yo-us ♡
《 You stood there beside him outside of the artillery bunker that afternoon and felt your lip quivering with heartbreak. You stiffened up your trembling mouth, knowing any second you'd be blurting out the words you once thought you'd never say to his face even with a gun to your head.
But you were ready.
“Listen-” Leon began knowing just by the look on your face that you were making decisions that he couldn't change your mind on no matter what he had to say about it,
“I know I've been saying and doing things here lately that…have made you think-”
“Made me think?” You asked him, laughing with tears in your eyes at the audacity he had.
“No, not made me think. More like: made me know- made me fucking realize-”
You put your head in your hands, laughing more at the thought of your once pure, dumb hope that this would ever work after the turmoil of the past few weeks.
“And I'm done.” You said finitely until suddenly the base's sirens rang with their whirring, metallic urgency that filled the air overhead all at once. You looked in the distance to see enemy vehicles piling into the dirt lot after surging through the gated barricade by force.
“Get inside.” Leon said, watching the dirt spin away from their tires with a charging speed, and together, you both ran towards the closest underground bunker that was already flooded with the officers and personnel directing the others inside.
You heard your chief director calling for all on the unit to line in for roll call and your heart was racing trying to prepare yourself for the many casualties and injuries that might result from an enemy raid right now. The medical staff was short handed to begin with and you knew your work wouldn't be done for well into the morning with this.
“How many on unit?” One of the deputies called that oversaw the emergency protocol.
“Sixty.” One of the lesser privates answered and then called out the count that made your bones chill.
“Fifty nine present.”
Leon looked around with the others, trying to find who was missing and you did the same. You thought of your other medics and the doctors onboard the base too. All were here, you reached out to touch their hands to somehow guarantee your racing mind that they were in fact safe. But you stopped.
Ada. It was Ada.
“Wong!!” The chief director said, making the emergency officer call out the same to try and find where in the lineup Ada was. But only you and Leon knew.
He turned to you, asking if Ada ever came out of the artillery bunker and you shook your head in terror. You knew exactly why she didn't hear the raid sirens and you said to Leon gravely with fear in your voice,
“She's down in the stronghold. It's concrete. She can't hear a thing down there.”
Leon’s eyes went wide knowing that the downstairs of the artillery bunker would be one of the first things to be potentially raided due to its vast supply of weaponry and ammunition. He turned, not knowing who to tell first that Ada was still out there and someone would have to go out amid this enemy storm to get her back to safety.
You watched Leon's chest rise and fall with the thought of Ada being in danger and you felt that was the only image to prompt what needed to happen next. She was special and there just wasn't a way for you to argue it anymore. You swallowed the hot, heavy lump in your throat and your feet took flight against the ground to get you back upstairs.
Leon had already turned, preparing to tell the emergency staff of Ada's whereabouts but seeing you flee frantically to escape back to the surface was enough to make him charge forward. He screamed your name as you raced upstairs, now tapping your badge to the entry scanner to allow you outside and your feet pounded to the dirt.
This was insane. Here you were racing to save your boyfriend's ex from trouble. But it was more than that wasn't it?, you thought as you heard gunfire and enemy commands to detain anyone onsight. Ada made Leon happy. As much as you hated it. She was different from you and it was that simple.
You didn't want to be a hero that brought her back to safety. You just Leon to be happy knowing someone he cared about was free from danger.
~2 weeks prior.
~3 miles north, southbound enclave.
“Kennedy- tell your girl that we got a few wounded up here that we'll need looked at when we make camp.” Your chief directorate radioed in over the comms placed inside the military jeep taking you both south to the neighboring base located outside of Racoon City.
You had met in the months prior, doing recon in the city and around the outskirts. In the few times Leon himself had been wounded, you were always his favorite on the med staff and he knew right away that he liked you. After trying his luck, you two had decided to commit and come out as official even amid the ongoing chaos of a fallen city.
“10-4.” Leon said into the comms and looked at you smiling in the passenger seat.
You weren't used to being called his girl yet and it was still an instant feeling of giddiness that always made your lips turn up in a grin.
Leon looked over to see you basking in your little moment of bliss and he questioned with a chuckle although it was something he already knew the answer,
“What are you smirking at over there?”
“I'm not…smirking.” You said with a shake to your head as he drove, watching his gloved hands wrap around the steering wheel.
“Sorry-” He said shifting gears without even a glance downwards,
“Guess a shit-eating grin is better to call it, huh?”
You slapped his arm, watching as he clearly enjoyed the playful banter as well as you did. He teased you more with comments that you could never admit to enjoying and finally you said flirtatiously across the seat, watching as the neighboring base appeared on the horizon.
“You know, I've got a little syringe in my bag that could fix that mouth of yours?”
“You wouldn't-” He said looking over with a grin.
“You think I wouldn't?” You said slyly, “Why's that?”
“Cause I'm the one driving.” He joked cockily, slowing down as the guards from the front gates held up their hands for the car to stop for inspection before being given clearance. You laughed loudly as he showed your IDs and then sighed in love that this was your new normal.
When you both received clearance and met after the hours of menial work patching wounds and giving injections, you found him again inside one of the supply tents, well into a conversation with someone you couldn't make out from their obscured view behind others passing through. But when you got close enough, your heart dropped to see Ada Wong.
Leon in the past had mentioned her and their falling out when escaping the now ruins of Racoon City. You quickly became confused as to why and how you were seeing them together this way and you approached cautiously.
When you became close enough, Leon turned and introduced you to the woman who warmed you with a smile. Immediately, from what you'd heard, her warm, kindred way of smiling seemed venomous to you but here infront of Leon, you swallowed the distrust you had.
“I'm Ada. Very nice to meet you. She is pretty, Leon. You were right.”
You brushed away that compliment just for now and watched the way that Leon smiled when he graced her with a moment more of conversation. Ada stated that she was working with some of the higher-ups into getting more federal help with providing aid and medicine and that she'd be around often.
“Well, I certainly won't talk your ear off, Leon. We'll catch up later.” She mentioned with another half smile that just felt artificial to you somehow and prowled away as she began reading from notes gathered in her hands.
You looked to Leon whose gaze seemed to linger as she made her exit and you watched too for another moment. There was a voice in your head telling you that now that you'd met Ada, you understood why Leon almost never brought her up. It was more than likely to protect your feelings.
She walked like the earth was made for her perfect feet. She was slender with hardly an ounce of curve in the wrong spot. It was an exterior that money couldn't buy and God could only make once. There just wasn't a flaw even if you were only looking for them.
You looked up to Leon, hoping to snap him back to the present and you mentioned with a false tone of curiosity,
“So, I guess you two…are made up? After she pointed a gun at you?”
Leon picked up quickly that you weren't pleased by the sight of him chatting with Ada so casually after the events that had befallen them previously and he mentioned, trying nicely to ease your concern,
“She wasn't going to shoot me.”
“Hm-” You said full of doubt to that assumption you thought was a rather poor one,
“I think it's the intention that counts.”
Leon paused, telling you with words that he knew he needed to choose wisely given the delicate situation,
“You don't need to worry about Ada. That…that part of our story is done. It's..completely different now.”
You nodded, wanting with all of yourself to believe it. Leon had given you no reason not to trust him in the past so you gave him the benefit of the doubt, deciding that the past was indeed past. Feelings change and people certainly do as well. You shared kinder, more soft words before parting for the night and decided to rest the issue.
In that next week, it was normal for you to find Leon grouped up with Ada somehow, either coming back from recons or loading supplies out onto the GPW's for runs to the other bases. It was hard to find even yourself talking to Leon with how much you had on your plate. This was one of the more populated bases near the city so you always had something to finish or begin yourself.
One day, you were crouched down preparing a suture on an officer that was sleeping peacefully with a sedative and your hair kept falling into your face messily as you worked with sterile gloves. Your back ached from having to lean over in this process and you felt as two small hands brushed back your choppy bangs in a gentle comb of their fingers.
You flinched to the first touch but felt even more on edge realizing that it was Ada that stood over you now. She whispered, not knowing how strong the man's anesthesia was exactly and mentioned in her soft tone,
“Let me pull your hair out of your eyes, girlfriend. Don't mind me.”
You felt as her fingers brushed back your tangles to comb them gently into place and she fastened your top bun back into the elastic you were using. After making sure the officer's sutures were secure on his leg wound, you unsurely thanked her. Not exactly certain why she would perform an act so kind when she hardly knew you.
“I wanted to tell you that we are phoning in for more staff upstate and we should be doubling our medical help by the end of the month. You work too hard and I'm tired of seeing you run so ragged to help these people.” Ada mentioned, crouching down beside you as you made a dressing for the man's completed stitches.
You could only look at her peripherally as you worked but you mentioned quietly amid the wrapping and unrolling of the white gauze,
“I- I appreciate that, I guess. I mean, the help would be nice. For sure.”
Ada nodded, knowing that's not all of what she wanted to say when she found you and then said more discreetly with her voice lowering due to the nature of her next words,
“I..also hope that it doesn't bother you that Leon and I are friends. Well..friends trying to work out our differences.”
You looked away for the first time since she'd appeared beside you and finally you said a little more brave, trying to shake away the nerves of what you thought to be insecurity,
“I'm not….bothered. I just don't…”
You lost your words and Ada nodded, knowing somehow exactly how you felt in case you were finding trouble in explaining it. She assured you that herself and Leon were platonic and that you needed to worry about absolutely nothing fishy between them.
Goddammit, you thought to yourself.
This is exactly what you didn't need. She could at least be a bitch- Or act like you didn't exist or hell just sleep with Leon and boast about it behind your back to justify your sense of distrust. But she was kind. And compassionate to your feelings. And here you were, jealous of nothing more than an assumption.
Who was the bitch now? You thought.
After a joke and a smile, you parted ways with a gentle wave before you moved to the next tent.
Maybe you were overthinking everything.
It had been a slow day for you the day that Ada walked up to you in the medical tent. She wanted help gathering a list of inventory for the medical surplus for her list being sent upstate and you obliged with a smile.
“Most of your unused stock is in the stronghold right?” She asked for clarification as you finished preparing an injection. You nodded saying that anything unused would always be down in the concrete stronghold below ground.
“Good deal.” She said checking her watch,
“You wanna meet me over there in thirty? We'll grab a bite after, you and me, if you want?”
Why was she being so nice? You wondered, making your guard come up once again but you agreed, trying your hardest to remember that you had put her past grievances behind you.
You hadn't seen Leon in atleast three days but weirdly after all that you'd thought about, the absence wasn't as critical as you thought. He was busy doing recon of course but it felt like you were teaching him a lesson in a subconscious way. You wanted to see how long it'd take for him to approach to ask you to see him.
When you arrived at the artillery bunker, you noticed some of the GPWs parked outside, meaning that Leon's unit had actually returned early which was surprising. You thought of trying to find him after nipping this task with Ada but you opened the door to realize he'd already been found.
Leon stood there, smiling mid conversation with her as she held her mouth with that alluring laugh that made your skin crawl. He'd forget everything in the years you'd spend with him but how would he ever forget the way her eyes lit up during that laugh that could change a room.
You wanted to make your presence known so you kicked over an empty box to let the clatter interrupt them quietly.
“There you are.” Leon said with his gaze shooting over and you could only glare when he approached, leaving Ada behind.
“I'll be down in the stronghold whenever you're ready, girlfriend.”
You only stared into him coldly, pursing your lips together to avoid saying something confrontational to Ada who was in fact above you in rank and Leon then asked seeing the heated look in your eye,
“Honey, what's wrong? We were just joking-”
“I'm so fucking sick of finding you with her, Leon. I've not seen you in days but conveniently you find Ada before me? You’re still in fucking love with her!” You said fearless, feeling as your hands shook from the adrenaline of finally addressing what had been on your mind for days. Leon scoffed before looking away, telling you somewhat guilt-less as he denied your accusation,
“Look, we were just talking. It's not like you just found us….fucking around or something?”
Your eyes widened and you nodded before turning to leave with a heavy footfalls that stomped your way outside,
“How about this? You can go fuck yourself.”
You felt invalidated completely now. As if you were blowing this whole thing out of proportion once again. You hadn't seen him in days, not only due to the tension but also due to his schedule and the first person he seems to reunite with is Ada. It felt insulting.
Leon chased behind you now, telling you stop so you could both work this out and you faced him outside the front doors. Unbeknownst to you both, Ada had only pretended to go downstairs. She watched as you two stopped outside the glass doors to the bunker, arguing about what undoubtedly had to be her influence on Leon. When she heard the raid sirens begin in the moments after, she was calm and calculated as she made her way to the reinforced stronghold.
Waiting to meet her armed associates when they arrived.
~During the Raid
“Ada!” You shouted from the top of the stairs after somehow slipping through the enemy fire. She turned around wide-eyed as she loaded her gun and found you in the shambles you sounded to be as you raced down the stairs.
“What are you doing?” She called out in disbelief as she saw your shadow moving through the pallets of supplies and ammunition towards her.
All you wanted was for Leon to be happy and tears streamed down your face as you told her that you were here to take her back to the main bunker and she shook her head, never thinking that anyone would actually risk their life to come down here and save her. She knew the people conducting this raid and knew you'd be killed on sight if they found you.
“You need to go, sweetie. I'm-”
“Ada, please. We can make it.” You begged before hearing thuds on the steel door at the top of the stairs. Ada told you again, more hushed and with emphasis that you needed to get out of there and fast but you refused.
Getting her out was all that you wanted. If it's what Leon wanted, it was your main priority. Even if you just weren't his.
You heard the footsteps coming down the stairs but you only saw the tactical flashlight burning into your eyes.
Ada can't die, you thought as you saw them pointing their weapons, bracing their trigger fingers to fire, Leon will never be the same.
You saw the muzzle flash of the bullet when they fired. But only Ada heard the shot.
You saw the ground next as your torso felt warm, then wet when you became still. Ada screamed to retrieve you but your body was numb to stop her from crying. Only your shaking hand rose as she knelt down next to you, pulling at you to get up, demanding that you hold on. But you held her instead.
In the minutes later, amid the booming of battering rams and defense teams making their lines of fire, you laid on a medical gurney with the doctors you worked beside rushing to keep you stable. Somehow. Leon was called inside the tent but told to stay out of the way of those maneuvering to save your life.
“We're losing pupillary!” One of the working medics called as they shined a small light into your retinas to gauge the failing response of your eyes in the light.
“Pulse is dropping!” One of the others cried as they watched your life slip away by the second on their wrist watch.
Leon's eyes watered and his hands met his head and defeat when he heard them scream for a defibrillator. He watched the paddles being pressed into your chest, your body surging in an upwards jump from the charge with no response. He held his mouth with the back of his hand, not knowing if he could watch any longer but he tried to get closer.
He stepped further into the tent, yelling between the chaos for you to come back and one of the med team pushed him back, begging him to clear the walkway but he was violent with his shove in pushing them away, telling you again to live with gravel in his shaking voice.
In that moment between your life being reduced to a flat, stagnant line on a screen, he wasn't sure if regretting the last few days would even suffice. He wanted to regret ever existing instead as his face was washed in tears.
Ada walked by the tent at that moment during the evacuation of the higher up staff. She looked into the tent, seeing you staring out with a glaze over your lifeless eyes but she kept walking after realizing that there wasn't hope. This was another stop on her way to finding her truth of Racoon City. Saying goodbye to Leon would be a mistake so silently she made her way forward, moving through the crowd that still surged in the presets of active turmoil. Of course a life lost was never the price she thought she'd pay but people change.
Even you knew that.
You fell into a coma when finally you were revived by some miracle that surprised them all. And Leon stayed by your side as you rested in the quiet ward set aside at one of the remaining medical centers closer to the heart of the city's defense. His nights were long and restless as he waited for you to be with him again. In his heart he knew that it was the very, very least he could do since you'd waited for him to wake up too in these last few days.
It was his turn now for patience, and his wait to see you once again had begun. 》
Loved writing this!! Send me more asks and I'd love to work with your ideas. ✌️🫶
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crowleysgirl67 · 5 months
Rescuing Romance P2
Author: @crowleysgirl67
Word Count: 1044
Parings/Characters: Reader x Bobby, Buck, Hen, Chim, Maddie, Eddie
Warnings: show warnings, plane crash,    
A/N: Thanks for reading!  
“Yo Cap. What's with the cakes?” Chim asked, looking at the four different types strewn about the table. 
“Help yourselves.” Bobby threw the dish towel over his shoulder and turned to face Chim. “You remember that Doctor who was hanging via the railing on the twelfth floor a couple months ago?”
“Uh yeah, (Y/N) right? No pain meds for that broken leg. You’ve mentioned her once or twice since then.” he answered, taking a slice of the chocolate cake.
“They’re from her as a thank you. The cakes are labeled with what they are and their ingredients in case any of us were allergic to anything in them.”
“Oh cool!” Buck exclaimed, jogging up the stairs to see the desserts. He looked them over before settling on an Apple turnover cake slice. “Damn this is amazing! It's just like a turnover but in a spongy moist cake!” 
“The cakes are from that Doctor lady a few months ago.” Chim chimed with a mouth full of cake.
“(Y/N) made these? She’s so awesome.”    
 Bobby made a hum of agreement and was about to take a slice of his own when the bell rang through the house. “Duty calls.”
“Ok Ma’am the paramedics are here. Keep breathing.” 
“(Y/N)?” Hen questioned upon seeing you. 
“Hey Hen, Chimney. We’ve got one female, twenty-five weeks pregnant. Seems to be preterm labor. I’ve run a line and delivered some medication to slow that until you’re able to get her to the hospital.” you grabbed your bag and moved out of their way.    
“(Y/N)?” you heard your name and turned.
“Oh hey Bobby. Or should I call you Captain Nash, you’re on duty after all.” you smiled.
“Bobby is fine. What are you doing here?” 
“Oh I was on my way into work when a car a few cars ahead of mine veered sharp enough to cause a minor accident. So I pulled off to help.”
“That was kind of you. Here let me take your bag.” he hoists your bag onto his shoulder, before walking you back to your car.
A loud rumbling caused you to look up, just in time to see a smoking plane flying way too low and headed straight towards the area.
“9-1-1 What’s your emergency?”
“Our plane it’s on fire! We’re going down.”
“I’m sorry did you say your plane is on fire?” 
“Yes!” coughs 
“Ok Sir. Are you the one flying the plane?” 
“No, I’m a passenger. It’s my buddy's 6 seater cargo plane.” coughs “Holy shit we’re headed straight at a freeway!”
“Bobby!” Buck shouted indicating the incoming disaster. 
“Get down!” Bobby pulled you to the side of your car and hunkered down with you.
The plane crashed 50 yards from where you were.
“Are you alright?” Bobby asked, helping you stand and doing an assessment of the damage unfolding. 
“I'm good. Go. I’ll grab my gear and follow behind you. We’re gonna need all hands on deck and you’re down two sets until Chim and Hen are back.” 
He gave your arm a gentle squeeze and headed over to his crew to start giving the orders. You grabbed supplies and threw your pack on before going over to help. 
“We need to find a way to get the truck down there.” Eddie says
“So we start tapping on cars. If they’re uninjured and able to move they need to get out of the way.” Buck states.
“Going car to car is going to take too long. We don’t have that kind of time.” Bobby looked around.
“I’ve got a bullhorn in my trunk. Would that help?” you ask
“Actually yeah that might.” Bobby nodded 
“Cool. Buck, ask me questions later.” you note his confused look as to why you’d have something like that in your trunk.   
“Right. I’ll go get it.” he jogged off towards your car and came back with the bullhorn and handed it to Bobby.
“If you are uninjured and can move your cars we need you to make a hole!” Bobby began walking and announcing this over and over. 
Slowly people were able to move and make enough of a hole to get the truck close enough to the site. They started with their jobs while you started treating and triaging people the best you could. 
“Looks like you could use a hand.” 
You looked up at the sound of Chims voice. “Hey you’re back.”
“Looks like we missed the start of this mess.” Hen joined the two of you.
“By a few minutes yeah. I’ve got a system going. Green cards are good/ minor injuries. Yellow is a little more than that. Reds are urgents, and black are deceased.” 
“Ah old school I see.” Chim nods 
“Why change what works?” 
“True that. We’re gonna head in closer to the site.” 
“I’ll keep trying to clear the surrounding area.” 
They nod and head in closer to the plane to start helping there.
It took several hours and any available hands to help clear away the accident.  
“Hey. How’re you doing?” Bobby asked, approaching you after you finished up with another person at the scene. 
“Hell of a first day back to work. And I haven't even made it there yet.” you replied tossing your used gloves into the trash sack you had at your waist. 
“That wasn’t an answer.” 
“I’m ok. It’s a lot but that’s what the job is.” you gave him a small squeeze on his arm, “How’re you?”
“I agree it’s a lot.” he sighed softly, surveying the ongoing aftermath.   
“118 come in 118.” Bobbys radio goes off.
“This is Captain Nash from the 118.” Bobby answered
“Captain Nash, you and your crew are relieved.”
“Copy that Chief.” 
“Looks like you get to go home.”  
“Come on, we’ll give you an escort to the hospital.” he offered his arm.
You smiled softly and took it as he walked you to your car. He rode with you as the team followed in the trucks. 
“I’m probably going to pull a 24 or 48 hour shift.”
“Raincheck on dinner then?” 
“Unless you want to join me in the hospital cafeteria. I don't have a predictable lunch schedule but I can give you a text or call when I’m free.” 
“It’s a date then.” 
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prince-liest · 11 days
The more comfortable I get with the inpatient workflow (knowing how to order things, how certain things work and are done, how to navigate the EMR, etc), the more happy I am to realize that inpatient rotations aren't actually all that bad in terms of the work of them. They suck specifically because they are exhausting 12-13 hour days, 6 days a week and you simply do not get to have a life while you're on this rotation but while I'm at the hospital, it's pretty much fine.
I wish I had the time and energy to work out and also not eat two out of my three meals every day of hospital food, and more time to rest, but I'm also relieved that I definitely do not actively dread or fear going to work every day like I was worried I might. Like, it sucks, but it's not active misery, yfm? My spirits are high. Definitely not super tenable, though.
Also, I have ED next and honestly fuck the emergency department. So glad there are people out there that enjoy emergency medicine, but I am simply not ADHD enough for that shit. I didn't have any bad shifts on my first ED rotation but I still disliked the whole workflow and baseline stress levels.
Anyway, things that did stress me out this week (CW dire hospital shit):
lady who kept threatening to leave the hospital against medical advice because she hated being there that much, even though she had an infection for which she needed an IV-only antibiotic or else she would almost certainly die. everything kept going wrong. she could go home with a central or midline cath; her line was peripheral; picc team couldn't put in a picc line because of her surgical history, so we had to go to interventional radiology and put in a Hickman line; we found this out on Friday and so she wasn't scheduled until Monday; on Monday she almost got moved to the next day because there was an emergency bleed during her time that IR was needed for and she said if we didn't get her scheduled in 45 minutes she was leaving the hospital. ended up discharging her at like 6pm on Monday and I ended up crying at work on Friday (the 13th! yay,,) in the resident library which surprised even me but apparently I'm not immune to "so WHAT if I die?? what do I have to live for? cancer and pain?" after three days of doing my best to juggle "doctor" with "therapist" every time I saw her. she likes me a lot which I think means I did a decent job but that really ran out my emotional energy.
the dude whose nurse called me three times in 45 minutes while I was trying to juggle discharging the above lady and doing my first admit. he was throwing things at the walls in his room because he wanted a cough drop and simply could NOT wait. what the fuck ever.
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You're Losing Me Analysis
Ok, you got me, enough people messaged me with cute gifs and pretty pleases asking for this analysis to motivate me to finish it. So, here it is, my lyrical analysis of You're Losing Me.
I will stick to my interpretation of this song NOT being about a romantic relationship, the poll I did a while ago showed that most people interpret it to be about a romantic relationship breakdown. I will explain why I don't think that, but if you do, the main lyrical themes will still apply. (Colour coding of main themes at the end)
Before any lyrics, this songs starts with two sounds: A heartbeat and a massive sigh. Like, a really big one, you can even hear the inbreath. Something I've only ever experienced when someone is really, really exhausted and annoyed. I've sometimes made that noise when I'm standing in the pieces of something my children have broken, after I've told them a thousand times not to break it. The non-verbal expression of 'I f*cking told you this would happen'. So, before we even hear any words, I'm able to tell that this is about something that has happened before. We've been round and round this thing a million times. This breakdown has been a long time coming, a death by a thousand cuts if you will ;)
The heartbeat also sets the scene for the main lyrical theme before the first verse starts: A patient in an emergency situation, I envision a hospital room with a heart monitor. Over this heartbeat (and minimal production) we hear Taylor addressing her audience by saying
You say, "I don't understand," and I say, "I know you don't"
The You and the I are having a disagreement, but it's not so much an argument, as a miscommunication. They don't understand what she's saying but Taylor was already expecting that. Immediately, the first line confirms what the sigh was already indicating: This is not a new issue, we've been here many times before so Taylor is well aware that this communication isn't working. Then in the next line
We thought a cure would come through in time, now, I fear it won't
She introduces the medical theme in the lyrics with the word 'cure'. The metaphor is that the relationship that's being described here is the patient that's dying in hospital. This theme is incredibly present throughout the entire song, there is a constant 'brink of death' threat, with mentions of 'gashes', my face was grey' and 'too far gone to bring back to life'. And then, of course, the chorus is the culmination of this with the repetitions of 'Stop, you're losing me' and 'I can't find a pulse, my heart won't start anymore'. This gives me images of an emergency room situation where the patient is flatlining and the doctors are trying to revive them. Or maybe a battlefield, as the last line of the first verse introduces the secondary theme of war or combat with 'You might just have dealt the final blow'. Taylor has of course used the war imagery many times before when talking about conflict, such as in All Too Well ('I'm a soldier who's returning half her weight'), Call it What You Want ('I brought a knife to a gun fight'), The Great War, and the Archer ('I'm ready for combat').
So, despite the initial resignation, Taylor is fighting with the person/people she is addressing here. They are the one that's injuring the patient to the point of near death. And in the chorus she is telling them that, asking them to stop, because the relationship is dying. But we don't yet learn what she is asking them to stop doing. She does, however, show the problem in the relationship when she says:
Remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light Now, I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time Do I throw out everything we built or keep it?
It's a WE versus I situation: We used to love this room, but now I (and only I) am left sitting alone in the dark. And only I get to make the decision about what to do with all the stuff we built together, because you're not even here to sit in the dark with me. Also, notice the light versus dark comparison. You are only there for the light (easy) parts, and not the dark (hard). In that context, I am inclined to interpret the room in this line as her stages and the light being the spotlight. We loved standing in the light together/You loved seeing me in the light, but now you've left me in the dark. This is why I really think this song is about the relationship with her majority fanbase and not a romantic relationship. Since 1989 she's written about her romantic partner in a way that makes it clear that this person is with her through thick and thin, on reputation we had End Game and New Years Day, the ultimate song about being there after the party when the glitter fades and it's not glamorous anymore, and in CIWYW she literally says her lover's 'starry eyes sparking up my darkest night'. So, I don't think it's her partner who is leaving her in the dark here, it's the fans. And the 'everything we built' is of course the fame/sold out stadiums etc. And that theme continues in the next verse:
Every morning I glared at you with storms in my eyes How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'?I sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick My face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick
Now the picture is becoming clearer as to what the 'you' here is doing that Taylor is asking them to stop, or better what they're NOT doing. She's glaring at them, sending signals and biting her nails, using all forms of non-verbal communication, but they're not being received. Or she's being willfully ignored. The 'I sent you signals' is a screaming parallel to 'I gave so many signs' from Exile and 'sending signals to be double-crossed' from Evermore. And I think in all three cases, it is referring to queer flagging. And just like in High Infidelity (a similar song thematically) she says 'There's many ways that you can kill the one you love/ the slowest way is never loving them enough', here she's saying 'How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'?. Both boils down to the same thing: Your ignorance is killing me and it's a slow and painful death. She ends the verse on the medical theme which has now slightly shifted to Taylor being the dying patient ('My face was grey' - corpse) and the relationship being sick. Over the chorus we still hear the heartbeat though, so she's dying but she's not dead yet.
Let's talk about the bridge. This is juicy, as Taylor's bridges always are, but this one, of course, had the one line that sent all the swifties into an angry rampage against Joe Alwyn. But we'll get to that. The first line is in fact my favourite:
How long could we be a sad song 'Til we were too far gone to bring back to life?
She calls the relationship a 'sad song'. And that's obviously an interesting thing for a songwriter to say, and I've seen many good interpretations of this line, but mine is this: Taylor is the girl who made her name as the young country singer who writes sad breakup songs about her past relationships. And she owned that for a while, until she openly discussed how much it trivialises her writing and that songs are more than just the person she's writing about (not as simple as a paternity test etc.), but have people stopped making her songs about men? When the Joe breakup hit the news, wasn't the first thing the swifties said 'Oh, the next album is going to be soooo sad...."?? So...for some people she still is, and will always be, just the girl who writes about breakups. And she's saying to those people 'how long can this relationship last if that's all you'll ever see me for?' She also, once again uses the medical theme of 'bringing the relationship back to life' when it has in fact died multiple deaths already. But this time it might just be 'too far gone' to be revived.
I gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy And all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier Fighting in only your army, frontlines, don't you ignore me I'm the best thing at this party (You're losing me)
She also continues the war/combat theme with being the 'bravest soldier' who is bleeding whilst on the frontline 'fighting in only your army'. This is also important. Taylor is the soldier but she's not fighting for her own cause, she's fighting in the other person's army. She's making herself bleed, for the other person's sake. Much like a closeted gay person pretending to be straight for the mass appeal. It's making me bleed for your benefit, but you don't even notice, DON'T YOU IGNORE ME!! And then we get to the ultimate bait and switch line:
And I wouldn't marry me either A pathological people pleaser Who only wanted you to see her
Where you will all shout at me 'How can it not be about a romantic relationship, it has the line about marrying!!!'. Relax, I think this is intentional. What an easy way to make the whole song sound like it's about a breakup with just one line when the rest of the song suggest something else (to me at least). I don't see this as being about a literal marriage proposal, more like a 'I wouldn't choose me either'. Very much along the lines of Anti Hero, I'm the problem, why would you choose me, but I'd still love it if you did. And she even says in the next part 'I have nothing to believe, unless you're choosing me.'
And I'm fadin', thinkin'
(POV changes, addresses self:) "Do something, babe, say something" (Say something) "Lose something, babe, risk something" (You're losing me) "Choose something, babe, I got nothing" (I got nothing) "To believe, unless you're choosin' me"
So in the imperatives, the direction of address changes and she's now thinking to/addressing herself with these commands: 'DO something, SAY something, LOSE something, CHOOSE something, RISK something.' Almost like she's trying to jumpstart herself into action. This all screams BE BRAVE to me, especially the 'say something' because in the previous verse she was communicating in all these non-verbal ways (glaring, signals, nail biting) and that wasn't working. She's telling herself to be brave and SAY something, make it unmistakably clear, but that may well mean risking something and losing it. Also, choose something babe, you can't play both sides forever. In the last line she then addresses the audience again by saying 'I have nothing to believe unless you're choosing me.' She wants to be chosen by her audience as her authentic self, not as the 'sad song' girl. Once she's said all those hard hitting truths, what follows is a massive pause, a moment of total silence. Like the moment when you've finally said all you wanted to say and now you're waiting for the reaction. And when you almost think the song has ended, we get the heartbeat again and one more chorus.
SILENCE You're losin' me Stop (Stop, stop), you're losin' me Stop (Stop, stop), you're losin' me I can't find a pulse (HEARTBEAT STOPS) My heart won't start anymore
In this last chorus the Stops are now echoed twice to increase the urgency in this plea, it sounds almost like she's saying 'stop, stop stop! It's really about to be over!'. And it is, as the heartbeats stops on the word 'pulse' and the patient has finally died. She concludes on what we have just witnessed 'My heart won't start anymore' but there is no 'for you' this time, because the relationship is dead now. No more coming back this time.
Thematically, to fit into the concept of midnights, this could be a song set in early 2019 when she was planning her coming out, or it could be more recent, as an internal counter piece to Anti Hero. I hope this lived up to what you hoped for, people who asked so nicely :)
blue - medical theme/imagery
orange - direct address to audience
green - war/combat theme
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astralflower-writes · 3 months
just visiting (part two)
♡ pairing: alex karev x female! reader
♡ genre: angst to fluff
♡ warnings: none
♡ part one, part three, part four, special scenes
♡ check out my grey's anatomy masterlist here
a/n: yey for part two!!
after that unusual talk with lucas, you started to pack all the things the both of you have. good thing that meredith had an intern get your stuff from the hotel.
you were now just waiting for the papers for discharge and you're ready to go. meredith offered the both of you to stay at her house for a day or two, just so lucas won't be too tired when the both of you go back to boston.
"is uncle alex coming back?" he asked fumbling with one of his toy cars. "he promised to play with you before we go right?" hoping that you convinced him enough not to be mopey.
after a half an hour, the papers are now done. the nurse said you can stay until meredith gets out, so the both of you were still stuck inside the room.
"i heard there's a playroom around here. you want to check it out?" he agreed, but as the both of you were heading out of the room an intern approached you.
"dr. y/l/n! dr. grey asked me to get you." he was out of breath from all the running.
"we have a patient who needs an emergency bypass, but our on-call doctor is 40 minutes away and the patient can't wait." he explained still trying to catch his breath.
"can you stay with him? or are you also needed there?"
"n-no. i'll stay here with him. it's okay." you told lucas to be nice and wait for you there.
after you went down to where meredith was, alex arrived just as like he promised to your child. "where's his mom?"
"oh! dr. grey told me to get her, they're probably in the OR now." the intern explained. "go. i'll stay with him." alex said ushering the intern
to say that lucas wasn't to excited when he saw alex was a total lie. he quietly set up his toy cars in a line which alex took as a signal for them to play.
"uncle alex?"
"mama said you are special..."
"mama always tells me i'm special to her. does that mean my mama loves you too?" he asked alex looking at him expectantly.
alex didn't know what to say. or how he can process what micheal was talking about.
"i don't know about that, champ. your mama can only answer that."
alex ended up listening to his stories. it's mostly about his bed time and how you fixed his toy shark he has back home.
about an hour and a half more, you finally got out of surgery.
"i missed working with you." meredith happily said whilst slinging her arm on your shoulders.
"ew mer. you don't get sappy about these things."
"but i also missed working with you too." you replied.
you and meredith walked back to lucas’ room, since the two of were staying at her house for a day before you fly back.
"i'm going to miss playing with you uncle alex..."
"well, uncle alex lives at my house too lucas, so you've got more time playing with him."
hearing what meredith said you almost threw the bag you're holding at her. "i might have forgotten that tiny information." she whispered as she helped you with your bags.
you finally got your kid to sleep after letting him tell you what he did with alex all day. going out of the room and heading downstairs, you saw alex lounging on the couch. "hey, sorry we took your room for a night."
"it's fine."
"we're cool right?" he asked
"yeah. we're cool."
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misirosekisiro · 10 months
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Toshio and the boy.
In Japan, beneath Tokyu, lies a highly secretive underground prison. Contrary to what the outside world may believe, the inmates confined within its walls are exceptionally dangerous individuals. These are the most perilous offenders, incarcerated here covertly. Many were captured and detained without trials or public disclosure. The government understands their danger; some are deemed so hazardous that the world might be safer if they were eliminated. However, the government holds a different perspective; even the most dangerous individuals can sometimes be valuable. Some are utilized by the government for specific purposes, while others become subjects of scientific study.
Toshio, a new guard, has recently been assigned to this facility. He is a member of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) and gained recognition for his remarkable actions during earthquake events. This commendable display earned him a promotion and an invitation to join the guardianship of this clandestine prison. But he have one weakness in his perfect resume. That he never tell someone, he was gay,  fetish on smell , underwear and uniform.
His first day in the office is spent receiving instructions from his superior. There is a strict protocol and the inmates must be watched with the greatest of caution.
"The inmates are highly intelligent. They're all experts in their respective fields, and have unique talents that have made them dangerous to society. That's why they're being held in such an isolated location. We don't want any of them escaping and getting out into the world. If they were to escape, the repercussions could be enormous."
"How many people are in this facility?" Toshio asked.
"There are 166 individuals currently incarcerated."
"What's the breakdown?"
"We have 45 females and 121 males. 137 are Japanese. The rest are foreigners, and of those 50 are Caucasian. There's only one person of Chinese descent."
"There are so many foreign people!"
"Well, yes. You'll see more of the specifics later. For now, the main thing to keep in mind is to be cautious. The inmates here are intelligent and can be quite cunning. There's no such thing as dropping your guard around these people. If you make any sort of mistake, the consequences will be dire."
"I understand."
"Good. Now let me introduce you to the head warden."
Toshio followed his superior officer down a long corridor, until they came to a stop at the end. There, a man stood waiting.
"This is the warden," said the officer. "Warden, this is Toshio. He's the newest member of our team."
The warden shook hands with Toshio and greeted him politely. He was a middle-aged man with graying hair, a receding hairline, and glasses. He wore a suit and tie. His expression was stern and serious.
"Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you." Toshio answered, "I hope I'll be able to help you."
"We'll see. First, you should know that all communication with the outside world is strictly forbidden. Do not contact anyone, including your family. We've got a special line for emergencies. It goes directly to the police. In case of an emergency, we'll call for reinforcements. We've also got a medical facility on site. There are a number of doctors and nurses here. If any of the inmates require medical treatment, it can be done here."
"What about visitors?"
"We do not allow any. The prisoners are not official be lock down here. They're being held in secret, so we don't want to draw attention to ourselves. The fewer people who know about this place, the better. Of course, in case of an emergency, the government can step in, but that's very unlikely."
"Are there any rules I need to follow?"
"Just keep in mind what I've told you. The most important thing is that you maintain a healthy distance from the prisoners. You're not allowed to approach any of them. And do not allow them to approach you. Also, you must keep an eye on them at all times. You're not allowed to take breaks."
"I understand."
After finishing his orientation, Toshio started his job.
He went to the guard room, The prison was sperate to 4 wings form A to D, each wings delare to more and more dangerous criminals, he took a deep breath before entering the first wing, A, which is a general prison.
The guard room is a simple white-walled space, furnished with a few chairs and a desk. A single fluorescent light illuminates the room. It smells like cleaning fluid.
At the far end of the room, a door leads into a long corridor lined with cells. The cells are separated by thick iron bars. Most are occupied. The prisoners are dressed in white jumpsuits and wear ankle shackles.
As he walked through the corridor, Toshio noticed that some of the inmates were watching him intently. He tried not to make eye contact. He also notice that some inmates was in differest clothes, some even was tight in leather's strap suit same one that use in mental hospital.
In one of the cells, a man was lying on his bunk. He looked up at Toshio and smiled.
"Hey, handsome. How about a blowjob?"
Toshio ignored, He will station in Male, A zone. All women inmate was on sperate floor with women's guard.
"Hey, how about you come in and let me suck you off? I bet you'd love that. You could shove your dick in my mouth and fuck my face."
"Stop talking."
"Or what? You gonna punish me? Huh? I'd like to see you try. I'm a tough guy. You're not going to hurt me."
"No need to talk to him" another guard comming and said. "He's not worth it. He's just a piece of shit. He's a fucking pervert. That's all he's good for."
"That's not true. I can do lots of things. I can give you a good time. I bet you've never had a blowjob before, have you?"
"Ignore him, that is best way to do here" the other guard said in calm voice.
"Make me! You think you can make me do anything? I'm stronger than you are. I could take you out. Come on, let's go! You and me, right now. Let's fight."
Toshio ignore, he walked away.
But the man continued to taunt him.
"Hey, you chicken shit! Why don't you turn around and look at me? Are you too scared to look me in the eye? What a coward! I'm not afraid of you! I'm not afraid of anything!"
Toshio ignore.
"Hey, hey! You can't walk away from me. I'm talking to you. I'm not done yet. Hey, are you listening to me? I'm not done talking to you. Don't ignore me. You're ignoring me. Don't ignore me. I said, don't ignore me!"
Suddenly the man started screaming and cursing at him. He was shouting obscenities and hurling insults.
"Fuck you! Fuck you! You're a fucking coward. I'm going to kick your ass! I'm going to make you wish you were dead. You're not going to ignore me. You're going to listen to me. I'm not going to shut up. You're going to listen to every single word I have to say."
Toshio continue walking away. He doesn't know why the inmate act like that.
"Fuck you! You're a pussy! You're a fucking pussy! You're a coward! I'm going to kick your ass! I'm going to destroy you. You're a fucking pussy! Come here and fight me, you coward! Fight me! Fight me, you coward! Fight me!"
He kept walking. He could still hear the man yelling at him.
"No worry, This place not like other prison. Most of them can't step outside that case until the end of the world. But they are still human" The other guard said in calm voice. "Some have unique talent, some are scientist and genius, they could help the government in secret, like this prison is exist in the first place"
"You should ignore him. He's just a fucking retard. He doesn't know when to stop. He'll keep doing it until he gets bored. It's best not to give him the satisfaction. Just keep walking."
"Thank you, sir."
"No problem. Don't let him get to you. It's not worth it."
They keep walking and leave the man behind.
Toshio feel relief, But he have one worry, the man's face. The man was young, and have handsome face, but something weird, he have red eye. Like his eyes were bleeding, and the other is black.
"Who is that?"
"He is one of the foreigner" The guard said. "His name is Sigma, and he is a Russian"
"Russian? What did he do to be put here?"
"He is a hacker, he hacked into a Russian bank and stole money. They sent him here after he got out from his jail"
"Why is he have red and black eyes?"
"He is a special case, and he is the first and only inmate with two color eyes, the doctors and scientists are testing him, and they are the one who have control over him"
"I see, so they're treating him like a lab rat"
"Yes, he is a special case, because of his eye color, his power and his brain"
"I see, what's his ability?"
"I don't know, they said it is a secret, and we shouldn't talk about it, so they don't leak the information"
"Okay, thank you"
They keep walking and arrive at the guard post.
"Well, I'll leave you here. Take care of yourself. We have not much guard here, Most of system was automatic unless was override by control key." He point to a key in the box on the desk. "It's only use while some case. And need to report before use it. Most of time, inmate will be in their cell. even food also have automatic system on provide it.  As you may know, you need to do patrol on alley ways at least once each hour. I suggest you to just keep eye on them, ignore any request or talk to them. "
"Okay, thank you."
"You're welcome. Just relax and enjoy. It's not so hard"
The guard leave, and Toshio is alone. He look at the key in the box and remember about the rule.
He look around the place, and the cell have one way to open, a small window, the same one that the food was serve.
He look at the monitor, and the screen show a list of all inmates in each cell, and he could see their faces, age and sex.
"Let's see, what have we got here"
"Hmm, 35-year-old male, 174 cm, 60 kg, Caucasian, Russian, hacker, 397,710.23 USD theft"
"What an amount, no wonder he was locked here."
"Hmm, 37-year-old male, 166 cm, 59 kg, Asian, Japanese, serial killer, 677 counts murder, 48 counts rape"
"Damn, a mass murderer, what did he do to deserve that title?"
"Hmm, 42-year-old male, 167 cm, 84 kg, Asian, Korean, scientist, 280 counts child abuse, 10 counts child murder, 100 counts illegal human experiment, 500 counts illegal drugs deal, 1000 counts torture, 10000 counts rape"
"Holy shit, this is a big list."
"Hmm, 28-year-old male, 168 cm, 58 kg, European, German, serial killer, 125 counts murder, 23 counts rape"
"Not a big deal compared to the first one."
"Huh!, 20--year-old male,165,52 kg, Asian, Japanese, - Data consealed - unaviable permission rank to access this data"
"What, why can't I see his data?" His attention was shift to this one. "He is only 20 years old, why is his data blocked?"
He look at the other info and find out that all other inmates are 30 and above. All others data was showed, just only one.
He think for a moment, and then realize something, this cell is not the normal one.
"Why is he locked there? He is so young. What did he do to deserve being here? He is so young. And the system doesn't even show his name."
He think for a moment.
"Could he be one of those 'special cases' the guard was talking about?"
He change the mornitor to this man's cell. then he notice. That cell is one that wear a tight leather straping suit. his face also masked with lether mask. his eye was blined with red strap, and his hand and feet is tied with same leather.
"This is so strange. why is he tied like that? This is not a normal cell. What did he do to deserve being there? Could it be his ability that dangerous enough to be locked in this special cell?"
He look closely at the screen, and notice something else.
"Hmm, why does he have a bulge on his pants? Could he be erect?"
He zooms the image and sees a big bulge in his pants.
"Why is he erect? Could it be his ability has something to do with sex? That could be the reason why his data is blocked."
He also notice that this man got an feeding tube, It's like they not want someone go near him even to feed him.
"Maybe that's it, his ability is so dangerous, and they can't risk it, so they have him locked up like this."
Toshio was curious, the boy is handsome, even his body is covered with leather, he can still see the outline of his abs. And his cock is very big, the biggest Toshio ever seen.
Toshio decide to investigate it more later, right now, he will have to do his job.
Time passed, and soon his shift is over.
He go home and relax.
In his mind, he can't forget about the boy, He was very young, and his face was covered with a mask. Toshio is very curious about him.
And also, he was curious about that man who had the red and black eyes. Why was he so angry?
He was curious about the boy's ability, and why he was locked up. He decided to investigate the matter further.
Toshio's curiosity was growing.
He knew he was breaking the rules.
But he was curious.
The next day, Toshio goes to work as usual.
He starts his shift, and his first task is to check on the inmates.
He checks the monitor, and he sees the boy is still there. He looks at the other cells, and none of them are occupied.
"Hmm, the cells are all empty, but the boy's cell is not. I wonder why. Maybe the boy is a special case. I'm curious about him."
Toshio is still thinking about the boy.
He decides to check the boy's cell.
He approaches the cell, and sees the boy is laying down. He's not moving.
"Huh, he is sleeping."
Toshio watches the boy for a while.
Then he decides to enter the cell.
"I'm going to check on him."
He enters the cell, and sees the boy is laying still.
"Hmm, he is still asleep. I'm going to check on him."
Toshio touches the boy, and sees the boy doesn't react.
He feels the boy's body, and sees the boy's face. He sees the boy is wearing a mask, but his eyes are covered by a red blindfold.
He looks at the boy's body, and sees the boy has an athletic build.
"Hmm, he is a good-looking boy. I wonder what he is like under the mask."
Toshio decides to check.
Toshio touches the boy's face.
"His skin is soft. Hmm, he is a cute boy."
Toshio takes his finger and touches the boy's lips.
The boy doesn't move.
"His lips are soft. Hmm, he is a beautiful boy. He is very handsome."
Toshio decides to check on the rest of the boy's body.
He checks the boy's neck, and sees the boy has a muscular neck.
"His neck is very strong. Hmm, his neck is muscular."
Toshio moves his hand and feels the boy's chest.
"His chest is muscular. Hmm, he is a strong boy."
Toshio feels the boy's chest.
"He has a muscular chest. Hmm, he is a good-looking boy."
Toshio keeps moving his hand.
He feels the boy's abs.
"He has a nice six pack. Hmm, he is a handsome boy."
Toshio feels the boy's stomach, and sees the boy's navel is visible.
"He has a cute navel. Hmm, he is a cute boy."
Toshio reaches the boy's crotch.
He sees the boy's cock is still hard.
"Hmm, his cock is still hard." Then he notice a smell coming from the boy's crotch.
"There's a musky scent coming from his crotch."
Toshio sniffs the air.
"It's a sexy musky scent. Hmm, it's a manly scent."
Toshio is getting aroused.
He decides to touch the boy's cock.
"Ammm Ummm" The boy moans a little.
Toshio touches the boy's cock and feels the boy's shaft.
"Hmm, his cock is long. Hmm, he is a hung boy."
Toshio grabs the boy's balls.
"His balls are big. Hmm, he is a heavy-balled boy."
Toshio massages the boy's balls.
"Ahhh Ahh" The boy moans louder.
Toshio feels the boy's ass.
"Hmm, his ass is round. Hmm, he is a beautiful boy."
"Ahawammam" Boy try to talk something.
Toshio moves his hand down to the boy's ass.
"He has a nice ass. Hmm, he is a cute boy."
"Uhmmam" Boy mumbles.
"What is it, boy?" Toshio asked.
"Amawww" Boy mumbles again.
Toshio doesn't understand what the boy is saying.
He then remove a gagged form boy mouth.
"What are you doing, boy? Are you trying to say something?"
"Yea" Boy said.
"What is it, boy?"
"Who are you, mister?"
"My name is Toshio. I'm a guard here. Who are you, boy?"
"My name is Kaito. What are you doing, sir?"
"I'm checking on you, boy. Why are you tied up like this, boy?"
"They was kidnap me!, bring me here and lock me inside this suit"
"Kidnap? What do you mean, boy?"
"They kidnap me, tie me up, and then lock me in here. I don't know why."
Toshio may not understand, but he feel he can trust the boy, his voice is so soft and so reliable.
"Okay, I believe you, boy. But how did you get in here?"
"They put me inside this suit and blindfolded me. Then they brought me here and locked me in here. I don't know why, sir."
Toshio doesn't know what to do, he can't let the boy go, but he also can't leave him like this. he feel that his head was half blank. He really feel that he need help him.
"What should I do, boy? Should I let you go or should I leave you here?"
"Please, help me, sir."
"What can I do, boy?"
"Can you please take this mask off of my face? I can't see anything."
Toshio takes the mask off of the boy's face.
The boy's face is covered with a leather blindfold.
Toshio then takes the blindfold off.
"Ahhh, I can see again." boy eyes was gaze on Toshio face. their eyes was meet each others.
"So beautiful eyes" Toshio thought.
The boy's eyes were a beautiful emerald green. They were a beautiful green color.
"Boy, you have such a beautiful eyes."
"Thank you, sir. If you like it, may you gaze deeper in my eyes?"
"Sure, boy."
"Ahhh" Boy said.
The boy's eyes were hypnotized.
Toshio gazed deeply into the boy's eyes.
"Ahhhh" The boy moaned.
"Ohhh, ohhh" Toshio was moaning.
The boy's eyes were glazing.
"I know you love my scent, right?"
"Yes, boy. I do. Your scent is so manly."
"My scent is so manly, isn't it?"
"Yes, boy. It is." Toshio fill his face with boy's smell.
"You want to inhale more deeply in my scent right?"
"Yes, boy. I want to."
"Then inhale more deeply."
"Ohhh, ohhh" Toshio is inhaling the boy's scent.
The boy's scent is intoxicating.
"Ohhh, ohhh, it's so strong. So manly."
"My scent is so strong, isn't it?"
"Yes, boy. It is."
"I'm glad that you like my scent, sir. Then why you not take my suit, it's fill with my sweat and odor. You must love that smell."
"I will."
"Take my suit off, sir. I want you to inhale more deeply in my smell."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio started removing the boy's leather suit.
The boy's suit is made out of leather.
"My suit is made out of leather. Do you like it, sir?"
"Yes, boy. I do. I love the smell of leather."
"I'm glad that you love the smell of leather, sir. Then why you not take a deep sniff in my suit."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio started sniffing the boy's leather suit.
The smell of the leather is intoxicating.
"Ahhh, it smells so good, sir."
"I'm glad that you love the smell, boy."
"My suit is soaked with my sweat. You want to taste my sweat, don't you, sir?"
"Yes, boy. I want to."
"Taste my sweat, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio tasted the boy's sweat.
The taste was delicious.
"Your sweat is so tasty, boy."
"I'm glad that you like the taste, sir. Then why don't you take a sip from my balls?"
"Okay, boy."
Toshio drank the boy's sweat.
The taste was amazing.
"It's so good, boy. I love your taste."
"I'm glad that you love it, sir. Now why you not take of your uniform and fill yourself in my suit. I'm sure you love the feeling of my sweat on your skin."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio was completely naked now.
He was wearing only his tight spandex brief.
"You no need that brief. You want to feel your cock soak in my sweat, right?"
"Yes, boy. I want to."
"Take it off, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio took his brief off.
Now he was completely naked.
"Ahhh, I'm so naked, boy. I feel so free."
"I'm glad that you like that, sir. Now take a seat on the chair and feel my suit upon your body. I'm sure you love the feeling."
"Yes, boy. I love it."
Toshio sat down on the chair.
He could feel the boy's sweat on his skin.
"Ahhh, it feels so good, boy. I love the feeling of your sweat on my skin."
"I'm glad that you like it, sir. Now why you not feel your cock in my suit. I'm sure you want to feel my warmth around your cock."
"Yes, boy. I want to."
"Feel your cock in my suit, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio put his cock in the boy's suit.
"Ahhh, I can feel your warmth, boy. It's so nice."
"I'm glad that you like the warmth, sir. Now i will lock this strap on you. I'm sure you love to be locked inside my suit, right?"
"Yes, boy. I do."
"Then take this lock, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio took the lock from the boy.
"Lock my suit, sir. I'm sure you love the feeling of being locked inside my suit."
"I love the feeling, boy. The suit was so tight on my body!"
"I'm glad that you like the feeling, sir. Now i think you want to taste my salivar, this gag is soak with it. And you will suck the drool from the tube. You must love the taste of my drool, right?"
"Yes, boy. I love the taste."
"Take the gag, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio took the gag from the boy.
"Put the gag in your mouth, sir. I'm sure you love to have your mouth full of my drool."
"Yes, boy. I love it."
"Then put the gag in your mouth, and feel my drool."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio put the gag in his mouth.
He could feel the boy's saliva in his mouth.
"Ammhmmamammmu sos..fyooogodyoo (Ahhh, it feels so good, boy. I love the taste of your saliva.)" Toshio was said in muffed form gagged.
"Wow i can't understand what you said.  But I'm sure you love the feeling, sir."
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you like it, sir. But it's will not complete if you not feel my sweat in my mask, right?
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)."
"Let's me help put my mask on your head. I'm sure you love the feeling of your head be full with my smell, right?"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
Toshio put the mask on his head.
He could feel the boy's scent all over his head.
"Ammhmmamammmu sos..fyooogodyoo  (Ahhh, it feels so good, boy. Your scent is intoxicating.)"
Toshio's cock was hard inside the suit.
"Your cock is hard, isn't it, sir?"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you're so aroused, sir. Now i think you want to hear the sound of my voice, right?"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you love my voice, sir. Then why you only heard only my voice, and obey it, love it. And feel the sensation of it. Your body is completely in my control."
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
Toshio felt the boy's words.
His mind was full of the boy's voice.
"Ammhmmamammmu sos...my...boyyys (Ahhh, it feels so good, my boyyys.)"
"I'm sure you not mind, if I will fuck your ass. right, sir?"
"Yeaggaas (yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you want to have your ass fucked, sir. Then let's me put my cock in your ass."
"Ammhmmamammmu sos, boy yyyy (Ahhh, it feels so good, boys. Your cock is huge!)"
"I'm glad that you like having your ass fucked, sir. And don't worry I will not stop. I'm sure you will come from having your ass fucked by me, right?"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you want to come, sir. Then feel my cock in your ass, feel it moving inside your ass, and filling your ass with my come."
"Ammhmmamammmu sos...my....boys.....yeees! (Ahhh, it feels so good, boys. I'm cumming!)"
"I'm glad that you came, sir. Now you will continue to serve me. And your ass will always be ready for me. My cock will always be inside your ass. You will always have my come inside your ass."
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy. Please, Master!)"
"I'm glad that you want me to use your ass, sir. Now let's us taste each others cum"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)
"Good, now suck my dick. I'm sure you will love the taste of my cum"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, Boy)"
"Suck it. Suck my dick"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, Boy )"
The boy pull unzip a leather strap crotch and start to suck Toshio's cock.
Toshio was sucking the boy's cock.
They were both enjoying the taste of each others cocks.
"Hmmm, you are a good cock sucker, boy"
"I'm glad that you enjoy it, Sir. Your cock taste so good. And the way it fills my mouth, I just can't get enough. Good to know that this trade is not bad at all."
"What trade are you talking about?"
"Soon you will know"
The boy continues to suck Toshio's cock.
They both enjoy the taste of each others cocks.
"You make me horny, boy. I can't resist the temptation"
"That's what I'm talking about. I'm sure you will enjoy this trade. "
"I'm sure I will"
"Then cum, flood it in my mouth"
"As you wish, boy"
"Oh yeah, flood it with your cum. Flood my mouth with your cum. Yes. yes, fill my mouth with your cum"
Toshio shot his cum inside the boy's mouth.
The boy swallowed the cum.
"Hmm, you have such a tasty cum. I can't wait for you to do the same thing to me.
"Hmm, you are a naughty boy. And I love naughty boys."
"Thank you, Sir. Then drink my cum, take it."
Toshio sucks the boy's cock.
"Ahhh, the taste of your cock. I can't get enough.
"I know, you can't. And the taste of your cum, I can't get enough. So keep sucking it. Keep drinking my cum."
"Hmm, you are a naughty, slut. I love a slut"
"I'm glad that you do. So drink it all. Drink my cum."
"Ahhh, I will"
Toshio drinks the boy's cum.
"Hmm, the taste of your cum, hmm, it's so good. I can't get enough. "
"I know. I'm glad that you do. Now just wait.. ah i can feel it."
"My body it's start to morph... Also your."
"My what?"
"Your body also start to morph. Ohhh. Ahhh"
"Oh my god! What is this?!"
"Your body start to morph into my body."
The boy body was growing, his figure was morping to be Toshio.
"No, no, what is this?!"
"Don't worry, It's will not hurt"
Toshio was looking at the boy, his eyes was widen. He was shocked.
"You are me, now, Sir."
"I'm who?
"You are me. and I'm Toshio now"
"How? Why? What did you do to me?"
"It's simple. This trade. You get my body, and I get your. We exchange our body, But you still my slave, right?"
"No! No! You can't do this to me."
"Of course, I can. You are my slave now, Sir. And you will serve me." The boy which now Toshio gaze to Toshio's eyes in shape of the boy, he whipser with slow, calm voice.
"You will serve me. You will obey me. You will do everything I say." Real Toshio eyes was start to blank.
"You will do everything I say." The boy whisper in Toshio's ear, Toshio mind was completely blank.
"I will do everything you say." Toshio said, his mind was full with the boy's word.
"You will do everything I say. You will be a good slave." The boy whisper in Toshio's ear.
"I will do everything you say."
"You will be a good slave."
"Yes. Yes. I will be a good slave. I will do everything you say.
"Good. Now kiss me. Kiss yourself."
"As you wish."
Toshio kisses the boy, he could taste his own lips.
"Now suck yourself. Suck your own cock."
"Yes, Master."
Toshio starts sucking his own cock.
"Good slave. Good slave."
"Thank you, Master.
"Let's stop for today, I'm sure i will enjoy with you later. Now your cock will keep hard but can't release, unless i'm allow you to.
"Yes, Master."
"Good slave. Good slave."
"I'm glad you have a good slave. I will take care of your body"
"You will. Now I will leave you here"
"As you wish."
New Toshio put a gagged back and check the boy's leather strap suit that was seal as normal. Then he look at Toshio's guard uniform. He pick Toshio's brief and smell it. He loves the smell. Think he got Toshio's fetish too. New Toshio took off Toshio's brief and put it on. He could feel his hard cock in the tight brief. New Toshio took Toshio's shirt and put it on. Then he put Toshio's pants on. Then New Toshio put on Toshio's shoes. He could feel the leather rubbing against his body.
New Toshio stood up and looked down at his new body. He was wearing Toshio's guard uniform. His new body was covered in tight uniform.
"Damn, I look hot in this uniform." New Toshio said.
New Toshio smiled and then walked out of the room.
New Toshio walked down the hallway. He was excited. He had a big day ahead of him. He was going to explore his new body and see what he could do with it. He had never been so excited before. He couldn't wait to start his new life.
Toshio, the old one, now was a no name boy, was laid on the bed watching his new master walk out. Toshio can only think he need to be a good slave and obey his new master.
"Yes, yes. I will be a good slave and obey."
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
imagine the boys with an mc that they've never seen sick bc the mc got a really good immune system and then one day the mc is just sick in bed, all loopy, partially not understanding whats going on. So basically an mc that never gets sick but when they do its badddd.
-- Cove is PANICKING.
-- If you're still living at home, then he's going to your moms, his mom, his dad, just trying to figure out what to do.
Cove: Is it "feed a cold, starve a fever"? Why would we starve MC? How high does their temperature need to be before we take them to the doctor? Do we need to go to the emergency room?
-- But honestly, if you're living together, he's doing all that too. He's on google, checking your symptoms like once an hour. Will get soup delivered, he doesn't know how to make it (and he's not going to starve you, that's crazy).
-- By the way, none of the boys are going to keep their distance to avoid getting it lol, they'd all be in way too deep.
-- If you don't understand what's going on, he's going to think that's scary and he'll be tempted to take you to the hospital because you are precious to him. Will definitely call a nurse line or do a telehealth appointment, will also not leave your side until you're more coherent.
-- Tries to be strong for you but cries when you're sleeping because he's scared and he doesn't want you feeling this bad.
-- Derek was built for this though.
-- He's worried, of course, but he's a lot more composed. And he'll know how to make soup.
-- Will also know everything else on how best to treat you. He'll make sure you stay hydrated, will help you to the bathroom. Like he's gently wiping the sweat from your forehead or the snot from your nose lol, you will never have a better nurse in your life.
-- He'll talk to you and try to make you feel better even if you're loopy.
You: I don't ... I need to go to work ... the zebras ... *flails*
Derek: Shhh, honey, the zebras are fine, take another zip of water for me and try to rest.
-- He won't sleep until you're better.
-- Baxter though lol
-- It's not that he doesn't care, ok, he definitely does. He cares so much. He's going to call in at work so he can stay home and tend to you, he might even let you wear some of his fancy pajamas as a little treat.
-- But if you don't understand what's happening, then he's going to have fun with that.
You, a full grown adult with a full time job: If I don't finish my homework for math then I'm gonna flunk and I'll have to repeat the grade ...
Baxter, solemnly: That's terrible, dear.
-- He might go too far, but if he does then he'll feel bad enough to tell you when you get better to you can hang it over his head.
-- He will prepare a broth for you. He seems like a broth guy.
-- Will also lay in bed with you all day, having fun with your loopiness but also keeping an eye on you. Because as much as everyone calls Cove clingy, if he gets you back after the wedding in Step 4, then I hope you are ready for how hard he's going to attach himself to you.
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Minato thanks whatever lucky stars he has left for Mitsuru. 
She’s evidently the reason Officer Kurosawa is here: she’d had the foresight to arrange for him to be contacted in the event that emergency services received a call from any of their phone numbers. She had also briefed Kurosawa about the night’s events, taking point without hesitation while Minato continued to stand there uselessly. She’d slipped into a calm and collected demeanor like armor, as though she wasn’t covered in the blood of someone she cared about. 
Kurosawa, who Minato has also been thanking those overtaxed stars for, had offered them all a ride to the hospital, split between the two squad cars. They never would have gotten here so quickly if it wasn’t for him. He had even escorted them into the hospital to explain the situation, and now a nurse leads them to a waiting room. Unfortunately, Koromaru wasn’t allowed inside, so Kurosawa offered to take him home. They really owe him for this. 
Aragaki and Amada are nowhere in sight, but Sanada is there. He sits on one of the padded benches, elbows resting on his knees and fingers threaded together tightly, watching a nearby set of double doors with intense focus. His hands and arms have been scrubbed clean of Aragaki’s blood, but his clothes are still soaked in it. It’s started to dry now, turning the fabric rust brown and stiff. Sanada doesn’t seem to notice it. He doesn’t even seem to notice their arrival.
He sits so incredibly still. The cold, muted light in the room has scoured all the color from his skin, leaving him as pallid as stone. The only real assurance that he hasn’t been replaced with a marble statue is the minute tremor in his clasped hands. 
“Akihiko?” Mitsuru sits by his side, gently laying a hand on his shoulder. Sanada turns and regards her for a moment, expression unchanging, before looking back to the doors.
“Shinji’s in there,” he says dully. “They– they needed to perform emergency surgery. There’s no guarantee he’ll survive it. That’s what I was told.” 
No one has the heart to speak after that. No one knows what to say at all. 
Once again, Mitsuru comes through. “How is Amada?” She presses gently. 
Sanada bites his lip. “They took him to check if his eardrum ruptured. If it did, there’s a chance he might not be able to hear out of that side anymore. But they’ll do what they can.” 
God, this really is the worst. At least Amada’s injury isn’t life threatening, but the fact that it happened at all makes Minato’s skin crawl. He didn’t need to have been standing in that alley to know that Takaya hadn’t been firing a warning shot, nor had it been his aim only to render Amada half-deaf.
What had Takaya been trying to do? Had he simply been planning to take out the next members of S.E.E.S. that happened to cross his path, or had he sought Aragaki and Amada out specifically? And if he’d targeted them in particular, then why? Without Chidori, how had he even found them? 
Minato has a feeling he won’t ever get the answers to these questions. 
An hour passes. The only break in the terrible silence comes when Aigis offers to keep watch so everyone else can get some rest. It’s a sweet gesture, but no one takes her up on it. Despite his exhaustion and the fact that it’s a little past two in the morning at this point, Minato knows there’s no way he’ll be able to sleep. It’s clear that all of them feel the same. 
Not long after Aigis makes her offer, the double doors open and a doctor in scrubs comes into the waiting room. Sanada immediately sits ramrod straight. Mitsuru squeezes his shoulder and stands while he remains seated, still at rigid attention. It seems they have a wordless agreement: she’ll do the talking. 
There’s no way Aragaki is out of surgery already…right? Minato tries desperately to glean some sort of information from the doctor’s face, some indication of whether she’s brought relief or grief with her. There are deep lines etched under her eyes, and a pink furrow across the bridge of her nose from a surgical mask she must have recently been wearing, but her actual expression is as unreadable as Aigis’.
Minato swallows, nerves absolutely frayed at the seams. He doesn’t know if he can handle more bad news at this point. The space between his ears feels numb.
“How are they?” Mitsuru asks, getting straight to the point.
“We’ve done what we can for Amada-kun,” the doctor replies. “Fortunately, his eardrum is intact. It should heal up nicely and regain full hearing function, though it will take some time. At least a week. We’d like to keep him overnight to monitor him, but there should be no complications with his recovery. I can give you more details once we discharge him, if you’d prefer.”
Some of the tension in the room softens. “Yes, that would be fine,” Mitsuru says. At least there’s some good news, though the fact that she’s leading with that makes Minato worry about Aragaki even more. Did he make it…? 
“As for Aragaki-kun, the operation is a fairly delicate procedure, given the extent of his injuries and the advanced state of his condition. But currently it’s progressing as well as can be expected,” the doctor continues. A little more of the tightness in Minato’s shoulders relaxes. He’s still alive. At least for the moment he’s still alive.
From the corner of his eye Minato sees Junpei, Yukari, and Fuuka all glance at each other in confused alarm at the mention of ‘the advanced state of his condition’, but neither Sanada nor Mitsuru look at all surprised. He wonders when and how they found out, given how tight-lipped Aragaki had been about it, and whether they may even know more than he does. 
“We will need to perform a blood transfusion, but unfortunately our stocks are somewhat thin at the moment. Apathy Syndrome has led to an uptick in need for transfusions and a significant slowdown in donations. We wanted to ask first if you would be willing to–” 
Sanada immediately stands up. “I’ll do it,” he says.
The doctor frowns. She looks deeply regretful. “Unfortunately, Sanada-kun, according to your charts from when you were here earlier this year, you aren’t a viable donor for Aragaki-kun.” 
“What?” Sanada looks nearly as stricken as if she had told him that Aragaki didn’t make it. “But– we’re both type A, I know we are!”
“That’s correct, but your blood type is A-positive, and Aragaki-kun’s is A-negative– your red blood cells contain a protein called Rh factor while his do not. Attempting to introduce your blood into his body will cause his immune system to react to the donated red cells as though they were pathogens and attack them. Even for an individual in perfect health, this reaction can be fatal.”
Sanada goes from pale to grey over the course of her explanation. He sits back down heavily, as though his knees have simply given out.
“I see.” His voice is strangled and so, so small.
“I’m very sorry, Sanada-kun,” the doctor says, and she really does seem to mean it. She turns to Mitsuru. “Kirijo-san, given your blood type is O-negative–”
“Yes of course,” Mitsuru answers without hesitation. “Whatever he needs.”
“Excellent. Now the number of units we need exceeds what we can safely take from one person, but it does look like there’s another member of your group who would be a compatible donor. Minato Arisato?” Her gaze flickers between Minato and Junpei questioningly.
It takes several seconds and Junpei’s elbow digging into his ribs for recognition to finally click into place.
Minato Arisato. That’s right. That’s him.
He stands and nods, and comes to stand beside Mitsuru. He doesn’t trust himself to speak.
“Thank you, Arisato-kun. If you’ll both come with me, please.”
They follow the doctor wordlessly. From behind him, Minato hears a long, jagged exhale and Fuuka’s quiet voice asking if Sanada is alright. He does not let himself look back.
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dopamineeymineymoo · 1 year
suspension bridges || ghost x f!medic!reader
synopsis: you are an army doctor, callsign salvi, who had been on the field for even before you'd gotten that title. you'd been reassigned into task force 1-4-1 after your own taskforce had dissolved when it'd fulfilled its duty. you're a familiar face to multiple operators within the taskforce. one of them knows you for far longer than the rest.
warnings: medical inaccuracies, army inaccuracies, some medical jargon, some gore, implied medical procedures, inexperienced writer, more tags to be added as we go
author's note before we begin: I’m writing this to destress from the gruelling pressure of academics– i'm not a professional, but i do study some of the stuff i mention, specifically on the health-allied colleges; there is also the fact that I’m not from the west side of the world so I know jack shit on the actual mode of operations (except in theory, because that’s what I’m learning ATM). This isn’t meant to be accurate, these are just dumbed-down versions of stuff I already know– i might learn more stuff later on so I might add it onto the thing later on]
[this is part 1], [part 2], [part 3 to be posted]
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When your Task Force dissolved, with multiple members having dispersed to different tasks and duties, the different offices within the old base had been dispersed into various different locations. You had been given privilege. It wasn’t really within the higher-up’s control to assign you to a different base.
Overall, it had been awfully easy to convince you. Price knew his cards, knew the people he was pulling. It made sense that the task force he’d organized would have good chemistry.
It was amusing. Familiar faces are always a fun thing.
There's no rest for the wicked, is what you often hear. It always applies to people in your line of work, being both a savior of lives and its taker.
Of course, there's no better ice-breaker or introduction into the field than an emergency evac. The first time you'd been called into your new base had been when duty calls. There were some familiar faces on the team of medics you'd been assigned with, brief introductions and ranks were exchanged, and it's off to work.
Squeaks is one. A familiar face, one you'd worked with before albeit very briefly.
"Give 'em hell, doc." she'd said when you'd stepped into the ramp of the aircraft.
And hell you did give. It wasn’t an infrequent occurrence with your line of work where you had to be pulled out of your station to hop onto an aircraft to retrieve injured soldiers. 
It’s been less than a week, about three days since you’d been reunited with some of your old patients, until your new patients ended up becoming recent.
“Reports as of ten minutes ago state that seven alert out of twelve, four obtunded, one is stuporous.” You take note, knowing that the rest of your team are listening in. Transcriptions of comms had been sent to you with data having already been filtered out appropriately. Need-to-know, is what it meant. 
You eye two people, and in order call them out by their surnames. “Squeaks and Trinity, you’re on triage.”
“Yes Captain.”
“Reyes, Smith, Aisling, you deal with the seven. Make sure they don’t bleed out and add to the less pleasant numbers.” You move past them as they move to their station on the aircraft. “Body transfers to the cots are on Jones and Brown. Take them off the soldiers’ hands– keep them off too if there are any with cold feet.” 
“The rest of us– two people require immediate intervention. One of them is in shock.” She hums, looking down at transcripts. “There were originally sixteen soldiers.” They knew what that meant. Two were KIA.
When the aircraft arrives in the landing zone, you and your team get into motion immediately. You help Jones and Brown in transferring the soldiers who can’t walk. Two soldiers that you don’t know personally help with setting the rest of the ones who need help walking inside the cot. 
The one who was stuporous had fallen into a coma, but with a working pulse, and the four had varying levels of prognosis at the current assessment. 
You’re used to this. The speed, the quickness in thinking and the steadiness while you work under these less-than-favorable circumstances. You’ve worked through worse, but that’s not a mindset you should get used to. Makes you complacent. There’s no room for complacency in this place. 
“Captain Salvi!” Squeaks calls, “Five out of sixteen aren’t on the vehicle.” You hear. 
You curse under your breath, “Squeaks, take over.” You wait for them to shuffle over and take over with keeping the soldier alive, before pulling back to walk towards the seven who were sat at the sides. From Squeaks, you take the tablet and swipe through the updated charts.
They’d reported the four missing names, reported well but unable to make it to exfil for whatever reason. 
They all stand in attention– all who can, that is. “At ease.” You tell them. “Where are your superiors.” 
One steps forward, “Ma’am, they’ve told us to head to exfil ahead of them.” He tells you. “They’re moving to another base, picked up by allies in Mexico.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Mexico?”
“That’s all we’re aware of as of now, ma’am.”
You breathe. Something's up, then. Your attention is called by the pilot in front. "Laswell's on comms." He'd said.
"Patch me in?"
“Watcher 1 to Echo 1-6, do you copy?”
“Solid copy, Watcher-1.” You retort, and look back at the soldiers before you. “Heal well, boys.” You say before backing off and walking back to the front of the plane. 
There’s a crackle on Laswell’s end, before she proceeds. “Price needs you ASAP, but there’s no time for RTB. You clear for an impromptu mission?”
You curse under your breath. Not so much as an introduction. Is this how it's going to be? “Always.” You tell her. You're no stranger to these emergencies. “Not as much as a debrief, huh?”
“I’d say sorry, but you know how it is.”
“No rest for the wicked.” You say. “Think I can join them before they get picked up by Mexican Special Forces?”
“I’ll tell the pilot in advance to drop you off for RV.” Laswell tells you. “Watcher-1 out.”
You walk over to the cockpit, placing a hand on the seat. The other hand reaches for your ear piece to switch channels so you can speak with the pilot. “You got the coordinates?” You ask, and with the confirmation, you continue. “Don’t land. I’ll prep for HALO.” You tell him. “Three of them need immediate attention. I don’t want them dead on arrival.”
“Copy.” The pilot replies. You back away, and head towards the hamper where you check your kit twice for anything you’d need. While you were in charge of MedEvac, you knew the risks. As long as you were beyond the line of fire, there’s still always that chance of attack.
In this case, you were the attacker.
“Approaching RV point.” You hear in your ear. “Prepare for HALO.” High Altitude, Low Opening. You’re hoping that it’s dark enough that no one will notice the parachute– then again, this isn’t the first time you’ve done this.
Trinity walks over to you. “Captain–”
“Report to Brown. I’m headed off.” You shrug on the pack, and head towards the ramp. Before that, though, you turn to your team. Most of which are paying attention to you as you walk. 
“Scott, Hudson, support with transfers.” You call, and the two of them nod. Their physique will help Brown and Jones with transferring the patients into gurneys with both haste and cautiousness. 
Squeaks and Trinity approach you as you all move out of the aircraft, handing you their digitally inputted evaluations. You read through them as you move, swiping through the tablet as you read through the list. “That’s about it. Are we clear?” They all affirm. 
You get a signal from the pilots. That’s all you need before you approach the ramp and drop in.
It was a Saturday when Sergeant Simon Riley had first been forced on Medical Leave of Absence. This was on the insistence of the base’s, refusing to give him clearance until he’s deemed better, where he’d been assigned to a rehabilitation clinic not too far from his current place of stay– fortunately not too far from base.
The previous mission was bad– certainly not the worst that has happened, especially not the worst to come, but it was bad. 
When the paperwork for the leave was undergoing process and Simon had been forced to confine himself to med within base, the perpetrator as to why he’d gotten hurt had been very accommodating to his whims– not that Simon had many of them, but the one who was supposed to receive the bullets (plural) that took Simon down. Doesn’t matter anymore– no man left behind, and all that.
You know what they say about people torn into bad situations– you should have seen the other guy is what he would have said if he had been in a lighter mood. 
Except he’d damaged his peroneal nerve in the process. 
Fortunately it’s something easy to get back from, but that’s with rehabilitation. Hence, where he’d first met you. 
“Hello, Sergeant Riley.” You say, eyes twinkling with mirth and without that jaded look that he’d grown so used to witnessing in people within this line of work. You introduce yourself, first with your name. “I’m the one assigned to looking after your progression with your injuries– ultimately, medical clearance isn’t up to me, but anything I report goes into consideration. Anything you want to ask?”
“How long ‘til I’d get this off?”
“According to your chart–” you look through his charts. “Some weeks.” You hum, impressed at the prognosis. “Medical will clear you then– higher ups seem insistent in getting you back, huh?”
“I’m a good shot.” He tells you. “Some weeks, then– you any good in cuttin’ it down, Lieutenant?”
You laugh, waving in front of him. “Well, if you don’t fuck up your own injuries. Sure. Got a good prognosis anyway, considering the shit you’ve been through.” Then you remind him again to call you by your name. “And fortunately for you, your ass landed in my expert care.” There was a grin on your face as you told him that. 
Overwhelming confidence in this. Infallible. 
He’d been told that his injury hadn’t been so severe that it’d take him out of commission any time soon, but he’d been uncertain about that. It had been near damned frustrating to be so vulnerable. The injury is no scratch–that’s a huge chunk of his lateral knee fractured by the bullet, taking the nerve with it. While the medics had said otherwise, he just didn’t think someone could just regain proper function out of it again. 
So when that stubborn pessimism is met with that near-blinding optimism–
It was hard not to believe in your confidence, and that was considering that Simon knew not to believe in good things.
The first day was for initial evaluation. You’d told him that you wouldn’t begin with all the exercises and stretching just yet. He’d been compliant.
For the first day, that is. 
Upon landing, you waste no time in moving towards RV. You made sure that there’d be no one following you, putting on the nightvision equipment you’d taken from the team that was pulled out for medevac. With a rifle in your hand, you traverse to the agreed upon location.
Only, you don’t exactly find them there. 
“Bravo 0-6, this is Salvi, how copy?” You say into your comm, listening for the radio for any response. “Echo 1-6 to Bravo Team, how copy?” You wait about two seconds before your mouth opens to ask again, once more before you radio Laswell.
“Bravo-06 to Salvi, solid copy.” Price’s voice cracks on the radio, and you breathe out a sigh of relief. “Just got… held back a bit.”
“Give me a sitrep, Price.” You question, continuing to move around so that you aren’t a sitting duck at the RV point. “There’s no one in RV.”
There’s a chuckle on the other line. “We’re on the way, got held back for first aid. Someone decided to be stubborn and skip on the medevac.”
“Damn.” You hiss under your breath, word caught by the comm. “Based on the data I’ve got, there’s only the four of you– Captain Price, Lieutenant Riley, Sergeant Mactavish and Sergeant Garrick. Is that correct?”
“Price, you aren’t injured are you?”
“Good. I have a lot of choice words, then.” You say into the comms, knowing that the rest of them are listening. You were of a higher rank than the rest of them, which means that you can easily berate whoever got himself hurt and didn’t jump on medevac.
“Hell Runneth Loose.” Gaz utters under his breath, joining on the comms. 
“That’s what I’m here for, Garrick.” You say. “Give me a location, set the RV at a midpoint so I can get a look at it.”
“Exfil would be further out.” Price points out.
“I have two working legs, Captain. I can use them.” You retort. “Details.” It was less of a request and more of a demand.
He tells you, and you move quick and silently towards the agreed upon location. It’s an abandoned building with a lot of debris, but standing strong enough for it to serve as a good and safe temporary camp. 
You arrive first, so you scout the area for any hostiles that might be at site. There are none, fortunately, so it seems that whatever they had to deal with further West of the area hasn’t reached this place. Has to be one hell of a trip, if that’s the case. 
“Echo 1-6 to Bravo Team, no sign of hostiles in the area.” You say with finality into the comm. “We’re clear.”
“Copy that Echo 1-6.”
You keep watch, keeping an eye on the perimeter in case the situation changes. Fortunately, it doesn’t, and it remains to be clear. “Approaching RV.” You hear a familiar voice on the comms. 
But there’s the distinct sound of something that whizzes fast, piercing through air. You immediately duck, lowering yourself so that the wall could hide you from wherever the attack comes from. “Bravo Team coming in hot!”
“Couldn’t fucking warn me you’d had tangos comin’ over?” You hiss, raising your gun towards the perimeter, at the general direction from where you know they’d be coming from. 
“A very recent development, in my defense.” Price hisses. “There’s not many, it’s manageable. You in a position to snipe, lass?”
“Affirm.” You tell him. “Get in the building, Cap, I’ve got overwatch.” You set up quick, shooting from the top of the building. You pray to whatever’s still left up there that they’ve got no RPGs– this building is doomed to fall in on itself and that’s just with the bullets encasing on already fragile wall. 
And it wasn't likely, anyway. On foot, having gear like that is unlikely.
You take down as many assailants as you can, registering in your head who are friendlies by attire alone. Not usual protocol, given that you can’t be certain how positive your i.d. is of the people trailing so close to one group, but you can be certain at least that the one with the bucket hat is price and the rest that he’s allowing within his proximity are friendlies.
They come up the building, taking position and securing the area.
A hulking figure is placed beside you, heavy with a thump against the wall. You look up, seeing that it was Sergeant Mactavish who’d placed the patient on your side.
You turn your head towards Sergeant Mactavish, whose eyes shift between yourself, Ghost, and the battlefield. “Sergeant Mactavish-- pleasure to meet ya." You smile. "Hell of a first meeting, huh?"
"I'd say." Soap grins. "Need any help?"
"You take overwatch while I patch him up.”
Soap nods, shifting to take your position. “Roger that, Doc Sal.” 
You didn’t need to look twice to be certain who it was that he’d dropped into your hands.
“I’d say it’s a pleasure seeing you again, Ghost,” You start with a smile. “But I believe that these are less than pleasant circumstances.”
The man leaned against the wall, debris falling between you both. He eyes you for a moment, before looking away and back to the battlefield. He huffs, not that you can hear it, and tilts his head forward in a nod. “Gotta stop meetin’ like this, y’reckon?”
You nod, “Line of fire seems to love you out there.” There’s a joke in there, a reference to a mission together once before. “Where are you hit, Lieutenant?”
“Left lumbar– just a graze.”
“Nice of you to be specific this time.” You quip, opening your pack to get the materials you need.
“Learned my lesson.”
“Whoever taught you must have ripped you a new one, huh?” There's amusement in your voice. "Hold still."
"I'd say." Soap grins. "Need any help?"
"You take overwatch while I patch him up.”
Soap nods, shifting to take your position. “Roger that, Doc Sal.” 
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
12 - Telling Will
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Part 13
Dr. Redheaded Neighbor
Tag list - send an ask to be added @annieradcliff @watermeezer @zaidatorcuatomorgado @kmc1989 @tallrock35 @melvia-ito
Please comment your thoughts and any ideas you have for this story
Parking my car outside of the hospital and in the parking lot. Getting out of the car I zipped up my firehouse 51 jacket heading towards the direction of the hospital entrance. I knew I needed to tell Will sooner rather than later. Going through the emergency doors in search of my boyfriend. Rounding the corner past the nurse's desk I found his familiar ginger hair. “Will! Hey, can I talk to you for a second if you’re not swamped.”
“Um, yeah I could use a minute to calm down.” He responded leading me into the area where their lockers were located to keep their none work items.
Shutting the door behind me after I walked in the room watching my boyfriend pacing the room back and forth with his chest heaving up and down with heavy breaths. “Are you okay, Will?”
“My – my father is in the hospital. My brother is here too and our dad ain’t looking too good.” He finally admitted.
I covered my mouth with a hand not sure what else to say. “Oh Will. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah it sucks cause I can’t be on to help him either with it being the hospital policy and everything. I just - I don’t know what to do. What’s uh – going on with you, Mal?” He asked me sitting down at the round table inside the locker room.
I paused clicking my tongue debating on whether or not I should tell him the truth. “I got a call from my Lieutenant this morning.”
“And what did he say?” He questioned softly.
I sighed dropping my shoulders heavily. “I might have to go-“
“Will, it’s your dad. He’s coding.” The head nurse named Maggie poked her head inside cutting me off.
Will and I ran out into the hallway of the ED and inside his dad’s room. I remained standing in the doorway seeing an older man laying flat on a hospital bed and alarms flashing on the computer screen with Will checking for a pulse. “No pulse. Bag him.”
“Wait he’s your dad. Shouldn’t another doctor run the code.” A blonde nurse touched his arm.
Will began pushing up and down on his dads chest. “You got one handy.”
“What’s going on here?” I heard a guys voice causing me to glance over seeing a guy that looked similar to Will just without the red hair coming into the room meaning it had to be his brother Jay.
Will had to shock his father a couple of times before the vital screening returned to somewhat normal as far as I could tell. “Get me Sam to check him out…” Will brushed past me and headed back into the room we had previously been in.
“Will. Will!” I called his name spinning around on my feet running after him and pushing my way through the door back into the locker room. “Hey, why are you calling in another doctor. I thought you’re dad was okay after some wave lines came back on the screen.”
He rested his hands against the metal locker. “They won’t last, Mallory. He’s - he’s already gone.”
“You’re saying he’s dead.”
He swallowed thickly nodding his head yes still never looking in my direction. “He’s brain dead. He ain’t coming back – the machine is the only thing keeping him alive right now.”
“Will, I’m so sorry.” I felt sorry for him and I knew I shouldn’t give him more bad news that I would be deployed out for another tour in a few months. He already had enough on his plate for today so I slowly walked about to leave the room.
But he called out to me by nickname with a croaking voice. “Mal, will you stay with me?”
“I don’t want to intrude on you and your brother grieving. That wouldn’t be the right thing to do. Besides I can’t have Brett covering my shift for much longer.”
Will turned around extended a hand out for me to take, sending me puppy dog eyes with tears. “Mal, please. I – I don’t want to be alone right now.”
I sighed deciding that he needed me more in this moment than the rest of the world. Crossing the room I wrapped my arms around his waist and he buried his head in the crook of my neck letting some tears finally fall. I slowly ran my fingers through his hair while we just stood there holding onto the other needing comfort.
“Thank you – um can we talk about something else right now. What did you come here to tell me earlier?” He drew his head back looking down at me.
I sucked in a shacky breath, holding onto his forearms. “I – I don’t know if this is the best time to tell you what my Lieutenant said to me.”
“Come on, Mal. It probably isn’t as bad as this. You can tell me anything remember.” He reminded me.
Slumping my shoulders I shut my eyes not being able to look him in the eye when I told him what was happening. “He told me this morning that they need to deploy me and Maxon out for another tour. He believes I will be deployed out in a few months give or take.”
“Mallory, It’s gonna be okay.” Was the words I heard coming from his mouth.
Lifting my head up from his red scrub shirt I sniffed through tears. “It is – but I thought – I thought you’d be upset about this. I mean we didn’t plan – even think this was going to happen. I was done with my tour because of my leg brace, at least that’s what I assumed-“
“Mal, look at me. I’m not gonna be upset over something out of your control. That would make me out to be an asshole of a boyfriend.”
I started crying happy tears this time laying my head on his chest, gently gripping his fabric of his scrubs. Will wrapped his arms around my waist resting his chin back on my head enjoying that he had calmed me down over this scary situation that was coming into our lives. “I was so afraid you’d be upset about me having to leave. I’m - I’m going to miss you so much.”
“I’m going to miss you and Maxon too. But knowing you you’ll get through this with no problem.” Will gave me a smile kissing my forehead. “Now let’s not focus on this. It took us this long to be together, that’s all that is important right now.”
I went back to our apartment building to spend time with Maxon until Will got done with his hospital shift. Yet unknown to me he took a detour before actually coming home visiting his brothers apartment on the other side of town. Jay opened the door seeing his older brother standing in the doorway. “What’s going on, Will?”
“Do you still got mom’s wedding ring?” He asked him where his younger brother let him walk inside disappearing to get the ring from the safe. Will smiled looking at the same picture that his girlfriend had on her phone with Maxon stuck in between the pair.
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mllemaenad · 5 months
So – Bethesda broke Fallout 4's script extender. Because of course they did. What better way to celebrate the release of your new TV show than to stall people's ongoing playthroughs? Excellent work. I don't even want an Enclave quest. It's Creation Club nonsense, so it won't actually be a proper quest anyway.
I want to finish my Sim Settlements 2 playthrough. Ugh.
So while I'm waiting for the dust to settle on that, I thought I'd give Fallout 76 another go. I am rebuilding my mod list for Fallout 3, but that's a work in progress. And Fallout 76 is right there.
I created a new character, because I haven't played this thing in ages and I know they've changed a bunch of the mechanics. And oh - ha. I mean, I had thought from the beginning that creating a game without NPCs was a terrible idea, because it's hard to invest in saving an empty world. But the addition of them makes playing the game's original main quest a distinctly bizarre experience.
I don't mean that I'm suddenly pro-empty world. Not at all. In general the presence of factions and personalities and people you can care about it a good thing.
But when they made this game, the writers and quest designers were given "empty world" as a parameter within which they had to work. And they did.
It's sort of an interesting, even bold, choice for a storyline because it does not allow you to feel good about yourself at all. Most Fallout games do. Oh, you can play evil if you want, sure, and there are a handful of side quests that are genuinely no win scenarios. But mostly? You can save the world. And you will probably have a better experience if you try to: there's more to do when you talk to the NPCs and deal with their problems rather than just murdering everyone and taking their stuff.
But Fallout 76 is just judging you.
I keep thinking about its promotional song – that really upbeat cover of Take Me Home, Country Roads, and all the imagery in the old trailer, about rebuilding and looking to the future. But all of that is functionally a lie, and the key lines in that song come towards the end:
I hear her voice in the mornin' hour, she calls me The radio reminds me of my home far away Drivin' down the road, I get a feelin' That I should've been home yesterday, yesterday – Take Me Home, Country Roads
You should have been home yesterday. You should have been home a thousand yesterdays ago. This story is all about the past, and a rebuilding effort you neglected to join. It hits you with the guilt straight away, as the very first place the game takes you is an old outpost of emergency service personnel who just kept on doing their jobs after the bombs fell. It's their notes and recordings that teach you how to survive.
Of course you encounter less pleasant people later: raiders and Enclave, and honestly I have little patience for any iteration of The Brotherhood of Steel. But even there, you can see that the misunderstandings and conflicts and general fuck ups might have been resolved with a competent mediator.
And that is exactly what you are. You're a Fallout protagonist. You don't have the time to spend ten years sitting in a lab, but you excel at travelling from town to town and dealing with whatever obstacle is stopping a faction from moving forward. Fallouts 1-4 and assorted spin offs have taught us all that.
Even in universe, Vault 76 is stated to be full of literal geniuses. It is packed with doctors and scientists and engineers: exactly the people the world needed to deal with a combination of plague and environmental crisis.
If you were there, you could have fixed this.
But you were not there. You were sitting comfortably in a vault, while other, better people tried to save the world.
And they were almost there. They had a vaccine. Even with everything, they had a vaccine. They did the work, they had a plan. As you play through this quest, you stand upon the shoulders of giants at almost every stage, implementing the very last step in a plan that really does work. Had they lived, even a few months longer ... but they didn't, and you did nothing to help them.
It wasn't even necessary to spend 25 years in that vault, as it is abundantly clear that the area around 76 has been habitable this whole time. Challenging, sure: I am in no way suggesting that it was an easy existence. But it was not instant irradiated death.
Every other Fallout protagonist steps out of their vault (or other entry scenario) in time to make things right. Maybe just in time, but nevertheless. They walk into a fractured world and get to work. But not you. You took the easy route.
How proud are you of that Best Dental Hygiene award now?
Given that it is set so close to the Great War, and deals with first generation survivors, it gives one of the best looks at the cynical cruelty of Vault-Tec: when they talk about rebuilding the world, it only means rebuilding for its own benefit and profit. Anyone not part of their plan is more than welcome to die in a hole.
It ties in very nicely with the television series, actually. Lucy laments that she was waiting to rebuild the world, but it all happened without her - and Vault-Tec actively tried to destroy that new world (and at least up to a point, seems to have succeeded). Her people waited over 200 years, but it didn't take that long. Twenty-five were quite enough.
But with the new version ... I mean, it really takes the sting out of it. It looks like everybody had a few rough years there, but it's all turned out fine. There's a burgeoning civilisation here, with homesteads and caravans and trade. I can't go two steps without an NPC asking to borrow a bobby pin, and even the raiders are more territorial than outright destructive (although – is nobody going to go up that completely safe little hill and give poor Miguel a funeral? Come on guys, clean up the damn corpses).
The tragedy of the whole thing, and the weight of your own inaction, is largely gone. You can't reshape the world and still make the same impact with that narrative.
I don't know, I guess I just can't quite get behind the whole multiplayer-ness of the thing. The world can't really change as you complete quests. You can't really rebuild. But likewise, if the world does change, it has to change for everyone at the same time, regardless of where they are in the story.
It could still work, I think, if you could play through that story and then see the caravans come over the hill, and start to rebuild the world.
Because that might feel a bit like redemption.
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crowleysgirl67 · 5 months
Rescuing Romance
Author: @crowleysgirl67
Word Count: 661
Parings/Characters: Reader, Bobby, Buck, Hen, Chim, Maddie, 
Warnings: show warnings, broken bones, 
A/N: Thanks for reading!  
“9-1-1. What’s your emergency?”  
“I need fire and rescue and a couple of ambulances to 1515 Vista view court the medical tower. I’m currently hanging upside down by my leg on the twelve floor stairwell.”
“Ok ma’am can you tell me your name?”   
“It’s (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I’m a doctor, we had a patient have a psychotic break. Tried to throw me over the railing. I managed to wedge my leg in the bars. Definitely broke it but at least I'm not dead yet.”
“Ok (Y/N), I’m Maddie. Helps on the way. Where is the patient now?”
“I gave him a sedative right as he got me over the railing. I cant see him exactly but I’m pretty sure he was by the stairs when the sedative took effect. He might be on the landing on the floor below.”
“Alright. Are you hurt anywhere else?”
“I don’t think so. I’m sure I’ll find out when the adrenaline stops.” 
“They’re arriving on scene now.”
Maddie stayed on the line with you until they arrived.
“LAFD; How’re you doin ma’am?” 
“Oh ya know, hanging in there.” you heard one of them fail to stifle a laugh “I’m Dr. (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“(Y/N) is it? I’m Bobby, we’re gonna get you out of there.”
“Cool, I’ve been here probably 20 minutes. I feel like a damn bat.”
Another poorly disguised snicker happens above you as Bobby, who you assume is their Captain, gives orders. Soon enough you’re being carefully hauled up and attended to.  
“How’re you doin?” the lovely lady who introduced herself as Hen asked.
“Eh, been better. Got a bit of a headache and my legs killin me. Which is about to get worse ain’t it?” you studied their faces.
“Yeah, sorry we’ve got to set this to be able to splint it properly.” the other one, Chim looked at you apologetically.  
“We can give you something for the pain.” Hen offers.
You shake your head, “No. I don’t take narcotics unless absolutely necessary.”
“So you’re just gonna do this, no pain meds?” the young one, Bobby called him Buck, asks incredulously.   
“Yup” you laid back as Hen stabilized your hips and Chim braced to put your leg back into place.
“Ready? We’ll do this on three.” Chim started.
You nod, “Let’s do it.” you took a deep breath.
Chim pulled on your leg and you ground your nails into the palm of your hand as you released a hiss of air. It hurt like a bitch. They splinted your leg as Buck looked at you wide eyed.
“Say what ya gotta say.” you looked up at him as you relaxed your hand.
“We just set your leg! No pain meds and you didn’t even make a sound!” he stared at you like you had two heads.  
You let out a weak chuckle, “Not my first rodeo.”
They loaded you onto the stretcher while Buck hovered asking all sorts of questions.
“Buck.” Bobby started. “Leave her alone and help with this gear.”
“Right uh sorry Cap.” he grimaced and began to gather gear to take down. 
 “I’m sorry, he can be a little enthusiastic.” Bobby addressed you.
“He’s alright, I don't mind. How's my patient?” 
“He’ll be fine, possible concussion but we’ve already handed him off to the ER downstairs.”
You nodded, “Well thank you for the rescue Captain I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome,” he nodded. He looked like he wanted to say more but didn’t want to intrude. 
You pulled a card from your pocket and scribbled your number on it before handing it to him, “Give me a call if you want to talk. You look like you do, and we both know you don’t have time while on duty.”
He took the card looking bewildered as you were wheeled away. He looked down at it before stuffing it in his pocket. He did have questions, maybe he’d give you a call after shift. 
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