#so I may not be able to post a full drawing everyday ;_;
xxspirit · 8 months
♡Valentine’s Week♡
Day 2 II Flowers
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eat-applez · 1 year
Why is it whenever people learn that you can do something they immediately ask you to do it???
“Oh you’re bi/multilingual??? SAY SOMETHING IN A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE.”
“Oh you’re an artist? DRAW ME.”
Like I’ve actually just started saying the weirdest stuff when people ask me to say something in a different language- It almost always goes over like this-“Oh you can speak Vietnamese? Say something in Vietnamese then.” And then I just say something stupid like “Ok! Bạn là con bánh mì ☺️☺️” and they always go “Wow!! What does that mean??” And I hit them with “You’re bread.” And they for some reason get really angry :/
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cw-but-starkid · 6 months
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quick post, I finally gave the Hatchetfield oc I’ve been planning to make a messy design after what’s been— literal years I think. <3
Main Info
This is Link! They’re a genderfluid [any pronouns] community college student who works tech at the Starlight Theatre
She has a younger sibling who —unbeknownst to them— fights at the Roller Rink as their charm was found out by Eddie. They haven’t seen their sibling since. But, hey! “ This is Hatchetfield, people go missing everyday- “, right? Although, probably not a kind thing to say to someone who’s desperate.
The pale streak of hair is not dyed, it’s from stress and they’ve genuinely not been able to hide it, so may as well make it apart of his vibe-
Role in The Main Triology
—injury / gore mentions, ofc
In TGWDLM, they were inside the theatre when the meteor landed. Due to that, part of the roof collapsed and pinned their legs underneath rubble. However, with the initial adrenaline kicking in, they were able to get themselves free -undoubtedly with broken legs-and drag themselves to a phone to call for medical help.
He was taken to the hospital, but that mere initial proximity to the meteor was enough for them to pick up a mild cough; being found the next morning reporting no pain and sat up in her hospital bed humming a certain familiar tune.
Later on, Link’s found singing bits and pieces of Mama Mia as all they ever wanted was their family to be seen-and they couldn’t even do that themselves, hiding in the wings rather than under the spotlight.
in the drawing he theoretically should be in a hospital gown but I did not wanna do that because i am lazy <3
In Black Friday, Link planned to just stay home and do some online shopping, but encountered the online discourse about the Wigglys. They inevitably ordered one, despite it being backed up until potentially ‘ next Christmas ‘ with the idea in mind that their kid-sibling would probably love to have a Wiggly.
Until eventually going out later that evening —upon hearing the jingle being played on the television a dozen times over and getting impatient at the fact that they couldn’t wait for the gift to come, or her sibling wouldn’t either.
In Nerdy Prudes Must Die, they’re very much in the background of the hectic blame-game that Hatchetfield spirals into. They aren’t in highschool nor were ever really into sports, so the death of the beloved Maxwell Jägerman and mascot, Richie Lipschitz came as an unaware shock at first.
But hearing so many people accusing other people on what and what-not they couldn’t of done to attribute to the deaths, even close neighbours, made them paranoid enough to stay inside and even contemplating taking a extended stay in Clivesdale to get away from it all.
I may post a full thing of headcanons later tbh idk yet
Also!!! Headcanon ask blog will be coming soon! I just need to draw a cover <3. Thank you to everyone who voted!!
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kaliii-is · 11 months
The stars above us
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Pairing: Regulus Arcturus Black x reader
Summary: After all sneaking out isn’t that bad.
A/n: First fic that i ever post!!! Tell me what you think, i did my best writing this. If there’s any mistakes pls lmk💕
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The corridors always tend to get silent at night, especially on a school night, reason is the students get scared of getting caught. But there always will be some little rebels who think of themselves above the rules, and you definitely weren’t one of them, well that’s what you tried to convince yourself as you were currently drawing in the astronomy tower.
The previous day had been a particularly, let’s say stressful one,as your O.W.Ls were approaching, everyday seemed to get busier, and of course shittier, every week was getting more tiring, more exhausting, you practically reached your limit. And deep down you knew that if you continued at that rate, you would surely be the death of yourself.
So after such a day, you found it only fair if you dedicated some time to yourself without having to worry about what you would do next. After what you thought was 30 minutes, you finally checked your watch, realizing that it has been 2 hours, and even though you would’ve loved to continue the drawing that you started, you followed your better judgement and decided that it was finally time to go back to your dorm.
You packed your stuff and went down the endless stairs that led to the tower, you then were silently walking through the corridors, doing your very best to not draw any attention to yourself, and you succeeded, you were finally able to perceive the door of your house’s common room, and just as you were about to open the door, you felt a harsh tug on your wrist, making you turn around. You searched for the person’s eyes, and when you did find them, you were met with grey eyes. Very uncommon right? Well that definitely wasn’t your first thought, the first thing that you noticed was their undeniable beauty. No living creature could resist those gorgeous eyes, it’s like they were the perfect mix -
- What are you doing here at such an hour?
- I’m sorry?
- What are you doing here? It’s practically one in the morning, you should be in your dorms. Is there a party somewhere or something?
- A party some-? No no, i am alone, look i’m so sorry is there any possible way that i could get my way out of this?
- Really? That’s the best you can do?
- Look i’m not one to usually sneak out-
- But you did it this time, which gives me full power to either take out house points or give you detention.
- How about none?
- This really is your first time huh?
- I told you!
- Look, i’m feeling quite generous right now,so just tell me why you snuck out, and if the reason is good enough, i might let you go with no consequences.
- Really?
- Hurry up i might change my mind.
- Fine, okay , i had a very shitty week, and i didn’t have much time for myself or for anything other than studying actually, so i finally had some time to draw, and i used it. But i can only draw when i’m in the astronomy tower for some reason.
He seemed to consider wether or not he should let you go, but after what felt like forever he finally said.
- Okay, fine , but -
- Oh come on!
- Let me finish or i’ll send you in detention; he stopped waiting for an answer, you obviously gave him none; like i was saying, i’ll let you go if you give me your name.
- Really? That’s it ? Perfect! My name is Y/n L/n. What about you?
- Regulus, Regulus black.
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I do not see Timothee Chalamet as Regulus in this fic, first because i want to give total freedom to the reader, and second due to his latest announcement about the ongoing war in Gaza ( he made a joke about the war). It may seem futile to some people, but when you know that no one dared to make a joke about the war in Ukraine, and that 10 578 people have died during the last month. It’s not funny, it’s cruel.
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ai-the-broccoli · 1 year
The Resignation and Resistance of Yukika Nanase, an analysis
Last Friday (September 29th, 2023) was the 15th of the Eighth Month in the lunar calendar, which is the date of the Mid-Autumn Festival/Chuseok/Tết Trung Thu/Tsukimi/Uposatha, festivals strongly associated with the autumn moon in Asian countries.
Since I happened to have some ThoughtsTM and writings on Yukika Nanase (whose release event, "Otsukimi is After an Elegant Tea Party" was about, well, [O]tsukimi, and who's got a lot to do with Yukika in general), I thought this might be a really good excuse for me to finally officially begin posting on Tumblr! So...
Here is the first one out of a few (perhaps?): a little something I first wrote earlier this year, though now refined, organized, and extended by... maybe over 5 times its original length, for posting on here.
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(official CG of the full moon, as it's depicted in the Yukika-narrated event Otsukimi. why exactly there is a rainbow around it is solely up to interpretation)
You may or may not be aware that Yukika Nanase is one of my favorite characters and main blorbos in Magia Record, and while I'm sure personal preference (and her being Relatable™️ for me) counts for a good part of it as it usually does, I would personally argue that she is also just an exceptionally intriguing character in general.
Typically, the fandom at large seems to view Yukika as a daredevil ojou-sama of sorts and some thrill-seeking gambler (and a character that her designer Masugitsune really likes), etc, etc. Now, it's clear where that image comes from, and by no means is it totally off either, but once you really get around to watching or reading any of her stories, you basically immediately see an entirely different side to her than what you might've assumed from her fandom reputation. almost like... the back side of the moon, so to speak
Now, in the canon story content itself, Yukika is often treated as a somewhat comedic character by the narrative, especially in stories where she's not the main protagonist. By no means is this a complaint or a criticism: Elements of comedy don't make a character any less well-written (unless said comedy is implemented in a way that's ineffective or distracting, but that's another matter entirely), and with Yukika in particular I've found that she often works with comedy excellently.
Besides, the fact she often has a comedic-ish role is largely in line with (and partly because of) Yukika's own extremely effacing perception and framing of herself—however, it also makes it quite easy for one to simply completely overlook her own emotional complexities and problems, both in-universe and among fans in the community. Which is fair, even she herself does it! ...But I do want to draw attention to it here, since it's an aspect of her that's quite interesting to me.
So today I'm going to talk about... Yukika's fatalistic mindset and her mental health.
Long informal analysis under the cut:
[cw: major spoilers for most Yukika-related stories, vague reference to Ashen Revolution's themes and motifs (nothing actually spoilery aside from AR's short very first opening section, which will be directly quoted), clinical discussion of mental health issues, mention of addiction]
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A Magical Girl who has lived without ever straying from the rails laid out for her since childhood. Raised as a young lady, she is able to handle everything with ease, but her self-esteem is extremely low because of all the talented ladies who surround her. Though she was fed up with the boring life she was leading, her life has taken a sharp turn since she became a Magical Girl, and now she is constantly caught up in trouble.
Yukika's Extraordinary Everyday Life
If you're already familiar with any of her canon stories (or have read her official character description above), you must know that Yukika's "main thing" is that she's always involved in all kinds of trouble on an extremely frequent basis.
Like almost any other playable character in MR, she has her moments™️ (and, the fact that she is in constant stress and anxiety due to the passive effect of her wish; when nothing is wrong she keeps worrying something is about to go wrong in no time and she apologizes for it in advance, and when something is wrong, she blames herself for no matter what it is and tries to take responsibility at top speed), but overall Yukika seems generally surprisingly "fine" as in, we pretty much never see her get into any particularly negative emotional outbursts over anything, at all. Despite all the troublesome situations that she never stops finding herself in, she seems decently adjusted and stable (that is, "stable" on the grand scale of things, since everyday instability is her stability), at least among the MR girls we know.
But when you look into why that is the case, you'll kind of see that it's because Yukika actually has her own unique sense of a fatalistic mindset—in that, typically speaking, (there are some notable exceptions, such as when she made her wish) she completely accepts the state of herself and the state of her life as they are, even though they are by no means what she genuinely sees as ideal.
For instance:
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[Though with all that said, I am, so to speak, in the role of "Villager A". - Yukika]
Yukika: (As I was one of many “Black Feathers”...) Yukika: (I didn't have any desire to advance and become a White Feather someday.) Yukika: (Because those White Feathers who manage the Black Feathers are more suited to shining...) Yukika: Yes, like the pride of Mizuna Girls Academy, Akatsuki Tsukuyo-senpai…! Yukika: Even in Mizuna Ward, where many wealthy families produce polished children, Akatsuki-senpai is a genuine charm... Yukika: ...Just like the full moon. Yukika: (While I get saddled with Student Council Officer duty almost every year because I seem "sort of" ladylike, whatever that means...) Yukika: (Akatsuki-senpai has an aura leagues above mine.)
she looks weirdly happy in the last two (pretty self-deprecatory) lines here and then goes on to talk about how her presence is so faint that Akatsuki-senpai still doesn't know she's a Magical Girl yet, whi— ANYWAY I digress
From this early part of Otsukimi, we see that Yukika has a crush on Tsukuyo (for legal reasons this is completely? a joke) a pretty set idea of what her "role" in this world is supposed to be (i.e. she has a "fixed mindset", as some may call it, as opposed to a "growth" one), and that is the role of a "Villager A"—basically meaning an NPC character, to put it in more common terms.
Yukika: (Looking for a substitute for Akatsuki-senpai and being mistaken for Akatsuki-senpai…) Yukika: (Despite her absence from beginning to end, she's got the sense of presence of a true protagonist!) Yukika: (It's getting more impossible by the second for a minor role like me to pretend to be her...)
And this attitude is very telling of her outlook on life as a whole.
Student Council President: That’s right. Will you accept? Yukika: Please leave it to me. Yukika: Our already-busy President shouldn't have to deal with this kind of hassle. Yukika: As the lowliest Student Council Officer, I think that I'm the right person for the job. Girl A: ...Oh, I’ll help you too! Student Council President: Thank you, it’ll be a huge help. Yukika: By "the lowliest Student Council Officer", I mean the Student Council Chore Officer, of which one is selected from each class. Yukika: My job is to gracefully prepare the tea in the student council room, help pour the tea for the exchange parties, and so on. Yukika: ...That's a tremendously misleading description, of course. Yukika: But in short, since it's hardly comparable to the Student Council President, who's elected by the whole school, and the Class President, who's elected from her class's honor students... Yukika: The job naturally gets foisted on me, the vaguely cultured-ish girl with no aura and hardly any presence!
From her rank in the Wing of the Magius as a "lowly Black Feather", to her duty in the student council as the "Student Council Chore Officer", Yukika views her roles and positions of insignificance as essentially predetermined things that she—as a self-perceived NPC figure—is simply matched for by nature; and she never even considers the idea of breaking out of this status quo, because, to her, it is simply a fact of life.
and you may notice this in the way Yukika presents/frames things—anything—in general, too; she's basically got an attitude of "ah well, of course, things are how they are; now let me deal with it so it doesn't trouble anyone else" toward basically everything, ever.
This brings me to my next point...
A Bunny Caught in the Tracks of Orbit
Yukika: Speaking of the moon, I used to wonder when I was a kid... Yukika: When the moon faces the Earth, it only shows the side with the rabbit and its mochi. Yukika: Why doesn’t it show the “other face” on it’s back? Yukika: According to my physics teacher, this is because the moon’s cycle of “revolution” and “rotation” is the same. Yukika: It’s apparently quite common in space. Yukika: (I don’t know what the standard of “common” is in space, but...) Yukika: Ah... I am Yukika Nanase, a first-year student at Mizuna's Girls Academy and a Magical Girl. Yukika: Yes, I am one of those who reluctantly set foot into the world of Magical Girls— Yukika: the "other side" of common sense, that most people will live their lives without ever knowing.
(excerpt from the start of Otsukimi, slightly condensed for format)
It is very clear from Yukika's Magical Girl attire that she's associated with rabbits/bunnies—partly for the casino aesthetics, partly for the Alice's Adventures in Wonderland reference, and partly because of the Moon, which is heavily associated with rabbits in Japanese culture. Namely, there is the legend of the moon rabbit, a mythical creature said to live on the moon, as Yukika herself references in the excerpt above.
Now, the next part is going to look like a bit of a stretch if taken to be actual speculation of canon, but to be clear that is not my intention; it is merely a connection I made/similarity I noticed, and I figured it would be interesting to bring up.
(...Actually that does remind me, I should probably clarify here that this entire analysis is, in fact, of my own personal interpretations of the content presented in the game itself, rather than what I theorize to be the deliberate intention of the writers.)
With that out of the way, let's look at the opening section of Ashen Revolution:
Rabi: We can never stop the never-ending movement of the starry sky. Urara: However much I practice, I can never defy the gravitational pull drawing the diabolo. Alexandra: No matter how much I raise my voice, without this atmosphere, my melody will never resonate. Asahi: Yes, we are forever under the control of the unseen. Asahi: Like this rabbit, it lost its life at the hands of my unseen self. Asahi: Everything is made by the natural order, and being at the mercy of it is a fate we must resign ourselves to...
I won't go into details about AR here since on a technical level Yukika is entirely unrelated to it, but it is an event about the struggle of Magical Girls, who help people in secret but remain completely unknown, unacknowledged, and not understood. Which...
compare Yukika's previously quoted monologue, in which she compares the world of Magical Girls, which "most people will live their lives without ever knowing", to the backside of the moon.
Coincidentally, Yukika's own character is also all about helping people in the background and never ever being acknowledged (to a higher degree than the average MR girl). Relatedly, she also notably possesses a level of figurative invisibility/unseenness similar to the AR girls, through her entire recurring "faint presence" thing.
So, as seen in the AR excerpt above, the rabbit motif is used to demonstrate their helplessness in the hands of fate—or in their specific case, "fate" as in what they perceive to be the "Will of the Universe".
Well, funnily enough…
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[Yes, I believe it's all due to the Great and Terrible Will of the Universe... - Yukika]
Yukika: (Here it is, the new hassle..!) Yukika: (The schedule has returned to a blank slate…) Yukika: (Rather, things have actually gotten worse thanks to the passage of time.) Yukika: (How can I put this? It’s as if...) Yukika: (It's as if some great and terrible will of the universe is at work,) Yukika: (and is specifically targeting me and creating trouble.)
…alright, so this is 99.1% a coincidence, especially because the two terms don’t use the same word for “will of the universe” in the original Japanese text, but it’s pretty crazy nonetheless.
In any case, the themes of fate and fortune are indeed actually heavily featured in Yukika’s own character. There’s her gambling motif as seen in her story, design, and gameplay alike, and her entire “keeps getting caught up in troublesome matters” thing, which is the result of her wish.
And how does she see it?
Girl A: Wouldn’t that mean you’d have more work? Yukika: Please don’t worry. Yukika: Dealing with trouble is my fate. Girl A: …Fate? Yukika: Ah, nothing! Let’s hurry! Girl A: Yeah, got it! Yukika: (Yes, I am involved in trouble on a daily basis.) Yukika: (It’s the “fate” that has been decided for me ever since I became a Magical Girl.)
"Fate". Once again, we see a certain degree of fatalism in Yukika's worldview, especially in regard to herself. Rather than a choice she's made on her own, she sees her behavior/self-imposed duty of helping everyone out as the luck of the draw, something that is "decided for" her.
And this part is extremely significant because it offers us a particularly revealing look into her mindset:
The truth is, in spite of everything she goes out of her way to do daily in order to resolve trouble and help/save other people, without actually being forced to do any of that by anything or anyone, Yukika sees literally all of those actions as passive acts rather than something she's doing out of her own free will (and isn't actually obliged to do, really)—because, no matter what she does she only thinks of it as the predetermined consequences of her own choice, for these issues are always the fault of the wish she personally made (or so she thinks), thus the responsibility to resolve them naturally always falls on her shoulder, which is why there's really never anything to brag about about this, according to Yukika.
As for why and how she made such a wish in the first place, that is explained to us in her MSS:
Yukika: …I do think that I was blessed in many ways during my upbringing. Yukika: But one day, um… In spite of all that luxury, Yukika: when I thought of how from then on, rather than moving forward with my own strength, Yukika: I would instead be riding the train toward the future on the tracks built by my parents, Yukika: I started to feel like I wasn’t really “living” at all…
Not necessarily relevant, but for a bit of a linguistic context, the word for “tracks” (in the sense of “rails; train tracks”) and the word meaning “orbit” (as in the trajectory of a celestial body around another; the curved course of a satellite) is the same word in Japanese (and various other languages. Which makes sense, since even the English term “orbit” was derived from the Latin word “orbita” meaning “tracks; course”); hence my title for this section. anyway this ties into the motif of gravity as seen in Urara's line above
Very interestingly, the original line here too explicitly uses train and train track imagery as a metaphor for the course of life and fate, similar to how it's used to symbolize these things in Kenji Miyazawa's The Night on the Galactic Railroad, and by extension Magia Record, which takes a lot from Miyazawa's works.
Speaking of which, that brings us to our next, largest, and final section...
A Thin Ice Between Life and Death
buckle up guys, it's got three parts
Pt. 1. The Rabbit with a Death Wish
Earlier on, I said Yukika accepts her life as-is, but really, she also fully accepts her death as-is. While her heart does desire to feel "alive", and it is for that, rather than any active desire to actually die, that she longs to be at the brink of death, it is... actually a bit worrying, how little she feels like she has to live for.
Well, let's look at the part in Otsukimi when she thought she was going to die to the powerful Witch:
Yukika: (Ah… There’s blood coming from my mouth. This is called hematemesis, right?) Yukika: (I'm... definitely a goner at this point.) Yukika: (But despite that... No, maybe because of that...?) Yukika: (My head's perfectly clear, and I'm getting tons of adrenaline.) Yukika: (Way more than when I bet all of the coins I have…) Yukika: (I feel like I’m alive!) Yukika: Hehe... Yukika: (...Wow. I must be kind of crazy.) Nanny Witch: …………!! Yukika: Kwaah…!! Yukika: Hehehe... I've got plenty where that came from! Yukika: ...Is what I'd like to boast right now. Yukika: But my battery is dead. [the image of Hotori and Rion flashes before her eyes] Yukika: (I’m going to die without being able to do anything…) Yukika: (I wonder if that unknown White Feather felt the same chagrin…) [the image of Hotori and Rion flashes before her eyes] Yukika: I’m sorry… Yukika: I won’t be seeing you two at the moon viewing party. Yukika: .............
...maybe it's just me, but it strikes me as unusual and almost alarming how little she seems to feel like she has to live for, you know? Like, Rion and Hotori are a pair of girls who she literally just met this afternoon. And they (and her not being able to defeat this threat on other people's lives) are somehow her biggest regrets.
And like, Yukika isn't just like this here. Whether you say it's for thrills or for other people's sake (it's usually initially the latter with the extra bonus of the former sometimes), she never even hesitates to put her life on the line. It's kind of sad, really.
This makes sense, though; this sort of attitude tracks perfectly with the abysmally low value she attributes to herself and her existence (again, in her eyes, she is literally just the most basic NPC ever, and who cares about what happens to a random NPC? well actually several people in this fandom do care, including me, but it's not like Yukika Nanase would know that).
In fact, let's look at the legend about the moon rabbit that I mentioned earlier. A quick online search would tell you that it's a mythical figure in East Asian and indigenous American folklore, based on pareidolic interpretations that identify the dark markings on the near side of the Moon as a hare or rabbit
As a side note, this is (accidentally?) fitting in the context of her own perceived "lowliness" (+ faint presence and all) against Tsukuyo's full moon-like brilliance... but I should probably leave that for another analysis oops (assuming I ever write one)
who (in East Asian folklore) pounds the elixir of life (according to Chinese and Vietnamese interpretations), or rice cakes such as the mochi (Japanese and Korean interpretations).
But how come the Moon Rabbit arrived on the Moon?
There's a story behind it that originates from Tale 316 of the Buddhist Jataka tales, and a derived version of it appears in the Japanese anthology, Konjaku Monogatarishū.
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According to the Japanese folklore:
The rabbit, as well as the hare, have long been associated with moon deities, and may signify rebirth or resurrection. According to legend, an old man who lived on the moon decided to visit Earth. A group of animals saw what they thought was an old beggar who was starving. “Poor beggar, he looks hungry and has no food. Let us give him some food”. First, the monkey plucked some fruit from the trees. He brought the fruits and laid them in front of the old beggar. Next, the otter collected some fish and brought it to the old beggar. The jackal was too lazy to find something that the beggar could eat, so he caught the first animal he could - a lizard, and placed it in front of the old beggar, along with some water. The rabbit did not know what to get for the old beggar. He was not good at catching animals or fish, nor could he scale trees and get fruit. He only knew how to gather grass, but humans didn’t eat grass. Having nothing to offer, he sat in a corner unhappy. Suddenly he remembered that humans like to eat meat. So he got up happily, prepared a fire and jumped into it, having decided to cook himself for the unknown old man. The fire did not burn the rabbit! The old man revealed himself to be Sakra, the ruler of Gods. “You have been very kind and selfless.” he said to the rabbit. Touched by the rabbit’s selflessness and virtue, he drew the likeness of the rabbit on the moon. “Henceforth, for all ages, all those who will look at the moon, will see your shape in it and remember your kindness.
(the story of Tsuki no Usagi, from here. lightly adjusted for formatting and such)
Most versions of this myth have roughly the same story, with the identities of the rabbit's companions varying. Interestingly, the legends of Moon Rabbits among some indigenous cultures of North and Central America often tell an extremely similar story as well. For example:
According to an Aztec legend, the god Quetzalcoatl, then living on Earth as a human, started on a journey and, after walking for a long time, became hungry and tired. With no food or water around, he thought he would die. Then a rabbit grazing nearby offered herself as food to save his life. Quetzalcoatl, moved by the rabbit's noble offering, elevated her to the Moon, then lowered her back to Earth and told her, "You may be just a rabbit, but everyone will remember you; there is your image in light, for all people and for all times."
(from Wikipedia)
The Jakata version of the tale relates that this event took place on Uposatha, which is the same night as Tsukimi. And while it’s hard to say for certain that this was 100% a deliberate reference, it’s definitely not farfetched to connect this legend to what Yukika does on Tsukimi in her debut event, and in general.
Deeming herself a thoroughly unnoteworthy person with nothing special to offer, she's extremely willing to throw herself into anything from minor inconveniences to life-threatening dangers, as long as it's to help someone else. Because, as noted by Tsukasa and Mifuyu in her MSS...
Tsukasa: I mean, she says she’s "dragged into it" by the effect of her wish... Tsukasa: But really, isn’t she taking on this lost child of her own volition? Mifuyu: She’s the type of girl who could never leave someone in need alone, no matter what. Mifuyu: So, from her perspective, it’s the same as being dragged into things. Tsukasa: …What a kind girl.
...So, honestly, I have no doubt that she would have no hesitation in doing the same thing as the original Moon Rabbit did in the legend, had she been in his/its situation.
Yet the thing is, as Mifuyu analyzes above and according to Yukika's own words about "fate" prior, Yukika never sees what she does as anything exceptional because, in her eyes, she's only doing what she's naturally supposed to do, and what she probably (incorrectly) assumes to be what anyone in her circumstances would also do. Thus, she never sees any merit in those actions and she refuses to take credit for them, trying to remain in the background because she firmly believes that's just where she belongs by nature. but more on her self-effacement next time.
Now, onto the secondary reason she's eager to throw herself into danger:
Her thrill-seeking instinct.
Though it's a well-known fact about Yukika that she is quite a reckless gambler, have you ever wondered...
Why is she like this in the first place?
Pt. 2. The Psychology of an Ennuyé Bunny
in which I accidentally turned the analysis post into a psych diagnosis of a mostly unspecified mental condition I swear as a distinctly not STEM person I went out of my way to do scientific research this time, please bear with it if you don't mind
Of course, there's a canon explanation for this in Yukika's MSS, where it is discussed.
Tsukasa: …medal games? Yukika: When I abandon myself in an all-or-nothing, do-or-die game, I can forget for a moment about my boring daily life. Yukika: So… going to the arcade after school to play medal games became a hobby of mine. Yukika: I even secretly bought a casino set, and now stare at it at home every night…  Mifuyu: …Your escape from reality, I see. Yukika: Exactly. Tsukasa: If that’s the worst you can do, then you really are a true lady.
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(Seen in her MSS and personal memoria, this is the casino set she secretly keeps in her closet but only ever stares at, without actually doing anything with it.)
As Mifuyu puts it, Yukika finds in small acts of gambling an escape from her boring reality, and as she said in her wish, what she wanted was "the feeling of being alive".
This is, statedly, due to her boredom* more on this later from following a predetermined life path (hence her wish being an act of defiance against fate, one which she is shown to be deeply ashamed of), but also...
...you know how substance abuse, excessive gambling, and other forms of addictions often co-occur with mental health issues?
In many such cases, said addiction can be the consequence as well as the cause of these issues
because for people with symptoms of depression, anxiety, executive dysfunction (and any other kind of stress or motivation issues, etc.), activities like alcohol and gambling provide them with a temporary source of ease, escape, and/or brain chemicals of the likes of catecholamines* see explanation later, any of which they might lack otherwise.
Besides, executive dysfunction (which is seen in many different mental conditions) can also mean worse inhibition control in both thoughts and behavior, which makes people with executive function issues particularly susceptible to addiction to physiological-rewarding behaviors, in more ways than one.
So... while I'm not going to pin anything particularly specific on her (okay I lied I'll say here she clearly does show symptoms of general anxiety at least, even if that's solely induced by the effects of her wish and not something originally innate to her, but that's mildly beside the point here since I'm more talking about the cause of her wish instead of the consequence), I don't think it's that much of a stretch to speculate that Yukika might have a mental condition or two that contributed to her unbearable "boredom" with her routine everyday life at that time.
Many studies have shown that executive function problems (as seen in various different conditions including neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD and ASD, or mood disorders such as depression and bipolar) may be caused by imbalances and deficits in certain key neurotransmitters, such as:
dopamine, and
noradrenaline (a.k.a. norepinephrine)
...both of which are among the 3 catecholamine hormones & neurotransmitters, alongside adrenaline a.k.a epinephrine.
for reference, common ADHD meds like amphetamine (Adderall, etc.) and methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta, etc.) are often catecholamine analogs or serve the same function, that is to say, they're used to increase the amount of dopamine and noradrenaline released by the patient's adrenal glands.
You may have realized that this isn’t exactly the first mention of adrenaline in this post. Indeed, Yukika herself brought it up in the earlier excerpt from Otsukimi where she experiences a rush of adrenaline at death’s door.
Adrenaline and noradrenaline both fall under what's considered “stress hormones”. Along with dopamine, they're a big part of what activates the fight-or-flight response (or to put it in more medical terms, the "acute stress response") in a person, as the catecholamines increase heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, muscle strength, mental alertness and more.
Between the two, adrenaline is released by your body when you experience acute or chronic stress, in preparation to protect itself against real or perceived danger.
On the other hand, noradrenaline is continuously released into circulation at low levels, but the amount produced also increases in response to stress and fright.
(By the way, adrenaline is made from noradrenaline, and noradrenaline is made from dopamine.)
...Right, well, all this neuroscience stuff and I still haven't made my point yet. But basically, what I mean is that there's enough canon evidence for me to believe the odds are that Yukika Nanase is not precisely a neurotypical individual, no matter what her problem(s) actually is in exact.
This is evident in her...
Chronic boredom (sometimes synonymous with "ennui") prior to making her contract, indicative of a depleted reward system
Attraction toward gambling and other risky behaviors that act as stimuli and generate the release of catecholamines in her brain
Possession of a certain level of impulsivity, and engagement in reckless & risky activities
Novelty-seeking attitude and behavior
As previously discussed, those traits above are primarily observed in Yukika's wish, the circumstances and reasons behind her wish, and her thrill-chasing attitude and behavior, including her fondness for medal games.
Like, if you read what Biser Angelov says about the connection between ADHD and boredom (the article is about ADHD specifically, but you can apply this particular section's info to other conditions with cognitive dysfunction as well):
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As you can see, the screenshotted paragraphs discuss similar ideas to what I've been talking about in this subsection, and I'm sure you can see from here how the situation described indeed applies to Yukika, especially with her state before her wish.
In addition, let's examine the psychology of a thrill seeker. Yukika fits the description of what we would call an "adrenaline junkie", being particularly into thrills and dangerous situations. But what exactly makes thrilling sensations so appealing to a so-called "adrenaline junkie"?
You may or may not have heard of the Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS), originally published by psychologist Marvin Zuckerman in 1964 as a measure of sensation seeking that encompasses and evaluates an individual’s personality traits of thrill and adventure seeking, disinhibition, experience seeking, and susceptibility to boredom. A study about the brains of people with high scores on the SSS shows that under chaotic/dangerous/troublesome circumstances, these people tend to excrete less cortisol and more dopamine in response to the situations, compared to those who score low.
Now, cortisol is also a stress hormone, but it generally generates more feelings of what we actually consider "stress" compared to dopamine (and other catecholamines), which is instead more associated with feelings of pleasure and attention. So, during those highly chaotic experiences, those with a thrill-seeking constitution are more likely to feel good and elated instead of feeling burdened by stress, and the experiences thus become exciting to them rather than suffocating.
Considering the factors analyzed above, this might be the case for Yukika as well. If her brain suffered from a deficiency of catecholamines on mundane days but could produce much of those energizing neurotransmitters and hormones under stress and fright, it would explain why she enjoys high-risk/near-death experiences (and gambling) and finds being in chaotic troublesome situations to elevate a good portion of her boredom.
Moreover, the need for higher stimulation in children with executive dysfunction is backed by scientific research, according to this article on the link between ADHD and high-risk behavior.
Other studies (Zentall and Zentall 1983 and Douglas 1983) indicate that children with attention problems need a higher level of stimulation. According to the research, children with ADHD are under-aroused by dull or repetitive tasks and will seek out high-interest or high-risk activities to compensate. Further, (Farley 1981, 1985) children that are under-aroused will search for more intense activities and will be more open to different experiences. They will prefer complex tasks to simple tasks; will seek new and novel experiences that include the need for high energy and high risk. In short, Farley found that children with hyperactivity seek high stimulation. His recommendations for children with hyperactivity included modifications to education to include more interactive and creative experiences to provide the extra stimulation needed.
Many other scientific studies, such as this one conducted in 2021, have also proven that ADHD, a major symptom of which is executive dysfunction, is "uniquely linked to a pervasive pattern of engagement in risky behaviors", spanning across various domains, including gambling.
Moving on, Yukika also has the tendency to:
Ramble a lot (in her head and otherwise) while jumping from one topic to the next, sometimes in ways that would be considered... whimsical?
Accidentally think aloud, or vocalize things that she has no intention of letting the other party hear about, without realizing it until she sees their reaction
Despite her own opinion, Yukika actually stands out to me as quite capable, intelligent, and resilient in various areas (especially when you consider how honestly difficult her everyday life is like).
That said, the way she thinks and talks does sometimes give off the impression of some sort of scatter-mindedness, and when we spend time in her head we see that Yukika kind of zones in and zones out of conversations sometimes because there’s always so much going on in her brain (partly thanks to her full awareness of her own trouble-attracting nature, but I kinda get the feeling she was probably kinda like that even before becoming a Magical Girl), causing her to blurt out to people things she doesn’t mean to tell them about at times.
There are several instances of this in Otsukimi, including the “dealing with trouble is my fate” comment she didn’t mean to let that random girl hear about in the earlier excerpt, and the Great and Terrible Will of the Universe remark (as seen in a previous screenshot) wasn’t meant for the Tea Ceremony Club’s leader’s ears either.
As for her erratic thought patterns in general, you can probably see the way her internal thoughts are always constantly racing throughout the entire event. In fact, one can just look at the very start of Otsukimi for an example. And in a different scene, we see Yukika suddenly wondering to herself, while very sincerely navigating the problems in an attempt to solve them:
Yukika: (This time, I’ll find the cause of the trouble!) Yukika: (I’ll definitely reveal it...) Yukika: (Just what the Great and Terrible Will of the Universe (Tentative Name) actually is!) Yukika: ………… Yukika: (I doubt it'd happen, but just imagine...) Yukika: (The moment I step into the old school building, everyone yells "Happy Birthday!",) Yukika: (and this mob of well-wishers swallows me whole.) Yukika: (If nothing else, please let me be spared the embarrassment of such a turn of events...) Yukika: (Ah, and maybe even Akatsuki-senpai is in the act.) Yukika: ...Yeah, I think not. Yukika: I mean, it's already past my birthday for starters...
...yeah. Doesn't particularly read like the thought process of a neurotypical kid to me, but hey, who knows, maybe that's just me.
Moreover, she also shows signs of:
Anxiety and restlessness (the former of which was either caused by her wish or marginally increased by it)
Low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, and (debatably) inappropriate guilt
...etc, etc.
Overall, I believe that more than sufficient evidence is present in canon for one to see Yukika as having one or more mental conditions that come with executive dysfunction, and interpret her behavior and thinking through such an explanation.
Pt. 3. The Girl Who Wants to Live
On a note directly related to my conclusion in Pt. 2, I'm going to take a moment to compare and contrast Yukika to one of her better friends, Yuuna Kaharu.
Now, I personally believe that Yukika is quite a parallel to Yuuna in various ways, and Yuuna in The Flower that Blooms in a Hollow Heart definitely reads to me as having depression. I'd say the parallel is most obvious (to me) in like, Yukika's "I feel like I'm not really alive because all I'm doing is living the boring luxurious life to the future that my parents planned for me" (Yukika MSS, paraphrased) vs Yuuna's "I'm an empty shell blessed by the lucky life handed by me by my parents on a golden plate, only living because I'm not dead yet" (Hollow Heart, also paraphrased).
Yukika and Yuuna are also character foils, however, in that Yuuna has an arc centered on growth and she is able to advance forward because she finds herself a clear and defined goal in Mami, whom she sees as a role model that she aims to become like one day. On the other hand, Yukika establishes right at the very start of Otsukimi that she had never any desire to advance upward, whether in WoM or in school, because it was supposedly people like Tsukuyo who were suited for such better roles, and to Yukika, that's simply how it is.
There is another striking difference between them, and that is that Yuuna is unabashed in taking credit for when she's done something good, whereas Yukika times and times again brushes off any help she's offered with an "oh it's nothing special / it's already over with so let's not talk about it" kind of attitude, because that's really just how she sees it.
As examined earlier, this is largely due to her low self-worth and her perception of everything as her own natural responsibility. The unfortunate thing is that this self-effacing attitude, on top of her already faint presence and all, makes her even more unnoticed and her deeds completely unacknowledged.
And then, by further preventing most people from recognizing Yukika and her efforts, it reinforces her mindset about her lowly faint presence and further contributes to her lack of self-worth, which in turn makes her value her life even less, altogether creating a vicious feedback loop.
Yukika speaks of having friends in class, but with the way she talks about it, they don't seem all that close to her and they're definitely not people she could fully open her heart to.
see the fact that she's very concerned that her classmates and school friends mustn't hear about her visits to the arcades; she is never really seen thinking much about them on-screen, going to them for help, or worrying about any particularly important school friend when the whole school is in trouble, etc.
In canon, there are like only three named characters who consistently notice Yukika and actively try to pay attention to and care about her (Rion & Hotori, later Yuuna), and none of them even go to the same school as her.
And because Yukika has this somewhat fatalistic mindset, no defined aims or goals in life, and effectively actively discourages people from noticing her, she is likely to just... stay this way, unlike Yuuna.
Like, Yukika is just a weirdly really static character in her default state. As someone who's tried to work with her as a major character in a story, it's honestly kind of crazy how I always absolutely have to throw her into some odd situation where another character actively tells Yukika that she (and she specifically) should try to change or grow, as long as I want to make her undergo any dynamic character development. Otherwise, her usual mentality typically completely blocks any possible self-development of the introspective kind from happening.
To me, there's something rather... subtly tragic(?) about this, but...
Yeah, so, I for one do believe that Yukika still has the quality for future growth. Not sure if it could happen in the game or not, but like, I do think that can still happen to her as a person. And more than that...
In spite of everything I've been saying up till this point, Yukika's core desire is "to live".
It's in the wish she made. It's why she chases excitement the way she does. Indeed, Yukika is relatively easily self-sacrificial as a result of the "low self-worth + too kind" combo and she seeks to experience the brink of death for a wholly different reason, but truly, her overall main subconscious drive is to feel alive.
And the most paradoxical thing here is the fact that her longing to experience a brush with death stems from her desire to live, rather than a desire to die; not only thanks to the catecholamines rush, but also because it is through the fact that the chance of death exists for one that their life is so meaningful. (or so goes my personal opinion, in any case)
After all...
Yukika: Wow... Student Council President: What do you think about it? Yukika: Yes... Yukika: I'm so glad to have been born on a planet with a moon! Student Council President: You… you're that moved by it? Yukika: Yes. Yukika: I thought that I wouldn't live to see it again. Student Council President: Okay…?? [...] Yukika: The same old face of the moon as always. The same boring world as always... Yukika: Tonight, they both shine brilliantly to me.
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Even though her everyday life is tedious, her self-esteem dreadful, her mindset somewhat fatalistic, and something's up with her brain chemicals too...
Deep down in her heart, the thing Yukika Nanase truly wants is to be alive.
And I don't know about you but... man. I find that very moving, you know?
That's all, folks!
This concludes my essay. Basically, my big main point is that Yukika is certainly one of the most characters of all time and should be cherished at all costs.
Thanks for reading this (very long) propaganda analysis post to the end, and I’ll see you next time o7
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messinwitheddie · 7 months
1:Whatever happened to Yeet after Tallest Purple died? Where was she?
2:Cini doesn’t it burn when you let smoke go through your eyes? Why not blow it out?
3:Does Tak have a scar on her abdomen? What happened there?
4:Who would look best in a two piece swimsuit? Tallest Dava? Kii or Miyuki?
5:Dib’s son had kids, right? The twin babies?
6:Hows the professor coming along?
All very good questions, which is why I feel obligated to warn everyone cringe, self-indulgent answers are ahead.
1. Yeet ends up deserting the Irken empire altogether for Mem's hive. She agrees to let Zim downgrade her PAK, severing herself from the CB's core collective. She stays in Mem's hive and continues to perform lookout/ guard duties as well as assist Purple with certain everyday tasks, as he is rendered disabled after being cut off from things like his hovor belts/ smart gauntlets (hence why he often walks with a cane after being de-measured. The measuring process is very damaging to the body.)
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Yeet also volunteeres to lead an exploration expedition across Mem's mystery planet to help gather information about the surface beyond Mem's hive's known territories. She helped Zim, Dib and Reg draw accurate maps and extensively document the flora and fauna of the continent the hive occupies and eventually the whole planet.
In between expeditions, Yeet volunteers to bodyguard the Resisty-serving Cantina Gir (or frylord “Gorr-May" as he is eventually knighted after earning the title of Frylord in his own right) secretly opens on Mem’s mystery planet. Gir/Gorr-May is only able to sneak away and cook at the cantina occasionally, as the CB full system takeover puts him/ his employees at a huge risk. His apprentice, Mem's daughter, Vicious, does most of the cooking for the cantina.
Yeet provides Mem's hive with a much needed boost in silk, as her “condition" never improves, so she volunteers her time to silk spinning, laundry and mending clothes. She makes dolls for the smeets/ other infant species in her spare time. Yeet enjoys much more meaningful enrichment after joining Mem's hive. She stays active, happy and very much appreciated there, even if her and Gir/Gorr-May never have a swarm of their own (a mutual agreement between the two if them.).
Where Yeet is exactly when Purple dies, is not yet determined. She is very upset when she discovered he had passed. She mourned him deeply; Purple was one of her best friends, despite everything. He even officiated her and Gir's union.
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2. Cini has a bad habit of holding in when he puffs on his amber pipe because he believes the old superstition that doing so will increase the effects of the amber (somehow smoke is able to pass through Irken tear ducts in my personal head canon. This is unhealthy and unnecessary. Do not hold in smoke. Don’t smoke in general, in case any minors are ignoring my blog boundaries lol).
3. Tenn (whispering) “That's just a prominent stretch mark from our pregnancies. She's a little bitter. Mine all faded before hers, so just don’t bring it up. She trained our swarms to attack on command.”
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Tak “I can hear you over there!”
4. Why do you have to pit 3 bad bitches against each other? ^0
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5.You know what? I cannot for the life of me find the drawing you are referring to. Slowly but surely , I'm organizing my drawing room, but have yet to come across it. It is lost in tumblr limbo for sure.
I changed the story around since drawing/ posting that.
Reg temporarily cuts ties with both the Membrane and Van Verminstrasser families while in college during his early to mid 20’s. He goes through a whole para-spiritual/ environmental extremist fase. Part of the reason he joins Dib on his second trip to Mem's planet is to dodge arrest for “acts of environmental terrorism" in several countries. At some point in that time frame Reg sires a daughter, Prisha, shortly after his baby sister, Wyn, is born. (Dib and Mabel struggle to have a child for years before Mabel agrees to use ML’s cloning facilities. It's a whole thing. Yes, Dib is VERY upset he missed the birth of his grandchild.)
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(Wyn and Prisha grow up to be close friends. Prisha regularly guest stars on Wyn's reboot of "Probing the Membrane of Science" show.
Reg and Prisha's life research/ field work is a major reason why Dib's great(s) grandson, Dro's generation of humans can still breathe clean air/ drink fresh water on Earth in the distant future.)
Dib is most likely holding both his daughter and granddaughter in that drawing. He and Reg slowly repair their bond, to the whole family ‘s/ Zim's relief.
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6. Prof Membrane is very much enjoying his retirement by living his lifelong dream of exploring/ researching the uncharted depths of the earth's oceans. Dib is proud of his dad and extremely happy for him, but at the same time is constantly nervous something will go wrong and personally checks in on the Prof's research team/ inspects the equipment involved in the expedition.
[Slowly but surely I will start answering asks again soon. Been working on other things. Sorry...]
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sacredjake · 2 years
Can you explain what you know about the twins chart? Like what it all means. I’m trying to get astrology but it can be confusing sometimes lol
absolutely! i will say, i am no expert so i very well can be wrong about things or interpretations. astrology definitely can be confusing and it took me awhile to understand even half of it, i’m still learning new things everyday. if you are interested in it though, don’t let that stop you because it truly is fascinating.
i’m really only looking at their sun-mars because those are the ones i usually read for others and i am still learning about saturn and jupiter. lol this is gonna be long…
okay so about the twin’s chart, they have:
sun: taurus
moon: cancer
mercury: taurus
venus: gemini
mars: aries
with them having a moon in cancer (which cancer is ruled by the moon and the moon represents emotions) they probably feel emotions very strongly and are sensitive to others and in general. they are also probably very in touch with their feelings and may not be afraid to show them or they may not be able to hide them.
with mercury in taurus they speak almost methodically, carefully choosing the right words to explain or express something. i think they could come off blunt at times. but they speak in a calm, yet definitive way to get the point across. i definitely think this is shown very well in their interviews. they also just have such a beautiful way of speaking that almost is poetic because taurus is ruled by venus (the planet of love and relationships). so they really draw people in with words or how they speak. in a different post explained i read a book that said people with mercury in taurus are often talented singers with soothing voices. which was so fascinating to me.
their venus is in gemini and gemini is an adventurer who loves mental stimulation and loves many different things. with this being their venus they often seek friends or partners who can keep them mentally intrigued and love exploring new things about life. gemini is ruled by mercury the planet of communications, so they love to talk and they talk a lot. they love talking about their interests and when someone shares those interests, you best believe they will never stop talking. in a friendship or relationship they might be big on communication and might be effective communicators especially with their moon in cancer and mercury in taurus.
as for mars, their mars is at home in aries, just like their cancer moons. aries is ruled by mars and mars is the planet of energy, drive, desire, passion and sex. it can also tell someone how you approach or handle conflicts. simply put, mars knows what it wants. with theirs being in aries, there’s definitely some chaotic energy there. they are full of energy and when they want something they will get it. if there is a conflict there is no beating around the bush, or sweeping it under the rug and they might face things head on. they might be competitive in nature and always striving to be the best or even a better version of themselves.
so as a summary because all of the signs and planets work together:
i would say with them having an aries mars and cancer moon that they are very upfront about their emotions and might have to work hard to control them. in a relationship/friendship they might be very effective at communicating in general, but also their feelings or how they feel and why they feel. they could come off very blunt maybe at times when they are feeling a lot of emotions like stress or anger. they are passionate about the things they love, period. they are probably very protective of loved ones and would fight to the end to protect them. flirty, and smooth talkers. would probably enjoy staying up late with a friend or partner talking about the meaning of life or a passion the two share. like learning new hobbies. they are probably really good listeners and people may even trust them with their secrets or spill their guts to them all the time.
these are my interpretations based off of what i’ve experienced or read. feel free to ask more questions! i’m sorry it took so long to get back to you, i wanted to make sure i was able to give you background info and really take the time to give you the best interpretation i can! hopefully this is what you were looking for! … also sorry that this was so long lol
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clarktooncrossing · 1 year
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There is a madness deep in the dark catacombs of Castle Clarkenstein. For years these claustrophobic corridors have been the home of the ghoulish giraffe himself, watching as the world passes by. He prefers it this way. It gives him more time alone with the voices. The voices tell him many strange things. Yet they always come back to one: make more monsters! Everyday they tell him this. Everyday he is unable to comply. Hey, being a mad scientist on a budget means he can’t afford the fancy scientific equipment needed to breathe life into newborn abominations. Guy’s gotta afford pizza somehow. Luckily, he has discovered a way of sorts to please the voices. During all those years of watching, Dr. Clarkenstein noticed a particular pattern. Every night during October saw artists posting new pictures based on peculiar prompts. Many of them based on children of the night. While the spotted specter might not be able to craft new zombies, he can sure as heck sketch’m! As such, I provide this friendly warning to you all now: Be afraid. Few people can survive the horrors that are DUDELZ of the Damned!
By that I mean I decided to do my own take on Sketchtober this year just minus the prompts. Anybody gotta problem with that? Tough, cuz I already drew this crap so you might as well check it out.
Avast me mateys, gather ‘round as I tell ye’ the story of Captain Pizzabeard! He was the fiercest pirate to ever plunder these seven seas! It was said he was saltier than anchovies, as volatile as jalapenos, and cheesier than mozzarella! Which be good, since all he ever stole was pizza. Honestly, with a name like that, what were ya’ scallywags expecting? Nevertheless the captain was a ruthless buccaneer with an appetite as deep as the Mariana Trench! Fighting by his side was the lovely lassie Vile Villa, the bubbly buckenner Fizzy Fright, as well as his three wards, Blueberry, Bubble Gum, and Burger. Together they robbed the ocean blind of its tastiest treasures! Alas, all good tales must come to an end! For one day his ship, the Jolly Domino, fell under attack by a conniving band of pasta privateers. Years of robbing these rapscallions blind had cost the Pizza Monster dearly. Before he could mount a proper defense, the privateers sent their foes off to meet with Davy Jones. Or so they thought. None could believe their eyes that fateful day. It was a week’r so after the Jolly Domino had sunk that their attackers were sent back to Clarks Bay port, their ship full of holes. Even more so when it was discovered that the crew had been liquified, their bodies melted by molten cheese! Some say it was Captain Pizzabeard seeking his revenge from the great beyond. Others say he and his crew haunt the oceans to this day, still searching the world for a salty slice. What do I say?
I say I’ve been wanting to draw Pizza Monster in this costume again since 2013. That year was when I launched 10 Minutes on Halloween, a quick little comic depicting what happens when Pizza Monster leaves his nephews and niece alone while Trick or Treating. Easily the best part of that comic was drawing everybody in costume, PM especially. While I drew him in his pirate ensemble once more after that, no other excuses presented themselves until this year. Being the first DUDEL of this year gave me the chance to test out the color scheme for the rest of my sketches, that being none save for one color. Obviously this one’s periwinkle. I love the end results, especially the ways I updated the costume. My only complaint would go to the background. My original plans of cross hatching it didn’t pan out, so I had to make a big, black, inky background to cover it up. Despite this stumble I hope you all enjoy this and future DUDELZ to come!
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glassheartjukebox · 4 years
love letters
feat. ushijima
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word count: 1.3k
“listen listen to my heart
that i only wanted you to know” - love letter
a/n: no content warnings, just pure fluff ! also a reminder that reblogs really help ! thank you guys sm for reading :D
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the letters started about three months ago. you hesitate to call them “love” letters. “love” letters would indicate some sort of romantic prose, frilly stationary, and sweet declarations of love. the letters you receive are decidedly more... blunt.
the notes ranged from dry compliments such as “the school uniform suits you.” to borderline offensive remarks such as “did you do something different with your face? you look less tired today.” nonetheless, they had become part of your everyday routine. a blue sticky note with messy, slightly smudged ink and a blunt message.
after a month of notes, you decided to show them to your friends. as strange as the letters were, you never discarded them. they held a special place in your heart, often making you smile from the sheer absurdity. your friends immediately hounded you for not telling them about your “secret admirer” earlier. “that’s it, we need to catch him in the act,” your best friend declared, slamming her milk carton down on the lunch table. you rolled your eyes. “i don’t see the point,” you sighed, “he’ll tell me who he is when he’s ready.” this triggered a barrage of complaints about how boring that plan was.
to be fair, you had two reasons for allowing your admirer to stay anonymous. first and foremost, the chance of him being a creep was high. you had no desire to get your hopes up, thinking that he may be your dream man. secondly, you enjoyed receiving the little notes everyday. they’d become a part of your routine, something to look forward to. so, the notes continued to come uninterrupted for three more months.
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the end of the semester was approaching, and break was right on the horizon. it dawned on you that this meant the end of your daily notes, which made you a little bit sad. the one you received this morning read, “i have very important business to attend to. it might be a little bit before you hear from me again. please wait for me.” that was the most he had ever written on a single post-it note. you rolled your eyes, secretly yearning for a way to wish him well on his endeavors.
after receiving the last note, you spent two days mourning the loss. there was nothing to break up the monotony now. you found yourself thumbing through the old notes he had gifted you. the most conventionally complimentary one by far had been “i like the shape of your lips, they suit your face very well”. it was the bare minimum, but it still had you blushing.
when friday, the third day without notes, arrived you were provided with a reprieve from your routine by the school. everyone was escorted out of class to attend a pep rally for volleyball interhigh qualifiers tournament. after all, volleyball was a big deal at shiratorizawa. both the men’s and women’s team stood tall on the school auditorium stage. the captain of the women’s team gave her speech first, but you found yourself zoning out and examining the men around you. your secret admirer was likely one of the fidgeting boys near you, looking hungrily at the women’s team as if they were pieces of meat. gross.
a deep voice broke you out of your reverie. the boy’s team captain had begun his speech. ushijima “ushiwaka” wakatoshi. the entire school knew who he was. the volleyball ace that repeatedly led the team to nationals. he had even been ranked in the top three aces in japan. ushijima stood well over six foot, with broad shoulders and a permanently stoic face. truth be told, he intimidated everyone. you’d had a few interactions with him, most of which happened at the beginning of the semester. a teacher asked you to tutor him for one english test. you met for three tutoring sessions, and during each he was quiet, polite, and apologetic for taking up your time. you found him much less imposing after seeing him hunched down in a desk too small for him, focusing on past tense verb translation.
after the rally had concluded, you were forced to return to class. shiratorizawa would begin their games at the interhigh tournament roughly two hours after school let out. you decided that maybe you would attend one or two of their matches if you could convince your friends to tag along. you honestly needed to get your mind off of the notes and your secret admirer.
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you and a few of your friends were walking out of the school gates, preparing to visit some shops to bide the time before the game began when it hit you. you left your history textbook sitting in your desk. your history textbook that was full of notes crucial to the test you had on monday. you froze in your tracks and your friends turned, a little confused. “i have to go back, forgot my textbook,” you squeaked before taking off back towards the school building. you were screwed if the teacher had already left for the day and locked up the classroom.
grabbing the door handle, you were relieved to find it unlocked. what you were not relieved to find was a large figure bent over your desk and rummaging through your things.
“what are you doing?” you asked quietly, still in shock. consequently, the large figured managed the bump your desk in surprise, knocking it over and spilling the contents everywhere. you rushed to help clean it up on impulse. you were only able to recognize the figure in the dark classroom once you were up close. “ushijima?” you said incredulously. this entire situation was giving you a headache. he just nodded at you. you continue to haphazardly shove the contents of your desk back in when your hand landed on a small, blue sticky note. ushijima’s hand flew out to catch it but it was too late.
“my dearest y/n, the apple of my eye, the holder of my heart, fire of my loins, the most wonderful person i have ever laid my eyes on. you looked positively beautiful today, scrumptious even. how could anyone resist your charms? i find myself falling madly, deeply in love with you everyday. sincerely, with much love, your secret admirer.” the blocky handwriting juxtaposed the flowery diction of the note. furthermore, someone had drawn little red hearts around the perimeter of the letter. this was… very different than usual.
ushijima was also very different than usual. he was quickly losing his usual composure. his face was bright red and sweat gleaned on his brow. you looked up at him awestruck and confused.
“i’m sorry for the inconvenience,” his voice cracked, “but tendou had me write this love letter after he found out i had been sending a girl notes. he drew the hearts as well. i did not realize he was joking until after i had slipped it in your desk. i came back to retrieve it before you could see it. i’m sorry again.”
you were at a loss for words. “it was you sending the notes the whole time?” you stated the obvious. ushijima simply nodded.
“but why?” you asked, still struggling to process all of this. “i found you very attractive when you tutored me. i wanted to express my affection without drawing extra attention to you or pressuring you to return my feelings. sorry again.” he stood, preparing the walk out the room. your body moved on its own as you stood as well, grabbing his wrist.
“i didn’t know it was you,” you whispered, “but i’m really glad it was.” you leaned up to kiss his cheek, causing him to flush an even deeper shade of red.
ushijima stared back at you, a rare smile adorning his features. “now go, you’re going to be late for your own tournament,” you teased, still quite bashful over the entire situation.
“before i do,” he paused and dug through his bag, “would you want to come to the match wearing this tonight?” he held out his spare volleyball jacket, adorned with his name and number.
needless to say, you accepted. in that moment, you knew you’d be attending volleyball games than you expected.
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©glassheartjukebox all written content belongs to this user. do not repost, modify, or copy content
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Fractured Hearts & Floral Lungs - Part One
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader x Jungkook
Genre: hanahaki, angst, established relationship
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 2400
Warnings: blood, choking, coughing, vomiting, hanahaki disease, relationship issues, fighting, mentions of cheating, mentions of sex, mentions of hospitals
A/N: this is my first fic in a while and i’m happy to finally be able to share something again. i’m determined to finish this series by the end of may and finish my soulmate series this summer. 
thank you to @shadowsremedy​ for this banner and to @thesoftsoobin for beta reading for me.
this was meant to be a gift for @dee-ehn, well it still is a gift, but it should’ve been posted a long time ago. i’m happy to finally be able to present you with this gift, i hope you enjoy part one of Fractured Hearts & Floral Lungs!
[Thursday Night]
Tonight isn’t the first night that you’ve shown up at Jin’s door sobbing. At this rate, it probably won’t be the last. He still hasn’t read your texts about needing a place to stay, so he’s probably asleep. 
You knock loudly a few times, careful not to disturb the floral wreath hanging on the center of the door. And after a few moments you can hear some footsteps inside the apartment. There’s some more silence and then you can hear hushed whispers. 
The door creaks open and Jin’s boyfriend Namjoon is standing before you. 
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” Namjoon sighs sleepily. 
“You scared us! I even got my old tennis racquet out of the closet!” Jin complains before he pokes his head around Namjoon’s broad shoulders. The tear stains and redness of your face instantly catch his attention. “Oh no, what happened?” 
For a moment, you can’t say anything. Your chest fills with emotions. Pain, frustration, sadness, heartbreak. The words can’t get past your trembling lips, and soon you feel Jin’s arms envelop you, his sweater absorbing your burning tears. 
Somehow, through all your blubbering, Jin has been able to understand what happened with Yoongi. He’s rubbing soothing circles on your back, guiding you to the couch that will be your bed for the next few nights. Namjoon has brought over a pillow, blanket, and a glass of water for you. 
“Why don’t you lay down and try to sleep now? This isn’t going to be resolved tonight, unfortunately,” Namjoon interrupts Jin’s comforting whispers. 
“He’s right, Y/N, I can tell you’re exhausted. Try to get some rest.” Jin helps you get settled in bed before following Namjoon into their bedroom. 
Jin was right. You are completely exhausted, emotionally drained. But every time you attempt to close your eyes, all you can see is him, the flowers, and the blood.
[Thursday Evening]
Something is off. He’s been coming home late everyday for the past few weeks. You hoped that today, of all days, he would make an effort. But here you are, alone, surrounded by a table full of his favorite foods. From the moment you got home from work, you’d been on your feet cooking. As if your job waiting tables wasn’t strenuous enough. 
Lately it feels like you’re the only one making an effort in this relationship. He leaves for work before you wake up, returns after you’ve gotten into bed for the night. He doesn’t even take the lunches you pack for him to work anymore. You never would have suspected Yoongi of cheating on you, but his behavior is making you question everything you thought you knew. 
Today will be the final straw, you told yourself. If he didn’t make it home in time for dinner on your three year anniversary, it would be time to confront him. But as six turns into seven and seven into eight, you decide to pack the meal into tupperware. 
You expected tears to come, but they didn’t. Your cheeks are bone dry while you pile the rice into a slightly warped plastic container. You’re in disbelief, or perhaps you just expected this all along. The containers of untouched anniversary dinner stack neatly in the refrigerator. 
The sound of keys jingling against the door signals his arrival before he opens the door. You lean yourself against the kitchen counter, grounding yourself. 
“Hey babe, happy anniversary!” Yoongi’s smile shines, like it always does, but his eyes aren’t as bright. He’s carrying a bouquet of small sunflowers. 
“Happy anniversary.” A faint smile crosses your face as he hands you the bouquet. He looks a little puzzled by your lack of gratitude. But then he notices the pile of dishes in the sink. 
“Oh, did you make dinner?” You nod silently as Yoongi shuffles the pots and pans around in the sink. “I made us reservations at The Table. Did you eat already?” Your eyebrows shoot up.
“No!” You try again, this time suppressing the surprise in your voice. “No, I haven’t. That sounds really good.” Maybe things aren’t as bleak as they seem; at least he didn’t completely forget.
The ride to the restaurant is nearly silent, some tacky radio advertisements playing quietly. He’s holding your hand, but you’re looking out the window, focused on everything but the uncomfortable quiet. Yoongi breaks the silence and mentions something about the project he’s working on at the studio. 
The studio, you think to yourself. Of course that’s all he can talk about. His passion has always been music. You were both thrilled when he got an entry level job at a music studio, and at the beginning things were good. But Yoongi always strives to be the best, and he moved up the ladder to Assistant Producer in less than a year.
Whatever album he’s working on now has kept him away from you for far too long.
“So when is that album releasing anyway?”
“Later this summer, but our work on it is almost done.” He says, and you breathe a sigh of relief. 
“So you’ll be back home at normal times?” 
“Well...” Yoongi glances over at you. “Jungkook wants me to work on another project with him when this one’s over.” 
“I’m glad your boss likes your work, but hasn’t he ever heard of a work-life balance?”
“Jungkook is NOT my boss. He's-” Yoongi starts.
“Well he’s not your girlfriend either!” You shout. “You’re never home anymore Yoongi.” Your hand slips from his and you cross your arms.
“This is my career.” Something catches in his throat, he coughs a little. You knew he loved his job, but you never heard him get emotional about it.
“So I just need to accept that I’ll never get to see you again?” Yoongi pulls up to the front of the restaurant, in line for valet parking. 
“Do you want to go home and keep fighting or do you want to get dinner?” He asks, still trying to clear his throat.
The restaurant is very nice: a robust wine selection, a pianist playing in one corner, and a sleek menu. The other tables are talking in quiet voices to retain the romantic ambiance of the place. You and Yoongi are doing your part by not speaking at all. 
He’s making it tough though; he keeps coughing. You hope he’s not getting sick.
“Are you okay?” You ask, passing him a tissue from your purse, trying your best not to sound angry.
“Yeah I’ve just got something stuck in my throat, excuse me.” Yoongi snatches the tissue from your hand before walking toward the restroom. 
When he returns, he looks a little worse for the wear. His skin looks paler, his hair mussed, and a wet spot on his shirt. 
“Are you getting sick?” You have to ask him now. “What’s that?” You point to the wet spot just below his collar. 
“I got some spit on my shirt. I do think I’m coming down with something, but I’ll be fine.” Something doesn’t seem right. He looks more than sick, almost paranoid. 
Through the rest of the night he coughs here and there, but he seems to regain his composure. His long dark locks get tucked behind his ear, and for a moment you can forget how hard things have been lately. He asks about your work friends and hobbies and seems to listen intently. The curve of his smile draws a smile out of you too. 
Between dinner and dessert, Yoongi reaches across the smooth table cloth to take your hand in his. His thumb gently strokes your fingers. 
“You know that I love you, right?” He asks, his smile faded to a straight line. You squeeze his hand. 
“You’re going to have to do a better job of showing it.”
You’re not sure if it’s the best move, but you want to show him that you haven’t given up yet. When you step out of the bathroom, wearing a revealing chemise, Yoongi is sitting on his side of the bed, facing away from you. 
“How are you feeling?” You ask, climbing onto the bed. He sighs, and you reach for his shoulders. You begin rubbing his shoulder muscles, feeling the tension in them slowly releasing. Kneading his back muscles with your fingers, you lean forward to lay kisses along his broad shoulders. 
“Baby, can we not tonight?” You freeze, not sure you heard him correctly. “I know it’s our anniversary, I just don’t feel good.” You remove your hands from his body.
“Yeah, of course. There’s some cough medicine and painkillers in the bathroom if it will help.” You reply, leaning back against the headboard, scrolling through your twitter feed so you can hide your embarrassment.
“I’m going to take a shower. You don’t have to wait up for me.” He gets up from the bed and enters the bathroom without glancing your way. You settle into the blankets and try to relax.
You can hear him coughing again once the shower turns on. You turn over in bed, his sudden cold demeanor reminding you of the trouble your relationship is really in. It’s hard to fall asleep to the sound of your boyfriend coughing violently, but you manage to drift away.
[Friday Morning]
The sound of Namjoon leaving the apartment wakes you. It must be around 7:30 or so. Jin is in the kitchen quietly making coffee, still in his pajamas. 
“Jin, are you not going to work today?” You say in a half-whisper, not wanting to startle him. 
“I called in sick. I wanted to stay with you today,” Jin explains, walking over to the couch with two mugs of coffee. He made yours just the way you like it, almond milk and a little bit of sugar. The warmth of the drink momentarily soothes your sleepy body. 
Jin reaches across the coffee table and picks up the tv remote. He turns on a morning talk show, some washed-up celebrity talking to slightly less washed-up celebrities about what projects or life events they have going on. 
“And later on in the show we will be joined by Jackson Wang, who will share his story of heartbreak and unrequited love that ultimately lead to the creation of his latest single, 100 ways.” The audience cheers for a moment before Jin switches the channel. 
“Sorry.” He sighs. 
“I don’t think that’s what the song is about...” You joke, sarcasm seeping through the pain in your chest.
Jin chuckles at your remark, but he sits uncomfortably at the end of the couch picking at his fingernails. 
“Listen I wanted to say something...” He starts. 
“Jin, do you think I could shower before we get into anything? I just need a minute to wake up and I feel kind of gross.” The mascara stains from the night before are beginning to irritate your skin, and a hot shower could do wonders for you. But truthfully, you just aren’t ready to talk about it yet.
“Sure, I’ll grab some sweats you can borrow.” Jin sighs, getting up from his seat.
 The hot water melts away the tension in your muscles, but the tension in your mind remains. It’s difficult to keep the images of Yoongi coughing up dozens and dozens of yellow and orange petals from flooding your mind. The drops of blood on the petals and the floor just showed you how far the disease had progressed. How long he’s been in love with someone else.
The floral scent of Jin’s lavender body wash is a little too reminiscent of the smell from the night before. Sickly sweet flowers with a hint of acidic bile and metallic blood. The clean water rinses the suds but the scent remains on your skin.
When you close your eyes to rinse shampoo from your hair, the scene from the night before plays out in vivid detail.
[Thursday Night]
You had been awakened by the sounds of Yoongi retching in the bathroom. You called out for him, but he didn’t answer, so you let yourself in. 
He is doubled over the toilet. A dozen or so brightly colored petals scattered around him, some smeared with watery blood. The moment you burst in, he tried to hide the extent of it, tried not to let you see but he knew it was useless. He let himself lean against the wall in defeat. 
The violent episode he was experiencing seemed to come to a halt.
“Are you...” You pause, there are too many questions to ask, but you know there is only one you can ask in the moment. “Are you okay?” He closes his eyes and nods slowly. You take a moment to examine his face. It’s red, and there are tear streaks clear down his chin. There’s drops of blood and sweat on his bare chest. His heavy breathing is slowing back to normal. 
And then you have to leave. You can’t stay and look at him and his flower petals any longer. It looks like he’ll be okay for the night, so you grab your purse and phone and walk straight through the door.
[Friday Morning]
Bumps rise across your skin as you exit the shower and step onto the cold floor tiles. You wrap a towel around your body and sit on the edge of the bathtub. Your phone, face down on the counter, buzzes again, and you decide to face the messages you ignored last night. 
You scroll through the usual email and social media notifications to get to the dozens of texts and missed calls from Yoongi, still unsure if you should even hear him out. How can he still be in love with you when he’s been growing flowers for someone else?
A phone call interrupts your thinking. The number has a local area code. A sudden feeling of nausea tells you that something is wrong. 
“Hello?” Your voice echos against the tiled walls.
“Hello we are trying to reach Ms. Y/L/N Y/N.”
“This is her.”
“You are listed as an emergency contact for Mr. Min Yoongi. He has been admitted to the ICU at Grace Regional Medical Center, how quickly can you get here?”
A/N: thank you so much for reading. check out my master list here, and check back in for part two. it will be posted by the end of april 2021!
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opalmaplehibiscus · 3 years
It’s Mutual
A/N: It’s his birthday and I’m currently filled with a lot of rot, so I’m just hoping I can alleviate it after writing a bunch of stuff (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ So yeah, expect there to be some Kalim related post for the next 6- er, now 5 days (since his birthday campaign started yesterday). 
There are many times Kalim would surprise you or catch you off your guard. Other than all the close calls that happens on an everyday bases (oh, how you can relate to Jamil during those times), you often think he hides his true-self under the guise of smiling. One minute he would be smiling, the next, his expression would be serious, all traces of the smile gone. He would be quiet to suddenly being playful. But the worse of them all were the times when he would seem innocent, only to turn the tables and hold you in his arms with hidden flames burning in his eyes.
Holding your hand to having his arms wrapped around your waist with a smile full of desire and love on school grounds, reaching out in what seems to be an attempt for a hug only to trap you between the magic carpet and himself with a smirk on his face as he tilts your chin up with a hand – your heart really can’t rest when your around him.
Yet, if there was one thing he keeps consistently, it would be ensuring that the love between you and him is mutual. Just as much as you love him, he loves you just as much. The two of you may playfully compete who loves more, but in the end of the day, you both know the world wouldn’t be able to hold the love you hold for each other.
It’s why it didn’t matter whether he would be the one to lay his head on your lap or yours on his, he would always stretch his hand toward your face. Starting from brushing your cheek with the back of his hand to gently drawing circles with his thumb, there was always the same unmeasurable love in his eyes when he looks at you.
Thinking about this, it makes you sulk less as you kept your head on his lap. His hand never stops playing with your hair, humming a tune with a smile on his face. Seeing this, you let the topic go. He seems satisfied with just this – what’s the point of spoiling him more if he doesn’t want it?
As if sensing this, he pauses and looks down with the same ruby eyes you fell in love with a very long time ago.  You expect him to say something, along the lines of talking about the party or the presents he got. Instead, he only continues to look at you as he places a hand on your cheek.
Ah. You say in your head, realizing what he’s wanting from you. Your face turns crimson as you hold yourself back from retaliating. To think he would use the cues you two agreed to like this-so cheeky. Nonetheless, you indulge him by gently placing your hand onto the back of his head and push him down towards you.  
Your hand stays where it was when you both pull away, eyes never once breaking contact. You brush his hair, biting you lip from nervousness and contemplation. Kalim, always being the “all knowing” like always, doesn’t say anything, fully aware you wanted to say something and shows he’s willing to wait even a whole day for you to say what you want.
Finally, after internally freaking out and getting yourself back together, you muster your most courageous yet adoring smile.
“I love you.”
Eyes going wide, lips agape – it was worth saying it to him. After all, he usually has to initiate those words first for you to reciprocate those words, feeling happy when you reply with anything that ends with “too”. And after having done so for so long, you don’t blame him for looking so surprised.
“I love you too.”
Muttering his reply in a raspy voice, you let him take his fill, your heart full and warm from knowing what you said was the best gift you have given him so far.
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kirausamaria · 4 years
A fun payback (Stolitz Fanfic)
Ok, I’m sorry, I had to wrote this! It was some innuendos and curses but it’s not really NSFW. It’s hard to write when you got the horny bird in a fanfic. Anyways, please let me know how did I do, because it’s my first fanfic ever. I plan to draw some stuff for the post too as soon as my studies finish.
   This time Stolas had something different in mind for Blitzo.
   He wasn’t the type of person to get easily flustered as anyone may expect, but after that “Stolas goes brrrr…” and “poor wardrobe choice” incidents on Instagram, he felt like getting some retaliation for that. Not that it was angry or anything like that, in fact, this was a good chance for him to try something new with his little imp.
   “Sooo, you want to be on top this time I suppose”, Blitzo said while staring at Stolas finishing his job, that was tying him from his wrists and legs to the bed. He had done this several times before so Blitzo wasn’t alarmed or anything. The only thing that seemed unusual was the fact that he was tied down in bed still with his underwear on, normally Stolas would have him completely naked at the instant he got his hands on him.
   “Well, we’ll see about that my dear. It’ll all depend on how you’ll end up feeling at the end”, Stolas replied with an eager smile.
   “Ugh, whatever, let’s just get over with it and do it quickly”, Blitzo answered with an uninterested tone in his voice.
   “I’m afraid to tell you, my dear Blitzy, I plan to take my time on this occasion”.
   Blitzo just stared at him with a puzzled face. He would never admit it, but it was difficult to see Stolas directly on the face sometimes, his eyes weren’t just deeply red, but reflecting such a warm feeling... a charming feeling, maybe? Stolas's genuine smile when staring at him made him feel something inside, but he would never admit that those feelings were something similar to “love”.
   Stolas started caressing Blitzo’s skin as softly as he could, starting from his tied wrists to slowly going down to his chest. Blitzo started to squirm and tried to hold back some moans, it was starting to feel good, but he was too stubborn to let Stolas know that too easily. Stolas then started to caress his torso up and down, focusing on his sides this time, and the pleasant feelings started to change a little. Blitzo squirmed more than at the beginning.
   “Unhg, umph...mmm!”
   “What’s wrong my Blitzy? Doesn’t this feel good?” Stolas asked while grinning a little.
   “Could you just stop fu*king around and go to the next thing?”, Blitzo struggled to say.
   “Why should we stop this? Does it feel weird? Am I possibly making you feel... ticklish?”
   Then Blitzo suddenly realized what this mischievous bird planned to do to him. That a**hole! He planned to do that to me all along! He thought to himself. It’s now he wouldn’t enjoy being tickled as a show of affection with a partner, but with Stolas...we just didn’t like to show any kind of vulnerability in front of him. He wouldn’t admit he’s ticklish or that he likes to be tickled to Stolas, he would never let this go for sure if he did.
   “Come on my little imp, don’t be shy, just show me your real feelings to me and enjoy this experience. It will make you feel so much better”.
   “Ah, shut the f*ck up you freaking bird!” Blitzo yelled. He was trying so hard not to build a smile in his face, the tickling feelings were starting to build up. 
   Stolas chuckled. “You’re such a stubborn creature. I can’t deny it, that is one of the qualities that attracted me about you in the first place, but some honesty wouldn’t hurt, don’t you think?”.
   Blitzo couldn’t run away from Stolas, he knew it, but at the same time he didn’t just lose against him, not giving him the satisfaction of doing what he wanted. But when Stolas started to use his claws against his skin, he just broke.
   “Pfff! Hehehe! Nohohohoho!” Blitzo 
   “See? I know you’d go around!”, Stolas said when scratching Blitzo’s upper arms. “Doesn't it feel much better to just laugh and enjoy it?”
    “F-f you Stolas!” Blitzo whined. He was unable to stop himself from laughing anymore, and Stolas had started to use rougher tickles against him.
   He then felt Stolas’ claws skittering every area of his torso, and also his stomach. Blitzo became really jumpy in that place, and Stolas noticed.
   “Oh, that’s why you squirm everytime I kiss you on your stomach”, Stolas said while holding his laugh. “So what about this?”
    Blitzo almost squealed when Stolas started kissing and scratching his belly at the same time.
   “Nohohohohoho, don’t do that!”
  “Why not? It doesn’t feel good? But I’m having so much fun right now”, Stolas replied. Looking at him Blitzo could tell he was saying the truth, but it tickled so bad he didn’t know if he could keep going with this game, not that he hated seeing Stolas enjoying things, though. Also, the way Stolas kissed him wasn’t bad, he actually was a good kisser, but on his stomach his kisses were unbearable.
    Stolas then started scratching Blitzo’s underarms and that was also a pretty bad spot. Blitzo couldn’t stop his cackling laugh to come out. 
    “Ahahahahaha! Don’t! Not there please!”
   “Oh, starting begging so soon?”
   “I’m not begging you pompous piece of sh*t!”
   “Oh, alright, I understand, it was just a reflex, wasn’t it? You’re actually having fun, don’t you?” Stolas cooed.
   “I’m nohohohohot!” He screamed, not admitting this was kind of fun. 
   “Blitzi, you are so cute, you know that?”, Stolas said with the most sincere voice he could make. He softly leaned down to Blitzo’s neck, which he knew was really sensitive, and started kissing and nibbling it while still tickling his underarms.
   “No my neeehheehck! At least forgive my neeehehehck! I cahahahan’t….!”
   “Blitzo actually loved to be softly kissed in his neck, his feathers also would tickle him and make him melt when Stolas did it, but he would always put a facade of seriousness so he wouldn’t realize that, but Stolas was very clever, he knew Blitzo’s true feelings when having intimacy every full moon with him.
   Stolas stopped in order to let Blitzo breathe. Blitzo was still laughing a little while catching up some air. When he was able to talk again, he said:
   “Why are you always like this Stolas, doing whatever you want…”
   “Uhm? Aren’t our encounters also enjoyable to you?” Stolas asked tilting his head to one side in a question gesture. “Well, to be completely honest with you I’ve always wondered how do you look when you smile, not your everyday smug smile, just a pure, genuine smile...and also how does your laugh sound when you are amused. Every night we meet I have the hope you’ll show that cute smile to me, and when I think I finally got to make you smile, you just look away from me and hide your true feelings”.
   Blitzo was looking at him while listening to all that. Stola’s face showed a little sad smile and he felt his heart shrinking a little. Was he feeling moved? That’s impossible, he said to myself, but he felt Stolas didn’t mean any  harm when playing with him this way.
    But Blitzo is still Blitzo, so…
   “Well, it’s not like I can just laugh in front of you that easily, or look at you in the eyes all the time...just, I don’t hate you or anything, do you get it?”
   Stolas noticed Blitzo was looking a little flustered. 
   “So can we keep having fun for a little more then?”, Stolas asked, with the purest smile he could make. Blitzo was hesitating but…
   “Well, I, uhm…”. Blitzo was kind of trapped in this game already and he wasn’t against some more tickling for the sake of making Stolas happy and having some fun (this thought would never come out of his mouth though). He stared at him and said: “Well, maybe just this time is ok...I guess”.
   There was a big smile on Stolas’ face, he jumped off from the bed and went to his vanity, quickly opened and closed a drawer and came back to where Blitzo was laying. Blitzo was getting both scared and excited at the same time, again trying not to show a nervous anticipating smile.
   Stolas showed him a fancy crystal bottle. He slowly opened and started to pour what it was inside on Blitzo’s chest. It was some herb scented oil.
   “Oh no, onohohohono!”, Blitzo said while nervously giggling at the thought of what it was about to happen. He felt Stolas’ hand sensually spreading the warm oil in all his upper body, making him squirm again. It already tickled so bad when doing this he couldn’t stop his voice from coming out.
    “Please, don’t do it!” Blitzo yelled, but he was unconsciously smiling because of the excitement.
   “I’ll just play for a while, I promise”, Stolas’ answered, while digging Blitzo’s ribs.
   “NOHHOHOHOHOHOHO! STAHAHAHAHAHAP! Blitzo screamed, arching his back trying to get away from Stolas’ claws, but he was really good tied, so he couldn’t move that much.
    “Why, my dear? Doesn’t it feel much better now, to laugh at your heart’s content? You’re getting so much attention tonight, you little greedy imp”.
     “THIIIS NOHOHOT THE ATTENTION I NEHEHEED!, Blitzo replied, truly laughing this time, while his tail was wagging, a sign that an imp is relaxed or happy.
   “Aww, don’t be shy Blitzi, just stop thinking that much and enjoy it! If you do I will let you do the same to me next time”. He took Blitzo’s tail and started to scratch its tip. Blitzo was going crazy, but he was still able to answer back.
   “Can’t wait”, Stolas answered with a singing voice.
  “STOP WIHIHITH THE FU*KING SINGING VOICE ALREADY!” Blitzo practically shrieked, while Stolas was now squeezing his hips and sides.
   “Why, does that make you more ticklish?”, Stolas crooned. “What if I keep doing it while tickling your weakest spot?”
   Blitzo panicked, he knew what it was coming: Stolas grabbed some more oil for his hands and started to slowly run his claws from Blitzo’s hips to his underarms and neck.
   “Nohohohohoho, I swear I’ll kill you if you…!”
  Stolas started digging Blitzo’s underarms, making him shriek with laughter. His head started to get blank.
   “I love your laugh so much, Blitzi”, Stolas now laughing at Blitzo’s strong reactions, “And your tail wiggling with such joy, it just melts my heart”.
   Blitzo’s looking so vulnerable and helpless laughing like this while being tied up was actually really cute.
   Stolas would alternate the tickling on his neck and underarms, then again nibbling and kissing his neck while scratching his whole body, now ten times more sensitive because of the oil.
    Blitzo started to shed tears from the laughing, his head completely in a daze.
   When he started whining and weezing instead of laughing Stolas knew it was enough for tonight, so he stopped.
       Blitzo was coughing and giggling for a whole minute, completely exhausted.
    “You did a good job Blitzi! I really had fun”, Stolas praised Blitzo for his endurance while kissing him on his cheek and forehead.
     Blitzo wouldn’t admit it, but he also thought it had been a little fun, until the almost dying feeling part.
      “I fuc*ing hate you Stolas”, Blitzo was barely able to say, still with some tears in his eyes.
   Stolas was smiling a lot. At least he had his payback.
   “You know? We should play like this more often”. Stolas said while untying Blitzo. “It would help you to relieve some stress from work and it’s a fun way of foreplay. Also laughing is good for your…”.
   Stolas didn’t realize until looking at Blitzo that he was sound asleep.  Blitzo was just exhausted in order to do anything, but peacefully  snoring in bed.
   Stolas just chuckled, staring at this cute picture for a while before covering him with his sheets and curling up at his side, hugging him.
   “Well, I guess we’ll have our little fun until morning”, Stolas thought.
   “Really, Blitzy, you have no idea how much I love you”.
   Stolas then kissed Blitzo’s shoulder and back of his neck, making him smile a little while still sleeping.
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Sleepless Nights, Part One (1).
Heelloooo my beautiful pps, how are we all today? Back again with another Head-Canon. 💪😎💕
So this one is when Donna is adopted by Lady Dimitriscu as a new daughter. This is based on the wonderful @charlottefairchildbranwell's story based on a couple of my Head-Canons. Go check check her out, charlottefairchildbranwell wrote some amazing and entertaining stories for them! Here is a link to one of them.
With that said, let's begin. Sorry in advance.
It had been over a year since Donna started living in Castle Dimitrescu. A full year since Mother Miranda's reign had come to an end.
Things have been going so well for the Doll Maker. She gained more confidence, can hold a conversation with her family and even the Winters' Family without the aid of Angie anymore.
The Lady of the Castle however, began noticing something strange happening with Donna lately. It was small things, but they became more noticeable as of late.
Donna has been more sluggish in her movements, making small and silly mistakes in her everyday tasks and had been spotted dozing off whilst in the middle of tasks or activities.
Lady Dimitrescu tried to ask many times if she was ok, but Donna has been dodging the questions. Her daughters and Angie noted that she was unable to sleep a full night the past few days, but hasn't explained why.
The fact that Angie doesn't have that usual strong mental connection to her closest friend is worrying. But Angie had mentioned at the beginning that these happen occasionally and it will pass soon enough.
It's happening again, she knew it was too good to be true. The nightmares are back with a vengeance.
Donna deliberately severed most of her connection with Angie as to not draw attention to herself. She hates it.
Those nightmares, no, memories? She can't tell now. They are just too real to tell.
The Doll Maker doesn't know what triggered this, but she didn't want to worry her family.
She tried to act normal in order to to fend off any suspicion, but she was just so tired. Mistakes over simple tasks have been more noticeable.
Naps are too and far between during the day. The Bat Trio had been trying to cheer her up, Donna's been doing her best to keep them happy. It was a good distraction for a while.
Unfortunately, the nightmares had been making sure that Donna didn't forget in the waking world.
Lady Dimitriscu had been keeping a closer eye on her daughter. Made sure to be close by should anything happen.
She observed that Donna has been flinching at random shadows or reflections, dozing off with book in hand, nearly dropping it as she jerked herself up and shaking her head.
Something's wrong, but Donna won't speak about it and won't be forced to.
It had been like any other night, Angie decided to join in on a sleepover with the Bat Trio in the Dungeons.
They wanted to tell scary stories and those particular dungeons was always warm enough for them to stay down there.
It had been in the middle of the night, The Lady had been reading one of the many books, ones that she had read many times before.
She was about to turn the oil lantern off when the sound of breaking glass caused her hand to freeze just inches from the dial.
Sharpening her sense, Alcina close her eyes to allow her to focus more on her hearing.
Quiet hitches of breathing was heard.
The Doll Maker woke with a start, it hasn't even been an hour yet. She couldn't even hold onto Angie as she allowed the Bride Doll to go hang out with Bela, Cassandra and Daniela.
It felt all too real. It started off pleasant enough. Donna was in House Beneviento again, opening the door revealed her mother in a rocking chair, knitting.
Donna approached her, hesitant to reach out to the unaware woman.
A call of another girl caught their attention. They look up to see a teenage girl, who was the spitting image of a younger Donna.
"Bernadette?" She quietly says.
Bernadette comes skipping down, unaware of her younger sister's presence as she skips down the stairs and through Donna, as if she were made of mist.
Donna turns to see Bernadette skip off to meet her friends in the village. Their mother calling after her to be sure to return home before the sun begins to set.
In her near forgotten instinct, The Doll Maker silently makes her way to the elevator.
When she entered the elevator, the button was level with her elbow. Something that came in handy as she was always carrying materials that requires both hands to hold.
The elevator reached the basement, she found that everything was bigger than before.
As she walked down the hallway, Donna barely caught her reflection off the glass cabinet. The bottom of the glass was just at eye level.
Upon looking at her reflection, a young girl stared back with her two (2) dark brown eyes. She was a little girl again, maybe no older than seven (7) years old?
She continued to the end of the hallway and through one of the double doors and found her father hunched over one of his latest creations.
Donna knew what was about to happen next, it didn't surprise her any more. She begins to back away as her father slowly sets down his tools.
"Why?" He hoarsely croaked out as dripping sounds were heard. "Why did you do this to us?"
Donna tried to push against the shut door with all her might, but her small frame barely made it budge.
She looked over her shoulder, gasping and began to shake as her father's bloated corpse stood up slowly, movements strongly resembling a puppet being pulled by their strings.
Small waterfalls were coming through the walls and ceiling as father trudged through the ankle deep water.
With one final charge, Donna finally burst through the door and makes a bee-line toward the elevator. The water rising all around her.
Streams of water burst through the ceiling in many spots. Some appearing with such force in front of her that Donna nearly lost her footing on a few occasions.
Her father close behind in his pursuits as the water appeared to allow him to glide in the rising water.
The water was now at the young girl's knees by the time she reached the elevator.
How did the button get so high up?!
After many frantic attempts, Donna successfully jumps up and up against the elevator's wall to press the button.
The grated door shuts, her father's blue, bloated corpse stared at her with angry bloodshot eyes as he slammed and pulled against the grate.
The water descending and emptying the higher the elevator went. Leaving behind a mostly soaked to the bones Donna.
The elevator dutifully opens on the ground floor, Donna reluctantly steps out. The Doll Maker once again knows what's coming next as she trekked through the hallway.
Opening the door to the Living Room, she found her Mother, standing and looking at the ground with a sharpened out knitting needles in each hand.
Eyes filled with rage look up at her as her mother raises her head, voiceless as her mother's mouth moved. But she heard it so many times before that Donna knew what she was saying.
"Your fault."
"Your fault."
"Your fault."
Barely able to dodge the sudden attack, Donna sprints to the front door. Last obstacle.
Bernadette, now aged twenty-one (21) was now blocking the entrance.
Edit: Heyo pps, edited some errors, finished the last point and took away the extra blank ones to helps space it out better. Tags were also added in.
A/N - You guys are gonna laugh, I didn't intend on posting this until later. I accidentally posted it before the last point (Bernadette being at the entrance) was done and no tags. 🤣🤣
But I am glad I did, however. Cause this would have been so much longer and I didn't want to bore you guys with so many points. So a part two (2) will be out later on, either tonight or tomorrow. 🤔 Sorry about that. 🤣
Hope you all enjoyed Part One (1) of 'Sleepless Nights.'
Remember, if you wish to use this or the ideas/H.Cs mentioned above, you are always free to do so under the conditions that you credit back to this and myself. That and to please tag me when you are done because I would love to see how it was able to help you out in your stories/art!!
Hope you all have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening my lovelies!💪😎💕
Part Two (2) linked here! 💕🥰💕
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magicwithineleteo · 3 years
Tumblr media
because they would support it too.
because they are against oppression, ethnic cleansing, and genocide.
because elena knows how it feels to have her home being ripped away from her.
because you don’t have to be a muslim/arab to support palestine.
because there are many jews around the world who condemn the israeli government.
because it’s not anti semitic to be anti zionist.
because they need freedom.
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free.
so you might have a few questions, and i will be answering them here :)
how long did it take you?
- i made it in a span of 5 days. according to procreate, i spent 5 hours on it.
is this the wip you sent in the elena of avalor fandom discord server?
- yep! i had just done elena's dress then and i was really proud of it :)
did you draw the background?
- no i just used a picture i saved and lowered the opacity
now i know those weren't the questions you had in mind, so here are the REAL questions and my answers:
how did you get this idea?
- i had been watching one of rashida tlaib's speeches on the situation and i thought of this concept and immediately became obsessed with it.
why did you make it?
- because they deserve freedom from the oppression they have been facing since 1948. innocent civilians should not die everyday, families should not have to worry about dying in different rooms. couples should not have to worry about one of them dying before their wedding. children should not be used to the sounds of bombs. children do not deserve to have their parents taken from them. parents don't deserve their children being taken from them. no one deserves any of what they are facing. that is why i made it. and it is infuriating when people dismiss the palestinian struggles and/or normalize the violence in the middle east. it is not fair to them. include muslims and palestinians in your activism please.
is it antisemitic to be antizionist?
- no, it's not. i have a post where i reposted things about that. here it is ! there are unfortunately many people who have used the free palestine movement to throw out their antisemitism. let me assure you that the true community does not support anti semitism. we have been very careful to not be anti semitic, as we are NOT targetting all jews for this oppression. i do sincerely apologize on behalf of the ridiculous people who are anti semitic, however i can confidently say that i have not been anti semitic.
there are jews who support palestine's freedom?
- yes! yes there are! this instagram account, @/jewishvoiceforpeace is full of support for palestinians and have many examples of jews who support it, like this lovely woman . that is why i included rebecca in this drawing, because it's okay to be jewish and be antizionist. there are also palestinian jews (and christians) facing this same persecution all because they are palestinian.
was this post targetted at anyone?
- no. i made this because i had the idea and i wanted to share it w the world. i know it may cause some trouble, but i made this accepting that. i am not going to change my beliefs for anyone and no amount of convincing could change my mind.
what about israel's side?
- what ABOUT israel's side? they are the oppressors in this situation. no one ever considered the oppressors' sides in any previous genocides. so why are we starting to ask that now? when it's been clear who has been the oppressor and who isn't? the innocent civilians, the young kids who throw stones at the idf. they're the oppressors??? compared to the army, with many guns and weapons? tanks and bombs vs kites and flags…yeah, okay. not to mention how they constantly throw out people from their homes, families who have lived there for generations, aggressively remove children from their classrooms, as well as bomb hospitals and media stations, all under the guise of the incomparable threat of “hamas.” history has seen this before, namely the Holocaust; it is foolish and honestly reprehensible to ignore it when it is happening right in the open.
this is not a matter of politics, rather a matter of human rights and social justice.
i don't know what else to add, but i just wanted to say thank you if you made it this far. i appreciate it a lot. if you want to help out palestine, you can check out my pinned post as it has resources on there to help. i haven't updated it since may so some of the donation links may have already closed.
if you want to learn more about the situation, you can visit this website as it teaches the history very well and easily :)
thank you for reading, and i hope you are able to feel inner peace :)
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free.
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
Nsfw asra head canon: tantric s*x
Any ideas? (If you've got a moment we know you're busy)
Ohohohoho have YOU asked a Real Question! :D Get ready for a longer answer than you probably ever anticipated, lmao
OK, so let me note that I personally practice Tantric Buddhism or Vajrayana (which of course has its roots in Tantric Hinduism). This is very often misunderstood to mean 'sex', but really it encompasses the transformation of any and all desires with the intent of spiritual liberation.
I will also say that the spiritual practices of Tantra would likely be incompatible with an Asra headcanoned to be a fully-practicing Muslim. Islam is very clear that Allah is the only focus of the religion.
My personal interpretation of Asra is a person shaped by a Muslim upbringing, but 'orphaned' before being taught the full practices of an adult Muslim. He has probably explored many sacred/esoteric practices in his travels (he does seem to use yogic breathing practices, after all).
All of this windbagging to say: oh yeah I absolutely hc that Asra has learned Tantric-style yoga techniques for pleasure! But because the actual Tantras are a closed/initiatory practice, I'm going to have to be creative here and spin a simplified fictional version for a fictional world!
This, uh, got really long, so...
(Warnings at the very end for detailed mentions of kink play: edging, 'forced' orgasm, domination/submission in general)
Prakra draws seekers of truth and enlightenment from all over the world. Its ancient culture has birthed many esoteric traditions intended to bring the practitioner closer to the Divine.
One of the most misunderstood paths is that of the yogas of union. In contrast to the ascetic traditions, these practitioners believe that physical love can offer its own path to spiritual enlightenment when properly approached - after all, it is the act from which all human life springs. However, it is not a path for the weak of will, who may find themselves consumed by desires rather than transforming them.
The first aim of these yogas is to be in total presence with one's partner during intimacy, experiencing the duality that becomes oneness and meditating upon it, instead of immediately chasing transitory physical pleasure.
For a tiny split second at the moment of climax, the human mind is full of a clear, empty consciousness, akin to the pure bliss of enlightenment. As such, another aim of these practices is to learn to prolong this experience for as long as possible, in order to be able to perform the secret mental practices of spiritual liberation.
Practitioners of the yogas of union use controlled breathwork, a high level of bodily awareness, and meditative techniques to prolong the act of congress and the moment of bliss as a spiritual practice. Those who also practice the yogas of dreaming can engage in this congress with their consorts - real or imagined - in the dream state as well.
For a nonpracticing partner, it can seem like the practitioner is capable of an almost superhuman stamina and control. However, not every encounter they have needs to be like this! They may just as easily engage in everyday intimacy with a partner; they are simply likely to be more mindful during the act than most, which many find to be a desirable trait.
Asra did not progress to the point of the secret inner practices, but he did learn some of the physical yogas of union. He will readily utilize magic to assist these practices - altering sensation, the equipment he currently has, and adding magical forms of stimulation to the mix. But his temperament is a little too mercurial to want to have a lengthy yogic session regularly; often he's just in the mood for a little fun, rather than a deep spiritual experience of union. Still, he's not above taking advantage of his yogic training for the benefit of his partner and himself - when he feels like it.
Some spicier examples of how Asra might use this knowledge:
When he is the 'active' partner, Asra will use these techniques to delay his own orgasm for the benefit of his partner. He may even use this technique to exhaust his partner with repeated climax as a form of domination.
When he is the 'receptive' partner (regardless of equipment), Asra will sometimes use these techniques to push back against someone domming him during 'forced' orgasm play. (I hc that he does like to be bratty and act up when subbing. 😁 )
Asra knows many curious techniques for reining in a partner who is about to orgasm, and (with permission) will happily use them when edging a partner.
If he finds a partner who also has this training, he is likely to engage in a full yogic session with them at least once, just for the experience of it. However, it isn't something you do on the fly - it is lengthy, and entails certain rituals that ensure the right state of mind for spiritual union.
This is adjacent to but entirely separate from my hcs about sex magic in general... but that's a future post!
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theshardsofmyheart · 3 years
A little bit of a personal update:
So… even though it may not seem like it, I do ckeck tumblr everyday but, as you may have seen, I ´ ve not been posting art in what feels like forever. (I think it´s been around 6 months or so ( I don ´ t even know tbh…)). The reason for that is that I ´ ve been back to class, I got my masters degree and I ´ ve been working on my masters project literally day and night. I ´ ve not spent more than 30 minutes on a drawing in at least 4 months due to having absolute no time. But now that I ´ m almost done, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have a new job, the type of job I ´ ve been dreaming of for years. In the industry I ´ ve wanted to work for for years!!
To sum up, what I wanted to celebrate it´s that I ´ m almost done, I got the degree and I got the job (and hopefully I can keep it for a while). Tomorrow I ´m going back to my figure drawing sessions. ( I ´ ve not been able to attend due to the pandemic and class for 2 years). And I ´ m so freaking happy to go back. Now I ´ ll have time to do art again!! As much time as one can have working full time. Hopefully I ´ ll be back to fan arting!!!
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