#so I can't exactly stop them from bringing me kittens
ronanceautistic · 7 days
There's a white cat, an orange cat and a black cat in my garden this is beautiful
Also a few days back the white cat and the orange cat were going at it and they love hanging out in my garden so if the cat distribution system doesn't come for me this time im gonna throw hands
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eggcats · 4 months
I'm still working on chap3 (I have a bunch of unconnected little things, but I'm a bit stuck on how to connect them quite yet - but hopefully soon I'll he able to write and edit)
But instead I decided to write a "current day" slice of life fic, based on my AU, where they meet Charlie and the Happy Hotel
(some ideas came from @shizukasobsessions and my replies in the comments of my fic♥️)
There's so many different pieces here tho, lmao - like, Alastor killed Valentino and took Angel's soul to replace him as the overlord of porn, to prevent Angel from failing he gave him Husk to guide him on being an overlord, (Alastor refers to Angel as solely Anthony, the less he thinks of the pornography offshoot of their media empire, the better)
Vox is still the face of their company, Voxtek is still named after him (Alastor has no issues taking a more behind the scenes role, there's a reason he WAS the radio demon but mostly got that name from torturing souls on the radio, not by trying to force everyone to only listen to his radio show - he has no issues with Vox doing just that with television/hypnosis but he doesn't mind allowing him to truly embrace his cult-leader personality here. Vox is still his housewife behind closed doors, tho, Alastor just doesn't want to hobble him in any way)
So it's really funny to think Charlie is just dealing with overlord after overlord (and one former) as she's trying to run her hotel
I'm thinking in this AU, Angel/Anthony decides to let some of his employees stay and try out the whole "redemption " thing, as long as Charlie gives them a safe place to stay rent free - in my AU, Angel was originally owned by Valentino when Alastor killed him, so Angel not only knows what brings people to his studio, he knows he can't protect them all - hence his agreement with the princess of hell
However, Angel and Vox are friends (Husk's #1 piece of advice to him, while Angel was freaking out that his soul chain changed hands along with a bunch of new responsibilities, was "make Vox like you - if Vox likes you then you're almost entirely safe from Alastor, trust me, I know it looks the other way but it's not")
(Angel now does genuinely like Vox, and they get along pretty well, but he will admit - if only to himself - that he originally became his friend to prevent from being torn to pieces like he watched happen to Valentino)
Alastor still obviously doesn't believe in redemption, but the only reason he's there at the hotel is because Vox asked him to be (and Vox is there because Angel asked him on behalf of Charlie for some advertising for the hotel)
And @proshipper-on-ship mentioned the Chaggie parallels of Charlie finding Vaggie at a dumpster, and Alastor doing the same, and I thought it'd be really funny to have their first meetings come up
Charlie, awkward but trying to come to terms with the truly alarming amount of Overlords in her hotel: "So...how'd you two meet?"
Alastor, smiling as he finally can set up his punchline: "Found him in an alley and brought him home with me."
Charlie, super excited: "OHMIGOSH, that's basically how I met Vaggie!! How'd you find him?! I was looking for anyone to help after the Extermination!"
Alastor: "I sensed someone using my radio waves and immediately went in search of who."
Charlie, actively looking at Alastor like he's as harmless as a kitten: "OhEmGee that's so sweet! And you were just going to take him under your wing but then you fell in love?!"
Alastor, deadpan: "No, I was going to kill him."
Charlie, looking exactly like 😦: "What."
Alastor: "He wasn't a radio, though, so I decided to let him live."
Vox, with his screen in his hands: "Alastor, you gotta stop telling people that."
Alastor, thinks it's secretly very funny: "Why not, it's the truth, darling?"
I just love the idea that Charlie, for a second, thinks Alastor might be as soft and kindhearted as herself as she sees similarities in their relationships, and then Alastor just immediately breaking the illusion.
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lolahasmoxie · 10 months
Cat Fishing - (E.M.)
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I came here to write some absolute smut but got this in my head when my friends sent me this. Enjoy!
You were enjoying a lovely, quiet afternoon at home.
Eddie and Wayne had left before dawn to go fishing about two hours from your home. Wayne was looking forward to bringing home some fresh fish for dinner, and Eddie was looking forward to some quality time with his Uncle.
After you had sleepily walked the boys to their truck, you went back to sleep until a more respectable hour. Then, after breakfast, you did some tidying and laundry and ran a few errands.
It was early afternoon, and you were reading a book in the recliner while the TV played in the background. You only looked up from your book when you heard the rumble of Wayne's beloved pickup pull up your driveway.
You barely had the door open when Eddie barrelled through and kissed you like he hadn't seen you in years. His hands cupped your cheeks as you grasped his shoulders for balance.
"Holy shit, Eds, it's only been 10 hours!" you gasped as you caught your breath.
"What, I can't show my best girl that I've been thinking about her all day?" You pulled back, noticing that Eddie seemed jumpy. You narrowed your eyes at him.
"What did you do?" Eddie's Bambi eyes grew large, and it was then that you noticed the large lump in his jacket.
"I didn't do anything."
"Shit, the government name," he muttered, and you sighed as you stepped closer. You reached for the zipper of his jacket and slowly pulled down. You gasped when two furry heads popped out and began meowing.
"Some asshole must have left them out there. They were so desperate they jumped in the river and swam to us, babe."
"They're so tiny!" you whisper shout, taking the orange one into your arms while Eddie takes out the all-black one. Both kittens started purring at the attention, and Eddie couldn't help but grin when you looked back at him.
"We're keeping them, right?"
"I don't know, babe,"
"Oh no, don't you dare play dumb with me. Coming in here with your I don't know bullshit. You knew exactly what you were doing."
Eddie has the decency to look guilty, but that panty-dropping smile you love reaches ear to ear now that he knows you're on board.
"I had a feeling you wouldn't say no, but Wayne had me second-guessing myself. Wanna know their names?"
"Of course, you already named them."
Eddie gives you a glare before reaching for the orange kitten.
"This little guy," he says, holding up the orange kitten, "is Cliff." You giggle when Cliff meows as if he's already accepted the moniker Eddie has bestowed him.
"I sense a theme here."
"Hush, woman. And this one is named Kirk." Kirk turns, and you gasp at his pale green eyes. He's fluffier than Cliff, and you can tell that lint brushes are about to be a part of your imminent future.
"Cliff and Kirk Munson. I like it. Did you and Wayne catch anything?"
"Yeah, we cleaned and gutted them before heading back. Why don't you take these two, and I'll help the old man."
"Wait, we don't have anything for these guys."
"No worries, we stopped at the pet store on the way home. We have everything our two babies will need." There's a kiss on your cheek, and then he's out the door, your mind trying to wrap around Eddie using the phrase "our babies" that has your hormones feeling a new kind of way. You're brought out of your thoughts when your boys begin meowing for attention.
"Come on, boys," you coo gently. "Let's go wait for Daddy to come back."
"Eddie, close the door."
"And lock our precious children out?"
"When they run over us at 3:17am, YES."
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that-tmr-girl · 23 days
Destress (Alby x Reader Smut)
When Alby's stressed about being leader, you help him out.
Blow job
Alby is no stranger to stress. Seeing as he’s in charge of over fifty people, it’d be weird if he was. He also couldn't exactly vent to anybody about it.
Nobody but me, who would sit in his room with him to both listen and offer some more physical solutions.
“They’ve just been a handful lately, haven't they?”I asked, innocently moving my hand from his shoulder to his chest as I stood in front of him. As his eyes widened, it was clear he was getting the message.
“Y/N, I have a lot to do. I can't-”
“I know you do. Is there anything I could do to . . . . help?”I grinned, trailing my hand down to his boxers.
He looked back at the shut door before grabbing my wrist that was on him. Taking charge, he led me to his pant buttons. Already knowing what he wanted, what he desperately needed, I undid them before pulling them to the floor, dropping to my knees as I did.
“We have to be quick,”He said firmly.
“Well, that's no fun, is it?”
“I know, I know,”He sighed, caressing my face with his hands, “I’ll make it up tonight though, when I’m sure we won't get caught.”
That he always did.
Tugging his boxers down, I let his hard dick spring free. Grabbing him with my hands, I met his eyes as I felt the veins around him. Groaning at the touch, he leaned against the table, gripping the sides.
Slowly pumping up and down, I teased him before giving kitten licks to his now dripping tip. He threw his head back as he let out another low grunt.
Trailing my tongue along his sides, I watched his eyes shut with frustrated pleasure. Holding back a devilish smirk, I swirled it around before lightly wrapping my lip around him but not moving.
“Stop teasing,”He ordered in a gruff voice.
Listening to him, I gradually slid his thick cock down my mouth and to the back of my throat. Looking down, he met my eyes as I surrounded his dick with my tongue, getting the taste of his precum filling my cheeks.
Pushing myself in and out, I kept going as he cursed under his breath. Taking it a step further, I started humming, vibrating him. Seeming to enjoy that, he threw his head back again as he pushed himself even deeper down my throat, almost making me gag.
Increasing my pace, I kept sucking him as he twitched inside of my mouth, alerting me that he was close. His groans got deeper as he got closer, bringing a nice wetness between my own legs. One that he would handle the second he got the time to.
As he let out that special moan I sucked in my cheeks and pumped what couldn't fit with my hands. With an expression of pure relaxation and ecstasy, his eyes tightly shut as he shot his warm seed into my mouth. Taking it, I swallowed as much of him as I was capable of before pulling my mouth away.
“Feel better?”I smirked, getting off my knees.
“I always do,”He said simply, trailing his hands down my waist and to my thighs.
“Alby!”Someone yelled from outside, ruining the moment. As his hands stopped touching my needy body I let out an accident whimper or disappointment.
“I know, I know. I’ll fix it soon though, okay?”He promised.
“Yeah. I know,”I sighed.
“Good. I’ll be back before you know it. For now, just stay here and wait for me,”He instructed.
“Yes sir, mister leader of the Glade,”I teased. He let out a slight chuckle until his name was called again.
“I’ll see you in a moment. Be ready for me,”He repeated before walking out the door, quickly shutting it so nobody would see me.
Sitting down on his bed, I sighed as I stared at it, waiting for people to stop needing him so we could get back to our special kind of fun.
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huffle-dork · 11 months
Curiosity Killed the Cat: Chapter 13
A Magnificent Encore Chapter 12 | Masterpost | AO3 Link
(AN: I can't believe I'm finally finishing this after 5 years- and one such a momentous fandom day! Did not expect that happen GVJBH but!! It feels so freaking surreal! i hope you guys have enjoyed this journey as much as I have! Look forward to one last chapter! Also parts of this that i wrote literally yesterday have been confirmed for marvin's backstory in the comics so?? I WINNNN!!!)
Marvin was trapped in a dream. Or… more like a memory. Guess this was like dying for real…. His life flashing before his eyes. That thought always scared him but… not now.
He searched through the haze- finding something to latch onto. A memory that reminded him over and over of what he was fighting for. Maybe… it could bring him comfort… one last time.
Even if this now felt like it was a different life…
Marvin was running, glancing behind him as a group of hooded figures gave chase. Blasts of magic tried to grab at him, pulling his tattered cape and clothes. To dodge the blasts he would shift and change into a small white cat, its back mimicking the look of his cape in black blotches of fur. The transitions looked as easy to him as breathing as he skidded and dodged the magic. But his chest burned, he couldn’t keep this up for long.
“Marvin the Magnificent! Stop this instant! You’re under arrest for stolen AIMC goods and using magic against AIMC guidelines!” One of the figures shouted with authority.
Marvin grit his teeth, “You got the wrong guy! I ain’t that asshole! Leave me alone!” ….Guess the splashes of paint he threw on his signature mask weren’t enough to throw them off…
“C’mon Marvin don’t do this!” Another figure pleaded, “We can help you! You don’t have to keep doing this! Running away isn’t gonna fix any of this!”
Marvin’s chest ached. That voice was familiar… a friend. Someone who tried to help him get on his feet after killing Phantom. But, even after joining the circle… he never felt like he could belong. Even though he was magic like them- he was far too different. They could never understand the pain of being a figment.
Of being human, but not at all. Of being solid, being able to live on his own. But constantly feeling like that could be taken away from him at any minute. Of trying to find out who he was, but never fully being able to know. Not unless he fell to the whims of a creator that had done nothing but abandon him in this dark and confusing world.
He could never go back… he’s heard nothing from his so-called creator since his hastily given name. Why go back to someone who doesn’t even care?
And besides… creators, family, friends… they all meant nothing, in the end. His last friend tried to steal his soul, after all.
The books he stole were weighing him down. But he was determined to not get caught. It had been a hard time trying to get out of their sights… he was exhausted, tired, filthy. He hardly even looked like he did when he was first made anymore. His beard was ragged, the green in his hair overgrown and faded.
But still, he was stubborn and determined. He had to get away…
To do… what exactly? He wasn’t sure. He just knew that he couldn’t stay with others. They’d only hurt him in the end… or he’d wind up hurting them.
He allowed himself to screech to a stop, then skid to face the charging magicians. He yelled out and held out both his hands, charging magic and then firing out a wall of blue-green flames to cut them off. The hooded figures all scrambled to stop before hitting the flames. Marvin caught the eye of his former friend, their face pleading under the shadow of their hood.
Marvin bared his teeth ferally, “Marvin the Magnificent doesn’t exist anymore! And if you continue to chase me, I’ll make you disappear too.”
Then, Marvin’s speech gets cut off as he’s suddenly grabbed from behind by his hood, dangling in the air like a kitten caught by its scruff.
“Okay hey now- enough of that!” A light voice seemed to joke, but he also had a type of power behind his charismatic tone.
One of the magicians gasped as they looked at the new figure. “J-Jackieboy Man!”
Marvin’s blood went cold and he paled. He… knew that name. It was one of the other figments Jack made. That- that hero guy. The first one.
Fucking shit! His heart was racing with panic- he didn’t want to be brought back to Jack! He was sure he’d gone way off the path of whatever joke Jack made him for. Going back… what if Jack decided he was too wild to keep around? Too dangerous?
He wouldn’t let himself fade- he wouldn’t become like Phantom!
Acting quickly, Marvin shifted into cat form and wriggled out of the hero’s grip. Jackieboy yelped and tried to grab the cat, only for Marvin to hiss and swat at his face, claws catching flesh. Jackieboy hissed through his teeth and stumbled back.
Marvin trembled back on shaky legs then ran as fast as those little legs could take him. He was bound to outrun the hero being this small!
Jackieboy shouted after him. “Hey wait!”
The shopping center they were running through was almost empty where he left the hero and magicians. But now the disguised figment could hear the roar of the crowd ahead. He surged forward as fast as he could, determined if he could reach them he could lose the hero for good.
But, he knew nothing of what Jack blessed the other figments with. With a burst of speed, Jackie had leaped into the air, then landed in front of Marvin, eyes glowing silver-blue.
The hero wiped at the blood on his face. “…that wasn’t very nice, you know.”
Marvin hissed, the card symbols on his forward glowing with magic. At this sight, Jackie’s eyes widened.
“Wait…! I… I know you- I’ve seen you! You’re… you’re one of us! …Marvin! Marvin, right?” The hero breathed, smiling brightly.
The cat trembled back and then shifted in a bit of light back into his human form. He glared at the hero and bared slightly fanged teeth. “…what of it? You here to turn me in?”
Jackieboy looked confused, “What? No! I mean- unless those magic guys were like… actually trying to arrest you for a crime…”
Marvin looked away, a distant flicker of guilt crossing his face.
The hero’s face fell. “…oh-“ He said quietly. But then he shook his head and tried to step forward, spreading out his hands. “But I mean… hey! We can… we can figure that out! It’s just… no one has heard hide or tail of you! You were all over the telly with your shows and then… you were just gone…”
Marvin looks at Jackieboy with a surprised expression, though he tried to keep himself guarded. … they… noticed that?
Jackie’s face creased in sympathy, “I don’t see Jack much… but I know he’s been worried. And- that means you haven’t even met the others yet! God dude… we’d all would love to meet you… we’ve heard so much about you! I used to watch your shows all the time!”
The magician-turned-thief’s guard lowered as he stared at Jackie in shock. Was… all of that true?
Though… new figments huh? His eyes darkened as he spat. “I see… Jack realized I was a failure and is already setting up replacements, Huh?”
The hero looked even more bewildered. “What?! No way that’s- that isn’t it at all! Dude, you needa take a massive chill pill!”
This made Marvin’s anger even stronger. Magic sparked around him as he growled out. “I can’t afford to ‘take a chill pill’! My life hasn’t been easy like yours, Hero! You have no idea what I’ve fucking been through, what darkness I’ve had to run from. Don’t you dare try to brush it off with your fucking jokes!”
There’s a beat of silence as Jackie just stares at Marvin.
“….damn- you’re like a massive edge lord-“ Jackie deadpans.
Marvin’s magic flickers for a second before coming back stronger. “What?! Did you- did you even listen to what I-?”
“Yeah- and it was like- straight out of the edge lord handbook, dude. Super cringe-“
The magician yells in rage and tries to throw a punch at Jackie. But, the hero just catches it and looks down at Marvin with a raised eyebrow. Marvin huffs and glares at Jackie, but he can easily see how exhausted this guy looks… and how scared.
Jackie laughs nervously and then lets Marvin go, anxiously messing with his hair. “Okay you’re right- not the time for jokes… just thought they’d- I dunno… help to make you a little less intense.”
Marvin’s lip rose in a tiny snarl, glaring daggers at the hero.
The red clad man sighs and rubs his neck. “Look- you’re right. I don’t know what you’ve been through. But… I do know- Jack wouldn’t want you out here… running and struggling to survive. And- I don’t want to see that either- I mean… in my head… all of us are pretty much… brothers, you know? I couldn’t let my lil bro suffer out here.”
Marvin felt his heart flutter, a warm feeling spreading. He tries to hide his surprise at Jackie’s gentleness.
But, the hero continues, attempting to step forward. “Listen man- whatever you’re going through… you don’t have to do it alone. It’s confusing and lonely out there- and… if you come with me- I can take you to see that you aren’t alone… all of us are dealing with being figments too.”
He slowly offered his hand to Marvin.
"Us figments gotta stick together, don't you think?" Jackie grinned down at him, his smile so kind it threatened to blind Marvin.
The magician looked at Jackie’s hand with hesitation. He’d been running for so long… could he actually have a second chance? A chance to try again…?
Eventually with a shaky hand, Marvin took Jackie’s. “…alright… I… I guess I can give it a shot.”
Jackie beamed so brightly he could rival the sun.
He quickly took the magician to meet the others. Their brothers, he told Marvin excitedly. Marvin frowned at the thought. He… never thought he could ever really have a family.
Though he wasn’t holding his breath- knowing Jack these guys could all be complete fucking weirdos.
And that was his first impression as he took in the ragtag group of Jack look-a likes, mingling around a cabin at the edge of the city’s limits.
Marvin’s eyes wandered to the sight of a yellow-green haired dude in a jinx hat, whooping and hollering as he managed to shoot a nerf dart into an open box of Lyons tea. He winced as he saw the man dab. …okay-
On the couch was a teal-haired man who looked like he stepped straight out of a silent movie, preened mustache and all. Oh- of course he was also looking at a pocket watch, checking the time. He looked up at Marvin’s arrival and cocked his head silently but waved exaggeratedly at the sight of Jackie behind him.
And in the corner at a desk was a man in a white doctor’s coat and mint green scrubs. His light green hair hung over his glasses as he studied a book, mumbling to himself in German.
…yup- bunch of fucking weirdos.
“Hey nerds!” Jackie called out, shocking Marvin out of his thoughts as the hero pressed the shorter ego tight to his side. “Look who I found! Marvin!!”
Jackie turned to Marvin and then gestured out, “Marvin! These are the Septic egos! That’s what Jack calls us instead of figments- cuz we’re like, alter-egos in a way! Cool, huh?”
Three pairs of identical colored eyes all look up at him and Marvin feels his insides squirming. He must look so rough- so different to how they pictured him. How Jack pictured him…
He waved nervously, attempting a smile. But, it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
The figment in the ball cap bounded up to Marvin with sparkling eyes and explosive energy right away. “Oh no way! Suh dude!! Super awesome to meet ya!” He pointed to himself with his thumb, “I’m Chase! Chase Brody! Though~ you might know me better from my YouTube channel, Bro Average!”
Marvin staggered back, overwhelmed by the energy. He blinked at Chase, “uh… n-no sorry… I uh…. haven’t had much of a chance to… browse the web lately.”
For a second, the bright ego’s expression seemed to fall. But it just as quickly lit back up as he laughed. “Not a problem, bro! Maybe sometime I can catch ya up! Over a good cup of Lyons~!”
The magician pondered this and then felt a reaction to the thought of tea. Something he hadn’t really thought of. “…mint.” He looked back at Chase and smiled shyly. “…I like uh… mint tea… so maybe over a cup of that…?”
Chase made a face close to a grimace. “Mint??” Marvin wanted to shrink back in shame. But then the youtuber chuckled and shrugged. “Hey, not my cuppa! But like- we can hang over whoever type of tea you want, my dude!” He grinned mischievously, “Hell, I can show you allll the pics I got of my kids!”
Marvin’s eyebrows rose. “…you’re a dad?”
“That’s- complicated,” Jackie coughed close to Marvin. He patted Chase on the shoulder quickly and tried to distract the younger ego. “Yo Chase, bet you can’t make a trickshot into that trash can!”
The father’s eyes lit up at the challenge. “Oh fuck yeah dude! you’re on!”
He quickly busies himself grabbing supplies and a camera to film his attempt.
Jackie gathers Marvin up lightly and whispers. “I’ll uh… catch you up on that. Sensitive subject.”
He leads Marvin over to the doctor. The light hit his glasses just right as he turned to set the book down and studied the new ego quietly. He then nods, “Ah yes- you are the uh… magic one. Do not expect me to believe any of that shit, okay?”
Marvin bristled like an angry cat. “What?”
The doctor smirked and pushed up his glasses, sitting taller and more refined. “I am a man of science, Mr. Kätzchen. So, your little voodoo shite will not work on zhe good doctor, Dr. Henrik von Schneeplestien, ja?”
The magician growled and looked ready to jump the doctor. Jackie quickly grabbed Marvin underneath his arms and scooped him up like he weighed nothing. He laughed nervously and carted Marvin away, “Okay! No more of that! Bye Schneep, love you!”
The doctor rolled his eyes and went back to his book and mumbled, chewing on his pen cap.
Marvin is plopped down in front of the last ego, the mustached gentleman. The small magician glared at Jackie, then turned to face the teal-haired ego.
He smiled brightly at Marvin and tipped his hat. Then a screen flickered into view in front of him, showing words like an old-timey silent film still. Marvin blinked in surprise. This one had magic too?
The screen read. “Hello, good chap! I’m Jameson Jackson! Ever so glad to make your acquaintance!”
Marvin found himself smiling, “Hey… that’s a pretty cool spell…” He then sits down on the couch next to Jameson and took off his hood. ”… think you can show me how you did it?” He smiled shyly at the other ego. But, Jameson’s smile could light up the whole room as he eagerly nodded.
And soon… Marvin became one of them. He found his brothers- and finally had people who could truly understand him.
Marvin felt himself relax as the memory faded. He let the darkness take him… he knew his brothers were safe now. They could figure out the rest without him…
The boys all watch in stunned disbelief as Marvin falls.
Jameson acts quick and throws out a hand, desperately mouthing, “NO!”
A wash of teal races across the room, freezing everything as if it was paused. The heart monitor stops, the zipping electricity of the broken computer stops mid arc, the doll that tumbled out of Marvin’s hand stops mid motion, core still lit with his magic.
The boys all rush in- not frozen by Jamie’s spell. Jackie crashes to Marvin’s side and picks him up. “No! No nono no! Marvin! C’mon Marvin t-this isn’t funny! Fuck! what did you do?!”
Marvin lays limp in Jackie’s arms, eyes milky and unseeing. His open mouth leaks black smoke like a dying campfire. His limbs are caught halfway in the act of disappearing, looking see through.
“H-He’s…!” Schneep whispers in fear.
“Fading.” Anti answers gravelly, trying to push himself up using the wall.
“What does that mean?! D-Does that mean he’s dying- he’s dead?!” Chase cries out in panic, “ A-Are we next? Is it too late?”
“I-I do not know…!” Henrik whimpers.
Jackie curls up over his baby brother and watches his tears fall on his slack face. He holds him tight, his body trembling. “I’m so sorry Marvin… I-I should’ve been there for you sooner…!” He hangs his head over him and breaks down.
Then, there’s a cough that interrupts their sorrows.
Anti had managed to glitch across the room and leans against Jack’s bed. He tiredly glares at the others. “...w-whatever Jameson just cast… it paused what Kit kat did… so he’s not gone yet.”
They all look to Jameson in slight disbelief and JJ looks confused as he nods to Anti.
Anti rolls his eyes and gestures at the gentleman. “... you still have that watch, don’t ya? … I think you know what to do.”
Jameson’s eyes widen and he fumbles into his pocket to fish out his pocket watch. He touches it lightly and then clicks it open. He feels the pulse of magic within its gears- and a power he hardly remembered he had comes flooding back to him. He looks at the others excitedly and hops a bit before starting to turn the pin back. As he does, his eyes flood with teal power.
And- the room starts to move in reverse.
The heart monitor beeps backwards, the doll rolls back into Marvin’s hands- the magician himself slumps back up- out of Jackie’s arms. The hero backs away in confusion and the others move to as to not impede the magician.
They see the life force spell work in reverse, hear him seemingly talking to himself, though they can’t understand what he’s saying. They watch as he rises from the ground and crawls backwards, away from Jack’s bed after reaching for it desperately.
It seems like Jamie is trying to reverse as much as he can- but he can’t reverse far enough to undo the livestream spell- or even stop Marvin’s corruption. The teal light flickers and then dies down right as Marvin hangs his head hopelessly, mumbling something to himself. Jameson suddenly looks white as a sheet as he pitches backwards, eyes rolling up in the back of his head.
The stopwatch’s pin clicks back into place on its own, restarting the flow of time.
The others can understand Marvin again- hear him whispering. “...i-i’m so sorry… Jackie… j-Jamie… Hen… C-chase… i… I never wanted to hurt you… I… I just wanted to keep us safe…”
He’s startled out of his thoughts by the sound of Jamie falling and his head snaps up, flicking a glowing hand out to stop Jameson before he falls completely to the ground.
“J-Jamie?!” Marvin whispers in disbelief. He then takes in the others and his jaw drops. “Y-You guys?! How did you…? How did you get here?!”
The quiet sound of glitches sounds off behind them- Anti disappearing back into Jack’s head before Marvin notices him.
Chase smiles with tears in his eyes, laughing quietly. “I don’t think you’d believe us bro…!”
Jackie looks ready to tackle Marvin, looking relieved. “We’re just so glad you’re okay-!” The hero says, opening up his arms.
Marvin startles back and seems to trip over himself, lightly dropping Jamie to the floor and out of his magic as he holds out a hand towards Jackie. “N-No! D-don’t come near me..!”
He’s met with confused faces and Marvin swallows shakily as he tries to explain. “S-Something bad is happening…! I-Inside me- something is trying to t-take my body and I… I don’t want it to hurt you…!”
“The black magic inside you… right?” Henrik asks quietly.
Marvin looks surprised and almost dumbfounded. “Uh… y-yeah… I think so? H-How did you…?”
A hand grabs onto his pant leg and Marvin panics for a second before realizing its… it’s Jameson.
The gentleman pushes himself up but it looks like he’s hardly holding on. Still, he shakily pulls something out of his vest and hands it to Marvin. It’s an ornate blue hand mirror… so delicate it looks like it’s made of ice.
Marvin takes it with knit eyebrows, studying the surface. “Jays… what is this?”
Jameson smiles and shakily signs to Marvin, “Dark, trap.” He then gently touches over his heart.
Marvin looks more confused but looks back to study the mirror. Did… Jamie find a way to trap all this dark magic…? It… it was worth a shot, wasn’t it?
The magician breathes in and then tries to touch the mirror's surface. But- then his other hand lashes out and grabs his wrist, dropping the mirror.
Marvin’s eyes flare purple as a darker version of his voice snarls through his lips. “ℕ𝕠! 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕝𝕖𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕖𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕟 𝕦𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕤! 𝕎𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕟’𝕥 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞!” Blue flickers back in his irises and Marvin panics, trying to fight back for control. “N-No stop it! I…I don’t want this power anymore…! I-I want to be good…!”
He looks back at the others desperately- but Jamie redirects his attention and smiles warmly, signing, “Your light is strong Marvin, you are good! Just believe in it, like we all believe in you!” The other boys cheer and smile, agreeing with Jamie.
Magic still flickers in Marvin’s eyes, tears threatening to cloud his vision. But, he tries to hold onto Jamie’s advice… imagining the light within him.
The voice seems to shriek as Marvin pushes back some of its control- just enough to grab the mirror again and touch the surface, finding the runes of the spell. He acts quickly, reciting it as fast as he can.
Each word he stumbles over makes him wince, white light cracking in the purple veins on his skin. Still he keeps going- even though it hurts. The purple magic seems fo be bubbling up to the surface, pushed out by the light. As Marvin recites the last word of power, he suddenly screams, his arms falling back as something seems to burst from his chest. No actually- it’s like the dark magic is peeling off of him- and slowly… it seems to make a perfect copy of the magician, one made of pulsing black and purple shadow with piercing purple eyes.
Marvin almost collapses into the ground, gasping. He looks more like himself again- though his hair is still long and brown, matching the dark copy. As he looks down at himself he realizes… he’s not in the clothes he was just wearing- no the copy has those. He’s in… the outfit he was born in. His canon outfit. It’s been so long since he’s seen it but… it brings him a sense of comfort, even if it's just for a moment. His eyes shine with that familiar bright blue, an echo of Jack. Though the corruption still marks his skin like scars, they look far more faint now. He threatens to sway but Jameson catches him and keeps him steady. The pale magician looks up at the shadowy figure and feels his stomach drop. “T-That was inside me??”
The shadow bares its teeth at Marvin. “ℕ𝕠, 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕟! 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 𝕪𝕠𝕦.”
“Bullshit!” Jackie spits at the copy, eyes flaring with blue silver magic.
The copy chuckles and addresses the red clad man, cocking its head with a smooth motion. “𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕙 𝕠𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕒𝕜, 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕠. 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕞𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕗𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕖𝕞𝕡𝕥𝕪 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕗𝕦𝕝, 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕠𝕗 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕙𝕠𝕥 𝕒𝕚𝕣~!”
Chase has to hold back Jackie from lunging at the shadow.
It laughs and shakes his head, spreading out its hands. “𝔸𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕤𝕒𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘- 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕟. 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕜 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕤, 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕖, 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖, 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨𝕝𝕖𝕕𝕘𝕖.” It hums and snaps, bringing something out of Marvin’s pocket that shoots into his hand. A book with a cover blacker than black with purple trim.
“…𝕀 𝕘𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕤𝕒𝕪… 𝕀’𝕞 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕪~!”
“Well… curiosity killed the cat-“ Henrik mutters.
“ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕪𝕖𝕥 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕟’𝕥~!” The shadow laughs, turning back to Marvin. It lifts up its hand and Marvin is brought up in a bubble of purple magic, clawing at his neck like he can’t breathe.
The others all jump to their feet- trying to figure out how to help. But as Jackie tries to charge at the shadow, he’s suddenly blown back by a giant arc of purple electricity. He slides across the floor, dazed, things in his backpack flying across the floor. He groggily sees the white of Marvin’s old mask in front of him.
Phantom’s words echo in his head: “You know… there’s one thing I know about light magic… why you heroes and goody-two-shoes always best us in the end.” “...it’s your ability to be positive. To believe in each other. To have things and memories that… keep the darkness away. ...perhaps that can help you.”
Jackie looks to make sure the shadow isn’t looking before taking the mask and studying it. He narrows his eyes and then turns it over, finding a message written in blue ink.
It’s… some kind of spell. A couple runes follow after the message of “For the grey days.”
Grey days… Jackie remembers Marvin would often have days where his confidence was shot, the days he needed kind words and encouragement. He called them grey days. He used to rub the inside of his mask when he was anxious, saying it had its own kind of magic in it.
Jackie knows he’s no magician… he barely understands how his powers work, let alone Marvin’s. But, this mask was from when he was first born… maybe-
He copies the gesture he’s seen Marvin do a thousand times- and the runes on the mask glow a light blue.
Jackie’s eyes snap back to his brother squirming in the shadow’s grip.
The shadow laughs cruelly, increasing the pressure. The book it stole back hovers next to it in a purple glow, staying close to its side. “𝕀’𝕞 𝕘𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕣𝕚𝕕 𝕠𝕗 𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕨𝕖𝕒𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕟- 𝕓𝕪 𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕣𝕚𝕕 𝕠𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦! 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤- 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕚𝕤𝕟’𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕖𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙! 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕟𝕠 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕒 𝕨𝕖𝕒𝕜 𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕟 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕟𝕪𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤! 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕠𝕟’𝕥 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖!”
Marvin chokes on a sob, his eyes threatening to get taken over by purple again. The shadow pushes into his face, grinning wolfishly as it whispers. “𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝕕𝕠𝕖𝕤𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦… 𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕕𝕠𝕖𝕤𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦…! 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕕𝕠𝕟’𝕥-!”
“You’re wrong!” Jackie shouts, using his power to send out a blast with his voice, monetarily throwing off the shadow as it loosens some of its grip on Marvin. Marvin looks back at Jackie with tears running down his face, looking lost.
“You say he doesn’t know who he is? Well I know!” Jackie says proudly, “He’s a big cry baby! He cries at Disney movies! He’s spent so much of his life afraid and scared but… he has come out better- despite everything he’s been through!” Jackie looks and meets Marvin’s eyes, pride beaming up within him as he smiles softly.``…he’s my baby brother… and I love him.”
Marvin sniffles, his eyes filling with more tears as his lip quivers. The shadow seems to roll its eyes at Jackie,“…𝕕𝕚𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕖𝕔𝕙 𝕥𝕠 𝕕𝕠 𝕒𝕟𝕪𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕠𝕣?”
The hero does seem to hesitate for a second- just enough to look back down at the mask he’s holding. His eyes widen slightly as he sees red energy blooming on the white surface. He then grins and looks smugly back at the shadow.
“You know, for a copy of Marvin- you are forgetting a very powerful magic we all have!”
The shadow looks confused, raising an eyebrow as its eyes display a quiet bit of hunger.
The hero beams, bright as a sun as he shouts, “The power of PMA! Nothing can keep us all down- because we have each other! And I believe in Marvin’s ability to kick your sorry shadow-y ass!”
The mask glows more, and Jackie looks to the other egos, sharing a look that says ‘follow my lead and trust me.’ He holds up the mask, making sure to flash the energy growing on it. Slowly, they all smile and nod.
The copy bares its teeth in anger and shoots out magic towards the hero, a tendril of dark magic lashing out… and then spearing Jackie straight through the stomach.
“NO!” Marvin screams, trying to get out of the shadow’s grasp better, clawing at its magic.
“𝕐𝕠𝕦’𝕧𝕖 𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕞𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕖𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙, 𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕚𝕖𝕓𝕠𝕪. 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤 𝕨𝕠𝕟’𝕥 𝕤𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕙𝕚𝕞- 𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗~!” It laughs cruelly, squeezing Marvin’s throat tighter.
Jackie halts his momentum using his feet to skid against the floor. He wheezes in pain and coughs up some blood, but he smiles. Even as dark veins start to crawl up where the magic hit. He looks up with blue glowing eyes as he smirks. “You won’t kill us- you need M-Marvin alive…!”
“𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖- 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕀 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕖𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕥𝕠 𝕜𝕖𝕖𝕡 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕞𝕪 𝕨𝕒𝕪-!” The shadow smirks knowingly, “I𝕀 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕚𝕘𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜. 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕟 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕪𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 ℙ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕞! 𝔸𝕤 𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 ‘𝕔𝕠𝕣𝕖’ 𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕔𝕥 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕖𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟, 𝕪𝕠𝕦’𝕝𝕝 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜. 𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕝… 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤- 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜~”
The copy looks over to Chase and seems to smirk, making the father shiver, the scar on his temple aching.
“W-What?!” Henrik gasps out, looking at the shadow with wide eyes. “What do you mean we can just… die? Die and… and reform??”
“Yeah what are we, Crystal gems?” Chase mutters.
The shadow looks confused and throws back its head and laughs. “𝕆𝕙𝕙𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥’𝕤 𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥! 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕟’𝕥 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝕤𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕒 𝕗𝕚𝕘𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕗𝕒𝕕𝕖! ℍ𝕒 𝕙𝕒! 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦’𝕣𝕖 𝕒 𝕕𝕠𝕔𝕥𝕠𝕣, 𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕡! 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕠 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕜𝕖𝕖𝕡 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖… 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘!”
Henrik pales, a look of confusion and uncertainty crashing against his mind.
“𝔽𝕦𝕟𝕟𝕪…” The shadow continues, “𝕀 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕟 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠𝕝𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪 𝕜𝕖𝕪 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘!”
Marvin clenches his eyes shut, “I… I didn’t like t-thinking about it…! I just- I did everything to make sure they never would!” The magician admits through tears.
“𝕄𝕙𝕞… 𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕡! ℕ𝕠𝕨 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝!” The shadow explains with a showman-like flare, much like how Marvin would address his crowds.
It then clenches its fist and the tendril still in Jackie rips upwards, making the hero scream in pain and get lifted off his feet.
“𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕞𝕪 𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕚𝕖 𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕦𝕝𝕝𝕪~! 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕠𝕟’𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞 𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝕖𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣!” The dark copy giggles, eyes bright with madness.
Jackie’s body ripples and for a second seems to flicker, like he could fade out of existence. But Jackie grits his teeth with determination. He shakes as he grips onto the tendril and Marvin’s old mask. His vision blurs. He needs to act fast…
He pushes down the dread pooling in his stomach, his fear. He believes in Marvin… He throws the mask towards Chase, “Chase! Catch!”
Chase startles and fumbles to catch it but just manages to. He looks at it with wide eyes.
Jackie smiles and then slumps in the tendrils hold, breathing heavily and raggedly as branches of corruption eat up his skin. Then, the hero falls very very still.
The shadow whips to look at the mask flying in confusion. “𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥?!” Its eyes land on Chase then it thrusts out a hand to hover a tendril just against his neck. Ready to pierce it. It narrows its eyes as it growls. “ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕦𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦’𝕝𝕝 𝕕𝕚𝕖 𝕒𝕤 𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕝, 𝔹𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕪.”
Chase looks terrified- but then he sees the brave body of Jackie… and similar determination flares in his eyes. He stands tall, gripping the mask as he shouts out. “I-I’m not afraid to die!” He then hesitates and adds on.
“…no actually I… I am afraid of dying now…” He laughs quietly with a distant look in his eyes. Funny…. He never thought he could think something like that.
“because I…. I have something to live for again! Because… because of… of my brothers.”
He looks to meet Marvin’s eyes as the older brother looks at him with fear and concern. He tries to shake his head at him, encouraging him to stop this. But Chase just smiles.
“…and especially cuz of Marv. He… he helps me to be a better dad… he cares for my kids, he helped me to find my confidence again. He… he makes me want to keep trying, to keep living.”
A tear falls down the father’s face but he laughs at the shadow as the mask starts to branch more with light, orange joining red. “And now… I know I can come back! So… do your fucking worse, ya cheap knockoff! I’m not letting you take my big bro away from us!”
Marvin chokes on a sob, trying to reach out for Chase. Just as the shadow growls and whips the tendril to spear itself higher, through the side of Chase’s head. Chase doesn’t even get a chance to scream- his body immediately falling limp and hanging grotesquely in the tendril’s hold, dangling like Jackie’s. His head lolls lifelessly back, staring wide eyed and blankly at the ceiling. The magic eats away at him like rot.
The mask slips from Chase’s fingers and falls to the ground dully. Schneep hesitates, looking beyond terrified. But he sees a flick of black magic and he quickly crashes to the ground to swipe it before the shadow can grab it. The copy screams in frustration, acting already in anger and spearing into Henrik like the others, straight into his chest.
“NO NO STOP IT!!” Marvin screams, thrashing in the shadow’s grip. “I-I’m not worth this! STOP!”
Then, Henrik seems to laugh as he coughs up what looks like black sludge. He stubbornly has managed to hold onto the mask, even as his hand shakes. He claws to grip at the magic better, trying to stay awake. The magic burns, making it hard to think. He looks scared as he gazes back at Marvin but he also smiles warmly, despite the dark veins crawling scarily fast across his skin.
“Shut up, Marvin… e-even if you and I have not gotten along before… even if I do not get your magic and you do not get my science…! You are… so passionate and determined and…”
He shuts his eyes as the words struggle to come, a wave of pain rushing over him. But he then opens tearful eyes to meet Marvin’s as he chuckles quietly. “I… I want to share that… I want to study and learn with you…! I want to understand my big brother better!” His eyes flare with determination as he grips tighter onto the mask, greenish white light joining the red and orange. “So… y-you must live, Marvin…! You have to win!”
For some reason, whenever the Septics start to talk to Marvin, the shadow also seems to freeze, held in whatever power this is. Much to its anger. The second Henrik stops, it rips another tendril messily through his neck and throws him down, growling darkly. “𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕡 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕖 𝕚𝕕𝕚𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕤! 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘!” But it almost sounded… afraid, under all that anger.
The mask flies out of Henrik���s limp hand as he crumbles to the ground, blood pooling around him as he struggles to take in any full breaths, faint gurgling bubbling from his throat. Then… his gaze turns cloudy and unseeing, his chest no longer rising.
The mask spins and then manages to hit Jameson’s foot, the youngest septic looking at his defeated brothers in horror.
The shadow sees this and then throws its head back to laugh. “𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕒𝕥 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕚𝕥 𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖! 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕞𝕦𝕥𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕟’𝕥 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕪 𝕗𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕪 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕙𝕖?”
A tendril comes out and wraps around Marvin’s teary eyes, blocking off his view. Marvin whimpers and shakes, muttering out apologizes… to Jamie, to the others.
Jameson’s eyes glow teal with anger at the shadow’s taunts. He picks up the mask and stands tall, despite his fatigue. If this was to be his last stand, he’d give it everything he’s got.
There’s an almost painful spear of foreign magic in Marvin’s head- that gets echoed in the shadow’s as it shouts out in pain. Jameson’s voice is clear in their heads- just like when he broke through to Marvin during the livestream.
“Marvin, you are brave and you are strong… even though you have felt so lost for so long- you never stopped trying. Despite our lack of direction from Jack… you haven’t stopped trying to write your own story.
No one else knows how sad our stories will be. I don’t want this to become another tragedy! So, let’s rewrite this dark tale, and become more than we were forced to be, Marvin! We are by your side… and always will be.
You have not, and will never be, alone.”
Marvin sobs loudly, a mix of being overwhelmingly touched and heart-broken. Because he knows now what’ll happen next. “No… p-please…!”
Teal light joins the other colors, creating an intricate beautiful pattern across the white mask, imitating celtic knots. Jameson’s eyes widened and he smiled wide, ready to try to throw it to Marvin.
As soon as he lifted up his hand, the tendril came and speared through Jameson’s heart. He choked and the mask fell, clattering to the floor. The black magic made quick work of the tiny ego, the darkness rushing to consume him before he could even take another ragged breath. Then, the gentleman fell, limp like a puppet without its strings. The shadow made sure Marvin could see it all happen, dropping the tendril that blinded him.
Marvin felt frozen, his breath stolen as he takes in the destroyed bodies of his brothers, some of them looking like they were starting to disappear. But, instead of hopelessness… righteous fury burned hot in his chest, spreading throughout his whole body. He could hardly hear the shadow as it tried to taunt him, break him down even more. His brothers’ voices rang louder and truer in his head now, strong and solid against the whispered corruption.
Summoning any magic he could possibly have left, Marvin shot out a hand and in a quick burst of telekinesis, grabbed the glowing mask. It flew by too fast for the copy to stop and Marvin caught it expertly in his outstretched hand.
A burst of light rocketed out of him as he caught it, blasting the shadow apart. But only for a moment as it reformed a few meters back. Any tendrils still stuck in the boys burst into shards, dropping their bodies into still heaps. It growled angrily and glared at the forming sun spot that was his host. “𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝?!”
Marvin slowly looked at his body as it glowed brightly and then at the mask. He followed his usual gesture against the back and smiled, feeling that positive energy fueling him even more. When he looked up at the shadow, he looked confident, as the light that danced on the mask's surface marbled in his eyes alongside his strong green-blue magic.
Then, two fiery wings of light unfurled from his back, power radiating from him like…
Like a Phoenix.
But his wings, shimmering brightly with light, aren’t the color you’d normally associate with the mythical bird. No, they burn with flickers of green and blue fire.
The shadow for a second actually seems scared, scrambling back. He tried to redirect his magic to find the book- maybe he can get another boost to combat this-! But, his magic doesn’t respond.
Because the book is stuck floating in a teal bubble of magic. Jameson’s last stand.
The dark copy screams in rage, purple electricity radiating off him in dangerous arcs.
But, Marvin steps forward, anger burning in his eyes. Light branches from his footsteps as he walks, covering up parts of the room that was charred by corruption. And white glowing tears are falling down his face, despite his furious expression.
The tears seem to float in the air after him, some lingering like stardust, some hovering then darting to sink into the bodies of the fallen septics. Their wounds fill with light, then start to close. They start to become solid again. They start to breathe.
“All this time… you tried to make me feel like I was alone.” Marvin spoke quietly, but his voice echoed almost ethereally. “That no one cared for me, that my creator had abandoned me, that I was doomed to keep running forever…
You made me think I was forging my own path! That I was rewriting my story… but no- I just fell into more fucking puppet strings! From one puppet master to another…”
He grips the mask at his side and grits his teeth. “You made me forget that I had my family! That I had people who could help me! Because you know deep down… that’s a magic that you can’t possibly control.”
The shadow trembles back, “𝕋-𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤! 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥- 𝕙𝕦𝕞𝕒𝕟 𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤- 𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤! 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕟 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘-!”
“They mean everything!” Marvin yells, wings flaring out. “I would still be lost and scared, convinced I was a killer until Jackie found me! Convinced I could never be enough… for Jack, for myself… for… anyone. Until they all took me in… and showed me what love actually feels like.
Though I guess… you can’t feel that can you?” He sneers down at the trembling mass of darkness.
The shadow glares at Marvin and then chuckles darkly. “𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟’𝕥 𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕞𝕖, 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨. 𝕀’𝕞 𝕒 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦- 𝕀’𝕞 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕝. 𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕒𝕕𝕞𝕚𝕥 𝕚𝕥 𝕠𝕣 𝕟𝕠𝕥.”
Marvin’s expression softens slightly, almost turning empathetic. “…you said you were my darkness, right? …as much as I want to deny you- to forget you exist… I can’t. You’re right, you’re a part of me.”
He glances down at the floor, catching a glimpse of the mirror. An idea sparked in his head.
The Phoenix ego glared at the shadow as he adjusted the glowing mask to sit on his face. The flames on his wings glowed with his brothers’ colors.
“But that part of me… isn’t who I want to be anymore. I… I don’t want to rely on anger and despair anymore! And I’m sick of things like you trying to tell me who I am!”
Without even flicking his hand, the mirror flew up into his palm where he gripped it right.
He stepped forward again and the shadow trembled back.
“I’m sick of Jack, sick of the fandom, sick of fucking puppet masters trying to make me something I’m not! I’m going to figure that out on my own… from the ashes of all the shit you’ve put me through!”
“𝕄-𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕟 𝕔’𝕞𝕠𝕟!” The shadow tries to plead, nervously smiling. “𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕨𝕙𝕪 𝕀 𝕕𝕚𝕕 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕨𝕖 𝕕𝕚𝕕! 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕪 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕥-“
“I never needed you! I never wanted you! All this time! No one has given a fucking damn about what I want! How I wanted to do things! Who I want to be!”
His eyes filled completely with rainbow light as he stood proud and tall, the mirror vibrating with power at his side.
“I’m fucking Marvin the Magnificent! I’m my own fucking person- and you-!”
He holds out the mirror, showing the dark copy his own terrified reflection.
“You are nothing more than a reflection of something I will never be!”
He channeled magic into the mirror and it shot off a beam of hot burning light. The shadow shouted out and turned into a wisp to dodge before reforming shakily.
Marvin shouts in rage and blasts out bright magic fire at the creature. It hisses and screeches in pain as the magic singes it, carving holes in its form like acid burning through wood.
The shadow seems weaker, focusing on the searing pain in its body. It doesn’t see the flaming form barrel into it and slam it into the floor. Marvin growls as he pushes the mirror against the shadow. They struggle- parts of the shadow’s body being pulled towards the mirror.
Then, with a feral scream and a burst of magic, a ring of white overtaking a weak purple ring- the two figures are blasted apart.
The mirror drops with a tinny ring as it hits the ground. A black shadowy figure pounds against the glass inside- but no one can hear its screams.
The septics all start to rise, blinking out in confusion to the lingering magic in the air, floating and falling like ethereal fireflies.
Chase panics and touches where his wounds were then sighs in relief, slumping to the floor in an almost comical way.
Jameson pushes himself up, expecting to still feel weak but- he feels… fine? Great, even! He looks to see if that damned book was still trapped- and then gasps at seeing it on the ground as bright magic fire lapped at its contents.
Henrik is looking down at his body in marveled awe, shakily touching a hand to the faint scars around his neck.
Jackie recovers and shakes out his confusion, gripping over his chest as he confirms he’s okay. Only to pale as he sees the other side of the room.
The final blast had shot Marvin back. His body left skid marks on the floor- the path of his wings marked on the ground. The only evidence they were ever there. The light on his white mask pulses softly then fades altogether.
But the passed out magician looks… peaceful. Despite his still beaten and black-magic-scarred body. Next to his limp hand- by some miracle… is Jack’s doll.
Marvin opens his eyes to see he’s… not in the waking world. That’s really the only way to describe this feeling. It felt like… something in the mind, like when you’re concentrating on a thought and trying to visualize it. He seemed to be floating in a void of constantly shifting colors. But one color was more consistent than the others- veining, pulsing cracks of purple. Marvin winced at the sight.
“…alright- love how things just keep getting weirder-“ The magician mumbles to himself.
Then, Marvin’s ears twitched a bit as he sensed another presence near him. He blinked, then turned to look behind him.
And saw… Jack. Smiling warmly at him. The creator waved.
“… Hi, Marvin.”
Marvin didn’t know why tears were almost immediately in his eyes. Why he surged forward, why he wrapped his arms around the other brunette, why he dug his face in his shoulder, clutched at the back of his shirt and started crying like a baby.
“J-Jack…! Jack I- I-I…!” He choked on a sob and gasped desperate breaths before breaking down, howling. “I’m so sorry! I’m sorry- I’m so fucking sorry!!!”
“Hey…” The creator’s voice is gentle. “It’s okay… it’s all gonna be okay….”
Marvin shifts to hide his face more, biting out, “But I…! I helped to put you in a fucking coma….! I hurt you- I tried to hurt the others…! I…!”
He then pushes himself away from the youtuber and goes to hold his arms against him, trembling. He looks down at his scarred hands and then clenches them with a choked whimper. He meets Jack’s eyes and shakes his head slowly.
“Jack I… I’m dangerous…”
Jack tilts his head. “So is Anti. And Jackie- and hell any of the others could be too. Have you seen Jameson with a knife? Kid could be fucking brutal.”
Marvin shakes his head more, insisting. “Jack, I almost killed you! I… I’m too unstable I- I’m not sure if…” He looks down and then clenches his arm, biting back more tears.
“… I’m not getting rid of you, Marvin.” Jack quietly reassured. “ ‘fraid you’re stuck with all of us.” He tries to laugh, desperately trying to lighten the mood.
It doesn’t work on Marvin. He can’t look back at Jack as he mutters. “…you never meant to make me… all I’ve done is caused problems…”
“That’s not true,” Jack presses, trying to bridge the gap between them. “To be honest… a lot of you I didn’t mean to make! It just… happened.” He then smiles brightly, looking like the sun. Guess that’s where Jackie gets it from. “But…. Believe me, I wouldn’t change any of that. I’m glad I made you all. And I love you, just as much as I love the others.”
Marvin hesitates then looks back up to catch Jack’s smile. It’s… infectious, and Marvin can’t help but try to smile weakly back.
But it very quickly falls as Marvin mutters.
“…I didn’t want to hurt anyone.”
“I know you didn’t, Marvin.”
“I didn’t want to drag the others into this…! I just… I wanted them to be safe-“
“…I know.” For a second, Jack seemed to look… almost guilty. Like that was his fault.
Marvin shuts his eyes then cries out, “then why!? If you know this about me- why did any of this happen? Shouldn’t you have been able to stop it? Rewrite things?? Why did Anti target me? Why did this magic consume me? Why am I so easily changeable?”
For once, Jack is quiet. He seems to be thinking of how to respond as Marvin pants to catch his breath.
Finally, Jack speaks up.
“…because I’m not like Anti. Or the people who hurt you. I don’t want to control you… I want you to still figure out who you are, without needing me.”
Marvin’s eyes widened. Jack met his with steely determination.
“… me and Anti. We are connected- but we are not the same. Two sides of the same coin… but that means- I’m not a puppet master, like he is.
And this isn’t all me… sometimes the fans are just- curious. But… that doesn’t mean you can’t make your own choices. Before all this… you kept letting others decide for you. And even if it’s true that I didn’t put much thought in you at first… you have so much potential, Marvin. And I can’t wait to see where your story takes you. Eventually, I might have a hand in it again… but until then, it seems like you have a lot you gotta learn about yourself, Phoenix guy.” Jack smirked.
“But- when the story does continue- believe me, it’s gonna be one hell of a collab!”
Marvin slowly started to smile, finally feeling warmth bloom back in his chest.
He sighs and then looks at the purple magic around them. He looks down in his hand- and seems to find that doll again. He looks back up to Jack with glowing eyes, smiling with determination.
“You know what? … I think I actually like the sound of that. Let’s get you the hell out of here!”
Marvin then closed his eyes and curled both his hands around the doll. His body started to glow with blue-green magic, white stardust shimmering inside it as well. That same light started to bloom on the purple veins, eating up the magic and making it disappear.
Jack laughed in disbelief as he watched. The egos would always amaze him in ways he never even expected…
For a second- everything seems alright- it seems like Jack could actually wake up as all the purple fades completely.
But then, Marvin shouts out and curls up in pain, gripping at either side of his head.
Jack lashed out, trying to reach him. “Marvin! What’s wrong?”
Marvin looked back up to Jack with glowing green eyes, his sclera black, just as the void around them turned dark and started to glitch.
Familiar terrifying laughter echoed around the space as the veins Marvin just destroyed bloomed back, but this time pulsing with sickly green light.
“F-Fucking ANTI!!” Marvin screamed, digging fingers into his scalp. He meets Jack’s eyes with desperation, “I… I undid my spell! But it seems like he- he took it over…!”
But, Jack doesn’t seem surprised by this. He smiles sadly.
“Yeah… I guess that figures.”
Marvin shouts as his body starts to glitch and then flickers in and out like he could disappear.
He reaches a hand back out towards Jack, sobbing out. Something is pulling him back from reaching him, even as he fights desperately to get back to him. “Jack! I… I promise! We’ll find a way to save you…!”
Jack smiles a bit more and nods.
“…I know you will.” His voice echoed, a slight finality in it that left Marvin’s chest aching.
Then, the space floods with darkness, growing like ink overtaking water as glitching laughter continues to echo in their ears. Swallowing the light completely.
Marvin’s eyelids fluttered. He groaned lightly and then blearily looked out. He saw four very concerned faces leaning over him. But the sight of them filled his whole body with relief.
The magician sunk more against Jackie, who had him propped up on his knee. “Y…you guys are s..safe…” he quietly slurred.
Jackie smiled. “Yeah… all thanks to you, baby bro.”
“Dude! That must have been one hell of a fight!” Chase exclaimed excitedly, his eyes practically sparkling. “The marks on the floor made it look like you had like- fucking wings or something!”
Marvin chuckled weakly. “I uh… I did, actually.”
“No fucking way??!!”
The others laughed at Chase’s reaction.
“…you must be very tired, Bruderherz,” Schneep commented gently. “We should probably get you checked at the hospital…”
Jameson nodded and added in sign, “yes! Magic exhaustion is no joke!”
Marvin nodded absentmindedly, turning his head to look towards the other side of the room. Where Jack lay sleeping.
The room fell quiet for a couple painful beats.
“…do you think Jack will wake up…? Now that all of this is over?” Chase asked quietly.
Marvin closed his eyes with a grimace and then slowly shook his head. “No… I… I had a vision. Anti found a way to keep him asleep…”
The sadness that bloomed in the air was thick enough to feel as it weighed down on the 5 boys.
But, Marvin shuffled to weakly sit up better and then held out a hand. His eyes glowed with passion and a bit of magic. “But… I know we can all find some way to wake him… together.”
Jackie’s eyes shined as he grinned and clasped Marvin’s hand with his own. “Hell yeah!”
Chase was quick to join his hand with theirs. Henrik rolled his eyes with a smile but soon joined as well. Jameson bounced slightly before placing his hand on top.
Marvin smiled. As long as they stuck together… they could take on anything.
The clasping of hands soon turned itself into a dog pile on top of Marvin, multiple pairs of arms hugging him softly where they could reach. Marvin tried to hold back tears but then slowly and quietly broke down, letting himself be weak. He didn’t feel scared anymore, he felt nothing but bone aching relief. He was with his family again… that was all that mattered.
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violet-amphithere · 10 months
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One of them character relationship charts for my interpretations of the slugcats. Except Saint, because I don't know how to write them sorry.
Not all of these descriptions are said "in-character" so to speak because not all of them would ever say how they feel about someone else outright. The white squares in particular are my OOC descriptions of them, not what they think of themself.
Image transcription under the cut
OOC descriptions of how I characterize that character: Monk Curious, somewhat impulsive. Loves their family. Wants to go home.
Survivor Cautious. Loves their family. Values their own freedom.
Hunter Goal-oriented. Loves life; resents the idea that she was not made to experience it.
Gourmand Values the well-being of their colony first of all. Has some trouble with showing vulnerability.
Artificer Angry (grieving), Angry (regular). Stubborn. Values family bonds very, very highly.
Spearmaster Not so sociable with most others, but not unkind. Values freedom, connection.
Rivulet In love with the experience of having a physical body. Largely a loner. Not so good at emotional intelligence.
-- How each character feels about another:
Monk, about Survivor My beloved sibling for whom I would go to the ends of the world to bring back home
Monk, about Hunter Friends, I like to talk and hang out
Monk, about Gourmand Cool. Intimidating. Wants to have a part in the sense of community that Gourmand fosters. Is a little scared of it all.
Monk, about Artificer Deeply sympathetic but frustratingly distant
Monk, about Spearmaster ….jealous????
Monk, about Rivulet would like to befriend (not happening)
Survivor, about Monk I love you but I wish you would let me live my own life. I wish you had not made sacrifices for me and wish you had not made yourself my responsibility.
Survivor, about Hunter Friends, slightly distant
Survivor, about Gourmand Very intimidating. Tries to learn from them, actually learns exactly what they don't want for themself.
Survivor, about Artificer Hey can you just real quick let me believe you are a reasonable person? No? ok.
Survivor, about Spearmaster Envy, admiration, awe? Would like to see the world with them, or a least with the freedom they have to do so.
Survivor, about Rivulet Neutral
Hunter, about Monk Friend. Likes to teach Monk anything they can
Hunter, about Survivor Reminds me of myself. I hope life is kind to them
Hunter, about Gourmand Feeling indebted, which makes for tension. I wish I could do more in return.
Hunter, about Artificer How are you comforting company
Hunter, about Spearmaster Built better than me. Can explore and travel and I can't. Why? More care put into them..? (which changes into) Friendship kinship artist buddies who will reclaim the act of creation together.
Hunter, about Rivulet Confusing? Neutral
Gourmand, about Monk They get along great. No notes.
Gourmand, about Survivor Angsty lil guy. They'll be alright.
Gourmand, about Hunter Cares, but has a lot of difficulty conveying the mutual respect that Hunter needs
Gourmand, about Artificer PLEASE stop throwing bombs and listen to me for 5 seconds. please.
Gourmand, about Spearmaster Acquaintance; always nice to have come by
Gourmand, about Rivulet Good friend. Could almost be second in command, except Rivulet is not interested
Artificer, about Hunter Why do i wish i were you
Artificer, about Gourmand Fucking goodie goodie thinks they're so smart and responsible and experienced and resourceful and happy, Well guess what!!!! You're right [beat] fuck you
Artificer, about Spearmaster Very vocal judgment
Artificer, about Rivulet Fun challenge to spar with. Knows nothing about me. (and thus does not like me, which would be unacceptable) My friend my buddy
Spearmaster, about Monk can i help you
Spearmaster, about Survivor Mentorly, friendly. Likes their company
Spearmaster, about Hunter Why are you mean to me (which changes into) Oh. We can hold hands
Spearmaster, about Gourmand Acquaintance; nice to visit with and trade stories with if I'm in the area
Spearmaster, about Artificer Silent judgment
Spearmaster, about Rivulet Neutral
Rivulet, about Survivor and Monk These two have some sort of contrived interpersonal emotional hardship going on, and frankly, I want no part in it.
Rivulet, about Hunter Neutral
Rivulet, about Gourmand Gets It
Rivulet, about Artificer Yeah I see them every week and we hang out and beat each other up. I don't know their name and they don't know mine. Positive relationship yeah why?
Rivulet, about Spearmaster Neutral
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shortpplfedup · 2 years
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So in the end it is the cowherd and the weaver girl, just with a happy twist. Everybody fulfills my hopes for them from last week in an ending that felt true to the story and the characters, even as it fell a bit flat for me emotionally.
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Kit is disposed of relatively quickly, within part 1 actually, in a denouement that played out pretty well. I noted a couple weeks back that our four boys were going to have to work together to take Kit down, and while Palm and Chopper were the only two to actually plan something together, in the end it takes all four of the boys, each seeking their own redemption, and driven by their desires to protect each other, to in the end have Kit carted off to jail with a bullet or two in him for good measure. Chopper gets to be the hero, finally facing down his dad and telling him what's he's wanted to say all along: stop saying you're doing this for me, because I don't want it.
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Also getting carted off after the confrontation with a couple bullets in him: Palm, as he takes the bullet meant for Neungdiao, and an extra one just for being mouthy. Self-sacrificing Palm was always gonna throw himself between Neung and danger, so it's no shock that he took the bullet, but what happened after that was pretty intriguing. Palm is a character who has been defined, to the audience and to himself, by his physical prowess. It's been clear from the start that he sees that as his value, what he can put into the world, how he can support himself. To wake up and just...not have that? To be physically weak for the first time in his life? He hates it. He's depressed by it. He's angry about it. He snaps at Neung for trying to help him. And then he runs away, because he can't stand to feel like he can't contribute the only value he thinks he has.
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And when Palm runs, Neung lets him. Palm isn't complicated, Neung knows exactly where to find him, but he lets him grieve and heal and come to terms with everything that's happened in his own way. He gives him space, and time. Palm has never been intimidated by Neung's money and power, as long as he feels he has his own value, can contribute in his own way. Neung understands that about him. So Neung puts up with Palm's pity party for as long as he can, truly. If Thanya hadn't forced the issue, he'd probably have put up with it even longer before getting fed up and going to see him and yell at him for leaving.
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So our boys walk hand in hand into the sunset (literally!), on their metaphorical bridge of magpies, with the promise to meet there once a year (until Neung's finished studying), a narratively satisfying conclusion. As for how I feel about the show as a whole, I'm gonna ponder that for a while.
Stray Bullets
Chopper really showed up to a gunfight in a fresh kitten heel.
You can see a future where Neung appoints Chopper to run the company, and he retires to the island and runs Mam's bar and hostel with Palm.
So Ben, Chopper and Neung are all going abroad, while Palm stays in Thailand and keeps the home fires burning. I'm seeing the Our Skyy setup already.
Perth put his whole Perthussy in that scene in the hospital where he begs Neung's forgiveness.
Ben bringing the cavalry to the rescue felt like the right contribution from him.
That hug between Ben and Chopper looked like heaven. Gimme a hug like that.
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totallytrucked · 3 months
long costume rant ahead soz
sometimes, i think when costuming historical things, people always like... forget the context of the character? like this happens a lot in the 1920s where in some media everyone will be dressed in a flapper style because that's like the most remembered style, but in reality it was mostly young women wearing that style. like a random 40 year old woman with 3 kids would probably not be wearing that. a recent immigrant to the us would probably not be wearing that.
anyways my friend and i watched the teaser trailer for the outsiders and i was very annoyed by some costume choices that felt very odd. so that one ensemble member wearing a tank top and like jorts. come on. JORTS???? my best friend has literally worn an outfit that looks exactly like that like 2 weeks ago. in the year of our lord 2024. like stop that. if you wanted to have a sort of counterculture character why not tap into alot of the really fun and interesting fashions like beatnik/mod/teddy boy/FUCKIGN GREASER??? WHY DO NONE OF THESE PEOPLE LOOK LIKE GREASERS???? WHERE ARE THE LEATHER JACKETS??? i know its probably not that practical to wear while dancing but like. actually the musical grease exists you have no excuse. if grease can do costumes better than you you are basically screwed. i feel like the costumers looked at west side story and was like THAT is what we want while neglecting that west side story is a completely different time period and also not part of an explicit subculture. #bringbacktwobitsmickeymouseshirt
also cherry and the socs just pissed me off too i was like. i feel like these upper class people would not be wearing such... fashionable outfits? they're teenagers and i feel like would tend more to what their parents were wearing instead of the dominant miniskirt/whatever style. like get that teenager in a cardigan, a knee length skirt, and some kitten heels. also another costuming cardinal sin: the rich guys are all wearing letterman jackets. first of all, cliche and boring. second, i very vividly remember a part in the book where the soc guy is wearing a madras print suit jacket which is an extraordinarily funny visual and also does great to show how rich yet out of touch he is. bring that back.
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(that's madras pattern btw. like imagine a teenager wearing that. how silly)
anyways overall the costumes felt way too on trend and like. weirdly stranger things inspired? like trendy 80s??? that colored striped shirt. kill.
other weird things that annoy me about this musical:
setting it in a specific time and place (detracts from the book's relatability to all teens)
"i can't imagine any of them singing" - my coworker
music misses the opportunity to be influenced by motown, garage rock, country, etc
honestly doesnt need to be a musical. tbh the movie is weirdly good
that's it. love gene totallytrucked. #justiceformadrassuitjacket
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glasswinggames · 4 months
OHO???? Writing prompts? Then I send one in for my most beloved Jedrek, perhaps the mc is enraptured with how he appears in photos(they.....have some form of camera right? I assumed so with the magitech and what its capable of in this game), even outside of the little reporting work they do, so more often than not they end up staring at him like hes a piece of art- maybe this happens so often the mc spaces out- a vague prompt but I figure u can work more with this since im giving a specific interest for this prompt
Omg I love writing Jed!! 👀 And this prompt!!
Also they do have matech! The exact design of the camera is still being workshopped but I'm kinda imagining it having steampunk type vibes!
Writing below expand more line! Thank you for the prompt! 😘
For extra fun tidbits I was listening to In the Middle of the Night by Elley Duhé when writing this! (That's my go to song for Jed!)
CW: References to blood and m0rder
At first, you'd only kept the photograph to remember his face. So that even when your mind forcefully forgot his name, his gravelly voice, or the feeling of his hands brushing against your throat every time he wanted to remind you what he was capable of, you'd always remember what he looked like. It was never meant to be anything more than that, a preventative measure to protect yourself from the monster of a man who you'd come to… collaborate with. 
Yet, as you stare at the Polaroid like picture, tentatively perched between two fingers, you can't explain the feeling that curses you. For what should horrify you to your core, what in fact already horrifies the nation every time they see one of your articles, instead you find it hauntingly beautiful. The way he postures, ready to pounce on his victim, how the moonlight catches his hair to reflect an opalescent glow, how his pointed teeth bare in his cruel smile… it's artistic in a way.
Though, whether it's your own talent or the subject of your lens that you admire, is not something you find easy to answer. 
Your eyes flit between the photo and the almost perfect recreation of the scene that unfolds before you until the photo is no longer sufficient, your gaze completely entranced by the killer. You barely even notice the prey, their screams just a background noise at this point. You wonder, what scene must Jedrek be showing the helpless victim for his ruby eyes to gleam so brightly, to render him so full of delight that his pale cheeks flush in satisfaction, as his teeth bare, poised and ready to take his prize at the perfect moment.
You know you should take be taking pictures right now, but you can't bring yourself to trigger the camera; you're too lost in the terrifying beauty of it all. 
“Am I boring you, Kitten?” The gravelly breath against your ear breaks you from your daydream, and your senses are overwhelmed by the metallic smell as your space is completely invaded by the subject of your thoughts. Though his crimson stained lips curve into a smile, you can tell, for having been the one to capture his every expression, that he isn't happy.
“I was just distracted, trying to decide the right shot to take for tomorrow's edition.” You know he can hear that slight jump in the pace of your heartbeat when you lie, you know that he is almost breathing in the signs of your attempt at deceit, as is his nature, but you still try regardless. 
“I'm sure I gave you plenty, yet I didn't see you use that device of yours once.” Fingers against your jaw force you to look at him, and your breath can't help but hitch the same way it did when you first met. Every fibre of your being tells you to run, that he's dangerous, yet it's exactly that same part of you that thinks he's dazzling. A long, sharp finger trails down the artery in your throat. “Now, what exactly were you thinking? Oh, and I wouldn't lie to me again. Your heart always gives you away.”
“You're like a piece of art–” your words bubble out before you could even attempt to stop them, and you can't help but curse yourself for it. 
Unexpectedly, instead of teeth ripping through your throat like you'd braced for, it's laughter that tears through the air. 
“Jed?” Your voice ripe with disbelief, you daringly question the man who cackles with pure joy at your answer. 
Before you can react, his arms enclose you against the wall, the stone scratching at any exposed skin on your back, and he gives no opening for escape. His whole body casts yours in shadow, as if he suddenly grows several feet, and the only light that highlights you both is the ravenous glow of hellfire in his eyes. 
“You are such a strange one, I'm starting to think you're not half as afraid of me as you should be. Maybe I should rectify that.” 
“No!” Your voice comes out embarrassingly strangled. You've seen what he's capable of, and you had no desire to be on the receiving end, even if you did seem to have a tendency to enjoy watching the show. “I know exactly how scared I should be.”
“Ah that's the key word, should. You should be scared of me, but instead, I don't think you'd complain if I was to make you scream.” 
“No… that…” Your mind scrambles over the innuendo, trying to figure out whether he actually meant his implication or whether he was teasing you… again.
“Hm, turns out there's more ways other than fear I can use to make your heart race Kitten. How fun.” He seems delighted at the fact; he did always love something new and entertaining. “What else could I do to make it jump for me?” Fingers whisper against your shoulders, down your arms, interlocking with your own… and pinning your hands above your head. His grip is inhumanely strong, and no matter how much or little you struggle, it does nothing but appear to amuse him. “What if I was to do this?” His low voice somehow drops further as he leans in to brush just against the lobe of your ear. “You wouldn't know if I was going to make you relive every nightmare you've ever had,” whilst one hand remains to restrain your own, the other thumb runs against your lower lip. You can taste the iron stain left in his wake. “Or if I was going to kiss you.” He laughs, deep and low, “though who says I can't do both. Pleasure and pain both sound fun, don't they?” 
“Yet you do neither.” You gulp with whatever stupid bravado you decide to muster. Why are you so reckless? Did your sense of self-preservation just decide to go off on a holiday? Or are you just an idiot–
“I don't think you could handle it, and I'd hate for you to break too quickly.” His hand finds purchase over your throat, applying a warning amount of pressure.
“I'm not scared of you, Jedrek.” 
“You should be.” 
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prideofcelestia · 2 years
Congratulations again, now here's my proper ask for the event..
I'm a bi she/her. I'm 5'5 and my mbti type is intj. I'm also a dec sagittarius. I'm someone who values respect and freedom over anything else which sometimes makes me wonder if pride is my sin but when i do explode after trying to keep prim and proper, i fear my anger myself. I'm often compared to a grumpy cat and i also say that I'm an old soul. I have a bad anxiety but my face deceives my emotions and make me appear unapproachable. My love language is acts of service and words of affirmation, but once I'm really comfortable with the other person i get clingy that it almost gives me a separation anxiety. Although I'd step back if that person's happiness is with someone else. For me, the happiness my loved ones matters the most. I haven't dated yet because i also fear the heartache yet i yearn for one lovely connection, a soulmate who'd understand me even if my face remains neutral. On a lighter note, I'm mostly into mature type but if i happen to fall for someone a little childish then i guess it can't be helped. I'll babysit them for the rest of my life as I've been doing for my friends.
I'm really sorry for making this long but my hands couldn't stop typing ;-;
bsjwkk dw buddy! don't be sorry! i enjoyed reading it. ^_^
*drumroll* i match you with
with a man like solomon who both values and is accustomed to respect owing to his knowledge and freedom due to his immortality and lack of close bonds, reciprocating these for his partner comes naturally. life is a wonderful gift and you bring additional colour and warmth to it. he prioritises your comfort and understands your boundaries because those are a part of you and he loves everything about you. he accepts all of you - the parts that you love and the parts that you feel are your flaws.
with pranks up his sleeves and teasing words at the tip of his tongue, he can be quite trying. when you eventually explode because of his antics and lash out despite not wanting to, he knows how to own up to his mistake. yes, he took it too far if it upset you because that was never the aim. he is sincere in his apologies when your emotions overtake you. if you need him by your side, that is exactly where you will find him. in case the reason of your anger is something else, he is willing to hear your side of the story and offer his opinions. wanting the best for you, he points out when he thinks that you are in the wrong without sugarcoating his words.
he understands that you feel guilty after letting your rage out, and he tries to reduce the negative feelings as best as he can. mentioning some experiences from the past, he tries to make you feel normal about your heartaches. "shhh, my love, i am here for you. don't overthink and put all the blame on yourself. that's unfair. you are not alone. tell me how you feel. i am all ears."
he tries to make you smile and lose any awkwardness you may have. in private, he is extremely sweet and tells you how he enjoys your company even if you two are just hanging out for fun.
"two old souls belong together," is something he often whispers while hugging you tightly.
"my happiness lies in your smile, my grumpy kitten. so, as long as you are with me and love me and let me make you happy, i think i can survive a few more centuries... pleasantly."
he indulges you and finds extreme joy when you act clingy. with a smug smirk, he pats your head, rubs your back and says, "oh? you must be too deeply in love with me to wanna be so close always. haha not that i am complaining, i think it's really cute. i wish the brothers could see us like this. imagining their conflicted expressions is a lot of fun."
he is glad that you adjust so well. he can be mature and mischievous in the same breath, giving quite a logical solution while pissing everybody in the room off with his next words. he sometimes wants to baby you while at other times, he wants to be babied by you. you make him so happy that he wants to bask in your very essence, be it while helping you with your tasks judiciously or being playful by holding you prisoner in his arms. keep looking after him and come to him in your hour of need.
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glitterfairy-21225 · 8 days
I had way too much fun with this incorrect quotes generator.
These are my favorite results. Possibly ooc but this is just for fun.
Mari: You don’t deserve me.
Jackie: At your worst or your best?
Mari: I don’t have a worst.
Jackie: Because you’re already at your worst?
Lottie: What do you want for breakfast?
Tai: She wants eggs.
Nat: Ladies, gentlemen, and Travis, I want to show you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld!
Mari: A llama?
Nat: No.
Mari: A baby llama?
Nat: No!
Mari: A baby llama with a little hat on?
Nat: NO!
Misty: You have Crayons?
Ben: Yes, I have—
Misty: You're— how old are you?
Jackie: I'm very scary. 
Melissa: You're about as scary as a wet kitten. 
Jackie: Wet kittens are cute, at least I've got that going for me. 
Melissa: And small. 
Jackie: ...Yeah, yeah. I guess.
Shauna: I regret nothing!!! 
Jackie: I regret everything!!!
Mari, grinning: Before you were what? 
Van: Before I was- 
Mari: What? 
Van: Before I was inter- 
Mari: Before you were interrupted? 
Van: Cut me off one more time and I swear I'll- 
Mari: What? 
Van: *makes frustrated sound* 
Shauna, nervously: Stop that. Before she hurts you.
Crystal: Everyone thinks I'm this soft cute person but I'm not! 
Travis: Crystal, you cried for an hour after stepping on a bug yesterday. 
Crystal: It had feelings! It was probably going home to dinner and I killed it! 
Melissa: ...It was a bug. 
Crystal: It was a BEETLE, and its wife is definitely worried sick, wondering where it is, and I really don't get why you all think I'm so sentimental because I'm not! 
Travis: ... 
Melissa: ... 
Crystal: Stop looking at me like that!
Nat: If we lose, you’re out of the will.
Shauna: I was in the will?
Jackie: You're smiling. What happened? 
Misty: What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it? 
Ben: Mari tripped and fell down the stairs today.
*Bullying Prevention Day at school* 
Teacher: Misty, what would you do if one of your classmates viciously teased you again and again? 
Misty: Oh, that’s easy. I’d take a pencil out of my pencil case— 
Teacher: To write something to your teacher? 
Misty: —make sure that it’s really sharp, and ram it into their eye at full tilt! My mom always says the pencil is mightier than the sword because they can’t outlaw bringing pencils to school! 
Teacher: *internal screaming*
Van: We’ll find another route, it’s not safe for amateur adventurers. 
Nat: That sounds like a challenge. 
Van: I have to stress, that is not a challenge. 
Nat: ...Is exactly what you say to dissuade the weak of heart from accepting the challenge. Well, challenge accepted! 
Van: There is no challenge!
Melissa: How do ethical philosophers feel about murder? 
Travis: Well, it’s frowned upon. 
Melissa: Okay, but what if the reason you want to murder someone is to make your life easier? 
Melissa: That’s okay, right?
Misty: Lol. Heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you’ll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this.
Akilah: What did you do Misty?
Misty: a Mistake.
Melissa: It's locked. You got a lock pick?
Jackie: Yeah-
Nat: *kicks in the door*
Lottie, staring at Mari in a cage: ...Why is she in a cage?
Shauna: Because she growled at me.
Ben: I hope you all make it to adulthood! 
Gen: That’s a great prayer. 
Travis: A needed one. 
Gen: A needed one indeed.
Van: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”. 
Van: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
Nat: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something!
Lottie: You left me, Melissa, and Shauna in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago.
Nat: I did that on purpose, try again.
Akilah: What makes you think it's okay to watch Hannibal given its subject matter?
Mari: Sometimes, I watch television shows for entertainment purposes.
Gen: Because I condone murder and cannibalism.
I might do a part 2.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Part 2
Jesse Cromeans - Brahms Heelshire - Thomas Hewitt - Bubba Sawyer
Tw: None?? I think its just fluff for the most part
A/n: @bubbaswife asked for a part 2 of the stabby boys with cats and, as the people pleaser I am, here I am serving you my small brain thoughts. Hope you enjoy it!^^
Baldy here is gonna get all pissy about cat hairs in his suits 
Plus I just know he has a cat allergy so he's suffering™
He gives you the death stare while sniffling, eyes glossy and fighting for his life to breath while you're sitting there with the cat on your lap
"Isn't it pretty Jesse? I think he likes you!!" No he doesn't 
In fact the cat will claw him like the little stinky bastard your cat is
Even though he's having the worst time of his life he still loves you so he tries to get used to you obsession with those little monsters 
Bottom behaviour if you ask me 
He buys you every cat plushie every time he's out for business 
You have like a fucking room full of cat plushies 
Secretly he tries to get your cats to like him because he knows it would make you happy 
Fails miserably but at least he puts some effort
The things you make him put up with y/n…you're lucky he loves you 
How fucking funny it would be if because of one of your cats you end up finding brahms earlier than what he expected? 
Hilarious because that's exactly what happened 
The one cat you had brought with you started to scratch at the wall and screeching like an unhinged gremlin
He went out to make him stop and got assaulted
Your cat straight up bullied him like it's no one's business 
He has beef with her  since 
The wall man child doesn't do really great with animals but since cats are always so calm and independent he thought it wouldn't be that bad allowing you to bring yours to the house
What bad could a few cats do inside the house? Right?
To say he was flabbergasted when he saw how many cats you had is an understatement 
For a second i felt like you brought a bloody army to invade his home 
Tantrum was thrown that day
then a couple of days after you found him sitting on the couch, drown in kittens 
He has try so hard to dislike them but has failed 
It took only one (1) of them approaching brahms and purring while brushing against his leg to make him fold
Again, bottom behaviour right here right now
At some point he has called you crazy cat lady but in a good way
When you're busy with chores ecc he will cuddle one of the cats 
You would find him carefully petting them and or holding one in his arms while giving him scratches 
It's almost endearing to see him a tall man like brahms with something so soft and small, treating it so gently 
he loves every single one of them and he considers them his babies 
Makes collars with little handmade charms for each one of them 
He protects them from hoyt musty ass whenever he tries to hurt them or anything
He makes sure to always close the basement door so they can't go down there and get hurt 
When there are victims in the house he makes you stay with the cats in your share room 
Unfortunately because of how his life is he can't allow you to bring too many cats but the few you have he loves them so much
The kittens are always following him and trying to climb him 
He's always so scared of hurting them while giving them scratches but not enough to restrain himself from doing it
He loves to sit on the couch and take a nap while petting one of the cats 
Luda mae absolutely adores them too
They love chickens, you love cats. That's what I call couple goals
They're always on guard duty making sure no one of their brothers hurt the kitties 
They're really great with animals so it's not surprise your cats loves them 
When they don't have anything to do they will make time to play a little bit with the kitties 
Their favourite is the brown and white chonky one 
Bubs is always babbling happily when they see the big baby waddling his way towards them
Makes you bracelets with handmaid cat charms and they make one for themselves too so you can both have matching bracelets 
When their doing something that is not dangerous or involves blood they will put one of the smaller kitties in their apron pocket to keep it close ^^ 
Overall 10/10 would recommend
Please, someone give this baby a kitty 
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allegra-writes · 4 years
"Bright blue ripples"
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Mob!Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, overstimulation, dirty talk, master/sir kink
Just a little blurb cuz I can't get this scene out of my head 💦
"Light of my life, fire of my loins
Be a good baby, do what I want"
Off to the Races - Lana del Rey
"Say it, baby girl" Tom cooed softly against your ear, voice calm and sweet, like he hadn't been torturing you, pushing you to the brink of insanity, blurring the line between pleasure and pain, for almost two hours now. 
As if he wasn't buried balls deep into your tight heat, fucking you raw. 
But no, the bastard wasn't even winded. He was completely under control, as always.
It was unfair.
"Say it, come on" He insisted, "Just three little words, and it'll be over. Just three little words… and master will let you come" 
You dug your fingertips on the sun warmed skin of his shoulders, his back, holding on for dear life as he kept on slamming his hips against yours, railing you into the pool wall. 
You opened your eyes in an effort to clear your mind, to focus on something other than his big cock, thrusting inside you so deep and so hard, that you were sure he was bruising your womb. The bright blue ripples, glistening under the afternoon sun, that he was creating around the both of you with every move, caught your eye. That was exactly the way he was making you feel: wave after wave of pleasure, crashing, growing, amplifying inside you, until you were swept away in the riptide. Until it was hard to breath, useless to fight. You were just too exhausted for that, the only option left was surrendering. 
"I'm sorry, sir" You sobbed, "I'm so sorry"
Tom leaned back, fingers tilting your chin up to look into your hooded eyes and you realized he was only using one arm around your waist to hold you up. It shouldn't amaze you anymore, how strong he was, but it did.
"See, I don't think you are" He tsked, slowing down his movements again, making you whine in complaint, "sorry that you're being punished, maybe. But not sorry for what you did…" 
"No, please, I'm sorry" you begged, "please, sir, let me come"
He chuckled. He loved seeing you like that, his little hellcat, his cold, proud ice queen, reduced to a docile, pleading little kitten. And he was the one to do that to you. No one else but him could tame you, could satiate the hunger within you. 
"I'm not being cruel because I want to, baby girl" Tom explained, thumb brushing away the tears you hadn't realized were falling. "I have to make sure to ingrain the lesson inside that pretty head of yours: Fire is messy, dangerous. I don't want you playing with matches anymore…"
You pouted, petulantly,
"But fire is fun!"
Your boyfriend's face fell, as you realized too late exactly what you had done.
"Did you just "but" me?"
Horrified, you opened your mouth to deny it, to defend yourself, to say anything, but a single stern look from his deep brown eyes was enough to shut you up. His grip around you tightened, as he carried you to the shallow part of the mosaic studded pool. A whine left your mouth as Tom slid out of you and placed you on your feet, the water reaching up to your waist.
"Strip" he ordered, pointing at your white bikini, askew and covering nothing at all already, but you guessed whatever plan he had, he didn't want anything in the way. 
"Lay back, I want you to float on your back" he continued, once your bathing suit was off. You obeyed once again, eyes never leaving his face as he walked around you, disturbing the waters. He seemed to consider for a moment, before grabbing hold of your hip, guiding you closer to the edge of the pool. 
"Hold on" 
Once again, you submissively did as you were told without questioning it, reaching back and grabbing onto the sand colored tile. 
Tom let your hips go, but kept his hands on you, trailing soft caresses from your collarbone, down to your breasts, tearing a moan from your lips when his blunt fingernails catched on your over sensitized nipples. 
"My pretty little girl," he hummed, approvingly, "like it when I play with your pretty tits?"
"Yes, sir"
He cupped his hand under the water, only to later bring it to your chest, watching the droplets fall from his palm to your soft mounds, to the valley between them, catching the sun, glimmering on your skin. 
"My precious girl…" Tom praised, circling you to step back between your legs. He never stopped touching you, massaging your calves, your thighs, stopping a breath away from where you needed him the most.
Your weak sigh made him chuckle,
"Want something, princess? Want me to touch you here?" His index finger finally traced your slit, gathering your wetness, different from the water surrounding you, playing with you, breaching your entrance just a falange, only to withdraw and flick your clit instead. 
"Like it when I play with your pussy too?" He didn't really expect a reply. Luckily, because you didn't think you could have formed words, as he used his index and middle finger to penetrate you at last, wasting no time in searching for that perfect spot inside you that made you see stars. 
"God, look at you… you're so wet, don't even need lube for this. Juicy little cunt" 
He stroke his big, fat cock once, twice, before using the same hand to help guide himself inside you. Without removing the fingers from his other hand. 
You cried out at the feeling, the fullness. He was stretching you to your limit, tearing you in half.
And you fucking loved it.
"You can take it, can't you princess?" It wasn't hard for Tom to realize your cries and sobs were of bliss, "My perfect girl can take everything I give her… Fuck! Taking it so well"
You couldn't have replied even if you had wanted to, you were in ecstasy, weightless, floating, soring. Helpless to the tsunami of sensation as Tom started thrusting again, slow and measured, careful of not hurting you. He was close to bursting himself, but you were his priority, fingertips never stopping rubbing against your g-spot, as your screams grew higher and louder. 
"So fucking tight… my baby needs stretching"
You whimpered. His breathy voice as he talked filth to you was always your undoing.
"So tight… gonna milk me so good…"
He could see the muscles of your entire body starting to lock, "Gonna come for me, baby girl? That's it… you can let go… come for your master" 
You didn't even realize you were holding it until he gave you permission to let go, but when he did, you came immediately, hard, every cell of your body exploding into a million sparks. 
Oxygen deprivation at just the right time could do that to you. 
"Shhhh, you're safe. I got you" Tom's voice was the next thing you were aware of, as he held you close to him with both arms, all of his skin against yours sending you to overdrive as he kept on rocking inside you.
You locked your arms around his neck and legs around his waist, urging him on to go faster and harder. 
"More" You demanded, "Come inside me… please sir, I want your come"
He growled against your neck, but complied, moving you up and down his shaft, using you to get himself off. 
"Want you to come for me again" He gasped. You shook your head,
"I… I can't"
"You can and you will" His voice broke no arguments as he squeezed you against him tighter, pelvis grinding against your clit. 
"Tom… please, no"
"Oh yeah" he moaned against your ear, "my baby girl has to learn her lesson" 
Your head was too muddled, too confused to decide if you wanted to get closer to the pleasure or further from the pain, but in the end it didn't matter, you were too weak to push him away, anyway. 
"Good girl… isn't it better when you stop fighting? When you just obey?"
You nodded your head minutely, all the answer you could manage, but it seemed to be enough for him. A couple thrusts later, and he was bitting down on your shoulder, releasing deep inside of you, the pulsing of his cock against your overstimulated entrails sending you into climax again.
On shaky legs, he carried you to the steps of the stair of the pool before collapsing on them, with you on his lap.
"God… that was…"
"Amazing" You finished for him, placing a soft kiss on his sweaty forehead. His replying smile was nothing short of ethereal. 
"You were incredible, babe"
"Well, you weren't half bad yourself" Your chuckle died in your throat, as you saw his lips fall. You followed his eyes to the transparent film dressing covering half your right arm, where the gasoline had splashed your jacket and caught fire a few days before, when you had gone against his orders and burnt down the Collucci's place instead of waiting for the boys. 
"I'm sorry" You said, sincerely, "I'll wait for reinforcements next time. I won't act alone again, I promise"
"I know you won't" He deadpaned, "You are off the field for a month" 
"What?? No! Tommy, that's too long!" You complained. He only smirked,
"Don't worry, princess" The mischievous glint in his eyes foretold trouble. For you. "I can keep you entertained until your punishment is over…"
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sevmch · 3 years
hq boys as dads calling you while you're away bc your child wouldn't stop crying
characters: kuroo tetsuro, bokuto koutarou
warning(s): none, just fluff. kuroo is v father material aahh!!
a/n: this was sitting on my drafts for a while now. other characters coming soon 👀
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kuroo tetsuro
you were overseas for two days to attend a convention that your job required which meant leaving kuroo and your child
kuroo was admittedly and without a doubt, a really good father so when he told you not to worry about them, you left without any worries at all
kuroo knew everything - how to prepare milk and baby food, changing diapers, how to get them to sleep, how to stop their tantrums, basically everything
still you bugged him all the way to the airport to call if something were to happen or if he needed help with anything such as locating the diaper and milk powder
afterall, he was rarely on baby duty since his job required more of his time compared to yours but he has never failed to provide you and his son the time and affection
the first day went by smoothly and without a problem, that is until the next day. your son just wouldn't stop crying so he had to call you to calm him down
no matter what kuroo did, your son just wouldn't stop crying even when he was cradling him gently in his arms and rubbing his back. their child has been crying for almost an hour now, only getting louder and stronger despite his best efforts to calmly shush him or lull him to sleep.
the morning went by pretty fine; kuroo fed, bathed, and played with their son - even changed the diapers twice. their son seemed to be in a pretty good mood throughout the morning but apparently, babies get mood swings too, and that's when the crying started.
kuroo tried basically everything from trying to get their son to drink milk, to giving the pacifier, and humming baby songs he could think of but all his attempts failed. their son wasn't bored nor hungry and was definitely not sleepy so it was starting to worry kuroo.
"hey bud, you're scaring me now," kuroo cooed, softly pressing the back of his hand against their son's forehead but the temperature was fine. kuroo knew all the baby stuff without sweat, even the signals of what they needed but this was entirely different. it was only when then their son pointed to the picture of the three of you framed on the wall that kuroo got his answer. pressing a soft kiss against his son's temple, he whispered softly, "i know bud, i miss mommy too."
kuroo grabbed his phone from the couch and called you, chuckling when you instantly answered on the first ring with a hint of worry in your voice. "tetsu, what's wrong? are you both okay? should i get on the next flight?"
"relax kitten, we're fine. we just miss you."
"awe, i miss both my boys too."
"mama's on the phone bud." kuroo switched to loud speaker, smiling widely at their son who looked at him with wide, doe eyes upon hearing your voice. the crying eventually died down as you kept speaking through the phone with your cute, tiny baby voice until your son fell asleep in his arms.
"is he asleep?" you asked.
"yep. hey, you should use that baby voice often. it's cute," he teased, grinning ear to ear.
"shut up."
the rest of the afternoon was spent at a mall near the airport, buying toys and new clothes and stopping by for ice cream before waiting for you at the terminal.
"look bud, there's mommy!" kuroo crouched to level with their son, pointing at your figure from a distance. their son's eyes lit up when spotting you, giggling and reaching out his other hand that kuroo wasn't holding.
"awe, it's my two favorite boys! i missed you both so much!" you said sweetly, dropping your bags to hug your son.
"i missed you so much, love." you hugged kuroo tightly when he stood up only for him to hug you tighter, peppering kisses on your cheeks.
"missed you more, kitten," he said softly, pressing a light kiss to your lips before carrying your son. you really had nothing to worry about.
bokuto kotarou
you were a little bit worried about leaving bokuto and your child even if it was just for a couple of hours. you had to visit your parents in kyoto and dropby for groceries on the way home
it's not that you didn't trust him, you were just not quite sure if the house would be exactly the same as when you left knowing how bokuto and your child loved to play A LOT
you considered calling akaashi to babysit the two lmao
bokuto matched your child's energy so while you're incharge of all the serious baby duties, bokuto was incharge of playing and goofing around with your child while you rested
really, your child got their hyperactiveness from bo
you were also the one who dealt with the tantrums while bo assisted, so when bo was left to deal with your son's tantrum alone, he panicked and was about to cry himself because your son was crying and it made him sad :(
you left the house around 6 am after preparing breakfast for your husband and son as well as the other things that bokuto will need for the day. althought bokuto spent a lot of time with your child, it didn't always include the serious baby duties so you knew for sure if you hadn't displayed the diapers and vitamins on the counter in advance, he'd be flipping the house upside down searching for them.
you also left a note on the fridge that consisted of all the instructions and reminders to serve as a guide. you trusted bokuto, of course, but you really just didn't want to come home to a mess.
bokuto's arms snaked around your waist and squeezed you lightly in his hug, nuzzling his face at the crook of your neck. "can't you just take us with you?"
"i'd love to kou, but our son just recovered from a fever so it's best if he stays home for now."
he nodded, visibly frowning. you cupped his cheek to get him to look at you. "kou, baby, i'll be back before you know it."
bokuto pouted, looking at you with puppy dog eyes and it took everything in you not to cancel your plans. "call me if there's a problem, okay?" you kissed him goodbye and left.
with the note you left him, bokuto had no troubles throughout the morning routine even during bathtime. he would send you pictures and videos from time to time so you wouldn't have to worry, also because he loved sharing things with you.
bokuto loved playing with your son, loved seeing the adorable smile and hearing the soft giggles during their playtime even if it meant having to crawl on the carpet with his son on his back like a horse.
bokuto was filming him walking around with a huge smile on his face, "come to dada, little guy." your son just recently learned how to walk on their own so their steps were still unstable and wobbly and this resulted to your son tripping on his own feet.
bokuto could shit his pants right now, quickly fumbling to his now crying son to comfort him.
"hey little guy, it's okay you're good, dada's here now." he's whispering comforting words while gently rubbing on their back but the cries only got worse, the tears streaming down the little guy's face nonstop and this made bokuto's heart sink, feeling his own tears pool in his eyes. "shh i'm sorry, i'm sorry... you're okay, i gotchu."
his hands hesitantly reached out hug your son, so fragile it scared bokuto. he was calling you now and thank god you answered right away.
"he won't stop crying and i don't know what to do, can you come home now please? i think i just made our son hate me."
you sighed, "he doesn't hate you, kou. can you tell me what happened?"
"i was taking a video of him while he walked around but then he tripped and i swear i was watching over him! he won't stop crying, oh god i'm gonna cry too."
"did he hit his head? is he seriously hurt anywhere?"
"no," bokuto mumbled and you sighed in relief.
"okay that's good. it'll be fine babe, kids fall sometimes, okay? especially at this stage where they're learning how to walk. just carry him around for a while and he'll eventually ca-"
"what if i drop him?! should i ask akaashi to come over??" he pressed the phone between his ear and shoulder, gently and carefully lifting his son from the ground, pressing him close to his chest despite being nervous.
"you won't drop him kou, i'll punch you if you do, and no, do not call keiji. you got this, babe, you're his dad and he needs you not his uncle."
it took a while to convince bokuto that he was going to be find and to get off the phone so he can start comforting your son. bokuto did as you said, cradling him in his arms while he walked around the house and pointing to the pictures on the wall until your son finally calmed down. the only problem was that his son would start crying again whenever he attempted to bring him down, tiny hands clinging around his neck and onto his shirt.
you arrived home around 8 pm, announcing your arrival only to be met with silence at the door.
your eyes softened as soon as you found him asleep on the couch with your son on top of his chest, his strong arms wrapped securely around the tiny human being. you quietly kneel beside the couch, stroking bokuto's hair which slowly woke him up.
"i'm home." you smiled.
bokuto brought a finger to his lips and you pressed your lips together, taking your son away from his arms so you can tuck him in for the night.
"i'm sooo tired," bokuto whined, resting his head on top of your chest and cuddling close to you as soon as you joined him in bed. "it's my turn to be baby."
you snorted, bokuto's soft snores filling the quiet room in just a few seconds. "goodnight baby."
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reblogs & feedbacks r appreciated<3
2021 (c) sevmch | do not copy or repost.
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sakura-ame-no-ai · 3 years
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"bring a jacket next time."
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pairings: tetsurou kuroo x reader
genre: fluff
notes: in japan, their way of checking the time is much different than america. they use 24-hour clocks. so if it was 1 in the afternoon, it would be counted as 13:00 for them.
a/n: it felt like some special holiday for me today and i don't know why... but seriously, how is my last kenma fanfic getting so much love istg- anyways, enjoy this fanfiction! i couldn't think of a good title for this on... :sob:
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you sneeze suddenly when a gust of wind blows against your legs. it is indeed cold outside, but the shriveled leaves scraping their way down the street makes it seem much colder.
"why does it have to be so cold on a beautiful night like this..," you mutter to yourself, wrapping yourself with your arms.
too bad you didn't contemplate on bringing a jacket with you before bursting through the door with kuroo calling behind you.
well, now you feel a little guilty remembering that you lied to kuroo that you were going to buy some snacks at a nearby konbini. in reality, you just want to spend most of the night searching for some shooting stars.
you make a brief trip to the park, to which you find everything abandoned. that one big red slide that you always see children fighting to have their turn on is now empty and lonely. the swings seem motionless, too. however, they still rock back and forth every now and then when a chilly breeze rushes by. the seesaw is tilted down at an angle, making one side touch the ground full of woodchips.
you search for that favorite brown bench that has legs made out of an elegant black metal of some sort. soon, you discover it sitting under a big maple tree silently. it faces a metal fence that is as high as your waist, which a beautiful view of a huge lake stretches out on the other side of that fence. you don't hesitate to plop down and make yourself comfy on the bench, admiring the wavy reflection of the glittering stars and moon on the water's surface.
you could stare at such a view all day...
well, you would if you had brought a jacket though.
the cold night air wraps around you, trying to embrace you in a friendly way, but all it does is make you shiver and lift your feet onto the bench. you hug your knees and bury your mouth and nose inside your arms and knees, cursing to yourself about why you were stupid enough to not bring some warm clothing before setting out.
"just like i thought," a voice that sounds very familiar booms out from behind you, making you flinch.
you turn your head around to see a bedhair walk up to you with a cheeky grin.
"tetsu?!" you squeal, a little shocked that he actually know exactly where you were. "how did you know i'm here?"
kuroo is bundled up in a scarf and his nekoma jacket. he also has a thick piece of folded cloth draped over his right arm, making you assume that it's probably a blanket.
"i've never seen you that eager to do some shopping at the konbini, kitten," he replies, taking a seat next to you.
"you've always been a fan of sceneries outside, so that gave me an idea."
you give him a look of amazement, awed by the fact that he knows you very well like you're his child or something. however, it isn't long before kuroo bonks you on the head.
"you little rascal~ why didn't you bring a coat? it's like below 25 degrees celsius, and here you are, hanging out at the park, short-sleeved, and without a jacket or coat."
you whimper at his remarks.
"well, you know i was excited, tetsu..," you pout, puffing your cheeks out.
he chuckles, "nobody was blaming you, ok?"
kuroo takes a moment to peel off his nekoma jacket and place it over your shoulders. you gratefully hug it over your shoulders. other than the fact that it smells strongly of that lavender body soap you gave him, the jacket felt warm from kuroo's body heat, making you feel safe.
an unintentional smile slips onto your lips and you readjust your gaze to the sky.
"say... do you think there will be any shooting stars tonight?"
kuroo lifts a brow before fixing his gaze at the sky as well.
"oya? hunting for shooting stars?"
you nod eagerly, continuing to look up attentively.
"mhm! you told me that it's shooting star season!"
the branches of the maple tree above you sway gently, swishing its leaves together to create gentle rustling sounds.
kuroo smiles and points towards one of the stars.
"do you know how stars are formed, n/n?" he asks you, his finger directing your gaze towards the appointed star.
you squint to make a more intricate observation of the star while racking your brain, trying to remember your astrology lessons at school.
"well... don't stars form from accumulated gas and dust in space?" you finally conclude, remembering one fact your teacher has emphasized back then.
kuroo nods happily.
"yep. stars form when the gravity of the dust and air collapse together, which makes them heat up out of pressure."
he continues to ramble on about how stars mostly contain hydrogen and helium, the lightest elements to exist in the universe, and how stars are, in reality, exploding balls of gas.
you listen patiently as he explains. you are always interested in his nerdy science talk, as well as the way he is invested in his own world when a discussion related to a scientific topic arises.
it takes him a little bit to finish his explanation with a sneeze.
of course, he's not wearing his jacket. that's why.
you take off the jacket you were wearing and hand it to him.
"you're gonna catch a cold, so take your jacket back."
however, he pushes it back into your chest.
"no, kitten. you have it. i'm worried about you more."
you begin to pout, angry that he's always caring for your health instead of his own.
"no, kuroo," you say with an upset look. "this is not my jacket."
you two begin fighting about who should wear kuroo's jacket, exaggerating the possibilities of not wearing one and lecturing one another.
"that's it," kuroo sighs, looking troubled.
at first, you are confused by his words.
"what do you m-"
it was at this moment that kuroo covers the blanket that you forgot he had brought onto his back and then trapping you inside his arms, wrapping your body inside the blanket.
"there, now we're both warm," he smirks.
you take a while to understand the situation you're currently in before blushing madly. you look up at him, only to see that usual proud smirk on his face. he obviously did this on purpose.
"tetsu?! what the actual hell?!" you scream.
"oya? anything wrong?" he asks a little too 'innocently', pissing you off.
you growl back, "of course, you dumbass! people might see us and take this to like a million different wrong directions!"
"kitten, it's almost half-past 23:00. it's really unlikely that we'll be seen since most people are asleep."
you can't counter back, because that sly cat is right. most people are asleep at this time, so it's highly unlikely that you'd get caught like this with kuroo.
you have no idea how to react, so you decide to lean your back against kuroo, resting your head on his chest. at least, you realize that you feel much warmer than wearing his jacket. in the end, you start to relax, paying closer attention to the steady rise and fall of his chest while he breathes.
"do you ever see stars as memories when you look at them?" you ask kuroo, tilting your head upwards to meet his gaze.
"sometimes," he smiles, looks at one of the stars.
"like that one near that giant cloud reminds me of when i stole your meat from your lunchbox."
you cough.
"do you think this is a great time to bring this up??"
he only smirks at you. "you asked if i get reminded of anything when i look at a star."
you pout a little and fix your eyes to another star and point your finger towards it.
"well, this one reminds me of when yaku beat your ass for stealing meat from my lunchbox."
you two begin talking back and forth, saying which star represented which memory, laughing about the old days, and fighting about various things, like who should've gotten to eat that scrumptious piece of steak.
as you come back to argue about the lunchbox situation again, a white streak catches your eyes, snapping your attention back to the sky.
"look, tetsu! shooting stars!" you exclaim.
what kuroo turns his head to look at the sky with you.
sure enough, more streaks of white rain down like a slight drizzle.
"hurry up! make a wish!" you tell him before clasping your hands together before your face and close your eyes.
kuroo looks at you, then back at the sky. after a while, he closes his eyes and makes his wish.
i want to stay by y/n's side, even after i graduate.
however, he doesn't say it out loud. instead, he wraps his arms around your chest after you have finished making your wish.
for the first time in forever, kuroo gives you the most genuine smile that you've ever seen, which surprises you since you're so used to his cheeky smirks. it reminds you of honey and its sweet flavor.
"you know, kitty, we could do this next time," he coos in the sweetest voice you've ever heard him use.
"did you think i'd stop you?"
you look side-ways towards the tree beside you before give him your honest response.
"weeeeell, i thought you'd tell me it'd be too late into the night to do something like this and that i wouldn't be able to wake up if i stay up star-hunting."
kuroo chuckles, petting your head lightly with that big hand of his
"things like this are exceptions."
your eyes light up to his words. he has officially announced the permit to stay up searching for shooting stars that you adore a lot. it makes you very happy that you smile back warmly.
"thank you, tetsurou," you sigh, leaning into his chest comfortably.
"it's nothing, y/n."
he continues to stroke your hair in a soothing way as he maintains that genuine smile on his lips.
"just bring a jacket next time, or star-hunting will be off-limits."
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taeyamayang · 3 years
hq boys as fur parents
disclaimer: purely based on how I perceive each character
a stray dog followed him on his way home from practice one day. he tried to shoo it off but the little puppy has already fallen in love with him. left with no choice, he takes the dog home. he convinces himself that he would let it stay for a night or two until he finds an owner. he hopes hinata is fond of dogs. upon reaching his home, the puppy kept biting onto the hem of his pants as if it's asking him for something. maybe it's hungry, he thought. albeit, having no experience of taking care of a pet he googles 'how to take care of a puppy'. he pulls the handle of the refrigerator open to search for leftover table food. he spoons out marinated sweet pork from the container then proceeded to feed the puppy. he squats down, folding his knees as he observes it eat. "finish it, i can't put it back in the container. don't throw food, you asked for this." he talks to the puppy using his normal voice. the poor dog glances at him for a bit after hearing him talk before going back to devouring the remaining bits and pieces of the pork. shortly after, the puppy falls asleep. it is probably tired from the long walk on the way home. kageyama proceeds with his usual routine. he lies down on his bed tossing a volleyball in his hand. his mind wandering off somewhere mostly about volleyball. a tiny bark surprises him, reminding him of the tiny intruder in his house. he squints at the small puppy wagging its tail next to his bed. its front legs are slightly bent down and his butt in the air. he barks at him one more time. kageyama crosses his eyebrows at the dog. "what do you want?" he says spinning the ball in one hand. the dog barks at him again. his lips purses and his eyebrow raises. "you want to play?" he wiggles the ball in the air making the dog jump excitedly. "alright." he pushes himself off his bed to sit on the floor. he spends the next few hours playing with the puppy until both of them pass out.
iwaizumi didn't trust him with the dog, obviously, but oikawa insisted on taking care of it for a while until mattsun comes back from vacation. knowing how impatient oikawa can be iwaizumi agrees with his plan but with the condition of sending him an hourly update and a permission to visit his house whenever he wants to. like a parent in shared child custody. the first few hours were smooth sailing and oikawa is high on his horse. he even sent pictures to iwaizumi gloating about his perfect parenting. not until the pomeranian decided to bark consistently at him. even though, he has given it food, toy and even played with it, and a nice comforter to sleep on. "what is it?" oikawa exasperatedly says to the dog. the pom barks at him in response. "do you want me to hold you?" he nears his hand to the dog's torso but it wriggles his hand off as it bounces off the ground catching his hands using its mouth. "i don't understand what you're trying to say. what do you want?!" oikawa's patience is getting thinner. the dog has been barking at him for more than five minutes straight now. an petty idea struck him. if the dog won't shut up then he won't too. he does the thing that only an oikawa breed does; he levels his body down to the ground to meet the dog's eyes before barking back at him. for a second, the dog pulls back tilting its head to the side confused with what he was doing before barking back at him more aggressively this time. this has become some odd battle of dominance. the front door of their house opens to a dark-haired boy. "hey, toru i brought some dog treats." his mouth falls at the sight of a human turned dog. oikawa stops and their eyes meet. "iwa-chan." his voice came out in a whisper. "unbelievable." iwaizumi shakes his head before shutting the door close.
kenma isn't the best at taking care of a living breathing thing. he barely has the energy to look out for his well-being what more to a pet. but this calico cat outside their house pleads the bare minimum of attention and affection. so, they work perfectly well together. it only asks him for food then it goes off to sleep on their roof and food isn't his biggest problem since he spares her food from dinner. everything was going well until one day when kenma was walking down the empty streets of his neighborhood. he hears a whimpering sound of kittens near his house. no way, he thoughts to himself. but as his footsteps near his home, the sound gets louder. he opens the gate to his home. lo and behold he sees the calico cat with her four kittens in front of their house. "you can't bring them here!" his duffle bag falls from his shoulder as he reprimands the mother cat. the cat meows back in reply. "put them back to where they were before. you only eat here. you don't get to stay here!" the calico cat rubs its body against his leg as it purrs. the kittens follow their mother, surrounding kenma. "you're too many." he puts his face on his hands. his mind go through possible solutions. then it hits him. he fishes his phone out from his bag and his finger navigates through his contacts knowing exactly who to call. he picks up after three rings. "kuroo, the calico cat has kittens. i can't take care of four more cats. take the kittens." he says in one go. kuroo convinces him to house the cat family for now. left with no alternative, kenma agrees. sigh escaping from his mouth. the older promises to find the kittens an owner. the kittens look at him with their big rounded eyes. kenma grunts to himself unable to leave the hungry cats on his porch. he goes to the kitchen to grab spare food and milk. he places the food near the mother cat for her to eat while kenma tilts his head back to taste the milk. "you're lucky the milk isn't spoiled yet. here have it." he pours the milk in a small bowl watching the kittens waddle their way to their fiest.
generally, akaashi is a perceptive person so that makes it easier for him to see through people or living things and give them what they want. which points us to the fact that he has knacks for taking care of dogs. it's only been a few months since their family adopted an old english sheepdog but the dog has already learned a lot of tricks from him. he knows how to sit, lie down, roll over, and fetch. he has taught their house pet where to pee and poop and the dog follows his orders when he reprimands him for chewing on their slippers. although, still remaing nameless since they adopted him they seem to get along pretty well, to say the least. oddly, though, the dog has a weird habit. it tends to goof around a lot, barking at other dogs to play with while him as he jumps and turn in the air like a fool. he has his tongue out all the time and his eyes are round yet droopy as if he was excited yet sleepy at the same time. the dog also loves praises. every trick has to be followed by praises and treats. if you skip the praises though still giving him the treats the old english sheepdog goes through what seems like a cycle of depressive thoughts. weirdly, it reminds him of someone. someone with the same habits and same way of thinking. even the coat of the nameless english sheepdog reminds him of him. the next day during break from practice their manager, kaori, approaches akaashi to ask him about his new still nameless dog. "how do you teach it when it doesn't have a name yet?" she questions him. " I call him 'boy' before. though, it has a name now." akaashi says crossing his arms over his chest. "what is it?" kaori's eyes glimmer in curiosity only for it to dissipate as his point finger leads her sight to grey and black-headed boy. the subject of interest then turns his head pulling a big smile. "you called for me, akaashi?" bokuto says. his dog's name is bokuto.
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a/n: thanks for reading!
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